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Vic Firth Presents W t nt U F hE ! K N A E W R&B DRUMMING WITH A JOURNEY THROUGH THE HISTORY OF AND Daniel Glass “(I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man” Muddy Waters From: The Best of Chess Blues Fred Below: Drums B.P.M. 73 1948 (I'm Your) Hoochie Coochie Man Presented by q y 4 œ ã4 œ Drum Set Verse Œ Œ y ã œœ 4 Chorus »¶£ ‰ ‰ 3 3 Œ Œ Ó Ó œœy œœy y J 3 Œ Œ Muddy Waters From: The Best Of Chess Blues Fred Below: Drums j yœ œ J ‰ ‰ Verse y œ 㜠20 Chorus 28 ã Œ Œ ‰ ‰ œœy œœy y J Œ Œ y ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ œœ (4) 3 3 3 3 2 « 3 y ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ‰ y œy ( œ) y . œ . ã œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 12 j y ‰ œ œy ‰ œJ œ Œ Œ œœy ‘ ‘ (4) ‘ ‘ ‘ œœy Play 7 y œ ‘ œ y œœy j 3 ‰ œy œy ( œ) y ‰ œJ œ 2 « 2 « 3 j ‰ œy œy œy œy ( œ) y .. œ ‰ Jœ œ y y œ Œ Œ PROTECT YOUR HEARING! With Stereo Isolation Headphones from Vic Firth! These specially designed headphones drastically reduce the level of external sound reaching the musician’s ears‚ offering valuable protection from potential damage. The SIH1 reduces overall noise levels by 24 decibels and features high quality stereo headphones. Unlike non-isolation headsets‚ where musicians typically crank the volume to very high and potentially damaging sound levels in order to hear the music clearly‚ the SIH1 reduces ambient noise from the instruments. This allows the musician to play along with the recorded music or monitor other performers in a live situation at comfortable and safe sound levels. SIH1 When It Matters, Ask for Vic Firth The Commandments of R&B Drumming Series Masterpieces of Biblical Proportions ! Take a Guided Tour Through the History of Early Rhythm & Blues, Rock & Roll, Soul, Funk, and Hip-Hop! Available from ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING • alfred.com