mqas*W - Synergy Baxis Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
mqas*W - Synergy Baxis Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
r1 -l i\ ' t,." Alll l<i t/ c- ;\ I \-/ Hn etl'u{.+E qlflqq EITcT WEST BENGAL h H s d E h AG.REESENI E fr F THI$ AGREEMENT made this 3d day of May Two Thousand and thiileen, f, BETWEEN F fl XH1OIU l6glA UMIIED, a company registered under the Companies Act 1956, having its Reg'stdred Oflce at "Kankaria Estate", 5h Floor, 6, Little Russell Street Xomata-700071, represented by iS o 8.. " Authorisod Signatory Mr, Joydev Sengupta working for gairtwjth the Company as Company Secretary *GOMPANY" (which term or expressbn shatl fl- and Head-Legal , hereinafter refened to an calied as fie .J unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deenned to mean and inciude its Successors-in- t '' ;'' E € ! lnterest, executors, administrators and lega{ representatives}of the ONE r zfrr, rF;'. a f;-. ' /.:l \i PART: 'l ----lV \\*----l a"ft. u.e.ri? *_atau{,}, , r. :rf ::*f,i Rr;. Company !&{" I for $ynorgy Baxis Interprises Pvt. FrsFery tt{' r;6,.- :.7g:r-; bt.'+ C,r.i,+rl 4 ad}-rgF Esss Ersdsss F'tLh," $d'r mqas*W ServhEPrnlydcrs t- \ a \ .l* ^\t\ " #ryq(N iy' $',r*-"..9 \'9 ":i r, wy :\F-rxY ./E -) rRLIE COPY ATTESTED . NOIAR'/ AC\rT. OF IND|A Reg. ;Vo-3/gfin c.M. rU.'s Court-celqrttr z r rud, mrr i\' _,*.- _!{i5 AND I SYNERGY,BAXIS ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED a company registered unoffio*panies.Act 1956, having its Registered 0flrce at E-24, Baxi Niwas, Gokhare Marg, c-Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan, prN - 302001' represented by Mr' Amit Baxi the Dinector of synergy Baxis Enterprises prtvate umiteo, hereinafter referred to and called as the "Servlce Provlde/' (which term or exprossion shall unless excluded by or repugnant to ths context bo deemed t0 mean and include its successors-in.lnterest, executors,administratorsandlegalrepresentatives)ofthe0THERPART: WHEREAS the company is engaged in the business of manufacture, retairing .no olrtiortion or andotherproducts(hereinafterreferredtoasthe..products,,). footwea AND WHEREAS the company supplies its products to its various retails ouuets across the cornt ,, various Distribution centres / Regional Distribution centres ("RDC) and the AND WHEREAS the Company has its RDC operations at Delhi & Chennai which include owned or hired and used for purpose of (a) koeping/storing/stocking tho manufactureo linishod ptoducts, (b) maintaining such stock for catering to tho demand of the doalers, distributors, and retailers of the company (hereinafter rofened to and caued r* is - , l , centralDistribu**;; prrrir*lin* *o ,*u"i ' as he "customerey, 1c; products to the customers and thus to manage the overall suppry chain the Company, r;;, ,-r-;;;;; bgistics of the products of AND WHEREAS the service Provider is engaged in providing warehouse operation, its managemeniand retateO ,t -)r ' services. .- AND WHEREAS the service Provider had approached the company onering lts services in respegt of he RDC of the cornpany at Delhi, for carrying out the activities, in parthular niuun in Schedule-A or nis Agreement and all such activities as may be decided bltre company from time to time relating - ---' to the '!v warehouse operaUonal management and related ., - - services AND WHEREAS the company, being satisfied by the representations made by the Servirre provider, has agreed to enga$e it for providing services at RDC at De[riwhich ,r at shod No. 7, I and 9 measuring in totar an area of 17356 sq. Ft. at Khasara Nos, 50/6 (4,16), 7(4-16), Delhi - 110036 and may, at the sole 'to-ie discretion of the company, be relocated or sified or separated or suh, divided anywhere around Delhi or its sutsurban areas {hereinafter refened and ,0.[..i called ,. *r;;;;ate ' ,i,.;io4 ''z --- noc ,{oy/I}lls,a.GftEEl6Efr?l,rnfEs$EsAsFolroi?s:- I FODI'T}@IT. A' Pffi) A}rD SJTAruS OF management and other ffi "$r1i ;.;' Gompany For Synergy Baxis. Enterprlses servrr provider for provrJing warehouse -n"it ne'1. X.r.-.;[l xu.-:lrVg2ff2- NOTARY GC.I-T. OF INOIA or;urt-C'f*'n'11 C'M tu'ls ()r;urt-Calctrtlrr C.r'a.r*.:s 1 Ltd. I jr ,*#,Y7'*" reraM servirps .s welJgg povidkE required manpo\{er qRUE COfrYATTESTEDU ---=-.'-=- - *Jf pvt. .' /1 PAR'NsS The company n rroy]rrgrges fre I h suctr *.Eyriergy fi &dr f4iarplies torltd. DklftrlAuhothod8'utator) qntl ahtn. DkochrfAu8lorhod8l$atory ..^ ^ fu} \UE IUB '*^ , ^ li 7', serulces, The Service Provider has agreed lo execute, fulfil and discharge the above said wotks grnd other obligations as mentioned in Annexure - I A to lhe entire satisfaction of the Company and to perform and fulfil such other functions, duties and obligations as are mentioned herein. The manpower so provided by the Service Provider are herein after called and refered as the Associales, Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice the right of the Company to appoint any other Service Provider or agent for any directly service at any of lhe abovementioned tenitories. This Agreement shall commence from 1 April 2013 and shall remain in force for a period of 2 (two) years i.e, from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2015 unless determined olherwise. Thereafter, the Agreement may be reviewed for renewal by mutual consont of the parties hereto. Furttrer, it is agreed between the parties that during course of contract, in the event of breach of this agreement or repeated neglects of its duty by the Service Provider or its personneUassociates, which'.lhe Service Provider fails to remedy within 7 days of having received written notice ol such failure or neglect from the Company, he Company can, notwithstanding anything written in Mlcle 8, terminate this agreement by giving 24 hou/s notice in writing. The Company has appointed and authorised the Service Provider as an independent $ervice Provider strictly and only for lhe purpose a-s stated above and nothing in this Agroement shall be conslrued to givo riso to a prosumption of a pdncipal to agent relationship between the Company and lhe Service Provider. lt is further etpressly agreod and declared that the Service Provlder shall not al any time- I. enter into an agreement in he name of or purporting to be made on pehalf of tre Company. ,) \_y il. by any act pledge the credit of the Company or impose or attempt to impose any contractual obligations on the Company. lii. either in its own offices or depots or on invoices, or any form of communication, o.r any other place, or by any olher means, oral or written, make any statement or representation which may induce others to believe that it is an agent of tire Company. *GENERAI OBLreATOilS' For Srrrrgi, Baxi/s Fnle4ttlses PriI. A,RflCLE t.l ' 1: CLEARJNG, STOCKING A,l,lD Tre ca:gany EdI quanlil*x of tE rrndertakes b I FORWARDING unh€d a[ f tur Er€ b llre I]e SERVI0E #@'nn"'' PRgt/Um corsigrunerds nierh reason&b lrme The SEFUICE PRO/IDER undertakes to indemnifi dnd keep indemnified .J / b cEs ErE+7l b he sa\rrcE mrEH, d tu tH[ Producb as rnay be da*l€d by ,I fre Comparyfronr arykss, dffilrtage. paElIr'- ll ! I charges that may ariso as a rosult of any default of the SERVICE PROVIDER in this regard. Upon unloading, the SERVICE PROVIDER shall indicate in writing in the acknowledgoment given to the I caniers, any shortage/damages, if any, in respect of the Products consigned. No claims of the SERVICE PROVIDER with regards short delivery/loss/damago shall be entertained 'by the to Company and the SERVICE PROVIDER shall be solely responsible to make good such losses tho Company, unless such claims aro accompanied by short deliveryfloss/ damage certilicate:from I I . , ' ,li the caniors. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to hold the Products at the Delhi RDC in trust on behalf of 1,2 witllbut ' tho Company, The SERVICE PROVIDER shall have no right, title or interost. including,rbut limitation, the right to claim any lien, whatsoever, on the Products; accessodes;-premises and infrastructures and facilities thereof. lt undertakes not to sell, mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or create any charge in whatsoever manner over the Products at any time, The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to be solely responsible fol the safety of the Products and 1.3 shatl store the Products in a clean, secure, safe and envipnmentally sound m?nner. The SERVICE I PROVIDER shall further, take all due precautions to prevent leakage, accidents and fire and guard against any other eventuality which may result in causing loss or damagb,lo life, property and the environment, The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes not to store any othor goods within the premises which ars hazardous, conosive, dangerous, obnoxious or arg of such nature so as to give rise to a risk of causing contamination to lhe Products. All Products lying in the Regional Distdbution Centres shall be insured by the Company against 1.4 fire, explosion, riot, skike and malicious damage. The SERVICE PIOVIDER undertakes'to indemnify .tlp Company from all losses arising out of lhe Products being ''stolen,, sr if losst occasioned to the Products duo to any factor not coveJed by the said insurarrce policy orwhere is I : he Company's insurance claim is not admitted either partially or wholly due to negligence or wilful omissions or commissions attributable to tre SERVICE PROVIDER or its employees/agents/associates. The Company shall be entiUed to adjust lhe whole or part of any d such bss or damage out of ttre money due to the SERVICE PR0VIDER fiom the Company on any account whatsoever including pending bills of the SERVICE PROVIDER, The Compan/s decisbn. in this regard shalt be binding on the SERVICE PROVIDER. This is without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Company may have against the SERVICE PROVIDER. * ,l.5 The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to fonrrrard the Products in the Compan/s name in such quantities and in such manner and to such addresses as the Company may. instruct from time to time. The Products shall be forwarded only against the Companfs dollvery advises duly signed 'lhe Company's authorised personnel, The Company shall from time to time forward b by -/ V SERVlCEPRoVlDERalistofnamesandspecimensignaturesofsuchauhoriS€dpersonnel.The( SERVICE PROVIDER shall not make any representation and/or glve any wanantgpr guarantee ln ,ErysddS'8 fto&rb rRUE coF\, ATTESTEO , Fd qp6rg, ""'n;.;. rro.-rzstsz a 1,,. J.]t Cr'r:rt-Calctfilr Pw. (r.* * lil. lus r ?1 Baxis E ' Kt* TlJr \iot^ orruUiurfrorisft toll ti Service Provlder * .- -) The sERVlcE PROVIDER undertakes to commence forwarding the products upon of the Company's delivery order within reasonable time and not later than 24 houns in any event. The sERVlcE PROVIDER undertakes to indemnify and keep indemnified the company from rny,lorr, demunago, penalty or charges that may arise as a result of default on part of tlre SERVICE PROVIDER in this regard, 1.7 f l l, The SERVICE PROVIDER shall keep ttre Company indemnified at all times anElcompensate ttre rl Company against sales loss due to inaecuracies in lnventory Record keeping, bad house ieeping, il t' stocks not stored in accordance to the specified SKU and stock nol billed despite theh availability, Provided that the SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be liable in the event it is abte to produce i documentary evidence, duly attested and signed by an authorised representative ofthe Compan/, affirming that such loss is due to reasons beyond the controlof the sERVlcE pRovtDER. The Company shall require the SERVICE PROVIDER to stock, transfer 1,8 he Stock of the products from time to time, ln such events the Company shall send prior intimation in wri$ng signed by duly _+ authorised personnel in this regard, All expenses towards octrci, if any, and freight charges incuned by the sERVlcE PROVIDER in this regard shail be bome by the company. Freight 1.9 charges in this regard shall be mutually agreed upon on a case to case basis, While entrusting the Products to transporters in the courbe fonrvarding, of I the : SERVICE PROVIDER shall anange and ensure that all the requked excise gate passes/invoices/documents are canied by the tr:ansporters. The relevant invoiceVdoCumentdchallans shall carry the name of the Company as the consignor and lhe name of the customer as the consignee anj snafl be in a . standard format approved, printed and supplied by the Company. Under no ciicumstances shall the SERVICE PR0VIDER deviate from the approved format wi$rout prlor intimation trolfi ttre Company. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall be solely liable and shall indemnify tire'Company against all losses in the event of non{elivery or short delivery to ttre consignee/customer. The t\ Y-, . " Compan/s decision in this regard shall be binding on the SERVICE PROVIDER. 1.10 The SERVICE PROVIDER shall send to the Company, on or.bofore the l4th and 2$th day of each month, statements in the prescribed form giving particulars of ttre Produch fonrarded by it and the balance in its stocks for the preceding ,ortnight, The statements shall also give particulars and if any, tlrat are damaged. me sgnucr pRovlDER shall not oispose of{/destroy any dan4ed Produds rdttput Flx penr&}s;iryr rom fie csrpry. h he errert he daraFd Pmlr:s - b be drycs cfl,esqd, he sEff[vtcEpRolrER#O so hh praser€e of t'e con'4xny's ardiorlred cp|Eserd;ilr€ (ffess drssE e iEftrtd) d oow quantity of siocks, *ith a! irshrdhrd&ecfons, sEtrbry s ofierwire. i I I t I !r t- ii i; h tl:' a: # 1 sfii ii i' rnr,rE COPY OI!#D !l' ii i., i' I t"4t1l *",,o&id*";g#'P" 'il.i'",'T* on'ca*,r, ".r,Iff;'"; for $ Baxis Cbnpany i' ?r++it#:=.,i+:rrel---- 7 .nu*,i(#Wo ,', o*-*'U'flt i: lii l:. i2: COMPLIANCE .,. TheServiceProvidershallgetitsetfregisteredundertheActs/Rulesasmaybeappticableandwill 2.1 period of the Agreement and a copy get its license issued/ronewed, if required within the curency and record. The service"Provider must of the same will be given to the company for reference Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act' forthwith apply for the required Uicensi under the Contnact on availing the same, within a period of 45 1970 and communicate in writing, to the company, 2,2 l, ri I days fromthedateofexecutionofthisagreomont,alongwithacopyofthsLiconse' produclng relgYant documents/records The Servioe Provider will ensure the Cqmpany by ' ite' ' the':1*1nolt:lt.t under wages register, attendanco register, wago slip etc' as applicable fiied by the Govemment in the schedupd workmen is paid less than the minimum wages part of the servicq'Provider h make the from time to timo. lt will be obligatory on ; employment *,*,*ofwagestotheworkmenemployedbyiteverymonthinthepresenceoftheCompany's authorised rePresentative, the statutory authorities all Provident Fund The service provider shall make timely deposit with (bothemploye/sandemployee,scontribution)andotherstatutoryob1igations. againstaccidont' doalh and other unforesoen The Service Provlder shall insuro all the Associates, prevailing laws and the Company shall not under any circumstances, in accordance with the circumstances of any be liabls and/or responsible for rhe same, All compensh'ion nature solely for and to the account of lhe whatsoever arising out of the aforesaid circumstances liable for all:statutory coqpliances, service Provider. The service Provider shall be solely . Assocjafs emdofed for fu-lfilling"th.q'' applicableJqr the Employees and/or Labouns andior losses, damages, action!1.9db,lroceedings and/or objectives of this Agreement. and against all compensationadsingoutofcaryingoutttre&heduleofworksbytlroserviceProvider'.: 'Ii ThepaymenUre.imbursementSonbiltswillbesubjecttoallstatutorydeductionsas-applicableunder various Laws/Rules existing or to be enforced infuture' 2.6 and liable for aluany default of lB obllgatons The SERVICE PROVIDER shall be solely responsible loses' indemnified tlre company from all liabilities' under this Article and shall indemni{y and keep chargeS,pehatties,damagesandcoststhatmaybe"incurredbytheCompanyinttreevent0| or any consequent actions' suits' proceedings default on the pa( of the sERVICE PROVIDER therefor. 2.7 payment ttre company documentary evidence of The sERVICE PROVIDER shall lumish with of ..-. salary&ProvidentFundwithin20hofthemonlhfollowingnexttolhemontholsalar.y<,. *T*TM; rRUE CCPY AT'T€'STEU R.N. l.,1AITI GC"':. (''c lirt):^ NO IAFY {j ,t For SyiErgy Bexis Fnterprises i..-.i \ ir.- :7 jr9'r i *l.ij.;r Coln-Ca*fia ,1 21 AU& Pvt. [td. 1 2013 Service"Provider -: , 1-1i- ,. -',.-.. r-,.-*..:.-,- -.*-*;{.;*$rs. --.a-a* ':-- ;';J;..'/ ) ARTICLE 3: GODOWN MANAGEMENT a The S'ervice Provider undertakes to provide the house keeping and security services in the RDC at 3.1 thdr own cost, which will be reimbursed by the Company on actual basis and the Vendors for i,, providing the same witl bo selected on fiutual consent of both parties. IJ J.t Any employee and/or workmen required shall be directly employed, supervised and remunerated I by the SERVICE PROVIDER at its own discretion, on such terms and conditions that it may deqm fit as an independent employer in compliance with all labouf laws. The Cqmpapyrshal!,not compensate the SERVICE PROVIDER under any circumstances whatsoever with regards employment of staff. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to be solely liable for all consequences . arising out of the omission or commission of the staff employed by it. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to make no claims against the Company for any injury suffered by its staff inthe dourse oltheir duty. ln the event of any employee or any Govemmental authority makeS any claim on,$e Company, ttre SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes h defend the same at its cost and indemniff tlrq Company against any liability or cost. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes at all times to keop appropriate records oJ all transaitions, 3.3 details of tho Products cleared, torwarded, the balance stocks remaining at the Delhi RDC, statement of accounts of expenses incuned and such olher records as may be rpquhed by ttre Company. These records shall be opon to inspection by the Compant's authcrised representative and the SERVICE PROVIDER shall produce these records whenever requircd by the Company. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to allow and povide all reasonable opportunity to he 3,4 Gompany's.rgpresentative to inspect the Delhi RDC, their resoecUve,S3gclil.,eld accounS. fp Company's representative shall be entitled to count the slocks'of tlre Prodgcts pfrys&affy arO fg reconcile the same wilh stock records maintained by the SERVICE PROVIDER and \d; or the at ttre Company. The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes tirat it or its representatives strall be avallable I i ,i .. ' Regional Distribution Centres at all reasonable times during all working days. The PROVIDER shall prompUy inform the Company SERVICE in the event any notice is recelved by any judicial authorities. ln the event the Delhi RDC is lhe subject to any . statutory, govemmental or inspection, raids or seizure by any statutory or govemmental agency, the SERVICE PROVIDER $rall prornpdy ir{onn t're Comgany ard at *tsddBeCcoeaftybpre'#. ARIICLE 1: OOI${T}EIfT OF IIE $gilXCE he same time tale a[ tegal precautiors to see hd he PROVDEN SalbFroyidarayaes {ila {,1 Tre Sdes entifled, at S?8 , t: ;,rrucE Sa.iE a ffi, B rc ermaf ib sole discretion, to enfarge orqrf{ail [ie Scope sc''r,iJ'cbw--q.j|u" companv g I ? AU6. zoil .;iil;t?;?l-3ff** fu elpq of&w[rs. f cr Si,ntrgy 31f, h I : Seryice Provider shall not do or cause to be done any act whereby or by reason whereof the reputation and goodwill of the company is adversely affected in any manner whaboever. Service Provider shall develop its own network and anangements and recruit Associates for providing Services as required by ttc Company refened to in the Scope of Services as well as in the ongoing provisibns of this agreement. Service Provider shall at all tilmes, omploy such number of competent, qualified and experienced Associates as required by the company to cany out the services. lf required by the company, the Service Provider shall provide resumes and such other details of its Associates to the Company. The Service Provider shall not engage/appoint any outstation employee/s with out prior written approval of the Company. The Company be entitled to require Service Provider to remove any Associate from the team of Associates providing Services, if in the reasonable opinion of the Company, such Associate is not suitable, The Company shall by giving 30 (thirty) days noUce at its own discretion, require Service provider to curtail or increase the number of the Associates proviOing services. All the Associates omployed by Service Provider for rendedng the sorvices hereunder shall be employees of Sorvice Provider who shall be solely liable and responsible for payments of all dues to such employees, such as salaries, wages and other dues by the 1sr day of the next monh following the monlh for which the Associates had rendered thek services. Failure on part of lhe Service Provider to pay the salaries/wages/dues, with in such due date, wilt attract penalty @ Rs. 100/. per associate per day, All Associatqs engaged in providing services under this Agreement, are employees of seMce Provider and they shall not be deemed to be employees of the company. The company shall not be liable for any payments, dues, wages and salaries of the Associates. i"i/ Associates shall enter the premises of he Corirpany only when specifically instructed to do s0. Associates shall not cause any nulsance in the Company, premlses or inconvenience any other personal thereat. 4.10 The Service Provider shall provide list of its Associates appointed from time to time, along wittr such details as rEuired by the Company. ARTTCLE5: &sb*re BA|IKGUTRANTEE dde c{exearhn df?*itsse,nertsE sERylcE pRo{tDER.g}etfrrd*ts c@rya[ 'x[h e caidin:ri'ig gLaalu3g cf ,es. 3,s!,orul (RoFe$ Iftree Lsr fiFy lhn:sard on$ tun a 0?e rquH bank and as per dmft appoved by he Company fu due perfofinance of a[ dgrcenenl ln tire event of any deiault or bremtr on tE part of rRUE COPY ATTESTEC' __--f,,.X, MAm / GOVf . OF il.iDiA r.rOT.qR Is obfga[ors urder hb he sERvlpE pRof/lDER h SynEtgly B€de ill ule !* ti, E q?rises RrLrd, [f"]^ : Fcr Syrergy Buxis Erterptlsos -- i nn. Lt4 ll Service Provider I il *krw,nu,r, d i-il,@.@;r,l ;. performance and observance of any one of the terms and conditions set out in this Agiiement, the Company shall be entitled and be at liberty to adjust its claim against the SERVICE pROVIDER for damages, costs, demunage, penalties, liabilities and charges by enforcing the said Bank Guarantee without i any reference to the SERVICE PROVIDER. This shall be without any prejudice to any other remedy that ,t j ,i may be available to the Company unOer the law and the Company's right to adJust the amounts form any other account including the pending bills of the SERVICE pROVtDER, ARTICLE 6: 1l ,ii CONSIDERAT|0N The Company shall reimburse (1) the salaries/wages/olher dues to lho Associates, (2) the other expenses incuned by the Service Provider and pay the Management Fee as set forth in Schedute.B herein upon receiving the bill/invoice raised by the Service Provider nol before the 7h day of the next month following monthofservice tre ,.,: ,, 6.1 Servic,e Provider shall hold all information, data, material, instructions, communications; 6e terms and conditiqns of business as strictly confidential, whether received in writing or oral form, from gp Company by Servlcs Provlder. Tho breach of this clause shall be construsd as a material breach end the Company may terminate this Agreement forthwith in caso of breach on the part of Sorvlce Proyider, The Parties also agree: to maintain and use the confidential information only for he'prirposes of this Agreement and only as permitted herein; (ii) to.only make copies as specifically authorized by ttre prior written b0nsent of ttre other party and with the same confdential or pr"oprieEry notices as may be printed or displayed on the original; (iii) trj treat confidential hformation as confidential during the period of this agreement and years thereafter is : :i ti Il 6,2 Servlce Provlder agrees that any of tlre Company'r technical or business lnformation that Servlce Provide/s employees, asociates or agenb acquire wfrile on access b t'e compant's conputer q,sb{Rs ff daEbases r*Ee i tn Companfs premises, g3 Uywgh m a ofi he csnrirry prefl&es, gg be daamal Confidatia] irriormation" exoept the ilt'o'mation provlOat b the Associates b perbrm Errb* d rre Corp;q's p-.rnris* i3 -{L b Savics P1or.ilr $ail. d d 6rE , Eldr fte s* gogaty orhe Corlparry. Upon trr*a*nlUptydtUsAg6rya*, ffiqtdefu rRUE COPY ATIE$TED ffi,7ldtc,:. ersfi,r$te ;nvi*d Y rte CcnCa1y d : Wsiles*ffiRrr$ ',t .i, i^iorARY oovi. Reg. NG-379/g? c.A/r.r;:t Company '{I ,ludios # {' oF trlD[A C;;;-6*rt" For Synergy Baxh "t"dm"serery tltorpfis Service Providei '3:ljil.Ti3,itrJlds ;& tor Itd. "j '. r, .. !4 shall be returned to the Company or destroyed in accordance with lhe instructions of the Company and evidence of such destruction provided to the Company to its reasonable satisfaction. The Company may at its solo option, witness the destruction, :tl ARTICLE 7: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 7,1 The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to despatch the Pmducts in thek original packing and under their original Trademarks, brands or names without altering, tampering, deGcing or interfqring with them in any manner or describing any altered Trademark, brand or name as that of the Compan/s, The SERVICE PR0VIDER further undertakes that it shall not, at any tine, during the subsistence, of this Agree*ent or at any time after its termination or expiry claim ownership or user rights or interest in respect of the name, roundel, trade marks, artwork and brand names of the Company, 7.? The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes that the Trademarks, brands or names of the Company. shall not be used in any unauthorised manner by the SERVICE PROVIDER or its agents'and employees during the term, or after termination or expiry of this Agreement The SERVICE PROVIDER further undertakes not to store, sell or in any manner deal with spurious producb boaring the Company's Trademarks, brands or name 7.3 The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes lt shall not, at any time, dudng the subslstence of this f,greemont or at any time after ih or advertise in any manner termination or expiry, exhibit whatsoever, the Trademarts, brands and name of the Company beyond the limit of authority in that Agreement. behalf confered by this 7,4 i: I The SERVTQE PROVIDER further undertakes at any time, during the subshtonce oJ hls Agreement or at any time after its termination or expiry not to sell and/or deal in any product by i I t: using the Company's packing materials, labels, design or artwork oi. similar or deceptively similar t,' packing material labels, design or artwork. 7.5 : b qry he narp I i rundd ol t the Company, The SERVICE PRPVIDER undertakes that no such shtione;y ehdl be mlsused or 1 Ihe Comparry shafi povkie all sblionery utrbfr shall be required and I. used in any unauthorised manner by lhe SERVICE FROVIDER or its agents and employees. 7.6 The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes that it shall remain liable for and shall indemnify the Company against all losses, damages, liabilities, charges, penalties and cosb tlrat the Company may incur on account of default of tris Article. This is without prejudice to the Company's right to appropriate legal action. ARTICLE &1 8' TERMIMTION Thb AgrE€merder bc te*n&&d efitrrLrylie CoqpatyorW 8e tree rmrlhs ffIbe lourd b confnue hwfhg h case dtsrrirdin b enp|ot fte persorxd @ rRUE SrxrfrePwit*r$gffi a b, he Seftice Pro*rer.fte C@patybila by dE Struba Bodder. COPY ATTESTER , /) " {.rt.t.ffi *oro$'t;'rflli*n,^ Hetes &e -'* - fgrsrnerpYBaxi$Xere{9eshd"Ltd' e.,r.1\ j6li^hd, IDrtdttrtluhffi{st9*w.q'' . loE.tro.-370i9r1 S9 '..."t];H,i:i"'#*" mrU*inrWrus{naW i "^'o Fcr Sy@IcBeh;ffierPrises Pvt. Jt "*=\S i !E*r;; - lffi;tu:;* '_kF::.^ i:: I I I i t i I l, Company may forthwith torminate this Agreemont upon the happoning of one or morc of the ,fbllowing events: 8.1'1 shourd the sERVrcE pRovrDER in the opinion of the company become incapable of carrying out this Agreement and the duties thereunder or its position at any time be such as in lhe absoluto discretion of the Company render it inexpedlent for it to conunue as SERVICE pROV|DER; 8.1.2 rac should there be any arteration in the composition of the sERVlcE pRovlDER, unless such alteration shall have firstbeen agreed to by the Company; 8,1.3 8' 8'2 1'4 should the sERVrcE pRovrDER fair to carry out any insrructions given to it for proper working of this Agreement witfrin a period of one month. For any breach of conduct or for violating the confidentiality clause herein. Upon termination, revocation or cessation of this Agreement the sERVlcE pRovlDaR !ha[ vaQate rhe premises with his men and materiars after being properry authorised representa$ves and account for ;-r;;-. ;;;; ,t all stocks ryirg the Distribution centre without claiming any right of lien whatsoever. The Company shalt be entiued to doduct aff outstanilng amounts duo and payable to lhe company by the sERVlcE PRoVIDER or any shortage of stock by enforcing the Bank Guanantee and/or adjust the amounts from any ottrer.qccouniyhigoever, including lhe sERVlcE PRovIDER's pending bills. The decision of the cb*p.nyirt arr'lu oi*1,,g, on lhe SERVICE PROVIDER. ARTICLEg: FoRcEMAJEURE Neither party shall bo liable for its failure to perform hereunder as a result ol any events of force majeure beyond the party's reasonabre contror incruding acts of God, fire, was, sabotage,'dvil 9.1 unrest and riots, strikes and lockouts, govemmentar actions and govemrnental larc . rules or regulations' Ndthing in this Artlcle shall prejudice the righi of the company to be indemnified by sERVlcE PROVTDER as contemprated in any otherArticre 9.2 ' ' herein. "ttn' , Promptly following tho date of commencemant of any of force majeure, ttre party affected shall advise lhe other party in writing of such date and the nature of such event of force majeure, *t.*pon tire otirer party shall extend all r*cessarycoopenatirxs b te afiecred b raJsEre nordy. pRovlDp honeier siedd s.r$ hr* msFre party h ar efurt aert p#re,t rre eced gaty fum e*.rnhg 'b t$dlr,6! eds aio ctligfErs ftr a @ d gt @& tE ffiH !EtJ/ sH te a Eeal O gnrire Ep lgrE€nsf by drh€ one ru8r uDsr rrc&e rPUE COPY ATTESTEO -of[t m,T#n" ^c.$ '*'*..S, C.M.M.' g Couri-CalCr.rt Company ffi'**.+s:: i. +*a li l; Forsv'ElsvBg]d'%T*Pvt'Ltd: Fpr * ir t, ,r-rqrffi#.q$cnat$Y'gL . Bex'iffii;rfi;;i irt .i 'I ii lr I I i ,,.".teeFi4tr-:+.: t2 t .t, ARTICLE 10 10.1 : SEVEMBILITY lf any provision of this Agreement or the application of any such provision to any penon or circumstance shatl be invalid.:under any law for the time being in force, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances olher than ttrose as to which itis invalid shall not be affected thereby This agreement shall be deemed to represent the entire Agreement between the parties hereto regarding lhe subject matter hereof and shall supersede, cancel and replace any and all previous agreements, arrangements, writings or unde(akings in this behalf between the parties hereto. No modification or waiver of any provisions of this Agreement will be valid unless tlie same is in writing and signed by authorised representative of both Parties. ARTICLE 11.1 1 1 : COMPANY,S PROPERTY AND ASSETS The Service Providor will properly account for all materialtaken frsm tre Company and retum the machinery, tools, implement provided by the Company in good condition at the end of each days work and on completion of the contract / work. The Service Provider will not acquire any right whatsoever to any porlion of ttre premlsos oecupied 11.2 by it for lhe execution of the Agreement and will not be entitled to entor into the Chennai RDC on the expiry of tho contract or termination or revocation of the agroement ARTICLE 12.1 12: IMPLICATION OF LAW The Service Provider will be responsible ior complying with all statutory obligations on ifs part in respect of propor observance of provisions of Factorles Aots, 194S, Payment of Wages Aat, 1936, .Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employges Provident Fund and Misc. Provisions Ac[ 1952, lct, 1947, Employees State lnsunance Act, 1948, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, lndustrial D'sputes Payment of Gmtuity Act, 1972 and all other related leghlatior/statutes for the time beirng lntorc,e, ln case the Company suffers any loss or has to bear any penalty for any lapse on part of the Service Provider, then the Service Provider will make good of the loss sufiered by the Company. 12,2 ln case of any industrial dispute, the personnel of the SERVICE PROVIDER deputed in fErr*€s dEle COa,FAXY, *la{ b€ &*d the asrrcrtmendtu SEFMCEP8gylfRattrrilit lars B atil rirryi sbal be h rc oarcr WbE*e aq te provis$on d lndrrs!'id DfpuEE Ast 194-7 atd cfitar {qqry Fr 4glrcalle- h srir e,an( il cccasfon acgcn t,rerds '*Ets+*e sffeneiE d any atses tE CCtdPlil{Y eg.e drfEr f€ttdng h cfid r rr( ad 1 # [e 6e amrf d $e SEEMffi PROld*" I i rRUE COPY ATTESTEDT :i il fAFvcOW.Of Rec. 1' ,,.4 ii INOIA No'379/ffi ' lv,.;s Co.rn'Calcutr*' ,qi !S$ :i ii ,. rl il ,.1..,. 6"]*K^b js ?{ r{\ T;f& /n ii F g}ails ct'r4 ARTICLE 13: SETTLEMENT 0F DISPUTE Qr-r,-.@ Any dispute and differences arising in *elation to this contract including interpretation of its terms will resolved through joint discussion of the Chief Executives of concemed parties. However, if lhe disputes are not resolved by the parties, the matter will be refened for adjudication to the arbitration of a person appoiBled by the parties in Kolkata in accordance with lndian laws. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be uSchedule - A" Responsibilities/Duties to be Dlscharqed/Carried out bythe SERVICE PROVIDER: 1, Manpower: Providing manpower as per requirement of company (Khadim lndia Limited). Salary would'be as per agreement with company, All employees should be competent enough in their mspective profiles to carry out jobs satisfactorily as per Norms of tlre company. Othenrlise, company may ask for replacement a Retaining manpower a Replacement of manpower in case of leave / absence of staffs a lT knowledge is must for RDC ln*harge, supervisom, openators Scope of Services of the Associates: r 3, As set forth in tho on going provisions of this Agreement. Administration and RDC maintenance: . r r r r Basic administration as per norms set by Khadim's - maintaining good work culture Proper maintenance of RDC in terms of baslc inhastructrres as well as stocks Coordhdfxr#h tE Co-orffir Coordndion l-ard H &rgtopaitashrtreh*lies asefpededhro lfu M ld\aperm fu u*gnryeO *mYofdac8dg, ree" sih dribrer{verrdtrs hrrritegre dCooglErs addsmadtpde+l0ut llEh krud eb" ' &'rrg:r:re{ *r prcp:rder&E ad }are tee6*ps Entergrlses Fer Syr:trgY Eaxis /'I Pvt Lti' / rRUE CCPY ATTESTEP N(J R.N, |ARYGOW. Or tNOtA A[X1&(AliiqnalorY For Synergy Baxis Fi'Lt4 (t'on\, ,{e(r. I'ro-379/ti2 C. M. filerprises PtrsddAulttih'gd $l$abrF.' M.'s Ooul t-Caicutll rc!! Sarvii Dr,.'tider , l4 4. RDC Operatlons: Carrying out entire RDC operations on behalf of the company as per set norm Regular monitoring ot stocr ievel for order generation Co-ordination with Procurement team / suppliers for placing orders Tracking of supplies from suppliers Proper receiving of goods from supplier:s and from other RDC's against the orders - proper counting and checking a Re-packing and bar-coding as and when required a Updating of stocks in systems t Proper racking of stocks and proper house keeping a Excise group wise and item wiseanangement of stocks a Proper house keeping a Strictly following FIFO o Capturing orders from dealers / own outlets / sales persons a Keeping stock ready {or dispatches as per orders a Proper boxing and bar-coding a Packing of stocks in cartons a Stock Keeping & Stoclr Audit a Controlling Pilferage method \ "Schedule 1. Relmbursement for Salarles and Wages - B" : Salaries and wages of Associates engaged by the Service Provider shall be communicated by the Company through separate letter and the rates shall be as may be decided mutually by ttre parties herein. For this purpose the Service Provider shall have to raise bill on the Company after making payments to its Associates for an amount consisting of the wage bill ad service taxes. L SErrice Cf.ary;s: 'tl€ Serube Pro'dder sheil be €ng$ed ca"et, h a sentce drarga or EE rorstly f edstl€ d el0ry,r- 'tor I.?UE SYcergY Baxis &te senbe EnlerPlrr Pvt. Ltl, CogY .{::=STED Fs SYrcrgY Baxb ErlqlPnsos FaLtd ItJ: Us\ t'I t' 'hilh{ W l5 ,,_6-_iHS\ .J i Notiriy t i-. ;i 'i i[3\',-.rr?i,,,, ,lt*,i Management fees: vfo'f)/' The Service Provider shall be entifled to a Management fee of Rs. 25,000/- per month'iiladdition to all payments received by it. 4. Other variable costs: At actual on raising of proper bill and production of evidence, lN *TNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been entered into on the dato rirst KHAnTM rNDiA 3ff#fr{ug FdsynswB*tt Fdu)nEtur -- f) *r" r.rj',{rrnp \Sffi#rshparur ,IOYDEV SIi.ICt.JPTA r jiij40.l.EGAL C0irtpANy SECRL.ji,:.'7 Name : Joydev Sengupta Namo :Amit Baxi Designatlon : company secretary and Head-Legar Desrgnatton r Director Wltnesses !..-4i- i Sisnature Nane cllrt/ch{L l<t,'.o^/3hrVbt Name /,, khh,"" r:r,;=- COFYATIESTF_D For.synergy Baxis Enleryrlsoa pw. Ltf. ( e,{dffirs*,ioi}- C. M. l'= J, t,l.'g Cc'lrrr4aicutte **Tm''_: