Valley Now Vol. 1 No. 26 • Wednesday, May 13
Valley Now Vol. 1 No. 26 • Wednesday, May 13
1 FR EE @Valley_Now Vol. 1 No. 26 • Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Hants County • Kings County • Annapolis County FIVE GENERATIONS LOOKING TO CLEAN UP A gathering at the home of Frederick and Jacqueline Dominey resulted in five generations getting together. SEE PAGE 13 RISING TO THE TOP Good friends Lillian MacInnis, 3, right, and six-year-old Ethan Woods like walking in the Miner’s Marsh in Kentville. They came April 26 with their moms to help clean up. Shelley Fleckenstein has been named one of the top 50 CEOs by Atlantic Business Magazine for a third year in a row. SEE PAGE 6 Wendy Elliott Photos STAY COOL THIS SUMMER with a heat pump for as low as $40 per month. You can save up to 70% of the Cost of Heating Your Home! PLUS Cooling in the Summer! Air to Air Heat Exchangers | Ener Boss Heat and Cooling Units Commercial Heat Exchangers | Made in Hants County CALL 798 -2261 For a FREE Assessment of your home 6792087 6951542 2 for 1 Green Fees! Sunday – Thursday Valid until June 30th 2015 Mention this ad at the time of booking. Pro Shop: 1-902-245-7709 6952357 6951839 2015 Kubota BX25D 1 Tractor loader backhoe $20,990+HST 0% financing for 60 months OAC 4WD, 23HP 3 Cyl Kubota diesel, power steering, mid and rear PTO hydrostatic 6952034 Now Open! Green Fee Special $30 tax included Bogies Bar and Grill is now open. Everyone is Welcome! (902)847-9000 6952222 We’re Moving! Your Investment Advisor’s e-mail will remain unchanged. We’re welcoming spring by moving to a new location as of Friday, April 10. Our NEW numbers: Tel: 902 542-6410 Fax: 902 542-6411 Your Golf & Curling Destination in Yarmouth N.S. “2 for 1 Regular Green Fee” Be sure to visit our new office at # 8 – 24 Harbourside Drive Wolfville, NS B4P 2C1 CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. 6952255 Page 2 • Valley Now 6952309 WE NOW HAVE CARTS ON THE COURSE! 28 Forbes Street, Yarmouth, NS Pro Shop: 902-742-2161 • 28 Aberdeen St. Suite 6 P.O. Box 430 Kentville, NS B4N 3X4 I’M LOVIN’ IT Email submissions and photos to Dave Glenen, Regional Editor Jennifer Vardy Little, Managing Editor Lawrence Powell, Editor Carole Morris-Underhill, Editor Sales Manager Al Simpson Kentville Office Katie MacArthur 902-680-5743 Ashley Roblin 902-680-2545 Middleton Office Leo Glavine, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Health and Wellness and MLA for Kings West, participated in McHappy Day on May 6 in support of local children’s charities. He is shown here at a Halifax McDonald’s with Shauna MacLennan, CEO, Ronald McDonald House Charities Atlantic and Ronald McDonald himself. McDonald’s restaurants across the Annapolis Valley supported Ronald McDonald House and Brigadoon Village on McHappy Day. Submitted Photo. 30ML RAINBOW VAPOR JUICE $11.99 15ML RAINBOW VAPOR JUICE $6.99 YOUR SMOKING ALTERNATIVE LARGEST SELECTION IN THE VALLEY, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER EQUIPMENT, FLAVOUR CRAFTERS AND RAINBOW VAPOR JUICE s7HYBUY.ONE/RIGINAL%VODSANDOTHEREQUIPMENTWHENWEHAVE /2)').!,+!.'%2%6/$+)43&/2s%-/7-%'!+)43&/2 s.UMEROUSFLAVOURSOFPROFESSIONALLYMADE2AINBOW6APOR&LAVOUR visit our #RAFTERS%*UICES s#ARRYONLYEQUIPMENTMADEBYMAJOR%CIGMANUFACTURERS new INCLUDING+ANGER!SPIRE+AMRY)NNOKINAND)LEAF website s+NOWLEDGEABLEFRIENDLYSTAFF $PNNFSDJBM4U/FX.JOBTtGUIPQ!IPUNBJMDB 6934119 Megan Wenckowski 902-309-1549 Windsor Office Michele White 902-306-1287 35,000 copies distributed through Kings, Hants & Annapolis Counties. Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertising and in other materials appearing in this edition of The ValleyNow. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. The Valley Now is published weekly by Transcontinental Nova Scotia Media Group Inc. www.TC.TC 6806709 Valley Now • Page 3 • CROSSWORD CLUES ACROSS 1. Cleopatra's viper 4. Cuneiform writing 10. Dekaliter 11. Groaned 12. For instance 14. Wave in spanish 15. Arabian gulf 16. Written in red 18. Denouncements 22. Eat one's heart out 23. Survive longer than 24. Take priority over 26. Foreign service 27. Russian king (alt. sp.) 28. Stinkheads 30. Old name for Tokyo 31. Box (abbr.) 34. Red rock in Australia 36. Not old 37. Enlarge hole 39. Difficulty walking 40. The high point of something 41. 101 42. Hunting expeditions 48. Unusual appearing ghostly figure Page 4 • Valley Now 50. Without civilizing influences 51. Heartbeat 52. Morning juice 53. Wicket 54. Head louse egg 55. 40th state 56. Pleasing to the eye (Scot.) 58. Nickname for an anorexic 59. Engaged in a game 60. Household god (Roman) CLUES DOWN 1. Admirer 2. Mouth secretion 3. Afterbirth 4. Initials of "Bullitt" star 5. Family crest 6. Forearm bone 7. Unable to move 8. Loss due to a rule infraction 9. Touchdown 12. Accordingly 13. Spiritual teacher 17. A bridal mouthpiece 19. Dress up garishly 20. Cleverly avoid 21. S.E. Asia goat antelope 25. Fla. state dessert 29. Popular legume 31. Two-die gambling game 32. Easily annoyed (alt. sp.) 33. Khoikhoin peoples 35. Cyclic 38. Flavor of Newport cigarettes 41. Jamestown was the 1st English 43. Fine meal made from cereal grain 44. Incarnation 45. Norse goddess of the sea 46. Ignores or snubs (slang) 47. Tiny glass bubble 49. Chinese mahogany genus 56. Deepwater Horizon Co. 57. -__, denotes past THE FACTS DID YOU KNOW? s7EARE7ESTERN.OVA3COTIASLEADERINLOCALNEWS s7EHAVE7ESTERN.OVA3COTIASLARGESTNEWSROOMANDMULTIMEDIASALESTEAM s7EREACHOVERREADERSWEEKLY s7EGIVEOVERBACKTOTHECOMMUNITYINSPONSORSHIPANDPROMOTION s7EINVESTOVERBACKINTOOURLOCALCOMMUNITYANNUALLY s7EARE7ESTERN.OVA3COTIASLEADINGSOURCEFORONLINENEWS s7EHADPAGEVIEWSONOURWEBSITESLASTMONTH s7EHADUNIQUEVISITORSTOOURWEBSITESLASTMONTH s7EEMPLOYOVERPEOPLE s7%!2%7%34%2../6!3#/4)!3.5-"%2/.%.%73'2/50 Trading Post 6981157 Valley Now • Page 5 • WANTED 31 PEOPLE WITH HEARING LOSS CALL NOW!!! 1-888-257-5525 1 (888) 264-1640 DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!!! We Need 31 People Who Have Difficulty Hearing, Especially in Noisy Situations, to Evatuate New Digital, Noise Reduction Hearing Aids! We will perform comprehensive Hearing Evluations at NO CHARGE for the first 31 qualified callers to determine if you are that are selected will be a candidate for this program. Applicants Aid technology for 30 asked to evaluate the latest in Hearing days. Participants that wish to keep the instruments can doso as tremendous savings due to their participation. in and Come let TM us show you how the new A3 by Audibel can be a solution for hearing in noise. $1,000 OFF FREE Hearing evaluation any pair of Audibel hearing Aids! s Expires 5/19/2015 s Otoscopic examination Familiar voice test s Speech understanding s Baseline audilogram assessment FREE VISA GIFT CARD Hearing Aid Batteries with every day clean and check! with any completed 30-day Expires 5/19/2015 hearing and trial! Meet Audible Factory Representative Mark Fellman FREE Mark has several years of experience helping people with hearing loss. Mark’s time is 100% dedicated towards travelling across the world to help people with all types of hearing loss. Don’t miss your chance to meet with Mark - he will be on hand to demonstrate the latest in hearing technology. Shelley Fleckenstein Rising to the top Join us May 14,15 & 19 RSVP TODAY CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-257-5525 2015 Audibel. All Rights reserved. Individual Results may vary. NPAD1367-00-EE-ST 7/11 Page 6 • Valley Now Annette Cross BC-HIS, Owner 6979722 448 Main Street, Unit 2, Kentville, NS Shelley Fleckenstein has been named one of the top 50 CEOs by Atlantic Business Magazine for a third year in a row. Atlantic Business Magazine’s Top 50 CEO Awards are Atlantic Canada’s premiere celebration of corporate leadership excellence. Nominations are submitted by readers, and nominees are judged according to their corporate, community and industry leadership; their company’s growth in recent years; and their unique managerial abilities. May is National Physiotherapy Month and it seems fitting that Shelley, a physiotherapist with 27 years of experience, be profiled in the May/June 2015 issue of Atlantic Business Magazine as a Top 50 CEO Award winner. This prestigious honour will be celebrated at a formal awards gala event on May 7 at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax. Shelley is the founder (1995) and current Co-owner/Director of KINGS Physiotherapy Clinic; she is also the Regional Manager - Mainland Nova Scotia with CBI Health Group. Do you love photography? Submit your spring photo’s and WIN! Contest Rules: Contest open to all ages Submit your photograph via email to or bring your photo to 28 Aberdeen St., Kentville All photographs must be submitted no later than 4pm, May 27. Prize winners will be contacted and photo’s will be featured in the Valley Now. All photo’s to be labelled with name & contact # Prizes 1 Hour Massage Family Four Pass to Oaklawn Zoo SPONSORED BY 6966551 0HYSIOTHERAPYs-ASSAGEs6ESTIBULARs,YMPHATIC$RAINAGE s/CCUPATIONAL4HERAPYs!CCUPUNCTUREs(OME6ISITS #ONCUSSION-ANAGEMENT#LINICs7#"0ROVIDER Valley Now • Page 7 • Summer means sun and community service fter grilling in front of Winner’s A New Minas this past Saturday - I don’t consider barbeque duty a partic- Clock Tower Park, speaking out against Bill C-51 to much support from passersby. ularly onerous chore as an unrepenWhile the snow melt does more tant carnivore - in support than give us a great opporof ending violence against tunity to go for a walk on women, I spied a number the beach with Fido or to of other volunteers on my play in the backyard with journey home. Youngsters sons and daughters (or from Landmark East grandparents, as the case School were out in full may be for spry families), it force in their blue t-shirts, also affords us a better cleaning up garbage and opportunity to connect recyclables from the side of with our community in the road. Wolfville was more meaningful ways. jam-packed with folks Some of the more popular working (and attending) summer fundraisers are both the Acadia Dump and almost upon us, and followRun as well as the Authors By Nick Morine ing the hottest days of for Indies event held that August we’re facing a federsame day at the Box of Delights. The al election. weekend before, I witnessed political We live in a very fast-paced and volunteers present in number at the demanding world, and though the Valley Musings flow of time may seem to be slower here on scorching hot days, residents continue to stress about time and money, particularly those of us who have very little of either to spare. As a result, finding volunteers and engaged citizens can be an onerous task for charitable causes as many of us work very hard to stay afloat. In this we are not alone, yet our responsibilities remain. Volunteerism is not about a resume entry - or at least it shouldn’t be - nor is it about depriving ourselves of valuable time. Commitment to a cause greater than ourselves is the first step in the manner of selfless spirit which built our families and communities in the first place. Get creative. Find something that suits your personality and donate a bit of your time, even if it’s only a few hours here and there. Canvass your neighbours with a political figure to bring about change, learning about the diversity of thought in the houses and apartments you pass by everyday in the process. Slip on a pair of sneakers and take a walk to benefit a local charity. Lose the belt and attend a pancake breakfast or a musical benefit for a family in need. If you don’t feel comfortable with being a volunteer, then support these causes with whatever financial assistance you can spare according to your own budget. Citizenship and service are best served under sunshine and with a smile, so take a break from Facebook and Twitter and step outdoors. Enjoy the ocean breeze and find a place where you fit, if only for a while. Then treat yourself with some ice cream and some wine from the local vineyards, confident in the knowledge that you have earned it. & 10060 Hwy 1, Wolfville, Nova Scotia Exit 11 off Hwy 101 855-542-2295 Get Your Backyard Ready! Providing IT products, services and solutions to valley businesses for over a decade We have a huge selection of Shrubs, Trees, Annuals, Perennials plus all of your outdoor living accessories. SALES & SERVICE s-AINTENANCE3UPPORT s(OSTED3PAM3ERVICE s,EGAL/FlCES s.ETWORK!DMINISTRATION s(OSTED%MAIL s!CCOUNTING&IRMS s(OSTED3OLUTIONS s!GRICULTURE s2ETAIL s/FFSITE"ACKUP s-EDICAL$ENTAL#LINICS s!UTOMOTIVE Your Complete Garden Center 6962397 Page 8 • Valley Now 6978741 Centrally located in Berwick and serving customers from Halifax to Yarmouth 6965911 INTRODUCING THE NEW RLS3H The World’s Most Efficient Mini-Split Heat Pump! Wall Mounted HIGH-SEER systems 9, 12 & 15,000 BTU • up to 33 seer 6965609 All RLS3H models feature high efficiencies and are ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient 2015 Qualified. Extra Low Temperature Heating (XLTH) Series features outdoor condensing units engineered to operate in temperatures down to -26°C and are equipped with base heaters that prevents condensate from freezing. Professional Sales, Service and Installation CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE AND FIND OUT WHY WE’RE #1! Commercial, Residential, & Industrial 902-679-1954 Spray Fiberglass (Ultra Fit DS Plus - R24) Spray Foam (Closed Cell & Open Cell)/ Monokote Fire Coating Blown-in Cellulose & Fiberglass 6965833 5727 Highway #1, Cambridge, NS B0P 1G0 T: 678-5314 | fax 678-5918 toll free: 1-888-266-3136 6965882 902-698-0980 Certified Refrigeration Technicians & Electricans PROUDLY SERVING THE ANNAPOLIS VALLEY FOR 6 YEARS WWWMARITIMEINSULATORSCOMse-mail: 6965628 CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE $ANIEL$AVIS/WNER/PERATOR 3PECIALIZINGINALLYOUREXCAVATIONNEEDS Drainage, Driveways, Landscaping, Ditching, Garage Pads, Land Clearing, Foundations, Retaining Walls, Gravel Hauling & Trucking Offering 24/7 emergency service Financing Options Available ANNAPOLIS VALLEY NEW CONSTRUCTION / RETROFIT / FIRE COATING / REMOVAL Proudly Serving our Valley Community from 5 Locations for Over 35 Years 3ERVICING!LLOF.OVA3COTIA #ALLOR4EXTs%MAILEPICEXCAVATING GMAILCOM 6965707 Home Centre your local building supply dealer See the Decksperts at Fraser’s for Help Designing Your New Deck This Year! Berwick 902.538.3183 Kentville 902.678.8044 Kingston 902.765.3111 Bridgetown 902.665.4449 Annapolis 902.532.1500 6965666 Serving Windsor to Digby Kings Refrigeration & Air Conditioning has been offering friendly and expert service since 1999. As the top-selling Fujitsu distributor in Nova Scotia, we provide the best in heating, air conditioning and air quality products and services, you can have peace of mind knowing our technicians will get the job done right. Valley Now • Page 9 • MARSH CLEAN-UP LEFT: Good friends Lillian MacInnis, 3, right, and six-year-old Ethan Woods like walking in the Miner’s Marsh in Kentville. They came April 26 with their moms to help clean up. BELOW: Emily Selfridge and Charlotte Church, both 12, spent a Sunday afternoon tidying Miner’s Marsh in Kentville. Members of the Girl Power group locally, they like hanging out there. -Wendy Elliott, Jump Into Spring Worldwide Auto Sales With Greenwood 2003 BMW Z4 2012 Ram 1500 Sport GREAT SUMMER RIDE $ 15,890 LARGE LIFT $ Custom Orthotics and Medical Supplies 34,800 For 20 years the Annapolis Valley has counted on Sole Provider for a wide variety of orthopedic products. Certified professionals can access your needs. Custom products require appointments. $500 Credit Voucher For Your New Vehicle s#USTOM&OOT/RTHOTICS s/RTHOPEDIC3HOES s!THLETIC3HOES 3ANDALS s"IRKENSTOCK¸&OOTWEAR s!IDSFOR$AILY,IVING s!MBULATORY!IDS BRING IN THIS AD Support the dealer that gives back! Page 10 • Valley Now +ENTVILLEs0HONEs&AX 4OLL&REEsWWWSOLEPROVIDERCA 6815335 Open Late Tuesday & Thursday until 8:00pm, Sunday until 5:00pm Custom Orthotics & Medical Supplies 6799090 830 Central Ave Greenwood Exit 17 off Hwy 101 1 (888) 720-3229 • Make a logo, win $500 Grand View Manor is looking for ideas to contribute to the development of their new logo design and letter mark. The competition seeks ideas that will embody our organization’s passion and commitment to serving the elderly population in long-term care. The competition is open to residents of Nova Scotia. Deadline for submission is at noon on May 15. Designs must be in PDF format and e-mailed to Any e-mail inquiries can be sent to this e-mail address. Included in your submission are the following: - Cover letter explaining your design and why you have chosen to create your design - Your name, age, contact information (e-mail address, phone number, address) - Your brief biography / profile - A scanned PDF with your signed consent to have your information publicized if your idea is selected. Please copy the following statement: -I hereby give my permission for Grand View Manor to have my name and profile included in any promotional materials, including but not limited to website, Facebook, news articles, and radio announcements, if my idea is chosen for the logomaking / letter mark competition’, followed by your name, signature and date. The winning ideas for the logo and letter mark will receive $500 each and will be used to help us design our new logo and letter mark. Please visit for more information WETLANDS ARE DISAPPEARING Protect them. Become a member today. 1-866-384-DUCK Dr. M Chute Dr. A. Webber Dr. A. Saywood Dr. R. Smith OPEN: Marty Anthony, HVAC Tech. (902) 790-4337 EMAILGROUNDHOGGEO EASTLINKCAsWWWGROUNDHOGGEOTHERMALCA Specializing in: Geothermal Heating Systems, Air Source Heat Pumps, $UCTLESS3PLIT(EAT0UMPS.EW#ONSTRUCTIONOR2ENOVATION Monday 8:00 am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 6981448 Wednesday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Thursday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 451 Main Street, Middleton Cell: 902.824.3726 Work: 902.825.5555 Toll Free: 1.800.565.6372 6971445 6803376 Newest Member of Bruce Fords Sales Team 35 Payzant Drive, Windsor, N.S. Phone: (902) 798-5748 BSalesARRETT W ENCKOWSKI Consultant 3=HHAU!NQC*=NPK>ONASPEMQA BREWTIQUE BOB’S Celebrating 45 years of helping people with all of their 3=HHAU!NQC*=NPK>ONASPEMQA Wine and Beer making and supplies +,4,-"+W2%UHZ KJOEPASEJANU *=EJ0PNAAP (EJCOPKJ *KJ4A@=IPKLIW1DQNO#NE=IPKLIW0=P=IPKLIW0QJ?HKOA@ KJP=?P-D=NI=O=RABKNIKNAEJBK 6806405 Valley Now • Page 11 • POETRY MONTH SUBSCRIBE NOW! E SAV % OFF 46 D TAN S S N EW R I C E P Call or Drop in to the Kentville office at 28 Aberdeen St., Suite 6 Kentville Poet and university professor John Guiney Yallop was invited to read at town council on April 20 by Wolfville Mayor Jeff Cantwell. The town’s bookstore, the Box of Delights, has also invited poems on the store window to celebrate Poetry Month in April. Wendy Elliott Photo. 902-681-2121 Office hours: 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. “All Access” - includes both Print copies, Digital edition (replica of print) & Daily updated website news from Yarmouth to Windsor One year subscription for only $97.80(includes tax) Six month subscription for only $50.40 (includes tax) Contact us at “Digital Duo” – includes Digital edition (replica of print) & Daily updated website news from Yarmouth to Windsor For only $5.99/mth ($.99/mth first month) Go to to subscribe 902-681-2121 6953135 Page 12 • Valley Now • FIVE GENERATIONS A gathering at the home of Frederick and Jacqueline Dominey resulted in five generations getting together. They are Tracy Robinson (grandmother, Newport Corner), left, Jacqueline Dominey (great-grandmother, North Alton) Eileen Oickle (great-great grandmother, Kentville), Gregory Robinson (father, Newport Corner) and 2-week-old Nathan James Robinson, born April 17, 2015. Jackie Dominey Photo JORDAN’S CLEARANCE CENTRE Refresh for Spring with Style and Comfort! BRIAN KNOWS PRICING Superstyle Sofa Sale Envy Mocha $ Reg. $1399 Are you pricing a project and want to save money? Brian Knows How. With over 35 years in the building Industry, let Brian do your shopping for quality material in your local area. 979 Superstyle Chair Sale Envy Mocha Reg. $989 699 $ Toll free 1-844-414-8844 6959800 Go to and tell me what you’re looking for AND If it’s the right person for the job my referral data base has the people you need. Flexsteel Kashmira Loveseat England Microfibre Sofa Reg. $2789 Reg. $1379 Sale $ 2239 Sale $ Canning Location ONLY 899 6821297 CLEARANCE CENTRE DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE in Mainland NS 6983391 “Adding Comfort To Your Life Since 1969!” MAIN ST. CANNING 1-902-582-3350 OPEN Mon - Fri 9 - 5:30; Saturdays 9 - 5:00 CREDIT CARD DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE Valley Now • Page 13 • Events Annapolis County Events Upcoming and Current Events… Museum Hours Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum, 21 School St, Middleton, is open MONDAY TO FRIDAY from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Exhibits include the Nova Scotia Museum’s antique clock and watch collection, the Rusty Nail exhibit, a recreated classroom and general store and the Middleton Rotary Club’s 60th anniversary exhibit. There is also a family and local history research library. Admission charged. Check out the web site at , find us on Facebook or call 902-825-6116. Roast Beef Dinner MAY 12 Roast Beef Dinner (noon until 1 p.m.) Come out and enjoy a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea and juice. Cost is $9, or $9.50 delivered (Kingston/Greenwood area only). Deliveries must be ordered by 10:30 A.M. on the 12th. Library Writing Group MAY 12 Library Writing Group at 2 p.m. at the Bridgetown and Area Library. Share your work and ideas with others who enjoy writing. The Library Writing Group meets the second Tuesday of every month. Granville Ferry AGM MAY 13 Annual general meeting of the Granville Ferry Community Association at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13 at the Granville Ferry Hall. Sports Heritage AGM MAY 13 Annual General Meeting of the Middleton Sports Heritage Wall of Fame starts at 7 p.m. at the Middleton Regional High School. Everyone welcome. Digby Exhibition meeting MAY 13, 6:30 pm, Bear River Fire Hall. New members and volunteers are welcome. Come help with the 136th annual event. Join our Facebook page for event updates - Digby County Exhibition (Bear River) Turkey Supper 3442; Cynthia 765-8724. Annual Spring Tea MAY 14 at 10- 11:30 a.m. Felker Hall (Cornwallis Park) Thursday, Sandwiches, sweets, tea and coffee 50/50, silent auction, new to you, door prize, smarties guess jar. Free Will offering Hosted by T.O.P.S. #ns4909 Cornwallis Park. For info Marty 902 638 – 3164 Bake Sale Page 14 • Valley Now Upcoming and Current Events… MAY 15 Middleton Legion Ladies Auxiliary are holding a bake sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Middleton Foodland. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 Meeting Indoor Yard Sale The Sweets Corner Community Hall will be hosting a public meeting at 7 p.m. MAY 16 Kingston Lions Club Spring Indoor Tennis lessons Yard Sale on Saturday, May 16 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kingston Lions Hall. Household and kitchen items, furniture, tools, books, appliances etc. Many hidden jems. All proceeds go to support the Lions many community projects. Blackfly Festival MAY 16 (2 to 8 p.m. or later) The 7th annual Blackfly Festival will be held at the Annapolis Royal Legion, Branch 21. Lots of great music, for only $7 for the whole day. Check out the Branch 21 Facebook page for updates on the musicians attending. Fountain Performing Arts Centre, with all proceeds raised going to the association. Tickets are $25 and include shopping with 20 vendors, catered lunch, the show and prize package draws. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. for shopping and the show begins at 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 Hooked rug display Hants County Events Every Wednesday, starting May 13, there will be adult tennis lessons at the Gordon Hughes Tennis Club. The first two lessons are free, with racquets provided. Beginner lessons are from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Intermediate and advanced lessons are from 7:30- 8:30 p.m. Contact Barb Hughes at 902-7901550 or, or Craig Daniels at 902-798-8207 or THURSDAY, MAY 14 Spring tea and sale The ‘Chickadees and Friends’ Relay for Life team will hold a hooked rug display and dessert party at the Hantsport Fire Hall from 7-9 p.m. Come and view various hooked and handcrafted rugs made by local craftspeople. There will also be rughooking demonstrations. There will be a ticket draw for a crocheted rag rug. Admission is $6. FRIDAY, MAY 22 Dance This event will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Windsor branch from 8 p.m. to midnight, with music by Route 12. Admission is $5 at the door. SATURDAY, MAY 23 Dance This event will be held at the Forties Community Centre, in New Ross, from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Music will be by Route 12. Tickets are $7. Hymn Sing This event, with a bake table and dessert auction, will be held at Dykeland Lodge starting at 1:30 p.m. Admission is $6. TUESDAY, MAY 26 MAY 17 Hymn Sing on Sunday, May 17 at Senior games Meeting Contract bridge will be held at 1 p.m. at the Hants County War Memorial Community Centre in Windsor. The Village Garden Club will meet in West Gore at 7 p.m. at the home of Nancy Doane. Call 902-632-2449 for more information. 7:30 p.m. at the Wilmot Baptist Christian Fellowship Centre. (Corner of Hwy #1 and Dodge Rd). Special music by David Graves. Refreshments will be served following the service. All welcome. Men and Boys Choir Concert MAY 18 at 7 p.m. in St. George and St. Andrew United Church, Annapolis Royal. Capella Regalis Men and Boys Choir (10 men, 12 boys) of University of Kings College Chapel in Halifax, directed by Nick Halley, will perform a concert as part of their spring tour. Admission: $20 regular, $10 students. Tickets ($20) available at Bainton’s Tannery Outlet. Info: Public Speaking Contest MAY 19 The annual Rosemary Chapter I.O.D.E. Public Speaking Contest for Grades 6, 7 and 8 will start at 7:00 p.m. in the Middleton Regional High School Library. The public is invited to attend. FRIDAY, MAY 15 Dance WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 This event will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Windsor branch from 8 p.m. to midnight. Music will be by Meredith. Admission is $5 at the door. Health and wellness seniors expo Seedling Swap MAY 23 Seedling Swap from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bridgetown and Area Library. This annual event, hosted by the Hants County Seniors Safety Association, will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion in Windsor from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 16 Plant sale FRIDAY, MAY 29 This event will be held at the St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 211 King Street, in Windsor from 8 a.m. until noon. Dance Community breakfast Hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion’s Windsor branch and the Windsor Fire Department, a full breakfast will be served from 7:30-10 a.m. at the Branch No. 9 legion in Windsor. The cost is $6 for an adult, $4 for children age six to 12 years and those under six years of age may have breakfast for free. Fashion extravaganza MAY 14 At the Three Rivers Community Center at 41Messenger Rd., Torbrook, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Cost: adults, $12; children under 12, $6. Info: Audrey, 765- Too many tomato seedlings? Are zucchini plants taking over your house? Come to the library with your extra seedlings for exchange or giveaway to other gardeners. You don’t need to bring plants to participate; just come and take some home with you. Please make sure to label your plants. The Hants County Seniors Safety Association will present a special fashion show in King’s-Edgehill School’s This event will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Windsor branch from 8 p.m. to midnight, with music by Ruckus. Admission will be $7 at the door. SATURDAY, MAY 30 Card night This event will be held at the Avondale Community Hall. Registration is at 12:30 p.m. Games begin at 1 p.m. There will be cash prizes, a 50/50 draw, door prizes and a light lunch. Contact Ralph Lyon at 902-792-2874 for more information. Continued on Page 15 • Events... Cont. from Page 14 meet at the Greenwich Fire Hall, 7 p.m. MAY 15 Kings County Events Upcoming and Current Events… MAY 12 • Health Fair - at WKM Health Centre, Berwick. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. • Community Roast Beef Luncheon - at Kingston Lions Hall. 12-1 p.m., $9 • Dance - at the Kingston Legion, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Crackerjack • Chicken Barbecue – at the Waterville and District Fire Department, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $12 • Tea and Sale – at the West Brooklyn Hall, 6-8 p.m. MAY 16 MAY 13 • Class - the Berwick Makery holding session on gluten free cooking, 6-8 p.m. Contact Katie to register, 538-4019 • Women’s Connection Coffee Party - at the Berwick Lions Club, 9:30 a.m. Reservations 902-678-5522 by May 10. Admission $8 • Annual Seniors Musical – at the Canning Lions Hall, 1:30-3 p.m. Admission is monetary or non-perishable item for food bank. MAY 14 • Chicken Barbecue – at the New Minas Volunteer Fire Department, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $10 • Meeting - Annapolis Valley Decorative Artists • Ham, Beans & Scallop Supper – at the Berwick & District Lions Club, 4:30-6:30 p.m. $10. • Spring Indoor Yard Sale – at the Kingston Lions Hall, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Coffee Party - at Berwick Baptist Church Annex. 8:00 a.m. to noon, freewill offering • Indoor Yard Sale - at Kings Presbyterian Church, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free admission • Breakfast - hosted by the Good Neighbour Club at the Centreville Community Hall. 710:30 a.m. Freewill offering • Dance - at Coldbrook Lions Hall, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. • Breakfast - at Coldbrook Lions Hall, 810:30 a.m. • Auction - for Tim Horton’s Camp at Horton Community Centre. Doors open 6 p.m. Canteen available • Breakfast - at Aylesford United Church, 811 a.m. Freewill offering. Wheelchair accessible. • Fundraiser - for Gary Hamilton’s medical expenses, at the Meadowview Community Center. 1-5 p.m. • Cookie Walk Fundraiser – at the Salvation Army Kentville Community Church, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $7 • Breakfast – at the Wolfville Lions Club, 710 a.m. Adults $6, children under 10 $3 • Yard, Craft and Bake Sale - at New Beginnings Center in Greenwood, 9 a.m.2 p.m. • Plant, Yard and Bake Sale - at Glooscap Curling Club, Crescent Avenue, Kentville. Doors open 8 a.m. • Plant Sale and Soup Luncheon - Trinity United Church, Waterville, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. Freewill offering • Variety Show - at White Rock Community Hall, 7:30 p.m. 50/50 draw, canteen and fudge sale. $5 MAY 17 • Hymn Sing - at Wolfville Ridge Baptist Church. Special guests Brent and Charlene Reid. 7 p.m. Print Professionals. Online Marketers. Brand Specialists. NOTICE – Event submissions: Groups or organizations can submit their events to the following (Att. Events): Annapolis County: Kings County: Hants County: *Note: Event listings should be concise. It is the responsibility of the group or organization to inform the newspaper of changes in event times, dates or locations. There is no guarantee of use or placement. MAY 19 • Annual Cemetery Meeting - at West Brooklyn Cemetery, 7 p.m. Call 902-542-7812 MAY 19 • Presentation - by Valley Regional Hospital head of diagnostic imaging, Dr. Michael Dunn, at Kings Riverside Court, Kentville. All community members interested in hearing about his work welcome. 2 p.m. Al Simpson Sales Manager 902-825-7198 Advertise Local The Valley Now advertising team is an extension of your marketing department. With a weekly reach of 100% of the Windsor to Middleton area, your message is sure to reach current and new customers. Get Results. Call us to put your business and products in front of tens of thousands of potential customers. Ashley Roblin Account Executive 902-680-2545 Michele White Account Executive 902-306-1287 Katie MacArthur Account Executive 902-680-5743 Megan Wenckowski Account Executive 902-309-1549 6888488 Valley Now • Page 15 FIFTY SHADES OF FUSION $159 2015 FUSION S * BI8&&,-: %3*7&"8":13*$& 24 5JUBOJVN.PEFM4IPXO OVER 30 TO $)004&'30. */$-6%&43 YEAR'03%."*/5&/"/$&1305&$5*0/1-"/ 108&38*/%084t108&3-0$,4t5*-545&&3*/(t$36*4&$0/530-t3&.05&,&:-&44&/53:t '"$503:*/45"--&%3&.05&45"35&3t#"$,61$".&3"t"/%.03& 898 Park Street Kentville Telephone: 902-678-1330 Toll-free: 1-888-458-3673 GO FURTHER. *$500 down. AY D TO ONE S R G OU Y ’ R E Y ER THE D OR ORE F BE 6981111 Page 16 • Valley Now
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