Knoller Vi3 2004 - Maryknoll School


Knoller Vi3 2004 - Maryknoll School
Volume VI Number 3
The Alumni Magazine of Maryknoll School
FALL 2003
Patricia Lee Hamamoto ’62
Hawaii’s Superintendent of
Public Schools
72577_Cover 1/12/04 6:46 PM Page 4
V O L . VI, N O . 3, F A L L 2003/W I N T E R 2004
The State of Hawaii’s School Principal –
Patricia Lee Hamamoto ’62
The many talents of Madge Goto Watai ’45
Nothing is impossible for
Patricia Medina Talbert ’66
Colette Yoda Garibaldi ’73 achieves
success through hard work
Annual Giving Report
Alumni Week 2003
Reunions & Regional Gatherings
Editor’s Corner
President’s Column
Sports Report
Alumni Association Report
Class Notes
ALFRED M.K. WONG, Chairman
PAUL CHINEN ’57, Vice Chairman
SUSAN CHONG WONG ’66, Secretary
DARRYL P. WONG, Treasurer
MICHAEL E. BAKER, School President
PAUL O’BRIEN, Grade School
The Knoller is published three times a year by
Maryknoll School
Development & Alumni Office
1526 Alexander Street
Honolulu, HI 96822-4940
Ph. (808) 952-7310
Fax (808) 952-7311
Cover photo by Geralynn L. Camarillo ’86
(Hokuli‘i Images)
by Camille Domaloan Michel ‘84
(L to R) Tessa McAniff Ramsey ’84, Julie Chang ’84, Tracy Cheung Sullivan ’84, Laurie Goo Figgs ’84, Camille Domaloan Michel ’84, Kristi Lucas ’84.
o boyfriends. That was my policy in high school – possibly a preemptive strike as I doubted I could actually get one. I prefer, however,
to think of it as a reflection of my social development: releasing my
childhood grasp of my nuclear family to embrace, in adolescence, a circle of
friends. I don’t think I fully understood yet how any one person could be
more important than they.
I articulated this thought in the quote that appears below my senior yearbook portrait, in the voice of my naiveté:
Loves may come and go, but friends are forever.
I give you, then, my friendship and love
for now, for always.
Of course my friends meant everything to me then. There’s so much that
we experienced, accomplished, laughed about and cried over during those
years we were together nearly every day. Of course they were closest to my
heart, the ones I would miss the most after we went our separate ways after
high school.
And just as I thought, loves did come and go in the years that followed,
but so have my high school friendships – not unlike planets in orbit. Our lives
follow somewhat parallel paths, with varying distances between us, as we
revolve around a common Youth.
Last October in a rare celestial feat, the planets aligned. Laurie had called
me to say Tracy would be visiting from Washington. Could we get together
with Julie and Kristi at Kipapa Park? Yes, of course. Two days beforehand, a
surprise voice mail from Tess: In town from Kentucky, and staying with
friends in Mililani, could we get together? Left a message, left a voice mail:
Please, please meet us at one o’clock if you can.
And so it happened – the girls, some husbands, most kids and even one on
the way, together again on a Saturday afternoon.
Tracy with three charming children and doctor husband; back home on the
mainland, a part-time nanny and nearly full-time dental practice.
Laurie enjoying an afternoon out, minus husband Bob and their two boys
– a well-deserved reward for devoting every day of her sons’ lives to being at
home for them. The consummate soccer mom, she shows up with mats, folding table, paper goods, lunch.
Kristi, a Dept. of Education speech therapist turned gun-toting (at work,
mind you) customs inspector with a newfound love of surfing. She takes time
to wander over to the playground to join the kids, equally playful and vigilant
with them. Never fear, Auntie Kristi’s here.
Julie, whose lifelong faith is deep and abiding, and whose two-year-old
Faith is quiet and sweet, like her mommy. Not surprisingly, Julie’s husband is
the same.
Tess, effortlessly carrying life within her dancer’s body – a third child with
her good-natured plastic pipe salesman of a husband who has the soul of a
playwright. A family of four, for now, and every one of them with startlingly
pretty green eyes. Lucky baby-in-progress.
And me, having long since dismissed the “no boyfriends” mantra, spilling
out of the minivan with the love of my life and our three children. As always,
they can cajole their daddy into playing monster with every kid in a two-mile
Had Cecilia and Joanna been there, it would have been close to perfect.
Still, it was an afternoon that brought a kind of contentment I hadn’t realized
was missing.
In writing this column, I half-remembered a quote I thought might apply to
this situation. I found what I was looking for in the cyber-famous “Sunscreen”
column by the Chicago Tribune’s Mary Smich, and it made me smile:
Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you
should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle,
because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you
when you were young.
Over the years, I have released my adolescent grasp on my circle of
friends to embrace, as a wife and mother, my nuclear family. But there is
always a place in my heart that knows how to re-connect, no matter how much
time has passed.
For friends that come and go, and come back again – and a best friend who
never left – I am truly grateful.
Love to you all, now and always.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
Page 4
The Why and “What Now?” of
Declining Catholic School Enrollment
by Michael E. Baker
the story, we must know and understand the story thoroughly
recent report in the September
ourselves. Also, before we take our story to the public, we must take
issue of the Catholic School
it to our own families, not only to validate their choices, but also to
Management Letter contains
help make them ambassadors of our good work. When we have clarsome disturbing news: 140 Catholic
ified our own strengths, when we have made them a living part of the
schools nationwide closed or consoliculture of the school, and when we have made our families keenly
dated last year. Moreover, a whopping
aware of the excellence of our programs in and out of
719 Catholic schools
the classroom, then – and only then – are we prepared
have closed or consolto take our story outside the schoolyard gates.
idated since 1990.
I believe that it is the
Second, we know from an abundance of research
The report goes on
that parents generally choose a Catholic school
responsibility of each
to suggest three reasons most commonly cited for
because of its reputation of academic quality, relithese closures and realignments. The first reason
Catholic school to
offered is the state of the U.S. economy, which engage in educating the gious values, safety, structure and discipline. None of
these elements can be compromised. I believe that the
precludes many families from being able to afford to
community about its
decline in enrollment in many of our schools across
pay Catholic school tuition. A second reason points
quality, its uniqueness, the nation is directly traceable to a perceptible decline
to a shift in the demographics in most urban areas
in these four critical areas. It is not enough to be a
once populated by residents who traditionally
and its successes.
Catholic school. It must be a Catholic school with an
viewed Catholic schools as a quality alternative to
excellent program, exceptional teachers dedicated to
public education. The final rationale is the sexual
Parents generally
building on the strengths of the students placed in
abuse scandal facing the Catholic Church in the
their charge, a school with high academic and
choose a Catholic
United States. The argument goes that “many famipersonal expectations of its entire academic commulies are disillusioned with the Church and, therefore,
school because of its
with Catholic schools.”
reputation of academic nity. Today’s Catholic schools must dedicate themThe report goes on to suggest that while these quality, religious values, selves to hiring talented teachers, providing them
with the resources necessary to do their best work,
three reasons all have validity in individual situasafety, structure and
supporting them with professional development
tions, they tend to fly in the face of the impressive
opportunities to continue their growth, and culling
discipline. None of
success rate of Catholic schools. For example, the
National Catholic Education Association (NCEA)
these elements can be those from within the ranks who do not measure up to
the acceptable standards and expectations set by the
reports that nearly half of the 5.1 million private
school students attend Catholic schools and that
Finally, perhaps the most significant reason for
99.2% of Catholic high school students graduate,
decline in Catholic school enrollment is the
Schools today
compared to 86.5% of public school students (74%
in financial support for Catholic schools from
when GEDs are not included), and that 97% of
must provide their
the institutional Church. Often, Catholic schools
Catholic school graduates continue their education
students with
could not make the financial adjustments as more and
beyond high school.
talented teachers,
more lay teachers replaced the dedicated religious
I think that this kind of information suggests that
instructors. Since schools are labor-intensive and
at least three more reasons might be offered for the
personnel accounts for nearly 70% of school budgets,
national decline in Catholic school enrollment. The
these schools found themselves unable to provide
first is that Catholic schools have never told their
program for
adequate wages to attract qualified teachers, unable to
story well. Call it marketing, call it promotion, call it
their teachers
provide current teaching materials, and unable to
what you will, Catholic schools give genuine meanto stay current in
address aging facilities. Schools today must provide
ing to the tired phrase “the best kept secret in town.”
their students with talented teachers, up-to-date techWhile I firmly believe that national organizations
nology, and an ongoing program for their teachers to
such as the NCEA and local systems like the Hawaii
stay current in their fields.
Catholic Schools must increase their efforts in
So, yes, I think that the economy and perceptions
promoting Catholic schools to the public at large, I
have taken a toll on Catholic schools. But I also think that telling the
also believe that it is the responsibility of each Catholic school to
true story of Catholic education to the public, as well as adequately
engage in educating the community about its quality, its uniqueness,
financing schools through a greater commitment from parishes, reliand its successes.
gious orders, the institutional Church, and families who benefit from
But before we attempt to take our message outside the school, I
these schools, would make an enormous difference.
believe that a school should engage in a program of “internal marketing” – a serious discussion of what the school does really well and
what makes it “a special place.” In other words, before we can tell
Maryknoll School Class of 2003
Boston College
Brigham Young University
California State University Fullerton
Chaminade University
Chapman University
College of Marin
George Washington University
Gonzaga University
Hawaii Pacific University
Honolulu Community College
Hunter College
Indiana University - Bloomington
Kapiolani Community College
Leeward Community College
Loyola Marymount University
Marymount Palos Verdes
Middlebury College
Oregon State University
Portland State University
Sacramento State University
Santa Clara University
Seattle University
Smith College
Southern Oregon University
St. Mary’s College of California
Trinity Western University
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Hawaii - Hilo
University of Hawaii - Manoa
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of New Mexico
University of Portland
University of Redlands
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of the Pacific
University of Washington
US Coast Guard Academy
Valparaiso University
Washington State University
Weber State University
Special congratulations to the 2003 graduates who first entered Maryknoll in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.
Maryknoll School is grateful to have been a part of the lives of these students and their families over the years.
Eric Bernal
Andrea Cheung
Kevin Chinn
Aaron Cui
McShane Dator
Jason Domingo
David Kim
Raymond Koo
Elizabeth Kor
Daynna LaFountaine
Kelvin Lam
Marc Lau
Kenneth Lee
Ryan Liu
Candace Martin
Alysha Miyamoto
Denise Nelson
Nicole Nunogawa
Matthew Oamilda
Nicole Sawa
Melanie Tang
Michelle Marie Totor
Maya Uemoto
Ian Yamashita
Erin Yamauchi
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
Page 8
Class of 2003 Graduates Honored at Maryknoll’s
69th Annual Commencement
The following awards were presented at graduation ceremonies on June 6, 2003 at the Blaisdell Concert Hall.
Jason Kennedy ’03
Timothy Dolan ’03
The Maryknoll Cup is awarded to the
graduate who best personifies the spirit
of Maryknoll School’s motto, “Noblesse
The Christopher Award is presented to
the senior who has demonstrated those
qualities that mark one as a contemporary Christopher, a person who gives
tangible evidence to Christian principles
in every day activities.
Raymi Orozco ’03
Priti Gautam ’03
The Mother Mary Joseph Rogers
Award honors the foundress of the
Maryknoll Sisters; recognizes the senior
class woman best exemplifying good
will and sensitivity toward the needs of
fellow students and the Maryknoll
The Father John Murray Award
honors a former associate of Sacred
Heart Parish; recognizes the graduating
senior who has, in the tradition of Father
Murray, provided unselfish assistance in
serving fellow students and the
Maryknoll Community.
Denise Nelson ’03
Stacey Wong ’03
The Bishop James A. Walsh Award
honors a co-founder of the Maryknoll
Fathers; awarded to the student who
displays outstanding character, leadership ability and concern for others.
The Chi Rho Award is given to the
graduating senior who has displayed
growth in personal integrity and
Christian outreach.
Highlights of Class Night Awards • June 5, 2003 • Hawaii Theatre
Joanna Ignacio ’03
Jan Arbaugh ’03
Andrea Cheung ’03
Jessica Synn ’03
(University of
Southern California)
(Smith College – the alma mater
of Maryknoll foundress,
Mother Mary Joseph Rogers)
(University of
Southern California)
(University of Washington)
33 seniors (minimum GPA 3.7
during the first two trimesters)
32 seniors (minimum GPA 3.25)
10 seniors
23 individual projects, 4 group projects
Jubilarian Festivities: Celebrating 50+ Years
Since Graduation from Maryknoll
aryknoll’s jubilarian celebration is an annual event for reunion
classes celebrating 50 or more years since graduation. In 2003,
alumni from the classes of 1938, 1943, 1948 and 1953 participated
in the festivities.
Alumni were invited back to campus on June 5, 2003 to attend
Baccalaureate Mass at Sacred Heart Church and a buffet luncheon, hosted by
Maryknoll School President Michael Baker, on the Old Convent Lawn.
The next evening, alumni enjoyed reserved seating and special recognition
during the commencement exercises at the Blaisdell Concert Hall.
We look forward to honoring the jubilarians from the classes of 1939,
1944, 1949 and 1954 at Maryknoll School’s commencement events in 2004.
Hamilton Chock ’53 (left) and his wife Doreen
were visiting from Huntington Beach, CA and
joined Hamilton’s classmates at the jubilarian
Class of 1953: (kneeling L to R) Juliette Shea Chock and June Kamioka Fuller; (standing, front L to R)
Gordon Leong, Jean Uyeda Leong, Sr. Dolores Rosso, Betty Doi Gomes, Eva Chang Matsuyoshi, Sr. Rosario
Daley, Barbara Pacheco Baldauf, Shirley Liu Lee; (standing, back L to R) Franklin Kiyabu, Vernon Young,
Wanda Hoe Fong, Carmen Silva Kiyabu, Mary Lou Gilleres Botelho, Hamilton Chock.
(L to R) Betty Neves Keliiaa ’48 and Mary Correia Cambra ’48; Beatrice
Ching Fong ’43 and Helen Chock Leong ’43
(L to R) Barbara Pacheco Baldauf, Agnes Sills Cordeiro ’37, Virgie
Gonsalves ’38 and Hilda DeCambra Cordeiro ’37 join their fellow
alums to sing the Maryknoll alma mater at the close of the luncheon.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
Page 12
New Faculty
(5th grade) holds a BA in Liberal Studies with
a minor in Spanish from Seattle University,
and a master of arts in teaching from Trinity
College. She previously taught in an urban
public school in the District of Columbia.
theatre) holds a BA in Theatre from the
University of Hawaii-Manoa, and is pursuing
her MA in Education Theatre from New York
University. She has been onstage, directed and
worked backstage for many community
theatre productions. She is also the education
coordinator for Hawaii Opera Theatre.
Stephanie is married to Mark Conching ’83.
GARY DELANOY (high school biology) is
earning his MS in Molecular Biosciences and
Bioengineering from the University of
Hawaii-Manoa. He has worked as a chemist,
microbiologist, chemical microscopist and
biochemist for the past 14 years. Gary and his
wife Caroline have two children, MorganReed and Liam-Will.
JIM FALLON (5th grade) holds a BA in
Psychology from San Diego State University,
an MA in Educational Technology from Cal
Poly Univeristy, Pomona, and a California
Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential. He
taught second, third and fifth grades in
California for 18 years. He taught fourth grade
for two years at St. Patrick School here in
Honolulu. Jim’s hobbies include computers, reading and surfing. He
and his wife own and operate a local health food store.
LORI HALVORSEN (6th grade) holds a BA in
Liberal Arts and Multiple Subject Teaching
Credential from Saint Mary’s College of
California. Her teaching experience in
California public schools includes fifth grade
math, science and language arts, and middle
school special education. She has also taught
at international schools in Denmark, Scotland
and Brazil. She enjoys travel, tennis, snow skiing and, as a new resident of Oahu, exploring the island.
ERIC HERMOSURA (high school religion)
holds an MA in Religion from the University
of Hawaii-Manoa. He has traveled extensively
in South America, the Mediterranean and
Northern Africa, and spent the past year teaching at Assumption College in Bangkok,
Thailand. He enjoys surfing and playing beach
KANIALA KIM (high school Hawaiian
history, culture and language) holds a BA in
Hawaiian Language and an MA TECS from
the University of Hawaii-Manoa. He is a youth
pastor at Hope Chapel Koolau Loa in Kahuku.
He and his wife Cheryl have three sons, a
daughter, and a grandson.
KEAO LOFTUS (high school biology)
recently earned an MS in Cell and Molecular
Biology from the University of HawaiiManoa. She has earned a green belt in taekwondo, and enjoys soccer, long-board surfing,
gardening, and sewing.
TRACY MORREIRA (1st grade teacher’s
assistant) holds an AA in Liberal Arts from
Maui Community College, a Certificate of
Competence in Early Childhood Education
from Honolulu Community College, a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University
of Hawaii-Manoa, and is doing graduate work
in the School Counseling Program at Chaminade University. She
began working at Maryknoll in the After School Care program.
BRUCE SMITH (high school creative writing,
world literature and journalism) holds a BA from
Michigan State University in Communication
Education-Speech, Theatre and English. He did
graduate work at Western Michigan University
in teaching the disadvantaged, and at Oakland
University in guidance and counseling. He
taught theatre arts and English for 14 years in
Michigan before moving here to teach at Maryknoll.
ALISON HODGES TAITE (high school writing
and literature) is a graduate of Punahou School
who holds a BA in Art from the University of
Hawaii-Manoa, and an MA in English from
UC-Davis. She is a former newspaper columnist
and art critic, and has done theatre at Manoa
Valley Theatre and Diamond Head Theatre. She
and husband Manning have two whippets.
ANNE WONG ’97 (7th grade English, 8th
grade religion and newspaper) holds a BA in
English with a minor in Japanese from the
University of Washington, as well as a master
of education degree in teaching from the
University of Hawaii-Manoa. She enjoys reading, baking, running, arts and crafts, and
JEFF MCGIVERN (high school campus
minister) is a graduate of St. Louis and the
University of Hawaii-Manoa, where he earned
a BA in Sociology. He teaches catechism and
confirmation at St. Anthony in Kailua, and is a
retreat team leader and speaker for Basic
Christian Community of Hawaii (spearheaded
by the Benedictines). He and wife Heidi McGivern (a 7th grade
teacher at Maryknoll) are the lead couple in Kailua for the Marriage
Encounter love circle known as the Koolau Couples in Christ. He is on
the board of directors of Pro Family Hawaii, and is a Knight of
Columbus. Sons Micah ’14 and Matthew ’16 attend Maryknoll;
daughter Malia is three years old.
DAVID YAMASAKI (middle school band)
holds a BA in music and a masters degree in
music composition from California State
University. He taught in California for more
than 10 years in the Oakland Unified School
District. David has earned numerous awards
going back to 1988. This past summer, he
released “From Me to You,” a CD showcasing
his talent as a guitarist and reflecting his love
of jazz, blues, R&B, Latin and soul music.
Maryknoll School’s 28th Annual Luau
aryknoll School’s 28th Annual Luau,
held on November 2, 2003 at
Blaisdell Exhibition Hall, was a
wonderful event for Maryknoll families,
alumni and friends. Thanks to our
many generous donors and the hard
work of dozens of volunteers, nearly
$27,000 was raised for the educational
programs at Maryknoll School.
Special thanks to the members of
the Luau Committee: Karane Ho and
Teresa Brink-Wong (overall chairs);
Amy Kobayashi and Aura-Ann Lee
(Basket Auction); Peggy Chock and
Cyndy LaPorte (Country Store);
Sandra Aguilar & Gloriane Cooper Enjoying the festivities at the 28th Annual Luau: (L to R) Maryknoll School Board of Trustees Chairman Al Wong and
Laurie Hong Wong ’56; Lt. Governor Duke Aiona and Vivian Aiona (current Maryknoll parents); Barbara Tom Ching;
’76 (Cake); Tony Chun ’72 and Janice Baker, and Maryknoll School President Michael Baker.
Richard Suzuki (Clean-up); Michelle
Koyanagi and Edwina Lee (Decorations); Darlene Mau
(Entertainment); Darrel Lau and Iris Wright (Food Service); Cora
Cabebe Gushikuma ’73 and Wayne Gushikuma (Games);
Wayson Lee ’68 (Juice); Elena Chan (Tickets); and Tom Hee
(Transportation & Signs).
Mahalo also to the following “above-and-beyond” donors and
volunteers: Teddy and Teddy-Jacob ’10 Asuncion; Wyatt ’10,
Cori ’10 and Wade ’10 Gushikuma, Marians Catering, Brenda
Miyashiro: Glenn Miyashita of Glenn’s Flowers & Plants; Sean
Omine of Sodexho Services; Louis Pinho of Penske Truck
Leasing; Linda Ross; Milton, Renee and Skylor ’10 Tengan;
Sherry and Ian ’10 Teruya; Geri, Alissa ’08, Amanda ’10 and
Steven Tseu ’78, and; Harrison and Nicah ’10 Wong, and
The luau is an annual opportunity for Maryknoll alumni to gather together.
Pictured here are Maryknoll School President Michael Baker, Pauline Morton
Franklin Yogi. Thank you to Cheryl Ann Sanchez Vierra ’84 for
Worsham ’62, Greg Labrador ’61, and Maryknoll’s Director of Development,
emceeing the program.
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
7:39 PM
Page 16
The State of Hawaii’s School Principal
Patricia Lee Hamamoto ’62
Always on call,
always on the go
by Della Au Belatti ’92
hether announcing an exciting collaborative initiative,
explaining the No Child Left Behind Act, lobbying the
Legislature for the Department of Education’s budget, or
coordinating possible emergency plans in the face of a tsunami warning during a lunchtime interview, Superintendent Patricia Lee
Hamamoto ’62 is always on call and on the go as the State of
Hawaii’s “School Principal.”
Much has been written about Pat and the embattled public school
system that she heads, but little about her early beginnings as a
teacher or her rise through the DOE. Pat’s early educational background is rooted in Catholic school education. For the young ninth
grader who transferred from Sacred Hearts Academy to
Maryknoll, Pat’s first impressions of Maryknoll center on the coed setting and the larger classes on the high school campus.
Why Maryknoll? Pat’s father and mother, both born and
raised on plantations on the islands of Hawaii and Maui respectively, and both the eldest of large families, placed a priority on
work and supporting their families. Part of that support was to
ensure that their children received a focused education, one
infused with values similar to their own. They found this education at Maryknoll where the curriculum and ethical tenor of the
school was value-laden.
After graduating from Maryknoll in 1962, Pat attended
California State - Long Beach where she intended to pursue a
major in speech and communication. After achieving high scores
on her social studies and language college entrance exams,
however, and having enjoyed history classes since her high school
days, Pat looked to teaching. (Today, Pat wryly admits she also
was drawn to teaching because she thought it would mean free
Saturdays and Sundays.) Armed with a degree in history and geography, as well as a teaching certificate for the secondary level, Pat
taught in California for seven years.
Pat’s return to Hawaii came in 1972. After teaching one
semester at Punahou School, Pat was not immediately hired by
the DOE. This led the future Number One public school administrator to a short hiatus from teaching, and to multiple jobs – first
waiting tables at the Hilton Hawaiian Village restaurant and later
as a convention coordinator with Tradewind Tours travel agency.
Photo by Geralyn Camarillo ’86 (Hokuli‘i Images)
next phase – or piece of the puzzle – is for the DOE to determine how
to provide sustained and focused service, so that a seamless system of
care is provided for the special needs of Felix students into the future.
With one benchmark met and another looming ahead, Pat
comments, very thoughtfully, that both she and the DOE system have
learned from Felix and the issue of continued compliance. Indeed, they
have learned such that the DOE is now better equipped to meet yet
another challenge on the horizon – the requirements of the federal
government’s No Child Left Behind Act.
In 1984, with a push in the DOE to recruit more women to administrative positions, Pat entered the administrative ranks. In a span of 15
Another challenge is the exciting P-20 Initiative, announced in
years, Pat served as vice principal of Maui High School and Nanakuli
October 2002 as a collaboration between the early childhood educaHigh School, and principal of Pearl City Highlands Elementary and
tion community, the DOE, the University of Hawaii, and members of
McKinley High School. Other positions included a two-year term in
the business community. This initiative (in which “P” refers to provithe DOE’s Personnel Department and a two-year term as the deputy
sions for early learning and “20” refers to the years of schooling theresuperintendent. A valued and experienced leader in education, Pat was
after through graduate level and beyond) brings together educators
appointed to the position of superintendent in December 2001.
from all levels – early education, K-12, and higher education – to
deliberately focus on the transition periA DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE
ods between each. The P-20 Initiative
looks to create opportunities, possibilities, and structures around the transition
Today, Pat is always on call – a far cry
In reflecting on her
times, helping students to align themfrom her initial beliefs that free time is
selves and their education to future goals.
one of the perks of a career in education.
A typical workday begins at 3:30 in the greatest accomplishments, Pat does not In order to view education as more than
vocational training, one driving idea is to
morning. She arrives in the office by 4:30.
point to one. Rather, she describes the
provide students with a rounded and rich
Morning calls, particularly those to the
East Coast, are made at 4:45 a.m.,
act of achieving a number of goals and education throughout the P-20 years so
that students become lifelong learners.
followed by a review of mail and email.
The first official meeting of the day is
meeting benchmarks along the way,
often scheduled at 6:30, with the rest of
always seeking to improve the services
the day filled with one- to two-hour meetWith regard to private schools in
ings, presentations, school visits or celeHawaii, Pat looks at them as institutions
and delivery of education.
brations, and more meetings that can
that offer choices and believes that
stretch until 9:00 in the evening.
parents need choice. She says, “Private
schools provide a focus and a theme for
Despite this challenging schedule, a
parents and students, where parents who
conversation with Pat leaves one enerwant a particular path for their children can find the schools that can
gized and hopeful about the venture of teaching Hawaii’s public
provide those paths.” Rather than focusing on the competition between
school students. Like many teachers, Pat views education as a callpublic and private education, Pat points to the opportunities shared by
ing rather than simply a job. Although no longer in the classroom, Pat
the public and private sector to service all students, and the possible
views her role as one very involved with children. She also describes
synergy in partnerships that can result in better products and services
one aspect of her job as facilitating partnerships and identifying
for everyone.
possibilities and opportunities for the DOE. The greatest challenge,
she says, is that her work requires always thinking about tomorrow,
not just about the present, and how to continue providing a quality
On lessons learned from Maryknoll that apply to her current calleducation to the children of Hawaii while preparing them for the
ing and job, Pat, a consummate educator, cites the maxims: “Do your
homework” and “Study hard.” As important to Pat as the need to be
prepared, were lessons learned at Maryknoll about integrity, honesty
and loyalty. Case in point: Just after accepting the vice principal’s job
In reflecting on her greatest accomplishments, Pat does not point
at Nanakuli High School, Pat received a tempting offer from a highto one. Rather, she describes the act of achieving a number of goals
profile school. True to her word, however, Pat honored her agreement
and meeting benchmarks along the way, always seeking to improve the
by taking the position at Nanakuli, and never looked back.
services and delivery of education.
Thankfully so, for those same qualities of integrity, honesty and
For Pat, the goals she and the DOE have met so far are pieces to a
loyalty shine through today in the dedicated service that Pat
bigger puzzle, one which requires continued and deliberate attention.
Hamamoto gives to the State of Hawaii and its children.
One example of a puzzle that persists is the Felix Consent Decree,
which required the State of Hawaii to establish a system of care for
children with disabilities who need education and mental health
■ Della Au Belatti ’92 is a 2003 graduate from the William S.
services. In the initial phase laid out by the Felix Decree, the DOE has
Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii. In November
reached substantial compliance by installing a “detect and correct
2003, Della was sworn into the Hawaii State Bar Association and
system” that aligns with quality standards so that schools can identify
she is currently serving in a one-year clerkship for Judge Dexter D.
special needs children in a timely manner and provide services. The
DelRosario of the First Circuit Court of the State of Hawaii.
There was, however, no doubt in her mind that she would return to
education. Two years later in 1976, Pat became a teacher with the DOE
at Pearl City Highlands Intermediate, followed by five years at Ilima
Intermediate School. In 1982, Pat left the classroom as a teacher and
returned to the classroom as a student, pursuing a master’s degree in
geography from the University of Hawaii-Manoa.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
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The many talents of Madge Goto Watai ’45
by Camille Domaloan Michel ’84
After earning your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
music, and teaching piano in Hawaii and then in Los
Angeles, what led you to study law?
he shortest thing on her resume is the name at the top: Madge
S. Watai. From there, everything about Madge Goto Watai ’45
is a study in multiplicity.
She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in music, and a
juris doctor from Loyola University School of Law.
She has been a pianist (teaching and performing), legal secretary,
attorney, municipal and superior court judge, and, after “retiring” from
the Superior Court, a hearing judge in the State Bar Court of
California. She has been serving in the State Bar Court’s Review
(appellate) Department since her appointment by the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court in 2001.
Her numerous professional memberships, community activities
and commendations reflect a passion to do good work for cultural
groups with which she identifies: women, Asians, lawyers, judges,
Her list of hobbies is both classic and contemporary: baking, cooking, crocheting, fishing, skeet shooting. Four years ago (at age 72), she
took up indoor and outdoor rock climbing, and has since medaled in
the Senior Olympics in that event.
Her legacy as a parent is similarly accomplished. Have she and
husband George been stellar role models, or have they simply passed
on exceptional genes? Likely, it’s both. Son Jay is a graduate of West
Point and holds an MBA from the Wharton School of Business.
Daughter Karen Watai Lefever holds a BS from Harvard, and
JD/MBA from the University of Chicago.
From her home in Gardena, CA, the judge answered a series of
questions about her education, career, community involvement and
family – and it became clear that there is nothing complicated about
how she achieved success in all those areas of her life. Madge Watai
earned it by working hard, with integrity.
My husband attended Loyola Law School at night while teaching at Gardena High School during the day. Upon passing the bar,
he opened his own office in Gardena and not being able to afford
a secretary, I became his legal secretary.
It was my husband who encouraged me and actually insisted
that I give law school a try. I applied to Loyola because, at that
time, it was the only school that offered a night program. We had
children so I could not consider going to school during the day. We
had quite a routine. While I attended classes at night, my husband
sat with the children and put them to bed. Upon my return from
classes at 10:30 p.m., he would go back to the office to work until
the early hours of the morning. To my surprise, I found that I thoroughly enjoyed my classes.
I was very fortunate that upon passing the bar, I stepped into
the law firm of Watai and Watai. Furthermore, since I was older
when I became an attorney, I was accepted generally by the public
and not looked upon as a young new female attorney. Most of the
women lawyers found it difficult to be hired by the big law firms,
unless they had some unusual connection, and as a result found
themselves in solo practice.
What did you find rewarding about your career as an
As an attorney, I found it quite rewarding when I was able to
truly help my clients. It’s a great satisfaction to know that you did
your best for your clients. My practice was a small town practice,
a general practice. My husband’s practice was made up of business, corporate and real estate work. He was the litigator in the
firm. I did the general legal work – probate, family law, workers
compensation and immigration.
What appealed to you about becoming a judge?
Becoming a judge was not in my aspirations. As you can imagine, this was at a time when women were an oddity in the legal
profession. Women had to fight for a place in the profession.
I became very active in the Women Lawyers Associate of Los
Angeles to work with other women lawyers to improve the status
of women in the profession. It was the women lawyers who
encouraged me to apply for the judgeship and Governor Jerry
Brown appointed me to the Municipal Court in 1978, as he did
many other women. He appointed me to the Superior Court in
What were the challenges you faced in becoming only the
second Japanese woman to be appointed to the Superior
Court in California?
First of all, it was an awesome responsibility to be appointed to
the bench. I could not let the Governor down. Secondly, as a
woman, I could not let the women down especially the women
lawyers. Thirdly, I felt the responsibility of not disgracing the
Japanese. And of course, most importantly, I could not let my
family down. It was truly a challenge every day. The support I
received from everyone was wonderful. After all these years, I still
find that every day is a responsibility and a challenge.
Of all your community activities, which has resonated
most strongly with your core values?
My participation in the 1970s in the annual Women’s Day
program in the City of Gardena was most satisfying for me. Our
goal was to meet the needs of many women in the community.
Support for widows, parenthood for single moms, wills and estate
planning, property problems, rights of minors and the juvenile
system, family law; employment discrimination, senior citizens
rights, battered women, alcoholic spouses – these are some of the
subject matters we covered. The attendance was good and the
comments returned to us were great. It was a wonderful time and
experience because I was associated with some of the hardest
working women in the community.
What did you teach your children about the value of
education as they were growing up?
the duration of the war. It was a very sad time. It was also difficult
to understand why the Japanese families on the mainland were
uprooted from their homes and put into interment camps. We felt
that we could be next. I do feel that instead of the carefree school
life we had been experiencing, we felt somber and serious, especially when we saw the soldiers driving by in the trucks. Perhaps,
our lives became more thoughtful.
What memories of Maryknoll School do you carry with you?
My fondest memories of Maryknoll School are the Maryknoll
Sisters that taught us and were very much a part of our daily lives.
They were so giving of their time and taught us by examples.
My fondest memory is of Sister Rose Virginia, who took the
time to mentor me, to make me realize the importance of being true
to yourself, believing in yourself, the importance of hard work and
the importance of giving oneself. She made me realize that perhaps
I could one day attain my goals if I adhered to these principles. In
her later years, I visited Sister here at the retirement convent in
Monrovia, California. She still remembered the students at
Maryknoll and we had many pleasant conversations about them.
She surprised me that she had kept up with so many of them.
My husband and I have always understood the importance of
education. I was the only one in my family to go to college, and my
husband was the only one in his family to go to college. Our children understood, from the time they were little, that they would be
going to college and they could make the choice of the school themselves. We did our best to instill in them that hard work was the only
way to attain their goals. We are very proud of our children.
How have you managed to balance both career and family?
I have been very fortunate to have a very supportive husband
with whom I practiced law. We both felt that it was important for
me to work with the women lawyers to improve the status of
women in the profession and to contribute my time to the community. However, we never lost sight of the importance of our family.
It was not only my balancing of my career and family, it was my
husband and I balancing our lives so that the children did not suffer
because of our careers and community activities.
Why did your parents (Harry Masao Goto and Fujie Goto)
send you to Maryknoll?
Although we were not Catholics,
my very wise mother decided that
Maryknoll would be the best school
for me. She felt that the education
offered at Maryknoll was superior to
any other school. She was right.
I was able to visit with some of my classmates at our 50th
reunion. They didn’t look any different than the last day of school,
as I remembered them. They had the same warm smiles and the
same humor. My recollection of every one of them is that they did
their best in whatever they undertook and we were a great class
collectively – we couldn’t be beat.
As for the events, I would say that the Hawaiian Pageant we put
on quite often for the students and for the troops were very memorable. What a wonderful program that was.
What is the most important lesson you learned during your
time at Maryknoll?
What affect did World War II have
on your life at school?
First of all, we had to carry gas
masks wherever we went, which was
a constant reminder that we were at
war. The Sisters did their best to carry
on as usual, but we had a daily
reminder of the tragedy of war especially because a classmate of ours had
her father taken from their family for
Sr. Rose Virginia “took the time to mentor me, to make me realize the importance of being true to yourself, believing in yourself, the importance of hard
work and the importance of giving oneself.”
“We had to carry gas masks
wherever we went, which was a
constant reminder that we were
at war.”
The most important lesson I learned at Maryknoll is to have
faith in the Lord and be true to yourself and always do your best.
I do believe that the Sisters instilled in us the principles of
Noblesse Oblige in every class they taught. Our appreciation of the
opportunities that have been given to us, the support and belief of
others in us, and the opportunity to do the same for others is the
cycle of life we were taught.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Nothing is impossible for
Patricia Medina Talbert ’66
by Fran Chow Wong ‘69
Age 16. Patricia had spent her freshman year at Sacred Hearts
Academy but, upon returning to Hawaii after living in the Philippines
during her sophomore and junior years, Patricia had to select a school
to attend for senior year. After researching island high schools, she
chose to enroll at Maryknoll. What impressed her was Maryknoll’s
reputation for academic excellence. The coed high school also boasted
a very competitive debate team.
She decided to enter Maryknoll and made her senior year one of
involvement. She not only became a member of the National Honor
Society, but she was also part of the Pacific Asian Affairs Council, ran
track (sprinting the quarter mile was her specialty), played volleyball,
and went to the prom with classmate Brian Spitzer ’66. She found the
students and teachers to be bright; the intellectually challenging school
atmosphere supportive of critical thinking. Above all, she loved the
spontaneous arguments of debate.
Potential architect turns advocate
“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”
he portrait that accompanies the above quote in the 1966 yearbook pictures a young lady with a pleasant smile and bright,
intelligent eyes. Patricia Medina Talbert – at present, the first
Asian Pacific American (APA) woman to sit on the Superior Court
bench in the State of New Jersey.
Despite this historic appointment on November 30, 2000, Judge
Talbert is quick to point out that she started off as a local girl growing
up in Kalihi. She also recalls the influence of her parents in the formation of her character. As a youngster, Patricia watched her mother raise
scholarship money for members of the Filipino community. It was a
learning experience in community service and involvement. From her
firefighter dad, Patricia learned right from wrong, as well as the importance of decision making.
Early chances to make important choices
Age 9. A disgruntled Patricia was not comfortable studying the
King James version of the Bible being taught at Kamehemeha School,
which she had attended since first grade. Her dad gave her the choice
of moving to St. Theresa School with her brothers, or remaining at
Kamehameha. The fourth grader opted to change schools; she
remained at St. Theresa for grades five to eight.
Age 12. Musically talented, Patricia attended Punahou’s School of
Music on scholarship. Recognizing her talent on the piano, Punahou
offered to send Patricia to Julliard. There she would continue to study
music, perfect her skills, then return to Punahou to teach. The 12-yearold pianist envisioned practice, practice, practice – and declined. Her
dad respected her decision.
Patricia graduated in 1966 – with no thoughts of being a lawyer. In
fact, a B.A. in Design held Patricia’s focus as an undergraduate at the
University of Hawaii. When she received her diploma in 1976, she had
successfully laid the foundation for future graduate studies in architecture. But as she worked on academics, she became interested in
civil rights and was soon an advocate for women’s rights, particularly
the economic survival issues of employment, childcare, and education.
During this time she also married, raised two daughters, and surfed.
After working in civil rights for ten years, Patricia finally decided
to go to law school. In 1985, she received her law degree from Rutgers
School of Law and began to practice in New Jersey and New York. She
litigated, specializing in employment discrimination.
Issues of ethnicity on the East Coast
While Patricia studied, worked, and lived on the East Coast, she
detected a marked difference in the way Asian Pacific Americans
viewed themselves from the locals back home. In Hawaii, people were
proud of their ethnicities, and didn’t hesitate to say they were Japanese,
Hawaiian, or Filipino. But on the mainland, Asian Pacific Americans
were continually considered foreigners and thus, wanted to be identified simply as Asian Americans or Asian Pacific Americans.
Patricia also discovered that Asian Pacific Americans were not part
of the decision making process, and knew that before their voice would
be heard, they would have to organize and interact with others. In
1986, Patricia co-founded the Asian Pacific American Lawyers
Association/New Jersey, eventually becoming its president. In 19992000, she was the first Asian Pacific American president of the Essex
County Bar, the largest and most powerful bar association in New
Bringing diversity to the bench
It is said that the face of Justice should be diverse, but prior to
2000, only one Asian male had been appointed judge in New Jersey.
That was in 1991. Since there are about 500 Superior Court judges in
the state, the Asian Pacific American community felt strongly that at
least one more APA judge should be appointed.
The name “Patricia Medina Talbert” was submitted to the governor. She was a most appropriate candidate. She had practiced law for
ten years and had been a staunch supporter and advocate for the APA
community and its issues throughout her career. In fact, her very name
symbolized the perfect blend of APA ethnicity: Medina Talbert, from
her Filipino mother and Hawaiian father. She would be one of two
women among the 18 judges assigned to the criminal division, and
would also handle a civil docket. The appointment of Judge Talbert in
the year 2000 brought all these considerations into balance.
During the past two years, the courtroom of Judge Talbert has
earned a reputation for fairness. Her demand for respect and courteous
behavior is well established. Lawyers who come before her must be
prepared. Yet, despite her commanding position, Judge Talbert says
that being on the bench is a humbling experience. The responsibility
of sentencing defendants is grave and powerful; her decisions immediately affect an individual’s civil liberties. While she must be
commanding on the bench, each person who enters the court is treated
as a human being rather than a number.
Patricia at play
In chambers, the Pegge Hopper artwork helps Judge Talbert to
remember her proud roots. The occasional strains of Izzie wafting
from her office are uplifting. When Patricia leaves the courthouse, she
enjoys spending time with her daughters. Once or twice a year, she
flies back to Honolulu to visit her parents (who are now in their eighties), her brothers, and her friends. It’s also a chance to stock up on poi.
On occasion, Patricia may drive to New York for an evening of culture
or fine food at a favorite restaurant. In the winter, you might catch her
downhill skiing, or on a warm, calm night, she could be navigating her
small sailboat. And if you look really hard, you may just spot her
riding a Harley Davidson – but not to the courthouse, of course!
“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”
Patricia Medina Talbert. Local girl. Judge. Still involved; still
making decisions.
■ Fran Chow Wong ’69 teaches English, religion and public
speaking for Maryknoll’s middle school division. She and her
husband Jack are the parents of Anne ’97, who also teaches middle
school at Maryknoll, and Aaron ’02.
Editor’s Note: While this issue of the Knoller was in production, Patricia
was blessed with the birth of her first grandchild. She wrote from her
youngest daughter’s home in Pittsburgh, “Is it possible that so much
sweetness could have come into this world? Bella Leialoha means ‘beautiful child of love,’ a combination of Italian and Hawaiian…I am cooking up
a storm to leave behind and the house is awash in pretty flowers.”
Congratulations to Patricia and her extended family.
From drama club to district court judge
Colette Yoda Garibaldi ’73 achieves success
through hard work
by Camille Domaloan Michel ’84
glimpse into the past of Colette Yoda Garibaldi ’73 could be seen as
an early predictor of future behavior.
It makes sense that three years in National Honor Society at Maryknoll
led to seven semesters on the dean’s list and graduation magna cum laude
with a double major in political science and speech communication from
the University of Southern California, followed by a year on the dean’s list
at Loyola Law School.
One can easily envision a member of the pep squad, pep club, and girls
softball team someday becoming an active Little League and soccer mom,
and parent volunteer for Ballet Hawaii.
But what connects the girl who was a member of the Maryknoll
Players to the woman who is now a judge in the First Judicial Circuit in
As part of the fledgling theatre group at Maryknoll, Colette enjoyed
“being in another place, being another person,” and was a three-time
participant in the Shakespeare competition held at St. Louis during her
high school years. In fact, Colette enjoyed acting so much that she toyed
with the idea of auditioning for bit parts while in Los Angeles attending
But true to her self-proclaimed type A personality, Colette says, “I
finally decided I can only do one thing at a time” and chose to focus on her
educational goals. Acting did, however, make it easier for her to be a trial
lawyer. She says, “I looked at it as a performance. Whether you liked your
case or not, whether you thought your evidence was great or not, that’s the
part you play: ‘This is my case. It’s a great case.’”
District Court Judge Colette Yoda Garibaldi ’73 attended Maryknoll
from kindergarten through 12th grade. Her siblings are Colleen Yoda
Liu ’75 (who teaches 4th grade at Maryknoll) and Stephen Yoda ’78.
(continued on next page)
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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What first piqued Colette’s interest in a career in law was the news
of a prison riot in Attica, NY during her senior year at Maryknoll. The
event made a tremendous impression.
“I thought, ‘I will go to law school; I’m going to save the world,’”
she says. “And throughout USC and part of law school, I knew I
wanted to be in court, although I wasn’t sure that I would succeed. But
I thought, ‘Well, try it.’”
Her first thought was to be a public defender, but she found there
weren’t any openings when she returned to Hawaii. Colette was
instead hired by the prosecutor’s office. Her experience there was eyeopening in an unexpected way. She recalls, “I went into court and
made all kinds of mistakes. I was horrified, thinking, ‘Oh my God,
what am I doing here?”
The silver lining is that, as a new prosecutor, Colette saw that
certain judges were more compassionate and understanding than
others. They were tough but fair. Fairness and trying to see other
people’s points of view were values that came directly from her education at Maryknoll.
She says, “I thought, ‘I like that.’ And then I saw judges who I
thought were too harsh, and basically unkind. I never want to be a
person like that. Over time I decided, ‘I could do this job, and I could
do really well.”
Doing well has brought Colette up the ranks to her present position as deputy chief judge and administrative judge at Kauikeaouli
Hale in downtown Honolulu. This is no surprise if you look again at
Colette’s early lessons and experiences. She says that her parents,
especially her father, taught her, “You have to work hard. If you give
up, you’re never going to accomplish anything, so you just have to
keep doing it.”
This message is reflected in the lessons Colette has imparted to her
daughter Kristen, a student at Punahou, and her son John, at Chapman
University. Colette taught them that education “is the key to get you
anywhere. Education, drive and hard work.”
To support this family lesson, Colette made involvement in her
children’s school and extracurricular activities a priority as they were
growing up – not an easy task for a mom who works outside the home.
For Colette, a solution came in the form of a per diem judgeship that
enabled her to work part-time while her children were in preschool.
She could decline assignments on school holidays or to chaperone
field trips.
Working hard at balancing career and family is not something
Colette does alone. It absolutely requires, she says, a supportive spouse
who is encouraging and patient. She has found that in husband John
Garibaldi, a financing expert who currently works for HSF, Ltd.
Together, they have taught their children that “family is important.
That we sacrifice in order for them to do as many things as they want
to do, and we’re very supportive, regardless of how well they personally feel they’re doing in the activity, whether it’s athletics, academics,
dance or music. That we’re always there for them.”
Work and family all come together as Colette reflects on what she
is most grateful for. She says she sees a lot of young people who come
into her court, having made poor choices in situations she knows her
own children have faced.
“I’m proud of decisions my children have made,” Colette says.
“They’re not perfect, but they’re healthy, they’re happy, and they’ve
been able to accomplish what they wanted to accomplish. In that way,
I feel like I’m blessed.”
LeeMarie Aulani Armstrong ’93
Mahalo to Colleen Yoda Liu ’75 for contributing to this article.
Alumni on Campus
eeMarie Aulani Armstrong ’93, who entered Maryknoll
School in the second grade, has literally come home to teach
at her alma mater. She is in her first year teaching fifth grade
language arts, math, social studies, art and religion.
Soon after graduating from Seattle University with a BA in
Liberal Studies and a minor in Spanish, LeeMarie joined “Teach
for America,” an AmeriCorps program that enlists recent college
graduates to teach for two years at schools in low-income areas.
Dually certified to teach ESL (English as a Second Language)
from kindergarten through grade 12 and Elementary Education in
grades one through six, LeeMarie was placed at C.W. Raymond
Elementary, an urban public school in northwest District of
“I moved what little I had from Seattle,” said LeeMarie, “and
flew out into ‘no man’s land’ – the East Coast – knowing not a
single soul.”
She taught ESL (English as a second language) in grades one
to five, while getting her Master of Arts in Teaching at Trinity
“The children I taught were from countries such as Iran, Togo,
Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Germany, and the Central and South
Americas, to name a few,” LeeMarie said. “I had children from
agricultural towns as well as from warring communities.”
to M
to f
She taught for six years at the
same school and was ready to move
into other school districts in nearby
Maryland and Virginia. Then her
Brazilian fiancé, Patricio Gomes,
“miraculously” got a job in Hawaii
with the Department of Justice/Immigration.
“On a whim, I got in touch with Jeannie Lee ’90 and asked if
she knew of any openings at the grade school,” LeeMarie said.
“She got in touch with [grade school vice principal] Carole Ota,
and about three phone interviews later, I faxed in my signed
contract. Blessings in abundance!”
Of her homecoming to Maryknoll, LeeMarie said, “It’s a major
trip, seeing my childhood teachers – even more so working alongside them. I feel so honored to be in a caring, nurturing, familiar
environment. Now I need to adjust culturally. I constantly find
myself muttering, ‘Only in Hawaii...’ with a content smile upon my
Still, she added, “I loved my time in D.C. I taught [my students]
everything from Tinikling to lei making and hula. I made sure that
Hawaii was not just a dot in the Pacific Ocean.”
LeeMarie and Patricio plan to be married in August 2004 here
in Hawaii, and to celebrate again in January 2005 in Brazil.
Annual Athletic Banquet • Japanese Cultural Center
May 18, 2003
Athletic award recipients for the 2002-2003: (seated L to R) Blaine Gier ’88 (Coach of the Year, varsity boys volleyball), Ruby Chong ’03, Diana Samson ’03, Monica Yempuku
’03, Michelle Bower-Ono (Coach of the Year, cheerleading); (standingL to R) Stacey Wong ’03, Jonathan Cabral ’03, Jason Kennedy ’03, Mikey Faria ’03, Greg Aquino ’03.
Alumni Sponsored Athletes of the Year
Jason Kennedy ’03 and Diana Samson ’03
6th Grade Student Athlete of the Year
Royce Furukawa ’09
Scholar Athletes
Stacey Wong ’03 and Ruby Chong ’03
7th Grade Student Athlete of the Year
Rentaro Masukata ’08
Brother Venard Ruane Sportsmanship Award
John Michael Faria ’03
Jonathan Cabral ’03
Coach Doug Kometani
Franklin Gonzales
8th Grade Student Athlete of the Year
Jonathan White ’07
Inspirational Athletes
Kelvin Lam ’03 and Monica Yempuku ’03
Spartan Athlete
Greg Aquino ’03
Frank DeLima (third from left) was the celebrity emcee at this
year’s Athletic Banquet. He is pictured with (L to R) Athletics
Director Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66, Sr. Marie Patrice Kehoe,
Sr. Rosario Daley, Jonathan Cabral ’03, and Waynette and
Mervin Cabral.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Chris Beuret ’06, Jenna Doi ’05,
Jason Gunderson ’05, Denise Kobashikawa ’05,
Aileen Ledoux ’05, Erica Lee ’05, Lisa Manuzak ’05,
Lauren Ritchie ’05, Martin Sterling ’05,
Sara Yoshimura ’05
ILH First Team
Martin Sterling ’05 & Lisa Manuzak ’05
ILH Skipper and Crew of the Year
Ronald Torres, Jr. ’04
ILH First Team
Pac-5 gymnast Kelvin Lam ’03.
Sela Fisilau ’05
ILH Second Team
Jessica Akamine ’05, Cheryl Lee ’05,
Diana Samson ’03, Whitney Wong ’04
ILH Honorable Mention
Jessica Akamine ’05, Tammie Andres ’05,
Sela Fisilau ’05, Brianna Goo ’06 Jessica Ho ’04,
Lauren Lau ’04, Cheryl Lee ’05,
Kaulana Salangdron ’05, Diana Samson ’03,
Michelle Taketa ’04, Kristie Watanabe ’06,
Whitney Wong ’04
(Coaches Bobby Samson, John Donlin, Glen Goya)
State Tournament Qualifiers
Tabitha Lum ’05, judo state tournament qualifier.
Maryknoll School students participate on the CSL (Catholic School
League) Track & Field team in grades five through eight
Maryknoll’s Sailing Team (ILH first team): (L to R) Jason Gunderson ’05,
Martin Sterling ’05, Denise Kobashikawa ’05, Erica Lee ’05, Christopher
Beuret ’06, Lisa Manuzak ’05, Lauren Ritchie ’05, Jenna Doi ’05. Not
pictured: Aileen Ledoux ’05 and Sara Yoshimura ’05.
Ed Han ’05 & David Yamasaki ’04
State Tournament Qualifiers
David Yamasaki ’04
ILH Boys Varsity Championship Bronze Medalist
Matt Oyadomari ’07
ILH Boys Intermediate Championship Bronze Medalist
Varsity baseball player Ryan Matsumoto ’05.
Jeremy Bac ’08, Reyn Mukawa ’07, Aaron Ishii ’07,
Jonathan Montero ’07, Peter Nozaki ’08,
Matt Oyadomari ’07, Jayce Teruya ’07
ILH Class A Small Schools Championship
Gabriel Nojadera ’04 & Tyler Tajima ’04
State Tournament Qualifiers
Kim Culver ’07
ILH Intermediate Championship Silver and Bronze Medalist
Matthew Chun ’07
ILH Intermediate Championship Bronze Medalist
Tabitha Lum ’05, Paige Dupont ’05,
Tara Matsuda ’05 and Keenan Tenno ’06
State Tournament Qualifiers
Keenan Tenno ’06 & Tabitha Lum ’05
Golfer Ed Han ’05 qualified for the 2003 state tournament.
Maryknoll’s Intermediate Golf Team – 2003 ILH Class A Small
Schools Champions: (seated L to R) Reyn Mukawa ’07, Jeremy
Bac ’08, Michelle Morinaga (Sacred Hearts Academy), Jonathan
Montero ’07, Jayce Teruya ’07; (standing L to R) Coach Russell
Mau, Peter Nozaki ’08, Matthew Oyadomari ’07, assistant coach
Ehren Mau, Aaron Ishii ’07.
ILH and State Varsity Judo Championship Medalists
Girls varsity tennis player Melissa Chow ’04.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Page 36
A Message from Paul...
Dear Fellow Alumni,
Mahalo and congratulations on
another highly successful year!
We ended the 2002-2003 school
year with the 4th Annual Alumni Week
that proved to be an overwhelming
success. The 12th Annual FORE! Maryknoll Golf
Tournament held at the New Ewa Beach Golf Club was sold
out with a wait list. This was the best ever golf tournament!
The 4th Annual Alumni Social exceeded all our expectations
so the function was expanded to utilize the whole Ilikai Hotel
ballroom. Nearly 400 participants, many from the mainland,
enjoyed this special event in conjunction with their own class
We celebrated our 5th Annual Alumni Memorial Mass on
November 2 at Sacred Heart Church. Thanks to Ann-Marie
White Medeiros ’88 who has chaired this activity for several
years and has made this a special memorable event.
I’m very proud that we are beginning our fifth year of
operation as the renewed Alumni Association, and give
special thanks to the Alumni Council members who have so
generously participated in the Association.
Our vision – to “establish the Maryknoll Alumni
Association as a recognized premier alumni organization in
Hawaii, contributing to the success of Maryknoll School and
members of the Association” – is a reality. This vision is built
on a strong, recurring and dynamic annual program, and active
and enthusiastic alumni participating in the Association.
Because of your support and the rapid growth of the association, our reputation as a premier association has spread among
the schools in Hawaii.
Our mission – to “establish an Alumni Association, with a
solid program, that actively participates in, and contributes to
the success of Maryknoll School and members of the
Association” – is also a reality.
I’m also proud that plans for 2003-2004 are already in
place. Please mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Alumni
Week events, which will be held in July 2004:
Sunday, July 11
Golf Tournament
Thursday, July 15
Alumni Class Dinner
Saturday, July 17
The Alumni Class Dinner will be held at the Ala Moana
Grand Ballroom. This is an excellent time to schedule your class
reunions since the Planning Committee and Alumni Office will
handle all the logistical coordination. The only requirement for
class members is to attend and have fun.
While we have had much success in supporting Maryknoll
School and the alumni, much more can be done as we continue
to grow and mature the Association. I look forward to yet
another successful year.
Alumni Lead the Way!
Paul Y. Chinen ’57
Alumni Association President
2003 Alumni Memorial Mass
lumni Memorial Mass was
held on November 2, 2003 at
Maryknoll alumni and loved ones of
alumni who have passed joined the
parishioners from the ManoaPunahou Catholic Community at the
11’clock Mass. The liturgy included
the traditional lighting of candles
while the names of deceased alumni
were read aloud.
Mahalo to Alumni Council
Medeiros ’88 and to Sheri-Lynn Goo
Rand ’85 for chairing the event.
Special thanks also to the alumni who
participated as greeters, lectors, music
and Eucharistic ministers, and candlelight bearers.
Alumni Memorial Mass is held
each year on All Souls Day, and is a
loving and prayerful way to remember our alumni who have been born
into eternal life.
(Front L to R) Charlotte Gomes White ’63, Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83, Emily Wong McCollum ’91;
(back L to R) Gabriel Nojadera ’04, Sheri-Lynn Goo Rand ’85; Marianne Chock Lum ’49, Earl Ching ’68, Lucile
Smith Mistysyn ’37, Yvonne Chun Izumi ’78, Jared Kaufmann ’58, Pamela Kee ’91 and son William Kee ’17,
Will Layden, Mike Amore ’79, Tessie Amore, Ron Torres ’04.
Bowling alongside event chair Jared Kaufmann ’58 (center) were (L to R)
Betty Hew, Jamie Adams ’01, Gwen Hew Kurashima ’74, Frances Lau
Adams ’74, Pam Chun Toyooka ’74, Thomas Deeter and Sheila Pike.
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Bowlarama is a family affair!
(L to R) Garrison Gabriel (son of
Garrett ’86 and Dori Kern ’87
Gabriel), and current Maryknoll
students Christianne Michel ’13
and Ryan Michel ’16 (children of
Camille Domaloan Michel ’84)
enjoyed bumper bowling in the
“keiki-only” lanes.
“Team Maryknoll 1970s” repeated
as champions: (front L to R) Thomas
Ching ’75, Tony Chun ’72, (back L
to R) Rendell Bourg ’73, Stephen Ho
’73 and Peter Chun ’73.
owlarama chair Jared Kaufmann ’58 put on another fabulous
event at the Fort Shafter Lanes with lots of prizes and fun for
The third time was a charm for “Team Maryknoll 1970s” who
“three-peated” as champions of this annual family event. Alumni
Rendell Bourg ’73, Thomas Ching ’75, Tony Chun ’72, Peter
Chun ’73 and Stephen Ho ’73 took first place with 2,440 pins in
three games.
“The Young Alums” took second place with 2,120 pins. Team
members were Jennifer Anwar ’02, Michelle Sugimura ’01, Ryan
Sugimura ’06, Joey Tawarahara and Korey Wong ’01.
Congratulations also to our highest scoring teenage bowler,
Matthew Chun ’07, with 365 pins.
Friends ‘n’ family: (L to R) Cheng Chang, Whit Michel, Ruth Melchor, Chris
Domaloan ’00, Missy Domaloan Layden ’87, Molly Layden, and Will Layden.
All the President’s Bowlers: (L to R) Jenny Foytich, Lynn Domaloan, Lucile Smith
Mistysyn ’37, School President Michael Baker, and Director of Development Yvonne
Usita Morris ’63.
The Young Alums: (front L to R) Michelle Sugimura ’01 and Jennifer
Anwar ’02, (back L to R) Korey Wong ’01, Joey Tawarahara, and
Ryan Sugimura ’06.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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12th Annual FORE! Maryknoll Golf Tournament
July 17, 2003
his year’s golf tournament at The New Ewa
Beach Golf Club raised
a record $34,000 for the
educational programs at
Maryknoll School.
Members of the Lucky 12th
Place Team (in honor of the 12th
annual tournament) were Rendell
Bourg ’73, Peter Chun ’73, and
Mike Yasui with a net score of
The “Spartan Challenge $1,000
Closest to the Pin Hole” winner
was Kenneth Arakawa ’85 with a
distance of three feet. Other
competition holes included the
longest drive (female), Van
Class of ’88 alumni celebrated the 15th anniversary of their
Torres; longest drive (male), Guy
graduation from Maryknoll by playing in the golf tournament: (L
Takemoto; most accurate drive
to R) Jeff Ventura, Blaine Gier, Kavett Kaopua, Wil Cordes,
Patrick Low, and John Baraquio.
(female), Lucille Kern; and most
accurate drive (male), Garry Hobbs.
With so many all-alumni team participants, this year we inauguYvonne Usita Morris ’63,
rated an Alumni Team Award for the lowest scoring all-alumni team.
Jerry Pang ’56, Naomi Saito,
This year’s winners were Kai Chang ’85, Lin Ann Chang ’81, and
Lori Ann Saunders, Michelle
Eric Chong ’85 (net score 61.5).
Arakawa Ushio ’81 and
Lourdes Lee Whang ’78.
Many thanks to Louis H. Pinho of Penske Truck Leasing for the
sponsorship of the delicious food on the course. The committee is also
Save the date for our 13th
grateful to Marilyn Thompson Chinen ’61 for her work on the regisAnnual FORE! Maryknoll Golf
tration of our golfers.
Tournament on Thursday, July
15, 2004. The committee is
Special thanks to tournament chair Richard Budar ’78 and the
gearing up for a fun-filled tourdedicated members of the golf committee: Lori Kern Carlos ’87,
Mark Conching ’83, Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66, Michael Ho ’57,
Patricia Chu Ho ’57, Kerry Lam ’76, Charlene Wong Lum ’60,
This golf tournament is not
possible without the generosity
of our many sponsors and
donors. For a complete list, (L to R) Jim Morris, Suzie Brown Bass ’84,
Kevin Mendes ’84.
please see the Annual Giving
Report, pages 60-61.
2003 Golf Committee: (seated L to R) Charlene Wong Lum ’60, Richard Budar ’78
(tournament chair), Mark Conching ’83, Lori Kern Carlos ’83; (standing L to R)
Naomi Saito, Yvonne Usita Morris ’63, Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66, Lourdes Lee
Whang ’78, Michelle Arakawa Ushio ’81, Lori Ann Saunders, and Kerry Lam ’76.
Committee members not pictured are Michael Ho ’57, Patricia Chu Ho ’57 and
Jerry Pang ’56.
Russell Dung ’78 (left) and Kelly Grant ’84.
1st place
Wayde Ichiyama, Tracy Tanouye,
Guy Takemoto – net score 53.4
2nd place
Alvin Tanaka, Elton Tanaka,
Brian Tsuruda – net score 59
3rd place
Rick Wakabayashi, Garret Kaya,
Kevin Morita – net score 59.3
4th place
Stephen Wong, Glenn Asato,
Clinton Akutagawa – net score 60
5th place
Bruce Kishimoto, Larry Kawamoto,
Michael Van Sant – net score 60.5
(L to R) Allen Chee ’84, Joseph Yee ’84, Alan Agena ’84, Kenneth Arakawa ’85, Michelle Arakawa Ushio ’81.
(L to R)
Derek Sakai ’85,
Darryl Sakai,
Norman Abe ’85.
(L to R) Jeff Kalani ’90, Brandon Flores, Robin Sato ’90, Daniel Lau, Brysson Lau ’95
and Watson Gier.
Tournament chair Richard Budar ’78 (center) helps himself
to a hot dog at the refreshment stand sponsored by Penske Truck
Leasing. Many thanks to Penske manager Louis Pinho, whose daughters
graduated from Maryknoll, for his generous assistance.
(L to R) Lin Ann Chang ’81, Stephanie Choo ’81, Kai Chang ’85,
Andy Wu ’81, Greg Larsen ’81, Eric Chong ’85. Lin Ann, Kai and
Eric were the first threesome to earn the new Alumni Team Award as
the lowest scoring all-alumni team.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
7:52 PM
Page 44
Alumni Class Dinner - July 19, 2003
he culminating activity of our 4th Annual Alumni Week was the Class Dinner, held on July 19 at the Renaissance Ilikai
Waikiki Hotel and attended by nearly 400 alumni, current and former faculty, and guests.
Highlights of the evening included the presentation of Alumni Achievement Awards to Galen Ho ’63 and Patricia Ching Ho
’63, as well as the awarding of the President’s Cup to the Class of 1988, for the highest increase in annual giving participation.
During the program, Jared Kaufmann ’58 received special recognition for his 40 years of service to Maryknoll School as teacher
and principal. Speaking graciously about their friend and former colleague were principal emeritus Andy Corcoran ’64 and
former athletic director and varsity basketball coach, Tony Sellitto.
The 4th Annual Alumni Week was a tremendous success thanks to the help of alumni chair Charlene Tyau Nakamura ’79
and all our Reunion Representatives:
Marleen Silva ’78
Helen Chock Leong ’43
Gordon Leong ’53
Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83
Betty Neves Keliiaa ’48
Jean Uyeda Leong ’53
Tracy Benevides Crosier ’88
Emily Marciel Baptiste ’53
Vernon Young ’53
Nastia “Maxine” Chisteckoff Vickery ’58
Ann Marie White Medeiros ’88
Mary Lou Gilleres Botelho ’53
Lina Moriyama Kikuta ’63
Nicole Mazzola ’93
Betty Doi Gomes ’53
Stella Wong ’68
Jamie Agena Drasal ’93
Carmen Silva Kiyabu ’53
Rendell Bourg ’73
Shirley Liu Lee ’53
Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Alumni Week, which will be held July 11 to 17, 2004. All alumni are invited to join
the festivities, especially reunion classes ending in 4’s and 9’s. See you there!
Former Maryknoll PE
teacher Fran Bellinger
’68 (left) and current
Maryknoll Athletics
Director Pattie Wong
Heatherly ’66.
Maryknoll Alumni Association President and Board of Trustees
Vice Chairman Paul Chinen welcomed the crowd of nearly 400
with a rousing, “Aloooooooooha!”
Allene Higa
Ishikawa ’58 (left) and
Anthony Nebres ’58
The evening’s program closed with the singing of Maryknoll’s
traditional and contemporary alma maters.
(L to R) Former athletics director and varsity basketball coach Tony Sellitto,
current faculty member Jared Kaufmann ’58, and principal emeritus Andy
Corcoran ’64.
Tammy Yano ’83 (center, with lei) received official alumna status from
Jared Kaufmann ’58 (right). On hand to congratulate her were (from left)
Tammy’s parents, Brian and Eloise Uyeda ’55 Yano, and her fiance, U.S.
Attorney Ed Kubo.
She attended the University of Hawaii
Galen Ho ’63 and Patricia Ching Ho
for two years where she was a member of the
’63 each received an Alumni Achievement
Yang Chung Hui Sorority and on the honors
Award at the 2003 Alumni Class Dinner.
list, before receiving a B.A. in History from
At Maryknoll, Galen served in the Civil
the University of California, Berkeley. She
Air Patrol program; as a senior, he made his
did graduate work at Oregon State
first trip abroad when he visited Belgium as
University and SUNY Binghamton NY.
part of the Air Cadet International
Upon relocation to New York state,
Exchange Program. Also during his senior
Patricia taught in the Union-Endicott
year, Galen spearheaded a schoolwide
School District where she was a gifted
chocolate sale to raise funds for mucheducation specialist. She initiated and
needed curtains in Rogers Hall. This was
implemented a school-wide enrichment
the first student-led fundraiser in MHS
model, offering learning opportunities to
history. For this endeavor, Galen received
to R) Patricia Ching Ho ’63, School President
all children in the district. Patricia was
the Service Award for outstanding leader- (L
Michael Baker, and Galen Ho ’63.
honored by the state Parent Teacher
ship at the commencement ceremonies.
Association as an Outstanding Educator, and by Broome County,
Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force after his
NY as a Woman of Achievement.
graduation from Oregon State University (and his marriage to
Wherever she has lived, Patricia has always believed in giving
Patricia), Galen saw combat in Vietnam. He was awarded the
back to the community. In addition to her professional work,
Vietnam Service medal and the Air Force Meritorious Service
volunteer activities have been a priority in her life. Patricia has
medal for his work in electronics systems development.
served on numerous boards, and recently received the Founder’s
Galen is currently president of BAE Systems, Information and
Award for Personal Courage from the Asian Task Force, and the
Electronic Systems Integration System, headquartered in Nashua,
Community Award from the New England Patriots for noteworthy
NH. When at home in Beverly, MA, he supports education and
volunteer service.
youth programs of the New England Conservatory of Music, the
Currently, Patricia is president of the American Association of
Boston Symphony, the Boston Pops, and the Peabody Essex
University Women (AAUW) North Shore, vice president of Delta
Museum. He enjoys sailing and motorboating out of Salem
Kappa Gamma education honorary, secretary of the Girls’
Harbor, downhill skiing in Utah, working on automobiles and
Coalition of Greater Boston Leadership Council, docent at the
attending concerts.
Peabody Essex Museum, and a member of the League of Women
Patricia credits her experience at Maryknoll High School for
Voters and the French-speaking Richelieu Club.
building scholarship, confidence and leadership skills, as well as
Patricia enjoys sailing, skiing, yoga, modern dance,
imparting a sense of mission.
symphony concerts and languages. She and Galen have two chilAt Maryknoll, she served as student council secretary, newsdren, Tricia and Peter.
paper editor and National Honor Society member before graduating as class valedictorian.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:25 PM
Page 48
2003 Alumni Class Dinner
Congratulations and
mahalo to all
the classes who
celebrated reunions
in 2003 by attending
the Alumni Class Dinner,
held on Saturday, July 19
at the Renaissance Ilikai
Waikiki Hotel.
(L to R) Helen Chock Leong, Richard Yokoyama, Beatrice Ching Ng.
(Front L to R) Betty Neves Keliiaa, Mary Correia Cambra, James Sakamoto, Anita Tom, Edward Chong, Anna Jean Ayau Leong.
(Back L to R) Rose Hamada Iwamoto, Loretta Halualani Morgan, Alice Takabuki Hara, Charles Wong, Betty Lou Webster, Robert Lum.
(1st row L to R) Mary Lou Gilleres Botelho, Darlaine Gerhard Anderson, Jules Martin, Sr. Dolores Rosso (aka Sr. Ana Doloritas), Br. Venard Ruane,
Sr. Maria Rosario, Juliette Shea Chock, Walter Woodall, Grace Wakayama Kawasaki.
(2nd row L to R) Virginia Reyes Pagan, Barbara Chang Jeong, Eva Chang Matsuyoshi, Shirley Lee Liu, Gordon Leong, Jean Uyeda Leong,
Thelma Caraballo Nitta, Barbara Pacheco Baldauf, Carmen Silva Kiyabu, Vernon Young.
(3rd row L to R) Emily Marciel Baptiste, Alfred Neves, Charlotte Soares Simmons, Catherine Waters Allen, Janice Honda Kondo, Patricia Shannon Seger,
Betsy Chang Leong, Verna Perry Ferreira, Eugene Buffandeau, Helen Chock Lewis, Verna Ching Kamana, Yolanda Leong Holt, Catherine dela Cruz Phillips,
Gladys Wong Tom, Franklin Kiyabu, Sylvia Low Lee, Georgianna Denis Smith, Margaret Sebastein Thomas, Wanda Hoe Fong, Betty Doi Gomes,
Loretta Ho Ah Sam, June Kamioka Fuller.
The class of 1953
pulled out all the stops
and celebrated their
50th reunion with
a huge celebration.
The boys of 1953 at Bellows for the classmates’
family picnic.
They joined in our
Alumni Week festivities
and also had a party
of their own at the
Waialae Country Club
on July 18, 2003.
Don’t forget the Class of 1953 gals!
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:26 PM
Page 52
(Front L to R) Marie Alina Chun,
Winnie Judd Thomas, Lorraine Shirai Maeda,
Jeanette Salado Martin, Sadie Mau Lew.
(Back row L to R) Barbara Elias Iseri,
Lionel Iseri, Judy Perreira Tom, Gordon Tom,
Paul Chinen, Theodore Yee.
(Front L to R) Paul Wallrabenstein, Theresa Tong Wallrabentstein, Sr. Dolores Rosso (aka Sr. Ana Doloritas),
Jared Kaufmann, Maxine Chisteckoff Vickery, Phyllis Shea, Paulette Ukishima Sumida.
(Back L to R) Ralph Ukishima, Anthony Nebres, David Dougan, Allene Higa Ishikawa, Donald Vickery, Kenneth Kwak.
(Front L to R) Carol Ann Bryan Sousa, Wanda
Hoopai Wong, Barbara Nobrega Akau, Frances
Omo McFarland. (Back L to R) Elliott Chamizo,
Timothy Wong, Collin Dang.
(Front L to R) Diane Mosley, Lorna Chang Lin, Mary Ann Coredeiro LaFazia, Valerie Wong Sorensen, Patricia Ching Ho, Yvonne Usita Morris,
Charlotte Gomes White, Joan Pollock Keaulana, Robert McFarland, Randall Ching.
(Back L to R) Andrew Yee, George Moad, Charles Wong, Doug Ferreira, Galen Ho, Robert Lung, Reginald Pang, Gloria Isabelo Spray,
Joanne Russell Medeiros, Lina Moriyama Kikuta, Sheila Conant.
(Front row L to R) Leona Tom Wong,
Michelle Tokunaga Morikami,
Deborah Low Lee, Linda Nishigaya,
Susan Wong.
(Back L to R) Rowland Ho, David Kula,
Arthur Marcos, Stephen C.L. Wong,
Bruce Melching, Norman Min.
(Front L to R) Gail Nakagaki Tiwanak,
Linda Niemitz Langley, Denise Emsley,
Patricia McIntyre Muneno.
(Back L to R) Eric Tiwanak, Larry Langley,
Lionel Tejada
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:26 PM
Page 56
(Front L to R) Noraine Sue Ichikawa,
Joanne Tom, Sherlin Lee Kowal,
Debbie Ng Baptiste, Sandi Asejo Campos,
Stella Wong, Carol Kwak Wong,
Mary Chun McConnell,
Betsey Hughes Gunderson.
(Back L to R) Derrick Wong, Daniel Tom,
Elaine Peterson, Pamela Yoon,
Darryll Wong, Frances Ho Bellinger,
Mike Leach.
(Front L to R) Esther Todd Abbey,
Kathleen Konn Schaffer, Jared Kaufmann ’58,
Barbara Lowe, Catherine Lau.
(Back L to R) Teresa Chun Wasano, Ida Quinn,
Joann Yee Kegley, Peter Chun, Rendell Bourg,
Phyllis Odo Chee, Robert Pelletier.
(L to R) Gwendolyn Hew Kurashima,
Frances Lau Adams, Pamela Chun Toyooka
(Front L to R) Geralyn Lum Holck, Fred Soong,
Earleen Nobriga Marter, Margie Malia Chow,
Michael Panzo, Marleen Silva.
(Back L to R) Bonnie Lau, Kathy Wong Shimabukuro,
Neil Shimabukuro, Deanna Dudoit, Mark Bell,
Kathy Costa, Pamela Gomez Murnane,Janice Lum Wong,
Roxane Ishikawa Goo, Carl Osaki.
(Front L to R) Aaron Lau, Noah Pangelina, Laine Kohama, Jay Dote, Edward Gose, Dean Ueda, Richard Ubasa.
(Back L-R) Meredith Bajar, Lee Marie Armstrong, Lee Higa-Hoffman, Jamie Agena Drasal, Lendy Villanueva Rebibis,
Larissa Suyemoto Murata, Ledua Rusakomatilakeba Sagawinit, Alea Scheid, Kelly Corcoran Gomez
Celebrating their reunion with a gathering on July
18 at Hard Rock Café were:
(Front L to R) Cheryl Lim Ronan, Nikki Inouye Kaneshiro,
Christi Marumoto Morishige, John Baraquio, Rochelle Suzuki
Mahoe, Michelle Choo, Kristen Schultz, Kristen Wong
Thompson, Tracy Benevides Cosier, Ann Marie White
Medeiros; (back L to R) Suzanne Sunada, Leslie Wong
Landreth, Jeff Ventura, Kenny Flores, Tim Mattos, David
Horner, Greg Hong.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:26 PM
Page 60
The Class of 1983 reaches out
and reconnects
by Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83
n the summer before our 20th
reunion, 13 members of the Class of
1983 pledged to plan the party of the
century. Getting us all to agree was going
to be a monumental task, for sure! We
were former cheerleaders, athletes, and
student government leaders, a current
teacher, a former teacher, amateur party
planners, and wine enthusiasts, who had
actually never partied together in high
school! As the months passed and our
function began to take form, however, so
did we as individuals begin to mold and
transform into a committee with a single
purpose: reach out and reconnect.
So, while we diligently planned the
events down to the smallest detail, we
simultaneously tried to make contact
with every one of our classmates and
personally invite them to join our oncein-a-lifetime experience.
(Front) Rainier Villa. (L to R) Duane Miyashiro, Myrna Fong Tanaka, Lori Tseu Rodriguez, Dion Chan and son Dalton,
Many of our classmates heeded our Edgar Dalit, Mike Siracusa, Jun Kobayashi, Stephanie Kam Nishimura.
call. Some who lived
far eagerly traveled the
road back home to
Maryknoll. Some who
lived near made the
difficult journey back
to their childhood. And
members, who had
taken the time over the
year to rediscover each
other while working
(L to R) Sean Henderson, Lee Tsukazaki, Liana
side by side, were
Domondon Mulleitner, Kip Hewahewa, and
The Class of 1983 gathers for a “Grill-in-the-Garden Party” at the Ng Pack residence.
sweetly surprised as we
(front) Carol Leong-Kido.
observed how easily our friends traveled back and forth between time, reminiscing and reconnecting.
On Friday afternoon in my backyard, we watched our children play – their
antics were good icebreakers. But by evening, they no longer were the center of
attention and we were able to relax in our lawn chairs and with each other. As
people drifted in from various parts of the island – some just getting off from
work – the excitement and surprises continued through the night. And some
goodbyes had to be made, as not all of us would continue to celebrate through
the next day.
Saturday morning’s roster of three registered hikers quickly expanded to an
energetic group of almost 30. The Kanealole Trail in Makiki was the perfect way
to reintroduce us to Maryknoll’s neighborhood. Surrounded by nature’s backdrop,
we enjoyed a little exercise, some fresh air, and the spirited leadership of Desert
Storm veteran Tino Sellitto ’83.
The final evening’s festivities began with the committee regrouping by decorating our class tables in the Ilikai ballroom with special bottles of wine, plastic
kazoos, and maroon and gold pompoms. Wine bottles with gift tags printed with
our theme, “Like Fine Wine, We’ve Improved with Age” were sent to faculty
Kanealole Trail hikers
tables assembled to honor former principal Jared Kaufmann ’58. Three of our
(L to R) Laurie Pang
Acohido, Sharon Hiu
Ong, Kerry McCarthy
Cleary and Karen Lum
All That Was Old Is
New Again
by Michael C. DeMattos ’83
own classmates, Darrin Chun ’83, Mike DeMattos ’83 and Mark
Conching ’83, braved the stage to personally honor Mr. Kaufmann
with a plaque commemorating his dedication to the sport of bowling
and the lifelong lessons with which he coached. And Mr. Kaufmann,
taking his turn, surprised Tammy Yano ’83 with her high school
diploma, officially signifying her graduation from Maryknoll with the
Class of 1983.
The party continued with an invitation to our former faculty
members to join us in the Ilikai Hotel’s Harbor Suite. A generous
potluck pupu table, memory books filled with interesting answers to
life’s questions and anecdotes about each other were passed around, as
well as pictures and yearbooks. Familiar dance music filled the room
as we all began to enjoy the last of our moments together. And finally,
as a memento of the reunion experience, we all took home CDs with
our favorite high school dance music and ballads of our era, and
chanted “Viva Las Vegas!” – a potential 25th reunion destination.
Our website, created and dedicatedly managed by Darrin Chun,
serves as a constant means for us to communicate with each other as
we discover more pictures from the past, contribute pictures of our
growing families, and add photos of reunion highlights.
To our classmates who were not able to come home – we were
thinking of each and every one of you. Hopefully by our 25th, you will
have made contact with us, or we will have found you. A reunion is an
awesome, inspiring, and rejuvenating experience. We hope to see you
all again next time! Take good care of yourselves and please keep in
touch at
■ Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83, whose reunion coordinating
responsibilities consumed her life for well over a year, has returned
full attention to her much more manageable day job: raising four
children – Penelope (9), Ethan (6), Aaron (5) and Emma (2). She is
married to advertising executive Nick Ng Pack.
Mark Conching, Mary Brosnan O’Hannigan, Marylin Lee
Marcel Proust said, “The real voyage of discovery consists
not in finding new landscapes but in having new eyes.” After
twenty years and two reunions I have finally come to understand
the wisdom of his words. When notice went out that the class of
1983 would be celebrating their 20th reunion I was filled with
To be honest, I found the ten-year reunion failed to live up to
my expectations. I knew then, as I know now that this had little
to do with those around me and everything to do with me. I was
still busy trying to become someone. I was busy making a life.
But the twenty-year reunion was going to be different,
because I was different. All those years of trying to be someone
else, someone better, something more had given way. When I
looked in the mirror I liked whom I saw. More importantly I
knew who he was. He was me. Don’t get me wrong, I still have
my insecurities, but I find them strangely comforting.
I remember walking into the home of Monica Ng Pack ’83
and seeing all the faces from years gone by. It was a bit surreal.
I knew them all, but each face seemed somehow different.
Maybe, like me, they were no longer trying to become someone
else. Maybe they had discovered who they had always been.
The party was a joy. I wandered the crowd, adult beverage in
hand, and spent quality time with as many people as I could. It
sounds strange I know, but it felt like I met each person anew
despite spending the entirety of my childhood with most of them.
When the weekend came to a close I felt emotionally
fulfilled. The reunion had exceeded my expectations and I had
re-formed relationships that I had thought were lost forever and
made new friendships that had never been before.
■ Michael C. DeMattos ’83 is a family therapist, educator,
trainer, storyteller and angler. He lives in Kaneohe with his
wife, daughter and dog.
Joe Sullivan, Monica Domaloan Ng Pack, Marylin Lee, Micheline Soong, Darrin Chun
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:26 PM
Page 58
2003 Alumni Gatherings in the Pacific Northwest
Regional gatherings are a great way for alumni living away from
Hawaii to re-connect and network with other Maryknoll grads. If
you’re a mainland alum interested in helping coordinate an alumni
Portland, Oregon
August 8, 2003
(Seated L to R) Bryant Anderson ’85, Todd
Fisk ’84, Patrick Ono ’85, Kenny Kong ’90,
(standing L to R) Camille Domaloan Michel
’84, Myrna Pasion Boyce ’56, Ed Young ’57,
Kathleen Peltier Larson ’88, Brian Borsch ’94.
Seattle, Washington
August 9, 2003
(L to R) Whit Michel, Camille Domaloan
Michel ’84, Tricia Netz, David Netz ’88, Nikki
Ono and Steven Ono ’86.
gathering in your area, please call the Office of Alumni &
Development at (808) 952-7310 or email
Class of 1958 gathers for its 45th reunion
by Nastia “Maxine” Chisteckoff Vickery ’58
ell, it’s recap time and what a wonderful and fun reunion
it was.
Thursday night (September 4, 2003) we had 28 people attend our
dinner cruise and the Society of Seven nightclub show. A great time
was had by everyone.
Friday night we had about 50 people attending a night at the
Vickerys – good food, good friends and good fun made for a very
special night. Our special guests were Sr. Ana (Dolores Rosso), Br.
Venard (Ruane), and Michael Baker, president of Maryknoll School.
Saturday – what a luau put on by the Mundon clan; 47 people
attended. Ono food, beautiful Hawaiian music, decorations and “aloha
nui” everywhere.
Sunday was a “kick back” day for relaxing, talking, laughing and
just enjoying each other; about 32 people attended.
Those attending the reunion activities from the Class of 1958:
Jeanne Amlin Duggan, Francis and Lillian Bailey Mundon,
Maxine Chisteckoff Vickery, Wendell and Jacqueline DePonte
Kaanoi, Dee Dee Burnett Hansen, Ellen Caires Rogers, Nelwyn
Chang Choy, Leonard Chinn, Rosemarie “Momi” Chock
Raymond, Homer Combs, Edwina Cordeiro Lee, David Dougan,
Mary Finnegan Ehring, Jared Kaufmann, Kathy Kosco Farrell,
Tony Nebres, Sylvia Pao Kruse, Napua Prados Demers, Phyllis
Shea, Paul and Theresa Tong Wallrabenstein, Paulette Ukishima
Sumida, Ralph Ukishima, Nelson Umiamaka, Rosario Buz
Viernes, Carol Young, and Sylvia Young.
Thank you to the Classes of 1957 and 1959 who joined us. You
were a welcome addition to our get-together.
A very special mahalo to the Mundon ohana and my husband Don,
without whom there would be no reunion. Thank you, Terry, so much
for the beautiful leis you spent so much time making. They were so
beautiful and so filled with aloha. Thank you, Sylvia Kruse, for my
very special Christmas lei and the help you gave to Terry for the other
All in all, a typical fun-filled reunion with love and aloha that is the
result when the Class of ’58 gets together.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:26 PM
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Class of
Agnes Braz Motley ’46, who has been
living in California for more than 50 years,
emailed the following update on her life
since graduating from Maryknoll:
“I graduated from Maryknoll in 1946,
taught the fourth grade for a year or two,
(then) left when I married in 1951.
October 27, 1951: Agnes Braz Motley ’46 and husband
David on their wedding day at Sacred Heart Church.
“I married a Californian – a good and
loving husband and father. We were married
almost 50 years. He died when his plane
crashed out in Baker, in the desert in
California on April 28, 2001. Our 50th
anniversary would have been on October
27th, 2001.
“He loved to fly and as soon as he
retired from Rockwell, where he was a chief
scientist, he set out to buy an experimental
plane. The first was a used one then sold to
purchase the second, a kit which came from
Hillsboro, OR. With the help of an assistant
builder, the plane – finally finished –
provided us with a marvelous experience of
flying from Chino, CA to Albany, NY to
visit our youngest daughter who lived there
at the time with her husband and son. It took
us three days as we waited out storms, a
total of 13-1/2 hours of flight. It was a
tremendous experience seeing the true
beauty of our vast country as our altitude
was much lower than commercial planes.
Our plane was a two-seater (he was pilot
and I was navigator, side-by-side, very cozy
traveling at 180mph) and was called an
RV6-A. Our plane’s license was N51DA –
‘51’ for the year we were married, ‘D’ for
David and ‘A’ for Aggie.
“Aggie” and David Motley in 1998 with their RV6-A
plane (license number N51DA) in Tehatchape, CA.
“I have kept in touch with Sr. Viriginia
Therese, though she is unable to write now.
Such a wonderful teacher, friend and correspondent through so many years.
“I am grateful for Maryknoll and those
special years spent there, and grateful that I
still have classmates (May Chang Ou and
Doris Yano Merrifield) who have kept in
touch during these many years. All blessings
to be sure.
“I belatedly achieved a B.A. in Art from
California State University Fullerton, graduating in1979. Worked for the Orange Florist
for 10 years retiring in 1998.
“I am a member of the Ainahau O
Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club Choral group
and also sing in the La Purisima Church
Choir. I also serve as lector, cantor and
Eucharistic minister at our parish, so am kept
busy (when not gardening, my favorite past
“My four children live in California. Two
boys and two girls. Two are single and two
are married, and two grandchildren (6 and
9). Again, I am very blessed.
“I had not planned on writing an epistle,
however, I guess it makes up for all the years
of silence. Many blessings to all.”
Class of
Antonella “Tiny” Chock Bennett lives
in Pasadena, CA and says that she keeps in
touch with Sr. Pat Noble (Sr. Miriam
Augustine, senior homeroom teacher) and
St. Eugenie Therese (second grade and sixth
grade teacher), both of whom live in
Monrovia at the Maryknoll house…Joyce
Morikawa Arakaki and fellow alum Betty
Ching Lowe ’46 spend time each October,
the month of the rosary, teaching Maryknoll
students how to make their own rosaries.
The tradition started in the classroom of
Fran Chow Wong ’69, and now includes
the entire seventh grade. Rosaries made by
the students are blessed in a special liturgy.
Fran says, “It is a wonderful occasion when
students can pray with rosaries made by
their very own hands.”
Georgiana Denis Smith writes, “Just
returned from my 50th reunion – what a
wonderful weekend with dear friends – many
from the 1st grade at Maryknoll. Also
enjoyed seeing Sr. Rosario and Sr. Dolores!
The whole experience far exceeded my
expectations. Hope our class will get together
again soon! Our visit to the grade school and
high school brought back many memories.
Also, Sacred Heart Church – I remember it
being bigger but I realize I was smaller!”
Class of
Class of
Harold Botelho and his class were the
first to graduate from the Punahou Street
campus. After graduation, Harold spent three
years in the U.S. Army and than became a
member of the Honolulu Police Department,
retiring in 1993. In retirement he worked in
security at the Honolulu Airport, the Aloha
Tower Marketplace, the Ala Moana Hotel,
and the Federal Building on Punchbowl and
Ala Moana Blvd. In his “true retirement”
Harold works out at the Spa three times a
week, bikes on Sundays, and plays softball
in the Makule League on Wednesdays. In
September 2002, Harold represented Hawaii
in a Seniors World Series Tournament in
Salem, OR and another tournament immediately following in Las Vegas, NV.
Joyce Morikawa Arakaki ’55 teaches Maryknoll
seventh graders to make their own rosaries.
Class of
Myrna Pasion Boyce lives in Portland
and sends this message to her classmates
and fellow Maryknoll alumni, “Come visit
me in beautiful Portland and let’s talk story.
We need to be together and talk about old
times! I graduated in 1956 but as long as you
are a Maryknoll alumni, we can
bond!”…Joan Kwock Sung is currently
teaching a curriculum class at Dominican
University to elementary pre-service teachers. She and husband Charles live in San
Rafael, CA.
Class of
World traveler Ed Young’s recent jaunts
have included cruising down the Yangtze
River, visiting the Three Gorges Dam; doing
business in Shanghai and touring Beijing;
doing the tourist thing in Bangkok; and
playing pachinko in Tokyo. He has
completed a book on growing up in Hawaii,
which has caught the attention of a movie
executive, and has been asked to photograph
50 Ming Dynasty museum pieces in prepa-
ration for collaboration on another book. On
his next visit to Hawaii, he will complete a
documentary project, and he’s setting up
more photo safaris to East Africa. He says
he’s also eager to complete several other
projects on the back burner that involve
businesses in Hawaii and his home state of
Class of
ing in DC. Her home is in Northern Virginia
and is only 11 miles from Capitol Hill and
only a few miles from the Pentagon…Susan
Porter Robinson lives in College Park, MD
and is the proud mother of three beautiful
children who comprise her own little United
Nations. Daughter Malia (27) is ThaiHawaiian, Melanie (24) is Korean, Scotch,
and Irish, and her “baby” Nathan (18) is
Korean. In 1998, Susan’s husband James lost
his valiant battle with cancer. As the vice
president of the American Council on
Education, Susan travels widely. She hopes
to make it home to celebrate her 40th class
Class of
Stanford Pa ’59 joined the Class of 1958’s reunion
festivities in September 2003.
Class of
Jeanne Cassell Anding of Poway, CA
enjoys traveling to great countries and U.S.
cities and spending time with her grandchildren. She is still on the executive board of
the United Cerebral Palsy…Dr. Garvin
Arrell is enjoying retirement in Mesa, AZ
after 38 years in law enforcement with the
Honolulu Police Department and chief of
police for Surprise, AZ.
Class of
In San Jose, CA, Judith Ann Vierra
Aguiar and her husband Duane have taken
early retirement. They enjoy their five
grandchildren – three of who live in beautiful Anchorage, AK. They make two trips a
year to spend time with their grandchildren
there. Judith says, “It’s wonderful to be
retired but so difficult keeping track of dates
and days of the week.” She attended her
35th class reunion in Vegas last November
and says aloha to all from San Jose!
Class of
Guy De Primo is a math teacher at City
College of San Francisco who last year
received a CMC3 (California Mathematics
Council Community Colleges) Teacher of
the Year Award. The colleagues who nominated Guy for the award wrote, in part, “We
nominate him above all because he is an
excellent instructor who has shown a true
dedication toward improving mathematics
education, not only for our students at CCSF,
but also for the state of California as a
Class of
Class of
Marla Takahama Stark is a systems
analyst for the State of Hawaii.
Class of
Dana Anne Yee was presented with two
awards from the American Society of
Landscape Architects in July 2003. The first
was an honor award in the private residences
and gardens category, for the preschool play
area at Maryknoll School. The second was a
merit award in the general design category
for Punahou Square Park (on the corner of
Punahou and Wilder).
Col. Brian J. Spitzer moved to the
Washington, D.C. area to be a senior foreign
area specialist for the missile defense academy. Brian met Sr. Dolores Rosso’s brother
while there and after 36 years met with classmate Patricia Medina Talbert who is a
superior court judge in New Jersey.
Class of
A note from Theresa Young Wee:
“Thank you for coordinating such a wonderful Alumni Class Dinner at the Ilikai on July
19, 2003. It was so nice to see friends and
(L to R) Dana Anne Yee ’79, Maryknoll School
President Michael Baker, and Dana’s mom, Jean Lum
Yee ’50 at the American Society of Landscape
Architects awards dinner at Chai’s Bistro in July
Class of
Louella “Ipo” Ahakuelo Lung corresponds via email from Virginia. She worked
on Capitol Hill for many years and is willing
to arrange tours of Washington DC in the
event that we put together an alumni gather-
teachers from the past. I thoroughly enjoyed
myself! The recognition of Mr. Jared
Kaufmann ’58 was very well done and I
was extremely honored to thank him in
person for all he has done for me. He was not
only my teacher, but also my tennis coach
for four years during high school. I learned
so much about myself, as well as life in
general, from him. I really reconnected with
Maryknoll and now realize what a great
impact it has had on my life. I encourage
fellow classmates and all alumni to ‘reconnect’ by participating in an alumni activity.
Mahalo!” Theresa and her husband Stephen
are doctors who practice in Waipio Gentry.
Theresa Young Wee ’72 (right) reunited with her
former teacher and tennis coach, Jared Kaufmann ’58,
at last summer’s Alumni Class Dinner.
Lori Tseu Rodriguez and her family
spent the month of June in Panama with
family. They spoke Spanish, ate Panamanian
food, lived the culture – they loved it! The
trip has taught them to appreciate the “luxuries” of life: hot showers with lots of water
pressure and carpeted floors to lay on. She
says the Lord blessed them with a safe trip
and allowed them to associate with the
humblest, kindest, most down-to-earth, and
sincere Panamanians. Lori says, “I’m back
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
Hawaii with a BA in history. She has been
working as a special education teacher at
Kapolei Middle School since 2000. This past
June, she received her teaching certificate
and will begin her fourth year at Kapolei
Middle as a tenured teacher. For the second
year in a row, Jennifer will be working as a
twelve month “Rainbow” teacher in the
Learning Center at her school teaching
corrective reading and special education
Class of
Malia Whaley McLeod ’91 with husband Jon and
daughter Peyton.
Class of
Malia Whaley McLeod and husband
Jon had a baby girl, Peyton Kailani McLeod
born on September 3rd. Peyton was 6 lbs 8
oz. Malia and her family will be moving
home in February with the Navy; she says
she can’t wait! Malia’s sister, Lisa Whaley
Fonseca ’88 and family will visit little
Peyton for Thanksgiving in Coronado, CA.
Class of
Gary Dela Cruz is in his first year of
residency in New York as a doctor. He
enjoys the fast-paced, bright lights, big city
lifestyle of NYC!
Class of
Brian Borsch has been married for three
years now to his lovely wife Rachel. They
live in Portland, OR where Brian works as
an insurance agent for Nationwide
Insurance. He and his wife started a parttime home-based business; you can visit
their website at
He says, “See you at the ten year
reunion!”…Stephanie Lum was promoted
to morning anchor at KHNL Hawaii News
8. She also continues her news reporting
duties, and writes and produces special
reports on a regular basis. You can catch her
on “News 8 Today” from 5:30 to 7 a.m.
every weekday morning…In 1999, Jennifer
Miyamoto graduated from the University of
In September, Duane Ozaki was
featured in “A Snapshot of Hawaii” article in
the Honolulu Advertiser for his lifelong love
of cars as a mechanic. He earned his automotive degree from Honolulu Community
College and has been a master technician for
the past six years. Duane works at Roy’s
Kalihi Automotive Center and Towing, his
father’s business that he hopes to someday
take over.
Class of
Elisa Furtado-Fischer and husband CJ
were married in August 2002. She graduated
from the University of Hawaii at Manoa
with a BA in U.S. History in December 2002
and gave birth to their second child Austin
Joseph Keaopanepookuaola in March 2003.
He was a big baby, 9 lbs., 6 ounces, and at
six months old is still big at 20 lbs., 29
inches long. They also have a three-year-old
daughter, Brooklyn Teani Keaonanialilinoe.
Elisa emails, “It’s been an exciting year, and
the best is yet to come. I currently stay home
with my two little ones but come January,
my husband CJ will start work at Pearl
Harbor Shipyard and I will start work at the
State Capitol (where fellow classmate Keoki
Leong currently works as an office
manager). Other than that, the last few years
we have been traveling to the mainland (San
Diego, Los Angeles, and of course Las
Vegas) and Maui.”…Jess Kroll graduated
last spring from the University of Hawaii at
Manoa with a degree in English with an
emphasis on creative writing. While there,
he became involved with a group called The
LitWits, with whom he helped create a
completely student-run publication called
Bench Press. He was head editor for the first
four issues, and appeared in all but one of the
first five. The sixth issue was formally
recognized by the university with complete
funding. In May, Jess was given a Myrle
Clark award with distinction by the writing
department for a short story he wrote earlier
in the year. He’s also become active in the
local poetry community, helping to put on
readings and occasionally performing some
of his own work. He’s working as a parttime editor at Mutual Publishing and taking
graduate classes at UH. He also plans to
apply to the Japanese Exchange Teaching
program and various graduate creative writing programs at schools in San Francisco,
New York and Boston, which he feels are
places conducive to art.
Class of
Glenn Dela Cruz emailed us to update
us on his life and the lives of his siblings
who are also Maryknoll alums! Glenn graduated from the University of Southern
California – Marshall School of Business.
He led a team of USC business students in
winning the Scholastic Achievement Award
for a marketing competition called the
Honda Element College Program. They won
$5,000 for putting together the best ad
campaign for the Honda Element, winning
against 29 other schools. During Glenn’s
tenure at USC, he was very involved as a
campus tour guide, the Director of
Advertising and Promotions for USC
Student Senate, and a teaching assistant for
the business computer course. Most of his
memories came from Lambda Chi Alpha
Fraternity, where Glenn served as vice president and senior social chairman. Outside of
Janel Hatton-Santiago ’98 and fiancé Benjamin
USC he’s been working for the Los Angeles
Dodgers in their premium seating department – luxury suites. Glenn is also at an
agency called Rubin Postaer & Associates
working on the Honda and Acura accounts.
Glenn writes, “I’ll still be living in Los
Angeles – Santa Monica to be exact – but
I’ll never forget where I started:
graduated from the Illinois Institute of
Technology with a BS in mechanical engineering, a certificate in leadership studies
and a certificate in cooperative education
studies. Janel works as a mechanical
designer, designing systems for commercial,
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:25 PM
Page 50
to work, housework, planning and rushing
life!”…Christine Texeria Thomas and Ben
Thomas live in Kaneohe and have three
beautiful children: Whitney (12), Carly (10),
and Zachery (8). Don’t forget the pets: a
golden retriever named Max, three parakeets, three lovebirds, two cockatiels, and
one cardinal. (Editor’s Note: Any chance
there’s also a partridge in a pear tree?)
Brennan. Carol says that her daughter has
become “the total love of my life! (Don’t tell
my husband Terry!)” Carol works as a
program specialist for a money management
program for the elderly; her boss is fellow
alumna Stella Wong ’68. Carol’s husband
Terry works in the fitness industry and,
according to Suzie, did a fabulous job cooking burgers at the picnic. Suzie adds, “We
had a great time visiting and getting to know
each other’s children.”
Class of
family website at, and
adds, “The sepia-tone photos (of Jake on
the website) were taken by Maile
McLaughlin, a fellow Class of ’88 alum.
Maile and I are still best friends, thanks to
Jake Thompson, son of Lisa Bianchi Thompson ’88
at five months.
Class of
Gladys Dela Cruz Feick and her
husband Ben live in Northern California.
Their daughter Skylar Haley is doing very
well and celebrated her first birthday in
Stephanie Kam Nishimura ’83 joined daughter
Ashlee, a kindergartener at Maryknoll, for the traditional blessing of the pets on October 3, 2003. They
brought their dog Gizmo to the pre-K and kindergarten students’ prayer service, at which pets and
stuffed animals were blessed by Fr. Marc Alexander,
pastor of the Manoa-Punahou Catholic Community.
Class of
Suzie Brown Bass, and Joseph and
Christie Harada Yee spent a day in
November at Ala Moana Beach Park celebrating the second birthday of Harmoni
Brennan, daughter of Carol Kimura
Suzie Brown Bass ’84, Carol Kimura Brennan ’84 and
Christie Harada Yee ’84 at Ala Moana Beach Park. In the
background (left) is Carol’s husband Terry.
Class of
Bryant Anderson ’85 with wife Sarah and son Dylan
at the Oregon Alumni Gathering in August 2003.
Bryant is the owner of Anna Banana’s Coffee House
in Portland.
Class of
Kathleen Peltier Larson and her
husband celebrated their 2nd wedding
anniversary. At the Alumni Gathering in
Portland last August, Kathleen was pregnant
with their first child, due in October…Lisa
Armenio Reis has been working in the pharmaceutical industry for almost seven years
now, five of which has been with Merck &
Co. For the past five years, Lisa and a friend
have run a small fitness business called
TaeRobix, which is a cardio fitness workout
that combines taekwondo and boxing. In
February 2003, Lisa and another friend
opened a contemporary pottery studio in
Aina Haina called “Fire & Glaze.” Lisa and
husband Paul were married on April 4,
2003…Lisa Bianchi Thompson and
husband Jim welcomed their first child, Jake
Thompson, on June 16, 2003. Classmates
can reach Lisa by email at Lisa also invites visitors to the
Lisa Langer Amador earned her
master’s degree in the field of social work,
and has enjoyed her occupation for the last
six years. Together with husband Leo
(who attended Maryknoll in freshman
year), they are raising their beautiful threeyear-old son, Nicholas…Carey Takayesu
Yen and husband Ivan were married on
July 18, 2003 at Kualoa Ranch, Paliku
Gardens. They finally tied the knot after
nine years. There were many Maryknoll
alums at their wedding: Kevin Kuwaye
’90, Jeff Kalani ’90, Audrey Aono ’90,
Richard Townsend ’90, Stacie Teramae
’88, Robin Sato Flores ’90, Sharie Ikeda
’90, Kris Lum Tabar ’90, and Lisa
Armenio Reis ’88. It was an unforgettable
Send your Class Notes to:
Maryknoll School
1526 Alexander Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
You can email Class Notes to:
We welcome photos, especially high resolution digital images. Send your news and photos today!
6:58 PM
Page 46
industrial, residential, and educational facilities and lives in Rockford, IL. She and fiancé
Benjamin Hunter met while in college and
are engaged to be married on May 22, 2004.
Class of
Tiffanie Luke, a student at Kapiolani
Community College’s Culinary Institute of
the Pacific, participated in “Hookipa 2003,”
held this past September at the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel. This fundraising event
features the creations of up-and-coming
chefs like Tiffanie; the culinary arts students
do all the work, including the prepping and
cooking at 12 stations. Tiffanie was featured
on the cover of the September 21 “Dining
Out” section of the Honolulu Advertiser as
part of the publicity for the event.
Class of
2003 and helped lead the Big Green to three
straight victories in the Bucknell invitational.
Kainoa recorded a career-high 15 kills
against Bucknell en-route to her being named
MVP of the tournament. She had 39 kills and
47 digs in the three games…Robyn
Kurasaki is in her fourth year at St. John’s
University in Jamaica, NY. A member of the
women’s volleyball team, Robyn has become
the first player in Red Storm history to record
three consecutive 1,000 assists, dishing out
1,353 assists during her junior year. She is
currently in second place on the all-time list
Nick Kim ’01 (Embry-Riddle)
Graduate Award. He is currently attending
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in
Prescott, AZ, as an Aerospace Studies Major
and will graduate and receive his commission in April 2005.
Kainoa Fialkowski enjoyed a breakout
volleyball season as a junior at Dartmouth.
She appeared in 81 games for the Big Green
and led the team with 277 digs. She set the
school record for digs in a game when she
recorded 39 against Princeton and her 3.42
average digs per game ranks 10th all-time at
Dartmouth. Kainoa also had 171 kills, 12
aces and 10 blocks. She has recorded 10 or
more kills in a match seven times, including
a career-high 13 against Holy Cross. Kainoa
was named a National Strength and
Conditioning All-American. Now in her
senior year at Dartmouth, Kainoa was named
Ivy Player of the Week for September 16,
Class of
Marymount University and is a member of
the LMU Men’s Soccer team. Go, Lions!
Class of
Robyn Kurasaki ’00 (St. John’s University)
for career assists with 3,494, 938 shy of the
all-time mark. Robyn appeared in all 122
games for the Red Storm, averaging 11.09
assists, 2.57 digs and .38 kills per game.
During her senior year, Robyn and her team
defeated Big East rival Syracuse in a thrilling
3-2 win. Robyn is also a winner in the classroom; she was named to the Verizon
Academic All-District I second team and
earned Big East Academic All-Star honors
for the third consecutive year…April Ota is
completing her AA degree in business at
Kapiolani Community College, while
attempting to complete an entrepreneurship
program. April is also working full-time as an
office manager at Homeowners Design
Center in Kalihi… Kari-Ann Koki is a nursing student at Hawaii Pacific University.
Class of
Kainoa Fialkowski ’00 (Dartmouth)
Amanda Bediones is in her third year at
Northeastern University in Boston. She plans
to study abroad in 2004…Nick Kim
completed Air Force ROTC Field Training in
August 2003 at Lackland AFB in San
Antonio, TX and received the Distinguished
Last June, Tim Dolan ’03 (left) met up with fellow
alum Soumangue Basse ’98 on Tim’s first day at the
Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT.
From semi-retired to semi-pro: Tony
Sellitto, former athletic director and coach
at Maryknoll, retired as head basketball
coach at Hawaii Pacific University in
2002. Now he’s agreed to coach the
Hawaii Chiefs, a semi-professional
basketball team that will play games here
and on the mainland. His intent, however,
is to get things started and then turn the
team over to Francis Fletcher ’82, who
was one of Coach’s star players in the
’80s, and an assistant coach on the HPU
staff in the ’90s.
Maryknoll School
2002-2003 Annual Giving Report
Investing in Our Students and Our Future
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Dear Friends,
I’m writing this message on Thanksgiving morning, a most appropriate
time to thank all of you for your generosity to Maryknoll School. On this day
set aside to remind ourselves how fortunate we are and to give thanks for
this good fortune, it is also a perfect time to remember how dependent we
are on the love and care of one another. It is also appropriate that we set
time aside to say our thanks because our busy lives often prevent us as individuals from this type of reflection and action.
Schools like Maryknoll, however, are constantly reminded of how fortunate we are to have people like you who share your time, your talents, and
your resources with us. I am certain that we do not thank our volunteers
enough, people who give their time, energy and creativity to us, in such
things as working with the PTG, serving on our Board, coaching our
athletes, helping us get mailings to you on time.
Your generosity to our AIM program allows us to offer many opportunities
to our students and faculty that would otherwise result in greater increases
in tuition costs. One hundred percent of the dollars that we receive through
the AIM Program are used to enrich classroom programs, provide professional opportunities for our faculty and staff, and assist families in making
Maryknoll a reality for their children.
So, today is a wonderful day for me to offer my thanks to you for making
Maryknoll School one of the priorities in your life, for helping to keep this
marvelous school strong, and for caring so deeply about the children
entrusted to us.
Michael E. Baker
President, Maryknoll School
Dear Maryknoll Donor,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire Maryknoll
School community, I would like to extend my deepest thanks for your
support of the school. Because of your generosity, we reached – and
exceeded – our goal for the 2002-2003 Annual Investment in
Maryknoll (AIM). This is truly a noteworthy accomplishment.
AIM is an ongoing process because your gift supports the everyday, essential activities of the school. Your gift goes to work immediately, helping to maintain and improve the learning environment for
all our students on both campuses. Giving to AIM ensures that we
can bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating
each student at Maryknoll. We hope that you will continue to
support the school each year.
Thank you again for being a part of the work we do at Maryknoll
School to educate Hawaii’s children. May your new year be filled
with blessings and peace.
Alfred M.K. Wong
Chairman, Maryknoll School Board of Trustees
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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To contribute to Maryknoll School, or to create a new scholarship or gift, please call the Development Office at (808) 952-7310.
Father James Jackson Endowed Scholarship
In 1986, Father James Jackson, former associate pastor of Sacred
Heart Church and School Chaplain, established a scholarship in
memory of his mother, Clara Rose de Lima Calouri. This scholarship provides assistance to students demonstrating a willingness to
contribute to the continued excellence of the Maryknoll family.
The foundation for giving at Maryknoll is the ongoing yearly
appeal. It raises funds to bridge the gap between tuition and the real
cost of educating students at Maryknoll School.
Annual giving is not just about making a contribution. It’s about
investing in the future of the institution and, above all, in each young
person who is entrusted to our care.
Maryknoll values the ongoing commitment of its donors. We have
established Legacy Levels of Giving to recognize cumulative levels of
giving to Maryknoll, including all contributions to funds and appeals.
$200,000 and above
$100,000 - $199,999
$50,000 - $99,999
$25,000 - $49,999
The Capital Campaign is a drive to raise funds for building improvements, additions, and endowments. Large gift pledges are usually
scheduled with payments over a period of years. Gifts of cash, stocks,
bonds, and other negotiable securities are the most common types of
contributions. Continued support of AIM and the Capital Campaign is
vital to the financial well-being and future growth of Maryknoll School.
A number of generous individuals have established endowed
named scholarships. Restrictive gifts may be made directly to these
Earl Joseph & Ann York Gallian Memorial Scholarship Fund
In 1993, Dr. Franklin Young ’60 established this scholarship at
the request of Mr. and Mrs. Gallian, who became fond of our school
through their lifelong friendship with Dr. Young. This scholarship is
awarded every year to female high school students who demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to Maryknoll’s extracurricular programs.
Ho-Ching Scholarship
Established in 2002 by Class of 1963 alumni Galen Ho and
Patricia Ching Ho, this scholarship is awarded to students of good
academic standing and financial need who have demonstrated leadership and service to the community.
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship
Created in 1998 to honor the Monsignor who epitomized our
Maryknoll School motto, Noblesse Oblige, “To whom much is given,
much is expected,” this scholarship is funded by the proceeds from
the Monsignor Charles Kekumano Scholarship Dinner. The
Kekumano Scholarship is awarded annually to a returning Maryknoll
junior or senior who demonstrates financial need, is Roman Catholic,
has a solid academic record, and exemplifies a spirit that takes the
teachings of the Catholic faith and puts them into action by serving
others, showing a keen interest in both the school and the greater
community, and working toward the promotion of justice.
The Maryknoll Fathers’ Scholarship
In 1998, a challenge gift of $100,000 was given to Maryknoll
when the Maryknoll Fathers returned Sacred Heart Parish and the
school to the care of the Diocese of Honolulu. This gift will help
fund scholarships for Maryknoll students.
Sacred Heart Parish Scholarship
Established in 1998, this scholarship provides 50% tuition
assistance to a newly-admitted middle school or high school
student who is a member of Sacred Heart Parish. This student must
be a practicing Roman Catholic who demonstrates financial need,
carries a minimum grade point average of 3.50, and is actively
involved in community service or church-related activities.
Rudolph A. and Ralph W. Sylva Scholarship
Established in 2001 from the estate of Rudolph Sylva ’35, this
scholarship is awarded annually to students with proven scholastic
promise, with preference given to those of Hawaiian or partHawaiian ancestry.
Vance O. Smith Endowed Scholarship
In the 1980s, the Bishop Trust Company, Limited, as Trustee of
the Vance O. Smith Trust, established this scholarship for
Maryknoll School. Mr. Smith had a special interest in social studies and history and willed his remaining trust assets to organizations
established and operated exclusively for educational purposes. This
scholarship is awarded to deserving students who display academic
promise and financial need.
Robert “Foxy” Thomas Scholarship
Established in 1992, this scholarship is given in honor of Robert
“Foxy” Thomas. Mr. Thomas was an avid sports enthusiast who
admired the competitiveness of Maryknoll’s athletes, particularly in
basketball, which led him to leave the bulk of his estate to fund this
scholarship. The Robert “Foxy” Thomas Scholarship is awarded to
students based on their demonstrated special qualities of leadership,
scholarship, potential for contribution to the school’s co-curricular
programs, and financial need.
Every year, Maryknoll receives funding from various individuals
and organizations for scholarship awards.
In addition to the above gifts, Maryknoll School also encourages
other forms of giving as described below:
Ching Scholarship
Created in 1996 by the Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching
Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to Maryknoll students who
are citizens of the United States.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving provides an opportunity for donors to support
Maryknoll through deferred giving. Examples of such programs
include bequests, life income plans, gifts subject to a retained life
estate, gifts of life insurance, and charitable lead trusts. In addition,
you can name Maryknoll in your will to help ensure the vitality of
Maryknoll School for future generations of students. Planned giving
may be discussed with Maryknoll’s Development Office or the
donor’s own financial adviser to determine personal application.
DeFontes Scholarship
Established by Mrs. Georgia E. Blake Rice ’55, the DeFontes
Scholarship is awarded to qualifying Maryknoll students.
Father William Desmond Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1986 by families belonging
to Sacred Heart Parish in honor of Father William Demond, presiding pastor of Sacred Heart Church from 1981 to 1985.
Father Francis Diffley Scholarship
Established in 1998, this scholarship honors Father Francis
Diffley, the last Maryknoll priest to serve as pastor of Sacred Heart
Church and president of Maryknoll School.
Maryknoll School Parent/Teacher Guild Scholarship
Every year, our Parent/Teacher Guild generously donates
portions of the proceeds from their successful fundraiser to support
scholarships for students with financial need.
Restricted financial gifts for special programs, specific purchases,
or other needs within Maryknoll School not included in the budget for
a given fiscal year come under this category. Special gifts benefit the
school while addressing the particular interests of donors.
Memorial and Named Gifts
These gifts honor a family member, friend, or loved one and can
be made to the school with the assistance of our Development
Gifts in Kind
Any item that does not have a professional appraisal is considered a gift in kind. Donations of computers, office equipment, furniture, and other items of value to Maryknoll are greatly appreciated.
Acceptance of such items is subject to qualifications in our Gift
Acceptance Policy, and usage and space constraints.
Gifts of Service
Parents, friends, and businesses who offer their services to the
school without remuneration are greatly valued by the Maryknoll
Aloha Auto Auction
Generous gifts of used automobiles provide additional money to
our operating fund. The Development Office can answer questions
about this program and make arrangements regarding donation.
Mike McKenna’s “Spirit of Giving” for Education Program
For every new car, truck, or van sold to parents or friends of
Maryknoll, Mike McKenna will donate $100 to the school.
Qualifying vehicles may be purchased at one of three locations:
Mike McKenna’s Windward Ford, Mike McKenna’s Windward
Volkswagen/Mazda, and McKenna Motor Cars in Kailua-Kona. Fundraising Program
Shop online at, where hundreds of brand name
stores offer products such as clothing, books, music, and toys. For
every purchase you make, Maryknoll receives a rebate that goes to
AIM. Register at and let your online shopping benefit Maryknoll School.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Page 34
Class of 1937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00%
Class of 1942. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.46%
Class of 1943. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.36%
Class of 1958. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.06%
Class of 1948. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.28%
Class of 1945. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.03%
Class of 1957. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.03%
Class of 1963. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.63%
Class of 1940. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.92%
Class of 1988. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.04%
Class of 1963
Class of 1938
Class of 1939
Class of 1975
Class of 1957
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,455
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,100
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,150
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,625
Class of 1988
Class of 1937
Class of 1958
Class of 1967
Class of 1964
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,940
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,930
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,610
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,465
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,295
Class of 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Class of 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Class of 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Class of 1957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Class of 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
For alumni who give to AIM, listed by graduating class, please see page 53.
Ann Marie White Medeiros ’88 accepted the President’s
Cup on behalf of the Class of 1988 at the Alumni Class
Dinner on July 19, 2003. Maryknoll School President
Michael Baker presents this annual award to the alumni
class with the greatest increase in percentage of classmates
who make a gift to AIM (Annual Investment in Maryknoll).
The Class of ’88 more than doubled their participation
percentage to take top honors this year.
Make a Match to Double Your Donation
Many companies dedicated to charitable giving participate
in a matching gift program. Yours could be one of them. To
make the most of your gift to Maryknoll, ask your human
resources department if your company has a matching gift
program. If it does, fill out the form and return it to
Maryknoll’s Development & Alumni Office, according to your
employer’s guidelines.
Listed below are just a few of the many companies nationwide who participate in a matching gift program.
Maryknoll School is grateful for the generosity of the
companies who supported our 2002-2003 annual giving fund
through matching gifts, indicated by an asterisk (*).
* Maryknoll School is grateful for the generosity of the companies
who supported our 2002-2003 annual giving fund through matching gifts.
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Annual Summary for the Fiscal Year September 1, 2002, Through August 31, 2003
The donors listed in this report made gifts in support of the
annual fund between September 1, 2002 and August 31, 2003.
Gifts made after August 31 will be credited to the 2003-2004
Annual Investment in Maryknoll (AIM) and will be recognized in
next year’s report. We have made every effort to be accurate in
Annual Investment in Maryknoll – AIM
Unrestricted Gifts
$ 231,547
Gifts to Scholarship
Fundraising Events
Gifts in Kind
$ 519,096
recognizing those who have done so much for Maryknoll. Please
accept our sincere apologies for any errors or omissions. Feel free
to contact the Development and Alumni Office at (808) 952-7310
so that we may correct our records.
$ 74,509
Corporations and Foundations
Friends and Others
Board Members
Administrators, Faculty, and Staff
Gifts to the AIM
$ 213,547
PTG Fundraiser
6th Annual Kekumano Dinner
27th Annual Luau
12th Annual Golf Tournament
Total Fundraising Events
$ 195,836
Board Members
Others 12%
Alumni 32%
Recognizing cumulative levels of giving
to Maryknoll, including all contributions
to funds and appeals.
($200,000 AND ABOVE)
Marielouise Abel Terminating Trust
Maryknoll School PTG
Mr. Foxy Thomas
($100,000 - $199,999)
Atherton Family Foundation
Catholic Diocese
Mrs. Elizabeth Lau Ching
Earl Gallian Estate
First Hawaiian Foundation
Hung Wo & Elizabeth Lau Ching
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Kosasa
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel W.C. Ma
Maryknoll Fathers Hawaii
Pacific Century Financial Corporation
Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation
($5,000 AND ABOVE)
G.N. Wilcox Trust
Ms. Virginia Gonsalves ’38
Hung Wo & Elizabeth Lau Ching
Mary D. and Walter F. Frear
Eleemosynary Trust
Maryknoll School PTG
McInerny Foundation
Mr. Sam Scherf
Mrs. Shirley M. Campos
Paul Chinen ’57
Mr. Andrew W. Corcoran ’64
Mrs. Claire Murakami Dang ’59 and
Mr. Glenn Dang
Mr. Frank G. Duarte
Mr. Alfred Fernandes and
Mrs. MaryAnn Fernandes
Mr. James Hiramatsu ’75 and
Mrs. Aileen Hiramatsu
Mr. Michael Ho ’57 and
Mrs. Patricia Ho 57
Mr. Gregory A.W.M. Hong ’88
Jane C. Wong Private Foundation
Mrs. Jacqueline Kathe
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Klauberg, Sr.
your gift =
Lance Suzuki 2003
Economics Teacher
of the Year
Heidi McGivern
2002 Middle School
Educator of the Year
($50,000 - $99,999)
Bank of Hawaii
Hawaii Community Foundation
Mrs. Virginia Gonsalves ’38
Mr. James Hiramatsu ’75 and
Mrs. Aileen Hiramatsu
Mr. Galen Ho ’63 and
Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Fukuyoshi Kawazoe
Mr. James G. Lee, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C.S. Tsai
Vance O. Smith Trust
Mrs. Lauire Hong ’56 and
Mr. Alfred M.K. Wong
($25,000 - $49,999)
Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
BHP Hawaii
Malcom H.M. Chang DDS Inc
Mr. Randy W.G. Ching
Mrs. Juliette Y. Shea Chock ’53
Dr. Collin Dang ’61 and Dr. Mary Dang
Ms. Virginia Gonsalves ’38
Mrs. Sylvia S. Ho and Mr. Alan H. Ho
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Mr. Dean M. Miyamoto CPA ‘72
Mrs. Karen T. Nakagaki Nakamura ’62
Theo H. Davies Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Dr. and Mrs. Livingston M.F. Wong ’48
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong ’66
Mr. and Mrs. David K.C. Wong
Dr. Livingston ’48 and Mrs. Linda Wong
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Yamashita
($500 - $999)
Mitch Blaisdell ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Blanco
Mrs. Juliette Y. Shea Chock ’53
Class of 1953
Dr. Deborah M. Dang ’74
Mr. Peter K.W. Dang ’64
Dennis Uniform Company
Father Francis A. Diffley, MM
Mark and Mona Fukuhara
Mr. James H. Gahler
Mr. Lester S. Gibo ’72
Ms. Betsey H. Gunderson ’68
Mrs. Audrey Hidano and
Mr. Steven Hidano
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hoban, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn M.S. Dang Hong ’67
Mrs. Jeanne A. Kikawa
Mr. and Mrs. Hovey B. Lambert
Mr. Andrew S.O. Lee ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Leong
Mrs. Tokiko Okano
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin J.H. Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel J. Relator
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sawa
Ms. Phyllis N.T. Shea ’58
Mr. Charles K. Shigeta ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Roland T. Shimabukuro
Mr. William E. Spencer, Jr. ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Sunada
Dr. Benjamin C.K. Tom ’45
Mrs. Brenda Dung Wong ’77 and
Mr. Kiman Wong
Mrs. Sandra M. Yamane and
Mr. Gerald H. Yamane
Ms. T. Phyllis Zerbe
($100 - $499)
($2,500 - $4,999)
Timothy and Sandra Collins
Mrs. Miriam Desha Dowson ’39
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Helfrich ’39
Mr. Galen Ho ’63 and
Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho ’63
Dr. Irwin Lee and Mrs. Irene Lee
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
($1,000 - $2,499)
Guy and Lanette Akasaki
Albert Chong Associates Inc.
June H. Arakawa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Baker
Dr. Thomas and Mi Kosasa
Mrs. Mardi K. La Prade and
Mr. Arne C. La Prade
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lactaoen
Souvanhny Law
Patricia Young Lee ’61
Mr. Stanford C. Lee ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Matsusaka
Mrs. Ouida Usita Morris ’63 and
Mr. James Morris
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Monica
Domaloan ’83 Ng Pack
Mrs. Betty Blake Rice ’55
Dr. and Mrs. Coswin K. Saito
Mrs. Janis Ing Strauss ’65
Eric ’67 & Gail (Nakagaki) Tiwanak ’67
Cori C. Weston
Mr. Alfred Wong and
Mrs. Laurie ’56 Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Mr. Clarence L. Ahakuelo, Jr. ’53
Mr. Clifford M. Akana ’42
Mr. Kazuyuki Akashi ’45
Barbara V. Nobrega Akau ’61
Mrs. Pauline L. Bruhn Akimo ’51
Ms. Yuklin Aluli ’66
Mr. Michael Amore ’79 and
Mrs. Teresita Amore
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Aquino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Arakaki
Tandi Arakaki ’04 and
Joshua Arakaki ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arakaki
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Arakawa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arita
Peter H. Arita
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Asato
Mr. and Mrs. Man Kwong Au
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y.C. Au
Mrs. Sharon J. Gomes Azevedo ’59
Mr. and Mrs. James Bac
Wanistha Bahar
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Baysa
Becker Communications, Inc.
Della Au Belatti ’92
Janel Garner Bernard ’77
Peter and Valerie Besenbruch
Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Bluemke
Mr. and Mrs. Suthap S. Boonyatera
Mr. Harold V. Botelho ’54
Mr. Herbert Botelho ’51 and
Mrs. Mary Lou Botelho ’53
William Bow & Family
Mrs. Paula Rochelle Lindo Boyce ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brady
Ms. Haidee C. Bristol-Horne ’80
Mrs. Gayle Brodie and Mr. Shane Brodie
Mr. Robert F. Brogle ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brogle
Mrs. Felice N.J. Wong Broglio ’65
Judith T. Miyamoto Brown ’52
Mrs. Kathleen H. Haggood Buckey ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cajski
Mrs. Sandra M. Campos ’68
Kimberly Carahasen ’87
Mrs. Lori Kern Carlos ’87 and Mr.
Stephen Carlos
Mrs. Suzeth C. Carreon and
Mr. Wilfredo M. Carreon
Mrs. Pearl S. Young Castillo ’46
Dr. and Mrs. Ariel A. Catalan
Mr. Elliott W. Chamizo ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Steve W.K. Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M.H. Chang
Mr. Donald Chang ’52 and
Mrs. Frances Chang ’51
Mr. Evanson H.W. Chang
Dr. Jo Ann A. Chang ’83
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S.M. Chang
Mr. Milton T.Y. Chang ’54
Mr. Robert K.Y. Chang ’56
Stanley and Cynthia Chang
Mr. Dennis W. Chee ’52
Mr. Lorrin W.K. Chee ’46
Anna Chenault ’45
Mr. Matthew I. Chikasuye ’97
George C. Chin
Albert M. Chinen ’61
Ms. Christine G.L. Ching
Hamilton M.S. Chock
Keith and Peggy Chock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.S. Chock
Mr. Stephen C. Chock ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Chang Bong Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S.C. Chong
Ms. Melissa S.J. Chong ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.K. Chong
Patrick K. Chong ’76
Randall Y.L. Chong ’84
Charles and Jo-Ann Chow
Mr. Henry Y.H. Chow
Mrs. Florence L. Choy
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S.F. Choy
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford K.D. Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Chun Fat, Sr.
Mrs. Frances Lee Chun ’58
Gordon Chun ’42
Mrs. Jeanette M.L. Lum Chun ’56
Ms. Laura Y. Chun
Mary L. Chun ’69
Mr. Vernon P. Chun ’59
Joe Clare ’62
Class of 1963
Taryn A. Clatanoff (Carr) ’97
Mr. Clinton J. Clausen
Marilyn Coffman ’66
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo G. Condes
Leila V. Condon ’45
Mr. Francis Condry ’68
Mrs. Agnes Sills Cordeiro ’37
Marie Cote ’83
Mr. Robert J. Coursey, Jr. ’64
Mrs. Martha A. Crawford
Alan Crosswhite
Christopher R. Crum ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Cui
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Dacanay
Cathlen Hee Daenz
Capt.T.J. Davies, Jr.
Mrs. Marlene R. Dias De Costa ’66
Mr. Guy M. De Primo ’65
Mr. Michael X. Dean ’65
Mrs. Napua E. Prados Demers ’58
Mr. Joseph M. DePrimo ’69
Mrs. Haunani F.M. Burns Dickson ’60
Ms. Agnes L. Domdoma ’55
Katey Domdoma ’14 and Family
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Donahue
Russ Donnelly ’64
Mr. David Dougan ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Downes
Benjamin A. Chico Drose ’52
Mr. Michael J. Dudley ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.J. Dung
Dr. and Mrs. David K.H. Dung
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Dung
Mr. Russell D. Dung ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Masaharu Edamura
Mr. and Mrs. David Eldredge
Colleen and Derrick Elfalan
Mrs. Patricia L. Gilsey Eng ’57
Mrs. Mook-Lan Mui Fan ’41
Ms. Antonina V. Farm ’65
Mr. George Feng and Ms. Donna Tang
W. Douglas Ferreira ’54
Mrs. Verna P. Perry Ferreira ’53
Mr. Scott Finkboner ’62
Mrs. Jane R. Bryant Forsythe ’67
Ms. Margaret A. Fox
Mr. Tsutomu Fujimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fujimoto
Mrs. Edith Fujishige
Mr. and Mrs. Hagime Fujita
Mrs. Lei E. Koike Fujiwara ’83
Gary and Pauline Fukumura
Mr. Thomas C. Furtado
Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Furukawa
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gabriel
Mrs. Amelia Mattos Garcia ’40 and
Mr. William Garcia ’36
Judge Colette Y. Yoda Garibaldi ’73
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. John Gaudet
Mrs. Cheryl R. Kunimune Gesik ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Gibo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Gilbert
Mrs. Angie N. Golis-Yamamoto
Col. Francis G.A. Gomes, Jr. ’54
Mrs, Edwina L. Leong Goo ‘40
Mrs. Joyce S.Y. Lee Goo ’56
Mrs. Sherelee Lam Goo ’77 and
Mr. Garret Goo
Clarence L. Gouveia ’51
Ms. Janet Dougherty Grady ’67
Mrs. Leanna J. Green and
Mr. Patrick E. Green
Lisa Anne Wong Gruebner ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Ha
Mr. Thomas Haioka ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hall
Lorraine Chamizo Hamilton ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hann
Mrs. Alice S. Takabuki Hara ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Hara
Ms. Anne P. Harpham ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y. Hasegawa
Mr. Wade M. Hasegawa
James and Corie Hasselman
Mrs. Patricia K.M. Heatherly ’66
Mrs. Robin M.W. Choy Hebert ’75
Mrs. Mary Chang Hee ’47 and
Mr. Jensen Hee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.H. Hee
Philip and Maybelle Helfrich
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hermosura
Mr. Robert Hidano and
Mrs. Aileen Kaneshiro
Caitlin Higa and Family
Mr. Jay Higa and Mrs. Jan Yonemori
Joanne Hiramatsu
Brenda and Eric Hiromoto
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hisashima
Mrs. Helen K. Ho
Ms. Valerie Anne Ho ’60
Elizabeth Russell Hochberger ’78
Kathleen Klabo Hogle ’87
Mr. Gerald K.T. Hong
Mrs. Wendy Wong Howell ’73 and
Mr. John Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Kuo-Wei Huang
Richard E. Hughes Sr.
Mrs. Florence S. Ikei
Mr. Richard I. Imai ’67
Mr. Raymond Imbo, Jr. ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S.C. Ing
Mr. Russell Ing ’67
Mrs. Mary C. Inglis
Mrs. Allene M.C. Higa Ishikawa ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle K. Iwamoto
Dr. Norine Lau Jalbert ’66
Wade H. Jones ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Jones
Mrs. Beatrice H. Iwamoto Jost ’49
Mrs. Teresita R. Hilario Jubinsky ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus I. Kagawa
Mr. Edwin S. Kalai ’43
Mr. Jeffrey Keahi Kalani ’90
Mr. Raymond S.L. Kam
Mr. and Mrs. Kunito Kamimura
June E. Kamioka-Fuller ’53
Mrs. Lilian Ohira Kane ’54
Mr. Miles Kaneshiro and
Mrs. Claire Sierra Kaneshiro
Mrs. Eugenie Kaili Kaopua ’59
Mr. Jarrett W. Karasaki ’55
Dr. Owen Y. Kawakami
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Kawasaki
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Kaya
Mrs. Denys S. Furutani Kazama ’83
Mrs. Marilyn S. Keau
Violet K. Kekina ’40
Dr. Cynthia Jean Ichiriu Keller ’72
Mrs. Lucille Loretta Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B.K. Kidder
Ms. Annalea M. Kim ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Kirst
Mr. Herbert H. Kiyabu ’56
Capt & Mrs. W.J. Klauberg
Mrs. Amy E. Kobayashi
Mrs. Mildred F. Burlem Koch ’42
Mr. Laine Harumasa Kohama ’93
Mr. Paul Koike ’77 and
Mrs. Corey Koike
Susan Koki
Mrs. Laurie H. Komeiji
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Koo
Mr. and Mrs. Masajiro Koochi
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Kramer
Mrs. Elyse P. Kukonu ’71
Patricia and Marisa ’96 and
David A.’04 Kula
Mrs. Marjorie Wong Kum ’51 and
Mr. Stan Kum
Mr. and Mrs. Wane M. Kunihisa
Mr. and Mrs. Yue Fung Kwan
Mr. M. Thaddeus Kwiatkowski ’56
Mr. Edison C.Y. Kwock ’59
Mr. Waley C.M. Kwock ’64
Mrs. Ludmilla La Prade
Mrs. Mary Ann Cordeiro LaFazia ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T.K. Lam
John and Beverly Lambert
Mrs. Linda Jo Niemitz Langley ’67
Michael and Cyndy LaPorte
Mr. Aaron P. Lau ’93
Anna N.W. Choy Lau ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.N. Lau
Hing Chau Lau
Jonathan K.H. Lau, D.D.S. ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C.M. Lau
Mrs. Mary S.Q. Mau Lecavelier ’61
Adrian Ledoux
Ms. Diane O.L. Lee ’61
Mrs. Donna Lynn Chow Lee ’81
Mrs. Edwina Cordeiro Lee ’58
Mr. Ernest K.C. Lee ’48
Gordon F.Y. Lee
Mr. Edward E. Lee and
Mrs. Joelle L. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F.M. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ah Sung Leong
Margaret and Alvin Leong
Mrs. Cecilia A. Taum Leong ’37
Mr. Gordon Leong ’53 and
Mrs. Jean Leong
Mrs. Helen C. Chock Leong ’43
Mrs. Carol Joyce Leong-Kido ’83
Mrs. Irene Chang Letoto ’50 and
Mr. Leonard Letoto
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Levy
Bob and Libby Lew
Ms. Catherine Li ’40
Mr. Eric H.F. Li ’94
Mr. Lloyd Lim
Mrs. Lorna P. Chang Lin ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin K.T. Liu
Mr. and Mrs. David Y.F. Liu
Ms. Angela Kar Kei Lo ’87
Mrs. Mary U. Apao Loebl ’57
Laurene M. Loo ’76
Mr. Patrick Kalani Loo, Jr. ’90
Ms. Shevaun Anne Mei Lan Low ’86
Mrs. Linda L. Luciano
Mrs. Adele Odo Lum ’72 and
Mr. Alfred Lum
Mrs. Charlene C.L. Wong Lum ’60
Evelyn Chang Lum ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.Y. Lum
Stephanie C.L. Lum ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred W.C. Lum
Wendell K. Miyazu
Timmy and Rose Molina
Roger and Natalie Morey
Mrs. Thelma Nobuko Sano Mori ’42
Mary Helen Tom Morrow ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Mota
Mr. and Mrs. Archie T. Murakami
Jeanne K.O. Murata
Mrs. Michele M. Chun Murphy ’82
Dr. James Musgrave and
Dr. Lynn Yanagihara
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Nagami
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O’Brien
Mrs. Lorri C. Cordeiro O’Connell ‘79
Dr. and Mrs. Francis T. Oda
Raymond M. Ohara ’56
Mr. Ronald Ohira ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Okada
Mrs. Victoria W.L. Okamura ’89
Mrs. Brenda Odo Okazaki ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Okita
Mr. and Mrs. Tokio Okudara
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Okuhara
Dr. Timothy Olderr and
Mrs. Kristi Maynard
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Omura
Dr. Sharon Hiu Ong ’83 and
Mr. Simon Ong
your gift =
a wider view
of the world
French Exchange 2002
Mr. Donald C. Machado ’46
Ms. Robin R. Dang Mailolo ’80
Dorothy Y.L. Goo Man ’52
Mr. David Marin ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Naoto Mashiba
Wendy Bartolome Mason ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Matsumoto
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshimi Matsunaga
Ms. Christine Dee-Ann Mattos ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Mattos ’63
Mr. Elliott C. Mattos ’54
Vivian C. Mau
Mrs. Marie McGarry
Mrs. Patricia A.C. McIntyre ’67
LTC Manny Medeiros ’57
Col. and Mrs. Richard E. Meiers
Ms. Camille Domaloan Michel ’84 and
Mr. Whit Michel
Dr. Trisha B. Miki ’87
Mr. Kim L. Mitchell and
Mrs. Lynn E. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Miura
Mr. Brian Miyashiro and
Mrs. Brenda Ballesteros-Miyashiro
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O. Nagami
Mrs. Adora H. Aoki Nakamura ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Nakamura
Gail Nakamura
Mrs. Karen T. Nakamura ’62
Mr. Kazue Nakamura
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Nakamura
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Nakasone
Mrs. Paula Nakata ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ng
Mr. Hieu T. Nguyen ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Danford S. Nikaido
Richard and Elaine Nikaido
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Y. Nishida
Dr. Harry T. Nomura ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Oamilda
Mr. and Mrs. Danford H. Oshima
Mr. and Mrs. Isamu M. Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Lester K. Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oshiro
Mr. Robert Y. Oshita ’68
Ms. Carole S. Ota
Henry T. Oyama, M.D. ’49
Mrs. Christine C. Pagano
Gwen Cabral Panee ’62
Dr. Derek Pang and Mrs. Bobbie Pang
Edwin Pang
Mr. Jerry K.C. Pang ’56
Kenzie J. Pang ’69
Mr. Albert J. Pattison
Paula’s Sports Cards Etc
Mrs. Sandra L. Freitas Peltzer ’64
Mrs. Barbara Leong Perreira ’48 and
Mr. Jonathan Perreira
Bernadette Perry ’46
Mr. George P. Peterson ’36
Diane Pike-Bourne
Mr. Joseph P. Raffa ’83
Mr. James P. Rapoza ’45
Mrs. Katherine K. Rapozo ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Rauckhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey K. Recarte
Mrs. Roberta M. Aiona Richards ’60
Mrs. Patricia H. Rapoza Robb ’59
Mrs. Alice P.S. Roberts
Ms. Mary Maloney Roberts ’70
Susan Porter Robinson ’64
Mrs. Maria Consuelo Rogers
Mrs. Lucy Baraquio Rossi ’86
Eric and Chi Son Saito
Mrs. Michele K. Tagawa Saito ’77
Mrs. Tomiko Saito
G. Sakanashi
Ms. Shirley Ann K. Salomon ’55
Philip San Juan
Schoolpop, Inc.
Mr. Anthony R. Sellitto, Jr.
Mrs. Charlotte M. Chow Sexton ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Shaffer
Mr. Neil Shimabukuro ’78 and
Dr. Kathleen Wong Shimabukuro ’78
Florence T. Shimizu ’50
Mrs. Patricia F. Shinsato
Mr. Roy L. Shults ’66
Mr. Glenn J. Silva
Mr. Marty S. Silva ’81
Laine Matsuo Skiendiel ’68
Mrs. Joann Skudlarick and
Dr. James Skudlarick
Mrs. Georgiana D. Denis Smith ’53
Dr. Paul T.M. So, PhD ’84
Joy Soares ’89
Mrs. Marlene M. Soares Souki ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Oran D. Spotts, Jr.
Janeen Olds and Richard Stack
Mrs. Frances Y.C. Goo Steen ’47
Mark Stege ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y. Suehiro
Mr. Maurice Edward Sullivan ’84
Mrs. Paulette T. Ukishima Sumida ’58
Joan Kwock Sung
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Suyderhoud
Mr. Seiichi Suzuki
Bob & Shelly Sypowicz
Mr. Carman Tablada ’60
Mrs. Leona A. Tadaki Kam
Mrs. Christina M. Takafuji ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Hideyuki Takahashi
Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. Takahashi
Mr. Stanley M. Takamine ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Takano
Gregory and Valarie Takata ’76
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
7:02 PM
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Mr. Wallace K. Takata ’49
Ikuo Takenaka
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Tamanaha
Mr. and Mrs. Alben Tanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Alan S. Tanaka
Herman and Cynthia Tanaka
Mr. George Taniguchi ’46 and
Mrs. Michiyo Taniguchi
Mrs. Marilynn M. Taniyama
Mr. and Mrs. Chester K. Tatsumura
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Teruya
Margaret Sebastian Thomas ’53
Daniel P. Thompson
David and Susan Todani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Todani
Anita Tom ’48
Mr. Daniel M.C. Tom ’68
Mrs. Shana Campos Tong ’83 and
Mr. Rodney Tong
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan T. Toyama
Mrs. Tomoko Yamamoto Tsuyemura ’45
and Mr. Robert Tsuyemura
Mrs. Nancy Tasaka Tyau ’57
Mr. Charles Uchima
Mitsuru and Mitsuki Uda
Mrs. Melinda S. Lohr Underkofler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ursulum
Mrs. Michelle Ushio ’81
Mr. Russell Uyeno and
Ms. Rose Anne Petro
Lori Beth Wong Van Cantfort ’86
Mrs. Nastia M. Vickery ’58
Mr. Clyde H. Vierra ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Riza L. Villa
John H. Walbridge, Jr. ’65
Kai Ming Wang and Rui Han
Mrs. Virginia L. Lum Wat ’52
Madge S. Goto Watai ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Isami Watanabe
Mrs. Lynne Taniguchi Watanabe ’69 and
Mr. Kosei Watanabe
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred K. Watanabe
Mr. Wallace Weatherwax ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weinstein
Mrs. Stephanie M. Duarte Whalen
Mrs. Charlotte Ann Gomes White ’63
Mrs. Joan F. White
Kari A. Wilhelm ’76
Lori L. Wilhelm ’80
Mr. David F. Won ’74
Viann Theodore Won ’57
Mr. Bryant W.C. Wong ’74
Colene S. Wong
Cora A. Ho Wong ’72
Elaine and Jamie Wong
Mrs. Frances Chow Wong ’69 and
Mr. Jack Wong
Gerald T.K. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D.K. Wong
Mr. Leonard Wong and
Mrs. Debra Lew-Wong
Ms. Stella Mee Que Wong ’68
Mr. Steven Y.S. Wong ’86
Mary Y. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson K.S. Wong
Lisa Wong-Yamamoto ’84
Mr. Duane Wright ’82 and
Mrs. Marla Wright
Mrs. Donna M. Won Wu ’75
Dr. Susan L. Wynne-Piters ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Atsushi Yamada
Jean Nakamura Yamamoto ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Y. Yamashiro
Ms. Gail Yamashita
Grif and Olivia Yanagi
Mrs. Eloise M. Uyeda Yano ’55
Ms. Patricia Yap ’65 and
Mr. George Perazzo
Mr. Wesley Yasuda and
Mrs. Melita Hernaez-Yasuda
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Yasui
Mrs. Jean Yuen Yates ’61 and
Dr. Julian Yates III
Mr. Eugene A.O. Yee ’55
Mrs. Phyllis Quon Yee ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K.B. Yee
Mario K.M. Yim ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Yoda
Mrs. Barbara Alencastre Yoneda ’72 and
Mr. Elton Yoneda
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Yonemoto
Mr. Moo Yeol Yoon and
Mrs. Kyong Mi Suh
Pamela J. Yoon ’68
Mr. Edmund Y.W. Young ’57
Mr. Eric Y.W. Young ’76
Dr. Robert Young ’59 and
Ms. Virginia Lum
Mr. Ronald S.K. Young ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W.W. Yun
(UP TO $99)
Mrs. Margarita Q. Adair and
Mr. Richard C. Adair
Mrs. Frances Lau Adams ’74 and
Mr. James Adams
Ms. Jamie M.M.Y.N. Adams ’01
Catherine Affatica Agor ’64
Mrs. Judith Ann Vierra Aguiar ’62
Mrs. Patricia Jean Andrews Ahn ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Bently A. Akamine
Beverly A. Akiona
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Albano
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Allison
Mrs. Patricia A. Leach Almeida ’73
Lisa and Leo Amador ’90
Yvonne Lau Ambrose ’61
Mr. Arthur N. Anderson ’60
Mrs. Darlaine C. Anderson ’53
Jeanne Cassell Anding ’60
Ms. Nathene Lynn C. Antonio ’98
Mr. Roy Kiyoshi Aratani ’45
Dr. Garvin V. Arrell ’60
Mr. Pedric T. Arrisgado ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiji Asami
Mr. Hiram K.T. Au ’67
Mrs. Patricia Loo Au ’47
Ms. Mildred Awana ’52
Mr. Bobby Azevedo ’63 and
Mrs. Helen Azevedo
Mr. Miles T. Kamimura and
Mrs. Charlene E. Bal-Kamimura
Mr. and Mrs. Florencio R. Ballesteros
Mr. John P. Baraquio ’88
Dr. and Mrs. V. Theodore Barnett
Mrs. Rosalina J. Juan Baysa ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril E. Beattie
Ms. Amber Malia Belcher ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Belcher
Ms. Frances Ho Bellinger ’68
Mrs. Antonella K. Chock Bennett ’55
Mr. Joseph G. Blackburn II ’70
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Blewitt, Jr.
Mrs. Setsuko Bluemke
Mrs. Marla A. Naito Boley ’82
Mr. Sunya P. Boonyatera ’00
Ms. Juliann E. Borges
Mr. Rendell K. Bourg ’73
Mrs. Kristen Lum Bradley ’76 and
Mr. Todd Bradley
Mrs. Gloria M. Glorioso Breininger ’73
Mrs. Alice M. Brislin
Ms. Karla F. Brundage
Mr. Stanley G. Bukes ’70
Marcianna L. Cablinga ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin L. Cabral, Jr.
Dianne & Wayne Cabral
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cabreros, Jr.
Ms. Mary Kukana Cajski ’01
Mrs. Mary Magdalene Cambra ’48
Mr. Joseph Henry Campos II ’88
Lianne Carahasen ’94
Mrs. Maria R. Razalan Carle ’55
John and Sarah Casken
Ms. Dara M. Cavaco ’98
Mr. Dion S.O. Chan ’83
Mrs. Harriet Joy Kwock Chan ’44
Mr. and Mrs. June K.W. Chan
Ms. Lynn D. Chan ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W.K. Chang
Mr. Howard Chang and Mrs. Sheree Liu
Mr. Jeffrey L.K. Chang ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Chang, Sr.
Mr. Kai M. Chang ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S.Y. Che
Esther Lee Chee ’47
Phyllis & Kelly Chee ’73
Mrs. Loretta K.C. Leong Chee ’54
Mr. Robert Ellis Chee, Jr. ’90
Mr. William K. M. Chee
Warren G.K. Chiang ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Chikasuye
Carol Lum Chin ’81
Mrs. Carol Jean Young Ching ’61 and
Mr. Stephen Ching
Ms. Colleen J. Ching
Mr. Earl Ching ’68 and
Mrs. Christina Ann Ching
Mrs. Elaine Y. Young Ching ’50
Mr. Gary W.S. Ching ’68
Mr. George K.H. Ching ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Y.K. Ching
Randall Ching ’63and Sylvia Ching ’66
Mrs. Chrisanthi Ching-Tanaka ’76
Mr. Leonard K.Y. Chinn ’58
Mr. Edward J. Chong, Jr. ’48
Mr. and Mrs. John M.C. Chong
Mr. Michael K.P. Chong ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.M. Chong
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney K.F. Chong
Ms. Michelle H. Choo ’88
Mr. Frederick Chow ’58 and
Mrs. Julia Bee-Chow
Darryl C. K. Choy ’44
Mr. Michael J. Chu ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.P. Chu
Aileen Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Albert K.C. Chun
Mr. Anthony Chun ’72 and
Mrs. Linda Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Chun ’83
Mrs. Jeanette M.G. Chun ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y.F. Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M.O. Chun Sr.
Mrs. Marie B. Alina Chun ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Y.C. Chun
Mr. Peter A. Chun ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K.W. Chung
Mr. Kapono Ciotti
Mrs. Jessica Clancy
E. Clemente
Mr. Chris Coats
Mrs. Melissa N. Wong Coelho ’82
Brian K. Coleman ’02
Michelle K. Coleman ’99
Thomas P.M. Coleman ’96
Vicki Villarama Collins ’64
Dr. Sheila Conant ’63
Gloriane and William Cooper ’76
Hilda Cordeiro ’37
Mrs. Tracy Ann Ariel Cosier ’88
Crystal R.M. Costa ’99
Mrs. Lori A. Costa
Mrs. Karen L.H. Watt Cowan ’80
Mr. Chris Cramer
Mr. Robert S. Crighton and
Mrs. Theresa L. Crighton
Mrs. Mary Jo Culvyhouse ’66
Waldene Curtice ’63
Sr. Maria Rosario Daley
Mrs. Carrie T. Dang
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Dang
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Darcey ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Michel J. Delsol
Mr. Conrad Deparini and
Mrs. Barbara Uemura-Deparini
Mr. Patrick Kekoa Akio Deparini ’93
Mrs. Roseyn J. Devlin
Ms. Maria Di Pisa ’80
Ms. Emily Mary DiPetrillo ’91
Jan M.Y. Doi
Mrs. Anne K. Rich Dolan
Lynn Gabriel Domaloan
Mrs. Jeanne C. Amlin Duggan ’58
Mrs. Louise A. Dolan DuMontier ’40
Mr. Tom Dwight
Mr. James R. Eakman
Mrs. Ruth R.M. Egami
Mrs. Mary Finnegan Ehring ’58
Mr. Duane Eldredge and
Mrs. Sue Eldredge
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Ellefsen
Mr. Jun Enomoto
Sylvia Enos ’60
Mrs. Dulinda Gomes Ernesto ’37
Mr. Noah J.T. Esperas ’00
Ms. Tanny Puanani Esperas ’99
Mrs. Betsy June Fabro-Borg ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Fajota
Yvonne Faria
Mr. David L. Felix ’75
Ms. Catherine A. Ferreira ’73
Kamakana Fitchett ’05
Damon Kealii Flood ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Fong
Foodland Super Market, Ltd.
Mr. Robert Fortuna and
Ms. Magdalene Odquier
Mrs. Geraldine Fouts
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Fu
Mrs. Lillian Yoshimoto Fujihara ’47
Mrs. Nancy F. Oshita Fujii ’46
Mrs. Laura Lynn Fujimoto 1987 and
Mr. Jeffrey Fujimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Fujimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Fukuhara
Jay K. Fung
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Hamada
Mrs. Ann H. Hannan
Mrs. Dolores Burnett Hansen ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Harada
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie S. Harada
Mrs. Joan E. Thorne Harper
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harrison
Mrs. Sara A. Harrison and
Mr. John R. Harrison
Fumiko Hashimoto
Janel Hatton-Santiago ’98
Mrs. Miriam E. McCormack Hattori ’50
Mr. Tim K. Heatherly ’96
Ms. TinaAnn Mahealani Heatherly ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y.T. Ho
Dr. Marcia F.G. Ho-Gatto ’82
Geralyn Lum Holck ’78
Dana Goo Holiona ’86 and
John K. Holiona
Mrs. Jana Doyle Hollenbeck ’61 and
Mr. William Ho
Mr. Christopher H. Hong ’79
Mrs. Rosalie Moilee Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie S.C. Hu
Mr. Ryan S.C. Hu ’01
Mrs. Patricia Chun Hudson ’77
Mrs. Sandra Y.M. Chee Hunt ’81
Mrs. Noraine Sue Ichikawa ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Asami Ichimura
Ms. Sharie Nalani Ikeda ’90
your gift =
113 teams
31 sports
3 leagues
Mr. Theodoro Ganade 1963 and Mrs.
Yvonne Baricuatro
Mr. Leonardo Gaoiran
Mrs. Phyllis F. Boner Gardner ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Gero
Mr. Blaine Gier ’88 and
Mrs. Misty Daos Gier ’93
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gilson
Carole H. Goldstein
Mrs. Betty D. Gomes ’53
Mr. Franklin R. Gonzales
Mathew S.M. Goo ’81
Mr. Mitchell B. Goo ’97
Mrs. Roxane S. Ishikawa Goo ’78
Mrs. June Gorgonio ’75 and
Mr. Lawrence Gorgonio
Mr. and Mrs. Van N. Goto
Mr. and Mrs. Les Y. Goya
Mi Jin Gregory ’00
Mrs. Kimberly Kealani Gullickson ’90
Mrs. Cora Cabebe Gushikuma ’73 and
Mr. Wayne Gushikuma
Mr. and Mrs. Masaichi Gushikuma
Al and Bev Guzman
Lucille Hee ’51
Mrs. Shellie Kodama Hee ’74 and
Mr. Alan Hee
Mr. Daniel Y.T. Hew ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hsuo Higa
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick C.M. Higa
Ms. Janice Higa ’72
Mrs. Lee Y. Higa-Hoffman ’93
Mrs. Kathleen V. Higgins
Mrs. Lucille J. Hill
Mrs. Thelma M. Takamori Hirata ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hirata
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Hiromoto
Ms. Elizabeth W.P. Hisashima ’98
Mr. John T.K. Hisashima ’00
Mr. Brandon Y.G. Ho ’89
Mr. Edmund Ho ’72 and
Mrs. Barbara Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W.L. Ho
Lawrence K.C. Ho
Ms. Melanie Ho ’71
Mrs. Shari Imanaka and
Mr. Dean Imanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H.W. Ing
Mr. Theodore K. Ing ’60
Linda Ipsen
Roger and Florence Ishii
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Isidro
Mrs. Edith T. Iwami
Mrs. Catherine C. Iwami and
Mr. Ronald T. Iwami
Mrs. Rose Hamada Iwamoto ’48
Yvonne Chun Izumi ’70
Barbara Chang Jeong ’53
Paul Gwang-Seup Jin
Andretta Kaahaaina
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Y. Kai
Ms. Gina Lee Mendes Kaiu ’83
Mrs. Lavina Leong Kam ’57
Curtis Kamisugi
Mr. Troy Kamiya
Dr. Steven S. Kanemoto
Mrs. Betty C. Yoneda Kaneshige ’55
Mr. Kavett Kaopua ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Katayama
Mr. Jared Kaufmann, Sr. ’58
Mr. Michael Francis Kaufmann ’99
Mrs. Darcie W.L. Au Kawamura ’90
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kawamura
Mrs. Katherine A. Kawano
Mrs. Georgia S. Kay
Mrs. Faith Cardoza Kealoha ’54 and
Mr. Paul J. Kealoha ’54
Mrs. Linda W. Wong Kealoha ’66
Mrs. Joan Ellen Pollack Keaulana ’63
Sister Marie Patrice Kehoe
Mrs. Elizabeth Manzano Keyes ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Thao Khamsing
Mrs. Marianne A. Kilgore ’63
Ms. Addie Christine Park Kim ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Kinoshita
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kinzie III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kirst
Mrs. Virginia Hulten Klein ’64 and
Mr. Edward Klein
Jon and Patricia Barnette Klingler ’70
Mr. Jason F. Knight ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Kobashikawa
Mr. Bradley Koki ’71 and
Mrs. Theresa Koki
Mr. Lance Koki and Mrs. Iris Kozai-Koki
Mrs. Beatrice K.H. Kam Kong ’54
Mrs. Virginia Koo
Becky Kotake
Mrs. Nadine Puanani Koyanagi
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kozuma
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Kozuma
Mrs. Maylene E. Kreutzer ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Kubo
Miles and Heidi Kubo
Steve Kula ’67
Mrs. Marjorie Wong Kum ’51 and
Mr. Stan Kum
Mrs. Lori Ann H. Kunimura
Mrs. Cynthia C.L. Ah Yo Kupau
Teri Ann Kuroiwa
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Kurokawa
Mrs. Harriet Kusumoto
Mr. Kevin Yoshiyaki Kuwaye ’90
Mr. Clarence Kwock ’67
Mr. John C.M. Kwong ’02
Mrs. Serena Jong Kwong ’51 and
Mr. Paul Kwong
Ms. Nicole M.K. La Prade ’02
Mrs. Paulette Souza Laanui and
Mr. Arnold Laanui, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.K. Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Nin Wah Lam
Stephanie Lape ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. LaPorte
Ms. Georgette N. Matsuzawa Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T.H. Lau
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Laubhan
Mrs. Melissa A. Domaloan Layden ’87
Mrs. Audrey Kong Lee ’64
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
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Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C.J. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson C.H. Lee
Mr. Dustin T. Lee ’01
Gilbert and Beatrice Lee
Ms. Jeannie W.J. Lee ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold K.Y. Lee
Mrs. Lorraine Young Lee ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrin T.B. Lee
Lucille Lee ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pak Chuen Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy M.W. Lee
Mr. Wayson Lee ’68 and
Mrs. Edwina Lee
Ms. Wendy Michele Lee ’88
Francine L. Lee-Kadota ’77
Mrs. Allison Marie Lee-Takamine ’87
Mrs. Nancy K. Len ’58
Mrs. Nancy S.L. Leng
Ms. Denise Mee Yee Hisako Leong ’87
Mrs. Dorothy May Loo Leong ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Leong
Mrs. Gladys S. Soon Leong ’42
Jennifer W.Y. Leong ’93
Hank LePage
Mrs. Lai King Leung
Mrs. Sadie Mau Lew ’57
Helene L. (Chock) Lewis ’53
Raymond Li
Vernal K. Lilly
Mr. Joseph Keoni Littlejohn ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett & Colleen Liu ’75
Mrs. Bobbie Loo
Mrs. Jackie L. Loo
Mrs. Teryn Hee Loo ’81 and
Mr. Jody Loo
Mrs. Lily T.L. Lu
Mrs. Frankie A. Lucas
Ms. Kristi Lucas ’84
Mr. James H. Lui ’95
Ms. Nadine W.C. Luke ’79
Mrs. Charlotte A. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lum
Mr. Fredric D.W. Lum ’44
Mrs. Laura L. Lum
Mr. Libert K.H. Lum
Mr. Robert M.Y. Lum ’48
Mr. Wesley C. Lum ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C.H. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Lyons
Mrs. LeAnne N. Mistysyn MacAllister ’97
Mrs. Lorraine R. Shirai Maeda ’57
Mrs. Patricia Lum Maffit ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Narciso E. Magsanoc, Jr.
Mrs. Rochelle A. Suzuki Mahoe ’88
Mrs. Evelyn Y.L. Chong Makio ’54
Mr. Milton Y. Makishi
Gabbi Makuakane ’68
Mrs. Mercedes Wong Manalili ’58 and
Mr. Donald Manalili
Mrs. Sarah F. Gertz Marion ’37
Mrs. Diane M. Markle
Mrs. Catherine M. Pinho Martin ’52
Mrs. Charlene Lee Martin and
Mr. Douglas Martin ’57
Mrs. Gladys T. Watanabe Martin ’47
Jeanette Salado Martin ’57
Mrs. Betty Y. Mastropaolo ’61
Mrs. Marion H. Masuda
Mrs. Suzanne S. Matsuda ’66
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Matsuzawa
Bernice K. N. Mau
Ms. Darlene P. Mau
Ms. Julie C. Mau ’85
Laurence W.C. Mau ’80
Mrs. Claudia W. Tom McCloskey ’62
Emily Wong McCollum ’91
Mr. William McFeeley and
Mrs. Deborah McFeeley
Mrs. Heidi McGivern and
Mr. Jeffrey McGivern
Mrs. Eloise Anne Zerbe McIntosh ’40
Mrs. Suzanne P. McLaughlin
Mrs. Malia Whaley McLeod ’91
Mrs. Ann-Marie White Medeiros ’88
Mrs. Cynthia N. Medeiros
Ms. Kimberly J. Medrano ’02
Mr. Kenneth Mendes ’67
Mr. Kevin T. Mendes ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Danilo U. Miguel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mijo
Mr. Jon H. Miki
Ms. Cary Jane Miller ’64
Margaret Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randal K. Mimaki
Mrs. Florence Dai Min and
Mr. Norman Min
Mr. Brian K. Mistysyn ’95
Mr. David K. Mistysyn ’01
Mrs. Linda S. Mistysyn
Mrs. Lori Mitrulevich
Ms. Jennifer I. Miyamoto ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Miyamoto
Mrs. Rie Mizumura and
Mr. Dean Mizumura
Mr. and Mrs. Koya Mogi
Ms. Tracy Lynn Monsarrat ’75
Genevieve T. Montano ’95
Mrs. Michelle M. Klein Morgan ’92
Mrs. Michele Tokunaga Morikami ’65
Jo-Ann Morisato
Mr. James Morris ’85 and
Mrs. Doreen Leong ’84 Morris
Mrs. Patricia A. Moskal
Diane F. Mosley ’63
Mrs. Agnes Marie Braz Motley ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mukai
Mr. and Mrs. Riki N. Mukawa
Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. Murakami
Danelle A. Murakami ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Ross R. Murakami
Mrs. Carol S. Maehara Muramoto ’57
Mrs. Larissa Lei Suyemoto Murata ’93
Mrs. Pamela L. Gomez Murnane ’78
Dorothy H. Nada
Mr. and Mrs. Derek S. Nagamine
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Nagtalon
Kimberly Nakagami ’97
Ms. Gaylynn Nakamatsu
Ms. Stephanie M.H. Nakamura ’02
Mrs. Tomiye Nakano
Tammy K. Naone
Ms. Keri Lyn D. Navarro ’96
Mr. David Wakefield Netz ’88
Mr. Alfred Neves ’53 and
Mrs. Sylvia Neves
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.K. Ng
Mr. Dennis Nguyen ’96
Mr. Derek Nirei ’81 and
Mrs. Jerrilyn Nirei
Mrs. Lynn M. Ho Nishida ’81
Mrs. Antoinette Nishida-Chock
Linda Nishigaya ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan S. Nishiki
Mrs. Vivian Enos Nobrega ’37
Mrs. Haruno Nogami
Mrs. Caroline R.U. Norwood ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Nozaki
Mr. and Mrs. James and
Arlene Nunogawa
Mr. and Mrs. William D. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Odo
Mrs. Wilma M. Akamine Ogimi ’68
Mr. Adrian Chang ’75 and
Mrs. Christine Ohtani-Chang ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund K. Oka
Mrs. Linda Robello Okafuji ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Okimoto
Clayton and Lois Oku
Nadine J. Jeremiah Olinger ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Y. Omura
Mr. Michael Ono and
Mrs. Michelle Bower-Ono
Mr. Steven Masaru Ono ’86
Ms. Melisa K.M.O. Orozco ’02
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Oshima
Mr. and Mrs. Hideo Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Oshiro
Wayne Oshiro
April C.A. Ota ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Otsuka
Tina Padin ’87
Mr. Alfred C.C. Pang
Mr. Arthur K.M. Pang
Mr. Byron Pang and
Mrs. Janice Martin-Pang
Mrs. Daisy Yee Pang ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S.P. Pang
Mrs. Muriel Wat Lum Pang
Patricia Lum Pang ’82
Terralyn Pang ’73
Mrs. Barbara J. Fernandes Papo ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Parsons
Mr. Edwin Parubrub and
Mrs. Dorie Parubrub-Kahaulelio
Mrs. Patricia L. Pascual
Mrs. Toyoko N. Pasoquen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Perry
Mrs. Ann Marie Keala Jones Peters ’87
Mr. Kim I. Pinensky ’74
Cpt. Peter M. Pollock ’88, USAF
Mr. and Mrs. Khamtoun C. Porter
Sharleen M. Proctor
Ms. Ida Quinn ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert V. Rabago
Frank Ramos, Jr. ’65
Kurt and Mavis Ramos
Dr. Leigh Maria K.G. Ramos ’93
Mrs. Lynne B. Budar Ramsey ’73
Mrs. Angela Youngae Reed ’93
Mrs. Diane M. De Coito Rego ’58
Ms. Jolyne R. Rego ’66
Mrs. Lisa Maria Armenio Reis ’88
Chad S. Resari ’55
Lillian Lau Rice ’44
Mrs. Barbara M. Soon Richards ’54
Shannon Riley ’02
Summer R. Robello ’98
Mrs. Eva Lynn Robinson
Kathleen T. Robinson ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Rodrigues
Lori Tseu Rodriguez ’83
Ms. Trina E. Rogers ’01
Sister Dolores A. Rosso, MM
Mrs. Colette Cordeiro Ruiz ’60
Paula Viveiros Russell ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Darren T. Saiki
Mrs. Naomi Saito and Mr. Robert Love
Paul and Sybil Saito
Mr. Paul Takeji Sakuma ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Sakuma
Ms. Nancy Sandoval
Mrs. Ruth T. Watanabe Sano ’46
Darrell and Judy Santos
Mr. Jon Robert Santos ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Sasaki
Ken Sato ’54
Mrs. Margaret E. Goto Sato ’45
Ms. Robin C. Sato ’90
Rosemary Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schraff
Ms. Kristen K. Schultz ’88
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Scott
Mark W. Scott ’70
Mr. David Gordon Sellers ’85
Mr. Anthony R. Sellitto III ’83
Mrs. Jane C. Cabreros Seriguchi
Mr. Michael J. Sheedy ’88
Dr. and Mrs. Toshiyuki Shibata
Iris Shimabukuro ’75
Mrs. Clara H. Segawa Shimoda ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Jon T. Shimomura
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Shiraishi
Mr. and Mrs. James Shiroma
Bridget K. Silva
Mr. Thomas E. Silva ’66
Mrs. Julia Adviento Siobal ’59
Carla A. Chock Siu ’74
Mr. Denis J. Siu ’59
Mrs. Winona Hollinger Slate ’40
Mrs. Carol-Ann Rosa Smith ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Sang So
Mr. Todd Soma ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Y.K. Soong
Mr. Albert Souza
Mr. Francis W. Souza, Jr. ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Souza
Mrs. Gloria Jean Isabelo Spray ’63
Mr. Jean-Denis St. Onge
Ms. Susan M. Stacy ’61
Ms. Susan Stahl ’73
Gretchen Stahl-MacLeod ’67
Mr. Michael Stasack ’80
Donna T. Sanchez Stevens ’80
Mr. Richard F. Strawn II ’64
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Striker
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Suehiro
Dr. Sonia L. Sugg ’79
Mrs. Ann K.H. Sung
Mr. Damon Sung and
Mrs. Ann Sung-Lam
Mr. Johan E. Suyderhoud ’01
Mr. Matthew J.P. Suyderhoud ’01
Mr. Lance Suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. Reynold T. Suzuki
Russell M. Sypowicz ’01
Mr. Dan D. Taba
Ms. Kristine L. Lum Tabar ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Y. Tadaki
Ms. Shelley Kim Tadaki ’91
Mrs. Mildred T. Choy Tagariello ’40
Steven and Cheryl Tagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Y. Tajiri
Katherine N. Kiyabu Takagi
Mr. and Mrs. Haruyoshi Takata
Ms. Debbie Takenaka
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Takenaka, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Takiguchi
Mrs. Lena Ann Kam Tamashiro ’86
Raymond T. Tamashiro
Thomas S. Tamashiro
Ms. Kiera M. Tanaka ’02
Ms. Myrna N. Fong Tanaka ’83
Mr. Clarence K. Tatekawa ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Dee H. Tenn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Tenno
Carol A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Thomas ’83
Mrs. Mele Thomas-Walawender ’94
Mrs. Kristen Ann Wong Thompson ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Toledo, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen L. Tom ’ 89
Mr. Terrence K. Torco ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Torres
Mrs. Joli Ann Leong Toth ’82
Mrs. Doris Toyama
Jewel Mun Toyama ’73
Mr. Charles Trueman-Madriaga ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Tseu
Mrs. Jianping Liu Tseu
The Tseu Family
Mrs. Juliana K. Turner ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Uemura
Sonny and Tessie Ulep
Mrs. Mary Ann Yim Underwood ’67
Mrs. Ramona Ching Ung ’73 and
Mr. Lawrence Ung
Mr. Fernando R. Urgelles
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiichi Ushio
Mr. Troy T. Uyehara ’01
Mrs. Mercedes L. Valdez
Mr. Benjamin Valle ’84 and
Mrs. Katy Valle
Marian (Scanlan) Van Kirk ’41
Mrs. Ineko Nishihara Vanden Heuvel
Mrs. Mary Jane Arce Vannatta
Mrs. Benedith G. Tabiolo-Ventura and
Mr. Leonard H. Ventura
Mrs. Lisa Mendes Ventura ’87 and
Mr. James Ventura, Jr. ’86
Mrs. Kathy Y.S.C. Ching Viniegas ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wake
Mrs. Alita Wall
Hsuan Wang
Ms. Jennifer E. Wang ’93
Julie Anne Wassel ’88
Mr. Hazlett T. Weatherwax ’67
Dr. Theresa Y. Young Wee ’72
Mr. Bernard A. Wendekier, Jr.
Mr. James K.W. Wong ’65
Ms. Jennifer Young Wong ’90
Mrs. Kendra Nalani Olayan Wong ’88
Mr. Kingsley W.G. Wong ’63
Mr. Kyle Anthony Wong ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin C.M. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K.H. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wong, Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Wong Sr. ’56
Mr. Wei Keung Wong and Mrs. Fanny Ku
Mr. William K.C. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Yiu-Wing Wong
Ms. Kathleen Michelle Worden ’88
Mr. Dwayne A. Worley and
Mrs. Sheila Marie S. Worley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy B.C. Yuen
H. Thomas Zerbe III ’81
Please note: Alumni giving figures
exclude contributions to the Kekumano
Scholarship Dinner.
Class of 1936
Class of 1937
Dane and Joanna Yamasaki
Mr. and Mr. Allan Yamauchi
Mrs. Kimberly Yamauchi
your gift = creative expression
Mr. George P. Peterson
Mr. William M. Garcia
Mrs. Agnes Sills Cordeiro
Mrs. Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro
Mrs. Dulinda Gomes Ernesto
Ms. Lucille Y.H. Lee
Mrs. Cecilia A. Taum Leong
Mrs. Sarah F. Gertz Marion
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn
Mrs. Vivian Enos Nobrega
Mrs. Annie L. Lum Wong
Class of 1938
Mrs. Kathleen H. Haggood Buckey
Ms. Virginia Gonsalves
Class of 1939
Mrs. Miriam Desha Dowson
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Helfrich
Class of 1940
Mrs. Louise A. Dolan DuMontier
Mrs. Amelia M. Mattos Garcia
Mrs. Edwina L. Leong Goo
Ms. Violet Kamai Kekina
Ms. Catherine Li
Mrs. Eloise Anne Zerbe McIntosh
Mr. Jonathan V. Perreira
Mrs. Winona Hollinger Slate
Mrs. Mildred T. Choy Tagariello
Mrs. Saeko T. Whang
Mrs. Kimberly L.K. Wheeler ’88
Sarah and Joseph White
Mrs. Patricia M. Wigglesworth ’57
The Wijnveldt Family
Mrs. Grace M.S. Williams
Mrs. Greta F. Zerbe Williams ’78
Mrs. Arline E. Paine Willis ’67
Mr. Michael A. Winchatz
Ms. Pilita A. Winchatz ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wixom
Mr. Aaron L.D. Wong ’02
Anne L.T. Wong ’97
Mrs. Annie Lum Wong ’37 and
Mr. Walter Wong
Alex Wong ’03
Mrs. Betty Loo Wong ’42
Mr. Charles C. Wong ’63
Captain Chester W. Wong
Donna Lee Wong ’71
Mrs. Elizabeth Balmores Wong ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert K.H. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. James C.A. Wong
Garret H. Yanagi ’46
Mrs. Christie Harada Yee ’84 and
Mr. Joseph Yee II ’84
Dr. Christopher Yee and
Dr. Linda Wong-Yee
Lo Lan Mui Yee ’43
Mr. Randal Yee and
Mrs. Janice Nomura-Yee
Dr. Shanglan Sophia Yeh ’43
Carey T. Yen ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Wai Shing Yeung
Mrs. Laurie Ann Yim ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Yonashiro
Randall T. Yoshida
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Yoshimura
Ms. Carol M. Young ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K.W. Young
Ms. Lea U. Young ’02
Mrs. Lenore Fong Young ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.K. Young
Dr. Richard S.K. Young ’65
Sandra L. Lum Young ’66
Ms. Leona K.H. Yuen ’77
Class of 1941
Mrs. Mook-Lan Mui Fan
Mrs. Marian K. Scanlan Van Kirk
Class of 1942
Mr. Clifford M. Akana
Mr. Gordon Y.D. Chun
Mrs. Mildred F. Burlem Koch
Mr. Andrew S.O. Lee
Mrs. Gladys S. Soon Leong
Mrs. Thelma Nobuko Sano Mori
Mrs. Charlotte M. Chow Sexton
Mr. Clarence K. Tatekawa
Mrs. Juliana K. Turner
Mrs. Betty Loo Wong
Class of 1943
Mr. Edwin S. Kalai
Mrs. Helen C. Chock Leong
Mr. Walter Y. Uohara
Mrs. R. Lo-Lan Mui Yee
Dr. Shanglan Sophia Yeh
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
Class of 1944
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Mrs. Harriet Joy Kwock Chan
Mrs. Anna N.W. Choy Lau
Mr. Fredric D.W. Lum
Mrs. Adora H. Aoki Nakamura
Mrs. Lillian Lau Rice
Class of 1945
Mr. Kazuyuki Akashi
Mr. Roy Kiyoshi Aratani
Mrs. Anna Marie Chenault
Mrs. Leila Villada Condon
Mr. James P. Rapoza
Mrs. Margaret E. Goto Sato
Dr. Benjamin C.K. Tom
Mrs. Tomoko Tsuyemura
Honorable Madge S. Goto Watai
Class of 1946
Mrs. Pearl S. Young Castillo
Mr. Lorrin W.K. Chee
Mrs. Nancy F. Oshita Fujii
Mr. Donald C. Machado
Mrs. Agnes Marie Braz Motley
Ms. Bernadette E. Perry
Mrs. Ruth T. Watanabe Sano
Mr. George T. Taniguchi
Dr. Garret H. Yanagi
Class of 1951
Mrs. Pauline L. Bruhn Akimo
Mr. Herbert K. Botelho
Mrs. Frances Spencer Chang
Mr. Clarence L. Gouveia
Mrs. Lucille Wong Hee
Mrs. Marjorie A. Wong Kum
Mrs. Serena K. Jong Kwong
Class of 1952
Class of 1956
Ms. Mildred Awana
Mrs. Judith T. Miyamoto Brown
Mr. Donald S.M. Chang
Mr. Dennis W. Chee
Mr. Benjamin A. Chico Drose
Mrs. Dorothy L. Goo Man
Mrs. Catherine M. Pinho Martin
Mrs. Mary Helen Tom Morrow
Mrs. Daisy Yee Pang
Mrs. Virginia L. Lum Wat
Mrs. Jean K. Nakamura Yamamoto
Class of 1953
Mrs. Patricia Loo Au
Mrs. Esther L. Lee Chee
Mrs. Lillian Yoshimoto Fujihara
Mrs. Mary Joan Chang Hee
Mrs. Thelma M. Takamori Hirata
Mrs. Gladys T. Watanabe Martin
Dr. Harry T. Nomura
Mrs. Frances Y.C. Goo Steen
Mr. Stanley M. Takamine
Mr. Clarence L. Ahakuelo, Jr.
Mrs. Darlaine C. Anderson
Mrs. Mary Lou Gilleres Botelho
Mr. Hamilton M.S. Chock, Sr.
Mrs. Julliette Y. Shea Chock
Mrs. Verna P. Perry Ferreira
Mrs. Betty Doi Gomes
Mrs. Barbara Chang Jeong
Mrs. June E. Kamioka-Fuller
Mrs. Shirley Liu Lee
Mr. Gordon F.Y. Leong
Mrs. Jean Uyeda Leong
Mrs. Helene L. Chock Lewis
Mr. Alfred F. Neves, Jr.
Mrs. Georgiana D. Denis Smith
Mrs. Margaret Sebastian Thomas
Class of 1948
Class of 1954
Class of 1947
Mrs. Mary Magdalene Cambra
Mr. George K.H. Ching
Mr. Edward J. Chong, Jr.
Mrs. Alice S. Takabuki Hara
Mrs. Rose Hamada Iwamoto
Mr. Ernest K.C. Lee
Mr. Robert M.Y. Lum
Mrs. Barbara Jean Leong Perreira
Mrs. Clara H. Segawa Shimoda
Mrs. Anita Tom
Dr. Livingston M.F. Wong
Mrs. Phyllis Quon Yee
Class of 1949
Mrs. Jeanette M.G. Chun
Mrs. Beatrice H. Iwamoto Jost
Mrs. Evelyn Chang Lum
Dr. Henry T. Oyama
Mr. Wallace K. Takata
Class of 1950
Mrs. Rosalina J. Juan Baysa
Mrs. Elaine Y. Young Ching
Mrs. Miriam E. McCormack Hattori
Mrs. Irene W.Y. Chang Letoto
Mrs. Florence T. Shimizu
Mrs. Lenore Fong Young
Mr. Harold V. Botelho
Mr. Milton T.Y. Chang
Mrs. Loretta K.C. Leong Chee
Col. Francis G.A. Gomes, Jr.
Mrs. Lilian Ohira Kane
Mrs. Faith G. Cardoza Kealoha
Mrs. Beatrice K.H. Kam Kong
Mrs. Dorothy May Loo Leong
Mrs. Evelyn Y.L. Chong Makio
Mr. Elliott C. Mattos
Mrs. Sylvia Costa Neves
Mrs. Katherine K. Rodrigues Rapozo
Mrs. Barbara M. Soon Richards
Mr. Kenneth K. Sato
Mr. Charles K. Shigeta
Class of 1955
Mr. Eugene A.O. Yee
Mrs. Antonella K. Chock Bennett
Mrs. Maria R. Razalan Carle
Ms. Agnes L. Domdoma
Mrs. Phyllis F. Boner Gardner
Mrs. Teresita R. Hilario Jubinsky
Mrs. Betty C. Yoneda Kaneshige
Mr. Jarrett W. Karasaki
Mr. Chad S. Resari
Mrs. Betty Blake Rice
Ms. Shirley Ann K. Salomon
Mrs. Eloise M. Uyeda Yano
Mr. Robert K.Y. Chang
Mrs. Jeanette M.L. Lum Chun
Mrs. Joyce S.Y. Lee Goo
Mrs. Elizabeth Manzano Keyes
Mr. Herbert H. Kiyabu
Mr. M. Thaddeus Kwiatkowski
Mr. Raymond M. Ohara
Mr. Jerry K.C. Pang
Mrs. Marlene M. Soares Souki
Mrs. Joan Kwock Sung
Mrs. Laurie Hong Wong
Mr. Thomas P. Wong, Sr.
Class of 1957
Mr. Paul Y. Chinen
Mrs. Marie B. Alina Chun
Mrs. Patricia L. Gilsey Eng
Mr. Michael A. Ho
Mrs. Patricia Chu Ho
Mrs. Lavina Leong Kam
Mrs. Sadie Mau Lew
Mrs. Mary U. Apao Loebl
Mrs. Lorraine R. Shirai Maeda
Mrs. Jeanette Salado Martin
LTC Manny Medeiros
Mrs. Carol S. Maehara Muramoto
Mr. Ronald Ohira
Nadine J. Jeremiah Olinger
Mrs. Nancy Tasaka Tyau
Mrs. Patricia M. Wigglesworth
Mrs. Viann Theodore Won
Mr. Ronald S.K. Young
Mr. Edmund Y.W. Young
Class of 1958
Mr. Leonard K.Y. Chinn
Mr. Frederick K.C. Chow
Mrs. Frances Lee Chun
Mrs. Napua E. Prados Demers
Mr. David Dougan
Mrs. Jeanne C. Amlin Duggan
Mrs. Mary Finnegan Ehring
Mr. Thomas Haioka
Mrs. Dolores Burnett Hansen
Mrs. Allene M.C. Higa Ishikawa
Mr. Jared Kaufmann, Sr.
Mrs. Edwina Cordeiro Lee
Mrs. Nancy K. Len
Mrs. Mercedes P. Wong Manalili
Mrs. Diane M. De Coito Rego
Ms. Phyllis N.T. Shea
Mrs. Carol-Ann Rosa Smith
Mr. William E. Spencer, Jr.
Mrs. Paulette T. Ukishima Sumida
Mrs. Nastia M. Vickery
Mr. Clyde H. Vierra
Ms. Carol M. Young
Class of 1959
Mrs. Sharon J. Gomes Azevedo
Mrs. Claire S. Murakami Dang
Mrs. Eugenie Kaili Kaopua
Mr. Edison C.Y. Kwock
Mrs. Lorraine Young Lee
Mrs. Barbara J. Fernandes Papo
Mrs. Patricia H. Rapoza Robb
Mrs. Julia Adviento Siobal
Mr. Denis J. Siu
Dr. Robert Young
Class of 1960
Mrs. Jeanne Cassell Anding
Dr. Garvin V. Arrell
Mrs. Haunani F.M. Burns Dickson
Ms. Sylvia R. Enos
Mrs. Lorraine Chamizo Hamilton
Ms. Valerie Anne Ho
Mr. Theodore K. Ing
Mrs. Charlene C.L. Wong Lum
Mrs. Roberta M. Aiona Richards
Mrs. Colette Cordeiro Ruiz
Mr. Carman Tablada
Mr. Wallace Weatherwax
Mrs. Elizabeth Balmores Wong
Class of 1961
Mrs. Barbara V. Nobrega Akau
Mrs. Yvonne L. Lau Ambrose
Mr. Elliott W. Chamizo
Mr. Albert M. Chinen
Mrs. Carol Jean Ching
Mrs. Jana Doyle Hollenbeck
Mr. Wade H. Jones
Mrs. Mary S.Q. Mau Lecavelier
Ms. Diane O.L. Lee
Dr. Patricia Y. Lee
Mrs. Betty Y. Mastropaolo
Ms. Susan M. Stacy
Mrs. Jean Yuen Yates
Class of 1962
Mrs. Judith Ann Vierra Aguiar
Mr. Calvin C.W. Choy
Mr. Joseph F. Clare, Jr.
Mr. Scott Finkboner
Mrs. Claudia W. Tom McCloskey
Mrs. Karen T. Nakamura
Mrs. Gwen Cabral Panee
Mr. Francis W. Souza, Jr.
Class of 1963
Mr. Bobby Azevedo
Mrs. Paula Rochelle Lindo Boyce
Mr. Randall Y.C. Ching
Dr. Sheila Conant
Mrs. Waldene E. Ichijo Curtice
Mr. Doug Ferreira
Mr. Theodoro Ganade
Mr. Galen Ho
Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho
Mrs. Joan Ellen Pollack Keaulana
Mrs. Marianne A. Kilgore
Mrs. Mary Ann Cordeiro LaFazia
Mrs. Lorna P. Chang Lin
Mr. Darrell W. Mattos
Mrs. Ouida Yvonne Usita Morris
Ms. Diane F. Mosley
Mrs. Paula Viveiros Russell
Mrs. Gloria Jean Isabelo Spray
Mrs. Charlotte Ann Gomes White
Mr. Charles C. Wong
Mr. Kingsley W.G. Wong
Class of 1964
Mrs. Catherine A. Affatica Agor
Ms. Victoria C. Villarama Collins
Mr. Andrew W. Corcoran
Mr. Robert J. Coursey, Jr.
Mr. Peter K.W. Dang
Mr. Russell W. Donnelly
Mr. Raymond Imbo, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia M. Hulten Klein
Mr. Waley C.M. Kwock
Mrs. Audrey Kong Lee
Ms. Cary Jane Miller
Mrs. Sandra L. Freitas Peltzer
Ms. Susan P. Porter Robinson
Mr. Richard F. Strawn II
Class of 1965
Mrs. Felice N.J. Wong Broglio
Mr. Guy M. De Primo
Mr. Michael X. Dean
Ms. Antonina V. Farm
Mrs. Patricia Lum Maffit
Mr. Norman W. Min
Mrs. Michele Tokunaga Morikami
Ms. Linda E. Nishigaya, PhD
Mr. Frank Ramos, Jr.
Mrs. Janis Ing Strauss
Mr. John Walbridge
Mr. James K.W. Wong
Ms. Patricia Yap
Dr. Richard S.K. Young
Class of 1966
Mr. Francis Condry
Mrs. Cathy H. Hee Daenz
Ms. Betsey Hughes Gunderson
Ms. Anne P. Harpham
Mrs. Noraine Sue Ichikawa
Mr. Wayson C.W. Lee
Ms. Gabrielle L. Makuakane
Mrs. Wilma M. Akamine Ogimi
Mr. Robert Y. Oshita
Mrs. Laine A. Matsuo Skiendiel
Mr. Daniel M.C. Tom
Ms. Stella Mee Que Wong
Ms. Pamela J. Yoon
Class of 1972
Class of 1969
Mrs. Patricia A. Leach Almeida
Mr. Rendell K. Bourg
Mrs. Gloria M. Glorioso Breininger
Mr. Kelvin S.D. Chee
Mr. Peter A. Chun
Ms. Catherine A. Ferreira
Mrs. Colette Y. Yoda Garibaldi
Mrs. Cora C. Cabebe Gushikuma
Mr. Anthony P. Chun
Mr. Lester S. Gibo
Ms. Janice Higa
Mr. Edmund F. Ho
Dr. Cynthia Jean Ichiriu Keller
Mrs. Adele H. Odo Lum
Ms. Virginia Lum
Dr. Theresa Y. Young Wee
Ms. Cora A. Ho Wong
Mrs. Barbara A. Alencastre Yoneda
Class of 1973
Ms. Mary L. Chun
Mr. Christopher R. Crum
Mr. Joseph M. DePrimo
Mr. Kenzie J. Pang
Mrs. Lynne Y. Taniguchi Watanabe
Mrs. Frances Joy Chow Wong
your gift = a generation of
youth learning to
give back
Class of 1968
Ms. Frances Ho Bellinger
Mrs. Sandra M. Asejo Campos
Mr. Earl M.T. Ching
Mr. Gary W.S. Ching
Mrs. Kristen L. Lum Bradley
Mrs. Chrisanthi Ching-Tanaka
Mr. Patrick K. Chong
Mrs. Gloriane M.L. Loo Cooper
Mrs. Bernie Loo Lam
Mr. Kerry D. Lam
Mrs. Laurene M. Mau Loo
Mr. David Marin
Mrs. Valarie L. Lum Takata
Ms. Kari A. Wilhelm
Mr. Eric Y.W. Young
Class of 1977
Class of 1978
Mrs. Roxane S. Ishikawa Goo
Mr. Garret K. Goo
Mrs. Elizabeth Russell Hochberger
Mrs. Geralyn Lum Holck
Mrs. Pamela L. Gomez Murnane
Mrs. Stephanie C.D. Dalit Saxton
Dr. Kathleen Wong Shimabukuro
Mr. Neil M. Shimabukuro
Mr. Steven F. Tseu
Mrs. Greta F. Zerbe Williams
Mr. Hiram K.T. Au
Mrs. Jane R. Bryant Forsythe
Ms. Janet Dougherty Grady
Mrs. Carolyn M.S. Dang Hong
Mr. Richard I. Imai
Mr. Russell Ing
Dr. Stephen A. Kula
Mr. Clarence Kwock
Mrs. Linda Jo Niemitz Langley
Mrs. Patricia A.C. Muneno McIntyre
Mr. Kenneth Mendes
Mrs. Gretchen Stahl-MacLeod
Mr. Eric K. Tiwanak
Mrs. Gail Nakagaki Tiwanak
Mrs. Mary Ann Yim Underwood
Mr. Hazlett T. Weatherwax
Mrs. Arline E. Paine Willis
Class of 1976
Mrs. Janel Garner Bernard
Mrs. Sherelee Lam Goo
Mrs. Patricia Chun Hudson
Mr. Paul Y. Koike
Mrs. Francine L. Lee-Kadota
Mrs. Michele K. Tagawa Saito
Mrs. Brenda D. Dung Wong
Ms. Leona K.H. Yuen
Ms. Yuklin Aluli
Mrs. Sylvia Ching
Ms. Marilyn C. Alencastre Coffman
Mrs. Mary Jo Leineweber Culvyhouse
Mrs. Marlene R. Dias De Costa
Mrs. Patricia K.M. Wong Heatherly
Dr. Norine Lau Jalbert
Mrs. Linda W. Wong Kealoha
Mrs. Suzanne S. Furuya Matsuda
Ms. Jolyne R. Rego
Mr. Roy L. Shults
Mr. Thomas E. Silva
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong
Mrs. Sandra L. Lum Young
Class of 1967
Mr. Adrian Chang
Mr. David L. Felix
Mrs. Cheryl R. Kunimune Gesik
Mrs. June D.M. Mattos Gorgonio
Mrs. Robin M.W. Choy Hebert
Mr. James S. Hiramatsu
Mr. Stanford C. Lee
Mrs. Colleen R. Yoda Liu
Ms. Tracy Lynn Monsarrat
Mrs. Christine L. Ohtani-Chang
Mrs. Brenda M. Odo Okazaki
Mrs. Kathleen T. Teramoto Robinson
Ms. Iris R. Shimabukuro
Mrs. Donna M. Won Wu
Class of 1970
Mr. Joseph G. Blackburn II
Mr. Stanley G. Bukes
Mr. Stephen C. Chock
Mr. Michael J. Dudley
Mr. Russell D. Dung
Mr. Daniel Y.T. Hew
Mrs. Yvonne Chun Izumi
Mrs. Patricia A. Barnette Klingler
Ms. Mary Maloney Roberts
Mr. Mark W. Scott
Class of 1971
Ms. Melanie Ho
Bradley T. Koki
Mrs. Elyse P. Kukonu
Mr. Alfred Y.F. Lum
Mrs. Denise K.S. Pang-Yee
Mrs. Donna Lee Y. Fong Wong
Dr. Susan L. Wynne-Piters
Mrs. Wendy Wong Howell
Mr. Dean T. Lee
Mrs. Linda Robello Okafuji
Ms. Terralyn C.N. Pang
Ms. Ida Quinn
Mrs. Lynne B. Budar Ramsey
Ms. Susan Stahl
Mrs. Jewel Mun Toyama
Mrs. Ramona A.T. Ching Ung
Class of 1974
Class of 1979
Class of 1980
Mrs. Frances Lau Adams
Dr. Deborah M. Dang
Mrs. Shellie Kodama Hee
Mr. Kim I. Pinensky
Mrs. Carla A. Chock Siu
Mr. David F. Won
Mr. Bryant W.C. Wong
Class of 1975
Mr. Mitsunori K. Blaisdell
Mr. Michael D. Amore
Mr. Christopher H. Hong
Ms. Nadine W.C. Luke
Dr. Sonia L. Sugg
Mrs. Laurie Ann Yim
Ms. Haidee C. Bristol-Horne
Mrs. Karen L.H. Watt Cowan
Ms. Maria Di Pisa
Ms. Robin R. Dang Mailolo
Mr. Laurence W. Mau
Mr. Michael Stasack
Mrs. Donna T. Sanchez Stevens
Dr. Lori L. Wilhelm
Class of 1981
Mrs. Carol Lum Chin
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Ms. Shevaun Anne Mei Lan Low
Mr. Steven Masaru Ono
Mrs. Lucy Baraquio Rossi
Mr. Duane Takamine
Mrs. Lena Ann Kam Tamashiro
Mr. James F. Ventura, Jr.
Mrs. Lori Beth Wong Van Cantfort
Mr. Steven Y.S. Wong
Mr. Mathew S.M. Goo
Mrs. Sandra Y.M. Chee Hunt
Mrs. Donna Lynn Chow Lee
Mrs. Teryn A. Hee Loo
Mrs. Paula Nakata
Mr. Derek M. Nirei
Mrs. Lynn M. Ho Nishida
Mr. Marty S. Silva
Mrs. Michelle N. Ushio
Mr. H. Thomas Zerbe III
Class of 1982
Class of 1987
Mrs. Marla A. Naito Boley
Mrs. Melissa N. Wong Coelho
Mrs. Betsy June Fabro-Borg
Mrs. Lisa Anne Wong Gruebner
Dr. Marcia F.G. Ho-Gatto
Ms. Annalea M. Kim
Mrs. Michele M. Chun Murphy
Mr. Hieu T. Nguyen
Mrs. Caroline R.Unciano Norwood
Mrs. Patricia Lum Pang
Mrs. Joli Ann Leong Toth
Mr. Duane N. Wright
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Mr. Kai M. Chang
Ms. Christine Dee-Ann Mattos
Ms. Julie C. Mau
Mr. James Relyea Morris II
Mr. Jon Robert Santos
Mr. David Gordon Sellers
Mrs. Marleen Silva Wright
Class of 1991
Mr. Warren G.K. Chiang
Ms. Emily Mary DiPetrillo
Ms. Addie Christine Park Kim
Dr. Jonathan K.H. Lau
Mrs. Emily Marie Wong McCollum
Mrs. Malia Whaley McLeod
Ms. Shelley Kim Tadaki
Class of 1992
Mrs. Della W.L. Au Belatti
Mr. Robert F. Brogle
Mr. Damon Kealii Flood
Mrs. Michelle M. Klein Morgan
Ms. Marcianna Leinaala Cablinga
Mr. Patrick Kekoa Akio Deparini
Mrs. Misty Daos Gier
Mrs. Lee Y. Higa-Hoffman
Mr. Laine Harumasa Kohama
Mr. Aaron P. Lau
Ms. Jennifer W.Y. Leong
Mrs. Larissa Lei Suyemoto Murata
Dr. Leigh Maria K.G. Ramos
Mrs. Angela Youngae O’Malley Reed
Mr. Todd Soma
Ms. Jennifer E. Wang
an exceptional environment...
Class of 1994
Ms. Lianne C. Carahasen
Mr. Jeffrey L.K. Chang
Mr. Eric H.F. Li
Ms. Stephanie C.L. Lum
Mrs. Wendy A. Bartolome Mason
Ms. Jennifer I. Miyamoto
Mrs. Mele Thomas-Walawender
Class of 1995
Ms. Chris-Noel M. Lee
Ms. Denise Mee Yee Hisako Leong
Mr. Joseph Keoni Littlejohn
Ms. Angela Kar Kei Lo
Dr. Trisha B. Miki
Mrs. Tina T.M. Reindollar Padin
Mrs. Ann Marie Keala Jones Peters
Mrs. Lisa Lynn Mendes Ventura
Mr. Mario K.M. Yim
Class of 1988
Ms. Robin C. Sato
Ms. Kristine L. Lum Tabar
Mr. Terrence K. Torco
Mrs. Carey Takayesu Yen
Class of 1993
Mr. Randall Y.L. Chong
Ms. Kristi Lucas
Mr. Kevin T. Mendes
Ms. Camille T. Domaloan Michel
Mrs. Doreen Leong Morris
Dr. Paul T.M. So, PhD
Mr. Maurice Edward Sullivan
Mr. Benjamin D. Valle III
Mrs. Lisa Wong-Yamamoto
Mrs. Christie M. Harada Yee
Mr. Joseph Yee II
Ms. Melissa S.J. Chong
Mrs. Dana Lynn Goo Holiona
your gift =
Mr. Dion S.O. Chan
Dr. Jo Ann A. Chang
Mr. Darrin A. Chun
Mrs. Marie K. Tsushima Cote
Mrs. Lei E. Koike Fujiwara
Ms. Gina Lee Mendes Kaiu
Mrs. Denys S. Furutani Kazama
Mrs. Carol Joyce Leong-Kido
Mrs. Monica L. Domaloan Ng Pack
Dr. Sharon H. Hiu Ong
Mr. Joseph P. Raffa
Mrs. Lori A. Tseu Rodriguez
Mr. Anthony R. Sellitto III
Ms. Myrna N. Fong Tanaka
Mr. Ben Thomas
Mrs. Christine M. Texeira Thomas
Mrs. Shana M.C. Campos Tong
Class of 1986
Mrs. Patricia Jean Andrews Ahn
Ms. Kimberly Carahasen
Mrs. Lori Ann Kern Carlos
Mrs. Laura Lynn Miyashiro Fujimoto
Mrs. Kathleen Mary Klabo Hogle
Mrs. Melissa A. Domaloan Layden
Mrs. Allison Marie Lee-Takamine
Mr. Jimmy Scott K. Lactaoen
Ms. Wendy Michele Lee
Mrs. Rochelle A. Suzuki Mahoe
Mrs. Ann-Marie White Medeiros
Mr. David Wakefield Netz
Cpt. Peter M. Pollock, USAF
Mrs. Lisa Maria Armenio Reis
Ms. Kristen K. Schultz
Mr. Michael J. Sheedy
Mrs. Christina M. Hamada Takafuji
Mrs. Kristen Ann Wong Thompson
Mrs. Kathy Y.S.C. Ching Viniegas
Ms. Julie Anne Wassel
Mrs. Kimberly L.K. Morris Wheeler
Mrs. Kendra Nalani Olayan Wong
Ms. Kathleen Michelle Worden
Mr. Pedric T. Arrisgado
Mr. John P. Baraquio
Mr. Joseph Henry Campos II
Ms. Michelle H. Choo
Mrs. Tracy Ann Ariel Benevides Cosier
Mr. Blaine B.K. Gier
Mr. Gregory A.W.M. Hong
Mr. Kavett Kaopua
Mrs. Leilani Ramos Kaopua
Class of 1989
Mr. Brandon Y.G. Ho
Mrs. Victoria W.L. Wong Okamura
Ms. Joy Lynn Soares
Ms. Kathleen L. Tom
Mr. Kyle Anthony Wong
Class of 1990
Mrs. Lisa Anela Langer Amador
Mr. Robert Ellis Chee, Jr.
Mr. Darryl Chiu Kin Choy
Mrs. Kimberly Kealani Lincoln
Ms. Sharie Nalani Ikeda
Mr. Jeffrey Keahi Kalani
Mrs. Darcie W.L. Au Kawamura
Mr. Kevin Yoshiyaki Kuwaye
Ms. Jeannie W.J. Lee
Mr. Patrick Kalani Loo, Jr.
Mr. James H. Lui
Mr. Wesley C. Lum
Mr. Brian K. Mistysyn
Ms. Genevieve T. Montano
Mr. Michael J. Moskal
Ms. Danelle A. Murakami
Class of 1996
Mr. Thomas P.M. Coleman
Mr. Tim K. Heatherly
Mr. Jason F. Knight
Ms. Keri Lyn D. Navarro
Mr. Dennis Nguyen
Mr. Mark H.N. Stege
Class of 1997
Mr. Matthew I. Chikasuye
Mrs. Taryn A. Carr Clatanoff
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Darcey
Mr. Mitchell B. Goo
Ms. Stephanie M. Lape
Mrs. LeAnne N. Mistysyn MacAllister
Ms. Lori M. Moskal
Ms. Kimberly L. Nakagami
Mr. Kaulana E. Tiwanak
Ms. Anne L.T. Wong
In Memory of Mrs. Judith M.
Kaufmann Birt ’59
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Class of 1998
Ms. Nathene Lynn C. Antonio
Ms. Dara M. Cavaco
Ms. Janel Hatton-Santiago
Ms. Elizabeth W.P. Hisashima
Ms. Summer R. Robello
Class of 1999
Ms. Michelle K. Coleman
Ms. Crystal R.M. Costa
Ms. Tanny Puanani Esperas
Ms. TinaAnn Mahealani Heatherly
Mr. Michael Francis Kaufmann
Class of 2000
In Memory of Mrs. Karen A. Chinen
Mrs. Patricia L. Gilsey Eng ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Levy
Mrs. Lorraine R. Shirai Maeda ’57
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
In Memory of Mr. Mark K. Chun ’73
Mrs. Gloria M. Glorioso Breininger ’73
Mrs. Cora Cabebe Gushikuma ’73 and
Mr. Wayne Gushikuma
Terralyn Pang
Ms. Ida Quinn ’73
Mrs. Ramona A.T. Ching Ung ’73
Mr. John P. Baraquio ’88
Mr. Joseph Henry Campos II ’88
Ms. Michelle H. Choo ’88
Mrs. Tracy Ann Ariel Cosier ’88
Mr. Kavett Kaopua ’88
Mrs. Rochelle A. Suzuki Mahoe ’88
Ms. Kristen K. Schultz ’88
Mr. Michael J. Sheedy ’88
Mrs. Kristen Ann Wong Thompson ’88
Mrs. Kathy Y.S.C. Ching Viniegas ’88
Mrs. Kimberly L.K. Wheeler ’88
Ms. Kathleen Michelle Worden ’88
In Memory of Mr. Walter Y. Uohara ’43
Mrs. Mitsuko Uohara
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Jim J.L. Wong
In Memory of Mr. Mun Charn Wong
Mrs. Rosalie Moilee Hong
Ms. Amber Malia Belcher
Mr. Sunya P. Boonyatera
Mr. Noah J.T. Esperas
Mr. John T.K. Hisashima
Mr. Daryl K. Nakamoto
Ms. April C.A. Ota
Ms. Pilita A. Winchatz
Class of 2001
In Honor of Mr. Marvin V. Silva ’77
Mr. Sam Scherf
In Honor of Mr. Alfred M.K. Wong,
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson C.H. Lee
Mr. Donald R. Anderson
Mrs. Marie McGarry
Ms. Jamie M.M.Y.N. Adams
Ms. Mary Kukana Cajski
Ms. Lynn D. Chan
Mr. Michael J. Chu
Mr. Ryan S.C. Hu
Mr. Dustin T. Lee
Mr. David K. Mistysyn
Ms. Trina E. Rogers
Mr. Paul Takeji Sakuma
Mr. Johan E. Suyderhoud
Mr. Matthew J.P. Suyderhoud
Mr. Russell M. Sypowicz
Mr. Charles Trueman-Madriaga
Mr. Troy T. Uyehara
Class of 2002
for learning and growing
Class of 2003
Mrs. Cora Cabebe Gushikuma ’73 and
Mr. Wayne Gushikuma
Mr. Peter Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nakamatsu
Mr. Daryl K. Nakamoto ’00
Mr. Kevin Nip
Mr. Elbert K. Tsuchimoto
Mrs. Brenda D. Dung Wong ’77
Mr. Michael K.P. Chong
Mr. Brian K. Coleman
Mr. Darin M. Fajota
Mr. John C.M. Kwong
Ms. Nicole M.K. La Prade
Ms. Kimberly J. Medrano
Ms. Stephanie M.H. Nakamura
Ms. Melisa K.M.O. Orozco
Ms. Shannon Riley
Ms. Kiera M. Tanaka
Mr. Aaron L.D. Wong
Ms. Lea U. Young
In Memory of Sr. Charlotte C.
Anderson, MM ’44
Mr. Arthur N. Anderson
In Memory of Mr. Eddie Araujo
Mr. Stan Kum and Mrs. Marjorie Kum ’51
In Memory of Lisa Au ’80, Philip
Helfrich ’80, Carolyn Won ’79
Ms. Robin R. Dang Mailolo ’80
In Memory of Mrs. Rose Maka K. Crabbe
Mr. Stan Kum and Mrs. Marjorie Kum ’51
In Memory of Dr. Robert T. Wong
Mrs. Rosalie Moilee Hong
In Memory of Mr. Paul Domaloan ’55
Mrs. Melissa A. Domaloan Layden ’87
Ms. Camille T. Domaloan Michel ’84
In Memory of Mrs. Pearla M. Relator
Yuen ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel J. Relator
In Memory of Mr. Edward Doyle
Mrs. Jana Doyle Hollenbeck ’61 and
Mr. William Hollenbeck
In Memory of Ms. Gertrude M.
Zerbe ’35
Ms. T. Phyllis Zerbe
In Memory of Mrs. Roselyn Fujimoto
Timothy and Sandra Collins
In Memory of Mrs. Katherine S.
Kanzaki Kam ’48
Mr. Raymond S.L. Kam
In Memory of Mr. Lawrence E. Orson
Mrs. Kathleen V. Higgins
In Memory of Mrs. Angela Kaleionalani
Recarte ’88
In Honor of Mr. Jared Kaufmann ’58
Mrs. Andretta K. Kaahaaina
In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel
W.C. Ma
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wake
Lt. Robert Chinen
Mr. Ron Goodknecht
Mr. Robert Levy
Officer Rodney Noguchi
Mr. Gary Omori
Mr. Ian Santee
Mrs. Audrey Sunada
Officer Dwayne Takayama
Mr. Todd Yamamoto
A special mahalo to all those who
contributed to the success of Maryknoll’s
fundraising events.
Held at Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall
on Sunday, November 3, 2002
2002 Luau Committee
Edwina Lee
Cyndy LaPorte
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
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Avis Mukawa
Beverly Lambert
Tessie Ulep
Alvin Leong
Amy Kobayashi
Diane Lau
Waynette Cabral
Darlene Mau
Shari Lee
Darrel Lau
Wayson Lee ’68
Naomi Saito
Mary Oyadomari
Mona Fukuhara
Tom Hee
Wayne and Cora Cabebe ’73
Milton and Renee Tengan
Franklin and Mary Ann Ho
Sherry Teruya
Diamond Head Winery – Val Texeira
Kay Foy
Stephen and Kathy Fu
Virginia Gonsalves ’38
Gail Grief
Wayne and Cora Cabebe ’73
Hawaiian Paakai, Inc. – Steven Lee
Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66
Hee Hing Restaurant – David Koc
Carlton and Joy Higa
Dorothy Higa
Joanne and Janalyn ’04 Hiramatsu
Kristine Huntsman
Herb and Edna Hussey
Kathy Iona
Lynn Mitchell
Charlene Miura
Riki and Avis Mukawa
Julian and Susan Ng
D. Okawa
Karen Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Clement M. Padeken
Bobbie Pang
Annette Preza-Haynes
Robert’s Gift Baskets and Flowers –
Roberta Takamoto
Rush Moore Craven Sutton Morry
and Beh
Naomi Saito
Sanrio, Inc. – Sheila Apruebo
Scoozee’s – Carlos Monteiro
your gift = a strong foundation
from the first day...
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of
Del Monte Fresh Produce (HI), Inc.
Mrs. Roxane Ishikawa Goo ’78
Mr. Arnold Ing – Nursery Associates
Marians Catering
Dwight and Theresa Otani –
D. Otani Produce, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pang
Louis Pinho, Penske Leasing
Company LP
Sodexho Marriott Services
Steering Committee
Barbara Tom Ching
Peggy Chock
Mark Conching ’83
Patrick Downes
Eileen Lota
Charlene Wong Lum ’60
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
Nina Rodrigues Rapozo ’54
Laurie Hong Wong ’56
The late Gladys Brandt, honorary
Ilima Sponsors ($5,000)
Maile Sponsors ($3,00)
Aloha Airlines
Dr. & Mrs. Jorge G. Camara
Abigail K. Kawananakao Foundation
Plumeria Sponsors
*indicates sponsorship of two tables
Basket Auction & Country
Store Donors
Held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Coral Ballroom on April 13, 2003
Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa
Ms. Kapiolani Marignoli
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Luau Donors
A Salon, Inc.
Roger and Corinna Akimoto
American Savings Bank
Jean Ark
Bank of Hawaii
Bayer Corporation – Derrick J.K. Ito
Beauty by Fumiko –
Fumiko Takayama
Jill Blaisdell
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Boolukos
Kathleen Bow
Holly Brock
Shirley Campos
Lori Kern Carlos ’87
Charles and JoAnn Chow
Mayumi Chung
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of
Compadres – John Langen
The Complete Kitchen –
Mike Okamura
Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro ’37
Theresa Crighton and Dalmas Martin
DACS Beads – Alethia Donathan
Dave & Buster’s of Honolulu –
Kendra Murray/Susie Schoales
Roseyn J. Devlin
Julie Joy
Curtis and Lucille Kern
Dr. Millicent Khaw
Joy Kinzie
Fred and Diane Kobashikawa
Michelle Koyanagi
Marjorie Wong Kum ’51
Beverly Lambert
Mike and Cyndy LaPorte
Diane Lau
Dennis and Venie Lee
Edwina Lee
Patricia Lee
Long’s Drug Store, Wahiawa –
Dennis Akimoto
Jackie Loo
Camille Domaloan Michel ’84
Dennis and Paula Mijo
Lucile Smith Mistysyn ’37
Southern Wine and Spirits of Hawaii
– Cecil Hunt
Benedith Tabiolo-Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tengan and family
Lori Tenn
Sherry Teruya
Rodney and Shana Campos ’83 Tong
Steven ’78 and Geri Tseu
Michelle Arakawa Ushio ’81
Lynne Taniguchi Watanabe ’69
Darryl P. and Teresa (Brink) Wong
Deb Wong
Harrison and Norine Wong
Helen Wong
Kimberly Yamauchi
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin J.H. Yee
Linda Yee
The American Coating Company*
American Savings Bank
Bank of Hawaii
Drs. Enrico & Theresa Camara
Central Pacific Bank
Mr. Paul Chinen ’57
Mr. Han H. & Mrs. Barbara T. Ching
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Drs. Collin R. & Mary Dang
Diagnostic Laboratory Services
Dr. John H. Drouilhet
Dr. & Mrs. David K.H. Dung
First Hawaiian Bank
Mr. Alan & Mrs. Sylvia Ho
Hoban Family – Jim & Beth
Mr. Donald C.W. & Mrs. Iris Kim
Bert T. Kobayashi, Jr.
Dr. Gary Kondo – Hawaii Family
KTA Super Stores
Mr. & Mrs. Arne LaPrade
Dr. & Mrs. Irwin K.M. Lee*
Mr. Stanford C. Lee ’75 –
Next Design, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel W.C. Ma
The Manoa-Punahou Catholic
Maryknoll Grade School Student
Maryknoll High School
Maryknoll Parent Teacher Guild*
Milici Valenti Ng Pack Inc.
Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc. –
Steven D. Wong
Dean Miyamoto CPA, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P.J. Ng
Ohata Chun Yuen LLP
Jerry & Lily Prentiss
Larry & Patricia Rodriguez
Phyllis Shea ’58
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation
of Hawaii
Sony Hawaii Company
Mr. Al & Mrs. Laurie Hong ’56 Wong*
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Dr. & Mrs. Livingston M.W. Wong ’48
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong ’66
Roland & Violet Yap
Dr. Elizabeth Abinsay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Baker
Mrs. Rosalina J. Juan Baysa ’50
Dr. Glorifin L. Belmonte
Dr. Michael D. Bennett
Dr. Richard K. Blaisdell
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Cadavona
Mrs. Lori Kern Carlos ’87
Mr. Roland C. Casamina
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cayetano
Mr. Evanson H.W. Chang
Dr. Jo Ann A. Chang ’83
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S.M. Chang
Mrs. Florence L. Choy
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M.O. Chun, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Chun
Mrs. Agnes Sills Cordeiro ’37
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio B. Cordero
Dr. Ruby De Alday
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Donahue
Mr. Mell Felipe
Mrs. Geraldine Fouts
Mr. James H. Gahler
Mrs. Carole H. Goldstein
Mrs. Leanna J. Green &
Mr. Patrick Green
Ms. Betsey Hughes Gunderson ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard C. Haeringer
Mrs. Carolyn M.S. Dang Hong ’67
Mrs. Rosalie Moilee Hong
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael P. Ignacio
Dr. Amelia R. Jacang
Mr. Jared Kaufmann, Sr. ’58
Mrs. Linda Jo Niemitz Langley ’67
Dr. Jeffrey M. Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K.W. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Leong
Dr. Nicanor Liquido & Mrs. Susan
Mrs. Charlene C.L. Wong Lum ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Y.D. Lung
Dr. Cora Manayan
Mrs. Betty Mastrantonio
Mrs. Patricia Muneno McIntyre ’67
Wayne & Colleen Minami
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Mrs. Yvonne Usita ’63 &
Mr. Jim Morris
Mrs. Karen T. Nakagaki Nakamura ’62
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nickel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Brien
Ms. Judy K. Oliveira
Dr. Ruth Ono & Mr. Alfred Ono
Mr. Lester K. Oshiro
Ms. Carole Ota
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Pang
Dr. F. Don Parsa
Mrs. Patricia L. Pascual
Mrs. Nina Rodrigues Rapozo ’54
Mrs. Alice P.S. Roberts
Mrs. Maria Consuelo Rogers
Ms. Naomi Saito
Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Ablan
Mrs. June H. Arakawa
Mrs. Jean M. Ariyoshi
Mrs. Beverly S. Ashford
Drs. Efren & Fe Baria
Mrs. Della Au Belatti ’94
Bicol Club of Hawaii – Mr.
Francisco Cruzata
Mr. R. Charles Bocken
Dr. & Mrs. Milton Boniuk
Dr. & Mrs. R.G. Bristol
Dr. Adelina Cabreros-Baker
Stephen & Lori Kern ’87 Carlos
Dr. Joyce H. Cassen
to the last
Dr. & Mrs. Alberto C. San Juan
Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon G. Santos
Mrs. Polly Seto Richardson
Mr. Scott Siegfried
Mrs. Apoliona S. Stice
Mrs. Ann K.H. Sung
Mrs. Gail Nakagaki Tiwanak ’67
Mrs. Mary A. Tom
Mrs. Mary D. Tom
Mr. Elbert K. Tsuchimoto
Mrs. Benedith G. Tabiolo-Ventura
Mrs. Ethel A. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Watanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Milton Wheeler
Mrs. Charlotte Ann Gomes White ’63
Mr. & Mrs. David K.C. Wong
Mrs. Sandra M. Yamane
Mr. Eugene A.O. Yee ’55
Mr. Robert E. Chee, Jr. ’90
Mrs. Myrna P. Chun-Hoon
Mrs. Hilda Cordeiro ’37
Dr. Timothy B. Crane
Everett & Linda Cuskaden
Dr. Paul A. DeMare
Monsignor D.J. Dever
Mr. & Mrs. Paul deVille ’66
FMS Hawaii, Inc.
Family Dental Clinic Inc. –
Dr. Maria P. Adora
Ms. Antonina Farm ’65
Most Rev. Joseph A. Ferrario
Dr. David Fitz-Patrick
Mr. William M. ’36 & Mrs. Amelia
Mattos ’40 Garcia
Ms. Virginia Gonsalves ’38
Mrs. Joyce S.Y. Lee Goo ’56
Mrs. Ann H. Hannan
Ms. Anne Harpham ’68
Dr. James C. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Heen
Mrs. Lucille J. Hill
Mr. William Holloway – Jostens
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Hong
Mr. M. Ignacio
Mrs. Florence S. Ikei
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Imada
INCAT Alumni Assn. of Hawaii –
Mr. Larry R. Ramirez
Ms. Louise Ing & Mr. Michael Sitch
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuhiro Iseri
Mrs. Annabelle Pa Kam ’52
Eric & Chickadee Katter
Drs. Chuck & Jenny Kelley
Mrs. Virginia M. Hulten Klein ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Masajiro Koochi
Mr. & Mrs. Yue Fung Kwan
Dr. Lansdale & Mrs. Deborah Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K.W. Lee
Dr. Timothy Lee
Drs. Worldster & Patricia ’61 Lee
Eileen & Jimmy Lota
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lum
Maryknoll School Filipino Club
Linda “Fritz” McKenzie, Esq.
Mr. Ron McNichols – Jostens Hawaii
Mitsu-Ken Okazu & Catering
Mrs. Brenda B. Miyashiro
Mr. Clifford C.F. Moran
Ms. Charlene H. Nakagawa
Mr. Charles M. Nakoa
Oahu Relocation Services –
Fil-Am Courier
Dr. & Mrs. Francis T. Oda
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Odo
Dr. Ruth M. Ono
Ms. Rose Anne Petro
Ms. Diane J. Plotts
Ms. Naomi Saito
Mrs. Tomiko Saito
San Nicolas Goodwill Foundation
Inc. – Boni Manuel
Dr. Reynold S. ’47 &
Mrs. Edna Kozuma ’49 Shirai
Mrs. Winona Hollinger Slate ’40
Marge & Manny Sylvester
Mr. Dan D. Taba
Dr. K.S. Tom
University of the Philippines Alumni
Assn. – Raymond Liongson
Mr. David J. Viscomi
Mrs. Fran Chow ’69 &
Mr. Jack Wong
Mr. Gerald T.K. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien P. Wong
Mrs. Gail Yamashita
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Yamashita
Vivian W. Young
Atty. & Mrs. Eduardo O. Zabanal &
Fall 2003/Winter 2004
6:23 PM
Page 2
Becker Communications
Jicky Ferrer ’75
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosasa
Milici Valenti NgPack/Firefly Jenni Katinszky
Sanders Piano Company
1500 South King Street - Honolulu
Silent Auction Donors
Mr. Dick & Mrs. Margot Adair
Aloha Airlines
Mr. Michael Amore ’79
Ariel A. Catalan, DDS
Arna Photography
Big Island Candies
BMW of Honolulu
Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse Restaurant
Mr. Burnell & Mrs. Alycer Boehning ’61
Ms. Teresa Brink-Wong
Dr. Malcom & Mrs. Lisa Chang
Ms. Michelle Goo Chang ’82
Mrs. Susan Cheng
Mrs. Juliette Shea Chock ’53
Mrs. Peggy Chock
Coffee Partners of Hawaii/Starbucks
The Contemporary Museum
Daughters of Hawaii
David Lee Galleries
Denny Wong Designs
Elite Catering
Elite Limousine Service, Inc.
Entertainment Publications
Family of Casey Johnson ’12
First Hawaiian Bank
Floral Network
Mrs. Susan Foo
Fumiko Takayama
Gary I. Kondo, DDS ~ Hawaii
Family Dental Centers
Ms. Angie Golis-Yamamoto
Hard Rock Café
Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Hilton New York
Hilton San Diego Resort
Hilton San Francisco
Hilton Times Square
Hilton Waikoloa Village
Dr. Cy Hirota ’89
Mr. Alan Ho & Mrs. Sylvia Ho
Hokuli’i Images
Honolulu Symphony
Honolulu Theatre for Youth
HTH Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael P. Ignacio
Image City
In Memory of Francis Chock
Indich Collection
Island Guitars
Island Maid Inc.
Jackson Volvo
John Dominis Restaurant
JPS Dressers
JW Marriott Ihilani Resort & Spa
Kaheka Rehab Clinic
Kathy – Full Service Salon
Kazi Foods Corp. of Hawaii
Kenny Kicklighter
Kim Taylor Reece Gallery
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kobashikawa
Bradley Koki ’71
Kontemporary Kreations
Kyo-ya Restaurant
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Cyndy LaPorte
Melissa Domaloan Layden ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Look ’75
Mrs. Eileen Lota
Maika’i Snacks & Baskets
Marians Island Wide Catering
Market City Shopping Center
Marsha Nadalin Salon
Maryknoll School
Mr. Norman Mau ’56
Maui Divers Jewelry Design Center
Mauna Kea Resort (Hapuna Golf
Mermaids Hawaii
Merv Griffin’s Beverly Hilton Hotel
Miramar Hotel
Monarch Seafoods Inc.
Jim & Yvonne Usita ’63 Morris
Avis Mukawa
Oceanic Time Warner Cable
Outrigger International Travel
The Paperie at Kahala Mall
Price Busters
Ray Wong – Showers of Flowers
Regalo Bakery
Roberts Hawaii Inc.
Mrs. Consuelo Rogers
Roy Sakuma Productions, Inc.
Royal Hawaiian Hotel
Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center
Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab
Shangri-La Tea Company
Sheraton Maui
Sheraton Waikiki
Sony Hawaii Company
Sun Chong Company
Taj Clubhouse
Tori Richard Ltd./Mr. Mort Feldman
Treetops Restaurant at Paradise Park
Tri-Star Restaurant Group, LLC
The Tsunami Broiler
Turtle Bay Resort
Vicky Short Designs
Victoria Ward Centers
Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel
Waikoloa Beach Marriott
Mr. Steven D. Wong
Xerox Hawaii Corporation
Ms. Dana Anne Yee ’79
Silent Auction Committee
Peggy Chock, Chair
Sylvia Ho
Irene Lee
Linda Ross
American Coating Co. Jim Hiramatsu ’75
Bank of Hawaii
Malcom H.M. Chang, DDS Inc.
Thomas A. Ching, DDS Inc. ’75
Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Hawaii
Commercial Roofing & Waterproofing
Hawaii, Inc. – Guy Akasaki
First Hawaiian Bank & First
Hawaiian Leasing
Stephen R. Ho, DDS Inc.
Jackson Volvo
Kerry’76 & Bernie Loo ’76 Lam
Gabriel W. C. Ma, MD Inc.
Dean Miyamoto, CPA
Monarch Insurance Services, Inc.
Next Design - Stanford C. Lee ’75
Pacific Transfer, LLC - Alvin Tanaka
S & M Sakamoto, Inc. Gerard Sakamoto
Lori Ann C. Saunders
Sodexho Campus Services
Sony Hawaii
Takushi Wong Lee & Yee Alfred Wong
TheoDavies EuroMotors
Joseph C. S. Tsai, MD Inc.
Waste Management of Hawaii Inc.
The Robert & Betty Wo Foundation
Ernie M. S. Yim, MD Inc.
Event Volunteers
Margot Adair
Maite Cassiday
Theresa Crighton
Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro ’37
Christopher Domaloan ’00
James Gahler
Carole Goldstein
Virgie Gonsalves ’38
Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66
Nery Heenan
Barbara Ho
Karen Ho
Ginny Koo
Becky Kotake
Cyndy LaPorte
Kelly Lizardi ’05
Milton Makishi
Betty Mastrantonio
Lydia McCoy
Lucile Smith Mistysyn ’37
Lynn Mitchell
Avis Mukawa
Gail Nakamura
Judy Oliveira
Lester Oshiro
Dorie Parubrub
Pat Pascual
Viola Pavao Quinn ’40
Kaysha Ribao ’06
Marty Steele
Benedith Ventura
Kimberly Yamauchi
Nicole Yamamoto
Sandy Yamane
Dana Yi ’05
Angelica Zabanal ’05
Rose Zabanal
Held at The New Ewa Beach Golf Club
on July 17, 2003.
Steering Committee
Richard Budar ’78 - Chairman
Lori Kern Carlos ’87
Mark Conching ’83
Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66
Michael Ho ’57
Patricia Chu Ho ’57
Kerry Lam ’76
Charlene Wong Lum ’60
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
Jerry Pang ’56
Naomi Saito
Michelle Arakawa Ushio ’81
Lourdes Lee Whang ’78
“Greenie” Sponsors
Dr. Kenneth Arakawa ’85 – Hole 6
Hilo Hatties – Hole 13
Viagra/Pfizer – Hole 16
Special thanks to Louis H. Pinho of
Penske Truck Leasing for the sponsoring course refreshments.
Aloha Airlines
Aloha Petroleum, Ltd.
American Express - Marvin Silva ‘77
American Savings Bank - Dan Oshima
Asia Manoa
Ceatech USA, Inc.
ConAgra Grocery Products Co. Paula Mijo
Edwards Enterprises - Randy Aina
Eggs Hawaii, Inc. - Roland
ET Graphic Design
The Experience at Koele & Challenge
at Manele Bay - Brendan Moynahan
Frito Lay of Hawaii
GEICO Insurance - Linda Langley ‘67
Gouveia Sausage Factory Dale Gouveia ’81
Halekulani Hotel
Hansen Sales
Hawaii Prince Hotel
Hawaiian Airlines
Debbie Nakanelua Richards ’76
Hilo Hatties - Pomare, Ltd. Paul deVille ‘66
Hungry Lion Restaurant
Island Air - Richard Hee
Jade Properties - Darrell W. Mattos ’63
Jameson’s by the Sea Restaurant
Rex & Gigi Dang ’73 Johnson
JW Marriott Ihilani Resort & Spa John Limper
Kamms Jewelry - Sydney Kamm
Koolau Golf Club - Keola Griep
Kerry ’76 & Bernie Loo ’76 Lam
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lam
David Lee
Howard Lee
Legends Sports Pub - John Harrison
Love’s Bakery
MacNaughton Group Duncan MacNaughton
Marians Island Wide Catering Jim Harada
Matson Navigation Co.
Maunalani Resort
Meadow Gold Dairies Glenn Muranaka
Murphy’s Bar & Grill
Casey Nakama
New Ewa Beach Golf Club Ikuyo Nitta
Niketown Honolulu Keala Jones Peters ‘87
Oahu One Credit Union - Bart Saxton
D. Otani Produce - Dwight Otani
Pacific Transfer, LLC - Alvin Tanaka
Palama Meat Company Carlton Oshiro
Paradise Beverages - Michael Shibuya
Patti’s Chinese Kitchen
Patty’s Floral Design Patricia Lum Pang ’82
Paul Brown Salon - Ward Centre
Progressive Insurance
Roberts Hawaii Tours
Samurai Shave Ice
Servco Foundation - Mark Fukunaga
Sheraton Waikiki - Randall Ha
Because of your generosity,
Maryknoll School has no equal.
Thank you for your support.
Shiatsu Therapist of Hawaii Paul Maehara
Sodexho Campus Services Kerwin Higashi
Southern Wine & Spirits Kevin Burkett
Star Markets - John Fujieki
Stratacom - Kerry Lam ’76
Dr. Paul Tanaka
Title Guarantee - David Pietsch
Tri Star Restaurant - Ron Panzo
Young Brothers
72577_Cover 1/12/04 6:46 PM Page 2
Maryknoll School
1526 Alexander Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
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Honolulu, HI
Permit No. 603
the Past
Maryknoll School cordially invites you to a
gala evening honouring
George R. Ariyoshi
S UNDAY, A PRIL 4, 2004
$5,000 (ILIMA), $3,000 (MAILE) OR $1,000 (PLUMERIA).
Individual seating is $100 per person. All tables seat 10 guests.
Reserve your seats by March 5, 2004.
Call the Office of Development & Alumni at (808) 952-7310.
George Ryoichi Ariyoshi’s
stellar political career could
provide more than ample laurels
for one lifetime, but the former
governor’s service to his community extends far and beyond his
32 years of elected office. He has
also been a remarkable leader in
business, law, culture, commerce
and trade.
Ariyoshi’s years of steadfast
service to the people of Hawaii
have earned him the respect of
many. Maryknoll School is proud
to honor George Ariyoshi with
the 2004 Noblesse Oblige Award
for Service.