Grace Presbytery Stated Presbytery Meeting Vol. 37 No. 1 Saturday
Grace Presbytery Stated Presbytery Meeting Vol. 37 No. 1 Saturday
Grace Presbytery Stated Presbytery Meeting Vol. 37 No. 1 Saturday, March 5, 2016 Austin College Sherman, Texas Docket…………………..……Page 2 Table of Contents…..…….Page 3 Index…………………………Page 67 Led by the Holy Spirit, Grace Presbytery seeks to embody the Gospel of Jesus Christ through: • relating connectionally • governing gracefully • and living into God’s vision for the world March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 1 Proposed Docket 7:30 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:05 am 10:15 am 11:45 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:15 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm Registration Begins Orientation of New Commissioners Convening of Presbytery Call to Order, Opening Prayer and Declaration of Quorum Approval of Docket Worship Offering will go to disaster assistance for the recent tornados. Business Session Welcome from Host Introduction of First Time Commissioners & Corresponding Members Moderator’s Report General Presbyter’s Report Consent Agenda and Report of the Stated Clerk Ministry/Mission Report from McKinney, Trinity Presbyterian Communities and Services Schreiner University Mo Ranch Orders of the Day (Part 1) Committee on Preparation for Ministry New Inquirer: Jacob Wilson (Pittsburg, First) New Candidate: Clark Royle (Dallas, First) Announcements, Joys, Concerns and Blessing for the Meal Lunch (Deadline for New Business) Those interested in discussing the following, will be seated together: Syrian refugee situation Persons interested in becoming Commissioned Ruling Elders Orders of the Day (Part 2) Committee on Ministry Welcome to new Teaching Elders: Margaret Aymer Oget, Phillip Million Recognition of Honorably Retired ministers: Mary Alice Lyman, Terry McLellan Recognition of Teaching Elders concluding service: Thomas Allen, Angie Mabry-Nauta, Carolyn Osoinach, Julie Riley Recognition of Ordination Anniversaries Examinations and Admissions Committee Ordination Examination: Amy Moore (Dallas, Preston Hollow) Ministry/Mission Report from Richardson, First Congregational Support Committee Mission Initiative Grants Earth Care Congregations Recognitions Business Session Presbytery Council Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Ministry/Mission Report from The Colony, Trinity Concurrence with two Overtures to the 2016 General Assembly Finance Reports New Business Adjournment and Closing Prayer March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Lynn Garis Mike Thompson Princeton Abaraoha Gerry Tyer Princeton Abaraoha Jan DeVries Gerry Tyer Patrick McCoy Godwin Dixon Rita Edington Odom Dick Powell Princeton Abaraoha Thomas Lamb Cheryl Taylor Princeton Abaraoha Russell Jonas & Kathy Jones David Batchelder David Schaefers Kelly Yeager-Chadwick Princeton Abaraoha Ben Dorr Jim Reinarz Charles Schneider Gerry Tyer Ken Johnson Princeton Abaraoha Page 2 Table of Contents Call to Order ................................................................................................................................. 12 Consent Agenda ............................................................................................................................ 16 Motions from the Stated Clerk ...................................................................................................... 16 Roll of Churches (as of December 31, 2015) .......................................................................... 17 Roll of Teaching Elders (as of December 31, 2015) ............................................................... 21 Standing Rule Changes ............................................................................................................ 27 Bylaws Suspended ................................................................................................................... 29 Motions from the Presbytery Council ........................................................................................... 29 Motions from the Committee on Ministry .................................................................................... 31 Motions from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry ........................................................... 45 Motions from the Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater ........ 45 Motions from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry ........................................................... 47 Welcome to New Teaching Elders ............................................................................................... 48 Recognition of Honorable Retirement .......................................................................................... 50 Recognition of Teaching Elders Completing Service ................................................................... 50 Recognition of Ordination Anniversaries ..................................................................................... 51 Motions from the Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee ................................................. 51 Motions from the Congregational Support Committee ................................................................ 52 Motions from the Stated Clerk ...................................................................................................... 56 Overtures to the 2016 General Assembly ................................................................................ 56 Financial Reports .......................................................................................................................... 60 Index ............................................................................................................................................. 67 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 3 Grace Presbytery Directory Address: 6100 Colwell, Suite 100, Irving, Texas 75039-3112 Telephone: (214) 630-4502 or (800) 678-4502 Fax: (214) 637-6324 Email: Website: Moderator ................................................................................................. Rev. Princeton Abaraoha Vice Moderator ...................................................................................................Rev. Cheryl Taylor Presbytery Council Moderator ................................................................................... Rev. Ben Dorr Stated Clerk.............................................................................................................. Rev. Gerry Tyer Treasurer .................................................................................................................... Ruling Elder Ken Johnson General Presbyter ....................................................................................................Rev. Jan DeVries Speaking in Discussion on a Motion If you are able, please come to a microphone. If you are not able, then please raise your hand and a microphone will be brought to your place in the pew. There are colored cards at the microphones. Please select the card which indicates your intentions and hold it where the moderator can see it. The green card will be for those who wish to speak in favor of the motion. The red card will be for those who wish to speak in opposition to the motion. The yellow card is for those who have a question or a suggestion (neutral). The purple card is for a person wishing to call the question and end debate. The moderator must recognize the speaker before the motion can be made It is out of order to attempt to call the question by speaking without recognition Policy for Meeting Cancellation and Communication The Grace Presbytery website ( will have on its home page in a prominent placement on the page any notice of cancellation or delay to the start of presbytery meetings due to inclement weather or other emergency situation. Also, the outgoing voice mail message for the Grace Presbytery main phone number (214-630-4502 or 800-678-4502) will provide up-to-date information about meeting cancellation or delayed start times. The decision to cancel or delay the start of a presbytery meeting will be at the discretion of the Moderator of the Presbytery, in consultation with the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk of the Presbytery. The General Presbyter will communicate with the Presbytery’s Director of Communication Services to update the website and the voice mail message. Rescheduling a cancelled meeting of the Presbytery is the responsibility of the Moderator of the Presbytery. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 4 Persons Entitled to Vote 1. All ministers on the Teaching Elder Roll of Grace Presbytery. 2. All ruling elders elected by sessions in accordance with the formula approved by Grace Presbytery and the Standing Rules. (Questions concerning the number of elders permitted for each congregation should be directed to the Stated Clerk.) 3. Christian Educators who are ruling elders but are not otherwise commissioned by their sessions during the term of service in an educational ministry under the jurisdiction of the presbytery. 4. Certified Associate Christian Educators who are ruling elders but are not otherwise commissioned by their sessions during the term of service in an educational ministry under the jurisdiction of the presbytery. 5. Ruling elders, not elected by their sessions, who are serving as elected members on these Presbytery structures: Presbytery Council, Committee on Ministry, Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Permanent Judicial Commission, Committee on Representation, Nominating Committee, Administrative Commission on Property, Board of Trustees, Personnel Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Youth Ministry Committee, Young Adult Ministry Committee, New Church Development Committee, Congregational Support Committee, and Administrative Commissions. 6. Ruling elder commissioners to the last General Assembly. 7. Commissioned Ruling Elders not otherwise elected from their sessions. Persons Entitled to Speak but not Vote 1. Christian educators employed by churches of Grace Presbytery who are not certified and are not ruling elders. 2. Ruling elders elected from a new church development Steering Committee of Grace Presbytery. 3. Corresponding members (teaching elders and ruling elders from other presbyteries or denominations) when received by the presbytery. 4. Representatives elected by the congregations of churches in covenant relationship with Grace Presbytery when approved by the presbytery. 5. Others approved by the presbytery. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 5 Tips to Help Presbyters Some Basics of Parliamentary Procedure, Decorum and Practice Parliamentary procedure enables the presbytery to become a deliberative assembly, to seek the will of God and to witness to our faith in Jesus Christ. It is never an end in itself. Parliamentary gamesmanship is never appropriate. The will of the majority shall prevail, but the rights of the minority shall always be protected. Parliamentary principles balance individual conscience with the will of the majority. It takes seriously the following rights of individual members: (1) the right to know (due notice); (2) the right to speak (rules of debate); (3) the right to vote (membership); and (4) the right to hold office (fair representation). The Moderator represents the unity of the body. The Moderator preserves decorum and protects the rights listed above. Parliamentary procedure allows discussion of a subject only when a motion about that subject has been made. To speak during the meeting, first go to a microphone. When recognized by the Moderator, state your name, church, city and status – such as ruling elder or Honorably Retired. You may speak to a pending motion or ask a question. The person making the motion will have first opportunity to speak to the motion. Only motions coming from individuals need a second. A motion made on behalf of a committee already has a second: the majority vote of the committee. Only commissioners may speak and vote on motions. You should speak only once on a subject, but you may seek to speak a second time only after everyone who wishes to speak has spoken. All remarks during debate shall be addressed to the Moderator. Questions seeking information from a person who has the floor shall be addressed to the Moderator. Speeches to an individual or the whole presbytery are not permitted during debate. Reading reports or documents out loud requires the permission of the body. In debate, remarks shall be confined to the pending motion. Remarks shall not impugn another commissioner or that person’s motives. Commissioners’ names shall not be used. To end debate, a commissioner must go to a microphone and, when recognized by the Moderator, state: “I move the previous question.” It is not appropriate to call the question without going to a microphone. If you offer a substitute motion or a new item of business, you should give the Moderator and Stated Clerk advance notice and written copy. An electronic copy is preferred – using Microsoft Word on a memory stick or thumb drive. Not only will this help these officers facilitate the work of presbytery, they may also be able to help you with suggestions as to how and when it would be appropriate to make the motion. The Stated Clerk and the Moderator are available to advise commissioners on the wording of any motion so that it can clearly express the concerns of the commissioner. When in doubt, ask. The Moderator and the Stated Clerk are eager to help you understand and use the process. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 6 Presby-Speak A Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations for Grace Presbytery Prepared by Gerry Tyer, Stated Clerk AC Administrative Commissions are given specific responsibilities and authority to act on behalf of the presbytery between meetings, typically to ordain and install pastors, conduct the necessary tasks to close a congregation, or to deal with major conflict in a church. ACP Administrative Commission on Property is given authority to handle most real estate transactions and responsibilities on behalf of the presbytery. There is an ACP Manual which gives details on these responsibilities APCE Association of Presbyterian Church Educators is the professional organization for church educators which has annual national meetings. APCE is pronounced “App-see”. Associate General Presbyter Associate General Presbyter is the presbytery staff person who assists the General Presbyter (see GP below) and is assigned specific responsibilities such as NCDC and COM tasks. B&F Budget and Finance Committee reports to the Presbytery Council. Book of Confessions is Part 1 of the Constitution of the PCUSA. It contains the Book of creeds, confessions of faith, catechisms, and theological declarations which guide Confessions the church in its study and interpretation of the Bible. Book of Order Book of Order is Part 2 of the Constitution of the PCUSA. In contains the Form of Government, Directory of Worship and Rules of Discipline. BOP Board of Pensions is the GA entity which provides the following benefits to teaching elders and other employees of Presbyterian councils and institutions: retirement, major medical, disability and life insurance. BOT Board of Trustees of Grace Presbytery meets quarterly to do corporation business. Candidates are in the second (and final) stage of seeking ordination. During this time all requirements for ordination are completed, including the national Candidate examinations and a final oral examination at a presbytery meeting. They are “under care” of CPM. The term Candidate also refers to teaching elders who are finalists for consideration for being called as the next pastor at a church. CLC Church Leadership Connection is the GA entity which matches MIFs and PIFs for pastors and candidates seeking a new call and for churches seeking a new pastor or associate pastor. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 7 COM Committee on Ministry provides oversight of congregations and teaching elders. It receives teaching elders from other presbyteries, approves calls for pastoral services, oversees congregations without pastors, dissolves pastoral relationships, dismisses teaching elders to other presbyteries, determines of the criteria for validating ministries of non-parish clergy, oversees Commissioned Ruling Elders serving congregations, and provides care and oversight for those preparing to become Commissioned Ruling Elders. There is a COM Manual which gives details on these responsibilities. COR Committee on Representation is responsible for the implementation of the Presbytery’s commitment to inclusiveness as outlined in the Book of Order. Council Council is one of four governing bodies within the PCUSA: session (local church), presbytery (multi-county regional body), synod (multi-state regional body), and General Assembly (national body). See Session, Presbytery, Synod and GA below. The term Council sometimes refers to the Presbytery Council. CPM Committee on Preparation for Ministry is responsible for the enlistment and care of inquirers and candidates preparing to be a teaching elder. It guides inquirers and candidates in seminary selection, ministry discernment, internship and professional ministry opportunities. There is a CPM Manual which gives details on these responsibilities. CRE Commissioned Ruling Elder is a ruling elder who has been trained and certified to provide pastoral services to smaller congregations. The COM oversees CREs. CSC Congregational Support Committee supports the work of congregations in education, mission, stewardship, and social issues. Director Director is a presbytery staff person with responsibilities in a particular area: ministry transitions, cross cultural ministries, youth, communications, and resource center. Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee of COM examines and makes recommendations to the COM regarding the ordination of candidates for ministry Examinations and the reception of teaching elders seeking transfer from other presbyteries or other church bodies. It screens teaching elders and reports to the COM regarding the suitability of particular teaching elders for particular positions. Presbyterian Foundation is the GA entity which receives, invests and Foundation distributes proceeds (as designated by donors) from the gifts, estates and investments of Presbyterian benefactors. GA General Assembly is the PCUSA national governing body. It meets every evennumbered year with teaching and ruling elder commissioners elected by the 172 presbyteries in the United States. The GA is headquartered in Louisville, KY and has various agencies and entities with elected boards and paid staff which implement work assigned by the GA. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 8 GP General Presbyter is the head of the presbytery staff and provides leadership for the whole presbytery, including its missions, ministries, council, committees, commissions and congregations. HR Honorably Retired ministers are teaching elders whose retirement has been approved by the presbytery. Inquirer Inquirer is the first stage of seeking ordination as a teaching elder. During this time inquirers are helped by the CPM to discern God’s will for their future. KidQuake KidQuake is a presbytery-led retreat for elementary school students sponsored by the Youth Committee. Member at Large Member at Large is a teaching elder on the rolls of the presbytery who is not currently serving in a call or validated ministry. MIF Ministry Information Form is the form a congregation completes about itself prior to a search for a new pastor or associate pastor. It gives statistics about the church (membership, finances, etc.) It also describes the position and the characteristics of the kind of person the church is seeking. Moderator Moderator is the officer who chairs meetings of the presbytery, committees and commissions. These moderators are elected annually. The term Moderator also refers to the officer who chairs meetings of the session (usually the pastor), synod and General Assembly. NCDC New Church Development Committee recommends the establishment and provides oversight to new church developments, fellowships, and new worshiping communities. It guides presbytery’s racial ethnic ministry and evangelism programs. Non-Parish Chaplains, professors and other ministers who are not currently serving a congregation, Sometimes they are referred to as Validated Ministries. Clergy OGA Office of the General Assembly is the department of the GA Stated Clerk which keeps the official records of the GA, maintains the archive, relates to ecumenical organizations, plans meetings of the GA, and provides polity advice. Overture Overture is a formal resolution or motion proposed for a council to consider. Overtures include recommendations to the GA which propose changes to the Book of Order. PCUS Presbyterian Church in the United States is unofficially called the Southern Presbyterian Church. See PCUSA below. PCUSA Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is the official name of our denomination. It is the result of a merger in 1983 between the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (unofficially called the Northern Presbyterian Church) and the Presbyterian Church in the United States (unofficially called the Southern Presbyterian Church.) March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 9 PDA Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is a PMA program which provides assistance after natural and human-caused disasters. It also provides refugee assistance. PIF Professional Information Form is a résumé completed by a teaching elder or candidate who is seeking a new call or validated ministry. PILP Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program is the GA entity which provides low-interest loans to Presbyterian councils, institutions and new church developments as well as investment opportunities to Presbyterian investors. PJC Permanent Judicial Commission implements the disciplinary procedures required by the Book of Order. There is a Judicial Process Manual which gives details on these duties. PMA Presbyterian Mission Agency is the GA entity which leads and coordinates the national and worldwide mission program. It includes: mission personnel, disaster assistance, research services, communications, funds development, resources, and programs of compassion, justice, hunger, evangelism, church growth, social witness, racial ethnic, new immigrant, and women’s ministries. PMC Presbyterian Mission Center is the building housing the offices of Grace Presbytery, Synod of the Sun, Texas Presbyterian Foundation and Presbyterian Communities and Services, Inc. PMT Presbytery Ministry Team is a task force appointed by the presbytery (or an entity of the presbytery) assigned specific duties and authority in order to accomplish a mission of the presbytery (or entity) within a certain time frame. PNC Pastor Nominating Committee is a search committee elected by a congregation to seek, interview, and recommend a new pastor. Presbyterian Presbyterian Publishing Corporation is the GA entity which publishes print Publishing and electronic material for Geneva Press, Westminster John Knox Press, Corporation, and Presbytery Presbytery is the regional governing body council of the PCUSA. Grace Presbytery has more than 150 congregations, 400 ministers, and 35,000 congregants in 54 counties in North and East Texas. Presbytery meets quarterly with teaching elders and ruling elder commissioners elected from each congregation. There are 172 presbyteries in the United States. Presbytery Council Presbytery Council is the “executive committee” of the presbytery which provides coordination, planning and spiritual guidance for the presbytery, addresses matters between meetings of the presbytery, and implements the priorities and concerns of the presbytery. It plans the work of the presbytery, evaluates and makes recommendations concerning overtures, and reviews the minutes of presbytery meetings. The following committees report to the Council: Budget and Finance, New Church Development, Congregational Support, Personnel, Youth, and Young Adult Ministry. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 10 Ruling Elder is a lay member of a congregation who has been elected, ordained Ruling Elder and installed to serve on the session of a church. Ruling elders are eligible for election as commissioners to presbytery, synod and General Assembly. Session Session is the governing body council for the congregation. SHYC Senior High Youth Connection is a program run by the Youth Committee. SHYC is pronounced “Shy-see.” Stated Clerk is the officer elected by the presbytery to maintain the official records, provide extracts when asked, prepare the docket for presbytery meetings, and answer questions about the records, Presbyterian polity, policies, Stated Clerk procedures and history. The Stated Clerk is authorized to certify ministers and congregations are in good standing and qualify under the tax exemption of the PCUSA. The Stated Clerk is also Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Synod Synod of the Sun is the governing body council which includes all the presbyteries in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. It coordinates the work of the PCUSA in this region. Synod Youth Workshop is an annual week-long retreat for high school Synod Youth students sponsored by the Synod of the Sun and led by Grace Presbytery’s Workshop Director of Youth Ministries. Teaching Elder Teaching Elder is an ordained Presbyterian minister member of the clergy. TPF Texas Presbyterian Foundation is a financial service organization for Presbyterian members, councils and institutions. It invests funds and provides bookkeeping services for Grace Presbytery. TRC Temporary Relationships Committee is a subcommittee of COM which provides oversight for congregations without installed pastors. UPCUSA United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America is unofficially called the Northern Presbyterian Church. See PCUSA above. Validated Ministries Positions served by chaplains, professors and other teaching elders who are not currently serving a congregation. Sometimes they are referred to as nonparish clergy. YouthQuake YouthQuake is a presbytery-led retreat for middle school students sponsored by the Youth Committee. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 11 Convening of Presbytery Princeton Abaraoha 9:00 a.m. Call to Order 1. Opening Prayer 2. Declaration of Quorum 3. Approval of Docket (Page 2) Order of Worship for Grace Presbytery (If able, please stand when indicated with a + symbol.) Shorelines and Gathering + Call to Worship: (Psalm 40: 1-3) Leader: I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. People: The Lord drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Leader: The Lord put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. People: Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. + Prayer for the Day + Hymn #361 “How Firm a Foundation” Call to Confession Prayer of Confession: O steadfast God, you guide us like a rudder, but we cast about. We long to be faithful through the tides and storms of life. We confess our focus on the fury rather than on your peace. We confess that our own panic and fear intensify the storms that rise up around us. We, like Peter, long to practice our courage but falter none-the-less. Strengthen us beyond our self-doubt. Still our inner fury. Magnetize the heart as a trustworthy compass. Grant the eye a perceptive depth of vision. Attune the labyrinth of the ear to your still small voice. We are your imperfect but ready crew. (Silent confession) Assurance in Christ March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 12 Response Hymn “Calm to the Waves” Anchoring In the Word Prayer of Illumination Old Testament Reading Psalm 40: 4-17 Leader: The Word of the Lord. Congregation: Thanks Be to God. + Gospel Reading: Matthew 14:22-33 Leader: The Gospel of our Lord. Congregation: Praise to You, O Christ. Sermon Sinking Into Grace + Hymn #562 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Rev. Susan Sytsma Bratt “Eternal Father Strong to Save” Page 13 The Sacraments’ Sending +Reaffirmation of Baptism Leader: Long ago, or not so long ago, before our brains were fully formed or our personalities fully disclosed, God drew us to a congregation of loving and adoring people. Congregation: My parents or those who were as parents to me stood in the presence of God and a congregation of people. There they renounced sin and evil. They stood into God’s energy of grace, love and mercy. Leader: That congregation promised to share the Christian story trusting in its relevance for our fears, trials, joys and hopes. Congregation: My parents or those who were as parents to me affirmed their own faith in Jesus Christ. I believe their affirmation was broader and wider than it had been before as they became responsible for a portion of my journey. Leader: Together a congregation and a particular set of guardians, around the event of my baptism, pledged to strengthen the worship and mission of the church as it would continue its becoming. Congregation: Today, we are they. We are the member witnesses. We are the educating saints. We are the sacramentally baptized. God’s love in Christ flows through us as we imagine and renew our baptism of long ago … or of not so long ago. Offering (The offering today is for disaster assistance for the recent tornados in North and East Texas.) Offertory North Texas Chorale THE EUCHARIST Invitation to the Lord’s Table Great prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. When the Prayer of Thanksgiving concludes, the congregation will be called to pray the Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 14 and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Breaking of the Bread and Words of Institution Communion of the People North Texas Chorale Prayer after Communion THE SENDING +Hymn “Rise, O Church, like Christ Arisen” + Charge and Benediction March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 15 Worship Team: Kailey Gray, Junior ACtivator from Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church, Richardson Leslie King, First Presbyterian Church, Waco North Texas Chorale Bailey Page, Sophomore ACtivator from Orangewood Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, Arizona Susan Sytsma Bratt, Northridge Presbyterian Church, Dallas Lisa Thomas, Austin College Organist John Williams, Chaplain Austin College Business Session Princeton Abaraoha 10:15 a.m. Welcome from Host Rev. John Williams, Chaplain Austin College Introduction of First-time Commissioners Seating of Corresponding Members Moderator’s Report Princeton Abaraoha If you have questions for Princeton Abaraoha, his email is General Presbyter’s Report Janet DeVries If you have questions for Janet DeVries, her email is Consent Agenda and Report of the Stated Clerk Gerry Tyer If you have questions concerning the following report, please contact Gerry Tyer prior to the meeting at (214) 393-5611 or Consent Agenda Motions from the Stated Clerk 1. That Grace Presbytery adopt the following list as the Roll of Churches as of December 31, 2015; and the number of ruling elder commissioners indicated in the following list be specified as commissioners to future presbytery meetings in order to address the numerical parity of teaching elders and ruling elders entitled to vote at presbytery meetings: March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 16 Please check this list for accuracy. If there are errors, please email the Stated Clerk: Roll of Churches (as of December 31, 2015) City, Church (The number in parentheses is the Members maximum number of ruling elder 12/31/14 commissioners from each church.) Aledo, Faith PC of E Parker Co (2) 135 Allen, First (2) 92 Arlington, First (3) 554 Arlington, Grace (3) 268 Arlington, Westminster (2) 150 Athens, First (3) 339 Bedford, Emmanuel (2) 200 Belton, First (2) Blue Ridge, Crossroads (2) Bonham, First (2) Bridgeport, First (2) Buckholts, Sharp (1) Cameron, First (2) Canton, First (1) 78 130 203 65 13 64 19 Carrollton, The Nor’kirk (3) 268 Carthage, St. Paul (1) Clarksville, First (2) Clarksville, New Shamrock (1) Clarksville, Pine Grove (1) Cleburne, United (2) Clifton, First (2) Commerce, First (2) Corsicana, Westminster (2) Crowley, First (1) Cumby, First (1) 22 72 10 14 237 127 75 115 29 20 Dallas, Bentwood Trail (2) 190 Dallas, Bethany (2) 78 Dallas, Eastminster (2) Dallas, El Divino Salvador (2) 218 77 Dallas, First (5) 1,606 Dallas, Glendale (2) 87 Dallas, Iglesia Emmanuel (2) 83 Dallas, John Calvin (2) 108 Dallas, Lake Highlands (3) 299 Dallas, NorthPark (3) 559 Name Witherow, James B. Landes, Elizabeth B. Yeager-Chadwick, Kelly Kay McDermott, Richard S. Babb, Fred H. Sanders, Craig Alan McGee, Emily Kathryn Farquhar, D. Alan Vacant Valdez, Robin Lyn Vacant Fox-Nuelle, Rebecca Jane Leslie, Scott A. Dardaganian, Bradley S. Ramsawh, James C. Mitchell, Hollingsworth Budd, Douglas Lee Smith, David C. Parr, William J. Pratt, Nancy Adamson, Robert Webb, Shane Hawthorne, James Holt, Billy Jack (Cumberland) Rigoulot, Kenneth G. Schofield, Clinton A. Rasco, Krista Pearilee Welch Young, Robert M. Schrader, Carl G. Maples, Deidre Callender, Elizabeth J. Brooks, Frank A. Alatorre, Daniel Robertson, Jack C. Holloman, Sherry K. Brooks, Richard L. Clifford, Joseph J. Buchanan, Bruce A. Fenn, Wendy H. Wilson, Miatta Edwards, Bonnie Allard, Clayton Perez, Leocadio S. Guiterrez, Ben Vacant Rice, Perryn (Cumberland) Riley, Julie Uhlhorn Barry, Brent A. Staples, Kelly March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Position Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Temporary Supply Moderator Commissioned Ruling Elder Moderator Pastor Certified Associate Educator Commissioned Ruling Elder Moderator Moderator Stated Supply Pastor Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Stated Supply Commissioned Ruling Elder Pastor Parish Associate Co-Temporary Supply Co-Temporary Supply Pastor Moderator Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Certified Christian Educator Certified Christian Educator Moderator Commissioned Ruling Elder Moderator Pastor (Temporary Member) Interim Associate Pastor Pastor Designated Associate Pastor Date Temporary Positions Expire 12/31/14 1/1/16 5/21/13 12/31/15 5/21/13 5/18/14 4/12/16 2/29/16 12/28/15 7/15/16 2 Years + 12/31/14 12/31/14 11/17/15 1/31/16 3/16/16 Page 17 City, Church (The number in parentheses is the Members maximum number of ruling elder 12/31/14 commissioners from each church.) Dallas, Northridge (3) 570 Dallas, Oak Cliff (3) 421 Dallas, Preston Hollow (6) 3,015 Dallas, St. Andrew’s (2) Dallas, St. Luke (2) Dallas, St. Mark (2) Dallas, United African (2) Dallas, Westminster (2) DeSoto, DeSoto (1) Denison, First (2) Denison, Hyde Park (1) Denton, First (2) 59 51 175 138 175 50 82 48 109 Denton, St. Andrew (3) 664 Denton, Trinity (2) Deport, First (1) Duncanville, First (2) Ennis, First (2) 186 39 81 92 Fairfield, Fairfield-Harmony (2) 134 Farmers Branch, Faith United (2) Ferris, First (1) Flower Mound, Flower Mound (1) 222 40 40 Flower Mound, Trinity (3) 565 Forney, First (2) 68 Fort Worth, First (5) 1,951 Fort Worth, Forest Hill (2) 89 Fort Worth, Gethsemane (2) 69 Fort Worth, John Knox (2) 233 Fort Worth, Ridglea (3) 426 Fort Worth, St. Peter (1) 42 Fort Worth, St. Stephen (3) 494 Fort Worth, Westminster (3) 320 Name Dorr, Benjamin Bratt, Susan A. Sytsma Quillin, Roger T Allard, Clayton F. Tickner, Thomas A. Ruffner, Matthew McLean, Elizabeth B. Fitzgibbon, Laura Seelman, Paul S. Johnson, Sarah Anne Poteet, Robert M. Leischner, Robert W. Rounseville, Margaret Anne Brooks, Richard L. Edah, Julius Bates, Nicole D. Boyanton, Janet S. Bethel, Lander Cunningham, Ronald W. Dunklau, Paul R. Baroody, Alan Patterson, Lisa B. Cassell, Fred W (New Brunswick) Hunter, Craig L. Schreurs, Randy (Eastern OK) Hertenstein, Virginia L. Krueger, Craig C. Prentiss, Thomas G. Gooch, James McLellan, Terry L. Holloman, Ronnie Kremzar, Lucia Rehrig, Stephen W. Vacant Ehman, Frank C. Reece, Lisa Ivie, David A. Travis, Karl B. Waschevski, Michael A. Michalove, Robilyn B. Stewart, Joshua Jon Varnon, Eric Goldsmith, Dan E. Kinser, Floyd G. Thompson, Paul M. Woods, Lindsay Anne Wong, Andy Pense, Elizabeth Johnson Baer, Ryan Dick, Elizabeth Kincade, Emerson (AME labor in) Pense, Elizabeth Johnson Ritsch, Frederick F. Bailey, Warner M. Hogg, Donald R. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Position Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Interim Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Moderator Pastor Pastor Designated Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Interim Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Emeritus Pastor Moderator Stated Supply Interim Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Certified Christian Educator Designated Pastor Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Certified Christian Educator Pastor Emeritus Pastor Emeritus Pastor Pastor Parish Associate Interim Pastor Pastor Parish Associate Temporary Supply Moderator Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Date Temporary Positions Expire 1/1/10 10/1/16 11/1/16 8/23/18 3/8/16 12/31/14 11/1/16 5/1/16 2/29/16 10/31/16 12/20/16 2/9/17 3/2/16 1/31/16 11/30/15 5/31/16 1/1/16 Page 18 City, Church (The number in parentheses is the Members Name maximum number of ruling elder 12/31/14 commissioners from each church.) Fort Worth, Westside (2) 61 Presley, Chad E. Carson, Christopher B. Frisco, Faithbridge (2) 160 Paniagua, Pepa J. Frisco, Legacy (2) 109 Hunihan, Glen J. Gainesville, First (2) 118 Hare, John S. Burns, Paul M. Garland, First (3) 258 Suneson, Susan Wheat, Dewey Dewitt Gatesville, First (2) 77 Grogan, Donald E. Gladewater, First (1) 6 Administrative Commission Granbury, First (3) 336 Travis, Drew G. Grand Prairie, First (2) 133 Reinarz, James P. Grand Prairie, Immanuel (1) 22 Willis, Lewis Eugene Grand Prairie, West Fork (1) 44 Reinarz, James P. Crilley, Robert S. Grapevine, First (3) 624 Hood, Ashley A. Haun, Jodi Greenville, United (2) 193 Campbell, Christopher L. Haltom City, Browning Heights (2) 51 Lockhart, Elizabeth H. Hamilton, First (1) 34 Allen, Thomas G. Henderson, First (2) 66 Klein, Candice L. Hillsboro, First (2) 98 Ramsey, JoAnne D. Honey Grove, Main Street (2) 59 Baker Burnett, Cindy Hooks, First (1) 44 Winters, Abram (Not PCUSA) Garis, Greg Hurst, St. Philip (3) 477 King, Alissa D. Irving, Hackberry Creek (3) 335 Patterson, Dale W. Irving, Woodhaven (3) 371 Baldwin, Diane M. Italy, Park (1) 10 Brown, Jimmie Paul Itasca, First (1) 46 Barnes, Joyce Diane Jacksonville, First (2) 59 Griffin, Victoria B. Joshua, Union Hill (1) 23 Adams, Louis W. Kaufman, First (1) 22 Salfen, Ronald P. Kerens, Kerens (1) 26 Blatnik, Darla J. Kilgore, First (3) 286 Phillips, Robert L. Lancaster, First (2) 75 Selby, Richard W. Lewisville, First (2) 73 Zeigler, John D. Lindale, Bethesda (1) 17 David Smith Longview, Alpine (2) 94 Blackman, Gordon Longview, Centre (2) 140 Woodard, John M. Land, Kendal A. Longview, First (2) 207 O’Neal, William D. Setzer, Nicholas Longview, St. Andrew (2) 201 Levetan, Mia Lott, First (1) 29 Thomas, David Mabank, First (2) 145 Salfen, Ronald P. Mansfield, Trinity (2) 109 Somervill, Charles E. McKinney, First (2) 143 Maze, Andrew T. McCoy, Patrick E. Baum, Mary Lydia Andrews, Donald C. McKinney, Trinity (3) 694 Voyles, Tami Whitner, Joseph C. Graham, M. Ralph Mesquite, First (3) 512 Meissner, Harry C. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Position Date Temporary Positions Expire Pastor Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Certified Christian Educator Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Pastor Moderator Moderator Pastor Associate Pastor Certified Christian Educator Pastor Stated Supply Temporary Supply Pastor Pastor Commissioned Ruling Elder Supply Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Commissioned Ruling Elder Pastor Stated Supply Moderator Stated Supply Interim Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Moderator Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Emeritus Co-Pastor Co-Pastor Moderator Temporary Supply Stated Supply Moderator Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Certified Christian Educator Parish Associate Parish Associate Interim Pastor 12/13/15 12/31/15 4/11/16 12/31/11 8/31/14 10/1/18 3/20/16 12/31/15 2/25/16 12/31/15 2/3/16 2/16/16 2/16/16 4/20/16 Page 19 City, Church (The number in parentheses is the Members Name maximum number of ruling elder 12/31/14 commissioners from each church.) Midlothian, First (1) 37 Abaraoha, Princeton Milford, Milford (1) 13 Brown, Jimmie Paul Mineral Wells, First (1) 50 Nunnelley, Eddie A. Mt. Pleasant, First (2) 186 Webb, Shane K. Westerlage, L. Walker North Richland Hills, St. Paul (2) 147 Schmidt, Richard H. Palestine, First (2) 150 Meredith, Marwood Paris, Central (2) 99 Darrow, David Paris, First (2) 67 Schreurs, Randy (Eastern OK) Parker, Corinth (1) 30 Stolk, Douglas A. Pittsburgh, First (1) 17 Webb, Shane Plano, First (2) 205 Parker, Joseph H. Stamper, Bryan C. Plano, Grace (3) 1,000 Ellis, Cara L. Batchelder, David B. Plano, West Plano (2) 194 Calvert, Matthew Weckerly, Elizabeth Prosper, Prosper (1) 34 Fowler, John Jung, Chan Soo (Charles) Richardson, Binnerri (4) 1,421 Vacant Lee, Yun Gil Odom, Andrew S. Jonas, Russell C. Richardson, Canyon Creek (4) 1,083 Dittman, Ellen Smith, Lillian Schaefers, M. David Richardson, First (3) 484 Hughes, Beverly Gibbons, Thomas C. Richardson, St. Barnabas (3) 428 Rigler, Katherine J. Osoinach, Carolyn A. Rockdale, First (2) 53 Pussman, David B. Rockwall, First (3) 288 Taylor, Cheryl A. Rusk, First (1) 31 O’Neal, David R. Thompson, Carl V. Salado, Salado Presbyterian (2) 73 Smith, Billy P. Odom, M. Denise Sherman, Covenant (3) 378 Chester, Janet Sherman, Grand Avenue (2) 54 Bethel, Lander L. Southlake, Trinity (2) 243 Galligan, Timothy J. Stephenville, First (2) 74 McLemore, Douglas K. Sulphur Springs, First (1) 48 Darrow, David Ritchie, Kenneth A. (Murray) Temple, First (2) 186 Person, Ralph Lamb, Thomas A. Temple, Grace (3) 344 Benish, Leigh Tenaha, Tennessee (1) 22 Adamson, Robert Terrell, First (2) 52 Gascoigne, Angus Texarkana, Northwood (2) 77 Bourne, Cheryl A. The Colony, Trinity (2) 119 Schneider, Charles G. Troup, First (1) 22 Blanton, William S. “Doug” (Mission) Baskin, Stuart G. Tyler, First (3) 687 Leach, Pamela N. Tyler, Highland (2) 51 Mackey, Scott R. Waco, Central (2) 137 Packard, Charles R. Waco, El Calvario (1) 28 Finck-Lockhart, Susan March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Position Stated Supply Stated Supply Interim Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Emeritus Stated Supply Pastor Stated Supply Stated Supply Moderator Stated Supply Pastor Stated Supply Pastor Parish Associate Commissioned Ruling Elder Commissioned Ruling Elder Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Interim Associate Pastor Stated Supply (Associate) Parish Associate Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Parish Associate Stated Supply Pastor Stated Supply Stated Supply Pastor Emeritus Interim Pastor Certified Christian Educator Pastor Pastor Commissioned Ruling Elder Moderator Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Associate Pastor Commissioned Ruling Elder Designated Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Stated Supply Pastor Parish Associate Pastor Pastor Stated Supply Date Temporary Positions Expire 7/21/16 8/31/14 6/30/15 1/4/15 5/1/16 3/29/16 2 Years + 8/31/16 11/31/15 2/28/13 5/3/16 6/7/16 8/24/16 12/31/15 2/28/16 12/31/15 7/1/16 12/31/16 8/31/15 3/1/16 5/18/16 11/30/16 12/31/15 12/31/15 2 Years + 12/31/14 Page 20 City, Church (The number in parentheses is the Members maximum number of ruling elder 12/31/14 commissioners from each church.) Waco, First (3) 607 Waxahachie, Central (3) 253 Weatherford, Grace First (2) 234 Whitesboro, First (2) Whitewright, First (2) 72 68 Winnsboro, First (2) 82 2. Name Position King, Leslie Murphy Carson, Deidre Ellor, James W. Davey, John Stephen Thomas, Lawrence A. Curry, Matthew A. Maloney, Bridget Bruner, Charles A. Slyter, David Allen Morgan, Neill S. Rutledge, Michael L. Adkins, Julie Rounseville, Margaret Anne Pastor Associate Pastor Parish Associate Parish Associate Parish Associate Pastor Certified Christian Educator Pastor Associate Pastor Stated Supply Stated Supply Moderator Pastor Emeritus Date Temporary Positions Expire 4/28/15 4/28/15 4/28/15 8/16/16 12/15/15 That Grace Presbytery adopt the following list as the Roll of Teaching Elders as of December 31, 2015. Please check this list for accuracy. If there are errors, please email the Stated Clerk: Roll of Teaching Elders (as of December 31, 2015) Effective Date Abaraoha, Princeton 2013-07-21 Adams, Louis W. 2014-03-16 Adams-Thompson, Larry P. 2014-11-03 Adkins, Julie 2008-07-01 Adzaku, L. Kofi 2014-01-01 Alatorre, Daniel 2014-01-01 Allard, Clayton F. 2003-03-15 Allen, Thomas G. 2015-01-01 Altfather, Kenneth D. 2010-03-08 Andresen, Paul A. 2013-01-27 Andrews, Donald C. 1985-12-31 Babb, Fred H. 2015-10-15 Baer, Ryan J. 2012-11-01 Bailey, Mona A. 2005-02-01 Bailey, Warner M. 2-15-01-01 Baldwin, Diane M. 2011-06-01 Barnett, Prentice H. 1991-12-13 Baroody, Alan N. 2015-11-01 Barry, Brent A. 2009-11-16 Baskin, Stuart G. 2006-07-01 Batchelder, David B. 2003-01-15 Bates, Nicole D. 2015-08-24 Baughman, Thomas J. 2015-07-21 Baum, Mary Lydia 2005-08-29 Beaugh, Michael B. 2011-12-01 Bell, Gerald L. 1997-02-28 Beltzer, Pat R. 2008-11-30 Benish, Leigh 2013-10-15 Benner, A. William 2007-02-01 2014-01-01 Bethel, Lander L. 1994-08-15 Beverley, James A. 1994-12-31 Bigler, Robert L. 1993-06-01 Billingsley, Marialice 2012-12-31 Bitter, Paul K. 2013-02-25 Blacklock, John W. 2015-12-31 Name Expiratio n Date 7-21-16 3-20-16 7-1-09 12-31-14 12-31-14 Position Church or Validated Ministry Stated Supply 108 Stated Supply 108 Midlothian, First Joshua, Union Hill Chaplain 701 Co-Stated Supply 108 Pastor 101 1-17-14 1-1-16 Pastor Emeritus 109 Parish Associate Pastor 101 1-1-16 Parish Associate Pastor 101 11-1-16 Interim Pastor 105 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Designated Pastor 191 8-23-18 Associate Pastor 103 Associate Pastor 103 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 12-31-13 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Notes Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Ft Worth, TX Health Harris Meth. Hosp Validated Ministry Dallas, Bethany Honorably Retired 299 Dallas, Oak Cliff Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 McKinney, Trinity Honorably Retired 299 Arlington, First Honorably Retired 299 Fort Worth, Ridglea Honorably Retired 299 Fort Worth, St. Stephen Honorably Retired 299 Irving, Woodhaven Honorably Retired 299 Denton, St. Andrew Dallas, NorthPark Tyler, First Plano, West Plano Dallas, Westminster Presbytery of Nevada Honorably Retired McKinney, Trinity Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Temple, Grace Honorably Retired 299 Denison, First Sherman, Grand Avenue Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Page 21 Name Blackman, Gordon Blatnik, Darla J. Bourne, Cheryl A. Boyanton, Janet S Brantley, Harold Clayton Branum, F. Dale Braskamp, Caroline G. Bratt, Susan A. Sytsma Brooks, Frank A. Brooks, Richard L. Brown, Jimmie P. Brown, Raymond C. Brown, Sally H. Brown, Thomas F. Brumbelow, Janne S. Bruner, Charles A. Brunn, Alvin J. Bryant, Sharon L. Buchanan, Bruce A. Bucher, Henry H. Buehrle, Walter A. Bullock, Robert H. Burns, Paul M. Bush, Claire Alain M. Callender, Elizabeth J. Calvert, Matthew G. Cameron, Anne M. Campbell, Christopher L. Carson, Christopher B. Carson, Deidre Cherryholmes, Eleanor C. Choi, Esther K. Christy, Nancy S. Clifford, Joseph J. Cole, Allan H. Collier, Kathy S. Collier, Todd A. Coney, C. Randolph Conley, John T. Cook, Jamye Jeanette Crilley, Judith A. Crilley, Robert S. Crownover, Richard M. Cunningham, Ronald W. Curry, Matthew A. Dardaganian, Bradley S. Darrow, David Davey, John S. DeVries, Janet M. Diaz, Frank Dick, Elizabeth G. Dittman, Ellen P. Dobbie, Bette June Dodson, Edward A. Dorr, Benjamin H. Drake, Nancy S. Duff, Nancy Dunklau, Paul R. Edah, Julius Edwards, William L. Ehman, Frank C. Ellis, Cara L. Effective Date 2014-10-27 2015-01-01 2013-02-11 2015-03-08 2015-06-07 1981-11-16 2006-08-18 2010-08-15 1993-06-01 2008-08-10 2013-09-01 1985-07-16 2010-06-01 2004-09-01 2011-04-01 2000-10-16 1991-06-30 2011-01-01 1987-01-01 2004-07-31 1981-06-09 2003-12-31 2015-01-05 2012-12-01 2010-05-17 2014-01-01 2013-11-16 2014-07-13 2011-03-01 2010-07-01 2012-12-01 2000-03-15 2011-03-04 1998-06-07 2006-12-01 2014-01-01 2015-01-31 2014-01-01 1993-08-01 2012-09-01 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 1993-06-14 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 2012-08-19 2010-03-01 2010-10-01 2014-04-29 2015-01-01 1999-01-01 2014-11-30 2013-03-24 2015-06-07 1995-07-15 1998-01-31 2009-08-24 2011-02-01 2014-01-01 2014-01-19 2004-10-01 2014-01-01 2015-11-30 2015-08-31 Expiratio n Date 12-31-15 3-8-16 7-17-16 Position Church or Validated Ministry Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Longview, Alpine Kerens, Kerens Texarkana, Northwood DeSoto, DeSoto 8-31-14 1-1-12 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 8-18-07 3 Years + Notes Associate Pastor 103 Parish Associate? Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Dallas, Northridge Dallas, Bentwood Trail Dallas, St. Mark Italy, Park and Milford, Milford Pastor 101 Weatherford, Grace First Fraternal Worker? 405 Associate Pastor 103 General Assembly (Thailand) Dallas, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Garland, First Pastor 101 Chaplain 701 Parish Associate Dallas, Bentwood Trail Dallas, TX Health Presby. Hospital Plano, West Plano Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Associate Pastor 103 Greenville, United Frisco, Faithbridge Waco, First 12-1-13 12-31-14 11-31-15 Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 6-30-14 Pastor 101 Prof. of Pastoral Care 644 Dallas, First Austin Pres. Theological Seminary Chaplain 701 Chaplain 701 Pastor 101 Plano, The Heart Hospital Baylor Dallas, Parkland Hospital Grapevine, First 4-28-15 12-31-16 Stated Supply 108 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Parish Associate General Presbyter 302 Denison, Hyde Park Waxahachie, Central Bonham, First Paris, Central Waco, First Grace Presbytery 11-30-15 3-23-14 6-7-16 Parish Associate Chaplain 701 Stated Supply 108 Fort Worth, Ridglea Dallas, Parkland Hospital Richardson, Canyon Creek 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 12-31-14 Pastor 101 Dallas, Northridge Professor 644 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Princeton Theological Seminary Denton, First Dallas, United African Pastor Emeritus 109 Stated Supply 108 Flower Mound, Trinity Plano, Grace 12-31-14 8-31-16 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Page 22 Name Ellor, James W. Engelhard, John C. Erb, David E. Evans, John R. Farquhar, D. Alan Farrell, B. Hunter Felter, Patricia E. Fenn, Wendy H. Ferrell, Randell E. Finck-Lockhart, Susan Fitzgibbon, Laura R. Fletcher, J. David Floyd, Ronald L. Fox-Nuelle, Rebecca J. Galligan, Timothy J. Garis, Greg A. Gascoigne, Angus A. Gearing, Sharon R. George, Bruce R. Gibbons, Thomas C. Gilmer, Richard T. Goldsmith, Dan E. Gooch, James B. Gould, William M. Gouwens, David J. Gowan, Daniel R. Graham, Ralph M. Green, Roger O. Green, Todd H. Griffin, Victoria B. Grogan, Donald E. Groote, Marvin L. Gutierrez, Benjamin F. Hackler, Ellis A. Hall, Mary Stewart Hamilton, Frank M. Hanson, Robert S. Hare, John S. Haswell, Henry M. Hawthorne, James R. Heisler, Jeanne M. Hendrix, Caitlin Hertenstein, Virginia L. Heslip, Douglas T. Hessel, Martin P. Hessel, Beth S. Hitchens, Lawrence R. Hogg, Donald R. Hollingsworth, Richard L. Holloman, Ronnie G. Holloman, Sherry K. Holmes, Lewis E. Hom, Richard Hood, Ashley A. Horne, Paul A. Horton, Clifford E. Hosey, H. P. Hughes, Beverly J. Hunihan, Glen J. Hunt, George (Hank) W. Hunter, Angus N. Hunter, Craig L. Ihne, Janet L. Effective Date 2005-07-19 2014-04-29 2014-01-01 1992-11-01 2008-06-30 2000-06-30 2014-01-01 2013-01-01 2012-01-01 2015-01-01 2014-01-01 2014-12-31 2012-05-01 2013-12-01 2013-02-16 2012-02-19 2011-03-07 2012-11-25 2013-06-23 1998-01-01 1992-01-01 2010-09-01 1988-01-01 2012-08-01 1995-04-01 2015-05-31 2014-01-01 2010-08-31 1998-04-15 2010-02-27 2010-11-01 1998-07-01 2014-04-01 1996-09-13 2004-03-08 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 1998-01-01 2000-02-13 2006-08-31 2013-12-31 2000-04-16 2014-01-01 2010-01-01 2007-11-30 2005-05-14 2015-06-01 2011-07-01 1997-08-01 2001-02-01 2015-01-01 2009-07-01 2011-03-04 2008-07-14 2012-01-03 1989-12-31 2006-01-01 1997-08-03 2015-01-01 2015-03-22 2007-09-01 2001-09-29 2007-03-12 2014-01-01 Expiratio n Date 7-18-06 4-28-15 12-31-14 Position Church or Validated Ministry Notes Faculty 644 Parish Associate Senior Chaplain 701 Waco, Baylor University Waco, First Arlington, TX Health Resources Validated Ministry Pastor Emeritus 109 12-31-14 Dir. of World Ministry 403 1-1-14 Associate Pastor 103 12-31-15 12-31-14 Stated Supply 108 10-1-16 Interim Assoc. Pastor 105 Arlington, Westminster Presbyterian Mission Agency Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Dallas, First Member at Large 797 Waco, El Calvario Dallas, Preston Hollow Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 11-30-16 6-23-14 12-31-14 2-16-16 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Designated Pastor 191 Belton, First Southlake, Trinity Hurst, St Philip Terrell, First Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Richardson, St Barnabas Pastor Emeritus 109 Pastor Emeritus 109 Fort Worth, First Fairfield, Fairfield-Harmony Pastoral Counselor 783 Parish Associate Plano, Benchmark Counseling McKinney, Trinity Pastor 101 Pastor Emeritus 109 Jacksonville, First Gatesville, First Dir. of Pastoral Care 701 Chaplain 701 Dallas, Meth. Hosp. Med. Cen. Dallas, TX Health Presby. Hosp. Pastor 101 Gainesville, First 2-27-11 12-31-14 12-31-14 4-16-01 12-31-14 6-1-16 Chaplain 701 Pastor 101 Executive Director 403 Pastor 101 12-31-16 Senior Director 305 Pastor 101 3-4-12 7-14-09 Associate Pastor 103 12-31-15 Parish Associate Pastor 101 9-29-02 12-31-14 Pastor 101 Chaplain 701 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Dallas, TX Health Presby. Hosp. Duncanville, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Philadelphia, Presby. Historical Society Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Fort Worth, Westminster Honorably Retired 299 Grace Presbytery Validated Ministry Dallas, Eastminster Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Grapevine, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Richardson, First Honorably Retired 299 Frisco, Legacy Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Denton, Trinity Lewisville, Heart to Heart Hospice Validated Ministry Page 23 Effective Date Ikard, Stacy L. 2015-06-30 Ivie, David A. 2015-02-09 Jamshaid, Oliver 2010-01-01 Jenkins, David R. 2009-12-15 Johnson, Jimmie D. 2012-05-31 Johnson, Sarah A. 2013-07-29 Jonas, Russell C. 2015-03-27 Jones, Dana Steven 2015-12-21 Jones, Marjorie E. 2012-02-06 Juica, Lisa D. 2014-01-01 Jung, Chan Soo 2015-07-01 Kasonga, Kasonga wa 2014-02-09 Keffer, Mark D. 2014-01-01 Kelemen, Zoltan S. 2014-12-31 Kim, Dai Kyum 2014-10-01 Kim, Guibo (Gui Bo) Joseph 2008-05-02 Kim, John Chongwahn 2005-04-01 Kim, Sandra Sonhyang 2014-04-29 Kimbrough, William R. 1991-06-30 Kinard, Anne K. 2012-11-18 King, Alissa D. 2014-06-09 King, Leslie M. 2012-03-01 Kinser, Floyd G. 1996-08-31 Klein, Candice L. 2011-06-15 Kremzar, Lucia M. 2015-11-01 Krueger, Craig C. 2002-09-09 Lam, Robert G. 2010-02-01 Lamb, Thomas A. 2012-02-01 Land, Kendal A. 2014-07-20 Landes, Elizabeth B. 2015-07-11 Lann, Linda S. 2011-11-01 2011-02-28 Leach, Pamela N. ? Lee, Seong Soo 2008-05-02 Lee, Yun Gil 2008-01-01 Leischner, Robert W. 2008-06-30 Leslie, Scott A. 2012-05-13 Levetan, Mia 2015-08-10 Lewis, Donald G. 2010-06-01 Lockhart, Elizabeth H. 2015-09-01 Lockhart, William H. 1995-07-01 Loden, Thomas B. 1998-06-12 Logan, Cynthia W. 2015-11-30 Lyman, Mary Alice 2012-08-21 Mabry-Nauta, Angie 2015-11-01 Mack, David 2000-07-31 Mackey, Scott R. 2005-01-01 Matthews, Terri A. 2007-03-25 Matthews, Thomas F. 2002-07-31 Maze, Andrew T. 2014-07-15 McCall, James L. 2004-12-31 McCormick, Linda A. 2015-06-30 McCoy, Patrick E. 1993-10-28 McDermott, Richard S. 2015-03-27 McGee, Emily Kathryn 2014-12-30 McLachlan, Alexander Sandy 2014-09-01 McLean, Elizabeth B. 1996-06-16 McLellan, Terry L. 2011-04-01 Meissner, Harry C. 2015-05-01 Meredith, Marwood B. 2014-01-05 Michalove, Robilyn B. 2004-9-22 Middents, Gerald J. 2000-08-25 Mikow, John W. 2009-04-01 Miller, Shelby S. 2003-02-06 Name Expiratio n Date 6-29-16 2-9-17 1-1-11 12-15-10 5-3-16 12-12-16 2-5-13 12-31-14 Position Church or Validated Ministry Designated Pastor 191 Forney, First Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Associate Pastor 103 Interim Assoc. Pastor 103 Dallas, Preston Hollow Richardson, Canyon Creek Min. of Spiritual Life 791 Admissions Associate 643 Pastor 101 Presbyterian Communities & Services Austin Presby. Theological Seminary Richardson, Binnerri 2-8-15 12-31-14 12-31-15 Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Organizing Pastor 301 Lewisville, Keunnamu NCD Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 5-31-15 11-17-13 10-31-16 Notes Member at Large Associate Pastor 103 Pastor 101 Pastor Emeritus 109 Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Pastor 101 Hurst, St. Philip Waco, First Fort Worth, First Henderson, First Flower Mound, Flower Mound Ennis, First Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Associate Pastor 103 Temple, Grace Longview, First Aledo, Faith Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 2-27-12 3 Years+ 5-12-13 6-1-11 12-31-15 7-1-96 8-21-13 11-1-16 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Parish Associate? Organizing Pastor 301 Pastor Emeritus 109 Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Co-Pastor 101 Tyler, First Frisco, Holy Seed NCD Richardson, Binnerri Dallas, St. Andrew's Blue Ridge, Crossroads Longview, St. Andrew Stated Supply 108 Haltom City, Browning Heights Member at Large 797 Development Officer Pastor 101 3-25-08 7-14-15 Chaplain 701 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Pastor 101 4-20-16 1-4-15 Honorably Retired 299 Associate Pastor 103 Pastor 101 Interim Pastor 105 Stated Supply 108 Associate Pastor 103 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Kingsville, TX Presb Pan Amer. School Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Tyler, Highland Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 McKinney, Girling Hospice Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 McKinney, Trinity Arlington, First Arlington, Westminster Honorably Retired 299 Dallas, Preston Hollow Farmers Branch, Faith United Mesquite, First Honorably Retired 299 Palestine, First Fort Worth, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Page 24 Effective Date Mitchell, Carolyn H. 2014-08-31 Mitchell, F. Hollingsworth 1999-12-31 Mockros, Nancy E. 2008-11-14 Moessner, David P. 2013-11-16 Monie, Blair R. 2014-07-01 Moody, Warren L. 1997-11-11 Moore, Charles R. 2004-08-31 Morgan, Neill S. 2015-05-01 Morphew, Trudy R. 2012-09-30 Nation, Corinna E. 2007-04-01 Nilmeier, Steven C. 2010-01-08 Nourse, Richard C. 2009-09-30 Nunnelley, Eddie A. 2015-01-01 O’Neal, David R. 2006-07-09 O’Neal, William D. 1995-05-01 Odom, Andrew S. 2011-12-06 Odom, Mary Denise 2014-09-01 Oget, Margaret Aymer 2014-11-10 2015-03-01 Osoinach, Carolyn A. 2015-12-31 Otters, Rosalie V. 2013-09-01 Packard, Charles R. 2008-10-01 Paniagua, Pepa J. 2014-01-26 Parker, Joseph H. 2002-04-01 Parr, William J. 2002-02-31 Patterson, Dale W. 1989-01-01 Patterson, Lisa B. 2011-12-05 Payne, Betty Lou 2000-07-01 Pense, Elizabeth Johnson 2015-02-01 Person, Ralph 1996-12-31 Phillips, Carol S. 2013-03-01 Phillips, Robert L. 2015-12-01 Pickell, Stuart C. 1997-04-24 Porter, Thomas C. 1998-12-31 Poteet, Robert M. 2015-11-01 Powers, Richard C. 1987-07-09 Prentiss, Thomas G. 2014-03-01 Presley, Chad E. 2014-11-01 Purcell, John M. 2005-07-01 Pussman, David B. 2015-01-01 Quillin, Roger T. 2009-11-15 Quiroz, Horacio Gutierrez 2013-07-13 2013-07-13 Ramsawh, James C. 2015-01-01 Ramsay, Nancy J. 2014-01-01 Ramsey, JoAnne D. 2015-04-01 Rasco, Krista Pearilee Welch 2014-04-06 Reed, Catherine L. 2001-06-01 Reeves, Robert D. 2007-09-01 Rehrig, Stephen W. 2015-12-01 Reinarz, James P. 2007-03-03 Richey, Murray E. 2014-05-03 Rigler, Katherine J. 2015-01-01 Rigoulot, Kenneth 2012-04-09 Riley, Julie U. 2015-04-15 Ritchie, Kenneth A. 2012-11-07 Ritsch, Frederick F. 2004-07-12 Robertson, Jack C. 2014-01-01 Rosenfeld, Richard H. 2013-09-13 Rounseville, Margaret A. 2008-04-01 Ruffin, Joe D. 1993-10-31 Ruffner, Matthew 2015-07-01 Rutledge, Michael L. 2015-01-01 Rutledge, Warren H. 1996-01-20 Name Expiratio n Date 8-31-15 11-14-09 11-15-14 8-16-16 6-30-15 7-1-16 8-31-15 11-10-16 2-28-16 12-13-16 4-1-03 1-31-16 5-1-16 4-24-98 12-31-99 11-1-16 2-29-16 12-31-15 7-13-14 7-12-14 12-31-15 12-31-14 6-1-02 12-20-16 1-31-16 12-31-14 12-15-15 Position Church or Validated Ministry Notes Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Professor 644 Fort Worth, TCU Brite Divinity School Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Stated Supply 108 Whitesboro, First Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Interim Pastor 105 Mineral Wells, First Honorably Retired 299 Stated Supply 108 Rusk, First Pastor Emeritus 109 Longview, First Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Richardson, Canyon Creek Interim Pastor 105 Sherman, Covenant Associate Professor 644 Austin, Austin Presby. Theol. Seminary Validated Ministry Parish Associate Richardson, St. Barnabas Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Waco, Central Associate Pastor 103 Frisco, Faithbridge Stated Supply 108 Plano, First Pastor 101 Carrollton, The Nor'kirk Pastor 101 Irving, Hackberry Creek Associate Pastor 103 Denton, St Andrew Honorably Retired 299 Interim Pastor 105 Fort Worth, John Knox Honorably Retired 299 Pastor Emeritus 109 Temple, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Interim Pastor 105 Kilgore, First Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Parish Associate Dallas, Preston Hollow Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Stated Supply 108 Fairfield, Fairfield Harmony Pastor 101 Fort Worth, Westside Honorably Retired 299 Stated Supply 108 Rockdale, First Pastor Emeritus 109 Dallas, Northridge Honorably Retired 299 Sheppards & Lapsley Member at Large 797 Chaplain 299 Pres. Night Shelter, Ft. Worth Honorably Retired 299 Temporary Supply 108 Bridgeport, First Honorably Retired 299 Prof. of Pastoral Theo. 644 Fort Worth, TCU Brite Divinity School Validated Ministry Pastor 101 Hillsboro, First Pastor 101 Commerce, First Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Interim Pastor 105 Flower Mound, Trinity Pastor 101 Grand Prairie, First Honorably Retired 299 Associate Pastor 103 Richardson, St. Barnabas Pastor 101 Cleburne, United Interim Assoc. Pastor 105 Dallas, Lake Highlands Pastor 101 Temple, First Pastor 101 Fort Worth, St. Stephen Co-Stated Supply 108 Dallas, Bethany Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor Emerita 109 Winnsboro, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Dallas, Preston Hollow Stated Supply 108 Whitewright, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 25 Effective Date Salfen, Ronald P. 2015-05-01 Sanders, Craig A. 2010-03-15 Sanders, James D. 1994-01-02 Schaefers, M. David 2012-05-21 Schmidt, Richard H. 2001-01-01 2013-09-08 Schneider, Charles G. 2015-01-01 Schneider, David A. 2010-06-01 Schofield, Clinton A. 2004-06-07 Schrader, Carl G. 2014-01-01 Schwarz, Karl E. 2014-04-20 Scroggs, Marilee M. 2015-06-06 Seager, Gary L. 2013-07-01 Seamans, Sandra L. 2015-01-01 Seelman, Paul S. 2011-08-01 Selby, Richard W. 2002-12-08 Selters, Rex R. 1999-09-09 Setzer, Nicholas 2015-08-01 Sharp, David A. 1996-10-06 Shelton, Frances T. 2012-02-15 Shelton, Robert E. 2005-09-30 Sheppard, James R. 1994-03-31 Sheppard-Mahaffey, Kenneth 2015-01-01 Sherwood, R. Paul 2015-12-31 Slyter, David A. 2009-11-16 Smith, Billy P. 1990-07-01 Smith, David C. 2003-10-31 Smith, Lillian B. 2015-08-24 Smith, Mark A. 2008-01-12 Sodoy, Calixto C. 2001-12-31 Soga, Satoe 2014-01-01 Solomon, Lynette D. 2014-01-01 Somervill, Charles E. 2015-06-07 Son, Sungho Daniel 2006-07-01 Sparks, David L. 2011-03-04 2007-05-01 Speck, Phyllis D. 2011-11-01 Stafford, Harold J. 2009-01-01 Stamper, Bryan C. 2009-01-15 Staples, Kelly 2014-03-16 Steinbrook, William M. 2009-09-16 Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne S. 2014-01-01 Stewart, Joshua Jon 2005-10-03 Stolk, Douglas A. 2015-03-29 Stoll, Peggy L. 2014-01-01 Strodel, Sherwood 2004-06-30 Swalve, Robert E. 2009-01-01 Sydnor, Michael D. 2015-01-25 Taylor, Charles A. 2003-01-15 Taylor, Cheryl A. 2009-09-28 Tays, Herbert C. 1995-02-08 Theunissen, Bruce C. 1990-08-05 Thomas, David A. 1999-09-01 Thomas, Lawrence A. 2010-02-28 Thompson, Carl V. 2016-01-01 Thompson, Michael L. 2015-01-01 Thompson, Paul M. 2001-11-01 Thomson, John W. 2014-01-01 Tickner, Thomas A. Name Tiegreen, Nancy F. Tolson, John F. Travis, Drew G. Travis, Karl B. Expiratio n Date 12-31-15 Position Church or Validated Ministry Notes Temporary Supply 108 Pastor 101 Mabank, First Arlington, Grace Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Pastor Emeritus 109 Chaplain 701? Stated Supply 108 Richardson, First North Richland Hills, St. Paul Harris Meth. Hosp., Ft. Worth The Colony, Trinity Pastor 101 Stated Supply 108 Clifton, First Crowley, First Honorably Retired 299 7-12-14 12-31-15 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 12-28-15 4-20-15 Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery 12-31-15 Associate Pastor 103 Pastor 101 Dallas, Preston Hollow Lancaster, First Co-Pastor 101 Longview, St. Andrew Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 2-15-13 12-31-16 8-24-16 1-12-09 12-31-14 12-31-14 2-3-16 3-4-12 5-1-08 10-31-12 3-16-16 9-16-10 12-31-14 3-29-16 12-31-14 Associate Pastor 103 Pastor Emeritus 109 Moderator Parish Associate Weatherford, Grace First Salado, Salado Presbyterian Canton, First Richardson, Canyon Creek Chaplain 701 Chaplain 701 Stated Supply 108 Organizing Pastor 301 Dallas, Baylor Health Care Systems Athens, Genesis Hospice Mansfield, Trinity Farmers Branch, Good Shepherd NCD Parish Associate Pastor 101 Designated Associate 193 Executive Director Prof. of Pastoral Care 644 Associate Pastor 103 Stated Supply 108 Chaplain 701 Pastor Emeritus 109 Pastor 101 Pastor Emeritus 109 12-31-16 Stated Supply 108 12-31-16 Assoc. Gen. Presbyter 305 Pastor 101 12-31-14 1-1-10 2002-05-31 2004-12-31 12-31-05 2013-07-15 2007-07-16 Min. of Spiritual Life 701 Parish Associate Pastor 101 Pastor 101 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Dallas, Lake Highlands Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Validated Ministry Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Plano, Grace Dallas, NorthPark Dallas, The Challenge Foundation Validated Ministry Dallas, Southern Methodist University Validated Ministry Fort Worth, First Corinth, Parker Austin, Hospice of Austin Validated Ministry Dallas, Highland Park Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Rockwall, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Marlin, First Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Salado, Salado Presbyterian Grace Presbytery Validated Ministry Fort Worth, Forest Hill Honorably Retired 299 Grace Presbyterian Village Validated Ministry Dallas, Oak Cliff Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Granbury, First Fort Worth, First Page 26 Effective Date Tulley, Thomas E. 2008-02-05 Tulloch, E. Fred 1992-08-19 Tunnell, Dawson W. 1990-07-01 Tyer, Gerald L. 2016-01-01 Tyler, Larry S. 2006-08-01 Valdez, Robin Lyn 2004-09-26 Veatch, Melinda A. 2014-01-01 Wall, Paton M. 2015-03-31 Wardlaw, Theodore J. 2014-01-01 Warren, Joe W. 2011-09-01 Waschevski, Michael A. 1999-07-21 Watkins, Margaret M. 2011-12-02 Watson, William A. 1999-09-01 Weaver, Rebecca H. 2012-06-30 Webb, Shane K. 2012-08-20 Wedell, Marilyn B. 2015-02-26 Wells, Eddie L. 1998-04-01 Weng, Shih-Huei 2010-07-15 Westerlage, L. Walker 2009-01-01 Whatley, Floyd R. 2001-05-21 Wheat, Dewey Dewitt 2010-12-01 Whisler, Shane E. 2014-02-28 Whitner, Joseph C. 2010-12-31 Wilbanks, Thomas G. 2014-03-31 Wilkins, Ronald A. 1995-02-28 Williams, D. Marvin 2000-06-01 Williams, F. Clark 2001-02-28 Williams, John D. 2014-01-01 Williams, Polly W. 2012-04-30 Willis, Lewis Eugene 2001-03-01 Wilson, Andrew D. 2009-06-04 Witherow, James B. 2006-11-11 Wong, Andrew Yung-An 2015-03-02 Wood, Carol S. 2010-01-01 Wood, Ronald F. 2011-06-01 Woodard, John M. 2007-07-16 Woods, Lindsay A. 2005-10-03 Wraith, Lisa M. 2014-01-01 Wyatt, Lee A. 2009-05-15 Yancey, Richard S. 1998-10-15 Yeager-Chadwick, Kelly K. 2009-04-15 Young, Richard E. 2014-01-01 Young, Robert M. 2015-12-01 Zaki, Raafat L. 2014-01-01 Zeigler, John D. 2015-02-25 Name Expiratio n Date 12-31-14 12-31-14 9-1-12 Position Church or Validated Ministry Stated Clerk 299 Grace Presbytery Pastor 101 Executive Director 791 President 652 Bedford, Emmanuel Tarrant Area Community of Churches Cascades Presbytery Austin Presby. Theological Seminary Associate Pastor 103 Fort Worth, First 12-2-12 Notes Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry (Not Transferred) Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Pastor 101 Mt. Pleasant, First Moderator Grand Prairie, West Fork Pastor 101 North Richland Hills, St. Paul Pastor 101 Evangelist 301 Parish Associate Gatesville, First Mansfield, East Broad NCD McKinney, Trinity Gen Presbyter Emeritus 309 Chaplain 701 Grace Presbytery Sherman, Austin College Pastor 101 Parish Associate Aledo, Faith P.C. of E. Parker Co. Fort Worth, Gethsemane Pastor 101 Pastor 101 Chaplain 701 Longview, Centre Fort Worth, Gethsemane Plano, TX Health Presbyterian Hospital 2-26-16 7-15-11 Member at Large Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 9-30-16 2-16-16 12-31-14 4-30-13 6-4-10 3-2-16 6-1-12 12-31-14 5-15-10 10-15-99 12-31-14 2-29-16 12-31-14 2-25-15 Mission Worker 791? Pastor 101 President 791 Stated Supply 108 Interim Synod Exec. 302 Stated Supply 108 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Honorably Retired 299 Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Member at Large 797 Honorably Retired 299 Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Member at Large 797 Validated Ministry Pioneers in Senegal, West Africa Allen, First Irving, Texas Presbyterian Foundation Validated Ministry Corsicana, Westminster Honorably Retired 299 Synod of the Covenant Lewisville, First Honorably Retired 299 Standing Rules Amendments 3. That Grace Presbytery receive the following change in the Standing Rules and Manual of Administrative Operations as a first reading with a second reading, debate, amendments, and vote at the next stated meeting of Grace Presbytery on May 26, 2016. (This amendment is recommended by the Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee of the Committee on Ministry.) If you have questions about the following motion, the email address for Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee Moderator David Batchelder is That the following changes be adopted in Article 5.3 with deletions in strikeout text and additions in bold italic underlined text: March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 27 “Examinations and Admissions Sub-Committee of Committee on Ministry 5.3.1 The Examinations and Admissions Sub-Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Presbytery’s oversight of teaching elders relative to their reception into the Presbytery from candidacy, from another presbytery (upon COM’s request), or from another church body not in correspondence with the PCUSA; and ruling elders seeking to become Commissioned Ruling Elders. In particular, this committee: Assists the COM in its screening of potential teaching elder members, and reports to the COM regarding the suitability of particular teaching elders for particular positions; Recommends to the Presbytery the ordination of candidates who fill all constitutional requirements in accordance with the standards established by the Presbytery and Examines and recommends to the COM regarding the reception of teaching elders seeking transfer from other presbyteries or other church bodies not in correspondence with the PCUSA. 5.3.2 5.3.32 This committee shall consist of twelve nine members, at least 3 of whom will be members of the Committee on Ministry. Staff shall be the General Presbyter or designee.” The amended section would read: “Examinations Sub-Committee of Committee on Ministry 5.3.1 The Examinations Sub-Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Presbytery’s oversight of teaching elders relative to their reception into the Presbytery from candidacy, from another presbytery (upon COM’s request), from another church body not in correspondence with the PCUSA, and ruling elders seeking to become Commissioned Ruling Elders. In particular, this committee: Recommends to the Presbytery the ordination of candidates who fill all constitutional requirements in accordance with the standards established by the Presbytery, and Examines and recommends to the COM regarding the reception of teaching elders seeking transfer from other church bodies not in correspondence with the PCUSA. 5.3.2 This committee shall consist of eight members, at least 3 of whom will be members of the Committee on Ministry. Staff shall be the General Presbyter or designee.” Rationale: The Committee on Ministry’s Sub-Committee for Examinations and Admissions has changed due to necessary and functional practice. The revisions reflect the current practice of the subcommittee. 4. That Grace Presbytery receive the following change in the Standing Rules and Manual of Administrative Operations as a first reading with a second reading, debate, amendments, and vote at the next stated meeting of Grace Presbytery on May 26, 2016. (This amendment is recommended by the Stated Clerk.) If you have questions about the following motion, the email address for Stated Clerk Gerry Tyer is That the following changes be adopted in Article 13.2 with deletions in strikeout text and additions in bold italic underlined text: “A proposed amendment to these Standing Rules must be communicated to the teaching elders and the sessions of the Presbytery, at least forty-five (45) ten (10) days in advance of a Presbytery meeting. Such communication may be by letter, email or through the Grace eNews, and the proposed change must be or posted on the Grace Presbytery website at least thirty (30) days in advance of with the normal notice for the March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 28 meeting. If the amendment receives a favorable vote by a majority of those present and voting at the subsequent meeting, the amendment is adopted.” The amended section would read: “A proposed amendment to these Standing Rules must be communicated to the teaching elders and the sessions of the Presbytery at ten (10) days in advance of a Presbytery meeting. Such communication may be by letter, email, Grace eNews, or posted on the Grace Presbytery website with the normal notice for the meeting. If the amendment receives a favorable vote by a majority of those present and voting at the meeting, the amendment is adopted.” Rationale: There are only 4 stated meetings of the presbytery each year. The current Standing Rules do not require a “first reading” at one presbytery meeting and a “second reading” at the subsequent meeting – the current Standing Rules require simply a 45-day notice. Since it is customary to give only a 10-day notice for all other important business coming to a presbytery meeting, it would unify the process and make notice for amendments to the Standing Rules in alinement with all other important business coming to a presbytery meeting. The current practice requires at least three to six months to make a change. If adopted, this change does not prevent any future proposed amendment being tabled to the next presbytery meeting – if desired. Bylaws Suspended If you have questions about the following motion, the email address for Stated Clerk Gerry Tyer is 5. That Section 3.02 of the Bylaws be suspended in order that the Annual Meeting of the Corporation may take place at the second stated meeting (May 26, 2016) of the presbytery instead of the first stated meeting in 2016. Rationale: Due to health issues with the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees did not meet prior to the deadline for business submitted to the first stated meeting of the presbytery in the new year of 2016. Motions from the Presbytery Council If you have questions about the following report, the email address for Presbytery Council Moderator Ben Dorr is 1. That Grace Presbytery receive the report of the Presbytery Council. [1/20/16] Actions of the Presbytery Council A. Approved the minutes of the November 11, 2015 Presbytery Council meeting and the minutes of the December 10, 2015 Stated Meeting of Grace Presbytery. [1/20/16] B. Approved the Small Church Mission Specialist Position Description (a copy is available at the presbytery office). It will be advertised by March 1, 2016 and filled by June 1, 2016. C. Received a report from Rev. Janet DeVries concerning the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Grace Presbytery’s response to the recent tornados. PDF sent a team between Christmas and New Year’s to the area. Grace Presbytery has received $7,500.00 from PDA as an initial grant. Congregations of Grace Presbytery have contributed over $5,000.00. Several congregations have offered to send work teams. D. Approved the offering collected at the March 5, 2016 stated meeting be contributed to disaster assistance from the recent tornados. [1/20/16] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 29 E. Received a report from Rev. Janet DeVries concerning “State of the Presbytery” issues; the General Assembly Presbyterian Mission Agency review, and the visit of Grace Presbytery leadership to the PMA Board meeting on February 3-5, 2016. F. Discussed the recent changes in Texas gun laws. A resource concerning how these changes impact congregations is available from the presbytery office. [1/20/16] G. Received a report from Rev. Ronnie Holloman concerning an update on the New Beginnings program. [1/20/16] H. Approved the expenditure of $5,000.00 (funded from the contingencies line item of the operating budget) as a block grant to support the National Encuentro (Gathering) VIII of the Hispanic Latina Presbyterian Women on July 22-24, 2016 in Fort Worth and approved the sponsorship of a reception also funded from the operating budget. [1/20/16] I. Appointed Rev. David Schaefers (Richardson, First) as Moderator, Rev. Sandy McLachlan (H.R.), Ruling Elder Ruth Román-Meza (Dallas, Iglesia Emmanuel), and Ruling Elder Mike Jones (Dallas, NorthPark) as a Ministry Team to work with Bethany Presbyterian Church, Dallas under the authority and with the duties assigned by Grace Presbytery’s Policy on Churches Desiring to Sell Property to Relocate to Another Site. [1/20/16] J. Appointed Rev. Paul Burns (Garland, First) as Moderator, Ruling Elder Beverly Carson (Allen, First), Ruling Elder Mike Jones (Dallas, NorthPark), and Ruling Elder Melinda Hunt (Richardson, Canyon Creek) as a Ministry Team for Legacy Presbyterian Church, Frisco with the following authority and duties: to work with the session to develop a work plan that includes a mission and ministry plan, a facilities development plan, and a stewardship plan. There is up to $2,000,000 available from the sale of the original property to assist the congregation with the first unit. The final plan will be presented to the Presbytery Council for approval. [1/20/16] K. Elected Rev. Richard Young (President of Texas Presbyterian Foundation) as Moderator, Ruling Elder Carol Adcock (Fort Worth, First), Ruling Elder Dian McCall (Fort Worth, St. Stephen), Rev. Kenneth Altfather (H.R.) and Ruling Elder Douglas Abernathy (Fort Worth, Gethsemane) as an Administrative Commission for John Knox Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth in accordance with Grace Presbytery’s Policy on Dissolving Congregations with the following authority and duties: to meet with the session and members of the congregation including calling a meeting of the session and/or of the congregation, as necessary, to arrange for the pastoral care of the members, publicize the dissolution of the congregation, ascertain the financial status and outstanding financial obligations of the congregation, secure the session records, secure the legal rights to all property (real or personal) held by or for the benefit of the congregation, dispose of the moveable personal property of the congregation, secure the building and property, attend to matters of insurance, dispose of the building and grounds (subject to the guidelines established by Presbytery Council) or convey the building and grounds to Grace Presbytery, Inc., recommend to the Presbytery the use of the assets of the congregation, plan and conduct a Service of Witness, secure the assistance of other individuals, as appropriate, to assist with its work, to assume original jurisdiction of the session in accord with G-3.0303 (if needed), and generally to do such things and take such actions, for, in the name of, and on behalf of Grace Presbytery as shall be reasonably necessary to accomplish the general purpose of this Administrative Commission. An opportunity was given for nominations from the floor prior to the election. Information: the session has voted (9 to 1) to recommend to the congregation to dissolve the congregation. [1/20/16] L. Approved the expenditure of $1,800.00 to support the 4 th Annual Interfaith Seder on April 6, 2016 sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas. It will be led by Rabbi David Stern (Temple Emanu-El of Dallas) and Rev. Janet DeVries (Grace Presbytery). [1/20/16] M. Received the following reports: New Church Development Committee Report was presented by Rev. David Schaefers; Administrative Commission on Property Report was presented by Ruling Elder Mike March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 30 Jones; Budget and Finance Committee Report was presented by Rev. David Ivie and Treasurer Ken Johnson; and Committee on Ministry Report was presented by Ruling Elder Kathy Jones. [1/20/16] N. Adopted a docket for the March 5, 2016 Stated Meeting of Grace Presbytery. [1/20/16] O. Received the following financial reports: Shared Mission Support (as of December 31, 2015), Statement of Operations (as of December 31, 2015), and Property Activity (as of December 31, 2015). [1/20/16] P. Denied the request of El Calvario Presbyterian Church, Waco to purchase their property for $50,000.00. Background: El Calvario Presbyterian Church has begun the process of leaving the denomination under Grace Presbytery’s Policy for a Just and Gracious Dismissal of a Congregation to another Reformed Denomination. [1/20/16] Q. Voted to plan a celebration in the fall of 2017 in recognition of the 50 th anniversary of the Confession of 1967, the 370th anniversary of the Westminster Standards, and 500 th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.[1/20/16] R. Discussed the Syrian refugee crisis and the idea of a gathering of Presbyterians to learn about the issues and possible methods of response. The first step will be an opportunity for interested persons to share lunch together at the March 5, 2016 presbytery meeting. [1/20/16] S. Nominated Perryn Rice to the Synod of the Sun as Grace Presbytery’s representative on the Board of the Historical Society of the Southwest. [2/23/16 Email Meeting] Information A. Attendance at the January 20, 2016 Presbytery Council Meeting: Members: Rev. Princeton Abaraoha (Moderator of Presbytery), Rev. Stuart Baskin (Class of 2016 and Personnel Committee Moderator), Ruling Elder Patricia Dean (Class of 2016), Rev. Ben Dorr (Moderator of Presbytery Council and Class of 2017), Rev. David Ivie, (Budget and Finance Committee), Ruling Elder Kathy Jones (Committee on Ministry), Ruling Elder Mike Jones (Administrative Commission on Property), Rev. Craig Krueger, (Class of 2016), Rev. Patrick McCoy, (Class of 2018),Rev. Andrew Odom (Class of 2018), Rev. David Schaefers (New Church Development), Rev. Cheryl Taylor (Vice Moderator of Presbytery), Ruling Elder Linda Willis (Class of 2018), Rev. Kelly Yeager-Chadwick (Congregational Support Committee), Ex-Officio: Rev. Janet DeVries (General Presbyter), Ruling Elder Ken Johnson (Presbytery Treasurer); Rev. Gerry Tyer (Stated Clerk); Guests: Rev. Michael Thompson (Associate General Presbyter), Ronnie Holloman (Senior Director of Ministry and Church Transitions), Joanna Kim (Director of Cross Cultural Mission and Ministry); Vicki Roberts (Financial Coordinator); Excused: Ruling Elder Charles Weaver (Nominating Committee), Rev. Karl Travis (Class of 2017). [1/20/16] B. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer by Rev. Ben Dorr. [1/20/16] Motions from the Committee on Ministry If you have questions about this report, the email address for Committee on Ministry Co-Moderator Russell Jonas is, and Co-Moderator Kathy Jones is Honorable Retirement 1. That Grace Presbytery approve the honorable retirement of Rev. Terry L. McLellan effective January 31, 2016. [COM action 1/19/2016] 2. That Grace Presbytery approve honorable retirement of Rev. Mary Alice Lyman effective February 28, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 31 3. That Grace Presbytery approve honorable retirement of Rev. Sandra Seamans effective March 31, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] 4. That Grace Presbytery receive the report of the Committee on Ministry. Actions by the Committee on Ministry Dissolutions of Relationships A. Dissolved the temporary pastoral relationship for Rev. Angie Mabry-Nauta and John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Dallas, effective December 31, 2015 in order to become Development Officer at the Presbyterian Pan American School, effective November 1, 2015. [COM action 12/15/2015] B. Dissolved the temporary pastoral relationship for Rev. Thomas Allen, HR and First Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, effective December 31, 2015. [COM action 12/15/2015] C. Dissolved the relationship for Rev. Carolyn Osoinach and Faith Presbyterian Hospice, effective December 31, 2015 in order to become a Member at Large. [COM action 12/15/2015] D. Dissolved the pastoral relationship for Rev. Terry L. McLellan and Faith United Presbyterian Church, Farmers Branch, effective January 31, 2016 in order to become honorably retired. [COM action 1/19/2016] E. Dissolved the pastoral relationship for Rev. Julie Riley and Lake Highland Presbyterian Church, Dallas, effective January 31, 2016 in order to become a Member at Large. [COM action 1/19/2016] F. Dissolved the pastoral relationship for Rev. Elizabeth McLean and Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas effective April 3, 2016 in order to become a Member at Large. [COM action 1/19/2016] G. Dissolved the temporary pastoral relationship for Rev. Dana Jones and Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Bedford, effective December 21, 2014 in order to become a Member at Large. [COM action 2/9/2016] Validated Ministries A. Approved the validated ministry of Rev. Angie Mabry-Nauta as Development Officer of Presbyterian Pan American School, effective November 1, 2015. [COM action 12/15/2015] Permission to Labor Outside the Bounds of Grace Presbytery A. Approved the request of Rev. David Smith to labor outside the bounds in Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery in order to lead worship and administer communion, December 24, 2015 at First Presbyterian Church, Durant, OK. [COM action 12/15/2015] B. Approved the request of Rev. David Smith to labor outside the bounds in Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery in order to become the part time Interim pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Durant, OK effective February 1, 2016. [COM action 2/09/2016] C. Approved the request of Rev. Ronnie G. Holloman to labor outside the bounds in Mission Presbytery in order to officiate the wedding of Rev. Lisa Juica and Austin Perkins at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Austin on May 6, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] D. Approved the request of Rev. Lucia Kremzar to labor outside the bounds in Pines Presbytery in order to participate in a memorial service at First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport on February 11, 2016. [COM action 2/16/2016] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 32 Reception of Teaching Elders A. Received Rev. Phillip Million from Sierra Blanca Presbytery in order to become Designated Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Mabank effective January 17, 2016. [COM action 12/15/2015] B. Received Rev. Margaret Aymer Oget from Presbytery of Greater Atlanta in order to receive a call as Associate Professor of New Testament at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary effective November 10, 2015. [COM action 11/10/2015] Dismissal of Teaching Elders A. Rescinded the previous action of Committee on Ministry concerning the transfer of Rev. Paton Wall due to the Presbytery of the Cascades not agreeing to receive him because of the lack of a call. Rev. Wall returns to the Member at Large status. [COM action 2/9/2016] B. Dismissed Rev. Paul Andresen to Pines Presbytery effective January 1, 2016. [COM action 2/16/2016] New Installed Positions A. Approved the terms of call for Rev. Phillip Million as Designated Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Mabank, moderator, full-time beginning January 17, 2016 (for a three-year term) through January 16, 2019. This call was approved by the congregation at a meeting on December 6, 2015 with a unanimous vote of 47 in favor. The church will pay moving expenses up to $4,000.00 (negotiable). [COM action 12/15/15] Compensation: Cash Salary........................................................................................................................................... $15,000 Housing and Utilities Allowance.......................................................................................................... $29,500 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................... $44,500 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset ............................................................................................................................. $3,404 Automobile Allowance........................................................................................................................... $2,000 Automobile expenses will be reimbursed based on $0.575 per mile. Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ................................................................................. $1,000 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) .......................................................................... $15,575 Study Leave .................................................................................................. 2 weeks (cumulative to 6 weeks) Vacation Leave ................................................................................................... 4 weeks (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $66,479.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $66,479.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $50,904.00 B. Approved the change from Designated Associate Pastor to Associate Pastor for Rev. Kelly Staples and NorthPark Presbyterian Church, Dallas and approved the following terms of call, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was February 7, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM Action 2/16/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $27,395.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 20,000.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 47,395.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $3,626.00 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $2,300.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,500.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $17,299.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 33 Study Leave .................................................................................................... 2weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $72,120.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $72,120.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $51,021.00 Installed Positions A. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Cheryl Bourne as Pastor (101) of Northwood Presbyterian Church, Texarkana, moderator, full-time, beginning February 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was January 17, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $22,000.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 28,000.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 50,000.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $3,325.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,000.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $18,250.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $72,575.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $72,575.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $53,325.00 B. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Dr. Dewey D. Wheat, Jr. as Pastor (101) of First Presbyterian Church, Gatesville, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $32,700.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 24,800.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 57,500.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $4,399.00 Business Travel/Automobile ................................................................................................................ $300.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,000.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $20,988.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $84,187.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $84,187.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $61,899.00 C. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Lander L. Bethel as Pastor (101) of First Presbyterian Church, Denison, moderator, part-time, 25 hours per week, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was December 13, 2015. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $11,031.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 10,506.00 Deferred Income ................................................................................................................................ $3,152.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 34 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) ............................................................................................... $1,647.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 26,336.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $1,647.00 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $4,200.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,600.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ....................................................................... $9,613.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 3 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Sabbatical Leave ...................................... 6 weeks after 6 years (as applicable) $600.00 per year cumulative Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $44.396.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $44,396.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $24,831.00 D. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Lander L. Bethel as Pastor (101) of Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church, Sherman, moderator, full-time, 25 hours per week, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was December 13, 2015. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $11,031.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 10,506.00 Deferred Income ................................................................................................................................ $3,152.00 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) ............................................................................................... $1,647.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 26,336.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $1,647.00 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $4,200.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,600.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ....................................................................... $9,613.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 3 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Sabbatical Leave ...................................... 6 weeks after 6 years (as applicable) $600.00 per year cumulative Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $44.396.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $44,396.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $24,831.00 E. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Sherry Kay Holloman as Pastor (101) of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Dallas, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of congregational meeting recommending this call was November 1, 2015. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $18,876.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 42,000.00 Deferred Income ................................................................................................................................ $1,000.00 Other Income (Dental) ...................................................................................................................... $1,080.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 62,956.00 Reimbursements: Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $4,200.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $3,200.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $22,978.94 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 35 Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Sabbatical Leave ..................................................................................... 60 days after 7 years (as applicable) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $93,334.94 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $93,334.94 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $60,876.00 F. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Cheryl A. Taylor as Pastor (101) of First Presbyterian Church, Rockwall, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of congregational meeting recommending this call was January 24, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $16,600.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 40,000.00 Other Income .................................................................................................................................... $1,250.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 57,850.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $4,426.00 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $4,000.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,500.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $21,116.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $88,892.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $88,892.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $61,026.00 G. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Emily Kathryn McGee as Pastor (101) of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Arlington, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was January 24, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $28,663.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 25,000.00 Other Income (Dental)............................................................................................................................ 900.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 54,563.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $4,174.07 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $1,200.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $3,680.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $19,915.50 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Sabbatical Leave .................................................................................... 4 weeks after 5 years (as applicable) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $83,532.57 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $83,532,57 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $57,837.07 H. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Matthew Ruffner as Pastor (101) of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, moderator, full-time, beginning July 1, 2015. The dates of congregational meetings recommending this call were April 19, 2015 and September 20, 2015. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary.................................................................................................................................... $115,000.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 36 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 40,000.00 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) .................................................................................................. $699.00 Total Effective Salary ...................................................................................................................... 155,699.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $9,595.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $3,200.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $49,064.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 3 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ........................................................................................................ $217,558.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .......................................................................................... $217,558.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person ............................................................................ $165,294.00 I. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Dr. Paul Seelman as Associate Pastor (103) (Executive Pastor) of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, full-time, beginning July 1, 2015. The date of congregational meeting recommending this call was September 20, 2015. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $58,666.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 48,000.00 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) .................................................................................................. $629.00 Total Effective Salary ...................................................................................................................... 107,295.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $8,160.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,400.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $39,163.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ........................................................................................................ $157,018.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .......................................................................................... $157,018.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person ............................................................................ $115,455.00 J. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Sarah Johnson as Associate Pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, full-time, beginning July 1, 2015. The date of congregational meeting recommending this call was September 20, 2015. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $42,330.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 26,000.00 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) .................................................................................................. $403.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 68,733.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $5,227.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,050.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $24,057.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ........................................................................................................ $100,067.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .......................................................................................... $100,067.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $73,960.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 37 K. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Elizabeth McLean as Associate Pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, moderator, full-time, beginning July 1, 2015. The date of congregational meeting recommending this call was September 20, 2015. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $48,660.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 30,607.00 Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) .................................................................................................. $467.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 79,734.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $6,064.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,050.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $29,103.00 Study Leave ................................................................................................... 2 weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ........................................................................................................ $116,951.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .......................................................................................... $116,951.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $85,798,00 L. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Victoria Griffin as Pastor (101) of First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, moderator, part-time, 20 hours per week, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was January 3, 2016. [COM Action date: 2/16/16] Compensation: Housing and Utilities Allowance..................................................................................................... $12,000.00 Deferred Income ................................................................................................................................ 10,250.00 Other Income (Dental)............................................................................................................................ 443.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 22,693.00 Reimbursements: Business Travel/Automobile ................................................................................................................ $500.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................... $500.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $12,843.12 Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $36,536.52 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $36,536.52 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $12,000.00 M. Approved the changes in the terms of call for Rev. Brent A. Barry as Pastor (101) of North Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. The date of the congregational meeting recommending this call was February 7, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM Action 2/16/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $30,683.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 60,000.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 90,683.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $6,937.00 Business Travel/Automobile ............................................................................................................. $4,500.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $2,500.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $33,099.00 Study Leave .................................................................................................... 2weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ........................................................................................................ $137,719.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 38 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .......................................................................................... $137,719.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $97,620.00 New Temporary Positions A. Approved the contract for Candidate Amy Moore, pending examination and ordination, as Stated Supply 106) Pastor of John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Dallas, part-time, beginning March 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016, approved at a Council meeting on December 13, 2015. She is authorized to administer the sacraments and moderate the session only after her ordination. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary – 10 months (43 weeks) ..................................................................................... $400.00 weekly Benefits: Vacation Leave .................................................................................................................................... 2 weeks Study Leave ...........................................................................................................................................1 week Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $17,200.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $17,200.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $17,200.00 B. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Ronald P. Salfen, H.R., as Temporary Supply (108) Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Athens, moderator, part-time, 19 hours per week, beginning January 20, 2016 and ending July 13, 2016. The date of the session meeting recommending this contract was January 13, 2016. The recorded vote was unanimous. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary.......................................................................................................................... $3,000.00 monthly Social Security Offset (above 7.65%) .................................................................................................. $229.50 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ $3,229.50 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) .......................................................................................... $229.50 Total Compensation Package ............................................................................................................ $3,459.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer .............................................................................................. $3,459.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person ................................................................................ $3,459.00 Both parties agree that this contract may be extended beyond end date of July 13, 2016 on a weekly basis, but not beyond December 31, 2016. Termination before the end date of July 13, 2016 is permitted if the church has completed all steps to secure a designated Pastor including Grace Presbytery approval. Terminated can be initiated by either party without cause with 30 days written notice. After each nine weeks of employment, Rev. Salfen will be eligible for one week of paid vacation at the base salary of $750 per week. Temporary Positions A. Approved the contract for Rev. Mary Denise Odom as Interim Pastor (105) of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Sherman, moderator, full-time beginning September 1, 2015 until August 31, 2016. The terms of this call were reviewed by the session as required by G-2.0804 on September 24, 2015. [COM action 12/15/15] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $35,728.00 Housing and Utility Allowance ......................................................................................................... 20,000.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 55,728.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ......................................................................................... 3,875.00 Automobile Allowance........................................................................................................................ 2,400.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 39 Automobile expenses will be reimbursed based on $0.575 per mile. Continuing Education and Professional Expenses .............................................................................. 3,900.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ....................................................................... 19,504.80 Study Leave ..................................................................................................... weeks (cumulative to 6 weeks) Vacation Leave ...................................................................................................... weeks (including Sundays) B. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Carl V. Thompson Jr. as Stated Supply (108) at Salado Presbyterian Church, Salado, moderator, part-time, 19 hours per week, beginning January 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016. This contract was approved by the session at a meeting on November 8, 2015, with a vote of 6 in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstentions. [COM action 12/15/15] Compensation: Cash Salary........................................................................................................................................... $13,404 Housing and Utilities Allowance............................................................................................................ 29,664 Total Effective Salary for Rusk .............................................................................................................. 43,068 Reimbursements: Automobile Allowance............................................................................................................................. 1,980 Automobile expenses will be reimbursed based on $0.575 per mile. Benefits: Study Leave .................................................................................................. 2 weeks (cumulative to 6 weeks) Vacation Leave ................................................................................................... 8 weeks (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ............................................................................................................... $45,048 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ................................................................................................. $45,048 Total Compensation paid directly to the person ................................................................................... $43,068 C. Approved the renewal of contract for Rev. David Ivie as Designated Pastor (191) of First Presbyterian Church, Forney, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016. This call was approved by the congregation on October 11, 2015 with a vote of 34 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstentions. [COM action 12/15/15] Compensation: Cash Salary........................................................................................................................................... $40,000 Housing and Utilities Allowance.......................................................................................................... $25,000 Supplemental Dental Insurance .............................................................................................................. $1,632 Other income --- Additional Cash Salary, per email with David ........................................................... $3,000 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................... $69,632 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) .............................................................................................. 5,327 Automobile Allowance............................................................................................................................. 2,000 Automobile expenses will be reimbursed based on $0.575 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ................................................................................... 2,500 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ............................................................................ 25,416 Study Leave .................................................................................................. 2 weeks (cumulative to 6 weeks) Vacation Leave ................................................................................................... 4 weeks (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package ............................................................................................................. $104,875 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................... $104,875 Total Compensation paid directly to the person ................................................................................... $70,327 D. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Charles G. Schneider as Stated Supply (108) Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, The Colony, moderator, full-time beginning January 1, 2016 ending December 31, 2016. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $19,500.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 40 Housing and Utilities Allowance....................................................................................................... 25,000.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 44,500.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $3,404.25 Automobile Allowance........................................................................................................................... $1,500 Automobile expenses will be reimbursed based on vouchered expenses Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,500.00 Benefits: Pension Dues (or other employer-paid benefits plan) ..................................................................... $16,242.50 Study Leave .................................................................................................. 2 weeks (cumulative to 6 weeks) Vacation Leave ................................................................................................... 4 weeks (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $67,147.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $67,147.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $47,904.00 E. Approved the changes in contract for Rev. Eddie A. Nunnelley, H.R., as Stated Supply (108) of First Presbyterian Church, Mineral Wells, moderator, part-time (19 hours per week) beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016. This contract was approved by the session at a meeting on October 27, 2015. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $13,800.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance..................................................................................................... $12,000.00 Medical Supplement ............................................................................................................................... $8,800 Total Effective Salary ...................................................................................................................... $34,600.00 Benefits: Business Travel/Automobile ................................................................................................................ $600.00 Continuing Education/Professional Expenses ..................................................................................... $800.00 Study Leave ........................................................................................................................... 2 weeks per year Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $36,000.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $36,000.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $25,800.00 F. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Elizabeth Johnson Pense, H.R., as Interim Pastor (105) of John Knox Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, moderator, part-time, beginning February 1, 2016 and ending May 31, 2016, approved at a session meeting on November 19, 2015. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $23,000.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance...................................................................................................... $7, 000.00 Total Effective Salary ..................................................................................................................... $30, 000.00 Benefits: Pension Dues ....................................................................................................................................... 3,600.00 Vacation Leave ............................................................................................................... 10 days for 4 months Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $33,600.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $33,600.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $30,000.00 G. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. John D. Zeigler, H.R. as Stated Supply (108) Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Lewisville, moderator, part-time, beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016, approved at a session meeting on November 17, 2015. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $24,576.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance..................................................................................................... $11,244.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 41 Total Effective Salary ..................................................................................................................... $36, 000.00 Reimbursements Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ......................................................................................... 2,754.00 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses .............................................................................. 1,000.00 Benefits: Board of Pension Dues ...................................................................................................................... $4,320.00 Study Leave ........................................................................................................................... 2 weeks per year Vacation Leave ...................................................................................................................... 4 weeks per year Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $44,074.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $44,074.00 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $38,754.00 H. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. C. James Ramsawh, H.R., as Stated Supply (108) Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Bridgeport, moderator, part-time, 19 hours per week, beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016. The date of the session meeting recommending this contract was December 15, 2015. The recorded vote was 5 yes and 1 abstain. [COM action 2/9/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $20,000.00 Total Effective Salary ...................................................................................................................... $20,000.00 Benefits Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $20,000.00 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $20,000.00 Commissioned Ruling Elder A. Approved the changes in the contract for Joyce Diane Barnes, as Commissioned Ruling Elder (107) of First Presbyterian Church, Itasca, moderator, full-time, beginning January 1, 2016 ending December 31, 2016. [COM action 1/19/16] Compensation: Cash Salary...................................................................................................................................... $28,868.00 Housing and Utilities Allowance......................................................................................................... 7,488.00 Total Effective Salary ........................................................................................................................ 36,356.00 Reimbursements: Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65%) ....................................................................................... $2,781.23 Continuing Education and Professional Expenses ............................................................................ $1,000.00 Benefits: Board of Pension Dues .................................................................................................................... $15,142.72 Study Leave .................................................................................................... 2weeks (cumulative to 3 years) Vacation Leave ..................................................................................... 4 weeks per year (including Sundays) Total Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... $55,279.95 Total Cost to the Church or Employer ............................................................................................ $55,279.95 Total Compensation paid directly to the person .............................................................................. $39,137.23 Parish Associates A. Approved the Parish Associate position, compensation and relationship for Rev. Dr. Robert M. Poteet and Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, effective November 1, 2015. [COM action 1/19/2016] B. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Fred Babb, H.R. as Parish Associate of First Presbyterian Church, Arlington, part-time, 19 hours per week, beginning July 15, 2015, and ending October 15, 2015.[COM Action date: 2/16/16] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 42 Compensation: Cash Salary.......................................................................................................................... $1,500.00 monthly Housing Allowance ................................................................................................................ $600.00 monthly Auto & Mileage Allowance (paid as taxable income) ............................................................ $300.00 monthly Total Effective Salary .......................................................................................................... $2,400.00 monthly Reimbursements Social Security Offset 7.65% (taxable) .................................................................................... 184.00 monthly Professional Expenses ............................................................................................................ $100.00 monthly Benefits: Vacation Leave ....................................................................................1 week for every three months worked Total Cost to the Church ................................................................................................................... $2,684.00 C. Approved the changes in the contract for Rev. Fred Babb, H.R. as Parish Associate of First Presbyterian Church, Arlington, part-time, 19 hours per week, beginning October 15, 2015, and ending January 1, 2016. [COM action date: 2/16/16] Compensation: Cash Salary.......................................................................................................................... $1,500.00 monthly Housing Allowance ................................................................................................................ $600.00 monthly Auto & Mileage Allowance (paid as taxable income) ............................................................ $300.00 monthly Total Effective Salary .......................................................................................................... $2,400.00 monthly Reimbursements Social Security Offset 7.65% (taxable) .................................................................................... 184.00 monthly Professional Expenses ............................................................................................................ $100.00 monthly Benefits: Vacation Leave ....................................................................................1 week for every three months worked Total Cost to the Church ................................................................................................................... $2,684.00 Ordination and Installation Commissions A. Approved the following Administrative Commission to ordain and install Wendy Kolakowski as Associate Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, Plano on January 31, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Grace Presbytery Teaching Elders: Princeton Abaraoha, moderator; Elizabeth Callender, Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church, Dallas, charge to pastor; Laura Fitzgibbon, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas; Bryan Stamper, Grace Presbyterian Church, Plano, preacher. Grace Presbytery Ruling Elders: Kathy Jones, NorthPark Presbyterian Church, Dallas; Mike Strange, III, Ridglea Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth; Milton Key, Grace Presbyterian Church, Plano, charge the congregation. An opportunity for nominations from the floor was afforded prior to the election. [COM action 1/19/2016] B. Approved the following Administrative Commission to install Rev. Kelly Staples as Associate Pastor of NorthPark Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas on March 13, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.: Grace Presbytery Teaching Elders: Rev. Susan Systma Bratt, Northridge Presbyterian Church, Dallas to Charge the Pastor; Rev. Kate McGee, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Arlington to Preach; Rev. Krista Rasco, First Presbyterian Church, Commerce; Rev. Brent Barry, NorthPark Presbyterian Church, Dallas, to Charge the Congregation; Rev. Princeton Abaraoha, First Presbyterian Church, Midlothian to Moderate; Grace Presbytery Ruling Elders: Kyle Smith, NorthPark Presbyterian Church, Dallas; Mary Updegraff, Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church, Dallas; Steve Staples, Ridglea Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth. An opportunity for nominations from the floor was afforded prior to the election. [COM action 2/16/2016] Moderators of Churches without Installed Pastors A. Appointed Rev. Ronnie Holloman as temporary moderator of a congregational meeting for First Presbyterian Church, Athens on November 29, 2015. [COM action, 11/4/2015] B. Appointed Rev. Ronnie Holloman as temporary moderator of a congregational meeting for First Presbyterian Church, Athens on December 13, 2015. [COM action, 11/4/2015] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 43 C. Appointed Rev. Andrew Terry Maze as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, McKinney effective January 12, 2016. [COM action 1/12/2016] D. Appointed Rev. Ronnie Holloman as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, Athens effective January 13, 2016. [COM action 1/12/2016] E. Appointed Rev. Ron Salfen as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, Athens effective January 20, 2016. [COM action 1/12/2016] F. Appointed Rev. Murray Richey as temporary session moderator as needed for Grace First Presbyterian Church, Weatherford effective January 19, 2016. [COM action 1/12/2016] G. Approved Rev. Paul Seelman as moderator of John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Dallas effective January 1, 2016. [COM action 2/09/2016] H. Appointed Rev. Bill Benner as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, Lott effective April 1, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] I. Appointed Rev. Don Grogan as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, Hamilton effective February 9, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] J. Appointed Rev. Clifford Horton as temporary session moderator for First Presbyterian Church, Troup effective February 9, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] Other Actions by the Committee on Ministry A. Approved the revisions to Continued Compensation. [COM action 12/15/2015] B. Approved the Ministry Information Form for the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee of First Presbyterian Church, Arlington. [COM action 12/15/2015] C. Approved the Ministry Information Form for the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee for Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church, Dallas. [COM action 12/15/2015] D. Approved the request of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Athens to create a Designated Pastor Position on November 29, 2015 and elected a DPNC December 13, 2015. [COM action 12/15/2015] E. Approved the recommendations of the Temporary Relations Subcommittee to add to Occasional Supply List: Rev. Murray Richey, Rev. Lisa Wraith. [COM action 1/12/2016] F. Approved the motion to validate a Stated Supply position at John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Dallas for Candidate Amy Moore pending successful completion of examination by Presbytery and Ordination. She is authorized to administer the sacraments and moderate the session only after her ordination. [COM action 1/19/16] G. Authorized the Committee on Ministry Leadership Team to act on behalf of the COM at their meeting February 9 for those items that are time sensitive in relation to the March 5, 2016 Presbytery meeting. [COM action 1/12/2016] H. Recommended that Grace Presbytery sustain the Examination of Candidate Amy Moore and that she be received and enrolled as a teaching elder, pending her examination and ordination at John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Dallas. [COM action 2/9/2016] I. Noted that the contract of Rev. Ron Salfen and First Presbyterian Church, Mabank ended on January 17, 2016. [COM action 2/9/2016] March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 44 J. Approved the opening of the Associate Pastor for Mission and Outreach position at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas. [COM action 2/16/2016] K. Approved the following minutes of the Committee on Ministry: December 15, 2015 and January 19, 2016. Motions from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry If you have questions about the following report, the email address for the Committee on Preparation Moderator Thomas Lamb is 1. That Grace Presbytery receive the report of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Actions by the Committee on Preparation for Ministry A. Final Assessment/Cleared to receive a Call was granted to Candidate Hailey Malcolm (Canyon Creek, Dallas) who has completed the requirements for Ordination. [2/11/2016] B. The following Candidates were removed from the rolls: a) Kate McAllister, (Oak Cliff, Dallas) was removed from care under Grace Presbytery after due diligence because of non-response to communication attempts. [1/14/2016] b) Alfredo Obeso (Iglesia Emmanuel, Dallas) was removed from care under Grace Presbytery after due diligence because of non-response to communication attempts. [1/14/2016] Information A. There are 24 persons under the care of Grace Presbytery. B. All requests for resources from this committee should be emailed to the moderator, Rev. Thom Lamb (Temple, Grace) at Motions from the Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater If you have questions about the following report, the email address for Administrative Commission Moderator Jimmy Chapman is 1. That Grace Presbytery receive this Final Report of the actions and items of information from the Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater and dismiss the Administrative Commission with gratitude. Actions by the Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater A. On April 6, 2015, Jimmy Chapman, Moderator of the Administrative Commission, met with the remaining four members of First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater for the purpose of making plans for closure of the church. The four in attendance were: Page Gay, Debra McBride, Jerrel McBride, and Christie Gay-Farrar. The church began in 1931 during the East Texas oil boom. We talked about moveable property at the church which the members might want for themselves or which other people might want. Most of it had already been dispersed, but the group agreed to see if anything else might be wanted by someone connected to the church. The meeting also went over the bills that the church owed. Insurance was paid through January 2016. We discussed the water, gas, electric bills, and the yard man, Missidime Davis (so he could care for the yard through the time until the property was sold). Jimmy Chapman also got a key for himself, one for Jerry March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 45 Camp, and one for the presbytery office. The Administrative Commission also went to the post office and got the address changed so that bills would go to the presbytery office. B. There are some structural issues with the buildings. There are probable termite problems resulting in some weak places in the floor. C. The church had excellent session records. They were collected and carried to the presbytery office. A copy of the deed was also secured and sent to presbytery. D. On May 4, 2015, Jerry Camp and Jimmy Chapman met again with the four remaining members of the church. We went over all of the April bills. The four members were asked if they had found another church to attend. They have not, and subsequent questions about this have received the same answer. They are not, at the present time, attending another church. E. The Administrative Commission voted to dissolve the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater effective April 5, 2015. F. There was a closing worship service for the church on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Jimmy Chapman was present and did a closing liturgy for the congregation. There was a good attendance and people were glad that presbytery had a presence there. Ministry/Mission Report Trinity Presbyterian Church, McKinney Patrick McCoy If you have questions for Patrick McCoy, his email is Presbyterian Communities and Services Godwin Dixon If you have questions for Godwin Dixon, his email address is Schreiner University Rita Edington Odom If you have questions for Rita Edington Odom, her email is Mo Ranch Dick Powell If you have questions for Dick Powell, his email is March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 46 Committee on Preparation for Ministry Thom Lamb If you have questions for Thom Lamb, his email is Motions from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry Inquirer 1. That Grace Presbytery enroll Jacob Wilson (Pittsburg, First) as an Inquirer for Teaching Elder in the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. [11/26/2015] Jacob is a Ruling Elder at First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg. He earned an Associate of Arts degree in History from Northeast Texas Community College and a Bachelor of General Studies degree in Leadership and Interdisciplinary Studies from Texas A&M, Texarkana. Jacob is currently enrolled in his first year of Master of Divinity coursework at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is pursuing ordained ministry in the PCUSA to provide Christian service, faith education, and stewardship in the East Texas region. Candidate 2. That Grace Presbytery enroll Clark Royle (Dallas, First) as a Candidate for Teaching Elder in the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. [1/14/2016] Clark earned his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Texas at Austin, and his Doctor of Jurisprudence at University of Houston. He is currently enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he is completing his Master of Divinity degree. Joys, Concerns, Blessing for the Meal Cheryl Taylor Lunch 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. During lunch, those interested in discussing the following will be seated together: Syrian refugee situation Persons interested in becoming Commissioned Ruling Elders March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 47 Committee on Ministry Russell Jonas and Kathy Jones 1:00 p.m. If you have questions about the following report, please email COM Co-Moderator Russell Jonas at, or COM Co-Moderator Kathy Jones at Welcome to New Teaching Elders Rev. Margaret Aymer Oget Biography: Margaret Aymer Oget is Associate Professor of New Testament at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. An immigrant and naturalized citizen, Margaret called the northeastern United States, primarily New Jersey, home until 2001. She answered God’s call to seminary in 1993, receiving both her M.Div. and eventually her Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary in NYC. While serving as a director of Christian Education at White Plains Presbyterian Church, she answered a call to the ministry of Word and Sacrament. In 2001, she moved to Atlanta to teach at the Interdenominational Theological Center, where she served as Assistant and then Associate Professor of New Testament. In Atlanta, Dr. Aymer met her husband, Dr. Laurent M. R. G. Oget, a native and citizen of France, who had immigrated to the US as a software engineer. They were married in 2005, and in 2013 were blessed with a son, Gabriel, born to wonderful birthparents and placed with them for adoption. Margaret continues to serve the Presbyterian Church in whatever ways she is asked, and has been blessed to know wonderful colleagues in Grace Presbytery over her twelve years of ordained ministry. Statement of Faith: God, before time; God, within time; God, beyond time: this I believe. That which we name God far exceeds our naming or comprehension. God is limitless; humanity can neither control nor grasp God’s scope. Before the beginning, God’s Spirit herself hovered over pre-created. (Genesis 1 Ruach in Hebrew is feminine.) Yet God has always been present within mortal creation. Humanity, of every variety, is made in God’s image and likeness. God gives us birth and breath. (Deut. 32:18; Isaiah 42:14) God protects us a like a bear with her cubs, like a hen with her chicks. (Hosea 13:8; Matthew 23:37) In our distresses, God soothes us as a mother soothes her children. (Isaiah 49: 15; 66:13; Psalm 131:2) God bears us up on wings as a mother eagle bears up her eaglets. (Deut. 32:11-12) All creation bears witness to God’s presence and power among us. (Romans 1) The scriptures of the church offer yet another witness. Their witness is human and imperfect. (Cf. Ephesians 5) Nevertheless, they testify authoritatively about Jesus Christ, God incarnate, im-anu-el. God speaks in a unique way through these ancient testimonies. The scriptures tell the story of the family of one Iraqi man, Abram of Ur. (Ur of the Chaldeans is in what is now commonly known as Iraq.) With this one, imperfect man God entered into a covenant. God would be with him and his descendants uniquely that they might be a testimony to all. Like his enslaved concubine Hagar, Abraham called God the “seeing one.” (Gen 16:13; 22:14. The verb in each declaration is identical, although some translations differentiate between them, translating Hagar’s declaration as “sees” and Abrahams as “provides.”) This same God kept covenant with Abraham and his descendants, through famine, enslavement, and flight from political terror. As refugees wandering in desert places, God provided for this people sustenance and protection. God provided these wanderers with the Torah, a guide for lives as covenant people. Despite God’s faithfulness, Abraham’s descendants often rebelled. To them God sent judges and prophets: Miriam, Deborah, Huldah and many men. Through monarchy, exile, and return, God never broke covenant, nor abandoned Abraham’s children. And, God promised that one day Holy Spirit would pour out on all of the people – daughters and sons would prophesy, and God’s gracious ways would be written on every heart. At God’s own appointed time, in a mystery that surpasses telling, the infinite God took on finitude in the body of a human man. Jesus of Nazareth, born to an unmarried woman, adopted by a human father was raised in the covenant March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 48 of the God of Abraham in an obscure Galilean town. (Luke 1-2; Matthew 1-2) When God’s time was fulfilled, Jesus’ ministry began, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, full of grace and truth. (Mark 1:10-11; John 1:14) His ministry tore apart the heavens and every barrier between humanity and God. (Mark 1:10-11; Mark 15:38) He who called God, “Abba,” stood against Roman imperialism and every kind of injustice, calling his people back into God’s loving covenant. (Mark 14:36; Luke 8:30; Mark 12:17) Jesus was hailed as a prophet by the people. (Luke 7) To those he called his friends, he was revealed to be God’s beloved son. (Mark 9:7) But his calls for justice were resisted by those in collaboration with the empire. Even as he was anointed the Christ, by an unnamed prophetic woman, he was betrayed to collaborators by one of his own male disciples. (Mark 14:1-11) Handed over, Jesus was tried for blasphemy and treason, and crucified by the emperor as a sign to all who might follow his way. (Mark 14; Galatians 1:3) Before Jesus died, he instituted a new covenant with all of humanity, a covenant that his death and burial would seal. (Luke 22:20) God raised Jesus from the dead as the first fruits of the new creation, and as a witness that Jesus supersedes all human authority. (Ephesians 1:20; 1 Cor. 15:23; Phil. 2:10-12) Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have been reconciled to God, adopted into God’s family. (Romans 5:10; Romans 8:15) This is entirely God’s work, and not that of our own choosing. Through God working in us, we are given the gift of faithfulness. (Romans 12:3) Through Christ’s death, we who are always sinners nevertheless live in God’s grace and are called to manifest that grace through our love of God and neighbor. (Ephesians 2:8) God continues to call people into relationship, filling us with Holy Spirit that we might make manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit in response to such an unearned and undeserved grace. (Acts 10; Gal 5:22-24) Through that manifestation, we are known to one another as siblings of the same Father, children born of the same Birthmother, regardless of differences of ethnicity, gender, or interpretations of scripture. (James 1:18 represents God as Father of lights and birthmother of the people of God; Acts 15.) Like Jesus, we who have been filled with the Spirit are called to declare good news, release of the captives and perception to those who do not yet understand. (Luke 4: 16-19) Even as we live out our faithfulness in this world we groan in birthpains with all of creation as we yearn for the time divinely promised when God will restore all things, and when we know more than any of us can imagine, even as we are truly known. (Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 13) Even so, Lord Jesus, come. (Revelation 22:20) Rev. Phillip Million Biography: Phillip Million has received a call to serve as Designated Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Mabank. He is transferring from Sierra Blanca Presbytery, New Mexico. Born in Kentucky, but he grew up in various places around the country and abroad. His undergraduate degree is from Phillips University, and his master's degree and Ph.D. were earned at the University of Oklahoma. Much of his first career was spent teaching at the college level. In preparation for his second career in the ministry, he completed his Master of Divinity degree at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and was ordained by Sierra Blanca Presbytery. Before coming to Mabank, Phillip served as pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Portales, New Mexico. Phillip's wife, Geralyn, is originally from Oklahoma, and recently retired. Their adult children recently completed their college education and are working in Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico. Both Phillip and Geralyn are avid readers and enjoy the outdoors and traveling. Statement of Faith: I believe in the Triune God, creator, sustainer, and sovereign Lord of the universe. God has created the heavens and earth for our sustenance, and to be enjoyed in a perfect covenantal relationship with him and the rest of his creation. While originally created in God’s perfect image, I believe in the original sin and fall of humankind, after which our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with the rest of our fellow humans was broken. Because of our resulting bondage to sin, our human story thereafter has been a cyclic repetition of sin and repentance whereupon our frailty has made us utterly dependent on God’s grace. I believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, who was made incarnate and put on this earth for the redemption of our sins. Christ was both fully human and fully divine. Jesus, in accordance with God’s providential will, was crucified on the cross and then resurrected on the third day. Through this sacrificial act of God’s love for us, Christ has atoned for the sins of the world. And we in turn have been resurrected in new lives of faith in the body of Jesus Christ. Through God’s grace, the gift of faith has been given to us through our election, through which we have been saved and will enjoy the eternal blessings of communion with our Lord. In this, we can take great March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 49 comfort. I believe that God sustains us through the power of the Holy Spirit, which guides us personally, and the Church, as we travel in our journey of faith. In the Sacraments of the Church, the spirit empowers us, both in the baptismal waters, which spiritually cleanses us of our sins, and in Holy Communion as we partake of the bread of life and the cup of our salvation. In the body of Christ, I believe we must continually listen to God’s word, in both scripture and prayer, to discern his message for our lives and the work that we are called upon to do in the world for his Church. As people in his new covenant, God commands us to love him with all our hearts, our souls, and our minds. And as people bound together in faith, we are to welcome and love our neighbors as ourselves. In gratitude for God’s unconditional grace, we must increasingly strive to order our lives to reflect God’s will, the love of Jesus Christ, and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Through this power, we continually grow in faith to carry out the Great Ends of the Church. Recognition of Honorable Retirement Rev. Mary Alice Lyman Mary Alice Lyman was ordained on September 18, 1988 at First Presbyterian Church in Waco by Grace Presbytery. She retired on January 28, 2016. She received a Bachelor of Science in Education from Baylor University, Waco in 1980 and a Master of Divinity from McCormick Seminary, Chicago in 1985. Her ministry included service at First Presbyterian Church in Waco as Associate Pastor 1988-1991; Trinity Presbyterian Church in Midland as Associate Pastor 1991-1994; Swarthmore Presbyterian Church in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania as Associate Pastor 1994-2004; First Presbyterian Church in St. Petersburg, Florida as Associate Pastor 2004-2007; Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceville, New Jersey as Associate Pastor 2007-2009; and First Presbyterian Church in Commerce, Texas as Pastor 2009-2012. Her family includes Alice Lyman, daughter; Anna Ousley, daughter; and Rob Ousley, son-in-law. She writes this about her retirement plans: “My plans for retirement are that I don’t have any real plans, will see what adventure is next.” Rev. Terry L. McLellan Terry L. McLellan was ordained March 7, 2004 at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Carrollton, Texas by Grace Presbytery. He retired on January 31, 2016. He received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology in 1969, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Dallas, Graduate School of Management in 1976, and a Master of Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2004. His ministry included service at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Carrollton as Pastor 2004-2011, and Faith United Presbyterian Church in Farmers Branch as Pastor 2011-2016. His family includes Kay McLellan – wife of 45 years, Chris McLellan – son of 43 years, Jen McLellan – daughter-in-law, Emma McLellan – granddaughter 16 years old, and Gus McLellan – granddaughter 11 years old. He writes this about his retirement plans: “Play a little golf; travel some; preach and teach once in a while; read some of that in my library I haven’t had time to get to; see what other trouble Kay and I can get into; keep up with friends and family. Not much.” Recognition of Teaching Elders Completing Service Rev. Thomas Allen, Rev. Angie Mabry-Nauta, Rev. Carolyn Osoinach, Rev. Julie Riley March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 50 Recognition of Ordination Anniversaries 20 Year Anniversaries: Rev. Elizabeth G. Dick (March 10, 1996), Rev. Shane Whisler (March 24, 1996) 30 Year Anniversaries: Rev. Dr. Julie Adkins (February 28, 1986), Rev. Dr. David J. Gouwens, HR (February 13, 1986), Rev. Jack C. Robertson, HR (January 19, 1986) 50 Year Anniversaries: Rev. David A. Sharp, HR (February 13, 1966), Rev. David A. Thomas, HR (March 27, 1966) 55 Year Anniversaries: Rev. F. Dale Branum, HR (January 11, 1961), Rev. Richard L. Hollingsworth, HR (March 17, 1961) Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee David Batchelder If you have questions about the following report, please email David Batchelder at Motions from the Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee Ordination Examination 1. That Grace Presbytery sustain the Ordination Examination of Amy Moore, a candidate under care of Grace Presbytery, to be ordained and enrolled as a Teaching Elder as Stated Supply Pastor at John Calvin Presbyterian Church of Dallas. [1/26/2016] Biography: Amy Moore enjoys adventure and her greatest adventure is experiencing a relationship with Jesus Christ. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Bellevue University in Bellevue, Nebraska. From her home in Pennsylvania, through Minnesota to Dallas, Amy experienced a fulfilling call in 30 years of nursing, specializing in wound healing and professional education. Through intentional spiritual formation, and while pursuing a certificate in spiritual direction, Amy recognized God’s call to attend Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She graduated in 2014. Amy has served her home church, Preston Hollow Presbyterian, as a Stephen Minister, deacon, and women’s evening Bible study facilitator. Amy has also led several Sunday school series in discovering prayer, spiritual formation retreats, and serves on the faculty of HeartPaths DFW, training in spiritual formation and direction. Her family encouragement includes the legacy of her parents through the lives of her siblings and her immediate family shared with husband, David, two sons, three daughters, a son-in-law, and a granddaughter. She looks forward to more adventure in experiencing Christ through the church, accompanying a medical mission trip to Kiritimati Island, and hiking Machu Picchu in May. Statement of Faith: I believe in God and I believe God is intimately involved in creation and continually acts to invite all creation into relationship. Therefore… I BELIEVE in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, mysteriously three in one, living in relationship founded in love. God is love and God chose to create this stunning world as an outward expression of goodness rooted in love, which exists eternally within the relationship of the Trinity. Made in God’s image, humanity has the capacity to love, to live in relationship and to make decisions with real consequences. Unfortunately humanity chooses to follow a self-serving path that blinds us to the mercy and justice of God. Therefore, in compassion God became fully human in Jesus and entered into our brokenness. The unconditional love, sacrifice and March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 51 resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrate God’s power and desire to redeem humanity and restore the relationship with God and one another for which we were created. Through Jesus Christ we discover God’s saving grace that even death cannot overcome, as we too will be resurrected into eternal life in a new heaven and a new earth. The Spirit is the abiding love of God in us, by which we discover we are beloved children of God, heirs to life in the Body of Christ both now and forever. Redemption begins with the grace of God in individuals and moves into the world through the fellowship of the Church. As the Body of Christ, the Church is present to the struggle of this world, and is to proclaim the good news of saving grace, living as a witness to God’s inclusive love, forgiveness and relationship. Baptism and Eucharist are visible means of the grace of Jesus Christ that is available to all. Baptism serves as a witness that we are beloved children of God. The Eucharist celebrates the reality of Christ’s presence and binds together past, present and future believers in the joy of the common feast. The sacraments nurture our faith and draw us into union with God in God’s kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit. Scripture is inspired by God and is the decisive Word through which God is revealed. Therefore, by grace we respond with faith to the testimony of scripture and the traditions articulated in the creeds to discern the mission of the church relative to the Living Word and the continuing salvation narrative. Ministry/Mission Report First Presbyterian Church, Richardson David Schaefers If you have questions for David Schaefers, his email is Congregational Support Committee Kelly Yeager-Chadwick If you have questions about the following report, please email Kelly Yeager-Chadwick at Motions from the Congregational Support Committee 1. That Grace Presbytery recognize the following recipients of the Congregation Mission Initiative Grants: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church, Dallas “My Faith Family Program;” St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Dallas “St. Mark Community Dog Park;” Ridglea Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth “Blessings in a Bag;” Main Street Presbyterian Church, Honey Grove “Ashes-to-Ashes Ministry;” First Presbyterian Church of Palestine, Palestine “Mother’s Day Out Program;” First Presbyterian Church of Rockwall, Rockwall “Sanctuary Mid-Week Program;” Central Presbyterian Church, Waco “Kids Hope USA;” Brazilian Presbyterian Church, The Colony “Fusion Youth.” Background: Grace Presbytery’s Statement of Mission is “Grace Presbytery claims God’s mission as our calling, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ who saves, redeems, and reconciles the world to God through March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 52 ministries of witness, justice, and mercy. Grace Presbytery prepares and supports leaders to build vital congregations that reach seekers and those in need, nurture disciples, and send apostles of our Lord into the world.” The purpose of Congregational Mission Initiative Grants is to provide support to congregations of Grace Presbytery in the creation of new and innovative ministries within congregations and the communities they serve. These funds are intended to be “seed money” that will enable congregations to create new ministries, and as such, they are limited to one year of funding. Each grant of up to $3,000.00 must be used to fund up to 75% of the total projected first year’s cost of the proposed project. Funds granted in these initiatives may not be used for major capital improvement expenses, debt retirement, the securing of general on-going staff needs, mission trips, international partnerships, or the continuation of existing ministries. Please see the following link for more information about Grace Presbytery Mission Initiative Grants: Dates for 2017 MIG application are: September 1, 2016 – MIG applications open November 1, 2016 – MIG application deadline December 10, 2016 – 2107 MIG awards announced at Presbytery Congratulations to our 2015 Mission Initiative Grant Recipients! A. Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church, Dallas “My Faith Family Program” The purpose of this mission is to join with Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services to comfort and support foster parents so they in turn can be better able to comfort and support the children they are fostering. This is also a way to reach out into the community by being the hands and feet of Christ to those in need. B. St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Dallas “St. Mark Community Dog Park” The purpose of this mission is to reach out to the neighborhood surrounding the church in order to open up channels of conversation through a welcoming atmosphere of friendship and Christian attitudes of listening and working together, thereby expressing our desire for communication with and outreach to our neighbors. This outreach is a response to the biblical question, “Who is your neighbor?” C. Ridglea Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth “Blessings in a Bag” The number of children in the Fort Worth community who do not have enough food is staggering. Children and youth at Ridglea Presbyterian Church are helping change that – one bag at a time. Currently, on a weekly basis, students at two of the Ready Set Go Centers leave with a bag full of food: three breakfasts, two lunches, three suppers and snacks. We will be using these funds to expand to reach all four of the centers in the spring (70 students each week). D. Main Street Presbyterian Church, Honey Grove “Ashes-to-Ashes Ministry” In the early morning hours of February 10, 2013, our 100-year-old church building was hit by lighting and burned to the ground. Generations of memories slumped into smoldering rubble, twisted metal, and shards of stained glass. The stoic and surviving congregation vowed to turn their negative experience into a positive ministry by extending caring hands to families who suffer the loss of their homes to fire. This grant will enable the congregation to assemble burn bundles for the fire department to issue to each family member at the time of a fire. Each bundle will contain a small blanket, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, comb, brush, towel, washcloth, soap, lotion, Bible, a tin of mints, pen, writing pad, slippers, March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 53 socks, razor and shaving cream, moist toilettes, small mirror, list of important phone numbers and a small package of tissues. E. First Presbyterian Church of Palestine, Palestine “Mother’s Day Out Program” The purpose of the Mother’s Day Out mission is to provide a safe, loving, Christ-centered environment to build relationships with young families by caring for their children ages 9 months through 4 years beginning one day a week and promoting Godly living and church attendance which enriches the lives of these young families spiritually, physically, intellectually and emotionally. F. First Presbyterian Church of Rockwall, Rockwall “Sanctuary Mid-Week Program” First Presbyterian Church, Rockwall is seeking to invite the community to join them in a new mid-week program called “Sanctuary” to create a time and place to simply “be”. They are hoping to give visitors a place and time to reconnect with God and others over a meal and prayer. Following a meal and table fellowship, a worship service that will focus on quiet, experiential prayer practices will be offered as well as child care for pre-school age children. G. Central Presbyterian Church, Waco “Kids Hope USA” Kids Hope USA is a nation-wide school-based mentoring program that focuses on elementary age children. KHUSA trains and provides mentors to use a weekly one-hour “event” to build relationships focused on a child’s emotional, social, and academic needs which results in changes in attitudes, behavior and academic performance. This Mission Initiative Grant will cover the cost of training church members and providing supplies as well as a computer for this mission. H. Brazilian Presbyterian Church, The Colony “Fusion Youth” The Fusion Youth initiative is designed to reach out to youth in the community through multi-lingual small group meetings and programs. Phase I begins with evangelism and relationship-building through sports, movies and informal meetings. Phase II will include the development of small group ministries in member’s homes. Phase III will add a monthly worship service designed specifically for youth. Recognition of Earth Care Congregations Kelly Yeager-Chadwick If you have questions about the following report, please email Kelly Yeager-Chadwick at Today we recognize the churches who are 2016 Earth Care Congregations: Emmanuel Presbyterian Church of Bedford, First Presbyterian Church of Henderson, Trinity Presbyterian Church of McKinney, and Central Presbyterian Church of Waxahachie. The Earth Care Program is sponsored by the Social Justice and Peacemaking Unit of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It assists congregations to respond to the General Assembly’s “call to restore the creation.” Churches applying to be an Earth Care Congregation must have the Earth Care Pledge affirmed by their session. The Earth Care Pledge: Peace and justice is God’s plan for all creation. The earth and all creation are God’s. God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore it for its own sake, and for the future use and enjoyment of the human family. As God offers all people the special gift of peace through Jesus Christ, and through Christ reconciles all to God, we are called to deal justly with one another and the earth: March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 54 1. Our worship and discipleship will celebrate God’s grace and glory in creation and declare that God calls us to cherish, protect and restore this earth. 2. In education, we will seek learning and teaching opportunities to know and understand the threats to God’s creation and the damage already inflicted. We will encourage and support each other in finding ways of keeping and healing the creation in response to God’s call to earth-keeping, justice and community. 3. Our facilities will be managed, maintained and upgraded in a manner that respects and cherishes all creation, human and non-human, while meeting equitably the needs of all people. In our buildings and on our grounds we will use energy efficiently, conserve resources, and share what we have in abundance so that God’s holy creation will be sustainable for all life and future generations. 4. Our outreach will encourage public policy and community involvement that protects and restores the vulnerable and degraded earth as well as oppressed and neglected people. We will be mindful that our personal and collective actions can positively or negatively affect our neighborhood, region, nation and world. We will seek to achieve environmental justice through coalitions and ecumenical partnerships. Presbytery Council Ben Dorr If you have questions about the following report, please email Ben Dorr at Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Jim Reinarz If you have questions for Jim Reinarz, his email is Ministry/Mission Report Trinity Presbyterian Church, The Colony Charles Schneider If you have questions, Charles Schneider’s email is Overtures to the 2016 General Assembly Gerry Tyer If you have questions about the following motions, please email Gerry Tyer at March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 55 Motions from the Stated Clerk Overtures to the 2016 General Assembly 1. That Grace Presbytery concur with the following overture to the 2016 General Assembly from the Presbytery of New York City: “On Responding to Our Sisters and Brothers Who Are Refugees or Internally Displaced.” Grace Presbytery concurs with Overture 048 from the Presbytery of New York City and overtures the 222nd General Assembly to: 1) Respond to the ancient biblical directive to provide for the stranger and the sojourner by directing appropriate PCUSA agencies, offices and staff (e.g., the Stated Clerk, the Office of Immigration Issues, the Presbyterian Mission Agency, the Office of Public Witness, and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) to provide leadership for the whole PCUSA in diligently advocating for and seeking to improve matters related to United States Government refugee resettlement policies and related issues. This would include, but not be limited to advocacy for: a. A shortened overseas processing period – one measured in months not years – for refugees approved for admission to the United States. Beyond security checks, the process should include an expanded plan for reuniting families in this country; b. Increased federal funding to support necessary services for an expanded number of refugees – especially the most vulnerable; c. For admitting refugees as lawful permanent residents to increase their personal security and to insure that they not slip through administrative gaps in the immigration system. 2) Appropriate PCUSA entities and staff are directed to urge the United States Government and other member nations of the United Nations to honor and increase their funding to support humanitarian agencies, international refugee camps, and direct financial support which is often indispensable for internally displaced families in countries such as Iraq and Syria, and the multitude of other people, forced by fear and violence, to flee their national boundaries. This would include, but not be limited to: a. Integration by the United States Refugee Resettlement Office of all services provided for refugees such as medical assistance, job training, job placements, micro enterprise loans, and mental health services in addition to living expenses. Such integration would promote charting the actual cost of refugee resettlement and give guidance for realistic funding based on the number of refugees admitted per year; b. Establishment of trauma services for refugee children. Trauma is epidemic in refugee camps, and funding is inadequate to address needs. Also, since only about half of refugee children live in refugee camps, similar assistance should be made available through appropriate service agencies and responsible governmental entities where refugees live outside of camps; c. Dramatically increased support by governments, religious entities, private organizations, and individuals for direct refugee services. 3) Joining denominational entities and staff named above, PCUSA presbyteries, sessions, and pastors should encourage congregations to host, co-sponsor, and/or support refugee families. a. Churches can provide basic support such as clothing, housing, furniture and food. b. Churches can provide a social connection for refugees to assist their acclimation to the community – including a welcoming voice for Muslims. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 56 4) Direct PC(USA) entities and staff to work with PC(USA) mission partners in affected countries and regions to advocate for political resolutions to situations that displace people internally or force them to become refugees. Rationale: The present world refugee crisis is the greatest in over a quarter century. World-wide, 59.5 million people are displaced from their homes. Among the displaced are half the Syrian population including 4.1 million who have fled to surrounding countries – living in camps, with families, or on their own. (USAID, Fact Sheet #8 for 2015 and report of the Washington Post, Aug. 30, 2015, p. A13) While the number of refugees grows, funding for their needs continues to fall short and even diminish. The UNHCR (the UN agency for refugees) reports that as of August, 2015, only 37% of necessary funds have been forthcoming from governments. The privately funded World Food Program was forced to reduce the per person monthly food allowance from $40 to $13.50 and faced cutting off all aid to 200,000 of the neediest 1.6 million refugees it seeks to serve. (Washington Post, Aug. 30, 2015, p. A13) The United States government is the largest donor to United Nations refugee work and has contributed $4.1 billion for Middle East efforts since 2012. That amounted to $3.1 million per day in 2014 while $10.5 million per day was being spent by the U.S. on the air war against the Islamic State. (ibid) Spending priorities, even in a time of military conflict, are a moral issue not merely a financial consideration. Our biblical faith has deep roots in and strong commitments to the refugee reality. “A wandering Aramean was my father; and he went down into Egypt and sojourned there…” (Deut. 26:5) Fleeing centuries of persecution, the Hebrew people lived the refugee reality of establishing a new life in a new place. Centuries later, Mary and Joseph fled the terrors of Herod to save the infant Jesus. When he began his ministry, the stranger and the outcast and the downtrodden had a special place in his teaching. It is not surprising then that his early followers were instructed, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels unawares.” (Heb. 13:2) And so the church remains conscious of its refugee roots, of the calling to seek justice for the oppressed and the unexpected joys in doing so. PCUSA General Assemblies have sought in many statements and calls to the churches to be faithful to the mission of compassion and justice to refugees. In approving the resolution on “Transformation of Churches and Society through Encounter with New Neighbors,” the 211th GA (1999) noted that: “The Christian confession of Jesus Christ as Lord transforms ‘strangers’ into neighbors who are welcome into our communities. Churches are called to ministry with refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, and to public witness on their behalf. Christians have the responsibility to challenge and to shape government policy regarding refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants…. (They) should be treated humanely and justly in government policies and in our communities…. Sovereign nations should exercise their authority to regulate immigration with a presumption toward generosity rather than restrictiveness. The action of the 1999 GA also reaffirmed the action of the 209th GA (1997) that "urges presbyteries and congregations to respond to the plight of refugees and immigrants...and to advocate" on their behalf so that their basic needs will be met. Refugees are distinguished from migrants in that refugees are seeking to escape violence and other threats to their well-being. Like migrants they seek a better life in a new land, but refugees typically come with few or no financial resources of their own. Most refugees are almost completely dependent on international funding and support. Without help, many will not survive; with help millions can make a new beginning. The United Nations, supported by the United States and other governments, remains the primary channel of funding for the present wave of international refugees. Since 1947 the PCUSA has advocated on behalf of refugee resettlement in the United States and supported strengthening laws toward that end. The PCUSA has often called for the US Government to increase the March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 57 number of refugees received. (1947: UPCNA Minutes p. 1110; PCUS, Minutes pp. 162-164; PCUSA Minutes p. 204 -- 1948: PCUSA Minutes p. 89 -- 1950 PCUSA Minutes, p.247) These early calls for generous admission policies have been bolstered by General Assemblies dealing with compassionate immigration and refugee policies for arrivals from various countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America (See Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation, p. 52) – and now the Middle East, particularly Syria and Iraq. The General Assembly Office of Immigration Issues exists to advocate for and support Presbyterian efforts to treat refugees with compassion and respect while helping to meet their resettlement needs. The Office is responsive to congregations, networks, and individuals who seek to become involved around issues of refugee justice and well-being. Teresa Waggener, Presbyterian Church (USA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202. 502-569-5372 Every congregation's mission could include assisting a refugee individual or family. 2. That Grace Presbytery concur with the following overture to the 2016 General Assembly from the Presbytery of New York City: “On Upholding Peoples And Partners In The Middle East and In The United States.” Grace Presbytery concurs with Overture 049 from the Presbytery of New York City and overtures the 222nd General Assembly to adopt these actions: The 222nd General Assembly: 1) Recognizes the importance of the continued presence of Christians and churches in the Middle East; 2) Affirms and encourages the Christian presence in the area through strengthened ties between the PCUSA and the historic and reformed churches of the region; 3) Calls for expanded partnership relationships between PCUSA congregations and those of our partner churches in the Middle East; 4) Directs the Stated Clerk and other appropriate staff to foster consultation and joint action with partner churches of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to address ways of increasing the respect and protection of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East; 5) Directs the Stated Clerk and all appropriate staff to consult with our Christian partners in the Middle East to determine how religiously-based radical thought and action in the region can best be thwarted. This should include seeking insights from our partners about appropriate and inappropriate policies and actions in the region of the United States and other governments. 6) Calls upon the United States Government, the United Nations and other international organizations to support and fund activities of: peace-building; institutions nurturing civil society; and promoting strategies for broadly inclusive economic development –all essential for long-term stability in the Middle East. 7) Calls on agencies of the General Assembly, Mid-Councils, church sessions and pastors of the PCUSA to seek ways for Muslims, Christians, Jews and persons beyond the Abrahamic family to work collaboratively in resisting bigotry and extremist thought and actions in communities across the United States – and especially those groups and individuals cloaking themselves in religious language and ideology. Rationale: The Christian church has been part of the Middle East fabric since Pentecost. Christians, however, have been leaving the Middle East in growing numbers for decades. Some observers fear that soon there will be few Christians left in the area of Jesus’ historical presence among us. The witness of the gospel calls Christians to be engaged in the countries and cultures where they live. Creating incentives that encourage them to leave should be avoided. Likewise, even well-intentioned suggestions that Christians, for their own protection, be taken to safe zones within the region are unacceptable. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 58 Two factors are preeminent in the diminished Christian presence in the Middle East: religious radicalism and economic pressures. Religious Radicalism The departure of Christians from the Middle East is a deep concern not only for the church but for the region as a whole. The “Report of the Middle East Study Committee” to the 219th General Assembly (comprised of former Assembly moderators) noted: “This dwindling presence of Christians in the Middle East is a deep concern due to the role that Christians have played in being a mediating, reconciling presence. Without that presence, we fear a more religiously polarized Middle East, more prone to extremism.” (GA 2010) While the Christian presence must be maintained in the Middle East, other religious minorities are also threatened by extremist groups that seek to dominate the area. Thus, side by side with Muslims and others, Middle East Christians desire to build civil societies that value human rights, respect international law, and model the vision that people of different historical, cultural, ethnic and religious traditions can live together peacefully. The United States has not been spared the trauma of radical extremism – sometimes in the guise of religion, often as naked racism, and increasingly as bigotry against Arabs and Muslims. A 2014 survey showed that only 36 percent of Americans viewed Arab-Americans favorably and just 27 percent viewed Muslim-Americans favorably, while more than half of Americans held a negative view of Islam. Indeed, a Pew Research Center study reported that Americans regard Muslims more negatively than atheists. (Reported in Huffington Post, July 29, 2014, and April 10, 2015) Since Muslims constitute less than one-percent of the U.S. population, it seems likely that such views are fostered less by personal contact than by bias and misinformation. The way media and ordinary people use language has an effect on how people – and especially minorities – are perceived. Wrong and biased information about Syrians, Arabs, Muslims, refugees, migrants, people of color and other vulnerable groups shapes public attitudes. This is especially true when it comes from politicians and lawmakers. In the United States, whether persons are characterized as illegal versus undocumented; as an “anchor baby” versus a citizen; or as a migrant versus refugee affects how they are perceived and even their legal rights. But there is also power in the Christian language of the faith community - brother, sister, child of God and neighbor – that nurtures a different relationship to people near at hand and far away we are beginning to know and understand and appreciate. Economic Development War has brought economic desperation to the people of Syria and Iraq, including Christians. Relief efforts of governments through the United Nations are supplemented by those of religious organizations like Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. However, long-term economic development strategies will be required to restore functioning societies in these countries. The dramatically changing petroleum economy creates new opportunities to access and reorient western economic and political relationships with the Middle East. That could bode well or ill for ordinary people in the region. The biblical tradition of calling for economic equity should have a place in the debate that almost surely lies ahead in the face of clashing economic interests and crumbling political structures in the region. The General Assembly of 1978 declared: “…every society has the obligation to provide for all people the opportunity for meaningful work, adequate food, clothing, shelter and health care … (and) a share in formulating and responsibly implementing economic policies.” (PCUS Minutes, p.204) Two years later the GA spoke specifically about its perspective on economic development: “On the basis of the concerns which Christians bring to political and economic life…we support the call for both a reordering of the international economic system and a major change in national development strategies…” (PCUS 1980 Minutes, pp. 196-197) Those are still sound principles for the church’s participation in both international and domestic arenas - for March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 59 crafting just policies of trade, aid and investment linking countries globally and for seeking a fair sharing of economic benefits within each country. Financial Reports Ken Johnson If you have questions about the following reports, please mail Ken Johnson at Financial Reports Balance Sheet (Unaudited) as of December 31, 2015 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Prepaid Expenses Total Notes and Loans Receivable TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS INVESTMENTS HELD FOR LONG TERM USE Bonds and Fixed Income Investments Equity-Oriented Investments Investments In Real Estate - PMC Building PROPERTY AND FIXED ASSETS Real Estate Property Mineral Lease Property Land Held For Sale Property Plant and Equipment Other Assets - Due from Funds TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable - Presbytery Accounts Payable - General Assembly Accounts Payable - Synod Accounts Payable - Directed Receipts Designated Funds Other Liabilities - Due to Funds TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unrestricted Net Assets Net Income Temporarily Restricted Funds/Permanently Restricted Funds TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery 1,427,121 62,434 25,297 226,956 1,741,808 875,334 11,259,234 1,333,332 5,967,081 114,220 1,291,623 12,673 4,900,000 27,495,305 33,372 92,601 19,740 20,096 262,879 4,900,000 5,328,688 2,251,975 825,419 24,417,911 22,166,617 27,495,305 Page 60 Statement of Operations (Unaudited) as of December 31, 2015 Year to Date Year to Date Actual Budget DESCRIPTION Current YTD Variance INCOME 1 Shared Mission Support 1,600,727 1,550,000 50,727 2 Designated Support 184,642 0 184,642 3 Gifts, Grants, Fees 89,543 56,552 32,991 4 Youth Event Income 142,677 92,200 50,477 5 Release of Earnings from Funds 291,000 291,000 0 40,931 71,800 -30,869 2,349,520 2,061,552 287,968 9 Shared Mission Support -287,384 -272,900 -14,484 10 Designated Support Expense -166,162 0 -166,162 -17,705 -36,900 19,195 12 Youth & Young Adult Ministries -162,013 -180,700 18,687 13 Ministry Preparation and Support -90,703 -111,163 20,460 14 New Church Development -23,977 -34,500 10,523 -318,102 -305,225 -12,877 16 Property & Liability Insurance -13,337 -15,000 1,663 17 Legal Expenses -16,697 -3,750 -12,947 18 Personnel -948,642 -933,077 -15,565 19 Operations -319,354 -344,173 24,819 0 0 0 -2,364,076 -2,237,388 -126,688 -14,556 -175,836 161,280 1,026,477 0 1,026,477 22 Dismissals, Settlements & Other 317,066 0 317,066 23 Interest, Unrealized Gain/Loss -19,332 0 -19,332 24 Property Expenses -234,236 0 -234,236 25 HPPC Distribution -250,000 0 -250,000 NET TOTAL NON-OPERATING ACTIVITY 839,975 0 1,074,211 NET INCOME OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 825,419 -175,836 1,235,491 6 Royalty & Lease Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES 11 Congregational Support 15 Presbytery Meetings and Committees 20 Depreciation TOTAL EXPENSES INCOME OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 21 Discontinued Ministries March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 61 Shared Mission Support Report (Unaudited) as of December 31, 2015 Shared Mission Support Report 2014 Total Contribution 2015 Pledge 2015 Total Receipts Aledo Faith Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Allen First Presbyterian Church 12,000.00 2,730.00 2,730.00 Arlington First Presbyterian Church 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Arlington Grace Presbyterian Church 15,545.80 12,000.00 12,000.00 Arlington Westminster Church 8,217.92 7,700.00 7,890.68 Athens First Presbyterian Church 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,100.00 Bedford Emmanuel Church 19,949.04 19,949.00 19,949.04 Belton First Presbyterian Church 1,419.95 1,000.00 1,000.00 Blue Ridge Crossroads Church 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Bonham First Presbyterian Church 9,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Bridgeport First Presbyterian Church 3,600.00 3,600.00 900.00 Buckholtz Sharp Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cameron First Presbyterian Church 600.00 0.00 600.00 Canton First Presbyterian Church 1,356.00 1,425.00 0.00 Carrollton Nor'kirk Presbyterian Church 6,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 Carthage St. Paul Presbyterian Church 300.00 300.00 300.00 Clarksville First Presbyterian Church 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Clarksville New Shamrock Church 300.00 0.00 300.00 Clarksville Pine Grove Church 250.00 250.00 250.00 Cleburne United Presbyterian Church 3,999.96 4,000.00 3,999.96 Clifton First Presbyterian Church 1,000.20 0.00 916.85 Commerce First Presbyterian Church 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 Corsicana Westminster Church 10,715.00 10,500.00 11,400.00 Crowley First Presbyterian Church 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Cumby First Presbyterian Church 600.00 600.00 600.00 Dallas Bentwood Trail Church 15,360.00 0.00 15,918.00 Dallas Bethany Presbyterian Church 2,410.00 2,520.00 2,520.00 Dallas Eastminster Church 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 Dallas El Divino Salvador Church 1,300.00 0.00 1,200.00 Dallas First Presbyterian Church 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 Dallas Glendale Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dallas Hamggehanun 300.00 0.00 0.00 Dallas John Calvin Church 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,799.50 Dallas Lake Highlands Church 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 Dallas NorthPark Church 34,250.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 62 Shared Mission Support Report 2014 Total Contribution 2015 Pledge 2015 Total Receipts Dallas Northridge Church 46,500.00 47,000.00 47,500.00 Dallas Oak Cliff Church 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,250.00 Dallas Preston Hollow Church 131,500.00 133,000.00 132,999.96 Dallas St. Andrew's Church 3,018.00 0.00 3,018.00 Dallas St. Luke Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dallas St. Mark Presbyterian Church 16,250.00 0.00 7,380.00 Dallas United African Church 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 Dallas Westminster Church 10,250.00 10,330.00 12,992.50 Denison First Presbyterian Church 8,750.00 0.00 7,000.00 Denison Hyde Park Church 450.00 500.00 500.00 Denton First Presbyterian Church 899.35 1,000.00 884.17 Denton St. Andrew Church 28,999.80 0.00 24,999.96 Denton Trinity Presbyterian Church 35,766.00 35,431.00 35,431.00 Deport First Presbyterian Church 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 DeSoto DeSoto Presbyterian Church 1,100.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Duncanville First Presbyterian Church 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Ennis First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fairfield Fairfield-Harmony Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ferris First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Farmers Branch Faith United Church 20,121.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 Farmers Branch Good Shepherd Korean NCD 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 Flower Mound Flower Mound Church 500.00 0.00 500.00 Flower Mound Trinity Presbyterian Church 42,000.00 42,000.00 35,250.00 Forney First Presbyterian Church 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Fort Worth First Presbyterian Church 170,000.00 170,000.00 169,999.99 Fort Worth Forest Hill Church 600.00 0.00 0.00 Fort Worth Gethsemane Church 13,200.00 0.00 1,900.00 Fort Worth John Knox Church 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 Fort Worth Ridglea Presbyterian Church 8,500.00 0.00 10,000.00 Fort Worth St. Peter Presbyterian Church 0.00 300.00 300.00 Fort Worth St. Stephen Church 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Fort Worth Westminster Church 25,599.96 32,370.00 25,599.86 Fort Worth Westside Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Frisco Faithbridge Church 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 Frisco Holy Seed Korean NCD 0.00 0.00 0.00 Frisco Legacy Presbyterian Church 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Gainesville First Presbyterian Church 8,000.00 8,000.00 9,333.40 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 63 Shared Mission Support Report Garland First Presbyterian Church Garland 2014 Total Contribution 2015 Pledge 2015 Total Receipts 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 South Asian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gatesville First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Granbury First Presbyterian Church 28,800.00 28,800.00 28,800.00 Grand Prairie First Presbyterian Church 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 Grand Prairie Immanuel Church 600.00 300.00 300.00 Grand Prairie West Fork Church 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00 Grapevine First Presbyterian Church 31,500.00 31,500.00 31,500.00 Greenville United Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Haltom City Browning Heights Church 3,720.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Hamilton First Presbyterian Church 350.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Henderson First Presbyterian Church 6,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Hillsboro First Presbyterian Church 600.00 0.00 600.00 Honey Grove Main Street Church 0.00 500.00 500.00 Hooks First Presbyterian Church 1,200.00 0.00 600.00 Hurst St Philip Presbyterian Church 24,999.96 0.00 12,500.00 Irving Hackberry Creek 20,000.04 20,000.00 20,000.04 Irving Woodhaven Church 28,479.00 36,684.00 36,459.96 Italy Park Presbyterian Church 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 Itasca First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church 2,400.00 2,400.00 3,200.00 Joshua Union Hill Church 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Kaufman First Presbyterian Church 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 Kerens Kerens Presbyterian Church 500.00 500.00 500.00 Kilgore First Presbyterian Church 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 Lancaster First Presbyterian Church 5,450.00 5,450.00 5,006.00 Lewisville First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lewisville Keunnamu NCD 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lindale Bethesda Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Longview Alpine Presbyterian Church 3,850.00 3,995.00 3,995.00 Longview Centre Presbyterian Church 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Longview First Presbyterian Church 6,850.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Longview St Andrew Church 12,238.11 11,000.00 11,000.00 Lott First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mabank First Presbyterian Church 4,583.26 1,200.00 1,200.00 Mansfield East Broad NCD 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Mansfield Trinity Presbyterian Church 600.00 600.00 600.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 64 Shared Mission Support Report McKinney First Presbyterian Church McKinney Trinity Presbyterian Church Mesquite 2014 Total Contribution 2015 Pledge 2015 Total Receipts 3,499.92 3,500.00 3,499.92 12,750.00 0.00 12,458.00 First Presbyterian Church 7,200.00 7,200.00 4,000.00 Midlothian First Presbyterian Church 2,750.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 Milford Milford Presbyterian Church 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Mineral Wells First Presbyterian Church 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Mount Pleasant First Presbyterian Church 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 North Richland Hills St Paul Presbyterian Church 12,000.00 12,000.00 8,000.00 Palestine First Presbyterian Church 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 Paris Central Presbyterian Church 515.00 530.00 530.00 Paris First Presbyterian Church 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 Parker Corinth Presbyterian Church 500.00 600.00 700.00 Pittsburg First Presbyterian Church 500.00 0.00 500.00 Plano First Presbyterian Church 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 Plano Grace Presbyterian Church 12,720.00 38,580.00 39,226.50 Plano Taiwanese NCD 400.00 400.00 400.00 Plano West Plano Church 6,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Prosper Prosper Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Richardson Binnerri Presbyterian Church 14,000.00 8,000.00 11,442.00 Richardson Canyon Creek Church 43,999.74 44,000.00 44,004.00 Richardson First Presbyterian Church 33,000.00 33,600.00 33,660.00 Richardson St. Barnabas Church 34,191.83 36,000.00 36,000.00 Rockdale First Presbyterian Church 2,060.00 1,640.00 0.00 Rockwall First Presbyterian Church 16,000.00 16,000.00 15,999.96 Rusk First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 500.00 Salado Salado Presbyterian Church 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 Sherman Covenant Church 7,000.04 7,000.00 6,667.12 Sherman Grand Avenue Church 5,000.04 5,000.00 5,333.36 Southlake Trinity Presbyterian Church 31,062.83 34,364.00 35,154.79 Stephenville First Presbyterian Church 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Sulphur Springs First Presbyterian Church 800.00 0.00 800.00 Temple First Presbyterian Church 4,000.01 0.00 0.00 Temple Grace Presbyterian Church 34,120.00 34,000.00 34,060.08 Terrell First Presbyterian Church 4,500.00 2,000.00 1,660.00 Texarkana Northwood Church 500.00 0.00 0.00 The Colony Brazilian Presbyterian NCD 0.00 0.00 0.00 The Colony Trinity Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 65 Shared Mission Support Report Timpson Tennessee Church Troup 2014 Total Contribution 2015 Pledge 2015 Total Receipts 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 First Presbyterian Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tyler First Presbyterian Church 40,002.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Tyler Highland Church 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waco Central Presbyterian Church 13,501.66 10,000.00 4,999.98 Waco El Calvario Church 250.00 0.00 0.00 Waco First Presbyterian Church 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 Waxahachie Central Presbyterian Church 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Weatherford Grace First Church 13,260.58 15,000.00 14,853.48 Whitesboro First Presbyterian Church 3,333.36 4,000.00 3,000.00 Whitewright First Presbyterian Church 504.00 504.00 504.00 Winnsboro First Presbyterian Church 1,000.00 560.00 1,000.00 Pastors & Elder Support 2,450.00 2,000.00 5,950.00 750.00 6,500.00 2,250.00 PW Shared Mission Support Garland Southminster Church 4,583.26 5,000.00 0.00 Irving St Stephen's Church 4,200.00 0.00 0.00 Killeen First Presbyterian Church 690.00 0.00 0.00 Marlin First Presbyterian Church 667.00 0.00 0.00 1,658,259.62 1,505,312.00 1,600,727.06 Total New Business Adjournment and Closing Prayer March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 66 Index Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater ..................................... 45 Balance Sheet ................................................................................................................................ 60 Bethany Presbyterian Church, Dallas ........................................................................................... 30 Biography.......................................................................................................................... 48, 49, 51 Bylaws Suspended ........................................................................................................................ 29 Cancellation Policy ......................................................................................................................... 4 Candidate ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Candidates Removed the Rolls ..................................................................................................... 45 Commissioned Ruling Elder ......................................................................................................... 42 Committee on Ministry ........................................................................................................... 31, 32 Committee on Preparation for Ministry .................................................................................. 45, 47 Consent Agenda ............................................................................................................................ 16 Directory ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Dismissal of Teaching Elders ....................................................................................................... 33 Dissolution of First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater ................................................................. 46 Dissolutions of Pastoral Relationships.......................................................................................... 32 Docket ....................................................................................................................................... 2, 31 Examinations and Admissions Subcommittee .............................................................................. 51 Final Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 45 Financial Reports .......................................................................................................................... 60 First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater ......................................................................................... 45 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................... 7 Hispanic Latina Presbyterian Women .......................................................................................... 30 Honorable Retirement ............................................................................................................. 31, 50 Inquirer .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Installed Positions ......................................................................................................................... 34 Installed Positions, New................................................................................................................ 33 Labor Outside the Bounds of Grace Presbytery ........................................................................... 32 Legacy Presbyterian Church, Frisco ............................................................................................. 30 Ministry Team ............................................................................................................................... 30 Minutes, COM .............................................................................................................................. 45 Minutes, Presbytery ...................................................................................................................... 29 Minutes, Presbytery Council ......................................................................................................... 29 Mission Initiative Grants............................................................................................................... 52 Moderators of Churches without Installed Pastors ....................................................................... 43 Motions from the Administrative Commission for First Presbyterian Church, Gladewater ........ 45 Motions from the Committee on Ministry .................................................................................... 31 Motions from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry ........................................................... 45 Motions from the Congregational Support Committee ................................................................ 52 Motions from the Presbytery Council ........................................................................................... 29 Motions from the Stated Clerk ................................................................................................ 16, 56 New Teaching Elders .................................................................................................................... 48 Nominations from the Floor.................................................................................................... 30, 43 Numerical Parity of Teaching and Ruling Elders ......................................................................... 16 Ordination and Installation Commissions..................................................................................... 43 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 67 Ordination Anniversaries .............................................................................................................. 51 Ordination Examination ................................................................................................................ 51 Overtures to the 2016 General Assembly ..................................................................................... 56 Parish Associates .......................................................................................................................... 42 Parliamentary Procedure, Decorum and Practice............................................................................ 6 Presby-Speak................................................................................................................................... 7 Presbytery Council ........................................................................................................................ 29 Reception of Teaching Elders ....................................................................................................... 33 Roll of Churches ........................................................................................................................... 17 Roll of Teaching Elders ................................................................................................................ 21 Shared Mission Support Report .................................................................................................... 62 Standing Rules Amendment ................................................................................................... 27, 28 Stated Clerk................................................................................................................................... 16 Statement of Faith ............................................................................................................. 48, 49, 51 Statement of Operations ................................................................................................................ 61 Teaching Elders Completing Service............................................................................................ 50 Temporary Positions ..................................................................................................................... 39 Temporary Positions, New............................................................................................................ 39 Validated Ministries ...................................................................................................................... 32 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 68 Monthly Theological /Practical Conversations: An Opportunity for Professional Development, Presented by Grace Presbytery April – November, 2016 All meetings will be held at the Presbyterian Mission Center, 6100 Colwell Blvd., Irving, unless otherwise indicated. Register for these events on the Grace Presbytery website, April 18 - “Theology and Clergy Self Care” 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., with Susan Lange Ph.D. As a Licensed Systems-Centered Practitioner, Dr. Lange works collaboratively to help others focus on the present and to be excited about the future. She discusses the importance of slowing down to deal with frustrations using problem-solving energy to reach goals. Dr. Lange is a psychologist, Licensed Systems-Centered Practitioner, yoga teacher, and ordained Presbyterian Elder. May 23 - “Navigating through the Changes in Board of Pensions” 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., with Kevin Keaton. The Reverend Kevin Keaton joined the Board in January 2012 after serving more than 30 years as a pastor and presbytery executive. Most recently, he was Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley, in Omaha, Nebraska. Kevin has served churches in Austin, Texas; Basking Ridge, New Jersey; Altoona, Pennsylvania; and Sugar Land, Texas. He has served extensively on the Committee on Ministry for the Presbytery of New Covenant, Houston. A native of Lake Charles, Louisiana, Kevin graduated from McNeese State University as well as Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. His presbyteries are in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. September 19 - “Leadership in the Life Cycle of a Congregation” 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., with Dr. George Bullard. Dr. Bullard is a Strategic Leadership Coach and writer of articles and books with The Columbia Partnership. He also serves as President and Strategic Coordinator. His vision is to use his spiritual and strategic giftedness to empower congregations and congregational champions to fulfill their vision for Kingdom growth. Dr. Bullard March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 69 is the author of three books on congregational leadership. “Pursuing the Full Kingdom Potential of Your Congregation” is about the congregational transformation process and what it takes to achieve transformation. It is his primary sourcebook for congregations. “Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict” is about the conflict process in congregations, and it urges congregations to engage in learning activities to develop the capacity and a process for addressing conflict that is healthy so it is ready for the occasional unhealthy conflict. “FaithSoaring Churches” seeks to describe those congregations who are soaring with faith, what characterizes them, what they must focus on to achieve the synergy they need, and some of the issues they must address to be faith soaring churches with various denominational families throughout North America. October 6 - “Training for Session Moderators of Churches of less than 75 Members” with Gerry Tyer and Presbytery staff. This is a break-out group at the Presbytery meeting. Gerry Tyer is the Stated Clerk for Grace Presbytery. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Georgia, a Master of Theology and Master of Divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry at Boston University, with a major in Organizational Development and Administration. He has served as Transitional Interim Synod Executive for Synod of the Sun, and Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk for the Presbytery of Tampa Bay. Gerry pastored Overbrook Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio; Central Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, Minnesota; and West Collingswood Presbyterian Church in New Jersey, and is the author of the widely-circulated book, Seven Keys to an Effective Presbytery. October 24 - “Resourcing New Testament Studies for Teaching Elders Facing important Issues of Our Day” 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. with Dr. Margaret Aymer. Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary named Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer Associate Professor of New Testament in February 2015. Dr. Aymer earned her Ph. D. in New Testament and Early Christianity at Union Theological Seminary in 2004. She also holds a Master of Divinity in New Testament and Early Christianity from Union Theological Seminary (1996) and a BA in U.S. History from Harvard University (1989). She was honored in 2013 with the Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, from Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, North Carolina. November – To be announced at a later date. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 70 GRACE PRESBYTERY ANNOUNCES “SMALL CHURCH MISSION SPECIALIST” POSITION AVAILABLE FOR APPLICATION NOW Grace Presbytery, through the settlement with Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, established a 3-year position for a Small Church Mission Specialist. The position has been advertised effective March 1 with the intention that the position will be filled and the person starting in early June. It is a non-renewable position. Grace Presbytery is in a time of significant transition. This position requires working directly and effectively with sessions and pastoral leaders in congregations appropriately identified for potential in congregational transformation with 100 members or less. Together with the General Presbyter, Associate General Presbyter and the Senior Director for Ministry and Church Transitions, the Small Church Specialist will serve as the professional staff charged with addressing issues such as changing demographics, life cycles of congregations, pastoral/lay support, mission and ministry planning. The purpose of the position is to work with and to support small churches which may mean conversations about everything from program to worship leadership to interventions. A complete copy of the position description is available by following this link: Questions and Application should be referred to Jan DeVries, General Presbyter (who will be supervisor) at and should be received electronically not later than March 21, 2016. All applicants should complete the standard Personal Information Form (available online through PCUSA) whether they are teaching or ruling elders. Supplemental questions may be asked within a short time-line turnaround prior to any interviews. Strong consideration will be given to potential candidates from Grace Presbytery. The position is not being advertised nationally at this time. March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 71 March 5, 2016 Meeting of Grace Presbytery Page 72