Minutes - IEEE Standards Working Group Areas


Minutes - IEEE Standards Working Group Areas
Overhead Contact Systems Sub-committee for Rail Transit
OCS Committee Members
From: Paul F. White, Chairperson
11 February 2009
Report and Minutes of 22 & 23 January 2009 OCS Committee
Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Attached are the minutes of this meeting. If you wish to contact me, please do so
as follows:
Paul F. White
70 Elmwood Road
Wellesley, MA 02481-1139
E-mail: catenarydesign@aol.com
You may also contact me at:
HNTB Corporation
300 Apollo Drive
Chelmsford MA 01824
Tel: 978-905-4053
Fax: 978-905-4001
Cell: 781-752-9743
E-mail: pwhite@hntb.com
For those of you from transit systems who did not receive the IEEE
www.ieee.org/portal/site/iportals/ enter in the search window: expense
reports. This is in EXCEL, fill it out with all expenses and dates. Print out, sign
and date it. You must put your IEEE membership number on it where it says
member number, attach all original receipts and mail it to me at my home
OCS Meeting Minutes 22/23 January 2009
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Address or scan and send to me at catenarydesign@aol.com. Remember, you
must be a member of the IEEE and VTS to receive reimbursement. If you have
not joined IEEE, I have attached an instructional that Bih-Yuan Ku put together
for this.
We had a successful meeting with 39 attending on the 22nd and 23 on the 23rd
and it was held at the TECO Lines Streetcar System maintenance facility. Mr. Eric
Sitiko, Assistant Manager Streetcar Maintenance welcomed us and discussed the
system. Eric also made the arrangements for the lunch. RTR Technologies of
Stockbridge, Massachusetts sponsored lunch and our thanks to them and to Eric
for making all of the arrangements for the meeting.
Paul White gave the IEEE PATCOM slide presentation and it was stated that
there is no knowledge of any patents with the standards being developed.
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted by voice vote.
Paul White said that Steve Norton of Los Angeles Metro had volunteered to
assume the position of Vice Chairperson and that Mike Bertoty of Port Authority
of Allegany County (Pittsburgh) agreed to take on the responsibilities of the
recording secretary. He also stated that as Pete Bartek has taken on a myriad of
responsibilities with the National Transit Institute and Protran and could no
longer fulfill the duties of recording secretary. As such, due to Pete’s dedication
to the committee and being instrumental in founding it that he should be the
Honorary Secretary. Request for a motion of acceptance for Steve Norton to be
vice chair, Mike Bertoty to be recording secretary and Pete Bartek to be honorary
secretary was put forth and it moved and seconded and passed by voice vote.
Dinner logistics were discussed. There was to be a “cocktails and conversation”
hour on a streetcar traversing the city and the arrangements were discussed.
The next meeting was announced and it will be in Philadelphia on June 3rd and
4th hosted by SEPTA and will be in conjunction with Traction Power Substations
Committee. The September meeting will be in Seattle on September 28th and 28th
in conjunction with TPSS.
Paul White said that Bih-Yuan Ku sends his regrets on not being able to attend
the meeting. Funding was discussed. IEEE made $40,000.00 available for travel
for 2009. Gary Touryan and PFW will contact APTA for there participation in
funding assistance. PFW asked if anyone still was owed reimbursement from the
last meeting. He further asked hat people get their reimbursement requests in
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PFW mentioned private sector presentation tables and donations to the travel
fund. NMC Power switch had said during the meeting break that they will
donate $500.00 to the travel fund. Our thanks to them.
The web site was discussed briefly. PFW stated that he has the program to
update the web site and will work with Steve Norton on it. The web site is
www.rtvisc.org .
A brief history and purpose of the committee was given.
The working groups were asked to report on the status of their standard and
they did so.
OCS Dictionary. Chris Pagni reported that PAR authorization has been achieved
but he needs various OCS drawings. Randy Anderson of Impulse will work with
Chris and provide the drawings.
Live Line Maintenance-the working group chair was not present but PFW spoke
to Gary Clarner prior to the meeting and progress is being made.
Catenary Design Standards-the working group chair was not present but PFW
spoke to Andy Gillespie prior to the meeting and he sent the most updated
version for the group to work on.
Heritage Trolley Car Standard. The working group has started on the standard.
They have not received any information on a joint interagency agreement
between IEEE and APTA. PFW stated that he has not the people from APTA and
IEEE but will do so before the next meeting. Jeff Sisson and Chris Pagni have
done some work since the last meeting on it.
Ian Hayes brought up the importance of insulating screens and a discussion
ensued. PFW said he would send it out to the committee again for their
comments and suggestions.
The issue of fiberglass strain insulators breaking which was discussed at
previous meetings was presented. Randy Anderson stated that Impulse has
developed information on maximum torque limits for 5/8” and 7/8” rods.
There was no new business and the meeting broke out into working groups and
did so for the rest of the day.
Lunch was compliments of RTR Industries and after lunch, the review of
Standard P1627 continued for the rest of the day.
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The dinner and the ‘cocktails and conversation’ hour took place in a streetcar
supplied by TECO Lines Streetcar System compliments of Eric Sitiko and it all
thoroughly enjoyed it. The “ride to imbibe” was a reminder of the Electroliner
days in Chicago and then on the Norristown Line of SEPTA.
Dinner was at the hotel, Hampton Inn & Suites-Ybor City and the after dinner
was a presentation on balance weights. Pip Shepley of Mass Electric gave a very
interesting and informative presentation which led to lively discussion. Pip’s talk
with photo slides discussed what works and doesn’t work and how contractors
would like to see them designed. Mass Electric also sponsored the sumptuous
dinner and our thanks to them-it was greatly appreciated.
During the second day of the meeting, the committee broke out into working
groups. After lunch, Eric Sitiko conducted a tour of the TECO Streetcar Lines
carbarn facilities and substations and we rode on one of their double truck cars.
Eric very kindly allowed those interested to operate the car and it was true
“Electric Therapy”. It has been years since I last operated a streetcar and found it
enjoyable. Our thanks to Eric Sitiko and to the Hillsborough Area Regional
Transit Authority.
Again, I wish to thank you for attending the meeting and participating in the
committee and I look forward to seeing you at the next one which will be held on
June 22nd and 23rd 2009 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at SEPTA. As soon as the
particulars are firmed up, I will send out a notice of the meeting.
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Meeting Minutes
Overhead Contact Systems Subcommittee for Rail Transit
TECO Lines Streetcar System
22 & 23 January 2009
1-Meeting called to order at 8:15 am at the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit
Authority maintenance facility and offices. Opening remarks by Paul White,
• Discussed safety and emergency egress for the facility
• Introduction of persons attending, 39 attendees on the 11th and 23 on the 12th.
• Welcoming remarks by Eric Sitiko of TECO Lines Streetcar System.
2-Committee business
• PatCom slides were to be presented later in meeting.
• Officers of the committee were presented for approval. Steve Norton-Vice Chair,
Mike Bertoty-Recording Secretary and Pete Bartek-Honorary Secretary
• Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
• Dinner logistics were discussed.
• The next meeting location was discussed. It will take place in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania on June 3rd and 4th, 2009. It will be conjunction with Traction
Power Substations who will meet on the 1st and 2nd.
• Discussed fall meeting. It will be in Seattle on September 28th and 29th in
conjunction with TPSS.
3-Report of the chairperson
• Paul White, Chairperson of the IEEE OCS Committee gave his report.
• Funding Status for travel reimbursement was presented. IEEE has put $40,000
aside for transit agency personnel reimbursement for 2009.
• Reimbursement forms were made available. It was noted that for
reimbursement, participants must be members of IEEE and VTS.
• One company made a donation to the travel fund-NMC Power Switch.
• Various information sheets were made available to those desiring them.
• The history of the IEEE OCS Committee was presented for those new to the
committee. Everyone was encouraged to join the IEEE.
• It was pointed out why we meet three times a year and that our next meetings
will coincide with Traction Power Substations.
6-Report of Working Groups
• Reports on status of standards and working groups was given.
WG 16 Standard P-1629 Current Collectors-Jeff Sisson Stated that he has
addressed the comments from IEEE editorial board and will move the standard
along for the next step in the balloting process.
WG 17 Standard P-1627 Lightning Arrestors. The working group chairs were not
present but Paul White reported that the standard is ready to be sent to IEEE.
And Dev Paul will do this.
WG 20 Standard P-1630 Supporting Structures. Steve Adkins was not able to
attend but stated previously that the title change had been approved and the
standard was going to be moved along and is ready for balloting.
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WG 19 Maintenance Practices. Jeff Wharton reported that the standard has been
balloted and there were questions that need to be answered and this will take
place during the working group session. Then balloting will be done again.
OCS Dictionary. A PAR has been issued and OCS drawings are needed. Randy
Anderson will provide them.
Catenary Standards-This has been moving forward as Andy Gillespie has
submitted an updated draft.
WG 18 Standard P-1626 Insulation Requirements. Additional work needs to be
done and will take place at he working group seeion.
Ian Hayes brought up the subject of insulation screens and discussion ensued.
Public safety and worker safety stressed. It will be sent out with the minutes.
Heritage trolley standards. No agreement has been put forth between APTA and
IEEE. Situation will be looked into by PFW. Work has progressed on the draft.
7-Fiberglass Insulator Followup
• Randy Anderson reported Impulse has developed information on maximum
torque limits for 5/8” and 7/8” rods.
8-PatCom Slides
• PatCom slides were presented by Paul White
9- Working Group Breakout
• Each working group had a mini meeting to discuss their standard.
10- Lunch compliments of RTR Technologies-Craig and Rosalie Berger
11-Day one wrap-up
• Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm and people invited to ‘cocktails and
conversation’ on a TECO System Lines streetcar and dinner at the hotel .
12-Dinner and presentations
• Dinner was sponsored by Mass Electric Construction Company.
• Donation of $500.00 to the transit agency travel fund by NMC Power Switch
13-Meeting re-convened on 23 January at 8:15am.
• Working groups had mini meetings to work on their standard
14-Lunch break and Meeting wrap-up
• Announced invitation for those staying over to dine together.
• Meeting adjourned at 2:00 noon and TECO Lines provided a tour of their
facilities and a ride on one of their streetcars.
16-Next meeting
• Next meeting will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the offices of
SEPTA, June 2nd & 3rd, 2009. Traction Power Substations will meet at the same
location on June 1sth and 2nd.
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