Young Lawyers Division
Young Lawyers Division
SOUTH CAROLINA BAR Young Lawyers Division COMMITTEE 2015 SIGN UP 2016 A Message from YLD President South Carolina Young Lawyers: Thank you for taking a few minutes to review the South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Committee Sign-Up Brochure for the 2015-16 year. I am honored to be serving as your YLD President this year and know we can have our most successful year yet with your participation and support. As shown in this brochure, the YLD has many meaningful (and fun) ways for young lawyers to give back to their community and the legal profession, all while making connections with other young lawyers and within the community. Regardless of whether you are interested in public service, networking with fellow young lawyers, networking with non-lawyer professionals, improving the opportunities for young lawyers in our state, or some combination thereof, the YLD has a place for you. That is, the YLD presents opportunities for all of our young lawyers to grow as professionals and as individuals, and this is true regardless of your personality, your motivation for participating, and the amount of time you are interested in devoting. The YLD has 22 committees, each of which is discussed in this brochure and listed on the back cover. If you are interested in receiving more information about one or more of these committees, please complete the form on the back cover of the brochure and place it in the mail, or submit the form through the website referenced on the back cover. Those who sign up will be contacted by the committee chair or co-chairs and given more information and an opportunity to participate in the committee during the coming year. As many of us have learned, service through the YLD can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. I encourage each of you to consider capitalizing on at least some of what the YLD has to offer, either by signing up for a committee or by attending an event or service project in your area. If you ever have any questions about getting involved, feedback about ways we can improve, or an idea for an event or project, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other officers listed in this brochure. Finally, I would like to thank the past leaders of the YLD—including past presidents Lynsey Kmetz, Will Johnson, Trey Mills and Rebecca Roser—who worked so hard to build our state’s YLD into the strong, award-winning organization it is today. I am looking forward to building on the YLD’s positive momentum and am particularly excited about working with President-Elect Ryan Neville and Secretary-Treasurer Lindsay Joyner, and all of our other leaders, in the coming year. Best, Patrick C. Wooten YLD President, 2015-16 ORGANIZATION of the Division The South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division was founded in 1974 to foster principles of duty and service to the public, promote professional responsibility, stimulate the interest of young lawyers in Bar activities, conduct programs of interest and value to young lawyers, and to assist in the coordination and improvement of local young lawyer organizations. All lawyers practicing in South Carolina are licensed through the South Carolina Supreme Court and are mandatory members of the South Carolina Bar. All members of the South Carolina Bar in good standing under 36 years of age, or those admitted to the South Carolina Bar as their first bar for less than five years, are members of the Division. The Executive Council is the governing body of the Division. The Executive Council is composed of a president, president-elect, secretary-treasurer, immediate past president, an out of state circuit representative, a circuit representative from each judicial circuit, the ABA/YLD representative (in alternating years), a law student representative from the University of South Carolina School of Law and from the Charleston School of Law, and others appointed by the Division President during his or her term as President. The Division is an affiliate of the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association and sends representatives to the annual and mid-year meetings and to spring and fall conferences. As an affiliate of the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, the South Carolina Bar YLD and its affiliated organizations share District 10 with the U.S. Virgin Islands. The South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division has enjoyed a momentum of prosperity since it was formed in 1974. The organization has blossomed from a small group brainstorming about projects to an award-winning organization of approximately 3,600 lawyers tackling and conquering a myriad of community service and Bar member projects. The Young Lawyers Division strives to sponsor projects that have a positive impact upon South Carolina’s communities. It has been consistently recognized by the ABA in national competitions for its service to the public and service to its members. Service to the public includes projects and programming focused on a variety of topics, including education on preventing domestic violence, civics education, adoption and foster care awareness, and assisting those with intellectual disabilities. Service to Bar members includes implementing programs which provide networking opportunities with other professional organizations, planning small gatherings with members of the judiciary, and increasing attendance at the Bar Convention in January. The Division offers opportunities for young lawyers to improve the image of the legal profession and fulfill their public service goals. The Division has numerous committees with special projects to be completed. It also coordinates social events to give young lawyers around the state opportunities to network and learn about each other. SERVICE to the Bar DIVERSITY SYMPOSIUM & CAREER FAIR COMMITTEE ANNUAL BAR In conjunction with USC School of Law and Charleston School of Law, this committee will provide law students and YLD members in SC with resources, support, guidance and practical expectations associated with the practice of law by planning and implementing a symposium and career fair. While targeted to minority and non-traditional law students and YLD members, all law students and YLD members are welcome to attend the Symposium, which will include panel discussions on diversity issues in the legal field, ways in which diversity can be increased, and career opportunities for law school graduates. The Career Fair will be held in conjunction with the Symposium—law firms and other potential employers will be invited to participate for the purpose of hiring summer law clerks and/or associates. CONVENTION COMMITTEE The ABC Committee promotes YLD’s involvement with the SC Bar Convention by planning, organizing and implementing a CLE program and attendance incentive event. The CLE component will offer a program that is of interest to young lawyers and provide at least three CLE credit hours for attendees. The attendance incentive event will be a social gathering for members of the YLD and their guests. Its purposes are to increase young lawyer participation at the Convention and in Bar/YLD activities. Additionally, the committee will be responsible for planning and organizing a meeting for the YLD Executive Council, committee chairs and co-chairs. Adam Landy McNair Law Firm, P.A. P.O. Box 11390 Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 799-9800 Tommy Preston Nexsen Pruet, LLC P.O. Box 2426 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 540-2167 COURTHOUSE KEYS COMMITTEE The purpose of this committee is to provide young lawyers the opportunity to meet and interact with members of the judiciary in a small group setting. These events are limited in terms of the number of young lawyer attendees, and often the judges will offer practical tips, insight and words of wisdom to the young lawyers. Depending upon the preferences of the participating judges, Courthouse Keys events may vary from informal breakfasts to lunchtime or evening events. The members of this committee will work alongside the committee chairs and circuit representatives to coordinate at least two Courthouse Keys events in each circuit, as well any statewide events that the committee chooses to organize, such as the annual Supreme Court Breakfast in Columbia. Eric Durand Eric Durand, Esq., LLC 5110 N. Rhett Ave. N. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 901-3531 Elizabeth Gailey 13th Circuit Solicitors Office 305 E. North St., Ste. 325 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-8625 Nichole Davis S.C. Department of Social Services 3220 Two Notch Rd. Columbia, SC 29204 (803) 714-7362 Ashley Myers Myers, LLC—Business Lawyers P.O. Box 97 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 875-0868 DI VE DIV ERS RSI T Y Symposium & Luncheon THE COLOR OF JUSTICE MEMBERSHIP EVENTS Color of Justice is an outreach program that was established by the National Association of Women Judges to foster diversity in the legal profession and judiciary. The YLD Color of Justice committee adopted this program and works to introduce middle and high school minority students to the field of law through a presentation that includes a panel discussion and breakout session with judges, attorneys, law professors and law students. In addition to reaching middle and high school students across the state, the COJ Committee has implemented a College Roadshow, which includes the Historically Black Colleges and Universities in South Carolina. The purpose of the COJ HBCU Roadshow is to equip minority college students with the tools necessary to enter the legal profession, thereby increasing diversity within the legal profession. The committee and its volunteers will speak to the college students about the importance of three components—preparation, performance and practice. The preparation component will focus on what college students should do to prepare for law school and the LSAT. The performance component will address what they should expect and how to succeed in law school. The practice component will give the college students insights on what it means to practice law. This committee is looking for young lawyers who are enthusiastic and interested in promoting diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. This committee is tasked with engaging young lawyers in the Young Lawyers Division, regardless of whether they are newly admitted to the SC Bar or approaching the end of their eligibility in YLD. In addition to coordinating member networking events, family-friendly events and new admittee receptions, this committee will also coordinate events designed to provide opportunities for YLD members and law students to interact and introduce law students to the SC Bar and YLD. COMMITTEE Evan Guthrie Evan Guthrie Law Firm 164 Market St., Ste. 362 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 926-3813 Chisa J. Putman SC Legal Services 214 Johnston St. Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 327-9001 Ashleigh Wilson Bowman and Brooke LLP 1441 Main St., Ste. 1200 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 413-8996 COMMITTEE Sabrina E. “Sable” Burgess Sherpy and Jones, PA P.O. Box 2599 Lexington, SC 29071 (803) 356-3327, ext. 105 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The purpose of this committee is to assist young lawyers in becoming successful in the profession by facilitating networking opportunities with other young professionals as well as educational opportunities for young lawyers, focusing on relevant issues to the profession. The members of this committee will work with the committee chairs to assist the circuit representatives in planning at least one Professional Development event in each circuit. These events will vary from after work events with other young professional organizations, such as the Young Bankers Division, the SC Association of Certified Public Accountants and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors of SC, CLEs targeting young laywers, to Lunch and Learn events for young lawyers, which take place in a one hour, lunchtime format. John Linton Pratt-Thomas Walker, PA P.O. Drawer 22247 Charleston, SC 29413 (843) 727-2252 Ashley R. Forbes McAngus Goudelock & Courie 55 E. Camperdown Way, Ste. 300 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 239-6709 SERVICE to the Public TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE This new committee will identify ways that young lawyers can improve their practices using technology and ways that technology can further the professional development of lawyers. This Committee may organize CLEs relating to technology and will look for opportunities to work with other groups within the SC Bar. Ben Connell The Connell Law Firm, LLC P.O. Box 522 Lugoff, SC 29078 (843) 513-0087 Matt Johnson Corrigan & Chandler, LLC P.O. Box 547 Charleston, SC 29402 (843) 577-5410 BACKPACK DRIVE COMMITTEE The purpose of this committee is to collect new backpacks and school supplies for donation to students, schools and charitable organizations in need throughout the state. Beginning in late July through mid-August, committee members coordinate donation drop-off locations at volunteering law firms and agencies, pick up and organize the donated supplies, and then distribute them to the recipients in need prior to the start of the school year. PUBLICATIONS & MARKETING COMMITTEE Members of this committee prepare and update YLD publications and facilitate marketing of the YLD, not only among the Division’s members but also to all Bar members and to the public. The committee is responsible for the Division’s newsletter, South Carolina Young Lawyer, which is distributed quarterly to all YLD members and is published on the SC Bar’s website. South Carolina Young Lawyer has received national awards and recognition for the content provided to YLD members. The newsletter contains committee reports, upcoming events, member spotlights and practice tips, among other valuable information. Carmel Matin Office of Legal Education Department of Justice 548 Regatta Rd. Columbia, SC 29212 (803) 414-9941 Jonathan Knicely Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP 1320 Main St. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 255-9459 Sandra Moser Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office 1701 Main St., Ste. 302 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 576-1638 Dyllan Rankin The Law Office of T. Dyllan Rankin, LLC 55 Broad St., Ste. 100 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 628-3158 Jessica Christophillis Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. 300 N. Main St., Ste. 200 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 233-4445 CINDERELLA PROJECT Celebrating its 13th season, the Cinderella Project involves gathering donations of gently worn formal gowns, shoes and accessories to benefit high school students across South Carolina. Students from area high schools are invited to attend a boutique held in the spring to “shop” for a dress and other items at no cost. Members of this committee coordinate with local boutiques and law firms for collection of the dresses, solicit donations, organize the boutiques and assist the belles of the ball as they shop on the day of the boutique. Sheila Bias, Statewide Chair Richardson Plowden & Robinson, P.A. 1900 Barnwell St. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 576-3718 Ashley Hammack Aiken Co-Coordinator Second Circuit Solicitor’s Office P.O. Drawer 3368 Aiken, SC 29802 Austin Kusnir Aiken Co-Coordinator 965 Steeplechase Rd. Aiken, SC 29803 Leslie McIntosh Anderson Co-Coordinator McIntosh, Sherard, Sullivan & Brousseau P.O. Box 197 Anderson, SC 29622 (864) 225-0001 Chelsey Moore Anderson Coordinator Tenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office P.O. Box 8002 Anderson, SC 29622 (864) 260-4267 Lisa Bentley Greenville Coordinator Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office 305 E. North St., Ste. 325 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-8260 Leslie Fisk Greenwood Coordinator S.C. Legal Services 316 W. Cambridge Ave. Greenwood, SC 29646 (864) 223-4879 Erica Lybrand Midlands Coordinator Rogers Townsend & Thomas, PC 220 Executive Center Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 Sara Ford Orangeburg Coordinator First Circuit Solicitor’s Office P.O. Box 1525 Orangeburg, SC 29116 (803) 533-6252 COMMUNITY LAW WEEK Community Law Week is an annual event held in the beginning of May in conjunction with the nationally recognized Law Day. This week of service allows members of YLD to work together to promote the legal profession while at the same time serving the community. Committee members are tasked with selecting and coordinating service projects that will be implemented by the Circuit Representatives. Circuit Representatives will select at least one service project per circuit and recruit volunteers amongst the YLD members in their respective circuits. Popular service projects include the SC Bar Ask-A-Lawyer Phone Bank, in which young lawyer volunteers assist the public with legal questions, and the University of South Carolina’s Cocky’s Reading Express, which allows young lawyers to join Cocky in reading to elementary aged children in an effort to promote childhood literacy. Margaret “Meggie” Baker HopeHealth, Inc. 600 E. Palmetto St. Florence, SC 29506 (843) 664-3634 C. Edward Rawl Jr. Fisher & Phillips LLP 1320 Main St. Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 255-0000 FAMILIES FOREVER This committee focuses on educating the public and raising awareness about adoption and foster care in South Carolina and was recently recognized as an Angel in Adoption™ by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) in Washington, D.C. Members of this committee will participate in adoption awareness and education projects by coordinating and hosting Families Forever Fairs throughout the state in partnership with adoption agencies, attorneys and other professionals. Jacqueline Bond Anthony Anthony and Moore, LLC 222 W. Coleman Blvd., Ste. 121 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 284-9500 Jay Anthony The Anthony Law Firm, P.A. P.O. Box 3565 Spartanburg, SC 29304 (864) 582-2355 Jessica Means Means Law Firm, LLC P.O. Box 12009 Charleston, SC 29422 (843) 377-1341 iCIVICS COMMITTEE iCivics is a web-based education project started by retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor that is designed to teach students about civics and inspire them to be active participants and leaders in our democracy. Members of this committee will assist with implementing this program throughout South Carolina. Activities for committee members include speaking at events to teach educators how to implement iCivics in their classrooms, planning and implementing the iImpact Grant projects for schools that are part of the SC GEAR-UP program, planning and implementing handouts and curriculum for Constitution Day and Presidents’ Day; and planning and implementing iCivics Day. iCivics Day is an annual, statewide event that takes place in May and sends young lawyers into the classrooms of fourth and fifth graders to discuss civics topics related to the importance of democracy, federalism/ separation of powers and individual rights. Julie Moore Rode Duffy & Young, LLC 96 Broad St. Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 720-2044 PROTECTING OUR YOUTH THROUGH LEGAL EDUCATION For the purpose of educating at-risk high school students on the consequences of their actions and choices, members of this committee will organize programs typically in the form of panel discussions on topics such as prosecuting students as adults, repeat offenders, new DUI laws and drug offenses. Programs will be held throughout the state and conducted with assistance from the SC Department of Juvenile Justice, Children’s Law Center, the Bar’s Children’s Law Committee and various other community organizations. Committee members will be responsible for contacting the participating schools; planning the programs; coordinating with the partner organizations; recruiting lawyer, judge and law enforcement volunteers to serve as panelists; and participating in and oftentimes moderating the programs. James E. Brogdon III Gallivan White & Boyd, P.A. P.O. Box 10589 Greenville, SC 29603 (803) 779-1833 Clarke Newton Bluestein Nichols Thompson & Delgado, LLC 1614 Taylor St. Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 779-7599 SPECIAL OLYMPICS The SC Bar Young Lawyers Division supports the Special Olympics of South Carolina by providing sponsorships and volunteers to serve the needs of South Carolinians with intellectual disabilities. Members of this committee will be responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteers and encouraging participation at Special Olympics events throughout the state. These events vary from Fall and Summer Games to Track and Field Day, Bocce Tournaments and Annual Galas and provide opportunities for young lawyers to serve a worthy organization while interacting with one another. H. Cooper Wilson III Statewide Chair Hood Law Firm 172 Meeting St. Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 577-1205 J. Scott Bischoff Charleston Coordinator Savage Law Firm 15 Prioleau St. Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 720-7470 Andrew “Andy” Kunz Columbia Coordinator Turner Padget Graham & Laney, PA P.O. Box 1473 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 254-2200 Julie Moore Rode Charleston Coordinator Duffy & Young, LLC 96 Broad St. Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 720-2044 Kip McAlister Columbia Coordinator McNair Law Firm, P.A. 1221 Main Street, Ste., 1800 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 799-9800 Alaina Beach Greenville Coordinator McAngus Goudelock & Courie, LLC P.O. Box 2980 Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 239-4000 Stinson Ferguson Greenville Coordinator Michellin 1 Pkwy S. Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 458-5000 VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE (VITA) WILLS CLINICS The purpose of this committee is to provide free legal services to prepare and execute basic estate planning documents for first response personnel. First response personnel include police officers, firefighters and paramedics. Clinics will be held across South Carolina. Members of this committee will plan a local clinic and recruit attorney volunteers. Guidelines, forms and training sessions are provided prior to clinics. The purpose of this committee is to provide free tax preparation for South Carolina residents with annual total household income of $52,000 or less. Members of this committee will receive training to prepare basic federal and state income tax returns in various communities throughout the state and will assist the chair with recruiting other lawyer volunteers to participate in the tax preparation “Super Saturdays.” The training will be sponsored and conducted by the Columbia Cooperative Ministry, the United Way of Greenville County or the Charleston Trident Urban League, which operate VITA sites. Patrick Cleary Bowman & Brooke, LLP 1441 Main St., Ste. 1200 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 726-7492 Adam B. Landy McNair Law Firm, P.A. P.O. Box 11390 Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 799-9800 Trista A. Shigley BB&T Wealth 151 Meeting St., Ste. 100 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 720-5111 VOICES AGAINST VIOLENCE Voices Against Violence (VAV) has the goals of educating young lawyers and the public about the epidemic of domestic violence and encouraging advocacy for domestic violence victims through legislative initiative, pro bono service and hands-on support to shelters and other programs aiding victims of domestic violence. VAV participates in shelter refurbishment projects, which includes repainting, rebuilding, landscaping and other refurbishing needs. Each fall, VAV runs a necessities and toiletries drive, collecting donations to deliver to shelters throughout the state. The program has expanded to further its reach and impart support in areas that may have less local funding. VAV organizes and hosts a free or reducedcost CLE program on domestic violence and, through this CLE, works to educate young lawyers to represent victims of domestic violence on a number of issues. Finally, VAV is expanding into new areas with plans to design, print and distribute informational materials and support a statewide initiative to bring dating and domestic violence education and prevention programs into high schools. VAV is always looking for new ideas and seeking new committee members to help further the goals of the program in combating domestic violence. Andrea Sancho S.C. Attorney General’s Office 1000 Assembly St., Room 519 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 734-3679 Jasmine Smith S.C. Court of Appeals 1220 Senate St. Columbia, SC 29201 (864) 751-7668 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WILLS CLINICS The purpose of this committee is to provide free wills for Habitat for Humanity homeowners who are vulnerable to losing their homes over future generations without proper planning. During a clinic, young lawyers will assist homeowners by providing an interview and consultation, drafting wills and advance directives, and leaving them with fully executed documents. Young lawyer volunteers need no prior estate planning experience to take part. Guidelines, forms and a training session are provided in advance of clinics by committee chairs or clinic coordinators. Committee members will be responsible for working with the committee chair to coordinate the clinics and volunteers statewide. Evan Guthrie Evan Guthrie Law Firm 164 Market St., Ste. 362 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 926-3813 ABA/YLD SERVICE PROJECT YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION Executive Council COMMITTEE This committee will implement the ABA YLD Service Project, which launches each August at the ABA Annual Meeting. Each year, the President-Elect and incoming Committee Chairs will have the discretion to maintain the existing project or to supplement or substitute the newly launched project. During the 2014-15 Bar year, this committee assisted South Carolina’s homeless and transitional youth with legal issues. It is anticipated that the committee will continue that project and begin the implementation of the ABA YLD 2015-16 Service Project. I. Ryan Neville, Co-Chair Wills Massalon & Allen, LLC P.O. Box 859 Charleston, SC 29402 (843) 727-1144 Elizabeth J. “Beth” Palmer, Co-Chair Rosen Rosen & Hagood, LLC P.O. Box 893 Charleston, SC 29402 (843) 266-8166 BAR FOUNDATION COMMITTEE This new committee will assist and support the SC Bar Foundation by planning events, and assisting with events planned by others, that support the grantees of the Foundation. Thomas Rode Thurmond Kirchner Timbes & Yelverton, PA 15 Mid Atlantic Wharf Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 937-8000 OFFICERS Patrick C. Wooten, President Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Liberty Center, Ste. 600 151 Meeting St. Charleston, SC 29401-2239 (843) 534-4102 YLD MILITARY SUPPORT This new committee will identify and implement outreach programs to assist military service members and veterans. This Committee may also provide education to young lawyers on issues that service members and veterans face and will seek opportunities to work with other groups within the SC Bar. Cody Mitchell Lucas, Warr, & White P.O. Drawer 1408 Hartsville, SC 29550 (843) 332-5050 Irish “Ryan” Neville, President-Elect Wills Massalon & Allen LLC P.O. Box 859 Charleston, SC 29402 (843) 727-1144 Lindsay A. Joyner, Secretary/Treasurer Gallivan, White & Boyd, PA P.O. Box 7368 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 779-1833 Lynsey T. Kmetz, Immediate Past President 1213 Aylesford Rd. Charlotte, NC 28211 (864) 242-6200 Wm. Grayson Lambert, Out of State Representative McGuireWoods, LLP 201 N. Tryon St., Ste. 3000 Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 343-2367 YLD CIRCUIT REPRESENTATIVES 1st Judicial Circuit Representative Charles H. “Charlie” Williams III Williams & Williams P.O. Box 1084 Orangeburg, SC 29116-1084 (803) 534-5218 7th Judicial Circuit Representative Samuel R. Bass II Spartanburg County Courthouse 180 Magnolia St. Spartanburg, SC 29306 (864) 596-2575 2nd Judicial Circuit Representative Virginia L. Sheftall Aiken County Office of the Solicitor P.O. Drawer 3368 Aiken, SC 29802 (803) 648-8637 8th Judicial Circuit Representative Anne Marie Hempy Hite and Stone P.O. Box 805 Abbeville, SC 29620 (864) 366-5400 3rd Judicial Circuit Representative Mary A. “Mandy” Shuler Whetstone, Myers, Perkins & Fulda, LLC P.O. Drawer 980 Kingstree, SC 29556 (843) 355-2800 9th Judicial Circuit Representative Thomas A. Limehouse Jr. U.S. District Court, District of SC P.O. Box 338 Charleston, SC 29402 (843) 579-1464 4th Judicial Circuit Representative Cody T. Mitchell Lucas, Warr & White P.O. Drawer 1408 Hartsville, SC 29551 (843) 332-5050 10th Judicial Circuit Representative Brittany Senerius Senerius & Tye P.O. Box 4125 Anderson, SC 29622 (864) 617-1042 5th Judicial Circuit Representative L. Foster Girard Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA P.O. Box 11889 Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 540-7760 11th Judicial Circuit Representative Sabrina E. Burgess Sherpy & Jones, PA P.O. Box 2599 Lexington, SC 29071 (803) 356-3327 6th Judicial Circuit Representative Everett B. Stubbs III Gaston Gaston & Marion, PA P.O. Box 608 Chester, SC 29706 (803) 385-2114 12th Judicial Circuit Representative E. LeRoy “Lee” Nettles III Nettles Turbeville & Reddeck P.O. Box 699 Lake City, SC 29560 (843) 374-8511 13th Judicial Circuit Representative Ashley R. Forbes McAngus Goudelock & Courie 55 E. Camperdown Way, Ste. 300 Greenville, SC 29601 14th Judicial Circuit Representative Austin H. Crosby Peters Murdaugh Parker Eltzroth & Detrick, PA P.O. Box 457 101 Mulberry St., E. Hampton, SC 29924 (803) 943-2111 15th Judicial Circuit Representative Ryan P. Compton Goldfinch Winslow LLC P.O. Box 829 11019 Tournament Blvd., Ste. 202 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 (843) 357-9301 16th Judicial Circuit Representative Chisa J. Putman S.C. Legal Services 214 Johnston St. Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 327-9001 Ex Officio Sterling Moose Student Bar Association USC School of Law 701 S. Main St. Columbia, SC 29208 Ex Officio Matthew Kelly Charleston School of Law 81 Mary St. Charleston, SC 29403 PLACE STAMP HERE South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division Attn: Kimberly Snipes P.O. Box 608 Columbia, SC 29202 NONPROFIT U.S. Postage PAID Columbia, SC Permit No. 599 P.O. Box 608 Columbia, SC 29202 OPP ORT U N I T Y TO SE RV E , OPPORTUNITY TO SHINE. Please select the committee(s) of your choice and return the card to Kimberly Snipes or go to to sign up. Name: ____________________________________ Bar Number: ____________________________________________ Law Firm/Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I am interested in the following YLD 2015-16 committee(s): m ABA/YLD Service Project Committee m Annual Bar Convention Committee m Backpack Drive Committee m Bar Foundation Committee m Cinderella Project m Community Law Week m Courthouse Keys Committee m Diversity Symposium & Career Fair Committee m Habitat for Humanity Wills Clinics m iCivics Committee m Families Forever m Membership Events Committee m Professional Development Committee m Protecting Our Youth Through Legal Education m Publications & Marketing Committee m Special Olympics m Technology Committee m The Color of Justice Committee m Voices Against Violence (VAV) m Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) m Wills Clinics m YLD Military Support