National Royal Rangers Week


National Royal Rangers Week
V o i c e o f t h e A p pa l a c h i an C o n f e r e n c e o f t h e IPHC
Vol. 75, No. 1 September 2013
National Royal Rangers Week
October 7-12
For more information on this exciting ministry to boys, contact Commander Steve Allen, DM Department.
Bishop’s Page
Preston Mathena
I’ve been playing the piano for many years now, and I can tell when a group of instrumentalists
or vocalists aren’t hitting the right notes together. It simply won’t be pleasing to the ear. No matter
how talented or gifted the musicians are, everyone must work together in harmony to produce a
melodic sound.
This truth about music is also true of churches. Pastors, church staff and members have
different roles and responsibilities in the body of Christ, but in order to achieve God’s best they
must work well together. Like a polished group of musicians, they need to understand their own
talents, as well as how their part fits in with the entire team.
Over the past 28 years, I’ve been a student of leadership and relationship development. I spent
the majority of that time working in the financial world for B&T Bank, which included 13 years as
a certified trainer and coach in the area of sales and customer service. In 2012, I completed a coach
certification program created by leadership expert John Maxwell and his team. Today, I’m excited
to launch Leading in Harmony, a Christian-based company. Leading in Harmony is designed to
help local churches develop more profound relationships with members of the congregation and
strengthen the church staff’s leadership skills. My journey in pastoral work has ignited my passion
to share what I’ve learned with the body of Christ. I will be offering individualized or group training in the following areas:
Personality Assessments
This teaching will help you understand the various types of personalities. Each member of your team will receive a profile
of his or her own unique personality. Also included will be their characteristics, how they differ and complement each other
while working together in unity for the kingdom of God.
Classes and Workshops – John Maxwell Certified
I – “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”
This class shows leaders how to get the message across by building a bridge to others. It points out that cultivating
relationships is every bit as important to effective communication as crafting the message. These insightful principles are
critical to understand if you desire to forge a lasting bond with those around you. Whether private conversations or public
messages, these connecting practices will give you an edge as a leader.
II – “How to Be a R.E.A.L. Success”
This class will enhance your skills in four key areas. It is based on John Maxwell’s R.EA.L. Success curriculum. The
acronym stands for building and strengthening Relationships, Equipping those people God has entrusted in your care with the
necessary skill sets, the importance of your Attitude in leading, and finally focusing on effective Leadership skills.
Customized Leadership Training
Based on your individual church, specific training will be developed to accommodate your areas of need. In addition, other
John Maxwell Certified curriculum is available.
I’m here to help you sharpen your leadership skills and continue to lead in harmony. Please contact me by phone at 540-314-1078
or by email at to discuss your church’s individual training needs. I am confident that the results you
will see from this training will be worth your church’s investment. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
–Wanda Myers, Leading in Harmony
“Wanda Myers is truly a dynamic speaker who has the ability to capture your attention. She has invested herself in both her career
and ministry, learning leadership skills that will be a blessing to any pastor. I endorse and expect great results from this ministry that
will strengthen this conference and your church.”
–Preston Mathena
Voice of t h e A ppa l achi a n Confe r e nce of t h e IPHC
October 1
Rev. Mrs. Marysue Freeman
P.O. Box 1886
Morehead City, NC 28557
October 3
Rev. Clarence Aker
324 Apache Run
Max Meadows, VA 24360
October 9
Rev. James Abram
1153 Rosenbaum Road
Bluefield, VA 24605
October 9
Rev. Ms. Jeanette Bishop
194 Indian Creek Rd NW
Willis, VA 24380-4468
October 10
Rev. Carl Early
75 Church Street
Christiansburg, VA 24073
October 12
Rev. Mrs. LaTrissia Black
4004 West Main Street
Princeton, WV 24740
October 23
Rev. William Carico
2453 Creekview Drive
Galax, VA 24333
October 25
Rev. Otuce Huffman, Sr.
HC 77, Box 636
Ballard, WV 24918
October 31
Rev. Mrs. Barbara Early
75 Church Street
Christiansburg, VA 24073
1-4Ecuador Mission Trip
First Friday Fast
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
7-12National Royal Rangers Week
13National Royal Rangers Day
16National Bosses Day
Columbus Day
DCPI Training–Dublin
(USPS 621-580)
Vol. 75 — September 2013 — No. 1
Executive Editor – Preston Mathena
Phone 540-674-4131
5847 Oak Grove Avenue
Dublin, VA 24084
Larry Meadors
5847 Oak Grove Avenue
Dublin, VA 24084
Ron Fredericks
5847 Oak Grove Avenue
Dublin, VA 24084
Kathy Mathena
103 Windsor Circle
Bluefield, VA 24605
Phone: 276-326-3000
Donna Hankla
139 Ridgeway Drive
Bland, VA 24315
Phone: 276-688-3709
men’s ministries
Quent Baria
1712 Vineyard Street
Bluefield, WV 24701
Deadline for all script to reach the office:
1st of each month for the next month’s issue
Email to
Superintendent – Preston Mathena
Assistant Superintendent – Mike Dodson
Secretary – Frank Neff
Treasurer – Gary Cope
Board Member – Larry Meadors
Board Member – Wanda Myers
Board Member – Steve Willis
MESSENGER (USPS 621-580) is published
monthly by LifeSprings Resources, 2425 W.
Main St., Franklin Springs, GA 30639, for the
Appalachian Conference. Subscription price
$2.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at
Franklin Springs, GA 30639.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
MESSENGER, 5847 Oak Grove Avenue,
Dublin, VA 24084.
Credit graphics:
sep t e mbe r 2013
World Missions & Evangelism
Larry Meadors
I felt the Lord gave me a word early
this year to follow the Acts 1:8 ministry
pattern. “You shall be my witnesses…”
in Jerusalem (Roanoke), Judea
(surrounding communities), Samaria
(across cultures, which is our new
Hispanic congregation), and then to the
utmost. Our “utmost” is Uganda.
I visited Uganda last year, and while
I was there, God opened a door for
ministry! We were “given” a 9-acre plot
of land by a Ugandan local church. This
property has a hospital building and
There are many needy children in Uganda.
several other small buildings. The local
church there just cannot financially
afford to operate the hospital complex,
so NLCM and its partners are going
to operate the hospital, a church and
other ministries on this property. We
are calling the project “Life Center
Pastor Gary Saler and the
Shenandoah Pentecostal Holiness
Church are partnering with us in this
awesome project! Because we have
some local businesses joining our
effort, we have formed a non-profit
ministry, Life Center Ministries–Africa,
to offer tax exemption to everyone who
contributes. We are working toward
partnering with IPHC World Missions
Ministries in the near future.
We are in the process of raising
money to build a 600-seat church
and a residence home this summer.
We already have a couple, Steve and
Katreena Sandy (IPHC members), who
are moving to Uganda in the fall of
2013 to oversee our new project.
We are sending money this August
to start construction on our new church
building and residence quarters. After
the church building is complete, we
will be taking evangelistic and medical
teams to Uganda to build the new
congregation and work in the hospital.
The hospital will be in operation very
soon, and by 2014 we will establish
the nutrition center for malnourished
Our goal is to establish a strong
mother church in Butiru, Uganda, and
then branch out from there with other
church plants.
Please go to our website for more
information: If
you would like to know more about
the Life Center project in Butiru,
Uganda, feel free to contact me, Pastor
Tony Atkinson, New Life Christian
Ministries, Roanoke, Va.
Why should you consider coming to the next Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) class? Here are a few reasons to
1) The DCPI/CPC training is a premier instructional course providing a Bible-based and principle-driven approach to church
planting and multiplying the kingdom of God.
2) Discovering the VIP (Vision, Involvement and Plan) which is taught in the CPC training track is an invaluable tool for
anyone involved in local church ministry.
3) The CPC training will produce fresh revelation and inspirational instruction for ministry. You will be challenged to be a
successful multiplying mother church.
Join the class October 17-19. The event will be held on the campgrounds in Dublin. You can register by contacting the
conference office and asking for Alice Crigger, ext. 207.
Please pray for Team Ecuador! This conference missions
team will be ministering the gospel Sept. 26–Oct. 5.
Voice of t h e A ppa l achi a n Confe r e nce of t h e IPHC
Discipleship Ministries
seniors ministry update
On Saturday, June 22, about 75 youngat-heart seniors joined us on Claytor Lake
for our 2nd annual spring picnic. With plenty
of food, fellowship and fun, we enjoyed the
afternoon sharing stories, enjoying old friends
and building new relationships. Whether sitting
under the trees enjoying the warm summer
afternoon or taking a turn riding the pontoon
boats across Claytor Lake, a good time was had
by all. These senior events have become some
of my favorite, as I have this time to hear stories
of days gone by, how God has always moved
and blessed, and to also hear their excitement
of what they see and sense that God has in store
for their future and the church.
By no means can we count this group out––
they are still very much ready, willing and able
to be an integral part of what God is doing
in the world and in the church today! If your
church has a seniors ministry, please contact our
office so we can make sure that they are on our
mailing list for event planning. If your church
would like to start a seniors ministry group,
please contact my office. I will be glad to help!
Accelerant 2014!
Now is the time to start planning for
your youth group to attend Accelerant
2014 in Gatlinburg, Tenn. The dates
are Jan. 30–Feb. 2. Friday evening’s
concert will feature Kari Jobe and The
Neverclaim. Speakers this year include
Clayton King and Amy Lambert.
This is one of the premier events for
youth in the IPHC. You will not want to
miss this exciting weekend of the WORD,
For more registration and pricing
information, go to
sep t e mbe r 2013
Women’s Ministries
Kathy mathena
Fall Retreat
Christian Life International
1 CLI Way
Salem, VA 24153
Nov. 1, 2013
7 p.m.
Speaker: Beth Stephens
Register early – $15
(send to Martha Hall, 1240 Meadowlark Drive, Wytheville, VA 24382)
In a moment clearly defined by God, Beth Stephens accepted the call into ministry when she was
just 20 years old. While at a women’s retreat with her church, she heard the audible voice of God, and
the Lord confirmed His plans for her the next day through another minister. Within a matter of weeks,
she was invited to preach her first sermon. Currently, she is serving the body of Christ as a full-time
evangelist. She travels extensively, both in and out of the country, spreading the truth of Jesus Christ.
A powerful speaker, she delivers the Word with simplicity and understanding so that it can be applied
to everyday living. Many signs have followed her ministry, with countless lives being transformed
through salvation, deliverance, baptism in the Holy Spirit, miracles and healings. At this year’s Camp
Meeting, Beth preached two powerful sermons with many responding to the altar call. You truly don’t
want to miss this opportunity to hear what God has laid upon her heart just for you.
MEMOIRS – Please send all information to Martha Hall ASAP. The Memoirs Report will be read
at the Fall Retreat.
~ Special Emphasis Offerings Due ~
Feast of Ingathering is due now.
Harvest Train – October 30
Please send these to the Conference Office in Dublin.
Voice of t h e A ppa l achi a n Confe r e nce of t h e IPHC
World Intercession Network
Donna Hankla
“I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me
[Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]!” (Psalm 57:2 AMP)
Dates & Times:
Venue: Tower of Refuge
Sept. 29 (11 a.m. & 6 p.m.)
Sept. 30 – Oct. 2 (7 p.m.)
Pastor Ron & Audrey
5846 Oak Grove Ave.
Dublin, VA 24084
Jody & Ashley
Linda Tallant &
Daniel Frye
Guest Speaker: The Rev. Ron Jones, assistant pastor to the Rev. Ron Phillips from Abba’s House in Chattanooga, Tenn.
The Rev. Ron Phillips is well known here in the Appalachian Conference and the IPHC. He is a sought after speaker, and his
weekly television program is seen throughout the U.S. and around the world.
The Rev. Ron Jones is a gifted minister. With his prophetic preaching and prayer,
he will help you enter into the destiny that God has for you.
Additional Information
Wonderful Worship..........Classes – Ages 2-5
Nursery..........Classes – Ages 6-12
For more information, contact Pastor Stacy C. Cope at (540) 320-7981 or
sep t e mbe r 2013
(USPS 621-580)
5847 Oak Grove Avenue
Dublin, Virginia 24084
Periodicals Postage Paid at Franklin Springs, GA 30639
Address Service Requested
After pastoring four
churches in the Appalachian
Conference, Larry and
Margaret Rogers retired, but
they remained sensitive to the
Lord’s direction regarding the
next phase of their ministry.
Having had an interest in
missions for years, they were
intrigued when Larry had a
dream (vision) one Saturday
night in
1989. The
“Go to
the House of Berber and effect a blood
transfusion,” would be the catalyst that set
them on a missionary path of adventure in
the Islamic country of Morocco.
A niece of the Rogers, Ravonne Green,
has written Go to the House of Berber!,
which chronicles those adventures among
the Moroccans. Their ministry sometimes
included humble tasks like feeding the
hungry and cleaning the streets. There
were other days when the Lord led them to
influential businessmen, political figures
and other missionaries. Their days were
never ordinary. God spoke sometimes in
a still, small voice and sometimes with a
Larry went to the medina (the old city)
and prayed for the city every morning. He
built a rapport with the merchants. They
began to talk to him about their problems
when he would stop by their shops. They
would ask him to pray with them, and they soon learned Jesus
was not just a prophet, but a living God who continues to work
in the lives of men and women today. God honored Larry’s
prayers and gave him souls for his labor. Margaret taught
English as a second language. They both constantly shared the
scriptures when they had the opportunity.
They endured hardships and losses, but the blood of
Jesus covered them every day in all of their endeavors. They
smuggled Bibles and other Christian literature into a country
where they could have been imprisoned or seriously punished
for their faith.
Larry joined the company of the
saints on January 18, 2012. Margaret
continues to pray for the many people
that they witnessed to in Morocco and
to serve the Lord in her retirement in
Dublin, Virginia.
Go to the House of Berber! is now
available for purchase. Copies are
$20, which includes shipping. This
book would be good for study groups.
Multi-volume discounts are available,
and E-books are available through
Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Contact
the author at
or Ravonne Green, 1177 Lakeshore
Circle, Gainesville, GA 30501.
“Truly Margaret and Larry’s
life was an adventure lived for the
Lord. The vision that God gave them
as young people never waned, and
ultimately God gave them a vision that
led to the house of Berber. May this
book be a blessing to you.”
–Preston Mathena, Superintendent