

Grays and Blues of Montreal (GBM)
27th VA (Infantry) Co M; 2nd VT (Infantry) Co M; 11th NY(Light Artillery) Co M.
01 March 2011 (Minor Revisions)
** If further questions, contact either:
QM & Arty Sergt. Alfred Calver -
(514) 445-9898; or 2nd Sergt. Andreas Roussanos -
(514) 501-5953; or Capt. Rob McLachlan
- (514) 928-7390
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Suggested ―Personal Equipment Checklist” (Example #1)
―Personal Equipment Checklist & To Do’s‖ (example #2)
Mercury Supply - Company Sutler
* Crescent City Sutler (Imports almost everything – acceptable quality)
* Winchester Sutler / Brush Creek Armoury (Muskets & Accessories)
Fall Creek Sutler
Regimental Quartermaster
C&D Jarnagin Company
Blockade Runner
Brigade Sutler
* Camp Chase Gazette (VG bi-monthly CW Re-enactor magazine)
C & C Sutlery
Dirty Billy’s Hats
Dixie Gun Works
Mill Creek Mercantile
Missouri Boot & Shoe
Panther Primitives
Rum Creek Sutlery
Smoke & Fire Co
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Example # 1:
Suggested ―Personal Equipment Checklist‖
For ANY Re-enactment Weekend.
* Print this list & Check it off – each time - so that you do not forget anything! *
Musket & Cloth travelling cover & gun keylock (while in Canada)
Cartridges (Minimum 70 – 80 , Prepared)
Caps (Minimum as above…)
Rifle Cleaning kit/rod
Cartridge box
Cap box
Bayonet & scabbard
Haversack – packed with your personal “goodies/snacks” etc
Water canteen (FILLED svp)
Plate or Bowl
Small “period” Candle Lantern (& extra Candles)
Pocket Flashlight – backup, just in case…
Brogans or Boots – (Make sure you put waterproofing wax on them before leaving
Shell or Sack Jacket
Poncho (VERY important – it always rains!)
Slouch Hat – or Forage Cap or Kepi Cap
Period Shirt (1-2, preferably 2)
2- 3 pairs of “hiking” type (or wool socks) – NOT cotton! (unless you want wet feet all
1-2 T-shirts
1-2 extra pairs Underwear
1 Pair Gloves (Black Leather – “period” looking…even if actually “modern”
1 Sweater (wool)
Tuque (wool type)
Personal Hygiene Kit – Soap, shaving, Towel etc.- could include a “small” First Aid Kit)
A GOOD Sleeping Bag (check out zipper before leaving home – versus discovering in
dark that it doesn’t work!.) …OR 2 -3 Blankets
Foamy and/or Ground Sheet (waterproof)
AND 1 x Army type Duffle Bag to carry most of the above “personal equipment”
PLUS – Wearing your personal civilian clothes for travelling to and from
re-enactment site.
Optional: (but very worthwhile) – Camera
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Example # 2:
GBM CW Re-enactor
―Personal Equipment Checklist & To Do’s‖ – Before leaving home to a CW Event
(As applicable – depending upon your Rank – Pte/Jr NCO/Sr NCO/ Officer)
* Print this list & Check it off – each time - so that you do not forget anything! *
___Medications, ___Glasses, ___Wallet, ___Keys, ___Clock, ___Feed Pets,
___Turned off Appliances, Map/directions, ___Windows, ___Doors, ___Kiss Wife
___ Uniform: . . ____Pants, ___Shirt, ___Socks, ___Hat, ___Gloves, ___Coat,
___Vest, ___Underwear, ___Over Coat, ___Shoes, ___Suspenders,
___Tie, ___Sash, ___Poncho, ___Gaiters, ___Duster, ___Cape, ___Shoulder Scales
___Musket / Pistol, ___Powder, ___Caps, ___Sling, ___Gun Cleaning Equiptment
___Canteen,___Tin Cup, ___Back Pack
___Haversack,___Mucket, ___Plate, ___Utensils, ___
___Comb, ___Tooth Brush, ___Razor, ___Mirror, ___
___Cartridge Box, ___Cartridge Box Strap, ___Cap Box,___ Belt, ___Buckle,
___Knife ___Leather Care Product
___Bayonet, ___Scabbard, ___Throg
___Sword, ___Scabbard, ___Baldrick/Sword Belt Rig
___Ground Cloth, ___Blankets, ___Mattress, ___Pillow, ___Bug Spray, ___Flash Light,
___Tent, ___Ropes, ___Tent Stakes, ___Hammer,___Gravity Hooks / Ridge Pole Hooks,
___Lantern, ___Candles, ___Matches,
___Coffee Pot, ___Cross bar / Tri-pod, ___Spatula, ___Dipper, ___Fork
___Stove, ___Table, ___Stool, ___Camp Box, ___Desk,
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1). “Mercury
Supply‖ Company Sutler
101 Lee Street
Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936) 327-3707
Fax: (936) 327-3791
Owners: Tom & Thelma Barry
GBM Note: Overall a VG Sutler to work with. We haven’t bought lot’s of items from them – but so far no
major complaints (Some prices higher but VG quality)
A: FF63 – *Infantry Package* Includes 5 items listed below.
$95.00 (Plus $14.00 S/H)
Black Cart. Box w/Tins 1855 Pattern
Black Cap Box US or CS Pattern
Black Leather Sling
White or Black Haversack w/Strap and Buckle, and Inner Bag
Stainless Steel Canteen with Gray, Sky Blue or Dark Blue Cover, Sling, Cork w/Chain
GBM Note: If you buy this “package” (which is a VG deal), get the Black Haversack & SS
Canteen with Dark Blue or Dark Grey cover.
$ 75.00 Pr
SH01B - Brogans Square Toe, Black, Rough Out, (Sewn Soles), Includes
Rawhide Laces, Size 7 thru 15 (Including 1/2 Sizes, D Widths)
Tell us your current shoe size - NOTE: Heel Clips extra - $5. (you install yourself..).
GBM Note: “High ankle” …appears to be from photo above … but ask them just to be sure –
because “high” IS best ankle protection!! – If Yes, then price of $75 IS definitely VG!)
PS: DO also get a pair of Heel Clips & have your local shoemaker install them.
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CL24 - Cotton Battle (Early War CS) Shirt, 2 Front Pockets and Trim
(Basic Gray Color)
- $ 50.00
GBM Note:
a) This will be OUR (& 9th Bn) Manassas 150th Shirt – (portraying 5th Virginia- 1861 -early war).
b) Kindly DO NOT ORDER from here. We WILL be able to get these type of Early CW Shirts
(Medium Gray, Linen, Black Trim, 2 Pockets) from ANOTHER Sutler for around $33. They are
called “Rum Creek Sutlery” – Jonesboro GA (770-471-3621) – We WILL Advise you of the
“Group Order” they will take from us, in order to make them.
c) In “meantime” good idea to also have a “second” shirt anyways – so for now (if yo do wish to
have 2 shirts – many of us do – then you should get the Red “Firemans Battle Shirt (Artillery)
from Crescent City Sutler also at about $33 – or if you are SURE that you don’t also want to
learn and portray Artillery then simply get one of the “Plaid” patterns (versus White, which will show
dirt etc.
―Slouch‖ Hat
HA16 - Slouch (soft felt) Brim 3 1/2", 5" Crown. Black, Brown or Gray (M-L-XL)
- $ 45.00
GBM Note:
a) Price here is “reasonable”. There are “some” sutlers with a lesser price. Good Slouch hats
need to be 90% -100% Wool - and generally range in price from $30 - $60.
b) If you get Black or Dark Gray – you can use it for BOTH CS & US. If you get brown, can only
be used for CS .
c) Good Slouch Hats are MUCH better than “Kepi’s or Forage” Caps – Good Slouch hats keep
off the Rain & Sun & keep you head warmer when it’s colder – Kepi’s & Forge” caps don’t.
d) Plus… if you decide to use Kepi or Forge Cap – you WILL need 2: 1 Gray for CS - and 1 Dark
Blue for US. …your choice Gents!!(& Ladies..)
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2). Crescent City Sutler:
12351 North Green River Rd.
Evansville, IN, 47725 • (812) 867-3960
Office hours: Monday-Thursday / 8am-4pm CDT
Owners: Tony and Mary Lou Capps
GBM Note: Generally a VG Price/Performer (but the odd time a “cheapie” item is not the greatest
of quality). They do have a fair amount of ―imports” – but overall they ARE definitely a good
―starting Sutler‖ for new Members. GBM has used them a lot - No major complaints (VG Service)
―Product Packages‖
* Complete Uniform (CS or US) Package *
GBM Note = VG price & “Good” Quality
Sack or Shell Jacket - Navy or Grey
(size 38-54)
GBM Note – Confederate = SHELL Jacket ONLY .. (Union = Sack Jacket)Issue Shirt (size S-XL)
GBM Note – Ask them if you can get “Red Fireman Shirt & pay the difference +$10
Foot Trousers sky blue, navy, grey
(size 32-54)
GBM Note – Get SKY BLUE ONLY… (We use it for both Confederate & Union portrayals)
Adjustable Suspender
GBM Note: Ask them if you can get a Dark Color (Red, Blue, Gray)..shows dirt less…if not don’t sweat it.
Belt with CS or US buckle
GBM Note: Ask them if you can get BOTH (CS & US) and pay the difference (+$7)
Pegged Brogans (size 7-13, half sizes available)
GBM Note – These Brogans ARE real “Cheapie’s ( $55) & lower quality from Pakistan -but ARE wearable
(for a while) your call. However, we recommend you first check out the “High” Brogans”, from Mercury
Supply Company (Page 1) for $75. If they are High &Good Leather then get them instead . Ask Crescent
City “If you could Substitute” and pay the difference for “Better Brogans” (High Ankle) from them. If not
ask to substitute for “some other needed item” of equal value (or higher & pay the difference) If they say NO,
then either “take & try”: could always resell to “someone” later: or else talk to QM Sgt Alfred or Capt Rob –
and see if they could help “leverage” the order for you, with Crescent City.
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Forage Cap or Kepi - navy or grey (size S-XL)
GBM Note – Again as mentioned earlier (Page 2) a SLOUCH Hat IS MUCH better. As Crescent City DOES also
carry Slouch hat (Check that they are mainly made of Wool)- ask them if you could “Substitute” a Slouch
Hat for a Forage Cap and pay the difference. Enlisted Slouch - $42,
Enlisted Forage/Kepi =$25.- It’s
YOUR Call (as it was in original CW)– but if you REALLY want tohave one - then chose Forage (more head
coverage) versus the Kepi less head coverage). BTW - Remember: Gray = CS; Dark Blue= US.
* Basic Leather Package *
GBM Note = VG price & Good Quality.
Cartridge Box
GBM Note – a) Box illustrated is Springfield Model ($36) – but it works FINE for Enfield Rifle.
b) For some “unknown” reason, the Enfield Cartridge Box is listed as only $18.95 &
is SAME quality.
Cartridge Box Sling (Leather or Tarred)
GBM Note – Its AOK
Cap Pouch (US model or Shield Front)
GBM Note – Recommend you order “Shield” Front – it minimizes “accidental” opening of your
Cap Pouch – thus having your Percussion Caps fall-out, without you knowing it!
Belt with CS or US Buckle*
GBM Note – As explained below (around page 10) - Get 2 ( 1 x CS & 1 x US and pay
additional $6.95 for 2nd one.
You can substitute a Bayonet Scabbard or Haversack in place of the Belt if purchased
with the Uniform Package.
GBM Note – Considering that a Black Tarred Haversack. which IS the one recommended,
(not a White one) sells for $17.95
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British Enfield Bayonet - For 1853 Enfield musket.
Springfield Bayonet - Fits model 1855 through 1863
GBM Note (For ANY Bayonet) – Important!! – They “may” or “may not” fit your Musket
(Enfield or Springfield –as they generally come from Pakistan and the “socket” diameter “may
or may not” be correct. Sometimes they can be “reamed out” slightly and they WILL fit OK. If
ordering one, be SURE to ask Crescent City if it is “returnable –if it doesn’t fit over your Musket
barrel. If they say NO – then consider looking elsewhere.
Springfield Bayonet Scabbard
(* Also works 100% with Enfield Bayonet)
** ―Gaylord pattern‖ scabbard – Black leather.
GBM Note: Highly recommend that you ONLY Get this one – The “Gaylord”
Pattern. It works perfectly for BOTH Enfield & Springfield Bayonets.
Reason – When wearing it, the “angled” Gaylord – bayonet points away from leg at an angle- thus little
chance of it accidently “sticking into your own leg (if brass protector at end of it “falls-off).
However with “straight” Enfield pattern scabbard – ther is a HIGH probability that bayonet will stick into
your leg – if brass protector at end of scabbard, accidently falls off!!
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Crescent City (cont’d) :
(* MANY are already included in Crescent City ―Product Packages – listed above…”)
Common ―Shell‖ Jacket - CSA
Sizes 38R-48R - $69.95
Sizes 50R-54R - $74.95
May be called a "Roundabout" jacket. This jacket was used throughout the entire war. The common shell
fully lined with one inside pocket with 7 C.S.A. buttons. Available in mixed grey.
GBM Note: This IS our recommended standard for enlisted Confederate portrayal
Military Vest
Although the vest was not an issued item, the soldiers of the period really loved it. The model we offer is a
stand-up collar, wool front with cotton backing, nine button front external pockets and a back tie belt.
S, M, X, XL, XXL, XXXL - Available in dark blue or mixed grey.
GBM Note: Recommended that you “eventually” get one (Warm & Comfy). Apparently CS also wore
Dark Blue Vests (at times), but generally CS standard would be more of a mixed Gray, or butternut
(brown). However US ONLY wore Blue (So again, if you wish to save “some bucks” a Dark Blue
would allow you to portray BOTH sides. Your call.
** Battle Shirt (Red..) **
Sizes S-XL - $30.95
Sizes 2X-3X - $32.95
Popular style with removable button-on bib front. Stocked in red and blue.
GBM Note: This is recommended Standard Shirt for ALL GBM Members – Qualified Artillery
= RED Battle Shirt – NOT Blue.
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Print Shirt (Assorted prints..)
Sizes S-XL - $30.95
Sizes 2X-3X - $32.95
Four-button front, pull-over shirt - 100% cotton. Buttons included. Assorted prints available.
GBM Note: If you are NOT Qualified Infantry-Artillery, then we recommend that you DO get
the plain GRAY Cotton Battle (Early War CS) Shirt, 2 Front Pockets and Trim (Shown on
Page 6 of this catalogue – it’s about $50) – and/or get a Gray or Blue “Print Shirt”(as your
2nd Shirt)
Foot Trousers
Sizes 32R-48R - $49.95
Sizes 50R-54R - $54.95
Wool trousers, full-cut with button-fly and suspender buttons leather tie adjustment with side seam
pockets. Available in sky blue, navy blue, and mixed grey.
GBM Note: Get SKY BLUE ONLY – NOT Gray (Unless you are ordering 2 pairs!)
Reason: BOTH CS AND US – did wear SKY BLUE.
Pegged Brogan
$55.00/ pair
Made of oak tanned leather with the exterior being "rough out" and dyed black. This model has pegged
soles. Available in sizes 7-13, half sizes available. Stocked for immediate delivery.
GBM Note: These ARE “cheapie” Brogans (made in Pakistan, or such). We would not really recommend
them, but “some” members HAVE bought them – have waterproofed them and are still using them (mainly
in the summer – as not really made for even “slightly” cold weather. Your call.
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** Waterproof Shoe Oil (… or Paste..)
For all oil-tanned leathers. Easy to apply. Waterproofs brogans and boots.8 oz. bottle GBM
GBM Note: ** Boot waterproofing is an “ABSOLUTE MUST” (Whatever VG Brand or Paste) to be applied a
couple of times (inside & outside) to your Brogans BEFORE you wear them to an event!! **
** ALSO – DO first “Wear-in” your Brogans/Boots around your house & neighborhood BEFORE you go on
your first event – thus avoiding much foot pain, blisters, limping, etc! **
Enlisted ―Slouch‖ Hat
Crescent City's own hat. Available in black and grey in a light felt. S-M-L-XL
GBM Note: A Wide-brimmed CW “Slouch Hat” (such as above) is MUCH more practical &
beneficial for YOU – than a Military style Forage Cap or Kepi.
- Slouch Hats keep both the “Sun & Rain off of most of your Head, Face & Shoulders – Forage
Caps or Kepis do NOT(they are mainly for “Parade Dress”)
- In addition wool/felt Slouches keep your head cooler in hot weather (i.e. You can “soak them
in water” & place it back on your head for greater cooling)
- In Cold weather they will keep your head warmer & more insulated from the cold & the wind, than
a Forage or Kepi Cap.
- Last Point - a Black or Dark Gray(Not brown) Slouch hat can be worn when portraying BOTH
South or North. Brown can ONLY be worn for South. BTW – “If” you opt for a Forage Cap, the
you would need one Gray for South and one Dark Blue for North.
- Need we say more?? – But it’s your choice – Slouch OR Forage Cap.(or both?)
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US or CS Oval ―Belt Combo‖ & Plain Belt
48 inch length - $12.95
60 inch length - $13.95
Black leather belt with prepunched holes. Available w/ the Brass US or CS Buckle.
GBM Note: When ordering – try to get BOTH a CS and a US Belt Plate (illustrated below)- it’s
only an additional $6.95.
Reason: Yes the CS did wear US Belt Plates – BUT when they did, the US was “turned upside
down” – however with these “Crescent City” Belt plates, if you do that – the “prongs” from the plate
which hook into the Belt Holes are on “wrong side” and it won’t “hitch” to the Belt – so do get 2 .
U.S. Belt Plate
Regulation size. circa 1839 - 1874.
C.S. Belt Plate
(Oval) Regulation size, circa 1861-1865.
Suspenders - Canvas Adjustable
Narrow 1" with all leather ends. Also available in wide 1 3/8" with all leather ends.
GBM Note: A number of GBM’ers have RED Color suspenders (To go with Red Battle Shirt) but –
in reality can be any color – (however dark colors show “dirt” less)
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“Springfield” (US/CS) Cartridge Box
Exact copy of original .58 cal. Top quality cowhide.
May be worn on belt or with a sling. Available in black and includes tins.
GBM Note: a) This IS the Cartridge Box which comes with Crescent City “Basic Leather Package”
b) This cartridge Box also works fine for an Enfield Rifle – however Enfield cartridge box
for unknown reason – costs about 50% less, yet both are of same good quality!
CS/US ―Enfield‖ Cartridge Box
Top quality - sold in black.
GBM Note: This IS an excellent quality cartridge box. We’re not sure why they are selling it at
almost half price of the Springfield one. (Normally they are about same $36 - $40)
Leather Cartridge Box Sling.
Quality black leather, approximately 2" wide and 72" long
GBM Note: FITS BOTH Springfield and Enfield Cartridge Boxes (above..)
Cap Boxes
A. U.S. Cap Box - $14.95 B. Shield Front - $14.95
GBM Note: Shield Front much better – protects caps from Rain, Mud etc. Likely why it is called
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Tarred ―Haversack‖ (Shorter Model)
Crescent City haversack is made of heavy drill cloth and treated
with black weather proofing. It has an inner bag liner, outside leather strap and buckle closure.
GBM Note: Recommend that you get a Tarred (Black) Haversack – as:
a) It is more “Water Resistant) and
b) Shows Stains & Dirt etc – far less. In fact if you can get a longer version (the illustrated one is
about 12 in X 12 in) which is approx 12in X 16 in … then that is EVEN BETTER!! – It will hold more
of your CW accessories & some of your FOOD!
PS: A few of our folks originally bought white canvas ones – but they sure aren’t white anymore and
definitely not water resistant – your call…)
Musket Accessories:
Musket Wrench
Used for ALL muskets.
GBM Note: Removes the Hammer “Nipple – for 100% Musket cleaning!
Musket Cover Bag
Canvas - $9.95, Tarred - $9.95
Available in tarred and heavy canvas with flap and tie fastener. Approximately 55" x 10" in size.
GBM Note: Ideally recommend “Tarred”, as it IS more “waterproof” than plain canvas. We use Both – your
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Musket Cleaning Kit
Comes with cleaning rod and 3 brushes
GBM Note: Just make sure that you DO Buy & Bring a “Cleaning Kit – either this one, or some other brand.
Powder Cylinder
Large - $14.95; Small - $10.95
Available in 2 sizes
GBM Note: a) An ABSOLUTE MUST – to accurately measure your 60 grain powder loads into your
“hand made” Paper blank cartridges (.58 Cal). QM Sgt Alfred Calver will arrange to show you “How
“Proper Reloading IS done.
b) We HIGHLY recommend that you buy ONLY the LARGE Cylinder (as it is good for approx 20 reloads –
versus the smaller one for 1 reload (at a time)
Paper Tubes
120 per box
GBM Note: ONLY required if you are “lazy or rushed” and don’t want to “roll your own”.
BTW - QM Sgt Alfred Calver will arrange to show you “How “Proper Reloading IS done.
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Correct sized metal grommets around the outside, and reinforced neck
opening. Originally issued to mounted troops but soon adapted by foot soldiers. A necessity for
today’s re-enactor.
GBM Note: An ABSOLUTE MUST for ALL EVENTS & Parades !! – for ALL seasons!! - Don’t
Leave Home without it!! (or you will be REAL sorry & WET & COLD).
In fact if you are wondering, on which items you might consider spending more $$ – then a
PONCHO (or 2…) along with Brogans and a Slouch Hat are the Top 3 to Consider! Personally
we don’t recall this Crescent City Model …as the Price here is somewhat LOW for a Poncho – so
best to ask them “Is it Rubberized 100%” and if they say no, leave it alone – and we can help you
look elsewhere.
Reason: Normally a Good ( & Long Life) RUBBERIZED Poncho will run between $50 - $60
and ….. it IS worth every penny!! (Your first event in a major downpour for 2-3 hours will easily tell
you that – along with GOOD Brogans & a Good Slouch Hat – you will at least find the inclement
weather “tolerable” …need we say more?)
Wool Surplus Blanket
Wool blanket, our color choice
GBM Note: You can “wait a bit to buy this” However it is a VG Item to have a “spare or two” in your
tent/shelter – for those “chilly-cold evening. However… if you go to your “local Army Surplus Store”
you can likely pick up a couple – for about $5 - $10 each!!
Stainless Steel Cup(s)
Large - 4" deep, 4" wide. No seems, no leaks
Small -- 3" deep, 3 1/4" wide. No seems, no leaks - $5.95
GBM Note: Go to your local Dollar Store and get 1-2 Stainless Steel Cups for about $2. 00 - $3.00
each! Also, get the Large size (4in) as it can “double-up” as personal small cooking pot..
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Stainless Steel Mucket
5" deep, 4" wide. No seams, guaranteed not to leak. Comes with bail.
GBM Note:
Absolutely the BEST “All-around” Covered COMBO for: Coffee-Soup-Personal Meal eating &
personal meal COOKING pot. (The Mucket was even used 85+ years previous to the Civil War –
during the Rev War). An excellent piece of kitchenware for the individual soldier. But you can
always first start off with a stainless Steel Cup & Bowl/plate and later get a “Mucket”. Your choice.
Double Bag ―Knapsack‖ (Soft)
Tarred canvas, buckles and all hardware. Exact copy.
GBM Note:
a) These “may” also be “Made in Pakistan” if ordering – ASK about it & QUALITY, Guarantees etc
(…poor straps can rip real easy..)
b) A Knapsack is NOT required “up front” .. but after you have attended a few re-enactment
events, you” may” want to get yourself one.
c) There are 2 types … a “Soft” Knapsack (mid-end war) which this one is, and Crescent City
carries … or a “Hard” (Wooden Frame) Knapsack (Early to Mid War, some beyond) which
Crescent City doesn’t carry … but a few “other Sutlers do – however the are approximately
about TRIPLE the price of the “Soft” one.
d) In 2009, GBM did sell a few “homemade ones to members for about $100 -$120… and GBM
DOES have 1-2 authentic examples of the HARD Knapsack – which if some “enterprising”
member wishes to borrow and make a few to sell to our Members – then talk to Capt Rob M.
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Also available from: “Crescent City” Sutler: …
Items to consider buying later- after you have been to a couple of ―overnight events ‖
GBM Note: Initially – to “start you off” we will share 2-3-4 soldiers in a tent – depending on size
and quantities of “sharing tents” or “loaners” from fellow members. Also we do have a “few”
temporary extras within the company…)
―Shelter‖ or "Dog" Tent
$30.00 (per half)
Most common tent/shelter used by CS/US enlisted men, each
carrying half a tent. In camp soldiers would button two together and pitch them over a line slung
between two muskets with bayonets fixed. Requires 6 tent stakes.
GBM Note: If you buy this model – “buy BOTH halfs. Also…recommend that you DON’T use your
Musket/Rifle to “Pole it up”. Reason: “IF” you were to be “attacked at Night, or during Day while Dog Tent
still “up” – you’re going to look “kind of stupid” scrambling for yourmusket – as enemy “overruns your
position”!! So …bring your own “Poles”, else find “straight (dead) saplings” near campsite.
End Piece
$20.00 (each)
Fits Shelter tent. Buttons on to the ends for protection from the weather. One or two may be used.
GBM Note: - Buy BOTH End pieces – you can always leave one off – but when it rains you can close both.
―Wedge‖ or "A" Tent
9’ long, 7’ tall, 8’ wide. (1 door) - $160.00
9’ long, 7’ tall, 8’ wide. (2 door) - $165.00
CS and US. usage. The A shaped tent saw service in virtually every
campaign of the early 1800’s. This is the basic shelter of the
Mexican War period. At the time of the Civil War, it was in general
use and from photographic evidence, continued to be used
throughout the period. We offer this tent made of the finest heavy
tent canvas. It is designed for many years of service. Water
repellent and mildew resistant. Comes with sod cloth. Requires 8
tent stakes. Add 2 extra for front, and 1 extra for back if desired.
GBM Note:
This “size” of tent IS VERY “luxurious & comfy” but also VERY “big & heavy” (as it can easily fit 3-4 soldiers &
gear). If you buy this BIG tent, unless you like lots of Air, Wind, (Rain maybe) flowing through your tent, you
“may” want to consider the 1 door model. Or…, you might want to “start off” with a “slightly smaller” 2
Soldier Model which would be about 6-7’ long – 6’ tall and 6’ wide, which would sell for about $125 - $140
(Water repellant etc). Crescent City may not carry this smaller size – ask them – for sure “other” Sutlers do”.
The “smaller size” Wedge/A Frame is very common at all CW events for many enlisted Re-enactors. Your call.
If not sure ask QM Sgt Alfred or Capt. Rob.
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Foot Pattern ―Greatcoat‖
Sizes 38R-48R - $125.00
Sizes 50R-54R - $135.00
Made of wool with a fold-down collar, belted back with buttons and roll-down
cuffs. This single-breasted coat has six buttons down the front. Available in sky blue , navy, or mixed gray.
GBM Note: A Greatcoat is a “nice-to-have”, but not an initially required item. During each re-enactment
year, we will “maybe” do 2 outdoor events during the “cold-weather” season (early spring/late fall) – so it
WILL sit in your closet a lot, during the rest of your re-enacting season. Remember - you CAN usually keep
quite warm – by instead wearing good wool mix or- polyester mix (2 – piece) long johns, along with 2
pairs of wool mix socks (1 thin, 1 thick) – plus a Wool Scarf, Wool Tugue/Beanie (underneath
Slouch/Forage/Kepi) and good black - lined Wool/Thinsulate (period-looking) Leather gloves – you WILL be
quite warm.
However … if you do decide to buy a Greatcoat, it is “recommended” (but not mandatory) that you buy the
Sky Blue color (as both South & North wore Sky Blue – just like the “trousers”). But, if you prefer to instead
get the mixed gray color – just remember – only the South wore mixed gray. (PS: Navy was ONLY North)
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3) . Winchester Sutler Inc. / Brush Creek Armoury
E-MAIL: ...
270 Shadow Brook Lane
Winchester, VA 22603
Phone: 540 888-3595
Fax: 540 888 4632
Best Time to Call - 7 days a week:
Questions and Orders:
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm EST
Faxes ... please call 540-888-3595 to have us take computer off line so we may
receive your fax. Fax# 540 888 4632
a) New 3 Band ENFIELD RIFLED MUSKET -.58 Cal.
(Used by both North & South)
#EOA1 - Also referred to as the 1853 Rifled Musket ... Features 39" barrel... 3 lands & grooves rifling - .006
deep consistently... one-piece walnut stock... "London Armory Co." markings... blued barrel... Overall length
54"... & the traditional Enfield folding ladder fully adjustable rear sight.
GBM Note:
a) $555 - For a NEW “Euroarms” Enfield 3 Band’ is an EXCELLENT price! –You coule end up paying almost
that amount for a used one! (If they are still selling NEW at that price – Go for it – as gun prices ARE rising!
QM Sgt Alfred Calver – for our CORRECT GBM Shipping & Border-Crossing Procedures – There’s ONLY ONE
CORRECT way but several WRONG ONES!! – You’re strongly ADVISED to find out from us FIRST! – otherwise
your Musket may “Stay in Canadian Customs for a LONG time!!.**
c) For ALL – The 3 Bander (Enfield OR Springfield) is THE Infantry standard – FOR all cw Re-enacting units in
both USA and Canada (in fact world-wide) – so kindly DON’T buy a 2-Bander, or musketoon, unless you’re
planning on having a 2nd Musket that you keep it at home. (Note: Artillery ONLY & Senior NCO’s “may” use 2
Bander or Musketoon – NOT Infantry Soldiers & Jr NCO’s)
d) Apparently the “other” Enfield manufacturer “ArmiSport” – are not manufactured new anymore.
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b) 1861 SPRINGFIELD RIFLED MUSKET-3 Band - .58 cal.
(Used primarily by North, but also used in lesser quantities, by South)
EOA13 - The ―Northern‖ Rifled Musket of the Civil War... Features 39" barrel... 3 lands &
grooves rifling... .006 deep consistently... one-piece walnut stock... bright barrel... '61 style lock
plate & hammer... steel nose cap and butt plate... Overall length 56"... & the standard 3 leaf military
rear sight.
GBM Note:
a) $670 – For a Brand NEW Springfield is an AVERAGE (but not great) price.
b) MANY South (& North) CW Re-enactors DO use the 3 Bander Enfield – however if you REALLY
want one, or find a great deal (new or used) – then GO for it!
c) For ALL – The 3 Bander (Enfield OR Springfield) is THE Infantry standard – FOR all cw Reenacting units in both USA and Canada (in fact world-wide) – so kindly DON’T buy a 2-Bander,
or musketoon, unless you’re planning on having a 2nd Musket that you keep it at home. (Note:
Artillery ONLY & Senior NCO’s “may” use 2 Bander or Musketoon – NOT Infantry Soldiers & Jr
c) Apparently the “other” Enfield manufacturer “ArmiSport” – are not manufactured new anymore.
MUSKET SLING: Winchester Sutler-” message”: Web page not built yet - Call us: 540-888-3595
GBM Note: A MUST for “Route Marches” & assistance in “carrying” your11-12 pound Enfield or
Springfield. Price should be “somewhere” between $20-$30.
#WACC1 Stainless spring steel Musket Nipple Pick
#WACC2 .58 all Wood Tompion (keeps out the Rain/Snow) .
#WACC7 .58 1855 (E.O.A.) Worm (for pulling “stuck” patches .. $6.00
#WACC8 .58 1855 (E.O.A.) Ball Puller*(pulling “stuck” LIVE Ball! ) .. $6.00
#WACC10 Enfield Nipple Protector with chain & ring
#WACC11 EOA - Musket Nipple Wrench
#WACC13 Ram Rod Extender*
#WACC14 Brass Brush to screw on ram rod (*)
. ..$4.00
#WACC15 Wool Swab to screw on ram rod (*)
#WACC16 Brass bore scraper for ramrod (*)
#WACC17 Brass bore scraper for our .58 cleaning rod
#WACC19 3 Blade Crescent Musket Nipple Wrench
#WACC20 Closed 2 Blade Musket Nipple Wrench
(*) = These items are threaded to go on “Euroarms” ramrods
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This is the one issue item (besides his weapon) a soldier would not be
caught without. Reenactments take place in varying weather conditions including rain,
snow, and cold windy marches. Getting your uniform wet on a Friday night can make the
whole rest of the weekend miserable. This one versatile item can make all the difference. Our
Ponchos are light weight yet durable. They are properly made of 100% cotton canvas with
vulcanized black rubber coating, and all edges and neck are reinforced, and brass grommets are
set with reinforcements. 6' x 42
THE VERSATILITY of a PONCHO - Wear it to keep dry, warm, and to block the wind. In snow conditions it can be worn inside out for
- Place it on the ground to sit or lay on, and the dirt and moisture will not soak into your uniform.
- Put it over the end of your shelter as a door.
- Wrap your spare clothes in it to keep the dew and dampness out.
- With a little string it can be tied to a tree for a makeshift shelter.
GBM Note: At some point in time, you “may” actually want to get either a 2nd Poncho, or else a
Rubberized Ground Sheet/GUM Blanket (See below)… and use it UNDERNEATH your Blankets
as “waterproof protection from dampness & cold of ground - as a Shelter or 2nd waterproof cover.
Rubberized ―Gum Blanket‖
Same as poncho but without neck opening. Very handy to
put down in the tent to keep out the cold and damp night.
Water Tastes Better - Canteen Lasts Longer
#CAN16 Stainless Steel Smooth Side
U.S. Issue style Canteen. Complete with
wool cover, cork & chain,and sewn canvas
Cover Choices Available:
GBM Note: * A MUST! - Get
sky blue, gray, navy, or brown
either Dark Blue or Dark Gray.
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Box of 4
―Folding‖ Pocket Lantern
GBM Note: BOTH of these items come in VERY HANDY at night – as your “CW period” lighting
for both INSIDE & OUTSIDE your personal SHELTER or TENT. (At Night – we try to “minimize”
non-period lighting).
HAV5 - Meacham's Patent 1861 Union Haversack
Exact copy of the most popular U.S. "tarred" haversack with all reinforcements and rolled
double-sewn seams. Closesvia a leather strap and black jappaned roller buckle. Has 3 button liner
GBM Note: Can be used in US & CS portrayals. It appears to be a longer (14” or 16 ” depth) &
better quality than the Crescent City Model – but you would have to “check it out first” by asking for
actual measurements & quality of construction. If positive – then price IS VG!)
4). Fall Creek Sutlery
PO Box 92
Whitestown, IN 46075
Tel: 765-482-1861
Fax: 765-482-1848
GBM Note:
a) They definitely have a VG Web-site - for “starting” your equipment searches. Usually VG quality,
but for a “higher” price range than a number of other Sutlers. Again, their quality is usually quite
good (some exceptions) .No guarantee that things are in stock, even if the web page lists it, call
first – before ordering anything. (actually a VG rule when ordering from ANY Sutler)
b) Unfortunately we could NOT select items from their Website to show you some examples
– as they are ALL “Copyrighted” – so we could not copy anything from it (Neither “text” nor
photos”). However YOU should take a look at their “Website”. They ARE usually at most major
CW Re-enactments and GBM Members HAVE bought some VG items from them – just DO
some “Price Comparison “web” shopping beforehand.
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5). Regimental Quartermaster
230 Steinwehr Avenue
Gettysburg. PA 17325
Telephone: (717) 338-1850
Toll Free: 1-800-929-1863
GBM Note:
a) Overall GREAT assortment & variety - of CW Re-enacting Equipment, clothing accessories &
weapons etc. Usually VG+ quality but generally “pricey” (sometimes “overpriced”). However,
if you “shop around” on other Sutler Websites – you may discover that for “certain items” they
CAN BE competitively priced. They DO also have a Retail store in Gettysburg PA (and dol attend
major CE Re-enactments) GBM Members HAVE bought from them – very FEW complaints.
b) Below are a “Few examples” of some of their “Competitively priced” items.
Tent, 'A' frame, 6 x 6 feet
Our Price: $144.00
The civil war standard, it is 6' high, 6' deep, and 8'4" across the back
at ground level. Complete with sewn in loops for stakes and flap ties.
Requires 9 stakes (not included). Available with 1 or 2 door option.
Our standard tents and flies are made from 10.38 ounce cotton duck canvas and are fire, water,
& mildew resistant. Poles, stakes, & ropes are not included. There is an additional $5.00
shipping cost on all tents. This cost will be reflected in your shopping cart. ($5 add'l shipping incl.)
Tent, 'A' frame, 9 x 6 feet
Our Price: $174.00
Similar to our 6' x 6' A frame except it is approximately 9 feet deep. Available with 1 or 2 door
Shelter Half
Our Price: $39.50
The picture shown is a full tent, which is made up of TWO halves and TWO
poles. Each halve is approx. 64'' x 68''. Each solider carried a shelter half and when he bunked
down with his pard for the night, the two halves were buttoned together to make one tent.
Campaigner - Folding Knife, Fork and Spoon
Our Price: $23.50
GBM Note: An EXCELLENT and AUTHENTIC CW “Combo” Eating Utensil – Great & simple to have, however
slightly overpriced here – In reality should be around $15. (A couple of our members do have them).
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6). C & D Jarnagin Company
113 North Fillmore Street
Corinth, MS 38834
Phone (662) 287-4977 * Fax (662) 287-6033
Hardpack Knapsack
This knapsack is a pre-war militia style which may be found in many period photographs. We
picked up an original hardpack knapsack a couple of years ago at a Civil War show and we now
copy ours from this knapsack.
This a Knapsack made on a ridged wooden frame. The wooden frame is covered by a painted
cloth. A large leather flap covers the front of the knapsack, this flap has a cloth back and a
leather edge. Three straps are attached at the top for the carriage of a blanket or overcoat. Size of
knapsack 15" Wide X 13 1/2" Length X 4" Deep.
GBM Note: In 2009, GBM did sell a few “homemade ones to members for about $100 - $120
and GBM DOES have 1-2 authentic examples of the Hardpack Knapsack – which if some
“enterprising” member wishes to borrow and make a few to sell to our Members
– then talk to Capt Rob M.
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* Other GOOD CW SUTLERS to consider – at least by visiting their Websites*
(Note: Listed in “alphabetic” sequence – but not in any particular preference)
Blockade Runner
1027 Bell Buckle/Wartrace Rd.
Wartrace TN. 37183
10am until 5pm - Mon. through Sat.
Phone (voice): 931-389-6294 - 24 Hr Fax: 931-389-9111
ITEM # 823 $34.95
It's about time that someone came up with a great looking pair of
reproduction eye glasses. They are as tough as nails and comfortable to wear. Wide enough for almost any
adult. They come with spring-type ear pieces so that they will not fall off, even when you are at the double
quick over rough ground. They're ready for your eye doctor to put your prescription in. The frames measure
4 5/8 inches across and the lenses measure 1 1/4 inches high by 1 3/4 wide. Get rid of those old farby
looking glasses you've been wearing and get yourself a great pair of these repro's!
GBM Note: a) There are SEVERAL “Civil War” Eye Glass frame suppliers (look around on the “Web”)
Blockade Runner is just “one” of them and do have several “other” CW era frames. The one illustrated here
is a bit “post” civil war – it’s the “horseman’s” (1870 – 1890) frame”. MANY CW re-enactors DO use it as ,
very few (if any) ”knowledgeable” re-enactors will notice the difference, unless they are “literally” in-yourface!! Advantage: This model “wrap-around” –WON’T “fall off” in the “heat of battle!!”.
b) Important: BEFORE you order from ANY CW era Eye Glass Frame supplier – be SURE to ‘measure the
WIDTH across your existing “modern” frame (i.e. 4 & ½ to 5 inches across) and make sure that the supplier
has YOUR FRAME width. Also keep in mind the “Lens size” and FIRST ask your Eye Doctor if your current
prescription will fit OK within that “smaller lens size (i.e. 1&1/4 in X 1&3/4) i.e Certain “bi-focals” won’t.
c) FYI – CW era Frame prices, can vary from $20 - $200! – so “caveat emptor”! (Latin for “buyer beware”)
Brigade Sutler
798 Day Rd
Meansville, GA 30256
Tel. 706-648-4268
Camp Chase Gazette
PO Box 625,
Morristown TN, 378151-5630
Subscription: 800-624-0281
Tel: 423-581-5630; Fax 423-581-3061
GBM Note: * An excellent bi-monthly CW Re-enactors magazine *
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10). C&C Sutlery
2790 East Black Canyon Highway
Emmett, ID 83617
Telephone - (208) 398-7279
Fax Number - (208) 398-7279
Send us an email
11). Dirty Billy's Hats
20 Baltimore St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
12). Dixie Gun Works
P.O. Box 130
Union City, TN 38281
800-238-6785 — Toll Free Order Line
731-885-0700 — Information • 731-885-0440 — 24 hr. Fax
GBM Note: “THE” place for ALL historical (& modern) “Firearms & Parts”,
BUT they are not cheap !
13). Milk Creek Mercantile
PO BOX 898
Mulino, OR 97042.
Phone 503-829-3678
Fax 503-829-7220
14). Missouri Boot & Shoe Co.
951 Burr Crossing RD
Neosho, MO, 64850
Phone 417-451-6100
Robert Serio: May be contacted directly at:
15). Panther Primitives
P.O. Box 32
Normantown, WV 25267
Email, Phone: 800-487-2684, or 304-462-7718, or Fax: 304-462-7718
Toll-free Ordering: 800-487-2684
Page 28 of 29
16). Rum Creek Sutlery
2695 Emerald Drive
Jonesboro, GA, 30236
GBM Note: a) As mentioned under “Mercury Supply-( at beginning) Rum Creek will be
our“sole” supplier for the “ Cotton Battle (Early War CS) Shirt, 2 Front Pockets and
Trim (Basic Gray Color)” – which he (“Chuck”) is be making for us this Spring – but at a
cost of only $33. (versus $50 from “Mercury Supply”)
b) They AREre a “reputable & fair priced” CW Sutler. The only problem is that the Rum
Creek Web-site is not yet working. So simply “e-Mail, or telephone Chuck” – mention
that you are with the “Grays & Blues of Montreal- 9th Bn” (his sister lives in Montreal) &
that we (& Tom Lapointe - 9th Bn) are the guys ordering “a bunch” of the above “Gray Battle
Shirts”. Then, tell him what CW Repro items that you are interested in getting – see what his
prices & quality are like – then decide accordingly. (PS: We met these guys at Bentonville
NC, March 2010 re-enactment and were favorably impressed with their good & prices)
17). Smoke & Fire Co
(The History Store)
27 North River Road
Waterville, OH, 43566
419 878-8535
800-Smoke-Fi (766-5334)
Fax: 419 878-3653
Open: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm; Sat 10am – 5pm
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