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Booklet - PDF
MAXIS GBN Members Booklet May 2014 Update: May 2014 Maxis Global Benefits Network Country Local Member Local Product Offer Life Accident (1) Disability (2) Health (3) Retirement EUROPE Austria UNIQA Österreich Versicherungen AG Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Greece Hungary Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Monaco AXA Belgium MetLife Bulgaria Uniqa Osiguranje d.d. American Life Insurance Company (Cyprus) Limited AXA Zivotni Pojistovna A.S. MetLife Amcico Skandia Denmark Topdanmark Liv via MetLife Amplico Etera Pension Insurance Co AXA France Vie S.A AXA Krankenversicherung AG & AXA Lebensversicherung AG Interamerican Hellenic Life Insurance Company MetLife Alico Life Insurance Company S.A. AXA Biztosító Zrt MetLife Friends First Life Assurance Co. Ltd. AXA France Vie S.A under Freedom of Services MetLife Amplico AXA Leben AG (via AXA Leben AG Switzerland) MetLife Amplico AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg S.A. AXA France Vie (Monaco) Achmea Pensioen- en Levensverzekeringen N.V & Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. & Achmea Zorgverzekeringen N.V DNB Livsforsikring ASA Gjensidige AXA Zycie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen S.A. Amplico Life S.A. AXA Portugal, Companhia de Seguros de Vida S.A. & AXA Portugal, Companhia de Seguros, S.A MetLife MetLife Asigurari Romania Reso Garantia ZAO ALICO Insurance Company AXA zivotni pojis’ovna a.s., pobocka pois’ovne z iného clenského satu MetLife Amslico Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d AXA Aurora Vida, S.A De Seguros Y Reaseguros & AXA Seguros Generales MetLife Skandia Sweden AXA Leben AG AXA Hayat ve Emeklilik A.S & AXA Sigorta A.S MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat A.?. MetLife Alico AXA PPP Healthcare MetLife Netherlands Norway Norway Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Romania Russia Russia Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom All products and services refert to Group Employee Benefits and Retirement, companies may offer individual solutions as well. (1) Accident = Accidental Death & Dismemberment / Group PA. (2) Disability = Includes TPD, STD and LTD. (3) Health = it consists of medical insurance. Dental, Vision, and/or medical expense reimbursement is also available in certain locations. Available Not Available Update: May 2014 Maxis Global Benefits Network Country Local Member Local Product Offer Life Accident (1) Disability (2) Health (3) Retirement NORTH AMERICA Canada Greenland United States Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company Skandia Danmark in Greenland Metropolitan Life Insurance Company CENTRAL AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Antigua & Barbuda Aruba Barbados Bonaire Cayman Islands Costa Rica Curacao Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Honduras Jamaica Martinique Mexico Mexico Nicaragua Panama Puerto Rico Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Trinidad & Tobago Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Eastern Caribbean Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Aruba V.B.A. Pan-American International Insurance Corporation Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Curacao and St. Maarten, N.V. Pan-American Life International Insurance Company (PAIIC) Pan-American Life Insurance de Costa Rica Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Curacao and St. Maarten, N.V. Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Eastern Caribbean Seguros Universal, C. Por A. Pan-American Life Insurance Company Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Eastern Caribbean AXA Caraïbes Pan-American Life Insurance de Guatemala, Compañía de Seguros, Sociedad Anónima Pan American Life Insurance Company Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited AXA Caraïbes AXA Seguros, S.A. de C.V Metlife México S.A. Seguros America Pan-American Life Insurance de Panamá, S.A. via Metropolitan Life Insurance Company USA Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Eastern Caribbean Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Eastern Caribbean, Ltd. Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Curacao and St. Maarten, N.V. Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Eastern Caribbean Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Trinidad and Tobago, LTD SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana Peru Uruguay Venezuela Metropolitan Life Seguros de Vida SA Metropolitan Life Seguros e Previdência Privada S/A MetLife Chile Seguros de Vida S.A. MetLife Colombia Seguros de Vida S.A. Pan-American Life Insurance Company AXA Caraïbes El Pacifico Vida Metropolitan Life Seguros De Vida S.A. Seguros Venezuela C.A. MIDDLE EAST & CENTRAL ASIA Bahrain Bahrain Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Lebanon Oman Oman AXA GULF BARHAIN MetLife Alico MetLife Alico MetLife Alico AXA Middle East SAL MetLife Alico AXA GULF OMAN MetLife Alico All products and services refert to Group Employee Benefits and Retirement, companies may offer individual solutions as well. (1) Accident = Accidental Death & Dismemberment / Group PA. (2) Disability = Includes TPD, STD and LTD. (3) Health = it consists of medical insurance. Dental, Vision, and/or medical expense reimbursement is also available in certain locations. Available Not Available Update: May 2014 Maxis Global Benefits Network Country Local Member Local Product Offer Life Accident (1) Disability (2) Health (3) Retirement MIDDLE EAST & CENTRAL ASIA Pakistan Qatar Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates American Life Insurance Company (Pakistan) Limited AXA GULF QATAR MetLife Alico AXA Cooperative Insurance Company AXA GULF UAE MetLife Alico ASIA PACIFIC Australia Bangladesh China China French Polynesia Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Japan Malaysia Nepal New Caledonia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam MetLife Insurance Limited MetLife Alico ICBC-AXA Life Insurance Co.Ltd Sino-US United MetLife Insurance Company Limited AXA Polynésie AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited MetLife India Insurance Company Ltd. PT. Asuransi Aviva Indonesia AXA Life Insurance Japan MetLife Alico Japan AXA AFFIN General Insurance Berhad & AXA AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad MetLife Alico AXA Nouvelle-Calédonie The National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited Philippines AXA Life Insurance Corp. Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore Ltd Nan Shan Life Insurance Company, Ltd. Tokio Marine Life Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited Bao Viet AFRICA Algeria Benin Cameroon Cameroon Congo, Republic of Egypt Gabon Gabon Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Morocco Niger Reunion Senegal Senegal South Africa Togo Tunisia AXA Assurances Algérie Vie SPA AVIE & Union Béninoise d'Assurance Vie (Groupe SUNU) AXA Assurances Cameroun Union des Assurances du Cameroun - Vie (Groupe SUNU) Assurances Générales du Congo S.A. & Assurances Générales du Congo - Vie. S.A. Pharaonic American Life Insurance Company, ALICO S.A.E AXA Assurances Gabon Union des Assurances du Gabon Vie (Groupe SUNU) AXA Assurances Côte d'Ivoire Le Millénium Assurances Internationales-Vie/ Union des Assurances de Côte d'Ivoire AXA Assurance Maroc SA Union Générale des Assurances du Niger Vie & Union Générale des Assurances du Niger AXA Réunion AXA Assurances Sénégal Union des Assurances du Sénégal - Vie (Groupe SUNU) Capital Alliance Life Union des Assurances du Togo IARD & Union des Assurances du Togo Vie (Groupe SUNU) Astrée S.A. All products and services refert to Group Employee Benefits and Retirement, companies may offer individual solutions as well. (1) Accident = Accidental Death & Dismemberment / Group PA. (2) Disability = Includes TPD, STD and LTD. (3) Health = it consists of medical insurance. Dental, Vision, and/or medical expense reimbursement is also available in certain locations. Available Not Available Many countries allow for the integration of local risk solutions into a global benefits program such as a Pooling or Captive Arrangement. The companies listed above are licensed to transact business in their respective countries. An insurance policy issued by each insurance company is an obligation of the issuing company and may contain exclusions, limitations and terms for keeping coverage in force. Contact a MAXIS GBN representative who can arrange for you to receive complete details of the coverage from the local member. L0114360099[exp0315] [All States]. MAXIS Global Benefits Network (MAXIS GBN) is administered by AXA France Vie S.A., Paris, France (AXA) and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY (MLIC) and is a network of locally licensed MAXIS Member insurance companies. MAXIS GBN is not an insurance provider and only the MAXIS Member insurance companies provide insurance. MLIC is a member of MAXIS GBN licensed to transact insurance business in New York and other members of MAXIS GBN are not authorised to transact insurance business in New York.
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