2014 Annual Report - Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
2014 Annual Report - Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
T H E R E’S NO LIMIT TO THE GOOD WE CAN DO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | Celebrating 95 Years of Generosity IT STARTED WITH AN ACTION. AN IDEA. A PASSION. Now there is a new energy and optimism in our region that cannot be denied. Buildings are going up. Barriers are coming down. Where we were once defined by our limits, we are now driven by our potential. Thanks to your generous support, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo continues to be a champion for change in Western New York. From the arts and education to healthy homes and the environment, we’re improving lives and our future. As the momentum builds in our community, we’re also emerging as a respected voice in the national conversation on change —giving us access to more resources and partnerships than ever before. Together, we’re creating a ripple effect of progress that will keep reaching more people in more places than we ever thought possible. With thanks for your partnership, Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker President and CEO Gerard Mazurkiewicz Chair, Board of Directors ENSURING A FAMILY’S TRUST FOR GENERATIONS PETER C. CORNELL TRUST Susan and her brother, Stephen, seem to have endless stories about the kindness, business intuition and generosity of a man known to them as Uncle Peter. Although they never met him, family stories have been passed down through generations and a deep connection leads them to honor their uncle’s legacy in Western New York through a foundation he established upon his death. You may know Uncle Peter as Dr. Peter C. Cornell, a savvy Buffalo businessman who was one of three early investors in Trico. Throughout his life, he recognized the importance of supporting economic development, education and the arts in his beloved community. “With an ever-increasingly complex regulatory world, we now rely on the Community Foundation and are able to relieve ourselves of the administrative expenses of running our own show and the fiduciary duties of the Trust investments,” said Chris. “Now we can concentrate on learning more about where we should put our resources to make the greatest impact according to Peter’s wishes.” The Peter C. Cornell Trust was established in 1949 through “I didn’t realize how much we would Peter’s Will and now, more than gain in our thinking and decision60 years later, his legacy is still making from being a part of the carried on through his greatCommunity Foundation,” said Stephen niece, Susan Cornell Wilkes; his Cornell. “It is that element of the great-nephew, Stephen Cornell; Dr. Peter C. Cornell partnership that allows us to have and two local community a multiplier effect—we can see how leaders, Chris Greene and Jock the projects we’re considering fit into the larger Mitchell. With Susan and Stephen living out picture of the renaissance happening in Buffalo.” of town, the trustees began exploring ways to stay connected and informed about the needs All the trustees agree that by relying on the in Western New York. They also recognized Community Foundation for administrative support, a need for outside help with oversight of their community knowledge and investment power, there’s investments. The Community Foundation no limit to the good they can do in Peter’s name. proved to be a perfect match. “ I T I S T H AT E L E M E N T O F T H E PA R T N E R S H I P THAT ALLOWS US TO HAVE A M U L T I P L I E R E F F E C T ” - S T E P H E N C O R N E L L- 4 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Peter C. Cornell Trust Advisors Pictured Left to Right: Stephen Cornell, Susan Cornell Wilkes, Jock Mitchell and Chris Greene SIBLINGS’ DREAM FUELS THE DREAMS OF MANY ALANSON AND LEAH BIGALOW “At age 98, I am thankful for what I have, realizing that it is not mine. It is only loaned to me. It is my responsibility to be grateful, enjoy, use it wisely and share.” -LEAH BIGALOW IN A 2013 LET TER TO T H E CO M M U N I T Y F O U N DAT I O N - Leah’s simple yet powerful philosophy on generosity is likely a result of her humble upbringing on a farm in Wilson, New York. Leah and her brother Alanson (“Lance”) were committed to their family and helping others. Lance settled down in Wilson, working in Niagara Falls, and later took care of his father who had Parkinson’s disease and his mother who had breast cancer. Dedicating her career to public service, Leah left Western New York and was an Army nurse in Hawaii when World War II started. Due to her service commitment, Leah was unable to return home to help Lance care for their ailing parents. After serving more than 20 years in the United States Public Health Service Leah Bigalow Commissioned Corps and living in California, New York City and Washington, D.C., Leah returned home to Niagara County to care for Lance, who was having serious health issues of his own. For years the siblings talked about Lance’s dream of helping students from their hometown pursue a career in science. 6 When Lance passed away in 1990 and left his estate to his sister, Leah took the advice of her attorney and reached out to the Community Foundation to honor Lance’s wish. Leah was impressed by what the Community Foundation had done in her brother’s honor with the Alanson C. Bigalow Scholarship Fund. When Leah passed away in September 2014 — just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday — she left a portion of her estate to establish a fund at the Community Foundation that supports the changing needs of the community in her name. Now, Lance’s and Leah’s legacies of generosity toward others will carry on, forever providing limitless opportunities to address critical community needs. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT E V ERY J O URNE Y S TA RT S WI T H A SINGLE STEP A STRONGER ENDOWMENT BENEFITS STUDENTS TH E PA R K S C H O O L O F B U F FA L O Tucked away in a bustling area of Amherst, New York, you’ll find The Park School on picturesque grounds. Founded in 1912 and located off Harlem Road since 1920, this unique college preparatory, independent school was started by parents who wanted more flexibility from the traditional methods used to teach their school-aged children. “We strive to engage our students in active learning, challenging them to learn while doing,” said Chris Lauricella, Head of School at The Park School since 2008. “It’s our goal to engage our students in every aspect of our organization. That progressive philosophy is why we were founded 100 years ago and still drives our operations today.” To continue the legacy of that progressive philosophy for another 100 years, The Park School Board of Trustees knew they needed higher returns for their endowment and more flexibility in decision-making. The Community Foundation fit their needs perfectly and offered some unexpected benefits as well. “Yes, the higher return has made a huge difference and we’re able to impact a lot more children because of it,” said President of the Park School’s Board of Trustees Melissa Baumgart. “Additionally, being a part of the Community Foundation has become a selling point with donors whom we work with. We also recognize and appreciate that the Foundation is out there doing good work in our community — and we’re proud to be a part of that.” “The Community Foundation literally holds your hand every step of the way to make sure you understand the process, know where your money is going and understand how you can grow it,” said Chris. “You aren’t just a number, you’re an organization they are trying to help.” As a result, school leaders can stay focused on creating an inspiring learning environment for students and the trustees can confidently work to build the school’s endowment to support educating more generations of Park students. “ PA R T N ERIN G WI T H T H E CO M MUNI T Y F O UN DAT I O N A L LOWS US TO SERVE OUR MISSION A N D R E A L I Z E O U R A M B I T I O N S” -CHRIS L AURICELL A , H E A D O F S C H O O L AT T H E P A R K S C H O O L- 8 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Chris Lauricella, Head of School at The Park School, and Melissa Baumgart, President of The Park School Board of Trustees LIFTING BURDENS IN THE GRANT PROCESS B U F F A L O & E R I E C O U N T Y G R E E N W AY F U N D Foundation leaders know that making grants involves more than just signing checks. From structuring and executing a grant process to handling due diligence and ensuring the dollars are used efficiently, managing the lifecycle of a grant can be ambitious for volunteers or trustees charged with that responsibility. Each year the Buffalo & Erie County Greenway Fund Standing Committee is tasked with awarding grants to organizations with projects dedicated to improving and enhancing the Niagara River Greenway. The extensive process is anything but a walk in the park. By contracting with the Community Foundation for philanthropic consulting services, the Committee enabled its members to focus on setting goals and choosing the grantees rather than necessary but time-consuming administrative burdens. The Standing Committee is comprised of representatives from the City of Buffalo Mayor’s Office, the Erie County Executive’s Office, the New York Power Authority and the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy. Its members knew they needed a professional partner to help ensure that all aspects of the grant process were administered properly — from processing the paperwork to managing how Greenway grant dollars are spent effectively and efficiently. The Community Foundation now steps in as soon as the Standing Committee approves a grant award and works directly with the grantee to disburse the funds, track how they are being used, answer questions and document results. Relying on the Community Foundation’s 95 years of experience in grantmaking allows the Standing Committee to focus on the decision-making. Together there’s no limit to the good this partnership can do to make our region greener. GREEN IS THE PRIME COLOR O F T H E W O R L D , A N D T H AT FRO M WHI CH I T S LOV EL IN ESS A RISES - P ED R O C A L D ER N D E L A B A R C A- 10 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Valley Community Association’s Buffalo River Fest Park is just one of the many projects funded by the Buffalo & Erie County Greenway Fund Standing Committee. BLAZING A TRAIL FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE M. DOLORES DENM AN FUND FOR COMMUNITY NEEDS Pioneer. Trailblazer. Groundbreaker. All of these words describe Dolores Denman, who truly defines what the Community Foundation considers a change maker. As the first woman to serve as the presiding judge in the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, Dolores left an indelible mark on the legal community. As a tribute to her inspiring leadership, the Appellate Division Courthouse in Rochester bears her name. “Dolores broke the glass ceiling for young women aspiring to be a judge and was a great boss, mentor and writer,” said Les Greenbaum, who served as a Confidential Law Clerk for Dolores in the Appellate Division and is an attorney at Gross Shuman, P.C. “And she had a great sense of humor.” “Dolores was a change maker in her own right and by designating her fund to address the changing needs of the Western New York community, where she got her legal start, I know she would be pleased to see how we are honoring her legacy as an agent of change,” said James Denman, Dolores’ widower. James’ trust in the Community Foundation runs deep. He is a past chairman of the board and knows first-hand the vital role that Changing Needs Funds play in building the cross-sector relationships that drive change in the community. Her family felt it was important to honor Dolores’ legacy beyond the legal community when she passed away in 2000. THE COMMUNIT Y F OUNDATION H A S BEEN A BL E TO L E VER AGE E V E RY $1 GR A NTED IN D OLORES’ N A ME WITH $13 M O R E THROUGH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LO C A L , STATE A ND N ATION A L FUNDING SOURCES TO A DVA NCE COL L A BOR ATIVE INITIATIVES TH AT MULTIPLY HER FA MILY ’S A ND FRIENDS’ GENEROSIT Y. Honorable M. Dolores Denman 12 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT I ALONE CANNOT CHANGE T H E W O R L D, BUT I CAN CAST A STONE ACROSS THE WATERS TO CREATE M A N Y R I P P L E S. - M OT H ER T ER E S A- CHANGE MAKERS 1919 1970s Mr. & Mrs. George F. Rand Memorial Fund Gretchen Rand Penney Bequest Helen Anderson Cobb Bequest Martin A. Buecking Bequest Catherine Swerdloff Bequest Herbert F. & Bertha W. Darling Trust Ralph Kimberly Bequest Philip S. Savage Trust Elizabeth Crosby Gardner Fund Josephine Biontolillo Bequest Jean Knowlton Brown Fund Henrietta M. Wiley Bequest 1920s The Community Foundation is grateful for the opportunity to serve clients who care about making Western New York a better region for all. Some of these clients have established endowment funds to address the changing needs of our community over time. Today, more than 100 Change Makers, listed on the subsequent pages, have asked the Community Foundation to address those changing needs in their names forever by establishing an endowment fund for perpetual support. The changing needs designation ensures that their endowment will always be relevant and allows us to engage the community in co-creating shared solutions. The focus areas for these precious resources are identified through thoughtful and comprehensive research and are carefully monitored. In 2006, the Board of Directors selected four community goals on which to focus: Improve educational achievement for low-income students; Increase racial/ethnic equity; Enhance and leverage significant natural resources; and Strengthen the region as a center for architecture, arts and culture. Thanks to the visionaries listed at right, the Community Foundation is driving change in these areas through the initiatives highlighted on pages 22–31. Jacob F. Schoellkopf-Jefferson Penn Fund William Henry Andrews Bequest Lilla B. McCready Bequest 1930s Jacob G. Joseph Bequest Albert J. Klinck Memorial Fund Harry S. Hilliker Bequest Richard C.R. Taggesell Fund 1940s Louis R. Davidson Bequest William Hengerer Company Fund George F. Rand Bequest Walter H. Schoellkopf Memorial Fund Jacob F. & Wilma S. Schoellkopf Trust Howard Kellogg Trust Horace L. Mann Memorial Fund Madeline A. Kraft Bequest 1950s Special Fund #7 J.F. Schoellkopf Jr. Bequest Ellsworth M. Statler Trust Charles & Marion Hahn Fund M. Florence Fraley Fund in memory of her son, George K. Fraley Jr. Edward H. Letchworth Memorial Fund C. Edgar & Roberta S. Schabacker Trust Edward H. Letchworth Bequest 1960s Anna May Andrews Trust Louise Kimberly Bequest Thekla R. Groben Bequest Edna Foster Smith Bequest J.F. Schoellkopf IV Memorial Fund 16 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 1980s Ida M. Mevius Bequest Open Key Fund Judith Abbott Schoellkopf Memorial Fund William F. Goodson Bequest Albert, Maude & Marion Schuele Memorial Funds Eldon H. Chaddock Bequest Judith Abbott Schoellkopf Fund Polly Rumsey Wolfe Fund Charles E. Stewart Memorial Fund Burtsell-Steuernagel Memorial Fund Edward C. Schlenker Trust The D-B Trust Mr. & Mrs. Franz T. Stone Trust Ruth E. Farrington Bequest Dr. Harry G. LaForge Bequest Adrian A. & Betsy B. Bennett Fund Howard T. Saperston Sr. Trust Ina D. Alt Trust 1990s William L. Van Schoonhoven Fund Walter L. Byram Bequest William B. Walsh Trust Fund Eileen & Rupert Warren Charitable Fund Bernard D. Welt & Ida Z. Welt Fund Kittinger Family Fund Leonard L. & Blanche F. Hank Fund Howard C. Laverack Bequest Natalie Kubera Roth Fund William J.C. & Louise Grupp Memorial Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Henry M., Patricia A. & Mary Brainard Naylon Bequest Peter J. Ferraro Memorial Fund Pearl B. & J. Lawrence Osborne Memorial Fund G. R. S. Fund Evelyn Stiem Fund Sonja H. & Carlton P. Cooke Jr. Fund Gretchen L. & A. Warren Smith Jr. Changing Needs Fund Betty Ball Wilder Fund Marjorie & Mary Louise Emerson Bequest 2000s M. Dolores Denman Fund for Community Needs Stanley A. Brzezinski Memorial Fund Niagara Area Foundation Endowment Fund Anonymous Norma E. Pfeifer Fund Thelma L. & Milfred R. Beck Fund Kuang Mei Wang Fund Betty Crump Fund Wyoming Foundation Endowment Fund Gail Johnstone Community Leadership Fund June Farrington Fund Herman Spiegel & Amanda Spiegel Memorial Fund Fischle-Laesser Endowment Fund Rosemarie C. Steeb Endowment Fund 2010s Elizabeth Deichman Fund H. Reed Hunt Fund Ilene N. Hein Fund Edmond & Margaretha Lawrence Fund Langley Family Fund Estate of Leah Bigelow Edna L. Carroll Trust Worth L. Farrington Fund Normandy Fund Turin Fund 17 CHANGE MAKERS: ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS The Community Foundation recognizes the generous donors who, in 2014, demonstrated their belief in our community’s potential by contributing to the Community Foundation in support of our efforts to drive positive change in Western New York. These gifts allow the Community Foundation flexibility to address our community’s most pressing needs, while simultaneously enhancing our ability to capitalize on unique opportunities. By linking arms and working together with clients, funding partners, nonprofit organizations and representatives in government, the Community Foundation is creating bonds that are strengthening our community and forging new solutions to many of our region’s long-standing challenges. To learn more about becoming a change maker, please contact Betsy Constantine, Community Foundation Vice President, at (716) 852-2857, ext. 217. THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT $1.8 $1.6 All balances in millions $1.4 $1.4 $1.6 Mr. John L. Asimakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Alphonso O’Neil-White Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Aversa Ms. Michele M. Iannello-Ward Jennifer J. Parker, J.D. Ms. Melissa Baumgart Bill & Anne Joyce Ms. Ruth A. Parker Ms. Nancy G. Berg Mr. Robert Kelley Ms. Linda Purdy Mr. & Mrs. Denis C. Berwanger Mr. & Mrs. Hans R. Kunze Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Reagan James & Joanne Biltekoff Ms. Amy Jo Lauber John P. Robshaw Jr., Esq. Gary & Willow Brost Timothy & Carolyn Lyons Dr. Anne Saldanha Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Burling Mr. Thomas S. Maimone Katie & Jake Schneider Mr. James E. Cheesman Mr. & Mrs. Gerard T. Mazurkiewicz Mr. Matthew F. Slazak Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Cohen Ms. Elizabeth McCormick Southview Farm L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Comstock Ms. Cheryl A. Miller Dr. Richard A. Stockton Jr. Ms. Anne Conable Jock & Betsy Mitchell Michael & Marsha Joy Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Coveny Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Montante Uniland Development Corporation Ms. Frances Cox Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Moran, Esq. Dr. Francisco & Janet Vasquez Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Dadd Gary L. Mucci, Esq. Walsh Duffield Companies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin S. DeGolyer Jr. Michael E. Munschauer, CFP Mr. & Mrs. John N. Walsh III Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Diachun Mr. & Mrs. Sanford M. Nobel Mr. Kevin B. Zeches Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dutton Gayle L. Eagan, Esq. Ross & Mary Alice Eckert Mr. & Mrs. John P. Emerling $1.2 Five Star Bank $1.0 Mr. & Mrs. Theron A. Foote $0.8 Ms. Marian H. Foster $0.6 $0.4 Lawrence C. Franco $0.4 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Fulmer Mr. Scott Gardner $0.2 Dr. Danis J. Gehl & Mr. Scott W. Gehl $0.0 ORIGINAL GIFT IN 1975 VALUE IN 2014 TOTAL GRANTS TO CHARITY SINCE 1975 At her death in 1975, a widow gifted $400,000 to the Community Foundation to create a fund as a tribute to her late beloved husband. Originally from Germany, the couple made Buffalo their home, and she wished to take care of their adopted community in perpetuity. By the end of 2014 the fund had grown to more than $1.4 million and had given another $1.6 million to support the changing needs of the community. 18 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gillen Grant Golden & Deborah A. Goldman Ms. Brandi B. Graham Deborah Graham Schmit Aravind & Elizabeth S. Herle Mr. & Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick Jr. Community Foundation donors Jennifer J. Parker, Dr. Danis Gehl and Melvin Parker, Esq. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 19 I T IS E A SIER TO REACH OUR DESTINATION IF WE R O W T O G E T H E R SPREADING HOPE THROUGH EDUCATION S AY Y E S B U F F A L O YES IS LIMITLESS. “I still have all their report cards taped to my locker at work,” says William H. Franklin Jr. “And I have a china cabinet full of every award my daughters won,” adds Mary Ketter-Franklin. William and Mary are beaming as they talk about their five daughters who graduated from Bennett High School. But after cosigning on college student loans for their four older daughters, the Ketter-Franklins were unable to cosign for Cheyenne, their youngest daughter and the valedictorian at Bennett High School in 2013. “We were backed into a corner,“ said Mary Ketter-Franklin. “Cheyenne had worked so hard and the thought of her not having the opportunity to attend college was heartbreaking,” said William Franklin. “Then we heard about the Say Yes Buffalo scholarship and I can’t describe the feeling of relief.” “At first the students didn’t believe me that I also went to a Buffalo Public School and was going to college on a Say Yes Buffalo scholarship. It’s amazing how many young people’s attitudes I’ve watched change because of the opportunities Say Yes offers them.” Say Yes Buffalo goes way beyond awarding scholarships. To help students in kindergarten through 12th grade achieve academic success, Say Yes Buffalo works to remove barriers to learning. In 2014, a Family Support Specialist was placed in every Buffalo Public School; sustainable mental health clinics were relocated into “Cheyenne had worked 19 schools with the help so hard and the thought of her of Erie County and the Community Foundation; not having the opportunity and free legal clinics to attend college was were opened in four schools to help stabilize heartbreaking. Then we heard families and assist about the Say Yes Buffalo on noncriminal matters. scholarship and I can’t describe While Cheyenne’s the feeling of relief.” parents are incredibly thankful for what -W I L L I A M F R A N K L I N , FAT H ERSay Yes Buffalo has A sophomore at the done for their daughter, University of Buffalo, they recognize the Cheyenne recognizes the magnitude of the responsibility they have as parents in raising opportunity she was given by Say Yes Buffalo their children. and has already started to pay it forward. “It’s up to us to instill in them the need “Say Yes Buffalo helped me find a job mentoring to achieve and encourage them to be better younger students in the City of Buffalo so they are able to make their lives better,” last summer,” said Cheyenne Ketter-Franklin. said Mary Ketter-Franklin. 22 YES IS POSITIVE. Y E S I S P R O G R E S S . COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Proud parents, William and Mary, embrace their daughter, Cheyenne, who is thriving at the University at Buffalo on a Say Yes scholarship. INSPIRING A BRIGHT FUTURE Buffalo Public School students stop at a museum on a transformative trip to the General Motors Headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. C O M M U N I T I E S O F G I V I N G L E G AC Y I N I T I AT I V E “To see someone who went through the same trials and tribulations that I’m going through and still become successful just reinforced my belief that anything is possible.” - C H A R L E S B EL L , A SEN I O R AT H U TC H -T E C H H I G H S C H O O L A F T ER A T R A N SF O R M AT I V E T R I P TO T H E G EN ER A L M OTO R S H E A D Q UA R T ER S I N D E T R O I T, M I C H I G A N - Each year, the dedicated council members of Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative (CGLI) put in countless volunteer hours to create positive change in the lives of youth of color living in lowincome communities. By providing access to people, places and experiences, the goal is to expand the minds of youth of color and show them the possibilities of a bright future. One of the programs of the Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative is “Success Looks Like Me.” This pay-it-forward initiative provides young people of color living in low-income neighborhoods access to professional role models. One of several experiences offered in 2014 was a transformative trip to the General Motors Headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, where the students met with executives of color. Jason Conner shows us what he learned on the Close Up trip to Washington, D.C. 24 The executives shared the importance of having a dream and making it a reality. There’s no doubt that hundreds of students’ lives will be changed thanks to our volunteers and the generous donors who make this work possible. Other 2014 milestones for the Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative included another eyeopening trip for local students to Washington, D.C., in partnership with the Close Up Foundation. CGLI’s 2014 Pay It Forward Awards recognized the following organizations that partner to support youth of color: General Motors Tonawanda Engine; First Niagara Foundation; Buffalo Public Schools; and the University at Buffalo. Together, there’s no limit to the good we can do to create positive change in the lives of youth of color living in low-income communities. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Local students in front of the Supreme Court on the Close Up trip to Washington, D.C. BRINGING OUR CULTURAL COMMUNITY TOGETHER THE SUPPORT FUND FOR THE ARTS TO KEEP C R E A T I V I T Y FLOWING Children playing with blocks learn at a young age how important the base of a structure is. Without a strong base, their work of art will crumble. The same concept applies to supporting our region’s arts and cultural gems. This year, Fund for the Arts committed to broadening the base of financial and audience support for small and midsize arts organizations. Through programming in partnership with schools, hundreds of students are introduced to professional teaching artists who expose them to experiences ranging from performance arts to visual arts. Fund for the Arts is a cooperative of Western New York arts funders, including family, private, public, corporate foundations and the Community Foundation, that focuses on strengthening the arts and cultural sector through collaborative partnerships like the Arts Services Initiative of Western New York (ASI) and Arts Partners for Learning (APL). One example of broadening the base of financial support is Give for Greatness, which will be one of ASI’s key programs in 2015. Give for Greatness fundraises specifically to support small to midsize arts organizations. For example, the Lawyers for the Arts held a fundraiser in 2014 that allowed Give for Greatness to award $1,000 grants to 15 deserving organizations. Since 2005, Fund for the Arts has directed more than $2.4 million to strengthen the arts sector in our community and help organizations move closer to self-sustainability by building capacity through advocacy and education. APL builds audience support by expanding access to arts education for children in Western New York through creative learning programs with organizations like Squeaky Wheel, the Western New York Book Arts Center, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and Explore & More to name a few. Young Audiences WNY sponsors free performances for families at Canalside. 26 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Courtesy of local artist and professor Alberto Rey, “Rainbow Trout” is a painting from his Biological Regionalism Series. CONNECTING RESOURCES TO KEEP FAMILIES SAFE G R E E N & H E A LT H Y H O M E S I N I T I A T I V E After living in a 12′ x 18′ square-foot home constructed of bamboo, dirt floors and no running water for many years, many resettled refugees consider an apartment in Western New York to be “luxurious.” However, apartments in older buildings can present health hazards to families with young children. Educating our newest residents about the health risks of older homes can be a major challenge with language and cultural barriers. In 2014, the New York State Attorney General funded an expansion of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, which allowed Jericho Road Community Health Center the opportunity to hire a game changer when it comes to addressing critical housing issues in low-income neighborhoods — Community Health Worker Govinda Subedi. K N OWL ED GE THAT ENDURES F O R GENER AT I O NS But all those newly found luxuries masked potential hazards that took Govinda by surprise. As an employee of Jericho Road, he now meets with families to educate them in their native language about issues like how to properly clean old windows that may have lead paint and explain how a thermostat works to manage heating bills. Jericho Road Community Health Center is one of “Govinda changes a dozen partners, everything. He including key doesn’t go in as an government offices, educator, he sits which work together with clients and Govinda Subedi shows a refugee family from Nepal on the Green & builds a relationship how to properly clean the windows to keep the children safe from potential lead paint exposure. Healthy Homes with them in their Initiative to address native language,” critical changes to make homes safe and said Mary Prentice, Program Coordinator more energy-efficient. Together, these dedicated at Jericho Road Community Health Center. partners have worked to weatherize and/or “They trust him.” make 800 homes lead-safe in Buffalo. Govinda Subedi spent 17 years in a refugee What is more amazing is watching the camp in Nepal after fleeing his native Bhutan. knowledge spread. Govinda says more than When he arrived in Buffalo he remembers once he’s been meeting with a new client and thinking, “We can cook food in our home a former client stops by the home to visit and and there’s a water tap in the kitchen and takes over as the teacher! the bathroom?” 28 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Govinda Subedi gives a lesson in Nepali to a refugee family about keeping their new home energy efficient and safe from lead poisoning. PROTECTING OUR VALUABLE NATURAL RESOURCES W E S T E R N N E W Y O R K W A T E R W AY S I N I T I A T I V E Water is widely considered the essence of life. About 71 percent of the Earth is covered in water. Anywhere from 50 percent to 75 percent of our body is water. Approximately 20 percent of the world’s fresh water flows through our region, and the Great Lakes provides drinking water to nearly 40 million people. Think about the number of times you have come into contact with water today. There is no denying how valuable and important this resource is to a healthy and vibrant community. Ensuring the cleanliness and quality of our water must be a priority. And it is. To protect our precious waterways from the many threats they face, the Community Foundation has convened cross-sector partners to address the issue from multiple angles. A coordinated partnership in 2014 with the Buffalo Sewer Authority attracted a national grant from The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, which was matched by the Community Foundation, to address stormwater runoff issues in Western New York through a public engagement campaign. Buffalo’s sewer system, originally built in the late 1930s, has limitations that allow raw sewage to flow directly into our creeks, streams and lakes when the system is overwhelmed by excess stormwater or melting snow. In the City of Buffalo alone there are 52 permitted combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfalls where this sewage is discharged. When an overflow occurs, it contaminates our waters and potentially all that comes into contact with it. 30 There are everyday solutions that help mitigate the CSO problem our region faces. Residents can disconnect their downspouts, install a rain barrel, plant a rain garden or use porous pavement on driveways and walkways to help divert water away from the sewer system, therefore reducing the likelihood of an overflow. The Community Foundation and the Buffalo Sewer Authority, along with community organizations like Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, PUSH Buffalo and the Western New York Environmental Alliance, will create a campaign that engages residents to implement these stormwater management techniques in 2015. This campaign includes an effort to install 1,000 rain barrels in Buffalo homes, diverting stormwater and preventing sewer overflows. 2014 was a milestone year for the Western New York Environmental Alliance (WNYEA), a coalition of more than 100 environmental organizations and advocates convened by the Community Foundation. The WNYEA evolved its strategic framework and incorporated itself as a 501(c)(3). W A T E R IS T HE D RI V IN G F O RCE OF ALL NATURE - L E O N A R D O DA V I N C I Front Row (Left to Right): Cara Matteliano,* Lynda Schneekloth, Erin Heaney, Ryan McPherson, Lindsay Amico, Jay Burney, Derek Nichols Back Row (Left to Right): Richard Stockton,* Terry Yonker, Loren Smith, Justin Booth, Arthur Wheaton, Brian Dold, Rebekah Williams,* Robert E. Knoer* Not Pictured: Johnnie Fenderson, Andrew Goldstein, Alexandra McPherson, Karen Wallace *Serves in advisory role to the board. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT A view of the combined sewer overflow at Cazenovia Park. Photo courtesy: Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper THE LEGACY SOCIETY Managing the charitable legacies of generous individuals is central to the work of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo. The Community Foundation Legacy Society was created in 1999 to acknowledge those individuals who have committed to supporting our community in the future through a planned gift. According to their specific directions, the Community Foundation will support the organizations, issues and communities these individuals care about, in their names, forever. Making arrangements for your charitable legacy is a simple process and we are here to help. If you are interested in supporting the community beyond your lifetime, please contact Betsy Constantine at (716) 852-2857, ext. 217, or betsyc@cfgb.org. Anonymous (17) Robert A. & Ruth E. Allen* Mr. & Mrs. H. John Angelbeck Mr. Andy Anselmo Mr. Lawrence Appleby* Mr. C. Dixon Arrick* & Mrs. Ione B. Arrick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash Mr. Charles E. Balbach Allene C. Barans Henry & Susan Beamer Thomas R. & Judy Beecher Ms. Dianne Bennett & Mr. William Graebner Mr. Harry J. Beu* Dr. Mary H. Botsford* Mr. Richard W. Bowen* Ms. Mary L. Brink Jean M. Brown* Keirn C. Brown Sr.* Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Bruner Mr.* & Mrs. Charles Burdette Michael & Glenys Butler Dr. William & Dr. Susan Carney Leslie Carraway & B.J. Verts* Ms. Mary E. Clemesha* Anthony J. & Carmela M. Colucci Jr. Mrs. James L. Crane Jr. Ms. Beuline Crawford* 32 Ms. C. Elizabeth Crump Mrs. Wilma T. Csont Mr.* & Mrs. Matthew Cyran Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Czajka Chet* & Delight Dann Ms. Sandra Demus Ms. Virginia Deuel Larry R. & Sheila Drake Judith & Alan Duchan Ross & Mary Alice Eckert Mrs. Kenneth H. Eckhert Miss June M. Farrington* Miss Ruth Farrington* Mr. Worth Farrington* Mrs. Dorothy T. Ferguson Dr. Edward A. Fial* Ms. Anne Catt Filer* Dr. Mildred J. Fischle Ms. Carol A. Fowler Jean S. Frederick Mr. Fred* & Mrs. Fay Friedman Mr. Dennis J. Galucki & Ms. Barbara Mierzwa Mr. Andrew C. Giarrizzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Gioia Jane Taylor Goraj* Constance A. Greco Gordon & Gretchen Gross Mr. Michael Hamann Thomas J. Hanifin Mr. Hans Heckelman Ms. Alice B. Hilborn Ms. Judith A. Hirsch Mr.* & Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins Jr. Mary Louise Hopkins Phillip & Jayne* Hubbell John & Bette Hulley Mr. & Mrs. H. Reed Hunt* Rev. Dr. Leona M. Irsch Gail & Bruce Johnstone Mr. & Mrs. A. David Jones Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Kashin James S. Keysa, Esq. Ms. Jane B. Kinkead* Mr.* & Mrs. Irvine J. Kittinger Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George F. Koch Dr. Irwin H. Cheskin* & Mr. Edward Koryl Dr. Kenneth A. Krackow Leonard H. & Sylvia J. Kratzke Rev. & Mrs. Warren W. Lane* Mr. Harry H. Lang Jr. Mr. Frank P. Langley Jr.* Mrs. Margaretha Lawrence* Gerald A. & Barbara E. Lipa Philip C. Lombardo* Mrs. William F. Long Ms. Jo Ann Long COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT James & Margel Marean Ms. Marie A. Marshall Mrs. L.B. McCowan Mr. Ronald V. & Kathleen A. Metzger Karin Michelson & Russell Deer Mrs. Kathleen Modd Richard E. Moot, Esq. Ms. Albertine K. Moran Mr. Robert North Jr.* James R. Owen Jane M. Pattison Dr. Charles D. Perry* J. Warren Perry, Ph.D., D.Sc.* Mr. Arlan Peters & Mr. Dominick T. DeFillippo Mrs. Barbara Pickburn* Edwin & Georgina Polokoff Mr. & Mrs. Braman Pomeroy* Jayne K. Rand Ms. Dorothy Rapp Mr. Alfred H. Rasp Mrs. Lynn Robillard Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Rosche* Ms. Doris F. Rosen Dr. Andrew J. Rudnick Dr. & Mrs. James Russell Ms. Geraldine N. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. James M. Sampson Gilbert Schulenberg Ms. Melba Y. Seibold* Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Sheets Jr. A. Warren & Gretchen L. Smith Jr.* Ms. Susan M. Spadinger Rosemarie C. Steeb Richard A.* & Ruth V. Stockton Dr. Richard A. Stockton Jr. Mr. Franz T. Stone* Mr. Peter W. Swanson Jr.* Dr. Walter* & Jeanie M. Sy Stanley A. & Sharon K. Tirrell Mr. William Townsend Miss Guida Tyldesley Mr. Charles L. Van Arsdale Mr. William L. Van Schoonhoven* Mr. Raymond C. & Ms. Sheila M. Vaughan Dr.* & Mrs. John M. Wadsworth Mrs. Carol G. Wagner* Mr. & Ms. Richard C. Wagner* Ms. Karen E. Waible Emily W. Wettlaufer Mr. Jay Wopperer & Ms. Linda Schmieder David & Susan Zebro Mr. Eddie Zewin* & Mrs. Christine Zewin *deceased WADSWORTH FAMILY Linda Kittinger Wadsworth and her late husband, John, discussed the importance of leaving a legacy that supports the changing needs in our community through the Community Foundation. When John passed away in 2014, Linda was confident in the decisions they had made together to carry on their names forever, according to their wishes. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 33 OUR APPROACH TO CHARITABLE INVESTMENTS STRATEGIC ASSET ALLOCATION The Community Foundation’s Investment Committee has oversight of nearly $300 million in charitable assets. Members of the committee are specifically recruited because of their knowledge of investments. They receive advice throughout the year from our independent investment consulting firm, Colonial Consulting, LLC, which specializes in advising large endowments and foundations. Together they work to allocate the charitable assets entrusted to the Community Foundation’s care into a highly diversified mix of global equities, fixed income and alternative investment strategies, which include more than 37 different investment management organizations pursuing strategies within 13 different asset classes. Within each asset class, the Community Foundation seeks to utilize world-class investment managers who are able to outperform appropriate target market benchmarks over long periods. The size of the Community Foundation’s investment pool allows us to have a highly diversified portfolio with access to a full range of asset classes and top investment managers, increasing the likelihood of exceeding performance objectives under varying economic and market conditions. 2014 INVESTMENT COMMITTEE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014 COMMODITIES 4% PRIVATE EQUITY 3% U.S. LARGE/MID CAP EQUITY 25% HEDGE FUNDS 18% TOTAL ALTERNATIVES 28% PRIVATE REAL ASSETS/ REAL ESTATE 3% TOTAL EQUIT Y 55% TOTAL FIXED INCOME CASH 1% 17% GLOBAL BONDS 4% Back Row, Pictured Left to Right: Laurence W. Franz, Ph.D. Seated Front, Pictured Left to Right: Charles E. Balbach Gerard Mazurkiewicz, CPA William Joyce Gary Brost Luke Jacobs, Esq., Chair Michael E. Munschauer, CFP Pete Grum* Richard O. Hopkins Michael Miller, Managing Director at Colonial Consulting 34 Not Pictured: *2014 Investment Committee Member-Elect COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT U.S. HIGH YIELD BONDS 3% U.S. SMALL CAP EQUITY 7% TREASURY INFLATION PROTECTED SECURITIES 3% NON-U.S. DEVELOPED EQUITY 17% U.S. AGGREGATE BONDS 6% NON-U.S. EMERGING EQUITY 6% The Community Foundation received an unmodified (clean) auditor opinion on its most recently issued audited financial statements. Audited financial statements are available at cfgb.org or by request. Please contact Jerry Reger, CFO/CAO at (716) 852-2857, ext. 226. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 35 INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE The investments of the Community Foundation continue to consistently outperform our benchmarks, on average adding 7 percent per year over the last 10 years, resulting in a nationwide ranking* consistently in the top 25 percent. This growth provides significant value to the charitable assets entrusted to the Community Foundation. These strong long-term investment results are the product of the Community Foundation’s decision to maintain a strategy that is driven by long-term objectives, while utilizing the size of its asset pool and a thorough due diligence process to access exceptionally capable investment management firms. COMPARED WITH OTHER L ARGE ENDOWMENTS AND AVERAGE ANNUAL RETURNS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014 FOUNDATIONS N A T I O N W I D E* THE COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION 14.0% 12.0% INVESTMENTS HAVE 11.4% C O N S I S T E N T LY P E R F O R M E D 10.1% 10.0% 9.1% 8.4% 8.0% IN THE TOP 25% 7.0% 6.0% 5.5% 4.8% 4.1% 4.0% 5.5% 4.1% OVER A 10 -YEAR PERIOD *Per the Russell/Mellon Index for Foundations and Endowments with more than $100 million in assets. 2.0% 0.0% LATEST 1 YEAR LATEST 3 YEARS Community Foundation LATEST 5 YEARS LATEST 7 YEARS LATEST 10 YEARS Custom Market Benchmark** Investment results are presented net of all investment-related fees. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Per the Russell/Mellon index for Foundations and Endowments with more than $100 million in assets. ** Weighted average of sector benchmarks. * 36 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT To learn how the investment strength of the Community Foundation can benefit the causes and organizations you care about, please contact Betsy Constantine at (716) 852-2857, ext. 217. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 37 M A K IN G A S P L A S H THAT’S THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT D O ES N OT RO CK T HE B OAT BU T R AT HER AWAKENS THE RIVER How will you be remembered? When you create an endowment fund through the Community Foundation, you can support the community you love in your name, forever. Your legacy is ensured. Clients who endow gifts can make a difference in their community during their lifetime and, at the same time, establish a legacy that lasts forever. Your gift is invested over time. Earnings from your endowment fund are granted to support organizations and needs in the community, based on your direction. We can help. Please call Betsy Constantine at (716) 852-2857, ext. 217 to arrange for a consultation. THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT $5.5 All balances in millions $5.2 $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 $3.1 $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $2.0 $1.5 $0.5 $0.0 ORIGINAL GIFT IN 1991 VALUE IN 2014 TOTAL GRANTS TO CHARITY SINCE 1991 HOW IT WORKS: To honor his wife’s lifelong dedication to community, this donor established a fund in their names to support the organizations she cared so much about after their lifetimes. The original gift of $2 million in 1991 has since grown by 2.5 times its original value to $5.2 million and has given $3.1 million in grants in their names to the community and organizations she cared about so deeply. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 39 PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR HONOR ROLL Since opening our doors in 1919, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo has partnered with hundreds of attorneys, CPAs and financial professionals to serve the needs of their clients. We are grateful to the many practitioners who think of us when looking for a way to honor their clients’ wishes. We welcome the opportunity to meet with those who are interested in learning about how the Community Foundation’s services can help maximize their clients’ charitable giving. In 2013 and 2014, we were proud to partner with more than 75 professionals who brought the message of the Community Foundation to their clients and we are pleased to recognize them here for their leadership. Wyatt R. Arthurs, CFP Brian D. Baird, Esq. Carol Becker David Bellisimo Dianne Bennett, Esq. Peter J. Brevorka, Esq. W. Lawrence Buck, CFP Thomas E. Buffamante, CPA Peter Campo Louise E Carey, Esq. Charles W. Chiampou, CPA, J.D. Kevin Christner Dennis P. Cleary, Esq. Robert W. Constantine, Esq. John Contrata Michael F. Curatolo, CFS Dale B. Demyanick, CPA Kenneth C. Drake, MBA 40 Jed A. Dutweiler Catherine B. Eberl, Esq. Robert J. Ellis, MBA Patrick L. Emmerling, Esq. Frank G. Evans Jr. David D. Fenster, Esq. Jennifer G. Flannery, Esq. Kathleen M. Flynn, MBA Robert F. Gaylord Patricia A. George, Esq. Jeffrey M. Goldfarb, CFP Christopher T. Greene, Esq. Gordon R. Gross, Esq. Sherlock Herrick Richard Hopkins Kathleen Horohoe, Esq. Elizabeth R. Hulley, CFP Jeffrey A. Human, Esq. Thomas R. Hyde, Esq. Luke T. Jacobs, Esq. Cheryl A. Jankowski, CPA Jeffrey H. Katz, Esq. Kevin Keane Leslie R. Kellogg, Esq. Charles F. Kreiner Jr. Robert J. Kresse, Esq. Sally B. Logan, Esq. Ronald Lojacano, CFP David J. Luzon, Esq. Teresa M. Majors, CPA Christopher M. Marks, Esq., MBA Kim Masiello Gerard T. Mazurkiewicz, CPA Mindy Menke, Esq. Laurie L. Menzies, Esq. Gary L. Mucci, Esq. Mary F. Murphy David A. Nelson, CPA John Pieroni, CFP Michael A. Piette, Esq. Richard C. Pohlman, Esq. George E. Riedel Jr., Esq. Robert W. Romeo, CFP Alan K. Scheff Hyman Scheff Jamie M. Smith, Esq. Robert G. Spampata, Esq. Peter D. Spira, CFP Deborah A. Stauring, CFP Rosemarie C. Steeb, CPA Linda Stravalaci Grear, Esq. Melanie C. Tisdale, Esq. Cynthia E. Vance, CFP, JD, ChFC, MBA Lisa J. Walsh Peter J. Walsh Thomas Waring Jr. Timothy Winterhalter COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Thomas Hyde, pictured second to left with his wife Martha in the center. Also pictured are Community Foundation Board Chair Gerard Mazurkiewicz; Community Foundation President/CEO Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker; and Gordon R. Gross. GORDON R. GROSS, ESQ. AWARD PRESENTED TO THOMAS R. HYDE, ESQ. Established in 2013, the Gordon R. Gross, Esq. Award recognizes a professional advisor who is a tireless advocate and friend to the Community Foundation and Western New York. The award is given to a champion of the Community Foundation’s mission who has helped drive change in the community through both personal and professional commitment, just like its namesake, Gordon. In 2014, it was our pleasure to present the award to Thomas R. Hyde, Esq. Tom is a prominent local attorney who started his career as an English professor teaching drama and poetry at Yale. Although law is his second successful career, Tom has always found time to balance his passion for the law, teaching, drama and the arts with his philanthropic pursuits. Tom is a trusted advisor, and the Community Foundation is fortunate, and honored, to help his clients achieve their charitable goals. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 41 BUILDING A STRONGER COMMUNITY N I AG A R A A R E A F O U N DAT I O N We’ve all heard the saying that “two heads are better than one,” but what happens when an entire community comes together to design its future? The possibilities for progress and prosperity are endless. A division of the Community Foundation, the Niagara Area Foundation and its leadership team of volunteers work to connect people, ideas and resources to improve lives in Niagara County. In 2014, the Niagara Area Foundation hosted a county-wide Solutions Forum called OnRamps to Success to discuss how to advance the county by aligning education and training opportunities to fit the needs of the job market. Simply put, how do you build and strengthen the cradle-to-career pipeline in Niagara County? 21% of Niagara County’s population is under the age of 18 — in other words, the birth to 12th grade educational pipeline directly affects one-fifth of the population. A student unable to read by third grade is unlikely to graduate from high school. $20k 42 Armed with these facts, more than 120 community stakeholders came together to put ideas to paper about how they could capitalize on the county’s many assets to align education and training to address workforce needs to spur economic development. Efforts will build off the Niagara Area Foundation’s successful Niagara County Early Child Care Quality Improvement Project (QIP) initiative, which brought community partners together to train 37 early childhood centers in enriched learning and increase school readiness for nearly 800 Niagara County children. Ongoing collaboration and communication with community partners will be at the heart of the Niagara Area Foundation’s leadership work in 2015. If you would like to learn more about the Niagara Area Foundation, please contact Holly Mergenhagen, Esq., at (716) 852-2857, ext. 207. On average, those in Niagara County who hold a bachelor’s degree earn $20,000 more per year than those with only a high school dipoloma. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 NIAGARA AREA FOUNDATION (NAF) LEADERSHIP Left to Right: Front Row: Elizabeth (Betsy) Diachun, Chair Janice Nichols, Secretary Mary Ann Oliver Back Row: Ross Eckert* Nancy J.D. Orsi, Vice-Chair Christopher Sheffield, Forum Moderator Michael Piette, Esq. Cathy Walker Mary Murphy* Vincent J. Davis, Treasurer Not Pictured: Melissa Morinello, Second Vice-Chair Kenneth Franasiak Patricia George, Esq. *Former NAF council member FUNDS Dale L. Askey Memorial Fund Henry E. & Susan W. Beamer Endowment Fund Thelma L. & Milfred R. Beck Fund Martha H. Beeman and Judge William L. Kellick Endowment Fund The Lorraine M. & Eugene P. Brady Memorial Scholarship Trust Barbara C. and Edward M. Brink Fund BRI-NK Foundation Agnes Clarke Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Stanley A. Brzezinski Memorial Fund Caldwell Family Fund Joanne and Franklyn Collins Fund Eugene A. DeFelice, M.D. & Maryanne Harvey Fund Eastern Niagara Fund Ross & Mary Alice Eckert Fund Barbara Ennis Endowment Fund Freischlag Scholarship Fund Theresa Elizabeth Insana Memorial Scholarship Fund Laird Family Foundation Lewiston-Porter Alumni Association Endowment Fund Lockport Public Library Endowment Fund Lockport Lions Club Sight Fund Stephen C. McKinney Scholarship Fund Joseph and Riva Mehr Fund Thomas F. Miklejn Scholarship Fund Niagara Area Foundation Endowment Fund Niagara Education Foundation Fund Fund for Niagara Hospice Elsie & Eugene Oliver Memorial Scholarship Trust Our Lady of Lebanon Fund Patricia L. Parkinson Scholarship Fund Positive Youth Development Philanthropic Fund The Thomas K. Singer Charitable Trust Daunt & Irene Stenzel Scholarship Fund Troop 6 Ernie Beamer Memorial Scout Fund Fern J. White & Neva A. Jackling Scholarship Fund Wilson Free Library Forever Friends Endowment Fund YWCA of Niagara Fund YWCA of Niagara Munk/Human Memorial Scholarship Trust YWCA of Niagara Ruth N. Downes Fund for Domestic Violence COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 43 CHARITABLE GIVING FEELS SO GOOD W YO M I N G F O U N DAT I O N Picture a patchwork quilt of colors in the Fall or perfect rows of crops as far as the eye can see. Wyoming County may be rural, but sometimes that extra space between neighbors can bring you even closer together. The Wyoming Foundation, a division of the Community Foundation, works to strengthen the quality of life in Wyoming County by encouraging charitable giving, assessing and responding to the community’s changing needs, and serving as a springboard for local charitable activities. In 2014, the Wyoming Foundation took a more active role in the leadership work of the William F. Thiel fund that benefits the health needs of its community. Mr. Thiel left a significant gift to the Community Foundation to identify and address health needs of Wyoming County residents. The William F. Thiel fund has supported two countywide Health Needs Assessments and the most recent results were shared with the community at a Healthcare Forum organized by the Community Foundation in late 2014. During that gathering, community members worked together to set a course of action to improve individual and community health in the county. “This program brings me one of the greatest rewards of my career but also carries with it one of the greatest regrets — that I will never be able to sit over a cup of coffee with William Thiel and share with him just what his gift has meant to the people he would consider his own friends and neighbors,” said Pat Standish, a participant at the Healthcare Forum. To date, more than half of Wyoming County residents have been impacted by Mr. Thiel’s generosity, making it a great example nationally for best practices in improving rural health. 44 Armed with information from the Health Needs Assessments and a historic Community Needs Forum held in 2012, the local leadership team of the Wyoming Foundation is working to explore newly identified community health needs, increase the visibility of the strategic work being done to support the cradle-to-career pipeline to boost the Wyoming County workforce and increase awareness of its arts and cultural treasures. If you would like to learn more about how you can be a part of the Wyoming Foundation, please call (585) 285-4135. FUNDS Michael & Elaine Almeter Fund Lawrence M. Appleby Fund Leonard M. Barkin Environmental Conservation Trust for Youth Dr. Charles E. Bartlett Memorial Essay Contest Russell C. Christ, Jr. Fund James and Ethel DeAmesy Fund Stacy Marie Geercken Scholarship Fund Katharine Pingrey Hopkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Mabel Mason Fund Middlebury Historical Society Fund Mr. and Mrs. George Schaumleffel Scholarship Fund Mark E. Strome Scholarship Fund Marjorie and Charles Van Arsdale Family Fund Marjorie Z. Van Arsdale Fund Gary Weidman Fund Wyoming Foundation Endowment Fund Wyoming Free Library Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 WYOMING FOUNDATION COUNCIL Pictured Above, Left to Right: Front Row: Anne Conable Joan Mokdessi Adrianna Betts Barbara Dominesey Dave Almeter* 2014 marked the inaugural presentation of the Dr. James MacCallum Community Leadership Award to Warsaw businessman Jim Rutkowski (center) from Scott Gardner (left) and Dr. MacCallum’s son, John MacCallum (right). Mr. Rutkowski was chosen to receive the award in recognition of his work redeveloping and revitalizing downtown Warsaw. Dr. MacCallum founded the Wyoming Foundation in 1974. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Back Row: Scott Gardner, Chair Tim Kibler Eric Szucs Not Pictured: Karen Six, Vice-Chair & Secretary Laura Lane, Treasurer *2014 Council Member-Elect 45 LEARNING AND LEADING BEYOND OUR BORDERS H I G H L I G H T S O F N AT I O N A L PA R T N E R S H I P S CLEVELAND The Community Foundation, on behalf of our clients, has taken a leadership role to engage in cross-sector solutions and bring together the resources needed to build a stronger community with opportunity for all. That means we travel outside Community Foundation members A traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the Council on Foundations Fall Conference that commemorated the 100 th anniversary of the first community foundation. More than 1,500 leaders joined them to begin planning for the next century of community philanthropy. of our region to attract national funds, collaborate with other community foundations and organizations, and engage in shared learning opportunities to support our leadership work. Here’s a snapshot of our team’s national learning experiences in 2014. WASHINGTON, D.C. WHITE HOUSE: The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo was one of six invited to shape a convening of community foundations at the White House in December. Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker, Community Foundation President/CEO, represented the Community Foundation in discussions that included impact investing, education and climate change. A C D Jean McKeown, Community Foundation Vice President, and Alaska McInnis, Community Foundation Scholarship Officer, attended a gathering of Lumina Community Partners for Attainment project leaders to share key information, planning tools and contacts to strengthen their efforts. Buffalo was one of the first cohort communities chosen by the Lumina Foundation for funding to increase postsecondary attainment. D B CAPITOL: Cara Matteliano, Community Foundation Vice President, represented the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) at a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C., in the fall, along with Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown and GHHI President & CEO Ruth Ann Norton. E INDIANAPOLIS B SAN FRANCISCO With support from the F.B. Heron Foundation, Jerry Reger, Community Foundation Chief Financial Officer/ Chief Administrative Officer, attended the inaugural convening of the Community Foundation Circle in San Francisco. The Community Foundation was invited to be a part of this unique group of community foundation innovators who are pioneering values-driven local community investment. E LOS ANGELES David Rust, Say Yes Buffalo executive director, Community Foundation President/CEO Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker, and Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown presented at the CEOs for Cities Talent Dividend Meeting in Los Angeles about Say Yes Buffalo’s cross-sector collaboration. F F BALTIMORE Annie E. Casey Learning Exchange invited 28 funders working in the community-change field to Baltimore in the spring of 2014 to share insights and observations about their work. Jean McKeown, Community Foundation Vice President, attended on behalf of the Community Foundation to engage in transparent, open and candid conversations with people working in the field. This learning exchange is meant to provoke ongoing reflection and betterinformed approaches to community-change efforts. C 46 COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 47 NEW CLIENTS 2014 ALL FUNDS Anonymous For 95 years, generous individuals, families, foundations and organizations have entrusted the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo to steward their charitable resources. We are honored to help these clients make the most of their generosity and take great care to deliver grants in their names exactly as they have directed. Martha H. Beeman and Judge William L. Kellick Endowment Fund The Berardi Fund Estate of Leah Bigalow Reverend A. Joseph Bissonette Memorial Fund BRI-NK Foundation Buffalo Prep Endowment Fund Edna L. Carroll Trust Jeanette M Daigler (Class of 1965) and Aldine M. Tarbell (Class of 1946) Scholarship Fund The following pages list all of the charitable funds that made up the Community Foundation in 2014. For information about how the Community Foundation can help you establish a permanent source of support to benefit the communities, causes and organizations you care about, please contact Betsy Constantine at (716) 852–2857, ext. 217. Worth L. Farrington Fund Friends of Night People Endowment Fund Heritage Christian Services — Anne Wolf Quality of Life Fund Margaret Huffman Scholarship Fund Irish Classical Theatre Company Endowment Fund Wilfred and Joan Larson Fund Stanford Lipsey Scholarship Fund George and Teresa Lukis Family Fund The Mary Lou Hopkins Fund Richard H. Morse Fund Dr. Carol A. Munschauer Charitable Foundation NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo Fund Normandy Fund Robert and Marion North Fund The O’Neil-White Family Foundation The Peter and Tommy Fund Pieroni Greco Family Fund Hy & Majorie Scheff Foundation #4 Robert G. Sr. & Loretta L. Spampata Fund for Education Dr. Ralph and Lynn Sperrazza Family Scholarship Lee Ann Steiner / James A. Bourne Fund Jim Y. and Emilia M. Tou Foundation Eleanor R. Treiber Art Scholarship Fund Turin Fund YouthTime Anonymous (2) Anonymous Donor Foundation Endowment Fund 21st Century Fund Acacia Park Fund Advancing Arts & Culture Endowment Fund The AJL Fund Charlotte Albright Fund Dorothy & Eugene Allbert Fund James & Kristin Allen Fund The Robert A. & Ruth E. Allen Memorial Fund Robert A. & Ruth E. Allen Memorial Fund II Allentown Village Society, Inc. Scholarship Fund Michael & Elaine Almeter Fund Paul & Jean Almeter Fund Ina D. Alt Trust Amherst South Rotary Club Endowment Fund Anna May Andrews Trust Joseph & Margaret Andrews Educational Trust Fund William Henry Andrews Bequest Elizabeth & John Angelbeck Foundation The Joyce and Stuart Angert Fund Annual Odd Fellows— Rebekah Award Lawrence M. Appleby Fund Arts Academy Fund Fund for the Arts Dale L. Askey Memorial Fund Emily E. Babchak Memorial Fund Cameron Baird Endowment Fund for BP Chorus Cameron Baird Fund Dara L. Barker Memorial Fund Leonard M. Barkin Environmental Conservation Trust for Youth C. Edgar Barlow Scholarship Fund Nora Shea Barnwell Endowment Fund James M. and Barbara J. Barrett Family Foundation Dr. Charles E. Bartlett Memorial Essay Contest Oliver G. & Sarah Sloan Bauman Fund for the Arts Area youth explore careers in the medical field during the HealthWORKS program funded by the Wyoming Foundation at the Wyoming County Community Hospital. Photo by: Natalie Muster Henry E. & Susan W. Beamer Endowment Fund Thelma L. & Milfred R. Beck Fund George E. Becker Fund for Heart Research Martha H. Beeman and Judge William L. Kellick Endowment Fund Bell Bequest—Buffalo General Hospital Bell Bequest—Clarkson University Bell Bequest—Crippled Children’s Guild COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Bell Bequest—Elizabeth Pierce Olmsted, M.D. Center for the Visually Impaired Bell Bequest— Erie County S.P.C.A. Bell Bequest— Hobart College Bell Bequest— Mental Diseases Bell Bequest— National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction Bell Bequest—U.B. School of Engineering 49 ALL FUNDS Bell Fund Trust #1 Bell Fund Trust #2 Grover E. Bell Award Edgar Bellersheim Scholarship Fund Benaiah Fund Adrian A. & Betsy B. Bennett Fund Bennett Alumni Association Foundation Fund Bennett High School Alumni Scholarship Fund The Berardi Fund The Better Buffalo Fund Harry J. Beu Scholarship Fund Alanson C. Bigalow Scholarship Fund Estate of Leah Bigalow Josephine Biontolillo Bequest Charles A. & Anne L. Bird Fund Corrine G. Bird Bequest Reverend A. Joseph Bissonette Memorial Fund Peter D. Blacher Health Care Fund Virgil A. & Margaret L. Black Memorial Fund Brian H. Blesy Memorial Scholarship Fund Anna Kowalska Bley Music Memorial Award Maurice G. Bley Drama Memorial Award BlueCross/BlueShield Physicians Fund for Children’s Health Jule Bogner Philanthropic Fund Robert Bojdak & Sarah Williams Fund Bollier Family Fund Dr. Germante L. Boncaldo Scholarship Fund Book and Material Buying Endowment Fund 50 Tom Borrelli Memorial Fund Richard Boyd Bowen Memorial Scholarship Fund Richard W. Bowen Fund Kathleen M. Box-Krycia Memorial Scholarship Fund Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo Fund Boys & Girls Club of Eden Fund BP/Carborundum Scholarship Fund BPS Officers Search Philanthropic Fund The Lorraine M. & Eugene P. Brady Memorial Scholarship Trust Irma Brand Bequest David & Jessica Brason Philanthropic Fund James E. Braunberns Bequest Anthony A. Brese Scholarship Rosalie H. Bretzfelder Fund John Bridge Memorial Fund Belmore Hicks Bridgford Fund Barbara C. and Edward M. Brink Fund BRI-NK Foundation Agnes Clarke Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund Jean Knowlton Brown Fund Jean M. Brown Fund Henry W. & Martha L. Bruner Philanthropic Fund Brzezinski Philanthropic Fund Stanley A. Brzezinski Memorial Fund BTF Make a Dream Come True Scholarship Fund Sarah Hill Buck Philanthropic Fund Martin A. Buecking Bequest Buffalo Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Endowment Fund 7 7 5 F U N D S UN D ER T H E CO M MUN I T Y F O UN DAT I O N UMB REL L A Buffalo Audubon Endowment Fund Buffalo Forward Foundation Buffalo Green Fund Buffalo Niagara Manufacturing Alliance Scholarship Fund Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy Fund Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Permanent Endowment Fund Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Society Endowment Fund Buffalo Prep Endowment Fund Buffalo Rotary Foundation Fund Buffalo Seminary Alumnae Association Buffalo Seminary Board Designated Investment Fund Buffalo Seminary Brown Funds Buffalo Seminary Core Investment Fund Buffalo Seminary Historic Dollar Value Preservation Fund Buffalo Yacht Club Fund Joseph E. Buran Music Fund Burtsell-Steuernagel Memorial Fund Michael R. Butler & Glenys Maschoff Butler Fund Walter L. Byram Bequest Kate Cady Endowment Fund The Caerus Forum Philanthropic Fund Caldwell Family Fund Christopher Callan Memorial Scholarship Fund Callan Family Scholarship Fund Calpin Family Fund Elizabeth J. Cappella Birthday Trust Career Aspiration Scholarship Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Cargill Scholarship Fund Gustaf & Sigrid Carlson Memorial Fund Margaret E. Carnahan Bequest Edna L. Carroll Trust Leonard M. Castrianno Scholarship Fund Philip & Joyce Celniker Family Fund Center for the Study of Art, Architecture, History and Nature Fund Eldon H. Chaddock Bequest Robert J. Chambers, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund R. Mark Chandley Scholarship Fund Clifford C. Chapman Memorial Fund Dr. Norman Chassin Endowment Fund Irwin H. Cheskin Fund Children’s Programming & Resources Endowment Fund Willis E. Chilson Memorial Fund Mark Chowaniec Memorial Fund Russell C. Christ, Jr. Fund William & Ida Christie Fund for Music Mary & Robert Chur Scholarship Fund Frances G. Churchill Bequest Fund f.b.o. the Churchill Memorial United Methodist Church Helen Anderson Cobb Bequest Velma C. Cobb Scholarship Fund The Ilka Cohn Fund The Ilka Cohn Health Fund Colligan Family Fund Bronson & Margaret Collins Scholarship Fund Joanne and Franklyn Collins Fund Michael Collins and Kathleen O’Leary Charitable Fund James and Judith Collord Fund Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative Endowment Fund Community Impact Fund Community Services Support Foundation Conable Family Foundation Fund Mildred Bork Conners & Joseph E. Conners Fund Mildred Bork Conners & Joseph E. Conners Scholarship Owen D. Connolly Flex Fund Gerhard A. & Lura L. Cook Educational Fund Sonja H. & Carlton P. Cooke Jr. Fund Joseph & Bernadette S. Corcoran Fund The Peter C. Cornell Trust Russell E. Corser Fund Kathryn R. Cottrell Scholarship Fund Annette Cravens Fund Betty Crump Fund Wilma T. Csont Fund Jeanette M. Daigler (Class of 1965) and Aldine M. Tarbell (Class of 1946) Scholarship Fund Damon Family Fund Mason O. Damon Endowment Fund Grace Neff Daniels Memorial Fund Dorothy C. Darlak Memorial Fund Herbert F. & Bertha W. Darling Trust Herbert F. & Jane K. Darling Philanthropic Fund Louis R. Davidson Bequest Ethel M.C. Davis Scholarship Fund Davis Family Fund The D-B Trust Eaton Deabold Scholarship Fund Community Foundation donors Sue Gardner, Deaconess Hospital Hon. Hugh Scott, Holly Donaldson, David Zebro and Nurses Alumni Fund Ross Eckert receive an update on the Community James and Ethel Foundation’s impact work. DeAmesy Fund Decillis Family Philanthropic Fund Eugene A. DeFelice, M.D. & Maryanne Harvey Fund Elizabeth Deichman Fund Elizabeth Deichman Fund fbo Buffalo Animal Shelter M. Dolores Denman Fund for Community Needs Heather J. DePaolo-Johnny Memorial Fund DePerno Family Fund Loraine Altro Dietz Scholarship Fund Community leaders Jerry Jacobs and Dottie GallagherCohen attend a Community Foundation event, hosted by Alfred H. & Irene N. Delaware North, featuring John Kania, managing director Dobrak Trust at FSG and an expert in the philanthropic, nonprofit David Donald Fund and community development sectors. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 51 ALL FUNDS Holly Augspurger Donaldson Fund Dopkins Philanthropic Fund Stu & Nancy Dorfman Foundation Paul P. Dosberg University of Pennsylvania Scholarship Francis P. Douglas Memorial Fund Henry and Constance Drew Foundation for Children Jerome Dreyfuss Scholarship Fund Peter Dominik, Helen & Paul Leon Drumsta Memorial Fund Eagan Family Endowment Fund Eastern Niagara Fund Ross & Mary Alice Eckert Fund Dr. Kenneth H. Sr. & Marjorie B. Eckhert Fund (1) Dr. Kenneth H. Sr. & Marjorie B. Eckhert Fund (2) ECMC Lifeline Fund Economic Self-Sufficiency Endowment Fund Eden Community Foundation Darwin E. & Evelyn E. Ellis Fund Pauline Ellis Scholarship Fund Marjorie & Mary Louise Emerson Bequest Esther Link Emig Fund Empire of America Federal Savings Bank Scholarship Fund Barbara Ennis Endowment Fund Fund for the Environment Erie County SPCA Fund Herman G. & Emma A. Ernst Fund 52 The Wendt Foundation’s Robert Kresse, Community Foundation President/CEO Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker and David Zebro greet national funders, Frank Altman from Community Investment Fund and Angela Butler from the National Development Fund for a foundation event in Buffalo. Herman G. and Emma A. Ernst Fund for Catholic Charities Josephine & Michael Ervolina Charitable Fund Evans Bank Foundation Fund Derek Falkenbach Scholarship Fund FANA Scholarship Fund Emmons B. Farrar Scholarship Fund June Farrington Fund Ruth E. Farrington Bequest Worth L. Farrington Fund Theodore S. Fassett Memorial Fund Paul S. Feinstein Scholarship Fund David R. Fendrick Theatre Fund Donald Ferguson Fund Peter J. Ferraro Memorial Fund Edward A. & Stephanie E. Fial Fund Robert J. and Martha B. Fierle Scholarship Fund Anne Catt Filer Fund Finer Buffalo Fund Fischle-Laesser Endowment Fund Fisher Family Fund Burt Flickinger, Jr. Leadership Fund Doris L. Flierl Trust G&W Follies Scholarship Fund George & Lydia Richards Form Endowment Fund Frank S. Fosdick Scholarship Foundation For Jewish Philanthropies Fund—Custodial Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies Fund—Philanthropic Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies Fund—Restricted M. Florence Fraley Fund in memory of her son, George K. Fraley Jr. The Philip Frandina Scholarship Fund Harriet Frank Scholarship Fund Freischlag Scholarship Fund Fay & Fred Friedman Family Foundation Fund Friends of Night People Endowment Fund Marjorie D. Frink Scholarship Fund The Fund for Nature Fuzak Family/Joan M. & Victor T. Fuzak Fund Galbraith Family Fund Sean P. Galliher Jr. Scholarship Fund William Paul Ganley Scholarship Fund Elizabeth Crosby Gardner Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Helen S. Garms Bequest Gateway-Longview Future Fund Stacy Marie Geercken Scholarship Fund Eleanor M. and Willard A. Genrich Scholarship Fund George Family Foundation Jean E. Gilmore Philanthropic Fund The Anthony H. and Richard E. Gioia Fund Robert and Sally Gioia Fund The Gisel Family Fund Norman Goldfarb Award Fund Dena Goldstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Gondree Family Fund Diane J. Goodberry Memorial Scholarship Fund William F. Goodson Bequest Josephine Goodyear Foundation Graham-Kucera Philanthropic Fund Joanne Champion Granger Fund Grassroots Gardens J. Milton Zeckhauser Memorial Endowment Fund Great Lakes United Endowment Fund Greater Buffalo Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Fund Grelick Family Foundation Roberta Grimm Charitable Gift Fund Elmer P. Groben Memorial Fund Thekla R. Groben Bequest Gronk Nation Youth Foundation Dr. Alan J. Gross Dental Student Fund Gordon R. & Gretchen S. Gross Family Fund Lou Gross Memorial Fund Grosvenor Society Endowment Fund Seth Grosvenor Book and Material Endowment Fund G. R. S. Fund Community Foundation President/CEO Clotilde PerezBode Dedecker with donor Betsy Mitchell. Joan Willard Gruen Philanthropic Fund Lillian M. Gruener Business Education Scholarship Fund William J.C. & Louise Grupp Memorial Fund Ray and Doris Guenter Scholarship Fund Charles & Marion Hahn Fund Gary P. Hall Endowment Fund Joan Hetzelt Hanifin Memorial Fund Joan Hetzelt Hanifin Theatre Fund Thomas J. Hanifin BPO Fund II Rae A. Hanigan Memorial Fund Leonard L. & Blanche F. Hank Fund Andrew C. Hansen Scholarship Fund Daphne Hare Fund Harvard Summer Community Service Fund Harvey Family Fund Dominik Hasek Sports & Scholarship Fund Hawk Creek Foundation Fund Health Foundation of Western and Central New York Philanthropic Fund HealthNow Healthy Living Endowment Fund HealthNow Healthy Living Fund William J. & Frieda H. Heckelman Memorial Fund Leo J. Winter & Marie R. Winter Heim Fund Leo J. Winter & Marie R. Winter Heim Fund II Ilene N. Hein Fund Loren Hendrix Memorial Award COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT William Hengerer Company Fund Heritage Christian Services—Anne Wolf Quality of Life Fund Margaret Bierl Herr Memorial Fund Herbert A. Hickman Fund Mildred T. Hill Fund Harry S. Hilliker Bequest Hispanic Women’s League Endowment Fund Historic & Architectural Landmarks Endowment Fund Carolynne Schutz Hoddick Memorial Campership Fund L. Nelson Hopkins Jr. Family Fund The Mary Lou Hopkins Fund Katharine Pingrey Hopkins Memorial Scholarship Fund The John R. Hotchkin Memorial Endowment Fund Marie S. and Frederic K. Houston Fund Dr. Irene Hu and Ronald Chang Scholarship Fund Jayne & Phil Hubbell Foundation Margaret Huffman Scholarship Fund Martin R. Hughson Memorial Fund Geoffrey Hull Memorial Scholarship Robert & Eileen Hull Fund John Hulley & Elizabeth Rydzynski-Hulley Fund H. Reed Hunt Fund Hutch-Tech Alumni Scholarship Fund Increasing Racial & Ethnic Equity Endowment Fund Industrial Educational Fund 53 ALL FUNDS Ingleside Home Memorial Fund Theresa Elizabeth Insana Memorial Scholarship Fund International Association of Administrative Professionals Scholarship Fund Mariann Inzinna Camp Good Days & Special Times Fund Mariann Inzinna Extra Mile Fund Irish Classical Theatre Company Endowment Fund Bill and Jean Irr Family Foundation Irsch Fund I.T.L. Philanthropic Fund Grover & Isabel James Fund A. Wesley Johns Fund (as established in the Will of June B. Johns) D. Bruce & Gail Johnstone Fund D. Bruce & Gail Johnstone Philanthropic Fund Gail Johnstone Community Leadership Fund A. David & Heather M. Jones Advisory Fund Blanche B. Joseph Trust Jacob G. Joseph Bequest Jacob G. Joseph Bequest (Camp) Jacob G. Joseph Bequest— Jewish Federation Josh’s Journey Fund The Joy Family Foundation The William and Anne Joyce Fund Junior League of Buffalo 1919 Fund Linda A. & Kenneth R. Kahn Fund Peter G. Karamanos II Scholarship Fund 54 Nellie Karlak Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Karsten Scholarship Fund Ruth M. Keeney Bequest Ruth M. Keeney Scholarship Howard Kellogg Trust Kensington High School Alumni Association Fund Jane B. Kinkead Community Service Fund—Greenfield Alfred H. & Emma M. Kirchhofer Fund Kittinger Family Fund Kiwanis Club of Kensington Fund Florence L. Knorl Memorial Kensington High School Scholarship Fund Howard J. Knorl Scholarship Fund John T. and Carol V. Kociela Endowment John Howland Koekkoek Endowment for Fair Housing Education Allen & Lillian Laese Scholarship Fund Lafayette High School Scholarship Fund Dr. Harry G. LaForge Bequest Laird Family Foundation Langley Family Fund Frank P. Langley Jr. Fund Edith Haake Lankler Scholarship Janet K. Larkin & John D. Larkin III Fund Wilfred and Joan Larson Fund Albert H. Laub Bequest Howard C. Laverack Bequest Lawley Insurance Scholarship Fund Edmond & Margaretha Lawrence Fund David & Marie Leamy Endowed Fund Legacy II Philanthropic Fund Hubert George & Alice Shyne Leising Fund Jamie Lembeck Memorial Fund Edward H. Letchworth Bequest Edward H. Letchworth Memorial Fund Mrs. Rosemary LoDestro Lett Memorial Fund Lewis Family Fund Lewiston-Porter Alumni Association Endowment Fund Library Foundation of Buffalo & Erie County, Inc. Fund Library Foundation of Buffalo & Erie County, Inc Permanent Endowment Fund Olga Murray Lindberg— National League of American Pen Women Scholarship Fund Lions Blind & Charity Fund Stanford Lipsey Scholarship Fund L.K.P. Trust Lockport Lions Club Sight Fund Lockport Public Library Endowment Fund Locust Street Art Classes Forever Foundation William F. Long Fund THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT $8.0 All balances in millions $7.0 $6.8 $6.0 $5.0 Children celebrate at the future site of the Explore & More Museum at Canalside, which was the recipient of over $500,000 in funding through the Community Foundation including a $100,000 grant from the 21st Century Fund in 2014. Jenna Kern Memorial Scholarship Fund C. Taylor Kew Memorial Fund James William Kideney & Isabel Houck Kideney Fund Donald E. Killingbeck Memorial Fund Louise Kimberly Bequest Ralph Kimberly Bequest Kinerk Family Fund Barbara King & Marion Mabee Memorial Fund Jane B. Kinkead Community Service Fund—Faith United Methodist Church Klein Family Philanthropic Fund Albert J. Klinck Bequest— American Red Cross Albert J. Klinck Bequest— Children’s Guild Albert J. Klinck Bequest— Episcopal Church Home Foundation of WNY, Inc. Albert J. Klinck Bequest— Evangelical Lutheran Albert J. Klinck Bequest— Fresh Air Mission Albert J. Klinck Memorial Fund Charles M. Knapp Educational Memorial Fund John Howland Koekkoek Endowment for Fair Housing Education #2 Madeline A. Kraft Bequest Kreher Family Fund Howard G. Kreiner Bequest Krieger Family Fund Albert P. & Maryon C. Krueger Fund L414 Children’s Memorial Fund Labor Of/For Love Fund Herbert P. Ladds Jr. Scholarship Fund Allen & Lillian Laese Memorial Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT $4.0 $3.0 $3.9 $3.0 $2.0 $1.0 $0.0 ORIGINAL GIFT IN 1994 VALUE IN 2014 TOTAL GRANTS TO CHARITY SINCE 1998 A doctor who spent his lifetime caring for the medical needs of a small town left his estate to the Community Foundation to establish a fund to provide for the education of its residents after his lifetime. His original gift of $3 million has grown over 20 years to $6.8 million and currently provides almost $250,000 annually to scholarships for students from his hometown seeking a college education. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 55 ALL FUNDS First Niagara’s Karla Gadley and Elizabeth Gurney at a Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative event where the First Niagara Foundation was a Pay It Forward Award honoree. George and Teresa Lukis Family Fund Edward P. Lupfer Memorial Scholarship Sam Lux Fund Katherine & John MacDonald Foundation Norman E. Mack II Fund R & J Magavern Fund Antoinette Malanowicz Fund for Cancer Research Horace L. Mann Memorial Fund James & Margel Marean Endowed Fund Julia W. Marks Fund Marie A. Marshall Fund Martin House Endowment Fund Mabel Mason Fund Arlene & Ruth Mathews Fund Raymond F. May, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund Scott B. Maybee Scholarship Fund 56 Belton & Mabel McCarley Scholarship Fund Lilla B. McCready Bequest Heather A. McGowan Scholarship Fund Frank and Donna McGuire Fund Stephen C. McKinney Scholarship Fund Grace Fallon & Rapier Hayden McMenamy Fund Arthur J., Alice M. & Dr. James McMullen Memorial Fund Meals on Wheels of Buffalo & Erie County Endowment Barbara T. Meech & Robert B. Meech Fund Joseph and Riva Mehr Fund Robert H. & Rita Meier Memorial Scholarship Fund Melson Fund Ida M. Mevius Bequest MIBBS Fund Middlebury Historical Society Fund Thomas F. Miklejn Scholarship Fund Benjamin Milak Memorial Scholarship Fund Thomas and Jennie Militello Family Foundation Dr. Gustave P. Milkey & Janet B. Milkey Fund Alice Greger Miller Memorial Fund Lloyd A. Miller Scholarship Fund Susan & Richard Minekime Family Fund Sperry W. Miner Bequest Amos J. & Leigh Hunt Minkel Memorial Student Fund Marcella & Felix Mioducki Fund Marcella & Felix Mioducki Fund for Cancer Research Miss Buffalo Fund Mitchell Family Philanthropic Fund MJH Fund Edward H. Moeller Scholarship Fund Mildred Moffat Bequest Richard H. Morse Fund Mothers’ Club of Buffalo Scholarship Fund MPZ Endowment Fund Dan & Jeannine Mullan Philanthropic Fund Dr. Carol A. Munschauer Charitable Foundation Sarah & Richard Munschauer Fund Nativity Fund NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo Fund Henry M., Patricia A. & Mary Brainard Naylon Bequest Robert B. Newcomb Trust Jon Newman Memorial Scholarship Fund The NFJC of WNY Fund Niagara Area Foundation Endowment Fund Niagara Education Foundation Fund Fund for Niagara Hospice Normandy Fund Robert and Marion North Fund NTHS Alliance for Higher Education & Development Fund John R. Oishei Foundation Scholarship Program Fund Nathalie Hawthorne Olena Bequest Elsie & Eugene Oliver Memorial Scholarship Trust Mary Louise Olmsted Fund The O’Neil-White Family Foundation Open Key Fund Orchard Park Lions Club Trust Fund Orchard Park Public Library Endowment Fund Robert Oristaglio Humanitarian Award Pearl B. & J. Lawrence Osborne Memorial Fund Our Lady of Lebanon Fund James R. Owen Scholar/ Athlete Cross Country Award Scholarship The Park School Foundation of Buffalo Patricia L. Parkinson Scholarship Fund Norma & Samuel Payne Fund Pediatric Digestion & Motility Disorders Society Gretchen Rand Penney Bequest The Ralph F. Peo Fund J. Warren Perry & Charles Donald Perry Memorial Trust Michael J. Perry Scholarship Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Pet Emergency Endowment Fund The Peter and Tommy Fund Hanna Peters Trust Norma E. Pfeifer Fund PFLAG Buffalo/Niagara Endowment Fund Albert & Mildred Pfrender Bequest Alexander & Irene Phillips Scholarship Fund Phillips Lytle Foundation Pickburn Memorial Fund for Wildlife Frederick S. & Phyllis W. Pierce Family Fund Pieroni Greco Family Fund Pinto Foundation Fund Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York Fund William F. Thiel* left a significant gift to the Community Foundation to identify and address health needs of Wyoming County residents. Police Athletic League of Buffalo Agency Endowment Fund Benny J. Polizzi Memorial Award Fund Edwin Polokoff Fund Georgina Polokoff Fund Braman Pomeroy Trust Horace B. Pomeroy Fund Edgar F. Pope Scholarship Fund Positive Youth Development Philanthropic Fund Susan Harvey Prentis Fund Preservation Buffalo Niagara, Inc. Fund Professional Engineers Fund Lawrence Quinn Fund Marnie Currie Quinones Scholarship Fund Mary A. Hodson & Josephine E. Radziwon Memorial Scholarship Fund Elizabeth A. Rambo Bequest George F. Rand Bequest Mr. & Mrs. George F. Rand Memorial Fund George F. & Isabel W. Rand Memorial Fund May C. Randazzo Scholarship Fund Rare Book and Special Collections Endowment Fund Gregory K. Raynor Memorial Fund Read to Succeed Buffalo Endowment Fund Douglas L. Rehlaender Trust Ruth B. Reinhardt Memorial Scholarship Fund Eugene T. Reville Memorial Scholarship Fund Charles Elbert Rhodes Scholarship Bequest Molly & Luke Rich Mental Health Fund Sara B. Richmond Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Riefler Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Riefler Memorial Fund— Buffalo Psychiatric Center Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Riefler Memorial Fund— Network of Religious Communities Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Riefler Scholarship Fund Charles and Alice Rolland Scholarship Fund Arthur H. & Olga M. Rosche Environmental Education Fund Ross Family Fund Elizabeth Pierce Olmsted Ross Fund Natalie Kubera Roth Fund Natalie Kubera Roth Fund for the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Jane Ruff Memorial Fund Rumsey Fund Rupp Scholarship Award Fund Michael W. Russell Fund The Nelson Russell Memorial Fund C. Gordon Ryther Memorial Scholarship Fund John P. Samson Memorial Fund Sandstone Trust Howard T. Saperston Sr. Trust Philip S. Savage Trust Estelle Sawyer Writing Award Say Yes Buffalo Scholarship Fund C. Edgar & Roberta S. Schabacker Trust *deceased COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 57 ALL FUNDS Mr. and Mrs. George Schaumleffel Scholarship Fund Alan and Michele Scheff Family Fund Hy & Marjorie Scheff Foundation Hyman & Majorie Scheff Foundation #2 Hyman & Majorie Scheff Foundation #3 Hy & Majorie Scheff Foundation #4 Edward C. Schlenker Trust Harley J. & Alice M. Schlieder Scholarship William Kenneth Schmitt Fund Schneider Family Fund Norman A. Schoell Charitable Fdtn Inc. Philanthropic Scholarship Fund Norman A. Schoell Scholarship Fund Alfred H. SchoellkopfElizabeth Pierce Olmsted, M.D. Center for the Visually Impaired Alfred H. Schoellkopf— Roswell Park Emmie F. Schoellkopf Fund Jacob F. Schoellkopf— Jefferson Penn Fund The Jacob F. Schoellkopf Trust for the University of Buffalo Jacob F. & Wilma S. Schoellkopf Foundation Fund Jacob F. and Wilma S. Schoellkopf Trust J.F. Schoellkopf Jr. Bequest J.F. Schoellkopf IV Memorial Fund Judith Abbott Schoellkopf Fund Judith Abbott Schoellkopf Memorial Fund Walter H. Schoellkopf Memorial Fund 58 Laura C. Scholl Memorial Fund Albert G. Schuele Scholarship Fund (Albert), Maude & Marion Schuele Memorial Fund Albert, Maude, & (Marion) Schuele Memorial Fund The Schultz Family Fund Richard G. Schwind & Rhoda Robertson Schwind Fund D. Sinclair Scott & Dorothy Doane Scott Fund Dr. & Mrs. Roy E. Seibel Philanthropic Fund Bernard and Carolyn Shilt Scholarship Fund Bernard & Estelle Siegel Fund Sigma Alpha Nu Scholarship Fund Leonard S. Sikora Scholarship Fund Marjorie Joyce Simmons Memorial Medical Fund The Thomas K. Singer Charitable Trust SJM3 Fund Joe & Brett Ski Scholarship Fund Elizabeth & Mary June Sonnenberg Scholarship Fund Sovran Foundation For A Better WNY Robert G. Sr. & Loretta L. Spampata Fund for Education Special Fund #7 Dr. Ralph and Lynn Sperrazza Family Scholarship Herman Spiegel & Amanda Spiegel Memorial Fund Janet M. Sporleder Scholarship Fund Angel Donors Rev. Peter and Beemer Bridgford (seated at right) enjoy a Buffalo Bisons Game with class of 2014 Say Yes Buffalo scholars at the first annual donor/scholar picnic held at Coca-Cola Field. Melba & Richard Seibold Fund Irene Klingener Selover Fund Seneca Manufacturing Company Scholarship Fund Albert R. & Alma E. Shadle Endowment Fund Sgt. Daniel Shaw Memorial Fund Brenda Kurtz Shelton & Harry C. Shelton Fund Shifflet-Steffan Scholarship Fund Dr. Barnett A. Slepian Memorial Fund Edna Foster Smith Bequest Gretchen L. & A. Warren Smith Jr. Changing Needs Fund A. Warren Smith Jr. & Gretchen L. Smith Fund Harris N. Snyder Fund Society of Financial Service Professionals Buffalo Chapter Endowment Fund St. John Hospice Endowment Fund Janina B. Staniewicz Scholarship Fund Barbara C. Stanikunas Scholarship Fund Lucie M. Stanton Memorial Trust Lucie M. Stanton Scholarship Fund Ellsworth M. Statler Trust Rosemarie C. Steeb Endowment Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT T H E CO M MUN I T Y $ $ $ F O UN DAT I O N H A S AT T R AC T ED $3 5 M I L L I O N I N F U N D I N G FRO M O U T SID E O F WES T ERN $ $ $ $ $ $ N E W YO RK TO $ $ $ $ IN V ES T IN O UR REGI O N General Motors Plant Manager Steve Finch (second from left) and Communications Manager Nina Prince (center) receive a Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative (CGLI) Pay It Forward Award from Council Member Jennifer Parker (far left), Council Chair Dr. Danis Gehl (far right) and CGLI Director Landrum Beard (second from right). Lee Ann Steiner/ James A. Bourne Fund Daunt & Irene Stenzel Scholarship Fund The E.W. Dann Stevens Perpetual Endowment Fund Charles E. Stewart Memorial Fund Charles F. Stewart Scholarship Fund Grace & Francis Stewart Humanities Scholarship Evelyn Stiem Fund The Stockton Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Franz T. Stone Trust Morton & Joan Stovroff Children’s Programming Endowment Fund Daniel W. Streeter Memorial Fund Ralph W. & Jane P. Strobel Memorial Fund Mark E. Strome Scholarship Fund Studio Arena Theatre School Fund Adele W. & Francis X. Sturner Trust Judy Summer Library Endowment Fund Angelo F. Suozzi Memorial Scholarship Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainable Use Fund of WNY John P. & Lorraine Altwater Sutkus Charitable Fund Swain Family Fund Thomas Swan Fund Swanson Community Fund Joseph & Loretta Swart Fund Evelyn Swarts Fund Catherine Swerdloff Bequest Swift Family Philanthropic Fund Walter P. Sy, M.D. Scholarship Fund Ruth S. Szalasny Memorial Scholarship Fund Richard C.R. Taggesell Fund The Talboys Family Fund Ambassador Paul D. Taylor ‘56 Scholarship Fund Cecil J. Terwilliger Scholarship Fund Edna M. Theobald Trust William F. Thiel Trust Lisa Georger Thompson Memorial Fund Tifft Nature Preserve Fund Stephen W. Tilton Bequest 59 ALL FUNDS Richard Tobe and Susan B. Tobe Donor Advised Fund Tobin/Filvaroff Family Endowment Margaret & Glenn Tome Scholarship Fund Jim Y. and Emilia M. Tou Foundation City of Tonawanda Library Endowment Fund Tops Friendly Markets Art & Music Scholarship Elinor Townsend Trust Ethel Vick Wallace Townsend Memorial Fund Townson Family Foundation Eleanor R. Treiber Art Scholarship Fund Trocaire College Endowment Fund Turin Fund Dr. Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship Fund Jim & Donna Tyrpak Family Fund United Way of Buffalo & Erie County Endowment Urban Christian Ministries Fund USS The Sullivans (DD537) Fund Marjorie and Charles Van Arsdale Family Fund Marjorie Z. Van Arsdale Fund William L. Van Schoonhoven Fund Blanch H. Van Valkenburgh Scholarship Fund Variety Club Foundation Fund James W. Vogel Memorial Scholarship Fund Frederick A. Vogt Scholarship Fund Wadsworth Fund Carol G. Wagner Fund for Historic Research & Preservation 60 THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT $8.0 All balances in millions $6.9 $7.0 $7.5 $6.0 $5.0 Buffalo Seminary student members of the 21st Century Fund prepare to cast their votes at the fund’s presentation event in February 2014. Wagner Family Fund Aaron Matthew Waldeck Scholarship Fund Elizabeth DeWees Walker Scholarship Fund Helen V. Walker Bequest William B. Walsh Trust Fund Kuang Mei Wang Fund Margaret M. Ward Bequest The Ward Family Fund Dr. Paul L. Warner Memorial Chemistry Award Eileen and Rupert Warren Charitable Fund Frieda W. Waugh Memorial Fund Frieda W. Waugh Memorial Student Fund Monica M. Weidenbach Memorial Scholarship Fund Gary Weidman Fund Bernard D. Welt & Ida Z. Welt Fund Western New York Land Conservancy Endowment Fund Charlotte Potter Whitcher Trust Alyne D. White Bequest Fern J. White & Neva A. Jackling Scholarship Fund Fred H. & Lorene L. White Fund William and Betty Wilder Scholarship Fund Betty Ball Wilder Fund Walter Wiles Charitable Fund Henrietta M. Wiley Bequest Wilson Free Library Forever Friends Endowment Fund WNY Arts Initiative WNY Lacrosse for Kids WNY MEET Fund WNY Women’s Foundation Dick Wohler Hutch-Tech Professional Engineering Scholarship Paul Wojtaszek Scholarship Fund Genevieve Wojtusiak Fund Polly Rumsey Wolfe Fund Wyoming County Medical & Nursing Scholarships Wyoming Foundation Endowment Fund Wyoming Free Library Fund Lucinda Yang Scholarship Fund YMCA Buffalo Niagara Agency Endowment Fund YouthTime YWCA of Niagara Fund YWCA of Niagara Munk/Human Memorial Scholarship Trust YWCA of Niagara Ruth N. Downes Fund for Domestic Violence The Zebro Fund Gustav & Grete M. Zimmer Bequest Laurette Zwelling Fund COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT $4.0 $3.0 $2.1 $2.0 $1.0 $0.0 ORIGINAL GIFT IN 1978 VALUE IN 2014 TOTAL GRANTS TO CHARITY SINCE 1978 This endowment was established with $2.1 million in 1978 through a legacy gift (bequest) to the Community Foundation from a parent in honor of his son who died tragically as a young man. Today, decades after both father and son have passed on, the initial gift has grown to $6.9 million and has paid out $7.5 million in grants to the organizations they cared about. Their fund will continue to honor this family’s charitable giving legacy by making grants to their favorite organizations in their name forever. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 61 PERMANENT LEGACIES, CHARITABLE INVESTMENTS AND FUNDING PARTNERS Individuals, families, foundations and organizations entrusted $22 million to the Community Foundation in 2014. These dollars gave individuals and families an instrument for passing down family values while providing support for favorite causes, created sources of perpetual support for treasured nonprofit organizations and helped co-fund work on education, the arts and the environment. Below is a list of those who entrusted $1,000 or more in charitable assets to the Community Foundation in 2014. Anonymous (6) ABC Amega Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Adams Joyce & Stuart Angert Mr. Glenn W. Arthurs Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash Dr. Fred & Mary Ervolina Atkins The Cameron and Jane Baird Foundation Balbach Family Foundation Mr. Charles E. Balbach Bank of America Allene Barans Mr. & Mrs. James M. Barrett Allan and Melissa Baumgart Baynes Freight Contractors Ltd. Henry & Susan Beamer Mr. & Mrs. Martin Berardi Estate of Leah Bigalow Ms. Barbara Billings Joanne and James Biltekoff Reverend A. Joseph Bissonette Memorial Fund The Friends and Family of Brian Blesy BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York Mr. James A. Bourne 62 Gary and Willow Brost Mr. Keirn C. Brown, Jr. Henry & Martha Bruner Buffalo Christian Center Buffalo Prep Buffalo Seminary Mr. Lewis Buttery Mr. James E. Buzzard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Calpin Edna L. Carroll Trust Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Castrianno Mr. & Mrs. Philip Celniker Esq. Mr. James E. Cheesman Children’s Foundation of Erie County Louis P. Ciminelli Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cipriani Ms. Kathryn L. Clune Michael & Joan Cohen Michael Collins & Kathy O’Leary Community Services Support Foundation Ms. Anne Conable Dr. Elizabeth Conant & Ms. Camille Cox Ms. Lisa Corrin Community Foundation donors Bill Joyce (center), Jim Biltekoff (right) and Joanne Biltekoff (left) hear about Say Yes Buffalo at Medaille College. County Line Stone Co., Inc. Mrs. DuVal Cravens Ms. C. Elizabeth Crump CTG James H. Cummings Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cutting Herbert F. & Bertha W. Darling Trust Mark & Nancy Davis D-B Trust Deaconess Alumnae Association Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Decillis Clotilde & Adrian F. Dedecker III Delaware North Companies, Inc. Beth & Peter Demakos Ms. Amber M. Dixon Dopkins & Company, LLP Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Drake Eastman Foundation Ross & Mary Alice Eckert eDoctrina Corporation Mr. & Mrs. David Elias Erie-Niagara Chapter of the NYS Society of Professional Engineers Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Ervolina Jr. Ms. Susan G. Ervolina COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Ess Mr. Gary Eye Family & Children’s Service of Niagara, Inc. Worth L. Farrington Estate Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Robert J. & Martha B. Fierle Foundation First Niagara Foundation Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies Lawrence C. Franco Frey Electric Construction Co. Friends of Night People Dr. W. Paul Ganley Mr. Richard E. Garman Danis J. Gehl, Ph.D. Dr. Danis J. Gehl & Mr. Scott W. Gehl General Motors Foundation Jeffrey M. Genrich Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. George Jeffrey & Michele Goldfarb Dr. Samuel Goodloe Jr. Dr. Susan P. Graham & Dr. Jon C. Kucera Greater Buffalo Alumnae Panhellenic Association Roberta J. Grimm Gordon & Gretchen Gross Pete Grum—Rand Capital Harvard Club of WNY HealthNow Foundation, d.b.a. Foundation for Healthy Living Heritage Christian Services Foundation Aravind and Elizabeth S. Herle Mr. Owen Herne and Ms. Lisa Manchester Mr. & Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Herstek Jeff & Shelley Hirshberg Mr. W. Stanley Hooper Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative Council (CGLI) Member Ruth Bryant with donors Earl Lynch, Shandra Spicer and Tracy Cardwell at a CGLI event. Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) Frederic & Marie Houston Mr. Philip H. Hubbell Margaret Huffman Scholarship Fund Mr. Robert E. Hull* Mr. Roger L. Hungerford and Ms. Linda Limina Hunt Charitable Foundation Martha and Tom Hyde Irish Classical Theatre Irr Supply Centers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston III Gail & Bruce Johnstone Mr. & Mrs. A. David Jones Bill & Anne Joyce Dr. Richard T. & Dr. Barbara S. Jurasek Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kahn Kaleida Health Mr. Emil J. Karcich Mr. Tarik Kawi Mr. Donald G. Keller Key Bank Foundation The Seymour H. Knox Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Larson Lawley Insurance Patrick P. Lee Foundation Dr. Murray & Dr. Adeline Levine Daniel & Margaret Lewis Lewiston Porter Alumni Association Library Foundation of Buffalo & Erie County Lockport Public Library Endowment Fund Locust Street Neighborhood Art Classes, Inc. Mrs. William F. Long Lougen, Valenti, Bookbinder & Weintraub, LLP Lukis Foundation M&T Bank Magavern Pool, Inc. Mr. Sam Magavern & Ms. Monica Angle Mr. & Mrs. James Marean Marks Family Foundation Martin House Restoration Corporation Ms. Ruth Mathews Gerard & Barbara Mazurkiewicz Medina Sandstone Society, Inc. Wayne and Patricia Mertz Charitable Fund Mrs. Mary Ann Milak-Young & Rev. David R. Young Jock & Betsy Mitchell Moog, Inc. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Richard H. Morse Fund Gary L. Mucci, Esq. Munschauer Family Foundation Mr. Kenneth Myszka Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Nash NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo Dr. Harry & Phyllis Newman Estate of Robert North Donald & Jane Ogilvie The John R. Oishei Foundation Alphonso & Marcia O’Neil-White James R. Owen The Park School of Buffalo Jennifer J. Parker, J.D. Ms. Judith F. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Penfold J. Warren Perry & Charles Donald Perry Memorial Trust The Peter and Tommy Fund, Inc. Phillips Lytle LLP Pierce Family Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Pieroni Bob & Kathy Pollock *deceased 63 Dr. Kevin & Merle Pranikoff PRSA Buffalo/ Niagara Chapter PWS Equity Corp. Alicia A. Quinones Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Reger David & Joan Rogers Mr. Christopher Ross David & Jennifer Rust David Sabath Saldanha Family Foundation Sandhill Investment Management Sandstone Trust Mr. Salvatore D. Santarosa Say Yes To Education, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. Scheff Hy & Marjorie Scheff Jake & Katie Schneider The Norman A. Schoell Charitable Foundation, Inc. Jacob F. & Wilma S. Schoellkopf Foundation Fund Schwab Charitable SCP Management LLC Carole & Joseph V. Sedita Seneca Gaming Corporation Kevin & Gail Sexton Mrs. Brenda K. Shelton Simple Gifts Fund Mr. Robert B. Skerker Mr. Roger P. Spampata Robert & Jeanne Spampata Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Sperrazza Statler Foundation Dr. Richard A. Stockton Jr. Michael & Marsha Joy Sullivan Steve & Nicole Swift Ronald & Margaret Talboys Mr. Edwin O. Tilton 64 Richard Tobe & Susan Bring Tobe Ms. Nancy Tobin LindaMarie & Michael Todd Mr. & Mrs. Jim Y. Tou Eleanor R. Treiber Art Scholarship Fund Anthony & Patricia Tufillaro Uniland Development Corporation United Way Donor Choice Program United Way of Buffalo & Erie County Univera Healthcare Dr. Francisco & Janet Vasquez Vogt Family Foundation, Inc. Wadsworth Fund Ms. Catherine A. Walker Walsh Duffield Companies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John N. Walsh III Waste Technology Services Inc. Ms. Anne R. Weidman Mr. David G. Weidman Weissman Family Foundation Western New York Foundation Mr. Ronald R. Willacker & Ms. Judith A. Maness Friends of the Wilson Library Winthrop Financial, Inc. Charles Wright & Lina Marie Voutour Zenner and Ritter, Inc. Zeron Foundation PA ST C H A I R S O F T H E C O M M U N I T Y F O U N DAT I O N B OA R D Jacob F. Schoellkopf 1919–1922 Philip M. Marshall, Esq. 1985–1987 Frank B. Baird 1922–1923 Edwin Polokoff 1987–1989 Jacob G. Joseph 1923–1927 Richard B. McCormick 1989–1991 Oliver Cabana Jr. 1927–1933 Mrs. Warren W. Lane 1991–1993 George F. Rand 1933–1942 Ronald J. Anthony 1993–1994 Edward H. Letchworth, Esq. 1942–1958 John T. Smythe 1994–1995 Charles H. Diefendorf 1958–1966 James B. Denman, Esq. 1995–1996 J.F. Schoellkopf IV 1966–1969 Gordon R. Gross, Esq. 1997–1998 Charles H. Diefendorf 1970–1971 Holly A. Donaldson 1999–2000 George C. Letchworth 1971–1973 Ruth D. Bryant 2001–2002 Howard T. Saperston Sr. 1973–1975 Joseph F. Crangle 2003–2003 Robert I. Millonzi, Esq. 1975–1977 Robert D. Gioia 2004–2006 Adelbert Fleischmann, Esq. 1977–1978 Joseph J. Castiglia 2007–2008 $1.6 Mrs. C. Taylor Wettlaufer 1978–1980 Andrew J. Rudnick, Ph.D. 2009–2010 $1.4 Irvine J. Kittinger Jr. 1980–1981 Alphonso O’Neil-White 2011–2012 THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT $2.0 All balances in millions $1.9 $1.7 $1.8 Mrs. George D. Unger 1981–1985 $1.2 $1.0 $0.8 PA S T E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R S/ P R E S I D E N T S/C E O S $0.6 $0.4 $0.2 $0.1 $0.0 ORIGINAL GIFT IN 1936 VALUE IN 2014 TOTAL GRANTS TO CHARITY SINCE 1936 Dr. Frances Hollingshead 1920–1932 Carlton P. Cooke 1963–1969 Sara Kerr 1932–1940, 1941–1947 Charles E. Stewart 1970–1979 Lars S. Potter 1940–1941 William L. Van Schoonhoven 1979–1996 Daniel W. Streeter 1947–1963 Gail Johnstone 1997–2007 Established in 1936 through the bequest of a local businessman who died suddenly, this fund has grown from $100,000 to more than $1.7 million today. In the meantime, it has given grants of $1.9 million in the donor’s name to organizations in our community. COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION FOR GRE ATER BUFFALO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 65 1 2 8 10 14 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2014 BOARD MEMBERS 3 4 11 15 16 1. Marsha Joy Sullivan, Vice Chair 2. Lawrence C. Franco, Esq. 3. Melissa Baumgart 4. Jock Mitchell 5. Gary L. Mucci, Esq., Secretary 5 9 17 18 6. William Joyce, Vice Chair 7. Danis J. Gehl, Ph.D. 8. Anne Saldanha, M.D. 9. Gerard Mazurkiewicz, CPA, Chair 10. James Biltekoff 11. Alex Montante 12. Francisco Vasquez, Ph.D., Vice Chair 6 12 19 13. Richard Stockton, Ph.D. 14. Elizabeth Diachun, Ex-Officio, Niagara Area Foundation Chair 15. Alphonso O’Neil-White 16. Katie Schneider 17. John N. Walsh, III 7 13 20 21 18. Jennifer J. Parker, J.D. 19. Ross Eckert, Treasurer 20. Gary Brost 21. S cott Gardner, Ex-Officio, Wyoming Foundation Chair T H I S A NNUA L REP O RT WA S M A D E P O SSIB L E BY ® charting your course Larkin at Exchange 726 Exchange Street, Suite 525 Buffalo, NY 14210 (716) 852-2857 • www.cfgb.org 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Printed on recycled stock with 10% post consumer fiber.