hurt his sentimenti and portray bad image of his person in society
hurt his sentimenti and portray bad image of his person in society
No. 804/105/2014-BC-lll GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & BROADCASTING .A' WING, SHASTRI BHAWAN NEW DELHI - IIOOO1 Dated the 27tn March,2015 ORDER WHEREAS it had been brought to the notice of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting that ihe channel 'TV 9' had telecast a political satire targeting Chief Minister of Telangani in a programme titled 'Bullet News' at 08:42:09 hrs on 12-06-2014. WHEREAS this satire was based on chief Minister's promise to implement the 'Free Education from KG to PG' scheme in the State. In the programme, a lady anchor comments on him by saying, "Telangana People will hold his neck and they will kill him, if he goes outside withoui security. People will beat him while pouring chili powder in 6is Nuv- Randras (Nine holes of body)..... if he does not implement the Free Education" The comments made by the anchor appeared highly objectionable and indecent; and likely to hurt his sentimenti and portray bad image of his person in society- By making such comments the channel appeared to defame the Chief Minister of Telangana' wHEREAS the channel had also telecast another episode of the said programme targeting the Telangana congress MLAS over their defeat in the Assembly election on al2o..46:07 hrs. The anchor of the programme satirized the defeated congress MLAS by saying that they should not think that persons who lost in elections will only sit silently and ptjy s--atires because Congress persons who lost in Telangana are saying that they will not lit idt". T"trngrna Congr6ss MLAs are saying that they will fight more than Ghallnl in the Assembty. Thiy are giving warnings, "lf your (the TRS party) does not fulfill your.election promisei, we itetanganJ congress MLAs) will peel- off your skin. lf you step back on Folavaram (lnigation Project), we will kill you with knife and bury you " WHEREAS during the programme the channel run a voice over that "Those who failed in third standard ar6 saying tn"t they will now go and write medical exams. They did not prepare wett for the elJctions and played children games like golikaya, katchakaya' gillidanda...." WHEREASthechanne|te|ecastanapo|ogyWithregardtotheaboveprogrammeon 13.06.2014. However the apparent violationS were of serious nature and an apology run on the the next day did not appear to absolve the channel of their responsibility of complying to codes at all times. be WHEREAS the content of the said programmes telecast by TV-g channel appeared to in violation of Rule 6(1)(a), (d), (e) & (i) of the Programme Code' WHEREAS a show cause notice (scN) was issued to TV-9 Channel on 14.08.2014 for the alleged violation of the Programme Code WHEREAS, responding to the scN, the channel, vide its letter dated 25.08.2014, submitted, inter-alia, th;t the Ministry's SCN was illegal, arbitrary, unreasonable..and viotative oi articles 19 (1) (a), 19 (t) (g) and 300 A of Constitution of lndia. The allegations "Telangana People contained in the SCN that, the programme contained such contents as People will security without will hold the neck of ... and they will kill him, if he goes outside .." beat ...while pouring chili powier in his Nuv Randras (Nine holes of body). was found r,A ^, \,! t'J=-, . (n_. aa 2-)ltlt' sr;'q) (NEETI SARKAR) Rttrat,/O ir.cto t Enralr l'nm|trl lrln. ot Intormation & Bro.dceltlho {lm qrl qrre rrqrn. Govt. r{ Qd ol Indr6, Now O.lhi to be obscene and indecent were not true and correct. The allegations that the comments made by anchor were highly objectionable as they appeared slanderous and based on mere conjecture and not facts and some comments had the potential to incite violence were also absolutely false, according to them. They stated that the allegations that the programme titled, 'Bullet News'targeted the Telangana legislators by giving warnings,etc. was also absolutely false and devoid of true translation according to their dialects and accents. They further stated that the translation given in the SCN was devoid of merits, subtext, context, dialects and nuances of Telugu language. The channel also submitted that the'Bullet News'was a comedy and political satire in nature and was only shown in good faith, bonafide and in public interest. The channel further submitted that they have tendered unconditional apology and stopped the Bullet News programme immediately. WHEREAS an opportunity for a personal hearing was afforded to the channel to present their case before the IMC on 18.9.2014. The representatives of the channel stated that that they had tendered an apology before the Telangana Assembly with regard to th€ programme targeting the Telangana congress MLAS over their defeat in the Assembly eleCtion on 12.06.2014 at 20:46'.07 hrs. As regards telecast of the programme 'Bullet News' at 08:42:09 hrs on 12-06-2014, the representative pointed out that for the last years there had been no violation of such nature and no complaint was ever receivec igainst their channel and that they have highest respect for the rules and regulations of the Ministry. He clarified that'Bullet News'was a satirical programme and not a news programme; its language was not derogatory; He further stated that usage of Telangana dialEct cannot be taken word-by-word or by its dictionary meaning. They also doubted the translation of the programme fiom Telugu language to English language1t was_ clarified to them that the tranalation was carried out by Telugu-knowing persons. The IMC askeO the representative if use of the expression " People will beat ...while pouring chili powler in his Nuv Randras (Nine holes of body)" in the programme was fair or acceptable. The representative held that it was a simple mistake. The IMC conveyed to the representative that usage of such expression, even though in a satirical vein, was in extremely bad taste. Howevei, both the representatives admitted that the channel had committed a mistake by teiecasting such derogatory content and assured that such thing will not happen again. I WHEREAS, having regard to the material on record, the written and oral submissions of the channei anO iotatity of the circumstances, IMC concluded that the content of the Uy Wg was in bad taste and in violation of the provisions of the progr.;*" 'eroir"rr" telecast Code. lMi recommended to issue an order to the channel to run an Apology Scroll for one day. WHEREAS, as per para 5.2 of the Guidelines for Uplinking from India, one of th€ ba.sic conOitions/obligitions of the company permitted to uplink registered channels ls that the ."rp""V shalicomply with the irogiamme Code prescribed under the Cable Television Network! (Regulation) Act, 1995 and rules framed thereunder' WHEREAS, as per para 8.1 of the said guidelines, in the event of a channel found to have with UeerVUeing useO foi transmitting any obiectionable/unauthorized content inconsistent granted; puOti" inteiest, the Central Gov-ernmen{ has the power to revoke the permission p", prr" 8.2, the Central Government has the power to impose penalties for violation of ". any of ihe terms and conditions or other provisions of the said guidelines' WHEREAS, sub-section (2) of section 20 of the cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 provides that where the central Government thinks it necessary or expedient so (iii) to io in the interest of the (i) sovereignty or integrity of India; or (ii) security of India; or it or morality, public decency (iv) order, friendly relations of tndia wiih any foreign State; or or channel of any r"y, uy order, regulate or prohibit the transmission or re-transmission Prosramme nLu''E -+ l 5lt5 ($tA er-i-c) (NEETt SARKAR) Firrt/oirector {Fll lrrl r€r{q f:rrdq Mtn, ot tnfo|'hatron &.Brosdcawng cr{t +F6R, T{ ffi 1 covt. or India, N6w Dethl WHEREAS the Competent Authority, having considered all the facts and circumstances of the case, including the recording, the oral and written submissions of the Channel, the recommendations of the lMC, the provisions of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the Rules framed thereunder, has come to the conclusion that there was a clear violation of Rule 6(1)(a), (d), (e) and (i) of the Programme Code; and that the channel was supposed to telecast content of such nature with care, caution and sensitivity, keeping in view the far-reaching consequences it could have left on the viewers. NOW, THEREFORE, having regard to the totality of the circumstances, the Competent Authority in the Ministry of lnformation & Broadcasting, in exercise of powers under the Uplinking/Downlinking Guidelines issued by it, the terms of permission granted to uolinUdownlink the TV channel and under Sub-section 2 of Section 20 of the Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, 1995, hereby orders TV9 channel to run the following Apology Scroll in bold legible form at the bottom of the screen for one day 09.04.2015 till 0001 hours on continuously with effect from 0001 hours 't0.04.2015: on "TVg CHANNEL HAS BEEN WARNED BY MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & BROADCASTING FOR VIOLATION OF PROGRAMME CODE DURING TELECAST OF PROGRAMME NAMELY "BULLET NEWS" ON 12.06.2014 AT 08:42:09 AND 20:46:07 HRS. TVg CHANNEL APOLOGISES FOR THE SAID VIOLATION AND ASSURES TO STRICTLY COMPLYWITH PROGRAMME CODE AND BE CAREFUL IN FUTURE". A Strict compliance with the above direction should be ensured by TV9 channel. Any violation shall entail such action against TV9 channel as deemed fit in accordance with the Cable Television Network (Regulation)Act, 1995 and the Rules framed thereunder as also the terms and conditions of the permission/approval granted under uplinking/downlinklng guidelines. A&t; , -,--'---lt I t>- "-1 t NEETI SARKAR I Director (BC) Managing Director, M/s. Associated Broadcasting Co.Pvt. Ltd., No.2'1, Natya Ballet Centre, 3d Floor, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110 001 to: Te1e.23386536 (qlRl tr-€r{) (r.riert sanxaF.) Rirra/oir.ctor tIFn gcl !qllt'! lrtfrdc nh. oi lnlornation lB*Scertrng Govt' of Indis, Now Oelhi Electronic Media Monitoring Centre, (Shri L.R. Vishwanath, ADG), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 1Oth Floor, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - for kind information and necessary action. Copy
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