Company profile in pdf format
Company profile in pdf format
COMPANY PROFILE MIK. Excellence is our goal. Company Profile MIK offers comprehensive IE solutions that ensure high–quality investment, energy–saving and aesthetic glazing solutions. We belive in tradition and our values, but we develop innovative solutions and work with the latest technology and knowledge. Name of the Company: Short Company Name: Structure of ownership: Founded in: Management: Product range Strategic brands >H igh quality windows >M IK windows >M odern doors made with contemporary > L ocal ventilation system MIKrovent® 2 PVC, ALU, wooden, wood–ALU windows and durable materials ront doors, interior doors, garage doors, fireproof F doors > Individually designed winter gardens and glass facades MIK, Mednarodno trgovsko in proizvodno podjetje, d.o.o. MIK, d.o.o. 100% private ownership 1990 Franci Pliberšek, owner and manager PVC windows, ALU windows, wooden windows, wood–ALU windows. Innovative solution for room ventilation with closed windows at a minimum loss of heat – up to 87% recuperation. > E nergy windows indows with a special energy–management programme, encoded in the window W frame, glass and special info cells. Its action restores indoor air and water to the same quality as in pure and unspoilt nature. > Diverse picture framing programme >M IK investments • Energy efficient residential building Vojniška gmajna; • Sport village and tourism centre Pohorska Livada; • Contemporary shopping centre Rondo C4 Our guarantee of quality IE2 VISION SHORT DELIVERY TIMES Complete Investment, Energy and Aesthetics solutions for renovated and new buildings throughout South–East Europe. MIK always listens to costumer’s preferences and requirements and does its very best to accommodate them. HIGH–QUALITY SUPPLIERS MIK windows meet the highest energy– efficiency standards (class A) and reduce your heating/cooling costs by up to 30%. IK works with only the best suppliers M and manufacturers of basic and extended window range. COMPUTER–GUIDED PRODUCTION LINE Each product and each weld is produced in exactly the same dimensions and quality. ENERGY ID ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS We only buy, use and install environmentally–friendly products and materials. EXPERT COUNSELING. INSTALLATION AND SERVICING. Let’s preserve energy. LET’S SAVE. Last year alone, MIK windows reduced CO2 emissions by 12,740 tons. European Award for Business Excellence The prestigious European award for business excellence - Recognised for Excellence (R4E) conferred by the European Foundation forQualityManagement(EFQM)isaconfirmationofthetheexcellenceofourteamandourabilitytoachieveextraordinary results through know-how and shared values. Product conformity to CE standard Due to use of carefully selected, high quality materials, technologically advanced computer–guided production line and our own development, our products meet EU safety, health and environmental requirements which we certify with the CE marking. Company turnover History Cumulative annual sales growth is 37.4 %. In the 20 years of its existence, MIK expanded its manufacturing capacity twice and became one of the top manufacturers of PVC doors and windows. Owing to its creativeandcompetentstaff,effi cientmanagementandfirmvalues,thefledgling company grew into what it is today: a company with almost 200 employees and a 17% share of the Slovenian PVC windows market. Today, MIK is more than a manufacturer of high–quality windows – we change the way you see the world. Cumulative annual growth of company value 53.7 %. 30 milion EURO 25 Timeline 20 1990 MIK, d.o.o. is founded. 1998 A new manufacturing plant for CE–plast PVC window frames spanning 1,700 m2 opens in Celje. 2000 A new computer–guided production line is set up. ewbusinesspremisesopeninGajiinCeljeandthefirstMIKgallery N welcomesitsfirstvisitorsinCelje. 2004 ThefirstsalessalonopensinMaribor. 2005 A new production line for winter gardens is put into operation. New sales salons open in Ljubljana, Izola, and Murska Sobota. The second MIK gallery opens in Ljubljana. 2006 New salons were open in Kranj and Nova Gorica. The company is awarded the Silver Crest of Celje. 2007 Thefirstphase(12,000m2) of the new business & manufacturing complex is completed in Vojnik and operations are moved to the new premises. 2008 A new sales salon opens in Novo mesto. The general manager receives the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce award for outstanding economic achievements, and the »Celje's Best Citizen of 2007”. 2009 Newly–renovated sales salons open in Maribor and Celje. The company enters the finals for the 2009 Slovenian Gazelle award, and wins the prestigious European Award for Business Excellence (EFQM). How we are going to change the way you see the world: 2010 Expansion of manufacturing and sales range to include aluminium and wooden doors and windows. of living in terms of energy, aesthetics, safety, well– being, noise protection and maintenance; 2010 The Silver guild award of the Chamber of Craft and the Golden award of the Celje innovation fair for two innovative solutions MIKrovent® POLAND and Energy windows. 12/2009 12/2008 15 12/2007 10 12/2006 12/2005 5 12/2004 12/2003 0 Neto sales Company value Vision and Strategic targets We are on the brink of becoming the leading manufacturer and supplier of PVC, wooden and aluminium window systems in South–East Europe, and provider of complete glazing solutions for user–friendly environments for SE Europe. To become one of the 10 most prominent and socially–responsible companies in Slovenia. Mission > By providing window systems that improve the quality > By creating picture frames that truly breathe life into the artwork and its surroundings; CZECH > Bydevelopingreal–estatethatoffersahigherstandard of living; > Through our humanitarian activities that directly and SLOVAKIA GERMANY AUSTRIA indirectly improve the lives of people around us. Our core values > Fairness, honesty and professional approach; SWITZERLAND > Mutual respect and care for our employees; > Partnership, professionalism and expert know–how; > Encouraging creative input from every associate; > Care for personal growth, transfer of knowledge and experience onto our associates. Contact MIK headquarters Celjska cesta 55, SI-3212 Vojnik, Slovenia, Europe Telephone: +386 3 428 28 50 Fax: +386 3 428 28 60 E–mail: Web: HUNGARY ITALY SLOVENIA TRIESTE KOPER MARIBOR CELJE LJUBLJANA ROMANI CROATIA BOSNA AND HERZEGOVINA A D R I AT I C S E A SRBIA MONTENEGRO KOSOVO MACEDONIA ALBANIA B
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