Where are castings used
Where are castings used
Competiveness of Aluminium castings in the automotive industry Konkurenčnost aluminijevih ultikov v avtomobiliski industrji Prof. Dr. Peter Schumacher Maribor 4.6.2015 In the past castings where highly visible…. 14. Century BC 8 kg Bronze and Gold Today castings are not obvious 21. Century AD 350 kg Aluminium and Magnesium Where are castings used ? Where are castings used ? Where are castings used ? Power train Gear housing Engine periphery Steering / pedals Where are castings used ? Engine block GJV Scania BMW Audi Lightweight design Low Density materials High Strength Area Moment of Inertia Specific strength: Rp/d Stiffness Lightweight design Bionic Design: “Design like mother nature” (Design “Osteoporosis“) High degree of design freedom Challenges for Casting Filling before solidification Shrinkage during solidification Strength without deformation Simulation Heat treatment The Competition Competition of materials and processes Foto: BMW Mechanical properties of Steels in the bodywork Every colour is a different type of material (Steel) HSS PHS Al HSS Bild: GM/Opel Mechanical properties of Steels in the bodywork 70 High manganese Containing Steel 60 LIP TWIP TRIP 50 ULC(IF) 80 Fracture elongation [%] Bruchdehnung A [%] What is requirred? Strenght, ductility, deformation … 40 ULC -Steel LC -Steel LC TRIP Steel Dual phase Steel Partial martensitic Steel BH 30 TRIP 20 10 0 0 HSLA Isotrope Steel High Strength -IFSteel Bake -hardening Steel Carbon - Manganese Steel Micro-alloyed Steel 200 400 DP PM 600 800 1000 1200 Zugfestigkeit [MPa] Strength [MPa] L © Bild: Coca Cola, Rasselstein, Böhler Edelstahl Steel production Ore and scrap make steel! Casting www.steeluniversity.com Deformation Steel to pre-material (rolled product) Deformation: „from sheet to part“ Intial platine for Jeep Cherokee Body side panel Body Side (right) Quelle: voestalpine europlatinen Deformation: Simulation Quelle: voestalpine europlatinen Deformation: Difficulties Cost of production Additional welding Large scale tooling Sequence of Dies required (Cutting stamping cutting) Technological Disadvantages Still one sheet thickness Still heavy steel No rips, no real light weight design freedom Spaceframe Concept Space frame AUDI A2 Casting Sheet Extrusion Aluminium production It starts with sand: Coke Anodes Cryolite / Al2O3 Melt Coke refractory Refractory Fe vessel Aluminium-melt High Pressure Die Casting structural casting High Pressure Die Casting Production cell Quelle: Müller-Weingarten High Pressure Die Casting Production cell High Pressure Die Casting Mashine Quelle: Müller-Weingarten High Pressure Die Casting princial set-up Moveable platen Fixed platen Closing mechanism die Anker rods Pressure reservoir Hydraulic plate Hydrauliccylinder Ejection plate Anker rods Cold chamber Casting piston High Pressure Die Casting working area High Pressure Die Casting die open High Pressure Die Casting cold chamber filling High Pressure Die Casting rapid filling and solidification High Pressure Die Casting die opening and ejection of casting High Pressure Die Casting die lubrication spraying High Pressure Die Casting production cell Einlegeteile Dosierofen Presse Vollständigkeitskontrolle Gussteil Tauchbecken Kreislaufmaterial Markieren High Pressure Die Casting production simulation High Pressure Die Casting simulation High Pressure Die Casting crank casings Casting Finished part Quelle: Müller-Weingarten Low pressure die casting Low pressure die casting Process Low pressure die casting Process Low pressure die casting Process Low pressure die casting Process Low pressure die casting Wheel in upper die Quelle: bbs Fahrzeugtechnik AG Low pressure die casting examples RW-Rad AAG; Quelle: schweiger-carparts.de Borbet Binno B4 Quelle: www.cw-fahrzeugtechnik.de Low pressure die casting Bionic Design – Foam structures Low pressure die casting core technology Low pressure die casting complexity - cylinderhead Computer tomography Computer Tomography Simulation of microstructure Courtesy Charles Gandin Summary Castings are ideally suited to lightweight (bionic) design Castings processes can be simulated and controlled Castings can be non destructively tested by computer tomography Microstructures can be simulated Local mechanical properties can be predicted BUT We have to control heat flow in the casting process We have to understand microstructure formation better We have to understand defect formation better
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