) CQRUNNA THE COUNTY SEAT PAPER OF SHIAWASSCE COUNTY; ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH., THURSDAY/OCTOBER 3, A NEW PROPRIETOR. THE NEW COATS FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN ARE HERE WON FIRST GAME. An Immense s t o c k Broadtails Krimmer Astrakhan Bearskin Kerseys and Fancy Cheviots, in red, wine, brown, navy, green, gray and castor. AH sizes, 2 to 1*1 years. Moderate prices, $2.98 to $8.50. RAIN COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We hAve jvst received a large stock—Gun Metal, Oxford and Cambridge; gray, tan, olive and black; $10 to $20. Come in and make a selection while the stock is at its best. You can select a garment now and we'll lay it away for you upon payment of a small amount down —balance may be paid at your convenience. The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns are the practical expressions of the fashion ideas of the large staff of The Ladies' Home Journal itself. Unless you are familiar with The Journal and the patterns, you are missing some important things which modern enterprise is doing for American women. We think the matter import* tit enough to emphasize the fact that we can supply you with the patterns* and also The Journal. The new Fall Quarthrly Style Book, which illustrate* all The Journal patterns, i=! now on sale. Price (including any 15c Journal pattern), only 20c. If ordered by mail, send Sc extra for postage. VOLUME XXVIII, No. 40 THE ARCADIA FURNITURE CO, j T H E REPUBLICAN BANQUET. Carl Pickert T/kes Charge of the : Corunna High Football Team Win A«i Important Meeting of the Board of j Tbe Good Time of One Year Ago to be Grand Central Hotel. From Elsie High. Directors Held Here Tuesday Repeated i Evening. Tbe Corunna nigh went to Elsie SatTuesday morning Carl Plekert took , charge of tbe Grand Central hotel. C. D. urday and won Its first game of the seaSmith rearing. Mr. Smith has not son. In tbe firot naif no scores were j been in good bealtw of late years spend- nude, EUle got a touchdown in tbe ing the winters in a warmer clime and la^t naif and Corunna high wen tat tbew : will spend tbe winter away. He realize in the last minute to play and secured a that if a man has a business be ought to toucUdowu and Millard kicked goal tbe ' he present and attend to it, so be bas score standing 5 to 6 la favor of Oorj leased the business to Mr. Piefcert who an j took possession Tuesday morning. Feci languid, weak, run-down? Head( M r . Pickert will not be new to the ache? stomach ••"off?*—Just a plain J business as be has bofore been in charge case of lazy liver. burdock Blotft) Bit| of this popular hotel and knows tbe ters tones iivor and ctomeeh, promotes wabta or the traveling public lot- digestion,, purifies tbe blood. i proyementa have already been made for THE COUNTY DEBT. [tbe comfort of Its guest* and more are i to follow. Mr. Pkjkert has a wide acquaintance aH of WOOED will want to John T. McCurdy Has Commenced stop with Carl when in tbe city. We Suit Against County. wish him success in catering to tbe public. 8, I, Fox and John Mouat of the Arcadia Furniture Co., of Arcadia, aud Chas, J. Starke, Prest, of the Henry Starke Laud & Lumber Co., were in tbe city Tuesday and an important meeting of tbe air ctors of Tbe Arcadia Furniture Co. wasjbeid in the evening. John Mooat, who is eoon to move to Denver, Colorado, resigned the presidency and also retired from the board of directors. His place was filled by the election of Henry Mountler of Arcadia. By an arrangement with the Henry StarkrJLand land Lumber Co. the Arcadia Furniture rCo. secure* the standing timber on a tract of 1700 acres which ha been partially cut by tbe lumber company. This is of immense importance in view of tbe fact that tbe hardwood timber supply 9t Michigan is being rapidly exhausted. Jobs T. McCurdy baa commenced suit Messrs. Mouat and Starke returned to against the county to recover monev Arcadia Wednesday morning, but Mr. loaned the county, the matter bas been Fox will remain la the city for several hanging fire for some time and many off day a. our people are pleased to know that the DeWUt's Carbohfced Witch Hazel matter will now be abjudicated In court Salve is good for little berns and big There appears to be no doubt but 'that burns. Small scratches or bruises and big Mr. McCurdy will be succeeaf ul, as it Is ones. It U healing and soothing. Good for p?tes. Sold by Co M< Peacock. certainly an honest debt We are now showing the new styles of "Wooltex" aafl "Prints e s s " garmeutx for Fall and Winter. The»e two makes include many exclusive styles, not to be had elsewhere. Every garment is warranted by both the manufacturers and ourselves to give satisfactory wear, arid best of all—oar prices are very reasonable. A few of oar good coat values: At ¢4.93-Women's Black KerObstinate cases of constipation and; sey Coats, 50 inches long-, box back; satin lined yoke; braid | na*ty, mean headaches promptly di*sp<< j pears when von take DeWitt's Little trimmed. At 17.50—Women's Black 'Ker- Early Riser Pills. Sold by C. M. Pea• . __ sey Coats, 50 inches long; satin cock. lined throughout; braid and Vel"The District Leader." vet trimmed. At $12.00- Worn e n ' s h e a v y If the noise tbet has been going around weight Kersey Coats, in six dif- regarding the merits of "The District ferent styles—blank, castor, hunt- Leader," which comes to the Owosso er's green andv brown; satin lined waist; fancy ,r a i d t r i m m e d ; Theater, Friday, Oct 4, Is deeded, there If you tukeDeWitt's Kidney and Blad/'MarchioneiCa and "Princess" will be a big cr*wd present. "The Dlsbacks. trict Leader" Is a melodramatic produc- der Pills you wit! get prompt relief froui backache, weak kidneys, infUmmatlpfi At $1500 —Women's h e a v y weight Black Kersey Coats in tion with music, and many of tbe review* oi tbe bladder, and urinary troubles. A five different styles; 50 inches era in New York compared It with Geo. week's treatment 35 cents. Sold by C. '* long; fancy braid trimmed; new M. Cohan's..'Yft£" Minutes from Broad- 1L Peacock. puff s l e e v e s ; "Marchioness" way." Tbe first act Is a reproduction of backs,' ! ANOTH E R FOOTBALL T E A M . ' At ¢ 1 6 . 5 0 - W o m e n ' s g o o d - tbe rotunda Of tbe Hoffman House, tbe second act a scene from Chinatown, weight Black Broadcloth Coats, 50 inches long; lined throughout while the last act is tbat of a palatial with satin; velvet and fancy braid summer borne on Riverside Drive. The Second High Organirort With Roy trimmed; "Marchioness" backs. chorus la said to be an exceptional one, Perry Captain. At $18.98 — Women »s h e a v ybeing the possessor* of Voices beside weigbt Black Broadcloth Coats, 50 inches long; velvet and silk being good dancers. Prices 36c, 50c, curd trimmed; lined throughout Tbe second high school eleven, pur. m with guaranteed satin; velvet and Wit "J" ** cbaSed a new pigskin Saturday and lo> fancy I raid trimmed; "MarchAside from the fact that "Tbe District mediately called a meeting of tbe bigb ioness" backs. •Leader" is uqulppgd with the brightest, At $10.98—Women's flue Broad- snappiest chorus on tbe road and mount- boy* and organised a second eleven, cloth Coats, in black, browii, Poy Perry was elected captain and castor and dark wine; 50 and 52 ed in a costly scenic setting and costum- Charles Vibber was chosen correspondinches long; full lined with guar- ing, at the same time it bas the heart In- ing manager and treasurer. anteed e&tih; velvet and braid terest in the story itself that appeals to There is lot of good material to choose trimmed; "Marchioness" backs. every patriotic and fun-!oving AmeriAt *25.00~Six different styles from and the boys are now trying out at this price—black, brown, tan can; The story deals with tbe vital liv- for positions. . and castor broadcloths; lined ing side Of our great commonwealth, Tbe boys average about 115 pounds throughout with guaranteed satin; namely, politics, love and euneblne. new puff sleeves; velyet and braid Tbe strains RTS SO cieveriy woven tbat and want games with boys weighing t r i m m e d ; "Marchioness" and from 115 to 125 pounds. tbe spectator is carried from laughter "Princess" backs. Tbe younger kids have also organized Other numbers of Women's and tears to tears and laughter in the and almost any afternoon after school Coats at $30, $35, $40 and $45. same breath. Tbe author's treatment of /*?C> ft*"J>**T* ^ft • * • t*+rS r»*v1 TW fw»ww1k « n H ********** three teams can be seen at tbe ball field 4>ai«3 S v V f c } » 5 B I M I « » i i u a ^ i j a a a^saa eawva M l l \ < v u tional. Owosso Theater, Friday, Oct 4. practicing at tbe same time. It is tbe desire of second high to clean up on tbe Here is Relief tor Women. first high. CHILDREN'S COATS 1907. WILL M E E T IN OWOSSO. The M. W. A. Association WiN Picnic in Owosso Next August .^Tbe executive committee of tho M. W. A, plcole association for central fllehtgati met In Lansing Friday and decided to bold tbe 1908 picnic at Ow**•o next August Tbe association comPH***S 6» eamps with a membership of about 4.000 and an auxiliary membership of 3,000 Koysl NeiUbbors. M. L. Cheney was elected president, J. U Brown, of S t Johns, vice-president and Ernest Klfenbury, of Owosso, treasurer. Ibe Owosso camp will be allowed to •elect the secretarv of the association. OARB S I M E O N HONORED. Emplcyeee Give Him a Reception Before Leaving Berlin. We are actually too Everything is being got into res di. busy doing things for nes* to repeat tbe good time bud at the republican banquet one yfnt ago «c people who appreciate O*o*«o. Sjjeakers are nearly all', seconvenience and lected and you will want to we and the bear them. Ketnemrw tbe dale it true economy of modThursday evening. Cytober Id. Congressman..< tones Townsend will C I H l H e t h o d $ O f l i g h t i n g act as toa«tmu*ter and you tn*t bave « * , heard Mm know tbat there will not be 311(1 p O W C r tO fUnUSH a £ « moment duri.g the entire even- j ^ for fot tfciS SpECe, He*, Henry a S m i t a , * f Adrian, wLi o r l n f i e At l e f l ^ t ' Ik *va«>u talk — ^Tbe ^Tao Rest PartisM Parti*** the Best CUtaea," w*0« Hon. Mile CanipbelL of Coldwater, will speak on "The New « 1 Flag." Senator Burrows has written that be will be present if possible. Tickeis for tbe banquet can be bad at the Journal office. We Make It Easy Soothes itching skin. Heals cnts or borne without a soar. Cures piles, eczema, saltrheum. any itching. Doan's Ointment^To«r druggist sells it. Republican District Convention. A Republican Convention of the Eighth Coegreasional District is twreby called to meet in toe Armory, in the City of Owosso, Mich., on the tenth day of October, 1907, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to choose two delegates and two alternates to represent said district iu the national RepubHeac Convention. to be hereafter called. Tbe counties of said District Will be eotitied to the following represtnutlbn In said ooarentton: Saginaw Ooottty, 23 delegates. Cllaton County,* a delegates. ShJawmtai^ Coooty, 1J jlelegate*. Toacola Couniy, 10 delegates. By order of Committee. A, P. Buss, Chairman, E.W. CAMP, Secretary. Republican County Convention. A Republican County CooveutioD will be held at tbe Court House in Corunna on Thursday, October lOtb, at 11 o'clock A. M. standard time, for tbe purpose of electing thirteen delegates to attend tbe 8th Congressional District Convention which is called to meet at tbe Armory in Owosso at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same date (October 10th, 1907.) ^The several townships, precincts and wards are entitled to delegates as follows: Antrim, 6; Bennington, 8; Barns, 9; Caledonia, 7; Fairfield. 6: Hazel ton, first precinct 7; second precinct 4; Middlebnry, 6; New Hayen, 7; Owossc township, 7; Perry, precinct first, 9; second precinct 5; Rush, 6; Sciota, 8: Shiawassee, 13; Venice, 7; Vernon, first precinct, 12; second precinct 5: third precinct, 8; WoodbolL 4; Owosso City, first ward, 11; second ward, 12; third ward, 9; fourth ward, 13: fifth ward, 11; Corunna City, first ward, 5; second ward, 4; third ward, 2. By order of county committee, WnxiAM H. BIGELOW, Chairman. Dated, September 10th, 1907. Wi'liam Simeon, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Simeon, of tbis city, sad known as -'Darb* has resigned bis position with the Berlin Robe & Clothing Co., of BerIf you h»T* pains in th* back, tJrtnary, Bladlin, Ont., and accepted a position with der or KiAaej trouble, and want * certain, WONDERFUL CORN a like company in Detroit with a larger ptcaaaat herbrtwrefor woman's tils, try Moth' er Grfcy'8 Australian-Leaf. It U a safe and salary. The Berlin News says: BcTer-faUinff monthly regulator. At or by nuul 60 ct*. Sample package Mr. W.J. Simeon, who has been the Addrea*, The Uotaer Gray Co., Le&oy, K. Y. Sprouts on Ears From One-Half to an superintendent of the Berlin Bobe & , inch in Length. Clothing Co/s plant the past three years The Circuit Court and who leaves shortly for Detroit, was The long drawn-out case of Somers tendered a jolly surprise Wednesday vs.Derbam wasflolsLedlastweek.piainA party in Oceoia, while cutting a evening by the employees of the c o o tiff getting a judgment for $800. path for tbe binder in his field Wednes- pary. During the evening be was made Tbe People vs. Hoover was tried by day afternoon, found an ear of corn on tbe recipient of an address and a very jury, wh<K returned a verdict of not the top of wuich was c<>un>ed 9 or 10 fine watch fob. The address was read guilty. sprouts from » half Inch to an inch In by Mr.- E. Beemao and Miss Emma The case of Martin Corns took vs. length. Some of the roots were pulled Stephan made tbe presentation. Clark Taggart e t »1. is now on trial. up and found to be all tbe way from 3 Republican Ward Caucuses. Berlin, Ont, Sept. 18,1907. Inches to 5 inches long. Mr. W. J. Simeon. There will be a Republican caucus for SiOO Reward $100. Tbia may seem like a big fish story Dear Sir:—Before you leave us to ac- tbe^firet ward of tbe city of Corunna, Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased to tbat there is at least but it is not for our reporter was there cept the duties and responsibilities of held st W. J. Parker's office, on Monday, one dreaded disease that science has and saw it with his own eyes.—Howell your new position in Detroit, tbe em- Oct 7, 1907, at 7 o'clock p. m. for tbe been able to cure iu all stages, and tbat Herald. Even corn in tbe ear bas a ployees of tbe Berlin Robe & Clothing purpose of electing five delegates to the is catarrh. Bail's Catarrh Cure is the wonderful effect on tbe imagination of Company desire to express their deep Republican county convention beld at only positive cure now known to the socne reporter^. and sincere regret on your withdrawal. tbe Court House on Thursday, Oct. 10, medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constiDuring your three years as manager next at 11:00 o'clock a. m. for tbe purThe October American Boy. tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure of tbe company here, you have won the pose of electing 13 delegates to tbe Jdisi9 taken internally, acting directly. upon . . Pau-puk-keewia, the Mischief-Maker, highest respect and cordial good will of trict convention. tbe U°od and mucous enriaces of the j u t h e c e n t r a i fl of t h e tW0MJ0lor those you have come in contact with. Dated Sept 23,1907. system, thereby destroying tbe founcra-1 , „ _ , f . . " e o v e r of thc You have always been courteous scd By order of Committee. tionof tbe disease, and giving tbe pa-1 °ctober American Boy, it gentlemanly and tbougbtfnl of tbe corn* tient strength bv building up tbe con-1 being rbe third of a series of attractive stitution nature Hiawatha covers tbis popalar publick- fort of tbe employees and ever ready to Tbere *ill be a Republican*caucus for its work. and The assisting proprietors have in so doin?* much j tiou is running. Tbe October American assist them. A great deal of credit is faith in its curative powers tbat they tbe Second ward of tbe city of Corunna, offer One Hundred Dollars for aoy case Boy will delight the boys; it Is full of due to your personality for i >3 good | held at tbe City Hall on Monday, Oct.7, tpat it fails to cure. Send for list of matter of interest to grown-ups, as relations tbat exist among tbe members f 1907, at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney <fc well. There appears tbe first install- of tbe staff. • of electing four delegates to tbe RepubCo , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists Too. ment of a new serial pronounced by tbe Though sorry to lose yoor presence lican county convention beid at the Take Hall's Family Pills for constipaEditor to be the best sea story publishwe congratulate you on your advance- Court House on<Thursday,Octl0, next, tion. ed in recent years, entitled Jimmie ment, and trust tbere are still better at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purposa of Couldn't Loae Their Friends. Joues— Piiate, by Dr. Orville Ward and bigger things ahead. electing 13 delegates to tbe district conLeRoy Herriek and bis bride took the Owen. Tbe first chapters of another As a token of our good will we ask long drive to Owosso Sunday in order new serial, A Boy of tbe Revolution, by you co accept tbis fob, coupled wiib the vention. Dated Sept 23,1907. to escape tbe usual bombardment of rice Arthur J. Burdlck and many other short very best wishes of tbe By order of Committee. treated to newly married couples. articles to delight tbe young. American EMPLOYEES OF THE BERLIN J When the train Mr. *nd Mrs. Herriek Boy for one year ¢1 00, Corunna Jour ROBE & CLOTHING CO. > inteaued to take, rolled into Owosso : nal for one year $1.00, both for one year Mr. Simeon was certainly taken off Tbere will be a Republican caucus for tbat evening it bore a party of young' for $150. bis guard, but be made a fitting reply, tbe Tbrd ward of tbe city of Corunna i people from Durand, Thanks to the ] Be was declared lu jong to be a jelly beld at tbe Grist Mill on Monday even-! «op at tbe junction, there was twenty \ You never have any trouble to get good fellow, and then a few hours were ing, Oct 7, ,,1907, at 7 o'clock, for tbe ( minutes in wbicb to make things inter- children to take Kennedy's Laxative pleasantly spent in games, songs and an purpose of electing two delegates to the •sting for tbe bridal couple. Those ! < : o u « b Syrup. They like it because it informal bop. Refreshments were served Republican county convention held at wb. wen. .roo, „ . „ , < , p . y - ^ i ^ ^ f ^ 5 5 ^ ^ - , . ^ - 3 : anl the gathering was brought to a tbe Court House on Thursday, Oct 10, were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clancey, Miss i 9Ure and prompt remedy for coogbsand cl) se by singing Auld Lang Syne. next at 11 o'clock a, m. for tbe purpose Ollie Robfoson, Miss Edna Boyd, Miss colcU and is good for every member of of electing 13 delegates to the district Millie Smith, Prenk Kiefor, Prank, < *"* *kmlly. Sold by C. M. Peacock. convention. Harry and Floyd Bronsoa,—Durand j j^^ Dated Sept 23,1907. Express, J|^»J|^^We}WF^Me"WBeJ^MPe"»w •rlHJJ^W^a' ^ W > ^ r ^ ^ B TMMMT By order of CooHatttM. R o d o l &!£S£5S ia^^^^a^ajeMato Sfciawassee Ligjrt & Coanty Battalion Meet The annual meeting of tbeSkia County Battalion will be held at t*e court house, Corunna, Wednesday, Oct, the 9th. 1907. Business meeting at 10 o'clock to elect officers aud transact seefa bcslpeas as may come before the Battalion. Afternoon session at one o'clock, standard time. .. PaOGttAM. • ~: w . Music, Song, Quartette—Geo. D. Ma* son and others.V' • <i ; Mualc—Drum Corps. Invocation-Rev. James Fisher. vMniic. Song—Quartett Addreas—Rav. Leslie Bower. Music, ^America"—Audience. Reading—Mrs. Minnie McArthur Laing. -^Remarks by Comrades and others Dinner will be sei ved by the W. R. C\ at Jfaccabee Hall at l i o'clock, for 35 cents. W. E. JACOBS, t ^leut Col. Command si T.'':'! i-: D. C. COOPER, Adjt Too do not bave to be a business man In order to have a ~Bank Accounts If you arc a salary man, i i you a?e a retired farmer, you need a bank account. I t will be an advantage to you in any case. A bank account will aid you to keep your business transactions straight. A bank account furnishes you with a complete record of money matters. Yon have a record of all money deposited with the bank, also a record of every bill you pay by check. Each check is returned to you by the bank and answers as a receipt. tr 1 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W. F. Gallagher, - Pres. John Driscoii, Vice Pres. T. M. Euler, 2<T Vice Pres. W. A. Rosenkraus, Cashier E. T. Sidney, Ass't Cashier i ~ •-• — i Four per cent. Interest Paid on Deposits THE OLD CORUNNA STATE • •••BAHKeeee This Ad. Quo**. Tttfcry, i"wnna^»»^^w.HUM iiflii iiUMriaiii /^ ^^^^^^w^^^M^wn^^^' -•t- •>: % M .-r* . . - , - ^ - OKTOAOK BALE—Whereaa, default h a s been made In the condition* of a certain ftiortfAfe, mad* and executed by Wuiiasn i i . friend * « 4 U a r r a. Friend, hi* wMe, of Byron. Shi» w a u e e County, Michigan, of the first part, to Orlando Lee, of Byron, Shiaw*.neu County, Michigan, of th* second part, on thettthday of June, A. D. !$**, and recorded, in the oJBce Of the Register of Deeds for aaid Count?, in Liber AU the blood in your body passes through «>>t Morl^ajrea, on p a g e ti, on the ttth day of Jun«, A. D. tafia, on watch mortgage there 1* three minute*, By Mrs. NeUh to b* due a t the date of thi* notice, for the kidneys are year claimed principal and interest, the sum of Two Bnnblood purifiers, they fil- dred T*lrty-«*ht and 77-100 DUlar* 198.77), nod no salt or proceedings a t l a * or in equity (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.) ter out the waste or having taken w recover the money secured impurities in the blood. by said been mortgage, or any part thereof, notice "I am awfully busy," said Ladj If they are sick or out i* hereby tfiven, that by virtue of the power of t>&le contained in said mortgage, and the Isabel, looking apologetically up from of order, they fail to do statutes in SUA* ease made and provided, said a large pile of correspondence, "hut their work. mortgage will be foreclosed by safe of the premPains, aches andrheu- ise* described therein, or *o much thereof a * HI be ready to talk in half a minute." may be necessary to satisfy the aatd »um of mi'um come from ex- money "All right," I said, as I took up a now due therein, together with interest cess of uric acid in the thereon a t the rate of seven per eeut. W T book, "I'll wait; don't hurry, I'm unblood, due to neglected k o a a a , from the date ot tnis notice, together employed." wit U AH Attorney 'a fee of Twenty Dollars, a» kidney trouble. provided in >«»id mortgage, together with ali She presently pushed her papers Kldosy trouble causes quick or unsteady lr/»l cost* and expen»es of thia it>re«lo»ure. a t ;«tt>)if auction r,r vcsilui, t s :hc highest «:3away. "There, now I'm ready; I've ta**rt beat*, and makes one feel as though d«rr, at the front door of the Court Houoe. in the really been working fearfully hard." they had heart trouble, because the heart'is City of Coruun». Michigan (said Court House over-working In pumping thic*, kidney- tM>ing the building in which the circuit Court "What are you doing?" I asked' sbiawikssf*t County, Michigan, iu held), on poisoned blood throuf h veins and arteries. tfor "making more money, Isabel?" h e ti.trti d a y o f N o v e m b e r . A . P . 1 9 0 7 , It used to be cor^dered that only urinary at tea o'clock in the forenoon of *aid day. The "My dear girl, how dreadfully sordid are described in said mortgage aa troubles were to be traced to the Kidneys, preuti>»ei» you always are." follow*, to-wh: A«l that certain piece or parbut now modern science proves that nearly cel of land situate nod being Its the Village of "What is it then—charity again?" all constitution*] diseases have their begin- Byrr-u, County of Shi«wai«iee and s t a t e of Michigan, kiiowo a.* Block number .EightyShe nodded. "Yes, I have promning in kidney trouble. Eight '86), io the YUlaxe ot Byron, County of Ifyou ere sick you can make no mistake Shiawassee, ised to take a stall at the bazaar the and Sutt*>ol Michigan. feyfirstdoctoring your kidneys. Tno mild Uated AugustSBttb, A. D JW7. Duchess of Allantree is opening on the Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys* Lady IsabePs Bazaar "Have yoa enough things to'fill your 'St-' > ' : - * S ' '' •"•••• Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup suur "Not yet," Bhe answered. "But Ufetetlttyr Ktfneys Hake Import aiocd, then, you see, they didn't seem to care to give me things. I went to Black's first—that lovely mixed shop where I got my new bedmom carpet and a chiffon frock for Babs— and they aaid they were so sorry, but they had a rule they never broke about CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR T H E UDDER. bazaars, and that they never conRelieves Colds by working than, tributed anything, but if I would kindset of the system through a copious ly accept three guineas they would Varying Types Which Are Desirable and healthy action of the bowels. in the Dairy Cow. gladly give it me towards the charity." Relieves Coughs by cleansing ths "1 suppose they will add that on to mucous membrane* of ths threat, Mrs. Brown's account?" The illustrations show some of the cbsst and bronchial tubas. "I suppose they will," she answered, types of udder that are more or less ••As pleasart to As um thcrughtiully. desirable In the dairy cow. At A is u The ..Duchess's bazaar WOB a great shown as clearly as possible an ideal success. udder. The udder need not be over N Maple Sugar" My brother's chauffeur had some dif- large. It should have sufficient capaficulty in finding the hall, as it was up city, however, to allow the continued tually arrived there, and found Babs growth of numerous cells for the manhad told me Camden Hill; but I even- ufacture of fat and its emulslncation at Camden Town—and Lady Isabel with the othor constituent** of milk. It S o l d by C. M . P E A C O C K and Lady Isabel presiding; somewhat should be evenly balanced before and to ray surprise, over a loaded fruit behind, and the central suttirs should Ask for the 1907 Kodol Almanac and flower stall. be well developed and strongly atand the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's and 200 Year Calendar. twentieth." "Tired, Isabel?" I asked, with tached to the body. It should be covOKLAtfDO t K B , Swaap*Roott the great kidney remedy is AUSTIN £ . RXCHARDS. Mortgagee. "What sort of a stall?" sympathy. ered with soft, fine lydr, be free from soon realized. It stands the highest for its Attorney for Mortgagee. Lady Isabel took up a small piece "Not a bit," she answered pleasant- fleshiness and closely attached to the wonderful cures of the most distressing cases of paper that lay underneath her let- ly; "I'm never tired—I can't bear body. It should come well forward and is sold on lis merits Bc«aetohepnyarfr«g«»t»d«*y«»>» a r i "e < » < l( l OMKlHSIONK«S' NOTICE.—In the matter ters. Usetbe " STEVEN'S " ssd have A c auunace tfeat by ail druggists in fiftywomen who get tired, it ages them so on the stomach, stand out well behind of the estate of f r a n k Kaxrex, deceased. year cbokc casaot be improved apes, tad Ont Ihewi cent and one-dollar sizdreadfully." "1 am going to Bell everything," she the thigh, and he carried well up on re, the underaigned. having been appointed fa no pco*ai;ity of your gam* fCtSaf »"»y was* es. You ™*y have a by the Hon. Matthew Bnah.Jndg« of Probate said—"at least, all sorts of things," "It is thoughtless cf them," I mursighted £7 <a« ftra. OtfHset sample bottle by mail tim* kt causs-a**. in and for the County of Shiawasaee, State of "What is the bazaar for?" Xiehigan, Commiaslouera t o receive, examine, mured gently. fees* also pamphlet telling you how to find and adjust all claims a n d demands of ail perRIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS **In aid of the prevention of cruelty "Dou't be silly, Majorfe; tell me how oat if you have kidney or bladder trouble. iwn* against said estate, do hereby give noil** Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer that we will meet a t the Corusoa Journal Print- to children. They have had one large you like my stall." ing Ofic* In the City of C o n i a a a in aaid county, & Co., Bughamton, N. Y. "1 thought you were going to repon Monday, the Slat d a y of October, A. D .function this season; and this is a 1007. and on Monday, the. S r d day of B e e small thins, a sort of personal thine resent the stores." Don't make any mistake, but r«-naem- ember, A. D. 1M7. a tteno'clock' in the fore* "Well. I was," she admitted, "bat betltae same. Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer's noon of each of <wid days, for th* purpose of the duchess has sot up because it Is receiving and adjusting all elaims against aaid her own pet charity." Mr. Malcolmstein insisted on supplyftwiUttp-Root.*nd tn* adrtres*, Bi;>jrh*m- eaiate. and that four month*from the 20th day ing Jie with a fruit and Sower stall. "Aid yoors, too, Isn't i t r tsv. N. Y. t on every bottle. August, A D. WOT, a r e sallowed t o eredltor* to preaeot their claim* t o said Commlaedoner* Perhaps ha has something to do with "Oh! of course,"* answered Lady 1**. for adju^tment and allowance. beL "and darling Baba is coming; up that lovely fruit and flower shop, Dated, the «3rd day of Anguat, A. It. 1M7. TATE OT MICHIGAN. Count? o* S M s w u PBAMK B . W B T J C H , for two days from Margate, and i s Abraham's, because *Il the things i • s e e , AS. JOSEPH H. OOZXIND. going to stand on a stool by my side have como from there, or at any rate At a i c w f a n of the Ptobute Court for said Commissioners. Cotterr T faeld a t tb« Probate Ottee, in the city and sell little benches offlowersand he must have got thsm cheap, bemt C b n a u a , on Wednesday. *b* 18th day of cause he said, with that funny lisp of Beuae saber te the rear one thousand nine BDEB O F PUBLICATION.—State of JUch- help me." fcttntfredaad seven. his, that they would not cost him igan. In the Circuit Court for the County "Your pocr daqghter, shell get very Preeent, Mtanhew Saab, Judge of Probate. Xa the n a t t e r of the estate of Patrick Coffee, of Shiawassee, In Chancery. tired. I didn't know she was down at anything; but perhaps he didn't mean Sophia Cornwall 4 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ 8 ^ ^ 1 ^ - 1 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ r"SH"W- Urn* that quite literally. Look here, dearMargate," On reading and filfag-tbe petition of Anna G. bdede of3caoy& Complainants. yoacsaar>t< MeKowen, praying for an order of this court "Yes, I sent her there because I est, do you want any of these roses? w e m U ship d a w t , c ^ S TISsdw^? tfetennlnUiff who a t the time of H * decease pMf* p r e p a i d , ttpo*: faf. UaQedfc*.. never hava time to see anything of her They are two shillings each, but you a n d *feoai* now the heir* at law of said de- Henry Cornwall receipt o i price. J a m i * t»p»yjwwsi«. ceased and entitled t o inherit his real estate. In the season; so I think she's really can have them for sixpence—trade m T T H E M A K K « e i a a T R I F l . F l F V Z 7 t £ t Taw Defendant. It ia ordered, that the 14th day of October, ; efetv* » t > * ^ wfll b« m i M H * £ E opott twtatK. prices for a friend, yon know." better away, don t you?" next, * t ten o'clock in t h e forenoon. a t said J . S T X Y X a S AJRttB * T O d , C O , Suit pending in t h e Circuit Court for the FrolKKtc office, be assigned for bearing aatf "Yes," I agreed, "I certainly think "Thank yon," I said, demurely; 7 . 0 . B O B « « B S . -~T"ni r^tt'l. WITT " T " County of Shiawassee. In Chancery, a t the City petition. "then I think 111 take them for nothAnd It la further ordered, that a copy o f tl»l» of Corunna, in said County, o n t h e 7th day of she Is better away." O d e r b e irabUshed three" successive week* September, A. D. 19^7. . "It's an awful bore having to ^ap- ing. By the way, Isabel," 1 said, as l u tiliscauaelt sppearing from affidavit on previous to Said day of hearing. In the Cornnnaply a whole stall," said Lady Isabel, I came once more round to the fruit ivartadt a newspaper printed and circulatlztf file, that the Defendant, Henry Cornwall, is n o t . a resident of thiaTState, but resides a t Oafebtnd, presently; "but," sighing, "one must and flower stall, "I thought you said aaaaM County of ahiawngnee. ,._:._ in the State of California atATTHJEW BTJSa, Different Types of Udders. On motion of 7 . H. Dnaenbury, complatn- do something for charity's sake, and, Mrs. Barrington-Brown'a shops gave •tuddfo of Probate. ani's solicitor, It 1» ordered that the said de- after all, It's a labor of love." B y Batitertne £.. Kcteev, Probate Register. you checks for your other stall." the posterior portion of the body. It fendant Henry Cornwall c a u s e his appearance "I am sure iti's,* I replied; "but will to be catered in thi* c a u s e within tour month* "So tjiey did," she answered, look- should, of course, have good circcm* from the date of this order; and in e a s e of hi* you have to buy the whole of the ing frankly at my pussled face. ference and If properly proportioned appearance h e c a u s e h i s answer to t h e Complainant's bill of complaintlobe filed, and a things?" To tell the truth! was some"Then what did you do with them If, it will add beauty as Well as otJHty to copy thereof be served on said solicitor for the what aghast at such reckless gener$Ir. Malcolmstein Oiled your stall?" the cow. complainant, within twenty d a y s after • set-vie* on naid non-resident Defendant o f a eapy of osity. -. "Do with what r At B is shown the adder as It should naid bill, and notice of t h i s order; a n d that tn "The checks, of coarse." "Buy them!" echoed Isabel, "of collapse Oh itself, like a glove, after default thereof, said bill be takea aa eon teased »not well, but every person can b y the said non-resident defendant. course not! No one but people like "My dear girl," answered Lady Isathe milk has been extracted. A poorly «T»w a little. Many people posseac i u * And it i s further ordered, t h a t within twenty Mrs. Harrington Brown ever buy bel, as she bwat: to disentangle a fern balanced udder is shown at C; ft is haleat far a n work aaid never realise It. day* the aaid complainant c a u s e a notice of If yva wjn **ate a drawlag )vt. the beat this order to be published i n the Corntma thing* for atalis. I've got to write and from a small but very thorry rose, hung too tax forward on the stomach, yew earn a*4 sesvd It to our Art Director Journal a newspaper printed, published and "what silly questions you do ask.and the teats are not evenly placed; k* w i » give y e a a letter of frfeadir circulating in s a i l county, and that such pablicatloo be continued therein a t least one* In Whatever does one do with checks?" resulting in a groat inconvenience in each week, for mix week* In succession, or that rnllhins. At D may be seen an udder she cause a copy of this order to be person. ally served on aaid non-resKtent defendant, a t deficient In the front part; at E an Ms Was Hard to Suit least iwenty day* before the time above prea a t o whether or not it will p a y yoa to udder that is also lacking in balance, In Rumford Palls, Me., lives Jim scribed for his appearance * „ •nltlvmte year talent. There 1* abaoROT H. POiMAJC ' ' the teats are not evenly placed, and Withes, one of the most popular landtaaaty no charge for thi« aervlce. IUu*> Circuit Court Commissioner, " M earn Targe aa^artea, and the there is not sufficient development of lords In the state, also known by I* faaeisatlng. w « teach Booh, Shiawaasee County, Mich. every horse dealer in New England. the anterior region. At F is shown a a aad Commercial ninatratiag, F. H. BiisvxRvaT, Cartooning, potter r>rawing. Bock Solicitor for < omplatoant. Several years ago Mr. Withee bought small udder. There Is not enough O n w Dentgnlng and Faahion Drawing Business Address: Mt. Pleasant, Mich. H E in New York city for a small sum a room her* to permit the rapid elabora•weeaasrull/ by corre*pondence^ Write ywur Complete name and address plainly horse, on^e valuable, but crippled by tion of milk, which is of prime imporSTATE OF MICHIGANmt your drawing, enclose *t»m» U> pay the pavements. tance, as it is a well-known fact that passage if yon wish your drawing re3&*H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. t a n s m , and address a comparatively small quantity of The animal was taken to Maine T X B S B op Ciacirrr COCBT. milk Is In the udder when milking M I C H I O A N . THE ART DIRECTOR, Correspondence where he Was allowed to revel in pasIn pursuance of the Statute In such c*«e made and provided, I do hereby iix and appoint tures soft and green, and soon was commences. It is likewise thought by Only Nstional Bank In the County Institute of America, Scranton, Fa. the time for holding the several terms o l the W* also teach Illustrating/, A d v e r apparently "sound as a nut' : His scientists that the ability of a cow to Circuit Court in the Thirty-i»,fth Judicl«! CirOrincris: maiag, Proofrendlug, J o u r n a l i s m , cuit of Michigan, for the years 1908-l90d a* master then proceeded to sell blm at produce milk abundantly is deterPresidfut, . . LCTHEH UOVCKB •MSUicrapIky, fthow Card W r i t i n g , foliovrs: Vice Prea., . . . N. P. LELAKD Bookkeoptng, Blectrical Knglaeera long price to parties who took him mined by the number of cells, and S H I A y A S S E l ! COCHTV,' hig. B u s i n e s s CAnre*pond«nc« a n d 8 e c . Vice Pica., . GEO. &KCCKS back to New' York, where his ailments hence the area available for the disOn the Fourth Monday in January, first Kaffli*u B r a n e h e o . Cashier, . . . . . j , D . tZI^&MO Monday in May and the Second Mondays in immediately returned, fcnd the owners tribution of blood and other fluids Ass't C a s h i e r , . J. L. V A K A X A T T N X If intercste)! in any of the above pfbSeptember and November. feaslons, write for our large illustrated brought suit against Mr. Withee. through the udder tissues is too re__ DntccTcaa: b o o k , " Struggle* With the World." It i»* T-IVlStUSTON COUKTT. FRKK. State which coarse interests stricted in this instance. A small bather Loucks, Mark D. Geer, Frank C. Gale At the trial the point on which the On the First Monday in J a m : t r y , the Third you, and receive oneof our Employment Geo. Brooks, Norman P. Leland, Cu*sioa Mooday in October and the Second Mondays udder Is therefore a poor sign of deep verdict seemed to hinge was as to Contract*, best proposition ever offered. S. S e e d , Elmer f. ABjtsbuiy, John In April and June. whether or not Mr. Withee was a milking powers, though a large udder, T. B u t t o n , J . D.Xeiaod, B e a n y &KU>KN S . MINER, W. CalktDS, C. Klford fcberman. owing to the character of tissues that horae jockey. Accordingly, the plainSeptember »th, 1807. Circuit Judge. A general Ba&king- and Foreign S x e k a i s m tiff s attorney gave the following may enter into its formation, is not al- bnsiDcas transacted. CoUecttona w « l r*eeivw BOX 765, SCRANTON, PA. cross-examination: ways a sign of a good milker. At G prompt and careful attention at atoderateratee. l a 3b m i n u t e s b * fife is shown an udder much cut up, with Conducts a s a v i n g s Departaient to w b i c b "Mr. Withee, what is your occupas o s c a n s a nra» "^ (UkCPiDiPuya tion?" very large and poorly placed teats; it «P«cial aiteaUoa is givea. Tour jkatL-bnar^ la "Hotel keeper and farmer, suh, ho- is what may be termed a restricted Presiding Over a Loaded Fruit and tel keeper and farmer." udder, though rather elongated. At H 4 per cent ^Interest on Time Deposits. Flower Stall. "Then you are not a horse jockey 7" appears ais other form of udder often at met with, which, like that shown at "No, suh, no, suh, ho." ask the shops to give me things, or G, is somewhat funnel-shaped in char- { "Mr. Withee, in the coarse of a year least to let me have them very cheap/' acter. It has hot sufficient rotuddity, about how many horses do you buy "Poor shops!" I said, sympathetidoes not come well forward _ on the and sell?" cally. stomach, and is lacking in develop"A hundred or two. may be." "Poor me! you mean," she answered ment in the posterior region. "And still you maintain that you pettishly. "I shall have to drive round "LEADER" and "REPEATER" are not a horse jockey?" and see managers, and arrange to get "No, suh, I'm no boss jockey!" DAIRY NOTES. things frightfully cheap, or even for TttMCMAMCS The superiority of Winchester "Then what is .the reason that you nothing. By the way, dear, I think handle so mauy horses V The scrub farmer will keep scrub Corvmoifts A c S m o k e l e s s Powder Shells i s . I'll go r">w—aLi will you come?" - _ £ 2 E ? * \ 2 2 2 & * * *sat«h aaddssSTtatam n a v "Trying to find one to suit me, stock. aafefcly aaeevtata oar opinion ft** whatSar a c "I suppose you will only go to your suh, trying to find one to suit me." undisputed. Among intelligent Inventiontoprobably r *" Starving the young animals in the own tradesmen," I said, as we turned OtHmf free. 0>d**t 'aywncy farsi dairy saves feed, but that is all. shooters they stand first in popout from the park into Dover street, Patent* tafcsn tnronkti Mtnm>~ ayatfaiastfcs. wtt*ot*cEai«*lntS* Was More Honorable. The savage dog has no license on "My tradespeople, my dear child; ularity, records and s h o o t i n g the farm and especially around the The late George M. Clark of Fetch1 shouldn't dream of askinr them, qualities. Always use them they would only take it out of me by ville, VL, the famous comedian, dairy. AbavdsonaryfBostnsad w**mtr. T I I B I I I m A few good rules consistently folealattoa o* a n y M t t t t U e t a i n t * , Vanna.S*tv adding something on to my books. known also as one of the clowns for rear; fowmonth*. SL nrilfl TijrtltUMiUiiiMtT f o r field or Tra|> Shooting* No; I'm going to Mrs. Barrington- the Barnum & Bailey circus, was once lowed will accomplish greater reBrown's tradespeople, because, you detained as a witness in a divorce sults than much wisdom and little oaea.arsu practice. A*k Your Dealer For Them. see, I took her to them, and the trial held at Concord, N. H. It is a mighty poor cow that will The prosecuting attorney on crossleast they can do is to give me some examination asked Mr. Clark in his not respond to good care and good things." food. She should be sold to the most >'>arcastic manner: "What sort cf things?" "You're a 'showman/ aren't you?" butcher forthwith. "Oh, boxes, and satin cases, and Milk with dry hands. The man "Yes, sir." cushions, and chocolates, and fancy who milks with wet hands is usually "You 'black up' with 'cork' to repsoaps, and—well, it depends, of course, very careless as well in the other resent a negro, don't you?" upon what they sell and where we details of the dairy business. "Yes, sir!" go," she added, as she looked at the A man who abuses his stock has "Well, you call that an 'honorable list In her hand. about as much chance of reaching •: It was two o'clock when we eventu- business,' I suppose?" "Yes, sir, so much more so than that Better Land as the Golden Rule ally reached the Fterkeley, where we We are in a position has of being worsted to death. stopped and hsd some luncheon. Then my father's that I should certainly It's a pretty good plan to have arto take your order say 'yes.' " I left Isabel to her errands while I rangements made so thai u ^ sic«:k for any kind of book went to be shampooed, and she was "Ah! indeed!" said the lawyer, can get in out of the storm should changing his manner instantly, "and binding. Hare the in the highest spirits when I met her one come up while the family i s ' pray—tell what might your father's •main. magazines, sheet away. business be?" music, etc., bound "Well," I asked, "and have you got "A lawyer, sir." An exchange tells about a man who •our bazaar articles very cheap?" in handsome books becomes ili at the smell of butter. "My dear," she i.aid gaily, "I can't at very small cost. Now, we feel sorry for such a man. The Golden <i©al. can be saved on any make of machine. Practically T h i s little weed, a roadside p l a n t , toll ycu how nice the 've been at the Either he has not had any of the real nevy machines at from $15 to $50. See us before A parched a n d piteous suppliant. shops. They wore just a teeny bit article or he has a complex nervous a n d doomed, paying manufacturer's price. Old machines bought reserved at first—some of them; but Clur.KT rtaom ptlhe ed dust:/ system that wc hope isn't contagious. sfctrts o f life, Mrs. B-B's name is a sort pf open The first, and all important, point • And would not yield the t r a g i c strife Until It bloomed. sesame, you know. It must be lovelyi in selecting a cow Is to note the Mz<> • to be an open sesame," she added,} O brave we^ 1, with your c r i m s o n price ot the udder; whether it is large, uni- • T H E a* a * a * si thing, "even If it's only through} Your d e s t i n y h a s touched m i n e e / « , formly placed with teats placed at the JOURNAL B J I L D I N G , CORUNNA. coal or groceries, ana fully worth the proper distance, to notft whether the T o show m e w h y Our race, a l o n g i t s sordid Way, name of Brown; Resides, ruoney takes udder ia flabby and not fleshy, which Still J r e a m s a romlnjf golden d a y . everywhere nowadays, not only is partieutttrly apparent immediately And c a n not die. <<<<«<<<<<•": •you after milking. * * W awftavWfrV* us.n ^.-^—*—-' — II i s i i «i — • • • • • • • • • O t l w M M s^wP6(MMSav —Frank Cran* in t h e SUader. I * Children Like q *T: I: ii- fr* . El S O NAFEW H ?i. m. FREE ADVICE ,, coffiffs?o«[)tse[ msiiiyTE OF MIERIGA, U u Smokeless Powder Shells Scie&tiflc flsKffeat iiwsco^'^—igjt i t ! Book Binding, ii 50 per Cent * — - : • - - Johnson's Typewriter Exchange, § Cornona Journal, 1 •J2-?~:l > WOmctMA T « « -ftOAGe. Systematic Effort Rather Than ftp** medic Work and Big Money Outlay. AMD REAL ESTATE Place your fire insurance baancas with Arthur C Young who represents the best of Companies. These companies pay their lueses promptly and satisfactorily. f I have an eleven room, two story, frame dwelling arranged for two family's with barn in the City of FHut/pleasaullv situated opposite Brown Hall Building, Ht 1012 W. Court S t , which must be disposed ot ut once> Lot la GO by 14( i ft, R E A L ESTATE H A N D L E D . MONEY TO LOAN. Arthur C Young CORCXXA, MICHIGAN, KIDNEY BACKA< .CURS IK or to take Journal. All tfcrougb this great United States the Question of good roads is, X dare say, gives as much thought as any other question which is of vital Interest to both the farmer and the merchant The merchants, and townspeople in general, are just a much interested in having good roads leading into their villages and cities as the farmer is in having a good road ad* jaceut to his own farm. Many'of the smaller cities and villages could not exist were it not for the farming community surrounding them, and they are willing to help improve the main traveled roads to draw trade, or keep. it from .a •neighboring'market. In traveling through the different states it is surprising to note the advr.isccment made in building roads during the past decade. Yet there are many places where the roads have been opened for 30 or 40 y^ars and today they are scarcely passable—mile after mile of roots and holes which not only make traveling slow but racks and breaks vehicles. la the eastern part of Michigan is a township where the . roads all through it are a credit to the people. Their plan of improving the roads is to DO road worlr. At the township election, where the whole people have a voice, they appropriate as much money as they are able to raise to be used in the hauling of gravel on the roads aftei the regular road tax has been worked out in June, where the roads are dry. At this time they round up the load bed and clean out all ditches so that no water will stand and cause boles to be cut by the passing of heavy loads. This leaves the roadbed in splendid shape for the gravel, which Is put on later to the summer. After this is pat on the road is thoroughly packed with a steam roller. Again 1c the fall just before it freezes up the roadbed Is rounded up with the roed grader. Another Important factor In their road building besides having plenty of good gravel in all parts of the township is that they h « * » ferr s:o;i"wIwi understand how and when the wor£ should be done and the management is given over to them year after year rather than choosing a new path-master yvery year to work out new ideas which are "'.'tot logical and are not a means to a successful end, During the winter, continues the correspondent of Farmers' Review, whet there is nothing much to except chore*, they make a "Bee." and everybody, or nearly everybody, spend! two days hauling gravel. This work Is donated for the good of the caute. The grave! is put on the side roads daring the winter. This keeps all the roads where lighter teaming is done in good repair, at the/*ame time it increases the value of property not located on the main roads. Farmers in this township always have good roads, which saves time when they find it necessary to make, a hurried trip to town in harvest Ttey have not the wear and breakage of rigs that some have, neither have they a fog of dusf, settling oh their crops every time a team passes. MAKING HAYSTACKS SAFE. Stack Hay Around Pole if Animals Are to Feed Out of Stack. When bay is stacked, It will keep better and waste less if put In as large stacks as possible, it is often convenient to let animals feed out of the stack, and unless something is done to prevent it, there Is danger of their undermining the stack and be- & AJBU ' ^Out^L AjPM ^OSUSL. liwil JsasBrts^Bsv Keeping a Stack from Failing. IN CAMP OR F I E L D - A T MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There Is always a etaACS to onjujr torn (hooting TO SHOOT WELL VOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM: the only kind we b m b o « making for upward* of fifty years, Ow Line: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SH0T8UIS, RIRE TELESCOPES, ETC. A*k your Denier, and insist on the STEVENS. "Where n o t sold by K*staJl«rs, we ship direct, expr*w» p r e . g»*g. upon receipt <••! Catalog price. «»**••»«• _A n liulUpeuaubte lHM>k of r*J»«ty reference for tnu.n and boy •hootc-v*. AfitUed for 4 cent* In *tMtftp>< to cover vnxu*gr. tteantlfut r e s c o l o r I l a m r r r forwarded for STEVEX3 ARMS & TOOX. CO. P. O. Box 409? CHleop«« Fall*, X a H ^ U.S.A. coraing suddenly buried under it, hence the importance of securing the stack, as shown in the Illustration. The hay is stacked around a stoat r>ole in the center, explains Farm and Home, the top of which is allowed to project enough so that three ropes or heavy wires can be attached to it and the other ends of them fastened to stakes driven securely into the ground. FIRST F R U I T S . Early rising isn't near as Important as making the licks count after you rise. The man behind the garden will be behind in bis fruit His place is in the garden. It costs too much in time and forfeited respect to nag at Vac hired man wten he neglects triiies. A little farm free from indebtedness is rather to be chosen than a big farm with a mortgage. Gather up all brush and promptly burn it, thus killing millions of fungous germs and insect eggs. Very few farms are without suitable soil and location for a good berry garden, and that farmer who exists, year after year, without t. good fndt garden, has not learned <d] the prtadpWs of gcod Hvi&f. a^fc^u^^^iuai*.* *m;» H^^^^^^#*r%i^VSr^^^W*^l'^W>*|r»rVSr^Wr^^^rVM^S^*H*rVW CAMPING OUT. A Night's Outing Which Had a Thrilling Termination. The elder boys—Irvine, Ralph and Percy—had gone camping out. When they drove away with the brand-new tent, the cooking dishes and the box tamr toes before a bright wood fire. "Who would have thought of such a thingr* said mamma. "The sky was • perfectly clear when X went to bed." "It la the worst thunderstorm we have had for years," said papa. "I hadn't a doubt that the tent was safe on that southeast slope," "What did you think was happen* ing to you. Billy?*' asked Don. "I don't know," answered Billy. "Towser pulled me before I had time to catch my think." "I don't care, I like camping out," Bald Don. "So do I," said Billy, "But," he added, nestling back against h's mother's breast, "I like to be rescued, too."—Elizabeth Hill. 'OMVS EXCURSIONS TO Jamestown Exposition NORFOLK, VIRGINIA A GOOD T R I C K , Swinging., a Glasis of W a t ? r Hs!d Flat Piece of Cardboard. April 19 to November 30 by VARIOUS ROUTES We all know UVAI when we cover a drinking irlass quite full of water with a sheet of stuut paper in such a manner that not a single bubble of air remains between the liquid and the sheet, the'paper will cling to tbe rim of the tumbler, en account of the pressure of the atmosphere, closely enough to enable us to turn the glass upside down without the watea^ being able to escape. The following application of this principle: Attach a string to the center of a square of cardboard covering a glass by means of a simple knot on the inside, and securely seal the aperture with wax so that no air may gain an entrance. Now suspend the glass by means of this string to a hook fixed to the ceilbig, and yoa will have a pendulum that The Canvas Slew Away, and Away yon may safety swing without the danThey Went Whirling Down HML ger of the glass fairing, tbe whole day if desired. of provisions, tile smaH brothers, Don, The experimenter witt do well to Denny and Billy, felt very , down- grease the rim of the glass, so that no hearted indeed. "Never mind" said mamma, trying to comfort them. "Yon shall go to the Sunday school picnic next •week.'* But Don and Denny mournfully shook thefr »»•»«£-; What Tras i Sunday school picnic, compared with camping out in the woods? "Ton can't shoot bears at a SOB day school picnic," replied Don. **Nor sleep outdoors at night* nor cook your dinner ox^r a camp fire," said Denny. "Now, boys,** said papa, "between yon and me, 2 don't believe Irving or Ralph or Percy will Really shoot any bears. They Just think they will. But I don't see why yen can't have a good time camping put, too. "You have the old tent up in the attic, and it can be pitched dn the orchard, t will set it up and lay a board floor to-morrow. Yoa can have Biijy's< trundle-bed, and lie crosswise, so that it will be wide enough for three. You may have the old wash-bench for a table, and •three camp-chair*; Of course yon cannot cook there, but how and then we will have a fire and get a real camp meal, just as the other boys will. How will that do?** "Splendid!" cried Don and Denny. Billy jumped up and down in delight. "Let them sleep out there!" exclaimed mamma. "What harm could come to theraT" said i&pa. "Towser will be with them; they will be quite safe" So the tent was pitched, and the happy little boys began their camp life. The orchard was on a slope of land, facing the southeast. It was only a short distance from the house, but the foliage was so thick that you could not see the house from the orchard. .411 day the boys played as usual, but the things they did seemed different from usual. Th3y did not have to keep dressed up, but went barefoot all, the time, and wore old clothes and hats; and mamma did no. bother when they got soiled and torn. Once when they met her, and a lady caller on the garden walk, she only said: "These boys are not at home now; they are away on a camping trip.", Their meals tasted different from usual, also, although1 they had the same tare that papa and mamma ate at home. Once, however, papa came out and built a fire In the orchard, and they broiled steak, roasted eggs and toasted crackers. Some way or other their dishes got cleared away and their beds made right along, although they never troubled themselves about it; and at bedtime mamma came in to hear their prayers and tuck them in. Towser slept in the tent door, and every morning he woke them up by lapping their faces. One night they were suddenly awakened by a thunderclap, wThich seemed to be right in the tent They clung to one another, too scared even to cry. The lightning flashed, the thunder pealed, the wind shrieked among the trees, and the rain beat upon their canvas. The tent was trembling. Towser was howling with all his might. And then, all at once, there carae a terrific rush of wind and rain, their tent-pole broke, they were torn from bed, the canvas blew away, and away they went whirling down hill. What happened then the boys were too bewildered to know distinctly; but Don remembered fetching up against a tree, and seeing—by a lightning flash—little Billy washed by, with Towser in pursuit, Then he saw the dancing yellow gleam of a lantern, and heard his father's voice calling: ""Boys, where are you?" Towser caught Billy and dragged him uphill—very frightened, wet and muddy, although not seriously hurt. Then papa carried him to the house, while Don, Denny and Towser struggled on behind. And then there was » lively rubbing with towels, a putting on of dry cloths*, and a sipping w* hot chocolate as they sat toasting Doing the Trick. air will get in. Another precaution is to try the experiment for the first time on some unbreakable bowl or drinking cup.—Magical Experiments, THIS FOR YOUR FISHING TRIP. You Can Make Your Bait Ron Out of Lath, ; • • . • K ' • • ' . ' •• Subscribe for the Journal To make this useful bait box for your fishing excursion select two pieces of lumber about eight inches square. 'Saw 16 pieces of lath about a foot long, and nail them around yonr eight-inch piece of board, leaving onequarter inch space, between the laths. Make the door of two of the laths, the hinges being India rubber, and a button of a piece of lath and a screw a like F!g, 1. But in making this box be careful how you hammer the nails, caution Philadelphia Ledger. Look at the point and place it Just the way you EVERYTHING FOR PICTURE MAKING * . The Bait Box. think it ought not to go. The poiut is broad one way and not the other; put the broad way across the grain of the wood like Pig. 2, otherwise the nail forms a wedge and splits your lath. You may generally observe a faint line running across the head of a nail, even in tacks; these lines run with the grain of the wood when the nail has been properly driven. Didn't Want It. Inventor—I have just patented a new nlckeI-12-the-slot machine, which T would like you to take hold of. it is an entirely new design and will never get out of order. Nickel-ir-the-slot Capitalist—Never get out of order? Huh! No money in a machine like that.—N. Y. Weekly. Neighbors. "I beg your pardon, sir, but I'm going to ask you if your daughter would mind not playing on the piasfc for the next two weeks?" "May I ask, sir, the reason for this extraordinary request?" "Well, you see, my son wishes to get a good start with the flute."—Life. The City of Casualties. First Citizen (out west)—Did you notice that man? His nose is broken, one eye out, forehead all bandaged up, and one ear gone. Wonder if he rras in the Spanish war? Second Citixen—Not old ftiongh. Maybe he lives in New York.—N. Y. Weekly. IN THE • ^ Kodak Box A No. 2 Brownie"Camera for taking 2% x 3 # pictures, a Brownie Developing Box for developing the negatives in daylight, Film,^Velox paper. Chemicals, Trays, Mounts. Everything needed for making pictures is included in this complete little outfit. And the working of it is so simple that anybody " can get good results from the start. No dark-room , is needed and every step is explained in the illustrated instruction book that accompanies every outfit. Made by Kodak workmen in the Kodak factory—that tells the story ox the quality. THE KODAK BOX No. 2, CONTAINING: 1 N a 2 Brownie Cwaern, • • 12.00 I Brownie Developing Box, 1.00 1 Boll No. 2 BrowBieKbr, 6 ex., .20 2 Brownie Developing Powders, .05 1 Pkg. Kodak Acid Fixing Powder, .15 1 Foor-ox. Graduate, • .10 IStirrl&e&od, . . . . M $4.¾ VTriU fvr BvUtt t No. 2 BrowniePrintingFnu&e, t I Do*. 2% x 3¾ Brownio V«lox, g Eastman M. Q. Developing Tnbea, 3 Paper Developing Tr»ys, • 1 Doz. 2¼ x3'{DuplexKocnte, 1 Doz. Kodak Dry Monntonjltame, 1 Instruction Book, . - • Price. Complete At all Kodak Dealers. .15 .14 40 M XS M ,!• $4.£ EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N. YM r*« *•<«*» a * 1 mmmygmm »WBW5fl5R*WflP^i "•'••i-'^'C '•• WBWWPPwwpmiWPPBH :^=3¾¾.¾¾¾ ,'• "w^r^s^J* 5-^7T5Tss??sw^ii)f*^!»f^jS^s ">\ ^ W V ^ ' \.^••"V";.-,..'. Ia - A n d It e*m» to pass that after he -rGeo, Haines was convicted of steallei a re ot the state oa Michigan, to bad advertised his goods, there came ing potatoes by a jury in Justice Mcmeet in extraordinary session on Bride's coort Tuesday and sentenced to unto him great multitudes frcw all reMonday, the seventh day of Octothe Detroit bouse of correction Jor gions round about and did Nif of him. W TrtC SAVING* DEPARTMENT ^ n Impure mat , ^ which the skin, l!«r, ber, 1907, at twelve o'clock noon, of ninety days. Persons bearing the trial And when bis competitors saw it they OF THS lflinsys sad other organs cannot take cape that day, to ^onsidei such matters marvel among themselves saying: * How say h« got what he deserved. as shall be submitted by the govern «f without help. tt —A. L. MuatTOft and wife are today be It tuat this man is busy while we loaf Plmptea, boils, ecxenia and other erop- or by special message t rejoicing o/er tbe arrival of an eight Idly about our door*f" And be spoke tittta, low of Appetite, that tired feeling, h&ftous turns, fits ot indigestion, dull head. and three quarter pound boy. Came unto them: "In this fast age of push 6IY1I6 OUT aches sad many other troubles are due to just in time toVct in tbe paper,—Hes,- and hw&tle it is easier for a camel to thsm They are removed by perii Union, Mrs. Mu9croft was form- euter the eye of a needle than for «. man Ta* Suruggle Discourages Masy a Citizen to flourish without advertising." erly Miss Lulu Amstien, of this city. of Michigan. —About twenty neighbors and their Judge MeCurdy Again Honored. In usual liquid form or in chocolated ON OH BEFORE Around all day with ah aching back; families perpetrated a very pleasant surAt tbe meeting of the supreme council 100 doses $L Can't xest at night; ,prise last Thursday evening on George of Sovereign Inspectors General of the Euough to make anyone "give o u t " Priest, of Venice. A delightful social Thirty-tiard and last degree, Ancient the usual r in, there was a relapse, with WILL DRAW Doan's Kidney Pills will give retime resulted, and tbe host was present- Accepteii Scottish'Kite for the northern lafc-1 results. Her mother wss here durT H E CORUNNA JOURNAL. newed life. ed with a token of his guests esteem. jurisdictioo of tbe United States, held I.;g her illness and assisted in the nurtThey will cure the backache; held In Boston, last week, Judge Hugo ing. • —Byron Herald: Mr*. George Keyes, W & l X t f A JOHMSOK, Pr»prie*04*, k-^ Cure every kidney III. after suffering with cerebral trouble for MeCurdy, of this city, presented bis 3ere is Michigan proof that this is Pubtialuxt every Thursday 'morning ai Co a number of months, died at uer borne resignation as active member and Marriage Licenses. fa&aa, tfce county seat of Shiawassee county. so. deputy for Michigan, alter a service Georee.11. Ferris,' Owww Bevuteri to the SnleresLa o! th* HepubMvajD ia tb!s township on Thursday after• 22 ****sP****a^ * v* P»o^y*a4 tbe collsctiOD of general and loc*J Clark Maibewso'o, carpenter, 637 noon. September 26tb. Funeral Satur- which for Iength.ab3 biga character of Gertrude Whaien, Caledonia...... 21 Randolph street, Traverse City, Mich., tbe service has rarely been duplicated RobertT. Nalsaiith, Owosso...... day afternoon, burial at Union Plains. ftl.00 p«f. year la advance. 22 Kidney trouble had aggravated ffcrtiacrfbere wbo wish to stop tbe paper says: —Miss Mabel Mack, teacher of piano, 20 in this country. — Mr. Thos. C Nickels was called to «boa!d notify us direct, and not leave it U> the and irritated me for some time. My lvab E. Bovce,- Owo#so . . . . . 28 tt Judge Busb's on Wednesdays. Phone Ann Arbor Monday to attend the funeral M M D U t e r to do. He someiiiae* torgrt*. > Ai Made a Master Macon in Birmingham Percy Oekerm»n. Burton way* MM that your subscription te |<aid up t j back was lame, my limbs sore and 3 « 3r„ Owoaso. IS 39-tf lodge, August 15,1S50, Judge MeCurdy Lllilao I..Howard, Mtfdfebury.... Ihe d a t e you request u* t o stop tbts paper.. of a brother, J. H. Nickels. He was 75 lender, the kidney action was weak 21 loantitraDd quality of the a4v*rtjai»e —Earl Derham Is home, for a week years of age and had lived in Ann Ar> made steady and rapid progress in tbe Adraln B Dynes, Shlawastes.,.., a y p t a n a K in the JOURNAL is abundant testiand tbe secretions contained an from St. Charles where he is employed bor for the past fifty years, He leaves order, and on November 13. 1873, was Katie E -'Norton', Shlawassre. to ita ««Xue a» a r i advertising mediuaIS offensive fmeiling sediment. Backache, as clerk la s drug store. i t t a d e known at 'ae office. a widow, three sons and one daughter. made an honorary member of the su- Walter J Drake, L*ltigi»bura., 21 of aewa are always acceptable. Be- pains ail through me and especially ' laat w h a t interest* you wit) g«t>enU!y —Mr. and Mrs. E. Hasbrook, who are —For sale: A small flock of tb rough- preme council, A. A S . B , September Leora Doyle* Lilngshnrg 24 o a t f t , ood that It will pa ^adljr re- around the kidney regions gave me no 27.1S83, be was elected to Scottish Rite Real EaUteTransters. lv*A by u . rest day or night. 1 used several visiting .friends in Illinois, has our bred barred Ply mouth. sjsck^gneJHHO for the Northern Masop-a^Uve memberW.KqrloD to H. Buskans. lot 1, 2 repeating rifta, one Merlin .$$ gepeatlwg r e w d i e s and doctored faithfully but thanks for Illinois papers. ship, and soon thereafter was chosen as and * Irlock 11, Maple Ridge park. —Miss Grace Owen, of Vernon, has rifle, one Winchester .22 repeating rifle, was not cared until 1 procured Doan's tUHtt.Mwjlanuislt,!; two double barrel shotguns, one double deputy for Michigan, su office he has Owoss'»,5£0. Kidney Pills. Wbea I had used this returned xo the M. A. C. held with credit ever state. For msn7 C, G/lffey to W. McKenzl*, lot *. remedy frr a few weeks, I was cored —Miss Irene Hume is attending the barrel hamnierlessshotgun. F. L. John- years be held the important position of - J * son. Coruoos. andfc&erehas been no return of the State Normal at Tpsitaati. T » r o » f i O A T . OCTOBKK 3» 1SOT. chair man of the committee on jurispru- block 2A.M. L. S. -fcOo's. 2nd addition complaint. I owe my cure entirely to —CoTuaaa and St. Johns high schools —Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cosatteck. of dence. He bas stood high in tbe coun- OwocaO. 350. DoruTe Kidney Pilta." Byroo, were guests e* Mr. sad Mrs, C. will play football here next Saturday. cil* of the Bite, and when hla resigna- C. NeLsoo to W. McKeozie, lot % JLtrDTTOBOEKKRAC BRADurrwpon For sale by ail dealer*. Price 50E. Weieh the fiwt of the week, The St, Johns lads oat-weigh Goruana tion was presented mat week a aaotfon block f M . L S . 4 Co's. 2nd addition^ arriving in Lansing found it »1* offi- cents. Foster Milborn Co., Buffalo, —Mr*. B. D. Barnes Is visiting rela- considerably, bat they needn't tot this was made to refuse to accept -it, and it Harishom & McKenzle, to A . cial duty to send out to the counties New York, Sole Agents for t h tives e in Vancouver*, B. 0., and expects game down Is their'record book as won, was only after It was distinctly stated SmllejTpart^f lot 16, so") out lots 8 notice of the O x levy. The total United States. for the locals are some spry, and Say 1» that It waa Judge McCurdyN argent to be absent for an extended time. stav> tax this year is 14,884 000. and there with the kieking. Remember the name Doan's and wish that favorable consideration was and 9, Owosso, 190a —John C. Quayle has bis straoal la at the rate of «3.81 on each $1*000 take no other. A. Lfbdsey to F. Walworth and —Undersberiff Herrlek returned given it. He was at once elected as eoonty fair open for inspection. Every valuation, a s compared to ¢1.95 a Tnesday from Montmorency county emeritDS member, entitling him to all wife, part of blocks 8 and 9, Riverside product has a bine ribbon attached. year ago. Auditor General Bradley, Mosey i s s n a i l where be *ad been after a witness in the privileges, fie is the only emeritus snbDiv.CaledoDia.280, f w e v t i o n a aa —Mr». Ecoilie Erb will leave Thnrs- the suit now on trial. He said be drove •who Iain the field for the nominaA, VanWonnor to J. McLean, lot well a s large member of the RHe. ' " " tion for governor, was outspoken in Send for free dsy for Santa Barbara, Cal. She ex- for seventeen miles through the finest section^TeruoOf 683.80 booklet, Mito B. Stevens * Co., 884 14th S t , pects to remain in the golden state. " reward to the tax levy, A. Tucker toC. Bentlcy aod wife, hard timber that be ever saw. Gee! WaaaififftoB, SX C Bnuwtaes: Cbic*«o, CleveTwC' Deaths at Durand. *'It i s altogether too high," he land, t*trott. Established 18S4. lot 4, Wot* 1, Vernon. 135. —Miss Sarah Marsball le;ft last Friday But wouldn't we like to help Herrlek Durand, Sept 2S.—The funeral sersaid, "and there isnjt much excuse lor Rochester, K. T., to take a position chop that timber down. F. Johnson to C. Beotley and wife, Vices over the remains of John Neviscn part lots 2 and 3, block 1, Vernon, ?00. for it* This state can be run more as bookkeeper with a large concern. —Mrs. Harpley, mother of Mrs, John were iteid at bis late borne on Saginaw **^^ ! economically than that, and til S. Lawlerto SI Wert, part section —James Bensoe, B. Jakawsv, of Bout well, was 75 years old last Scnday street tbts morning at 830 o'clock. The should ever be elected governor I Laingsborg, and Raymond Foland. of and Mr. ar>0 Mrs. John Bontwell, of this remains were taken to Dundee for 38,Sclota, 60X would see to it that taxes are kept Woodhuli were in the city yesterday, city, and the other children gathered at burial. Mr. Nevison formerly was , j A. Cook to A. B. Cook, part section down. We are increasing public ex^" 11, Benhibgton and part Section f>, —SupL Clark Sbipman, of the Lapeer her home In Dsvleburg Sunday In honor the harness btisiness here and was one nm penditures a good deal faster than Shiawassee, 6t>00. T H A T W E L INTEREST YOU of, ner birthday. There were seven schools, visited bis parents here Saturof the town Voidest residents. w e swo increasing our wealth, and I EL Larning to I. Stones lots 1 and children present and raavy grand childday. He Is wei£ptehsed With Lapeer. The remains of little Miss Beatrice 2, block. 7, Lairigsbnr^, 500. wani to tell you that the taxpayers —Tbos. Agncw, of Detroit, Is in the —Mrs. I. O. Derr. Sr^ returned Satur- ten. Over thirty ware seated at the Carter were taken to the home of her few!ft.too. D. Hick* to R. Aibenson, p a n of t4 parents in Canada this morning. This Bectioo 48, Sclota,1080, day from A two 0)0011187 visit with her H I ever get «ib be governor 1 city. —Philander G. Westeott father of little girl came ber£ about six sweeks —Archie Burnett Is borne from De- son and family in Hard, ^ortb Dskoia. won't ride some hobby through at Charles and John Wutoott, of Durand, ago to vtait her cousin, Mrs. O, A. Peter'• .(| ;• —Mr. Amldon, of Grand Traversa, tbe expense of the taxpayers. The troit ^ died lass week Tuesday at 5 o'clock, In people need not build any state in— A C . Marshall is quits III with a was tbe guest of Mr. Cesse the fer#part St. Mary's hospital, In Saginaw, where son. Following her arrival here she was taken III with typhoid fever. Aftir •tttetion as a monument to m e . " of the week, Ee formerly lived In fever, ^ be was rakes two weeks ago for t^sa^ —Persy Is to have a big field day Hase)to-9. meat for prostatitis. The remain 4 were —Mrs. F.Eurlbtft. who has been visit- brought so Durand Wsdassdsy faora* GoTSBatoB W A K K K B has issued e Oct.ft.' -\ . *all for an extra session of the legis—John T. MeCurdy was in Detroit ing Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wilcox and lag sad |he fetoeral services were held latnre to convene October 71h, other friends here, returned to Ana Ar- In the St S. eharesi Friday morning at yesterday. ' • I t e r onoting the provisions of the bor Tuesday. '; ••'. ,,, _. lO^Oo'ekwkjcenduetsdby Bev, N. C. The date of txptntioa of —Editor Saeardy spent Sonday fn ewaatltotlon which gives him power —Wallle Mans, of Missoula, Montana, Karr. •' Lexington. on yosaf pgfwg t*> convene the legislature in extra is visiting relatives and friends here. —Ftrs dSwtroysd the home occupied R , F. Kay, of Morrica, was la the awaalr'^ the governor s a y s : He has been absent for six years and by Mr. aod Mrs. Fred Onyoo, on the " A t toe last regular session of the city afoDday. aUiicea there k no for yoof notes many changes. Perrin farm north of town, Monday legislature the senate and house dis-Herbert Btlley, Jr., vUited in DefctenqpaA* —We are pleased to leer* that 6eo* afternoon. Mrs. Onyoo was using gasongrssil regarding the bill making an troit over Sunday. line in extermlnatieg bags when the W. Swarthoot, Of Laingsburg, who has SQpropriaUon for the maintenance of —Bay Derham, of Ann Arbor, was been Ul for a long time, Is on the road fire started, although no matches were the Central f o r m a l School for the borne over Sunday. used. She escaped with her cblktreo, JTto recovery of health. esutning two years, a* well as for but not a thing In the house was saved, —Dr. and Mrs. Bailey are spending a —Frank McBrlde returned from bis tmpr^nonenta at, that institution. i t was a bad loan to Mr. and Mrs. Ooyon. few weeks in Ontario. * trip to Holly, Colorado. Monday. He TJC contention was raised after the —Mis? Edna Llndsey i« still COD fined reports the Coronca contingent at that -^Durand Express. legislature adjourned that the bill as —An exchange says: "Many a woman place well and happy^ signed by tho governor was not the to her home by ill Dees. You get a beapmg goes shopping dressed In slik and ?•—Ernest and Claude Muzzy are very bill that passed tbe house and sen—Miss Florence, daughter of Mr. and pound of die pure veloped in perfume, whose hardworkate and was therefore void, thus de- ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. John Y. Martin, entertained twening husband hasn't bad a new suit of oU-la$luoDcd Arpriving the school of fund a for main—L. Haughton, of Romeo, visited bis ty of ber >oung friends Thursday even- clothes or a decent meal for five years. E>uckles'AR10SA tenance and necessary betterments. parents here this week. ing to a birthday party. . Yes and many * loafer Standi on the Coffee, that took "The people of the state are almost *-Pettibore & Feoner are going to street with a stinging pipe In his face, —Fred E. Close ana W. E. Savage, of M v * unit in demanding that ail candi- Byron, were hi the city Sunday. care of the nerves and digestion c"vSe out their $3,000 stock of hardware. his tank full of booze acd his mouth dates for public office who are voted Now is the time to make good bargains fall of profanity, whose hardworking of your grandparents, acd has —Claude Hatchings, of Bancroft, is for by the primary system shall be atfeadiag tbe M. A. C. at Lansing. on seasonable goods. See adv. wife ha-a^t had a new dre*« or a kiod been the reading coffee of die Every parent, young man or woselected by the people, and under no man who is tntotstedia any way word since they were married." —Frank Kiccaid took two ten quart —J. H. Draper, of Howell, was a tworld for 37 years. circumstances by a delegate convenIK baatnea cducataoa to write for pajla full of honey out of a bee tree the —George P. Casler, a prominent Mida copy of oar new Prosptctas. It tion. The existing law in Michigan guest at the Grand Central Monday. YouTI never "have to >juit first of tbe week. Frank V) going to dlebury farmer, had ariose call to death tefls yoo what we do and why oat makes this, provision for all candi- —Verhon village psld tts last bond have boney on bis cakes all winter. Arbuckles.* stodehts KKCKW& so wefl. Write last week, when he fell from the roof of dates save those for governor and la*t week and is now free from debt. at once ioe h* Enter any day or —The bans of marriajce have been i.\B banf striking t n his head and shoul^Don't let wy man switch you a> evening. Detroit Busmcs Utulieutenant governor. At its recent —Mrs. I. 0. Derr. Jr., of Detroit, is published in St. Paul's Catholic church ders. The ace de it happened about 10 session the legislature failed to visiting at tbe borne of I O. Derr, Sr. over to coffee that pays him big ^S) vmity, 16^21 WfkoxSb, Detroit, of Dennis Kildeo, Jr., of New Lotbrop, o'clock in the morp ing and it was not Mkh. R.J.B«aiiett, C . P . A make a number of changes in the —Mrs. M. Messenger, of Detroit, was and Miss Mary Catherine Fly up, of Mor- until that night did be regain consviou^- pohts at the expense of your Pria, V.F.|cw«lLPm. law which the people of the stale de- here on business the first of tbe week. rice. '-- ' nesa. Dr. A. T. Parriah was called aid heart, stomach and nerves. i : sire. Theso universally desired C until wi&afl —Edward Sieh. of Laisgsbttrg, was «fSwN««alfW while be found no broken bones, the —According to an orfeer issued by changes abould be made before an* Na.2041, OaJat Wa«kw» entertained Friday by Gilbert J. Cole, Superintendent W. F. Bradley, all the patient suffered severely from internal r«dUw. other general election is hold in Michigan. The legislature alone —Rotert Reberer, of Philadelphia, is Aon Arbor passenger conductors will injuries, but is now getting along nicevisiting his cousin, A. J. Scba«r,of this be compelled to wesr uniform caps here- ly .—O vid Register. can supply the needed remedies. after. —The story is going the round that "Regarding the situation as extra- city. —Harold Close, of Byron, lost bis —Bancroft Commercial: I. L. Roberts one oi Fenion's attorneys who la in posordinary and as demanding immediate attention, I hereby call the legis- driving pony last we?';—too much and brother-'n-law bad a good cater: in session of a pt t bull dog bad a trying clover. Shiawassee river Saturday. They took experience & few evenings ago. While —^obn Brooks, of Detroit, was the home an eight pound pickerel and sev- disrobing for the night he got tangkd op In some of his wearing apparel so gueet of John Driscoll and family over eral nice bass. Sunday. —W. D. Brands left Sunday evening that for a few ruinates be was unable to see what was going on around him. He -Miss Grace Delano, of the prosecu- for Montana to look after bis sheep tor's office, siient Sunday at her home ranch. Ee was accompanied by Burr made considerable disturbance in extriin Da rand. Eveletb, who will visit his brother, cating himself and the dog thinking that a burglar had gotten into tbe bouse .—E. H^ Decker, of Alms, was here Ralph, in that^state. immediately rushed to tbe sceoeand beyesterday trying to make a deal for a fore the wreck was cleared away it is drug stock. said that the attorney was bitten seven One w*y is to pay no attention Cbaa. E. KiffieT, A. D. Whipple, —Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Weller leave SatJ*re*tdent Caanier | titnes between the chiffonier aod front to it; at least not until it deChaa. W. Gale, Geo. H- Sweet, urday for Anbuin, N. Y., for a coople ball. velops into pneumonia, or Vice President Aas't. Cashier ! of weeks' visit. —Armada. Mich,, Sept 30:—Rev. F, bronchitis, or pleurisy. AnS. Hurlburt, ot Armada, bas received as —The Coraona Woman's Club will other way is to ask your docTHE* a bequest from X. B. Horton, of Dimontor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toeet with Mrs. Eriwaid L. Mason Mondale, a book published in 1714 by Tbos. toral. If he says, " The best day evening, Oct. 7. Bennett. M. A., rector of St. James'. —Mrs. Clarence Hamlin, of Durand, thine for colds," then take it. Colcbeeter, England. A remarkable | vitfted her parents, Mr. and Mr* Marcus Do as he stys, anyway. feature of the book is tbe state of I Wilcox, over Sunday. O w o * * o , MIcHlsan preservation at 1&3 years after publicaW« pttfeUah our tonuuitm j —Fred Craig returned last week from tion. The manuscript was prepared We baaf*)i alcohol a vUit with friends at Muskegon and Capital, * £»100,00.00 nine years before publication. Tbe Wa -arte yea to other northern places. coaMalt your eon rents include a general system or i OoMor j —Duncan Hjckett le'i yesterday to • a J 3 **Ha" O Deposits body of divinity and the 39 article* of j the bowels are constipated, pc; jacvept a position as operator for tbe reltgion, to wbich U added St. Jerome'* , soaous substances are absorbed inro tbe ; Ann Arbor at Cadillac. epistle to Nepotianus. Mr. Horton r>**\ blood instead of being daily removed from i DIKECTORS: qtie*ted before bis dentb, on Oot. "25,! the body as nature intended. Knowing i —Oouatv Clerk Martin attended the W. B. Cambers W. >f. Kiipatnc'K 1906. that the book be given to Kc-v.i this dancer, doctors always inquire lboot district eativ*.** »t Nvon Tu°*d*y. K. F. D\2*1W Geo. T. M»^->n Chaa. W. C'ale Chaa. K. BijTley t t e condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills; Thor« wig Mr. Harlburt. R<*v. Burlburt ig a son-' W. A. Woodard no material change in tbe >ayta#j,.c.Ayrc»^inwau.«pw, - vote as heretofore given. in-law of Senator Wilcox, of this rity, < All Humors S'i \ MONEY DEPOSITED CITIZENS* SAVINGS B A N K OF 0W0SS0 Hood's Sarsaparilla OCT. Stfc.1907 ^INTEREST If left Three Months U * £•••• jr "•' B a • r *i I I ' I i~i~in - r r n " T n • m I I M I I irw^ Crrm i 1 We Invite 1 | A Soap Snap When Vba Take Cold p ^ ^ Twenty-five boxes of good Laundry Soap to sel! at ten bars for 25c, or $2.40 per Box. It's atotyv'-^ EE Belter Get a Box, Owosso Savings Bank C QUAYLE The Orfglnai Cash Groc*r« V ^iUiUU«sMswU«UUUttJ 6-¾¾ JM3» !VJ..-„--'-. * ••i.ifc.- p w - * _ - . - * _ . • • - * * - , GOING OUT BUSINESS $8000.00 worth of Hardware, Tia and Granite Ware, Coal Stoves, Stee! Ranges, Buggies, Cutters and Farm Implements going to be sold AT ACTUAL COST October Offerings /- NEW UNDERWEAR, ALL STYLES ArsD TRICES * . The Army Mule. - (The quartermaster's department at Washington has recommended the substitution of transportation automobiles for army mules.) Ws performed our daeds heroic for th*s blue and for the gray; I W v e saved the boys iiv Cuba, and we're savins 'em to-day Where they're leamin' of their lessons In the Igorrote's school— *<5ut at Washington they've flguied that it's best to shelve the mule. We have plugged alone the desert with our tongues and ears adroop, But we never let a redskin catch us lagEin' from our troop; We have froaen In Montana, where we chased the bands of Sioux, But we took our doses proper, for us army folks can't choose. So let 'em do their Muffin' with their autoa on parade; lieal sghtia's 'e never pulled off on smooth roads and level grade; If wheels can ever ma, ; it they can pack me till I g r u n t Can my gasoline successor ever do that little stunt Just wait until the bills ars splttin lead upon you folks; And wait until the wagons only show up half their spokes; It's then you'll hear the whiplash a-crackla' something crooi, Aad, astrainia' in th* traces, that same old army mule! —The FrssoMa, IN THE SOLDIERS' HOME. On* Old Veteran Who Had Discover** What Trvs Rsltfiion Was. SALE COMMENCES The electric c a n bearing the legend "& * S. Home** ran along streets Hbewtfh? supplied with bill-boards which proclaim that young men between the ages of 17 and 35 are wanted for the United States navy and army. Those seeking recruits for the navy predominate, because a large portion of the recruits for, the navy comes from inland. They are inviting four-sheet posters, with a spruce-looking young sailor In the foreground and a battleship lying in the offing, overarched with the legend, **A» opportunity to see the world." To look on this picture, then on the picture of the wreckage made by war, at the end of the car-line, seems hardly to constitute ah attractive ln- , OCT. 3 R D / ' • " ; • : and continues until entire stock is closed out If you wish to save retailers' profits 'come early while the assortment is good. - * - . -*-:- What He Wanted to Know. for the ifl's Pressed Steel Boats ItJLUJS'S P a s s e d Steel Boats are faster, more durable and safer. T*<«.v do hot crack, le»k, dry out or sink- Each boat being equipped with air chancers like a life boat. Mnllin's Bow Boats row easier, are cleaner, easy to handle, do not become -waterlogged and heavy. MnlHn's Steel Motor Boats have reliable engine noieetess underwater exhaust. Complete illustrated catalogue mailed free on request. THE W. H. MULLIN'S CO., SALEM, •- • OHIO. Bow etrlf In Me to© value4, of "•olid" gold and "sterling" rilver fs iiopmwd on n is illustrated by an incident told with much enjoyment by a delegate from Mississippi who attended a recent convention. One of bis neighbors calling to bid him godspeed brought his six-year-old son with him, and to amuse the youngster he was shown the aquarium where numerous gold fish glittered and glistened- After gazing At them in admiration for a few moments he was asked what he thought of them, and in reply said: "They're pretty, but are they solid?" ' Look Forward with Hope. Put all your past failures behind you, forget them. let the dead past bury its dead, don't cry over spilt milk, the water that is past cever >»ill turn the niin, yesterday's flowers never will bloom again, last year's apples are Dead sea fruit. the spoken word can't be recalled, and the hour glass of time when its sands are ran never can be refilled. The past is behind, the future ahead. Forget the one, lojok with hope to the other. "I Come Out and Entertain de Birds." vitaiion; yet perhaps the comfort of the home provided by the government for its disabled veterans adds its own suggestion of attractiveness to a military life. Within the gates are ample grounds and commodious buildings. Old soldiers bask on benches In the sunshine, or fish in a Utile lake with an apparent satisfaction which seems to be no whit lessened by the lack of flsh; or they limp or shuffle along the walks, or do light work about the grounds. Each man has his own story. Here are 2,000 cep^-ate tragedies of the long aftermath of war. One old soldier, who saluted with military grace, the visitor stopped; and his cheerful story, with its human Interest, stands out from among the dozen or 20 others of the day'B casual acquaintanceships, says the Youth's Companion. "How long have you been herer seemed the natural question for the opening of conversation; and as the questioner had thought might be the case, it afforded a point of departure for a narrative. "I am ashamed to tell you," answered the veteran, selecting his words with precision, but speaking with a strong German accent. "I haf teen here 14 years. "I did not t'ink ven first I came dat I should be blessed mlt so much sorrow as to lif so long. And maybe if nature hat not joint de great pusiness Interests opposed to mine, 1 coult haf been out part of de time. "It is hard for one man in small pusincLo and not strong to compete mit great fortunes and nature, too. "I made candles; and de oil and de var and my diseases and ail put me out of pusiness. And I haf much ;>ain, anrl it is hard for me to va^ about, and dere is no !>usfi#ss for me. For who shall boy candles any more from me? And how shall I go into de oil pusiness? So I get; a little more poor, and a little more veak, and a little more ache and pain, and I gif it up, and t'ink, 'It is not for long'; aid Getting Even. He—You go and kiss another woman and then go and say things about her you wouldn't have her hear for the world. She—And you go and kiss your wife and then go out and do things you wouldn't have her know for the world. Sctne ic Act II of "The District Leader," Owosso Theatre, Friday Evening, Oct. 4. Starting Starting Starting Starting with with with with the Children's fleeced at Ladies' fleeced at „;. Ladies' Union Suits at Men's Shirts at .. 12ic 25c, 3 7 k , ,50c 50c, ¢1.00, £2.50 50c, 98c, $1.49 ^00 doL% Hosiery of the best g o d s in the market. ^We bought, these goods early and will seii at old prices. We have sold since we opened our store over 6000 pairs of hose. We ail want them. Long Gloves, black and white... $1.00, 1.50,-2.00 per pair 5000 y'ds Best Prints at..._ 7c pei y'd Butterick Patterns are the best 10c and 15c Beginning Oct. 15th, this store will close every evening, Mondays and Saturdays excepted, at 6:30. J. E Garland & Co. * • ' • • • • . . • . . • THE WIDE AWAKE DRY GOODS HOUSE here I stay and haf ache* and pains iment, made up entirely of veterans for 14 years! f who had seen service in the previous "It is toe long? 1 did not fink it j nine months' call Seven days from vtll'be so long! ButT try to make de i the time the fifty-eighth's quota was pest of It, and do vat little goot lean. ; complete In September, 1863, it was on "Religion? Tea, I t'ink so. Bat j the firing line in the Wilderness under sometimes not In de olt country ve Gen. Grant From this time until the vas all raised Lutheran. And ven I end of the war, young Dunham was come to dis coantry,.my religion vas not out of hearing of whistling bullets. first I was getting into my vork, and In November, 1864, at the age of 17, den it vas var. And var is hart on he was commissioned second Ueuten* religion. And den I read, and 1 find ant, and soon overcame the resent how many religions are in dis coun- mest of men under him who were old try, and more ii\ de vorld, and I say, enough to be his father, by his skill J haf not capital to invest in an, and in handling them and his courage fn X do not tike to risk vat little I haf battle. With the rest of the Fiftyin any von! So 1 say, 'My religion is eighth—which Is given a high rating • moral principle—dat is my religion.* in. Cox's "300 fighting regiments'"— "And it sound velL And I hear Lieut Dunham was in the thick of the many men say it! And I notice de sa- war from the Wilderness tor the takloons outside de gate thrive de more ing of Petersburg, At Spotsylvania as men say dat is all de religion dey he had his only severe wound, a shafe* hat And I t'ink de religion which tered band which confined him for a ' haf only moral principle some vay short while in the West Philadelphia does not make men so moral as de hospital, where he had a, distinction religions dat haf more. And I probably never before pi;"since envender vat Is de religion dot begins joyed by a boy of 17. He voted for* somevere else, but makes moral prin- President Lincoln. ^ "*' ciple. Lieut Dunham fared much better "Van, X atop reading ven spring than his comrades in battle. He was comes, aitd X come oat and entertain one of the Fifty-eighth's two commisde birds. Oh* res, It is so! Ton hear sioned officers to escape death when me vhistle? Dat Is de robin. Now Cemetery TOIL at Petersburg v a s hear de lark! I interest de birds; blown up. The anion troops had undey fink | am von of dem, and dey dermined the confederate lines, bat ayonder vy I do not fly! And de more premature blast left alive only «0 men I lif among de birds, and de more I In the regiment He had another narlook up at de trees and de sky, I say, row escape when his company was 'Ah, God Is goot!' And It does me raiding the plantation of U* confedergoot dat I do not get ven I say, 'My ate leader, McGuider, On one occareligion is moral vrtnclple.' And L sion when he went into the commisfind de moral principle comes easier. sary at Alexandria to procure a new "Den I remember de (At church la sword, an uncouth individual who de olt country, and vat my modder aided him in selecting it turned out taught me, and I say, Tea. moral prin- to be Oeu. Phil Sheridan. ciple ir goot, but dis fs better/ And * In June, 1866, he was breveted first ven 1 suffer I find strength, and I say. lieutenant, then only 18 years old. *Pourtee»» years is long, too long; I After the mustering oat of the troops vonder vy 1 am blesseu mlt so much in 1865, he 11 red in Cincinnati and". suffering?' Out Ood is goot, a^d if it Buffalo for several years. In Buffalo la best, 1 vill stay 14 years more.'" he was commander of G. A. R. post 20S. On returning, to Massachusetts SHERIDAN AIDED HIM. he was appointed a state police offiGeneral Helped Young Commissioned cer, a position he held for 20 years. Though now 60, he is younger thaii Officer Select His Sword. most of his comrades of the war, and George Dunham of Boston believer expects to live many years yet himself to be the youngest commisNew York's Water Reserve. sioned officer who fought in a MassaNew Yoik has 67,000,000,000 gallons chusetts regiment in the civil war. of water stored away in its mountain He was a second lieutenant at 17 and reservoir. a first Lieutenant at 18. Mr. Dunham was born in Fairhaven Value of Trade Secrets. In 1845, and at the outbreak of the The value of trade secrets a$. a busiwar was attending high school. In August, 1862, the federal mustering ness asset was emphasized recently officer, in looking over the Third Mas- by a'decision-of the court or errors sachusetts regiment, saw a mild man- and appeals of New Jersey, compelling nered, rosy-cheeked b<|f, whom he the American Can company to reimgreeted abruptly with, "How bid are burse ah eastern concern for having used one of the latter's secret procyou, kid?" esses in manufacturing tin. One of "Eighteen," was the reply. "You're a " well, it amounted to the employes of the eastern concern, a deliberate falsifier. But he enrolled which is known as the Vulcan Detin15-year-old George Dunham as a drum- ning company? left his position and some time later secured a place with, mer. The young drummer's impetuous the American Can company. To the nature did not agree with the inac- officers of that company he then told tive life of a musician. He was al- of the methods that were used by the ways playing, instead of two-four, two- j rival firm, and these at once were forty time. He became a private in ; adopted by the American company. the ranks, seeing active service under There was a suit, and now, after sevBurnslde in North Carolina, and par- eral years of litigation, the American ticipating In three engagements be- Car company has been found to have fore the expiration of his nine months' no right to make use of the secrets enlistment period. One of these, at of its competitor. Plymouth, N. C, was particularly sePell but Once. vere, 17 of Dunham's company being killed in as many minutes. Tourist, (whom Johnny is showing The- 15-year-old soldier had been the sights)—I suppose people fall back in school at Fairhaven but a down this strep cliff often, don*t they? month when he reenlisted as sergeant •Johnny—No, sir; once is enough for in the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts reg- most of 'em. School Shoes it is about time you were buying School Shoes. ' We want to say we have the Hoosier School Shoe and believe it is the best shoe for the money you can buy. They are warranted. Come in and look at them. W e also have the best line of rubber goods in the county. LOWE & CO. i •*Li&3 m '\ •m •^•i^^i-rK: is it not, that the heir should help nrs hi some ways? There are so many things to be done, and it is very DO Y O U U S E A strange and very fortunate that you should be an American. Because it is your government that has my money. When they pay me what they owe me I shall be a very rich man. Of course By HarH*o* S. Rhode* tn the meantime I must see what I STORY BY THE *«H1GHWAY (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowie*.) can do about arranging for you and AND BYWAY" PREACHER Nothing can answer your your expenses." While Lady Angela busied herself The last was said with a quaint and purp.wse us wetl as t h e with the tea thing* the discussion pathetic dignity. Charles Edward (Copjrlgiii, 1S»7, by the Author, W.ft.Kd*ou.) went on and Sroadened as it went. thought of the house in Fifth avenue, UNION PHONE. 1095 What Lady Aagela wanted to know the wttage at Lenox and the bungaScripture Authority: — 2 Samuel connections in Ovvosso and was what her husband would do if he low at Cookham, and wondered rather U :1-5. Corunna. were suddenly cast upon the world shamefacedly just what part of the without the income or the occupation expenses of these establishments it <K>$<><K*X><»<>#<><K>^^ which resulted from hi a connection was rfkety that Mr. Felix . Arncastle SERMON ETTE. with Austin and company, bankers, of could conveniently bear. For it was New "And David ^ : ried." Such is gradually dawning upon him that Jn- , the introductory statement to ••'I shoiild make my wants known in stead of being a very r^ch man, hie thi* b?ack chapter in the life of the newspapers," said Charles Kd- bexiefacio*" was an extremely poor 4 David. The inference is justiward, looking tip from a pa.s;« appar- one. fiable that his place cf duty was I'eutiy'consiatins entirely of adverti.sePaid-up subscribers are en- m^nfs. "I should apply for a posi- Something like 150 years ago a branch with his army in the campaign of The AruetisUe family went, out to | aga'nst the Ammonites. But titieltG'Gu: clubbing' rates. tion." j America. Contrary 10 the usual rule, j "As what?" asked Paul Carv, their ' the American branch diod out, and to \ David' tamed. r Q t h e first step in many a man's guest. • •\ Feiit Arncastle canir> in due course j w downrail is in tarrying when 'That doesn't seem to mailer. I j rhat forlorxiest of forlorn hopes, one of •; sbouid decide-un somfetbins.very cotn- j the French spoliaticr claims. The | Y duty Mils to another place. Temptation is almost certain jortable and prof table. You can. ap-i history cf. these claims is a rather un- 1 A X to assail one who lingers in the parently get anything you want." i baypy chapter in American records. 1 Q lap of ease rather than toil by equalled i t Charles Edward meditated. Nothing hr-s ' The French, exercising the right of i the side of duty. "I believe," he added, siowly, "that search over which thsre wa3 so much j Nothing c.-"i^ ;ve* surpass it. To be sure the pathway of if one hadn't a penny in the worJd one controversy in those days inflicted j duty is beset by the snares of couldn't do better than become heir great losses upon American merchant- j temptation, but temptation to some very rich person." men, among them, upon the brig j which comes at sueh times finds "This is an inspiration, Charles Ed- Eleanor sailing under the command } one in the attitude of mind ami ward," cried nl» wife. of her owner, Captain Thomas Arn- j heart more easily to resist ths "To-morrow, m y darling Angela, t castle. Later the United States was in j suggested evil. advertise.** a position to exact reparation from Thus we find there are r**Hy ForCSO C O U 8 a u 4 an-AftisS "And 111 bet yon twenty*ftre do!- \ the French government for the injurtwo types of temptation. On* larc—" began PauL "that jou don't g e t | is* done to American citizens. And which comes through no fault an answer." A Perfect For All Throat and j a large sum of money in satisfaction of our own, and the other which " H take I V caxne fcy>in tfee pro*' j of all claims was actually paid from Cure: Lung Troubles. . comes as a direct result of tarpectiTe advertiser, "and if y o a U t e I Pari* into the treasury at Washington. JWOBtfbACkiritfitita. Trial rying in a forbidden place and wiD bet another tventy-fl** that I Tfcere It unfortunately remains, and neglecting to obey duty's oalt become an hefr*** neitfeer entreaties nor threats have Of the flrst James says in hi* The appeal wnleb Caarles Edward availed with congress to induce the eptstle: "Count It ail joy w M a inserted was perhaps n e t unprece- government to disgorge Its ill-gotten ys fall Into divers temptations j dented, but it w a s at least unusual. gats*. The affair Is now so bid that knowing this, that the trying ofIt ran as follows: almost no one takes it seriously. Specifics cure by acting directly on the your faith worketh patience. "In Eai-nest.—I wish to be heir, par"And what do you do to prosecute side puris without disturbing the rest of But let patience have her pertially or wholly, t o some rich person. the claim?** asked its prospective intin* system fect work, that ye may be per: Charles Edward Becomes an Heir Phone 4 3 New iscovery HUMPHREYS1 K:.- /> 1 for Fevers. » 2 " Worms. 3 "Teething. 4 " Diarrhea. . 7 4* Coughs. •"..•"»o. No. 8 " Neuralgia, No. 5 " Headaches. •'• - - ' 1 & . 10 " Dyspepsia, No. 11 " Suppressed Ferioosv No. 12 " Whites. • "No. 13 ,", Croup.' So. U '•• The Skin. '*;•<• "<• " • • N o . 15 " Rheumatism. r "N6? 1G " Malaria,./'' No. 10 " Catarrh, . No. 20 «* Whooping Cough. '"" No. 27 " The Kidneys. ^ ".No.' lso ." The Bladder. 'No. 1? •* La Grippe. In small bottles of pellets thatfitthe vest pocket. At Druggist* or mailed, 25c. each. ;.. J^Medical Genie mailed free. .'j; dw*n«r«7»*Had. CO..Co*. WUUan£ John Stoveta, XewToifc. So. No. No. No. DR. f ENNER'S \f lY and KM A payment on account desirable: If l a London could arrange a persona] interview." •' The advertisement was to appear for three days running. Three days passed with no result. When tne letter came. It is still preserved among the most valued archives of the Austins It said: •'"Sir— " "If you have not already made your arrangements with some one else, I should be glad of an opportunity o f talking with you in reference to the possibility of your becoming my heir, a plan which it seems to me mi^ht; be to our mutual advantage. If it sbouid be fine on Monday afternoon, I will sit in the Kensington gardens upon a; bench/ near the fountains at t h e head of the Serpentine, holding a copy of the ..Times In which your advertisement shall ba marked with5 red ink. I hope it will not discommode you to meet me there. In case yon cannot come on Monday, I shall, if the weather allows, be there an Tuesday, Wednesday and 7 n t t r 8 d a y« "I am, dear sir. "Yours most faithfully,, *-Pf2LIX ARNCASTLE/* The little formal garden lay baking in t h e ' A u g u s t sun. The sun had scarcely begun to sink, yet one tall dLssasei of Kidneys,, - . - . . . . Vtla&Zr urffans, tuSJ&r Also Rfc*»5iftttiaa, Bach*: §ehs.H*aiwl6eajie,Gravel Skropsy, ramai* Trouble*. Don't beotnno discouraged. r. Ther* Is a «ttr* for y o u . Ifm^-essury write Ur. Fenner. H e h a s speut a life rime curinii J u s t s u c h c u w W j o u r s . A l l consul! at Sous F r e o . **I b a d Revere casu of kldupy disease a n d irbeu)naU*n>, discharging Moody matter. Suffered fntenstf |>:Ur», >1y wife was seriously ' affected with fim:ile troubles. Dr. F e u n e r a K i d o e y and Kstckaclio <.'ur<s cured us l>otb. F. M. WHEELEK, lUuidolyh, l a . " Pnnffgista. SO.-., tl. Ask forfVr.fc Bonk—Free. ltreCur€ f4*1 j • VIT!K'iUllPF^ ^ ^rcular. r»r ¥ 1 1 U O U H R b C t e n n e r , Fredoula-N-X Church Directory. Coranna Free X«ibodist Churcb—aemcfes every Sunday afternoon » i -2:30 Prayer meev luff every Thursday erening. / DAVID'S TEMPTATION P S T C a n m n s Baptist Church. Horning a e r n a a t l 8 a . x i . Evening eervlvw, 6:30 p. w , B. Y P . O. at'6:10 p. m. Sunday School, IS U. Weekly prayer me«tirig, Thursday even log at 7:00. Friendly b e a n s are beating for your fellowship. Leslie Bower, pastor. Coruana St. K. Church. Moraing service a t !0. Bve&ingservice «.t 6:30. . Epworth League a t 5:45 p . in.; class meeting at 9 a. m. Sunday school a t 11:30 m.; Prayer meeting Thursday e v e n i n g a t 7:00- Free sra.w, and a cordial welcome; to. all. R. Woodbaai, P i b W . He Appeared to Be About 70 Years of Age. tree to the west managed to stretch out its shadow and just touch a bench on which sat a gentleman across Of any nacure,uvea from private diseases, poisoaed wounds, erysipelas, are not aKtae relieved but whose knees was spread carefully a cured by ttie use of " H E R M I T * S A L V E . copy of the Times. He appeared to This remedy has been used for twenty-ti ye years and is tbe only ?uarauU«d and true cure. 'Phy- be about 70 years of age, with gray sicians endorse i u lu*ir and moustache. As the clock of I. Oats suffered from Salt Rheum, one box cured. a neighboring church struck five a Also used for sores ana wounds. r o e SALC BY ALtr o n u c a i S T s . s s AND SO C * , young gentleman attired in gray flannels, with a Panama hat' shading his , eyes from the glare, stepped into view near the farthest fountain. "You are -Mr. Arncastle, t presume," said he, when he had advanced to the bench. "I am," was the reply, "and you are—?" "Charles Edward Austin. I am an American, ao you have undoubtedly noticed, but I have married an English girl. I am 25 years old, and— 1 don't know—I should like to be Ht< ^40-¾ your heir, I think." Mr. Arncastle looked Charles Ea> ward shyly over. "You don't," he ' TUreannertVeTall P a t t e n s wis but* U*IM« said, hesitatingly, "you don't—well, •t«tr» ta»» 81 ir,v stfaer mat* « f nutcrn*. Talk is • • what j mean is, are you in great mOMmtt et th«ir ttflt, «ecuncy an4 atoiyliclty. MeCsJI'e Ma«mxl8e(TlMQHM«f PuMcnjbw need?" ••UcrilMrv th4a »ny o t i w Ladiw' Ma«aiiM._ O M "Of course, in any case, one wot&d T*-*T'* —bKiiyriowfa itsnbera) aowbtr, S e a s t s . I»wy»*t try to keep up appearance*, No, I t<~ F i e s , MMODM today, suppose I don't look very poor." • teW>y A e e » t y j y a a q ? e > 1 "I suppose t don*t look very rich," said Mr. Arncastle, rather sadly. Then •MUAraS. A 4 * e j » « B 3 | | he added: Of course it's only fair. train. SJiin Diseases Your Life Current. threw himself with a discontented sigh upon one of the soft divans which furnished the sumptuous apartment It was a delightful place tc be, he thought, as he looked about him, and then up at tfae_ blue sky The power that gives yotf which was deepening with the evenlife and motion is the nerve ing shadows. The thought of leavforce, or nerve fluid, located in ing the ease and comfort of bis splenthe nerve cells of the brain, did palace filled him with impatient and sent out through the regret. nerves to the various organs. "Why should he go?" he asked himIf you are tired, nervous, self. Why not let Joab go alone? Yes, he would lose the glory of the irritable, cannot sleep; have victory, but was he not as king enheadache, feel stuffy, dull and titled to seek his own ease and commelancholy, or have neuralgia, fort?" thus he reasoned, and at last rheumatism, backache, p e r i - ^ t ? the resolve was made and he disod .ca', pains, indigestion, dyspatched one of his servants with a pepsia, stomach trouble, or the note to Joab telling him that he would kidneys and liver are inactive* tarry at Jerusalem and commanding your life-current is weak. Joab to lead the army against' the AiiSmunites as' had beo'ii planned. Power-producing fuel is needed ; something to increase nerve So it cnjue. to j>ass that- the nfiKt ihiy fhi? army, departed leaving Kins energy-—strengthen the nerves. 'i.uvid bfbind fo enjoy the eage an:l Dr. Miles' Restorative Neri:\:ivji'>ri of hiss palace. vine is the fuel you need. It "i Will join Joiib later," he promfeeds the nerves,produces nerve isrV, bimst-lf, as ha watched the Sons force, and restores vitality, •ietti^ of ^("Uljors- paas down the; val" W h e n I b e g a n t a k i n g Dr. H u e s * i-y. He wa.s in bis favorite- ;.'!ace 0:1 Restorative N « r v l n o a n d A n t i - F a i n Pills I- wa.3 coriftned t o m y bed. I ^:, and ivhea rbs last f'ivi^ad sAvem nervous s p e l l s , t h e result - 5 ^!l h:id jaH3i-d out of si^ht, he threw of t w o y e a r s illnesa w i t h malaria. T ifk ilium the couth and &avr. srradusiUy yr*w s o w e a k t h a t I w a s e n a b l e 10 s i t u p . T h e s p e l l s w o u l d l> u> dreamy • speculation of conirr.i-nce w i t h cold c h i l l s , a n d X would \>'-ome w e a k a n d a l m o s t help* development in th." tlu- . rohable lfcsp. My circulation w n s p o j r . I <-4ifi; iti^a a*ra!n?t the Ammonites, lie fc;id doctor* d r i s h t a l o n g b u s ' s r s w weaker and weaker. T h e Nervtos had not \hv least shadow o( doubt as »e*n»-d t o s t r e n g t h e n m e r i g h t a w a y to the outcome. Had h«, it. is doubtand m y circulation w a s b e t t e r . I h a v s t a k e n i n a l l s e v e n b o t t t e s of t b a ful whether t e *ou!d h.i tr txrt'U. conXervtno, a n d X a m e n t i r e l y welt'* tent to have retuained behind. Hut R O S A E . W E A V E S . S t u a r t s , Ea. with the absolute certaUiiy of victory, Ot. lines' Nervine is said by your drtHMfart. who win ouaraates) t h a t tb* he gave himself up to the enjoyment sVitVmM win haMiit. if it fan*, to of the luxury about hint. wta r«fuA4 your Money. Bo the day* ***««d. It had been alICles Medical most a week now since tiding* had come from ih* artsy* and while h« d*d not feai uneasy as 10 the progress of the esuapais*. tkw lack of news Graad Tmat Railway System sertyid to again rals* tlw Qweatton. in fcASrfJOCMTFttOMCOarjNWA. his own sated as to aJa pine* of duty. W». !%I»t:r«aALoe*J,ex<«pt3d0daT *:ld«n Why shows* his tarry there in eas*' Wew'8 DeW^VXxpress.^-tc^t a s n d a y 11*4 ass ts Oetewt L=ci.;, e - c e p t S o s d s y m^m while the mm <H Eisrael endured tb* Jf*. K » . U D o r w i d LocsJ,ex.SxxnOns 9:U>B« hardships find th*> featgers of batW f » T BOtTSD FROK COBtJWN A. tle? He feU half aaaaated of himte^, Jfcs. IT OMUWI H»rett Le«al. e x . S o s d a y S 3 0 ass and was alaibst cm the point of order- Xo. 10 O'd A a p i d s LOQSJ, e x . S u n d e r MM a a • heritor."' •••'•""•;•""•"•" ^ fect and entire, wanting notho . 13 Gitend Ha,ven Loeal. ex. SttxtOMj S:SS put ing the servants to prepare fc* the XICo. "t write to Americav t o the presiU OrtMud &«tpiA» Local, ex. Snndaxr SiW pas ,"lng." Journey,-when the tepsdae was check- s«Ud wide TcsUbale trains of eoae&ea t n d dent,,to the secretary of tite treasury, Of the ssoond ha declares that ed by the inner prompting to detay aleepliis; i-a-ro are oeeratod t o N e w Yorr AJMJ and to some of t h e senators. And I PHiU4eipntA^ via, NiaifAt^ F a l l s , b y the Grand "every man is tempted when ha starting for a day. < TVnaS-Letdg* Valley Eonte. often try to see your ambassador here. is drawn away of his own fust G.n. YOrjjfo, Ant.' "Perhaps," be said by way of apoloBut it's a long time since I have manand enticed. Then when iust gy, to bis better impulses, "they are aged tx> see anyone except a secretary hath conceived It brlngeth forth on the way home even now, and delay -^-ftve years, I think. Then other peoROBATK ORDER.—State of Mleblgaa, sin; end sin, whsn it is finished, County of dhiawa^aee, as. sending word that the whole army ple have tried to help me, but they brings** forth death." At a session of the Probate Coart for paid may share in the joy of bringing tidhave never done auy good f and they CouJi»;y, held tu the Probata Oftee. in the City Notice In this second type of of Coronna, on Wednesday, the IStli day Of Sepings of victory." have cost me a good deaL temptation that the Initiative is tember, in the year one thousand nioe hondred In this spirit of self-vomplacency he and jseven. "I Jiiad mors once than I have now. with the man himself. There Is Present ilfttthew Bonb, J o d g e of Probate. settled himself for his midday rest My son took most of my money when; the inner dssira bsfors the outIn t h e matter of t h e e s t a t e of Martha J. promising himself by way of comprohe went out to Australia. He was to Steele, deceased. ward ytnldlng. There 1« the lowOn reading and filing the petttfon of Fred mise to start surely on the morrow If invest it. And while he was alive, h e ering of high standards beforo O. ^Nesbitt ptaylnj? that adna{tii»tra>ttoD of «aid tidings had not by that time reached sent too 50 pounds a quarter. Then estate may be $rr*nted. t o u e o r g e W. Gillespie the downward step la taken, or some other suitable person. him.. LitU* did he think what his when he died—he was killed by a Thar* Is a nsgtect df God bstt 1» ordered, that the l t t h d a y of October, procrastination wae to cost him. But horse—it seemed that he had invested next, a t ten o'clock Ln the forenoon, a t said Profors there- can he a partaking the promise to start on the morrow bate Office, be aaeigned for hearing said it badly, or hadn't Invested it at ail, with the devil. ' .- ;.; '••' served to still the troubled conscience .petition. I could never quite make o a t At And i t is farther ordered, that • copy of this An Idle finom«nt, and a lustwithin, and ha gave himeelf up to the or*!er be lynbliabed three successive weefea any rate i t WHS gone, and besides, I ful e y e proved David's undot o aaJd oa> of hearing, in t h e Ooronna ease and pleaawrr* about him With a vrttfUma JonrnM » newspaper ptinfiA a n d etreniattag was alone. That i s why I thought of ing, a s th*y have many another fresh relish. ia aald Copnty of Shtawaawe. an heir when I read y o u r advertise'sou^ -MATTH«W ACBH, "No," he nald when the servant ment. What do you think of the Judge o f Profess*. Thretigh the channel of the awoka him from hi* afternoon slam- B 7 KATWXBUIX Jt. K s L n r ^ E o b a t e Register. plan?" ",.••'• • y s mveh evil find sntranoe te hsr. "No, I wttl not attasd the evenIt is almost unnecessary to say that tha heart nf manf and ramsmtosr iTg sa^rtftea," and ha stretched himVATS O F s t t O m a * J » - C o w i t T of g U a w s s r Charles Edward accepted with alacthat generally the aya Is qui<>k see.—**. self languidly and took a turn around rity, even though his inheritance! At a Mwhrn of the Probate Conrt fox said to s e e what t h e neart deaircil tba room. Base and indalgenoes in County, beld a t the Probate Oflice, in the OUy seemed to consist merely of responsiHad David's heart b*»n lifted Ceruaaa, on IConday, the M>th flay ot ftepthe luxuries of ths table are not con- or t e n b e r , In the year one thousand ttia* hunbilities and the 20 pounds he would heavenward In communion with ducive to piety, and be it said for dred and seven. win from Paul Cary. God, his eyes would not hava Present, Matthew Bn*h, Jhdge of Probate. "••<•• David that of late bs had grown cold Mr. Arncastle then held out his hand In t h e p a t t e r of the estate of Jacob W. lingered on impropar scsnse. in his religious life. As he looked Knoblaocb, deceased. to Charles Edward. There was a •*t fceh^pvts c h s !h thu» ^ / o n read ln«* nnd OUng- the petition of Johanna about him he could not help think golden sovereign in i t of suggswtivs picture*, and deAuguata KbobtanCh, prayinz t h a t administraof the contrast there was between tion de bonis non of said estate eaay be granted "The payment on account," he said pletion of the human form In what It* now enjoyed and bis simple to John W. Mltehell, or some other suitable various dagracs of nudity on with an apologetic smile trembling on ./. ) life as a shepherd boy years be- person.. It is ordered, thai the 14th d a y of Oetober, hill boards and in newspapers his mouth. "I hope it is enough for fore.. next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, a* wJd and magazine publications, and the moment. I must arrange some Probate Office, be assigned for bearing said "I guess that I fiid lire nearer to petition. on peat sards? to take | h # stsrn thing more at once." And it i s farther ordere 1, t h a t a c o p y of this God then than I do now," he confess- order resotva that the a y s shall not Charles Edward took the coin silentbe published three auceeaeive weeks ed to himself as the thought came to previous t o said day of bearing, in the Corunna Become the open door thrsjigri ly. It is the same sovereign which a 1 ewspaper printed and etrcaiatlng him of his harp and the joy he need Journal, which ths evil thovght and d o now hangs on his watch chain. in said Oocnty of Sniawaosee. to get oat of It as he sang praises XATTHRW BUSH, sirs shall fb-d antrancs to the The following morning the heir and J n d g e of probate. to , God on the sides of the Judean haart; there to gsrmihate and his wife came up to town and Charles hills while his sheep grayed congrow until the favorable moEdward had a consultation with the tentedly about him. ment gives It opportunity to Found the Right Man. law firm of Henderson and Hender"And why not get ths old harp out hurst Into th« full fruitage of Rudyard Kipling spent a ^winter in son, who have so extensive an Ameriand sing some of tba old songs here slnfttl Indulgsncs. Washington some years ago. One day can connection. He was scarcely surand now?" urged the inner voice. he was found peering around in the prised to find that they considered th< Bet a guard upon the windows "Not to-night" he said, half impa corridors of the state, war and navy payment of the French spoliation of thy soul last tho monster, tiently, "else I will miss the delightbuilding "What is i t Mr. Kipling?" claims among the three or four most LMt, gain antrancs and rob ful eventide in my favorite nook on a man who knew him asked. "I want remote possibilities in the world. than of thy parity and virtue. the roof terraoeT and he started toto find the person who knows most Upon learning this he drove direct to ward the stairway leading to the loveabout steam engineering." They re<K>«K'>000<>0<>«K><K^ the corner of the very street in Which ly spot ferred him to Chief Engineer'Melville, Mr. Arncastle lodged. T H E 8VO«Y. Not even the better promptings the great steam expert "What is it?** Keeping the sketch of his morning'* could hold htm. Ha had become so asked Melville, after Kipling had been HE expedition against the Ammonmovements in mind, it is a little diffiaccustomed of lata to yielding to the introduced, "I want to find the man ites had already been delayed becult to see how he had found time to mere physical daedrss that the do some of the things of which he yond all reasonable excuse, and Joab, thought of daaylug himself was an un- who knows most about steam engineering." "'Tto' Perry's your man,** told his benefactor. For Mr. Arn- the captain of the hosts of Israel, chaf- welcome one. ed and fumed under the restraint said Melville, and he gave Kipling a castle was led to understand that a "To-morrow," ho promised himself, card to Perry. Kipling went down to Experienced man of war as he was, talk with the American ambassador as he reached the root, "I will get out disclosed the fact that there was a he knew that valuable time was be- my harp and worship God in the old see Perry, talked with Mm for half a growing feeling in Washington that ing lost and the time of year when songs, If I do not go to join the daw and then wrote his story,"Between the Devil and the Deep Sea." something ought to be done about the campaign could be conducted army." most successfully was slipping away. these loug-neglecttd claims. More To-morrow!" Ah, fatal mistake, than this, it appeared that the bank Had be had his way, King David disastrous delay, tor that night there No Need of a Change. wotild have started three weeks ago, of London and New York had such but he did not now seem an> nearer came the temptation which swept him Sbfc—«*N0( jack, rm afraid it's imconfidence that something was sure to the point of departure than he was off his feet and forever linked his possible. We should never get on happen that it was willing to advance at that time when be had informed name with his companion in sin, the well together. You know I always Mr. Arncastle 50 pounds a quarter him that the army was In readiness to vainglorious and beautiful Bathsheba. want my own way so much." H&— upon the security or his claim, pay- move against the enemy. Joab knew "Well, that's all right You could go on wantiug it after we were married." ment to continue until the bill passed that it was not cowardice upon the Skater on Crutches. congress, at which time the money part of King David which kept him Just because a boy has one leg and —Pick Me Up. 1 was to be repaid with interest at ten at Jerusalem, for no braver man or has to move through life on crutches Society Woman Takes Poison. per cent. more able commander ever led the is no reason why he can't enjoy the NorthviUe.—-Mrs. Jessie Like, 28 "My dear boy, this is wonderful!" armies of Israel than he. And for delights of roller-skating. There is years old, prominent in local society burst from Mr. Arncastle. this reason it made the situation the a newsboy in 'the theater district of circles, died as the result of taking Broadway who goes to and from hii "It's jolly good business for them," more puzzling. "stand'' on .*. slagls roller skate every carbolic add. No cause can be aswas the reply. "Ten per cent is big Joab waited as long as he could, and night pushing himself along with his signed for the deed except the fact interest" then sought the presence of the king two crutches. The rate of speed with that she had betn worrying over her "I could never have arranged it" and remonstrated with him. whic'a he mo/es fatrly rivals that of mother's serious illness. "That is why you needed an heir." "Each day that we tarry here bu* Mr. Arncastle gets his 50 pounds a adds to the strength of our enemies!" the average two-legged boy, -and the rhe Detroit. Grand Haven & Milmanner in which the crippled lad waukee railroad refuses to Sle a requarter regularly. The French spoli- he exclaimed, impatiently. dodges in and out through the crowd port of the value of its property conation claims bi)l is still unaccountably "Yea, but with all tho strength they delayed in Wasiiinston, although' his can muster they will but prove as of pedestrians is wonderful to behold. tending that its special charter makes heir writes him often from America, breaking reeds before the armies Of Incidentally he seems to be having « \ x r e i ) r p t if0™, a d T a ! o r « » taxation. the time of his life. H. M. Louds Sons, of An Sabfe who and it is always "to report progress." Israel," rejoined the king, proudly. bought the Au Sable & Northwestern, To Prevent Meroury Poisoning. "But why place ourselves at a disrefuse a report on the ground that t h e Modern Advancement An Italian inventor has discovered road is now private property. advantage because of the advancing In the days of old, when Egypt was a plan whereby the disastrous effects season?" persisted Joab. a cattle country, they stole calves ot mercury upon metallurgical work"Let us start to-morrow, then," the Mrs. Jennie Henion and daughter, of from each other. If they didn't steal men may be overcome. He has found Muskegon, were wedded at the seme king replied, with some of bis old. cows from each other to-day in the that aluminum has a strong affinity hour and with their husbands ere Irvsame count -y th^r boasts of progress time promptitude and vigor for mercury and he proposes furnish- ing in the same house. Mrs, Henion " 'Tis well," exclaimed Joab, eagerwouli'. finu no believers. The world ing the laborers with light aluminum married Joseph Kaufman and net ly, and hastily withdrew to mcke the is no' more dishonest than It was them, helmets, the breathing spaces being her daughter became Mrs, Lambert out a fellow has a chance to steal final preparations for the march. Chrlsrianshon The weddings took The king took an impatient turn covered with a fine gauze made of place on the birthday anniversary of more and get away with it o n a Zaster around the roof terrace and then { alumidum wire. the widow's flrst husband. r f4Saii "SPTJ: , ^ . . : : ; J ^ j ! ; i ; ^ - : - - w ^ : ^ r > * : "J"!llJtlJ( MS»* From All Over The State IMICHIGAN MICHIGAN BRIEFS. Michigan Happenings for a Week Put. in Condensed Farm far Busy Readers. GILLETTE MAY GO FREE. CmiKCH "BUILT OF APRONS," World's Moat Unique House of WorWrit of Habeas Corpus Granted Slayer ship, Near Fowierviiie. CUT THROAT OF HIS SIX YEARS of Miss Cadenhead. OLD SON BECAUSE HE Fowierville,—The Fleming Baptist WAS A CRIPPLE. Grand Rapids.—Judge Knappen in church, a few miles from this village, the United States district court is- has the unique distinction of being sued a writ of habeas corpus against. the only church in the world which TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF the state authorities in favor of Pri- is "built of aprons." The 'apron vate Cyrus Gillette, U. S. A., held for church" is the result of a resolution The Man Who Committed the Horrimanslaughter by the sheriff at Sault formed over 15 years ago by several ble Crime Seems To Be Sane and Ste. Marie, after -he had been acquit- faithful wcmen to build a church by May Recover. ted by a military court martial. Prose- selling aprons. They industriously cuting Attorney George B. Holden, of set to work manufacturing that popSault Ste. Marie, gave notice that he ular necessity for housewives and Fiendish Work. would apply to J :e Uaited States su then started to create a demand for Lying at the point of death, with preas court for a writ or certiorari their wares. They wrote to friends chances favoring the latter, John B. and asked 4ha* Gillette be compelled In all sections of the country telling Jones, a well-to-do farmer, is in his to furnish bail pending the action of them of their unique plan, with the home at Bear Lake, Pleasanton townthe supreme court This was opposed result that order* commenced to pour ship, with a jagged gash in his throat by Judge Advocate Huh, who declared in for the aprons. They were filled as His little 6-year<nd crippled son, victim of a erased father, lays dead in an that the issuance of the writ of rapidly as possible, but the demand adjoining room. habea corpus freed Gillette. Judge increased steadily. People who bought Fiendish care was exercised in com. Knappen took the matter under ad- the aprons showed them to their mittlng the fearful deed. Taking his visement Gillette white shooting at friends and these bought and in turn son to a room in the second story of an escaping prisoner at Port Brady induced others to feu?, thus establish: the farm house, Jonas losked the door killed Miss Cadenhead. of Fergus, teg an endless chain of purchasers. and there made the sacrifice. The throat was cut so that death Ottt . To-day the little country church is child's must have almost instantaneous. known in practically every city of any Jones was been not so successful in his YOUTHFUL PIRATES TAKE BOAT. sice in tne United States and in many nest attempt He gashed his throat 1 Missing Sloop Found in Possession foreign conn lea from which orders and then his hand failed him. Ke came. The price charged' for the was found a few minutes later by a aprons was 25 cents each and about member of the family lying on the floor In a welter of Wood. Jones's Monroe,—A week after the 32-foot ten cents' profit was realized on each. daughter, running to the road to get sloop OTonoco, owned by Willtam a neighbor, saw Dr. Noreonk, and hurFINOS HER LOVER DEAD. Adcflpfc Be&r, 16** Port street west, ried him to the death chamber. Detroit, was stolen at Sandwich, Out, Only a Grave to Welcome Girl Who "He may yet live," w as the doctor's Harbormaster Kramer noticed a sloop opinion after a hasty examination. ApTravels Over ¢,000 Miles. aground in Hoffman's cut. He boardparently Jones heard and understood ed It and found it to be the strangely Bay City.—Six thousand miles to for at that instant he made another mfaring boat He found three boys on the grave of her lover is the journey savage slash at his throat with the -board. One the harbormaster lashed made by Ludicza Presesyn, a pretty razor, which he had kept concealed to a mast audi then the other two sur- Russian girl, who came to Bay City to that time. - Tho second cut made condition much worse. rendered. Sheriff Briggs was notified from Karkatx, in the Bon district of hisJones's appearance lately has not and the boys brought here. They indicated ill health, though bis nervous condition has been such that he PROPOSED NEW UNION DEPOT FOR DETROIT. could do no werk on the farm this season. Members Of his family say that he acted a little strangely. for • few days preceding the tragedy but the? had no occasion to feel alarmed. He undoubtedly brooded over the condition of the child which was crippled and was also mentally deficient Jones Is about 48 years of age. He bad many friend* and was known as a genial, good natured man with more Khan the usual fo&dnes* for hia children. '?,v Detroit—Local interests, among whom are some of the most prominent capitalists in Detroit, have purchased the entire block bounded by Woodward avenue, Piquette avenue, John R, street and the railroad tracks for a site for the proposed new union depot, and a company with a capital of f2,500,d00 Is now being formed to build the station. . Railroad officials are very reticent upon the question and say that it baa not yet been determined where the union statiou will be located that will accommodate trains from the tunnel under the Detroit river, but the engineem are working upon the problem: On the other hand it is pointed out that Woodward avenue is the ideal situation for i t gave the names of William Watson, 17; Ross Abbs, 17, and Arthur Munn, 15, all of River Rouge. The boys say two others escaped. They had a stock of provisions on board and intended having a good time. Munn was released, but the other two were turned over to Detective Canipau and taken to Sandwich. i* • .<# A Scathing Rebuke. Wellington Taylor, of Fenton, who was arrested for neglecting to provide for his wife, who is dying of consumption at the home of her sister was rebuked in scathing terms by the court when arraigned before Justice Halsey. In adjourning the case for four weeks the court rounded out his denunciation Df the accused by admonishing him to hasten to the bedside of bis wife and make her as comfortable as possible in *er last hours. "If xou/go over there and say ona an kind word to your, poor wife," the :ourt added by way ol a parting warning, "you will be sorry for it when fou come before this court again." Taylor, whqjpis able-bodied axd capable of earning good wages, was profuse in hSs promised to do what he could to make amends for his neglect ot his wife In her helpless and pitiable condition, and the local authorises will see to it that he fulfills them bo the letter. , Russia, to seek Stanislaus Karaczak, 1 the man ste was to wed. He had died nearly seven months ago while working on a farm several miles north of this city and was bulled in a country graveyard in Beaver! A year before the outbreak oi the Japanese war the young man completed his military service and came to this country. When letters stopped coming the Two Auto Shows for Detroit. giri in Russia became worried. ApDetroit.—Detroit is to have two parently, his friends here knew nothautomobile shows. The first will be ing of the girl, and she, believing that that of the Detroit Automobile Deal- her lover was awaiting her, or that ers' association, and it will take place something had happened, started December 9 to 14 at Wolff's. The sec- alone for America. She did not know ond show will be the regular one at a soul in this city. Local Polish peothe light Guard armory, given by the ple started an inquiry for her and Tri-State Automobile & Sportsmen's when she learned that her husband-toMan Sleet, Horse Wandered. association, February 10 to 15. be had died only, a few months ago, Falling asleep in the carriage after » .i she fainted. She wopt bitterly when Irlvt&c fro :i Flint to Flushing, where she visited her sweetheart's grave. be attended the fair, Edward HartFriend of Abe Lincoln Dies. Niles.—Elmer N. Peck, aged 97 well was awa'^ned by water about his years, former postmaster of Richknees. The fcorse bad wandered into Beat Indian to Death. mond, died at the residence of his Bay Shore.—William Orton and the river, and was making his way daughter, Mrs. Henry Beswick. Mr. Otto Jettaway are under arrest for the ap-strsam in a Mrection opposite to Pec't was a staunch friend of Abra- brutal murder of Joe Kewaskagsun, that which Kartwo'I had been going. ham Lincoln and through this friend- an Indian living thi-ee miles The banks are very steep, and alship received tho appointment to-the south and vest of this place. The though Hartwell was at last able to to the shore himself, he was unpostmastership, which he held for six body of the Indian was found beside get able to find a place v'"»re the rig years. the road, with a hole In the top of hia jpuld be gotten ML It v as a matter head, his face terribly mutilated and of several hours bc*or-j the outfit Mother and DJ -ghtsr Wed. bruised all over the body. He bad lit- with the assistance of several who Muskegon.—-Mother an J daughter, erally been beaten to death. happened 10 be fn that vicinity, was Mrs. Jennie Henlon and I.elia Ronton, hoisted back ink) the roadway. were married in a double wedding Society Women as Conductors. D, a H. ^ ./I. Taxw, here by Rev. J. W. StrUklett. The Kalamazoo.—Society women were The United States district c~—t at mother is now Mrs. Joseph Kauff- street car conductors a few days rgo, Detroit has ordered Auditor »Jkmeral man and the daughter M s . Lambert it being the annual "trolley day" of Bradley, who' was preparing to seize Christiansen. Kalamazoo hospital. property of thesDetroit, Grand Haven &. Milwaukee railroad for taxes, to Bey Heir of ?. T-r.r.-.<- 0 imay. Firids Father Dead; Mother Dying. ibov* cause why he should not be enDetroit—Miss IOUJ •..a. Xiarlin, a New K&ven.—While Otto Ford was lolned from so doing, The road claims wealthy widotv of San F a : Cisco, working in Romeo, he received a tele- by a special charter it is permitted to , claims that a boy s / s ,lia; raised is phone message telling him that his pay a tax of i per cent on its capital the rightful eon of the royal Chimay mother was ill. He jumped on hia bi- stock and is exempt from the ad 1 family, and that the princess is agalu cycle, rode to his home and walked 7*lorein tax. The D., G. H. & M. was ^Uving with her Gypsy fltidler, Rigo. in the door to find his father, Charles assessed $67,517.20, while under its Ford, dead as the result of a gur^hut special charter it has paid $25,171.40. wound inflicted by his mother, who New Home for Ionia Clks. The apples grew so thick In the was dylns from terrible injuries in- Traverse City section that in many inIonia.'—Ionia lodge of F'is purchased the Robert blccfc of :>r. W. E. flicted upon herself with the same stances they are forced to grow toRobert of Cleveland, C , a turee-stcry weapon. The double tragedy was the gether. There arc *-aaa.y of these IwrikUaK fronting both on Main and result of unhappy domestic relations freak apples, perfect in form and colItbfnl streets, for 112,000 and wl£ re- resulting from frequent quarrels over oring, except where the unloit la . • ' . . „ ... • . , Msdei tt for the Kits' tesapie. tt* management of the 120-acre (arm. iformed. ,S i Queer Antics These. When lightning tore a hole In the roof of the residence of William Mosey the bolt caused damage in Hath room and kitchen and went crashing Into the shed at the rear of the inter. Here it attacked a 'arge cupboard and tore It to pieces, iiu the cupboard were four baking powder cans with, tops on and filled With herbs. The tops were removed, the contents taken out and the cans filled with clothes* pins from a basket which stood near the cupboard. The ring was melted off the dustpan in the kitchen ani the paper in the cupboard and on the wall was torn as if by mice While the family was frightened, no one was shocked except Mrs. Motley, both of whose thumbs were affected. "•••% • !• • The power house of the Branch county farm burned; loss $6,000 Twelve paroles were granted by the state board of pardons at the meeting held in Jackson last week. South Michigan was visited by a severe frost and late corn and vegetables ruined In some sections. Abe Druax, of Henderson, was crushed between a threshing machine engins and separator, and died. J. F. Piatt, 79, for the past fifty years one of the most prominent busi nesa men of ColJwater, is dead. The biggest fair in the records of Arenac county closed at Stan dish Friday with an attendance of 3,000. A heavy fr*>«t has visited Muskegon and Oceana counties destroying crops worth thousands of dollars. Joseph Boyian, aged 17, of Benton Harbor, was asphyxiated. He left the burners in a gas range wide open. Reed City's Tri-County fair opened with excellent attractions but poor attendance because of heavy rains. Henry Weurding, aged 72/ living sear Forest firove, was struck by an internrban freight car and instantly killed, Nino trampe who refused to obey trainmen's orders to leave a freight train were met at Vassar by officers and seven arrested. WiUiam Herrick was arrested in Geykwd by Detectives Maynard and Cunningham, of Saginaw, charged with abandoning hia child. After writing a farewell letter to his grandchildren, George Jewett, aged 72, of Jackson, shot and killed himself because of ill. health. Prof, M. E. Cooiey, of the U. of M., has been selected as a member of the interstate commerce commission board to test railroad signal devices, Mrs. Mary E_ Fitxsimmons, of Mun cie, In<L, died while* upon a visit to her*sister, Mrs. James Cook, of Ann Arbor. She was 73 years old. Mrs. Lorinda Dennis, widow of a Civil war veteran, is dead at the age of 72 at Muir. She leaves three sons. Her husband died last December. General Manager Bramlee says the receipt*'''o^'mr^ increase $1,000 a week, when the antipass law goes into effect January 1 Atty.-Gen. Bird began suit against the Postal, Telegraph Co. for a penalty of $75,000, charging that the company has not filed article* of Incorporation. Within the next two wewks, the new shoe factory, which has been completed at Hopkins, will be in operation. Thirty men will be given employment at the start V Harlan Page Smith, 64, one of the beet kuown real estate dealers in the Saginaw valley, a graduate in the law department in the C. of M., Is dead. A widow and one son survive. Tillman's store In . Houghton was entered by safe-blowers during Saturday night, who cracked the safe, securing a amall amount or plunder for their trouble. There Is no clue. From the sale of delinquent tax lands at the land commissioner's office last week the state realized $26,000. Some of the lands sold are of considerable value, and brought good prices. Martin Poultney, the Detroit man arrested in Gaylord some time ago on a charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm, has been found guilty In the circuit court and remanded for sentence. Oscar Labadee, not yet 20, has been bound over on a charge of stealing $50 from Paul DeHsle, of Flint, with whom he spent Thursday night He nas been within the clutches of the law twice before. The two children o£ Mr&. Althe* Desmond, who was recently refused a divorce from he? husband, have been abducted from Port Huron by a str&nge man. It is said the woman's husband has disappeared. Catherine Carver, of Grand Rapids, wife of "Robert J. Carver," the dentist, who, it is charged, married 17 times and is now wanted in Battle Creek and Port Huron has sued for divorce, alleging desertion and non-support Charles Loder, 41 years old, who confessed to having committed sn assault on his 11-year-old daughter, was sentenced by Judge WIest of Lansing, to the extreme penalty In such cases, a minimum of five and a maximum of ten years. Although he has lived with his girt wife but a short time, Clarence Walker, of Detroit has signed bonds to pay $2.50 per week to support their child. In 1906 Walker carried Miss Bessie Hanson, then 15 years of age, In Windsor. After she had failed to find her son in the morgue, Mrs. C. W. Messenger, of Battle Creek, went to police headquarters and swore out a warrant for his arrest charging grand larceny. She hopes to locate him in this mflbner. In two addresses, one before the young men, and one before the young women of Olivet college. President Lancaster denounced the "college matrimonial agency," and declared that he is going to put a stop to college engagements at his institution. Breaking through the screen of a porch where they were taking an airing, five inmates of tho Kalamazoo asylum escaped. They were Mrs. Jennie Smith, Grand. Rapids; Taylor, of Allegan; McAvoy, of Battle Creek; Cohurst, of Benton Harbor, and Bolton, of Jackson, whose first names are not given out. Arthur Bryant, 20, of Detroit, the young man who stole considerable electrical paraphernal and later tried to burn his way out of the Mason jail with electricity, has been sentenced to Icnia for not less than two and a half years to not more than five. Bryant has a Detroit police r xr*r4 OF THE NATION NEWS HEWS OF IDE STATE VICE - PRESIDENT*"" FAIRBANKS* COCKTAILS CAUSED HIS DEFEAT. RECORD OF A WEEK'S HAPPENINGS IN MICHIGAN. A THE OW03SO NATIONAL CAMPAIGN The Story of Cocktails and Wine Ws» Effective—The Mayoralty Plflht In MYSTERY Cleveland * Key-Note. Strange Letters Threatening Death Fairbanks Defeated. \ Cause Postponement of Marriage Chas. W. Fairbanks, vice-president of Lewis Greenman and Nancy of the United States, ivas defeated in Meyer of Carland. Columbus for delegate to the quadrennial conference of the M. E. church. bwosso.—Were the letterf threat- The temperance laymen refused to ening the lives of Lewis Greenman condone what they regard as an unand Nancy Meyer, of Carland, if they pardonable offense against tempermarried, written by friends or rela- ance, and the distinguished candidate tives who were opposed to the match? went down because of having served The r irriage has been postponed, cocktails and three kinds of wine at at least, and many of those acquaint- the dinner given to President Rooseed with the young couple are of the velt on Memorial day at the Fairopinion that they were bogus and banks home. written solely for the purpose which There were 18 candidates for th# they accomplished. seven places, but it was fully believed Greenman received the first letter that the v*ce-pre«ideet would head tho about two months ago, just before the delegation by being selected by accfc*original date set for the wedding. The mation. Just before the voting; howsecond came a few days later and ever, a decide/! change of feeling was shown and temperance daymen InslaCsaid that the writer was a rival for «*d on all tho name* being voted on. the lady's hand and if they insisted This was decided on. Considerable on marrying he would kill both of feeling was manifested over the effort them. A third letter invited the pros- of some of the vice-president's frienda pective groom to fight a duel in a to put the responsibility for the cocklonely spot but <£reenman's father tails upon President Roosevelt It repirsuaded him not to go there with an quired 97 votfis to elect and on the first ballot two candidates were chosofficer, as the young man proposed. Ien. Fairbanks received but 79 Greenman has now placed the let- votes.Mr. His dwindled away ters in the hands of an attorney and, and after thesupport fifth ballot his friend* though the, sheriff Is eager to take the withdrew his name. matter up, he has not been called upon yet. Greenman's father views the Tom .Johnson's Campaign. affair lightly. A national campaign is being fought "It is a trivial matter and not worth out within the narrow confines of investigating" he says. twenty-six wards in Cleveland this fall. Victory tor Tom L. Johnson will make him the largest figure in the national MINISTER'S WIFE ROUTS BEAR. Democratic party, next to William J. Bryan; defeat may relegate him to When Screara Fall She Beats Tin the political graveyard. Victory for Bucket and Animal Flees. • Congressmfja The: lore E. Burton wilt wonderfully increase his already great Munisiag.--~Mrs. H. F. Shier, wife of prestige among the national Republi•ta'& Presbyterian minister of this can figures *t Washington; defeat will place, and daughter-in-law of Rev. W. send him back to the house stung and by a rebuke given him,, by H. Shier, of Detroit, routed a*bear crippled the people who know him best A. conwith a tin pall. In company with her gressman who cannot carry his own husband she was spending a few days city for mayor, when that city norat thetr hunting shack in Rock river, mally belongs to his own party any1C miles from here. About 11 o'clock way, cannot be considered •ena^orial in the morning Mrs. Shier started for size, hcuxe-speaker size or even cabiy) a huckleberry pitch nearby. When net-size, So everything Is at stake and every almost there a rustling In the underbrush attracted her attention, Turn- means is being used to win the stake. ing, she iaw an immense black bear Sin Francisco Grafters. quietly looking at her. Bruin paid no The Inner workings of the confessed attention to Mrs, Sbier's erica, but remained placidly faxing at her until boodlers who formerly administered with rare presence of mind, Mrs. the affairs of Sac Francisco as a board supervisors were laid bare during Snler commenced to beat a tin pall of the of TIrey Lv Ford, chief coun•he carried in her hand. This was too sel trail for the United Railways, on a much noise for th« bear and be charge of bribery. Thomas F. Lonerambled off to the woods. gan, former supervisor, tcld on the stand of receiving $4,000 with the unBury Nurse at Peri Huron. derstanding that it was to be paid to Battle Creek—The body of Miss influence his vote>upon the application Lucretia Johns, the attractive young of the, United Railways for an overnurse who committed suicide, was head trolley franchise. James F. Gallagher, former chairtaken to Port Huron for burial. A man of the board, related bow he had deputation of nurses from Nichols received the sum of $85,000 from Arahospital atteu^J tlie funeral. ham Reuf after the latter had requestMiss Johns and A. Lamont Fogg, ed anC urged him to ascertain how tho the yoiing man who killed himself, 18 members of the board stood witli were together considerably, but her regard to the application for such a friend, Mrs. Lillian Hartcm, at whose franchise and directed him to learn home they frequently spent Sunday the price for which each member afternoon, declares the girl continual- would return s, favorable vote. ly counseled reconciliation with Mrs. Beavers Is Out Fogg and said it was not right for him Geo. ,W. Beavers, formerly superin* to court her as he had no desire to get jtendent'Of the salary and allowances . a divorce. In Miss John's room was bureau of the postofflce department, found a torn up copy of the morning sentenced to prison two years ago for paper that first cast aspersions against postoffice frauds, was released from her name and which her friends hold the penitentiary at Moundsville, W. entirely responsible for her suicide. Va., Tuesday night and it Is presumed that he departed at once for his home. Divorce from Sunbath Husband. Beavers is the man Machen once Port Huron.—Circuit JudgevEugene called the limit for nerve in perpeF. Law decided the divorce case trating frauds on the government bebrought by Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer cause ho asked the lormer superinBradheld, of Grand Rapids, against tendent of rural free delivery to buy her husband, Thomas Parks Brad- an operating table for a, physician and charge it to the free delivfield, a prominent attorney of the friend ery department Furniture city. By its terms the woman Is given an absolute divorce, cusBubonic Plague. tody of their two children, title to a At a meeting of the California board house and lot valued at thousands of of health, Gov. Glllett presiding, it dollars, but the defendant will not be was decided to appropriate $1,900 to required to pay her alimony. Mrs. fight the plague in San Francisco. Bradfield is a former Lapeer girL At Steps were also taken to establish a the trial of the case, which was sen- barge in the bay to fumigate bay an4 sational, she alleged that her hus- river craft The totals in the buborJo band took sun baths on the roof and plague situation at San Francisco to by the use of a little salt gained a sea- date are as follows: Cases verified, deaths, 26; death percentages, sido complexion. She also accused 43; 60.04; suspects, under observation, 2$. Bradfield of selling wedding gifts. Students in 20,00-) Mile Jaunt Bay City.—After a trip of 20,000 miles and visits to perUour spots, Robert G. Handy, son of AteiUian Handy, of this city, and W. W. Hyde, of Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell students, have returned home. They spent several weeks among the semi-brigand Balkan tribe':, penetrated inner Turkish provinces, scaled Mont Blanc and saw nearly every place of interest In southern Europe and southwestern Asia. Canada Wants Exclusion. A monster petition signed l>j hundreds of British Columbians Is on its way to the premier. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It prays that regardless of foreign countries and all sentimental and political considerations, the government immediately pass such legislation as may be requisite to Insure the absolute exclusion of orientals from the dominion of Canada. So far the Japanese government has made no claim on the dominion government for damages on account of the Vancouver troubles. Divorce After 32 Years. Detroit—After 32 years of married life, Elizabeth Jeffrey, 65, and Joseph F. Jeffrey, 77, have come to the divorce court The old lady came to Judge Brooke's conrt as plaintiff. The couple were married December 26, 1875, and have four children, 30, 28, 26 and 23 years oi' age. "He has been cruel to me," the? old lady said. "In the last five years he only gave me $10 towards my support He g^ts Intoxicated three or four times a week. The old man denies that be drinks beaTlly. Charles Frederickson, aged 30, was killed by a cave-ir. !n the Cadttlao gravel pit From eating an over-ripe watermelon, Rynald Weltman, aged S, of Muskegon, died of ptomaine poisoning. Railroad Commissioner Glasgow says the new railroad commission will take office October 15. George Dickinson» a member of the commission. Is gn» lag to Ohio to study the railroad commission in tiut st»te, and Cotnmissiouer Glasgow will attend the national convention of Railway Commission-, STB. J 38? jupi-wi^^jjiiipp.-j. pects ot pupils wu*su tu« tail work Is completed. Eleven foreign poplls la tbe number. The effect of malaria last* a long time. The 3rd grade w u put back into/tbe primary room Moo day on account of Yeu catch cold easily or become rtmthe overcrowded condition of tbe interdowa because cf the after effect* of malaria. mediate room. YOU WILL FIND YOUR Mi«a Brack, tbe music teacher, cornea Strengthen yourself with Scott's TuRklays now instead of Friday. She reports that the pupils are making floe It bu^Js new blood and tone* up your nerroas progrea* 10 their music. Mrs, H. Roblosoo was a visitor id tbe system. intermediate room Friday. ji. ALL DRUGGISTS: 6 0 c . A N D *LOO. LAINGSBL'KG SCHOOL. Alvin Setxel spelled down tbe second grade, spoiling forty wurdtf. Pauline Heunett and Luella Bennett M i s s Vera Beatty w a s home from were OH the sick list last week. her school at Monroe t o attend th* j Tbe third grade will make an original funeral of her grandfather Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H . Collard, Mr. and story hook o/ stories and illustrative i Mrs. ArthurShippey and twpo daugh- drawlo**. ' frf*™ o f Inters? fcem S o m e of Our ters, were entertained at the home Mr. Uageniirt'u, .a veteran teacher, SuiTOUudlii? T o w r i S . of Mr. and M r s , Fred K r i b s , Sun- Visited tne hijeb room this week ami day. uave MI instructive talk on. 4 , rhe EltCharles R o e h a s enlisted a s a s 1 s i s t a n t electrician in t h e U. S . n a v y ments Tj»at Go to Make up'.Success. * TUe K'.-v Myl»e-led chapel exercises a:td left Saturday for Saginaw, thence to N e w York, where he joins on Wednesday,Sept. 17 After an iaMrs. Morill w a s in Morrice, Mori-1 the TJ S. S . H a n c o c k . ttrt-istii/g taik, he sang arid played a day. David R e a l t y , an old and respectecotcb »uuif which tbe *f,udeuta thorMrs, J. if, .yi!;'s:'i was in Durahd ed resident of this place, passed oughly ei joyed. away Friday morning after a brief on Friday. i l l n e s s . T h e funeral w a s held SunAirs. ClitT V,;,; J -r.valker w a s here Thomas A, E'lieoo, the great AineriV i day afternoon at t h e h o m e , Elder on Mo?>u!»y.. can inventor, save: '•Fully eighty per ' Porter officiating. Win.' I*ayi;o, of Ji&ncroft, was here etsit ot the illness of mankind comes o n Monday. from eating improper'tood or too much Rob MeOonnel, of Perry, w a s here Don't get out of patience with tbe f o o d : tropic are iuuHried to overindulge baby when it is peevish and re*ti*s*,and themselves." This iswaere Indigestion on Monday, don't W&AT yourself out worrying nigbe finds its beginning to nearly every case. Mrs. W m , Bnrdick w a s i n Perry aud day about It—ju*r give It a little The stomach can do just so much work on Saturday. Caecasweet. Cascasweet Is a corrective and no more, and when you overload it, Revr. Alexander, of Perry, w a s for stomachs of babies and children. or when y on eat the Wrong kind of food 'htrs'ou Sunday. Contains o o baroifal drug*. Sold by toe digestive ergaut ctnoot possibly do Mrs. J a m e s Shaft w a s i n L a i n g s - C. M. Peacock. the work demanded of them. I t is at Yours for Low Prices and a Square Deal b a r g o a Tuesday. s»*ch time* that the stomach needs be!p: Mr. and Mrs. W n , WellB Wore l a it demands help, and warns you by VILLAGE SCHOOL NOTES Perry on Sunday. headaches, belching, sour etentseh, ososea and indigestiee, Y o u shonld atE a r l H a r l o w and family have tend to this at oace by taking something m o v e d into t b e P u l v e r h o u s e . Gathered From Exchange* Around tbe that will actually d o tbe work for tbe A'reception was.held at the home stomach. Eortoi will do this. I t is * • .-00411117. of R e v , and Mrs. Ourts on Friday combination of natural dlgestants and evening. vegetable acids and contains the same Mrs. W . F. McCiillough and M i j s juices found In a besltbv stomach. It is A g n e s tfcCuUough were in Corunna pleasant to take. It digests what von 1>UBASB SCHOOL. last Saturday. ScKBlste yearfirewita * Scroday m o m leg Wilt be, "The More eat. Sold by C, K. Peacock. BKEB8BROTHBRS The Seniors have organized for tbe w A . C . Gardner w a s buried MonNoble Hearers of the Word." A Pron> TfiSBMOSTAT. Saves d a y . Funeral s e r v i c e w a s held it* year 1907*08, electlug the foliowieg offiSO per cent, of yo«r coal bills. 8«nt on* oo. trial. lee for Tomorrow" will be tbe subject Official Canvass Aa)£yonr dealer or send stasip for free botfflet' t h e M. E . church. cers: ' Beers Bros. Thermostat Co^Boebeetsr, N.T. 10 for the evening discourse. * PROFESlilONAL. DBUSGATBS w n u t CSOXBTTTUTIOHJU.OO» Archie Van Wormer, w h o had been President—Eroeat Grimes, vasnoa FOB ^HB 14th tstXAtovu*, The topic for the Lcagce devotional a t t e n d i n g different fairs in MichiVice President-John Seifred. msnaict. ' When i n DETROIT S t o p n t g a n , returned b o m s o n Saturday. meeting i s "Christian Stewardship." Secretary—Lelu Barnard. This is a live snbjeet among christian Treasurer—Z«da Smith. Cheapes?; ••accident irtsuracce—Dr yooog people today. The secret of a «Z>eCtAIUfST S The Junior class elected for the ensuThomas' Ecteeuio Oil. Stops the pain FAlrULY rlfrTEL TOWNSfflPS happy and usefal life lies in this topic. Sijgi* Rooms abd 8nit*P to r«Bt by the day, D i s e a s e s o f W o m e n a n d Children and beats the wound, Ail druggists ing year the following ofticors: 6 Let tw find It. week or month; 3ATE8 RSASONABLB. AND sell it. President—Evered Berrick. X The sttnatSoofeit-he ntost ConreaJ«ot in .tbe COHURMA, MlCHIGJUr ELECTION | * 0 a eity for both shoppers aad pEeasnre seekers. Vice Presideot—l.uia Cobb. T o the Republican Electors, Township $ DISTKICTOS S Cvr. W«odvrardI swt ChaHstt* Ave*. Secretary—Hugh McCurdie. ft Write for Bartkrnlars. Telephone Grand «886 o f Caledonia. :. S | ft „ Tseasurer—Laura Stevenson. South Venice,fckb., Oct. 1, i»7. Attof-tvfrym est L«ow Tbere x will be a caucus at township trim S « ie 3 A new orgaetaatlon hatv been formed, At 10 U«nmncton B 4S 4» 84 M i s s Edith Owen i s quite sick. MATTtfSW BUM WALTawBUSN M »7 4* *V known as "The Pureed High School Born* 27S hall, Oct. 8, at 1^30 p. m. to elect seven M i s s Fannie Stewart i s v i s i t i n g < mie^onia i& at SI II r «0 delegates to the county convention t o OfaeeoverC. H. Peacock's Ivnjr Store. her sister- ,.ftlrs'. Cronfchile, in Flint xtbletle As«Oclatioh ' and has elected CornonaCiiyJ^twanl w at 94 4« Tboro«ffe>rtd YOB if Ho*e*sfdr be heid at court bouse, Corunna, O c t 10 — > *od '• ST an 88 CORUNNA, - ^ MICHIGAN its officers: this,,w«ck.' " Srf « 17 s >0 ss tftle ts»f Brecwftf pvrposea. 48 at 11 a. m., for the purpose of electlag Fairftcld IS »4 IS 7 President—Ernest Grimes, MOs. Satn Measurall and children, W Hazntton, L%PreclBCt M 83 M aor 13 delegates to attend the Eighth conof Jiidd-'s. Contorp, visited last week Vice Presldent—Beve Weetcott Sad " St S3 20 A* S7 gressional district convention which Is at H . M e a e u r a l l V : 21 10 « t «3 Executive Com.-Ernest Grimes, NMtddlebary Owosso, Mich. e * Haven ST t a SB »1 calied to meet at the artnory In Owosso U n i o n ' P h o n e G61 The barn raising at T . L. S$£WA f t o f v t t s y y cat L.OW, 4* n Owoeao U 44 Supt. Smith, Lura Cobb, secretary; 144 art'h latJt Tuesday w a s » s u c c e s s i n Owo««oClt7l»t^atd 19» \U 168 7 at 3 p. m. of same «»y, Oct, 10,1007. John Seafred, treasurer; Ralph Waltz •• Sod " Jl* 101 Office over IfcMullea A Co.'* CfaMhlm^htetc, bpite of thy inclement weather. C, B. Yotrso, Chairman. " tnl " « 4 4 47 The society alms to develop all 'lines ki Mrs. H . Hawl«>y1 of Venice Cent. 44 ** ' . ttb '• 85 «4 70 2 184 CORUNNA, MICHIGAN* Dated Caledonia Sept. 90,1907. •• 6th " 7 1 »4 9ft 40 er, spent a "tew days last week with of athletics and to bring them to BUO en 47 Perry tsl Precinct » » «8 lier sister, Airs. H. Allbee. cessful issuef. 9M Advet«i«e«Mav«s la taia exclnain are eaafged " 2nd " 21 3» SI ts Ladies' Aid Society Elect Officere. 1OT at the rate of o»* eeat for saeh word eaea laRush si St M S3 Mrs. H . Lytln attended a farmers' The foot ball team was organized last S<»oi» 199 •srUon. Mo ose-laaeitloa advertisement aen 64 09 4< club at t h e home of tier sister, Mrs. x» Tbe Ladles 1 Aid Society of the If, espted'aA less than MeT This eoloaiB Is very Shiawassee M « se £7 week, choosing as manager, H. H. Mo.Otto Kuler, near Bancroft, last ass pradacuvo of oalcfc retwsw and eaa be ossd *• Venice IS 14 Office and R e s i d e n c e , first Curdle and Ernest Grimes as captain. Vernon 1st Prrcint fiO 49 i * M so E. church met at the church parlors advaaUge la aulsa siaayyaats, Coyysawald Thursday. 63 8» m baiobrwi " 2nd •• » H Monday, Sept. 30,1907, and elected the SO door we*t of bridge. : : : Mrs. H . Lytle will entertain t h e Between fifteen and twenty* men are IOC " *rd •• » Vt »9 M following officers: m.. F o r Bale:—Two popcorn s t a n d s . 15 u S* L a d i e s 1 Aid Society of t h e Venice trying one and the team is rapid'y W o o d h a U 1* 10 C50RUNNA, MIOHGAN aft m H a r r y Miner, Corunna. 19tf Center M . E . church o n Thursday rounding into form. Toe team, though Pre*.—Mrs. Estella Lyman. i l Tot*to ltTO HIS 1818 7*9 1 *at of t h i s Week. F o r Bale or Rent:—26 aerea o f Tress.—Mrs. Harriet BoseokranS. > ss light, ia quite speedy and hopes to nave 3» land. Enquire of M r s ; Adelbert Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brooks v e r y ItTATB OF MICHTGAV, ) ^ Secy.—Mrs. Barbara Hathaway. Miner, Corunna, Mich. 19tf. p l e a s a n t l y entertained t h e S o a t h a successful season, Cunatyof! Sbl»wM»ee J "** Another meeting will be held «t tbe W e do hereby cervlfy t h a t the following le » V e n i c e F a n n e r s ' ( lub, Sept. 19, T h e TEBEY SCHOOL. —For S a l e ; - A s m a l l flock of .Attorney at Law^ SoHdtcc in Chancery, coiTwc* Pi»t«meDi of t h e votes given In ssUd church parlors Saturday, O c t 5, at a October • meeting will be held with thoroughbred bexrod P l y m o u t h AU Mods of legal bastnesk transacted. Moo*y Trading stamps are popular with County or »ht&w«uee aod State or Michigan, to loao. IJteaf Sstate and Insaraace. Offlea M r . and Mrs. I,. T , B u y e a . at t o e Special E l e c t w n held on Tneaday, i k e e'eiock for the purpose of making plans B o c k s . F . I*. J o h n s o n , Corunna^ shoppers but photos are ail the rage •eveateantb day of Seytember a . D . ISO): over itcKaUea a Co.'s d«4bia|r Store, F o r S a l e : - A N e w York leather For t b e election of Delegate* t o t h e Coaven. for the rummage sale which the ladies with "tbe kids." Tbe penny picture tton ROOBGAN tor the porpoae of mafctag a ceneral revtco&ch nearly n e w , will s e l l »4 a b*r- CCRUHNA* are planning to have the end of this "•I suffered habitually tr«M constipa- man will soon drive an auto. AiOTiof tbeOonstltuttoa: l n . H a g h M . N i c h o l s , Corunna, t i o n , lioan'e KegfuJeti" relteved and The whole nnfaaber of votes oast for t h e ofltee month. fch. of Delegate t o t o e Oonetttanoaal Coaventlde strftOKtbened tbe »>owtf». HO that they Jionmie had a little pig. (CT t b e 1Mb Senatorial District w a s P o o r HwnttIts skin was white as snow, have be*«n regular ever (•Inee."'— A. E. F o r S a l e : 1340 acre ranch situated aod Poor Hundred aodTwenty two . . . . . . . 4,428 O. E. S. Elect and Install. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Spring*, Tex. (tale of United States Array) and Uwy w e r e gtvea 1©* t h e foUowit 5 persona, And everywhere that J immie went, 2 m i l e s from R . F . rtation. tjrood The following officers w e n elected frame honae, t w o b a r n s and o t h e r VUJ; • Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Special** That pig was sore to go.—and they are OdeU Chapman received Twelve toadied and and installed in the Order of Eastern ont buildings. W e l l watered and Glasses aeevrately adjusted. Boars, 8t») *» both at the FowlerviUe Fair now. Seventy vote* ~—~_—-- ~..~»......._.«;t»7P 1140 a. m. aad 150 to 4 4 S p . s " fenced. 90 acres i n crops, sale great SaStwda/ Albert B. Cook reaelveil Steven handled and Star laat week a t Bancroft: erealogv, «40 to7a& Last Friday afternoon the high sebcol ESigeteeD votes „...~..^- »», ..^..i — Ills bargain if t a k e n a t one*. A d d r e s s , byappotntsaeat. B o o a u l a o d t , ! W. M.—Mrs. Delia Payne. Kc ~ LoArop, 34icb, Oct. 1, 1807. WUUw U. Kilpatrtek reeelTedOnetaowaaad boys defeated a p'eked team frow^tbei Goo. W . E a s i e r , Clare, M i c h . 33w4 > MiCHIOAII bnndred and seventy Btgbt..—».. 1,1» # . P.—C. E. Broadhead. Callie Amidon i s o n tha sicSrlist. other grades 3 to 1, Banh pitching for two Lawtoa T. rTomawa motived Seven onadrod A, M—Mrs. Helen Parker. sad Fifty five votes — . 7» Mr. E n o s M u n s o n i s very ill a t the little fellows. Maxes* Coif received One vote . - ——,—-1 See.—Miss Stella Potter. A Certain Curs fcr Aching F e e t * t h i s writing. There** no place Ke* » « • •••••ipii m i l ••i»iPav«i»^T>^w*0 Rev. Mylne, of Lalnsburg, was a J-OwSn* *** <MM Allen's Pt»oS>Baae, a powder; cares Ttred, Treas.—Hrs. Anna Adams. F r e d Kribs w a s in C o r p n n a c a l l i n g Aching-, Sweatlaar, Swouea feet. Sample sent In Witness Whereof, we have lierettnto set~ visitor at tbe school Wednesday. o n relatives Monday. tbe JocmalfogNeat FBJEX, also SaWipte of POOV-AASX SASITABT oar aaed and eansed to be afflxed hereto the Cond,—Mrs. Grace Sarrington, Regolar monthly exams, occur this seal of tbe Cu-etitt Coort for the Ooonlj of Comr-Pio*, a new laventloa. Addrcss,>AUea S. Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Call, of Flint, A. Cond.—Mrs. TBva Baker. Olmsted, LeRoy, 3f, Y. this Utts day of September JL D. irvinting. W » J M are v i s i t i n g relatives at this place. week and report cards will be given oot Shiawassee 1907. M.—Mrs. Ida Goes. tbe first of next week. Parents are reMr. and Mrs. Root- McQueen atJOSXPH H. Coxxtas 1 BoAan or COCSTT Organist—Mrs.Plora Seribner. J- CA2TVA8SSa* FOB tended t h e fair at F l u s h i n g , Thurs- quested to look at the report carefully C. S, BBBD J. ft. BBXsos j SciawAasss COOKTT W,—Mrs. Fanny Skinne*. day. and sign the card. [saAi.] S.—W. D. Wilcox. N . Colltfrd returned t o Corunna attest: JOBS Y . MAKHW. Bro. Sharp, our talented janitor, has Secretary of tbe Board of County Canvassers. M o n d a y morning where he i s a memAda—Mrs. Llla Scribner. fixed up a fine sand tat.o for tbe priber of the jury. Ruth—Mrs. Eya Simooson. M. E. Church Notes. Mrs. A n n a Pearsall, who has been mary room. to Esther—Mrs. Roth Martin. v i s i t i n g friends at H o l l y , h a s re- Parents, do you send your children to Last Sunday we did our church work tor into do Martha—Mrs. t>apbne Yeomsns. turned h o m e . FCbool simply to get tbem out of tbe under a cioudy sky but there was spirit* Electa—Mis. Agues Garnett. Mrs. W a ' t e r Bnirci is entertaining way? Does it make any difference to Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. Emma her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Shep- you wbetber tbey are learning some- aal gonsbine for thoee who looked and Jived for it, Ocobock being present acted as installard, of Che«aninx. thing good and useful or only a lot of Our first meeting at Klrby was foil of OEYBS TESTED; FREE. ing officer and tbe officers were duly ladeviltry? How do you Bbow interest tbe promise of good things. Tbe atstalled. in tbe affairs of your children? Think tendance waagood and tbe spirit hopeOpticians attd'Jewelere on these thing*, ful. A Sunday school WAS organized That Lmme M«*U can be cured with 117 N . W a s h i n g t o n S t . , O w o s s o . Or. Uilee' NEKVE PLASTER Only 20c But it cannot make a Fair Skin o • a MORHICE SCHOOL. bv the election of the following officers: Olouy Coat. The new laboratory was not quite Superintendent, Mfcs Anna Parker; Women with pood complexions car.aot completed last week but is expected to Asst Supt., Mrs.Emma Chaffee; Secy. be howely. Creams, be complete ia its appointments by so- Miss Jenoie Chaffee; Trees. Mr. Warlotions, washes and other week. It would be well worth the ner Stoddard. All wbo will enter into powders cannot make ti.oe spent for tbe patrons of our school tbis Sunday school work are invited to a fair skiu. Every hors^-mjxn inews that to come and view our new laboratories, meet ,iext Sr^.dsy afternoon ft one the satin coat of his we as a school feel proud of them. They 0 clock when classed will be fornred sod thoroughbred eoruea | are certainly as well equipped and sub-teachers chosen. from the animal's Tbe pastor has an appointment to | stautial in appointments as most of toe "alUriglit" conrlition, We have several dozens of Ladies' Grain and Calf Button Shoes, I*t th%bor.*o get preach at tbe Hawkin's school bouee i city school laboratories. "offliisfea| ,, aii<ll.» very desirable for this season of the year, to protect one from the cold and damp J The roof Is berng placed on the new dest Suoday at 2:30 p. m., local time. coat turns dull. C\ir« We offer this lot at 98 cents per pair. There is^ nothing the matter with lanuex aud it looks now as if Tbe new Juoior choir sang weli at tbe weather. rying, bnjshinc?arid rubliing.^nll give himftcl«*ar. c<>i*t, but cannot produce i tbe one whose name will not be men- Epwoitb League service Sunday even- these shoes—except the price, that being very low considering the price, of leather at the coveted STOoothn*'>« ai.1 gloss of | iiooed bui wbo bet twenty-five cenU ing. There are many good voices the present time! They will not last long at the present price. Sizes from 4 to 8. the horpf's akin, vUioh ia hisoom' tbat tbe building would not be complet- among our little folks which we hope to plerion. Ttieliuliee will see tuc point. ed by Thanksgiving would lose their see developed and made helpful In our young people'a church services. money. Our S. S, secretary has received the A number of the pupils are out helpsupplies for tbe new quarter and mem ing harvest tbe bean crop. *•** Robt. Craig was a bigb school visitor bers of the school can get tbe lesson Is the best preparation for lad iea who deaire « gtntle laxative medicine that quarterlies before Sunday by applying last week. will give the body perfect cleanlin««s Chemistry class began work In tbe to her. We are looking forward to a internally and the wholewomeneae delighUul time In this quarter's ftlbte new laboratory last Monday. that produce* soca skias as pemtecs There are one hundred and ode pupits study. love to copy. Tbe subject of the pastorV sermon t etrolled so far la our sehoott with pro* Emulsion* it) 4ts CORRESPONDENCE SHAFTSBURG. /is /is /is /IS /IS w . "«m NEW FALL SUIT TOP COAT, STORM CO ATy HAT, GLOVES and UNDERWEAR are waiting for you at our store. The style is right—the price is right —and we will use you right. W, A. McMullen & Co, » > F I RE • CARDS, THE ADDISON Miss H. B. Ball, M. D. is 1 SOUTH VENICE fr I !!•! •• II l i t " I1LJUSIISS II , , II • - BUSH H BUSH RAISE SQUABS^-IT PAYS ;s Maple Ridge Squab Farm ' • • » • : ; AUSTIN E. tINERS S E. H. BAILEY, M. D. WILLIAM J . PARKER, S O. H. LAMB HEW LOTI.ROP. L - * When Others Fail, Try Us NEAT C. S. ALLISON & SON, =¾ BROOMING COUNTS dft p V< RINTING. SPECIAL-While They Last Lane's Family Medicine CURR1E & CLUTTERBUCK CORUNNA, MICHIGAN