February/March 2016


February/March 2016
Community Newsletter for Tauwhare
Tauwhare Transmitter
Circulation 370 and growing
February/March 2016 No. 438
News from your Waikato District Councillor
In this issue:
Church Times
Tauwhare KFC
Tauwhare School News
Tauwhare Playgroup
Pukeko Preschool
Tauwhare Indoor Bowls
Women of Tauwhare
Tauwhare Village Weather
Community News
From the Editors
Welcome back to the first issue of
your community newsletter for 2016.
We hope that you have had a good
summer. As always we look forward to
receiving your news and articles.
This year we would also like to receive
your photos; the best of which will be
published on our front cover. At the
end of the year there will be a prize
for the best one. Thank you to Faye
McDougall for this month’s view over
Tauwhare village.
Well another year is well underway and as I write this article welcome
rain is falling – a temporary relief for us, and our animals, from the
intense heat.
A new contractor will be doing the mowing within the Tauwhare
Village. It has been quite a struggle to get the service up and
running correctly but we will eventually sort out the teething problems.
The gardens around the white rails at both entrances to the village will
be dug out and new soil and plants put in. Please contact me if you
notice any areas of the road reserve between the white rails are not
We are putting together a Freedom Camping bylaw. At present we
do not have a bylaw to cover this and you will have noticed the large
numbers of campervans travelling through our district. The new bylaw
will give clear guidance to those with self contained campervans and
caravans where they can park overnight. The bylaw will be drafted,
and considered by Council in April 2016 and will then be put out for
submission. I would be interested in your thoughts on this bylaw.
Other bylaws are being reviewed this year and include – the road
naming policy, land acquisition criteria, unformed legal roads – decision
making framework, annual renewal of bridge restrictions, review of
roadside fencing policy and proposed WDC trade waste and
Wastewater Bylaw 2016.
I am still keen to get a representative from Tauwhare to join the
Eureka/Tamahere Wards Heritage Committee. We meet
monthly – usually on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month. Phone
me if you would like more details.
The first sod will be turned on 11 March for the Hamilton section of
the Expressway so work will soon be well underway. As you will be
aware the Cambridge Expressway opened in December and I am told it
is removing up to 19,000 cars per day from the local Cambridge roads.
The District has moved to a Level 2 water alert and Waikato District is
now in a Restricted Fire Season. Because of the extreme dryness
to date no fire permits are being issued. You can contact Council for
more information on 0800 492 452 Water concerns for Hamilton,
Waikato and Waipa can be reported to www.smartwater.org.nz/waterconcern-form If you are connected to the Southern District Water
(Continued on page 3)
The Transmitter can also be found at the Tauwhare School website: www.tauwhare.school.nz/tauwhare-transmitter.
Page 2
February/March 2016
Tauwhare Community Notices
Tauwhare Community Hall
Church Services
is available for hire
4th Sunday of every month at
St Andrew’s church, Tauwhare.
Easter Sunday Service
11 am 27th March
Tauwhare KFC (Kids for Christ)
Meets The first Sunday of the month
March 6th (then April 3rd)
9.309.30-11 am, At St Andrew’s, Tauwhare.
We have over 50 children from preschoolers to
teenage leaders and adults joining us each
We begin together with songs, and then divide
into 6 age groups for a focused story time based
on a biblical event or principle.
Anyone is welcome to join us.
Any questions, please feel free to contact:
Janine Broekhuizen,
Broekhuizen 824 0199, or
Fiona Sinclair,
Sinclair 824 0788
Main hall for private functions
or include kitchen, stage, and hall extension.
Committee Room (kitchen facilities extra).
Chairs and tables for hire for outside functions at
your home.
Contact Adelle Cooke
Email: adelle.cooke@gmail.com
Telephone: 823 1906
Tauwhare Jaguar Thai Boxing
Is up and running again. Come and join us on
Wednesday nights from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Everyone welcome. At the School
Ring Sharon or Shaun on 07 824 0878
Playgroup at Matangi School Hall
every Wed. 9-11.30 am
During term time.
Please bring a plate to share for morning tea.
Cost is $10 per term donation.
Enquiries — Matangi School– 07 829 5735
Justice of the Peace
Peter Tancock JP is authorised to:
Certify documents
Witness signatures
Take declarations, affidavits or affirmations.
Please phone to make an appointment:
07 824 0104
Transmitter Contacts and Advertising Rates
Sharon Hodson
65 Scotsman Valley Road, RD7 Hamilton
Ph: 824 0878
Email : Shazbatsky1@rocketmail.com
Community Notices
Classified Advertisements $2 for a small ad/insert
Business Advertisements $12/month for small adverts
Fiona Rhodes
E-mail rhodesf@wave.co.nz
Wendy Morris
311A Scotsman Valley Rd, RD1, Morrinsville
Ph: 824 0777
All contributions to Sharon, please, by the 20th of the month.
We would appreciate you popping the money for the classifieds in an
envelope with your ad. Business advertisements will be invoiced.
February/March 2016
Page 3
News from your Councillor
(Continued from page 1)
Scheme I suggest you check your pipes and tanks
regularly for leaks to conserve water and save yourself
from a nasty surprise when you receive your water
District Plan online – by going onto Councils online
website and pressing maps online on the home page
you can view details of any property in the district
including the road boundaries, property and rating
information, District Plan information, utilities
information etc. Follow the instructions and type in a
property address or property assessment number to
search for information on the property you wish to
view. Going forward we will be improving the site
regularly to give enquirers more information and
easier assess.
Are you planning an event for 2016 and would like
to ask for this to be added to our website? Please
email events@waidc.govt.nz with details i.e. name of
event, start and end time, description of the event,
cost if any, contact details of organiser, an image
(optional) social media link (optional). Council reserve
the right to edit or refuse to publish any event.
Link in the downtown area. Perhaps the city will follow
the lead of many UK and European cities that have bicycles
in docking stations around the city. In London the “Boris
bikes” (after Mayor Boris Johnson) are available to hire at
one of the 750 docking stations in the city. It costs £2 to
access a bike using a bank card and the first 30 minutes
are free. If you aren’t using the bike you dock it and then
pick up another one at another docking station. A similar
system in Auckland, and other NZ cities, would be a great
way to see a city without the hassle of parking your car in
the inner city.
Contact me any time:
Rob McGuire - Councillor Eureka Ward
Ph. 824 3696 / fax 824 3645 / Mob 0274 970 966
Email rob.mcguire@waidc.govt.nz or
Waikato District Council free phone 0800 492 452.
Do you belong to a committee, school or other
community group and would like to apply for funding
from Council? Applications are now considered by
our Grants Committee instead of through our Annual
Plan process. I am a member of the Funding
Committee so you are welcome to contact me if you
require more information. The details on how to apply
for funding are on our website -www.waikatodistrict.
To enable us to better understand the risk of
tsunamis for our communities on the west coast, Port
Waikato, Raglan Harbour and Aotea Harbour, and to
provide valuable information for Civil Defence
Emergency Management we jointly funded a West
Coast Tsunami Study with Waikato Regional Council
and WEL Energy. We have now received the report
findings that will be presented to the Onewhero/
Tuakau and Raglan Community Boards in early March
before a media release on the report is released to the
A cycling ring around Auckland’s CBD is a step
closer with the design of one of the final stages
recently released. It will form part of a circular route
around the inner city mostly separated from traffic and
pedestrians. A future Karangahape Rd cycleway will
complete the city loop. Construction begins in early
March and Auckland Transport aims to complete the
project by late May before works begin on the City Rail
Sponsor of the
0800 555 147
Tauwhare Transmitter www.waikatosheds.co.nz
Page 4
February/March 2016
We have had a wonderful start to 2016 with 164 students enrolled and an excited buzz all round as
teachers and children get to know each other. We have welcomed many new families to our school and I
know they will love being part of our vibrant school community.
Only one thing marred the start to our school year…
Two lads tagged our school between the hours of 10.54pm and 11.24pm. One classroom was so damaged
that we had to have it repainted. We have clear pictures of both men on our security cameras but we have
not yet identified them. They clearly live close to the school as they walked in from the Tauwhare Rd end
of Scotsman Valley. One wore a cap, striped shirt and black trackies, longish hair, a beard and was
smoking. Both were drinking beer – Tuatara brand.
I want these guys to realise how devastating it is for young children to see their beautiful school defaced
in such a disgraceful way. If you recognise either one please get in touch with the police or with the
STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT –We are life-long learners too.
Staff work very hard to remain at the cutting edge of educational initiatives and research. We have quite
an exciting range of learning opportunities this year including SOLO Taxonomy with Pam Hook as our
facilitator and the context: Our People, Our Place. All teachers & teacher aides are training as CogMed
coaches to deliver an intensive computer based programme designed to improve working memory for
children struggling to retain basic facts, spelling and concentration. Senior teachers are working with ALL
(Accelerated Literacy Learning) targeting boys writing in particular and 2 teachers are involved with IYT
(Incredible Years for Teachers) which looks at positive behaviour management initiatives. We have one
teacher training as a Reading recovery teacher this year, which will give is 6 trained teachers at our
So, a busy year for us all, beginning with our annual school picnic
and swimming sports and a whole school visit to our local marae.
See the school website for more news and a downloadable copy of the Tauwhare Transmitter
February/March 2016
Page 5
Tauwhare Playgroup
Pukeko Preschool
Welcome back to Tauwhare Playgroup for Term 1,
2016. We are enjoying being back at Tauwhare school,
with all the toys in our shed to play with, and the
amazing school playground to explore.
Welcome everyone to 2016 at Pukeko Preschool. It was so
lovely to see everyone return to preschool with big smiles
full of expectation for a great year ahead.
At the end of term in December 2015, we had a special
morning at Punnet cafe in Newstead. We had morning
tea in their Seedling Shed space, which was great fun.
The photo below shows everyone eating their delicious
ice creams. Thanks Punnet, for a lovely morning.
This term we are going “Back to Basics”. As we all settle
back in we want to take time to celebrate our routines and
rituals. It is also a great time to focus on shapes and
numbers etc.
Just in case you missed the wonderful news at our
Christmas Party last year:
We are delighted to announce that we have been granted
$66,000 towards the cost of our new preschool building.
Thank youTrust Waikato, we are incredibly grateful for
your support. We still need to raise a large amount in a
short time in order to get started on our new building, so if
you are interested in being on the fundraising committee
please see Pippa or Becky.
Big thank you to everyone who has given through our
Give a Little page http://givealittle.co.nz/org/
pukekopreschoolintauwhare/donate.Every dollar gets us
closer to our goal and keeps our preschool open for future
Chairperson and Trust Board members
The trip to Punnet was also a great day, as we had our
largest group for some time – 19 children along with
their parents / carers. It is fantastic to see so many
people coming to playgroup, thank you to everyone for
supporting us.
We have many activities and crafts planned for this
term, including outside play such as water and sand
play in this fine weather, and celebrations for Easter
and Balloons over Waikato in March.
About Tauwhare Playgroup:
Tauwhare playgroup is friendly and fun group, where
parents, grandparents, caregivers, children and babies
meet together in a relaxed environment.
Our playgroup is free to attend, and our activities
Music and singing
Imaginative play
Outdoor and free play
Art and craft activities
Trips to interesting places.
We meet at the Multipurpose Room at Tauwhare School
between 9 am-12 noon every Thursday during school
term time. We are happy if people want to come for
just a short while, you don’t have to stay all morning.
Please bring along a small plate of food for the
children’s shared morning tea, and we provide hot
drinks for parents and caregivers.
For more information, contact:
Pippa on 07 824 0846.
Like us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with what is
Keren Savage has been our wonderful chairperson on the
board for many years, but with her family growing up it is
sadly time to pass the baton to someone else this year. If
you would like to know more about this position or joining
as a trust board member please see Clare or talk to Keren
directly to find out more about what the job entails.
We are currently full on Wednesdays (our next Wednesday
space becomes available at the end of March). We have
some spaces on all other days, and more becoming
available in April, June, July and September this year. If
you are considering childcare in the coming years please
contact us to put your child’s name on our waiting list.
Remember our 3 session times:
Main session: 8.45 am – 2.45 pm
Short session: 8.45 am – 1.00 pm
Long session: 8.15 am – 3.30 pm
Call in and see us on the grounds of Tauwhare School,
contact us by phone 8240860, or email
pukekopreschool@xtra.co.nz. And don’t forget to check
out our website, www.pukekopreschool.org.nz,.and like us
on Facebook: “Pukeko Preschool in Tauwhare”.
February/March 2016
Tauwhare Indoor Bowling
Opening night -Thursday 3rd March 2016
Tauwhare hall 7.30 pm
New players and visitors welcome
Enquiries to Robin Bargh ph: 824 1819
The 2016 season is about to get underway. This
will be the 62nd year of Bowls in Tauwhare. We are
a very social club, with an abundance of friendship
and fun. Indoor bowls can be played by all agesjuniors and adults alike. If you would like to give
bowls a go, do come along and join us- you will be
made very welcome.
Tauwhare Village Weather 
Overall rainfall during 2015 was below average in
Tauwhare, with a total of 837 mm compared with an
average of 898 mm for the previous 10 years.
The graph below shows monthly rainfall for 2015 as a
line, and the average for the previous 10 years as bars.
A pair of flat soled shoes or slippers is all you need,
as the Club provides all equipment.
March 3rd
Opening night
Club night
Club night
Mulholland Trophy
Club night
April 7th
Upcoming events
Page 6
JanFebMar AprMayJun Jul AugSeptOct NovDec
Triples Championship
Good Bowling Everyone
For January 2016
Robin Bargh 07 824 1819
 Total rainfall for January was 59.5 mm compared
with an average of 73.9 mm for the past 11 years.
 Maximum temperature was 31.8°C on January
Women of Tauwhare
We had our first meeting for 2016 at Delia’s home,
10 ladies attended. We had a nice afternoon planning our programme for the year.
Next month, Monday March 14th, we are hoping to
visit Hamilton Gardens for lunch and check out any
new additions since our last visit there.
If any ladies would like to join our group , we meet
once a month usually on the 2nd Monday, please
ring Alison 8240805 or Delia 8240812.
24th, compared with an average of 28.3°C for the
past 11 years.
Minimum temperature was 9.9°C on January 13th,
compared with an average of 7.1°C for the past 11
Highest wind gust was 45 km/h on January 8th.
Data provided by Marc Dresser, from the website:
Page 7
February/March 2016
Tauwhare Community News
New Zealand Local Hero of the Year Award
Congratulations to Selwyn Cook, Tauwhare
resident and supporter of all things local, on his
receipt of this award. It recognises the enormous
contribution, sacrifice and commitment of Kiwis
who selflessly work to make their local
communities a better place.
Selwyn was recognised for his support of people
with physical and mental disabilities, having
ensured that they were given an equal opportunity
by employing more that 80 of them in Z Energy
Service Stations throughout the Waikato region.
(Siobhan Jones Fund-raising)
1st M. Sonnendecker - $100
2nd R.Forsyth - Beach Bag
3rd M.Shanley - Sunscreen and Lip Balm
Local builder
Tauwhare Road resident
Registered Tradesman
Concrete work
New homes
Farm Buildings
A new Facebook page has been made for our
community and neighbours:
Tauwhare Trader and Info Sharing
public notices
or just general public information.
30 years Building Experience
Craig Griffin Builders Limited
Phone mobile: 027 2792682
Phone/Fax After Hours: 824 1607
Email: cgbuilders@ihug.co.nz
“Canvas, Jute, or
satin lined for Calf Club”
I also manufacture
horse covers,
trailer covers
or any other kind of cover
you may want.
Good quality, P.V.C. horse
gear bags—can also be
used for dive bags.
Good quality at
reasonable prices.
Phone Narelle Pollock
824 0736
Cormett Hedgecutting
We cut the Waikato!
2012 New Holland 6070 series
McConnel 5000 Mulcher Flail
353 Scotsman
Valley Rd
For a top cut and service please
RD 1
call Shane and Maree, the owner/
operator, no job too small
07 824 4824
February/March 2016
Page 8
Page 9
February/March 2016
Beauty Clinic
Gorgeous Gift & Homewares
A fantastic treatment to improve skin texture
& tone, reduce pigmentation, improve
blocked pores & acne and soften fine
wrinkles and scars.
229 Morrinsville Road, RD6, Hamilton
Ph 07 8566890
(under new ownership)
Your Hosts Charlie & Jenny Evans
Lash&Brow Tint plus Brow Shape
Gift Shop Open Most Evenings until 9pm
(Please Phone/Text to confirm)
Doggie daycare/ Puppy socializing
Individual kennels with large runs
Spacious family units
Individual catteries
Medication and special diets catered for
Open 7 days 7.30-11.00am 3.30-6.00pm
Weekends open 8.00am
Tauwhare Village,
Village, 1092b Tauwhare Road
Ph: Jacqueline 8240950 or 0274 853985
Email: thebeautyhouse@xtra.co.nz
Book on line @ www.newsteadlodge.com
Concrete breaking
Brian Richards
m 0274 756 282
Harley Rake
(drives, lawns, races)
h 823 6425
Hole Drilling
Soak holes
Stump Grinding
Gun and boom sprayers
Small enough to gun spray your borders, path edges
and weeds around your home & big enough to spray
your paddocks for all types of weeds
6 Metre Boom for all pastural spraying.
Did you know, that we also spray Moss , Mould &
Lichen, using our very own Eco Friendly,
MUX-OFF Moss & Mould Killer.
Roofs, tiles, concrete paths, driveways,
post and rail fences...ETC...ETC...ETC.
Call Dan on 0211332580 or 0220203088
February/March 2016
Page 10
Phoenix Electrical Ltd
Residential Commercial Rural
Ph : 07 824 0824
Mob : 0273 490603
Email : davep.phoenix@gmail.com
Specialists in Two Way Radio Communications
Phone: 957 8191
Email: Russell@ricom.co.nz
February/March 2016
Page 11
Justin Scanlan & Brendon Jones
87 Shakespeare St, Leamington
Floats and Stables: 215 Peake Rd, Cambridge
Phone Peter or Carolyn Blick: 07 823 4912 or 027 766 4181
Mobile: 0274 834267
Email: scanlan.jones@xtra.co.nz
Wood Fire Supply & Installations
(Indoors & Outdoors)
Wood Fire Repairs & Maintenance
Chimney Sweeping/Repairs/Parts
Heat Transfer Kit Supply & Install
Producer Statements
(HCC & WDC Approved)
Fully Qualified Registered Installers
Workmanship Guaranteed
Servicing the Waikato
25+ Years in the Industry
Tauwhare Lawn Services
John Deere Z Trac 60 inch Mower
Loves big lawns, industrial, commercial and
lifestyle blocks,
Sub divisions, sections, road verges, parks,
reserves, school playing fields,
And will do paddock topping.
For free quotes, quick and efficient service
Owner/operator Jim Mantell
Phone 027 280 3457 or 8240 868
Page 12
February/March 2016
PHONE: 07 889 5980 / 027 414 0811
*Country garage providing great country
*All vehicle WOF, servicing, maintenance and repairs
* Air conditioning
*Pick up and delivery service on request. Loan vehicle
also available on request.
*Located just past Scotsman’s Valley
Farmers & Lifestyle Block Owners
Too Many Jobs? Not Enough Time?
We can help. These are just some of our services:
House security and property care
Shifting and looking after your stock
Emergency Farm Relief Relief Farm Work
Weed and pasture control General farm maintenance
Chain sawing and firewood collection
Day to day management
Seasonal advice Stock management
Pasture management Animal health
30 yrs practical farming experience
For Professional Honest & Practical Service.
Phone John now on 027 326 3118
Lifestylers Solutions & Services
Ph: 07 824 6070
Em: john@lifestylers.net.nz
Shelley Tweedy
P O Box 1141, Cambridge 3450
Phone: 07 827 6102
Fax: 07 827 4430
Email: shelly@shelleytweedy.co.nz
At Shelley Tweedy & Associates Limited you will find a
passionate team who are committed to providing our
clients with an exceptional experience. We enjoy working
with clients to ensure that they receive an excellent service
that will meet all their needs.
Providing new installation and maintenance services to
the domestic, rural and commercial sectors.
We are approved installers of SmartVent home ventilation
Free no obligation quotes
Available 24/7 – after hours call outs
Phone: 07 8240192 Mob: 021990839
Email: grant@gseltd.co.nz Website: www.gseltd.co.nz
February/March 2016
Page 13
House for Rent – Tauwhare area
A two bedroomed cottage with adjoining oversized
double garage available. Freshly painted with small
dishwasher, heated towel rail, panel heater, flat
screened television on wall & washing machine.
A small section, on a working dairy farm so usual
exclusions will apply.
Not suitable for dogs as it is not fully fenced.
Position available
We are looking for a new bus driver for the Tauwhare
Primary School bus run.
The applicant will need to have held their full car
licence for more than 2 years and have a clean record
to be able to get their P licence.
For further details please phone Dyanne Osborne
We can help the right applicant financially through
that process.
07 824 0700 or email: osbos@ihug.co.nz
Contact: Vicky
Phone: 07 827 7363
Email: ctl@vodafone.co.nz
For Sale
Two single beds with mattresses
Cambridge Travel Lines
Offers please ph: Alison 07 824 0805
21 Wordsworth Street
Cambridge 3432
Free pest clearance
Rabbits again… If you a have a problem with rabbits
give Shaun a ring on 07 824 0878
Thanks to all those residents who regularly call on
Shaun to help control the unwanted guests on their
GV and BR Membery
Building Contractor
I'm Donna your friendly Avon representative. If you
would like to purchase any products for yourself or a
special someone please feel free to ring or text or
even pop in to view a catalogue, or I can come to
6 Scotsman Valley Rd ph: 0276662721
Work Wanted
Sophia has just turned 16 so she is looking to earn
some money.
Light commercial,
residential or
concrete work
Light commercial, residen
Quality workmanship at
reasonable rates
Do you have any odd jobs or cleaning needing doing?
Or baby sitting or child minding over the school
holiday period?
Please contact Sophia on 07 824 0878
Quality workmanship a
Graham Membery
829 5624 or 021 938 192
Page 14
February/March 2016