EASY self closing gate - piscine securite enfants
EASY self closing gate - piscine securite enfants
PISCINE SÉCURITÉ ENFANTS PRODUCED IN FRANCE SINCE 1996 EASY self closing gate for Beethoven fence in mesh Ø 16 or 30 mm and Rigid Beethoven fence Amovable EASY self closing gate •Amovable : drill in ground Ø 16 or 30 mm – 14 cm long sleeves •Central door leaf + two 15.5 cm peripheral rigid panels •Make sure floors are level and subfloors quality is very good Hook 1ml Panel in mesh EASY self closing gate onto base plate •Fixing onto base plate (screws are not provided) •Central door leaf + two 15.5 cm peripheral rigid panels EASY self closing gate 130 cm between axes Central door leaf + two 15.5 cm rigid panels 6.5 cm between axes 2ml Panel in mesh Drilling Ø 16 or 30 mm Opening towards outside : from the right to the left (it is possible to ask opening from left to right) PISCINE SÉCURITÉ ENFANTS PRODUCED IN FRANCE SINCE 1996 PLATINIUM self closing gate for Beethoven fence in mesh Ø 16 or 30 mm and Rigid Beethoven fence Ø 30 mm PLATINIUM •Fixing to the ground with plates (Screws are not provided) •Dimension overall width’s plate: 114.00 cm •Dimension between axes of the post’s fence: 112 cm (the 2 first posts near the post of the gate) •Dimension of the leaf: 93.50 cm •Plates dimensions: 13 cm (large) x 17 cm (deep) •Standard opening toward outside form right to left (it is possible to ask opening from left to right) PLEXIGLAS PLATE for EASY and PLATINIUM self closing gates To prevent hand’s passing at the level of the lock. To be fixed it on the latch sid. P I S C I N E S É C U R I T É E N FA N T S 1204 Bd Pierre Sauvaigo - 06480 La Colle sur Loup - France Tel (0033) 04 93 32 91 89 - Fax (0033) 04 93 32 91 99 - Email : psecurit@wanadoo.fr - www.barrieredepiscine.com SIRET 409 847 399 00055 – N° TVA FR 85409847399