RMD RadCam
RMD RadCam
RMD RadCam TM TM Spec troscopic Gamma-Ray Imaging System APPLICATIONS • Nuclear Power • Special Nuclear Materials, Spent Fuel Rods • Homeland Security • Site Assessment • Decommissioning, Decontamination Image Gamma Radiation Obtain Spectra Set Energy Gates and Obtain Images The RMD RadCamTM makes images of gamma radiation superimposed over a black and white video image of the same field of view. The intensity of the gamma radiation is presented in color with progressively brighter colors corresponding to higher gamma activity. In addition, spectra showing the isotopes present are shown for user-selected areas of the image. FEATURES & BENEFITS Detects gamma radiation. The pin-hole collimator, the codedaperture collimator, and user-set data acquisition time give the system a wide range of sensitivity to gamma radiation. The RMD RadCam shows the location of radioactivity and a spectrum of the detected gamma photons. This spectroscopic feature helps the user identify the presence of gamma-emitting isotopes such as 241 Am, 57Co, 99m Tc, 235U, 239Pu, 131I, 137Cs and 60Co. The mask, anti-mask position of the coded-aperture collimator enhances nuclear image quality by reducing background gamma events that do not correlate with gamma sources located in the nuclear camera’s gamma-radiation field-of-view. The system is constructed for field use and includes a rugged laptop computer. • • • Assess sites remotely Reveal unknown gamma activity Localize hot spots of gamma activity • • • Determine, by their spectra, isotopes that may be absent or present Reduce exposure to employees Monitor distribution of activities The main window (above) of the RMD RadCam™ Imaging System shows two 57Co gamma ray sources, each approximately 4 x 108 Bq activity. Sources were apparent in 2 minutes with the camera at 40 meters from the building. RMD RadCam TM Gamma Camera shown with coded-aperture collimator Pin-Hole Collimator Spectrum from RadCam™ system shows the 662 keV photopeak from 137Cs source located in center of video image. Image acquisition time was 60 seconds, coded-aperture double routine, and 2 meter distance to the 19 MBq (514 μCi) activity 137Cs source. Nuclear image has a signal-to-noise ratio well over 10:1 (average of 132 counts/pixel in the image peak, average of 5 counts/pixel outside the image peak). Display an energy spectrum from an area-of-interest in th Display an entire image based on spectral region-of-intere RMD RadCam TM RMD RadCam TM Performance Camera Laptop Computer Standard System µ µ TM RMD RadCamTM Gamma Energy Range Less than 30 keV to greater than 1. 4 137 Detection Limit Better than 3.7 x 10 Bq for Cs at ¼ System runs Sensitivity/ in each of four basic modes for equivalent gamma intensities of P µ Pin-hole collimator (high intensity applications) Dynamic Response Single Image better than 10:1 SNR µ Coded Aperture collimator (greater system sensitivity) 4 Activity Dynamic Range Less than 3.7 x 10 Bq to more than µ Wide system field-of-view µ Narrow system field-of-view System Field-of-View Coded Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20 STANDARD SYSTEM Standard System System • RMD RadCamTM Standard Camera • • • • • Coded-Aperture Collimator System runs in runs eachinofeach four of basic Pinhole Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow ¼ System fourmodes basic modes Pin-Hole¼Collimator ¼ System includes one coded-aperture collimator, one pinhole collimator, Pin-hole collimator (high intensity applications) Nominal Time-to-Image 30 s with coded aperture and 3.7 x 1 Ruggedized,µ Lap-Top µ Computer Pin-hole collimator (high intensity applications) TM 8 software. and the IMAGE 2000 2 min with CA and 3.7 x 10 Bq point Data Interface Box µ Coded Aperture collimator (greater(greater systemsystem sensitivity) µ Coded Aperture collimator sensitivity) TM RMD RadCam Software Image Interval 4-mode. Counts, Time, Either, Both µ Wide field-of-view TM µ system Wide system field-of-view ¼ RadCam 2000 IMAGE 2000 software µ Narrow system field-of-view µ Narrow systemgreater field-of-view µ Obtain image • Coded-Aperture Collimator provides number µ Display anGeneral energy spectrum from an area-of-interest in the image of events in spectrum. Detector Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tu µ Display anpinhole entire image based on spectral region-of-interest ¼ System includes one coded-aperture collimator, one pinhole collimator, ¼ System includes one coded-aperture collimator, one collimator, • Coded-Aperture Collimator with coded-aperture double TM TM Scintillator Sodium Doped Cesium Iodide (CsI(N software. and the IMAGE 2000 software. and the IMAGE 2000 routine reduces non-image gamma photons. Performance Pin-Hole Aperture Sintered Tungsten Coded Mask or T Gamma Energy Range Less than 30 keV to greater thanTM1.5 MeV • Pin-Hole Aperture quickly localizes gamma sources. TM Operating Windows 95, Windows 9 4 Microsoft 137 DataSystem Interface Box3.7 x 10Collimator TM 2000 software Sensitivity/ Detection Limit Better than Bq for Cs at 1m ¼ RadCam 2000 IMAGE TMwith 10:1 SNR. Similar ¼ RadCam 2000 IMAGE Useful also in highest intensity gamma fields. 2000 software Control Software IMAGE 2000 rapid, real-time, ima for equivalent gamma intensities of Pu and U (0.5 mg) µ Obtain image image µ Obtain MS10:1 Windows standard file handling, Dynamic Response Single Image better than SNR 4 11 µ Display an energy spectrum from anfrom area-of-interest in theRange image µ Display an energy spectrum an area-of-interest in the image Activity Dynamic Less than 3.7 x 10 Bq to more than 3.7 x 10 Bq PERFORMANCE µ Display an entire image based on spectral region-of-interest System Field-of-View Coded Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20° µ Display an entire image based on spectral region-of-interest TMWide Options Pinhole Aperture 40°/Narrow 20° RMD RadCam SOFTWARE Options Gamma Energy Range TM 4 Nominal Time-to-Image 30 s with coded aperture and 3.7 x 10 Bq point source at 1 m Performance IMAGE 2000 Software Performance Less than 30 keV to greater than 1.5 MeV. 8 2 min with CA and 3.7 x 10 Intensity, Bq point source at 40 m Aquire data. Reveal the Location. GammaGamma Energy Energy Range Range Less than 30 keV to greater than 1.5 MeV Less than 30 keV to greater than 1.5 MeV The standard system configuration is Sensitivity 4 Image 4Interval 137 4-mode. Counts, Time, Either,The Both TM standard system configur 137 Sensitivity/ Detection Limit Limit Better than 3.7than x 103.7 Bq for and Cs atEnergy 1mAcquire with 10:1 SNR. Similar gamma isotopes. RadCam software is anmost Standard System Sensitivity/ Detection Better atof1m with 10:1 SNR.The Similar for most applications. data. Reveal thesuitable Location, suitable for applic A nuclear image with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10:1 easily x 10 Bq for Cs TM for equivalent gamma gamma intensities ofintegral Pu Intensity, and U (0.5 of mg) the standard RadCam system. forroutine equivalent intensities of part Pu and U (0.5 mg) RMD options options may be and Energy ofFactory-installed gamma isotopes Factory-installed m reveals unknown sources. Coded-Aperture double General ¼ System runs in each of four basic modes Dynamic Response Single Image better than 10:1 SNR Dynamic Response Single Image better than 10:1 SNR 11 Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier useful inuseful a particular applications. in a particular applicatio produces a sharp image (image signal-to-noise ratio of Detector Tube 4 4 11 µ Pin-hole collimator (high intensity applications) Dynamic Range Less than 3.7than x 103.7 BqxScintillator to than 3.7than x 103.7Bq 137 Activity Dynamic Range 10more Bq to more xSodium 10 Bq Doped Cesium Iodide (CsI(Na)) over 20:1)Activity from 19 MBq (514 µCi) Cs source at 2Less meters µ Coded Aperture collimator (greater system sensitivity) System Field-of-View Coded Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20° 1C: Mask Wheeled cart. Aperture Sintered Tungsten Coded or Tungsten Pinhole System Field-of-View Coded Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20° 1C: Wheeled cart. in 60 seconds. TM µ Wide system field-of-view System Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NTsystem 4.0 Pinhole Pinhole ApertureAperture WideOperating 40°/Narrow 20° 2B: Battery. For system use Wide 40°/Narrow 20° 2B: Battery. For u TM 4 Dynamic Response µ Narrow system field-of-view 4 source Control Software IMAGEat2000 rapid, real-time, image 100-110VAC display, and processing. Nominal Time-to-Image 30 s with coded aperture and 3.7 x 103.7 Bqx point 1 m at without power. Gate on energ Nominal Time-to-Image 30 s with coded aperture and 10 Bq point source 1 m without 100-110VAC Single Image better than 10:1 SNR. 8 MS Windows standard file handling, naming, and saving. 8 source at 40 m (red gate, g 2 min withmin CAwith and CA 3.7 and x 103.7 Bqx point 3D: Dosimetric Capability 10 Bq point source at 40 m 3D: Dosimetric Capability ¼ System includes one coded-aperture collimator, one pinhole2 collimator, Activity Dynamic Range Image 4-mode.4-mode. Counts,Counts, Time, Either, Both (includes laser range finder TM Interval Image Interval Time, Either, Both (includes laser range and the IMAGE 2000 Less than 3.7 x software. 104 Bq to more than 3.7 x 1011 Bq. and software) and software) TM IMAGE 2000 Software TM 4AR: 4AR: Automatic rotation rotation of codedof System Automatic General ¼ RadCam 2000Field-of-View IMAGE General 2000 software Data acquired simultaneously from all points in field-of-view. aperture (hardware and aperture (hardware an µ Obtain image DetectorDetector Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier TubeReveal Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube Acquire data. the Location, Nuclear Zoom. software) software) µ Display an energy spectrum from an area-of-interest in the image Scintillator Sodium Doped Cesium Iodide (CsI(Na)) Scintillator Sodium Doped Cesium Iodide Intensity, and (CsI(Na)) Energy of gamma isotopes 5E: Coded Aperture EthernetEthernet control via wirevia w µ Display an entire imageWide based40°/Narrow on spectral 20°. region-of-interest 5E: control Aperture SinteredSintered Tungsten Coded Mask Tungsten Pinhole Pinhole Aperture Tungsten Codedor Mask or Tungsten Pinhole Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20°. Options TM networknetwork of LAN of LAN TM Operating System Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 Operating System Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 Performance TM TM Nominal Time-to-Image Software IMAGE 2000 rapid, image display, and processing. Software 2000 real-time, rapid, real-time, image display, and processing. Gamma Energy RangeControl Control Less than than 1.5IMAGE MeV The standard system configuration is 8 30 keV to4 greater137 2 min with CA and 3.7x10 Bq point source at 40 m. Acquire data Aquire data Gate on energy of interest MS Windows standard file handling, naming, and saving. Sensitivity/ Detection Limit Better than 3.7 x 10 Bq for Cs atMS 1m with 10:1 SNR. Similar Windows standard filesuitable handling, and saving. fornaming, most applications. for equivalent gamma intensities of Pu and U (0.5 mg) Image Interval (red gate, gate 2 here) Factory-installed options may be Dynamic Response Single Either, Image better than 10:1 SNR useful in a particular applications. 4-mode. Counts, Time, Both 4 in the image. 11 TM Activity Dynamic Range Less than 3.7 x 10 Bq to more than 3.7 x 10 Bq V The IMAGE 2000 is an integral part of TM TM 40°/Narrow 20° re TM System Field-of-View IMAGE Coded Aperture Wide 2000 Software 1C: the Wheeled cart. IMAGE 2000 Software standard RadCam 2000 system. Pinhole Aperture Wide 40°/Narrow 20° GENERAL Battery. For system use without 100-110VAC power. 3D: Dosimetric Capability (includes laser range finder and software) RMD Instruments, LLC Scintillator 4AR:Acquire Automatic rotation of coded data General 44 Hunt Watertown Sodium-Doped Cesium Iodide (CsI(Na)). apertureStreet (hardware and Detector Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube software) Scintillator Sodium Doped Cesium Iodide (CsI(Na)) Aperture 5E:2000TM Ethernet control via wire is an integral part of Aperture Sintered TungstenSintered Mask Pinhole. or Tungsten Pinhole The CodedTungsten Mask orCoded Tungsten GateIMAGE on Gate energy interest TM onofenergy of of interest TM network LAN Gate on energy of interest Operating System Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 4 Nominal Time-to-Image 30 s with coded aperture and 3.7 x 10 Bq point source at 1 m 8 Acquire data. Reveal the 2 min with CA and 3.7Reveal x 10 Location, Bq the pointLocation, source at 40 m Acquire data. Detector mage Interval 4-mode. Counts, Time, Either, Both Intensity, and Energy of gamma isotopes Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Intensity, and Tube. Energy of gamma isotopes 2B: the standard RadCam 2000 system. Gate on are (green pixels Massachusetts 02472 USA V (red gate,(red gate 2 here) r Gate on area of interest gate 2 here) System IMAGE 2000TM rapid, real-time, image display, and processing. (redgate, gate, gate 2 here) Gate on pixels area with of blue border) (green Windows® XP. MS Windows standard file handling, naming, and saving. (green pixels Viewinterest image based onbased an energy View image on an energy Control Software region ofregion interest with blue border) of interest TM RMD Instruments, LLC RMD RadCam software. Rapid, real-time image display TM telephone 61 44 Hunt Street Watertown Massachusetts 02472 USA and IMAGE 2000processing. SoftwareMS Windows file handling, naming, saving and sharing. Acquire data.entire Reveal the sets, Location, Store data spectra and images. Recall Intensity, and Energy of gamma isotopesimages. previous data sets and analyze ControlOperating Software Acquire data Acquire data Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation Gate on energy of interest RMD Corp. (red gate The IMAGE 2000Instruments is anTMintegral part2 here) of part of The IMAGE 2000 isTMgate, an integral View spectrum based onbased an area TM View spectrum 44 Hunt Street system. the standard RadCam 2000 2000 View based on an on an area system. the standard RadCam image based on an energy regionspectrum ofregion interest Gate View on Gate area of interest of interest on area of interest Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 USA View image based on of interest area region of interest (green region pixels with bluewith border) (green pixels blue border) Phone: 617-668-6900 • Fax: 617-926-9743 energy region of interest Internet: www.rmdinc.com info@rmdinc.com e-mail pwaer@rmdinc.com RMD Instruments, LLC LLC e-mail pwaer@rmdin RMDEmail: Instruments, telephone 617 668 6900 617 926 9743 Hunt Street Watertown Massachusetts 02472 USA doc: RadCam_2010_062 44 ©Copyright June 2010, RMD Instruments Corp. telephone 617 668facsimile 6900 facsimile 617 926 44 Hunt Street Watertown Massachusetts 02472 USA TM
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