Eighth Annual Meeting July 31, 2015


Eighth Annual Meeting July 31, 2015
Dedicated To The Health Of All Children
Eighth Annual Meeting
July 31, 2015
Springs Preserve
333 South Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107
Joint Providers
Dear Colleague,
I invite you to join me and your pediatric colleagues at our Eighth Annual
Meeting of the Nevada Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
on Friday, July 31, 2015 at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas.
This meeting is not just for AAP members. I particularly want to
invite nonmembers, family practice physicians and other healthcare
professionals to join us for this important update on very timely pediatric
Our Mission is to better the lives of infants, children, adolescents, and
young adults throughout the State of Nevada by improving child health
through increased access to care; legislative and community advocacy;
support of research; education of pediatric healthcare providers; and
support of the Chapter’s members.
In addition to earning 7.0 CME, by attending this meeting you will:
• Gain insight into recent medical advances.
• Greet old friends, meet new friends, and develop a network of
colleagues in your area.
To ensure your place at this invaluable meeting, please complete the
registration form at the back of this brochure and send it in today with
your check or credit information.
The opportunities available at this meeting will help you meet not only
your needs as a physician, but also the needs of the patients you serve.
I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas.
Kami Larsen, MD, FAAP
AAP President, Nevada Chapter
July 31,2015
7:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast; Exhibit Visits
7:45 Welcome - Opening Remarks
Kami Larsen, MD, FAAP, Nevada Chapter President
“Diabetes – Type 1”
Amy Darukhanavala, MD
9:00 “Measles Resurgence in the Vaccine Era”
David Di John, MD
10:00 Refreshment Break & Exhibit Visits
10:30 “Risks of Childhood Obesity & Prevention”
Rola Saad, MD
11:30 “Head Injuries & Concussion”
Johnn Trautwein, MD
12:30 1:30
2:30 Lunch & Exhibit visits
“Moody Kids: An Update of Pediatric Affective Disorders”
Lisa Durette, MD
“Autism Spectrum Disorders”
Rooman Ahad, MD
3:30 Refreshment Break & Exhibit Visits
3:45 “Treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas”
Robert Rollins, MD
4:45 Adjournment- Raffle Prize Drawing
5:00 AAP Meeting
Rooman Ahad, MD – Pediatric Neurologist, Assistant Professor, University of
Nevada School of Medicine, Pediatrics
Amy Darukhanavala, MD – Dignity Health St. Rose Hospital, Siena Campus,
Pediatric Endocrinology Dream Fund Clinic
David Di John, MD – Associate Professor, Section Chief, Pediatric Infectious
Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine
Lisa Durette, MD – Assistant Professor; Director, Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry Fellowship, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University
of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada
Robert Rollins, MD – Assistant Professor of Pediatrics – University of Nevada
School of Medicine, Clinical Instructor, Touro University, Henderson, Nevada,
Children’s Heart Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Rola Saad, MD – Adjunct Professor, Pediatric Endocrinology Department,
University of Nevada School of Medicine, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Horizon
View Medical Center
John Trautwein, MD – Medical Director, Pediatric Emergency Room –
Summerlin Hospital, Las Vegas, Nevada
UMCSN in Joint Providership w/ AAP Nevada Chapter 8th Annual Meeting
July 31, 2015 – Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, Nevada
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
• Examine changes in the epidemiology of measles over time
• Review the recent resurgence of measles in the U.S. and elsewhere
• Explain therapies/management – what is recommended for Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Discuss breaking the vicious cycle of obesity: focus on nutrition and healthy life style
• Discuss a practical, clinical understanding of the current diagnostic criteria for depression and bipolar disorder
• Discuss the proper management of both minor and severe head injuries in children
• Know the key principles of effective diabetes self-management and the diabetes care team’s role in facilitating effective self-management.Discuss the role of beta blocker treatment in Infantile Hemangiomas
Who Should
• Pediatricians • Subspecialty Pediatricians • Family Practitioners
• Fellows in Subspecialty Training • Residents (Pediatricians in Training)
• Medical Students Interested in Pediatrics • Physician’s Assistants
• Nurse Practitioners • Other Allied Health Practitioners
We wish to thank the following:
• University Medical Center (Joint Provider)
• Children’s Hospital of Nevada at UMC (Joint Provider)
Our Exhibitors and Program Sponsors (to date)
• Abbott Nutrition
• Children’s Specialty Center of NV
• Clark Count Credit Union
• Family Ties of Nevada
• Grant-A-Gift Foundation
• Immunize Nevada
• Masimo
• Maternal Child Health Coalition
• Merck
• Medimmune
• MICA – Mutual Insurance Company of Arizona
• NV State Health Division – Early Hearing Detection& Intervention Program
• Novartis
• Positively Kids
• Sanofi Pasteur
• Shepherd Eye Centers
• US Bank
• University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
• Children’s Hospital of Nevada at UMC
It is the policy of University Medical Center of Southern Nevada to ensure
balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its individually
sponsored or jointly sponsored educational programs.
Dr. Rooman Ahad, Dr. Amy Darukhanavala, Dr. Lisa Durette, Dr. Robert Rollins,
Dr. Rola Saad, Dr. Johnn Trautwein have stated they have nothing to disclose.
Dr. David Di John has disclosed he is on the Speakers’ Bureau of Sanofi-Pasteur.
The AAP Chapter Planning Committee members: Dr. Pam Greenspon, Dr.
Betsy Huang, Dr. Rani Kharrubi; Dr. Kami Larsen and Dr. Beverly Neyland
have nothing to disclose. The UMC Education Committee members: Dr.
Almeyda-Perez, Dr. David Nelson, Dr. Meena Vohra have nothing to disclose;
Dr. Chowdhury Ahsan states he has received grant/research support from Gilead
and is on the speakers’ bureau of Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim which could
be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject
of this presentation.
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the
Essentials Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education through the joint providership of University Medical Center
and the American Academy of Pediatrics, Nevada Chapter. The University
Medical Center is accredited by the ACCME to provide Continuing Medical
Education for physicians.
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada designates this educational
activity for a maximum of seven (7.0) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s).
Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their
participation in the activity.
AAP Nevada Chapter does not have a block of rooms this year however there are
many hotels in downtown Las Vegas and just south of the Springs Preserve is the
Palace Station. Please make reservations early as the rooms are on a first come,
first serve basis.
The Springs Preserve has ample parking on their premises.
If you need more information on the meeting, please contact Roberta Again at
702-383-2604 or roberta.again@umcsn.com
To register for the meeting, complete the enclosed registration form and return
it with your check made payable to: Nevada Chapter AAP, or include your
credit card information.
No refunds will be given for cancellations after July 15, 2015
Nevada Chapter AAP Eighth Annual Meeting
July 31, 2015
Name☐ MD ☐ DO
Address CityState
Daytime PhoneE-mail
CC Type
CC# Exp Date
Billing Zip Code
3 Digit Code#
Registration Fees:
Check one category that best applies. Conference includes continental breakfast,
lunch, refreshments at two breaks, all sessions and materials, and
CME documentation.
AAP Fees
☐ Member …………............................................... $99.00
☐ Nonmember .........................................................$199.00
☐ Resident & Local Pediatric Medical Student ☐ ................. No Charge
TOTAL $ Please make your check payable to Nevada Chapter AAP or credit card
information and mail to:
University Medical Center, Clinical Trials/CME
c/o Roberta Again
1800 W Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89102
No refunds will be given for cancellations after July 15, 2015
Joint Providers
333 South Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107
Springs Preserve
July 31, 2015
Eighth Annual Meeting
1800 W Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102