2015 ICAS Medal Presentation Ceremony`s Booklet
2015 ICAS Medal Presentation Ceremony`s Booklet
2015 ICAS International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Medal Presentation Ceremony Never Stand Still Educational Assessment Australia UNSW President and Vice-Chancellor – Welcome Welcome to UNSW Australia, one of Australia’s leading research intensive universities. In its history spanning over 65 years, UNSW has developed a world-class reputation as a progressive and engaged university through its excellence in research, teaching and work with key communities in Australia and internationally. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is a great example of this community engagement. Educational Assessment Australia (EAA) has been conducting ICAS for over 30 years, and now attracts around 2 million student entries annually. The ICAS tests are high quality, carefully developed assessments in Digital Technologies, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing, conducted throughout Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and some 20 countries globally. Today’s ceremony acknowledges those students who have achieved the highest scores in their year level in each ICAS subject. Their results represent a combination of hard work and dedication, together with a lot of support and encouragement from the student’s school, teachers and family. To every medal winner, your success and award today clearly demonstrate that your achievements are of a world standard and we congratulate you on your outstanding results. 2 UNSW is a destination of choice for students with the highest potential irrespective of background. Many of our graduates become leaders in business, industry, government, professional practice and in research. It is our hope that each of you, as high achievers in your schools, will consider UNSW for your university education and be inspired to even greater success in the future through the range of opportunities we have available. Professor Ian Jacobs President and Vice-Chancellor The University of New South Wales Sydney Australia Unisadhuguna Testing Centre Manager – Welcome A warm welcome to Unisadhuguna Testing Centre (UTC), one of Unisadhuguna’s business units that administer testing and examinations in Indonesia. Our mission is the same as Unisadhuguna’s – To develop quality education in Indonesia. In doing this, we provide educational examinations for universities and institutions as well as an assessment called ICAS, the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, in Indonesia. ICAS, which has been conducted in Indonesia since 2005 and is now used in hundreds of schools in many cities, has been designed to identify the highest achieving students in Indonesian schools. The ICAS assessment also provides important diagnostic information for schools, teachers and parents that enables them to compare student results against the performance of students in Australia. In this Ceremony today, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers, not forgetting parents and families, in the achievement of excellent ICAS result this year. I would also like to thank all their support in conducting ICAS and ensuring that ICAS was carefully organized and administered on the test day. Finally, with the ICAS results already sent to schools, we hope that teachers, as well as students, can now make the most of this experience and use them to help improve teaching and learning activities in their school. We wish you the greatest success in ICAS 2016. Eka Pertiwi UnisadhuGuna Testing Centre Manager 3 INDONESIA 4 MEDAL PRESENTATION CEREMONY INDONESIA Saturday 28 November 2015 Order of Proceedings Welcome Greetings Student Performance: Sekolah High/Scope Indonesia, Kelapa Gading Medal Presentations Multiple Medal Presentation Gold Medal Presentation Multiple Silver and Bronze Medals Presentation Student Performance: Sekolah Madania Medal Presentation Silver and Bronze Medals Presentation 2015 ICAS High-Achieving Schools in Overall Performance BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI OF NEW WRI MATH L WA L E S SI SO ENG SW GLOBA TH WA L E S TH TY U SI ER Y9 UN L THE U NIV CALISTA ADELE YAPETER YEARSCHOOL ER NAME THE U NIV ICAS Multiple Medal Winners SW GLOBA TY U UN OF NEW SO SCI DI TECH GOLDGOLDBRONZE GOLDBRONZE INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) RUBEN ALEXANDER Y5 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG JOVANKA VIENNA SVENVIE Y7 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL BRONZE GOLDGOLD DOSHI NAMAN AMIT Y3 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA GOLDGOLD GOLD BRONZEGOLD MEGANTARA VISTA ASHLEY HAEWON KIM LEE Y4 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL GOLDGOLD SEMARANG MHAIRI MADELINE Y7 CERALDE BINA BANGSA SCHOOL GOLDGOLD (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK SERGIO VIERI Y11 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA GOLDGOLD CLARENCE LO Y7 SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR GOLD BRONZEBRONZEBRONZE HIGH SCHOOL MICHELLE BAHAR Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SILVERGOLD SILVERSILVER (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK ETHELYN HUANG Y5 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA GOLD BRONZESILVER SCHOOL ROSELINA KEZIA RIJADI Y5 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - GOLDBRONZE SILVER KEBON JERUK CAMPUS LIAM ALEXANDER EFFENDY Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL GOLD BRONZE (PRIMARY) - KEBON JERUK VALENTINO MARCELL Y3 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION GOLDBRONZE Y4 SEKOLAH CITA HATI WEST BRONZE GOLD SUYANTO AUDREY CHERILYN ILHAM CAMPUS SURABAYA CATHERINE ALEXANDRINA Y4 ADINUGROHO BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SILVER GOLD SEMARANG AARO EAGLING Y5 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY AUDREY ROSALINA Y6 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG GOLD BRONZE MELISSA CECILIA BUDIMAN Y6 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG SILVER GOLD DERIO LUWI Y7 SINGAPORE PIAGET ACADEMY SILVERGOLD HIDAYAT BRONZEGOLD MEDAN NATHANAEL SANTOSO Y8 SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG SILVER GOLD JASON TEDJOSOESILO Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL GOLD SILVER (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK NADIRA PRANATIO Y9 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SILVERGOLD KELAPA GADING AGNES VALENCIA Y10 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL SILVER GOLD 5 TANJAYA SAVIO TASLIM OF NEW SO ENG MATH WA L E S L TH WA L E S TH WRI SI U TY ER Y10 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SI SW GLOBA THE U NIV ARTHUR MAXIMILIAN YEARSCHOOL ER NAME UN L THE U NIV ICAS Multiple Medal Winners SW GLOBA TY U UN OF NEW SCI SO DI TECH GOLD SILVER SCHOOL Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL GOLD SILVER (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK STEVEN TEGUHLAKSANA Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG GOLD BRONZE TIMOTHY JACOB WAHYUDI Y11 APRILLIA JUDOKUSUMO Y12 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA THEODORE PRAMA Y5 RADITYA SUPRIYADI SERANO TANNASON SMA SANTA LAURENSIA BINUS INTERNATIONAL BRONZE GOLD GOLD SILVER BRONZEBRONZEBRONZE SCHOOL SERPONG (PRIMARY) Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BRONZE SILVER SILVER (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK DEAN AGHA Y3 KOESWANTORO KINDERFIELD PRIMARY SILVER SILVER INDONESIA ELGIN RAHARDJA Y3 JAKARTA NANYANG SCHOOL SILVER BRONZE BANYU BENING Y5 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA SILVERBRONZE GERALD ADRIAN Y5 SEKOLAH HARAPAN BANGSA SILVER SILVER PRIMARY, MODERNHILL JEREMY FREIDRICH LIM Y5 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BRONZE SILVER KARUNA GIRINANDA PUTRA Y5 MENTARI SCHOOL GRAND SURYA BRONZE SILVER MICHAEL SUTEJA Y5 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA NADINE KEI INARA Y5 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL SILVERBRONZE TAJ-ATTARIQ TOPOBROTO Y5 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG SILVERSILVER CAITLYN VALERIE UNTONO Y6 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SILVERSILVER SILVERSILVER KELAPA GADING MAXIMILLIANO UTOMO Y6 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL BRONZE BRONZE PUTRI AIMEE SRIJAYA Y6 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL SILVERSILVER JAMES RICHIE SULAEMAN Y7 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL QUOK SILVERSILVER (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK SO YUAN Y8 GLOBAL PRESTASI JUNIOR BRONZE BRONZE HIGH SCHOOL THEOPHILUS JOSEPH Y8 WAHYUDI JAMIE SEBASTIAN SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR BRONZE BRONZE HIGH SCHOOL Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI BRONZE BRONZE INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) OTTO WINATA Y9 SINGAPORE PIAGET BRONZE BRONZE ACADEMY MEDAN LOUIS JASON SUNDORO Y10 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL SILVER BRONZE NICHOLAS WILLIAM Y10 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BRONZE BRONZE KELAPA GADING 6 UN WA L E S TH U ER SI TY OF NEW SO YEARSCHOOL MICHELLE ALEXANDRA SOERJANTO Y4 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG ALISA VICTORY HAOKEN Y5 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY CLARISSA LILANANDA Y6 MERLION SCHOOL REYNALDI PUTRA SANTOSO Y7 KANAAN GLOBAL SCHOOL JAMBI STANLEY SUNATA Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SHERYL WYLIE Y11 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL JOSAN GANDAWIJAYA Y12 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY KATHLEEN VICTORIA TEDI Y12 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) KEBON JERUK UN SW GLOBA L TY U ER SI TH WA L E S THE U NIV ICAS Gold Medal Winners English NAME L THE U NIV ICAS Gold Medal Winners Writing NAME SW GLOBA OF NEW SO YEARSCHOOL NICOLE CALLISTA NG Y3 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - KEBON JERUK CAMPUS NICOLE KAYRA BUDIAWAN Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG FAYLIN VALERIE NOVIANTO Y6 SEKOLAH DIAN HARAPAN LIPPO VILLAGE TSABITA VIANI PUTRI Y8 SMP TARA SALVIA ALANIS HARJANTO Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG RAPHAEL MARIA BUDIARTA Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BERLIANA TJENDERA Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) KEBON JERUK MARIA KAYRA SASKIA Y10 BINUS SCHOOL SERPONG (SECONDARY) STEFANIE CYNTIA SUGIANTO Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) KEBON JERUK AUDREY VALENSKA A SIGIT Y11 BINUS SCHOOL SERPONG (SECONDARY) JORDI MUHAMMAD AKBAR WAHYUDIONO Y11 SMA NEGERI UNGGULAN M.H. THAMRIN SALSABILA RARAS PUTRI Y11 SMA NEGERI 8 PEKANBARU 7 UN WA L E S TH SI TY OF NEW JULIAN AUDRIC LAKSANA Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG RYLEN FARRELL KUSNANTO Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG LEESIA KRISTY MARGETAN Y5 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL KELAPA GADING DARREN WILLIAM SASMITA Y6 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA DYLAN CHRISTIAN THOMAS Y8 SEKOLAH CITRA KASIH JAKARTA BENEDICT TOBIAS WAHYUDI Y10 SMA SANTA LAURENSIA ERLANG WIRATAMA SURYA Y12 IPEKA INTEGRATED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SW GLOBA FABRIZZIO RAVANELL IE Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (PRIMARY) KEBON JERUK JEREMY NATHANIEL ANDRIES Y4 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION CLAUDIA ANGELICA Y5 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA HUGO NATHANAEL YUWONO Y5 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL TABINA ALAIKA NURAYA Y5 SEKOLAH BINA GITA GEMILANG GRANT KHARITON WIDJAJA Y6 SEKOLAH BPK PENABUR SINGGASANA BANDUNG ANGELICA PAN Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG AURELIUS BRANDON SUTANTO Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) CHRISTIAN CHONARDO Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SANDRA SALIM Y11 SMA SANTA LAURENSIA KEVIN LIMANTA Y12 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA TH TY U ER SI YEARSCHOOL L WA L E S THE U NIV ICAS Gold Medal Winners Science NAME SO YEARSCHOOL UN 8 U ER NAME L THE U NIV ICAS Gold Medal Winners Mathematics SW GLOBA OF NEW SO UN SI TH WA L E S L TY U ER NAME THE U NIV ICAS Gold Medal Winners Digital Technologies SW GLOBA OF NEW SO YEARSCHOOL FELICIA AUDREY NUGROHO Y4 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA JASON TAN Y5 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA AGNELIO DIANDY JASON WIBOWO Y6 SD GLOBAL PRESTASI ANGELICA FLORENCE Y6 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL FALINDEVRIE YUSUF RIYADI Y6 SD ISLAM AL AZHAR BUMI SERPONG DAMAI KEAN MALIK AJI SANTOSO Y6 SD ISLAM AL AZHAR BUMI SERPONG DAMAI NADIRA AISHA AMANI Y6 YAYASAN PESANTREN ISLAM AL AZHAR JAWA TIMUR PETER GOSPEL HO Y6 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DIYA MISHRA Y7 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA (SMP-SMA) DYLAN AUSTIN SUWITA Y7 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL GWYNETH GUO BAI LING Y7 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA OMNI WIPRA Y8 SMP NEGERI 1 DENPASAR I WAYAN ADI WAHYUDI Y9 SMP NEGERI 1 DENPASAR LAURENCE AMADEUS TRISTAN Y10 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - KEBON JERUK CAMPUS ICAS Silver Medal Winners Writing NAME YEARSCHOOL BRANTLEY GERVAISE TAN Y4 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL KENNETH GUNAWAN Y4 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG ISABELLE LETISHA WIJAYA Y5 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - KEBON JERUK CAMPUS MATTHEW KOE Y5 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG RAY MICHAEL SUSANTO Y5 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA RACHELLE RENÈE CHANDRARAHARDJA Y6 STELLA MARIS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ANGELICA TULONG Y8 SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BENEDICTA MARIETTA A SUPRIYADI Y8 SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL RACHEL SARAH WIRADHARMA Y8 PENABUR SECONDARY TANJUNG DUREN CHARLENE MARIA TERESSA Y9 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL NATALIE SRIJAYA Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) 9 ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals English NAME YEARSCHOOL MEDAL ADINDA ROSY DJALINS Y5 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SERPONG (PRIMARY) SILVER ANNA CAITLYN SOETOMO Y6 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SERPONG (PRIMARY) SILVER MATTHEW JAMES CHANDRA Y6 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL SILVER THEODORE BRYAN HARDIWIJAYA Y6 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PRIMARY) SILVER ANDREA PATRICIA Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SILVER ADELLEA GREENBURY Y12 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY SILVER SACCA RAWIKARA Y7 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) KEBON JERUK BRONZE RAFAEL JUDAH Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Mathematics NAME 10 YEARSCHOOL MEDAL EDWARD MAXWELL WIBOWO Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG SILVER MELISYA YAMAKITA Y3 SEKOLAH BINA GITA GEMILANG SILVER WILSON JONATHAN MULYADI Y3 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL SILVER ANANTA HADID AFRIZAL Y5 SEKOLAH BINA TALENTA GRAHA SILVER BRIAN WIFANIE Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PRIMARY) SILVER CALISTA SHIERLY WIJAYA Y5 SEKOLAH BINA TALENTA GRAHA SILVER DARREN WILSON TJIONG Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG SILVER HILLARY FREYA DJOHARI Y5 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS SILVER NAOMI HASIAN FELICIA BUTARBUTAR Y5 SEKOLAH BINA TALENTA GRAHA SILVER ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Mathematics NAME YEARSCHOOL MEDAL PRAYOGA PRATAMA LIONG Y5 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG SILVER BRIAN MUALIM Y6 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL SILVER JISEONG SEO Y6 JAKARTA NANYANG SCHOOL SILVER JOSHUA ADRIAN CAHYONO Y6 BLOSSOM SCHOOL SILVER RAYNARD PUTERA WIDJAJA Y6 MERLION SCHOOL SILVER JANICE MILAGROS HO Y7 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL SILVER DHIRAPUTTA PATHAMA TENGARA Y8 SEKOLAH CITRA KASIH JAKARTA SILVER KEVIN CHRIST ADITYA Y8 SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG SILVER VANIA RIZKY JULIANA WACHID Y8 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA SILVER CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW Y9 PENABUR SECONDARY TANJUNG DUREN SILVER MOSES MAYER Y9 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY SILVER MUHAMMAD SALMAN AL-FARISI Y10 SMA TARUNA NUSANTARA SILVER RATRI GALIMARTA RETNO P HAWARIYYUN Y10 SMA DWIWARNA SILVER SARAH JOHANNA Y10 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA SILVER BOBBIE RAMADHANI SOEDIRGO Y11 SMA NEGERI PLUS PROPINSI RIAU SILVER KEMAL FIRDAUS Y11 SMA NEGERI PLUS PROPINSI RIAU SILVER KUN JOONG KIM Y11 AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL INDONESIA SILVER DAIKI KASHIWAGI Y3 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA VISTA BRONZE KIERA ERLY KUSUMA Y3 ICHTHUS SCHOOL - WEST BRONZE KIM GA EUN Y3 STELLA MARIS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BRONZE VINCENT AURELIUS LIE Y3 ICHTHUS SCHOOL - WEST BRONZE FERDINAND ANTOLLIN TANOJO Y4 SEKOLAH CITRA KASIH JAKARTA BRONZE MARCELLINE NATASHA HARTANTO Y4 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA BRONZE RYAN ETHAN YEO Y4 SEKOLAH CITA HATI WEST CAMPUS SURABAYA BRONZE ADEL ARYAPUTRA KARISOH Y5 SEKOLAH BINA TALENTA GRAHA BRONZE AMELIA FAITH JUKITA Y5 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SERPONG (PRIMARY) BRONZE BRIAN WANG Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG BRONZE BRYAN EVAN LIENARDI Y5 KINDERFIELD PRIMARY INDONESIA BRONZE BRYCE RODDICK SUWANDI Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG BRONZE CHIARA AMANDA SANTOSO Y5 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG BRONZE 11 ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Mathematics NAME 12 YEARSCHOOL MEDAL GIZCHELLA BRYNLEIGH UNTONO Y5 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL KELAPA GADING BRONZE JERICHO RUSSEL WIDJAJA Y5 SEKOLAH CITRA KASIH JAKARTA BRONZE KIMBERLY SURJANA Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG BRONZE LEE JUNG WON Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG BRONZE MATTHEW IVAN WIDJAJA Y5 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION BRONZE THADDEUS MATTHEW HOSEIN Y5 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - KEBON JERUK CAMPUS BRONZE VALERIE LIJAYA Y5 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL BRONZE VICTOR TAN Y5 SINGAPORE PIAGET ACADEMY MEDAN BRONZE WYCLIFF WIBISONO Y5 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION BRONZE ANGELINA ALLYSON MULIADI Y6 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE CHRISTOPHER REINARD KOHAR Y6 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION BRONZE FARHAN MUHAMMAD ISKANDAR Y6 SD NIZAMIA ANDALUSIA BRONZE GRAYSON ALROY LIKO Y6 SD NASIONAL KARANGTURI BRONZE JASON ETHAN LIM Y6 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PRIMARY) BRONZE MADELEINE SOETANTO Y6 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL BRONZE FERNANDO SUSANTO Y7 KANAAN GLOBAL SCHOOL BRONZE MICHAEL SUHERMAN Y7 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE CLIFTON FELIX Y8 IGNATIUS GLOBAL SCHOOL BRONZE JEVAN CHRISTOPHER ARYENTO Y8 SEKOLAH DIAN HARAPAN BRONZE M REZA MUMTAZ Y8 SMP NEGERI 1 BOGOR BRONZE NATHANIEL LUKAS CHRISTIANTO Y8 KARANGTURI SCHOOL SEMARANG BRONZE ALAM LARAS NAROTTOMO Y9 SMP NEGERI 1 BOGOR BRONZE BENEDICTUS VISTO KARTIKA Y9 KARANGTURI SCHOOL SEMARANG BRONZE DHAFIN AJIE SULTHON AL AZIZ Y10 SMA DWIWARNA BRONZE ASYRAF RIDHO RIZKI Y11 SMA NEGERI UNGGULAN M.H. THAMRIN BRONZE MUHAMMAD AVY SATRIO UTOMO Y11 SMA NEGERI UNGGULAN M.H. THAMRIN BRONZE MUHAMMAD SABILA HAQQI Y11 SMA DWIWARNA BRONZE ROZMA MAGHFIRA ADANI Y11 SMA DWIWARNA BRONZE WILLIAM KHO Y11 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA BRONZE YUSTISSIA NURUL AFIA Y11 SMA DWIWARNA BRONZE NADHIRA SALSABILA Y12 SMA NEGERI UNGGULAN M.H. THAMRIN BRONZE ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Science NAME YEARSCHOOL MEDAL ALDEN SUTIKNO Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PRIMARY) SILVER AQILA AZZILIANO FARREL LUBIS Y3 AL-IRSYAD SATYA ISLAMIC SCHOOL SILVER DECLAN ANDERSEN PE Y3 SEKOLAH DIAN HARAPAN SILVER ENZO ARTEMIS LUKMAN Y3 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL SILVER FEIVEL SUGIARTO Y3 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL SILVER JELENA VANIA WIJAYA Y3 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION SILVER JESSICA ASHLEY BUDIMAN Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG SILVER LORETTA ANN MARRIS Y3 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG SILVER NICHOLAS LAUW Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG SILVER PARK JUN MO Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG SILVER RODERICH UTOMO Y3 TZU CHI PRIMARY SCHOOL SILVER TIFFANY JOYCE SUTEDJA Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (PRIMARY) - KEBON JERUK SILVER CHIARA WANANDI Y4 SINARMAS WORLD ACADEMY SILVER DARREN DANIEL ATMADJA Y4 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA SILVER RAFFAEL ATHA AZARIA Y4 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS SILVER ADELITA SELINDRA Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG SILVER BAGAS ADICITA RABBANI Y5 SEKOLAH UNGGULAN AL-YA’LU SILVER CHUEN FUNG HOW Y5 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA VISTA SILVER CINDY CLAUDIA Y5 SEKOLAH HARAPAN BANGSA PRIMARY, MODERNHILL SILVER EUGENE IGNACIO GUNAWAN Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG SILVER SO RAN Y5 SD GLOBAL PRESTASI SILVER VANESSA TWYLA ANNABELL Y5 SEKOLAH HARAPAN BANGSA PRIMARY, MODERNHILL SILVER IRDYA PRAVIETA WARIDATI Y6 SEKOLAH UNGGULAN AL-YA’LU SILVER JASON RAY Y6 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL SILVER NEVIO JUSTIN MULYANTO Y6 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL SILVER ALEXANDER Y7 GLOBAL PRESTASI JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SILVER AURELIUS BRYAN YUWANA Y7 SEKOLAH VICTORY PLUS SILVER DENNIS WINATA Y7 TUNAS BANGSA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GREENVILLE CAMPUS SILVER GILBERT MATTHEW KIONGDO Y7 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SILVER HANSEN KHORNELIUS Y7 SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG SILVER NICHOLAS JIMMY ALDEN Y7 IGNATIUS GLOBAL SCHOOL SILVER 13 ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Science NAME 14 YEARSCHOOL MEDAL VINCENTIA KIARA SUYANTO Y7 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION SILVER GIANFRANCO VIERI SUPARTO Y8 SINGAPORE PIAGET ACADEMY MEDAN SILVER JAMES HARIADY WIDJAJA Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK SILVER JEFFERSON RAFAEL LAKSANA Y8 SMP BPK PENABUR BANDA BANDUNG SILVER JENIFFER SANTOSO Y8 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL SURABAYA EAST CAMPUS SILVER JONATHAN CHUHAIRY Y8 SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SILVER RAFAEL RICHARD RUSSELL Y8 SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SILVER WILSON HUANG Y8 PENABUR SECONDARY TANJUNG DUREN SILVER BENEDICTUS ALVIAN Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SILVER RAYMOND TIO Y9 SAINT NICHOLAS SCHOOL SILVER FARRANDI A HERNANDO Y10 BINUS SCHOOL SERPONG (SECONDARY) SILVER JESSICA A LUKMANTARA Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SILVER BRIAN NATHANAEL UNGGUL Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) SILVER LOUIS TAN Y11 SMA SANTA LAURENSIA SILVER PRAJNA SARIPUTRA Y12 SEKOLAH MUTIARA HARAPAN/MUTIARA HARAPAN INTL SCHOOL SILVER ANANYA CHADHA Y3 AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL INDONESIA BRONZE ANNE CATHERINE MULJONO Y3 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS BRONZE CASEY CHANDRA Y3 BINA TUNAS BANGSA SCHOOL BRONZE FABELLA ASHLEE SARWONO Y3 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS BRONZE JASON ARGANA DHARMAWAN Y3 BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG BRONZE JEONG SE HYEONG Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG BRONZE JOCHELLE DANIELLA WIYANA Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG BRONZE JOVINA EFFENDY Y3 TZU CHI PRIMARY SCHOOL BRONZE KAIXUAN LIM Y3 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA VISTA BRONZE MELVELINE JOANNE TANGKA Y3 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA VISTA BRONZE MEREDITH GILLIAN LAMIRAN Y3 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BRONZE NICHOLAS WIDJAJA Y3 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION BRONZE QIAN RU ZHOU Y3 SINGAPORE SCHOOL BONA VISTA BRONZE SAFIRA AZARIA PUTRI Y3 YAYASAN PESANTREN ISLAM AL AZHAR JAWA TIMUR BRONZE SAMUEL MATTHEW Y3 RAFFLES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL KELAPA GADING BRONZE ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Science NAME YEARSCHOOL MEDAL SHOICHIRO TERAZAWA Y3 AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL INDONESIA BRONZE SONIA HUVI Y3 CITA HATI CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS BRONZE TRACY ANTHONY KRESNA Y3 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PRIMARY) BRONZE FREYA AMARANTA SUTEDJA Y4 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE GEVAN SARDJITO Y4 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE NATHANAEL REINER LUDJIO Y4 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA BRONZE NATHANAEL WINSTON LUDJIO Y4 SEKOLAH BINA PERSADA BRONZE NATHANIEL DARREN LIM Y4 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE BENEDIKT RIO WIDJAJA Y5 SEKOLAH BUKIT SION BRONZE CHRISTOPHER Y5 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL BRONZE DOMENICO RAY ALEXANDER Y5 SEKOLAH BINA GITA GEMILANG BRONZE JESSICA PAN Y5 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL BANDUNG BRONZE MICHELLE ANGELA CHEN Y5 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE NADIA RAHMADINA ARISTAWATI Y5 SEKOLAH BINA GITA GEMILANG BRONZE RAFI NARYAMA DANA Y5 KINDERFIELD PRIMARY INDONESIA BRONZE RICHARD CALVIN YONG Y5 BLOSSOM SCHOOL BRONZE SEVERIANO KENZIE TJISNOYO ALIADI Y5 MENTARI SCHOOL GRAND SURYA BRONZE TANYA Y5 SEKOLAH CITA HATI WEST CAMPUS SURABAYA BRONZE DYLAN GREGORY LIM Y6 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BRONZE ANDREW RYAN SUTANTO Y7 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL MALANG (SECONDARY) BRONZE BENEDICT JUSTIN SUTEDJA Y8 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE CAITLYN AUDREY PRABOWO Y8 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE DICKSON Y LEE Y8 XIN ZHONG SCHOOL BRONZE FELIX WILSON Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE KENNETH WILLIAM Y8 SMP BPK PENABUR BANDA BANDUNG BRONZE TIFFANY CALLISTA OENTORO Y8 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL MALANG (SECONDARY) BRONZE GEOFFREY BUDIMAN Y9 NATIONALHIGH JAKARTA SCHOOL BRONZE NATALEO WONG JUPHIN Y9 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE IVAN ALEXANDER KRISTANTO Y10 PENABUR SECONDARY TANJUNG DUREN BRONZE JAMIE LEE Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE JASON MAXIMILLIAN ELSTED Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK BRONZE 15 ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Science NAME YEARSCHOOL MEDAL NICHOLAS BRYAN RUSSELL HENDRIS Y10 SMA SANTA LAURENSIA BRONZE REYNARD EDRICK KURNADI Y10 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE SANKHAYA SINGH CHANDEL Y10 RAMA GLOBAL SCHOOL BRONZE C A ADRIEL ATMADJA T Y11 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) BRONZE NATHAN HARTANTO Y11 SMA SANTA LAURENSIA BRONZE CHRISTOPHER CLARENCE Y12 BINUS SCHOOL SERPONG (SECONDARY) BRONZE MORGAN MADJUKIE Y12 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK BRONZE ICAS Silver and Bronze Medals Digital Technologies NAME 16 YEARSCHOOL MEDAL EVAN MARCHELLO HUANG Y4 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (PRIMARY) - KEBON JERUK SILVER RAISA RAHMI NURINTAPUTRI Y4 SEKOLAH HARAPAN BANGSA PRIMARY, MODERNHILL SILVER I GUSTI MADE KRISNA BAKTI Y5 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA SILVER JENNIFER JOHANNES Y5 SAINT JOHN’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL SILVER STEPHANIE AGATHA BUDILOU Y5 KINDERFIELD PRIMARY INDONESIA SILVER DENISE AURELLYA Y8 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL SILVER FARIDA ALYA AZIZAH Y9 SMP NEGERI 2 SINDANG INDRAMAYU SILVER RICHARD CHRISTIAN SUTEJA Y9 MAWAR SHARON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SILVER SHELLEY CHRISTIE Y10 SEKOLAH DIAN HARAPAN SILVER JEDY SURYA SUKANDRA Y11 IPH SCHOOLS SURABAYA SILVER ERLANGGA RAKANUGRAHA LUGITO Y4 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SERPONG (PRIMARY) BRONZE FINOLA RIZKIA MIQAILLA Y4 SEKOLAH VICTORY PLUS BRONZE KAYYISA YARITSUKI NAIMA HENDARSYAH Y5 DARUL HIKAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BRONZE NAYLA DEWANTI Y5 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA BRONZE NASHWA ZAFIRA RACHMAN Y8 SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA (SMP-SMA) BRONZE KRISHNA WIRAPRADNYA PUCANGAN Y9 SMP NEGERI 1 DENPASAR BRONZE VINCENT EGAN LIMARTA Y10 BUNDA MULIA SCHOOL BRONZE EDWIN TRUMAN Y11 PENABUR SECONDARY TANJUNG DUREN BRONZE 2015 ICAS High-Achieving Schools in Overall Performance SCHOOLS PARTICIPATED IN ALL YEAR LEVELS BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (SECONDARY) - KEBON JERUK : YEAR 7 TO YEAR 12 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (SECONDARY) : YEAR 7 TO YEAR 12 BINA BANGSA SCHOOL SEMARANG : YEAR 3 TO YEAR 9 PRIMARY SCHOOLS BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG SEKOLAH BOGOR RAYA BINA BANGSA SCHOOL (PRIMARY) - KEBON JERUK JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS SMP NEGERI 1 DENPASAR SANTA LAURENSIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS SMA SANTA LAURENSIA SMA NEGERI UNGGULAN M.H. THAMRIN SMA NEGERI 8 PEKANBARU 17 UNSW Global is a leader in global education, assessment and expertise offerings. It is a not-for-profit, wholly owned enterprise of UNSW Australia. UNSW Global is recognised and acknowledged internationally for: •quality global education activities that enable the best and brightest students to achieve their educational and professional goals and access academic pathways to UNSW •diverse business activities that align with and enhance the reputation of UNSW. UNSW Global comprises a number of internationally renowned business groups: Educational Assessment Australia Educational Assessment Australia has been involved in educational assessment in Australia since 1967 and is the largest independent provider of school assessments in the Asia-Pacific region. It operates in 20 countries worldwide, and provides a diverse range of assessment services to schools, government and institutional and private sectors. Website: www.eaa.unsw.edu.au Email: info@eaa.unsw.edu.au UNSW Foundation Studies UNSW Foundation Studies delivers high quality university pathway programs to UNSW Australia and other universities. It was the first in Australia to provide university pathways and after 25 years is still the country’s foremost Foundation Program provider. Foundation Studies provides international students, and some Australian citizens and permanent residents, with academic skills for a smooth transition into their undergraduate studies. Website: www.languages.unsw.edu.au Email: institute.languages@unsw.edu.au Unisearch Expert Opinion Services This group has been providing independent expert opinion and consulting services to the private and public sectors across Australia for more than 50 years. Its main business activity is expert opinions for the legal profession and insurance industry. It provides access to professional advice from its database of over 5000 consultants. Website: www.unisearch.com.au Email: experts@unisearch.com.au UNSW Global Corporate Services UNSW Institute of languages Corporate Services provides high level corporate advice and support to our business groups and staff. It is responsible for marketing, business development and sales management, information technology services, legal services, human resources facilities and administration services. Established in 1966, UNSW Institute of Languages is Australia’s first university languages centre, and has been Website: www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au Email: unswglobal@unsw.edu.au Website: www.ufs.unsw.edu.au Email: foundation.studies@unsw.edu.au 18 operating continuously for nearly 50 years. The Institute provides a comprehensive range of English and language education programs and testing. It has established a reputation for excellence, nationally and internationally. UNSW Global – CEO Address Dr Rob Forage Chief Executive Officer UNSW Global On behalf of UNSW Global, I am pleased to welcome and acknowledge the 2015 Medal Winners of the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools. I’d also like to extend my welcome to all those students, school representatives and parents who have come to share in these students’ academic success. Each year, more than two million ICAS student entries from around the world are received, and today’s Medal Winners represent the very best of these students. Please accept my congratulations for your hard work and your outstanding achievement. I trust this will be a memorable day for you, and one that inspires you towards a great future. I would like to thank our President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Jacobs, and UNSW Australia for their ongoing support, and for encouraging future generations of potential UNSW students through the ICAS program. Congratulations again to all Medal Winners in 2015, and I look forward to your successful participation again in 2016. Dr Rob Forage is Chief Executive Officer of UNSW Global. In this role, Dr Forage leads UNSW Global in providing high-quality products and services in more than 20 countries, to support the initiatives and activities of UNSW in international education, large-scale assessments, training, and advisory services. Educational Assessment Australia – Group Executive Address On behalf of Educational Assessment Australia, I would like to welcome all Medal Winners and their guests to our annual Medal Presentation Ceremony. Dr Sofia Kesidou Group Executive Educational Assessment Australia Medal Presentation Ceremonies are auspicious occasions where we pay tribute to the achievements of our International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Medal Winners. Receiving a medal is a major accomplishment that reflects students’ diligence, persistence and skill, and of which they should be justifiably proud. As such, it brings me great joy to see this year’s list of Medal Winners. I am also delighted that so many parents, relatives, friends and teachers have accepted the invitation to share in these celebrations. It is impossible to overstate the importance of their support to students’ academic success. Some people may be familiar with the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”. In the same way, it takes a community of teachers, parents and friends to raise a student with the ability to question, explore, analyse and ultimately excel. By encouraging students to participate in ICAS and challenging them to attain their personal best, all of these people have made a vital contribution to the achievements we now celebrate. Congratulations to our Medal Winners on reaching the highest levels of academic excellence in the 2015 ICAS. I hope that you will continue to grow throughout your schooling and will use the skills you have demonstrated so effectively in ICAS. I wish you every success in your future studies. Dr Sofia Kesidou is the Group Executive of Educational Assessment Australia, UNSW Global. In this role, Dr Kesidou is responsible for overseeing all of Educational Assessment Australia’s programs and activities in the areas of assessment and reporting. 19 Established in 1949, UNSW Australia is ranked among the top 50 universities in the world. UNSW is recognised for its innovative teaching, leading research and the quality of its graduates. UNSW Australia is one of the country’s leading research and teaching universities. Established in 1949, it is ranked among the top 50 universities in the world, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its world class research. UNSW is a founding member of the Group of Eight, a coalition of Australia’s leading research-intensive universities, and of the prestigious international network Universitas 21. With more than 50,000 students from over 120 countries, it is one of Australia’s most cosmopolitan universities. UNSW is committed to preparing the next generation of leaders for global career success. UNSW Australia Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Website: www.unsw.edu.au UNSW School of Education Enrichment programs for gifted and talented primary and secondary school students are offered during school vacations through the UNSW School of Education’s Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre (GERRIC). Students who have gained a High Distinction or Distinction in ICAS – English, Mathematics or Science are eligible to register for these programs. GERRIC is Australia’s premier establishment for excellence in research, teaching and services for gifted education. UNSW Australia has a strong academic focus on teaching and research in gifted education, linked to a range of vacation programs for gifted children, courses for their parents, conferences, seminars and workshops for teachers with an interest in gifted education, and teaching resources. GERRIC was formally opened on Friday 19th September 1997 by His Excellency the Honourable Gordon Samuels, AC, the then Governor of New South Wales. The foundation of GERRIC was both an acknowledgement by UNSW of its leadership role in gifted education and a milestone in the history of gifted education in Australia, being the first centre for research in gifted education in the Southern Hemisphere. 20 The initiatives taken by GERRIC have a significant influence on the education of gifted and talented students throughout Australia. Through GERRIC, Australian teachers have completed postgraduate degrees specialising in gifted education, and teachers from Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Vanuatu have successfully completed the UNSW Certificate of Gifted Education program. Each year hundreds of students, teachers and parents from across Australia attend GERRIC’s programs. For more information about enrichment programs and professional development courses for teachers and parents, visit https://education.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/ gerric/ 2016 ICAS Sitting Dates Writing Fri, 2 September 2016 English Sat, 3 September 2016 Science Sat, 17 September 2016 Digital Technologies Sat, 17 September 2016 Mathematics Sat, 3 September 2016 2016 ICAS Registration Closing Dates Thu, 30 June 2016 21 UN SI TH WA L E S L TY U ER AWAR D THE U NIV ICAS Awards and Recognition SW GLOBA OF NEW SO S COR E Gold Medal* Top score in the country / Subject Year Level Silver Medal** Second Highest Score in the country/ Subject Year Level Bronze Medal** Third Highest score in the country/ Subject Year Level High Distinction (top 1% of students) Distinction (Next 10% of students) Certificate (sent to the schools to hand out) Credit (Next 25% of students) Merit (Next 10% of students) Participation (All remaining students) *Gold medal is awarded at the discretion of EAA **To be eligible for a silver or bronze medal, a student must have obtained a High Distinction. 22 Place your photo here 23 UN SW GLOBA THE U NIV TY U ER SI TH WA L E S L OF NEW SO 2015 ICAS Medal Presentation Ceremony UniSadhuGuna Testing Centre (UTC) Menara Kuningan 14th Floor, JI. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-7 Kav. 5 Jakarta Selatan, 12940, Indonesia Tel: +62 21 300 27 095 - 099 Fax: +62 21 300 27 970 Email:info@icasindonesia.co.id Website:www.icasindonesia.co.id