July 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church


July 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
JULY 2015
our children and youth. On Monday,
Pastor and his son Matthew took John
out kayaking on the Mississippi River
before bringing him back to Cedar
Rapids to catch his flight back to
Washington State.
On Sunday, May 31st, at a specially
called church council meeting, the
church council voted unanimously to
hire John Vickery as the Director of
Children, Youth & Family Ministries
here at St. John’s.
John was one of several good potential
candidates that were interviewed by the
church council over the past couple of
John initially interviewed
with the council via internet
videoconference back on April 27th
and then flew to Iowa from his home
state of Washington for the follow-up
interview over May 29th-June 1st.
While he was here, John had the
opportunity to get a taste of all that our
community and Northeastern Iowa has
to offer. On Saturday, after breakfast at
Rausch’s with Pastor and some of the
council members, John was given a
tour of the city of Guttenberg, the
Clayton Ridge Schools and the
hospital. Following the tour, Dr. Jeff
Hoffmann graciously volunteered to
take John up to Pike’s Peak to spend
the rest of the afternoon hiking. On
Sunday, John worshiped with us (you
might remember him, he was the tall
guy), followed by a second formal
interview with the church council.
That evening at a barbecue potluck
hosted by by Chad and Kari Harbaugh,
John got to meet the spouses and
families of the council members as
well as interact with about a dozen of
John was born and raised in Lake
Stevens, Washington, about an hour
outside of Seattle. John is the oldest of
four children and the only son born to
John and Beth Vickery. His eldest
sister is a freshman at college, and his
two younger twin sisters are seniors at
Lake Stevens High School.
John has experience working with
children and youth in both
congregational and summer camp
settings. He currently works at Christ
Lutheran Church, Ferndale, WA as the
Contemporary Music Director and
Assistant to the Youth Minister, as well
as working at Lutherwood Camp and
Retreat Center, Bellingham, WA. as
High School Camp Counselor, Youth
Group Assistant, Challenge Course
Coordinator, Worship Leader, and
John comes from a very musical family
and has played guitar in church praise
teams for over eight years. When not
playing guitar, he loves rocks climbing
and swimming. John lettered all four
years in swimming while in high
school, even making District
Preliminaries in both his junior and
senior years.
John’s installation service will
take place on Sunday, August
2nd at the 9:15am service at
St. John’s. Please plan on
attending this very special
day and help make John feel
welcome as he makes
Guttenberg and Iowa his new
Pastor’s Letter
Pg. 1
Worship Stewards
Council News
Pg. 2
Pg. 3
Sunday School
Pg. 4
Council Minutes
Baptismal Birthdays
Pg. 8
Pg. 12
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Pastor Shane Anderson
PO Box 189
203 Pearl Street, Guttenberg, IA
Phone: 563-252-2355
(Beginning Sept. 13th Sunday
Services will be at 10:15 A.M.)
Services are broadcast live on
channel 6 the third Sunday of
the month, and every
Wednesday at 10:00am
JULY 2015
July Stewards 10:15 Service Head Usher: Richard Larson
Funeral Ushers: Terry & Pat Meyer, Gerald & Trudy Glawe
Youth Lector Acolytes
Eli Radabaugh Trinten Troester Nancy
Sub: Lynda Akers
July 5
9:15 Service
July 12
9:15 Service
July 19
9:15 Service
Cody Kulper
Sam Thein
July 26
Tim Puls
9:15 Service
Lector &
Communion Assistant: Kim Nieman
Head of Communion: Pat Rodenberg
(Greet &
(Bulletin &
Gail Larson
Terry Thein
Nancy Heitman
Andrew Kraus
Renae Kraus Craig Tuecke
John & Sandy
Renae Kraus
Tim Hillers
Joan Walke Gary Meyer
Gary & Sue
Joan Walke
Lorna Moser
Mary Streich
Kaleigh Reed Kaleigh Reed Stephanie
Mary Streich
KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Ron Meyer, Ted Roth, Amanda Ihde, Zach Ericson, Julie (Fassbinder) Zittergruen,
Scott Brondyke, Duane Mueller, Barb Smith, Jill Peterson, Liam Duart, Harley Anderegg, Alfred Bahls, June
Horstman & Bill Tuecke
Guttenberg Care Center: (SJ) Larene Backhaus, Alo Keehner, Bob Hovey, Martha Horstman, Eunice Kraus,
Florence Billmeyer, Lois Streich, Sylvia Schaub, Eunice Zearley, Marie Gull, Jane Lechner, Jaleen Fassbinder,
Bill Walke, Ruth Tuecke (SP) Bonna Basler, Darlene Akers
Assisted Living: (SJ) Don Geuder
St. Point Lutheran Home: (SJ) Jeanette Bischoff
Lincolnwood Assisted Living - Edgewood; (SJ) Jean Brown
Tower Living Center - Garnavillo: Darlene Dutka, Alfred Bahls
Homebound: (SJ) Delores Klemp, L’Dean Krambeer, Una Bishop, Blanche Kruse, Phyllis Staebler, Ted & Elaine
Roth, Bob & Carla Ferguson, Ron Meyer, Mattie Armstrong*
Our condolences to the family of Lyle Moser who passed away on June 25th. His funeral will be held at St.
John’s on June 28th.
How would you like to consider adopting a day(s) and paying for St. John’s church utilities for that day(s)?
This would be above your regular church giving and would be a huge financial plus for St. John’s. You choose
the day(s). Why not consider adopting a day for your birthday or that of a family member, or an anniversary of
your baptism, wedding or all of them and more? If you would like to adopt a day just write your information on a
piece of paper and enclose it with your payment of $38 per day.
On May 30th we welcomed into our family of faith through baptism, Brayden Paul Niesman, son of Anson &
Stacey (Voshell) Niesman. Brayden’s baptismal sponsors are Audrey Niehaus & Ronny Niehaus.
JULY 2015
Sunday, July 26th following the 9:15 Worship
Service. There will be no worship service on Sat.
evening, July 25th.
Enjoy The Convenience Of Electronic Giving
St. John’s wants to remind you that we offer
electronic giving as a way to automate your regular
weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience
for individual congregation members and provides
much-needed donation consistency for our
Direct Debit Giving is used to
automatically transfer funds from your checking or
savings account to the church’s bank account. Credit
& Debit Card Giving allows you to make offerings
automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a
credit or debit card. Online Giving allows you to go
to www.stjohnsguttenberg.com at any time to set up
an automatic donation plan, change your donation
plan, make a one-time donation or view your online
donation history. As you contemplate future
contributions, please consider electronic giving.
Pastor Shane, Church Council & Members,
Thank you for the inspirational book in memory of our
mother. That was very thoughtful and kind.
We are awaiting the date for the Tielbar Ordination
Ceremony. The date and time will be announced on
the St. John’s website, wwwstjohsnguttenberg.com
and in the Guttenberg Press as soon as we receive it.
Fellowship will be putting on the new table cloths on
June 30th. The old ones will be stored in the pie room for
arts & crafts. Our committee is busy preparing for a
breakfast for Songs of Hope on July 15th. We will be
contacting members to provide food and help serve. The
menu will consist of breakfast casseroles, coffee cake,
fresh fruit & beverages.
We will be organizing a
congregational get-together after Dave Tielbars
Ordination ceremony. On Aug. 2nd we will be serving
treats following the installation of our new CYC Director,
John Vickery. Please remember to sign up to bring
fellowship treats, serve treats, make coffee and clean up
afterwards. Do not bring any items containing peanuts or
peanut butter. Thank you to all who donated food for
VBS - it was a big success. Thank you to all who have
signed up and helped at Fellowship. Many hands make
light work.
Submitted by Lorna Moser
Thank you for the book “Lift up Thine Eyes” in memory
of my husband Terry Theis.
Carol Theis
Mary Koopman’s children,
Dave, Dennis, Joan & Jerry
Thank you so much for the great luncheon served at
Mary’s funeral. You gals did a great job! Thank you to
all who brought food and worked. It was greatly
Dear Pastor Shane, Church Council and Members,
Thank you for thinking of us in this time of sorrow.
The complimentary memorial book is greatly
Tracy & Mike Nemechek family
Aaron & Shanna Hamann family
Pastor Shane, Church Council & Members,
Thank you for the inspirational volume of “Lift Up
Thine Eyes”.
We appreciate this special book and your
generosity in memory of George.
JoAnn Auer & Family
Sunday School
Last fall our Sunday School students decided to use their offering to help families around the world
become more self-sufficient. During the 1st semester they collected enough to purchase 3 honey bee
hives, 2 goats, 2 pigs and a bicycle ambulance. Their second semester goal was to purchase a family
farm and they did just that. A farm includes a cow, a couple of goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, and
farming tools, plus agricultural training and marketing support. This donation can help a family achieve a
fresh start. With new tools and techniques, crops will grow bigger and stronger than ever before. Eggs, milk
and meat from farm animals will provide enough food to eat and sell on the market, helping a family escape
the cycle of hunger and poverty — for good. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR YOUTH ON A JOB
VBS - 2015
Guttenberg’s Community Vacation Bible School was a huge success.
Thank you to all the
volunteers who made the week special for kids.
If interested you may look online at
stjohnsguttenerg.com and click on “Vacation Bible School” for photos from the week and to
listen to the much loved Bible School music.
Statistics from 2015 VBS:
99 kids registered -- 50 volunteers -- 200 in attendance at the Thursday evening program
$265 raised for aid to earthquake victims in Nepal.
At 1:00 on Tuesdays, we are reading and discussing
the gospel Mark. Bring your own favorite version of
the Bible if you have one. It is open for both men
and women. We generally are done by 2:30 or 3:00.
We meet in the narthex.
It's flexible if you miss some Tuesdays
Northland Agency on Aging
Guttenberg Meal Site
Guttenberg City Hall 11:30 a.m.
Mon-Fri. Call Vi Zittergruen @
252-1182 the day before you plan to
eat with us. Volunteers are always
welcome to help serve at the meal
site. If you are interested, call Mae
Jetter @ 252-1041.
6. Kay Cherne, Yvonne Borman
7. Helen Duwe, Fran Leeman
14. Sue Miller, Janet Moser
21. Karen Anderegg, Karla Palmer
27. Joan Walke, Shirley Herkes
28. Helen Duwe, Gerri Scherer
30. Dorothy Moser, Arlene Schultz
31. Betty DeCook, Kay Cherne
Summer Schedule:
June 23 & 30
July 7 & 21
Aug. 4 & 18
Sept. 1 & 15
Sept. 22 back to regular schedule
Guttenberg Hospital Grief Support Group meets from 4-5pm the 1st and
3rd Thursday of each month at the Family Resource Center, 514 S River
Park Drive in Guttenberg. The 1st Thursday of the month there will be a
feature by St. Jude’s hospice. These groups are open and anyone is
welcome. For more information about the groups please call Kari at
We need volunteers for the Aug. 15th Mobile Food Pantry distribution day.
Volunteers are needed beginning at 9:00 am to unload the truck and assemble the
items for pick up. We could also use volunteers to arrive by 10:00 am to assist
older clients in carrying food items to their vehicles. In July 84 households and
188 individuals were served. THANK YOU to the many volunteers from the
community who make this service available!
Shepherd of the Hills will again be sponsoring our
Give-Away Day will be Wednesday August 12th,
2015 from 9 am to 4 pm. Last year we provided
NEW school supplies plus NEW socks & underwear
to 330 kids (150 families). Donations of new school
supplies, new socks & underwear (sizes Pre-school
thru High School) to the Shepherd of the Hills
building at100 West Hill Street, Saint Olaf, Iowa by
Friday August 7th. Monetary donations are welcome
also, and may be sent to Po Box 36, Saint Olaf, IA.
52072. Those participating will need to bring a
referral from a Clayton County Agency the day of the
give-away. Shepherd services 8 school districts in
Clayton County. Thank You for all the wonderful
donations to this worthwhile project to help needy
school children in Clayton County.
Check out the extensive resources on
www.neiasynod.org , including newsletters for
Women; Children, Youth & Family Ministry; Living
Faith at Home; & U-Tube videos. There are also
links to ELCA resources, such as:
*Stewardship: Giving: Growing Joyful Stewards in
your Congregation
*Global/Ecumenical: Cleansed Gathered Sent
GOOD NEWS!! The Shepherd of the Hills Board
has hired a new Director/Coordinator, Jeff Krambeer.
Jeff is a member of St. John Lutheran Church, Luana
and will be starting his duties as of July First. He has
been a significant part of the Northeastern Iowa
Synod and our Conference.
Stop in to meet Jeff and wish him well. Ruth
Hilgerson the present Direct/Coordinator will be
honored at an Open House/Reception Sunday, July
26th, 2015 from 2:00~~4:00 p.m. at the St. Olaf
Community Center. All are WELCOME.
Well Done,
Thou Good
Open House and Reception
Giving Thanks to God
For the Work and Service
of Ruth Hilgerson
to Shepherd of the Hills Ministries
Sunday, July 26
2:00—4:00 p.m.
St. Olaf Community Room
All Women of St. John’s
Mission: To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Purpose: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy
Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and
promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
2015 St. John’s Women of the Board
President: Lynda Akers
Vice President: Tammy Tuecke
Treasurer: Tonya Randall
Secretary: Janet Moser
At Large: Tina Brown, Steph Strader
Ladies Aid Representative: Janet Lundt
Sarah Circle Representative: Judy Puls
In lieu of an Ice Cream Social the Women of the church will once again have
the “one minute” fundraiser. We understand everyone’s schedules are
extremely busy during the summer months-this involves no cooking, baking,
dirty dishes, or making room on a busy schedule for another event. New this
year-you will find the “One Minute” fundraiser envelope in the box with
your offering envelopes. You may also use the general giving envelopes in
the pews and mark “One Minute” Fundraiser on the front. Monetary
donations will be credited to your giving record. (If possible, please turn
donations in by July 26th) Thank you in advance from your St. John’s
WELCA Board: Lynda Akers, Tammy Tuecke, Janet Moser, Tonya Randall,
Judy Puls, Janet Lundt, Tina Brown and Steph Strader.
Linda Akers attends Tri-Synodical Gathering
The Tri-Synodical WELCA Gathering was held at Iowa Central Community
College in Fort Dodge, IA. Women from Western, Northeastern and Southeastern
Synods attended the 2-day event on June 19-20. Lynda Akers attended the events
on Friday beginning with worship and communion. Offering recipient was
Lutheran Disaster Response. Keynote speaker, Rev. Wyvetta
Bullock, spoke about who inspired our faith when we were
young and who we inspire keeping with the theme
“Generations of Faith”. Rev. Bullock is the Assistant to the
presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton. 38 women attended
from our synod (Northeastern Iowa Synodical Women’s
Organization). We had our synod’s business meeting in one
the class rooms on campus. We voted for President,
Secretary and 4 Board Members. Three resolutions were
submitted this year. 1. Decrease the use of paper by
encouraging electronic communication. 2. Promote the use of
GATHER Magazine as now there are shorter Bible Studies and the magazine has
won national awards in excellence. 3. Form a committee to help inform and
educate congregations and communities in awareness and prevention of human
trafficking. The day ended with dinner at the Triton Café.
*Women’s Tri-Synodical
Convention in Fort Dodge
(June 19 & 20)
2015 Meetings
Summer - July 13 @ 1:30 pm
Fall - Oct. 12 @ 6:30 pm
Wednesday of each month
(except Dec.).
LADIES AID meets the 2nd
Thurs. of each moth at 1:30 pm.
SARAH CIRCLE meets the
2nd Tues of each month following
the 7 pm Women’s Bible Study.
Sarah Circle will not meet during the
months of July & August.
2015 St. John’s Women Handbooks are available in the old Narthex.
St. John’s Council
Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2015
Members Present:
Pastor Shane
Anderson, Zach Hoffmann, Pat
Jones, Chad Harbaugh, Julie
Finnegan, Erik Rockwell, Lorna
Moser, Mary Streich, Lynda Akers,
and Diane Schilling.
Members Absent:
VonHandorf, Kim Nieman, Richard
Larson, Darryl Keehner
Call to Order: Vice President Zach
Hoffmann called the meeting to
order at 7:33 p.m.
Devotions from Ephesians 2 were
led by Pastor Shane
Secretary’s Report was reviewed.
MSC to accept minutes of May
meeting as printed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Benevolence: $7,104.35
Memorial: $76,836.50
Improvement: $13,778.51
Current: $26,757.89
Script: $1,750.24
Sunday School: $5,687.95
Luther League: $12,441.77
MSC to approve the treasurer’s
Pastor’s Report: Pastor has been
busy with Vacation Bible School and
working with the Nominating
Committee to prepare for the semiannual meeting in July. He is also
preparing for the arrival of John
Vickery who was hired to fill the
Children & Youth Director position
beginning August 1. Pastor will be
taking some vacation in June and
July – Mary Streich has made
arrangements for someone to lead
services in Pastor’s absence.
Richard Larson’s
committee is continuing to work on
the Shelter Box Campaign to work
with the youth upon their return
from their Detroit mission trip this
summer, as well as moving forward Ceiling light and fan in the
with the “God’s Work, Our Hands” parsonage will be installed in the
project for fall.
next two weeks and six new tables
were purchased for the Fellowship
Education: Erik Rockwell – Had Hall.
nothing new to report.
Fellowship: Lorna Moser –. They
Children & Youth: Lynda Akers – have received the new tablecloths
hasn’t yet met with her committee.
and are making plans for
refreshments for the July 9 departure
Public Relations: Kim Nieman’s of the youth mission trip to Detroit,
committee is working on updating the July 15 Signs of Hope breakfast,
the web site and publicizing and Dave Tielbar’s ordination.
information for Dave Tielbar’s
ordination in July, John Vickery’s Vice President: Zach Hoffmann –
installation on August 2, and the discussed procedures for Head
Country Gospel Service in August.
Ushers and scheduling fellowship
after services.
Stewardship: Chad Harbaugh – He
met with M.J .Smith regarding the Old Business:
Endowment Fund. They will begin 1. Baptismal classes:
Steve and
meetings in September after the Zach are continuing to work on
Youth Director is available to implementation.
participate He is working on setting 2. Kitchen remodeling – Will get
up meetings with those people who bids for refacing kitchen cabinets
have not picked up their giving and installing a third sink.
envelopes. He reported that Scrip 3. Pastor is working on processes to
sales have increased and that they improve attendance.
are working with Bender’s Foods to
participate in the program.
New Business:
1. Church office needs new printer.
Worship & Music: Mary Streich MSC to get pricing.
reported that she is lining up music
for fifth Sundays as well as working 2.Discussed plans for semion plans for Dave Tielbar ’s annual meeting July 26.
ordination in July and John
Vickery’s installation on August 2. 3 . A p p r o v e d p u r c h a s e o f
She is also coordinating Pastor “Celebration Stole” for Dave
supply for June and July for Pastor’s Tielbar for his ordination. As
days away for Synod meeting and soon as we know the date,
v a c a t i o n d a y s . H e a d U s h e r Council members will call all
assignments for June and July have members to invite them to the
been made.
Ordination Service.
The name of the Western Service in
August has been changed to Next Council meeting will be
“Country Gospel Service.” Mary Thursday, July 9, at 7:00 p.m
handed out refresher instructions for
Usher and Communion Assistant Adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Meeting closed with the Lord’s
Reported that they
rejected all bids for the parking lot
repairs due to high cost and that the Minutes submitted by Pat Jones
project has been put on hold.
July 1
Misty Troester
Dorothy Weyant
July 5
Brenda Hinrichs
Carol Klein
Savannah Meyer
Erik Rockwell
July 6
Reagan Brown
Mike Hinzman
Bill Peters
July 7
Keith Campbell
Avery Harbaugh
Jeremy Idler
Matt Tielbar
Lana Troester
July 9
Joyce Amling
Sharon Harder
JoLynn Moore
Craig Tuecke
July 11
Carol Fischer
Carter Judkins
July 12
Brynn Meyer
Colten Zittergruen
July 13
Michael Andareson
Paul Manson
July 15
Julie Davis
Ted Roth
Mollie Schaefers
Sylvia Schaub
July 16
Katie Kraus
Kohl Moser
July 17
Jean Brown
Deb Vaughn
July 19
Frayne Horstman
July 21
Dustin Lundt
June 1
Marj Felland
Joe Neiers
July 22
Stacie Drewelow
Alo Keehner
Tim Smith
July 2
Hiram Harbaugh
Sasha Horstman
July 23
Mike Anderegg
Jess Hillers
July 3
Mary Lou Harbaugh
Emma Roth
July 24
Sarah Kraus
JayLynn Moore
Joseph Neiers
Dustin Pensel
Amy Tway
July 4
Stacie Drewelow
Ruth James
Madelyn Troester
Gary Wiskus
July 25
Mary Spiker
July 6
Darryl Keehner
July 29
Trudy Glawe
July 7
Jess Hillers
Dan Tielbar
Craig Tuecke
July 8
Beth Hinrichs
Alo Keehner
Ron Meyer
July 10
Jennifer Hinzman
Dustin Pensel
July 11
James Dryer
Gail Larson
Wayne Lau
July 12
Vonnie Borman
Gavin Drewelow
Amy Tway
July 17
Mila Allyn
Norbert Kruse
Matthew Marovets
Koulter Smith
July 18
Leanne Walke
July 19
Dylan Kann
July 20
Cadd Tuecke
July 21
Paige Grohn
July 22
Bonnie Garlow
Letha Moser
Erikk Peterson
July 23
Kim James
July 24
Virgina Roth
Elizabeth Schwendinger
July 25
Tom Weyant
July 6
Gerald & Trudy Glawe
July 12
Harold & Nancy
July 14
Matt & Nancy Witham
July 18
Carl & Fern Pensel
July 19
Erikk & Candi
July 22
Chadd & Tammy
July 29
Jay & Debbie Leeman
July 31
Brandon & Jenni
July 26
Nell Stone
Kari Tuecke
July 27
Joanne Rausch
July 29
Susan Miller
Richard Newbern
Joan Sadwasser
July 15
Cade Meyer
Andy Smith
July 30
Linda Campbell
Merlin Herzog
Cody Kulper
JayLynn Moore
Denny Roth
William Roth
Liam Seevers
July 16
Forest Brown
Dave Lechner
Jim Meyer
July 31
Justin Bittner
Renae Kraus
Abigail VonHandorf
July 14
Jeff Hinrichs
Ted Roth
July 5
Aaron & JoLynn Moore
Jason & Lesa Reimer
JULY 2014
Are you in need...
St. John’s Semi-Annual Meeting
Sunday, July 26th following 9:15
* Note: There will be no worship on
Saturday, July 25 the allow members
to attend the semi-annual meeting
of a caring Christian friend who will
listen, empathize, encourage, pray,
provide confidential care, and
patiently support you as you work
through a crisis or difficult time?
Do you know someone ....
Perhaps a friend, neighbor, co-worker,
colleague, or relative, who could
benefit from this type of care?
Then contact...
One of our Stephen Leaders listed
below. They can tell you more about
our Stephen Ministry and how you or your friend - can be matched with a
Stephen Minister.
Pastor Anderson: (563) 329-0271
Carolyn Hoffmann: (563) 252-3321
Diane Schilling: (563) 252-2355
July Newsletter
203 Pearl Street, P.O. Box 819 - Guttenberg,IA 52035
Pastor Shane Anderson
Church Phone: 563.252.2355
Pastor’s Phone: 563.329.0271
Email: stjohnsoffice@alpinecom.net
Website: www.stjohnsguttenberg.com