Codex Genestealer Cult
Codex Genestealer Cult
Codex Genestealer Cult Version 0.7 -1- Contents Version 0.7 Contents ............................................................................... 1 Contents .................................................................................................. 2 Introduction .............................................................................................. 3 What are Genestealers? ...................................................................... 4 What is Warhammer 40K? ................................................................... 4 Background ............................................................................................. 6 Genestealer Physiology ..................................................................... 10 Forces of the Genestealer Cult ............................................................. 13 Special Rules: .................................................................................... 13 Psychic Powers: ................................................................................ 14 Wargear ............................................................................................. 15 Vehicle Upgrades .............................................................................. 16 GENESTEALER PATRIARCH .............................................................. 20 GENESTEALER BROODLORD ............................................................ 23 HYBRID PROTO-MAGUS ..................................................................... 25 HYBRID MAGUS ................................................................................... 26 GENESTEALER BROOD ...................................................................... 27 YMGARL GENESTEALERS ................................................................. 28 4TH GENERATION HYBRIDS .............................................................. 30 THRALLS (Contagii).............................................................................. 32 BRETHREN (Potentius Contagii) .......................................................... 33 2nd GENERATION HYBRIDS ............................................................... 35 1ST GENERATION HYBRIDS .............................................................. 36 BRETHREN BIKERS ............................................................................ 37 ATV PATROLS ...................................................................................... 38 INTERPLANETARY SHUTTLE ............................................................. 40 SENTINELS .......................................................................................... 41 ARMOURED SENTINELS .................................................................... 42 DRONE SQUAD .................................................................................... 43 PURIFIER SQUAD (Corporaptor Purificati) .......................................... 44 CONVERSION BEAM BATTERY ......................................................... 46 REQUISITIONED TANKS ..................................................................... 47 BASILISK .............................................................................................. 49 LIVING WEAPON.................................................................................. 50 CIVILIAN TRANSPORT ........................................................................ 51 „TECHNICALS‟ ...................................................................................... 52 Example Army Lists: Genestealer Invasion Force ................................ 53 Tactica: Genestealer Cult ...................................................................... 57 Invasion Force Tactics ....................................................................... 58 Modelling a Genestealer Cult Army....................................................... 59 Genestealers ..................................................................................... 59 SUMMARY ............................................................................................ 62 -2- Introduction As she was ushered through arched wooden doors, Genna blinked twice, to let her eyes adjust to the dim light. The office she found herself in was dusty and old, like much of the rest of the temple, yet there was something strangely new about it. Perhaps it was the wide stone table at its centre, also worn and used, yet oddly out of place amidst engraved epitaphs and framed pictures. There was something wrong with it. “Welcome good sister, Father Lorim spoke most highly of you.” The sibilant voice that addressed her came from the far corner of the room. It was familiar to her, yet she was more comfortable with it when she remained hidden amongst a congregation. “Thank you for seeing me Father,” she replied. The bald priest whom the voice belonged to, emerged from the gloom. His smile was welcoming, yet predatory. “Not at all, such personal requests are always welcomed by our ministry. How can I be of service?” Genna had never been this close to the priest before. She was surprised to see how young he was, no more than eighteen she guessed. “I was wondering when Father Lorim will be returning?” “Not for some time I'm afraid. His ministry calls him further into the new colonial parishes, I do apologise, I understand you were very close?” Genna swallowed, ignoring the implication. “We were good friends, yes.” “Indeed, he is a difficult man to follow there was much love for him here,” The priest smiled. “I can only hope to achieve such a status.” His eyes dragged hers to his, holding them prisoner. “Was that what you wanted to see me about?” “It wasn't the only thing.” “Then how else may I help?” “I wondered - as you've spoken to Father Lorim whether you had an address for him?” The smile returned, wider this time. “Ah no, I am sorry, any communication I have received has been through the temple office.” Genna frowned, “It‟s just he left so suddenly –“ “Indeed, sometimes when the temple calls us we must respond promptly. I am sure it was not his intent to cause you concern, he will send word soon.” -3- Welcome to the unofficial Codex: Genestealers for the game Warhammer 40k. This booklet is designed in the same style as the official codex for WH40k produced by Games Workshop. It updates the rules published in the Warhammer 40K Compilation from 1991 and is written to complement the official Codex: Tyranids. In this booklet, we will take you through all of the steps on how to select, create and construct your Genestealer army and offer some tips on modifying miniatures to represent the different characters you have chosen. specialised army list up to an agreed point value and paint their own miniatures for tabletop gaming. Design Notes: I started playing Warhammer 40,000 back in 1990. At Christmas 2010, I took a look back at the old books that I had and was struck by how much of a rich background there was for the Genestealer cults. Looking through my current books, I noticed how the Genestealer infestation remained part of the current background, but had no other outlet than the Tyranid Codex. It seemed a real shame to me as many very talented people had written some very imaginative and evocative background that deserved to be a part of the current game. What are Genestealers? „Genestealers‟ are the name given to the creatures that first featured in the Games Workshop board game „Space Hulk‟ produced in 1989. This mission based game involved Space Marine Terminators from the Blood Angels chapter and their explorations of an abandoned „Space Hulk‟ infested with Genestealers. Games Workshop rereleased the board game in 2009 with an award winning new edition. This codex is a product of my ambition to update the old rules and bring back a really strong part of the 40k background to the tabletop. I‟ve tried to ensure the background is carefully researched to fit into the current edition of Warhammer 40,000, as well as giving the army its own theme, rather than just being a Guard army with addons or a flavoured Tyranid list. I have modelled examples of each of the different types of creature outlined in the army list and tried to ensure that the options in the codex allow for a competitive army on the battlefield. Hopefully it might also open up some ideas for other privateer and cult armies in the 40k 'verse‟. What is Warhammer 40K? Warhammer 40,000 is Games Workshop‟s science fiction tabletop war game that allows you to fight turn based science fiction battles with miniature figures at a 'heroic' 28mm scale. Players choose models from a -4- Credits and Acknowledgements This codex would not be possible or have a purpose without the long list of official Games Workshop publications. The most notable influence has been Paul Murphy‟s work in the original White Dwarf article on Genestealer cults, re-published in the Warhammer Compilation in 1991. In trying to make sure this work is compatible with the current game of WH40k, I have also drawn information from Codex: Tyranids, 3rd 4th and 5th Editions and from Codex Imperial Guard 5th Edition. I also have to thank posters on as I have been able to find a wealth of information for the Codex from here as well as the Warhammer 40K Lexicanum Genestealer_Cult Much of the rules information has also made use of Codex: Imperial Guard and Codex: Tyranids, as well as Jervis Johnson‟s Vehicle Design Rules from White Dwarf 252 and the Games Workshop website. Any information included in this book from these licensed publications is used without permission for the simply wish of enhancing the enjoyment of a great game. Should any objection be raised about this, I will remove them as soon as I can. -5- Background Inquisitor, Find enclosed the toxicology reports that you requested from the Darvon asteroid. As you suspected it does appear that traces of the xenomorphic biomatter remain in the planetary fragments despite the 01 Virus implementation carried out more than three decades ago. It is the recommendation of this office that the navigation exclusion around this planetary system remain in place until such time as it can be determined that any surviving biomatter is entirely dormant. There are many terrifying creatures in the Tyranid Hive Fleets, but one in particular has carved out a bloody legend on a thousand worlds. It is a lurker in dark places, a clawed harbinger of sudden and violent death. It is known as the Genestealer, and it is a plague upon the galaxy. Six hundred years later, a second Space Hulk, named “Sin of Damnation” emerged from the Warp near the Blood Angel‟s homeworld of Baal. A more successful incursion was led onto this vessel by Marine Commander Dante and valuable data retrieved that led to a greater understanding of the Genestealer threat. Space Hulk Incursions Mankind's first confirmed encounter with the Genestealers occurred in 996.M40. An Imperial Navy patrol passing through the Secoris system, detected the presence of a large abandoned spaceship, known as a space hulk drifting in towards the fourth planet – a populous hive world, inhabited by more than fifty billion people. Ymgarl Following the success of the Blood Angels, the Administratum of the Imperium used the acquired information from the ship to link the moons of Ymgarl in the north west quadrant of galactic space. It was believed that Genestealers were infiltrating wrecked space craft and cargo ships from this region. Whilst these sporadic attacks were considered serious, the significance of them was not realized early on, and no significant action was taken against the creatures on the moons. Space marine Commander Sangallo of the Blood Angels chapter led a boarding assault to commandeer the ancient vessel, but his marines were soon overwhelmed by attacks from thousands of alien creatures waking from slumber on board the ship. Only fifty space marines survived the encounter. -6- Hybrids The campaigns of the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels against the Sin of Damnation and subsequent Space Hulks gradually revealed more information about the ecology and life cycle of the creatures. The discovery of Genestealer Hybrids, revealed the startling way in which the creatures could corrupt the reproductive cycle of humans. Armed with this knowledge, the Inquisitorial arm of the Imperium began to look into planetary societies for evidence of embedded Genestealer cults. They did not have to look very far. promoted modesty, industry, and seclusion. The cult grew in power and number until it became the second most popular religion on the planet. Most of the cultists were innocent, completely unaware of the sinister origins of the hierarchy of their faith its frightening objectives. However, innocent or not, the number of followers gave the organisation a great deal of power on the lightly populated planet. Despite the cult's growing strength, the government did not recognize them as a threat until it was too late. The Cult of the Children was tolerated, and even seen as beneficial, because its tenets included assent to worldly authority, ("Render unto the Emperor what is the Emperor's"). The Planetary Governor did not begrudge the cultists their peculiarities - if the members wished to stay in seclusion or travel about in black, voluminous robes, as long as they paid their taxes, that was their business. The Cult of the Children The planet of Darvon VI became the home for a Genestealer cult when Assistant Navigator Sirval, the only survivor of the space freighter „Tantalus III‟ was rescued by a shuttle captain who wanted to claim salvage rights on his lifeboat. Sirval claimed the freighter had been attacked by pirates. He was examined by Inquisitors and pronounced fit to return to society. The "religion" of course was nothing more than a Genestealer cult, bent on complete dominance, and soon the planet was overrun and taken over. With a low population and material value, the decision was made to virus bomb the planet. En-route to the spaceport, Sirval‟s lifeboat crashed in dense woodland, killing the rescue crew. He survived the accident and three months later married a young woman from the city. They moved out into the countryside and set up home fifteen miles from the crash site. Cults and Hive Fleets After Darvon VI, cult infestations of Genestealers appeared on A short time later, Sirval founded the Cult of the Children, a new religious group; its doctrines -7- other worlds. With each case, the Inquisition gained more information on the Genestealer threat and gradually noted a pattern to the menace. It seemed that each cult retained an ancient Genestealer at its heart; known as a Patriarch. As the group attracted more members and more Hybrids were born, the psychic presence of the cult in the warp became stronger, suggesting that the Patriarch was making a use of the Immaterium for an unknown nefarious purpose. relatively unmolested by the Hive Fleets of the Tyranids for more than two hundred years. Yet in 990.M41, a second Hive Fleet, given the name „Kraken‟ appeared on the outer edge of the Empire of Man. After widespread attacks across a vast region of space, the hive fleet converged upon Ichar IV, a hive world that had only recently been reclaimed from a cult insurrection a few years earlier. When the fleet arrived, Genestealers burst forth from the hive cities to support the invasion. It is unknown as to who made the connection between the Genestealers origins and the Hive Fleets of the Tyranids. However, the first documented attack was upon the outpost of Tyran in early 745.M41 according to the crucial records retrieved from the ruined ocean world by Inquisitor Kryptman. His investigations did uncover the threat posed by the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth and his subsequent actions assisted the Ultramarines in defeating the Tyranids at Macragge. However, lessons had been learned from Macragge and the Ultramarines, once again, under the leadership of Marneus Calgar halted the Hive fleet‟s incursion on Ichar IV, burning the world in the process. This combined with the sacrifice endured by the Eldar Craftworld of Iyanden, stopped Kraken in its tracks. During the clashes with the Hive Fleet, the presence of Genestealers amongst the ranks of the Tyranid swarms were plain to see and armed with a more detailed knowledge of the creatures, the Imperium sent the Salamander Space Marines chapter to the Moons of Ymgarl to wipe out these creatures. New Cults With multiple Hive Fleets still threatening the Imperium, the Inquisition remains vigilant against the signs of Genestealer infestations on its worlds. However, they cannot be everywhere and some infiltrations till slip through their unceasing watch, and lead to further planetary insurrections, calling the Hive Fleets towards their newly conquered worlds. Hive Fleet Kraken and Ichar IV The Imperium remained These cults seek to gain control over the host planet subtly, through hidden manipulation of -8- the populace and subversion of the planetary government, but they can put a potent force into battle if threatened. On complex Hive Worlds, cults often spread further afield. New Broodlords mature, and are taken across continents to establish new nests. Occasionally they might be smuggled aboard a space craft to infest other colonies in the star system or even further afield. Many pretexts are used in establishing a cult. For some, aligning its mysteries with the religious devotions of the Imperium itself is a clever way of disguising the true nature of what transpires. To some, the Patriarch sat upon his throne can quickly become the Emperor reborn. -9- Genestealer Physiology Lorim sagged against the wall of the tunnel, breathing heavily. Far back in the gloom he could hear the voices of his pursuers as they struggled through the sewers. Far enough, perhaps that he might escape? He shuffled on, feeling along the passage. He could just make out a light in the distance. Quietly he started to hope. “That‟s far enough, Father.” Orange flames blinded him and a strong, claw-like hand seized his wrist. He struggled and tried to pull away, thrashing with nails, feet and teeth. He heard a grunt of pain and the grip loosened. He tried to run then, splashing on towards the light in the distance. But it wasn‟t to be, and his feet slipped on the stones, dragging him down into the filthy waters. The Genestealers are among the most unusual creatures Humanity has yet encountered, combining extraordinary intelligence and subtlety of mind with remarkable strength and quickness of body. Their torsos and extremities are protected by a carapace. They are bipedal, standing in a perpetual crouch and they have two sets of arms that can be claws, talons or hands. Genestealers hairless heads are bulbous in shape, with fang filled mouths and hypnotic eyes. Genestealers are stronger than humans, able to withstand even the most hostile environments – including hard vacuum- unprotected. They live for centuries. The Reproduction Cycle The Genestealers‟ method of reproduction is as alien as their appearance. There are no male or female Genestealers; the creatures do no mate with each other and they do not bear their own young. Instead, they infect members of other races with their genetic material. - 10 - Genestealers are equipped with ovipositors, or egg-layers, in their tongues. They have the ability to mesmerise their victims with their gaze, in much the same way as a snake can paralyse a bird with terror. Once the victim is subdued, the Genestealer pierces their flesh with its tongue, which deposits an egg beneath its skin. purestrain Genestealers. Patriarchs and Broodlords There is the potential in all Genestealers to mature into a Broodlord. The emergence of a Broodlord amongst a group of Genestealers regulates the reproductive cycle of the brood. The Broodlord is always the strongest and most psychically aware, and through the creature‟s brood telepathy, it can control the reproductive instinct of its kin. This allows the Broodlord to maintain control over the brood depending on the situation they find themselves in. The egg never hatches – in fact, „egg‟ is something of a misnomer; it is more like a cancer than an egg. When, implanted, the egg begins to alter the host‟s genetic structure, cell by cell, wreaking particular damage to the victim‟s own reproductive system. The victim will show little outer sign of infection – in fact, he gains some of the Genestealer‟s remarkable strength, resilience and longevity, becoming healthier than he was before. However, the damage is horribly evident in the victim‟s children. In later life and with the right circumstances, a Broodlord will mature further into a Patriarch. The Patriarch takes less of an active role in leading the brood, which by now has settled down and produced Hybrids. The Patriarch maintains an instinctive control over the Genestealers, but it becomes less concerned with day to day affairs of the cult. Once a fourth generation Hybrid emerges as Magus, the Patriarch hands over most of the administration. Instead, the Genestealer now focuses its energies upon its psychic link, using the gathering numbers of Genestealers and Hybrids to forge a signal in the warp to attract the attention of a Tyranid Hive Fleet. When someone infected by a Genestealer mates, their offspring are Hybrids – part human, part Genestealer. Once mature these Hyrbids can infect other humans in the same way and their victim‟s children are also hybrids, though they will look more human. The cycle of infection continues until the fourth generation, when the hybrids are all but indistinguishable from humans. These Hybrids have no ovipositor and mate in the normal human fashion, but they may spawn Humans or It is at this time that the Patriarch may elect to allow another Broodlord to mature, allocating a number of Genestealers to spread the infection further in a - 11 - Cult Structure Most Genestealer cults relate their philosophy to a prominent religion. This can be part of Imperial doctrine or a local faith. Thrall preachers and later, Hybrids, look to bring their religion to the frontiers of civilisation; the perfect breeding ground for subversive ideas. planetary society, perhaps to another country or continent. These Broodlords can also mature into Patriarchs, but remain subservient to the first, and therefore add their psychic powers to the collective. The End of the Cult Once a Patriarch manages to attract the attention of a Hive Fleet, then the cult enters its final days. When the Hive Fleet arrives on planet, it will collect and consume all biomatter, including Thralls, Hybrids, Magus and even the Patriarch who has outlived his usefulness. The only creatures that will be retained are the spawned Genestealers who are herded up and sent forth to infect and pollute new worlds for the Hive Fleet to conquer. Cults are also known to make use of the underground smuggling communities. Some of the bio fluids secreted by Genestealers can be harvested and refined into potent narcotics which attract further potential recruits to the cult. It is likely these two methods of recruitment will remain entirely separate until such time as the cult has secured its place in the planetary society. - 12 - Forces of the Genestealer Cult The forces available to a Genestealer cult depend on how long it has been hidden in the planet‟s society. Newly formed cults are often still actively led by the original Genestealer Broodlord and his chosen Human Thrall. Older, more established cults rely on a fourth generation Hybrid Magus, with the assistance of the older Broodlord; now grown into a bloated Patriarch. The Genestealer Cult has the following units HQ Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Transport 0-1 Patriarch, 0-1 Broodlord, 0-3 Proto Magi 0-1 Magus Genestealer Broods, Ymgarl Genestealers, Primaci. Furori, Thralls, Brethren. Maelignaci, Brethren Bikers, ATV Patrols, Scout Sentinels, Armoured Sentinels, Transport Shuttle. Purificati, Drone Squad, Conversion Beam Battery, Leman Russ, Basilisk, Abomini. Civilian Transports, „Technicals‟ Special Rules: commands. This is done by making a Leadership test. Use of this ability counts as using a psychic power and must be selected before you begin the movement phase. Brood Telepathy Genestealers have a gestalt brood telepathy that enables them to act independently of the implacable will of the Hive Mind. Genestealers are not subject to the Instinctive Behaviour special rule. - Bring it Down! If the order is successfully issued, choose one enemy vehicle, squadron of vehicles or monstrous creature(s) visible to the psyker. The ordered unit immediately shoots at the nominated target, counting their weapons as twin-linked. In addition to this Coven Broodlords and Patriarchs have attuned their psychic communication to such a degree that the telepathic link is further refined. In a Coven army any leadership tests required by units in the army list that have Brood Telepathy can make use of the leadership of the Patriarch or Broodlord. - Fire on My Target! If the order is successfully issued, choose one enemy unit visible to the psyker. The ordered unit immediately shoots at the nominated target. Successful cover saves taken against this shooting attack must Brood Orders The Patriarch or Broodlord may also use the telepathic link to issue the following special - 13 - be re-rolled. their respective models (use the Patriarch for the Magus). If the Magus equal to or higher than the target score, that model may not attack in the ensuing close combat. This power cannot affect models that do not have a leadership value. - Get them! If the order is successfully issued, the ordered unit immediately runs, rolling 3d6 to determine their movement for this turn. Only one command can be issued by the Patriarch or Broodlord per turn. Warp Blast This is a psychic shooting attack with the following profile: Poisons Many of the creatures in the army list are capable of delivering poisoned attacks. These are treated as 4+ to wound. See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for more information on Poisoned Weapons (page 42). Ran ge 24 “ Stren gth 5 AP Type 3 Assault 1, Blast Warp Lance This is a psychic shooting attack with the following profile: Ran ge 18 “ Psychic Powers: Aura of Despair This psychic power is used at the beginning of your Assault phase. If successful, all enemy units within 12“ of the Patriarch suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership until the end of the following player turn. If an enemy unit is within range of several psykers using this power, the modifier is cumulative. Stren gth 10 AP Type 1 Assault 1, Lance Catalyst This psychic power is used during your movement phase. If successful a single friendly unit within 12“ of the psyker gains the Feel No Pain special rule until the beginning of your next turn. Enhance The Magus empowers his fellow warriors with lightning speed and skill. All models in the same unit as the Magus, including the Magus add +1 to their Weapon Skill and Initiative. The affect of multiple Enhancements are not cumulative. Hypnotic Gaze This psychic power is used during your Assault phase, after any assault moves have been made, but before any attacks are made. If successful, select one model in base contact with the Magus. Both players role a d6 and add the Leadership of - 14 - Hammerhand Hammerhand is a psychic power that may be used at the beginning of any Assault phase. If the test is passed, Hammerhand doubles the basic strength of the user until his next turn. The Magus also counts as having an additional close combat weapon. Note this power does not ignore armour saves or affect the order in which close combat attacks are resolved. Whilst using this power, the Magus may not use the special abilities of any other close combat weapon (such as a force or power weapon). Soulstorm This is a psychic shooting attack with the following profile: Rge 36 “ Str * AP D6 Type Assault 1, Large Blast * The strength of the Soulstorm is equal to the number of Hybrids in the unit utilising the power. The AP of the attack is determined randomly each time it is used. Linked Mind The character with this ability is linked directly to the mind of the Patriarch. This means, the Patriarch may make use of all of its abilities through this character and any related ranges can be measured from it in the same way. Conceal The Magus clouds the minds of the enemy, creating a shifting psychic mist that conceals his unit. The entire squad receives a 5+ cover save. This does not count as occupying cover for the purposes of an assault. Wargear This section of Codex: Genestealer lists all of the special weapons and equipment used by a Genestealer cult along with all the rules for using them in a game of Warhammer 40,000. The majority of weapons and equipment listed in this codex are explained in the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, in Codex Tyranids or Codex Imperial Guard. Hypnotic Gaze This power is used during the assault phase, after any assault moves have been made, but before any attacks are made. If successful, select one model in base contact with the Magus. Both players role a d6 and add the Leadership of their respect models (use the Patriarch for the Magus if you have one in your army). If the Magus equal to or higher than the target score, that model may not attack in the ensuing close combat. This power cannot affect models that do not have a leadership value. Remote Explosives : These are worn or injected into Hybrid Drones and triggered by the 4th Generation Hybrid Overseer via a remote detonator. They have the following profile: Rge - 15 - Str AP Type - 6 3 the blast template. Once the final locator of a conversion beamer's template has been placed (after scatter) measure to the centre of the blast marker and consult the chart below to determine the effect. Blast Remote Explosives can only be triggered in line of sight. If more than one drone is detonated at the same time on the same target, the blast radius is also increased to “Large Blast”, centered on the most central drone and the strength of the explosion is increased by 1 for each additional drone, to a maximum of Strength 10. Rge To 18” 1842" 4272" +72" Coven Throne: A powerful psychic item, the Coven throne amplifies the Patriarch‟s warp signature. All enemy Psykers who do not test for Perils of the Warp must test when using their psychic powers. Str 6 AP - 8 4 10 1 Miss! n/a Type Heavy 1 Blast Heavy 1 Blast Heavy 1 Blast n/a Vehicle Upgrades The following upgrades are listed in some of the vehicle entries. Dozer Blade Vehicles equipped with a dozer blade may reroll a failed 'difficult terrain test' as long as they are not moving over 6" that turn. Bio Staff: Attacks with the Bio staff are counted as poisoned attacks. In addition, the model may re-roll any failed rolls to wound. Extra Armour It is not uncommon for vehicle crews to add additional armour plating to their vehicle to provide a little extra protection. Vehicles equipped with extra armour count 'crew stunned' results on the damage tables as a 'crew shaken' result instead. Conversion Beamer Incredibly rare pre-Heresy artefacts, conversion beam projectors fire a beam that induces a controlled subatomic reaction in the target, converting its mass into energy. The further away the target, the more deadly the blast, as the beam has time to grow in power. Hunter Killer Missile Hunter Killer missiles are a commonly seen upgrade for Imperial vehicles. They are treated as a Krak missile with unlimited range, roll to hit as normal. They may be fired only once per battle. A shot from a conversion beamer has a different profile depending on how far the target is from the firer. When firing the conversion beamer, measure the distance to the target and place - 16 - Camo Netting Some vehicles carry rolls of camouflage netting that can be unrolled by the crew to help hide the vehicle from the enemy. The netting varies from relatively rare cameoline materials to crude, but effective webbing interwoven with the local flora. A vehicle equipped with camo netting has the Stealth universal special rule if it remained stationary in the previous friendly Movement phase. searchlight. Smoke Launchers See the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Enclosed Crew Compartment Some artillery vehicles, particularly those from worlds with toxic and corrosive atmospheres, are fitted with additional armoured plating to protect the exposed crew carriage. Vehicles equipped with the Enclosed Crew Compartment upgrade no longer count as being open topped. Twin Linked Main Weapon Twin-linked weapons, as their name implies, are basically two weapons mounted side by side. They are quite common in Warhammer 40,000, and the rules for them can be found in the rulebook (they allow a re-roll of the To Hit dice). Any weapons can be twin linked if desired, but the model representing the weapon must have two or three gun barrels. Fast Vehicle Some vehicle engines can be souped-up to make them faster. A vehicle with this upgrade is treated as Fast in the vehicle movement categories. Biomorph Upgrades Some units in the army list are capable of purchasing the following biomorphic upgrades: Searchlight Searchlights are used when the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight it must still use the night fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect as the enemy can see the Acid Blood The alien blood spilt from certain Tyranid life forms is so corrosive that it can eat through ceramite armour and dissolve flesh in mere moments, spelling certain doom to those not agile enough to evade the spray of acidic ichor. For every unsaved wound a model with acid blood suffers in close combat, the enemy unit that struck the blow must pass an Initiative test or suffer a - 17 - wound. No armour saves or cover saves may be taken against these wounds and casualties count towards combat resolution. Walkers instead suffer a glancing hit on the D6 roll of a 4+. whipcord muscles, allowing the Tyranid to eviscerate its victim in a single, lightning-fast swipe. Some Tyranid organisms have several of these wicked curved limbs and they hack apart their victims in a flurry of frenzied blows. Toxin Sacs These parasitic glands feed off their host and secrete vile fluids, coating the Tyranid creatre‟s claws, fangs and talons with lethal alien poisons. These can vary from agonising necrotic venoms to toxins so deadlythat they can boil a victim‟s blood in its veins. A Tyranid model with asingle set of scything talons, re-rolls any To Hit rolls of 1 in close combat. A Tyranid model with two sets of scything talons re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls in close combat. Rending Claws Short and incredibly deadly,the claws and talons of many Tyranid creatures are tipped in extremely dense diamond-hard chitin. When combined with the overdeveloped musculature and steel-like tendons of the Tyranids, these claws are capable of crushing and ripping through the thickest of armour with frightening ease. If a Tyranid has the toxin sacs biomorph, all of its close combat attacks become Poisoned (4+), as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Adrenal Glands Adrenal Glands are common amongst the front line creatures of a Tyranid swarm, saturating the host‟s bloodstream with chemicals that boost the creature‟s metabolism to a hyperactive state of frenzy. Close combat attacks made by models with rending claws gain the Rending ability as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Tyranid models with the adrenal glands biomorph have the Furious Charge special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Implant Attack A Tyranid with an implant attack has hollow fangs, barbed stingers or serrated claws that can inflict massive internal injuries, causing their victims to bleed to death in seconds. Scything Talons Scything Talons are long, razor edged claws of fused chitin and serrated bone-like substances that Tyranid creatures use to stab and slash at their prey with. Each talon is powered by Any to wound roll of a 6 rolled by a model with an implant attack in close combat will inflict instant death, regardless of the opponent‟s Toughness. - 18 - Chitin Even the most basic Tyranid life forms have tough leathery hides and a beetle-like carapace that covers the creature‟s vital spots. This chitinous material is tough enough to turn aside blades and even glancing small-arms fire. The outer body of a Tyranid is coated in a waxy slime that allows the organism to survive for short periods of time in vacuum. A model with Chitin has an armour save of 6+. Reinforced Chitin The carapace plates of these Tyranid creatures continuously exude a sticky resin-like substance. These secretions quickly harden, creating an additional self-healing layers of ablative armour that offers the Tyranid greater protection against incoming attacks. This material has also proveneffective in attenuating the worse effects of intense heat and radiation. A model with reinforced chitin has an armour save of 5+. Hardened Carapace The creature‟s carapace is made of denser, strengthened chitin, able to absorb kinetic impacts that would shatter or punch through lighter armour. A model with a hardened carapace has an armour save of 4+. - 19 - HQ GENESTEALER PATRIARCH 100 Points Eldest of the coven, the Patriarch is the Genestealer responsible for the first infection of a human on the planet. He has matured past his prime as the coven has spread its influence across the planet and now leaves most of the day to day decisions over policy to his chosen Magus. To the majority of the coven, the Patriarch is considered to be an Oracle or Seer and is often kept hidden from all but the most trusted. It is through the Patriarch that the growing psychic signal of the Coven is focussed. This will eventually attract the attention of a Tyranid Hive Fleet to feast upon the subjugated planet. Patriarch Composition: 1 Patriarch WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 7 0 6 4 3 7 4 10 4+ Unit Type: Infantry 0 – 4 Thrall Retinue Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Hardened Carapace Independent Character Psyker Monstrous Creature Look Out - Arrgh! Weapons and Biomorphs: Rending Claws Aura of Despair Hypnotic Gaze + Wargear from the cult wargear section. The Patriarch and Retinue may take a dedicated transport. You may choose the following additional psychic powers and equipment for your Patriarch: Warp Blast Warp Lance Catalyst Coven Throne 20 Points 20 Points 15 Points 40 Points - 20 - When attempting to infiltrate the planetary society, the coven will try to recruit powerful allies amongst the Governmental infrastructure as well as looking for potential members from the richest in the population. The Patriarch can be accompanied by a Thrall Retinue chosen from the list below. Thrall Type W Military Commander 4 4 3 3 1 3 Wealthy Magnate 3 3 3 3 1 Planetary Governor 3 3 3 3 Rogue Scientist 3 3 3 3 Special Rules: Look out! Arrgh! BS S S T W I A Ld Sv Pts 1 7 5+ 30 3 1 7 5+ 30 1 3 1 7 5+ 30 1 3 1 7 5+ 30 Wargear: Boltgun or Bolt Pistol Power Weapon Frag Grenades Refractor Field Look out - Arrgh! Whilst the Thrall(s) is alive, each time the Patriarch is wounded by the enemy, up to two wounds can be resolved against the Thralls instead. Military Commander An officer recruited from the planetary defence forces grants the coven access to imperial military vehicles. You may select from the following vehicles as a heavy support choices. - 1 x Leman Russ Battle Tank. - 1 x Basilisk. Wealthy Magnate A rich individual from the elite of planetary society grants the coven access to a variety of new army list options. - 1 x Interplanetary Transport Shuttle as a Fast Attack Choice. - Any number of Civilian Transports as unit transport options. Planetary Governor The coven has managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of society. Adding the Planetary Governor to your Retinue grants you additional options during a battle. Artillery Bombardment This is treated as a shooting attack made by the Planetary Governor - 21 - with the following profile. Range Unlimited Strength 9 AP 3 Type Ordnance Barrage 1 - Intercept Reserves Whilst the Planetary Governor is alive, your opponent must subtract 1 from all reserve rolls. In addition, if any enemy units arrive using the outflank rule, you may choose to make your opponent re-roll the dice used to determine which board edge these squads arrive from. Rogue Scientist The genetic aspect of the coven‟s hierarchy often attracts gifted scientists lured by the opportunity to experiment with the potential enhancements offered by the Genestealer infection. Adding a Rogue Scientist to your retinue grants you the following additional options to your army list: - Adrenal Drugs (These may be given to any unit that cannot take Adrenal Glands). - Toxin Sprays (These can be given to any unit that cannot take Toxin Sacs). - Living Weapon as a Heavy Support Choice. - 22 - GENESTEALER BROODLORD 75 Points An active leader of the Coven, a Broodlord is a powerful Genestealer leader in an early cult army, the Broodlord might be the first to use their Implant attack to infect a human on the planet and now retains a presence in the shadows amongst all parts of the organisation. In a later cult army, the Broodlord may be a new champion, created by the Patriarch. Broodlord WS BS S T W I A Ld 7 0 5 5 3 7 4 10 4+ Composition: 1 Broodlord Sv Unit Type: Infantry 0 – 5 Thrall Bodyguards Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Fleet Infiltrate Move through Cover Psyker Independent Character Look Out – Arrgh! Weapons and Biomorphs: Rending Claws Aura of Despair Hypnotic Gaze Implant Attack Hardened Carapace The Broodlord has the Implant Attack upgrade from Codex: Tyranids The Broodlord may take the following upgrades: Scything Talons + 2 points Toxin Sacs + 3 points Adrenal Glands + 3 points Acid Blood + 15 points The Broodlord is accompanied by their Chosen Thralls. These individuals were the first infected people on the planet and while alive hold a cherished status in the coven. Thrall Bodyguard WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts 3 3 4 4 2 4 1 10 5+ 15 The Thrall Bodyguards are powerful humans, enhanced by the genetic mutation of the Genestealer traits they have been infected by. The - 23 - Thralls retains an active psychic link with the Broodlord at all times and will sacrifice themselves for the Genestealer. Special Rules: Look out! Arrgh! Wargear: Boltgun or Bolt Pistol Power Weapon Frag Grenades Flak Armour Look out! Arrgh! Whilst a Chosen Thrall(s) is alive, each time the Broodlord is wounded by the enemy, up to two wounds can be resolved against the Thralls instead. Thrall Bodyguards may take the following upgrades: Plasma Pistol + 10 points per model Carapace Armour + 10 points per model - 24 - HYBRID PROTO-MAGUS 25 Points per model As the Coven gathers in number, the Patriarch will begin to nest. At this stage, the creature dominates the mind of a chosen Hybrid and possesses it, making this Hybrid its eyes and ears amongst its worshippers. The Proto Magus is a 2nd or 3rd Generation Hybrid possessed by the Genestealer Patriarch. The Hybrid acts as a transmitter for the Patriarch‟s psychic powers, allowing them to be cast further across the battlefield. A Proto Magus must be selected in an army that already has a Patriarch and must be assigned to a unit. Each one can join a different unit. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Proto-Magus (2 ) 5 1 4 4 2 4 1 9 5+ Proto-Magus (3rd) 4 2 4 3 2 3 1 8 5+ nd Composition: 1 – 3 Proto Magi. Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Wargear: Brood Telepathy Independent Character Linked Mind Force Weapon Flak Armour The Proto Magus can have the following powers or equipment: Psychic Power/Upgrades Points: Toxin Sacs + 3 points Adrenal Glands + 3 points rd Upgrade to 3 Generation Hybrid and add Bolt Pistol* + 5 points Upgrade Flak to Carapace Armour + 10 points *If this upgrade is chosen, the Proto Magus may not take Toxin Sacs or Adrenal Glands. - 25 - HYBRID MAGUS 70 Points Most powerful of the 4th Generation Hybrid, and a powerful psyker, the Magus acts as a High Priest to the Coven and his humanoid appearance allows him to move freely within Human society. Soon after the Magus assumes their position within the Coven, the first Chosen Thrall will disappear under mysterious circumstances, which are explained to the rest of the coven as being some form of „divine intervention‟. Magus WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 10 4+ Composition: 1 Magus. Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Wargear: Brood Telepathy Independent Character Psyker Laspistol Force Cae Weapon Carapace Armour + Wargear from the cult Wargear section. The Magus can have the following powers or equipment: Psychic Power/Upgrades Points: Enhance Hammerhand Conceal Hypnotic Gaze Brood Command Upgrade Laspistol to Boltpistol Upgrade Laspistol to Plasma Pistol Mounted on Bike +15 points +10 point +15 points +10 points + 20 points + 2 points + 10 points + 10 points Detonator + 3 points - 26 - Sv ELITES GENESTEALER BROOD 14 Points per model. (Corporaptor Hominis) Either part of the original brood that arrived on the planet or born from the mating of fourth generation Hybrids with humans, the Genestealer Brood is a powerful legendary enemy of the Imperium. As part of a cult army, they are the „Purii‟; the revered children of the Great One. Genestealer WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 0 4 4 1 4 2 10 5+ Composition: 5 -20 Genestealers. Sv Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Weapons and Biomorphs: Brood Telepathy Rending Claws Fleet Reinforced Chitin Infiltrate Move through Cover Genestealers may take the following upgrades: Scything Talons + 2 points Toxin Sacs Adrenal Glands + 3 points - 27 - + 3 points YMGARL GENESTEALERS 23 Points per model (Corporator Ymgarli) On rare occasions, a Genestealer cult may make contact with a dormant brood of Ymgarl that have already occupied the planet. Ymgarl Genestealers are ancient and difficult for the Hive mind to control, let alone a Patriarch, Broodlord or Magus. However, the benefit of these powerful creatures is plain, as they are a menace to all enemies the cult may find, and their ancient biomatter is of particular interest to the Hive Fleet. Ymgarl Genestealer WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 0 4 4 1 6 2 10 4+ Composition: 5 -12 Ymgarl Genestealers. Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Fleet Dormant Move through Cover Alter Form Dormant Unit Type: Infantry Weapons and Biomorphs: Rending Claws Hardened Carapace Ymgarl Genestealers must start the game as Dormant and their must be a terrain feature large enough on the table to accommodate the entire unit. The brood is not deployed along with the rest of the army. Instead after both sides have deployed, secretly write down which piece of terrain they are lying dormant in. When the Brood becomes available from reserve, they must be deployed so that all models are within the selected terrain. If any models cannot be placed inside this terrain owing to an impassable ruling, or enemy being within 1 “ of the hiding place, they are destroyed. The Ymgarl Genestealers can move and - 28 - assault normally on the same turn they are revealed. Alter Form At the start of every assault phase, the Ymgarl Genestealersmust alter their form into one of those listed below. The benefits last until the end of this phase. Due to the instability of moulding their forms, they cannot choose the same alteration in two consecutive player turns. - Slashing Claws - Tentacled Limbs - Protective Carapace Brood receives +1 to their Strength. Brood receives +1 to their Attacks. Brood receives +1 to their Toughness. - 29 - 12 Points per model 4TH GENERATION HYBRIDS (Primacii) The last generation of Hybrid, these humanoids are all but indistinguishable from humans, apart from their hairlessness. 4th Generation Hybrids are psychically aware and once mature, take up positions of importance in the cult, organising all aspects of its administration. 4th Generation Hybrids lack the ovipositor of their predecessors, but can mate with humans in the conventional manner. The offspring of a 4th Generation Hybrid will be a purestrain Genestealer, and so the cycle starts again. The most powerful Hybrid of the 4th generation assumes the position of Magus, second only to the Patriarch in the coven‟s leadership. To support him, the other Hybrids form Claves; small councils, charged with running the day to day affairs of the cult. When this is done, the psychic abilities of the Hybrids become stronger. Primacii WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Composition: 5 -10 4th generation Hybrids (Primacii). - 30 - Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Psyker (Psychic Choir) Wargear and Biomorphs: Flak Armour Lasgun or Autogun Close Combat Weapon Soulstorm Aura of Despair The Primacii may take a dedicated transport. Psychic Choir The unit is treated as a single psyker for the purposes of using a psychic power. The controlling player may measure range and line of sight from any model in the unit when resolving psychic powers. Options: Primacii may be given the following: Upgrade Flak to Carapace Armour + 10 points per model. Exchange Lasguns for Boltguns + 2 points per model. Exchange Lasguns for Shotguns + Free. Up to two Hybrids may replace their Lasguns with either: Heavy Stubber + 5 points per model Grenade Launcher + 5 points per model Melta gun + 10 points per model Heavy Bolter + 10 points per model Missile Launcher + 15 points per model Up to one Hybrids may replace their Lasguns with either: Bolt Pistol and Power fist + 20 points Laspistol and Power Weapon + 10 points - 31 - TROOPS THRALLS (Contagii) 50 Points Thralls are humans who have been recruited to the coven and have a family link to its Genestealers and Hybrids. Owing to their infected state, they are stronger than normal humans and retain a psychic link to the Patriarch although this is not full Brood Telepathy, however this is reinforced by their Primacii leader. Should the Primacii die, the Thralls lose their Brood Telepathy ability. Thrall Primacii WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Composition: 9 Thralls (Contagii). 1 Primacii (4th Generation Hybrid) Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Flak Armour Lasgun, Autogun or Shotgun Close Combat Weapon The Thralls may take a dedicated transport. Options Thralls have the following weapon options: Exchange Lasguns for Laspistol. Free. Exchange Lasgun for Shotgun Free. Exchange Lasgun for Boltpistol or Boltgun + 2 points per model One Thrall may replace their Lasguns with either: Heavy Stubber + 5 Points Melta gun + 10 Points Grenade Launcher + 5 Points Heavy Bolter + 10 Points The Primaci may replace its Lasgun with either: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword + 5 Points Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon +10 Points - 32 - BRETHREN (Potentius Contagii) 40 points Brethren are humans who have elected to join the coven. Unless they have a significant political or military position within the planetary society, they are organized into communal groups to wait until they are considered ready to receive the gift of the Genestealer mutation and become a Thrall. Brethren do not have the psychic link to the Patriarch that others of the coven do. They have a mixture of combat abilities and whilst they do have experience with weapons, they lack the command organisation of Imperial military units. The Patriarch sees its Brethren as being of limited value and will sacrifice them before it risks its Genestealers or Hybrids. Brethren WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Composition: 10 Brethren. Unit Type: Infantry. Special Rules: None. Wargear: Flak Armour Lasgun, Autogun or Shotgun Close Combat Weapon The Brethren may take a dedicated transport. Options: Brethren have the following weapon options: Exchange Lasguns for Laspistol. Free. Exchange Lasgun for Shotgun Free. One Brethren may replace their Lasgun with either: - 33 - Heavy Stubber + 5 points Grenade Launcher + 5 points Melta gun + 10 points per model Heavy Bolter + 10 points per model One Brethren may replace their Lasgun with either: Boltpistol or Boltgun + 2 points per model + 1 additional Brethren + 4 points per model - 34 - 2nd GENERATION HYBRIDS 9 Points per model. (Corporaptor Furorii) Born of 1st Generation Hybrids and more thrall recruits to the cult, 2nd Generation Hybrids begin to show more human characteristics. However, this is not without cost and their blighted minds and bodies make them feral at best as they struggle to understand their own condition. Since the Furorii have difficulty matching the physical power of their Genestealer kin and cannot pass for human, they often remain locked away in tunnels far beneath the cult‟s headquarters. Furorii retain many of their close combat abilities, but are the most varied and unstable of the mutated species, which is reflected in the raw aggression of their assaults. Most have three arms and have lost some of the wiry speed of their predecessors. Furorii W 5 BS S 1 S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 1 4 1 9 6+ Composition: 5-20 2nd Generation Hybrids Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Move through Cover Rage Counter Attack Weapons and Biomorphs: Rending Claws Chitin The Furorii may take a dedicated transport. 2nd Generation Hybrids may take the following upgrades: Adrenal Glands + 3 points Toxin Sacs - 35 - + 3 points FAST ATTACK 1ST GENERATION HYBRIDS 12 Points per model. (Corporaptor Maelignaci) Born of the Broodlord‟s Thralls at first and later by other Thralls who are beholden to Genestealers in the coven, 1st Generation Hybrids are very similar to Genestealer in appearance, and retain most of their abilities. They have no understanding of technology and the human part of their minds manifests only in their limited ability to communicate with human cult members. Maelignaci WS 6 BS 0 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Composition: Composition: 5-10 1st Generation Hybrids Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Fleet Infiltrate Move through Cover Hit and Run Weapons and Biomorphs: Rending Claws Chitin 1st Generation Hybrids may take the following upgrades: Adrenal Glands + 3 points Toxin Sacs - 36 - + 3 points Sv 6+ BRETHREN BIKERS 12 Points per model Bike gangs make for good recruits to a cult. The transitory nature of these groups means that they can spread the cult ideology across communities and maintain information networks amongst civilian settlements. In battle, biker gangs can strike quickly, bringing fire support to the assaulting Genestealers and Hybrids. Brethren Bikers . WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 3 3 3 (4) 1 3 1 7 4+ Composition: 3 - 10 Brethren Bikers Unit Type: Bikes Special Rules: Bikes. Wargear: Bike with twin linked Bolters Close Combat Weapon Laspistol Options: Brethren have the following weapon options: Exchange Laspistol for Bolt Pistol 2 points per model. Up to two Bikers may replace their twin linker Bolter with either: Heavy Stubber 5 points per model Grenade Launcher 5 points per model Multi Laser 10 points per model - 37 - ATV PATROLS 25 points per model. Most cult headquarters are situated in remote locations outside of the population centres of a city. This makes all terrain vehicles (ATVs) the ideal form of light transport. These vehicles are easily purchased from civilian merchants and converted to suit the cult‟s needs. In battle, ATVs can bring powerful weaponry to bear against the enemy. Armour ATV BS F S R 3 10 10 10 Composition: 1 – 3 ATVs. Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast). Special Rules: Fast Vehicle. Wargear: Heavy Bolter - 38 - Options: Any ATVs may replace its Heavy Bolter with: Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer Free. Pintle Mounted Autocannon + 10 Points ATVS may take the following vehicle upgrades: Twin linked main weapon + 10 points Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points Extra Armour + 15 points Camo netting + 20 points - 39 - INTERPLANETARY SHUTTLE 75 Points per model. With the wealth of high society fuelling the aims of the cult, the opportunity to infect other continents and colonies within the solar system is too good to resist. A civilian interplanetary spacecraft is always high on the list of purchase priorities for the coven, so that they might spread the „good word‟ further. Sometimes these can be the original ships in which the Genestealer and their infected managed to travel to the planet in. These craft are not designed for the battlefield, but can provide cover to the ground forces and deploy specialist assault troops behind enemy lines. Such spacecraft are obtained in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but retain the following gaming profile. Shuttle BS F S R 3 10 10 10 Transport Capacity: 12 Models Composition: 1 Shuttle Unit Type: Flyer (or Fast Skimmer) Special Rules: Hover Mode, Deep Strike. Weapons and Equipment: See below. The shuttle uses the optional flying rules in any game that makes use of them. Otherwise it is treated as a Fast Skimmer. The Shuttle may also take the following upgrades: You can choose from a variety of options for each of your transports. Extra Transport Capacity (+ 12 models). + 45 points Multi Laser Turret + 15 points Rocket Pods + 40 points Wing Mounted Lascannons + 25 points Wing Mounted Assault Cannons + 15 points Conversion Beamer + 30 points Enclosed Crew compartment + 15 points Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber + 10 points Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points Bombs + 30 points Extra Armour + 15 points - 40 - SENTINELS 35 Points per model. Sentinel walkers are used throughout the Imperium in both civilian and military capacities. Many cults make use of these walkers for unloading and loading goods. However, converting them to military use does not take much alteration, other than access to weapons, which the cult will have achieved quickly. Armour Scout Sentinel WS BS S F S R I A 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1 Composition: 1 – 3 Scout Sentinels Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker, Open Topped) Special Rules: Scouts, Move through cover. Wargear: Multi Laser Options: Any Sentinels may replace their Multi Laser with: Heavy Flamer or Autocannon + 5 points per model. Missile Launcher + 10 points per model. Lascannon + 15 points per model. Sentinels may take the following vehicle upgrades: Searchlight + 1 point per model. Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points per model. The entire squadron make take: Smoke Launchers + 5 points per model. Camo netting + 10 points per model. - 41 - ARMOURED SENTINELS 55 Points per model. Armour Armoured Sentinel WS BS S F S R I A 3 3 5 12 10 10 3 1 Composition: 1 – 3 Armoured Sentinels Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker) Special Rules: None. Wargear: Multi Laser, Extra Armour. Options: Any ATVs may replace its Multi Laser with: Heavy Flamer or Autocannon + 5 points per model. Missile Launcher + 10 points per model. Lascannon + 15 points per model. Plasma Cannon + 20 points per model. Sentinels may take the following vehicle upgrades: Searchlight + 1 point per model. Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points per model. The entire squadron make take: Smoke Launchers + 5 points per model. Camo netting + 10 points per model. - 42 - HEAVY SUPPORT DRONE SQUAD 60 Points The reproductive cycle of the Genestealer becomes difficult in the 3rd generation as sometimes the Hybrid is born without an Ovipositor. Hybrids that are born like this are sterile and referred to as Drones. The only way a Drone can contribute to the cult is through service and they are employed as menial servitors to the Primaci. However they are very capable assistants and have a good understanding of human technology. In battle, Drones are given remote explosives, which are strapped to them, or injected intravenously. The detonator is held by the Overseer. When an enemy is in range, the Overseer can order them to charge and detonate the Drone. The detonator is treated just like a ranged weapon. So, the Overseer cannot trigger it when involved in close combat. The rules for Remote Explosives are detailed in the Wargear section on page 16. Drone Overseer WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Composition: 1 4th Generation Hybrid 4 3rd Generation Hybrids. Unit Type: Infantry. Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Psychic (Overseer only) Wargear: Drone - Remote Explosives (Drone) - Flak Armour Overseer Close Combat Weapon Lasgun, Autogun or Shotgun (Overseer) Detonator Options: Any Drone Squads may take the following upgrades + 1 Drone (up to a maximum of 11) Upgrade Overseer weapon to Sniper Rifle + 10 points per model. + 5 points. The Drone Squad may take a dedicated transport. - 43 - PURIFIER SQUAD (Corporaptor Purificati) 60 Points. 3rd Generation Hybrids that do have ovipositors are grouped into small communes known as Purificati. They take up roles as confessors and minor priests within the cult temples, preaching to gatherings about the values of charity and morality. In the implant ceremonies, it is the Purificati who will lead the Brethren through their rites to achieve the gift of the infection and become Thralls. It is also the Purificati who support and assist the raising of Hybrid children as they mature. In battle, Purificati make use of their knowledge of Human technology and their Hybrid strength to wield powerful weapons in support of the Genestealers. They are capable of wielding Lascannons, and Missile Launchers alone, without assistance. Purificati WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Composition: 5 3rd Generation Hybrids. Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Wargear: Flamer Flak Armour Melta Bombs The Purificati may take a dedicated transport. Options: Purificati have the following options: Exchange Flamer for Meltagun + 5 points per model. Exchange Flamer for Plasma gun + 10 points per model. - 44 - Up to two Hybrids may replace their Flamers with either: Heavy Flamer + 10 points per model Heavy Bolter + 5 points per model. Lascannon + 15 points per model Missile Launcher + 15 points per model. +1 Purificati (up to a maximum of + 12 points per model. 10) Bolter fire - 45 - CONVERSION BEAM BATTERY 30 Points per model. Conversion beam projectors are an ancient STC technology and are used to breach spacecraft hulls and in difficult interstellar mining operations. Most are quite rare and bulky, making them difficult weapons to use on the battlefield. However, Genestealer cults acquire all sorts of weapons from different sources and Conversion beams, salvaged from space craft are often rebuilt and mounted on gun platforms to be used in war. Conversion beam projectors fire a beam that induces a controlled subatomic reaction in the target, converting its mass into energy. The further away the target, the more deadly the blast, as the beam has time to grow in power. A shot from a conversion beamer has a different profile depending on how far the target is from the firer. When firing the conversion beamer, measure the distance to the target and place the blast template. Once the final location of a Conversion beamer's template has been placed (after scatter) measure to the centre of the blast marker and consult the chart below to determine the effect. Range Strength up to 18" 6 18" to 42" 8 42" to 72" 10 over 72" Miss! AP 4 1 n/a Type Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1, Blast n/a Conversion beams are maintained and operated by 3rd Generation Hybrids. They cannot be moved when firing. Purificati WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ Composition: 1 -3 Conversion Beam Platforms. Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Wargear: Lasgun or Autogun Flak Armour Close combat weapon Options: The whole squad may replace its Conversion Beams with: 4 Hellstrike Missiles Free. - 46 - REQUISITIONED TANKS 150 Points Once the coven has infiltrated the planetary defence forces, they can access some military equipment from the official military corps. If you have included a military commander in your army, you may select a Leman Russ or a Basilisk as a Heavy Support choice. Armour Leman Russ BS F S R 3 14 13 10 A Leman Russ is the mainstay tank of the Imperial Guard. Planetary Defence forces often have access to STC equipment like this, but in lesser numbers. Cult armies that elect to take Imperial Guard tanks may only select one per Heavy Support option, unlike the Squadron available to Imperial Guard armies. Composition: 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank Unit Type: Vehicle (tank) Special Rules: Lumbering Behemoth Wargear: Leman Russ Battle Cannon - 47 - Heavy Bolter Searchlight Smoke Launchers Options Exchange Heavy Bolter for Heavy Flamer Free Exchange Heavy Bolter for Lascannon + 15 points Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Sponsons + 20 points Multi Melta Sponsons + 30 points Plasma Cannon Sponsons + 40 points Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber + 10 points Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points Dozer Blade + 10 points Extra Armour + 15 points Camo netting + 20 points - 48 - BASILISK 125 points Armour Basilisk BS F S R 3 12 10 10 125 Points Composition: 1 Basilisk Unit Type: Vehicle (tank) Special Rules: Vehicle (tank, open topped) Wargear: Earthshaker Cannon Heavy Bolter Searchlight Smoke Launchers Options Exchange Heavy Bolter for Heavy Flamer Free Exchange Heavy Bolter for Lascannon + 15 points Enclosed Crew compartment + 15 points Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber + 10 points Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points Dozer Blade + 10 points Extra Armour + 15 points Camo netting + 30 points - 49 - LIVING WEAPON 120 points per model. (Corporaptor Abomini) As the cult reaches the 4th generation of Hybrids and the numbers of infected become secure, thoughts turn to the defence of the Patriarch‟s stronghold. The Primacii, assisted by Thrall scientists, start to experiment with the larger local wildlife and the Genestealer infection. The result of this is often failure, but occasionally an abomination is produced. These creatures are called „Living Weapons‟ and kept caged until the cult is endangered. Then they are released at the enemy. Abomini WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 0 6 6 4 3 4 8 4+ Composition: 1 – 2 Abominations Unit Type: Monstrous Creature. Special Rules: Brood Telepathy Fearless Rage Weaponry and Biomorphs: Toxin Sacs Adrenal Glands Acid Spray Rending Claws Hardened Carapace Options: Regeneration + 25 points per model. - 50 - TRANSPORT CIVILIAN TRANSPORT 25 points per model. With limited access to military equipment and the need to maintain a publically non threatening profile, cults often make use of civilian vehicles to transport their members. Sometimes these vehicles are a uniform fleet, other time; they can be a collection of different carriers and trucks. These vehicles are customised by the cult to suit their own purposes. Transport Capacity: Armour Civilian Transport BS F S R 3 9 9 9 12 Models Composition: 1 Transport Unit Type: Vehicle (transport) Special Rules: Vehicle (open topped) Wargear: None. You can choose from a variety of options for each of your transports. Extra Transport Capacity (+ 12 models). + 25 points Multi Laser Turret + 20 points Heavy Flamer Turret + 20 points Heavy Bolter Turret + 20 points Assault Cannon Turret + 30 points Fast Vehicle + 10 points Enclosed compartment (no longer Open Topped) + 15 points Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber + 10 points Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points Dozer Blade + 10 points Extra Armour + 15 points Camo netting + 30 points Armour Upgrade (10) + 10 points - 51 - ‘TECHNICALS’ When speed is required, cults also use small vehicle squadrons for transports. These vehicles are converted cars and open tops that can cover ground quickly to deposit small teams at targeted locations. These „Technicals‟ are often customised with pintle mounted weapons. Transport Capacity: Armour Technical BS F S R 3 8 8 8 12 Models (4 models in each). Composition: 3 Transports (Squadron) Unit Type: Vehicle (transport) Special Rules: Vehicle (open topped) Squadron. Wargear: None. You can choose from a variety of options for each of your transports. Pintle mounted Multi Laser + 20 points per model. Pintle mounted Heavy Flamer + 20 points per model. Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter + 20 points per model. Fast Vehicle + 10 points per model. Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Hunter Killer Missile + 10 points per model. Extra Armour + 15 points per model. Camo netting + 30 points per model. Armour Upgrade (10) + 10 points Smoke Launchers 5 points per model. Searchlight 1 point per model. + 10 points per model. - 52 - Example Army Lists: Genestealer Invasion Force The first cult army I decided to create is a Genestealer Invasion Force. This list is based on the same example given in the 1991 codex. Squad gets shot. I want to fight a 2000 point battle, so I have to think carefully about my choices. The background of my army indicates that a full blown Genestealer infestation has taken hold on a planet and the Patriarch is determined to spread the cult to a second continent. To this end, the Cult Magus and a new Broodlord is being sent with a strong force to spread the cult‟s message. Tactically an Invasion Force needs to rely on speed and manoeuvrability to deliver its punch. HQ To begin with I select the Broodlord. Unlike the Tyranid Codex, the Broodlord is a Headquarters choice, and will lead the main element of the army- the close combat forces. The advantage of the Broodlord over the Patriarch lies in flexibility. The disadvantage is that I cannot select the special retinue that would accompany a Patriarch and unlock more options in the army list. To support him, I pick the Hybrid Magus. These two characters complement each other well. The Magus works as a primarily psychic and backup role, enhancing others. I elect to give the Magus the full range of psychic powers and consider other upgrades. The extra remote detonator might come in handy, if the Overseer in the Drone - 53 - Troops I decide to select Brethren for my two compulsory Troop choices. These are cheap and provide a limited expendable fire base. Whilst they cannot be relied upon to deal with anything on their own, they do give me a large number of lasguns, supplemented with some heavier weapons. Elites These are the most important choices in the army list. Firstly I select a full complement of Genestealers – 20 in one unit. This will be the main close combat unit for the army and I expect to use them to break apart enemy infantry lines, so I need to give them the maximum amount of protection to ensure they get into assault range. The Infiltrate ability always helps with this. Next I choose a unit of Ymgarl Genestealers. This fits with the army background as the world we have infected was conquered millennia ago. The Ymgarl in the Cult list are a slightly bigger unit (up to 12) than Codex: Tyranids (up to 10) as the cults are drawn to finding them. The Ymgarl are terrifying on the battlefield owing to their ability in springing up just about anywhere you want them to. They also have an annoying habit of sticking around and tying down enemy units. For my third Elite pick, I choose a squad of Primacii. This set of fourth generation Hybrids are my first “anti-tank” or “anti-monster” unit. There psychic abilities, coupled with some good armour and variety of weapons makes them flexible enough to adapt to other roles where needed. I decide to give them a transport as well, meaning I can deploy them quickly should an enemy threaten my forces with a heavily armoured vehicle or high toughness creature. Fast Attack As I mentioned, the priority of an Invasion Force has to be in striking fast and hard. So the choices in this category are crucial. To support my Genestealers, I select a unit of Maelignaci. These first generation Hybrids aren‟t quite as powerful as their kin, but they have the ability to Hit and Run as well as Infiltrate. This means they can cause all sorts of close combat chaos until their bigger cousins arrive. Next I pick a squadron of ATVs. These buggies provide a fast moving firebase that I can use to pick off troublemakers. I equip these with autocannons, meaning that I also have an emergency solution should I come up against a medium tank or something. Finally I select a unit of Bikers. The speed with which a Biker unit can engage the enemy is always useful as it means you can put your opponent on the back foot. When teamed up with my horde of infiltrating stealers and hybrids, they can cause a lot of damage and panic. Heavy Support Because I chose a Broodlord rather than a Patriarch, I don‟t have a lot of options in this category. But that‟s fine, the Invasion Force is supposed to be quick and mobile. First up I pick a squad of Purificati. These flamer toting Hybrids are anti-infantry specialists. After many years of tackling Terminators in Space Hulk, it‟ll feel good to turn all those flamers on someone else for a change. The Purificati are too short range and lightly armoured to be risked as foot soldiers, so I get them a transport; another truck with an Assault Cannon. I‟ll need to drive them up fast, pour in the flames, then mop up with some close combat troops. My next pick is a unit of Drones. These are a must have, otherwise I‟m relying on the Primaci to take out all the heavy tanks and armour. The Drone Squad is a cheap and powerful “anti-tank” and “antimonster” unit. Again, they‟ll need protection to get in range, so another truck, with a Heavy Flamer will do to deliver them. I‟m reaching the limit of my points total. For my final Heavy Support choice I could select either a Conversion Beam Battery, or another Drone Squad. The Conversion Beams could be deployed with my Brethren, beefing up my firebase, but that does mean I will have to set up a defensive point on the battlefield and could tie down my advance. Instead of that, I could go for another Troop pick. Thralls look - 54 - good and pretty cheap. To take advantage of their extra strength, I‟d need to equip them with pistols and close combat weapons. Furorii are also an option. With Rage and Counter Attack, they make a good back up to my other Hybrids and Genestealers. In the end, I decide on a second unit of Drones. I think I already have the close combat component covered and want to make sure I can deal with enemy armour. I have a few points left over at the end and spread these around adding some carefully chosen upgrades. I want the close combat element of the army to be its primary focus, backed up with flexible and manoeuvrable fire support. Hopefully, this selection will do the job HQ Broodlord – 137 points Scything Talons – 2 points Acid Blood – 15 points Toxin Sacs – 3 points Adrenal Glands – 3 points 2 Chosen Thralls – 30 points 2 Plasma pistols – 20 points Magus – 140 Points Psychic Powers: Enhance, Conceal, Hammerhand, Hypnotic Gaze, Brood Command. Elites 12 Ymgarl Genestealers – 276 points Primaci + Transport – 259 points 10 4th Generation Hybrids – 120 points Boltguns – 16 points Missile Launchers – 30 points Bolt Pistol and Power Fist – 20 points Civilian Transport – 55 points Assault Cannon – 30 points 20 Genestealers – 280 points Troops Brethren – 60 points 12 Brethren – 48 points 1 Meltagun – 10 points 1 Boltpistol – 2 points Thralls + Transport – 104 points 1 Primacii Bolt Pistol and Chainsword – 5 points 9 Thralls – 50 points 2 Boltpistols – 4 points Civilian Transport – 45 points Heavy Bolter – 20 points Brethren – 52 points 10 Brethren – 40 points 1 Meltagun – 10 points 1 Boltpistol – 2 points Fast Attack Brethren Bikers – 77 points 6 Breathren Bikers – 72 points 1 Heavy Stubber – 5 points Maelignaci – 120 Points ATV Patrol – 105 Points 3 ATVs – 75 points 3 Autocannons – 30 points - 55 - Heavy Support Purifier Squad – 140 points 10 Third Generation Hybrids – 120 points 2 Heavy Flamers – 20 points Civilian Transport – 55 points Assault Cannon – 30 points Drone Squad + Transport – 195 points Fourth Generation Overseer rd 10 3 Generation Hybrids – 120 points Civilian Transport – 55 points Heavy Flamer – 20 points - 56 - Tactica: Genestealer Cult Playing Warhammer 40,000 with a Genestealer Cult army is an interesting experience. It is a very different beast to either Imperial Guard or Tyranids, from which most of the army list is drawn from. To start with, the cult suffers from the main problem any irregular army throughout history has suffered from; a lack of firepower against heavily armoured opposition. This means you need to select your Heavy Support choices very carefully. The options available are either a) lightly armoured themselves or b) under strength when compared to the opposition. For example, the Drone Squads are a devastating anti-tank unit, cheaply bought and with a clear use. However, they are lightly armoured and if the Overseer is tied down in close combat or shot before they can get into assault range, they become nothing more than another close combat unit. The Primacii can make use of their psychic choir ability against armour, but again, they are infantry, so you‟ll need to protect them. Of course, you could elect to choose a Genestealer Patriarch, then take some influential Thralls for the retinue, opening up your own tank and aircraft options. However, the cult only get to select individual tanks as Heavy Support choices, against the squadrons available to the Imperial Guard, so you‟ll need to consider this very carefully. The second element of the army that needs carefully considering is - 57 - that, whilst you have some very strong close combat units, you don‟t have the Carnifexes, Hive Tyrant, or other “big ones” available to a Tyranid player. This changes the way in which you deploy your assault troops. A Tyranid player might set up in a wave formation, putting Homogaunts and Termagants up at the front to soak up enemy fire, so that the harder units (Genestealers, Tyranids, Carnifexes) can be “delivered” into assault range. You could try the same using Thralls, Furorii or Brethren, but they don‟t have the same speed across the gaming table, meaning you‟ll be sacrificing the speed of your assault troops. However you do have the advantage of being able to pack some of your assault troops into transports. This can be a nasty surprise when Furorii, or Drones pile out of a truck and launch themselves into a defensive line. The only thing you will have to address is the round of shooting this kind of charge inevitably attracts. Cult transports are not particularly well armoured or well equipped as they are converted civilian vehicles and you can‟t just disembark and charge into close combat. You are going to take hits, so plan for this. Essentially the cult army can be played two ways: 1) As a rapid moving invasion force or 2) As a counter punching firebase. Both options are fairly good ones, and are pretty much determined by your pick of 1) Broodlord or 2) Patriarch. Invasion Force Tactics swarms) to soak up lasgun, shuriken or bolter fire. Instead, you need to limit your opponent‟s fire opportunities and establish your game as quickly as possible. The more you can make your opponent react to what you are doing, rather than the other way around, the better. Having chosen your army (see the example list on page 55), you need to play to its strengths. The Broodlord based invasion force is a full on assault force. The ranged weapons that you select need to compliment the close combat troops you have chosen and your tactics need to be aggressive if you want to win. Deployment If the scenario allows for use of Infiltrators and other special deployment tactics, make use of these options. Your Genestealers and Ymgarl are powerful close combat machines and need to be positioned so they can do as much damage as possible. If you are up against an enemy who makes use of lots of ranged weapons, you need to close the distance as fast as you can, so surprise deployments can assist you greatly in getting on terms with a gun line. Unlike a traditional Tyranid army, you don‟t have the large creatures available to stomp all over the enemy and draw the fire of their big weapons. Nor do you have large numbers of expendable small creatures (like Gaunts and Ripper - 58 - The ranged weapons you do have should be used to target key enemy units that you may struggle against in close combat or get bogged down with. You need to ensure your units remain mobile as much as possible, so they can support each other. Whilst Genestealer may be able to (eventually) overcome a unit of Wraithguard, far better to destroy them with your Purificati and save the „stealers for the enemy‟s Warlocks or Farseer. Remember that despite good Toughness ratings, your saving throws are not great, so as many tricks to avoid being fired at as possible. Modelling a Genestealer Cult Army With the majority of models from the original 1991 army list now no longer available from Games Workshop, creating accurate models for each creature in your army can be a challenge. The guidelines below offer some ways in which you might create the miniatures you will need, but you may have better ideas of your own. with Skaven Nightrunner torsos. The heads are taken from the Ripper model, after the body is cut away. You can use arms from the Crypt Ghouls, Nightrunners and even some from the Zombie box set. The Crypt Ghoul arms work best when you want to give the Hybrid more than one arm on one side. Genestealers Glue the body, legs and head together having sliced off the base of the Nightrunner torso and put some green stuff into the neck hollow. Next, attach the opposite Ghoul arm and cut and shape a Zombie (or another Crypt Ghoul) arm to be positioned in front or behind it. To start with, the new Genestealer models available from Games Workshop are an excellent set. With a full set of interchangeable arms on the plastic sprue, these will work for your Genestealers in your army and will also form the basis for the rest of your Hybrid models. st 1 Generation Hybrids These can be made by mixing sprues from the Khorne Bloodletter Daemons box set with the Genestealer box set. Take the Bloodletter torso and legs, then cut and shape claw and hand arms from the Genestealer sprue. You can also use the Genestealer heads from this sprue, although you would be best to only use ones that have the smaller tongues. The back spines from the Bloodletter sprue are also ideal for this model, but you should reverse them to imitate the spines of a Genestealer. Finally, make use of some „green stuff‟ to mould and shape a short tail. 2nd Generation Hybrids These can be made by mixing plastic legs from the Zombie box set - 59 - 3rd Generation Hybrids Purificatii can be made by mixing Empire Flagellant plastics with the Crypt Ghoul sprues and the Catachan trooper box set. Take the Flagellant torso, and attach a Catachan weapon arm along with your chosen weapon. Then take a Crypt Ghoul head and stick it with a small ball of „green stuff‟ to make a neck. Finally, take two Crypt Ghoul arms and shape these to provide the other two arms for the Hybrid. For Drone Squads, Crypt Ghoul bodies and a mixture of plastic arms, plus grenades with a small amount of green stuff applied to the back of the head to extend it. 4th Generation Hybrids The main characteristic of 4th Generation Hybrids is that they are bald. Most of the alien features are subtle and should be reflected in the way in which they are painted. Many of the Necromunda metal miniatures (such as the Delaques) could make good Hybrids. Alternatively, you could mix Catachan arms with Empire Militia Torsos and use Flagellant heads. Or, attach a Flagellant head to a Cadian miniature, indicating that the Hybrid has done some military service. A touch of „green stuff‟ applied to the back of the head, extending the skull will give a slightly alien effect, perfect for a 4th generation Hybrid. Bikes These can be made by mixing Catachan or Empire Militia plastics with Space Marine, Chaos Space Marine Bikes or Ork Bikes. You may elect to make them like a biker gang, or perhaps they are Imperial couriers. Take care to strip back in insignias that do not fit with your army list. . Thralls These enhanced humans can be made with a mixture of Imperial Guard plastics. Making use of Catachan arms is a good idea, to represent the additional strength that Thralls have. You‟ll get best performance from Thralls on the table if they are given pistols and close combat weapons, so again, Empire militia arms can help. on/8479-gun-jeep-walkthrough.html ATVs These can be made by combining an Ork War Buggy and Space Marine Landspeeder. An excellent tutorial for doing this is available here. As a modification, it is a very simple but effective vehicle conversion that makes use of two existing 40k models. Brethren These are human support troops to the cult. You may elect to construct them out of one of the many Imperial Guard regiment box sets from Games Workshop, if your cult has a strong military theme and a base on one of the more popular founding worlds. Alternatively, if you want a more „irregular‟ look, try mixing in some of the Necromunda range of metal miniatures, or mixing plastics with the Empire Militia box set. - 60 - Sentinels These can be used directly from the Imperial Guard plastic Sentinel box sets. Again, think about the look you want the army to have. Requisitioned Shuttle The entry for this in the army list is deliberately open to a significant amount of customisation. There are a variety of ways that you can construct a suitable model. You may elect to use one of the Forgeworld kits, such as the Aquila Lander or the Arvus Lighter, or you could come up with something of your own. Abomini The Abomini entry in the army list provides you with an opportunity to be creativity with a monstrous creature. The large Tyranid creature sprues come with all sorts of interchangeable options, which might form the basis of what you want to build. Also, the Chaos Spawn sprues might give you something to work with. Transports The transports used by a cult can vary widely. If you have elected to have created an army that has a strong Imperial Guard theme, you may elect to use Chimeras. However, you may decide on a more civilian theme and once again, you have an opportunity to build something that brings a unique style to your army. The „Technical‟ and Civilian Transport entries in the army list allow you to customise your vehicles extensively or even scratch build something. Usually vehicles of 1:43 scale would be the right size for WH40k miniatures. - 61 - SUMMARY TROOP TYPES WEAPON TYPES WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Page Weapon Range Str. AP Type Abomini 5 0 6 6 4 3 4 8 4+ 39 Autocannon 48” 7 4 Heavy 2 Brethren 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 26 Boltgun 24” 4 5 Rapid Fire 12” 4 5 Pistol Brethren Bikers Broodlord 3 3 3 3 (4) 1 3 1 7 4+ 29 Bolt Pistol 7 0 5 5 3 7 4 10 4+ 18 Chosen Thrall 3 3 4 4 2 4 1 10 5+ 19 Conversion Special, see page 36. Beamer Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1 Drone 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 34 Furorii 3 3 3 3 (4) 1 3 1 7 4+ Genestealer 6 0 4 4 1 4 2 10 Maelignaci 6 0 4 4 1 4 2 Magus 4 4 4 4 2 5 Military Commander Overseer 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 3 Patriarch 7 0 6 Planetary Governor Primacii 3 3 4 3 27 Grenade Launcher* (Frag) 24” 3 6 5+ 21 (Krak) 24” 6 4 Assault 1 Blast Assault 1 9 6+ 28 4 Heavy 3 2 10 4+ 20 4 Assault 1 3 1 7 5+ 16 6 Heavy 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 34 3 Ordnance 1 4 2 7 4 10 4+ 14 Heavy 36” 5 Bolter Heavy Template 5 Flamer Heavy 36” 4 Stubber Hellstrike 72” 8 Missile Lascannon 48” 9 2 Heavy 1 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 16 Lasgun 24” 3 - Rapid Fire 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 23 Laspistol 12” 3 - Pistol 12” 8 1 Assault 1, Melta Purificati 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 35 Meltagun Rogue Scientist Thrall 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 16 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 25 Missile Launcher* (Frag) 48” 4 6 Wealthy Magnate Ymgarl Genestealer 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ 16 (Krak) 48” 8 3 Heavy 1 Blast Heavy 1 6 0 4 4 1 6 2 10 4+ 22 Multi Laser 36” 6 6 Heavy 3 Multi Melta 24” 8 1 Multiple Rocket Pod Plasma gun 24” 4 6 24” 7 2 Plasma Pistol Shotgun 12” 7 2 12” 3 - Heavy 1, Melta Heavy 1, Large Blast Rapid Fire, Gets Hot! Pistol, Gets Hot! Assault 2 Storm Bolter 24” 4 5 Assault 2 8 9 6 3 3 4 Apoc Barrage (1)* Armour VEHICLES BS ATV Basilisk Civilian Transport Leman Russ Shuttle 3 3 3 3 3 Front Side Rear 10 12 8 14 10 10 10 8 13 10 10 10 8 10 10 Page ORDNANCE Battle 72” Cannon Earthshaker 36”-240” Cannon Bomb Bomb * These weapons have additional rules as detailed in their entries. - 62 -
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