Jan/Feb 2011 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association
Jan/Feb 2011 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association
CANADIAN MORGAN January/February 2011 Photo by Bob Langrish Publications Mail Agreement #41953512 Marana Farms Mirabellas Mondo - 2007 DUN Stallion available shipped semen • 2011 foals available Photos - TK Photography, MVW Trainer - Matt Rustemeier, up www.maranafarms.com 1-403-738-4603 2 January/February 2011 • Picture Butte, AB Canadian Morgan 3 Sanche Performance Horses Congratulates the New Owners of Whispering War Chant and the great success they had with Vantage Point Farms at the 2010 Grand National & Morgan World Championship Show. Grand National 4 Year Old Stallion - CHAMPION (Centerpiece out of Whispering Out Loud, bay stallion, 15.2 hh.) Sold to the stables t bl off Fieldcrest Fi ld t - Agent, A t Kathi K thi Hummel H l and d trained t i d by b Craig C i & Kathi K thi Hummel H l off Vantage V t Point P 6WDEOHLQ:DGVZRUWK2KLR7KLV¿QH\RXQJVWDOOLRQLV\HWDQRWKHUH[DPSOHRIWKHUHPDUNDEOHHIIRUWVRIKLVWUDLQHUV With their maticulous care, handling, showing and training, he was able to achieve such success. Vantage Point RIIHUVDYDULHW\RI7RS&DOLEUHKRUVHVIRUVDOHDVZHOODVRWKHU¿QH6WDOOLRQVRIVLPLODLUEUHHGLQJDYDLODEOH Sanche Performance Horses is Proud to Introduce their Arabian Stallion... 2010 Region 17 Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand Champion Vantage Point Craig & Kathi Hammel, Trainers 7497 Hartman Road Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 Ph. 330-495-7111 / 330-715-8594 Sanche Performance Horses Sandra Fenstad-Sanche, Trainer 53107 Range Road 212 Ardrossan, Alberta T8G 2E1 c. 780-983-6280 h. 780-922-6280 MORGAN CANADIAN Features Departments Manitoba Reunion Youth Message Proposed Bylaw Changes Unsung Heroes Science 101: Morgan Style 6 11 11 13 17 Who’s on the Front Cover 6 President’s Message 8 Administrator’s Message 8 Directors’ Listing 10 Ontario Owners Listing 12 Alberta Owners Listing 14 BC Owners Listing 16 Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs 19 Morgan Marketplace 20 Classifieds 20 Stallion Showcase 22 Happy New Year! From the editor’s desk T he weather outside is frightening, so I’m inside getting caught up on my horse reading and calling fellow horse lovers for some much-needed horse chitchat. Whether it’s about what we want to achieve come show season or the maladies that we’ve had to deal with since the fall, there’s always something to talk about with horsey friends. Christmas gifts for my fellow horse enthusiasts were easy. Like myself, a gift certificate to the local tack store was all they really wished for. It’s also at times like these when you’re stuck inside that you realize horses are every bit a part of your entire life. Horses require constant care and attention. And, it’s not just about the riding, but also about the people you meet and the experiences you share along the way. Good or bad, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger... and often there’s a great story to go along with it. Here’s hoping that you continue to have Morgan horses in your life, and through them, meet some great people in 2011. Happy riding... and reading! Cindy Thank you to our Advertisers: Dawnville Farms.......................Front Cover Marana Farms...........................Inside Front Cover WorkWize Morgans..................Page 3 Sanche Performance Horses.....Page 4 Buckeye Morgan Horse Sale....Page 7 Dawnville Farms......................Back Cover M&M Morgans........................Inside Back Cover BUSINESS CARDS STALLION SHOWCASE Joy Photography Cyan Star Morgans WorkWize Morgans Canabar Farm Carlton Morgans Circle S Morgans Johnsen Tree Farms Butte Morgans Double Z Acres Elnoresh Morgans Belle Coulée Morgans Sunny Acres Morgans St. John Performance Horses Sales / Editorial / Subscriptions Office: Canadian Morgan magazine Publisher/Editor, Cindy Dickson 83 Charles Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 1S6 Tel: 905.885.0525 / Fax: 905.885.7690 email: cmhamagazine@bell.net www.morganhorse.ca/magazine Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Canada Post Customer Number 7108067 Mail Agreement Number 41953512. Canadian Morgan 5 Manitoba Morgan Horse Club Celebrates 40 years by Norman Kalinski O n Sunday October 24, 2010, 30 people gathered at the Kopper Kettle in Morden, MB, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the club that was formed on January 4, 1970. Many attending had bred and/or owned Morgan horses and had not seen fellow members for many years. Following a buffet luncheon, President Jean Kustra welcomed everyone and, with the assistance of Norman Kalinski, presented certificates to founding members Art and Betty Carey; Ted and Diana Clarke; Loyde and Flora Lowry; Barry and Beth (Lowry) Sundell; and Norma Tompkins. Additional certificates were presented to Soft Winds Farm in memory of Edith (Lowry) Holenski and the Alex Sundell Family in memory of Evelyne (Lowry) Sundell. Prior to her passing in 2001, Evelyne had taken on a massive project to record the names and show records of every club member accompanied with photographs entered into five large binders. She included minutes of previous meetings along with show results. It is the intent of the Lowry family to find a library that would house this fabulous collection. Unfortunately, Flora Lowry was unable to attend; however, Loyde spoke briefly about the early days of showing that began in 1973. In those days, very few people could identify Morgan horses and were fascinated when they could place over competitive Thoroughbreds in challenging Hunter courses. As historian for the club, Norman Kalinski presented the names of purebred Morgans that began appearing in Manitoba in the 1960s. Jel #127, a mare, was the first purebred Morgan to be imported into Manitoba followed by King O’ Hara #147 for Ted and Diana Clarke, followed by Norma Tompkin’s Churann #136, and later Orcland Flintstone (US#14494). The Loyde Lowry family imported Max Hi-Ho Kid #184, Wildwood Cindy #189 and Wildwood Cinnera #190. Princecrest Stardon #1066, imported by Barry and Beth Sundell, was later sold to Alberta where he produced Fox Trim Classic. Clarence and Lorna Dyck’s contribution to the Morgan imports included Sunny-Brook Prince #1129, Downer Hill Don Royal #2018 and Fox Glove Tromp Loeil #3414. Prior to a video presentation, Norman gave a brief introduction of Fox Trim Classic, a young 15.2 hh Morgan stallion that was full of heart and full of class. In 1989, he made history by becoming the first Morgan anywhere to successfully complete a European-style 100-day stallion performance test scoring above several bigger Warmblood horses. Following this, Jean Kustra led a discussion regarding reviving the club. More visiting and reminiscing continued as attendees slowly departed for home. CM Who’s on the Front Cover? C eltic Rose Torigaid is a 17-year-old Morgan gelding by The Carolinian out of Up-Hyre Prima Dona. “Tory” epitomizes everything a Morgan horse should be. His show ring accomplishments are too numerous to list, competing in In-Hand, English Pleasure, Pleasure Driving, Equitation, Showmanship and, most recently, Roadster to Bike and Under Saddle. Tory has also provided many young riders with their first horse show experience, surprising many judges when they recognize the speedy roadster in a lead-line class. Tory has shown and placed well at the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show, garnering Top Ten placings in the 14-17 World Pleasure Driving Jr Ex Class. Outside of the show ring, Tory has been a great breed ambassador at Spruce Meadows and The Mane Event, posing for pictures and eating peppermints. He has crossed rivers and climbed mountains during the summers spent trail riding in the Rockies. Tory has been a patient teacher at summer camps, teaching young horse enthusiasts just how fun driving a Morgan horse can be. Tory showcases Morgan heart and versatility every day; he truly is a “once-in-a-lifetime” horse. Tory is owned and cherished by Ruth & Elizabeth Younie and expertly trained by Karen & Stephanie Abel at Dawnville Farms, where Tory resides. CM 6 January/February 2011 President’s Message Manitoba 2012: Here we come! I t is hard to believe that another year has come and gone and we are starting a new year and a new decade. The president’s position has been a great learning experience and I feel fortunate to add that to the many experiences I have had due to the Morgan horse. Many years ago (nearly 40) I used to read the Globe & Mail newspaper every day. One of the columnists I enjoyed reading was Richard Needham. I learned a lot from his column, especially one in which a reader asked what they should invest in: land, bonds or “gold toilet seats?” His response was one of those “never forget” moments that we experience from time to time. He said to invest in yourself through travel and learning. No one can ever take that away from you. You may experience many losses in your life, but you will always have your memories and the knowledge gained from them. I have always wanted to see what was “over the next hill” and had taken a five-month trip to Britain previously, so it wasn’t hard for me to take his advice to heart. I enjoy travelling, meeting new people, renewing acquaintances with old friends and seeing and learning new things. I attend class reunions, homecomings and travel as much and as many places as possible. The Morgan horse has really been a catalyst in expanding my circle of acquaintances and book of learning. I highly recommend that you jump at the opportunity to attend Morgan horse conventions in both Canada and the United States for some very rewarding personal growth. I have met many fascinating people, made new friends, attended learning seminars, saw new parts of North America and really expanded myself. I hear people say, “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the time.” Take time and make it a priority to “smell the roses” by focusing on the value of expanding your knowledge and making new friends. In 2012, Manitoba is the scheduled location for our Annual General Meeting, and historically a convention. Manitoba has been relatively inactive for about a dozen years, but has recently been rejuvenated and, in addition to electing an executive, has started preliminary plans for the Annual General Meeting in 2012. You can be there to help them make it successful so start making plans now by opening a “Manitoba 2012” savings account, collecting “air miles” and setting aside tentative vacation dates around the first two weeks of April 2012. I hope to see you there. Administrator’s Message T Photo by Joy Photography he new CMHA board has a slightly different look for 2011; we welcome Norman Kalinski as the new director for Manitoba and Cathy Braun will take on vice director for the next three years. There has been a real buzz in Manitoba lately, which is very exciting and they are celebrating 40 years as a club. Tina Collins and Sandra McGinty are returning as director and vice director for Ontario and Laurie Lyons and Dana Bewza-Ward are also returning to represent the provinces of British Columbia/Yukon. It is with sadness that I announce the resignation of Andre Laurin from the position of director for Quebec. Andre has tried diligently and at much of his own expense to represent Quebec with very little help. There has been no vice director for quite a few years now and Andre, with little knowledge of the CMHA or the Morgan breed, jumped right in feet first and met head-on with the challenges. But, one person can only do so much and Andre has decided to step back. Therefore, the call for a new director and vice director is being placed, once again, to Quebec Morgan owners. Please consider volunteering. We are also looking for a new chairperson for Promotion. Jenny Best is stepping down after completing her term and we thank Jenny very much for her work. Taking on Promotion is very challenging with limited funds and such a large country to co-ordinate. This position requires someone with a lot of energy! If you are that person, please contact either the office or Lyle Dietz, nominating chairperson, for more information. I received many Tag Line entries and I thank everyone for sending in their creative ideas. The board is deciding on the next step as to how to select the favourite, so stay tuned for more on this exciting contest. 8 January/February 2011 Awards are the “name of the game” this time of year and I look forward to announcing our trail winners, versatile winners and show winners in the next issue. If you are new to the association and would like to compete in either or all of these high points for 2011, please contact me. All the best to you in 2011 and I hope many of you can get out and support your local club and zone AGMs this winter. They are fun, entertaining and informative and you never know, perhaps a little horse business might also occur. Nancy Kavanagh, Office Administrator CANADIAN MORGAN HORSE ASSOCIATION NEWS Membership/Fee Schedule Revisions Starting January 1, 2011, the fee schedule for Morgan/part-Morgan horses will be revised. All fees will be increasing 10%. This includes memberships and a $10 magazine mail surcharge will be added onto annual and junior memberships. Life members and junior affiliated members are not affected by the mail surcharge. The CMHA is pleased to be able to offer a NEW form of membership; The CMHA will offer a 10-year membership for $500 plus taxes. The 10year term for this membership will expire December 31, 2020, and the mail surcharge will not apply to this membership. Registry News The CMHA board is so pleased with the amount of older Morgans being registered due to the previous moratorium, that the board has created a new moratorium to continue registering older Morgans at a discount. The CMHA will accept Morgans two years and older into the registry at a 25% discount of the current fee schedule until December 31, 2011. CM Congratulations to the winners of the Canadian Morgan Horse Association 2010 Virtual Foal Futurity Reserve Champion Foal Keswick River Tramontane (Season’s Forever French X Night In Gale) Champion Foal Foal owner: Joanne Macbride, New Brunswick Breeding donator: Coulee Bend Morgans, Lyle & Cindy Dietz, Alberta Morgan Hill Talk Show (Talk Back X CM Amazing Grace) Foal owner: Dwayne & Shannon Comeau, Alberta Breeding donator: Morgan Hill Farm, Alberta We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Greg Reeves who judged our foals for us! Stallion owners whose services sold and were paid for, each will receive a nice leather halter with commemorative halter plate - your contribution was greatly appreciated!! Looking to take on an interesting and challenging project? If so, then this may be what you are looking for! The CMHA is looking for a volunteer to Chair the next CMHA Stallion Service Auction and Foal Futurity. If you think you might be interested, please contact: CMHA President Bob Watson Ph: 403-378-4323 or email: cbwatson@telusplanet.net Canadian Morgan Horse Association CMHA Office Administrator: Nancy Kavanagh Tel: (905) 982-0060 Fax: (905) 982-0097 Email: info@morganhorse.ca Mail to: Box 286, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A3 Courier to: 18555 Highway 12, Greenbank, ON L0C 1B0 www.morganhorse.ca CMHA Officers President: Bob Watson Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 (403) 378-4323 Fax: (403) 378-4322 cbwatson@telusplanet.net East Vice President: Open to Volunteer West Vice President: Laurie Ann Lyons Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P., Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250) 571-9419 Laurie.Lyons@gov.bc.ca Treasurer: Candas Rolls 1238 Wascana Highlands, Regina, SK S4V 2J6 (306) 545-2652 jandcrolls@sasktel.net Past President: Lyle Dietz Box 128, Galahad, AB T0B 1R0 (780) 583-2128 lcdietz@telusplanet.net CMHA Directors Alberta/NWT/Nunavut Director: Karen Abel Site 4, Box 2, RR #2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2 (403) 986-3185 kamorgan@telusplanet.net Vice Director: Open to Volunteer Atlantic Director: Melissa MacKenzie 63 McManus Street, Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3 (506) 832-5515 morgans@nb.sympatico.ca BC/Yukon Director: Laurie Ann Lyons Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P., Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250) 571-9419 Laurie.Lyons@gov.bc.ca Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward #38 – 1760 Copperhead Drive, Kamloops, BC V1S 2B4 (250) 572-7357 D_I_Ward@shaw.ca Manitoba Director: Cathy Braun Box 851, Winkler, MB R6W 4A9 (204) 331-4571 Lcbraun@hotmail.com Ontario Director: Tina Collins 2685 Concession 4, RR#1, Loretto, ON L0G 1L0 (905) 729-4317 tcollins@equiman.com Vice Director: Blair Kidd P.O. Box 44, Miniota, MB R0M 1M0 (204) 567-3823 judykidd@mts.net Quebec Vice Director: Sandra McGinty 361 Stafford Avenue, Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C5 (519) 832-6564 Samscribe1@hotmail.com Saskatchewan Director: John Beaver 725 McTavish Street Regina, SK S4T 3T8 (306) 533-7619 jwbeaver@sasktel.net Vice Director: Tina Porter Box 303 Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0 (902) 639-2832 contact@portersequine.com Director: Open to Volunteer Vice Director: Open to Volunteer CMHA Directors Emeritus Vice Director: Candas Rolls 1238 Wascana Highlands, Regina, SK S4V 2J6 (306) 545-2652 jandcrolls@sasktel.net Margaret McDonald Site 4, Box 5, RR#2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2 (780) 986-6652 dvf@compusmart.ab.ca Jack Reeves 32 Oakdene Crescent Little Britain, ON K0M 2C0 (705) 786-9063 Eldon L. Bienert Site 4, Box 5, RR#2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2 (780) 986-6652 Committee Chairs Charlene Dalen-Brown - Registry 85 Ashwood Drive Saskatoon, SK S7T 1B9 (306) 373-8200 cdalenbr@cmhc-schl.gc.ca 10 January/February 2011 Cec Watson - Equine Canada Box 660 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 (403) 378-4323 cbwatson@telusplanet.net Pat Crema - Constitution/Bylaws Box 210 Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (250) 577-3218 cremapat@telus.net Lisa Kavanagh - Youth Box 46 Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2 (905) 985-0691 lisa@cyanstarmorgans.com Youth Message T his past year has been slower than normal for me as the youth chair. Being back in school is more time consuming than I recalled! But we do have a few exciting things to share, nonetheless! I had received four entries for the CMHAY logo contest this summer and the entries were made available on-line, anonymously for judging/voting by the youth members. The voting numbers were very disappointing, though (I think I had four votes total). I was hoping I would have had more participation than I did as it was advertised in the magazine, on-line on both CMHA and the CMHAY Web sites and Facebook! This logo will be used on all official CMHAY documents and awards, including the youth challenge ribbons and cooler! Thank you to those who submitted logos. Our winner was Justin Marion of Edwards, ON. The logo is on the CMHA Web site and was printed in the magazine. The 2010 Youth Challenge was, once again, a big success for both the Atlantic and Ontario zones. Alberta was to host theirs in September but, unfortunately, it did not happen. Atlantic had six participate and Ontario had seven. Thank you to all those who participated and to those who donated their time to help run these challenges for our youth to enjoy. I will be looking for speech topics for the 2011 Youth Challenge; any ideas please send them along! Once again, the CMHA medal classes were held in the Atlantic, Ontario and Alberta zones at their Morgan shows. Thank you to all those who participated in these classes. A new set of ribbons will be made for the CMHA medal classes beginning in 2011. They will be presented to the PROPOSED BYLAW CHANGES Dec 09 Article XII. C. 6 Number the existing above article as C. 6. (a) Add an additional statement to be numbered C. 6. (b) “A Director, Vice-Director, Director-Elect, or Officer who becomes a member of the Board midterm or as the result of a Board vacancy may be allowed, at the Board’s discretion, to lease a purebred Morgan horse until the expiration of that current term of office. Such lease must be registered with the CMHA and CLRC and its cost is the responsibility of the individual involved. Once that term of office has expired, the individual must then become an owner as prescribed above, i.e. in C.6.(a).” Article XX Registration of Pedigrees 8. Add: after American Morgan Horse Association, “or a registry recognized by the AMHA”, Rationale: now have more recognized registries riders with the new logo on them. We used to have a different set for these classes years ago and I would like to go back to them. As always, the Horsemastership levels are available, both in the office and on-line. I will hopefully get Level Four on-line over Christmas and then begin working on Level Five once I finish my school studies (in June). Deadlines for the OYAS, Scholarship and Sportsmanship Awards are fast approaching. The deadlines are on-line as well as all the rules and guidelines. Please encourage your zone/ club youth to participate! We will be having a youth leader change in Ontario in January. Current leader Mandy Gilbank has decided to step down after two years. Val Reeson and Vanessa Gonyea will be taking over this position for the time being, Welcome aboard, Val and Vanessa! The Ontario youth have been busy as usual, fundraising, having meetings, showing, volunteering and just having fun as a youth group! They may be a small group, but they are mighty! I have been finding it hard to keep in touch with zone youth leaders (besides Mandy in Ontario and Jen Scobie of New Brunswick) so I don’t have much to report from the others as to what our zone/club youth have been up to over the summer/fall. Other than that, it has been quiet. I hope to get some (lots would be nice!) entries for our CMHA youth contests in the New Year to start it off with a bang! As always, I welcome your questions, comments and suggestions! Lisa Kavanagh, CMHAY Chairperson 2010 Virtual Foal Futurity Placings Article XXIII Names and Prefixes 6. (e) Change the period to a comma Add: “except as described in 5.” Rationale: clarification Champion Foal: Morgan Hill Talk Show (Talk Back x CM Amazing Grace). Foal owner: Dwayne & Shannon Comeau, Alberta. Breeding donator: Morgan Hill Farm, Alberta. Article XXVII Applications for Registration 1. Remove: “...in the name of the person certifying to the service.” Remove: “...as being the property of the person signing as owner at the time of service.” Rationale: no longer requiring certification of service. Third place: End of Trail Tigerlily (UVM Thomise x Harmony Acres Jasmine). Foal owner: Paul Humphries, Alberta. Breeding donator: Coulee Bend Morgans, Lyle & Cindy Dietz, Alberta. Article XXVIII Transfers and Duplicate Certificates 2. Remove: “….the service certificate must be completed.” Rationale: same as above Article XXXIV Amendments 1. Change: “ninety (90) days” to “sixty (60) days” 2. Change: “ninety” to “sixty” Rationale for both: two months should be enough time as faster communication Reserve Champion Foal: Keswick River Tramontane (Season’s Forever French x Night In Gale). Foal owner: Joanne Macbride, New Brunswick. Breeding donator: Coulee Bend Morgans, Lyle & Cindy Dietz, Alberta. Fourth place: Cyan Star Marrakesh (Up Hyre Advantage x Saralin’s Markessa). Foal owner: Kavanagh family, Ontario. Breeding donator: Holly McHugh, Ontario. Fifth place: Lauralee Shadowfax (SHW Northern Eclipse x Lauralee April). Foal owner: Sherri Wilson, Ontario. Breeding donator: Lauralee Morgan Farm, Sherri Wilson, Ontario. Sixth place: Workwize Duramax (Triple S Chinook x Karenza Alice). Foal owner: Maggie Northcott, Alberta. Breeding donator: Belle Coulee Morgans, Alberta. Seventh place: Thistledown High Society (ZR Society Statusmaster x Thistledown Mystic Flaire). Foal owner: Ashtyn Palmerchuk, Alberta. Breeding donator: Highland Plains Ranch, Alberta. Eighth place: Sambooka (SHW Northern Eclipse x Chestnut Hill Sara Lee). Foal owner: Jane Davy-Ward, Ontario. Breeding donator: Lauralee Morgan Farm, Sherri Wilson, Ontario. Canadian Morgan 11 Ontario Morgan Owners & Breeders To be placed on this list contact: Zone Director: Tina Collins (905) 729-4317 tcollins@equiman.com or Vice Director: Sandra McGinty (519) 832-6564 Samscribe1@hotmail.com Legend: VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead) SS - Stallion(s) at Stud ST - Semen Transport FST - Frozen Semen Transport FS - Horse(s) For Sale BD - Horses Boarded TR - Training LS - Lessons Given A-1 MORGANS Ida M. Vaillancourt & Gary A. MacDonell R.R. #2, 1632 Scotch Bush Rd. Douglas, ON K0J 1S0 (613) 649-0076 a_1@xplornet.com / www.a1morgans.com VW/SS/FS/BD A-One Jim Dandy ANFARRA Nadon Family 45 BB Beach Rd. Bailieboro, ON K0L 1B0 (705) 939-1999 / anfarra@sympatico.ca www.angelfire.com/nm2/anfarra VW/SS/ST//FS/TR Sonrise of DM (Crem) AnFarra Que Barbaro (Blk) RDS Irresistible (Bay) Draconia Winchester (Grey) Amberfield’s Anfarra Revere (Grula) Coachman’s Adagio (Pal) BARTLIFF FAMILY MORGANS Charles & Donna Bartliff 551 Campbellville Rd. Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 (905) 659-3094 / cbartliff@hotmail.com VW BIG CREEK MORGANS Jim Hoo 29 Arnold Rd. Harley, ON N0E 1E0 (519) 446-0098 / hoo_jim@hotmail.com VW/FS CATCHPENNY MORGANS Craig & Tina Collins 2685 Conc. 4 Loretto, ON L0G 1L0 Tel. (905) 729-4317 / Fax (905) 729-4325 tcollins@equiman.com VW 12 January/February 2011 CYAN STAR MORGANS KAVANAGH TRAINING STABLE Brian & Nancy Kavanagh Lisa, David & Danny Kavanagh Box 46, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2 (905) 985-0691 nancy@cyanstarmorgans.com www.cyanstarmorgans.com VW/FS/TR/LS DERAWNDA MORGAN FARMS Allen Davison 56 5th Conc. Rd. Burford, ON N0E 1A0 Tel. (519) 449-2809 / Fax (519) 449-3999 derawnda@bellnet.ca www.derawndamorganfarms.com VW/SS/FS JMF Wind Walker Derawnda Reflections Image ELNORESH MORGANS Elizabeth Robb 620 Concession 5 Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0 (613) 678-2944 / elnoresh@gmail.com www.elnoreshmorgans.com VW/SS/ST/FS/TR/LS CW’s Totally Silver (Grey) Krila’s Gallant MacDuff (Pal) Elnoresh Royal Rum (Cream) JUSTICE MORGANS Ken & Elaine Pedlar 2796 Bear Creek Rd., R.R. #2 Iverary, ON K0H 1X0 Tel. (613) 353-6157 / Fax (613) 341-2818 kenneth.pedlar@scj-csj.ca VW LAURALEE MORGAN FARM Sherri Wilson R.R. #3, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3 (905) 852-9406 morgans@lauraleemorgans.com www.lauraleemorgans.com VW/SS/FS SHW Northern Eclipse MAPLE WOOD STABLES Jenny Storer R.R. #2, Holyrood, ON N0G 2B0 (519) 392-8174 / rh@wightman.ca VW/SS/FS UCM Beaumon TFM Editor-In-Chief MWS Mane Attraction MCH MORGAN FARM Holly & Greg McHugh 2087 Haldimand Rd. 17, R.R. #1 Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0 Tel./Fax (905) 772-5588 mchmorganhf@mountaincable.net VW/FS/BD MISTY AYR STABLE Linda & Stephen Squibb 65 Airport Rd., Stirling, ON K0K 3E0 Tel./Fax (613) 395-4569 mistyayrstable@aol.com www.mistyayrstable.com VW/FS/BD/TR/LS ROBMARANN FARMS Robert McNeil & Sons R.R. #3, Hanover, ON N4N 3B9 Tel. (519) 364-6930 / Fax (519) 364-0889 VW/SS/FS/BD Derawnda Atlas SCHIEHALLION MORGANS Thomas J.H. Reid 1422 Castleford Rd., R.R. #5 Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z8 (613) 432-4508 / morgans@renc.igs.net VW/SS/FS Pure Nuggeteer’s Standard Schiehallion Tearchnach Furbruk Majesty SHOAL POINT MORGANS Rick & Chris Monteith 1174 Shoal Point Rd. Ajax, ON L1S 1E2 (905) 686-6424 / chrismonteith@rogers.com Owners & Morgan Supporters SUNNY ACRES MORGAN FARM Tim & Wendy Inch 8133 Oneida Rd., R.R. #1 St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S5 (519) 769-2588 t&winch@sunnyacresmorgans.com www.sunnyacresmorgans.com VW/SS/ST/FS Equinox Beau Dandy Samor’s Excalibur THOMAS FAMILY MORGANS Bob & Marge Thomas 41599 Sparta Line, R.R. #1, Union, ON N0L 2L0 (519) 633-2390 / rwthomas@sympatico.ca VW/SS/FST/FS TFM Skywalker (Grey) TWINLINK MORGANS Bert te Winkel R.R. #2, Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 (519) 638-2762 O/VW/FS WHISTLER’S MORGAN FARM Laurie Willert 22825 Mayfair Rd., R.R. #3 Appin, ON N0M 1A0 (519) 289-1349 / royal-vintage@hotmail.com O/VW/SS/ST/FS The Corsican Bay Noel’s Accolade Whistler’s Royal Vintage Unsung Heroes: Craig Collins, Multi-Tasker Extraordinaire by Karen Robinson H e’s worn a lot of hats over the years: competitor, trainer, hunter and jumper judge, FEI course designer, Equine Canada Board member, Jump Canada board member and committee(s) member, fundraiser and entrepreneur. The horse show organizer hat is really several hats in one; Craig Collins and two partners started the company Equestrian Management Group (EMG) in 1986. It has developed into a multifaceted business that offers much more than just horse show management, including jump construction, facilities management and software development. EMG’s horse show management system has more than 2,500 customers across North America, including HITS, and the Kentucky Horse Park. Craig has recently donned an especially big new hat that he will wear for the next five years; when Toronto was awarded the 2015 Pan American Games last November, Caledon Equestrian Park became the official venue for Pan Am equestrian events. “It’s obviously a wonderful opportunity that comes along only once,” says Craig, who is apparently Craig Collins. undaunted at the prospect of taking on the Pan Am Games while maintaining business-as-usual with his many other responsibilities. Craig’s involvement with equestrian sport started in the saddle. An active young rider competing in the US and Canada, he later became a professional, running boarding, training and sales operations. After a stint in Ohio came to an end when the owner of the facility passed away, he returned to Canada. “I was coming to the end of a relatively successful riding career, and an old injury was causing me a lot of pain,” says Craig, who chose Madison Square Gardens in 1986 as his moment to retire from competition. “I won all five classes, and thought it was a wise time to call it a day.” He counts himself lucky to have had two exceptional horses in his career. “It would take a horse as good as those two to get me enthusiastic about riding again.” Since then, Craig’s energy and creativity have been applied to almost every aspect of the equestrian world other than riding. Running horse shows has always interested Craig. In the past, horse shows were often run at private farms. “I had a horse operation in the Oakville area, and we ran shows there,” he recalls. “It was something that came to me fairly easily, and as an exhibitor I was always aware of how shows were run.” When EMG put on their first horse show, they had 400 stalls, “and we thought we would never fill them. We now have 1,000 stalls and we’ve been filling them for at least the past five years. The growth has been unbelievable in all regards.” So how does Craig manage to find time for his volunteer activities? The same way he made time to give a phone interview for this article on a day when there were 800 horses at the Caledon Equestrian Park for the Classic Photo by Cealy Tetley at Palgrave show: “I just fit it in.” Volunteering for committees has been part of Craig’s life for longer than the 57 year old cares to count. “I have always been involved as a volunteer and a member of boards for different provincial organizations.” Craig was a director on the board of Equine Canada’s predecessor, the Canadian Equestrian Federation. He and Mark Samuel were the first two board members of Jump Canada; apart from a one-year hiatus, Craig has been on the board since Jump Canada was formed in 1998. Currently, he is chair of the Jump Canada Finance Committee, having been the past chair and current member of the Competitions Committee, a member of the Rules Committee, the Jump Canada representative of Finance with EC, the chair of EC’s IT Committee, a member of the EC Reciprocal Committee, a member of the EC Board, and he sits on the EC Rules and Competitions Committees. “My nature is that if I’m going to be on a committee, I’m going to put my full effort into it,” says Craig. “I don’t fail to answer emails; I’m actively involved. I’m very passionate about our sport and how it develops. I work hard at it.” He also tries to keep a few course building and judging activities on his calendar each year. “I think it’s important to stay current with course design and judging,” he says. Craig admits that he is doing a bit too much right now, particularly with the 2015 Pan Am Games now on his plate. Fortunately, he has an understanding family who accept the fact that during the show season he is often gone before they are out of bed in the morning, and he returns home after they have gone back to bed at night. Craig’s wife Christina and 13-year-old daughter Mackenzie have horse passions of their own, showing Morgans. Craig also has a 28-year-old son, Andrew, whose construction business includes building riding arenas. Work has already begun on the Pan Am Games preparations, though at this point, it’s mostly at the meeting and planning stage. As a horse show, the Pan American Games will be a relatively small affair for EMG, with only 180 horses. “Comparing horses, it might be the smallest horse show we’ve ever had,” laughs Craig, recognizing the irony. The Pan Am Games will bring its own challenges on the commercial side. “The requirements of the bidding process were that we would build a stadium that can accommodate 7,500 people. The media and spectator presence will be far larger than what we have seen before.” In the meantime, the facility must continue to function as a horse show venue. “The challenge is that we are not taking a blank piece of land, but Collins continued on Page 14 Canadian Morgan 13 Alberta Morgan Owners & Breeders To be placed on this list contact: Zone Director: Karen Abel (403) 986-3185 kamorgan@telusplanet.net or Vice Director: VACANT Legend: VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead) SS - Stallion(s) at Stud ST - Semen Transport FST - Frozen Semen Transport FS - Horse(s) For Sale BD - Horses Boarded TR - Training LS - Lessons Given BAPTISTE LAKE MORGANS Larry & Marg Armfelt Box 2070, Athabasca, AB T9S 2B6 Ph/Fax: (780) 675-5168 larmfelt@telusplanet.net www.baptistelakemorgans.com Baptistelakemorgans.com VW/SS/FS Baptiste Captain Navy (Crm) Renegade Commando (Pal) BELLE COULÉE MORGANS René & Aura Pombert Site 5, Box 11, RR #2 Leduc, AB T9E 2X2 (780) 986-1446 rpombert@hughes.net www.bellecouleemorgans.com VW/SS/FS Triple S Chinook (Pal) Sunnyridge Porter (Pal) Baptiste Chey Tre Pal (Pal) BREDWEL MORGANS Margaret and Jack Devetten Site 11, Box 23, RR #1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 (403) 995-4656 md@ace-plumbing.ca VW/SS/FS Bredwel’s Solor Flair (Pal) CANABAR FARM Vern Baron & Ann de St. Remy Site 5, Box 66, RR #4, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Ph/Fax: (403) 782-3856 canabar@ccinet.ab.ca VW/FS COUNTRY LANE MORGAN FARM Eldon & Betty Bezaire 21166 TWP Road 542 Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3Y9 Ph/Fax: (780) 998-7215 bettyneldon@albertacom.com VW/SS/FS/TR/BD CLM Cocoa’s Cavalier (Pal) COYOTE MORGANS The Penningtons Box 1574, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 (403) 823-5086 / Cell: (403) 334-1792 coyotemo@telus.net VW/SS/FS/BD JMF Hot Ice Mystery DAWNVILLE FARMS Eldon Bienert & Peggy McDonald Site 4, Box 1, RR #2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2 (780) 986-6652 / Fax: (780) 986-6281 dvg@compusmart.ab.ca VW/SS/FS/TR/BD/LS Century Destiny’s Child (Bay) DIGGER’S PLACE Lynn Danyluk PO Box 382, Main Station Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 (780) 656 0406 / digbits@msn.com VW/SS/FS/BD/TR/LS Cas-sel Canadian Classic (Blk) Sir William Barr (Amer Crème) If you have not renewed your CMHA membership, then this is the last issue of Canadian Morgan that you will receive! Don’t Miss Out! Renew Your CMHA Membership Today! January/February 2011 OAKLEA MORGANS Robert & Cecila Watson Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 (403) 378-4323 / Fax: (403) 378-4322 cbwatson@telusplanet.net VW/FS/TR/BD/LS SSS MORGANS Ivan & Sandy Chrapko & Family Box 2697 Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-5696 / Cell: (403) 627-8074 Fax: (403) 627-5699 sssmorgans@platinum.ca sssmorgans@telusplanet.net www.sssmorgans.ca VW/SS/FS/TR/ST Bessia’s Tatanka (Homozygous Blk) VONAVET FARMS Todd and Yvette Taylor Box 9, Site 15, RR #1, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 (403) 224-2644 / tytaylor@airenet.com VW/SS/FS/BD/TR MLF Midado Collins IMPORTANT NOTICE: 14 DIXON Robert, Bea & Samantha Dixon 267 – 52061 Range Road 215 Sherwood Park, AB T8E 1B2 (780) 922-3882 / Fax: (780) 922-2010 brdixon@dixonworld.com VW/SS/FS Baccarat’s Extra Flair (Blk) continued from Page 13 an active facility.” The building window is fairly narrow—in the couple of months before and after show season, when the ground is not covered in snow. The pay off will be in the form of a legacy for the future. “This is a unique opportunity to take a facility that is already successful to an international level,” says Craig. Not surprisingly, Craig doesn’t have much time for recreation beyond the odd golf game. A boat in his backyard is referred to as a “lawn ornament”; it has not seen water for some time. Craig did, however, make time to attend the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky. Ever the multi-tasker, he cheered on the Canadian Team, while at the same time learning as much as he could about putting on a world-class, multi-discipline equestrian event. As usual, when Craig makes a commitment, the sport benefits. CM Re-printed with permission from the author. This article was first published in the Jump Canada newsletter. Saddle Seat Demo at the Royal by Nancy Kavanagh, Cyan Star Morgan Horse Farm F our very talented girls represented Saddle Seat riding at the 2010 Royal Winter Fair on November 13-14. Ashlyn Moore, Natalie Martens, Ally Bianchi and Lisa Kavanagh did a fine job representing the OEF Provincial Saddle Seat Equitation Championships. A booth was set up (thanks to Liz Bianchi and Gloria Moore) and the girls and their parents took turns on booth duty. It featured our banners, lovely photos, a cut back saddle and other appointments along with the girls’ medals and ribbons. There were three demonstrations. While one girl rode, the other two would answer questions from the large audience. Such questions as, “How do you get such a long tail?” to “What training techniques do you use for Saddle Seat?” were asked. During the last demonstration of the day, the girls were presented with their championship ribbons, medals and prizes. What a grand way to end the season for these championship riders! CM Photo by Jason Chamberlain Northumberland News, Brighton Independent T he 142nd annual Fair in Roseneath, ON, was held on October 2 and 3, 2010, and as always, there was plenty for everyone to do. Left is Stephanie Rutherford competing in the Light Horse and Morgan Horse Show. CM Canadian Morgan 15 British Columbia Morgan Owners & Breeders To be placed on this list contact: Zone Director: Laurie Ann Lyons (250) 571-9419 Laurie.Lyons@gov.bc.ca or Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward (250) 572-7357 D_I_Ward@shaw.ca Legend: VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead) SS - Stallion(s) at Stud ST - Semen Transport FST - Frozen Semen Transport FS - Horse(s) For Sale BD - Horses Boarded TR - Training LS - Lessons Given A.P. GUEST RANCH Registered Morgans Susan & Andre Patry 4220 Highway 5A South, Box 1148, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 (250) 378-6520 / Fax: (250) 378-3498 apguestranch@hotmail.com www.apguestranch.com VW/BD/TR/LS/FS BIRCH MEADOW FARMS Dr. H. Sawatzky 637 Enderby-Grindrod Road, Enderby, BC V0E 1V4 (250) 838-7454 / Fax: (250) 838-0237 swaz@nowcom.ca www.birchmeadowfarms.com VW/SS/FS AfterSchock Dot Com BLUE MOON FARM Jill & Gordon Bewza RR#2, S-25, C-45, Chase, BC V0E 1M0 (250) 679-8226 / jbewza@telus.net VW CROOKED SKY MORGANS Brian & Sonja Halliday Box 2065, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4K8 (250) 843-7181 / bnshalliday@xplornet.com VW/SS/FS JMF Leprechaunn (Blk) GLENBIRNAM FARM Registered Morgans Roma H. Tingle 2765 Denicola Crescent, Prince George, BC V2K 5C7 (250) 963-7309 / Fax: (250) 963-7301 VW/FS GNR MORGANS Gerald & Rachel Sdoutz RR#2, S-23, C-8, 1576 Chase-Falkland Road, Chase, BC V0E 1M0 / (250) 679-1175 gnrmorgans@xplornet.com www.gnrmorgans.com SS/FS/VW DM Teacher’s Top Mark (Blk) MORNINGSTAR MORGANS Dora Gagne Box 420, Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (250) 577-3199 / gagnedl@telus.net VW GRANITE MORGANS Gunther & Dagmar Funk 4280 Schubert Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 (250) 546-2891 VW/SS/FS Trophy’s Julio NOBLE-T MORGANS Tom & Lee Nobles Box 73, Crandlemire Road, Grindrod, BC V0E 1Y0 (250) 838-2228 / Leetom.nobles@gmail.com www.noble-tmorgans.com VW/SS/TR/LS Noble-T Desperado (Blk) Ramulus Justin (Bay) frozen semen GREEN GABLES MORGAN FARM Ed & Debora Morgan and Alyssa Neufeld 4684 Black Enderby Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B8 (250) 546-8058 greengablesmorgans@hotmail.com VW/SS/FS WF Royal Mist’s Kurik (Blk/Brwn) OLDE MORGAN WAYE Registered Lippitts Elise Rimbey Box C-1, 4008 Dear Road, Falkland, BC V0E 1W0 (250) 379-2988 VW/SS/FS Scormor Joshua Classic HIGH COUNTRY MORGANS Dan & Pat Powell Box 634, Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0 (250) 968-4474 VW/FS R LIL’ MORGANS Registered Morgans Lisa Linnemeyer & Darcy Elliott 990 Airport Road, Creston, BC V0B 1G2 (250) 428-8723 / info@rlilmorgans.ca www.rlilmorgans.ca VW/SS/FS ISLAND MORGAN FARM Howard Fowler Box 59, Virginia Road, Coombs Vancouver Island, BC V0R 1M0 (250) 248-3882 Island Conquest (16hh Ches) Island Grand Duke (15.3hh Pal) JOHNSEN TREE FARMS LTD. Kris & Inge Johnsen 13616 – 232 Street, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R5 (604) 463-2571 / johntreeki@shaw.ca VW/FS MAJESTIC VALLEY MORGANS Adriane & Philip Wiebe 15362 Blackwater Road, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A1 (250) 570-9246 / Ajohnston84@hotmail.com www.majesticvalleymorgans.com VW/SS/FS TWMR Flash RASPBERRY FIELD MORGANS Ron & Teresa Born P.O. Box 42, Rose Prairie, BC V0C 2H0 (250) 827-3501 / rtborn@awink.com www.raspberryfieldmorgans.com VW/FS TRAILWOOD FARM Pat & Renz Crema Box 210, 2067 Martin Prairie Road Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (250) 577-3218 cremapat@telus.net VW You still have time to advertise in the March/April “Stallion Issue” of Canadian Morgan 905.885.0525 cmhamagazine@bell.net 16 January/February 2011 Science 101: Morgan Style! M ackenzie Collins, a Grade 8 student at King’s College School in Caledon, Ontario, had an unusual presentation for the school science fair: a Morgan horse. Mackenzie’s project was comparing the human anatomy to that of an equine. She arrived at school on the day of her presentation with “SKF Jus Kiddin” in tow, a 21-year-old Morgan mare. Both “Jess” and Mackenzie were painted, Mackenzie with her human skeletal system, and Jess with her horse skeletal system on one side and major organs on the other. During the presentation, students were invited to guess where to find Jess’s heart and listen to her heartbeat. The retired show horse relished the attention and, once again, finished at the top of the class! CM Canadian Morgan 17 Zone/Club Meeting Dates • BC/Yukon Zone AGM will be February 5 at 1:30 p.m. at The Loft, Chase BC. Contact Director Laurie Lyons at 250-571-9419. • Ontario Zone/Club AGM will be February 12 at the Delta Markham. Contact Director Tina Collins at 905-729-4317. • Alberta Zone/Club AGM will be February 5 at 12:00 p.m. at the Leduc Legion Hall. Contact Director Karen Abel at 780-986-3185. • Manitoba Club AGM will be February 13 at 12:30 p.m. at the Super 8 in Portage la Prairie. Contact Jean Kustra at 204-638-5864. • Nova Scotia Club AGM will be February 19 at the Legion in Stewiacke. Contact Bev Young at 902-883-9908. • New Brunswick Club AGM will be February 20 in Sussex. Contact Dawn Brown at 506-4335725. Eleanor Reesor O n November 13, 2010, the Morgan world lost a true lover of the breed. Eleanor Reesor passed away and leaves behind a legacy of beautiful Morgan horses. A long-time breeder in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Eleanor’s breeding program produced her pride and joy: her beloved stallion After Eight. “Eight” was a strong and consistent winner in the In-hand Division in the Pacific Northwest for several years, with his crowning achievement being named Reserve Grand National Stallion Five and Over in Oklahoma in 2009. Eleanor was a treasure to the Morgan people. She was active in the BC Morgan Club for several years in its glory days. She was an animal lover through and through and she was always seen with her faithful dog, Brave, who passed away just a short time before her. Eleanor was feisty and strong willed and sometimes blunt, but she always told it like it was. She is survived by her daughter, Andrea, who for many years, was her partner in her breeding operation. Everyone at Glori will miss Eleanor terribly, but take solace in the knowledge that she and her loving dog, Brave, are together again watching down on her horses and family. CM PROMOTE YOUR STALLION! You still have time to advertise in the March/April ‘Stallion Issue’ of Canadian Morgan s It! is M t ’ Don Call or email Today! 905.885.0525 cmhamagazine@bell.net 18 January/February 2011 Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs of Canada QUEBEC Acting President: Charlene Dalen-Brown 85 Ashwood Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J8. Ph: 306-373-8200 cdalenbr@cmhc-schl.gc.ca President: Yannick Laflamme 4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0 (450) 467-2732 Secretary: Carol Uhrich Box 143, Francis, SK S0G 1V0 Ph: 306-245-3384 Secretary: Melanie Parenteau 4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0 (450) 467-2732 NEW BRUNSWICK The Morgan Horse Club of Nova Scotia President: Melissa MacKenzie PRESIDENT: Jenny Best 63 McManus Street Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3 (506) 832-5515 43 Carrobie Rd, East Village, RR #1 Londonderry, NS B0M 1M0 (902) 668-2284 Secretary: Dawn Brown SECRETARY: Bev Young 222 Route 870 Collina, NB E5P 1P8 (506) 433-5725 19 Lacy Anne Avenue Enfield, NS B2T 0A5 (902) 883-9908 ONTARIO President: Sherri Wilson 971 Scugog Line 12 Uxbridge, ON (905) 852-9406 morgans@lauraleemorgans.com Secretary: Sandra McGinty www.ontariomorgan.com 361 Stafford Avenue Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C1 (519) 832-6564 samscribe1@hotmail.com British Columbia Interior President: Pat Crema Box 210, 2067 MarƟn Prairie Rd. Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (250) 577-3218 cremapat@telus.net Secretary: Karen Wilkie 4095 Schubert Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Ph/fax: (250) 546-8973 ALBERTA President: Kathy Padgham Box 412, Hay Lakes, AB T0B 1W0 (780) 672-6978 Secretary: Ann de St. Remy Site 5, Box 66, RR #4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Ph/Fax: (403) 782-3856 The New York State Morgan Horse Society An Oĸcial Chapter of the American Morgan Horse AssociaƟon We invite you to invesƟgate our Morgan horses and acƟviƟes. You can visit our website at nysmhs.org for the latest news, classiĮeds, and events. Links to other acƟviƟes such as the NY Regional Horse Show and NY Stallion Service AucƟon can also be found there. For more informaƟon or a copy of our newsleƩer, The Trader, write to Mark Langdon at christmaspast@earthlink.net or at 161 Dublin Hill Road, Southbury, CT. 06488 Canadian Morgan 19 Morgan Marketplace CARLTON MORGANS L. Feucht Box 432, Meadow Lake Saskatchewan, S9K 1Y3 Tel: (306) 236-4790 Fax: (306) 236-5579 carltonmorgans@sasktel.net www.CarltonMorgans.net FOR SALE, 2 BLACK MARES. SIRE: HDD Royal Senator, DAM: Princess Bethany. HDD Imperial Blue Satin #13204, born 2000(4 black foals). HDD Imperial Sparkplugg #13205, Born 2001(3 black foals). 9 Flyhawk, 5 Senator Graham. Sire is homozygous, some siblings are. $6000/pair. Sue at tatonka-tatonka@hotmail.com. STAN & VERA MILFORD Box 758, Estevan Saskatchewan S4A 2A6 Tel: (306) 634-3333 Fax: (306) 634-9851 Cell: (306) 421-3161 BORDERTOWN PRINCE at Stud REGISTERED MORGANS for Sale www.circlesmorgans.com THE ONTARIO MORGAN HORSE HOTLINE SALES LIST. A great place to find your Morgan and a great place to sell your Morgan! Web site is updated on a regular basis. Visit www. morganhorse.on.ca to view the listing. For more info call (905) 985-0691 or brian@cyanstarmorgans.com. Kris & Inge Johnsen JOHNSEN Tr e e F a r m s L t d . GOLDENCREST MORGANS 13616 232ND STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC CANADA V4R 2R5 TEL: (604) 463-2571 FAX: (604) 463-2590 email: johntreeki@shaw.ca Promoting and supporting all breeds and disciplines 11 issues per year, 30,000+ readers Your Best Value Magazine! the quarterly magazine that gives voice to the living tradition of Canadian horse farming. New Canadian Draft Horse & Oxen Farming Videos Contact: Ruth Freeman, 9310 Addison/Greenbush Rd. , ON K0E 1A0 - 613-924-9354 - ruthfreeman@ripnet.com www.drafthorseconnection.ca 20 January/February 2011 1-866-546-9922 P.O. Box 371 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 www.saddleup.ca Member of the BC Interior Morgan Horse Club The Kavanagh Family Breeders of National Champion Morgans Maggie & Doug Northcott Carbon, AB 403-546-0072 Email: workwize.ent@gmail.com www.workwizemorgans.com Joy Photography Specializing in Equines Dorothy Woodward (905) 983-6497 Email: joyphoto@sympatico.ca 32 Davids Crescent Orono, Ontario L0B 1M0 - Level 1 Saddle Seat Instructor - Training available Nancy@CyanStarMorgans.com www.CyanStarMorgans.com FOR SALE: Goldencrest Spirit Dancer – PWF Good Will Hunting – Goldencrest Elise. 5-year-old mare, 15.1 hands, chestnut with blond mane & tail. Green broke. $5,500. Call 604-463-2571 johntreeki@shaw.ca Welcome New Members! Alberta Tanner Rosia of Cochrane British Columbia Kelly Bilquist of Gabriola Ontario Gwen Goudie of Bobcaygeon Advertise your horse for sale in Canadian Morgan Great exposure! Affordable rates! cmhamagazine@bell.net Canadian Morgan 21 Stallion Showcase! 67$1',1*::)67$//,216 $&RSSHUOHHV3KRHQL[$'XSOLFDWH(DJOH SDORPLQR FKHVWQXW XQRU:KHQ7KHUH¶V:RUNWREH PLO\) 'R D ) U QH &+5,6-(66&$030$16 )R 3LFWXUH%XWWH$OEHUWD ZZZEXWWHPRUJDQVFRPLQIR#EXWWHPRUJDQVFRP Standing in 2010 Elnoresh Royal Rum (HMSTD Rum Runner x Two J Baby Cakes) 2008 smoky cream colt Elnoresh Morgans Elizabeth Robb 620 Concession 3 Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0 613-678-2944 elnoresh@gmail.com www.elnoreshmorgans.com Make Your Dreams Come True Quality Stock for Sale! For Stud Service Servic and Sales visit: www.sunnyacresmorgans.com Tim & Wendy Inch R.R.1 St.Thomas ON N5P 3S5 519-769-2588 22 January/February 2011 st. john performance horses lv absolutely shameless (De Novo Shameless X Arboria Apollo’s Pride) 2009 Saskatchewan Zone / Champion InHand Stallions / Reserve Champion Hunter Pleasure / Reserve Champion Overall Standing the 2010 season to a limited number of mares. Corbin and Jessie St. John Box 112, Brock, SK S0L0H0 Tel: (306)379-2115 cjmorgans@hotmail.com www.stjohnmorganhorses.com )25 6$/( 3.75(*(1&<·65(9(1*( -0)1REOHPDQ;'HH&HH&HUHQLW\ .QRZQQDPHVLQSHGLJUHH:LQGKRYHU5HJHQF\ %HDPLQJWRQ1REOH&RPPDQG&RXUDJHRI(TXLQR[ &KDVOH\6XSHUPDQ'HHU¿HOG&KDOOHQJHU :HOOEUHG\HDUROGEODFNEUHHGLQJ VWDOOLRQWKDWSURGXFHVEHDXWLIXOWUDFWDEOH ELJPRYLQJEDELHV 6WDQGVKDQGV *HWRIPDUHVEUHGWR3.75HJHQF\¶V5HYHQJH DOVRDYDLODEOHIRUSXUFKDVH .DUL-DQ]HQ(G1RUWRQ 557R¿HOG$OEHUWD7%- EM#MPIPRUJDQVFRP Canadian Morgan 23
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