Learn More - Cabot Creamery


Learn More - Cabot Creamery
Cabot Chef
Jimmy Kennedy
Meet Jimmy Kennedy, a Renaissance Man in the Kitchen
He’s a self-taught professional cook, a restaurateur, a
Jimmy, a professional bass fisherman since his teens,
champion bass fisherman and avid hunter, a TV
competes on the B.A.S.S. and FLW circuits. He’s been a
personality and an engaging spokesperson, who lives in
featured guest on Charlie Moore Outdoors, and has been
the woods of Northern Vermont with his wife, two
interviewed by several national publications. He’s the
daughters and coonhound Vidalia.
author of a cookbook, The River Run Cookbook: Southern Comfort from Vermont and the recipient of several
Jimmy was born and raised in rural Northeast Mississippi,
culinary awards.
where he learned to hunt, fish and cook at a very young
age. After graduating from the University of Mississippi,
For the past five years, Jimmy has proudly represented
Jimmy moved to Capitol Hill, and worked as a legislative
Cabot Creamery Cooperative as a spokesperson and
assistant to Congressman Webb Franklin, where his
celebrity chef, appearing on dozens of TV news programs
passion for the outdoors helped secure a Presidential
across the country. He even prepared dinner for rock stars
Appointment to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He
Daryl Hall and Gavin DeGraw on the nationally syndicated
eventually ventured to NYC, where he started a catfish
hit series Live from Daryl’s House.
distribution business, and became partners in two
restaurants, Acme Bar and Grill and Nadine’s. In 1991, he
When he’s not competing as a professional fisherman,
opened River Run restaurant in Vermont, which would
doing live TV appearances or cooking for rock stars, Jimmy
become a nationally known destination. For 20 years,
works with kids as a Let’s Go Fishing Instructor for the
Jimmy’s southern cooking received outstanding reviews
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Service. from food critics across the country; the Boston Globe
called it “one of the best restaurants in New England.”
To schedule an interview with Jimmy, please contact Cabot PR Manager
Nate Formalarie at 802-496-1254 or nformalarie@cabotcheese.coop
“Welcome to our new
restaurant... the
cook didn’t show up.”