(605) 859-2577
PHILIP LIVESTOCK AUCTION BULL DAY “The Main Event” Tuesday, May 7, 2013 TERMS & CONDITIONS: TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash or check payable to Philip Livestock Auction. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. BREEDER’S GUARANTEE: All animals are sold as guaranteed breeders by sellers. PHONE BIDS: Bidders unable to attend Bull Day may place phone bids by calling Philip Livestock Auction at 605/859-2577, or call any representative listed in the catalog. AIRPORT AVAILABLE: For transportation to the sale, call 605/8592577. INTERNET: To bid on the Internet, please call 605/859-2577 by Friday, May 3rd. Thanks for your interest!! We appreciate all of you … Consignors, bidders, buyers, and our crew at Philip Livestock for the extra hard work before, during and after the sale!! WELCOME TO BULL DAY!! Philip Livestock Auction welcomes you to “The Main Event” for 2013, the largest one day all-breed bull sale in South Dakota. We are real happy that we have received the recent moisture, up to 30” in the Rapid City area and 17” on the plains. Cow/calf men are coming off their best marketing year in history. Numbers are on our side and it looks like they will remain this way for some time. There has been a renewed pride in the cattle business especially in the seed stock business and production sales. We see more people interested in upgrading their genetics. We are extremely impressed with our selection. All of the bulls that sell at Bull Day will be semen tested and ready to go to work. The best feeder cattle in the world are sold in this area, which makes your bull buying decisions important to you and your future. We will have bulls bred to be used on heifers and we will have outstanding performance bulls of all breeds. Feel free to contact any of the breeders, or their representatives, about their offerings. Mehlhaf Angus and Youngerberg Angus are all featured consignments. We are pleased that these two reputation firms have chosen Bull Day as their “Production Sale.” We encourage breeders to look at Bull Day as their production sale. We would like to thank all the consignors for their high quality cattle, and we take pride in the quality of cattle our producers sell here at Philip Livestock. We have enjoyed a great market and know we are involved in a great industry. Philip Livestock is very proud of our weigh-up market, so bring your old bulls & slaughter cows to town and take home one of these outstanding prospects. On behalf of Philip Livestock Auction & Crew…. Thank You! And let the show (sale) begin!! DAN PIROUTEK SETH WEISHAAR LYNN WEISHAAR THOR ROSETH Dan Piroutek Seth Weishaar Lynn Weishaar BULL DAY REPRESENTIVES: AMERICAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION – VERN FREY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701/721-0344 RPI PROMOTIONS – DON RAVELLETTE, PHILIP, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/685-5147 RPI PROMOTIONS – BEAU RAVELLETTE, PHILIP, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/685-8155 AGRI MEDIA LIVESTOCK GROUP – JEFF KAPPERMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/363-3302; 640-5104 CATTLE BUSINESS WEEKLY – DON LEDDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/695-0113 TRI-STATE LIVESTOCK NEWS – SCOTT DIRK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/456-1499; 605/380-6024 CHRIS EFFLING – HIGHMORE, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/852-2684; 769-0142 KIRBY GOETTSCH – ABERDEEN, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/380-3939 AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION – COLT KEFFER . . . . . . . . . 765/376-8784 AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOC. – LEVI LANDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308/730-1396 JEFF LONG – RED OWL, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/515-0186 BILLY MARKWED – MIDLAND, SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/567-3385 BOB ANDERSON – STURGIS, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/347-0151 BAXTER ANDERS – WASTA, SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/685-4862 THOR ROSETH – PHILIP, SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605/685-5826 SALE DAY ORDER BY BREEDS – SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. (MDT): LIMOUSIN & LIMOUSIN FLEX . . . . . . . . LOTS 1-6; 262-263 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 2; 35 CHAROLAIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOTS 7-28; 260-261; 270-286 . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 3-4; 35; 37-39 HEREFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOTS 29-52; 251; 264-269 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 5-7; 34 RED ANGUS & COMPOSITES. . . . . . . . . . LOTS 53-109; 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 8-14; 27 BLACK ANGUS . . . . . . . . LOTS 110-251; 264-269; 287-296 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 16-36; 38 OPEN CONSIGNMENT BULLS TO FOLLOW! HORSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOTS A, B, C, D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 15 CATALOG PRODUCED BY: RAVELLETTE PUBLICATIONS, INC. PO Box 788 • 221 E. Oak St. • Philip, SD 57567 Phone: (605) 859-2516 • E-Mail: ads@pioneer-review.com Website: www.rpipromotions.com —1— 1 Wulfs Yahto K546Y BD: 3-19-11 4 owner: one penny ranch Black Limousin Lewis Zip Z27 BD: 2-9-12 owner: lewis limousin farms Limousin-Flex Wulfs us armY GeNeral5093 SIRE {Wulfs sHop Talk 2332s {Wulfs reaDY maDe 5093r leWis XposiTioN 16X SIRE {Wulfs Task force 5137T {leWis Gammer 107 Wulfs rouTiNe 5049r DAM {HuNT mr Jock 44J {Wulfs misTleToe 2264m leWis rYlies HiT X310 DAM {ameN 458N DesiGN 588 {reYr miss DirecT HiT u130 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 578 Adj. 365 1053 Scr. Circ. 34.15 EPDs: BW WW -.7 +44 MILK YW +27 +79 Homozygous black. Highly fertile. Proven heifer bull. 2 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 A 620 Scr. Circ. 32 EPDs: BW WW -4.0 +40 MILK YW +32 +81 Lim-Flex 50%. Calving ease heifer bull. Scan Data: Adj. IMF 4.21%, Adj. Ribeye 14.0 EPDs: CED 16, Marb. .47 Lewis Zup Z12 BD: 2-17-12 Adj. 365 1114 5 owner: lewis limousin farms Limousin-Flex Lewis Zither Z33 BD: 2-20-12 owner: lewis limousin farms Limousin-Flex leWis XposiTioN 16X SIRE {Wulfs Task force 5137T {leWis Gammer 107 aHcc WesTWiND W544 SIRE {kaJo respoNDer 120r {aHcc miss Wulf HuNT r544 leWis miss roJo X200 DAM {mYTTY iN focus {leWis miss roJa 358u Zara lass 33 108 DAM {BalDriDGe NeBraska 901 {WarDell Zara lass 306 D6e INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 79 A 618 Adj. 365 1165 Scr. Circ. 33 EPDs: BW WW -3.1 +48 MILK YW +31 +94 Lim-Flex 25%. Calving ease heifer bull. Scan Data: Adj. IMF 5.6, Adj. Ribeye 12.6 EPDs: CED 15, Marb. .50 3 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 A 626 Scr. Circ. 33 EPDs: BW WW -1.4 +51 MILK YW +26 +107 Lim-Flex 50% Scan Data: Adj. IMF 3.99, Adj. Ribeye 13.1 EPDs: CED 11, Marb. .37 Lewis Zim Z25 BD: 2-17-12 Adj. 365 1157 6 owner: lewis limousin farms Limousin-Flex Lewis Zinc Z42 BD: 3-14-12 owner: lewis limousin farms Limousin-Flex aHcc WesTWiND W544 SIRE {kaJo respoNDer 120r {aHcc miss Wulf HuNT r544 leWis XposiTioN 16X SIRE {Wulfs Task force 5137T {leWis Gammer 107 l QueeN lass 520 188 DAM {THree Trees NeXT sTep {ameN QueeN lass 520 leWis miss BarBara X490 DAM {leWis uNDerscore 1128u {leWis miss BarBara 627T INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 96 A 717 Adj. 365 1215 Scr. Circ. 32 Lim-Flex 50% Scan Data: Adj. IMF 3.14, Adj. Ribeye 13.2 EPDs: CED 7, Marb. .31 EPDs: BW WW +1.3 +66 MILK YW +21 +118 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 76 A 680 Adj. 365 1190 Scr. Circ. 34.5 EPDs: BW WW -1.7 +53 MILK YW +31 +99 Lim-Flex 60%. Calving ease heifer bull. EPDs: CED 15, Marb. .36 INTERNET: To bid on the Internet, please call 605/859-2577 by Friday, May 3rd. —2— 17 MDL Western Image 249P BD: 4-11-12 19 owner: mDl farms MDL Profit Margin 21 TW BD: 1-25-12 owner: mDl farms Charolais Charolais rc WesTerN cross 8232p SIRE {cJc NeW TreND l1632 {rc ms moNTaNa 0200p fiNk profiT marGiN 7807 p SIRE {m6 GriD maker 104 peT {fiNks miss 25503575BuDeT mDl miss ease 710 DAM {Hcr ease 4010 plD {Tlc Naomi 3210p mDl miss Bellmark 51 DAM {Nf Bellmark N6 plD {Nf miss Beau N359 plD INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 854 Adj. 365 NA Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +1.4 +34 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 72 None 727 MILK YW +8 +64 Don’t miss this April calf. He’s out of one of our best cows. He’s deep, thick and loose made. Polled. 18 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +24 MILK YW +13 +46 Larger framed bull with extra depth of body. Dehorned. MDL Western Cross 228P BD: 2-16-12 Adj. 365 1265 20 owner: mDl farms Charolais MDL Profit Margin 219 BD: 2-11-12 owner: mDl farms Charolais rc WesTerN cross 8232p SIRE {cJc NeW TreND l1632 {rc ms moNTaNa 0200p fiNk profiT marGiN 7807 p SIRE {m6 GriD maker 104 peT {fiNks miss 25503575BuDeT mDl miss eDGe 85 DAM {scHurrTop perfecT eDGe {BoWDak ms WiND l182p mDl miss limiTless 818 DAM {m704304 Tr limiTless 5637 {Wcr miss iDeal 1397 p INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 716 Adj. 365 1279 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW -0.6 +20 MILK YW +4 +40 Extra smooth, very complete, added calving ease. Polled. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 None 751 Adj. 365 1257 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +0.2 +.21 MILK YW +13 +39 Really long sided bull with a lot of look. Scurs removed. —3— 21 MDL Western Cross 241 P BD: 3-6-12 25 owner: mDl farms SCR Mr Bluegrass 1142 BD: 3-5-11 Charolais rc WesTerN cross 8232p SIRE Charolais {cJc NeW TreND l1632 {rc ms moNTaNa 0200p mDl miss WesTerN JourNeY 931 {rc WesTerN JourNeY 6109 plD DAM {sWeGle creek ms 501 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 668 Adj. 365 1300 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW -0.3 +18 lT BlueGrass 4017 plD SIRE {lT asserTioN 1277p {lT pearl’s BreeZe 2236p scr miss eZ GusT 783 DAM {lT easY GusT 2027 plD TW {scr miss paul 356 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 95 1 585 MILK YW +9 +49 Moderate framed, long bodied, extra thick; plus low BW. Polled. 22 Adj. 365 986 Scr. Circ. 37.8 EPDs: BW WW -0.8 +21 MILK YW +8 +35 Semen tested by Dr. Headlee in February 2013. MDL Lead R 238 P BD: 2-24-12 owner: stout charolais ranch 26 owner: mDl farms SCR Wyoming Design 1192 BD: 3-16-11 Charolais owner: stout charolais ranch Charolais Hc leaD r 0321 SIRE {Hc leaDer 8205 {Hc Jesse 7089 Wcr sir DesiGN 931p SIRE {kc DesiGN 4246p {Wcr ms Duke 6063p mDl miss GraND slam 015 DAM {Tlc GraND slam 7010p {mDl miss WesTerN 812 scr miss WYo lass 8115 DAM {freDs WYomiNG laD a40 eT {scr miss coNGress 759 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 None 717 Adj. 365 1248 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW -1.5 +13 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 94 1 736 MILK YW +7 +14 Out of a first calf heifer. Moderate frame, extra thick with two generations of low BW. Polled. 23 27 owner: one penny ranch {T WYomiNG WiND 4020 plD {sHoesTriNG flasH's e151 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.5 +8 {lT WYomiNG WiND 4020 plD {lT asTa 4255 plD scr miss lc plaY 1176 DAM {Wcr sir plaYWriGHT 8243p {scr miss claY 796 Adj. 365 1067 Scr. Circ. 41.1 EPDs: BW WW +0.8 +23 MILK YW +9 +35 Semen tested by Dr. Headlee in February 2013. One Penny Silver Jack 234 Pld BD: 4-27-12 owner: stout charolais ranch lT HeismaN 8081 plD TW SIRE INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 96 1 629 MILK YW +11 +18 High milk, high marbling grandson of Wyoming Wind and Distance. Pedigree deep with Lindskov-Thiel breeding. 24 MILK YW +11 +59 Charolais oNe peNNY miss aNNie s27 plD {lT DisTaNce 5025 plD DAM {lT aNNie 2227 plD INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 526 EPDs: BW WW -0.1 +35 SCR LC Heisman 1222 BD: 2-28-11 Charolais lT-1peNNY NeWs flasH plD SIRE Scr. Circ. 42.0 Semen tested by Dr. Headlee in February 2013. One Penny Distant Wind 227 BD: 4-14-12 Adj. 365 1220 28 owner: one penny ranch SCR Mr EZ Lookout 1127 BD: 3-4-11 Charolais owner: stout charolais ranch Charolais BalDriDGe koJack 29 k SIRE {BalDriDGe fasTTrack 82f {BalDriDGe elvira 95H NWmsu lookouT 8127 plD SIRE {eaToNs elemeNT 1353 {NWmsu auricula 077 eT oNe peNNY laDY eDGe p34 DAM {lT silver eDGe 2289 plD {oNe peNNY prime laDY scr miss eZ 9162 DAM {lT easY GusT 2027 plD TW {scr miss 20/20 065 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 89 None 492 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.1 +34 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 1 669 MILK YW +5 +60 EPDs are pedigree estimates. Homozygous polled. Bred for growth and moderate birth. He is a little young, but time will fix that! Adj. 365 1101 Scr. Circ. 38.5 EPDs: BW WW -2.6 +24 Semen tested by Dr. Headlee in February 2013. —4— MILK YW +12 +42 29 RJ 502 Domio 1041 BD: 3-29-11 33 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 477 L1 Domino 1022 BD: 3-25-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ 1124 l1 GlaDiaTor 502 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ l1 DomiNeTTe 6772 cl 1 DomiNo 477p SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 9126J {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 839H rJ 8210 miss DomiNo 5513 DAM {rJ DomiNo 8210 {rJ 437 ms Dom 8298 rJ 8211 ms Dom 2397 DAM {rJ DomiNo 8211 {rJ 3111 DucHess 7043 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +4.1 668 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +33 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 +1.2 657 MILK YW +14 +56 Outstanding bull. Correct, well balanced, long. Bred-in calving ease. Growthy. A top bull for any operation. 30 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +47 34 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 700 L1 Dom 1067 BD: 4-7-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ eXecuTive 700 SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 590r {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 506r rJ eXecuTive 700 SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 590r {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 506r rJ 1133 ms DomiNo 5500 DAM {cl1 DomiNo 1133l {rJ ms DucHess 2294 rJ miss silver 527 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ 3064 DucHess 7186 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 +1.5 676 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.8 +46 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 94 +1.7 730 MILK YW +17 +82 Well balanced, correct, high indexing bull. 31 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +5.0 +57 35 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 477 L1 Domino 1080 BD: 4-13-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ 1124 GlaDiaTor 820 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ l1 DomiNeTTe 6772 cl 1 DomiNo 477p SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 9126J {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 839H rJ ms 1133 DomiNeTTe 6136 DAM {cl1 DomiNo 1133l {HH miss aDvaNce 9089J rJ 1066 DomiNeTTe 451 DAM {HH aDvaNce 1066l {rJ 8074 ms mark 1156 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 98 -0.6 752 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +20 +94 Good structured, long bodied bull out of a top cow. RJ 820 Domino 1046 BD: 4-1-11 MILK YW +23 +76 Thick, correct, big butted son of Cooper’s 477. Top prospect out of a Dam of Distinction. RJ 700 Domino 1023 BD: 3-25-11 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +6.5 +57 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 +0.7 656 MILK YW +16 +91 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +3.1 +42 MILK YW +21 +66 Outstanding bull. Growthy. Top weaning and yearling weights. He’ll add pounds to any calf crop. A top notch prospect out of a great cow. 32 RJ 5061 L1 Advance 1079 BD: 3-13-11 36 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 5061 L1 Advance 1082 BD: 4-15-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford HH aDvaNce 5061r eT SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 2136m {l1 DomiNeTTe 93451 HH aDvaNce 5061r eT SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 2136m {l1 DomiNeTTe 93451 rJ 1066 miss aDvaNce 7761 DAM {HH aDvaNce 1066l {rJ 666 ms Dom 983 -s miss aDvaNce 5051 T205 DAM {cl 1 DomiNo 528r {c 212 ms Dom 5051 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 -0.2 675 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.4 +45 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +3.3 +701 MILK YW +22 +78 Outstanding bull. Structure and length. Grandson of a great Miles City cow. A top herd bull prospect. Adj. 365 – A good structured heifer bull. —5— Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +48 MILK YW +32 +83 37 RJ 809 Saga 1005 BD: 3-14-11 41 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 820 Domino 1109 BD: 5-20-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ 1056 HarlaND 908 SIRE {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 733 rJ 1124 GlaDiaTor 820 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ l1 DomiNeTTe 6772 rJ 6743 ms Dom 959 DAM {rJ 437 Dc Dom 6743 {rJ 437 ms Dom 7009 rJ 1124 miss silver 736 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {pr 918 lass l23 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +4.0 648 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.3 +54 MILK YW +15 +94 A heifer bull – long bodied. Balanced EPDs. 38 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 0 556 42 owner: milligan Herefords rJ 1056 HarlaND 908 SIRE {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 733 rJ 437 ms Dom 932 DAM {cl 1 DomiNo 437 {vr l1 DomiNeTTe e556 rJ 403 ms DomiNo 780 DAM Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +16 +85 owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ 1124 l1 GlaDiaTor 502 SIRE Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +4.6 +55 RJ 502 Domino 1096 BD: 5-1-11 Hereford INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +4.5 617 Scr. Circ. – A line bred bull out of an outstanding cow. RJ 908 Saga 1031 BD: 3-27-11 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +.02 +47 MILK YW +14 +81 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 0 529 {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ l1 DomiNeTTe 6772 {rJ 1066 DomiNo 403 {rJ miss silver 527 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.4 +40 MILK YW +15 +67 A line bred bull. 39 RJ 477 L1 Domino 1092 BD: 5-3-11 43 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 908 Saga 1120 BD: 6-2-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford cl 1 DomiNo 477p SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 9126J {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 839H rJ 1056 HarlaND 908 SIRE {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 733 rJ 8074 ms mark 411 DAM {pr l1 mark 8074 {rJ 6666 ms Dom 8268 rJ 1056 ms HarleY 931 DAM {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 705 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 +0.6 642 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.6 +40 MILK YW +28 +61 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 +5.0 556 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +0.3 +61 MILK YW +20 +85 A line bred bull out of a first calf heifer. Well balanced EPDs. Calving ease bred in. 40 RJ 5061 L1 Advance 1118 BD: 5-30-11 44 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 5061 L1 Advance 1122 BD: 5-30-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford HH aDvaNce 5061r eT SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 2136m {l1 DomiNeTTe 93451 HH aDvaNce 5061r eT SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 2136m {l1 DomiNeTTe 93451 rJ 1124 miss silver 733 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ 6743 QueeN 12 rJ 1124 miss silver 830 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ 8211 ms Dom 2397 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +1.7 +494 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +47 MILK YW +23 +85 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 +2.2 578 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.6 +50 Outstanding bull with very balanced EPDs. —6— MILK YW +18 +87 45 RJ 908 Saga 1062 BD: 4-5-11 49 owner: milligan Herefords RJ 5061 L1 Advance 1025 BD: 3-26-11 Hereford owner: milligan Herefords Hereford rJ 1056 HarlaND 908 SIRE {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 733 HH aDvaNce 5061r eT SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 2136m {l1 DomiNeTTe 93451 rJ 509 ms DomiNeTTe 9905 DAM {rJ 1124 l1 GlaDiaTor 509 {rJ 8238 DomiNeTTe 338 rJ 1066 miss aDvaNce 7745 DAM {HH aDvaNce 1066l {rJ 6666 ms Dom 2391 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 50 +5.8 +600 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.4 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 +.2 546 MILK YW +15 +81 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.2 +40 MILK YW +20 +76 Breed to heifers and sleep at night. A super ease of calving light bull. Very active at birth (Bumble Bee). 46 RJ 820 Domino 1130 BD: 5-26-11 50 owner: milligan Herefords H Neon 2882 BD: 3-28-12 Hereford owner: Hovland Herefords Hereford rJ 1124 GlaDiaTor 820 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ l1 DomiNeTTe 6772 ups NeoN 7028 SIRE {GH NeoN 17N {ups miss mile HiGH 0659 rJ miss1124 silver 624 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 1124 {rJ ms aDvaNce 2303 H miss priNce 2333 DAM {H priNce 1881 {H miss acHiever 1661 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 +.3 599 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +4.8 +60 MILK YW +13 +94 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 – – – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +0.4 +41 MILK YW +72 +17 A line bred bull with good structure and muscling. 47 RJ 908 Saga 1099 BD: 5-13-11 51 owner: milligan Herefords H Neon 2899 BD: 4-4-12 Hereford rJ 1056 HarlaND 908 SIRE Hereford {sr saGa 1056 {rJ 1124 miss silver 733 -s miss aDvaNce Dom 4033p W124 {-s aDv Dom 176l s144 eT DAM {HH miss aDvaNce 4033p eT INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 +2.2 720 48 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +3.1 +56 MILK YW +21 +92 ups NeoN 7028 SIRE {GH NeoN 17N {ups miss mile HiGH 0659 H sTaND lass 2370 DAM {aGa 10s sTaND 137Y {H miss aDm 2221 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 – – – RJ 477 L1 Domino 1055 BD: 4-3-11 owner: Hovland Herefords 52 owner: milligan Herefords Hereford Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.1 +41 H Neon 2905 BD: 4-8-12 owner: Hovland Herefords Hereford cl 1 DomiNo 477p SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 9126J 1eT {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 839H ups NeoN 7028 SIRE {GH NeoN 17N {ups miss mile HiGH 0659 rJ 8074 laDY 9 DAM {pr l1 mark 8074 {rJ 437 ms Dc Dom6752 H priNcess 2110 DAM {H faNcY DomiNo 1355 {H aNN 1797 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 100 -1.4 619 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +6.0 +44 MILK YW +74 +17 MILK YW +26 +72 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 – – – —7— Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +47 MILK YW +88 +11 63 Nels Simple Man 49Z BD: 4-2-12 65 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels Tank 5Z BD: 2-8-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels GoDfaTHer47u SIRE {scc eXT N222 {messmer carrie 061p reD fiNe liNe mulBerrY 26p SIRE {reD compass mulBerrY 449m {reD Dus faYeTTe 8G TDN aNGel 2T DAM {lcc maJor leaGue a502m {messmer aNGel 2316 Nels iNGriD 6u DAM {sHoco DaTa {TDN iNGriD 511 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 – 671 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +0.7 +61 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 – 643 MILK YW +20 +91 This bull is as soggy and easy keeping as they come. Grow rapidly and finish out quickly with top carcass quality. 64 66 owner: Nelson red angus reD fiNe liNe mulBerrY 26p SIRE {reD compass mulBerrY 449m {reD Dus faYeTTe 8G TDN marY 42T DAM {BGD skY HiGH 29N {BGD priNcess marY 42N Nels iNGriD 6u DAM Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +19 +109 Nels Jake 6Z BD: 2-8-12 reD fiNe liNe mulBerrY 26p SIRE Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +.3 +69 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Red Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 – 648 Scr. Circ. – This guy is a twin. He is dark red with a big rib shape and eye-catching phenotype, plus calving too. Nov. 30, 2012 weaning weight was 950. TMN Dingleberry 14Z BD: 2-10-12 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW -.5 +62 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 65 – 480 MILK YW +20 +105 14Z is a nice growth bull that will increase weaning weights. The dam has a super nice udder. 14Z had the heaviest actual weaning weight of our whole calf crop. {reD compass mulBerrY 449m {reD Dus faYeTTe 8G {sHoco DaTa {TDN iNGriD 511 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.3 +69 MILK YW +19 +109 This is a twin Mulberry son. Calving ease. He is very clean fronted and should be a sleep easy sire when it comes to calving heifers. —8— 67 Nels Classic Ranch 8Z BD: 2-8-12 71 owner: Nelson red angus Nels Sure Bet 55Z BD: 4-4-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus reD fiNe liNe mulBerrY 26p SIRE {reD compass mulBerrY 449m {reD Dus faYeTTe 8G TDN Triple X 27T SIRE {BJr moNu 4X-303 {messmer olYmpia 092p Nels aNNe 38W DAM {TDN romo 5T {messmer aNNe 99N Glacier sTorm 667 DAM {Glacier piNTlar 294 {Glacier sTorm 427 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 – 444 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.1 +63 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 67 – 612 MILK YW +14 +99 Well balanced bull with growth and carcass. 68 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -5.3 +47 72 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels Sheriff 61Z BD: 4-6-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus HXc JackHammer 8800u SIRE {HXc Hemi 4400p {HXc JoleNe 301N TDN Triple X 27T SIRE {BJr moNu 4X-303 {messmer olYmpia 092p Nels scarleT 50u DAM {TDN mac 516 {messmer scarleT m13 messmer QuesT 080p DAM {lcHmN Top Brass 1049H {messmer QuesT 2055 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 – 617 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.7 +75 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 – 605 MILK YW +15 +110 He will be one that will add pounds to weaning weight and his full brother was sold to Lonny Johnston of Belvidere, SD, last year. 69 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.8 +57 73 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels Juicy Fruit 63Z BD: 4-6-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus TDN Triple X 27T SIRE {BJr moNu 4X-303 {messmer olYmpia 092p TDN Triple X 27T SIRE {BJr moNu 4X-303 {messmer olYmpia 092p Nels Nikki 39u DAM {mNa GlaNce 6119 {BGD priNcess Nikki 313l TNH lakoTa 8X DAM {TNH croWN N coke 4u {Blue riDGe lakoTa 154 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 – 628 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.2 +55 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 73 – 569 MILK YW +18 +88 A thick topped calf with plenty of depth who is sound on his feet and legs. 70 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.4 +63 74 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus TMN Harry 86Z BD: 4-23-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus TDN Triple X 27T SIRE {BJr moNu 4X-303 {messmer olYmpia 092p TmN Hemi 41X SIRE {NGN TrouBaDour 840 {messmer esTHer 078p Glacier osce 577 DAM {Glacier rYGaTe 396 {Glacier osce 2602 TmN poseY 25X DAM {BasiN eXT 1925 {BGD miss Jules 310N INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 – 556 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +17 +99 This sharp loooking Triple X son should work well on heifers. Nels Ranch Hand 54Z BD: 4-4-12 MILK YW +13 +91 A growth bull that will add pounds to a calf crop and a calving ease bull. Nels Mind That Bird 38Z BD: 3-26-12 MILK YW +19 +76 Sure Bet 55Z is one of the top calving ease, low birth weight bulls. Nels Hummer 17Z BD: 2-12-12 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +.3 +50 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 – 696 MILK YW +14 +75 He has adequate width, depth of body and a big hindquarter. A well balanced calf. Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.6 +60 MILK YW +14 +93 This boy is stout, rugged, and durable in his overall look and design. —9— 75 Nels Manchild 20Z BD: 2-24-12 79 owner: Nelson red angus Nels Black Jack 4Z BD: 2-7-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus reD croWfooT ole's oscar SIRE {mlk crk cuB 722 {reD croWfooT omeGa 9179J s a v NeT WorTH 4200 SIRE {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {s a v maY 2410 3scc sierra X337 DAM {3scc TreNDseTTer u216 {3scc sierra s61 Nels HeaveN's lass 26W DAM {TDN GriZZleY 615 {Glacier HeaveN's lass 533 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 – 684 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -3.8 +50 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 60 – 519 MILK YW +26 +77 This Ole Oscar son really kicked it into gear from weaning to yearling time. Calving ease bull. 76 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.4 +65 80 owner: Nelson red angus Nels Black Diamond 13Z BD: 2-9-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus messmer packer s008 SIRE {messmer JosHua 019p {messmer millie 124p s a v NeT WorTH 4200 SIRE {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {s a v maY 2410 HuGHes copperlass 685 DAM {Glacier rock of GiBralTar {HuGHes copperlass 0007 Nels reBalas 18W DAM {TDN maNNiNG 23T {HuGHes reBalas 683 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 60 – 444 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -4.7 +45 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 – 594 MILK YW +14 +67 This bull has a moderate frame and give you low birth calves that will grow rapidly and finish out quickly. 77 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.9 +65 MILK YW +26 +107 Here is a black/red carrier bull out of S A V Net Worth. A lot of thickness, plus calving ease. Nels Brave Pack 19Z BD: 2-18-12 MILK YW +26 +112 Here is some outcross pedigree that will add some pounds at weaning with balanced carcass qualities. Nels Justice 10Z BD: 2-9-12 Adj. 365 – 81 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels Full Tony 1Z BD: 1-27-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus messmer packer s008 SIRE {messmer JosHua 019p {messmer millie 124p reD NorTHliNe faT ToNY 605u SIRE {reD svr GaNGsTer 14s {reD NorTHliNe ruBY 0305N messmer roXY 49N DAM {maBes ouT WesT {messmer roXY 9684 Nels iNGriD 4X DAM {mYTTY iN focus {Nels iNGriD 6u INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 – 583 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.4 +75 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 50 – 559 MILK YW +10 +111 Deep cherry red bull out of a dam that is as long as a train. If you are looking for something with growth, here he is. 78 82 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus mNa TreND seTTer 9638 SIRE {BasiN TreND seTTer 6074 {mNa 6381 messmer karlea 022p DAM {lcc cHeYeNNe B221l {messmer karlea 2205 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 98 – 638 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.6 +64 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.6 +61 MILK YW +18 +95 This guy is a twin out of a first calf heifer. Plenty of depth of body and muscle. Nels Clarence 72Z BD: 4-11-12 Adj. 365 – Nels Tony Who 2Z BD: 1-27-12 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus MILK YW +23 +100 If you’re looking for growth and performance, here’s the one to buy. reD NorTHliNe faT ToNY 605u SIRE {reD svr GaNGsTer 14s {reD NorTHliNe ruBY 0305N Nels iNGriD 4X DAM {mYTTY iN focus {Nels iNGriD 6u INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 50 – 572 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.6 +61 MILK YW +18 +95 This is a twin out of a first calf heifer. Calving ease and he has an outcross pedigree. — 10 — 83 TMN Stud 32Z BD: 3-24-12 87 owner: Nelson red angus TMN Iron Horse 88Z BD: 4-27-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels Will 20X SIRE {reD fiNe liNe mulBerrY 26p {HuGHes copperlass 685 mNa DakoTa copper 8450 SIRE {oHrr DakoTa copper 29k {mNa miss sTeT 4053 TmN Julia 53X DAM {TDN Triple X 27T {BGD 311r messmer iZZY 157N DAM {lmaN kiNG roB 8621 {messmer iZZY 6913 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 – 506 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.3 +54 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 – 632 MILK YW +19 +85 Well balanced bull with growth and carcass. 84 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.7 +42 88 owner: Nelson red angus TMN Hauss 47Z BD: 4-2-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels GoDfaTHer47u SIRE {scc eXT N222 {messmer carrie 061p TDN maNNiNG 23T SIRE {rBJr aDvaNce a709 {messmer iZZY 157N Nels lass 48u DAM {scc eXT N222 {messmer lass m151 messmer aNGel 2316 DAM {lmaN kiNG roB 8621 {messmer aNGel 9506 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 – 530 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.1 +53 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 – 606 MILK YW +23 +82 Here is another very moderate framed bull that still doesn’t lack in performance or carcass qualities. 85 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.2 +49 MILK YW +20 +78 This bull will add some pounds at weaning with balanced carcass qualities. Nels Game Plan 66Z BD: 4-9-12 MILK YW +25 +63 This is another exceptionally deep, moderate thick made bull. Nels Mainland 51Z BD: 4-2-12 Adj. 365 – 89 owner: Nelson red angus Nels Billy 34Z BD: 3-25-12 Red Angus owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Nels GoDfaTHer47u SIRE {scc eXT N222 {messmer carrie 061p TDN maNNiNG 23T SIRE {rBJr aDvaNce a709 {messmer iZZY 157N Glacier faYeT 517 DAM {Glacier sTaNToN creek 220 {Glacier faYeT 857 HuGHes kima 691 DAM {Glacier rock of GiBralTar {HuGHes kima 6015 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 – 652 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.3 +56 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 – 668 MILK YW +19 +84 A calf that you have to appreciate for his stylish profile. He is out of a dam with an excellent udder. 86 90 owner: Nelson red angus mNa DakoTa copper 8450 SIRE {oHrr DakoTa copper 29k {mNa miss sTeT 4053 messmer liZZY m116 DAM {lcHmN BullseYe 1379G {messmer liZZY 9906 Nels HeaveN's lass 56u DAM Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +20 +69 Nels Thriller 57Z BD: 4-4-12 TDN maNNiNG 23T SIRE Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW -4.1 +47 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus Red Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 – 556 Scr. Circ. – Moderate birth, high growth. He is sound on his feet and legs and moves out freely. TMN Yort 31Z BD: 3-22-12 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW -.4 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 – 661 MILK YW +21 +74 31Z is a nice, moderate framed bull with heavy muscle and thickness to go with that. He will make anyone a nice cow bull. {rBJr aDvaNce a709 {messmer iZZY 157N {Glacier piNTlar 294 {Glacier HeaveN's lass 533 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.2 +57 MILK YW +20 +85 A thick topped bull with plenty of depth who is sound on his feet and legs. — 11 — 91 Nels Goldmine 78Z BD: 4-16-12 Rendition 257Z 95 owner: Nelson red angus Red Angus BD: 3-18-12 owner: Homestake ranch 3/4 Simmental ~ 1/4 Angus NGN acDc 0315 SIRE {slGN reGulaTor 503r {NGN Tara 315 Jf/aJe reNDiTioN 738T SIRE {3c macHo m450 BZ 2184077 BB p {BHs Jf aNToiNeTTes JoY Nels sTarleT 45u DAM {scc eXT N222 {BGD 34r 514r DAM {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {141l INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 – 668 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1 +62 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 Unassisted 825 MILK YW +15 +96 A nice made bull in the top of the breed for growth – gaining 3.6 lbs. per day. 92 Red Angus {reD svr GaNGsTer 14s {reD NorTHliNe ruBY 0305N 044 5Hsr DAM {lcc maJor leaGue a502m {sWs8 78 412 HeaveNs sake INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 77 Unassisted 667 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.3 +49 MILK YW +17 +72 5Hsr W902 DAM {3c macHo m450 BZ {514r INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 Unassisted 805 miss ll mouNTaiN WiNcH 040 DAM {5l mTN WiNcH 2814-5106 {5l reBella c2100-4768 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.1 +46 {cNs Dream oN l186 {3c meloDY m668 BZ 7006T DAM {mYTTY iN focus {585r 98 {BasiN TreND seTTer 45s5 {Bskf pollY N203 aee reD iDeleTTe 7124 DAM {cBr aDDicTeD 936-510 {aee reD iDeleTTe 362 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.6 +41 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +1.0 +28.4 +10.2 +39.1 King 287Z BD: 3-24-12 Red Angus Bskf TreND seTTer W805 SIRE Adj. 365 – A real thick, deep, soggy made bull with a lot of muscle. owner: Homestake ranch Adj. 365 – owner: Homestake ranch WaGr Dream caTcHer 03r SIRE 5HSR Trend Setter 208Z INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 Unassisted 640 EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +1.4 +54.4 +20.5 +77.0 Dream Catcher 259Z BD: 3-24-12 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 Unassisted 745 MILK YW +21 +68 Another real nice Fat Tony son that will work great on heifers and give you a lot of performance. BD: 4-8-12 Scr. Circ. – 1/2 Simmental ~ 1/2 Angus {reD svr GaNGsTer 14s {reD NorTHliNe ruBY 0305N Adj. 365 – Adj. 365 – A real thick, high performing bull that has calving ease. The Simmental Assocation combines EPDs with Red Angus with that, Simmental average BW EPD is a 2.0. owner: Homestake ranch reD NorTHliNe faT ToNY 605u SIRE 94 {rs J914 preferreD Beef {Hooks karrie 47k 97 Red Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 Unassisted 650 owner: Homestake ranch Triple c iNvasioN r47k SIRE 5HSR Fat Tony 248Z BD: 3-4-12 BD: 3-2-12 3/4 Simmental ~ 1/4 Angus Fat Tony was the Denver champion in 2010 and makes really heavy muscled calves with a lot of calving ease. These bulls were picked out just for Bull Day for their calving ease and performance. 93 EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +1.8 +57.1 +20.9 +80.5 Invasion 252Z 96 owner: Homestake ranch reD NorTHliNe faT ToNY 605u SIRE Scr. Circ. – This is my first year to bring Simmental. I picked these bulls out just for Bull Day for their calving ease and performance. If you are looking to keep calving ease and looking for more pounds in your herd, look these bulls up on May 7. 5HSR Fat Tony 243Z BD: 2-27-12 Adj. 365 – owner: Homestake ranch Simmental MILK YW +27 +58 A real nice wide based, loaded with muscle that would work on heifers. rc cluB kiNG 040r SIRE {Hc Hummer 12m {rc miss GriffeY 038N miss rusH r545 DAM {ss GolDrusH {miss fr N345 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 Unassisted 780 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +2.6 +73.6 +16.4 +108.3 A long, high performing purebred, black Simmental bull. — 12 — 99 TC Aces High 49Z BD:3-20 -12 103 owner: Tc reds TC Hamley 63Z BD: 3-25-12 Red Angus owner: Tc reds Red Angus WeBr Tc carD sHark 1015 SIRE {WeBr Doc HolliDaY 2N {pffr ms NYack 237 NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 meaDo-WesT 805u DAM {NBar HamleY s913 {meaDo-WesT 104l meaDo-WesT TiNkerBell DAM {meaDo-WesT remiNGToN 517r {meaDo-WesT lamaY 433p INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 672 100 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -0.8 +56 MILK YW +18 +85 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 None 670 TC Full Deck 97Z BD: 4-16-12 104 owner: Tc reds Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.4 +50 TC Hamley 89Z BD: 4-13-12 Red Angus owner: Tc reds Red Angus WeBr Tc carD sHark 1015 SIRE {WeBr Doc HolliDaY 2N {pffr ms NYack 237 NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 meaDo-WesT 725T DAM {meaDo-WesT remiNGToN 517r {meaDo-WesT karleNe 002k NBar primrose r541 DAM {lcHmN paY DaY 1465J {NBar primrose m86 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 736 101 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.9 +58 MILK YW +20 +82 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 595 TC Land Shark 02Z BD: 1-11-12 105 owner: Tc reds Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.3 +50 owner: Tc reds Red Angus WeBr Tc carD sHark 1015 SIRE {WeBr Doc HolliDaY 2N {pffr ms NYack 237 NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 meaDo-WesT poppY 426p DAM {meaDo-WesT JaZZ {paNHaNDle racHel 499 meaDo-WesT Blossom DAM {Tpie lakoTa ii 1086 {BaDlaNDs Trissa 719 102 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -2.9 +49 MILK YW +10 +68 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 664 TC Cash 96Z BD: 4-15-12 owner: Tc reds Red Angus NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 meaDo-WesT kasHmir 020 DAM {BaDlaNDs TarGeT 836 {meaDo-WesT BoufoNT INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 727 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +14 +76 TC Hamley 79Z BD: 4-1-12 Red Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 639 MILK YW +18 +74 EPDs: BW WW +.1 +47 MILK YW +17 +72 — 13 — Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.9 +34 MILK YW +23 +53 106 TC Hamley 99Z BD: 4-16-12 108 owner: Tc reds TC Cash 130Z BD: 4-29-12 Red Angus owner: Tc reds Red Angus NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 NBar fireflY r556 DAM {Tlc laTiGo 2565 {NBar fireflY 808 meaDo-WesT 627s DAM {perks aDvaNcer 9088 {meaDo-WesT NaNcY 330N INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 None 709 107 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW 0 +42 MILK YW +19 +61 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 75 None 648 TC Hammley 110Z BD: 4-22-12 109 owner: Tc reds Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.3 +50 TC Shark 61Z BD: Na Red Angus owner: Tc reds Red Angus NBar HamleY s913 SIRE {pie BilliNGs 487 {NBar kellY 913 WeBr Tc carD sHark 1015 SIRE {WeBr Doc HolliDaY 2N {pffr ms NYack 237 BaTTersoN cHrissY DAM {NBar Bo-DiDlY {sTraka's ms cHivalrY Tc mB saNGeria 61X DAM {NBar HamleY s913 {Tc saNGeria 96T INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 704 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +21 +79 EPDs: BW WW -.6 +46 MILK YW +17 +70 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 450 — 14 — Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.0 +39 MILK YW +17 +61 A B “Tramp” “Easy” Chestnut Gelding Breed: AQHA Black Gelding Breed: APHA Foaled: April 25, 2006 Owner: Weller Ranch {DOC’S HICKORY {TWO EYED RED BUCK {HIGH BROW HICKORY {GRULLA SAN WILD PLAYIN HICKORY {WILD PLAY Sire {DOC DEMERIT DANDY DEMERIT Dam {KIM BE DANDY HEZA BLUE EYED DREAM {JACKS DREAM BABY Sire {FRECKLES PLAYBOY {EASY LYNX {DOC’S PRESCRIPTION {PAYOLA PATSY {MR BADGER BEN {DANDY TIZZIE {MR TRAMP MY TRAMP Dam {BRUISERS MISTY {MR BARON RED {IMA TYREE {FIDDLE ON JACK {WATCH A DREAM {IMATINKEYSSUGARBAR {BAR TIME TRAMP {TRU BRUISER {RED SONNY MIST 4 Tramp is a 10-year-old super gentle gelding. He would work for a kid or go all day long for an adult. He saddles up gentle with absolutely no buck. Tramp is ranch broke and cowy. He has drug calves to the branding fire, pasture roped, and will really pull. For more info: (605) 415-7493. 4 Easy is a great all-around ranch gelding. He has been used at the ranch all spring calving and branding! With a pedigree like Easy has, he has a license to do anything you ask of him! He is gentle and saddles up every time. Can be ridden by anyone from 8 to 80 years old! For more info: (605) 209-8556. C D “Badger” Buckskin Gelding Breed: AQHA “Turtle”” Buckskin Gelding Foaled: April 22, 2002 Owner: Weller Ranch {MR ILLUMINATOR TR DOUBLE L BADGER {MISS L STRAW Sire {KING GOLD MONEY THREE BARS CUTIE Dam Foaled: May 25, 2003 Owner: Luke VanderMay {GO BEAU CINCH Owner: Weller Ranch 4 Turtle is a cute, cute buckskin gelding! He is six years old and stands 14 hands! Turtle is extremely handy in the corral! He will watch a cow and, if you need to rope, he will help you get that done! He has done all the chores at the ranch and then some! These kind don’t come up for sale very often. For more info: (605) 209-8556. {DICK BADGER {MISS FROSTY CLEGG {DOUBLE L STRAW {FLASHY MISS JAN {BAR MONEY {MISS GOLD KING LEO {BEAUS RED TROUBLE {GRANS GO GO 4 Badger is a very heavy muscled horse! He is a flashy buckskin color and rides very well! Badger has been owned by us for five years and has been used a lot outside sorting, branding and general ranch work. He has been headed on and some heeling. This is an eye-catching gelding that is for anyone to ride – the front pasture kind! For more info: (605) 209-8556 — 15 — 110 MA Iron Mountain 2006 BD: 1-14-12 114 owner: mehlhaf angus MA Iron Mountain 2022 BD: 1-20-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 m a riTo laDY 705m DAM {k c f BeNNeTT performer {H a riTo laDY 8475 m a primrose laDY 91m DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {m a primrose laDY 546m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 723 111 Adj. 365 1358 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +1.9 +49 MILK YW +14 +92 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 719 115 MA Final Product 2011 BD: 1-17-12 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1218 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +1.9 +52 MILK YW +15 +92 MA Stimulus 2032 BD: 1-24-12 owner: mehlhaf angus Angus Angus coNNealY fiNal proDucT SIRE {coNNealY proDucT 568 {eBoNisTa of coNaNGa 471 coNNealY sTimulus 8419 SIRE {H a poWer alliaNce 1025 {Black creesa of coNaNGa 5332 m a Blackcap 016m DAM {coNNealY reflecTioN {m a Blackcap 616m m a Gammer 517m DAM {coNNealY freiGHTliNer {m a Gammer 374m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 None 780 112 Adj. 365 1418 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +.6 +58 MILK YW +27 +104 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 657 MA Thunder 2015 BD: 1-18-12 116 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1278 Scr. Circ. 42 EPDs: BW WW +2.5 +41 MILK YW +23 +82 MA Bull Durham 2033 BD: 1-24-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus coNNealY THuNDer SIRE {BalDriDGe kaBoom k243 kcf {parka of coNaNGa 241 siTZ Bull DurHam 498W SIRE {siTZ NeW DesiGN 458N {siTZ BarBaramere JeT 35T m a Black JesTress 005m DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {m a Black JesTress 626m m a priNcess 73m DAM {alBerDa Traveler 122 {moHNeN priNcess 679 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 698 113 Adj. 365 1264 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +.6 +42 MILK YW +25 +82 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 628 MA Final Product 2018 BD: 1-20-12 117 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1208 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +1.5 +43 MILK YW +25 +83 MA Thunder 2034 BD: 1-25-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus coNNealY fiNal proDucT SIRE {coNNealY proDucT 568 {eBoNisTa of coNaNGa 471 coNNealY THuNDer SIRE {BalDriDGe kaBoom k243 kcf {parka of coNaNGa 241 m a QueeN kimBerlY 071m DAM {GDar imaGe maker 7131 {m a QueeN kimBerlY 835m m a kem 060m DAM {siTZ upWarD 307r {m a kem 425m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 769 Adj. 365 1356 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +1.9 +60 MILK YW +27 +106 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 730 — 16 — Adj. 365 1306 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +.2 +45 MILK YW +29 +94 118 MA Iron Mountain 2038 BD: 1-25-12 122 owner: mehlhaf angus MA Final Product 2051 BD: 1-28-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 coNNealY fiNal proDucT SIRE {coNNealY proDucT 568 {eBoNisTa of coNaNGa 471 m a Blackcap laDY 864m DAM {coNNealY poWer oNe {GDar Blackcap laDY 0158 m a primrose 557m DAM {HYliNe riGHT WaY 781 {m a primrose 246m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 652 119 Adj. 365 1306 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +45 MILK YW +14 +85 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 716 MA Impression 2042 BD: 1-26-12 123 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1380 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +49 MILK YW +25 +88 MA Iron Mountain 2052 BD: 1-28-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus coNNealY impressioN SIRE {coNNealY reflecTioN {pearl pammY of coNaNGa 194 s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 m a Blackcap 409m DAM {coNNealY freiGHTliNer {vermilioN Blackcap 1283 m a miss WiX 821m DAM {H a imaGe maker 0415 {m a miss WiX 633m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 672 120 Adj. 365 1332 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +1.2 +54 MILK YW +22 +101 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 677 MA Stimulus 2047 BD: 1-27-12 124 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1420 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.6 +53 MILK YW +17 +95 MA Upward 2053 BD: 1-28-12 Angus owner: mehlhaf angus Angus coNNealY sTimulus 8419 SIRE {H a poWer alliaNce 1025 {Black creesa of coNaNGa 5332 siTZ upWarD 304X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere Nell 32l m a QueeN marY 709m # DAM {BT riGHT Time 24J {m a QueeN marY 441m m a QueeN kimBerlY 924m DAM {BT riGHT Time 24J {alBerDa QueeN kimBerlY 200 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 666 121 Adj. 365 1336 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +1.7 +44 MILK YW +25 +81 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 677 125 MA Thunder 2048 BD: 1-27-12 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1420 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +54 MILK YW +29 +93 MA Bando 2054 BD: 1-29-12 owner: mehlhaf angus Angus Angus coNNealY THuNDer SIRE {BalDriDGe kaBoom k243 kcf {parka of coNaNGa 241 moore BaNDo 1961 717 SIRE m a eileeN 746m DAM {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {GDar eileeN 160 alBerDa QueeN kimBerlY 632 # {alBerDa Traveler 929 DAM {alBerDa QueeN kimBerlY 200 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 806 Adj. 365 1438 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +1.4 +48 MILK YW +24 +85 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 744 — 17 — {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {kruGerraND of moore 17 Adj. 365 1398 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +3.9 +50 MILK YW +22 +90 126 MA Bull Durham 2058 BD: 1-29-12 130 owner: mehlhaf angus N M Upward 24N BD: 1-30-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus siTZ Bull DurHam 498W SIRE {siTZ NeW DesiGN 458N {siTZ BarBaramere JeT 35T siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 81m GDar kem 3410 DAM {GDar alliaNce 048 {GDar kem 0476 m a Blackcap 604N DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {m a Blackcap 451m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 814 127 Adj. 365 1360 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.7 +55 MILK YW +26 +101 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 800 MA Upward 2063 BD: 1-31-12 131 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1458 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +3.1 +59 MILK YW +33 +109 NM Upward 26N BD: 2-2-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 81m siTZ upWarD 304X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere Nell 32l m a Blackcap 422m DAM {BT riGHT Time 24J {lemar Blackcap 81f N m QueeN moTHer 96N DAM {k c f BeNNeTT arcHiTecT m299 {N m QueeN moTHer 79N INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 681 128 Adj. 365 1340 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +52 MILK YW +32 +95 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 89 None 671 132 MA Upward 2075 BD: 2-6-12 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1204 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +51 MILK YW +27 +95 NM Thunder 2024 BD: 1-21-12 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus Angus siTZ upWarD 304X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere Nell 32l coNNealY THuNDer SIRE {BalDriDGe kaBoom k243 kcf {parka of coNaNGa 241 m a primrose laDY 844m DAM {coNNealY poWer oNe {m a primrose laDY 087m m a Blackcap 043m DAM {siTZ upWarD 307r {m a Blackcap 134m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 89 None 734 129 Adj. 365 1360 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +55 MILK YW +29 +93 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 707 MA Stimulus 2078 BD: 2-9-12 133 owner: mehlhaf angus Adj. 365 1282 Scr. Circ. 35.5 EPDs: BW WW +.5 +42 MILK YW +28 +90 NM Final Product 2036 BD: 1-25-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus coNNealY sTimulus 8419 SIRE {H a poWer alliaNce 1025 {Black creesa of coNaNGa 5332 coNNealY fiNal proDucT SIRE {coNNealY proDucT 568 {eBoNisTa of coNaNGa 471 m a Black JesTress 802m DAM {H a imaGe maker 0415 {m a Black JesTress 697m m a Black JesTress 626m DAM {alBerDa Traveler 122 {moHNeN Black JesTress 990 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 718 Adj. 365 1376 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +55 MILK YW +31 +98 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 643 — 18 — Adj. 365 1294 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +48 MILK YW +23 +87 134 NM Final Product 2044 BD: 1-27-12 138 owner: Nathan mehlhaf NM Bull Durham 2066 BD: 2-2-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus lemar fiNal aNsWer 40X SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {lemar Blackcap kes 197T siTZ Bull DurHam 498W SIRE {siTZ NeW DesiGN 458N {siTZ BarBaramere JeT 35T m a Blackcap laDY 075m DAM {m a 004 Traveler 8184 {m a Blackcap laDY 638m m a miss WiX 662m DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {m a miss WiX 453m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 None 715 135 Adj. 365 1218 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +2.5 +48 MILK YW +23 +91 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 695 NM Thnuder 2045 BD: 1-27-12 139 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Adj. 365 1330 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +2.6 +53 MILK YW +25 +97 NM Iron Mountain 2071 BD: 2-4-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus coNNealY THuNDer SIRE {BalDriDGe kaBoom k243 kcf {parka of coNaNGa 241 s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 m a Blackcap 058m DAM {s a v Duke of HoNor 8473 {m a Blackcap 2168 m a freYa 759m DAM {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 878 {m a freYa 705m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 667 136 Adj. 365 1174 Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW +2.1 +38 MILK YW +25 +81 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 575 NM Upward 2049 BD: 1-28-12 140 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Adj. 365 1184 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +43 MILK YW +11 +82 NM Upward 2072 BD: 2-4-12 Angus owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus siTZ upWarD 592X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere 205r siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 81m m a GlYN maWr elBa 934m DAM {s a f coNNecTioN {m a GlYN maWr elBa 799m m a Blackcap 6250 DAM {GDar DaTeliNe 29 {m a Blackcap 781m INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 725 137 Adj. 365 1308 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +2.7 +53 MILK YW +27 +97 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 636 141 NM Iron Mountain 2059 BD: 1-29-12 owner: Nathan mehlhaf MILK YW +28 +94 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Angus s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 m a Blackcap 677m DAM {BT riGHT Time 24J {GDar Blackcap 2364 m a Zara 860m DAM Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +50 NM Bull Durham 2081 siTZ Bull DurHam 498W SIRE Adj. 365 1388 Scr. Circ. 37 BD: 2-10-12 Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 None 724 Adj. 365 1256 EPDs: BW WW +3.0 +52 MILK YW +13 +91 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 753 — 19 — {siTZ NeW DesiGN 458N {siTZ BarBaramere JeT 35T {k c f BeNNeTT arcHiTecT m299 {m a Zara 602m Adj. 365 1396 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +58 MILK YW +30 +105 142 NM Upward 2089 BD: 2-13-12 146 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Millers Consensus F7 BD: 5-5-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 81m coNNealY coNseNsus 853 SIRE {coNNealY coNseNsus {eulla of coNaNGa 844 m a ever laDY 464m DAM {vermilioN DaTeliNe 7078 {GDar ever laDY 114 prouD sTar p33 of m a f DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {prouD sTar H103 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 719 Adj. 365 1308 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +3.3 +57 MILK YW +27 +112 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 748 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. 36.8 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +63 MILK YW +23 +103 Actual weight on March 5 was 1130 lbs. Sired by our new Connealy Consensus 853. WW Ratio: 107. Dam’s 5 calves ratio 108. Semen tested and scrotal available sale day. 143 NM Upward 2095 BD: 2-16-12 147 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Millers Cincha F27 BD: 4-18-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus siTZ upWarD 592X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere 205r millers ciNcHa N428 SIRE {lemar ciNcHa 117 {miss Zara l264 of m a f m a miss riTa 960m DAM {H a imaGe maker 0415 {m a miss riTa 600m lassie Jo J63 of m a f DAM {BoN vieW DaTeliNe 1637 {lassie f97 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 678 Adj. 365 1220 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +51 MILK YW +27 +97 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 660 Adj. 365 1294 Scr. Circ. 35.5 EPDs: BW WW +3.1 +47 MILK YW +17 +77 Dam’s 10 calves ratio 105. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. 144 NM Upward 2104 BD: 2-25-12 148 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Millers Answer F46 BD: 4-1-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus siTZ upWarD 592X SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {siTZ BarBaramere 205r coNNealY aNsWer 5426 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {parTella of coNaNGa 3450 m a QueeN Norma 85m DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {m a QueeN Norma 506m miss empress 064 of m a f DAM {k c H precisioN 3 {miss empress D68 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 – – – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.9 +56 MILK YW +27 +99 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 686 Adj. 365 1280 Scr. Circ. 37.5 EPDs: BW WW +3.1 +43 MILK YW +29 +78 Dam’s 6 calves ratio 104. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. 145 NM Upward 2112 BD: 2-29-12 149 owner: Nathan mehlhaf Millers Answer F57 BD: 3-30-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus m a upWarD 0127 SIRE {siTZ upWarD 307r {m a QueeN Norma 655m coNNealY aNsWer 5426 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {parTella of coNaNGa 3450 m a priNcess 651m DAM {HYliNe riGHT WaY 781 {m a priNcess 359m Blackap rose p66 of m a f DAM {kcH poWer up 55 {Blackcap rose N414 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 688 Adj. 365 1278 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +48 MILK YW +27 +88 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 724 Adj. 365 1327 Scr. Circ. 40.0 EPDs: BW WW +.5 +51 MILK YW +28 +86 Dam’s 5 calves ratio 103. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Excellent heifer bull – only .5 birth EPD. — 20 — 150 Millers Consensus F94 BD: 5-2-12 154 owner: miller angus farms Millers Charge On F177 BD: 4-9-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus coNNealY coNseNsus 853 SIRE {coNNealY coNseNsus {eulla of coNaNGa 844 sYDGeN cHarGe oN 6150 SIRE {WooDlaWN cHarGe oN 14 {s a f pamela ever 0079 classY lassie c94 of m a f DAM {HaYNes poWer poiNT 004 s601 {classY lassie H97 of m a f prompT laDY p181 of m a f DAM {W c c special DesiGN l309 {prompT laDY m11 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 716 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. 38.1 EPDs: BW WW +1.4 +63 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 694 MILK YW +17 +100 March 5 actual weight - 1,020. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Excellent heifer bull. 151 Scr. Circ. 38.1 EPDs: BW WW +3.0 +54 MILK YW +26 +104 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Millers Cincha F97 BD: 4-7-12 Adj. 365 1376 155 owner: miller angus farms Millers Answer F224 BD: 3-14-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus millers ciNcHa N428 SIRE {lemar ciNcHa 117 {miss Zara l264 of m a f coNNealY aNsWer 5426 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {parTella of coNaNGa 3450 Zara laDY m129 of m a f DAM {coNNealY fl 798 {Zara laDY H163 of m a f Zara laDY J129 of m a f DAM {riTo 6i6 of 4B20 6807 {Zara laDY H163 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 74 None 671 Adj. 365 1217 Scr. Circ. 34.5 EPDs: BW WW +1.6 +46 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 626 MILK YW +17 +69 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Excellent heifer bull. 152 Scr. Circ. 37.0 EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +46 156 owner: miller angus farms Millers Cincha F237 BD: 4-22-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus millers allY D139 SIRE {sYDGeN allY 4691 {laDY eileeN 0174 of m a f millers ciNcHa N428 SIRE {lemar ciNcHa 117 {miss Zara l264 of m a f miss empress N82 of m a f DAM {k c H precisioN 119 {miss empress G64 of m a f Zara laDY B368 of m a f DAM {coNNealY DaNNY 205 {Zara laDY f337 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 62 None 604 Adj. 365 1223 Scr. Circ. 40.3 EPDs: BW WW +.8 +42 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 None 784 MILK YW +26 +82 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. 62 lb. birth weight. Only .8 on birth EPD. 153 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. 35.8 EPDs: BW WW +1.5 +52 157 owner: miller angus farms Millers Cincha F288 BD: 3-31-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus coNNealY coNseNsus 853 SIRE {coNNealY coNseNsus {eulla of coNaNGa 844 millers ciNcHa N428 SIRE {lemar ciNcHa 117 {miss Zara l264 of m a f Zara laDY a109 of maf DAM {millers raNcHers i247 {Zara laDY D120 of m a f laDY JaNe i164 of m a f DAM {siTZ alliaNce 6595 {laDY JaNe G200 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 674 Adj. 365 1188 Scr. Circ. 34.2 MILK YW +25 +86 Dam’s ratio on 3 calves 111. Actual weight on March 5, 1,230 lbs. Millers Consensus F155 BD: 4-6-12 MILK YW +23 +82 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. A good heifer bull by the Final Answer breeding. Millers Ally F149 BD: 4-12-12 Adj. 365 1224 EPDs: BW WW +3.5 +46 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 74 None 608 MILK YW +24 +72 Dam’s 4 calves ratio 108. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Adj. 365 1202 Scr. Circ. 33.8 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. — 21 — EPDs: BW WW +.9 +38 MILK YW +19 +68 158 Millers Ally F293 BD: 4-13-12 162 owner: miller angus farms Millers Rocky F385 BD: 3-10-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus millers allY D139 SIRE {sYDGeN allY 4691 {laDY eileeN 0174 of m a f var rockY 80029 SIRE {HarB oNWarD 786 J H {vermilioN lass 0029 laDY eileeN l220 of m a f DAM {BoN vieW DaTeliNe 1637 {millers laDY eileeN e270 miss priDe c364 of maf DAM {moHNeN BrusHpopper 353 {miss priDe f324 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 630 Adj. 365 1219 Scr. Circ. 34.8 EPDs: BW WW +3.5 +43 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 None 729 MILK YW +26 +72 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. 159 Scr. Circ. 40.1 EPDs: BW WW +3.8 +60 MILK YW +29 +99 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Sired by the popular Rocky bull. Millers In Focus F303 BD: 4-10-12 Adj. 365 1279 163 owner: miller angus farms Millers Ally F420 BD: 4-12-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus millers iN focus c228 SIRE {coNNealY iN focus 4925 {Blackcap empress a284 of maf millers allY D139 SIRE {sYDGeN allY 4691 {laDY eileeN 0174 of m a f miss aNN N252 of m a f DAM {H a r B ciNcHa 829 {miss aNN l149 of m a f laDY eileeN k220 of m a f DAM {millers Traveler i86 {millers laDY eileeN e270 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 689 Adj. 365 1279 Scr. Circ. 37.4 EPDs: BW WW +.8 +55 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 673 MILK YW +27 +97 Dam’s 7 calves ratio 107. Scrotal and semen test by sale day. 160 Scr. Circ. 38.0 EPDs: BW WW +2.5 +39 MILK YW +33 +66 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Millers In Focus F318 BD: 4-27-12 Adj. 365 1235 164 owner: miller angus farms Millers Answer F429 BD: 4-18-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus coNNealY iN focus 4925 SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {Black caNa of coNaNGa 206 coNNealY aNsWer 5426 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {parTella of coNaNGa 3450 laDY JaNe B198 of m a f DAM {coNNealY coaliTioN 976 {laDY JaNe 0243 of m a f laDY NeuTroN l328 of m a f DAM {H&k NeuTroN 377 X3 {laDY sTar i167 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 None 807 Adj. 365 1314 Scr. Circ. 41.2 EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +75 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 74 None 629 MILK YW +33 +121 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Look at the EPDs on this bull. Sired by our Connealy In Focus 4925. Leased to Accelerated Genetics. 161 Scr. Circ. 38.0 EPDs: BW WW +1.7 +49 MILK YW +22 +85 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Millers Function F378 BD: 4-8-12 Adj. 365 1186 165 owner: miller angus farms Millers In Focus F471 BD: 3-28-12 Angus owner: miller angus farms Angus var fuNcTioN 0450 SIRE {coNNealY fuNcTioN {var elBa evelYN 4683 coNNealY iN focus 4925 SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {Black caNa of coNaNGa 206 miss aNN D197 of m a f DAM {coNNealY proDucer {miss aNN B303 of m a f lassie rose p409 of m a f DAM {millers YukoN k373 {lassie rose J275 of m a f INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 720 Adj. 365 1254 Scr. Circ. 35.4 EPDs: BW WW +.6 +56 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 628 MILK YW +22 +90 A good heifer bull. Sired by our Function bull who we use as cleanup on our heifers. Adj. 365 1162 Scr. Circ. 38.7 EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +55 MILK YW +29 +91 Scrotal and semen test by sale day. Dam’s ratio 5 calves 107. — 22 — 166 YAF Heartbeat 239 BD: 3-10-12 170 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Meadow Mist 238 BD: Na owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus Angus s a v HearTBeaT 9222 SIRE {s a v HeriTaGe 6295 {s a v emBlYNeTTe 5299 s a v iroN mouNTaiN 8066 SIRE {Tc GriDiroN 258 {s a v maDame priDe 3249 Yaf miss pollY 434 DAM {Y a f mr fame 93 {Yaf miss ciNcHa 23 meaDoW misT 1407-194-242 DAM {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 1407 {meaDoW misT precisioN 35 194 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 – 806 Adj. 365 1515 Scr. Circ. 40.5 EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 72 – 777 MILK YW +19 +92 Sired by S A V Heartbeat, a young bull who will add a lot of grow to your program. Check him out closely, he is really correct. 167 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +3.3 +51 MILK YW +24 +97 An ET calf out of our Meadow Mist cow and sired by S A V Iron Mountain. Should work well. YAF Black Arrow 249 BD: 3-13-12 Adj. 365 1393 171 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Upward 232 BD: 3-5-12 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus WHiTesToNe Black arroW Z101 {siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {WHiTesToNe everGreeN W243 siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 81m HBl piper 973 DAM Yaf miss DeBBie 7124 DAM {Y a f mr fame 93 {Yaf miss DaTeliNe 232 {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 1407 {HBl pauliNa 7311 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 836 Adj. 365 1418 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +2.1 +50 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 79 – 792 MILK YW +30 +91 Sired by Genex sire, Whitestone Black Arrow, a young bull who will add calving ease and milk to his calves along with good growth. 168 Scr. Circ. 40.5 EPDs: BW WW +2.2 +56 172 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Potential 260 BD: 3-23-12 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus s a v free WorlD 0100 SIRE {s a v free spiriT 8164 {s a v priscilla 2393 s a v poTeNTial 0205 SIRE {s a v pioNeer 7301 {s a v elBa 7021 Yaf miss kaTevera 752 DAM {Yaf miDlaND 545 {Yaf miss kaTevera 284 Yaf miss BeauTY 8121 DAM {s a v paTHfiNDer 3134 {Yaf miss BeauTY 353 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 – 826 Adj. 365 1551 Scr. Circ. 44 EPDs: BW WW +2.7 +63 MILK YW +31 +107 Heaviest yearling weight in our herd this year. Calf will add pounds galore. Sired by our new herd sire, S A V Free World 0100, who has EPDs of 1.3-81-137-34. He is among the breed’s best. Try him. 169 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 – 724 Adj. 365 1346 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +51 MILK YW +26 +92 A very long, correct calf sired by S A V Potential 0205. Should work on almost any type of cattle. 173 YAF Payday 248 BD: 3-13-12 MILK YW +27 +107 A very deep, thick calf out of Sitz Upward 307R. His EPDs are outstanding. YAF Free World 213 BD: Na Adj. 365 1406 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Black Arrow 227 BD: 2-23-12 owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus Angus Yaf paYDaY 913 SIRE {pvf all paYDaY 729 {HYliNe priDe 980 WHiTesToNe Black arroW Z101 {siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {WHiTesToNe everGreeN W243 Ya Blackcap BeauTY 712 DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {Yaf miss Blackcap BeauTY 520 s a v emBlYNeTTe 9810 DAM INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 – 814 Adj. 365 1429 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +3.2 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 – 829 MILK YW +25 +91 Really deep, thick calf out of a Pathfinder cow. Calves weaning ratios are 106. She’s moderately framed and will work in any environment. {s a v HeriTaGe 6295 {s a v emBlYNeTTe 1180 Adj. 365 1480 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +3.6 +60 MILK YW +32 +110 The dam of this bull came directly from the Schaff program. She has 2 calves with weaning ratios of 111. This calf has excellent conformation along with good weight and EPDs. — 23 — 174 YAF Density 247 BD: 3-12-12 owner: Dennis Youngerberg 178 YAF Black Arrow 224 BD: 2-21-12 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus s a v 004 DeNsiTY 4336 SIRE {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {s a v maY 7238 WHiTesToNe Black arroW Z101 {siTZ upWarD 307r SIRE {WHiTesToNe everGreeN W243 Yaf moss eroliNe 453 DAM {s a f 598 BaNDo 5175 {oNeills eraliNe 221 Yaf miss pollY 6134 DAM INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 – 657 Adj. 365 1294 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +3.3 +54 MILK YW +27 +94 This bull is out of S A V Density, an outstanding female producer. Coupled with the dam, a Pathfinder female, the heifers should be outstanding. 175 YAF Free World 29 BD: 1-30-12 owner: Dennis Youngerberg {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 878 {Yaf miss pollY 434 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 – 728 Adj. 365 1266 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +2.4 +48 MILK YW +28 +89 A calf from one of our best Pathfinder females. She had 5 calves ratioing 106 and never misses bringing in a good calf. A sure fire bull producer. 179 YAF Brand Name 266 BD: 3-24-12 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus s a v free WorlD 0100 SIRE {s a v free spiriT 8164 {s a v priscilla 2393 s a v BraND Name 9115 SIRE {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v Blackcap maY 5530 Y a f everGreeN eileeN 590 DAM {Y a f mr fame 93 {Y a f miss DiviDeND D312 Yaf miss BeauTY 642 DAM {papa Hero eQ 6034 {Y a f miss BeauTY 142 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 – 727 Adj. 365 1314 Scr. Circ. 41.5 EPDs: BW WW +1.3 +58 MILK YW +25 +99 S A V Free World son with very balanced EPDs and good weight. Out of a good TC Dividend granddam. 176 YAF Impression 219 BD: 2-9-12 owner: Dennis Youngerberg INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 – 764 180 {coNNealY reflecTioN {pearl pammY of coNaNGa 194 Yaf Black BeauTY X28 DAM {s s oBJecTive T510 0T26 {Y a f miss supreme 028 Yaf miss BlackBirD 511 DAM EPDs: BW WW +2.5 61 MILK YW +30 +107 A bull from Connealy Impression and out of a SS Objective first calf heifer. Shoud make a good heifer bull. 177 YAF Prosperity 251 BD: 3-14-12 owner: Dennis Youngerberg owner: Dennis Youngerberg INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 – 839 {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v Blackcap maY 5530 {HYliNe riGHT Time 338 {Y a f miss reNaulT B1 Adj. 365 1405 Scr. Circ. 41 EPDs: BW WW +4.3 +58 181 YAF Net Worth 294 BD: 4-27-12 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus {s a v proviDeNce 6922 {s a v emBlYNeTTe 3123 Yaf NeT WorTH 838 SIRE {s a v NeT WorTH 4200 {Yaf moss eroliNe 453 Yaf miss aliaNce 260 DAM {siTZ alliaNce 6595 {Y a f miss maXima B34 Yaf miss BeauTY 935 DAM {pvf all paYDaY 729 {Yaf miss BeauTY 418 Adj. 365 1338 Scr. Circ. 39.5 MILK YW +30 +99 A bull sired by the popular S A V Brand Name 9115 and out of the Blackbird cow family. She had 6 calves with weaning ratios of 111. s a v prosperiTY 9131 SIRE INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 93 – 778 MILK YW +26 +104 Angus coNNealY impressioN SIRE Scr. Circ. 33.5 EPDs: BW WW +4.0 +57 YAF Brand Name 277 BD: 3-28-12 s a v BraND Name 9115 SIRE Adj. 365 1294 Scr. Circ. 42 A bull sired by the popular S A V Brand Name 9115 and out of the Beauty cow family, one of our best producing cow families. Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 – 768 Adj. 365 1446 EPDs: BW WW +4.7 +64 MILK YW +30 +102 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 – 762 Adj. 365 1463 Scr. Circ. 34.5 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +55 MILK YW +30 +101 A bull from S A V Prosperity 9131. He will add a lot of weight The youngest bull calf in the group. Fantastic EPDs and to his calf crop. His dam is from Sitz Alliance and always conformation, along with a lot of performance. Out of our herd produces good calves. bull we use a lot on heifers. — 24 — 182 YAF Payday 252 BD: 3-15-12 184 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Net Worth 1180 BD: 9-29-11 Angus owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus pvf all paYDaY 729 SIRE {s a v paYroll 5281 {p v f BlackBirD 201 Yaf NeT WorTH 838 SIRE {s a v NeT WorTH 4200 {Yaf moss eroliNe 453 HYliNe priDe 980 DAM {HYliNe merGer 387 {HYliNe priDe 572 Yaf roYal laDY 7111 DAM {oNeills eXpeDiTioN {oNeills roYal laDY 38 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 74 – 800 Adj. 365 1368 Scr. Circ. 34.5 EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 79 – 726 MILK YW +26 +92 A calf from our ET program. The granddam goes back to Hyline Right Time 338. If females with excellent udders and longevity are what you like, look him up. 183 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +2.4 +55 185 owner: Dennis Youngerberg YAF Net Worth 1191 BD: 10-17-11 owner: Dennis Youngerberg Angus Angus s a v BraND Name 9115 SIRE {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v Blackcap maY 5530 Yaf NeT WorTH 838 SIRE Yaf GeorGiNa 735 DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {cHampioN Hill GeorGiNa 3694 Y a f miss Blackcap emma 515 {oNeills prime force DAM {Yaf miss DaTeliNe 225 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 72 – 714 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. 41 MILK YW +29 +99 A late fall calf who will handle a lot of cows. His dam is from our ET program and his herd sire is from a Pathfinder cow. YAF Brand Name 1148 BD: Na Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW 3.1 +64 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 – 755 MILK YW +33 +108 An ET calf from the famed Georgina cow family at Champion Hill. Look this calf over. His receipt dam didn’t milk well, but he has really come on and will really make someone an awesome bull. {s a v NeT WorTH 4200 {Yaf moss eroliNe 453 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +2.1 +47 MILK YW +24 +89 A late fall calf who will handle a lot of cows. His dam is an excellent producer; medium framed with a lot of length. His sire is from one of our Pathfinder cows. — 25 — 196 Bunker Final Answer 68Z BD: 4-6-12 200 owner: Bunker cattle company Bunker Image Maker 828Z BD: 3-6-12 Angus owner: Bunker cattle company Angus BuNker fiNal aNsWer 65X SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {BuNker vrD 65r H a imaGe maker 0415 SIRE {Hero 6267 of r r 2418 {H a riTo Blackcap 9038 BuNker 1961 68u DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {BuN 23r Xcr BeauTY r314 DAM {G a r us premium Beef {Xcr BeauTY l64 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 None 637 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.8 +49 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 71 None 445 MILK YW +23 +84 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Out of a Final Answer son – great calving ease and calving ease maternal. 197 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.2 +53 201 owner: Bunker cattle company Bunker Final Answer 124Z BD: 3-28-12 owner: Bunker cattle company Angus Angus BuNker iN focus 3W SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {BuN vrD 24p BuNker fiNal aNsWer 65X SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {BuNker vrD 65r BuNker 230p 148u DAM {BuN vrD 230p {BuNker 878 55r BuN 124r DAM {pcar lark 807 2070 {miss pcar 116 0042 3124 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 61 None 603 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.5 +47 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 645 MILK YW +20 +85 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Could be used on heifers, top 2% of the breed for calving ease maternal. 198 202 owner: Bunker cattle company BD: 3-6-12 lcc NeW sTaNDarD SIRE {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 1407 {lcc suNseT k3118 BuNker amaNDa 210X DAM {BuNker freeDom 29u {BuNker 230p 67T Xcr BeauTY r314 DAM Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.9 +52 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 478 MILK YW +30 +99 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Another bull that could be used on heifers. This bull will be great for your bottom line – check out BW to YW. 199 203 owner: Bunker cattle company BD: 3-4-12 BuNker iN focus 3W SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {BuN vrD 24p BuN 126r DAM {pcar lark 807 2070 {miss pcar 116 8124 3126 Xcr BeauTY r314 DAM Scr. Circ. – {coNNealY leaDTime {eliGeNce plus of coNaNGa {G a r us premium Beef {Xcr BeauTY l64 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +46 MILK YW +28 +92 Bunker Lead On 81Z coNNealY leaD oN SIRE Adj. 365 – owner: Bunker cattle company owner: Bunker cattle company Angus Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 76 None 642 MILK YW +20 +86 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. This bull will add milk with good carcass numbers. Flush mate to Bunker Lead On 81Z. Bunker In Focus 126Z BD: 3-11-12 EPDs: BW WW +1.9 +50 Bunker Lead On 926Z coNNealY leaD oN SIRE Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – Angus Angus INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 None 663 Adj. 365 – View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Final Answer son with some style. Bunker Standard 210Z BD: 2-20-12 MILK YW +31 +96 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Embryo calf – calving ease with great milk. Bunker In Focus 148Z BD: 2-24-12 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +.9 +48 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 77 None 575 MILK YW +20 +86 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Out of the 2010 grand champion bull at the WWFS. Could be used on heifers. {coNNealY leaDTime {eliGeNce plus of coNaNGa {G a r us premium Beef {Xcr BeauTY l64 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +46 MILK YW +28 +92 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. This bull will add milk with good carcass numbers. Flush mate to Bunker Lead On 926Z. — 26 — 204 Bunker In Focus 198Z BD: 3-21-12 208 owner: Bunker cattle company RJAR Lookout BD: 3-20-12 Angus owner: Nick Johnson Angus BuNker iN focus 3W SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {BuN vrD 24p B c lookouT 7024 SIRE {o c c leGeND 6166 {GiBBeT Hill miGNoNNe e37 BuNker m12 198u DAM {BuNker DoNamere 12r {BuNker eQuaTor 16s BoYD forever laDY 6124 DAM {WooDHill foresiGHT {BoYD forever laDY 811 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 77 None 666 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 78 – 682 MILK YW +19 +91 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Out of the 2010 grand champion bull at the WWFS and a real good Krugerrand & Papa Equator daughter. 205 Scr. Circ. – PROJECTED EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +2.2 +51 +26 +88 CW: I+.34; Marb.: I+.50; RE: I+.55 Bunker In Focus 1961 28Z BD: 3-9-12 Adj. 365 – 209 owner: Bunker cattle company P F Famous 004 201 BD: 2-15-12 Angus owner: paulson farms Angus BuNker iN focus 3W SIRE {mYTTY iN focus {BuN vrD 24p s a v 004 Traveler 4469 SIRE {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {s a v Bessie Heiress 1184 BuNker 1961 28u DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {BuN 275r B B p a f miss liBBY 12 DAM {famous 7001 {p lTD miss mollY 80 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 96 None 624 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +5.1 +47 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None 639 MILK YW +21 +87 View bulls online at www.bunkercattle.com. Contact Brad at (605) 530-6404 with questions or for more information. Out of the 2010 reserve champion at the WWFS - real good bull with a moderate frame. 206 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +3.7 +52 MILK YW +22 +90 Stop and look at this bull sale day. A nice Angus bull. RJAR Bismarck 1015 BD: 12-15-11 Adj. 365 1063 210 owner: Nick Johnson P F Dateline 207 BD: 3-8-12 Angus owner: paulson farms Angus s a v Bismarck 5682 SIRE {Gar GriD maker {s a v aBiGale 0451 Tc freeDom 104 SIRE {coNNealY forefroNT {T c ruBY 9095 BoYD forever laDY 6124 DAM {WooDHill foresiGHT {BoYD forever laDY 811 r s s vrD miss liBBY 605 DAM {vermilioN DaTeliNe 7078 {B B p a f miss liBBY 12 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 71 – 705 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +54 MILK YW +30 +94 CW: I +.28; Marb.: I+.41; RE: I.+64 207 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 93 None 703 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +52 MILK YW +26 +96 A good Angus bull out of TC Freedom 104. RJAR Bismarck 2 BD: 2-1-12 Adj. 365 1180 211 owner: Nick Johnson Angus PF2 Manifest Z203 BD: 2-22-12 owner: paulson farms 1/2 Simmental ~ 1/2Angus s a v Bismarck 5682 SIRE {Gar GriD maker {s a v aBiGale 0451 NicHols maNifesT T79 SIRE {NicHols leGacY m72 {NicHols mcm N13 BoYD forever laDY 6124 DAM {WooDHill foresiGHT {BoYD forever laDY 811 r s s riTo maiDeN 504 DAM {TWiN valleY precisioN e161 {la rue riTo maiD 817 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 76 – 671 Adj. 365 – CW: I+.28; Marb.: I+.41; RE: I+.64 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +54 MILK YW +30 +94 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 None 738 Adj. 365 1245 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW MILK YW +.8 +60.4 +23.9 +105.3 A nice, half blood bull with good EPDs. Stop and look him over. — 27 — Miller Angus We believe that the bulls in this sale represent the best genetics the Angus breed has to offer. The bulls being offered are moderate framed, have an excellent disposition, and have not been overfed. They are athletic, fertile, and possess the fleshing ability to perform under practical range conditions. As in the past, we have hand fed the bulls ourselves at the ranch on a high roughage growing ration. This will ensure longevity and soundness as a breeding bull for you – our friends, our neighbors, and our customers. Backed by top of the line AI sires and a high maternal top performance cow herd, with great dispositions, perfect udder and teet size, and bred-in calving ease. These bulls will fit in perfectly with registered and commercial herds alike. The bulls offered come with a 60 day, first year breeding season guarantee. The bull’s injury must be confirmed by a veterinarian and can’t be a result of neglect. We would like to thank you for your consideration of these bulls. Phil, Pat, Landon & Luke Miller 212 LPM Bruiser 453 BD: 3-29-12 215 owner: miller angus LPM Final Answer 527 BD: 4-12-12 Angus owner: miller angus Angus s a v Bruiser 9164 SIRE {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v miss BoBBie 7463 a & B fiNal aNsWer 9034 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {a & B Blue lass 7069 T W riTo 019 of focus-453 DAM {T W riTo 2100 of focus 10 {T W NorTHWesT 665 of riTo mk BaNDos alliaNce 527 DAM {e D 598 BaNDo 536 {T W alliaNce 5522 135 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 None 670 Adj. 365 1227 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +54 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 73 None 667 MILK YW +19 +92 We are really impressed in these Bruiser bulls. Moderate frame, thick, easy fleshing with a lot of volume. He is a real Bruiser. 213 Scr. Circ. 33 EPDs: BW WW +0 +52 MILK YW +24 +95 You can sleep at night when you use these Final Answer sons on heifers. Calving ease and still have a lot of grow and muscle. LPM Higher Standard 20 BD: 3-29-12 Adj. 365 1115 216 owner: miller angus LPM Final Answer 144 BD: 4-11-12 Angus owner: miller angus Angus cHerrY crk HiGHer sTaNDarD {lcc NeW sTaNDarD SIRE {ms ccr DiaNNa 3257 5372 m a & B fiNal aNsWer 9034 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {a & B Blue lass 7069 lpm maiNliNes imaGe 20 DAM T W focus 5522-144 DAM {spriNG cove eNDuraNce 360 {T W riTo of focus 20-142 {WooDHill maiNliNe {lpm raiNBoW 78 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 60 None 659 Adj. 365 1188 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW -1.1 +52 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 70 None 642 MILK YW +32 +97 Calving ease deluxe. Very low BW EPD -1.1 and 60 lb. birth weight. High growth numbers. Look at the body and thickness in this guy! Recommended to use on heifers. 214 Scr. Circ. 41 EPDs: BW WW -.9 +44 MILK YW +24 +84 Excellent calving ease, good growth numbers, easy fleshing, high volume bull here. Recommended to use on heifers. LPM Final Answer 50 BD: 4-17-12 Adj. 365 1171 217 owner: miller angus Angus LPM Higher Standard 90 BD: 3-7-12 owner: miller angus Angus a & B fiNal aNsWer 9034 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {a & B Blue lass 7069 cHerrY crk HiGHer sTaNDarD {lcc NeW sTaNDarD SIRE {ms ccr DiaNNa 3257 5372 m lpm imaGe of fame 50 DAM {H a imaGe maker 0415 {T W fame of 0854-103 lpm prime Time Traveler 90 DAM INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 71 None 689 Adj. 365 1203 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW -.5 +57 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 77 None 697 MILK YW +24 +100 Another high growth bull with excellent calving ease. These bulls are hard to find. A lot of depth and length and thickness. The easy keep’n kind. {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {T W prime Time-174 Adj. 365 1173 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +1.5 +54 MILK YW +34 +97 Calving ease and maternal sire with this bull. Has a lot of growth in his pedigree with 004, 1407, 6H & Right Time. — 28 — 218 LPM Brillance 100 BD: 3-7-12 222 owner: miller angus LPM Contrast 261 BD: 3-27-12 Angus owner: miller angus Angus s a v BrillaNce 8077 SIRE {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v Blackcap maY 5270 coNNealY coNTrasT SIRE {coNNealY DaNNY BoY {Doris of coNaNGa 669 lpm riGHT Time maNDaTe DAM {sYDGeN maNDaTe 6079 {TW riGHT Time 878-254 lpm Travelers focus 160 DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {T W TraNformer of focus 810 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 None 678 Adj. 365 1207 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +52 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 NOne 646 MILK YW +26 +97 This is a thick made bull with length and body. Excellent growth numbers with high milk and a low BW EPD. 219 223 owner: miller angus Angus coNNealY fiNal proDucT SIRE lpm eXTra k205 of forTuNe 110 {NicHols eXTra k205 DAM {TW forTuNes 878-344 Adj. 365 1177 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW +.6 +55 MILK YW +28 +104 This bull sports a 106 WW Ratio, YW EPD of +104. His mother is a K205; these females milk well & breed back easily without any special care. Big spread with a 76 lb. BW and 711 wean weight. 220 MILK YW +21 +87 LPM Impression 223 BD: 3-31-12 owner: miller angus coNNealY impressioN SIRE {coNNealY reflecTioN {pearl pammY of coNaNGa 194 TW Blackcap of 0854-223 DAM {mr GolDeN liNk 0854 {aNDora Blackcap 1265 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 73 None 633 Adj. 365 1081 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +45 MILK YW +23 +82 Low actual birth weight of 73 lbs. The 223 cow always has these eye appealing calves. I wouldn’t be afraid of this guy on heifers. The disposition on these bulls is unbelievable. 224 LPM Higher Standard 150 BD: 3-12-12 EPDs: BW WW -.5 +45 Angus {coNNealY proDucT 568 {eBoNisTa of coNaNGa 471 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 76 None 711 Scr. Circ. 32 Contrast sons are calving ease for sure. If you want your calves born in the 60s and low 70s, here is your bull. They also grow and have muscle. LPM Final Product 110 BD: 3-9-12 Adj. 365 1109 owner: miller angus LPM Brillance 564 BD: 3-29-12 owner: miller angus Angus Angus cHerrY crk HiGHer sTaNDarD {lcc NeW sTaNDarD SIRE {ms ccr DiaNNa 3257 5378 m s a v BrillaNce 8077 SIRE {s a v Bismarck 5682 {s a v Blackcap maY 5270 lpm riTos impressioN DAM TW forTuNe p Time-564 DAM {TW focus prime Time 942 {TW DiviDeND of fame 809 {coNNealY impressioN {TW WesT riTo 689-325 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 60 None 678 Adj. 365 1188 Scr. Circ. 33 EPDs: BW WW -.2 +50 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 77 None 590 MILK YW +36 +94 High maternal and calving ease out of a first calf heifer. A 60 lb. birth weight, a -0.2 BW EPD and a +34 for milk. Recommended for use on heifers. 221 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +.3 +39 MILK YW +20 +76 Recommended to use on heifers. 77 actual birth weight and a low birth weight EPD. LPM Image Maker 211 BD: 3-13-12 Adj. 365 1080 225 owner: miller angus LPM Impression 254 BD: 3-13-12 owner: miller angus Angus Angus H a imaGe maker 0415 SIRE {Hero 6267 of r r 2418 {H a riTo Blackcap 9038 coNNealY impressioN SIRE {coNNealY reflecTioN {pearl pammY of coNaNGa 194 T W riTo 2100 focus e r 211 DAM {s a f focus of e r {riTo 2100 pouNDmaker of TW33 TW riGHT Time 878-294 DAM {s s e f of DesiGN 878-61 {T W WesTWiND r T 776-278 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 None 661 Adj. 365 1132 Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW +2.2 48 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 87 None 586 MILK YW +28 +83 Image Maker daughters make great cows. If you retain heifers, this is a bull for you. Also, he is out of an 11 year old cow. Longevity here. Adj. 365 1090 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +49 MILK YW +23 +87 This bull’s sire is #1 in the Angus breed in maternal index and in the top 5% for heifer pregnancy. Look at his bull if you are retaining heifers. — 29 — 226 LPM Impression 533 BD: 3-11-12 owner: miller angus 230 CVA Connection 2828 BD: 4-30-12 Angus owner: clemmon valley angus Angus coNNealY impressioN SIRE {coNNealY reflecTioN {pearl pammY of coNaNGa 194 Brooks coNNecTioN 0208 SIRE {s a f coNNecTioN {BlackBirD 7261 BcBr T W riGHT Time of focus-533 DAM {T W riTo 2100 of focus 20 {T W BolDer r T 1426-328 laDY 0828 BcBr DAM {rr 349m DesiGN 6276 {laDY 3334 BcBr INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 65 None 601 Adj. 365 1135 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW -.6 +45 MILK YW +21 +81 A lot of grow in this guy and still had a very light BW of 65 lbs. and a negative BW EPD. 227 owner: clemmon valley angus Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.1 +54 MILK YW +25 +100 We are selling four half brothers from this bull’s sire. We have been extremely pleased with his performance. {o c c emBlaZoN 854e {reDlaND eDella 2079 oX BoW Blackcap laDY 918 DAM {car Tracker 321 {oX BoW Blackcap laDY 273 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 71 None – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +3 +43 231 CVA Connection 205 BD: 4-27-12 owner: clemmon valley angus Angus reDlaND emBlaZoN 3234 SIRE MILK YW +23 +69 His sire was the top selling bull in Redland’s 2005 sale. He adds efficiency, moderation, depth of body, and muscle. Females are easy fleshing with quality udders and a super rib design. Brooks coNNecTioN 0208 SIRE {s a f coNNecTioN {BlackBirD 7261 BcBr c a r esTerel DesiGN 605 DAM {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 208 {Wl 1720 esTerel l4-411 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 107 None – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.9 +49 MILK YW +32 +89 His dam is a long, deep bodied, easy fleshing cow that can really keep her weight despite the rugged river breaks. His sire is a docile calving ease brute. Bon View New Design & Conncetion bloodlines. CVA Connection 291 BD: 3-31-12 owner: clemmon valley angus Angus Brooks coNNecTioN 0208 SIRE {s a f coNNecTioN {BlackBirD 7261 BcBr a a vale lass 419 DAM {BoN vieW NeW DesiGN 208 {a a vale lass 220 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 79 None – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +.4 +50 232 Amen Frontier 4002 BD: Na owner: amen angus farms inc. Angus MILK YW +28 +90 Connection bulls are ranked high for pleasing dispositions, high level of fertility, structural soundess, moderate framed, added body length and feminine daughters. 229 Adj. 365 – CVA Emblazon 219 BD: 2-15-12 Angus 228 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 94 None – ameN 095 froNTier 149 SIRE {B/r NeW froNTier 095 {ameN erica lass 270 ameN erica lass 958 DAM {er falcoN 1477 {ameN erica lass 705 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 81 A 666 Adj. 365 1189 Scr. Circ. 41 EPDs: BW WW +.8 +52 MILK YW +24 +92 Scan data: Adj. IMF 4.81; Adj. Ribeye 12.4 CVA Connection 274 BD: 4-14-12 owner: clemmon valley angus Angus Brooks coNNecTioN 0208 SIRE {s a f coNNecTioN {BlackBirD 7261 BcBr primrose 0743 BcBr DAM {er Traveler k010 {primrose 0378 B c B r INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 None – Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.5 +47 233 Amen Frontier 4122 BD: 3-6-12 owner: amen angus farms inc. Angus MILK YW +26 +88 ameN 095 froNTier 149 SIRE {B/r NeW froNTier 095 {ameN erica lass 270 4G Blackcap empress 6606 DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {4 G Blackcap empress 718 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 95 A 716 Adj. 365 1220 Scr. Circ. 42 His sire is a great asset as our main herd sire. He really covers country in the river breaks, settling more than his fair Scan data: Adj. IMF 4.07; Adj. Ribeye 13.5 share on their first cycle. Giving great calves. His dam was a fancy long bodied heifer. — 30 — EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +55 MILK YW +24 +93 234 Amen Chisum 152 BD: 2-2-12 238 owner: amen angus farms inc. Amen Aberdeen 1022 BD: 2-3-12 Angus owner: amen angus farms inc. Angus s cHisum 6175 SIRE {s alliaNce 3313 {s Gloria 464 Tc aBerDeeN 759 SIRE {c r a BeXTor 872 5205 608 {Tc BlackBirD 4034 ameN QueeN lass 757 DAM {THomas laTiGo {ameN QueeN lass 212 ameN QueeN lass 424 DAM {s a v 8180 Traveler 004 {ameN QueeN lass 1492 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 A 705 Adj. 365 1161 Scr. Circ. 38.5 EPDs: BW WW +2.9 +56 MILK YW +27 +94 Scan data: Adj. IMF 3.27; Adj. Ribeye 13.6 235 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 93 A 682 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +2.7 +55 MILK YW +31 +97 Scan data: Adj. IMF 4.11; Adj. Ribeye 14.9 Amen Chisum 162 BD: 2-3-12 Adj. 365 1167 239 owner: amen angus farms inc. BJB Mr Cupid Y597 BD: 2-13-12 Angus owner: Bar J Bar ranch Angus s cHisum 6175 SIRE {s alliaNce 3313 {s Gloria 464 mcc cupiD 414 SIRE {o c c leGeND 616l {mcc miss priDe ever 213 ameN WeNDYs lass 1215 DAM {4 G NeW DesiGN 934 {ameN WeNDYs lass 762 BJB saraH u539 DAM {G 13 sTeel {BJB sTar saraH r491 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 96 A 731 Adj. 365 1249 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW 3.7 +60 MILK YW +32 +102 Scan data: Adj. IMF 4.24; Adj. Ribeye 12.7 236 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 71 None 666 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.8 +46 MILK YW +13 +79 Raised with no creep. Should be calving ease bull for use on heifers. Amen Chisum 222 BD: 2-6-12 Adj. 365 – 240 owner: amen angus farms inc. BJB Great Divide Z620 BD: 3-1-12 Angus owner: Bar J Bar ranch Angus s cHisum 6175 SIRE {s alliaNce 3313 {s Gloria 464 limesToNe GreaT DiviDe u254 SIRE {B c maraTHoN 7022 {sTeveNsoN WaTerBack 462J ameN WeNDYs lass 137 DAM {iroNWooD NeW level {ameN WeNDYs lass 1191 BJB GolDeN Girl N456 DAM {Tc DiviDeND 963 {B J B ms oNeill eXT l433 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 A 717 Adj. 365 1189 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +1.2 +56 MILK YW +34 +99 Scan data: Adj. IMF 3.48; Adj. Ribeye 13.4 237 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 735 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.4 +44 241 owner: amen angus farms inc. Angus BJB Excellency Z618 BD: 2-28-12 owner: Bar J Bar ranch Angus s cHisum 6175 SIRE {s alliaNce 3313 {s Gloria 464 siNclair eXcelleNcY 5X25 SIRE {N Bar emulaTioN eXT {iDeal 4465 of 6807 4286 ameN WeNDYs lass 2450 DAM {ameN 2 878 riTo 207 {ameN WeNDYs lass 1191 BJB saraH u539 DAM {G 13 sTeel {BJB sTar saraH r491 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 A 658 Adj. 365 1276 Scr. Circ. 36 Scan data: Adj. IMF 3.16; Adj. Ribeye 14.0 MILK YW +19 +78 No creep. Super docile. Amen Chisum 342 BD: 2-15-12 Adj. 365 – EPDs: BW WW +3.6 +54 MILK YW +33 +101 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 None 726 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – No creep. Feed efficiency genetics here. — 31 — EPDs: BW WW +.5 +50 MILK YW +21 +93 242 24J 719 BD: 3-25-12 245 owner: Tom & lacey clements BR Answer 210 Z BD: 1-20-12 Angus owner: Baker ranch angus Angus BT riGHT Time 24J SIRE {leacHmaN riGHT Time {siTZ everelDa eNTeNse 1905 coNNealY aNsWer 71 SIRE {s a v fiNal aNsWer 0035 {euro reeka of coNaNGa 3539 commercial DAM { { scr mariaNNa 4876 DAM {vermilioN DaTeliNe 7078 {WiNDac mariaNNa 188-5005 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 80 – Approx. 875 - Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW – – INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 None 809 MILK YW – – 24J 719 virgin yearling bull out of a stout made, big hipped, 5 year old cow. 243 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +4.2 +50 MILK YW +21 +89 A powerful herd sire prospect with great length and shape. A free moving bull that will leave his mark. His mother is one of our favorite cows with top performance and a great udder. 246 24J 701 BD: 3-20-12 Adj. 365 1175 owner: Tom & lacey clements LaGrand Pure Product 2092 BD: 1-25-12 owner: Baker ranch angus Angus Angus BT riGHT Time 24J SIRE {leacHmaN riGHT Time {siTZ everelDa eNTeNse 1905 mcaTl pure proDucT 903-55 SIRE {coNNealY fiNal proDucT {m a esTa 55-252 commercial fuoss aNGus DAM { { laGraND peG 6747 DAM {p v f NeW HoriZoN 001 {Tc peG 7021 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 81 – Approx. 875 - Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW – – INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 97 None 766 MILK YW – – 24J 701 virgin yearling bull out of a very productive five-yearold female. 244 247 owner: Tom & lacey clements commercial mc cumBer aNGus { DAM { Scr. Circ. – MILK YW +24 +100 BD: 1-25-12 owner: Baker ranch angus Angus {coNNealY oNWarD {siTZ eisa everGreeN 780 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 72 – Approx. 800 - EPDs: BW WW +4.7 +51 LaGrand Aberdeen 2098 Angus siTZ oNWarD 509r SIRE Scr. Circ. 38 A correct bull with mass volume, guts and muscle shape. A bull from one of our top LaGrand cows we purchased. She comes from a line of top producing cows, great udder and a 107 WR. 509R 033 BD: Na Adj. 365 1258 EPDs: BW WW – – Tc aBerDeeN 759 SIRE {c r a BeXTor 872 5205 608 {Tc BlackBirD 4034 laGraND laDY vick 6836 DAM {laGraND suN DaNce 4211 {J r laDY vick 173i INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 743 MILK YW – – 509R 033 virgin yearling bull out of a very gentle first calf Mc Cumber heifer. Adj. 365 1154 Scr. Circ. 37.5 EPDs: BW WW +3.0 +51 MILK YW +30 +93 A top carcass bull in both RE and Marb. He is long, correct, stylish and highly maternal. His dam is a favorite and a Pathfinder dam. — 32 — 248 LaGrand Revenue 2228 BD: 2-21-12 250 owner: Baker ranch angus LaGrand 420 Total 2234 BD: 2-23-12 Angus owner: Baker ranch angus Angus riTo reveNue 5m2 of 2536 pre {G a r preDesTiNeD SIRE {G a r precisioN 2536 carlsoN ToTal 420 SIRE laGraND kareN 5485 DAM laGraND HeNrieTTa priDe 4830 {papa eQuaTor 2928 DAM {siTZ HeNrieTTa priDe 1219 {fv BoB 1441 {laGraND kareN 3449 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 None 789 Adj. 365 1273 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +2.5 +45 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 93 None 813 MILK YW +29 +87 A thick, smooth, moderate framed bull with a big quarter and deep ribbed. His dam is a great cow. She is a Pathfinder with a 104 WR and a 106 YR. 2228 has big time carcass numbers. 249 Adj. 365 1280 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +2.8 +41 MILK YW +21 +88 A long, wide topped bull with good muscle and top performance. This bull comes from the famed Henrietta Pride cow family. 2234’s mother has a 107 WR and a 106 YR LaGrand Revenue 2105 BD: 1-27-12 {Tc ToTal 410 {carlsoN 3185 BaNDo 20713 251 owner: Baker ranch angus LaGrand Aberdeen 2138 BD: 1-31-12 Angus owner: Baker ranch angus Angus riTo reveNue 5m2 of 2536 pre {G a r preDesTiNeD SIRE {G a r precisioN 2536 Tc aBerDeeN 759 SIRE {c r a BeXTor 872 5205 608 {Tc BlackBirD 4034 laGraND BarBara Bell 9216 DAM mel acres BlackBirD 445 DAM {summiTcresT HiGH prime 0H29 {BlackBirD T l 045 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 97 None 798 {DiamoND maX 568T {laGraND BarBara Bell 7242 Adj. 365 1239 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW +3.9 +48 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 96 None 833 MILK YW +30 +93 Long, thick and a top carcass bull with a RE of .66 and a Marb of .79. His dam is one of our top LaGrand cows with a 105 WR. Adj. 365 1168 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +52 MILK YW +33 +90 2138 is a performance bull with added length and style. His RE and Marb EPDs are excellent and his dam is a super producer with a 105 WR and a great udder. McDonnell Angus Leo & Sam McDonnell For more information: Rhame, ND Columbus, MT (406) 780-0176 (406) 322-4447 Selling 10 head of Angus & Sim/Angus Bulls at Bull Day 2013 Lots 287-296 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Some featured bloodlines for 2013 were: EXAR Upshot HARB Windy 758 Sitz Upward Rock’n D Proficient Connealy Answer 71 Net Worth 4200 Bismarck S A V 707 Rito 9969 — 33 — 252 KB L1 Domino 235 Z BD: 2-15-12 256 owner: Baker Hereford ranch KB L1 Domino 265 Z BD: 3-23-12 Hereford owner: Baker Hereford ranch Hereford kB l1 DomiNo 842u SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 655 eT {moNTaNa miss 310 kB l1 DomiNo 6152 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 218 {l1 DomiNeTTe 4136p kB l1 markeTTe 243 DAM {JH mark 9454 1eT {kB l1 DomiNeTTe 827 kB l1 DomiNeTTe 678 DAM {kB l1 DomiNo 450p {kB miss ceNTurioN 283 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 None 680 Adj. 365 1198 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +3.2 +46 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 87 None 710 MILK YW +25 +61 A correct, clean made son of the top 842U sire that has lots of stretch and eye appeal. Good muscle and width of back. This bull’s maternal pedigree is great and his half sister sold for $19,000. 253 Scr. Circ. 38.5 EPDs: BW WW +4.1 +48 257 owner: Baker Hereford ranch KB L1 Domino 258 Z BD: 3-6-12 Hereford owner: Baker Hereford ranch Hereford kB l1 DomiNo 6152 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 218 {l1 DomiNeTTe 4136p kB l1 DomiNo 6152 SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 218 {l1 DomiNeTTe 4136p kB l1 DomiNeTTe 620 DAM {cl 1 DomiNo 373N {kB amY 1157 kB l1 DomiNeTTe 6113 DAM {cl 1 DomiNo 417p {kB l1 DomiNeTTe 4129 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 None 611 Adj. 365 1152 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +3.6 +44 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 None 654 MILK YW +27 +77 A calving ease bull with good length, style and muscle expression. This bull’s dam is a top cow with a 105 wean ratio and a +31 milk. She has sons in purebred herds. 254 Adj. 365 1207 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +3.2 +39 258 owner: Baker Hereford ranch KB L1 Domino 226Z BD: 2-7-12 Hereford owner: Baker Hereford ranch Hereford cl 1 DomiNo 849u SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 648s {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 591r 1eT HH aDvaNce 9027W SIRE {l1 DomiNo 03571 {HH miss aDvaNce 6074s kB l1 DomiNo 034X DAM {HH aDvaNce 6001s {kB l1 DomiNeTTe 551r JBN 0072 DomiNeTTe 305 DAM {HH aDvaNce 0072k {JBN 3194 DomiNeTTe 15 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 63 None 697 Adj. 365 1238 Scr. Circ. 40 EPDs: BW WW +1.5 +50 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 65 None 668 MILK YW +26 +70 A calving ease bull that is short marked, long middle, smooth shouldered that comes from a long line of top cows. A royally bred bull to keep replacement females from. 255 Adj. 365 1220 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW -.6 +39 MILK YW +25 +57 A moderate framed, thick made son of the top 9027 Holden bull. This bull will work on heifers. Lots of natural width, depth of rib and a big hip in this well muscled attractive heifer bull. KB L1 Domino 246 Z BD: 2-24-12 MILK YW +21 +73 An attractive, long bodied bull that is solid marked and has a big ribeye EPD. His mother is by the top selling 417P Cooper bull that sires top females. This bull should work on heifers. KB L1 Domino 217Z BD: 1-29-12 MILK YW +22 +79 A correct, thick and deep 6152 son that has excellent performance and a big ribeye ratio. His dam is an excellent cow and a top producer. KB L1 Domino 268 Z BD: 3-25-12 Adj. 365 1167 259 owner: Baker Hereford ranch KB L1 Domino 251Z BD: 2-29-12 Hereford owner: Baker Hereford ranch Hereford kB l1 DomiNo 842u SIRE {kB l1 DomiNo 655 eT {moNTaNa miss 310 cl 1 DomiNo 7110T SIRE {cl 1 DomiNo 590r {cl 1 DomiNeTTe 332N kB l1 DomiNeTTe 9172W DAM {cl 1 DomiNo 0152k {kB l1 DomiNeTTe 701 kB DomiNeTTe 238 DAM {sNs 47G silver DaNDY 11J {kB l1 DomiNeTTe 937 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 None 662 Adj. 365 1185 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +4.1 +51 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 None 640 MILK YW +26 +74 A classy bull from the 842 herd sire that sires quality cattle. This bull is smooth made and will calve easy. His pedigree is highly maternal. His dam has a 97.5 BW ratio and a 108 weaning ratio. His half brother was one of our high sellers last year. Adj. 365 1260 Scr. Circ. 39 EPDs: BW WW +3.4 +61 MILK YW +22 +100 A long correct bull by the great 7110 herd sire. This bull is long, smooth made through the shoulder and out of a stellar cow and cow family. His dam has a birth ratio of 99 with top carcass figures. — 34 — 260 RC MR Suscess 2010 Pld BD: 4-4-12 262 owner: ritchey charolais Spring Crks U.Waters 0282Y BD: 4-1-11 Charolais owner: spring creeks cattle co. Limousin rc JusT Java 8055 plD SIRE {rc JusTice 4018 {rc miss Java 4052 Wulfs uNcHarTeD WaTers SIRE {Wulfs riDGleY 3172r {Wulfs sHaDoW BoX 6091s rc miss reD coTToN 9016 plD DAM {rc reD rock 7007 plD {rc miss coTToN 6058 Wulfs klara 0282k DAM {vorD HalfBack {miss WolfeTTe 1111a INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 – 645 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +25 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 – 641 MILK YW +3 +41 This is a very good calf; big topped, big butted in a very pretty package. Do not miss this bull on sale day. 261 263 owner: ritchey charolais {rc DeNver 6026 plD {rc miss lori 3039 f1076856 rc miss uNlimiTeD 7075 {2Tm uNlimiTeD JusTice508 DAM {miss rose 5068 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 89 – 642 Adj. 365 – Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -.3 +20 EPDs: BW WW +1.2 +50 MILK YW +26 +86 Spring Crks Y U Short 855Y BD: 3-16-11 owner: spring creeks cattle co. Lim-Flex Charolais rc iNvesco 0038 plD SIRE Scr. Circ. – Black and double polled. REA: 13.22 A stout two year old bull that will cover a lot of cows. An outstanding Limousin pedigree. RC MR Invesco 2025 Pld BD: 4-15-12 Adj. 365 1180 eXlr 263c 701u SIRE {eXar 263c {eXlr elBa 077r cHYN upToWN Girl 855u DAM {cmil NeW GeNeraTioN 555r {vl rock sTar 503r INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 82 – 468 MILK YW +7 +38 This is a smooth bull with great balance with good numbers in an attractive package. Adj. 365 1100 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW -1.6 +37 MILK YW +25 +82 Homozygous black and double polled. No creep. REA: 12.1; IMF: 3.16. A good two year old Lim-Flex that was raised by a heifer and has a low birth weight. Will make all black calves. — 35 — 264 Spring Creeks Consensus 0010 BD: 1-23-12 267 owner: spring creeks cattle co. Spring Creeks Titlelist 0068 BD: 2-29-12 Angus owner: spring creeks cattle co. Angus coNNealY coNseNsus 7229 SIRE {coNNealY coNseNsus {Blue lillY of coNaNGa 16 eXar TiTlelisT T011 SIRE {Br miDlaND {eXG Blackcap r054 r3 eXar eulima 213 DAM {sua NeW DesiGN of 223 5728 {s u a caNYoN iNGalls 1208 B B ms emulaTioN 0095 DAM {Tc sTockmaN 365 {B B miss emulaTioN 0007 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 – 707 Adj. 365 1181 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +2.3 +43 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 None 687 MILK YW +20 +97 REA: 13.7; IMF: 6.11. This bull is sired by one of the hottest bulls in the business today – Consensus. He is thick and as long as you can make one. 265 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.6 +31 MILK YW +25 +65 REA: 15.5 IMF: 4.93. This Titlelist son has a 68 lb. birth weight and has a can’t miss dam. Spring Creeks 6em3 0014 BD: 2-1-12 Adj. 365 1050 268 owner: spring creeks cattle co. 0036 BD: 3-16-12 Angus owner: spring creeks cattle co. Angus riTo 6em3 of 4l1 emBlaZoN SIRE {o c c emBlaZoN 854e {riTa 4l1 of 2536 208 eXar suNDaNce 6216 SIRE {Br miDlaND {Wk priNcess 1194 eXar eNTeNse 84212 DAM {H s a f BaNDo 1961 {roDrock eNTeNse 3239 rr BarBaramere JeT 5318 DAM {J r amBusH 293i {r r BarBaramere JeT 4459 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 68 – 788 Adj. 365 1175 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW +1.3 +49 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 86 – 630 MILK YW +23 +92 REA: 14.7; IMF: 4.79. A true calving ease sire here. We have had hundreds of 6EM3 calves and they come small and explode with growth and muscle. 266 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW – – MILK YW – – REA: 14.9; IMF: 5.7. We have owned the Sundance bull for 6 years and love every calf that he has produced. 0036 is a stout and deep sided bull. Current weight 1265. Spring CRKS 6em3 0062 BD: 3-27-12 Adj. 365 1170 269 owner: spring creeks cattle co. 0038 BD: 3-13-12 Angus owner: spring creeks cattle co. Angus riTo 6em3 of 4l1 emBlaZoN SIRE {o c c emBlaZoN 854e {riTa 4l1 of 2536 208 eXar suNDaNce 6216 SIRE {Br miDlaND {Wk priNcess 1194 lafliNs lass 4129 DAM {B/r NeW froNTier 095 {leacHmaN lass 8003 eXar eXplorers lass 3518 DAM {Br miDlaND {r&r eXplorers lass 3201 1146 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 74 None 562 Adj. 365 1045 Scr. Circ. EPDs: BW WW +2.0 +44 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 630 MILK YW +19 +80 REA: 11.3; IMF: 6.22. No creep. Another calving ease son of 6EM3. Thick and powerful. Out of a great cow family. Adj. 365 1160 Scr. Circ. – EPDs: BW WW – – MILK YW – – REA: 14.3; IMF: 4.88. Another good Sundance son. This bull has a great dam with a huge maternal. He will be a good bull to check out on sale day. Current weight 1190. — 36 — 270 RLB Mastermag 723Z Pld BD: 3-9-12 273 owner: r lazy B charolais RLB Good Time 931Z Pld BD: 3-12-12 Charolais owner: r lazy B charolais Charolais keYs maGNum 44u SIRE {keYs TeN-acious 166s {miss keY fame 111p ec aBouT Time 5027 plD SIRE {ec No DouBT 2022 p {ec TreNDY laDY 5027 p rlB miss 723T DAM {rc limiTless 136 plD {rlB ms celesTe 222mplDTW rlB ms maZZi 931 DAM {rc mccoY 2177 plD {rlB ms cHarleNe 344N plD INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 NA 721 Adj. 365 1412 Scr. Circ. 36 EPDs: BW WW -.5 +27 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 80 NA 746 MILK YW +5 +55 Extra thick, easy fleshing bull. Polled. 271 274 owner: r lazy B charolais BD: 2-22-12 Jls performer 766W plD SIRE {lT easY BleND 5125 plD {Jls No DouBT 766 plD rlB miss reWarD 749T DAM {rc reWarD 5150 {rlB ms uNlimiTeD 301NplD rlB ms sHeBa 627s DAM Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW +1.0 +39 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 NA 733 MILK YW +4 +74 RLB Time Maker 829Z Pld BD: 3-21-12 owner: r lazy B charolais {keYs TeN-acious 166s {miss keY fame 111p {rc limiTless 136 plD {rlB ms aNGie 912J plD Adj. 365 1367 Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW -1.2 +25 275 owner: r lazy B charolais RLB Mister Key 751Z Pld BD: 4-5-12 Charolais owner: r lazy B charolais Charolais ec aBouT Time 5027 plD SIRE {ec No DouBT 2022 p {ec TreNDY laDY 5027 p keYs maGNum 44u SIRE {keYs TeN-acious 166s {miss keY fame 111p rlB miss GriD maker 829u DAM {scr sir GriD maker 6032 {rlB missY 523 rlB miss keY 751T DAM {keYs piraTe 183p {miss keY Damera 292p INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 NA 697 Adj. 365 1327 Scr. Circ. 35 MILK YW +4 +54 Easy calving pedigree with plenty of growth. Polled. Good, thick, moderate frame bull. Polled. 272 MILK YW +4 +67 RLB Kornfed 627Z keYs maGNum 44u SIRE Adj. 365 1382 EPDs: BW WW +.7 +39 Charolais Charolais INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 94 NA 782 Scr. Circ. – Good, thick bull with a low BW. The 5027 calves showed extra vigor at birth. Polled. RLB Rerformer 749Z Pld BD: 3-24-12 Adj. 365 1341 EPDs: BW WW 0 +31 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 92 NA 707 MILK YW +13 +60 Stretchy, well made bull with the muscle to go with it. A very maternal pedigree to boot. Polled. The 5027 calves jump right up and nurse at birth. Adj. 365 1347 Scr. Circ. 38 Nice moderate bull. Easy calving. Polled. — 37 — EPDs: BW WW +.5 +38 MILK YW -4 +69 276 RLB Fearless 802Z Pld BD: 4-18-12 280 owner: r lazy B charolais C–B Top Boy 264 BD:2-29 -12 Charolais owner: c–B charolais Charolais keYs maGNum 44u SIRE {keYs TeN-acious 166s {miss keY fame 111p JaB Top sHelf 690 polleD SIRE {WDZ BuD 434 plD eT {ec sierra 018 plD rlB ms limiTless 802u DAM {rc limiTless 136 plD {rlB ms uNlimiTeD 210m p c-B ms simBa 0208 DAM {Wcr sir l06 620 p {ecc ms suNfloWer 2908 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 84 NA 712 Adj. 365 1411 Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW +.1 +26 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 95 1 727 MILK YW +7 +55 Younger bull with a calving ease look and plenty of growth. Polled. 277 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW +.2 +24 MILK YW +2 +43 Very attractive Top Shelf son with good length and calving ease bred in. Out of a 10 year old dam. RLB Sahara 321Z Pld BD: 3-26-12 Adj. 365 1252 281 owner: r lazy B charolais C–B Petrie 275 BD: 3-6-12 Charolais owner: c–B charolais Charolais Jls performer 766W plD SIRE {lT easY BleND 5125 plD {Jls No DouBT 766 plD ec-JaB peTrie 809 plD SIRE {lT asserTioN 1277 p {Tr ms paceseTTer 6579s rlB ms saraH 321N plD DAM {rc limiTless 136 plD {rlB ms BlaZe 048k plD c-B ms DuDe 545 plD DAM {c-B Tuff DuDe 310 polleD {c-B ms ease l1556 plD INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 NA 710 Adj. 365 1400 Scr. Circ. 34 EPDs: BW WW +.7 +33 MILK YW +6 +57 Long, smooth made bull. Polled. 278 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 90 1 693 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +.8 +29 MILK YW +7 +48 Out of our 809 bull who sires long progeny that calve easy and perform very well. RLB Sir Performer 854Z BD: 3-20-12 Adj. 365 1205 282 owner: r lazy B charolais Charolais C–B Hedge 252 BD: 2-26-12 owner: c–B charolais Charolais Jls performer 766W plD SIRE {lT easY BleND 5125 plD {Jls No DouBT 766 plD JaB HeDGe HoG 995 polleD SIRE {lT easY BleND 5125 plD {JaB cleo 728 polleD rlB miss uNlimiTeD 854u DAM {kc uNlimiTeD mac 552p eT {rlB ms spaGHeTTi 618s Jcr ms impressive 825 p DAM {Wcr sir impress 1325 plD {Jcr miss Duke 225 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 88 NA 705 Adj. 365 1327 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +.6 +30 MILK YW +7 +59 Long bodied and smooth made. Polled. 279 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 1 618 Adj. 365 1279 Scr. Circ. 37 EPDs: BW WW +.5 +32 Very thick made Hedge son that will really pack the pounds on his calves. RLB Performance Plus 705Z Pld BD: 3-9-12 owner: r lazy B charolais Bull Day “The Main Event” Charolais Jls performer 766W plD SIRE {lT easY BleND 5125 plD {Jls No DouBT 766 plD rlB ms asserT 705T DAM {lT pro asserT 4211 p {rlB ms super eZ 522 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 98 NA 721 Adj. 365 1279 Scr. Circ. 37 MILK YW -2 +62 EPDs: BW WW +1.8 +34 Tuesday, May 7, 2013 Sale Time: 11:00 a.m. (MT) MILK YW +2 +57 Low birth EPD with a well bred pedigree. Polled. — 38 — 283 C–B All Star 295 BD: 3-19-12 285 owner: c–B charolais C–B All Maker 238 BD: 2-21-12 Charolais owner: c–B charolais Charolais Wf all sTar 764 plD SIRE {BalDriDGe fasTTrack 82f plD {Wf miss caNaDiaN skY 723 Wf all sTar 764 plD SIRE {BalDriDGe fasTTrack 82f plD {Wf miss caNaDiaN skY 723 vcr priNcess 9106 plD DAM {vcr sir Duke 9918 eT plD {vcr miss flasH 5219r plD kc ms profiT maker 9161p DAM {ace-orr makers mark 689 {kcmiss DakoTa WiND1615eT INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 83 1 796 Adj. 365 1274 Scr. Circ. 35 EPDs: BW WW -3.3 +28 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 91 1 650 MILK YW +9 +29 Note his calving ease and his 205 wt. He will make them easy at birth and heavy in the fall on sale day. 284 Scr. Circ. 33 EPDs: BW WW -.8 +19 MILK YW +8 +21 This guy caries the red factor. He is smooth made out of a moderate frame cow. C–B Petrie 227 BD: 2-18-12 Adj. 365 1132 286 owner: c–B charolais C–B Petrie 262 BD: 2-29-12 Charolais owner: c–B charolais Charolais ec-JaB peTrie 809 plD SIRE {lT asserTioN 1277 plD {Tr ms paceseTTer 6579s ec-JaB peTrie 809 plD SIRE {lT asserTioN 1277 plD {Tr ms paceseTTer 6579s c-B ms prime 801 plD DAM {Wcr sir primcuT 4466 eTplD {c-B ms simBa 9911 plD c-B ms TuNDY l141 DAM {lT remuDa 4150 p {c-B ms simBa 840H plD INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 97 1 653 Adj. 365 1275 Scr. Circ. 38 EPDs: BW WW 2.4 +21 MILK YW +7 +47 Nice made Petrie son out of a Prime Cut granddaughter. Well made and smooth type of bull. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE DATA: Birth Wt. Clvg. Asst. Adj. 205 85 1 669 Adj. 365 1162 Scr. Circ. 41 EPDs: BW WW -.4 +20 MILK YW +2 +34 A lot of meat in this guy. Good rear quarter with depth of body describes this bull. — 39 — Notes … Thanks for attending our sale! The Auction Way is the Best Way! Philip Livestock Auction (605) 859-2577 — 40 — PHILIP LIVESTOCK AUCTION Philip, South Dakota The Auction Way is the Best Way: •Cattle Sales Every Tuesday •Horse Sales, as scheduled To consign cattle or horses, or to have a representative look at your livestock, give us a call: (605) 859-2577 THOR ROSETH, Owner (605) 859-2577 • Philip BAXTER ANDERS, Fieldman (605) 685-4862 • Wasta BILLY MARKWED, Fieldman (605) 567-3385 • Midland JEFF LONG Fieldman/Auctioneer (605) 515-0186 • Enning DAN PIROUTEK, Auctioneer (605) 544-3316 • Milesville LYNN WEISHAAR, Auctioneer (605) 866-4670 • Reva STEVEN STEWART, Yard Foreman (605) 441-1984 BOB ANDERSON, Fieldman (605) 347-0151 • Sturgis
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