A Hockey Night in Boston Publication
A Hockey Night in Boston Publication
Mi -w- * ;m . ver luu \fr Kosters Statistics • Pairings -. i i A Hockey Night in Boston Publication aa JJJ^.a^.q-|i|tjtfj|i •sj.iu.io) Ji|i in JAJI no/ )i MOII>| 01 -3LUEII g^DD 3U.J JO S)|JEUI||Bl| •uqof )|SB isnf -juauidmba @u)] SUUEOM aj(no/ jt sd|9L) OS|E 1| -JJE31] 3ABl| 01 8AEIJ nOj^'3|nj 3UO /|UO SI 3J31J1 pUV '|EA3UJljd 3|lll| E S,l| 'SJ3UJ03 vi* u : "'vi '""ii -i-u"! "ivi "*i:i " 3J3q) udi|| puaq 3qi uo iis pjnoqs /dijj -/Jidod 3JUM OLJM S/llS 3JE 3J3l|| 'Lj3UOq 31]] UO }IS /3l|| •SJdZUdpUdl )EdUi 9)jl| SJSjj IjlIM S/n§ 3JE 3J3q| I Ull|) 33JLJJ w a o Q-) THESE SHIELDS ARE REPLACEABLE.. A L L T H E H A R S H TESTS. A L L T H E H E L M E T S AND S H I E L D S W E ' V E D E S T R O Y E D IN 14 Y E A R S OF PIONEERING CLEAR VISOR PROTECTION. ALL THE SWEAT THAT GOES INTO PERFECTING A GREAT S H I E L D . E V E R Y T H I N G PAYS O F F W H E N A P L A Y E R FACES A S L A P S H O T , IT'S NOT ELBOW OR S K A T E . S U R P R I S I N G , THAT PLAYERS ENTRUST THEIR HEAD AND FACE P R O T E C T I O N TO ITECH*. FOR T H E R E S T O F U S , HEAD A N D F A C I A L PROTECTION IS JUST AS IMPORTANT. AND C L E A R L Y , YOU K N O W A G R E A T SHIELD WHEN YOU SEE ONE. NO O T H E R C O M P A N Y H A S SOLD A S M A N Y S H I E L D S A S ITECH" A N D E V E N LESS S U R P R I S I N G THAT S O M A N Y P R O THE CHOICE IS C L E A R . THE MIAA: REPRESENTING "THE OTHER HALF OF EDUCATION" T The MIAA is guided by the firm belief that meanhe Massachusetts Interscholastic A t h l e t i c Association (MIAA) is a non-profit organiza- ingful educational experiences exist beyond the classtion serving and supporting its 350 member room and should be provided to as many students as high schools. The Association assists schools in pro- possible. The Association seeks to promote standards moting athletic participation opportunities for young that guarantee optimum health and safety conditions men and w o m e n across the C o m m o n w e a l t h . for all participants and fans. The approved policies of Approximately 170,000 high school students com- the Association have been developed to ensure fairpete in 90,000 athletic contests a n n u a l l y among ness of competition and to maintain a proper perspective on high school athletics. The promotion of good MTAA member schools. MTAA sponsors 250 post season regional and state sportsmanship is the thread common to all MIAA championships in thirty-three recognized sports for endeavors. School principals, athletic directors, school comyoung men and women. The Association's membership believes that season-ending tournaments, when mittee members, school superintendents, coaches, conducted with a strong educational philosophy, pro- game officials, physicians, and athletic trainers play vide students with additional opportunities for learn- vitally important roles of policy making committees such as the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic ing and personal growth. The students participating in this hockey tourna- Council, the MIAA Board of Directors, Ice Hockey ment and their schools deserve your positive support. Committee, and thirty-two other MIAA committees. Your respect for the opponents, game officials and The efforts of these men and women are a part of the your hosts at each tournament site will contribute support system necessary to maintain interscholastic athletic programs which are still the best buy in edugreatly to the success of this tournament. Regardless of what else may happen outside of high cation. Your endorsement and support of local high school school athletics, displays of good sportsmanship by everyone must be a constant part of this tournament. athletic programs and administrators is essential. It is On behalf of all participants, THANKS for doing only through such support that our young people's programs will be protected. your part. Today's competition is merely a microcosm of regional and state tournaments sponsored by MIAA each year. As today's participants receive our plau- Richard F. Neal dits, we should be mindful that all 350 MIAA mem- MIAA Executive Director ber schools support healthy athletic competition which makes "winners" of all student athletes. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association is to serve member schools and the maximum number of their students by providing leaderhsip and support for the conduct of interscholastic activities which will enrich the educational experiences of all participants. The MIAA will promote interschool activities that provide lifelong and lifequality learning experiences to students while enhancing their achievement of educational goals. Page 5 March, 1999 MIAA Tournev MIAA PHILOSOPHY W ithin high school sport programs, young people learn the values associated with discipline, performing under stress, teamwork, sacrifice, commitment, effort, accountability, citizenship, sportsmanship, confidence, leadership, organizational skills, participating within rules, physical well being and chemical health, striving towards excellence, and many other characteristics that come quickly to the mind of any educator. If interscholastic athletics are to be justified as school activities, then values such as these must be the priorities of every program. Ethics, playing within the spirit of the rules, and good sportsmanship (which is good citizenship) must be woven into the fabric of the high school athletic program. In the education of the 60% of the young people attending MIAA member schools, athletic participation is a critical component. What should drive those responsible for student-athletes and their programs is the educational mission of school activities. For many students, the most stable environment in their lives is that provided by high school activity programs. Often the best opportunities for crisis intervention, drug prevention, "day care" programs, and the like are school activity programs. The cost is minimal, while the worth is maximal. While winning contests, rather than losing them, is a laudable goal, it should not supersede the primary priorities of high school sport programs. What should be the rationale behind high school activities is preparing students to succeed rather than merely to win athletic contests. Win or lose, students should learn lessons of a lasting and positive nature. If the success of any high school program is measured by an undefeated season, then 99% of the thousands of high school teams which participate annually in Massachusetts have failed. If a league championship is the measure of success, then 85% of our programs are failures. Even if success is measured merely by qualification for MIAA cnd-of-the season tournaments, then 50% of our students are "losers." What should be encouraged is participation in varied activities under different teacher/coach role models. The percentage of student-athletes who complete their formal athletic experiences at the high school level is overwhelming (well in excess of 90%). Schools should focus their attention upon goals other than championships or the development of "blue chip" athletes. Young people need varied activities: time at the beach, time to study, and, in fact, time to be just kids. Young people need lo learn to think, and simply to grow up. Schools should guide them, through athletics, to allow that to happen as comfortably as possibly. Regardless of whether he or she is a member of the high school faculty, the high school coach is a teacher, often the most influential and important one to a student-athlete. The student-athlete is participating within the school's activity program because that young person desires to do so. Consequently, such a student is often more attentive to a coach's lessons than to those offered by teachers in required courses. Coaches must constantly be aware of this opportunity and responsibility. March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association Dick Neal •MIAA Executive Director Dan Shine • MIAA Hockey Chairman Joseph Mauro • MIAA Tournament Director Bill Gaine • MIAA Deputy Director District H ICE HOCKEY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Bruce Hutchins, Principal Dracut High School Alex Kulevich, Athletic Director Marblehead High School Charles McCarthy, Principal Arlington High School Richard Qualey, Athletic Director Woburn High School Charles Flahive, Asst. Principal Westwood High School Robert Donovan, Athletic Director Weymouth High School Richard Curcio, Principal Cape Cod Regional High School Mary Jane Keyes, Athletic Director Bishop Connolly High School Marlborough High School Ed Clancy, Asst. Principal Peter Richards, Athletic Director Nashoba Regional High School Easthampton High School Deborah Carter, Principal Jeff Sealander, Athletic Director Easthampton High School Margaret Downing, Principal St. Joseph Central High School John Quinlan, Athletic Director St. Joseph Central High School Paul Moran, Headmaster Austin Prep District H ICE HOCKEY CHAIRMAN Daniel Shine, Athletic Director Arlington Catholic High School District A District B District C District D District E District F District G GAME OFFICIALS REPRESENTATIVE John Doherty Committee Secretary Auburn HOCKEY COACHES ASSOCIATION Paul Podolski Dedham High School Dedham MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES William Carey, Jr. Arlington TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS Joe Mauro Brooklinc Public Schools Paul Cronin Revere High School Peter Glanville Auburn High School George Bauman West Springfield H.S. Brookline Revere Auburn Springfield MIAA STAFF LIAISON William N, Gaine Jr. Deputy Director Milford Page 7 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney HOCKEY NIGHT IN BOSTON SHOWCASING THE STARS 795 Turnpike St. No. Andover, MA 01845 (978) 682-2425 Fax:(978)682-1295 Darby Yaeger Selected as the Official Publication for 1999 MIAA State Hockey Tourney H Gary Demopoiilos ockey Night in Boston for the 16th consecutive year has been selected by the M I A A State Hockey Committee as the official publication for this year's tournament. Last year's 88 page publication drew rave reviews from coaches, school officials, media and fans alike. The magazine proved to be a great souvenir item as vvel 1. Countless hours were spent on this year's program, gathering rosters and statistics to make this one of the finest program booklets for any high school tournament in the country. Our deep appreciation goes out to all the participating coaches, the MIAA staff and its hockey committee and all league correspondents for their help. The editorial views, articles and predictions expressed in t h i s magazine are the opinion of the HNIB News staff and its correspondents. Individual statistics were compiled by HNIB through the cooperation of league representatives and school statisticians. Joel Perlmutter HNIB STAFF Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Lance LoFaro Assistant Editor Gary Demopoulos Sales/Advertising Lance LoFaro Darby Yaeger Gary Demopoulos Joel Perlmutter Page- 8 Dave Gramling Kevin Doyle Staff Writers Gary Demopoulos Joel Perlmutter Dave Grarnling Kevin Doyle Bryan Ethier Chip Malafronte Len Bardsley Tim Dumas Brian Falla March, 1999 Graphics & Design Gary Demopoulos Cathy Gallagher Barbara Coito Administrative/Typesetting Barbara Coito Cathy Gallagher Printing Services Flagship Press Minutcman Press MIAA Tourney TOURNAMENT MIAA Message 5,6,54 Division I Pairings MI A A Committee 7 Division I Rosters HNIB Staff 8 Division II Preview Division I-A Report 10-15 Division il Pairings Division I-A Pairings 11 EMass. Scoring Leaders Division I-A Rosters. ..17,19,21,23 Division II Rosters Division I Preview 27-31 EMass. Div. Ill Preview EMass. Div. Ill Pairings INDEX 28 35-41 45-53 47 43 55-61 62-67 63 EMass. Div. Ill Rosters Centra] Mass. Preview Central Mass. Pairings Central Mass. Rosters Western Mass. Preview Western Mass. Pairings Western Mass. Rosters 68-75 76-79 76 79-82 83-84 84 85-8K HOCKEY NIGHT IN BOSTON 25th Annual Summer Tourney TRYOUTS (Check One) Sophomore All-Stars Massachusetts Rhode Island Northern NE (NH, ME, VT) Connecticut New York Mid/Atlantic (NJ, MD, PA, DC) . Buffalo/Western PA Mid-West (OH, IL, IN) . Great Lakes (MI, WI, MO) Gulf Coast (Southeast U.S.) . Pacific Coast (CA, AK, OR, AZ) Canadian Maritimes Minnesota Call (978) 682-2425 Next Summer's 25th annual event will take place July 30th - August 21 st &Tryouts Throughout the Country^ Write To: HNIB Summer Tourney 795 Turnpike Street No.Andover,MA 01845 Request for Summer Application NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODE Page 9 In 1999 I will be entering my Soph Jr Sr PG year School attending next fall Position. PHONE March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Division 1A Tourney Preview BC High, Reading Draw Top Seeds But Defending Champs CM Rolling Now W hile the recently completed regular season is a three month marathon, the post-season in general and the I-A tournament in particular is a sprint. And in a sprint, the final kick is the most important. Parity. The Republicans and Democrats have it in Washington and here in Massachusetts, the same is generally true among the Catholics and the Publics. Although the Public schools have cert a i n l y made a good name for themselves this year, a victory by either Reading, Arlington or Waltham in the ninth installment of this select tournament would certainly bring a new level of respect and yes, parity. The time when Catholic schools solely attracted the best players is coming to an end. Public programs have been steadily growing in stature as exhibited by the three publie representatives in 1999. Once again, the seven member I-A committee explored every aspect, every game, every score and seriously considered input from people that know high school hockey best, soliciting 12 team lists in rank order from the Coaches A s s o c i a t i o n , the Tournament Director and the slate-wide observers upon which to draw their conclusions from. When all was said and done, it took just over an hour to nominate nine teams, whittle thai number down lo 8 and power seed the remaining teams. 11 history is any indication, number one B.C. High (17-2-1) should start making plans for a parade down Morrissey Blvd. Only once in the previous eight tournaments has the eventual champion come from somewhere other than the lop-seeded team. The Eagles have disposed of many high quality opponents this season and have not only the strength of schedule, but also the power ranking points to back it up. When you have been the victim of the neighborhood bully for all these years, this was a coming out party for the Eagles. The Catholic Conference champions registered a pair of wins over CM, Xaverian, I-almoulh. Ncedham, Arlington Catholic, Cathedral and Abp. Williams, finishing the season. How's that for consistency? The Eagles tuned up for the t o u r n a m e n t by c a p t u r i n g the prestigious Pal m o u t h Tournament championship last week. Page 10 By Joel Perlmutter • HNIB News Waltham Surprise Invite Reading (18-0-2) is just the second public school in the history of this tournament to nail down a number two seed, a testament to the superior program Peter Doherty has assembled over in the Middlesex League. The Rockets have a serious shot at winning it all and with iwo weeks off, they are healthy and well-rested. As the tournament selection committee mentioned earlier places a great deal of importance on aspiring team's non-league schedules, especially among the public schools, Reading opened a lot of eyes by defeating Billeriea and playing Arlington lo a draw over the Christmas holidays. Reading finished third overall in last year's 1-A playoffs from the sixth seed. This year, with an older and more experienced Sean Collins, Steve Saviano and Travis Mustonc to lead them, the Rockets are capable of much, much more DIV. 1-A SEEDINGS 1. B.C. High (17-2-1) 2. Reading (18-0-2) 3. Abp. Williams (14-2-3) 4. Arlington (15-2-3) 5. 6. 7. 8. St. John's Prep (12-5-3) Cath. Mem. (11-4-3) Matignon (13-4-2) Waltham (15-2-3) CATHOLIC M K M O R I A L 199H ALL SCHOLASTIC QUINTET: (L to R) Dan Cotter, Mike Malta, Mike O'Sullivan, Ryan Cordeiro and Jim I'ahey mug it up for camera following CM's firstever perfect season (24-0) that culminated in another Division 1-A title. (Photo by IMIICC LoFani) March, 1*199 MIAA Tourney They're last. They're talented. They're experienced. More than anything else, they are hungry for the championship which is why their opening game is so appealing. Number 3 Archbishop Williams (14-2-3) will match up against Catholic Memorial in a jamc # Saturday. February 27 first round game which coincidentally matches last year's finalists. 4 Abp. Williams vs Catholic Mem. TS 12:00pm Frank Quinn's Bishops posted a tidy 6-1-3 mark against Division I 2 Arlington vs St. John's (D) TS 2:15pm playoff qualifiers, while going undefeated to capture its second Sunday. February 28 straight league title. Among AW's achievements were a pair of wins against rival AC and Austin Prep and a second straight cham3 ^Reading vs Matignon_ BU 2:00pm pionship in the NH Christmas Tournament with three shutouts. 1 B.C. High vs Waltham_ BU 4:30pm Arlington (15-2-3) is absolutely loaded. The prohibitive Tuesday. March 2 choice in the Greater Boston League have a tradition to uphold. 5 _Loser Game I vs Loser Game 2 BC TBA Second-year coach Dick DeCaprio's Spy Ponders have 12 seniors 6 Loser Game 3 vs Loser Game 4 BC TBA and a capable group of understudies beyond them. Last year's Thursday. March 4 early exit can't sit well with the likes of Brian Boike, so look tor 7 _Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 2 FC TBA the Arlington seniors to have a lot to say in how these games ultimately shake down. 8 _Winner Game 3 vs Winner Game 4 FC TBA A solid second place finish in the Catholic Conference has Saturday. March 6 propelled the Eagles of St. John's (12-5-3) into the Super 8 and an 9 _Winner Game 5 vs Loser Game 8 FC TBA opening round date with Arlington. An experienced Eagles squad 10 _Winner Game 6 vs Loser Game 7 FC TBA made the already crowded top of the Catholic Conference that 11 _Winner Game 7 vs Winner Game 8 FC TBA much more the merrier. Tuesday. March 9 All year long, fourth-year coach Robert Marinelli has told his 12 Winner Game 9 vs Winner Game 10 BU 7:30pm team "Let's see how far we can take things this year." That mantra Thursday. March 11 has landed the Eagles back into the Elite 8 where they have benefited from hard work and experience. 13 Winner Game 12 vs Loser Game 11 BU 8:00pm At Catholic Memorial ( 1 1-4-3) the look is back. The feeling Monday. March 15 is back.... the intensity is back. CM is back among the state's elite 14 WinnerGame 11 vsWinnerGame I3_ FC 8:00pm demolishing foes with the same ease that has been commonplace as Wednesday. March 17 late as last season. The Knights are red hot and prepped for this 15 (if necessary) Teams from Game 14 FC 7;30pm tournament appearance with a 4-0-1 stretch drive, outscoring its opponents to the tune of 30-1 in that span,... And the committee only ranked them sixth? The defending 1-A champions are on a mission, having risen from their mid-season maladies to again play like a champion. Anyone who has seen CM play recently knows BU - Boston University FC - Fleet Center that this is no sixth seeded team and that coach Bill Hanson, the TS - Tsongas Arena BC - Boston College muster coach and motivator, will have his team ready to play. Matignon (13-4-2) survived graduations and defections to post a solid second place finish in the Catholic C e n t r a l League. W h i l e not k n o w n for its o f f e n s i v e prowess, the Warriors were in top form blasting Marion I 1-0 in the season finale behind four goals from Ken C l e a r y . Interestingly enough, of their 94 goals on the season, Matignon has distributed them evenly by period: 31-32-31. This year's new kids on the block are the real thing and not just happy to be here. Coach John Maguire c o u l d n ' t hold back his satisfaction and the excitement of his team when Waltham (15-2-3) learned of their first ever selection to the l-A tournament. "The kids are excited. Once we beat Arlington, we knew we had a WILLIAMS head coach Frank Quinn with (L to R) captains John Ronan, Casey good thing going. We played well down the stretch (12-0-2)." Truelson and Ed Boudreau accepting 1998 MIAA runnersup trophy. MIAA Division I -A Schedule Division I-A Arenas 1A Team Profiles B. C.HIGHU7-2-1) Jue McCabe really has his club playing well. B.C. High will he gunning for its second 1-A t i t l e in four seasons. The Eagles seniors captured the title as freshmen, and have followed that up with second and third place finishes in subsequent seasons. In running the table (8-0) to win their first outright Catholic Conference championship, the Eagles recorded a pair of wins over ancient nemesis Catholic Memorial, while handling their ambitious schedule with relative ease. Hockey East bound seniors Mike Ryan (Northeastern) 36 points and Steve Slonina (U-Mass Lowell) 32 points, along with Mark Mullen (27 pts) have led the way. However, the Eagles may be even more formidable on defense, having allowed three or more goals just twice heading into the last week of the season. Veterans Jim B y r n e s , Gcno B i n d a a n d J e r r y Burke a n c h o r the b l u e - l i n e . Goalies Terry Sweeney (1.58 avg.) and David Hincs (1.58 avg.) arc tournament tested tough and ready. INTF.RSI-OKT INC.. 5<» Applelon Street. Sangui. MA U1'JO6 T.-1-plion* (781) 2 : 4 3 - 1 1 1 7 . Toll ht«. (HOO) 22:i-V/2H . Fa* (781) Rockets Loaded, Well-Rested Team OuraLite carbon material that vibration the O 1 1 1 =:. !< :;. M f I !< I: L Y N ::. V/ CO Mr READING (18-0-2) After three s t r a i g h t u n d e f e a t e d Middlesex League seasons, the Reading Rockets have carved their niche among the elitist of elite teams. Last March, Peter Doherty's crew won its first two Super 8 games for the first time in school history. Many seasoned observers feel Reading's fifth consecutive trip to this invitation only tournament, (seventh overall) represents (he best opportunity for a public school to capture the championship. In romping to its fifth consecutive League title, Reading has proven to be n o t h i n g short of d o m i n a n t . The chief Rocket launcher is Sean Collins, (28-3462), the super sophomore spark p l u g . Brendon Clarke (15-24-39) and Andrew Mayne (5-17-22) are generally paired with Collins but it doesn't stop there for the Rockets who averaged better than 5 goals a game. Steve Saviano (17-35-52), Chris Degel (19-21-40) and David H u n t form another capable scoring line. Defensively, senior Jamie Lynch is the lone returning blue-liner from last season and has Lipped his point total by 1 1 . Junior Travis Mustone (1.21 GAA) earned his stripes in goal last season and has responded w i t h a strong f o l l o w - u p season to anchor an already impressive defense. 1999 MIAA State Hockey Tournament ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS (14-2-3) For a team that coach Frank Quinn constantly speaks of as being very young and continually learning on the job, ihc Bishops sure proved lo be good s t u d e n t s . Graduations and several unexpected defections left the team with seven freshmen and sophomores skating regular shifts, yet the Archies responded with their second 6-0-2 league record while repeating as Catholic Central league champs. The w i n n i n g formula? Solid defense, good goaitending and a balanced alUick. The Bishops w i l l go as far as the senior defensive duo of All Scholastics Kevin Truelson and Will Tattan will take them. Truelson in a true thoroughbred, logging Bourque-like time on the ice. Solid senior Brendan Mulhern, juniors Joe Mento and Will C/Connel! have led the charge offensively. J u n i o r goaliender Joe Anderson (1.46 avg.) has been a model of consistency between the pipes, backboning the Bishops lo key victory after victory including a 2-0I mark against rival AC. Congratulations from HomeTown A Service of MediaOne www.hometownsports.com We 're Always Online! Spy Ponders (15-2-3) Have Dangerous Trio Boike, Havern, Spencer ARLINGTON (15-2-3) The Spy Ponders can win big. They can win close. In 1998-99, they showed their o p p o n e n t s t h e y can win any w;iy t h e y choose. Expectations are always high at Arlington and why not. Although his team had to share the Greater Boston League title with Waltham, coach Dick DeCaprio likes what he sees f r o m a t e a m t h a t outscored its opponents 63-4 during a 9 game winning streak. A senior dominated corps of talent is behind this year's Arlington success. Brian Boike (34 pts.), Tim Havern (34 pts.) and Jared Spencer (32 pts.) take a back seat to no line in New England in terms of ability and experience. Sophomore Ned Havern (30 pts.), Chris Mansfield and Chris Walsh form another fearsome trio. Sophomore goalie Mike Mansfield (1.20 avg.) has a full complement of talented defenders playing directly in front of him including All Star captain Chris Martin. Andrew Senesi, Jeff Timmins, and Jon Calozzo. Page 13 THE PREP SCHOOL FOR THOSE WHO PLAY Shattuck-St. Mary's School offers young men and women an outstanding program of solid academics and great hockey. Student faculty ratio of 7-1 Honors and advanced placement courses in every discipline Boys and girls teams, ice arena on campus & world-ckss professional coaches September to March season, 50+ games Recent graduates pkij hockey for: Babson, Colby, Cornell, DU, Hamilton, Harvard \Mke Forest, Maine, Mic/iigan Tech, Middlehury, Minnesota, Minnesuta-Didiith North Dakota, Northeastern, Princeton, U.S. Air Force Academy and the US. Military Academy, as well as the Florida Panthers. SHATTUCK- ST MARYS SCHOOL P.O. BOX 218, FARIBAULT, MINNESOTA 55021 800-421-2724 fax 507-333-1661 admis8ions@ssm.pvt.kl2.mn.us www.s-sm.org Grades 6-12 and Postgraduate * Coed * Boarding and Day March, 1999 MIAA Tourney ST. JOHN'S PREP'S (1 to r) Reid (Joolshy, P.J. Martin and Derek Hines Massachusetts Army National Guard 100% Free Tuition at State and Community Colleges such as: University of Massachusetts Westfield State College North Adams State Greenfield Community College {As well as all other State Universities and Community Colleges) Additional Benefits MONEY FOR COLLEGE S251.00/MONTH Plus: Low Cost Life Insurance Space A Flights Adventure Training Leadership Training Case 14 MONTHLY DRILL CHECK $150.00/MONTH FOR ONE WEEKEND S400.00/MONTH For More Information Call: 1-800 GO GUARD March, 1*)9M ST. JOHN'S PREP (12-5-3) The Eagles curry some badly needed momentum into the playoffs, by virtue of a strong finishing kick, going undefeated at 3-0-1 to post an identical 12-5-3 record and a second consecutive runner-up spot in the potent Catholic Conference. St. John's brings the most experienced team into the final 1-A t o u r n a m e n t of the 90's which includes 12 seniors who were part of last year's success. Bob M a r i n e l l i ' s team is chock full of leaders and includes five, tour-year seniors who took their lumps as f r e s h m e n , improved as sophomores and qualified for the big show as juniors. Now they want to see how far they can go in their last season. Captain P.J. Martin (6-17-23) and Lee H a m i l t o n on defense, along w i t h Chris Pcllctier (10-7-17) and Derek Hines (15-1631) and North Reading dcfcnseman Marc Covicllo make up the "Fab 5". Senior P a u l Crooker (12-6-18) and sophomores David Silva (5-8-13) and John Lailhcrte (6-6-12) join with exciting junior forward Reid Goolshy (21 pts.) to provide a balanced and experienced attack. The goallending chores have been split among frosh Adam Geragosian, senior Tim Batten and sophomore Steve Therricn. Defending Champs Won't Fall Easy CATHOLIC MEMORIAL (11-4-3) Upholding the tradition! When speaking of tradition in high school hockey, Catholic Memorial holds its own in any company. Yes, the Knights have developed and maintained a tradition that's second to none. That's why reports of the death of the defending 1-A champions have proven to be quite premature. In fact, the defending 1-A title holders appear to be hitting their stride as playoff time arrives. No team wants these Knights in post-season where the game is blood in the water and the Knights....Sharks. An 11th title in 14 years is by no means a certainty this time around but expect CM to be heard from before all is said and done. The Knights have offensive threats in Scan Ober (31 pts.), Billy Kelly (25 pts.), Ryan S h a u g h n e s s y , Peter Trovato and Mark Noble. Between the pipes is Kelly's younger sophomore brother Matt (1.4 avg.) who rotates with junior Bill Zaniboni (1.45 avg.). Coach Bill Hanson has plenty of talent on d e f e n s e i n c l u d i n g j u n i o r Pete Tormey, sophomore Donny Grover and senior rock DanEberly(17pts.). MIAA Tourney Northfield Mount Hermon enrolls about 900 boarders and 200 day students in grades 9-12 and postgraduate year. NMH provides focus, individual attention, opportunity, real-world context, and values. Be Part of a Winning Team NMH has over 65 teams (nicknamed the Hoggers) competing in about 15 sports each for boys and girls, plus coed golf. In most sports, we offer at least three levels of play so that all students have the chance to compete in their favorite sports and to try out some new ones. Our coaches will help you meet (and exceed!) your personal goals. Coaches are also willing to spend extra time to help those students interested in continuing their sports at the college level. For further information, contact the admission office (and mention this ad). Northfield Mount Hermon 206 Main Street • Northfield, MA 01360-1089 Phone: (413} 498-3227 • Web site: http://www.nmh.northfieid.ma.us Hebron Academy cjfl Tradition Young Matignon Must Be Watched MATIGNON (13-4-2) Tradition rich Matignon is always capable of winning a championship no matter what tournament they arc in or from what berth they are seeded. After a one-year hiatus, the Warriors arc back, having finished third in 1997 after falling to BC High in the 1996 title bout. Marty Pierce has long been associated with the hockey success at One Matignon Place in Cambridge and much of that success always seems to come at this time of the year. The Warriors rode the coatiuits of junior goaltcnder Chris McAdoo (2.2 avg.) to a solid second place finish in the Catholic Central League. Up front, crafty sophomore Andrew Medciros (45 pts.) picks up the offensive thrust, leading all league scorers. Classmates Ken Clcary (32 pts.) and Jason LoNano have complemented veteran leaders Jack Kelly and Phil Braccy. Senior captain Chris Gauvin and junior Doug Griffith lead the strength on the blueline. Surprising Waltham Gets First 1A Bid Hebron Academy instills in its students a life-long love of learning and a respect for hard work. Playing hockey at Hebron means playing with supreme commitment to the mutual goals of teammates and coaches. Our athletes approach every contest with a sense of class and dignity. Women's inaugural season Perennial Men's Division II contender State of the art facilities Graduates now playing in NCAA Division l-lll programs Financial aid available Page 15 What is more, Hebron hockey players take great pride in their academic success. Half of our players appeared on the honor roll last year. Teachers and coaches offer tremendous academic and personal support. At Hebron, we hand down to our students a profound love of learning and a deep respect for what the game can teach us. Come share in the tradition. Hebron Academy PO Box 309. Hebron ME 04238 WALTHAM (15-2-3) You have to go hack to 1984 and the Old Suburban League to catch up w i t h Waltham's last hockey title. The wait is over! Stella offensive performances by senior Matt Beck (23-30-53) and the junior duo of Eric Frank (18-30-48), B i l l Corcoran (15-21-36) along with the playmaking ability of flashy sophomore Mike Dewire catapulted the Hawks into their first 1-A tournament. The John Maguire led icerncn exceeded pre-season prognostications with a solid, two-way brand of hockey, resulting in the school's first 15 win season in almost a decade. The Hawks gained momentum by means of a 10-0-2 closing surge, including a key win over rival Arlington, giving the school a share of the G r e a t e r Boston League championship. Despite the potent offense, it has been the development of the dei'ense led by G l e n n Soucy, Alex Gardner and R y a n McCarthy along with goalie Andy Davis (2.3 ave.) that has been most responsible for Waltham's memorable season. Toll free (U S only) 888-432-7664 • 207-966-2100 ext 225 Fax 207-966-1111 • www.hebronacademypvt.k12 me.us March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Division 1A Players To Watch a, j jv #l BC HIGH key trio joins coach Joe McCabe (I to r) Steve Slonina, Mark Mullen and Mike Ryan. Tim Havern Brian Boikc Jared Spencer - Arlington HS quartet ready for Division 1A action •r lr.Dottfc.j2 Ph. Andrew Madeir, . Matiqnon Catalysts • Chris Martin Massachusetts Division IA Rosters #1 * READING (18-0-2)* * B.C. HIGH (17-2-1) * NAME David Mines 2 Gerry Burke 3 JohnCronin 4 GeneBinda 5 Steve Sionina 6 JoeCallahan 7 Brian Donovan 8 Mike Ryan 9 Blake Reardon 10 Danny O'Brien 11 Matt Gibbons 12 Steve Callahan 14 Steve Cahill 16 MikeCarthas 17 Jim Byrnes 18 Chris Connerty 20 Ryan Doyle 21 David Clark 2 2 Sean Coakley 23 Mark Mullen 27 Brian Strunk 28 Mike Freeman 29 Terry Sweeney Coach: Joe McCabe YR Sr Jr So Jr Sr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr Sr So So Jr Jr So Jr So Sr Jr Sr Jr P G D F D D D F F F F F F D F D F F F D F G F G G A PTS (1.58GAA) 5 7 12 0 1 1 1 10 11 16 16 32 2 2 4 2 6 8 14 22 36 5 2 7 7 13 20 2 5 7 6 10 16 0 1 1 9 12 21 0 5 5 6 15 21 0 2 2 7 1 8 1 1 2 8 19 27 1 4 5 (1.58GAA) # NAME 1 Jared Cabral 2 Jesse Woods 3 Gustin Saggese 5 Jamie Lynch (C) 6 Ben Ward 7 George Brooks 8 Stephen Saviano 9 Sean Collins 10 Brendon Clark (C) 1 1 Michael OUariano 1 2 T.J.Barletta 14 Andrew Mayne 1 6 Peter Keenan 17 Kevin Crowley 18 Paul Costa 19 John Mclkonian 20 Michael Wright 21 Scott Ago 22 Chris Degel 23 David Hunt 2 4 Adam Silvey 30 David Hodge 35 Travis Mustone P G D D/F D F F F F F F F F D F D D D D F F F G G G A 4 14 18 0 3 3 1 1 3 14 0 1 1 2 0 2 17 35 52 28 34 62 15 24 39 7 6 1 3 1 2 3 5 17 22 1 4 5 2 1 3 0 4 4 19 21 40 9 3 12 2 2 4 1.21 GAA "SPORTING GOODS "ll 1 bAM ^k • ^^^^ OUTFITTERS ODOTIS FOR ALL SEASONS" ~» 150 Main Street, Reading, MA 01867 (Exit 386/Rt. 128) Wood Stick Sale! • Buy One Stick, Get A Second For Half Price ^H Look For Our New Larger Location Across The Street - Coming In April!1 • Expert Skate Sharpening and Repair Mark Doherty & Peter Doherty (781) 942-1153 17 PTS Coach: Peter Doherty D V Hi 3 ITfl 1 k *^ -..7 YR Sr Jr Sr Sr Jr Jr Jr So Sr Fr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr So So Jr March, 1999 MM/1 Tourney Players To Watch READING HS All Star foursome (standing) Brendon Clark (I) and Chris Degel with coach Peter Doherty. Kneeling (I to r) Sean Collins and Steve Saviuno. Sr, Kevin Truelson Williams Leader Will Attend UNH Next Year Jr. Eric Frank • Waitham Will Tattan • Sr. Bishops Steady Rearguard CM KEYS: Playing major roles for the young Knights will he (1 to r) juniors Bill Zaniboni, Peter Tormey and Peter Trovato. Massachusetts Division IA Rosters #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 * ABP. WILLIAMS (14-2-3) * NAME YR P G A PTS Joe Anderson Shane Carley Mark Thomas Peter Watson Shawn Dooley Alan Pettinelli WillTattan(C) Adam Keeler JoeMento RyanCoakley Will O'Connell Joe Rose Todd Paqualino MikeHeenan Dave Malcolm Eddie Mullen Andy Crosby MikeO'Sullivan Brendan Mulhern Chris Holt Kevin Truelson (C) JimCashins Car! Nemes Coach: Frank Quinn Jr So Fr Fr So Jr Sr Fr Jr Fr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr Sr So Jr G ( 1 .46 GAA) F 1 6 7 F 2 2 4 D 0 1 1 F 8 7 15 D 1 4 5 D 5 12 17 F 1 0 1 F 6 13 19 F 0 5 5 F 7 12 19 F 5 8 13 F 1 0 1 D 2 2 4 D 0 2 2 D 0 3 3 F 1 6 7 F 3 7 10 F 5 10 15 F 3 4 7 D 14 13 27 F 8 9 17 G ( 1 .25 GAA) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 * ARLINGTON (15-2-3) * NAME YR P G A PTS Mike Bittckin Luke Thompson Marc Albano Chris Walsh Chris Mansfield Andrew Senesi Tim Havern Malt Walsh Brian Boike Brcndon Timmins Jared Spencer Chris Martin (C) Jeff Timmins Thomas Walsh Marc Van Kcurcn MikeBasile Brendan Coleman Rian Murray Jonathan Coloz/o Joe McCaig Jacob Hallbom John Burke Ned Havern John Pessotti Mike Mansfield Jr Sr So Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr Sr So Sr Sr Sr So Sr Jr Sr Jr Sr So Sr Sr So Jr So G F F F F D F F F F F D D D F D F F D D F D F G G 2 5 6 9 3 7 11 14 5 16 3 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 14 8 10 3 8 4 10 15 24 4 7 27 34 18 29 20 34 6 1 1 16 32 6 9 7 7 9 10 5 11 1 1 I 1 11 3 3 I I 2 2 5 8 6 6 16 30 (1.20 GAA) Coach: Dick DeCaprio It's tied 2 to 2 in the third period with 3 minutes left on the clock. You get a pass that springs you free over the blue line, you come in one-on-one with the man behind the mask, you snap a wrist shot above his blocker and you feel the rushhh... Scorelll With Sports Etc. "Experience The Difference" Page 19 March, 1WM MIAA Tourney 1999 SUPERSKILLS SUMMER TRAINING *High School *Prep School * College and Pro Divisions /"*OnIce Skills f *8 Loaded weeks V *Explosive Strength ^^^^ Training The 1999 SUPERSKILLS SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM designed for players 14 years of age and older is arguably the best comprehensive summer training program available anywhere. The eight week training regiment combines high tempo on ice skill sessions followed by explosive power workouts in the new 2,200 square foot Superskills Athletic Training Center. Beginning June 28th through August 20th motivated players can train in a state of the art environment at the ICENTER under the guidance of a quality staff experienced in training elite hockey players. Directors Brian Daccord is a former player and coach at Merrimack College (NCAA Div 1, Hockey East) and holds a Masters Degree in Sport Science. Brian played professionally in the Swiss National Hockey League for eight years, coaches in the USA Hockey Massachusetts Sattellite Program and is certified as a Master Level Coach with USA Hockey. Scott Abbey L.A.T.C is the Director of Athletic Training at Merrimack College and is a Founding Member and Cochair of the College Ice Hockey Trainers Society. He has served on the USA Hockey Coaches Education Committee since 1994. Scott has also served as a trainer with the New York Yankees, New England Gulls and at the World Junior Championships. Mario Martiniello is renowned for his success as a power skating instructor. A graduate of Northeastern University Mario has taught the dynamics of skating to aspiring players from youth hockey to the elite levels. Along with conducting camps and clinics throughout the year Mario is a coach with the Valley Junior Warriors of the Eastern Junior Hockey League. IC^IlfN 1 -t/R. is a new state of the art twin rink facility in Salem, New Hampshire only 35 minutes north of Boston. The 94,000 square foot complex houses an NHL ice surface as well as an Olympic rink which seats 1 ,700 spectators. The Icenter is conveniently located off highway 93 just over the Masschusetts border and 1 mile from the Rockingham Park Mall. CAIL (603) 870-9850 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO RECEIVE OUR 1999 SUPERSKI1LS SUMMER BROCHURE SUPERSKILLS HOCKEY, L.L.C. Page 20 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division IA Rosters * ST. JOHN'S (D) (12-5-3)* NAME Adam Geragosian 2 P. J. Martin (C) 3 Adam Stanieich 4 PaulCrooker 5 ChrisPelletier(A) 6 David Silva 7 MarcCoviello Jon Francis 9 MarkPandolfo 10 JohnLaliberte 11 RyanDevaney 13 ReidGoolsby 14 T.J.Cullen 16 Steve Pi nk 17 AdamBolduc 18 Brian B ova 19 Bill Burns 20 Steve Ballard 21 Lee Hamilton (A) 22 MarcGaglione 23 Derek Hines 24 Rick Masucci 25 Tim Batten 30 Steve Therrien Coach: Bob Marinelli YR Fr Sr Fr Sr Sr So Sr Jr Fr So Sr Jr Sr Sr So So Sr So Sr Sr Sr So Sr So P G D D F F F D F F F D F D D D F F F D F F F G G CATHOLIC MEMORIAL (11-4-3)* G A PTS (2.08 GAA) 6 17 23 0 1 1 12 6 18 10 7 17 5 8 13 0 7 7 2 2 4 4 8 12 6 6 12 0 1 1 10 11 21 0 5 5 I 6 7 9 6 12 21 13 19 0 7 7 2 0 2 15 16 31 1 3 4 (2.92 GAA) (2.49 GAA) # 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 30 31 NAME Brian Yandlc Donny Grover Kiernan Joyce Perry Herman Jonathan Goodwin Mark Noble Matt Walsh Sean Pero Derek Boudreau Ryan Shaughnessy Neil Carey SeanOber(C) Peter Trovato Dan Eberly Peter Tormey (A) Billy Kelly (C) Craig MacDonald Tom Duma Eric Murray Bill Zaniboni Matt Kelly YR Fr So So Sr Jr So Sr Jr So Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr So So Jr So P I) D D F F F F F F F F F F D 1.) F F F F Ci G G 2 A PTS 7 9 6 9 3 4 4 5 6 7 13 9 9 18 1 5 6 0 2 2 9 8 17 9 1 1 20 0 2 2 13 18 31 4 8 12 4 13 17 2 10 12 12 13 25 2 3 5 4 5 4 1 5 (1.45 GAA) (1.40 GAA) Coach: Bill Hanson WE SHIP ANYWHERE 781-749-6022 1-800-749-1105 Rt 53 fflNGHAM. MA 1 Mile South of Hingham Arena NEW \1 in Hockey c> LOWEST PRICES GREATEST SELECTION MOST QUALIFIED & EXPERIENCED STAFF SINCE 1979, SERVICING COLLEGE, HIGH SCHOOL, JUNIOR, PREP SCHOOL, MINOR HOCKEY AND MINOR PROFESSIONAL TEAMS fl Page 21 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney A N D OV E R HAVE A GREA T TOURNEY! M HOCKEY S H O P ,Team Discounts! ALLSPORTS - Call for Information TEAM SUPPLIERS Shawsheen Square, Andover, MA. eloEJ We Carry EASTOIM. (F, Skates + Equipment HUGE INVENTORY OF GLOVES ON SALE! Call in any order (978) 475-7474 • We Ship UPS Daily Servicing High School Hockey for 30 Years Expert Skate Sharpening • Blade Repair • Custom Radius You Play It. You Live It. Now You Can Wear It. Relive The Game Classic Clothing Co Available at your local hockey retailer www.oldtimehockey.com Page 22 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division IA Rosters * MATIGNON (13-4-2)* # 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 35 36 38 44 NAME Phil Bracey (C) Ken Cleary Doug Griffith James Cleary Chris Sico Rocco DiMaggio Dennis Pellecchia Fernando Fernandez Mike Bell Drew Medciros Sean McKenzie Jarrod Pescosolido JohnMcCabc Chris Gauvin (C) Dan Costa Brian Leyden Jack Kelly (C) Jason Lonano Marc Chiarenza Mike Quigg Sean DonTon Chris McAdoo EdLilley Mike Keenan Jim Broderick David Killion YR Sr So Jr Hi Fr So Jr So Fr Sn So So So Sr Sr Sr Sr So Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr So IT So P F F D D F F F D F F F D F D F F F F F D D G G C. D F G 4 14 3 0 A 8 18 8 PTS 12 32 11 6 6 7 1 2 1 21 1 9 18 4 1 24 7 16 29 6 2 45 8 11 2 13 14 16 2 5 10 15 2 1 6 8 7 8 3 0 3 3 1 4 (2.20 GAA) * WALTHAM (15-2-3)* # NAME YR P G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 30 Paul Pilicy Eric Frank D.J. Aucoin Jeff Czarnowski Bill Corcoran Glen Soucy Mike Melanson Alex Gardner Jason Doyle Matt Beck (C) Ryan McCarthy Mark Bourgeois George Fox Ryan McCarthy Steve Kearney Nick Provencher MikeDewire Dan Connors JoeHorgan Scott Sheehan Pat Watson Derek Nocera Andy Davis Fr Jr Fr Sr Jr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr Sr Jr So So So Sr Fr So Sr G F D F F D F D F F F F F D F F F D D F G F G 18 0 5 15 0 9 2 0 23 5 2 6 0 1 2 6 1 0 0 A 30 I 9 21 7 7 13 I 30 10 5 3 2 1 3 17 5 7 I PIS 48 1 14 36 7 16 15 1 53 15 7 9 2 2 5 23 6 7 1 1 2 3 (2.30 GAA) 3 Coach: John Maguirc Coach: Marty Pierce 1303 MASSACHUSETTS AVE., ARLINGTON HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 12 MONTHS A YEAR" We Stock More Goalie Equipment Than Anyone In New England f "Experience The Difference EXPERT SKATE SHARPENING PRICE - QUALITY • SERVICE Page 23 March, 1999 M//L4 Tourney HOCKEY NIGHT IN BOSTON 1999 Sophomore All Star Tournament Players From 25 States And Canada Call (978) 682-2425 Northern New England Returns To Championship Throne NORTHERN N.E. swept through six games to win last year's Sophomore Tourney championship. After the game the team was awarded championship jackets from official sponsor CCM. Showcasing Next Year's Top Sophomores Merrimack College North Andover, Mass. July 13th-July 25th 24 March, A/MA Tourney Hockey Night in Boston" S u M M E R Name _ Address City_ .State: Tel. T O U R N E Y All Star Tournament Merrimack College July 13th - July 25th Birth Date Age Height Weight APPLICATION PROCEDURE If you are interested in attending the Sophomore Tourney, please fill out the attached application form and send to: School Team Last Year Position Shoots: Right • Zip Sophomore Left Hockey Night In Boston 795 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA 01845 Call (978) 682-2425 Experience Summary: I u n d e r s t a n d that HNIB w i l l not assume responsibility for accidents and medical or dental expenses incurred as a result of participation in this program, and does not provide specific insurance coverage. *No deposits will he refunded after 6/1/99 Parent Signature: Date: Tuition Costs: $350 (includes two-color jersey) * Deposit Due: $200 (with application) Balance Due: June 15th * I t not accepted to Tryout C a m p , deposit check will he returned. _ _ ALL-STAR REFERRALS Please list at least two coaches who would recommend your ability to perform (please include telephone num- • 1 9 9 9 bers). # Varsity Statistics Only A Pts Forwards/Defense Games Ave S.O. For more information call: (978) 682-2425 Goal tenders Page 25 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney SNORTING GOODS WE ARE HOCKEY, AND MORE! EXPERT SKATE SHARPENING AND REPAIRS 469 GREAT RD. RTE 2A ACTON, MASS HOURS: M-TH 9:30-7 FRI & SAT 9-6 SUN NOON-5 Mike Boyle's ^CELERATION S-T-R-E«N»G-T-H A«N-D C-E-N-T-E-R SPORTS ACCELERATION Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Mike Boyle Head Strength Coach • Boston University Hockey • Boston Bruins Hockey Strength Consultant •1998 Womens Olympic Ice Hockey Team USA Hockey Mens and Womens National Team For further information and brochures, please contact Bob Hanson at: 50 Blanchard Rd. - Burlington, MA 01803 Rte. 1287 Exit 32B • (781) 273-0010 Page 26 March, IM99 MIAA Tourney Moss. Division I Tourney Preview Defending Division I Champs Winchester (15-3-2) Lead 27 Determined Hopefuls In Title Quest ™ , fc Framingham (17-2-1), Brockton (16-2-2) H time for 27 select schools. Here comes the second season, the sudden-death season, where everybody starts ^- » — -^ -_ | QD O66QS FOf SOUlM SGCtJOD -- - -- — SZfZ :: Sectional Title Games at Fleet March 6 agony of defeat can bring summer-long heartbreak. Here comes the second season where one mistake, one bad play at an inopportune time, can wash away all the blood, sweat and tears shed and worse. ...send your team home for the season. Here comes the second season, where c h a m p i o n s h i p hopes and aspirations are every bit alive in places like Framingham and Winchester and Mcdford and Everett. ..Barnstable, Xaverian and Silver Lake. A sampling of coaches all leads to the same conclusion. This year's Division I Tournament is likely to be a wide-open, high scoring affair, but the nagging question persists. ...can the Public School tandem overcome the likes of A r l i n g t o n Catholic, St. John's (S), X a v c r i a n and Austin Prep and repeat as champion? For the second year in a r o w , Winchester and Framingham have garnered the top seeds in the North and S o u t h Sectional's respectively. Those rankings are based strictly on winning percentage during the regular season. WINCHESTER is the reigning Division I state champion, having knocked off Needhani last March at the Fleet Center. (joe Follett photo) Middlesex, MVC-Dual Teams Head The Field W inchester equalled its 15-3-2 mark of a year ago and comes into tournament with a hot hand, having easily captured the first a n n u a l David Nelson Memorial Hockey Championship Trophy last week. The Sachems have plenty of firepower to help defend the D-l crown they won last March at the FleetCenter. Keep an eye on the talented and youthful line of Rugo Santini, Tony Brennan and Matt Spang. The defense is anchored by senior Justin Barauskas and sophomore goalie C.T. McLean. Belmont, (14-5-1) finished third behind Reading and Winchester in the Middlesex League, features three lines dominated by seniors including Mike Carceo (49 pis). Mike French and Andrew Creedon. Billerica, (13-5-2) and Chelmsford (14-6-0) battled tooth and nail all season long, eventually sharing the Mcrrimack Valley Dual League Crown. Look for Chelmsford's Scott Trahan (51 pts) and Billerica's Tim Calabro (44 pis) to dominate the Scoreboard. Page 27 North Preview Fifth seeded St. John's (S)(12-6-2) received initial consideration for the 1-A tournament. The Pioneers top line of Jaymie Harrington, Brian Collins and Tim Reidy, all 100+ career point men is by far the most lethal in the tournament. The Pioneers figure to benifit greatly from their appearance in the D-l playoffs. Over at Austin Prep, (12-6-2) the hard work in now paying handsome dividends. Keep an eye on a young number 14 Chris Capraro (28 pts), a hard-working winger with plenty of upside along with Capt. Jim Fitzpatrick and C.J. Hannafin. Medford ( 1 1 - 8 - 1 ) must be considered a threat to go deep with a gifted array of forwards led by the senior duo of Shawn Sheehan (42 pts) and Josh Hanson {44 pts) that is on the verge of maturing into consistent top-flight performers. March. 1M99 MIAA Tourney Mass, Division I-South Massachusetts Division I Tourney & Division I South Pairings & Gamett FIRST ROUND - Thursday. February 25 6 Falmouth vs Dedham_ GA 8:15pm FIRST ROUND - Friday. February 26 WA 6:00 pm 2 Ncedham vs Xaverian GA 6:00 pm 4 Brockton vs Silver Lake. UM 6:00pm 7 Durfee vs No. Quincy_ GA 8:15pm 1 . _Hingham vs Barnstable_ SprinfgieldCathdrl. vs Norwood. WA 8:15pm 3 Quincy vs Braintree UM 8:30pm 5 QUARTERFINALS - Sunday. February 28 .Winner Game 1 vs Framingham BK TBA .Winner Game 4 vs Winner Game 5 BK TBA 10 UM TBA _Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 3. 9 Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 UM TBA 11 SEMI-FINALS - Friday. March 3 .Winner Game 8 vs Winner Game 9 BC TBA 12 Winner Game 10 vs Winner Game 11 BC TBA 13 FINALS - Sunday. March 8 WinnerGame 12 vs Winner Game 13 FC 11:00 am 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. FIRST ROUND - Friday. February 26 _ Arlington Cath. vs Burlington _ ___St. John's (S}vs Tewksbury _ _ Medford vs Acton-Boxborough _ _ Austin Prep vs Everett _ CF CF S S 6:00 pm 8: 15pm 6:00pm 8:1 5pm QUARTERFINALS - Sunday. February 28 .WinnerGame I Winner Game 4 Winner Game 2 Winner Game 3 vs Winchester, vs Billerica vs Chelmsford vs Belmont MC MC CF CF TBA TBA TBA TBA SEMI-FINALS - Wednesday. March 3 9 10 Winner Game 5 vs Winner Game 6_ MC Winner Game 7 vs Winner Game 8_ MC FINALS-Saturday. March 6 1 1 . _Winner Game 9 vs Winner Game 10_ _ FC TBA TBA Page 28 .875 .850 .833 .786 .725 .650 .650 .636 .614 .600 .600 .595 .591 .575 .575 MIAA FINAL RANKINGS Winchester 15 3 2 Belmont 14 5 1 Billerica 13 5 2 Chelmsford 14 6 0 St. John's (S) 12 6 2 Austin Prep 126 2 Medford 118 1 Arlington Cath. 10 7 3 Burlington 10 7 3 Acton-Boxboro 9 7 4 Everett Tewksbury 8 9 7 9 5 2 .800 .725 .700 .700 .650 .650 .575 .575 .575 .550 .525 .500 Arena Codes 15pm State Division 1 Finals Monday, March 15,1999 .North Champion v.s South Champion^ FC RANKINGS 17 2 1 16 2 2 14 2 2 15 3 3 13 4 3 13 7 0 10 4 6 \2 6 4 11 6 5 11 7 2 10 6 4 11 7 3 12 8 2 10 7 3 9 6 5 Mass, Division I-North tV Division I North Pairings & Game# MIAA FINAL Framingham Brockton Falmouth Needham Spfld. Cathedral Durfee Quincy Hingham Barnstable Brain tree No. Quincy Norwood Xaverian Dedham Silver Lake TBA CF • Chelmsford Forum ST - Stoneham MC - Merrimack College FC - Fleet Center BC - Boston College March, 1999 GA - Gallo WA - Watertown UM - UMass Boston BR - Brockton MIAA Tourney Arlington Catholic, St. John's Experienced Surprising Brockton Must Be Watched After a five year run in 1-A, Arlington Catholic (10-7-3), brings a new look to the North Sectionals. Mike Ciarlelta (34 pis) pocketed a 1-A trophy two years ago and would love nothing more than to cap off his scholastic career with another title. Watch for Sr. Mike Warner (30 pts) to have a big tourney. Bob Conccison's Burlington Red Devils (10-7-3) is a dangerous first round team, led by Jr. goalie Dave Cacciola (1.85 GAA). Acton-Boxboro (9-7-4) failed to live up to pre-season prognostications w h i l e Everett (8-7-5) and Tewksbury (9-9-2) having gained entrance with wins in their regular season finales look to make some noise with their new lease on life. Framingham, Needham Hopeful Greeley Leads Falmouth Attack South Sectional Preview nyone who knows Framingham (17-2-1) coach Bruce Parker knows .that its defense first, then man the torpedoes second. That defense starts in goal with four year man Tony Seariac and expands to Steve Tocci, Jason Leonard and Chris Hoey on the blue-line. WILDCATS H K Kimball Union Academy, an independent co-ed boarding/day school of 280 students in grades 9-PG, is committed to finding the right path to growth and self-confidence for each student. The boys' and girls' hockey teams both play very competitive schedules in the NEPSAC Division I League The girls have won the New England Championship two of the past three seasons, compiling an overall record of 75-11-3. This past season the boys' team successfully defended their Kimball Union New Year's Tourney title. The girls are coached by Chip Audett and the boys by Peter Bergstrom. Admissions Office: Telephone: 603-469-3218 Fax: 603-469-3220 E-mail: admissions@kua.org Meriden, New Hampshire 03770 Commitment, Dedication, Teamwork! Tilton is a coed, college preparatory school for 205 students in grades 9-PG. An outstanding faculty is committed to helping students reach their fullest potential. Our academic support and structure combined with our technological resources and academic facilities make Tilton stand out. - Competitive Division ! & II schedule - Graduates playing for Division I-III college hockey programs - Indoor rink on campus -1 1/2 hours from Boston - Financial aid available TILTON SCHOOL For more information, contacl Office of Admission, 30 School Street, Tilton, NH 03276. Phone: (603) 286-1733. E-Mail: JRand@tiltonschool.org Itrockton (16-2-2) copped another Big 3 Title for Boh D'Arcy. The Boxers have the talent and temperament to reach the sectional finals behind Sr. Phil Nadcau (61 pts). As H u n t e r Greeley goes, so goes Falmouth (14-2-2). Greeley is having a great senior season and the Clippers are again the Old Colony League champions. Needham (15-3-3) hulked up for the tourn a m e n t w i t h a p a i r of formidable nonleague opponents. Back from last year's sectional champions arc Matt Heavey, Greg Kim and Dave M c A l p i n e up front. Rich Dclanders is a formidable presence in goal. Springfield Cathedral (13-4-3) again top-loaded iis schedule with a number of EMass heavyweights with the post-season in m i n d . Marty Downey and Mat Crum anchor the D for Edgar A l e j a n d r o . Meanwhile, Durfee (13-7-0) has played the entire season with a new level of confidence and i n s p i r a t i o n . Kevin Narciso, J i m m y Connolly and Jay Amaral have fueled the Hillloppers turnaround from 4 to 13 wins. It may not have been a good year for the President in Washington, but don't tell that to the hockey faithful in Quincy {10-4<•>} where the hvsidi'riK extended then se;i son. Also, in its second season as an independent, Hingham (12-6-4) reached its firsi D-l playoffs, largely due to the efforts of goalie Kevin McGowan who preserved a n u in her of w i n s for t h e H a r h o r m e n . Barnstable (11-6-5) is back for its second consecutive post-season appearance with plenty of room to spare. Micah Field, Pat McEvoy, Sal Vasapolle and Brad Scioletli have steered t h e Red R a i d e r s back to respectability. The Red Raiders of North Quincy (106-4) are also playoff returnees, wilh 1999 marking just the second time in three plus decades that both Quincy schools have been hockey post-season qualifiers in the same year. Braintree (I 1-7-2). Norwood (11-73) and I H d h a i n (10-3-7) are qualifiers from the wide open Bay Stale League. Xaverian (12-8-2) figures to be a real sleeper here with Conor McDavitt (40 pis) and Gerry M i c k e y (36 p t s ) l e a d i n g the charge while sophomore sniper Brian Libby carries Ihc hopes of Silver Lake (9-6-5), the 1998 OCL champions. Eddy Pro Blocker Size: Sr. Colors: Chicago, Toronto, Si Louis, Detroit, Montreal, Blue/White/Black Regular: $179.99 POTVIN ROY SHARK 93 Koho Pro Revolution Leg Pads Size: Potvin 32' Roy 32", 34" Shark 34" Regular: $899.99 Eddy Pro 5OOO Leg Pads Size: 32, 33, 34, 36 Colors: Blue/White, St. Louis Blue/White/Black, Black, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit Regular: $849.99 Louslvllle Pro Air Goalie Cup Size: Sr. Regular: $64-99 Brian's Air Thief Catch Size: Sr. Colors: Tampa, Toronto, Black/White, Dallas, Philly, Black/Blue Regular: $299.99 99 Eddy Pro Catch Extra Large Catch Surface Extra Deep Web. Size: Sr. Colors: Chicago, Toronto, St. Louis, Detroit, Montreal, Blue/White/Black Regular: $269.99 Koho Revolution Roy Pro Catch Size: Sr. Colors: Colorado, Montreal Toronto Regular: $279.99 Heaton Hellte IV Pro Catch Size: Sr. Colors: Ducks, Florida, Hartford, Colorado, Dallas Regular: $289.99 Louslvllle TPS Catch Glove Size: Sr. Colors: Tampa, Toronto, Black/White, Dallas, Philly, Black/Blue Regular: $279.99 CCM 952 Tacks Ice Skates Size: Jr. E 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3. 3 1 / 2 , 4 , 4 1/2,5,5 1/2,6 Jr. D 1, 1 1/2,2,21/2,3, 3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2, 5. 5 1/2, 6 Sr. D 6, 61/2,7,7 1/2, 8, 8 1/2.9,9 1/2. 10, 10 1/2, 11 Regular: Jr.; $219.99, Sr. $349.99 Ferland 29OO Leather Gloves Size: 14" Colors: Black Regular: $109.99 CCIW Street Leg Pads Size: 22" & 28" Regular: $44.99 2 FOBS What they are saying about Garry... CS WEICHUIFTING SKIINCCOLF TENNIS HOCKEY BASEBALL GYMNASTICS wi it.MTi irriN TENNIS HOCKEY BASEBALL GYMNASTICS WEIGHTLIFTING SKIINGGOLF TENNIS HOCKEY MASTICS WEIGHTLIFTING SKIING GOLF TENNIS HOCKEY BASEBALL GYMNASTICS WEIGHTLI LF TENNIS HOCKEY I PTT^Hm ING GOLFTENNIS HOCKEY MASTICS WEIGHTLIF DtfVVIf KM •fJSSB 'U GYMNASTICS WEIGHTLI KA3 N LF T E N I D LF TENNIS HOCKEY *^** »« •H«» BY " The best I have ever seen... He has a gift." Miki'OViMiiHI, AvscvlanHiM, BosK.ii liniim ANDOVER A good grip provides control, maximum speed and dtcurjty Improve your ^rip with POWERflex the ALL-SPORT POWER CRIP "Very Impressive... Carry is in a class by himself." The Best" Camp Locations Adheres only to itself and k'dves no sticky residue. Perfect (or building up a gnj Easy hand teal for quick application. Stays in place once applied POWERftor is both moisture and abrasion resistant. June 1-4 •So. Burlington, VT June 28 -July 2 • King ham, MA July 5-9 • Marlboro. MA July 26-30 • Reading. MA Aug. 2 t, • Bourne, MA Aug. 9-13 •Quincy, MA Aug. > Hinghsm, MA Aug. 23-27 16-20 *** CALL TODAY *** Phone (7X1)843-7366 Fax (781) 843-6722 COATED PRODUCTS INC. 9 Fanaras Drive • Salisbury, MA 01952 • 508-46S-0044 • 800-452-668& • Fax. 508-462 OOOJ BAY STATE HOCKEY March 29-April 2 • Ftidgefield, CT Garry Hebert's World Academy of Hockey 1999 Hockey ("amps & Clinics "Powerful Skills for Peak Performance" Andover BAY STATE HOCKEY •West Palm Beach, FL Website: www.narryhebtTl.com i M ; i i l coachypgarryhebcrt.com BAY STATE HOCKEY Jack I'arkcr, Head Coach, Boston University M , , I , , \ .,-1 I t, . , „ , . ,1 & \ \ \ I , „„,,,.„,, "/ have seen no equal." Miff Cfflipan, (JVM QiUL-h, N< AA Final Tour "In all my years involved in hockey, no one has impressed me the way Garry has." Ken Hodge, NHL All Star, Stanley Cup Champion "/ have never witnessed a skating instructor of Garry's caliber." (Jordie Clark, Dir, Haver Personnel, NY Islanders " Garry's unique skating and stickhandling skills make even the pros realize that there's room for improvement" Steve Lyons, Head IVo Scout. Cokirailo Avalanche "Carry is unquestionably one of the finest and most knowledgeable teachers of hockey skills in North America." "Hed" Ccndron, Assistant. Coach, Stanley Cup Champion - Newjersey Devils; Former Coach, N C A A Champion University of Maine BAY STATE HOCKEY BAY STATE HOCKEY Spring and Summer High School Leagues The Best Off-Season Hockey Action in Massachusetts! MIAA RULES AND REGULATIONS CERTIFIED QUALITY OFFICIALS 3 HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUES Uarsity/JV/JuniorHigh UPDATED STANDINGS EXCITING COMPETITION AND MUCH MORE! Don't STATE HOCKEY AT (7811 982-8166! BAY STATE HOCKEY BAY STATE HOCKEY BAY STATE HOCKEY BAY STATE HOCKEY BAY STATE HOCKEY 1999 MIAA State Hockey Tournament David Mitchell • Austin Prep Top Notch Goalie Vlike Warner Mike Ciarletta * Arlington Catholic Mainstays * Mark Marashio Acton Boxboro Captain Division I Players To Watch Tim Calabro • Sr. Billerica Offensive Whiz Co MVP • Merrimack Valley Mike Carnes Chelmsford Rock r David Cacciola Burlington Stopper Gerry Mickey Conor McDavitt • Xaverian Exciting Duo • In Action This March ST. JOHNS SHREWSBURY has one of the state's top lines in (1 to r) BU-bound Brian Collins, Tim Reidy and Jaynlie Harrington. - Medford's Senior Aces Scott Trahan • Chelmsford Gun Co MVP • Merrimack Valley Mike Carceo Belmont Leader Page 33 Division I Players To Watch Hunter Greeley • Falmouth Sure Fire Sniper March, 1999 Matt Heavey • Needhai Rocket Key MIAA Tourney EXETER HOCKEY & GOALIE SCHOOLS BOYS AND GIRLS TWO RINKS ONE & TWO WEEK SESSIONS WEEKLY PROGRAMS IN: BASKETBALL - SOCCER JUNE -JULY- AUGUST FOR INFORMATION AND BROCHURE PHILLIPS EXETER ACADEMY HOCKEY SCHOOL 20 MAIN ST. EXETER, NH 03833-2460 (603)777- 3423 FAX (603)777-4386 Tom Milward • A/B Rock Looks To Playoffs Mike Sullivan • No. Quincy Always A Threat Dan Buckingham • Sr. Silver Lake Star oo The Hockey Company http://www ccmsports.com Massachusetts Division I Rosters # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 35 *AC TON-BOXBOROUGH (9-7-4) * * ARLINGTON CATHOLIC (10-7-3) * NAME YR P G A PTS # NAME YR P G A PTS Joel Verrecchia Brian Mullally James Solon Brian Francis Tony Pacelli DanGyllstrom Mark Marashio Cameron Finch Brad Lombardi MikeMei Travis Lyle Justin Macklin JaredLyle EdTudrick James Walsh Steve Walczewski Jim Wylie Shamus McCarthy TomMilward David Mayer Jon Ravesi Sr Jr So Sr So Jr Sr So Fr Sr Jr Sr Fr So Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr So F D F F D F D F D F F F F F F F D F D G G 6 4 10 2 9 11 18 6 24 4 6 10 0 4 4 3 7 10 1 10 II 9 10 19 0 3 3 0 1 1 5 5 10 4 12 16 1 1 2 4 6 10 1 1 2 3 8 11 1 1 2 3 2 5 3 7 10 (2.60 GAA) (2.00 GAA) Coach: Bruce Oetinger 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 28 29 30 33 35 44 Tom O'Connor Mike Warner(C) Brett Jackson Mike Ciarletta (A) Steve Crusco Rob PeUjean Bobby Fandullo Pat Carroll David Delory Matt White Dan Boudreau Nick Brennan Scan Hannafin Paul Preston Joe Bosco JoeReardon DanNoonan Anthony Rcpucci RickGigante Galvin Murphy Paul Donohoe Mike Marino Tim Warner Dan Roselando (A) MikcCarderelli JohnHurd Sr Sr So Sr Jr Jr Fr Jr Jr Jr So So Jr So Sr Jr Jr Sr So Sr So Jr So Sr Fr So G F F F F D F F F F D F F D D F D D D F D G G D F F 11 19 30 15 19 34 15 16 31 0 4 4 6 2 8 2 0 4 1 6 1 6 11 17 9 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 1 3 5 1 f i i NAME YR David Mitchell Jr Anthony Palumbo Jr C.J. Hanafm So Marco Falcone Jr EricRaia So James Burrows Fr Jim Fitzpatrick (C) Sr Darin Schiavone So Kyle Polizzotti Fr Chris Crowley Jr Derek Mazza Jr Christopher Capraro Fr Andrew Degaravilla Jr Daniel Crowley Fr Carl Ellis 8th Anthony Costellano Fr Austin Wadsworth So Dennis Sullivan So Timothy Tanner So Matt Brady 8th Mark Mercer Sr Jim McGonagle So Dennis Millman So (2.33 GAA) 3 5 8 1 3 4 5 10 15 - 6-2) * P G A PTS G (2.88 GAA) D 2 5 7 F 8 17 25 D 0 4 4 D 0 3 3 D F 12 17 29 F 2 7 9 D F 7 13 20 !• 9 12 21 F 10 18 28 D 0 3 F 6 6 12 2 7 9 D F F 6 9 15 D 1 3 4 F F 0 1 1 G G (2.60 GAA) # 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 * i ; \ K \ S I Mil 1 i H-o-5)* NAME YR P G A PTS Dan O'Neill Bob Dohcrty David Hunt Micah Field PatMcEvoy(C) P.K. Marshall Andy Parker Pat Rogers Dan Molinari (C) Trevor Hinckley Brad Scioletti (C) Dan Green Rob Parker Jason Brauman TomHurrie Sal Vasapolle Sean Henry (C) Nick Dunn Nick Chamberlain Joe Connolly Joey Maddalena David Setterlund Peter Appleton Jr So So Sr Sr Sr Fr Sr Sr Sr Jr Fr Jr So So So Jr Fr So Jr Sr Sr So D D D F F F F F F D F D D F F F F F D D G G G 0 1 4 3 4 4 10 16 1 I 21 4 3 26 32 7 5 II 1 22 13 28 5 36 Coach: John Danby March. 1999 8 17 4 14 9 12 2 6 9 18 27 24 19 43 13 18 31 5 14 19 0 2 2 8 10 (3.11 GAA) (3. 18 GAA) Coach: Bill Flanagan Page 35 16 2 1 3 5 1 Coach: Dan Shine ' # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 27 29 30 1 MM/A Tnurm-y Massachusetts Division I Rosters *BELMONT(14-5-l)* # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 30 50 NAME Mike Daytin Chris Bell Matt Salmon AndyOliveri Matt Benoit Peter Mahoney ( C ) Mike MacNeil Justin Greene Mike Carceo (C) Brian Corsino Peter Garabedian Scott Masse MattHannon MikeSavas Gerald Hickey Kevin Miller Andrew Creedon Mike French (C) Keith Ryan Conor McEachern (C) Andrew Wall BenMailhot Keith McDonough YR Fr So Sr Sr Fr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Fr Jr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr So Jr P G F F D F D D D F F D F F F D F F F D F F G G A PTS # 1 2 3 5 2 0 2 2 7 0 1 1 8 9 I M 15 10 5 2 7 11 2 3 5 12 23 26 49 14 15 5 5 10 16 0 1 1 17 1 5 6 18 8 6 14 19 4 11 15 20 17 26 43 8 23 31 21 8 8 16 22 1 12 13 23 1 5 6 30 2 10 12 31 44 66 G Coach: Dante Muzzioli NAME John Roberts Ken Grant Nick Nashawaty R. J. O'Neill (C) Mike Larkin DanMagoon EdHealy Steve Chin Anthony Bissanti Sean Walsh PatO'SuIlivan Matt Cusack (C) Chris Moy(C) John Liston Jeff Mclntyre Russ Hatch Anthony Barrese NickHankes TimEgan Paul Cole Bill O'Neill MattCritch RyanWeadick Mike Leone Paul Dubiel Sean Tremblay (A) Dave Giordano Jeff Abelli(A) John Garabale Ryan Fraine Jim O'Brien Jarrett Scarpaci Chris Dussault (A) TonyCaterino DanCetrone Scott Gallagher (A) Steve Sapienza Joe Roberts Tim Calabro (C) Bill Bridge MarkRuggen Ed Butcher Dan Butcher Sr Jr Sr So Sr So Sr Jr So Sr Fr Jr Sr Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Jr So Sr So G F F D F F D D F D F F F D F F D F G G F F YR Sr Sr So Sr Fr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr Sr Fr Sr Sr So So Fr Fr Jr P F F F F D D D F D F D D D G F F F G D D G G 2 4 2 20 2 0 2 5 1 4 9 3 3 A 2 3 2 16 6 3 3 2 0 2 10 2 6 PTS 4 7 4 36 8 3 5 7 1 6 19 5 9 7 9 16 2 3 5 13 II 24 2 0 2 (1.30GAA) 2 4 6 # * BROCKTON (16-2-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 Ken Guilford DaveColp Beau Debenadictis Phil Nadeau Shawn Delaney Craig Colp JeffLeBlanc SeanCashin DanHooley Derrick Horner Chris D'Amarino Jason Phair Dave Hollstein Eric Ampuja Chris Pozerski Tim Nadeau Dave Brissenden Ken Burke Mike Brown Steve Thompson Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr So Sr Jr Sr So Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr D F D F F F D D F F F D F G F D F F F G Coach: BobD'Arcy Coach: William Vafides Page 36 3 10 13 1 3 4 8 6 14 6 1 7 4 10 14 1 5 6 1 0 1 0 8 8 9 18 27 12 16 28 4 7 11 1 9 10 17 15 32 0 3 3 3 2 5 14 30 44 (2.43 GAA) Coach: Jim Wronski * BRAINTREE (1 1-7-2)* # 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 * BILLERICA (13-5-2) * NAME YR P G A PTS March, 1999 MIAA Tourney 0 9 0 30 4 3 1 1 17 26 4 4 31 61 9 1 3 8 11 4 9 13 14 22 36 0 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 5 4 8 12 (2.04 GAA) 5 4 9 2 28 30 1 2 3 14 15 29 4 4 8 (1.30 GAA) Massachusetts Division I Rosters * BURLINGTON (10-7-3)* # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 29 30 NAME Chris Ellis ChadLangley B.J. Young Ryan Johnson Mattlandoli David Abramo JoeRiley Chris Langley Phil Kucha Alex Villa (C) Craig Callahan Mike Casey Ian Vigneau Joe Gordon Brian Delaney Patrick Byrne (A) Casey Carr MattLeBlanc MikeCoughlin Dave Cacciola (A) YR So So Jr So So Jr Jr So So Sr Sr Jr Fr So Sr Jr Fr Jr Sr Jr P G F F F D D F F D D F D F D F F F F G G G A PTS # * CHELMSFORD (14-6-0)* NAME YR P G A PTS 4 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 1 3 2 1 8 8 7 11 3 4 1 5 3 2 I 5 6 4 I 0 2 12 9 5 15 6 4 1 6 5 2 1 6 9 5 4 2 3 20 17 12 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 23 24 30 Adam Lavalle David Bishop Phillip Aucoin MattAronian Brett Stevenson Jim Apostolakes Andy Boschetto Pat Daley Tim Daley Michael Silk Nick Hanson John Sosnowski Michael Carnes (C) Steve Pat no Scott Trahan (C) TedReardon Scott Silva Jason Allberg (1.85GAA) Jr So Jr Jr Jr So Jr Jr So Sr Fr Sr Jr Jr Sr Fr So Sr G D F F F F F F D D D F D F F F G G (2.67 GAA) 0 2 2 18 29 47 9 12 21 13 22 35 1 2 3 8 18 26 4 2 6 0 4 4 4 8 12 1 5 6 8 15 23 3 17 20 0 1 1 23 28 51 3 3 6 (3.30 GAA) (2.00 GAA) Coach: Jack Fletcher Coach: Bob Conceison # * DKDI1AM (10-7-3) * NAMK YR P G 2 Tommy Grcnon 3 Scott Hampc 4 Bobby Connolly 5 Joe McCabe (C) 6 Chris Mellen 7 Mark Rando 8 Cliff Holbrook 9 David Donaghey 10 Michael Cummings 11 Jeff Crisp (A) 12 JonSchiraga 13 Bobby Morong 16 Doug Coates 16 Bobby Sweeney 17 JefTKotkowski 18 Bobby Byrnes 19 Steve Vettori 20 Danny Murphy 21 JoeDalessio 2 2 Brian Cullinane ( A ) 23 Pat Sweeney 29 NickPapps 30 GregMaloof 31 J.P.Flanders 35 Matt Blake 88 Brian McCabe Coach: Paul Podolski Page 37 Fr Fr Jr Sr So So Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Fr Jr Sr So Jr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr So Jr Fr A PTS D 0 4 F 11 10 1 - 1 0 F 6 16 D 1 7 D 4 9 F 7 3 F 4 12 D 6 10 F F 0 3 F F D F D D F F G G G F 7 3 1 3 7 10 3 4 4 21 1 22 8 13 10 16 16 3 10 4 17 9 12 5 9 1 3 4 (2.83 GAA (2.35 GAA) 10 15 25 *I)URFEE( 13-7-0)* YR P G A PTS # NAME 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 29 30 66 Scott Camara Keith Oliver Danny Crowley Jason Crowley Jay Amaral Jimmy Connolly Mike Medeiros (C) Craig Feldman (C) NatcKizer Josh Medeiros Kenny Oliver Charlie Sousa Glenn Rapoza Dave Costa MattBourassa Justin Medeiros Kevin Marques Tommy Sousa Chris Fernandes John Friar Kevin Narciso (C) Jr Sr Jr So So Jr Sr Jr Sr Fr Jr Jr So Jr Fr Sr Fr So Jr Jr Jr G F/D2 3 5 F 10 8 18 D 0 6 6 F 5 6 11 F 10 9 19 D 0 4 4 D 3 12 15 F 5 5 10 F 1 2 3 F 0 3 3 F 7 7 14 F 4 4 8 D 1 1 2 F 1 2 3 F 16 8 24 D 0 1 1 D 3 4 7 G (2.85 GAA) G (3.02 GAA) F 1 9 1 0 29 Coach: Steve Maurer March, 199M MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division I Rosters * FALMOUTH (14-2-2)* * EVERETT (8-7-5)* # NAME YR P G # NAME YR P G A PTS 1 John Black Sr G 1 Matt Pompey So G 2 JefTDuffany S r D 2 Tom Stella Jr 3 Colin Eastman Jr F 2 3 Adam Messina Sr F 9 9 18 4 JeffValdes So F 8 4 Chris Ruggiero So D 2 6 8 5 MattSpraguc Jr D 0 5 RyanMacDonald(C) Sr D 4 9 13 6 Danny Vieira Sr F/D5 6 RyanTully Sr D 0 1 I 7 Glenn Squilliacioti So F 5 15 20 7 DanaO'Keefe Sr D 1 8 Robert Pendola Fr F 0 1 1 8 John Osborne Jr F 10 Robby Concannon Fr D 0 1 1 9 MikeGabel Jr D 1 11 Patrick Feeney So D 1 5 6 10 DanDuffany Sr F 3 12 Steven Abbis Fr F 4 5 9 1 1 Graham Perrault Jr F 14 J.P. Cheslofska(C) Sr F 8 7 15 13 Justin Silvia Sr F 4 15 AlexVolovick So D 14 Ben Currier Sr F 8 16 Steven Pawlyk So F 3 I 4 15 Recce Pacheco So D 0 17 Julian Giantonio So F 9 1 1 20 16 Peter Mara Sr F 2 18 Charlie Poole Fr 17 Hunter Greeley (C) Sr F 24 19 Jon Pompey Sr F 18 T.J. O'Brien Sr F 1 20 Mike Fonzi Fr F 3 6 9 19 Chris Lawrence Jr D 2 22 Sean Homem So D 20 Henry Sabens (C) Sr F 22 23 RicoBotta(C) Sr F 13 12 25 21 Brendon Crane Jr F 10 24 Mike Walsh So F 4 4 8 23 Zak Tavares Jr G 30 Chuck Hudson Jr G (2.00 GAA) 24 Eamon Keenan Jr G 31 Jason Ncuwinger Fr G 30 Rory Morse So G Coach: Buddy Ferreira Coach: Don Concannon * FRAMINGHAM (17-2-1)* # NAME 1 TonvScariac(A) 2 Ryan MacDonald 3 Justin Morenzetti 4 Nathaniel Hulmc 6 Jacob Stan) 7 Jason Leonard 8 Jim Brown (C) 10 Chris Hoey (A) 11 Mike Campion (A) 12 Matt Brown 14 Jason VanBuskirk 17 Chris Siggins 18 Brian Kelley 20 RichCcntore(A) 21 Steve Leone 22 MattChiccuarelli 23 Scan Glover 24 Bobby Gross 25 Justin Chin 26 Jared Gagen 27 Steve Tocci (C) 28 Travis Gross (A) 29 AdamSinewitz 31 Jamie Lewis 34 Adam Sacchetti 35 Alex Elliott 38 Joe Frappier Coach: Bruce Parker Page 38 YR Sr Sr Jr So Fr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Fr Fr So Sr Fr So Jr Sr Sr Fr Sr Sr So Jr IT Sr Fr P G F F F D D F D F F F F D F D F F D F F D F F G D G F A PTS 4 6 6 8 8 16 2 2 5 10 1 2 7 6 8 9 3 4 1 6 31 7 2 26 13 7 12 1 8 55 8 4 48 23 *HINGHAM (12-6-4)* G A PTS # NAME YR P G A PTS Kevin McGowan Jr G (2.29 GAA) (1.95 GAA) 1 2 John Lynch Fr G 0 1 1 Paul Wuori So D 2 6 8 4 Matt Coleman Jr D 1 1 2 5 Chris MacBean So D 6 Anthony Hagerty Sr F 3 6 9 1 13 14 7 Brendan Donlan Jr F/D2 1 3 22 19 41 8 SeanMelanson Fr D 1 3 4 1 7 8 10 Joe Griffin Sr F 7 7 14 8 23 31 11 Kevin Olson Fr F 6 11 17 6 17 23 1 4 Steve Ayers So F 3 4 7 0 1 1 15 Kevin Hammond Jr F 4 10 14 1 1 2 1 6 MikeCavanaugh So D 3 3 6 0 4 4 17 BenZahner Fr F 0 1 1 5 18 23 1 8 Rich Vesey J r F 4 4 8 0 1 1 19 Chris Melanson Sr F 4 6 2 0 Andrew Genovese Fr F 1 2 3 8 8 16 21 Brian Margetts (C) Sr D 9 12 21 2 5 7 2 4 Mike Boles Fr F 1 3 4 2 1 3 25 Anthony Forgione So F 14 15 29 26 Colby Wilcox (C) Sr D 2 8 1 0 2 16 18 30 Dave Henesey So G 19 6 25 4 4 8 Coach: Garrett Reagan (0.82 GAA) 0 1 1 March, 1999 A/MA Tourney Massachusetts Division I Rosters *MEDFORD( 11-8-1)* # 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 27 29 30 NAME Mike Lukevich Keith Horuihan Scott Rcardon Joe Perry Nick Curley David Rohicheau Josh Hanson (A) Sean Westaway Anthony Bartalini Joe Tram Joseph Zappala Joe Vlanday Daniel Feeney James Monagle Jay Garrity Adam Potts NickDiMella Shawn Sheehan (C) Matt Downey Mark Bates Daniel Sencabaugh Craig Howe Lauren McDonough Pat Gigante YR So Jr So Jr So So Sr Jr So Jr So Fr Jr So Fr Jr Jr Sr Fr Fr Sr Sr So So Coach: Charlie Driscoll *NEEDHAM (15-3-3)* P G A PTS # NAME G 1 Rich Delanders (AC) G 2 Mark Roche (AC) D 3 Brian Stark D 0 8 8 4 Jim Trahon D 5 James Carney D 1 4 5 6 Pat Curran F 1 1 32 43 Matt Quagliozzi D 0 3 3 Steve Say man F 0 4 4 9 Steve Murphy F/D10 9 19 10 Matt Hcavey (C) F 16 13 29 1 1 MattEdlin F 0 1 1 12 Scott Say man D 3 16 19 14 Eddie Mack F 0 4 4 15 Burt Fahey F 3 4 7 16 Ian Cruickshank F 1 1 2 17 Brad Ship F 15 17 32 18 Dave MacAlpine F 20 22 42 19 Andrew Yablonski F 20 Chris Burns F 0 I 1 21 Greg Kim (AC) F 3 9 12 22 Brian Kelly 23 Sean Quinlan F 2 3 5 24 Steve Antonellis F G (3.10 GAA) 29 Scott Haskell 30 Tim Glaus Coach: Bill Guisti # * NORTH QUINCY (10-6-4) * NAME YR P G A PTS # 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 28 Tim O'Connor MattDelorey JoeCronin PaulZenga Ryan Murray Robert Celata Chad Fitzpatick (C) Jay Allen Matt Holt Mike Sullivan (C) Paul Markarian (C) John Bertucci Graham McShane Ryan Barrett Rob Bell PattLahar Bill Griffin Tom Hughes Scott MacDonald RossO'Driscoll Joe Fitzpatrick Charlie Sorrento Rob Rice Chris Carthas Sr So So Jr Jr Sr Sr So Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr So Jr Fr Fr Jr Fr So Sr G G D F D F F F D F F F D F F F D F F D (3.86 G A A ) (3.75 GAA) 0 3 3 0 1 1 2 6 8 3 1 4 13 13 26 2 1 3 5 4 9 16 22 38 20 34 54 2 3 5 0 4 4 7 5 12 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 1 3 4 7 2 3 5 14 21 4 1 5 F 1 3 4 D 0 0 0 G (3.22 GAA) 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 22 23 30 YR Sr Sr Sr Fr Jr Jr Sr So Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr So Jr So Sr So Jr Sr Jr Jr So So Jr P G D D F D D F F F F F F F F F F F D D F F F F G G G A PTS (1.28 GAA) 6 8 14 3 5 8 3 15 18 1 6 7 6 5 11 1 0 1 3 2 5 20 1 1 31 1 1 17 28 9 7 16 5 4 9 1 0 1 3 3 6 0 2 2 7 15 22 0 5 5 2 3 5 13 15 28 5 9 14 0 4 4 3 2 5 (1.84 GAA) (1.33 GAA) * NORWOOD (11-7-3)* NAME Chris Mohan JackDrummey Brendan Sweeney DaveDeCosta JoeMcInerney Ryan Gugliotta Dan Geary Ryan Donahey Mike Burns ' Rob Clifford Jim Martin SeanCusack JoeLovell JohnMoynihan Tom Griffin Tim Fitzgerald Bradley Weir Dave Gould YR Sr Sr Fr Jr Jr So Sr So Fr So So Sr Sr Sr So Sr So So P G D D D F D F F F F F F F F F F G G G A PTS (2.40 GAA) 2 9 11 0 6 6 6 4 10 14 12 26 1 4 5 8 20 28 4 4 12 4 16 0 1 7 Coach: Peter Brown Coach: Bob Doyle 39 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney 5 8 15 7 16 3 3 6 9 12 27 11 32 3 4 13 Massachusetts Division I Rosters *QUINCY( 10-4-6))* # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 31 NAME JeffLangillc(C) SeanLeFebure JoeVallatmi(C) Diclicr Alther Chris Lumughini Paul Campbell SeanHaidul Jake Fleming (C) Jim Sullivan Kevin Patten Brian Nolan Stephen Ford John Kakilivas Scott Mattson Mike Sullivan Sean Richardson BillMcKeon Brian Scott Ryan Kreuger (A) YR Sr Sr Sr Jr So So Sr Sr Sr Fr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Fr Fr Fr Jr P G F F D F F F D D D F F F F F D F F G G A PI'S t 10 10 4 1 1 9 1 0 5 13 3 2 13 1 I 2 3 19 22 5 3 5 21 6 9 10 26 5 3 23 3 6 16 5 9 12 1 2 4 12 5 9 5 13 2 1 10 2 5 14 2 Coach: Bob Sylvia 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 15 16 18 19 23 24 25 26 28 30 44 55 66 * ST. JOHN'S (S) (12-6-2) * NAME YR P G A PTS RobErdman Justin Hughes Scan Murray Pat Wallace TimReidy(C) Chad Fletcher Peter Collins Rick Adams Cole Panneion Jaymie Harrington (C) Brian Collins (C) Tyler Vrolyk Jeff McGrath Matt Casey Kevin Bisson Eric Graves Anthony Groccia Derek Ransom K.C.Thomson Tim Wallace Keith Boyer Jr So Fr Sr Sr So Fr So So Sr Sr Fr Sr So Sr Jr Sr So So Jr So D F F F F F F F F F F F D D D F D G D G F 3 2 1 0 16 7 1 5 6 1 7 18 14 1 8 8 2 7 34 21 2 1 16 28 2 0 3 18 23 5 3 4 34 51 7 3 2 5 7 1 1 2 0 2 2 (3.00 GAA) 2 11 13 (2.50 GAA) 1 4 5 Coach: Brian Murphy # * SILVER LAKE (9-6-5)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 George Drummey 2 Jason Rogers 3 Ryan Gould 4 Wayne Pforr 5 Adam Luquc 6 Coley Lunt 7 Joe Keefe 8 Chad Kelble 10 Jason Standish (C) 11 Dave Wilkinson 13 MikeCina 14 Dan Buckingham (C) 15 MikeMelanson 18 Tom Allen 19 Justin Harding 20 Andy McDermott 21 Sean Casey 22 Brian Libby 23 Brian Ahlstedt 24 Peter Dula 25 P.J. Shaughnessy 30 James Johnson 31 Justin Burke Coach: Bill Donovan Page 41) Jr So Jr Sr Fr Sr Sr Jr Sr So Sr Sr Sr So Sr Jr Jr So Jr Sr Fr So Sr G F F 5 4 9 F 2 3 5 F F 4 2 6 F 5 6 11 F D 1 2 3 F/DO 3 3 F 2 3 5 F 1 9 10 F 3 2 5 F/D3 6 9 D F 5 3 8 D 1 4 5 F 14 6 20 F 1 3 4 D D 1 5 6 G G (2.15GAA) * SPRINGFIELD CATHEDRAL (13-4-3)* # NAME YR P G A PTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 30 Brady Chianciola B.J. Crum MikeChaconas TomCostello Jeff Welch Ken Bcuuchernin Matt Orszulak (A) JohnBeatie Matt Crum MikeBaltrcn Drew Bulleville Marty Downey (C) Brandon Koziara Jason Sirois (A) Stephen LaBrie (A) Joe Ginsburg lanSeaver Todd Collins Sam Vatrano NickLaskey Matt Leahey So So Jr Jr So So Sr So Jr Sr So Sr So Sr Sr Jr So Sr Jr So Jr G D F D F D F F D F F D F F F F F F F G G (2.48 GAA) 1 2 3 8 10 18 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 10 22 32 6 4 10 0 8 8 0 3 1 11 11 3 8 2 22 36 2 4 6 0 2 2 17 16 33 (2.79 GAA) (2.02 GAA) Coach: Edgar Alejandro March, 1999 3 5 1 11 25 MJAA Tourney Massachusetts Division I Rosters * TEWKSBURY (9-9-2)* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 19 22 23 26 27 30 NAMK Kevin Chambers Matt Ginsburg Sean Walsh Ryan Russell Josh Wcstaway John Sheehan Steve Davos Brad Columbus Bob Fitzmaurice Scott Favreau Kevin Leonard Derek Favreau Anthony Cella Shaun Durkin Brian Fitzpatrick DaveDeRoche Anthony Labo Kevin Monohan Adam Hill Brett Schettino Jason Chotkowski YR Jr Fr Fr So Sr Jr So Sr So So So Sr Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Fr So Jr P G D F F F G D F F D F F F D F F F F D F G G A PTS (3.40 GAA) 0 I 1 0 2 2 2 3 5 23 14 37 (3.80 GAA) 2 4 6 6 13 19 2 2 4 I 8 9 0 1 1 5 31 36 3 2 5 1 4 5 2 5 7 6 9 15 16 9 25 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 1 1 (3.50 GAA) Coach: Bob Ware # 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 29 30 35 35 * WINCHESTER (15-3-2)* # NAME 1 C.T. McLean 2 J.A. Koslowski (C) 3 Mike Byford 4 Justin Barauskas 5 Tony Brennan 6 Stephen Migausky 7 Matt Spang (C) ' 8 Paul Kozlowski 9 Bob Norberg 10 Jon Corey 1 1 Dan Spang 12 Brad Frost 14 Adam Delaney-Winn 15 David Notartomaso 16 Rugo Santini 17 John Lynch 18 Andrew Clavette 19 Alex Lapointe 24 Steve Bowler 33 Eli Irving 35 Billy Notartomaso 44 Charlie McLeman 77 Jerry Bowser Coach: John Messuri YR So Sr Sr Sr So Jr 'Jr Jr So Jr Fr Sr Fr Fr So So Fr Fr Fr So Fr Fr Fr P G A PTS G (1.35 GAA) F 4 5 9 F D 6 10 16 F 14 16 30 D F 10 33 43 F 2 6 8 D ! I 2 D 0 2 2 I) •I 14 I S 1- 8 7 15 F 5 5 10 F 4 9 13 I 25 16 41 F 2 0 2 !; 2 0 2 I) F F G ( 1 . 1 3 GAA) 0 2 2 XAVERIAN (12-8-2)* YR P G A NAME Tom Sullivan Ryan Murphy ErikKallio ' Bernie Gately Joe Santilli " Donnie Carr Matt Desmarais Kyle Desmarais Marc Smith Mike Dryer Brian Curran Mike Cammarata Jarod Warsofsky Jason Sullivan Gerry Mickey Conor McDavitt Mike Hourihan Bill Giordano Chris Vickery Jon McCourt Dan Runey Chris Lindquist Jerry MolTett So So So Sr So Sr So Sr Jr So Jr Jr So Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr So Jr Jr Sr Fr PTS I I 4 4 3 3 10 I I 17 33 3 4 12 16 1 4 1 1 5 7 F 3 2 5 F 1 2 3 F 8 2 10 D 2 4 6 F 16 20 36 F 17 23 40 D I 1 2 F 2 1 3 D F 0 G (2.31 GAA) G (4.50 GAA) G D F F D F F D F F F 0 0 0 1 16 1 4 3 0 2 Coach: Mike Brennan Page 41 March, 1999 Best of Luck To All of The High School Tournament Teams! The Eastern Junior Hockey League WALPOLE JR. STARS AS BOSTON JUNIOR CUP 1999 - EJHL \\\s sweep US National Under-18 Team • TRAINING • COMPETITION • EXPOSURE EJHL Office • ADVANCEMENT • AMATEUR STATUS PROTECTION (NCAA) •55GAMES- PRACTICE TOURNAMENTS - PLAYOFFS Now In Its Sixth Season P.O. Box 1023 East Arlington, MA. 02474 Phone: (617)268-9811 Fax: (617)464-0227 E-Mail:... . eihl@tiac.net Commissioner D ait Es dale Phone: (617)268-9811 Secretary/Treasurer Jim Prior Phone(781)646-3526 Fax:. (781)646-6923 Visit our Web Page • www.easternjunior.com Tomorrow's Collegiate Stars... Today DIV. I TOP SCORERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 12. 13. 16. 20. NAME Sean Collins (Reading) Phil Nadeau (Brockton) Hunter Greeley (Falmouth) Paul Markarian (No. Quincy) Man Beck (Waltham) Steve Saviano (Reading) Brian Collins (St. Johns S) Scott Trahan (Chelmsford) Mike Carceo (Belmont) Henry Sabens (Falmouth) Eric Frank (Waltham) Phil Aucoin (Chelmsford) Gerard Cioffi (Revere) Mike McPherson (Revere) Drew Mcdciros (Matignon) Sal Vasapolle (Barnstable) Kevin Miller (Belmont) Josh Hanson (Medford) Matt Spang (Winchester) Shawn Sheehan (Medford) G 28 30 24 20 23 17 28 23 23 22 18 18 25 21 21 24 17 11 10 20 A PTS 34 62 31 61 31 55 34 54 30 53 35 52 23 51 28 51 26 49 26 48 30 48 29 47 20 45 24 45 24 45 19 43 26 43 32 43 33 43 22 42 EMass Scoring Leaders DIV. II TOP SCORERS NAME 1. Boh Zarclla(Duxbury) 29 2. Roger LeBlanc (Beverly) 33 3. Shawn Sullivan (Saugus) T.J. Wigmore (Duxbury) 23 Tom Daniels (Duxbury) IS 6. Jon Marshman (Stoughton) 29 Justin Vallas (Wilmington) 27 Geno DeAngelis (Winthrop) 24 9. Bryan Edeman (Saugus) 24 10. Jordan Mohre (Sandwich) 21 11. Shawn Fil/gibbons (Cambridge) 28 12. Kevin Riley (Gloucester) 20 13. Steve Huggon (Ply. No.) 26 Bill O'Brien (Somerville) 19 15. Tony Taormina (Ply. No.) 23 Ryan Sweeney (BostonLatin) 17 17. Jonathan Lousnberry (Winthrop) 22 18. Mike Levine (Sandwich) 17 Justin Shairs (Beverly) 15 20. Bill Oberg (Marshfield) 15 A PTS 37 66 25 58 29 52 29 52 34 52 19 48 21 48 24 48 23 47 25 46 16 44 23 43 16 42 23 42 17 40 23 40 17 39 21 38 23 38 22 37 EMASS. DIV. Ill TOP SCORERS | • Fishing • Fitness USESIff Football * Golf * BRAINTREE * BROCKTON * BURLINGTON (781) 356-7600 (508) 583-1100 (781) 270-9200 * DANVERS * HANOVER * NATICK (978)774-7512 (781)826-7500 (508)650-1400 * CHELMSFORD (978) 250-0500 * NEWTON (617)965-2480 * NORWOOD * SAUGUS * MEDFORD * BEDFORD N.H. (781) 255-0400 (781) 231 -5100 (781) 391 -2900 (603) 668-3500 ir NASHUA N.H. * NEWINGTON N.H. * SO. PORTLAND ME. (603) 881 -7740 (603) 422-6400 (207) 773-0700 Page 43 March, ii A PTS 43 29 72 36 32 68 62 38 24 21 30 57 23 34 57 32 23 55 55 29 26 25 30 55 20 J5 55 18 Andrew Coomber (Harwich) 35 53 22 52 Jonathan Sullivan (Somerset) 30 51 Sean O'Reilly (Cape Cod Tech) 25 26 51 Steve Couturier (So. Boston) 16 35 4S Paul B2udo (Savio Prep) 15 33 47 ManHillberg(Westwood) 24 23 29 47 Chris Jordan (Blue Hills) 18 NAME 1. Ryan Moore (Blue Hills) 2. Justin Powers (E. Boston) 3. Ryan Adams (S. Boston) 4. Matt Scalfani (E. Boston) Dan Reed (Latin Acad.) 6. Scott Fortuna (Somerset) Peter Hanlon (Savio Prep) Ryan Mundt (M. Vnyd.) Andrew Phillips (M.Vnyd.) 10. 11. 12 14 15 MIAA Tourney HOCKEY NIGHT IN BOSTON 5th Annual GIRLS SUMMER SHOWCASE TEAM MASSACHUSETTS celebrates its third HNIB Girls Summer Showcase championship in four years after thrilling, 1-0 double overtime win over Midwest in title game. Showcasing Top High School Age Women Players August 15-22 Merrimack College No. Andover, MA 44 March, MIAA Tourney ft Mass. DivisionII Tourney Preview Prohibitive Favorites Duxbury, Saugus Lead Talented Field Of 26 Clubs A By Kevin Doyle • HNIB year ago, Division II lacked a truly dominant leam as tournament play began. Gloucester got hot at precisely me right lime and emerged from the fray with its second title in six years. Thing* are quite different this year. Two teams - Atlantic Coast kingpin Duxbury in the South and Northeastern Conference champion Saugus in (he North - have distanced themselves from the opposition and enter post-season as solid Sectional favorites. Ranked one-two since mid-season, it would be no surprise if the two squared off for the State title in a couple of weeks After all. their respective leagues have combined to win five of the lust seven Div. II championships. As usual, those clubs able lo supplement a potent offense with sound defense and goaltending, will survive much longer than those relying strictly on a free-wheeling attack. In the North, Saugus' primary challenge will likely come from within its own league as well as the Cape Ann League. Eleven of the Sectional's 15 teams hail from those leagues. NEC runner-up Beverly and defending State Champ Gloucester merit serious consideration. CAL Large champion Wilmington, CAL Small kingpin Lynnfield and Catholic Central winner St. Bernard's all hear watching. D u x b u r y ' s chief challenge in the smaller South field ( I I teams) could come from league r u n n i n g mates Sandwich and Marshfield, which have both had outstanding seasons. Stocked w i t h talented underclassmen, MVC-DCL II Champion Boston Latin figures lo be a force. Ditto for the Caiholic Central Small's Marian, which should reap the benefits of playing a rugged nonleague schedule. Hockomock League champion Canion hit a bump in the road during the season's final week but should not be overlooked, North Preview Sectional scrnifinalists a year ago, Northeastern Conference champion Saugus (17-1-2) is looking lor something more this season. The Sachems' lethal offense is triggered by sophomore s e n s a t i o n S h a w n Sullivan (23-29-52), seniors Brian Edeman (24-23-47) and Tommy Palladino (13-2134) and junior Keith Milward (9-12-21). Senior Eric Pedersen (10-14-24), perhaps the division's premier rearguard, adds plenty of offensive punch for Coach Louis [•"inochiaro's squad and is joined on the blue line by senior Steve Sullivan (13 points) and junior Erik Peterson. Senior M i k e Larosa ( 1 . 1 9 gaa) has been solid in goal all season. Cape Ann Large winner Wilmington (16-2-2) is paced by the exciting first line of senior J u s t i n Vallas ( 2 7 - 2 1 - 4 8 ) , senior M a r k D i G i o v a n n i (9-23-32) and senior Shawn Haubner (11-21-32). Juniors Dan Torpey (10-10-20) and Eric Banda (15 points) and senior T. J. Flynn (13 points) provide supplemental offense for Coach Steve Scanlon's squad. Junior goaltendcr Mike O'Connor (five shutouts, 1.38 gaa) is fronted by a rugged corps of defensemen that includes senior Chel Ferreira (5-15-20) and sophomore Scott Buck. GLOUCESTER FISHERMEN show the Fleet crowd who's #1 in Division II after convincing 6-0 whitewash of Duxbury. (joe Fallen phcto) 1999 MIAA State Hockey Tournament Page 45 March, 1999 Tourney Visit Our Website Online at: WorthShoreOnline. com From Your Daily Source Of Local Sports Coverage ESSEX COUNTY NEWSPAPERS EVENING NEWS Phone (978) 744-0600, (978) 922-1234 GLOUCESTER DAILY TIMES Phone (978) 283-7000 DAILY NEWS Phone (978) 462-6666 Mass. Division II-South Massachusetts Division II Tourney tic Division II South Pairings ^V (lame # 10 FIRST ROUND - Saturday. R-hruarv 27 .King Phillip vs Somerville UM 1:45 pm Cambridge vs Marian R 5:45 pm _Marshfield vs Plymouth No._ BR 6:15 pm QUARTERFINALS - Monday. March 1 .Winner Game 1 vs Duxbury_ BAB TEA .Winner Game 2 vs Boston Latin___ WA TBA QUARTERFINALS - Tuesday. March 2 _Canton vs Sandwich__ BAB TBA _Winner Game 3 vs Stoughton WA TBA SEMI-FINALS - Thursday. March 4 JVinner Game 4 vs Winner Game 5_ TBA TBA _Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 TBA TBA FINALS-Sunday. March7 _Winner GameS vs Winner Game 9 BU 5:30 pm & Division II North Pairings & Game# FIRST ROUND - Saturday. February 27 MC 1:30 pm 3 . __Gloucester vs Triton 5 Masconomet vs St. Bernards_ 1 . _No. Andover vs Danvers 7 Winthrop vs Bp. Fenwick 6 Beverly vs Methuen 4 . _Wilmington vs Haverhill .Lynnfield vs No. Reading^ CF 2:30 pm MC 3:45 pm UM CF CF R 4:30 pm 4:45 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm QUARTERFINALS - Monday. March 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 .Winner Game 1 vs Saugus___ .Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 3 MC CF .Winner Game 4 vs Winner Game 5 CF QUARTERFINALS - Tuesday. March 2 .Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 CF SEMI-FINALS - Thursday. March 4 .Winner Game 8 vs Winner Game 9 Winner Game 10 vs Winner Game 11 MC MC TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA FINALS - Sunday. March 7 .Winner Game 12 vs Winner Game 13 BU 7:45 pm State Division II Finals Saturday, March 13,1999 North Champion vs South Champion_ TBA 12. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MIAA FINAL RANKINGS Duxbury 19 1 1 Boston Latin 15 3 I Stoughton 14 5 1 Canton 13 5 2 Sandwich 12 5 2 King Philip 1 1 5 4 Cambridge R&L 12 7 I Marshfield 1 1 6 3 Plymouth North 1 1 6 3 Marian 10 6 4 Somerville 10 9 1 .930 .820 .730 .700 .680 .650 .630 .630 .630 .600 .530 Mass. Division II-North 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. MIAA FINAL RANKING S Saugus 17 1 2 Wilmington 16 2 2 Beverly 15 3 2 Lynnfield 12 6 2 Gloucester 11 7 2 Winthrop 11 7 2 Masconomet 10 8 2 North Andover 10 8 2 Danvers 9 7 4 Si. Bernard's 8 8 4 Bp. Fenwick 9 9 2 Triton 9 10 1 North Reading 11 2 7 Methuen 11 2 6 Haverhill 12 3 5 .900 .850 .800 .650 .600 .600 .550 .550 .550 .500 .500 .475 .400 .366 .325 Arena Codes UM - UMass. Boston R - Reading BR - Brockton BAB - Babson College WA - Watertown BU - Boston University MC- Merrimack College CF - Chelmsford Forum TBA 7999 MIAA State Hockey Tournament Page 47 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Mass Div. II Stars Gino DeAngelis • Winthrop Junior Sniper Roger LeBlanc • Beverly Top Notch Scorer David Geary • Lynnfield Backbones Pioneer Charge Eric Pedersen • Saugus Northeast Conference MVP Justin Vallas Wilmington Gun LaRosa - Goalies To Watch This Month March, 1999 w MIAA Tourney Happy to Support HNIB News Proud Sponsors 1998/1999 Cape Ann • N.E. Conference Most Valuable Player Awards We Measure Up! MOYNIHAN LUMBER L u m b e r und B u i l d i n g M a l c r i i i l s Duors am! M o u l d i n g s Andersen and M a r v i n Windows Ate Hardware K i U l i i ' i i Cabin vis Paint and S l a i n [*i»\ver Tools "QUALITY BACKED BY A DESIRE TO PLEASE' IBKVKRI.Y PLAISTOW, NH 82 River St. lOOIdRd. (978)927-0032 (603)3X2-1535 NORTH RKADINC 164 Chestnut St. (978)664-3310 (78D-944-8500 FREE DELIVERY! OPEN 7-5 Mon. - Sat. Success doesn't come easily. Thar is why, at Vermont Academy, we teach our students to value dedication, perseverance and self-discipline. After all, isn't the goal worth the effort? Vermont Academy Offering Boys' and Girls' Hockey A tradition of excellence since 1876 College preparatory education for grades 9-P(i Saxtons River, Vermont 05154 1-800-560-1876 www.vermontacademy.org e-mail: admissions@vermontacaoemy.org 49 March, Beverly (15-3-2) averages better than 5.5 goals per game and figures to make life miserable for opposing goalies. Standout seniors Roger LcBlane (33-25-58), the division's s e c o n d - l e a d i n g scorer, and J u s t i n Shairs (15-23-38) lead the high-powered attack. Junior Corey Harrington (14-1933), senior Ben Bradley (13-17-30), senior Tim Reynolds (6-23-29) and j u n i o r Josh Karp (I 1 goals) all had productive years up front. Senior Chris LcBlane and sophomore Derek Shairs are stalwart defenscmen while senior Phil M u l l e n and sophomore Travis Tobin are both proven goaltenders for Coach Mike Dec-ring. Tight defense and balanced scoring has been the key for CAL Small c h a m p i o n Lynnfitld (12-6-2) all season. J u n i o r goalie Dave Geary ( 1 . 8 7 gaa) won a l l league recognition as did junior defenscman Pal Nugent, the team's leading scorer with 14-13-27 totals. Senior all-leaguer Mike Briggs (26 points) and sophomores Adam McKeever (12-13-25) and Brian Cawley (10-12-22) are the Pioneers' primary forwards. Senior Ben Park (15 points). Mark Ha/.el (10 points) and Charlie Shove round o u l a r u g g e d corps of d e f e n s c m e n for Coach Vin Mirasolo. Champs Gloucester Alive Reigning State Champion Gloucester (11-7-2) won't relinquish its title without a fight under first-year coach Jack Alexander. As was the case a year ago. standout senior goalie Peter Sulera holds the key to the Fishermen's chances. He's fronted by a veteran corps of defensemen thai includes seniors Steve Curley, Vince Bertolino ( 1 3 points) and Mike Appleton and junior Lenny Muise. Offense will be provided by juniors Kevin Riley (20-23-43) and Mike Pala/zola (13-17-30), seniors Rob Parsons (10-18-28) and Keith Amero (12-9-21) and sophomore Malt Borowski (14-13-27) Wide open offense has been the calling card for Winthrop (11-7-2), die fourth place f i n i s h e r i n t h e N o r t h e a s t e r n Conference d u r i n g the r e g u l a r season. Juniors Geno DeAngelis (24-24-48) and Jonathan Lounshury (22-17-34) lead Ihe way while freshman Boh Kneeland (18-1836) enjoyed a spectacular d e b u t season. Junior Ed Rossi (30 points), j u n i o r Ryan M u r p h y (27 points) and senior Bob M c F a r l a n d (25 p o i n t s ) round out the V i k i n g s ' vaunted attack. Senior Steve Barone and junior Greg Lepke are the top defensemcn in front of goalie Rob Defnetas for long-time Coach Tom Holman. MIAA Tourney Best of Luck to Ml the Teams DUNKIN' Mobil vv DONUTS 309 Lowell St. Andover. MA 01810 (Jet. Rt. 133 and I93) OPEN 24 MRS. THB LOTTERY BRENDAN P. FOSTER Proprietor \t to the Ramad LOOKING AT DIVISION I PREP SCHOOLS? LOOK AT LORI AND LARRY AND BERKSHIRE. • Lori Charpentier, Girls' Varsity Hockey Coach: Cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, where she was captain of the women's varsity hockey team and became the school's second all-time leading scorer...Came to Berkshire last summer from Kimball Union Academy, where in the last three seasons she coached the girls' hockey team to two New England championships and one second-place finish...A dorm parent and wife of English teacher Dean Charpentier, Lori is Associate Director of Admissions. • Larry Rocha, Boys' Varsity Hockey Coach: Former all-state defenseman for Bricktown (New Jersey) High School, which won Division I state championships in 1974 and 1975...Four-year varsity starter at St. Anselm's College, where Larry won the school's student-athlete award his senior year,..Turned down a tryout with the Buffalo Sabres to earn his masters at Penn State, where he coached varsity club hockey,..Teaches math at Berkshire and is a dorm house head...He and wife Candace, who was inducted into the Lacrosse Hall of Fame last summer, have three children. Berkshire School Sheffield, Massachusetts Lori Charpentier: (413)229-1248 Larry Rocha: (413) 229-1132 Page 50 Masconomet (10-8-2), a North finalist last season recovered from a rugged start to play its best hockey of the season in the final month. All-league senior goalie Nate Cameron (2.43 gaa) and all-league senior defenseman Jeff Antonelli (5-16-21) were key factors in the Chieftains' turnaround. Seniors Mike Visconte ( 1 6 - 1 5 - 3 1 ) and Mike Jackson (17 points) and sophomore Matt Horner (11-8-19) are the top forwards for Coach Bob Driscoll. Senior Robert Russo, junior Jeff Berk, sophomore Tony Jackson (13 points) and freshman Nick D i B a g g i s r o u n d out a solid corps of defensemen. North Andover (10-8-2) put together another solid season in the CAL Small under Coach Mark Lester. Flashy sophomore Randy Campolini (16-15-31), senior Eric Erb (10-11-21), junior Jon Delislc (16 points) and freshman Dave Breen (14 points) are the Scarlet Knights' top offensive performers. Sophomore Jay Malaquias enjoyed a steady season between the pipes while sophomore Tyler Canty (11 points) a n c h o r s a group of defensemen that includes senior Mike Corrao and j u n i o r Ryan Jackobcck. March, 1999 Catholic Central Small champion St. Bernard's (8-8-4) will rely on its solid senior goaltender Jay Holt. Coach Jim C o n r y ' s c l u b stresses defense f i r s t , anchored by j u n i o r stalwart Jonathan Whit ham (7-6-13). He's joined on the back line by senior Ben Moerau (6-8-14) and sophomore Steve Carkin. Senior Joel Aho (10-9-19), juniors Rob Gilbert (5-18-23) and Mike Robertson (10-8-18) and sophomore Craig Arsenault (6-9-15) have been key offensive performers. Bishop Fenwick (9-9-2) will rely on the h i g h - s c o r i n g t r i o of s e n i o r K u r t K r a t m a n (13-21-34), junior Dan Mikolajewski (14-13-27) and sophomore Jay Mroz (9-16-25) to carry the offense. Sophomore Russ Ketchopolos (2.49 gaa) has seen the majority of action in goal for Coach Bob Tierney. Senior Jim O'Grady, junior Mark Ravin and sophomore Justin Hurley are the Crusaders' top defensemen. Don't be fooled by Triton (9-1(1-1) the Vikings had a solid first season under Coach Bruce Irving with five of their losses coming against Div. I clubs. The junior trio of Ryan O'Connell (18-13-31), Jeff Magner (8-17-25) and Ryan Bartlett (9-918) leads the offense. Sophomore goalie Ryan Long (2.20 gaa) enjoyed a solid campaign and gets plenty of help from a hardnosed defense that includes senior Ryan Linehan and junior Kenny Wilson. MIAA Tourney The Elite Hockey Training Centers Norwich University • Dartmouth College Specialized Training for Forwards, Defensemen, & Goalies At Norwich University Boys Residential: June 2 7 - J u l y 9 (Ages 13-17) July 11 -July 16 (Ages 8-12) July 18-July 30 (Ages 9-13) Day Program: August 1 - August 13 (Ages 5-13 Co-cd) At Dartmouth College Girls Residential: July 25 - August 6 (Ages 13 - 18) August 8 - August 13 (Ages 11 - 17) July 1 1 - J u l y 16 (Ages 8- 13) at Norwich University Day Program at Dartmouth College:. July 3-Julv 23 Co-ed (3 One-Wk. Sessions-Ages 5-13) For more information and brochures call: (603) 643-2078 Or Write: Elite Hockey, P. <). Box 169, Hanover, NH 03755 Dr. Smushkin's Hockey Knowledge Trilogy Can Now Be Yours To Take Home! From Zero to Hockey Hero (1993) This manual has over 200 pages of exercises designed to develop specific skills in skating and stickhandling as well as general qualities like quickness, balance and coordination. The concept of "hockey homework" is introduced. Hockey Agility (1997) A perfect reference source for the coach who is interested in the serious, long-term development of his players. The book describes the theory behind successful development of body and mind agility in hockey. Special emphasis is placed on the age and the sequence in which physical and mental qualities must be developed. Mastering Hockey Agility (1998) An easy-to-follow practical guide to developing body and mind agility. Over 100 illustrated drills on skating, stick and puck control. Both individual and group drills, also some unique educational mini-games. It is an invaluable tool for players interested in self-development, coaches looking to design skills-oriented team practices and scouts aiming to rationalize their evaluation of player performance. Order: Dr. Yasha Smushkin, 489 Hidden Trail, No. York, Ont. M2R 3R7 Tel: 416-663-1052 Fax: 416-665-6276 E-Mail: smushkin@pathcom.com Website: www.hockeyagility.com Page 51 March, 199** North Reading (7-11-2) qualified in its first year under Paul Calvino by virtue of tying for second place in the CAL Small. The Hornets will be a worrisome draw for any team because of the presence of stellar senior goalie B i l l y Moss ( 2 . 1 1 gaa, .940 save percentage). Junior Chris Venezia (10-13-23), who shifts between forward and defense, and sophomores Chris Soucy (1312-25) and T.J. Goddard (10-10-20) spark the offense. Junior T. J. Vadala and senior A. J. Gurry are solid on the blue line. Methuen (6-11-2) qualified by virtue of tying for second place in the MVC-DCL Two. Junior Chris Cagliuso (15-11-26) and seniors Corey Santasky ( I S points) and Dave Rule (17 points) are the top guns for Coach Joe Rohillard's Rangers. Junior Dan Bonfiglion (3.30 gaa) had a steady year in goal. Junior Thorn De/cnzo (13 points) and senioi Kirk Walsh arc the top defensemen. Haverhill (5-12-3) rounds out the North and also q u a l i f i e d by g r a b b i n g a share of second place in the MVC-DCL Two. Coach Spike Sprague will look to senior keeper Adam Gray (3.56 gaa) to carry the Millies. Seniors Andrew Wood (11-8-19) and Chris O'Connell (11 points) and sophomores Dave T h o m p s o n (15 points) and Neil Kellchcr (13 points) lead the offense while senior Ryan McGovern (12 points) and junior Justin Pelletier are solid defensemen. South Preview A fter f a l l i n g in the State title game last year. Atlantic Coast Champion Duxbury ( 1 9 - 1 - 1 ) wants n o t h i n g less than a championship this time around. Coach Peter Saggese's Green Dragons outscored the opposition, 128-27, triggered by the incendiary first line of junior Bob Zarella (29-37-66). junior Tom Daniels (1834-52) and senior T. J. Wigmore (23-2952). Senior Colin Kellyh (19 points) and j u n i o r K e v i n Coakley (20 p o i n t s ) also enjoyed productive seasons. The goaltending tandem of senior dreg Norcross (1.35 gaa) and sophomore Matt R i g g i n s (1.02 gaa) has been next to impossible to beat. Seniors Mike Najarian and Steve DiRamio and junior Halscy Ormiston form the core of an impregnable defense. Look for MVC-DCL Two k i n g p i n Boston Latin (15-3-1) to mount a serious c h a l l e n g e . L o n g - t i m e m e n t o r Dave Coleman's Wolf pack is deep, talented and made up almost entirely of underclassmen. Junior goalie John Balaconis (1.41 gaa) has MIAA Tourney WILBRAHAM MONSON If you have the heart, then we have a spot for you. At Wilhraham & Monson Academy, you won't sit on the bench - you'll be out there playing - for the team, for the school, and for you. When it comes to athletics, we are a small school with big goals and achievements. Our 300 plus students have a wide variety of sports to choose from. This means that you will play and compete against some of the best prep schools in the northeast. The reason you'll be chosen to play is because we like to win, and if you play, we all win. Wilbraham & Monson Academy is a coeducational college preparatory school with grades 6 though 12 and postgraduate, boarding and day If you would like to know more about Wilbraham & Monson Academy, contact us at 413-596-6811 ore-mail admiss(«>wma.pvt.k 12.ma.us Todd Drevitch's College Prep June 28 - July 2 (a.> Montclair State University * On-Ice Sessions run by College and Private School Coaches. * Developmental Practices and Games Daily. * 4 hours on-ice per day/20 hours total. * Interactive lectures with college coaches * Exiting interview For elite Jr./Private School/High School players. By Invitation/Reference Only! * (If you are a coach with a player that should have been invited, or If you are an elite player that believes you should be invited.) Call: (888) 568 - 8451 or email: hocktecha hockey-techniques.com Players are required to have strong references to be invited into this camp. been rock solid. Seniors Ryan Sweeney (17-23-40) and Jon Kearns ( 1 3 - 1 8 - 3 1 ) , junior Rick Belmonie (9-18-27) and sophomores Nick Collins (10-13-23) and Brian Karlhas (8-13-21) power a balanced attack that clicked for nearly five goals per game. Senior Brian Norton (6-9-15), junior Ryan Kearney ( 1 1 p o i n t s ) a n d sophomores Andrew C o l l i n s (13 points) and Charlie Levin form a sturdy defense. Despite its third-place league f i n i s h , Stoughton (14-5-1) fared the best in nonl e a g u e wars a m o n g the H o c k o m o c k League's r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . The Black Knights pack some serious offensive punch with the likes of senior John Marshman (29-19-48), sophomore Paul Eagles (17-1128), j u n i o r A n t h o n y Pollucci (11-16-27) and freshman Greg Osborne (12-11-23). Veteran senior Billy Whitficld (1.90 gaa) ranks among the Sectional's premier goaltenders. Sophomore defenseman Shawn Ireland ( 1 3 points) provides a perimeter scoring threat and is joined on the blue line by seniors John Foley and Mike Finni. Hockomock League Champion Canton (13-5-2) struggled down the stretch w i t h a couple of non-league losses but Buddy Yandle's Bulldogs should not be discounted. Senior goalie Keith Ryan gives his club a chance to win every night out and receives p l e n t y of support from a solid d e f e n s e a n c h o r e d by s e n i o r A. J. MacDonald. Junior Andrew McShea and sophomore Chris Donnelly have hccn the club's offensive leaders all season. Sandwich (12-5-2) is another highpowered offensive juggernaut out of the Atlantic Coast Conference. The senior trio of captains Jordan Mohre (21-25-46), Mike Levine (17-21-38) and Conor Sheehan (2115-36) lead the B l u e K n i g h t s . J u n i o r s Kevin Haney (27 points) and Matt Cotter (23 p o i n t s ) have also had big seasons. Senior Darren McQuade (15 poinls) give Coach Scoit Nickerson a trio of offensiveminded defenscmen. A f t e r f i n i s h i n g second i n t h e Hockomock, King Phillip (11-5-4) will be looking to ride that momentum into the tournament. Coach Bob Piotti's Warriors w i l l rely on two balanced lines of jumov Jim Demone (11-11-22) joined by sophomores Derek Darling (11-10-21) and Jamie Marks (13 points) and senior Todd O'Neil (12-9-21) skating with junior Brian Muse (13 points) and sophomore Scotl Wardner (11 points). Senior Andrew Chick (2.90 gaa) has been solid in goal, fronted by solid two-way defensemen David Purpura ( 1 1 points), a senior, and Jarrod Hagan ( 1 3 points) and Ryan Roode, both juniors. - Mass. Division II Preview Cambridge Rindge and Latin (12-72) makes its second straight appearance. Coach John Roderick's club will count on senior goalie Michael Lewis (2.40 gaa, .945 save pet.), who had a spectacular season while earning Greater Boston League MVP honors. Seniors Shawn Fit/.gibbon (28-1644) and Jason Hazel (8-15-23) and sophomores Dominic DeFrancisco (10-17-27) and Danny Chaisson (5-10-15) spark ihc offense. Senior Rich A i d e u s ( 1 8 points) g u i d e s an otherwise y o u n g corps of defensemen. Perennial A t l a n t i c Coast contender Marshfield (11-6-3) built up quite a head of steam in the second half of the season and could he the dark horse in this field. J u n i o r s B i l l y Oberg ( 1 5 - 2 2 - 3 7 ) , J o h n Schorle (20-14-34), Jon Kadish (15-18-33) and Brendan McDonald (1 1-10-21) are the offensive catalysts. Junior goalies Nick Ruhho (1.58 gaa) and Phil Belmont (2.88 gaa) logged e q u a l t i m e for Coach Jack Crowley. Seniors Mike Wieand and Mike H a r t i g a n are the Rams' top t a n d e m on defense. Another of the high-powered Atlantic Coast clubs that could cause problems is Plymouth North (11-6-3). Seniors Steve Huggon (26-16-42) and Tony Taormina (23-17-40). junior Tyler Matthcwson ( 1 7 15-32) and sophomore Vinnie Taorminn (922-31) form a h i g h - s c o r i n g q u a r t e t of forwards. Coach John H u r y n o w i c z w i l l PROCTER } Located 1.5 hours from Boston in Andover, NH, Proctor is a coed college preparatory school serving 320 students in grades 9 - 12. It offers: 1 a rigorous curriculum, which includes AP and honors courses, a supportive faculty, a 5:1 student:teacher ratio, and an average class size of 11; 1 the nation's leading experiential educational programs, including Ocean and Mountain Classrooms, and a trimester abroad in France, Spain or Morocco, for all students; 1 outstanding facilities including a networked campus; and a newly renovated ice rink; rely on steady sophomore g o a l i e M i k e Huggon (2.82 gaa) and a solid crew of defensemen led by sophomore Mike Carr (8-8-16). Lurking near the bottom is the Catholic Central S m a l l ' s Marian (10-6-4) which should benefit from a rigorous non-league schedule that was second perhaps only to D u x b u r y in terms of d i f f i c u l t y . Seniors M i k e M o r g a n t i ( 1 7 - 1 9 - 3 6 ) a n d David Applcton ( 1 6 - 1 6 - 3 2 ) and j u n i o r Pat McCarthy (6-14-20) are the top offensive threats for Coach Joe Doyle's team. Senior goalie James McKay (2.64 gaa) is tourneytested. Seniors Bob Hole and Chris Jenkins have been complemented by standout freshmen Tyler V i v i a n (14 p o i n t s ) and Chris Pisano (10 points) on defense. CiBL Two champion Somerville (10-91) rounds out the South. Coach Jay Hart w i l l t u r n t h e B i g Three o f j u n i o r B i l l O'Brien (19-23-42) and seniors lid l ; arinato (16-18-34) and Brian Santos (12-20-32) to provide the offensive spark. Senior Joe Vicente (4-10-14) provides additional pop from the blue line and is joined on defense by senior A n d r e w O ' B r i e n , j u n i o r John Loprete and sophomore Dominic Auciello. Junior Dave Romano has been solid in goal. ' a competitive prep school hockey schedule for boys and girls. Boys' Coach: Toby Gibbons e-mail: toby_gibbons@proctornet.com Girls' Coach: Alison Vail! e-mail: alison_vaill@proctornet.com P.O. Box 500 Andover, NH 03216 (603) 735-6000 or visit: www.proctornet.com A C A D E M Y The nation's only all-postgraduate college preparatory school for young men. Billy Whitfield • Stoughton Stingy Netminder All of our students are high school graduates preparing for college. At Bridgton Academy, students benefit from a low student/teacher ratio; personal college counseling; an intensive one-year academic program; and athletic competition against college j,v, and division I and II prep schools. • Bridgton Academy is now playing hockey in a new $1.2 million ice arena • To find out for yourself what a difference a year can make, please contact the admission office at phone: 207-647-3322 fax: 207-647-8513 e-mail: admit@mail.bacad.bridgton.me.us Bridgton Academy on the web: www.bacad.bridgton.me.us/ Page 53 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney WORTH REMEMBERING The MIAA is an organization of schools. MIA A approves and sponsors athletic activities in 32 sports, involving 170,000 young men and women who compete in 90,000 competitions annually. Governance and administration of MIAA is shared among members of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC), Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (MASS), high-school administrators, athletic directors, coaches, game officials, and physicians; all of whom serve without compensation on the 37 MIAA standing committees. The Association office receives more than 20,000 telephone calls and 20,000 pieces of written correspondence each year, most of which require quick response. Membership dues from the public and non-public member schools of MIAA represent only 1 1% of the Association's annual receipts. The Association often returns a good portion of these monies to its member schools following years' end. The MIAA "Wellness," "Sportsmanship, Integrity, and Ethics" programs are at the cutting edge of national efforts in these two critically important areas to young people and their school athletic programs. MIAA conference and workshop programs include: Coaches' Education Sports Medicine Sportsmanship Workshops Annual Sportsmanship Summit Tournament Directors' Workshop Leadership Workshops and Training Media Workshops Game Officials Workshop Annual Conference and Business Meeting Smokeless Tobacco Workshops MIAA publication programs include: Sportsmanship Manual Sportsmanship Certificates Tournament Certificates Academic Excellence Awards Ice Hockey Manual Coaches' Orientation Syllabus Tournament Manual MIAA Newsletter Game Official's Newsletter MIAA News Wellness Manuals and publications Ice Hockey Score Sheet Tournament Formats Students participate in high school athletics because they want to! This motivation should be utilized to teach "life lessons." High school activity programs are an integral part of the total education process. Successful interscholastic athletic programs teach young people values such as: Accepting success graciously Accountability Citizenship and sportsmanship Confidence Handling disappointment Leadership skills Organizational skills Participating within rules Performing under pressure Persistence Physical well-being and chemical health Responsibility Sacrificing for the common good Self-discipline Social skills Striving towards excellence Taking instruction Teamwork Work ethicDiscipline Grade-point averages (GPA) of students improve during seasons in which they are participating in athletics. High-school activity programs often represent the best drop-out prevention, crisis intervention, day care, and drug prevention programs which a community can offer, and the cost per student is minimal. School activities are "the other half of education" and "an extension of the classroom." Athletic programs have no justification within a school if the young people participating are not learning how to "win in life." Contests won or lost are not nearly as important as the life lessons learned by the student participants. Student athletes have higher grades and fewer absences than non-participants. Page 54 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division II Rosters * BEVERLY (15-3-2)* # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 19 20 21 23 30 35 NAME Phil Mullen Ben Bradley (A) Justin Galui Frank Raffa Justin Shairs (C) Louis Gentile Roger LeBlanc (C) Corey Harrington JoshKarp Derek Shairs Brad Rubin Tim Reynolds James Baker Chris LeBlanc (A) JeffDrinkwater RyanLaracy Jamie Lampert Travis Tobin Steve Tkachuk Coach: Mike Deering YR Si Sr Jr So Sr So Sr Jr So So Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr So Jr So Sr * BISHOP FENWICK (9-9-2) * NAME YR P G A PTS P.J. Lavoie Sr F 1 0 1 Joey Crane Jr G Jay Mroz So F 9 16 25 Jeremy Barrasso Jr F 1 2 3 Brian Corsetli Jr F 3 4 7 Mark Ravin Jr D 2 7 9 Dan Mikolajewski Jr F 14 13 27 Sean Conncll Fr F 2 6 8 Justin Hurley So D 3 4 7 MattGallucci Fr D 1 3 4 Wcs Sexton So F 5 6 11 Mike O'Brien Jr G (2.43 GAA) MattKeane Jr F 2 4 6 KurtKratman Sr F 13 21 34 JimO'Grady Sr D 0 5 5 RichMathews Sr F 3 7 10 Ryan Georgenes So D Russ Ketchopulos So G (2.49 GAA) Paul Kelley Jr F 0 2 2 Daniel McCarthy Jr D O 2 2 Scott Rehlander Fr F 1 0 1 Joe Panniello Fr D Coach: Robert Ticrney P G A PTS # G (1.15GAA) 2 F 13 17 30 3 F 2 5 7 4 F 2 1 3 5 F 15 23 38 7 F 5 3 8 8 F 33 25 58 9 F 14 19 33 11 F 11 5 16 1 3 D 3 14 17 1 4 D 0 2 2 15 F 6 23 29 16 F 2 2 4 1 7 D 3 20 23 19 D 1 8 9 D 0 1 1 21 D 2 4 6 22 G (2.63 GAA) 23 G 2.40 GAA) 30 * BOSTON LATIN (15-3-1)* * CAMBRIDGE (12-7-1)* # NAME YR P G A PTS # NAME YR P G A PTS 1 Tim McDonough Jr D/G 0 1 1 1 Steve Magalhaes Sr G (3.55 GAA) 2 Andrew Collins So D 3 10 13 2 Andrew Kitaeff Fr F 1 3 4 -\e Coffee So F 311 14 3 John Braga So D 0 0 0 4 Charlie Levin So D 0 11 11 AlexO'Sullivan-Pierce Fr F 0 2 2 5 Mike Manning So F 1 1 2 4 5 Jason Hazlctt Sr F 8 15 23 6 Jim Duffy Fr F 0 Danny Chaisson So F 5 10 15 7 Ryan Sweeney Sr F 17 23 40 6 Richard Aideuis (C) Sr D 3 15 18 8 Patrick Balaconis Fr F 1 I 2 7 9 P a t Byrne Sr F 3 7 10 8 Dominic DeFrancisco So F 10 17 27 10 PaulO'Leary Sr F 3 6 9 9 Shaun Fitzgibbons (C) Sr F 28 16 44 11 Steve Kasper Fr F 2 2 4 10 Randy Casey So F 0 0 0 12 Frank Sheridan Jr D 1 1 Mark Santoro Fr F 4 7 11 14 Rick Belmonte Jr F 9 18 12 Tom McMillan Fr F 0 0 0 15 Nick Collins So F 10 13 23 14 Nelson Bairos Sr D 0 0 0 16 Ryan Kearney Jr D 4 7 11 Fr F 2 1 17 Brian Karthas So F 8 13 21 15 J.T. Pasquarello 16 Kevin Medeiros Jr F 0 2 2 18 Chris Boccuzzi Sr F 2 2 4 17 Richie Graham Fr D 1 1 2 19 George McEvoy Jr D 1 0 1 18 MelCaton Fr D 0 5 5 20 Matt Burke Sr F 24 Kevin Regan Fr G (2.22 GAA) 19 Filipe DaSilva Jr F 2 2 4 26 John Balaconis Jr G (1.41 GAA} 20 Paul Poisson Fr D 0 2 2 29 JonKearns(C) Sr F 13 18 31 21 Shawn Curly SR F 3 2 5 30 TedKelliher Jr G (0.10 GAA) 30 Mike Lewis (C) Sr G (2.40 GAA) 33 Brian Norton (C) Sr D 6 9 15 35 Kevin Cafua Jr G (0.00 GAA) 99 Tim Mahoney Fr F 0 2 Coach: John Roderick Coach: Dave Coleman PaSe 55 March. 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division II Rosters * CANTON (13-5-2)* # NAME Kevin McCarthy 3 Dun Muse 4 Paul Connors 6 Ed Brodney 7 9 John Bustin 11 A.J. MacDonald (A) 12 Andrew McShea 13 Mike O'Brien 14 Joe Giuliano 15 Chris Donnelly 16 Matt Ford 17 Andrew Pellegrini 18 Pat Cassidy 19 Kevin Carlton 20 Mike Chisholm 22 Nick White 23 Kenny Mercogliano 29 Sean Coughlin (A) 30 Keith Ryan (C) 15 Jeff Homer 37 Chris Sykes 49 Tom Withee 55 Brad Truczinskas Coach: Buddy Yandle YR Sr Jr Fr Jr Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr So Jr So Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr So Jr Jr Jr P G 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 29 NAME Matt Riggins George PerryJ T.J. Wigmore Steve Di Ramio Steve Buckley Brian Prescott John Mullins Mike Cully (C) Tucker Evans Colin Kelley(C) Jeff Perry Mike Najarian (C) Matt Ilteris Mike Pisco JOn Sisto Kevin Coakley Halsey Ormiston Bob Zarella Andrew DiRamio Tom Daniels Ryan Romano Doug Hartley Tim Bush Matt Lyons Greg Norcross YR So So G G F 1 1) Sr Sr Jr So So Si So Sr Fr Sr Sr Fr Fr Jr Jr Ji So Jr Jr Jr So Ft Sr A PTS (1 .20GAA) 5 5 10 23 29 52 1 6 7 2 0 2 2 3 5 0 5 5 9 0 15 8 4 12 6 12 IS 1 4 3 3 14 11 0 5 5 3 7 10 4 3 7 s 20 12 1 9 8 29 37 66 2 4 6 18 34 52 10 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 35 GAA) P G G F F F D F F F F D D D D D F F D F F F D F F D G # 1 NAME Brian Sweeney Craig D'Agnese 5 6 Derek Richardson Derek Farrell 7 Adam O'Keefe 8 Brian Marshall 9 10 Matt Bickford 1 1 Randy Dinsmore 12 Kyle McCullough 13 Eric Sullivan 14 Ryan Conway 15 Mike Demsey 16 Scott Manley 17 Matt Valentine 19 Steve McDonald 20 Nick McCormick 22 Eric Mastangelo 24 Bryan Duggan 29 Chris Horn 30 Scott Bevan 33 Phil Buivid Justin Dube Coach: Kevin Flvnn * F F l< D F I) F F F F F F D F 1) I) I) F * DUXBURY<1<M-1>* # 1 * DANVERS (9-7-4)* ~f A PIS a 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 17 IS 19 23 24 26 25 27 28 30 35 42 44 66 YR So Jr So Jr So Jr Sr Sr Fr Sr Jr Sr Sr So Sr So Sr Fr Fr So Ji So P G D F F D F F F F D D F F F F <; A PIS (3.89 GAA) 8 0 8 2 2 0 9 14 23 0 2 2 6 16 22 13 15 28 4 1 5 4 2 2 2 8 10 7 1 6 7 6 0 D 2 F 2 D 8 D 0 G F F 3 10 10 16 4 4 7 5 5 7 6 14 2 2 (3.40 GAA) 2 4 6 0 1 1 * GLOUCESTER (11-7-2)* YR P G A PTS NAME Andy Ziergiebel Zach Morrissey Matt Borowski Jonathan Trefry Kevin Riley Peter Couture Mike Appleton Steve Curley (C) Rob Parsons (C) Mike Palazzola Vincent Bertolino Josh Coakley Mike Porper Danny Diamond Lenny Muise Dave Demetri Marc Santuccio Scth Muise Peter Sutera Steve Philbrook Corey Sherman Rob Ross Keith Amero Jr So Jr Sr Jr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr So Jr Jr Fr Fr Jr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr F F F F F F D D F F D F F D 0 0 14 2 20 8 1 1 10 13 6 D 4 F 1 F 1 D 1 G G F F F Coach: Jack Alexander March, 1W9 4 1 27 4 43 21 6 8 28 30 13 5 9 1 2 4 5 1 0 (3. 15 GAA) (1.63 GAA) 2 0 2 3 2 5 12 9 21 Coach: Peter Saggese Page 56 4 1 13 2 23 13 5 7 18 17 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division II Rosters # I * HAVERHILL (5-12-3)* YR P G A PTS # Sr G (3. 56 GAA) I Sr D 0 4 4 2 NAME Adam Gray 2 Noel Morin Jack O'Connell 3 4 Justin Pelletier 5 Scott Brandolini Justin Murphy 6 7 Wayne Tracy S Steve Soo Bill Boylan 9 10 Brian Pascoe 11 Chris O'Connell 12 Ryan McGovern 13 Adam Wood 14 Josh Salvi 15 Andrew Wood 16 Pat Thomas 17 Adam Romagnoli 18 Matt Smart 19 Neil Kelleher 20 Nick Medugno 21 Dave Thompson 22 Dan Cedroen 29 Pat Torosian 30 Steven Torosian Coach: Spike Sprague g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 1J |1 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 29 30 Sr Jr Jr Fr So Fr Jr So Sr Sr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Jr So Jr So Jr Fr Jr I D 2 F 2 D F F 3 2 1 0 5 4 1 3 4 5 6 7 S G F F 3 8 11 D 3 9 12 F F F 11 8 19 L) 1 3 4 F F F 3 10 13 1 6 9 3 F 10 5 15 L) 1 0 1 F 0 2 2 G (3- 70 GAA) 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 Coach: Vin Mirasolo Page 57 1-r Sr So So Fr Sr F D I) F F 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 8 Jr So So Sr F F F F D 8 5 12 0 So Jr F F F Sr F 3 2 2 4 14 1 Sr Jr Sr Fr So Sr Sr Jr Jr So D F F F 1) I) G (i (i s S 10 1 18 1 13 7 10 12 7 4 6 13 2 5 12 4 1 2 1 8 26 6 25 7 15 15 9 6 10 27 3 13 22 5 (2 .56 GAA) Sr Jr Sr Ji So Fr So Sr So So So Fr So Jr Jr Sr So Ji Fr Fr PTS G (2.90 GAA1 D 2 7 9 D 4 11 7 D 8 5 13 11 8 F 3 F F F 1 3 4 F 2 1 3 F 11 10 21 D I 7 8 F 12 9 21 F 3 13 10 F 8 5 13 F 11 11 22 D 1 2 3 D 0 1 1 G G (2. 99 GAA) G (4.27 GAA) Coach: Bob Piotti * LYNNFIELD (13-6-2)* YR P G A PTS fi Jr G (1 87 GAA) 1 NAME Dave Geary Dan Ncary Mike Manzo Mike Geary Chris Donovan Jim Nolan Mike Briggs (C) Steve Wendt Adam McKeever Henry Selvitella Ben Park Blake Lane i an i Mike Conley Brian Austin Mark Hazel Pat Nugent (C) c? ^ f John Stewart Craig Moreton Brian Cawley Charlie Shove (C) John Hutchinson Matt Topping Ryan Jennings Devin Anno * KING-PHILIP (11-5-4) * YR P G A NAME Andrew Chick Ryan Roode David Purpura (A) .r \ Jarrod Haean O Scott Wardner Jake Nyhorn Chris Dclerosso O Mike Lalaberti Michael Kraby Derek Darling Eric Boulter Todd O'Neil Jamie Marks Brian Muse Jim Demone Tom Converse (A) Nick Ray Matt Mackey Tyler Ring Dan Gero 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 29 30 * MARIAN (10-6-4)* NAME James McKay (C) Chris Pisano Ryan Galluzzo Mike Seymour J Chris Jenkins Nick Cashorali BobbyJ Wickham David Appleton (C) Mike Morganti (C) Steve Sweeney Tyler Vivian Colby Marques Andrew Bell Jason Deignan (A) Michael Cottens Alex MacLeod Jeffrey Beckwith Bob Hole Bryan Beckwith Patrick McCarthy Matt Connell Mark Seymour Matt Hendrix YR Sr Fr Fr Fi Sr Fr Jr Sr Sr Fr Fr So Jr Sr Fr Jr So Si Sr Jr So Fr So P G A PTS G 2.69 GAA) D 3 7 10 4 F 1 5 F 1 0 1 D 1 5 6 F 2 4 6 F F 16 16 32 F 17 19 36 D 0 1 1 D 3 11 14 2 F 0 2 F 4 1 5 2 F 0 2 F 0 1 1 F 9 17 8 G D 1 7 6 2 F/D 1 3 F 6 14 20 7 11 F 4 F G (3.87 GAA) Coach: Joe Doyle March, !<*»>M MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division II Rosters * MARSHFIELD (11-6-3)* # NAMF 1 Phil Belmont 2 NickTrubia 3 Mike Hartigan (C) 4 Mike Wright 5 Matt Diana 6 Ryan Conaghan 7 JonKadish 9 Mike Carey 10 Jimmy Genovese (C) 1 1 Brian Shields 12 Eric Matthews 13 Dave McDougall 14 MikeViles 15 MikeWieand 16 Mike McDougall 17 Billy Oberg 19 Brendan McDonald 20 Kevin Kelley 22 JohnSchorle 25 Bruce Nobles 26 DanaUnangst 27 MikeMahoney 28 Sean Lynn 29 NickRubbo Coach: Jack Crowley YR P G A PTS Jr So Sr Fr Sr So Jr So Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Sr Jr Sr 8th Sr Jr Jr G (2.88 GAA) D 0 2 D 5 3 8 D D 1 4 5 F F/D15 18 33 F F 1 5 6 F F 4 4 8 F F 0 8 8 D 2 15 17 D F 15 22 37 F 1 1 10 21 F 5 4 9 F 20 14 34 D I I 2 D F 5 5 10 F 8 9 17 G (1.58 GAA) *METHUEN(6-ll-2) * # 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 NAME Dan Bonfiglio Kevin McCarthy David George Dave Rule (A) Eric MacDonald Chris Martin Ryan Fontaine Tim Parker Kirk Walsh (C) Jim Girouard Chanel Moreau (A) Thorn Dezenzo AlSoucy Chris Cagliuso Jeremy Abdo Paul St. Louis Malt Tetreau Jason Trovato (A) Corey Santasky Matt Zaganas Derek Pomerleau Becky Trudel Paul Sullivan Dave Gray Coach; Joe Robillard Page 58 YR Jr So Fr Sr Fr Fr So Jr Sr Fr Sr Jr So Jr Fr So Fr Sr Sr Fr Sr So So Jr P G F F F F F F F D F D D F F F D D D F F D G F G G A PTS (3.30 GAA) 3 11 14 1 1 2 7 10 17 2 1 3 0 1 1 5 9 14 2 3 5 O 3 6 15 2 10 8 11 2 13 14 26 0 0 9 1 3 9 1 3 18 0 1 1 (5. 50 GAA) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 15 18 20 21 22 29 31 * MASCONOMET (10-8-2)* NAME YR P G A PT& Nathan Cameron (A) Mike Jackson (A) Matthew Horner Robert Russo Michael LeColst Shawn Brophy Anthony Jackson Michael Visconte (A) Andrew Jackson MarkSarno Michael Vecchione Michael Bishop Jeff Antonelli (C) Jeffrey Berk NickDiBaggis Chris Porter Justin Frazier Matthew Carroll RJ. LeColst Scott Abbott Sr Sr So Sr Sr So So Sr So Jr So Sr Sr Jr Fr So Fr Sr Fr Fr G F F D F F D F D F F F D D D F F G G F (2.43 8 11 0 2 6 16 1 3 0 8 5 1 3 GAA) 9 17 8 19 2 6 8 15 13 31 6 0 1 1 6 14 1 6 2 1 4 6 9 4 3 7 (5.21 GAA) 0 2 2 Coach: Bob Driscoll # * NORTH ANDOVER (10-8-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 MarkMelillo 2 Tyler Canty 4 Kevin Jenkins 6 Mike Corey 7 Jon Delisle (C) 8 Mike Doloff 9 Mike Sullivan 10 EricErb(A) 11 Randy Campolini 12 Justin Soucy 14 JimFarro 15 MikeHalbach 16 DaveBreen 17 Steve Patterson 18 Nick Eaton 19 John Finn 20 Peter Merecka 21 Ryan Jackobeck 23 MikeCorrao 24 Rick Delia (A) 25 Greg Jones 30 Jay Malaquias 35 Shane Savastono Coach: Mark Lester March, 1999 Fr So Jr Fr Jr So Fr Sr So So So Fr Fr So Fr So Jr Jr Sr So So So Jr G D 4 7 D 0 2 F 1 0 F 7 9 F 2 1 F 0 3 F 10 11 F 16 15 F 2 1 F 0 6 F 1 2 F 6 8 F 6 6 F/D 0 1 F F 6 4 D 0 2 D 3 3 D 2 5 F 3 7 G G MIAA Tourney 11 2 1 16 3 3 21 31 3 6 3 14 12 1 10 2 6 7 10 Massachusetts Division II Rosters # ! 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 1* 14 16 17 18 21 23 27 33 44 66 * NORTH READING (7-11-2) * YR P G A PTS ft NAME BillyJ Moss Zack Collins Adam Chase Chris Soucy Erik Pinkham Dave Butler Matt Gurry Lisa Turrone T.J. Goddard Mark Vaughan Scott Vaughan f Adam Forrest Sean Fitzgerald Joe McElinney T.J. Vadala Lauren McAuliffe Mark Pinkham Mike Ka/.mierczak Chris Venezia A.J. Gurry Sr Sr Sr So So Fr Jr So So Fr Fr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Fr Fr Jr Jr G (2.1 1 GAA) 3 3 F 0 1 F 2 3 25 12 F 13 F D 1 1 F 0 F/D 10 F 10 20 3 F 0 3 D 6 4 F 2 F 0 2 2 1 F 1 0 D 2 9 11 4 F 1 5 F 0 3 3 G D 10 13 23 2 D 0 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 IS 21 22 23 24 30 Coach: Jim Conry Page 59 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 O J YR So So Sr So Fr Sr So So So Fr Jr Jr Jr Fc So So Fr Jr Fr Sr Fr So So So P F F F F D F F D F F F F D D F D F D D D D F G G G 0 5 23 A PTS 10 10 s 13 17 40 1 26 9 8 1 2 17 6 16 12 8 0 2 15 7 42 31 16 1 4 32 0 0 7 ! 7 1 0 2 1 1 1 7 1 4 1 7 3 6 5 2 4 10 14 5 (2 82 GAA) Coach: John Hurynowicz * ST. BERNARD'S(8-8-4)* |NAMK A PTS YR P G Jayson Holt Ben Mureau (C) Rob Bujold Joel Aho (C) Joe Haavisto Robert Gilbert (C) Mike Robertson Paul McCullough Mark Sawyer Steve Carkin Kiel Anderson Craig Arsenault Jon Whitham (C) Chad Hemenway Kyle Holmquist Marcus Rodriguez Eric Gionct Keith Bartleson Lee Testagrossa c? Zack Constant 4 5 (, 31 35 Coach: Paul Calvino l 4 5 3 * PLYMOUTH NO. (11-6-3)* NAME Rick Bosse Matt Kustanovitz Tony Taormina (C) Joe Leather Matt Burkhead Steve Huggon (C) Vinnie Taormina Mike Carr Tyler Pinto Andrew Crossan Tyler Mathcwson Matt Fisher David Whiting Brian Hitchings James Romboldi Dave Burkhead Ryan Sleeves Gregory Furtado Matt Page Bill Finn Sean Strassell Brian Gillis John Shea Mike Huggon Sr Sr Jr Sr So Jr Fr So Fr So So So Jr Fr So l-i Jr l-r Sr Sr G D 6 F 4 F 10 F 3 F 5 F 10 F 4 D 0 D 3 F 1 F 6 D 7 D 0 F 0 F 5 F/D4 D 0 F 4 G 8 5 0 0 IS 8 2 2 3 0 9 6 3 3 5 2 3 5 14 9 19 3 23 18 6 2 6 1 15 13 3 3 10 6 3 9 ft * SANDWICH ( 12-5-2) * YK A PTS P G NAME Josh Grodin 1 Paul Curadossi 2 Ryan King 3 4 Mike Lcvine (C) Coley Bello 5 6 Chris Tardiff Ed Luippold 7 Chris Helms 8 Mike Christopher 9 10 Mike Anderson 11 Kevin Haney 12 Tim Roden 14 Kevin Broyer 15 Tom Wilson 16 Nick Vetrano 17 John Lanata 18 Darren McQuade 19 Jude Senese 20 Ryan Martin 21 Matt Cotter 22 Conor Sheehan 23 Scott Hartmann 24 Brendan Fitzgerald 25 Jordan Mohre (C) 30 Matt Tourville 31 Dan Donovan Coach: Scott Nickerson March, 1999 Ji Fr Fr Sr Ji Si So Fi Jr Sr Jr G F F 0 F 17 D 4 F 2 F 3 F 2 D 5 F 14 F 14 So F Jr Jr F 0 F 1 F () D 1 D 3 D 0 D 0 F 5 F 21 D D 1 F 21 G G Jr Sr Sr FiJr Jr Sr So So Sr So Sr 1 MIA A Tourney 1 21 15 7 4 2 10 4 13 0 1 2 1 3 12 1 2 17 15 1 38 19 9 7 4 15 18 27 1 1 S 1 4 15 1 2 22 36 0 25 1 46 Massachusetts Division II Rosters u l 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 30 * SAUGUS (17-1-2) NAME Kevin MacTaggart Justin Bilton Keith Milward Bryan Gallant Erik Peterson Eric Pcdcrsen Daryl Ccruolo Scott Gelin Sean McManus Matt Terrio Joe Angelo Johnathan Ciampa Mark Citro Bryan Edeman Tommy Palladino Bryan Churches Mark Berrett Adam Muise Shawn Sullivan Joey Johnson Randy Belcher Stephen Sullivan John O'Donnell Mike Larosa YR Sr Sr Jr So Jr Sr Sr Jr So Fr So So Jr Sr Sr Ji Jr Jr So Jr So Sr Jr Sr A PTS P * G (0.88 GAA) (J 4 5 F 1 12 21 F 1 I F (0' 7 8 1) 1 14 24 D 10 4 5 F 1 0 3 1) 3 F 2 1 3 1 3 F 2 2 3 1) 1 F 6 12 18 D F 24 F 13 D F 7 F 5 F 23 F 7 D D 3 I.) 2 G 23 2] 47 34 7 9 29 11 14 14 52 18 10 13 3 5 ( 1 . 1 9 GAA) Coach: Louis Finocchiaro g 2 1 6 7 10 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 27 29 33 34 36 37 38 39 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 NAME Bill Consolo Donald Gadsby Andrew O'Brien (A) Brian Liberatore Ed Farinato Dominic Auciello John Loprete Brian Santos (A) Shaun O'Brien Derek Nolan Bill O'Brien Jason Mota Matt Sanborn Russ Koty Marc Capone Chris Aurilio Tom Senesi Rob Ciampi Corie McClintic David Romano Joe Vicente (A) Eric Saulnier YR P G Fr G So F Sr Fr Sr So Jr Sr Jr Sr Jr So Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Fr Jr Sr Jr 0 2 D 2 2 F F 16 18 D 3 5 D 1 6 F 12 20 D 0 3 D 1 1 F 19 23 G F 2 6 F 1 3 F 4 4 F 1 2 F 4 2 F 2 0 F 0 2 G D 4 10 F 4 2 2 4 34 8 7 32 3 2 42 8 4 8 3 6 2 2 14 6 Sr Jr Jr Sr Ji So Jr Fi So Sr Sr So Fr So Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Fr Sr D 0 3 3 F I) 0 2 2 F 5 9 14 F 1 4 5 F 17 11 28 F F 2 1 3 F 5 10 15 I) 0 9 9 r 4 4 8 D 6 7 13 F 12 11 23 F 1 1 2 F 29 19 48 F 11 16 27 G I) 0 3 3 Ci (2.35 GAA) F 5 1 6 F 3 4 7 F 1 2 3 ( 5 (1.90 GAA) * TRITON (9-10-1)* # I 3 1 5 6 7 s 9 10 12 NAME Ryan Long Tim Eaton Eric Robertson Jeff Magner Taylor Moran Kenny Wilson Matt Reddyj Ryan O'Connell Pat Reddy Bob Lovetl YR So Jr Sr Jr Fr Jr Sr Jr So So O__ kSji 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 35 Allen Waterman Joe Mulvey Ed MacDonald Ryan Linehan Tony Santosuosso Mike Noyes Ryan Bartlett Josh Marshall Talon Packer Jason Mobray Jr So Sr Sr So So Jr Sr Fr Fr P G G F D F F D F F F ID F D F D F F F F F G A PTS (2.20 GAA 6 3 3 2 1 1 8 17 25 2 1 18 r\ v/ ) 9 1 31 f\1 9 2 1 6 5 8 6 1 9 4 0 I 18 7 Coach: Bruce Irving March, 1999 7 0 13 2 Coach: Dan Mark Page 60 A PTS Coach: Jay Hart * STOUGHTON (13-5-1)* YR p (; A PTS NAME Mike Finni Mike McLaughlin Brett Elms Tom O'Neil Jon Saval Paul Eagles Mike Piechocki Matt Fors Mark Osborne John Foley Kevin Anderson Shawn Ireland (C) Greg Osborne Ronnie Grimes Jon Marshman (C) AnthonyJ Poillucci Kevin Benlo Matt Bown Paul Landry Mike O/og Jimmy Cheever Bobby Whitfield Billy Whitfield * SOMERVILLE (10-9-1)* # l 2 MIAA Tourney 9 3 Massachusetts Division II Rosters # I * WILMINGTON (16-2-2)* YR P (J A PTS NAME Joe Luciano 2 Brian Velarde 3 Dan Fogg 4 Scott Buck Mark Digiovanni 5 O 6 Dave Trueira 7 TJ. Flynn 8 Mike Comer Shawn Haubncr 9 10 Justin Vallas 11 Matt Porter 12 Dan Torpey 14 Bob Garrett 15 Jay Gillis 16 Joe Dclaney 17 Mike Whitney 18 Chet Ferriera 19 Jon O'Neil 20 Jason Loring 21 Mike Montalto 22 Jeff Fcrreira 23 Eric Banda 30 Mike O'Connor Coach: Steve Scanlon Fr So Jr G F D 0 D 1 F 9 So Sr 2 5 23 2 6 32 F F 8 5 13 0 F 11 21 32 F 27 21 48 D F 10 10 20 D D 0 6 6 D F D 5 15 20 F 1 4 5 F 0 1 0 F 1 0 1 F F 4 11 15 ( 1.38GAA) G So Sr So Sr Sr FIJI So Jr Sr So Sr Jr So So Fr Jr Jr * WINTHROP (11-7-2)* # 1 4 7 8 10 I 12 3 14 15 16 IK 19 20 22 23 25 30 NAME Pat Murphy E.J. Tipping Randy Rairnondi Ryan Murphy BobMcFarland(C) Ed Rossi Greg Buchman Steve Barone Jonathan Lounsbury (A) GrcgLepke(A) Derek Brugman Keith Griffin Gino DeAngelis (A) Jonathan Clark JakeFidler Matt Monohan Brian Donahue (C) Owen Trainor Mark Paulsen Bob Kneeland Rob Defrietas r- L ;( Sr Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr So Jr SR Jr Fr Fr So P G D F F F F p D F D F F F D F D D F D F G G A PTS 9 11 6 18 14 25 27 25 31 0 22 O 4 10 17 7 1 10 39 7 5 24 1 4 O 1 0 24 5 5 1 8 1 48 6 9 1 9 1 18 18 36 Coach: Tom Holman \M *-i, \K So j \> ** ~~~wl U^l 1 „£% si '•ii:ci,A J O rv *,— ^ > iT •i^g % <dsss5* SP^E ggggg 1 -* l tj ** •Jr \J W rJ- j -•-••^mm . :: j| ••••"^MIMH W fitwv/s jTv, [,.1 135 @K , • i <Sm iH& sSfcl ZL KJ •^^E9B|^9H ffi^BHBi m «K|3M^jS ^*3hM^S^2 %^g£|HH| DUNKIN' DONUTS Page 61 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney EMass Division HI Tourney Preview Lowell, StMaiys Top North Seeds Defending Champ Latin Academy Served By Youth By Brian Falla • HNIB T he North Sectional bracket contains more questions than answers this winter. Latin Academy returns with a strong club that has already defended its Boston City League crown and is bent on doing the same to its North Sectional title. The question surrounding Latin Academy is how the Dragons' seven freshmen and three eighth graders will handle tournament pressure? L o w e l l , St. M a r y ' s of L y n n , Minuteman and Dracut m i g h t also have something to say about a possible Latin Academy repeat. Minuteman presents the possibility of a North final rematch with Latin. St. Mary's and Dracut come in with league crowns already on the shelves, while Lowell enters the tournament with a couple of key injuries clouding the picture. Lowell (17-2-1) grabbed the top seed in the North coming out of the Merrimack Valley/DCL III League. Led by its highscoring trio of j u n i o r Brian Ingram (46 points), senior Dan Tobin (37 points) and junior George Muggins (35 points), coach Beaver Robinson's club became the first team in league history to beat Dracut in league p l a y , a l t h o u g h Dracut won the Dracut Must Be Watched Minuteman Eyes Repeat Finals Trip l e a g u e t i t l e a g a i n by a p o i n t . Unfortunately, Lowell will be missing two regulars in the tournament as both Billy L y n c h ( 1 7 p o i n t s ) a n d freshman Paul D e s c h e n e a u x (25 points) are out w i t h injuries. St. Mary's of Lynn (16-1-3) enters the t o u r n a m e n t as the champions of the Commonwealth Conference after knocking off d e f e n d i n g North sectional f i n a l i s t M i n u t e m a n . St. Mary's is led by senior captains Brian Boisson and goaltender Jeff Silvia. Dracut (16-3-1) won another Merrimack Valley/DCL III League title, beating Lowell out by a single point Dracut split the season series with Lowell. Senior goaltender Jared Zurawski (1.71 GAA) gives coach Mike Mastrullo a solid and experienced keeper, while senior Jason Chicsa (14-22-36) leads the attack. Minuteman ( 1 1 - 2 - 4 ) is hoping to make a repeat trip to the sectional finals. HANOVER, in white, is the defending EMass Div. Ill champion. where it bowed to Latin Academy last winter. Minuteman is one of the few teams in Division III than can throw three solid lines at an opponent all n i g h t long. Led by senior E. J. R e a r d o n (35 p o i n t s ) , M i n u t e m a n had n i n e players score 15 points or more this season. Latin Academy (14-5-1) enters the t o u r n a m e n t on the heels of its second straight Boston City League championship in which the Dragons knocked off South Boston, 6-5 in the finals. Although coach Hank Quigg has one of the younger clubs in the tournament, don't expect anybody to look past the defending North Sectional champs. Dan Reed, fresh off his MVP in the city championship, is as good as they come as the sophomore sniper put up 57 points this season. The lone seniors, Dave Hansford (16-17-33) and Jim McDonagh (19 points), will be relied upon heavily for the inexperienced but talented Dragons. East Boston (11-5-2) is the second of three teams to enter the post season out of the BCL. Coach George Farro's club possesses one of the more potent offenses in the North with the high-flying trio of Justin Powers (36-32-68), Matt Scalfani (27-3057) and Chris O'Brien (13-25-38). South Boston (12-6-1) is the third team from the BCL. Southie enters the tourney fresh off its run to the BCL finals, where it l o s t , 6-5 to L a t i n A c a d e m y . Southie is lead by senior Ryan Adams, who notched a hat trick in the loss to Latin. Westford Academy (12-7-1) is the third team from the Merrimack Valley/Dual County III.. Coach Bob Carpenter's club posted an impressive tie against Lowell, w h i l e b e a t i n g West S p r i n g f i e l d a n d Lincoln-Sudbury. Westford seniors Louis Mclanson (36 points), Brian Kilpatrick (36 points), Adam Gould (32 points), Mike Lerra, and Don Furcillo will all be making their third trip to the state tournament. EMass. Division Ill-North Massachusetts Division HI & Division III North Pairings ft Game! 1 3 5 4 M 9 6 7 10 11 12 FIRST ROUND - Saturday. February 27 ^Westford Acad. vs Northeast Reg._L CF 12:15 pm lidLatin Academy vs Savio S 4:00 pm 4^East Boston vs Ashland J WA 6:00 pm la^South Boston vs Shawsheen. 6:1 O p m 8:20 pm Minuteman vs Trinity Catholic*? S QUARTERFINALS - Monday. March 1 \V*ni\e 4 vs St. Mary'sW WA TBA Vi'iiiuui Punic 5 vs Dracut 4^ MC TBA QUARTERFINALS - Tuesday. March 2 Winner Game I vs Lowell CF TBA Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 3 WA TBA SEMI-FINALS - Thursday. March 4 Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 CF TBA Winner Game 8 vs Winner Game 9 CF TBA FINALS-Sunday. March 7 Winner Game 10 vs Winner Game 11 , BU 3:15 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. Game# PRELIMINARY ROUND - Thursday. February 25 _Bp. Slang vs South Shore Reg. GA 6:00 pm FIRST ROUND - Saturday. February 27 UM Norwell vs Westwood _ 00am Coyle Cassidy vs Gr. New Bedford _ GA 00am GA 15 pm Winner Game 1 vs Cape Tech. _ WA 15 pm Somerset vs Medfield _ Martha's Vineyard vs Bellingham _ GA 3:45 pm WA 3:45 pm Scituate vs Bp. Feehan__ BR 4:00 pm Blue Hills vs Bourne__ GA 6:00 pm Hanover vs Harwich QUARTERFINALS - Monday. March 1 TBA GA 10 _Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 3_ TBA _Winner Game 4 vs Winner Game 5 GA 11 TBA .Winner Game 8 vs Winner Game 9 BAB 13. QUARTERFINALS - Tuesday. March 2 Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 BAB 14 15 SEMI-FINALS - Thursday. March 4 _WinnerGame 10 vs Winner Game I I TBA Winner Game 12 vs Winner Game 13_ TBA FINALS-Sunday. March 7 16 Winner Game 14 vs Winner Game 15_ BU * Arena Codes ""•"'•'"ir" CF - Chelmsford Forum ST - Stoneham WA - Watertown MC - Merrimack College BU - Boston University Page 63 .875 .875 .825 .765 .725 .666 .658 .625 .579 .553 .550 .550 .447 EMass. Division Ill-South ft Division III South Pairings ft 12 MIAA FINAL RANKINGS Lowell 17 2 1 St. Mary's 16 1 3 Dracut 16 3 1 Minuteman 11 2 4 14 5 1 Latin Academy East Boston 11 5 2 South Boston 12 6 1 12 7 1 Westford Acad. Northeast Reg. 11 S 0 Shawsheen 10 8 1 Ashland 9 7 4 Savio Prep 10 8 2 Trinity Catholic 8 10 1 TBA TBA TBA 1:00 pm * GA - Gallo BR - Brockton UM - UMass. Boston BAB - Babson College March, 1999 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. MIAA FINAL RANKINGS Cape Cod Tech 19 0 1 Hanover 17 1 2 Blue Hills 16 2 1 Coyle Cassidy 16 3 1 Martha's Vnyd. 17 4 1 Norwell 14 5 1 14 5 1 Scituate Somerset 14 5 1 Medfield 13 4 3 Bp. Feehan 13 5 2 Westwood 12 5 3 Bellingham 12 5 3 Gr. New Bedford 14 7 0 14 7 0 Bourne Harwich 12 8 0 Bp. Stang II 8 1 So. Shore Yoke 10 10 0 .950 .900 .868 .825 .795 .725 .725 .725 .725 .700 .675 .675 .667 .667 .600 .575 .500 EMass. Division III Finals * Thursday, March 11,1999 North Champion vs South Champion BU TBA > State Division ] '. Finals *:* Saturday, March 13,1999 .NO./SO. Champ vs CentTWest. Champ. TBA MIAA Tourney TBA Div. m North Preview 375 So. 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Qualifies Northeast Regional (11-8-0) is the t h i r d of f o u r teams from t h e Commonwealth Conference. Coach Neil Valeriani's club's eight losses might be deceptive as he has beaten Pittsfield, as well as suffering tight losses to St. Mary's ( 3 - 1 ) and Minuteman (5-4). Shawsheen (10-8-1) rounds out the Commonwealth Conference's four tournament entries. Another team with a shortage of seniors - four - Shawsheen has won with solid two-way hockey. Senior Steve Giordano (13 p o i n t s ) leads a s t i n g y defense, w h i l e senior Bob Rogers (26 points) and freshman Keith Ganley (24 points) pace the offense. Ashland (9-7-4) is the fourth entry from the Tri-Valley League. The dockers are led by Christian Bosworth and Armin Bachman. Ashland advanced to the quarterfinals of the tourney last year, beating Dracut before bowing out to St. Mary's, 31. Savio Prep (10-8-2) comes into the l o u r n c y after playing in the Division II Catholic Central League. Savio has posted wins over South Boston, Bishop Fenwick and Wcstford Academy this winier, while playing Marian and King Philip to deadlocks. Coach Bill Maradci's elub is led by j u n i o r sniper Peter Hanlon (29-26-55) and senior Bryan Page (36 points). Trinity Catholic (8-10-1) is the lone entry via the Sullivan Rule, which states that teams playing in a league in which 70 percent or more of the teams hail from higher d i v i s i o n s will only c o u n t games againsl opponents from equal or lower divisions towards the tournament. You thought understanding the tax laws was difficult. At any rate, in only its second year of varsity play, Trinity Catholic qualified for the tournament out of the Division ([Centra/ Catholic League. Coach John Devaney's cluh, which has a mere two seniors on the roster, is led by the duo of Chris Glidden (23 points) and Steve Sampson (21 points). MIAA Tourney EMass Division III Players To Watch SENIOR (JOALTENDER Marc Barron has been immense this season for Hanover, hackboning the top-ranked club in KMass Division III. Matt Hillberg • West wood Offensive Threat Keith Kamitian • Ashland Solid Threat Page 65 "n D o y l e - N B Yoke Senior Captain Justin Powers Kast Boston Sniper Junior Star Harwich Keys (left) Andrew Coomber with Lucas Colburn Miinrh, 1»W MIAA Tourney Div. HI South Preview Hanover (17-1 -2) Favored For Three-Peat or the past two years, Hanover has been the Microsoft of the Division III hockey world, monopoli/ing championship hardware with back-to-back Eastern Mass titles as well as the state championship in 1997. But this year, the trip to the FIcetCenter contains a wealth of potential pot holes and road blocks. Any number of teams have to be considered serious contenders for the South sectional crown, led by unbeaten Cape Cod Tech, offensive powerhouse Blue Hills, and perennial contenders Martha's Vineyard and Coyle Cassidy. If the Indians return to Causeway Street this March, they will do it the old fashioned way: They'll earn it. Cape Cod Tech (19-0-1) enters the tournament as the lone member of the unbeaten club. Coach Bill Jacques' squad ran the table in the South Coast League with its lone tie coming against Nauset. Cape Tech has won with scoring depth as an astounding eight different players registered at last 20 points on the season, led by sophomore Sean O ' R e i l l y (25-26-51). Senior R i c h Mcrcandetti has been solid all year between the pipes, especially in two big wins over Blue Hills. Hanover (17-1-2) enters the tournament in the familiar role as favorite. The Indians have reeled off a 19-gamc unbeaten streak following a season-opening loss to Canton. Coming down the stretch, the Indians posted impressive one-goal victories over both Coyle Cassidy and Martha's Vineyard. Senior goaltender F Best of Luck To All of The High School Tournament Teams! Marc Barron (1.55 GAA) gives coach Jim Sylvia an experienced n e t - m i n d e r , while seniors Tim Ferraro (22-23-45) and Pete McGraw (14-23-37) provide scoring punch. Blue Hills (16-2-1) brings the brightest star into the state tournament in freshman sensation Ryan Moore, who led the division in scoring with 43 goals, 29 assists for 72 points. Moore is joined up front by senior Chris Jordan (18-29-47) and sophomore Steve Sateriale (16-23-39). Coach Steve Woods' club has a big win over Martha's Vineyard on its pre-tournament resume, along with the knowledge that its lone two losses came at the hands of Cape Cod Tech. Coyle Cassidy (16-3-1) is another solid contender with scoring depth and solid goalkeeping. Coach Joe Quinn's club had 10 p l a y e r s w i t h d o u b l e digits in p o i n t s led by j u n i o r Derek Stephanian (23-22-45). Junior goaltender Jonathan DcSouza (1.80 GAA) has been outstanding all year in leading his team to the Eastern Athletic Conference championship. Martha's Vineyard (17-4-1) certainly has the potential to grab a ferry to the FleetCcnter, but the Vineyarders might have to overcome their Hanover j i n x to do it. The Vineyarders lost the South sectional final to Hanover a year ago and dropped a 43 decision to Hanover on the island a week ago. Playing as an Independent, coach Mike Jackson's club played a rugged schedule that included teams l i k e L y n n f i e l d , Hanover. Blue H i l l s , Oliver Ames, and Franklin. Norwell (14-5-1 ) is coming off a strong campaign in the Pilgrim Conference. Coach Tim Murphy's squad returns to the post season, where they were bounced out a year ago by Martha's Vineyard. J u n i o r Matt Petty (23-16-39) leads the offense, while junior Josh Geary (2.25 GAA) mans the nets. Scituate (14-5-1) is the t h i r d team from the P i l g r i m Conference to get into the tournament. Coach Peter Cooney brings a team with experience both on the blue line and between the pipes. Senior Kyle McCready (2.52 GAA) has seen tournament play before, as has senior defensemcn Mike Hoffman ( I I 15-26) a n d Bryan D u g g a n ( 7 - 1 2 - 1 9 ) . J u n i o r Brad K e n t (19-25-44) and Nick Poulos (21-25-46) pace the offense. Somerset (14-5-1 )enters the tournament with a seniorladen club. Coach Joe Prenda has 10 seniors on the roster, led by captain Scott Fortuna (32-22-55) and Jonathan Sullivan (3022-52). Somerset comes out of the tough Eastern A t h l e t i c Conference. Medfield (13-4-3) enjoyed a rebirth under first-year coach John Panciocco. The Warriors posted wins over Tri-Valley League powers such us Ashland and B e l l i n g h a m , as well as b e a t i n g D i v i s i o n II K i n g P h i l i p . M e d f i e l d also posted an impressive tie against TVL champion Westwood. Bishop Feehan (13-5-2) is (he third of four teams to come out of the EAC. Feehan is another team to post big victories over King Philip and B e l l i n g h a m , as well as two wins over Division II Mansfield. Coach Reid Braga's club goes three lines deep and is led offensively by senior Dave Rita (21-17-38) and junior T.J. Ryan (18-20-38) March, 1999 MIAA Tourney NEW HAMPTON SCHOOL Men's Program Women's Program • Perennial Division II Contender • 1995 & 1996 Div. 2 Champion • 35+ Game Schedule • Moved to Division I In 1997 • Completely renovated on-campus rink with new locker room facilities • A tradition of preparing college scholar athletes • Dedication to hard work, team play, respect and fun • Inclusive programs catering to all levels of play If you are looking for a challenging academic environment combined with a competitive hockey program, you should consider New Hampton School. For more information: ( call or write) Admissions Office New Humpton School New Hampton, NH 03256 (603) 744-5401 Make A Difference POMFRET. For over a century, we have prepared our students for college in a friendly, caring community. Pomfret students are constantly encouraged to excel in everything they do. Our boys and girls strive for success in academics, the arts and athletics. They want to make a difference in the world. POMFRET SCHOOL Pomfret, CT 06258 (860) 963-6120 e-mail—admission@griffin.pomfretschool.org Visit our Website — http://www.pomfretschool.org Page 67 Pomfret School itilmii-, muttfntsof any race, color, religion, national or ethnic urif-in <o all rights, privilege*. programs aiultiiiivilif.i generally m ronied oraaaem 'tillable March, 1999 Westwood Ready For Title Run Westwood (12-5-3) rang up yet another Tri-Valley League c h a m p i o n s h i p t h i s winter. The Wolverines have two strong lines with a good combination of speed and size. Senior Matt Hillhcrg (24-23-47) tops the list of five players w i t h 20 or more points. Bellingham (12-5-3 ) is another one of lour TVL teams in tournament play. The Blackhawks' resume includes a win over Bishop Feehan and a tie w i t h Westwood. Senior J u s t i n Park ( 1 9 - 1 8 - 3 7 ) leads the offense while seniors Jon McGettrick and Shawn Sullivan give coach Brian Sherlock an experienced pair of bluclincrs. Greater New Bedford (14-7-0 ) eomes into the tournament after having won its second South Coast League champio n s h i p in as many years. Coach Mark Fitz.simmons' club posted two big wins over Bourne en route lo the title. Many of the coaches around the South Coast won't he bursting into tears when "Pomp and Circumstance" is played this spring for graduating senior goaltender Tim Viveiros, who posted a 0.875 GAA in league games this season. Up front. Greater New Bedford was led by R a n d y Roposa, who led the league w i t h 21 goals, 21 assists for 42 points. Tim Bernard (20 points), Scott Labellc (27 points) and Jason Macedo (24 points) provide good scoring depth. Bourne (14-7-0 ) will be one of the stingier teams in the tournament. Led by senior goaltender Ryan McLaughlin (1.85 GAA), coach C h u c k J a n c a t e r i n o ' s c l u b could be dangerous, especially coming off last year's run lo the sectional semi-finals. Harwich (12-8-0) played the season as an Independent. W i t h j u n i o r Andrew Coomher (35-18-53) and Justin Tavano (16-22-38), coach Scott Rcbcllo has some firepower up front. Harwich's real question will be experience with only three seniors. Bishop Stang ( 1 1 - 8 - 1 ) is the fourth team out of the EAC to make the post season. In just its fifth year of varsity play, Stang has now qualified for the tournament in consecutive years. Coach Tim Drew's team is led by captains Jim Marr and Nick Rhodes, the lone seniors on the squad. MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters * VSNI VNIH9 # 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 18 19 21 25 27 29 36 44 NAME Keith Kamitian Jon Watts Joe Mirisola Armin Bachman MikeJardine Eric Morse Eaman Cunningham Michael Ferrelli Ben Larraccy Andrew Larracey BillGaine Jim Mac-Donald Chris Maregni Brian Britton Pat Britton Michael Rocheford Keith Piers Christian Bosworth YR Sr So Jr Sr Fr Jr So So Fr Sr Jr Jr Jr So Sr Sr So Sr 71 Jordan MacAdams Jr 7 * BELLINGHAM (12-5-3)* -li* A PTS # 11 17 1 12 18 2 3 1 17 26 5 13 6 7 1 4 8 9 0 10 2 0 18 9 27 1 1 12 8 13 21 14 15 1 2 16 2 5 1 10 1 1 17 (2.52 GAA) 18 2 9 19 12 12 24 20 F 1 3 4 30 P F F F F F F F F F F F F F D D G D F G 6 6 1 9 6 Coach: BobShilalie # 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 35 NAMK Brent Landry Jon Hardy Adam Crawford (C) Steve Landry Jon McGettrick Shawn Sullivan (C) Peter Nugent Tony Dionis JimThifault Scott McManus Justin Park (C) Doug Fisher Paul LeDoux Brad Wentworth Andy Crawford Craig Hatch David Drapeau Adam Sperlich Jason Szabo YR Fr Fr Sr Jr Sr Sr Jr Fr Jr So Sr Jr 8th Fr 8th 8th So So So P G A PIS G (2.26 GAA) F 8 6 14 F 4 10 14 F 4 6 10 D 3 8 11 D 3 3 6 F 11 14 25 F 4 9 13 D 2 8 10 F 7 10 17 F 19 18 37 F 9 15 24 D 2 3 5 D F D F 4 8 12 D 1 2 3 G (2.53 GAA) Coach: Brian Sherlock * BISHOP FEEHAN ( 13-5-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS # * BISHOP STANG (11-8-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS Michael Benson Michael Oakes Tom Jackson T.J. Ryan Matt Brackctt William Hulbig Rob Hunt RussChilders Cory Nunez Jason Coleman GinoOrsogna Tim Downning Dan Medeiros David Rita MikeCostcIlo Steve Gruppioni Barry Foster MattMcrriam Kevin Oakes Keith Brackhold Ron Lareau Chris Simard Jason Fratis David Habceb Bryce Cannon Mike Scarpato Josh Savage Sean O'Connell Tony Silveira Jim Marr (C) Justin Longo Zack Torman Bob Roy Adam Dykas Dan Provitola Steve Silva Jon Barry Jack Walsh Travis Riggle Nick Rhodes (C) Lee Desrosiers Pat Good Nick Lariviere Brian Franks Bryce Guilbeault Jr Sr So Jr So So Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr So So So Sr Fr So So Sr Sr So Fr F F F F D D F D D F F D F F D G F D F F F G G F F 2 1 3 5 17 22 1 1 2 18 20 38 0 0 1 3 9 9 1 3 21 O 3 2 10 5 11 15 I 3 17 S 3 2 11 8 20 24 2 6 18 5 0 1 0 10 0 2 4 1 10 2 2 5 1 20 2 1 0 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 Fr So Fr So Sr So Jr So Jr So Fr Fr Fr Fr Sr So Jr So Fr Jr F 2 0 2 F 1 0 1 D F F 3 1 1 14 D D 3 11 14 F 24 4 28 F 8 17 25 F 9 14 23 F 4 7 11 F 1 1 2 F 0 3 3 G D 0 4 4 F 13 9 22 D 1 6 7 D 1 0 1 G G (2.70 GAA) Coach: Tim Drew 0 Coach: Reid Braga Page 68 March, I»WM MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters * BLUE HILLS (16-2-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS Jarrod Santosuosso Jr G Jeff Rilcy So G Victor Gentile Sr F 5 3 8 Casey Walker Fr D 0 9 9 Charlie Murphy Fr D 1 7 8 Mike McSweeney Fr F 7 16 23 Rich Homer (C) Sr D 4 20 24 MattDeMaggio So F 8 9 17 Brian Pasquantonio Sr F 6 3 9 Bobby Dalton Fr F 2 2 4 Michael Gouthro Jr F 9 11 20 Ryan Moore Fr F 43 29 72 Joe Kelly So D 1 6 7 Brendan Sweeney So F 8 12 20 Chris Jordan (C) Sr F 18 29 47 MattAyers Fr D 4 8 12 A.J. Kern Fr F 5 3 8 Nick Centola Fr F 0 2 2 NickPerna Fr F 1 5 6 Steve Satcriale So F 16 23 39 Eric Williams So F 2 3 5 Justin Politano Sr G RobOuellettc Fr G Coach: Steve Woods # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 31 * CAPE COD TECH. (19-0-1) * # NAME YR P G A PTS 2 Brandyn Bassett Jr D 10 11 21 3 MattMendoza Jr D 23 14 37 4 Sean O'Reilly So F 25 26 51 5 NateFanara So D 2 3 5 6 Tate Patev So G 7 Nate Pina Jr F 2 1 3 8 John Marsh Jr F 1 2 3 9 Mike Peltier Sr F 7 15 22 10 Jeff Smith Fr F 1 4 5 1 1 Matt Weymouth Fr F 1 3 13 26 12 SethBritton Sr F 19 15 34 13 Rory Nickerson Jr F 17 23 40 14 Steve Freiner So D 0 1 1 15 Justin Glista Sr D 1 1 1 12 16 Derek Toti Sr F 15 25 40 17 MikeFredicks Sr F 2 1 3 1 8 Ryan Torres Fr D 19 TimKautz So F 1 1 2 20 Bob Skiver Sr G 21 Chris Mallowes Fr F 1 5 6 22 Casey McMahon Jr D 7 4 11 23 Erik Ringhcim Jr D 0 7 7 32 Rich Mcrcandctti Sr G Coach: Bill Jacques Page 69 * BOURNE NAME Joshua Connors Joe Klucevsek 4 Derek Anderson 5 Matt Ray 6 Bobby Buckley 7 Tim White 8 Mitch Belisle 9 Sean McLaughlin 10 Ian Bond 1 1 Craig McLaughlin 12 Jesse Lopes 1 5 Steve Marshall 16 Jarod Kent 17 Scott Griffiths 1 8 Adam Fougere 19 Chris Joy 20 Adam Glynn 21 GrcgRcbcllo 22 MikeFolino 23 Scott Burgess 24 Tom Bowers 30 TimCrowlcy 3 1 Ryan McLaughlin # (14-7-0)* YR P G A PTS Fr D 1 8 Fr D Jr F 12 16 28 So F 13 11 24 Jr D 4 7 11 Jr D 2 10 12 8th F So F 4 6 10 So F 1 2 3 Sr F 4 6 10 Sr F 1 1 17 28 So F 9 6 15 Fr F 0 1 1 8th F 3 2 5 So F 4 1 5 Fr F Sr D 0 2 2 Jr F 3 5 8 8th F 8th D 8th F Sr G Sr G (1 .85 GAA) Coach: Chuck Jancatcrino * COYLE CASSIDY (17-4-1)* # NAME YR P G A PTS 1 Jonathan DeSouza Jr G ( 1 .80 GAA) 2 Adam Turner Jr D 3 Mike McSwain So F 8 6 1 4 4 Joe Derrane Jr F 4 14 18 5 Tom Bcnyue Jr F 14 17 31 6 GregDaSilva Fr F 2 0 2 7 Bill Ahern So F 11 20 31 8 Chris Mastrangelo Sr D 0 1 1 l> Bob Hoover Jr F 12 6 18 10 JimRego So F 2 2 4 1 1 Tim Dowd So D 0 4 4 12 Steve Signoricllo So D 1 0 1 13 Geoff Pontes Jr F 6 4 10 14 Mike Savastano Jr D 7 14 21 15 Chris Murphy So F 5 1 6 16 Alan Russell Sr F 1 0 1 17 Chris Norman So F 3 4 7 18 Tim Daniels Jr F 1 10 11 19 Paul Brady Jr D O 6 6 20 Shaun Kelley Jr D 2 5 7 21 Derek Stcphanian Jr F 23 22 45 22 Ryan Fit/gerald So F 19 19 38 23 Chris Murphy Jr D 30 Sean Gill Jr G (2.23 GAA) Coach: Joe Quinn March, 1W9 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters # 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 30 * DRACU I (16-3-1 )* NAME YR P G A PTS Jared Zurawski Sr G (1.71 GAA) Steve Fraser Sr F 9 10 19 Jason Chiesa Sr F 14 22 36 Greg Frederick Sr D 2 13 15 Dan Stevens So F 4 2 6 Robert Duggan So F 5 8 13 Dan Frederick So F 7 9 16 JoeCeretti Jr F 9 12 Brian Parrington Jr D 2 Colin Greenwood So D 1 5 6 Matt Frederick Sr D 4 6 10 DanKingan Jr D 0 1 1 JoshNotini Fr F 16 6 22 BobJohansen So F 8 16 24 NormMartell Jr F 1 3 4 Justin Brace So F 3 3 6 Jim Kearney Jr F 15 10 25 Andrew Kubilus Fr F 5 14 19 Ed Lavalee Fr G (1 .00 GAA) * EAST BOSTON # NAME YR 1 Bill Curtis Jr 3/13 JoeDiMarzo Jr 4 Chris O'Brien Sr 5 Ricky Harris So 6 MikeChinn Fr 7 Mark Biancardi Fr 8 Dennis Hutchinson (A) Jr 9 Frank DiMarzo Jr 10 Justin Powers (C) Sr 1 1 Fred Karpenko Sr 12 Chris Poupolo So 14 Tom Florentino Fr 15 MattScalfani Jr 17/18 John Falzone Sr 19 NickCaserta Fr 30 Joe Giancchini Fr (11-5-2)* P G A PTS G (3. 13 GAA) D 5 10 15 F 13 25 38 D 0 1 1 F 9 18 27 D 3 8 11 F 9 1 8 27 D 12 8 20 F 36 32 68 F 1 0 1 F 1 2 3 F 11 13 24 F 27 30 57 D 0 7 7 D 7 1 1 18 G (1.00 GAA) Coach: George Farro Coach: Mike Mastrullo # 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 * HANOVER (17-1-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS Kevin Crimmins Jr G Ryan Hoylc Sr D 1 11 12 Chris Coady Fr F 0 2 2 Dan Breda Fr F 11 8 18 Ryan Shea So F 1 0 1 Matt Hamilton Jr F 8 10 18 Jason Ferris So F 3 7 10 Mike Smith Jr F 5 15 20 Mike McNulty Fr F 9 1 1 20 Nick Bolger " So D 2 4 Joe Jackson Fr D Rich MacAIIister So D Kevin Sullivan So F 1 2 3 Kevin Hoyle So F 0 1 1 Mike Columbus So D 1 5 6 MattDiTullio Jr F 3 0 3 Tim Ferraro (C) Sr F 22 23 45 Pete McGraw (A) Sr F 14 23 37 Chris Cronin So F 1 3 Andrew Ferraro Fr F 4 8 1 2 RyanCarr Fr D O 4 4 RickDeveney Jr F 9 8 17 Steve Cronin Sr F 5 10 15 Phil Clark Jr F 9 9 18 GregDiTullio So D 1 4 Manssa Hourihan So G Eric Newell Fr G Marc Barron (C) Sr G ( 1 .55 GAA) Coach: Jim Sylvia Page 70 * HARWICH (12-8-0)* # NAME YR P G A PTS 2 ToddHais Jr D 1 4 3 Mike Pierce Fr D 4 James Nowak So F 5 Lucas Colburn Jr D 7 17 24 6 Mike Wade Jr D I 1 2 7 Andrew Coomber Jr F 35 18 53 S T o m Leach Fr F 3 2 5 9 Randy Clark S o F/D2 2 4 10 EvanSwanson Jr F/D17 9 26 1 I Bob Dutra Jr F 5 6 1 1 1 2 BillDeCosta So F 2 4 6 13 Adam Smith Fr D 14 Nathanial Mayo Jr F 2 1 3 15 James Locantore Sr F 1 6 Scott Penficld Fr F 1 2 3 17 Justin Tavano Sr F 16 22 38 18 Ryan Peters So F 5 5 10 1 9 BenBachert Fr F 1 0 1 20 Justin White Sr G (4.34 GAA) 21 Akeem Romney Fr D 2 3 Lucas Lambrou Jr D 2 5 7 35 Nathan LaPlante Jr G (3.26 GAA) Coach: Scott Rebello March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters # l 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 30 * LATIN ACADEMY (14-5-1)* YR P G A PTS NAME Peter Needham Tim Brennan Adam Caulfield (A) Nathan Kearney Matt Perry Tom Polito Chris Consalvo Mike Burns Brian Sheridan Pat Leary Adam Mullen Dave Hansford (C) Jake Quigg Dave Foley Dan Reed Paul Walsh Joe MacDonald Chris Myers Rocco Rauseo Jim McDonagh (A) Leo Rusk Fr So Jr 8th So 8th Jr So So So Fr Sr Fr So So Fr Fr Fr Fr Sr 8th G L) D F (2. 67 GAA) 5 16 21 6 14 20 F 3 12 15 D F 7 10 17 F 5 6 11 F 11 13 24 D 2 12 14 7 13 F 6 F 16 17 33 D 5 8 13 14 23 F 9 F 23 34 57 F 3 5 8 F 5 8 13 F 0 1 1 F F 8 11 19 G (2 93 GAA) a i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 25 * MARTHA'S VINEYARD (17-4-1)* NAME Mike Jackson Micah Deary (C) Brett Lcighton Andrew Phillips Aaron Robinson 5 Dan Bettencourt 6 Alex Baynes 7 8-* Ryan Mundt 10 Tim Bettencourt 11 Jack McGroarty 12 Nick Hoehn (A) 14 Geoff Phillips 15 John Gibson 16 Eliot Coutts 17 Micah Pepper 20 Mike Snowden 21 Greg Carter 25 Erick Vanlanlandingham 26 Todd Vanderhoop 30 Dan Schwaeger 31 Ken Hayes Coach: Mike Jackson Page 71 YR Jr P G A PTS G D 11 24 35 D 5 12 17 1 1 D 0 D 0 2 2 Jr Jr Sr So Jr Jr Jr Fr Sr So Fr Fr Fr Jr So Sr Jr Jr D 0 D/F3 F 7 F F F D F F F F F F G 11 19 4 13 12 11 0 2 25 3 15 3 18 16 7 8 23 18 37 12 12 13 20 1 3 21 25 25 31 1 5 46 18 Coach: Bill "Beaver" Robinson Coach: Henry Quigg # 1 2 3 4 * LOWELL (17-2-1)* NAME Matt Rails George Huggins BillyJ Lynch j Chris Brown Chris Baldwin Bob Grenier Matt Murphy Matt Corcoran Chris Mokiel Danny Tobin Steve Allen Bill Florence Paul Descheneaux Paul Fecncy Mike Borges Alex Gutierrez Billy Bukala Brian Ingrain Steve Torres YR So Sr Sr Jr Sr So Jr Jr Fr Jr Sr So Fr So So Sr Sr So Fr So So A PTS P G (2.46 GAA) G D 5 19 24 F 12 9 21 F 20 35 55 13 21 F 8 12 21 F 9 5 9 D 4 30 55 F 25 D 4 5 9 5 7 D 2 17 26 F 9 F 4 3 7 7 10 F 3 F 10 10 20 F 3 2 5 F 19 23 42 0 2 D 2 4 4 D 0 1 3 D 2 .30 GAA) G (1 G (2 .38 GAA) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * MEDFIELD (13-4-3) * A PTS NAME YR P G Rob Frost Pat Cahill Bryan Zimmerman Matt Brown Dan Go Hz James Woods (C) Jacki Friel Brian Goltz (C) Mike Hartery 9 10 Tom Lanagan 11 Connor Lennon 12 Frank Murray 13 Mark Lennon (C) 14 Andy Kelleher 15 Kevin Morrissey 16 Tony lofola 17 Scott Kushner 18 Kevin Lang 21 Kyle Housman (C) 22 Pat Cronin 23 Obi Aduba 30 Joe Gill Coach: John Panciocco March, 1999 So Fr So So Jr Sr Jr Sr So So Fr Jr Sr Jr Jr So Sr So Sr So Fr Jr G D F F F F F P F 0 1 1 8 1 7 2 3 1 5 2 F F 5 9 13 3 12 4 8 2 13 22 3 23 4 2 3 3 3 8 1 3 D 1 F 14 D 1 D 1 D 0 D 1 F 1 F 4 F 0 D 1 G MIAA Tourney 5 2 5 1 8 13 2 9 3 1 3 2 2 4 1 2 Massachusetts Division III Rosters # * NEW BEDFORD YOKE (14-7-0) * * MINUTEMAN REGIONAL (11-2-4)* NAME YR P G A PTS # NAME YR P G A PTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 35 JeffChaisson Richard Cooke Jonathan Brown David Hughes E.J. Rcardon (C) RobLeFlamme Scott Campbell Paul Angelo Bill Beauchamp Reginald King Daniel McLaughlin KrisAhern Shane Lutkevich Donald Tavenner (C) TomMozuch Jay Olson DanSilva Peter Brown Eric Tinkler Peter Vitale Mike Capraro Steven Jaynes So Jr Jr Jr Sr So Jr So So So So Jr So Sr Fr Jr Sr Jr So Jr Fr So F D F D F D F F D D D F F D F F F F F D 13 0 12 O 12 1 10 2 1 0 4 16 5 1 2 7 I 12 0 1 11 8 10 3 23 6 19 3 18 9 18 5 21 2 12 4 7 24 1 8 2 22 3 35 4 7 6 29 7 9 8 4 9 11 7 12 34 14 14 16 19 7 18 28 2 0 3 21 24 22 4 23 8 30 G Danny Mcdeiros Tim Bernard Kyle Allain Mike Melo Seth McNamara Jeffrey Teyes Jason Maccdo Nathan Hickney Lenny Machado Jason Caetano Scott Labelle Randy Raposo Ryan Doyle Derek Pacheco Ryan Coutinho Shane Glennon Bryan Rei Tim Viveiros Fr Sr Fr Jr Jr Sr Sr Jr Jr Fr Sr Jr Sr So Jr Sr Jr Sr G F F D F D F D F F F F D F F D F G 13 1 4 1 1 7 1 0 7 16 21 3 2 0 5 7 20 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 17 24 10 11 1 1 4 1 1 11 27 21 42 5 8 0 2 1 1 5 10 (2.30 GAA) Coach; Mark Fitzsimmons Coach: Mike Barbati # * NORTHEAST REG. (11-8-0)* NAME YR P G A PTS # 1 John LaMattina 2 BobValiante 3 Johnlrwin 4 Mike Brum 6 John Piccirilli 7 Craig Richards (A) 8 T i m Perkins 9 Tom Florentine 10 Nick Mitchell 1 1 Derek Cuddy 13 RobWhynot 14 Raun McCraney 1 6 Dave Rocca 18 MattDeCost(C) 19 RobGiurla 2 0 Dana Mann 24 Steve Ferro 25 Eric Lyons 26 Keith Moberg 30 Mike Pietrantonio (A) 31 JohnGhilain 4 4 Gary Dawson 92 Justin Teal Coach: Neil Valeriani Page 72 Jr So Sr So Jr Sr Sr Fr So Jr Jr Jr Jr Sr So Jr So Jr So Jr So So Fr G D F F D F F F F F D F F D F D F F F G G D G 0 5 1 10 1 2 6 3 6 2 2 9 1 4 13 0 4 * NORWELL (14-5-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 Josh Geary 2 Caleb Geary 3 Robbie Himberg 4 DaveGhilardi 10 11 6 Ben Spitz 8 18 7 Ian Sim 2 3 8 Dan Smith 9 George Thibeault 6 8 10 Sean Casey (A) 9 1 5 1 1 Brendan MacDonald 7 10 12 TomSlavin 10 16 14 Jesse Adams 3 5 16 TeriPerone 7 9 17 JocMcDonough 7 16 18 Matt Petty 3 4 19 David Spitz 2 6 30 Jon Hewlett 15 28 1 1 Coach: Tim Murphy 2 0 2 12 Jr Fr Fr So Fr Jr Jr So Sr Fr Sr So Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr G F F F D F F F F D F F F D F D G (2.25 GAA) 1 3 16 29 6 9 15 4 9 13 12 8 20 11 17 28 2 9 11 10 18 28 0 1 1 10 15 35 5 5 10 0 1 1 6 17 23 23 16 39 3 8 11 (1 .22 GAA) 4 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters # * SAVIO PREP (10-8-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 2 4 5 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 Antonio Scrivo Rich Russo Brian Abcunas Peter Hanlon TimCahill Joe Marino Kevin Flavin RyanShepard(C) Carl Fiantago NickLapolIa Derek Surette (C) Dave Preston Dan Marquardo Liam Lynch Bryan Page Kevin Moran PaulFeudo Chris Lewis Joe MacCormack So Jr Jr Jr Sr So So Sr Fr Jr Sr Fr So Sr Sr Fr Sr Jr So G D D F F G D F D D F F D D F F F F F 1 4 5 O 10 10 29 26 55 8 S 16 (3.I7GAA) 1 3 4 10 2 12 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 7 9 2 3 5 0 2 2 2 4 6 14 22 36 1 0 1 15 33 48 1 5 6 1 5 6 # 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 16 19 22 23 26 30 44 66 77 88 Coach: Bill Maradei * ST. MARY'S (16-1-3)* NAME Mark Burns Mike Polsonetti Anthony Ragusa Nathan Manley (C) Mike Polsonetti Jason Rizzo Charlie Capillo Steve Dixon Phil Ragusa Andrew D'Agostino Peter Hill Chris D'Agostino Sean Bates JoeFesta Chris Werner Sean Stead Jeff Silvia (C) D a n Gates Joey Boisson Brian Boisson (C) Paul Usher Tom Donahue Pat McMahon Doug Surette YR 8th 8th Fr Sr So So Fr Jr Jr Jr 8th So Fr So Sr 8th Sr So Jr Sr Jr Fr Fr 8th P G D D F D F F F F F F F F F F F G D D D F F F F C A PTS 2 4 11 2 13 13 7 9 9 4 4 1 12 1 7 4 6 3 7 16 27 1 3 11 24 8 21 8 15 7 16 9 1 8 5 9 16 20 1 2 20 32 1 2 1 8 1 4 15 11 0 0 2 2 3 18 22 21 36 23 34 1 1 1 1 3 5 Coach: Mark Lee *SCITUATE (14-5-1)* # 2 3 4 5 6 8 <-) 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 27 29 30 NAME NickSousa Mike Hoffman (C) Joe Hurley Pete Smith Craig Simpson Brock Marini Steve McDevitt Joe Ardagna Bryan Duggan (C) Casey Marini James Carroll Brad Kent Tim Clinton Mat! Johnson Brent Newhall Brian Steverman Matt Cibere Tim Duggan NickPoulos Kyle McCready (C) Chris Concannon Coach: Peter Cooney Page 73 YR So Sr Jr Jr So So Fr Jr Sr So Jr Jr Fr Jr Fr Jr Jr So Jr Sr Jr P G A PTS F 1 3 4 D M 15 26 D 2 6 8 3 F 1 8 9 F 2 4 6 F 8 20 28 D 1 6 D 7 12 17 F 0 1 1 F 11 20 31 F 19 25 44 F 5 1 6 F 1 F 1 3 4 F 8 11 19 D 4 4 8 D 2 10 12 F 21 25 46 G (2.52 GAA) G (0.99 GAA) # 1 * SHAWSHEEN (10-8-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS Justin Brady Steve Giordano (A) Brian Zimmerman 4 Eric Holey 5 Tim Harris 6 RohDownie 7 David Ferreira 8 Dan Matthews 9 MikcDunton 10 DanTcllo 1 1 MattGillis 1 2 Rick Reid 14 Bob Rogers 16 Art Chase 17 Brian Corcoran 18 Keith Ganley 19 NickDolan 20 Roh Constantino 21 TimScalley 22 Bob Barllell 30 Ryan Gaudet 3 1 Ryan Cadotte 33 Blain Smith 35 MikeAloisi Coach: B i l l Gordon March. 1999 Fr Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Sr Sr So So So Sr Sr Fr Fr Fr Jr So Jr Fr So Jr Fr G D F F D F D F F F D F F D D F F D F D D G G F (2.88 GAA) 5 8 13 4 7 1 1 7 7 14 5 13 18 1 1 2 O 6 6 5 5 10 10 10 20 8 8 16 3 18 8 0 14 10 0 4 O 0 0 MIA A Tourney 2 8 8 6 10 7 1 3 1 2 5 26 16 6 24 17 1 7 1 2 (3.60 GAA) 1 1 Massachusetts Division III Rosters * SOMERSET! 14-5-1) * # NAME I Dean Corey 2 Kyle Casper 3 Aaron Fisher 5 Jake Russell 6 Dave Clement 7 Scott Fortuna (C) 9 Adam Miranda 10 Shane Whitehouse 10 Ray Moore 1 1 Dewey Perry 12 Chris Jones 14 Michael Silva 15 Ray O'Connell 16 Jonathan Sullivan 17 JoeCabral 18 John Courtney 18 Brad Hart 19 Matt O'Brien 20 Alex Mello 22 Josh Cabral 30 Brandan Hague Coach: Joe Prenda # 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2) 23 30 YR So Jr Sr Sr Sr Sr So Sr So Sr Sr Fr Sr Sr Jr So So So So Fr Sr P G F F D F F F D F F D D D F D D F F F F G G A PIS 11 5 2 9 1 2 0 2 32 23 8 13 1 0 3 4 16 11 3 2 55 21 4 4 So So Jr Fr So Jr Jr Sr Sr Fr So So Fr Fr So Sr So So Jr So * SOUTH BOSTON (12-6-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 20 21 30 Paul Lentini Stephen Kennedy Steve Lamonica William Niedzwiecki Dan Morrill Michael Lombadi Steven Prakapas Wayne Herdman Patrick Hennessey Ryan Adams Joe Fraser David Tracy DanMillisi Michael Stoddard Steve Couturier Joe MacDonald # * TRINITY CATHOLIC (8-10-1) * NAME YR P G A PTS 1 2 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 30 Derek Arsenault Mike Holt Brian Cunningham Steve Sampson Robert Whelan John Devaney, Jr. (A) Liam Darmody Jon Dubie Steve D'Agostino Chris Glidden (C) Steve Edwards (C) Eric Lannquist Zane Villandry Joe Velez Rito Daniel (A) Liam Pero (C) 2 7 9 30 22 52 0 2 2 0 7 7 1 2 3 4 16 20 3 3 6 Coach: Tom Apprille 3 0 3 (3.36GAA) * SOUTH SHORE REG. (10-10-0) * NAME YR P G A PTS Michael Dever Patrick King Jeffery Lassonde Joseph Croak David Williams Matthew Briggs Christopher Ebert Daniel Collins (C) Michael Bruno (C) John Orpen Doug Long Patrick Carey Christopher Woodworth JeffRoache Charles Simmons Shawn McBrine Jason Torrey (A) David Huntress Gregory Mackay Jason Earl Mark Consiglio # G (3.51 GAA) F 8 6 14 D 12 9 21 D 0 3 3 D 1 0 1 D F 9 8 17 D 2 11 13 F 13 12 25 F 4 2 6 1 0 1 F 7 7 14 F F 6 2 8 D 1 8 9 D 3 5 8 F 10 14 24 F 15 9 24 F 0 1 1 F G (3. 36 GAA) So Jr So Jr Fr Jr So Jr Jr Sr Jr So Fr Jr Sr Sr Jr So Jr So Fr Jr So Jr Fr Jr Sr Fr Fr Fr Jr Sr G F F F F D D F F 38 F F F D D 16 G Coach: John Devaney, Sr. March, 1999 62 35 51 G (4.66 GAA) F 0 3 3 F 1 0 1 D 8 13 21 F 1 2 3 F 7 10 17 F 3 6 9 F/D 4 4 8 D 1 7 8 F 8 15 23 F 7 6 13 D 4 6 10 F 2 4 6 D/F 4 8 12 F 10 7 17 G (4.33 GAA) Coach: Derek Mariani Page 74 24 MIAA Tourney Massachusetts Division III Rosters a i : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 WESTFORD ACADEMY (12-7-1)* NAME Scott Topjian Mike Lerra JimCappaclona Louis Melanson (C) Brian Kilpatrick Dan Kilpatrick D o n Furcillo Gary Beaulieu Tommy Severo Brian Boudreau Chris Lerra Josh Doolittle Mark Frechette Mike Hanson John Arno Adam Gould (C) Brian Gendron Mike Whalen Steve Maestranzi YR So Sr Jr Sr Sr So Sr Jr Fr So So I;r Fr Jr So Sr Jr Fr So P G D D F F F D F F F D F F F F F D F G Dennis Kane Fr F G A PTS 2 1 13 18 2 1 8 1 3 1 2 2 0 4 12 2 0 3 9 23 18 1 5 5 0 4 10 5 1 2 8 20 4 2 7 5 10 CJS^ G£> 3 6 1 3 1 7 11 7 3 2 12 <32^ 6 2 7 1 4 # 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 14 5 17 8 19 20 22 27 28 29 30 * WESTWOOD (12-5-3)* NAME Eric Narcisco Mark Barravechio Mark Rcilley Greg Marsh Ryan O'Connor John McDonough Brian Doherty Matt Cosgrove Tony Chiariello Russ Doherty Adam Packer Rob Hannon Matt Hillberg Mike McGillvray Mike Galvin Tim Kadehjian Bill Ryan Tim Farren Colman Connelly Pete Barr Brian Baldassari John Lynch YR Sr Jr Fr Jr Jr Fr Fr So Sr Sr Fr Sr Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Jr Sr Fr Jr So P T, A PTS G F 1 1 10 21 D O 5 5 F 3 4 7 F 2 2 4 D F/D 1 0 1 F 4 5 9 D 1 8 9 D 6 14 20 F 3 1 4 F 14 19 33 F 24 23 47 F 0 1 1 F 1 1 14 25 F 0 2 2 F 1 5 6 F/D 2 8 10 F 1 0 1 F G (3.01 GAA) G T Coach: Dan Griffin Coach: Bob Carpenter 5*^75 SM&P* THIS SUMMER JOIN EUROPA CUP FOR ITS 25th SUMMER OF OUTSTANDING SUMMER HOCKEY. COMPETITIVE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FOR BOYS AND A LEAGUE FOR GIRLS. TWO LOCATIONS • Babson College Wellesley, MA Summer 1999 Dates Babson College June 11 -July 25 NEW! Avon Old Farms • Avon Old Farms School June 7-July 23 Avon, CT FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: BABSON: Paul Donato (781) 239-6091 days, (781) 643-6423 evenings AVON: John Gardner (860) 673-3201, ext. 225 or at the rink, ext. 375 For information on either program, contact Matt Corkery (860) 435-5890 * Enter as a full team, a group, or as an individual Have a Great Season This Winter. Looking Forward To Seeing You This Summer Page 75 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney / Central Mass. Preview Shrewsbury (17-3) Algonquin (16-3) Top Region Start Out Favorites Amongst Fourteen Teams 1997 • 98 was a great year for Central Mass Champs N. Middlesex As They Also Captured the State Division III Title With A Thrilling 3-1 Victory Over Hanover. - Central Mass. Playoff Pairings - Central Mass. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ( (. 12. 13. 14. MIAA FINAL RANKINGS Shrewsbury 173 0 Algonquin 163 0 Wachusett 14 3 3 Murdock 13 5 2 N.Middlesex 13 6 1 Auburn 13 7 0 Groton-Dunstablc 1 1 7 2 Assabet Nashoba Hudson Leominster Northbridge 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 8 2 1 3 2 4 Fitchburg Westborough 10 10 0 7 112 Game 1 _ _Assabet vs Nashoba_ 2 Murdock vs Fitchburg 4 Groton-Dunstable vs Hudson 6 Auburn vs Leominster .850 .842 .700 .700 .675 .650 .600 .550 .525 .525 .500 .500 .500 .400 3 5 7 8 9 10 NESC Clark Wallace Aubum 7:50 pm 7:30 pm 4:45 pm 6:00 pm Friday. February 26 N. Middlesex vs Norlhbridge Wallace 6:20 pm Wachusetts vs Weslborough N. Star 7:30 pm QUARTER FINALS - Sunday. Fcburary 28 Shrewsbury vs Winner Game 1_ NESC 12:00 pm Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 3_ NESC 5:00 pm Algonquin vs Winner Game 4_ NESC 2:30 pm _Winner Game 5 vs Winner Game 6_ NESC 7:30 pm SEMI-FINALS - Wednesday. March 3 11 __Winncr Game 7 vs Winner Game 8 12 13 NESC 7:30 pm _Winner Game 9 vs Winner Game IO_NESC FINALS- Tuesday. March 9 Winner Game I I vs Winner Game 12 WC 5:30 pm 7:00 pm — Rink Codes — NESC (Marlboro) Auburn (AribumAnra) Clark (Winchendon) N. Star (Westboro) Wallace (Fitchburg) Centrum (Worcester) oo Page 76 FIRST ROUND Thursday. February 25 March, MIAA Tourney Shrewsbury (17-3) And Algonquin (16-3) Hope To Dethrone Champs N. Middlesex Tim Dumas • UNlli T Clearance Sale R GH Pro Hockey Gloves Reactor 6 Goalie Chest Protectors Atone with MUCH, MUCH more! PureJ) Hockey Worcester •Nashua WORCESTER. MA 1 1 8 West Bo/iston St.. Worcester, MA 01606 (508)856-9015 s NASHUA, NH 522 Amherst Street. Nashua, NH 03063 (603)598-9008 One Price, No Hassle Sales LEOMINSTER Lincoln Mercury Sales and Service 257 Central Street (Rt. 12) Leominster, MA 508-840-1520 Have a Great Tournament* Page 77 March, 1999 he hockey wars that have been boiling over in Central Mass will conic to a head this March with several favorites and a lew dark horses thrown into the m i x . Two learns - Shrewsbury and A l g o n q u i n - posted 17-win seasons while North Middlesex, Wachusetts, Murdock and A u b u r n all won at least 12 games. W h i l e those schools arc considered the favorites, the rest of the pack should not he overlooked. Algonquin (17-3) wailed until the final six seconds of the season - when j u n i o r Steve Pettus scored to beat Shrewsbury 4-3 on Feb. 20 - to clinch its second Roy conference title in three years. Along with Pettus, the Tomahawks boast of a number of p o i c n t scorers in sophomore Janas Lafrenicre, freshman Shane Bechlel as well as seniors Tom S u l l i v a n and Justin Desrosicrs. Junior defenscman Jeff Bolduc has played well in front of senior goalie Ethan Ncff, who has only given up more than three goals in a game once this season. With snipers Tom Hogan, Bob Cardin, Andy Morano and Justin Sorensen leading the way, Shrewsbury (17-3) has the ability to go deep into the tournament- The aforementioned foursome each has over 30 p o i n t s e n t e r i n g the t o u r n a m e n t w i t h Sorensen and Cardin pacing the field with 40 points each. The Colonials also have defensemen Joe Violettc, Will Turner nd Kev R i c h a r d s o n t o h e l p t h e i r a t t a c k . Netminder Nate Sorensen is one of the best in CMass with a GAA that hovered around 1.30 for most of the campaign. Russell Conference champ Wachusett (14-3-3) is one of only two Division 3 CMass teams to beat Algonquin. Auburn is the other. The Mountaineers have one of the best defenses in the region with senior Jared Grinkis and sophomore Zack Shun ley playing solidly in front of senior goalie Dave White. Wachusett can also take care of the o f f e n s i v e end as s e n i o r s D a v i d Capucci. Chris Breeds and Owen McGann put up impressive numbers. MIAA Tourney r 999 MIAA State Hockey Tournament Matt Cruikshank * 1att Reason Jesse LeLievre — North Middlesex, Defending Division III Champs — Central Mass Players To Watch Jon Kujala • Shrewsbury Dave Lebel • Auburn High Powered Forward Last year's Division 3 State champ North Middlesex (13-6-1) came back to the pack a little this season, but still managed to win the Coughlin Conference for the fourth straight year. Senior Matt Cruikshank leads the Patriots vvilh 24 goals and junior Mike Lcrnirc was lops in assists with 19. Nctminder Jesse Lelievre needs to come up big il'NM is to return to the promised land. Auburn (13-7), champions of the mighty Quinn Conference, has played well of late, i n c l u d i n g a recent 6-5 win over North Middlesex, The Rockets have a pair of 30-point scorers in senior Dave Lebcl (14-25-39) and junior Jeff Ilvonen (21-15-36). Juniors Zack Barrows and Erich Yokes can also fill the net. Between the pipes, freshman Eric Graves posted a 2.05 GAA to continue the tradition of fantastic goalies at Auburn. Page 78 — Central Mass Preview— Murdock enjoyed a successful season, especially in the goalscoring department. Rob Matewski, Eddie Keliy, Jeremy Veilleux and Tim Martinez all cracked the 30-point barrier for the Blue Devils. Chad Lapointc has been a mainstay in the Murdock goal. Determination and inspiration are two major reasons why Groton-Dunstable (11-7-2) advanced to the tournament for the first time since 1985. Before the season started, the team lost senior Brian Kane to a fatal ear accident. This season, which has been dedicated to the memory of the left winger, would have been Kane's fourth year on the varsity. His number 21 has been retired by the school. March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Central Massachusetts Rosters 2 3 4 5 6 7 S ) 10 11 12 14 \5 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 31 * ALGONQUIN (16-3-0)* NAME YR P G A PTS Ryan Murphy CJ (2.17GAA) Fr Evan Dexter D 3 Jr 9 12 I S Steve Pettus Jr F 30 4S Chris Glynn (C) F 8 11 Sr 19 So 27 Jamas Lafreniere F 25 52 Mike Conway Shane Bechtel JeffBolduc Frank Gubello Justin Dcsrosiers (C) Paul Corbosicro Rob Senecal Seth Baldelli Jake Murphy Josh Fournier Ryan Mullady Tom Sullivan (C) Tom Mar ley Mike Marian Leo Waible Eliott Arseneault Ethan Neff So D Fr F 13 D 6 F I F 15 D 1 I 3 D 0 Jr Si Sr Sr Fr Fr Jr F Jr F So F Sr F Fr F F F G G Jr So Fr Sr 2 1I 0 7 13 2 3 24 13 12 17 3 6 4 2 9 .S 14 13 2 4 37 19 13 32 4 9 4 4 20 5 21 26 4 7 * ASS ABET VALLEY (10-8- 2)* # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 is 19 20 25 30 NAME Craig Marley Chris DeCesare Matt Anderson Adam Anderson Derrick Cabral Brian LeBlanc Kevin Mellen Jim Smith Barrett Dilling Ricky Horn Robert James Jason Vadinaise Paul Tebo Kevin Duggan Mark Wasiuk Shane Wheeler Jim Bliclcr Steven Butler Josh Raskett Dave Exarhopolous YR Jr Sr So Jr Fr Fr Jr Jr Fr Fr Fr Jr Jr Jr Fr Sr Sr So Jr Jr P G A FTS 2 1 0 3 12 2 3 0 0 4 6 6 7 14 10 26 12 3 1 0 6 I 0 0 0 14 2 1 25 9 37 4 2 47 0 0 F/D 23 F 2 F 1 F/D 22 D 1 G D 1 G (1.58GAA) Coach: George Anastas Coach: Mike Roy Northhridge (8-8-4) in only its second year of play qualified the tourney. Senior Jeremy Blood with 32 pis. is the offensive eadcr along with sophomore Mike Augustini (20 pts.) and senior. vlikc Tynon (17 pts.}. Fitchburg (10-10) returns to the lournamenl with a pair of ligh scorers in senior Randall Thihcault and sophomore Jim Alexander, who were near or at the top of the Coughlin Conference coring leaders all season. Both surpassed the 30-point mark as Thihcault (42 points last year) is no stranger to the net. After winning their final two games, the Assabet A/.lecs (10-82) hits the tourney on a hot note. Senior Shane Wheeler was the top scorer in the Quinn Conference and junior Paul Tebo was close behind. In goal, Dave Exarhopoulos has seen lots of rubber, but has kept Assabet in many games. Nashoba (10-9-1) advanced to the tourney on the last game of the season via a 1-0 win over Norihbridge. The Chieftains have been backed by steady goaltcnding from senior Dave Masi and the skills of sophomore forward Jason Pierce. Seniors Jay Pupecki and Mike Bclmontc have past playoff experience and an upset in the first round is not out of the question, especially if Masi gets hot. Leominster (9-9-2) is looking to make some noise in coach Jean Gagnon's final season. The Blue Devils turned it on late in the season despite some stiff competition with the help ol solid play from Danny Richard, Tom Coulter and Jay LeBlanc. Sophomore Ryan Kurasowicz is one of Leominster's top guns and Sean O'Brien is a stellar nelminder. Pagt- 79 March, 1999 Despite fielding a young team. Hudson (9-8-3) may sneak up on its early-round foe. The Hawks have five players with at least 20 points and three of them - Adam Miller, Mike Chamberlain (30 points) and Kevin Kcttredgc - are sophomores. Juniors Mike Yerardi and Dave Capizzi both notched 25 points apiece. J u s t i n Wheeler and Marc Exarhopoulos have shared the goallending duties. Westboro ( 7 - 1 1 - 2 ) made it to the postseason by finishing second in the Q u i n n Conference. The Rangers have a pair of snipers in seniors Chris Amorelli and Ricky Pratl while classmate Ryan Gregory has the ability to steal a game by himself. Gregory has made a habit of posting 50-savc performances this season. A/M/1 Tourney 10 Central Massachusetts Rosters * FITCHBURG (10-10-0)* * AUBURN (13-7-0)* # 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 30 35 NAME David LaPrad Jeffllvonen Jeremy Monroe DaveLebel Zack Barrows Brett Pulsifer Adam Morton Tim Barrows Bobbi-Jo Graves Erich Yokes Peter McElholm Steve Boudreau Jeremy LcMoine Zach Standring Peter Beaulac Bill Sheridan Brian Roux Mike Bjork Eric Graves YR So Jr Fr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr Sr So Fr So Jr IT So Fr P G F D F F £ A PTS 21 0 14 9 15 0 25 12 0 F D D F D F F D F F D G G 0 1 1 O 0 0 12 14 26 2 5 1 1 5 6 1 1 0 3 3 0 1 1 2 6 8 2 8 10 (2.90 GAA) (2.05 GAA) 36 0 39 21 # 2 3 5 7 9 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 NAME Will Collins Brian Sweeney Phil Truax KurtFortin Kyle Dodge Ryan Davenport Katie Ferguson Justin Tousignant PetLocscher Jesse Forrister Zach Beaulieu Ryan Broeckel Nick Maretto Pat Maxim Jim Alexander Randall Thibeaull Steve Bastien Kevin Newton YR Jr Fr Sr So Sr Fr So So So So Fr Fr Fr Sr So Sr So Jr P F F D D D F F D D F F G F F F F G G G 5 0 O 0 4 0 0 7 2 3 3 A PTS 8 1 6 11 0 6 15 0 5 9 4 4 12 11 1 8 31 0 0 12 23 0 1 20 54 0 Coach: Rich Vacarelo Coach: Bill Garneau # * GROTON-DUNSTABLE (11-7-2) * NAME YR P G A PTS # 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 31 33 35 Nate Sargent Rick Fredrickson SeanCurran RobNolette Justin Coleman Adam Cormier Kraig Dziuba PatCallahan J.W. Aiken Eamonn Farrington Ryan Palmer Nick Carchia Brian Kane Derek Casale Mike Pistorino Paul Palmer Kyle Dziuba Ian Palmer Neil Kelly Andrew Thibault Laird Bruster Casey O'Brien Mike Dumont Coach: Paul Palmer Page 80 Jr Jr Jr Fr Jr So Sr Fr Sr So So Jr Sr Fr Sr Sr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Fr So F 2 F 4 F 5 F 4 D 7 F 4 F F/D F D D 6 F F F D D F 12 F 10 F 4 G D G D 14 5 3 6 7 5 8 8 13 4 16 1 9 2 8 3 10 4 14 5 9 6 7 K 9 10 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 17 23 18 8 19 20 21 24 31 * HUDSON (9-8-3)* NAME YR P G A PTS Justin Wheeler Sr G (2.66 GAA) AdamConley Fr F 1 2 3 Mike Mooney So F 0 1 1 MattCunha So D 2 13 15 Ryan Neuffer So F 0 0 0 Adam Miller So F 6 14 20 Dennis Cabral 8th D 0 0 0 Mike Chamberlain So F 9 21 30 Peter Messina Fr F 0 0 0 Jason Galofaro Sr F 9 9 18 MikeYerardi Jr F 13 12 25 Kevin Kittredge So F 14 16 30 Melissa Smith Fr F 0 0 0 Donald Philippe Jr F 0 0 0 Kevin Lage Jr D O 0 0 Jesse Dcsrosiers Sr D 3 5 8 MikeMcGrath Sr D 5 8 13 DaveCapizzi Jr F 13 12 25 Dave O'Brien Sr F 3 2 5 Jeff Roche Sr F 0 1 1 Mike Parker So D 0 2 2 Tony MacDonald 8th F 1 1 2 Marc Exarhopoulos Fr G (2.72 GAA) Coach: Michael Nanartowich March, 1M99 A/MA Tourney Central Massachusetts Rosters # * LEOMINSTER (9-9-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS # 4 Jon Roy Jr 6 Ryan Kurasowicz So 7 Robert Leblanc Fr X Thomas Coulter Jr ') Matthew Bcauchemin J r 10 Daniel Richard Sr 1 1 Anthony Reardon So 1 2 Michael Turner Jr 13 Claude Winship Jr 14 Justin Bissonette So 15 Shawn Booth Fr 16 Shaun Booth So 17 Jason Leblanc Jr 18 Derek St. Armand Sr 1 9 Kevin Brandimarte J r 20 Vincent Marino So 22 Steven Weaver Fr 23 Amanda Johansson Fr 25 Phillip Johnson Fr 27 Gregory McNally Fr 28 William Coulter Fr 29 Shaun O'Brien Sr 30 Adam Blood Jr F F F D D F F F D F F F F F D F F D D F G G G 1 3 5 4 6 17 0 1 0 0 7 10 14 4 1 6 4 5 15 18 10 15 8 12 5 1 1 13 30 3 3 4 5 6 6 1 1 8 15 17 12 26 1 5 4 5 3 9 (3.30GAA) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 30 *MURDOCK (13-5-2)* NAME YR P G A PTS Bob Batchelder GaryNiles EdSpcllman Arthur Murphy Billy Cadden Adam LeBlanc Ed Kelly TonySbrocca Todd Jalbert Jason Bond Jonathan Thompson Tim Martinez Greg Desmarais MattLaPointe Jeremy Veilleux Travis Druidi ChadLaPointe Tony Raschioni RobMatewsky Mike Brooks So Fr So Sr 8th Jr So So Sr Sr So Jr 8th So Jr 8th Jr 7th Jr Fr G D 2 12 14 D D 2 12 14 F 1 1 2 F 1 2 3 F 22 14 36 D/F 3 15 18 D F 9 13 22 F 14 19 32 F 11 21 32 F 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 F 17 12 29 F 0 0 0 G (3.75 GAA) F 0 0 0 F 19 17 36 D 0 0 0 Coach: Tim Thompson Coach: Jean Guy Gagnon * NASHOBA REGIONAL (10-9-1)* # 1 3 4 6 7 K 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 23 27 30 NAME Dave Masi (C) Dave Baczkowski Mike Wade JayPupecki Mike Belmonte (C) Aaron Mancuso Sean McNamara Mike Lancellata Craig Lonegan Tim Fazio Chris Nicholas Jason Pierce JayMele JohnMoran(C) P a t Jackson Sean Baird Dominic King Derek Brine Coach: Richard Grant YR Sr Fr Jr Jr Sr So Jr So So Fr So So Jr Sr Fr Sr Fr So P G F F F F F D F D F F F D D F F G G G A PTS 9 2 10 9 3 2 1 1 6 2 10 5 3 2 2 14 8 8 13 4 4 2 4 4 4 13 4 # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 13 6 15 23 17 9 18 10 19 2 4 21 3 5 22 23 24 27 30 31 33 23 10 18 22 7 6 3 * NO. MIDDLESEX (13-6-1)* NAME YR P G A PTS Jesse Lelievre J.D. Lindcrmuth MattGleason Adam Swift Andrew Ruth Chris Jamieson Rob Kennedy Alex Lelievre MikeLemire Josh Chapman Jake Schofield Andrew Payette Jeff Prince Jeremy Hocter MattZdon P.J.Palermo Matt Cruikshank Gerry Auger Brian Bois Justin Kennedy Greg Kaivu Brad Hills Paul Clark Jr Jr Sr Jr Fr Fr Sr Jr Jr Sr Fr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Sr So Sr So F So Sr G D F D F F F F F F F D D F F F F F D F G G F (2.30 GAA) 1 12 13 10 10 20 O 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 5 9 16 25 10 15 25 14 19 33 2 2 4 1 2 3 0 2 2 O 12 12 3 6 9 4 10 14 0 1 1 24 15 39 13 9 22 0 5 5 0 3 3 Coach: John Jamieson PaRe 81 March, MIAA Tourney 5 (2.30 GAA) 3 8 Central Massachusetts Rosters * SHREWSBURY (17-3-0)* * NORTHBRIDGE (8-8-4) * # NAME 2 Dan Lamoreaux 4 Scott Rizzo 5 Matt Blood 7 RussNemet 8 Michael Augustini 10 Jeremy Blood 11/23 Jason Cormier 1 2 R o n Cormier 15 MarkFior 18 Stephen Buma 21 KyleTawcrell 30 Kevin Nemet 33 MattPlainte 35^1 Neil Reynolds 68 Jared Lavalle 89 Andy Grimes 91 Michael Tynon YR Sr 1i Sr Sr So Jr Jr Sr Jr Sr So So Fr Sr So Fr Sr P G D 0 F 1 F/D 6 F 9 F 9 F 18 D 4 D O D 3 F 1 F/D 1 G F 0 G F 0 F 0 F 3 A PTS 1 1 1 6 12 9 18 1 1 20 14 32 S 4 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 17 Coach: Gregory Ostopowich # NAME 1 Nate Sorenson 2 Joe Violette 3 Craig Gendron 4 Zack Sroka 5 Greg Bennett 6 Jon Kujala 7 Bob Cardin 8 Jacqui Phillips 9 Kev Richardson 10 Kevin Hunt 11 Ken West 12 Carl Lemirc 13 Nick Dion 14 Matt Sroka 15 Will Turner 1 6 Tom Hosan G 18 Andy Morano 19 Andy O'Connell 20 Justin Sorensen 2 1 Jon Moore 22 Mike Michalak 23 Nick Grout 35 Joe Plant YR Sr Sr So Jr Sr Sr Jr Sr Jr Sr Sr Jr So Sr Sr Sr So Sr Fr Sr Sr So Sr P G D F F D D F F D F F F G F D F F F F D D D G G A PTS (1.29 GAA) 2 7 9 2 3 5 5 3 8 0 2 1 7 8 14 26 40 0 1 1 0 5 5 4 18 22 0 2 2 7 15 22 (0.28 GAA) 7 16 23 6 7 13 17 22 39 19 15 34 5 6 1 1 24 16 40 1 1 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 (0.1 8 GAA) Coach: Phil Irving * WACHUSETT (14-3-3)* # NAME 1 David While 2 Yabon Drawbridge 3 Jared Grinkis 4 DaveCappucci 5 MattMcQuade 6 ZachShanlcy 7 Nate Watts S Pat Perry 9 Chris Breeds 10 JohnBenoit 1 1 Chris Warmon 13 Kevin San ford 14 Grady Shaunessy 15 Nat Robinson 16 JohnMcGann 1 8 Dave Dobson 19 OwenMcGann 19 Brian McGuire 20 Bryan White 21 MarkElbag 30 DonGueriz Coach: Jim Herlihy Page 82 YR Sr Jr Sr Sr Jr So Sr So Sr So Jr Fr Jr Sr So Jr Sr Jr Fr So Fr P G D D F F D F F F F D F F D F F F D F D G * WESTBORO (7-11-2)* G A PTS (1.85 GAA) 0 3 3 4 9 13 20 21 41 9 10 19 3 12 15 1 9 10 2 4 6 13 14 27 2 1 3 0 6 6 5 7 12 2 2 4 3 1 14 1 0 1 7 3 9 0 3 0 10 4 23 1 3 1 # 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 30 31 NAME Kirby Tang Kristen Greene Bob Tang Jared Woolacott Diane Hunter Mark Ruane Doug Mayne Chris Amorelli Kevin Moynihan John McGuire John Kemblc Jeff Lemery Alan Lai Ricky Pratt Rachel Lamothe Schuyler Gibson Jamie McPhcrson Jim Erickson Joe Sanginario Ryan Gregory Jarrod O'Donnell YR Fr So Fr Jr Sr Jr Fr Sr Jr Sr Jr Jr Fr Sr So So Sr Fr So Sr Fr Coach: Chct Hallice March, 1999 MIA A P F F F F F F F F D F D D D F F F F D F G G G A PTS 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 4 5 1 1 2 15 13 28 0 1 1 0 3 3 5 4 9 4 9 13 0 0 0 11 22 33 0 0 0 0 1 1 12 9 21 0 3 3 1 3 4 (3.85 GAA) (5.20 GAA) Ludlow (14-4-2), Longmeadow Favored Western Mass. Profiles By Tim Dumas • HNIB T rying to figure out who the hest teams arc in the Western Mass. hockey ranks has been a toss-up all winter. While the usual contenders Ludlow, M i n n c c h a u g , Longmeadow and A g a w a m all won at least I I games, Easlhampton and Ml. Greylock made their presence felt by posting 16 victories respectively. And schools such as Putnam Yoke and Springfield Central have also opened some eyes this season. Junior Mike Almeida and senior Ed Urban, who combined for 128 points, have helped Ludlow (14-4-2) emerge as one of the region's top teams. Almeida finished the season with 29-38-67 totals and Urban piled up 38-23-61 t o t a l s . Senior Mall Glista (13-28-41) is another threat for the Lions. Chris Courchesne has a 2.84 GAA and played in 18 games. With junior captain Kevin Rowc (2117-38) leading the way, Longmeadow (107-3) is a t h r e a t . J u s t i n T o u r t o l e l t e ( 1 5 - 1 7 - 3 2 ) and freshman B. J. Williams (16-10-26) have also been a powerful duo. Goalie Gerry Grondin (2.57) has been consistent for the Lancers. Minnechaiig (11-5-2) boasts three of the most potent scorers in WMass. this winter. J u n i o r Jeremy Blais, senior Brian Jacque and junior Jason Kania have given the opposition fits all season. In goal, Justin Eckhoff has kept the Falcons in nearly every game. With top-scorer Mike Donnachic (22 goals), Westfield hopes to drop a bomb on its tournament foes. The Bombers also boast Tim Corker and John G l y n n for a flashy offense to go with the stingy goaltending of Bill Lewis (2.30 GAA). Agawam (12-6-2), the Fay Division champions, have sophomore Tony LeClair (28-15-43), junior David Gusek (18-17-35) and senior Andy Radwanski (12-20-32) pacing a skilled attack while senior goalie Mike Schmidt has bricked up the net on many occasions this season. With the region's lop scorer in tow, Easthampton e a s i l y w o n the W r i g h l Division and scored more than 100 goals in the process. J u n i o r Jim Sturges potted nearly half of those goals and is joined by senior Greg Fehling and junior Matt Gagnc for a powerful attack. Page 83 Western Mass Sends Thirteen Contenders Into Playoff Action WEST SPRINGFIELD won its second consecutive WMass. crown with a 2-1 nailbiter over Minnechaug last March. (Marc Breaultphoto) West Springfield has spread its offense around and that should come in handy for the t o u r n a m e n t . Senior Tom Moran, Nate I-'ilip, Dave Roberts and Dave Borgatti are all dangerous and that could make the Terriers a terror for the playoffs. Another team that possesses an allaround scoring p u n c h is Amherst. The Hurricanes look to whip their foes with the Hkes of top point-getter Chris Looze as well as Andrew Gallinaro, Chris Pocsik, Matt C r u t c h , R e n e L y o n s and Travis Albano. The tandem of Jeff Lyons and Hlhan Schmit have performed equally well in goal. After a solid season thai culminated w i t h t h e H c n n e s s y D i v i s i o n t i t l e , Mt. Grcylock will make teams take notice this March. The Mounties also topped the 100goal b a r r i e r w i t h the likes of Luke Williams, Chris Schoficld and Aaron Heir f i l l i n g the opposition's net on a regular basis. Goalie Tom Thurston has been solid with sophomore Matt Schofield and 8thgrader Paul Galock playing well in front of him March, 1999 Junior Mike Almeida and senior Ed Urban, who combined for 128 points, have helped Ludlow (14-4-2) emerge as one of the region's top teams. Putnam Yoke (11-6-1), returns to the tournament for the first time in 12 years after c o u n t l e s s w i n l e s s seasons. The Beavers will count on leading scorer Brian Blake (10-27-37), a senior, to lead them offensively and classmate Jason Poore is the defensive stalwart. Senior goalie Chris Bcldcn has been productive between the Putnam pipes. One of o n l y two teams to h a n d Easthampton a Wright Division loss is Belchertown. The Orioles have a talented sophomore in forward Beaver Noyes as junior Kyle Savage and senior John Soja are capable offensive players as well. Junior Kevin Smith will be called on to make the big save for Bclchertown. MIAA Tourney i- Western Mass. Playoff Pairings -r Western Mass. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 13 MIAA FINAL Mt. Greylock Ludlow Minnechaug Longmeadow Agawam W.Springfield Easthampton Amherst Westfield Pittsfield Belchertown Springfield Cent. Putnam Yoke RANKINGS 16 1 2 14 4 2 115 2 107 3 12 6 2 10 7 3 15 3 0 10 7 3 10 8 1 7 10 2 115 2 11 5 2 116 1 .890 .750 .670 .580 .650 .580 .830 .580 .550 .420 .670 .670 .640 FIRST ROUND Thursday. February 25 Game 8:00 pm Oiy I Amherst vs, Westfield 4:00 pm Oly 2 __ Longmeadow vs Putnam Yoke 6:00pm Oly 3 —Agawam vs. Springfield Cent. Friday. February 26 6:00pm Oly ,Easthampton vs. Pittsfield4 8:00pm Oly 5 ___W. Springfield vs. Belchertown QUARTER FINALS - Monday. March ' 6:00 pm 6 Winner Game 1 vs Mt. Greylock Oly 8:00 pm 7 Winner Game 2 vs. Winner Game 3_ Oly QUARTER FINALS - Tuesday. March » " 6:00 pm 8 Ludlow vs Winner Game 4_ Oly 8:00 pm 9 Minnechaug vs Winner Game 5 Oly SEMI-FINALS - Thursday. March 4 10 Winner Game 6 vs Winner Game 7 Oly 6 or 8 pm 6 or 8 pm 11 _Winner Game 8 vs Winner Game 9 Oly FINALS- Monday. March 8 12 Winner Game 10 vs Winner Game 11 CC 8p.m. Olympia (Oly) Springfield Civic Ctr (CC 1999 State Hockey Tourney Mike Donnachie • Westfield Scored 22 Goals Springfield Central (8-5-2) also beat Easthampton and is playing posl season hockey for the first t i m e in six years. Senior Russell Westbrooks scored 20 of the Golden Eagles' 103 goals t h i s season. Senior captains Brendan Burke and Mike Kogut and junior Justin Lavertuc all had 30-point campaigns. Senior goalie Keith Roy had two shutouts and sophomore Mark Palatino was also stingy in goal. By finishing second in the Hennessy Division, Pittsfield rounds out the lucky 13. The Generals haven't advanced to the tournament in three years and hope to do some damage with Jeremy Pemble leading (he way on offense along with Malt Wright. Goalie Larry Boos is hoping to hear cheers when game aetion starts. Pace 84 HNIB News • Salutes The Champs Next Issue • March 31st The Winchendon School A traditional, coeducational, college preparatory school with an emphasis on helping students fulfill their potential through the efforts of a highly supportive faculty and an individualized and structured program: -5:1 Student/Faculty Ratio - Modern Academic/Athletic/Dormitory Facilities - Interscholastic and Intramural Athletics - Study Skills Instruction - Supervised Study - Excellent College Placement - Visual and Performing Arts - 18 Hole Golf Course -Grades 8-12 & PG Daniel J. Driscoll IV, Director of Admissions 172 Ash Street, Winchendon, MA 01475 (T) 800 622 1119 # 2 5 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 II 12 14 16 19 21 22 23 24 30 Western Massachusetts Rosters * AMHERST (10-7-3)* * AGAWAM (12-6-2)* NAME NAME p G Jeff Young Ben Kushmankin Mike Kosinski David Hearn Joe Case Matt Percira Jay Malanson Jason Callahun Anthony Kosinski Greg Glidden Derek Mercadame Dennis Walters David Gusek Josh Sprague Andy Radwanski Adam Sprague Tony LeClair Brian Gilhooley Brian Pagella Mike Schmidt YR Jr Fr Si So Fr A PIS 6 1 11 3 17 4 1 14 1 Sr 0 9 D 0 [; 9 1 23 1 25 So F Jr Ft F F I) F F Jr G Fr Ji F 2 F 18 D 1 F 12 D 2 F 28 I) 5 F 8 Sr Sr So So Jr Jr Si 16 3 17 9 20 11 15 9 11 5 35 10 32 13 43 14 19 G Coach: Fran Pycko # 1 4 5 I 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 22 33 50 66 88 91 97 # 1 2 Berri Jacque (A) Sr Travis Alhano Jr Jason Dodge Anders Tobiasson Jr Rene Lyons Sr 7 David Parker Sr 8 Jr David Bisson 9 Andrew Gallinaro (A) Jr 10 Tim Schmitt Sr 1 1 Paul Nelson Jr 12 Hassan Peters Jr Jr 13 Henri Lafond 14 Matt Crutch (C) Sr 15 Christopher Pocsik So Sr 16 Christopher Dillon 17 Nathan Basticn Fr I S Matt Baxcndell Fr Jr 19 Chris Looze (C) 20 Kyle Bastien Sr 22 Eric Johnson 30 Ethan Schmid Jr Sr 33 Jeff Lyons 00 Mike Melby Jr Coach: Bu/z Bray 3 1 s 6 * BELCHERTOWN (1 1-5-2)* NAME Sean Patenaudc Nick McMillan Kevin Smith Joshua LaFlamme Mario Campora Kyle Savage Brendcn Sullivan Evan Harnois Jed Duffin Tim Roth Brian Fox Kevin Bodley Pat Griffin Brett Noyes Chris Bousqucl John Soja Todd Archible Scott Noyes Coach: JcffCristina YR Fiji- Jr FIJI Jr Sr So Sr Jr Fr Fr So So Jr Sr Sr Jr P G G I) 5 (i A PTS 6 11 F 1 1 21 F 4 F 2 1) 2 I) 2 F 5 1) 1 F 0 3 4 31 10 5 6 3 14 7 1 10 6 3 4 1 9 6 1 G F 17 1 16 1 11 1 3 I) 3 21 15 10 20 9 38 31 21 23 12 YR Sr # 00 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 I1) 20 21 25 31 P G A PTS G (3.07 GAA) D 0 8 8 F 7 12 19 0 0 0 D 1 2 3 F 9 4 13 D 1 1 2 F 3 7 10 F 12 16 28 D 1 7 8 D 2 8 10 F 3 1 4 !; F 14 14 28 F 9 15 24 F 2 2 4 F 1 0 1 F 4 6 10 F 18 14 32 D 2 7 9 3 0 3 Ci (3.13GAA) G (2.96 GAA) G (5.30 GAA) * EASTHAMPTON (15-3-0)* YR P G A PTS NAME Dan Watling Mike Paul Mike Ulshocffcr Matt Gangne Eric Coppez Tom Zoliowski Josh Helms Wes Reynolds Josh Magdalenski Boh Biron Rachel Biron Greg F'ehling Jim Sturges Bryan Sleboda Dan Dostal Andy Mitchell Matt Linnell Jeffrey Graham Eric Wonderlich Jeremy Leduc Jr Sr So Jr So So Fr Sr Fr Sr Fr Sr Jr So Jr Sr So Jr So So G (1 51 GAA) (J ( 2 65 GAA) F 1 2 3 F 14 10 24 F 0 1 1 F 0 1 1 F 5 12 17 F 0 5 5 F 0 1 1 D 7 13 20 F F 18 24 42 F 43 38 81 F 1 0 1 F 1 2 3 F 5 4 9 F 9 11 20 D 4 7 11 D 3 7 10 <i (3 .24 GAA) Coach: Steve Matroni Page 85 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Western Massachusetts Rosters # 1 2 •1 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 20 30 44 77 * LONGMEADOW NAME M* Tom Leahy So Kevin Dickson Fr Jason Skypeck Sr Greg Waryiasz Fr Chris Bolduc So Ryan Ackley (C) Sr Chris Methe So Walter Sussman Jr Justin Tourtelotte (C) Sr Doug Adams (A) Sr Chuck Emma Sr J o n Liro-Hudson So MattSamble So Bryan Williams Fr Jason Desmarais Jr Gerry Grondin Jr Kevin Rowe(C) Jr Chris Kiely So ( 10-7-3)* P <; A PTS G (2.40 GAA) F F 5 9 14 D F 5 9 14 D 6 11 17 F 3 2 5 D 6 9 15 F 15 17 32 D 3 7 10 F 0 3 F 1 6 7 F 0 1 1 F 16 10 26 D O 1 1 G (2.57 GAA) F 21 17 38 D O 3 3 Coach: Brian Foley * MINNKCHAUG NAME YR Justin Eckhoff Sr Kim Lyman Fr Matt Perry Fr CaseyQuinn(A) So Ryan Conway Jr 6 Colin Drury So 7 Jeremy Blais (C) Jr 9 Chris Forrant Jr 10 Scott Gagnon So I I Jay Perry Jr 12 Jason Kania (A) Jr 1 3 Alan Mikolajczuk So 15 Chris Scanlon Jr 17 Kevin Askwith Fr 18 Andy Lajzer Fr 19 Chase Potter So 20 Chris Templeton Fr 21 Brian Jacque (C) Sr 22 Marty Blais So 23 Nate Eckhoff So 31 SeanHallihan Fr # 1 2 3 4 Coach: Pat O'Brien (11-5-2)* P G A PTS G F 0 2 2 F 0 10 10 F 2 8 10 D 0 8 8 F F 20 31 51 D 2 8 10 F 7 5 12 F 4 6 10 F 1 1 30 41 D 1 2 3 D F 2 2 4 F D 0 7 7 F 1 0 1 I-'/D 17 25 42 F 3 7 10 F 15 8 23 G * LUDLOW (14-4-2) * # NAME 5 Michael Kessler 6 NateDuhosh 7 GregHaney 8 AdamKulas 10 Carlos Chaves 1 1 Mike Linton 12 Ed Urban (C) 15 DustinGray 16 Mike Almeida (A) 17 Ed Fuller 1 8 Jason Pease 19 JonWitowski 2 0 Matt Hill 21 Jon Sajdak 22 MattGlista 24 MattRibciro 25 Jim Goodrcau 2 6 Todd Kiel 2 8 RobMathias 29 Chris Courchesne 30 Matt Condon 3 1 NarthanGray 3 2 Jeff Bra/ Coach: Richard Malek # 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 32 33 34 YR P G Sr Jr So Jr Sr So Sr Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr Fr So Sr Fr Fr Sr Sr Sr Jr Jr Jr D D D F D F F F F F D F F F F D D F D G G F F * MT. GREYLOCK NAME YR Tom Thurston Jr NickLoPresto So Aaron Herr So Chris Scholfield Jr Adam Rothschild So Brendan Murray Fr Roger Parks Fr TimKasuba So Ben Murphy So Seth Hamblin Jr Marc Kassin So PaulGalok 8th ErikTondreau(C) Sr Luke Williams So MattGajda Fr Lincoln Nemetz-Carlson Jr Ryan Miller Jr Ryan Tondreau 8th GabeThaisz Jr Matt Schofield So Gregory Hansen Fr Jon Walker Fr Murch, 1999 1 O 0 3 0 38 8 29 6 1 9 1 12 12 1 6 0 23 6 38 9 2 5 3 13 12 1 9 0 61 14 67 15 3 14 4 13 28 41 1 2 3 1 5 6 (2.84 GAA) (0.67 GAA) 3 2 5 5 3 8 (16-1-2)* P G A G F 6 1 F 14 14 D 17 11 F 4 5 F 2 6 F/D 0 1 D 1 1 F 7 5 D 4 5 F/D 2 2 D 2 7 F 18 10 F 11 15 F 0 1 F F 1 2 F 1 1 D 3 9 D 0 6 F 10 12 G Coach: Ron Hansen Page S6 A PTS MIAA Tourney PTS 7 28 28 9 8 1 2 12 9 4 9 28 26 1 3 2 12 6 22 Western Massachusetts Rosters * PITTSFIELD (7-10-2) * # l 2 4 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 NAME Larry Boos Josh Shepard Chris Bradley Shane Rose Matt Wright Jeremy Pemhlc Mike Tullock Tim Nichols Joey Taikowski Cian McGrath Steve ShakerMatt Mongeon Kyle Garvcy Boh Stetson Jesse Rivers Andrew Therrian Lisa Walz John Moore Mike Barcus Joe Drury YR So So Fi Jr Sr Jr So So Fr Ji So Sr So Jr Jr Fr Jr So Jr Sr P G G 1) 1) D F 7 F 29 F 9 1) F F F F 7 F 14 F 1) I) G I) p I- A PTS 19 26 7 36 13 22 9 10 11 10 17 7 21 Coach: Robert Lee 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS ll> 20 30 * PUTNAM (11-6-1) * -i NAME Chris Belden RJ Lindey Brian Blake John Lcssard Billy Gclinas Paul Serafino Steven Bourque Jay Bushey Matt Preston Mike Ligner Mike Dupun Jeff D'Amhrosio Peter Fontain Vinny Lacross Jason Poore Tim O'Sullivan Nick Pelletier Billy Taylor Dan Long Chris Baillargeon Nathan Seldon YR Sr Jr Sr Jr So Fr Fr Fr So Fr IT So Jr So Sr So Ji Fr Sr Fr So P <f G F F D D D 1F F/D F F D F 1 1) F F F F G G 13 () 0 0 0 7 3 11 1 0 4 0 5 8 YK Sr Jr Fi Sr Fi Si Sr Jr Sr Fl Sr So Jr So P G F D D D F F F F D F F F G G A PTS # 1 IS 3 2 2 14 20 1 16 3 7 5 3 14 5 8 7 23 12 4 20 K 11 5 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 32 8 10 9 37 32 5 36 11 18 10 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 35 10 27 1 4 5 6 2 7 1 1 S 1 15 9 5 11 1 8 23 36 1 4 5 13 5 18 2 1 12 1 20 17 9 23 1 12 * WESTFIELD ( 10-8-1 )* NAME Josh Berry Brett Rogers Jason Donnachie John Glynn Peter Jasinski Barry Archambault Chris Parent Mike Donnachie Jeff Parent Scott Phelon Ray Maynard Jeffrey Saltmarsh Nathan Kowalczyk Marc Denoncourt Marc Pignatare Tim Corker Tony Spagnoli Matt York Mike Saltmarsh Joe Strycharx Bill Lewis YK Fr Fr Fr Sr So Jr So Sr Fr Sr So Sr Fr Fr Jr So Jr Jr So Ji So P < •- A PTS G D 6 6 0 1 3 3 6 16 F 7 9 3 F 6 9 I) 1 5 6 2 D 5 7 F 22 10 32 F/D 2 4 2 F 3 10 7 4 7 F 3 1) 2 6 4 2 4 F 2 D 7 3 4 3 F7D 1 2 11 18 F 7 7 17 F 10 3 1 F/D 2 7 4 11 F 4 D 1 3 G (2. 30GAA) Coach: C.B. Matthews Page 87 4 12 0 4 A PTS Coach: David Doyle SPRINGFIELD C E N T R A L ( 1 1-5-2) * * NAME Keith Roy Justin Lavcrtue (A) Mario Manzi Joe Gurney Melissa Vandermyn 6 Brendan Burke (C) 7 Russell Wcsthrooks (A) S 9 Scott Maleshefski 10 Mike Kogut (C) 12 Zach Croteau 14 Adam Powers 16 Brian Ward 20 Tom Huckins 30 Mark Palatino 2 J 4 5 3 7 S Coach: Daniel Caritey # 1 3 4 5 ? 1 March, 1999 MM/1 Tourney Western Massachusetts Rosters # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * WEST SPRINGFIELD 10-7-3)* G A PIS YE NAMK 9 10 1I 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 Kevin Alkin MikeTenczar RickConlin Shaun Allard Mike Garrity Gerry Filip Nate Philip Matt Doe Devin Liehro Dave Roberts Doug Bush Brian Flaherty Brian DeChristopher Tom Moran Craig Dougherty Justin Kean Justin Tisdell Marcus Suscn 23 24 25 26 27 28 Seth Cassidy Jared Taillefer Carlo Navone Jeff Mitchell John Moran Dave Borgutti 22 30 31 Joe DeChristopher Matt Bocchino Paul Grenier So So Sr Jr IT Ir Jr Fr S<> Jr So So So Sr 1-r Sr So So Sr Fr So Sr Sr Jr Jr Fr Jr (2.46 GAA) (i 9 9 D 0 1 2 I) 1 8 10 I) 2 6 7 I) 1 D 23 32 F F 8 5 F 3 14 26 I 12 F 0 7 7 14 I 4 4 i) 0 14 32 F l: I) 6 F I I F 10 1 16 2 I 9 F F F F F (i G Best of Luck To All of The High School Tournament Teams! 7 3 4 21 10 12 25 (1.94 GAA) (4.50 GAA) 13 5 7 17 Coach: Gilbert Doe * OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Over 100 Rosters Statistics • Pairings X8 March, 1999 MIAA Tourney Distributed by Montreal Hockey Co. P.O. Box 2726 Stamford. CT 06906 (203) 323-0466 Fax (203) 323-9398 Dealer inquiries only, pleasel *> Proud HNIB Sponsor for over 20 years. <* MONTREAL HOCKEY COMPANY Paul Fountain Montreal Hockey VIP (781)837-3387 420 Denier Coated Nylon •• Polyether Foam THE WORLD'S BEST HOCKEY PANT o Patented High Density Rib Plastic g> Trilaminale Polyester Foam TACKLA Bmbossed Brass Buttons Brass Eyelets with Washers THE TACKLA^ADVANTAGE TACKLA Web Belting Tackla's engineers view hockey pant design as an art, a science, and an opportunity to transform what others consider mere apparel into a competitive weapon. Tackla's protective plastics let you push yourself further without risk of injury. European style fit is tighter in the hips and looser in the leg, providing freedom of movement so you can react more quickly on the ice. Unnecessary weight is eliminated to allow you to play faster, longer. Compare carefully, and you w i l l reach the same conclusion: TACKLA is the World's Best 1 lockey Pant. 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All NHL logol and mark* and team logoi and mark* depicted herein are Ihe property of (he NHL and the respective lewm and may not be reproduced without the prior written content of the NHL Enterprliet L.P. e 1998 NHL. All rights reierved TOM FITZGERALD CAF^TAIN, MASl-lVll-LE FVIEaATUH H N I B M V F> 1333 '35 BEST P>aa PROSPEC WJ T I O Al THE MOST >IECE HOCKS are Of= HOG the latest: advance In hockey combining the garter, jock and hockey sock in on • S inch waistband with a drawstring for added support. • Built In pouch for protective cup ^\ N. • A nylon-lycra short bland, designed for a snug yot breathable fit »~ Hocks Performance Compression 3hort 1. Designed Co enhance muscle performance £", Designed for added protection S support; of the h'&mstrinQ, groin end abdomen area 3. 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