forest and biodiversity
forest and biodiversity
FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 5-6 JULY 2013 Editors: Ir. Martina Langi, M.Sc, P.hD Ir. Johny S.Tasirin, M.ScF, P.hD Dr. Ir. Hengky Walangitan, MP Dr. Gaetan Masson Organized by: Manado Forestry Research Institute Collaboration with: Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency Sam Ratulangi University Global Environment Facility Burung Indonesia Government of North Sulawesi Province SEAMEO BIOTROP i ISBN 978-602-96800-6-5 PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY” Manado, 2013 Publised in 2013 Cover: 1.Julang Sulawesi, 2.Burung Manguni, 3.Angrek 4.Buah Jabon, 5.Capung, 6.Anoa Photo by: 1. Thomas Arndt, 2. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini 3,5. Hanom Bashari, 4. Julianus Kinho, 6. Syamsir Shabri Design and Layout: Eva Betty Sinaga and Lulus Turbianti Published by: Manado Forestry Research Institute Jl. Raya Adipura Kel. Kima Atas Kec. Mapanget Manado Telp. 0431-3666683 Email: Website: Printed by: IPB Press ii PREFACE As one the countries have known with high biodiversity because of condition of an equatorial climatic zones, Indonesia faced a variety of challenges. From about 5 million number of biodiversity in the world, 15 % of which were in Indonesia, but its utility is still below 5 % of that amount. Understanding and adequate management and extends the thing will become increasingly vital to the increasingly growing needs. In addition, any delay in step can be made Indonesia vulnerable to damage ecosystem/environment and natural resources biodiversity theft (biopiracy). Documentation of the database (database) can be the least initial capital to rescue the genetic resources that exist in our country. The proper allocation need to be held so that we are not dependent on donor countries. Further to the agreed forms of biodiversity management. The management o biodiversity can be started from the mapping, especially to determine potential areas and require treatment. With that “wealth map”, can be an economic interpretation would lead to the financial value of biodiversity Indonesia. In addition, need to also map type and the type of threats to the conservation of forest biodiversity. Organization of international seminar on this theme of “Forest and Biodiversity” is the embodiment of one the function of Manado institute research forestry namely is the service data and information science and technology research results to communities of users. The ultimate goal is to be achieved can raise and answer the needs users, for research in the future are solution for the existing problems. Prosiding contains 24 title matter discussed and 20 matter supporting and the formulation seminar based on On this occasion, we express our thanks to Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Sam Ratulangi University, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, The Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO.the result of discussion. Post, publisher of material, comittee of organized, moderator, all participant has helped to conduct seminar until constituent of proceeding. Hopefully this proceed is usefull. Manado, August 2013 Head of Manado Forestry Research Institute Dr.Ir. Mahfudz, MP NIP. 19670829 199203 1 004 iii TIM PENYUNTING Penanggung Jawab : Dr.Ir. Mahfudz, MP Redaktur : Ir. Eva Betty Sinaga, MP Editor : Dr. Ir. Martina Langi, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Johny S.Tasirin, M.ScF Dr. Ir. Hengky Walangitan, MP Dr. Gaetan Masson Sekretariat : Lulus Turbianti, S.Hut. Farid Fahmi, S.Kom. Angelina Lenak, S.S iv CONTENT Preface ......................................................................................................................... Content ......................................................................................................................... Remarks Laporan Ketua Panitia .................................................................................................... Sambutan Gubernur Provinsi Sulawesi Utara .................................................................... Sambutan Menteri Kehutanan ......................................................................................... Rumusan ...................................................................................................................... iii v ix xii xvii xxi SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF FOREST BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment to Seed Germination and Initial Growth of Bintaro (Cerbera Manghas Linn) Seedling Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri Asrinata, and Edje Djamhuri .................................. 03-16 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment for The Nest of The Critically Endangered Yellow-Crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata in Sumba Hanom Bashari .......................................................................................................... 17-32 Conservation strategy of Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus Raffles, 1821) at Dolok Sipirok Natural Reserve and surrounding area Rozza Tri Kwatrina, Wanda Kuswanda, Titiek Setyawati ........................................ 33-48 Nest Characteristics and Prospect of Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus morio) Corridor Establishment in Menamang Forest, East Kalimantan Indonesia Tri Sayektiningsih, Yaya Rayadin, Amir Ma’ruf, dan Ishak Yassir ........................... 49-58 Correlation Between Sialang Tree Diveristy (Nest of Apis dorsata Fabr.) to Honey Productivity in Siak Regency – Riau Province Avry Pribadi and Purnomo ......................................................................................... 59-68 Options for The Biodiversity Conservation of Gunung Lumut Protection Forest East Kalimantan Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard Persoon and San Afri Awang ............................................. 69-80 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth of Nine Types of Diospyros in Exitu Conservation in North Sulawesi Julianus Kinho ............................................................................................................ 81-92 Diversity and conservation status of mammals in Labanan research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, and Lipu ...................................................................... 93-106 Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau (Intsia bijuga) in Ex Situ Conservation Plot at 3 Years Old Tri Pamungkas Yudohartono, Mahfudz, and Hamdan Adma Adinugraha ............... 107-114 The Growth Variation of Several Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) Populations After Six Years In Gunung Kidul Ari Fiani dan Yuliah .................................................................................................... 115-120 v Strategy to Establishment of Ex-Situ Genetic Resources Conservation Plots of Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh) Prastyono ................................................................................................................... 121-132 Evaluation of Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm & Binn) Health at KHDTK Sumberwringin in Bondowoso for Supporting Ironwood Genetic Conservation Yuliah.......................................................................................................................... 133-143 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve : Using Simple Method in Helping the Official Authority do Long-Term Monitoring Feri Irawan ................................................................................................................. 145-164 Potential Distributions and Utilization of Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br 1844) on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara Siswadi, Grace S. Saragih dan Heny Rianawati ........................................................ 165-172 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species on Biodiversity and Conservation Management Diah Irawati Dwi Arini ............................................................................................... 173-188 The Daily Behaviour of Nuri Talaud (Eos histrio) in Captivity of Manado Forestry Research Center Anita Mayasari dan Ady Suryawan ............................................................................ 189-196 Seedling Process Technique of Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrellia ovalis Miq. Dandy) as a Local Potential Wood in North Sulawesi Arif Irawan and Hanif Nurul Hidayah ....................................................................... 197-202 The Effect of Sowing Media, Early Treatment of Seed, and Covering to the Germination of Gmelina arborea Hanif Nurul Hidayah dan Arif Irawan ....................................................................... 203-206 Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation in Abraded Small Island Using Variation of Age and Species Ady Suryawan ............................................................................................................ 207-214 Conservation of Populations of Petung Bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper) M. Charomaini and Anto Rimbawanto ...................................................................... 215-220 QUANTIFICATION VALUE AND BENEFIT OF BIODIVERSITY Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector in Indonesia Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek Setyawati, Adi Susmianto ............................................. 223-236 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation Forest Products Kristian Mairi .................................................................................................................... 237-260 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation Methods for Wildlife Sustainable Harvesting in Natural Habitats Yanto Santosa .................................................................................................................. 261-272 Policy Analysis of Forest Management in Order to Optimize Economic and Ecological Function of Land Resources in The Catchment Area of Lake Tondano Hengki Djemie Walangitan .............................................................................................. vi 273-288 Adaptation Pattern of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Cajuput Swamp Forest Hadi S. Alikodra and Reni Srimulyaningsih ..................................................................... 289-230 Flora Diversity Loss in the Bioregion of Sulawesi Elizabeth A. Widjaja and Bayu A. Pratama ...................................................................... 301-320 An Approach in Ecosystem Valuation: A Case of the Mahawu Protected Forest Martina A. Langi ............................................................................................................... 321-324 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification Study Case: Community-Based Micro Hydro in Cibuluh Village, Mt. Simpang Nature Reserve Hilda Lionata .................................................................................................................... 325-334 Financial Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants with Coconaut (Cocos nucifera. Linneaeus) Plants in Sulut Case Study at Mapanget District in Manado City La Ode Asier ..................................................................................................................... 335-344 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species for Light Construction Purposes and Pulp Materials from Peat Swamp Forest in Central Kalimantan Dewi Alimah ..................................................................................................................... 345-356 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES The Role of Local Botanic Gardens in Reducing the Rate of Flora Diversity Loss Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, Lyndle Hardstaff .............................................................. 359-370 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables for Successful Bali Mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) Conservation Intan Purnamasari ........................................................................................................... 371-384 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community Empowerment Tool in Protected Area Management Arzyana Sunkar ................................................................................................................ 385-396 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition of Secondary Vegetation Natural Forest at Bukit Naga, KHDTK Rantau, South Kalimantan Fatimah Fitriana and Sudin Panjaitan ............................................................................. 397- 416 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs for Pulp and Paper to Secure the Sustainability of Natural Resources Han Roladi, Dian Anggraini Indrawan & Rossi Margareth Tampubolon ........................ 417-442 Utilization of Natural Plant by The North Sulawesi Community as a Lowering of Diabetic Lis Nurrani and Julianus Kinho ........................................................................................ 442-452 The Succession on Grassland and Under of Johar (Casia siamea), Pinus (Pinus Jung et de Vr) Stand on Forest Research Rantau Sudin Panjaitan and Syarkani Yudi ................................................................................. vii 453-470 The Model of Optimal Forest Management Unit Area for a Sustainable Forest Resource Administration Wahyu Andayani .............................................................................................................. 471-478 Distribution Mapping and Conservation Strategies of Citron-crested Cockatoo (Cacatuasulphureacitrinocristata) in the Fragmented Forest of Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Oki Hidayat and Kayat ..................................................................................................... 479-484 Prospect of the Development of Gerunggang (Cratoxylun arborescens Bl.) as Alternative Species for Pulp at Peat Swamp Forest in Central Kalimantan Reni Setyo Wahyuningtyas .............................................................................................. 485-492 Generative Propagation of Kayupapi (Exocarpus latifolia R. Br.) at East Nusa Tenggara Aziz Umroni, Heny Rianawati and Siswadi...................................................................... 493-498 Development Technique of Cultivation of Bamboos Species in South Kalimantan Sudin Panjaitan ................................................................................................................ Propagation of Gemor (Nothaphoebe coriacea Kosterm.), Non Timber Forest Product Tree Species of Kalimantan Peat Swamp Forest Purwanto B. Santosa dan Tri Wira Yuwati ...................................................................... 499-510 511-518 Use of Indigenous Shrub and Tree as Liquid Organic Matter to Improve Soil Fertility in Supporting Sustainability Soil Management IN Prijo Soetedjo and Ida Rachmawati .......................................................................... 519-528 The Biodiversity Potential of Labanan Research Forest Nurul Silva Lestari, dkk .................................................................................................... 529-546 Exploration and Inventory of Orchids in Faruhumpenai Nature Reserve I Nyoman Peneng and Wawan Sujarwo.......................................................................... 547-560 PRESENTATION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Forests: Biodiversity and Biosecurity Prof. John Lovett ........................................................................................................ 463-471 Preaparation of the Ecosystem Profile for Wallacea Ria Saryanthi .............................................................................................................. 473-476 viii SAMBUTAN KEPALA BALAI PENELITIAN KEHUTANAN MANADO PADA SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL HUTAN DAN BIODIVERSITAS (PARALLEL EVENT OF INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “BIODIVERSITY AND INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT” Manado, 5 – 6 Juli 2013 Yang terhormat, Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Gubernur Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan Kepala Pusat Pengendalian Pembangunan Kehutanan Direktur BIOTROP Direktur Eksekutif Burung Indonesia Direktur GEF Kepala Dinas Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota yang membidangi Kehutanan Kepala UPT Kementerian Kehutanan Para tamu undangan dan peserta seminar yang berbahagia. Assalamualaikum Warakhmatullah Wabarakatuh Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Pertama-tama marilah kita memanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas KaruniaNya kepada kita semua sehingga pada hari ini kita dalam keadaan sehat wal’afiat dapat hadir di tempat ini untuk mengikuti acara Seminar Internasional dengan tema “Hutan dan Biodiversitas” yang diselenggarakan oleh Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado bekerjasama dengan Sekretariat Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Global Environment Facilites (GEF), SEAMEO BIOTROP dan Yayasan Burung Indonesia. Acara ini merupakan paralel event dari “Internasional Seminar Biodiversity and Integrated Pest Management”. Peserta seminar yang saya hormati, Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa Hutan Indonesia dengan luas 120,35 juta hektar merupakan kelompok hutan tropis terbesar ketiga di dunia setelah Brazil dan Zaire. Dalam wacana keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia menduduki posisi kedua di dunia setelah Negara Columbia. Keunikan keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia ini tidak dapat ditandingi oleh negara-negara lain di belahan dunia manapun. Keunikan tersebut antara lain Indonesia memiliki wilayah dengan tipe IndoMalaya yang sangat luas, juga tipe Oriental dan Australia serta peralihannya. Flora dan fauna langka dan spesies endemik juga menjadi bagian yang menjadikan Indonesia negara yang sangat potensial. ix Sebagai salah satu negara yang dikenal dengan keanekaragaman tinggi, Indonesia menghadapi berbagai tantangan tersendiri. Dari sekitar angka 5 juta biodiversitas di dunia, 15% ada di Indonesia namun pemanfaatannya pun masih sangat rendah yaitu hanya sekitar 5%. Pemahaman dalam pengelolaan keanekaragaman hayati untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat yang memadai menjadi kian penting dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan, namun pemanfaatan perlu juga dilandasi pada prinsip kelestarian agar keanekaragaman hayati yang kita miliki ini untuk kemudian dapat kita wariskan untuk generasi yang akan datang. Bapak/Ibu peserta seminar yang berbahagia, Sesuai dengan topik seminar yaitu “Hutan dan Biodiversitas”, perlindungan terhadap kelestarian dan tingkat keanekaragaman hayati menjadi hal yang sangat penting terutama dalam rangka pencegahan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit. Perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi memicu semakin terbukanya akses terhadap dunia luar. Keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia tidak lepas dari ancaman oleh introduksi spesies asing yang datang baik melalui perdagangan maupun kegiatan lintas sektoral lainnya. Serangan hama dan penyakit baik yang ditimbulkan oleh organisme alam maupun spesies asing (alien species) terhadap hutan alam maupun hutan tanaman memberikan dampak kerugian yang tidak sedikit. Diperkirakan sebanyak 80% spesies di dunia terancam dan menderita karena adanya kompetisi atau predasi yang disebabkan oleh hadirnya spesies asing baik dari kelompok tanaman, mamalia maupun serangga. Kerugian dengan hadirnya spesies asing akan menimbulkan potensi kerusakan lingkungan yang sulit untuk dipulihkan kembali. Kepunahan spesies organisme lokal merupakan kerusakan yang tidak dapat diperbaharui lagi. Kerugian secara ekonomi yang ditanggung suatu negara akibat adanya invasi suatu spesies di Eropa mencapai 375 juta dollar per tahun. Selain itu perubahan struktur dan komposisi komunitas keanekaragaman hayati lambat laun akan terjadi jika tidak ditangani secara tepat dan terpadu. Adapun tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam pelaksanaan seminar “Hutan dan Biodiversitas” ini adalah: 1. Mendapatkan rumusan konsep biodiversitas yang sesuai untuk wilayah negara Indonesia, terutama dalam ruang lingkup ekosistem dan sekaligus sebagai agenda pendidikan, riset dan pengembangan kapasitas masyarakat melalui pengembangan jejaring antar berbagai pihak terkait; 2. Merumuskan berbagai pendekatan yang relevan dalam melakukan kuantifikasi manfaat biodiversitas bagi kehidupan sosial-ekonomi-budaya-politik dan, 3. Merumuskan berbagai alternatif pengelolaan biodiversitas untuk wilayah negera Indonesia. Melalui seminar ini Bapak/Ibu akan mendengarkan tiga topik utama yang akan dipaparkan oleh para penyaji meliputi Ilmu dan Teknologi Konservasi Biodiversitas, Kuantifikasi dan Manfaat Nilai Biodiversitas; dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Yang Berkelanjutan. Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara-saudara sekalian yang saya hormati, Terwujudnya kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Negeri tercinta ini tidak dapat lepas dari peran dan tanggung jawab dari berbagai pihak. Peran lembaga penelitian, akademika, lembaga pemerintahan dan masyarakat diharapkan dapat menjadi satu ikatan tali yang kuat untuk bersamasama mewujudkan kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia yang merupakan kebanggaan x bangsa serta warisan kepada anak cucu kita. Seminar akan dilaksanakan satu hari di tempat ini diikuti oleh kurang lebih 300 orang dan berlangsung juga pameran. Pada besok hari kita akan mengunjungi kantor Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado untuk melakukan penanaman di areal persemaian permanen, melihat persemaian permanen yang setiap tahun menyiapkan 1 juta bibit untuk masyarakat, mendengarkan sosialisasi inseminasi anoa dan mengunjungi penangkaran anoa dan burung nuri talaud yang sudah langka dan melihat fasilitas lainnya serta berkesempatan berdiskusi antar peserta untuk meningkatkan tali silaturahmi. Pada sore nanti rencana kawan-kawan kita dari Jepang sebanyak 25 orang juga akan bergabung dan besok akan melakukan penanaman bersama. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang setinggi tingginya kepada Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Dr. S. H. Sarundajang yang telah mendukung penuh serta memberikan iklim yang kondusif Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado. Terima kasih juga kami ucapkan kepada Sekretariat Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Global Environment Facilities (GEF), Direktur Biotrop, Burung Indonesia atas kerjasamanya dalam mendukung kegiatan seminar berskala internasional ini. Terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada PT. Tirta Investama dan Balai Pengelolaan DAS Tondano yang membantu dalam kegiatan penanaman besok. Terima kasih kepada seluruh peserta yang hadir dan berpartisipasi dalam seminar dan pameran serta seluruh panitia dan pegawai Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado yang telah menyiapkan acara ini dengan baik. Akhir kata Semoga hasil-hasil seminar ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Demikian sambutan saya, semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberikan bimbingan kepada kita semua. Billahit Taufiq wal Hidayah Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Kepala Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado TTD Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, MP. xi xii SAMBUTAN GUBERNUR SULAWESI UTARA ACARA SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL “HUTAN DAN BIODIVERSITAS” JUMAT, 5 JULI 2013 PUKUL. O8.55 WITA HOTEL GRAND KAWANUA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, MANADO Selamat pagi salam sejahtera bagi kita sekalian, Assalamu’alaikum warakhmatullahi wabarakatuh, Yth : - Bapak Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia; Bapak Kepala Badan Litbang Kehutanan; Para Pejabat Struktural dan Para Pejabat Non Struktural; Para Pimpinan Perusahaan di Bidang Kehutanan; Para Kepala Dinas Kehutanan/Kabupaten/Kota; Kepala UPT Lingkup Kementerian Kehutanan; Perwakilan Lembaga Internasional; Para Hadirin Sekalian., dalam suasana yang membanggakan ini, marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat tuhan yang maha kuasa, karena atas rahmat dan anugerahnya kita dapat menghadiri acara Seminar Internasional “Hutan dan Biodiversitas”. Saya menyambut baik seminar internasional ini dan sekaligus memberikan apresiasi kepada Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado yang telah berinisiatif untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat ini. Tidak lupa saya ucapkan selamat datang kepada Bapak Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia, bapak kepala badan litbang kehutanan, para pejabat struktural dan para pejabat non struktural, para pimpinan perusahaan di bidang kehutanan, para kepala dinas kehutanan/kabupaten/kota, kepala upt lingkup kementerian kehutanan, perwakilan lembaga internasional, dan kepada seluruh peserta seminar internasional ini di bumi nyiur melambai manado. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama indonesia terletak di daerah sekitar khatulistiwa dan memiliki iklim tropis dengan curah hujan yang relatif tinggi sehingga menjadikan negara ini menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversitas) yang tinggi dan dikenal sebagai negara mega biodiversity. Disamping itu juga keanekaragaman hayati indonesia memiliki keunikan tersendiri apabila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Keunikannya adalah indonesia memiliki tipe indo-malaya yang luas juga tipe oriental, australia, dan peralihannya lengkap dengan berbagai jenis flora dan fauna langka serta spesies endemik. xiii Sulawesi utara terletak di bioregion wallacea dan merupakan salah satu provinsi di indonesia yang memiliki kondisi alam yang unik dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi. Flora fauna di sulawesi utara memiliki kekhasan tersendiri yang tidak dimiliki oleh daerah lain. Diantaranya adalah babi rusa, burung maleo, burung taong, tarsius dan ikan purba raja laut (coelacant) yang terdapat di lepas pantai manado. Selain itu juga di wilayah perairan sulawesi utara terdapat berbagai jenis ikan dan terumbu karang. Perairan sulawesi utara merupakan salah satu kawasan pengembangan dan pengelolaan wilayah laut yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat karena merupakan kawasan yang strategis dan memiliki keanekaragaman laut yang tinggi. Keadaan flora dapat dikatakan bahwa daratan sulawesi utara sebagian didominasi oleh hutan. Kelebatan hutan rimba mulai dari ketinggian 300 meter dari permukaan laut sampai pada puncakpuncak gunung dengan berbagai jenis kayu yang berkualitas baik, antara lain eboni (kayu hitam), kayu besi, kayu linggua, kayu cempaka, kayu nantu, terdapat juga rotan dan berbagai jenis dammar. disamping itu juga, banyak terdapat tanaman keras perkebunan antara lain kelapa, pala dan cengkeh. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Keanekaragaman hayati yang kita miliki ini merupakan anugerah tuhan yang sangat berharga, sebab itu keberadaan hutan beserta biodiversitasnya harus dimanfaatkan secara optimal bagi kesejahteraan bangsa. Pemanfaatan keanekaragaman hayati bagi masyarakat hendaklah dilakukan secara berkelanjutan (sustainable), sehingga manfaatnya tidak saja dapat dirasakan oleh generasi masa kini tetapi juga oleh generasi yang akan datang. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Disadari bersama bahwa keanekaragaman hayatinya memiliki banyak manfaat nyata bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Selain dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, keanekaragaman hayati juga memiliki peranan dalam mempertahankan keberlanjutan ekosistem dan yang tidak kalah penting juga bermanfaat sebagai sumber plasma nutfah serta menjadi lahan bagi penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu yang sangat berguna bagi manusia. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, bahwa saat ini hutan sebagai salah satu penentu ekosistem penyangga kehidupan telah banyak mengalami kerusakan dan berpotensi menurunkan keanekaragaman hayati yang kita miliki. Harus disadari bahwa manusia bergantung pada ekosistem dan spesies lain, dengan membiarkan kepunahan spesies dan perusakan hutan yang berlangsung secara terus-menerus sebetulnya kita sedang mengambil resiko yang sangat tidak bijaksana terhadap keberlangsungan hidup spesies kita sendiri. Dalam konteks itulah, maka kita perlu menyatukan tekad untuk bersungguh-sungguh dan mengerahkan segenap kekuatan dalam memberikan upaya-upaya konservasi terhadap keanekaragaman hayati baik itu secara in-situ maupun ex-situ demi terwujudnya kelestarian sumberdaya alam hayati serta kesinambungan sekosistemnya sehingga dapat lebih mendukung upaya peningkatan kemakmuran yang berkeadilan bagi rakyat dan mutu kehidupan masyarakat. xiv Oleh karena itu, melalui seminar internasional ini saya mengajak kita semua untuk berpikir cerdas merumuskan langkah-langkah strategis serta konsep biodiversitas dan berbagai alternatif pengelolaan biodiversitas untuk wilayah negara indonesia. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Demikianlah sambutan saya, saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang memungkinkan dapat terselenggaranya acara ini. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu memberikan lindungan dan petunjuk-nya sehingga semua acara dan kegiatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Terimakasih - Wassalamu’alaikum warakhmatullahi wabarakatuh. Shaloom....! Gubernur Sulawesi Utara, TTD Dr.S.H. Sarundajang xv xvi SAMBUTAN MENTERI KEHUTANAN PADA ACARA SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL “HUTAN DAN BIODIVERSITAS” Manado, Jumat 5 Juli 2013 Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. Yang sama-sama kita hormati: 1. Gubernur Sulawesi Utara, 2. Para Pejabat Eselon I dan II lingkup Kementerian Kehutanan 3. Para Pejabat Struktural dan Para Pejabat Fungsional 4. Para Akademisi 5. Para Pimpinan Perusahaan di bidang kehutanan 6. Para Kepala Dinas yang menangani kehutanan di Kabupaten/Kota 7. Kepala UPT Lingkup Kementerian Kehutanan 8. Perwakilan Lembaga Internasional Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Pertama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT atas berkat dan rahmat-Nya sehingga pada hari ini kita dapat berkumpul di tempat ini dalam keadaan sehat walafiat untuk mengikuti seminar internasional “Hutan dan Biodiversitas” Kegiatan seminar internasional “Hutan dan Biodiversitas” ini merupakan even parallel dari Seminar Internasional “Biodiversity and Integrated Pest Management: Working Together for a Sustainable Future” yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Sam Ratulangi bekerjasama dengan Pasific Institute. Kegiatan seminar ini juga merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Peringatan 100 tahun Litbang Kehutanan Berkarya untuk Indonesia. Para Hadirin yang terhormat, Berbicara tentang keanekaragaman hayati bukanlah berbicara semata-mata suara merdu kicau burung dan gemericik air yang mendamaikan hati. Tetapi berbicara tentang keanekaragaman hayati adalah upaya melestarikan kelangsungan kehidupan di atas bumi yang merupakan sistem yang amat kompleks dan esensial bagi kehidupan. Diskursus tentang keanekaragaman hayati seringkali tak menyentuh substansi pentingnya, yaitu rantai keterhubungan. Ketika satu jenis spesies hilang, maka satu mata rantai dari suatu ekosistem telah hilang. Semakin banyak ragam spesies yang hilang, maka ibarat mata rantainya akan putus tercerai berai tidak saling mengikat lagi. Demikian pula, suatu ekosistem yang utuh, ibarat mata rantai yang mampu menjadi pengikat tegaknya fungsi penunjang kehidupan, baik dari jumlah makhluk xvii hidup, spesies, genetik, dan sifat keragamannya yang juga merupakan syarat tersedianya jasa ekosistem. Oleh karena itu peran manusia menjadi sangat penting dalam menjaga keutuhan keanekaragaman hayati karena aktivitasnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sandang, pangan, dan papan sangat berpengaruh dalam proses proses hancur atau utuhnya suatu ekosistem. Karena sebagai salah satu Negara yang dikenal dengan biodiversitas tinggi karena kondisi klimatik ekuatorial, Indonesia menghadapi berbagai tantangan tersendiri. Tingginya biodiversitas di Indonesia ini terlihat dari berbagai macam ekosistem yang ada di Indonesia, seperti: ekosistem pantai, ekosistem hutan bakau, ekosistem padang rumput, ekosistem hutan hujan tropis, ekosistem air tawar, ekosistem air laut, ekosistem savanna, dan lain-lain. Masingmasing ekosistem ini memiliki keanekaragaman hayati tersendiri. Dari sekitar angka 5 juta biodiversitas di dunia, baik flora, fauna maupun mikro organisme, 15 % diantaranya berada di Indonesia, akan tetapi pemanfaatannya masih dibawah 5 % dari jumlah tersebut. Pemahaman dan pengelolaan yang memadai sekaligus meluas akan hal tersebut kini menjadi kian vital dengan kian meningkatnya kebutuhan. Di samping itu, segala bentuk keterlambatan dalam melangkah dapat menjadikan Indonesia rawan terhadap kerusakan ekosistem/lingkungan dan pencurian sumberdaya alam hayati (biopiracy). Saudara sekalian yang saya hormati, Pendokumentasian dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database) paling tidak dapat menjadi modal awal untuk menyelamatkan sumber-sumber genetik yang ada di Negara kita. Alokasi dana yang tepat perlu diadakan agar tidak bergantung kepada Negara donor. Selanjutnya perlu disepakati bentukbentuk pengelolaan biodiversitas. Pengelolaan biodiversitas dapat dimulai dari pemetaan, terutama untuk menentukan wilayah yang berpotensi dan memerlukan penanganan. Dengan adanya “peta kekayaan” itu, dapat diupayakan interpretasi ekonomi yang akan mengarah pada nilai financial biodiversitas Indonesia. Di samping itu, perlu dipetakan jenis dan tipe ancaman terhadap kelestarian biodiversitas hutan. Di sisi lain, tingkat biodiversitas dapat dijadikan indikator dalam menentukan penilaian lingkungan (environmental assessment). Para ahli berargumen bahwa kekayaan jenis suatu lokasi berbanding lurus dengan kekayaan sumber daya alam lokasi tersebut. Dengan demikian maka makhluk hidup yang ditemukan pada suatu kompleks hutan, dapat menggambarkan kondisi alam hutan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, kehadiran capung dapat digunakan sebagai indikator yang baik untuk menetapkan kualitas perairan setempat. Fungsi inilah yang dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan analisis lingkungan, terutama melihat perubahan tingkat biodiversitas alami akibat adanya berbagai macam kegiatan pengelolaan sumberdaya alam. Saudara-saudara sekalian, Penggunaan biodiversitas sebagai parameter lingkungan dilakukan dengan penentuan jumlah dan distribusi spesies yang ditemukan. Jumlah total spesies pada suatu daerah mewakili heterogenitas ruang daerah tersebut. Sementara itu, distribusi spesies mewakili tingkat toleransi spesies yang ditemukan, atau dengan kata lain, tingkat interaksi spesies dengan alam lingkungannya. Interaksi xviii organisme yang ada pada habitat alaminya terhadap berbagai macam kegiatan yang berdampak negatif maupun positif terhadap lingkungan alami perlu dievaluasi. Perangkat penilaian lingkungan seperti Aplikasi Analisa Resiko Lingkungan (Environmental Risk Analysis) perlu diterapkan untuk mencegah kemungkinan terjadinya kerusakan dan melihat sejauh mana potensi kerusakan yang ditimbulkan. Saudara-saudara sekalian, Sesuai dengan topik seminar, perlindungan terhadap kelestarian dan tingkat biodiversitas hutan merupakan hal yang penting, terutama pencegahan terhadap hama dan penyakit serta tidak kalah penting dari ancaman invasi jenis-jenis asing (Invasive Alien Species). Semakin terbukanya akses dunia, biodiversitas alami di Indonesia yang tinggi saat ini terancam oleh produksi jenis tumbuhan asing baik melalui perdagangan maupun kegiatan lintas sektoral lainnya. Serangan hama dan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh organisme alami maupun tanaman memerlukan penanganan yang tepat melalui pengelolaan hama dan penyakit secara terpadu. Indonesia telah memiliki Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) untuk memenuhi komitmen pada CBD. Target pada IBSAP 2003-2020 akan disesuaikan dengan Aichy Targets yang disesuaikan dengan prioritas dan kapasitas nasional. Revisi target akan dimulai dengan mengupdate status biodiversitas di Indonesia serta kebijakan dan program pengelolaannya sebagai baseline dalam penyusunan rencana dan strategi. Saudara-saudara yang saya hormati, Pagi ini pada kesempatan yang baik ini kita berkumpul di sini untuk mendiskusikan berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan hutan dan biodiversitas. Oleh karena itu, kepada seluruh peserta seminar internasional, kami berharap agar dapat memanfaatkan kesempatan yang baik ini untuk saling bertukar informasi dan pengalaman dan tidak kalah penting juga adalah membangun sinergi, koordinasi, kolaborasi dan networking yang efektif dan efisisen antar berbagai pihak yang terkait sehingga hutan di Indonesai tetap lestari dan masyarakatnya sejahtera. Demikianlah beberapa hal yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Saya mengucapkan selamat melaksanakan seminar internasional “hutan dan biodiversitas” semoga Allah SWT selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita dan bangsa Indonesia yang kita cintai ini. Dengan mengucapkan Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, seminar internasional ini secara resmi kami nyatakan dibuka. Selamat bekerja dan berdiskusi. Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. Menteri Kehutanan Zulkifli Hasan xix xx FORMULA Based on welcome speech of Minister of Forestry, Governor of North Sulawesi, keynote speaker Dr. John Lovett and Dr.Geaton Mason, and explanation the paper of speaker and discussion that developed during seminar, then the results of seminar can be formulated as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Biodiversity is important to preserve continuity of entities of life on earth which is composed by a very complex ecological system. Humans are very instrumental in keeping the wealth and biodiversity because of its activities in fulfill the needs of clothing, food and board is very influential in the process destroyed or its full ecosystem. Protection of biodiversity and sustainability of forest ecosystems and forest biodiversity level is crucial, especially in maintaining the resilience of biological prevention of pests and diseases as well as the threat of an invasion of foreign types (Invasive Alien Species). The importance of biodiversity conservation for balance nature and life support. Need to keep protect the biodiversity and controlling the induction species. Biosecurity method can be developed in accordance with the location, it is important to prevent and resolve as soon as possible. Wealth of Indonesia forest biodiversity, both flora and fauna are not only beneficial for the ecosystems but also the economic benefit. Biodiversity conservation efforts begin the process of identifying the population, habitat, threats, to breed the species as well as strategies for the improvement of the habitat. Dirumuskan di : Manado Pada Tanggal : 5 Juli 2013 Team of formulator: Chairman and interim member: Dr. Ir. Johny S. Tasirin, M.ScF. Members: 1. Prof. Dr. Hadi S. Alikodra 2. Ir. Adi Susmianto, MSc. 3. Ir. Agustinus Tampubolon, MSc. xxi SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF FOREST BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 1 2 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment to Seed Germination and Initial Growth of Bintaro (Cerbera Manghas Linn) Seedling1 Cecep Kusmana1, Satriavi Putri Asrinata1, and Edje Djamhuri2 ABSTRACT In the world, mainly Indonesia, the need of energy tends to rise up base on the increasing of economic development and population. In the other side, fossil energy supply decreased, meanwhile alternative energy resources (renewable energy resources) are not developed yet. Therefore, recently and in the future, energy diversification (including bioenergy) shall be the first priority to be done in order to guarantee energy safety. One of tree species’ having the high potential value for alternative energy resources is bintaro (Cerbera manghas) in which naturally growing in landward mangrove ecosystem. One of the aspects have to be done in supporting the bintaro sustainable utilization as alternative energy resources is the high quality seedling production. Thus, this research was aimed to consider the effect of submersion and fruit treatment to seed germination and initial growth of bintaro seedling. Our obtained results that peeled fruit skin-seed showed the better germination performance compared to unpeeled fruit skin-seed and naked-seed (extracted-seed). The bintaro peeled fruit skinseed germination performance was germination capability 100%, rate of seed growth 1.18%/etmal, and seed germination value 0.51%/day. As for both peeled and unpeeled fruit skin-seed resulted in the better initial seedling growth than that of naked-seed. Those performance of initial seedling growth for two former treatments was ranged from 7.11-8.33 cm/week for height increment, 1.261.48 mm/week for stem diameter increment, and 2.3-2.6 leafs/week for leaf number increment. Seed submersion for 4 days by both water and coconut water resulted in the similar performance of both germination and initial growth of seedlings. Base on this research, it seems that bintaro peeled fruit skin-seed, for both 4 days-submersion by water and coconut water showed the better performance of seed germination and initial seedling growth. Keywords: Bintaro (Cerbera manghas), initial seedling growth, seed germination. I. INTRODUCTION Greenhouse gas is among sources causing global warming. The burning of fossil fuel contributes the greatest emission to the greenhouse gas. The use of biofuel such as biodiesel is one alternative to overcome the environment problems. Major advantage of using biodiesel is its emission which is 1 2 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Email: 3 environmentally friendly, is easily to be reabsorbed by plants, and contains no sulfur. One of tree species that has been researched that can produce biodiesel is Bintaro ( Cerbera manghas Linn.) (Pranowo 2010). Problem faced in seed germination of Bintaro is mechanical dormancy, which is caused by the position of embryo which is protected by filamentous and thick fruit skin. Generally, almost all seeds that have mechanical dormancy problem has limitation in water absorption (Schmidt 2000). To overcome the problem, it is necessary to conduct fruit soaking and treatment before germinating seed. There has been not many research conducted for germinating bintaro’s seed. Therefore, it is important to develop a technique to germinate bintaro’s seed in order to increase the availability of bintaro’s seedlings. The objective of this research is to study the effect of fruit soaking and treatment towards seed germination and initial growth of Bintaro’s seedlings. The research result will be have benefit to enlarge knowledge on culture technique of Bintaro. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS A. Research site and period The research was conducted from August to December 2011 in the Nursery and Greenhouse of Silviculture Department, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. B. Research materials and equipments Materials used were ripe bintaro fruit with pinkish green or black color, pure water, 100% coconut water, sand, polybag, and fungicide. Tools used were knife, caliper, and camera. C. Research methods Research step Bintaro’s fruit picking was conducted in Nuansa Asri Laladon Housing Complex in Ciomas, Bogor, West Java. The fruits were then treated by dividing them into three categories, i.e. without fruit’s skin peeling, extraction (separating the seed from the fruit pulp), and peeled fruit’s skin (peeling fruit’s skin until the filamentous part of the seed is seen). Then, each of those three fruits categories were soaked into pure water or coconut water for 4 (four) days. After the fruits soaking, those fruits were planted in polybags containing sterilized sand. The sand was sterilized by roasting the sand for 1 (one) hour. Maintenance conducted were watering, weeding, and protecting from pest and disease. Germination and growth response The observation of seed germination was conducted weekly until the 15th week (105 days after planting). The observation of seed growth was conducted on the 77th days after planting up to the end of the research. After the observation was completed, then the calculation of germination potential, growth speed, germination value, increment of seedling height, increment of stem diameter, and increment of total leaves were conducted. a. Germination potential The germination potential was calculated as follows (Direktorat Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan 2000): Germination Potential (%) = 4 number of normal seedlings u 100 number of fruits or seeds sown International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri b. Growth rate The growth rate was calculated by Thronebery and Smith formula (Sadjad et al. 1999): ¦ Growth rate (% per etmal) tn 0 N t where: N t : percentage of normal germination at each observation (%) : observation period (etmal) c. Germination value The germination value was calculated by Czabator formula (Czabator 1962 in Sadjad et al. 1999): PV u MDG Germination value (% per day) where: PV (% sprout/day) = MDG (% sprout/day) = % highest germination rate number of days needed % germination at the end of the germination period total number of days of observation d. Increment of seedling height The weekly increment of seedling height was calculated by differential formula (Prodan 1968 in Latifah 2004): ¦ Weekly increment of seedling height = Tn 0 (Hn 1 Hn ) (Tn 1 Tn ) Tn where: Hn 1 : height (cm) at week n + 1 Hn : height (cm) at week n Tn : observation week n e. Increment of stem diameter The weekly increment of stem diameter was calculated by differential formula (Prodan 1968 in Latifah 2004): ¦ Weekly increment of stem diameter = Tn 0 (Dn 1 Dn ) (Tn 1 Tn ) Tn where: Dn 1 : diameter (mm) at week n + 1 Dn : diameter (mm) at week n Tn 1 : observation week n + 1 Tn : observation week n 5 f. Increment of total leaves The weekly increment of total leaves was calculated by differential formula (Prodan 1968 in Latifah 2004): ¦ Weekly increment of total leaves = Tn 0 ( X n 1 X n ) (Tn 1 Tn ) Tn where: X n 1 : total leaves at week n + 1 Xn : total leaves at week n Tn 1 : observation week n + 1 Tn : observation week n Experimental design Experimental design used was Complete Factorials Randomized Design (CFRD), with two main factors, namely soaking and fruit treatment, with three replications. Each replication was consisted of 10 (ten) individu. There are two main factors, i.e.: - Factor A : Fruit Soaking A0: Soaking with pure water A1: Soaking with coconut water - Factor B : Fruit Treatment B0: without fruit’s skin peeling B1: extraction B2: peeled fruit’s skin Data analysis Data analysis was conducted using ANOVA and Duncan test. 6 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Results The analysis of variance on the effect of fruit soaking and treatment towards seed germination and initial growth of bintaro’s seedlings (C. manghas) is presented in Table 1. Table 1. The analysis of variance on the effect of fruit soaking and treatment towards seed germination and initial growth of Bintaro’s seedlings A B A×B Germination Potential Parameter ns ** ns Growth Speed ns ** ns Germination Value ns ** ns Increment of Seedling Height ns ** ns Increment of Stem Diameter ns ** ns Increment of Total Leaves ns ** ns ** = highly significant at p value 0.01 ns = non significant Based on the analysis of variance (Table 1) it is concluded that all germination parameters and initial growth of seedlings were affected only by fruit treatment. Germination potential The curve showing the effect of fruit treatment towards germination potential was presented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Curve showing the effect of fruit treatment towards germination potential of Bintaro It can be seen from Figure 1 that for fruit treatment B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling), the sprout occurred on day 42 after planting, and continue to grow up to day 105 after planting in which the germination potential reached 78% and the highest germination rate was achieved at day 77 after planting. For fruit treatment B1 (extraction), the sprout occurred on day 77 after planting, and 7 continue to grow up to day 105 after planting in which the germination potential reached 20% and the highest germination rate was achieved at day 84 after planting. For fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin), the sprout occurred on day 38 after planting, and continue to grow up to day 105 after planting in which the germination potential reached 100% and the highest germination rate was achieved at day 84 after planting. The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards germination potential was presented in Table 2. Table 2. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards germination potential of bintaro Treatment B2 Average of Germination Potential (%) 100a B0 78b B1 20c Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at p value 0.05 Based on Table 2, the average of germination potential of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed the highest germination potential (100%) compared to other fruit treatments (B0 and B1). Germination potential of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) showed higher germination potential (78%) than seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has germination potential of 20%. Growth rate The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards growth rate was presented in Table 3. Table 3. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards growth speed of bintaro’s seed Treatment Average of growth speed (%/etmal) B2 1.18a B0 0.93b B1 0.23c Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at p value 0.05 Based on Table 3, the average of growth speed of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed the fastest growth speed (1.18%/etmal) compared to other fruit treatments (B0 and B1). Growth speed of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) showed faster growth speed (0.93%/etmal) than seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has growth speed of 0.23%/etmal. 8 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri Germination value The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards germination value was presented in Table 4. Table 4. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards germination value of bintaro’s seed Treatment Germination Value B2 0.51a B0 0.37b B1 0.03c Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at p value 0.05 Based on Table 4, the average of germination value of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed higher germination value (0.51) compared to other fruit treatments (B0 and B1). Germination value of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) was higher (0.37) than seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has germination value of 0.03. Increment of seedling height The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of seedling height was presented in Table 5. Table 5. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of seedling height of bintaro’s seed. Treatment Increment of seedling height (cm/week) B2 8.33a B0 7.11a B1 2.15b Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at p value 0.05 Based on Table 5, the average of increment of seedling height of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed similar increment of seedling height (8.33 cm/week) with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of seedling height of 7.11 cm/week. These increments of seedling heights from treatments B2 and B0 were higher than increment of seedling height of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of seedling height of 2.15 cm/week. Increment of Stem Diameter The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of stem diameter was presented in Table 6. 9 Table 6. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of stem diameter of bintaro’s seed Treatment Increment of stem diameter (mm/minggu) B2 1.48a B0 1.26a B1 0.40b Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at value 0.05 Based on Table 6, the average of increment of stem diameter of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed similar increment of stem diameter (1.48 mm/week) with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of stem diameter of 1.26 mm/week. These increments of stem diameter from treatments B2 and B0 were higher than increment of stem diameter of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of stem diameter of 0.40 mm/week. Increment of total leaves The result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of total leaves was presented in Table 7. Table 7. Result of Duncan test on the effect of fruit treatment towards increment of total leaves of bintaro’s seed Treatment Increment of total leaves (leaves/week) B2 2.6a B0 2.3a B1 0.8b Notes: numbers followed by different letters showed significantly different effect at p value 0.05 Based on Table 7, the average of increment of total leaves of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed similar increment of total leaves (2.6 leaves/week) with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of total leaves of 2.3 leaves/week. These increments of total leaves from treatments B2 and B0 were higher than increment of total leaves of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of total leaves of 0.8 leaves/week. B. Discussions Germination Based on observation, the germination of bintaro’s seed is tolerant to sheltering. This was observed at day 30 after planting in the greenhouse with high light intensity, where the germination had not happened. After one week of this phenomenon, the seed’s were moved under the Pinus merkusii trees and after being moved, the germination occurred at day 38. Based on this research, fruit treatment affected the germination potential, growth rate and germination value (Table 1). Germination process of a seed is affected by fruit structure and seed. Bintaro’s fruit structure has 3 (three) layers, i.e.: outer layer (pericarp), fibre layer (mesocarp), and 10 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri seed layered with thin skin or testa (endocarp). Bintaro’s embryo is located inside the seed and is protected by hard filamentous layer. Bintaro’s seed which fruit’s skin was peeled has germination potential of 100%, growth rate of 1.18%/etmal, and germination value of 0.5, which are the highest numbers compared to bintaro’s seed which fruit’s skin was not peeled or which fruit was extracted. It is argued that these phenomena happened because fruit’s skin hindered the water absorption into the embryo as well as hindered the growth of sprout from the seed. Fruit’s skin which is mechanically resistant can immediately absorp water, but hold the swelling and development of embryo (Gardner 1991). Sutopo (2004) stated that fruit’s skin causes dormancy in which hard fruit’s skin can be impermeable towards water, gas, or can mechanically hindered the embryo. Bintaro’s seed which fruit’s skin was not peeled has germination potential of 78%, growth speed of 0.93%/etmal, and germination value of 0.37 which are higher than the extracted fruit, but lower than the bintaro’s seed which fruit’s skin was peeled. These phenomena happened because in the ripe bintaro’s fruit there is an opening which divides the mesocarp into 2 (two) parts (Figure 2). Filamentous part at that opening is thinner than the other filamentous parts. Therefore, the embryo can grow through the opening. However, water absorption on bintaro’s fruit which fruit’s skin was not peeled is slower than water absorption on bintaro’s fruit which fruit’s skin was peeled. As a result, all germination parameters of bintaro’s fruit which fruit’s skin was not peeled is lower than germination parameter of bintaro’s fruit which fruit’s skin was peeled. Figure 2. Germination opening of ripe bintaro’s fruit (A) and growth of embryo (B) According to Widyawati et al. (2010), the germination of sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) which was initially treated with sandpaper at the operculum of the seed, showed better condition than sugar palm seed which was initially treated with sandpaper all over the seed. It is argued that within the sugar palm seed there was operculum which functions as a small stopper where embryo is located underneath the stopper. The sprout will occur through the operculum. According to Nasrullah (1987), germination in coconut which skin was peeled occurred faster than germination in coconut which skin was not peeled, whereas the germination potential of coconut with peeled skin was higher than the germination potential of coconut which skin was not peeled. The decrease of fiber volume as much as 1/3 (one third) tends to reduce the viability of coconut seed. It is happened because the decrease of 1/3 of fiber volume resulted to the damage of coconut shell, which increases water evaporation as well as fungi contamination into the endosperm of coconut. Bintaro’s seed extraction 11 resulted to 20% germination potential, 0.23%/etmal growth rate and 0.37 germination value which are the lowest numbers compared to the other two treatments. It is arguably the structure of bintaro’s seed has thin endocarp and soft embryo so that it is prone to distrubance. In this research, the 4 days duration of fruit soaking in pure water and coconut water is arguably caused the low germination parameters, due to excessive imbibition towards seed. This excessive imbibition caused the seed to be drowned in water, which in turn hindered the respiration of the seed. According to Gardner (1991), respiration is very important to produce energy used in the metabolism process of germination. Based on this research, the 4 days duration of fruit soaking in coconut water or pure water did not provide significant effect towards the germination of bintaro’s seed. This phenomenon may have happened because the 4 days duration was not sufficient for bintaro’s fruit, which is big in size and therefore, may need longer soaking duration. However, the 4 days duration was excessive for bintaro’s seed. According to Winarni (2009), 1 hour soaking of seed of African wood in coconut water had affected the germination which average germination potential in day 50 after planting was 86.67%. This number was higher than 1 day soaking in pure water which average germination potential in day 50 after planting was 65.33%. Initial growth Sprout growth happens through a series of complex changes morphologically, physiologically, and biochemically. According to Sutopo (2010), the first phase of sprout growth starts from the absorption of water by seed, then the softening of seed’s skin and the hydration of protoplasm. The second phase starts from the activities of cells and enzymes and the increased respiration of seed. The third phase is where there are occurrences of decomposition of materials such as carbohydrates, fat, and protein into dissolved materials which are then translocated to the growing points. The fourth phase is the assimilation of the decomposed materials in the meristom to produce energy needed for the activity of components development and new cells growth. The fifth phase is the sprout growth through processes of division, development and cells division in growing points. In this research, bintaro’s seedling initially occurred as root, continued by epicotyl, hypocotil, and cotyledon. The seedling was divided into hypocotil and epicotyl. Hypocotil does not grow bigger, therefore, the cotyledon remains underground during germination and does not perform photosynthesis. Germination in bintaro’s seed depends on food reserves inside the seed. Based on this research, fruit treatment affected the increment of seedling height, increment of stem diameter, increment of total leaves (Table 1). Based on Duncan test (Table 5), it is shown that increment of seedling height of treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) was 8.33 cm/week with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of seedling height of 7.11 cm/week, which were higher than than increment of seedling height of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of seedling height of 2.15 cm/week. Beside, the average of increment of stem diameter of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed similar increment of stem diameter (1.48 mm/week) with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of stem diameter of 1.26 mm/week, which were higher than increment 12 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri of stem diameter of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of stem diameter of 0.40 mm/week. It is shown that the average of increment of total leaves of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B2 (peeled fruit’s skin) showed similar increment of total leaves (2.6 leaves/week) with fruit treatments B0 (without fruit’s skin peeling) which has increment of total leaves of 2.3 leaves/week, which were higher than increment of total leaves of bintaro’s seed with fruit treatment B1 (extraction) which has increment of total leaves of 0.8 leaves/week. These phenomena happened arguably because germination of fruit which skin was peeled and unpeeled have higher growth strength and germination capability compared to extracted fruit. According to Lensari (2009), good germination capability can optimalize food reserve in seed to become energy. The energy is used for the growth and development of sprout. Condition of embryo development is considered good when the seed has high capability to collect food reserve as energy. Based on observation during research, bintaro’s fruit has 1 or 2 seed per fruit. Up to this time, it is unknown on how to differentiate bintaro’s fruit that has 1 seed from bintaro’s fruit that has 2 seeds. The amount of seeds can only be seen after fruit extraction and from germination process. During the observation there are 2 seedlings grown on several bintaro’s fruit, i.e. 20% of total seedlings grown from the planted fruit (Figure 3). Figure 3. Two bintaro seedlings grown from one bintaro’s fruit Fruit soaking did not affect initial growth. This happened arguably because the fruit soaking was not sufficient for the fruit, but excessive for the seed. Soaking in coconut water as additional growth hormone had already been conducted. Bey (2006) that coconut water was proven to accelerate leaf growth on moon-orchids. IV. CONCLUSIONS A. Conclusions 1. Fruit treatment affected the germination of bintaro’s seed. Fruit which peeled skin has germination potential of 100%, growth rate of 1.18%/etmal and germination value of 0.51, which was higher than fruit which skin was not peeled or extracted. Seed extracted had germination potential of 20%, growth speed of 0.23%/etmal, and germination value of 0.37 which was the lowest than the other treatments 13 2. Fruit treatment affected the initial growth of bintaro’s seedling. Initial growth of seedling of fruit peeled skin has increment of seedling height of 8.33 cm/week, increment of stem diameter of 1.48 mm/week and increment of total leaves of 2.6 leaves/week) while initial growth of seedling of fruit which skin was not peeled has increment of seedling height of 7.11 cm/week, increment of stem diameter of 1.26 mm/week and increment of total leaves of 2.3 leaves/week), which were higher compared to initial growth of seedling of extracted fruit which has increment of seedling height of 2.15 cm/week, increment of stem diameter of 0.4 mm/week, and increment of total leaves of 0.8 leaves/week) 3. Soaking duration of 4 days using pure water and coconut water as well as the interaction between soaking treatment and fruit treatment did not affect seed germination and initial seedling growth of bintaro B. Suggestions Based on this research, it is suggested to peel the fruit skin to stimulate seed germination and initial seedling growth of bintaro. REFERENCES Bey, Y., W. Syafii, and Sutrisna. 2006. Pengaruh pemberian giberelin (GA3) dan air kelapa terhadap bahan biji anggrek bulan (Phalaenopsis amabilis BL.) secara in vitro. Jurnal Biogenesis 2(2):41−46. Direktorat Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan. 2002. Petunjuk Teknis Pengujian Mutu Fisik-Fisiologi Benih. Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta. Gardner, F.P., R. B. Pearce, and R. L. Mitchell. 1991. Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya. UI Press. Jakarta. Latifah, S. 2004. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tegakan Eucalyptus grandis di hutan tanaman industri [skripsi]. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Medan. Lensari, D. 2009. Pengaruh pematahan dormansi terhadap kemampuan benih Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Will.) [skripsi]. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Nasrullah, A. 1987. Pengaruh pengupasan sabut dan pemupukan kalium terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan bibit Kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) Varietas Genjah [skipsi]. Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 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Roma. 14 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Submersion and Fruit Treatment….. Cecep Kusmana, Satriavi Putri A., & Edje Djamhuri Winarni, T.B. 2009. Pengaruh perlakuan pendahuluan dan berat benih terhadap perkecambahan benih Kayu Afrika (Maesopsis eminii Engl.) [skripsi]. Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 15 16 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment for The Nest of The Critically Endangered Yellow-Crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata in Sumba1 Hanom Bashari2 ABSTRACT Sumba Cockatoo Cacatua suplhurea citrinocristata is one of four sub-species of the Yellow-crested Cockatoo, endemic for Sumba Island and including list of Critically Endangered category by IUCN. This study aims to identify the characteristic of trees and nest holes that are actively used by Sumba Cockatoos, and identify barriers and potential threats that interfere of reproduction activities. It will be formulated strategic recommendations for treatment that more naturally in the rehabilitation of nonactive nest hole and minimize disruption or potential disruption that could inhibit of breeding process. The early stages, gathered information of nest trees and holes of Sumba Cockatoos, through brief interviews with forest communities, then, visited the nest tree. The results obtained, the estimated breeding time of Sumba Cockatoo occurred in the period from September to February. Nest holes can be located in the life or death tree, but it seems the most important factor is the existence of a good nest tree. Encountered direct competition or scramble for the same hole by Eclectus Parrot. Physical disorder of the nest hole that occurred are hole filled with water, rotten on inside wall, siltation, and the disruption of ferns and lianas around the stem of nest hole. Keyword: Cockatoo, nest hole, population, conservation, Sumba I. INTRODUCTION The Sumba Cockatoo Cacatua suplhurea citrinocristata is one of four Yellow-crested Cockatoo subspecies. Yellow-crested Cockatoo is generally widely distributed in Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, including Timor (Coates & Bishop, 1997). It is also found in Masakambing and Masalembo Island (BirdLife International, 2001). However, Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata subspecies is only found in Sumba Island (Coates & Bishop, 1997; BirdLife International, 2001; PHPA/LIPI/BirdLife InternationalIP, 1998). According to the globally threatened species, in general, this species is classified as Critically Endangered – CR category in the IUCN list due to the extremely rapid decrease in population, caused 1 2 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. Burung Indonesia, Jl. Dadali No. 32, Bogor, 16161 . Email: 17 by unsustainable trapping for cage bird trade and vast area of deforestation (BirdLife International, 2013). A survey of Burung Indonesia in 2007 showed that the population of this cockatoo subspecies was still about 1.2 individual per 1,000 ha or 0.012 individual per hectare. It was estimated that only around 56 Sumba Cockatoo existed in Manupeu Tanadaru National Park (MTNP) area (Wungo, 2011). The survey result was relatively falling when compared to the average result of the same survey in 2001 that was 2.3 individuals per hectare or 230 individuals per kilometre square in MTNP area (Persulessy & Trainor, 2001). According to the survey performed by Marsden (1995) during 19891992 in Sumba Island forest area, the Sumba Cockatoo population was estimated between 1,1502,644 individuals. While the result of survey conducted by Birdlife Indonesia in 2002 (Persulessy et al., 2003) showed that the total population of Sumba Cockatoo in Sumba Island forest area was about 229-1,195 individuals only. However, local people around the forest of MTNP have been reporting that Sumba Cockatoo are easier to be found nowadays in great numbers compared to previous years. Some nesting or roosting trees were identified and occupied by teens of birds, once even reported by the locals to be inhabited by more than 30 birds on each roosting tree, which had not occurred for a long time (Djawarai, 2013, pers. comm.). It indicates that Sumba Cockatoo is probably on the stage of favourable development towards species recovery, especially in the MTNP area. As for this survey, it was expected to identify the characteristics of the trees and nest holes that are in good condition and actively used by Sumba Cockatoo in the last 12 months; identify the threats and obstacles that has been or might be compromising the breeding activity of Sumba Cockatoo; give appropriate recommendations for non-active nest holes restoration when it is possible to be performed. II. METHOD The field surveys were conducted in five villages: Maradesa, Umbulangang, Umamanu, Waimanu, and Manurara. The visits to nesting trees were performed on January and February 2013. Preliminary information on trees and nest holes of Sumba Cockatoo were obtained through: brief interviews (unstructured) with communities around the forest; re-identification of the trees that were listed as Sumba Cockatoo nesting trees and used in some of prior researches. To do a better assessment of nest holes’ characteristics in details (active and non-active nest holes), the survey team climbed to the nest hole using standard tree climbing equipments with Single Rope Technique (SRT). Previous trainings and simulations of climbing and assessment were conducted to ensure the climbers’ safety and skill. The survey team consisted of Burung Indonesia staffs from field office in Sumba, MTNP staff, and some volunteers. A simple analysis was performed on the data by collecting all the obtained information. Afterwards, several characteristics of active and non-active nest holes were acquired. Important recommendations to be performed in the next step of the survey or activity were also delivered. 18 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari III. RESULT Some of active and non-active nesting trees that were identified in the last 12 months are presented below in Table 1 and 2. Table 1. Active nesting trees in the last 12 months that were encountered during the survey in January 2013. No Tree Species Location/ Last Breeding Activity & Number of Village & Encounter Nest Holes Latitude; Longitude; Altitude 1 Melingtonia hortensi (2) Maradesa Jan-2013 S9.52269; E119.72997; 377 masl 2 3 Unidentified (dead) (1) Chinocheton sp. (1) Tanadaru/ Umbu-langang S9.64214; E119.69654; 580 masl Lakokur/ Umamanu Dec-2012 Jan-2013 S9.80711; E119.74927; 520 masl 4 Glichidion sp. (1) 5 Syzigium sp. (2) Lakokur/ Umamanu S9.81131; E119.75101; 535 masl Tangairi/ Waimanu S9.72657; E119.54141; Dec-2012 Nov-2012 Jan (2013): A pair of cockatoo was seen flying around the nest and tree, occasionally went inside the nest hole. The hole was empty, the nestlings were probably already flown or fallen as the hole was not too deep (hole no.1 and 2 were connected-the same hole). Dec (2012): A pair of cockatoo was seen cleaning the hole. Jan (2013): A pair of Sumba Hornbill was seen around the nesting tree and no cockatoo was seen. Jan (2013): One cockatoo was seen standing on a knot of the nest hole, occasionally went inside the hole for a few minutes. There were probably nestlings in the hole or the cockatoo was brooding. The tree was also used as roosting tree. Sep (2012): There were 13 birds reported to roost there. Dec (2012): A juvenile was reported by locals flying out of the nest hole. Jan (2013): No young was found when the nest hole was inspected. Nov (2012): A cockatoo was seen going in and out of two nest holes. But a Great-billed Parrot was also seen going in the same hole while the cockatoo was not around. The 19 No Tree Species & Number of Nest Holes Location/ Village & Latitude; Longitude; Altitude Last Encounter 58 masl 6 Tetrameles nudiflora (1) Tangairi/ Waimanu Jan-2013 S9.73709; E119.55107; 26 masl 7 Tetrameles nudiflora (1) Leigawi/ Manurara Jan-2013 S9.64755; E119.49137; 396 masl Breeding Activity cockatoo was likely still searching for a hole to nest. Jan (2013): No cockatoo was seen, only some Great-billed Parrots were seen around the nest but they did not enter it. Jan (2013): A female cockatoo was seen at the nest hole opening while the male cockatoo was on the tree around the nest. There was one egg in the nest, it was assumed that the female was going to lay another eggs or just brooding. Jan (2013): A female was seen coming out from the nest hole and the male was perching on an adjacent branch. There was one young in the hole, assumed four weeks old. Table 2. Non-active nesting trees in the last 12 months that were encountered during the survey in February 2013 No Tree Species Latitude/ Last Latest Condition Longitude/ Encounter Altitude 1 Chinocheton sp. (more than Matimakaweda/ Waimanu - 2) S9.68022; E119.52915; 437 masl 2 20 Tetrameles nudiflora (1) Matimakaweda/ Waimanu - There were a few Chinocheton sp. trees around the main tree with multiple holes. A cockatoo was seen passing through, vocalized, and flew again. But there were a lot of Tanygnathus megalorynchos (20 individuals and more) and teens of Eclectus roratus on the nesting tree and other trees surrounding it. It perched, vocalized, and moved from one tree to another. The tree was about 120 m apart from tree no. 1. The tree and surrounding condition was the same as tree no. 1 with many Tanygnathus and Eclectus. International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari No 3 Tree Species Tetrameles nudiflora (1) Latitude/ Longitude/ Altitude S9.67982; E119.52807; 400 masl Malawudana/M anurara Last Encounter Latest Condition No cockatoo was seen. in early 1990s when WCS did a research No cockatoo was detected present. The trunk around the nest hole was covered with ferns. S9.64664; E119.48926; 394 masl Figure 1. Maps of nest tree that found in and around Manupeu Tanadaru National Park, January 2013 21 III. DISCUSSION BREEDING SEASON From survey in January 2013, it was known for certain that there was one nest with egg, tree no. 6, and another nest with Sumba Cockatoo young (assumed four weeks old in tree no. 7). If reference was made from information that says that brooding can take time to 23 days (PHPA/LIPI/BirdLife International-IP, 1998), or 29 days in rehabilitation cages (Djawarai, 2013, pers. comm.), then it was predicted that the young in tree no. 7 (Table 1) was incubated in the first week of December 2012 and hatched in the end of December 2012. If assumption was made on the breeding sequence that from nest preparation to egg laying would take one month period. Then it was predicted that the breeding of Sumba Cockatoo in tree no. 7 started in early November 2012. However, the assumption needed further validation with several researches and encounters with the cockatoo. Djawarai (2013, pers. comm.) mentioned that the Sumba Cockatoo young in the rehabilitation cage in Manurara Village learned and was able to fly at the age of three to four months. Therefore it was predicted that the young cockatoo in tree no. 7 would leave the nest around April 2013. Hence it was assumed that the breeding period of cockatoo in tree no. 7 took place for a full six months period, starting from November 2012 until April 2013, from copulation and nest preparation to the young fledgling. However, it should be borne in mind that in mid January 2013 there was a nest hole with one egg found in tree no. 6. If it was predicted that the egg was incubated in the end of January 2013, then the young should be ready to fly by the end of June 2013; if assumed that the egg hatched in February 2013 and the nestling was healthy and well developed. From these two cases, it was temporary concluded that: 1. Sumba Cockatoo has a breeding period of at least six months term; 2. One of predicted period was from November to June. Information obtained from the previous survey stated that there was one juvenile seen flying, leaving the nest in tree no. 4 in December 2012. If one breeding period is completed in six months term, then it was assumed that the nesting happened in August 2012 and the egg hatched in September 2012. There are three rather important information regarding the hatching time of Sumba Cockatoo’s eggs, which are in the month of December (tree no. 7), February (tree no. 6), and September (tree no. 4). There was a quite long interval between March and August with no information yet of brooding and hatching of Sumba Cockatoo. But it was predicted that hatching time lies in the rainy season. It also could be indicating that the wild Sumba Cockatoo is really depended on the rainy season period. A change in breeding time pattern may happen if changes in seasons, especially in rainy season, occur. 22 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Period I II III Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Note: Main period: brooding/hatching Period of nesting, laying eggs, and rearing Extra time interval Figure 2. Prediction of Sumba Cockatoo breeding season SPECIFIC BEHAVIOUR The information regarding specific behaviour of breeding cockatoo was obtained from communities around the forest. It shows the breeding stages as follows: 1. Copulation Unknown, no information, and no direct encounter. 2. Searching for hole and nest preparation The pair will be searching for a hole and preparing the nest together; a pair of cockatoo was seen chipping off the nest hole in tree no. 2 (dead tree). Cockatoo will chip the dry wood to deepen the hole. The chips will be thrown away from the nest but some of it will be used as bed, on which the eggs are laid. New nest can be recognized from the debris found at the bottom of the tree. According to the information from the community, the cockatoo is also likely to use old or used hole as their nest. Walker (2005) named some bird species that are potential competitors in various forms, such as Eclectus Parrot Eclectus roratus, Great-billed Parrot Tanygnathus megalorynchos, Sumba Hornbill Aceros everetti, Common Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis, Short-tailed Starling Aplonis minor, and Sumba Boobok Ninox rudolfi. But no competition was directly encountered from these six species during observation in January 2013. However, Eclectus Parrot was seen in February 2013 in Sumba Cockatoo nest hole in tree no. 7 in Manurara Village, where a young cockatoo was previously seen in January 2013. 3. Egg laying When a cockatoo lays eggs, according to locals’ information, the pair will break a few tree shoots around the nesting tree. 4. Brooding The female will solely do the incubation as happened in rehabilitation cage in Manurara Village (Djawarai, 2013, pers. comm.). No significant activities were recognized during the brooding process. 23 But it has been informed by the locals that the cockatoo in this stage is overly sensitive nowadays, a slight disturbance on the nest or eggs can make the parents leave the nest. 5. Hatching and rearing When the eggs hatched, it is obvious that the parents will clean the nesting tree from all kind of plants or other materials that come directly in contact. The cleaning including the removal of liana and breaking of other trees’ shoots around the nesting tree, especially the ones that are located below the nest hole. It is probably meant to avoid the predators or other animals from gaining access to the nesting tree. And it can also be recognized as natural sign that the eggs are hatched. During the rearing period, as seen in tree no. 7 from survey in January 2013, the female was entering the hole (probably feeding the nestling) and the male was on guard, not far from the nest hole. The observer’s presence was marked by loud call from the male. In this stage, according to locals’ information, the cockatoo is also sensitive to humans. However, they will not abandon the young even there are possibilities of being taken or eaten. The information support the prediction on tree no. 1, the nestling was probably gone (fallen or preyed), as the nest hole was empty but both parents were still in the nest and around the nesting tree. 6. Fledging According to local people, the presence of a fledgling is usually marked by the growth of previously removed vegetation that was cleaned by the parents. The vegetations are big enough and have leaves. The parents stop from cleaning the area since. The nestling is ready to fly in 3-4 months period since it hatched. BREEDING SUPPORTING FACTORS From several encounters with Sumba Cockatoo active nests, some important information is recognized as potentials of breeding supporting factors, such as: x The availability of nesting trees During the survey in January 2013, there were five tree species that were listed as nesting trees: Melingtonia hortensi, Chinocheton sp., Glichidion sp., Sizygium sp., and Tetrameles nudiflora. According to the previous surveys, from direct encounters or locals’ information, the species of the nesting trees had been constantly dominated by three main species (Pometia tomentosa, Tetrameles nudiflora, and Chinocheton sp.). However, during the survey in January-February, three out of five nesting trees that were found were uncommon to be used by the Sumba Cockatoo, which were Melingtonia hortensiI, Glichidion sp., and Sizygium sp. The availability of nesting tree was likely to be the most important factor for the cockatoo. As some of the nesting trees were located nearby an active main road (nesting tree no. 2 in Tanadaru was only 30 m apart from the main road). Some nesting trees were also close to farming land (tree no. 8 in Leigawi was only 300 m from a corn field). The trees were mainly solitary, with crowns that were separated from crowns of other trees. The condition was probably to prevent predators reaching the nesting tree easily. If the canopy was dense and the nesting tree was in touch with crowns from other trees, the cockatoo would usually free the nesting tree from contacts of other trees when the eggs hatched. 24 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Table 3. A few aspects of Sumba Cockatoo active nesting trees (January – February 2013) Information (min-max) Height (m) 12-40 Clear bole height (m) 15-25 Diameter DBH (cm) Tree condition 0.59-1.56 The trees were usually alive and healthy. Though there were nest holes located in dead branches of living trees. Dead trees were also encountered, but still in quite good condition (not decomposed yet). x Comfortable hole The encountered nest holes (active and non-active) were mainly located about 20 m above the ground. The lowest height was 10 m in tree no. 2 in Tanadaru. The active nest holes in January 2013 (tree no. 6 and 7) were dry and in good condition. The following are some measured aspects of active nest holes. Table 4. A few aspects of Sumba Cockatoo active nest holes (January – February 2013) Information (min-max) Nest height (m) Nest position in the tree Hole direction Nest hole shape Nest hole width (cm) Nest hole length (cm) Nest hole condition Depth of hole from the lowest nest opening (cm) Hole total height from its bottom (cm) Diameter of holed trunk 10-27 The nest hole was usually located in the main branch (first branch), a part of it was also found in the main trunk. While a few nest holes were in the secondary branch. The azimuth direction of the hole did not show any particular tendency. Active nest holes in tree no. 6 and 7 were in the branches that slightly facing downwards. It is apparently a mechanism to prevent the active holes from getting damp, wet, even avoided from being waterlogged in rainy season. Some of it had the shape of nearly perfect circle (tree no. 2 in Tanadaru), but most of it was in the shape of elongated curve. 8-18 18-75 The nest holes were generally in good condition, not decayed yet. The bark of the nest holes was partially peeled off from frequent usage as perching spot. In general, nest holes that were not used temporarily were a little damp with a few insects (ants, bees) around it. 0-160 50-212 44-75 25 Information (min-max) (cm) Diameter of the bottom of the hole (cm) Width of the hole (cm) Material found inside the hole x 20-65 20-65 In general, the materials consisted of a rather decayed wood chips (originated from the hole itself). Some were containing a few feathers of adult cockatoo’s breast. At the bottom of the hole in tree no. 1 (Maradesa), the material was extremely decayed, almost soillike texture. But it could be originated from decayed wall that collapsed. Adequate forest area and condition The active nesting trees were commonly found in primary forest (seasonal) with minimum disturbance. The nesting trees were generally located in relatively vast forest block area (for it was inside the national park area). However, the nesting tree in Maradesa was in a very narrow and small forest block in the valley, probably not more than 20 ha. Several aspects of forest condition around the nesting trees are presented in the next table. Table 5. Several aspects of forest where the nesting trees are located during survey in January 2013 Information (min-max) Type of general habitat Slope (0) Forest floor physical condition Surrounding tree stands Liana and fern Distance to the nearest active path (m) Distance to the nearest main road (asphalt) (m) Distance to the nearest water source (m) Water source Distance to the nearest farming area (m) Distance to the nearest 26 All nesting trees were located in the primary forest with minimum disturbance. 0-40 In general, the forest floor condition was varied from clean, mixed with litters and leaves, to covered with gravel or had limestone base. In general, there were some open areas created by trees that died from natural cause. There was no trace of recently felled trees (in 20 m radius from the nesting tree) The area around the nest hole in all active nesting trees (Sep 2012 – Jan 2013) were almost free from fern and liana. 50-600 30-4000 1-700 Mainly stream or main river, but some had only natural spring as its water source. 150-1800 300-1800 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Information (min-max) settlement (m) Distance to the nearest forest boundary (m) x 50-600 Safe from disturbance Even though some of the nesting trees were not far from roads, settlement, or farming area, the best condition is to have it in location that is far from disturbance potential. The disturbance can be caused by humans or natural disturbance. Humans can disturb it by their presence and activity. While the presence of predators and competitors for holes or trees are samples of natural disturbances. BREEDING INHIBITING FACTORS Some conditions were indicated to be able to inhibit or disrupt the breeding process of Sumba Cockatoo, especially from the observation results in January 2013. The conditions were concerning the nest hole, nesting tree, and the forest where the nesting trees were located. x Nest hole condition Shallow This condition happened to the nest hole in Maradesa. It was a concern as the condition could be the cause of the nestling falling off the nest or being easily preyed by other birds or predators. Collapsed inner wall The condition can be caused by the decayed and fragile inner wall. It can cause the nest hole to become shallow and even worse the debris could fall on the nestling or eggs inside the hole. It could possibly occur in the hole in Maradesa. Waterlogged This condition happens if the hole is vertically facing upwards. It also might happen if no knot located above the nest hole to block the water flow on top the surface of the tree. Even though the condition only happens during the rainy season, as it will become dry in the dry season, the condition needs further survey. The waterlogged nest hole has more potential to become humid and decayed in short time, as well as becoming attractive for some insects. The presence of the insects might disturb the brooding and rearing process afterwards. The condition happened to the hole in Glichidion sp. in Lakokur. Decayed It is possible to happen if the nest hole is humid. The humidity will cause the walls to be decayed and collapsed afterwards. The condition happened to the nesting trees in Lakokur and Maradesa. 27 x Tree condition Lianas and ferns The cockatoo will naturally clean the liana or fern that are attached to the nesting tree, especially when the eggs hatch. But if the invasion of liana and fern is severe, the cockatoo is more likely to find another nesting tree. The condition happened to the nesting tree in Malawudana. Even though the nesting tree had been used for a long time by the Sumba Cockatoo, the individual that was identified to use the hole regularly was using another nesting tree nearby. However, further survey needs to be performed on that nesting tree to determine whether the ferns that caused the cockatoo to move or the ferns were outgrown because the cockatoo decided to move. Broken branch/crown As found in nesting tree in Lakokur, the broken area was quite large, creating gap within the canopy. It might be the cause for the wind blowing into the nest hole, water easily entering the nest, or high exposure to the sun. It may influence the cockatoo in choosing the nest hole. x Forest condition Competition between birds in securing the nest hole as their nest Six bird species are considered as cockatoo competitors according to Walker (2005), as mentioned before. But during the survey in January 2013, no competition was seen directly. A Sumba Hornbill was seen near the nesting tree in Lakokur (Chinocheton sp.) during the survey; it actively vocalized and was replied by loud calls of the cockatoo, but no taking over was seen. Wali and Wungo (2013, pers. comm.) mentioned that they saw a Great-billed Parrot going inside a hole that was previously entered by a Sumba Cockatoo, but no aggression was seen during their visit to a nesting tree in Tangairi (November 2012). The nesting tree in Maradesa had different case; there was a Wallacean Drongo Dicrurus densus nest right above the hole. It attacked the Sumba Cockatoo when they approached the nest hole and scared them away. Nevertheless, the cases need further study to determine whether the cockatoo or the other species that was taking over the nest hole. However, the presence of other species was seen as disturbance to the cockatoo, showed by their calls. A follow-up survey in February 2013 encountered a competition between Sumba Cockatoo and Eclectus Parrot in tree no. 7, Manurara. They were fighting over a nest hole that was already occupied by a cockatoo nestling (about six weeks old at that time). The parrot was seen entering the nest hole. A Large-billed Crow was also occasionally seen roosting near the nesting tree and exchanging calls with the parent. Predation The condition is not yet determine, but there is a potential of predation by some species that are introduced to the island. Civet (Vivira tangalunga and Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis can become as potential predators that may eat the egg or nestling. Those species are spotted in several locations in forests of Sumba. Other bird species are also not yet confirmed as predators; even though there was information from the locals that they suspected the Large-billed Crow preyed on the Sumba Cockatoo nestling. 28 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Tree cutting The condition will surely affect the breeding process of Sumba Cockatoo. It is well known that several potential nesting trees are good quality trees. Those trees are likely to be cut down by locals for their domestic needs, especially trees that are located outside the conservation area. Some nesting trees such as Pometia tomentosa, Tetrameles nudiflora, and Chinocheton sp. are very sturdy and largely needed by the locals for building. They usually use lumber from Pometia tomentosa and Chinocheton sp. tree for beams or columns while Tetrameles nudiflora wood is used for house planks and fisherman’s boat. Trapping and Trading There has been no case of trapping and trading of Sumba Cockatoo in Sumba Island, especially around MTNP area for more than 10 years. However it is a constant reminder that the increasing of Sumba Cockatoo population in the future can trigger the Sumba Cockatoo offer in the market. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CONCLUSIONS 1. There are three hatchling time periods assumed for Sumba Cockatoo, which are September, December, and February. 2. Seven active nests were encountered during the survey in January 2013. One of the nests contained an egg (Tangairi/Waimanu) and another one had a four week old chick (Leigawi/Manurara) in it. Three non-active nesting trees were also encountered. 3. The nest hole can be in living tree as well as in dead tree, but the most important factor is the availability of nesting tree in good condition. The cockatoo does not have any problem even if the forest area is not too large, as long as the nesting trees are existed. 4. A competition between Sumba Cockatoo and Eclectus Parrot was directly seen in tree no. 7 in February 2013 during a follow-up survey. 5. The directly seen disturbance was an attack by Wallacean Drongo, for the Sumba Cockatoo nest was located precisely below theirs. 6. Physical disturbances that happened were: x waterlogged, decayed, and shallow nest hole; and x invasion of liana and fern around the nest hole area. B. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The water should be removed from the waterlogged nest hole (Lakokur/Umananu). 2. To avoid the water to re-enter the waterlogged nest hole, a few actions can be performed: x make a protection roof to prevent the water coming straight into the nest hole; x make a concavity on top of the nest hole to prevent the water flowing from the trunk above it; x Drill a hole at the bottom of the nest (if it possible to be done) to make sure the water that entering the hole also exiting it. 3. For decayed hole (Maradesa): 29 x The decayed part is scraped to prevent it from collapsing while the cockatoo is inside the nest hole; x Perform prevention actions to avoid water getting inside the hole as for waterlogged nest hole (no. 2). 4. For shallow nest hole (Maradesa), the nest hole should be deepening for about 30 cm after the decayed wood is removed/scraped. 5. To perform cleaning for nesting tree that is largely covered by liana and fern, especially the whole trunk from the bottom (next to the ground) to the area around the nest hole. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to our colleagues in the field, Dominggus and Romi for helping all the surveys, and thanks for whole team of Burung Indonesia - Sumba Program. Colleagues from Manupeu Tanadaru National Park Office, Dwi, was also very helpful in the field, and also very appreciate for national park office for the permitting. Of course also thanks a lot to the people from villages of Umamanu, Maradesa, and Manurara, especially to Bapak Johan, Bapak Set, and others guide for helping and many important information. Finally, thank you to all the support from the Burung Indonesian office in Bogor, especially to Ria Saryanthi as a Head of Conservation Program at the time. REFERENCES BirdLife International. 2001. Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red DataBook. BirdLife International. Cambridge. BirdLife International. 2013. Species factsheet: on 01/07/2013. Cacatua sulphurea. Downloaded from Coates, B.J. and K.D. Bishop. 1997. A guide to the Birds of Wallacea. Dove Publications. Queensland. Marsden, S. 1995. The Ecology and Conservation of the Parrots of Sumba, Buru, and Seram, Indonesia. Conservation Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester. Persulessy, Y.E. and C. Trainor. 2001. Status Jenis Burung Endemik dan Sebaran Terbatas di Taman Nasional Manupeu Tanadaru, Pulau Sumba Indonesia. Forest Inventory and Monitoring Project. Jakarta. Persulessy, Y.E., Y.B. Djawarai, and R. Marut. 2003. Laporan Survei Populasi dan Distribusi Kakatuakecil Jambul-Kuning Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata dan Empat Jenis Paruh Bengkok Lain di Pulau Sumba. BirdLife Indonesia/ZGAP. Bogor. PHPA/LIPI/BirdLife International-IP. 1998. Rencana Pemulihan Kakatua-kecil PHPA/LIPI/BirdLife International-Indonesia Programme, Bogor. Jambul-kuning. Walker J.S., A.J. Cahill, and S.J. Marsden. 2005. Factors influencing nest-site occupancy and low reproductive output in the Critically Endangered Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea on Sumba, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International: 15:347–359. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 30 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nesting Ecology and Strategic Natural Treatment….. Hanom Bashari Walker, J.S., Cahill A.J. and Marsden S.J. 2001. The nesting ecology of Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea on Sumba and the potential for using artificial nest sites to increase recruitments. Preliminary Report – May 2001. The Manchester Metropolitan University-Wildlife Conservation Society-Loro Parque Fundation. Mancherster. Wungo, E.Y. 2011. Laporan Survei Populasi Paruh Bengkok Terancam Punah Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata, Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Burung Indonesia. Bogor. 31 32 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati Conservation Strategy of Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus Raffles, 1821) at Dolok Sipirok Natural Reserve and surrounding area1 Rozza Tri Kwatrina2, Wanda Kuswanda3, Titiek Setyawati2 ABSTRACT Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus Raffles, 1821) is one of Sumatran primate and classified as endangered species by IUCN Red Data List 2012. Rapid rate of current habitat degradation has threatened the population of this species in the wild. This paper discuss the biological and ecological state of siamang based on both literatures and field study since 2010-2012 at Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve and surrounding areas. Results from these studies revealed that siamang home range covered primary dry land forest, secondary dry land, and along the river nearby cultivation areas of Dolok Sipirok and surrounding areas within altitude of 900-1,200 above sea level. The estimated population density was 9.91±3.4 individual/km2, comprised of infant and juvenile which were the lowest among other age classes.The authors recorded at least 48 plant species from the study area consumed by siamang. Results also indicated that the leaf biomass of food plant species in secondary forest was higher than that of primary forest, 4.04 kgFW/tree individual and 3.04 kgFW/tree individual respectively. This paper suggests a number of conservation strategies that can be implemented to conserve for siamang and their habitats in Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve and surrounding areas. Keywords: Siamang, population, distribution and density, habitat and food plant species, conservation strategies I. INTRODUCTION Indonesia is the one mega biodiversity country include of primates. Currently, 25% among the 200 species of primates in the world are in Indonesia. As one of the countries with the highest diversity of primates in the world, Indonesia has 5 families, 9 genera, and more than 40 species of primates, and 24 species of which are endemic. Several large islands such as Java, Borneo, and Sumatra even have at least three endemic primates (Supriatna, 2001). Pressure on primate species diversity is very high. Deforestation has implications on primates that are heavily dependent on the forest, most of them are endangered in the wild. One of Sumatran 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Centre for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development, Jl.Gunung Batu No.5 PO Box 165;Telp.02518633234;Fax 0251-8638111 Bogor .; 3 Aek Nauli Forestry Research Institute, Jl. Raya Sibaganding Km. 10,5 Parapat, Sumatera Utara 21174, Telp. (0625) 41659, 41653 . e-mail: 33 primate is ‘siamang’ (Symphalangus syndactylus Raffles, 1821). Outside of Indonesia, original populations of siamang are found only in Peninsula of Malaysia and a few areas in Thailand. Gibbon is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2008 after years on the status of Lower Risk, meanings that 50% of the population is reduced over a period of 40 years or nearly 3 generations due to habitat loss by 70-80% during the 50 yr. If habitats continue to decrease, then in future will become a critically endangered and the remaining population must be monitored (Nijman & Geissman, 2008). Gibbons are also classified in Appendix I of CITES, thereby strictly supervised by the state. Several scientific studies to support primate conservation of siamang and other species of Hylobatidae at natural habitats in Sumatra, has been published (O'Brien et al., 2004; Sultan, 2009; Lappan, 2005; Nurcahyo, A. 2001). But there are still limited infomations on siamang population at northen part of Sumatra. Among the group of gibbon, siamang populations data information are currently included in the category No Recent population estimate Available (NRA), meaning that there are no latest informations of population estimation, because the information that is more than 20 years are not included in the assessment (Geissman, 2007). Currently, siamang populations remaining in Sumatra are mostly found in areas of both protected and conservation forests. Nijman and Geissman (2008) stated that the most urgent conservation action for now is rescue gibbon habitats. Habitat is the most important component in the life of wildlife populations, so that the low reproductive potential of a population is often alleged as a result of decreased or impaired habitat quality. Therefore, data and informations about populations and their habitat of siamang are very important. This paper describes the biology and ecology, based on several researchs on siamang populations and habitat in their natural habitats at Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve (DSNR), North Sumatra, as well as implications and in-situ conservation strategies that have to be done by the stakeholders. BIOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL DATA OF SIAMANG Sumatran siamang has the scientific name Symphalangus syndactylus. In taxonomy, siamang belongs to the Order of Primates, family Hylobatiade, and the species S. syndactylus (Raffles, 1821). Siamang classification has been modified by Groves (2005); Mootnick & Grooves (2005) in Gron (2008) who raised the subgenus Symphalangus become a fully level, which was a part of the subgenus Hylobates. Based on the number of chromosomes, Symphalangus Hylobates have differences with other groups, which Symphalangus have 50 chromosomes, while Hylobates only 44 chromosomes. Siamang is the only species of the genus of Symphalangus. Two subspecies siamang show the distribution, in which S. s. syndactylus is found in Sumatra so called Sumatran siamang, whereas S. s. continensis is found in Malaysia, so called Malaysian siamang. The disperse in nature of those two subspecies of siamangs are presented in Figure 1. While the spread of the Sumatran siamangs are presented in Figure 2. 34 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati Figure 1. Map of natural distribution of siamang Source: Gron (2008) Figure 2. Natural distribution of siamang sumatera Source: Nopiansyah (2007) Siamang apes are not a tail group and are arboreal. Their body are covered by long hair and all are black, except around the mouth and chin colored younger (Napier and Napier 1967). Siamang has the largest body size among other gibbon groups. There are sexual differences characteristics in siamang, males larger than females, which can reach 1 meter tall, with a weight reaches 14 kg. In some samples in nature it is known that adult males have an average weight of 11.9 kg, and adult females averages 10.7 kg. While in some surveys in captivity, adult males have an average weight of 12.8 kg and adult females average of 10.5 kg. Length of the head and hands ranges between 73.7 to 88.9 cm (Gron 2008). 35 The main characteristic of a siamang is having sound pouch that serves to amplify the sound. Siamangs do not have tails, as in all the groups of small apes (lesser apes). Two digits on each foot are partially joined by a membrane, hence the name “syndactylus”. The main movement of siamangs are branchiation, which dominate almost by 80% of the movement. Other types of movement are climbing, drifting, jumping, and walking on two legs. When compared with other gibbon groups, siamang movement is slower, and laying his body to rest in a tree (Gron 2008). The main siamang habitats are rain forest mountains. This type often found at elevations above 300 m above sea level, but they can live in lowland forests. In addition, siamangs can also live in selectively logged of swamp forests, lowland forests, upland forests, and submontana forests. Although living sympatrically with other gibbon groups in several habitats, siamang tends to be found at an altitude above than other gibbon groups. However, siamangs are rarely found above 1500 m altitude, although they can spread to an altitude of 1828.8 m (Gron, 2008). Siamangs live in groups that can consist of 6 individuals, but the average is 4 individuals. Homerange of siamangs average are 23 acres. Another literature mentions values from 0.2 to 0.48 km2, with little or almost no overlap. Daily range is smaller than other types of sympatric Hylobates, often less than 1 km. Literature mentions a daily cruising range of siamangs are 640 - 1289 m. During the rainy season, daily range is shorter than the dry season. In some studies conducted in Malaysia and Indonesia, it is known that siamang eat a variety of foods, including fruits, leaves, flowers, and insects. Daily activities are dominated by switching activities, rest, and eat (Eastridge, 1999). Gestation period is 7 months, give birth every 2-3 years and give birth to one child in every birth, there are sometimes multiple births. Siamang babies caerd for 2 years and reach maturity at age 6-7 years. Female rarely has more than 10 children throughout its life (Gron 2008). SITE DESCRIPTION Dolok Sipirok natural reserve is one of 23 conservation areas located in North Sumatra Province. This area is defined by the Minister of Agriculture. 226/Kpts/Um/14/1982, dated 8 April 1982 with a total area 6,970 hectares. The district including the Sipirok, South Tapanuli, and North Tapanuli. CADS region is a part of the line of Batang Toru tropical rain forest that represents the type of sub-montane and montane forest, with altitudes between 600-1200 meters above sea level. 36 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati Figure 3. Map of Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve area at North Sumatra Source: BKSDA Sumut II (2011) Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve and the surrounding regions are unique areas as they are types of primate gibbon habitats (Symphalangus syndactylus), Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii), agile gibbon (Hylobathes agilis), monkey (Macaca nemestrina). There are also rare wildlife species, including endemic and protected bears (Helarctos malayanus), tapir (Tapirus indicus), Sumatran forest goat (Naemorhedus sumatrensis sumatrensis), and the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). II. METHODS Data of siamang populations and habitat, particularly trees and feed biomass were collected in the Nature Reserve Dolok Sipirok on 2010-2012. Coordinates of distribution of siamang population was recorded on each line at observations and mapped. Those data were the number of individuals, as well as the structure and composition of groups. We used line transect method with a total length of track observations was ±18.9 km. Observations were conducted in the morning when gibbon started to move (Kwatrina et al. 2013). Measurements of habitat component were performed on both primary and secondary forests of DSNR. We created measurement plots of 20 mx 20 m for tree and 10 mx 10 m for small trees (Kusmana 1997). We recorded the data of name and number of individuals trees, stem diameter (1.3 m from ground level), and the number of species that identified as food plants. Determination of food plant species is based on observations, interviews with the farmer, and from secondary data collection. Data collection to determine the biomass of leaf food plant were the availability of leaves on each tree sample at the time of the study. Measurement of biomass was based on Kuswanda and Bismark (2007) methods. 37 Calculation of population density, variance and standard deviation of the estimated value was done by using the equation of Heyne population density analysis according to Burnham and Anderson (1976). Based on the observation, the populations were classified into infant, children, adolescence, and adults age class (Gittins & Raemakers, 1980), and we calculated the number of individuals of each age class (Kwatrina et al. 2013). The diversity and abundance of habitat types were analyzed by using Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Krebs, 1978; Santosa, 1995), and Evenness Index (Odum 1998; Santosa, 1995). To estimate leaf biomass of food plant, we used Kosmogorov-Smirnov statistical tests, multicoleniarity, and the regression (Fowler, 1998; Ghozali, 2006; Walpole, 1993; Supangat, 2008). All stages of data analysis was processed by using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. III. RESULTS Population Siamangs of DSNR and surrounding areas are mostly scattered at an altitude of 900-1200 m above sea level (Kwatrina et al. 2013). According to Gron (2008), naturally, siamangs are often found at an altitude >300 m above sea level, but are rarely found at altitudes of >1,500 m asl. A total of 81.8% siamang were only found in primary dry forest, and as much as 9.1% in secondary dry forest and riverbanks near dry land farming (Kwatrina et al. 2013). Kwatrina et al. (2013) showed the value of individual density equals to 9.91 ± 3.40 individuals/km2 with sampling intensity of ± 2.7%. The coefficient of variation (CV) for the individual density was 0.22. With total areas of DSNR almost 69.7 km2, it was estimated that there were 691 siamangs in DSNR and its surrounding areas. Figure 4. Map of siamangs distribution based on altitude (left) and land cover (right) at DSNR and its surrounding areas Source: Kwatrina et al. 2013 38 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati Density of siamang groups was 3.71 kelompok/km2. Group size was 3.43 individuals / groups. In addition to groups, observation also encountered a single individual (4 times out of 11 times the encounter). When compared with other locations, the density of siamang in DSNR was not too low. For the same habitat type, the montane and sub-montane forests, density of siamang in DSNR was higher than groups of Southern Bukit Barisan National Park, but lower than groups of Kerinci Seblat National Park (O'Brien et al., 2004). Based on the growth phase, there were four categories of age; infants, children, adolescents, and adults. The proportion of each category were 4.17% of the infants, 12.5% of children, adolescents 29.17%, and 54.17% adults (Figure 5). Age distribution for infants and children showed that the siamang population in DSNR was likely to develop in the early years, but it will be difficult to grow in the following years because of the minimal number of groups of children and infants (Kwatrina et al. 2013). Figure 5. Histogram of age class percentage of siamang populations at Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve and its surrounding areas Source: Kwatrina et al. 2013 Habitat DSNR Tropical forest area which is part of the Batang Toru Forest can be categorized into two sub-types of forest formations (Laumonier et al., 1987). Firstly, subtype formations Air Bangis Bakongan which become a part of the Bukit Barisan Formation type of western hills high elevation (300 to 1000 meters above sea level). Secondly, sub-types of Montana Forest (1000 - 1800 meters above sea level) which is the part of Bukit Barisan types Formation which altitudes above 1000 meters above sea level. Flora in DSNR is dominated by Dipterocarpaceae, Fagaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Anacardiaceae and Euphorbiaceae (Perbatakusuma et al., 2006). Based on observations on 40 plots of 1.6 ha they obtained 155 species of plants that were divided into 87 species of seedlings, 84 species of saplings, 56 species of pole, and 78 species of tree. Haundolok (Syzigium sp.) was the predominace 39 at all levels except of tree vegetation that was dominated by hoteng (Quercus gemelliflora Blume) (Table 1). Hoteng was the one of food species of siamangs. Table 1. Number and density of vegetation at Dolok Sipirok Nature Reserve Stage of vegetation Seedling Number of species (ind.) 87 Dominant species Local name Haundolok Siala Pakis Scientific name Eugenia sp. Rhodoleia teysmannii Miq Asplenium sp. Family IVI (%) Density (ind./ha) Myrtaceae 15,80 4.000,00 Hammamelida 9,77 2.562,5 ceae 8,95 2.187,5 Polypodiaceae panjang Total of seedling density (ind./ha) Sapling 84 45.000 Haundolok Eugenia sp. Myrtaceae 23,50 650 Hoteng Quercus gemelliflora Blume Gordonia excelsa Fagaceae 11,40 240 Theaceae 8,25 210 Api-api Blume Total of sapling density (ind./ha) Pole 56 Haundolok Randu kambing Hoteng 4.750 Eugenia sp. Alstonia macrophylla Wall. Quercus gemelliflora Blume Myrtaceae 36,13 50 Apocynaceae 31,33 45 Fagaceae 26,08 42,05 Total of pole density (ind./ha) Tree 78 430 Hoteng Quercus gemelliflora Blume Eugenia sp. Castanopsis maranak rhamnifolia (Miq.) Hoteng Haundolok Fagaceae 28,94 35,6 Myrtaceae 28,58 30,6 Fagaceae 16,18 15 Dc. Total of tree density (ind./ha) 236 Plant species diversity was high, indicated by their index values >3 for all levels of vegetation grows stages. When compared to the index of diversity, evenness, and abundance of vegetation types at all levels, the highest value was found for seedlings (Figure 6 and Figure 7). The high species diversity was inversely proportional to the low evenness value for all levels of vegetation that is <1. 40 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Index value Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 4 3,89 3,48 3,63 H' 0.9 0,88 Seedling Stake 0,86 Pole 0,83 E Figure 6. Species Diversity index (H’), Evenness index (E) of vegetation at Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve Tree Stage of vegetation 60 54,58 48,9 Index value 50 37,7 40 32,45 30 N 20 10 0 Seedling Stake Pole Tree Stage of vegetation Figure 7. Species Richness index(N) of vegetation at Dolok Sipirok Nature reserve Gibbon known as leaf/fruit-eating animal. However, some literature mentions that the Sumatran siamang prefers to eat fruit than leaves. At least, about 48 plant species were identified as the source of feed. Edible parts are leaf and fruit (12 species), fruit (22 species), leaves (12 species), fruit and bark (2 species) and consumed all of the part (1 species) (Table 2). Most important plant species is Hoteng (Ficus sp.), which is major feed for other primate species such as the agile gibbon. The other are from Moraceae and some of Fagaceae such as andarasi (Ficus congesta Roxb.), Hing acid (Dracontomelon dao Merr. & Rolfe), gala-gala (Ficus racemosa) and handis (Garcinia celebica L.). Table 2. The feed plant species of siamang at DSNR and surrounding area No Local name Scientific name Family Edible part Leaf Fruit 1 Andarasi Ficus congesta Roxb. Moraceae 2 Api-api Gordonia excelsa Blume Theaceae v 3 Aren Arenga pinnata Merr Palmae v 4 Asam hing Dracontomelon dao Anacardiaceae v Myristicaceace v v Bark v Merr.&Rolfe 5 Balun injuk Myristica lawiana King 41 No Local name Scientific name Family Edible part Leaf Fruit 6 Baringin/Hau ara Ficus sp. Moraceae v 7 Bayur Pterospermum javanicum Jungh. Sterculiaceae v 8 Cempedak Arthocarpus integer Merr Moraceae v 9 Dapdap Fagara rhetsa Roxb. Fagaceae v 10 Deke-deke Zingiber officinale Rosc Zingiberaceae v 11 Gala-gala Ficus racemosa Moraceae v 12 Gumbot jambut Ficus sp.. Moraceae v 13 Handis Garcinia celebica L. Guttiferae v 14 Hanyahap Ficus sp.. Moraceae v 15 Hatopul Artocarpus rigidus Moraceae v v Myrtaceae v v Ticalysia javanica Kds. Rubiaceae v Myrtaceae v Myrtaceae v v v Blume 16 Hau dolok A Syzygium densiflorum Duthie 17 Hau dolok B 18 Hau dolok Syzygium acuminatum baringin Miq. Hau dolok game- Syzygium cymosa game Lamk. 20 Hau dolok salam Syzygium sp. Myrtaceae v v 21 Hau dolok jambu Syzygium racemosum Myrtaceae v v 22 Horsik Ilex pleiobrachiata Loes Aquifaceae v v 23 Hole misang Ficus sp. Moraceae v 24 Hoteng Quercus sp. Fagaceae v 25 Hoteng maranak Castanopsis rhamifolia Fagaceae 19 DC. v v (Miq.) Dc. 26 Hoteng barangan Castanopsis inermis Fagaceae v Podocarpaceae v Tiliaceae v Jack. 27 Hoteng batu Podocarpus beccarii Parl 28 Junjung buhit Elaeocarpus floribundus Blume 29 42 Karet Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg Euphorbiaceae International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 v Bark v v Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati No 30 Local name Lacat bodat Scientific name Family Shorea hopeifolia Sym. Dipterocarpacea Edible part Leaf Fruit Bark v e 31 Mayang Palaquium sp. Sapotaceae v 32 Mayang batu Payena leerii Sapotaceae v Sapotaceae v (Teijsm.&Binn.) Kurz. 33 Mayang durian Palaquium obovatum Engl., var. 34 Mayang rata Payena glabra H.J Sapotaceae v 35 Mayang susu Palaquium sp. Sapotaceae v 36 Modang kuning Litsea odorifera Valeton Lauraceae v 37 Motung Ficus toxicaria Linn Moraceae v 38 Pege-pege Ficus tenuicuspidata Moraceae v 39 Petai hutan Parkia speciosa HASSK Leguminosae v 40 Poga/Jambu- Euphorbiaceae v jambu Endospemum diadenum Miq. Rambutan hutan Cryptocarya nitens Lauraceae v v Corner. 41 v (Blume) Koord.&Val. 42 Sampinur tali Podocarpus imbricatus Bl. Var Podocarpaceae v 43 Simargalunggun Ficus sp. Moraceae v Aquilaria malaccensis Thymelaeaceae v Ulmaceae v g 44 Songgak Lamk. 45 Takki gatal Gironneiera subaequalis Planch. 46 Tambiski tombak Eurya acuminata Theaceae v v Moraceae v v A.P.DC. 47 Torop Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. 48 Tupe Ficus sp. Moraceae v Source : Observations data (2012) and Kwatrina et al., (2011) The average of biomass in secondary forests was 4.03 kg/tree (fresh weight) and 1.88 kg/individual (dry weight). Based on food plant density by 136 individuals/ha (Kwatrina et al., 2011) 43 and wide of secondary forest area was 420 ha (Kuswanda, 2011), the total of leaves biomass were 230,193.6 kg (fresh weight) or 107,385.6 kg (dry weight). The average biomass of primary forest was 3.04 kg / tree (fresh weight) and 1.62 kg/ individual (dry weight). Based on food plant density by 136 individuals/ha (Kwatrina et al., 2011) and wide of primary forest was 6,180 ha (Kuswanda, 2011), the total of plant leaves biomass was 2,555,059.2 kg (wet weight) or 1,361,577.6 kg (dry weight). Value of biomass estimation was based on equations that were presented in Table 3. Table 3. Leaf biomass estimation results in secondary and primary forests No of plant Secondary forest Primary forest Fresh weight (kg) Dry weight (Kg) Fresh weight (kg) Dry weight (Kg) 1 2,32 1,06 2,86 1,53 2 1,86 0,85 0,57 0,27 3 4,68 2,12 0,74 0,36 4 1,30 0,60 3,63 1,95 5 4,01 1,82 4,73 2,56 6 1,98 0,90 1,34 0,69 7 2,88 1,31 1,59 0,83 8 6,48 2,94 3,12 1,67 9 2,54 1,16 4,73 2,56 10 5,25 2,38 6,09 3,31 11 2,99 1,36 2,61 1,39 12 8,85 4,01 1,51 0,78 13 1,98 0,90 5,24 2,84 14 11,66 5,28 6,35 3,45 15 1,75 0,80 0,49 0,22 Jumlah 60,53 27,47 45,61 24,39 Rerata 4,04 1,83 3,04 1,63 The estimated average of leaf biomass in secondary forest was 4.04 kg/individual trees (fresh weight) that was higher than in the primary forest biomass by 3.04 kg/individual trees (fresh weight), and the same condition was found at the dry weight. If the density of the food plant in DSNR was about 136 ind./ha, the biomass in the primary forest was 414 kg/ha (wet weight) or 222 kg/ha (dry weight), and in the secondary forest was 550 kg/ha (wet weight) or 249 kg/ha (dry weight). Based on the fact that leaf biomass of food plat at secondary forest surrounding the area of DSNR was higher than that of at primary forest inside the area, it is conclude that the secondary forest around the area of DSNR have important role as a part of siamang habitat. 44 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati CONSERVATION STRATEGY The observations and literature showed that siamangs population in DSNR and surrounding areas are potential to decline in the future, if the structure of population with minimum number of the baby and child class lasts for a long time. For the in-situ conservation efforts, it is necessary to support the progressive formation of population structure. Based on the scientific information obtained in this area, conservation strategies can be suggested are: 1. Monitoring of populations and home range of siamangs Monitoring over time would assess the stability of siamang populations. Spots of siamang distribution groups obtained in this study can be used as observation posts so that siamang populations structures by age and sex can be accurately obtained (Kwatrina et al., 2013). Monitoring programs can be done by 3-4 years and at any time in the case of major changes in habitat, such as natural disasters. Mapping wildlife of habitats and ranges, control of poaching, and minimize habitat destruction of wildlife and human conflict prevention can also be developed. 2. Enrichment of food plant in areas of DSNR The average of food plant biomass in secondary forests was higher than the existing primary forests in the area. It can be caused by several species of plants in secondary forest has a larger size, such as teurep (Artocarpus elasticus Reinw.) and cempedak (Arthocarpus integer Merr.) compared to the size of the Hau dolok leaves (Syzygium sp.) and hoteng (Quercus sp. ) on primary forest. Habitat restoration programs through enrichment by adding native species of food trees with large biomass can be done in order to increase the function of habitat, in addition we think that it is also useful to limit damages of the area, to reduce harvest forest products, and to prevent fires. 3. Restoration of degraded area Habitat restoration is needed because forests will take a long time to regenerate naturally. Habitat restoration is expected to increase the carrying capacity and improve siamang populations. Restoration programs can be focused on areas used for cultivation and shrubs land areas, around the enclave at Rambassiasur village which is a part of siamang habitat. Choice of plants for restoration should be done carefully and precisely to avoid the possibility of invasion of alien plant species / specific that can damage native ecosystems. The species can be selected by diversity of species around damaged areas and characteristics of the land to be restored, such as its altitude above sea level. Ecologically, priority of species is food plant for gibbon. Economically, those selected species should be useful and valuable to the local community. The species are Macaranga sp. medang landit, durian, and cempedak. 4. Corridor development Secondary forest around the DSNR is an important habitat for gibbons. It ranges from one to another protected area. Corridor development can be focused on areas that linking buffer habitat of siamangs around the area of DSNR, Sibual-Buali National Reserve, and Batang Toru protected forest. According to Perbatakusuma (2006), biodiversity corridors have been proved beneficial in increasing wildlife populations of locally and regionally, particularly small and isolated populations so that the population fragments can be connected back. For primates, the corridor can be developed through the 45 planting of trees with big and tall stems characters, dense and continuous canopy. They should be able to serve as a food source or nest trees, such as banyan, hoteng, and mayang. 5. Development of agroforestry in buffer zones Agroforestry systems can increase the value of land, especially in areas that serve as a buffer zone of DSNR. Complex agroforestry is appropriate for the buffer zone for settled agriculture which involves many types of trees (tree-based) either intentionally planted or grown naturally on land, and farmers can manage and follow a pattern that resembles the plant and forest ecosystems (Michon and Foresta, 1995). Agroforestry in the buffer zone areas around the DSNR can be developed on the former natural forest land (rest of IUPHHK), on marginal land and / or shrubs. Land clearing can be done in the dry season. At the beginning of the rainy season, the land can be planted with upland rice inserted other crops (e.g, corn and chilly) for one to two harvests. Furthermore, intensification of land use can be increased by planting trees for example rubber, cinnamon, nutmeg or other perennials. By the time the tree is grown, farmers are still freely combines other annual crops that are beneficial economically and culturally. Selective logging can be done if the staple crops began to fail or if a tree was too old so it is not productive anymore. Agroforestry development is expected to form a community of land that serves both as a source of economic and additional habitat for siamangs. IV. CONCLUSION Siamang of DSNR and its surrounding areas are mostly found on primary forest and at altitudes 900-1.200 m asl. Research and literature studies indicated that the population seems to develop in the early years, but it will be difficult to grow in the following years because of the minimal number of groups of children and infants age classes. Secondary forest around the area of DSNR have important role as a part of siamang habitat. Leaf biomass of food plant at secondary forest surrounding the area of DSNR was higher than at primary forest inside the area. Then, conservation strategies proposed are; monitoring of populations and home ranges of siamangs, enrichment planting of food plant in area of DSNR, restoration of degraded areas, development of corridors, and development of agroforestry in buffer zones. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank to the Head office of BBKSDA of North Sumatra and management for permission to work at the DSNR and to Ms.Fitri Noor CH for support and cooperation. Special thanks is dedicated to research assistants, Andi Mandala Putra and Johannis Ginting. We also thank to Mr. Nasir Siregar for his kind support and help throughout the research. Financial support from Forest Research Institute of Aek Nauli, FORDA is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (KSDA) Sumatera Utara. 2011. Buku Informasi Kawasan Konservasi. Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (KSDA) Sumatera Utara. Kementerian Kehutanan. Medan. 46 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation Strategy of Siamang ….. Rozza Tri K., Wanda K., & Titiek Setyawati Burnham & Anderson 1976. Mathematical models for non-parametric inferences from line transect data. 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Overall, we had made 20 transects with total length 6006,6 m. We had found 69 nests during survey. We recorded that 72,46% orangutans built one nest on one tree. Nest on the main stem is the most abundant position in study site. We recorded two nests which were on stage A and B. But, nests on stage E were more common. Orangutan used to build nest 10-19 m in height. Menamang forest is a one of Kutai Landscape areas which used by Pongo pygmaeus morio as its habitat. Nowadays, Kutai Landscape condition is not solid. It is caused by fragmentation due to palm oil plantation, forest plantation, and settlement. Menamang Forest located in right and left of Menamang River is potencial for orangutan corridor. This corridor allow orangutan to travel between two patches of forest. It also connect forest patch in outside protected area with protected area (Kutai National Park). Those results above give important information that orangutan is still active on using Menamang Forest as habitat. Corridor establishment requires collaborative management among stakeholders. Besides that, adaptive corridor must be considered. Key words: Menamang Forest, Pongo pygmaeus morio, corridor, nest survey I. INTRODUCTION Pongo pygmaeus morio is one of sub species of borneo orangutan found in eastern part of kalimantan including several districts in East Kalimantan, Indonesia and Sabah, Malaysia (Husson et al., 2009). In East Kalimantan, one of its habitats is in Kutai Landscape comprising Kutai National Park and adjacent area. It was large lowland tropical forest prior to change into several uses. Recently, the intake forest has been decreasing over the past few decades due to the development of palm oil plantation (PT Hamparan Sentosa) and plantation forest (HTI PT Surya Hutani Jaya, PT Sumalindo 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Institute of Research for Natural Resources Technology Conservation, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Km. 38, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Email:,,, 49 Hutani Jaya). Besides that, people have been living in this region for years (Husson et al., 2003; Meijaard et al., 2010; Ancrenaz et al., 2010). The effect of habitat changing in Kutai Landscape have fragmented orangutan’s habitat (Meijaard et al., 2010). Consequently, there are many Pongo pygmaeus morio trapped in forest patch within certain concession. Habitat fragmentation leads to smaller and more isolated populations. Small populations are more vulnerable to local extinction (Walker and Craighead, 1997). The impact will be more serious because the number of population of this sub species is lower than the other two sub species of orangutan in Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus and Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) (Husson et al., 2009). Habitat changing can also affect orangutan behavior on nest building (Prasetyo et al., 2009). Habitat impact can be detected by nest characteristics i.e. number of nests and nest height. Ancrenaz et al. (2004) revealed that number of nests and nest height were orangutan’s adaptation result from their habitat. Therefore, nest characteristics are essential for habitat assessment (Rayadin, 2010). Based on statement above, it urges to establish orangutan corridor (Dixon et al., 2006). Orangutan corridor, connecting two large core areas: Kutai National Park and Muara Kaman Sedulang Natural Reserve, is one of concepts of orangutan corridor which will be implemented in East Kalimantan (Rayadin, 2011, Unfortunately, there are many challenges to apply this project. One of challenges is land use around corridor site plan (Sayektiningsih et al., 2012). The objective of this paper is to describe both nest characteristics and the prospect of orangutan corridor establishment based on land use in Menamang Forest. We hope that the result can be used as recommendation for orangutan conservation in East Kalimantan. II. METHODOLOGY A. Study Site Research was carried out in Menamang Forest, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan.We focused on forest area located in bank (left and right) of Menamang River. Study site was shown in Figure 1. 50 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nest Characteristics and Prospect of Orangutan ….. Tri Sayektiningsih, Yaya R., Amir M., & Ishak Y. Figure 1. Study site B. Nest Survey 1. Midline and Transect The method that we used to count orangutan nest was transect line (Johnson et al., 2005; Russon et al., 2001). Line transect sampling methods rely on four basic assumptions that must be met to ensure validity of results. They are: (1) objects are detected at their initial location, (2) all objects located exactly on (or above) the transect line are detected, (3) distances are measured accurately and (4) transects are located randomly in the habitat (Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2003). We placed midlines along existing trails to minimize disturbance. Transect lines have various length caused by irregular condition of habitat. To avoid double counting, two transect on the same side of midline are placed at least 200 m from each other. Each transect was walked twice based on hypothesized that the double count would: (1) minimize the chance that nests were missed, especially directly above the transect, in violation of a key assumption; (2) minimize error due to inter-observer variation (Johnson et al., 2005). During survey we stopped every 5 m and search 360 0 for nest occurring within 50 m of either side of the transect (Felton et al., 2003). Overall, we had made 20 transects with total length 6,0066 km. We recorded 69 nests along survey. 51 2. Nest Position and Nest Age We recorded all nest along transect line. For each orangutan nest, we measured perpendicular distance from directly below the nest to the transect and recorded nest characteristic (nest position, nest age, and number of nest). We classified nest position in four positions following Prasetyo et al.(2009). (1) (2) (3) (4) (0) Figure 2. Nest position Nest age was classified in five stage as follow: A= nest is new, still entirely green, B = nest is relatively new, mixture of green and dried leaves, C = nest is brown, but shape remains intake, D = nest has begun to fall apart; there are holes or chunck of leaves missing, E = nest is old; leaves are gone and only the skeletal branch and twig structure remains (Johnson et al., 2005). C. Field Observation We conducted field observation to obtain data about land use around orangutan corridor site plan. Data collecting was done by using boat through Menamang River. As part of this term, we also recorded geographic position on each land use using GPS. D. Data Analysis Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative method for nest characteristics. To know the existing condition of land use, we translated our data on a map. This process was supported by Arc Gis.10 software. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Nest Characteristics 1. Number of Nests We recorded 69 nests in study site. In several transects, nest couldn’t be found. It was more easier to look for nest on forest patch located near plantation forest or palm oil plantation. It might be correlated with the food availability. Although trees were not on the fruiting season, orangutans could shift their food sources on cambium or leaves (Russon et al., 2009). In this case, orangutans fall back 52 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nest Characteristics and Prospect of Orangutan ….. Tri Sayektiningsih, Yaya R., Amir M., & Ishak Y. their food on cambium of Acacia or bud of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis). This behavior is more significant for Pongo pygmaeus morio. Compared to the other sub species, Pongo pygmaeus morio is more flexible on diet so that it can cope severe condition which is rare of fruit (Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2009). Overall, the total of transect lines and nests was listed by the following table. Table 1. Transect line and number of nest in study site Site Transect lenght Number of nest (m) A 1000 18 B 1000 9 C 500 10 D 160 3 E 320 0 F 220 0 G 220 1 H 180 0 I 220 5 J 100 0 K 300 1 L 60 4 M 80 0 N 360 0 O 338 6 P 40 0 Q 160 0 R 332 8 S 316,6 3 T 100 1 Total 6006,6 69 Generally, orangutan build one nest on one tree. We calculated that 72,46% of nest was constructed on one tree. Similar case could be found in Kutai National Park, Birawa and Meratus. Based on Rayadin and Saitoh (2009) report, there were 87% nest built on one tree. These result might be caused by the similarity of habitat condition. From this result, we supposed that the habitat condition between two locations of study still could support orangutan’s living necessity. In degraded habitat, orangutans tend to build more than one nests on one tree (Ancrenaz et al., 2004). Besides the case above, we also found two or three nests on one tree (percentage 11,59% and 1,45%) on several tree species i.e. Castanopsis fulva, Pentace triptera, Gironniera nervosa, Baccaurea sp., Pterospermum javanicum, Dillenia reticulata, and Pterospermum javanicum. 53 2. Nest Age We found new nest on stage A (1,45%) and B (1,45%). Both nests on stage C and D had same percentage, 28,99%. Meanwhile, nests on stage E were abundant with percentage 39,13%. The finding of new nests proved that orangutans were still active using Menamang Forest (corridor area) as their habitat. Figure 3 show proportion of nest age in study site. A: 1.45% E: 39.13% B: 1.45% C: 28.99% D: 28.99% Figure 3. Proportion of nest age in study site 3. Nest Position The proportion of nest position is shown by Figure 4. Top of tree: 33.33% Top of branch: 20.29% Main stem: 46.38% Figure 4. Proportion of nest position in study site Nests were common built near the top of tree (Ancrenaz et al., 2004). Proportion of nest position in main stem was higher than other location (46,38%), 33,33% nests were on top of tree, and 20,29% nests were on top of branch. Nest position can be indicator to know population structure of orangutan. Adult orangutan tend to build nest on stable position (main stem), and young orangutan common build nest on top of branch (Rayadin and Saitoh, 2009; Rayadin, 2010). Nest choice is also a strategy to avoid predator (Kuncoro, 2004). 54 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nest Characteristics and Prospect of Orangutan ….. Tri Sayektiningsih, Yaya R., Amir M., & Ishak Y. The basic pattern of nest position in the tree can be distinguished on four categories, which differ with respect to how the main platform is created. Type 1 refers to a nest built near the main stem by bending the horizontal branches springing from it to form the platform. Type 2 uses the horizontal branch as its main foundation and uses side-branches to build the platform. This can be done near the main stem or quite a distance away from it. Type 3 nests are in tree forks, i.e. where there is no main stem above the nesting site. Type 4 deviates fundamentally from the other three in that several, usually rather small, tree are connected, by bending and locking branches from each tree together (Prasetyo et al., 2009). 4. Nest Height Orangutans’ nest height varies from 11 m in Tuanan to 20 m in Ketambe. It is influenced by canopy height (Felton et al., 2003; Prasetyo et al., 2009). Nests of orangutans are common in intermediate layer of the forest which is covered by more leaves (Niningsih, 2009). Based on our investigation, generally, orangutans built nest on 10-19 m in height (76,81%) with meant 16,68±4,40 m. It might explain that it was a strategy to avoid predator because it brought safety when they were slept. It was also believed to offer the animals an additional protection during their sleep against a direct exposure to rains and/or sun (Ancrenaz, 2006). That behavior was different with rehabilitant orangutans in Meratus Protection Forest. In that location, nests were mostly found on 10-25 m above ground. They also built nest on the ground (Kuncoro, 2004; Handayani, 2003). Proportion of nest height is shown by Figure 5. < 10: 2.90% 20-29: 20.29% 10-19: 76.81% Figure 5. Proportion of nest height in study site B. Prospect and Challenges on Orangutan Corridor Establisment Corridor site plan connected Kutai National Park and Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve is forest located in bank of Menamang River. At the present time, that forest is divided into several patches belong to certain concessions (HTI PT Surya Hutani Jaya and PT Hamparan Sentosa). Greensecondary forest along river bank still occur within HTI PT Surya Hutani Jaya. But, the condition is 55 dramatically changed when we travelled following river flow. The land convertion into palm oil plantation was the common view. It just left forest about 50 m or less in width from river bank. The forest is also converted by community to other purposes i.e. settlement, farms, and cemetery. Commonly, the villagers have been living in Menamang Kanan and Menamang Kiri villages for years. As descendants of Kutai tribe, they developed linguistic, cultural, and social aspects based on Kutai cultures. They still acknowledge and respect the existence of traditional village head (kepala adat). In term of housing construction, there is no distance between river and house. The back yard of home is Menamang river. Menamang Kiri and Menamang Kanan people are dependent on farm products for their livelihoods. The land farm location is far from settlement. Today, beside land farm, the community try to cultivate palm oil which each household has 5 ha as plasma plantation (kebun plasma). The program is a part of PT Hamparan Sentosa’s corporate social responsibility program. Considering that condition, it can be a threat for corridor establishment remembering the location is near river bank. The challenges of orangutan corridor establishment come not only from human aspects but also natural aspect. The continuous corridor connecting Kutai National Park and Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve is hard to reach because it is separated by river with 100 m in width. The constraint wouldn’t allow orangutans to travel across river. The situation of land use around corridor site plan is drawn by Figure 6. Figure 6. The situation of land use around corridor site plan 56 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nest Characteristics and Prospect of Orangutan ….. Tri Sayektiningsih, Yaya R., Amir M., & Ishak Y. Corridor connecting Kutai National Park and Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve has more positive impact either for orangutan population or for all living things within its habitat (Beier and Loe, 1992). Regarding the function of corridor, challenges, and geographic condition in Kutai Landscape, it is important to establish adaptive corridor. Corridor can be built to connect Kutai National Park with forest patches located in plantation which has function as conservation area. REFERENCES Ancrenaz, M., R. Calaque and I. Lackman. 2004. Orangutan nesting behavior in disturbed forest of Sabah, Malaysia: Implications for nest census. International Journal of Primatology, Vol. 25, No.5, October 2004. Ancrenaz, M. 2006. Report Consultancy on Survey Design and Data Analysis at Betung Kerihun National Park, Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, Betung Kerihun Project. Ancrenaz, M., L. Ambu, I. Sunjoto, E. Ahmad, K. Manokaran, E. Meijaard, I. Lackman. 2010. 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The forest degeneration over to palm oil and the high exploitation of A. dorsatagave the effect of the honey production and A. dorsatacolony avaibility today. The objective(s). (1) to evaluate the diversity (richness, abudancy, and similiarity) of Sialang trees in sub district of rainforest in Siak, (2) to evaluate the correlation of Sialang tree diversity to honey production and colony of A. dorsata, and (3) to evaluate the advantages of sustainable A. dorsata honey harvesting. Method approach. Determining the vegetation distribution and the number of Sialang trees, colony distribution, and A. dorsata density colonies at Siak (10° 16’ 30” - 00° 20’ 49” S and 100° 54’ 21” - 102° 10’ 59” E). The farmer behavior was also documented to compare the sustainable A. dorsataharvesting method (Purnomo, 2008). Results. The correlation showed all diversity parameter of Sialang tree gave negative correlation to A. dorsatacolony significantly (one of which caused by destruction honey harvesting method), but gave the positive correlation to honey production significantly. Meanwhile, sustainable A. dorsataharvesting method showed in 28 days after honey was harvesting, the A. dorsatacolony had established more 1050 cm2 the honey cell and 264 cm2the pollen cell in each colony than destructive harvesting method. Key word: Apis dorsata, Sialang tree diversity, honey production, honey sustainable harvesting. I. INTRODUCTION In the international world, Indonesia is complimented as a country with the greatest biodiversity after brazil. For that reason, it is called as a megabiodiversity country. Unfortunately, the pressure of land necessity and natural wealth slowly thread the diversity of flora and fauna species of Indonesian archipelago. The exploitation of forests, soils, rivers, lakes, and seas which are neededexcessively and temporarily is not a wise action to make. Because, it is possible that the flora and fauna and the microorganism hosting those ecosystems can be used as human welfare (Kompas, may 22nd, 2013). 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Balai Penelitian Teknologi Serat Tanaman Hutan Kuok . Jl. Raya Bangkinang-Kuok km. 9/BKN- Riau 28401Email : 59 One of the diversity forms is found in Asiatic giant honeybee (A. dorsata) which represents fauna, and sialang tree which represents flora where the existences are more marginalized because of the rapid deforestasion. Asiatic giant honeybee (A.dorsata) is the most productive honeybee producing honey which has the percentage of honey production nearly 60% of all honey produced in Indonesia (Ditjen RLPS, 2006). The characteristic of Asiatic giant honeybee hive is a hive with one stroke that hangs in a branch and a twig of a tree. The hive stroke can be measured until 2x1 meter with 20 kg honey production per hive. This species only develops in sub tropical and tropic Asia (around Pakistan to Indonesia) and can not be found outside of Asia. In Indonesia, it can be found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara (except Irian) (Starr et al., 1987). Sialang is a term for a big, tall tree which has diametre reached 100 cm or more, and the height can reach 25 to 30 meter and is hosted by A. dorsata. In Riau, it has at least 50 species of the biggest sialang trees which spread in peat and mineral soil. Sialang tree is a kind of plant which is protected by law, both government law and customary/ community law. It is intended to preserve those trees as the place which the group of bees produces honey as one of incomes of the people who lives near the forests (Mujethid, 2007). One of regencies in Riau province experiencing the rapid change of natural forest is Siak. Based on the data of Riau provincial forestry office (2006), the rapid change of the nature forest was from the conversion of PFI and palm tree plantations. The problem occured was the reduction of numbers and diversity of sialang trees. Another problem was the permanent technique of honeybee A. dorsata which tended to be destructive (cut off), it was feared to affect the sustainability of A. dorsata (WWF, 2012). The impact of natural forests deforestation being PFI is appeared to be a unique phenomenon. The tendency of A. dorsata colonies is more getting away to the forest boundary of HTI Acacia crassicaraa, A. mangium, and Eucalyptus sp. (Purnomo et al., 2007). The similar tendency appeared in palm tree plantation that showed the existence of the colonies withdrawing from the forest boundary. This issue was related to the availability of food resources of honeybee A. dorsata, which extrafloral nectar is produced by the Acacia plant (Sihombing, 1997). Therefore, the objectives of the study are (1) to determine the diversity level of sialang tree in Siak regency, (2) to determine the correlation of sialang tree diversity to the productivity of honey harvesting and A. dorsata colonies, and (3) to examine the advantages of honeybee A. dorsata harvesting technique sustainably to keep the living of A. dorsata colonies. II. DIVERSITY OF SIALANG TREE AND PREFERENCE OF ASIATIC GIANT HONEYBEE A. DORSATA IN SIAK REGENCY A tree is called sialang tree if the tree is hosted by Asiatic giant honeybee A. dorsata. Although the tree is with height about more than 30 meters, but if it is not hosted by A. dorsata, it will not be called sialang tree. The analysis result of sialang tree diversity showed that a district which hadthe highestdiversity parameter wasTualang and the lowest was Mempura and Sungai Apit (table 1). 60 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Correlation Between Sialang Tree Diversity ….. Avry Pribadi & Purnomo Analysis of sialang tree diversity parameter showed that the sialang tree diversity located in the village that was around Siak river and concession areas of Plantation Forest Industry (PFI) which were planted with Acacia mangium and Acacia crassicarpa showed higher rate (Tualang and Minas districts) if compared to sialang tree diversity around coastal areas though the diversity value is still below 3. Table 1. Some of diversity index parameter based on analysis result in some districts in Siak regencyRiau Regency Diversity index Richness index Abudancy index Minas 1.088 1.303 2.948 Mandau 1.795 1.958 2.156 Tualang 2.169 2.857 5.879 Koto Gasib 1.039 0.962 2.814 Mempura 0.72 2.98 1.955 Bunga raya 1.44 6.80 3.910 Sungai Apit 0.84 0.91 1.902 It is suspected that the limit factor which formed the fertility level of peat soil in Sungai Apit district (coastal area) affected the number and diversity of sialang tree which are adaptable in that area. Peat type that found in east coast of Sumatera is ombrogen. This peat soil possibly first appeared from the mangrove sediment soil which is then dried. This peat soil contains of high salt and sulfide, so only fewer decomposer organisms inhabit it. Research in Sarawak showed that peat started forming on mangrove mud about 4,500 years ago in the beginning with depth rate about 0.475 m/ 100 years (at 10-12 m depth of peat), later shrank to approximately 0.223 m/ 100 years at the depth of 0-5 m. Probably, the older the forest of peat soil, the fewer the availabilty of nutrients (Wikipedia, 2012). Therefore, it is thought that types of sialang trees growing much in rural forest area and river boundary are hard to grow in coastal area and only specific types that can tolerate to this boundary factor. The result of inventories of sialang tree types showed that Sungai Apit district had only 5 types of sialang tree with the number of 16 trees. While in the rural area (to the west) with the peat soil leads to hemic peat, selotype (transition), and red-yellow podzolic mineral soil (Minas district) showed that there were 11 types of sialang tree with the numbers of 87 trees. Whereas in concession area of PFI (fibric peat to saprik) and along the river of Tualang distrct, it was found that there were 12 types of sialang trees with the numbers of 51 trees (table 2). 61 Table 2. Preference of Asiatic giant honeybee A. dorsata in choosing sialang tree in 3 districts of Siak regency - Riau Average of A. dorsata Sialang tree species colony per tree Tualang district (found in concession area of PFI and Siak river flow) Kempas (Koomssia Parvifalia) 25.9 Arau 44.2 Kayu Batu (Homalium tomentosum) 11.1 Ponti 30 Pupui 18.3 Makeluang (Heritiera Tarrieta ) 20 Meranti (Shorea sp.) 25.5 27 Sisik 11.5 Pelajau 11 Macan Hutan 21.5 Balih Angin Gajah 13 Kole Minas district (found a few of concession area of PFI) Kayu Batu 22.5 Kempas 18.6 Arau 24.8 30 Rengas 26.8 Makeluang Pulai (Alstonia sp.) 15 Jelutung (Dyera costulata) 20 Pasir-pasir 15 Poso 50 Beringin 30 Meranti 40 Sungai Apit district (coastal area) Pulai 28 Kempas 19.5 25 Terap 34 Sentul 38.5 Arau Based on the analysis, the preference level/ the fondness of honeybee A. dorsata to the sialang tree in 3 districts representing the vegetation structure located in Siak regency (coast, ombrogen peat soil and river flow area, red-yellow podzolic mineral soil) showed that sialang tree type which is the best is arau type. Besides, it was found in those 3 districts, the preference level of honeybee A. 62 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Correlation Between Sialang Tree Diversity ….. Avry Pribadi & Purnomo dorsata per tree was considered high (24.8 to 44.2 colonies per tree) (table 2). Sialang tree type with honeybee A. dorsata preference was found in 2 areas, i.e. peat soil (Tualang district) and red-yellow podzolic mineral (Minas district)were kayu batu type (11;1 to 22.5 colonies per tree), makeluang (20 to 26.8 colonies per tree), and meranti (25.5 to 40 colonies oer tree). While the type of tree and preference of honeybee A. dorsata found in coastal area and peat soil ombrogen were kempas type (18.6 to 19.5 colonies per tree) and pulai rawa (15 to 28 colonies per tree) Some factors influenced the high and low of colony preference of honeybee A. dorsata to sialang tree relatively aremany horizontal branchings.The tall of tree reaching 27 m with branching fewer than 15 are not found vegetation/ another tree which is as big as the sialang tree, and branching that is far from plants of epifit and liana (Starr et al., 1987) and located around the sustainable forest (Purnomoet al., 2007). It can be seen that sialang tree located in the center of concession area of PFI was not inhabited by honeybee A. dorsata which was caused of the micro climate change(Purnomoet al., 2007). III. CORRELATION BETWEEN SIALANG TREE DIVERSITY TO HONEY PRODUCTIVITY AND A. DORSATA COLONY Based on the result of analysis, the correlation of sialang tree diversity to honey productivity and A. dorsata colony showed that all parameter of diversity types (diversity, rinchness, abundancy). Sialang tree showed a positive correlation to the honey harvest result obtained from all districts in Siak regency (table 3). It means that the honey harvesting of A. dorsata increased. The result was different to Pachepsky (2001) which stated that the increase of diversity will decrease the productivity level of a community, especially tropical area, the great diversity level has low productivity. While in subtropical area and temperate regions, even though it has low diversity level, the productivity level is high. It is thought there was a relationship between food resource of honeybee A. dorsata in form of nectar of A. crassicarpa and A. mangium located in concession area of PFI. According to Purnomo et al. (2010), the extrafloral nectar potency in PFI area planted by kinds of A. mangium and A. crassicarpa showed 40-75 litre per day/hectare depending on the age of its standing. Another factor was the existence of a large tree that was guarded by the local community, beside, the obligation of the company is to prepare protected area and unlimited factor like coastal area that hinder the adaptation of some kinds of sialang trees (figure1). It can be seen in the map of the village spread. It showed that there were numerous sialang trees in the edge of concession area of PFI and along the Siak river. The average result of honey harvest of A. dorsata showed the highest results in a row from Tualang district (18,195 kg), Minas (11,713 kg), and the lowest was Sungai Apit district (10,360 kg). So, closed to the coastal area, the diversity of sialang tree was getting decreased straightly compared to honey productivity that was also getting decreased. Moreover, the permanent technique tended to be destructive, the honey harvest obtained tending to be more. Nevertheless, it could not keep the sustainability of A. dorsata. 63 Table 3. Correlation between forest honey harvest productivity and A. Dorsata colony with some diversity parameters in Siak regency-Riau Parameter Diversity index Richness index 0.660* 0.002 0.660* -0.465 -0.500 -0.466 Honey productivity A. dorsata colony Abundancy index The opposite thing happened to the observation of the correlation between the parameter diversity and the existence of A. dorsata colony which showed the opposite trend (negative correlation). It means that the rise of sialang tree diversity would impact to the reduction of the number of A. dorsata colony and vice versa. If it relates to the sialang tree diversity that is low in coastal area, it could be informed that the agregation level of A. dorsata colony to sialang tree in coastal area (Sungai Apit district) had higher value when compared to the other two districts. The high agregation level of A. dorsata in an area showed that the colony of A. dorsata was developing. It is thought that it related to the existence of pollen source, especially coconut tree which produced protein for A. dorsata. According to Cale and Ruthenbuhler (1975), the bee population development is influenced by some factors, one of those is the ability of a queen bee to keep laying eggs. The ability of laying eggs is strongly influenced by the food (royal jelly) given from the worker bees to the queen bee, and to produce royal jelly, the bee colony needs pollen in sufficient amount. Royal jelly formed by the worker bees is also influenced by the existence of hypopharengeal gland which is located in the heads of worker bees. This gland needs nutrion such as protein, and in that way, the amount of pollen will impact to the development of bee colony. Rural areas (diversity of sialang tree is higher than diversity of sialang tree in coastal area) dominated by PFI and palm tree plantation showed the agragetion trend that A. dorsata was lower when compared to A. dorsata in coastal area (table 2). Concession area of PFI provided nectar which was the food source of A. dorsata, however, it was poorer in providing another food source which was pollen. Although there was a plam tree plantation which was happened to be the source of pollen, but Liow et al. (2001) stated that in thailand, the population and agregation of A. dorsata consider lower in palm tree plantation, because there are no nectars, and according to Nanork (2009), the branching is not suitable for A. dorsata to nest. For that reason, it made the agregation of A. dorsata colony in rural area considered lower than coastal area. 64 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Correlation Between Sialang Tree Diversity ….. Avry Pribadi & Purnomo 10 6 22 7 8 19 9 28 4 2 3 1 12 13 11 16 15 14 17 21 18 23 20 24 29 DesaRantau 9. Bertuah 2. 3. 31 33 17. Desa Benteng Hilir 25. Desa Benayah 10. Desa Lubuk Umbut 18. Desa Paluh 26. Desa Pebadaran Desa Mandiangin 11. Desa Teluk Kabung 19. Desa Berbari 27. Desa Penyengat Desa Minas Jaya 12. Desa Pinang Sebatang Barat 20. Desa Pusaka 28. Desa 4. Desa Minas Barat 13. Desa Pinang Sebatang Timur 21. Desa Perincit 5. Desa Minas Timur 14. Desa Kuala Gasib 22. Desa Bunga Raya 6. Desa Langkai 15. Desa Teluk Rimba 23. Desa Bedosan 30. Desa Kayu Ara 7. Desa 16. Desa Kota Ringin 24. Desa Sungai Limau 31. Desa Lalang Lubuk Desa Sigintil 26 30 27 32 5 1. 25 Jering 8. Sungai Rawa 29. Desa Mengkapan 32. Desa Harapan Desa Olak : concession area of PFI Arara Abadi (Sinar Mas) Picture 1. The spread of central village producing honey in Siak regency in 2010 III. METHOD OF SUSTAINABLE HARVESTING OFA. DORSATA HONEY In Siak regency, harvesting technique of honey before the year of 2000 was still destructive, which was cutting off the whole part of the honeycomb. Since 2000, the Research for Forestry Office in Kuok introduced a sustainable harvesting technique, which is done by the way of cutting and brushing off honey and leaving the brood. The observation of the technique showed that the composition of A. dorsata hive contained only 10% of honey and pollen, whereas the rest of which was about 90% was the sapling (brood). The cutting of hive was done on the part of the stroke that 65 was farthest from the main stem because the stroke was located in the farthest area if it was seen from the main stem. Treatment for increasing honey productivity was done by doing cleaning treatment of the rest of honey comb that was still attached to the stem after honey harvesting and by not doing cleaning treatment (the rest of comb left tobe attached). Based on the observation, it was showed on day I after doing honey stroke harvesting that both trials still made a crowd of A. dorsata. After 7 days, the observation showed that the cleaningtreatment to the rest of honey comb made a new hive built by the A. dorsata worker. While the rest of honey comb which was not doing the cleaning treatment made the hive left by A. dorsata which inhabited it before. After 28 days since the treatment, the cleaning treatment of honey comb showed that the part had reformed and bulged. The opposite thing happened to the hive whose hive/comb was uncleaned which showed the change of the function of the comb which was the comb for sapling (brood) to become honey (table 4). In addition, the cleaning process of the rest of the honey comb had higher value (1260 cm2) if compared to the uncleaned honey comb (960 cm2). The similar trend could be seen in the pollen comb and brood which had higher values to the cleaning treatment compared to the uncleaned one (table 4). Table 4. Wide average of each hive stroke (honey, pollen, brood) on the 28th day after the process Part of hive comb Honey (cm2) Pollen (cm2) Brood (cm2) cleaned uncleaned cleaned uncleaned cleaned uncleaned 1050 0 264 0 0 0 210 960 380 520 7210 6580 0 0 0 0 1027 1550 1260 960 644 520 8237 8130 comb of former honey harvest (point part/farthest part of main stem/harvested part) Center hive stroke (left part) Hive stroke of starting point (the nearest part to the main stem Total The low trend of comb wide of each hive to the uncleaned treatment was suspected because of the existence of the rotten comb rest, so it lured the decomposing organisms (fungi or decomposer) to come, and it made the old hive becoming humid and rotten. This such condition was probably not favored by the bees, specifically it was because of the high humidity of the comb which occured disease caused by fungi and bacteria. According to Renich et al. (2011), some bee diseases are 66 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Correlation Between Sialang Tree Diversity ….. Avry Pribadi & Purnomo caused by the existence of microorganisms such as roten larvae rot (caused by bacteria Bacillus larvae). IV. CONCLUSION 1. Districts having the highest diversity parameter was Tualang (2.169) and the lowest was Mempura and Sungai Apit (0.72 and 0.84). The analysis about diversity parameter of sialang tree was located in the village around the Siak river flow and concession area of PFI which was planted by Acacia mangium, Acacia crassicarpa, and Eucalyptus sp. and showed the highest value (Tualang and Minas districts) if compared to sialang tree diversity in coastal area (Sungai Apit district). 2. Sialang tree diversity in Siak regency correlated negatively to A. dorsata colony agregation, however it correlated positively to honey harvesting productivity. 3. The 28th day observation, the rest of honey stroke done through the cleaning process had a higher value (1260 cm2) if compared to the honey stroke which was uncleaned (960 cm2). The similar trend was seen in pollen and brood strokes which had higher values through the cleaning process compared to the uncleaned process. REFERENCES Cale, G.H and Ruthenbuhler, W.C. 1975. Genetics and Breeding of the Honey Bee. Dadant and Sons Hamilton, Illonois Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Riau. 2006. Statistik Dinas Kehutanan Provonsi Riau tahun 2006. Ditjen RLPS, 2001. Data Produksi Madu Indonesia tahun 1997 s.d 2000. Mujetahid, M.A. 2007. Technique of Forest Honeybee Harvesting Praticed by Local Community around the Forest Area inDistrict of Mallawa, Regency of Maros. Jurnal Perennial, 4(1) : 36-40 Liow, L.H.; Sodhi, N.S. & Elmqvist, T. (2001). Bee Diversity Along a Disturbance Gradient in Tropical Lowland Forests of South-east Asia. Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol.38, No.1 (Febuary 2001), pp. 180–192, Available from Oldroyd, B.P. & Nanork, P. (2009). Conservation of Asian Honey Bees. Apidologie, 40(3): 296-312 Pachepsky, E. 2001. Why it takes all kinds: diversity mechanisms and patterns in ecological communities Chapter 5. Effects of diversity on the productivity and stability of communities PhD Thesis. Purnomo, Rochmayanto, Y., Junaedi, A., Aprianis, Y., dan Suhendar 2007. Peta Sebaran Koloni Lebah Hutan (Apis dorsata) dan Data Produksi Madu di Riau. Laporan Hasil Penelitian Balai Penelitian Hutan Penghasil Serat, Kuok. Tidak dipublikasikan Purnomo. 2010. Potensi Nektar Pada Hutan Tanaman Jenis Acacia crassicarpa untuk Mendukung Perlebahan. Laporan Hasil Penelitian Balai Penelitian Hutan Penghasil Serat, Kuok (tidak dipublikasikan) Rennich, K., Petitis, J., 2, Vanengelsdrop, D. and Hayes J., 2011. National Honey Bee Pests and Diseases Survey Report. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania 67 Sihombing, D.T.H., 1997. Ilmu Ternak Lebah Madu. Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Starr K. C., Schmidt, J.P., Schimdt, J.O. 1987. Nest-site Preference of Giant Honey Bee, Apis dorsata (Hymenoptera: Apidae), in Borneo. Pan-Pasific Entomologist 63(1); 37-42 Utomo, Y.W. Melindungi Kekayaan Alam. Harian Kompas, 22 Mei 2013 World Wide Fund for Nature. 2012. Madu Sialang Tesso Nilo. ts/madu_tessonilo Wikipedia. 2012. Gambut. 68 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Options for the Biodiversity Conservation ….. Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard P., & San Afri Awang Options for The Biodiversity Conservation of Gunung Lumut Protection Forest East Kalimantan1 Tri Wira Yuwati23, Gerard Persoon2 and San Afri Awang4 ABSTRACT Gunung Lumut protection forest in East Kalimantan is the home of diverse flora and fauna. It was reported that many plant species were being endemic and new to science. Mushrooms and birds were also reported to have a high diversity. Nevertheless Gunung Lumut has facing problems due to forest fire, illegal logging, encroachment for settlements and agricultures and conversion to oil palm plantation. Limited or no alternative funding, a weak management design and no involvement of local people in the management are the causal factors. Protection forest with an important role to protect the area underneath and providing environmental service is no longer “protected”. This paper presented options for the management of Gunung Lumut protection forest which ensure the conservation of its biodiversity and at the same time providing alternative livelihood for local people. Keyword : Gunung Lumut, East Kalimantan, protection forest, co-management, biodiversity conservation I. BACKGROUND According to the Ministry of Forestry Strategic Data (2009), protected areas in Indonesia cover more than 43.75% of its total forested area. The total forested area in Indonesia up to September 2009 was 136,645,269.91 hectares ( Ibid, 2009). The Ministry of Forestry Strategic Data (2009) also stated that Indonesia had appointed 28,235,435.42 hectares of conservation areas and 31,551,110.4 hectares of protection forest. Approximately, 23 % of the total forested area in Indonesia is protection forest. The Law no. 41/ 1999 identifies protection forest as a forest area having the main function of protecting life-supporting systems for hydrology, preventing floods, controlling erosion, preventing sea water intrusion and maintaining soil fertility. Nowadays, it is an irony to look at the state of protection forest in Indonesia. Created to protect their important functions in providing environmental services, in reality, protection forests in Indonesia are no longer “protected”. Illegal logging (Yonariza and Webb, 2007), forest fire (Lee et al, 2009), encroachment for settlements and agricultural fields (Ginoga et al, 2005), conversion into oil palm plantations (Sandker et al, 2007) are some of the main causes of the destruction going on in 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands 3 Banjarbaru Forestry Research Institute, South Kalimantan, Indonesia 4 Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 69 protection forests. As a result, forests which should be protected are becoming public access forests (Moeliono and Purwanto, 2008). Decentralization for forestry sector has given the authority of protection forest to local government (Dermawan et al, 2006). However, limited management budget, no alternative funds, poor monitoring, institutional weaknesses, poor management design and no involvement of local people are the major causes of poor management of protection forest. Moeliono and Purwanto (2008) emphasized that lack of law enforcement and general neglect has allowed all parties to break the law with impunity. To complete them all, there is no special policy for management of protection forest in Indonesia (Ginoga et al, 2005). Ginoga et al (2005) concluded that the role of protection forest remain dilemmatic due to: (i) gap in understanding similar terminology involved in managing protection forest such as conservation area, forest protection or protected area, (ii) dualism in policy and regulation: mentioning the need and effort for sustainability of protection forest thus making a room for protection forest exploitation, (iii) no harmony in policy between sectors and regulation between national and regional level, (iv) overlapping policies, (v) underestimating of ecological role and function of protection forest. The basic question is how to manage protection forests with such environment and social problems? Gunung Lumut protection forest (GLPF) is the home of diverse flora and fauna of Kalimantan. It is reported that many plant species were being endemic and new to science. It is also the home of Dayak Paser customary people. However, decentralization has forced local government to generate their own income. Up to March 2010 there were 4 timber concessions, 38 oil palm plantations and 86 coal mining concessions (20 exploitation permit and 66 exploration permit) in Paser district (Paser District in Numbers, 2009). Several of them are bordering with the protection forest. The Dayak Paser customary people collect Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) and practice extensive shifting cultivation in this area. Due to limited budget, it is hardly any management activities in GLPF. As a result, the forest area are degrading and becoming public access. Attention should be given to GLPF. This paper wrapped up preliminary study of cooperation research between FORDA-Tropenbos-Leiden University entitled “Integrating Local Land Use System in Collaborative Management of Protected Areas” with two case studies in Gunung Lumut Protection Forest, East Kalimantan and Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan. This paper presented one case study and aimed to offer options for the management of GLPF which ensures the conservation of its biodiversity and at the same time providing alternative livelihood for local people. II. Declaration of Paser as Conservation District On 29 June 2006 Paser district declared to be a conservation district. The purpose of this declaration is to bring Paser towards sustainable development. It is stated in the mission of Paser district (Paser District in Numbers, 2009). The reason behind the declaration was that Paser owns protection forests and nature reserves. There are four protection forests (GLPF, Kendilo River-Mount Ketam, Downstream of Sawang river and Samu river), two nature reserves (Adang bay and Apar bay) and a great forest park (Lati Petanggis) in Paser district. Moreover, the increasing population and a demand for higher economical growth have raised the awareness among Paser people that the susceptibility of natural resources of Paser is also high. 70 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Options for the Biodiversity Conservation ….. Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard P., & San Afri Awang However, the total protected area (protection forest, nature reserve and great forest park) is only 21.36% of the total surface area of Paser district (Paser in Numbers, 2009). This condition has made it difficult for Paser district to receive recognition from the provincial and central government. The requirement for conservation district is that the surface area is dominated (more than 50%) by protected area. For example, protected area of Kapuas Hulu district dominates 56.21% of the total surface area (Muhajir, 2007). Hence, there is a contradiction between what was stated and what is actually carried out. There is a massive conversion of forest area into mining and oil palm plantation in Paser. Percentage distribution of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) showed that 68.36% of the total GDRP of Paser district in 2008 was supported by mining sector. The actual receipt from land and building taxes for Paser district in 2008 showed that 81.55% came from mining, 8.44% came from oil palm plantation and only 0.62 % came from forestry sector. It can also be seen from the growing number of mining companies which were 10 companies in the end of 2007 but increasing to 20 companies in the end of 2008. Let aside the presence of 66 mining exploration permits. There is also a perception that to become a conservation district will be easier to attract funding from the central government and international institutions. The promotion of Paser as conservation district was initiated by the Asia Forest Partnership (AFP) consisted of various institutions: World Wide Fund (WWF), Tropenbos Indonesia (TBI), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), The Ministry of Forestry and Paser district government. These institutions were working together to promote conservation district scheme for three districts of East Kalimantan province: Kapuas Hulu, Paser and Malinau. Kapuas Hulu district in West Kalimantan, Malinau and Pasir district in East Kalimantan have shown their serious interests in becoming conservation districts in the future despite of the presence of obstacles remained such as legal and technical constraints. III. GUNUNG LUMUT PROTECTION FOREST The designation of Gunung Lumut as protection forest was conducted in 1983 through the Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 24/Kpts/Um/1983. Before the designation, it was a production forest under concession of PT Telaga Mas since 1970’s. GLPF covers an area of 35,350 hectares and lies between 116º02'57" and 116º50'41" East Longitude; 01º19'08" and 01º49'33" South Latitude. It stretches from the north to the south about 56.3 km length and 8.3 km wide, surrounded by 15 villages, and even one settlement is located inside the protection forest (Anonymous, 2005). Administratively, GLPF belongs to Pasir District and covers four sub districts i.e. Long Kali, Muara Komam, Long Ikis and Batu Sopang in the East Kalimantan province. The GLPF area is mainly covered by dipterocarp lowland forest, apart of the area are dominated by trees of meranti ( Shorea spp.) and kapur (Dryobalanops lanceolata) (Murniati et al, 2006). Approximately 60% of the forest is still in pristine condition with a complete flora and fauna (Anonymous, 2005). The buffer zones of the GLPF are production and limited production forest areas with degraded condition. Thousand of forest dependent people are living in these buffer zones (Murniati et al, 2006). Despite of its designation as a protection forest, logging activities are continuing and even worsened by the activities of large number of small concessions (IUPHHK = Ijin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu) granted by the District Head (Bupati) around the protection forest. 71 Figure 1. Map of Gunung Lumut protection forest, Pasir District, East Kalimantan (source: East Kalimantan Development Planning Agency, 2010) Finally, the activities of IUPHHK were stopped by the MoF decree No. 541/Kpts-II/2002. Currently, there are 4 timber concession holders, 86 mining concessions (20 exploitation permit and 66 exploration permit) and 38 oil palm plantations are still operating around GLPF. Concerning the needs to conserve biodiversity within and around GLPF, three districts (Pasir, Tagalong and Barito Selatan) have signed a MoU for the proper management and protection of the remaining protection forests in the borders of these districts. TBI, an international NGO, has supported co-management in the area since 2005. TBI has initiated activities such as: inventory of biodiversity and natural resources, stakeholder analysis, research on communal rights, the formation of multi-stakeholder management institutions, development of zoning plans and trainings. Furthermore, varieties of research activities ranging from biodiversity assessment to social economy and customary rights of local people in Pasir District have been conducted by Tropenbos Indonesia in cooperation with The Ministry of Forestry and Mulawarman University. The research on biodiversity assessment demonstrated a high botanic diversity in the Gunung Lumut in terms of genera (Slik, 2005). It was also determined that Macaranga and Mallotus were becoming post- disturbance indicator species. Sidiyasa et al (2005) concluded that 72 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Options for the Biodiversity Conservation ….. Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard P., & San Afri Awang Gunung Lumut had a high plant species diversity of approximately 445 higher plant species. These species belong to 215 genera and 74 families (not including lianas, epiphytes and herbs). It is believed that many recorded plant species were new either for East Kalimantan or even for science in general. Wiriadinata (2005) conducted inventory on understorey forest plants diversity and collected 194 herbs and shrubs, 33 trees, 21 lianas and 4 orchids. Some of these are being endemic and new to science such as Begonia spp. Marji and Noor (2006) identified 81 mushroom species in Mului forest, 60 species in Lumut forest and 48 species in Rantau Layung forest. Boer (2006) investigated the avian diversity at GLPF and a total of 137 bird species were identified, some of them were endemic. Slik and Van Ballen (2005) determined that species richness of birds in primary and disturbed forest was similar. De Iongh et al (2005) compared rapid assessments and checklist-based analysis for proportional guild composition of lowland forest bird communities between Sungai Wain and Gunung Lumut forest. They concluded that rapid assessments were effective for understorey and terrestrial species but not for arboreal species. Suyanto (2006) investigated the biodiversity of small mammals from GLPF and he identified 18 species of small mammals in GLPF. Saragih (2005) compared the community oil palm plantation and local rattan gardening in terms of economic profit. The result was that community oil palm plantation was economically more profitable than local rattan gardening and this has resulted a strong competition between two land use type. Wahyuni (2007) concluded that traditional management of Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) or Iron wood was very weakly developed in Gunung Lumut. Bakker (2005) illustrated that since the implementation of decentralization in January 2000, conflicts with customary land have affected problems for local and central government. The claims demanded for the formal recognition of land rights and return of customary land to communities. Socio-economic assessment was conducted in two villages of Muluy and Rantau Layung (van der Ploeg and Persoon, 2007 ). Muluy lies in the heart of GLPF while Rantau Layung is located adjacent to GLPF. People in Muluy considered that wild resources were more important than cultivated or bought resources. Thus, the people of Rantau Layung considered both as important. People of Rantau Layung distinguished primary forest into 4 landscape sub-types based on distances to the village and accommodation in customary law. Soedirman (2005) identified 53 actors who play roles in the Kalimantan forestry problems. It was determined that the forestry related government institutions were major elements of identified stakeholders, however, it showed situation of unclear or overlapping authorities. IV. OPTIONS FOR THE BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OF GLPF Several options for protection forest management which can be chosen are in the form of Protection Forest Management Unit with all its institutional arrangements, while collaboration can be build through schemes of social forestry released by the Ministry of Forestry which are Village Forest and Community Forest. Other alternative option is the management of an independent management body such as Sungai Wain protection forest and Wehea protection forest in East Kalimantan. However, this particular option will need a strong government support, meaning that there should be a commitment from local government to release its authority and giving a legalized umbrella in the form of local government rules (PERDA-Peraturan Daerah). The designation of a protection forest as Biosphere Reserves can also become other alternative protection forest management since in this scheme man is inseparable from his environment. Meaning that natural resource conservation is 73 including the people in and surrounding the resources. Each option will be analyzed and presented with its challenges and opportunities, strength and weaknesses. 1. The current management of GLPF After decentralization of forestry sector started in January 2001, the authority of GLPF has been given to the Paser district forestry office. In the end of 2006 in order to withstand the continuous pressure of logging and mining companies, the district head was proposing to up-grade GLPF into a National Park. On 4 Februari 2008, 125 Dayak paser customary people were going to the Paser district House of Representatives to protest the upgrading plan. Up to present, there is no approval from the Ministry of Forestry regarding the plan. However, in order to implement Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s bureaucracy reformation policy, the district head decided to merge the forestry office with mining and energy office through Paser district head decree No. 21/ 2008. Started in 2008, GLPF has been managed by the Paser district forestry, mining and energy office. In the early of 2009, the Paser district government formulated a Paser District Technical Implementation Unit of Gunung Lumut Conservation Area (GLCA). However, only in early 2010 it has been started to operate after receiving operational budget from the district government. The activity of GLCA in 2010 is mainly socialization to stakeholders of Gunung Lumut. Hence, due to the election of the new Paser district head in June 2010, the GLCA manager has not been officially inaugurated yet. In general, there are no actual management activities of GLPF up to present. Currently, there is no alternative source of funding for the management of GLPF. It mainly depended on the district budget. The current institution is also lack of human resources. By the merger of forestry office and mining and energy office, conservation and forest protection is not a priority for Paser district. The bureaucracy reformation made it simpler to release mining exploration and exploitation concession. It is easier to convert forest into mining area, because all the paper works take place in one office alone. As a proof of this, in 2008, there are 66 new mining exploration permits. The voice from the forestry department was not heard because mining supported the biggest income for the district. Moreover, the pressure from customary people living in GLPF is also higher. They declared the rejection to any conservation scheme and they demanded for the recognition of their customary rights and forest. In addition, there are frictions between NGOs working in the area. Could the current management of GLPF handle the obstacles? Considering the current condition, potential and weaknesses, it is not realistic to expect that GLPF will survive in the long run. To do nothing surely will accelerate the degradation and forest destruction and at the same time marginalizing the customary people who have high dependency with forest resources. 2. GLPF as a biosphere reserve AFP organized many activities towards forestry good governance promotion in Paser district, including: training of GIS for Paser district government officers, workshops and the initiation of a working group for collaborative management of GLPF. In the workshop on GLPF co-management the participants who are the stakeholders of GLPF (district government, sub district government, timber companies, mining companies, university, NGO’s, customary leaders, village leaders) agreed that GLPF shall be promoted as Biosphere Reserve. 74 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Options for the Biodiversity Conservation ….. Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard P., & San Afri Awang UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere program (MAB) identified biosphere reserves as areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems promoting solutions to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. Biosphere reserves are having three functions: (1) conservation function, (2) development function and (3) logistic function. A conservation function means contributing to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation. A development function means fostering economic and human development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable. A logistic function means providing support for research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and development. In general, its purpose is to reduce loss of biodiversity, improve livelihoods of local people and enhance social, economic and cultural conditions for environmental sustainability. Today, there are 564 sites in over 109 countries are joining World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR). This concept allowing the division of a protected area into three zones: core zone, buffer zone and transition zone. In a biosphere reserve, forest-dependant people/forest dwellers are inseparable with the forest. Zoning allows settlements and forest product utilization. Hence, is it applicable to GLPF? What are challenges and opportunities for the implementation of this scheme? First, if GLPF becomes a biosphere reserve (a conservation forest) it means that the authority of the forest area is given to the central government. It is stated in the Law No. 41/1999 on Forestry sector that the authority for management of conservation forests is the central government/ the Ministry of Forestry. Will Paser district government give part of its forest to the central government? Decentralization means that local government has to generate their own income. Loosing part of its natural resources is also loosing the opportunity to generate more income. Second, will the Ministry of Forestry accept it? While the plan for up-grading GLPF into national park has not yet answered up to now. Indonesia is rich in biodiversity of flora and fauna; however there are only 6 biosphere reserves registered in the WNBR located in Indonesia due to the difficulties in the implementation of such concept. Third, who will initiate and facilitate the process until it is accomplished? NGO’s, governments, or academics? The actualization of the process needs strong endurance, commitment, energy and fund as well. The initiator and facilitator have to bring all stakeholders to sit together and raise awareness of them regarding GLPF and the people in and surrounding it. The opportunities of changing GLPF into biosphere reserve are that: First, if central government would like to accept it, usually it will be supported by annual budget from the ministry of forestry, just like in national parks. Second, the biosphere scheme has been discussed and agreed by the participants of GLPF workshop in Paser district. Third, the customary people has conducted participatory mapping of the customary forest and the forest division among villages. The map can be used as a starting point to establish zoning by overlaying it with satellite images and doing ground check in the field. 3. Co-management of GLPF Co-management of protection forest in Indonesia has been implemented in Sungai Wain and Wehea protection forest in East Kalimantan. Although both of them are under the authority of District Environment Office, the actual management of the forests is given to an independent management institution; Badan Pengelola Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain (BPHLSW) or Sungai Wain Protection Forest 75 Management Institution for Sungai Wain and Badan Pengelola Hutan Lindung Wehea (BP-Huliwa) or Wehea protection forest management institution for Wehea. The head of BPHLSW and BP-Huliwa was selected by the representatives of stakeholders of both protection forests. However, the management budget was fully supported by the district government; Balikpapan city government and East Kutai district. Moreover, there are differences for both forests in the methods towards co-management. BPHLSW started the co-management process with awareness raising (Purwanto, 2007), while BPHuliwa bound the commitment of customary people to conserve the forest through compensations; giving scholarships to the children of customary forest ranger (In Dayak language: Petkuq Mehuey). The implementation of co-management is reasonably difficult (Borrini-Feyerabend et al, 2007). First, it needs commitment from the local government to conserve the forest. The commitment is not only in the form of district policy but also annual budget for the management. Second, it is highly depended on the negotiation process and consensus which is usually long and tiring (Persoon and van Est, 2003; Pomeroy and Rivera-Guieb, 2006; Borrini-Feyerabend et al, 2007). Third, Initiator and facilitator are certainly needed to guard this process until co-management is fully accomplished (Borrini-Feyerabend, 1997). Initiator and facilitator shall make planning for the co-management process and also planning for the model and institutional arrangements. This process should ensure that all stakeholders are being involved in the decision making. Is co-management applicable to GLPF? The formulation of GLCA can be seen as starting point towards conservation of GLPF. GLCA shall make forest management planning with the involvement of all stakeholders in decision making especially the customary people in and around GLPF. Another opportunity of GLPF is the declaration of Paser as conservation district. It is expected that declaration is followed by actions. One thing that is of high concern for GLPF is the commitment of public administration or the willingness of district government to conserve this forest. Looking at the high number of mining concessions, mining exploration permit and oil palm plantations, the merger of forestry and mining office in Paser district, it is difficult to believe their commitment as conservation district. Hence, the big question would be “ How to manage protection forest with lots of social and environmental problems? Where is the position for comanagement?” 4. Macro and micro management of GLPF According to forest management, a forest shall be managed to reach its sustainability. The establishment of a forest management unit, whatever function (production, protection and conservation forest) is very crucial to ensure its sustainability. Based on government decree no 6/2007 jo government decree no 3/2008, every forest function should be managed in one Forest Management Unit (FMU). Therefore, protection forest shall be managed in Protection Forest Management Unit (PFMU). We have a strong opinion that village forest and community forest scenarios are more distinct, more clear, and supported by law. Collaborative management is nice in the concept level, however, there is no policy support and highly depends on the negotiation process and consensus between local people and local government. How is the position of village forest and or community forest in the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest Management Unit? 76 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Options for the Biodiversity Conservation ….. Tri Wira Yuwati, Gerard P., & San Afri Awang The scenario for the Gunung Lumut protection forest management are as follows: (1) Formulating Gunung Lumut Protection Forest Management Unit and its institutional arrangement (organizational structure, human resource development, regulation arrangements, decision making system, institutional budgetting, main activities, monitoring and evaluation) (2) The local people of Muluy is given options for community development program of Village Forest or Community Forest (3) The PFMU authority shall reserve a forest area for Village Forest or Community Forest which then asked to the forestry minister for the concession. (4) The Paser distrcit government on behalf of the Muluy people shall propose a permit of community development scheme: Village Forest or Community Forest. When the permit has been accepted, then all planning, actuating, monitoring and evaluation procedures shall following the forestry minister policy (5) The same procedure shall be applied to 14 villages surrounding GLPF (6) For the protection forest area which has been converted to rubber ( Havea braziliensis) garden, banana garden and other plantation, then the agroforestry model shall be considered so that the succession is certainly happening (7) For the area that are still in a good condition, the commodity shall be directed to non-timber forest product, alternative energy plants and food producing plants (8) The license holder of Village Forest and Community Forest is independent and coordinative with the PFMU authority (9) The task of PFMU manager is to formulate policy and guidelines through GLPF management plan. This plan shall be a guidance and criteria for working performance monitoring for Village Forest and Community Forest License Holder Challenges and opportunities for the management of protection forest (1) This paradigm has high opportunity to be implemented due to the released of government no 6/2007 jo government rule no 3/2008, forestry minister decree on village forest and forestry minister decree on community forest. With this paradigm, to establish a protection forest management unit is a-must. The Muluy people have been residing in the forest could ask for village forest and community forest schemes (2) The government policy on point (1) has a big opportunity to solve conflict from the social and economical pressure of local people in and around the forest (3) Government decree no 38/2008 about decentralization policy especially for forestry sector has given the opportunity to formulate norm, standard, procedure and criteria (NSPC) for the management of protection forest and local government policy on protection forest management due to the division of the authority under local government and 77 (4) To decide commodities and technology for land use management appropriate for local people and forest protection function. From those paradigms, challenges for the management of protection forest are: (1) How to build an agreement between local people in and surrounding protection forest regarding the management of protection forest? (2) How to build a multi-stakeholder agreement regarding protection forest management? (3) How to facilitate local government in formulating Governor/district heads and or local government rule on protection forest management arrangements? (4) To what extent local government’s willingness to conserve protection forest without converting them into oil palm plantation? (5) Do the ministry of forestry and local government have the same perception regarding protection forest utilization? V. CONCLUSION The challenges and opportunities for protection forst management is urgent to be formulated due to unavailable basic concept for protection forest management in Indonesia and never been discussed seriously in the level of local government. In building the concept of protection forest management in Indonesia, shall considering the formal policy or rules and valued by real situation in the field, not unrealistic beautiful dreams which are difficult to be reached. Hence, the authors would like to promote the formulation of PFMU as macro-management and Village Forest or Community Forest as micro-management for Gunung Lumut protection forest management. The proposed option is more distinct, more clear and supported by law. The challenges and opportunities to configure that option is urgently needed to be studied. REFERENCES Anonymous. 2005. ‘Proposal of Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment’. Loka Litbang Satwa Primata in cooperation with TBI Indonesia Programme. Balikpapan. Awang, S.A. 2009. Pilihan pasti pengelolaan hutan lindung (peluang dan tantangan). Prosiding Diskusi Multipihak pengelolaan kolaboratif hutan lindung Gunung Lumut: peluang dan tantangan, Tanah Grogot, 13 October 2009. Tropenbos Indonesia. Bakker, L. 2005. Land law and community in East Kalimantan Forest. Final Report submitted to Tropenbos Kalimantan Programme, Balikpapan. Boer, C. 2006. The avian diversity at Gunung Lumut Protection Forest. 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The most important types and of high economic value are D.celebica and D.rumphii. The existence of Diospyros species in their natural habitat is diminishing due to internal factors and external factors. One effort can be done in order to maintain the diversity of Diospyros is conducting exitu conservation. This study aims to determine the survival and adaptability of 9 species of Diospyros in order to exitu conservation in Arboretum of Manado Forestry Research Institute (MFRI). This research are using Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications; each replication consist of 10 individuals so that for each type of Diospyros consists of 40 individuals who are planted with a distance of 3 m x 3 m. Data were analyzed statistically to determine differences in growth of 9 species Diospyros using SPSS ver 16.0. The results show that the percentage of the overall life of 9 species of Diospyros 90.69%. The highest percentages of survival are D.ebenum (100%) and D.rumphii (100%). The lowest is D.hebecarpa (60%). The types who have living percentage above 75% are 8 types namely D.ebenum (100%), D.rumphii (100%), D.malabarica (97.50%), D.pilosanthera (95%), D.korthalsiana (95% ), D.minahassae (90%), D.celebica (90%), D.cauliflora (88.75%). Percentage of life reflects the adaptability of a species outside its natural habitat so that species that have a high percentage of life, has high adaptability to changes in the growth environment. The type has highest in height and diameter growth among most of the 9 types of Diospyros is D.ebenum with an average height growth (41.15 cm) and the average growth diameter (0.56 cm). The type that has lowest growth of high and diameter is D.malabarica with an average height growth (31.56 cm) and the average growth diameter (0.33 cm). Keywords: Diversity, Diospyros, growth, adaptation, conservation, exitu 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute , email : 81 I. INTRODUCTION Ebony is the name of several commercial timber species from the genus Diospyros incorporated in Ebenaceae family. The mention of the name for some type of ebony wood are often called Diospyros spp. There are approximately 100 species of Diospyros in Indonesia based on herbarium collections stored in the Research Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Bogor of the previously named Bosbouw Proefstation (Forest Research Institute) (Alrasyid, 2002). According to Whitemore et al., (1989) there are 26 species of the genus Diospyros in Sulawesi, while according to Keβler et al., (2002) there are 19 species of the genus Diospyros in Sulawesi. The types of ebony tree (Diospyros spp.) are generally found in nature forests or lowland primary forest to a height of 900 m above sea level in hilly areas of tropical forest and they are rarely found in secondary forest. Several type of ebony (Diospyros spp.) even reported to grow in the forest of the mountains to a height of 1700 m above sea level, peat swamp forest, heath forest, and forest on limestone soil and ultra alkaline soil (Riswan, 2002). Ebony is the most famous species of lowland forest formations in Sulawesi Island, and the concentrations are spreading their natural growing place in Central Sulawesi and North Sulawesi (Steup, 1931 in Whitten et al., 1987). Harvesting and export of ebony have started since the days of the Dutch East Indies government in Indonesia, so the name of ebony has been long recognized in the timber trade, especially in European countries (Sanusi, 2002). In the timber trade, ebony grouped into three groups. The first group is referred to "black ebony" namely; D.ebenum and D.ferrea; second group referred to "streaked ebony" namely; D.blancoi, D.celebica and D.pilosanthera and the third group referred to "white Diospyros wood" namely; D.discocalyx and D.rigida (Walujo, 2002). The other authors mention that ebony tree consists of 7 (seven) types namely; D.celebica, D.ebenum, D.ferrea, D.lolin, D.macrophylla, D.pilosanthera, and D.rumphii (Alrasyid, 2002). The most important ebony are D.celebica and D.rumphii while known as Makassar ebony or striped ebony or coromandel in the world market (Heringa, 1951 Alrasyid, 2002). The existence of ebony types (Diospyros spp.) in their nature habitat is decrease and limited. This limitation due to internal factors and external factors. Internal factors like the nature of the growth is very slow and not equals with the rate of their exploitation. External factors are over exploitation, illegal logging, destruction of their nature habitat due to forest fires and conversion of the region etc. To carry out of the existence of ebony (Diospyros spp.) it is necessary to conservation efforts. One effort to be taken is by exitu conservation. The exitu conservation can be carried out through planting in garden collections, botanical gardens, trial gardens, forests, urban forests or in the Nature Park. (Oka, 2002). This study aims to determine the survival and adaptability of 9 species of Diospyros through exitu conservation in Arboretum of MFRI. II. METHODOLOGY A. Materials and Equipment Materials used in this study are seedling of nine types Diospyros (D.pilosanthera, D.cauliflora, D.minahassae, D.ebenum, D.korthalsiana, D.celebica, D.rumphii, D.malabarica and D.hebecarpa) 82 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth ….. Julianus Kinho which derived from uprooted seedlings and fertilizers NPK. Tool used are meteres, mini calipers, scissors cuttings, altimeter, GPS, thermohygrometer, lux meter, flaging tape, hoe, shovel. B. Research Procedures Plantation was done after maintained in nursery for 12 months. Plantation using spacing of 3 m x 3 m. Plantation area is a land eviction by former Ultisol soil type. This research using Complete Randomized Design with 4 replications, each replication consist of 10 individuals so that for each type of Diospyros consists of 40 individuals. Fertilization is done in 3 times. The first fertilization when planting, second fertilization after 4 months and third fertilization at age 7 months. Height and diameter data retrieval are done three times, the first measurements at planting and the second measurement at the age of 4 months old plants and the third measurement at the age of 7 months. C. Data analysis A statistical data analysis using program SPSS ver 16.0. To determine whether there are differences in height and diameter growth of each type of Diospyros using ANOVA and if there are difference followed by Duncan's test. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Adaptability Percentage of living is very useful to evaluate the success rate of a particular plant species especially in conservation areas exitu and one of parameters is adaptability. Observation Percentage of live plants done by counting the number of chicks that died on each of Diospyros species planted in exitu conservation areas by block planting. The average percentage life of nine types of Diospyros shown in figure 1. Life Persentage 120,00 D.ebenum D.rumphii 100,00 100,00 100,00 97,50 80,00 95,00 95,00 D.malabarica 90,00 90,00 D.pilosanthera 60,00 D.korthalsiana 60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00 88,75 D.minahassae D.celebica D.cauliflora D.hebecarpa Figure 1. Percentage living of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum 83 The results show that the percentage of the overall life of 9 species of Diospyros is 90.69%. Based on figure 1 we know that which has the highest percentage of life is D.ebenum (100%) and D.rumphii (100%) and the lowest is D.hebecarpa. The types of Diospyros who have life percentage above 75% as much as 8 types namely; D.ebenum (100%), D.rumphii (100%), D.malabarica (97.50%), D.pilosanthera (95%), D.korthalsiana (95%), D.minahassae (90%), D.celebica (90%), D.cauliflora (88.75%) indicating that the adaptive capacity of eight species outside their natural habitat proficiency level is quite good although planted at different growth environment with its natural environment in the forest relatively more humid nature and contain organic matter. The types who have percentage life below 75% is D.hebecarpa (60%) indicating that the adaptation capabilities beyond low natural habitat. Percentage of living D.hebecarpa lower than 8 other Diospyros species in guess because this type of the leaves are smaller than other types and easy to fall off due to stress and are more sensitive to environmental changes during the early growth outside their natural habitat B. High growth Analysis results of height growth in the species of Diospyros in exitu conservation area shown in table 1. Table1. Analysis of Height Growth 9 Diospyros type in MFRI Arboretum Descriptives Height 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Type N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum D.pilosanthera 4 39.8750 3.34203 1.67102 34.5571 45.1929 36.50 43.40 D.cauliflora 4 37.4000 2.72274 1.36137 33.0675 41.7325 33.60 40.00 D.minahassae 4 35.8525 3.54575 1.77288 30.2104 41.4946 32.21 39.80 D.ebenum 4 41.1500 3.33617 1.66808 35.8414 46.4586 37.40 45.20 D.korthalsiana 4 38.1800 1.86376 35.2143 41.1457 36.00 40.52 D.celebica 4 35.1000 2.27743 1.13871 31.4761 38.7239 32.20 37.20 D.rumphii 4 36.3875 2.06193 1.03097 33.1065 39.6685 34.23 38.80 D.malabarica 4 31.6500 2.63502 1.31751 27.4571 35.8429 29.20 34.40 D.hebecarpa 4 33.1500 3.21818 1.60909 28.0292 38.2708 28.80 36.20 Total 36 36.5272 3.82695 0.63782 35.2324 37.8221 28.80 45.20 .93188 Based on table 1 known that the average height growth for species of Diospyros in exitu conservation in MFRI Arboretum sequentially namely: D.ebenum (41.15 cm), D.pilosanthera (39.87 84 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth ….. Julianus Kinho cm), D.korthalsiana (38.18 cm), D.cauliflora (37.40 cm), D.rumphii (36.38 cm), D.minahassae (35.85 cm), D.celebica (35.10 cm), D.hebecarpa (33.15 cm), and the lowest is the D.malabarica (31.65 cm). Results of analysis homogeneity of variance for high growth Levene Statistic shows that the value is equal to 0.892 with a value of 0.536 Sig is greater than alpha (5%) which means that the variance of the high growth in the Arboretum 9 species of Diospyros are the same. Results of analysis of homogeneity variance for high variable shown in Table 2. Table 2. Homogeneity Test Results Variable Height Test of Homogeneity of Variances Height Levene Statistic 0.892 df1 df2 Sig. 8 27 0.536 Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) are shown in Table 3 indicate that there is a difference in height growth to 9 species of Diospyros in exitu conservation indicated by the calculated F value (4.57)> F table (2,36). Table 3. Analysis Variance of 9 species of Diospyros in Height Variable ANOVA Height Sum of Mean Squares df Square F Sig. Between (Combined) 295.103 8 36.888 4.579 0.001 Groups Linear Term Contrast 160.917 1 160.917 19.977 0.000 134.186 7 19.169 2.380 0.049 Within Groups 217.490 27 8.055 Total 512.593 35 Deviation There is a difference in the high growth of 9 species of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum, then followed by Duncan's test. Duncan test results shown in Table 4. Table 4. Results of Duncan Test for High Growth for 9 species of Diospyros type in MFRI Arboretum. Height Subset for alpha = 0.05 Duncana Diameter N 1 2 D.malabarica 4 31.6500 D.hebecarpa 4 33.1500 33.1500 3 4 5 85 Height Subset for alpha = 0.05 Diameter N 1 D.celebica 4 35.1000 35.1000 35.1000 D.minahassae 4 35.8525 35.8525 35.8525 35.8525 D.rumphii 4 36.3875 36.3875 36.3875 D.cauliflora 4 37.4000 37.4000 37.4000 37.4000 D.korthalsiana 4 38.1800 38.1800 38.1800 D.pilosanthera 4 39.8750 39.8750 D.ebenum 4 41.1500 Sig. 0.064 2 0.067 3 0.181 4 0.082 5 0.098 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 4.000. Based on table 4 known that there are 5 groups of average height growth of different. The first group consists of species D.malabarica with the average value (31.65), D.hebecarpa (33.15), D.celebica (35.10) and D.minahassae (35.85). Sig value of 0.064 for the first group is greater than alpha (5%) which means that the average growth in the first group are the same height. The second group consists of species D.hebecarpa with the average value (33.15), D.celebica (35.10), D.minahassae (35.85), D.rumphii (36.38), D.cauliflora ( 37,40). Sig. for the second group is 0.067 which means that the average growth in the second group are the same height. The third group consists of species D.celebica with the average value (35.10), D.minahassae (35.85), D.rumphii (36.38), D.cauliflora (37,40), D.korthalsiana ( 38.18). Sig. for the third group is 0.181 which greater than alpha (5%) which means that the average growth in the third group are the same height. The fourth group consists of D.minahassae (35.85), D.rumphii (36.38), D.cauliflora (37,40), D.korthalsiana (38.18), D.pilosanthera (39.87). Sig. 0,082 for the four groups larger than alpha (5%), which means the average height growth of the fourth group are the same. The fifth group consists of species D.cauliflora (37,40), D.korthalsiana (38.18), D.pilosanthera (39.87), D.ebenum (41.15). Sig. 0.098 for the five groups are greater than alpha (5%) which means that the average growth in the five groups are the same height. Duncan test analysis results in table 4 show that the species of Diospyros are planted in order to exitu conservation in MFRI Arboretum with height growth of a different high growth very significant that kind of D.malabarica and D.ebenum. High growth of the lowest among the nine types of Diospyros until the age of 12 months ie planting D.malabarica with average 31.65 cm and the highest of D.ebenum. Plant height growth due to increasing age (Santoso and Anwar, 2002). High growth is one indication of the absorption of mineral nutrients and photosynthetic processes (Rahman and Abdullah, 2002). Height growth of plant in exitu conservation of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum from 86 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth ….. Julianus Kinho time to time continue to reveal variations, and it can be seen from the results of early growth measurements 3 times in the field. High growth occurring variation is caused by three factors: genetic factors, environmental factors and the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors (Wright, 1976). Geographical differences between the native habitat and native habitat outside of a species can affect the growth of a plant species. According to Zobel and Talbert (1984) differences in the geography of where growing influence on the growth of a kind. The growth rate of a species can indicate the adaptability of a species outside its natural habitat. The faster growth of a species outside its natural habitat is getting better reflect the process of adaptation of a species to different growth environments. Alrasyid (1985) reported that when compared between plants under teak stands ebony with ebony plants in the experimental garden in Cikampek, West Java that both have the same climatic conditions, high growth turns ebony plants under teak stands slower than that grown in the experimental garden. The growth inhibition was reported because of the stress (stress) received direct sunlight during ebony plant teak trees shed their leaves. Ebony plants including slow growing species. Ebony plant height increment during the first 8 years under teak stands in the area of type C climate ranges from 7-55 cm / yr (Alrasyid, 1985). C. Diameter growth The result of diameter growth analysis for 9 species of Diospyros in exitu conservation in MFRI Arboretum shown in table 5. Table 5. Diameter growth analysis for 9 types of Diospyros Descriptives Diameter 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation D.pilosanthera 4 0.5500 0.04243 0.02121 0.4825 0.6175 0.50 0.59 D.cauliflora 4 0.3525 0.04992 0.02496 0.2731 0.4319 0.31 0.42 D.minahassae 4 0.3450 0.02380 0.01190 0.3071 0.3829 0.32 0.37 D.ebenum 4 0.5600 0.02582 0.01291 0.5189 0.6011 0.53 0.59 D.korthalsiana 4 0.4525 0.02986 0.01493 0.4050 0.5000 0.42 0.49 D.celebica 4 0.3475 0.02500 0.01250 0.3077 0.3873 0.32 0.38 D.rumphii 4 0.4000 0.04243 0.02121 0.3325 0.4675 0.36 0.45 D.malabarica 4 0.3375 0.02754 0.01377 0.2937 0.3813 0.31 0.37 D.hebecarpa 4 0.3475 0.02217 0.01109 0.3122 0.3828 0.32 0.37 Type Std. Error Lower Upper Bound Bound Minimum Maximum 87 Descriptives Diameter 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation D.pilosanthera 4 0.5500 0.04243 0.02121 0.4825 0.6175 0.50 0.59 D.cauliflora 4 0.3525 0.04992 0.02496 0.2731 0.4319 0.31 0.42 D.minahassae 4 0.3450 0.02380 0.01190 0.3071 0.3829 0.32 0.37 D.ebenum 4 0.5600 0.02582 0.01291 0.5189 0.6011 0.53 0.59 D.korthalsiana 4 0.4525 0.02986 0.01493 0.4050 0.5000 0.42 0.49 D.celebica 4 0.3475 0.02500 0.01250 0.3077 0.3873 0.32 0.38 D.rumphii 4 0.4000 0.04243 0.02121 0.3325 0.4675 0.36 0.45 D.malabarica 4 0.3375 0.02754 0.01377 0.2937 0.3813 0.31 0.37 D.hebecarpa 4 0.3475 0.02217 0.01109 0.3122 0.3828 0.32 0.37 36 0.4103 0.09082 0.01514 0.31 0.59 Type Total Std. Error Lower Upper Bound Bound Minimum Maximum 0.379 0.441 5 0 Based on table 5 known that the average diameter growth for Diospyros species in exitu conservation in MFRI Arboretum greatest in sequence, namely: D.ebenum (0.56 cm), D.pilosanthera (0.55 cm), D.korthalsiana (0.45 cm), D.rumphii (0.40 cm), D. cauliflora (0.35 cm), D.celebica (0.34 cm), D.hebecarpa (0.34 cm), D.minahassae (0.34 cm), and the smallest is D.malabarica (0.33 cm). The results of the analysis of homogeneity of variance for diameter growth Levene Statistic shows that the value is equal to 1.391 with a value of 0.245 Sig larger than the alpha (5%) which means that the variance of the diameter growth of 9 species of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum is the same. Results of analysis of variance homogeneity for the diameter variable are shown in table 6. Table 6. The results of homogeneity test for diameter variable Test of Homogeneity of Variances Diameter Levene Statistic 1.391 88 df1 df2 Sig. 8 27 0.245 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth ….. Julianus Kinho The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for diameter variable shown in table 7 shows that there is a difference in diameter growth for 9 species of Diospyros in exitu conservation indicated by the calculated F value (28.80) > F table (2,36). Table 7. Analysis of Variance for 9 species of Diospyros type for diameter variable ANOVA Diameter Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between (Combined) 0.258 8 0.032 28.808 0.000 Groups Linear Term Contrast 0.061 1 0.061 54.509 0.000 0.197 7 0.028 25.137 0.000 Within Groups 0.030 27 0.001 Total 0.289 35 Deviation We know that there is a difference in diameter growth for 9 species of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum, then followed by Duncan's test. Duncan test results shown in table 8. Table 8. The results of diameter growth Duncan test for 9 types of Diospyros in MFRI Arboretum Diameter Subset for alpha = 0.05 a Duncan Type N 1 D.malabarica 4 0.3375 D.minahassae 4 0.3450 D.celebica 4 0.3475 0.3475 D.hebecarpa 4 0.3475 0.3475 D.cauliflora 4 0.3525 0.3525 D.rumphii 4 D.korthalsiana 4 D.pilosanthera 4 0.5500 D.ebenum 4 0.5600 Sig. 2 3 4 0.4000 0.4525 0.578 0.051 1.000 0.676 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 4.000. 89 Based on table 8, we know that there are 4 groups of the average growth of different diameters. The first group consists of species D.malabarica with the average value (0.33), D.minahassae (0.34), D.celebica (0.34), D.hebecarpa (0.34), D.cauliflora ( 0,35). Sig. 0.578 for the first group is greater than alpha (5%) which means that the average growth in the first group are the same diameter. The second group consists of species D.celebica with the average value (0.34), D.hebecarpa (0.34), D.cauliflora (0.35), D.rumphii (0,40). Sig. for the second group is 0.051, which means the average growth of the second group are the same diameter. The third group consists of species D.korthalsiana with average values (0,45). Sig. for the third group was 1.000. The fourth group consists of species D.pilosanthera (0.55), D.ebenum (0,56). Sig. 0.676 for the four groups were greater than alpha (5%) which means that the average growth in the fourth group are the same height. Duncan test results of the analysis in table 8 shows that the species of Diospyros are planted in order to conserve in MFRI Arboretum with different diameter growth significan namely; D.malabarica, D.minahassae, D.rumphii, D.korthalsiana, D.pilosanthera and D.ebenum. Diameter of the lowest growth among the 9 species of Diospyros growing until the age of 7 months is D.malabarica with an average of 0.33 cm and the highest of D.ebenum with an average of 0.56 cm. Diameter growth is more affected by competition than the height of the tree (Soeseno, 1985). In plants Diospyros young age (7 months), especially the kinds that are alleged ebony producer competition has not occurred in getting nutrients and sunlight because it has a low diameter growth increment. According to Seran et al., (1991) reported the diameter increment growth of young plants ebony (D.celebica) of 2.44 mm/year. Santoso and Anwar (2002) reported that there were indications of variation in diameter growth of young plants ebony (D.celebica) in test of 7 provenance ebony (D.celebica) in Malili, South Sulawesi. Ebony diameter growth (D.celebica) derived from Barru (4.45 mm) and Malili (4.21 mm) was the highest at the age of 36 months than those who come from other provenance 5 (Santoso and Anwar, 2002). When compared with the growth of ebony (D.celebica) in MFRI Arboretum planted in ultizol soils type with an average diameter growth of 0.347 cm at the age of 12 months, it can be said to be growing quite well. According to estimates Steup (1935) and Beversluis (1947), the average growth (Mean Annual Increment) of ebony (D.celebica) ranged from 0.5 cm/yr, and the average volume growth of between 0.5 m3/ha/th , so as to achieve the required volume of 40 m3/ha/th 80 years. Data on the growth of various types of ebony on the site have not been widely available so as to determine the environmental conditions ebony growth ( D.celebica) optimal outside their natural habitat research still needs to be done. This growth results in accordance with the opinion Soerianegara (1970) which states that the distribution of ebony trees large enough, when planted in different places will result in different growth responses. Soerianegara (1967) reported an average diameter increment for 20 years ebony plants 1.5-1.6 cm/yr, then decreased to 0.5 cm/yr. IV. CONCLUSION Percentage of the overall life of the 9 species of Diospyros in exitu conservation in MFRI Arboretum is 90.69%. The highest percentage of life is D.ebenum (100%) and D.rumphii (100%). The lowest percentage of life is D.hebecarpa (60%). The species of life that have a percentage above 75% as much as 8 types namely; D.ebenum (100%), D.rumphii (100%), D.malabarica (97.50%), 90 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Ability of Adaptation and Early Growth ….. Julianus Kinho D.pilosanthera (95%), D.korthalsiana (95% ), D.minahassae (90%), D.celebica (90%), D.cauliflora (88.75%). The species has below of 75% of live D.hebecarpa (60%). Percentage of life reflects the adaptability of a species outside its natural habitat so that species that have a high percentage of life, has high adaptability to changes in the growth environment. The species that has a height and diameter growth among most of the 9 species of Diospyros is D.ebenum with an average height growth (41.15 cm) and the average of diameter growth (0.56 cm). Species that have high growth and the lowest of diameter is D.malabarica with an average height growth (31.56 cm) and the average growth diameter (0.33 cm). Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, MP head of MFRI who has provided the opportunity and support to the author to carry out the study. Conveyed gratitude to Ir. Sudiono (Head of Nature Resource Conservation Institution of North Sulawesi) and Ir. Agus Rantelembang, M.Si (Head of Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park) have been given permission to explore the plant material in each work area. Thanks also extended to Sumarno Patandi, Yermias Kafiar and Melkianus Diwi and all parties cannot be mentioned one by one so that the study can be accomplished by either starting from the exploration of plant material, maintenance in the nursery to the field planting. REFERENCES Alrasyid, H. , 1985. Planting experiment Wood Ebony (Diospyros celebica) in the Lower Stand Teak in Java. Forest Research Bulletin No. 464, 23-37, Bogor. Alrasyid, H.2002. Ebony Tree Cultivation studies. News of Biology, Vol 6, No. 2, August 2002. Research Center for Biology-LIPI. Bogor. Beversluis, A. J. In 1947. Onwerp for assembly and Bosch Business Complexes in the Outer Islands with Thereby associated industries. Tectona 27. Keβler, PJA, MMBos., SECSierra Daza., A.Kop., LPM, Willemse., R.Pitopang., SRGradstein. , 2002. Checklist of Woody Plants of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Blumea. Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography. Supplemment 14. National Herbarium Nederland. Universiteit Leiden Branch. The Netherlands. Oka, N.P. , 2002. Preservation Technical Approach Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) In Ex-Situ. News of Biology, Vol 6, No. 2, August 2002. Research Center for Biology-LIPI. Bogor. Rahman, W and M.N. Abdullah. , 2002. News of Biology, Vol 6, No. 2, August 2002. Research Center for Biology-LIPI p. 297-301. Bogor. Riswan, S. , 2002. Biological studies Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.). News of Biology, Vol 6, No. 2, August 2002. Research Center for Biology-LIPI. Bogor. Santoso, B., and C.Anwar, 2002. Ebony Eksitu Conservation Plant Growth (Diospyros celebica Bakh.). Forestry Research Bulletin Vol. 8, No. 1 of 2002. Forestry Research Institute, Ujung Pandang. Sanusi, D. , 2002. Production Studies, Commerce, Industry and Technology Eboni. Biology news. Vol. 2. No.. 6. Special Edition Ebony Management. Research Center for Biology LIPI. Bogor. 91 Seran, D., B.Santoso and B.Ginoga, 1991. Ebony growth in Kalaena Nature Reserve, Kab. Luwu South Sulawesi. Journal of Forestry Research Vol. IV 12 Forestry Research Institute Ujung Pandang. Soerianegara, I. , 1967. Some Remarks About Types of Ebony. No announcements. 12 Forest Research Institute, Bogor. Soeseno, O.H. , 1985. Tree Breeding. Foundation Trustees Research Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Steup, F.K.M. , 1935. The ebony in the Dienstkring Manado. Tectona 28. Walujo, E.B.2002. Ethnobotany Slot Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) News Biology, Vol 6, No. 2, August 2002. Research Center for Biology-LIPI. Bogor. Whitemore, T.C., I.G.M.Tantra., And U.Sutisna. , 1989. Tree Flora Of Indonesia. Check List for Sulawesi. Ministry of Forestry. Agency for Forestry Research and Development. Forest Research & develepment Centre. Bogor. Whitten, A.J., M.Mustafa and G.S.Henderson. , 1987. The Ecology of Sulawesi. Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Wright, I.W. , 1976. Introduction to Forest Genetics. Academic Press. New York, of San Francisco, London. Zobel, B. and Talbert, 1984. Applied Forest Tree Improvement. John Wiley and Sons. New York, Chicester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 92 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu Diversity and Conservation Status of Mammals in Labanan Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia1 Tri Atmoko2, Nurul S. Lestari3, and Lipu4 ABSTRACT With at least 225 species of mammalian, Borneo forest has important role for conserving mammals diversity. Labanan research forest is one of the remaining ideal habitat for mammals. The ecosystem was still relatively good and support mammals diversity. The objective of this study was to find out the mammals diversity and its conservation status in Labanan research forest. Fourteen transects were systematically arranged in the forest to observe mammals species. Large mammals were observed through the automatic camera that was set at the side of animal trail. Meanwhile, bats and small mammals (rodents and treeshrews) were captured using mist net and cage traps, respectively. The results of this study found 41 species of mammals that included in 31 genera and 16 families. Top five of mammals (except bats) base on relative of frequency are wild pig (Sus barbatus Müller), mueller gibbon (Hylobates muelleri Martin), bornean yellow muntjac (Muntiacus atherodes Groves & Grubb), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus Raffles), and sambar deer (Rusa unicolor Kerr). Bats species were, dominated by Cynopterus brachyotis Müller, Rhinolophus borneensis Peters, Rhinolophus arcuatus Peters, and Hipposideros cervinus Gould. Shannon diversity indices (H’) of bats is 3,6. The eleven out of 41 mammals species are protected by Indonesian Governman Law. Based on the IUCN criteria, only sun bear included the endengered species, whereas 8 species are vulnerable. Both sun bear and mueller gibbon are included in Appendix I CITES. Keywords: Labanan research forest, mammal, bat, conservation status I. INTRODUCTION Kalimantan covered 73% of the great island of Borneo. It has rich fauna and share much of its fauna with Asian mainland and the other Sunda Islands (MacKinnon et al., 1996). 1 This paper was presented in International Conference At least 225 on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Institute of Research for Technology of Natural Resources Conservation Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Km 38 Samboja Po.Box 578, Kalimantan Timur. e-mail: 3 Dipterocarps Research Center Jl. A. Wahab Syahrani No. 68 Sempaja, Samarinda, East Kalimantan East Kalimantan Nature Conservation Agency Jl. M.T. Haryono Kel. Air Putih Kode Pos 1601, Samarinda, East Kalimantan 4 93 species of mammals occur in Borneo and 44 species out of that number are endemic to the island (MacKinnon et al., 1996; Payne et al., 2000). Mammals are a class of vertebrates, distinguished by the possession of mammary glands in the female and in having hair on the body (Turner, 2004). Commonly, there are two classification of mammalian known, namely large mammals and small mammals. Its categorization is not based on taxonomy. The large mammals considered to refer to any assemblage of mammal species whose individual live weights more than 5 kg when adult (Stoddart, 1979). Literature on diversity of mammals in Indonesia, especially Kalimantan is limited yet. Most of research on mammals in Kalimantan still refer to Payne et al. (1985) (translate to Indonesian in 2000). Labanan research forest is one of 33 research forest under the management of Forest Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry, located in Berau, East Kalimantan. It was declared as KHDTK (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus) for research based on Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 121/Menhut-II/2007. Several research focused on sylviculture have been conducting in this area, that is SILIN (Silvikultur Intensif) and STREK (Silvicultural Technique for Regeneration of Logged Over Area in East Kalimantan) Project. However, study related wildlife, particularly mammals have not been carried out yet. Research regarding animals need to be encouraged to enhance the function of Labanan research forest as a research site. This study aimed to find out mammals species in Labanan research forest and its conservation status. It can be used as initials information to support further animals study in Labanan research forest. II. METHOD A. Study site The research was conducted in Labanan Research Forest, locatedat Berau District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia (117O10’–117O15’E and 1O52’-1O57’N) (Figure 1). The site is topographically variable, comprised of flat, ridges, and limestone hills, with altitude from 125 m asl to 275 m asl. Annual precipitation was 2.012 mm. Monthly rainfall fluctuated from 4,9 mm in June to 140,1 mm in February. The rainfall data were recorded from the Kalimarau meteorological station located approximately 60 km from the site. The habitat types of this site consist of early secondary forest (34,42%), old secondary forest (29,86%), primary forest (4,10%), and swamp (0,12%) (Suryanto et al., 2010). Common tree genera in the site are Shorea spp, Dipterocarpus spp., and Dryobalanops spp. (Lestari et al., 2013). 94 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu Figure 1. Map of study site B. Materials and Equipments The equipments used for this research were binocular, Busnell camera-traps, DSLR camera, GPS Garmin CSx 60, mist nets, cages traps, bat pockets, field guides of mammal and bat (van Strien, 1983; Payne et al., 2000; Suyanto, 2001; Struebig & Sujarwo, 2006). Materials in this research were salted fish and bananas. C. Methods The research was carried out in July-August 2012 and March-April 2013. This area has been separated into western and eastern side by the road of Samarinda-Berau. Observation in 2012 was conducted in ± 3.400 ha of western side and 2013 was in ± 4.550 ha of eastern side. Preliminary activities was set up 14 transect observation along the 5-7 km in the Labanan research forest. Seven transects were systematically arranged in the west and east side. The distance between transect was 1 km. Animal with more than 5 kg weights were categorized as large mammals (Stoddart, 1979). However, in this research we classified ordo of Artiodactyla, Carnivora, and Primates into large mammals, while Scandentia, Rodentia and Chiroptera were categorized as small mammals and bats. We used these kind of classification due to taxonomic consistency. Large mammals were observed using direct and indirect encounter technicques. We did direct observation using rapid assessment method (Bismark, 2011). The observer walk slowly in both inside and outside transect and record all mammals species found. Indirect observation was conducted based on the discovered of mammals footprint, scratches, wallows, former hair, former bite, nests, and vocalization. 95 In 2013, 6 camera-traps were set at study site.. It was all set up along the trails where frequently passed by the animal. When the animal passed in front of the camera, the camera system took photograph or video automatically. Camera-trapping is an effective way to provide information about the presence of both diurnal and nocturnal mammals. Small mammals were observed by the trapping method. Twenty traps were placed along the transect. Salted fish and bananas were placed inside the trap as bait. Bats were captured using mist nets installed in the forest hallways and ex skidding road. In 2012, 4 mist nets were positioned in 6 locations. We also did bats observation in the lime cave. In 2013, ten mist nets were set up in 4 location. For each location, mist net were installed for 3-4 nights. C. Data Analysis Red list data book IUCN (, Appendix CITES (, and Indonesian Governman Law (PP No. 7 1999 tentang pengawetan jenis tumbuhan dan satwa) were used to determine the conservation status of mammal species. Bats diversity was calculated using Shannon-Wiener Index (Krebs, 1989). The existence frequency was estimated to calculate the relative frequency of the mammals at the site (adapted from Bismark, 2011): Relative frequency (%) = ୰ୟ୬ୱୣୡ୲ୱୟ୫ୟ୫୫ୟ୪ୱ୮ୣୡ୧ୣୱୟ୰ୣ୭୳୬ୢ ୭୲ୟ୪୲୰ୟ୬ୱୣୡ୲ୱ ͳͲͲΨ III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Large mammals A total of 16 large mammals species of from 13 generas and 7 families were recorded in Labanan Seven out of 16 large mammals are endemic of Borneo, namely Muntiacus atherodes, Tupaia montana, Petaurillus emiliae, Callosciurus orestes, Presbytis rubicunda, Presbytis frontata, and Hylobates muelleri. Large mammals species of Labanan research forest are research forest. presented in Table 1. Table 1. Large mammals species of Labanan research forest Ordo Familly No Species Observed Relative frequency (%) Artiodactyla Suidae 1 Sus barbatus footprint, nest, 100,00 camera trap Cervidae 2 Muntiacus atherodes footprint, camera 50,00 trap, direct observation 3 Rusa unicolor footprint, 28,57 vocalization Trangulidae 4 Trangulus napu footprint, capture, 28,57 camera trap 5 96 Trangulus javanicus footprint, camera Share with T. napu International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu Ordo Familly No Species Observed Relative frequency (%) trap Carnivora Primate Ursidae 6 Helarctos malayanus scratch, nest 35,71 Viverridae 7 Arctogalidia trivirgata camera trap 14,29 8 Viverra tangalunga direct observation 7,14 9 Paguma larvata direct observation 7,14 10 Arctictis binturong camera trap 7,14 11 Hemigalus derbyanus camera trap 7,14 12 Hylobates muelleri direct 64,29 Hylobatidae observation, vocalization Presbytis rubicunda direct observation 28,57 14 Presbytis frontata direct observation 14,29 15 Macaca fascicularis direct observation 14,29 16 Macaca nemestrina camera trap 7,14 Cercopithecidae 13 Labanan research forest with its dense vegetation, is a potential habitat for mammals. However, it is quite difficult for observer to see the animal directly in the forest. The terrestrial mammals in particular are very wary to human activities and some of them are partly or wholly nocturnal. Setting up camera-trap in the field is the most effective way to record them. Camera-traping is an ideal system to collect some basic information on a range of elusive large mammals and does so with minimal impact on the community that is being studied (Griffiths & Schaik, 1993). The mammals species which was found captured by camera trap namely small-toothed palm civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata), binturong (Arctictis binturong), banded palm civet (Hemigalus derbyanus), and pig-tail macaque (Macaca nemestrina). Bearded pig is a dominated large mammals in Labanan research forest. Many wallows, nest, and footprints of this species were found in all transects. Adult females build nest in the place where they giving birth. The nest are made of saplings and shrubs which have been bitten and broken then piled up on the ground. The piglets remain in the nest for ten days before following the mother (Knibbe, 2000). Some of the new nests were found in March 2013 but didn’t find any in 2012, so we supposed that the breeding season of bearded pig is in February to March. Sun bear is a shy, secretive animal and live in dense forest. It is almost impossible to study them through direct observation. The evidence of Sun bear occurrence in the study site based on the finding of both their nest and scratchs in the trees. Nest of sun bear was found in the tree of Dacryodes rugosa approximately 15 meters above the ground. Sun bear’s nest is similar to orangutan’s. It was composed by broken fragment of twigs while orangutan’s nests neatly arranged by branch folds. We found 11 trees with sun bear’s scratch. The characteristics of those trees were 97 almost similar. They had a cavity with shattered entrance. We were certain that it is containing some bee nest as their food. Malayan sun bears are omnivores and known as consumers of bees nests (honey), invertebrates and fruits (Payne et al., 2000; McConkey & Galetti, 1999). Invertebrates which was the feed of sun bear are termites (Isoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and beetle larvae (Coleoptera) (Wong et al., 2002). They also eat various kind of fruits such as Canarium pilosum, Erycibe maingayi, Ficus consociate (McConkey & Galetti, 1999). The figs (Ficus sp.) are the most common fruit consumed (Wong et al., 2002). McConkey and Galetti (1999) explained that sun bear are important seed dispersers as well, depending on the species consumed, the number of seeds ingested and the deposition site. Primate group in Labanan research forest was dominated by Mueller gibbon. This animals was recognized by direct sighting and its vocalizations. All gibbon species are known to produce great call (Geissmann & Nijman, 2006) which can be heard further than two kilometers (Nijman, 2001). Great calls in gibbon are thought to function as territory defense as well as to strengthen the pair bond (Gittins & Raemaekers, 1980; Rowe, 1996; Cheyne et al., 2008). Previous studies to determine the animal location based on gibbon call using triangulation method by multiple listening sites (Rinaldi, 1998; Nijman & Menken, 2005; Cheyne et al., 2008; Hamard et al., 2010). Meanwhile single listening site was conducted in this study using "Sight 'n Go" facility from GPS. We recorded mueller gibbon sing in early morning at 6.30 am and sometimes still can be heard until 10.30 am. Reichard (1998) reported that male and female white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) sing coordinated, which mostly occur from about 7.00–11.00 am, whereas according to Gittins and Raemaekers (1980) the animal sing at 06.00 am until 13.00 pm and once in 14.00 pm. Labanan research forest composed by several forest formation (early secondary forest, old secondary forest, and primary forest) and there are still many large diameter trees with high canopy. Vertical stratification is ideal conditions to support the gibbons and other animals activities and provide their food resources. Gibbon is arboreal lesser apes (Rowe, 1996; Nijman et al., 2008), prefer high canopy levels to its activity (MacKinnon & MacKinnon, 1980), and cannot survive in the absence of closed-canopy forest (Nijman et al., 2008). Hypothesized by Hamard et al. (2010) suggested that that canopy cover and tree height will be positively correlated with gibbon density. B. Small Mammals and Bats A total of 25 species of small mammals from 9 genera and 18 families were found during the study and 16 species out of it were bats. Bat species diversity index (H’) in Labanan Research Forest is 3,60, higher than study in undisturbed forest (Medelline et al., 2000) and forest fragment (Calouro et al., 2010) that is more less 2,50 and 2,09, respectively. Generally, small mammals are important to maintain forest ecosystem health. Bats are useful as indicators of disturbance conditions in neotropical rainforests (Medellin et al., 2000), important pollinators and controlling insects (MacKinnon et al., 1996; Primack & Corlett, 2005). Rodents and other small mammals play important role of seed dispersal and food sources for raptor, carnivorous, and reptiles. List of small mammals and bats in Labanan Resaerch Forest are presented in Table 2. 98 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu Table 2. List of small mammals and bats in Labanan Research Forest Ordo Familly No Species Observation Scandentia Tupaiidae 1 Tupaia montana direct observation Rodentia Muridae 2 Sundamys muelleri captured 3 Maxomys rajah captured 4 Ratufa affinis direct observation 5 Petaurillus emiliae captured 6 Callosciurus orestes direct observation 7 Rhinosciurus laticaudatus direct observation 8 Exilisciurus exilis direct observation 9 Hystrix brachyuran camera-trap, direct Sciuridae Hystricidae observation Chiroptera 10 Chironax melanocephalus captured 11 Cynopterus brachyotis captured 12 Balionycteris maculate captured 13 Penthetor lucasi captured 14 Macroglossus minimus captured 15 Rhinolophus arcuatus captured 16 Rhinolophus creaghi captured 17 Rhinolophus acuminatus captured 18 Rhinolophus affinis captured 19 Rhinolophus borneensis captured 20 Hipposideros galeritus captured 21 Hipposideros diadema captured 22 Hipposideros cervinus captured 23 Hipposideros larvatus captured Emballonuridae 24 Emballonura alecto captured Molossidae 25 Tadarida mops captured Pteropodidae Rhinolophidae Hipposideridae C. Conservation status Based on the IUCN criteria, sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is endengered species, while 8, 3, 25, 3, and 1 species are vulnerable, near threatened, least concern, data deficiency and not included in the IUCN list, respectively. According to CITES, 2 species (4,8%) included in Appendix I, ie sun bear and mueller gibbon (Hylobates muelleri), while 7 species (17,1%) included in Appendix II. Under Indonesia Government Law, 11 species (26,8%) categorized as protected species (Figure 2). Conservation status of mammals in Labanan Research Forest are presented in Appendix 1. 99 Figure 2. Conservation status of mammals in Labanan research forest by IUCN (En=endangered, Vu=Vulnerable, NT=Near threatened, LC=Least Concern, DD=Data deficiency), CITES (App I=Appendix I, App I=Appendix II), and PP 07 (Protected by Indonesian Government Law). Sun bear and mueller gibbon are protected by IUCN, CITES, and Government Law. Despite population data of sun bear is lacking, rapid loss of habitat is strong evidence declining of animals population (Fredriksson et al., 2008). Several threats to sun bears are habitat destruction, commercial hunting as pets and traditional Chinese medicine (Fredriksson et al., 2008), forest fires, and killing bears to preventing damage to crops (Fredriksson, 2005). Mueller gibbon is considered as endangered based on the estimation that more than 50% of the population have been reduced over the last 45 years, habitat loss, hunting and wildlife trade and for human consumption (Geissmann & Nijman, 2008). Hunting and habitat disturbance are main threats to mammals species in Labanan research forest. Sus barbatus, Muntiacus atherodes, Rusa unicolor, Trangulus napu and Trangulus javanicus are the most common species hunted by local people. They use trap and air rifle to catch the animal. Land occupancy is also occuring in this area. It happens due to lack of understanding of local people who consider that Labanan research forest can be inhabited. Conservation action plan is urgently required to protect the wildlife from population depletion. IV. CONCLUSION At least 41 species of mammals were found in the Labanan research forest. This results is the initial data, thus further study on mammals species is still needed to be conducted. The presence of arboreal primates indicate Labanan Research Forest has good forest condition with tall trees and canopy continuity. Forest protection efforts in this site should be improved to support wildlife conservation. 100 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are most grateful to Dr. Rufiie, Director of Dipterocarps Research Center for his support to this study. 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Conservation status of mammals in Labanan research forest No 1 Species Muntiacus atherodes Groves & Conservation status* English name Bornean Yellow Muntjac Grubb IUCN Least CITES PP No 7 - Protected Protected Concern 2 Rusa unicolor Kerr Sambar Deer Vulnerable - 3 Sus barbatus Müller Bearded Pig Vulnerable - 4 Tragulus napu F. Cuvier Greather mouse-deer - - Protected 5 Tragulus javanicus Osbeck Lesser Mouse-Deer Data - Protected 6 Helarctos malayanus Raffles Sun Bear Vulnerable 7 Viverra tangalunga Gray Malay Civet Least - Deficient App. I Protected - - - - Concern 8 Paguma larvata C. E. H. Smith Masked Palm Civet 9 Arctictis binturong Raffles Binturong Vulnerable - Protected 10 Hemigalus derbyanus Gray Banded Palm Civet Vulnerable App II - 11 Arctogalidia trivirgata Gray Small-toothed Palm Civet Least - - App II - - - - - App II Protected - - - - - - - - - Protected App II Protected Least Concern Concern 12 Tupaia Montana Thomas Mountain Treeshrew Least Concern 13 Sundamys muelleri Jentink Muller’s Rat 14 Maxomys rajah Thomas Brown Spiny Rat Vulnerable Giant Squirrel Near Least Concern Ratufa affinis Raffles 15 Threatened 16 Petaurillus emiliae Thomas Lesser Pigmy Flying Squirrel 17 Callosciurus orestes Thomas Bornean Black-banded Least Squirrel Concern 18 Rhinosciurus laticaudatus Müller Shrew-faced Ground Near Squirrel Threatened Plain Pigmy Squirrel Data Data Deficient 19 Exilisciurus exilis Müller Deficient 20 Hystrix brachyuran Linnaeus Common Porcupine Least Concern 21 Presbytis rubicunda Müller Maroon Langur Least Concern 22 Presbytis frontata Müller White-fronted Langur Vulnerable App II Protected 23 Macaca fascicularis Raffles Long-tailed Macaque Least App II - Concern 104 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Diversity and Conservation Status ….. Tri Atmoko, Nurul S. Lestari, & Lipu No 24 Species English name Macaca nemestrina Linnaeus 25 Hylobates muelleri Martin 26 Chironax melanocephalus CITES PP No 7 Pig-tailed macaque Vulnerable App II - Mueller Gibbon Endangered App I Protected Black-capped Fruit Bat Least - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Concern Temminck 27 Conservation status* IUCN Cynopterus brachyotis Müller Short-nosed Fruit Bat Least Concern 28 Balionycteris maculate Thomas Spotted-winged Fruit Bat Least Concern 29 Penthetor lucasi Dobson Dusky Fruit Bat Least Concern 30 Macroglossus minimus É. 31 Rhinolophus arcuatus Peters Arcuate Horseshoe Bat 32 Rhinolophus creaghi Thomas Creagh’s Horseshoe Bat Long-tongued Nectar Bat Geoffroy Least Concern Least Concern Least Concern 33 Rhinolophus acuminatus Peters Acuminate Horseshoe Bat Least Concern 34 Rhinolophus affinis Horsfield Intermadiate Horseshoe Bat Least Concern 35 Rhinolophus borneensis Peters Bornean Horseshoe Bat 36 Hipposideros galeritus Cantor Cantor’s Roundleaf Bat 37 Hipposideros diadema Geoffroy Diadem Roundleaf Bat Least Concern Least Concern Least Concern 38 Hipposideros cervinus Gould Fawn Roundleaf Bat Least Concern 39 Hipposideros larvatus Horsfield Intermediate Roundleaf Bat Least Concern 40 Emballonura alecto Eydoux & Greater Sheath-tailed Bat Gervais 41 Least Concern Tadarida mops de Blainville Sunda Free-tailed Bat Near Threatened *Sources: IUCN CITES PP No. 7 :; :; : Indonesian Government Law (Peraturan Pemerintah No. 7 tahun 1999 tentang pengawetan jenis tumbuhan dan satwa). 105 106 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau ….. Tri Pamungkas Y., Mahfudz, & Hamdan A.A. Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau (Intsia bijuga) in Ex Situ Conservation Plot at 3 Years Old1 Tri Pamungkas Yudohartono2, Mahfudz3, and Hamdan Adma Adinugraha2 ABSTRACT Recently, Indonesia forests has been threatened to biodiversity loss. One of many forest tree species facing risk of extinction was merbau. Conservation status of merbau was vulnerable (VU A1cd). Therefore, genetic conservation of this species was urgently required. Ex situ conservation plots of merbau have been established in Bondowoso, East Java and Sobang, Banten. The objectives of this study were to know survival and growth diversity of merbau in those e x situ conservation plots. These ex situ conservation plots were designed as provenance test. Provenances used in ex situ conservation plot in East Java were Halmahera Timur, Waigo, Oransbari, Wasior, Nabire and Seram. Provenances used in ex situ conservation plot in Sobang were Babo, Bintuni, Carita, Klamono, Manimeri, Oransbari, Remsiki, Sarmi and Tandiwasior. Elevation, biophysical and climate of those provenance tests are different. Results showed that adaptability and growth diversity of merbau plants in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot were better or higher than those in Sobang ex situ conservation plot at 3 years old. Average life percentage of merbau plants in Bondowoso and Sobang ex situ conservation plot were 88.15 % and 81.51 % respectively. These value indicated that merbau had good adaptability. Genetic diversity of height and diameter among provenances in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot was significantly observed. In Sobang ex situ conservation plot, there was no significant difference in term of height among provenances, while genetic diversity of diameter among provenances was significantly observed. Site condition and provenances used in ex situ conservation plots have resulted in the difference of the adaptability and growth diversity. Key words : Intsia bijuga, forest, adaptability, diversity, conservation 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km. 15, Purwobinangun Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta Phone : +82 274 895954, Fax : +82 274 896080 E-mail : 3 Manado Forestry Research Institute, North Sulawesi, Indonesia 2 107 I. INTRODUCTION Recently, Indonesia forests have been threatened to biodiversity loss. One of many forest tree species facing risk of extinction is merbau. Supply of merbau timber was still relied on exploitation in natural forests. Merbau timbers have been massively exploited in its natural distribution. This activity has resulted in declining populations of merbau. Based on monitoring of UNEP-WCMC (1991), conservation status of merbau is vulnerable (VU A1cd). People have broadly ulitised merbau timber because of its high economic value and good qualtity of merbau wood. Distribution of Intsia bijuga including Samoa (Amerika), Australia, Burma, Kamboja, India, Indonesia, Madagaskar bagian barat (lowland area), Malaysia, Myanmar, Pacific islands, Papua New Guinea, Philipina, Seychelles, Tanzania, Thailand dan Vietnam (TCIS, 2007). Declining populations of merbau could cause decreasing its genetic diversity. Genetic diversity is very important factor for genetic conservation because it will determine the ability of species to adapt to environmental changes. Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research (CFBTI) Yogyakarta has established ex situ conservation plots of merbau Bondowoso, East Java and Sobang, Banten. Provenances used in ex situ conservation plot in East Java were Halmahera Timur, Waigo, Oransbari, Wasior, Nabire and Seram. Provenances used in ex situ conservation plot in Sobang were Babo, Bintuni, Carita, Klamono, Manimeri, Oransbari, Remsiki, Sarmi and Tandiwasior. Elevation, biophysical and climate of those provenance tests (ex situ conservation plots) are different. Those ex situ conservation plots will be used to support tree improvement program of merbau. The objectives of this study were to know survival and growth diversity of merbau in those ex situ conservation plots. II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS A. Location Research activities were conducted in ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Bondowoso, East Java and Sobang, Banten. Administratively, ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Bondowoso is located in Bondowoso Regency, East Java Province. According to Schmidt dan Ferguson classification, its climate is B with average annual rainfall 2400 mm per year. Soil type is brown andosol with slope range between 0 to 15 %. It is located at 800 m above sea level. Most of parts in this plot are covered by shrubs and grass. Administratively, ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Sobang is located in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. According to Koppen classification, climate type of Pandeglang Regency is Af. Average annual rainfall of Pandeglang is above 3000 mm per year. Soil type is regosol and red yellow podsolik with slope range between 0 to 25 %. Elevation of this plot is varied between 85 - 175 m above sea level. Geographically, the ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Sobang is located at 06o37’10” – 06o38’15” and 105o39’05” – 105o40’15” E. B. Materials Materials used in this study were merbau plants in ex situ conservation plots of in Bondowoso, East Java and Sobang, Banten. Those ex situ conservation plots were designed as provenance test. Research design used in those ex situ conservation plots is Randomized Complete Block Design with one treatment factor namely provenance. Provenances used in ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Bondowoso were Halmahera Timur, Waigo, Oransbari, Wasior, Nabire dan Seram. Each provenance comprises 3 blocks which are also functioned as replication. Each provenance in every block consists 108 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau ….. Tri Pamungkas Y., Mahfudz, & Hamdan A.A. of 60 plants. Meanwhile, provenances used in ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Sobang, Banten were were Babo, Bintuni, Carita, Klamono, Manimeri, Oransbari, Remsiki, Sarmi and Tandiwasior. Each provenance comprises 6 blocks with 400 plants within each block (Mahfudz, dkk., 2006). C. The Measured Character Character was measured to all merbau plants in ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Bondowoso, East Java and Sobang, Banten at 3 years old. The characters measured were life percentage, height and diameter. Life percentage is measured to know the ability of merbau plants to adapt to environmental changes. Height was measured from ground level to apical growing point. Diameter was measured at 10 cm above ground level. D. Data Analysis Measuring results were analysed using variance analysis to know variation among provenances. If variation among the tested provenances was found, then it was continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). DMRT is executed to know the difference among the tested provenances. Mathematic model used is : Yij = μ + Bi + Pj + εij dimana : Yij = Measured character μ = General mean Pj = Effect of the jth provenance ke-j Bi = Effect of the ith block εij = Random error at the ijth observation III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Results 1. Life Percentage/Adaptability Life percentage could represent the ability of species to adapt to environmental changes. It could represent survival rate of species. Life percentage of plant in the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Sobang and Bondowoso at 3 years old is shown in Figure 1 and 2. 109 Life percentage (%) 90,00 86,46 86,46 85,00 88,89 84,29 79,58 78,06 80,00 77,08 78,65 74,17 75,00 70,00 65,00 Provenance Life percentage (%) Figure 1. Life percentage in Sobang ex situ conservation plot at 3 years old 94,00 92,00 90,00 88,00 86,00 84,00 82,00 80,00 92,22 87,22 87,22 89,44 88,33 84,47 Provenance Figure 2. Life percentage in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot at 3 years old 2. Growth Variance analysis was conducted to know variation of growth character among provenances trait. It was calculated based on measuring data of diameter and height. The results of variance analysis is shown in Table 1 and 2. 110 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau ….. Tri Pamungkas Y., Mahfudz, & Hamdan A.A. Table 1. Variance analysis of diameter in the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Sobang and Bondowoso at 3 years old. Source of variation Provenance df 5 Sobang Sum of Mean square Square 57,065 7,133 40,119 8,024 75,993 1,9 Bondowoso Sum of Mean square Square 256,10 51,22 Block Error 2 10 36,76 111,56 Source of variation Provenance Block Error Remarks df 8 5 40 18,38 11,16 F Sig. 3,755* 4,223* 0,020 0,04 F Sig. 4,59* ns 1,65 0,020 0,241 * = significantly different at level test 5 % ns = not significantly different Table 2. Variance analysis of height in the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Sobang and Bondowoso at 3 years old. Source of variation df Provenance 8 Block Error 5 40 Source of variation Provenance df Block Error 2 10 Remarks 5 Sobang Sum of squares 168640,33 Mean Square 21080,04 99071,72 19814,34 722523,44 18063,09 Bondowoso Sum of Mean squares Square 11441,00 2288,20 2563,41 4419,08 1281,71 441,91 F Sig. ns 0,343 ns 0,377 1,17 1,10 F Sig. 5,18* 2,90ns 0,013 0,102 * = significantly different at level test 5 % ns = not significantly different Table 1 shows that genetic variation of diameter among provenances was significantly observed in both the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Sobang and Bondowoso at 3 years old. Table 2 shows that genetic variation of height among provenances was significantly observed in the ex situ 111 conservation plot of merbau in Bondowoso at 3 years old. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in term of height among provenances in the ex situ conservation plot of merbau in Sobang. Difference and ranking of provenances can be known using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result is shown in Table 3 and 4. Table 3. Result of DMRT of diameter in the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Sobang and Bondowoso at 3 years old. Sobang Bondowoso No. Provenance Diameter (mm) No. Provenance Diameter (mm) 1 Babo 12,65a 1 Seram 14,81a 2 Remsiki 12,77a 2 Nabire 18,21ab 3 Carita 12,83a 3 Oransbari 21,98bc 4 Bintuni 13,02a 4 Waigo 23,75bc 5 Sarmi 13,15a 5 Wasior 23,92bc 6 Klamono 13,43a 6 Halmahera Timur 25,82c 7 Tandiwas 13,80a 8 Manimeri 14,40a 9 Oransbar 16,07b Table 4. Result of DMRT of height in the ex situ conservation plots of merbau in Bondowoso at 3 years old. No Provenance Height (cm) 1. Seram 96,96a 2. Nabire 129,69ab 3. Oransbari 148,65b 4. Halmahera Timur 163,23b 5. Waigo 163,57b 6. Wasior 167,45b B. Discussion Average life percentage of merbau plants in Bondowoso and Sobang ex situ conservation plot were high –namely 88.15 % and 81.51 % respectively. Those values indicated that merbau plants could be well adapted in Sobang and Bondowoso. Site characteristics which fulfilled the growing requirements of merbau have resulted in this good adaptability. In natural distribution, merbau was found up to 1000 m above sea level in various soil types with average annual rainfall more than 2000 mm per year. Genetic diversity of height and diameter among provenances in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot was significantly observed. In Sobang ex situ conservation plot, there was no significant difference in term of height among provenances, while genetic diversity of diameter among provenances was significantly observed. According to Yudohartono (2008), average of genetic 112 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptability and Growth Diversity of Merbau ….. Tri Pamungkas Y., Mahfudz, & Hamdan A.A. diversity of I. bijuga from six provenances (Halmahera Timur, Waigo, Oransbari, Wasior, Nabire dan Seram) based on isozyme analysis was high namely 0,392. Provenances used in the ex situ conservation plots have resulted in the difference of the adaptability and growth diversity Generally, average of life percentage, height and diameter in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot were higher than those in Sobang ex situ conservation plot. It tend to be affected by site condition within the ex situ conservation plots rather than the tested provenances. Figure 3. Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot Figure 3. Sobang ex situ conservation plot Most parts of Sobang ex situ conservation plot were densely shaded by mature trees such as teak, johar and others. Conversely, only a few parts of Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot were shaded by mature trees. Consequently, light intensity receiving merbau plants in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot was higher than that in Sobang ex situ conservation plot. Yudohartono (, 2006) revealed that adaptability and growth of merbau plants under shaded areas were worse than those in open areas at above 1 year old. High genetic diversity of merbau was represented through good adaptability and high growth diversity among merbau provenances in Bondowoso and Sobang e x situ conservation plots. Genetic diversity is very important that determine the ability of population/provenance to adapt to environmental changes, long term evolution, and a base for genetic improvement (Lande and Shannon, 1996 in Rimbawanto dan Widyatmoko, 2006). High genetic variation was found among merbau provenances in both Sobang and Bondowoso ex situ conservation plots , so potential of merbau genetic resources which could be saved and ulitised was higher. IV. CONCLUSION 1. Survival rate of merbau plants in Sobang and Bondowoso ex situ conservation plots was high at 3 years old. It was showed through high average life percentage of merbau plants in Bondowoso and Sobang ex situ conservation plot–namely 88.15 % and 81.51 % respectively. Merbau had good adaptability in those ex situ conservation plots at 3 years old. 113 2. Growth diversity of merbau was affected by provenances. Genetic variation of height and diameter among provenances in Bondowoso ex situ conservation plot was significantly observed. In Sobang ex situ conservation plot, there was no significant difference in term of height among provenances, while genetic diversity of diameter among provenances was significantly observed. REFERENCES IUCN. 1994. IUCN Red List Categories. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Mahfudz, Yudohartono, T.P., dan Sugeng, P. 2006. Pembangunan Kebun Konservasi Jenis Merbau (Intsia spp). Laporan Akhir. Puslitbang Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan tanaman Hutan. Yogyakarta. Rimbawanto, A. danWidyatmoko, A.Y.P.B.C. 2006. Keragaman genetik empat populasi Intsia bijuga berdasarkan penanda RAPD dan implikasinya bagi program konservasi genetik. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman Vol. 3 No.3, Juni 2006. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan. TCIS. 2007. Intsia bijuga. /trees/trade/int_bij.htm Diakses pada tanggal 04 Desember 2008. WCMC. 1991. Provision of data on rare and threatened tropical timber trees. Unpublished Yudohartono, T.P. 2008. Studi Variasi Genetik Beberapa Populasi Merbau (Intsia bijuga O.Ktze) Menggunakan Penanda Isoenzim dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Program Konservasi Genetik. Tesis Program Studi Ilmu Kehutanan Jurusan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. 114 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Growth Variation of Several Sandalwood ….. Ari Fiani & Yuliah The Growth Variation of Several Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) Populations After Six Years in Gunung Kidul1 Ari Fiani2 dan Yuliah2 ABSTRACT Study on phenotypic characterization of several sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) populations wasn conducted in the Ex-Situ Conservation Plot at Watusipat, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on September 2011. The study laid out in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 4 replications in 3m x 3m planting space. Each block contained 16 tree plots. A six year old sandalwood populations were: Sumba, Fatunisuan (North Central Timor), Belu, Soebela (Rote Island) and Imogiri (Java Race Land) used as treatments. Analysis of variance was conducted to compare the height and growth performance in the field. The mean survival rate was 84,8% ranging from 73% to 95%. Plant height and stem diameter were significantly different among populations. In general, Soebelahadhighest survivalrate (95%), at 5 height 5 m and diameter 3,63 cm, whereas Fatunisuan has the lowest survival rate. Key Word : Sandalwood, growth variation, population I. INTRODUCTION Sandalwood (Santalum album L.) is an Indonesian native species, which has a natural distribution in the Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province. Commercially, Santalum album known as Sandalwood. This species has high economic value both in domestic and foreign markets. Soenarno, 2012, to submit that the essential oil and timber production of Santalum album L. are higher than other species of Santalum. Sandalwood essential oil containing a fragrant, among others, used a lot of oil production, handicrafts (sculpture, fan, rosary), religious requirements (incense) as well as traditional medicine ingredients. Sandalwood populations currently is vulnerable which could lead to genetic degradation and threatening future sustainability. Exploitation started 1 since the 3rd century without appropriate Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Center For Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Jl. PalaganTentaraPelajar Km.15, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman Yogyakarta 55582 Telp.(0274) 895954,896080 Fax. (0274) 896080; e-mail :ari_fiani@yahoo.com1; 115 rehabilitation measures, and since year 2000 Sandalwood was no longer contributing to the Provincial Government income of NTT. Such condition would threaten the sustainability and future expansion of this economic plant. In general the conservation status of sandalwood is included in vulnerable category (: VUA1d.). While according to CITES sandalwood is included in Appendix II type (WWF Indonesia, 2008). Based on these conditions, then since 2002 Center For Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research Yogyakarta has contributed in conservation of sandalwood through plantation measuresat Watusipat ex situ conservation,in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this activity was to conserve sandalwood genetic resources from extinction. Until 2005, about 3.5 ha of on farm conservation of genetic material collected from a variety of natural population in NTT as well as in Java, were established. Variability of phenotypic characters is the key to success for plant breeding programs. With a wide variability, then the chance of selecting desired trait becomes larger,to support breeding programs required a series of sandalwood evaluation activities on the growth of sandalwood collected in Ex-situ Conservation Plot atWatusipat, GunungKidul. Information to complement existing research findings on genetic variability mainly sandalwood up plant breeding programs and conservation can be more optimal. This study aimed to determine the diversity of sandalwood population growingat 6 years age planted at Ex-situ plot Conservation, Watusipat, Gunung Kidul. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was conducted at Sandalwood Ex-situ Conservation Plot, in Watusipat, Gunung Kidul on September 2011. Based on climatic classification of Schmidt and Ferguson (1951), research locations including the C type climate with rainfall 1894 mm / year, the rainy season begins in November and end on March. Areal of studies was moderately steep undulating topography with slopes of 8% - 30%. Partly rocky soil, Vertisol soil type, parent material and tufvolkan marl with low to medium levels of fertility, altitude ± 150 m above sea level. Five sandalwood populations from Nusa Tenggara Timur and Java were planted in 2005. The five populations were originated from Sumba, . Fatunisuan (Timor Tengah Utara), Belu,.Soebela (Rote Island) and Imogir i(Java Raced Land). The study was laid out in RCBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with 5 populations as treatment, 4 replications (blocks) with 16 tree plots for each block, hence the total populations were 320 tree plots at a spacing of 3 x 3 m. Sandalwood seeds were collected during exploration activities in 2004. Seedling maintenance was done until the seedlings ready for field planting, approximately after one year. Planting in the field conducted in 2005. Data collected after six years by measurement of plant height, stem diameter at breast heigh tand survival rate. The collected data were analyzed by ANOVA. 116 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Growth Variation of Several Sandalwood ….. Ari Fiani & Yuliah III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Measurement of plant height and stem diameter has been carried out to determine the diversity of sandalwood growth caused by difference in origin (natural distribution). Analysis of variance of plant height and stem diameter reveal significant difference among populations (Table 1). Tabel 1.Analysis of variance of the six years old sandalwood plant height and stem diameter Parameter Plant height Stem Diameter Source of Variance Degree of Sum of Mean Freedom Square Square F calc. Population 4 5,4279 1,3570 4,65 Block 3 4,5172 1,5057 5,16 Error 8 2,3360 0,2920 Total 15 12,2811 Population 4 4,6649 1,1662 3,48 Block 3 2,7262 0,9087 2,71 Error 8 2,6785 0,3348 Total 15 10,0696 The results showed that plant height of six years old sandalwood varied between 3.5003m (Fatunisuan, TTU) to 5.0008 m (Soebela, Rote). Stem diameter varied between 2.1612 cm (Fatunisuan, TTU) to 3.6335 cm (Soebela, Rote). The mean of plant height and stem diameter of each population and the results of DMRT average presented in Table 2. Table 2. Average plant height and stem diameter of six years old of sandalwood from several populations Population Average Plant height (m) Stem Diameter (cm) Sumba 3,6630 ab 2,8269 ab Fatunisuan (TTU) 3,5003 b 2,1612 b Belu 4,0852 ab 2,8685 ab Soebela (Rote) 5,0008 a 3,6335 a Imogiri (Jawa) 4,1080 3,4533 ab b Description: numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% significance level. Based on the analysis of variance, there is a significant difference in height growth and stem diameter of sandalwood plants from five populations. This indicates the existence of genetic diversity between sandalwood populations. Plant growth is resulted from interaction between genetic factors and the environment in which the plants grow. The influences of environmental factors occur indirectly through physiological processes in the body of the tree. The influence of genetic factors and environmental factors can lead to variations in the plant. Variation due to environmental influences is 117 called non-heritable variation that is the variation is not passed on to offspring. Variation due to genetic factors is called heritable variation, the variation being passed on to offspring. The realizations of the results of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors are reflected in morphological performance, including plant height and stem diameter that can be measured quantitatively. Performance of sandalwood population in Watusipat, Gunung Kidul, six years after planting shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1. Performance of Sandalwood in Watusipat, Gunung Kidul, six years after planting Environmental at Watusipat Ex Situ Conservation Plot in which Sandalwood planted was relatively uniform. Therefore, the diversity among different populations of the six-year-old sandalwood in Watusipat, GunungKidul due to the value of genetic diversity of five populations. Haryjanto (2009) reported that the genetic diversity in Watusipat sandalwood is relatively high (0, 3166). Brand (1993) inSoenarno (2012) on his studyin the district of Timor Timur Selatan, Timor Island also reported a phenotypic and genetic diversity of several sandalwood populations, among others, from Netpala, Siso, Buat, Oenlasi, Tetafg and Aenhut. Andrew et al., (2004) suggested that the variation between provenances indicates extensive genetic variation at the population level. Variation observed in the growth of sandalwood in Plot Ex-Situ Conservation Watusipat Cendana, Gunung Kidul is also likely due to the origin of the discontinuous distribution of sandalwood, where each population dispatch quite far , even different islands. Zobel and Talbert (1991) suggested that a 118 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Growth Variation of Several Sandalwood ….. Ari Fiani & Yuliah variety of tree species is due to partly by the presence of geographic variation (provenance), variety of places to grow in the provenance, variations in the stands in the place grew, variations in tree stands, and variations in the tree. According to Wright (1976), factors that affect the possibility of geographic variation (geographic races) is the spread of a type of tree that produces more extensive genetic variations compared to narrower species native range. A species that has a continuous nature enables the distribution is always the exchange of pollen between individuals in the population. So that the genetic variation between populations is not too high. However, if the distribution of discontinuous nature, such as populations separated by mountain, river or the sea there will be a large genetic variation between populations. Survival rate ranged from 73% to 95%; Fatunisuan, Middle East North (73%),Sumba (77%), (Belu (85%), Imogiri, Land race Java (94%) and Soebela, Rote (95%) respectively. The variation in the survival and growth of the sandalwood in Watusipat Gunung Kidul possibly due to variations in the adaptability of each population to the different environment in which it’s grow with the region of origin. With the adaptability variations, each plant will express phenotypic different. Plants that grow well showed its ability to adapt in the growing place, while others will grow ugly and even death (Zobel and Talbert, 1984). Although the fifth population on this research is quite diverse environment, but based on this test, sandalwood able to adapt well in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Thus the area is quite suitable for the development of sandalwood. This is mainly due to the adaptability of sandalwood is pretty high for a variety of environmental factors. The high genetic diversity of sandalwood provide further opportunities for the utilization of sandalwood plant breeding programs to obtain superior properties expected. Based on the ranking of average height and trunk diameter and percent growth, sandalwood from Soebela (Rote Island) showed the best growth compared to other populations. Thus, the population Soebela can be used as a source of seed for development purposes. IV. CONCLUSION 1. Based on the phenotype of plants in the field, sandalwood at Watusipat ex-situ conservation in Gunung Kidul varies in height and diameter growth. 2. The plant height of 6 years old sandalwood varies between 3,50 m (Fatunisuan, TTU) to 5,0 m (Soebela, Rote), while the diameter varies between 2,16 cm (Fatunisuan, TTU) to 3,63 cm (Soebela, Rote). 3. In general, Soebela has a highest rank on survival (95%), height (5,0 m) and diameter (3,63 cm), whereas Fatunisuan has the lowest rank. REFERENCES Andrew, S.M., S.M.S. Maliondo, J. Mtika, H.P. Msanga, V.R. Nsolomo, 2004, Growth Performance of Azadirachta indica Provenances in Morogoro, Tanzania, Journal of Tropical Forest Science 16 (3) : 328 – 335. 119 Haryjanto L., 2009, Keragaman Genetik Cendana (Santalum album Linn.) di Kebun Konservasi Ex Situ Watusipat, Gunung Kidul, dengan Penanda Isoenzim. Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan. Vol 3 No.3 November 2009, 127-138. Soenarno, 2012, Mengenal Lebih Jauh Cendana Di Nusa Tenggara Timur, Silvika EdisiJuni, 2012, 3138. Wright, J.W., 1976, Introduction to Forest Genetics, Academic Press Inc., New York. Zobel, B. and J. Talbert., 1984, Applied Forest Tree Improvement, Waveland Press Inc., Prospect Heights. Illionis. 120 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Strategy to Establishment of Ex Situ Genetic Resources ….. Prastyono Strategy to Establishment of Ex-Situ Genetic Resources Conservation Plots of Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh)1 Prastyono2 ABSTRACT Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.), a species endemic to Sulawesi Island is classified into category of Vulnerable (VU A1cd ver 2.3) according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which means that the tree species are facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future. This species has also been evaluated for inclusion in the Appendix II of CITES. To prevent the excessive utilization trend and further loss of genetic resources, genetic conservation efforts both in-situ and ex-situ must be conducted immediately. Establishment of in-situ genetic conservation stands of the species is of the highest priority as they will preserve their genetic diversities along with their ecosystem. Yet, ex situ genetic conservation stands in several areas are required to ensure genetic diversities of the species are well maintained and conserved when the existence of the species in its natural populations is threatened. The stands are also expected to provide genetic material for future tree breeding programs. A proper strategy to establish ex situ genetic conservation stands is required so that the established stands are a representation of the existing genetic diversity in natural populations. This paper describes the strategy and the stages of establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands of ebony. There are five target populations in the collection of genetic material for ex situ genetic conservation purpose, namely Luwu Timur, Barru, Parigi Moutong, Morowali and Mamuju populations. Keywords: ebony, Diospyros celebica, genetic resources conservation, ex situ I. INTRODUCTION Forest degradation in Indonesia is currently in an alarming rate. Data from the Ministry of Forestry in 2007 showed that the rate of forest degradation in Indonesia reached up to 0.9 million ha per year during 1982 to 1990, 1.8 million ha per year during 1990 to 1997 period, 2.83 million ha per year during 1997-2000 period and 1.08 million ha per year during 2000-2006 period. 1 2 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Yogyakarta Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM. 15 Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55582 Telp. (0274) 895954, 896080 Fax. (0274) 896080 121 Forest degradation is a serious threat to the existence of forest genetic resources of flora, fauna and microorganisms. Exploitation of natural forests that is extractive in order to meet human needs affects to deterioration in quality and quantity of forest at the genetic, species, and ecosystems level. Concessions in natural forest management, plantation, mining, settlement and resettlement, as well as the weakness of the bureaucracy are some of the factors that lead to fragmentation and degradation of Indonesia's tropical forests (Curran et al., 2004). Forest degradation will lead to the possibility of extinction of a species, or a reduction in the number of individuals vegetation in the area that is lost. There are several endangered species of flora in Indonesia such as ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), sandalwood (Santalum album), ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh), ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn.) and several Dipterocarp species. Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh), an endangered endemic species of Sulawesi, is scattered in Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and South Sulawesi provinces. D. celebica has been included in the category of Vulnerable (VU A1cd ver 2.3) by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species (2012) which means that there has been a decline of at least 20% over the last 10 years or three generations caused by decline in the extent and quality of habitat and high exploitation rates. In addition, it has been evaluated for inclusion in Appendix II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), which means that the species is likely to become endangered when there is no tight regulation of trade. Genetic resources conservation of ebony both in situ and ex situ are urgently required, to maintain the ability to adapt to environment changes and to support tree breeding activities for improving forest production (Graudal et al., 1997; Skroppa, 2005). In such cases ex situ conservation will have to complement, or at times substitute for in situ conservation. This paper outlines an ex situ genetic resource conservation strategy of ebony that includes population sampling strategy for collection of genetic materials, handling of genetic materials and procedures to establish ex situ genetic conservation stands of ebony. II. SPECIES DESKRIPTION A. Taxonomy The genus Diospyros, family Ebenaceae, consists of more than 300 species. In Indonesia, there are 100 species of trees of the genus Diospyros L. The most important species is Diospyros celebica Bakh. The complete classification of D. celebica Bakh is as follows: 122 Kingdom : Plantae Division : Spermatophyta Sub Division : Angiospermae Class : Magnoliopsida Order : Ebenales Family : Ebenaceae Genus : Diospyros Species : Diospyros celebica Bakh. International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Strategy to Establishment of Ex Situ Genetic Resources ….. Prastyono B. Natural distribution and habitat of ebony Ebony (D. celebica Bakh.) is endemic to Sulawesi Island which can be found in Poso, Donggala and Parigi (Central Sulawesi), Maros, Barru, Mamuju and Luwu (South Sulawesi) and Gorontalo (Paembonan and Nurkin, 2002). According to Alrasyid (2002), ebony is naturally found in ridges plains to an elevation of 700 m above sea level, but the ideal elevation for the growth of ebony is less than 400 m above sea level. Ebony is grown on a variety of soil types ranging from calcareous soils, latosols, red-yellow podzolic and a permeable shallow rocky soil. Ebony can grow well in areas with low rainfall (1,230 mm/yr) in the region of Tomini (Central Sulawesi) to the wet areas with rainfall of 2,750 mm/yr (Malili, Mamuju and Poso) (Alrasyid, 2002; Paembonan and Nurkin, 2002). C. Morphological variation of ebony According to Santoso (2002), there were clear differences in the morphological properties of ebony between provenances. Leaves of ebony of Gorontalo and Dumoga Bone provenances were thicker and more rounded than the leaves of ebony of Poso, Donggala, Mamuju and Luwu provenances which have longer leaves. Fruits of ebony of Gowa and Maros provenances are more rounded and larger than which of the other provenances. The average number of seeds per kilogram of ebony of South Sulawesi provenance was about 800 while the seeds of Central Sulawesi provenance was about 1,150 (Soerianegara et al., 1995). III. SAMPLING STRATEIESY AND STANDS ESTABLISHMENT PROCEDURES A. Sampling strategy to collect genetic materials 1. Number of population The purpose of sampling among multiple populations is to capture geographical and ecotypic variation of the target species. The key biological consideration to construct a population sampling regime for purpose of establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands is “degree of genetic difference among populations”, so that the genetic diversity in the population level can be covered (Center for Plant Conservation, 1991). Species with a broad distribution, as many as 3-5 populations are fairly representative of the genetic diversity of the species. Whilst species with low potential for gene flow between populations more than five populations need to be sampled. Sampling should be started from the location with most abundant population or highest genetic diversity (Jaramillo and Baena, 2002). According to Restu (2007), genetic diversities of ebony of Mamuju and Barru provenances were higher than that of other South Sulawesi provenances. Homozygosity of ebony tended to increase due to inbreeding. In amount of 95.4% genetic diversity was derived from the diversity within population. This result was confirmed by Widyatmoko et al. (2011), who revealed that the genetic diversity of two ebony populations of South and Central Sulawesi population using RAPD markers was on average of 0.289. The proportion of ± 70% of genetic diversity was distributed within provenance, while the remaining 30% was distributed between provenances. While the genetic distance between the two populations was 0.303. Cluster analysis of the samples showed a clear grouping population according to geographical location. The authors suggested that collection of genetic material for the purpose of establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands should be focused from populations that are geographically distinct. 123 Figure 1. Distribution of ebony populations in Sulawesi (Source: Google Earth) Based on the various references and geographic distribution of ebony, genetic materials for establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands should be collected from five populations namely Mamuju (West Sulawesi), Barru (South Sulawesi), East Luwu (South Sulawesi), Parigi Moutong (Central Sulawesi) and Morowali (Central Sulawesi) as presented in Figure 1. The five populations should be eco-geographically difference as they are geographically apart. The first two populations should be sampled because they had a higher genetic diversity than the other populations (Restu, 2007). 2. Number of individuals per population Sampling multiple individuals within a population is required in order to capture the significant fraction of genetic diversity (Centre for Plant Conservation, 1991). According to Lawrence and Marshall (1997), the minimum Ne (effective population size) for ex situ conservation is 172 individuals per population. While Jaramillo and Baena (2002) recommended as many as 50 individuals should be sampled for such purpose. The number of samples needs to be increased if there are eco-geographic or climatic variations. However, Brown and Briggs (1991) stated that in order to capture the diversity of alleles efficiently, large number of simple per population is not required as “the allelic content of a simple is proportional to the log of both population and simple size”. The author suggested that at least 10 individuals per population were considered as sufficient. The Centre for Plant Conservation (1991), recommended that as many as 10-50 individuals per population should be sampled for the 124 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Strategy to Establishment of Ex Situ Genetic Resources ….. Prastyono purpose of establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands, depending on relevant life-history characteristics, population history, and other factors affecting the natural distribution of variation. Thus, sampling in a minimum number of 30 individual unrelated trees from each population of ebony should be considered as a rational choice due to the fact that ebony population decreased drastically in its natural distribution or in other words there is limited number of remaining mother trees in each population. 3. Number of propagules per individual tree The key consideration of how many propagule should be collected from each individual tree is the estimation of propagule survival. Collection of many propagules per individual trees is needed to ensure specific genotypes are represented (Centre for Plant Conservation, 1991). Approximate number of seeds or wildlings that are taken from each individual tree should consider viability and persistence of population numbers and should not cause population depletion. For many tree species, in total 1 to 20 propagules from each individual tree is considered sufficient (Frankham et al., 2002). Kiding Allo and Sallata (1991) revealed that seed viability of ebony reached up to 90% when they were instantly germinated after collected from the mother trees. Indeed, 23 seeds are needed to be collected to get 20 seedlings. However, when the number of fruit is abundant, collecting extra number of seed will ensure the survivability of the individual tree. When collection of fruits or seeds of ebony is impractical, collection of wildlings would be the best choice. Santoso (1997) stated that in the natural forest during the peak season of fruiting, there was about 500 - 4,000 wildlings of ebony at a radius of 5 m from the mother tree. According to Sallata and Renden (1991), survival rate of wildlings with 2-4 leaves was up to 87% when they were wrapped with banana stem bark and stored for 1 week. Therefore, to obtain final number of 20 seedlings, collection of at least 23 wildlings is acceptable. In summary, either seeds or wildlings can be used as genetic materials for establishing an ex situ genetic conservation stand. At least 23 seeds or wildlings should be collected from each individual mother tree. B. Strategy to stands establishment 1. Nursery techniques a. Seed handling Fruits should be collected by climbing and picking the ripe fruits on the trees because the fruits that have been fallen are vulnerable to Penicilliopsis clavariaeformis fungi (Soerianegara, 1967). The characteristics of the ripe fruit are yellowish red fruit coat, with hairy dark brown seeds inside. Seeds need to be immediately extracted from the fruits (Figure 2(b)) (Alrasyid, 2002; Santoso, 1997). As a recalcitrant seed, seed of ebony has a very short longevity. Thus, it should be germinated immediately after the extraction process is complete to maintain its viability (Figure 2(c)) (Kiding Allo and Sallata, 1991). Seeds are sown or planted in furrows across the seed bed containing a sterilized soil + sand (3:1) medium, and then covered by sand with a thickness of ± 2 cm. The seed bed then should be covered with clear plastic mulch to keep moisture and shading net of 75% to reduce the intensity of sunlight (Smith, 1997; Alrasyid, 2002). Water twice a day with a fine spray is required up to some 2-3 125 weeks after seeds germination. Germination time ranged from 10 to 30 days after sowing (Sumiasri and Setyowati, 2006). After this time, when the seedlings have been developed, watering of only once a day is sufficient. The seedlings should be pricked out and transplanted to pots once the seedlings have developed to such a stage that further growth will be affected because of competition to light, water and nutrients with other seedlings. The proper time to do so is when the seed coat was detached from the cotyledon and the seedling has produced itsfirst two true leaves (Figure 2(d)) (Santoso et al., 2002). The seedlings are ready to be planted in the field after 8-10 months in the nursery when they reach about 25-30 cm of high (Alrasyid, 2002). Figure 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) A mother tree of ebony (a), a ripe ebony fruit (b) seeds extraction (c), and seedling of ebony in the nursery (d) (Photo: Prastyono) 126 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Strategy to Establishment of Ex Situ Genetic Resources ….. Prastyono b. Wilding handling Wildlings should be collected from forest floor i.e. right under each mother tree. To keep the identity of each wildling, wildlings of each mother tree should be bundled, wrapped and labeled. During transportation process, the wildling should be kept moist by wrapping their roots with a wet newspaper, then put in a cardboard box that had been covered with banana stem barks (Figure 3). According to Sallata and Renden (1991) and Santoso et al. (2002), survival rate of wildlings with 2-4 leaves was up to 87% when they were wrapped with banana stem barks and stored for 1 week while it decreased to only 60% when they were stored for 3 weeks. The collected ebony wildlings need to be immediately planted in pots (polyethylene bag) filled with mixture of 1 part of top soil, 1 part of sand and 1 part of organic manure or humus. The pots are then placed upright into the pot beds to avoid distortion of the pots. The pot beds should be covered by clear plastic mulch and shaded by shading net of 75-80% to maintain air humidity and temperature. Water is required once a day up to some 4-5 months until the seedlings are strong enough and ready to be planted in the field. Figure 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) Ebony willings (a), bundling and labeling of wildlings (b) packing of wildlings (c), wilding transplantation in a nursery (d) (Photo: Prastyono) 127 2. Planting procedures a. Site Selection and Land Preparation Security of tenure is of the most important consideration in the selection of sites to establish ex situ genetic conservation stands. Due to genetic considerations and also to ensure genetic loss, each population/provenance should be planted on a minimum of 2 sites. Adaptability of the ebony to the site must be proven, and the stand must be able to produce reproductive materials in the environmental conditions. Ex situ conservation stands of ebony should be established in areas which are suitable for ebony as stated by Alrasyid (2002), Paembonan and Nurkin (2002), and Kiding Allo (2002, 2006). Land preparations for planting ebony are depending on the land conditions, ebony seedlings, as a semi-tolerant species, require shadings to protect from full sunlight in early stage of their growth until the age of five years (Santoso et al., 2002). Firstly, in the open areas, shading plants should be planted one year prior to planting ebony, so when ebony seedlings are planted, shading plants will have been able to provide shade. Fast growing tree species that are suitable for shading plant are Gliricidia sp. and legume species such as lamtoro (Alrasyid, 2002; Santoso et al., 2002). Secondly, in the areas of logged over areas or areas which have remaining trees or shrubs, ebony can be planted in an alley as the seedlings will have adequate shade from the remaining vegetations (Alrasyid, 2002; Santoso et al., 2002). b. Planting Techniques Planting should be done when the seedlings have developed sufficiently and are less vulnerable to climate variation. The species would have reached this stage when they are approximately 25-30 cm high. Hardening-off process should be started at least 2 months before the transplanting is taken by pruning roots and reducing the amount of water supplied. Square or rectangular spacing planting patterns can be employed for planting ebony. A 5 x 5 m square spacing is recommended by Santoso et al. (2002). It is recommended to hoe an area about 50 cm around the planting hole to clear all vegetations with their roots to reduce competition for water and nutrients by weeds. Planting holes with a diameter of 30 cm and 30 cm dept are usually sufficient for ebony. If necessary, 20 grams of NPK fertilizer can be applied at the bottom of the holes before planting. Finally, ebony seedlings should be planted in each hole by removing the polyethylene bag/container pot before placing the seedling into the planting hole (Santoso et al., 2002). Replacement planting is generally not necessary if the survival rate is greater than 80%. However, since the plantation purpose is to maintain genetic diversity, replacement planting for every single dead tree would be necessary. It could be done a month after seedling had been planted. c. Layout FAO (1977) has recommended that stand size for ex situ genetic conservation stands established for the maintenance of variation over many generations, and subject to open pollination, is more than 10 ha. Potential of genetic drift will increase sharply with decreasing stand size. However, it is impractical to do so when the site availability is limited. It is therefore plantation in an area of at least 1.5 ha per population would be a rationalone. 128 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Strategy to Establishment of Ex Situ Genetic Resources ….. Prastyono Each population should be planted in a separate area to prevent genetic contamination among populations so that population differentiation is maintained. In other words, ex situ conservation stands must be adequately isolated from contaminating pollen from outside sources, including hybridizing, or potentially hybridizing, species and provenances (FAO, 1977). FAO (1977) has recommended that a minimum isolation strip of 330 m is required around ex situ conservation stands. If it is possible to identify each seedling of each mother tree (family), plantation in a single tree plot would give more benefit and minimize inbreeding as each tree is surrounded by different families. This is the concept of the third-era genetic resources conservation by Soekotjo (2001). When wildings are to be used as genetic material source, it is likely impractical to ensure the identity of each wilding. In this case planting ebony as a bulk for each population is of a reasonable decision. 3. Protecting Young Trees and Shading Trees Removal Although ebony seedlings require shade, they do not require any root competition for water and nutrients. Weeding is therefore important to help the seedlings survive the competition with fast growing weed species. As a rule of thumb, three or four weeding operations should be carried out in the first year of planting, and two or three in the second year and another one in the next years (Smith et al., 2002). Fertilizing or adding manure to the soil will improve the growth of seedlings. A small amount of fertilizer is applied after weeding is complete and after rain to reduce the risk of the fertilizer washed away. The young trees also need to be protected from grazing, trampling, pest and diseases and fire. Since grazing, trampling and most fires are usually caused by man, education of the general public is often the best way to prevent such threats. While pest and diseases established in the plantation can be controlled by chemicals and baits. Seedlings of ebony require full shade until the age of 3 months, whereas at the age of 6 months needs only 40-60% of shade. Therefore, shading plants should be gradually removed once the seedlings reached the age of 6 months. The young plants should be free of shading plants by the age of 5 years (Smith and Misto, 1995). 4. Stands Evaluation and Characterization The ex situ stands should be periodically monitored and evaluated to determine their adaptability of each ebony population to the new environment. Characterization to the stands includes following characteristics namely growth, morphological and genetic characterization, reproductive biology and wood properties of each ebony population. IV. CONCLUDING REMARK Understanding distribution of population and genetics diversity of ebony is crucial for establishing ex situ genetic conservation stands. Method and sampling procedures play a critical role in determining the quality of collected genetic materials for the purpose of establishing such stands. The ex situ genetic conservation stands should be established in areas that are secure and suitable for ebony to optimally grows and be able to regenerate. 129 REFERENCES Alrasyid, H. 2002. Kajian Budidaya Pohon Eboni. Berita Biologi Vol. 6 (2). LIPI, Jakarta Brown, A.H.D. and J.D. Briggs. 1991. Sampling Strategies for Genetic Variation in Ex situ Collections of Endangered Plant Species. In : D.A. Falk and K.E. Holsinger (eds). Genetic and Conservation of Rare Plant. Oxford University Press, New York. Centre for Plant Conservation. 1991. Genetic sampling guidelines for conservation, collection of endangered plant. in: D.A. Falk and K.E. Holsinger (eds). Genetic and Conservation of Rare Plant. Oxford University Press, New York. Curran, L.M., S.N. Trigg, A.K. McDonald, D.Astiano, Y.M. Hardiono, P. Siregar, I. 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Yuliah Evaluation of Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm & Binn) Health at KHDTK Sumberwringin in Bondowoso for Supporting Ironwood Genetic Conservation1 Yuliah2 ABSTRACT Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn.) is one of commercial tree species that is categorized as vulnerable species required urgent conservation action. Ironwood genetic conservation has been developed in KHDTK Sumberwringin, Bondowoso since 2004. To support silvicultural treatment and minimize damages, health monitoring is needed to understand impacts of pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies and further adverse consequences. The purpose of this study is to diagnose ironwood damages and to evaluate its health status. The study was conducted at the age of 9 years after planting. The plantation consists of four populations with 3 replications and 25 tree plots. Damage assessment was conducted using FHM guidance (Alexander and Barnard, 1995). The parameters measured were percentage of damage and Value of Damage Index (VDI). The results showed that VDI of ironwood on ex-situ conservation plot was categorized as mild (3.41). The damage on the leaves was dominant in the form of perforated leaves, brown spot and white patches. While on the stem were caused by epiphytes. Heavy shade and high rainfall are probably the main causes of the damages. Despite mild damages, anticipative management is required, for example, by gradually lowering the shading through thinning or punning. Key Words: Ironwood, evaluation, health, genetic conservation I. INTRODUCTION Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwagery T. Et B) is one of the commercial species of Indonesian tropical forests, especially in the southern part of the island of Sumatra, Bangka Belitung and Kalimantan (Susanto, 2006). Ironwood demand is driven by the nature of wood which has a good quality in terms of strength and durability. Utilization of ironwood is varied, such as for buildings, bridges, and marine hull. Ironwood forest exploitation occurred in the long-range nature, but with less successful regeneration Ulin grows slowly and takes time to be ready for harvesting. The average increase in 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Jl. Palagan Tentara pelajar Km 15, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Telp (0274) ; Fax (0274) Email: 133 diameter at a rate of young trees can reach 9.5 mm in a good condition. Maximum diameter size at age 40 is 36 cm, and it can take 100 years to reach a diameter of 50 cm. Exploitation and destruction of forest habitat are considered the cause of the shrinking population of ironwood in nature. In South Sumatra and Jambi, ironwood species are hard to find (Junaidah, et al, 2006), while in Kalimantan is still available, but in very small amounts (Wahjono and Imanuddin, 2011). IUCN (2012) included ironwood in the category of Vulnerable A1cd ironwood +2 cd. Therefore, conservation of ironwood becomes a very urgent action. Since 2004, Center for Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research has started developing conservation of ironwood at KHDTK Sumberwringin, Bondowoso. Genetic materials were collected from 4 populations, namely: Nanga Tayap (West Kalimantan), Source Barito (Central Kalimantan), Sepaku (East Kalimantan), and Seruyan Hulu (Central Kalimantan). To support the conservation efforts, regular monitoring needs to be done to minimize the damages of pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies and others. Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) is one method of health stand monitoring assessment through classifying types and proportions of damages per individual plant. That information is the basis for the managers to determine necessary silvicultural treatments. The purpose of this study is to assess the damages on plots conservation ironwood in Sumberwringin, Bondowoso, to know the status of population stand health. II. MATERIALS and METHODS A. Location and Time Forest health monitoring was conducted in the genetic conservation plots in Sumberwringin, Bondowoso. The plots is located in the village of Wringinanom, Sukosari, East Java. According to the Schmidt and Ferguson climate classification, it is included into climate B with rainfall 2,400 mm/year. Soil type is andosol with slope between 0 and 15%, altitude of 800 m above sea level. The study was conducted in March 2013. B. Materials Research materials are 9-year stands of ironwood from 4 provenances. The origins of the genetic material are presented in Table 1. Table 1. The Origin of Genetic Material of Ironwood No Provenances Locations 1 Nanga Tayap Natural Arboretum area of PT Suka Jaya Makmur, Nanga Tayap District, Ketapang, West Kalimantan. 2 Barito Barito River District, Murung Raya, Central Kalimantan. 3 Sepaku Areal Sources Seed PT ITCI KU Ulin, Sepaku District, North Paser Penajam, East Kalimantan. 4 Seruyan Hulu PT Sari Bumi Kusuma, Seruyan Hulu District, East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan. Source: Research reports of Ironwood, 2004 Research equipment needed include: stationery, map plant, FHM manual and the tally sheet. 134 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Evaluation of Ironwood ….. Yuliah C. Research Design The procedures of the research of forest health monitoring are as follows: 1. Observation and damage measurement. This activity was carried out in all plants in the plots. FHM guidelines developed by the USDA Forest Service (Alexander and Barnard, 1995) was used. The data collected was tree damage location (L), the type of damage (T) and the level of severity (S) based on existing guidance (Table 2,3,4). The data were then calculated using the value of the damage index code and the weight of the index value of the damage. Table 2. Tree damage location Code Description Value (x) 0 No damage 1,5 1 Roots (exposed) and stump (0,3 m from ground level) 2 2 Roots and lower bole 2 3 Lower bole ( lower half of the trunk between the stump and base of 1,8 the live crown 4 Lower and upper bole 1,8 5 Upper bole (upper half of the trunk between stump and base of the 1,6 live crown) 6 Crownstem 7 Branches 1,2 1 8 Buds and shoots 1 9 Foliage 1 Source : Alexander and Barnard, 1995 Table 3. Type of damage code Description Value (y) 01 cancer 1,9 02 Conks, fruiting bodies, and other indicators of advanced decay 1,7 03 Open wounds 1,5 04 Resinosis or gummosis 1,5 11 Broken bole or roots less than 0.91 m from bole 1,6 12 Brooms on roots or bole 1,3 13 Broken or dead roots 1 21 Loss of apical dominance, dead terminal 1 22 Broken or dead 1 23 Excessive branching or brooms 1 24 Damage foliage or shoots 1 25 Discoloration of foliage 1 Source : Alexander and Barnard, 1995 135 Table 4. Severity grade code classes (%) Value (z) 1 01 – 19 1,1 2 20 – 29 1,2 3 30 – 39 1,3 4 40 – 49 1,4 5 50 – 59 1,5 6 60 – 69 1,6 7 70 – 79 1,7 8 80 – 89 1,8 9 90 – 99 1,9 Source : Alexander and Barnard, 1995 2. Data Analisys : a. Calculation of the percentage of certain types of damage in the plot used the following formula: % of damage = Number of plants that experienced type of damage X 100% Total number of plants in a plot b. Calculation of Value Damage Index (VDI), which is the final calculation to determine tree damage level observed (healthy, mild, moderate, severe) used VDI formulas: VDI = X.Y.Z Notes: VDI = Value of Damage Index X = The weights on the type of damage Y = The weight value at the location of damage Z = The weights on the severity of damage c. To determine the effect of block provenance and origin of the damage on trees, the data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and if found differences, it was followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (Duncan `s Multiple Range Test-DMRT). The mathematical model used is: Yij = μ + B1 + Pj + ε ij Notes: Yij = μ = Pj = = Bi ε ij = characteristics measured average population effect of the j-th population effect of the i-th block Error or influence to the rest –ij III. RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS A. Type and Percentage of the Damage The percentage of survival plants in conservation plot of ironwood at Sumberwringin, Bondowoso is 56% (169 of 300 plants live plants). In addition, the results showed that all plants experience 136 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Evaluation of Ironwood ….. Yuliah damages with different intensity and type. The most dominant damage occurs in the leaves and stems. The type and frequency of damage can be seen in Figure 1. 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Perforated foliage Brown Spot White Patches Black Mildew Epiphytes Figure 1. Chart type and frequency of damage to the conservation of ironwood in Sumberwringin plot, Bondowoso. Types of damage 1. Perforated foliage This damage is in the form of a hole in the center of the leaves or tears irregularly covering almost all the plants (94.08%). This damage can be caused by diseases or pests. Diseases lead to loss of leaf epidermis and leave a small hole on the leaf surface. It is found two types of pests, that is, grasshoppers and caterpillars. Grasshoppers and caterpillars bite the leaves causing damage in the form of tears. Grasshopper bites usually start from the edge of the leaf up to the middle (Laetemian and Rumthe, 2011). The caterpillars feed leaves but leave the skeleton leaves. Hole or tear in the leaf areas of the leaves disappear thereby affecting the process of photosynthesis. Disruption of photosynthesis process will ultimately impact on plant growth. Figure 2. Damages to the leaves in the form of perforated. 137 2. Brown spot Brown spotting on ironwood plant is found in about two third (60.95%) of the stands. Observable phenomena such as clumped brown spots, blotches surrounding, leaves turning to yellowish color can be indications of this damage type. These patches are seen in part or whole leaf surfaces. Damaged leaves is generally found in young leaves. Similar conditions are also found in the study of Ngatiman and Armansyah (2006) who examined the ironwood pest in the nursery. This disease occurs because the alleged attack Penicillium sp. Further impact of this brown spotting is leaves becoming dry and fall down. Figure 3. Brown spot on foliage 3. White Patches Symptoms of this disease are white patches on the leaf surface, initially in the form of small round spots which then expands. In severe cases, white patches will cover almost the entire surface of the leaves making the leaves look dull. The intensity of these attacks is quite high, at 84.62% of the plant. The cause of this disease is unknown. Looking at the high intensity of their attacks, this condition would also inhibit the photosynthesis process of plants. Figure 4. White patches on foliage 138 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Evaluation of Ironwood ….. Yuliah 4. Black Mildew Black spots on leaves surface Figure 5. Black Mildew on ironwood foliage Damage caused by black mildew mold on plants in plots ironwood Sumberwringin conservation is relatively low, only 1.78%. Sooty mold disease is caused by a fungus Capnodium sp which belongs to the class Ascomycetes (Anggraeni and Lelana, 2011). Initial attack begins with the onset of symptoms of the disease black coating on the leaf surfaces. The black coating is because of melanoid pigment in the cell walls of hyphae that form a colony (mycelium). Mycelium grows on the surface of leaves, covering stomata and leaf tissues, so that it will disrupt the host plants (Sastrahidayat, 1990; Suryanto, 2010; Anggraeni and Lelana, 2011). In dry seasons, Capnodium sp will multiply rapidly and decrease in the rainy season. As the time of this study was in the rainy season (March), this damage is rarely found but it needs to be inspected as in the dry season this disease would likely to increase. Although it is not a deadly disease, disruption of the process of photosynthesis in the leaves will result in stunted plant growth. 5. Epiphytes Epiphytes are plants that ride on other plants as a place to live but it does not take nutrients from their host. Water is obtained from the surrounding environment such as rain, moisture and dew. Mineral nutrient requirements are obtained from dust or other plant decomposition. Though they do not take nutrients from ironwood plants, epiphytes can be a competitor in obtaining sunlight. Sometimes epiphyte roots also penetrate to the tree, covering the stem and disturbing the balance of the physiology of their host plants. Epiphytes are found in the plots and dominated by Lichens and Fungi. It also is found other species, i.e: Ptherydophyta, Orchidaceae, and lianas. The availability of these organisms is quite a lot, accounted at 97.63%. 139 Figure 6. Lichens, moss, ferns on the ironwood trunk B. The Value of Damage Index (VDI) VDI in conservation plots for each provenance ironwood and blocks are presented in the figure 7. 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Nanga Tayap Sumber Barito Sepaku Seruyan Hulu Provenances Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Average Figure 7. Damage index graph ironwood value of each provenance and block To determine differences in VDI based on provenance and origin of the block, analysis of variance test was conducted and the result can be seen in Table 5. 140 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Evaluation of Ironwood ….. Yuliah Tabel 5. Analysis of variance for VDI of ironwood at KHDTK Sumberwringin, Bondowoso. Source Intercept Hypothesis Type II Sum of Squares 141.090 .641 2 .320(a) Hypothesis Error blok Mean Square 141.090 1 Error Provenance df Hypothesis Error .039 3 .013 1.095 6 .182(b) .641 2 .320 1.095 6 .182(b) F Sig. 440.34 4 .002 .072 .973 1.756 .251 a MS (blok) b MS (Error) It is observed that the average VDI of ironwood for all provenances is 3.41. Based on each provenance, the VDI ranges from 3.35 to 3.54 for provenance Nanga Tayap, West Kalimantan and provenance Barito, Central Kalimantan, respectively. According to Khoiri (2004) VDI on the ironwood includes lightweight. Results of analysis of variance show no significant differences both in provenance and replication. This shows all of the populations have the similar susceptibility to disease infestations. Environmental conditions in different blocks do not significantly affect the level of damage. Based on the VDI, the level of damages of ironwood stands in conservation plots in Sumberwringin is only minor, but the intensity of their attacks is quiet serious. Based on this information, it is required to act immediately a precaution measure in order to avoid greater damage and pest and disease outbreak. The amount of diseases, pests and plant pests on conservation plot ironwood in Sumberwringin is likely influenced by environmental factors, such as altitude, rainfall, temperature, and intensity of the sunlight. Observation sites are located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level with a fairly high rainfall (2,400 mm/year). Habitus ironwood trees shade canopy that has a broad shape also allows increased moisture and sunlight intensity reduction. Agrios (1996) stated humidity affects the expansion and disease attack rate. It is necessary for ironwood to be planted under storey, because ironwood seedlings and sapling require a heavy shade (Soerianegara and Lemmens, 1993). However, at the next stage young trees need sufficient sunlight to grow. Therefore, silvicultural treatment, such as thinning at this stage need to be taken to open the shading intensity of ironwood stand. In addition, regular maintenance such as cleaning brush, epiphytes and other plant pests should also be prescribed. IV. CONCLUSION 1. Type of damage that occurs in the conservation plot ironwood include: perforated and torn leaves (94.08%), brown spots on the leaves (60.95%), white patches on the leaves (84.62%), black mildew (1.78%) and epiphytes (97.63%) 141 2. The average value of damage index in ironwood plot is 3.41 categorized as mild damage, but prevention is required to be done in order to avoid greater damage and outbreak. Actions that can be performed include routine maintenance and gradual reduction of the shading intensity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are grateful to Eritrina Windyarini and Nur Hidayati who gave generous and valuable feedbacks on writing this paper and research direction. REFERENCES Agrios, George, N. 1996. Ilmu penyakit Tumbuhan. Gadjah Mada University Press Edisi ke 3. Yogyakarta. Original English Edition: Plant Pathology, Third Edition. George N Agrios. Academic Press Inc. 1988. Alexander, Samuel dan Barnard, Joseph E. 1995. Forest Health Monitoring: Field Methods Guide. USDA Forest Service. Anggraeni, L., dan Lelana, Neo, E. 2011. Diagnosis Penyakit Tanaman Hutan. Kementerian Kehutanan badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Pusat Litbang Peningkatan Produktivitas Hutan. Bogor. Khoiri, Saiful. 2004. Studi Tingkat Kerusakan Pohon di Hutan Kota Srengseng Jakarta Barat. Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor. Skripsi. Tidak diterbitkan. Laetemia, J.Audrey dan Rumthe Y., Ria. 2011. 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Pp. 5-19 143 144 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve : Using Simple Method in Helping the Official Authority do Long-Term Monitoring1 Feri Irawan2 ABSTRACT Wae Wuul Nature Reserve (WWNR) is one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the northern part of Nusa Tenggara. This area represents the natural grassland ecosystem on the island of Flores. However, the data and information related to bird species diversity is still limited. The objectives of this study were to determine the bird species richness rapidly and introduce a simple survey method to the official staff for further monitoring. The birds inhabiting the Wae Wuul area were surveyed between July, 31 and August, 4 2012 using random walk approach and 10 birds species list which developed from MacKinnon list method. A total of 1281 individual birds belonging to 36 families and 61 species was recorded, including 10 restricted-bird species and one endangered species. A significant proportion of species in the Wae Wuul area were shrub and woodland specialists. The species discovery curve shows the number of species in this area is possible rise up to 80 species. The results demonstrate that the method is good enough to determine the bird species richness and the relative frequency of a particular bird species. In addition, this method is easy to use by anyone and suitable for monitoring bird diversity further. Keywords: Important Birds Area (IBA), bird richness, monitoring, methods I. INTRODUCTION Wae Wuul Nature Reserve (WWNR) is proposed to protect the dry grassland ecosystem which is a typical habitat of ancient reptile, the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). In addition, this region is also home to one globally threatened species, Flores Crow (Corvus florensis) and four restricted-range bird species (Trainor et al., 2000). The existence of those birds makes the area identified as one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Northern Nusa Tenggara according to BirdLife International criteria (Sujatnika et al. 1995, Rombang et al., 2000). Unfortunately, most of them are poorly known to be entered on such records. Since Wae Wuul area is proposed to be a conservation area by the FAO / UNDP 1982, the avifaunal survey are generally lacking. The existing data is a list of bird species recorded in 1998 by 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Burung Indonesia Mbeliling Program, c/o Jalan Dadali No 32 Bogor, West Java 16161 Corresponding Author: 145 Trainor and Lesmana (2000) based on their one day visit. At least 37 species of birds were recorded. And the recent studies conducted in 2008 by Purwandana et al. (2008) by involving official staff from management. During ten days observation, they have collected 45 species of birds. Surprisingly enough, although there are significant differences in effort but the number of species recorded is not much different. However, the information from both studies can be used as a reference for further research, especially related to bird species richness. Species richness is simply a count of species present in a sample, community, or taxonomy group (Mc Ginley & Duffy, 2010). It is also widely used as a criterion when assessing the relative conservation values of habitats or landscapes (Brook et al., 2006). Currently, the management of the area conducted by the Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam, Nusa Tenggara Timur based on Forestry Ministerial Decree Number 427/Kpts-II/1996 dated August 9, 1996 with an area of 1484.84 ha and under status as a nature reserves. The manager has an important role in ensuring the critical value of the area is maintained in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to assess and monitor biodiversity as part of the management aspects. However, these needs are still constrained by capacity issues and budget allocation. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a simple and inexpensive method to assess and monitor the condition of biodiversity in the long term. The objectives of the study were to conduct a rapid assessment on bird richness in WWNR and surrounding areas. This study also try to shared knowledge to the official staff about a simple method that would be useful for monitoring in the future and it called listing methods. II. STUDY AREA Wae Wuul Nature Reserve (WWNR) is administratively located in two rural areas, Warloka and Macang Tanggar, Komodo district, West Manggarai regency. It is about 15 km to the south of the city Labuanbajo. The location is accessible by dirt road during dry season or sea routes by motor boats from Labuanbajo to Warloka, the nearest villagest on the coast. The altitude of the areas from 0m to 300m above sea level. The annual rainfall less than 800 mm. The small river in the area will dry up during dry seasons. However, there some fairly large rivers in the north and eastern areas are still flowing. The monsoon forest vegetation is usually found along that river, e.g kesambi ( Schleichera oleosa), kelumpang (Sterculia foetida), kapok (Ceiba petandra), asam (Tamarindus indica), dan Ara (Ficus sp.). WWNR has a diverse range of habitat. Almost the areas covering by natural grassland and in some places also found palm family inside, e.g gebang (Corypha utan) and lontar (Borassus flabellifer). WWNR also has limited area with characterize as deciduous forest, shrubland and inland water (swamp, riverine, lake). The landscape is also directly adjacent to the settlement and cultivation areas in eastern and northern part regions. 146 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan CAMP Titik Pengamatan 147 Figure 1. Map of Wae Wuul Nature Reserves III. METHODS This paper is based on rapid bird survey that targeted closed-canopy forest. However large expanses of savanna and cultivation in this area were also given priority. Another site, Dolat wetland, was visited briefly in the last day and the results are quite significant for overall effort. This survey was carried out in Wae Wuul Nature Reserves (WWNR), West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, in three days observation, July 31st to August 2nd 2012. The observations were made in the morning (from 06:00) and afternoon (from 15:00) by two teams working who make observations on the path and walking the opposite direction at random. Observers are advised to walk slowly, exploring the areas and record all bird species identified in the list. Each team consisting two person and lead by an experienced observer to avoid misidentification. Birds identification was refer to Coates and Bishop 1997. Birds were recorded opportunistically. The relative abundance was assessed from 46 tenspecies lists, which adapted from the 20-species lists described in MacKinnon et al. 2010. The tenspecies lists were used to compensate for the relatively low number of species present at the field sites. Each lists only includes the first ten bird species observed in a sample area, but same species may also be recorded on a different list. The bird species richness estimated using a species discovery curve (Bibby et al. 2000). The curve drawn by replacing unit of survey effort with the number of lists and plotting this against the cumulative total number of species. IV. RESULT A total of 1,281 identifications of 61 bird species were recorded during this survey, yielding 46 ten-species Mackinnon lists. These result includes ten resticted-birds species such as Flores Crow (Corvus florensis) which is one of endemic bird in Flores, Brown-capped Fantail (Rhipidura diluta), Yellow-spectacled White-eye (Zosterops wallacei), White-rumped Kingfisher (Caridonax fulgidus), Flame-breasted Sunbird (Nectarinia solaris), Wallace’s Scops-owl (Otus silvicola), Flores minivet (Pericrocotus lansbergei), Thick-billed White-eye (Heleia crassirostris), Black-fronted Flowerpecker (Dicaeum igniferum), and Golden-rumped Flowerpecker (Dicaeum annae). Detail information about these records can be found in appendix 1. Summary of the study are shown in Table 1. The relative abundance of each species was calculated, and found eleven birds species with the highest value as shown in Table 2. The higher values of those birds gives a clear picture that the eleven species are fairly easy to find than other species during field observation. All those species are often found in open areas (eg cultivated areas, forest edges), and there are only a few species are also found in the forest area such as Common Whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis) and Wallacean Drongo (Dicrurus densus). 148 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan Table 1. Summary of three days observations in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve and surrounding areas. Distribution & Conservation status Total of birds species Total of individual birds Number of species 61 1281 Endemic to Northern Nusa Tenggara 10 Endemic to island of Flores 1 IUCN RedList Category (2011) 1. Least Concern 61 2. Near-threatened 1 3. Vulnerable - 4. Endangered 1 Appendix CITES Category (2011) 1. Appendix II 8 2. Not evaluated 55 National Law Protection (PP no. 7 & 8 1999) 1. Protected 17 2. Not yet protected 46 The results above show clearly that the WWNR are important sites for bird conservation both local, regional and global levels. New record for the five restricted-range birds species in this area are also obtained in this study. Thus, the WWNR’s status as on of the important birds area in Wallacea region is getting stronger. The relationship between the species and its habitat are also evaluated briefly. Based on the observation, about 56 percent of the bird species that were observed live in a open-canopy system (see fig. 2). Bird species that live in the open areas more easy detected than areas with closedcanopy. The open canopy system involved savanna, cultivated area, shurb and forest edges. The other classes of habitat was closed canopy system that typically as deciduous forest, and the last is inland water (eg. small river, swamp, ponds). 149 inland water 13% Closed area 31% Open area 56% Figure 2. Proportion of observed bird species’s habitat preference. The species discovery curve in Figure 3 shows that the curve is likely to rise. This is due to 14 new birds recorded in brief visit in wetland area on the last day observation. This suggests that the more varied habitats visited, the opportunities new species observed more increase. Table 2. List of birds species with the highest relative abundance values. No. Species List repeated Relative abundance Category 1 Streptopelia chinensis 30 0.75 abundant 2 Pachycephala pectoralis 25 0.63 Common 3 Dicrurus densus 24 0.60 Common 4 Nectarinia solaris 24 0.60 Frequent 5 Geopelia maugei 24 0.60 Frequent 6 Lonchura molucca 23 0.58 Frequent 7 Hypothymis azurea 22 0.55 Frequent 8 Merops ornatus 21 0.53 Frequent 9 Chalcophaps indica 21 0.53 Frequent 10 Nectarinia jugularis 20 0.50 Frequent 11 Saxicola caprata 19 0.48 Frequent Finally, by using a logarithmic regression based on the curve, the estimated number of species that can be found in WWNR and surrounding areas are 80 species of birds. Its meant about 76 percent of the total birds in this area have been covered in this study. The equation was chosen 150 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan because (i) the lack of information about the avifauna in the WWNR, (ii) the study area is quite spacious which is currently not possible to be done thoroughly and (iii) a heterogeneous habitat types (Bibby et al. 2000). Figure 3. Species curves from rapid birds survey in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve and surrounding areas during three days observation. 70 Number of species 60 50 y = 12,329ln(x) + 5,4969 R² = 0,9292 40 30 20 10 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 Number of lists V. DISCUSSION This study found higher species richness of bird than the previous studies. A total of 61 birds species were recorded in the present study including 59 considered resident, and two migrant species such as Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus), then Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus). The five restricted-range bird species also recorded in this study as previously reported. And now, the total to ten species because of the new record for the five other restricted-range in the region. This rapid assessment on bird richness that was carried out in the major groups of habitat in WWNR serve as a valuable measure for determine changes in species richness in long-term bird monitoring. By using listing methods, less skilled observers can still produce lists of species as long as they want. They provide a simple measure of relative abundance as shown in Table 2. Common species will occur on many lists, and the rare species on only a few. As shown in Figure 3, the number of bird species will increase when the studies conducted in diverse habitat with sufficient duration of time. It is also important to remember that the detection probability of an individual species will be different depend on the habitat types. In an open area, the opportunity to detect the presence of a bird is better than area with dense canopy. In generally, the birds in the forest or closed-canopy system is a cryptic species so that why they are quite difficult to observe. Although the species curve on Figure 3 shows that the curve is likely to rise, most of the bird species that were common in the WWNR during the time survey had been recorded. It can be seen from the percentage of the number of species recorded with an estimated value of species richness. 151 The results presented in this paper provide enough information that the method list is quite easily applied by anyone. In addition, The methods is low cost, simple and can provide useful information for conservation planning that easy to understand and explain to audiens. However, this approach has the considerabel weakness to answer certain needs, such as population estimation. VI. CONCLUSION The present study gives signigicant results about bird species richness that can be found in the WWNR and surrounding areas. During three days observation using ten-species list, sixty-one species was recorded. It includes ten restricted-range birds species for the Northern Nusa Tenggara. Five of them are new records for this site such as White-rumped Kingfisher (Caridonax fulgidus), Flores minivet (Pericrocotus lansbergei), Thick-billed White-eye (Heleia crassirostris), Wallace’s Scops-owl (Otus silvicola) and Flame-breasted Sunbird (Nectarinia solaris). The observations of those bird are valuable information to the ongoing IBA monitoring project as well as management planning. A species richness approach using listing methods can be applied by anyone even for people who have not been able to recognize any bird species well. The methods is low cost, simple and can provide useful information for conservation planning. The resutl also can be displayed in various forms of graphs or curves that are easy to understand and explain to others. They are not only suitable for rapid assessments of poorly known areas but also can be used in population for longterm monitoring. ACKNOWNLEDGEMENT I would like to thanks, Mr. Ora Yohanes, the Head of Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Section II Ruteng and Wae Wuul NR’s officials at Labuan Bajo for giving me permission to work in Wae Wuul NR. I am also greatful to my teammates; Nur Sita Hamzati (undergraduate student of Sepuluh November Technology Institute) and Faizal Abdul Aziz (undergraduate student of Bogor Agricultural University), who assisted in data collection. 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The Birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, The Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands): an Annotated Check-list. British Ornithologist Union: London. 154 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan List of bird species that found in the Nature Reserve and surrounding Wuul Wae. Name x x status PP No. 7/1999 Name Conservation CITES (2011) Indonesia Tranor dkk. (2000) Inggris Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird list based on studies IUCN (2011) Appendix 1. Orange- 1 Megapo Megapodius footed Gosong kaki- diidae reinwardt Megapode merah Phasiani 2 3 dae Anatidae x Green Ayam-hutan Gallus varius Junglefowl hijau x Anas Pacific superciliosa Black Duck Itik gunung x Sunda Teal Itik benjut LC x Y LC x x LC Anas 4 Anatidae gibberifrons x LC x LC x LC x LC x LC Y Y Lesser 5 Anatidae Dendrocygna Whistling- javanica duck Belibis batu x Wandering 6 Anatidae Dendrocygna Whistling- Belibis arquata duck kembang Green 7 Anatidae Nettapus Pygmy- Angsa-kerdil pulchellus goose hijau x Wooly- 8 Ciconiida Ciconia necked Bangau e episcopus Stork sandang-lawe Cattle 9 Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Egret Kuntul kerbau x LC LC Javan Ardeola Pond- 10 Ardeidae speciosa heron Blekok sawah x 11 Ardeidae Ardea Great- Cangak laut x 155 x x LC List of bird species that found in the Nature Reserve and surrounding Wuul Wae. Name x x status PP No. 7/1999 Name Conservation CITES (2011) Indonesia Tranor dkk. (2000) sumatrana Inggris Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird list based on studies IUCN (2011) Appendix 1. billed heron Pacific 12 13 14 15 Ardeidae Egretta sacra Reef-egret Falconid Falco Spotted ae moluccensis Kestrel Accipitri Haliastur Brahminy dae indus Accipitri dae Kuntul karang Alap-alap sapi x Kite Elang bondol x Accipiter Brown Elang-alap fasciatus Goshawk coklat x LC Y LC II Y LC II Y LC II Y LC II Y LC II Y LC II Y x LC II Y x LC II Y x LC II Y x LC x x Short-toed 16 Accipitri Circaetus Snake- Elang-ular dae gallicus eagle jari-pendek x White- 17 Accipitri Haliaeetus bellied Elang-laut dae leucogaster Sea-eagle perut-putih x x Accpiter 18 Accipitri novaehollandi Grey Elang-alap dae ae Goshawk kelabu x Black- 19 Accipitri Elanus winged dae caeruleus Kite x Elang tikus Oriental 20 21 22 156 Accipitri Pernis Honey- Sikep-madu dae ptilorhyncus buzzard asia Accipitri Circus Spotted Elang-rawa dae assimilis* Harrier totol Gallinula Common chloropus Moorhen Rallidae Mandar batu x x International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve ….. Feri Irawan List of bird species that found in the Nature Reserve and surrounding Wuul Wae. 23 Rallidae Name Porphyrio Purple porphyrio Swamphen x Mandar besar status LC White- 24 Rallidae Amaurornis breasted phoenicurus Waterhen Kareo padi x x LC Gemak loreng x x LC Barred 25 157 Turnicid Turnix Buttonquai ae suscicator l PP No. 7/1999 Name Conservation CITES (2011) Indonesia Tranor dkk. (2000) Inggris Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird list based on studies IUCN (2011) Appendix 1. Appendix 1. Continues Scolopacid Actitis Common ae hypoleucos Sandpiper Trinil pantai x x L C Dara-laut 27 Laridae Sterna Black- tengkuk- sumatrana naped Tern hitam L C Great 28 29 30 Crested Dara-laut Laridae Sterna bergii Tern jambul Columbida Streptopelia Spotted Tekukur e chinensis Dove biasa Columbida Chalcophaps Emerald Delimukan e indica Dove Zamrud x x L C x x x x L C L x x C Green Columbida 31 Ducula aenea e L Imperialpigeon Pergam hijau x C x Island 32 33 34 Columbida Streptopelia Collared- Dederuk e bitorquata dove jawa Columbida Geopelia Barred Perkutut e maugei Dove loreng Columbida Geopelia e striata* x x x Perkutut Zebra Dove jawa x x x L C x x L C L x C Red- 35 Psittacida Geoffroyus cheeked Nuri pipi- e geoffroyi Parrot merah L x C Rusty- 36 158 Cuculidae Cacomantis breasted Wiwik sepulcralis Cuckoo uncuing International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 L x C II PP No. 7/1999 x CITES (2011) x Conservation status IUCN (2011) Indonesia Name Tranor dkk. (2000) Inggris Name Purwandana dkk. (2008) Species Trainor & Lesmana (2000) 26 Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird List based on studies Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul ….. Feri Irawan 37 38 Cuculidae Cuculidae Cuculus Himalayan Kangkok saturatus Cuckoo ranting Centropus Lesser Bubut alang- bengalensis Coucal alang Cuculidae scolopaceus Asian Koel Tuwur asia Otus Wallace's Celepuk 40 Strigidae silvicola Scops-owl wallacea Collacalia Glossy esculenta Swiftlet Walet sapi Apus House Kapinis nipalensis Swiftlet rumah Eurystomus Asian Tiong-lampu Coraciidae orientalis Dollarbird biasa Alcedinida Todiramphus Scared e sanctus Kingfisher Cekakak suci Alcedinida Todiramphus Collared Cekakak e chloris Kingfisher sungai White- Cekakak 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Apodidae Apodidae x x x Caridonax rumped tunggir- ae fulgidus Kingfisher putih Alcedinida Alcedo Blue-eared Raja-udang e meninting* Kingfisher meninting Merops Rainbow Kirik-kirik ornatus Bee-eater australia Merops Blue-tailed Kirik-kirik philippinus Bee-eater laut Meropidae PP No. 7/1999 CITES (2011) IUCN (2011) C x x x x L C L C L x C II L Alcedinid Meropidae Conservation status L Eudynamys 39 Tranor dkk. (2000) Indonesia Name Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Inggris Name Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird List based on studies C x L x C x x x L C L C x x x x x x x Y L C Y L C Y L x x C x x x Y L C L x C x Sunda 50 Picidae Dendrocopos Woodpecke moluccensis r x Caladi tilik x Elegant 51 159 Pittidae Pitta elegans Pitta x x L C L Paok la'us x C Y Appendix 1. Continues 52 53 54 Helmeted Cikukua e buceroides Friarbird tanduk Acanthizida Gerygone Golden-bellied e sulphurea Gerygone Artamus White-breasted leucorhynchus Woodswallow Campepha Pericrocotus gidae lansbergei dae 57 Pachycephala idae pectoralis Kepudangsungu besar Oriole kuduk-hitam Dicrurus Wallacean Srigunting densus Drongo wallacea Rhipidurid Rhipidura Brown-capped Kipasan ae diluta Fantail flores Rhipidurida Rhipidura e rufifron Monarchida Terpsiphone Asian Paradise- Seriwang e paradisi flycatcher asia Monarchida Hypothymis Black-naped Kehicap e azurea Monarch ranting Corvus 64 Corvidae 65 Paridae Parus major Great Tit 66 Hirundinida Hirundo Striated Swallow 160 emas chinensis Rufous Fantail florensis Flores Crow x Kancilan Kepudang Kipasan dada-hitam Gagak flores Gelatik-batu kelabu Layang- International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 x x LC LC LC x x x LC x x x LC x LC x x x x LC x x x x LC x LC x x x x LC x x x x x x x x LC x EN x LC LC PP No. 7/1999 CITES (2011) IUCN (2011) Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Tranor dkk. (2000) LC x kerdil Cuckooshrike x Conservation status x x Sepah Black-faced Golden Whistler x Kekep Babi Black-naped Dicrurudae 63 Flores minivet x Remetuk laut Oriolus 59 62 novaehollandi Pachycephal Oriolidae 61 Coracina ae 58 60 Indonesia Name Philemon Campephagi 56 Inggris Name Meliphagida Artamidae 55 Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family present No. Migratory birds Bird List based on studies Ya Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul ….. Feri Irawan e striolata layang loreng Mirafra Australasian Branjangan javanica Lark jawa Zitting Cisticola Cici padi 67 Alaudidae 68 Cisticolidae 69 Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis Zosteropid Zosterops ae wallacei Zosteropida Zosterops Oriental White- Kacamata e palpebrosus eye biasa Zosteropid Heleia Thick-billed Opior ae crassirostris White-eye paruh-tebal Muscicapida Saxicola e caprata Pied Bushchat Decu belang Muscicapida Ficedula Rufous-chested Sikatan e dumetoria Flycatcher dada-merah Dicaeum Black-fronted Cabai dahi- igniferum Flowerpecker hitam 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Dicaeidae Dicaeidae Dicaeidae 161 Cisticola juncidis Dicaeum annae Golden-headed Cisticola Yellowspectacled White-eye x x LC x Cici merah Kacamata walacea x x x LC x x LC x x LC x LC x LC x x x x x x LC NT x x x LC x x LC Goldenrumped Cabai emas x Flowerpecker Dicaeum Red-chested maugei* Flowerpecker Cabai lombok x LC PP No. 7/1999 CITES (2011) Conservation status IUCN (2011) Indonesia Name Tranor dkk. (2000) Inggris Name Trainor & Lesmana (2000) Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) Family present No. Migratory birds Bird List based on studies Appendix 1. Continues 80 Nectariniidae Nectariniidae 81 Estrildidae 82 Estrildidae 83 84 jugularis Sunbird sriganti Estrildidae Estrildidae Flame- Nectarinia breasted solaris Sunbird Plain- Anthreptes throated malacensis Sunbird Lonchura Black-faced molucca Munia Taeniopygia guttata Scaly- Lonchura breasted punctulata Munia Five- Lonchura coloured quinticolor Munia Anthus 85 Motacilidae novaeseelandi ae Zebra Finch Australasian Pipit Total jenis x x x x Burung-madu matari x x Burung-madu x kelapa LC Y LC Y LC Y Bondol taruk x x x x LC Pipit zebra x x x x LC Bondol peking Bondol pancawarna Apung tanah x 7 6 3 x LC x LC x LC 45 31 37 *) Bird species names in bold are restricted range species of birds-the spreading area of less than 50,000 km2. Notes Species : Refer to BirdLife International (2008) Indonesia Name : Refer to Coates & Bishop (1997) Family/Suku : Refer to Birdlife International (2008) Migratory bird : Refer to Coates&Bishop (1997) Restricted-range species : Refer to Sujatnika dkk (1995) IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature Resources) version 2011 162 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 PP No. 7/1999 Burung-madu CITES (2011) Olive-backed Conservation status IUCN (2011) Nectarinia Tranor dkk. (2000) Nectariniidae Trainor & Lesmana (2000) 79 Indonesia Name Species Purwandana dkk. (2008) 78 Inggris Name Family Present No. Migratory birds Bird List based on studies Bird Species Richness on the Wae Wuul ….. Feri Irawan CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) : The species that includes in the list of attachments (Appendices) of CITES (2011) PP No.7 RI : species protected by the Indonesian government under Government Regulation No.7 of 1999 on the Preservation of Fauna and Flora 163 164 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Potential Distributions and Utilizationof Foloak ….. Siswadi, Grace s. Saragih, & Heny R. Potential Distributions and Utilization of Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br 1844) on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara1 Siswadi2, Grace S. Saragih2 dan Heny Rianawati2 ABSTRACT Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br 1844) included in the Malvaceae family, grow on semi-arid land at altitude of 0-900 mdpl and can reach a height of 20m. East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the origin distribution of faloak. People in Timor utilize faloak bark as traditional medicine and harvest it from trees that grow naturally. Harvesting is done by peeling the bark, therefore it is difficult to find a smooth faloak trunk. The purpose of this research was to gather information of faloak benefits as medicinal plants and its potential distributions in Timor, NTT. Methods used in this research were vegetation survey and interview. The result of Faloak vegetation analysis showed faloak potential distributions in the Timor island in each district and city as follow; Belu 6.25 trees / ha, TTU 1.4 trees / ha, TTS 14.16 trees / ha, Kupang 7.95 trees/ha and Kupang city 4.84 trees/ ha. The result of ethnobotany study showed that people in Timor use faloak as herbal medicine to cure diseases such as liver diseases, cancer, gastroenteritis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and as red blood cell booster. Keywords: Herbal, Ethnobotany, Timor, Faloak I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, back to nature concept has become part of lifestyle. People tend to choose herbal medicine to maintain their health. Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida) is one of the medicinal plant used by people on Timor island. Faloak is deciduous plant, included in the Malvaceae family, can grow in semi-arid climate (wet months 3-4 months and dry months 6-9 months) and at an altitude of 0-900 m above sea level. Distribution of faloak / red-fruit Kurrajong are Australia (Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales) and Papua New Guinea, while the information of faloak distributions in Indonesia is not yet available. However, plenty of faloak can be found on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). In Timor, the bark of faloak believed to cure various diseases such as liver, cancer, diabetes, and digestive disorders. Most people harvest the faloak bark from trees that grow naturally. 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Kupang Forsetry Research Institute, Jln. Untung Surapati No. 7 Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Telepon (+62-380) 823357 email : Fax (+62-380) 831068 165 Therefore, it is necesary to gather information of faloak distribution and its utilization as a base in developing faloak as NTT province's herbal medicine in the future. II. METHODOLOGY A. Description of Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br 1844) On Timor island Faloak tree can reach height up to 15 m or more, it has spreading canopy, light gray bark, and secreted transparent sap when slashed. Flowering season is between April - June and fruiting season is between June to October each year. Leaf shape obtuse or acuminate, The fruit is densely stellate hairy on the outer surface, yellow, red or orange when mature and pods will open, contains 4-8 black glossy seeds. Seeds are ellipsoid, fleshy, each size approximately 10mm, can be eaten, and tastes like raw nuts. Figure 1. Faloak Tree Figure 2. Faloak fruit and seeds Faloak has hipogeal germination type and scarification process can be done by soaking seeds in cold water for 12 hours. On Timor island, Faloak can be found in all districts, besides that, base on a vegetation survey also noted that faloak can be found on Sumba island and on Ngada district, Flores Island (Russell-Smith, et al, 2006). On Timor Leste S. quadrifida called 'komila' (Mau, 2010). The taxonomy of faloak: Division: Angiosperms Ordo: Malvales Family: Malvaceae Genus: Sterculia Species: Sterculia quadrifida R.Br (1844) B. Description of the Location Research was carried out in five districts on Timor Island (East Nusa Tenggara): Kupang city, Kupang district, Timor Tengah Selatan district, Timor Tengah Utara district and Belu district on April until December 2011. C. Data Collection and Analysis The study was conducted by using vegetation analysis method to determine the potential distributions of faloak, and interview to collect ethnobotany data (part of faloak which respondent 166 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Potential Distributions and Utilizationof Foloak ….. Siswadi, Grace s. Saragih, & Heny R. use, kind of diseases that can be cured by faloak and how to use faloak). Soil chemical and physical analyses was done to gather information of faloak grow site characteristics. Faloak potential distributions was analyzed using Important Value Index (IVI). According to Dumbois and Ellenberg (1974) determination of the sample plot carried out by random sampling. Important Value Index indicate whether a species dominating a particular area or region. Higher IVI indicates higher domination of a species in an area, with the range score of IVI is 0 to 300 for the pole and tree level. While the result of interview were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. Information collected through interviews were regarding gathering, preparation, and use of Faloak. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Exploration On Timor Island Exploration was carried out on Timor island, including Belu district, Timur Tengah Utara (TTU) district, Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS) district, Kupang district and Kupang city to determine the potential distributions of faloak on Timor. The results of faloak exploration on Timor are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. Table 1. Faloak's Potential Distributions in 5 Districts Location Density (tree/ha) Topography Elevation (m) Belu district 6,25 Steep slope 0-350 TTU district 1,4 Gentle slope 50-390 TTS district 14,16 Hilly 100- 176 Kupang district 7,95 Hilly 0-420 Kupang city 4,84 Gentle slope 0-300 Source: Primary data (2011) Based on Table 1 and Figure 1, it is shown that the highest potential distribution of faloak is in the TTS district (14.16 trees / ha), while the lowest potential in the TTU (1.4 trees / ha). Potential distribution of Faloak in Belu district are 6.25 trees/ ha; Kupang district of 7.94 trees / ha and Kupang city 4.84 trees / ha. 167 Figure 1. Map of Research Location Faloak can grow in different types of land slope, from flat to steep slope. It is commonly found near streams, probably faloak seeds carried away by the water, then spread and grow along the river flow. Faloak trees in some districts relatively in good condition because there is no exploitation by the community. There are some plants plants that were found grow around faloak, such as ; kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), kasuarina (Casuarina junghuniana), kabesak (Acacia leucophloea), pulai (Alstonia scholaris), jati (Tectona grandis), ketapang hutan (Terminalia copelandii), papi (Exocarpus latifolia), and kunfatu (Celtis wightii). Table 2. Soil Physical Analyses No. Sample Sand Silt (%) Clay (%) Texture (%) 1. Kupang city 1 81,33 10,00 8,67 Loamy sand 2. Kupang city 2 79,33 6,00 14,67 Sandy loam 3. Kupang district 3 82,67 9,33 8,00 Loamy sand 4. Bena, TTS district 45,33 24,00 30,67 Clay loam 5. Kuan, TTS district 58,67 20,67 20,67 Sandy clay loam 6. Kapan, TTS district 46,00 24,67 29,33 Sandy clay loam 7. Banamlaat, TTU 75,33 12,00 12,67 Sandy loam 168 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Potential Distributions and Utilizationof Foloak ….. Siswadi, Grace s. Saragih, & Heny R. No. Sample Sand Silt (%) Clay (%) 10,00 13,33 Texture (%) 8. Kab. Belu 76,67 Sandy loam Source: Physic and Chemical Laboratory, Nusa Cendana University (2011) According to Moor (1998), sandy clay loam soil is one of the average soil types, which required minimum treatment and can be very productive, has good aeration and drainage. This soil type was found in TTS district, which has the highest faloak potential distribution. Meanwhile, sandy loam and loamy sand types tend to be acid, need watering and extra nutrient. Clay loam type has higher water holding capacity so it is more difficult to manage when wet. Table 3. Soil Chemical Analyses No. Sample C-Org. (%) N (%) P (Bray) (ppm) K (me/100 g) 1. Kupang City 1 3,62 (High) 0,44 (Medium) 112,31 (Very High) 1,61 (Low) 2. Kupang City 2 5,40 (Very High) 0,84 (very High) 105,11 (Very High) 1,70 (Low) 3. Camplong, Kupang District Unmeasurable 0,26 (Medium) 17,32 (Medium) 1,59 (Low) 4. Bena, TTS District Unmeasurable 0,15 (Low) 48,54 (Very High) 1,58 (Low) 5. Kuan,TTS District Unmeasurable 0,35 (Medium) 25,31 (Medium) 1,59 (Low) 0,68 (Very High) 0,44 (Medium) 87,58 (Very High) 1,74 (Low) Unmeasurable 0,11 (Low) 32,67 (High) 1,63 (Low) Unmeasurable 0,20 (Low) 23,77 (Medium) 1,56 (Low) 6. 7. Kapan, TTS District Banamlaat , TTU DIstrict Belu District 8. Ca (me/100 g) 28,01 (Very High) 27,45 (Very High) 29,43 (Very High) 34,11 (Very High) 35,86 (Very High) 34,02 (Very High 38,85 (Very High) 33,10 (Very High) KTK (me/100 g) pH 35,32 (High) 6,44 (Acidic) 38,40 (High) 6,37 (Acidic) 32,04 (High) 7,52 (Basic) 33,45 (High) 7,81 (Basic) 34,71 (High) 7,63 (Basic) 32,59 (High) 7,45 (Neutral) 33,45 (High) 7,88 (Basic) 36,82 (High) 7,13 (Neutral) Standard: Soil Research Center, 1983 in Hardjowigeno, S. (1995) The soil chemical analysis results indicate that faloak grow in the range of pH 6.37 (slightly acid) - 7, 88 (slightly alkaline). Soil conditions at all locations is in natural condition and there is no fertilization activities and other land preparation activities. In general, both physical and chemical characteristics of the soil at all site showed little differences. 169 B. Ethnobotany Study In order to gather information of the usage of faloak, ethno botany study was conducted in Kupang City, Kupang district, TTS district, TTU district and Belu district. There are 23 people interviewed; 18 people are user and 5 people are herbalist. Part of faloak which is used as raw materials for herbal medicine is its bark. Few respondents bought faloak bark from the land owner and others harvest it for free. However, none of the respondents tried to domesticate Faloak. Most of the users take faloak as medicine for liver diseases, cancer, gastroenteritis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and as red blood cell booster. Generally, traditional Timorese people make faloak decoction by adding other ingredients and boiled it using a clay pot. Limes, turmeric and brown sugar are common ingredients which added to faloak decoction. A herbalist in Kupang have a recipe to cure diseases such as rheumatism, liver diseases and other diseases; 350 gr of faloak bark cooked along with 25 gr turmeric, 15 gr ginger, 15 gr garlic, 2 gr dried cloves, 12 gr lemongrass, 8 gr cinnamon and 50 gr kaempferia galanga. All ingredients boiled in 5 cups of water (1. 250 ml) for 20 minutes that will produce approximately 1,000 ml of decoction. Leftover decoction can be boiled again just by adding some water, it can be repeated for 1 to 4 times as long as decoction color stays red. Every society has its own ways in utilizing faloak, where most people only use faloak bark without adding other ingredients, for example in South Amanuban subdistrict. As the result of ethnobotany study at five districts and city, it can be said that people do utilizing faloak, but some prefer to not sharing the information because they did not want this knowledge widely spread. First reason, few person want to keep this information exclusively for themselves. Second reason, some people did not want to be blamed or responsible if someone consumed faloak's decoction and did not cure or had side effect. However, there are no respondent that stated the side effect of consuming faloak's decoction. In TTS district, faloak utilization was limited among few people. People in this district tend to kept the information of faloak's decoction, because they worried about the risk of consuming faloak's decoction to cure liver diseases. Some respondent willing to share their knowledge of faloak's usefulness to cure some diseases because they also had experience that their disease was cured by taking faloak decoction. One respondent said that he had liver disease in 2001 and someone gave him faloak's decoction, then his liver disease was cured. From the interview, several respondent said that faloak's decoction could cure liver diseases in 2 weeks to 3 months. In TTU district, the information of faloak usage as herbal medicine was brought by people from Kupang and TTS district. IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. CONCLUSION Potential distributions of faloak in Timor was as follow; at Belu district 6.25 trees / ha, TTU district 1.4 trees / ha, TTS district 14.16 trees / ha, Kupang district 7.95 and Kupang minicipalities 4.84 / ha. There are some threats to the preservation of faloak as in the TTS district and Kupang district, faloak trees was cut down for building materials. While in Belu dictrict and Kupang city, utilization of faloak bark is very intensive. 170 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Potential Distributions and Utilizationof Foloak ….. Siswadi, Grace s. Saragih, & Heny R. Peopole in Timor use Faloak as natural remedy to cure liver diseases, cancer, gastroenteritis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and as red blood cell booster. B. Recommendation Considering the intensive utilization of faloak and its potential benefit, further research regarding active compounds, sustainable harvesting and domestication technique should be done. The provincial government may added Faloak as species for "Kebun Bibit Rakyat" (People Seedling Orchard) program, since Faloak is local species, and has adaptability in NTT province. REFFERENCES Hardjowigeno, S. 1985. Klasifikasi Tanah dan Lahan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). 2012 Hasil Identifikasi/determinasi Tumbuhan. Herbarium Bogoriensis . Bogor Mau, R. 2010. Ecosystem And Community Based Model For Zonation In Nino Konis Santana Park, Timor-Leste. Thesis. Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University. Bogor National Mueller-Dombois, D., and H.Ellenberg. 1974. Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. Wiley, New York. Moor, F. 1998. Characteristics of Different Soil Types. The World of Soil. Russell-Smith, J., S. Djoeroemana, J. Maan and P. Pandanga. 2007. Rural Livelihoods and Burning Practices in Savanna Landscapes of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Eastern Indonesia. Hum Ecol (2007) 35:345–359. 171 172 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species on Biodiversity and Conservation Management1 Diah Irawati Dwi Arini2 ABSTRACT Invasive species or “alien species” is defined as a new comer species in a region, those including the group of animal and plant. The presence of this alien species is often unexpected but some of them are done in purpose for human needs (those introduced by human). The invasive species can compete with indigenous ones in obtaining the important resources for their lives. One of the ways, they can breed rapidly. So, it is common that the invasive species are able to eliminate the indigenous ones. For instance, deforestation as a result of human activity may finally cause significant pressure to native species. Disturbance occurred in local ecosystem may change it to new ecosystem. This phenomenon could trigger the appearances of new superior species that are more able to adapt and survive well. In a whole world, it is estimated that about 80% of endangered species are suffered from the loss of competition with invasive species. In the context of protection of biodiversity, the born of invasive species may become a serious threat if there is no urgent action to solve it. However, it still remains a question of how we distinguish them whether those including the group of invasive species or not? This study is conducted to provide us the information related to the definition of invasive species, the process of their born, the way they dominate the population in a region, the impact of their presence on biodiversity and how to control them using the some technique or genetic manipulation,. Keywords: Invasive species, biodiversity, competition, control, impact I. INTRODUCTION Sulawesi island has a wide distribution of endemic species of flora and fauna that can attract the world’sattention. Its high biodiversity have called the island, which is located in Wallacea region, as "Heaven of Biodiversity". The high variation of flora and fauna in Sulawesi today may have been caused by the formation process occurred in the past. Some areas have been isolated in a long time. 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute Jalan Raya Adipura Kelurahan Kima Atas, Kecamatan Mapanget Manado Telp: (0431) 3666683, email: 173 As a result,it triggered the appearance of various types of animals and plants in each “corner” of the island. are different. It had been estimated that Sulawesi may have more than 4,222 species of flora, but this estimated number is still too small because many of the potential areas had not been explored yet. It is inevitable that this biodiversity lives together with humans. Humans are present to utilize them. However, the presence of human has brought changes of structure and composition of biodiversity on earth. Any introduction of new species or change of habitat is able to invite alien species either plants or animals that called as invasive or alien species (IAS). According to Pratt (2012), IAS was defined as accidentally imported species or non-indigenous species which has the potential to interfere with biological organisms. The presence of alien species in a regionif assessed in terms of biological diversity may have a positive impact on biodiversity. Its value-added can be utilized by humans as a food source or a source of medicine as well as as a pet. On the other hand, it can also bring adverse effects caused by the competition with native species. Even if the species are lethal,the indigenous species will disappear or even become extinct locally. Invasive alien plant species have been reported as ecological problem in several conservation areas in Indonesia such as in Baluran National Park in East Java. For instance, the attack ofAcacia niloticain prairie grass inhibits the growth of grass which is the main food for herbivorous animals like deer, bison and buffalo in the park the nationwide. At first, this plant is only planted to serve as firebreaks but then the development of plant progresses very rapidly. It is because the seeds of Acacia nilotica have a good ability to grow on the media of buffalo dung (Tjitrosoedirdjo, 2012).Similar case were seen at what happened in the area of Mount Merapi National Parkafter the Mount Merapi eruption in 2010 where Acacia decurrenswas classified as an invasive species whose existence was able to interfere with other plants. Even, it caused death to other plants. The attack of invasive species also occurs in many other forests. Type Austroeuptorium inulaefolium (kirinyuh) is very invasive in Gunung Gede National Park along with Passiflora suberosa Pangrango, Eupatorium sordidum, Cestrum aurantiacum, Eupatorium riparium, Brugmansia suaveolens. In Ujung Kulon National Park,Arenga obstusifolia and Chromolaena odorata, which are actually local plant species, are fast growing species and dominate the national park area.Lantana camara in Meru National Park Betiri, Merremia peltata National Park and Bukit Barisan National Park Eichhornia crassipes Wasur was also one of the example cases. Golden snails or snails (Pomacea canaliculata), which were brought from Africa to Indonesia, has now become a pest for crops. Iguana, which was originally a pet, now became a prey of native Indonesian animal species. In Papua, the rapid growing of long-tailed macaque population (Macaca fasicularis) has changed its behavior to be the predator for birds of paradise by preying their eggs. They also became a threat of the tree kangaroos in reducing the population. The presence of this invasive species is often unpredictable and unrealized by humans, but the impact can be a threat to biodiversity. Moreover, it can lead to a reduction of carbon stocks and climate change in the long term (Puspasari, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to provide information about invasive species in the regions of northern Sulawesi and theireffects to native species. 174 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini II. INVASIVE SPECIES A. Definition of Invasive Species According to Wikipedia (2013), invasive species are not native to the place both types of animals and plants, which will broadly affect their habitat invasion. Another notion describes invasive species as non-native species that colonize a massive habitat. Meanwhile, according to Campbell (2005) in Prinando (2011), invasive species could not be separated from alien species (alien species), noting that the species was not native species in an ecosystem. It caused a disturbance in the environment and economy and it was bad for human health. Purnomo et al. (2002) added that an invasive species includes flora, fauna, and microorganisms living outside their natural habitat. It could grow rapidly in the absence of natural enemies and was able to become weeds, pests and diseases to native species. Invasive species is closely related to the introduction of exotic species. Primarck (1998) explained that exotic species could thrive in a new habitat, but not all species of exotic and invasive introduced species were capable of. Kusmana (2010) later defined the invasive species into three categorized: 1. Non-indigenous species were alien species that invaded habitat and could cause harm either the economic, ecological or environmental. 2. Native and non-native species were species that colonize a particular habitat severely 3. Widespread non-indigenous species was a species that expandedthe habitat.It included both alien (exotics) and the native species that grew in their natural habitat. B. The Birth of Invasive Species Introduction is a movement made by human activities both species, subspecies or organisms on the lower level of taxon, outside of their original place. This movement can take place within the country and between countries (MOE, 2000). Humans do this introduction for reasons, such as for economy, business, needs of staple food, or to manipulate the ecosystem. Import, distribution, and utilization of various alien species either intentionally or unintentionally,may become potentially invasive that can cause ecological and economic losses considerably. The presence of invasive species generally exists because of competition between species for obtaining resources as much as possible by growing and breeding very rapidly. The rapid development of species invading a habitatdepends on several factors as follows: 1. Ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually 2. Ability to grow and breed rapidly 3. Ability to distribute rapidly 4. Phenotype is elastic, means having the ability to adjust its morphology following the surrounding environment 5. High tolerance to various environmental conditions (Wikipedia 2013). At the beginning, the introduced and invasive species have to survive in a little population, difficult to breed, and try to maintain their numbers. However, these species will become invasive if they can get rid of the native species in terms of competition for resources such as nutrients, light, space, water and etc. Activity and human mobility play a role in the distribution of plant species in the 175 whole world. Land clearing by human can significantly press the population of local species and they may become loss finally. A disturbed habitat that becomes a new ecosystem will affect the local ecosystems. Invasive species are able to change the ecosystem in many ways. It is estimated that 80% of threatened species suffer from the competition or predation caused by invasive species (Wikipedia, 2013). Invasive alien species in Indonesia, which dominate the group, come from plants, mammals, and insects. Most of them are distributed through trade and international trip, such as through the pet trade, ornamental plants, and introduction of biological agents, international aid, research activities, and tourism. Introduction Colonization Establishment Stage I Stage II Spred Replacement Native Species Ecological Effect Figure 1. The process of becoming invasive species C. General Impact of Invasive Species Loss caused by the presence of invasive species is the potential environmental damage and difficult to be restored. Extinction of a local species or organism is unrenewable. Some new species and varieties, that are economically, socially and ecologically necessary, have positive contribution. Some of them adversely affect the native ecosystems (Natalia, 2011). Several studies have reported that the economic lossin a state can reach 375 million dollars per yeardue to invasive species, even itreachs $ 5 billion in Europe from 1988 to 2000 (Purnomo et al. 2002). In term of ecology, invasive alien species can cause serious problems in the new habitat. According to Mooney and Cleland (2001) referred to Prinando (2011), some alien invasive species can change the evolutionary path of local species through competition, niche displacement, and finally to extinction. Some studies also suggest that the introduction of an invasive plant species that pass 176 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini through geographical boundaries, intentionally or unintentionally, can cause changes on the structure and composition of plant communities in new ecosystem. This leads to the presence of invasive alien plant species in a new habitat which is likely harmful because it can threaten ecosystems and biodiversity (Wittenberg & Cock 2001). III. INVASIVES SPECIES IN NORTH SULAWESI A. Lantana camara Lantana camara was firstly discovered in Indonesia in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi (Biotrop, 2011). It is also known as “tembelekan”and was in the list of 100 invasive species around the world. According to Dobhal et al. (2011), this species was able to change the quality and quantity of the composition and distribution includingthe growth and number of other species in the community. For instance, it was able to invade along 100 km in Himalayas Nayar River. In Florida, L. camara is found plentyon the forest bank, roadside, pasture and estate areas. It is even cultivated as an ornamental plant in garden centers and nurseries in United States because of its attractive flower colors. L. camara becomes significant weedalong with other 650 weed varieties which spread in various countries such as Australia and South Africa (Day and Neser, 2000). After being brought from Brazil, It was firstly introduced in the Netherlands in the late of 1600s.It was grown in greenhouses in Europe before being exported to other countries as an ornamental plant (ISSG, 2006). The presence of L. camara in Florida has become a serious weed. The rapid growth of L. camara became bush on the river bank and roads causing disruption of natural ecosystems due to its ability to inhibit the growth of other nearby species through allelopati substance possessed at the shoots and roots. Lantana fruit has been reported for its toxicity content. It is able to grow on soil with poor nutrient and regenerate easily even after an interruption. The spread of their seedsis facilitated by birds. Distribution of this species throughout the world is described in Figure 2. InNorth Sulawesi, the plant is easily found on the roadside, in the house yard like in the village of Rurukan - Tomohon. The planting habit ofNorth Sulawes people in their house yard known since time immemorial helped the plant speciesspread and thrive quickly. In the conservation areas like in TN. Nani Bogani Wartabone, CA. Mount Threshold and CA. Tangale, these plants are plenty found on the road side, on the river bank, and growing well in ex. Burned area where fire outbreak previously occurred. 177 Figure 2. Distribution of L. camara pecies (From : Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 2007) & L. camara which had found in Rurukan North Sulawesi According to Sharm et al (2005), Lantana camara is the most invasive alien plant and distributed widely throughout the world. Distribution of this plant has shown a serious threat to the ecosystem around. In South Africa, the presence of this species threatened the Fynbos vegetation and water resources (Holmes, 2000). Chatanga(2007) who studied on the impact of L. camara on native vegetation Gonarezhou National Park Zimbabwe revealed that as an invasive species, it could bring the negative impact on the structure and composition of native vegetation. Allelopati may affect tthe vegetation and indirectly change the soil properties which in turn affect the nutrition, pH, moisture level and it all depends on the level of invasion. Invasion of L. camara can reduce the number of native species and harm the ecosystem. It has strong impact on the regeneration of native vegetation especially in the riparian areas or riverside where this plant can flourish. Riparian areas are known to have high diversities of plants and animals. The presence of this species is a serious problem because it may bring changes on the structure and composition of vegetation which is important for wildlife habitat, biotic diversity and the risk of future disasters. B. Eichornia crassipes Water hyacinth is an aquatic plant species which are very well known for the Indonesia people. This floating vegetation which thrive in the tropical region has several local names. In Manado, the plant is known as Tumpe. Water hyacinth was first discovered by a scientist named Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, a German botanist. It was discovered in 1824 in the Brazilian Amazon River (Wikipedia, 2013).Water hyacinth has a very high growth rate and is considered a weed that can damage the aquatic environment. It can live in both water and soil. Plant height is approximately 0.4 to 0.8 meters. It does not have a trunk and it has a single leaf oval shape. The leaf tip is slippery and colors green(Wikipedia, 2013). Water hyacinth is considered as a very invasive weed. It has high adaptability and high reproductive rate that supports the successful growth especially in the tropics and sub-tropics. Moreover, it is very tolerant to moderate and subtropical regions. Its very rapid growth is supported by a sexual reproduction through seeds and asexually through stolons, in such a way that its growth rate can reach 1.2 to 13.8% per day. (Gopal & Sahrma, 1981 in Sapdi, 2007). The 178 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini presence of water hyacinth has caused serious problems in aquatic ecosystems. Problem caused by water hyacinth in the new habitat is the rapid accumulation of biomass, surface closure, siltation of lakes and rivers, so it becomes an important element in the changes on hydro landscape (Tjitrosoedirdjo & Wijaya in Sapdi 1991, 2007). The other problem is that weeds are more competitive than local plants, so both native plants and water animals can not survive and finally die (Tjitrosemito 1999).Water hyacinth grows in shallow ponds, wetlands and marshes, river with slow water flow, lakes and water reservoirs. This plant has a high adaptation to extreme changes of water level, water flow and nutrient availability, pH, temperature and toxins in the water. Rapid growth of water hyacinth is caused by high nitrogen, phosphate and potassium containing in the water (Wikipedia, 2013). According to (Gopal and Sharma, 1981 in Sapdi, 2007), water hyacinth is the most damaging aquatic species in the world. Based on FAO studies, it showed that salt content can inhibit the growth of water hyacinth occurred in regions of West Africa, where water hyacinth will flourish during the rainy season. Itwill reduce duringin the dry season when the content of salt is high. In Southeast Asia, water hyacinth spread through Indonesia in 1894 which firstly took place at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Pane and Hasannudin (2002) says that the water hyacinth has invaded irrigated areas in Indonesia. In the conservation area of TN. Wasur, water hyacinth invaded the rivers and creeks Maro, Wanggo since 1990 which led to the disruption of water transport and siltation of rivers because its roots are capable of binding mud around it. In 2000, its range spread to downstream areas bordering with Papua New Guinea (Kusmana, 2010). Water hyacinth spread to many countries in the period of late 19th century and early 20th century and resulted in degradation of the aquatic ecosystem. The impact caused by the invasion of water hyacinth is increase of evaporation due to the rapid growth of water hyacinth. Other impacts is decrease of the number of incoming light which reduces levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water. Dead water hyacinth plants will dissolve in water so it will speed up the process of shallowing, disrupting transportation, especially for areas wherelife of the community much dependens on rivers or lakes. It increase habitat for vectors of human disease as well as reduce the aesthetic value of environmental waters. Stretch of water hyacinth will lead to lack of oxygen of the water and can destroy the fish (Wikipedia, 2013). In addition, the population of aquatic plants can be replaced by the presence of water hyacinth. According Tjitrosemito (1999), the impact of losses caused by the water hyacinth can be assessed economically and ecologically.Economically, the rapid growth of weeds can cover a wide area of water and can lead to delays on shipping activity in areas that rely on water transport and often interfere with fishing economy. The large biomass often hinders the flow of irrigation water. The presence of weeds will reduce the value of commercial area, especially areas for tourist destination. In ecology, a dense expanse of water hyacinth will reduce the light reaching the plants below the water surface. Therefore, it will reduce the oxygen level in the water. This condition will reduce the number of phytoplankton that may cause changes on the composition of invertebrate communities and will ultimately affect the fishery. Thestrong competingability of water hyacinth could result in changes on the composition of vegetation, damage local plants and take over the habitats of wild plants. 179 Figure 3. The invassion of water hyacinth in Tondano Lake In Tondano lake ecosystems, the presence of water hyacinth become weeds that affects the freshwater fish production. According to Frame (2012), the growth of water hyacinth in Lake Tondano had been beyond the limit of tolerance which is only a matter of days, the rapid growth can cover the entire surface of the lake. In some lake side, water hyacinth has reached 50 to 60 m of the banks. Even in the middle of the lake, the floating of water hyacinths in the islands is visible and it is carried by the wind all over the lake. According to Replubika (2013), Tondano lake in 1923 has a depth of 40 feet in 1996 but lived only 15 meters. Tondano lake is the largest lake in North Sulawesi and a habitat for fish and fish Payangka Nike which is a typical kind of fish this lake. Homeland expedition team encountered two types of Payangka fish / Marbel Goby (Ophieleotris aporos) is Payangka kodok and Payangka Merah. Around the lake were found several small birds such as egrets ( Egretta Garzetta), kuntul kerbau (Bubulcus ibis), Elang Paria (Milvus migrans), Elang bondol (Haliastur indus), Cekakak sungai (Todirhamphus chloris) and Burung Madu (Nectarinia). So Tondano rescue program must also consider the animals who live in the Lake Ecosystem Tondano. C. Merremia peltata Giant kale is a name given by the Minahasa people for the species Merremia peltata. This plant is easy to find in the whole of North Sulawesi. It grows as a vine and a parasite to the other plants. Once infected, the host plants soon suffocate and die. Not only in North Sulawesi, this plant also threats the biodiversity conservation in some areas such as Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. It is estimated to have invaded an area of approximately 8,000 ha. The existence of this plant, also referred to as Mantangan, is a form of competition between species that interfere the habitat of elephants, Sumatran tigers and rhinos. The morphology of M.peltata is scatter and connects one to another. It even covers the forest floor that interfere the movement of wildlife. 180 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini Figure 4. The invassion of Merremia peltata The growth rate can reach up to 2 cm per day. This type is also found in the Garden Nani Wartabone, but the quantity is still few. According to forest society information, this plant becomes natural food for herbivorous animals such as anoa (Bubalus sp.). The presence of M. peltata in North Sulawesi has not shown any detrimental impact both on the conservation and outside the conservation areas. However, if this type is not addressed quickly and appropriately,it will become an invasive species. D. Imperata cylindrica Blady grass/alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) is a kind of grass-leaved sharp and often a weed on agricultural lands. Growth of weeds very quickly because the seeds are scattered on the wind and rhizomes that readily penetrate the soil. Alang-alang happy growing in fertile places and many illuminated by the sun. This plant immediately dominating former forest land, open land, the former fields, rice fields dried up and the edges of the road. Fire may stimulate the growth of reeds. Its shoots often become food for animals especially herbivores. Reeds naturally spread from India to East Asia, Southeast Asia, Micronesia and Australia. North Asia now spreading increases, Europe, Africa and America as well as in several islands. Weeds have invasive properties and is considered a weed that is difficult to control in addition to the benefits as soil protection, mulch for the agriculture, traditional medicine and dry reeds can be used for the roof material especially in Bali and Eastern Indonesia (Wikipedia, 2013). Di Sulawesi Utara, alang-alang banyak dijumpai di lahan-lahan terbuka atau bekas-bekas tebangan khususnya di dalam kawasan-kawasan konservasi. Di TN. Bogani Nani Wartabone. The Blady grass found in Kayu Manis-Maelang which is a result of former agricultural land encroachment by the public as well as in the region Hunggayono - Gorontalo which is maleo bird habitat. This area is very vulnerable to fire, due to the dominance of the reeds which is a fuel that is highly flammable. In other locations, dominant reeds found along the edges of the former forest clearing or traces of gold mining ileggal that are not used anymore. In the study showed that, within 181 three days without rain reeds will quickly burn through the fire flowering and bud formation rhizomes will be faster. The presence of weeds resulted in other plants will have difficulty in obtaining competitive water, nutrients and light. Disruption of the growth of other crops due to the presence of toxic substances (allelopati) issued by reed rhizome roots. Handling dominance reeds is to provide the shade plants that have faster growth, in North Lampung farmers eradicate weeds in biology by using shade showed positive results (Purnomosidhi et al., 2013). E. Pig (Sus sp.) Invasive species not only from the classified plant species but also of species or vertebrate. One of the animals that are invasive in North Sulawesi is a type of pig that are maintained by the community. This case occurred in the Nature Reserve Nini Batuangus, directly adjacent to residential areas causing livestock conservation forest communities with easy entry and invaded habitats of local wildlife such as wild boar (Sus celebensis), Sulawesi monkeys (Macaca nigra) and so on. If allowed to continue happening, and the pigs population increases, competition with local species can not be avoided, especially in terms of food resources and space. In addition, the estimated local animals can be infected by disease or parasites carried by pigs is maintained by the community. F. Cattle (Bos taurus) Cattle (Bos taurus) long known as cattle, where cattle are left in the fields grazing especially in conservation areas can be a negative impact on the balance of the ecosystem, especially in terms of food resources and competition for water resources fauna conservation area. As happened in TN. Wasur, cattle grazing paddock into TN Wasur preceded by the publication of the Decree of the Head of Level I Irian Jaya in 1979 which pointed TN Wasur grazing paddock area to the location of the cattle grazing. Cow population growing rapidly but that kangaroo populations of endemic species (Wallaby) being threatened. The existence of the cattle population in large quantities will cause soil compaction that can mengahmbat growth of native grasses. So that happened in TN. Glaze, the life of a bull in the paddock grazing in Baluran compete with the cattle. It also occurs in several protected areas in North Sulawesi, in the Nature Reserve of Mount threshold where cows are deliberately brought about by humans entered the region as ileggal towing logs from within the region. Damage to forest ecosystems can not be avoided some way shape hallways lead to some species eliminated or lost. Soil compaction can also cause stunted growth species, plus transmission of disease or parasites carried by cattle to the animals that live in the area. 182 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini (a) (b) Figure 5. Pig in Tangkoko NR (a) and Cattle which had found inside in Gunung Ambang NR (b) IV. INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT Over millions of years, sea, mountain ranges, rivers have become the natural insulation that function in blocking the movement of living things in the natural ecological system. The insulation will result in a specific and unique ecosystem. Isolation is a barrier for the movement of these species is not currently working. Increasing flow of trade and mobility between countries makes a species can move across long distances and into new habitats as alien species. Alien species that came into a new ecosystem will adapt and compete with native species (native species), some kind of alien species in the form of new strains and varieties assessed the economic benefits sarta a positive contribution to the welfare of the people but some of them are alien species that have growth very quickly even able to beat the native species can change the structure and composition of local species. Species that can not compete will be threatened with extinction. Thus the spread of alien species assessed as the greatest threat to biodiversity. The impact of the presence of invasive species are economically very significant. In agriculture, the presence of foreign plant pests and diseases that have not been known to give trouble farmers for farmers. Some types of bacteria and pathogens impacting the world of farming. Eksostem water contaminated by a variety of alien aquatic plants, bacteria and viruses which can degrade fisheries production, and all of which will lead to increased costs for the control of various types of new pests and diseases. The arrival of alien species is not always an adverse impact, some beneficial species in agriculture, forestry, fisheries are alien species. Thereby the first step should be able to distinguish whether the presence of foreign species that have harmful effects or not, especially for biodiversity. In many developed countries the precautionary principle to the impact of the presence of foreign species that were embodied in the regulations strictly control the spread of invasive species. For example Bioterorism Act is applied in the United States (Ardhian, 2011). Control of alien species can be grouped into four stages according to Wittenberg and Cock (2001), namely 1. Prevention 183 (prevention), 2. Early detection (early detection), 3. Eradication / eradication (eradication) and 4. Control (control), more are presented in Figure 5. Prevention is the first act and requires the least amount of cost. In Indonesia, controlling or more accurately described as a precaution against invasive alien species set in Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan Indonesia (IBSAP). Which implement an effective plan to minimize the biodiversity crisis. This document berisis action should be taken to be a tool to strengthen its policies in biodiversity management control and prevention programs include the development of invasive alien species as cultivated (BLK, 2010). Other action is to quarantine. Pengkaratinaan in Indonesia is regulated by Law No. 16 of 1992 concerning quarantine of animals, fish and plants. Early detection is important in determining whether or not eradication of the species potentially as invasive species. Early detection can be done by surveys that focus on species of concern by considering the ecological aspects of the target species. Survey at specific locations to detect invasive species around the entry point at increased risk of high biodiversity value. When precautions were less successful, eradication program into action option. Eradication can be successful as well as the solution can reduce the cost. In addition to the resources to support these programs should also be considered. Eradication programs to do such through 1) habitats such as grazing management / planned grazing and burning, 2) hunting of invasive species, especially for species of animals (vertebrates). Control of invasive species of vertebrate groups such as cattle or pig that goes into conservation areas is to do with understanding to the community, 3) mechanical control on a small scale like pulling weeds or making snail, and 4) chemical control bait poison for example through a vertebrate species (Wittenberg and Cock, 2001). The final step in the sequence will be made if management is not sufficient to do is eradicate the invasive species control. The main purpose of the control of invasive species is to reduce the density and abundance of invasive organisms that are in the acceptable limits. Many techniques can be used in the eradication of invasive species control techniques as described below : 1. Physical control techniques and mechanics, performed using heavy equipment. Control techniques such as cutting, lifting of the pulley, demolition by bulldozer or burning stump is done manually. The advantage of this technique is a fast process but the losses will be more of an effect on the condition of the surrounding ecosystem. As expressed by Kasno et al. (2001) which says that the control with manual techniques on water hyacinth to lift and move it on dry land will only survive in the short term only. This case occurs in Acacia nilotica in TN. Glaze, control is managed using a bulldozer kill the tree A. nilotica seeds but do not turn off so that seedlings of A. nilotica is found, the losses come uncovered grass and weed seeds that had been dormant in the soil to grow into invasive species and vegetation dominates the savanna. Mechanical control requires time and human resources personnel are sufficiently large (Tjitrosoedirdjo, 2012). 2. Chemically control techniques, chemical control is not much done. Although the process is fast and cost requirements can be more expensive than mechanical control. Mechanical weed control have a much greater impact on biodiversity and the environment. Hill and Olckers (2001) reported that in South Africa, the actual herbicide formulations are used for weed control in fact lead to the demise of natural enemies or even pests will become resistant. 184 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Impact of the Presence of Invasive Species ….. Diah Irawati Dwi Arini 3. The biological control techniques, this technique has many advantages such as safe for the environment, control agent has the ability to survive and spread yourself, the cost is not too great. Of the benefits of biological control is considered as the most effective control techniques (Schoonhoven et al. Sapdi 1996 in 2007). In Indonesia, for the biological control of water hyacinth species have been developed since the last three decades by exploiting their natural enemies are Neochetina spp. Biological control is suitable for use in natural and conservation areas because it is environmentally friendly. Integrated management of invasive species by combining several methods considered to be more effective. Some images associated with invasive species control techniques shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Techniques how to control invasive species (source : V. CONCLUSION Knowledge and information, particularly the presence of invasive species in North Sulawesi is still very minimal. Results of earlier studies found that six species were categorized as invasive species; Lantana camara, Eichornia crassipes, Merremia peltata, Imperata cylindrica, Sus sp., Bos taurus. Of the six known species, water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) is the most widely distributed one and has great impact on the ecosystem loss of Lake Tondano. VII. RECOMENDATION The presence of alien species is often neglected, but its impact on biodiversity loss is quite pronounced. Therefore,studies on the identification of types of invasive species and their impacts need to be performed in North Sulawesi. The integrated control management in a region which has been seriously invaded needs to be taken into account by using the most effective method. 185 REFERENCES Ardhian, D. 2011. Bahayanya Alien Invasif Spesies.http://www. Diakses pada tanggal 10 Juni 2013. Biotrop, 2011. Invasive Alien Species. pada tanggal 10 Juni 2013. Chatanga, P. 2007. Impact of The Invasive Alien Species, Lantana Camara (L.) on Native Vegetation In Northern Gonarezhou National Park Zimbabwe. Thesis. Tropical Resource Ecology Programme. Departement of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Science. 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The observations were made in November 2012 on group which consist of 28 species) and individual (6species) start at 6:00 to 17:30 pm. Observed behaviours are ingestive, moving, cleaning up the body, elliminative, agonistic, resting, voice, sexual activities. Data collection techniques using scan and instantenous sampling. The behavior of Sampiri in individual cage dominated by voice activity 61%, moving 28% and ingestive 27%, whereas in group cage were voice activity 63%, resting 34.8% and moving 27.3%. Observation show that voiced activity performed in conjunction with other activities. Keyword: Nuri Talaud, Eos histrio, behavior, endemik, Wallace I. INTRODUCTION Nuri Talaud or better known as Sampiri (Eos histrio) is one of the endemic avifauna wallace rare. According to Coates and Bishop (2000) Nuri Talaud (E. histrio) have three sub species, namely E.h histrio (Sangihe), E.h. talautensis (Talaud Islands), E.h. callengeri (Nanusa Miangas Island and Islands). Nuri Talaud in the list of protected species in PP No. 7 of 1999 and listed in the IUCN Red List 1994. Lambert (1997) and BKSDA North Sulawesi (2005) report that the main cause of the rising status of being endangered is the trade and destruction of habitat. According Mayasari and Suryawan (2011), Nuri Talaud has a great opportunity be done to captivity. Morphological observations have an average weight of 130.39 grams, the average length of 26.30 cm and needs for feed an average of 82,139 gram for feed of the preferred (Mayasari and Suryawan, 2012). According Alikodra (2002) behavior is movement stimuli in the organism to meet the need of stimuli 1 by using stimuli from the environment, so prior to the breeding of animal, the patterns Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl. Raya Adipura, Kel. Kima Atas, Kec. Mapanget, Manado, Sulawesi Utara. Email: 189 behavior must be understood thoroughly. The purpose of this study was to determine the daily behavior of Talaud Nuri in the Forestry Research Institute of Manado's captivity as a bid to provide basic information Nuri Talaud in captivity. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Time and Location Research Observations made during the month of November 2012 starting at 6:00 to 17:30 pm. Observation cage located in the office area of the Forestry Research Institute of Manado, North Sulawesi, located at an altitude of 70 m asl with climate according to Schmidt and Ferguson Type A or very wet with rainfall 3,187 mm / yr, the average air temperature annual 25-27 ° C, season rains from October to June (, 2012) B. Materials and Research Tools Materials used were 34 birds sampiri, communal observation cage measuring: diameter of 6 m and a height of 7 meters. Individual cages measuring 1.5 x 1 x 2 meters, branches twigs, nest and fruit. Equipment needed Stopwacth and stationery. C. Research Prosedures 1. Preparation Research ¾ Preparation of communal and individual cages and complementary infrastructure such as the feed, food and drinking containers, artificial nest. ¾ Samples distribution for the observation of birds as much as 28 in tails communal cage and 6 tails in individual cage. ¾ 2. Acclimatization in a cage for 3 months before the specific behavior observed. Implementation Research ¾ Research Activities begin with a preliminary observation to group some activities ever encountered. Observed behavior is classified as follows: eating and drinking behavior (Ingestive), moving (lokomotion), body care (Grooming), removing impurities (elliminative), agonistic, rest (resting), voice (voice), sexual (sexual activities) and others. ¾ Data collection techniques using scan sampling techniques and sampling instantenous. observations were made 3 times a day is at 6 to 7 am, 12 am - 1 pm and 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm. ¾ Feeding before 6 am with various types of food such as papaya, banana and maize. D. Data Analysis Counting the frequency of bird activity using formulations Sudjana (1992) on the Savitri and Takandjaji (2010), as follows: F = Fi1 + Fi2 = Fi3 + ...Fin F = Frekuensi Fi1, Fi2, Fi3,Fin = The frequency of an activity Then to determine the relative frequency of activity, with the formula 190 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Daily Behaviour of Nuri Talaud (Eos histrio) ….. Anita Mayasri & Ady Suryawan ܨ ൌ ݄݂ܶ݁ݕݐ݅ݒ݅ݐ݂ܿܽ݊ܽݕܿ݊ܽݑݍ݁ݎ ܺͳͲͲΨ ݄݂ܶ݁ݕݐ݅ݒ݅ݐ݂ܿܽ݊ܽݕܿ݊ܽݑݍ݁ݎ Then to find out the average of each activity by the formula : ࢀࢎࢋࢋࢇࢇࢉ࢚࢚࢜࢟ ൌ ࢛࢚ࢌࢇࢉ࢚࢚࢚࢜࢟ࢎࢋࢉࢇࢍࢋ ࡰࢇ࢙࢟ࢌ࢈࢙ࢋ࢘࢜ࢇ࢚ III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Observations indicate that there are differences in behavior between the dominant activity of Talaud Nuri in the communal and individual cage. The observation shows that Nuri Talaud voice along with other activities, so that when the observation will be obtained two activities at a time. The data collection method does not allow for two activities at a time, then the voice activity on record separately. Voice is often done while eating, moving and taking care of the body. Calculation of the percentage of the daily behavior of the results is known that noiseless time Nuri Talaud around 61% in the invidual cage while in the communal cage reached 63% . To illustrate the percentage of the daily behavior depicted in Figures 1 and 2. The Daily Behaviour in The Individual Cage Agonistic 0% Sexual 0% Resting 22% Elliminative 3% Grooming 20% Nesting 0% Ingestive 27% Lokomotion 28% Figure 1. Diagram individual behavior in individual cages Nuri Talaud 191 The Daily Behaviour in The Comunal Cage Nesting 0% Ingestive 6% Agonistic 0% Sexual 9% Resting 35% Lokomotion 27% Grooming 19% Elliminative 4% Figure 2. Diagram Nuri Talaud group behavior in communal cages Dominant behavior after the voice are moving, eating and resting. In the individual cages locomotion activity 28% and eat 27%, whereas in communal cages resting activity 34.8% and 27.3% move. Agonistic and nest is not found in the observations. Likely due to the acclimatization process is long enough. agonistic activity found when the parrot Talaud meet after the seizure of the community by North Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center. Nesting activity in these observations occur only when playing where Nuri Talaud just go in and straight out, so with the method used was not able to record the event. Even to sleep the night or when it rains, high winds Nuri Talaud not use artificial nests. Nests made of boards shaped like pigeon cage, as Figure 3. A. Eating and Dringking Behaviour (Ingestive) Eating and drinking behavior in communal cages only 6%, whereas in individual cages reached 27%. In communal cages Talaud Nuri as having mealtime patterns. This is indicated by encounter time the food between the hours of 6:30 am to 8:30 am, lunch 11:00 to 12:00 am, and afternoon 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. In individual cages do not have to diet, because of the time the food came not as orderly in communal cages. Eating behaviors performed with a strong voice as if calling for a meal together. While drinking activities usually done before bathing or taking care of the body. It occurs in communal cages for larger water containers, while in individual cages take bath not found. The interesting thing while eating in a communal cage is when encounter the food is usually preceded by one of the most aggressive, followed by 2-3 tails sneaking behind running such as ensuring food safety. After eating direct voice and other birds came to eat 192 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Daily Behaviour of Nuri Talaud (Eos histrio) ….. Anita Mayasri & Ady Suryawan Type of feed also affect Nuri Talaud how eating. Nuri Talaud when eating sweet corn seed, using the tongue to peel the epidermis. Nuri Talud more often shook his head to clear his beak when eating papaya or banana. When eating a banana, Nuri Talaud often grasped and directed to the beak, like eating. B. Moving (Lokomotion), Lokomotion behavior undertaken include: fly, go food, running, playing / acrobatics. Moving activity is the dominant activity. Obtained figures on individual cages 28% and 27% of communal cages. moving in branches and wire cage on legs and beak sometimes like acrobatics, movement on the ground by doing jumping jacks. C. Caring for the body (grooming), Grooming is treating the body or behavior cleaning up his body. body care activities in individual cages at 20% while 19% in communal cages. Usual do care of his body after a meal and rest periods between which the rub stick his beak, cleaning the wing feathers, tail, chest and back. D. Defecate (elliminative), Behavior defecate more often encountered between meals then shortly before the flight and when perched. This behavior do by beginning to lift the tail higher. After defecation usually fly / move and sometimes just silence. Proportion defecate only 3% in individual cages while in communal cages at 4%. E. Agonistik, Agonistic behavior during the observation data collection was never found. However, this activity is predicted to have occurred during the acclimatization in communal cages, because some birds to experience hair loss and sores. Maybe because Nuri Talaud live in groups, so if there is a bird entrants will be considered competitors. F. Rest (resting), Break behavior is the dominant behavior in communal cages often found at 9:30 am to 11:00 am and 1 pm - 2:30 PM. Activity breaks Nuri Talaud done by perched using one or two feet on the twigs, hanging on the wire cage, closed his eyes while perched. Nuri Talaud there is never a break in the nest of the day or night. Break behavior is usually performed after treating the body. Break behavior On individual observations found only 22% whereas in communal cages reached 35%. May be caused by conditions of communal cage is not in accordance with the Nuri Talaud's desire, so that more activity was found silence / break. G. Voiced (voice), Voice is the dominant behavior, Voice is often performed with other activities. Voice observations done separately from other behaviors. This is because the methods of observation can not record two activity in the same time. Calculation results voice proportion reached 61% in individual cages and 63% in communal cages. Almost equal proportions of the two observations because Nuri Talaud always like shouted, so when there are some birds that a voice on the communal cages of birds in individual cages will also voice. 193 H. Seksual (sexual activities) dan lainnya. Sexual behavior is only found in a communal cage and reached 9%. Activity that occurred just kissing and making out, and never encountered mating activity. Individuals who perform these activities only occasionally, usually two birds will always be together. Predictable because the shape of the nest is not in accordance with Nuri Talaud habitat, so the birds are not mating. Habitat observations showed that the nest is a high tree . Maybe if obtained form suitable nest, Nuri Talaud will breed. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CONCLUSIONS 1. Nuri Talaud dominant behavior in individual cages that voice, move and eat, while at the communal cage voice, istirahat and moving. 2. Voice behavior performed in conjunction with other activities and reached more than 60%. 3. Agonistic behavior does not occur, probably due to the long acclimatization. 4. Sexual behavior does not happen mating, allegedly due to the environment, nests or cages are not appropriate. B. RECOMMENDATIONS Research is needed to determine the forms of the nest, cage type and a suitable environment for Nuri Talaud. REFERENCES Alikodra, H. S. 2002. Pengelolaan Satwa Liar: Jilid I. Yayasan Penerbit Fakultas Kehutanan. Kampus Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor Coates, B.J dan Bishop, K.D. 2000. Panduan Lapangan Burung-Burung di Kawasan Wallacea. Birdlife Internasional-Indonesia Programme & Dove Publikation Pty. Ltd. Bogor. BKSDA (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam) Sulut. 2005. Inventarisasi Satwa Endemik di Suaka Margasatwa Karakelong, Kabupaten Talaud. BKSDA Sulut. Manado. IUCN, The International Union For Conservation of Nature, 2008. Red Data Book IUCN. Lambert, Dr.F.R. 1997. Pengkajian Lapangan tentang Status Konservasi Nuri Talaud di Indonesia. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN. Bangkok. 2011.Keadaan Iklim. Diunduh dari Tanggal 21 Juni 2013 pukul 10.00 Wita Mayasari, A dan Suryawan, A. 2011. Peluang Konservasi Ex Situ Burung Sampiri (Eos Histrio) Melalui Penangkaran. Prosiding Ekspose Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado. Halaman 143-154. Manado ................................................ 2012. Hubungan Morfologi dan Preferensi Pakan Sampiri (Eos histrio) di Penangkaran. Prosiding Prospek Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman (Rakyat), Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan. Halaman 179-188. Manado 194 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Daily Behaviour of Nuri Talaud (Eos histrio) ….. Anita Mayasri & Ady Suryawan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis Tumbuhan dan Satwa Sawitri. R dan Takandjadji. M. 2010. Pengelolan dan Perilaku Burung Elang di Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa Cikananga, Sukabumi. Diakses dari tanggal 5 Desember 2011 195 196 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Seedling Process Technique of Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrellia Ovalis Miq.)…... Arif Irawan & Hanif Nurul H. Seedling Process Technique of Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrellia ovalis Miq. Dandy) as a Local Potential Wood in North Sulawesi1 Arif Irawan2 and Hanif Nurul Hidayah2 ABSTRACT Seedling process techniques of cempakawasian (Elmerrilia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) started from taking fruit, fruit extraction, storage of seed, seedling, and weaning. Seed of cempakawasian is including the type of recalcitrant seeds, so the handling should be in a fast time and the seed can not be saved in the long term. The storage techniques of seed can use airtight plastic and stored in air-conditioned room or refrigerator. Viability of cempakawasian seed will decrease as the length of time storage. Cempakawasian seeding more effective using fine sand media that have been sterilized. Sprouts begin to appear after 2-3 week. Seedling ready for weaning when it appeared two (2) leaves perfectly using media such as soil applied singly. Once weaned, the seeds laid on the plot with a given shading. The density of shading with 22,000 lux light intensity show the best result of high growth, diameter, and cross-section of leaves. Cempaka wasian susceptable to caterpillar pests that attack the leaves. Chemically control is done by using a systemic insecticide. Cempaka wasian seed is ready for planting around the age of 5 months with a height of approximately 25-30 cm. Keyword : seedling process techniques, cempakawasian (Elmerrilia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy), seed, weaning media I. INTRODUCTION Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrilia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) is a kind of wood that has close links with the community of Minahasa in North Sulawesi. Types of wood with durable and powerful class of class II is widely used as the main materials to makes of custom home (houses Woloan) on this “bumi nyiur melambai”. That community, Woloan's house with the main materials of cempaka Wasian's wood will have aprestige value (pride) which is higher than the use of other types of wood. In addition to custom homes as raw material, wood allotment cempaka wasian also is taken into accountin the North Sulawesi region as feed stock to makes doors, frames, and various forms offurniture. Cempaka wasian tree is a tree with the type of growth medium (medium growing species) with cutting cycles ranging from 15-20 years. Cempaka wasian stands are found in the forests of the 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl. Raya Adipura Kel. Kima Atas Kec. Mapanget Kota Manado Telp : (0431) 3666683 Email : 197 people in North Sulawesi. This type of spread in almost every public forests, mixed farms and family forest (Pasini forest) in North Minahasa regency (around Mount Klabat), Tomohon city (Tara-tara, Pinaras, Mahawu, and Mount Masarang), Minahasa Districts (Kawangkoan, Langowan, Tondano East), South Minahasa districts (Tareran), Bolaang Mongondow (Modayak) (Kinho, 2011). Seeing the potentialis high enough to use this type of timber by the society, so the propagation of activity needs to be done to meet the growing demand of cempaka’s timber. Generative propagation activity through seed is one of the initial chain cempaka wasian for cultivation. This study aims to determine these edingt echnique description cempaka wasian are using seeds from handling the fruit, seed extraction, seed germination technique sand weaning techniques. The study was conducted in the nursery of the Forestry Research Institute of Manado in December 2011 s/d in July 2012. Material sand tools used are cempaka wasian stands, cempaka wasian fruit, sprouts tub, sand, soil, poly bags, and stationery. Observation sand maintenance carried out on seed germination and weaning until the seed. Documentation of the activities carriy out during he download process, gathering fruit, seed extraction, seed sowing, seedling grow than dweaning unti the seed. II. FRUIT HANDLING AND SEED A. Fruiting Season Based on the observation cempaka wasian stands in South Minahasa and Tomohon in 2011 s / d in 2013 known that the fruiting season occurs in March-April and November-December. B. FruitCollection Fruit of cempaka wasian shaped buni, with ripe fruit is generally red. Fruit collection is done by climbing the selected parent trees. Criteria suggested parent tree is straight-trunked, height of free branch is maximum, and generally show a healthy state. Fruit have been collected inserted in the container / bag and be done extraction process if ithas been in processing place. Figure 1. Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrillia ovalis) Fruit C. Seed extraction Cempaka wasian fruit has a length between 5.4 to 7.3 cm wide and 1.2 to 2 cm. Cempaka wasian seeds in the fruit is coated in red epidermis. The number of seeds in the fruit weevil estimated 50-80 seeds. 198 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Seedling Process Technique of Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrellia Ovalis Miq.)…... Arif Irawan & Hanif Nurul H. Extraction process can be done by a fruit drying in the sun until the skin of the fruit broke and seeds that are still covered with epidermis can be taken. However, because the seeds of cempaka wasian are classified as recalcitranttype, so the long process of drying should be noted that this process does not affect the viability of seed germination time. To eliminating the epidermis attached to the seed can be done by soaking it first and clean it thoroughly. In addition to drying, to remove the skin of the fruit can also be done by soaking it in water and clean it well with the epidermis still attached to the seed. This method is more effective, but rather requires a longer time to soften the outer skin of the fruit. After the extraction process is complete, make sure there is no residual back epidermis still attached to the seed of cempaka wasian, as this can cause mildew when stored or when the seed germination. Cempaka wasian seeds that have been mature perfectly is black and sink when immersed in water. Seed of cempaka wasian is not recommended stored in a long time. Seed saving can be done in an airtight plastic and placed in an air-conditioned or refrigerators. Figure 2. Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrillia ovalis) Seed D. Seed weight test To determine the weight of cempaka wasianseed, so do the seed weight test activities. This test is done by weighing 100 seed arerandomly selected. Base on ISTA, to obtain seed weight of 1,000 grains seed can be done by weighing 100 seeds that are repeated as many as 8 (eight) times. The number of replicates efficiently determined based on the value of coefficient of variance (Ck). Weight determination of 1000 seedsshould be repeated if the coefficient of variance has a value> 4 (Ning and Sidiyasa, 2011). Tabel 1. Weight test results of 1.000 grainE. ovalis seed 199 Repeat Weight (gram) 1 (100 grain) 2,94 2 (100 grain) 2,70 3 (100 grain) 2,80 4 (100 grain) 2,74 Repeat Weight (gram) 5 (100 grain) 2,96 6 (100 grain) 2,94 7 (100 grain) 2,84 8 (100 grain) 2,75 Average weight = 2,84 gram Weight of 1.000 grain = 28,4 gram Ck (coefficient of variance) = 3,61% S (standart error) = 0,10 % Results of testing seed weight of 1,000 grains of E. ovalis is 28.4 grams with Ck (coefficient of variance) by 3.61%. Based on the value of Ck can be stated that the determination of the weight of the seed need not be repeated because it has a value of Ck <4. Of the test calculations also showed that the estimated number of seeds of E. ovalis is as much as 35,211 grain per kg. Information from seed collector is known that downloading cempaka wasian fruit within every tree can be taken one (1) sack of mature seeds, with every one sack (size 50 kg) can be obtained seed (after the extraction process) as much as 3 kg. III. GERMINATION AND NURSERY A. Seed germination Seed germination of cempaka wasian can be performed on sow tub (plastic tubs or wooden tub) are placed under shade. Sow media used is good sand that has been sterilized. Before sowing seeds, watering should be done with water until saturated media (if possible add a fungicide to minimize fungus that may attack the seed). Sowing seeds was done evenly on sow tub that has been prepared and then covered with fine sand. Sow tub placed in a location free from interference by ants and mice or closed the tub using wire ram blushes and provide anti ants around the site where sowing seeds. Watering is done regularly (morning and afternoon) with a hand sprayer. Seeds will begin to germinate about 2-3 weeks after sowing and will be weaned into polybag when the seedlings currently has two (2) leaves perfectly. When seed germination, also the possibility that the disease attacking cempaka Wasian is lodoh (dumping off). The disease is characterized by the decay of the stem and continued with the fall of the seedlings are attacked. This disease appears generally are due to lack of sterility of the medium used. If the disease began indicated to attacking seedlings, then do the culling seedlings that have been attack that not spread to other seedlings. 200 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Seedling Process Technique of Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrellia Ovalis Miq.)…... Arif Irawan & Hanif Nurul H. Figure 3. Sowing seed, seed germination, and seedlings ready for weaning B. Seedbed The weaning process into polybag can be performed in the morning or late afternoon to avoid excessive stress levels at weaning cempaka Wasian. The media used is soil mixed with farmyard manure. Based on the results of experiments on some weaning media(cocopeat + rice husk charcoal, cocopeat + soil, soil + rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, and soil) are tested against seed cempaka known that the best media affect growth responses of seedling cempaka (percent survival, height and diameter) is the soil medium is applied singly. The use of manure is used to provide additional nutrition for the growth of seedlings cempaka Wasian on the weaning phase. Seeds that have been weaned placed under shading of the intensity of light being. Irawan et al (2012), in his research said that the shade treatment is recommended to be able to give the best effect on the growth of seedlings cempaka Wasian is at the level of shade density with light intensity of 22,000 lux. This is because at that level can generate the highest growth seedlings at high parameter, seedling diameter, leaf cross section (length and width). Figure 4. Cempaka Wasian seed age 1 (one) month and 4 (four) months Seedling maintenance routine includes watering, fertilizing, and prevention from pest and disease. Pests are often attacked cempaka Wasian the caterpillar leaves. Characteristic cempaka wasian plant which attacted by pests is a form of perforated leaves. This caterpillar pest control can be done chemically using a systemic insecticide. With a good maintenance and controlled, seedlings of 201 cempaka wasian with less than 5 months old generally has reached high about 25-30 cm and ready to be planted. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATION A. CONCLUSION 1. Extraction technique of cempaka wasian seed can be done by drying and soaking to remove the peel fruit and epidermis attached to the seeds. 2. germination of cempaka wasian seed can be performed on sow tub with media used is good sand that has been sterilized. 3. Weaning of cempaka wasian seeds can be done in a polybag with weaning media used were the soil: farmyard manure (2:1). B. RECOMENDATION 1. Cempaka wasian seed is classified as recalcitrant type, so it is advisable not stored for a long time to keep the viability of the seed. 2. To keep cempaka wasian seed from ant pests and rodents to note that the location of seedsowing that seed germination is not bothered by these pests both. REFERENCES Irawan, A., Hidayah, H. N., dan Halawane, J. E. 2012. Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya dan Jenis Pupuk terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Cempaka Wasian (Elmerrilia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) di Persemaian. Seminar. Prospek Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman (Rakyat) Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan. Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado. Kinho, J. 2011. Prospek Pengembangan Kayu Cempaka di Hutan Rakyat Sulawesi Utara. Hal 379-382. Prosiding Workshop Sintesa Hasil Penelitian Hutan Tanaman 2010. Pusat Litbang Peningkatan Produktifitas Hutan. Langi, Y.A.R. 2007. Model Penduga Biomassa dan Karbon pada Tegakan Hutan Rakyat Cempaka (Elmrerillia ovalis) dan wasian (Elmerrillia celebica) di Kabupaten Minahasa Sulawesi Utara. Thesis Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Ningsih, M.A. dan Sidiyasa, K. 2011 Sifat dasar benih Dysoxylum alliaceum (Blume) Blume dari KHDTK Samboja, Kalimantan. Prosiding Workshop Sintesa Hasil Penelitian Hutan Tanaman 2010. Pusat Litbang Peningkatan Produktifitas Hutan. Sudomo, A. 2010. Teknik Pembibitan Tisuk (Hibicus macrophyllus Roxb ex Hornem). Vol 3 No 2. Tekni Hutan Tanaman. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengemb 202 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Sowing Media…... Hanif Nurul H. & Arif Irawan The Effect of Sowing Media, Early Treatment of Seed, and Covering to the Germination of Gmelina arborea1 Hanif Nurul Hidayah2 dan Arif Irawan2 ABSTRACT Giving some treatments before the cultivation of seedlings to the seed of Gmelina arborea has a purpose to know the influence of germination potency. The treatments which are attempted includes spreading media (M1 = sand, M2 = cocopeat, M3 = soil+sand, dan M4 = soil+cocopeat), early treatment of the seed (P1 = without soaking in water, P2 = soaking in water during 12 hours, and P3 = soaking in hot water then stilled during 12 hours) and covering (S1 = without covering dan S2 = with covering). From the observation result and calculation of germination potency, sand media plays a good role in germination of gmelina. While for the best interaction influence is shown by interaction of sand media with covering and interaction of soaking hot water with covering. Keyword: Gmelina arborea, spreading media, covering, seeds treatment I. INTRODUCTION Gmelina arborea, commonly known by the name of gmelina is a broadleaf tree species belonging to the family Verbenaceae. Tree height can reach 30m with a diameter of trunk more than 60 cm. This fast growing timber species can be used as pulp, paper, veneer, particle board, panel boxes, musical instruments, tailgate and others. Gmelina can grow well in wet to dry climates, at an altitude of 50-1,110 m above sea level, on a wet alluvial soil and calcareous soil (Martawijaya et al., 1981). Gmelina is one of many types of plants that developed the community in the form of community forests. This type is preferred because it has a rapid harvest and cultivation techniques that easy. One of the factors that determine the success of of development this species is the availability of quality seeds that begins from the use of quality seeds and proper seed handling techniques. One of the parameters that can be used to determine seed quality and proper handling techniques is through seed germination ability. 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl. Raya Adipura Kel. Kima Atas Kec. Mapanget Kota Manado Telp : (0431) 3666683 Email : 203 Seed germination ability is influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors. Seed germination started from imbibition or water absorption processes. The process of water absorption on the seed is purely physical process but the beginning of germination, then followed by seed metabolic processes so that the embryo grows into sprouts and then grown into seedlings (Mayer and Poljakof, 1982 Bewley and Black, 1994). This study aims to determine the seed handling techniques and best environmental factors that affect germination ability of gmelina seed. Some treatments tested are differences sowingmedia, seed pretreatment and covering treatment. II. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted in September-October 2012 in the greenhouse at Permanent Nursery of BPDAS Tondano in Manado. Materials used are gmelina seeds, soil, sand, and cocopeat. The tools used include sprouts tubs, plastic lid, and sprayer. Seeds are selected manually by selecting good seeds and uniform size. Sowing seeds is done in accordance with the treatment were tested. The experimental design used in this study is a factorial experiment with RAL basic design consisting of three (3) factors which sowing media (M1 = sand, M2 = cocopeat, M3 = soil + sand, and M4 = soil + cocopeat), pretreatment seed (P1 = without soaking in water, P2 = soaking in water during 12 hours, and P3 = soaking in hot water then stilled during 12 hours) and covering (S1 = without covering and S2 = covering). Each treatment consisting of 3 (three) replicates and each experimental unit consisted of 10 seeds. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance and significantly different if followed by Duncan's test. Germination observations perfomed 1 (one) month after sowing.Germination ability is calculated using the following formula: DB = σ ௪௦௨௧௦ σ ௦ௗ௧ௗ ͲͲͳݔΨ III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Germination process of gmelina seed take about 1 month. After the seeds germinate, then began to do observations of the number of sprouts that emerged and calculated the sprouts percent. Sprouts percent of data that have been obtained subsequently processed to determine the effect of each treatment and the interaction between treatments tested (Table 1). Based on the analysis of data it is known that not all treatments are tested influence on the sprouts percent of gmelinaseeds. Individually,the treatment which give significant effect was sown the media treatment,while interaction between the treatment effect is the interaction between the sowing media*covering treatment and seed pretreatment*covering. Effect of seed pretreatment and covering factor individually and the interaction between sowing media treatment*seed pretreatment,sowing media*seed pretreadment*covering treatment did not significantly affect to the sprouts percent of gmelina seed. 204 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Effect of Sowing Media…... Hanif Nurul H. & Arif Irawan Table 1. Analysis of variance results of germination potency Gmelina arborea seed Source of Diversity Freedom of Degree Number of Squares Central Squares F-Value 3 2 1 6 3 2 6 26,22 5,77 2,72 13,11 22,83 27,44 12,33 8,74 2,89 2,72 2,19 7,61 13,72 2,05 3,37* 1,11 1,05 0,84 2,93* 5,28* 0,79 sowing media seed treatment covering sowing media*seed treatment sowing media*covering seed treatment*covering sowing media*seed treatment*covering note : * = significantly different at 5% level test Sowing media with the highest response values that affect germination ability of gmelina seed is sand media (M1) and cocopeat (M2) with a germination ability of 59% (although the both media statistically are not the best medium because it is not different from the other sowing media treatment) (Table 2). Both of these media provide a higher response than the use of a mixture of soil media. This is possible because the soil media has more resistant to waterbinding properties and absorb or releaseof heat. Individually, the use of sand and cocopeat media give more higher fluctuations temperatures compared to the use of mixed media with soil. Sudrajat et al, 2009 the results of his research explains that the sand media gives the best results for seed germination of kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) with 63% sprouts. While Sudomo (2012) in his research shows that the best response of sengon (Falcataria moluccana (miq.) Barneby & JWGrimes) germination is use of sand that is equal to 87.33%. Temperature fluctuations in the sowing media allegedly able to improve seed coat rupture which resulted the water imbibition process into seed go faster. The use of sand is widely used in testing the seed germination ability and used as a standard media in seed germination test that issued by ISTA (1999). Interaction influence of sowing media*covering and seed pretreatment*covering also give significant effect on the observed response. Further test to the interaction of sowing media*covering produce the best response to sand media treatment (M1) and covering treatment using transparent plastic (S2) with a germination ability by 69%, while the best interaction of seed pretreatment*covering produced by seed pretreatment with soaking in hot water then stilled during 12 hours (P3) and covering treatment using transparent plastic (S2) with germination ability by 65%. Transparent plastic lid is used in order to maintain a stable level of humidity sow media. This treatment is quite affecting germination ability of gmelina seed on experiments that have been done. This is because the medium remains moist ensures the availability of water on the seeds that were sown. Water is a basic necessity in the germination of seeds for enzyme activity that allows the breakdown of seed coat and the use of food reserves material (Suhartati in Copeland 2007). Seed germination process started with the water absorption and the seed coat softened and swell as well as the influx of oxygen as the seed respirationthat causes of metabolism embryo cells continues, it strongly supports the process of germination (Kamil, 1979). 205 Gmelina seeds were soaked using hot water is good enough to improve the viability, because in these conditions can soften the seed coat so that water and oxygen absorption process balanced and germination process can take place effectively. According Sutopo (1994) germination process can be influenced by soaking in water at a certain temperature, which resulted in physical dormancy can be broken and increasing the seed permeability. Suhartati (2007) in his study revealed that pretreatment of sengon butoh seed with soaking for 4-8 hours with the initial temperature of water is 100o C is produce the best germination response is 70-90%. Hot water is a solvent that is effective in solving the problem of skin or physical dormancy, and quickly removes the barrier of dormancy due to thermal energy, and stimulate germination by changing the physical structure of the seed coat. Thermal energy make absorption of water and oxygen process is easy to reach equilibrium, so as to affect the germination of seeds. Hot water can remove the kalazal stopper at micropyle, so that seeds absorbs more water (Bewley and Black, 1982 in Setiadi and Charomaini 2000). IV. CONCLUSION 1. Suggested the use of the best media in sowing gmelina is the sand media. 2. Best interaction effects that affect germination ability response of gmelina seed is treatment interaction of sowing media in the form of sand with covering treatment using transparent plastic and soaking seed treatment interactions in hot water then stilled during 12 hours with covering treatment using transparent plastik. REFERENCES ISTA. 1999. International Rules for Seed Testing: Rules 1999. Seed Science and Technology, 27 Suplement. Zurich. Switzerland. Kamil, J. 1979. Teknologi Benih. I. PT. Angkasa Raya. Padang. Martawijaya, A., I. Kartasujana., Y.J. Mandang., S.A, Prawira., K.Kadir.1989. Atlas Kayu Indonesia. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Mayer, A.M. and M.A. Poljakoff.1982. The Germination of Seed. Pergamon Press Setiadi, D dan M. Chairomaini . 2000. Pengaruh Perlakuan Pendahuluan terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Balsa (Ochroma, sp). Buletin Pemuliaan Pohon. Puslitbang Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan. Yogyakarta. Sudomo, A. 2012. Perkecambahan Benih Sengon [Falcataria moluccana (miq.) Barneby& j. W. Grimes] pada 4 Jenis Media. Vol 3 No 1. Prosiding SNaPP: Sains, Teknologi, dan Kesehatan. P2U LPPM Unisba. Sudrajat,D,J. dan Megawati. 2009. Perkecambahan Benih Kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryander) Pada Beberapa Media Tabur dan Perlakuan Pendahuluan. Vol 6 No.3. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman. Bogor.. Suhartati. 2007. Pengaruh Perlakuan Awal Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Sengon Butoh (Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb). Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman 4(1). Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman. Bogor. Sutopo, L. 1994. Teknologi Benih. Fakultas Pertanian UNIBRAW. Rajawali Press. Jakarta. 206 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation…... Ady Suryawan Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation in Abraded Small Island Using Variation of Age and Species1 Ady Suryawan2 ABSTRACT Island of Indonesia has experienced a reduction in the number, according to 2004 data recorded over 17,508 but recent data 2010 the number of islands only 13,466 islands. Many factors cause differences in these figures, but the potential dangers of coastal erosion can lead to narrowing or even eliminate an island. The purpose of this study was to determine the successful rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems in small islands abraded using several species and variations Rhizophoraceae age of the plant. Completely randomized blog design (RCBD) with factors several species and variation age. The results show that R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, C. tagal and plant age 6 months had a higher than R. mucronata and plant age 2 months. Seed R. apiculata by age 6 months is the highest success achive71%. The results of the analysis concluded that the variations in the type and age factors significantly affect. Keyword : Abraded, mangrove, rehabilitation, island I. INTRODUCTION Number of islands in Indonesia based on data from the Ministry of the Interior in 2004 reached 17,508 7,870 islands (Subiandono, 2011; Santoso and Kardono, 2008). However, the results of a survey conducted through 2010 stated that the number of islands in Indonesia, only 13 466 islands (, 2012;, 2011;, 2010). according (2012) due to the difference in the number of islands island different definitions increase in sea level and erosion threats to the existence of even a mainland island (Santos, 2004). One cause abrasion damage to the mangrove ecosystem is an area of 2.15 million ha during the last 21 years (Anwar, 2004) 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 . Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl Raya Adipura, Kel. Kima Atas, Kec. Mapanget, Manado, Sulawesi Utara. 207 One of the efforts to protect the coast and islands of rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems along the coastline. Obstacles encountered in mangrove rehabilitation in the small island is limited mangrove species as a source of seed, so that rehabilitation is still a lot to use seeds from outside the island. Rhizophoraceae is a family that has the most extensive distribution types. The aim of this research is to know how much the plant rehabilitation success using 4 types of plant families Rhizophoraceae on 2 different age of the plant nursery. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research conducted in Talise and Bangka Island, betwen september until nopember 2012. Family Rhizophoraceae that is Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriops tagal, dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in two different age ie 2 month and 6 months. We used 4 tree species of The tools we used were trowel, meter tape, stationery and flagging tape. The design of the experiment using a completely randomized design factorial pattern by a factor of type (4 variations) and seedling age factor (2 variations) repeated 4 times in 4 blocks by the number of replications of each treatment 30 plants so that the total number of plants 4 x 2 x 4 x 30 = 960 plants. The study was repeated in several locations hereinafter referred are blocks at Talise Island and Bangka, North Sulawesi. In general overview of the block is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Characteristics of Block Research Block Characteristics Block I A mangrove location + 20-40 meters dominated by Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizophora apiculata. This location is between the three islands, so the waves come is not as strong as in other locations, thin mud, dominated by white flaky shells, no river estuary. Results of analysis of soil samples that pH 8.2 - 8.07, K content of 0.01%, N 0.05%, P 166.3 ppm and organic C 0.84%. Block II Mangrove ecosystem of seed sources, muddy locations within one meter , frequency tides reach 40 times / month, mangrove forests with thickness 100 to 150 meters and plot placement is at 50 meters on the shoreline so that the incoming waves undergo reduction by mangrove roots. Results of analysis of soil pH unknown 8:04 - 8, K content of 0.01%; 0:06% N, 15.7 ppm P and organic C 3:16%. Block III An open beach, so the waves comes very strong , the area has a shallow mud and sand, seagrass beds at this location large enough to + 70 meters to the front, there are 2 locations Sonneratia alba a high reaching 20 + meter, Avicennia maritime. Results of analysis of soil pH unknown 8:32 to 8:06, 0:01% K, N 0.01%; 47 ppm P and organic C 0.65%. Block IV Block IV is the location of seagrass beds along 150 meters ahead. mangrove forest as thick as 15 meters. Results of analysis of soil pH 7.94, K content of 12:02%, 00:02% N, 40 ppm P and organic C 3:52% A. Research procedures Research procedures include: 1). Preparation of 4 types of plant seeds with ages 2 and 6 months. 2). Measurements and plants tagging . 3). planting randomly in four blocks by 208 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 planting Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation…... Ady Suryawan space 25 x 50 cm without opening a polybag. 3). Each block is lined. 4). calculate the amount of living plant . 5). Percentage of successful data were analyzed by the formula: ൌ ୬୳୫ୠୣ୰୭୪୧୴ୣୱୣୣୢ୪୧୬ୱ୮ୣ୰୲୰ୣୟ୲୫ୣ୬୲ ୲୭୲ୟ୪୬୳୫ୠୣ୰୭ୱୣୣୢୱ୮୪ୟ୬୲ୣୢ୮ୣ୰୲୰ୣୟ୲୫ୣ୬୲ ͳͲͲΨ B. Data Analysis Analysis conducted on percent of survival rate to determine the real impact of each factor, if obtained real then tested the effect of continued Duncan. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Variation of Age and Species Before planting, measuring height, diameter and number of leaves early. Plant height was measured from the point of cotyledons or plumula, while the diameter measured at the stem just below the seat cotyledons (plumula). The mean measurements presented there Table 1. Tabel 1. Dimension of early seedling Dimensions of seedling Factor Age Species Diameter Height Number of (mm) (cm) Leaves Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 2 months 3.4 4.8 2.1 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 6 months 4.1 13.3 4.7 Rhizophora apiculata 2 months 3.8 5.6 2.0 Rhizophora apiculata 6 months 4.5 11.0 3.7 Ceriops tagal 2 months 3.6 5.4 2.0 Ceriops tagal 6 months 4.0 7.7 6.8 Rhizophora mucronata 2 months 5.8 12.5 4.0 Rhizophora mucronata 6 months 6.0 36.2 4.4 Based on Table 1, highest seed plant that is Rhizophora mucronata age 6 month has 36 cm of high and 6 mm of diameter, while the smallest seeds derived from B. gymnorrhiza age 2 months in high 4.8 cm or 1/9 of the high of the highest in the seed samples used in this study. The fourth type of family Rhizophoraceae have growth rates vary. High growth of the consecutive fastest namely R. mucronata, B. gymnorrhiza, R. apiculata and no later than C. tagal. For comparison the growth of mangrove seedlings using data by Anwar (2004) as follows: Table 2. Specification of several types of mangrove seedlings ready for planting Species Avicennia marina B. gymnorrhiza C. tagal R. apiculata 209 High (cm) Number of Leaves Age (months) 30 6 3-4 35 6 3-4 20 4 6-7 30 4 4-5 Species High (cm) R. mucronata Sonneratia alba Xylocarpus granatum Number of Leaves Age (months) 55 4 4-5 15 6 5-6 40 6 3-4 Compared to Anwar (2004), in Table 2, plant height in this study are not yet eligible. Results nurseries seem to experience slow growth. Suspected caused by : 1). Medium level of soil fertility, 2). Nursery is done on dryland, 3). Seedling measurement techniques, in this study measurements were done on sitting cotyledons (plumula) until the end of the growing point. While according to Komar et al (1992) in () light intensity affect the height growth R. mucronata, R. apiculata and B. gymnorrhiza. According to Nugroho (2006) height growth, leaf number and length of R. mucronata significantly influenced by the media and salt water spray. B. Survival rate analisys The results of the survival rate in the field are presented in Table 3. Table 3. The survival rate percentage of trials plant of mangrove at the age of 4 months Repetition Species of Plant The age of plant Factor Bloc Bloc Bloc Bloc Survival rate I II III IV (%) Ceriop tagal 6 bulan 57 70 30 50 52 Ceriop tagal 2 bulan 57 70 50 23 50 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 6 bulan 80 70 0 73 56 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 2 bulan 60 80 40 50 58 Rhizophora apiculata 6 bulan 77 87 53 67 71 Rhizophora apiculata 2 bulan 27 77 27 23 39 Rhizophora mucronata 6 bulan 23 43 30 83 45 Rhizophora mucrionata 2 ulan 27 67 17 53 41 The Survival rate of 6 months 56 The Survival rate of 2 months 47 The mean of survival rate percentage 51 Based on Table 2, the average of survival rate percentage reached 51%. Block is capable of delivering the highest success is block II and the lowest block III. Block II is the ecosystem of mangrove seeds, have 1 meter thick mud, covered with thick mangrove 80 meters, so that the waves were coming muffled by existing vegetation. While the block III is the location directly facing the open sea, have seagrass beds in front of the plot reached 70 meters, shallow mud and sandy conditions While on the factor of variation of age and species of the plant, R. apiculata 6 months has the highest value reached 71%. to ascertain the influence of factors, the variance analysis as follows. 210 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation…... Ady Suryawan Table 4. The Analysis of variance percent survival of plants Type III Sum of Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 11.116a 7 1.588 6.751 .000 Intercept 313.959 1 313.959 1.335E3 .000 Plant Species 3.253 3 1.084 4.610 .003 Age of plant 2.301 1 2.301 9.783 .002 Plant species * age of plant 5.561 3 1.854 7.881 .000 Error 223.925 952 .235 Total 549.000 960 Corrected Total 235.041 959 a. R Squared = .047 (Adjusted R Squared = .040) Thee factor type of plant, plant age factors and their interaction, has a value of less than 0.05 sig. this shows that these two factors and interactions have a significant effect on the success of the percentage of survival. Seedling age 6 months had a survival rate percentage higher than the age of 2 months namely 56% and 47%. But on the seedling of B. gymnorrhiza age 6 months was lower than the age of 2 months. The factor of Plant species was tested further by Duncan test in Table 5. Table 5. The duncan test of plant species factor Subset Plant Species N 4 240 1 240 .5667 3 240 .6125 2 240 .6292 Sig. 1 2 .4792 1.000 .185 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .235. Based on Table 5, C. tagal, B. gymnorrhiza and R. apiculata have not real difference. The third of species have a significant difference with R. mucronata. the average percentage of survival rate in Table 3 shows R. mucronata has a lower percentage than the other three species. C. REHABILITATION USING FAMILY RHIZOPHORACEAE The fourth type of plant that is used is a type of mangrove Rhizophoraceae family. According to Chapman (1976) Rhizophoraceae's propagules have possible to grow naturally because when the seed falls directly be stuck or when the tide will carry over into the shallow mud and will form roots. 211 According to Anwar (2004) in the special location R. mucronata would be better if planted using propagules. The results Suryawan et al. (2012) use propagules as rehabilitation plant on the small island has a survival rate of 77%. Komar et al (1992) in ( ) and Nugroho (2006) said that the light has influence on the height growth of R. mucronata, R. apiculata and B. gymnorrhiza, while the media and salinity significantly affect the height growth and leaf R. mucronata, Based on references, allegedly rooting system and adaptability are the main factors that influence the success of the four species tested in this study. allegedly that using propagules as plant of rehabilitation will adaptatif than the R mucronata from the nursery. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CONCLUSIONS 1. The second factor has significant influence to the survival rate of mangrove rehabilitaion . Type R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, C. tagal and plant age 6 months had a significantly higher success than R. mucronata and plant age 2 months. 2. Seed R. apiculata aged 6 months has get the highest survival rate reached 71% B. RECOMMENDATIONS Need research on root systems and adaptability mangroves for allegedly are the main factors that affect the survival rate. REFERENCES HASIL survey terbaru jumlah pulau di Indonesia. Diakses dari pada tanggal 26 februari 2013 Sanur hadapi ancaman abrasi. Diakses .2010.PANTAI tanggal 26 Februari 2013 dari pada PEMKAB sangihe perlukan Rp 25 milyar cegah abraso pantai. Diakses dari pada tanggal 26 Februari 2013 Chapman, 1976. Mangrove Vegetation. J. Cramer . California University. California. UNEP. 2007. Mangroves of Western and Central Africa. UNEP-Regional Seas Programme/UNEP-WCMC. .PARAMETER lingkungan hidup mangrove. Di akses dari pada tanggal 1 maret 2013. Kusmana, C. dan Samsuri. 2009. Rehabilitasi Mangrove Pada Tapak Khusus. Diakses dari pada tanggal 28 Februari 2013 212 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation…... Ady Suryawan JAKARTA dalam ancaman bahaya banjir rob tsunami serta abrasi pantai. Diakses dari pada tanggal 26 Februari 2013 . RHIZOPHORA mucronata, mangrove. pada tanggal 28 Februari 2013 Diakses dari daftarkan 13.487 pulau ke PBB. 2012. HANYA ada 13.466 pulau di Indonesia. pada tanggal 26 Februari 2013 Diakses dari -di-indonesia Nugroho, A.Y. 2006. Pengaruh Media Semai dan Kadar Garam Air Siraman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Propagul Rhizophora mucronata. Skripsi IPB. Bogor . DETIL data rhizophora mucronata lamk. Diakes dari pada tanggal 28 Februari 2013. Santos, A.N.D. 2004. Antlantis The Lost Conteinents Finally Found. Santoso, A. D. dan Kardono, 2008. Teknologi Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Terumbuh Karang. Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan. Vol 9 No. 3 Hal 221-266. Jakarta. Subiandono, E. 2011. Rencana Penelitian Integratif “ Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove dan Ekosistem Pantai. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Jakarta. Suryawan, A. et all. 2012. Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Teknik penanaman pada areal terabrasi dan pulaupulau kecil (teknik rehabilitasi hutan mangrove dan hutan pantai terabrasi). Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado. Manado. 213 214 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation on Population of Petung Bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper) M. Charomaini & Anto Rimbawanto Conservation on Populations of Petung Bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper)1 M. Charomaini2 and Anto Rimbawanto2 ABSTRACT Petung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper), one of the important commercial bamboos found in Indonesia, a big size grass, is classified as Graminae with many important usage. The culms is known to be used as furniture, building material, chopsticks, paper and so on. The life plants is useful as soil conservation, erotion controller, leaves as fodder and young shoot as nutritive vegetable. Bamboo clumps become decrease in number due to the over exploitations and wrong harvesting techniques. Eventhough bamboo has important value economical and environmentally, only few government or private institutions have cared to the species so that research and development of the species is lack and left behind. Objective of this study is to develop and study the genetic relationship amongst collected, vegetative propagated, and planted populations in the form of genetic/populations conservation garden. Other objective was to study the genetic population by the help of DNA analysis. Populations conservation garden has been established in Bondowoso using 17 populations in a RCB Design, 3 blocks, 3 ramets for each clone, plated in a tree line plots with 5m x 5m spacing. Population from Parakan, Temanggung showed superior in the diameter size and number of culms per clump. Genetic diversity study for the 12 observed samples were varied between 0.510 and 0.978. Cluster analysis based on genetic distance showed that there was no clustering based on geographic locations. Keywords: Petung bamboo, genetic/ population conservation, genetic diversity, cluster analysis I. INTRODUCTION Bamboo is a big size grass, very common known to Indonesian. The species grows in dense groves, the culm is large, 20 – 30 m tall and 10 – 18 cm in diameter. Culm wall is relatively thick, 11 – 18 mm, the internode is about 40 – 50 cm long (Othman et al. 1995). In villages, bamboo is a plant that could create cash income because of the high price of the culms due to their big size, thick and sturdy as for building material. One culm of petung bamboo would be priced about Rp 50.000,- in the 2010, probably would be more recently (Charomaini, 2010). The young shoot is edible as vegetable with high nutrient content. Very intensive root structure could be benefit for hugging soil granules so that sloping contoured ground becomes resistant to rain-water erosions. Recent experiment by students from the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) resulted that bamboo leaves could be processed becomes crispy snacks due to the high nutritive value (Junita, 2012). 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Researchers on Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Yogyakarta 215 Many bamboo species are found in Indonesia, but only several have been known as commercial bamboos such as: petung (Dendrocalamus asper), wulung or black bamboos (Gigantochloa atroviolacea), green ampel (Bambusa vulgaris var. vitata), ivory bamboos (B. vulgaris var. striata), apus/ rope bamboos (Gigantochloa apus), tutul/ mosaic bamboos (Bambusa sp.), thorny bamboos (Bambusa blumeana) and so on. Twelve bamboo species has been recommended by INBAR to be prioritized for research and development which were: 1) Bambusa blumeana; 2) Dendrocalamus asper; 3) Gigantochloa apus; 4) Bambusa vulgaris; 5) G. pseudoarundinacea; 6) B. atra; 7) B. heterostachya; 8) G. atroviolacea; 9) G. balui; 10) G. atter; 11) G. scortechinii; and 12) Schizostachyum zollingeri (Widjaja, 1994). Eventhough bamboo has important value, economical and environmentally, only few institutions, government or private have cared to the species so that research and development on the species is lack and left behind. There was a motto, bamboo is “a poor man’s timber”. Bamboo becomes an inferior product, lower than wood, categorized as by product as well as rattans (Anon. 2012). In fact, bamboo material is needed to supply paper industries, furniture, chopsticks, constructions material and so on. Increasing of information and communication technology causes increasing the need of raw material/ culms so that exploitation to this species becomes very intensive. If there are no effort to save the existance of this species, the number of the species will fastly be reduced or becomes unavailable to the industries. Balinese in Desa Pakraman Angseri has succeeded planting bamboos as community plantations of about 12 ha, could help recover underground water stream and hot springs, increase community cash income and supports the monkeys life as tourism object (Sumatera and Peneng, 2005). Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research,Yogyakarta by the donation from IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) established a Bamboo Genetic Conservation Garden in Bondowoso, East Java in 2005. Started by collecting vegetative propagules from 19 places or populations in Java Island, and propagated as culm cutting in the nurseries to be planted in the fields later on (Charomaini, 2005). This is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Petung clones were propagated by culm cuttings in the nursery, Yogyakarta. 216 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation on Population of Petung Bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper) M. Charomaini & Anto Rimbawanto II. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Research objectives was to develop and study genetic relationships amongst collected, vegetative propagated and planted populations in the form of genetic conservation garden. By the establishment of the conservation garden, hopefully there will be a benefit to conserve or save genetic resources of petung that will be useful to the environment as water preservation and soil conservation. Other positif impacts are to remind people that bamboos is as an important species to increase people’s welfare by means of creating cash income and supporting industries by providing raw material. To study and develop petung in the genetic conservation aspect and genetic population studies by the help of DNA analysis. III. ACTIVITY RESULT Two activities had been carried out which were: 1). Population diversity study on Petung; and 2). Establishment of genetic population of Petung in Bondowoso research garden. By doing population diversity study, researchers can understand the natural diversity patterns of petung bamboo in Java. As bamboo regenerates by vegetative (mostly), to analyze genetic variability of this species was used diversity indexes which is Simpson’s diversity index (d). Genetic diversity of the 12 observed samples were varied between 0.510 and 0.978. Cluster analysis based on genetic distance (Cluster Analysis) showed that there was no clustering based on geographic locations. Dendrograph of the populations based on UPGMA analysis is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Dendrograph of populations based on UPGMA analysis 217 Second activity was the establishment of Petung genetic conservation garden in Sumberwringin research Garden in Bondowoso, East Java. Planting stocks in the form of planting material derived from vegetative propagations originated from 18 -19 populations across Java islands as shown in Figure 5. Figure 3. Locations of 19 sources of vegetative propagules Notes: 1. Kuningan; 2. Sumedang; 3. Pandeglang; 4. Sukabumi; 5. Purwodadi; 6. Parakan; 7. Linggasari; 8. Purwokerto; 9. Ambarawa; 10. Umbulharjo, Sleman; 11. Umbulmartani; 12. Turgo, Sleman; 13. Kokap, Kulonprogo; 14. Samigaluh; 15. Klaten; 16. Banyuwangi; 17. Malang; 18. Ngawi; 19. Lamongan. Figure 4. One of Petung’s clump in Bondowoso (1910) 218 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Conservation on Population of Petung Bamboos (Dendrocalamus asper) M. Charomaini & Anto Rimbawanto Planting stocks originated from vegetative propagations (culms with tuberous based branches was planted horizontally) of 18 populations in nurseries were used as planting material to be planted in the field after being maintained for about three months in polybags in the nurseries before planting in to Bondowoso research garden. Altitude of planting area in Bondowoso (Sumberwringin) is about 780 m above sea level which is appropriate enough for bamboos growing. Total plantation area is about 1,5 - 2 ha, number of clumps are 441, spreaded into 3 blocks (RCB Design), planted in 3 line ramets for each clone, with spacing of 5 m x 5 m. Since the age of the plantation now (2013) are already 8 years old, the average culm diameter was about 15 – 20 cm. Number of culm per clump could be about 12 or more for the healthy clumps. REFERENCES Anon. 2004. Konservasi Genetik Jenis Bambu Petung (Dendrocalamus asper). Leaflet. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan. Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar km 15. Purwobinangun. Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Telp (0274) 895954. Anon. 2012. Bambu Indonesia. Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya. PT. Bambu Nusa Verde. Jl. Mangunan, Tebonan, Harjobinangun, Pakem, Sleman,Yogyakarta 55585. Indonesia. Charomaini, M. 2004. Pembangunan Kebun Konservasi Bambu Petung di Sumberwringin, Bondowoso. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan. Yogyakarta. Charomaini, M. 2010. Field exploration on black petung bamboo in Cepogo, Boyolali. Central Java. Personal experience. 2010. Junita, Nancy. 2012. Daun Bambu Bisa Jadi kerupuk Sehat. Othman, Abd.Razak; Abd. Latif Mohmod; Walter Liese and Norini Haron. 1995. Planting and Utilization of Bamboo in Peninsular Malaysia. Research Pamphlet no. 118. FRIM, Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur. p.6. Sumatera, I. W. Dan I. N. Peneng, 2005. Pemberdayaan Hutan bambu sebagai penunjang sosial ekonomi masyarakat Desa Pakraman Angseri, Tabanan, Bali. Prosiding Perkembangan Bambu Indonesia. Jogja. Widjaja, Elizabeth A.; Mien A. Rifai; Bambang Subiyanto and Dodi Nandika. 1994. Strategi Penelitian Bambu Indonesia. Yayasan Bambu Lingkungan Lestari. Bogor. 1994. P.6. 219 220 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Survival Rate of Mangrove Rehabilitation…... Ady Suryawan QUANTIFICATION VALUE AND BENEFIT OF BIODIVERSITY 221 222 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector in Indonesia1 Soekisman Tjitrosemito2, Titiek Setyawati3, Adi Susmianto4 ABSTRACT The progress of modern life with increasing travels, tourism and trades carries with it an increasing threat of Invasive Plant Species(IPS) wether non natives or natives on the environment, production systems or human health. IPS have been inflicting a considerable damage, therefore, actions must be taken to halt the invasion. The process of invasion follows stepwise path involving six steps, transport, introduction, colonisation, naturalization, spread and inflicting damages. The steps of introduction and spreads are the strategic points at which actions must be taken to prevent IPS from inflicting damages.Indonesia has been importing plants since colonial time and before. About 2000 non native plants species were recorded in Indonesia, some of them were invasives. Since the issuance of Forestry Law in 1967 natural forests have been massively exploited leaving a huge forest opening susceptable to biological invasion. Technological development on risk management ensures that any incoming plants is screened out to detect and reject potential invasive plants, while the existing production systems are managed properly to avoid any possible invasion of plant species. The existing invasive plant species in forestry sectors and other various land use systems are subjected of developed risk management, followed by planned actions determined in the risk management to halt further negative impact. Keywords: Invasive Plant Species, introduction, non-native, biological invasion, forestry, risk management. I. INTRODUCTION Indonesia has been an open country since colonial times, and being a tropical country that supports the growth of plants almost the whole year around prompted the colonial government, which was supported by capable botanists, to exploit the environmental condition to introduce and establish crops for generating high profit. The successful introduction of exotic crops such as coffee, rubber, tea, cinchona etc. produced yield of highly demanded products providing a huge profit to the nation. However, beside generating high profit, these practices also carried an unwanted weeds such as 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Member of IAPS team National Project Coordinator Director, Centre for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development Jln. Gunung Batu no 5, Bogor, PO Box 165, West Java, Indonesia 3 4 223 Erechtites velerianifolia. Many more plants intended as crops were introduced and many more weeds unitentionally were also introduced. The introduced plants intended for crops turned out to be invasive plants such as Acacia nilotica which was intended as a source of arabic gum, Mikania micrantha intended for medicinal plants, Widelia trilobata as ornamerntal plants, even the curiosity of botanists must be payed dearly as the imported plants turned out to be invasive weed such as waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Some tree species look very common as planted as shade tree on premises or road sides such as Leucaena leucocephala, Adenanthera pavonina, Samanea saman, Spatodea campanulata although they are considered invasive (Weber,2003). Currently there are almost 2000 non indegenous plants and more than 300 species are becoming invasive. Along with a relatively high economic growth enjoyed by Indonesia, this will increase international travel and trade, and will further escalate the extent and frequency of plant species transfer, and exarberate the problems of invasive species. The agricultural production systems progressed extensively creating land use systems susceptible to invasion of plant species. The issuance of Forestry law in 1967 proved to be succssful in providing fund to support the economic recovery and growth of Indonesia. The law gave the concession holders the right to utilize forest products for commercial purposes. The utilized products were mainly timber generated from logged trees such as Shorea sp of Dipterocarpaceae family. The extensive logging to pursue high volume of timber, was not followed by replanting sufficiently creating huge gaps and deteriorating forest vegetation up to the extend of degradation. A very extensive tropical forest in Indonesia is currently suffering from over logging, making these systems susceptable to plant invasion. Not only plants such as M. micrantha, or C.odorata, and other exotics that are already in Indonesia ready to invade susceptable areas local plant species such as Imperata cylindrica or Merremia pelata, Thespesia lampas, Vernonia sp., as well as Bidens sp. are invasive in Indonesia, and many more may become invasive when the condition is suitable for them to invade. The process of invasion is greatly facilitated by climatological condition. The biological invasion followsa stepwise path where to reach a step should have passed the lower step. Catfort et a (2009) described 6 steps of biological invasion, i.e.(1). transport, (2). introduction, (3).colonization, (4)naturalisation, (5) spread and (6) inflicting damage to the environment. Non native or alien plant species experience the whole 6 steps to become invasive, while native ones experience only steps 5 and 6, because they are native, therefore, do not have to follow step 1,2,3 and 4; some consider the later as weeds. To fight this biological invasion at each step must be treated accordingly and appropriate strategy must be developed and integrated into legislation. The early process of invasion, ie. transportation and introduction are considered very strategic points at which to intercept to prevent further invasion process. At this point any introduction of plant ideally should be subjected to risk assessment, i.e. evaluation of their biological characters upon any possibility of becoming invasive. Only plants that their probability level of becoming invasive are acceptable may be admitted, otherwise must be rejected. The second strategic point is at the point where plantsare spreading and inflicting damages to the environment, production systems or human health. Therefore, sufficient technology and efforts must be spent to halt the spread and confine the invasion. The invasion must be controlled and IPS or weed population must be reduced if not eradicated. However, there are already many weeds or invasive plants species inside the country, 224 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto and which species should be controlled or eradicated first, in other words technology how to prioritize and implement management action in the field at the most efficientway must be developed. . The above conditions, i.e. many exotic plant species ready to invade, many degenerated sites susceptable to invasion and many local species capable of invading deteriorated locations makes the threat of invasion become considerably huge. Thus, the magnitude of the problem requires prioritization across invasive plant species or weed policy, management and legislation. Such prioritization needs have led to the development of mechanisms/processes that assess and account for therisks associated with weed introduction and managements. II. THE CONCEPT OF RISK Risk is defined as likelihood of undesired event occuring as a result of behaviour or action (including no action). Risk assessment is the means by which the frequencies and consequences of such events are determined, and should be accompanied by an expression of any uncertainty in the assessment process. The consequences of undesired events in question are usually adverse (i.e. one does not consider the risk of winning a lottery ) and are expressed in term of the assessment endpoint. Assessment endpoints are simply an expression of values that one is trying to protect by undertaking the risk assessment procedure, and thus distinguish the environmental risk assessment (ecological risk) from human health risk assessment ( human fatality or human injury endpoint). The risk associated with invasion of alien plant species can be defined as the likehood of undesired events occuring as a result of these actions. It is important to recognize the interpretation of this definition is entirely dependent upon the endpoint of the assessment. If the endpoint is establishment of an invasive alien plant species in a new locality, then the risk is expressed in term of lokelihood of establishment. If the endpoint is environmental damage, then the risk must be defined as the likehood of enviromental damage,arising as a result the introduction and establishment of an alien plant species. Notice that the definition of risk is sensitive to the assessment of endpoint (which in itself simply is an expression of value). In the first part of the paragraph above, risk was expressed in term of an establishment of an alien plant species –there is thus an implicit assumption that the establishment of an invasive alien plant species in a new localities is an undersired event. This is equivalent to an expression environmental value that wishes to preserve “natural” or existing species assemblages. By contrast, in the second part of paragraph, risk is defined in term of the environmental damage. In this definition the establishment of a new invasive alien plant species “per se” does not constitute the undesired event to be avoided – one is merely concerned with the subsequent environmental damage that could arise as a result of this. Thus if an assessor could garantee that a particular invasive alien species would have no adverse effect on the environment, then under this definition, there would be no risk. Quantitatively the definition of risk (an event), assessed as a mathematical combination (often the product) of the magnitude of the consequence of an event and the likelihood of that event occurring. 225 III. WEED OR INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES (IPS) RISK ASSESSMENT A. Pre-border Weed or IPS Management The outstanding systems of Weed Risk Assessment for pre-border situation is thosedeveloped in Australia. The Australian WRA system is based on a three-tiered process (Walton, 2001]: (1) checking of the targetspecies against exhibited prohibited or permitted lists, (2) a screening process using a series of predetermined questions to evaluate the weedy/invasive potential of species not rejected in tier 1 and (3) further evaluation of those species identified as requiring more information to determine their weedy potential following the assessment process in tier 2. The screening process used in tier 2of the current Australian WRA system uses 49 questions covering the historical, bio-geographical, biological and ecological aspects of the target species, in which the questions are answered almost entirely using ‘Yes’/‘No’/ ‘Don’t know’ responses. Scoring is a simple additive process, with values of >6 receiving a ‘reject entry’ assessment, values ranging from 1 to 6 receiving a ‘further evaluate’ assessment and <1 an ‘accept entry’ assessment. These categories were established based on extensive empirical calibration producing arejection rate of 10% or less for non-weeds and no more than 30% of the weed species being assessed as ‘further evaluate’ (Phelong et al, 1999). The system is adopted by FAO and somewhat simplified, adopted by IPPC and utilized as a guidance by Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) and Hawaiian Ecosystems At Risk (HEAR) projects. It is also accepted by WTO by providing protection without creating barriers to trade (Andersen et al. 2004). The Australian WRA (A WRA) has been developed based on agricultural weeds, when utilized to assess invasive alien species in forestry contact may be less accurate. In this line Daehler et al (2004) modified A WRA into Hawaian WRA (H-WRA). The questions, 2.01, 2.04, 2.10 for examplesare modified each by “tropical and subtropical climate, native or naturalized in tropical and subtropical climate, tolerate limestone or a wide range of soil.Climatematching is an essential component of the A-WRA and whilst theuse of climate matching software has been advocated Gordon et al.( 2008a) used other proxies or default scores .They generated systematic scores forthe climate match questions based on information on the speciesnative latitudinal range. For question 2.01 (species suitable to tropicalor subtropical climates), species with a latitudinal range midpointbetween 20 0North and 200South (i.e. centred on the tropics),were given a score of two; those with midpoints between 200and300North or South (corresponding to ‘subtropical’) were given ascore of one, and species with midpoints >300North or South(i.e. ‘temperate’) were scored as zero. To address question 2.02(quality of climate match data), a score of two was given for speciesthat had a published latitudinal range, a score of one if therange was described but latitudes had to be obtained from atlases,and if the range was uncertain, the score was zero. Standard protocolsfor answering all other questions were followed across all species(Gordon et al., 2008b). A more significant modification was the addition of second screening, where species which fell in between 1-6 were subjected to second screening in the form of decission tree as in Fig. 1.This additional second screening H-WRA successfully identified 85% nonpest correct compare to 65% without second screening. Without second screening H-WRA failed to identify 24% of the species tested, although second screening can not reached 100% but leaving only 8% unidentified. It seems 226 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto quite good able to increase the capacity of WRA through HWA to predict correct decission. The decission tree utilized in the second screening was developed purely based on logical reasoning not on empirical data, therefore, it is possible there are other alternatives of the decission tree. Tree or tree-like shrubs Herbs or low stature A.Shade tolerance OR known to form a dense stand, AND Reported as weed of cultivated land Accept B. Bird or clearly wind dispersal. No yes No yes Life cycle < 4 years Unpalatable to grazers OR known to form a dense Figure 1. Decission tree used to screen harmful plants having score between 1 – 6, Reject indicates predicted pests, while accept indicates likely nonpest (Daehler et al 2004) . After such modification WRA seems more appropriate for forestry sector in Indonesia, although much must be done to really make the systems working. The much discussed criterium to predict a plant to be weed or to be invasive is if it has been a weed or invasive species somewhere and it is predicted that it will be a weed or invasive species in other similar environment also. Many experts discovered that there were many plants which did not have historical record to be weed or invasive species anywhere and then become a weed or invasive species, and they critizised that the criterium of weed somwhere was not a good criterium of predicting an invasive species or a weed. However, that criterium has predicted correctly in many ocassion, and if those species which do not have historical record being an invasive species somewhere probably they are not in close contact withhuman activities yet , or in other word thosespecies which did not have historical record being invasive or a weed, when they become invasive species it is their first record. Despite being widely accepted, the Australian WRA system does not adequately separate the consequence from the likelihood as stipulated above; rather the outcome conveys the risk as a single score based on the answers to 49 questions. Daehler and Virtue [2010] examined thequestions and identified the ones that most closely reflect the likelihood (i.e. of spread) and consequences (i.e. impacts) to establish if this lack of separation resulted in assessment problems. They found that there wasa slight improvement in identifying weeds compared to the original WRA, with no change for nonweeds, if groupings of likelihood and consequence questions were considered independently. The summary which relates the likehood and consequences is given in the following tabel (Table 1.) as adopted from Downey et al, (2010). Table 1 not only separates likehood from consequences in the pre-border analysis, but also under the condition of post border even in the concept of preventing 227 the environmental asset from negative impact of invasion. The condition in the field in Indonesia is rather acute as the invasio of A.nilotica for example has altered the ecosystem of savana into that of shrubs at the expend of protected animals such herbivores birds and others. Table 1.WRA systems, highlighting the type of risk addressed by each and the measures used to assess the risk (Downey et al, 2010) Risk Assessment system Risk (event) Consequence1) (basis of assessment) Likelihood2) (basis of assessment) Pre- border (prevention) Importation of a new weed species (1) The type of impact a weed species may have (i.e. potent ial impact) to agriculture, biodi versity and/or human health and (2) where the impact could occur (i.e. the potential distribu tion), if it were to be introduced3) A prediction of a plant species potential to become weedy, using attributes associated with its ability to (1) establish, reproduce and, disperse and (2) pose a threat, if it were to be introduced 3) Post-border (generally eradication & containment ) The invasion of a newly established weed species or expansion of an existing weed species (1) The type of impact a weed species may have (i.e. potential impact) to agriculture, biodiversity and/or human health and (2) where the impact could occur (i.e. the potential distribution). (1) The ability to prevent the spread of a weed species based on the control options available, (2) degree of coordi nation available, (3) the invasiveness of the weed species (based on the ability to establish, reproduce and disperse) and (4) the threat posed Protection of environmental assets4) The extinction or extirpation of native species due to the invasion of an existing weed species (1) The degree of impact posed by a weed species to native species and (2) where the impact currently occurs relative to the native species at risk and (1) above (1) The ability to achieve a conser vation outcome (i.e.recoverabi lity of the species).(2) feasibility of weed control and (3) the degree ofurgency for manage ment based on the impact posed by the weed species. Note : 1) Impact is defined as the effect that a weed has on native species . 2) Threat is defined as the possible danger posed to a native species as a result of a weed, i.e. there is the possibility of an impact, rather than an actual current impact . 3)The Australian WRA system does not separate consequence and likelihood. Based on the risk measures used, we have separated them here for comparative purposes only. 228 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto B. Post border IPS or Weed Risk Management The term IPS or weed risk management (i.e. whether to avoid, mitigate,or tolerate the risk) is adopted here to mean the overall process of identifying, assessing and treating risks. It is, different from the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)international standards on phytosanitary measures, which considers risk analysis as the overall process and equates risk management to risk treatment. There are six stages in WRM protocol (Figure 2). Stage 1 is based on establishing a context within which a WRM system will operate and the methodologies for later stages and outcomes. Stage 2 is associated with the identification of weed candidates both existing and emerging. Stage 3 is associated with an analysis and evaluation of the weed risk, based on thecontrol options and three key criteria: invasiveness (i.e.ability to establish, reproduce and disperse), impacts ( the environment, agriculture or human health) and potential distribution. Stage 4 focuses on an analysis and evaluation of the feasibility of coordinated control based on three key criteria, being: current distribution, control costs and duration. Stage 5 determines the weed management priorities, by comparing the weed risk and feasibility of coordinated control for different weed species. Finally,stage 6 is associated with the implementation of the weed management actions as determined from stages 1 to 5, being a transition from strategic planning toon-ground actions [Anon, 2006.]. Management actions include preventing entry, eradication, containment and improving targeted management techniques. Communication and consultation,and monitoring and review are key elements at each stage of the WRM process.Using a question-based scoring system for stages 3 and 4, the results are put into a decision matrix (WRM matrix) in which the ranked weed risk (stage 3) is assessed against the ranked feasibility of coordinated control (stage 4). The ranked values of each are assigned a category, for example, negligible, low, medium or high. The combination of each criterion is given a management objective that is applied to the respective cells of the matrix (Figure 3). 229 COMMUNICATE AND CONSULT 3.Analyze and evaluate weed WEED RISK ASSESSMENT 2.Identify weed risk candidates 4.Analize and evaluate feseability of coordinated control 5.Determine weed management priorities MONITOR AND REVIEW 1.Establish the WRM context 6.Implemen Weed management action Figure 2. The six stages of the WRM process (Anon, 2006) IV. INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS There are many systems available to develop IPS risk management, however, basically they are similar. The component of management decissions are risk assessment and feseability of actions. A. IPS Risk Assessment Risk is composed of three criteria, invasiveness, impacts and potential distribution. Invasiveness estimates the rate of spread, faster spreading weeds being a higher priority for control. Impacts are the economic, environmental and social effects the weed has. Potential distribution indicates what total area the weed could spread to. The South Australian Systems developed by Dr John Virtue, Weed Ecologist, Animal and Plant Control Group Department of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation. GPO Box 2834, Adelaide SA 5001 uses scores of 10 for each of these criteria and these scores are multiplied, to give a weed risk score out of 1000. 230 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto Utilizing the systems the score of risk may be graded to give the following classifications : Frequency band 80 - 100 (top 20% possible score) IPS Risk Score >192 Classified Risk very high 60 – 80 <192 High 40 – 20 <101 Medium 20 – 10 <39 Low 10 – 0 (bottom 20% possible scores) <13 negligible B. Feasibility of actions The feasibility of action are divided into three main criteria; control costs, current distribution and persistence. Control costs considers the weed management costs of detection, on-ground control and enforcement/education needs. Current distribution considers how widespread the weed is. Persistence refers to the expected duration of control works. Scores for each of these criteria are multiplied (each ranging between 0 and 10), to give a feasibility score out of 1000. Assess feasibility for the land use at risk, so that its score can be directly compared to the weed risk score from the same land use to set control priorities. In the following questions higher scores indicate lower feasibility of containment. Following the technique developed by this systems the following classification are produced. Frequency band 80 - 100 (top 20% possible score) 60 – 80 Fisibility Score >113 <113 Feasibility Classification very high High 40 – 20 <56 Medium 20 – 10 <31 Low 10 – 0 (bottom 20% possible scores) <14 negligible IV. DETERMINING PRIORITIES. The above results are arranged into a matrix shown in Figure 3. The following matrix gives guidance on appropriate strategic, IPS or weed management actions. Different IPS species will appear in different positions on the matrix, based on their risk and feasibility of containment scoring. Each land use will have a separate matrix. Following are guiding principles for each of the management categories in the matrix. At a landscape scale these principles need to be interpreted in terms of different outcomes per land use for different weeds. For example, a weedof IPS may rank as “destroy infestations” in one land use and “limited action” in others. In this case coordinated control may still be required in the latter land uses to enable protection of the former land use. The term “management area” can be used below to apply to a range of spatial scales. V. ALERT Species that are not known to be present in the management area and which represent a significant threat. Such species would score “0” in Feasibility of Containment due to their absence. Aims to prevent the species arriving and establishing in the management area 231 Prevention of entry to management area. VI. ERADICATION There are huge debates worldwide on the concept of eradication, which is mostly used in term of effort of human being or human intervention to get rid off diseases. This word is used interchangeably to “elimination”, whereasstandard definition for disease control and eradication do not clearly defined in the literature.Eradication itself involves control interventions to completely stop spreading of the diseases. All disease is controllable through the simple method of quarantine. In fact, the ultimate goal of control is eradication. Thus control can be varied depending on stages of diseases (Jamison et al. 2006). Thus, Eradication denotes the certified total absence of human cases, the absence of a reservoir for the organism in nature, and absolute containment of any infectious source. Virtue (2010) stated that eradication is effort that aims to remove the weed species from the management area. VII. DESTROY INFESTATIONS This action is primarily aiming at significantly reduce the extent of the weed species in the management area.It can be started with conducting detail surveilannce and mapping to easily located the infestation. Once infestation can be traced, the local eradication will be carrierd out at all feasible sites. Effort to prevent spreading out side their first infestation areas shall be monitored and further action must be taken place by preventing the weed species entering to particular management area and preventing from such movemement, either thorugh trading/selling or other activities allowing the organism/species moving freely from their containtment. There was no option to grow these 232 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto unwanted plants or even maintain the infested area and the land manager shall monitor towards their reduction. VIII. CONTAIN SPREAD Allmost all action in the scope of appropriate strategies has to go through seveal steps where the differences are vey subtle. Similar to previous action that under particular case, contain spread is aiming to prevent the ongoing spread of the weed species in the management area. Steps taken are rather similar to destroy infestation weher surveillance and mapping to locate all infested properties should be made prior to control trial. Thus, control of all infestations, aiming for a significant reduction in weed density is very clear.Prevention of entry to management area and movement and sale within adminstrative sies.Must not allow to spread from cultivated plants (if grown).Last things that shall be done consistently and if possible, monitor change in current distribution. IX. PROTECT SITES Prevention and containment of the spread of invasive plant species is vital to our efforts to protect native plants across our land and territory. This specific action is aiming at preventing thespread of the weed species to key sites/assets of high economic, environmental and/or social value. There are various situation where distribution of weedsare very limitedand only threatens a few number of industries/habitats and we can call this as “lower weed risk”. The other situation represent weedsthat may be more widespread but they have not yet invaded/impacted upon many important industries or habitats, we can call this as “higher weed risk”. Further action to protect this valuable sites among of those are: 1) Surveillance and mapping to locate all infested areas, 2) Identification of key sites/assets in the management area, 3) Control of infestations in close proximity to key sites/assets, aiming for a significant reduction in weed density, 4) Limits on movement and sale of species within management area, 5) Must not allow to spread from cultivated plants (if grown) in close proximity to key sites/assets, and 6) Monitor change in current distribution within and in close proximity to key sites/assets. X. MANAGE WEED At this stages, managing weeds is aiming at reducing the overall economic, environmental and/or social impacts of the weed species through targeted management. There are a number of action need to be taken among of those are: 1) Conduct research and develop integrated weed management (IWM) packages for the species, including herbicides and biological control (where feasible), 2) Promote IWM packages to landholders or park managers, 3) Monitor decrease in weed impacts with improved management, and 4) Identify key sites/assets in the management area and ensure adequate resourcing to manage the weed species. XI. MANAGE SITES Managing sites is aiming at maintaining the overall economic, environmental and/or social value of key sites/assets through improved general weed management. This can be achieved through: 1)Promote general Integrated Weed Management principles to landholders/park managers, including the range of control techniques, maintaining competitive vegetation/crops/pastures, hygiene and property management plans, 2) Identify key sites/assets in 233 the management area and ensure adequate resourcing to manage these to maintain their values, and 3) Broaden focus beyond weeds to all threatening processes. XII. MONITOR Monitoring activity focus primarily on the spread of the species and review any perceived changes in weediness. This action is aiming atdetecting any significant changes in the species’ weed risk. XIII. LIMITED ACTION The weed species would only be targeted for coordinated control in the management area if its local presence makes it likely to spread to land uses where it ranks as a higher priority. Undertake control measures if required for the benefit of other land uses at risk Otherwise limited advice to land managers if required. XIV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Indonesia has long been well-known as an agriculture country importing a considerable number of foreign plants grown as crops. Some imported plants were contaminated by unwanted plants mainly invasive plants, such as Erechtites velerianifolia. Some imported plants become invasive such as A.nilotica, Widelia trilobata, Mikania micrantha, waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) andetc. Some native plant species may find their new environment condusive for optimum growth and thereby facilitating invasion as described by Catford et al.(2009). The issuance of Forestry Law in 1967 invited enterprenuer to exploit trees from Indonesian forests and the government receive huge financialsupport to Indonesian economic recovery and development. The activities, however, have leaved a considerable forest opening or logged over forest which may be susceptable to plant invasion. To halt the invasion, a policy preventing the importation of potentially invasive plants is recommended. A screening system capable of detecting potentially invasive plants is developed in the form of Risk Management, implemented through legislation carried out by Quarantine Authorithy. At current stages while Indonesiangovernment has not readyyet with Risk Management system, those developed by Pheloung in Australia and modified by Daehler (2004) in Hawaii may be adopted. A Risk Management systems requiring inputs of risk assessment and feasibility of control actions and scored accordingly, and arranged in a matrix will be able to provide guidance what actions should be taken at a particular situation. A system developed by John Virtue of South Australia may also be suitable. REFERENCES Andersen MC, Adams H, Hope B, Powell M.2004. Riskassessment for invasive species. Risk Analysis 24:787–93. Anon. 2006. National Post-border Weed Risk Management Protocol. HB 294. Standards Australia, Standards NewZealand, and Cooperative Research Centre for AustralianWeed Management, Sydney, Australia 234 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Invasive Plant Species Risk Management for Forestry Sector…... Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Titiek S., & Adi Susmianto Catford, Jane A, R. Jansson and C. Nilsson. 2009. Reducing redundancy in invasion ecologyby integrating hypotheses into a singletheoretical framework. Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.)15, ,22–40 Daehler CC, Denslow JS, Ansari S, Kuo H.2004. A riskassessment system for screening out invasive pest plantsfrom Hawaii and other Pacific islands. Conservation Biology 18:360–8. Daehler CC, Virtue JG. (2010). Likelihood and consequences:reframing the Australian weed risk assessment to reflect astandard model of risk. Plant Protection Quarterly 25(2):52–5. Downey PO, Williams MC, Whiffen LK, Auld BA, HamiltonMA, Burley AL, et al. 2010 Managing alien plants for biodiversityoutcomes – the need for triage. Invasive Plant Science and Management 3:1–11. Downey,P.O., S.B. Johnson, J. G. Virtue and P. A. Williams 2010. Assessing risk across the spectrum of weed management.CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2010 5, No. 038. Gordon, D.R., Onderdonk, D.A., Fox, A.M., Stocker, R.K., 2008a. Consistent accuracy ofthe Australian weed risk assessment system across varied geographies. Diversity and Distributions 14, 234– Gordon, D.R., Riddle, B., Pheloung, P.C., Ansari, S., Buddenhagen, C., Chimera,Daehler, C., Dawson, W., Denslow, J., Jaqualine, T.N., LaRosa, A., Nishida, T.,Onderdonk, D.A., Panetta, D., Pyšek, P., Randall, R., Richardson, D.M., Virtue, J.,Williams P., 2008b. International WRA workshop 2007 protocol: guidance foranswering the Australian weed risk assessment questions. In: Proceedings of the Second International WRA Workshop, Sept. 14–15, Perth, Australia Jamison, D.T, Breman, J.G, and A.R.Measham (editors). 2006. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd edition.Washington (DC): World Bank. Pheloung PC, Williams PA, Halloy SR.1999. A weed riskassessment model for use as a biosecurity tool evaluatingplant introductions. Journal of Environmental Management 57:239–51 Virtue J.G. 2010. South Australia’s weed risk management system. Plant Protection Quarterly 25:75–9 Walton CS. 2001. Implementation of a permitted list approach toplant introductions to Australia. In: Groves RH, Panetta FD,Virtue JG, editors. Weed risk Assessment. CSIRO. Publishing, Melbourne, Australia p. 93–9. Weber, E. 2003. Invasive Plant Species of the World. A reference Guide to Environmental Weeds. CABI International Wallingword, Oxon OX 10 8DE, UK. 548 p 235 236 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation Forest Products1 Kristian Mairi 2 ABSTRACK Marketing and standard price of CBPF (Communities Base Plantation Forest) product aspect is fundamental to know in order the sustainability of communities plantation business. There for, it is required a government policy to protect and preserve the community's business. This study is intended to determine the feasibility of standard price, marketing efficiency and financial feasibility analysis of CBPF products in Northern Sulawesi Province. The studi was conducted in Januari to April 2013 in three districts of Northern Sulawesi Province. This studi is base on both primary and secondary data. Primary data and information were collected from farm household, lokal wood traders, developers and key informants through interview and focusgroup discussion (FGD). To determine the feasibility of standard price of CBPF products are used three approaches i.e: (1) market price, (2) stumpage price, and (3) parity/social price. The marketing efficiency parameters used in this research such as (1) profit margin, (3) marketing margin, (3) mark up analysis (i.e: mark up on selling). Financial feasibility analysis are base on three investment criteria such as net present value NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR) , and internal rate of return (IRR). The result show that financial analysis from CBPF in Northern Sulawesi Province are feasible in term of all three investment criteria. Meanwhile market distribution system of CBPF product is not efficient yet according to profit margin, marketing margin, and mark up on selling parameters. Profit margin value for lokal trader is 27% (Rp. 135.000/m3), the middleman about 23% (Rp. 110.000/m3), and then farmer/producer about 13% (Rp. 55.000/m3) dan the least is province trader about 5% (25.000/m3). Average marketing margin value by lokal traders about 70% (Rp. 350.000/m3), middleman about 68% (Rp. 320.000/m3), and then farmer/producer about 65% (Rp. 280.000/m3), and the least is province traders about 14% (Rp. 75.000/m3). Marketing condition for CBPF timber produc is imperfect and there is a tendency toward oligopsonistic condition The findings of this study indicate that CBPF program provides a good prospect of creating a new entrepreneurs in forestry sector by support of government policy in setting the standard price of sengon logs in forest area about Rp. 225,000 - 240.000/m3. Keywords: CBPF, standard price, marketing efficiency, financial analysis 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl Raya Adipura, Kel. Kima Atas, Kec. Mapanget, Manado, Sulawesi Utara. 237 I. INTRODUCTION A. Background The Ministry of Forestry has made various efforts to accelerate the implementation of CBPF such as make rules and regulations as the legal basis, ease of licensing and financial supporting. Furthermore socialization intensively conducted, the level of bureaucracy shortened, proakatif effort to to encourage community have been taken, involving various stakeholders conducted, transaction costs are minimized and the revolving fund distribution institution was established namely Forest Development Financing Center (BLU-Pusat P2H) - which provides micro credit access for the development of community base plantation forest (HTR), community forest (HKm), village forest (HD) and community partnership forest. All of these efforts indicates the seriousness of Ministry of Forestry to facilitate local communities as a new business entities of sustainable forest management on forest state. HTR program is a form of policy innovation management practices in production forests. Be regarded as an innovation because HTR program could be seen as something new. Novelty can be seen in the aspect of granting management rights to local communities to manage production forest (state forest) that has never been before. If the previous management of production forests is only given to the private companies (such as HPH and HTI) and government corporate (Inhutani and Perhutani). By the CBPF program, suggestions and criticism from various parties which necessitates that local people are also capable of sustainable forest management practices can be accommodated. The question: is it true that such prescriptions? The answer will be proven in one rotation of fast growing crop (8 years later). The problems could potentially be an obstacle in CBPF development are feasibility and marketing products aspecs. Farmers are rational individuals, meaning that farmers choice for timber investment business is determined by how much the benefits of the effort. The results of Darusman and Hardjanto (2006); Lubis (2010), as well as Sitanggang (2009) stated that in general the business community timber plants serve only as a sideline and not be the main source of income. This indicates that the plantation business has not been attractive to farmers. In other words business plantation business can not be relied upon household income. These condition raises questions about the feasibility of HTR. Therefore the feasibility analysis of CBPF is necessary to study. Besides the financial feasibility studies, also necessary to study the marketing of CBPF product. HTR production marketing study include the potential for timber and nontimber markets resulting from the HTR, channel marketing timber and non-timber products from the grower farmers and industries, as well as the profits distribution of each market actors along the market chain. The feasibility analysis will ultimately determine the standard price of CBPF products produced. Standard pricing by the government is expected to be a policy that can be a driving force for the development of CBPF in Indonesia. The study was conducted in North Sulawesi that has reserve HTR area covering 48.140 ha. Applied pattern is developer pattern. North Sulawesi province declared as one example of the successful development of HTR developer pattern. This is reflected in the data of actual credit agreement in July of 2010. KTH amount of the loan agreement which has as many as 24.321 238 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair households consisting KTH IUPHHK HTR shareholders with total area of 3.960 hectares spread over 3 districts. The amount of the credit platform of Rp. 21.995.238.200, -. (Rahmadi, 2013). B. Problem Formulation Good understanding of the relationships / interactions occurring market reciprocity will allow to improve the livelihood of small farmers to direct their production to fulfill market opportunities. This study aims to answer some fundamental questions relating to the feasibility of HTR, optimal pricing of mutual benefit between all actors of forest products marketing. Therefore the main problems to be answered in this study are : a. Whether HTR business is financially feasible ? b. How the marketing channels as well as the margin share and marketing efficiency of CBPF products ? c. How much the standard price of CBPF product so that all segments of market participants to obtain a reasonable profit? d. What are the problems faced by both farmers and traders, and what opportunities that can be done to improve the better market for mutual benefit? C. Hypothesis Hypothesis are constructed in this study are : 1. CBPF development worthy of being a mainstay of the family business due to financially viable and has a prospective market 2. There are opportunities to further expand of CBPF development and government policies are needed to regulate the standard price as well as facilitation in providing market opportunities. D. Objectives The objectives to be achieved from economic studies and standard prices of CBPF products include the following : 1. Analyze the financial feasibility of HTR development 2. Inventory of patterns HTR's product marketing in North Sulawesi 3. Standard prices analysis of HTR products. 4. Identify problems and constraints in the implementation of the HTR program in North Sulawesi 5. Make recommendations for policy HTR development. E. Outputs and Outcomes Economic studies and standard prices of HTR product will result in the following outputs : 1. Data and information relating to the financial viability HTR management. 2. Data and information related to markets and marketing system in the management of HTR. 3. Data and information on the standard price of forest products. 4. Data and information management conditions HTR 5. Formulation of policies and development strategies HTR. 239 The expected outcomes of this study is terbangunanya Forest Plantation business system that is beneficial to all parties involved in the development of HTR. Making HTR as a mainstay of business for farmers – HTR IUPHHK holders, and support business activities of production and marketing of the industry for HTR. The expected outcomes of this study is the establishment of forest plantation business system that is beneficial to all parties involved in the development of HTR. HTR is a mainstay business for farmers which support the timber industry production. II. RESEARCH METHODS A. Location and Respondents HTR program implementation in North Sulawesi province just found in three districts namely North Minahasa regency (Kab. Minut) , South Minahasa regency (Kab. Minsel) , and Bolaang East Bolaang regency (Kab. Boltim). Each district selected by purposive respondents who have obtained forest utilization license as samples in this study. In Minut district selected 20 respondents, in Minsel district selected 12 respondents and in the Boltim District selected 8 respondents. Thus there are 40 holders of forest utilization license as respondents. In order to assess the marketing channels conducted interviews with market participants. Determination marketing institutions involved as respondents through snowballs sampling are based on information from the farmer to whom the commodities sold and who is often involved in the purchase and trade of sengon wood. Thus selected 15 respondents with details of 8 respondents from local traders and 5 respondents from middlemen and 2 respondents from province traders in Manado City. Primary data were collected through interviews using a structured questionnaire and through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on farmers HTR and marketing actors. B. Data Analysis 1. Financial Feasibility Analysis Investment criteria used to analysis for HTR feasibility in North Sulawesi are: - Net Present Value (NPV). Annotation: n NPV ¦ t 1 240 Bt Ct 1 i t Bt = Benefit of project in year t Ct = Cost of project in year t t = time periode of the investment i = interest rate International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Investment criteria: If NPV > 0, its means the project is profitable because the benefit received is greater than total cost incurred. If NPV = 0, its mean break even because the benefits are just enough to cover the total costs incurred. If NPV < 0, its mean the project not profitable becouse total cost incurred is greater than benefits - Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) Annotation: n B Bt ¦ t i 1 1 i n Ct ¦ t i 1 1 i C Bt = Benefit in year-t Ct = Cost in year-t i = interest rate t = time periode of the investment n = life time of project Investment criteria: If B/C>1 = profitable If B/C<1 = not profitable - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ܴܴܫൌ ݅ଵ ܸܰܲଵ ሺ݅ െ ݅ଵ ሻ ܸܰܲଵ െ ܸܰܲଶ ଶ Annotation: - NPV1 - NPV2 = NPV is the smallest negative value - i1 = Interest rate that generate the smallest positive NPV - i2 = Interest rate that generate the smallest negative NPV = NPV is the smallest positive value Investment criteria: 2. - If IRR > i ; its means an investment is feasible to do - If IRR = i ; its means an investment is break even - If IRR < i ; its means an investment is not feasible to do Marketing Aanalysis Marketing efficiency can be determined through the analysis of (1) profit margin, (2) marketing margin, and (3) operational efficiency by using the parameter mark up on selling (Desai, 2001). 241 1. Profit Margin: ܵ݇݅ ൌ ݇݅ ͳͲͲΨ ܲ ݎെ ܲܨ ܾܵ݅ ൌ ܾ݅ ͳͲͲΨ ܲ ݎെ ܲܨ ܵ ൌ ݂ܲ ͳͲͲΨ ܲݎ 2. Marketing Margin: Mp = Pr – Pf atau MP = ∑ bi + ∑ ki 3. Mark up on selling ݈݈݃݊݅݁ݏ݊ݑ݇ݎܽܯൌ ͳͲͲΨ ݈ܽݑܬܽ݃ݎܽܪ Where : Mp = Marketing Margin; Pr = Price at consumer level(user); Pf = Price at Producers level(farm) bi = marketing cost at i; ki = profit at i; Ski, Sbi = Part of the benefits received marketing agency; Sp = amount of the contribution prices received by producers 3. Floor Price Analysis In order to assess the floor prices of timber produced by forest farmers can be used three approaches namely market price, standing stock price and social or parity price. (Irawati, at all, 2008) Market prices are formed by the market mechanism through transaction process among consumers and producers who met in the marketplace. Market price data can be obtained from HTR farmers, traders at the village level and in the industry that buy directly to farmers. Stumpage price reflect the floor value of the stand. Stumpage price is formed by total cost in production process. HTR development cost is total cost incurred ranging from the cost of procurement of seeds, planting activities and maintenance cost until the tree ready to cut. Social/parity price is the price that reflects best allocation of resources to produce the highest profits. Social price calculated on the basis of the opportunity cost of the most profitable alternative of wood products by parity approached. Social price derived from the international market price at the gate industry. C. 242 Assumptions International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair In financial analysis and marketing required some the assumptions as the basis for calculation. The assumption is expected to approach the actual state or condition of the field and should be appropriate scientifically justifiable. The assumptions used are as follows: 1. Total cost of CBPF construction for one rotation sengon forest (8 years) was Rp. 8.531.900/Ha. It is based on the Regulation of Forest Development Funding Head. No. P.01/P2H-1/2010 on January 21, 2010. 2. Sengon diameter (D) average at 8-year-old is 37.6 cm, bole height (T) is 10 m so that the volume average of 0.78 m3/pohon. Valume tree is calculated by the formula: V = ¼ x 22/7 x D2 x T x 0.7 3. There are 400 trees/Ha are grown until the 8th year. This is consistent with the minimum requirements specified in the assessment of HTR outcomes 4. Interest rate (i) used is 10% per year. 5. HTR analysis unit used is 1 (one) hectare. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Analisis Finansial CBPF 1. CBPF Activity Process HTR development in North Sulawesi province was conducted with the concept of SFM (Sustainable Forest Management). It means that the criterion is measured based on the sustainable annual allowable cutting (AAC) same every year. This concept is similar in the HTI (Industrial Plantation Forest) that planting area designed same every year so that the results of timber harvesting the same every year too. Thus, there are activities that are carried out simultaneously and overlapping. The following table describe the activities carried out during one rotation. Table 1. HTR development activities conducted in every year Year No A Activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLANTATION 1 Nursery √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 Land preparation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 Planting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B PRESERVATION 1 Preservation in year 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 243 Year No Activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 Preservation in year 2 3 Preservation in year 3 4 Continued preservation 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 Continued preservation 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ C FOREST PROTECTION 1 Pest and disease controling √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 Fire control √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 Forest protection √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ D HARVESTING √ 2. Elements Cost of HTI Development In order to implement HTR development program, the government provides soft loan facility for the communities to be used as working capital to finance all activities (for one rotation). The amount of soft loan given is Rp. 8.5319 million for each hectare. This is set up through the Regulation Forest Development Funding Head, No. P.01/P2H-1/2010 0n January 21, 2010 about the Component Costs Financed by Forest Development Financing Center for CBPF Development and Industrial Forest Plantation, as detailed in the following table. Table 2. Elements Cost of HTI Development Per Hectar No A Activities Area unit (Ha) PLANTATION 1 Nursery Ha 2.038.200 2 Land preparation Ha 2.706.500 3 Planting Ha 575.700 Total A 244 Cost unit (Rp) International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 5.320.400 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair No Activities B Area unit (Ha) Cost unit (Rp) PRESERVATION 1 Preservation in year 1 Ha 911.200 2 Preservation in year 2 Ha 717.700 3 Preservation in year 3 Ha 630.000 4 Continued preservation 1 Ha 358.300 5 Continued preservation 2 Ha 179.100 Total B C 2.796.300 FOREST PROTECTION 1 Pest and disease controling Ha 219.200 2 Fire control Ha 93.000 3 Forest protection Ha 103.000 Total C 415.200 Total A + B + C 3. Ha 8.531.900 Income from CBPF Development The cropping pattern is done by the community in HTR area is a monoculture, thus, revenue is expected at the end of sengon rotation just timber. Based on the assumptions in this study as well as market price of sengon’s logs, the farmer income of HTR development about Rp. 46.800.000/ha. Table 3. Farmer’s income from CBPF development per hectar No. Number of Trees (logs) 1 Logs Volume (m3) 400 312 Market Price (Rp/m3) 150.000 Income (Rp/ha) 46.800.000 Sources: Primary data analysis 4. NPV, BCR, and IRR Analysis Investment criteria that used to assess the feasibility of HTR project is NPV, BCR, IRR (Andayani, 2008). Financial feasibility analysis of HTR project using a discount rate of 10% (adjusted for deposit 245 rates State Bank in 2012). The calculation results of HTR businesses financial feasibility analysis presented in the following table. 246 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Nursery Land preparation Planting PRESERVATION Preservation in year 1 Preservation in year 2 Preservation in year 3 Continued preservation 1 Continued preservation 2 FOREST PROTECTION Pest and disease controling Fire control Forest protection 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 4 5 C 1 2 3 247 PLANTATION Activity A No 103.000 93.000 219.200 911.200 575.700 2.706.500 2.038.200 0 717.700 1 630.000 2 Tabel 4. Financial Feasibility Analysis of HTR project per hectare in North Sulawesi 358.300 3 Year 179.100 4 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair ... 8 Total 248 DB = Discount Benefit International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Ket : DF = Discount Factor; DC = Discount Cost; i = interest rate 13.621.106 24,94 (122.328) IRR (269.196) 1,60 (520.661) 21.832.545 46.800.000 8.531.900 Total BCR (652.455) 21.832.545 (6.646.800) 122.328 NPV 269.196 0,683 21.832.545 520.661 0,751 DB (i = 10%) 652.455 0,826 6.646.800 0,909 DC (i = 10%) 8 0,467 ... 1,000 179.100 4 DF (i = 10%) 358.300 3 46.800.000 630.000 2 REVENUE/Ha 717.700 1 E 6.646.800 0 Year TOTAL COST/Ha Activity D No Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Based on the calculation results of NPV is Rp 13,621,106, - (NPV> 0), so it can be concluded that HTR development is profitable because the benefits received by the project is greater than all the total costs incurred. Calculation of BCR is to determine whether a particular sacrifice will obtain greater benefits. Calculation results of BCR showed positive values (1,60). It means that business HTR is stated feasible. It also means that any expenditure is Rp. 1 will give you the benefit is Rp 1.60. IRR value shows the average rate of annual profits for companies that invest in the project and expressed in units of percent (Gittinger, 1986). Based on the calculations, the value of IRR is 24.94%, which means that HTR Sengon business is very feasible because the value of the benefits are greater than the bank rate prevailing now. B. Marketing Analysis of HTR Product 1. Marketing Channel Patterns of HTR Product Number of marketing actors who engage in marketing timber activities in North Sulawesi there are four, namely: 1. Farmer/Producers Farmers / Producers is the forest land owner or license holder of HTR development. 2. Mi d dle ma n Merupakan traders yang membeli pohon berdiri dan menjualnya dengan merubah bentuk atau masih bentuk gelondongan (log). Kayu-kayu tersebut dikumpulkan dan diletakkan di tepi jalan. Tengkulak atau calo kayu ini sama dengan istilah “pengepul” di Jawa. Middleman are traders who buy logs from farmers and sell again to other traders . Middlemen or brokers is the same term of "pengepul" in Java. 3. Local Tra de rs Local traders is a intermediate traders who sells timber and wood logs that have changed form and usually have a mini sawmill. 4. Provincial Traders Provincial traders are traders who buy and hold wood from brokers and local traders to be sold to sawmills or other consumers. This traders also bought processed wood (poles, boards, battens, rafters) and then collected in a place (shop) for sale this product. In general marketing activities by actors timber marketing in North Sulawesi forming in 4 (four) pattern, namely: 1. Patern 1 : Producers (farmer) - Consumer (middleman, and users). Producers conduct marketing activities ranging from tree harvesting to delivery of wood to consumer. 2. Patern 2 : Producers – Middleman – Consumer. Marketing activities carried out by middlemen to 249 the consumer by buying a tree stand from producers and then sell to consumers. 3. Patern 3 : Producers – Local Traders – Consumer. Marketing activities carried out by local traders to the consumer while producers selling trees standing. 4. Patern 4 : Producers – Middleman – Provincial Traders – Consumer. Marketing activities carried out by middlemen and provincial traders followed to the consumer while producers selling trees standing to middleman. There are several methods used in sale of timber/logs in North Sulawesi, among: 1. Farmer sells directly the wood to middlemen by mention physical conditions such as type of wood, age, and volume of logs. 2. Middlemen observed previously community-owned timber plantations. If there is any type and size of timber needed it will immediately ask whether to sell or not. 3. Middlemen get information from other community. The information is followed up with a survey directly to the location of stand. Generally people who have provided the information getting reward from the middlemen. Once one of these three processes are implemented, then the farmer and middleman immediately make a bargain price until the transaction. In the process of the transaction discussed the deal with the system of payment whether cash or installments. 2. Marketing Margin and Profit Margin Analysis According to Philip Kotler (1997) definition of margin carries two meanings: (1) the difference between the price paid by the final consumer price received by producers, (2) fees and marketing services required as a result of demand and supply of services marketing. Thus the marketing margin represents the difference between the price level retailers with price-level producers (fishermen or farmer). Marketing margins just shows the difference between the retail price and farmer and did not give a statement about the number of products being marketed. While the value of marketing margin is the multiplication of the number of products that are marketed To determine the distribution of the benefits derived by each of businessmen, the following describes the structure of the acquisition that started construction cost analysis sengon stand up to the determination of the selling price. a. Market price of Sengon logs Sengon cropping pattern conducted in monoculture with a target initial planting 500-600 trees on the assumption that there is a minimum of 400 trees alive until the end of the rotation sengon (age 8 years). Based on farmer experience in the field and supported by several studies (Andayani, 2008; son, 2006; Sitanggang, 2009) that the plant sengon 8-year-old has reached an average diameter of 37.6 cm with a height of 10 m free branches. Thus the volume of logs obtained sengon average 0.78 m3/logs. 250 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Based on a market survey and interviews with the farmer HTR and timber traders by focus group discussion method has obtained information that the market price sengon log is Rp. 150,000/m3. b. Marketing Cost Analysis Marketing costs incurred respective businessmen include chainsaw costs (felling and bucking), transportation costs (from forest to market, and the cost of loading and unloading), and administrative costs and other charges. Here is rekaptulasi marketing costs based on existing marketing patterns in North Sulawesi. Table 5. Cost Marketing unit for each m3 of Sengon logd in North Sulawesi. Marketing Cost (Rp/m3) No Cost Unit Patern 1 Patern 2 Patern 3 Patern 4 1 Chainsaw man fees 70.000 65.000 65.000 65.000 2 Transportation cost to TPN by cows 45.000 45.000 45.000 45.000 3 Transportation cost by truk 60.000 55.000 55.000 55.000 4 Loading and unloading cost 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 5 Retribution, taxes and license fees 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 6 Loading and unloading cost 7 Transportation cost by truk Total - - - 20.000 30.000 225.000 215.000 215.000 265.000 Sources: Primary data analysis c. Analisis Margin Pemasaran dan Margin Keuntungan Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi pemasaran kayu bulat Sengon di Provinsi Slawesi Utara adalah dengan menggunakan analisis margin pemasaran (marketing margin) dan margin keuntungan (profit margin) sebagaimana disajikan pada tabel berikut ini. 251 Table 6. Distribution of Marketing Margin and Profit Margin. Patern 1 Activity Price (Rp/m3 Patern 2 Share (%) Price (Rp/m3 Patern 3 Share (%) Price (Rp/m3 Patern 4 Share (%) Price (Rp/m3 Share (%) Production cost 150.000 35 150.000 32 150.000 30 150.000 29 Marketing Cost: 225.000 52 215.000 45 215.000 43 215.000 41 - Chainsaw man fees 70.000 16 65.000 14 65.000 13 65.000 12 - Transportation cost to 45.000 10 45.000 9 45.000 9 45.000 9 60.000 14 55.000 12 55.000 11 55.000 10 and 20.000 5 20.000 4 20.000 4 20.000 4 - Retribution, taxes and 30.000 7 30.000 6 30.000 6 30.000 6 Selling logs Price 430.000 100 475.000 100 500.000 100 450.000 86 Profit Margin 55.000 13 110.000 23 135.000 27 85.000 16 320.000 68 350.000 70 300.000 57 Marketing Cost: 50.000 10 - Transportation cost by 30.000 6 20.000 4 525.000 100 Profit Margin 25.000 5 Marketing Margin 75.000 14 TPN by cows - Transportation cost by truk - Loading unloading cost license fees Marketing Margin 280.000 65 Traders truk - Loading and unloading cost Selling logs Price Sources: Primary data analysis 252 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Based on the calculation results of profit margins and marketing margins distribution above, we can obtained the following information: - Patern 1: farmers' profit margins 13% (Rp. 55.000/m3) and marketing margin 65% (Rp. 280,000). - Patern 2: middlemen profit margin 23% (Rp. 110.000/m3) and marketing margin 68% (Rp. 320.000/m3) - Patern 3: local traders profit margin 27% (Rp. 135.000/m3) and marketing margin 70% (Rp. 350.000/m3) - Patern 4: middlemen profit margin 16% (Rp. 85.000/m3) and marketing margin 57% (Rp. 300.000/m3), while provincial traders earn profit margin 5% (Rp. 25.000/m3) and marketing margin 14% (Rp. 75.000/m3). Further information obtained that the profit distribution gains of the four market participants like farmers, middlemen, traders and provincial traders are not evenly distributed. Distribution where the biggest profits are earned by local traders about 27 % (Rp. 135.000/m3), while the farmer/producers gain second smallest profit distributions at 13% (Rp. 55.000/m3). It can be concluded that the marketing or marketing system logs in North Sulawesi are inefficient due to the distribution of profits earned by individual market participants do not provide a sense of justice in accordance with the sacrifice (cost of investment) . According Andayani (2008) that in order to assess the level of efficiency of the trade system of a product or service can be judged from the size distribution of the benefits of each offender marketing. A system is said to be efficient if the trading system between actors marketing investment percentage is comparable to the percentage gains among actors in the marketing of these products . It also means that the greatest actors should invest in marketing the biggest gain among the actors of marketing and vice versa. d. Operational Efficiency Analysis According Andayani (2007), to analyze the level of operational efficiency of marketing then used an analysis based on a mark-up on selling value (mark-up value based selling Price). Value of roundwood marketing operational efficiency sengon in North Sulawesi Patern contained in the distribution of benefits of the various market participants (Patern 1 to 4). Based on the above table it obtained information regarding the level of operational efficiency of marketing and distribution of the benefits received by each businesses marketing by marketing Patern in North Sulawesi province as in the following table. 253 Table 7. Operational Efficiency Value and Marketing Benefits Distribution. Patern Marketing Actors Marketing Magin 3 (Rp/m ) Price (Rp/m3) Mark up on Selling (%) 1 Farmer 280.000 430.000 65,12 2 Middleman 325.000 475.000 68,42 3 Local Traders 350.000 500.000 70,00 4 Middleman 300.000 450.000 66,67 5 Provincial Traders 75.000 525.000 14,29 Sources: Primary data analysis According to Kohls, RL (1967), the criteria for assessing whether an efficient market mechanism if market mechanisms are capable of delivering products or services from producer to consumer with the lowest possible cost and the equitable distribution of benefits of the price given to the consumer market institutions involved. Based on the data in Table 7, obtained information that the efficiency of marketing operations logs sengon in North Sulawesi ranged between 14.29% s / d 70.00%. Lowest efficiency values obtained by provincial traders only 14.29. This is due to marketing costs (sacrifices) well at least that only Rp. 50.000/m3 where provincial traders transportation costs only. While the largest efficiency values obtained by local traders in the amount 70% with an average profit of Rp. 135.000/m3. While the efficiency of farmer/producers of 65.12% with an average profit of Rp. 55.000/m3. Efficiency value middlemen at 68.42% with a mean profit of Rp. 110.000/m3 (Patern 2) and 66.76% with a mean profit of Rp. 85.000/m3 (Patern 4). It can be concluded that Sengon timber marketing pattern in North Sulawesi is not efficient because of the benefits distribution of the marketing actors are not evenly distributed. It can be seen indicators of differences in efficiency value that is wide enough between 14.29 s / d 70% (there is a wide disparity of 55.71%). Differences can also be seen that the profit margin that market participants received between Rp. 25.000/m3 s / d Rp. 135.000/m3 (there are wide disparities about Rp. 110.000/m3). C. Floor Price Analysis of HTR Products To set a floor price policy of HTR timber can be used three approaches, namely market price, stumpage Price, and social/parity price (Irawati, at all, 2008). 1. Market Price Market price is prices established through market mechanisms, which through attraction process between consumer and producers who meet in market. Based on a market survey and focus group 254 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair interviews with the farmer HTR and timber traders obtained information that the average market price sengon at site is Rp. 150.000/m3. 2. Stumpage Price Price stump is the level of prices that reflect the value of the stand. Price calculation Sengon stump in North Sulawesi is Rp. 115 270 s / d Rp. 123 273 per m3, which was calculated as follows: Tabel 8. Stumpage price Calculation of Sengon Log in North Sulawesi No 1 Cost Elements Production cost at year 0 Rotation (year) Interest rate per year (%) 2 Stumpage value at year8 (Rp/ha) Production (m3/ha) 3 Stumpage value (m3/ha) Value in Rp. and % 8.531.900 8 8% - 10% 15.791.951 - 18.288.885 312 50.615 - 58.618 Profit (15%) 8.793 Risk (10%) 5.862 4 Stumpage value after profit 59.408 - 67.411 5 Stumpage value after profit + resiko 65.270 - 73.273 6 Land owner fees (per m3) Stumpage value after profit + resiko +fee (Rp/m3) 50.000 115.270 - 123.273 Sources: Primary data analysis 3. Sosial Price Social/parity price is the best price allocation of resources so as to produce the highest profits. Social price calculated on the basis of which opportunity cost of the most profitable alternative HTR business that approached parity prices. HTR social price of timber derived from the international market price. 255 Community timber sold to factories that will process further into the export commodity is calculated based social price processing plant sale at the door. Social price sengon logs in North Sulawesi Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3, which was calculated as follows. Table 9. Social Price Calculation of Sengon Logs in North Sulawesi No Price and Cost Value (Rp/m3) 1 Logs Price at industry gate 470.000 - 500.000 2 Cost elements 230.000 - 275.000 - Chainsaw man fees 65.000 - 75.000 - Transportation cost to TPN by cows 45.000 - 55.000 - Transportation cost by truk 60.000 - 70.000 - Loading and unloading cost 30.000 - 40.000 - Retribution, taxes and license fees 30.000 - 35.000 Social Price of Sengon Logs 240.000 - 225.000 Sources: Primary data analysis Based on the standard price analysis of sengon logs using three approaches, namely market price, stumpage price and parity price, we obtained information that partitas price provide the highest value, and then market and last stumpages price. Sequentially value of stump price is Rp. 115.270 to Rp. 123.273 per m3, market price Rp. 150.000/m3 and parity/social price Rp. 225.000 to Rp. 240.000 per m3. When we use the reference standard pricing policy is based on the stumpage price it means farmer only earn income based on production cost plus profit margin. When using market price means HTR farmers earn additional profits slightly larger than stumpage price. When using parity/social price as standard price means the sale of wood products HTR farmer get maximum profit from HTR business. Base on the third method analysis above, it is recommended that the determination of the standard sengon logs price in North Sulawesi should refer to the parity price about Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3 in standing stock level. It is based on the consideration that: - Timber market mechanisms in North Sulawesi have not been efficient where traders earn greater profit margin than farmer (the largest capital owners) so there are still opportunities to improve the market mechanism to be efficient so that determination of standard price of Sengon logs is Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3 in standing stock level is still very rational / marketable. 256 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair - HTR farmers' bargaining position is very weak in determining the selling price. Current pricing is determined dominant by the buyers/traders so the market price is still lower than reasonable so it is relevant to determine the standard price about Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3. - Thus, the HTR farmers will be encouraged and motivated to manage HTR because of significant benefit to the HTR program success rates can be higher and faster in improving the economy of the communities around the forest (in accordance with the principle of the development of propoor, pro-growth , pro-jobs, and pro-environment). To protect the rights of farmers in order to obtain a reasonable price, it can be done by setting the standard price of Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3 in stand-level. Thus government policy intervention is required to issue a Decree of the Ministry of Forestry for each type of wood as a guide in the marketing system in each province in Indonesia. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions. 1. HTR development in North Sulawesi has a huge potential to be developed in terms of all aspects of financial feasibility is based on investment criteria such NPV = Rp. 13,621,106; BCR = 1.60, and IRR = 24.94%. The third investment criterion is stated worth the effort because it is profitable. 2. There are four marketing patterns in North Sulawesi. Of those four Patern showed the biggest profit margins respectively are local traders 27% (Rp. 135.000/m3), then middlemen 23% (Rp. 110.000/m3), and then the farmer 13 % (Rp. 55.000/m3) and the last provincial traders about 5% (25.000/m3). 3. The biggest marketing margin earned by local traders about 70% (Rp. 350.000/m3), then middlemen 68% (Rp. 320.000/m3), then farmer 65% (Rp. 280.000/m3) and least by provincial traders about 14% (Rp. 75.000/m3). 4. The biggest marketing operational efficiency level obtained by local traders which is 70%, then by middleman at 68.42%, and 66.76%, then by the farmer at 65.12% and least by the provincial traders at 14.29%. Thus government policy interventions need to create perfectly competitive marketing system so HTR program profitable for the farmer. 5. Marketing system of logs in North Sulawesi have not efficient both in terms of marketing margin and profit margins criteria and marketing operational efficiency criteria. 6. The floor price sales of sengon logs in North Sulawesi should be determined by government policy intervention to obtain profer basis price in order to protect HTR business farmer. Standard price determination of Sengon logs in North Sulawesi should refer to the parity price about Rp. 225,000 to Rp. 240,000 per m3 in standing stock level. B. Recommendations 1. Infrastructures facilities need to repair such as roads access to the site to be accessible by vehicles/truck so transportation cost can be reduced. Thus farmers' incomes could more increase. 257 2. Wood industry needs to be built near the site to accommodate the HTR products in the second crop rotation. 3. More selective in choosing a credible developer with experience in forest plantation development so do not be a limiting factor in the HTR development. 4. Perlu verifikasi lapangan untuk memastikan farmer yang akan mendapat IUPHHK HTR adalah farmer penggarap di lokasi HTR agar tidak terjadi konflik lahan diantara farmer HTR seperti yang terjadi sekarang. 5. More accurate in the field verification to ensure that the farmer will get the HTR management right is a farmer cultivators in order to avoid land conflicts between farmer HTR as is happening now. REFERENCES Andayani, W., 2008. Pemasaran Hasil Hutan. Lecture Notes. Jurusan manajemen Hutan. Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Tidak dipublikasikan) Boyd, H, Orville,C, Walker, J, Claude, L. 2000. Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta:Edisi dua Erlangga. Darusman, D., Hardjanto. 2006. Tinjauan ekonomi hutan rakyat. Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan. Bogor: Pusat Litbang Hasil Hutan. hlm: 4-13. Djamin, Z. 1984. Perencanaan dan Analisis Proyek edisi 1. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi. UI Press. Gittinger, J. 1986. Analisis Proyek Pertanian. Jakarta: UI-Press Husnan, S dan Suwarsono. 1994 Studi Kelayakan Proyek. Edisi revisi 1. Yogyakarta UPP AMP YKPN. Irawati, S., Maryani, R., Effendi, R., Hakim, I., Dwiparabowo, H., 2008. Kebijakan Penetapan Price Dasar Penjualan Kayu HTR Dalam Rangka Pengembangan HTR. Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan, Vol. 2. Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Kehutanan. Bogor. Kadariah, Karlina, L dan Clive, G. 1978. Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek. Jakarta:Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Kohls, R.L. 1967. Marketing of Agricultural Products. The Macmillan Company. New York. Kotler, P. 1997. Manajemen Pemasaran. Edisi sembilan. Prentice–Hall Inc. New Jersey. Lubis, S.U., 2010. Manfaat Ekonomi Sistem Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat di Sekitar Taman Nasional Batang Gadis (Studi Kasus: Desa Hutarimbaru Dan Desa Tolang, Kecamatan Ulu Pungkut, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal) [Skripsi]. Medan: Departemen Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Putra, AEN. 2006. Analisis Sistem Tataniaga Kayu Jenis Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria) dan Prospek Pengembangannya. Skripsi Fakultas Pertanian IPB (tidak dipublikasikan). Rahmadi, A.I.,(2013). Progres pembangunan HTR Yang Dibiayai Pinjaman Dana Bergulir di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Makalah Kapus P2H Pada Seminar Evaluasi Kinerja Debitur HTR di Prov. Sulut. 258 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Economy Study and Standard Price of Community-based Plantation…... Kristian Mair Sitanggang, P.H., 2009. Manfaat Ekonomi Sistm Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat (Studi Kasus: Dusun Marubun Pane Kecamatan Tigarunggu Kabupaten Simalungun) [Skripsi]. Medan: Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara. 259 260 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation…... Yanto Santosa Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation Methods for Wildlife Sustainable Harvesting in Natural Habitats1 Yanto Santosa2 ABSTRACT Wildlife harvesting from natural population is essential to increase a species population growth rate and local welfare as a source of revenue. This paper compared three sustainable harvesting quota calculation methods in terms of the number of harvest, population sustainability and ease of use. Sustainable harvesting quota calculation method which was based on the difference between population size and minimum viable population (MVP) was proved to be the best (number of harvest), safe (guaranteed sustainable population) and easy to use as compared to other methods based on the differences between population size and carrying capacity and population size and half of carrying capacity. Estimation of habitat carrying capacity of species with multi dietary feed is very difficult to perform since weights/coefficients for each type of feed consumed varied with sex and age class or body weight and the estimation productivity of each source of feed varied according to physical and biotic environmental conditions. Such conditions have made "carrying capacity estimation value" inappropriate. Furthermore, the size of harvest would likely be lower when the current population size reached its carrying capacity, since growth rate/population growth was close to zero. Keywords: harvesting quota, minimum viable population, carrying capacity, growth rate I. INTRODUCTION Indonesia has an important position in terms of global biodiversity, since it is one of the ten countries with the richest biodiversity, often known as megadiversity country (Primack et al. 1998 in Bappenas, 2003). Although it covers only 1.3% of the total global landmass, Indonesia harbours a very high fauna species diversity: about 12% of world’s mammal (515 species, 39% endemic), second in the world; 7.3% of world’s reptiles (511 species, 150 endemic), fourth in the world; 17% of the total bird species (1531 species, 397 endemic), fifth in the world; 270 species amphibians (100 endemic), sixth in the world and 2827 invertebrate species. Furthermore, Indonesia is home to 35 primate species (ranks fourth in the world, (18% endemic) and 121 butterfly species (44% endemic). Perhaps Indonesia is the only country after Brazil and maybe Colombia that has the highest 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Wildlife Ecology and Management Section, Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, 261 freshwater fish diversity, about 1400 species (Dephut 1994; Mittermeier et al. 1997 in Bappenas, 2003). Preservation and protection of fauna diversity can be performed through the establishment of protected areas and the ratification of protected species through laws and regulations or regulatory policies. No wonder that the government policies represented by the Ministry of Forestry prior to 1990, tent to “restrict” the use of fauna by the community. New opportunities rises after the enactment of Act No. 5 of 1990, which stated that: “Indonesian natural resources and their ecosystems which are bestowed by God Almighty and have an important role for human life, need to be managed and utilized sustainably, in harmony, harmonious and balanced for the welfare of the present and the future generation of the people of Indonesia in particular and mankind in general “. In the framework of liability for the wildlife that can be exploited, Indonesia has ratified CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in 1978, through the Presidential Decree No. 43 of 1978. Subsequent harvesting of natural wildlife was regulated through harvesting quota as stipulated in the Government Regulation No. 8 of 1999 on Utilization of Wildlife. Unfortunately, the determination of harvesting quotas (especially for Long Tailed Macaque) has not been specified based on valid population demographic data, time-series and has not used proper calculation formula (Santosa and Indriani 2010). Quota determination is currently only based on the realization of the development of quota fulfilment from the past 3 years. Therefore it is important to answer the following fundamental question: Which harvesting quota calculation method can ensure the sustainability of a population? Before answering the key question, it is useful to first discuss the importance of harvesting in wildlife management. II. THE IMPORTANCE OF HARVESTING Historical records showed that since the beginning of its existence, man has harvested biological resources for the fulfilment of their basic needs which then grow into a source of livelihood either as main or secondary sources. Such shift in harvesting motive from “subsistence” to “benefit oriented” is presumably one important reason why until now, policy-setting conservation areas or protected status for certain wildlife species often received antagonistic responses from the local communities. Fears of accelerated extinction of certain wildlife species indicated by the increasing number of wildlife that are given the “protection” status had unfortunately become a “commodity” with high sales value for “NGO Conservationist” and for policy makers to receive “attention/grant/assistance” from domestic and foreign stakeholders who are preservation conscious. On the contrary, to the local community, this condition has severely pressure their day-to-day survival. Similarly, for entrepreneurs, the costs became even greater, which resulted in low profits. That is probably the reason why Act No 5 of 1990 was interpreted as “controversial”. The phrase “needs to be managed and utilized sustainably, in harmony, harmonious and balanced for the welfare of the people of Indonesia” on one hand is a breath of fresh air for the local communities and wildlife entrepreneurs. On the other hand, other parties who have received much benefits from selling “the issue of extinction”, such sentence is like an early death “drums” for animals that they were protecting. Yet, if examined closely, it is clear that wildlife utilization is allowed under Act No. 5 of 1990 if and only 262 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation…... Yanto Santosa if, it is utilized sustainably in harmony, harmonious and balance for the local welfare of the society. Within that regard, it is necessary to have a comprehensive answer to the question: “How does harvesting impact the development of wildlife populations and local communities?” Many wildlife population demographics researchers (Caughley 1977; Bailey 1984; Dubray 1988; Gonzalez 1987) find that harvesting intended to balance the sex-ratio is required in wildlife management. In general, sex-ratio in nature is always close to 1:1 (where opportunities of male and female born were equal to 0.5), whereas the optimum sex-ratio in most wildlife is 1: 4 (deer, elephants, etc.) or even 1:15 for groups of long-tailed macaques (Santosa 1996). The term “optimum” is used since it is under such sex-ratio figures that the highest number or birth rate occurred. Furthermore, harvesting that is conducted at the time of the highest population growth rate (r max) is required to maintain the level of population growth rate. For populations that are harvested continuously, graph of the population growth would resemble a saw blade shaped, and that the total population size would never reach their habitat carrying capacity. Similarly, harvesting that is performed when the population size reaches the habitat carrying capacity would create individual animals with better body weight and health than those that are not harvested. Harvesting should absolutely be conducted when a population is experiencing explosion and or has been considered as “pests”/disturbing to the surrounding community (Tarumingkeng 1994; Santosa 2006). Harvesting effort is intended to balance population size in the context of natural ecosystem food chain. Additionally, Riffle, S K & Don White, Jrd (2009) in their article entitled “Management of Wildlife Harvested Populations” state that “reason for wildlife harvesting can be summarized in 5 major areas and, in each, the goal of a harvest strategy would be different. 1. Management Tool Harvests can benefit both humans and ecosystems when they are used as a management tool to preserve populations or to mitigate effects of human activities. Harvests are often an effective way to reduce populations of overabundant wildlife, reduce human-wildlife conflicts, and eradicate invasive and exotic organisms. Sport hunting is commonly referred to as managing with a gun. For example, historical conversion of land in eastern North America from forest to agricultural land uses has facilitated an increase in Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater), a nest parasite, which contributes to declining populations of some songbirds. For songbirds with small population sizes or limited ranges, removing cowbirds can help sustain populations (Morrison et al. 1999). Similarly, predator removal (i.e., harvesting) is needed to increase breeding success of waterfowl in some management areas (e.g., Garrettson and Rohwer 2001). Additionally, non-native, introduced species (exotics) can have profound impacts on native species and ecosystems, such that harvests may be effective over broad areas of habitat. For example, feral hogs (Sus scrofa) can cause great damage to both native ecosystems and agricultural crops, and the only effective means of control currently available is harvest (e.g., Engeman et al. 2007). 263 2. Nutrition For many rural populations, especially in developing countries, hunting supplies the primary source of protein in human diets. Subsistence hunting provides substantial nutrients, calories and protein in 62 countries worldwide (Bennett and Robinson 2000). The anthropocentric goal would be to provide enough sustainable harvest to meet basic nutritional needs. In most ancient societies, a successful hunt not only fed one’s family, but also brought respect from both family and community (Bolen and Robinson 2002). Although today most humans acquire their food from commercial stores, hunting and harvesting of wild populations will undoubtedly continue. Hunting of wildlife for food (i.e. bushmeat hunting) is today considered a significant threat to conservation of wildlife diversity in tropical forest (Robin son et al. 1999; Milner-Gulland & Bennett 2003). Particularly in Africa the available information indicates that hunting is often not sustainable and wildlife populations have shown consistent declines or become locally extirpated (see Robinson & Bennett 2000). Tropical forests have traditionally been an essential source of protein in Africa (Asibey 1974). In Tanzania, bushmeat is becoming increasingly important for maintaining standards of living, as a source of protein and cash i n c o m e ( Barnet 2 0 0 0 ). Illegal b u s h m e a t t r a d e i s therefore developing fast in urban areas and is beginning to drive demand (Milledge & Barnet 2000). 3. Economics Economics can drive harvests in 2 ways. First, for subsistence hunters, the harvest of wild meat represents a source of nutrition that would otherwise have to be purchased (Bennett and Robinson in Robinson and Bennett 2000). Cash money is often scarce for rural populations. Second, harvests are often conducted with the intent to sell the animals for profit. Such intent can include rural subsistence hunters selling meat for cash, sale to the pet trade, and larger commercial operations. We include both legal and illegal harvest because the ecological effects of both are the same. The goal would be to maximize (or sustain) harvest, and hence profit. Third, sport hunting produces economic benefits resulting from license sales. Funds from the sale of hunting licenses support game species management programs as well as other programs such as T and E species, nongame, education, and habitat acquisition and management. Lastly, in 1937, the Federal Aid to the Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly called the PittmanRobertson Act) placed a federal excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition, with proceeds to be reapportioned to states for wildlife research and restoration. 4. Recreation Hunting is often regulated for recreational opportunities, usually in more developed countries. The anthropocentric goal here would be to provide recreational opportunities, although profit can motivate recreational hunting too. With some large mammals and fish, the goal may be to provide “trophy” individuals, rather than a maximum harvest. 264 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation…... Yanto Santosa 5. Culture Hunting can be part of a society’s cultural heritage. Hunting can garner respect for the hunter and provider, and produce culturally significant adornments (e.g., feathers) and trophies. In addition, important rituals and celebrations may center on hunting (Bennett and Robinson in Robinson and Bennett 2000), with the goal being to ensure a sustainable harvest large enough to provide a reliable harvest for these cultural needs. Thus it is clear that harvesting certain individual of a population living in natural habitat, regardless of the status of the area is part of population management activities that must be performed. Obviously, it should be performed in accordance with the objectives and strategies of the population management. All stakeholders should agree with the basic principle of sustainable harvesting, that is, the amount harvested should not exceed the rate of population growth (Bailey 1984; Sinclair 1994; Santosa 1996; Samedi 1999). The following discussed the comparative analysis of 3 methods of sustainable harvesting quota. III. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THREE QUOTA CALCULATION METHOD Out of the many proposed method of calculating wildlife harvesting quotas, there are 3 methods that are of interest, namely: (a) Q = Nt – K (Minimum harvesting method) (b) Q = Nt – ½ K (knowm r max N = ½ K) (Maximum harvesting method) (c) Q = Nit – MVPit (Difference of MVP method) Where Q = size of harvest Nt = population size K = habitat carrying capacity MVPit = minimum viable population r = intrinsic population growth rate The minimum and maximum harvesting methods both have some similarities in terms of types of variables used as the basis of calculation, namely population size (N t) and carrying capacity (K). The fundamental difference between the two methods lies in the amount of harvests where maximum harvesting method would produce a greater number of harvests when compared with the minimum harvesting method. From the perspective of size of harvest, the minimum harvest method can be termed “minimalist method”, whereas the maximum harvest method can be termed “maximalist method”. The maximalist method requires the use of accurate confirmation of the growth rate that must reach maximum (r max). Some researchers (Sinclair 1994; Lavieren 1994 in Kusmardiastuti 2010; Riffle, S K & Don White, Jrd 2009) found that maximum growth rate began when Nt reached ½ K. From the perspective of sustainability, empirically it can be shown that both methods would produce sustainable harvests. Using the minimalist method, population size after harvest will be the value of K with the expected growth rate equal to zero. As with maximalist method, the size of 265 harvested populations is close to ½ K but with maximum growth rate. The main obstacle to the use of both methods is the calculation of the value of K. So far there are three approaches that can be used to calculate the value of K, i.e.: 1. K= 2. K = 3. K= Where: ெ ேభ ሺଶேబ ேమ ିேబ ேభ ିேభ ேమ ሻ ேబ ேమ ିேభ మ K = habitat carrying capacity (number of individual/year) Pi = feed productivity of ith species Ci = feed consumption of ith species Lh = total available habitat (ha) MDA = minimum dynamic area Nt = size of population on tth year The first method (K = ) was based on the ability of land to produce a certain amount of feed and then compared to the level of requirement/average consumption of feed for each individual animal. For herbivore species with feed less than 3 types, feed productivity estimation of the 3 types of feed and the consumption rate are relatively uncomplicated. However, for most herbivores (or omnivores), their diet regime comprised of more than 3 types and for some, reaches up to 23 types (for example, long-tailed macaque as observed by Kartono, 2004). For category of animals with such great food regime, the estimation of K value would certainly be difficult. Not to mention the variety of food productivity due to the diversity of physical and biotic habitat characteristics (season, soil type, topography, vegetation composition, etc.). Similarly is the high variation in the estimation of consumption as a result of variation in sex, morphometry size, age class and inter-and intra-individual variability of the animals. Santosa and Hendra (2010) states that the estimation of K value using the second methods (K = ெ ) requires an accurate information about the total area of habitat suitable for the animal population under study, and the total accumulative area required by the animal population to perform all types of activities (eating, sleeping, moving, mating, resting, etc.). Various research topics on spatial habitat modelling using GIS technology have been conducted (examples Bos javanicus by Rekyanto et al 2010; Rhinos by Rahmat et al 2012 and Tiger by Priatna et al 2012, etc.) thus information on suitable area would be relatively easy to obtain with greater validity. However, information on the accumulated area or MDA (Minimum Dynamic Area) still seems difficult to obtain. Some research on Spatial Analysis was still limited to “individual home ranges and limited period” variables and their physical and biotic characteristics. While species home ranges frequently change and vary according to internal factors (Crook et al. 1976; Auvray 1983; Gonzalez 1984; Schall 1985) and external factors (Krebs and Davis 1978; Hudson 1985; Bianchet 1986; Cumming and Blake 1987). 266 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation…... Yanto Santosa The influence of internal factors on the spatial utilization pattern has been widely studied. Bunnel and Harestad (1983) conclude that the extent of home range is closely correlated with animal body weight. Large-bodied animals will have larger home ranges than small-bodied animals. Furthermore, Georgii (1980), Auvray (1983), Schall (1985) and Dubois (1989) state that male wild goat and deer have wider home ranges than the females. Gautier (1982), Kamil and Yoerg (1982), Howard (1986) state that early experience and increase of age/experience are factors that influence the spatial utilization pattern. The total area of home range increased with age class until sub-adults age class and decreased until adult age class. In the group of mammals that have hierarchy, status/ social role are significantly influencing the strategies for spatial utilization. Individuals with low social status can only use a low quality of space (Bouissou and Signoret 1970; Geist 1971 and van Horne 1983). The followings are some of results of research on the influence of external factors on the extent of home range. Cibien (1984) and Maublanc (1986) find that vegetation structure is significantly affecting the total area of home range, where they found that areas in agrosystem provide wider home range than in forests with dense vegetation. Delaunay (1982), Trimaille (1985) and Vincent et al (1986) state that an increase in population density is often followed by a broad decline in home ranges of mouse deer populations. Direction and wind speed influence the spatial distribution and movement of wild/mountain goat. During heavy wind, the goats will use the valley area alone (Cruveille and Tuffery , 1981; Auvray 1983 and Gonzalez 1984). Thus it is clear that prediction of K value using the “K = ெ ” method is constrained by the limited information on the minimum dynamic area for a population. The influences of both the internal and external factors on home range area required researchers to conduct research on different individuals of different ages and sex, and represent a variety of physical/biotic habitat characteristics. Unlike the previous two methods, the “K = ேభ ሺଶேబ ேమ ିேబ ேభ ିேభ ேమ ሻ ேబ ேమ ିேభ మ ” method only required data on population growth size for 3 consecutive years. This mathematical approach was based on the assumption that population growth rate would reach zero when population size reached its carrying capacity (K). The main obstacle for obtaining these data is the unavailability of accurate inventory method for each type of wildlife. Santosa (2006) concludes that animal inventory method is different from plants inventory, since animal inventories are “species-specific” (not universal) in nature. Not to mention the data retrieval process, where the diversity of motivations and the ability and experience of the observers would determine the quality of the retrieved inventory data (Garel et al, 2005). From the description above it can be concluded that the method for calculating sustainable harvest quotas, namely the “minimum harvesting method” and “maximum harvesting method” were relatively difficult to meet, especially to achieve the K value. Another alternative is “difference of MVP method” which does not require the calculation/estimation of the value of K. The “difference of MVP method” demands information about the minimum viable population size (MVP) for each age class and sex. Minimum Viable Population (MVP) is the minimum number of individuals required to maintain the survival of a species (Shaffer 1981). MPV is the smallest size of an isolated population in a particular habitat, which has a 99% chance of survival for 1,000 years, in the midst of disaster risk posed by certain factors, including random chance of environmental change, genetic and natural disasters. The 267 term MVP is likely the chance of survival of a species that can be maintained above a certain size. Hence, MPV is an approach that allows for a quantitative estimation of the number of individuals needed to preserve a species (Shaffer 1981). Age determination of wildlife in natural habitat for each “cohort” is still an important issue in the field. Some morphological characteristics (body size, fur colour/hair, horn/antler, etc.) only allow differentiation to be made up to age classes (children, youth, adults and the elderly). Further data about the chances of survival/mortality and fecundity (allegedly by the number of infants born to each female parent) must be obtained through monitoring demographic parameters in time-series on a variety of different populations and different types of habitat. At the early stage of the study, literatures can be used to obtain initial information about both types of demographic data. In addition, MVP for each age class can be obtained using the following formula. Fxm. Xm + Fxd. Xd – mb. Xb + ma. Xa + mm. Xm + δmd.Xd = Nt –Fxm. Xm + Fxd. Xd + δb. Xb) + (Pxb. Xb + δa. Xa) + (Pxa. Xa + δm. Xm )+ (Pxm. Xm + δd. Xd) Note: Nt = population size on year-t Fxm = fecundity of young age Xm = number of young individual class Xm = number of young individuals δmd = proportion of adult mortality δb = proportion of infants Fxd = fecundity on adult age class Pxb = infant life survival Xd = number of adult individuals with maximum δa = proportion of infants ability to give birth Pxa= juvenile life survival mb = mortality of juvenile age class δm = proportion of young Xb = number of juvenile individuals Pxm = young life survival ma = mortality of infant age class δd = proportion of adults Xa = number of infant individuals mm= mortality in young age class The advantages of Difference in MPV method compared to the other two methods are its relatively easy to use, meaning easy to obtain data for the constituent variables, and that sustainable harvesting quota is not only the total number of individuals but can be specified to each age-class for each sex. These details will certainly facilitate the implementation of harvesting on the field. Moreover, the value of MVP is relatively more constant when compared to the value of carrying capacity (K), which is estimated to be very sensitive to changes in both the internal factors of the animal itself and the external factors of the environment. IV. CONCLUSION 1. Wildlife harvesting of certain population (sex and specific age class) in any natural population regardless of the status of the area must be performed. 2. The use of Nt- MVP (Difference in MPV Method) formula was assessed to be the best approach in the calculation of sustainable harvesting quota. 268 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Comparative Analysis of Several Quota Calculation…... Yanto Santosa 3. 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The farming analysis was carried out to evaluate agricultural income and employment. The analysis on optimal land use allocation was performed using goal programming and post optimal Analysis was carried out to evaluate of impact of forest management policy. The results showed that the target of providing employment for farmers and farm workers as well as ensuring the objectives of minimum forest areas it can be achieved even exceed the targets set in all scenarios priorities. Otherwise target farm income that is able to meet the needs of decent living and erosion control can not be achieved on all priority scenario. Solutions that can be done to improve the economic and environmental are the development of Aren plant (Arenga pinnata) in the forest protected areas as well as improved agroforestry, which contributed significantly benefits of land resources of the catchment areas in increasing the income, employment, and erosion control. Keyword : goal programming, post optimal, land use allocation, scenarios priorities. I. INTRODUCTION TONDANO watershed ecosystem has a vital and strategic role for the economy of the region. Economic and ecological functions have contributed to economic growth in North Sulawesi Province through the tangible and intangible benefits. The tangible benefits include the potential contribution of agricultural land and environmental services from the utilization of the Lake Tondano outlet stream as 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Departement of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, Email: 273 hydroelectric power (hydropower) plant that generates power equal to 51.38 MW, the production of freshwater fish in the Lake Tondano with a potential of 60-180 kg.ha–1.year–1, the irrigation of rice field of approximately 8000 ha, and the use for drinking water. While the indirect benefits are the ecotourism value of the lake and the lake function as flood control for the city of Manado. Land use conflicts in Lake Tondano catchment area are associated with the preservation of lake ecosystems where erosion and sedimentation rate is high and the will to improve farmers' welfare and income, to attain food security, and to provide jobs. Therefore, a land allocation planning is required to achieve optimum sustainable land use systems. Sustainable land use is a dynamic concept that involves complex interactions of biological, physical, and socio-economical factors and requires a comprehensive approach to improving existing systems and develops a new, more sustainable system. In order to achieve a sustainable land use at least four indicators must be met namely : farm income to provide for a decent living for farm households, provide more agricultural employment, less erosion than the tolerated erosion (Sullivan, 2005), and ensuring forest area with generously proportioned as an important component of watershed ecosystem ( Gaetano, 2010., Ceyhan, 2010). Optimal allocation of land use is an activity to improve the efficiency of land use types by specifying the appropriate use of land (Y. Zhang, et al., 2012). Optimization model that can be employed for planning to achieve multiple targets is a goal programming (Soemarno, 2004). This method is widely applied in farm planning such as for farm crop pattern, the pattern of optimal combination of crop and land use ( Rauf, 2005., Sharma, et al., 2007., Ibrahim, 2011), land allocation planning for the purpose of watershed landscaping (Soemarno, 1991., Rusdiana and Ghufrona, 2011), and forest harvest scheduling (Hotvedt, 1983). This method is efficient tool for integrating ecological and socio economic information to explore the possibilities for a sustainable agriculture (Ibrahim, 2011), and as an analytical tool used the development of policy( Laborte, et al., 1999). This paper aims to describe the optimal allocation models of land use and to quantify the potential role of biodiversity in the protected forest area using goal programming as a multi objective linear programming (MOLP) procedure. The results of this study useful in formulating forest management policy in order to improve the economic and ecological benefits of land resources in the catchment area of lake Tondano. II. Research Methods A. Study Area and Data The research was carried out in the catchment area (DTA) lake Tondano Tondano Minahasa region of North Sulawesi Province. Geographically, the study area lies between 10 06 '- 10 20' N and 1240 45 '- 1240 58' East Longitude, located at an altitude of 700-1000 meters above sea level (masl) to the area of 18 466.95 ha. Based on public administration study area covers 9 districts which consists of 69 villages. The study area is divided into three sub catchment area namely: East, Western and Southern sub Lake watershed. The tools used in this study include the computer with the operating system MS Windows XP MS 274 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan Office especially Excel for data analysis, ArcView GIS 3.2 for analysis of land capability class and QMwin32 Program version 2.0 for analysis of land use allocation optimization. Maps were used including, soil, slope and land use maps obtained in 2009 from BPDAS Tondano, and socio-economic characteristic of the data including county statistics, 2010, Village statistics 2011, survey data and farm income. B. Model and Analysis Techniques Analysis of the Land Unit In this study land units based on slope class, land use and soil type. Furthermore overlay map land units with land capability zoning map to identify the types of land use in each zone. Farming Analysis on Major Land Use Types Farming analysis on each type of land use was emphasized in three variables: farming acceptance, cost, and income including the number of labor allocated in the farming. The farming analysis was done by two approaches: (1) input–output data obtained from interviews to respondent farmers on the type of land use being sought and (2) input–output data obtained from previous researches and interviews with agricultural field tutors in the study region as a comparison. Soil Erosion Prediction in each Type of Land Use Tolerable soil loss (TSL) due to erosion in each type of land use was calculated using equation (1) (Arsyad, 2010): TSL DE u Fd u BD u10 ……………(1) T where TSL is the tolerable soil loss (ton.ha–1.year–1), DE is the effective soil depth factor (mm), Fd is soil depth factor (according to Sub Order of soil), T is resources life (year) (for conservation purposes 400 years), and BD is bulk density (g/cm3). The amount of erosion was estimated by calculating the average annual soil loss from land use type calculated by the Lost Universal Soil Equation (USLE) using equation (2) (Goldman et al., 1996). A R u K u LS u C u P ……………….(2) A is soil loss (ton.ha–1.year–1), R is rainfall erosion index, K is soil erodibility factor, LS is slope length and steepness factor, C is vegetation cover factor, and P is erosion control practice where factor. Analysis of Income Levels to Support the Needs of Decent Living (KHL) and the Absorption of Labor The threshold value for food sufficiency level of household expenses in rural areas is equivalent to the rice exchange rate ranged between 240-320 kg (Monde et al., 2008) Therefore, income levels can support the needs of decent living (KHL) for farmers and farm workers, used in this study was 320 kg/person/year × the price of rice (IDR/kg) × number of family members (persons/ household) × 2.5. In this study the amount of farm income to meet the needs of decent living is IRD 15.18 millions 275 for every farmer and farm worker households per year. The amount of labor in farming that is measured from the number of labor required for tillage, crop maintenance, and harvesting is expressed in adult male workday amount (AMWA) unit (Soemarno, 1991). The assumptions in this calculation were: (1) working age 15-64 years old, (2) the proportion of farmers and farm workers based on PODES data in 2008, and (3) the adult female was equivalent to 0.75 AMWA. Optimization Analysis of Land Use The land use types included in the optimization model were (1) annual crop field, (2) rice paddies, (3) residential, (4) mixed farm, and (5) forest. The types of land use were defined as the optimal activity according to the suitability of land capability zone and presented in Table 1 Analysis of the optimal allocation of land use with goal programming. Setting of goals / targets Target optimization of land use in the study of multi-functional land described in the DTA area consisting of 2 (two) target socio-economic aspects (income and agricultural employment) and the 2 (two) target ecological aspects (the rate of erosion and the conservation of protected areas ). Target optimal allocation of land use shall be as follows: 1. The combination of land use on soil erosion resulting DTA does not exceed the erosion that can be tolerated (Tolerable Soil Loss / TSL). 2. Combination of land uses generate farm income that can meet the needs of decent living (KHL) for farm households and farm workers. 3. The combination of land use that can provide employment for farm households and farm workers, 4. The combination of land use in the DTA can guarantee a minimum forest area covering 1014 ha of protected forest areas, namely (HL) in the catchment area under forest land-use map of North Sulawesi. Fourth goals of the above is considered to have the same importance weight, but the analysis will be made simulations with different priorities scenario. Tabel 1. Notation of land use type as the optimal activity according to land capability zone in Lake Tondano Land Capability Class (variable i) (i) 276 activity (variable j) I X11 rice paddies (X2) X12 II X21 X22 X23 III X31 X32 X33 - - IV X41 X42 X43 X44 - V X51 X52 X53 X54 - annual crop field (X1) residential (X3) mixed farm (X4) forest (X5) X13 - - - - International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan Land Capability Class (variable i) (i) activity (variable j) VI X61 rice paddies (X2) - X63 X64 X65 VII - - - X74 X75 VIII - - - - X85 annual crop field (X1) residential (X3) mixed farm (X4) forest (X5) Model formulation Goal programming models expressed in the form of equation 3, namely: objective constraint equations, functional equations constraints and objective function equation. Goal programming model structure refers to the procedures presented Soemarno (1991) and Render et al. (2006) as follows: 1). Constraint-Goal a. Goal – constraint Soil erosion control equation: Σ X i j + e i j -d 1 - - d 1 + = E .............................. (3) The aim of minimizing d 1 + where, e i j : estimation value erosion that occurs on land use activity i on land capability class j (ton ha-1 year-1). X i j : broad (ha) allocated to land use activity i on land capability class j. E : Target erosion that can be tolerated on the whole catchment area, in tonnes year-1 b. Goal /constraints of minimum forest area Xij + d 2 - = H ........................... (4) Objective: minimize d 2 where, H: target minimum area the protected forest in the catchment area X i j : the total area (ha) allocated for forest land use on land capability class j. c. Goal/constraint of farming income. Σ X i j + P i j -d 3 - - d 3 + = P.R ............................. (5) Objective: minimize the d 3 where, P i j : farm income resulting land use activity i on land capability class j (IDR ha-1 year-1). X i j : broad (ha) allocated to land use activity i on land capability class j. P: Target average farm income (Rs ha-1 year-1) capable of meeting the needs of decent living (KHL) for farm households and farm workers. R: The number of farm households and farm workers in the catchment area d. Goal/constraints of the maximum amount of agricultural labor ∑ tij Xij + d4- - d4+ = T ……………………….. Objective: Minimize the d4- 277 (6) tIJ: manpower needed on land use activity i on land capability class j (Mandays ha-1 year-1). Xij: the total area (ha) allocated to land use activity i on land capability class j. T: target agricultural labor (Mandays year-1) in the catchment area is the labor of farmers and farm workers aged 15-64 years were expressed in equivalent units adult full time working days (AFTWDs) (Soemarno, 1991). 2). Real constraint equations a. Constraints of total catchment area: ∑ Xij = X ............................. (7) where, Xij = activity land use i on land capability class j. X = is the total catchment area lakes Tondano (ha) b. Constraints area of each land capability class as presented in Table 1. 3). Objective function equation General form of goal programming model can be expressed as ି ା ࢆܖܑۻൌ ࡼା ࢊି ࡼ ࢊ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ሺͺሻ ୀଵ Subject to : ሺ࢈ࢋࢉ࢚࢜ࢋࢉ࢙࢚࢘ࢇ࢚ሻ ࢇࢄ ࢊି െ ࢊା ൌ ࢈ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ሺૢሻ ୀ for J = 1, 2, . . . . m goals and : X j , ࢊି , ࢊା 0 ࢊି ǡ ࢊା = 0 Where : Z is objective function, ݀ି ݀ା vectors of positive and negative deviations from the goal target levels (b), Pi is the preemptive factor/priority level assigned to each relevant goal in rank order (i.e. P1 > P2 > . Pn), , The xij represents the decision variables, aij represents the decision variable coefficients. The assumptions used in the model of optimal allocation of land use are as follows: (1) the static model, does not account for time horizon. (2) the calculation of farm income does not take into consideration aspects of accessibility. (3) in the calculation of annual crops farm productivity is assumed that productivity is affected by land capability class. Productivity of dry land in capability classes I to V are assumed equal and the land capability classes VI productivity was reduced by 10%, (4) agricultural labor is the percentage of farmers and farm workers aged 15-64 years, and (5) the agricultural workforce is resident living in the catchment area of lake ondano and avoid migration from outside the watershed. Results of analysis of land use allocation with goal programming, assumed as a basis optimal solutions, ie solutions to determine the extent of use of land resources potential based on land and agricultural labor. 278 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan Sensitivity analysis and its implications for policy development. Forest management policy directives developed from the optimal solution obtained from the analysis of goal programming. According to Render et al. (2006) sensitivity analysis of the model aims to determine the implications of the optimal solution obtained before the solution is implemented. Sensitivity analysis is done in a way that are (1) assess the contribution of each variable to the achievement of expected goals, by conducting changes in coefficient value the variable activity (2) assessing the effects of changes in technology coefficient, (3) assess changes in resource availability or objectives set. In this study the sensitivity analysis performed on multiple targets (RHS), namely : (1) the value of the target erosion, which will simulate the implications of the model solution to the achievement of the target when the value of land erosion RHS tightened or loosened to Tondano lake sedimentation control purposes, (2) the value of broad goals forest area, which will be simulated implications of forest area change on the model and the optimal solution set achievement targets. (3) changes in the value of output coefficients farm income by utilizing the potential of the existing biodiversity in forests. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Description of land capability class of the catchment area lake Tondano Results of the spatial analysis of land capability class of catchment area lake Tondano presented in appendix table 1, and appendix figure 1. From appendix Table 1, it can be seen that catchment area of lake Tondano has eight land capability classes are divided into 12 sub-classes and distributed in 42 units of land. The data area of each land capability class as follows: class I 2 041.13 ha capability (11:05%), class II land area of 348.35 ha (1.89%), class III land area of 681.27 5 ha (30.76%), class IV land of 7 107.37 ha (38.49%), class V land area of 475.23 ha (2.57%) class VI land of 957.98 ha (5, 19%), class VII land area of 1 125.2 ha (6.09%) and category VIII area of 730.58 ha (3.96%). B. Present land use Actual conditions of land use in the study area based on data from Landsat imagery interpretation from BP DAS Tondano are presented in Table 2, which shows that the most dominant land use were paddy field, arable upland and mixed estate. Furthermore, based on analysis of the land unit, data showed that the dominant type of land use in class I to class V was the annual dryland crop, paddy fields and settlements. While on a classes VI – VIII, the dominant types of land use was mixed estate and forests (primary and secondary forest). 279 Table 2. Actual land use type in the catchment area of Lake Tondano No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Land Use Type Primary forest Secondary forest Mixed estate Residential Arable upland Paddy field Bush Total Area (ha) 462.42 988.03 3073.21 1536.10 4509.66 7750.83 146.70 18466.95 Percentage (%) 2.50 5.35 16.64 8.32 24.42 41.97 0.79 100.00 Source : Walangitan 2012 C. Amount of erosion in each land use activity and the tolerable sil loss (TSL) Calculation of the TSL used the soil type data of Puslittanak Bogor that showed that the effective average soil depth in sub watersheds of Lake Tondano is 1500 mm, the soil sub order is Udands with value 1.00, land use age of 400 years, and soil volume weight (bulk density) 1.24 (g/cm3). The accepted TSL was 40.125 tons.ha–1.year–1. Results on erosion prediction generated in each type of land use showed that the type of mixed farm and annual crop on steep to very steep slopes produced the highest erosion >500 tons.ha– 1 .year–1. Further erosion of the target value that can be tolerated (TSL) by the results of the analysis with equation (1) is 40 tons.ha–1.year–1 and thereby target erosion for the watershed is 738 678 ton year–1. This value is included in the category of high tolerance (JICA 2001). For the purpose of controlling sedimentation in the lake Tondano, a value of TSL for 12-25 tons.ha–1.year–1 was used. Thus the erosion of the target on average in the entire watershed area is expected to not exceed the value of 221 603 - 738 687 tons.year–1. Value of Living Needs (KHL) and the Income of Each Land Use Type a) Income to meet the decent living needs Decent life needs (KHL) is a measure of income of the farmers who are capable of financing nonagricultural needs including clothing, education, housing, health, social and religious, recreational activities, and savings. The calculated KHL value per farmer household was IDR 17.6 millions and the value of the entire targeted study area was IDR 431 742.08 millions. b) Farming income in each type of land use Annual Crop Farming (X1) Annual crop farming is the most extensive land use with variety types of cropping patterns and productivity. This type of land use spreads from land capability class I through class VI. The most dominant crops are corn, peanuts, beans, tomatoes, carrots, and peppers. The survey revealed that about 80% of farmers in Lake Tondano catchment area cultivate corn as the main with the most extensive cropping patterns as follows: 280 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan corn - fallow - corn (Jg - fallow - Jg) about 70%; corn - fallow - tomatoes (Jg - fallow - Tm) of approximately 20%; and corn - fallow - peanuts (Jg - fallow - Kt) of approximately 10%. The income from pattern (1) was IDR 14.145 millions.ha–1. year–1, from pattern (2) was IDR 26 millions. ha–1.year–1 and from pattern (3) was IDR 14.177 millions. ha–1.year–1. Additional income source available was from cattle during the fallow interval costing an estimated IDR 1.5 million per cattle for four months that contributed in the increase of farmer income of about IDR 7.5 millions.ha–1.year–1. Therefore, the revenue of annual cropping was amounting to IDR 18.019 millions.ha–1.year–1 (which was greater than KHL). For an additional of five cattle then the income would be IDR 23.961 millions.ha–1.year–1. Rice paddies (X2) There was relatively no variation in the income from rice farming activity in the catchment area Lake Tondano. Cropping pattern of rice – fallow – rice was the common one. The farm income with the general input applied was netted at IDR 17.054 millions.ha–1. Thus, the income from rice pattern with twice cropping per year was IDR 34.108 millions.ha–1. year–1. Residential (X3) In residential area the land is artificially blocked by manmade objects such as houses, roads, and other buildings. Included in this use is the use of land as a family garden to plant a "living kitchen or living pharmacy" which consists of various kinds of vegetables, food and fruits and medicinal plants. The contribution of the garden products to the farmer income was difficult to measure. For simplicity it was assumed to be 2.5% of the maximum income from annual cropping (i.e. IDR 5.5 millions. ha– 1 .year–1) due to the fact that farmers use their garden to plant vegetables. Mixed Farming (X4) Income from this type of farming was calculated with some assumptions developed from the survey results as follows: - Production of corn crops ranged between 0.5 – 1 ton.ha–1 with revenue of approximately IDR 1.4 million per harvest or about IDR 2.8 millions.ha–1.year–1. - Production of cloves per hectare currently topped to a maximum of 200 kg.ha –1 at a production cost of IDR 8.855 millions. The revenue using the average price IDR 60,000 kg–1 was IDR 12 millions. Therefore, the total income was IDR 3.145 millions.ha–1.year–1. - Most farmers use firewood for cooking. In average a farmer household needs about 10-15 (bundles) of wood per week(JICA-RRL, 2001). The availability of wood in mixed farming was high. Most farmers take firewood from mixed farms based on the assumption that the revenue generated from mixed farms = IDR 2.08 millions.year–1 (52 weeks × 10 bundles of firewood per week × IDR 4000 per bundle). Based on the above description, the income of the farmer obtained farm mixed farming was IDR 8.761 millions.ha–1 year–1. 281 Forest (X5) Aren (Arenga pinnata) is an important crop in the catchment area Lake Tondano. This plant grows well in most areas. Farmers are allowed to exploit non-timber products from forests, especially palm trees to produce palm sugar and alcohol. The farmer income from producing sugar and alcohol from 5 to 10 trees is about IDR 2.0 to 3.0 million per month. It is assumed that a family of two working labors could manage some two hectares of forest area. The estimated revenue from the palm tree business was IDR 6.0 millions.ha–1.year–1. c). Agricultural job opportunities Constraints in agricultural labor supply were calculated from demographic data of Lake Tondano catchment area. The data included population number of productive age (15-64 years old), percentage of farm households and farm workers, and wage adjustments for men and women labors. The calculation of the number of farm labor supply used a model approach by Soemarno (1991). The target of agricultural labor ranged from 12,501,934.76 adult full time working days (AFTWDs) to14,410,837.86 AFTWDs. Details of the model input of goal programming coefficients are presented in Table 3. The coefficient of each activity in Table 3, was substituted in the input-output matrix model and analyzed using QMwin32 version 2.0. The results were assumed as the optimal solution in determining the land use level based on the land potential and available labor. The optimal solution to the various priority target scenarios Based on the results of the analysis of twenty-five types of land use activities by four goals to be achieved, optimal solutions obtained for land allocation are presented in Table 4. Each target was assumed to have equal weight in the analysis made scenario but with different priorities. Tabel 3. Input coefficients for the analysis of optimal land use in the catcment area of Lake Tondano Variable (land use type activities according to ) X11 282 1.37 Income (millions.ha–1. year– 1 ) 23.961 Workforce Employment (AFTWD.ha–1. year–1) 296 X12 0.08 34.108 272 X13 1,37 5.5 45 X21 2,38 23.961 296 X22 0.02 34.108 272 X23 5,40 5.5 45 X31 36,99 23.961 296 X32 0.66 34.108 272 X33 1.75 5.5 45 X41 36,99 23.961 296 Erosion ( ton.ha–1. year–1) International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan Variable (land use type activities according to ) X42 0.66 Income (millions.ha–1. year– 1 ) 34.108 Workforce Employment (AFTWD.ha–1. year–1) 272 X43 1.18 5.5 45 X44 8,83 8.025 192.6 X51 36,99 23.961 296 X52 0,66 34.108 272 X53 1,75 5.5 45 X54 8,38 8.025 192.6 X61 556.06 12.735 190 X63 77,9 5.5 45 X64 213,87 8.025 192.6 X65 14,43 6.0 162 X74 427,74 8.025 192.6 X75 4,2 6.0 162 X85 4,2 6.0 162 Erosion ( ton.ha–1. year–1) Tabel 4. The results of analysis of the optimal allocation of land use according to priority target Activity (Land Use Type) (ha) 283 Optimal Land Allocation (ha) According to the Target Priority P1 P2 P3 P4 X11 2 041.13 0 0 0 X12 0 853.38 1 811.36 1 055.27 X13 0 1 187.35 229.77 985.85 X21 348.35 0 0 0 X22 0 0 0 0 X23 0 348.35 348.35 X31 3 501.71 0 5 681.27 0 X32 2 179.56 5 681.27 0 5 681.31 X33 0 0 0 0 X41 0 5 692.13 1 167.9 6 568.31 X42 5 571.27 740.95 5 939.47 539.05 X43 1 536.1 0 0 0 X44 0 670.95 0 0 X51 475.23 0 475.23 0 X52 0 475.23 0 475.23 348.35 Activity (Land Use Type) (ha) SOURCE Optimal Land Allocation (ha) According to the Target Priority P1 P2 P3 P4 X53 0 0 0 0 X54 0 0 0 0 X61 957.97 401.23 0 756.08 X63 0 0 957.97 201.89 X64 0 556.75 0 0 X65 0 0 0 0 X74 102.93 394.62 394.62 111.2 X75 291.68 0 0 283.42 730.58 730.58 730.58 730.58 X85 : WALANGITAN, 2012 Tabel 5. Details of target achievement level optimal allocation of land use according to priority Target variables TSL (ton. ha–1 year–1) Income that meet KHL (IDR millions year–1) Maximum workforce (AFTWD. year–1) Minimum area of forest cover (ha) Target value 738 670 43 1742.1 14 410 840 1014 Target Achievement According to the Scenario P1 P2 P3 P4 0 0.0625 214 997.81 0.062 (0) (-0.00) (-29.11) (+0.00) 12 777.09 0.0625 24 122 15 060.28 (+2.96) (- 0.00) (+5.58) (+3.72) 9 981 581 10 040 929 9 871 109 9 959 928 (-69.26) (-69.67) (-68.49) (-69.11) 8.26 283.23 283.42 0 (+0.81) (-23.51 %) (-27.95) (0) Description: P1 = priority target of erosion at least equals to TSL, P2 = priority target of farm income to meet KHL, P3 = priority target of maximum supply of agricultural labor, P4 = priority target of minimum area of forest cover in the catchment area. The numbers in bracket () are % deviation from the target, a positive value is target not achieved, negative value is target not achieved the target was exceeded, a zero value is achieved in accordance with the target value. Table 4 and Table 5, shows that the P1 scenario shows that the commodity crops (corn and vegetables), rice fields and forest products (plant sugar) as a commodity basis. With this scenario the target incomes can be achieved with minimum deviation, whereas agricultural employment targets exceeded by 69%, which means the availability of farm labor is not adequate to manage the potential of existing land. This condition is relatively the same as the scenario P2, P3 and P4. While the scenario P3 crop commodities (corn and vegetables), rice and mixed farms as basic commodities. 284 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Policy Analysis of Forest Management…... Hengki Djemie Walangitan With this scenario soil erosion that occurs exceeded value that can be tolerated, which means that if the employment is a priority will result in an increase in the rate of soil erosion exceeds TSL. An important finding of this study was the minimum area of forest cover in all scenarios can be achieved over the target without affecting other targets. It means that utilization of non-timber forest products in a forest area can improve the optimization of the multiple benefit of land resources. Implication of land use optimization on the forest policy management in the catchment area of lake Tondano The purpose of this sensitivity analysis is to evaluate the implications of which happened on the management objective (multiple target) when the policy of reforestation and the development of the sugar plant expanded in land capability class VII and class VIII, where the present land use is a mix of garden and seasonal crops with an area of 1 885.78 ha. The analysis showed that if this scenario is executed, the targets are exceeded forest area equal to (d-) 0.06%, simultaneously with the erosion control objectives <TSL can be achieved as well as to target farm income are able to finance a decent living needs for farmers and farm workers . This suggests that the target forest conservation with income targets are not happened to trade off. This was due to forest area in the watershed have socio-economic and ecological benefits are very important. One of the potential biodiversity grows well in forest areas is Aren (Arenga pinnata). The survey shows that about 40% of the villagers in the surrounding the forest utilize sugar plant sugar as the main source of income. Sugar plant sap which then processed into sugar and alcohol (cap tikus). Interviews showed that the income farm households in processing palm sugar is IDR 400 to750 thousand each week. This shows that the utilization of biodiversity can give a simultaneous impact of watershed management namely: the forest conservation, erosion and sedimentation control, providing employment and source of income for farmers and farm workers. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1. Limited agricultural labor in the catchment area of Lake Tondano allow forest area canbe expanded through community forest policy. Community forest development strategy carried out with a mixture of forest pattern is a tree with a combination of non-timber forest products in order to multiple benefits of forest resources can be improved 2. The function of forest conservation can be increased in line with increases in income to meet KHL and erosion control, when the the potential biodiversity grows well in forest areas such as palm trees, bamboo and other non-wood crops, and honey bee farming are intensified. 3. 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The monkey was likely to be folivore, and based on IARF (individual activity records on feeding) method, most of food was consisted of leaves (98,2%) and flowers (1,8%). However food plant species and the percentage of food composition could change on some locations. The number of population are 258 individual consist of 106 male and 78 female. It was distributed in 184 hectares which is a group sizes is 4-51 individual. Protection of habitat and population are recomended for sustainability survival of the proboscis Keywords: Habitat, population, Proboscis monkey, Cajuputi, and swampy forest. I. INTRODUCTION Proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) are endemic to the island of Borneo. They are one of the arboreal species (Payne 2000).They move between trees to find food (leaves, fruits or flowers). Proboscis are able to adapt in changing habitat conditions, for example in rubber plantation (Soendjoto 2005), in the gardens, in roof of houses, such as those in Kuala Samboja, East Kalimantan (Alikodra 1997), in coconut plantation (Shaet al. 2008), in palm oil plantation (Boonratana 1999) or in a polluted habitat and converted into ponds in Mahakam Estuaria(Atmokoet. al. 2007). Proboscis monkey can also distributed in natural mangrove forest and cajuputiswampforest (Soendjoto 2005) and dipterocarpaceae forest (Bennett &Gombek 1993). Until now there isno informationon proboscis monkey studiesin the cajuputiswampyforest. Scientific information on biology and ecology of these monkeys are needed and it is importanton 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia; 289 protection of these species.The objectives of this study are to analyze the habitatand population of proboscis monkey, and their adaptation to unsuitable condition. II. METHODS Data was collected from January to March 2013 on habitat and population of proboscis monkey in canal swampy habitat, PT AntangGunungMeratus (AGM), Muning River and Puting River, SuatoTatakan village, South Tapin district, South Kalimantan Province. The vegetation of swampy habitat was dominated by cajuputi (Malaleucacajuputi), Due to the global warming, the dry and rainy season isn’tclear, it was rainy condition on January to March 2013. The objectives of habitat analysis are to determine structure and composition of vegetation in order to support of habitat to sustainability of proboscis population, distributions and behavior.The measured parameters were the number of species and diameter and tree height, vegetationprofile and the habitat functions, the individual activities record of feeding (IARF), and nutrients composition of vegetation feeding. Data of vegetation collected based on vegetation analysis (Soerianegara&Indrawan, 1998).And the proboscis observation such as population, movement and behaviour was used a canoe (the river survey method) (Sha et. al. 2008). By a concentration observation, then we calculate the result of a number, age structure, and sex ratio. The observation were carried out based on daily cencus, it was starting from 06:00 am until 06.00 pm during 30 days. III. RESULT AND DISSCUSSION A. Habitat The frequently habitat of proboscis monkey are mangrove forest, swamp peat forest, and riverine forest(Alikodra 1997, Alikodra&Mustari 1994, Bennett 1988, Bennett & Sebastian 1988, Bismark 1981, 1986, Boonratana 1994, 2000, Jeffrey 1979, Salter &Aken 1983, Salter et. at. l985, Yeager 1991, and Yeager &Blondal 1992). However, inSouth Kalimantan Province proboscis monkey is also distributed in swampy habitat of cajuput forest. The result of of the number species in cajuputi forest were 26 species, it was dominated by pulantan (Alstoniaangustiloba) between 126 indvidual/ha and 266 individual/ha. Both sides have a different composition and density of species in seedling and sapling, which is dominated by A. Angustilobain the left and mangobi (Decaspermumfruticosum) in the right of the canal.The seedling composition dominated by kelakai (Stenochlaenapalutris), it was 60.588 individual/ha) in the left and 35.555 individual/ha in the right of the canal river. The highest of the Importance Value Index (IVI) for trees, poles, saplings, and seedlingson the left side of the canal areA. Angustiloba (248,87%), A. Angustiloba(196,86%), A. Angustiloba(70,32%) and S. palutris (77,32%) (Table 1) and on the right side of the canal areA. Angustiloba(253,48%), D. Fruticosum(130,71%), D. fruticosum(70,32%), and A. Angustiloba(77,32%) (Table 2). The significant differences on IVI for both sides of canal was depend on the community activities on swampy habitat, examples ladang, sawah, illegal logging, and oil palm plantation. 290 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptation Patternn of Proboscis Monkey…... Hadi S. Alikodra & Reni Srimulyaningsih Table 1. The value of IVI for trees, pole, sapling, and seedling level on the left side of canal Level Trees Local Name Scientific Name RD (%) RF (%) RD (%) IVI (%) 90,53 68,19 90,15 248,87 1,05 4,55 0,67 6,26 1,05 4,55 0,86 6,45 2,11 4,55 3,08 9,73 3,16 9,09 2,40 14,65 1,05 4,55 2,10 7,70 Kelakai Alstonia angustiloba Elaeocarpus glaber Ilex cymosa Comnaperma spesi Combretocarpus rotundatus Ficus binnendykii Malaleuca cajuputi Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Elaeocarpus glaber Comnaperma spesi Malaleuca cajuputi Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Malaleuca cajuputi Syzygium zeylanica Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Malaleuca cajuputi Nephrolepis cordifolia Scleria levis Stenochlaena palutris Jenis Z - Jungkal Melastoma malabatricum Jussieua erecta Sporobolus diander Uncaria scletophylla Jussieua repens Pulantan Hapoak Masira Tarantang Tumih Kariwaya Gelam Pole Pulantan Mangobi Hapoak Tarantang Gelam Sapling Pulantan Mangobi Gelam Bati-Bati Seedling Pulantan Undergrowth Mangobi Planting Gelam Paku Tamparah Karamunting Pisangan Umpai Kait-Kait Jenis B 1,05 4,55 0,75 6,35 71,02 50,01 75,84 196,86 14,49 22,73 12,40 49,62 10,15 13,64 8,51 32,29 2,90 9,09 2,60 14,59 1,45 4,55 0,66 6,65 23,64 46,69 - 70,32 18,18 26,68 - 44,86 54,55 13,34 - 67,88 3,64 13,34 - 16,98 1,38 8,16 - 9,55 0,11 2,04 - 2,15 0,74 2,04 - 2,79 14,88 12,25 - 27,12 24,34 18,37 - 42,71 43,78 26,53 - 70,32 0,21 2,04 - 2,25 0,53 4,08 - 4,61 0,43 4,08 - 4,51 9,67 6,12 - 15,79 1,91 2,04 - 3,95 1,17 10,21 - 11,37 0,85 2,04 - 2,89 RD (Relative Density), RF (Relative Frequency), RD (Realtive Dominance), IVI (Importance Value Index). The cajuput swamp forest habitat is still support the existing proboscis monkey population, but it have been a high risk to establishment the population and distribution in the future. It is understood that regarding to increasing the population numbers of the villages community, it will be need more conversion of habitat into agriculture and palm oil plantation. Conversion to paddy field usually occurs during the dry season on Julyand August, they burn the vegetation for paddy field. They cut the cajuputwood because it is a commercial wood for building, otherwise the cutting of cajuput trees are economic profit oriented. The total of cajuputi swampy habitat is 1.912hectares, which is 184 hectares (9,62%) still effective support to a home range of proboscis monkey in research area. 291 While in this research that found one of home range size of a group was 26to 90 hectares. For example one of range in a group of proboscis monkey is shown in Figure1. Home range of proboscis habitat in Pulau Kaget between 30-75 hectares (Meijaard&Nijman 2000), Boonratana (1999) statethe home range of a focal one-male group in Lower Kinabatangan was 220 hectares. Figure 1. Home range of proboscis monkey in canal Table 2. The value of IVI for trees, pole, sapling, and seedling level on the right side of canal Level Trees Local Name Pulantan Mangobi Hapoak Masira Tarantang Pole Pulantan Mangobi Hapoak Masira Sapling Pulantan Mangobi Masira Gelam Bati-Bati Mahang Seedling& Hapoak Undergrowth Masira Planting Bati-Bati Paku 292 Scientific Name Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Elaeocarpus glaber Ilex cymosa Comnaperma spesi Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Elaeocarpus glaber Ilex cymosa Alstonia angustiloba Decaspermum fruticosum Ilex cymosa Malaleuca cajuputi Syzygium zeylanica Macaranga pruinosa Elaeocarpus glaber Ilex cymosa Syzygium zeylanica Nephrolepis cordifolia RD (%) RF (%) RD (%) IVI (%) 95,05 61,56 96,87 253,48 0,99 7,70 0,54 9,22 1,98 15,40 1,24 18,61 0,99 7,70 0,57 9,25 0,99 7,70 0,79 9,47 37,50 40,00 40,32 117,82 53,13 30,00 47,58 130,71 6,25 20,00 7,67 33,92 3,13 10,00 4,43 17,56 26,09 27,28 - 53,37 30,44 27,28 - 57,71 4,35 9,09 - 13,44 17,39 9,09 - 26,48 17,39 18,19 - 35,58 4,35 9,09 - 13,44 1,53 2,56 - 4,09 0,51 2,56 - 3,07 2,55 2,56 - 5,11 26,97 17,95 - 44,92 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptation Patternn of Proboscis Monkey…... Hadi S. Alikodra & Reni Srimulyaningsih Local Level Scientific Name RD (%) RF (%) RD (%) IVI (%) 21,12 15,39 - 36,51 32,57 23,08 - 55,65 1,53 2,56 - 4,09 Jenis D Scleria levis Stenochlaena palutris Lepidagathis javanica Ficus sagittata 0,76 2,56 - 3,33 Jungkal - 3,56 2,56 - 6,13 Loa - 2,29 2,56 - 4,85 Mungu 0,51 2,56 - 3,07 Karamunting Poikilospermum suaveolens Melastoma malabatricum 1,53 5,13 - 6,66 Sawi Alang - 0,76 2,56 - 3,33 Kait-Kait Uncaria scletophylla Dipteracanthus repens 2,80 12,82 - 15,62 1,02 2,56 - 3,58 Name Tamparah Kelakai Jenis C Jenis E RD (Relative Density), RF (Relative Frequency), RD (Realtive Dominance), IVI (Importance Value Index). B. Population Based on daily cencus, we calculated the total number of proboscis monkey are 258 individual, 190 individual were distributed in the left side of canal and68 individualin the right side of the canal. The agestructure was divided on three categories, which is adult(149 individual), sub adult (54 individual), juvenile (41 individual), and infant (14 individual). The sex ratio between male and female was 1: 1,4 (Table 3).Average density per group is 3 individual/ha with the highest density of 14individual/haand the lowest (0,19) individual/ha.Average density in mangrove habitat in Kutai National Park were 0,58individual/ha (Bismark 2002). Table 3. Population of proboscis monkey in canal Sex Ratio&Age Composition Homerange (ha) I J KA 1 26,76 6 KA 2 90,07 Group Male Female Total Density (Ind/ha) SA A SA A 9 4 8 8 16 51 2,00 0 2 0 11 1 3 17 0,00 6 11 4 19 9 19 68 Right Side Total Left Side 293 KI 1 5,78 0 1 1 1 2 5 10 2,00 KI 2 7,85 0 2 3 4 2 4 15 2,00 KI 3 14,46 0 0 2 4 2 2 10 1,00 KI 4 7,07 5 6 0 4 0 16 31 4,00 KI 5 6,46 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 1,00 KI 6 13,54 0 11 5 7 5 20 48 4,00 KI 7 6,50 2 5 3 4 2 4 20 3,00 KI 8 3,33 1 4 6 8 6 22 47 14,00 KI 9 3,02 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 1,00 Sex Ratio&Age Composition Homerange (ha) Group I J Total 8 Total of Population 14 Male Female Total Density (Ind/ha) SA A SA A 30 21 34 20 77 190 32,00 41 25 53 29 96 258 1,00 I (Infant), J (Juvenile), SA (Sub Adult), A (Adult) The monkey population was distributed in 11 locations on the left and the right of the canal habitat. The distribution of proboscis monkey side are9 locations in the left; KI 1 (km 15+50015+300), KI 2 (km 14+500-14+200), KI 3 (km 13+700-12+400), KI 4 (km 11+500-11+200), KI 5 (km 10+800-10+100), KI 6 (km 9+500-9+100), KI 7 (km 6+500-5+800), KI 8 (km 2+600-2+100), and KI 9 (km 1+500-1+000) and onthe right 2 locations on KA 1 (km 15+300-14+300) and KA 2 (km 11+500-10+100) (Figure 2). Figure 2. Distribution of proboscis monkey C. Behavior The average daily behavior of proboscis monkeys was dominated by eating (280 minutes), moving (220 minutes), resting (190), and grooming (40 minutes) (Figure 3). Early in the morning at 6.00 am they arestarting for moving. The daily activities of proboscis monkey start moving from sleeping tree to another tree for eating, resting, grooming and avoiding the threat or predator. Then in the afternoon they will sleep on the tree that last tree they sit. While one group usually back to permanent sleeping trees, such as KI 1. There are sevenbehaviorsit was observed are moving, eating, resting, grooming, parenting, and current threat. 294 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptation Patternn of Proboscis Monkey…... Hadi S. Alikodra & Reni Srimulyaningsih 300 250 Minute 200 150 100 50 0 Moving Eating Resting Groaming Figure 3. Time budget of daily activity of proboscis monkey a. Moving Moving behavior consists ofclimbing trees, down from the trees, moving between trees, jumping between trees, running and swimming. Jumping behavior of this monkey done from one tree to another tree for looking feeding, and escape from predator or disturbed by peoples. This monkey also jumping the tree to another tree and sleep in that tree. Proboscis monkeys are primates who can swimbecause between the toes there are membrane functionsto help animal for moving in water. During field observation, there are at least two individuals were observed swimming across the canal, i.e the proboscis group of KI 2. According to the local community information, proboscis monkey will more frequently swim in dry season to looking for feeding sources, and then will back in afternoon at 17:00 pm. b. Feeding Behavior Feeding behavior is a major activity of proboscis (4,5 hours/day), while Bismark (1986) found that duration of eating behaviorwas 3,6 hours, 41,2% performed in the morning, which is between of 07:00 am to 10:00 am. While Shalter et. al (1985) in some habitat of proboscis feeding behavior have range 13,1% to 63,2% from its activities. Feedingspecies of those monkeys areA. Angustiloba, M. cajuputi, D. Fruticosum,S. palutris, rumputtamparah (Scleria levis),I.tiliaceae and flower of M.malabatricum. There are five types of feeding based on information from local communitywhich are commonly eaten by the monkey;those are kariwaya (Ficusbinnendykii), bati-bati (Syzygiumzeylanica), jambu burung (Syzygiumsp.),hapoak (ElaeocarpusGlaber), and Masira (Ilex cymosa).Part of the feed is eaten in the form of leaves (98,2%) and flowers (1,8%). This is same with Soendjoto et. al. (2005) who found that most of food was consisted of leaves (80,9%) and flowers (11,3%). But in his reseach sometimes they also eat fruits (6,77%) and barks (0,95%). There are five ways of proboscis eating behaviors: (1) the monkey sits with two legs to take leaves with both hands, then one of hand put it intothemouth, (2) directly take leaves with the mouth, 295 (3) take leaves by one of its hand, then put it into themouth, (4) take leaves by two hands, then put into the mouth, (5) take the branch to choose young leaf, then put into the mouth by one hand. Feeding behavior of proboscis as well as other habitatobserved by Bismark (1984, 1986), which is sitting on a branch, then use two or one of hand to take leaves, then put it into the mouth. Function of hands are to take leaves and to put leaves into the mouth (Napieret al. 1967).AlsoAlikodra et. al. (1990)said that proboscis take leaves by hands, then put 1-3 pieces of leaves into themouth respectively, and thenchewed. While Bismark (1994) explains that the leaf consumed by proboscis is young leaffrom first to third of the top branches, flowers and fruit, which is taken directly bymouth or by hands. Proboscis monkey interest to material for diet that have high water content (59,06%). Bismark (1987) said found in mangrove forest (68%), while Soendjoto (2005) explain in rubber forest (20,59%). Beside that, proboscis monkey in cajuputi swamp forest more interest to high protein diet M. cajuputi(6,08%), S. palutris(15,91%), A. angutiloba(13,59%), D. fruticosum(10,85%), S. levis(6,03%), I. tiliaceae(13,34%) dan M. malabatricum(2, 93%). While content, such as Bismark (2002) said found of proboscis interest to diet that have high tanin.Nutrients composition of proboscis monkey feeding can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. Nutrients composition of proboscis monkey feeding in cajuputi swamp forest Nutrients Unit Mc Sp Aa Df Sl It Water content % 45,08 50,34 18,91 16,22 16,86 17,72 59,06 Ash % 6,14 3,86 10,62 9,87 10,12 - Protein % 6,08 15,91 13,59 10,85 6,03 13,34 2,93 Rough Fiber % 12,4 11,93 10,97 15,48 14,05 9,94 17,16 Fat % 2,24 1,31 1,76 0,41 0,4 0,21 0,12 Phosphor (P) Ppm 5,85 7,05 17,64 0,05 13,22 10,35 0,07 Potasium (K) Ppm 0,85 0,26 0,41 292,01 0,11 0,18 295,5 Calcium (Ca) Ppm 0,12 0,23 0,05 2242,54 0,05 0,09 4555,88 Natrium (Na) Ppm 0,45 0,53 0,18 367,65 0,38 0,18 - Ppm 0,22 0,066 0,09 294,93 0,11 0,13 Sulphur (S) % 0,63 0,42 1,32 432 0,62 0,43 427 Ferro (Fe) ppm 0,81 < 0,001 0,41 < 0,034 0,49 0,44 < 0,03 ppm < 0,011 < 0,011 <0,011 0,989 < 0,011 < 0,011 Cuprum (Cu) ppm < 0,001 < 0,001 0,05 - 0,05 < 0,001 Zinc (Zn) ppm 0,16 0,46 0,64 < 0,007 0,81 0,57 Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Mm 307,41 7,83 9,40 Mc (Malaleuca cajuputi), Sp (Stenoclaena palutris), Aa (Alstonia angustiloba), Df (Decaspermum fruticosum), Sl (Scleria levis), It (Ipomea tiliaceae), Mm (Melastoma malabatricum). 296 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Adaptation Patternn of Proboscis Monkey…... Hadi S. Alikodra & Reni Srimulyaningsih c. Resting behavior Resting behavior characterized by a proboscis sitting without doing any activity, but occasionally seen perform self-care activities, such as grooming. Also carried out with the occasional straight feet and body front of for several minutes, and then sit back. This activity frequent in the shade and covered from sun, such as at the middle and lower canopy or on top of canopy tree which is more leaves. d. Grooming Grooming or self-care behaviors carried by itself or by two individuals with back in row position. Groaming behavioral was carried by one individual usually by moving the hand toward the body or parts of body and then throwing the result of something the body parts. Body scratching behavior is usually done by one individual with one hand while sitting down and legs hanging. e. Parenting behaviors The parenting behavior is the parent who was holding the baby and mother are always observing and together with her son. Mother carrying a baby in all activities and never relinquished the baby carrier, while the parent who was caring for her child only occasionally holding herbaby. Parent who was caring for the child when the child's hand holding a jump and fell from a tree, groaming, sitting side by side when eating and resting and when there is the threat of the child will be immediately taken by the hand and then picked up at the front and jump to the tree that is estimated to safe from the threat or nuisance. f. Current threatsbehavior Proboscis monkeys are primates that live in groups, each group led by alpha male. The body of alpha male larger than other group members, entered the adult age composition, and have a greater voice. Alpha male is often seen at the front watching the surrounding environment, the alpha male will issue a distinctive sound when it saw a threat. This voice will be accepted directly by other proboscis as a warning sign to save theirselves. When current threat, alpha male will stoop, staringinto the source of the threat, and a sound that is loud, while others will move to the safer place. In this condition, alpha male will move after all members of the group had moved on. Position of proboscis monkey behavior based on canopyis mostly done on high canopy especially in the morning and afternoon for foraging behavior. However there are some foraging and eating behavior of proboscis done on the forest floor, which sits on the forest floor with both hands pick the leaves to eat leaf and placed it into themouth either with one or both hands. This conditions was adapted to habitat conditions that have a lot of dry trees or burned, so it is available only in bush life form, such as S. palutris, M. malabatricum, and I. tiliaceae.Proboscis long existence based on the position can be seen in Figure 4. 297 500 Minute 400 300 200 100 0 High canopy Midle canopy Under canopy Ground Figure4. Long existence of proboscis monkey based on position IV. CONCLUSSION 1. The total habitat of cajuput swampy forestis 1.912 hectares which is 184 hectares (9,62%) use by proboscis monkey for their habitat. The remnant of the habitat still support to existing of proboscis monkey, such as eating, resting, grooming, and parenting but have high risk to the population on the future regarding to the threat by conversion to agriculture or paddy field and cutting the cajuputi trees. 2. The population of proboscis monkey are 258 individual, 190 individual were distributed on the left side of canal and 68 individual on the right side. Based on age composition, there are adults (149 individual), juveniles (54 individual), babies (55 individual), the sex ratio between male and female was 1: 1,4and average density per group is 3 individual/ha with the highest density of 14 individual/haand the lowest (0,19 individual/ha). 3. Regarding to the habitat fragmented, it was a negative impact to the home rangeof proboscis monkey, the remain habitat only 26 to 90 hectares, and the pressure will be more high regarding to the increasing number of community population. REFERENCES Alikodra HS, S Yasuma, N Santoso, R Soekmadi, and E Suzana. 1990. Studi Ekologi Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb, 1781) di Hutan Lindung Bukit Soeharto, Kalimantan Timur [catatan penelitian]. Proyek Peningkatan Perguruan Tinggi. Tidak Diterbitkan. Alikodra HS and AH Mustari. 1994. Study on Ecology and Conservation of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) at Mahakam River Delta, East Kalimantan: Bahvior and Habitat Function. Annual Report PUSREHUT (5): 28. Alikodra HS. 1997. Population and Behavior of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Samboja Koala, East Kalimantan. Media Konservasi, 5(2): 67-72. Atmoko T, A Ma’ruf, I Syahbani and MT Rengku. 2007. 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Pratama Flora Diversity Loss in the Bioregion of Sulawesi1 Elizabeth A. Widjaja2 and Bayu A. Pratama2 ABSTRACT Indonesia is one of the biggest biodiversity area in the world after Brazil, has about 35,000 – 42,000 species, however this data need to be confirmed. The database of the Indonesian Flora is based at the Herbarium Bogoriense and based also on the specimens which was kept since 1871. The richness of the Indonesia flora is very important for the decision makers especially how to prevent the flora diversity get loss. Sulawesi as one of the biggest island in Indonesia (182,870 km 2 with the collecation rate 23 species/ 100 km2) has also high endemism flora species. The flora expedition to Sulawesi has been done since 1687 when Dampier visited and collected specimens from Buton. According to Steenis (1955), the total number of specimens collected from Sulawesi is 32,500 specimens, which was collected by Blume (1825 – 1827), Miquell (1855) and Koorders (1898). Keßler et al. (2002) has mentioned on this publication that there are 120 species of trees found in Sulawesi. Widjaja et al (2011) mentioned on her book “The state of Indonesian biodiversity” that Sulawesi has 6796 species, among this species it was listed that 292 species of 57 family are endemic to Sulawesi. Based on the study done since 2010, it s found that only 38Species was found in the field. When the locality of endemic species was laid on the land cover map, it was found that there are some species are no longer grow in the forest any more because the area was changed into housing area, plantation area, paddy field area or industry. The endemic species grow in specific soil characters, and certain altitude. Because of that the endemic species usually never grow in another habitat. Mapping of each endemic species will be drawn in Land cover, soil and also climate maps. Keywords: flora diversity, loss, Sulawesi I. INTRODUCTION Indonesia as megabiodiversity country after Brazil, has a high flora diversity which is about 35,000 – 42,000 species (Welzen et al 2005). The position of Indonesia which laid between two tropical country Asia and Australia and two ocean Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean make this area very unique and high endemism. Indonesia also consists of 17,500 islands which about 9 million km2 large 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Bidang Botani, Puslit Biologi – LIPI, Cibinong 16911, Email: 301 (2 million km2 land and 7 million km2 Ocean). Indonesia has only 1.3% of the world surface, but we have about 25% of the world Angiospermae. Sulawesi as one of the biggest island in Indonesia (182,870 km2 with the collecation rate 23 species/ 100 km2) has also high endemism flora species. The flora expedition to Sulawesi has been done since 1687 when Dampier visited and collected specimens from Buton. According to Steenis (1955), the total number of specimens collected from Sulawesi is 32,500 specimens, which was collected by Blume (1825 – 1827), Miquell (1855) and Koorders (1898). Keßler et al. (2002) has mentioned on his publication that there are 120 species of trees found in Sulawesi. Widjaja et al (2011) mentioned on her book “The state of Indonesian biodiversity” that Sulawesi has 6796 species, among this species it was listed that 292 species of 57 family are endemic to Sulawesi. In the COP (Congress of the Parties )of the Conventional Biological Diversity VIII in Brazil, one of the target in 2010 is to find the indicator of the biodiversity loss in the global, regional and national level. Whereas in the Aichi Target which has been discused in Nagoya, it is mentioned that Strategic Goal A is to address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. LIPI as science and technology provider and knowledge-based institution, should provide data about the state of biodiversity in Indonesia as has been done on the publication of the State of Indonesian biodiversity (2011) by Widjaja et al (2011). From this data, it is expected that LIPI (c.q. Research Centre for Biology) can perform the number of endemic flora in Indonesia which is endangered or the plant which was introduced to Indonesia and become weeds and invasive alien species in Indonesia. So it is expected that data can be provided which species was lost and should be reintroduced to the original habitat, and also which species need to be conserved because of the habitat changes and make the flora in that area was been disturbed either by natural or human activities. The purpose of this study is to record all endemic flora in Sulawesi and to monitor whether those endemic species still exist in the field by overlay the data into the land cover map which was produced by the Forestry Department. The data will also overlay with the soil and climate information of Sulawesi and the land use on conservation of that area. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS A list of endemic species was collected either from the references and herbarium specimens kept in the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), L, K. From the list, the locality data is recorded and laid out on the land cover map of 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 which was produced by the Department of Forestry. To understand the endemism of the species, the locality data is also overlay to the natural conservation area map, soil characters and climate or rain fall classification which followed Trojer (1976). The soil and climate map were produced by the Department of Agriculture. The locality visited to monitor whether the species is still exist or get lost, based on province where the forest left. This study was started in 2010 by monitoring the high endemism area in South Sulawesi Province (Latimojong, Lompobatang Mountains), then the following year is done in South East Sulawesi (Lamedai Nature Conservation, Mangolo tourist park, Papalia Tourist park, Rawa Aopa national park, and protected forest Sangona area), and in 2013 the monitoring program was done at 302 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama West Sulawesi (Gandangdewata protected forest) and Central Sulawesi (Lore Lindu National Park). In 2012 the monitoring program was not done because the monitoring budget was cut down by the government, so the monitoring was continued in 2013 with very short time visit due to the government regulation for the field work. So, it is frankly can be said that the monitoring program to see whether the endemic species is still existed or get lost cannot be used fully to say that those species was get lost, however, by overlaying the locality of the species to the land cover, we can predict that those species got lost due to the habitat changes. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Description of the study area Geographically, the study site are located between 5°U - 7°S and 118° - 127°E. The administration of the study site involves South Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, however, North Sulawesi and Gorontalo Provinces has not been done. The monitoring area for the biodiversity loss is very limited because the funding is not enough to go to every single forest. Because of that from each province, 2 areas were selected. From each locality visited, an attention was made to every area especially whether the area have swampy primary forest, swampy secondary forest, mangrove primary forest, mangrove secondary forest, dry land primary forest, dry land secondary forest and savanna. The landform of each area has drawn to see whether the endemic species has a delimitation of landform and climate such as hilly, plain, mountain, wavy, and climate type A, B, C, D with rainfall type I, II, III, IV. From the soil characteristic, the species was overlaid to soil map. B. Endemic species of Sulawesi Sulawesi is one of the biggest island in Indonesia also the transition area from Asean Flora with Australian Flora. Also Sulawesi is included in the central part of Malesia , is a transition zone between the Sunda and the Sahul flora, and also between Wallace line and weber line. This is one of the reason why Sulawesi has a high endemism flora. The uniqueness of the landform and rainfall, as well as the position of Sulawesi in the Wallacea line make Sulawesi possess a high endemism. However, the endemic species in Sulawesi is get lost very easily because of the habitat changes either for housing area, plantation, road establishment or even illegal logging. Two global environmental “problems”: currently attracting almost obsessive popular interest on climate change and biodiversity loss. This study is concerned to the problem of biodiversity loss, later on it is expected that this problem can also bring the ecological consequences of biodiversity loss. Then the biodiversity loss can be evaluated to satisfied of human needs which make direct value or private value and also to make indirect value to the society or its call social value Perrings et al. (1997).Van Welzen et al (2005) mentioned that the flora of Sulawesi consist of 1065 species with the endemic flora 144 species and 921 for non endemic species, and it is expected that the endemic species will increase till 265 species. Van Welzen & Silk (2009) mentioned that Sulawesi which is part of Wallacea consists of 1169 species, with 160 species endemic (14% endemics) from the area with the size 182,870 km2 or 6% of the Malesian region. 303 Based on the data collected from the references and 675 specimen Herbariium, it is recorded that there are listed that 292 species of 57 family are endemic to Sulawesi as shown on Table 1. No 1 Family Acanthaceae Jenis Strobilanthes calcicola J.R.I Wood & J. R. Benn. 2 Apiaceae Trachymene acrotricha Buwalda 3 Trachymene celebica Hemsl. 4 Trachymene erodioides Buwalda 5 Trachymene sarasinorum (Warb. ex H.Wolff) Buwalda 6 Apocynaceae Alyxia celebica D.J.Middleton 7 Alyxia globosa D.J.Middleton 8 Alyxia kabaenae Markgr. 9 Alyxia kendarica Markgr. 10 Alyxia lackii D.J.Middleton 11 Alyxia uniflora D.J.Middleton 12 Kibatalia wigmanii (Koord.) Merr. 13 Ochrosia acuminata Trimen ex Valeton 14 Ochrosia basistamina Hendrian 15 Rauvolfia kamarora Hendrian 16 Araceae Alocasia balgooy A. Hay 17 Alocasia megawatiae Yuzammi & A.Hay 18 Alocasia suhirmaniana Yuzammi & A. Hay 19 Amorphophallus plicatus Bok & Lam. 20 Homalomena vittariifolia 21 Schismatoglottis inculta 22 Araliaceae Arthrophyllum kjellbergii Philipson 23 Boerlagiodendron celebicum Lam. 24 Osmoxylon celebicum Philipson 25 Osmoxylon masarangense Philipson 26 Osmoxylon talaudense Philipson 27 Osmoxylon teysmannii (Boerl.) Philipson 28 Arecaceae Areca oxycarpa Miq., 29 Calamus aff inops Becc ex Heyne 30 Calamus ahlidurii Fernando 31 Calamus boniensis Becc ex Heyne 32 Calamus boniensis Beccari ex Heyne 33 Calamus didymocarpus Warb. 34 Calamus inops Becc ex Heyne 35 Calamus kandariensis Beccari 36 Calamus kjelbergii Furt. 304 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama No 37 Family Jenis Calamus koordersianus Becc 38 Calamus leiocaulis Beccari ex Heyne 39 Calamus leptostachys Becc ex Heyne 40 Calamus lorelinduensis JP Mogea & Rustiami 41 Calamus macrosphaerion Becc. 42 Calamus minahassae Warb ex Becc 43 Calamus obscurus Becc. 44 Calamus ornatus var. ornatus Blume 45 Calamus orthostachyus Furt. 46 Calamus pachystachys Warb ex Becc. 47 Calamus paucijugus Becc ex Heyne. 48 Calamus perpendiculus Rustiami 49 Calamus plicatus Blume 50 Calamus pseudomollis Becc 51 Calamus rosetus Rustiami 52 Calamus scleracanthus Becc ex Heyne 53 Calamus siphonospathus var. dransfieldii Baja Lapis 54 Calamus suaveolens W. J. Baker J. Dransf 55 Calamus symphysipus Martius 56 Calamus zollingeri Becc. 57 Daemonorops lamprolepis Becc. 58 Daemonorops macroptera (Miq.) Becc. 59 Daemonorops mogeana Rustiani 60 Daemonorops riedeliana Becc. 61 Daemonorops robusta Warb. 63 Daemonorops sarasinorum Warb. 64 Daemonorops schlechterii 65 Daemonorops takanensis Rustami 66 Granophyllum microspadix Burret 67 Gromophyllum kjelbergii Burret 68 Gromophyllum sarasinorum Burret 69 Gromophyllum selebicum (Becc.) Becc. 70 Korthalsia celebica Becc. 71 Pigafetta elata Becc. 72 Pinanga caesia Blume 73 Pinanga celebica Scheff. 74 Pinanga cf celebica 75 Pinanga kjellbergii 76 Pinanga macrorachis Burret 77 Pinanga macrostachya 305 No 78 Family Jenis Vaccinium paludicolum Sleum. 79 Aristolochiaceae Thottea celebica Ding Hou 80 Begoniaceae Begonia aptera Bl. 81 Begonia aptera subsp hirtissima Girmansyah & Dc. Thomas 82 Begonia bantamensis Hemsl val. Aff 83 Begonia capituliformis 84 Begonia comestibilis DC Thomas & Ardi 85 Begonia cuneatifolia Irmsch. 86 Begonia didyma Dc. Thoms et Ardi 87 Begonia flacca Irmsch 88 Begonia gemella Warb ex L. B. Sm & Wassh. 89 Begonia guttapila D.C.Thomas & Ardi, 90 Begonia hekensis D. C. Thoms. 91 Begonia heteroclinis 92 Begonia hirtella Link. 93 Begonia hispidissima Zipal ex Koorders. 94 Begonia insueta DC Thomas & Ardi 95 Begonia koordersii Warb ex L. B. Sm 96 Begonia lasioura DC Thomas & Ardi 97 Begonia longifolia Blume Complex. 98 Begonia masarangensis Irmsch. 99 Begonia mekongensis Girmansyah & Wiriadinata 100 Begonia nobmanniae DC Thomas & Ardi 101 Begonia ozotothrix Dc. Thomas. 102 Begonia prionota DC Thomas & Ardi 103 Begonia pseudolateralis 104 Begonia rachmati Tebbitt. 105 Begonia rantemarioensis DC Thomas & Ardi 106 Begonia sanguineopilosa DC Thomas & Ardi 107 Begonia siccacaudata J.Door. 108 Begonia torajana DC Thomas & Ardi 109 Begonia varipeltata De Thomas. 110 Begonia vermeulenii DC Thomas 111 Begonia watuwilensis Girmansyah 112 Boraginaceae Cordia aspera G.Forst 113 Burmanniaceae Gymnosiphon minahassae Schltr. 114 Burseraceae Canarium acutifolium (DC.) Merr 115 306 Canarium trigonum H.J.Lam International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama No 116 Family Celastraceae Jenis Euonymus impressus Blakelock 117 Salacia blepharophora Ding Hou 118 Salacia intermedia Ding Hou 119 Combretaceae Terminalia celebica Exell 120 Terminalia kjellbergii Exell 121 Terminalia supitiana Koord. 122 Convolvulaceae Argyreia celebica Ooststr. 123 Argyreia cinerea Ooststr. 124 Ipomoea stibaropoda Ooststr. 125 Cunoniaceae Weinmannia celebica Koord. 126 Weinmannia coodei H.C.Hopkins 127 Weinmannia descombesiana Bernardi 128 Weinmannia devogelii H.C.Hopkins 129 Cyperaceae 130 Fimbristylis celebica Ohwi Scirpus subcapitatus Thwaites ssp. celebicus Kern 131 Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum steenisii Leenh. 132 Dilleniaceae Dillenia celebica Hoogl. 133 Dillenia ochreata (Miq.) Teijsm. & Binn. 134 Dillenia serrata Thunb. 135 Dillenia talaudensis Hoogl. 136 Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea kjellbergii R.Knuth 137 Dioscorea sarasinii Uline ex R.Knuth 138 Dioscorea sexrimata Burk. 139 Dioscorea vanvuurenii Prain & Burk. 140 Dioscorea warburgiana Uline ex Koord. 141 Dipterocarpaceae Hopea celebica Burck 142 Ebenaceae Diospyros celebica Bakh. 143 Ericaceae Diplycosia aperta J.J.Sm. 144 Diplycosia caryophylloides J.J.Sm. 145 Diplycosia caryophylloides J.J.Sm. var. longipes Sleum. 146 Diplycosia celebensis J.J.Sm. 147 Diplycosia crassiramea Sleum. 148 Diplycosia haemantha Sleum. 149 Diplycosia kjellbergii J.J.Sm. 150 Diplycosia minutiflora Sleum. 151 Diplycosia rubidiflora J.J.Sm. 152 Diplycosia sagittanthera J.J.Sm. 153 Diplycosia stenophylla Sleum. 307 No 154 Family Jenis Diplycosia undata J.J.Sm. 155 Gaultheria celebica J.J.Sm. var. petiolata J.J.Sm. 156 Gaultheria viridiflora Sleum. 157 Rhododendron arenicolum Sleum. 158 Rhododendron bloembergenii Sleum. 159 Rhododendron celebicum (Blume) DC. 160 Rhododendron eymae Sleum. 161 Rhododendron impositum J.J.Sm. 162 Rhododendron lagunculicarpum J.J.Sm. 163 Rhododendron leptobrachion Sleum. 164 Rhododendron lindaueanum Koord. 165 Rhododendron lompohense J.J.Sm. 166 Rhododendron nanophyton Sleum. 167 Rhododendron nanophyton Sleum. var. petrophilum Sleum. 168 Rhododendron poremense J.J.Sm. 169 Rhododendron pseudobuxifolium Sleum. 170 Rhododendron psilanthum Sleum. 171 Rhododendron pudorinum Sleum. 172 Rhododendron quadrasianum Vidal var. selebicum J.J.Sm. 173 Rhododendron radians J.J.Sm. var. minahassae Sleum. 174 Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum. 175 Rhododendron scarlatinum Sleum. 176 Rhododendron vanvuurenii J.J.Sm. 177 Vaccinium antrocelebicum var vicius Sleum 178 Vaccinium aucupis Sleum. 179 Vaccinium centrocelebicum Sleum. 180 Vaccinium centrocelebicum Sleum. var. maius Sleum. 181 Vaccinium cuneifolium (Blume) Miq. 182 Vaccinium dubiosum J.J.Sm. 183 Vaccinium henrici Sleum. 184 Vaccinium kjellbergii J.J.Sm. 185 Vaccinium latissimum J.J.Sm. 186 Vaccinium paludicolum Sleum. 187 Vaccinium pilosilobum J.J.Sm. 188 Vaccinium tomicipes J.J.Sm. 189 Vaccinium warburgii Sleum. 190 Fabaceae Kallapia celebica Kosterm. 191 Flacourtiaceae Homalium celebicum Koord. 192 Gesneriaceae Aeschynanthus sojolianus Mendum & L.E.R.Galloway 193 308 Aeschynanthus celebicus Koord. International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama No 194 Family Jenis Aeschynanthus citrinus Mendum & S. Scott. 195 Agalmyla bicolor Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 196 Agalmyla exannulata Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 197 Agalmyla hilliardiae D.J.Middleton & S.Scott 198 Agalmyla immersinervia Hilliard 199 Agalmyla paucipilosa Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 200 Agalmyla pulcherrima Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 201 Agalmyla remotidentata Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 202 Agalmyla scabriflora Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 203 Agalmyla sojoliana Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 204 Agalmyla torajiana Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 205 Agalmyla vogelii Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 206 Cyrtandra bruteliana Koord. 207 Cyrtandra coccinea Blume var. celebica (Blume) C.B.Clarke 208 Cyrtandra cuneata Blume 209 Cyrtandra engleri Koord. 210 Cyrtandra fasciata H.J.Atkins 211 Cyrtandra gorontaloensis H.J.Atkins 212 Cyrtandra luteiflora H.J.Atkins 213 Cyrtandra polyneura (C.B.Clarke) B.L.Burtt 214 Cyrtandra purpurea H.J.Atkins 215 Cyrtandra serratifolia H.J.Atkins 216 Cyrtandra tenuicarpa H.J.Atkins 217 Gnetaceae Gnetum gnemon L. 218 Icacinaceae Gomphandra velutina Sleum. 219 Stemonurus celebicus Valeton ex Koord. 220 Leeaceae Leea smithii Koord. 221 Loganiaceae Fagraea tacapala Leenh. 222 223 Fagraea truncata Blume Loranthaceae 224 Amyema irrubescens Barlow Decaisnina celebica (Hemsl.) Barlow 225 Magnoliaceae Magnolia phaulanta Dandy ex Noot. 226 Malphigiaceae Aspidopterys celebensis Arenes 227 Malvaceae Hibiscus teijsmannii Borss.Waalk. 228 229 Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Melastomataceae Astronia gracilis Bakh.f. 230 Astronia stapfii Koord. 231 Medinilla celebica Blume 232 Medinilla mucronata Koord. 233 Melastoma horridum Bakh.f. 309 No 234 Family 235 236 Jenis Memecylon celebicum Bakh.f. Memecylon crassifoilium Bakh.f. Meliaceae 237 Chisocheton celebicus Koord. Chisocheton warburgii Harms. 238 Menispermaceae Tinospora celebica Diels 239 Mimosaceae Archidendron crateradenum (Kosterm.) Nielsen 240 Archidendron minahassae (Koord.) Nielsen 241 Archidendron tjendana (Kosterm.) Nielsen 242 Moraceae Ficus celebensis Corner 243 Ficus decipiens Reinw. ex Blume 244 Ficus geocarpa Teijsm. & Binn. 245 Ficus kofmaniae C.C.Berg 246 Ficus matanoensis C.C.Berg 247 Ficus minahasae Miq. 248 Ficus remifolia Corner ex C.C.Berg 249 Ficus submontana C.C.Berg 250 Ficus tonsa Miq. 251 Musaceae Musa celebica Warb. 252 Myristicaceae Gymnacranthera maliliensis R.T.A.Schouten 253 Horsfieldia coriacea Wilde 254 Horsfieldia talaudensis Wilde 255 Knema celebica Wilde 256 Knema matanensis Wilde 257 Myristica devogelii Wilde 258 Myristica impressinervia J.Sinclair 259 Myristica koordersii Warb. 260 Myristica ultrabasica Wilde 261 Nepenthaceae 262 263 Nepenthes glabratus J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton Nepenthes tomoriana Danser Orchidaceae Coelogyne multiflora Schltr. 264 Phalaenopsis celebensis Sweet 265 Phalaenopsis venosa PS Shim & Fowlie 266 Vanda Celebica J.J. Sm. 267 Vanda devoogtii J.J.Sm. 268 Oxalidaceae Sarcotheca celebica Veldkamp 269 Piperaceae Piper caninum Blume 270 Poaceae Racemobambos celebica 271 Polygalaceae Xanthophyllum celebicum Meijden 272 Proteaceae Grevillea elbertii Sleum. 273 310 Helicia celebica Sleum. International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama No 274 Family Jenis Helicia kjellbergii Sleum. 275 Helicia kjellbergii Sleum. var. calva Sleum. 276 Helicia teysmanniana Sleum. 277 Rubiaceae 278 279 Psychotria celebica Miq. Timonius stipulosus Boerl. Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis celebica Adema 280 Cupaniopsis strigosa Adema 281 Guioa hirsuta Welzen 282 Lepisanthes falcata (Radlk.) Leenh. ssp. celebica (Radlk.) Leenh. 283 Trigonachras celebensis Leenh. 284 Sapotaceae Manilkara fasciculata (Warb.) Mull. Arg. 285 Schisandraceae Kadsura celebica A.C.Sm. 286 Symplocaceae Symplocos ambangensis Noot. 287 Symplocos maliliensis Noot. 288 Taccaceae Tacca celebica Koord. 289 Thymelaeaceae Gyrinops decipiens Ding Hou 290 Tiliaceae Colona celebica (Blume) Burr. 291 Verbenaceae Clerodendrum lanuginosum Blume 292 Viscaceae Viscum exile Barlow From the above table it can be seen that Arecacee, Ericaceae, Begoniaceae, Gesneriaceae have very high endemism in Sulawesi, beside that Apocynaceae, Myristicaceae and Moraceae are has medium diversity in Sulawesi. Because of that it can be said that Sulawesi is the home of Arecaceae, Ericaceae, Gesneriaceae and Begoniaceae. According to van Welzen & Silk (2009), Ericaceae is a family found at a higher atitudes, and possess many endemics species (716 out of 732 species recorded in Flora Malesiana). The Ericaceae are well represented on the Sunda Shelf, are almost absent in Wallaceae, but are extremely species rich with several genera on the Sahul Shelf. This statement is different than the reality where we have the highest number of endemic species of Ericaceae in Sulawesi (Wallacea). One of the reasonon the high endemism is the soil characters of this area is very unique compare to other area of Indonesian archipelago. When the inventory of the endemic flora is finalized, and the data is overlay to land cover, the data of the endemic flora which may get lost can be drawn easily. From example on Arecaceae, Calamus is a genus of rattan has the highest demand in the market, but this also included in the genus which has a high diversity, but also risk due to overload harvesting. Therefore, the species is very risk in the future and get lost easily. One of the effort to make the species do not get lost is by reintroducing the species in the same locality. When the species has not lost, a collecting seedling need to be done and germinating in the Forestry Department to be reintroduced to the original locality when the seedling was collected. Beside providing data on the endemic species, a monitoring to the localities have been done since 2010, but the monitoring result is not always positive, because the locality has been changed, or the area visited is not the same when collection was made. 311 The latest reason was there is no accurate information on the attitude, or coordinate where the specimens were collected. When the specimen grow abundantly, those specimens are still found. After 4 years monitoring, 38 species of 292 species still exist in the field (Table 2). From the table below it can be seen that the highest number of specimens seen in the field is family Ericaceae. One of the reason for this, because the monitoring has been done in the high mountainous area such as Latimojong and Lompobatang where the monitoring has been done.Another family is Gesneriaceae, Apiaceae and Poaceae also found in the highland, whereas Araceae found in the lowland. Table 2. Species found in the field. No. Family Species Found in the field 1 1 Apiaceae Trachymene acrotricha Buwalda 2 Apiaceae Trachymene celebica Hemsl. 1 3 Apiaceae Trachymene erodioides Buwalda 1 4 Apocynaceae Alyxia kabaenae Markgr. 1 5 Araceae Alocasia balgooy A. Hay 1 6 Araceae Alocasia suhirmaniana Yuzammi & A. Hay 1 7 Araliaceae Osmoxylon masarangense Philipson 1 8 Cunoniaceae Weinmannia descombesiana Bernardi 1 9 Dilleniaceae Dillenia serrata Thunb. 1 10 Ericaceae Diplycosia celebensis J.J.Sm. 1 11 Ericaceae Diplycosia crassiramea Sleum. 1 12 Ericaceae Diplycosia rubidiflora J.J.Sm. 1 13 Ericaceae Diplycosia undata J.J.Sm. 1 14 Ericaceae Gaultheria celebica J.J.Sm. var. petiolata J.J.Sm. 1 15 Ericaceae Gaultheria viridiflora Sleum. 1 16 Ericaceae Rhododendron arenicolum Sleum. 1 17 Ericaceae Rhododendron celebicum (Blume) DC. 1 18 Ericaceae Rhododendron eymae Sleum. 1 19 Ericaceae Rhododendron lagunculicarpum J.J.Sm. 1 Rhododendron lindaueanum Koord. var. bantaengense 20 Ericaceae J.J.Sm. 1 21 Ericaceae Rhododendron nanophyton Sleum. 1 22 Ericaceae Rhododendron psilanthum Sleum. 1 23 Ericaceae Rhododendron quadrasianum Vidal var. celebicum J.J.Sm. 1 24 Ericaceae Rhododendron rhodopus Sleum. 1 25 Ericaceae Vaccinium centrocelebicum Sleum. 1 26 Ericaceae Vaccinium cuneifolium (Blume) Miq. 1 27 Ericaceae Vaccinium latissimum J.J.Sm. 1 28 Fabaceae Kallapia celebica 1 29 Gesneriaceae Agalmyla scabriflora Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 1 312 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama No. Family Species Found in the field 1 30 Gesneriaceae Agalmyla torajiana Hilliard & B.L.Burtt 31 Loganiaceae Fagraea tacapala Leenh. 1 32 Loranthaceae Decaisnina celebica (Hemsl.) Barlow 1 33 Melastomataceae Melastoma horridum Bakh.f. 1 34 Musaceae Musa celebica Warb. 1 35 Musaceae Musa sp. (jantung pendulus merah) 1 36 Piperaceae Piper caninum Blume 1 37 Poaceae Racemobambos celebica 1 38 Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis celebica Adema 1 38 The unseen specimens were not means that they get lost already, but an overlay with the land cover forest 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 is necessary as shown on the discussion below. Distribution pattern of the endemic flora based on the land cover and land use agreement Based on the endemic flora data, it can be seen that most endemic species like to grow in the primary dry land forest. However, since 2000 – 2009 (Figure 1 – 4), it showed that the endemic species found in the area and which not changes significantly, except in South Sulawesi. Most of the endemic species in South Sulawesi was found outside of the forest. Because of that it is more difficult to find those species because the habitat has changed from the original vegetation become housing, plantation or infrastructure. On the figure 2, it can be seen that the forest area has been decreased due to increase the plantation area, the settlement, mining and dryland farming. This data can also be seen on table 3. 313 Figure 1. Diversity of endemic plants with land cover in year 2000 Figure 2. Diversity of endemic plants with Land Cover in Year 200 314 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama Figure 2. Diversity of Endemic Plants with Land Cover in Year 2003 Figure 3. Diversity of endemic plants with Land Cover in Year 2006 Figure 4. Diversity of endemic plants with Land Cover in Year 2009 315 In year 2000, most of Sulawesi has dominated by dry primary forest (Fig. 1), then the situation was changed every year as seen on table 3. Therefore in 2009, the endemic flora mostly found not in the forest area, because the primary dryland forest has decreased rapidly in 2009, on the other hand the secondary dryland forest, plantation, settlement, mining, dryland farming with shrub is increasing rapidly (Fig 4). The reduced rate of forest is correlated to the increasing of the housing area (settlement), plantation (agriculture), mining, transmigration area and also savanna. If no one pay attention to the degraded land, then the loss of endemic flora will go faster. Table 3. Area of changes for each land cover in year 2000 until 2009 No. Type of Land Cover 1 Swampy Shrub 2 3 4 5 Area (Ha) Year 2000 Year 2003 Year 2006 Year 2009 33938,60 31380,95 33028,75 33649,92 Primary Dryland Forest 5830259,37 5608153,86 3953460,95 3893454,89 Secondary Dryland Forest 4573432,68 4656505,16 6030392,60 6033794,08 Primary Mangrove Forest 54688,06 51665,61 47581,30 45181,73 150328,28 151312,40 150263,43 149864,08 Secondary Mangrove Forest 6 Primary Swampy Forest 755,72 755,72 755,72 755,72 7 Secondary Swampy Forest 33216,40 33022,69 31503,90 31230,66 8 Production Forest 16746,83 16746,83 17027,15 16730,95 9 Seaport / Airport 816,74 816,74 1292,02 1292,02 10 Plantation 244263,78 245927,09 246760,97 254018,15 11 Settlement 103086,65 103320,39 104561,00 114339,62 12 Mining 12995,88 13302,19 13667,57 14174,80 13 Dryland Farming 865847,78 878106,53 932812,21 930556,19 3565357,90 3672793,03 3728173,24 3754065,76 14 Dryland Farming with Shrub 15 Swamp 16 Savanna 17 Sawah 935869,11 934977,44 938722,81 958074,54 18 Shrub 1466336,93 1484543,29 1641341,12 1636232,05 19 Fishpond 149250,32 154583,13 159923,37 162951,82 20 Clearing Land 118741,22 118483,55 125134,08 97597,37 21 Transmigration Area 12525,12 12525,12 12525,12 12731,86 22 Water 199617,41 199933,10 199617,41 199172,67 18683213,5 18683762,4 18683762,4 18683762,4 1 9 9 9 Total 8996,09 8646,57 9004,74 9157,46 306142,64 306261,08 306213,04 334736,13 Except for the land cover changes, another factor which may occurred is when monitoring has been done, the endemic flora was collected before, not from the conservation area. So it is difficult to map them if the locality belong to customary land, or private land which may get change already. It is expected the flora endemic from the nature conservation area is still exist. 316 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama Figure 5. Diversity of endemic plants with forest land use agreement Distribution of the Endemic flora based on their landform and rainfall On the figure 6, it can be seen that most of the endemic species like to grow in the sediment, volcanic and plutonic. However, several species can be found in different landform characters. The variation of landform can make the species adaptable,or very specific on the habitat for each species. By adapting to the habitat, distribution rate of each species may adaptable and regenerated easily, but most of the endemic species are not adaptable and difficult to regenerate because of that the endemic species grow on the very specific habitat. 317 Figure 6. Diversity of Endemic species with Type of Landform Figure 7. Diversity of Endemic speccies with Type of Rainfall On the Figure 7, the rainfall sequences types rainfall per year show that the endemic species mostly grow in the rainfall type II B where the rainfall has rain between 1000 – 2000 mm/year with multiple wave. The type II B rainfall can be included in the dry climate. Also the endemic species like to grow in the type III C where the rainfall occurred between 2000 – 3000 mm/year with double wave 318 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Flora Diversity Loss in tke Bioregion of Sulawesi…... Elizabrth A. Wijaya & Bayu A. Pratama rainfall. Some species in the Sourh Sulawesi grow in rainfall type IVA where the rainfall has rain between 3000 – 4000 mm/year with the simple wave and the lowest rainfall found at July – August. The latest type of rainfall is included in the wet climate. When the endemic species is correlated to the habitat landform, it is shown that the endemic species in the north and central of Sulawesi generally grow in the sediment landform. In the south of Sulawesi, this endemic species is adaptable with the rainfall type IIIA (wet climate) and IVA (Wet Climate) in the volcanic landform. In the South East Sulawesi, the area is dominated by rainfall type IIB (dry climate) with metamorph landform. The adaptable species on this condition can make the flora in this area became endemic. IV. CONCLUSION From this study it can be concluded that the endemic species of Sulawesi is 292 species (out of 6796 species, 4.3%) of 57 family, among this 38 species has been collected in the field. Due to a high changes on habitat destruction, it is expectedthe endemic species can be to be used in reintroduction at the original locality. An intensive field work to find those endemic species is very important to prevent biodiversity loss. If it is possible a protection on the habitat changes should be done to prevent more biodiversity get loss. Further data on the endemic species need to be collected, although Widjaja et al. (2011) has mentioned that there are 6796 species found in Sulawesi. REFERENCES Keßler, P.J.A. M.M. Bos, S.E.C. Sierra Daza, A. Kop, L.P.M. Willemse, R. Pitopang,S.R. Gradstein. 2002. Checklist of woody plants of Sulawesi, Indonesia. BLUMEA Supplement 14NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND, Universiteit Leiden branch. 160 pp. Koorders, S.H.. 1898. Verslag eener botanische dienstreis door de Minahassa. Meded. ’s Lands Plantentuin Nº 19: 1-716 Koorders, S.H. 1901. Eenige aanvullingen en verbeteringen van mijn verslag eener botanische dienstreis door de Minahassa’. Nat. Tijdschr. N.I. 61: 250-261 Miquell, F. A.W. 1855. Flora van Nederlandsch Indie.Vol 1, 2. Perrings, C., Karl-Goran Maler, Carl Folke, C.S. Holling, Bengt-Owe Jansson. 1997. Biodiversity loss. Economic and ecological issues. Cambridge university Press. 332 pp. Steenis, C. G. G. J. van. 1955. Flora Malesiana. Vol. 5. Trojer, H. 1976. Weather Classification and Plant-Weather Relationship.FAO Working Paper no.11. Soil Research Institute. Bogor, Indonesia. 85 pp. VanWelzen, P.C., J.W. F. Slik & J.Alahuhta, 2005. Plant distribution patterns and plate tectonicsm in Malesia. Biol. Skr. 55: 199-217. ISSN 0366-3612.ISBN 87-7304-304-4. Van Welzen, P.C. & J.W.F Slik. 2009. Patterns in species richness and composition of plant families in the Malay Archipelago. Blumea 54: 166-171. Widjaja, E. A., Ibnu Maryanto, Daisy Wowor, Siti Nuramaliati Prijono. 2011. Status Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia. LIPI Press. Jakarta. 48 pp. 319 320 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 An Approach in Ecosystem Valuation: A Case of The G. Mahawu…... Martina A. Langi AN APPROACH IN ECOSYSTEM VALUATION: A CASE OF THE GUNUNG MAHAWU PROTECTED FOREST1 Martina A. Langi 2 I. INTRODUCTION Determined as a protected forest since 1933, Gunung Mahawu serves as an important water catchment area in North Sulawesi. The elevation ranges from 800 m to 1,372 m above sea level, and with an area of 549.02 ha, most of it has already been secondary forest (73.27%) followed by an open grasslands (19.36%) and invaded area for farming (7.37%). Scenic views of Tomohon, Minahasa, and Manado can be seen from mountain top leading it to one of ecotourism destination of the province. Gunung Mahawu has also been supporting local agro-complex through its hydro-orology functions, that is, by regulating water hence topsoil of the land system. Other essential roles include biodiversity support and cultural asset that are important to community livelihood. In the whole, the roles of Gunung Mahawu can be stated as use values, existence values, option values, and bequest values. These ecosystem values have long been with the community, however, they have just been recognized and somehow appreciated by a large scale of the community. Some of the reasons include the frequent occurrences of flooding, land and road erosion, and landslides all happened lately (within the past 5 years); in the meantime there is also a raising awareness of global warming impacts. Located in the city of Tomohon, there has Figure 1. The location of Gunung Mahawu 1 been a strong attachment mountain and the community. between the Some cultural This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 2 Sam Ratulangi University, 321 aspects such as traditional music and dance can be associated with the presence of the mountain. This city has been known as the center of regional education where people from many other places come to study. The mean temperature can be categorized as mild (around 200C), supporting certain wildlife fauna and flora such as Nepenthes masarangense, Macaca nigra, Bufo celebensis, Ficus minahassae, and Schefflera actinophylla. Access road mountain up top established by government concerns to has local leading on the been to increasing pressure to the protected forest already being open by grasslands and farming. This study examined public Figure 2. One of scenic view taken from Gunung Mahawu awareness on financial aspects the mountain of focusing on its (a) water values; (b) carbon sequestration; and (c) existence values. II. METHODS The contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to estimate economic values of Gunung Mahawu protected forest as the method allows valuation of non-market goods and services, both use and non-use values.This method has some considerable limitations (i.e. the questions or the market situations are hypothetical and thus subject to controversy); nevertheless, the method has been widely used with some known assumptions and prior assurances such as: (a) taking as much as possible on how people think about the good or service in question; (b) considering people’s familiarity with the good or service, as well as the importance of such factors as quality, quantity, accessibility, the availability of substitutes, and also the reversibility of the change; and (c) determining the extent of the affected populations or markets for the good or service in question.Clear definition of the services, the context, the confidence that respondents are actually stating their values for these services. During three months, 100 respondents affected by flood, water scarcity, and landslides were being asked directly on their willingness to pay in order for the “disaster” not to happen again (hypothetically). The total economic value of the mountain (Gunung Mahawu) is the function of the following components: 1. Values of domestic water 2. Values of carbon sequestration 3. Values of mountain conservation 4. Values of mountain existence III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The economic valuation was made for several forms of ecosystem services mentioned above, measured during year 2012. The NPV was estimated for 25 years with BI rate as much as 10%. 322 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 An Approach in Ecosystem Valuation: A Case of The G. Mahawu…... Martina A. Langi 1) Water for domestic use The assumption being used here is Gunung Mahawu stored and supplied soil water; then the economic value for water is regarded as non-direct use. Related indicators include the maintained quality and quantity of community water springs and wells; this water are being used for domestic purposes including livestock. Table 1 contains the need, the price, and total cost involved for this purpose. 2) Carbon valuation The remaining forest of Gunung Mahawu is 402.28 ha (excluding the formed grasslands and farmland). The carbon value was approached using the international general standard of 5 $/ton C contained in secondary forest (being 283 ton C per ha). The related calculation is presented in Table 1. 3) Conservation valuation This value was measured from the willingness to pay of the community to keep and sustain Gunung Mahawu as a protective forest. A research carried out by the Forest Ecology class of UNSRAT (2012) on biodiversity of Gunung Mahawu biodiversityshowed these following results. Vegetation density was averagely 612per ha; and there were 23 bird species (among them 11 were native), 5 reptile species, 6 mammal species, and at least 14 insect species including various butterflies. With diverse species still found in Gunung Mahawu, the quality of ecosystem as life support to surrounding environment can be maintained. The economic values of this aspect is presented in Table 1. 4) Existence valuation The existence values in this study covers cultural, spiritual, and esthetical aspects associated with the presence of Gunung Mahawu. From generation to generation, these values have been cherished and recently appreciated more due to population growth and activities that has consumed most open natural areas within the city. Economic valuation to these aspects were approached from people’s willingness to pay (Table 1). Table 1. Economic valuation on ecosystem services of Gunung Mahawu Tomohon Ecosystem service Value quantity and portion NPV (10%, 25 % years) (Rp) 1 Domestic water services 7,818,952,100 53.78 161,548,597,102 2 Carbon services 6,261,488,200 43.07 1,595,090,909 3 Conservation services 402,625,850 2.77 2,844,252,820 4 Existance services 0.38 507,796,849 Total economic value (Rp) Rp/year 55,943,000 14,539,009,150 It was generally calculated that the total economic value of Gunung Mahawu at present is Rp. 14,539,009,150 per year or 36,141,516.23 Rp/ha/year. The value shows highest portion for domestic 323 water (53.78%) followed by carbon sequestration (43.07%), conservation (2.77%), and existence (0.38%). This shows a strong role of Gunung Mahawu in accommodating water need of the community, at least locally. The degradation of forest area may certainly affect this important function. Serious protection and management are of urgency as there are some concerns regarding opening access through road establishment. Furthermore, this value has not completely covered all services bequeathed by Gunung Mahawu to the living environment. Other vital values such as the comprehensive estimation of flood prevention, climate stability, nutrient cycling, or source of genetic plasma have not been included in the above total economic value. Nevertheless, this general calculation should be sufficient to encourage professional management of Gunung Mahawu as a protective forest. REFERENCES Diamond, P.A. and Hausman, J.A. 2004. 'Contingent Valuation: Is Some Number better than No Number?' The Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(4):45-64 Diamond, S.S. 2000. Reference Guide on Survey Research (2nd), Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Federal Judicial Center. Hanemann, W.M. 2004. 'Valuing the Environment through Contingent Valuation'. The Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(4): 19-43. Hartwirck, J.M. and Olewiler, N.D. 1986. The Economics of Natural Resource Use. Penguins Publ. New York. Mundy, B. and McLean, D. 2008. The Addition of Contingent Valuation and Conjoint Analysis. The Journal Practice and Education 14(1):250-259. Portney, P.R.2003. The Contingent Valuation Debate: Why Economists Should Care'. The Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(4):3-17 Rangkaian Publikasi PS. Kehutanan UNSRAT 2011. Explorasi Biodiversitas Sulawesi. Penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa. 324 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification Study Case: Community-Based Micro Hydro in Cibuluh Village, Mt. Simpang Nature Reserve1 Hilda Lionata2 ABSTRACT Indonesia is blessed with high potential of 75,000 MW hydro power (Public Work Ministry, 2011) but there are 14.5 out of 43.5 million households without electrification (The Worldbank, 2005). To utilize the potential of hydro power in rural areas, forest must be conserved to provide hydrological services. Environmental and social aspects held key roles for a sustainable, rural electrification. This study is geared to find out the actual cost of hydro power development by internalizing environment and social costs. A six years old, community-based micro hydro in Cibuluh village located inside Mt. Simpang Nature Reserve is chosen as the study site. Forest services in ensuring water availability for the micro hydro are valuated through Contingent Valuation (CV) and Productivity Methods. Data of social and technical valuation is collected using methodological triangulation. Visits to Cibuluh village were conducted on May and July 2010. The valuation of forest services from CV and Productivity Method is 8,880,000/year and 6,624,000 rupiah/year respectively. Social aspect valuated through triangulation method shared 43% of the total budget, 268,965,000 IDR. Total technical cost in constructing micro hydro is 235,000,000 IDR. Keywords: cost analysis, community-based micro hydro, forest service valuation, sustainable electrification I. INTRODUCTION A. Rationale Indonesia has high potential of 75,000MW hydro power (Public Work Ministry, 2011). However, as a developing country, Indonesia still experiences difficulty in energy utilization, especially in term of electrification. Fourteen point six million out of 43,5 million households, mostly in rural areas, are without electrification (The World Bank, 2005). Over the past three decades, Government has allocated considerable resources to its rural electrification program mainly through State Electricity Company (PLN). Yet, electrifying an archipelagic country with roughly 14,000 islands and widely spread villages brings challenges. The task of rural electrification should not rely entirely on conventional power generation technologies such as coal. Tapping into the available resources of 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Burung Indonesia , email : 325 renewable energy such as micro hydro is one of the clean, environmentally friendly solutions to meeting rural electrification. Maintaining the availability of water flows in the river is one important element to utilize the potential of hydro power in rural areas. To ensure water availability, the forest must be conserved to provide hydrological ecological services. Indonesia, once blessed with vast rain forest, currently experiences decrease of forest’s area. Forest on Java island for example, suffers the most when its area is reduced from 5,070 million hectares in 1950 to 1,3 million hectares in 1997. In 2009, only 897,978 ha of forest coverage is left ( Providing electricity and ensuring sustainable electrification in rural area is two different things. Forty four of 80 on-grid (that supplies electricity to State Power Company) and 111 of 180 off-grid (that feeds to consumers’ houses) micro hydro in Indonesia is no longer operating (Budiono, 2003). Many stories of micro hydro (MH) constructions end up as developmental monument in Indonesia. Community needs to be prepared for micro hydro development. Knowing that environmental and social aspects held key roles in community-based, rural electrification, it is become necessary to internalize the cost of these two aspects and learn how they contribute to micro hydro development. I. 2 Research Objectives This study is geared to valuate total cost of micro hydro development, by integrating the value of ecological and social cost, showcasing micro hydro in Cibuluh village (later referred as Cibuluh MH) as the study case. II. METHODOLOGY A. Study Site One micro hydro in very hilly Cibuluh village, located inside Mt. Simpang Nature Reserve and guarded by community based conservation group called Raksabumi was chosen as the study site. As shown in Figure II.1, it is one of the few forests left in Java. This 15.000 ha forest experienced rampant illegal logging during the period of 1997-1999. However, the forest has revived with the help of a community based conservancy group called Raksabumi, facilitated by YPAL (Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari), a local conservation NGO. Their success has made GEF-SGP (Global Environmental Fund – Small Grant Program), grant them a 20 kW micro hydro. It has provided electricity for the people since 2005 until now. Cibuluh households are located in clusters of 20-55 scattered households. 326 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata Figure 1. The map of Mt. Simpang Nature Reserve in West Java B. Methodology Three aspects needed for a community-based micro hydro are valuated to analyze the cost of its development. First was the valuation of forest service to represent ecological aspect using questionnaires of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and Productivity Method (PM). Forty of 148 consumers were surveyed on a random basis for CVM. Two respondents were sampled on reference basis for PM. Second was the identification of Cibuluh social capital and the valuation of social participation as representative of social aspect. Third was the valuation of technical micro hydro construction to represent economical aspect. Data of social capital and technical MH construction was collected using methodological triangulation. In depth interviews with key informants, informal conservations, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and field observations were carried out. Village profile, project report and budget documents were studied. Total cost required for Cibuluh micro hydro development is calculated from those three valuations. Preliminary visit to Cibuluh village was conducted on May 19-22nd, 2010 while the second was on July 24-28th, 2010. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Forest Service 1. Contingent Valuation Method Respondent who stated relatively high willingness to pay (WTP) per month was the one who economically depends on electricity for his micro internet-café. The person understands very well the 327 dependency of micro hydro to water availability and conservation of upstream area due to his frequent exposures and involvements with YPAL and Raksabumi. There were 5 persons in total who were willing to pay more than 10,000 IDR. Thirty two (majority of the respondents) were willing to pay less than 10,000 IDR. Two hypothesis for the relatively low WTP were the lack of electricity usage for income generating activity and the nature of Cibuluh people who are mostly subsistent, having limited monetary capital in the households. The distribution of WTP in Cibuluh is skewed as can be seen in Table III.1, therefore median WTP (5,000) reflects what the majority of people would be willing to pay (Pearce, 2006). Tabel 1. Range of WTP Value from Questionnaire Number of respondents WTP (in rupiah) 7 7 12 1 5 2 1 1 1 1,000 2000 5,000 7,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 Therefore, WTP value per year from CVM result in Cibuluh is 8,880,000 IDR. The statistic description of WTP can be seen in Table 2. Table 2. Descriptive WTP Statitistic of Cibuluh Micro Hydro Consumers Item Value Total Respondent Mean WTP Median WTP Minimum WTP Maximum WTP 37 7,371 IDR 5,000 IDR 1,000 IDR 50,000 IDR 2. Productivity Method The total value of Productivity Method; 6,624,000 IDR/year, is derived from micro internet-café and a tofu home industry. During interviews and daily interactions with the people, having electricity in the house has enabled villagers to have longer working hours that leads to more productivity. Civil servants can work longer hours that can lead to a promotion and higher income. Micro scale entrepreneurs also gained additional hours to open their stalls or to produce snacks. Yet they were too micro and incidental to be measured. There is another element of safety and convenient as added value to have electricity from micro hydro rather than oil lamp or diesel fuel. Value derived from PM is an understatement of the total economic value of the forest. It does not capture the full value of forest services because it only addresses values in energy production (electricity). The sum of CVM and PM, 15,504,000 million IDR/year, represents the value of forest service in 2010. 328 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata Table 3. Result of Productivity Method of Cibuluh Micro Hydro No. Name Profession 1 Tohir, Entrepreneur Notes (owns 50 years old tofu home industry) a If there is no electricity, 12 L of diesel fuel is needed to operate the machine to grind 1000 kg beans/month. Thus, the production cost with no electricity is 72,000 rupiah/month (6,000 rupiah/liter) or 864,000 rupiah/year. 2 Warmin, Entrepreneur (owns a If there is no electricity, 1 L of diesel fuel is needed to 26 years old micro internet café, with operate generator set for 2 hours. Thus, the 1 PC, 1 printer, 1 lap top production cost to keep the shop open without and a digital camera) electricity for 8 hours per day is 24,000/day or 480,000 rupiah/month or 5,760,000 rupiah/year. Total Productivity Value 6,624,000 rupiah/year B. Social Participation As the management group has been facilitated by YPAL, it has been successful in tackling some of social issues frequently faced in community-based micro hydro development. Though there are some issues remain as challenges for Cibuluh management group, with time and experiences the group will be able to tackle them too. Distrust from the subscriber to the managing group, discrepancies of financial report within the group and to the subscriber, horizontal conflicts on electrical quota were some of the challenges to be reduced gradually. Summary of frequent social issue raised due to MH construction and how Cibuluh management group tackled them can be seen in Table 4. Table 4. The Frequent Social Issue faced by Community-based Micro-Hydro Development and Cibuluh Management Frequent Social Community-based Issues in Micro-Hydro Description of Micro-Hydro Management in Cibuluh Development Weak management institution (Public The institution is in an informal form, without any Works Ministry, 2011 and Ilskog, 2008) notary deed but it has its own structure such as leader, operator, and a treasurer. It conducts meeting with all consumers to elect new leader of the management. Community’s inability to replace The management group is able to provide money generator after breakdown (UNIDO, collected from the monthly fee and repair generator 3 2003) times after the construction. 329 Frequent Social Community-based Issues in Micro-Hydro Description of Micro-Hydro Management in Cibuluh Development No guidance after construction. The Guidance is provided after the construction by YPAL. project organization only guides the community during the construction, which only takes a couple of months (Verlinde, 2007) Uncertain authority. It is not always clear The line of authority is clear. When something goes who has the responsibility, when wrong, the community will convey it to the management something goes wrong (Verlinde, 2007) group. They try to resolve the problem first, but if they need a mediator they ask for YPAL assistantship. Lacking of training and assistantship to Training and assistantship to operate and maintain MH local operators to manage and maintain is given not long after the construction to two of micro hydro (Budiono, 2003) management group member. The two then teach the other members in the group. Lacking of management skill for the Collection is done in a monthly basis. The money is used operator group to collect, manage and to cover routine operational and maintenance cost. control the usage of the money Having the process in a well- documented archive and generated from the micro hydro accountable for the consumers is still a challenge. (Budiono, 2003). Lack of trust. People suspect the Amount of collection from monthly fee is fluctuating. management of the installation to be Several consumers refuse to pay. The balance sheet is corrupt and refuse to pay the bill not too accountable and changes per leadership. (Verlinde, 2007) Sabotage. Villagers without a connection Never happened up until today. People in Cibuluh still are dissatisfied and sabotage the upheld the agreement they made when they decide who installation (Verlinde, 2007) have the right to electricity connection. Discrepancies on financial accountability Discrepancies happens several times, it depend on the & administration by the management leadership of the management. institution (Budiono, 2003). (Source: GEF-SGP financial report and personal communication) 330 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata Three major stakeholders are involved and have been engaged before, during and after micro hydro Cibuluh MH development as can be seen in Table 5. Table 5. The Stakeholders and Their Roles in Cibuluh Micro Hydro Development Stake holders Roles Facilitating NGO, - YPAL (Yayasan 1. Pribumi Alam Lestari) Facilitating,- trust building, policy advocacy, group information, acces to network, economic development 2. Capacity building,- human and organization Funding NGO, - GEF-SGP (Global Environmental Fund – Small Grant Supporting the work of facilitating NGO including providing fund Program) Cibuluh people Becoming the actor of development: Helping out the construction work Managing MH operational and maintenance Managing MH management group GEF-SGP as funding NGO shared most of the expenses (63% of the total budget). Facilitating NGO shared the least of the expenses (12%) while community shared 25% of the expenses. During construction work, community shared almost in equal portion to the funding NGO as seen in Table III. 6. The social participation in form of monthly collection fee after the construction is not incorporated into the community budget since it is used for MH operational and maintenance. Table 6. The Summary of Social Participation Cost by Each Stakeholders in Micro Hydro Construction and Development Description Community YPAL GEF-SGP 1. Pre-Construction 4,800,000 2,200,000 3,600,000 2. During micro hydro construction 55,500,000 14,400,000 55,800,000 3. Post micro hydro construction 5,000,000 5,750,000 89,475,000 Sub Total 65,300,000 22,350,000 148,875,000 Total Budget 236,525,000 (Source: GEF-SGP financial report and personal communication) C. Technical The technical cost of Cibuluh MH development is 235,000,000 IDR. All of routine operational and maintenance expenses, including incidental, unexpected repairs are covered by the income obtained from the consumers’ monthly fee. Micro hydro performance depends a lot on the quality of 331 maintenance and daily operation. Channel monitoring, turbine lubrication, forebay clearance are done in a regular basis by Cibuluh MH management team. Damages to micro hydro such as overloading that destroy the generator or capacitor have happened three times in Cibuluh. Fortunately the management team knows how to repair the machines. Another annual repair is the intake pool due to mistake on initial construction. Table 7. Total of Technical Cost of Micro Hydro Development in Cibuluh Village. Cibuluh micro hydro development Budget (in IDR) Pre Construction Technical feasibility survey 9,000,000 Social, economic and environmental survey 2,700,000 Dissemination 1,600,000 During Construction Physical construction 30,000,000 Turbine installation 70,000,000 Material and equipment transportation Electricity network installation to houses 2,000,000 114,200,000 Commissioning, test and trial 1,500,000 Pasca Construction Training of operation and maintenance 2,000,000 Cross visit of water management 2,000,000 Total Construction Cost 235,000,000 (Source: GEF-SGP financial report) D. Cost Analysis Micro hydro is often perceived as a cheap technology because the water that generated electricity has been taken for granted. The valuation of forest service that ensures water availability in Cibuluh from year 2004 to 2010 after calculated using Indonesian Central Bank rate of inflation is 85,221,951 IDR. Though the upstream area is not administratively located within the village, with the existence of Raksabumi and Village Regulation, they still can do conservation work to ensure water availability. This is a competitive advantage compared to other micro hydro which locates in different area with the upstream area administratively. In the later context, micro hydro beneficiaries have no/limited control to influence people living in the upstream to conserve the area. As social participation plays a crucial role to instill and sustain technological development, attention should be expressed in allocating certain budget to the works. In Cibuluh, this aspect shared 43% of the total budget, 268,965,000 IDR. The total actual cost by integrating social participation and forest service aspect besides the technical is 556,746,951 IDR by year 2010. 332 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata Table 8. The Actual Cost of Cibuluh Micro Hydro Development until Year 2010 Expenses Year Item Budget Post (IDR) 2004-2005 Micro Hydro Construction TA 235,000,000 2004-2005 Preparation of Micro Hydro Construction SPA 10,600,000 2004-2005 During Micro Hydro Construction SPA 125,700,000 2004-2005 Forest Service (Value from WTP and FSA 9,029,718 FSA 9,611,962 SPA 100,225,000 FSA 10,727,936 FSA 12,378,149 FSA 13,225,107 FSA 14,745,079 FSA 15,504,000 Productivity Method) 2005-2006 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) 2005-2006 After Micro Hydro Construction (capacity building, business plan consultation, documentation & monev) 2006-2007 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) 2007-2008 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) 2008-2009 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) 2009-2010 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) 2010-2011 Forest Service (Value from WTP and Productivity Method) Total Budget until 2010 556,746,951 Note. TA: Technical Aspect, SPA: Social Participation Aspect and FSA: Forest Service Aspect. IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Forest service, social participation and technical aspects contributed 15%, 43% and 42% respectively to the total of 556,746,951 IDR of Cibuluh MH development until year 2010. Micro hydro is predicted to be able to ensure electrification until its service time (year 2020) with the existing social capital. The ability to install new micro hydro after the end of the current’s micro-hydro is still questionable. The worst case scenario to sustain Cibuluh electrification is asking for more external subsidy through other grants. Study on micro hydro development in other social context such as tribal communities should be carried out to have a comprehensive understanding on making a sustainable community-based micro hydro. Study on innovation of the traditional water wheel technology, is more appropriate to answer the electrification problem in remote areas that has limited access to market such as the study site 333 chosen here. If the micro hydro exists in different administrative area to the upstream area, study of payment of ecosystem has to be considered. REFERENCES Budiono, C. (2003): Tantangan dan Peluang Usaha Pengembangan Sistem Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia. Presentation Paper on Electrification Seminar. PT. Chazaro Gerbang Internasional. Departemen Kehutanan Indonesia (2005): Rekalkulasi 2005 in Fauzi, A. (2004): Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam Dan Lingkungan Teori dan Aplikasi. Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI)/Global Forest Watch (GFW). (2002): The State of the Forest: Indonesia. Bogor, Indonesia. Report of Forest Watch Indonesia and Global Forest Watch. Washington DC: Heyneardhi, H. (2004): Dari Layanan Publik ke Layanan Privat: Liberalisasi Sektor Ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia. Penerbit The Business Watch Indonesia – Widya Sari Press. Surakarta Ilskog, E. and Kjellstro, B. (2008): And then they lived sustainably ever after?—Assessment of rural electrification cases by means of indicators. Energy Policy. 36 2674– 2684 Integrated Microhydro Development and Application Program (IMIDAP). (2009): Impelementasi Pembangunan Mikrohidro Berbasis Masyarakat. Modul Pelatihan. Direktorat Jenderal Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Integrated Microhydro Development and Application Program (IMIDAP). (2009): Panduan Skema Investasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro. Modul Pelatihan. Direktorat Jenderal Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum. (2011): Penelitian dan pengembangan Pengelolaan Teknologi Mikro Hidro Berbasis Masyarakat. Excecutive Summary. Jakarta King, D. M., and Mazzotta, M. J. (2000): Ecosystem Valuation in Paish, O. (2002): Small hydro power: technology and current status. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 6 537–556 Pearce, D., Atkinson, G. and Mourato, S., (2006): Cost Benefit Analysis and the Environment: Recent Development. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). (2010). Tarif Dasar Listrik 2010 in The World Bank. (2005):. Electricity for All, Options for Opening Access in Indonesia. Report of Energy and Mining Unit, Infrastructure Development, East Asia and Pacific Region United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). (2003): Chapter 10 Developing Energy to Meet Development Needs. Report prepared in collaboration with World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, regional commisions and World Bank Verlinde, Y. (2007): The Simpang Community and Electricity. Magister Thesis of Environmental Technology. Saxion University, Deventer. Netherland 334 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants…... La Ode Asier Financial Analysis of The Combination of Wood Plants with Coconaut (Cocos nucifera. Linneaeus) Plants in Sulut Case Study at Mapanget District in Manado City1 La Ode Asier2 ABSTRACT In North Sulawesi is generally plantation in dominance with plants of coconut ( cocos nucifera L), so that the capital province called as nyiur melambai city. Land use in the area of coconut plant is inefficient due to only use the land around 20% per hectare, and 80% other land is not be utilized. This research aims to know the magnitude of the financial value of some kinds of plant timber in the area of coconut plants. Cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.)Dandy), teak (Tectona grandis, L.f), mahogony (Swietenia mahagoni (L). DC), nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium), as sidelines plant be the research object. Its result is sideline plant at age 6 to 7 years in the area of coconut plants can give an advantage of between 2 to 5 times larger the capital issued, whereas the magnitude of cost acceptance compared to the cost of production (R/C) ≥ 1, greater acceptance of 3 to 5 times that of the capital that is used as the cost of production. This indicates that the plants is between very worth trying to accomplish as a fire retardant plants soil erosion on the site of ,and it can increase revenue. Keyword: Inefficient, coconut plantations, financial, sidelines plants, the cost of production. I. INTRODUCTION The increasing number of population, the total consumption of wood for domestic needs and for export also increased. The wood needs can not be met by the production of natural forest a long a depletion as timber supplies available. It encourages people to plant trees forest / woody plants on holding commonly called community forests. The term "community forests " are not mentioned in the Law. 41/1999 on Forestry, but the term is synonymous with forest rights (in terms of the Act), which is located on forest land encumbered land rights. Forestry Minister No.49/Kpts-II/1997 more detailed mention that the community forest is a forest that grows on land encumbered property rights or other rights, with a minimum area of 0.25 ha and timber crop canopy closure of 50% or more minimum number of trees 500 stems / ha. 1 2 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013 Forestry Research Institute Manado, Jl. Raya Adipura Kel.Kima Atas, Kec. Mapanget Kota Manado Telp.(0431) 3888863. Email: / 335 In North Sulawesi is generally plantation in domination by the coconut plant (Cocos nucifera. L), so the provincial capital known as the City Nyiur Melambai. Distribution of oil that has been domesticated originally done by people who migrated to the Pacific Malaysia and India that has been begun in 3000 years ago. Without realizing it, it turns out wild coconuts in the area already exists. This encourages the occurrence of a cross between wild and coconut oil that has been domesticated. To know also that the Polynesian navigators, Malaya, and Arabs also play an important role in spreading further into the Pacific, Asia, and East Africa. Coconut is really spread out to control every aspect after European explorers in the 16th century bring West Africa, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic coast. Coconut naturally grows on the beach and the tree reaches a height of 30 m. This plant can grow to height of 1000 m above sea level, but it will be a slowdown in growth. A coconut plantation/ industrial form of tree trunks straight from Palmae family. There are two opinions on the origins of the oil from South America by DF Cook, Van Martius Beccari and Thor Herjerdahl and of Asian or IndoPacific according to Berry, Werth, Mearil, Mayurathan, Lepesma, and Pureseglove. Coconut is widely available in Asian countries and the Pacific that produce 5.276 million tonnes (82%) with a world wide production ± 8.875 million ha (1984) which covers 12 countries, while the rest by countries in Africa and South America. Indonesia is the largest coconut (3.334 million ha in 1990) spread in Riau, Central Java, West Java, East Java, Jambi, Aceh, North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, NTT, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and Maluku, but production under the Philippines (2.472 million tonnes with area of 3.112 million ha), which amounted to 2.346 million tons. Palm plantations in terms of the land use is a plant that is not efficient because only about 20% of land use per hectare, and the other 80% is land which is not utilized. Coconut plant population amounted to 140 per hectare at a spacing of 9 x 9m, extensive root only about 1.5-2.0 meters from the base of the stem (Nursuestini, 1990), thus the rest of the land area that can be used for crops is between ± 9,760 m². In North Sulawesi palm plantations in the area, estimated to ± 271.359 ha, this means that there is an area of 217 087 ha ± which can be used for a variety of activities ranging from the use of farm crops to annual crops. On land that has a slope of undulating to hilly levels (> 25%) as most are generally in the region of North Sulawesi, land usetime efficiently between coconut crops will increase the income of coconut farmers economically, and can reduce the hazard of erosion. Djafar (1991) suggested that erosion occurs in coconut planting area with a slope of 20% of the cultivated peanut was 53 kg/4.5 m2 atau 117.78 tons/ha, while at the same slope with no treatment, the erosion of 0.30 kg/4.5 m2 atau 0.67 tons/ha. Thus tillage on processed palm planting area on the slope of ≥ 20% can result in greater erosion than no tillage. Based on the above background information is needed regarding the effect of the plant between either a timber in coconut plantation locations, both physically and financially. This study aims to determine the value of (financial) from a combination of several types of woody plants in coconut planting area. 336 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants…... La Ode Asier II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Time and Location Research The study is conducted in the Village of Lapangan, District of Mapanget, Manado City in September 2012. The election of this location based on the results of field surveys, on the basis that the coconut planting area (community property) there are a few combination with woody plants that cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy), teak (Tectona grandis, L.f), mahogony (Swietenia mahagoni (L). DC), nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck.), B. Materials Research The equipment used in this research are, roving bands, haga hypsometer, mines, stationery, tally sheet, questionnaire and cameras. The materials used are of stands located on site observations. C. Research Methods Data are collected through interviews, discussions, the selected respondents (purposive sampling) includes information about the type of plant combinations, year of planting, and extensive planting site. In addition to the other information about the process of community forest management. Results of interviews with selected respondents then tabulated for descriptive analyzed. Direct measurements in the of field include the tree-dimensional data on the size of tree diameter at breast height, total tree height, tree height to the first branch, on each plant species in an area of 0.1 ha.Volume wooden figures calculated with correction for coconut 1 (form cylindrical trunk) and 0.7 for other types (Soendjoto, 2008). Data are collected from the data collection and measurement in monitoring location calculated by the formula: 1. The general formula for estimating tree volume (DepHut, 1992) are: ൌ Description: V d h g f 337 = = = = = ൫గௗ మ ௫௫൯ ସ or V = g x h x f Volume of timber Diameter at bosom height Tree height Cross-sectional area of a tree at breast height Numbers form 2. Standing volume ÝR = Ŕ.X Description: ÝR Ŕ = Volumestand (m3) = Average volume of trees per hectare (m3/ha) X = Land area (ha) To determine the amount of descriptive percent of capital gains are used, be approached by using the general formulation of the analysis of ROI (Return OnInvestmen) (Halawane et al, 2011). ROI ൌ ௧ ௦௧Ȁா௨௧௬ ͲͲͳݔΨ The amount of revenue from a series of expenditure (capital) which rated current is feasible and profitable if the R / C ratio (Analysis Revenue Cost Ratio) is greater than 1. R/C ratio ൌ ்௧ோ௩௨ ்௧௦௧ III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Community Forests Community forest area managed by the individual societies (family rate) on land owned is generally composed by planting one crop is referred to as coconut or palm plantations (pristine public forests), while the area is composed of more than one species of plants (polyculture) generally a combination of coconut plants with woody plants (people of mixed forest). In the study, people of mixed forests are not clustered in one particular area but scattered among the public housing complex. According Widayanti (2004), community forests are not clustered in a particular area but depending on the location, land area, and the diversity of farming patterns. In the research area, the crop is technically general irregular, the owner just make a distance from one another tree that is 4 x 5 m for teak plant species, and a distance of 2 x 3 m for type of mahogany, chrysolite and nyatoh among coconut trees ( 10 x 8 m). Owning farmers choose crops cultivated only based on existing knowledge and not through careful planning, but rather take advantage of the availability of seeds that exist around the region. Lack of technical assistance related to the planning system, the results will not be optimal. According to Simon (1995) referred to in Widiarti (2008) says that the plant will be designed from the start attempted and in selecting the type of things that have to be met some kind of cultivated / developed get optimal results, some of them have to meet the environmental, social and economic . Community forests are not only contribute economically to increase revenue and expand employment or business opportunities, but also in the response to the ecological functions of degraded land, soil and water conservation, and the conservation of flora and fauna. Rahayu and Awang (2003) suggested that the community forest; (1) provide additional assurance of daily income from short-lived plants and savings from long-lived plants, (2) easier and cheaper to maintain than a 338 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants…... La Ode Asier farm or acreage crops, as it provides fodder or firewood and do not need to be fertilized and weeded, (3) environmentally advantageous, because it can grow springs, reducing soil erosion, and increase nutrient cycling. Growth of timber trees in mixed forest folk influenced by many factors, namely the level of tree density, planting pattern and plant species are cultivated. From interviews and direct observations in the field showed that the growth of timber grown in coconut planting area did not significantly affect the production of coconuts there. Community forests pure coconut crop is generally planted in the study site in 1975-1976, producing fruit between the ages of 9-10 years. When compared with woody plant species at that age has provided results from thinning efforts. So planting timber as intercrops in coconut plantations each location into consideration that land use in the area of pristine public forests (coconut plantation) can be utilized optimally. B. Production of Forestry According Setyamijaya (1982) that wood varieties in coconut (Cocosnucifera), tall stems and large, can grow up to 30-40 m. The pole toenlarged and have a lifespan of up to 100 years. Palm stems have different strengths in each section. Generally harder edge than the middle part. These factors caused the vessel cells in groupsdisebutvascular tighter bundles and spread to the edges than middle part(Joseph, 1987, referred to in Anonymous 1993). Coconut wood physical and mechanical properties are very diverse, both vertical and horizontal directions. At the ripe harvest stem in the center of the base of the tree trunk wood density 0.25 and about 0.90 at the edge. Wood density at a height of 19.5 m above the ground rodmiddle part about 0.10 and 0.25 edges ( Richolson&Swarup, 1975) in (Widiatmoko, 1987). Further explained that by not wooden eye on coconut wood, will enhance the possibility of exploiting Coconut wood for laminated wood as a structural component interesting in design modern architecture. Figure 1.A pile of coconut trunk (glugu) people from 40-50 years old. Coconut wood processing in generally is not easy in practice, required considerable experience in marketing patterns, especially for export quality. In recent years there have been numerous claims against coconut wood flooring products from Indonesia are exported to America, Europe and Japan. Portion of the claim generally achieve more than 40% products are exported volume. This led to huge losses for exporters of coconut wood and tends to stop the business of the seller and the buyer in the use of coconut wood. The sole reason for the claim is the change of the dimensions and shape of the 339 product once it reaches the destination or at the time of use. Changes in shape and dimensions as a result of changes in humidity between the production and the use of a natural trait of most wood. But in the case of coconut wood or other palm wood also find anatomical differences in the structure and composition of very large compared to the traditional wood anatomy of needles or leaves the group wide. Differences in the anatomical structure and implications are not widely known by the coconut wood processing, so that the stages in the processing of coconut wood processing is done exactly the same as the traditional wood. (Balfas, 2010). Level Density (High) > 600 Kg/m3 text text text (Medium) 400-600 Kg/m3 (Low) < 400 Kg/m3 Figure 2. Example of coconut pieces of wood with the level of density at each pieceseams Coconut plants have a physical structure that resembles an umbrella (crown), has leaves that curl and distance from the surface of the ground has widened as the age of the plant. At the time of the transfer of heavy rain occurs in crown water plants, some will flow through the midrib and evaporated (interception), partly flows from the leaf to the stem (stemflow) and then to the ground, while the other part will flow through the ends of the leaves and will fall into ground (throughfall) with a fairly heavy flow, giving rise to kinetic energy that can unload a ground surface as a trigger spark erosion mainly on coconut planting area that has a fairly steep slope. To reduce throughfall and interception are high increase of the coconut crop plant species between the prolific as timber, fruits that have high economic value can reduce damage to the environment and to improve the welfare of society. At the study site is dominated by crop plants between chrysolite cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy), teak (Tectona grandis, L.f), mahogony (Swietenia mahagoni (L). DC), nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck.) Planting is done in six to seven years ago with the maximum care less. At the teak plants generally has a branching without pruning, this is due to lack of guidance from the technical officer. For other plants have a rather solid density, and until now has not been done at the age of thinning. Mahogany plant species, some get shoot pests, so it is necessary to optimize growth pest control in order to maintain proper growth process until they reach the age of logging. 340 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Cost Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants…... La Ode Asier Results of measurement in the field, to plant cempaka, mahogany and nyatoh, has a diameter uniformity of diameter to total height of each tree. The diameter at bosom height, between 12-31 cm, and total plant height between 6.5 to 20 m. For teak DBH between 13-30 cm with a total height of 15-21 m. Standing volume / ha on average for each - the crop in locations such as the coconut plantation in the table below: Table 1.The total volume of trees to each plant Species of plant Volume of plant (m3/ha) Land area (Ha). Volume of plant (m3/ha) Teak (Tectona grandis.L.f) 282,72 3 846,16 Nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck.) 194,86 1 194,86 Cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) 65,46 1 65,46 Mahogony(Swietenia mahagoni(L). DC) 257,73 1 257,73 Figure 3. Nyantoh and teak plant each of 6 and 7 years old, in the location of the coconut plantation Figure 4. Cempaka and mahagony plant each of 6 years in the coconut plantation site) 341 C. Cost Analysis Vacant land in coconut planting area is large enough to provide a very high value benefits to its owner. The wood produced from the sideline plant will increase revenues between millions of dollars/ month. The following comparative analysis of the advantages by using the simple formula of timber plants in coconut planting location. 1. Analysis of teak planting assuming: a. The total area of 3 ha (land) b. Cultivation period of 15 years c. Spacing between plants coconut 4 x 5 m d. The mortality rate of 10% e. Investment costs are calculated in the first year just to cover the purchase of seeds between plant and agricultural equipment. f. Cost wage laborer (HOK) are 8 hours/day of Rp. 50.000, - g. Revenues derived from the results of thinning which is the first harvest spacingof each - each sideline plant. 2. Analysis Nyato timber planting, Cempaka, and Mahogany with assumptions: a. The total area of 1 ha (land) b. The total area of 1 ha (land) c. Spacing between plants coconut 2 x 3 m Revenues derived from the result of thinning which is the first harvest spacing of each crop broke. Cost Analysis of Plant Exploitation sideline as in Appendix 1. Analysis of Costs and Benefits Receipt sideline Plant in coconut plantations. Table 2.Cost analysis of acceptance and profits sideline plants in coconut plantation site Teak (Tectona grandis.L.f) 72 m3 3.000.000 216.000.000 Cost of production (Rp) 34.500.000 Nyatoh(Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck..) 68 m3 1.500.000 102.000.000 15.975.000 86.025.000 Cempaka(Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) 23 m3 2.500.000 57.500.000 15.975.000 41.525.000 Mahogony(Swietenia mahagoni(L). DC) 72 m3 1.500.000 108.000.000 19.475.000 88.525.000 The results ofthinning 342 Volume Unit price (Rp) Total revenue(Rp) International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Total benefits (Rp) 181.500.000 The Cost Analysis of the Combination of Wood Plants…... La Ode Asier Revenuesresults for each type of plant that is in the area of coconut plantations provide sufficient additional benefits, to ensure the value of the income it can be analyzed by using Analysis Return On Investmen (ROI) and Revenue Analysis Cost Ratio (R / C ) to knowing the ratio of revenue to cost of production which has been spent.ROI analysis results and (R /C) can be seen in the table below: Table 3.The results of the analysis ROI and R/C each sideline plants Spesies of the sideline plants Teak (Tectona grandis.L.f) Nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck..) Cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) Mahogony (Swietenia mahagoni (L). DC) Spesies of the sideline plants Teak (Tectona grandis.L.f) Nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium.Burck.) Cempaka (Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy) Mahogony (Swietenia mahagoni (L). DC) ROI (Analisis Return On Investmen) Benefits (Rp) Cost of production (Rp) 181.500.000 34.500.000 5,26 86.025.000 15.975.000 5.40 41.525.000 15.975.000 2.60 88.525.000 19.475.000 4.55 Benefits (Rp) Cost of production (Rp) R/C (Analisis revenue cost ratio) 216.000.000 34.500.000 6,2 102.000.000 15.975.000 6,4 57.500.000 15.975.000 3,5 108.000.000 19.475.000 5,5 Remarks Remarks From Table 3 shows that the benefits (ROI) of each plant crack between 2 to 5 times more of the issued capital, while the cost of revenue as compared to the cost of production (R / C) ≥ 1, in Table 3 looks more revenue great 3 to 5 times of major capital employed in the production cost. This indicates that the plant is very worth between cultivated as a crop planting erosion control on sloping site, and can increase revenue. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Growth of timber grown in coconut planting area does not significantly affect the production of coconut fruit, fruit products as a material decline in copra oil declined due to the many parents who have not been rejuvenated, in 2009, a decline in production per hectare from 1.21 tons / ha to 1.20 tons / ha. Planting timber or fruit productive as intercrops in coconut planting area can reduce the amount of rainfall as Throughfall which can cause erosion on sloping lands and to increase revenue 343 for the public welfare. Gains derived from each plant interposed between 2 to 5 times greater than the issued capital, while the cost of greater acceptance of 3 to 5 times the amount of capital used as production costs. In coconut plantation site selection has a fairly steep slope and less fertile for agricultural crops is recommended to be planted with woody plant species that are of interest to landowners and land kesusuaian technically meet. B. Suggestion The result of this research will be more useful if the financial aspects and ecological studies can be explored in more depth, so it can be considered utilization of vacant land in coconut planting area optimally. Acknowledgements This paper is the result of research that is not funded from the budget of the current year's DIPA. Gratitude for the assistance and input suggestions in preparingthis paper to Prof. (Ris).Dr, Ir, MSc Pratiwi, and Mr. Haryawadin KamaMr. Haryawadin Kama (Research Institute of Forestry Technician Manado). REFERENCES Balfas.2010. Perlakuan Resin pada Kayu Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) (Resin Treatment on Coconut Wood). Departemen Kehutanan. 1992. Manual Kehutanan. Jakarta :Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Jakarta Djafar,M. 1991.Pengaruh Kemiringan Tanah dan Pengelolaan Tanah di Bawah Pertanaman Kelapa Terhadap Erosi . Buletin Balika No 13. artikel -57, Balitka Manado. Nursuestini, 1990. Usaha Pengawetan Tanah Pada Areal Tanaman Kelapa Bertopografi Miring DenganTanaman Sela. Buletin Balitka No 12, artikel 11. Balitka Manado. Soendjoto.M. Arief.dkk.2008. Keanekaragaman Tanaman pada Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. Buletin BIODIVERSITAS. Vol.9. Nomor 2 Hal. 142-147. Banjarbaru. Widayanti, W.T. 2004. Implementasi metode pengaturan hasil hutan pada pengelolaan hutan rakyat (Studi di desa Kedung keris, kecamatan Nglipar, kabupaten Gunung Kidul). Jurnal Hutan Rakyat 6 (2): 27-46 Widiarti, dkk. 2008. Karakteristik Hutan Rakyat Pola Kebun Campuran. Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam. Bogor. 344 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species…... Dewi Alimah Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. f) : Alternative Species for Light Construction Purposes and Pulp Materials from Peat Swamp Forest in Central Kalimantan1 Dewi Alimah2 ABSTRACT Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook.f) is a typical plant species of peat swamp forest. The species has potential as light construction and pulp materials. The limited scientific information of terentang, making these plants to became lesser unknown species. Terentang is not developed and advantaged yet by the community. This paper aims to provide profile information, silviculture techniques, and the possible use of alternative raw materials terentang as light construction and pulp materials. Data such as wood physical and mechanics properties, wood chemistry properties, and fiber dimensions and its derivatives were taken from the literature. The data obtained were compared with standard criteria. Based on the analysis of wood basic properties, showed that terentang wood fiber characteristics meet the criteria for the pulp and paper with fiber quality class I. For the analysis it is also known that terentang as timber belonged to the strength class IV. The overall data of this wood properties suggested that the species is suitable for light construction purposes and furniture. Keywords : terentang, Campnospermaauriculata, wood properties, pulp, light construction I. INTRODUCTION Peat swamp forests have a diversity of plants is relatively lower than lowland forest vegetation types in other tropical regions. Diversity of plants in peat swamp forest equivalent to heath forest plant species diversity and forest sub-mountainous tropical regions but is still higher than the diversity of mountains and mangrove forests (Simbolon and Mirmanto, 2000). Mustaid and Sambas (1999); Miyamoto et al (2003) reported that natural peat swamp forests in various regions in Borneo has a density of 1300-3200 individuals/ha, with a number of species between 65-141 species and total basal area of tree trunks with a diameter more than 5 cm in diameter to 23-47 m2/ha. Peat swamp forest is a unique ecosystem in which there is a special flora and fauna diversity. Biological resources of flora has various functions such as forest products, industrial raw materials, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and other non-timber forest products. Martawijaya and Kartasujana (1977) estimates that there are approximately 4,000 species of trees based herbarium material that 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 BalaiPenelitianKehutananBanjarbaru, Jl. A. Yani Km. 28,7, LandasanUlin, Banjarbaru 70721 Telp. 0511 – 4707872, Fax. 0511 – 4707872 , Email 345 has been collected by the Forest Research Institute o fthe various parts of Indonesia. Estimated only about 400 species of trees that have been used in Indonesia. Among the 400 species of trees, there are only 258 species of trees whose wood has been exposed and commercialized. While the commercial timber species from year to year have a problem interms of quality and quantity, so we need a variety of ways to overcome them. One way to be taken is to utilize timber species that are less known for meeting the needs of timber resources. Many lesser-known wood species have been used by the public, but it can not be used either because the data are still very limited. For the purpose of optimal utilization of wood basic properties of the wood needed information. Terentang is one of the endemic species of peat swamp trees. In ancient times terentang wood is used for veneer, canoeing, board, and waterwheel vanes (Heyne, 1987; Anonymous, 1997). But in general, terentang including one potential species of peat swamp yet known. Until now there has not been much developed and used by community. Scientific information and research that discusses prospects, silviculture techniques, and the wood basic properties was still a little.This paper aims to provide profile information, silviculture techniques, and the possible use of alternative raw materials terentang as light construction and pulp materials.This information is expected to be beneficial to the wider community so that its potential can be optimally utilized and maintained the sustainability. II. PROFILE OF TERENTANG According to Heyne (1987), terentang (Camnosperma auriculata Hook.f) are classified into: Kingdom : Plantae Phylum/Division : Spermatophyta Sub Division : Angiospermae Class : Eudicots Order : Sapindales Family : Anacardiaceae Genus : Campnosperma Species : C. auriculatum This type of terentang is known as Madang Rimueng (Aceh), Antumbus (Bat.), terentang putih (Malaysia), terentang Malung (Bangka), dalipo (Sulawesi), and hamtangen (Sampit, Kalimantan). In Indonesia, this species is spread in an area of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Terentang are often found in swampy lowland forests and can form pure stands or is the dominant species with other type. In addition it can also be found growing in primary or secondary forest that has well drained soils at altitudes up to 1,600 m above sea level near the river, especially in the small and in the valley, but only a small amount (Heyne (1987); Soerianegara and Lemmens, 2001) . 346 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species…... Dewi Alimah Figure 1.Terentang Tree in KHDTK Tumbang Nusa (Photo :Dewi Alimah) Terentang trees including fast-growing species with medium-sized to large reach 36 m high. The native tree with a rather flat-topped crown and light gray to yellowish bark. Lower stem diameter ranged from 80-135 cm. Breech lancet-shaped leaves with dark glossy green and leathery, leaf length ranges from 20-50 cm and blunt on the edges. Sitting circular leaf stem, close to the base, and extends to the top. Petiole has a sheet that resembles a pair of ear lobe. Young leaves reddish brown color and it was bigger than the adult form. Flowers are small and greenish yellow petals are deciduous and shaped panicles reaching 50 cm in length. Interest quickly developed into stone fruit (drupa). Green fruit with white spots and after ripe physiological, fruit colored reddish purple rind. Fruit width ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 cm (Keng, 1990; Anonymous, 1997). Terentang alleged male flowering, bloom throughout the year, while the female flowering tree that took place in OctoberNovember, then in December of ripe fruit (Bogidarmanti et al, 2011). A* b* c** * Figure 2. (a) Sapling, (b) mature leave, (c) flowers of terentang (Photo : Dewi Alimah, 2010) 347 ** Danu et. al., III. SILVICULTURE TECHNIQUES Seed Handling Propagation of terentang is generally done in generative, that is by collecting fallen fruit from trees or climb directly. Moreover, it can also by utilizing available natural saplings around the parent tree. Physiologically ripe fruit will become green rind characteristic reddish to dark red (Siregar, 2010). Fruit collection can be carried out in the period from November to January. In the panicle (fruit stalk) can be obtained about ten pieces (Figure 3). August November December Figure 3. Process and The Formation of Flower into Fruit of Terentang (Photo : Danu et. al., 2010) Terentang including recalcitrant seeds so once downloaded you should immediately extracted. Extraction is done by soaking the seeds in a container of water for 2-3 days until the skin and flesh of fruit rot. After these edsare cleaned of skin and flesh rotting fruit. Seeds that have been soaked inclean water to choose seeds that pithy. Seeds that float should be discarded and not recommended sowing (Suhartati et. al, 2012). Seed Procurement Seeds of terentang including recalcitrant so after seed selection should be done immediately sown ingermination tub. Media used to be fine sand, fine soil or sand and soil mixture (1:1, V/v). To speed germination container should sow container is covered. Nurseries of terentang canal so be done with direct sow seeds in polybag. Media on polybags which can be used is a mixture of the soil with compost (1: 1, v/v) (Suhartati et. al, 2012). Terentang seeds germinate 2-4 weeks after sowing and weaning is done when the leaves have appeared minimal pair(Siregar, 2010). Procurement of terentang seedlings can also be done with cuttings system. Stems cut 20-25 cm long, dipped into a solution of root stimulator. Then put into polybag media has sided local peat and rice huskin the ratio 7: 3. Stem cuttings were prepared in the buds should certainly have as afore runner of new shoots (Panjaitan and Ardana, 2010). Cultivation One location is in the development of type terentang KHDTK Tumbang Nusa, Central Kalimantan. Planting is done by the line planting in the logged and among mahang (Macaranga spp.) thicket vegetation. Planting begins by compressing the peat soil in the planting hole. After 1 - 2 month-old plants, the plants are done stitching declared dead (Panjaitan and Ardana, 2010). 348 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species…... Dewi Alimah From the results of field measurements in 2010, the average tree height and diameter natural terentang trees in Nusa KHDTK Tumbang Nusa row of 9.6 m and 8.55 cm (Appendix 1). At this location, terentang associated with several types of plants such as gerunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens), merapat (Combretocarpus retundatus), punak(Tetrameris taglabra), pasir-pasir (Urandrase condiflora), jelutung (Dyera lowii), galam tikus, Eugenia sp., medang lengkuas, dara-dara, manggis hutan, paning-paning, and others. Pests and Diseases Some fungi are found in terentang seeds ieAspergillussp, PenicilliumspandRhizopussp(Danu, 2010). IV. POTENTIAL TYPES OF TERENTANG Terentang are often found in Central Kalimantan with the distribution includeTumbang Nusa, Sampit, Katingan, and surrounding areas. To determine the potential of a plant species according to their utilization, the necessary information regarding about the wood basic properties in question. Wood basic properties include wood physical and mechanical properties, and wood chemical properties. Wood physical, mechanical properties, and chemistry properties of this type of terentang are presented in Table1. Table 1. Wood Physical, Mechanical, and Chemistry Properties of Terentang Wood Basic Properties Wood Condition Parameter Green Dry - 0.30 0.32 lbs/cu.ft - 23 Radial shrinkage (G->OD) % - 3 Tangential shrink. (G->OD) % - 6 Volumetric shrink. (G->OD) % - 9 Bending strength psi 4432 6127 Static bending (FSPL) psi 2369 3183 Crushing strength (Perp.) psi 175 320 Max. crushing strength psi 2238 3253 Shearing strength psi - 1098 Impact strength inch 13 16 Specific gravity Density (Air – dry) Physical Properties*) Mechanical Properties*) 349 Unit Wood Basic Properties Wood Condition Parameter Chemistry Remarks : *) **) 1 psi Green Dry Work to maximum load in-lbs/in3 4 5 Stiffness 1.000 psi 830 1020 Hardness lbs - 330 lbs/cu.ft 44 23 Ash content % - 0.61 Lignin % - 29.83 Cellulose % - 47.87 Extractive % - 3.56 Hemicellulose % - 18.13 Weight Properties**) Unit = Source of, = Source of Bogidarmanti (2011) = 0,07 kg/cm2 4.1 The Potential of Terentang as Construction Purposes Based on wood physical properties, the sapwood is not differentiated from the heartwood and is of the same color. The wood is described as pink-gray, mauve-gray, or salmon gray in color. It darkens upon exposure. The grain is typically interlocked, very smooth texture, and dull. From Table 1, note that wood density ofthe in green condition of 0.3, while the dry conditions of 0.32. Based on the of wood strength classification by Anonymous (1976), terentang wood including strength class IV (specific gravity .40 to .30). Terentang wood relatively light wood with shrinkage from wetto dry the airan average of 3 (radial), 6 (tangential), and 9 (volumetric) (Table 1). Comparison of tangential and radial shrinkage (T /R) wood of terentang was 2. This value means that the wood has a low dimensional stability. In general, the classification of wood strength in Indonesia based on the bending strength and maximum crushing strength. Other wood mechanical properties is also important to note in relation to the processing and use of wood for certain purposes. From Table 1,note that the bending strength of terentang wood at 6,127 psi (428.89 kg/cm2) and maximum crushing strength of 3,253 psi (227.71 kg/cm2). Based on the above two values, terentang wood quite strength class IV(Anonymous, 1976). From the description of the physics and mechanical properties, dimensional stability of terentang wood is low and they can’t with stand the load is too heavy so it is not suitable for building construction needs. This timber can be use das a construction material that is not direct contact with high humidity and does not receive heavy burden such as kaso, battens, wall, and roof list. 350 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species…... Dewi Alimah Compatible with Anonymous (1976), wood with strong class IV Compatible utilize das processed wood, furniture frames, lighters, and pulp. 4.2 The Potential of Terentang as Pulp Materials Pulp quality is influenced by the properties of the type of wood used. According Prawirohatmodjo (1974), the properties of good wood for raw material fiber pulp is longer than the average type, cell wall thickness meets 2w/l<1, the basic specific gravity lower than the average type, the percentage of fibers larger than the vessel, fingers, and parenchyma, low extractive content, high cellulose content than the average types, and levels of hemicellulose enough. From Table 1,note that the wood of terentang has a specific gravity of 0.32. According Syafii et. Al. (2006), wood with a specific gravity of less than 0.50 allows to obtain pulp with quality I. Timber with low density require as shorter cooking time than wood with high density. Extractive content of terentang wood is 3.56% (Table 1), where this value is categorized as being qualified to obtain pulp (<5). According Pasaribu and Tampubolon (2007), a wood with extractive content ranging from 2-4% allows to obtain pulp with quality II. This suggests that the type of terentang potential to serve as an alternative raw material pulp. According Sutapa (2005), in addition to causing blunting the means of production, high levels of extractive also cause spots on the paper produced. In the processing of pulp, lignin is very influential on pulp color, complicate milling, and produce low sheet strength (Siagian et al, 2003). Lignin is also a chemical component of wood that must be removed in the treatment of pulp wood cells that can decompose (Junaidi and Yunus, 2009). Lignin content of terentang wood is 29.83% (Table 1) when compared with conifer lignin which ranges between 25-35% (Prawirohatmodjo, 1997). This shows that in terms of lignin content, terentang require cooking by the number of chemicals are in the processing of pulp. According Syafii (2006), a wood with lignin content ranging between 25-30% allows to obtain pulp with quality II. Wood holoselulosa content expressed totalc arbohydrate or polysaccharide compounds that consist of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin (Prawirohatmodjo, 1997). Holoselusa high levels will provide better strength on paper produced. Terentang holoselulosa levels estimated at 66% and this value is quite possible to use a terentang as raw material pulp and paper. According Syafii (2006), a wood with holoselulosa content of more than 65% allows to obtain pulp with quality I. Meanwhile, terentang cellulose content was 47.87% (Table 1). According Pasaribu and Tampubolon (2007), a wood with cellulose content of more than 45% allows to obtain pulp with quality I. The content of cellulose in the wood can be used as a determinant of the magnitude of the yield of the pulp produced in the pulping process, where the greater levels of cellulose in the wood, the greater the yield of pulp produced (Casey, 1980). Hemicellulose content of terentang was 18.13% (Table 1), including hemicellulose plant height in the range, ie15-19%. Hemicellulose serves as a binder in the manufacture of pulp and paper so that the higher content of hemicellulose, the better quality of pulp and paper (Prawirohatmodjo, 1997). 351 Besides influenced wood chemical properties, fiber requirements for raw materials pulp and paper is determined by the fiber dimensions and its derivative value. Fiber dimensions, its derivative value, and scoring result on Both of terentang wood can be seen in Table2. Table 2. Fiber Dimensions, Its Derivative Value, and Scoring Result on Both of Terentang Wood Description Fiber * Dimension Unit Value Scoring Result Value**) Quality Class**) Fiber length (L) μm 1450.03 50 III Fiber diameter (d) μm 37.36 - - Cell wall tickness (w) μm 2.18 - - Lumen diameter (l) μm 33.01 - - Vessel length μm 835.48 - - Vessel diameter μm 162.59 - - Runkelratio - 0.11 100 I Felting power - 39.30 25 IV Muhlstephratio % 21.76 100 I Coefisien of rigidity - 0.07 100 I Flexibility ratio - 0.80 100 I ) Fiber Derivative ) Value * I Scor Total 475 (451 – 600) Remarks : *) **) = Source of Suhartati et. al (2010), Runkel ratio = Classification according to Anonymous (1976) = 2w/l Felting power = L/d Muhlsteph ratio = ቂ ௗ మ ି మ ௗమ Coefficient of rigidity Flexibility ratio ቃ× 100% = w/d = l/d μm = micron = 10-3 mm = 10-6 m From Table 2, note that the length of the fiber terentang at 1450.03 microns. Based on IAWA classification (Nurrahman and Silitonga, 1972), the length fiber of terentang including medium class (900 – 1600 μ). Fiber length affects the tear resistance, tensile strength, and power folding in the pulp 352 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Terentang (Campnosperma auriculata Hook. F) : Alternative Species…... Dewi Alimah and paper produced. The longer the fiber, the higher the strength of the pulp produced (Pasaribu and Tampubolon, 2007). Runkel ratio is a comparison of two times the fiber wall thickness with lumen diameter. Runkel ratio of terentang fibers was 0.11(Table 2). According to Anonymous (1976) Runkel ratio are smaller or equal to 0.25, including class I. Runkel ratio like this indicate that the timber has a thin cell wall and lumen diameter in width so that the fiber pulp sheet completely and the bonds between the fibers either (Silitonga et. al., 1972). Felting power value of terentang fiber was 39.30 (Table 2). Felting power value is a comparison of fiber length to fiber diameter. The greater the ratio, the higher the better tear strength and power loom fiber. According to Anonymous (1976), the felting power value of terentang fibers belong to a class IV because the value is under 40. This suggests that a paper outstretched wood has a weak bond. Muhlsteph ratio of terentang wood fibers was 21.76% (Table 2). According Anomim (1976), the Muhlsteph ratio value of terentang wood includes class I because the value is below 30%. Muhlsteph ratio is a comparison between the cell wall cross-sectional area of the cross sectional area of the cell in percent (Anonymous, 1976). According Marsoem (2002), Muhlsteph ratio shows that lower the quality of the fiber the better because it can produce a smooth sheet of paper, plastic, and stronger. Rigidity coefficient is the ratio of wall thickness to cell diameter fibers. This comparison showed a negative correlation to the length of break strength (tensile strength). Higher the rigidity coefficient, lower the tensile strength of the paper. The manufacture of pulp should use raw materials that have a low rigidity coefficient (Syafii and Siregar, 2006). Rigidity coefficient of the fiber produced from terentang fibers by 0.07 (Table 2). According Anomim (1976), the rigidity coefficient ofterentang fibersincludeclass Ibecause the valuewasbelow 0.10. This suggests that paper based terentang wood has high tensile strength. Flexibility ratio of terentang fibers was 0.80 (Table 2). According Anonymous (1976), the flexibility ratio of terentang fibers includes class I because it is equal to 0.80. Flexibility ratio is a comparison of between lumen diameter and fiber diameter. High flexibility ratio shows that the thin cell walls. According Marsoem(2002) fiber cell wall thickness is associated with the degree of flat and fiber fineness experienced in the milling process (beating). According Syafii and Siregar (2006), fibers with high flexibility ratio means the fibers have thick cell walls are thin and easily deformed. The shape-shifting abilities cause the interface between the fiber surface more freely resulting in better fiber bonding and will produce pulp sheet with good power. The result of the fiber dimension scores and its derivative value from terentang fiber sat 475. According to the classification of Anonymous (1976), terentang wood including into fiber quality class I (451-600). From these data, can be informed terentang wood has the potential to produce good pulp. 353 V. CONCLUSION 1. Evaluated from wood physical and mechanical properties, terentang wood including strength class 2. Be reviewed from the wood chemical properties, fiber dimension, and its derivative value, IV. Terentang wood suitable for light construction and furniture. terentang wood has good prospects for development as a kind of alternative raw materials for pulp. REFERENCE Anonymous. 1976. Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia. Departemen Pertanian. Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Jakarta. ______. 1997. Manual of The Large and More Important Non Dipterocarp Trees of Central Kalimantan Indonesia Vol I. Forest Research Institute. Samarinda. Bogidarmanti, R., N. Mindawati, and Suhartati. 2011. Gerunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens Blume.) dan Terentang (Campnosperma coriaceum Jack. Dan C. auriculata Hook.f) : Jenis Alternatif Potensial Sebagai Bahan Baku Kayu Pulp. Proceeding of the National Seminar of MAPEKI XIV pp 315 – 326. Casey, J.P., 1980. Pulp and Paper, Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Vol I. Pulping and Bleaching. Second Edition. Intersciece Publiser. Inc New York. Danu, A.A. Pramono, Nurhasybi., D.F. Djam’an, N. Wahyuni, S. Muharam, H. Royani, N. Nurohman, E. Supardi and Abay. 2010. 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Dimensional Growth of Natural Terentang in KHDTK Tumbang Nusa Trees Trunk Sircumference Trunk Diameter Number (cm) (cm) 1 37 11.78 12 2 40 12.74 14 3 40 12.74 12 4 17 5.41 6 5 25 7.96 10 6 28 8.92 9 7 17 5.41 6 8 25 7.96 10 9 21 6.69 9 10 27 8.60 9 11 12 3.82 5 12 33 10.51 13 8.55 9.58 Average 356 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 High (m) The Cost Analysis of Sustainable Electrification…... Hilda Lionata SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 357 358 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. The Role of Local Botanic Gardens in Reducing the Rate of Flora Diversity Loss1 Sugiarti2, Joko Ridho Witono2, Lyndle Hardstaff2 ABSTRACT Biodiversity conservation is a national priority as a part of the implementation of sustainable development. Both in-situ and ex-situ conservation are required to insure that biodiversity can be conserved, studied and utilized through sustainable practices. The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Ministry of Forestry are responsible for the conservation of biodiversity in their respective roles as the scientific authority and management authority. Bogor Botanic Gardens-LIPI (BBG) is a center of ex-situ plant conservation which has thousands of specimens in its collection of Indonesian flora diversity. Besides continuous development of existing botanic gardens, BBG also advocated for and initiated establishment of local (district and provincial) botanic gardens. More than 21 local botanic gardens have been established and are managed by local goverments with supervision and assistance from BBG-LIPI. Ex-situ conservation of flora diversity though local botanic gardens will become increasingly significant, as in-situ conservation is facing many challenges such as illegal logging, forest fires and natural disasters. This paper outlines the background and aims of the establishment of local botanic gardens. It also discusses their role in conserving flora diversity and providing sites for research, education, promotion, recreation and campaigns for green development. Key words : Biodiversity, Botanic Gardens, ex-situ conservation, flora. I. INTRODUCTION Indonesia is a megabiodiverse country where biodiversity provides the major resources required for building, food, energy, medicinal and other raw materials. Its potential is even higher in light of the Nagoya Protocol, which is an international agreement to regulate the provision of equitable access to and benefits from biodiversity in the form of genetic resources and traditional knowledge.. Extinction is a natural process, but the rate of extinction is often accelerated by excessive utilization of resources by humans. Another factor that may be a cause biodiversity loss is the phenomenon of climate change. Visible results of the effects of climate change on a species, as a component of biodiversity, include changes in range of distribution, changes in timing of reproduction 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Center for Plant Conservation - Bogor Botanic Gardens, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Email : 359 and increasing scarcity. Poorly planned regional development encourages environmental damage. Motivated by increased local revenues, licenses are easily provided to investors, such as palm oil and mining organizations whose activities eventually threaten the availability of biodiversity. Regional development of ex situ plant conservation sites in these areas can be used as an alternative solution. Conservation of Indonesian flora scattered in 47 natural ecosystems across the country can be carried out with the involvement of local governments, local communities and NGOs. Flora conservation efforts have been carried out by the central government; both in situ by the Ministry of Forestry and ex situ, in the form of botanic gardens, by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The Center for Plant Conservation – Bogor Botanical Gardens (1817), LIPI, alongwith 3 botanic garden branches, namely Cibodas Botanic Gardens (1852), Purwodadi Botanic Gardens (1941) and Bali Botanic Gardens (1959) , have played a role in conserving Indonesian flora for nearly two centuries. The existence of local (district and provincial) botanic gardens managed by local governments will conserve Indonesian plant species in their own region, thus conserving the local genetic variations (gene bank) which are very important for restoration efforts. Other added values of local botanic gardens are that the public can gain knowledge and insight into the flora of Indonesia, as well as provide revenue for local governments. Another important impact of the development of local botanic gardens is that their plant collections are recorded. These records can then be used as a reference for naming plant species in the local area, as well as for other scientific activities such as botanical or taxonomic studies, research to determine species extinction, or general botany. As a scientific authority, the Center for Plant Conservation - Bogor Botanical Gardens - LIPI will continue to monitor and guide the management of plant collections at local botanical gardens, in accordance with Presidential Regulation no 93 year 2011. To this point, there are 21 new botanical gardens which have been established and developed in partnership with the Botanic Gardens LIPI, local governments and the Ministry of Public Works. Location, size and collection size of each regional botanic gardens are also presented in this paper. II. MEGADIVERSITY COUNTRIES AND BIODIVERSITY A. Megadiverse countries Worldwide, tropical rain forests are concentrated in three locations : Malesia, south and central America, and the western part of Central Africa. Indonesia, Brazil and Zaire are the countries with the largest tropical rain forest in their respective continents namely, Asia, America and Africa. Hence they known as the last bastion of the world’s tropical rain forests. Indonesia is known to be very rich in biodiversity, both on land and its seas (megadiverse country), after Brazil and Colombia. Biogeographically Indonesia is located in the Malesia zone (Southeast Asia to western Papua). It has two diversity centers, namely Borneo and Papua as well as very high rate of endemism and unique habitats. For example, in Papua the percentage of endemic flora is about 60-70%. Between these two diversity centers, there is a transitional area located at Makassar Strait (Wallace’s line). 360 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. Seen from a biodiversity perspective, the Indonesian geographical position is advantageous. The country consists of thousands of islands located between two continents, namely Asia and Australia, and it is located on the equator line. With such a position, Indonesia is one of the countries with the greatest wealth of biodiversity worldwide. With a territory covering 1.3% of the Earth surface, Indonesia contains 17% of the world’s species. As a megadiverse country, Indonesia’s biodiversity consists of 707 mammal species ( 12% of the world’s mammal species), 350 reptilian and amphibian species ( 15% of the world’s reptiles and amphibians), 1,602 bird species (17% of the world’s birds), 2,184 freshwater fish species ( 37% of the world’s freshwater fish) and 35,000-40,000 plant species (11-15% of the world’s plant species) (LIPI, 2011). Indonesia is home to at least 2,500 marine mollusc species, 2,000 crustacean species, 6 marine turtle species, 30 marine mammal species and more than 2,500 marine fish. Indonesia also has a very high percentage of endemic species. For example 14,800 endemic plant species (number 5 in the world) including 225 endemic palm species (number 1 in the world), 201 endemic mammals species (number 2 in the world), 35 endemic primate species, 150 endemic reptilian species (number 4 in the world), 100 endemic amphibian species, 397 endemic bird species (number 5 in the world) and 121 endemic butterflies species. Endemism is very important because it indicates that a species cannot be found anywhere else in the world. (LIPI. 2011). B. BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is a natural phenomenon related to the diversity of living creatures and the complex ecosystems in which they live.. With such an understanding, biodiversity includes the interactions among various life forms and also between those life forms and their environment. These interactions are what allow the environment to be capable of providing the large quantities of goods and services required to support human life and welfare (The Biological Association of Indonesia. 2007). 1. Ecosystem diversity An ecosystem is an ecological system formed by the interrelationship between living organisms or biotic elements with their environment or abiotic elements. Ecosystem diversity is related to the diversity of habitat types, biological communities and ecological processes, where there are diversities of species and genetics therein. An ecosystem is classified based on the characteristics of its most prominent communities. In terrestrial ecosystems, plant communities or vegetation type are used as a reference because they are a reflection of physiognomy or morphological interactions between animals, plants, and the environment. There are 47 recognised natural ecosystems in Indonesia, ranging from tropical snow fields in the peak of Jayawijaya Mountains, lowland rain forests, beach forests, grasslands, savanna, wetlands, rivers, lakes, swamps, mangroves, coral reef and the deep sea. (Kartawinata, 2012). 2. Species diversity Indonesian is located in the Malesia region, which also includes the Philippines, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. This region was determined based on the distribution of vegetation/ plant genera and is characterized by 3 demarcations. The first demarcation is Torres Strait which indicates that 66 flora genera from New Guinea can not cross over to Australia and 340 Australian flora genera can not be found in New Guinea. Secondly, Tanah Genting Kra on The Malay Peninsula marks the boundary of 361 Malesia flora distribution with Thailand. This demarcation indicates that 200 Thailand flora genera have not spread to Malesia areas, and 375 Malesia flora genera are not found in Thailand.The third, at southern Taiwan, is the boundary between Malesian flora and Taiwanese flora. Malesia flora shares more similarities with the flora of Asia than that of Australia, and 40% of the flora genera found in Malesia are not found outside of the area bounded by the three demarcations. The distribution of fauna and flora in Indonesia reflects the movements of the Sunda Shelf and Sahul Shelf, from when the great southern continent of Gondwana began to break up about 140 million years ago. Species such as durian, rattan, tusam and Arthocarpus were concentrated on the Sunda Shelf (Endarwati, 2005). Based on herbarium speciments and data from the National Taxonomy Assessment Report for Indonesia, Biological Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (20011), the number of plants in 7 Bioregions of Indonesia are presented in Table 1. Table 1. The number of plants species in 7 bioregions of Indonesia based on herbarium speciments at Biological Research Center-LIPI No Bioregion of Indonesia Number of plants species 1 Sumatera 5,692 2 Jawa 6,641 3 Kalimantan 5,575 4 Sulawesi 6,796 5 Nusa Tenggara 490 6 Maluku 2,279 7 Papua 3,928 Source : Biological Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (2011) 3. Genetic diversity Genetic diversity is the diversity of natural characteristics found in one species. There is no species in which every individual is exactly the same in appearance. There are different phenotypes in the population of Matoa (Pometia pinnata) in Papua both vegetative and generative, reproductive capabilities The sago population in Ambon includes many different species, including 6 main species. Based on the number of wild durian species present, thought to be 19, Kalimantan is suspected to be the center of durian genetic diversity. Cultivation techniques have created a huge genetic resource in the form of crops such as rice, maize, yam, seedless watermelon, orchid species, snake fruit and others. Germplasm has been used at the research institute for tens years. The use of germplasm as a resource in the development of new crossbreeds has produced superior varieties of agricultural speciese. These superior varieties have been broadly developed and have increased farmers incomes. There are about 3.9 million crop germplasm collections, but 53% of them are owned by developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Russia; 16% are owned by IRRI (rice), ICRISAT, CIMMYT and CIAT ; and only 31% are owned by developing countries. This reality is in contrast with the fact that the origin of most germplasm is in developing countries. 362 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. New international regulations have agreed that ownership of germplasm can no longer be transferred entirely to another country, as happened in the past. This means that countries rich in germplasm, such as Indonesia, will not lose the benefits of their genetic biodiversity to other wealthier countries and will instead work together with them to produce agricultural products (Diwyanto.2003). III. A. BIODIVERSITY LOSS AND CONSERVATION STRATEGIES Biodiversity loss Biodiversity is at a tipping point in Indonesia and worldwide, and most of the world’s biodiversity is located in conservation areas. Damage to both quantity and quality of natural habitats is a major factor in biodiversity loss. Currently, the forests which contain of the bulk of natural resources have decreased and are very susceptible to damage. Indonesian population growth has led to an increase in the need for the necessities of life, such as food, clothing and housing. Human dependence on biodiversity remains high, especially for people living near the forest. The rates of deforestation in Indonesia from 2000 to 2011 are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Rate of deforestation in each province in year 2000-2011 Rate of Deforestation (%) 2000-2003 2003-2006 2006-2009 2009-2011 Riau -2.06 -3.62 -4.29 -3.54 Jambi -0.20 -1.39 -2.71 -1.94 Central Kalimantan -0.47 -0.86 -1.48 -1.34 North Sumatra -0.19 -0.97 -1.61 -1.22 Bengkulu -1.43 -0.32 -0.43 -1.06 West Kalimantan -0.22 -1.84 -1.42 -0.70 West Sumatra -0.23 -0.95 -1.71 -0.68 North Maluku -0.32 -0.27 -0.11 -0.44 Central Sulawesi -0.35 -0.60 -0.17 -0.40 South Kalimantan -1.33 -1.88 -1.09 -0.32 North Sulawesi -2.34 -1.40 -0.20 -0.26 East Kalimantan -0.32 -0.96 -0.60 -0.24 Yogyakarta 0.00 -2.80 -0.14 -0.24 Aceh -0.08 -0.36 -1.18 -0.20 Lampung 0.21 0.00 -0.37 -0.18 Gorontalo -0.33 -2.05 -0.25 -0.17 Central Java -0.02 0.00 -0.54 -0.12 Bangka Belitung -0.31 -1.17 -3.23 -0.11 East Nusa Tenggara -0.01 -0.46 -0.01 -0.09 Banten -0.11 -0.39 -2.41 -0.08 Papua -0.08 -0.38 -0.14 -0.04 Maluku -0.06 -0.12 -0.16 -0.03 West Nusa Tenggara -1.53 -0.75 -0.11 -0.01 363 Southeast Sulawesi -0.10 -0.79 -0.18 -0.01 West Papua -0.01 -0.01 -0.03 0.00 South Sulawesi -0.65 -0.62 -0.43 0.00 Bali -1.67 0.00 -0.53 0.00 DKI Jakarta 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 East Java -0.26 -0.14 0.07 0.06 West Java 0.02 -0.63 -1.18 0.51 South Sumatra -0.73 -0.08 -1.47 2.28 -0.33 -0.78 -0.74 -0.41 Total Resource: State of Environment Report in Indonesia 2012 B. Flora and fauna in IUCN Red List Based on data from the IUCN (International Union for Conservation Natural), there are 4,640 animal species and 755 plant species on the Red List. Animals are grouped by class and each plant species grouped by division and order, as shown in Figure 1. Sales; Liliopsida; 0; Sales; 1 0% Magnolipsida; 0; 27 7 665 0% 273 54 91 Annelida Krustasea Insekta 2 714 24 Merostomata Actinopterygii 364 622 Amphibia Aves Chondrichtyes Mammalia Reptilia 678 1564 175 Sarcopterygii Cnidaria Mollusca Polypodiophyta Coniferopsida 129 Cycadopsida Liliopsida Magnolipsida Figure 1. Number of plant and animal species included on the IUCN Red List. C. Conservation strategies Plant conservation can be implemented in two ways, namely by in situ conservation and ex situ conservation. In principle, both types of conservation are complementary of each other. In situ conservation is the best way to implement plant conservation in Indonesia, because this conservation strategy protects plants and their ecosystems. In situ conservation sites, including nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and nature parks are managed by the Ministry of Forestry. Although the number and extent of in situ conservation areas is increasing from year to year, the 364 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. pressure on these areas is quite high, due to encroachment, illegal logging, and poaching of plants and animals living within them. This is further exacerbated by knowledge of potential natural resources, which give way to degrading activities such as mining and oil and gas operations in the conservation areas. With continued degradation of the natural environment, including in situ conservation areas, botanic gardens can be considred the 'last bastion' of plant conservation. D. National and international plant conservation policies The high level of environmental damage caused by human activities during the development process has led to the need for international policy involving institutions such as UNEP, environmental NGOs, environmentalists and countries which care about the environment. The phenomenon of climate change is tangible evidence of damage to the environment. The issue of climate change is a hot topic being discussed by many people and organisations around the world because it will affect quality of life and the condition of the earth in the future. Several international documents relating to the conservation of biodiversity, particularly plants and environmental damage are as follows: 1. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2. Agenda 21: Programme of Action For Sustainable Development 3. Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) 4. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 5. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Regarding the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, the Indonesian Government hasreleased several policies and regulations. Some important policies related to biodiversity are: 1. UU no.4.1982 - about the main points of environmental management 2. UU no.5. 1990 - about conservation of natural resources and ecosystems 3. UU no.5. 1994 - on ratification of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). The Ministry of Environment is the CBD national focal point, responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Convention at the national level. In practice, the ministry is assisted by several other focal points, in accordance with requests from the CBD secretariat. Some of these additional focal points include the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), the Clearing House Mechanism (ICHM), Bio-safety focal points and others. The Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Gardens-LIPI has been appointed the national CBD and GSPC focal point. IV. ROLE OF BOTANIC GARDENS IN INDONESIA The botanic garden has three main functions (Hyams & Macquitty.1969): 1. As a research site with a collection of plants and botanical herbarium. 2. Carrying out applied research such as acclimatization and introduction of plants that have economic value such as rubber, coffee, tea, chocolate and others. 3. Horticultural research activities include the selection, hybridization, and development of valued products 365 Over time, changes in the environment and mindset of those managing botanic gardens has dynamically altered the function of the gardens. Now, botanic gardens also serve as a place of education and tourism as well as providing ecosystem services. A botanic garden is an area of ex situ plant conservation that has a documented plant collection and is laid out according totaxonomic classifications or bioregion, thematically, or a combination thereof; with the aim of conservation, research, education, tourism and environmental services (Presidential Regulation No. 93 Year 2011). Compared with other countries in the Americas, Western Europe, East Asia, South Asia, West Asia and Southeast Asia, the number of botanic gardens in Indonesia is still lagging behind (Table 5), especially when taken into account that Indonesia is a ’megadiverse’ country in terms of plant diversity. Table 5. Numbers of botanic gardens at in several countries No Name of country Number of botanic gardens 1 USA 459 2 Rusia 155 3 India 131 4 Australia 128 5 England 116 6 Italy 105 7 Japan 64 8 Argentina 48 9 Brazil 40 10 Colombia 28 11 Belgium 28 12 Spanyol 28 13 South Korea 14 14 Malaysia 12 15 Filipina 12 16 Thailand 7 17 Indonesia 4 18 Saudi Arabia 4 Source: BGCI database, In Indonesia there are four botanic gardens managed by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI); Bogor Botanic Gardens, Cibodas Botanic Garden, Purwodadi Botanic Garden and 'Eka Karya’ Bali Botanic Gardens. Between them, they conserve 8,304 plant species (about 20% of Indonesian 366 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. plant species), with a total of 69,050 specimens (Table 6). Due to physical constraints such as the availability of land and capacity of the soil, the four botanic gardens are estimated to be able to conserve a maximum of only 30-40% of the plants present in Indonesia. Table 6. Plant collections at botanic gardens managed by LIPI Bogor BG Cibodas BG Purwodadi BG 'Eka Karya' Bali BG Family 238 240 175 206 Genus 1,389 902 980 1,021 Species 4,273 1,929 2,207 2,314 Specimens 23,541 11,855 13,760 19,894 Source: Registration unit, Bogor Botanic Gardens, June 2011 The limitations of the four botanic gardens managed by LIPI, especially the availability of land and natural conditions that are not able to represent all of the ecoregions in Indonesia, mean that the four botanic gardens are considered insufficient. Within an ecosystem, each species has a specific role, but the role of most plant species are not yet well understood. Therefore, ideally, every Indonesian plant species would be conserved ina botanic gardens, in various locations in accordance with the specifications of its habitat. Such conditions can be achieved through the establishment of a new botanic garden in an area that represents an ecoregion of Indonesia. Based on table 7, 10 Local Botanic Gardens have a collection of 23,128 plant speci-mens which have been planted in gardens and 84, 556 specimens still maintained in the nursery for acclimatization. Table 7. Regional botanic gardens managed by local governments No Name of local botanic garden (ha) Year of inisiation Number of plants collection species Speciment 1 Baturraden BG, Banyumas District, Central Java 142 2.004 509 2.135 2 Bukit Sari BG, Bungo Tebo District and Batanghari district, Jambi 425 2.005 168 1.952 3 Massenrempulu BG, Enrekang District, South Sulawesi. 300 2.006 281 6.714 4 Katingan BG, Katingan District, Central Kalimantan 127 2.006 60 779 5 Pucak BG, Maros District, South Sulawesi 120 2.006 57 279 6 Balikpapan District, Balikpapan city, East Kalimantan 309 2.007 577 1.732 7 Kuningan BG, Kuningan District, West Java 172 2.007 199 7.941 8 Liwa BG, West Lampung District, 116 2.007 162 894 367 No Name of local botanic garden (ha) Year of inisiation Number of plants collection species Speciment Lampung 9 Samosir BG, Samosir District, North Sumatera 100 2.008 57 540 10 Batam BG, Batam City, Riau Islands 86 2.008 - - 11 Sambas BG, Sambas District, West Kalimantan 300 2.008 - - 12 Danau Lait BG, Sanggau District, West Kalimantan 328 2.008 - - 13 Lombok BG, East Lombok District, NTB 130 2.008 31 162 14 Solok BG, Solok District, West Sumatera 112 2.009 - - 15 Minahasa BG, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi 186 2.009 - - 16 Kendari BG, Kendari city, Southeast Sulawesi 113 2.009 - - 17 Jompie BG, Parepare City, South Sulawesi 14 2.009 - - 18 Banua BG, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan 122 2.011 - - 19 South Sumatera BG, Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatera 100 2.011 - - Resources : Rencana Pengembangan Kebun Raya Indonesia. 2012 368 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Role of Local Botanic Gardens…... Sugiarti, Joko Ridho Witono, & Lindle H. V. CONCLUSION Plant conservation is essential to the continued presence of plant species diversity for study and sustainable use. The issue of conservation is becoming more and more important due the increasing pressure on natural habitat, vegetation and ecosystems. In-situ plant conservation must be complemented byex-situ plant conservation, both scientifially and also in regards to management. In Indonesia, those responsibilities are held by LIPI and the Ministry of Forestry. Botanic gardens are one example of ex situ plant conservation, where plant species and genetic diversity are maintained. Educationplays a vital role in understanding the meaning and purpose of conservation. Promoting awareness of conservation to all levels of society, from students topoliticians and decision-makers is important and must be carried out continuously. It is for these reasons that conservation is considered a long-term investment. . REFERENCES Diwyanto, K. 2003. Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Bioteknologi: Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat. Prosiding Workshop Peran Keanekaragaman Hayati Dalam Perbendayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia. Jakarta Hyams. 1969. Great Botanical Gardens of The World. Mc Millan. New York Kartawinata K. 2012. Diversitas Ekosistem Alami Indonesia. Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia dan LIPI Press. Jakarta Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup RI. 2012. Status Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia 2012. Jakarta Peraturan Presiden Nomor 93 Tahun 2011 Tentang Kebun Raya 369 Subbidang Registrasi PKT Kebun Raya Bogor. 2011. Jumlah Koleksi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya yang Dikelola LIPI. Bogor Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1982 Tentang Pokok-pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1994 Tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa Mengenai Keanekaragaman Hayati. Widjaja A Elizabeth, Ibnu Maryanto, Daisy Wowor, Siti Nuramaliati Prijono. Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia. LIPI Press. Jakarta 2011. Status Witono J R dkk. 2012. Rencana Pengembangan Kebun Raya Indonesia. Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor, LIPI. Bogor 370 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari Identification of Determinant Societal Variables for Successful Bali Mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) Conservation1 Intan Purnamasari2 ABSTRACT Bali mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a critically endangered endemic species currently confined only in Bali Barat National Park. Conservation within and outside their natural habitat is necessary, one of such through captive breeding program. This research intent to identify the variables influencing the performance of bali mynah conservation. Research was conducted at Sumberklampok Village from February to March 2013 using direct observation and interview methods involving 19 members of breeder organization and 60 non members, who were selected using random sampling. Respondents’ characteristics, cultural variables and bali mynah preservation variables were observed. Data was analyzed using chi square test ran on SPSS version 20. Results showed that cultural variables were significantly correlated with preservation variables. Folklore about bali mynah, knowledge of bali mynah, participation in captive breeding organization and income had significant correlations with length of period in conducting captive breeding. Moreover, participation in organization and profession as breeders were significantly correlated with total number of chicks born, while only participation in captive breeding organization correlated with the number of birds. The research further concluded that the determinant societal variables in achieving successful bali mynah preservation could be categorized as economic and cultural variables. Keywords: bali mynah, conservation variable, captive breeding I. INTRODUCTION Bali mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) is an endemic species currently confined only in Bali Barat National Park (BBNP). The species qualifies as a critically endangered based on criteria of IUCN. Conservation of bali mynah is vital to preserve its population, hence conservation within and outside their natural habitat is necessary. Alikodra (1987) states that one cause of a decrease in the population of bali mynah is illegal hunting. The alleged poaching is done by the people in the immediate area of BBNP. Sumberklampok Village is one of the enclave village in BBNP which according to Ismu (2008) still has a strong interaction with the region to access resources in the 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Master Student Tropical Biodiversity Conservation Study Programme Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism Faculty of Forestry - Bogor Agricultural University. Email: Telp/fax 0251-8621947 371 form of firewood, sonokeling wood, forest honey and leaves for fodder. Sustainable management of bali mynah will be difficult without the involvement of the local communities. Suansa (2011) states that local people is a very important element in management activities, they are the ones who best understand the environmental conditions existing in the vicinity. The fact proves that communities involvement around protected areas is critical to the success of the management of an area (Bayu 2000; Kusnanto 2000). This is in line with protected area management activities that involve the surrounding communities in the breeding activities like bali mynah community in Sumberklampok Village. The captive breeding program established in Sumberklampok Village was one way to conserve bali mynah outside their natural habitat. Various research have been conducted to identify the independent variables determining the success of the management of wildlife population in nature or in captivity, but most are related to wildlife variables (Prayana 2012; Azis 2013). Research that examines the independent variables behind the motivation of people to perform captive breeding activities and is statistically proven is still lacking. Therefore, such study is required. The objective of the research was to identify the variables of Sumberklampok community that motivated them to perform bali mynah conservation. This research is expected to provide inputs for conservation area management especially in enhancing community empowerment efforts in wildlife exsitu conservation. II. METHODS The research was conducted at Sumberklampok Village of Bali Province from February to March 2013. The equipments and materials used in this research included stationary, voice recorder, camera, questionnaire, interview guides, document, literature and geographic map of the village. Data were collected using observation and interview methods. As many as seventy nine respondents, composed of 19 members belonging to breeder organization and 60 non members, were selected using random sampling method. Respondents’ characteristics, cultural and bali mynah conservation variables were observed (Table 1). Data were analyzed using chi square test ran on SPSS version 20. Table 1. Types of data collected No. Types of data Parameter Variable 1. Respondent Characteristics of Origin (ethnic), profession, level of variable respondent education, income, age and lenght Data source Interview of stay 2. 372 Cultural Religion system The number of bali mynah variable and ceremonies utilization in religious ceremonies Social The number of norms and written Interview organization or not written regulation(s) and observation system and social organization about bali affairs mynah Art The number of dances, songs, International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Interview Interview and Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari No. Types of data Parameter Variable Data source poems, rhymes, couplets, paintings, fairytales, folklore and baly mynah utilization in symbols. Knowledge Levels and knowledge source about Interview system bali mynah Language system Use of bali mynah as street names, Interview brand, place, season and month observation and name Livelihood system Economic, species utilization Interview intensity (material consumption, observation and livestock feed or drugs or trade) Technology Utilization of teh bali mynah in Interview systems and system technology and equipment observation equipment (productive tools, weapons, system containers, fire ignition tool, food and processing equipment, clothing, shelter and transfer tools) 3. Preservation Breeding The number of population, mortality Interview variable captivity and births, captive management observation and (feed, cages, health, reproduction, human resources, sanitation), acces to breeding, parties involved in the breeding, number of parental stock, number of birds sold, the number of the birds released, the amount of funds expended 4. Types of Bali mynah Bioecology of bali mynah Literature Research General condition Location, spacious, climate, Literature location of research topography, demographics of location society wildlife 5. III. RESULTS The analysis that was studied includes analysis of the correlation between the respondent’s characteristics; between respondent’s characteristics and cultural variables; between respondent’s characteristics and preservation variables; and between cultural variables and preservation variables. A. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENTS Result of the survey showed that out of the 19 members of the breeder organization, only 15 respondents (18.99%) from 79 respondents were breeders (Table 2). 373 Table 2. Percentage of breeders based on respondents’ characteristics. Characteristics Origin Age Education Length of period in stay Income per month Breeders Non-breeders Madura 12.66% 40.50% Bali 6.34% 40.50% 22-40 years old 3.80% 37.97% 41-59 years old 11.39% 25.32% 60-78 years old 3.80% 17.72% Low 7.59% 44.30% Average 10.13% 34.18% High 1.27% 2.53% 5-28 years 1.27% 26.58% 29-52 years 13.92% 37.97% 53-76 years 3.80 16.46% < Rp 1.500.000 2.53% 45.56% Rp 1.500.000 ≤ x < Rp 3.000.000 15.19% 31.65% ≥ Rp 3.000.000 1.27% 3.80% Cultural variables Cultural variables were identified using the universal approach to cultural elements by Koentjaraningrat (2002). These include cultural elements of the religious system and ceremonies, social organization, art, dialects/languages, knowledge system, livelihood and technology system and equipment. Religious system and ceremonies Religion system and ceremonies variables that were examined were species utilization in religious ceremonies or ritual, indicating the type of species utilization in various religious activities. Religiously, captive breeder of bali mynah were Hindus (33.33%) and others were Moslem (Table 3). Table 3. Respondent percentage based on religious system Respondent profession as a captive-breeder Religious system Hindu Islam Breeders 33.33 % 66.67 % Non breeders 49.12 % 50.88% Customary tradition that has religious background was only found on Hindu respondents. The custom tradition itself is a religious ceremony called Tumpek Kandang, devoted to the safety of pet which was done every six months. 374 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari Social organization and affairs Social organization system and affairs that were examined were related to norms and written or not written regulation(s), and also to existence of groups that specifically handle the bali mynah, which would indicate an attempt to preserve species that were considered important for the community. Elements within a social organization of any society are governed by the local customs and regulations of various entities in the environment in which one lives and get along from day to day (Koentjaraningrat 2002). A written rule concerning the protection of natural resources was found in the customary regulations of the Balinese known as awig-awig. The regulation within Awig-awig was further clarified in what is called Pararem which is the customary rules applicable to 1 banjar (hamlet) and explained about the sanctions and fines which must be met if a violation occurs. Social organization was formed by the community incorporating legal or illegal entities that serves as the basis for community participation. Social organization relating to the preservation of the bali mynah was found at Sumberklampok Village, namely a group of Bali Mynah captive breeders named ‘Manuk Jegeg’. Manuk Jegeg gave access to the community to be a Bali Mynah captive breeder. In addition, Manuk Jegeg allowed the breeders to exchange experiences regarding techniques of keeping Bali Mynah which would enhance their knowledge. Based on survey result to 79 respondents, as many as 19 respondents were members of Manuk Jegeg breeder group. Out of this, as many as 15 members of Manuk Jegeg were captive breeders of bali mynah where as many as 11 persons already got their legal permission to captive breed bali mynah. The captived Bali Mynah birds belonged to Ainul Yaqin Foundation with production sharing system which was regulated under a memorandum of understanding for bali mynah preservation. The other 4 members who had yet attained their captive breeding license, were still preparing the infrastructure for captive breeding activity at their home as it was the main requirement to become a captive breeder of bali mynah. Currently, Manuk Jegeg had submitted permits for legal license for captive breeders for its members who already fulfil the requirements of a captive breeder such as available facilities and infrastructure to breed bali mynah, and also proposed assistance for parental stock of bali mynah for new breeder candidates. Arts Bali mynah utilization was scripted in the folklore. Based on the local folklore, it was known that bali mynah inhabited Sumberklampok Village were not allowed to be capture and consumed due to its bitter taste of the meat. According to the story, the reason was because bali mynah often utilized the bitter part of the wood as its feedstock. Knowledge System As many as 27.85% of the respondents had high level of knowledge regarding bali mynah. Community knowledge system that indicated the existence of bali mynah in the community life, appeared in discussions or talks from the past and present. Sumberklampok Village is the natural habitat of Bali Mynah and is an enclave village of Bali Barat National Park (BBNP). Therefore, the villagers were often exposed and engaged in the activities of preservation of the bali mynah by BBNP, one of which was conducted through public awareness. 375 Language System Language is a tool of human communication either through writing, oral, or gesture that shows the goals to be achieved (Anas et al. 1994). Based on the interviews with 79 respondents, the name “bali mynah” was never for street names, brand, arrival of a season, indicators, and others. Livelihood System Livelihood system includes the type of livelihood that indicated the species economic utilization and the intensity of its uptake (material consumption, feed, medicines or trade). Based on field data it was noted that the economic utilization of bali mynah was done through captive breeding activities as well as tourism that used captive breeding activities as the main attraction. So far, captive breeding activity had yet provided economical advantage since there were no captive bred birds that were sold from the breeder. This happened because the breeders were still waiting for the official release permit for sale of bali mynah birds. The Bali Mynah captive breeding of Sumberklampok village had been visited by local and foreign tourists. There were as many as 31 visits in June 2011 to December 2012. The tourist activities were in conjunction with Bali Barat National Park. Currently, the income from tourism activities is managed by Manuk Jegeg breeder group for its group activities such as habitat reconstruction activities to prepare for bali mynah released in 2014. Technology and equipment system Technology appeared in the ways human beings conducted his daily work, organized the society, means of expressing beauty and produce artistic results. There are eight kinds of equipment system and physical culture elements that are found within a community that lived off farming (Koentjaraningrat, 2002) that include productive tools, weapons, containers, fire ignition tool, food processing equipment, clothing, shelter and transfer tools. Based on the survey, it was found that there were no element of the bali mynah in the utilization of technology and equipment systems used by Sumberklampok people. B. BALI MYNAH PRESERVATION VARIABLES Breeding activity of bali mynah has begun since November 2010, but the breeders received their parental stocks not until June 2011. Table 4 below presented data of breeder activities in Sumberklampok Village. Table 4. Data of captive breeding activity Preservation variables Breeders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding (month) 21 21 21 21 21 16 21 7 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Total number of bali mynah bird (individual) 3 2 1 5 8 3 7 5 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 Total number of bali Mynah chicks 1 0 0 5 7 0 8 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 376 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari (individual) Number of bali mynah chicks that were born (individual) 4 0 0 12 9 0 11 0 6 9 0 0 0 2 0 Number of bali mynah chicks that died (individual) 3 0 0 9 3 0 3 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 C. CORRELATION BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S CHARACTERISTICS The results of the correlation analysis between the characteristics of respondents were conducted on a 95% confidence level using chi-square test is presented in Table 5. Age has a significant correlation with length of stay indicated by the majority of Sumberklampok people that were born and raised in the village. Age also have a significant correlation with education. Old-age respondents tent to have lower education level compared to younger respondents. Public facilities including school building was built in 1963 after Sumberklampok was established and recognized as a village, hence old-aged respondents found it difficult to attain formal education services. Table 5 Correlation between characteristics of respondents Correlated variables Non- correlated variables Age - lenght of stay Age - income Age - education Age - Origin length of stay - income Age - profession length of stay - Origin education - Origin length of stay - education income - profession education - income education - profession income - Origin Origin - profession length of stay - profession Length of stay had significant correlation with income. Most of the Sumberklampok community were dry land farmers where the lands were inherited during the time when their parents were still hard labours by opening forest lands and clearing the shrubs for coconut plantation. Hence, the local people tent to have bigger land area than the immigrants. Wider land plots would increase a person’s income. Length of stay was also found to be correlated with the origin of the respondent. Respondents who came from Madura tent to have longer length of stays in comparison with respondents coming from Bali. It was because the Maduranese occupied the village since 1922 who were deliberately brought in by the Netherlands to become labourers on plantations belonging to the Netherlands, while the people of Bali comprised of 3 different areas of origin namely Karangasem 377 Regency who took refuge in the event of an eruption of Mount Agung in 1963, the island of Nusa Penida, and ex transmigrants of Timor-Leste who came in 2000. Length of stay was also correlated with education, as respondents who lived in the Village of Sumberklampok prior to 1963 were lacking in formal education. Income had a significant correlation with the profession as breeder. Results from field data showed that respondents with high income had the tendency to become a breeder. Breeding costs were quite high. Furthermore, in the MoU on Leasing of Bali Mynah Prental Stock between the breeders and the Bali Mynah Preservation Association (APCB) it was stated that a breeder must provide a guarantee in the form of cattle in case of death of the loaned parental stock that were due to the negligence of the breeder. A breeder of bali mynah must spent an average fee of Rp. 5 million (US $ 506.50) to built the cage and Rp. 250 thousands (US$ 25.32) monthly for feeds. D. CORRELATION BETWEEN CULTURAL VARIABLES AND RESPONDENT’S CHARACTERISTICS Results of the correlation analysis between cultural variables and respondents’ characteristics on a confidence level of 95% are presented in Table 6. Table 6. Correlation between cultural variables with characteristics of respondents Correlated variables Non-correlated variables participation in captive breeding organization - origin participation in captive breeding organization length of stay participation in captive breeding organization - profession participation in captive breeding organization education knowledge - length of stay participation in captive breeding organization income knowledge - education participation in captive breeding organization - age knowledge - profession knowledge - origin knowledge - income knowledge - age folklore of bali mynah - age folklore of bali mynah - education folklore of bali mynah - origin folklore of bali mynah - profession folklore of bali mynah - length of stay customary regulation -age folklore of bali mynah - income customary regulation - education customary regulation - origin customary regulation - income customary regulation - length of stay customary regulation - profession Community participation in the captive breeder organization had a significant correlation with the origin and profession as breeders. Results showed as many as 68.42% of bali mynah breeder organization members came from Madura and the rest from Bali. It is thought to be due to the background of the Maduranese whom in the past had stronger interaction with the area compared with the Balinese people. The participation of the respondents in captive breeder organization was 378 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari correlated with respondent's profession as a breeder. The captive breeder organization provided a base for the breeders as well as other community members who wished to contribute to the preservation of the bali mynah. Community participation in the captive breeder organization would grant access to the respondents to become a bali mynah breeder. Public knowledge of bali mynah correlated with the respondent's age and length of stay. Respondents who were older and have a period of longer length of stay showed greter knowledge of bali mynah as compared to respondents who were younger and had a shorter period of stay. Amba (1998) states that a person's life experiences can improve the person's skills and knowledge. Knowledge correlated with the latest education of the respondents. Amba (1998) also states that knowledge of a person is closely related to the education level of that person, where a person who is highly educated tends to have wider knowledge. Knowledge also correlated with the profession of the respondent. Respondents who have a high knowledge of bali mynah tent to have a desire to become a bali mynah breeder. This is in line with Siswiyanti (2006), who states that higher knowledge will results in higher participation in an activity since they are more informed of the benefits to be received. There was a significant correlation on age and profession variables of the respondents. The survey results showed that respondents considered being a breeder required expertise, thoroughness and high level of difficulty of caring, thus respondents thought that only certain people were able to become bali mynah breeders in the village. Expertise and precision required skills gained through knowledge. Respondents who were older tent not to wish to become a bali mynah breeder. This is in line with the opinion that old age can result in the onset of disorders and physiological barriers such as decreased hearing and vision as stated by Lunandi (1989) in Amba (1998) as well as absorption of knowledge. The folklore of bali mynah had significant correlation with age, origin, length of stay and respondent's income. This bali mynah story was better known by the older respondents who showed longer length of stay. This was because the respondents who lived and settled in the Village of Sumberklampok prior to 1982 had its own stories about their life experience of bali mynah because bali mynah were still abundant in the village at that time, hence they experienced higher interaction with the birds. Origin had a significant correlation with the folklore of bali mynah. The respondents from Madura had more knowledge on the story of bali mynah compared to residents from Bali. It wass thought to be because the Maduranese who were the first to occupy the Village of Sumberklampok, therefore they had higher interaction with the birds and feature more stories of bali mynah which were then inherited to the following generations. Customary regulations related to bali mynah had significant correlation with origin and length of stay. Customary regulations regarding the protection of animals especially the bali mynah was only possessed by the Balinese reflected in the customary regulation of awig-awig. Since the Balinese residents tent to have a shorter period length of stay, therefore length of stay of the respondents in the Village of Sumberklampok has association with customary regulations regarding the bali mynah. 379 E. CORRELATION BETWEEN PRESERVATION VARIABLES AND RESPONDENT CHARACTERISTIC Correlation analysis between preservation variables and respondent characteristics showed that the only correlation was between lengths of period in conducting captive breeding with income (Table 7). Respondents with higher income tent to have much longer length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding. This was expected to be influenced by the rate of capital cost that needed to become a bali mynah captive breeder and also the monthly total spending associated with captive breeding activities. Table 7. Correlation between preservation and respondents’ characteristics Correlated variables Non-correlated variables Income - length of period in conducting Age - length of period in conducting captive captive breeding breeding Profession as captive breeder - length of Age - total number of bali mynah bird period in conducting captive breeding Profession as captive breeder - total number of Age - total number of bali mynah chicks bali mynah chicks that were born Age - total number of bali mynah chicks that were born Age - total number of bali mynah chicks that died Length of period in staying - length of period in conducting captive breeding Length of period in staying - total number of bali mynah bird Length of period in staying - total number of bali mynah chicks Length of period in staying - total number of bali mynah chicks that were born Length of period in staying - total number of bali mynah chicks that died Education - length of period in conducting captive breeding Education - total number of bali mynah bird Education - total number of bali mynah chicks Education - total number of bali mynah chicks that were born Education - total number of bali mynah chicks that died Income - total amount of Bali Mynah bird Income - total amount of Bali Mynah chicks Income - total number of bali mynah chicks that 380 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari were born Income - total number of bali mynah chicks that died Profession as captive breeder - total number of bali mynah bird Profession as captive breeder - total number of bali mynah chicks Profession as captive breeder - total number of bali mynah chicks that died Profession as captive breeder was correlated with the length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding and also with the total number of bali mynah chicks that were born in each of captive breeding place. This correlation showed that the achievement of bali mynah captive breeding was not only dependent upon the condition of captive breeding place and the condition of birds that were born, but also dependent on the person as the captive breeder. When a person was willing to conduct captive breeding activity and was doing it the right way, then it would have influenced on the captive breeding achievement. As many as 6 breeders had succeeded to breed bali mynah chicks. Constrain involved by other breeders that were not able to breed bali mynah chicks was due to the low hatching ability of the eggs of which was expected due to the breeder’s skill, high sensitivity of bali mynah that caused stress easily and highway noisiness. Currently, many breeders had their captive breeding place located near the highway. To cope with the problem, Manuk Jegeg had made various efforts to improve feeds and captive breeding place, exchange experiences with successful breeders and conducting exchange of parental stock exchange with APCB on December 31st of 2012, as many as 15 parental stock couples that were left to guard by BBNP. Constrains faced by breeders whom succeeded to breed bali mynah chicks include high rate of bali mynah mortality, where one breeder said until February 2013, he recorded as many as 9 bali mynah chicks died from 12 bali mynah chicks that were born. The high rate of mortality happened during the beginning of captive breeding activity. This was expected due to lack of experience of the breeder, also due to lack of maintenance and caring for the birds hence caused the birds to caught diseases. Diseases associated with the captive bred birds found by breeder included polio, influenza, and diarrhea. In general, the birds with diseases often followed by death. The captive breeders were improving their efforts by studying bali mynah behaviour to learn the pattern of bali mynah daily behaviour which in the end was expected to reduce the rate of bali mynah mortality in the following year. F. CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PRESERVATION VARIABLES AND CULTURAL VARIABLES The result from correlation analysis between preservation variables and cultural variables using chi-square test using a 95% reliance interval is summarized in Table 8. 381 Table 8. Correlation between preservation variables and cultural variables Correlated variables Non-correlated variables length of period in conducting captive length of period in conducting captive breeding - breeding - folklore common law length of period in conducting captive total number of bali mynah chicks that were born - breeding - participation in captive breeding common law organization length of period in conducting captive total number of bali mynah chicks that were born - breeding - knowledge of bali mynah knowledge of bali mynah Total number of bali mynah chicks that total number of bali mynah chicks that were born - were born - participation in captive folklore breeding organization total number of bali mynah chicks that died common law total number of bali mynah chicks that died knowledge of bali Mynah total number of bali mynah chicks that died - folklore total number of bali mynah chicks were died participation in captive breeding organization total number of bali mynah bird - common law total number of bali mynah bird - knowledge of bali mynah total number of bali mynah bird - folklore total number of bali mynah bird - participation in captive breeding organization total number of bali mynah chicks - common law total number of bali mynah chicks - knowledge of bali mynah total number of bali mynah chicks - folklore total number of bali mynah chicks - participation in captive breeding organization The length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding had significant correlation with folklore, participation in captive breeder organization and knowledge of bali mynah. Participation in captive breeder organization provide easier access to become a breeder and obtained more knowledge of bali mynah as well as on conducting appropriate captive breeding of bali mynah. Result from the analysis showed that there was a correlation between folklore known by respondents about bali mynah with length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding activity. This was in line with Umar (2009) in Nori (2012) who suggests that a person’s behaviour can be influenced by personal past experiences on his surroundings. Based on interviews with local people, it was 382 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Identification of Determinant Societal Variables…... Intan Purnamasari revealed that Sumberklampok Village was once a bali mynah natural habitat, which later produced several folklore associated with bali mynah. The stories were still alive within Sumberklampok Village. Garibaldi and Turner (2004) describe that within a community there are species that are closely related with local people and depend their lives on it in fulfilling their daily requirements and also play a key part in the local culture. Such species was preserved through knowledge of its utilization that could be found in narrative, ceremony, dance, song, and writings. Thereby it was expected that bali mynah existence in folklore indicated that there was a close relation between community and the bird. A significant correlation was also found between respondent’s knowledge of bali mynah and the length of period in conducting bali mynah captive breeding. Knowledge would influence someone’s attitude and behaviour. High knowledge of bali mynah would support the achievement of successful bali mynah captive breeding, so that it could motivate people in continuing their captive breeding activity for longer period. This was in line with Siswiyanti (2006) who suggests that people with higher knowledge will have higher participation in the activity because they will know much more about the benefit they will achieve. Schoorl (1982) in Amba (1998) also suggest that community will participate in certain activity if they have the capability and knowledge about the activity. The higher the knowledge about a certain activity, the higher is the probability to participate in that activity. IV. CONCLUSIONS The societal variables that determine the success of the preservation of bali mynah in the Sumberklampok Village could be categorized as breeders characteristics and cultural variables. Variables that determined the characteristics of the respondents were income and profession of respondents while the determinant cultural variables were participation of the community in bali mynah captive breeder organization, knowledge, and folklore about bali mynah. Therefore the determinant societal variables of a successful bali mynah captive breeding in Sumberklampok Village could be categorized as economic and cultural variables. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Community Involvement in the preservation of species particularly through community empowerment programmes should consider the relationship between local communities and species to be conserved. 2. Further study is needed regarding correlated variables to determine the level of correlation between the variables to arrived at the most determinant variables for successful preservation of bali mynah thorugh captive breeding programmes. 3. In the future, studies on successful rate of released bali mynah from the captive breeding programme in Sumberklampok village is necessary. 383 REFERENCES Alikodra HS. 1987. Masalah Pelestarian Jalak Bali. Media Konservasi Vol 1 No 4. Amba M. 1998. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelestarian hutan mangrove (studi kasus di kecamatan Teluk Ambon Baguala, Kotamadya Ambon, Maluku) [tesis]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Anas Z, Rubiyatno, Wartinah, Suradi, Waridah S dan Sukardi J. 1994. Antropologi. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta. Azis AS. 2013. Teknik Penangkaran dan Aktivitas Harian Jalak Bali di Penangkaran UD Anugrah Kediri Jawa Timur [skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Bayu A. 2000. Hubungan Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pemukiman dalam Kawasan (enclave) dengan Penggunaan lahan di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun (Studi Kasus di Kampung Cier, Desa Cisarua, Resort Cigudeg) [Skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Garibaldi A and Turner N. 2004. Cultural keystone species: implications for ecological conservation and restoration. Ecology and Society 9 (3) : 1. Ismu I. 2008. Draft Ringkasan Lokasi Taman Nasional Diakses pada 3 Januari 2013. Bali Barat (TNBB). Website Koentjaraningrat. 2002. Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Kusnanto K. 2000. Bentuk-Bentuk dan Intensitas Gangguan Manusia pada Daerah Tepi Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Jawa Barat. [Skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Nori D. 2012. Perilaku penyimpangan positif (positive deviance) Masyarakat Desa Gunung Masigit terhadap konservasi karst Citatah [skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Prayana A. 2012. Teknik penangkaran dan aktivitas harian mambruk victoria (Goura victoria Fraser 1844) di Mega Bird and Orchid Farm, Bogor, Jawa Barat [skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Siswiyanti Y. 2006. Hubungan karakteristik anggota`masyarakat sekitar hutan dan beberapa faktor pendukung dengan partisipasinya dalam pelestarian hutan di kawasan pemangkuan hutan parung panjang kabupaten bogor [tesis]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Suansa NI. 2011. Penggunaan Pengetahuan Etnobotani dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Adat Baduy. [Skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 384 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community…... Arzyana Sunkar Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community Empowerment Tool in Protected Area Management1 Arzyana Sunkar2 ABSTRACT Although protected area (PA) demarcation is satisfactorily addressed, failures in its management were often evident. Community participation was said to be the key for conservation success yet insufficient attention has been given to activities that promotes true community participation in resources conservation. This paper explores the topic of positive environmental deviance as an approach to sustainable resource management that is community-centred. Positive deviance takes advantage of community’s assets and strengths. Local communities were more likely to commit themselves to long-term conservation efforts if their knowledge and opinions were incorporated. The idea of positive deviance is that in every community or organization, there are few individuals or groups who showed pro-conservation behaviour while using the same resources as their peers. It enables the community to identify and adopt strategies used by their members that has been proven beneficial. It is a means of empowering the community, because the solution came from within community, they are the actors and the agents of change. The use of positive deviance in PA’s management is still limited but very potential because greater inclusion of local communities in PA management would ensure the integrity of the area. Key words: protected area management, community empowerment, positive deviance I. INTRODUCTION Although protected area demarcation as one of the determinants of a juristically defined protected area (PA) is often conducted without facing any problems, however failure in PA management is still common. Community participation, on one hand is said to be the key for a successful conservation efforts but on the other hand very few PA management efforts that promote pure/true community participation. The main challenge of sustainable use of natural resources according to Sunkar (2008) deals more with managing human relationships rather than technical interventions. Unfortunately in many 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry-Bogor Agricultural University Kampus IPB Darmaga P.O Box 168 Bogor 16001. Phone/Fax: 0251-8621947 Emails:; 385 current PAs, local people have not been empowered to manage their own resources without any external interventions. There are many programmes in PAs within the community development scheme, but in reality take the form of providing assistances, thereby increasing the level of local people dependence on others. Results of the studies conducted by Wiratno et. al, (2004) and Untoro (2006) on the so called Conservation and Development Programmes conclude that the success rate of these programmes are still very limited. Karsidi (2001) argues that community development is an attempt to motivate and encourage the community to be able to explore their potential and dare to act to improve the quality of their life, through among others, education for their self-awareness and empowerment. The success of community empowerment programme that is sustained with adequate funding is normal, but the empowerment that capitalizes community-owned resources, is something of extraordinary. Communities and their environment is a social-ecological system, thus the approach must consider the principles of a system. One of the main principles of a systems approach (systems thinking) is that the solution to the problem exists within the system itself (Maani & Cavana, 2007). Based on this principle, a community empowerment approach should look for solutions within the community itself using the resources available in the community. II. PEOPLE, FORESTS AND BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity conservation initiatives often reflected national or even global interests, but limiting local access to land and resources. For decades, the centralized/top-down nature conservation was in fact or perceived to have reduced access to resources and welfare, thus causing conservation to be deemed unfair, inefficient and unsustainable. The limited government resources whether it be human and physical, as well as the fact that users of PAs could reach places far beyond the area itself, have caused the centralized management of PAs often or even in many cases ineffective. Ineffectiveness of the current PA management could be due to various interests of stakeholders, diverse problems and obstacles in carrying out their roles. For this reason, PA management should be bridged through collaborative management (co-management) system so that all stakeholders of PA shared responsibility in its management. Collaborative management approach required the existence of a management which was initially a top-bottom, into a decentralized management, which gave legal force to the community as well as technical assistance for communities to be empowered in managing resources in PA. Decentralized management of PAs often took the form of community-based conservation, which was expected to provide local supports to the national conservation agenda by involving resource users in decision making. A protected area in Indonesia that faced many conflicts with the local people is national park. New paradigm shift in national park management from restrictions of natural resource utilization to involvement of community roles had already entered into force for over a decade now. Community involvement in park management was expected to support the success of conservation. Nevertheless, in reality, there were still many obstacles found in its implementation which until now, participatory strategies are still unable to show satisfactory results in long-term natural resource management system. This were caused by lack, even in some places, absence of local roles (both community and institutional) in decision-making. 386 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community…... Arzyana Sunkar Management of national parks in Indonesia today remains largely under the full authority of government, although some national parks have started to involve other stakeholders. Hence, the management of national parks in Indonesia began to experience a shift towards division of control between National Park authority and other stakeholders. One important stakeholder in national park management and of course in other protected areas is the people leaving in the vicinity of the areas. Co-management regimes represent collaborative strategies that incorporate institutional mechanisms to share the responsibility for management of the natural resources between the government and the communities (Kildow, 1997; Singleton, 1998). Simply put, government entered into a partnership with communities to share various responsibilities for planning and implementing natural resource management measures. Such systems recognized that natural resource management policies were rarely successful without the involvement of the communities they seek to influence. In this sense, co-management represents a systematic approach towards reaching consensus among multiple interests involved in the coastal resources, institutionalizing processes appropriate to the culture and location (Virdin, 2000). Such shift is based on several achievements in the management of protected areas and especially national parks over the years. Besides specific achievements, there were also some challenges in implementing collaborative management that involved community empowerment. III. COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN PROTECTED AREAS Participatory management approach in the management of protected areas is not a new concept. Participatory management involved public participation in both the planning and implementation activities. Through this participation, the public would understand the major issues and gave them a chance to find a way to solve this problem. Thus, it is expected, that local communities would have deeper understandings about the areas they occupy or in the vicinity, improving communication skills and creating strong cohesion and consensus among them. This activity wouls create a stronger relationship with the area manager. Decentralization and empowerment of local organizations and communities were important strategies to achieve an effective participation of local communities in managing natural resources. Through participation and empowerment of communities, park managers would gain a clearer understanding of the major problems faced by society and ways to solve the problem could be explored. Community collaboration in decision-making process was increasingly being used in the development and management of protected areas. Meanwhile, in enhancing the community and management or conservation resources, ecotourism for example is able to accommodate the direct involvement of local communities. Ecosystem preservation system has evolved as a result of the interaction between humans and nature and can be found in all national parks in Indonesia. In ecotourism, residents who lived near or within the PA could receive benefits from development activities that required local community participation in various activities and services. This has improved their livelihoods. In some cases, the view that human activity was contrary to the conservation of ecosystems has been neglecting the involvement of local communities. But lately, it is widely accepted that 387 because of the limited management capacity, the local community could play an effective role in helping PA management to achieve its sustainable use of resources. In this case, local communities were considered important as major stakeholder and to participate in management to ensure sustainable use of resources. For example, in national parks, local communities could play an active role in ecotourism industry, and they could even take more responsibility in managing the local tourism sector. However, in this situation, some form of regulations and collaborations between the park manager and local communities should be formulated for the success of ecotourism. Members of local communities should be given some rights to operate and run ecotourism activities in national parks. They should be responsible for the safety of resources while performing their daily activities. However, they were not able to fully participate in the activities of resource protection if the current management was still not structured. Until now, overall, the efforts to balance the interests of local communities and park management in Indonesia still showed disappointing results. In the framework to integrate community participation, strategies should be used that include local community assistance in collecting necessary data and information. Thus, the area manager must gather information together with the community. Local people could provide feedbacks on the approach to management, implementation, and/or during the evaluation stage. In addition to providing information to members of the community, education and training activities were required to enhance the ability of members of the community such as workshops, identify the leaders in the community to engage, develop educational materials, develop economic alternatives, linking with other organizations, forming a local organization, developing incentives, and conduct public meetings so that people would know what was done in the protected areas. However, protected areas were often established without the involvement of the community or any agreement with the local community. This has resulted in distrust of some members of community toward park’s manager. Thus, to involve the community, the first step that could be done is to build relationships and trust, and enhance community capacity to be able to make the right decision. Another major criterion was the accessibility to participation and proper accountability procedures and credible to the participants. Communities should have access and can obtain information on how to participate in the process. People had the right to intervene in the decision making process, and must be able to express their views and opinions if possible ensure the full participation or in other word self-mobilization (Table 1). Thus, one element that is essential for community participation is the empowerment of local communities to ensure that they have a role in decision making process. Table 1. Typology of participation Passive Participation Participation does not take the responses of the participants into consideration. Information shared belongs only to external institutions. Participation in People give anwers to questions where they do not have the Information Giving opportunity to influence the context of the interview and often the findings are not shared. Participation by People are consulted and their views are taken Consultation into Consultation account. However, it does not involve their decision-making. 388 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community…... Arzyana Sunkar Participation for Materials Participation involves people taking incentives in cash or kind for their and Incentives services provided. In such cases the disadvantage is that there is no stake in being involved once the incentives end. Functional Participation Participation occurs by forming into groups with predetermined objectives. Such participation generally occurs only after major decisions have been already taken. Interactive Participation People participate in information generation and its subsequent analyses that lead to action plans and implementation. It involves different methoologies seeking various local perspectives thereby involving people in decision-making about the use and quality of information. Self mobilization Being independent of any external interventions, people participate and take initiatives to change systems. They develop contacts for external inputs, but retain control over the way resources are managed. Source: Pretty et al. (1995) Participation can be viewed as a goal to empower local communities to have greater control over their lives and resources as well as means to achieve improvement of social and economic objectives. Therefore, community participation programmes were effective in providing a forum to integrate social and environmental concerns into decision-making process hence brought together different stakeholders and (ideally) reduce conflicts. According to the definition used by the Directorate General of Protection and Nature Conservation (2007), community empowerment is all efforts made by a group of people with or without external supports, to be able to continue to develop their capacity or potentials for the improvement of their quality of life, independent and sustainable. Frankly, it can be interpreted as a process that built community through the development of human or community capacity, changed people's behaviour, and community organization. Empowerment of communities surrounding protected area is defined as all efforts that aimed to improve welfare and increase their participation in all activities of the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems in a sustainable manner. The definition indicated 3 main objectives in empowering the community, namely: developing the ability of society, changing people's behaviour, and self-organizing community. The ability of communities that could be developed was more or less referred to the ability to try, the ability to search for information, the ability to manage activities, skills in agriculture and many more based on the needs or problems faced by the community. Community empowerment is a concept that summarizes the economic development of social values. This concept reflects a new paradigm of development, namely of “people-centred, participatory, empowering, and sustainable" (Chambers, 1996). Within such framework, efforts to empower people could be viewed from three sides. First is creating an atmosphere that allowed the potentials within the community to be developed (enabling). Here the point of departure was the recognition that every human being, every society, 389 has the potential to be developed. In other words, there is no community that exist without any power, because, in such case the community would not be able to thrive. Empowerment is an effort to build such power done by encouraging motivation and raise awareness of their potentials and efforts to develop it. Second is to strengthen the potentials or power possessed by the people (empowerment). Within this framework, more positive steps were required, apart from just creating an atmosphere. Such should include concrete steps, and involves the provision of various inputs, as well as opening access to various opportunities that would make people to become more empowered. For that, there should be special programs for the less vulnerable community because generally, many programmes did not always able to touch this part of society. Empowerment not only included the strengthening of individual members of community, but also its institutions. Instilling modern culture values such as hard work, thrift, transparency, and accountability is a fundamental part of empowerment. Similarly were the reform of social institutions and their intergradations into development activities and the role of society in it. It is important to increase people's participation in decision-making process concerning themselves and society. Therefore, community empowerment should be very closely related to the establishment, cultivation and practice of democracy. Thirdly, empowering contained a meaning of protection. In the process of empowerment, the weak must be prevented from getting weaker, due to lack of power. Therefore, protection and propoor should form the fundamental importance of the concept of community empowerment. Protection did not mean isolating or covering of the interaction, because this would only stunt and weaken the poor. Protection should be viewed as an attempt to prevent imbalanced competition, and exploitation of the stronger over the weaker. Community empowerment should not make people to become increasingly dependent on a variety of donations. One example was a research conducted by Untoro (2004), who concluded that after the termination of a community empowerment programme through the scheme of International Conservation Development Project (ICDP), which basically provide the people with aids (forms of donations) and assistances, the local people have no idea what to do or who to turn to for assistance, hence they were back to their normal activities like before the beginning of the project. Basically, all what was enjoyed must come from one's own. Therefore, the ultimate goal was to empower the community, enable and built their skills to advance themselves toward a sustainable living. In helping communities to be independent, it is best to use empowerment approach rather than approaches that lead to dependence. Sometimes the term "contribution approach" was often used to refer to the methods of assistance. Donations itself is not a bad thing, if on the basis of virtue, a value which we fully support. However, what was meant by "approach to donation," was a way to help the poor and powerless but not helping them to rely on themselves. Giving to a person or group in need would only satisfy their needs temporarily. Hence, when they re-require, they will return to the source where they got assistances for the first time. Therefore if we expected the community to 390 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community…... Arzyana Sunkar be independent, be sure that they desired something. Find a way for them to work or fight for it, so that when they need it again they did not came begging. Empowerment approach to community groups required the determination of community groups in need and then able to show to other member of community groups ways to achieve it. Communities can be made as individuals who are stronger, that is physically and psychologically strong or as groups of people who are stronger, that is more capable, more powerful and more rich (related to the utilization of local natural resources). A facilitator must be careful to avoid predictions and assumptions about groups of people as if they are individuals. As a facilitator, one must be able to see the individuals as individuals and could work with them. In order to successfully empower community groups, it is important to have some basic understandings of the social organization, social level and the community. It is also important to know about the relationship between individuals, between individuals and community groups, and between communities. The process of empowerment, or development capability, is a social process, it should be something to be experienced by the community itself. IV. POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVIANCE AND PROTECTED AREA MANAGEMENT Various literatures (in Rodriguez et. al, 2008) wrote that the obstacles to empowerment were social barriers, but on the other hand it was also demonstrated that successes in protected areas management used insights and knowledge of the local community as the basis for area management planning. The public had a right to participate in the decision-making process, and should be able to express their views and opinions. One successful example of community empowerment in Indonesia occurred in Bali Barat National Park (BBNP). In BBNP, the perspective of the National Park and the local communities towards the forest was different. Primary concerns of the villagers were on how they could maintain and improved their livelihood, whereas the primary objective of the National Park was to conserve the biodiversity of the protected forest. Thus, if the National Park wanted to encourage the community people to stop illegal logging or hunting, it was necessary that both parties realized the real situation that existed on each other. It was also necessary to facilitate empowerment of the surrounding communities in order that they would be able to improve their economic situation without destructing natural resources surrounding them. Being concerned with the above situation, it was necessary to build up the capacity of the related park officials and field staffs regarding community facilitation and empowerment. The activity proved to be very successful as shown in one activity involving the local people in the development of captive breeding of bali mynah, where several villagers were motivated and initiated their own captive breeding programme, which were then followed by more and more people who showed a positive reaction toward this initiative (Elizabeth Rahyu, a facilitator of BBNP project, personal communication). One of the social change models that use the principles of community empowerment is Positive Deviance that demands community involvement, using the available resources found within the community so that sustainability will be maintained (PDI 2009). Positive deviance is a community-based approach to solving community problems that were based on the belief that the 391 solution to the problems faced by people already existed in the community itself (agent of change). Positive deviance encouraged the public to view, search and explore their own wisdoms and resources and rebuild their power to solve the problems they are facing. This is an innovation because it is different from previous conventional approaches of community empowerment that looked more into the weakness within a community through the questions such as, "What are the problems encountered?", "What can we do for you?", "What's wrong here?" Instead community empowerment programmes should looked at the internal strengths of the community including assets and resources in order to find solutions to the problems they faced by using their own resources. Positive deviance approach to date, both in Indonesia and in the world, had very limited usage, but has been successful in many developing countries (PDI 2009) in the fields of: (1) Health improving community nutrition status (Sternin; Vossenar et al 2009), preventing the spread of HIV / AIDS in the third world, reducing infections in the hospital (Marra et al. 2010), improve the health of patients (Macklis 2001) and children (Sethi et al. 2003); (2) human rights - the protection of children and women, reduce ethnic conflict; and (3) education - lower dropout rate (Bradley et al. 2009). Positive deviance in the field of natural resource management has not been studied much less related to the field of protected area management. To date, literatures studies on various positive deviance applications only found two studies on positive deviants related to the field of natural resources conservation. These were research conducted by Nori (2012) on positive deviants who performed conservation activities in non PA, and study on sustainable fishery management in Tun Mustapha Marine Park in Sabah who found one head of a family who was a positive deviants where he preferred to use traditional method in fishing despite other people within the community who chose fish bombing, but he still managed to obtained enough income (Kushardanto, 2009). Community empowerment programmes generally began by providing knowledge to change attitudes and behaviour. Conversely, in positive deviance approach, the start would be on identification of existed local practices (behaviours) rather than knowledge. The basic principle is that one would be easier to act in new ways of thinking than to think of new ways to take action. This is also confirmed by Karsidi (2001) who states that today's community empowerment programme should follow the progress of development, where an extension officer should be more of a motivator and facilitator to the community rather than as someone who are very knowledgeable. Based on various studies on positive deviance (Macklis 2001; Sethi et al. 2003; Vossenar et al., 2009; and Bradley et al. 2009) it could be concluded that to date, the benefits were seen only at the level of society, whereas when talking about conservation of natural resources, the benefits should also be seen on the environment. Literature studies on the results of positive deviance application indicated that this approach provided positive impacts for the individual actors and other community members who adopted it, which currently the successful rate is still at the community level. If so far positive deviance was only seen from the impact on individuals and organizations, then in natural resources conservation, impacts on the environment should also be seen, therefore it is thus more appropriate to refer to positive deviance of resource management as Positive Environmental 392 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Positive Environmental Deviance: a Valuable Community…... Arzyana Sunkar Deviance (PED). Positive environmental deviance could become an empowerment framework in protected area management. By engaging the communities in activities that was previously conducted by individual (s) or organization within the same community and who shared the same living challenges would allow faster acceptance by the other members of the community. In addition, since the opportunities that community resources were located within the PAs were also high, especially for the indigenous people who were allowed to live in some of Pas, it is deemed necessary to have the local people supports in the PA management. Prior to the establishment of protected areas, PAs were in fact sources of livelihood for the local people. Therefore we could not just took away their source of livelihood. Furthermore, area managers can also fill their budget shortfalls and human resources through this approach, since it did not take too long for a positive deviance approach to be successful. It is also simple, not difficult to do, inexpensive and produced sustainable ecological and social benefits that were needed in order to receive supports from the community to achieve sustainable use of natural resources. Therefore three types of empowerment could be utilized under the positive environmental deviance framework for a protected area management programme that focussed on psychological, social and economical empowerments for successful sustainable resource management. Protected areas managers need people’s support hence should be sensitive to the norms and culture of the local communities. Mansperger (1995) emphasizes the importance of preservation of tradition in maintaining a group’s sense of self-esteem and well beings, which Scheyvens (1999) refer to as psychologically powerful. Any activities that interfered with the integral relationship between a group of people and their land, might resulted in negative effects. The PED approach believed that the wisdom to solve community’s problems lies within the community. community members provide culturally appropriate expertise. Therefore, Activities which were sensitive to cultural norms and built respects for local traditions could, therefore, be empowering for local people. Social empowerment referred to a situation in which a community’s sense of cohesion and integrity had been strengthened by an activity. PED would be able to build strong community group(s) which is the foundation for any successful community empowerment programmes. In PED approach, change would be led by internal change agents who, with access to no special resources, present the social behavioural proof to their peers. If they could do it, so could others. As the behaviours were already in practice, the solutions could be implemented without delay or access to outside resources. Economic empowerment referred to the local community’s access to productive resources in the protected area. It should be of concern to protected areas managers that the local people will only continue to support conservation of protected areas if an activity assists with their own development (Sindiga, 1995) especially in economical terms. This way benefits can be sustained, since the solution resides locally. 393 REFERENCES Arnstein. 1969. A Ladder of Participation. Journal of the American Planning Association 35 (4): 216-224. Berghöfer, A. 2010. Protected Areas: The Weakness of Calls For Strict Protection GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society No. 19: 9–12. Berkes, F. 2004. Rethinking Community-based Conservation. Conservation Biology 18: 621–630 Berkes, F. 2007. Community-based Conservation in a Globalized World. National Academy of Sciences No. 104: 15188–15193. Proceedings of the Bradley, E., L. Curry, H. Krumholz, I. Nembhard, S. Ramanadhan and L. Rowe. 2009. Research in Action: Using Positive Deviance to Improve Quality of Health Care. 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Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition of Secondary Vegetation Natural Forest at Bukit Naga, KHDTK Rantau, South Kalimantan1 Sudin Panjaitan2 and Fatimah Fitriana 2 ABTRACT The research aims to determine the vegetation composition, species variability, species distribution and vegetation profile in the natural forest of KHDTK Rantau South Kalimantan. The research was carried out using Nested sampling with permanent plots of 20 m x 20 m for trees, 10 x 10 m for poles, 5 x 5 m for saplings and 2 x 2 m for seedlings. Moreover, understory vegetation was also observed. The result showed that: 1) There were 24 species of understory vegetation, 19 seedling species, 21 sapling species, 13 pole species and 24 tree species, 2) The species with the highest Importance Value Index (INP) for seedling and sapling was Kayu baranakan and for poles & trees was Medang putih, 3) The vegetation variability in KHDTK Rantau was included in less criteria with the value ranging from 0.76 to 1.59, 4) The vegetation profile was in the stratum C and D dominated with Medang of Lauraceae family and Kayu baranakan of Euphorbiaceae family, and 5) It is suggested to conduct more intensive protection and security to the area of KHDTK so that the factors hindering the succession can be minimized in order to keep the effort of further management more assured. Keywords : Composition, vegetation, secondary, Rantau 1. INTRODUCTION Forest is a vegetation community dominated by trees whose environmental condition different from the condition outside the forest. The relationship between biotic and non-biotic factors causes the formation of forest, which becomes a solid ecosystem. The changes occur in the forest community are obvious and the changes are the transition from one forest community by another one. The changes are caused by natural factors like the mountain explosion, typhoon, fire due to lighting, etc. Meanwhile the non-natural causes are the results of human carelessness such as the forest fire, grazing, shifting cultivation, illegal logging, animal hunting, wood stealing and etc. Forests have an important role in influencing the environment. Although forests are renewable natural resources, it does not mean that their existences are infinite. The context of critical land rehabilitation in the protected forest that optimizes the utilization of the available fund is directed to the forest formation through natural succession, which is still kept from any possible disturbance so that the process of natural succession can work well. The forest region with specific purposes This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 1 2 Banjarbaru Forestry Research Institute, South Kalimantan, Indonesia 397 (KHDTK) located in Baramban Village, Rantau, is one of the research forests that has been selected to become KHDTK since 2005, with the width of + 180 ha, based on SK Menteri Kehutanan No. SK. 177/Menhut-II/2005, June 29 2005. The research was carried out to identify the vegetation changes occurred in KHDTK. The objectives of the research were to find out: 1) the composition of vegetation species in the natural forest of KHDTK Rantau, South Kalimantan, 2) the vegetation species at the seedling, sapling, pole and tree stages in the natural forest of KHDTK Rantau, and 3) the species distribution and vegetation profile in the natural forest of KHDTK Rantau. The benefit of the research was to provide scientific information for the related institutions about the change tendency of species composition of the vegetation growth stages in the secondary forest and the vegetation development in KHDTK Rantau. II. RESEARCH METHOD A. Place and Time The research was conducted in a natural forest at Bukit Naga, Baramban Village, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan for 3 months. It was started with the literature study, followed by the equipment preparation, the sample collection, the data analysis, and the report writing. The height of the area was 100 – 400 above sea level. On the flat topography, it surged until the slopes with slope degree of 10 – 80 %, and the soil type, mainly on mountain slopes, is yellow red podsolik and laterik. The climate in the location, according to Schmid dan Fergusson, is climate B with the average rainfall 1000-2000 mm/year, and the rain commonly falls in November to May (Yudi. S, 2000). B. Materials and Equipment The object of the research was the natural vegetation in KHDTK Rantau. The equipment employed in the research was: 1) GPS to determine the research spots, 2) Compass to determine the direction, 3) Lightmeter to measure the light intensity, 4) Soiltester to measure the soil pH, 5) Meter to measure the height of seedlings, 6) Nylon rope of 100 m to make the observation plots, 7) Phyband to measure the diameter of natural regeneration rod, 8) Camera to document the data, 9) Thally sheet to record the data, 10) Machete to open the path and make the plots, and 11) Some other tools. C. Data Collection Techniques The path method (transect method) was employed to measure the trees. The width of the path was 20 m divided into continued plots of 20 m x 20 m, 10 m x 10 m, 5 m x 5 m, and 2 m x 2 m for the tree, pole, sapling, and seedling observation, respectively. Understory plants were also observed. It employed the sampling method of a big plot contained smaller plots called Nested sampling. The observation area was 10 ha, and the area was the ex-burnt area with the plants growing naturally (Panjaitan, 2012). The location of the path which were the sample plot was determined by Purposive Sampling. There were 5 paths, each of which was with the length of 100 m and the width of 20 m, and the space between one and another was 200 m. The paths were made to cut the contour lines with the similar sloping, namely 10-80 %. To take the belt point, we used the bridge as the standard/pale. 398 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan D. Data Analysis The vegetation data were analyzed and then calculated to find out the importance value of each tree species. 1. Importance Value Index The importance value index is the result of the sum of Relative Density (KR), Relative Frequency (FR) and Relative Dominance (KR). To determine the amount of KR, FR, and KR, the calculations are conducted like the followings (Soerianegara and Indrawan, 1978). 1.1. The method to Calculate Density (K) a. Density of a species ۹ൌ ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛ܉ܗܚ܍܊ܕܝܖܔ܉ܜܗ܂ ܜܗܔܘ܍ܔܘܕ܉ܛܗܐܜ܌ܑ܅ b. Relative Density (KR) ۹ ܀ൌ ۲ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛ܉ܗܡܜܑܛܖ܍ ܠΨ ۲ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛܔܔ܉ܗܡܜܑܛܖ܍ 1.2. The method to Calculate Frequency (F) a. Frequency of a species ۴ൌ ܌ܖܝܗܛ܉ܟܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛ܉܍ܚ܍ܐܟܛܜܗܔܘܔ܉ܜܗ܂ ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛܔܔ܉ܗܛܜܗܔܘܔ܉ܜܗ܂ b. Relative Frequency (FR) ۴ ܀ൌ ۴ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛ܉ܗܡ܋ܖܝܙ܍ܚ ܠΨ ۴ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛܔܔ܉ܗܡ܋ܖ܍ܝܙ܍ܚ 1.3. The method to Calculate Dominance (D) a. Dominance of a Species ۲ൌ ܐܜ܌ܑܟ܉܍ܚ܉ܔ܉ܛ܉܊ܗܔ܉ܜܗ܂ ܜܗܔܘ܍ܔܘܕ܉ܛܗܐܜ܌ܑ܅ b. Relative Dominance (DR) ۹ ܀ൌ ۲ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛ܉ܗ܍܋ܖ܉ܖܑܕܗ ܠΨ ۲ܛ܍ܑ܋܍ܘܛܔܔ܉ܗ܍܋ܖ܉ܖܑܕܗ If a certain species or family has the highest importance value, it is called a dominant species characterizing the forest condition itself (Samingan, 1978). Marsono (1977) stated that the importance value ranges between 0 – 300 %. Based on Baku Mutu Lingkungan Vegetasi Hutan (Environmental Quality Standard of Forest Vegetation) Kepmenhut Nomor: 200/Kpts-IV/1994, the criteria for determining Importance Value Index are presented in Table 1. 399 Table 1. Criteria (Sufficient to determine the Importance Value Index (INP) INP of tree (%) INP of seedling/sapling/ pole (%) Criteria > 240 > 160 Very good 180 – 239 120 – 159 Good 120 – 179 80 – 119 Enough 60 – 119 40 – 79 Less < 60 < 40 Much less Source : Baku Mutu Lingkungan Vegetasi Hutan Kepmenhut Nomor: 200/Kpts-IV/1994 (Environmental Quality Standard of Forest Vegetation) Kepmenhut Nomor: 200/Kpts-IV/1994) 2. Dominance Index To determine a species dominance in the community from the stages of succession, the following formula is applied (Odum, 1971 and Lumbanbatu, 1982) : C Remarks : C = Dominance Index ni = Importance value of a species i N = Total importance value 3. Species Variability To determine the species variability that also shows the stability of vegetation stages, the following formula is used. (Shanon and Wiener, 1949 and Odum, 1993 in Bratawinata, 2001): H ¦i n 1 ni ni x log N N Remarks : H = Variability Index ni = Total of each individual N = Total of all species individuals Based on Kepmenhut Nomor: 200/Kpts-IV/1994, the criteria of species variability were presented in Table 2. Table 2. Criteria to determine Species Variability Index Species Variability Index (H) Criteria > 3.0 Very good 2.26 - 3,0 Good 1.60 – 2.25 Enough 0.76 – 1.59 Less < 0.76 Much less Source: Baku Mutu Lingkungan Vegetasi Hutan Kepmenhut Nomor : 200/Kpts-IV/1994 400 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan 4. Distribution Index To determine if the individuals were distributed more equally to the present species at the growth stages, the calculation is formulated as the following (Pielou, 1966 and Odum, 1993 in Bratawinata, 2001): H e = --------Log S Remarks : e = Distribution Index H = Species Variability Index S = Total of Present Species III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Vegetation Composition Based on the result conducted in the research area, there were a number of species and family found in all growth stages, the understory, seedling, sapling, pole, and tree stage. The data of each growth can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. Total of species found in each growth stage. No Growth stage ∑ species ∑ family 1 Understory 24 11 2 Seedling 19 11 3 Sapling 21 11 4 Pole 13 7 5 Tree 24 13 The table above indicated that the number of species at the stage of tree and understory was the greatest number compared to the number species at the stage of seedling, sapling, and pole. This happened because there was a growth competition among vegetation in nutrients, latitude, light, and other environmental factors. In this case, Onrizal, et al. (2005), stated that the dominant and co-dominant species that were the constituents of the ex-burnt forest, which scattered systematically, indicated that there was a competition to get the nutrients and latitude. If a species was found in one comparison but could not found in the next comparisons, it might indicate that the species could not survive longer in certain condition. If the species was found in all stages of growth, it was possible that there was no big competition among the plants which made them able to grow in the same community. B. Vegetation Structure The vegetation structure was the form of plant community in the forest community either vertically or horizontally. The vertical vegetation structure described the stratification of crowns based on the total height of each tree individual, while the horizontal vegetation structure was the frequency (distribution), the density, and the width of basal area. The dominance or the position and 401 the role of a species in a community could be determined by the calculation of Importance Value Index (INP). The species with the highest INP were the species dominating the area. 1. Seedling Stage There were 19 species found at the seedling stage. The species with the highest value at this stage were Kayu Baranakan, Medang Putih, Akasia, Takahan and Palawan. Table 4. Recapitulation of five species with the highest KR, FR and INP at the seedling stage. No. Species KR (%) FR (%) INP (%) 1. 2. 3. 4. Kayu baranakan Medang putih Akasia Takahan 60.50420 10.08403 5.04202 2.52101 30.612245 14.285714 6.122449 6.122449 91.116447 24.369748 11.164466 8.643457 5. Palawan 3.36134 4.081633 7.442977 Figure 1. Graphic of dominance at the seedling stage The value of INP described the role of a species in a community. The more the value of INP was, the bigger the role of the species in the community. If the INP value of a species was the highest, the species was distributed equally and had the abundant number of individuals. The criteria of INP value of each species at the seedling stage were enough and much less based on Baku Mutu Lingkungan Hidup Vegetasi Hutan Kepmenhut No. 200/KPTS-IV/1994. The value of INP for enough criterion ranged from 80 to 119 %, while the category of much less was less than 40 %. The plants with the lowest INP were the results of the condition where the species were not distributed equally. From the INP graphic, it was obvious that the plant dominating the forest area was Kayu Baranakan (Glochidion calycina). 402 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan 2. Sapling Stage There were 21 species found at the sapling stage. The species with the highest value was Kayu Baranakan, Medang Putih, Jambu Hutan, Akasia, and Sari Berangkat. Table 5. Recapitulation of five species with the highest value of KR, FR and INP at the sapling stage No. Species KR (%) FR (%) INP (%) 1. 2. 3. Kayu baranakan Medang putih Jambu hutan 44.38776 9.69388 10.20408 23.88060 13.43284 10.44776 68.268352 23.126713 20.651843 4. 5. Akasia Sari berangkat 6.63265 10.20408 10.44776 1.49254 17.080414 11.696619 Figure 2. Graphic of dominance at the sapling Stage The species dominating the sapling stage was the same species like the one dominating the seedling stage, namely Kayu Baranakan. However, its INP was smaller than it was at the seedling stage, 68.268 %. It was included in “less” category, while the other species were in “much less” category. Based on the criteria of sapling value the less category ranged from 40% to 79 %, while the much less category was less than 40 % (Baku Mutu Lingkungan Vegetasi Hutan Kepmenhut No. 200/KPTS-IV/1994). 3. Pole Stage There were 13 species found at the pole stage. The species with the highest value were Medang putih, Medang merah, Alaban, Akasia, and Jambu hutan. 403 Table 6. Recapitulation of five species with the highest KR, FR, DoR and INP at the pole stage. No. Species KR (%) FR (%) DoR (%) INP (%) 1. 2. Medang putih Medang merah 24.561404 15.789474 21.875000 15.625000 25.216380 19.415510 71.652783 50.829983 3. 4. 5. Alaban Akasia Jambu hutan 12.280702 7.017544 8.771930 9.375000 9.375000 6.25000 13.387016 8.718220 9.107064 35.042718 25.110764 24.128994 Figure 3. Graphic of dominance at the pole stage The above graphic indicated that at the pole stage it was dominated with Medang species, especially Medang Putih because it had the highest INP among other species. Based on the criteria of INP value determinants at the pole stage, this was categorized “less” and “much less”, namely 40% to 79% for the less, and less than 40% for the much less. 4. Tree Stage The total number of species found at the tree stage was 24 species. The species with the highest value were Medang Putih, Medang Merah, Akasia, Jambu Hutan, and Alaban. Table 7. Recapitulation of five species with the highest KR, FR, DoR and INP at the tree stage. No. Species KR (%) FR (%) DoR (%) INP (%) 1. 2. Medang Putih Medang Merah 29.565217 23.478261 18.181818 22.077922 22.344443 21.332752 70.091479 66.888935 3. 4. 5. Akasia Jambu Hutan Alaban 8.695652 6.086957 4.347826 7.792208 7.792208 6.493506 5.767494 3.624909 4.107678 22.255354 17.504073 14.949010 404 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan Figure 4. Graphic of dominance at the tree stage At the tree stage it was dominated by Medang Putih. If it was categorized according to the INP value determinants, the less and much less category had the value between 60% to 119 % and less than 60 %. It indicated that this plant species did not grow densely and the average of it had small diameter. The species could survive in the competition for gaining either the nutrients in the soil, water, and sunlight, or the altitude that caused the narrower distribution of a species. Likewise, the species that had been previously dominant in a forest but after experienced the competition they were no longer dominant and soon disappeared from the forest community. (Whittaker, 1974 in Onrizal, 2005). C. Dominance Index The species that had the highest dominance index at the seedling stage was Kayu Baranakan (Glochidion calycina) that was 0.45558 (see Appendix 8). At the sapling stage Kayu Baranakan had the highest value, 0.34134 (see Appendix 10). At the pole stage Medang Putih had the highest value, 0.23884 (see appendix 12). While at the tree stage Medang Putih had the highest value, 0.23363 (see appendix 14). It indicated that at the young plant stages Kayu Baranakan was dominated the community while at the growing up stages Medang Putih was. D. Species Variability The result of the analysis showed that the species variability was included in the criterion of much less, namely less than 0,76 based on Baku Mutu Lingkungan Vegetasi Hutan Kepmenhut No. 200/KPTS-IV/1994. It indicated that the present vegetation did not provide the stability for the environment. E. Distribution Index The present species are the species that were able to compete among individuals either for environmental factors (light, nutrients, rooting, ect) and their offspring. The data described that the species were not distributed equally because only a few plants could survive in all stages. 405 F. Profile Diagram The plant height was used as the criterion in the classification of plant life forms, the certain life forms in the stratification of the plant community. In the path, the species was measured at all growth stages, namely seedling, sapling, pole, and tree. The observation and the measurement were carried out on: 1) The pace from the spot 0 of path to the tree projection at the path axis (x1, y1), 2) The tree diameter, 3) The bole height and the total height of the tree, and 4) The width of the tree crown. K = Kayu baranakan, R = Medang pirawas, P = Medang putih, M = Medang merah, T = Takahan, A = Akasia, L = Alaba Figure 5. Vegetation Profile at path 1, 20 m in width and 60 m in length The crowns of the trees in the profile above indicated that the density was sufficient so the crown from one tree to another was not that clear. However, the light could still be able to reach the forest ground. The most species described above were the species that were easy to grow rapidly because the endemic species in the area did not grow much. The species in the upper layer were the family of Lauraceae, Fabaceae, and in the bottom layer were the family of Euphorbiaceae. G. Micro Climate Climate gives the big impact to the sustainability of all living creatures. The climate itself is divided into two: macro and micro climate. The macro climate in an area can be determined by the position of latitude while the micro climate can be formed due to the effect of vegetation. The 406 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan components of micro climate are the air humidity, air temperature, soil temperature, and light intensity. Air Humidity (%) and Air Temperature (oC) 1. The air humidity indicates the amount of steam in the air. Generally the air humidity under stands is higher than the air humidity in the open area. This is because under stands there is no light directly reaching the ground; therefore the evaporation under stands is not higher than in the open area. Table 8. Data of micro climate measurement Observation path Air humidity (%) Air temperature Soil temperature (oC) (oC) 1 80 28 26 2 70 30 29 3 64 35 32 The table above showed that at the observation path 1 the air humidity was 80 % because at path 1 there were more vegetations than at the other two paths. Path 2 had 70 % of air humidity because there were young vegetations found at the path. Path 3 was the open area with the humidity value of 64 %. Time and climate could also influence the big or the small of the value in the observation. The air temperature is the other factor that plays the role in micro climate. The air temperature has reversal comparison to the air humidity. If the air humidity was high, the air temperature was low. It can been seen from the data that at path 1 the air humidity was 80 %, the air temperature 28 oC and the soil temperature 26 oC, while at path 2 the air humidity was 70 %, the o air o temperature 30 C and the soil temperature 29 C. 2. Soil pH The soil pH indicates the acidity level in the soil. It can determine the vegetation species growing in a certain area. Based on the data, the soil pH was between 5.5 and 6.5, namely Path 1 (6.5), Path 2 (6.0), and Path 3 (5.5). This indicated that the soil in the area was acid. 3. Light intensity Based on the result of the observation it indicated that the light intensity generally less under stands than in the open area. This was because in the open area there was nothing hindering the sun light to penetrate the earth surface. The equipment employed to measure the light intensity had sensitive characteristic, so if there was a movement or a small weather change, it could influence the result in the tool. The effect of weather in the data recording can be seen in Table 9. 407 Table 9. Result of light intensity measurement Path of observation Light intensity in Light intensity open area (Lux) (Lux) Repetition (Lux) (%) 1158 11.58 1380 13.80 3 1068 10.68 1 1248 12.48 1 1 2 3 2 2 10000 1150 11.50 3 1460 14.60 1 1770 17.70 2240 22.40 4500 45.00 2 10000 10000 3 The example to calculate the Light Intensity (LI): ۷۱ ൌ ۷۱ܛ܌ܖ܉ܜܛܚ܍܌ܖܝሺܠܝۺሻ ܠΨ ۷۱ܑ܉܍ܚ܉ܖ܍ܘܗܖሺܠܝۺሻ ۷۱ ൌ ૡ ܠΨ ൌͳͳǤͷͺΨ The data at path 3 had the highest value because it was in the open area, the ex-coal mining area. This also indicated that the result was influenced not only by the timing of the data collection but also by the position of the sun. IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 1. The vegetation composition on KHDTK Rantau consists of 24 species of understory, 19 species at seedling stage, 21 species at sapling stage, 13 species at pole stage, and 24 species at tree stage. 2. The species with the highest INP (%) at the seedling and sapling stage was Kayu baranakan, and at the pole and tree stage was Medang putih. 3. The species variability in the area of KHDTK Rantau was included in the criterion of less with the value ranging from 0.76 to 1.59. 4. Vegetation profile found in the stratum C and D was dominated by Medang species of Lauraceae family and Kayu beranakan of Euphorbiaceae family. 5. It is suggested to conduct more intensive protection and security to the area of KHDTK so that the factors hindering the succession can be minimized in order to keep the effort of further management more assured. 408 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan REFERENCES Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, 1997.Pemeliharaan Hutan Penelitian di Rantau. Activity Report Non-Reserch, Banjarbaru. 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(Not published) 410 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan 20 Plot (400 M) 20 Plot (400 m) 20 Plot (400 m) Appendix 1. Pattern in placing the observation plots with Nested Sampling Method. = Compass Line = Observation Plot at Seedling Stage (2 m x 2 m) = Observation Plot at Sapling Stage (5 m x 5 m) = Observation Plot at Pole Stage (10 m x 10 m) = Observation Plot at Tree Stage (20 m x 20 m) 100 m 411 100 m U Appendix 2. Species of Understory Plants Name No. 1 2 3 4 National Local Family Latin Alang-alang Alang-alang Imperata cylindrica Poaceae Anggrek tanah Anggrek Tanah Spathoglottis aurea Orchidaceae Babawangan Babawangan Bambu Allium sp Bambusa sp Liliaceae Bambu - - - Poaceae 5 Carikan 6 Humbutan - - - 7 Ilatung Rotan Daemonorops sp Bombaceae 8 Jalung laki Rumput Graminae 9 Kalamenjangan - Pennisetum sp - 10 Kalayi - - 11 Karamunting Karamunting Melastoma malabathricum 12 Kayu gugutalalat - - 13 Kunir Kunyit Zingiberaceae 14 Mengkudu hutan Mengkudu Curcumasp Morinda citrifolia 15 Pakis hutan Pakis Cycas sp Cycadaceae Paku Paku-pakuan 17 Papisangan Pteridophyta sp Musa spp Ophioglossaceae pisang 18 Pimping - 19 Rangka-rangka - 20 Sampairing 16 Rumput - - - Melastomataceae Rubiaceae Musaceae - Entadasp - Cenchrus sp - Poaceae - 21 Tapus 22 Teki Teki Cyperus roduntus 23 Tu’u Rotan Calamus sp Bombaceae 24 Waring - - - Total Source: The result of Field Data Analysis 412 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan Appendix 3. Data of plant species found at the seedling stage. No Species Scientific Name Family 1 Akasia Acacia mangium Fabaceae 2 Alaban Vitex pubescens Verbenaceae 3 Bangkal Gunung Nauclea subdita Rubiaceae 4 Bunglai Radermachera gigantean Bignoniaceae 5 Kayu Barakan Glochidion calycina Euphorbiaceae 6 Lua Ficus variegate Moraceae 7 Mali-mali Leea india Merr 8 Medang Merah Litsea umbellata 9 Medang Pirawas Schima sp 10 Medang Putih Litsea steckmanni Lauraceae 11 Palawan Tristania whiteania Myrtaceae 12 Pulantan Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae 13 Putat Baringtonia racenosa Malvaceae 14 Sapundang - - 15 Sari Berangkat - - 16 Selingsing - - 17 Simpur Dillenia reticullata Dilleniaceae 18 Takahan - - 19 Tarap Artocarpus odoratissimus Total Source: The result of Field Data Analysis 413 Lauraceae 19 Species Moraceae 11 Family Appendix 4. Data of plant species found at sapling stage. No Scientific Name Species Family 1 Akasia Acacia mangium Fabaceae 2 Alaban Vitex pubescens Verbenaceae 3 Balik Angin Alphytonia zizyphoides Rhaminaceae 4 Jambu hutan Eugenia sp Myrtaceae 5 Kapur Naga Dryobalanops sp Dipterocarpaceae 6 Kayu Baranakan Glochidion calycina Euphorbiaceae 7 Kayu Manis Cinnamomum burmani Lauraceae 8 Kayu Putting 9 Keminting Aleurites moluccana Euphorbiaceae 10 Kurihang - - 11 Mada Ochroma sp Bombaceae 12 Mamerangan Diospyros perfida Ebenaceae 13 Medang Merah Litsea umbellata Lauraceae 14 Medang pirawas Schima sp 15 Medang Putih Litsea steckmanni Lauraceae 16 Merambung Vernonia arborea Asteraceae 17 Pakopian Rubiaceae 18 Putat Petetronia glabra Baringtonia racenosa 19 Sari Berangkat - - 20 Takahan - - Tungkaling - - 21 - - 21 Species Total 11 Family Source: The result of Field Data Analysis Appendix 5. Data of plant species found at sapling stage. No Scientific Name Species Family 1 Akasia Acacia mangium Fabaceae 2 Alaban Vitex pubescens Verbenaceae 3 Balik angin Rhaminaceae 4 Campang Alphytonia zizyphoides Prainea limpato 5 Jambu hutan Eugenia sp Myrtaceae 6 Kayu baranakan Glochidion calycina Euphorbiaceae 7 Kayu manis Cinnamomum burmani Lauraceae 8 Medang merah Litsea umbellata Lauraceae 9 Medang pirawas Schima sp 10 Medang putih Litsea steckmanni Lauraceae 11 Merambung Vernonia arborea Asteraceae 414 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Vegetation Composition and Ecological Condition…... Fatimah Fitriana & Sudin Panjaitan 12 Palawan Tristania whiteania Myrtaceae 13 Takahan - 13 Species Total 7 Family Source: The result of Field Data Analysis Appendix 6. Data of plant species found at tree stage. No Scientific Name Species Family 1 Akasia Acacia mangium Fabaceae 2 Alaban Vitex pubescens Verbenaceae 3 Bangkal Gunung Nauclea subdita Rubiaceae 4 Gaharu Bini Gonystylus macrophylus Thymelacaceae 5 Gintungan - - 6 Jambu Hutan Eugenia sp Myrtaceae 7 Jaring Hutan Pithecelobium jiringa Fabaceae 8 Jumit Microtiopsis sumatrana Caesalpinioidae 9 Kayu putting - - 10 Kelampaian Artocephalus cadamba Rubiaceae 11 Keminting Aleurites moluccana Euphorbiaceae 12 Kopi Hutan Fagraea sp 13 Mada Ochroma sp Bombaceae 14 Mahang daun besar Macaranga gigantean Euphorbiaceae 15 Mamerangan Diospyros perfida Ebenaceae 16 Manggatahan - - 17 Medang merah Litsea umbellata Lauraceae 18 Medang putih Litsea steckmanni Lauraceae 19 Mersawa Anisoptera costata Korth Dipterocarpaceae 20 Palawan Tristania whiteania Myrtaceae 21 Putat Baringtonia racenosa Malvaceae 22 Simpur Dillenia reticullata Dilleniaceae 23 Takahan - - 24 Wali-wali Cinnamomum parthenoglon Lauraceae Total Source: The result of Field Data Analysis 415 24 Species 13 Family 416 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs for Pulp and Paper to Secure the Sustainability of Natural Resources1 Han Roladi2, Dian Anggraini Indrawan2 & Rossi Margareth Tampubolon2 ABSTRACT The usefulness of pulp, paper, and other pulp-derivative products (e.g. paperboard, fiberboard, and dissolving pulp) is undoubtedly essential for human lives. Consumption of those products tends to increase along with the nation-advancement level. In Indonesia, concerns arise that someday domestic production of pulp/its derivatives is unable to cope with such consumption due to the dwindling potency of their conventional fibrous raw-materials (particularly natural-forest woods). Alternative materials, which are abundantly and still largely unutilized should be introduced. In relevant, the Center for Research and Development on Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing (Bogor) has experimented the possible use of such alternatives, comprising empty oilpalm bunches (EOPB), banana pseudo-stems, sludge from pulp/paper industries, coconut husks/coirs, and microbial cellulose for the manufacture of paperboard, art-paperboard, paper, and dissolving pulp. Results revealed that the mixture of EOPB pulp, sludge, and banana-pseudo-stem pulp in particular proportions yielded paperboard and art-paperboard that could satisfy the commercial-paperboard requirements. Meanwhile, greater proportion of coconut-coir pulp in its mixture with microbial cellulose was more suitable for paper products; conversely, greater microbial-cellulose proportion is favored for dissolving pulp. These prospective trial-results on utilization of such alternative stuff are expectedly beneficial to lessen the dependency on natural-forest woods, thereby mitigating the rate of forest destruction; securing the sustainability of natural resources, eco-system balance, and forest biodiversity. Keywords: pulp/derivative products, conventional raw materials (natural-forest woods), alternative fiber stuffs, reducing dependency, securing natural resources and forest biodiversity 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 The Center for Research and Development on Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing; Jalan Gunung Batu No. 5, Bogor 16610 (West Java). Indonesia; Tel: 0251-8633378, Fax: 0251-8633413; E-mail:, 417 I. INTRODUCTION Before proceeding further, it is necessary to address several terminologies regarding pulp, paper, and the related items. Pulp is defined as a collection of separate lignocellulosic fibers obtained by the so-called pulping process on wood or other ligno-cellulosic fiber stuffs such as rice straws, bamboo, sugar-cane bagasse, empty-oil palm bunches, bamboo, abaca (hemp), and sisal. Pulping is the process by which the wood (or other ligno-cellulosic fibrous stuffs) is reduced to a fibrous mass or individually separated fibers (pulp), which can be accomplished mechanically, chemically, thermally or by combination of at least either two of those treatments. Pulp aspects are frequently linked to paper and paperboard products. Actually, pulp typifies as a half-finished product, while paper/paperboard refers just to one of the various kinds of pulp-finished products. In fact, there are still other items that belong to the pulp-finished products (pulp derivatives), which comprise fiberboard (for e.g. insulation stuffs, sound-dampening wall, furniture, and light-to-heavy structures), rayon (artificial silk), cellulose nitrate (as ingredient for explosive and nail polisher), cellulose acetate (X-ray film, photography, and plastic/celluloids for dolls or children toys), cellulose phosphate (as fire-retarding agent and textile ingredient) (Casey, 1980; Smook and Kocurek, 2002; Anonim, 2013). Accordingly from such brief narration, it becomes clear that the role of pulp, paper, and other pulp-derivative products is undoubtedly essential for human lives. By far, wood provides 90% of the world’s fibrous raw materials for pulp production, while the rest comes from non-wood sources. Further, there is a trend that consumption of pulp, paper, and other pulp derivatives can serve as one of the criteria regarding the nation-advancement level. As indication, the United States in 2010 occupied the world’s greatest consumption of pulp/its derivative products (i.e. 236.4 kg/capita), while Indonesia ranked the thirteenth (33.6 kg/capita). In addition, consumption of such seems also affected by the population development. As evident, in Indonesia its consumption for pulp/its derivatives has increased over the last 5 years, from 4.8 million tons (in 2006) to 6.6 million tons (2010) (Anonim, 2010; 2011). This situation raises the concerns that someday the domestic production of pulp/its derivatives is unable to cope with such enormous consumption due to the limited and steadily dwindling potency of their conventional fibrous raw-materials (particularly natural-forest woods). This worrying situation is reflected by the increased intensity in forest encroachment and illegal logging that brings about forest destruction (deforestation), which currently proceed at appalling rate (1.5 million ha per year) (Anonim, 2008; 2012). In fact, forest can serve as the world lungs, due to its ability to perform the photosynthesis in the leaves through the reaction of CO2 (from the atmosphere) with the water (taken up all the way from soil down below through its roots, stems, branches, twigs, ultimately to the leaves), thereby protecting/preserving the ecosystem balance, alleviating the global warming, providing water reserves, preventing or mitigating flood and erosion threats, securing biodiversity of living creatures (flora and fauna) inside, moderating the possible extreme climatic changes (between rainy season and dry season), and more significantly sustaining the natural resources. For these reasons, it is necessary to introduce alternative fibrous stuffs for pulp/its derivative products, which are abundantly potential and still largely unutilized as substitute for the conventional raw materials (natural-forest woods). Among the alternatives that can be proposed are empty-oil 418 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. palm bunches, banana-pseudo stems, sludge from pulp/paper industry, coconut husks/coirs, and microbial cellulose. Besides, attempts to utilize those fibrous alternatives can also imply enhancing their added value into more useful products (i.e. pulp/its derivatives). In relevant, this paper deals with the experiment performed by the Center for Research and Development on Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing, abbreviated as CRDFEFPP (situated in Bogor, Indonesia) to manufacture paperboard and art-paperboard from the mixture of empty-oil palm bunches, banana-pseudo stems, and sludge in particular proportions; and also to manufacture paper and dissolving pulp from the mixture of microbial cellulose and coconut husk/coir in particular proportions as well. The further related details are forthcoming. II. EXPERIMENT ON PAPERBOARD AND ART-PAPERBOARD MANUFACTURE At first, it is necessary to define what the paperboard is, and how it differs from paper. The distinction between paper and paperboard lies on their basis weight and thickness. Usually, all 2 sheets above 0.3 mm thick and above 224 g/m basis weight are classed as paperboard, while those below those figures categorized into paper (Anonim, 2013). The experiment on such paperboard (in laboratory scale) proceeded using ligno-cellulosic fibrous stuffs that consisted of empty oil-palm bunches, sludge, and banana pseudo-stems for paperboard and art-paperboard (Roliadi et al, 2010). Empty oil-palm bunches (EOPB) present a waste generated from oil-palm processing for crude palmoil/CPO (as the main product). Accompanying the CPO production per ton, approximately 4 ton of dry biomass is generated. Further, about one third of the biomass makes up the so-called EOPB (w/w, dry weight equivalent) (Anonim, 2012). Currently, Indonesia produced roughly 21.6 million tons of CPO per year (Anonim, 2013a). Therefore from that figure, as much 28-30 tons of waste are generated as EOPB. As of this occasion, the use of EOPB is just as a fuel (particularly for the CPO factory itself), compost, and potash (K) fertilizer, rendering its added-value still low. EOPB belong to short-fibered ligno-cellulosic stuffs, therefore, it could be technically appropriate for pulp/paper products (including paperboard and the related kinds); moreover its fibers are about 0.8-1.6 mm in length, its cellulose content comparable to that of hardwoods (43-46%), hemicellulose content considerably higher (34%) which affords EOPB pulp fibers with satisfactory bonding performance, and its lignin content (17-20%) slightly lower than that in hardwoods. Paperboard and the related kinds find their extensive uses as for book cover, packaging stuffs, shoes, handbag, fancy or art purposes, and textile-related uses (Anonim, 2013) Regarding sludge, it is solid organic waste resulting from pulp/paper processing. It is necessary to at first explain in brief about what its sources are and how it comes from. Pulp/paper processing is commonly associated with the generation of large quantity of water-based waste (effluents) that has to be purified to avoid severe pollution impacts on environments. The effluent as such can come from particular stages, e.g. wood-log barking and chip washing; digester and evaporator condensates; white waters from pulp screening, cleaning, and thickening; bleach plant washer filtrates; paper machine’s white water; and fiber and liquor spills from all the related processing sections. Wastewater treatment (purification) in pulp/paper mills combines the particular works such as sedimentation, chemical precipitation, biological treatment, flotation, and anaerobic treatment. 419 Such treatment generates large amounts of stuffs mostly composed of organic compounds, which after dewatering form as solid mass or the so-called sludge. In Indonesia, the potency of sludge can reach 3-4% of the real pulp/paper production (Maybe, 1999; Rina et al., 2002; Komarayati et al., 2008). Further, based on the designed capacity of all domestic pulp and paper industries that reach consecutively 7.9 tons per year (pulp) and 12.2 tons per year (paper), each at the utilization stage of 80% (Anonim, 2011), then the overall Indonesia’s sludge potency could approximately amount to 0.27-0.43 million tons per year or 900-1450 tons per day. Currently, those pulp/paper industries encounter difficulties in discarding the sludge due to the limited available landfills, and attempts to just burn it could just inflict negative impacts on environments. On the other hand, in the sludge are present fibers together with their ligno-cellulosic compounds. Hence, it might sound technically worth for the sludge conversion into paperboard grade products. Banana pseudo-stems typify as the accompanying waste generated from banana-fruit harvests. In 2009, Indonesia’s banana-fruit production amounted to 2,674,841 tons, and in 2010 went up to 2,958,718 tons. Judging those figures, then the potency of pseudo-stems in 2009-2010 reached 9097 million tons per year (dry weight equivalent) (Sumarjono, 2008; Anonim, 2011a). Further, banana pseudo-stems as a ligno-cellulosic stuff justify convenient characteristics related to pulp/paper, such as low lignin content (6-14%), high holocellulose (63-67%) as well as high hemicellulose (20-25%), and varied fiber-length (1.92-4.17 mm) (Lisnawati, 2000; Omotoso and Ogunsile, 2009; Anonim, 2010a). Consequently, use of banana-pseudo stems for paperboards would seem technically prospective, and concurrently enhance their added-values as well. Experiment on manufacturing paperboard and art-paperboard using the mixture of those three kinds of fiber stuffs in particular proportions proceeded from raw material (fiber-stuff) preparation; pulping of stuff; mixing of the resulting pulp from those three fiber stuffs in particular proportions; paperboard-sheet forming from such mixed stuffs, paperboard conditioning, until its testing. All the staged experiment was performed in the Laboratory of Fiber Technology, under the CRDFEFPP (Bogor). A. Fiber-Stuff Preparations The prepared stuffs comprised EOPB, banana-pseudo stems, and sludge. The EOPB was taken from the particular CPO factory, banana-pseudo stems from banana-fruit harvest at the community garden, while sludge was provided by particular pulp/paper factories. The EOPB was cleaned of dirt such as soil particles, sands, and skin of oil-palm fruit, with cool water (room temperature); and so were banana-pseudo-stems. Further, both the cleaned EOPB and banana pseudo-stem were dried in the sun to decrease their moisture content to about 30-40%. The sun-died EOPB and banana pseudo-stems were each chopped with big knives to small sizes (chips) that measured 5-6 cm long, 4 cm wide, and 1-1.5 cm thick. The EOPB and banana-pseudo stem chips were allowed to dry in the open air but under the roof to reach their equilibrium moisture content (EMC). Regarding sludge, it was also cleared of sand, pebbles, soil particles, and other unwanted matters, using cool water as well. Afterwards, the cleaned sludge was allowed to dry in the sun as well, and then continued with air-drying under the roof to reach its EMC as well. B. Pulping of EOPB and Banana-pseudo Stems The pulping of EOPB chips proceeded using a closed hot soda semi-chemical process. The EOPB chips were initially cooked in the laboratory-scale electrically heated digester (ingeniously 420 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. engineered by the CRDFEFPP staffs). The cooking condition as employed was alkali (NaOH) concentration as much as 10% for 2 hours at maximum temperature (120 oC), chip to cooking-liquor ratio at 1: 5.5 (w/v), and pressure about 1.5-1.7 atm. Meanwhile, the pulping of banana pseudostem chips was conducted using an open hot soda semi-chemical process, with cooking condition that employed 6% NaOH for 1.5 hours at 100oC, chips to liquor ratio at 1:7, under the atmospheric (1 atm) pressure. After the cooking, the softened EOPB chips and banana pseudo-stem chips were thoroughly washed with clean water until becoming free of residual cooking liquor. Some amount of the residual liquor was taken for the determination of alkali consumption in accordance with the TAPPI Standards (Anonim, 2007). Afterwards, the softened EOPB chips were defiberated into pulp in the Hollander beater at 4-5% consistency, and continued in the Niagara beater until the resulting pulp reached the freeness degree at 250-300 ml CSF. Meanwhile, the banana pseudo-stem chips were also defiberated into pulp but only in the Hollander beater at 4-5% consistency as well. The resulting EOPB pulp and banana pseudo-stem pulp had their moisture content reduced using centrifuge. Some amounts of the pulp were taken for the determination of pulp yield and kappa number; and the remaining pulps in large amount were ready for the paperboard-sheet forming, also according the TAPPI Standards (Anonim, 2007). Results of the examined pulping properties of EOPB and banana pseudo stems are disclosed in Table 1. The EOPB pulp yield afforded its range commonly obtained by the semi-chemical pulping (60-75%). Meanwhile, the yield of banana pseudo-stem pulp was much lower, and such could be due to its moderate cellulose content (40-42%), high extractives (37%), and high portion of nonfiber (parenchymatous) tissues, as indicated by its high solubility in consecutively hot water (1525%) and in 1% NaOH (25-35%) (Omotoso and Oqunsile, 2009). The kappa number of both EOPB pulp and banana-stem pulp was in the common range of semi-chemical pulp, and both exhibited the number greater than 35 thereby, rendering the pulp justifiable for paperboard products. This is because the kappa number can relate to the residual lignin content in the pulp, and high lignin content can impart rigidity to thing the paperboards favors. Alkali consumption in the EOPB pulping was much greater than that in banana-stem pulping. This happened because the initial alkali charge in the EOPB pulping (cooking) was greater than in banana-stem pulp (10% vs. 6%), implying that in the EOPB pulping as much 98.1% of the alkali charge (10%) was as consumed, while in bananastem pulping as much as 50% of the charge (6%) was consumed. Further, such notable difference was also due to the implemented process as the former employed closed-semichemical pulping process, while the latter open-semichemical pulping. The alkali-consumption value can be a matter of consideration whether it is necessary or not conducting chemical recovery. The beating took longer duration for EOPB pulp than that for banana-stem pulp. This could be understood as the EOPB pulp sustained the beating in Hollander beater and later in Niagara beater, while the beating of banana-stem pulp proceeded only in the Hollander beater. Beating duration could relate to the speed of pulping and the consumption of energy (from electricity as well as fuel). 421 Table 1. Properties of EOPB and banana pseudo-stem pulping -Pulp yield, % 60.17 Banana pseudo-stem 42.45 -Kappa number 38.17 45.16 -Alkali consumption, % 9.81 3.00 125.49 60.00 Pulping properties *) -Beating duration, minutes **) EOPB Remarks: *) Average of 5 replications; **) In EOPB (empty oil-palm bunches) pulping, the beating proceeded in Hollander beater and then in Niagara beater, while the beating of banana-stem pulp only done in Hollander beater Source: Roliadi et al. (2010) C. Paperboard-Sheet Forming The fiber stuff for paperboard-sheet forming comprised the mixture of EOPB pulp, sludge, and banana-stem pulp in particular proportions, i.e.100%+0%+0% (=entirely 100% EOPB pulp), 50%+50%+0% (=50% EOPB pulp + 50% sludge), 42.5%+42.5%+15%, and 35%+35%+30%. The mixing was conducted in the Hollander beater in which the mixed stuff corresponding to each of those four proportions underwent the circulation at 3-4% consistency. Further, the circulated stuff was further added with additives, i.e. alum 2% (as retention agent), clay 4% (as filler), tapioca starch 3% (as glue), and rosin size 2% (to enhance water repellency). The circulation continued until the mixed stuff appeared homogenous, then terminated, and ready for paperboard-sheet forming. The forming was done using the hand-sheet former device, with the targeted basis weight 300-400 gram/m2. Afterwards, the resulting paperboards were allowed to dry using the laboratory drying (wind tunnel) device, put into the conditioning room (with the controlled humidity and temperature), and then had their physical and strength tested in accordance with the TAPPI Standard (Anonim, 2007), which comprised paperboard yield, real basis weight, moisture content, burst index, ring-crush index, water absorption, and thickness. Properties of the tested paperboard that resulted were disclosed in Table 2. The real basis weight of the overall experimented paperboard (e.g. from 100% EOPB pulp, and the mixture of 50% EOPB pulp and 50% banana-stem pulp (which also incorporated the additive use) was in the range of the targeted aim (300-400 gram/m2), and still higher than that of the paperboard manufactured by the small-scale community factory (that used the mixture of 50% waste paper and 50% sludge, without additives). This indicated that the use of additives (i.e. alum, clay, tapioca starch, and rosin size) could inflict significant effect on improving fiber-to-fiber bonding, felting, and compactness, thereby reducing the loss of fibers through the screen during the sheet forming. Further, moisture content and water absorption of the paper board from the mixture of 50% EOPB pulp and 50% banana-stem pulp were greater than those from just 100% EOPB pulp. The sludge might contain among others fragmented fibers, low molecular weight carbohydrate, and degraded adhesives (Suchland and Woodson, 1986; Anonim, 2013b), causing their hydroxyl (OH) groups more open and accessible, thereby enhancing its hygroscopicity and attracting more water molecules from the surrounding site. With respect to the paperboard yield, basis weight, thickness, and strength properties (e.g. burst index and ring-crush index), the paperboard from 100% EOPB pulp exhibited 422 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. greater values than from 50% EOPB pulp + 50% sludge mixture. This again hinted that the sludge contained short and fragmented fibers and non-fiber particles (e.g. residual additives), thereby negatively affecting fiber-to-fiber bonding and felting during paperboard-sheet formation.. The yield of paperboard-sheet tended to decrease with the increasing-portion of banana-stem pulp (or with the decrease in EOPB pulp and sludge portions) (Table 2). Indicatively, the bananastem pulp as incorporated still contained a residual amount of parenchyma (non-fiber) tissues, thereby easily destroyed (dissolved) in the water media during the sheet forming. The paperboard either from consecutively 100% EOPB, 50% EOPB + 50% sludge mixture, or from 42.5% EOPB pulp + 42.5% sludge + 15% banana-stem pulp mixture afforded the yield in the range commonly obtained by the community paperboard factories (i.e. 75-85%). However, at the mixture of 35% EOPB pulp + 35% sludge +30% banana-stem pulp, the paperboard yield was unable to satisfy that range, due the behavior banana stems as described previously. Table 2. Physical and strength properties of paperboard from the mixture EOPB pulp , sludge, and banana-stem pulp, together with those for the comparison Experimented paperboard No. 1 2 3 4 5 Properties Yield, % 7 8 423 (3) (4) 84.21 80.30 75.05 69.91 (r3.772) (r4.324) (r5.129) (r4.271) (5) Standard aper- chip- board*) board *) 250-350 375-425 75-85 341.49 310.49 335.56 369.16 289.749 (r10.181) (r11.374) (r12.129) (r30.065) (r31.831) Thickness, mm 0.543 0.528 0.575 0.588 0.511 0.52- (r0.0201) (r0.0177) (r0.0504) (r0.0291) (r0.2630) 0.56 7.11 7.92 7.77 7.79 9.73 6-8 (r1.235) (r1.235) (r0.822) (r0.635) (r2.121) 4.413 4.413 3.2455 2.300 2.600 (r0.9077) (r0.9077) (r0.8128) (r0.2051) (r0.1324) Moisture content, % Burst Burst index, kN/g 1.275 1.175 0.932 0.654 0.500 (r2.2469) (r2.2469) (r0.2451) (r0.0677) (r0.1312) Ring crush, kgf 57.87 56.44 53.19 39.28 36.16 (r3.411) (r2.478) (r5.478) (r2.478) (r2.1212) Ring crush index, kgf.m2/g 9 (2) Commercialp Basis weight, g/m2 strength, kgf/cm2 6 (1) Comparison Water 17.06 15.06 12.79 10.44 6.760 (r1.363) (r1.461) (r1.751) (r1.494) (r1.723) 152.51 162.50 137.46 128.19 506.00 1.36 1.0601.098 22.76 58-76 50-300 Experimented paperboard Comparison Com- No. Properties absorption, (1) (r10.575) (2) (r12.575) (3) (r14.278) (4) (r15.734) (5) Stan- mercialp dard aper- chip- board*) board *) (r12.168) (g/m2)/60 seconds Remarks: 1) From 100% EOPB pulp, with additives (clay 4%, alum 2%, tapioca-starch glue 3%, and rosin size 2%) 2) From the mixture of 50% EOPB pulp + 50% sludge, with additives (similar as above) 3) From the mixture of 42.5% EOPB pulp + 42.5% sludge + 15% banana-stem pulp, with additives (similar as above)Dari campuran: 4) From the mixture of 35% EOPB pulp + 35% sludge + 30% banana-stem pulp, with additives (similar as above) 5) Paperboard produced by the small-scale community factory, using the mixture of 50% wastepaper + 50% sludge, without additives 1), 2), 3), and 4) average of 5 replications; figures is parenthesis = standard deviation *) Anonim (2008) With regard to physical and strength properties of paperboard, there was indication that the greater the banana-stem pulp proportion, then the lower the paperboard moisture content and water absorption, while its thickness and basis weight increased (Table 2). Such phenomena could relate to the residual extractives that still remained with the pulp, such as wax matters, which enhanced the paperboard water-repellency (De Bos and Adnan; 1958; Suhadi et al., 2004). Meanwhile, the still presence of fiber bundles in the banana-stem pulp might be responsible for such greater thickness and basis weight. Such fiber-bundle presence occurred due to imperfect separation into individual fibers, as the beating of banana-stem pulp was only conducted in Hollander beater, but not continued in the Niagara beater, thereby not achieving 250-300 ml CSF freeness. The strengths of paperboard (i.e. ring-crush index and burst index) appeared to decrease with the increase in banana-stem pulp portion. This again strengthened the previous presumption that in that pulp were still present the fiber bundles (again due to not reaching 25-530 ml pulp freeness), thereby not ensuring intensive inter-fiber bonding and felting during sheet formation. The physical and strength properties of all the experimented paperboard (from 100% EOPB pulp, as well as from the mixture of EOPB pulp + sludge + banana-stem pulp in all the tried proportions), with the use of additives were better than those community-factory-produced paperboard which was composed of 50% wastepaper and 50% sludge, but without additives (Table 2). Again, this related to the use of additives, i.e. alum (as retention agent), tapioca-starch glue (as bonding agent/adhesive), clay (as filler), and rosin-size (as water-repellency enhancement). Further, the properties of paperboard from 100% EOPB pulp or those from the EOPB pulp but added with sludge to particular portion (30-50%) and with banana-stem pulp (up to 15%) could to some extent satisfy the commercial-paperboard and chipboard requirement. Meanwhile, the addition of bananastem pulp exceeding 15% (up to 30%) could negatively affect the paperboard properties (particularly strength). 424 However, results of light-scanning on the surface of paperboard that International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. incorporated 15-30% banana-stem pulp revealed interesting looks and attractive patterns, such as scratches, grooves, spots, and other surface-related favors. Such paperboards can therefore be beneficial for fancy purposes (e.g. invitation paper, decorative paper, and other art uses) (Appendix 1). This suggests the prospective mixed processing of EOPB pulp and sludge, which also incorporated banana-stem pulp, into paperboard as well as art (fancy) paperboard, with the proportion of the latter up to 15% (if strength considered) or over to 30% (strength not-considered). III. EXPERIMENT ON PAPER AND DISSOLVING-PULP MANUFACTUR This experiment (in laboratory scale as well) for such manufacture used the missed fibrous stuffs composed of microbial cellulose and coconut husks/coirs (Puspitasari, 2012) . Microbial cellulose is a cellulose-polymer-based stuff obtained from the synthesis of a substrate that contains glucose, fructose, or other simple/low-molecular weight carbohydrates, with the aid of particular microorganisms. The microorganisms as commonly used are of specific bacteria species, called Acetobacter spp, which are able to biologically convert sugar or other low-molecular weight carbohydrate into cellulose, from which the term microbial cellulose is adopted. The activities of those bacteria are affected by among others oxygen (O 2) and nitrogen (N2) elements (Brown, 2002; Anonim, 1998; 2012a; 2013c). Further, it is reported that the alpha-cellulose content of microbial cellulose was greater than that of wood pulp, while beta-cellulose content lower (Sugiyama, 1997; Hardiyanti, 2010). Expectedly, this can bring positive effects on attempts of the microbial-cellulose conversion into the cellulose-derived products (e.g. pulp/paper). One of the particular carbohydrate-containing substrates that can be used as the growth (cultivating) media for Acetobacter bacteria in the microbial-cellulose synthesis is a liquid waste that results from tapioca-flour processing. The flour is yielded from the processing of cassava root-tuber. Such processing involves the stages that cover: (1) chopping the cassava root-tubers of the root tails and other unwanted matters; (2) peeling the chopped cassava root-tubers and then steeping them into the cleansing water-containing bath (pond); (3) putting the cleansed cassava tubers into the grinder, then grinding them into smaller-sized particles, and subsequently sedimenting the particles in the water followed with the intense agitation until they appear as the slurry that comprises the mixture of cassava starch, water, and fibers; (4) filter the slurry to separate the starch slurry from the fibers; (5) Sediment the fiber-free slurry in the bath (pail), in this way after some time the starch portion will settle down or precipitate; (6) through the decanting, the precipitated portion can be separated from the liquid mass. The precipitated portion after the sun-drying and grinding will become the so-called tapioca flour. Meanwhile, the liquid mass can be referred to as the tapiocaprocessing liquid waste. For Indonesia, it was asserted as the third largest cassava-producing country in the world, i.e. 13.3 million tons of tapioca flour in 2010 (Anonim, 2011a). In processing the cassava into tapioca flour, roughly it produces 3.3 million tons of flour and concurrently generates 12 -15 million kiloliters of juicy tapioca-processing waste, which sounds potentially enormous as substrate for microbial-cellulose synthesis. Meanwhile, the cellulose polymers contained in the microbial cellulose serve as the principle compound that make-up the pulp. Consequently, it would seem technically justifiable if the resulting microbial cellulose were utilized for pulp-derived products (e.g. paper and dissolving-pulp). 425 Besides microbial cellulose, another cellulose-based fibrous stuff that also deserves thorough attention for the manufacture of pulp/its derivatives is coconut husks/coirs, which typify as waste generated from coconut-fruit processing (particularly copra). Roughly, as much 35% of the coconut fruit in weight takes up a portion as the so-called coconut coirs/husks. Therefore, with the current Indonesia’s coconut-fruit production reaching some 3.0 million tons per year (Iskandar and Supriadi, 2010; Anonim, 2011a), this yields 1.0-1.1 million tons of coconut coirs/husks annually (w/w, dry weight). As of this occasion, the use of coconut coirs/husks is still limited, confined only to homeindustry products (Arsyad, 2011). Meanwhile, those coconut coirs/husks contain also among others cellulose polymer and other polymers (e.g. lignin and hemicellulose). Further, in term of fiber dimensions, the length of fibers in coconut coirs/husks is regarded as short (1.0-1.5 mm), and therefore for pulp/paper manufacture, the fibers belong to class III grade. However, with respect to fiber-dimension-derived values (i.e. flexibility ratio, felting power, Runkel number, and Muhlstep ratio), those of coconut coirs/husks each belong to class I-II. Consequently, their use for paper/dissolving pulp might sound technically prospective as well to enhance their added value. In the following is depicted the processing of microbial cellulose and coconut husks/coirs each into pulp, which was followed with the cellulose-based sheet forming from the mixture of both the resulting pulps in particular proportions, and ultimately had the sheet properties tested in accordance with the TAPPI Standard (Anonim, 2007). All this staged work (experiment) took place as well in the Laboratory of Fiber Technology, CRDFEFPP (Bogor). A. Processing of Microbial Cellulose Pul - Preparation of microbial cellulose The chemical items as used comprised tapioca-processing liquid-waste (as bacteria substrate), NaOH (alkali), acetic acid, Z.A. (NH4)2SO4), Acetobacter xylinum bacteria, and distilled water. The schematic work in preparation (synthesis) of microbial cellulose from the tapioca-processing waste is described in Figure 1. From the synthesis, it turns out that the yield of microbial cellulose averaged about 850 gram (wet weight) per 1 liter of tapioca liquid-waste (moisture content of microbial cellulose was 95%, wet basis). The resulting microbial-cellulose stuff was ready further for conversion into pulp. 426 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. Tapioca-processing liquid waste (one liter) Sieving /Cleaning of impurities -Acetic acid (concentrated), 5 ml -Z.A. ((NH4)2SO4), 6 grams Mild heating, 70oC (2 hours) Cooing, overnight ready as substrate Starter, i.e. using particular bacteria (Acetobacter xylinum), 5% (v/v) Inoculation on substrate Synthesis of low MW carbohydrate (inn substrate) into microbial cellulose, 25-27oC, 7 days Products, i.e. Jelly-like nata de cassava (microbial cellulose polymers, in cluster form) Remarks: MW = molecular weight Figure 1. Schematic work-flow in the synthesis of microbial cellulose from tapioca-processing liquid waste - Pulping of microbial cellulose Initially, the microbial-cellulose stuff was purified by heating in 1% NaOH (alkali) solution, with 1:8 ratio (between the stuff to the solution,w/v), at 60oC for 2 hours. This was intended to separate 427 the stuff of residual low-molecule carbohydrate which dissolved in the alkali solution, and afterwards ready for pulping. The pulping was merely the action to separate (disintegrate) the microbial- cellulose polymer chains in the stuff that might agglomerate or adhere laterally to each other, into individual/separate polymer chains (pulp). The separation/disintegration proceeded in the so-called laboratory-scale Niagara beater at about 3-4% consistency of the slurry (i.e. microbial cellulosewater suspension) (Appendix 2). The beating took about 1-2 hours, and was terminated when the slurry (pulp) appeared to be homogenous. The resulting cellulose-microbial pulp then had its moisture content and yield examined, and as such the pulp yield reached 38% (in average). The related staged work in microbial-cellulose pulping is disclosed in Figure 2. Nata de cassava (Jelly-like microbia cellulose mass) Moisture content determination Purification, using 1% NaOH, 60oC, 20 minutes Æ separated from low-molecular weight (imperfectly synthesized) carbohydrate Mechanical disintegration of the purified microbial cellulose cluster in the Niagara beater at 3-4% consistency Determination of -Moisture content -Pulp yield Product, i.e. Microbial-cellulose pulp Ready for paper-sheet forming Figure 2. Staged work in the pulping of microbial cellulose stuff B. Processing of Coconut-Coir Pulp Preparation of coconut coirs/husks Coconut coirs/husks were initially cleared of dirt or unwanted stuffs, subsequently cut lengthwise in the direction of their fiber alignment, and further cut across such alignment to smallsized pieces (called as chips) that measured approximately 5 cm in length by 1 cm in width. The obtained coconut-coir chips were allowed to dry, had their moisture content measured, and afterwards ready for cooking (pulping). The pulping used the open hot semi-chemical process, employing the particular conditions, i.e. alkali (NaOH) concentration at 10%, chip to cooking-liquor ratio (w/v) 1:8, and maximum temperature 100oC which was kept for 3 hours. After the cooking, a small amount of residual cooking liquor was taken and examined for the chemical (alkali) 428 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. consumption; and the softened coconut-coir chips was put into the Niagara beater at about 3-4 water-based consistency, in which they underwent mechanical action into separate individual fibers (pulp). The beating (mechanical action) was terminated, when the pulp reached the freeness degree at 200-250 ml CSF. The resulting pulp then had its yield examined. It turns out the pulp yield reached 63.42%, with alkali consumption at 6.63%. These figures imply the pulp yield of coconut coirs/husks still fell in the range commonly obtained from the semi-chemical pulping (6075%), while in term of alkali (NaOH) consumption (6.63%), as much 66.3% of the chemical charge (10%) signified as amount of NaOH consumed during the cooking. Further, the coconut-cour/husk pulp in this regard was still unbleached, as the residual lignin in particular content still remained inside. As illustration, the staged work in the pulping of coconut coirs/husks is presented in Figure 3. C. Forming of the Cellulose-based Sheet The sheet forming used the homogenous mixture of the resulting both microbial-cellulose pulp and coconut-coir pulp at four proportions, i.e. 25%+75%, 50%+50%, 75+25%, 100%+0% (w/w, dry weight basis). Such homogeneity was obtained by at first mixing those two kinds of fiber stuffs (at each of those four proportions) in the Niagara beater at 3-4% consistency, which further circulated the mixed stuffs vigorously. While circulating, to the stuffs were added the additives that consisted of alum as retention agent (4%), tapioca starch as glue (2.5%), and clay as filler (3%), and rosin size as water-repellent agent (3%)t. The circulation was terminated when the mixed stuff appeared as homogenous water-fiber suspension. As control, the homogenous mixed. fiber stuffs at those four proportions were also prepared without additives, and then sustained similar stages. The homogenous water-fiber suspension either with or without additives were ready for sheet forming with the targeted basis weight 60gram/m 2, which used the manual hand-sheet former device, equipped with a fine 60-mesh wire screen. Mechanisms of sheet forming occurred due to initially pouring the water-fiber suspension on the screen and allowing it drain or move down due to its gravitation weight, thereby separating the water mass. In this way, such draining left behind the fiber stuffs on the screening, formed as the web (sheet). During the sheet forming, the duration of water drainage or its downward movement from the screen onto the discharging chest below was measured. The resulting formed-sheets (regarded as paper grade, as its basis weight less than 224 gram/m2) were then allowed to dry using a sheet drier, conditioned in the room (under controlled humidity and temperature) for 24 hours, and then ready for the testing. The paper-sheet testing comprised moisture content, water absorption, tear, index, tensile index, opacity, and brightness degree. Results of the testing (including also the water-drainage duration) are presented in Table 3. For illustration, the staged work of paper-sheet forming from those mixed fiber stuffs was disclosed in Figure 4. 429 Coconut husks/coirs Cutting and chipping Moisture-content determination Coconut coir chips 800 g (dry weight equiv) Cooking (pulping), using semi-chemical alkali process 10% NaOH, 100oC, 3 hours Determination of alkali consumption Softened coconut-coir chips Determination of -Pulp moisture-content. -Pulp yield Hollander beater, i.e. defiberation of softened coconut coir chips Perfection of defiberation to particular degree (200260 ml CSF) into pulp Products, i.e. Coconut-coir pulp Ready for . paper-sheet forming Figure 3. Staged work in the pulping of coconut coirs/husks 430 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. Mixing in the Niagara beater at the proportions: 25%+75%, 50%+50%, 75%+25%,100%+0% (w/w, dry weight equivalent), under intense agitation/circulation Nata de cassava (microbial-cellulose pulp) Additives, i.e. -Alum (retention agent), 4% -Clay (filler), 3% -Tapioca-starch (as glue), 2.5% -Rosin size (enhancing water repellency), 3% Coconut-coir pulp Agitation/circulation continued, until the mixed stuffs appeared homogenous Without Additives, i.e. -as Control Paper-sheet forming (with and without additives) manually using hand-sheet former with the targeted (60 gram/m2) basis weight Wet paper web (sheet) Drying and Conditioning (under controlled temperature and humidity) Dried and conditioned paper sheet Ready for paper-sheet testing, i.e. physical, strength, and optical properties Figure 4. Staged work in the paper-sheet forming Basis weight of the paper sheet indicatively increased with greater portion of microbialcellulose pulp (Table 3). Conversely, greater portion of coconut-coir pulp led to the decrease in basis weight. This implies that the microbial cellulose did not shape like a fiber but rather as an aggregate (cluster) of flexible parallel cellulose polymer chains with its width (diameter) much smaller than that of fiber. Consequently, this allowed for microbial cellulose stuff to fill-up the empty spaces between fibers in the sheet arrangement during sheet forming, hence increasing the basis weight. On the other hand, more empty spaces in such arrangement occurred with greater portion of less-flexible coconut-coir pulp fibers (due to still greater residual lignin content inside). Further, the incorporation of additives (i.e. alum, tapioca starch, clay, and rosin size) to the mixed fiber stuffs (i.e. mixture of microbial-cellulose pulp and coconut-coir pulp) rendered the sheet basis-weight increasing. Alum served as retention agent, and therefore it caused more intensive contact between fibers as well as between fibers and additives (i.e. clay, tapioca starch, and rosin size). As a result, this reduced the amount of fibers and additive particles that might pass through the minute screen-holes of the sheet-former device during paper-sheet forming, thereby increasing the sheet basis-weight. The real basis weight of the sheet which was lower than the targeted one (60 gam/m2) revealed that some 431 amount of fibers and additives was lost through the screen holes during sheet forming, while the basis weight greater than the target mostly occurred to the sheet with greater portion of microbialcellulose pulp and with additive use. Again, this strengthened the presumption that microbial cellulose stuffs filled up the spaces of inter-fiber arrangements, and the role of particular additives (e.g. retention agent, filler, and adhesive). Table 3. The physical, strength, and optical properties as examined of the paper sheet formed from the mixture of microbial-cellulose pulp and coconut-coir pulp at particular proportions No Properties I Mixed propoportion of Microbial-cellulose pulp + Coconut-coir pulp 25%+75% 50%+50% 75%+25% 100%+0% 1) Physical aspects -Real basis weight, g/m2 Control 55.2 61.0 57.4 64.9 With additives 57.1 61.3 58.2 64.2 Control 8.51 9.30 9.34 8.25 With additives 8.61 8.53 7.78 7.63 Control 162.5 75.1 62.5 61.9 With additives 174.9 74.3 49.4 55.3 Control Instant 0.025 0.251 3.000 With additives Instant 0.031 0.264 3.000 -Moisture content, % -Water absorption, g/m2 -Drainage duration, hours II Strength aspects -Tear index, Nm/g Control 4.90 6.30 13.18 21.34 With additives 5.52 10.28 14.87 20.95 Control 4.53 5.81 5.79 9.10 With additives 4.28 5.62 5.68 11.78 Control 11.5 11.2 15.0 18.2 With additives 12.6 12.7 16.2 25.0 Control 95.1 92.2 77.8 65.2 With additives 98.5 93.0 89.3 71.7 2 -Tear index, mNm /g III Optical aspects -Brightness (whiteness), % -Brightness (whiteness), % Remarks: 1) 432 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Average of three replications; Control = without additives; Additives = comprised of alum as retention agent (4%), tapioca starch as glue (2.5%), clay as filler (3%), rosin size as water-repellent enhancer (3%) Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. Water absorption of the paper sheets with higher proportion of microbial-cellulose pulp tended to decrease (Table 3), while the reverse situation was true for greater portion of coconut-coir pulp. The possible explanation was that the microbial-cellulose pulp was made-up of almost pure cellulose polymers with their chains lying parallel to each other, so close together, and so tightly packed (Anonim, 2012a). Further, such greater portion therefore rendered the empty spaces between fiberto-fiber arrangements in the sheets less available. As a result, this ultimately decreased the hygroscopic behavior of the sheets, and the water movement became more limited inside, thereby lowering their water absorption. For coconut-coir pulp, its greater portion in the paper sheet created more empty spaces in the inter-fiber arrangement of the paper sheet (as described previously in the basis weight aspect). Consequently, this provided more chance of physical contact between water and fiber surface, thereby allowing more of the water to enter into fiber structure and hence increasing the sheet moisture content as well as water absorption. With regard to moisture content of the paper sheets, initially greater portion of microbialcellulose pulp (or lower portion of coconut-coir pulp) up to the mixed 50%+50% fiber-stuff portion brought about an increase in the sheet moisture content. Afterwards, greater portion of microbial cellulose pulp up to the mixed 100%+0% portion caused the sheet moisture-content to decrease. Apparently, the more available free hydroxyl (OH) groups with greater portion of microbial-cellulose pulp at first rendered the resulting paper-sheets more polar and hence more hygroscopic, thereby increasing the its affinity towards water (i.e. increasing the sheet moisture-content). However later on beyond the 50%+50% until 100%+0% portion, trend changes in moisture content of the sheets due to greater microbial-cellulose pulp portion were similar to those in water-absorption, i.e. those two water-associated properties decreasing. It seemed that the phenomena that brought about the decrease in moisture content similar to those that did so in water absorption. Further, the use of additives (i.e. alum, tapioca starch, and rosin size) brought about the decrease in moisture content as well as water absorption. Apparently, the tiny-sized additive particle filled-up the spaces between the inter-fiber arrangements in the sheets and possibly entered also into the void spaces inside the fibers, which rendered the hygroscopic-sheet behavior reduced and water movement inside less-free as well. In addition, the water-repellent characteristics of the rosin size also contributed to the lowering of paper-sheet hygroscopicity, thereby decreasing its moisture content and water absorption. The water-drainage duration took longer in the forming of paper sheets with higher portion of microbial cellulose than in that with lower portion (Table 3). This again suggests that the microbialcellulose was actually not in fiber shape but rather as the cluster of several flexible cellulose-polymer chains lying parallel and so-packed together with their diameter much smaller than those of ordinary ligno-cellulosic fibers. As a result, those clusters appeared in shape as a rather-tiny size piece. During the paper-sheet forming, these microbial-cellulose pieces could become agglomerated, enlarging in size, and therefore most likely plug the screen-holes at the sheet-former device. Consequently, this hindered the downward water movement, thereby prolonging its drainage duration. Meanwhile, greater portion of coconut-coir pulp caused such duration to decrease. Apparently, greater size of coconut-coir fibers were mostly retained on the screen (not plugged it) 433 and hence allowed the water mass to move down more freely through the screen holes, rendering the drainage duration shorter. Further, the use of additives to the mixed fiber stuffs tended also to prolong the water-drainage duration during paper-sheet forming. These phenomena seemed occurring almost similarly to those with greater portion of microbial-cellulose pulp, as the additives were also of tiny-sized particles which therefore could also plug the screen holes. However, since the amount of additives as incorporated (each less than 5%) was much less than that of the microbial-cellulose pulp, its impact on prolonging the duration was not so troublesome. Tensile index and tear index of the paper sheet inclined to increase with greater portion of microbial-cellulose pulp (Table 3), while the situation was on the contrary with greater portion of coconut-coir pulp. As indicated previously (from the basis weight aspects), the almost pure flexible cellulose polymer chains in microbial cellulose pulp render their entity less rigid, thereby inflicting more intensive interweaving (felting) and bonding between fibers in the paper sheet during its forming, hence enhancing its strength. Conversely, the residual lignin still left in the coconut-coir pulp caused the pulp fiber less flexible or more rigid, hence inflicting adverse effect on the sheet strength. With respect to the tensile index, the use of additives brought about positive effect. This could be attributable to the role of tapioca-starch additive that served as glue thereby improving the bonding between fibers in the paper structure. On the other hand, the additives brought about slight decrease in the tear index of the paper sheet with greater portion of microbial-cellulose pulp up to 75% (or lower portion of coconut-coir pulp down to 25%). As such, this could be caused by the role of clay inorganic filler which could interfere the bonding between fibers in the paper sheet. At 100% portion of microbial cellulose pulp, however, such additives caused the increase in the tear index. This could be attributed to the role of tapioca-starch glue in the additives that improved the fiber-to-fiber bonding, and dominated over that of clay filler, as also occurring to the increasing tensile index. Brightness (whiteness) of paper sheet tended to increase with greater portion of microbialcellulose pulp, and the reverse was true for greater portion of coconut-coir pulp (Table 3). This can be explained as microbial-cellulose pulp is again composed of nearly or almost 100% cellulose, and it exhibits intrinsically white in color (Anonim, 2011b; 2013c). Conversely, the coconut-coir pulp contained other compounds than cellulose such as residual hemicellulose and residual lignin. The lignin is vulnerable to oxidation or other chemical action, rendering its color changed to rather dark (brown to black) (Casey, 1980). Consequently, as the portion of coconut-coir pulp increased, it caused the decrease in the paper-sheet brightness. Further, the use of additives (i.e. alum, tapioca starch, and rosin size) increased the brightness of paper sheet. Such increase was attributed to the color of tapioca starch (organic stuff) and clay (inorganic stuff) which is inherently white (Smook and Kocurek, 2002). Contrary to the brightness, the opacity of paper sheet decreased with increasing portion of microbial-cellulose pulp (Table 3), and vice versa with the increasing portion of coconut-coir pulp. From the brightness measurement, it revealed that the intensity of white color increased with greater portion of the former pulp, while the intensity decreased with greater portion of the latter pulp. 434 This is because the cellulose polymer in common (including also the microbial cellulose) International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. besides exhibiting white color is also translucent (transparent) to the incoming light. Consequently, increasing the portion of such would allow more of the light to pass through the corresponding paper sheet; or in other words, the sheet imperviousness to light became lower, thereby lowering its opacity as well. Conversely, darker color of coconut-coir pulp (due to mainly residual lignin) brought out the paper sheet with the increasing ability to absorb the light (or concurrently decreasing it to pass through the object), thereby rendering the sheet more impervious to the incoming light and hence increasing its opacity. The use of additives tended to increase the opacity of the paper sheet. The possible explanation was that as such additives consisted of mostly tiny-sized particles, then they could effectively fill up or the spaces of the inter-fiber arrangement in the paper sheet as well as they entered more into the void spaces in the fibers. As a result, these phenomena reduced the air-space volume in the paper sheet, and hence enhanced it to block the incoming light (or also notallowing it to pass through the sheet), thereby increasing the light imperviousness and hence sheet opacity as well. Judging from the high brightness and low opacity phenomena with the incorporation of greater portion of microbial-cellulose pulp in the sheet forming, this strengthened the previous indication (from its corresponding lower moisture content, less water absorption, and longer water-drainage duration its forming) that the microbial-cellulose pulp was made up of almost 100% cellulose with its polymer chains parallel to each other and so packed together, thereby enhancing the cellulose crystallinity. Such high crystallinity of the microbial-cellulose pulp seemed responsible as well for its greater strength (with respect to the tensile index and tear index of the sheet with greater microbialcellulose-pulp portion. However, such severely longer water-drainage duration during the sheet forming rendered less technically operational the pulping of 100% microbial cellulose, when intended for paper-grade products. Instead, it would be more technically favored for dissolving pulp, which as described before can sustain further processing into rayon (artificial silk), cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, and cellulose phosphate. Conversely, the coconut-coir pulp exhibited much shorter waterdrainage duration in the sheet forming, therefore its mixture with microbial-cellulose pulp at the portion of 50%+50% to 25%+75% seems technically more justifiable for paper-grade products.(e.g. writing/printing paper, magazines, paperboard, labels, and cover papers). IV. CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. Use of EOPB, Banana Pseudo-Stems, and Sludge for Paperboard and Art-Paperboar 1. Viewed from the properties of EOPB and banana-stem pulping (e.g. pulp yield, alkali consumption, and kappa number), then the manufacture of pulp from both kinds of fiber stuffs seems technically prospective for paperboard 2. In the paperboard-sheet forming consecutively from 100% EOPB, from the mixture of 50% EOPB + 50% sludge, and from the mixture of 42.5% EOPB pulp + 42.5% sludge + 15% banana-stem pulp, it could entirely afford the yield in the range commonly obtained by the community paperboard factory (i.e. 75-85%). 3. The physical and strength properties of the paperboard from the fiber stuffs with such three kinds of stuff composition, which each also incorporated the use of additives (i.e. alum, tapioca starch, clay, and rosin size) were better than those produced by the small-scale community 435 factory (from the mixture of 50% waste paper and 50% sludge, but without additives); and could mostly satisfy the commercial-paperboard requirements. 4. The addition of sludge as well as banana-stem pulp to be mixed with EOPB pulp brought out the resulting paperboard with lower strength properties compared to those from 100% EOPB pulp. For sludge addition (incorporation), it increased the water affinity of the paperboard (i.e. increase in moisture content and water absorption). Conversely with banana-stem incorporation, the moisture content and water absorption of the paperboard decreased. 5. Further, the incorporation of banana-stem pulp in the paperboard sheet with the portion exceeding 15% (up to 30%) yielded the paperboard with properties unable to satisfy its requirements. However, there were visually interesting looks and attractive patterns on its surface, such as scratches, grooves, spots, and other surface-related favors. This suggests the prospective mixed processing of EOPB pulp, sludge, and banana-stem pulp into paperboard as well as art-paperboard, with the proportion of the latter up to 15% (if strength considered) or over to 30% (strength not-considered). B. Use of Microbial Cellulose and Coconut Coir for Paper Sheet and Dissolving Pulp 1. In the synthesis of microbial cellulose from the tapioca-processing liquid waste with the aid of Acetobacter xylinum bacteria, as much 850 grams from 1 liter of such liquid waste was obtained as the so-called microbial cellulose stuffs (but still wet, with their moisture content equal to 95%). Further, purification on the microbial cellulose in hot 1%-alkali (NaOH) solution into pulp afforded its yield about 38% (w/w). 2. -Judging that the Indonesia’s potency of tapioca-processing liquid waste currently affords about 12-15 million kiloliters per year, it implies that in theory as much 193,800 tons per year can be yielded as microbial-cellulose pulp. This figure reveals that endeavor in microbial-cellulose pulp seems justifiable for realization. 3. In the pulping of coconut-coir pulp, it afforded 63.42% worth of the pulp yield. The potency of Indonesia’s coconut coir currently ranges about 1.0-1.1 million tons per year (dry weight equivalent). This hints that the pulping of coconut coir can sound justifiable as well. 4. In mixing microbial-cellulose pulp with coconut-coir pulp in particular proportions (i.e. 25%+75%, 50%+50%, 75%+25%, and 100%+0%) for paper-sheet forming, it turns out that greater proportion of the former stuff led to better physical and strength properties of the resulting paper sheet. However, the forming of paper sheet from 100% microbial-cellulose pulp took so long duration in laboratory-scale experiment (i.e. more than 3 hours of the drainage duration for one set of paper sheets), thereby rendering this operation inefficiently performed. The possible use of water-suctioning device can be proposed, and this however can increase the use of power (energy), thereby necessitating thorough consideration. The 100% microbial-cellulose pulp, judging from its favorable characteristics (e.g. high strength as well as brightness, and low opacity) instead seems more appropriate for dissolving-pulp, which in further processing can convert into beneficial stuffs, other than paper products, such as rayon (artificial silk), cellulose acetate (for X-ray film, photography items, and plastics/celluloids for dolls and children toys), cellulose nitrate (ingredient for explosives and nail polishers), and cellulose phosphate (as fire or 436 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. flame-retarding agent). Meanwhile, the coconut coir pulp mixed with microbial-cellulose pulp at 50%+50% and 75%+25% proportions was more justifiable for paper-grade products, e.g. writing/printing paper, wrapping paper, laboratory paper, document/archive paper, and other paper-related uses. C. Suggestions and Recommendations The prospective results of the overall experiment on the alternative fibrous stuffs should deserve thorough attention. As these attempts can imply converting those stuffs into beneficial items (i.e. paperboard, art-paperboard, paper-grade products, and dissolving pulp), thereby imparting their added values. Besides, such attempts can lessen the heavy dependence of the pulp/paper operation on the conventional fibrous materials (particularly natural-forest woods). In this way, it can effectively reduce the rate of forest destruction. It has been know forest besides functioning as production purposes (e.g. providing woods) can also serve as securing water reserve, maintaining eco-system balance, and forest biodiversity, mitigating global warming, and other positive environmental favors. REFERENCES Anonim. 1998. Bacterial cellulose as surface treatment for fibrous web, U.S. United States Patent 4861427 Anonim. 2007. 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Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta, Indonesia. (Title and Content in Indonesian) 439 Appendix 1. Specific patterns on the paperboard surface, with the incorporation of particular portion of banana-stem pulp (A); and regular patterns on the surface without banana-stem incorporation (B). (A) (B) Remarks: (A): Fascinating/specific patterns on the paperboard formed from the mixture of EOPB (35-42.5%), sludge (35-42.5%), and banana-stem pulp (15-30%), which revealed interesting looks and attractive patterns (e.g. scratches, grooves, and other surface favors), rendering its uses besides as those just for regular paperboards, also suitable as fancy (art) paperboard; compared to the (regular) patterns on the paperboard (b) from the mixture of 50% EOPB pulp and 50% sludge, without banana-stem pulp (B). Source: Roliadi et al., 2010 Appendix 2. Niagara beater (A); and the microbial-cellulose pulp (B) 440 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. (A) (B) Remarks: The disintegrating of cluster of microbial cellulose polymer chains into pulp in the special device (Niagara beater) (A); and the resulting microbial-cellulose pulp (B) Source: Puspitasari (2012) 441 442 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Natural Plant by the North Sulawesi…... Lis Nurrani & Julianus Kinho Utilization of Natural Plant by The North Sulawesi Community as a Lowering of Diabetic1 Lis Nurrani2 and Julianus Kinho2 ABSTRACT Indonesia as one of countries with the high biodiversity has great potential in providing of natural medicine raw materials. This paper is exploration report and ethnobotany biodiversity in North Sulawesi potentially as lowering blood sugar (Diabetic). The method used are indepth interview with key informant by snawball techniques, followed by phytochemical testing and toxicity by BSLT (Bhrine Shrimp Lethality Test) methods. Ethnobotany results showed that there are 11 species of natural plants which are often utilized by North Sulawesi community as a diabetic traditional medicine. Phytochemical testing showed that antihiperglikemia compound or lowering blood sugar levels such as flavonoids, saponins and tanins found in Euginia cuminii and Cocos nucifera extracts. Trycalisia minahassae and Tetracera indica extracts contains flavonoids and tanins whereas Solanum torvum, Ficus septica dan Nephrolepis bisserata extracts contains flavonoids and saponins. Ethyl acetate extracts of Trycalisia minahassae, n-butanol extracts of Tetracera indica, ethyl acetate extracts of Jatropha gossypipolia and n-butanol extract of Euginia cuminii provide toxic effects as a raw materials shown with LC50 value respectivelly of 311,42 ppm 717,06 ppm, 914,37 ppmdan 963,24 ppm. Key words : natural plant, medicinal, diabetic, North Sulawesi I. INTRODUCTION World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the number of diabetics in Indonesia will soar high. When in 2000 the number of diabetics 8.4 million people, is predicted increase to 21.3 million people in 2030. This figure will make Indonesia ranks fourth, as the country that has the most diabetics after the United States, China and India (Anonymous, 2012). Based on Health Research Association’sdata (Riskesdas) 2007, diabetes was the sixth leading cause death of all deaths in all age groups. This is because people with diabetes are very vulnerable to the complications other diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and stroke. Therefore requires a serious and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the handling this disease. Dowmand and 1 This paper was presented in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 Manado Forestry Research Institute, Jl. Raya Adipura Kel. Kima Atas Kec. Mapanget Kota Manado 95119 Email : 443 Rand (1968) said that during treatment diabetics disease by regulation diet, oral antidiabetic medication and insulin therapy. Though the use of oral antidiabetic drugs can cause side effects that may be fatal. Alternative treatment are cheap, safe and easy to obtain much needed. One is through the traditional method that has been used by people for generations by the North Sulawesi community. Considering Indonesia is one country with high biodiversity with species most widely used as raw materials. One of the characteristics of cultural is still dominant traditional elements in daily life. This condition is supported by various types of biodiversity on ecosystem utilization is a long history of being part of the local culture (Rahayu et al., 2006). Approximately 550 ethnics Indonesian people have a close relationship with the forest in their daily life and they have high traditional knowledge in utilization of medicinal plants (Zuhud, et al., 2009b). That activities are also performed by several ethnic groups inhabiting North Sulawesi include Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow and Sangihe tribes. This knowledge is acquired/inherited from generation to generation and is based on empirical experience. Therefore extracting information to the community figures and users of traditional medicinal plants in North Sulawesi is necessary, along with search content of chemicals compound. This paper is exploration report and ethnobotany biodiversity in North Sulawesi that has potential to be used as diabetic drugs or lowering blood sugar. II. METHODOLOGY A. Materials and Tools Materials used are plant parts that utilized by North Sulawesi community as lowering blood sugar (diabetic drug). Other ingredients are alcohol, n-butanol, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. Distilled water, seawater, and the larvae of Artemia salina Leach. The tools used are newsprint, plastic, filter, spoon, blender, hammer mill, microplate, fluorescent lights, pipettes, glasscups, measuring cups, glassbottles, and a rotary evaporator. B. Work Procedurs 1) Exploration and study of ethnobotany is done using a combination of in-depth interviews against key respondents with snowball techniques and field survey. 2) Phytochemical Testing a. alkaloid 1 gram sample is given a few drops of NH3, then mashed. Add 5 ml of CHCl3 and filtered. Filtrate given 2M H2SO4 and then acid layer divided into 3 parts : - + Dragendendrof if filtrate colour is purple - + Mayer if filtrate colour is white - + Wagner if filtrate colour is brown b. Phenolic 5 gram sample are mixed with distilled water and then heated for 5 minutes and filtered until the filtrate obtained. - Flavonoids 444 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Natural Plant by the North Sulawesi…... Lis Nurrani & Julianus Kinho The filtrate is mixed with Mg powdered (magnesium), HCl: EtOH (1:1), and Amil alcohol. Indicator presence of flavonoids is when Amil alcohol layer colour is orange - Tanins The filtrate is given 3 drops of FeCl310%, if greenish is an indicator of tannins content. - Saponins Filtrate is shaken vigorously, if inflict froth stable the filtrate containing saponins. c. Steroids and Triterpenoids 1 gram sample is mixed with hot EtOH and filtered and then the filtrate was heated to dry. Add 1 ml of diethyl ether and then homogenous add 1 drop H2SO4 and 1 drop CH3COOH anhydrous. Changes color to green/blue is an indicator of steroid, whereas red/purple is an indicator of triterpenoids. 3) Toxicity testing Each sample of 25g powder in maceration using 3 different solvents are n-butanol, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether technical quality solvent that aims to find the best solvent for each botanicals with ratio 1 : 5 during 3 x 24 hours obtained clear immersion (Sukandar et al. 2009). Immersion is concentrated using rotary evaporator at a temperature of 40-65ºC to obtain crude extract in the form of solids or gums that are stored in glass bottles. That Extract is test material. Shrimp larvae is prepared by as much as 10 mg shrimp eggs plus 100 mL sea water that has been filtered, then stored in aquarium given aerator or air regulator, given lighting fluorescent lamp for 48 hours until all the eggs hatch. 4 mg samples extract were dissolved in 10 mL dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 10 ppm plus sea water solvent to 2 mL obtained extract with a concentration of 2000 ppm, diluted solution to obtain the concentration are 1600, 800, 400 and 200 ppm. As many as 10 shrimp larvae A.salina Leach put into microplate and then added a solution at each concentration repeat three times. Mixture is placed under the TL light for 24 hours and calculated percent mortality larvae at each concentration. C. Data Analysis Percent larvae mortality is calculated using the formula: % larvae = Number of larvae die X 100% Number of test larvae Percent data mortality of larvae then processed using the Probit analysis method to determine LC50 values (concentration of extract that is able to provide a larvae mortality by 50%) with 95% confidence interval using software media SPSS version 16. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Ethnobotany Based on the exploration conducted by research team Forestry Research Institute of Manado for two years (2009-2010) which consists of two stages. Where the first stage is conducted on the key respondents (key informants) in two tribes, namely Minahasa and Sangihe tribes who lived on Minahasa complex highway (Tomohon City, Bitung City, Minahasa Regency, South Minahasa Regency, South east Minahasa Regency). The second phase of exploration is conducted on key 445 respondents Mongondow tribes who lived on Bolaang Mongondow complex highway (Kotamobagu City, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency and South BolaangMongondow Regency). Exploration results over two years identified 151 species of natural plants that are often utilization by communities to treat various diseases. Some type of disease that are incurable aches, colds, bruises, vitality enhancer to cancer and diabetic. Among the several types of natural medicinal plants that are 11 (eleven) plant species are often used as lowering blood sugar (diabetic) and wet wounds heal from this disease. Species of plants and parts which are used as lowering blood sugar and heal wet wounds suffered by patients with diabetic and how to use it can be seen more in table 1. Plant parts utilized grouped into 5 parts : leaves, fruit, bark, petiole and roots. The leaves are plants part most widely used as medicine, as many as four species while roots is plant part least used only one species. Zuhud and Hikmat (2009) suggested that based on part medicinal plant of Indonesian tropical forest are utilized, leaves are plants part of the most widely used as medicine is as much as 749 species (33.50%). Based on habitus, natural herbs used as lowering diabetic grouped into five habitus. The most groups are herbaceous, trees and palms that each respectively four, three, and two species whereas lianas and shrubs only one species. Herb utilized is understorey, fast-growing plants, and available abundance below tree stands. This is one of the considerations in addition to the required properties also availability in nature and ease of retrieval/extraction. Based on family groups, eleventh species of natural plants that are often utilized as lowering diabetic can be grouped into eight families. The most are Solanaceae and Arecacea family respectively 2 species. The others family are Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae, Dilleniaceae and Myrtaceae. Zuhud and Hikmat (2009) stated that Euphorbiaceae is family with the most medicinal plant species ranked second after Fabaceae from 203 families are clasified as a potentially medicinal plants. The quantity as many as 94 species. Utilization of natural plant as medicine is still traditional. It can be seen from how to used it, which parts of the plant that would be used washed in clean water and then boiled. Water boiled of medicinal plant drunk while warm. Another way is mixing the ingredients with others vegetables in dishes minahasa. This simple ways proven to be applied for many years and is believed to cure illness. 446 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Tarutuk Gedi Pakoba Kelapa Pinang 2 3 4 5 Local names 1 No Malvaceae Abelmoschus manihot L L. Areca catechu Arecaceae Arecaceae Cocos nucifera L. Rubiaceace Tricalysia minahassae Medik Solanaceae Family Solanum torvum Species young leaf Fruit and of midrib) (miang/hair Petiole Bark Leaf Fruit Parts used Table 1. The Kinds of natural plant as lowering blood sugar Palm Palm Tree Herb Herb Habitus with others vegetable this fruit as a bitter relievers. Minahasa community used as a and diabetic. for a drink. sugar. Diabetic medicine diabetic pain and drunk. 447 cups of water and then filtered nut 4 pieces, then boiled with 2 Grab the contents of the old betel replaced after 2-3 days look dry. with water/wet and can be the herb should not bein contact 1 : 1 and placed on the wound, mixed with Doludu’s petiole is ratio Pared Coconut’s petiole then boiled and be drunk. Once stew after child birth and treat blood To heal the wounds cause by Bark is taken sufficiently, then As a mix drugs for women mixed with other vegetables The utilization with boiled or cuisine. (Manado’s porridge) or others raw mixed in Tinutuan cuisine This plant species by The Treat gout, ulcer, cholesterhol sugar. young fruit as a lowering blood Temboan community uses this Usually this fruit mixed in cuisine How to formulate Pinabetengan community uses Savor Utilization of Natural Plant by the North Sulawesi…... Lis Nurrani & Julianus Kinho Myrtaceae Solanaceae Physalis minima Dilleniaceae Family Euginia cuminii Tetracera indica Merr. Species leaf stem and Roots, Bark stem leaf and Parts used International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Boyoba 8 448 Jambura daginan w), Moyon (Mongondo Balu nan, Tangit Meandangi Local names 7 6 No Herb tree Liana Habitus Young leaf tips to cure diabetic high blood pressure All parts of the tree to cure Diabetic medicine Stem: remedy sore tendons. to falls wounds and other injuries due Leaves: to heal diabetic wet Savor water. stand until cold herb and drink the brewed with hot water, allowed to then inserted into the glass and Take 3 leaf boyoba crushed and the boiling water. cleaned and boiled and then drunk Take all parts of the tree and then water. salt and boiled, drink the boiling cleaned and then added a little Grab jambura bark that has been is 1: 1. high blood pressure then the ratio yellowroot), but if the patient has ratio of 3 : 1 (mean danginan: added should be more, namely the number of meandanginan stems shave low blood pressure, the drank water. Note: if the patient forest cow foot, then boiled and with yellow roots, deer antlers and Meandanginan stems are mixed the wound. then paste or sprinkle ashes on Leaves are burned in the fire and How to formulate 11 Shrubs a pinaraci (traditional drink of grab stem and then blended with lowering blood sugar treat stomachache and Young leaves can be used to boiled and the water drunk 449 and drunk to treat muscle pains. Stems and young leaves, used w) young leaf minahasa tribe) boiled together e Mongondo merah, (BD Malacai boiled. Drink boiling water sugar as) w), Luwa Scraped root then cleaned and seizures (eye height) Mongondo Roots as a lowering blood into the eyes of patients with (BD. (BD.Miang and one clove of garlic. Crushed engridients then the water dripped Singgolong Stem and lelenggata flowers (flower bean) Jatropha gossypipolia L. rods were engaged with one stalk w), cut into two parts and scraped the Grab tagalolo young stems, then after 2-3 days look dry. water/wet and can be replaced should not bein contact with placed on the wound, ingredients petiole with a ratio of 1: 1 and shaftis then mixed with coconut Scraped doludu petiole or hair How to formulate inside of the trunk, then scraping height) stem: as drug seizures (eye diabetic. To heal wounds because of Savor Mongondo Euphorbiacea Tree Herb Habitus m (BD. roots Stem and Burm f. Moraceae Ficus septica Kolimbonu (miang/hair Tagalolo, 10 Petiole ceae Parts used Neproplepida Family of midrib) Nephrolepis bisserrata Species Schott. Doludo Local names 9 No Utilization of Natural Plant by the North Sulawesi…... Lis Nurrani & Julianus Kinho B. Phytochemical contents Phytochemical analysis is one way to knowing the qualitative content of secondary metabolites from a natural material. Analysis conducted on 11 species of natural plants which is used as diabetic medicine. Analysis only conducted on certain parts of medicinal plant that has benefits for the local community. Plant parts analyzed and the active compounds (bioactives) contains can be seen in Table 2. Phytochemical analysis showed that the secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, saponins and tannins which have anti-hyperglycemic affective or lowering blood sugar levels can be found in Cocos nucifera L petiole extract and Euginia cuminii bark extract. Pasaribu research (2009) showed that raru bark extract contains flavonoids, saponins and tannins, were able inhibition alphaglucosidase by 88-97%. Inhibition assay of the alpha glucosidase enzhyme conducted to determine anti hyperglycemic activity of each extract. Table 2. Phytochemical contents of natural plant extract No Kinds of extract Phytochemical contents Alkaloid Flavonoids + 1 Fruit ofSolanum torvum* 2 Leaf of Abelmoschus manihot** 3 Bark of Tricalysia minahassae 4 Petiole of Cocos nucifera L. 5 Fruit and young leaf of Areca catechu L. 6 Leaf of Tetracera indica Merr. + Bark of Euginia + 7 + + Tanins + + Young leaf tips of Physalis minima 9 Petiole ofNephrolepis bisserrata Schott. + 10 Roots of Ficus septica Burm f. + Young leaf of Saponins + + + cuminii Jatropha gossypipolia L. Terpenoids + + 8 11 Steroids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Source : Primary data lab years 2009-2010; (*) Stevanie, 2007; (**) Mamahit, 2009 Flavonoids and tannins are identified in the Trycalisia minahassae bark extract and Tetracera indica Merr leaves extract. Solanum Torvum fruit extracts, Nephrolepis bisserata Schout petiole extract and Ficus septica Burm f roots extract identified contains flavonoids and saponins. Studiawan and Mulya research (2005) to the laurel leaf (Eugenia polyantha) contains flavonoids and tannins 450 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 Utilization of Alternative Fibrous Stuffs…... Han Roliadi, Dian Anggraeni I., & Rossi M.T. that can lower blood sugar levels of mice induced by alloxan. Further more Raju and Balaraman (2005) reported that provision of saponin fractions on Wistar rats showed significant decrease in blood glucose, the Pasaribu (2009). C. Toxicity Each medicinal plant has a specific toxicity values so need to be known threshold value toxin that is within each plant species to prevent damage or adverse effects if utilized by humans (Setyawati, 2009). Of eleven species of natural plants which is used by community as lowering blood sugar, 5 species including toxicity tests are using 3 different solvents. The use of different solvent aims to get the best type of extract. The toxicity type and value of each extracts species can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. Toxicity of five natural plants species extract No Kinds of extract Toxicity (LC50) n-butanol Etil asetat PE 1 Abelmoschus manihot 1081,88 1137,74 1497,95 2 Tricalysia minahassae 1481,83 311,42 1336,21 3 Tetracera indica Merr. 717,06 5449,63 4 Euginia cuminii 963,24 1609,87 1109,13 5 Jatropha gossypipolia L. 1104,08 914,37 1276,01 - Source : primary data lab years 2011 According to Meyer et al., (1982), BSLT test results with LC50 values below 1000 ppm is comonly assumed that these extracts are toxic. Thus can be presumed that extract which had LC 50 values below 1000 ppm contains bioactive and efficacious as a medicin. BSLT test results conducted on 5 plants species which is often used as a diabetic medicine, there are 4 species had LC50 values below 1000 ppm. Namely ethyl acetate extract of Tricalysia minahassae, ethyl acetate extract of Jatropha gossypipolia L., n-butanol extract of Tetracera indica Merr and n-butanol extract of Euginia cuminii with LC50 values, respectively for 311.42 ppm, 914.37 ppm, 717.06 ppm and 963.24 ppm. From here it can be said that the fourth species of extracts proved contain bioactive and medicinal. This is supported by the results of phytochemical test (Table 2.) Where the third extract contains flavonoids and tannins required in the treatment of diabetic except Jatropha gossypipolia L extracts only containing tannins but also contain alkaloid compounds. IV. CONCLUSION Results of the identification of eleven natural plant species frequently used by community of North Sulawesi as lowering diabetic not all contain flavonoids, tannins and saponins as compounds used in diabetic medicine. Ethyl acetate extract of Jatropha gossypipolia L, ethyl acetate extract of Trycalisia minahassae , n-butanol extract of Tetracera indica Merr and n-butanol extract of Euginia cuminii proved efficacious as a medicin of BSLT test results with LC50 values below 1000 ppm. 451 REFERENCES Anonymous. 2012. Indonesia Diabetics Tired 21.3 Million in Year 2030. Voice Reform Daily Edition Thursday, September 20, 2012 | 9:15. website accessed on March 7, 2013 Dowmand, W.C. and M.J. Rand., 1968. Text book of Pharmacology Ed. 2nd. Blackwell. New York. Mamahit, L., 2009. Steroid Compounds from the Gedi Leaves (Abelmoschus Manihot L. Medic) Origin of North Sulawesi. Journal of Chemical Program Samratulangi University Vol. 21 page 33-38. Meyer, B.N., N.R. Ferrigini, J.E. Putnam, L.B. Jacobsen, D.E. Nicholas, and Mc Laughim. 1982. Brine Shrimp A. Convenient General Bioassay for Active Plant Constituents. Planta Med 45 : 31-42. Pasaribu, G.T., 2009. 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The Succession on Grassland and Under of Johar (Casia siamea), Pinus (Pinus Jung et de Vr) Stand on Forest Research Rantau1 Sudin Panjaitan2 and Syarkani Yudi3 , Reni Wahyuningtyas2 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to Determine the vegetation succession that occurred in grasslands, under the stands of Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk), pine (Pinus Jung et de Vr) in Rantau Research Forest, South Kalimantan. This study was designed by making observations plots of 20 m x 20 m. Inside that plot, it was made subplots of 2 m x 2 m for seedlings (Plot A), 5 m x 5 m for saplings (Plot B), 10 m x 10 m for pole (Plot C), and 20 m x 20 m fo trees ( Plot D). That plot was made by nested sampling along 200 m. The distance between the path pioneered 200 m. Number of plots measuring 20 m x 20 m is 20. Results Showed that: 1) There was an acceleration process of succession as a result of the planting of Johar in order to reforestation the grassland, as compared with pine stands and grasslands, 2) Some types of trees are able to grow under the stands of Johar because this type has a more canopy closure and be able to create a micro climate, Thus providing suitable conditions to grow for other types of species. 3) The high level of mastery of a single individual in certain areas is by the caused by the competition between vegetation type with one of another in terms of getting the mineral soil nutrients, water, light and space to grow, 4) stand Johar (Cassia siamea) was including one type of vegetation that provides a positive influence on the process and progress of succession. It was proved by the numbers of natural regeneration that is able to grow under these stands, and 5) In order management of grasslands's area, it should be given additional treatment such as replanting to accelerate the succession process. Keywords: Succession, Imperata cylindrica, cassia siamea, pine, Rantau I. INTRODUCTION A. Background Forest is a plant community dominated by trees and has different circumstances to circumstances beyond the forest. Forest formed from the interaction between biotic factors (plants, animals, humans the) with abiotic factors (soil, air, water, sunlight, etc.) so that the forest can be regarded as an ecosystem (Soerianegara and Indrawan,1978). 1 Supporting paper in International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity” organized by Manado Forestry Research Institute cooperated with Sam Ratulangi University, Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Burung Indonesia, Government of North Sulawesi Province and SEAMEO BIOTROP. Manado 5 July 2013. 2 3 Banjarbaru Forestry Research Institute, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Faculty of Forestry Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru South Kalimantan 453 Forest plant community is a vibrant and growing system, a dynamic society and gradually formed through several stages of invasion by plants, adaptation, aggregation, competition and control, reaction to the site and stabilization. This process is called succession. During the succession takes place until stabilization (balance) with dynamic environment, a change of vegetation communities that formed the so-called climax vegetation (Soerianegara and Indrawan, 1978). People who even stable are always changing either their vegetation or habitat. Forest damage can be caused by natural effects, for example due to volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, fires due to lightning, and so forth, and not a natural effect which is mainly influenced by human activities such as forest fires, grazing, shifting cultivation, illegal logging, uncontrroled forest exploitation and so on. Efforts to rehabilitate damaged or degraded soils on a large scale have been started since 1976 through Reforestation and Afforestation Assistance Program. But on the other hand, the critical area is expanding every year. In addition, control of shifting cultivation in forest areas, in an effort to curb the increase of new critical areas have not obtained satisfactory results (Anomimous, 1985). The context of the rehabilitation of degraded land in the protected forest optimized utilization of available funds are directed to the formation of forests through natural succession with the implementation of this form of maintaining, securing and see to it that the succession process goes as expected. Natural succession is technical efforts to provide assistance to an area that is at a certain level so that vegetation succession process goes well. Efforts in the form of aid treatment of vegetation and protection from disturbances might occur. B. Objectives and Benefits Research This study aims to: 1) determine the succession that occurs in the area of grassland vegetation, 2) determine the succession that occurs under stand of Johar (Cassia siamea), and 3) determine the succession that occurs under pine stands (Pinus Jungh et de Vr) at the Overseas Research Forest area, South Kalimantan. The benefits of this research are to provide scientific information about the trend of changes in the species composition of the growth rate of natural regeneration. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Place and Time The research was conducted in the area of Forest Research BP2HTIBT Baramban Village, Rantau, Piani District, South Kalimantan of Tapin district. The time required for the implementation of this studyn is 3 months starting from the study of literature, equipment preparation, field data collection, data analysis and research reports writing. Located 15 Km from Rantau Tapin district with the.altitude of 100 - 400 m above sea level. In the flat topography, surging up the slope to the degree of slope 10-80%, which is a kind of red-yellow podzolic soil and laterik especially on the slopes. Climate at this location according to Schmid and B Fergusson is climate with rainfall annual average 1000 - 2000 mm/year, generally rains from November to May. Dominate the vegetation in the study site is vegetations consists of 20 + plants and 80 plants ha are a natural succession of the rest of the underbrush along the river and flow or mountain and hilly. Research Forest Vegetation in the area consists of : 1) The area occupied by tree vegetation (P) = 20%, 2) the area occupied by alang-alang (A) = 65%, and 3) the area occupied by the bush /shrub (S/ B) = 15%. 454 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Succession of Grassland and Under of Johar…... Sudin Panjaitan, Syarkani Yudi & Reni W. B. Materials and Equipment Object of study is the under story regeneration of Johar, under the pine stands and as a comparison is grassland. While the equipment used in this study were: 1) Compass to determine Azimut /direction, 2) manual measurement to measure the height of tillers, 3) 100 m long of nylon rope, 4) measuring tape to measure the diameter of natural regeneration, 5) documenting camera of the data, 6) thally sheet to record the data, 7) machete to blaze the trail, 8) writing tool, and 9) other necessary equipments. C. Data Collection Techniques To facilitate the monograph of stand and tree measurements, track width 10 m divided into plots continuously measuring 10 m x 10 m, whereas for lane width of 20 m is divided into plots continuous measuring 20 m x 20 m or 20 m x 50 m ( 0.1 ha). In the path to the tree width of 20 m can be made to the tree line width of 20 m can be made to line the small trees, shrubs and saplings of a width of 10 m is divided into continuous plots measuring 10 mx 10 m (0:01 ha) and the path to the under stores and seedlings of a width of 2 m was divided into plots continuously measuring 2 m x 5 m (0.001 ha) or 2 m x 2 m (0:01 acre, mill acre). Ways in which swath of the sampling plots containing smaller called Nested sampling. Line forms used in data collection in the field are the width of 20 m and 200 m spacing between lines, while the grasslands methods used in collecting data in the field is to make the observation plots according to cardinal directions (North-South-EastWest ) measuring 1 mx 1 m to 4 m spacing between plots. D. Analysis of the data Vegetation analysis results are then processed and calculated critical values for each type of tree. 1. Importance Value Index Importance Value Index is the sum of Relative Density (KR), Relative Frequency (FR) and Relative Dominance (DR). To determine the amount of KR, FR and DR performed the following calculation. a. How to calculate density (K) 1). Density of a particular type: ൌ 2). Relative density ൌ ͲͲͳݔΨ 455 b. How to calculate the frequency (F) The frequency of a particular type of ൌ ൌ ൌ ͳͲͲΨ c. How to calculate Dominance (D) 1). Dominance of a species ൌ 2). Relative dominance (DR) ܴܦൌ ͳͲͲΨ If the types (species) or tribe (family) has given the highest importance value is called the type or dominant tribe which characterizes the state of the forest in question (Samingan, 1978). Marsono (1977) stated that the critical value between 0 - 300 %. 2. Dominance Index To determine the dominance of species in the community succession of levels used the following formula (Odum, 1971 and Lumbanbatu, 1982) : ୬ ൌ ୧ୀଵ ʹ Remarks : C = the dominance index ni = critical value of the i-th species N = Total value of critical 456 International Conference on Forest and Biodiversity, 5 July 2013 The Succession of Grassland and Under of Johar…... Sudin Panjaitan, Syarkani Yudi & Reni W. 3. Species Diversity To determine the level of species diversity in succession following formula is used: ୬ ൌ െ ଵୀଵ ʹ Remarks : H = diversity index ni = critical value of the i-th species N = Total value important. 4. Similarity coefficients danKetidaksamaan Community Value of the coefficient indicates the similarity of the species composition of the comparison between the level of succession, where the community similarity between 0-100%. If the community similarity coefficient close to 100%, then the second sample compared to the same time and when approached o%, the second example of the different dbandingkan (Soerianegara and Indrawan, 1976). Community similarity coefficient (index of similarity) is calculated by the formula: ൌ ʹ ͳͲͲΨ Remarks: IS = coefficient of community similarity W = Number of equal importance or the value of the lowest importance (<) of the same species were found in the two samples were compared A = Number of the importance of all types contained in the first instance b = Number of the importance of all types contained in the second example. Of community similarity coefficient, inequality co