June Birthdays Happy Birthday to All! Please pray for our Mission


June Birthdays Happy Birthday to All! Please pray for our Mission
10:45 A.M.
June 9, 2013
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Servants in Worship
Announcer: ............................................................................................... Fielding Atchley
Greeters: ...........................................................................................................Kemp Class
Acolyte(s): .................................................................................................. Jack Summerlin
Red Book Pickup: .............................................................. Debby Demos/Bryce Lee Wynn
Deacons: Coordinator: Scrappy Moore; Ushers & Servers: Bob Sauser, Adam Hipp, Lisa
Wilkes; Other Servers: Debby Demos, Judy Duncan, Tanya Fleury, Rona Gary, Barbara
Elders at the Table:
East #1 (Prayer for Bread) .................................................................................Bea Lyons
East #2 (Table) .......................................................................................... Dan Summerlin
West #1 (Prayer for Cup) ............................................................................. Wanda Jones
West #2 (Table) ................................................................................................Betty Floyd
Elders On Call: .............................................................................. Bea Lyons/Wanda Jones
Scripture Reader…………………………...(Luke 10:25-37) ........................................ Byron Cole
Message………………………………...“Mission Trip Experiences” ........ Mission Team Members
June Birthdays
1— C.B. Dobbs
2— Sarah Close
2— Scottie Summerlin
5— Byron Cole
5— Lonna Williams
6— Ann Derthick
7— Jordan Coleman
8— Gordon Perkins
9— Fielding Atchley
10— Tanya Fleury
10— Fran Petree
14— Bill Allen
16— Suetta Thomas
18— Homer Aldrich
Happy Birthday to All!
Homer Aldrich
Luther Whitaker
Doris Aldrich
Harrison Gill
Al Pless (Evelyn’s son)
Al Ford
Nancy Lord
Amanda Bluford
Carolyn Bowman
John Krejci
Bro. Ron Fender, bsg
David Floyd
JoJo Wise
Natalie Wharton
Ruth Wells
Hildred Levi
Alan Voss
Pat Barnwell
Beth Read
Joel Westbrook
Breck Grover
Braden Fulton
Bob Lewis
The CWF Monday Circle...will meet on Monday, June 10th at 10:30 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. Please bring a sack lung. Carolyn Hickerson will preside. We will
have our annual memorial service.
Please pray for our Mission
Team’s safe return from
Slidell, LA this weekend!
Sad News… Eric White, one of FCC’s former interim ministers, passed away this
week, at the age of 101. Condolences my be sent to his daughter, Cathy Maxwell,
at cathymax@charter.net, or mailed to her at 182 Noya Way, Loudon, TN 37774.
Please keep Cathy in your thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
Since I will be coming on staff fairly soon I wanted to send some love
and excitement from Kirsten and me as well as let you know some of
my history and how I ended up at First Christian Church.
I grew up in Arkansas, the son of a preacher and school teacher. My
life was pretty centered around the life of the church but I didn't mind
and actually enjoyed it. When I was seven years old, my parents took
me to see the musical Oklahoma! and I knew I wanted to be an actor.
This dream took me to Arkansas State University to study film
production and acting. I also was heavily involved in a local church
while in college, and thru many conversations decided to go to
seminary instead of Hollywood.
Prayer Concerns:
Don Baldwin
Liz Love
David Blackburn
Jim Northcut
Jordan Coleman & Family
Bud & Alisha Fiske
Doug Beuoy (Brannens’ son-in-law)
Martha Coffey (Debby & Judy’s aunt)
Paula Baker (Carl’s stepsister)
Leona BonDurant (Carl’s Grandmother)
Judy Kirby (Larry & Barbara’s sister-in-law)
Joy Wagner
19— John Holcombe
19— Konnie Smithers
20— Scot Crosslin
20— Judy Duncan
20— Bitse Griggs
22— Betty Zander
22— Alisha Fiske
22— Tony Adkins
24— Peggy Brannen
24— Lesley Morgan
26— Moggie Henry
28— Barbara Northcut
28— Don Baldwin
29—Alice Pearce
Hello everyone,
Welcome Home!... Words that are a comfort and a blessing to each of us. These words
are even more important to a family who has been homeless or in crisis. Family Promise
is asking our help to create "Welcome Home Baskets" for each of their families who
have graduated and are transitioning to a new home of their own. Each week of June/
July will highlight a different product needed for these baskets. June 9 is CLEAN SWEEP
DAY! Please bring a new mop, broom, bucket or dust pan to donate. There will be a
collection bin in the new lobby. At the end of the month we will gather our donations,
make baskets, and deliver to Family Promise. A volunteer is needed to spearhead this
project. Can you help?
After seminary, I moved to the D.C. area to be the associate pastor at
a church. While serving there I met a pretty blonde girl at a friend’s
wedding and she happened to live in Chattanooga. When we realized
we were going to get married we also realized Chattanooga was a
better fit for us. So last July I moved here.
Over the past year, I have had the privilege to befriend Paul and have
lots of conversations. Through these conversations we felt that I could
It’s Camp Time...at Bethany Hills Camp, and that means it’s time to send mail to our
campers. They love getting mail! In fact. they have to sing in order to get their mail
which is given out in the dining hall during meals. Below are the dates each camper will
be at camp. Be sure to mail your card, letter, etc. in time for it to get to their camp
before the last day they are there. The last day, they don’t receive mail, so it’s
important that your letter gets there by the day before. The mailing address is:
Camper’s name and camp
c/o Bethany Hills Camp
1080 Bethany Hills Road
Kingston Springs, TN 37082
June 2-8 CYF CAMP
Lawrence Rebelo
Jack Summerlin
Emily Rebelo
Jake Summerlin
Fi Tran
Rachel Rebelo
Rebekah Haymes
June 30-July 6 EIGHTERS CAMP
Shane Beattie
bring some new eyes to First Christian and perhaps connect with some
of the younger demographics in the Chattanooga area.
We are very excited to be here, and look forward to the work ahead.
We look forward to getting to know you more.
Jonathan Hyde
Evelyn Pless...has sent word that her son, Al, is not doing well in his struggle
with brain tumors. His first tumors have been reduced, but three more tumors
have appeared in the past month. His doctors say these are not operable, and he
is no longer receiving chemotherapy. Evelyn has asked for renewed prayers on
Al’s behalf. Please keep Al and Evelyn in your prayers as they deal with these
This Week at First Christian
(Opportunities for you to connect)
First Christian
Sunday, June 9
9:45 a.m.
10:35 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Sunday School Classes
Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel
Worship; Sanctuary
Fellowship; Parlor
(Disciples of Christ)
Monday, June 10
10:30 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
CWF Monday Circle; Fellowship Hall
NA Monday Group; Fellowship Hall
A Church of Service…
...Not Lip Service
Tuesday, June 11
Wednesday, June 12
No activities scheduled
Thursday, June 13
7:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Men’s Study Group; Bluegrass Grill
Elders’ Meeting; Conference Room
Friday, June 14
11:00 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
Tai Chi; Chi Rho classroom
NA Friday Group; Fellowship Hall
Saturday, June 15
No activities scheduled
Sunday, June 16
9:45 a.m.
10:35 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Sunday School Classes
Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel
Morning Worship; Sanctuary
Fellowship; Parlor
Opportunities for Service:
Volunteer in the Brown Academy After-School Program!
If you can spare even one Tuesday afternoon, we would appreciate your
help. Call Kyle Cutsinger (423-892-1079) for more information.
Volunteer at the Community Kitchen!
1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM; 727 E. 11th St.
For more information, contact Rona Gary (ronagary@gmail.com).
Help out at Habitat for Humanity!
2nd Saturday of every month. Be there around 8:30 AM. For
details, email Larry Kirby (kirbychat@epbfi.com).
Volunteer to serve a meal at Room In The Inn on the 5th Sunday of any
applicable month. For details, call or email Shannon Beattie (423-883-9083;
Help us when we host families from Family Promise of Chattanooga for a
week, several times each year. For details, email Julia Martin at
Stewardship Last Sunday:
Morning Worship Service ........................................110
This week’s receipts ...........................................$7,399
Contributions to Date.....................................$187,594
Disbursements to Date...................................$211,612
650 McCallie Avenue · Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 · 423-267-4506 · Fax 423-266-2454
No activities scheduled
Welcome! Today is the gateway to another week.
We join together here to thank God for a new week
of promise and possibilities. Let us welcome the
opportunity of worship, as we prepare ourselves to
be God’s people in God’s world.
Church Office: (423) 267-4506
Pastoral Emergency: (423) 994-0415
BRIDGE Deadline: Monday, 10:30 a.m.
Church Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
E-mail addresses:
Church........................ church@firstchristian-chat.com
Rev. Paul Rebelo ............ paul@firstchristian-chat.com
Christine Rebelo ................. rebelmomoffour@aol.com
Chuck Martin ............... chuck@firstchristian-chat.com
Karen Richards ............. karen@firstchristian-chat.com