UniTAS No 272 - 22 February 2005


UniTAS No 272 - 22 February 2005
Branching out!
UTAS scores
funding for new
CRC: Sustainable
Forest Landscapes
UTAS has been successful in a
bid for a brand new Cooperative
Research Centre in Sustainable Forest
In a collaboration worth $87 million
over the next seven years, the new CRC
brings together the six major universities
providing forestry education in
Australia, the CSIRO, Tasmanian forest
research organisations and 14 industry
partners. These partners will provide
$60 million to the Centre while $27
million of the funding will come from
the Australian Government.
Professor Rod Griffin, CRC Director,
said that the centre will provide the
science to back up industry planning
and the development of forest policy in
Tasmania and across the country.
“The new CRC for Sustainable Forest
Landscapes will apply next generation
technologies to challenges across the
forestry business chain - from site
selection to delivery of wood at mill gate.
“There will be a strong focus on the interactions
between wood production systems and their wider
environment - not just how the systems affect water,
soil and air but also how the industry interacts
with the local community and biodiversity on a
global scale.”
The new CRC will help provide an increased
reliability of supply and greater market
competitiveness for Australian wood products
through an improved ability to grow a higher
quality, more uniform resource.
It will also encourage wood producers to adopt
practices which conform to certification standards
and lead to increased community understanding
of the role of the forest industry in regional
In Tasmania the collaborators include Forestry
Tasmania, CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products,
Gunns, Forest Practices Board, FFIC, Norske
Skog, the Department of Economic Development
and Forest Enterprises Australia.
Around half of the total participant
contributions are from within Tasmania.
After an extensive
and world-wide search,
the Vice-Chancellor,
Professor Daryl Le Grew,
recently announced the
University’s appointment
of the new Executive
Director, Finance &
Bernard Lillis, who
will take up his position
in June, is currently
Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Corporate and
Commercial) at James
Cook University. He has
key experience in the
sector, previously holding
positions as Financial
Controller at the University
of Central Lancashire and
as Director of Finance
at the University of
Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology.
The Vice-Chancellor
also acknowledged the
excellent job being done
by Richard Easther in the
“Richard’s professionalism,
institutional knowledge
and his positive
approach to people and
opportunities have made
this interim period smooth,
efficient and very cordial.”
Issue 272
22 February
Changes at Asset Management
Asset Management Services has been
restructured to ensure services provided
meet the teaching and research aspirations of
The Director of Asset Management Services,
Matt Smith, said that the restructure was
needed as a result of the amalgamation of
the previous AMS and Design & Acquisition
sections. The structure will ensure that all staff
positions are aligned with the University’s goal
to adopt a strategic approach in managing the
University’s significant asset portfolio.
“While we have to manage the more tactical
services such as cleaning, maintenance, parking
and security, there is a need to focus on the
strategic and long-term issues,” said Matt.
Matt believes that strategic asset management
issues need to be brought from the ‘boiler house
to the boardroom’.
“The EDGE agenda requires us to look more
strategically to ensure that assets required to
meet core business aspirations are available,
when required. Forecasting the demand for
more space, in particular new facilities, is
always a challenge, but with appropriate
planning across all areas within the University,
on the
accurate data and timely decision-making, the
supply of facilities can meet demand”.
The new management team bring with them
a diversity of skills, qualifications and depth of
experience. The section will be formed under
four key service areas headed by:
Policy and Administration – Annabel
Szramka (6324 3517);
Facilities Management – Barry Russell (6226
Capital Planning/Management – Joan
Rodrigues (6226 2794);
Infrastructure Services – Eng Seow (6324
Key priorities for 2005 are to further
refine the restructured section, continue the
improvement of capital management plan
processes, development of a strategic asset
management plan, undertake a UniversityWide property master planning exercise, and
increase awareness on the services provided
by Asset Management, including feedback on
how services can be improved.
continued from page 3
Australia’s quest to be a clever, innovative
country could be placed at risk under such a
centralist and minimalist regime.Although
Australia is a Federation with a national
government, it is also made up of States and
Territories with responsibilities to meet the needs
of local communities. Universities throughout
Australia take these responsibilities very
seriously – particularly those such as UTAS that
so directly support the development of Tasmania’s
urban, rural and regional communities. There is
a very real prospect of this relationship being
undermined if Commonwealth priorities were
to negate those of local communities. The
relevance of universities to the development of
State economic and social development would
diminish, and State government support would
reduce as a consequence. In an environment of
decreasing Commonwealth financial assistance
to universities, and growing contributions by
State governments to joint ventures, shifting
to a singular national system is a questionable
If national coordination and consistency is
valued then the status quo can be improved,
without the need to shift responsibility from
one sector to another. MCEETYA could be
made more effective – into stronger working
relationships between State officials and agreed
protocols – even though they may be differently
(and valuably) interpreted in the various
As noted above, the current Issues Paper
provides no evidence of the benefits of
moving to a singular national system. The
Senior Executive will analyse the yet to be
released Discussion Paper and prepare a formal
submission for Council’s consideration at its
April meeting. Any comments you may have
would be appreciated.
Enough of national politics – enjoy the year.
It will be good to welcome back our students.
Priorities on the EDGE
from the
Welcome back and my best wishes for a
successful 2005.
For my part, 2005 will be a period for realising
priorities. EDGE has been a powerful focus for
us and together we have identified clear goals
for UTAS. Now, from all the EDGE options
available to us, we want (whilst maintaining a
general raft of development and improvement)
to look to those priority areas where we can make
a real difference. In key areas of excellence
as a research led university we need serious
quantum leaps in our Learning and Teaching
and our Research performance to reinforce our
reputation and ensure our sustainability.
We need a process for this and I want to
find a way of engaging you, the University
community, in this. Clearly I will spell out
my views and those of my team. Council will
have input through its forthcoming planning
conference. But following these deliberations I
would like to hear your views, so I will publish
a short priorities discussion paper and ask for
your feedback – critique and ideas. This will
not be an overly long process because we have
a 2006-8 budget cycle which needs to kick off
after Easter. The important factor here is that
you have the opportunity to participate in the
priority setting process.
On a matter of national note, the University
community will be aware that our Minister,
Brendan Nelson, has released a preliminary Issues
Paper outlining a case for the Commonwealth
assuming legislative jurisdiction over all
Australian Universities. There is considerable
debate leading up to the release of a follow-up
Discussion Paper which is due shortly. Naturally
the Minister needs the compliance of the State
and Territories — or does he? I understand that
there are various forays by Commonwealth
lawyers into the constitutional issues involved.
I have placed a paper before the next meeting
of UTAS Council expressing my view and I
share this with you. In it I advise that, in my
view, the Minister’s Issues Paper does not put
a strong case for change and that, from the
material currently available, it is difficult to
see any benefits in the proposal for UTAS. The
University enjoys a good working relationship
with the State government, and many of the
potential problem points highlighted in the Issues
Paper have been cooperatively and efficiently
resolved by UTAS and the State. Tasmania is
unique in being the only State that has a formal
Partnership Agreement between the State and its
University. This relationship has created a firm
foundation for communication and negotiation,
and in recent years has resulted, inter alia, in
the transfer of crown land to the University,
the restructuring of University Council (prior
to the recommendations of the Hoare Report)
and significant financial investment in joint
ventures. The State Education Minister, Paula
Wriedt, put out a media release in response to
the Nelson Issues Paper expressing concern at
the move to shift responsibility for universities
to the Commonwealth. “We have an excellent
relationship with the University of Tasmania
which includes a partnership agreement that
has seen a whole range of initiatives developed.
This blatant power grab by Canberra has the
potential to undermine that relationship.”
As well as pointing out the importance of the
specific relationship between the University and
State government in Tasmania, I also echo the
views of many in the higher education sector
that centralised control of universities offers
no implicit guarantee of coordination and
efficiency but does, however, bring with it the
dangers of a loss of autonomy and diversity and
the narrowing of opportunities for innovation
and cross-fertilisation of ideas.
A worst-case scenario would see the
Commonwealth mandating the course profile of
each university – rationalising the availability
of courses across the country to minimise
‘duplication’ of resources, and creating key
centres for disciplines, with universities
being required to specialise in particular
disciplines and drop those with small numbers
of enrolments and/or those that do not match
national priorities.
Such a situation calls into question the very
nature of what universities are – i.e. diverse,
complex entities that rely on the interaction of
ideas and staff across a broad sphere of learning
cultures and environments.
continued on page 2
Graduations December 2004
Graduation Guests
Graduation addresses give students
an inspirational opportunity to see a
“real, live” graduate who has excelled
in their area of expertise. Encouraging
graduands to new heights in December
Chung Liauw, Founder, Phoenix
Computer Systems (pictured right with
the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Daryl
Le Grew)
Rex Hobcroft, Foundation Director
of the Tasmanian Conservatorium of
Music, who was also conferred with an
Honorary Degree (pictured far right)
Journalist Judy Tierney (pictured
below left)
Janet Mansfield, Ceramicist and
Businesswoman, who was also awarded
an Honorary Degree
Senior Research Fellow in the UTAS
Department of Rural Health, Kim
Boyer, former Deputy Chancellor of the
University, also recipient of an honorary
Tasmanian Ombudsman Jan O’Grady
UTAS Alumnus Brenda Richardson,
Vice-President (IT and Business
Initiatives), Ford Australia
Jane Bennett, Managing Director,
Ashgrove Cheese
David Hanlon, Executive Director,
School Education Division, Education
The former head of ASIS, Allan
The Hon Peter Rae AO, former Chair,
Hydro Tasmania
Professor Judi Walker, Chief
Executive, North-West Rural Clinical
Michelle Green with Minister Bryan Green
and Mrs Green.
At the end of last year, 2363
students graduated from UTAS.
Here are a few highlights!
The first two students to graduate with the new Bachelor
of Biotechnology (BBiotech) with Dean of the Faculty of
Science, Engineering & Technology Professor Jim Reid
(left) and Dr Anthony Koutoulis, Plant Science, (far right).
Joining the UTAS Family
Dr Alison Alexander (History and Classics) and
James Alexander (Psychology) at the graduation
of their son Ted - the University’s most recent
Rhodes scholar.
Brother and sister Hugh and Sarah Tassell with their
mother Sue and Dr Geoff Fenton.
Celebrating Our Staff
My 2004 end-of-year column
achievements of many of our
academic staff who were successful
in the 2004 promotions round.
Opposite is a full list of their names.
Congratulations, everyone, again!
On a different topic, there will
be frequent mention of AUQA
this year, because the Australian
University Quality Agency will
audit UTAS in August 2005. Here
is a hint on how to pronounce
AUQA: when you cut your finger
your normal reaction would be an
emphatic “oouu-ch!!” Then AUQA
is simply the first bit in oouu-ch
followed by qa. But AUQA like in
awkwa-rd will do too.
Much more seriously, the
Performance Portfolio for AUQA
will go into technical production
during March and April. It is
available on the UTAS quality audit
website (utas.edu.au/qualityaudit/)
for last-minute checking and
notification of corrections. A
hardcopy version will be circulated
to staff and submitted to AUQA at
the beginning of May.
Rudi Lidl
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
From Level D to E (Professor)
Hallegraeff, Associate Professor Gustaaf, Plant Science
Jones, Associate Professor Graeme, Menzies Research Institute
McLean, Associate Professor Stuart, Pharmacy
From Level C to D (Associate Professor)
Chuah, Dr Meng Inn, Medicine, Anatomy & Physiology
Cooke, Dr David, Earth Sciences
Haward, Dr Marcus, Government
Jones, Dr Susan, Zoology
Kilpatrick, Dr Sue, Education
Rose, Dr Randolph, Zoology
Stephenson, Dr David, School of Art
Venn, Dr Alison, Menzies Research Institute
Woods, Dr Greg, Medicine, Pathology
From Level B to C (Senior Lecturer)
Baird, Dr Barbara, Philosophy
Bromberek, Dr Zbigniew, Architecture
Carne, Dr Greg, Law
Crowley, Dr Kate, Government
Dicinoski, Dr Gregory, Chemistry
Ellingsen, Dr Simon, Mathematics & Physics
Hay, Dr Frank, TIAR
Hovenden, Dr Mark, Plant Science
Johnston, Dr Anna, English, Journalism & European Languages
Maxwell-Stewart, Dr Hamish, History & Classics
Owen, Dr Christine, Education
Petrow, Dr Stefan, History & Classics
Scott, Dr Mary, School of Art
Stamm, Dr Marcelo, Philosophy
Unwin, Dr Greg, Geography & Environmental Studies
From Level A to B (Lecturer)
Barry, Dr Karen, Agricultural Science
Blacklow, Dr Paul, Economics
Bywaters, Dr Malcom, Visual & Performing Arts
Campton, Mr Paul, Information Systems
Chase, Dr James, Philosophy
Clark, Ms Nicole, Computing
Coady, Dr David, Philosophy
Dickinson, Dr Joanne, Menzies Research Institute
Jones, Mr Colin Jones, Management
Natalier, Dr Kristin, Sociology, Social Work & Tourism
Page, Dr Anthony, History & Classics
Russell, Dr Michael, Geography & Environmental Studies
Reynolds, Dr Jack, Philosophy
Winzenberg, Ms Tania, Menzies Institute
Photo courtesy http://phillip.greenspun.com
Study shows Elephant Seals never forget
UTAS researchers
have found that
elephant seals return
to – and rely on
– exactly the same
areas in the vast
Southern Ocean to
feed every year.
A School
have been trying
to find out why the
has been steadily
have found, by
feeding behaviour
of seals while they
are at sea, the most likely cause of the decline is a reduction in
food availability.
The researchers deployed small data-logging computers that
record information on the seals’ diving depth, location and sea
temperature for over 130 seals. The group has repeated foraging
records for ten of the seals.
Dr Corey Bradshaw, an ex-UTAS member of the team who
is now based at Charles Darwin University, says that female
southern elephant seals spend seventy to eighty per cent of their
lives at sea.
“They have two main foraging trips – a 75-day trip from
November to January, and another trip in winter that lasts for
seven-and-a-half months.
“Our research has been studying the foraging behaviour of
females born in 1993 over a four-year period to find out how
natural variations in food supply affects their behaviour and the
amount of food that they catch.”
By following individuals each year, the group has found that
every single seal returned to exactly the same part of the ocean
to feed.
“Different individual seals use different regions, and even
though winter trips can take seals all the way to the pack-ice zone
of Antarctica, successive winter and summer trips show that they
have the same seasonal foraging grounds,” said Dr Bradshaw.
“It’s amazing in its own right that elephant seals can find the
tiny 35-kilometre Macquarie Island after travelling thousands
of kilometres at sea. Even more striking is the fact that they can
actually navigate in the open ocean to find exactly the same region
as their last season,” said Dr Bradshaw.
Dr Mark Hindell, from the School of Zoology, said that just how
the seals find their way around the seemingly featureless ocean is
still unknown.
“Obviously something in the ocean remains constant from year
to year for the seals to be able to manage this – we just don’t know
what,” he says.
“What’s worrying about our discovery is that it suggests elephant
seals will be vulnerable to subtle local changes in food supply in
the regions in which each seal chooses to forage.
“It may be that elephant seals have evolved the behaviour of
remaining in an area that has proven to provide enough food in the
past. For example, some of the females did worse than others in
some years, yet they still didn’t seek out alternate feeding areas.
So, even in years where a particular region provides less food
due to changes in the ocean’s properties, it may be too costly or
unprofitable for a female seal to change her behaviour.”
The findings, which have just been published the international
journal Animal Behaviour, may be a key in determining how
much the change in food supply leads to population decline. With
increases in pressure from commercial fisheries, the group aims to
identify and eventually protect the most important ocean regions
for the seals.
In Brief
Science Sponsor on board
A former Don College student has been
awarded one of the University of Tasmania’s
most prestigious scholarships.
Devonport-born Nathan Tivendale has been
awarded the first-ever privately sponsored
National Undergraduate Scholarship to study
a Bachelor of Biotechnology.
National Undergraduate Scholarships are
worth $10,000 a year for up to four years of
study, and are awarded to students who have
excelled at College.
The Lloyd Harris Tasmania National
Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to
an excellent science student who is resident
in the Cradle Coast region. It includes a
designated senior academic mentor.
The valuable scholarship has been donated
by respected Burnie businessman Mr Lloyd
Harris (CBE, BSc Tas), who has been
committed to local delivery of high quality
tertiary education in the region.
A good drop
Hobart Water, the joint authority that
supplies water to most of Southern Tasmania,
has agreed to come on board and sponsor its
fifth scholarship in engineering at UTAS.
Bryony Atkinson will continue the legacy
of the Steve Balcombe Hobart Water
Scholarship in Engineering, which will
support her with $3000 a year for the next
four years.
Hobart Water offers this scholarship in
honour of its former Chair, the late Steve
An engineering graduate of UTAS, Steve
had a distinguished career in both the public
and private sectors in Tasmania before his
premature death in March 2001.
Dr Christine Mucha, Chief Executive
Officer of Hobart Water said that the
scholarship had joint benefits.
“Not only does Hobart Water get to support
excellence within the industry, we are also
helping to foster graduates in engineering
who might one day play a role in our own
UTAS has taken the next
step towards a zero-emissions
transport future. In collaboration
with Australia Post, the School
of Engineering has built a
postie bike that runs entirely on
This little red bike is the first of
its kind in Australia. Compared to
its petrol-based siblings, the new
postie bike gives a 20 per cent
reduction in power usage from
petrol. It releases absolutely no
emissions whatsoever.
The postie bike was donated
to the hydrogen cause by
Australia Post, who say they are
delighted to be part of a more
transport future.
automotive technology and
engine management systems,
the bike is part of a pilot
program to establish hydrogen
as an alternative energy for
automobiles in Tasmania using
internal combustion engines.
Associate Professor Vishy
Karri, from the “Intelligent Car”
program and Director of the
UTAS Hydrogen and Renewable
Technologies Research Group,
“This is a fully-built pilot case
WORLD-FIRST: Rod Cotton, Deon Quinn, Noel Leahy and Tim Quinn from Australia
that showcases our expertise Post with Associate Professor Vishy Karri and Patrick Burke with the Postie bike.
in building hydrogen powered
vehicles from first principles.
allied infrastructure.”
“We can now join in terms of expertise with
The bike has been tested in Australia’s first fully
Americans, Germans and Japanese in this dedicated H2 laboratory, which was opened by
UTAS in August in a collaboration with Hydro
“We are fast establishing Tasmania as a centre Tasmania.
for H2-Energy Research, through our established
Patrick Burke, the research scholar working on
research contacts in the United States, Germany and this program said:
Japan where H2 research is very advanced. Several
“It’s very exciting to see that the whole thing
overseas scholars have travelled to Tasmania to be
works…with a twenty per cent reduction in power
part of the project.
using hydrogen compared to the petrol, we are very
“Building on our success creating Australia’s first close to being able to achieve zero pollution for a
fuel cell driven scooter early last year, the postie bike sustainable environment. From an innovation point
demonstrates hydrogen applications in motorcycles of view, we at UTAS have a great edge over others
through innovative fuel injection systems and novel in our design of the fuel intake systems and injection
engine management systems.
“These H2-powered motorcycles are a perfect
Mr Burke, who now works for Hydro Tasmania,
transition phase - there is a growing engineering was supported by Dr Yasir Al-abdeli, a research
research team at UTAS aiming to reduce the cost fellow of the School of Engineering. Dr Al-abdeli’s
of production of these vehicles for eventual public expertise in automotive technology greatly assisted
use,” said Dr Karri.
this project.
“There is a great future for the implementation
of hydrogen energy in Tasmania, for both stationary
and mobile applications and system integration with
Shoot for the moons
The University’s 26-metre radio telescope at
the Mt Pleasant observatory has participated
in a number of historical space missions.
Lately it has been concerned with two moons
- our closest neighbour and the most distant
planetary body ever landed on.
A Titan effort!
The UTAS team played a vital role as the
Huygens probe plunged through the clouds of
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.
Manned by staff from the University’s
School of Mathematics and Physics, both
the UTAS telescopes - at Mt Pleasant and
in Ceduna, South Australia - were part of an
international network of 17 radio telescopes.
The array pinpointed exactly when and where
Huygens entered Titan’s atmosphere as it
parachuted to the surface.
As the Earth rotates, different telescopes
were able to point towards Titan and track
the signal Huygens transmits to the Cassini
spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around
The UTAS radio telescope at Cambridge
is the most Southern in the array, so at some
points in the descent Tasmania was the
only point of contact
the spacecraft had with
Information was then
combined with data from
Parkes, Narrabri and
Coonabarabran as well
as the Cassini orbiter and used to calculate the
speed of the winds in Titan’s atmosphere.
To celebrate the University’s role in
this historic space flight, the School of
Mathematics and Physics beamed the whole
space show down from big space to the big
screen. Starting with a live broadcast from
mission control in Darmstadt, Germany,
they gave an enthralled public audience live
updates of the probe’s descent through Titan’s
atmosphere. The evening included a public
lecture, with more photos of Saturn from the
Cassini mission and discussions on the unique
role UTAS is playing.
A mission of some gravity...
The SELENE Team: Dr Koji Matsumoto (left) and Dr
Toshiaki Ishikawa (right) of the National Astronomy
Observatory (Japan), test their special data recording
system at the Mt Pleasant observatory.
Next on the agenda is a role in the first
Japanese lunar mission, SELENE.
SELENE stands for SELenological and
ENgineering Explorer (Selenology is the
study of the Moon) and is an unmanned
scientific and engineering mission due to be
launched in early 2007. The spacecraft will
carry eight different instruments onboard to
undertake a variety of scientific experiments.
It will also carry two miniature satellites that
will be deployed into lunar orbit.
Dr Simon Ellingsen from the School of
Mathematics and Physics is a member of the
team that will use observations of both the
miniature satellites and the main spacecraft
to measure the lunar gravitational field.
He said that the Mt Pleasant radio
telescope will be part of an array that
will accurately measure the orbits of
the SELENE satellites.
“Anomalies in the lunar gravity
field cause small perturbations in the
observed orbits of the satellites,” he
“The SELENE mission will run for
12 months and the data collected over
that period will result in a model of
the lunar gravity field that is ten times
better than current models.”
HEAVENLY DESCENT: This artist’s impression of
the Cassini-Huygens orbiter shows the Huygens
probe separating to enter Titan’s atmosphere.
Equipped with a variety of scientific sensors,
the Huygens probe descended through Titan’s
dense, murky atmosphere of nitrogen and carbonbased molecules, beaming its findings to the
distant Cassini orbiter overhead.
Photo courtesy NASA/JPL/Caltech
And why is it so important to know the
gravity field of the Moon?
“How planets form is still very poorly
understood,” says Dr Ellingsen.
“The Earth is unusual amongst the planets
in our Solar system, in that it has by far the
largest moon, compared to the size of the
planet. Measuring the gravity field can be used
to distinguish between various hypotheses
about the origin of the Moon.
“The most popular current theory is that
during the formation of the solar system the
proto-Earth had a collision with another large
body. The collision nearly split the protoEarth in two and one of the pieces thrown off
became the Moon.
In late January Dr Toshiaki Ishikawa and Dr
Koji Matsumoto (pictured) from the National
Astronomy Observatory of Japan visited the
Mt Pleasant observatory to perform some
tests in preparation for the SELENE mission.
The spacecraft data will be recorded using
a purpose built computer-recording system.
It will then be sent to Japan to be analysed
along with the combined data from the rest
of the telescopes in the array. During their
visit Drs Ishikawa and Matsumoto ensured
that the special recording equipment could
be interfaced to the Mt Pleasant systems and
made some test observations of Earth orbiting
More than eighty Year 9 students from around
Tasmania took part in the Siemens Science Experience
over the summer holidays.
The three-day program is run nationally by
universities with the aim of inspiring students to
continue their science studies at post-secondary and
tertiary levels. Activities include practical sessions,
guest speakers, tours and social events. Participating
students are usually nominated by their school and
sponsored by their local Rotary group.
On the Hobart campus, 52 students worked
in laboratories as they learnt about freshwater
invertebrates, looked at the micro-textures of rocks,
synthesised polymers (otherwise known as making
slime!), investigated the dynamics of free falling
eggs, experimented with lasers, wrote computer
programs, and looked at food safety issues. They also
studied earthquakes and tsunamis, learnt about human
behaviour and why we listen to people “wearing
white coats”, solved maths puzzles, watched soccerplaying robots, and examined the effects of bushfires
on ecosystems.
Students heard from Young Tassie Scientists,
Michael Grose (IASOS) on the effects of
phytoplankton on our climate, and Cameron Potter
(Engineering) about artificial intelligence and wind
power generation, as well as from Vicki Colwell
from the Australian Red Cross.
They also had a taste of University life when they
had to enrol, find their way to a lecture, practical and
tutorial, complete an assignment, sit an exam and
finally attend a “graduation” ceremony – all in less
than two hours!
Off-campus, students had the opportunity to
visit the Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO
Marine Research, the Tasmanian Aquaculture and
Fisheries Institute, or take a behind-the-scenes tour
at Cadburys.
The Launceston program was just as busy with 30
students attending sessions in Aquaculture (involving
oysters!), Chemistry, Computing, and Human Life
Sciences, as well as finding out about life on campus.
This year, for the first time, sessions were offered in
Psychology, giving students the chance to ponder on
what sort of person commits atrocities, and also in
Environmental Science, where students learnt how to
assess water quality at Corra Linn on the North Esk
Quarantine Tasmania presented a session on how
science relates to quarantine duties which included a
demonstration involving a detector dog and concealed
plant material. And on the last day, Rotary hosted a
BBQ lunch for participants and their families.
Thanks must go to all University staff and students
involved this year for their outstanding contribution
to the program’s overall success.
web style
Web users will see a vibrant new look and feel to
much of the UTAS website by March this year.
The completed new UTAS web design builds
on the strengths of the popular new UTAS home
page launched in 2004. The new International and
Future Students sites were launched earlier this
year. The Future Students site is the flagship for
the new design and the International Students site
shows the design adapted to suit an international
Key marketing and recruitment sites will be
rapidly migrated to the new look web templates by
March 2005. These include all Faculty and School
sites using the Faculty Content Management
System (FCMS). Approximately 80 sites in total
will be completed by May.
The new Web Visual Standard Project is using a
team of five web developers to migrate the above
websites in consultation with site owners. The
project is managed through the Flexible Education
Unit (FEU).
“We’ve had very positive responses to the new
design,” said Project Manager, Ken Beatson.
“These new templates will be a big step forward for
both web clients and people developing websites
in the University.”
For more information including a list of the sites
and projected timelines, see the project website at
The New Design – Key Features
The new-look web templates were
developed by FEU in consultation with
representatives of key areas of the
University with strong input from those
involved in student recruitment. Through
the use of good design and the latest web
technology the new templates will provide
a range of benefits to the University and its
• UTAS branding complementing printed
• Vibrant contemporary
engaging graphics
• Superior formatting when web pages are
• Easier editing
• More layout options and more flexibility
for adaptation to the needs of different
WEB GURUS: Ken Beatson, Web Project Manager in FEU; Nick Shaw, Manager Marketing for International
Services; Website Editor Kirstie Hall and Web Developer Bruce Moyle with the new UTAS website style.
Using the web
to improve
The new International Students website was
launched in January. The new site features the
new UTAS brand, brilliant graphics and improved
navigation. It has been tailored to suit the tastes
and information needs of our key international
markets for student recruitment. The site is the
result of many months of hard work by a team of
staff from International Services and the FEU.
“A lot of thought has gone into streamlining the
site and making it easy to use,” said Nick Shaw,
Marketing Manager, International Services.
“International students have taken part in
usability tests and reports by FEU from these
• Better compliance with the latest web
publishing standards (eg. accessibility)
are used to improve navigation and information
presentation,” he said.
The site is currently undergoing search engine
optimisation so that it will appear prominently on
major search engines around the world. Other plans
for 2005 include a Current International Students
section and adding a portal for our International
“I’ve really enjoyed working with FEU on this
project,” said Nick.
“The team-based approach has meant that the
skills and experience of each section was used to
best advantage.”
hits right
More than 600 people turned up for this year’s
Summer Music School concert in Launceston,
raising $2300 to donate to recent tsunami-affected
The concert, made up of more than 90 staff and
participants of the summer programme, was held
in Launceston’s St John’s Church on 6 January this
Deputy Director of PRUE Greg Parkinson,
who was also the executive officer of the Summer
School, said he and his staff were very happy with
the turnout.
“St John’s Church was full with an overflow
into the back gallery - several people who were
walking by heard the music
and came in,” said Greg.
The programme included
brass ensembles, flute trios,
a wind quintet, a clarinet
solo and a massed choir,
which included participants
of the Summer School.
The donation went to
the Rotary Australia World
Community Service Disaster
Relief Fund. Assistant Area
Governor James Wilcox
accepted the cheque on
behalf of Rotary.
“This ensured that one hundred per cent of the
money collected would go to disaster relief as
Rotary picks up all administrative costs,” said
It is a tradition for the staff of the Summer School
to give a concert and they turned this year’s into a
benefit concert – a “spur-of-the-moment thing”.
The idea came from Melbourne resident Per
Forsberg, a Swedish tuba tutor at the Summer
School who had lost a close friend in Phuket.
“It is also a great showcase for the Summer
Music School given the high calibre of the staff.
We need to think about the cause for next year but
long-term assistance for the tsunami affected areas
would be a most likely one,” said Greg
“We basically decided to do it on the Monday
morning. The guys said ‘What do you think’ and I
said ‘Let’s go for it’,” said Greg.
The Summer School takes place in January
and is for musicians of all ages and all levels of
experience to improve their playing and reading
in an ensemble.
“We plan to continue the staff concert as a benefit
concert and to hold it in St John’s every year where
it will be much more accessible to Launceston
people,” said Greg.
DONATING: James Wilcox (left) and Greg Parkinson.
‘Humboldtians’ honour their paragon
COMMEMORATING: Members of the
Tasmanian von Humboldt Association,
(from left) Dr Peter Jarvis, Mrs Annette
Hitchman, Dr Michael Hitchman, Dr
Michael Gardiner, and guest of honour
Dr Bertfried Fauser.
Late last year a dinner was held
in Hobart by the local chapter
of the Australian Association
of von Humboldt Fellows, to
commemorate the life and work
of the brilliant nineteenth century
German scientist Alexander von
The modern Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation has operated
since the 1950s through the
German ministry of science and
foreign ministry, with the goal of
promoting research and scientific
and cultural exchange. It has an
annual budget of around 50 million Euro, and
supports up to 500 foreign researchers annually
on Fellowships with German host scientists in all
disciplines. There are about 400 Australian von
Humboldt Fellows.
Guest of honour at the Hobart dinner was
Dr Bertfried Fauser, from the Department of
Physics, University of Konstanz, and the Max
Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences,
Leipzig, who in November-December took up
the first of three visits to Hobart. He travels
under the Foundation’s ‘sur place’ programme,
which provides travel grants to German hosts and
collaborators of former Fellows; in this case Dr
Fauser will work with UTAS physicist Peter Jarvis
on quantum physics and quantum field theory.
The von Humboldt Foundation welcomes
applications for support from researchers early in
their careers in any field.
Details are available from former Fellows;
local chairman, Dr Michael Hitchman,
the University Research Office - contact
on the
UPP AND AWAY: Rosie Wasson
(right) and Jenny Oakley (centre)
introduce a potential UPP-er to
the program.
Adult learners are being targeted through
a statewide University Preparation Program
advertising and support campaign which began in
mid-February and runs through to July.
The press and radio campaign aims to inspire
confidence and motivate prospective adult learners
to “take a chance” on themselves; it also aims to
support them throughout the decision making
To minimise the “intimidation factor” involved,
all enquiries are initially being directed to Rosie
Wasson at the Cradle Coast campus, who will
refer callers to the appropriate information sources
and record caller information for follow-up and
evaluation purposes.
The support process,
which complements the
advertising campaign,
involves several personal
respondent - both before
and after enrolment, and
is critical to its success.
Evidence from previous
adult learner campaigns
suggests this sort of
personal attention is
both welcomed by
respondents and highly
successful in converting
enquiries into enrolments – predominately into the
UPP program, but also into degree programs.
The University Preparation Program is a
flexibly delivered course designed specifically to
enable mature-age students to become successful
university students. The course is offered on a
Statewide basis, and can be studied concurrently
with a degree if students have a skill shortage in
a particular area such as academic literacy or IT
Statewide Co-ordinator of the University
Preparation Program, Jenny Oakley, says the UPP
is very popular and successful in the North-West
of the State, where it has been running for several
years, and is gaining exposure in the North and
“A very high percentage of the 2004 UPP group
have gone on to enrol in a degree course for 2005,”
she says.
“The Program is creating a new market for the
University – capturing and preparing a group of
people who would otherwise never have enrolled.
“It’s important that staff who are handling
prospective student enquiries know about the UPP.
Many students are not confident enough to enrol in
a degree – but would consider trying the UPP as a
low cost, low risk ‘taster’.
“Students can study all or part of the program,
and enrolments are accepted in both Semesters.
“Many students find that after one semester of
the UPP they have gained sufficient confidence
and skill levels to enrol in a degree for Semester
She said that the UPP are also trialling a late
start in Semester 1 this year (March 14).
“So, if students who are struggling in a degree
and look like dropping out before census can be
guided to the UPP, they can upgrade their skills and
confidence before the bigger step to a degree.”
All enquiries regarding the UPP should be
forwarded to Rosie, at the Cradle Coast campus,
on 6430 4949, or to Jenny Oakley on 6430 4905.
The Indigenous Nurses Education Working
Group has funded a project entitled tunapri
Nursing - putting the faces back into the vision of
a University - to be administered by the University
Department of Rural Health (UDRH). The project
brought Indigenous Year 8-10 students from
around Tasmania to Launceston for two days to
take part in a familiarisation program based around
the Tasmanian School of Nursing and Midwifery.
UDRH Indigenous Health Science/Higher
Education Officer Sharon Dennis and Barbara
Newman from the Rural Clinical School framed
the submission for the $20,000 project funding.
Ms Dennis said she was encouraged by the
assistance she received from the Indigenous health
community and from government departments.
“The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Nurses has been very supportive and the
Department of Health and Ageing has provided
the students with information bags,” she said.
The secondary school students experienced
campus-based accommodation facilities, and
visited the different health science schools, the
student support services and the library. They
received a taste of university life and were briefed
on study options, entry requirements and financial
support arrangements, including scholarships
and bursaries. As the program coincided with a
weekend of University graduation ceremonies, the
students also visited the impressive Albert Hall
venue and saw the preparations for the event.
“At the end we had a wind down and the students
did an artistic representation of their day on one
canvas to present to the University when framed,”
said Ms Dennis.
“The tunapri Nursing project is all about
understanding and giving students something
positive to remember so that they can visualise
themselves in a university picture, choosing
nursing as the career,” she said.
Raiser’s Edge is coming! And yes, as part of
the EDGE agenda, it will promote excellence,
distinctiveness, growth and engagement at
UTAS. How? It will help us profile outstanding
graduates as role models and show the impact
the University of Tasmania has had on the world
stage through the work of its graduates. It will
also facilitate our growth through fundraising and
graduate support, and through better networking
tools and information retrieval, and engagement
with our graduates.
Raiser’s Edge is a database for fundraising and
development activities used by more than 12,000
organisations worldwide.
The University currently stores information
on graduates, donors, staff and many other key
stakeholders in three databases. Inevitably we
hold duplicate records leading to inefficiencies
and error.
The EDGE agenda is built on recognition that
our University community is not only made up
of students and staff but also of our graduates
and many others from the wider community.
The University needs a system to help us stay in
contact with all its stakeholders.
The Raiser’s Edge database that offers numerous
ways to organise, store and retrieve detailed
information on individuals or organisations.
As such, it is an extremely useful tool in
cultivating relationships and communication
with stakeholders.
You can link individuals to organisations they
are involved with and schools they attended. You
can keep track of interests, activities, birthdays or
anniversaries. The database will also allow you
to track past and future contact with donors or
donor prospects. Any information can be merged
directly into Microsoft Word documents for
personalised correspondence. Gift receipts and
pledge reminders can be printed automatically on
standard forms or on personalised stationery.
Raiser’s Edge is a powerful tool to manage
information and events. Event management
takes place University-wide with some areas
organising events with over 500 participants!
Using the Events component, users can plan,
organise and manage many types and all aspects
of events; be it a dinner or a golf day, record
participant information, expenses and revenues
generated and track and create nametags, seating
arrangements, prizes, travel, and accommodation
A sophisticated membership function can keep
track of membership of particular clubs and track
subscriptions, for example the University Club or
Library Subscription for our Alumni. Users can
track when members joined and when renewals
are due and automatically produce cards and
notices. This functionality may be an opportunity
to provide further benefits to our stakeholders.
Raiser’s Edge is an exciting package offering
a world of opportunity to the University. It is
recognised as a vital component for Alumni and
Foundation activities but it may benefit many
other areas of the University as well. Conversions
of existing databases into Raiser’s Edge was
completed in January 2005. The database will
initially be rolled out to Alumni, Foundation
and Public Relations and it is envisaged that
additional users may wish to join the network
from the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Support
area, Council Secretariat, and faculty offices. The
Raiser’s Edge Implementation Project Leader,
Christine Bayley, welcomes your questions/
interest. Please give her a call on 6226 2293.
Webbing the Islands
UTAS is involved in an exciting new initiative
as part of the next 10 Days on the Island in April.
Webbing the Islands is a program for educators
and students based on islands all over the world.
It aims to provide opportunities for educators to
develop multi-locational partnerships with other
islanders, promote online learning and engage
students in celebrating the unique aspects of island
communities around the world.
The program will include a comprehensive
and interactive website where island peoples can
explore projects in the weeks leading up to the
festival, and share their explorations with others
who have registered. The site will be created and
managed as a partnership between 10 Days on
the Island, UTAS, the Department of Education,
Tasmania’s Catholic and Independent Schools and
TAFE Tasmania.
Through her work in the Sustainable
Communities Research Group and as Interim
Coordinator of the Community, Place and Change
theme area, Dr Elaine Stratford has been involved
with Webbing the Islands since its conception in
2003. Given the University’s goal to engage with
communities of place and interest, Dr Stratford is
organising opportunities for members of UTAS to
register with Webbing the Islands as mentors on
specific projects by participating educators and
students. These project areas (listed opposite) are
central to much of the teaching and research that is
being done at UTAS.
“There is much that we could collectively
contribute to Webbing the Islands via a mentor
program that also enhances new networks among
islanders all over the world,” Dr Stratford said.
If you are interested in becoming involved,
please contact Elaine at Elaine.Stratford@utas.edu.au
or visit www.webbingtheislands.com to find out
more about how to register as an official project
Project Areas
Flotsam and Jetsam - All kinds
of strange and wonderful things
get washed up on island beaches!
Create a project that gets creative
with found objects and coastal
landscapes or looks at the problems
of marine pollution.
Island Tongues - What is the
importance of an island’s languages
to its people’s identity? How do
island communities maintain their
languages as well as communicate
with the outside world? Create a
project that uses or studies island
Spirited Island - The isolated
nature of islands makes them
attractive to those seeking peace of
mind and a place to think about the
spiritual. A number of islands have
become sites of pilgrimage or have
developed unique religions. Create
a project that looks at an island
religion or the effect island living has
on spirituality.
Kitchen Cultures - How and what
do other islanders eat? Is there more
seafood than other places? Create a
project about island food.
Stormy Weather - What are we
globally and as individuals doing to
slow the pace of global warming?
Create a project that looks at global
warming in relation to islands.
Mystery Island - The isolation
of islands makes them ripe for
farfetched tales. In storytelling and
folklore there are tales of floating
islands, disappearing islands,
islands where frightening things
happen. Create a project that draws
on island stories and folklore.
Paper and Pixels - Both
postal services and electronic
communications are vital to island
communities. Create a project that
combines paper communication and
electronic communication.
Invasive Species - Possums in
New Zealand, gorse in Tasmania,
ants on Christmas Island. Islands
are extremely fragile ecosystems
due to their isolation; introduced
species are rapidly destroying
endemic species. Develop a project
addressing the need to halt the
spread of alien species.
UDEVELOP - Staff Development and Training
Welcome to UDevelop, the Staff
Development and Training column.
As central staff development is
provided by several contributing
units at UTAS this column is one
way of bringing all the upcoming
activities together to make it easier
for you to find what’s on.
Another way to learn what’s
happening in staff development is
to go to the new Staff Development
and Training web-page - just
scroll down the staff page under
Staff Resources. The home page
offers access to activities and
programs, policies and committees,
training-online, staff networks and
training providers. Coming soon: a
Professional Development Calendar
for 2005 which will list activities
throughout 2005. The website is
under development and we would
appreciate your feedback.
Newly arrived international staff induction program
University staff arriving from overseas are
invited to participate in a specially designed
induction program offered by Jan Counsell,
the ELSIS teacher for the English Language
Centre, International Services. The program
was initiated and developed after consultation
with culturally and linguistically diverse
staff already working at the University of
The program is in two parts. The first
workshop will present some models of culture
and many examples of how these models can
be applied to everyday work and life. We will
also discuss the idea of cultural metaphors,
including the Aussie BBQ.
Participants will be encouraged to share their
own experiences, observations and strategies
for successful intercultural communication.
The second workshop will follow up some
of the issues raised in the first and provide
UTAS Central Orientation Program
This semester the University Central Orientation Program will offer
three choices of seminar for new staff on both the Hobart and
Launceston campuses. You may choose to attend one or more,
according to interest. All new staff will be invited by letter, however
you do not have to be new to register for any of the seminars.
The General Orientation Seminar will formally welcome you to
the University, provide you with an understanding of the University’s
key priorities, its history and structure, and provide you with an
opportunity to meet key staff and other new staff, even offer to take
you on a campus tour.
Launceston:1 March 9.45 – 12.50
Hobart: 3 March 9.30 – 12.40
Both seminars are followed by luncheons, where new staff can
find out what’s on for those in equity groups - women, people
with disabilities, people with culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds (formerly NESB) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander staff.
To register: contact Tania
email Tania.Braslin@utas.edu.au
Teaching and Learning at UTAS – Orientation Seminar will
cover policies in Teaching & Learning, including assessment,
graduate attributes, code of conduct and information on support
and development opportunities including the Graduate Certificate
in University Learning & Teaching.
Hobart 4 March 2.00 – 4.00pm
Launceston 28 February 2.00 – 4.00pm
To register: contact Sue Webb, 6324 3504 or email
Research at UTAS – Orientation Seminar will provide you with
information about the research context of UTAS, including priorities,
the role of key units, ethics requirements, support and development
Hobart 4 March 11.00 – 1.00pm
Launceston 28 Feb 11.00 – 1.00pm
To register: contact Laura Denholm, 6226 2761 or email
A Note from Research and Development
Welcome to 2005!
Research Services have a number of seminars planned for 2005.
The proposed dates include:
April 1 - Infrastructure Charges
May 6 - How the Research Services Process Works
July 1 - Hints for Grant Proposal Writing
August 5 - Unveiling the ARC reporting requirements
More information will be provided closer to the date via our web site at
www.research.utas.edu.au/rdo/index.htm and update emails.
Have a great year.
opportunities for reflection. We would also
encourage the development of practical
strategies to apply in the classroom and lecture
theatre, meeting room and staff forums.
Hobart only. Car pooling is available from
Launceston and Burnie.
Friday 15 April 2005 from 9 am to 1 pm
Thursday 23 June 2005 from 9 am to 1 pm
Lunch at 12:30 pm
Venue to be confirmed. Cost is fully funded
by the University Corporate Staff Development
Further information is available on the
Registration Form at: www.admin.utas.edu.
You can also contact Kathy Mumford,
the Executive Officer, Equal Employment
Opportunity at Kathy.Mumford@utas.edu.au
or on 6324 3985.
Story Deadlines
Dates 2005
Please contact the Media
Office well in advance
to notify us of your
noticeboard event or
news item.
Copy and suggested
story ideas must be
supplied well in advance
of the listed deadline for
publication on specific
Deadline / Publication
March 9 / 15
April 6 / 12
April 20 / 26
May 4 / 10
May 18 / 24
June 1 / 7
June 15 / 21
July 13 / 19
July 27 / Aug 2
August 17 / 23
September 14 / 20
September 28 / Oct 4
October 12 / 18
October 26 / Nov 1
November 9 / 15
November 23 / 29
December 7 / 13
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Until 11 March
Please do not feed the art work
Séverine Giroux
This exhibition is presented as part
of the Academy Gallery Ignition
exhibition program. Ignition
aims to assist with the greater
awareness and understanding of
the artwork created by Tasmanian
emerging artists, designers and
crafts people.
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
Until 11 March
Surface Tension
Twenty One Contemporary
Australian Printmakers
Curators: Dianna Gold and Dr
Carmel Wallace
This exhibition which has
been shown in New York and
Melbourne, is a showcase of
an amalgamation of diverse
printmakers and printmaking
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
Until 11 March
Me and My Ugly Mountain
Junko Go
This exhibition is presented as part
of the Academy Gallery Ignition
exhibition program. Ignition
aims to assist with the greater
awareness and understanding of
the artwork created by Tasmanian
emerging artists, designers and
crafts people.
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
Until 11 March
Rachael Foley
This exhibition is presented as
part of the Academy Gallery
Box Project exhibition program.
The Box Project aims to assist
with the greater awareness and
understanding of the artwork
created by School of Visual and
Performing Arts student artists.
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
Until 11 March
This is an exhibition of artwork by
the Academy Gallery volunteers.
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
Until 11 March
Three Colours
Gordon Bennett and Peter
This exhibition is a Heide Museum
of Modern Art travelling exhibition.
It brings together two artists,
Gordon Bennett from Australia and
Peter Robinson from New Zealand
whose differing practices focus on
the representation of indigenous
identity and respond to the cultural
politics of our changing societies.
9 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri. Academy
Gallery, Inveresk. Free.
Further information: 6324 4450
For Rent
For Sale
Ground floor one/two br. flat adjoining
Uni campus, Hobart; whitegoods
provided; bus stop at door, no off-street
car space, available January 31 2005.
Long let preferred. Phone 6229 6272.
BMW323i, model 2000, manual, grey
colour. All extra features included.
Bargain at $39,000! Phone 6225 2783
For Rent
Spacious 1 bedroom with BIR apartment,
sunny living & dining areas. Excellent
views and within walking distance to
the university (Bend 6). Small garden +
parking area. Vacant or semi-furnished
to be discussed. $125 / week (vacant).
Phone 6226 2038 / 0408 088 618 or
email: hahafez@utas.edu.au
House Sit Required
March 15
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House sit required for the Easter week
(Sat 26th March - Sat 2nd April) for well
organised English family of four visiting
relatives in West Hobart. Very happy
to feed pets, water the garden and any
other odd jobs. Please contact Dr Keith
Jacobs at keith.jacobs@utas.edu.au
6226 2928.
For Sale
Plustek Scanner, model OpticPro
UT12 Flatbed scanner, 600x1200
dpi resolution, USB cable. VGC.
Logitech Wingman Extreme
Digital Joystick, $20.
Phone 6226
6229 or 0407 391627 or email
Wanted to Rent
Working in a professional capacity
in Hobart until the end of April. I
am seeking a 2 bedroom furnished
house, preferably near the ABC
offices. Please call Jennifer on phone
0414 266 228 or alternatively email
For Rent
Battery Point. Well furnished, 2 br, 1.5
bath flat with stunning water views. All
mod cons; hydro heat; covered parking.
Suitable for a couple - $400 per week.
Available April 1 through Dec 2005.
Phone 0419 575 015.
Wanted to Rent
UK academic family arriving in Hobart
July 2005 looking for 3 bed furnished
or unfurnished house in Hobart to rent
long term. All offers considered, please
contact Dr Rowland Atkinson by email
r.atkinson@socsci.gla.ac.uk or phone
+44 141 337 3256 (international call).
For Rent
A three bedroom fully furnished house
in Howrah from 25 March 2005 to 27
May 2005 at $260 per week. Phone Val
on 6233 7184 (w) or 0400 967 800 or
email VJC@rbf.com.au
Carpool Wanted
Weekdays for non-driver from New
Town/Lenah Valley area to Sandy Bay
campus for 9am start. Willing to pay
petrol costs and/or bring coffee! Please
call 0408 960 343