8 - Biomass_seminar Samlet Polen
8 - Biomass_seminar Samlet Polen
Biomass seminar Ministry of Agriculture Monday 12th 2014 Søren Gade CEO Danish Agriculture & Food Council Organisation of the Biomass sector in Denmark Denmark’s agriculture, food and agri-business sector Primary Slaughter animals Milk Crops Slaughterhouses Dairies Feed, seeds and fertilizers Genetics Machinery, stables Bio-energy Fur skin Eggs, horticulture, aquaculture ect. Processing Food Service Preserves etc. Agro Processing equipments Ingredients, enzymes Agricultural production, 2011 Production base: Production: •2.64 million hectars •8.8 million tons of grain •30,000 farmers •4.9 million tons of milk •40,600 farms •150,000 tons of beef •65 hectars per farm on average •2,01 million tons of pigmeat •15 million mink furs •220,000 tons of poultry Employees 2012 183.000 people employed in the Danish food cluster: 58,600 58,900 65,500 Source: Landbrug & Fødevarer 24% of Denmark’s export of goods Total exports : EUR 82.1 billion in 2012 Use of biomass in Denmark for energy 17% …agriculture a third 33% 5% 0% 16% 29% Sun, Water, etc. Wind Agri-Food complex Wood (domestic) Wood (imported) Imported biofuels Energy plants Farm scale Boilers (< 0,5 MW) - owned by farmers Farm scale Boilers, heating for neighbours (0,5 - 2 MW) - owned by farmers Local District Heating Plants ( 1 - 20 MW) - owned by groups of farmers and/or by the consumers Power Plants (> 100 MW) - Public owned or by companies Thomas Holst Senior Consultant Danish Agriculture & Food Council Applicable law and basic conditions for Biomass production in Denmark Biomass for energy in Denmark • Straw • Wood 1.2 mio. tons ~4 mio. tons • Chips (Willow, Poplar, forest residues) • Pellets (residues forest, sawmills and more) • Manure/slurry for biogas ~2 mio. tons Production of biomass Perennial energy crops (Willow, poplar and more) • 8600 ha in total (establishing 6000 ha since 2010) • Effective establishment • Optimized growth conditions • Harvest cost reduced • Straw • 5.5 mio. Tons in total. • Baling 3 mio. Tons • Optimizing logistics at all times Regulation – DK Today •Small size plants (<1 MW) • efficiency of the boiler ~83 % • • • CO OGC Particles (not straw) •Large (>50 MW) • EU regulation 1200-3000 80-150 125-150 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Regulation – DK Future •Small size (<1 MW) • efficiency of the boiler 89 % (2017) • • • CO -> 500-700 mg/m3 OGC -> 30-20 mg/m3 Particles -> 60-40 mg/m3 (including straw) Future •Medium and large boilers (>1 MW) • EU regulation Regulation – EU Today •No regulation in EU on small and medium size boilers <50 MW •Boilers >50 MW regulated on EU basis (www) • SO2 • NOx • Particulate matter 200 mg/m3 200-300 mg/m3 20-30 mg/m3 Regulation – EU Future •New BREF with BAT notes for large Combustion plants (>50 MW), expected to lower the emissions value (www) •Medium size plants (1-50 MW) – new emission limits expected (www) • • • SO2 NOx Particulate matter 200 300 20 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Regulation – EU 1- 50 MW – latest proposal Dopuszczalne wielkości emisji dla nowych średnich obiektów energetycznego spalania 1. Dopuszczalne wielkości emisji (mg/Nm³) dla średnich obiektów energetycznego spalania innych niż silniki i turbiny gazowe Zanieczyszcz enie Biomasa stała Inne paliwa stałe SO2 NOX Cząstki stałe 200 300 400 300 20 1.1. 20 Paliwa ciekłe inne niż ciężki olej opałowy 170 200 20 Ciężki olej opałowy Gaz ziemny 350 300 20 100 - (1) (1) 25 mg/Nm3 dla obiektów o mocy cieplnej do 5 MW. Paliwa gazowe inne niż gaz ziemny 35 200 - Emissionsgrænseværdier for nye mellemstore fyringsanlæg 1. Emissionsgrænseværdier (mg/Nm³) for mellemstore fyringsanlæg, bortset fra motorer og gasturbiner Forurenende stof SO2 NOX Partikler Fast biomasse Andet fast brændsel 200 300 20 (1 ) 400 300 20 Andre flydende brændstoffer end svær brændselsoli e 170 200 20 Svær brændselsoli e Naturgas Andet gasformigt brændsel end naturgas 350 300 20 100 - 35 200 - (1) 25 mg/Nm3 for anlæg med en indfyret termisk effekt på mindre end eller lig med 5 MW. Regulation – EU Future •Small size plants (<1 MW) • • ECOdesign useful efficiency of the boiler • A+++ to F • No official values Senior Consultant Thomas Holst Danish Agriculture & Food Council thl@lf.dk Thank you for your attention! Marek Lyngbye Zandberg EKF Finance Investments and Instruments Best practices in energy use of biomass – examples from Denmark •Senior Consultant Thomas Holst, Danish Agriculture & Food Council •CEO Michael Engsted, Weiss Sp. zo.o •Owner Svend Bisgaard Kristensen, Alcon A/S •Owner Lars Bjørn Hansen, Faust ApS •Owner Anne Nielsen, Skovager Kedler ApS •Owner Henrik Bach, NyVraa Bioenergy I/S Thomas Holst Senior Consultant Danish Agriculture & Food Council Energy plants Farm scale Boilers (< 0,5 MW) - owned by farmers Farm scale Boilers, heating for neighbours (0,5 - 2 MW) - owned by farmers Local District Heating Plants ( 1 - 50 MW) - owned by groups of farmers and/or by the consumers Power Plants (> 50 MW) - Public owned or by companies Biomass trade Different ways for trade •Local trade (small volumes, straw, wood chips) •Tender (large volumes, straw) •World market (large volumes, wood pellets and chips) Contracts •1 year (straw, wood chips and pellets) •2-5 years (straw, wood chips and pellets) Storage • Farmers have the storage facilities • Power plants storage 3-5 days Logistics • Small heating plants • Farmers often arrange delivery • Large power plants • The plants are doing the planning and call the biomass on a weekly basis • The farmer can arrange the transport or • the power plant can arrange that. Michael Engsted CEO Weiss Sp. zo.o Svend Bisgaard Kristensen Owner Alcon A/S Ole Rømers Vej 15, DK 8670 Låsby Tel+45 8666 2044 Fax+45 8666 2954 VAT No. 28305338 E-mail info@alcon.nu Internet www.alcon.nu Member of: DAI & Alcon A/S is an independent privately owned limited company. The people behind the company have all been working with the construction, manufacturing and distribution of boilers for more than 35 years, Alcon A/S is specialized in the development and production of high technical standard boilers for the combustion of biological combustion material such of straw, pellets and wood etc. Alcon A/S products are under the most strict inspection and quality control manufactured by sub suppliers Alcon A/S is today the holder of the highest boiler efficiency for manually stoked straw boilers in Denmark. The Danish Technical Institute (DTI Energy) for Small Bio Combustion Boilers has proved our boiler’s efficiency to be 88 %, and has approved our unit. Alcon A/S boilers for combustion of big bales of straw are equipped with a PLC computer and an oxygen sensor control unit, which secures combustion at an extremely high temperature, resulting in minimizing the environmental impact. Alcon A/S manually stoked boilers and units are developed to utilize most types of biological combustion materials. Alcon A/S boilers are available both indoors and outdoors. Alcon A/S boilers are available with or without water accumulation tanks. Alcon A/S boilers are suitable for the heating of one-family houses, greenhouses, farming stables, grain drying silos, and industrial processing areas as well as district heating. Alcon A/S boilers are available in sizes between 30 kW and 1200 kW output. Erecting a series of more boilers and stokers in a cascade combination improve flexibility and kW output. Case 1 Farmer Morten Vilsgård, Denmark Bought an Alcon heating boiler for 1 big bales of straw Heating of 450 mother pigs a year. Heating of 15 000 of pigs up to 30 kg a each a year. Heating of 3 000 of pigs up to 78 kg a each a year. Drying of 600 tons grain in silos. Heating of one family house. Changed from 32 000 L. oil a year to straw from own field. Plant 5 minutes work a day for stoking. Save about 24 000 € a year. Investment 100 000 €. Paid with cash. (possible with a 20 year, 3.5% loan) Case 1 Farmer Morten Vilsgård, Denmark Bought an Alcon heating boiler for one big bales of straw Boiler plant Combustion chamber Stoking Section Heat exchange Ash shovel Case 2 Grain processing company, Pajbjergfonden, Denmark Bought an Alcon heating boiler for 3 big bales of straw Heating of 2 500 m² greenhouse. Heating of 1 000 m² laboratory. Heating of 3 000 m² workshop. Heating of 1 200 m² office. Heating of 240 m² one family house. Changed from 30 years old straw boiler to new straw boiler. Saved about 60 tons straw a year. 10 minutes work a day for stoking. Investment 160 000 €. Paid with cash. (possible with a 20 year, 3.5% loan) Plant Case 2 Grain processing company Pajbjergfonden, Denmark Bought an Alcon heating boiler for 3 pcs big bales of straw Heating plant: Boiler for 3 bales, 100 m³ accumulator tank and 20 m chimney Thank you for your attention Alcon A/S Lars Bjørn Hansen Owner Faust ApS Biomass boilers 100 to 2000 kW Automatic and manual boilers for wood, straw and other residues Imployees 30 to 35 Turnover 8 mill. Euro 40 Years with Biomass boilers Faust manual straw boiler at the farm Karsko near Szczecin Poland • Boiler for 2 pcs bigbales per load and a Buffertank of 65.000 liter Effekt 600 kW Grain drying at Karsko • Graindryer 4 MW • Supplied effekt from Strawboiler 600 kW • Energi from Strawboiler to graindrying is app. 500.000 kWh per year • Saving 40.000 m³ gas • Heating of buildings take out 5.000 to 10.000 Liter oil per year. Tvären AB Ystad Sweden 1 MW Automatic strawboiler • The farm Tvären AB has a Contract with the destrictheating company in Ystad Sweden to deliver 1 MW continuisly 24-7 365 days pr. year. • With the boiler running more than 95% of the time it gives 8.3 MWh The devil is in the detail Anne Nielsen Owner Skovager Kedler Aps SKOVAGER KEDLER APS VISION: To deliver boiler installations to heat consuming business or private entities, to whom the boiler will provide value MISSION: Be a reliable partner aiming to maintain long lasting business relationships with all relevant stakeholders, i.e. clients, suppliers, necessary authorities etc. WHO ARE WE: Specialized in design, manufacture, sales, delivery, installation and service of straw boilers 40 years’s experience – “Pilevang” from 1973 Skovager Kedler ApS since 1999 WHAT DO WE OFFER: Straw boilers 250 kW to approx. 1.5 MW (suitable for wood as well – disposal of chickens and piglets?) Danish proprietary design - continuous development Boilers manufactured in Poland since 2000 High quality boilers with advanced microprocessor control for manual loading of straw/wooden logs Minimum of service if maintained correctly 2 basic designs flexible solutions allowing to adapt the boiler to site-specific requirements: Complete boiler units including boiler, accumulator tank, expansion tanks, chimney and housing Stand-alone boilers for connection to separate accumulator tanks, expansion and chimney, for fitting into existing buildings or outdoor construction 56 SKOVAGER KEDLER APS CASE 1: HILBRANDS ENERGI, AB, VÄDERSTAD, SWEDEN OWNER: L.O. HILBRAND & SON – CONSTRUCTION, FARMER INSTALLATION YEAR: 1998 PURPOSE: Deliver heat to the Väderstad factory – and additionally to family houses, local industries, local school and church – if interested NO. OF BOILERS: 3 boilers type PM 350/6, each for 3 Heston bales, nominel average output during operation = 3 x 850 kW but 2 boilers were replaced by new, bigger boilers, same type for 4 Heston bales in 2012 and 2013 output increase by 30-50% A fourth boiler for 4 bales to be installed end of 2014 to cover the present need for heat to the factory in particular. SUPPLY OF STRAW: 70% from own fields + 30% purchased from local straw producers a total of 650 acres harvested Type of bales: Linseed, rye & rape PRODUCTION 2013: 7000 MW – operation handled by two persons Total tonnage of straw used: approx. 2300 tonnes, which equals aprox. 4200-4600 Heston straw bales 57 PHYSICAL AND FINANSIAL SETUP: monthly invoices HILBRAND monthly/quarterly invoices VÄDERSTAD LOCAL CONSUMERS MUNICIPALITY Production of straw bales Väderstad Factory, school, Production, storage, supply of heat Installation of district heating pipe systems church, 60 private houses, Operation, maintenance of boilers Agreements with consumers retirement home, four small industries MAP OF VÄDERSTAD: Boiler plant Väderstad factory Church School 58 CASE 2: SANDBYGÅRD, GLUMSØ, DENMARK OWNER: GUSTAV GARTH-GRÜNER – ESTATE OWNER, FARMER INSTALLATION YEAR: 2009 PURPOSE: Deliver heat to own manor, workshop, stables, swimming pool, grain drying unit, neighboring houses (and church) NO. OF BOILERS: One boiler type PAK 350/60T suitable for 2 Heston bales, nominel average output during operation = approx. 450 kW SUPPLY OF STRAW: 100% from own fields a total of 600 acres harvested, of which a little more than 1/9 is used for heating purposes Type of bales: Rye, rape, linseed, wheat PRODUCTION 2013: Approx. 600 MW – operation handled by owner Total tonnage of straw used: approx. 200 tonnes, which equals approx. 350-400 Heston straw bales 59 PHYSICAL AND FINANSIAL SETUP: GUSTAV GARTH-GRÜNER Production of straw bales Production, storage, supply of heat Operation, maintenance of boilers Manor, workshop, stables, Installation of district heating pipe systems (can be performed by Skovager as well) swimmingpool, grain drying unit, 2 neighboring houses, (church) MAP OF SANDBYGÅRD: Boiler unit Manor Swimming pool Grain drying unit 60 Henrik Bach Owner NyVraa Bioenergy I/S Ny Vraa Bioenergy I/S. • 230 ha. of willow on own land. • Planting of 4000 ha. willow over 5 years in Denmark. • Sales and production of cuttings – import/export. • Distribution of woodchips, harvest activities etc. • Development and sale of machinery for planting and harvesting. • Advisory-service. Full line supply chain in SRC. Perennial energy crops have better environmental profile than annual crops! • Protecting the drinking water quality – WFD - WAP • 70% lower nitrate leaching. • 60% lower pesticide use or organic! • 60% higher GHG emission reduction. • CO2 - capture • Willow can combine: • both environmental • clima • farming • and energy politics. Sales activities. USA & Canada Cases. • Poland - 12 willow harvesters in operation -Sale of cuttings for 300 ha. Project potential 2000-3000 ha. -Advisory service Cases. • Ukraine - 6 machines in operation -Advisory service. Planting of 1000 ha. in 2012 & 2013. Case 3. • Ireland - Advisory service. Set up plant team and logistic. - Planting of 150 ha. in 2014 - Planting of total 2500 ha. before 2020. www.nyvraa.dk