Journal of the American Mosquito Control AssociaTion. 24( 1): 123-126, 2008 Copyright (02008 by The American MosquIto Cootrol Association, Ine. SCIENTIFIC NOTE LABORATORY EVALUATION OF CYROMAZINE AGAINST INSECTICIDE-SUSCEPTIBLE AND -RESISTANT MOSQUITO LARVAE FREDERIC DARRIET,' MORTEZA ZAlM' AND VINCENT CORBEL' ABSTRACT. In this sludy, the aetivily of eyromazine was evaluated following WHO standard procedures against susceptible and rcsistant mosquito strains of /J.nopl1eles gambiae, Culex quinquefascifllus, and Acdes aegypti. The dose for 50% and 90% inhibItion of adull emergence (IE~o and I~o) ranged from 0.028 mg/liler lo 0.17 mglliter and from 0.075 mg/liter ta 0.42 mgllitcr, respedively. The e/TecLs of eyrom:nine weœ closer LO that of chi tin synthesis ;nhlbitors rather than that of juvenlle hormone analogues, with onl 1 10-20% PUjl:tI mortalily. The toxicity of cyromazine was not sn'ongly aITected by the presenç' of eommon resistance mlOchanlsm, Le., J(dr mutalion and Ace.I Il (resistance ratio from 0.5 102.3) The absence of cross resislanee with eommon insecticides (pyrethroids, carbamates, organophosphales) m(lkes cyromazine a potential candidate for disease vector control, especlally for the managemenL of 1D5e{;licide resistance. KEY WORDS resislance Cyromazine, IGR, Aedes aegypri, Anopheles gambiae, Culex quinquefasciarus, inseeticide Because of the deve]opment of pesticide resistance in mosquitoes, there is an urgent need to search for safe and cost-effective insecticides for veetor control. Cyromazine [N-cycJopropyl l ),5-tria7ine-2,4,6-triamine] is an insect growth regulator belonging to the aminotriazine insecLi cides. lt affects larval and pupal cuLicles in dipterans and sorne other insects. Although the exact mode of acLion of cyromazine is not weU understood, it has beeo shown to disturb some steps of sclerotization of tbe cuticle (Bel et al. 2000). This molecule may also interfere with DN/\ synthesis by disturbiog the integration of cytosine and adenosine into the cell (Binnington and Retnakaran 1991). Cyromazine also estab lishes a oew standard for low environmental (Nelson et al. 1986), and human risk (acute oral LD 0 for rates = 3,387 mglkg [Tomlin 2000)) and ofrers new approaches to insecticide resistance management. ln most cases, cyromazine is use<l against pest species of agrîcultural (ieaf miners, Mediterranean fruit Dy) and veterinary impor tance (Deas, houseDies) (Friedel 1986, Tomli..o 2000). For mosquito control, cyromazine has heen evaluated in the laboratory against different strains of Aedes aegypli L., Anopheles garnbiae Gîles, and Culex quinquefasciatus Say, which present none, l, or several rcsistance mechanisms to insecticides. This study, carried out i..o colla b 'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Laboratoire de LUIte Contre les Insectes Nuisibles, 91 t Avenue Agropolis, BP 64501, 34934 Montpellier Cedex S, France. 2 WHOICDS/PVC, World HealÙl Organlzation, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. oration with the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES), examined the potential larvicidal effeet of cyroma:z-ine and ilS cross resistance with commonly used insecLicides. Two laboratory strains of An. ga.rnbiac, 3 of CX. quinquefascialus, and 2 of Ae aegypli were used in this study. The susceptible reference straios (SS) of An. gambiae (KIS), Cx quinque fascialus (S-LAB), and Ae. aegypli (BORA) have been reared for many years i..o the laboratory and are free of any detectable insecticide resislance mechanism. Tbe pyrethroid-resistant strains of An. gambiae (VKPR), Ae. aegypli (LHP), and CX. quinquefascialus (BC) arc homozygous for the knockdown resistance (Kdr) gene (Darrîet et al. 1997, Chandre et al. 1998, Brengues et al. 2003). The car bama te/or gan opboso pha te- resistan t strain of CX. quinqucfasciatus (SR) TS homozygote for the gene encoding for an insensi live acetyl cbolinesterase (Ace. Ill), but remained fuUy sus ceptible to pyrethroids and DDT. The S-LAB, BC, and SR strains share the same gcnetic background but ooly di.ffered by the presence of susceptible or resistant" alleles at the Kdr and Ace.I locus (Berticat et al. 2002). The technical grade (96.3%) of cyromazine used in our study was provided by Syngenta, Basci, Switzerland. Larval bioassays were carried out with the use of technical-grade cyromazine dissolved in ethanol. Each hioassay was repeated 3 limes with 3rd instars. Groups of 25 larvae were placed in 99 ml of distilled water, with ] ml of i..osecticide solution. FOlU lots per concentration (Il. = 100) and a minimum of 4 concentrations per replicate, providingmortality within a range ofû 100%, were used for each replicate. The long duration of the test required that larvae were 123 124 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MOSQUITO CONTROL ASSOCLADON VOL. 24, No. l v -5 O"I\OV"'INVVl~ t'fI~t""l",,"-f-.- 66666°6 ° .... '" '"0 S o U provided every day with a smail amount of food (dry cat food [100 mglliter] for Cx. quinquefascia tus and Ae. aegyplÎ and dry fish food (Tetramîu®; 50 mg/liter] for An. gambiae) until the 1st pupae occUfred in the cups. Larvae in the control batches were fed in the same manner as those of the treated batches. The temperatme was main tained at 27°C throughout the experiment. According to the WHO guidelines for laboratory testing of mosquito larvicides (WHO 2005), the results were expressed lU terms of emergence inhibition rates (lE) based on tbe number of larvae that did not develop successfully iuto viable adults. In recording daily the IE%, moribund, dead larvae and pupae, as weil as adultmosquitoes that did not completely separate from the pupal case were considered as affected. The experirnent was stopped wheu all larvae or pupae in the control batches died or emerged in adults. Data were anatyzed according to the method of Finney (1971) by using Probit® software (Raymond et al. 1997). This software uses an iterative method of maximum Iikelihood to fit a regression between logarithm of concen tration and the probit emergence inhibition. This software then provided an estimation of IE so and IE 90 with their 95% confidence intervals. Two mosquito strains of the same species were considered as having the same susceptibility to cyromazïne wben the ratio between their IE so (resistance ration RR so ) or IE90 (RR 90 ) had confidence limits including the value 1. Results from larval bioassays are sununarized in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Few differences in suscep tibility were noted between the 3 mosquito species (Table 1). With the susceptible strains, the IE 50 ranged from 0.028 to 0.17 mg/liter and the IE 90 from 0.075 to 0.42 mglliter. We did not observe lower efficacy of cyroroazine against Kdr- and Ace.l-resistant mosq uitoes coropared to the susceptible ones (the resistance ratios RR so or RR 90 had confidence liroits including the value l, except at the IE so level on the Kdr-resistant strain of An. gambiae). From the mortality profIles of cyroroazine on the 3 mosquito species (Fig. 1), we noted tbat this chemîcal acted mainly by killing the larvae. The effect on pupae accounted for about 10-20% mortality, depending on the straiu and the doses tested. Consequently, the effects of cyromazine were closer to that of chitin synthesls inhibitors (i.e., diflubenzuron) rather than that of juvenile honnone analogues (i.e., pyriproxyfen). However, cyromazine dîd not greatly affect the time of development of treated larvae compared to untreated ones. In a previous study, Phonchevin et al. (1985) reporled lower efficacy of cyromazine iu terms of LC so against An. dirus (0.0042 mg/liter) and Cx. quinquefascialUs (0.0068 mg/liter), whereas its activity remained in a similar range of concen trations against Ae. aegypti (0.23 mgfliter). In the Tl: LHP suain (R.R KJ:JI ~ Bora str4'lj. (55) m:><1'JIy ('l.I ., - 'lX; @l; , N: '""' '".. <tI '0 ~ 0 -K, ."" ~j :'-, ~ . "''''''''vl 1......1....,.-.. 5(\ <>.>pal f- 30 1- ; 1- 10 doses (mgll) ~ 0 0.5 -r1 rlii 005 o CIl a ~ u Il U "''''11''''',-1 40 r- f f- r 11 ~ '"I~ do 01 - :le 1 - - f- , Il !>O la~it ...LIIlr.lY • 0 I"l'i/l) - - f- r- ' f f- f- - - l- I ~ D 1 .~ f do"'l~ 007 0 0' - - f f- ,...... :,).2 01 0.011 _. O' 00 - $-Lob str.ln (SS) Be slrain (RR Kdr) mod.&!:ity n"Ofbllii (%) 1/IIl '00 1i1..l, I~~ 00 lIIJ 00 Ml BI-- JO <'J , • 'l0 40 - f-- 1- 1- - r-- f-- - ~ 1- 1- - 0 oa; 0 .'1 O"M'_"'~ f--- ~n .~ Il h3hnnll'~' f--- - I00; ~ ~ 1--' 0_ f--- ~ JO d.oses (mg'l) Cl !'!!' ~..n O~j-''Y 1-- ~;':' GO CIl." l:iiJ~pal-n:;tbul1'f 1= F9 ~ ,....-. !!! l!!!Il ,-u .1IlUI 1- W "" !Ml 80' ~ 71,1 01 lm' (1, f- 10 .a<l.I""""''Y r- r- ll- O. (104 C3 80 [1 r- 1- - 2lJ - !II ::.:s 0' 90 ~ ~ l',l, t..;;. - 100 o<:l 5( 1- f n"... ~ VKPR .u.ln (RR Kdr) .. lB - D ....... ~ morh1h:y·k !Il li) r- d Kisumu 6train (55) ::I\, 1 """".0 i~o- ,\ I~~~' ""~~ Cil. il '" 1- fol . 1- 01 - !le ...... - 1 } !'It JlSr- llII 70 1- ,...- ,..., 90 ~ .... .- - vv ff)')J'I.lllY('.) do.... (mg/Il as oœ 001 ooa SR slra'n (RR Ace.! R) ri y{%\ 100 90 ~ l!!! 80 ;: 70 11:' 60 I:;j 50 40 ~ 20 ,O~ 1- - - - - -; ~ 30 f 1- .-"IfiO'1Ar.y - ,. !!I - G~If"'[ do"'ilf1~ 0 0 Fig 1 ry o."U"",I~.lrl 001 COC COC 0.a7 ooa M oflalilY profiles of cyromazllle againsl susceptible and resislunl strains of Aedes aegypl'. Anopheles ;;WII la • and Culex quillqueJasciaius. 126 JOURNAL OF THE AMI'RrCAN MosQUITO CONTROL ASSOCIATION USA (Oklahoma), SaJeh and Wright (1989) report ed an LC so of 0.17 mglliter against Ae. epacticus larvae collected from stagnant water. A lï.eld trial carried out in Israël with cyroroazine (2% granular) at 0.5 rogfliter showed complete inhibi tion of emergence of ex. pipiens L. for 40 days (Cohen 1986). To date, !l0 specific resistance to cyromazioe was found in mosquitoes, whereas it has been aJready observed in Musca domestica L. in Brazil (Pinto anù Prado 2001), tbe USA (Tang et al. 2002) and Denmark (Kristensen and Jespersen 2003). Cross resislance between cyro mazine and diOubenzuron (ecdysoid) has also been reporled in the common houseOy (Shen and Plapp 1990). Despite thar.-cyromazine is somewhat less tox.ic to mosquiloes than other lORs, its low toxicity and good activity against pYTetbroid- and carbamate-resistant mosquitoes makes il potenLial candidate for further study for control of mosquito-borne disease. We tbank the World Health Orgaoization Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) pro gram for funding this work and Syngenta (Basel, Switzerland) for providing the technical grade of cyromazine. REFERENCES CITED Bel Y, Wiesner P, Xayser H. 2000. Candidate target mechanisms of the grov.'th inhibitor cyromazine: studies of pbeuilalarune hydrolase, pupariaJ amino acids and dibydrofolate reductase in dipterians insects. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol45'69-78. Berticat C, BoquJen M, Raymond M, Chevillon C. 2002. Iosecricide resistance genes induce a mating competition cost in Culex pipiens mosquitoes. 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