EagletterNov 2012.PUB
EagletterNov 2012.PUB
Eagletter Page 1 NOVEMBER 2012 Dr. Gary Brashear, Superintendent Ride the Wave I just returned from my Superintendents conference a few weeks ago refreshed and recharged with exciting information about education. One of the speakers there was a technology director from a district up in northern Illinois. He was able to convince this old dog that he needed to become familiar with some new tricks (technology). It is easy to see that as the Bob Dylan song says, “the times they are a changin”. While he was referring to the civil rights movement, the technology movement is moving fast! So in the spirit of change, I have joined Twitter and will soon be live on Facebook as well in a professional capacity. I will attempt to keep these two sites active with important posts such as school closings and technology tidbits and happenings in the world of education. I am on Twitter as “DWSUPT” and still learning my way around. Watch for a Facebook page coming soon! I will use the same user name DWSUPT on it! These tools will be changing and evolving as I learn. As a single footstep will not Perhaps I can find a student to bring me up to speed :) make a path on the earth, so a Larger challenges face us as a school district, such as how do we pay single thought will not make a for the increased need in technology? How fast should we move in implementpathway in the mind. To make a ing things? These questions and more are being worked on as we move fordeep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep ward. We want to spend our resources wisely, but we do not want to be left mental path, we must think over behind. As I compare where we are at as a school district, it looks like we are and over the kind of thoughts we ahead of some and behind some. This is not necessarily a bad place to be. wish to dominate our lives. Sometimes we can move too fast and make a wrong turn that costs us time and Henry David Thoreau money because we took an avenue that everyone else did not and now we find we have to back track and catch up. One thing I do know, parents, our generation may have invented the technology, but our children own it! Dates to Remember I have been looking at the 7 and 10 inch touch pads that are coming out for Android. They are similar to an iPad, yet cost around $70. I wonder if they would Nov 12 - NO SCHOOL work for education and what kind of uses teachers and students might have for Nov 20 - 2:18 dismissal such a tool. Many schools have stopped buying textbooks and get all their tools Nov 21-23 - NO SCHOOL Happy Thanksgiving! off the Internet. We are not there yet, but I see it as a necessity for the future. Well I am off to set up my Facebook page! See you soon. Oh- and for those of you without a computer or similar technology, I still answer my phone! Stay in touch! “Technology is anything invented after you were born, everything else is just stuff.” –Alan Kay “We need to prepare students for their future Check it out! and not our past.”- Ian Jukes www.dwschools.org Page 2 Eagletter The Illinois Principals Association (IPA) hosted its 41st Annual Principals Professional Conference October 21–23, 2012 in Peoria, IL. Approximately 675 principals from throughout the state gathered to hear outstanding educational leaders and participate in educational sessions on how they can better serve their schools. This year’s theme was Leaders Leading Change. Eric Jensen, a highly engaging, world-class staff developer out of Maunaloa, HI keynoted the opening session on Monday sharing his 7 Discoveries from Recent Brain Research. Lt. Governor Sheila Simon was an invited guest and Dr. Chris Koch, State Superintendent of Schools, updated attendees on the state of education in Illinois at the Second General Session. Jamie Vollmer, author, speaker and consultant from Fairfield, IA presented the Third General Session, Welcome to the Great Conversation: Increasing Public Support for American’s Public Schools. A variety of Small Group Sessions on important topics affecting administrators and schools were offered over the course of the two days. This year’s topics included: cyberspeech; legal updates; school improvement; technology; Common Core Standards; leadership and much more. One of the highlights of the Conference was IPA’s Awards for Excellence program where school administrators are recognized for the good work they’re doing. Also, students from several Illinois schools were showcased as they posted their colors and sang the National Anthem at the First General Session and provided entertainment in the Exhibit Hall. Other conference activities included one of the largest educational exhibitions in Illinois which allows attendees to see the latest in educational products and services. Exhibitors were also featured on the IPA website. Additionally, opportunities were available for attendees to purchase resource materials at the Bookstore and attend book signings by the keynote speakers. The Illinois Principals Association is the state’s largest professional learning network of educational leaders comprised of 4,200 elementary, middle and secondary school principals, assistant principals and deans from throughout Illinois. The Mission of the Illinois Principals Association is to advance learning through effective educational leadership. I would like to thank the DW Board of Education for allowing me to attend this conference over the last 19 years. I have been able to bring back many important ideas as a result of this conference. Eagletter Page 3 Blood Drive Save a Life! November 9 from 11:45-4:15 Walk-in or call Mrs. Schilawski at 217-736-2311 x 34 to make an appointment Students will participate in a contest to see which student can recruit the most donations (Be sure to mention which student you would like to support) Coming Nov 13th….”She’s the First” Tie-Dye Cupcake Bake-Off Why: One in four girls in the developing world is not in school. Of the 130 million youth who are out of school in the world, 70% are girls, presenting a crippling gender gap. Less than 7 cents of every development dollar goes to girls. We can transform a girl’s life if we help her be the first to reach her high school graduation and then hopefully college. When: Student Council and Lifesavers Club members will be selling “tie-dye” cupcakes on Tuesday, November 13th during both lunch periods. Cost: $1.00 per cupcake – Please help us sponsor girls by sending $1.00 with your student. (Additional donations are also welcome.) Our goal is for 100% participation in the elementary, middle and high schools! Health Professions Open House Friday, November 9 1-3 pm Tours - Demonstrations - Information Tables No reservations needed For more information visit www.parland.edu, call Parkland Admissions at 217/351-2509 or see Mrs. Schilawski Congratulations, to the following seniors who Met or Exceeded State Standards on the Spring 2012 PSAE exams! Students who “Met” state standards are allowed to exempt out of fall semester exams. Students who “Exceed” state standards are allowed to exempt out of both fall and spring exams. Ethan Cunningham Heather Eggemeyer Brooke Kimball Dylan Taylor Rachel White Mikayla Jones English, Math & Science English English English English English (exceed), Math & Science Page 4 Eagletter P.I.E. (Parents Interested in Education) VENDOR FAIR: THANK YOU – THANK YOU - THANK YOU – THANK YOU - THANK YOU A BIG THANKS to all the Vendors, volunteers, students, teachers, administrators for use of the school; Weldon Library, Weldon Lion's Club, DeLand Fire Department for all the tables, Ed helping us at school and the dedicated PIE members listed below who helped with the Vendor Fair on Saturday 10/27/2012. A BIG THANKS!!!!! NEXT P.I.E. MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2012. AT 6:15 P.M. AT THE HIGH SCHOOL. COME AND JOIN US!!! We will be critiquing the Vendor Fair, working on the Senior Citizen's dinner planning as well as frivolity and fellowship! Come & join us! I am telling you – we have a good time!!!! Please keep saving those Boxtops For Education and Campbell's Labels. Shannon Hayward, in the running for most ambitious Boxtops/Label collector in Central Illinois for 2012, is the force behind the success and she is doing a fantastic job! So keep those Boxtops and Campbell's labels coming to school so we can turn them into cash for our students and teachers!! Go D-W!!!!! P.I.E. Members: Missy Duff Shannon Summers Karen Neumann Robin Campbell Shannon Hayward Hey! Get your name on here! Come to a meeting today!! Eagletter Page 5 HS & MS Band and Chorus Annual Fresh Fruit Fundraiser From 10/29/12 thru 11/12/12 Order from any student who is participating or contact Music teacher, Chevauna Adams, at school 217-736-2311 or by email cadams@dwschools.org Healthier Lunches Your child’s school day just got healthier! School lunches now include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grain-rich foods; only fat-free or low-fat milk; “right-size” meals with portions designed for a child’s age; and less saturated fat, trans fat and sodium. The changes in school meals, the first in 15 years, are based on the latest nutritional guidelines. Here are some important facts about the new school meals: • The new school lunch provides 1/3 of the average daily calorie needs for kids by age. • Some highly active students, like athletes, may need more calories. Some schools may offer second helpings of fruits and vegetables. A second carton of milk may also be an option. Schools can also operate after-school snack and supper programs. Students and/or sports teams can also bring food from home. • In practice, many students are being served the same amounts of protein as before under the new standards. Your child can learn good habits for life by making healthy food choices and getting proper exercise now. This year is a transition year as schools implement these new standards and work together with parents, to ensure that every child, in every community across America, has access to healthy and nutritious meals. Encourage them to try new foods and eat the healthy food offered. Reinforce healthy eating by offering similar new foods at home. Keep updated on the changes at www.fns.usda.gov/healthierschoolday. Page 6 Eagletter Middle School Girls Basketball Written by: Chloe Melvin, Hannah Cunningham, Kay Thompson and Lauren Cearlock This year the seventh grade team has 7 wins and 5 losses. The eighth grade team has 5 wins and 4 losses. We have four games left. So far it’s been a great season!!! We have improved so much. Our coach, Ethan Siebers, has been a big help. Everyone is hoping for another great season next year!!! Good job ladies. Great Volleyball Season! Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity volleyball teams finished with winning seasons. The Junior Varsity ended the season with a record of 14 wins, 3 losses. They won the third place division match at the St. Teresa tournament and won all 6 of their ECIC conference matches. The Varsity set a school record with 24 wins and only 7 losses. They also won the ECIC Conference and the ECIC Tournament, finished 2nd place in the Regional, 2nd at the Arthur tournament and 4th (out of 10 teams) at the Blue Ridge tournament. We had three seniors this year, Summer Berry, Mikayla Jones and Brooke Kimball and they will be missed next season. Congratulations also goes out to Rowan Crozier who made the “Athlete of the Week” for the week of Friday, Oct 26th in the Champaign News Gazette and to Mikayla Jones for Honorable Mention. Rowan also earned a spot on the “all tournament team” at the Blue Ridge tournament. The team would like to thank the fans and parents who attended our matches. They would also like to thank Bernice Fisher, Cheryl and Randy Jones, Gabe Wikoff, Keirsten Wright, Kelli Benner, Matt Goldman, Ethan Siebers, Clint Rabbe and Karen Snook for their help this season. Eagletter This month the Little Miracles Pre-K class visited Curtis Orchard. While at the orchard, we discovered that girl bees do all the work pollinating the flowers and collecting nectar to make honey. We saw the machines used to make apple cider. Our little friends all chose a pumpkin to take home as well. Back in our classroom, we learned about fire safety. We practiced how to stop, drop and roll if our clothes are on fire as well as crawling low under smoke. We also got to see a fire truck and try on a real firefighter’s coat when Firefighter Darrel Bush visited our school. Thank you, Mr. Bush! Page 7 Page 8 Eagletter Chicken & Noodles Dinner Wednesday, December 5 4:30-6:30 p.m. In the High School Lobby $5.00 meal includes: Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Roll, Dessert and Drink Join us for supper before the Elementary Music Program! Sponsored by: The DeLand-Weldon Education Association to benefit the DWEA Scholarship given to a senior student at graduation. SENIOR CITIZEN'S DINNER MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012 1:30 • • • • In the middle school gym We will have a delicious turkey dinner with all of the trimmings prepared by Aramark - PLUS entertainment a visit from Santa updates about all the successes at DeLand-Weldon Schools door prizes Also this year we will have “Vials of Life” distribution and blood pressure checks available—sponsored by Kirby Hospital. Please RSVP by Dec 3 by calling Cheryl at 217-736-2311 or 217-664-3314 x 0. Check Acceptance Policy Your Check is Welcome! In the event your check is returned unpaid due to insufficient funds, you authorize your check to be electronically re-deposited for the face amount of the check. Recovery fees, as applicable by state law, will be assessed on all returned checks and may be collected from your checking account. By presenting your check for payment for your transaction, you are acknowledging your acceptance of Check Acceptance Policy. Thank you. 1-888-374-3369 November 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 MSBB 6:00 @ Judah (8th only) MSGB 6:00 Vs Hope Academy 2 3 4 5 MSGB 6:00 Vs Blue Ridge (Parent’s night) 6 7 8 MSBB 6:15 vs Arthur Co-op @ Atwood 9 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE 1:45 - 4:15 In the HS Gym 10 11 12 NO SCHOOL MSGB 6:00 @ Atwood-Hammond 13 MSBB 6:00 Vs Calvary 14 15 MSBB 6:00 Vs Garfield 16 End of Mid-term 2 17 MSGB 7th grade Regionals begin, TBA 18 19 MSBB 6:00 Vs St Thomas HSBB 8:00 @ Mt Pulaski Tourn. School Bd Mtg 7:00 20 2:18 dismissal Mid-term grades go home MSBB 6:00 @ Next Generation 21 NO SCHOOL HSBB 5:00 @ Mt Pulaski Tourn. 22 NO SCHOOL 24 HSBB TBA @ Mt Pulaski Tourn. Happy Thanksgiving! 23 NO SCHOOL HSBB 3:30 @ Mt Pulaski Tourn. 26 MSBB 6:00 @ OLOL MSGB 8th grade Regionals begin 27 HSBB 6:15 @ Bement 28 29 MSBB 6:00 @ Countryside 30 HSBB 6:00 Vs First Baptist 25 2012 November 1 2 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Wheat Cinnamon Roll Applesauce Orange Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Waffles w/ syrup Sliced Peaches Apple Juice 5 6 7 8 9 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Sausage Breakfast Pizza Fresh Orange Apple Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or French Toast Sticks w/ syrup Fresh Banana Orange Juice Or Wheat Cinnamon Roll Apricot Halves Apple Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Ham & Cheese Biscuit Applesauce Orange Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Pancakes w/ syrup Sliced Peaches Apple Juice 12 No School 16 13 14 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Wheat Cinnamon Roll Fresh Banana Orange Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or French Toast Sticks w/ syrup Apricot Halves Apple Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Cinnamon Biscuit Applesauce Orange Juice 21 No School 23 22 No School No School 19 20 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or French Toast Sticks w/ syrup Fresh Orange Apple Juice Or Egg & Cheese Biscuit Fresh Banana Orange Juice 26 27 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Sausage Breakfast Pizza Fresh Orange Apple Juice Or French Toast Sticks w/ syrup Fresh Banana Orange Juice 15 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Chicken Biscuit Sliced Peaches Apple Juice 28 29 30 Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Wheat Cinnamon Roll Apricot Halves Apple Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Ham & Cheese Biscuit Applesauce Orange Juice Choice of Cereal w/ cinnamon toast Or Pancakes w/ syrup Sliced Peaches Apple Juice Deland-Weldon School Breakfast Menu Special News… More Info… Breakfast Items Available Daily: Applejacks Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cocoa Puffs Frosted Flakes Milk All Juice is 100% Fruit Juice! 2012 November 1 2 Macaroni & Cheese Chicken Nuggets w/ wheat breadstick Green Beans Assorted Fruit Chili Cheese Baked Potato w/ Roll Cheese Pizza French Fries Assorted Fruit 9 5 6 7 8 Meatball Pizza Sub Cheese Pizza Golden Corn Assorted Fruit General Tso Chicken w/ Brown Rice Cheeseburger on Bun Tater Tots Assorted Fruit Bean Soft Tacos Pepperoni Pizza Kickin’ Pinto Beans Assorted Fruit Penne Pasta w/ Italian Meat Sauce Chicken Nuggets w/ wheat breadstick Green Beans Assorted Fruit 13 14 15 Grilled Ham & Cheese Chicken Patty on Bun French Fries Assorted Fruit Chicken Quesadilla Pepperoni Pizza Kickin’ Pinto Beans Assorted Fruit Rotini Pasta w/ Italian Meat Sauce Popcorn Chicken w/ wheat breadstick Green Beans Assorted Fruit 19 20 French Toast Sticks w/ Scrambled Eggs Cheese Pizza Golden Corn Assorted Fruit Orange Broccoli Chicken w/ Brown Rice Hot Dog on Bun Tater Tots Assorted Fruit 23 21 22 No School No School No School 12 No School Sloppy Joe on Bun Cheese Pizza French Fries Assorted Fruit 16 Broccoli & Cheese Baked Potato w/ Roll Cheese Pizza Tater Tots Assorted Fruit 26 27 28 29 30 Beef Nachos w/ wheat breadstick Cheese Pizza Peas Assorted Fruit Pizza Sticks w/ Marinara Sauce Cheeseburger on Bun French Fries Assorted Fruit Chicken Soft Tacos Pepperoni Pizza Kickin’ Pinto Beans Assorted Fruit Spaghetti w/ Italian Meatballs & Sauce Popcorn Chicken Bites w/ wheat breadstick Green Beans Assorted Fruit Buffalo Chicken Sandwich Cheese Pizza Tater Tots Assorted Fruit Deland-Weldon School Lunch Menu Special News… More Info… Daily: Milk Choice Fruit & Vegetable Bar: Canned Fruit, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, 100% Fruit Juice, bread & dessert choices! Served Daily: (Grades 9-12): Cheese Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Cheeseburger Chicken Patty