Winter 2013 - Ronald McDonald House
Winter 2013 - Ronald McDonald House
Fall 2013 the Cookie Sheet News and Notes from Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan Connor’s Family Journey Cheylynne Luch, Connor Luch, Brittyn Baillie, Scott Baillie and Nikki Luch On May 3rd, 2013, I went to work and my day started as every other Friday had for many years. I had only been at work a few minutes when I received a call from the doctor whom my eight year old son Connor, had previously seen regarding some headaches. That call was one of every parent’s nightmare . . . your son has a brain tumour. I was devastated to say the least. I was told to have him in Regina, which was a 45 minute drive from home, within an hour. The drive to Regina was quiet. I was trying to be strong for Connor, although, with being eight, he could definitely sense there was something horribly wrong. That was, I am sure, the longest day ever, filled with uncertainty, helplessness, fear, and anger. We were told after just one night in Regina, there was nothing they could do for us, we were now being transferred to Saskatoon. Now we would be further from home, further from my family and other children. Upon arrival to the Saskatoon Royal University Hospital, I instantly felt more at home and accustomed quickly to the decision made. After a CT scan, and MRI were done, it was determined that the tumour was wrapped around the carotid artery, and that surgery would not be 1011 University Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0K4 Phone:306-244-5802 possible as it was much too dangerous. On May 10th, Connor had his first biopsy. After nearly two weeks of eagerly awaiting the pathology report, we were told it came back as inconclusive. By this time, the tumour was creating so much pressure on his nerves that he was throwing up constantly, in severe pain from headaches, as well as it had caused a type of palsy in his left eye causing it to remain closed. May 31st, he had a second biopsy performed through the back of his ear. After a long 7.5 hour surgery, coming only 1mm away from the carotid artery, Board Members President Kaylynn Schroeder Vice President Bette Boechler Directors Roger Arnold Patricia Cook Jim Flath Curt Halpenny Krista Hamstra Ken Howland Ken Malenfant Dorothy Myo Doug Osborn Annette Pilipiak Staff Executive Director Tammy Forrester Director of Family & Volunteer Services Marcelline Zimmer Volunteer Coordinator Kim Gilbert Finance & Office Manager Marg Coverett Admin Assistant Faye Marcoux Housekeeper Glovelyn Wad-As Resident Evening Supervisor Irene Hildebrandt Privacy Statement Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan/The Friends of Saskatchewan Children Inc does not sell, trade or lease the personal information of its donors. I felt a sigh of relief that it was over, but also knew we again had to wait for the results, and this time, with his health deteriorating quickly, it was worse than before. During the waiting time, we met with the Oncologist, who suggested we “buy some time”, and start a general round of chemotherapy. “Even though we don’t know exactly what we are dealing with, it could possibly stop the tumour from growing, and relieve some pressure before more damage is created” he had said. As scary as it sounded, we knew we had to do something, so we agreed. It was amazing! They ran 48 hrs of straight chemotherapy, and by the end of that week the vomiting had stopped, his pain had subsided, and he was soon going to be coming off all pain medications. This marked the first signs of any hope in weeks. Thankfully, he was feeling better as we still anxiously awaited the report. This time it took 3 1/2 weeks, and unbelievably, it came back as UNDIAGNOSED. Family, friends, and nurses were asking for answers and we had none. All we knew was that he had a small blue cell tumour that was aggressive and malignant. At this time, we were looking at yet another biopsy, however, I didn’t have much faith in pathology at this time, and my poor boy had been through so much already, I wanted other options. I knew we would not get the “proper” diagnosis without another biopsy, but with him reacting so well to the chemo, and feeling the best he has in weeks, we decided to weigh the options. After much consideration, second opinions, family meetings and discussions with doctors, Connor was placed on the treatment plan for Ewing Sarcoma, which included many rounds of chemo and five straight weeks of radiation, followed by more chemo. After already spending countless nights in the hospital, I knew we still had a long way to go, but I had promised Connor he would not go through this alone. The social worker from the RUH had suggested we stay at the Ronald McDonald House during radiation as we would have to stay in Saskatoon for treatment, however, he would not have to be admitted to the hospital. Just knowing we had this option was a huge relief, as the cost of a hotel for this long was not an option as I had not worked for months now. The social worker called and made the arrangements and the ladies at Ronald McDonald House called us with the first available room. We arrived at the Ronald McDonald House, uncertain of what to expect, and I knew as soon as we walked in that the next five weeks would feel like being at “home”. It was so warm and welcome. We were greeted every day by the staff as well as the many volunteers just like we were family. We were able to establish a routine, walk to the hospital for treatment and simply enjoy life without the extra worries. It didn’t take long for Connor to figure out exactly which days the ladies came in to make fresh cookies or cinnamon buns, and the thought of having a pop machine in your own house was like heaven to him. He adapted very well. During our stay, we met a lot of other families, and although we were all there for different reasons, we could all relate in one way or another. There are a lot of amenities that a person seems to forget about in these trying times and RMH had them covered. There was a computer for everyone to use, a phone to make long distance calls to family back home, a very clean environment and always endless support. It takes special people with a lot of love to constantly give support and provide for those in need at stressful times and being able to give kids what they need most, their families. Since our stay at the RMH, I can truly appreciate why it is “the home that love built”. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 2 President’s Message . Kaylynn Schroeder The For Every Family Capital Campaign was an overwhelming success and as a result, our dream of an expanded House will become a reality in early 2014. The hard work of our volunteers, staff and Board has ensured that we will continue to deliver on our mandate to provide a home-away-from home for families and their sick children while getting medical treatment in Saskatoon. The House will become a home to many families in the future and it is our hope that they will be as comfortable as possible in our home during their stay. As you can imagine the change in operations at the House is significant as we transform from 13 to 34 bedrooms. However, we are all up to the challenge and are working hard to ensure that we have minimal disruption for our families during the changeover. My sincere thanks to everyone who has played a part in the expansion as this is truly a major milestone in the history of the House and I know that the families we serve are grateful for everyone’s effort in making this a reality. Farewell to the Families and Volunteers . Irene Hildebrant I have been privileged to have a very special home for the past sixteen years. Having volunteered since 1990 as weekly office relief, Joyce Brooks, House Manager approached me in 1997 to take on the responsibility of a Resident Evening Supervisor. It was quite a learning experience for me and I thank Joyce for her guidance and patience. Her successor, Lorraine Johannson, was a great support to me and very accommodating. One of the best things about living at RMHS has been the opportunity to meet so many wonderful families. Their gratitude for the facility and their kindness during the most trying of circumstances has been very humbling for me. Thankfully, the new expansion will eliminate the long wait time for accommodation. And this House would not be a home without the Volunteers. I have met so many volunteers during the past 16 years, whether it was on an annual, monthly, weekly or occasional basis. I am so grateful to have worked with you. Those memories are and will continue to be very special. My gratitude and best wishes are extended to Tammy, Marce, Marg and all staff as you continue to serve the many families of Saskatchewan. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 3 Kellie’s Family Kellie, Alex, Julia, Baby Cecily, Dad Dave and Mom Jennifer In July 2013 our family was in the midst of summer holidays. We had just finished swimming lessons and were planning our camping trip. Our daughter Kellie had been sick off and on since the end of June. It really seemed like nothing more than a cold or flu at first but it just wouldn’t clear up. She had already been on antibiotics twice when on the morning of July 26 she woke up and her legs hurt so bad that she couldn’t even get out of bed to walk to the bathroom across the hall. I immediately phoned our family doctor and made an emergency appointment for late that morning. Our doctor ordered blood and urine tests along with x-rays, and asked us to make an appointment for Monday morning to go over the results. The next day was Saturday. At 9:50 AM the phone rang. It was the hospital, our doctor wanted us to come in to the hospital immediately and go over the results from Kellie’s tests. My heart sank and my stomach was in my throat, I instantly knew it wasn’t going to be good news on a Saturday morning. I could hardly believe the doctors words “Hey guys. I’ve got some bad news, it looks...... it looks like Kellie has.....Leukemia.” He called the pediatric oncologist in Saskatoon and insisted that we come right away. Soon after being admitted into RUH Kellie had more tests done and it was confirmed that our little girl had leukemia. It was just 4 days after her fourth birthday. The following Monday Kellie had her first bone marrow and lumbar puncture done. Then on Wednesday she had her port or as we have come to know it her “magic button” put in . Through here she would receive all her chemo, and other fluids that she would need to have through the course of her treatment. During those first two weeks I barely left the hospital. Sometimes only for an hour or so to go pick up something that Kellie or I needed but only if there was someone else who could stay with her. As the day for her to get discharged from the hospital got closer the nursing staff and the social worker from the cancer clinic urged us to look into the Ronald McDonald House as we needed to stay in the city for a while as Kellie was having to make visits to the cancer clinic three days a week . The day before Kellie was released from the hospital we got a room at RMH. I walked over that afternoon to take a break from the hospital. As soon as I walked in I was greeted with warm smiles and friendly Hellos. I was given the tour of the house. I immediately felt comfortable and knew that this would be a great place for Kellie to rest in between treatments. It was late in the day on August 9 when we were finally done all of Kellie’s meds and discharged from the hospital. The nurses said we could stay and leave in the morning but Kellie insisted that she was done there. She was not spending one more night in that hospital bed. So we packed all of our stuff up and made the move to RMH. To be honest Kellie was a little disappointed when we first pulled up. She thought that we were actually staying at the McDonald’s Restaurant. It didn’t take long for me to convince Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 4 her that this House would be better for resting at. In the morning Kellie was very hungry and since we hadn’t had a chance to go shopping we raided the community cupboard and fridge for some cereal and then later at lunch we had some Kraft dinner. Not having to worry about what we were going to eat or having to go grocery shopping right away made this transition a little easier for us. Later that day my mom and dad came by with our other children and all the kids were able to play together before they had to head home that night. That was everyone’s first trip to the toy cupboard. All my kids’ faces lit up as those doors opened and they saw shelves full of toys and they could pick anything they wanted. For days after they went home they talked about that incredible toy closet. Every morning we were greeted downstairs by cheery smiles. The staff always wanted to know how Kellie was doing today. They were also very helpful in finding activities for us to do on the days Kellie didn’t have treatment and for when Dave and the other kids came down to see Kellie and I. Kellie was on some medication that our family came to know as “the cranky medicine”. Kellie would have such mood swings she would be grumpy and irritable one minute and crying the next. There were so many days she would sit at the counter in the kitchen with her head in her hands, she looked so sad. She didn’t want to go and do anything; she didn’t want to play with the other kids in the house. I remember the first time Dave brought our kids down to see us. Kellie changed. It was the first real smile I had seen on her face in days. Just being able to have her brother and sisters with her gave her that piece of normal that she wanted and needed so badlyy when everything had been turned upside down. rest and not have long days of travelling to and from home combined with the exhaustion of the chemo itself. It makes it easier on Dave and I not having to eat in restaurants and pay for hotels all the time. I can’t imagine how we would have made it through those first weeks without RMH and I know that it will continue to have an impact on our families’ life throughout the course of Kellie’s treatment. Every time we come we are greeted with friendly smiles and people who really care about how treatment is going (and jars full of fresh cookies which helps make anyone feel at home). Kellie’s treatments are ongoing and we continue to stay at RMH. It makes it easier on her that she can Mission Statement “Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan provides a supportive home away from home in Saskatoon for the families of sick children.” Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 5 Dear Parent of a Sick Child Posted by barrentoblessed – Caroline Bailey Hello there. How are you? No, really… how are you? I’m sure you are tired, worried, overwhelmed, desperately seeking normalcy, and wondering when your child will get better. I hope my words bring you encouragement. When I was a sick child, I remember being cared for by adults. I remember the adults that surrounded my bedside whispering encouragement into my ears. I remember never waking up alone in my hospital room, never wondering if I would be taken care of, and never imagining that I was not loved. My memories are mostly like flashes from a movie screen. These moments are frozen in time. I knew I was in an immense amount of pain, but I don’t remember the pain. I don’t remember the struggle to survive. I don’t remember my body being ravaged by infection. I don’t remember these moments at all. I do, however, remember the love I felt in the room. I remember the gentle rubbing of my arms, the softness of someone holding my hand, the brushing away of my hair from my eyes, and the kisses on my face. I remember these things. I remember receiving cards, letters, balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, and just about anything else that would bring a smile to me. I remember waking up with my parents there….all of the time. Even when I was in and out of consciousness, I remember them. I also remember my parents never showing their fear, despite being filled with it. I remember how they showed great strength; even though their bodies wore the trappings of exhaustion. I remember their caring hands, their patience with my recovery, and their filling-in to meet my daily needs. I remember being told I was a “little trooper”, and that my will to live was stronger than any illness. I remember my mother giving me baths in the hospital, and my dad holding my hand as often as he could. Please, dear parent, please know that your presence is precious to your sick child. Your bravery is beautiful, and your courage is contagious. Don’t stop fighting for your child. Don’t stop asking questions about treatment options. Don’t stop whispering sweet words of hope into your child’s ears. These words will resonate deep down in your child. Tell your child how much you love them. Tell your child that he or she is the bravest little one you have ever seen. Tell your child stories of healing. Tell your child that he or she is a superhero. Give your child the hope that you are clinging to. Pray for your child; pray over child; and ask others to join in your prayers. Your child knows you are there. He or she knows it, even if not awake. Don’t forget that. You are the most significant person in his or her life. You matter. Please, dear parent, please know how much you mean to your sickly child. Hang in there. You are in a situation that you never dreamed you would be in. You would give anything to trade positions with your baby, but you cannot. I know how hard that must be for you. Dear Parent of a Sick Child, get some sleep. Ask for help. Take care of yourself. You are a superhero. You are a trooper. Your will is strong. Don’t forget these things. Bless you, dear parent, bless you. Thank you for striving for the best care for your child. Thank you for holding his or her hand in the middle of many sleepless nights. Thank you for putting on the bravest face you can during this difficult time. Dear Parent of a Sick Child, what you are doing matters. Your strength, your wisdom, your love, your hope, your courage, and your presence are the greatest gifts you can give your child. Don’t forget that, and don’t be discouraged. Vision Statement “Giving sick children what they need most . . . the presence and support of their families” Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 6 We Are Families! Mikaela, Braeden and Anikin, children of Christa and Amory, were all smiles abo ut going home to Onion Lake, SK after their visi t to the toy cupboard. Ronel, Ritchelle and baby Raisa of Nipawin, SK are so grateful to stay at the House and spread their sunshine to everyone. Bryan and Jennifer W right holding bab y Jackson an of Tisdale, SK db complete as their little fa aby Lily look so mily contin grow and th ues to rive. ily is from Swift ummer, whose fam SSu d t a lot of laughter an Current, SK brough C t ouse, with her swee happiness to the H all our ed ur pt ca e ture. Sh smile and gentle na hearts. Auntie Sav annah Dan iels, Preston Chantal Ch , Kingston arles, all of and mom Pri able to leav e the hospit nce Albert, SK are fi nally al and go h ome. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 7 House Wish List Due to the expansion, RMHS has very little storage space. This Christmas the staff and volunteers are wishing for gift cards to help us support families on an “as needed basis”. Gift cards that would be greatly appreciated include: restaurants (casual family dining), movie nights, groceries and taxi cards Make the House a Campaign Ca ampaign To learn more about this campaign and how you can help, please visit In a few short months, the doors to Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan (RMHS) will re-open to 34 guestrooms and 43,000 square feet of living space for our families. We have a lot to do to make our new House “a home”. In an effort to assist our donors and the community who contact us during the holiday season, the staff and volunteers at RMHS have created the “Make Our House a Home” campaign. The campaign will officially launch December 1st, 2013 and will assist in communicating the specific needs of the House that will help furnish, equip and decorate the House and, in short, make the House a “home”. Individuals or groups who would like to help are asked to visit our gift registries with local merchant partners either in-store or on-line. Here you can purchase or help purchase the specific items on our list to help make our House a home. Items on the list will fit any budget and range from small to big, they include: cutlery, bowls, bake-ware, pots & pans, small appliances, knife sets, cutting boards, utensils, baskets, baby monitors, play-pens, strollers, towels, furniture and numerous décor items. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 8 Kim’s Volunteer Vision Since the start of my work at Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan (RMHS), I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say, “there’s just something about this place”, or “it just feels good here”; there’s no denying the House has a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ something unexplainable - like magic. The kind of magic that even when you think there is no possible way, things come together to care for the many families who make RMHS their temporary home. Perhaps this ‘magic’ is really more like dedication, compassion, common vision and hard work. Perhaps it’s all of these attributes combined that make the magic happen. And when combined, they add up to a safe and comfortable home that offers a sliver of security for families during a challenging or uncertain time in their lives. Our volunteer team works their magic every single day, as hours are spent answering phones, providing nourishing meals, baking tasty treats, cleaning, organizing, gardening, carrying suitcases, changing light bulbs, decorating for the changing seasons, lending a listening ear, and much, much more. These are hours filled with selfless service and compassion, and it is clear that our volunteer team is passionately committed to the mission of the House. In addition to all these activities that make the House a home, we are undertaking the huge endeavor of a 43,000 square foot renovation and addition! I am so excited by what we will be able to offer the families, and realize it will take all hands on deck to Verdyne the Grocery Grabber Definitely in Fashion make this project a reality. And I have no doubt that we will thrive through this process. This is a team full of expertise, dedication and elbow grease. Not only will the work get done, it will be done excellently. Some days I just can’t believe my luck. It is a great privilege to be a part of this amazing team, and every day I come to work I am both inspired and humbled by the generosity and compassion around me. I can’t imagine a more exciting time at RMHS, and I’m so happy to get to be a part of the ‘magic’. Our volunteer team comes from across the province. If you want to know how you can help out, please call 306-244-5700 or email avis – Kathy, Susan and M Marlene the Pink Cowgirl and her sidekick Dolly Parton Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 9 Our Volunteers The Heart of the Home 5 Year Award 5 year awards Paula and Greg Goosen Leah Hientz Rose Silzer-Quinn and Brian Quinn Tracey Schreiner New Volunteers Ashley Bowering Shawn Bursey Denise Cheke Piper Clarke Nicole Crerar Daniel Dahlman Kim Day Lauren Donauer Cameron Drummond Leon Gammer Dana Hawkes Tyler Grand Stefanie Kingsbury Daisy Lieu Cai-lei Matsumoto Donna Merasty Verdyne Miller Jenna Neufeld Kelsey Olson Twyla Pearce Susan Putz Dionne Reed Jaime Storch Jesse Thomson Craig Wilson Pam Wilson Deanne Wick Evan Zurloff gall, Dou c M Cara los, ish, uc m e chuk N ne D i n l a e i Nim u v t q a c Vi P a J epp, ern L V , p Lep Julie 10 year awards Denise Ploss 15 year awards Sandra and Dennise Piche Jessica Foster of Prairie Thistle Designs volunteers her expertise and knowledge in the production of the newsletters; you can view her website @ Rose Drebit Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 10 Gabrielli Family Baby Lexie and Cooper RMH staff was amazing. In the mornings we would have coffee and a chat with Joanne, Marg and Faye. In the evening we would see Irene and find out how she was doing. My mom and I enjoyed having the opportunity to volunteer at the monster trucks rally at Credit Union Centre with Tammy selling 50/50 tickets. We were lucky enough during our stay to meet some wonderful families who were going through similar things as us. It definitely helped to talk to others in the kitchen and get to know some of the families. One family have been coming to the house for 9 years! Another family comes once a month for appointments. We were lucky enough to see them twice while we were there. On M Monday, nd JJanuary n r 14th 14th, 2013 2013, I h had d an n emergency C-section at Royal University Hospital. It was eight weeks before my due date of March 8th. At the gestational age of 32 weeks my twin babies, a boy and girl, were immediately brought to the NICU. Lexie was born at 2 lbs. 9 oz. and Cooper was born at 4 lbs. 7 oz. Lexie’s water broke on Sunday. Cooper was lying on top of Lexie in the womb and went into respiratory distress. Cooper was intubated the first day he was in the NICU. Lexie also had mild respiratory distress and was considered an IUGR baby (intrauterine growth restricted). We were told by the NICU doctors and nurses that they would have to stay in the hospital until they were at least 35-36 weeks gestational age. Over the course of their stay they would have to learn to feed, grow and maintain their temperature. After Aft r discovering di rin the th twins t in would ld be b in the hospital for at least the following three weeks we had to determine where to stay while in the city. While I was still in the hospital, a social worker suggested my husband, Bryon and I try and stay at the Ronald McDonald House. She graciously called and organized getting us a room. We were lucky enough to have a room directly after I was released from the hospital. On the Friday we checked into the Ronald McDonald House and were welcomed by Marcelline, Linda, Marg, Faye and Tammy. Linda gave us the house tour and showed us our room. Bryon and I were stunned by how wonderful the house looked. Our room had bunk beds, another bed, two lazy boys, a television and a sink. At the Ronald McDonald House we began to feel like we were part of a family. The Seven weeks later, on Sunday, March 3rd, Lexie was finally released from the hospital. Cooper had just been released four days prior. Throughout our time in the NICU we thought we were going home many times but the twins suffered some setbacks. Lexie had a perforated intestine. Cooper got a urinary tract infection. They both had blood in their stools which led to the discovery that they were allergic to cow protein. The Ronald McDonald House was the “rock” that held us together during the seven week roller coaster. We could always count on being five minutes away from the hospital, being able to go back to the house, eat delicious homemade cookies, and to feel like we were at our home (away from home). Thank you to everyone who makes the Ronald McDonald House a special place where families can feel at home. The staff, volunteers and people who donate have made a difference in our life. With Love Melissa and Bryan Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 11 OUR THANKS for your compassion, generosity and commitment Through Your Support of our Annual Newsletter RMHS is able to raise significant funds for the House. Thanks to All of You that so generously donate. You raised over $100,952.00 last year!! House Events/Third Party Fundraising Media Fashion Show Our 20th Annual Fashion Show held on November 7th, 2012 raised $39,630 for the House from the support of those in attendance; the models; media; volunteers and Sponsors . . . Platinum Bayer CropScience ~ Cameco ~ McCafe’ McDonald’s Gold Cargill ~ ICR Commercial Real Estate ~ Merlin Ford Lincoln ISO 9001 Silver SaskTel ~ Saskatoon Fastprint ~ Sheraton Cavalier Hotel ~ WestJet McDonald’s Proceeds from the Saskatoon and Regina McDonald coin boxes of $37,800 were collected for the House from January thru to October of 2013. Prince Albert McDonald’s coin boxes collected $6,680 and Swift Current McDonald’s coin boxes collected $780 ~ RMHC Canada coin box collected $10,105 Thanks to you, We're helping keep families together when they need it most Midtown Plaza Annual Gift Wrap Christmas Annual Event held in December at Midtown Plaza. 2012 Gift Wrap generated $19,650 for the House. Since 1991, the total raised to date is over $148,650 25th Anniversary Celebration of CUC In February, John Brodsky of the Saskatoon Blades organization and Mark Lane, CEO, Affinity Credit Union presented 1/3 of the proceeds from the 50-50 draw at the 25th Anniversary celebration of CUC; courtesy of Saskatchewan Credit Unions, Credit Union Centre and the Saskatoon Blades. Thanks to your generous support, we raised $130,000 for Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan. Motorsports Spectacular ©2013 McDonald’s Motorsports Spectacular Presented by Engine Shield Metal Treatment held February 13th, 14th and 15th at Credit Union Central roared in with $13,525 ; the proceeds to RMHS from the daily 50/50 raffles. Families and volunteers helped sell tickets at the event. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 12 Maximum Training for the Trucking Industry Golf Tournament/rainy, cold, windy day in June Wise words from Earl Driedger, organizer of the golf tournament “Today, as I sat, sad and lonely staring at the rain, a voice came to me from afar. It said “Cheer Up, things could be worse!” and I thought about it . . . . We had survived the longest winter in SK history, we live in the most prosperous city in North America, we have survived the recession so far, my children and family are healthy; and through rain and wind we will golf for RMHS for the 13th Annual Whack Truck Golf Tourney. With the help of rain gear and shrink wrap the tourney raised $11,000 Teresa Thompson donated to the House. Teresa Thompson with her 3 beautiful children, Keatan 5, Sage 2 and baby Paisley 9 mos; brought 3 bags of toys for the children in the House. Keaton had celebrated his 5th birthday and all the gifts he had received were McCannell Financial Group Ltd The 28th Annual Ladies Golf Classic Held July 8th and 9th the Classic raised $51,432 for the House. Our thanks to the golfers, donors, patrons, and volunteers . . . . Presenting Sponsor Dakota Dunes Casino Opening Brunch/Banquet Sponsor Rick & Laurie Hopkinson Breakfast and Lunch RedHead Equipment Ltd Cart Coronary Artery Rehabilitation Group Hole Sponsors Agrium ~ Braid Flooring & Window Fashions ~ BHP Billiton Canada Ltd ~ Business Furnishings ~ Chianti Café & Restaurant ~ Coca Cola Ltd ~ March Schaffel Architects ~ McDonald’s Restaurants – Regina & Saskatoon ~ Mega Group/Brand Source ~ Sask Mutual Insurance ~ Saskatoon Fastprint ~ Saskatoon Golf & Country Club ~ Saskatoon Media Group ~ Seventy-Seven Signs ~ Shaughnessy Electric Inc ~ The Co-Operators ~ The Kilduff Wealth Advisory Group ~ The Star Phoenix ~ Silent Auction Flights WestJet ~ Mega Group North Rim 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament North Rim has chosen RMHS as their Charity of Choice hosting the 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament held August 13th at the Saskatoon Golf and Country Club. Surpassing last year’s proceeds of $16,500 with the proceeds being $19,000 this year. hosted the first Donald Fore Ronald Golf Tournament on July 25th raising $7,000. McCannell family and staff toured the House and presented proceeds to Tammy Forrester, Executive Director. Huge thank you for this fundraiser and the generosity of the McCannell Financial Group Saskatoon Corporate Challenge The Saskatoon C o r p o r a t e Challenge and Thirty6 Events is extremely pleased to announce our donation of $25,500.00 to the Ronald McDonald House of Saskatchewan on behalf of the Saskatoon business community. This money will be used to purchase equipment for the new fitness center that will be built as part of the addition to the Ronald McDonald House that is underway. Each year the winning team of the Saskatoon Corporate Challenge gets to select the charity where all money raised will be donated to the following year. Stantec won the Corporate Challenge in 2012 and selected the Ronald McDonald House of Saskatchewan in 2013. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 13 27 rooms left! Give a family the gift of comfort this year through our Adopt-ARoom program. Your annual gift of $10,000 for three years will provide a cozy room for a deserving Saskatchewan family, allowing them to stay together at a time when no family should be apart. Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 14 Mark Your Calendars! Coffee Break +(5"3#1#5+&508/-#;# .IP?G<?LNBU$?=NB I@ NB? IJ?L;NCHA =IMNM I@ ; LIIG @IL ; @;GCFS >OLCHA NB? >OL;NCIH I@ NB?CL &ILGIL?CH@ILG;NCIHNI PIFOHN??LJF?;M??G;CF-;LF?H?;N >G@LI?M? M;MEN?FH?N MN;S ;N NB? (IOM? ! =IHNLC<ONCIH I@ ; S?;L @IL ; =IGGCNG?HN I@ S?;LM QCFF ACP? MOJJILN NI @;GCFC?M %#11:#: -;SNB ;N NB? 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(IOM? @??F QCNB;FGIMNNLCJF?NB?HOG<?LI@@;GCFC?M MB;LCHA=IGGIHMJ;=?QCNBIH?;HINB?L Connect with us 4;GGS&ILL?MN?LW%R?=ONCP?$CL?=NIL 7CNBNB?=;J;=CNSI@NB?(IOM?ALIQCHA NI@;GCFC?M<?CHAM?LP?>;N;NCG?Q? Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to become fans of organizations and connect with them through sharing stories and photos. ;L?@;=?>QCNBCH=L?;M?>L?KOCL?G?HNMNI “Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan” !>IJN;2IIGJLIAL;GQBC=BCM<?CHA L;CM? @OH>M NI B?FJ MOJJILN NB?G QBCF? NB?S MN;S QCNB OM /H? I@ IOL ?R=CNCHA >IHILIJJILNOHCNC?MCMIOLL??HPCMCIH?> BCABFCABN?> CH NBCM H?QMF?NN?L ? !>IJN;2IIGJLIAL;GACP?MNB?>IHIL ;H IJJILNOHCNS NI MOJJILN @;GCFC?M NBLIOABION NB? S?;L 3OJJILNCHA NBCM JLIAL;G QCFF ;MMCMN OM CH =IP?LCHA Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 15 Gifts “In honour of” gifts recognize or celebrate special occasions of individuals, family, and friends, while “memorial” gifts are made in lasting memory of loved ones. Ronald d McDonald House Saskatchewan thanks those family members and friends who have paid tribute to special individuals. Over the years, the House has been the grateful beneficiary of Bequests and In Memory Of donations. Now we are also able to accept gifts of publically traded securities, and life insurance policies, your professional advisor can tell you about the associated tax and legal advantages. In Honour of Tyler Puetz and Family John and Tillie Jessica Calder Florence Cathcart Symenuk Leah Heintz and Corey Dick Maria Dressler Hunter Drohomereski Don and Norma Eley Ottenbreit Family Donovan Fraser Jordyn Fry Thomas Gallipeau Baby Cole Gilbert Henning Shirley Gould William and Diane Gow St. Paul’s Hospital Dorothy Jackson PINK Hard Hat Week - Jansen Discovery Lodge Team Randie Kappelers Arden Kliewer Jack and Fern Lloyd Linda Loessin TCU Wealth Management Team Byron and Audrey Moore Kayla Smith’s Pappy and Grandma Shyanne Parsons Midtown Plaza/Primaris Management Jim and Penny Rogers Janelle and Christopher Samoila Wedding Don and Hazel Smith Isabella Stewart Wallace Jason Sturgeon Darren and Rose Sweeney Lucky the unforgettable girl Rick Thibault Keatan Thompson All Clients of Troy Nagy CIBC Sara Umana Armstead Vukman Wedding Spencer and Taylor’s Wedding Margaret White Bobby and Heather Williston Wedding Koby and Mya Zimmerman In Memory of John Affleck Derek Andrusiak Jenny Armstrong Fred Avery Tom Bacon Pearl Ballan Wilfred Black Estate of Roy Blanchard Ralph Blondin Douglas Booth Dorothy Browne Ian Buckwold Marie Bussiere Beryl Chesepuschak Eleanore Chrispen George Claggett Alan Corrigall Derek Crellin Anne Crook Alan Early John Edel George Eiwanger Betty Empey Maxine Ferguson Marcel Ferland Nicole (Niki) Flahr Jason Froshaug Dr. Ka-Iu Fung Geoffrey Gilchrist Abby Goddard Derek Michael Gray Murray Green Mr. Grimson Virginia Hamm Cory Heffernan Jack Heffernan Marvin Henning Mary Heskett Carol Hickson Baby Esther Rose Hodgson Elmer Hoyseth Lillian Hromek Robert Hundeby Lynette Jackson Elsie Johns John Kachur Dave Kell Rose Kennedy Jessica Kihn Elyssa KristjansonLunnin Ardit Kurteshi C. Peter Lach Jenny Lang John Leach Emily Legebokoff Josephine Liska Ailsa Long Anna May Lyall Gray Grant J Marcoux Miles McClymont Ronald McDonald Robert McDonald Audrey McIntosh Iain McKinlay Mary McPherson Stuart McTavish William Walter Meakin Phyllis Metcalf Russ and Linnea Moen Baby Tristan Nasby Eleanor Newton Marcel Perreaux Rex Peters Vern Pfeifer Stan Pierce Baby Samuel Pompu Mavis Prystai Tyler James Puetz Irene Randall Sheldon Remenda Raelene Robson Margaret Rosenberg Nancy Rupert Riley Sack Brent Scheler Estate of Loreen Schmidt Janis Lynn Smith Dorothy Stuart Orvil Swayze Beatrice Thorpe John and Vicki Tluchak Anne Toth Johanna Van Lambalgen Melvin Vanmeter Ernest Vestre Jack Walsh Joyce Warner Robert Whitehead Jr. Sandra Wickstrom Doris Wickstrom Twyla Widdifield Becky Wiebe Cameron Williamson Anne Yasinski Irvin Yauck Gwen Yauck Mae (Cora) Young Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan — the Cookie Sheet — Fall 2013 | 16
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