
Viaggio d’Istruzione
Parco Marittimo Naturale di
Classe 1°L
La Riserva di Portofino
L’ Area Naturale Marina
Protetta di Portofino è stata
istituita con decreto dal
Ministero dell’Ambiente nel
1999. L’area è stata divisa in tre
zone di salvaguardia. In tutte e
tre le zone è fatto divieto di
navigazione libera, di
immersione, di caccia
subacquea o cattura della
fauna. È inoltre vietato
l’ancoraggio delle imbarcazioni.
Le Riserve del Parco
La prima zona, la Riserva Integrale comprende il tratto di mare
interno (Cala dell’Oro) da Punta Torretta a Punta del Buc.
La seconda zona, la
Riserva Generale, va
dalla Punta del Faro
di Portofino, sino a
Punta Chiappa.
La terza zona, la
Riserva Parziale, si
estende ai due lati
del Promontorio di
La conformazione geologica della costa
Le rocce di cui sono costituite le coste del
Promontorio di Portofino sono di origine
sedimentaria. Come si può vedere dalla
cartina a lato esiste una netta
separazione tra i calcari del Monte Antola
e il conglomerato di Portofino.
Il conglomerato di Portofino (Puddinga)
La parte più a sud del Promontorio di
Portofino è costituita da conglomerato
risalente a circa 30 milioni di anni fa.
I tipi di roccia di cui sono costituiti i ciottoli
hanno varia origine: calcari marnosi ed
arenacei, calcareniti, diaspri, rocce
ofiolitiche, scisti cristallini. Il conglomerato
è una roccia particolarmente resistente
che costituisce le grandi scogliere a picco
sul mare del fronte meridionale.
Il Nostro Tragitto… …«In Breve»
 Partenza: Gallarate e arrivo dopo tre ore a Ruta, tappa di partenza del
 Monte di Portofino: Abbiamo attraversato il monte per raggiungere la
spiaggia di San Fruttuoso. Lungo il percorso abbiamo visto numerose
piante e alberi tipici tra cui il leccio, il più caratteristico, il pungitopo,
l’aglio, vari tipi di pino come quello domestico e quello marittimo e piante
di origine africane parassite e invasive a causa del cambiamento climatico
favorevole. Nonostante la ricca fauna non abbiamo avvistato nessun
animale caratteristico.
 Spiaggia di San Fruttuoso: La caratteristica di questa spiaggia sta nel fatto
che sia raggiungibile solo attraverso il percorso del Monte di Portofino. È
composta di ciottoli ed è contornata da scogliere alte e rocciose tipiche
del paesaggio ligure. Abbiamo potuto osservare gabbiani, meduse e una
 Ritorno: Dopo un breve tragitto in barca abbiamo raggiunto Portofino,
famosa meta turistica. Da qui abbiamo preso nuovamente la barca per
Santa Margherita Ligure e da lì siamo ritornati a Gallarate.
A WildLife Reserve
The Natural Park of Portofino is located on Mount Portofino in Liguria, a
region in the north-west of Italy.
In this Park there are many species of plants and herbs. For example, you
can find garlic plants and many species of flowers. There are holm trees,
chestnut trees, hazel trees, pine trees, arbutuses, hornbeam and olive trees.
In fact, the promontory of Portofino is very rich in vegetation because of the
characteristics of the solar radiation, its winds, humidity, slopes and its microclimate.
The southern slope of the mount is characterized by the presence of Mediterranean
plants. In particular, there are many evergreen species which have adapted to
conditions of high temperatures and low rainfall.
In the Park there are also some animals. There are a lot of birds as well as
frogs and toads, grass snakes, lizards and green lizards, too.
As far as mammal life is concerned, there are wild boars, foxes, badgers,
hedgehogs, weasels, squirrels and carps.
In conclusion the park of Portofino is a huge wildlife reserve (1).
Progetto per la riserva dell’ambiente e
Rispetto delle specie viventi
danneggiare le piante
spaventare o catturare gli animali
caccia e pesca
accendere fuochi di bivacco o di altro genere
mangiare durante i percorsi
abbandonare rifiuti di qualsiasi genere
distruggere selvaggiamente rocce o fossili
Have you ever wanted to try a beautiful school trip in the outdoors?
Try the best focaccia of Italy and enjoy the amazing landscapes of Liguria!
Here you can visit Rapallo, San Fruttuoso, Portofino, Camogli, Santa Margherita Ligure and many other cities!
Stay in the luxurious hotels of the Natural Park of Portofino or in a small hotel in the mountains where you can
relax in the calm of nature!
In Portofino Natural Park you can go for long and beautiful walks. You can see lots of species of animals and
plants . In Portofino you can also buy handmade souvenirs and you can travel to San Fruttuoso by ferry. Here you
can swim in the sea, see the “Cristo Degli Abissi” and visit the abbey of San Fruttuoso. If you have got the special
FAI card the visit is gratis. If you are lucky, you can see dolphins during the travel from San Fruttuoso to Portofino
by ferry.
Guide : 17,50 €
Coach: 17,50€
This trip is not as expensive as other school trips. However, the places you visit are awesome for their beautiful
landscapes and for the variety of plants you find in the natural Park.
0331.738463 for further information about the trip.
334.2893741 to contact the FAI centre of San Fruttuoso.
On 16th of April we went to Liguria, in the land of Focaccia, to visit the
National Park of Portofino! We walked a lot and we saw many beautiful
places like these:
It’s considered one of the most
picturesque villages in the world. It is
an exclusive tourist destination
situated in a bay under Mount
Portofino. Mount Portofino shows a
landscape of striking beauty because
here the Alps meet the Apennines.
This is why we can see the
coexistence of the flora and fauna of
the two environments, the
mountains and the Mediterranean
San Fruttuoso
It is located between Camogli and
Portofino. Set in a deep bay, it is like
a pearl in the rugged coast of
Portofino. In the Paradise Gulf,
within the park of Portofino, this
lovely little bay is accessible only on
foot or by sea. It hosts a magical
abbey dating from the year one
thousand. Now it is owned by FAI.
Lover’s Walk
The path from Ruta to San Fruttuoso runs along
the northern slope of the Mount of Portofino.
Here the vegetation is characterized by mixed
forests and ilex groves while along the southern
slopes there are plants which are typical of the
Mediterranean zone and terraced crops where the
ancient olive trees grow. Walking down the
Mount of Portifino across the paths of the natural
Park we can reach the beautiful village of San
Fruttuoso, a pearl surrounded by green woods and
the blue sea.
Christ of the Abyss
The Christ of the Abyss is a
bronze statue placed in 1954 at
the bottom of the bay of San
Fruttuoso, between Camogli
and Portofino. It is inside the
protected area of the Natural
Park of Portofino. it is 15 meters
deep. You can only see it if you
snorkel and when the weather
is nice and sunny.
The Abbey of San Fruttuoso
It is a religious building located in
the bay of the same name. The
church is home to the parish of
San Fruttuoso. The abbey is
dedicated to St. Fructuosus of
Tarragona, Catalan bishop and
saint of the third century. It can
be reached only by sea or along a
steep path. Between the abbey
and the sea there is a small rocky
From: Davide De Rosa & Valerio Facco
Hi Sandra!
How are you? We hope you're well... Now we want to tell you about our school trip to Portofino.
Portofino is far from Gallarate, so we had to get up at 5.45 a.m. to catch the bus...
We went there with our class. There was also another class with us together with 4 teachers.
In the morning we visited the Natural Park of Portofino and we arrived at San Fruttuoso . There we saw an abbey,
which is very nice...During the walk in the wood we saw many plants . In the wood we crossed an area that was
all in shadow.
Before it we saw the holm oak. It is an evergreen Mediterranean Oak tree, This tree, whose Latin name is Quercus
Ilex, is widely planted for ornament. Its leaves are holly-like when young but become smooth-edged with age.
From 13.30 to 15.30 we stayed on the beach of San Fruttuoso. Many people swam there.After that we took the
ferry to go to Portofino and then to Santa Margherita. In Portofino we saw the place and had a delicious icecream...With another ferry we went to Santa Margherita and there we caught the bus to come back home.
We returned home at nine o'clock.
We had a guide with us who told us about the places we visited. It was a fantastic experience because it was
exciting to go into the wood. The guide was very good and Portofino is fantastic!!!
Write me soon
Valerio and Davide.
I went on a school trip to the natural park of
Portofino. I saw different plants and flowers,
including the Ailanthus, a particular tree
which has a lot of interesting features.
-Name: Ailanthus, commonly known as tree
of heaven
-Origin: It is native to China . It was first
brought from China to Europa and America
in the XVIII century.
-Roots: They extend until 30 metres in
width on the ground.
-Trunks: Individual trunks can grow eight
metres in one year and ultimately up to 100
metres in high.
-Branches: The branches are light to dark
grey in colour, smooth, lustrous, and
containing raised lenticels that become
fissures with age. The ends of the branches
become pendulous.
-More information: it is a host plant to feed silkworms of the moth Samia
Cynthia, which produces silk. It has medicinal properties.
-Leaves: they are compound and arranged alternately on the stem. They
measure 1 to 3 metres in total length with 11 to 25 individual leaflets.
-Flowers: clusters of yellow-green flowers bloom in late spring to early
summer. Male flowers have a disagreeable scent, similar to that of the
broken twig.
-Fruit: it is a samara, similar to the fruit found on maple trees.
-Barks: They are smooth and green when young. Then they turn grey
and look like a cantaloupe
Dear Marco…
Hi, Marco!
How are you? We’re fine as well as you , we hope. Now we would like to tell you about our school trip! It was beautiful!
On the 17th April we and our class left Gallarate at 6.30 a.m. to go to Portofino by coach.
During the journey we listened to music, we played together and we sang a lot of songs. When we arrived at Ruta we had a
break. We ate a typical type of focaccia and, then we went with the guide into the wood of the Natural Park of Portofino.
Have you ever been there? If we remember well, you have never been there so we would like to get you some information about
this place.
There are a lot of different habitats and microclimates in this park. There are more than 700 spontaneous species of plants in a
limited area such as olive trees, pines, holm oaks, and chestnut trees. Some of them can also grow at high elevations. Other
plants grow almost down to the sea-level. Ferns are particularly interesting.
Among the animals that live in the Park we want to remember those we find of interest. For example, the two-tailed Pasha (an
invertebrate) should be mentioned, since it is becoming very rare in Liguria. Among the amphibians there is the Mediterranean
tree frog, the cave salamander, and the Italian frog. Among the reptiles you can see the Turkish gecko, the moorish gecko and
the green lizard.
There are about one hundred species of birds in the Park like the Sardinian warbler, the Dartford warbler, the blackcap, the
whitethroat, the hoopoe, the ortolan bunting, the goldfinch, the thrush, the blue tit, the chaffinch, the robin, the jay, the
turtle dove, the woodpigeon, the kestrel, the buzzard, the peregrine, the hobby, the seagull, the common tern, the shearwater
and the gannet.
There are also mammals in this wood. You can see foxes, badgers, squirrels, hedgehogs, stone martens, wild boars, and several
very small mammals. We’ve found the names of all these animals and plants that can live there on a placard along the path!
We went to the town of Portofino, too. It is a beautiful village with lots of shops for tourists.
We returned to Gallarate at 9.00 p.m. We were tired but at the same time we were very happy!
We think you should visit this place because it is very very beautiful and interesting!
And you, where have you been with your classmates this year?
We are looking forward to your answer! Write soon!
Dear Diary, I want to tell you about…
Dear diary,
I haven’t written to you for ages, but now I want to tell you about the trip that I had with
my class.
The 16th of April we went to Portofino, in Liguria. We left school at a very early time, at
half past six! We arrived at the city of Ruta at half past nine. The travel was very long and
boring but when we arrived we ate the typical Liguria's focaccia. It is the best focaccia I've
ever eaten! After this break, we started our hard and long walk on the mount of Portofino
We walked for three hours uphill and we were very tired but the landscape from the
mountain was fantastic. We saw a lot of beautiful plants like rosemary, euphorbia, garlic,
laurel ,the ruscus aculeatos. I also saw a snake! I was a bit afraid but the guide reassured
me that it wasn't poisonous.
We arrived at San Fruttuoso at half past two after we had went down a hard slope. The
view of the sea was spectacular! We ate our food on the beach. I even got my feet wet in
the sea : the water was frozen but it was worth doing it!
We left the beach by ferry and we reached the small town of Portofino where we had our
free time. The city was beautiful, but I didn't buy anything because the prices were too
At five o'clock we left Portofino by ferry and we went to Santa Margherita, where the
coach was waiting for us. The return trip was better than the one we had to get there and
I enjoyed it.
Dear diary, as you see, this is the best trip that I’ve ever had. The next time I go to
Portofino, you will come with me!
Now, I must go because I have to eat my lunch.
Tell me About your School Trip !!!
A: Where did you go on the school trip?
B:We went to Portofino, a town in Liguria.
A: Did you enjoy yourselves or was it boring?
B:When we were on the way to Portofino we enjoyed that because we were
excited about the amazing trip. When we were on the way back home we were
sad because the trip was going to be over.
A: What did you do during the trip?
B:First we arrived at Ruta .Then we walked through the Natural Park of Portofino to arrive at San
Fruttuoso bay. There we had lunch and we relaxed for two hours. After that we took the ferry to
go to Portofino. We stayed there for three quarter of an hour and then we took another ferry to
go to Santa Margherita Ligure. There we took the bus to go home.
A: What was the funniest moment for you?
B:The funniest moment was when an octopus attacked one of our
classmates while she was swimming.
A: Did you enjoy that experience?
B:Yes, we really enjoyed it and we hope you can go there soon.
A: So, what did you see in San Fruttuoso?
B:We saw the beach and the Church of San Fruttuoso.
A: Did you see rare plants or animals?
B:We didn't see rare animals but we saw a lot of plants , for example: garlic plants,
holm trees and holly trees.
A: Did you learn something about Liguria thanks to this trip?
B:Yes, we did. For example, we learnt that Liguria has the steepest coasts in the world or
the differences in the climate. In fact, the climate changes in Liguria if we are nearer or farther
from the Alps.
A:Was the walk on Portofino mountain tiring?
B: It wasn't very difficult to go uphill, but it was very tiring to go downhill because
the path was very narrow.
A)How did you get to Portofino?
B:We took highway A1. We reached Genova and then we arrived at Ruta.
Portofino’s Foreland
Have you ever wanted to see one of the most beautiful panoramas of
Do you love animals and plants and do you want to learn more about
If you haven’t done that yet, the best place where you can realize your
dream is the “Marine Park of Portofino” in the region of Liguria!
Stay in a 5-star hotel: the Splendido Hotel.
There are different kinds of rooms where you can
sojourn like standard rooms, luxurious rooms and
presidential suites.
Sport Activities:
There are a lot of possibilities to do sports here:
for example you can go swimming or snorkeling,
but you can also try scuba diving, play tennis and
play at the great golf club of Rapallo.
You can try the most delicious national dishes
such as “Pasta with Pesto Sauce” and “Focaccia”.
You can go to other towns by boat. You can have
an excursion with professional and expert guides.
Other Activities:
Visit the natural park on Mount Portofino and
admire the splendid vegetation and fauna that
there are there. Visit the near cities: San
Fruttuoso, St. Margherita Ligure, Camogli, Genoa
and the very famous “Five Lands”.
Single Room:
Double Room:
Junior Suite:
Exclusive Suite:
Double Bedroom Suite:
Prices Include:
All meals, transport costs (only if you come here
from Italy) and tour costs.
Hotel Splendido
Salita Baratta, 16 / 16034 Portofino (GE) / Italy
Phone: +39 0185 267 801 / Fax: +39 0185 267 806
704 €
1558 €
2548 €
4568 €
7116 €
Oh… I Would Have liked to Be With
You !!!
Noemi: Hi , everybody!
Chiara: Hi, Noemi!
Bussetti: Hi!
Noemi: How are you?
Chiara: We are very tired!
Bus: Actually, the school trip was very tiring.
Noemi: Where did you go?
Chiara: We went to Santa Margherita and Portofino.
Noemi: And what did you do there?
Bus: We saw a lot of different things and very beautiful places
Chiara: First we went to Ruta.
Bus: There we bought a delicious traditional food that is called "focaccia“.
Noemi: Wow! And then?
Chiara: We walked through the Natural Park of Portofino to reach San Fruttuoso.
Bus: The Park is a very important place for the local flora and fauna.
Noemi: Really?
Chiara: Yes! Do you know that in the park even Alpine plants such as hollies coexist with Mediterranean species.
Bus: We were very interested in listening to our guide and he took us along the most beautiful trails in the park.
Noemi: Was it hard to walk for a lot of hours?
Chiara: Yes, but the place was too beautiful..
Bus: The most beautiful part of the trip was when we went to Portofino…
Chiara: I agree with you. The bay was wonderful and we had a really good time there.
Noemi: Did you swim?
Bus: Unfortunately the water was cold..
Noemi: What a pity!
Chiara: We didn't mind. When we were on the beach,
we saw an octopus!
Bus: Yes! It was absolutely wonderful!
Noemi: What was it like?
Chiara: It was big, red and probably slimy...
Noemi: Oh… I understand, I don't like octopuses very much!
Chiara: After that we went on a boat and reached the village of Portofino
Bus: In Portofino there were a lot of beautiful villas and hotels… we
all dreamed of living there!
Noemi: And what did you see there? I hope no octopuses!
Chiara: No, we didn’t! But we saw a small church on the cliff…
Bus: The view was breathtaking!
Noemi: I would have liked to be there!
Chiara: We stayed there for about an hour and then we took the ferry to
Santa Margherita.
Bus: That city is bigger than Portofino. There were a lot of people there..
Noemi: I'm so curious, what did you do there?
Chiara: Not much…, In fact, the coach was waiting for us to take us home.
Bus: Unfortunately it was time to leave!
Noemi: I ‘ve got a question: what is your best memory of the trip?
Chiara: I don't know, maybe the colour of the was an intensely blue.
Bus: I enjoyed the whole trip, but the ice cream in Santa Margherita was matchless!
Why Are You Tired?
AURORA: Hi Gaia! How are you?
GAIA: Hi, I'm fine thanks, but I'm a bit tired.
GAIA: Yesterday I went to Portofino with my classmates.
AURORA: Oh, cool! Where is Portofino?
GAIA: It's in Liguria. It's a little town in a bay on the sea.
AURORA: What kind of transport did you use?
GAIA: We went by coach.
AURORA: What time did you leave from Gallarate ?
GAIA: We left from Gallarate at 6.30 a.m.
AURORA: And what time did you arrive ?
GAIA: We arrived at Ruta, a small village near Portofino at about
10.00 a.m. There we had a little break at a bakery.
AURORA: What did you do then?
GAIA: Then we waited for the tour guide of the Natural Park of Portofino.
When he arrived, we began the long walk in the mountains .
AURORA: What was the weather like ?
GAIA: The weather was very sunny!
AURORA: But was it tiring?
GAIA: Yes, of course !
AURORA: And what did the guide explain to you?
GAIA: In particular, he talked about the vegetation of the Park. For example,
he showed us a typical poisonous plant .
AURORA: Where did you arrive at the end of the walk ?
GAIA: We arrived at San Fruttuoso , a beautiful small bay. There was a nice
abbey and the sea was so clear!! It was a paradise !
AURORA: Wow ! Did you enjoy yourself?
GAIA: Yes! We enjoyed ourselves ! A lot of people had a swim
AURORA: And you ? Did you swim?
GAIA: No, because the water was really cold. We also saw an octopus !
AURORA: An octopus? Fantastic !
GAIA: No, It wasn't fantastic ! it was horrible! It was a big slimy animal!
Science Works:
Valentina Mionti
Davide De Rosa
Enrico Bussetti
Emanuele Mazzucchelli
Michela Andriollo
General Presentation:
Michele Baffari & Eduardo Saja
1° Advertisement:
Alessandro Peron, Marco Pedato &
Matteo Ferro
Greta Mangano, Eleonora Anchieri &
Elisabetta Tricoli