Out with the Old


Out with the Old
Vo l u m e 2 N u m b e r 4
Marc h 2 010
Bonita Bay
Out with the Old,
In with the New
On Saturday, February 6, late in the afternoon,
the long drawn-out negotiations between the
Turnover Committee and the Bonita Bay Group
ended with a signed agreement.
For a cash purchase price
of $11.5 million, the “New Club”
will acquire all five golf courses, all
clubhouses and tennis and fitness
facilities. Each existing golf member
who chooses to join the New Club will
pay a conversion fee of $10,000. The
conversion fee for tennis – $3,000; for
fitness – $2,000; and social – $1,000.
All members who pay a refundable
initiation fee and decide to join the
New Club must sign a waiver releasing
Bonita Bay Properties, Inc. (BBPI)
from further liability. In addition,
liabilities for refunds to resigned
and downgraded members will be
retained by BBPI who will make a
cash settlement offer of 30% of their
initiation deposits.
Bonita Bay
Beach Park
Under Attack
By John D. Spear, PA
City Council Member
Two recent news items of particular
relevance to Bonita Bay residents may
have gone unnoticed. First, a January 30 article in the Naples
Daily News entitled “Citizen launches
effort to bring end to private beaches
in Bonita Springs”.
Roughly 1,900 people attended four
town hall meetings held on February
16 and 17. There was a thorough
presentation delivered by the Turnover
Committee followed by a questionand-answer session. Some of the areas
of concern brought up were:
he negotiated purchase price is too
high. The TOC responded that it is
conceivable that a better deal could
have been achieved through more
protracted negotiations but, in its
judgment, this agreement would be
acceptable to the vast majority of
members and further delays would
be counter productive.
continued on page 25
For the almost 30 years that I have lived
in Bonita Springs, property owners
fronting on the Gulf have repeatedly
and systematically tried to claim Bonita
Beach exclusively for themselves and
to exclude or limit access to the beach
for the rest of us. They use the phrase
“our beach” as an exclusive rather than
inclusive way.
continued on page 12
Editors’ Notes
As the transition to a member-owned club
nears completion, we feel that every resident in
our community should explore the opportunity
to join the New Club. Whether your interests
are golf, tennis, fitness or social, there are
numerous health and lifestyle benefits to being
a member.
In addition, a financially solid, viable club enhances
the real estate value of all our homes. Please give full
consideration to becoming a member or upgrading
your membership so that we can once again be the
premier community in Southwest Florida.
To those members who choose to pursue litigation
against Bonita Bay Group or accept 30% of their
original membership deposit, we wish you well in
your endeavor. We hope to welcome you back into
the New Club at some future date.
In closing, we ask every resident in Bonita Bay to
consider joining the New Club – the future of our
piece of “paradise” depends on it.
Don and Valerie Gorman
Please contact us at
Valdon Publishing
P.O. Box 1604
Bonita Springs, FL 34133
Website: www.BayWatchNews.com
Phone: 239.498.9507
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Out with the Old, In with the New
BB Beach Park Under Attack
Letters to the Editor
Who’s Who in Bonita Bay
Computer Tips
Champagne Tony Lema
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
In the Doctor’s Office
The Golf Guys
Community Calendar
On the Bookshelf
Living on the Course
Bridge Lesson
Right on Red Super Bowl Contest Winner
Fun BB Crossword Puzzle
Academy Awards Contest
Super Bowl Contest Winner
Restaurant Talk from Phyllis
Table Talk
Superior Interiors
Golf Instruction
Real Estate Transactions
What in the World …
Curious Photographer
Masters Golf Tournament Contest
Movie Talk
Answers Fun Crossword Puzzle
Hope Hospice Ball
Irish Humor
Dentist Chair
What’s Happening in Real Estate
Random Thoughts
Crossword Puzzle
Contributing Editor: Tommye Fleming
Bay Watch News Banner Photo: Ed Corvelli
Feature Writers and Contributers: Elaine Brotman; Dick
Connelly; Bob Curry; Tommye Fleming; Shirley Gorman;
Mike Hanson; Pat Harrington; Pat Hazen; Jeff Heilman;
Attorney David P. Browne; Paul Hoecherl; Gary and Jeff
Jaarda; Phyllis Liebman; Jim Papandrea, DDS; Norm Roberts;
Attorney John Spear; Jack Sullivan; Judy Underwood
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9696 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 101
Bonita Springs, Florida
Letters to the Editor
Norrie – Operation Smile
We have such a wonderful, talented
and interesting group of people here in
BB. That’s why we have to fight for our
community. Kudos again for bringing us
all the good news.
Etta Smith, Ibis Cove
Editor’s Note: Norrie Oelkers was profiled in the January issue
of “Who’s Who in Bonita Bay”. BayWatchNews.com followed
Norrie”s experiences while on her mission to Haiti. You can still
read on the website the incredible emails Norrie wrote from that
devastated country.
Bonita Bay Wild Life …
He was sitting in the
driveway. I was only 20 yards
away and he wagged his tail
at me! I had no time to set
the camera – so not the best
quality – but fun for all to see
what’s lurking around Bonita
Bay! It was very exciting to
see such a beautiful animal
up close. I am still alive!
Maryle Barbe, Spring Ridge
Club Turnover Reaction …
By now you have all received the new TOC notification
about our future purchase of the club. I for one want to
thank the TOC, but I also feel it is very important that we
are all are on board with this agreement. We will need to
contact our friends and neighbors to tell those in doubt
that this is truly the best thing to do for all the owners in
this development. We need to get those owners who are
not members to think about becoming at least social
members. The future of our property values depends on
this agreement and if you decide to “procrastinate” or
take a “wait and see” attitude or “let everyone else do it”
approach we may all suffer for this type of neglect. BB will
take much longer to recover its property values. If this deal
does not work, it will be because of the lack of numbers;
those who “stay away” from this deal will hurt everyone.
Let’s show Mediterra and Shadowwood we too are a solid
committed community. Thanks for taking the time to read
my thoughts.
Jim Papandrea, Riviera
Kudos to the TOC …
Thanks for the incredible hard and difficult work by
the TOC. Dick George, Hamptons
Wait and see …
I would like to add to the chorus of Thank You’s
that have been extended to the TOC for finalizing an
agreement with BBG. They worked long and hard with a
difficult adversary and should be commended for their
professionalism. Clearly, they did not always agree with one
another but they maintained that level of professionalism
necessary to get the job done.
...the TOC did all that was
asked of them and did
it extremely well. They
deserve our Congratulations
for a job well done!
In the process of these negotiations I have taken a very visible
position of devil’s advocate and clearly ruffled some feathers
along the way. First in my support of the TOC when outside
interference was threatening to derail them and, second, in
asking some of the tough questions that needed to be asked.
Good or bad, subtlety has never been my style.
But we are now at the end of a long and difficult journey. Can the agreement with BBG be called Great, or even Very
Good? It is the best deal the TOC could manage, there is
no reason to believe anyone could have done better and it
is what it is. The only question now is if it is good enough? We’ll soon know.
Either way, the TOC did all that was asked of them and did
it extremely well. They deserve our Congratulations for a
job well done!
Art Herman, Marina Isle
Submissions to the Bay Watch News should be in writing, typed
and emailed, if possible, or mailed to the address below. All material
must be clearly identified with a contact person and phone number
for verification or elaboration. Phone numbers will not be published.
All submissions are subject to editing.
Please email BayWatchLetters@aol.com or mail to
Bay Watch News, P. O. Box 1604, Bonita Springs, FL 34133
Who’s Who in Bonita Bay
By Tommye Fleming, Mahogany Ridge
You wouldn’t think a 6’8”
former NBA player would frighten
easily. But when Fred Hetzel, of Bay
Harbor, found out I was from St.
Louis, the first thing he revealed to
me was that “Zelmo Beaty used to
scare me to death.”
When the San Francisco Warriors
went to play the St. Louis Hawks in
the mid-60’s, Zelmo started a fight so
ferocious that the temporary seats in the arena went flying
and Fred ended up under the scorer’s table.
Fred, who now lives in Bonita Bay and in Leesburg, VA, was
recruited by Lefty Driesell to play college ball at Davidson
(NC). He was named a first team All-American and was the
first pick of the 1965 NBA Draft. He spent six years in the
majors, playing for five teams.
The summer after college, he represented the USA in the
World Games in Budapest. Senator Bill Bradley was among his
teammates. They played on a month-long State Department
tour, and went behind the Iron Curtain to Czechoslovakia
to learn the international version of the game. They finished
with a victory over the Russians to win
the World Games and the Gold Medal.
The first half of 1965 was as good as it
gets – a great senior year … the NBA
draft … a Gold Medal.
The second half was not so good. His
first NBA training camp resulted in
hospitalization. Playing with the big
boys was not an easy transition.
He played behind “Nate The Great”
Thurmond, who blew his knee out early
in Fred’s first season. Fred’s parents
got to see him play center in his rookie
appearance and guard “Wilt The Stilt”
Chamberlain. “I held Wilt to just 62
points my first time out.” Even so, he
was named to the NBA’s All-Rookie
First Team.
“I watch the NBA now, and those
guys are so big, so athletic, so balletic
… they seem to play in the stratosphere. I frankly think
that professional basketball has risen to a level where it is
going to become an international league. The NBA teams
will soon be playing in Europe and Asia, competing for
world titles. I read where China is building itself 80,000
new basketball courts.”
Fred didn’t find basketball very economically fulfilling.
As the first-round draft choice, his starting salary was $20,000
… compared to the $20,000,000 (that’s three extra zeros if
you’re counting) that today’s pros can make. And truthfully,
playing at the NBA level was somewhat humbling. It wasn’t
the glory days of college competitions and World Games.
It was physically punishing, rarely rewarding and frankly
more like a real job.
He opted out of basketball and made a career in real estate
development in Virginia. He made a good living, but called
it quits when the RE market evaporated recently. He and
his wife Karen bought in Bonita Bay five years ago, after 15
years of vacationing in Naples. Karen’s children visited their
grandparents in Woodlake; so Fred and Karen were exposed
to Bonita Bay’s lifestyle over a period of years. They originally
bought in Waterford; and later moved to Bay Harbor. All the
children and 14 grandchildren of their blended family are
frequent visitors.
With March Madness upon us, I asked Fred if he plans to
watch. Of course. Two years ago, when Stephen Curry, the
newest star to emerge from Davidson, took the team to the
NCAA Dance, Fred was in the student union when his team
battled the Wisconsin Badgers. Suddenly, he could feel the
rush of 40 years ago; he could taste the excitement.
When asked about his bracket picks
for 2010, Fred says that the way the
competition is structured (“one and
done”), any number of teams can win.
“In the pros, with a best of seven
series, it’s all about the depth of the
bench. The Lakers have a complete
competitive second team, and an ability
to outlast most opponents for seven
games. But in March Madness, avoiding
injuries is critical. And after that, a team
like Kentucky with two superstars (Wall
and Cousins) has the upper hand.”
Does he still play basketball? “I gave
that up at age 50. For now, I’m grateful
to be ambulatory, playing tennis and
golf and enjoying a great life here in
Bonita Bay.”
“It is not how big you are,
it is how big you play.”
Computer Tips
You can even see them!
Windows Messenger and others. Skype is entirely FREE for
communicating computer to computer. You can use it to call
regular phones but that does involve a cost. I have many
customers who call people in Europe and throughout the
USA for FREE and they can SEE the grandkids or whoever
else has a Web Cam and the same software installed.
We have entered a new time in technology and
communications. With the expansion of high speed internet
and better computers, we can now talk and SEE our family
and friends via our computers. All you need is a computer
with high speed internet access, a Web Cam and FREE
software to make it work.
Most computers even going back to Windows XP will work
just fine. You can get a Web Cam for around $50 or more
at most office or electronics stores. The software can be
downloaded for FREE. Probably the most common software
to use for communicating with voice and video is Skype at
http://skype.com, but you can also use Yahoo Messenger,
So if you are interested in this and have high speed internet,
then purchase a Web Cam (or, if you have a laptop, check
to see if you already have a Web Cam built-in). Follow the
directions and install the Web Cam. If you have someone who
already is set up, ask them what program they use to video
chat. Then download the program and create an account to
identify yourself in the program. If it’s early and before you
have coffee, you may choose NOT to use the video feature
but still talk to whomever you want. So if you want to save
on your phone bill and even SEE who you are talking to,
then give it a try. I do believe it will be built into all phones
eventually and it really does make for better communications
when you can SEE the person on the other end.
Paul Hoecherl
Computer Systems Services
Champagne Tony Lema
By Dick Connelly, Woodlake Many years ago, a friend, knowing I knew Bob
Rosburg, asked me to ask him if he ever remembers losing a
golf tournament in California because his shot to the green
on the last hole had so much backspin, it pulled off the
green and rolled into a pond and the penalty cost him the
I asked Bob about it when I next saw him and he said it did
happen but he didn’t lose the tournament (the Costa Mesa
Open) but it threw him into a tie with Tony Lema. He said
Lema had been playing poorly for several weeks on the tour
and was going to go back to his club pro job. But he played
very well that week and wound up tying Rossi. So they went
into a sudden-death playoff.
On the third hole, a par 5, Lema hooked his tee shot badly and
they thought it was out of bounds. So he hit a provisional.
When they got to his first ball, it was in bounds by only a few
feet. He hit his next shot back to the fairway and hit a great
third shot to the green and rolled in a long putt and won
the tournament. Encouraged by his play, he stayed on the
tour and went and played in his first-ever British Open and
won! That’s when he bought the press champagne and was
dubbed “Champagne Tony.”
A short time later, while touring the Midwest doing
exhibitions as the toast of the golf world, his chartered plane
crashed in a storm and he and all aboard were killed.
Many years later, Rossi was walking a course as one of ABC’s
commentators and a man came up to him and introduced
himself. He asked Rossi if he remembered a tournament
many years ago in California when he and Tony Lema were
in a sudden-death playoff. Bob said he’d never forgotten it.
The man asked Rossi if he recalled Lema’s tee shot that was
almost out-of-bounds. Bob said he did.
“Well,” the man said, “it was out of bounds, but I felt sorry
for Tony so I kicked it back in bounds.”
Rossi said he just stared at the man for a minute, unable
to talk. He then said, “If you hadn’t done that, Tony Lema
might be alive today!” 2006
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Wolves in
Sheep’s Clothing
The headlines of the seminar ads are enticing:
• “Eliminate the downside risk of market correction.”
• “What you don’t know could cost you millions!”
• “Free review of your estate planning documents.”
• “Florida’s most popular seminar for retirees.”
• “Keep your life insurance and never pay premiums again.”
• “Free gourmet dinner – no products will be sold.”
• “ Learn what your estate planning attorney, trust office and
CPA don’t want you to know.”
Almost every day during “season”, a full-page ad
or mailing exhorts you to attend a free financial planning
seminar. Who are those people who promise you the world?
Many of them hold themselves out as “financial planners” or
“retirement income specialists”.
However, many of the promoted techniques involve the
purchase of life insurance or annuities. Some of the “experts”
have no real ties to the Bonita Springs community. Some
come from outside Florida several times a year to devour
their prey and sell their snake oil but fail to disclose the high
surrender charges and exorbitant commissions. Still, others
boast of offices throughout the country representing some of
America’s wealthiest families. In reality, many only have a
host of executive suites offices with little or no local staff. I am
personally aware of three local so-called “financial planners”:
one who filed bankruptcy, one who is a disbarred lawyer and
one who was charged with a felony.
During my 20 years of legal practice, I have attended some of
these seminars and seen the hype, pressure and herd mentality
utilized by some of the best speakers known to man. These
alleged professionals are trying to recoup the cost of their ads
and mailings to the tune of thousands of dollars. The January
continued on page 42
Call for this
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Hwy 41 at Coconut Rd
In the Doctor’s Office
Therapeutic Cooling Offers Leading-Edge
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William Henderson went into cardiac arrest in December 2007. His wife
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share with her husband of 61 years.
Rugs Galore
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“The room was full of doctors and nurses;
it was absolutely freezing in there,” Betty
says. “It was the most wonderful thing,
when he opened his eyes. He was in
a deep coma and when he opened his
eyes, we knew he was going to live.”
Lee Memorial Health System implemented
the practice of inducing hypothermia for
cardiac arrest patients approximately
two years ago, after cooling therapy
was endorsed by the American Heart
Association. In fact, Lee Memorial Health
System was one of the first non-teaching
hospitals in the nation to start using the
treatment. The treatment is currently
offered at Gulf Coast Medical Center and
HealthPark Medical Center – two of Lee
Memorial Health System’s hospitals with
major cardiac programs.
Two physicians extremely close to the
subject of therapeutic cooling are Dr.
Kenneth Tolep and Dr. Jeffrey Scott,
Medical Directors of the Intensive Care
Units at HealthPark Medical Center and
Gulf Coast Medical Center, respectively.
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According to Drs. Tolep and Scott, despite
all of the advances in cardiac care, the
chances of surviving a cardiac arrest that
occurs outside of the hospital remain
very low and the chances of waking up
with good neurologic function are even
worse. This cooling technique improves
the patient’s chances of waking up and
eventually resuming a normal lifestyle.
“This is not a life-saving procedure, but
rather a brain-saving procedure,” says Dr.
Scott. “If the brain is injured, the person may
survive, but with a poor quality of life. The
cooling process works to preserve the brain
from injury due to lack of blood flow.”
Not all cardiac arrest patients are eligible
for the cooling treatment. Eligible patients
continued on page 46
The Golf
By Mike Hanson, Sanctuary
For many years, The Golf Guys/
Golf Balls store has been a familiar
retail landmark in Bonita Springs,
doing business in The Pelican Plaza
on the east side of U.S. 41 a few miles
north of Bonita Bay.
Now, challenged by a difficult economy
and faced with increasing competition
from the internet and national golf
retailers, The Golf Guys is expanding and
moving across the street into 6,000 square
feet of new space in The Renaissance
Center, just south of The Ship.
Mike Hanson discussed the move with
The Golf Guys owner Fran Bailey.
How long has Golf Guys been in business in
Bonita Springs?
We opened in February 1998 as Golf
Ball Warehouse. Our original plan
was to focus on selling used balls and
equipment. We soon realized that there
was a need for a more complete golf
store. So we changed our name to The
Golf Guys to be able to offer golfers full
lines from all manufacturers, as well as
club fitting and club repair.
Do you have other locations as well?
We opened a store in Fort Myers in
2000 and one in Naples in 2004. We
closed the Fort Myers store in May
2009. Naples continues to operate.
Tell me about your new store in The
Renaissance Center.
We are now open for business there,
just selling clothing and shoes while we
continue to sell “hard goods” (clubs,
balls, bags, accessories) at our old
location. Ultimately, we will have over
6,000 square feet in our new store, with
about 3,000 square feet dedicated to
hitting, fitting, clothing and shoes. We
expect to be totally into the new store
sometime in May.
What precipitated the move?
First off, we had permitting issues in
our existing store and found that we
couldn’t expand there. Also, we were
experiencing a drop-off in business
due to the economy and national
competition. Selling “hard goods” is a
low-margin business. There is a higher
margin in “soft goods” (apparel and
shoes) and we wanted to expand in that
area of the business.
Selling apparel is a lot different than selling
clubs and balls. Who, for instance, will
select your merchandise?
I’m fortunate to have three women
working with me. Linda, Ethel, and
Mary Jane have each been with the
store for more than nine years. They
will be doing most of the buying,
selling, and displaying. We’ve been
selling apparel in our new location
since early February and have already
experienced a dramatic increase in this
area of the business.
What are some of the lines you are carrying?
EP Pro, Tail, Jamie Sadock, DKNY,
Nivo, Nike, Adidas, Foot Joy, Greg
Norman and many more.
What else new can customers look forward
to in your new store?
We will be able to do a far better job
of club-fitting, using the electronics
and swing analyzers that our larger
competitors have.
continued on page 31
Bonita Bay Beach continued from cover
Those efforts have included:
• Attempts to privatize the public right
of way to the beach parks south of
Barefoot Beach
• Installation of high-fee parking meters
on all public accesses
• Encouragement to Lee County to shut
down Doc’s Beach House
and other similar facilities as “unlawful
use of land on Little Hickory Island for
several years,” “private commercial
membership beach clubs are in violation
of the zoning ordinances of the City”
and “unlawful uses by the wealthy
owners of unlawful private commercial
membership beach clubs.”
I would encourage all Bonita Bay residents
to watch this current effort to take away
your beach park. You have every bit as
much right to use the words “our beach”
as do the folks fortunate enough to own
property fronting on the Gulf. In the past, the Bonita Bay Group,
and before that Bonita Bay Properties,
monitored and advocated to defend
these facilities; recent developments
suggest that other corporate challenges
may be a higher priority than protecting
the Bonita Bay Beach Park.
John D. Spear, P.A.
• Proposed City ordinances strictly
regulating conduct on the beach but
exempting beach homeowners from
those regulations
• Frequent complaints to City code
enforcement and law enforcement
about non-resident use of the beach
and the beach parks
Second, the most recent effort, which
has been mischaracterized as protection
of the public’s right to beach access,
has as its stated goal to shut down
the beach facilities of Bonita Bay and
other inland communities A petition is
being circulated that includes language
describing the Bonita Bay Beach Park
My good friend Marge Ward, who
was laid to rest on the day I wrote this,
reminded elected officials from City
Council to County Commission to state
and Federal legislators what the Florida
Supreme Court held many years ago:
the beach is held in sovereign trust
for ALL Floridians for public access
and use. I am committed to continue to
defend full and complete public access
to Our Beach; please be vigilant for
those who wish to take away your right
to use the words “our beach.”
City Council Member
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Communit y Calendar
Barbara’s Friends - The Children’s Hospital Cancer Fund
March 5 - 6
Celebrity Tennis Event – Fred Stolle, Michael Pernfors and
Jared Palmer among others to play in the event. For more
information, contact Denise Markovits at 239.985.3550 or
2010 Susan G. Komen Event
March 8, 2010
Bridge / Mah Jongg and Luncheon
March 9, 2010
Golf Tournament followed by
Lavish Cocktail Party and Silent Auction
March 10, 2010
Home Tour
March 12, 2010
Fitness Walk/Run
For more information,
call Linda Ramsey, 239.947.9762
or Susan Mulligan, 239.992.4441.
Avow Hospice – Presents “Let Us Be the Music”
March 8, 2010 - 7 PM - First Baptist Church of Naples
Featuring: Emily Pulley, Metropolitan Opera Soprano;
200-voice choir; 40-member orchestra; Billy Dean & Dawn;
Cahlua & Cream. Purchase Tickets on-line at
www.avowhospice.org or call 239.649.3683.
A caring approach to
comprehensive aesthetic,
restoration and
general dentistry.
Bonita Springs National Art Festival
March 13 and 14 - 10 AM to 5 PM
The Art League of Bonita Springs’ second of two fine arts/crafts
events to be held at the Promenade.
Bonita Springs Historical
Society Luncheon
March 19, 2010 - 11:30 AM Three-course luncheon - $40
Nan Colton will portray Harriet
Beecher Stowe (author of Uncle
Tom’s Cabin). Tales of Old
Florida will enrich the story
of Ms. Beecher’s life. For more
information, call Judy Mangini
The Stowe family home in Mandarin
239.390.2987 or Donna Nemsick (Florida Photographic Collection, Florida
State Archives, Tallahassee)
The Naples Committee for Heritage
March 23, 2010 - 4:00 PM - Panel Discussion; 5:30 PM Reception; 6:30 PM - Dinner
Karl Rove - Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor
to President George W. Bush, 2000-2007, and Fox News
Contributor. Cost tbd. For more information and a detailed
invitation, contact Dria Graham at 202.608.1524 or email at
Market Pulse/2010
March 25 - 8 AM at Florida Gulf Coast University
Keynote speaker is Federal Reserve Bank President and
CEO Sandra Pianalto, 4th District. For more information
or to purchase tickets for Market Pulse ($50 each, including
continental breakfast), visit www.BonitaSpringsChamber.com
or call 239.992.2943. Seating is limited for this event.
“Show Me Shindig” (Missouri Club)
March 31, 2010 - 5 PM at Bonita Bay Beach Park
If you would like to join your fellow Bonita Bay Missourians,
please email Tommye Fleming at tommyefleming@aol.com
3376 Woods Edge Circle, Suite 101
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
South of Broad by Pat Conroy
Bob Curry, Wild Pines
The eagerly awaited novel, South of Broad, by Pat Conroy (Prince of Tides, The Great Santini,
Beach Music, The Lords of Discipline, My Losing Season, etc.) is being received by readers with a mixed bag of
comments: “Not up to previous books”; “Enjoyed reading this book and wish there were more”; “Flowery
language and needs a stretch of imagination”; “A good yarn”; “Very entertaining, could not put it down”;
“Better than Beach Music”.
I very much enjoyed this compelling story of Charleston, SC high school classmates of disparate characters,
growing up and coming together later in life to rescue one of their own. Conroy continues his expertise like
an artist with a many colored palette. The word pictures bring such enjoyment that I found my pleasure
increased by re reading some lines several times. The character development is lush, sparkling and mixed
to form a bouquet of words that few authors ever achieve. Innocence, guilt, prejudice, internecine struggles
… all surface in this complex tale. Charleston is a special, mysterious, beautiful place that Conroy portrays and for which he has a
deep understanding.
Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin
Norm Roberts, Creekside
The inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financial system –
and themselves.
Sorkin has written a fast-paced, lucid narrative of the recent financial crisis. It starts with the governmentorchestrated takeover of Bear Stearns by JP Morgan, and finishes with the government forcing nine major
financial firms to accept a substantial capital infusion.
The strength of the book is that it provides an opportunity to see how the major players at each institution
struggled to find solutions to their problems. It also recounts the often frantic efforts of Paulson, Geithner,
and Bernanke to “save the system.”
Sorkin provides rich detail on the battle to save Lehman Brothers, on the sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of
America, the troubles at AIG and much more.
This has been a deeply troubling period for all of us, with many different views about the actions of
the companies and the government. Sorkin has given us a better understanding of what happened. In
the last chapter he raises some questions, and offers a few tentative thoughts. The section could have
been stronger.
Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Shirley Gorman, Oakwood
Julia Jarmond-Tazac has been writing for Seine Secrets, a weekly American magazine, for six
years. She is given the assignment of the 60th commemoration of the Vel’ d’Hiv’.
The Vel’ d’Hiv’ was the Velodrome d’Hiver, a famous indoor stadium in Paris where bike races were
held. In July 1942, thousands of Jewish families were rounded up and taken to the stadium by the French
police. After being locked up for days, they were sent to Auschwitz. Among the prisoners there were
4,000 children between the ages of two and twelve. It was an incident the French wished to forget.
One of the families included in the round up was the Starzynski family. The Starzynskis had two children
– Sarah and Michel. When the police arrived, Sarah locked her little brother in a cupboard planning to
return to free him. She placed the key in her pocket. When she returned, she found the Tezac family living
in the apartment and the body of her brother in the cupboard.
Julia wonders how her husband’s family came to live in the apartment. Did they know what had happened
to the Starzynski family?
As Julia pursues the mystery of what happened to Sarah Starzynski, she learns she is pregnant. Julia
and Bertrand have a ten-year-old daughter Zoe and had always wanted more children. When she tells
Bertrand her news, he replies that he does not want to be an old father. He is approaching 50 and wants
her to have an abortion. Julia eventually agrees but is unable to abort the child. Her decision and her
obsession with Sarah dramatically changes Julia’s life.
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Living on the Course
by Jack Sullivan, Riviera
It’s Not All About Golf
like Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Bobby
Feller and the great DiMaggio; but for
every Joltin’ Joe, there were dozens of
big league ball players who made “local
plumber” money. Many had winter
jobs to keep bread on the table or beer
in the icebox. They were our touchable
heroes. I remember one.
* * * *
The digital seconds on my
computer screen dropped from 15
to 14 to 13 and on down to 1. Then I
watched them jumped back to 15 – 14
– 13 – 12 until again reaching 1. Onand-on-and-on and down-and-down,
the process continued as I watched
this yawn-prompting process continue
for 20 minutes. The first day of ticket
sales for the Minnesota Twins spring
training games is a test of any baseball
fan’s patience as well as a test of loyalty
to the sport. To get tickets to a Red Sox
game is no different. When tickets go
on sale, you either get up at dawn’s
wee hour, grab a folding chair and
drag yourself to the ball park to get in
line, or you can follow my example
and sit in front of your computer like
a lizard waiting for a fly and watch the
15-second reduction until you finally
win the chance to pick a game. Your
reward is the right to purchase two
standing-room-only tickets at the cost
of a dinner for two at Carrabba’s.
Why is getting a ticket to a baseball
game that has no competitive meaning
so difficult? It’s a matter of age. That’s
right. Only old people love baseball so
much that they’d stand in line or squirm
before a computer screen to earn the
right to buy a ticket to a meaningless
game. Believe it. If you ever do get a
ticket and go to the City of Palms Park
or the Lee County Sports Complex to
see a ball game, look around and make
an estimate of the average age of the
fans. You’ll find that the ticket takers
and ushers are the youngest people
there – and most of them retired when
Bonita Bay was a rattlesnake-infested
swamp. You see, only the oldies come
out en-masse because they love the
game. They learned to love the game
when tickets were easy to come by and
cost about the same as a haircut or two
ice cream cones.
They remember a time when a baseball
player made about the same amount of
money as the local plumber and they
were not treated, nor did they think
of themselves, as the reincarnation of
King David. Oh, there were exceptions
It was a hot August night in 1942. Close
to midnight. Comiskey Park’s field
lights were out. The sweepers pushed
their brooms under the grandstands.
Paper beer cups bounced ahead of
them, sending a sound of tinker bells
echoing off the cavern walls. The stale
stink of spilt beer and cigarette smoke
hung in the air like a fetid fog. The 35th
Street streetcar could be heard clanking
its way west to Halsted Street. I should
have been on it, giving my 4¢ to the
conductor and asking for a transfer
ticket. Instead I sat on the hard bottom
step of the of the clubhouse staircase.
My three pals, all ten-years-old like
me, had gone home. They left telling
me that I was crazy to stay. My parents
would worry. Said I’d be in big trouble.
My mom might call the cops. My dad
might get the old razor strap out when I
got home. I told them to go. Told them
I’d take my chances. I had autographs
of every player on the White Sox team
except one: Luke Appling, the White
Sox shortstop and future Hall of Famer.
He had a special place in my heart.
Special places there were reserved for
my mother, my father, my sister, and
Luke – not necessarily in that order,
depending on the day’s box score.
They remember a time when a baseball player
made about the same amount of money as
the local plumber and they were not treated,
nor did they think of themselves, as the
reincarnation of King David.
continued on page 34
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Bridge Lesson
Limit Raises
Last month, we looked at two pairs of hands and saw
that game was a very good bet with the first pair, but had less
than a 40% chance of making on the second pair. Here are
the hand pairs:
By Pat Harrington
In both pairs of hands, opener has only 13 points (12 HCP
plus 1 point for the fifth heart.) The bidding indicates that
the pair has a combined strength somewhere between 23
and 25 points. The usual strength suggested for 4♥, 4♠ and
3NT is 26 points.
Opener should bid 4♥ in Auction 1, where responder promised
4 hearts. When responder makes a 4-trump limit raise, opener
should go to game if either of the following is true:
♠ 9 4
♠ 9 4
♠ A 7 6 2
♥ A K 7 5 3
♥ Q 6 4 2
♥ A K 7 5 3 ♥ Q 6 4
1) Opener knows the pair has at least 26 total points
♦ K Q 7 5
♦ A 6 2
♦ K Q 7 5
or …
♣ 6 3
♣ J 7 5
♣ 6 3
2) Opener cannot add up to 26 points, but has an
unbalanced hand.
The only difference between pair 1 and pair 2 is that we
changed the fourth trump in pair 1, the ♥ 2, to the ♠ 2 in
pair 2. Both hands could lose 2 clubs, 1 spade and 1 diamond
(the 6 missing diamonds are not very likely to split 3-3.) With
pair 1, declarer could probably draw trump in 3 leads, saving
the fourth trump in dummy to ruff the diamond loser and
make 4♥. With pair 2, declarer is likely to be stuck with the
diamond loser and end up making only 3♥. (See February
column for details.)
Both opener and responder have the same strength in both
pairs of hands. How can they reach 4♥ with the first pair of
hands and stop in 3♥ with the second pair? It can be done
if your partnership agrees to use an immediate jump raise
of opener’s major to show a limit raise with 4-card support.
With pair 1, responder raises 1♥ to 3♥ to guarantee 4 hearts
and a good 10-12 points. With pair 2, responder still plans
to raise to 3♥, but must do it in two steps to tell opener he
has only 3-card heart support. Knowing how many trumps
responder has can help opener know whether or not to
accept the 3♥ game invitation. Here are the two auctions
so far:
Auction 1
(4-trump limit raise)
Auction 2
(3-trump limit raise)
Here, the latter is true. Opener has an unbalanced hand
and knowing that partner has 4 hearts means it’s likely that
opener has fewer losers in his second suit, diamonds.
In Auction 2, opener should pass 3♥. The pair does not
have 26 points together and responder has only 3 trumps.
Opener could be forced to trump when one of his short suits
is led. With only 8 trumps, the pair might run out of trumps.
Opener also has less chance of safely ruffing diamond losers.
When you have only an 8-card trump fit, your combined
point total is a good judge of how high to bid. Opener knows
the pair doesn’t have 26 points and passes 3♥.
Agreeing to differentiate between 3- and 4-card support
for opener’s major when making a limit raise will let you
bid and make more games. Reaching more good games
means winning more often. Talk about doing this with your
regular partners.
Pat Harrington has been teaching bridge since 1986. Pat works for
the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) and is a regular
columnist for their monthly Bridge Bulletin magazine. Pat and
her husband, Paul, teach at the Bonita Bridge Club.
Email BayWatchNews@aol.com with questions or suggestions for
future topics.Check www.bonitabridge.com for Pat’s lesson schedule.
Belated Congratulations to LOUISE HOUGH!
On January 29, the Friday Bridge Group met as usual. But, that Friday was very unusual. Louise Hough earned 10,700
points in five rounds of six hands per round! Her partners were as follows: Joanna Davies, Patty Temple, Mary Injain,
Donna Brookins and Andrea Palmer.
A New Cooling System!
GET A NEW $1,200
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Hurry, offer ends April 15, 2010
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Hurry, offer ends April 15, 2010
You start saving up to 50%** on your energy costs
You could make low monthly payments with
deferred interest for 12 monthsX
Act soon! Only 46 systems available.
What You Need to Know
About RIGHT on RED
Caution is advised when traveling in Collier
County as they have installed 12 cameras at the following
intersections to catch “RIGHT on RED” violators:
• Northbound on Airport-Pulling Road at Davis Blvd.
• Eastbound on Pine Ridge Road at Livingston Road
• Westbound on Pine Ridge road at Livingston Road
• Northbound on Airport-Pulling Road at Immokalee Road
• Eastbound on Immokalee Road at Airport-Pulling Road
• Northbound on Collier Blvd. (CR 951) at Golden
Gate Parkway
• Eastbound on Golden Gate Parkway at Collier Blvd.
(CR 951)
• Eastbound on Immokalee Road at Livingston Road
• Westbound on Pine Ridge Road / Seagate Drive at US 41
• Westbound Vanderbilt Beach Road at US 41
• Eastbound Pine Ridge Road at Airport-Pulling Road
• Westbound Pine Ridge Road at Airport-Pulling Road
Additional cameras will be added bringing the total to 24
by February 2011.
In effect, the law states that you must STOP AT THE
WHITE LINE (not after it) and then to slowly creep
forward until you can clearly view the intersection.
This reporter actually had to practice stopping BEFORE
the white line. I did not know the sequence for a proper
STOP and always did the creep before the STOP – a traffic
ticket waiting to happen!
For those of you who have the unique ability to understand
legalese, the following is the actual Florida State Statute for
Call Service Experts
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© 2010 Service Experts LLC. Promotion may not be combined with any other offers. Some restrictions
apply. Call for details. *Free air handler promotion refers to model CBX32M and is valid only with
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F.S. 316.075(c)1.a.
The driver of a vehicle which is stopped at a clearly marked
stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the
near side of the intersection, or, if none then at the point
nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a
view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway
before entering the intersection in obedience to a steady
red signal may make a right turn, but shall yield the
right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic proceeding
as directed by the signal at the intersection, except that
municipal and county authorities may prohibit any such
right turn against a steady red signal at any intersection,
which prohibition shall be effective when a sign giving
notice thereof is erected in a location visible to traffic
approaching the intersection.
The rules are similar for STOP SIGNS (F.S. 316.123(2)(a).
Fun Crossword
19580-GLMN (3-1) Baywatch News
10:46 AM
Page 1
1. 52
2. One (Sp.)
3. Coin
4. ___ Fleisher
5. *Smiley guy
6. Metal
7. French school
8. Do nothing group
9. Move about
10. Her
11. Italian ladies
12. Relating to female organs
13. Transmits character
21. Not Yea
22. *It has many stories
27. Comment after a shank
28. Creative things
30. *Nearby Court
32. electrical unit (abbrev.)
33. Animal collection
38. Gathered
39. Rhymes with hat
41. *Last of five
42. Manning throws it
50. Wooly critter
51. Opposite of collector
52. What a golf ball does
59. “Be quiet !”
60. Facial cramp
62. Mathematical sign
63. Fight result
Note: Clues marked with an
asterisk relate to Bonita Bay.
Answers on page 38
See dealer for details.
w w w . G e r m a i n L M . c o m
3.875” x 5” 19580-GLMN (3-1) Baywatch News fc (lm)
1. *He doesn’t remember
6. Eagerness
10. Satsfied
14. Unmoving
15. Cake finisher
16. Despise
17. Med. Isle
18. Florida lake
19. Paradise
20. *Marsh Neighbor
23. Mining target
24. A laugh
25. French summers
26. Negative
27. *Eastern pro
29. British John
32. *4th biggie
34. Roadside helper
35. _____’s Apple Juice
37. Right Fliers
40. Own
43. Write on metal
44. Mimicker
46. Metric feet
49. Swiss mountains
53. Flyer
54. Love (Ital.)
55. Type of dog
56. Constellation
57. Tie up
58. *Killer from the blues
60. Direction
61. Prayer endings
62. Les Paul was one
64. *It was first
65. “_______ __ Treat”
Academy Awards
Winner will receive dinner for two at Ruth’s Chris Restaurant*
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
P lease C ircle your pick
10 Points
3 Points
Penelope Cruz, “Nine”
“The Blind Side”
Vera Farmiga, “Up in the Air”
“District 9”
Maggie Gyllenhaal, “Crazy Heart”
“An Education”
Anna Kendrick, “Up in the Air”
“The Hurt Locker”
Mo’Nique, “Precious”
If there is a tie,
we will go to tie breaker number one.
5 Points
If there is still a tie,
we will go to tie breaker number two.
“Inglourious Basterds”
“A Serious Man”
James Cameron, “Avatar”
“Up in the Air”
Kathryn Bigelow, “The Hurt Locker”
5 Points
Quentin Tarantino, “Inglourious Basterds”
Lee Daniels, “Precious”
Jason Reitman, “Up in the Air”
Jeff Bridges, “Crazy Heart”
George Clooney, “Up in the Air”
Colin Firth, “A Single Man”
Morgan Freeman, “Invictus”
Tie Breaker Number One
“Ajami” (Israel)
Jeremy Renner, “The Hurt Locker
“El Secreto de Sus Ojos” (Argentina)
5 Points
“The White Ribbon” (Germany)
“The Milk of Sorrow” (Peru)
“The Prophet” (France)
Sandra Bullock, “The Blind Side”
Helen Mirren, “The Last Station”
Carey Mulligan, “An Education”
Gabourey Sidibe, “Precious”
Meryl Streep, “Julie & Julia”
3 Points
Matt Damon, “Invictus”
Woody Harrelson, “The Messenger”
Christopher Plummer, “The Last Station”
Stanley Tucci, “The Lovely Bones”
Christoph Waltz, “Inglourious Basterds”
Contest Rules
Open to residents of Bonita Bay ONLY.
Tie Breaker Number Two
“Almost There” from
“The Princess and the Frog”
“Down in New Orleans” from
“The Princess and the Frog”
“Loin de Paname” from “Paris 36”
“Take It All” from “Nine”
“The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)”
from “Crazy Heart”
One entry per person.
Must be received by Saturday, March 6, 2010.
Winner is person with greatest total
number of points.
Should there still be a tie,
a drawing will be held.
Decision of the Editors of
Bay Watch News is final.
Please send entries to:
Valdon Publishing
P.O. Box 1604
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Or log on to www.baywatchnews.com
Click on “Academy Awards”
Or Fax entry form to 239.498.9507
* Complete 3-course meal from the classic menu
includes soup or salad, entree, side dish and dessert
- $80 value
Super Bowl XLIV
Contest Winner
Sponsored by Mr. Shower Door*
There were three people who correctly picked the
New Orleans Saints as the winner of the Super Bowl and
the exact number of total points scored in the game - 48.
The three contestants were: Cliff Hall, Jim Papandrea and
Jeff Zandlo.
As per the contest rules, to break the deadlock, a drawing
was held on Monday February 8 at the Fitness Center. The
winner of the $100 is:
Jeff Zandlo
Congratulations, Jeff!
*See Mr. Shower Door ad on page 17.
Out with the Old, In with the New continued from cover
• The Community Association should
be turned over simultaneously. The
Homeowners Transition Committee
has been working diligently but is not
yet ready to conclude negotiations.
• The three-year restriction to rejoin the
Club is unfair. BBPI insisted on this
provision; otherwise everyone would
be seeking the 30% redress.
An election of the New Club’s Board
of Directors is expected to take place
in early June.
For more details of the agreement, go to
• The new initiation fee of $45,000 $50,000 used in the projected financials
is too high and not competitive with
the market place. There is flexibility
in establishing the fee and any needed
adjustment can be addressed by the
Board of Directors after take-over.
For the agreement to be effective, it is
necessary to obtain 1,050 golf members
by March 8. As of press time, February
22, approximately 500 members have
signed up. The Turnover Committee is
very optimistic that they will achieve
that goal.
The TOC will be available until March 8 to accept membership applications.
Restaurant Talk from Phyllis
By Phyllis Liebman, Woodlake
There’s really a problem
when the free samples of food at Publix
taste better than that of a restaurant. And
that is what four of us found to be the
case at the newly opened Rudi’s, on 41
across from Marshall’s near Immokalee
Rd., and also, unfortunately, at the
little Bohemian Schnitzel House, in the
Pavilion Shopping Center. Enough said.
There are other non-stellar newcomers,
but still worthy of another visit. They
will, for now, remain nameless.
Come to think of it, there are a number
of “oldies but goodies” that ARE
outstanding for being special in some
way and have almost always presented
AT LEAST average or above average
meals. Here are a few.
Alexander’s … with a charming
little outdoor garden courtyard for
al fresco dining, so close, yet so far,
from the hustle and bustle of route
41 traffic. The primary dining room
offers a pleasant setting with its deep,
warmly colored walls, comfortable
chairs and “old-fashioned” acoustics.
A few tables, including a table for ten,
are in a small, informal area near the
bar. (Only wine and beer are served).
An “A” for service! While Joe, who has
been with Alexander, the chef-owner,
ever since the restaurant opened 16
years ago, is “exceptional”, the entire
wait staff has always been professional,
yet friendly. Several of their specialties
are miso-crusted butterfish (as the
name suggests: very rich); free-range
chicken farci … herb-roasted, semiboneless, half chicken, with the leg
deboned and stuffed with apples and
pecans; and crispy, but moist duck with
lingonberries and port wine reduction.
All dinners include an ample salad with
a mustard-basil vinaigrette dressing.
Old Europe Bistro … a small,
welcoming and “happy-feeling” casual
restaurant serving German-style food
continued on page 41
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Barbara DuFrane to Host March 16
TableTalk Featuring Local Celebrities
How about lunch with the former president of Good
Morning America, a best-selling author or celebrity artists with
featured works in galleries around the globe? Bonita Bay
resident Barbara DuFrane is chairing a new event called
“TableTalk” to benefit Jen’s Kids Fund – a newly established
fund at the Lee Memorial Health System Foundation to
support the renovation of the General Pediatrics Wing at
The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.
“We wanted to do something a bit different,” says DuFrane,
who is the owner of DuFrane Jewelers, LTD at the
Promenade in Bonita Springs, and a well known community
supporter. “Many are tired of the traditional black tie affairs
and galas, and we wanted to provide people with a simple
lunch with some fascinating and interesting people right here
in our own community.”
The event will be Tuesday, March 16, from 11 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point. Table
sponsorships, which include two preferred seats at the
sponsor’s choice of celebrities table are $1,000 each, and
individual tickets are $75 each. Reservations are required
and can be made by contacting the Lee Memorial Health
System Foundation Office at 239.985.3550. When making
reservations, participants will be asked to include their first,
second and third choice of celebrities with whom to dine for
an up-close and personal luncheon experience.
Phil Beuth – Retired president of Good Morning America;
Karna Bodman – TV news anchor; Wilson G. Bradshaw,
Ph.D. – President of Florida Gulf Coast University; Lucas
Century – Glass artisan; Janet Evanovich – best-selling
author; James Humphrey – City of Fort Myers Mayor;
Norman Love – Normal Love Confections; and Leoma
Lovegrove – recognized artist.
Celebrity “TableTalk” hosts to date are:
Superior Interiors
By Judy Underwood, Allied ASID
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Drapery and window treatments in these rooms need to
be carefully designed to insure the decorative interest
of the design is at an optimum height. Framed wall art,
mirrors, and tapestries serve to focus interest at a midlevel height, while corner voids can be filled with well
lighted trees for softening, texture and interest.
Volume ceilings in bedrooms can be transformed into
a cozier scale through the careful use of canopy bed
treatments. An actual canopy bed is not necessary to
accomplish this trick.
Kitchen ceilings can be brought into a more human scale
through the careful use of wall coverings and accessories,
or with ceiling fans or pot racks. The inclusion of crown
moldings at the top of cabinets serves to suggest that the
ceiling is at that level. A slightly darker color than the
walls will again help to fool the eye.
The reverse of the ultra-high ceiling situation is the
standard eight-foot ceiling in older condos needing an
updating “lift”. Vertically striped wall coverings lead the
eye to the ceiling where bordering can be used to further
continued on page 41
Today’s new homes of large rooms with soaring
ceilings and expanses of glass can present daunting challenges
to even the most creative homeowners. Since most residential
furniture is no more than 3-4 feet high, a common decorating
dilemma is what to do with all the “nothingness” above that
level. Additionally, guests are always more comfortable when
the scale is felt to be more relative to the human form.
One solution: ceiling height can be visually lowered by
applying a molding on the wall below the ceiling. A rule of
thumb is to place the molding at about the nine to ten foot
level. The wall above this detail is then painted the color of
the ceiling, thus lowering its perceived height. This can even
be done on the gable end of a vaulted room, minimizing the
height in the tallest end of the room.
Since light colors appear to recede and dark colors advance, a
ceiling will also look lower if painted a deeper hue of the wall color.
But don’t use too dark or too bright a color in a smaller room, as it
may become oppressive. Light the lower areas of the room more
intensively so that attention remains closer to eye level.
Golf Instruction
Lesson Series
By Jeff Heilman
Lesson #4: Greenside Sand Bunker Play
The ability to manage our
escapes from greenside sand bunkers is
an important defensive tool in saving
strokes. Avoiding disaster from the
sand is always a good plan.
There are so many scenarios in sand
play that the entire subject would
require a full textbook to cover all
situations. I am going to discuss some
Standard Fundamentals that all golfers
should know, then bring to your
attention Some Fundamentals You May
Not Know or understand completely.
Standard Fundamentals:
The word “wedge” has been assigned to
our sand wedge because the leading edge
of the flange is above the trailing edge.
This design allows the club to bounce
through the sand under a golf ball.
For a right-handed golfer, the stance
line and swing path should go slightly
left of the target. The clubface should
be opened to the right of the stance line
but still aimed at the target. The opening
of the face in this manner increases the
angle of the wedge (or flange) on the
bottom of the club.
Closed Date
The forward swing of the club should
enter the sand approximately 1”
behind the ball. The explosion of
sand pops the ball up so we get over
the edge of the trap in front of us,
but more importantly, we are given a
margin of error. A club entering the
sand 1-2” behind the ball produces
little difference in the result and both
are acceptable escapes.
Some Fundamentals You
May Not Know:
In addressing the ball in a greenside
bunker, you should stand in a position
that places your sternum (or body
center) at a right angle to the sand
under the ball. Imagine an upside-down
“T-square” with the cross part of the
square on the sand and the other part
of the “T” pointing up to the sternum.
The Benefits:
he orbit of the swing around the
body produces the same size divot
under the ball on all lies.
his gives adaptability to all the
possible lies in sand traps, keeping in
mind that traps are essentially bowl
A typical example would be a ball lying
on an uphill slope on the greenside of
the trap. Most likely, your left foot is
higher than your right foot. Setting the
sternum at a right angle would call for a
right handed golfer to tilt their body to
the right. The divot is more up the slope
and not into the wall of the sand trap.
The placement of the ball in relation to
the feet is unimportant.
Another critically important fundamental is that on the downswing,
the inside of the right elbow or the
heel of the right hand must lead the
clubhead into impact. This is the only
way that you can hit your spot in the
sand consistently and at the same time
preserve the angle of the flange.
For golfers who understand these
fundamentals, when given a choice of a
sand shot or a ball in the rough beside
the green, they will take the one in the
sand because it is a known, predictable
surface where the rough is not.
Knowing this, I don’t want you to start
aiming for the sand bunkers, but maybe
escaping them will be easier for you!
Good Golfing!
Go to www.BayWatchNews.com and
click on “Golf” to see a demonstration of
Jeff’s sand shot.
Jeff Heilman is a PGA member and has been
a golf instructor at Bonita Bay Club for 23
years. He began teaching in 1972. During this
time, he has given more than 50,000 lessons,
helping players representing a wide range of
abilities, from PGA Tour players to beginners.
R eal E state T ransactions
Selling Price
Subcondo Name
Full Address
Hidden Harbor
Coconut Isle
Waterford Greenbriar
Bermuda Cove
4081 Bayhead Dr, #201
27300 Hidden River Ct
4811 Island Pond Ct, #404
26449 Brick Ln
26241 Devonshire Ct, #201
4120 Bayhead Dr, #103
26199 Isle Way
3 Bed
4 Bed
3 Bed
3 Bed
3 Bed
3 Bed
What in the World…
For the first time, Bay Watch News has stumped our readers! We did not
have a winner last month … although we did have a guess: “A fish urinal at Back Water
Jack’s”!! The photo has been uncropped – hope it helps. It is something you see in
Bonita Bay. Log on to www.BayWatchNews.com and click on “Mystery Object” and be
the first to correctly identify the photograph. Winner will receive a $25 gift certificate.
Contest open to residents of Bonita Bay. One entry per person – online entries only. Decision of the Editor is final.
The Golf Guys
continued from page 11
What would you say differentiates you from
your competition?
Service. We know our customers. Unlike
many other stores, our staff is stable. We
have skilled employees with overlapping
talents. We all wear all the hats. Also,
we participate in the community by
supporting many local charities.
A PGA Tour Superstore recently opened in
Naples. Edwin Watts also has a big store in
Naples. Golf Galaxy is nearby. There are
other local golf stores, numerous on-course
pro shops, catalogs, internet websites, and
on and on. All of this is happening in an
industry experiencing flat or declining sales.
What does it mean for you?
National competition is picking off
the independent stores one at a time.
Pro shops are getting more aggressive
in their pricing and smarter in their
buying. And the internet is the
800-pound gorilla in the room.
Still, we feel fortunate to be where we
are. This area is doing better than most
of the nation in terms of equipment sales
and rounds played. Our demographics
are favorable. That’s the good news.
But we’re no longer under the radar,
and the majors have moved in and
continue to move in.
Having said all that, for the first time
since we opened, we are the only
golf store in Bonita Springs, which is
very positive.
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Curious Photographer
“Red light” cameras have been installed at major intersections in
Collier County (see p. 20). What is your opinion of these cameras?
Pati Patrick Oak Knoll (whose birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day!)
I think it is a sad situation that our world has come to this ... people disregarding laws, safety of self and
others to the point where we need cameras to police our every action. That being said, I reluctantly agree
with the use of these cameras to help protect the people in this area, if in fact, evidence proves this point.
Let’s hope it isn’t one more “fleecing of America”.
Anita Johnson Creekside
I’m in favor of safety. A driver who runs red lights, endangering the lives of pedestrians and other people
in the vicinity, deserves to be sent a ticket. If you’re obeying the law, what’s the problem? However, if a
camera is not functioning properly, an innocent person could be ticketed.
Nick Romano Riverwalk
I understand that some may view this as an infringement on their privacy. However, I feel that any
safety measure that could prevent accidents and limit the number of fatalities is a positive contribution to
our community. Al Grigaliunas Riverwalk
I don’t like the red light photos but would prefer to have police do their job and catch some runners.
I really don’t know what keeps the police busy.
Living on the Course continued from page 16
When I wasn’t pitching, I played
shortstop for our nameless 57th Street
team. I learned to charge a ground
ball like Luke. I could throw to first
like Luke – a lunging sidearm motion
that looked almost underhand. Slick.
But I couldn’t hit like Luke. But who
could? His batting average nestled on
top of the American League or close
to it every year. A magician with the
bat who could foul off enough pitches
per time at bat to make even the most
competitive of pitchers eventually give
up and give him a pitch to hit. And
hit it he would – right field and rightcenter mostly. Once in a while to left, if
he got a fat one to pull. Luke, the pure
hitter and fast enough on the bases, but
a real slowpoke out of the clubhouse.
He liked to be one of the first guys off
the playing field, but always the last to
go home. A hard guy to catch if a kid
wanted his autograph. It was August.
How many more games could I attend
before school started? I waited.
Second thoughts are tough to handle
when you’re ten years old. I heard
Then Appling said the words
that have stuck with me for
68 years. “Yes, I’m coming
and we’re going to give this
kid a ride home.”
another streetcar go by and wondered
how often they ran. I didn’t have a
watch and lost track of the time. I
pictured my mother looking out the
front window of our apartment, hoping
to see me. Pictured her getting my
father out of bed to go and find me.
Figured she’d probably call one of my
pals’ homes. Get Mrs. Parrington out of
bed. Ask if Bernie made it home. Then
all hell would break loose. Maybe this
is a dumb mistake. Maybe I ought to
forget it and get on the next street car.
Then a fat guy in a tan suit and smoking
a cigar walked through the open gate
and stopped right in front of me.
Looking down at me, he took off his
straw fedora, pulled a handkerchief out
of his back pocket and wiped the sweat
from his brow and pink cheeks.
“This heat is something, ain’t it, kid?”
“Yeah,” I said, happy to have someone
to talk to, but afraid this guy might
be an official. Maybe someone of
importance. Maybe throw me out.
“What’re you doing here? Kind of late,
ain’t it? How old are you?”
I figured I’d better act like it was a
perfectly normal thing for me to be
there. So I moved my fanny up a
couple of steps and stood up. Now at
eye level with the fat guy, I said with
all the authority I could muster, “I’m
waiting for Luke.”
The fat guy put his fedora back on and
laughed. He moved closer and gave
me a wide, tobacco-stained, brokentooth smile. He said, “Oh yeah. Is that
so? You a friend of his? You know Luke
pretty well, do you?”
A bead of sweat trickled down my back
as I realize my autograph hunt was over.
But then there were footsteps behind
me and the fat man’s smile moved up.
I turned in time to come face-to-belt
buckle with Luke Appling.
“Whatcha you doing here, young fellow?”
he asked with a gentle Southern drawl.
“I’m waiting for you. I want your
autograph. I had to get it tonight
because . . .”
“Okay,” he said, taking the book from
my hands and signing his name on the
page I’d saved for him.
This irritated the fat guy. He said
something I couldn’t hear under his
breath. Then he said, “Come on Luke,
for Christ sake. Let’s get going.”
Appling looked down at him. Put up
his big right hand and said, “Watch
your language in front of this boy.”
Then turning to me he asked, “Where
do you live, son?”
Not thinking I’d ever have a conversation
with Luke Appling, I stammered, “Fi,
fi, fifty-seven hu, hu, hundred Peoria
Street. Se, se, second floor.”
“Luke, are you comin’ or not?” The fat
guy asked as he turned to leave.
Then Appling said the words that have
stuck with me for 68 years. “Yes, I’m
coming and we’re going to give this kid
a ride home.”
The car was black. I think it was a
Buick. I’m sitting in the front seat
between the fat guy who is driving and
the greatest ball player that ever lived.
I’m telling the fat guy to turn left on
Halsted Street. Turn right on 57th. Turn
left on Peoria. All the time I’m looking
at Luke, but not believing it. The ride
takes 15 minutes. Luke talks to me.
What’s my name? What school do I
go to? Stuff like that. Finally he smiles
when he opens the door to let me out.
“Nice meeting you, Sully,” he says. I
say “Thanks” and start to run for the
front steps. Then I remember the fat
guy and run back and thank him for
the ride. They both laugh.
I run around the building because kids
don’t use the front door. I take the back
stairs two at a time, sounding like the
milkman’s horse on the run. The door
flies open and I’m in my mother’s arms.
“Whose car was that?” she asks. I tell
her. Then I tell my father. I tell my
sister. I tell Bernie Parrington. I tell
Billy McHugh. I tell Danny Tynan. I
tell everyone who will listen. Now I’m
telling you.
They didn’t all act like kings.
Masters Golf Contest
Enter the Masters Golf Contest!
Winner will receive dinner for two
at Ruth’s Chris Restaurant*
Pick four golfers. If your four players win more money
than any other contest entrant’s four selections, YOU WIN!
You can log on to www.BayWatchNews.com and click on “Masters” to submit your
choices or send to Bay Watch News, P.O. Box 1604, Bonita Springs, FL 34133.
Selections must be received by Thursday 4/8 - 10 AM. In order for everyone to
be able to follow the action, all participants’ picks will be posted on the Bay Watch
News website on or before the final round of play.
In the case of ties, a drawing will be held to determine the winner. Open to Bonita
Bay residents only. Limited to one entry per person.
* Complete 3-course meal from the classic menu includes soup or salad, entree, side dish and
dessert - $80 value
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r Fir
Fou Mention
Recent Theatrical Releases
Crazy Heart
Jeff Bridges as a fading alcoholic country and western singer
seeking redemption. If you overlook an improbable romance
and sketchy background, but like C & W, you will enjoy.
Bridges – favorite to win Best Actor Academy Award.
Broken Embraces
This Spanish movie directed by Pedro Almodovar and
starring Penelope Cruz unfortunately played only one week
in our area. A good and interesting story – worth seeing.
Book of Eli
Denzel Washington (who often is in enjoyable movies but this
is not one of them) plays a quiet stranger in a post apocalyptic
world. His mission is to deliver a “Book” and on his perilous
journey, he encounters tremendous obstacles.
Edge of Darkness
Mel Gibson tries to revive his career after a few off screen
fiascos. In this, he plays a Boston cop who seeks revenge for
his daughter’s murder involving industrial conspiracy. Pure
escapism with Gibson as an indestructible force.
Lovely Bones
It Could
...and you could be away.
Enjoy the peace of mind
that comes with
Peter Jackson directed this film about a murdered young girl
who narrates the story from some place in the “after life”. As
a suspense story, it works well but it is marred by the dreamlike scenes in her “heaven”. Based on the best selling novel
by Alice Sebold.
A Single Man
Colin Firth (Best Actor nominee) as a closeted homosexual
professor whose “love of his life” has just died. The story is
about his ability to cope with his loss. Based on a 1964 novel
and seemed dated.
Editors Note: For all you movie fans, don’t miss the Academy
Awards contest on page 22. Mail, fax or go online to
www.BayWatchNews.com and click on “Academy Award”.
Winner will receive dinner for two at Ruth’s Chris Restaurant.
Complete 3-course meal from the classic menu includes soup or
salad, entree, side dish and dessert – $80 value.
Ratings are based on a five ✰ basis.
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Fun Crossword
Answers from page 21
& 200
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Mike and Mary Ann McKoane, Dorothy and Chuck Campbell; Linda and Dennis Finnigan, Stu Warrington;
Norm and Margo Teegardin; Betty and Dick Miller, Goodie Zandlo, Anita Brunswick; Nancy Post, Joyce Kozlowski,
Max Lummis; Barbara Knight; Kaye Johnson, Barbara DuFrane; George and Mimi Raymond; Sherry Schultz ,
Dean and Gail Kelly; Judy Spoelhof, Etta Smith; Donna Roberts and Mary Ann McKoane; Ruth and Tom Iversen;
John and Carol Stimpson; Kathy and David Shellenbarger; Valerie Gorman, Linda Finnigan, Cindy White;
Gary Thompson, Chuck Campbell, Dick Miller, Frank Koslowski; Joe and Jan Joachim.
Travel Taboos...
I’ll bet you thought kissing on the cheek as a
greeting was just that, a greeting. Did you know that there
is an actual etiquette for this, depending on the country you
are visiting? Do you kiss on one cheek or both? Do you
repeat the first one, making 3 kisses? Does it matter if you
start on the left or right and is it YOUR left or right? Do the
rules change if you are married or single? Or, should you
shake hands?
If you want to make your
vacation more enjoyable
and full of unique travel
experiences, you must
do a little research
before you travel.
Irish Humor
Six retired Irishmen are playing poker in
O’Leary’s apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500
on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at
the table. Showing respect for their fallen brother, the
other five continue to play standing up.
Michael O’Conner looks around and asks, “Oh, me boys,
someone’s got to tell Paddy’s wife. Who will it be?”
They draw straws. Liam Gallagher picks the short one.
They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don’t make a
bad situation any worse.
“Discreet??? I’m the most discreet Irishman you’ll ever
meet. Discretion is my middle name. Leave it to me.”
Gallagher goes over to Murphy’s house and knocks
on the door. Mrs. Murphy answers and asks what he
wants. Gallagher declares: “Your husband just lost
$500 and is afraid to come home.”
“Tell him to drop dead!” says Murphy’s wife.
“I’ll go tell him,” says Gallagher.
Oh yes, there are rules to follow that are very different. Do
you really care? You should. In France, it’s the handshake
with everyone present, even children. Unless you are very
familiar with the person, then it’s a cheek-to-cheek offering
as you actually kiss the air and not the cheek. If you want to
make your vacation more enjoyable and full of unique travel
experiences, you must do a little research before you travel.
Where would we be without the internet and Google? It’s
very easy to type in your travel country followed by the
word etiquette.
What about different cultures? What is acceptable? A
very large part of European society and social culture is
called the “Café Culture”. We really don’t have anything
like it here in the US and it’s a shame. Europeans love to
sit for hours sipping an espresso and people watching in
an outdoor café. They talk with their companions about
anything from weather to politics for hours. Restaurant
owners do not rush guests out to turn over the table; the
check is never given unless asked for it and people smile
more often than here. Very little business is conducted at a
café lunch; it’s a time for socializing. Their work schedules
permit longer lunch hours in exchange for a later end of the
work day. Be sure to allow time in your touring schedule
to relax and enjoy the afternoon in any large town or city,
especially if it’s an outdoor café and the sun is shining. Talk
about people watching!
What other customs should you know? The list is quite
endless. There are actual courses you could take on
English Table Manners, How to Dine in a Castle, and How
to Avoid an International Incident, Proper Etiquette for
Airline Travel (a pet peeve of mine!). The list goes on.
Emily Post is alive and well. In fact, her relatives live right
here in Bonita Springs.
There is no question you should do some research before
you travel. At the very least, try to learn a few phrases in
the local language, know if you should shake hands or kiss
cheeks and enjoy your vacation. Remember, you travel to a
foreign country to enjoy their culture, not to expect them to
know our culture.
By Pat Hazen, CTC
Pelican Landing Travel
Restaurant Talk
continued from page 26
(and beer and wine only), located in
Naples Walk Plaza at the southeast
corner of Vanderbilt and Airport Roads.
Though some of the food tends to be
a little too salty for my taste, it’s still
been quite flavorful. I’m sure that the
extremely pleasant owner, often server,
would certainly be more than willing
to accommodate anyone’s wishes, if
possible. As for dessert … if you like a
crisp apple strudel, don’t order it here.
By the way, this is a restaurant where
your little dog can accompany you if
you’re dining outside.
Bay House … beautifully set by nature
and enhanced with lighting, this
restaurant offers views of an enchanting
old-Florida waterway. The smell of freshburning wood from the restaurant’s
fireplace is especially welcome at this
time of year. The restaurant seating in
the main dining room is on two levels;
this can be a major drawback if your
table is just below the top one. Not
only do you have voices from either
side of you, but ones from above; this
only amplifies the ordinarily high noise
level. Probably everyone familiar with
Bay House requests a window table.
With luck, you may get one.
own advice, and with my husband
and our friends who held the $75 gift
certificate from our infamous previous
experience, ventured into the unknown.
As we walked past the extremely bustling
BRAVO! to the “quiet” AZN, we felt that
another disastrous evening was at hand.
How wrong we were. Our comfortable
booth awaited our 7:30 arrival. The
staff has been culled to capable, friendly
and efficient help. Michael O., our
server, is one. You remember the hot
water incident described in last month’s
column? Well, this time the water
arrived hot, was refilled without even
asking … and without the previous
$3.00 charge. Each of the five entrees
and one appetizer that we ordered was
attractively presented and so-o-o good.
Positively amazing! We have a feeling
that the older Asian gentleman who
was briefly at the reception desk, and
not working in that capacity, may have
been Mr. Hsu, AZN’s owner and one
of the creators of three popular Pacific
Rim restaurants in Atlanta; if not, he
was presumably someone sent to correct
obvious problems that this restaurant
hopefully HAD.
Superior Interiors continued from page 29
expand the feel. Next, paint the ceiling the background color in the border to
give it the feeling of extending the space by minimizing contrast. Borders or
moldings can also be placed directly on the ceiling abutting the wall rather than
on the wall itself. This will make the ceiling seem higher by appearing to be part
of the wall and softening the demarcation between the two.
Crown moldings are a wonderful way to lift attention to ceilings. For a low ceiling,
crown molding can extend more on the ceiling than on the wall by simply having
the molding reversed when installed. Paint the molding only a shade lighter or darker
than the wall (but with more sheen) to avoid defining the ceiling too sharply.
Don’t overlook the effects of lighting. Chandeliers and sconces which reflect up
onto the ceiling and are just a bit brighter than the rest of the room will give you
the feeling of a larger space. Ceilings should be an important and attractive part of your design plan. A little
bit of thought and creativity can add a whole new dimension to your living
spaces and can make the scale of each room more comfortable for guests.
Judy Underwood and her partner, Cliff Welles, ASID & GREEN Leader, AP, own
Decorating Den Interiors in Bonita Springs and Sanibel Island. 239.948.9779.
Portfolio @ www.DecDens.com/SFL. Member: Sanibel and Bonita Springs Area
Chambers of Commerce/President’s Club.
The Dentist Chair
By Jim Papandrea, DDS, Riviera
I have been asked to explain implants by one of
our BB residents. This is a very complicated subject; I will
attempt to outline briefly the choices you have for replacing
missing teeth.
“What are the negatives of having implants?”
• The time in the dental chair is longer than other procedures
• The cost
• The length of time from start to finish
“What are the positives of having implants?”
• Implants are 90-95 % successful, which makes this procedure
the most efficient treatment in dentistry
• The esthetics (appearance) is clearly near perfect and their
durability has been perfected over the years to a very high
79-GLXN (3-1) bay watch 2/5/10 11:02 AM Page 1
strength factor
• If the conditions are right, these appliances (if you can
afford them) are the best way to go
In my opinion, the positives clearly outweigh all other
replacement choices. Remember that implants can be
used for a single tooth replacement, bridges (multi-tooth
replacement), to support partials and to support a full
denture. Supporting a full denture in this manner can make
patients feel as good as when they had their own teeth.
continued on page 47
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continued from page 9
13-14, 2007 weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal
addressed the high pressure seminars targeting retirees
and warned of unscrupulous sales tactics.
Please do not misunderstand me. I am not implying
that every financial planning seminar is without merit.
Some financial planning seminars offered by local banks,
trust companies and brokerage firms are high caliber,
informative and worthwhile. However, rarely are these
quality seminars part of a recurring large newspaper ad
program or mailings that lasts throughout the “season”.
One must question the capabilities and commitment of
a financial planner who is purely dependent upon the
seminar circuit for new business development. Why are
these financial planners’ current clients not referring their
friends and family? There are many factors necessary to
develop a successful professional business, such as longterm commitment, relationship-mindedness, technical
capability, responsiveness, community involvement and,
most importantly, character. I believe word-of-mouth
referrals are the best way to build a professional business
and for you to avoid the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
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Box Office/phone hours: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., noon-5 p.m.
What’s Happening in Real Estate?
One major difference I’ve observed the past
nine years as a Florida real estate broker,
which contrasts with my previous 30 years
as a broker in Michigan, is the buyer’s
attitude toward wanting a new home versus
an older used home.
In Michigan it was easier to sell a home, regardless of
its age, if it was located in the best school district with convenient
proximity to the buyer’s workplace.
By contrast, our typical customer in Florida is retired or close
to retirement and is past the need for schools for their children.
Overwhelmingly, they want a brand new or nearly new home.
Today, we are all excited with hope that a deal to buy the golf
club will close soon. That event is critical for Bonita Bay real
estate to return to its days of grandeur.
Whenever the deal finally closes, however, the next challenge
our property values will face is that our community is beginning
to age. I remember visiting Palm Springs, California some 20
years ago. I observed that the homes in a 20-year-old gated golf
community a couple of miles from hot selling PGA West were
bringing about one half the selling price per square foot.
To get any kind of a good price in Bonita Bay going forward, you
will need to keep your home or condo feeling as close to new
as possible. This means you may need to remodel your kitchen
and baths, put in granite counters, new kitchen appliances, new
carpet and perhaps new tile, redecorate, new hot water heaters,
a/c compressors, etc. I predict the sellers who do these things
will experience far fewer “days on the market” before finding a
buyer and will enjoy a much better selling price as well.
The club’s board of directors and club management will face the
same challenge with our club’s facilities. Once we own this club,
we will inherit a pretty sizeable deferred maintenance capital
expenditure requirement. We will need to make a substantial
investment in this property in order to compete effectively for
new members and new residents. It won’t be easy and it won’t
always be fun, but continued success is certainly achievable if we
work together as a community of friends and fellow members.
When the dust settles, Bonita Bay will still be the best chunk of
gated golf land in Southwest Florida. We have a wonderful asset
here and must all work together to keep it that way.
Gary & Jeff Jaarda
Gary L. Jaarda and Jeff Jaarda are Broker-Associates with
Premier Properties.
Random Thoughts
Why do some of the best songs of our generation
have obscure meanings like Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound
of Silence” or Don McLean’s “American Pie”. I still don’t
know what Jimmy Webb (author of “Mac Arthur’s Park”)
meant by the lyric, “Someone left the cake out in the rain.”
Can someone please explain it to me?
Now that some airlines charge $8 for a pillow
and a blanket – how much extra would it be for a
bedtime story?
Don’t you just hate it when someone jumps
out of a convertible and rushes into a store after having
just hung a “HANDICAPPED” sign on their car?
In the “Ten or Fewer” lines of the supermarket,
I always check to see if the person in front of me has
“Eleven or More”.
What do people store in all those “Storage Units”?
In the Doctor’s Office
continued from page 10
are those who have been resuscitated and regain their pulse
after the episode, but remain in a coma-like or unconscious
state. Physicians believe mild hypothermia treatment
assists patients to have a better neurologic outcome, thus
better brain function after cardiac arrest.
“It is a very complex process. The first thing is that
patients have to be recognized by EMS and the
Emergency Department as candidates,” says Dr. Scott.
“This involves a lot of training and collaboration
between EMS and the hospitals.”
Sudoku Puzzle
Edited by Will Shortz
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box
contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
3 4
Dr. Tolep says the concept of lowering body temperature
to help with certain illnesses happens to be a very oldfashioned idea. Hippocrates observed that sick people
who were packed in the snow seemed to fare better. In
the 1950s, doctors started using intentional hypothermia to
protect brain functions during cardiac surgery.
This practice, which had been previously endorsed
by the American Heart Association, has an extremely
demanding care protocol that includes continuous bedside
care by an ICU nurse, extensive oversight by Intensive
Care physicians and initiation of the therapy as rapidly
as possible. Furthermore, the equipment needed to keep
the patient at the appropriate temperature can be quite
expensive. Despite the difficulties in implementing these
protocols, Drs. Tolep and Scott feel strongly that this
technology may protect brain function.
8 2
9 5
1 6
9 8
7 4
Answers can be found at www.BayWatchNews.com
and click on “Puzzles”.
As seen on Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show and in The New York Times.
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The Dentist Chair continued from page 42
Technical Aspects
of Implants
Most implants today are made of
titanium. To replace a missing tooth,
the dentist creates a hole in the
bone (called a pilot hole) for implant
placement. Before he decides the size
of the pilot hole and thus the size of
the implant, the dentist must take
several records. A scan of the jaw is
taken which locates vital structures.
The scan also tells the dentist the
anatomy of the jaw so he can measure
what angle he will use when placing
the implant. This is very critical.
Complete 3-course dinner with your choice of Appetizer,
Entree & Dessert.
Once the implant is placed into the
pilot hole, the dentist places a healing
cover over the implant. This cover is
necessary to protect the implant against
harm while the patient chews food for
the next 3-6 months. It takes that long for
the implant to attach to the bone. This
attachment is called “osteointegration,”
which means bone fusing to metal. It
is the shape of the implant that allows
this integration. Some implants actually
have cadaver bone already pre-fused
to the metal when they are made to
allow for better integration. This allows
bone-to-bone integration. If the dentist
has just extracted the tooth, then
many times the implant can be placed
Once the implant has fused to bone
(3-6 months), the dentist can remove
the protective cap, then the new crown,
partial or denture can be placed. You
must be aware that although these
implants are all metal or porcelain and
do not decay, you still need to take care
of them by brushing and flossing. If
you do not, the periodontal structures
(gums and bone) break down and
loosen the implant. That would be a
costly mistake.
When considering implants, be aware
that all dentists are licensed to do
implants, but experience is critical,
as it would be in all surgeries. Some
general dentists do implants and also
do the prosthesis (crown, bridge,
partial or denture). I must admit I am
uncomfortable with this. There are three
specialists that do implants:
• The Prosthodontist who does the
implant and the prosthesis
2 6 8 31 S OUTH B AY DRIVE
RO YS RES TAURANT.COM | 239.498.7697
• The Periodontist who only does the
implant and sends you to a general
dentist to do the prosthesis
• T he Oral Surgeon who only does
the implant
Stick with the specialists. If you want
to go only to one place, then the
Prosthodontist is the answer. The other
two specialists are very experienced
and can also give you a great result.
You should always get the most
experienced doctor whenever you do
any type of surgery. Ask other people
who have had implants for referrals. Ask the doctor how many implant
surgeries he or she has done. Be leery
of the “faster and cheaper” procedures.
They usually fail.
Houses for Sale
Sanctuary: 4br, 4ba like-new, great room/
dining room with marble floors, wet bar,
paver deck, pool & spa, outdoor kitchen.
Kitchen with maple cabinetry, granite
counters. MBR suite with renovated bath.
Two guest rooms, each with their own
remodeled bath plus a guest cabana. Call
* Montara detached villa. Approx
3000 sq ft. 3br/3ba plus den (4th br).
2 Story. Large light, open, airy great room.
2BR and bath up with large loft area.
Screened lanai. Community pool across
the street. Very friendly community. Call
to visit. 239.947.7804
Condos for Sale
Wild Pines: 2br/2b, 2nd fl, with large
living room, dining area, kitchen,
lanai overlooking lake; 1,000 sq.ft.
Motivated seller - offers considered. Call:
Bayview II: For Sale or Rent. 10th Floor
Spectacular Views. 3BR 3BA, Newly
Decorated. Enclosed Garage. Seasonal or
Annual Rental. Owner can finance sale.
239.992.8441 or cell 239.273.1227
* Sandpiper: 3br/2ba 2nd fl, faces west
overlooking a lake, new heat/ac, new
water heater, and new carpeting 2008,
freshly painted, new roof, community
heated pool and tennis courts. Furnished
with Thomasville furniture, turn key.
$299,900. Call 239.948.1135
Condos for Rent
Wild Pines: Lake view 2br, 2ba quiet and
clean 1200 sq ft end unit is available on a
weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis. Pictures
available at www.vrbo.com/139135. Please
contact Dave or Carolyn at 239.949.0949
or 703.785.3605
Wild Pines: 2br/2b, 2nd fl, with large
living room, dining area, kitchen, lanai
overlooking lake; 1,000 sq.ft. Call:
Greenbriar III: Beautifully furnished 2
bedroom plus den, 2 bath condo for rent...
April only. Golf course view, elevator and
indoor parking. Please call 239.390.2049
Greenbriar: Pristine 2 bedroom, 2 bath
condo with elevator and indoor parking
space, high ceilings, top floor, newly
furnished and renovated, incredible views,
pool and tennis courts, available monthly.
Wedgewood: 2 br/2ba condo + den
across from Wedgewood community pool.
Large lanai overlooking the 18th hole of
Bay Course. Two tennis courts. Elevator.
Approx. 2000 sq ft. For rent seasonally or
monthly. 312.914.4111
C lassified
Bay Pointe: 1st Floor overlooking
preserve. For rent seasonally or monthly.
3br/2b. Call: Patti 847.207.3765
Bay Pointe: 2nd floor overlooking
preserve. For rent seasonally or monthly.
3br/2b. Call: John 847.274.3883
Furniture for Sale
Sofa: soft aqua, 3 cushion (89” long x 39”
x 35” high) Excellent condition. $225.00,
Please call Carolyn - 239.949.0949
Oriental Rug and Furniture: Perfect
condition - almost never used. Lexington
Tommy Bahama Entertainment Unit.
Karastan 8’x10’ Samovar Collection
Oriental Rug. Ethan Allen Black Wrought
Iron Daybed with Trundle and custom
bedding. Call 239.949.1174
Metal Bed Frame Full/Queen on wheels
$45. Topper - Queen Size, 3-inch memory
foam with cover. Seldom used. $95. King
Size Quilt and 3 Shams. Liz Claiborne cream with soft greens and rose/pinks. King
complementary green bed skirt. All excellent
condition. $100. 239.992.8125
* Computer armoire by Hooker. Piece
sold for $2400 new. This furniture has its
own power supply to power all of your
office equipment. Outstanding condition
$1200. 239.948.1135
Cars for Sale
2000 Mercedes Benz SL500. Excellent
condition, very low mileage. Both soft and
hard tops with stand and cover. Desert
Sand with dark brown cloth top. Original
owner. Never missed a service. Call
Boats for Sale
2004 Glacier Bay 26ft: Canyon Runner,
twin Yahama 150s, stainless steel T-top W/
upper seat, canvas includes dodger plus
3-sided helm enclosure, windless, full
cushions, Garmin 2010C, equiped to fish
and cruise. $54,900. 239.948.3940
Lladros: Collection of 190, most have
original boxes, many no longer available
in stores. Sell individually or all at 40% off
current list price. Inventory list available.
Donglaser@comcast.net or 239.768.0463
Aqualung Dive Suits: Two almost-new,
long-sleeve, long-leg, size xxl and xxxl.
Call Leslie at 239.438.4020
Steelcase File Cabinets: Two Matching
black (Heavy Duty) locking with keys.
$100.00 for both. 239.498.1925
Pressure Washer Mi-T-M. 2,500 P.S.I.
$200. 239.948.1971
Golf Trainer Orange whip-like trainer.
$50. Please call 239.992.8441
* Indicates New Item
Framed, Matted 18x30 Douglas London
Numbered Golf Prints: Arnold Palmer
– St. Andrews 1995 – “The King Bids
Farewell”; Jack Nicklaus – “The Golden
Bear Return to Glory”. Call John or Linda
Scheve 239.992.4561
Piano 1907 Ebony polish Steinway &
Sons 5’ 10” model O piano, with Piano
Disc computer installed. Fully restored by
Steinway & Sons in July 2002. Excellent
condition. Artist bench included. Call
Tickets 2010 Sony Ericsson Tennis
Tournament March 22 - April 4. Four Box
Seats in Row B (second row). Includes
premier parking spaces for 2 vehicles for
all sessions. 239.949.5950
* RED SOX Spring Training Tickets
Two for Sox-vs-Cardinals, City of Palms,
1:05 pm March 8, Sec 202. Four for Sox-vsTwins, Hammond Stadium, 1:05 pm March
14, Sec 216. Please call 239.390.7093
Callaway XJ Series Youth Golf Club
Sets Includes driver, metal wood, 5, 7, 9
& sand wedge, putter and matching bag.
2 complete sets. Good condition. Call
Help Wanted
* Docents needed by the Bonita Springs
Historical Society at the historical Liles
Hotel from 1-3 on Thursday afternoons.
For more information, please call Mary
Gleason at 239.992.5349
* Computer Tutor B/B (Oakwood)
resident with moderate skills seeks
additional technical help in office, web, etc.
In home – hourly – flexible arrangement.
Baby Grand Player Piano: Please call
* Mah Jongg set in good condition.
Please call 239.498.9551
Two Tickets (together) any evening.
performance of “Jersey Boys” at Barbara
Mann. 239.947.6443
Time Share
* Great place for your regular visitors–
luxury timeshare at Hyatt’s Coconut
Plantation, Bonita Springs. Substantial savings
over buying from Hyatt. 239.676.9663
To submit your FREE ad for items you would like to
sell, such as household furnishings, sporting gear, cars,
boats, homes for sale or rent by owner, etc., please
email: BayWatchAds @ aol.com or Valdon Publishing,
LLC, Bay Watch News, P.O. Box 1604, Bonita Springs,
Fl 34133. Include item for sale with description and
your phone number.
Go to www.BayWatchNews.com and click on “Free
Classified Ad” to read “Terms of Use” for your
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Crossword Puzzle
Puzzle #1 — ENCOURAGING WORDS by Andrea Carla Michaels
A puzzle that provides some figurative pats on the back.
By Andrea Carla Michaels and Miles Callum
Edited by Will Shortz
Actors Sharif and Epps
Battle reminder
Inter ___
Three trios
Pennsylvania port
Dozes off
Jacob’s twin
Alternative to the pill
Jack of “The Apartment”
Sugar unit
Beatles woman with “a
little white book”
“Way to go!”
Use plastic
Figure eight surface
“___ Stone,” ABC
Mister Ed, for one
See things the same way
Lennon’s lady
Machine with OS X
Reign of ___
“Good job!”
Debtors’ letters
You may put a tree in it
Does well on an exam
___ Paolo
Certain tide
“Take a bow!”
Healing plant
Israeli airline
Green pasta sauce
More than serious
Really bother
1 T.H. White’s “The
___ and Future
2 Cattle calls
3 “___ Karenina”
4 People a bartender
5 Orchestra sect.
6 Arrange
7 “Rats!”
8 Be under the weather
9 Come to understand
10 Alternative to
vegetable or mineral
11 Weaving machine
“___ idea!”
Guild: Abbr.
Singer Mann
French bean
Not just suggest
Pool ball holder
Glowed like the sun
“O Little Town of
Bethlehem,” e.g.
Chop finely
___ firma
Zwei + zwei
Camp food
Writer Fleming and
Pilot’s prefix
Please log on to
and click on “Crossword”
for answers.
38 Japanese beverage
40 Sassed, with “off”
41 Nevada/California
43 Lend an ear
44 “Stop dawdling!”
47 Luxurious fur
48 “An apple ___ …”
49 Pepsi or RC
50 Sufficient, in poetry
51 One with top billing
53 Orient
54 Neighbor of Sask.
55 Scheme
57 Rumble in the Jungle
58 Imitate
Copyright © 2008 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament
www.crosswordtournament.com Used with permission.
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