Virden Empire-Advance Back to school photos... page 18 Canada Post Contract No. 40069240 SERVING THE VIRDEN, MANITOBA AREA SINCE 1885 Empire, Empire, Vol. Vol. 106, 104, No. No.14 67 Friday, September 9, 2011 includes tax Advance, Vol. 126, No. 19 Tanker fire delays TransCanada traffic Fire Chief Brad Yochim reported that “At 4:27 p.m. on September 6, Elkhorn Fire was dispatched to a fuel tanker on fire on #1 Highway about four miles east of Elkhorn. Virden Fire also responded and Moosomin Fire was called to assist with their water tanker. The driver of the truck was able ot escape uninjured before the fire department arrived. The truck was carrying 50,000 litres of diesel fuel, of which about 25,000 litres burnt off. The fire department was able to keep the rear trailer cool so that it was not consumed by the fire. The fire was too hot to extinguish so it was allowed to burn itself out which took about seven hours. Traffic was closed in both directions while the fire was burning. Manitoba Conservation was on scene and took over the cleanup operation. A total of 10 fire apparatus were on scene along with 22 firefighters.” Photo courtesy of Brad Yochim, Fire Chief Wallace District Fire Department Fibre enhances school division By Tori Elliott With the installation of fibre optics to enhance their network, the teachers and students of Fort La Bosse School Division (FLBSD) will be enjoying the benefits of state of the art connectivity as they return to school this fall. A project first introduced last fall as a partnership between FLBSD and local internet service provider RFNow Inc, the installation of the fibre optic cables to the schools is very exciting, says Jacy Whyte, Vice President of Marketing with RFNow. Though installation of the fibres is not quite completed throughout the entire school division, students and teachers in five of the division’s eight schools will have access to the system in the first week of the school year. "We really wanted the installation to be complete in Virden before the kids went back to school, and we pushed for it to happen" says Whyte. As such, each of Virden’s four schools, as well as Oak Lake School, are equipped and ready to go just in time for the return of their students, while the connections to Elkhorn, Kola and Reston schools are in progress and will be completed this fall. Essentially, the fibre optic technology will beef up the division’s connectivity within their own network and to the internet. Says Mike Bugg, Business Development Manager for RFNow, "Currently, their network connects to the internet at 45 megabits per second (Mbps), with this upgrade this connection will more than double to 100 Mbps. Between the schools, the system will be 100 times faster than current, which will allow them to centrally locate more of their infrastructure." As impressive as that sounds, what are the specific benefits of this new technology? "The biggest advantage is the increased bandwidth," says Kent Reid, Secretary Treasurer for FLBSD. "Out network won’t be as restrictive. Before, our system didn’t have the capacity to handle an entire classroom of students working with video files at once. Under the new network that shouldn’t be a problem." In fact, to date the connection speed provided by the fibre optics is much higher than they need, says Bugg, meaning that students and teachers should never again suffer a slow internet connection no matter what the on- FINANCE $31,259 LEASE $536 /MONTH • 5 to choose from! Stk #11366 2011 BUICK LUCERNE CXL Dealer permit #2867 line activities in their school. "The fibres will make the whole system operate much faster and the division will see improved performance on the internet," he says. The new connection will also allow remote teaching through the use of video without impacting the basic speed of internet browsing, explains Bugg. "We’re really getting into the use of technology to deliver curriculum and technology changes everyday. This allows us to keep up with those changes and to offer course content that wouldn’t necessarily be available," says Reid. In addition, the phone system will utilize the fibre optics which will allow added functionality such as conference calling without ever having to leave the division’s network as well as the luxury of reducing the need for extra phone lines, says Bugg. "It is significantly more cost effective; you get more with less, which is always a concern in education," he explains. Regarding the cost effectiveness of the installation of the new connection, Reid explains that it is because of the school division’s "tremendous partnership" with RFNow Inc. over the past decade that "we’ve had all of our schools interconnected for a fraction of what it would cost all other divisions to do it." A project with a commercial value of over a million dollars, the partnership between the two allowed FLBSD to acquire the technology for signifi cantly less than half of that, says Bugg. As beneficial as the fibre optic technology is for the continued on page 2 FINANCE $27,120 LEASE $359 /MONTH • Extended cab • Nevada Edition • 4 to choose from! Stk #11631 2011 GMC 1500 VIRDEN MAINLINE MOTORS Virden 748-3811 Toll free 1-866-770-3811 • E-mail: Birtle 842-3301 Virden Empire-Advance, September 9, 2011 2 CAO for R.M. of Wallace R.M. of Wallace Reeve Don Neufeld (left) welcomes Floyd Buhler to the position of CAO on September 8. Photo/Submitted By Anne Davison Recently hired Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the R.M. of Wallace, Floyd Buhler, has moved with his wife Paige and their one-year- old daughter, to become Virden residents. From Lynn Lake, where he last worked, it was a 14-hour move for the new parents. The move to Virden, brings them closer to Paige’s family living in the Birtle area. Born in Thompson and raised in Winnipeg since the age of 10, Buhler was educated in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba. He has a B.A. majoring in economics. Employment at the U. of M. from 2006 to 2010, provided valuable work experience in financial administration, at the Registrar’s office and subsequently as a student advisor with the Faculty of Kinesiology. Buhler most recently served as the Economic Development Officer and then CAO for the Town of Lynn Lake. When the couple moved to the northern town they discovered Do you miss a good old English cuppa or just the taste of home? Well Well not anymore! anymore! • cuppas • treats • even Mark’s and Spencers undies for kids! Interested? Call 1-306-646-7646 or email: Great Western Energy Recycling & Disposal Inc. in partnership with Inc. there was no high speed internet access, which was a great hindrance to his administrative work there, so the Buhlers proceeded to start a high speed internet company. The town had received a federal grant to install the infrastructure, but without expertise or initiative, no one had put it to use. Wallace’s new CAO acknowledges the importance of the municipal act and his role in working with council, within that framework. The role of the CAO is financial administration as well as project management, carrying out council’s decisions. He sees growth opportunity for the municipality with the new water infrastructure, recognizing that some issues need to be ironed out. Buhler has seen Lynn Lake dwindle from 3500 to a mere 800 rate payers. Coming from a mining town that has gone through an industry collapse, Buhler noted that Wallace in contrast has “a stable economic environment, with oil and farming.” This stability allows for more accuracy in planning and budgeting, he says. Recognizing there are challenges in the road infrastructure, he hopes the R.M. can find new strategies to deal with that. Buhler nods approvingly of the work done to re-design and update Wallace’s web page (not yet complete), and says, “Technology will be a focus of my management Fibres enhance continued from page 1 school division, the connection is just as advantageous for RFNow Inc. "It’s a win/win," says Whyte, explaining that laying the fibres for FLBSD gave them the opportunity to affordably reach surrounding communities with their technology. "We plan to eventually offer the same connection for commercial and then residential use in the future." Concerning the technology itself, Bugg explains that though fibre optics have been around for many years, significant advances have been made over the last decade, making it more economically affordable. "It’s a technological upgrade that is a necessary step; it Once connected, the fibre optics in this cable will amp up the high speed internet service in the schools of the For La Bosse School Division. Photo/Tori Elliott has to be done." "This is really exciting not only for the school division and RFNow, but for the community as well," explains Whyte. "There is no other community in rural Manitoba that can say they have access to this kind of tech- are proud to acknowledge and recognize: Penn West Exploration as our first oilfield client to recycle it’s plastic oilfield materials in the Province of Manitoba on May 18, 2011. This recycling process demonstrates Penn West’s commitment to the environment and its dedication to becoming an environmentally conscious company. We look forward to a long and “green” relationship with Penn West Exploration. style.” He sees it as a tool to facilitate timely, accurate communication between the public, the office and the councillors, saying, “small communication incidents can turn into large catastrophes.” Both Buhlers are community minded and keenly competitive, having coached basketball and volleyball. Paige grew up with Virden teams as rivals. “I’m excited about living here,” Buhler says of the recent move to Virden, commenting on the abundance of restaurants and food stores, “It’s a good mix of small town and big town.” Avid golfers, the family is looking forward to a summer in southwestern Manitoba. • • • • • Post flood infrastructure rebuilding Child care benefit of $100 /month for all children 6-12 years Hire 1700 nurses and 250 doctors Cancel $2 /head cattle levy Balanced budget by 2018 nological opportunity." The same could be said for a school division. S a y s R e i d , " We ’ r e looked at as leaders in the school divisions and this technology, which amps up our internal system and network, is certainly one of the reasons why."
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