Technische Gesamtübersicht www www
Technische Gesamtübersicht www www Te c h n i s che G e s am t ü be r s i c ht 2012 BORBET A 16“ BORBET BS4 15-16“ ched brilliant silver Relaun BORBET BS4 15-16“ BORBET BS5 16-18“ BORBET CW2 18-19“ BORBET CW3 19- 21“ BORBET CW3 19-21“ black polished brilliant silver BORBET BS5 16-18“ black polished Premium silver rim polished BORBET CW2 17-19“ BORBET CW2 17“ black rim polished black red line BORBET LV4 14-18“ BORBET LV5 15-18“ NEW sterling silver NEW black glossy NEW Premium NEW black red line mistral anthracite matt BORBET LW 19“ metal grey rming Flowfo BORBET MA 17-18“ BORBET TS 19“ BORBET TC 14-16“ BORBET XB 16-17“ CG 16“ crystal silver CH 17“crystal silver black polished decor silver Premium mistral anthracite matt BORBET CA 14-17“ BORBET CC 15-19“ crystal silver BORBET F 16-17“ brilliant silver NEW brilliant silver black polished Commercial Wheels Basic/ ECE crystal silver CWE 16-19“ mistral anthracite polished CWE 16-19“ crystal silver CG 15“ crystal silver 22“ BORBET CW1 17-19“ BORBET CW1 17-19“ BORBET CW2 17-19“ BORBET CC 15-19“ black polished matt hyper silver black polished hyper rim polished BORBET FS 16-18“ BORBET LS 15-18“ BORBET LS 17-18“ BORBET X8 14-17“ BORBET X10 17-18“ Premium mistral anthracite matt BORBET CW4 17-18“ BORBET CW4 17-18“ NEW black polished matt NEW black matt NEW crystal silver black polished Premium sterling silver BORBET XA 18-20“ BORBET XA 18-20“ mistral anthracite polished matt BORBET XL 17-18“ black polished black polished crystal silver NEW Premium graphite polished BORBET XB 16-17“ metal grey BORBET TL 14-16“ brilliant silver CWA 17“ crystal silver CWB 18“ crystal silver CX 17“ crystal silver CY 15“ crystal silver CWC 16“ crystal silver Basic/ ECE W BORBET BSU CH 17“ mistral anthracite polished CW 16“ silver Commercial Wheels “ Collection 2012 Sehr geehrter Fachhändler, mit diesem Katalog stellen wir Ihnen ein umfangreiches Nachschlagewerk zur Verfügung, das Ihnen eine sach- und fachgerechte Kundenberatung ermöglicht. Auch in diesem Jahr haben wir nur die Fahrzeuge aufgenommen, die in den letzten 10 Jahren produziert wurden, bzw. es wurden die jeweiligen Vorgänger des aktuellen Modells berücksichtigt. Sie finden z.B. neben dem aktuellen VW Passat 3C zumeist noch den Vorgänger 3B, allerdings nicht mehr die Typen 35I und 32B, obschon dafür noch sämtliche Gutachten/ABE´s vorliegen - wie für die meisten Fahrzeugmodelle der 90er Jahre - auch wenn sie in diesem Katalog nicht mehr genannt werden. Bitte verwenden Sie für die Suche nach diesen Fahrzeugen den Konfigurator auf unserer Homepage oder wenden Sie sich direkt an die Abteilung Technik. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Werk nach bestem Wissen erstellt wurde, jedoch keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit erhebt. Rechtsansprüche sind grundsätzlich nicht möglich. Maßgeblich ist ausschließlich die jeweilige ABE bzw. das Teile-Gutachten. Besuchen Sie auch unser B2B-Händlerportal: Ein erfolgreiches Geschäft mit unseren Leichtmetall rädern wünscht Ihnen Ihr Verkaufs-Team der Borbet Vertriebs GmbH Nachstehend erhalten Sie einige Hinweise, die Ihnen die Arbeit mit unserem Räderkatalog erleichtern: Fahrzeugzuordnung Die Fahrzeugzuordnung im Katalog erfolgt in alphabetischer Reihenfolge und den jeweiligen Radgrößen. Reifenzuordnung Es sind alle gemäß Gutachten möglichen Reifengrößen aufgeführt und hinsichtlich ABEFähigkeit deutlich gekennzeichnet. Maßgeblich ist jedoch die jeweilige ABE/das jeweilige TÜVGutachten. Erläuterungen zur Spalte „Bereifung“ Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Serienbereifungen/verschiedener Tragfähigkeitsanforderungen etc. ist es nicht immer möglich, alle aufgeführten Reifen auf jedem Fahrzeug bzw. jeder Motorisierung zu fahren. Bitte ABE/TÜV-Gutachten beachten. * hinter der Reifengröße = Schneeketten verwendung bei dieser Bereifung It. ABE gestattet. (9, 12 oder 15 mm - entsprechend dem Gutachten.) (ABE) hinter der Reifengröße = ABE vorhanden und weitestgehend eintragsfrei Die aktuellen ABE´s/Gutachten stehen auch zum Download auf unserer Homepage zur Verfügung: Hier finden Sie auch unseren Räderkonfigurator - die virtuelle Möglichkeit, die Räder der Borbet Vertriebs GmbH auf Ihr Fahrzeug zu montieren. Dear specialised retailer, this catalogue is a comprehensive guide that will allow you to help your customers in a professional and knowledgeable manner. Below you‘ll find a few tips that will make working with our wheel catalogue easier: Once again we are only mentioning vehicles from the last 10 years, taking in mind the forerunners of the up to date models. You can find for example, next to the latest VW Passat 3C , the forerunner 3B, but no longer the models 35I and 32B, although for these vehicles various Tüv approvals etc. are still available – as for most of the vehicles from the 90’s – although they are not mentioned in this catalogue. Please use the wheel configurator on our website when checking for these vehicles or contact our technical department directly. Vehicle classification Vehicle classification is sorted alphabetically for the respective wheel sizes in the catalogue. We have made every effort to compile this guide without error, but make no guarantee that it is complete or correct. Legal claims are fundamentally not possible. Relevant is solely the respective ABE (Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis German type approval) or part approval certificate. Explanations for “Tyre Equipment” column Due to varying serial tyre production/load bearing requirements, etc. it is not always possible to equip all listed tyres on each vehicle. Please note the ABE/TÜV approval certificate. Also visit our B2B retailer portal under We wish you successful business with our light alloy wheels! Tyre classification All possible tyre sizes according to the approval certificates are listed and clearly marked regarding German type approval. Relevant is solely the respective ABE/respective TÜV approval certificate. * behind the tire size = according to the ABE (German type approval) snow chains allowed with this tire. (9, 12 or 15 mm - according to the TÜV approval.) (ABE) behind the tire size = German type approval exists and therefore registration not required. Current ABE´s/approval certificates are also available for download on our homepage under: Regards, your sales team Borbet Vertriebs GmbH Here you‘ll also find our wheel configurator. With it, you can virtually mount wheels from Borbet on your car. Schützen Sie Ihre Felgen! Schützen Sie Ihre Felgen! Protect your wheels! Protect your wheels! Das neueste und auch das sicherste Radsicherungsmodell ist nun auch als BORBETDas neueste und auch das sicherste RadRDS bei der BORBET Vertriebs GmbH sicherungsmodell ist nun auch als BORBETerhältlich. RDS bei der BORBET Vertriebs GmbH erhältlich. Dank seines hohen Drehmomentes von über 400Nm sowiehohen seinerDrehmomentes Materialbeschaffenheit Dank seines von überist ein Öffnen derseiner Radsicherung nahezu unmög-ist 400Nm sowie Materialbeschaffenheit lich. Sicustar bei den wichtigsten ein Öffnen deristRadsicherung nahezuAutounmögmobilherstellern in Serie und vom englischen lich. Sicustar ist bei den wichtigsten AutoTHATCHAM Institut zertifiund ziert.vom englischen mobilherstellern in Serie THATCHAM Institut zertifiziert. Die Sicherheit von Sicustar ist nicht nur im Bereich der Diebstahlsicherheit finden, Die Sicherheit von Sicustar istzunicht nur auch im Beim Bereich als Befestigungsteil Rades ist reich der Diebstahlsicherheit zudes finden, auch „Sicherheit“ einBefestigungsteil starker Faktor beim Hersteller. im Bereich als des Rades ist „Sicherheit“ ein starker Faktor beim Hersteller. Die Felgenschloßzuordnung ist im Räderkonfi gurator auf Die Felgenschloßzuordnung ist im einfach Räderkonfigurator auf zu finden. einfach zu finden. Thanks to its high torque of over 400Nm as well as its characteristics, opening Thanks to material its high torque of over 400Nm as the is almost impossible.opening Sicustar wellwheel as its lock material characteristics, is for the most important automobile thestandard wheel lock is almost impossible. Sicustar manufacturers andmost certifiimportant ed by the automobile English is standard for the THATCHAM Institute. manufacturers and certified by the English THATCHAM Institute. Sicustar offers security not only against theft; safety also is a security major factor as aagainst mounting Sicustar offers not only theft; component. safety also is a major factor as a mounting component. Wheel lock classification can easily be found onclassifi our wheel confi guration Wheel lock cation can easily service be foundunder on our wheel configuration service under Rotierende Außenhülle Rotating outer cover Rotierende Außenhülle Rotating outer cover Maßgenaues Gewinde Precise threadGewinde Maßgenaues Precise thread Exklusive Codierungen sowie enge Codierungsrillen, welchesowie nur mit einem Exklusive Codierungen enge dafür vorgesehenen Schlüssel Codierungsrillen, welche nur mitzueinem öffnen sind. dafür vorgesehenen Schlüssel zu Exclusive coding and narrow coding öffnen sind. grooves only and be opened the Exclusivecan coding narrow with coding corresponding key. grooves can only be opened with the corresponding key. Hochgehärteter Kopf welcher das Öffnen mit handelsüblichen Hochgehärteter Kopf welcher Öffnungswerkzeugen standhält. das Öffnen mit handelsüblichen Ultra-hardened head that can withÖffnungswerkzeugen standhält. stand opening with conventional Ultra-hardened head that can withtools over two standfor opening withminutes. conventional tools for over two minutes. The newest and safest wheel lock model is now also available as BORBET-RDS fromisthe The newest and safest wheel lock model BORBET Vertriebs as GmbH. now also available BORBET-RDS from the BORBET Vertriebs GmbH. Hochgehärteter Stahl Ultra-hardened Hochgehärteter steel Stahl Ultra-hardened steel Thatcham N. EVWL-0720-0507 Thatcham N. EVWL-0720-0507 Schlüssel mit Außenhülle für einfache der für SchlüsselInstallation mit Außenhülle Radsicherung einfache Installation der Key with exterior cover for easy Radsicherung installation of the cover wheelfor lock Key with exterior easy installation of the wheel lock PRO-KIT SPORTLINE ANTI-ROLL-KIT PRO-SPACER B12 PRO-KIT B12 SPORTLINE PRO-STREET-S PERFORMANCE PERFECTED. Ihr direkter Draht zum BORBET-Vertriebs-Team/ Your direct line to the BORBET-Sales-Team Medebach Niederneuching Telefon-Sammelnummer Verkauf/phone collective number sales +49 2984 301-160 Telefon-Zentrale/phone number general office +49 8123 9303-0 Telefax-Nummer Verkauf Inland/telefax number sales national +49 2984 301-170 Telefax-Nummer/telefax number +49 8123 9303-50 +49 8123 9303-20 Telefax-Nummer Verkauf Export/telefax number export +49 2984 301-536 Telefon-Durchwahlen/direct lines +49 2984 301- Telefon-Durchwahlen/direct lines +49 8123 9303- Verkauf Inland/sales national: 131 Stefanie Guntermann Verkauf Inland/sales national: 26 Erwin Pangerl (Sachbearbeitung/processing) 132 Marcel Frankenstein 27 Mario Bastian (Sachbearbeitung/Reklamationen/processing/complaints) 133 Bernd Garthe 134 Natalie Schmidt (Fakturierung/Reklamationen/invoice processing/complaints) 28 Christian Tornow (Sachbearbeitung/Off-Road-Beratung/processing/ Off-Road consulting service) 158 Otmar Lefarth 16 Michaela Burgstaller (Sachbearbeitung/Export/processing/sales export) 171 Michael Siemes 30 Rita Perras (Fakturierung/invoice processing) 149 Birgit Grebe-Frese (Vertriebsleitung Handel/Sales Manager) 14 Evelyn Manlik (Finanzbuchhaltung/financial accounting) Marketing/marketing: 173 Andrea Lefarth (Messen/Merchandising/exhibitions) Außendienstservice/field service: 300 Alexandra Marowsky (Marketingleitung/Marketing Manager) Gutachtenanforderung/TÜV-approval department 280 Markus Lichte Technik/technic: 169 Carsten Hesse Verkauf Export/sales export: 128 Donna J. Bonacker 249 Nicole Honekamp Thomas Kiessling (Gebietsverkaufsleiter/area manager) Tel. +49 171 6221483 Friedrich Meingast (Gebietsverkaufsleiter/area manager) Tel. +49 171 2721896 Hubert Heeg (Gebietsverkaufsleiter/area manager) Tel. +49 171 6707057 Thomas Schröder (Gebietsverkaufsleiter/area manager) Tel. +49 171 7701088 Jürgen Rißmann (Key Account Manager) Tel. +49 171 3171011 Inhaltsverzeichnis/Contents Borbet Vertriebs GmbH Fahrzeug/vehicle Ihr direkter Draht/Your direct line Inhaltsverzeichnis/Contents Alfa Romeo Audi BMW Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Citroën Dacia Daihatsu Dodge Fiat Ford GMC Honda Hummer Hyundai Isuzu Jaguar Kia Lada Lancia Land Rover Lexus Mazda MCC Smart Mercedes Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Opel Peugeot Porsche Renault Rover Saab Seat Skoda Ssangyong Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volvo VW Multiflex-Sets Wichtige Anmerkungen/Allgemeine Auflagen & Hinweise Important Notes/General Requirements and Instructions Borbet-Räderdisplay/Borbet wheel display Borbet-Merchandising Collection 2012 Borbet-Zubehör/Borbet Accessories Seite/page 6 7 8 8-21 21-30 30-31 31-33 33-36 36-42 42-44 44-45 45 45-49 49-59 60 60-66 66 66-72 72 72-73 73-80 80 81 81-83 83-86 86-97 97 97-114 114-119 120-123 123-130 130-149 149-157 158 158-171 171 171-172 172-180 180-186 186-187 187-188 189-192 192-202 202-207 207-236 238-242 243 244 245 246 247 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Alfa Romeo Alfa 147 937 Alfa 166 936 Alfa GT 937 Giulietta 940 MiTo 955 ü TC 6.0x15 38 5 98.0 185/65R15 (ABE) * 5251 CA 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 185/65R15 M+S 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5251 LS 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 5251 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 5251 TC 6.5x16 40 5 98.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5251 LS 7.0x17 38 5 98.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5251 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5252 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5252 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5252 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5252 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5252 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5252 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 5252 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5252 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5252 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5252 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 5252 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 5252 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 5252 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5252 CA 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 195/60R15 205/60R15 185/65R15 M+S (ABE) 5251 LS 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 5251 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 98.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 5251 TC 6.5x16 40 5 98.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 5251 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5265 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5265 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS-1415285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 5265 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 5265 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 5265 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS-1415285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5265 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 5240 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 5237 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5237 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5237 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5237 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/55R16 215/45R16 5237 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5237 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5237 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 98.0 205/40R18 (ABE) 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5237 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5237 ü ü ü 205/45R17 215/45R17 5265 5208 5265 RS-1415285-ke Audi A1 8X 8 ü TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/60R15 * 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 185/60R15 185/60R15 M+S 195/55R15 M+S 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/60R15 M+S 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/50R16 185/55R16 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/40R17 (ABE) 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 (ABE) 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 (ABE) 5250 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under RS M141527-ku Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A1 8X XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) A2 8Z TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 185/50R16 205/45R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 (ABE) 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) * 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 5250 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 185/65R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü 185/65R15 * RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 ü 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/60R15 225/55R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/60R15 225/55R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 * 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5250 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/40R17 225/45R17 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 235/40R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 5250 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 ü 195/65R15 * CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 (ABE) * 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 195/60R16 (ABE) * CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 195/60R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 A3 8L A3 inkl. Sportback 8P ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 205/55R16 (ABE) ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5250 5250 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke-VwAu RS M141527-ku 5246 9 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A3 inkl. Sportback 8P A3 Cabrio 8P 10 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 Serie AudVw TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5246 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 ü ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke-VwAu RS M141527-ku 5246 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A3 Cabrio 8P A4 inkl. Avant 8E BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 Serie AudVw TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5246 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/65R15 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke-VwAu FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/40R17 ü 195/65R15 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 11 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A4 inkl. Avant 8E A4 B8 12 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 5246 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/55R16 M+S (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/55R16 M+S * 5255 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 225/55R16 M+S 235/55R16 235/55R16 M+S 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 5255 TL 7.0x16 39 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * RS M141527-ku CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S (ABE) 205/55R17 M+S 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/55R17 5255 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 235/50R17 M+S 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 235/50R17 M+S 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/55R17 205/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/50R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 * 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5255 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5255 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 5255 5255 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A4 B8 A4 Avant B8 A4 Cabrio 8H CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 5255 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 CWB 9.0x20 40 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS141533-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/55R16 M+S (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/55R16 M+S * 5255 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 225/55R16 M+S 235/55R16 235/55R16 M+S 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 5255 TL 7.0x16 39 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * RS M141527-ku CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S (ABE) 205/55R17 M+S 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/55R17 5255 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 235/50R17 M+S 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 235/50R17 M+S 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/55R17 205/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/50R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 * 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5255 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS-1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke ü ü ü ü 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 5255 RS-1415285-ke 5255 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 5255 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5246 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke-VwAu FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 13 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A4 Cabrio 8H A5 B8 A5 Coupe B8 14 ü FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 235/40R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 235/40R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 235/40R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 5246 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 235/45R18 M+S 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 225/40R19 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 20 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 25 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 30 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5255 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 235/45R18 M+S 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 255/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 225/40R19 235/40R19 5255 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 5255 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A5 Coupe B8 A5 Sportback B8 A6 inkl. Avant 4F CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 265/30R20 (ABE) 275/30R20 XA 9.0x20 20 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 25 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 30 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 255/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 265/30R20 (ABE) 275/30R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x16 38 5 LS 7.0x16 42 LV5 7.0x16 LV5 205/60R16 225/55R16 M+S ü 205/60R16 M+S * RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 205/60R16 225/55R16 M+S RS M1415285-ke 205/60R16 * RS M1415285-keVwAu ü 205/60R16 RS M141527-ku ü 205/60R16 5246 112.0 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 225/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 5246 5 112.0 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 225/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 5246 37 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 5246 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 M+S (ABE) 245/45R17 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 M+S 225/50R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 255/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 5246 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 15 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A6 inkl. Avant 4F A6 4G A6 Allroad 4F CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 245/35R19 (ABE) LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/35R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 245/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 XA 9.0x20 40 5 112.0 255/30R20 265/30R20 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/50R17 (ABE) 255/50R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 CW2 8.5x18 30 CW2 8.5x18 CW3 ü 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 5246 225/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5255 225/55R17 245/50R17 (ABE) 5255 225/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5255 112.0 225/55R17 245/50R17 (ABE) 5255 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5255 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/60R16 * RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 215/55R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 225/55R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 225/55R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 225/55R17 245/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 215/55R17 M+S 235/50R17 245/50R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 245/45R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/40R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 255/40R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke ü ü XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 A6 Avant 4G CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 A7 4G F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 ü 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/55R17 16 5246 5255 RS141533-ke RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 RS141533-ke 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 235/50R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 235/50R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 ü 235/50R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 ü 235/45R19 * 5255 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 235/45R19 255/40R19 (ABE) CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/35R20 265/35R20 275/35R20 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5255 RS-1415285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi A8 4E A8 4H Q5 8R BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/50R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/50R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/50R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/55R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 235/55R17 245/55R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 (ABE) RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 (ABE) CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/45R19 M+S 245/40R19 M+S 255/40R19 M+S (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/45R19 M+S 245/40R19 255/40R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/45R19 M+S 245/40R19 255/40R19 RS M141533-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 275/35R19 255/40R19 285/35R19 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 RS M1415285-ke ü 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 (ABE) 5246 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 5246 5246 XA 9.0x20 40 5 112.0 255/35R20 275/35R20 RS M1415285-ke BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 245/55R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 255/50R18 (ABE) 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/55R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 255/50R18 (ABE) 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 245/55R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 245/50R18 275/45R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 ü 235/50R19 * 5255 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 235/50R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 235/50R19 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 235/60R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/65R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S (ABE) 255/55R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S (ABE) 255/55R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 M+S 235/65R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S 255/55R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S (ABE) 255/55R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 235/60R17 245/60R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/65R17 255/60R17 (ABE) 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 225/65R17 255/60R17 (ABE) 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/60R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 255/50R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/60R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/60R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/60R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/55R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/60R18 (ABE) 255/55R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 255/50R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/50R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/50R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/50R19 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 5255 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/50R19 255/45R19 5255 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5255 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 17 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi Q5 8R XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/50R19 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 235/45R20 255/40R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 Q7 4L CWB 8.0x18 53 5 130.0 CC 8.5x18 50 5 130.0 235/60R18 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 275/50R18 RS M141536-Ku CC 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 (ABE) RS M141536-Ku CW3 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 265/50R19 275/45R19 CWE 8.5x19 45 5 130.0 TS 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 265/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku XA 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 265/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku TS 9.5x19 50 5 130.0 275/45R19 285/45R19 RS M141536-Ku CW3 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/45R20 Serie AudVw CWB 9.0x20 50 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 CWB 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 275/45R20 XA 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/45R20 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 45 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 285/35R22 295/30R22 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 48 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 285/35R22 RS M141536-Ku CWB 10.0x22 48 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 295/30R22 235/45R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 ü ü 235/60R18 * 235/55R19 * 5255 RS-1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke Serie AudVw Serie AudVw Serie AudVw CW 11.0x23 45 5 130.0 315/25R23 Q7 4L/4L1 CC 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 (ABE) RS M141536-Ku RS4 QB6 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/40R19 RS M141527-ku TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 RS4 Avant QB6 RS6 4B S3 inkl. Sportback 8P 18 5246 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S (ABE) 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 255/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 (ABE) 5246 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/40R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 265/30R19 5246 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 255/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 255/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 5246 XA 9.0x20 30 5 112.0 255/30R20 Serie VW/Audi F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 CA 8.0x17 35 CA 8.0x17 CW1 CW1 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M141527-ku 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 205/50R17 5246 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5246 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5246 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi S3 inkl. Sportback 8P S5 B8 S5 Cabrio B8 S5 Coupe B8 S5 Sportback B8 S6 4F CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 255/45R17 M+S 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 * 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 255/35R19 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5255 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/50R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 255/45R17 M+S 5255 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/45R18 * 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 255/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 255/35R19 (ABE) CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 255/35R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 265/30R20 (ABE) 275/30R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 275/30R20 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 255/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku RS M141527-ku 225/55R17 M+S 245/50R17 M+S ü 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 5246 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/40R19 M+S 255/35R19 5246 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 19 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi S6 4F S6 Avant 4F TT Coupe/Roadster 8J 20 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/45R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/45R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 255/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 5246 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S 5246 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S (ABE) CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 225/55R16 M+S (ABE) * RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 225/55R16 M+S (ABE) * RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 225/55R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 225/55R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 225/55R16 M+S 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 225/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/50R17 (ABE) * 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 245/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 255/40R18 255/40R18 M+S 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 225/35R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 225/35R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 245/35R19 M+S RS M1415285-ke ü ü ü ü 225/55R16 (ABE) * 225/55R16 (ABE) * Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Audi TT Coupe/Roadster 8J CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 5246 XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5246 Serie AudVw XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 225/40R19 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 255/35R19 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 TT RS Roadster 8J CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 M+S TTS Coupe 8J CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S (ABE) RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/50R17 M+S 245/45R17 M+S (ABE) BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 255/40R18 M+S LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 M+S RS M1415285-ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 225/40R19 M+S 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 255/35R19 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5248 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/40R18 5248 TT Coupe/Roadster 8N TT Roadster 8N 5250 Serie AudVw 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 RS M1415285-ke BMW 1er Cabrio 182 (E82/E88) Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5248 21 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 1er Cabrio 182 (E82/E88) 1er Reihe 187 (E87) 1er Reihe 187/1K (E87) 1er Reihe F20/1K4 22 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 195/55R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M121530-Ke CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under RS M1215285-ke 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 1er Reihe F20/1K4 3er Cabrio 392C (E93) 3er Cabrio 3C 3er Coupé 392C (E93) CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 M+S 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 XL 8.0x18 35 5 CC 8.5x18 35 CW2 8.5x18 CW1 CW2 ü ü ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 5248 205/55R16 RS M121526-ke 5248 5248 5248 5248 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 245/35R18 5248 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 M+S 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke ü ü ü 5248 205/55R16 5248 205/55R16 RS M121526-ke 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5248 23 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 3er Coupé 392C (E93) 3er Coupé 3C LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 XL 8.0x18 35 5 CC 8.5x18 35 CW2 8.5x18 CW1 CW2 ü ü 5248 5248 5248 5248 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 245/35R18 5248 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S * 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 M+S (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke 3er Limousine 3/1 (E30) CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/60R14 M+S 5215 3er Limousine 390L (E90/E91) CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 3er Coupe (Allrad) 390X (E90/E91) 24 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5248 5248 5248 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 3er Limousine 390L (E90/E91) 3er Limousine 3L 3er Limousine (Allrad) 390X (E90/E91) CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 225/45R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S * 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 M+S (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke ü 5248 5248 5248 5248 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/55R16 5248 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5248 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 25 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 3er Touring 390L (E90/E91) 3er Touring 3K 3er Touring (Allrad) 390X (E90/E91) 5er 560L (E60/61) 26 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 5247 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 205/55R16 5248 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S * 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 205/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 M+S (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/30R20 RS M1215285-ke CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) * 5247 CC 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 205/60R16 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 205/60R16 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5248 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5248 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke 5248 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 5er 560L (E60/61) 5er 5K (F10/F11) CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5248 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5247 XA 9.0x20 15 5 120.0 245/30R20 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5275 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 ü 225/50R18 * RS M1412535-Ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 ü 225/50R18 * 5275 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 CW3 8.5x19 35 CW2 9.5x19 CW3 225/50R18 245/45R18 ü 5275 5275 235/45R18 (ABE) * 245/45R18 255/40R18 RS M1412535-Ke 120.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) RS M1412535-Ke 120.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 265/35R19 275/35R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke 5 120.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 255/40R19 RS M1412535-Ke 34 5 120.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 265/35R19 275/35R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/35R20 RS M1412535-Ke CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 5275 5275 ü 225/50R18 * ü 225/50R18 * 5275 5275 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/50R18 245/45R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 CW3 8.5x19 35 TS 8.5x19 XA CW2 ü RS M1412535-Ke BMW5L 5275 235/45R18 (ABE) * 245/45R18 255/40R18 RS M1412535-Ke 120.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) RS M1412535-Ke 120.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 265/35R19 275/35R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 255/40R19 RS M1412535-Ke 35 5 120.0 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 265/35R19 275/35R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke 5275 5275 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/35R20 255/35R20 RS M1412535-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/35R20 255/35R20 5275 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 * 235/45R17 245/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5248 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5er Gran Turismo GT (F07) CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 RS M1412535-Ke CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 RS M1412535-Ke 5er Touring 5/D (E39) CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 225/55R16 5248 A 9.0x16 15 5 120.0 225/50R16 235/50R16 5248 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5248 CA 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 225/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 * 5247 CC 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 225/55R16 * 5248 LV5 7.0x16 20 5 120.0 ü 225/55R16 * 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5248 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5247 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/50R17 * 235/45R17 245/45R17 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/50R17 * 235/45R17 245/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5248 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5248 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5248 5er (Allrad) 560X (E60/61) 5er Touring 560L (E60/61) 5er Touring (Allrad) 560X (E60/61) ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5248 5248 27 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW 5er Touring (Allrad) 560X (E60/61) 6er Cabrio 663C (E63/E64) 7er 701 7er 765 7er 7L (F01) LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/50R17 M+S 5248 XA 9.0x20 15 5 120.0 245/35R20 255/30R20 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/50R17 M+S 5248 XA 9.0x20 15 5 120.0 245/35R20 255/30R20 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 225/60R17 245/55R17 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/60R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 (ABE) XA 9.0x20 15 5 120.0 245/40R20 255/35R20 RS M141533-ke XA 9.0x20 20 5 120.0 245/40R20 255/35R20 RS M141533-ke CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 ü 245/45R18 * CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 ü 245/40R19 * RS M1412535-Ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 ü 245/40R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke RS M1412535-Ke CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 M3 M390 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 235/40R18 M+S M3 Cabrio M346 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S M3 Coupe M390 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 235/40R18 M+S M3 Coupé M346 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S M-Coupé M85 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 XA 8.0x18 35 5 XL 8.0x18 35 CC 8.5x18 CW2 X1 X1/X1-N1 28 ü 225/40R18 * 235/40R18 5248 5261 Serie BMW3 5275 5275 RS M1412535-Ke BMW5L 5248 BMW5L 5248 RS M1215285-ke 225/40R18 M+S 5248 225/40R18 (ABE) * 235/40R18 5248 120.0 225/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 5 120.0 225/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5248 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 M+S 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 * 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5248 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 235/45R17 (ABE) * RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 235/45R17 (ABE) * RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 ü 225/45R18 245/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5247 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5248 CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 235/35R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS M1215285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 235/35R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 5248 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5248 5248 5248 5248 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW X3 X3 X3 X83 (E83) CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/60R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/60R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 RS M1412535-Ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 RS M1412535-Ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 RS M1412535-Ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 275/45R18 RS M1412535-Ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 235/45R19 RS M1412535-Ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/45R19 245/45R19 M+S 255/40R19 255/40R19 M+S RS M1412535-Ke CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 255/40R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 235/45R19 245/45R19 RS M1412535-Ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/40R20 255/35R20 265/35R20 RS M1412535-Ke CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 215/60R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 LS 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/60R17 235/55R17 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 215/60R17 215/60R17 M+S 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 215/60R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 245/50R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 215/60R17 (ABE) * 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 RS141533-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 215/60R17 (ABE) * 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 RS141533-ke CWA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 RS141533-ke CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 RS141533-ke CWB 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 RS141533-ke CWB 8.0x18 45 5 120.0 235/50R18 LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 RS M141533-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) * 255/45R18 RS M141533-ke XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 RS M141533-ke XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 RS M141533-ke CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 RS M141533-ke RS M141535-ke ü ü 225/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5275 5275 5275 5275 Serie BMW3 RS M141533-ke Serie BMW3 RS M141533-ke RS141533-ke CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 RS141533-ke CWE 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) RS141533-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 RS141533-ke CWE 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/45R19 255/40R19 (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 RS M141533-ke TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 235/45R19 255/40R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 RS M141533-ke TS 9.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/40R19 245/40R19 275/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/35R20 RS141533-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 245/35R20 RS M141533-ke CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 235/65R17 235/65R17 M+S Serie BMWX5 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 235/65R17 235/65R17 M+S RS141533-ke CWB 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 255/50R18 255/55R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 235/60R18 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 255/55R18 M+S 285/50R18 RS M141533-ke CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/60R18 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 255/55R18 M+S RS M141532-Ke CWE 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 255/55R18 285/50R18 (ABE) RS141533-ke CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/45R19 285/45R19 (ABE) RS M141530-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 255/45R19 275/45R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 255/50R19 255/50R19 M+S RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/45R19 255/50R19 285/45R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 255/50R19 255/50R19 M+S RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/50R19 255/50R19 M+S RS M141533-ke CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 255/45R19 275/45R19 RS141533-ke TS 9.5x19 35 5 120.0 275/45R19 285/45R19 RS M141533-ke TS 9.5x19 40 5 120.0 275/45R19 275/45R19 M+S Serie BMWX5 TS 9.5x19 45 5 120.0 275/45R19 275/45R19 M+S Serie BMWX5 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 275/40R20 M+S RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 275/40R20 M+S RS141533-ke CWB 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 275/40R20 M+S RS M141533-ke BSU 10.0x22 40 5 120.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 285/30R22 M+S 285/40R22 295/30R22 295/30R22 M+S RS M141533-ke CWB 10.0x22 35 5 120.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 295/30R22 X5 X70 (E70) CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 X6 X70 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 255/45R20 M+S (ABE) CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 255/45R20 M+S (ABE) X5 X53 ü ü ü ü 235/45R19 255/55R18 * 255/50R19 * Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS141533-ke RS M141530-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS M141533-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke BMW5L RS M1412535-Ke 29 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. BMW Z4 Z85 Z4 Z89/ZR Z4 Coupé Z85 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 LS 7.0x17 35 LV5 7.0x17 CA ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 ü 205/55R16 5248 5248 RS M121526-ke 205/55R16 225/50R16 5248 205/55R16 5248 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5248 5 120.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5248 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 * 5248 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 205/50R17 * 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 CA 8.0x17 13 5 120.0 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5248 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/40R17 225/40R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 245/40R17 M+S 5248 CC 8.0x17 20 5 120.0 225/40R17 225/40R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 245/40R17 M+S 5248 ü ü 225/45R17 245/40R17 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke CC 8.0x17 30 5 120.0 225/40R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 245/40R17 M+S CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 LS 8.0x18 18 5 120.0 225/35R18 225/35R18 M+S 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/35R18 235/35R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 245/35R18 M+S 5247 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 245/35R18 M+S 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/35R18 235/35R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 245/35R18 M+S CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 9.5x19 34 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/45R17 245/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 (ABE) * 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 ü 225/45R17 (ABE) * 235/40R17 245/40R17 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5248 XA 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 35 5 120.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5248 CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 TS 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/35R19 5248 XA 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 5200 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M+S (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M+S (ABE) 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 M+S 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 5200 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/45R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5248 RS M1215285-ke 5248 5248 5248 RS M1215285-ke Cadillac BLS YSCF 30 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 RS M121532-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Cadillac BLS Wagon YSCF CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/45R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/45R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac XA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/45R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac CC 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 225/45R18 Serie Cadillac CC 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5332 CWE 8.5x18 40 5 120.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5067 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5212 SRX GMT265 CWE 8.5x18 42 5 115.0 STS GMX295 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/50R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/50R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac XA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/50R18 (ABE) Serie Cadillac CC 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 Serie Cadillac XA 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 255/35R20 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5312 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 5312 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 (ABE) 205/45R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 5312 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5312 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 (ABE) 205/45R15 5312 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 205/45R15 5219 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5312 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5312 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5312 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5312 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5312 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 215/35R16 5312 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 5312 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5312 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5312 CWE 7.0x16 20 5 120.65 235/65R16 235/70R16 245/60R16 255/65R16 CWE 8.0x17 20 5 120.65 235/55R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 CWE 8.5x18 20 5 120.65 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) TC 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/65R16 * 225/70R16 235/65R16 255/60R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 45 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/65R16 * 225/70R16 235/65R16 255/60R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 215/60R17 235/60R17 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 225/60R17 M+S 235/60R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 255/55R17 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 225/60R17 M+S 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 225/60R17 M+S 225/60R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 45 5 115.0 225/60R17 M+S 235/60R17 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/55R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5067 XA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5067 XA 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 245/45R19 5067 TS 9.5x19 35 5 115.0 245/45R19 255/45R19 275/40R19 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 245/40R20 5067 F 6.5x16 38 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5067 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5067 TC 6.5x16 38 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5067 TC 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5067 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/45R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/45R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 45 5 115.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 245/50R16 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 CTS GMX320 CTS GMX322 ü 5200 235/60R18 255/55R18 Chevrolet Aveo KLAS Blazer GMT330/360 Captiva KLAC Cruze KL1J ü ü 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 31 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Chevrolet Cruze KL1J Epica KLAL Kalos KLAS Nubira KLAN 32 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5067 LS 7.0x17 42 5 105.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5067 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 245/45R17 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5067 MA 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 245/45R17 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 45 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 8.0x18 38 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 42 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5067 XA 8.0x18 42 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 105.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 105.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 105.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 4 114.3 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5327 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5327 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 5327 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5264 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 225/55R16 5327 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5327 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5327 LV4 7.5x18 40 4 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 5327 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 (ABE) 185/60R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 (ABE) 185/60R14 5312 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 175/65R14 * 5312 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/65R14 5312 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 205/55R14 5312 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 205/55R14 5312 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/50R15 5312 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 5312 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 5312 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 5312 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5312 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5221 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5221 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5312 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5312 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5312 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5312 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 195/40R16 5312 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5312 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5312 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5312 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5312 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5312 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5312 TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 175/70R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 205/60R14 5327 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 5327 TC 6.0x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 (ABE) 5327 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 (ABE) 5327 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 5327 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 5327 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 205/50R15 5327 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 205/45R16 5327 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 5327 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Chevrolet Nubira KLAN Orlando KL1Y Spark KL1M Tahoe GMT LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 5327 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5327 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 5327 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5327 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 215/55R16 * 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 215/60R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 45 5 115.0 215/60R16 225/60R16 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 45 5 115.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 255/40R18 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 165/65R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/55R14 185/60R14 5312 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/65R14 175/65R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 185/60R14 5312 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 165/55R15 165/60R15 175/50R15 175/55R15 185/55R15 195/45R15 5312 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 165/55R15 175/50R15 5312 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/45R15 (ABE) 5312 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 205/45R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5312 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/55R15 5312 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 205/45R15 5221 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5221 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/55R15 5221 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 5312 CWE 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 265/70R16 275/70R16 265/65R17 275/60R17 275/65R17 285/60R17 ü ü CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 265/60R18 285/55R18 CWE 8.5x19 20 6 139.7 265/55R19 Tahoe/Trailblazer GMT CWE 8.5x19 38 6 127.0 235/55R19 275/45R19 (ABE) Trans Sport GM200 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 5067 X10 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 RM M1215-Ke CWE 8.5x18 20 5 115.0 235/55R18 245/50R18 CWE 8.5x19 20 5 115.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 TS 8.5x19 51 5 115.0 245/45R19 RM M1415-Ke XA 9.0x20 15 5 115.0 245/40R20 245/45R20 RM M1415-Ke XA 9.0x20 48 5 115.0 245/40R20 RM M1415-Ke CWE 8.5x18 20 5 115.0 235/55R18 245/50R18 5067 Chrysler 300C LX 300C Touring LX RM M1415-ke-o.ZR TS 8.5x19 51 5 115.0 245/45R19 RM M1415-Ke XA 9.0x20 15 5 115.0 245/40R20 245/45R20 RM M1415-Ke XA 9.0x20 48 5 115.0 245/40R20 Cherokee J CV 8.0x16 20 5 114.3 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 275/55R16 275/60R16 CD70530-CHRY Cherokee KJ CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 235/70R16 (ABE) * CD70530-CHRY CV 8.0x16 20 5 114.3 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 CD70530-CHRY CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/65R17 CD70530-CHRY CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/60R17 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 235/65R17 255/55R17 CD70530-CHRY CV 8.0x18 20 5 114.3 235/60R18 255/55R18 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.5x18 25 5 114.3 235/60R18 CD70530-CHRY TS 8.5x19 30 5 114.3 255/50R19 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/60R17 CD70530-CHRY XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/50R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 RM M12UNF-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/40R20 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 127.0 245/70R16 CV 8.0x16 30 5 127.0 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/60R16 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CWA 8.0x17 30 5 127.0 235/65R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.0x17 30 5 127.0 235/65R17 245/65R17 265/60R17 CV 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 255/55R18 265/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 CD70530-CHRY CW3 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM-1/2”UNF-ke Cherokee KK Cherokee WJ ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M1415-Ke 5249 Serie Chrysler 33 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Chrysler Cherokee XJ CV 8.0x18 20 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 CD70530-CHRY Cherokee Z CV 8.0x18 20 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 CD70530-CHRY Cherokee ZJ CV 8.0x18 20 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 CD70530-CHRY Commander XH CWB 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CC 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 RM M12UNF-Ke CW3 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 245/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 (ABE) CD70530-CHRY CW3 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 245/50R19 275/45R19 (ABE) RM-1/2”UNF-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 235/55R19 M+S 245/50R19 255/50R19 RM M12UNF-Ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM-1/2”UNF-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12UNF-Ke Compass PK Crossfire ZH Crossfire Cabrio ZH Grand Cherokee WG Grand Cherokee WH 34 BSU 10.0x22 35 5 127.0 265/35R22 RM M12UNF-Ke CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 215/65R16 Serie Chrysler CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/45R19 (ABE) XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 XA 8.0x18 35 5 XL 8.0x18 35 CC 8.5x18 CW2 ü 5067 Serie Chrysler 225/40R18 * 5209 225/40R18 M+S 5209 ü 225/40R18 * 5209 ü 225/40R18 * 5209 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 * 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 M+S 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 * 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/40R18 * 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 225/40R18 * 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 * 5209 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 127.0 245/70R16 ü ü ü CV 8.0x16 30 5 127.0 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/60R16 CX 7.0x17 50 5 127.0 235/65R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 CWA 8.0x17 30 5 127.0 235/65R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 127.0 235/65R17 245/65R17 265/60R17 CV 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 255/55R18 265/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 127.0 235/60R18 265/55R18 (ABE) CWE 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 255/55R18 265/60R18 TS 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 255/45R19 255/50R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12UNF-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12UNF-Ke CV 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 265/55R18 CD70530-CHRY CWB 8.0x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CWB 8.0x18 40 5 127.0 235/60R18 M+S 235/60R18 255/55R18 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CC 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 RM M12UNF-Ke CWE 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 245/50R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CWE 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 235/55R19 CD70530-CHRY Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under CD70530-CHRY Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Chrysler Grand Cherokee WH XA 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 235/55R19 M+S 245/50R19 245/50R19 M+S 255/50R19 255/50R19 M+S CW3 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 255/45R20 255/45R20 M+S 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12UNF-Ke RM-1/2”UNF-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12UNF-Ke BSU 10.0x22 35 5 127.0 265/35R22 RM M12UNF-Ke CWB 8.0x18 40 5 127.0 265/60R18 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CWB 8.0x18 53 5 127.0 265/60R18 M+S RM-1/2”UNF-ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 265/55R19 M+S 275/50R19 M+S RM-1/2”UNF-ke CW3 9.0x20 50 5 127.0 265/45R20 275/45R20 RM-1/2”UNF-ke CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CWE 7.0x16 30 5 114.3 215/65R16 CD70530-CHRY CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/45R17 CV 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 265/40R18 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5249 CWE 7.0x16 30 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/45R17 245/50R17 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 CC 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 245/45R18 RM M1215-Ke XA 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 RM M1215-Ke XA 9.0x20 30 5 127.0 245/35R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 CWE 7.0x16 20 5 114.3 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 255/60R16 CD70530-CHRY CV 8.0x16 20 5 114.3 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 275/55R16 275/60R16 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.0x17 15 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.0x17 20 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 CD70530-CHRY CV 8.0x18 20 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.5x18 20 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 255/50R18 CD70530-CHRY CWE 8.5x19 20 5 114.3 235/45R19 235/55R19 255/45R19 CD70530-CHRY Jeep Commander WH CWE 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 255/50R19 CD70530-CHRY Jeep Patriot PK CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 (ABE) 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 127.0 255/60R18 255/70R18 265/60R18 275/60R18 285/55R18 285/60R18 RM M12UNF-Ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 127.0 255/55R19 265/55R19 275/50R19 275/55R19 RM M12UNF-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 127.0 255/50R20 265/50R20 275/45R20 275/55R20 285/50R20 RM M12UNF-Ke BSU 10.0x22 35 5 127.0 275/35R22 RM M12UNF-Ke TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5300 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) * 5300 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5300 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/60R15 * 5300 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5300 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5300 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5300 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 5300 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5220 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 5300 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 5300 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5202 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5300 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5202 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5300 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5300 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5202 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5202 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5300 Grand Cherokee WK Grand Voyager GS Grand Voyager RG Grand Voyager RT Jeep Cherokee XJ Jeep Wrangler JK Neon PL PT Cruiser PT ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5067 CD70530-CHRY RM M1215-Ke 5212 35 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Chrysler PT Cruiser PT PT Cruiser Cabrio PT Voyager GS LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5300 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5300 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5202 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5300 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5300 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5300 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 5300 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5220 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 5300 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 5300 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5202 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5300 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5202 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5300 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5300 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5300 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5202 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 5202 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 5300 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5300 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5300 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5202 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CWE 7.0x16 30 5 114.3 215/65R16 CD70530-CHRY CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/45R17 CV 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 265/40R18 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5249 CWE 7.0x16 30 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/45R17 245/50R17 5067 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5067 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 5067 CD70530-CHRY Citroën Berlingo 7*... Berlingo B9 36 CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/60R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/60R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke 195/65R15 205/60R15 ü ü ü ü ü 5227 195/60R16 5227 205/60R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke 195/65R15 205/60R15 ü 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 195/60R16 5227 205/60R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën Berlingo B9 LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 M1212530-ke C1 P*... LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 165/60R14 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 5263 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/60R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 5263 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 165/70R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 165/65R14 175/60R14 185/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 22 4 108.0 165/65R14 165/70R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 165/65R14 165/70R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 165/65R14 165/70R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 165/65R14 165/70R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 C2 J*... C3 F*..., H C3 S**** C3 Picasso SH**** X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 CA 6.0x14 17 4 CA 6.0x14 22 4 CA 6.0x14 24 X8 6.0x14 X8 ü 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 195/45R16 M1212530-ke 165/70R14 185/60R14 (ABE) M1212530-ke 108.0 165/70R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/50R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 27 4 CA 6.5x15 15 CA 6.5x15 CA ü 5227 5227 5227 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 RS1212530-ke 185/65R15 * 205/55R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke 108.0 185/65R15 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 M1212530-ke 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 M1212530-ke 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 25 4 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 CW1 7.0x17 20 4 ü ü 5227 195/50R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 RS1212530-ke RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/40R17 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 27 4 CA 6.5x15 20 4 CA 6.5x15 24 TC 6.5x16 CA CA ü M1212530-ke 195/60R15 (ABE) * 205/55R15 RS M12x125x33-ke 108.0 195/60R15 RS M12x125x33-ke 108.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 RS M12x125x33-ke 4 108.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5227 18 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 RS M12x125x33-ke 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 RS M12x125x33-ke Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5227 37 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën C3 Picasso SH**** C3 Pluriel F*..., H C4 L***** C4 N C4 Coupe L***** C4 Grand Picasso U*... C4 Picasso U*... 38 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 RS M12x125x33-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 RS M12x125x33-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/65R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/65R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/50R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 RS1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 CA 7.0x16 25 4 CW1 7.0x17 20 CW2 7.0x17 TC 6.0x15 TC ü 5227 195/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke 18 4 108.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 M1212530-ke 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 ü 195/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5227 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke ü 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5227 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 CA 7.0x16 25 LV4 7.0x16 15 LV4 7.0x16 CW2 ü 205/55R16 * 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5227 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke 4 108.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke 25 4 108.0 7.0x17 20 4 LV4 7.0x17 25 LV4 7.5x18 25 CA 6.5x15 CA CA ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 215/45R18 M1212530-ke 15 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5227 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 ü 5227 205/55R16 * 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5227 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën C4 Picasso U*... CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 ü 195/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5227 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 5227 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R15 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R15 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke C5 R*... LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5265 C5 Break D*... TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 (ABE) 5227 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 (ABE) 5227 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 205/65R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 205/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R15 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R15 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 215/55R16 (ABE) 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 C4 Triomphe L***** C5 D*... ü ü ü ü M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 5227 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 215/55R16 M1212530-ke Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 39 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën C5 Break D*... X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 215/55R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LS 7.0x17 24 4 108.0 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 215/55R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 215/55R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5265 C6 T*... LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 ü 225/45R18 235/45R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5265 C-Crosser V*... F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 * 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/65R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5212 XA 9.0x20 38 5 114.3 245/40R20 255/40R20 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 27 4 CA 6.5x15 15 4 CA 6.5x15 20 CA 6.5x15 CA 7.0x16 C5 Break R*... DS3 S**** ü ü 5067 185/65R15 * 205/55R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke 108.0 185/65R15 M1212530-ke 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 M1212530-ke 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 15 4 108.0 ü 5227 195/50R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 215/60R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 M1212530-ke Jumper 23 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT Jumper 230L CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 145/80R13 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 235/65R16 RS M161532-Ke CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 225/65R16 * 235/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 55 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 CX 7.0x17 52 5 130.0 235/60R17 CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 235/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 55 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 DS4 N Jumper 230P Jumper 244L Jumper 250/250L Jumper Y 40 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën Jumper Y CX 7.0x17 52 5 130.0 235/60R17 CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT Jumper Z CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT Nemo 225L LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 5240 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 5240 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 (ABE) * 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 * 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5240 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 185/70R14 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 195/55R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5240 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5240 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 5240 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 5240 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 (ABE) * 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 * 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5240 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5240 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 165/60R14 175/60R14 185/55R14 (ABE) 195/45R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/65R14 175/60R14 185/55R14 195/45R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 195/45R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/65R15 205/60R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 Nemo A Saxo S*...,S0...,S1.... Xantia X2 Xantia Break X2 Xsara N*... Xsara Break N*... Xsara Coupé N*... RS M161532-Ke 5240 M1212530-ke RS M12x125x33-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/65R15 205/60R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. M1212530-ke RS M12x125x33-ke 5227 41 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Citroën Xsara Coupé N*... Xsara Picasso C ZX Break N2 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/55R15 185/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/60R14 185/55R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 CC 7.0x16 40 5 LV5 7.0x16 40 LV5 7.0x16 CA M1212530-ke RS M12x125x33-ke Dacia Duster SD Logan SD/SR 42 215/65R16 235/60R16 5273 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5273 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5273 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5273 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 255/55R16 5273 114.3 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5273 5 114.3 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5273 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5273 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 245/45R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 255/45R18 195/50R16 205/45R16 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 5248 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/35R20 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 265/30R20 5248 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 5222 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 185/70R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 195/65R14 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 205/60R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 225/50R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Dacia Logan SD/SR Logan Express FSD/USD Logan MCV SD/SR Sandero SD LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 205/60R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 205/60R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 185/70R14 165/0R14 * 5222 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 185/70R14 165/0R14 * 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 185/70R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 185/70R14 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 (ABE) * 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 195/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 * 5222 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 * 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 * 5222 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 165/0R14 * 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 205/55R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 205/60R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5222 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 43 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Dacia Sandero SD LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) * 205/50R16 225/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5203 Copen S L8 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/45R15 5217 Materia M4 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 * 195/55R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 * 195/55R14 195/60R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 175/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 * 225/60R16 235/60R16 5330 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 * 5330 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5268 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 * 225/60R16 235/60R16 5330 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 5268 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 * 5330 CWE 7.0x16 35 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 5330 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5268 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5330 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5268 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 * 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5330 ü ü Daihatsu Charade XP9F(a) Terios J2 44 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Daihatsu Terios J2 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5330 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5330 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5330 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 (ABE) 5330 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5330 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5268 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5330 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5330 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5330 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 165/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5217 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 235/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 235/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/55R18 (ABE) 225/50R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 245/45R18 5305 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 215/65R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/55R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5067 Journey JC XA 8.5x19 35 5 127.0 225/45R19 235/45R19 5067 XA 9.0x20 30 5 127.0 245/35R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 265/35R20 Nitro KJ CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 235/70R16 (ABE) CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/60R17 CD70530-CHRY XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 255/50R19 RM M12UNF-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 Serie Chrysler LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/65R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5266 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/65R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5266 CA 6.0x14 30 4 98.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 5266 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 5266 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 5266 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/55R15 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5266 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5266 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5266 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/45R16 5266 Trevis L65 Dodge Avenger JS Caliber PK 5067 CD70530-CHRY Fiat 500 312 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 45 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Fiat 500 312 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 5266 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 5266 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5266 X8 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5266 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5266 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5266 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5266 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 5266 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 5266 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5266 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5266 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5266 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 215/55R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5266 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5266 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5266 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 ü 195/55R16 5240 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 5240 X8 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5266 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5240 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 98.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5240 Cinquecento 170 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 195/45R15 5237 Croma 194 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 RS M1215285-ke TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 RS M1215285-ke CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 (ABE) CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 245/35R18 (ABE) CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 255/35R18 Doblo 263 TC 6.0x15 38 5 98.0 Ducato 230 CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 500 Cabrio 312 Bravo 198 Ducato 230L Ducato 230P Ducato 244 Ducato 244L 46 ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5200 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5200 185/65R15 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5251 CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Fiat Ducato 244L Ducato 250 Ducato 250L Fiorino 225 Fiorino Qubo 225 Panda 4x4 169 Punto 199 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 145/80R13 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 53 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 235/65R16 RS M161532-Ke CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 225/65R16 * 235/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 55 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 CX 7.0x17 52 5 130.0 235/60R17 CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/65R14 5240 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 * 195/65R14 5240 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 ü ü CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke 5240 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5240 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/65R14 ü TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 175/70R14 185/70R14 * 195/65R14 175/65R15 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 175/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 5266 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 5266 CA 6.0x14 30 4 98.0 ü 165/65R14 * 5237 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 165/65R15 175/55R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 165/65R15 (ABE) 175/55R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 165/65R15 175/60R15 (ABE) 185/55R15 5266 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 5240 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/45R16 5266 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 (ABE) * 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 185/65R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 5219 205/40R18 215/35R18 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 47 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Fiat Punto 199 Punto Abarth 199 Punto Evo 199 Scudo 270L Sedici FY 48 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 5219 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5219 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5219 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5219 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5219 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5219 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 (ABE) * 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 185/65R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 195/60R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 195/60R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 5219 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 195/60R16 5219 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5219 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 * 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 215/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5219 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5219 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 ü ü CWA 8.0x17 32 5 108.0 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 255/45R17 5259 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5259 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 235/55R15 5259 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5259 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5259 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 * 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 195/70R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5259 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5259 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Fiat Sedici FY Seicento 187 Uno 146/146A TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5259 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5259 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5259 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5259 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5259 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5259 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5259 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5259 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5259 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5259 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5259 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5259 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5259 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5259 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/50R17 5259 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5259 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5259 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 245/40R18 5259 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 245/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 5259 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5259 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 5259 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5259 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5259 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 5259 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5259 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 5259 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5259 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 245/35R19 5259 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/40R19 245/35R19 5259 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5259 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 175/50R14 (ABE) 5240 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 175/50R14 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.0x14 30 4 98.0 165/55R14 175/50R14 5240 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 195/45R15 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 5237 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S 215/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 215/50R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/50R16 M+S 5303 ü ü Ford C-Max DM2 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 49 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford C-Max DM2 C-Max DXA Fiesta JA8/JR8 Fiesta JAS/JBS 50 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 235/40R17 M+S 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5303 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 5210 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 5210 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 5210 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5313 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 175/65R14 * 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 205/50R14 205/55R14 5313 TC 6.0x15 42 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 CA 6.5x15 45 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5313 TC 6.5x16 42 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5313 LS 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5313 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5313 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 165/60R14 185/50R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 185/60R14 5067 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/65R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 185/60R14 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/60R14 M+S 165/65R14 M+S 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 185/55R14 M+S 195/45R14 5313 ü ü ü ü ü X8 6.0x14 40 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/60R14 M+S 165/65R14 M+S 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 185/55R14 M+S 195/45R14 5313 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 108.0 195/45R15 (ABE) 5313 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Fiesta JAS/JBS Fiesta JD3/JH1 Fiesta ST JD3 Focus DA3, DB3 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5313 LS 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5313 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 5313 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 ü 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5067 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 ü 175/65R14 * 185/55R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 108.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 185/60R14 M+S 195/55R14 195/60R14 5313 X8 6.0x14 40 4 108.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5313 TC 6.0x15 42 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5313 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5313 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5313 CA 6.5x15 45 4 108.0 195/50R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5313 LS 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 TC 6.5x16 42 4 108.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 5313 BS4 7.0x16 42 4 108.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 5313 LS 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5226 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5313 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5313 LS 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 215/35R18 5313 XA 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 215/35R18 5226 TC 6.0x15 42 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 108.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5313 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 205/50R15 5313 TC 6.5x16 42 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5313 BS4 7.0x16 42 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5226 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5313 LV4 7.5x18 40 4 108.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5313 LS 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 215/35R18 5313 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 51 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Focus DA3, DB3 Focus DYB Focus Cabrio DA3, DB3 Focus RS DA3, DB3 52 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 5210 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5303 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 205/45R18 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 5210 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 * 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 5303 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5303 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Focus RS DA3, DB3 Focus RS DAW/X, DBW/X Focus ST DA3, DB3 Focus Turnier DA3, DB3 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/50R17 215/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 245/45R17 M+S 245/45R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5210 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 M+S (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5067 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5313 LS 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 225/40R18 5313 XA 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 225/40R18 5226 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) * 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 195/55R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 53 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Focus Turnier DA3, DB3 Focus Turnier DAW/X, DBW/X Galaxy WA6 Galaxy WGR 54 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 175/70R14 * 5067 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 175/70R14 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 108.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/65R14 M+S 195/60R14 205/60R14 5313 X8 6.0x14 40 4 108.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/65R14 M+S 195/60R14 205/60R14 5313 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 108.0 195/50R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5313 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5313 CA 6.5x15 45 4 108.0 195/50R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5313 LS 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5313 TC 6.5x16 42 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 5313 BS4 7.0x16 42 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 5313 LS 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5225 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5313 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5303 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5313 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5313 LV4 7.5x18 40 4 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5313 LS 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 225/35R18 5313 XA 8.0x18 35 4 108.0 225/35R18 5226 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5267 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5267 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5328 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/55R16 5267 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/55R16 5267 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5267 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5267 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5267 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5267 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5267 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5267 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5267 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5328 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 5267 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5267 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5267 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5328 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5328 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5267 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5328 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5328 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 RM M1415-Ke CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 255/40R18 5267 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 (ABE) 5267 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 RM M1415-Ke XA 8.5x19 52 5 108.0 235/40R19 RM M1415-Ke TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 CA 6.5x15 40 5 CA 6.5x15 47 CY 6.5x15 LS LV5 ü ü 5328 RM M1415-Ke 5267 RM M1415-Ke 5328 RM M1415-Ke 5328 RM M1415-Ke 5267 195/65R15 * 215/60R15 5207 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 48 5 112.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 (ABE) 205/65R15 215/60R15 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5207 CD70540-VWT4 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Galaxy WGR Grand C-Max DXA LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 CV 6.5x16 40 5 112.0 195/60R16 195/60R16 M+S 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 CD70630-VWT CWC 6.5x16 40 5 112.0 195/60R16 195/60R16 M+S 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 CD70540-VWT4 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/45R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/45R16 5207 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5207 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 CX 7.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 CD70550-VW/FO/S F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5207 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5207 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5207 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 5207 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5207 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 5207 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 5207 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CWA 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5207 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 235/40R18 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5207 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5207 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5207 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/40R18 5207 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 * 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5210 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5207 5207 5246 CD70630-VWT 5246 CD70550-VW/FO/S 55 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Grand C-Max DXA KA RBT KA RU8 Kuga DM2 56 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 5210 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 165/60R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/60R14 M+S 185/50R14 195/45R14 5313 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 M+S (ABE) 195/45R15 5313 LS 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 M+S (ABE) 195/45R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 5313 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/65R14 185/60R14 5266 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 165/65R14 185/60R14 5266 X8 6.0x14 40 4 98.0 165/65R14 165/70R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/55R14 185/60R14 5266 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 5266 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 5266 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5266 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/40R16 205/45R16 5266 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 5266 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 205/45R16 5266 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 5266 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5266 LV4 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5266 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/40R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5266 X8 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5266 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5266 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5266 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5266 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 * 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 * 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 * 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 * 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 245/55R16 245/60R16 255/50R16 255/55R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 235/55R16 245/60R16 255/50R16 255/55R16 215/65R16 (ABE) 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 245/55R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 ü 215/65R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5303 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 235/60R16 (ABE) 5210 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 235/55R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 245/60R16 255/50R16 255/55R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 * 235/55R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 245/60R16 255/50R16 255/55R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 225/55R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 235/55R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 235/55R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 245/55R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/45R17 255/50R17 215/60R17 225/60R17 (ABE) 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 255/45R18 275/45R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/40R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 255/40R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 52 5 108.0 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5303 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Kuga DM2 Maverick 1EZ, 1EZR Maverick UDS, UNS Mondeo B4Y, B5Y CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 265/30R20 265/35R20 275/30R20 275/35R20 5210 XA 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 265/30R20 265/35R20 275/30R20 5303 XA 9.0x20 49 5 108.0 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 265/30R20 265/35R20 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 225/70R15 235/70R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 225/70R15 (ABE) 235/70R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 225/70R15 235/70R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/65R16 235/70R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/65R16 235/70R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 225/65R16 235/70R16 (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 255/60R16 255/65R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/70R16 * 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 255/60R16 255/65R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/70R16 * 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/60R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/55R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/60R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5212 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 255/50R17 255/60R17 5212 CV 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 255/45R18 255/55R18 5212 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 (ABE) 235/60R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/55R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 (ABE) 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/40R19 255/45R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/40R19 5212 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5067 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/60R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/60R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 215/70R16 215/75R16 215/80R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 235/60R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) 225/45R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) 225/45R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/45R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M12125-Ke 5303 57 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 * 215/55R16 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 RM M1215-Ke LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 RM M1215-Ke XA 8.5x19 52 5 108.0 235/35R19 RM M1215-Ke XA 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 RM M1215-Ke XA 9.0x20 49 5 108.0 235/30R20 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 * 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 235/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 245/40R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 52 5 108.0 235/35R19 5303 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 5210 XA 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 5303 XA 9.0x20 49 5 108.0 235/30R20 5303 Mondeo Turnier ST BWY CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 Mustang T82/T85 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 Serie Ford2 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 Serie Ford2 Mustang Cabrio T82/T85 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 Serie Ford2 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 Serie Ford2 Puma ECT LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 TC 5.5x14 35 4 CA 6.5x15 35 LS 6.5x15 LV4 Mondeo BA7 Mondeo Turnier BA7 58 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 ü ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 * 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5303 RM M1215-Ke 5303 RM M1215-Ke 5303 RM M1215-Ke 5303 5210 165/65R14 (ABE) * 5067 108.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5313 4 108.0 195/50R15 (ABE) 215/45R15 5313 35 4 108.0 195/50R15 (ABE) 5313 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/50R15 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5313 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ford Puma ECT CW2 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5303 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5313 Ranger 2 AW CW 8.0x15 8 6 139.7 235/75R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 265/70R15 265/75R15 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 205/0R16 215/80R16 225/75R16 245/70R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/60R16 275/65R16 CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 255/70R17 255/75R17 265/60R17 265/70R17 275/55R17 275/60R17 275/65R17 275/70R17 285/60R17 285/70R17 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5328 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 RM M1415-Ke FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5328 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5267 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5328 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5328 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 S-Max WA6 Transit F..Y Transit PT2 Transit Connect PU2 Transit/Tourneo F..6 ü 5067 215/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 5328 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5328 5328 RM M1415-Ke 5328 5328 RM M1415-Ke X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5328 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5328 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5267 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 RM M1415-Ke XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 RM M1415-Ke XA 8.5x19 52 5 108.0 235/40R19 RM M1415-Ke CG 6.5x16 60 5 160.0 195/65R16 205/65R16 205/75R16 215/75R16 195/65R16 205/65R16 205/75R16 215/75R16 5328 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 160.0 CH 7.5x17 47 5 160.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 47 5 160.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5210 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 215/60R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5210 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5303 CG 6.5x16 60 5 160.0 195/65R16 205/65R16 205/75R16 215/75R16 CH 7.5x17 47 5 160.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 47 5 160.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 59 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. GMC Tahoe GMT330 CV 8.0x16 20 5 120.65 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 255/65R16 CWE 8.5x19 20 5 120.65 235/50R19 235/55R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 255/50R19 Tahoe GMT820 CV 8.0x18 0 6 139.7 285/55R18 285/60R18 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/50R16 225/40R18 (ABE) 5322 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5241 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5322 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 * 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5322 Honda Accord CL7, CL9, CN1 Accord CU1/CU2/CU3 60 ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5315 CD70535-HO Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda Accord CU1/CU2/CU3 Accord Tourer CW1/CW2/CW3 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 215/45R18 235/40R18 5322 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5322 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 * 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/70R16 215/45R18 235/40R18 5322 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 61 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda Accord Tourer CW1/CW2/CW3 Civic FD1/3/4/6 Civic Schrägheck FK1,2,3 62 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 5322 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 * 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5322 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda Civic Schrägheck FK1,2,3 Civic Type S FN1,2,3,4 CR-V RE5, RE6, RE7 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 245/35R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 245/35R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5322 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5241 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5322 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5322 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5241 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 225/65R17 (ABE) * 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 225/65R17 (ABE) * 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5315 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 63 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda CR-V RE5, RE6, RE7 CR-Z ZF1 FR-V BE1,3,5 64 ü F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) * 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 225/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 255/55R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 5322 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 5322 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 5322 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 5241 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 5241 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5315 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 5315 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5322 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/50R19 (ABE) 245/45R19 255/45R19 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/45R19 ü 5067 CD70535-HO XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/40R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/40R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 5315 XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/40R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 225/45R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 225/45R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/45R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 225/40R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 225/40R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 225/40R17 5322 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/40R17 225/40R17 245/35R17 (ABE) 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5315 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/35R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/30R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 245/30R18 5322 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5315 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/30R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/30R19 5067 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5322 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5322 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda FR-V BE1,3,5 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5322 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5322 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5322 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5322 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5315 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5322 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5322 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5241 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5322 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 5322 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 CD70535-HO Insight ZE2 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 * 5308 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 5308 Jazz GE2, GE3 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 5308 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 5308 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 5308 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 175/65R14 5308 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5308 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5308 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) * 195/50R15 205/50R15 5308 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 5308 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5308 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5216 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5308 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5308 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5308 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5216 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5216 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5308 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5308 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5308 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5308 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5308 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5308 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5216 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5308 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5308 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5216 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5216 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5308 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5308 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5308 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5308 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 5308 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5216 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5308 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 (ABE) 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5216 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5216 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5216 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5216 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 5308 Jazz GG2-5, GE6, GP1 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5315 CD70535-HO 5315 5315 65 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Honda Jazz GG2-5, GE6, GP1 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5308 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5308 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/45R16 5308 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5308 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 205/45R16 5308 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 205/45R16 5308 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5308 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5308 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5308 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5308 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5216 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5216 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5308 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5308 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5308 H3 GMT345 BSU 10.0x22 33 6 139.7 305/40R22 305/45R22 H3 H3 CWB 9.0x20 35 6 139.7 275/55R20 285/50R20 295/50R20 CWB 10.0x22 33 6 139.7 275/45R20 295/45R20 305/45R20 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 185/65R14 (ABE) 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 * 195/60R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 (ABE) 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 185/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5217 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5309 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5309 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 5305 Hummer CD70530-ISU Hyundai Accent MC, MCT Coupé GK 66 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai Coupé GK CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 41 5 114.3 215/35R19 5067 Galloper JK CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/70R16 255/65R16 Genesis BK CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 5067 Getz TB LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 205/55R14 5309 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 205/55R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5217 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 67 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai Getz TBI i10 PA i20 PB i30 FD/FDH 68 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 205/55R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/60R14 (ABE) 175/60R14 185/55R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/60R14 (ABE) 175/60R14 185/55R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/60R14 * 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 165/65R14 175/50R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/45R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/65R14 (ABE) 195/60R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5217 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai i30 FD/FDH i40 VF iX20 JC F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 5305 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 5305 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 5305 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 5305 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 5305 ü 195/60R16 * 215/50R16 CA 7.0x16 50 5 5305 114.3 195/60R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5305 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 5305 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LV5 5305 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x18 54 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 47 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/55R16 245/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 245/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5212 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5305 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 69 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai iX20 JC XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 205/40R18 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5067 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 iX55 EN CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 245/55R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 5305 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 5067 Matrix FCT TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 185/65R14 5316 TC 5.5x14 45 4 114.3 185/65R14 (ABE) * 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 205/45R16 (ABE) 5316 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 215/40R17 5316 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/60R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/60R18 255/55R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 5212 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/60R18 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/45R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/45R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 41 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/45R20 275/40R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 (ABE) 255/45R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 275/40R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R15 (ABE) * 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R15 (ABE) * 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 215/70R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/70R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/70R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/70R16 (ABE) 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/70R16 (ABE) 235/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/70R16 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/70R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/70R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/65R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 225/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 225/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/60R17 225/65R17 235/55R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 225/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 255/45R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 5212 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 255/40R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5212 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 (ABE) * 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 5305 iX35 EL/LM Santa Fe CM Santa Fe SM Sonata NF 70 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai Sonata NF Starex TQ Trajet FO Tucson JM ü FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/50R16 215/50R17 (ABE) * 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5212 TS 8.5x19 41 5 114.3 235/35R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 41 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 CWC 6.5x16 45 6 139.7 215/65R16 M+S 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/65R16 CH 7.5x17 50 6 139.7 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 50 6 139.7 235/60R17 CWB 8.0x18 40 6 139.7 235/55R18 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 205/65R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 205/65R15 * 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 245/45R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 245/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S * 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S * 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/65R16 M+S 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/65R16 M+S 225/60R16 5305 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5067 71 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Hyundai Tucson JM Veloster FS CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 (ABE) * 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/65R16 M+S 215/65R16 235/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/65R16 M+S 215/65R16 225/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 (ABE) * 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 * 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 5305 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/35R20 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5305 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 ü Isuzu ü D-Max TF CWE 7.0x16 30 6 139.7 CWE 8.5x19 40 6 139.7 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 235/55R19 CD70530-ISU CWB 9.0x20 35 6 139.7 265/45R20 275/45R20 Trooper UBS CW 8.0x15 8 6 139.7 30/9.5R15 31/10.5R15 235/70R15 235/75R15 255/60R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 265/70R15 265/75R15 275/60R15 295/50R15 CWE 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 215/80R16 225/75R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 265/70R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 245/70R16 255/65R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 235/65R17 275/60R17 285/60R17 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 235/60R18 285/50R18 CWE 8.5x19 20 6 139.7 235/55R19 275/45R19 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 205/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5210 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5210 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 245/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 245/40R18 M+S 245/40R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/35R19 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 245/45R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 245/45R18 255/40R18 255/45R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 ü 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 ü 235/40R19 245/40R19 (ABE) * 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 (ABE) 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/40R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 (ABE) 5210 CD70530-ISU 5067 Jaguar S-Type CCX XF CC9 72 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Jaguar XF CC9 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 245/35R20 5210 XJ N3 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 235/50R18 M+S 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5303 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 50 5 108.0 235/50R18 235/50R18 M+S 245/45R18 255/45R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 255/40R19 (ABE) 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/45R19 (ABE) 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 255/40R19 (ABE) 5210 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/45R19 5067 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/65R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/60R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 5212 X-Type CF1 Kia Carens FG ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 73 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Carens FG Carnival MB Carnival UP Cee’d ED 74 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 CWC 6.5x16 43 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/65R16 CWE 7.0x16 40 6 139.7 225/70R16 (ABE) CWA 8.0x17 40 6 139.7 225/65R17 5067 CWB 8.0x18 38 6 139.7 225/60R18 235/50R18 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 215/65R15 (ABE) 225/60R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 215/65R15 5305 CV 6.5x16 35 5 114.3 225/55R16 CV 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 225/55R16 CWC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 225/55R16 5212 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 5212 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 235/45R17 245/45R17 5212 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 245/40R18 5212 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/60R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) LV5 7.0x18 54 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 ü ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 ü 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 ü 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5305 5305 5212 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Cee’d ED Cee’d SW ED Cerato FE Magentis GD Magentis GE LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/40R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/60R15 225/50R15 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/60R15 225/50R15 5316 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/55R16 5316 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/55R16 215/45R16 5316 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5316 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/55R16 215/45R16 5231 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5316 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5316 LS 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5316 TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 195/70R14 (ABE) 5316 TC 5.5x14 45 4 114.3 195/70R14 (ABE) * 5316 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 195/70R14 5316 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5316 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 5316 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 5316 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 5316 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 215/45R17 5316 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5316 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 CA 7.0x17 38 5 CA 7.0x17 45 CW1 7.0x17 40 ü ü ü 205/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 114.3 215/50R17 (ABE) 5305 5 114.3 215/50R17 5305 5 114.3 215/50R17 5212 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 75 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Magentis GE CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 155/65R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 155/65R14 185/55R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 155/65R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 155/65R14 185/50R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/50R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 185/45R15 195/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5309 Picanto TA BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/45R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 195/45R15 5309 pro_Cee’d ED TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 185/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 185/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 Picanto BA 76 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia pro_Cee’d ED Rio DE Sorento JC Sorento XM LV5 7.0x18 54 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 185/65R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 185/65R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 (ABE) 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5309 CWE 7.0x16 30 5 139.7 225/75R16 255/65R16 5067 CV 8.0x16 30 5 139.7 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 30 5 139.7 235/65R17 245/60R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 5067 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 139.7 235/65R17 245/60R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 5067 CV 8.0x18 30 5 139.7 255/55R18 5067 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 139.7 235/60R18 265/55R18 5067 CWE 8.5x19 40 5 139.7 235/55R19 255/50R19 12L TS 8.5x19 35 5 139.7 235/55R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 TS 9.5x19 35 5 139.7 275/45R19 CWB 9.0x20 35 5 139.7 265/45R20 275/40R20 BSU 10.0x22 30 5 139.7 265/35R22 CWB 10.0x22 35 5 139.7 265/35R22 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 235/60R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 5305 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5067 RM M1215-ke 5067 77 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Sorento XM Soul AM CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 235/60R18 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/50R19 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/50R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 38 5 114.3 235/50R19 235/55R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/45R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/45R20 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/65R15 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/65R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/65R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/65R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/65R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 CC 7.0x16 40 5 LS 7.0x16 40 LS 7.0x16 LV5 ü 195/60R16 215/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 205/55R16 215/55R16 5305 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 114.3 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 195/60R16 (ABE) 5305 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 * 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 235/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x18 54 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 5067 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 47 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5305 Sportage JA CV 6.5x16 30 5 139.7 215/60R16 CV 8.0x16 30 5 139.7 Sportage JE F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 * 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 * 225/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 78 ü ü ü 225/60R16 225/70R16 235/60R16 255/55R16 275/55R16 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5067 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Sportage JE Sportage JES Sportage SLS X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 5305 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/35R20 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5212 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 245/40R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/35R20 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 235/60R17 (ABE) 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 235/60R17 (ABE) 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 235/60R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/55R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 5212 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 79 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Kia Sportage SLS Venga YN CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/45R19 255/40R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/35R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 CA 6.5x15 40 5 CA 6.5x15 45 LV5 6.5x15 LV5 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 5305 195/65R15 5305 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5305 5 114.3 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5305 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 * 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/40R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 195/65R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5067 CA 6.0x14 35 4 98.0 175/65R14 * 5236 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 X8 6.0x14 40 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 CA 6.0x14 35 4 98.0 175/65R14 * 5236 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 X8 6.0x14 40 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 5236 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 205/45R15 5236 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 205/45R15 5236 CA 6.0x14 35 4 98.0 175/65R14 * 5236 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 X8 6.0x14 40 4 98.0 175/65R14 5236 2170 217 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 175/55R15 (ABE) 5236 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 175/55R15 Niva 2121 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 139.7 215/60R16 225/60R16 CD70530-KIA Samara 2108, 2109 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 165/70R14 185/60R14 5236 X8 6.0x14 40 4 98.0 165/70R14 185/60R14 5236 ü ü Lada 110 2110 111 2111 112 2112 80 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5236 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Lancia Delta 844 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 5237 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 98.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 5237 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 5237 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5237 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5237 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5237 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 195/60R15 5237 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 5237 X8 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 205/55R16 5237 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5237 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5237 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5237 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5237 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 195/60R15 5237 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 5237 X8 7.0x16 35 4 98.0 205/55R16 5237 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5237 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 195/60R15 5266 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 195/60R15 5266 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 195/60R15 5240 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 195/60R15 5266 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 205/50R16 (ABE) 5266 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 205/50R16 (ABE) 5266 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5266 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5266 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5266 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5266 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 98.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5266 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 215/35R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 5266 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 * 5252 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 225/50R17 * 5252 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5252 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5252 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 5252 Ypsilon 312 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/40R16 205/40R16 215/40R16 5240 Ypsilon 843 CA 6.0x14 30 4 98.0 185/65R14 195/65R14 5240 CA 6.0x14 38 4 98.0 185/65R14 195/65R14 (ABE) 5240 TC 6.0x15 25 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 ü 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 185/55R15 195/55R15 5240 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 ü 185/55R15 195/55R15 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 195/55R15 (ABE) 5240 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 215/45R15 5240 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/45R16 5240 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/45R16 5240 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5240 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 5240 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5240 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 98.0 215/35R18 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 215/35R18 5240 Discovery LJ CW 7.0x16 15 5 165.1 205/80R16 215/80R16 215/85R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 Discovery LT CV 8.0x18 50 5 120.0 255/55R18 265/55R18 CWB 8.0x18 45 5 120.0 235/60R18 CWE 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/60R18 CWE 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 (ABE) CW 7.0x16 15 5 165.1 205/80R16 215/80R16 215/85R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 Lybra 839 Lybra SW 839 Musa 350 Thesis 841 Land Rover Discovery SALLJG Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M1415-ke-o.ZR RS141533-ke RM M1415-ke-o.ZR 81 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Land Rover Discovery 3 LA Discovery 4 LA Freelander LF Freelander LN 82 CX 7.0x17 50 5 120.0 235/70R17 255/65R17 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWB 8.0x18 45 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x18 40 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/60R18 CWE 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 255/50R19 255/55R19 265/50R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/50R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR TS 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/55R19 RM M1415-Fla XA 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 255/50R19 255/55R19 265/50R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 255/50R20 275/45R20 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR RM M1415-ke-o.ZR RM M1415-Fla CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 255/55R19 (ABE) 265/50R19 275/50R19 XA 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 255/50R19 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 255/50R20 275/45R20 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/75R16 * F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 215/75R16 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/70R16 215/75R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/60R16 5328 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/75R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/60R16 5267 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 225/70R16 5328 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 5267 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/65R17 225/60R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5328 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/65R17 * 255/60R17 5267 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/65R17 * 255/60R17 5267 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 225/65R17 (ABE) * 235/65R17 255/60R17 5267 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 225/65R17 255/60R17 (ABE) 5267 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/65R17 215/70R17 225/60R17 225/65R17 225/70R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 275/50R17 275/55R17 5328 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/65R17 215/70R17 225/60R17 225/65R17 225/70R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 275/50R17 275/55R17 5328 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/60R18 (ABE) 255/55R18 5267 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 5267 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 5328 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/60R18 (ABE) 255/55R18 RM M1415-Ke LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/60R18 (ABE) 255/55R18 RM M1415-Ke X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 5328 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 5328 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 275/45R18 275/50R18 5328 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 275/45R18 275/50R18 5328 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/55R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/45R20 (ABE) 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/40R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 40 5 108.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M1415-Ke RM M1415-Ke ü ü ü RM M1415-Fla RM M1415-ke-o.ZR 5267 5267 215/75R16 225/70R16 RM M1415-Ke 215/75R16 * RM M1415-Ke 225/70R16 (ABE) * 5328 225/70R16 RM M1415-Ke 225/70R16 (ABE) * RM M1415-Ke 5328 5267 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR 5267 XA 9.0x20 40 5 108.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 205/65R16 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 225/60R16 5322 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 205/65R16 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 225/60R16 5322 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5322 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5322 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 5322 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 5322 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 CV 8.0x16 20 5 114.3 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 255/55R16 CD70535-HO CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/45R17 5315 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/45R17 5315 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/45R17 5322 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 5322 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5322 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5322 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 225/50R17 225/55R17 CD70535-HO CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 255/50R17 * CD70535-HO BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 5315 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 CD70535-HO LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 5322 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 5322 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5322 5322 5322 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Land Rover Freelander LN Range Rover LM Range Rover LV XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 ü 225/50R18 5241 5322 CD70535-HO CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/45R19 255/40R19 CD70535-HO CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 RM M1415-Ke TS 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/55R19 RM M1415-Fla CWB 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 255/50R20 265/45R20 265/50R20 275/40R20 295/45R20 CV 8.0x18 40 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 265/60R18 285/55R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWB 8.0x18 45 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x18 40 5 120.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 265/60R18 CWE 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 CC 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 (ABE) 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/50R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR TS 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/55R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 255/50R20 265/45R20 275/45R20 285/45R20 Range Rover Range Rover CW 8.0x15 8 5 165.1 235/75R15 255/70R15 Range Rover Evoque LV CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/65R17 235/60R17 245/60R17 255/60R17 (ABE) CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/55R19 235/55R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 (ABE) 275/40R20 CX 7.0x17 50 5 120.0 235/65R17 255/60R17 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 235/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWB 8.0x18 45 5 120.0 235/60R18 265/55R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x18 40 5 120.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 CWE 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 235/60R18 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x19 40 5 120.0 255/50R19 (ABE) RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 (ABE) RM M1415-ke-o.ZR TS 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 XA 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 45 5 120.0 255/45R20 (ABE) 275/40R20 CWB 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 BSU 10.0x22 40 5 120.0 295/30R22 CWB 10.0x22 35 5 120.0 295/30R22 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 225/55R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 45 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5301 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 245/45R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 245/45R16 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5301 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5203 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5301 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5301 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 (ABE) 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 265/35R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5307 Range Rover Sport LS ü 235/65R18 265/60R18 * RM M1415-Ke RM M1415-Fla RM M1415-ke-o.ZR 5328 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR 5267 RM M1415-Fla RM M1415-Fla RM M1415-ke-o.ZR RM M1415-Fla Lexus CT A10(a) GS S16 GS S19 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 83 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Lexus GS S19 IS XE1 IS XE2 84 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 ü 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 ü 225/45R18 * 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/40R18 5214 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 255/35R18 255/40R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/45R16 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/40R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/40R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/40R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 RM M1215-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 * 225/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 * 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 * 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Lexus IS XE2 IS Cabrio XE2(a) IS F XE2 IS SportCross XE1 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 * 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 ü 215/40R18 225/40R18 * 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 ü 215/40R18 225/40R18 * 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5214 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 235/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 * 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 255/35R19 (ABE) 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5214 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5067 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 5307 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 5214 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/45R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/40R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5214 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5307 85 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Lexus IS SportCross XE1 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 255/35R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 (ABE) 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/45R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 (ABE) 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 245/45R18 (ABE) 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 (ABE) 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/40R19 5307 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 (ABE) 255/40R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 255/40R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/40R19 255/40R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/35R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/35R20 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 235/60R18 5307 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/50R19 245/50R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 (ABE) 5214 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/45R20 265/45R20 (ABE) 5067 XA 9.0x20 25 5 114.3 235/45R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 255/45R20 265/40R20 275/40R20 5067 RX XU1 XA 9.0x20 25 5 114.3 245/35R20 245/40R20 5067 RX XU3 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 5214 CWE 8.5x18 25 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5214 CWE 8.5x19 25 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5214 XA 9.0x20 25 5 114.3 245/35R20 245/40R20 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 ü 245/40R18 (ABE) * 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 245/40R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 ü 245/40R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 ü 245/35R19 (ABE) * 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/35R19 (ABE) * 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/35R19 (ABE) 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/35R19 255/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/35R19 255/35R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/30R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/30R20 255/30R20 5067 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 108.0 165/60R14 185/50R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 185/60R14 5067 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 165/60R14 165/65R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 185/60R14 5313 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 108.0 195/45R15 (ABE) 5313 CA 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 5313 LS 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 5313 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 108.0 195/45R15 205/45R15 5313 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 108.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 5313 X8 7.0x16 35 4 108.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 5313 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5309 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 205/50R15 5309 LS F3 RX AL1(a) SC Z4 ü ü Mazda 121 JASM, JBSM 2 DE 86 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 2 DE 3 BK 3 BL TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 CA 6.5x15 35 4 CA 6.5x15 40 CA 6.5x15 LS ü 175/60R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 185/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 185/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5309 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 215/40R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5203 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 215/55R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/65R15 225/55R15 215/55R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/65R15 225/55R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 235/40R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/35R18 (ABE) 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5212 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 ü ü ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 87 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 3 BL 3 MPS BK 3 MPS BL 3 Sport BL 88 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5212 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/40R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/40R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S 225/40R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 M+S 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5305 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 3 Sport BL 5 Borbet 5 CR1 ü TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 215/40R17 225/40R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 195/45R17 215/40R17 225/40R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 235/40R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/35R18 (ABE) 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/40R18 205/55R16 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/35R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 235/35R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 225/35R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 5067 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 (ABE) 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 * 195/60R16 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M+S 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M+S 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 M+S 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 M+S 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 89 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 5 CR1 5 CW 6 GG1 90 ü TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 * 195/60R16 205/55R16 5305 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 ü ü ü ü ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 (ABE) Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 6 GG1 6 GH LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 * 225/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 215/70R16 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 215/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 91 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 6 GH 6 MPS GG1 6 Sportwagon GG1 92 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) * 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 M+S 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/60R16 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5212 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/60R15 M+S 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 205/50R17 * 225/45R17 5305 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 6 Sportwagon GG1 6 Sportwagon GH BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/60R16 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/65R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/65R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 215/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 195/65R16 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 93 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda 6 Sportwagon GH CX-7 ER CX-9 TB1 MPV LW, LWD 94 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 245/60R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 235/65R17 (ABE) * 255/60R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 235/65R17 (ABE) * 255/60R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 235/65R17 (ABE) * 255/60R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S (ABE) 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/65R17 M+S 255/60R17 M+S 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 255/55R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 255/55R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/60R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 (ABE) 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 255/55R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 275/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 275/45R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 255/50R19 5212 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 5067 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/50R19 255/50R19 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/50R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 (ABE) 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 255/45R20 275/40R20 275/45R20 285/45R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 255/50R20 275/40R20 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 205/65R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 205/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 205/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 205/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 * 225/55R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 * 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 * 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 * 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 M+S 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 M+S 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 M+S (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 M+S (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 (ABE) 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/55R16 * 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 215/60R16 M+S 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 215/60R16 M+S 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/55R16 (ABE) 215/60R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/55R16 * 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/45R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 (ABE) 5305 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda MPV LW, LWD MX-5 NB MX-5 NC1 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 235/45R17 245/45R17 5212 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/40R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/40R18 245/40R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5067 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 245/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/40R18 5305 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 205/55R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 * 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 205/55R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 M+S 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 215/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/45R16 5217 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5309 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 225/35R17 5309 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5309 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5217 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/50R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 205/50R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/50R16 215/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5305 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/40R17 215/45R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 235/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 235/40R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 235/40R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/40R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5305 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5305 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 95 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda MX-5 NC1 Premacy CP, CPD RX-8 SE Tribute EP2 96 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/30R18 225/35R18 245/30R18 255/30R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 5212 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/50R15 * 195/60R15 205/50R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/55R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/50R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/50R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/40R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 (ABE) 5305 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 (ABE) 5305 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 245/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5212 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5212 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5305 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5305 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 235/30R20 245/30R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/30R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/30R20 255/30R20 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/60R16 255/65R16 5305 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/60R16 255/65R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/60R17 (ABE) 5305 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mazda Tribute EP2 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5305 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/60R17 (ABE) 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/65R17 (ABE) 5305 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 255/50R17 255/60R17 5212 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/55R18 (ABE) CWB 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/55R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/40R19 255/45R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/40R19 255/45R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5067 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/50R19 5212 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5212 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 5067 TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 ü 175/65R14 195/55R14 5316 TC 5.5x14 45 4 114.3 ü 175/65R14 195/55R14 5316 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5316 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 205/45R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/50R15 M+S 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5316 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 195/50R15 M+S 205/50R15 205/50R15 M+S 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 5316 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 215/40R16 5316 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5316 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 215/40R16 5316 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5316 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/40R17 215/35R17 5316 LV4 7.5x18 40 4 114.3 215/35R18 5316 MCC Smart Forfour 454 Mercedes A-Klasse 168 ü TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 5209 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5209 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LS 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/45R16 M+S 195/50R16 195/50R16 M+S 205/45R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 RS M1215285-ke FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/45R16 M+S 195/50R16 195/50R16 M+S 205/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5209 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5209 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5209 97 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes A-Klasse 169 A-Klasse (lang) 168 98 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 5255 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 185/65R15 M+S 185/65R15 195/60R15 5255 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/65R15 205/60R15 5255 LS 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5255 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 5255 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 5255 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 5255 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 5255 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/55R16 * 205/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/55R16 * 205/50R16 205/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 RS M1415285-ke FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5255 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 (ABE) * 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 (ABE) * 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/45R17 5255 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 215/45R17 5255 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 5255 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/35R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/35R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/35R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/30R19 5255 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 5255 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 5209 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5209 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LS 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 RS M1215285-ke ü ü ü ü ü 5255 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5209 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes A-Klasse (lang) 168 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 B-Klasse 245 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 5255 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5255 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 5255 LS 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 5255 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5255 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5255 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5255 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/55R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 195/55R16 225/50R16 5255 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/55R16 * 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 215/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5255 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/40R18 225/35R18 5255 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5255 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5255 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/30R19 225/35R19 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 CA 7.0 x16 38, 45, 50 5 112.0 ü div. / Achtung: Bremsauflage beachten CC 7.0 x16 40 5 112.0 ü div. / Achtung: Bremsauflage beachten CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 * 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 B-Klasse 246 C-Coupé 203CL ü ü 215/35R19 225/35R19 245/30R19 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS141533-ke RS M1215285-ke 99 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes C-Coupé 203CL C-Coupé 204 C-Klasse 203 100 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 M+S 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5255 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5255 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS141533-ke 225/35R19 (ABE) RS141533-ke 5255 CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 * 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 * 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5209 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes C-Klasse 203 C-Klasse 204 C-Klasse AMG 204 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 * 5255 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/60R16 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/60R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 * 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) RS141533-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 5255 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M1215285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 101 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes C-Klasse AMG 204 C-Klasse T-Modell 202 C-Klasse T-Modell 203K 102 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 M+S 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5209 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/45R17 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 215/45R17 215/50R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 5209 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 265/30R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 5209 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 265/30R19 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 * 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 * 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5255 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes C-Klasse T-Modell 203K C-Klasse T-Modell 204K BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 5209 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5255 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü ü LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5255 205/55R16 5255 205/55R16 * 5255 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 ü ü 205/50R17 * 5255 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5255 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5255 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5255 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/30R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5255 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) RS141533-ke Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 103 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes CL 215 CL 216 CLC Coupe 203CL 104 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 225/55R17 M+S 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/55R17 255/45R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 245/45R18 (ABE) 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 245/45R18 (ABE) 5255 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 245/45R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 (ABE) RS M141532-Ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 245/35R19 275/30R19 275/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 M+S (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 245/40R19 M+S TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 245/40R19 M+S CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 275/30R19 275/35R19 5255 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 275/30R19 245/40R19 275/35R19 5255 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/35R20 RS-1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 30 5 112.0 245/35R20 RS M1415285-ke 245/35R20 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 235/55R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 235/55R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/50R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/50R17 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 255/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 275/45R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/45R19 255/40R19 M+S (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 255/40R19 M+S TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 255/40R19 M+S XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 255/40R19 M+S CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 275/35R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 5255 TS 9.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 255/40R19 275/40R19 285/35R19 5255 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 285/35R19 255/40R19 M+S 255/40R19 275/40R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 ü ü ü ü ü ü 235/55R17 * 255/50R17 235/45R19 5255 5255 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/40R19 255/40R19 RS M1415285-ke 235/45R19 * RS M141532-Ke 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS-1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 255/35R20 M+S RS M1415285-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 195/60R16 (ABE) * 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes CLC Coupe 203CL CLK 208 CLK 209 ü LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 MA 7.5x17 35 X10 7.5x17 XL ü 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 205/50R17 5209 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5209 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 5209 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 105 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes CLK 209 CLK Cabrio 209 CLS 218 CLS 219 106 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 (ABE) 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 (ABE) 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 (ABE) 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 (ABE) 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 (ABE) 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 245/45R17 * 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 245/35R19 * 255/30R19 255/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 ü ü ü ü 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5255 RS-1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 ü 245/40R18 * 5255 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 245/35R19 * RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 ü 245/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 255/35R19 275/30R19 285/30R19 5255 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5242 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes E-Klasse 210 E-Klasse 211 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 * 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 MA 7.5x17 35 X10 7.5x17 XL ü 205/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) ü 5209 RS M1215285-ke 205/55R16 5209 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5209 205/55R16 5209 205/50R17 215/50R17 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5209 205/50R17 5209 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 5209 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5209 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 M+S CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * 5255 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 5255 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/60R16 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/50R17 (ABE) 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5255 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5255 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/50R17 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/45R17 245/45R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/45R17 5255 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/45R17 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 M+S (ABE) 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5255 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 245/35R19 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 275/30R19 ü ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 107 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes E-Klasse 211 E-Klasse 212 E-Klasse Cabrio 207 E-Klasse Coupé 207 108 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 245/35R19 M+S 5255 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 275/30R19 TS 9.5x19 35 5 112.0 275/30R19 285/30R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 RS-1415285-ke 245/30R20 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * 235/50R16 245/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 245/50R16 (ABE) CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * RS M1415285-ke LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 * 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5255 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5255 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 245/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 * 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 * 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 ü 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 ü 215/45R18 * 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/45R18 * 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 255/35R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 255/30R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 RS-1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/30R20 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5255 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/35R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/35R18 M+S 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 245/35R18 M+S 5255 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 5255 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 X10 7.5x17 35 5 CA 8.0x17 35 5 CC 8.0x17 30 CC 8.0x17 LS 8.0x18 LS ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 235/35R19 * 235/35R19 255/30R19 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5255 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5255 112.0 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5255 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5255 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1415285-ke 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 RS M1415285-ke 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 235/35R18 M+S 235/40R18 M+S 245/35R18 M+S CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 RS M1415285-ke ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5255 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes E-Klasse T-Modell 210K E-Klasse T-Modell 212K GL 164G GLK 204X BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 MA 7.5x17 35 5 X10 7.5x17 35 XL 7.5x17 CA 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) ü 205/55R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) ü 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 205/55R16 5209 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5209 205/55R16 5209 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 ü 205/50R17 5209 225/45R17 5209 205/50R17 5209 112.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 5 112.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S 245/40R17 5209 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) 5209 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 235/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 (ABE) 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 235/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 5209 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/35R19 265/30R19 275/30R19 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/50R17 245/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 235/45R17 * 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/45R17 245/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 235/45R17 * 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/40R18 * 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/40R18 245/40R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 CWB 8.0x18 55 5 112.0 265/60R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 265/60R18 275/60R18 285/55R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 265/60R18 275/60R18 285/55R18 5242 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 265/55R19 275/50R19 275/55R19 RS M141532-Ke CC 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 265/55R19 275/55R19 (ABE) RS M141532-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 265/55R19 M+S 275/50R19 275/55R19 CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 265/55R19 275/50R19 TS 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 265/55R19 265/55R19 M+S 275/50R19 275/55R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 265/55R19 265/55R19 M+S 275/50R19 275/55R19 RS M141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 265/50R20 285/45R20 (ABE) CWB 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 265/50R20 M+S 275/50R20 BSU 10.0x22 50 5 112.0 265/35R22 275/35R22 285/35R22 285/40R22 295/35R22 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5255 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 235/60R17 5255 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü 235/40R18 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5255 RS141533-ke 5242 RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS M141533-ke 109 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes GLK 204X 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5255 235/60R17 5255 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5255 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5255 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 * 5255 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 245/55R18 255/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 235/55R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 235/50R19 5255 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 235/45R19 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/45R19 RS M141532-Ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/45R19 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 255/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 235/45R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 255/40R20 CW3 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 235/45R20 255/40R20 265/40R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 G-Modell 460 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 G-Modell 461 CW 8.0x15 8 5 130.0 235/70R15 235/75R15 255/60R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/80R16 215/0R16 215/80R16 215/85R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 265/75R16 CD70550-VWLT CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 CD70550-VWLT CW 8.0x16 5 5 130.0 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 255/85R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/70R16 285/75R16 CW 8.0x15 8 5 130.0 235/70R15 235/75R15 255/60R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/80R16 215/0R16 215/80R16 215/85R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 265/75R16 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 235/85R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 CW 8.0x16 5 5 130.0 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 255/85R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/70R16 285/75R16 CV 8.0x18 40 5 130.0 255/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 285/55R18 285/60R18 CD70550-VWLT CWB 8.0x18 55 5 130.0 255/55R18 265/60R18 285/55R18 CD70550-VWLT CW3 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 265/50R19 275/50R19 275/50R19 M+S CD70550-VWLT CW3 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/45R20 275/45R20 M+S CD70550-VWLT CV 6.5x16 40 5 112.0 225/75R16 245/70R16 RS141533-ke CV 8.0x16 30 5 112.0 255/65R16 275/60R16 RS141533-ke CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 ü 235/65R17 275/55R17 CWA 8.0x17 52 5 112.0 ü 235/65R17 255/60R17 M+S * 275/55R17 275/55R17 M+S CV 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 255/55R18 M+S 265/55R18 285/50R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 255/55R18 CD70550-MBVI CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 255/55R18 M+S 285/50R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 5242 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/45R19 255/55R19 275/45R19 RS M1415285-ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 275/40R20 M+S CWB 9.0x20 40 5 112.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 275/40R20 275/40R20 M+S RS M141533-ke BSU 10.0x22 35 5 112.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 295/30R22 RS M141533-ke CWB 10.0x22 35 5 112.0 265/35R22 265/35R22 M+S 285/30R22 295/30R22 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 CWA 8.0x17 52 5 112.0 G-Modell 463 M-Klasse 163 M-Klasse 164 M-Klasse 166 110 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 CW1 8.0x18 35 CW1 8.0x18 LS ü ü ü ü 235/65R17 255/60R17 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/60R17 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 RS141533-ke CD70550-VWLT CD70550-VWLT 5242 RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 5242 RS-1415285-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 5242 RS141533-ke CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/60R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 55 5 112.0 235/60R18 285/50R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141532-Ke CC 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 255/50R19 RS M141532-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 TS 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 BSU 10.0x22 50 5 112.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 295/30R22 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 235/65R16 * (ABE) 245/65R17 * (ABE) Bremsauflage beachten! CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/50R19 245/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 255/50R19 RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 245/45R20 265/45R20 RS141533-ke ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under RS141533-ke 5242 5242 RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke RS M141533-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes R-Klasse 251 S-Klasse 220 S-Klasse 221 S-Klasse Langversion 221 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 CWA 8.0x17 52 5 112.0 235/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 285/50R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/60R18 285/50R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 55 5 112.0 235/60R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/60R18 245/55R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 5242 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/45R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 255/45R19 (ABE) * 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141532-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 235/55R19 CW3 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 TS 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 RS M141533-ke XA 8.5x19 55 5 112.0 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 55 5 112.0 255/45R20 275/40R20 RS141533-ke BSU 10.0x22 50 5 112.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 RS M141533-ke BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 225/55R17 M+S 245/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5255 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 225/55R17 M+S 245/45R17 255/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/55R17 255/45R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5255 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 245/45R18 (ABE) 5255 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 5255 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 245/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 245/45R18 (ABE) 5255 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 (ABE) CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/40R19 245/35R19 275/30R19 275/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/40R19 245/40R19 M+S 245/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 245/40R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 245/35R19 245/40R19 275/30R19 275/35R19 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 275/30R19 245/40R19 275/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/35R20 XA 9.0x20 30 5 112.0 245/35R20 255/35R20 RS M1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 245/35R20 255/35R20 RS M1415285-ke CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 CC 8.0x17 30 5 CC 8.0x17 40 BS5 8.0x18 35 MA 8.0x18 XA ü ü 5242 RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 5242 RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 RS-1415285-ke 235/55R17 * 255/50R17 5242 112.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 RS M1415285-ke 5 112.0 235/55R17 RS M1415285-ke 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5242 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5255 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 255/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 TS 9.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 275/40R19 285/35R19 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 275/40R19 285/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 255/35R20 M+S RS-1415285-ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 255/35R20 M+S RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 235/55R17 255/50R17 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 235/55R17 RS M1415285-ke BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5242 RS141533-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 111 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes S-Klasse Langversion 221 SL 230 SLK 170 SLK 171 112 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 235/50R18 5255 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 235/50R18 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S (ABE) TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 255/40R19 TS 9.5x19 35 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 275/40R19 285/35R19 TS 9.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 M+S 275/40R19 285/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 255/35R20 M+S CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 255/40R18 255/40R18 M+S CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 255/40R18 (ABE) 5255 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 255/35R19 285/30R19 XA 9.0x20 20 5 112.0 255/30R20 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS141533-ke 5255 RS-1415285-ke 5255 5255 5255 XA 9.0x20 25 5 112.0 255/30R20 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 215/45R17 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 215/45R17 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/40R17 245/40R17 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 255/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 255/40R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5209 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5209 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5209 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 245/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5209 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5209 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 5209 RS M1215285-ke 5209 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes SLK 171 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 5209 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5209 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5209 LW 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 CW2 9.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 255/30R19 265/30R19 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 * 5255 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5255 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5255 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5255 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 (ABE) 5255 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 235/35R18 5255 CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 Sprinter CY 902.6 KA/903.6 KA/904.6 KA 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 Sprinter 902.6/903.6/904.6 CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 SLK 172 Sprinter 208-214/308-314/408414 Sprinter A/B ü 5209 RS M1215285-ke CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 CD70550-VWLT CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 205/65R16 205/75R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 215/70R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 CD70550-VWLT CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CD70550-VWLT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CD70550-VWLT CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 CD70550-VWLT CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 205/65R16 205/75R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 215/70R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 CD70550-VWLT CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CD70550-VWLT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CD70550-VWLT Sprinter D CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 215/65R15 225/70R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/65R16 Transporter A CY 6.5x15 55 5 130.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/70R15 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 225/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 Vaneo 414 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5209 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5209 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5209 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5209 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/45R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/45R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 RS M1215285-ke FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/45R16 5209 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5209 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/40R17 5209 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/40R17 5209 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 215/40R17 5209 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5209 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5209 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5209 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/35R18 5209 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/35R18 5209 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/35R18 5209 Viano W639 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5242 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 5255 Vito 638/1 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 5255 CY 6.5x15 50 5 112.0 195/70R15 215/65R15 225/60R15 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5255 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 5255 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 5255 255/40R19 Sprinter C Sprinter C/D/E Vito 639 Vito 639/4 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 XA 8.5x19 50 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/40R19 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 255/40R19 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5209 RS M1415285-ke 113 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mercedes Vito W638 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/70R15 (ABE) 215/65R15 CY 6.5x15 50 5 112.0 195/70R15 (ABE) 215/65R15 225/60R15 CD70550-MBVI 5255 CV 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 225/55R16 CD70550-MBVI CWC 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/65R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 CD70550-MBVI TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 215/60R16 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 245/40R18 CD70550-MBVI CWB 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 CD70550-MBVI LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 5255 Vito W639 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5242 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 5255 V-Klasse 638/2 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/70R15 (ABE) 215/65R15 CY 6.5x15 50 5 112.0 195/70R15 (ABE) 215/65R15 225/60R15 CD70550-MBVI CV 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 225/55R16 CD70550-MBVI CWC 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 195/65R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 CD70550-MBVI F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 215/60R16 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5255 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 5255 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 5255 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 245/40R18 CD70550-MBVI CD70550-MBVI 5255 5255 RS M1415285-ke 5255 5255 CWB 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5255 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 235/45R18 245/40R18 5255 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 245/40R19 255/35R19 5255 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5260 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5260 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 5260 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5269 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 5260 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5260 5255 Mini Mini R50 114 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mini Mini R50 Mini R52 Mini Cabrio MINI-N Mini Cabrio MINI-N / UKL-C LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5260 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5260 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 5260 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5269 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5260 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5260 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 195/45R17 M+S 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 ü ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 115 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mini Mini Cabrio MINI-N / UKL-C Mini Cabrio R52 Mini Clubman MINI-N / UKL-C Mini Cooper MINI-N 116 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5260 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 CA 6.5x15 35 CA 6.5x15 40 CA 6.5x15 LS ü 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5260 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) MI001 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 5260 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 MI001 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5269 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5260 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5260 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mini Mini Cooper MINI-N Mini Cooper MINI-N / UKL-C Mini Cooper S MINI-N / UKL-C CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 195/45R17 M+S 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 117 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mini Mini Cooper S MINI-N / UKL-C Mini Cooper S R50 Mini Countryman MINI-N / UKL-X Mini Coupe UKL-C Mini One MINI-N 118 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5269 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 5260 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 5260 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 CA 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5275 CA 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 195/60R16 M+S 195/65R16 M+S 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 5275 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5275 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5275 CA 7.0x17 40 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5275 LV5 7.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5275 CA 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 235/45R17 RS141533-ke CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 235/45R17 RS M1412535-Ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 XL 8.0x18 35 5 120.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 215/35R19 RS M1412535-Ke RS M1412535-Ke 5275 5275 5275 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 195/45R17 M+S 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mini Mini One MINI-N XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 Mini One MINI-N / UKL-C TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5269 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5269 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 * 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5269 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5269 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5260 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5260 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5269 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5269 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5260 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 5269 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 5260 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5269 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5269 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5260 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5260 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5260 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5269 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5269 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5260 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5260 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5260 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 5269 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5260 Mini One R50 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 119 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mitsubishi ASX GA0 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/55R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 225/60R16 * 235/60R16 245/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 215/55R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 215/55R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 215/55R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5305 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 5067 TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 ü 175/65R14 195/55R14 5316 TC 5.5x14 45 4 114.3 ü 175/65R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5316 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 M+S (ABE) 5316 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 205/45R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5316 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 205/50R15 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 5316 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5316 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5316 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 215/40R16 5316 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5316 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5316 CWE 7.0x16 35 6 139.7 205/80R16 225/75R16 255/65R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 40 6 139.7 245/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 5067 CWE 8.0x17 35 6 139.7 235/65R17 245/65R17 245/70R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 CWB 8.0x18 35 6 139.7 235/60R18 255/60R18 CWE 8.5x18 30 6 139.7 235/60R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 L200 L200 CW 8.0x15 8 6 139.7 30/9.5R15 235/70R15 235/75R15 255/60R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 265/70R15 275/60R15 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 Lancer CS0 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/55R15 5305 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 ü 195/55R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5316 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5316 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5316 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/40R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5316 Colt Z30, Z3B L200 KA0T 120 5067 205/0R16 215/75R16 225/70R16 235/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 265/70R16 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mitsubishi Lancer CS0 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5305 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 5316 Lancer CY0 Lancer F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 * 215/55R16 225/50R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 * 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 (ABE) * 215/55R16 225/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5305 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5305 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) * 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5305 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5067 Lancer Evolution CS0 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/40R17 5212 Lancer Wagon CS0 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5305 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/55R15 5305 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 ü 195/55R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5316 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 5305 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5316 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 5305 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/40R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/40R17 5305 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5305 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 5316 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 (ABE) * 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 * 5305 Outlander CU0W ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 121 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mitsubishi Outlander CU0W Outlander CW0 Outlander CWB Pajero K90 Pajero L040 Pajero V20 122 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 5305 215/60R16 (ABE) * FS 7.0x16 45 5 5212 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) LS 7.0x16 40 5305 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/60R16 M+S LV5 7.0x16 5305 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 LV5 5305 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5212 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/50R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 5212 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 RM M1215-Ke CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 255/55R16 RM M1215-ke CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 245/60R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 * 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 * 225/65R16 235/60R16 235/65R16 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 RM M1215-Ke XA 9.0x20 38 5 114.3 245/40R20 255/40R20 RM M1215-ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 245/60R16 255/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5212 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 255/45R18 5212 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/40R20 255/40R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 38 5 114.3 245/40R20 255/40R20 5067 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/75R16 245/70R16 255/70R16 (ABE) CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 CW 8.0x15 8 6 139.7 30/9.5R15 31/10.5R15 235/70R15 235/75R15 255/60R15 255/70R15 255/75R15 265/70R15 265/75R15 275/60R15 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 205/0R16 215/70R16 215/80R16 225/70R16 235/70R16 (ABE) 245/70R16 255/65R16 ü CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/70R16 CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 275/60R17 285/60R17 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5212 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Mitsubishi Pajero V60 CWE 7.0x16 35 6 139.7 235/80R16 5067 CV 8.0x16 31 6 139.7 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/65R16 275/70R16 285/70R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 40 6 139.7 245/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 275/60R17 5067 CWE 8.0x17 35 6 139.7 245/70R17 255/70R17 265/65R17 265/70R17 275/60R17 275/65R17 285/60R17 CV 8.0x18 31 6 139.7 265/60R18 275/60R18 285/55R18 5067 CWB 8.0x18 35 6 139.7 255/55R18 265/60R18 285/55R18 5067 TS 8.5x19 31 6 139.7 275/55R19 285/55R19 5067 BSU 10.0x22 33 6 139.7 265/35R22 285/35R22 5067 CWE 7.0x16 35 6 139.7 265/70R16 5067 CV 8.0x16 31 6 139.7 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/65R16 275/70R16 285/70R16 5067 CWA 8.0x17 40 6 139.7 265/65R17 275/60R17 275/65R17 285/60R17 5067 CWE 8.0x17 35 6 139.7 265/65R17 265/70R17 275/60R17 275/65R17 285/60R17 CV 8.0x18 31 6 139.7 265/60R18 275/60R18 285/55R18 5067 CWB 8.0x18 40 6 139.7 265/60R18 285/55R18 5067 CWB 9.0x20 35 6 139.7 265/50R20 275/50R20 285/45R20 275/45R20 BSU 10.0x22 33 6 139.7 285/35R22 295/35R22 CWB 10.0x22 33 6 139.7 285/35R22 295/35R22 Sapporo E16 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5316 Sigma F10 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 205/65R15 5305 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 5305 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 5305 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/65R15 215/60R15 5305 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5305 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 5305 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5305 TC 5.5x14 40 4 114.3 175/65R14 185/65R14 (ABE) 5316 TC 5.5x14 45 4 114.3 175/65R14 * 5316 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 175/65R14 (ABE) 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5316 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5316 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5316 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/50R15 195/55R15 5316 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 195/50R15 195/55R15 5316 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 5316 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 5316 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5316 X8 6.0x14 40 4 114.3 185/60R14 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 5316 TC 6.0x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 * 5318 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/60R15 5318 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 205/55R15 5318 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 205/55R15 5318 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5318 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/60R16 (ABE) 5318 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5318 LS 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5318 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/50R16 195/55R16 195/60R16 215/45R16 5318 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5318 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5318 LS 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5318 XA 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 215/35R18 225/35R18 5318 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 * 5306 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 5306 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 5306 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 5306 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 5306 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 5306 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5306 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 5306 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 5306 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5306 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5306 Pajero V80 Space Star DG0 Space Wagon DOOW ü ü 5067 Nissan Almera N16 Almera Tino V10 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 123 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan Almera Tino V10 Cube Z12 Juke F15 124 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 205/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5213 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5306 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 5306 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/40R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/40R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 235/40R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 235/40R17 5306 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5213 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/35R18 245/35R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5213 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5213 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5306 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 RM M12125-Ke 225/35R19 RM M12125-Ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 TC 6.0x15 40 4 114.3 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 CA 6.5x15 40 LV4 6.5x15 BS4 ü 5213 195/60R15 205/60R15 5318 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5318 4 114.3 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5318 40 4 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5318 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 5318 LV4 7.0x16 42 4 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5318 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/45R17 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5318 LS 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5318 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/60R16 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5306 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 5306 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5306 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5306 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5213 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5306 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5213 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 ü 5213 RM M12125-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 235/30R20 235/35R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/30R20 235/35R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 RM M12125-Ke Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan Micra K12 Micra K13 Murano Z50 Murano Z51 Navara D40 Note E11 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5222 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/70R14 185/60R14 5222 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5222 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5222 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/70R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 * 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 5213 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/65R18 235/60R18 235/65R18 255/55R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 245/55R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 * 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 * 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/65R18 (ABE) 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5213 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/65R18 * 255/55R18 265/55R18 5213 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 225/65R18 255/55R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 255/50R19 5213 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 RM M12125-Ke RM M12125-Ke ü ü ü ü ü 5213 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 275/45R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 5213 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 RM M12125-Ke RM M12125-Ke 5213 XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12125-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12125-Ke XA 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 RM M12125-Ke LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 235/65R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 235/65R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/60R18 235/65R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 275/50R18 285/50R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 235/60R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 CWA 8.0x17 30 6 114.3 245/65R17 245/70R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 275/60R17 CWE 8.0x17 20 6 114.3 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 275/60R17 ü 235/60R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/60R18 5306 RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.5x18 20 6 114.3 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 * 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 * 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 175/65R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5222 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M12125-Ke 125 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan Note E11 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/50R16 225/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 5222 NV200 M20 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5318 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 Pathfinder R51 CWA 8.0x17 30 6 114.3 245/65R17 245/70R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 275/60R17 5318 RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.0x17 20 6 114.3 245/65R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 275/60R17 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 114.3 245/60R18 255/60R18 CWE 8.5x19 20 6 114.3 255/50R19 Patrol Y61 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/70R16 285/70R16 Pixo HF LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/55R14 165/60R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 5323 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/55R14 165/60R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 5323 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/55R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 165/55R15 175/50R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/45R15 175/50R15 185/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 165/50R15 175/45R15 185/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/45R15 CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 255/40R19 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 255/40R19 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/60R15 (ABE) CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 225/40R18 5306 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 5306 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 5306 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/65R15 5306 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/65R15 5306 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5306 Primastar F4 Primastar J4 Primera P12 126 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under RM M12125-Ke 5323 CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT 5306 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan Primera P12 Qashqai J10 ü TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5306 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/45R17 5306 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5213 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/45R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5306 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5306 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 (ABE) 5306 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5306 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 5306 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5213 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5306 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5213 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5213 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5306 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 RM M12125-Ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 5213 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 RM M12125-Ke 225/35R19 235/35R19 RM M12125-Ke 5213 XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/60R16 245/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 245/55R16 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 245/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 245/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5213 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5306 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 127 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan Qashqai J10 Qashqai +2 J10 Terrano R20 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 5213 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 245/40R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 RM M12125-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 RM M12125-Ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/60R16 245/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 245/55R16 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 245/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 245/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 255/45R18 5306 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 245/45R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 5213 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke RM M12125-Ke ü ü CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/40R19 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 245/40R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/60R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 CW 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 225/60R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/60R16 235/70R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 275/70R16 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 215/70R16 215/75R16 215/80R16 225/70R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 235/60R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/55R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 5213 5213 5213 5213 5213 RM M12125-Ke RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 275/60R17 Terrano WD21 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 205/0R16 205/80R16 215/75R16 225/70R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 Tiida C11 TC 6.0x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5318 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 205/60R15 5318 CA 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5318 LS 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5318 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 114.3 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5318 TC 6.5x16 40 4 114.3 185/60R16 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 5318 BS4 7.0x16 40 4 114.3 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 5318 LS 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 195/45R17 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5318 LV4 7.0x17 40 4 114.3 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5318 LV4 7.5x18 40 4 114.3 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 5318 LS 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5318 XA 8.0x18 40 4 114.3 205/40R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5318 Vanette C23, C23W CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/45R17 5213 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 225/45R17 5213 X-Trail T30 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 215/70R15 (ABE) * 5306 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S 215/70R15 5306 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S 215/70R15 5306 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 205/70R15 M+S 215/65R15 M+S 215/70R15 225/65R15 5306 CV 6.5x16 30 5 114.3 225/60R16 235/60R16 255/55R16 CV 6.5x16 35 5 114.3 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 128 ü ü RM M12125-Ke 215/65R16 215/70R16 225/60R16 225/70R16 235/60R16 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan X-Trail T30 X-Trail T31 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/55R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/55R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5213 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5306 CWA 8.0x17 35 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5213 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/50R17 5213 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CV 8.0x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5213 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5213 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5213 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/45R18 245/45R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/40R19 5213 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5306 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 245/40R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5213 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 RM M12125-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 RM M12125-Ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/60R16 245/55R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/60R16 5306 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/60R16 235/60R16 5306 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5306 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/65R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5306 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/50R17 5306 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 (ABE) * 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 (ABE) * 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 225/60R17 (ABE) * 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 5306 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 255/50R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 255/50R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 255/50R17 5306 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 5306 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 225/55R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 225/55R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5213 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5213 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 5213 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5213 5213 129 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Nissan X-Trail T31 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 245/45R18 (ABE) 5306 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5306 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5213 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 5213 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 5306 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 (ABE) 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/40R19 245/40R19 5213 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 255/35R20 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/35R20 RM M12125-Ke XA 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/35R20 255/35R20 RM M12125-Ke LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/65R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 155/65R14 185/50R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 185/50R14 195/45R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 (ABE) 185/65R14 195/60R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 (ABE) 185/65R14 195/60R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/70R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5323 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5263 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 165/65R15 (ABE) 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 5263 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 165/65R15 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5263 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 5323 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 5263 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 5263 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 5323 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5263 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 5323 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 5323 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5323 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5067 TC 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 255/60R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 45 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 255/60R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 115.0 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 215/70R16 M+S 255/60R16 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 235/65R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 225/60R17 235/60R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 255/55R17 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 225/60R17 235/60R17 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 225/60R17 235/60R17 255/55R17 (ABE) 5067 CC 8.0x17 45 5 115.0 225/60R17 235/60R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/55R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/55R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5067 5213 Opel Agila H00 Agila H-B Antara L-A 130 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Antara L-A Astra A-H X10 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/55R18 (ABE) 245/50R18 XA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 235/55R18 245/50R18 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 115.0 235/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 115.0 235/50R19 255/45R19 XA 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 235/50R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 245/40R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 245/40R20 255/40R20 5067 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 225/55R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 RS M121532-ke BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 225/50R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 * 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M1215-Ke 5067 CD70535-OPSI 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M121532-ke 131 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra A-H CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 5200 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/65R15 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5200 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 105.0 ü 205/55R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5067 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 5067 TC 6.5x16 38 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5067 TC 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5067 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 ü 205/60R16 * 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 ü 205/60R16 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 115.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 205/65R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 LS 7.0x17 42 5 105.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 MA 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 BS5 8.0x18 38 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 42 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 X10 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 RM M1215-Ke XA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 XA 8.0x18 42 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 105.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 105.0 225/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5067 LW 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 105.0 225/35R19 235/40R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 115.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 105.0 225/35R20 235/30R20 245/30R20 5067 XA 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 5067 Astra GTC P-J/SW F 7.0 x17 42 5 115.0 Astra T98,/NB,/V,/Kombi LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 * 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 Astra A-H/NB Astra P-J 132 ü ü ü ü 5067 225/5R175 * (ABE) 225/60R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 (ABE) 235/60R17 (ABE) Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5219 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra T98,/NB,/V,/Kombi Astra Cabrio T98C CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 185/65R15 M+S 205/50R15 (ABE) 215/50R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M121532-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5200 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M121532-ke RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 RS M1215285-ke TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 133 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra Cabrio T98C Astra Caravan A-H/SW 134 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 M+S (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M121532-ke 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M121532-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5200 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/60R15 225/55R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M121532-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra Caravan A-H/SW Astra Caravan T98,/NB,/V,/Kombi ü BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 225/50R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 5200 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 165/70R14 175/80R14 (ABE) 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/70R14 * 185/65R14 185/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 185/65R15 M+S 205/50R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M121532-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 135 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra Caravan T98,/NB,/V,/Kombi Astra Coupe T98C 136 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 RS M121532-ke 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S (ABE) 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S (ABE) 225/45R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 195/50R16 M+S 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M121532-ke RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5219 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 RS M1215285-ke TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 215/50R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 M+S (ABE) 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M121532-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra Coupe T98C Astra GTC Coupe A-H/C CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/40R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 M+S 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/65R15 195/65R15 * 205/60R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/65R15 225/55R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 ü CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 LS 7.0x16 38 4 LS 7.0x16 40 LV4 7.0x16 LV4 ü 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5200 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M121532-ke 195/55R16 * 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 205/50R16 205/55R16 5219 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5200 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5219 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 30 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 137 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra GTC Coupe A-H/C Astra OPC T98,/NB,/V,/Kombi Astra Sports Tourer P-J/SW 138 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 LS 7.0x17 38 4 LS 7.0x17 40 LV4 7.0x17 LV4 ü 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 30 4 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 5219 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 RS M1215285-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 RS M121532-ke F 6.5x16 38 5 105.0 ü 205/55R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5067 F 6.5x16 38 5 115.0 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 5067 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 42 5 115.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 105.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 115.0 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 105.0 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 ü ü ü 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M121532-ke 5200 5248 RS M121532-ke 5200 205/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5067 205/55R16 205/60R16 205/65R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5067 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Astra Sports Tourer P-J/SW Combo Combo-C Combo Lieferwagen Combo-C-Van Corsa Corsa-C F 7.0x17 42 5 105.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 5067 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 MA 7.5x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 MA 7.5x17 40 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 105.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 CC 8.0x17 38 5 115.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 BS5 8.0x18 38 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5067 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5067 MA 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 5067 MA 8.0x18 42 5 105.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 105.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 245/40R18 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 105.0 225/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) 5067 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 115.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 105.0 225/35R19 235/40R19 5067 CW2 8.5x19 42 5 115.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 115.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 115.0 235/30R20 245/30R20 5067 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 M+S 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 185/55R15 M+S 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 M+S 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 185/55R15 M+S 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 185/60R15 195/55R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 185/55R15 M+S 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 195/55R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 195/55R14 (ABE) 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 195/55R14 205/50R14 205/55R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 195/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/50R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/50R15 RS M1215285-ke TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 205/45R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 RS M1215285-ke BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 215/40R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 215/40R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 215/40R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 215/40R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5219 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5219 RS M1215285-ke 139 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Corsa Corsa-C Corsa S-D 140 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/35R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/35R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/40R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/40R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 195/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 5200 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 * 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 185/70R14 * 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 195/65R14 205/65R14 215/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/60R15 RS M1215285-ke BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 205/55R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/55R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 RS M1215285-ke BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 195/55R16 M+S 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 225/45R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 225/40R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 225/40R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Corsa S-D Corsa S-D/Van Corsa LPG GMIB Corsa OPC S-D Corsa Van Corsa-C Frontera 6 Frontera Sport 6 GT K/R LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 205/40R18 215/40R18 (ABE) LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 5219 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5200 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 5219 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 185/70R14 195/65R14 205/65R14 215/60R14 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 195/60R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 185/65R15 M+S 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 M+S 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 205/40R18 5219 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 RS M1215285-ke TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 RS M1215285-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 M+S 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 M+S 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 M+S 205/50R16 M+S 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 M+S CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/45R17 M+S 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 225/40R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 195/45R17 M+S 215/40R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 225/40R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 M+S 215/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 205/40R18 (ABE) 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/35R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/35R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 5200 RS M1215285-ke CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5219 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) CW 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/70R16 235/75R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/70R16 CWE 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/75R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 265/70R16 CV 8.0x18 20 6 139.7 255/55R18 265/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 235/60R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 CWE 8.5x19 20 6 139.7 235/55R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CW 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/70R16 235/75R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/70R16 CWE 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 225/70R16 (ABE) 235/70R16 235/75R16 235/80R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 225/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 265/70R16 275/60R16 275/65R16 CV 8.0x18 20 6 139.7 255/55R18 265/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 235/60R18 255/55R18 265/55R18 285/50R18 5067 5067 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 245/45R18 5206 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 245/45R18 5302 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 245/45R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 245/45R18 255/40R18 XA 9.0x20 45 5 110.0 245/30R20 245/35R20 255/30R20 265/30R20 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5302 RM M12125-Ke 5206 141 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Insignia 0G-A Insignia Sports Tourer 0G-A Meriva X01MONOCAB 142 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 LS 7.0x17 35 5 CA 8.0x17 35 5 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 LS 8.0x18 35 XL 8.0x18 CC 8.5x18 CC CW2 ü 205/60R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 5332 205/60R16 M+S 205/65R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 5332 205/60R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 205/60R16 M+S 205/65R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/65R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 5332 120.0 215/55R17 215/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5332 120.0 215/55R17 215/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 120.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5332 5 120.0 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 245/45R18 M+S (ABE) 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/40R18 255/40R18 M+S 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5332 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5332 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 5332 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5332 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5332 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5332 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 235/35R20 235/35R20 M+S 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 XA 9.0x20 37 5 120.0 235/35R20 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 LS 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 LS 7.0x17 35 5 CA 8.0x17 35 5 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 LS 8.0x18 35 XL 8.0x18 CC 8.5x18 CC CW2 ü ü 5332 RM M1415-Ke 205/60R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 5332 205/60R16 M+S 205/65R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 5332 205/60R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 205/60R16 M+S 205/65R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/65R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 5332 120.0 215/55R17 215/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5332 120.0 215/55R17 215/55R17 M+S 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 ü 215/55R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 120.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5332 5 120.0 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/40R18 M+S 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 M+S 245/45R18 M+S (ABE) 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 35 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 235/45R18 M+S 245/40R18 245/45R18 245/45R18 M+S 255/40R18 255/40R18 M+S 255/45R18 255/45R18 M+S 5332 8.5x18 45 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5332 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5332 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 5332 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5332 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5332 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5332 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 120.0 235/35R20 235/35R20 M+S 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 XA 9.0x20 37 5 120.0 235/35R20 245/35R20 255/30R20 255/35R20 ü 5332 RM M1415-Ke LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 * 205/60R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 * 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 175/70R14 * 205/60R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/60R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 195/60R15 * 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 ü 185/60R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 (ABE) 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5219 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 185/55R16 195/50R16 205/50R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 RS M1215285-ke BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 195/50R16 M+S 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5219 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Meriva X01MONOCAB Meriva OPC X01MONOCAB Meriva-B S-D Monocab B Movano F9 Movano J9 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 5200 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5219 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 185/55R16 195/50R16 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 195/50R16 M+S 205/45R16 205/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/40R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 * 5200 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 MA 7.5x17 38 BS5 8.0x18 CW1 ü 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 5200 5200 205/50R17 225/45R17 5200 205/50R17 5200 110.0 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5200 5 110.0 195/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 5200 35 5 110.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 CG 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CX 7.0x17 50 5 130.0 215/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 RS141533-ke CG 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 RS141533-ke CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 143 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Signum Z-C/S Sintra GM200-GME Tigra S93Coupé Tigra X-C/Roadster 144 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 M+S (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 M+S 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 RS M121532-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 F 7.0x17 38 5 FS 7.0x17 40 5 LS 7.0x17 40 LV5 7.0x17 LV5 ü ü 215/50R17 5200 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 5200 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5200 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 RS M121532-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5200 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 5067 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 115.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 42 5 115.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 5067 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 5067 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 5067 X10 8.0x18 40 5 115.0 235/40R18 RM M1215-Ke CW2 8.5x18 40 5 115.0 245/40R18 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 195/55R14 205/55R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/65R14 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/65R14 195/55R14 205/55R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 175/65R14 M+S 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/45R15 195/50R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 5219 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5219 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 5219 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Tigra X-C/Roadster Vectra J96 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 5219 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 5219 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 5219 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5219 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5219 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 5219 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 (ABE) 195/60R14 195/65R14 195/70R14 205/60R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 195/65R14 (ABE) 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 (ABE) 195/60R14 195/65R14 195/70R14 205/60R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/65R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 * 185/70R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 TC 6.0x15 45 4 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 CA 6.5x15 35 CA 6.5x15 CA ü 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 ü 5219 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 225/55R15 RS M1215285-ke 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5219 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5219 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5219 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/60R15 225/55R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5219 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 215/40R17 225/45R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5219 RS M121532-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 145 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Vectra J96 Vectra Z-C Vectra Caravan J96 146 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 245/35R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5219 5200 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 M+S (ABE) 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 205/65R15 M+S 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 RS M121532-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 RS M121532-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5200 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 5219 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/60R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/65R14 5219 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/70R14 185/70R14 195/65R14 205/60R14 5219 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5219 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5219 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/60R15 225/55R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 ü ü 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 225/50R15 225/55R15 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke RS M1215285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Vectra Caravan J96 Vectra CC OPC Z-C Vectra StationWagon Vectra/SW LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5219 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5200 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5219 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5219 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M121532-ke BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5219 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/40R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5219 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5200 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/45R16 5219 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5219 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/45R17 5219 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/45R17 5219 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5219 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 225/45R17 5219 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 215/40R17 225/45R17 5219 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 245/35R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5219 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke 5219 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5219 5200 RS M1215285-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 M+S (ABE) 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 M+S 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 205/55R16 RS M121532-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke 147 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Vectra StationWagon Vectra/SW Vivaro F7 Vivaro X83 Zafira A-H/Monocab 148 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 * 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 215/50R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 215/50R17 M+S (ABE) 225/45R17 M+S 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 225/45R18 235/40R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S 235/40R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 225/40R18 M+S RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 RS M1215285-ke ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 205/55R16 5200 215/50R17 225/45R17 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M121532-ke TS 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5200 XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5248 CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 40 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 255/40R19 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 40 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 255/40R19 CD70551-FIAT CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) RS M121532-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/60R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 195/60R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 ü ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Opel Zafira A-H/Monocab Zafira T98MONOCAB Zafira OPC A-H/Monocab Zafira OPC T98MONOCAB LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/40R18 5200 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 215/40R18 RS M1215285-ke XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 5248 TC 6.0x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 RS M1215285-ke CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/55R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 205/60R15 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 RS M1215285-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 ü 205/50R17 RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 205/50R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5200 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 RS M121532-ke CW2 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 (ABE) RS M1215285-ke XA 8.5x19 35 5 110.0 225/35R19 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 RS M1215285-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5200 5200 5200 RS M1215285-ke 5200 5248 Peugeot 1007 K*** ü TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 22 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 175/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 M1212530-ke ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 149 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 1007 K*** 107 P**** 206 2*... 206 CC 2*... 206 RC 2*... 150 ü TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 175/60R15 * M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 175/60R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 175/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 165/60R14 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 5263 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 TC 5.5x14 35 4 108.0 175/65R14 (ABE) CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 22 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 215/45R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 195/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 RS1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 185/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 RS1212530-ke ü ü 175/65R14 * 195/60R14 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 5263 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 5227 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 5227 CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 RS1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 195/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 205/45R16 5227 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 205/45R16 (ABE) 5227 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 206 RC 2*... 206 SW 2*... 207 W***** 207 CC W***** CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/45R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/45R16 X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/45R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 RS1212530-ke TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 22 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 185/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 215/45R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5227 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/45R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/45R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 RS1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 ü 185/65R15 205/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 ü 185/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke ü 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/40R17 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 195/55R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/40R17 M1212530-ke ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 151 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 207 SW W***** 3008 0U**** 307 3*... 307 CC 3*... 152 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 ü 185/65R15 205/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 ü 185/65R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 5227 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 195/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5227 ü LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/45R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/40R17 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 RS M12x125x33-ke RS M12x125x33-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 CA 6.5x15 15 4 CA 6.5x15 20 CA 6.5x15 LS 5227 M1212530-ke M1212530-ke 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 ü 215/45R18 225/45R18 * 235/45R18 RS M12x125x33-ke 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M1212530-ke 195/65R15 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 195/65R15 M1212530-ke 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 ü 5227 5227 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/40R18 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) * M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5227 ü LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/40R18 M1212530-ke Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5227 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 307 SW 3*... 308 4*... TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 TC 6.0x15 27 4 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 M1212530-ke 195/65R15 CA 6.5x15 15 4 M1212530-ke 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 20 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 195/65R15 CA 6.5x15 M1212530-ke 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 18 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke X8 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/55R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5227 LV4 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5227 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/60R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 ü ü ü 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 5227 M1212530-ke 5227 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CW1 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) M1212530-ke 308 CC 4*... LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 308 SW 4*... CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5227 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5227 TC 6.5x16 27 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/55R16 5227 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 4007 V***** ü ü ü RS M12x125x33-ke 5227 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS1212530-ke 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * M1212530-ke 205/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5305 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CA 7.0x16 38 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 255/55R16 5067 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5305 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CWE 7.0x16 35 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5212 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5305 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5305 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5212 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 153 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 4007 V***** 407 6*... 407 Break 6*... 154 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5212 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5305 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/65R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 5305 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 255/45R18 5212 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 255/45R18 5305 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5212 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/55R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5305 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 5212 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 5212 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 5212 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 5212 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 5067 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/45R19 5067 XA 9.0x20 38 5 114.3 245/40R20 255/40R20 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 5265 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5265 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5265 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 5265 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 5265 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5265 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5265 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 5265 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 5265 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 5265 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5265 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5265 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/55R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 5265 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 5265 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5265 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5265 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5265 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5265 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 407 Break 6*... 407 Coupé 6*... 5008 0**** 508 8 508 SW 8 607 9 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5265 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 5265 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5265 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5265 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 5265 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 * 5265 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5265 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 (ABE) BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 ü ü ü ü ü 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5265 M1212530-ke 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * RS1212530-ke 215/50R17 * M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 255/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 255/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5265 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 235/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 215/50R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5265 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5265 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 255/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 245/55R16 255/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5265 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 235/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5265 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5265 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 215/50R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5265 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5265 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5265 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 205/65R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5265 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 5265 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 5265 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 215/60R16 5204 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 5265 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 5265 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 * 235/55R16 245/50R16 5265 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/60R16 245/50R16 (ABE) 5265 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 225/55R16 5265 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 * 235/55R16 245/50R16 5265 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5265 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 5265 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 * 5265 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5265 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 5265 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 5265 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 5265 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 5204 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 5265 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/45R18 5265 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 5265 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5204 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5265 ü ü ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 155 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot 607 9 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5204 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5204 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 5265 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 5265 CC 8.5x18 30 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5265 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 5240 TC 5.5x14 35 4 98.0 ü 175/70R14 * 195/65R14 5240 TC 6.0x15 32 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 (ABE) * 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.0x15 35 4 98.0 ü 175/65R15 * 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 98.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 (ABE) 5240 CA 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LS 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/50R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5240 X8 7.0x15 35 4 98.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5240 TC 6.5x16 32 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 TC 6.5x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 5240 BS4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 CA 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LS 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 5240 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 98.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5240 CA 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 98.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 98.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5240 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 98.0 205/40R18 215/35R18 Boxer 23 CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT Boxer 230L CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/65R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CY 6.5x15 55 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 145/80R13 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 CWC 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 205/75R16 215/75R16 CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 225/65R16 * 235/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.0x15 68 5 118.0 205/70R15 215/70R15 225/70R15 CD70551-FIAT CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/65R16 235/60R16 CG 6.5x16 65 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 235/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 55 5 130.0 215/75R16 225/75R16 CX 7.0x17 52 5 130.0 235/60R17 CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 64 5 118.0 235/55R17 235/60R17 CD70551-FIAT Boxer Z CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CWC 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT Boxer Minibus 250/250L CX 7.0x17 55 5 118.0 215/60R17 235/60R17 Bipper (Kastenwagen) A***** Boxer 230P Boxer 244L Boxer 250/250L Boxer Y Expert G9 Expert X Partner 5 156 ü CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 CWA 8.0x17 32 5 108.0 255/45R17 5240 CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT RS M161532-Ke RS M161532-Ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/60R16 CX 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/50R17 CWA 8.0x17 32 5 108.0 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 165/70R14 * M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 M1212530-ke 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Peugeot Partner 7 Partner 7***** Partner B9 Partner G*... Partner M59 CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/60R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 RS M12x125x33-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 RS M12x125x33-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 RS M12x125x33-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 RS M12x125x33-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 RS M12x125x33-ke RS M12x125x33-ke ü ü ü 5227 5227 195/60R16 5227 205/60R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke M1212530-ke 5227 5227 5227 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 RS M12x125x33-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 RS M12x125x33-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 20 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 24 4 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 TC 6.5x16 18 4 108.0 BS4 7.0x16 27 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 CA 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 20 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5227 LS 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5227 LV4 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 M1212530-ke LV4 7.0x16 25 4 108.0 205/60R16 M1212530-ke CW2 7.0x17 20 4 108.0 205/50R17 RS1212530-ke LV4 7.0x17 25 4 108.0 215/50R17 M1212530-ke LV4 7.5x18 25 4 108.0 215/45R18 M1212530-ke TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 175/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 17 4 108.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 22 4 108.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke CA 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke X8 6.0x14 24 4 108.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke TC 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 175/65R15 185/65R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 TC 5.5x14 20 4 108.0 CA 6.0x14 17 4 CA 6.0x14 22 4 CA 6.0x14 24 X8 6.0x14 TC ü ü ü ü ü 5227 5227 5227 195/60R16 5227 205/60R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 M1212530-ke 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 M1212530-ke 5227 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 M1212530-ke 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 24 4 108.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 M1212530-ke 6.0x15 18 4 108.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 M1212530-ke CA 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 M1212530-ke LS 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 195/60R15 M1212530-ke LV4 6.5x15 15 4 108.0 185/60R15 185/65R15 195/50R15 195/60R15 M1212530-ke CA 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 M1212530-ke LS 7.0x16 15 4 108.0 195/55R16 5227 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 157 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Porsche Cayenne 92A Cayenne 9PA Cayenne Turbo S 9PA ü CC 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/50R19 265/50R19 * 275/50R19 RS M141536-Ku CW3 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 Serie AudVw CW3 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 285/40R20 Serie AudVw CWA 8.0x17 50 5 130.0 235/65R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 B141536-ku-bew.Kal. CWB 8.0x18 53 5 130.0 235/60R18 CC 8.5x18 50 5 130.0 235/60R18 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 275/50R18 285/50R18 RS M141536-Ku CC 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/45R19 (ABE) * 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku CW3 8.5x19 53 5 130.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 (ABE) CWE 8.5x19 45 5 130.0 235/55R19 TS 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku XA 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 255/50R19 M+S 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku TS 9.5x19 50 5 130.0 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku CW3 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 (ABE) 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 50 5 130.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 RS M141536-Ku XA 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 45 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 285/40R22 295/30R22 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 48 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/30R22 285/40R22 295/30R22 RS M141536-Ku CWB 10.0x22 48 5 130.0 265/35R22 295/30R22 ü Serie AudVw Serie AudVw Serie AudVw Serie AudVw CC 8.5x18 50 5 130.0 235/60R18 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 275/50R18 285/50R18 RS M141536-Ku TS 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 255/50R19 M+S 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku XA 8.5x19 55 5 130.0 255/50R19 M+S 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M141536-Ku CW3 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 50 5 130.0 265/45R20 265/45R20 M+S 275/40R20 RS M141536-Ku XA 9.0x20 55 5 130.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 45 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/40R22 295/30R22 RS M141536-Ku BSU 10.0x22 48 5 130.0 265/35R22 285/40R22 295/30R22 RS M141536-Ku BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 225/55R16 (ABE) 5259 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 225/55R16 (ABE) 5259 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5259 CX 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5205 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5205 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 (ABE) 5259 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5205 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5259 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 195/55R14 5222 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) * 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 (ABE) 195/55R14 5222 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 165/65R14 185/60R14 5222 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 5222 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 205/45R15 215/45R15 (ABE) 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 215/45R15 175/50R15 175/60R15 175/60R15 M+S 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 * 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 * 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 * 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 * 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 Serie AudVw Renault Avantime DE Clio B Clio R 158 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Clio R Clio GrandTour R CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/50R16 * 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/50R16 * 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 225/35R17 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 225/35R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 (ABE) 5222 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 185/55R15 195/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 * 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 5222 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 159 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Clio GrandTour R Espace K Fluence Z Grand Espace K 160 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 225/35R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 5205 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/55R17 5262 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/55R17 CX 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 MA 7.5x17 40 X10 7.5x17 XL 225/55R17 M+S 225/55R17 5262 RS-1415285-ke 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 5205 225/55R17 5205 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 5262 CWA 8.0x17 45 5 108.0 225/55R17 RS-1415285-ke BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/45R18 5262 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5205 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5262 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5205 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5262 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 (ABE) 5262 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 5262 CWB 9.0x20 35 5 108.0 255/35R20 RS-1415285-ke CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/65R15 225/50R15 (ABE) 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5273 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/50R16 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/50R17 * 225/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 225/40R17 235/40R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 245/40R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5273 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 5205 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/55R17 5262 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 225/55R17 CX 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 M+S 225/55R17 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 245/50R17 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5262 RS-1415285-ke 5205 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Grand Espace K Grand Modus P Grand Scénic JZ ü F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 225/55R17 5205 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 5205 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 5262 CWA 8.0x17 45 5 108.0 225/55R17 RS-1415285-ke BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 235/45R18 5262 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5205 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5262 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5205 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 (ABE) 5262 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 245/40R19 5262 CWB 9.0x20 35 5 108.0 255/35R20 RS-1415285-ke TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/55R15 * 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/55R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 205/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 175/65R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/45R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/55R16 (ABE) 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 (ABE) 235/60R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 (ABE) 235/60R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 235/60R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 235/60R15 5273 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 * 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/50R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 161 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Grand Scénic JZ Grand Scènic II JM Kangoo KC Kangoo (lang) FW/W Kangoo Compact FW/W 162 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 245/35R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5273 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 * 215/60R15 225/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 205/55R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5222 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/50R16 5259 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5205 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 5222 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 5222 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 5222 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/65R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 165/65R15 175/65R15 185/65R15 195/60R15 5222 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 185/70R14 (ABE) 195/65R14 5222 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5259 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 LV5 7.0x17 40 X10 7.5x17 CC LS ü ü ü 5259 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5259 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5259 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5259 108.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 5 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 40 5 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5205 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 ü LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5205 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5259 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5259 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 185/70R14 (ABE) 195/65R14 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Kangoo Compact FW/W CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 Kangoo Rapid FC/FCT LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 155/0R14 * 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 155/0R14 * 5222 Koleos Y CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5306 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 5213 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 5213 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/60R17 5306 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 225/60R17 235/55R17 5306 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 225/60R17 235/55R17 5306 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 5306 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 225/60R17 235/55R17 5306 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 245/45R18 5306 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 5213 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 245/45R18 5306 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 5306 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 245/45R18 5306 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 5306 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 245/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5306 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/50R18 225/55R18 245/45R18 5306 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 5213 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 5306 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 255/40R19 RM M12125-Ke RM M12125-Ke Laguna T 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 ü 195/55R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5213 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/45R19 235/40R19 235/45R19 245/40R19 245/45R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 235/35R20 245/35R20 245/40R20 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/35R20 RM M12125-Ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5271 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5271 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 5271 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü ü 5271 205/50R17 Ren001 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 Ren001 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5271 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5271 Ren001 163 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Laguna T Laguna Coupe T Laguna Grandtour T Master FD 164 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5271 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5271 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5271 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/40R18 235/45R18 5271 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5271 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 235/30R20 RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/30R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS141533-ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 * 5271 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 * 5271 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5271 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5271 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5271 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5271 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5271 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 5271 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 5271 Ren001 5271 5271 205/50R17 Ren001 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 Ren001 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5271 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 5271 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 235/50R17 255/45R17 (ABE) 5271 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5271 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5271 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5271 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/40R18 235/45R18 5271 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5271 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5271 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 235/30R20 RS141533-ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 235/30R20 245/30R20 255/30R20 RS141533-ke CG 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 RS141533-ke CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5271 Ren001 5271 Ren001 5271 RS141533-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Master JD CG 6.5x16 60 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 205/75R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 CH 7.5x17 63 5 130.0 225/55R17 235/60R17 Megane Z CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5273 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5273 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R16 * 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/45R17 205/50R17 225/45R17 * 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 X10 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 215/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/30R19 225/35R19 245/30R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5273 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 195/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5222 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5259 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 (ABE) * 205/55R16 225/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/60R16 5222 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 * 225/50R16 5259 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 * 225/50R16 5259 Mégane M ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS141533-ke RS141533-ke 165 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Mégane M Megane Cabrio Z Mégane Cabrio M 166 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5259 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5222 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5222 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5259 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/60R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5259 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5205 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Mégane Cabrio M Megane Coupe Z Megane Grandtour Z LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5259 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5259 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5222 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5259 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5273 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 235/55R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 245/35R18 5273 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 5273 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5273 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R16 * 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 215/45R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 167 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Megane Grandtour Z Mégane Grandtour M Modus P 168 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 215/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5273 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 215/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5222 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 5259 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 205/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5259 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5259 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/60R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5259 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5259 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/55R15 * 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/55R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 205/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Modus P Scénic JZ Scènic II JM CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 195/50R15 195/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 195/45R16 205/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/55R16 (ABE) 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 215/40R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 5222 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/40R17 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 (ABE) 235/60R15 5273 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 235/55R15 (ABE) 235/60R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 235/60R15 5273 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 195/70R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 215/65R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 235/60R15 5273 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 * 5273 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5273 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 * 5273 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5273 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 5273 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/50R17 5273 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5273 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 5273 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 * 5273 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5273 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/45R17 5273 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5273 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5273 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5273 CC 8.5x18 50 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5273 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5273 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 245/35R19 5273 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 5273 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 5248 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5273 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 225/55R15 (ABE) 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 169 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Scènic II JM Trafic FL CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 195/50R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5222 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/65R15 * 215/60R15 225/55R15 5222 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 5222 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 225/50R16 5259 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5205 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 5222 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5222 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5259 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 205/50R17 (ABE) 205/55R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 215/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/45R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5222 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 225/45R17 5259 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 5222 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5259 LV4 7.5x18 30 4 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 5222 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5259 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5222 XA 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 225/40R18 5222 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWB 8.0x18 35 5 118.0 245/45R18 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 ü ü 5259 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 255/40R19 Trafic JD CV 6.5x16 50 5 130.0 195/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 225/65R16 Trafic JL CG 6.5x16 50 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CWC 6.5x16 45 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 CD70551-FIAT CC 7.0x16 45 5 118.0 215/65R16 RS M141533-ke CWE 7.0x16 40 5 118.0 205/65R16 215/65R16 CD70551-FIAT CX 7.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CH 7.5x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWA 8.0x17 45 5 118.0 225/55R17 CD70551-FIAT CWB 8.0x18 35 5 118.0 245/45R18 CD70551-FIAT CWE 8.5x18 39 5 118.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 CWE 8.5x19 39 5 118.0 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R14 195/55R14 5222 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R14 195/55R14 5222 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/60R14 175/65R14 185/55R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5222 Twingo N 170 255/40R19 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT CD70551-FIAT Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Renault Twingo N Twingo Sport N Vel Satis J Wind N CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/65R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5222 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 5222 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5222 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5222 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 (ABE) 5222 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 205/50R15 5222 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5222 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 205/40R16 215/35R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/40R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 5222 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5222 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/35R16 215/40R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5222 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 M+S 5222 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/40R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5222 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 5222 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5205 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 245/50R17 (ABE) 5205 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 245/45R18 5205 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5222 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 (ABE) 5222 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 5222 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/65R15 5258 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5258 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5258 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5258 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 5258 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5258 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5258 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/55R16 5258 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5258 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5258 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 5258 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5258 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5258 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/45R17 M+S 235/45R17 245/40R17 5258 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5258 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 5258 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5258 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/45R18 5258 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/45R18 5258 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 195/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 225/55R15 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 235/50R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 235/50R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 LS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5200 MA 7.5x17 38 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5200 XL 7.5x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 215/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 Rover 75 Tourer RJ MG ZT RX Saab 9-5 YS3EXXXX Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M121532-ke 5200 RS M1215285-ke 171 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Saab 9-5 YS3EXXXX 9-5 YS3G 9-5 SportCombi YS3EXXXX MA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 RS M121532-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 110.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 RS M121532-ke CC 7.0x16 34 5 120.0 ü 215/60R16 5332 LV5 7.0x16 35 5 120.0 ü 215/60R16 5332 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 120.0 225/50R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 255/45R17 5332 CW1 8.0x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 5332 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 120.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 245/45R18 255/40R18 5332 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 5332 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 120.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 245/40R19 255/35R19 255/40R19 5332 CA 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S 225/55R15 5200 LS 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 215/60R15 225/60R15 (ABE) 5200 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 110.0 195/65R15 M+S 205/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 225/60R15 5200 F 6.5x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 TC 6.5x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 RS M121532-ke BS5 7.0x16 38 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5200 CA 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5200 CC 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 LS 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 110.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5200 CA 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 5200 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 RS M1215285-ke CW2 7.0x17 35 5 110.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 RS M1215285-ke F 7.0x17 38 5 110.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 FS 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 110.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5200 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 110.0 225/45R17 5200 CC 8.0x17 40 5 110.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 RS M1215285-ke CW1 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 RS M1215285-ke LS 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 5200 XA 8.0x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 5200 XL 8.0x18 40 5 110.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CC 8.5x18 35 5 110.0 225/40R18 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 * 215/60R15 5207 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 5207 LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 5207 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 205/65R15 215/60R15 CWC 6.5x16 40 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 235/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/45R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/45R16 5207 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5207 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5207 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5207 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 CX 7.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 CD70550-VW/FO/S F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 5207 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5207 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 5200 5200 5200 RS M121532-ke Seat Alhambra 7MS 172 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5207 CD70540-VWT4 5207 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Alhambra 7MS Alhambra 7N Altea 5P MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 5207 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 5207 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5207 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 5207 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 225/45R17 5207 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CWA 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5207 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 112.0 235/40R18 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5207 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 5207 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5207 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 235/40R18 5207 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/60R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 LV5 7.0x16 37 CA 7.0x17 38 F 7.0x17 LV5 7.0x17 BS5 MA ü 5246 CD70630-VWT 5246 CD70550-VW/FO/S 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5246 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke 112.0 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu 5 112.0 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5 112.0 35 5 112.0 ü 205/55R17 235/50R17 5246 37 5 112.0 ü 205/55R17 235/50R17 5246 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 5246 CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 5246 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 * 5246 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 225/50R17 215/50R17 (ABE) ü ü ü ü ü ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 Serie VW/Audi RS M141527-ku 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M141527-ku 5246 173 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Altea 5P Altea Freetrack 5P 174 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) CX 7.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CD70550-VW/FO/S F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 215/35R19 M+S 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 215/35R19 M+S 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 215/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S * 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 M+S (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 M+S * 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 205/60R16 M+S CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 215/50R17 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Altea Freetrack 5P Altea XL 5P CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 RS M1415285-ke XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 RS M141527-ku BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 215/50R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S (ABE) BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 * 5246 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke ü ü ü ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 Serie VW/Audi RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 ü ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 175 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Altea XL 5P Cordoba 6L Exeo 3R 176 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 5246 CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 165/70R14 165/70R14 M+S 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 235/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/45R16 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 * CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 MA 7.5x17 35 XL 7.5x17 CA CC ü 205/45R17 215/45R17 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5250 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 205/50R17 * 5246 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 ü 5246 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Exeo 3R Exeo ST 3R Ibiza 6J Ibiza SC 6J CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5246 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 245/30R19 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 235/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 225/45R16 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 195/60R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 MA 7.5x17 35 XL 7.5x17 CA 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 205/45R17 215/45R17 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 205/50R17 5246 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 225/40R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5246 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 (ABE) RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 245/30R19 TL 5.0x14 35 5 100.0 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 225/55R14 5250 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 225/55R14 RS M1415285-ke TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 175/65R15 205/50R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü 185/60R15 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) * 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/55R16 195/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/55R16 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 TL 5.0x14 35 5 100.0 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 225/55R14 5250 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 225/55R14 RS M1415285-ke TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 175/65R15 205/50R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü 185/60R15 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) * 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/55R16 195/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5250 ü ü ü ü ü 165/70R14 165/70R14 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 Serie AudVw RS M141527-ku 5250 RS M141527-ku 177 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Ibiza SC 6J Ibiza SC 6J Leon 1P 178 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/55R16 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/55R16 195/50R16 215/40R16 225/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 (ABE) 225/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 5250 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 CA 6.5x15 40 5 CA 6.5x15 47 CC 6.5x15 40 LV5 6.5x15 LV5 6.5x15 F ü ü 195/65R15 * 5246 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5246 5 112.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 5 112.0 195/65R15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5246 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5246 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 BS5 7.0x16 38 BS5 7.0x16 50 CA 7.0x16 CA CA ü ü Serie VW/Audi RS M141527-ku 205/55R16 5246 112.0 205/55R16 RS M141527-ku 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 ü ü 5246 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 M+S (ABE) 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Leon 1P Toledo 1M Toledo 5P CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 205/45R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 (ABE) 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 Serie AudVw RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 5246 XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/80R14 195/70R14 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 175/80R14 RS M1415285-ke CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 225/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/45R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 225/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 5250 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 * 5246 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/50R16 5246 ü ü ü ü ü ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 5250 5246 Serie VW/Audi RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu 205/55R16 (ABE) * 225/50R16 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M141527-ku 179 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Seat Toledo 5P LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/45R17 M+S 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/40R18 M+S 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 215/35R19 215/35R19 M+S 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 215/35R19 215/35R19 M+S 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 5246 Serie AudVw 5246 Skoda Fabia 5J Fabia Combi 5J 180 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 TL 5.0x14 35 5 100.0 165/70R14 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 215/40R16 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 ü 185/55R15 195/55R15 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5250 RS M141527-ku 5250 RS M141527-ku Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Fabia Combi 5J Fabia RS 5J Fabia RS 6Y Fabia Sedan 6Y Octavia / Combi 1Z F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 195/50R15 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 M+S (ABE) 195/50R15 M+S 195/55R15 M+S 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 M+S 195/55R15 M+S 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 M+S 205/45R16 M+S 215/40R16 M+S 215/45R16 M+S 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 M+S 215/40R16 M+S 215/45R16 M+S 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 195/45R17 M+S 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 M+S 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 195/50R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/45R16 (ABE) 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/45R16 (ABE) 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/45R16 (ABE) 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/45R16 215/40R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 205/50R15 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 225/35R17 5250 TC 6.0x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 * 5246 CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 CC 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 225/55R15 RS M141527-ku LS 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 5246 LS 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 195/65R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 5246 LV5 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 ü 195/65R15 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 BS5 7.0x16 38 BS5 7.0x16 50 CA 7.0x16 CA CA ü ü ü ü ü ü 165/70R14 185/60R14 * 195/60R14 5250 RS M141527-ku 5250 RS M1415285-ke 5246 Serie VW/Audi 205/55R16 5246 112.0 205/55R16 RS M141527-ku 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 181 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Octavia / Combi 1Z Octavia RS 1Z 182 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke LW 8.0x19 50 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 Serie AudVw F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 XB 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S * RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S * RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) FS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 FS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 LS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 ü ü 205/55R16 (ABE) * Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Octavia RS 1Z Octavia Scout 1Z LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) XB 7.0x17 54 5 112.0 225/45R17 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 235/40R17 (ABE) CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 215/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 XA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 Serie AudVw XA 8.5x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CA 6.5x15 40 5 112.0 195/65R15 (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 CA 6.5x15 47 5 112.0 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 BS5 7.0x16 50 CA 7.0x16 CA CA ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 5246 5246 Serie VW/Audi 205/55R16 (ABE) 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) 5246 205/55R16 (ABE) * 5246 112.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 M+S 215/50R16 215/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 225/55R16 5246 5 112.0 205/55R16 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S * 205/60R16 M+S 215/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 235/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 RS M1415285-ke 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 235/50R16 205/55R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) RS M1415285-keVwAu CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) RS M141527-ku LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 M+S 215/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 M+S 215/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 225/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 FS 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5246 FS 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5246 5246 183 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Octavia Scout 1Z Praktik 5J Roomster 5J 184 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S (ABE) 215/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/40R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 M+S 225/50R17 235/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 245/40R17 5246 FS 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5246 LV5 7.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/45R18 M+S 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 FS 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 LW 8.0x19 35 5 112.0 225/35R19 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 5246 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/35R19 255/30R19 Serie AudVw 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 TL 5.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/70R14 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 5250 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 RS M1415285-ke TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 185/55R15 M+S 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/35R18 5250 TL 5.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/70R14 RS M141527-ku TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü ü ü 185/55R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 205/50R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 RS M141527-ku 5250 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/55R15 185/55R15 M+S 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 215/50R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/45R16 215/40R16 (ABE) 215/45R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/35R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Roomster 5J XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5250 Superb / Combi 3T F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 LS 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 42 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LS 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 205/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5246 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 235/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 225/45R17 5246 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 245/40R17 (ABE) RS M1415285-ke CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 205/50R17 235/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 X10 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 RS M1415285-ke CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 5246 F 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5246 F 6.5x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5246 TC 6.5x16 48 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 255/50R16 5246 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 225/55R16 * 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 255/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 255/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CA 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 M+S 225/50R16 235/50R16 RS M1415285-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 RS M1415285-keVwAu Yeti 5L ü ü ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 205/55R16 5246 RS M141527-ku 5246 5246 CC 7.0x16 48 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 LV5 7.0x16 37 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5246 LV5 7.0x16 50 5 112.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RS M141527-ku 5246 RS M1415285-ke 185 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Skoda Yeti 5L CA 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) F 7.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 RS M1415285-ke 5246 F 7.0x17 48 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 LV5 7.0x17 37 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5246 LV5 7.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5246 BS5 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5246 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 MA 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5246 MA 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5246 XL 7.5x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5246 CA 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 205/55R17 M+S 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5246 CA 8.0x17 50 5 112.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 205/50R17 M+S 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 CW1 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW1 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 35 5 112.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5246 CW2 8.0x17 45 5 112.0 225/45R17 245/45R17 5246 BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 CW1 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LS 8.0x18 45 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 30 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 LV5 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5246 MA 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 5246 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 XL 8.0x18 50 5 112.0 225/40R18 CC 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5246 CC 8.5x18 40 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 30 5 112.0 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 5246 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 112.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5246 CW1 8.0x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 5246 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 5246 CC 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 RS M141527-ku CC 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 RS M141527-ku CW2 8.5x19 30 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 112.0 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 RS M1415285-ke 5246 5246 Serie AudVw Ssangyong Actyon CJ Actyon Sports CJ Korando CK Kyron DJ 186 CV 6.5x16 43 5 130.0 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/75R16 245/70R16 255/70R16 225/75R16 * RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWB 8.0x18 40 5 130.0 255/55R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x19 30 5 130.0 235/55R19 255/55R19 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR TS 8.5x19 34 5 130.0 255/55R19 265/50R19 Serie Ssangy. CWB 9.0x20 40 5 130.0 255/45R20 ü XA 9.0x20 35 5 130.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/45R20 CV 6.5x16 43 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/75R16 245/70R16 255/70R16 Serie Ssangy. CWB 8.0x18 40 5 130.0 255/55R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR BS5 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/65R16 225/65R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 245/60R16 255/55R16 255/60R16 RS M121533-ke Ssa CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 215/65R16 225/65R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 245/60R16 255/55R16 255/60R16 5209 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 215/65R16 225/65R16 235/65R16 255/55R16 5209 CA 7.0x17 38 5 112.0 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/55R17 (ABE) 245/50R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 5209 XL 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/60R17 225/60R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 CC 8.0x17 30 5 112.0 215/60R17 215/65R17 225/60R17 235/55R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 255/55R17 RS M1215285-ke CC 8.0x17 40 5 112.0 215/60R17 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 255/55R17 RS M1215285-ke BS5 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/55R18 (ABE) 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5209 MA 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/55R18 (ABE) 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5209 XL 8.0x18 35 5 112.0 215/55R18 (ABE) 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/50R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/45R19 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/35R19 255/40R19 RS M1215285-ke RS M1215285-ke 5209 5209 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 112.0 235/35R20 245/35R20 245/40R20 255/35R20 255/40R20 CV 6.5x16 43 5 130.0 225/75R16 235/75R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 225/75R16 * RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWB 8.0x18 40 5 130.0 235/65R18 245/60R18 255/60R18 RM M1415-ke-o.ZR CWE 8.5x18 30 5 130.0 235/60R18 ü CWE 8.5x19 30 5 130.0 235/55R19 255/55R19 TS 8.5x19 34 5 130.0 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under RM M1415-ke-o.ZR Serie Ssangy. Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Ssangyong Kyron DJ TS 8.5x19 37 5 130.0 255/55R19 Serie Ssangy. XA 9.0x20 35 5 130.0 255/50R20 275/45R20 Serie Ssangy. Musso FJ CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 225/70R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/55R16 Musso FJR CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 Rexton RJ CWE 7.0x16 20 6 139.7 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 CV 8.0x16 25 6 139.7 235/70R16 255/65R16 CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 235/65R17 255/60R17 CV 8.0x18 30 6 139.7 235/60R18 M+S 255/55R18 265/55R18 CWB 8.0x18 40 5 130.0 255/55R18 255/60R18 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 235/55R18 235/60R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 285/50R18 CWE 8.5x18 30 5 130.0 235/65R18 255/60R18 CD70550-VWLT CWE 8.5x19 30 5 130.0 255/55R19 CD70550-VWLT CWE 8.5x19 30 6 139.7 255/50R19 255/55R19 265/50R19 275/45R19 275/50R19 TS 8.5x19 34 5 130.0 255/55R19 265/50R19 CWB 9.0x20 40 5 130.0 255/45R20 XA 9.0x20 35 5 130.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/45R20 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 130.0 215/65R16 CD70550-VWLT CWE 8.5x18 30 5 130.0 255/45R18 CD70550-VWLT TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 195/70R15 5321 TC 6.0x15 45 5 100.0 ü 195/70R15 5321 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/70R15 215/70R15 M+S 225/65R15 M+S 225/65R15 5321 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 215/70R15 M+S (ABE) 225/65R15 M+S 5321 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/70R15 205/70R15 215/70R15 M+S 215/70R15 225/65R15 M+S 225/65R15 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 ü 205/60R16 215/65R16 235/60R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 ü 205/60R16 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 215/60R16 215/65R16 225/60R16 235/55R16 235/55R16 M+S 235/60R16 235/60R16 M+S 245/55R16 245/55R16 M+S 255/55R16 255/55R16 M+S 205/60R16 (ABE) 5321 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 215/60R16 215/60R16 M+S 215/65R16 215/65R16 M+S 225/60R16 225/60R16 M+S 235/55R16 235/55R16 M+S 235/60R16 235/60R16 M+S 245/55R16 245/55R16 M+S 255/55R16 255/55R16 M+S 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/60R16 235/60R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/55R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5321 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5321 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5321 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5321 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 215/55R17 215/60R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5321 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5321 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 225/45R18 225/50R18 235/45R18 245/45R18 5321 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5321 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/60R16 5321 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/60R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5321 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/35R18 Sub5114 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/35R18 Sub5114 LV5 8.0x18 53 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 5321 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 185/65R15 (ABE) * 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5321 TC 6.0x15 45 5 100.0 ü 185/65R15 * 205/50R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 195/50R16 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 205/55R16 5321 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/50R16 M+S 205/55R16 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5321 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5321 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/55R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 195/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/55R15 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 5263 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5263 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 185/60R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 5263 Rodius AJ 235/70R16 ü 235/70R16 245/70R16 5067 CD70550-VWLT CD70550-VWLT 5067 5067 CD70550-VWLT 5067 Subaru Forester SH, SHS Impreza G3 Impreza GD/GG Impreza StationWagon GD/GG Justy M3 Justy G3X NH ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5321 187 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Subaru Justy G3X NH CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 165/70R14 M+S 175/65R14 185/60R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 5263 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 5263 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 5263 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5263 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5263 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 5263 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5263 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5263 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 195/60R15 * 215/55R15 215/60R15 5321 TC 6.0x15 45 5 100.0 ü 195/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5321 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5321 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5321 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/50R17 5321 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 205/60R16 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/55R17 5321 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5321 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/55R17 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5321 Legacy Outback BM/BR CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 215/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/50R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/60R17 225/60R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5321 Legacy Station Wagon BL/BP TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 195/60R15 * 215/55R15 215/60R15 5321 TC 6.0x15 45 5 100.0 ü 195/60R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 195/55R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 205/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5321 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5321 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5321 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5321 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5321 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 ü 205/60R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 5321 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 ü 205/60R16 5321 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 215/65R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 225/60R16 235/50R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 5321 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 215/60R16 215/65R16 5321 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/60R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 (ABE) 5321 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 ü 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5321 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 ü 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5321 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 ü 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/50R17 5321 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/60R17 225/60R17 245/45R17 245/50R17 255/50R17 5321 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 225/50R18 225/55R18 235/40R18 235/50R18 245/40R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5321 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 255/45R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 CWE 8.5x19 45 5 114.3 255/50R19 (ABE) Legacy BL/BP Legacy BM/BR Legacy Outback BL/BP Legacy Station Wagon BM/BR Trezia D1(a) Tribeca WX 188 ü ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5301 Sub5114 RM M12125-Ke Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Suzuki Alto FF Alto GF Grand Vitara JT Kizashi FR LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/55R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/55R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/55R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/55R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/55R14 165/60R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 5323 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/55R14 165/60R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 5323 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/55R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 165/55R15 175/50R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 185/45R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/45R15 165/50R15 175/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/45R15 175/50R15 185/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/45R15 185/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/45R15 5323 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5331 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 5331 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5331 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 5331 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5331 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 * 235/65R16 245/60R16 5331 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 (ABE) 5234 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5331 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 5331 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 5331 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 * 235/65R16 245/60R16 5331 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 * 235/65R16 245/60R16 5331 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/65R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5331 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 5331 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5234 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5234 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 225/60R17 245/55R17 255/55R17 5331 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 MA 7.5x17 40 5 X10 7.5x17 40 XL 7.5x17 CC ü ü ü 225/65R17 (ABE) 5331 225/60R17 245/55R17 (ABE) 255/55R17 5331 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5331 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5331 5 114.3 225/65R17 245/55R17 5331 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 245/55R17 5331 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 (ABE) 5331 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/60R17 235/55R17 5234 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5331 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5234 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5331 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 5331 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5331 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 255/50R18 5331 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5331 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5331 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5331 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 5331 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 5331 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5234 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 5234 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 (ABE) 255/45R19 5234 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 5331 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 5234 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 5234 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 5234 CWE 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/45R19 255/45R19 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 245/45R19 255/45R19 RM M12125-Ke ü 5234 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/40R20 RM M12125-Ke F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 5331 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5331 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5331 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 5331 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 215/55R16 225/55R16 5331 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5331 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5331 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/55R16 5331 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 235/50R17 5331 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5331 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 235/50R17 5234 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 189 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Suzuki Kizashi FR Splash EX Swift EZ 190 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 235/50R17 5234 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 235/50R17 5331 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 5331 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 (ABE) * 5331 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 235/45R17 5331 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 ü 215/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5234 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 ü 215/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5331 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 ü 215/45R18 5331 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5234 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/40R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 5234 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 255/35R19 5234 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5234 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/35R19 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/30R20 RM M12125-Ke CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/30R20 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5263 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5263 X8 6.0x14 40 4 100.0 165/70R14 175/65R14 175/70R14 185/60R14 185/65R14 195/60R14 205/55R14 205/60R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 165/65R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 165/65R15 175/60R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/60R15 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5263 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 5263 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 205/40R16 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/45R16 (ABE) LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 5263 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 195/60R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 * 195/60R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 5323 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/70R14 165/70R14 M+S 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 ü 165/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5323 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5323 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5323 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5323 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5323 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 * 205/45R16 215/40R16 5323 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5323 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5323 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5323 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 215/35R17 5323 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 215/40R17 5323 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 225/35R17 5323 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 215/35R18 5323 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5234 5263 5263 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Suzuki Swift NZ/FZ Swift Sport MZ SX4 EY/GY Vitara ET Vitara ET CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/55R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5263 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 185/55R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5263 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 5263 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5263 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5263 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5263 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5263 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 ü 185/60R15 5259 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 ü 185/60R15 5259 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5259 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/60R15 205/55R15 5259 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5259 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/60R15 205/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 185/60R15 195/50R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/55R15 5259 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5259 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 5259 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 215/40R16 5259 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5259 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 5259 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5259 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5259 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/40R17 215/35R17 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/40R17 5259 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5259 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5259 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 215/40R17 5259 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/45R17 215/35R17 5259 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/35R17 215/40R17 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5259 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5259 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 195/40R17 5259 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/35R18 215/35R18 5259 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/35R18 5259 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 * 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 205/60R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 215/60R15 * 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 ü 195/65R15 * 195/70R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/60R15 235/55R15 5259 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5259 BS5 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5259 CA 7.0x16 50 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 5259 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5259 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5259 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5259 BS5 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5259 MA 7.5x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5259 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5259 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/50R17 5259 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 BS5 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 5259 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 MA 8.0x18 50 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/50R16 5259 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5259 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5259 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5259 CW 8.0x16 5 5 139.7 225/55R16 225/60R16 245/55R16 255/55R16 CW 7.0x16 5 5 139.7 215/65R16 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/60R16 255/55R16 275/55R16 CWE 7.0x16 15 5 139.7 215/65R16 245/55R16 CWE 8.0x17 10 5 139.7 225/55R17 255/50R17 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. RM M12125-Ke 191 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Suzuki Vitara TA CW 8.0x16 5 5 139.7 225/55R16 225/60R16 245/55R16 255/55R16 Wagon R H00 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/65R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5323 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5323 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5323 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5323 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5323 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/65R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5323 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/65R14 5323 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 175/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5323 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 155/65R14 165/60R14 185/50R14 195/45R14 5323 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5323 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5323 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5323 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5323 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 CW 8.0x16 5 5 139.7 205/55R16 225/50R16 TC 6.0x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5307 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5307 CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 LS 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 RM M1215-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/40R18 215/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 RM M1215-ke CA 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 5307 CA 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 5307 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 LV5 6.5x15 45 5 114.3 195/65R15 205/60R15 5307 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 5307 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 195/55R16 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 215/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/60R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5307 Wagon R MM X-90 EL Toyota Auris E15J, E15UT Auris Hybrid E15J, E15UT 192 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5307 RM M1215-Ke 5307 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Auris Hybrid E15J, E15UT Avensis T25 ü CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/60R16 225/45R16 (ABE) 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 195/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 F 7.0x17 50 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 5214 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/40R18 225/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 5214 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 45 5 100.0 195/65R15 5203 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5301 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5301 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 5307 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5301 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 LS 7.0x16 40 5 LS 7.0x16 45 LV5 7.0x16 LV5 ü ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5067 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5301 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5301 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5203 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5214 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5301 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5301 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5301 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5203 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5203 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5301 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5301 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5301 ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 193 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Avensis T25 Avensis T27 Avensis Station Wagon T27 Avensis StationWagon T25 194 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5203 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 5067 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 255/30R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 (ABE) 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 245/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 245/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 (ABE) * 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/45R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5307 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5307 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 225/50R16 * 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 245/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 (ABE) 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 245/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 245/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/50R17 5067 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/50R17 (ABE) * 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 245/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 255/45R17 5307 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 205/45R18 215/45R18 215/50R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/45R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/50R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 5307 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 255/40R18 5307 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 215/35R19 225/35R19 225/40R19 235/35R19 235/40R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 5067 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 45 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5203 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5301 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü ü ü ü 205/55R16 Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 5301 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 (ABE) 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 * 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5301 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/55R16 225/50R16 5301 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5301 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5301 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5301 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5203 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5203 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5301 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5307 CC 8.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/45R17 225/45R17 5307 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5301 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5301 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5203 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 5067 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5307 Avensis Verso M2 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 Aygo AB1 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/65R14 (ABE) 165/60R14 185/50R14 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 165/60R14 (ABE) 185/55R14 5263 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 165/60R14 185/55R14 5263 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 (ABE) 5263 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/50R15 195/45R15 5263 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/50R15 5263 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/45R15 5263 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 5263 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5307 F 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) * 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 50 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) * 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 5307 Avensis StationWagon T25 Camry V3 ü ü ü ü ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 195 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Camry V3 Corolla E15EJ Corolla R1 196 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 235/55R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/60R16 (ABE) 225/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 215/55R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/50R17 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 235/50R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5307 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/55R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/50R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 245/40R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/35R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 195/55R16 215/50R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5214 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 245/35R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 255/35R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/35R19 5214 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 (ABE) 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 235/50R16 5307 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 225/50R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 205/55R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 235/50R16 A11 A08 A09 A14 A12 S01 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 235/50R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5307 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 LS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 205/50R17 * 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/50R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 5307 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Corolla R1 Corolla Kombi E12 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 215/40R18 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 225/40R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 (ABE) 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 245/30R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/35R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/35R19 5067 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/65R14 (ABE) 205/60R14 205/65R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 175/70R14 195/65R14 (ABE) 205/60R14 205/65R14 5309 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü ü 175/70R14 195/60R14 205/60R14 * 5309 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5309 195/60R15 215/55R15 5309 195/60R15 215/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 ü 195/60R15 * 205/55R15 215/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 ü 195/60R15 (ABE) * 205/55R15 215/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 215/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/60R15 (ABE) 205/55R15 215/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 5309 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/55R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5309 5217 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 225/45R16 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 215/40R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 195/45R17 (ABE) 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 205/45R17 5309 X8 7.5x17 40 4 100.0 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5309 LV4 7.5x18 45 4 100.0 215/35R18 5309 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5309 XA 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/35R18 5217 Hilux N15/N25 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 205/0R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 (ABE) CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 235/65R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 Hilux N16/17 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 205/0R16 215/75R16 225/75R16 245/70R16 255/65R16 (ABE) CV 8.0x16 15 6 139.7 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 275/70R16 iQ AJ1 CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 285/60R17 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 5309 ü BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 (ABE) 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5217 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 LV4 6.5x15 45 4 100.0 175/65R15 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/50R15 225/50R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 195/55R15 195/60R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 185/50R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 225/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 195/45R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/40R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5203 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 5309 LS 8.0x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 5309 LS 8.0x18 40 4 100.0 215/35R18 225/30R18 225/35R18 5309 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 197 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Landcruiser J12 Landcruiser J15TM CWA 8.0x17 30 6 139.7 CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 CV 8.0x18 10 6 139.7 CWE 8.5x18 20 6 139.7 265/65R17 275/60R17 285/60R17 ü 255/60R18 265/55R18 265/60R18 285/50R18 285/55R18 ü 5067 235/65R17 245/65R17 245/70R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 255/70R17 265/60R17 265/65R17 265/70R17 275/60R17 285/60R17 5067 235/65R18 265/60R18 CWE 8.0x17 20 6 139.7 245/70R17 255/65R17 255/70R17 265/65R17 265/70R17 275/60R17 285/60R17 CWE 8.5x19 20 6 139.7 255/55R19 265/55R19 275/50R19 275/55R19 CWE 7.0x16 15 6 139.7 215/80R16 225/75R16 235/70R16 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 CW 8.0x16 5 6 139.7 245/70R16 245/75R16 255/65R16 255/70R16 265/70R16 265/75R16 275/70R16 285/70R16 CWE 8.0x17 10 6 139.7 235/65R17 255/60R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 285/60R17 Landcruiser 100 J10 CV 8.0x18 35 5 150.0 275/60R18 285/55R18 285/60R18 5067 MR2 W3 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/50R15 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 185/50R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 225/40R16 5217 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 185/50R16 (ABE) 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 (ABE) 215/35R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 225/35R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 225/35R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 215/35R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 205/40R17 225/35R17 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 215/35R18 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 5 114.3 195/70R15 5307 LS 6.5x15 40 5 114.3 195/65R15 M+S 5307 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 225/55R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 225/55R16 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 225/55R16 5307 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 195/65R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 45 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5203 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 215/60R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5301 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 5301 TC 6.5x16 48 5 100.0 195/55R16 * 5301 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 195/60R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5301 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 195/60R16 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 (ABE) 205/50R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5301 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5203 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5301 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5203 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 5203 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 5301 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/40R18 5301 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 5214 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/65R16 225/60R16 5214 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 5307 LS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 Landcruiser J9 Previa R Prius HW3 RAV4 A2 198 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5067 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota RAV4 A2 RAV4 XA3 RAV4 XA3(a) ü LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 (ABE) * 235/60R16 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5214 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 5214 CX 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5307 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/50R17 235/55R17 5307 FS 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/55R17 (ABE) 5307 CWA 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 235/55R17 5214 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/50R17 5214 CWE 8.0x17 30 5 114.3 225/55R17 245/50R17 5214 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/45R18 5214 CWE 8.5x18 25 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 5214 CWE 8.5x18 25 5 114.3 235/50R18 255/45R18 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 5214 CWE 8.5x19 25 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/40R19 5214 CWE 8.5x19 25 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/40R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5214 TS 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5214 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 245/40R19 5067 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 FS 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 CW1 7.0x17 40 CW2 7.0x17 F ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/70R16 (ABE) 5214 ü 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 5307 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/60R17 5214 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/60R17 5214 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 235/60R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 ü 215/60R17 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5307 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 225/60R18 235/55R18 255/45R18 (ABE) 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 5214 CWE 8.5x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/45R19 5214 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 235/45R19 (ABE) 245/45R19 255/40R19 255/45R19 5214 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 225/70R16 235/65R16 (ABE) 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/65R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/65R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 215/70R16 235/65R16 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x16 45 5 114.3 ü 215/70R16 235/60R16 245/60R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 5307 CA 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 5307 LV5 7.0x17 45 5 114.3 215/60R17 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 225/65R17 235/60R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 225/60R18 (ABE) 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/45R18 255/50R18 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5307 ü ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 199 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota RAV4 XA3(a) Tercel L25 Urban Cruiser XP11(a) Verso AR2 Verso XP12(a) Yaris P1 200 LS 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5307 XA 8.0x18 35 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5214 XA 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5214 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 235/50R18 245/50R18 5307 XL 8.0x18 45 5 114.3 235/50R18 5067 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 235/50R18 235/55R18 245/50R18 255/50R18 5307 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 235/45R19 255/45R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 245/45R19 5214 CW3 9.0x20 35 5 114.3 245/40R20 5067 CW3 9.0x20 40 5 114.3 245/45R20 5067 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 185/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 5301 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 235/50R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/55R16 215/55R16 (ABE) 225/50R16 235/50R16 5301 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/60R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 5301 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5203 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5203 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5301 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5203 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 235/45R17 5203 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 235/45R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/45R17 5301 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/40R18 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5301 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/35R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5301 F 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5307 TC 6.5x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 5307 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 205/55R16 205/65R16 215/60R16 225/55R16 235/55R16 5307 CA 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CC 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5307 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 114.3 ü 205/60R16 215/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5307 CA 7.0x17 38 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 CW1 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5214 CW2 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5214 F 7.0x17 40 5 114.3 ü 205/50R17 215/55R17 235/50R17 (ABE) 5307 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 MA 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 X10 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 215/55R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5307 XL 7.5x17 40 5 114.3 205/50R17 215/45R17 215/55R17 225/50R17 5307 BS5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 CW1 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 5214 LS 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5307 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 (ABE) 5307 MA 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 XL 8.0x18 40 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5307 CC 8.5x18 30 5 114.3 215/45R18 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/40R18 5307 CC 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 235/45R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 5307 CW2 8.5x18 40 5 114.3 225/40R18 235/40R18 5214 CW1 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 5214 LW 8.0x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 245/35R19 5307 CW2 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 35 5 114.3 225/40R19 235/35R19 (ABE) 245/35R19 255/30R19 5214 CW3 8.5x19 40 5 114.3 225/40R19 245/35R19 5214 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 185/65R15 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 225/55R15 5301 CA 6.5x15 45 5 100.0 185/65R15 195/65R15 215/55R15 225/50R15 5301 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 185/60R16 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5301 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 195/55R16 205/50R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 5301 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5301 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5203 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 215/45R17 5301 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 5301 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 215/45R17 225/40R17 5301 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/70R14 175/60R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 155/70R14 * 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 155/70R14 175/60R14 (ABE) 175/65R14 185/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 155/70R14 * 5309 CA 6.0x14 30 4 100.0 175/65R14 5309 ü ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Yaris P1 Yaris XP9 Yaris ST P1 Yaris TS XP9 CA 6.0x14 38 4 100.0 175/65R14 185/60R14 195/55R14 195/60R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/45R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/40R16 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 185/60R14 195/60R14 (ABE) 5309 LV4 5.5x14 43 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 185/65R14 (ABE) 5309 TC 5.5x14 35 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 185/65R14 (ABE) 195/60R14 5309 TC 5.5x14 45 4 100.0 ü 165/70R14 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/60R15 205/50R15 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5309 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 5309 CA 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 LS 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 215/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 (ABE) 195/50R16 205/45R16 215/40R16 5309 X8 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LS 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 205/45R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/55R15 195/50R15 205/45R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/45R16 205/45R16 5309 TC 6.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 TC 6.0x15 45 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 33 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5309 BS4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/60R15 205/55R15 (ABE) 5309 CA 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 CA 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5309 LS 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 (ABE) 195/55R15 5309 LV4 6.5x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 205/50R15 5217 LV4 6.5x15 40 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 5217 X8 7.0x15 35 4 100.0 185/60R15 195/55R15 195/60R15 205/50R15 205/55R15 5309 TC 6.5x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 (ABE) 205/50R16 5309 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 201 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Toyota Yaris TS XP9 TC 6.5x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 35 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 BS4 7.0x16 45 4 100.0 195/50R16 205/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 30 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 215/45R16 5309 LV4 7.0x16 38 4 100.0 195/50R16 195/55R16 205/45R16 205/50R16 215/45R16 5217 CA 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5309 CA 7.0x17 45 4 100.0 195/40R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 5309 CW1 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5203 CW2 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5203 LS 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/40R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 30 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/40R17 205/45R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 38 4 100.0 195/45R17 (ABE) 205/40R17 205/45R17 215/40R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 44 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 5309 LV4 7.0x17 48 4 100.0 195/45R17 205/45R17 (ABE) 5309 LV4 7.5x18 35 4 100.0 205/35R18 205/40R18 215/35R18 5309 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 195/60R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 195/60R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 ü 195/60R16 5303 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 195/60R16 215/50R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 205/45R18 (ABE) 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5210 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 (ABE) 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 205/40R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 205/40R18 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5303 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 215/35R19 225/35R19 5067 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 215/55R16 235/50R16 5303 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 * 5210 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 * 5210 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 * 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 ü 215/50R17 * 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5303 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5303 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5210 Volvo C30 M C70 M 202 ü ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Volvo C70 M C70 Coupé N S40 M LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5303 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 5303 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 5210 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 5303 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 XA 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 ü 195/65R15 5067 VO001-4 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 VO001-4 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 VO001-4 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 VO001-4 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 VO001-4 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 VO001-4 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 VO001-5 205/55R16 225/50R16 VO001-4 205/55R16 VO001-4 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü ü CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 * VO001-4 215/45R17 VO001-4 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 VO001-5 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 VO001-4 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/45R17 VO001-4 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 235/40R17 (ABE) VO001-4 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 235/40R17 (ABE) VO001-4 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 VO001-5 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 235/40R17 (ABE) VO001-4 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 VO001-4 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 245/35R18 VO001-4 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/40R18 VO001-4 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 VO001-5 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 VO001-4 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 VO001-4 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 ü 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5303 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 5303 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 5303 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 203 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Volvo S40 M S60 F S60 R V50 M 204 TS 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 XA 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 225/35R19 5067 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5270 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 RS M141533-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * VO001-63 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * VO001-63 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 BS5 7.5x17 40 MA 7.5x17 XL 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5270 Serie Volvo 5270 5270 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5270 205/50R17 * 5270 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5270 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 5270 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 ü 5270 VO001-63 5270 VO001-63 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5270 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 RS141533-ke CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 5208 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5208 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 215/60R15 5208 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5208 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 5208 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5228 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5208 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5208 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5208 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5208 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5208 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5208 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5208 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5228 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5228 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5208 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5208 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5208 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 5228 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5208 TC 6.0x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 (ABE) * 205/60R15 215/60R15 225/55R15 5303 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 205/60R15 5303 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 TC 6.5x16 52 5 108.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 CC 7.0x16 40 CC 7.0x16 FS LS ü ü ü ü 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 195/60R16 * 225/50R16 5303 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 45 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 225/50R16 5303 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Volvo V50 M V60 F V70 B LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 195/60R16 205/55R16 215/50R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5303 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5303 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/50R17 M+S 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5303 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 235/40R17 5303 LV5 7.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/40R18 5303 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5303 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 235/35R18 245/35R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 215/45R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5303 LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 5303 TS 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 225/35R19 5210 XA 8.5x19 35 5 108.0 225/35R19 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 5270 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5270 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 MA 7.5x17 40 XL 7.5x17 CC 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 235/50R16 ü ü 205/55R16 225/50R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) * 5067 RS M141533-ke 5270 Serie Volvo VO001-63 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5270 205/50R17 * 5270 108.0 205/50R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 5270 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 205/55R17 215/45R17 215/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/40R17 245/45R17 5270 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 5270 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 (ABE) 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 5270 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 245/30R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 RS141533-ke BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 235/50R16 (ABE) 245/50R16 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 BS5 7.5x17 40 MA 7.5x17 X10 ü 205/60R16 225/55R16 245/50R16 ü 5270 VO001-63 5270 VO001-63 5270 RS M141533-ke 5270 Serie Volvo 205/60R16 215/55R16 225/55R16 235/50R16 245/50R16 5270 205/60R16 225/55R16 (ABE) 235/50R16 5270 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5270 ü 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) VO001-63 ü 205/55R17 215/60R17 225/55R17 (ABE) 235/55R17 245/50R17 VO001-63 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5270 205/55R17 * 5270 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 5270 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5270 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5270 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 215/50R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 245/45R17 5270 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 245/45R17 (ABE) 5270 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/55R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 245/45R17 5270 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 (ABE) 5270 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 5270 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5270 XA 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 (ABE) 245/40R18 5270 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 215/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 5270 ü Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. 5270 VO001-63 205 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Volvo V70 B V70 S XC60 D XC70 B 206 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/40R18 245/40R18 CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 225/45R18 245/40R18 255/35R18 255/40R18 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 (ABE) LW 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 245/35R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/40R19 245/35R19 255/30R19 255/35R19 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/35R19 235/35R19 M+S 245/35R19 CA 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5208 LS 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 215/60R15 (ABE) 5208 LV5 6.5x15 40 5 108.0 195/65R15 195/65R15 M+S (ABE) 205/60R15 215/60R15 5208 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5208 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 205/55R16 (ABE) 215/55R16 5208 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 205/55R16 5208 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5228 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 215/55R16 225/50R16 5208 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 205/55R16 M+S 215/55R16 215/65R16 225/50R16 5208 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5208 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 5208 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5208 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 (ABE) 225/50R17 5208 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 225/50R17 5208 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 225/50R17 5208 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 5208 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5208 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5228 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5228 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 235/45R17 5208 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5208 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 (ABE) 5208 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5228 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 245/35R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5208 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5208 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/35R19 235/35R19 5208 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 5270 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 235/60R17 235/65R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 275/55R17 5270 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 275/50R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 275/50R18 5270 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 5270 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 255/50R18 5270 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/55R18 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 XA 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 235/50R19 235/55R19 245/50R19 255/45R19 255/50R19 275/45R19 RS M1415285-ke RS M1415285-ke ü ü ü 5270 5270 VO001-63 5270 5270 RS141533-ke 5270 XA 9.0x20 45 5 108.0 235/45R20 245/45R20 255/40R20 255/45R20 265/40R20 265/45R20 275/40R20 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 (ABE) 5270 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 (ABE) RS M141533-ke CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 CC 7.0x16 45 5 108.0 215/65R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 CWE 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 225/65R16 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 215/65R16 (ABE) 225/60R16 235/60R16 245/55R16 5270 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/55R17 235/50R17 5270 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/60R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 VO001-63 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5270 F 7.0x17 50 5 108.0 215/60R17 235/55R17 5270 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/55R17 245/50R17 5270 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/55R17 5270 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/55R17 5270 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 225/55R17 5270 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/55R17 215/60R17 5270 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 235/45R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5270 LV5 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 225/50R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 5270 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 (ABE) 235/45R18 5270 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/45R18 5270 ü Bitte vor der Montage der Räder unbedingt die betreffende ABE bzw. das TÜV-Gutachten lesen! ABE und Gutachten zum Download unter Before fitting the wheels it is advised to read the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions or TÜV approval, these can be found under 5270 Serie Volvo RS141533-ke 5270 5270 VO001-63 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. Volvo XC70 B XC70 S XC90 C CW2 8.5x18 45 5 108.0 235/50R18 245/45R18 255/45R18 CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 225/45R19 245/40R19 CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/45R19 (ABE) 235/45R19 245/40R19 255/40R19 CW3 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 225/45R19 F 6.5x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 235/55R16 5208 F 6.5x16 50 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5208 TC 6.5x16 43 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 235/55R16 5208 BS5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S 5228 CA 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S 5208 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 5208 FS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 205/55R16 225/60R16 (ABE) 5208 LS 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 M+S 215/65R16 5208 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 205/55R16 5208 CA 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/45R17 225/55R17 205/50R17 5208 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 5208 CW2 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 5208 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5208 FS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5208 LS 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 225/45R17 225/50R17 5208 LV5 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 215/60R17 (ABE) 225/55R17 235/50R17 235/55R17 5208 BS5 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5228 MA 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 225/45R17 235/45R17 5228 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 5208 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 225/50R17 215/45R17 235/45R17 5208 CC 8.0x17 40 5 108.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 225/50R17 (ABE) 235/45R17 5208 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5228 LS 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/45R18 235/50R18 245/45R18 5208 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 5208 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/45R18 5208 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5208 XL 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 (ABE) 235/40R18 5208 CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 225/40R18 235/40R18 CC 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 225/70R16 LV5 7.0x16 40 5 108.0 ü 235/65R16 * VO001-67 CW1 7.0x17 45 5 108.0 ü 235/65R17 (ABE) * 255/55R17 255/60R17 Serie Volvo CX 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 F 7.0x17 40 5 108.0 X10 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 235/65R17 235/65R17 M+S 245/55R17 245/60R17 255/55R17 255/60R17 VO001-67 XL 7.5x17 40 5 108.0 245/55R17 255/60R17 VO001-67a CWA 8.0x17 44 5 108.0 235/65R17 BS5 8.0x18 42 5 108.0 235/60R18 245/55R18 255/55R18 CW1 8.0x18 45 5 108.0 CWB 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/50R18 255/55R18 VO001-67 LV5 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 ü 235/60R18 * 255/50R18 255/55R18 VO001-67 X10 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 ü 235/60R18 * 255/50R18 255/55R18 VO001-67 XA 8.0x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 VO001-67a CC 8.5x18 40 5 108.0 235/60R18 255/55R18 VO001-67a CW1 8.0x19 45 5 108.0 255/45R19 (ABE) 255/50R19 Serie Volvo CW2 8.5x19 45 5 108.0 255/45R19 Serie Volvo TS 8.5x19 40 5 108.0 255/50R19 RS M1415315-Ke XA 8.5x19 40 5 108.0 255/50R19 RS M141530-ke-Vo CWB 9.0x20 35 5 108.0 265/45R20 275/40R20 XA 9.0x20 40 5 108.0 265/45R20 BSU 10.0x22 35 5 108.0 265/35R22 VO001-67a CWB 10.0x22 35 5 108.0 265/35R22 RS1415315-ke 215/80R16 255/70R16 (ABE) RS M141536-ke ü 235/65R17 255/60R17 ü ü 235/65R17 * 255/55R17 255/60R17 235/60R18 (ABE) * 235/60R18 255/55R18 5270 VO001-63 5270 RS141533-ke 5208 VO001-67 RS1415315-ke VO001-67 RS1415315-ke VO001-67a Serie Volvo RS1415315-ke RS1415315-ke RS M141530-ke-Vo VW Amarok 2H Beetle 16 Beetle 1Y ü CC 7.0x16 40 5 120.0 CH 7.5x17 55 5 120.0 225/70R17 235/65R17 235/70R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 275/60R17 CH 7.5x17 55 5 120.0 225/70R17 235/65R17 235/70R17 245/65R17 255/60R17 255/65R17 265/60R17 275/55R17 275/60R17 B141536-ku-bew.Kal. CWB 8.0x18 53 5 120.0 225/60R18 225/65R18 235/60R18 235/65R18 245/55R18 245/60R18 255/55R18 255/60R18 265/55R18 275/50R18 B141536-ku-bew.Kal. CW3 8.5x19 45 5 120.0 235/55R19 245/55R19 255/50R19 265/50R19 275/50R19 B141536-ku-bew.Kal. CW3 9.0x20 50 5 120.0 255/45R20 265/45R20 275/45R20 (ABE) B141536-ku-bew.Kal. CA 7.0x16 38 5 112.0 195/55R16 * 195/60R16 ) 205/55 R16 CA 7.0x16 45 5 112.0 195/55R16 * (ABE) 195/60R16 (ABE) 205/55 R16 (ABE) CW3 8.5x19 40 5 112.0 225/40R19 235/40R19 245/35R19 X10 7.5x17 35 5 112.0 215/50R17 * 215/55R17 225/50R17 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 195/65R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü 195/65R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 Maßgebend für die Verwendung von Räder, Reifen und Zubehör sind ausschließlich die ABE‘s bzw. TÜV-Gutachten! Relevant for the use of wheels, tyres and accessories are solely the „ABE“ operating and mounting instructions and respectively the TÜV approvals. Serie AudVw 5250 207 Raddesign Radgröße ET LZ LK SK Bereifung * = Schneekette zulässig design size offsetholes PCD snow chain tires * = snow chains allowed Multiflex / Teile-Nr. multiflex / part no. VW Beetle 1Y Beetle 9C Bora 1J Bus 255 208 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 5250 TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 ü 195/65R15 5250 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 ü 195/65R15 RS M141527-ku CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 225/50R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 CW2 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 F 7.0x17 35 5 100.0 205/45R17 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 LS 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 LV5 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 225/45R17 5250 BS5 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 MA 7.5x17 38 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 XL 7.5x17 35 5 100.0 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 235/40R17 5250 LS 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 245/35R18 5250 LV5 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 205/45R18 215/40R18 225/35R18 225/40R18 5250 XA 8.0x18 35 5 100.0 215/40R18 225/35R18 (ABE) 225/40R18 245/35R18 5250 XA 8.5x19 35 5 100.0 215/35R19 5250 CA 6.0x14 35 5 100.0 175/80R14 185/70R14 5250 CA 6.0x14 38 5 100.0 175/80R14 195/70R14 Serie VW/Audi TC 6.0x15 40 5 100.0 TL 6.0x15 38 5 100.0 CA 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5250 LS 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5250 LV5 6.5x15 35 5 100.0 195/60R15 195/65R15 205/55R15 205/60R15 5250 TC 6.5x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 225/50R16 5250 BS5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 225/45R16 225/50R16 5250 LS 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 205/55R16 5250 LV5 7.0x16 38 5 100.0 205/50R16 * 225/45R16 225/50R16 5250 CA 7.0x17 38 5 100.0 205/50R17 215/45R17 (ABE) 225/45R17 5250 CW1 7.0x17 35 5
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