1985 - University Archives and Records Center
1985 - University Archives and Records Center
Other Commencement Programs UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA Two Hundred Twenty-Ninth Commencement for the Conferring of Degrees PHILADELPHIA CIVIC CENTER CONVENTION HALL Monday, May 20, 1985 Guests will find this diagram helpful in locating the approximate seating of the degree candidates. The seating roughly corresponds to the order by school in which the candidates for degrees are presented, beginning at top left with the College of Arts and Sciences. The actual sequence is shown in the Contents on the opposite page under Degrees in Course. Reference to the paragraph on page seven describing the colors of the candidates' hoods according to their fields of study may further assist guests in placing the locations of the various schools. Contents Page Seating Diagram of the Graduating Students 2 The Commencement Ceremony 4 Commencement Notes 6 Degrees in Course • The College of Arts and Sciences The College of General Studies The School of Engineering and Applied Science The Wharton School The Wharton Evening School The Wharton Graduate Division The School of Nursing The School of Medicine v The Law School 3 The Graduate School of Fine Arts ,/ The School of Dental Medicine The School of Veterinary Medicine • The Graduate School of Education The School of Social Work The Annenberg School of Communications 3The Graduate Faculties 8 8 16 17 25 29 31 35 38 39 41 44 45 46 48 49 49 Certificates General Honors Program Dental Hygiene Advanced Dental Education Social Work Education Fine Arts 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 Commissions Army Navy 57 57 57 Principal Undergraduate Academic Honor Societies 58 Faculty Honors 60 Prizes and Awards 64 Class of 1935 70 Events Following Commencement 71 The Commencement Marshals 72 Insert Academic Honors Academic Honor Awards The Commencement Ceremony MUSIC Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College Regimental Band DALE G. WELLER, Conductor STUDENT PROCESSION PROCESSION OF THE CLASS OF 1935 ACADEMIC PROCESSION OPENING PROCLAMATION PAUL F. MILLER, JR., Chairman of the Trustees INVOCATION STANLEY E. JOHNSON, Chaplain THE NATIONAL ANTHEM GREETINGS SHELDON HACKNEY, President ACADEMIC HONORS THOMAS EHRLICH, Provost Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES The President LEONORE ANNENBERG Former Chief of Protocol of the United States Term Trustee University of Pennsylvania Doctor of Laws BRITTON CHANCE Eldridge Reeves Johnson and University Professor Emeritus of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry University of Pennsylvania Doctor of Science SAMUEL EILENBERG Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Columbia University Doctor of Science MARY PATTERSON MCPHERSON President Bryn Mawr College Doctor of Laws GEORGE A. MUNGER Former Head Football Coach and Director, Department of Physical Education University of Pennsylvania Doctor of Laws HILARY PUTNAM A.B. 1948 Walter Beverly Pearson Professor of Modern Mathematics and Mathematical Logic Harvard University Doctor of Humane Letters B.S. 1936, M.S. 1936, Ph.D. 1940 B.S. in Ed. 1933 The audience is requested to stand during the Academic Procession, the Invocation, the singing of the National Anthem and The Red and Blue, and the Benediction, and to remain in place until the Academic Procession has left the Auditorium. Walter H. Annenberg Professor Emeritus of the Humanities Former Composer in Residence University of Pennsylvania GEORGE ROCHBERG Founder and Retired Chief Executive Officer of Western Geophysical Company Professor University of English of Wyoming Novelist HENRY SALVATORI B.S. in E.E. 1923 Edgar John WIDEMAN IN A.B. 1963 Doctor of Music Doctor of Science Doctor of Letters GREAT PARENTS HAIL TO THEE . . . Henry Purcell The Commencement Chorus WILLIAM PARBERRY, CONDUCTOR INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER The Provost DONALD T. COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Chief of Staff to the President of the United States REGAN, OLYMPIC FANFARE AND THEME . . . John Williamson Valley Forge Band ANTHONY R. GREETINGS Chair, Faculty Senate TOMAZINIS, PRESENTATION OF THE FIFTY-YEAR CLASS The President CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE The President Candidates are presented by the Deans and the Deputy Provost CLOSING REMARKS The President THE RED AND BLUE (By William J. Goeckel, '96 and Harry E. Westervelt, '98) Come all ye loyal classmen now, in hall and campus through, Lift up your hearts and voices for the royal Red and Blue. Fair Harvard has her crimson, old Yale her colors too, But for dear Pennsylvania we wear the Red and Blue. Hurrah! Hurrah! Pennsylvania! Hurrah for the Red and the Blue; Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for the Red and the Blue. BENEDICTION The Chaplain RECESSIONAL Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Commencement Notes Two hundred years ago the University of Pennsylvania was located at Fourth and Arch Streets in Philadelphia where it conducted both its arts and medical courses in just two buildings. The Commencement of 1785 conferred a total of only twenty-two degrees—five Bachelors of Arts, five Masters of Arts, nine Bachelors of Medicine, and four honorary degrees. Though the University was among the largest of the new nation, the commencement ceremony reflected the methods of a relatively small institution. The program was directed by the Provost, the chief University officer at that time, and included no less than nine student orations, the valedictory address being the most prominent among them. The degrees were awarded individually, each diploma signed by the entire faculty. Then as now, however, the meaning and significance of the occasion was the same. The responsibility for expressing these feelings rested upon the Provost, whose concluding remarks of tribute and encouragement for those who had just received the University's honors were intended to be remembered for years to come. The University graduates of 1785 may be contrasted in many ways to those of today. Students awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree had completed a course only three years in length. On graduation day, their average age was seventeen. Despite what may seem to be disadvantages, these young men were a successful group. Their number included Philip Syng Physick, later physician and Professor of Surgery and Anatomy at the University, the man generally acclaimed as "Father of American Surgery." The five young men who were awarded the Master of Arts degree had not completed graduate studies in the modern sense. Following the standard practice of English and other North American universities, Pennsylvania conferred this semi-honorary degree to all arts graduates of three years' standing, provided they made proper application. These degree recipients also had the option of presenting a public dissertation if they so wished. Luckily, at the Commencement of 1785 only one availed himself of this opportunity. The Bachelor of Medicine degree was awarded to graduates of a medical course just two years long. This group averaged twenty-two years of age. At a time when an undergraduate degree was not required for entrance in medical school, the M.B. was the standard and the M.D. was considered an advanced degree. The latter was similar to the A.M. in the stipulations for its conferment. Medical course graduates of three years' standing and a minimum of twenty-four years of age could earn the advanced degree by writing a medical dissertation in Latin and defending it in public, i.e. before the medical faculty. Though no M.D. degrees were awarded in 1785, two of that year's M.B. recipients—George Buchanan and Edward Miller—completed their work for the M.D. and were awarded that degree in 1789. Both men went on to distinguished careers in medicine, Buchanan in Baltimore and Miller in New York City. The honorary degrees of 1785 were also notable by comparison. The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, awarded just once in the 20th century, was conferred three times in the Commencement of 1785. The recipients were the Reverend Henry Helmuth, one of the Professors of the University; the Reverend James Madison, President of the College of William and Mary and cousin of the later President of the United States; and the Reverend James Manning, President of the College of Rhode Island (today Brown University). The fourth award, that of Doctor of Laws, was bestowed upon Thomas McKean, Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and University Trustee. McKean was a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a future Governor of Pennsylvania. At a time when the passions of the Revolutionary War had little subsided, McKean was honored for "his profound law knowledge and approved patriotism." One hundred years ago the University held two commencement exercises, both at the Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Streets. Two departments, Medicine and Dentistry, held their commencement of 1885 on Friday, 1 May. Three other departments—College, Law and Auxiliary Medicine—met together on 15 June. The programs were simpler than those of the 18th century and many of the diplomas signed only by the Provost, Vice-Provost and University Secretary. The number and variety of degrees, however, reveal a maturing university, one where the student could advance along any of several courses of study. At the undergraduate level four years of study was the norm and the graduates now averaged twenty-one years of age. Bachelor's degrees were offered in four areas of concentration. Three of these areas came under the umbrella of the College Department. The Bachelor of Arts was awarded to twenty-eight liberal arts majors. The Bachelor of Science was awarded to eight students of engineering who had successfully completed the five year course of the Towne Scientific School (now part of the School of Engineering and Applied Science). The Bachelor of Philosophy was awarded to five students who comprised the second graduating class of the Wharton School's course in finance and economy. The Department of Law accepted students directly from high school, though more than a quarter of the Class of 1885 were college graduates. As a result the Department awarded the Bachelor of Laws degree to those who successfully completed the requirements of the two year course. In 1885 thirty-seven students received the Bachelor of Laws on 15 June. The departments of Medicine and Dentistry, like that of Law, also accepted most of their students directly from high school. Unlike the Law Department, however, they awarded only doctorates. In 1885 the Doctor of Medicine degree was conferred upon 108 graduates of the three year course in medicine and the Doctor of Dental Surgery upon forty-nine graduates of the two year course in dentistry. Though the Department of Veterinary Medicine had been organized in 1884, it would not hold its first commencement until 1887. Graduate education, just in its infancy, resembled contemporary practice much less than did undergraduate. The Auxiliary Department of Medicine offered a two year course leading to a Bachelor of Science. Though this study may have been seen more as a supplement to the three year medical course than graduate education, the five graduates of this department in 1885 had previously taken their M.D. degree. The Master of Laws degree was offered to graduates of the Law Department who completed an additional two year course. The first time this degree would be awarded would be at the Commencement of 1886. Two branches of graduate study were administered by the College. The Towne Scientific School conferred the "Professional Degree" upon students who completed a thesis in addition to the regular course. In 1885 a total of eight "Professional" degrees were conferred: four of "Civil Engineer;" two of "Mining Engineer;" and two of "Mechanical Engineer." The Master of Arts degree, after 1878, was awarded only to those College graduates of three years' standing who "(have) pursued liberal studies since their graduation, and who present a satisfactory Thesis to the Faculty." In 1885 nine students completed these requirements and were awarded the Master of Arts degree. Graduate education at the University, as we know it today, has its roots in the formation in 1882 of a Department of Philosophy. This department did not enroll its first students, however, until the fall of 1885 and did not award its first Ph.D. until 1889. The first recipient was Arthur Willis Goodspeed, who went on to be Professor of Physics at the University and Director of its Physics Laboratory. In 1887 the Department of Philosophy took over the granting of the degrees of M.A. and M.S. Since that time these degrees have only been conferred after a candidate has devoted at least a year of close and continuous study and passed full examination. The Department of Philosophy was renamed the Graduate School in 1906 and today is part of the School of Arts and Sciences. Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Degrees in Course THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Joel Conarroe, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS August 10, 1984 Jeffrey Donald Adcock Lawrence Eric Alberg Thomas A. Albert Evelyn Adrienne Andrews Adam John Anuszkiewicz Alan Sander Arkatov Jane C. Balin Margaret Michelle Bason Brian Block Robert Jay Block Michel DeL'Homme Brathwaite Keith Z. Braude Mark Broitman Dawn Marie Butler Tyler Whitfield Carpenter John George Cavalaris Thomas Tsung-Ta Chen Suhyoung Choi John F. Clifford Renee Yvette Coprich Elizabeth Ann Daley Jeffrey Robert Daniels John Glenn Davis Philip Lawrence DeCola Margaret A. K. DeLisser Eileen diFrancesco Dean R. Edelman Alissa Bick Ehrenkranz Douglas Adam Eifler Mark Harold Elliott Felicia Fernandez Matthew David Finn Shawn Patrick Foley Leslie Aubrey Frank David Paul Friedman Dana L. Fry Nancy Lois Funk Joseph Anthony Gandolfo Marjorie Anne Ginsberg Neil I. Goldfarb Dianne M. Goldin Stephen Marc Gorn Andrew Scott Graham Nancy M. Greces Audrey Lynn Greenhall Alix Sarah Grunebaum Brian Kyle Hanstein Evan Wynne Harris Wendy Lore Heath Darrell Cosgrove Horn Jeffrey J. Hushion Xavier F. Hussenet Mark Robert Joseph Miranda Joseph Shobhana Laveen Kanal David Bennett Kaplan Philip Elias Karmel Rosemarie Althea Kelly Jungyop Kim Paul Scott Kolsby Lise Korson Kasia Olga Kozinski Barbara Anne Krinsky Susan Reneé Levesque Gail Ena Shai Levine Ward Stetson Line Judeth Marie Lockard Felicity Anne Lodge Charles Emmet Lucey Michael Donald Mahoney Lawrence T. Maltz Rocio del Carmen Mandry-Pagan Gregory Peter Manning Gabrielle Lynne Marks Mary G. Marshall Maria Elena Matas Jonathan Karl Matzkin Adam Michael Mirot Charles Vincent Monroe John Bruce Murdoch Tamera Burton Murdock Jacqueline Ann Nixon John R. Olcay Scott Anthony Oleson Nicole Elaine Paolini Patricia Katherine Parrish "3 Michael Stephen Peachey Michael Ken Pearson Curtis Warren Penn Judith Charlotte Perlman Patricia Ann Philip David Allen Pluchinsky Peter Michael Pober Peter Rebrin Lauren Michelle Rich Robert C. Rossi Marc George Rothman Barry Marshall Sabin Nelson A. Sanchez Richard Newell Sanford Sheryl Joy Satzberg Norman Thatcher Scharf Catherine A. Schwan Dorian Snow Schwartz Dee'Ann Shalease Lisa Ann Sigler Ross Zev Silver Matthew David Silverstein Joseph Thomas Simone, Jr. Michael Bawa Singh Patricia Lynn Slotter Steven Hersh Spergel Debra Alaine Starr Susan Elizabeth Suholet John Frederick Summers David Arthur Tanzer Patrick E. Thebado Brian Terrence Theodore Guy Michael Thigpen Helen Train Tina Y. Tsui David Shinn Urffer Lisa Gail Vecchione Pranav Krishnakant Vyas Suzanne Waters Samuel Weinstein Rodney William Whitmore Jack Adam Yanovski Brian Alexander Ziemba Add JefryL.Ston tAs final action cannot always be taken by the time the program is printed, these lists of candidates are tentative only, the University reserving the right to withdraw or add names. BACHELOR OF ARTS—Continued Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. December 21, 1984 M. Eugenie Albrecht Christopher Edward Anders Caroline Franklin Armstrong Allen R. Benner Joel Edward Berman Juan Enrique Berriz Suzanne B. Biegel Bernard Daniel Brahm David C. Brantlecht Michael H. Brook Melanie Overton Burns James Joseph Campbell Richard H. Campbell Frank Eugene Caruthers Jonathan David Cebra Dana Jill Chaifetz Yee Cheng John Chin Kimberly Ann Compare Robert George Curran, Jr. L. Michael Cantor Jill Robin Daitch Joshua Charles David Jean Deacon Joseph N. Distefano Robert Brett Dunham Mary Ann Embry Nichole Estelle Evans Karen Elizabeth Ferrelli Gary Reginald Galloway Linda Marie Garcia Raymond Charles Fowler Garrigan Jane Elizabeth Gleason Eric J. Glodstein Lauren Ruth Goldberg Lisa Joy Goldberg Charles Goodgal Richard Gerard Haddad Nils Hagen-Frederiksen Harry Kiefer Hall II Ilana Beth Harlow Cheryl D. Harris Sara Anne Hertz Edward Steven Hom James Kun Hu Kyung B. Im Donna Yvette Ivery Karen Lee Johnson Robin-Reneé Johnson Nicholas Kalfa Jason Katz Jason Marsh Keehn Leigh Suzanne Kimberg Linda Ruth King Christina Lynn Kottcamp Elisabeth Akhimoff Ladenson Barbara Jeanne Lamay Louis David Lappen Hubert Michael Lem Kate Leven Joshua Zvi Levin Russell Jay Levin Aaron Joshua Levine Joel D. Levine Anne Frances Levy William A. Levy Amy Ruth Liebman Elizabeth Louise Loeb Gregg W. Mackuse William Avi Maghen Regina Grace Maloney Theresa Elizabeth Markle Maria Martina Anne M. McAndrews Mark Alexander Moats Donald William Morgan H Susan Marie Nice Francis John Nowaczyk Jeffrey Eric Olgin Douglas Irving Ostrover Stephanie Beate Pafenberg Rod Stuart Passman Saline Phenglaor Noah D. Powlen Brennan John Preine Clarence Eli Pringle Fred A. Rafeedie John Albert Rekenthaler Anne Hutchinson Rhodes Donna Thomasina Ristovski Joumana Rizk Annette Elizabeth Rockwell Erwin David Rose Stuart Lee Glasberg Roseman Elizabeth Rosenberg Lauren Susan Rudich Nina Fortune Ryan Patricia Ryan Jacqueline Marie Saettone Lisa Joy Scarangella Carolyn Anne Schwan Ian David Seiderman Lynda Elaine Shepherd Adam Grant Sherman Leslie Yoshiko Shimabukuro Elizabeth Cristita Sibolboro Moon Elizabeth Smith Sharon Estelle Strauss Petrina Sun Stuart Sussman David S. Wendler Gary Stuart Wohl Judy Zecchin May 20, 1985 Joshua Neil Aaron Robin Hilary Aaron Harley Scott Ableman Alan Mark Abrams Irene Toni Abrams TheodrDaviAckmn Howard Andrew Abramson EleanorAptcwh William G. Adair Doreen Josephine Addrizzo Monica Irene Adler Teashia Leatrice Adkins Pisut Peter Ajarn Suzanne Aeder Stephanie L. Akel Ronald Craig Albucher John J. Alessi Ames Barksdale Alexander Geoffrey James Alexander Michael A. Alexander Susan JohnHarris W. Allen Allen James David Alpers Howard Bruce Altman Margaret Rose Ammirati Elizabeth Andrews Jay Bennett Androphy Clint Wayne Anthony Todd Michell Antin Jeffrey D. Appel Naftali Karen F. Ann Armon Appelbaum Edward Michael Arons Rosalind Michele Arons Carol Cloud Ashbrook Marc David Ashley Richard kH.Attias Atkins Laura Jane Auerbach Lisa Resnick Auerbach Lisa Meryl Austin Timothy David Averch Brad Jeffrey Axelrod Jeffrey Allan Babin Camille M. Bacon-Smith James M. Bahr Brent Edward Bailey Donald John Baker Stephen Lawrence Ballard Adam George Balogh Mark Edward Banilower Susan Amy Barasch David Feigel Baren Elizabeth Kaye Barker Sidney Brown Barnes III Karen Lynn Barr Daniel Jay Barrett Joan R. Oppenheimer BACHELOR OF Am— Continued David Allen Barrett Phillip Joseph Barrish Diane Cecilia Barron Sandra Joan Bartusis Robert A. Bash Parveen Marianne Bashey Adam Lawrence Basner Bruce Edgar Batzer Doreen Randi Baum Rhonda Kaye Baumgarten Kristine C. Bay Thomas S. Baylis Charles Andrew Bechhoefer Michael Raymond Becker Bruce Alan Beckwith Anthony Stuart Belinkoff Lisa Ann Bellner Linda Ann Belsky Alisa Ann Belzer JonathanAndrew Bender Wil iam Joseph Dana Bender Geoffrey ArlBender en Berg Susan Berg Edmund E. Berkowitz Carlos William Berlanga, III Margaret Mary Bernard Joseph T. Bernsley Marcia Elaine Berry Thomas Robert Berry Matthew Alec Bershady Rodgers Mark Bennett Haskins Besen Bestgen, Jr. Brian Anthony Betancourt B. Keith Beverly Jayant Bhutani Carolyn Ann Bialecki Thomas Bianco Michael Joseph BickelPaul Harvey Phillip Bieler Jennifer Frances Bilfield Melissa Lee Bilstad Amy Jeanne Binder Amy Michelle Black Donna Anne Blackman Steven Neal Blau Laurie Ellen Blitzer Heidi Elizabeth Blob Charles X. Block Jonathan Andrew Block Lisa Cindi Block Stefanie Pam Block Laura Anne Bloom Christopher Eric Bobnar Daniel Edward Boehmcke Kathryn Bogaczyk Tracy Josephine Bogda Jr. Emmet Jackson Boggs, Ellen Mary Rachel Boivin Eve Beth Bolkin Geri Melinda Boltin Thomas Arthur Bolze Donald Matthey Bonk Amy Debra Borg Robert Joseph Borgese Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jay Michael Borowsky Joseph F. Bouvier Karen A. Bower Karen A. Bower Edward Harold Boyce David Bradley Anna Comerford Brady Richard Evan Braunstein Kenneth Aaron Braziller Allison Ivy Brecker Deborah Ellen Bredahl Janine Dawn Breier Robin Ann Breier Thomas Maxwell Brightman Charles Edward Briglia Elissa Brill Michael Edward Britt, Jr. Elizabeth Anne Brodkin Robert Alan Brodsky Deirdre Margery Brody Jon Kenton Tarsus Brodziak Donald Joseph Brooks Ellen Jane Brophy Jeffrey Paul Brosco Jodi Hara Brown Joseph Vincent Brown Stephen David Brown Tracey Ellen Brown Peter B. Browne Theresa Marie Brunone Michael Barrett Bryan Gail Lorraine Bryant Patrick P. Buehler Warren William Buehler Eugen Petre Buica Susan Wendy Butler Elizabeth Ann Butwin Audrey Judith Doro Buxbbaum William Francis Byrne Jose Manuel Caballero Dedieu Janet Lee Caggiano Simon Barak Caine Rocco Richard Calderone Edgar Barclay Cale III Kevin Eric Callahan Robert Charles Camastro Christopher F. Cameron Sandra Doreen Cameron Christopher Glenn Campbell Kevin Michael Capalbo Christine Elizabeth Capek Deborah Marie Capko William John Capriola David Joseph Cardie Daniel Bick Carlson Donna J. Carmosky Janet DavidMarie Adam Carmosky Carré Suzanne Monique Carter Michael Mario Caruso Thomas Daniel Carver, Jr. Rachel Elizabeth Caspari Lynne Marcelle Casper RalphStephen H. Cathcart Matthew Edward Cavanaugh Allen Cass Roger Cerasoli, Jr. Timothy Andrei Cernea David Chambers Domingos Meng-Hong Chan Marc Ira Chasman Michael Chaim Chazan Audrey Wei-Ya Chen Richard C. Cheng Winnie Wing Yi Cheng Cathy Cheron Glenn Matthew Chertow David Houlit Cheung Kimberly Ann Childs Clara H. Cho Dean T. Cho Daniel Insung Choo Joanna Sung-Ah Pora Choo Alison Lee Chorosiewski Richard Tao-hwa Chow Elias Tang Chua Alexander S. Chumakov Dong-Chune Christopher Chung Caryl Mary Ciabattoni Christopher Mark Cieri Deborah Rose Cioffi Robert James Cisneros Margaretta Story Clapp Jennie Anne Clarke Jeffrey Mitchell Closter Reagan Winter Cocke Kieran Daniel Cody Myriamne Nicola Coffeen Felice Ronnie Cohen Jeffrey Howard Cohen Larry Jay Cohen Leslie Carolyn Cohen Liane Ruth Cohen Saul Janson Cohen Shari Lynn Cohen Stephen Michael Cohen Barbara Lemoine Cohn Jacob Charles Cohn Michael Cohn Nancy Blythe Cohodes Amy Colcher Sean C. Coldren Lauren Sue Coleman Michael Kevin Coleman Joseph Michael Colitz Andrew G. Conn Harold Scott Cooper Leslie Trumbull Cooper, Jr. Alan Barry Copperman Victoria Frances Stefan Willy Josee Corbell Cornelis Phillip Jay Corwin Sergio Carmen Coscia Carol Anne Theresa Costabile Gillian Grace Coulter Charles Boyd Crawford, Jr. Tracey Helene Crocicchia Ray Andrew Cross Teresa Crowe Joan e Leslie Crystal Christopher Paul Culhane Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF ARTS—Continued Antoinette Yvonne Cumberbatch Pamela Ann Cummings Christian John Cunningham Lisa Anne Cupelli Rochelle L. Curland James Bernard Curtin, Jr. John A. Cutillo, Jr. John Charles Czworkowski Andrew Dabrowski Andrew Timothy Dailey Daniel Terrance Dalena Nevena Damjanov Bret Anthony Daniels Jeffrey Scott Dantowitz Lynn Stacy Darrow Scott Allen Dash Moshe Davidovitch Mark Alan Davis Wendy Nancy Davis Elizabeth Mary Decker John Joseph Dedyo Edmond Peter DeForest III Peter Arthur DeFrino Ann Gillian Degener John B. Delaney Erie Stanley deLanooi Michael L. Delaura Annette Regina DeMichele Jamin Seth Dershowitz Robert Deschak Jay Andrew Desjardins Ronald Kent deVenecia Ann Elizabeth Dibble Ralph William Dickson AdamJyDickstenThersaKtharinDrndofer Daniel Joseph Doheny Stacey Beth Dolen David Robert Donadio MaryKthlenDoher James Joseph Dopkin Daniel Dormont Kathleen Marjory Dorries RhondaLyDrse Paul Joseph CarlLynDowdeMil Dougherty Gregory Paul Dresser Steven Craig Dressler Gregg Andrew Driben James Vincent Driscoll Julie Merle Drizin Jack Paul Drogin Linda Beth Dubnow Maria Duchnowski Lucinda Bromwyn Duncalfe Christine Mary Dupré Thomas H. Earle Jesse Eaton, Jr. Sabrina Catherine Elizabeth Eaton Kim Marie Eberle Meredith Ann Edelman Sherrie Lynne Edelman Keith Jon Edinburgh Jennifer Catherine Egan Charles Cornelius Egbert Susan Faith Ehrenfeld David Michael Eisenmann Heather Lynn Eisthen Hillel Michael Elkins Stephen Craig Ellen Laurie Lynne Endicott Suzanne Lee Engelhardt Delia Mae Engelson Sara Anne Ephross Scott K. Epstein Mark AnitaDouglas EvelynFacey Fábos David D. Fairhurst, Jr. Mark Farber Jennie Jefferson Faries Joseph Anthony Farrel Richard Kevin Farrell Laura N. Fashing Stefan Michael Fatsis Julie Frances Faure Valerie Kim Feigen Darey Elise Feingold Thomas Kinsey Feissner David Jonathan Feit Marcy Ann Feldman Sharon Nancy Feldstein Beth L. Feller Wendy Alison Feller Teresa Mary Feroli Karen D. Fessel David Barry Fialkoff Adam George Field David Andrew Fields Clinton Howard Files Anatoly Finko Katherine Anne Finnegan Denna Gail Fintel Amy Louise Fischer Cindy A. Fishbein Paul A. Fishbin Linda Lee Fisher Wayne I. Fishman Leah Rebecca Fist Mark Clinton Flanegan Sharon Gail Fliegelman Peter Nicholas Flocos Richard A. Flohr Jacqueline Elizabeth Fluker David Howard Fogel John David Folk Rebecca Marie Foote J. Stuart Ford Joel Alexander Forman Wendy Lynn Forman Michelle Simone Fost Forat Frederic Fouad James Thomas Fox David Lewis Frank Lauren Caroline Frank Matthew Ira Frazer Jeffrey Howard Freed Melissa B. Freed Peter Andrew Freed Steven F. Freeman Frances X. Frei Barry Edward Frey Gwendolyn Ann Freyd Erik John Frick Jeffrey Dean Friedlander Michelle Ann Friedman Sanford Neal Friedman -Lilia Fung Lisa Rachel Futterman Brian Gaffney Lisa Beth Galfand Joseph Denys Gallagher Stephen Franklin Galler Steven Henry Ganeless Amy Helene Ganz Lorraine Garcia Danielle Beth Gardner Richard Channing Garfield Janine Isabelle Garrett Elizabeth Ransome Garside John Geer,Gehman Jr. AmyFarr Clarissa Regina Lee Gelzer Robert A. George Mimi Sue Gerber Kenneth Ira Gerchick Michael Scott Gerdis Susan L. Gernand Aaron Roth Gershowitz David Arthur Gerson Elizabeth Rachel Gerstein Michael Eric Gertzman Ellen Gesensway Mark Allen Gingerich Carlos Eduardo Girod-Bustelo Robert Aloysius Glascott, Jr. Charles Howard Gleason Dean Joseph Gobo Elizabeth Pardee Godillot Susan Deborah Goetinck Jeannine Goff Steven Gold Adele Eva Goldberg Marc E. Golden Roberta Ann Golden Lynda Jill Goldfarb Cynthia Goldfine Alix Augusta Goldschmidt Richard Robert Goldsmith Wendy K. Goldsmith Abby Linda Goldstein David Gordon Goldstein Hanina Miriam Goldstein Lauren Beth Goldstein Robert Saul Goldstein Peter Eric Gollub Matthew Fader Golub Vivian Karen Gonda Leslie Ann Gonzalez Rafael Antonio Gonzalez Caloni David Richard Goodhand Heidi Beth Goodman Lawrence B. Goodman Nancy Jill Goodman --Donald John Gordon BACHELOR OF ARTS— Continued Glenn Robert Gordon Lawrence Jay Gordon Mark Eric Gorman Jeffrey Stuart Gosin Russell Gottfried Kimberly Lynne Gould Jan Peter Grammerstorf Jonathan Michael Graubart Keith Evan Green Russell Paul Green George Andrew Green IV Gary Marc Greenbaum Jennie D. Greenberg Richard Harvey Greenberg Steven Michael Greenberg Susan Greenberg Margaret Allison Greenfield Jacqueline Remington Greer Dawn Marie Griesbach Douglas Benson Grob Andrew Philip Grossman Heather Lynn Grossman Michael Ross Grossman Peter John Gruber Thomas Patrick Guiltinan Josef Emanuel Gurian David Bruce Gustafson Stina Elizabeth Gustayson Alan Randall Gwertzman Mary Loleta Gwynn Mary Beth H. Ha Steven Asher Haber Jonathan Lloyd Hafter Jonathan Hirt Hagen Stephanie Hamarman Karen Ann Hammel Donna Gwen Hanau Marc Handelman Kathleen Hanley Henry Richmond Harbaugh Donna Denise Hardy Kathleen Mary Hargaden Elizabeth Antonietta Harker Craig John Harms Alexander Amiel Harris Richard Earl Harris John Soames Harrison Susan Harrison Joseph Robert Harrison III Dianne Hartman DouglasMarie Jay Hart Lisa Hartman Andrew Kutz Hartzell Harris Seth Hausen Kay Keiko Hayaski Lawrence Patrick Hayden Lisa Conant Hayden Charles Eli Hecker Naomi F. Heep Dina Ruth Hellerstein Maria Elizabeth Hellman Katherine Ann Hempstead Patricia FrancisAnn Lally Henss Heneghan Richard Bernard Hessler Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Stephanie Michelle Hetos Doreen M. Hettich David Charles Heyman Rachel C. Heyman Patricia Ann Hickey Brian David Hill Robert Joseph Hillwig Anne Kriebel Hilton Nancy Beth Hirschinger Hirschhorn Mark Kramer Stephen Daniel Hirsh Lars-Erik Arthur Hjelm Amy Susan Hoberman Maurice Robert Leo Hochschild Jonathan Richard Hock Joshua Seth Hodas Robert Paul Hodder Joel M. Hoffman Scott Evan Hoffman Thomas Austin Holly Peter Lambert Holstein Horesh Lisa Ann HopkinsMaureen Denny James Horn Michael Brett Hornum David Allan Horowitz Dean Scott Horowitz Sonya Reneé Horowitz Jeffrey Paul Houston Jennifer Miriam Howard Alison Elaine Hubler Judith Lynn Huddell Brian Keith Hudes Shaun Philip Hulbert Christopher Fell Huntington William Walter Hyde YoungHae Lisa Hyun Richard Daniel Ing Tina Isen Arun Kwangil Iyengar Michael Andrew Jackman GloriaSchaefer Lynne Jackson Jackson Louisa Cynthia Anne Kaplan Susan Michele Karlin Arthur Brian Karloff Matthew William Karowe Robert Edward Karsch Robert Louis Kass Stephanie M. Kattelman Barry Dov Katz Richard Seth Katz Sharon Ivy Katz Suzanne Jo Katz Robert Andrew Kauffman Stephen Leon Kazanjian Clare Keefe Paula Francette Kefover Martin Steven Keller James Robert Kelley Miriam Julia Kelliher Debra Ann Kelly John Neumann Kelly Karen Ann Kelso Arthur Ralph Kennedy, III Martha J. Keon Robert Martin Kerbeck, Jr. Nancy L. Kestenbaum David Elliott Kidd Hope Robbin Kider William George Kiesling Dae Carlene Sunki Kim Sik Kim John Han Kim Joseph UK Kim Samuel Sanghyun Kim Susan Sooyung Kim Mark Kimelheim Jill Hilary Kingsly Bettina Elise Kleeman Evelyn Carol Klees Carolyn Joy Klein Darin William Klein Jill A. Klein Marci Ellyn Klein Lawrence Richard Kleinberg Ethan Adam Klingsberg Teresa Ann Jackson Barry Freeman Jacobson Kathy Jacobson Rachel Jacobson Elissa Michele Jaffe Paul Gerard Jakubowski Nyra Marie James Stephen Gregory Janoski Kevin Russell Jay Francine Jones Laura Ann Jones Janis Ione Joseph Beth Lynn Jurman Andrew Paul Kahn Eric Jonathan Kahn Harry Aaron Kahn Charles H. N. Kallenbach Teri EllenAnn B. Kamentsky Kanefield Nina Adele Kannatt Lisa Lawrence Beth Kapin Eric Kanter Seth Kmetz Roger Steven Kobert Helene Mindy Koch Eric D. Kogan Cheryl Rae Kolbor Steven Andrew Kolenik, HI Elyssa Joy Kolin Barbara Gail Kolodner Kimberly Ann Kolonich Tina Marie Kooistra Stacey Annie Kopp Jeffrey Dov Krenstein Gary Jay Korn Nancy Gail Kornblum Stanley Joseph Koss, III Gary Angelo Koutsoubis Robert David Krall Roy Andrew Krall William Ira Kramer Ronald N. Kristeller Krensel Deborah BACHELOR OF ARTS — Continued Gary Adam Kronen Ellen Nancy Kroop Theodore Vincent Kruckel, III Gregory Peter Krukonis Frances Anne Kuebler Samuel Kiyota Kulp Hollis Lynne Kurman Jay Sheldon Kurtz Susan Leslie Kushner Susan L. Kutner Suzette Esther Kwiat Amy L. Laban Patricia Ann Labosky Kara Ann Laczynski Lynn Ladetsky Janet Susan LaFiandra Lisa Joanne Lambdin Jill Amy Landesman Thomas Anthony Langan David Jonathan Langer Scott Wingfield Langston Donna Ann Larkin Douglas Eric Larson Mark Laude r Gary Kevin Richard Lawlor Geralyn Regina Lawrence Eric Loren Lazar Joel Steven Lazar Julie Anna Lazar Margaret Grace Leary Charles Edward Leasure, III Baik Lee Cecilia Soyoung Lee Kenneth Kwangbok Lee Nancy Eun-joo Lee R.MayLe KevinNathanielLe ds Karen B. Lefkovitz Christian Bettina Joachim Lehmbeck Susanne Lehmbeck Gail Marie Leoniak Mark Jonas Lerman Diane Paula Lerner Stacy Ann Lerner John Rudolph Lesky AndrewFakLsEicB.erMlngALu Laura Levenson Richard Michael Levin Scott David Levine Jonathan David Levitan Arianne Levitt Alice Beth Levy David Scott Levy Elizabeth Andrea Levy Ginger L. Levy Michelle R. Levy Mitchell S. Levy Eva Lew Amy Beth Lewis George Adam Lewis Tzufen Liao Warren Eliot Licht Lisa Ann Lichtenstein Mark J. Lieser Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Matthew Lifschultz Nathaniel Carl Lim Bryan Robert Lincoln Kristina Sigrid Lindquist Carmen Mercedes Lineberger Montgomery Link Ronald Lipka Julie Rachel Lipkin Caren Lee Lipsky Deborah Judith Lipson Michelle Joyce Lipton Bruce David Liroff David Scott Jenkins Lister Robin Lee Litwa Frank Eli Litwin Xiaokun Diane Liu Elizabeth Alexandra Lloyd Jodi Lynn Lobel Francis Matthew Lobo Philip Anthony Lobue Yael Loewenberg Lisa M. Longo John James Lopez Wilberto Lester Mariano Lopez Joseph John Lorene Andrew J. Lorentz Dean Gerard Lorich MaeJnLouiOrlEgew Janice Mara Lowe Elizabeth J. Lucas Christina Lycoyannis Maura Jean Lynch Ole William Lyngklip, III Cindy Ellen Magid —Carol Ann Mackin James M. Mahoney Jody Maier Gillian Electa Mair RogerKvinMal Laura Mallin Richard Sean Maloney Brenda Georgette Maloof Harlan M. Mandel Nina Hope Mandel Jessica F. Mann Nancy Belle Mann RonaldRichard Maynard Mann J. Mann Eva Mantell Sherri Ellen Marder Christopher Bradley Mario Michael Jeffrey Marion Lisa Michelle Mark Nadine Yvette Markham Raphael Sam Markovitz Rosanne Marks Laurie Susan Marsh Lise Annette MariaAnne Martinez Martina Salena Marie Martínez Alison Louise Marx Scott John Mascioli Melinda Jane Massoff Peter Anthony Mattei Jennifer Ann Matteis Julia Lynn Mayer Kathleen Mayer Michael B. Mayer Michael McCoy Mayfield Donnamarie Mazzola Bernard Kevin McAleer Matthew James McAnaney Alicia Jane Carroll McConnell Mark Edward McDade Mary Ruth McFall Paul Brennan McHugh Richard Blake McIntyre Michael Athanasius McKenna Gerald Thomas McLaughlin Jonathan Bert McLelland Michele Denise McMillan John Andrew McMillen Anita Louise McMullin James Patrick McTernan Pamela Meadow Laura Jane Mechanic Jane Frances Meiman David R. Meiselman Louis Alan Meixler Therese Melillo Erika Ching Huei Meng Michael Anthony Mennella Alice M. Merjan Deborah Marie Merriam Walter Richardson Merry, Jr. Lois Jean Marie Middleton Joan Midthun Edward Mikus, Jr. Nina Frances Miles Samuel Capin Milkman Andrew David Miller Daniel Bruce Miller David Miller Grace Virginia Miller Hope F. Miller Nancy Bea Miller Steven Craig Miller William E. Min Steven L. Minors James Mir o John Jacob Mis ry Elizabeth Anne Mitchell Hope Ellen Mitnick Amy Marcks Mitola Rhonda Jane Mittelberg Betsy Fay Moeller John Clark Moffly Bruce Andrew Monaghan Natalie Patrice Monroe Ethan Daniel Montag Mark Cannon Montgomery Mitra Schelkle Morad Inez A. Morales Brignac Anthony Cesare Morro Richard Mark Moskowitz Richard Sean Moskowitz Shaunon Michelle Moten Franklin Joseph Moy Gale Leslie Mullen Nathan Samuel Muller BACHELOR OF ARTS— Continued Carol Antoinette Murphy James Doughty Murphy, Jr. Teresa Ann Murphy Marguerite Lee Murtha Sailaja Murthy Jodi L. Myers Mary Ann Myers Denisa Lyn Narmour Lawrence Glenn Narun David S. Needler Federico L. Negri Judith E. Nepi Roger Andrew Nehrer Rosamunda Neuharth-Moore Mark William Neustadt Michael H. Newman Richard Alan Newman Meredith Meade Newton Thomas Michael Niedermeyer Deborah Althea Niles Alexander T. Nishimura Jennifer Sue Nizen Michael Patric Nobel Paula L. Noga Carrie Lynn Nogueira Sharon Elizabeth Norteman Stephen David Novick Jose Luis Novo Eric Boyden Noyes Harry David Nudelman ' Lisa Beth Nusbaum Bruce Evan Nussbaum Amy Sue Nyman Catherine Marie O'Brien Christopher David O'Brien Vincent Michael Obsitnik Marcia Robin Ochs Robert Joseph O'Connell, III Stephen Mario Oddo, Jr. Kerry Kaichi Ogata Richard George Ohye Stephen Edward Older Jonathan Brant Olsen Lisa Jaimee Orans Julie Thomas Orth Anthony DominicOrtman Orza Steohen Anthony John Pilgrim Osborn Mark R. Osherow James Anton Ospenson, III James Joanne Ouyang Patrick O'Toole Lina M. Page In Pak Danell Joyce Palladine Francine Simone Palmer Debra Belle Panitz Lincoln K. Pao Alex H. Park Grace Park John F. Parker Robert Eric Parnes Janis Parrilla Partow Alan Eric Pasetsky Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Andrew Philip Pasternak Sarah Elizabeth Peachey Juliet Marie Pederson Jennifer Margaret Peek Lin Pei Joyce Maria Pierpoline James Eugene Penkola Helena Perez David Dimitri Perlmutter Janet Regina Perlmutter Andrew Stuart Pessin Catherine A. Peters Raymond John Peterson John Kirk Petrie Robert David Pettit Janet Lynn Pfost Sevasti C. Phalangas James Harper Starr Pierson Robert John Pignolo Robert Paul Pisciotta Laurie J. Plant Wendy Lynn Plan Andrea Dawn Ploscowe Thomas Frederick Poché John Scott Polise Alex Poljak Benjamin Adam Pollan Jane K. Pollock Robert Howard Portnoe Andrew Samuel Potash Steven Darren Potter Charles Andrew Powell Laurene Lynn Powell Maria Teresa Prado Jerry IvonneIra Prieto Price Aaron Ko Prince Mark Robert Pritchard Steven Gerald Proshan Joseph C. Quigley Douglas Michael Raboy Karl Anthony Racine Bruce Jonathan Rader Nancy Beth Raffel Sandra Deborah Rafiy Raymond Ragland, III Michael Gabriel Rahmin Marcelle Liza Rand Joanne Randall Lucy Ann Randel Scot Vincent Rankin James F. Rapp Andrea Nicole Rassin Patrick William Ratkowski Joseph J. Rava Brett Gene Rawitz Jacqueline Ann Raymond Elizabeth Ann Read Paul B. Reagan David Bernard Reed Dirk Rehder Kathleen Joyce Reilly Rebecca Suzanne Reilly Jeffrey Neil Rein Michele Jeanine Rein Jamie Roy Reinstein Glen Alan Reznikoff Michelle Annette Rhodes Jonathan Mayhew Richardson Linda Mai Richardson Alan Marc Rifkin Leslie Ann Riley David Andrew Riseberg John Stoddard Ritter Bryan Wilson Roberts Mary Ann Roberts Randi Julia Roberts Jeffrey Andrew Robins Judith Harriet Robinson Todd Elliot Rockoff Marjorie Katherine Rockwell Steven David Rodman Francisco Jose Rodriquez Susan Rodriquez Maureen Romanow Brian Thomas Rose David Anthony Rose Mark Jay Rosen Judith Rosenbaum Jay Arthur Rosenberg Mindy Carol Rosenberg JoAnne Rosenblum Cheri Wyn Rosoff Jill Alison Ross Bianca Honey Rosso Alfred David Roston Perry Francis Rotella Bruce Alan Roth Mary Louise Rowe Seth Myles Rubin Sharon Rubin Deborah Frances Ruffin Fay Rusli Ronen Sacher Regina Lee Salamone Carlos Carol Miguel Ann Salata Salinas Karen Lynn Saltser Philip Burton Saltzbart Judith A. Saltzberg David Daniel Saltzman Catherine Robb Salvati Mary Susan E. Sampino Julie Michele Sandler Stricker Coles Sanford IV Pilar M. Santoni Rodriguez Jaime Eduardo Santos Steven James Santy Isabella Sardas Matthew Francis Sarno Gwendolyn Nadeen Savage Laela Suad Sayigh Lisa Ann Schad Henry Otto Schaefer Alison Tilghman Schafer Lee Schalop Denise Lynne Schambron Karen Eve Schatman Kurt Andrew Schaub Arthur Garrett Scheiner BACHELOR OF ARTS–Continued Martin Howard Scherzer Wendy M. Schick Joan Ellen Schiff Randall K. Schilling Jason Matthew Schindler DeborahGailSchizerLawrenc RobertSchmidt Wayne William Schmoyer Michael Schneier LindaKarenSchnip erPhil pSpencerSchoenfeld Helene Tammy Schrier Eric Schrode Mindy Joy Schulman Christopher Timothy Schum Robert William Schuman Daniel Joseph Schutzberg Nancy Marie Shwab Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Linda Robin Simensky Susan Sims RobinMargaret Beth Simon Amy Singer Leslie Joan Sinsheimer Steven Michael Sirken Frank Gilbert Slinkard Adam Glen Slote Joseph E. Smailis David Richard Smith Deirdre Heloisa Smith Gregory Donald Stephen J. Smith Smith Janet Elizabeth Smith Rebecca Tremain Smith Robert McKenrick Snyder Theodore Richard Snyder Robert J. Sobel Alec D. Sokolow Barbara Randi Schwartz Fern Beth Solan Douglas Steven Schwartz Lisa Randy Solomon Jeffrey Robert Schwartz Shari Marla Solomon Mark Howard Schwartz Debra Lynn Somers Philip Steven Schwartz Jordana Lee Sommer Judith Lynn Schwartzberg Grant June Son Elizabeth Schwartzburt Gustavo J. Souto Amy Margo Schwartzman Ivana Marie Spacek Marianne Scott Lorraine May Spano Eric Keith Seaman Jill Patricia Seaman Martin Paul Secada , Deborah Sue Spencer Priyethan Telloo Seebadri Alan David Spiegel Andrew D. Spinak Abbie Melissa Segal Amy J. Spitofsky Mary Edith Segraves Susan Elise Springer Mark Steven Seidenfeld Pamela Harriet Spritzer David Elliott Seitz Alex C. Spyropoulos Marianne Rain Seligson Elise Beth Stambler Michael E. Seltzer Sara Lynn Star Alisa Karen Seminara Ann J. Starer Camille Serchuk Jay Stark William Young Seto Felicia Sue Staub Richard Chih-Tung Sha Laurie Lynne Stein David Mark Shadovitz Mary-Pat Stein Marguerite Sands Shaffer Adam Rand Steinberg Peter Glenn Shagena Michael Paul Steinberg HowarHarriet d Neil Shaw A. Shapiro Robert Theodore Steinberg Ann Margaret Stenske Mary Alice Stevenson Abby Shawn Philip H. Shayne Susan Michele Stiefel Maura Elizabeth Shea Neil L. Stillman James Joseph Sheard Lisa Ann Stockebrand JoelIsacShnkr Gregory Scott Sheffo Richard J. Stone Robert Nathan Stone Amy Elizabeth Sherrod LesliShvtz Joseph Strauch Henry Elexa Yin Shih Ellen Stephanie Blenda Strauss Jordan Robert Ship Janin Silvana Struminger Dwight Dickerson Sholes Patricia Ann Sturgis John P. Sullivan Deborah Elaine Shrager Adrianne Linda Shtop Dav id Theodore Shultz David C. Siegel Dennis Paul Siegler Jonathan Michael Silver Suzanne Silverberg Cari Lynne Silverman Daniel Doron Silverman Scott Robert Silverman Mary N. Sun Grant Wei-Kang Sung Lawrence M. Sung Pamela R. Suttenberg Julie Ann Sutton James Patrick Swift III Kenneth Arthur Swinnerton Helene Ann Swirsky Martin B. Switzky Laurine Szymanski Eugene Joseph Szymkowiak, Jr. Christopher Raj Tandon Austin Tang Kimberly Tardy Lisa Tarnopol Andrew Ludlow Taylor Susan Marie Tedmon Christine M. Tenaglia Susan Elizabeth Tejanian Ira Mervyn Thal Jeffrey Martin Thalheimer Douglas E. Thea Steven Michael Theiss James ° Th om s James Washington Thomas Tamela Beth Thornton Joseph Thomas Threston HI Anthony Joseph Tomaska Roy Masanori Tomizawa Shawkat Mahmood Toorawa Matthew Joseph Torres Brenda Frances Toseani Cecelia Amy Cecelia Amy Toth Michael Taylor Towle Jeffrey Kevin Towne Rona Vicki Tritsch Pamela Ann Troisi Louann Eileen Tronsberg Stephen Edward 'flicker Lauren Elizabeth Turner Susan Lynn Udolf Ronald Anthony Uitz Alex Marshall Unger Christina Marie Valente Paul J. Valentin Jeffrey Alan van den Noon Linda Sue Van Gelder James Henry VanHorn Bryan William Van Norden Barbara Ann Van Opdorp Julie Anne Varga Monique Maria Vasilchik Vivek Verma Stephanie Gail Victor Jacqueline Marie Vidmar Joseph Thomas Viggiano Maria Elena Viglucci-Muñoz Johanna Z. Vogel Fritz Bernhard vonBülow Gregory Francis Von Burg James Hayden Vos Marjorie Brenner Wachs Jordan Harris Wachtell Margot Lee Waldman Stephen Joseph Wall Scott Waller Christina Chih Chun Wan Marcia Lynne Wane Francis John Wapner Adrienne Marie Ward Murray Sharp Warnock Dina Ninette Warren L oyd Van Pra gh Timothy Porter Van Zandt BACHELOR OF ARTS — Continued Linda Carol Warren Jay Devin Wasman Gregory Glenn Waterston Kara Leigh Jude Watkins Mark Allan Watson Jill Ilene Weinberg Mark Steven Weinberger Howard Leslie Weiner Eric Ross Weinstein Lisa Sundeen Weinstock Jane Eric Weinzimmer Dean Eric Weisgold Cynthia Laura Weiss Farley Ian Weiss Richard Weiss Ellen N. Weissblum Dorothy E. Welsh Russell Andrew Wenger Adam Fine Wernick Nancy Claire Werthan Michael Louis Whistler Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jennifer Wenonah Whitlock Robin Gail Wiener Tina Michelle Wiggins Peter Daniel Wilf David Scott Williams Theresa Ann Williams David Samuel Wine Marika Ruth Winheld Nadine Lisa Winokur Elizabeth Debbie DandridgeR.WiseWise Lisa A. Wolf Herbert S. Wolfson Susan Ilene Wolk Lisa Tracy Wollman Page Kerry Wolper Debra H. Wong Robert Arthur Woodbury, II Laurie Ann Woodin Jeanette Elizabeth Woods Laural Lynn Woods Seanna Stewart Wray Worrell, Jr. Charles Augustus Jill Rose Whitelaw Joanne Elizabeth Wright Lily Min Wu Elizabeth Ann Yahr Frank Chun-Li Yang Preston Harvey Yang Todd Scot Yellin Barbara Rachel Yore Betsy Victoria Young Lilian Zaidman Michael Ethan Zalis Daniel Scott Zapson Joseph Isaac Zarge Margo Gail Zdravkovic Clay Wheeler Zeigler Karen Sue Ziemke Amy Lauren Zimmerman Claire Asenath Zimmerman Rebecca Kay Zoltoski Evangelia Dorothea Zouras Luciana Zucco David Bruce Zucker Adam Zweifach THE COLLEGE OF GENERAL STUDIES OF THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES BACHELOR OF ARTS August 10, 1984 Paul Dimas Arias Stephen A. Carey Phyllis MacDonald Carlson Chrysann Collatos Edward Presland Denigan, III Sallie M. Dinsmore Alexander E. Gabbrielli Michael Joseph Jennings John Hammond Reynolds Linda J. C. Rosero Andrea Melanie Zemel December 21, 1984 Helen Beatrice Beuf-Kunik James Lawton Cragg, IV Kristin A. B. Davidson Edward Howell Faris Noah David Freedman Sarah Titus Fritchman Deborah J. Ganster Diane R. Gochin Barbara A. Kirch Leslie Ann Kuhn Lydia Barton Lynch Claire Ann Michael Sandra Moteles David James Price Jane Sheerr Rothman Gina Filomena Scala May 20, 1985 Robert Karriem Abdullah Selim Earls Steven Elliott Leslie Ann Gaines Lynda Anne Garaventi Doris Gonzales Kristine Celeste Howard Ronda A. Indictor Julie Ann Johnson Amy Beth Kauffman Kathy Rachel Keyser Theresa Veronica Lafferty Patrice Lopatin Hilary Lopez Anne-Margaret Martin Sarah Maxwell Stephen Morse McCoubrey Joseph P. McDermott Maureen Gail Murray Eliza Nichols Eric Pfeiffer JoelJames D. Reigart Joseph Francis Roberts Patricia Schindler Susan Jane Shapiro Omer M. Shifaw Rachael Dianne Shulman Patricia A. Simon Patricia 0. D. Wood Jayne Marie Young Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS August 10, 1984 Ellen B. Gronlie Robert Earl Kressler December 21, 1984 Kristina C. Horvat Jill Marie Terranova May 20, 1985 Sallie Buckman Castle Sing Y. Chu Judy Davison Donna J. Harrison Nancy Maureen Sokolove Leni Sarah Tanenbaum MaryEllen Velahos Stuart R. Yankell ASSOCIATE IN ARTS August 10, 1984 Nina Kaleska John J. Rogan Eric Kyle Tomlinson December 21, 1984 Barbara Anne Bodner Ruth E. Shainline May 20, 1985 Cassandra I. Gray Eileen S. Heron THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Joseph Bordogna, Dean BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE August 10, 1984 Michael Samuel Eder Louis March Hamer Troy Anthony Leacock Linda Ellen Margolis Cynthia A. Peterson December 21, 1984 Jeffrey Phillip Wolfe Lauren Michelle Rich Randy Fred Riesenberg Andrew H. Wolff, II BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE — Continued Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. -May 20, 1985 Ernest Paul Bonacquisti Neil Winter Danzger Christopher Corey Dogonniuck Paul Christopher Downs Lisa Schell Elliott Wayne Steven Firsty Jonathan Daniel Hanover Scott Alan Hardin Dan Warren Hardt Carol Christine Parkison Daniel Troy Polner Allan Jay Rimland Edward Mark Rimland Frances Jennifer Roberts David Michael Sirkin Steven Sidney Strassberg Michael DeCourcy Ward Eric Doyle Paul Michael Wiberg Paul Stuart Honig Yu-Wang Kwong Douglas Eric Larson Lee David Lerner Robert Alan Libove Holly Jane Love Russell Eric Mardon John Joseph McArthur Christoper P. O'Connell BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (BIOENGINEERING) August 10, 1984 Taylor St. Claire Allen Lindsay Scott Shreiber Alan A. Herschenfeld Suzanne Maria Pauley December 21, 1984 Robert J. Tierney Susan Marie Dymecki May 20, 1985 Michael J. Amendolara Jay Kenneth Costantini Charles Robert Davies Wendy Lisa Dubin Sarah Judith Goldberg Goodkin Howard Parker Catherine Mary Green Miriam Hayon Paul Chung-Ming Ho Masayuki Kazahaya Gregory Anthony Liguori Kyle Andrew Lingenfelter Susan Beth Marcus Tacyoung Donna Eileen Park Nichols CharlesTun-iPSY.Rabny Ken Howard Rosenfeld Lynda Ellen Rowe Peter Gabriel Nicholas Sperandio Adam Bryan Winick Sui Wa Wong John K. Yee BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) August 10, 1984 Richard Thomas Elander December 21, 1984 James William Shelton I May 20, 1985 Leonard Phillip Cardone, Jr. Angela Bonita Clark Edwin Albert Clark Robert John Peter Costomiris Douglas A. Thomas Leo Anthony Durante George Frederick Fattman Kristen Ann Fichthorn Eric C. Freed Michael Alan Glassman Douglas C. Har is Arnold John Howard Francis Liu William John Lohr Bruce Londa Moira Marx Karen Meyers Mark Alan Osele Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING — Continued Thomas Richard Pereles Philip Dominic Peters Bich Do Phan Neil Lawrence Plenn Dawn Kony Porter Lucy Ann Randel Timothy Kevin Ravey Richard Andrew Rice Lawrence Alexander Rosen Roman N. Salij Louis George Sampanis Lawrence David Sloan Doreen Y. Stephens Henry Joseph Strauch John Charles Taddei Lori Ann Tony Daniel P. Tumer Robin Kim Wiener Judith Elaine Elizabeth Wingerter BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (CIVIL ENGINEERING) August 10, 1984 Joseph Francis Kolb, Jr. May 20, 1985 Michael S. Blum Timothy John Connolly, II Stephen Charles Ehrlich Robert Vahe Koochagian Rodger John Leonard Hagop Sahak Toutdjian Charles William Yeiser BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) August 10, 1984 Mukul Kumar Agarwala Robert Bruce Bunson Patricia Ann Dillard Mary Elizabeth Panagiotis Gazouleas James F. Jeletic Peter John Kaplan Michael Donald Mahoney William Joseph Meinweiser John Frederick Summers Carol Diane Yutkowtiz December 21, 1984 Lawrence E. Ashery Michael Scott Dusche John Dotts Hagan Stephen Holston Hunt Young Ho Kwon Michael Jeffrey Sokoloff James Gray Walker -7 May 20, 1985 Charles David Anderson Stephen Christopher Arnold Brian James Barr Richard Henry Bates, III Jeffrey Pennington Beale Allen W. Block Alan Leonard Bloodgood Marcus K. Bryan, Jr. Michael Burak John Y. Chiu James Thomas John Clee Julianne Mary Crowe Jerrol Edward Davis John Vance-Duncan, Jr. Glenn John Fala Gerald Andrew Ferguson, III James Chang Fu Peter Tan Go Ned Geoffrey Hanover Barry Glenn Hausmann Gregory Peter Heidelberger Jeffrey M. Hoffman Lawrence FrancisEarl Stephen Jackson Huntowski Philippe Leslie Jacob John Barry LeRoy AllenJanssen James William Capers Jenkins Catherine Ann Kobeski Steven Lawrence Koss David Ralph Lang Sheryl Mindy Littenberg Louis Lung Michael Craig Moed Daniel Steven Peters Dan B. Petreanu Ralf Pfeiffer Gary MarkRichman Todd Elliot Rockoff David Clive Rudolph Joseph P. C. Salvador Susanna Linda Scala Thomas Gary Schmidt, Jr. Samuel Howard Schwartz Lowell Adam Shulman A bigail Jennifer Schweber Michael Jude Slifker 7 Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING—Continued Michael Donald Stevens Juliet N. Stubican Anthony Gary Sueiro Gary Alan Sundel Edmond Graham Edward Walters Alan Lawrence Waxman Jonathan Adam Weiner Peter Evan Weiss David S. Wine Nina Anne Taft David Alan Talton RobertJhnTis,. Carol Merrick Turner BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE) August 10, 1984 Scott David Chaykin Mark A. Elliott Floyd Drexel Feeling Brian Kenneth Feinberg Lori Denise Macala Philip Charles Wennblom Saul Howard Zales December 21, 1984 Richard Mark Shupak May 20, 1985 Sandra Jane Armor Theodore Allan Bapty Stephen Alvin Bennett Neil Marc Blecherman Courtney Anthony Brown Thomas Cheng John Robert Chizmar Alpesh Ramesh Chokshi Barry Christopher Davis Jeffrey Lee Duffy Jonathan Robert Eckert Mark Clinton Flanegan Vincent Joseph Gast Peter E. Goettle Daniel Hollander Golub Peter Eliot Gordon Gerald Jay Gurevich Gary Fred Hatke James Edwin Haughton Peter Allen Hottenrott Gaelle Elizabeth Hunt Michail Y. Itkis Andrew Robin Jacobs BruceA.JaobsnTiqvd Karen Toby Judlowe Robert Rowland Kleese Sheldon Michael Kugelmass Zachary Hung Jan Lau Bruce Daniel Magid David Barton Matus Brian John McLaughlin Robert Howard McNeill, Jr. Thomas Philip Mier Young Sup Nam JamesR.Ohn Gady Nemirovsky Francis Olivieri Jeffrey Alan Palic David Howard Pascoe Michael Ronnie Peres Melissa Aline Powell Simon Yet-Ming Quan Leslie Howard Robinson Nancy Jane Rosen Darryl Richard Schick David Benjamin Schick Ronald C. Seto Gregory Stephen Smith Marc David Spaulding Adam Charles Spiegel Clarel Thevenot Solomon Agustus Thompson, Jr. Michael Glenn Trotsky John James Vranich Gregory Williams Eric Tai-Lee Wong Robert G. Yaccarino Robert Andrew Young Paul Lawrence Zemsky an BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS) August 10, 1984 Po-Chen John Chen December 21, 1984 Ronald J. Cruz Mary Katherine Dee John Benjamin Hayden May 20, 1985 Rafiq Ahmed Robert Lawrence Baum Wendy Gay Bear Dewey Alan Burleson, Jr. James Stephen Chizmar James Edward Corbo BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING—Continued Ann Elizabeth Dungan Randall P. Fach Steven Michael Greenberg Philip Richards Guys Shelley Arletha Haith L Thomas Eddy Hardenbergh, IV Carolyn Elizabeth Hart David Baker Hester Traci Le Ingram Alois J. Koller, III Adam Daniel Reyer Robert Geiger Riddell John Clark Riley Shaun William Sholder William C. Smith Julann Michiyo Sonomura Philip Russell Spiess William David L.Duane SpignerStaples, Jr. Stephen Richard Krewson Salvatore Macera Richard Jay Marshall Rajeev Misra Jeffrey Nazumedin Mobed Peter Raymond Moll Lert Nietheranont Stephen Craig Olson Chuong Huu Pham Ralph Johan Reinert Phillip Takeo Tokumaru BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) May 20. 1985 Elizabeth Lee Fleischer Steven Strickman James Michael Hannah David Bruce Lowenstein BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING (SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) August 10, 1984 Mark Joseph Carlebach December 21, 1984 Joseph M. Gallagher Flora Denise Brown May 20, 1985 Lyle Albert Bellecque Karl David Doll Robert Hutter Francis Xavier Johnson Steven Young Kim Nancy Louise Parker Emmanuel F. Tillman Marie Elizabeth Lage Douglas Wayne Lawrence Charles Gary Markon Lauren Dania Maxim Daniel John Nichols Steven Shalom Weiner Richard Carl Wilbur, Jr. Sandra Yie MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN BIOENGINEERING August 10, 1984 Jennifer Lynn Dean Arnold Gennaro Salotto Allan Gottschalk December 21, 1984 Randall F. Wiser I May 20, 1985 Mark Robert Allen Jeffrey Lynn Bence Marco D. Castro Ernest Lorenza Carter, Jr., M.D. David T. George John Kevin Edward Edward Jablonski Healy Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. David Henry Kohn Lawrence Oscar Freed Muscarella Ross Dewar Shonat Adrienne Albright Spirt Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING August 10, 1984 Nigel A. Seaton Alice Evelyn Tome William Herndon Lehr Jennifer Jean Linderman Roxana P. Jimenez Ann Imelda Lawrence December 21, 1984 Mark T. Aronson Yu-Li Chang Wei-Kuang Chi Mho Rafael Colemenares Torrealba James H. MacDuff Stephen J. McCarthy Miriam Ruth Reagan Pedro Romero M. Michael Charles Grady Thomas S. Hackman Daniel August Hammer Douglas Gaines Harrell Chun-Sheng Ko May 20, 1985 Peter Owens Staffeld John Duncan Super Mark L. Underwood Steven Jay Weinstein Dorothy Elizabeth Wessbecher Timothy Lawrence Williams Felicia A. Jevitt Francis Xavier Kelly Joseph William Kovach III John Douglas Kushnerick Steven Howard Rich Philip Mathew Rolchigo Elizabeth Ann Schumacher Eric I. Altman Helen Marie Buettner Michael Brian Carroll Arthur J. Fortini Karen Jean Dapsis Timothy L. Hilbert MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN CIVIL AND URBAN ENGINEERING August 10, 1984 Timur Fisk Galen Sundar Krishnamurthy Abdullah Mahamedi Panagiotis P. Salpeas December 21. 1984 Lynn Gail Burgin Mohamad Nazir Almadani Scott David Batterman Joseph Fu D. Michael Navin May 20, 1985 Mahshid Dokht Atasteh Mahshid Dokht Jyoti Chatterjee Arasteh Michael Thomas Di Camillo Adel M. El-Sayed Aly Yiu Tsan Mak Michael John Spyridon John Cuddy Chrysikopoulos Joshua Robinson Paul LaMont Shultes Kevin Charles Carl James Yee Womack Ali Mohamedi Hany Labib Riad MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE August 10, 1984 Lori B. Alperin Clarke Stephen Arnold Navid Dehghani Mohammadi Stephen Michael Dillon An-Ya Ho Kelvin Hoi Lam Yoong-Kong Lee Thomas Francis McCaffrey Alfred Sims Newlin Marianne Elizabeth Nolan Milan Vlastimir Pantelic David Raab David N. Schach Amit Sharma Amy Elizabeth Zwarico MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING—Continued December 21, 1984 Walter J. Kirszbraun Debra A. Mancini Tieng Dung Nguyen Sharon Ellen Perlstein Linda Small Plotnick Stuart N. Pollack Charisse Sary Ethel Schuster Schpilberg Sharon Ann Stansfield Scott N. Steketee Jeffrey K. Baer Carl Alfred Burger Sanford David Eisenberg Igor Faynberg Marybeth Finley Janet Michelle Greenberg Thomas W. Gryder Jim Jenn-Dong Huah Edward Joseph Kay Yao Sing Tao Maria A. Viscasillas-Aponte Jumei Tan Wang Raymond L. Watrous Susanna Wei David William Wilkie Susan M. Wilson Clifford E. Wulfman Jyg-jia Wu Yang May 20, 1985 Kerry Brian Barnes Charles Michael Bartholomew Hannah Irene Blau David Drager Carlyn Kay Evans Albert Raymond Fitzgerald Thomas Young Galloway Neil Steven Kenig David A. Klein Charles Kozloff Skona Sari Libowitz Nancy Kay Malanowicz Francis J. Manion David M. Martin David J. Heeger Margaret Andrus Heineman Edward Francis Heitzman Ron Stephen Katriel Andrew Kairys Michele Laura Mazzia Timothy Russell Miller Philip A. Murphy, Jr. Robert C. Petterson, II David W. Port Howard C. Rosenshine David M. Burdette Searls Patrick Slattery David Lynn Smitley Wayne Scott Snyder Lixin Tao Wei-Chung Wang Mark Robert Waser Charlton Clint Woolard Mark M. Winkler David P. Youatt MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE August 10, 1984 Hernan A. Gastro Geoffrey S. Edelson Thomas Manning Fleming, Jr. Edward Stephen Walsh December 21, 1984 David Adam Brotman Gerald T. Caracciolo Thomas Robert Gennaro Matthew F. Kersen Mark John McGinnis May 20, 1985 Wanlin Michael Yang David ChangguoStein Zhou TimothyG.DezPanisVFrgoChWkKim Yunjin Kim Yun Ling Lou Duk-Woo Ro Sanjay Rohatgi MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN ENERGY ENGINEERING 20, Puig 1985 AlbertMay Girbal Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING August 10, 1984 Fernando Enrique Heredia Vargas MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS August 10, 1984 Faten Abdul-Rahman Alawadhi Leif-Olaf Fager Amy A. Gillett Ka-Wai Raymond Ho Kevin Andris Reinis Susan Lisa Weinstock December 21, 1984 Wilfried Anton Holzmann Tien-Yue Wu May 20, 1985 Mahshid Dokht Arasteh Anand Sankarnarayan Ayyar Nusrat I. Sherali David Collier Sherburn Thomas Lincoln Stewart MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING August 10, 1984 Ronald Lloyd Nave December 21, 1984 Tzy-Hong S. Chao Kanetr Lerthirunvibul Geoffrey C. Scott May 20, 1985 Angela Marie Armstead Haris Ashraf Steven G. Catricks Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte Jonathan Henry Goodman Michael A. Mayor Jeffrey Scott Pridmore Rhonda Thomas Paul Andrew Welsh A Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE WHARTON SCHOOL Russell E. Palmer, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS August Barry D. Adelman Roy Charles Berman Mark Joseph Carlebach Gregory S. Casciato Jean Charles Couret Angela E. Durham Margelle Feld Peter Andrew Forman James William France Steven Mark Fuhrman Jacqueline Estelle Gallus Peter Isham Hill Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. 10. 1984 Leslie Dee Holland Denis Neil Houser Christopher Joseph Joyce Peter John Kaplan Robert David Katz Simon Gabriel Kaypaghian Celeste Maria Lee Diane Jean Ludovico Brad Lyman Michael Scott Marinari George Marcus May Sally Frances McDonald Todd Rowan Norris Bernard John Pump Robert Raben Randy Fred Riesenberg Douglas Peter Rinaldi Mark Steven Rosenberg Bobby Gale Rouse, Jr. Maria Almudena Santiago y Duarte Ross Zev Silver Stephen Philip Sunderland Mark Armand Wasserman Andrew H. Wolff, H December 21, 1984 Glenn David Bardack Jacqueline C. Beckwith Suzanne Bari Biegel Juan Cristian Jorge Born Michael H. Brook Brian David Brookover Stephen Michael Calabrese Gary Charles Christopher Sun-Hwan Chu II Deborah Lynne Croarkin David Michael Collins Edward Geiser Dailey, Jr. Mark Michael Evans Michele Ann Freedenthal Raymond Charles Fowler Garrigan Paul Jay Glazer Lauren Ruth Goldberg David Seth Goldman Jean Thelma Harrow Marc Alexander Hembrough Kellye Lynn Keough Do-Woo Kim Seo K. Kim Victor Z. Kury Constantin Lambropoulos Mario Tso Lay Grant Edward Lippincott Sajjad Sulaiman Malik Douglas Michael Marzonie Nancy Marie Miller Meryle Nan Breier Mishkin Barbara Anne Murphy Thomas Matthew O'Brien Keith Bradley Olsen Christopher Joseph Palermo Duncan Bruce Pitcairn David Isaac Portnoy David J. Potkul Jonathan Brian Rand Catherine Lynn Redson Joumana Rizk Ronald Albert Santella Tarun R. Tahiliani Christian Taeger Jeffrey Phillip Wolfe Jeffrey Scott Yarckin May 20, 1985 Julian F. Aberle, III Steven Jay Abrahams Steven Mark Abramowitz Andrew Charles Abrams Matthew J. Adams Michael Bruce Adler Scott Warren Anderson Carl David Apple Carolyn Lee Applegate Paul David Arling Nancy Ann Armatas Anthony Arthur Arnolie Robert I. Averbach Michael Goerge Barbis Paul Stephan Barish Michael Barr Patrick Charles Barry Ronald R. Barth, Jr. Douglas Roy Bartholomew Marcia Ann Bates Rayna Ann Baum Fernando Becattini, Jr. Robert Harry Beechey Steven David Ben et John Mat hew Bensche Marc A. Berger Amy Katherine Berk Michael Richard Berman Adam Keith Bernstein Vicki Bernstein Valerie J. Billingham Martin Jay Black Wendy N. Blank Steven Neal Blau Mark Trane Blecher Alan Leonard Bloodgood Robert Joseph Borgese John Darlow Graham Botha, Jr. Marjorie Lou Botteron Kevin George Boullianne Jenifer Ann Bozulich Kevin John Bradley Paula Eileen Brand Kenneth Alan Brause Sally Anne Broggi Jacqueline Brown Michele Marie-Louise Bruckheim Paul Derek Buckley William James Burdick Gregory G. Camas Heather Susan Campbell Leonard Phillip Cardone, Jr. Sven Urban Fredrik Carmel Craig Randolph Carnaroli Christine Marie Carter CalvinBrucehmbs Matthew Robert Cassell Bonfiglio Steven Chang Mark Lawrence Charette Gary David Chodes Alpesh Ramesh Chokshi Lisa Ann Christensen Alexander S. Chumakov Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS—Continued Paul Kenneth Chumsky Cecil Sae-Hoon Chung Joseph Steve Sae-Hwan Michael Chung Ciampi Joy C. Cianci Douglas Scott Clark Jeffrey Hale Cohen Jeffrey Howard Cohen Jeffrey Stuart Cohen Jill Cohen Jamie Alan Cole John Edwin Colie, Jr. Michael David Collins Marc Jeremy Comer Brian Jeffrey Coneys Lynn Marie Connolly Jennifer Sara Corliss David H. Cost Charles Boyd Crawford, Jr. Sean Thomas Crinnion John Leo Cunniff Anne Curran Tamar R. Cyrluk Andrew Terrence Dailey Adam D. Dakin Neil Winter Danzger James Thomas Deaver James E. Della Rocca Cheryl Ann Desmarais Carlos Jose Deupi Barry Mitchell Deutsch Linda Heidi Diaz Alice Ruth Dick Marie Ola DiCroce Nicholas Sean Difazio Eric Andrew Diton Kelly Anne Dixon Scott JosephRobert Arthur Doerr Dlutowski Gina Dokko Edward Dolido Neil Howard Dolinger Elizabeth Paige Drummond Kimberly Beth Dubin Kevin Marcelin Dunham Richard Steven Dziadzio Steven Mark Eisenstein Lolis Eric Elie Lisa Schell Elliott Sutherland Cook Ellwood, Jr. Ross Mitchell Engelman James Landon English Charles Allen Epp Ellen Hilary Estrin Renee Eubanks Janice Lee Ewing-Smith Gregory Anthony Ezring Adonis N. Falkides Steven James Fairbanks Linda Ellen Feinne Herbert Marshall Fellman David Bernhard Felsenthal Jay Michael Felser Derek Talmar Ferguson John Clayton Files David Lawrence Fine Wayne Steven Firsty Ronald Guy Fisher Stuart Mark Fishman Colette Marie Fleming Peter Nicholas Flocos Richard Alan Flohr Marianne Fogarty Edward Anthony Foley Cindy Beth Greenbaum Lawrence David Greenberg Lawrence L. Greenberg Vincent Joseph Griski Lisa Grohowski Diane Judith Grosz Julie Ann Groveman Michael Alan Guss Steven Asher Haber Marc David Haberman James Edward Hahn Joshua Meredith Dryden Hall, III Victoria Sylvester Hall Mark Edward Hamelburg Jonathan Daniel Hanover Jay Jerry Hansen Thomas Eddy Hardenbergh, IV Lawrence Marshall Harding Dan Warren Hardt Wayne Anthony Harris John Claude Harte Kelly Harumi Hattori John David Folk Richard Eric Fradkin Lauren Caroline Frank Andrew Joel Frankle Matthew Ira Frazer Jeffrey Howard Freed David Louis Friedman Jonathan Leigh Friedman Russell Kenneth Friedson Lawrence D. Frishman Charles Harris Frohman Edmond Luke Furlong Daniel James Gabour Laura Lee Hattendorf Steven David Gackenbach Diane Elizabeth Hawkes Peter Shaun Gallagher Lawrence Robert Haynes Joseph S. Galli Steven I. Hazan Thomas Galli Christine Anne Hein Terrance Kevin Ganser Dina Ruth Hellerstein Robert Bradford Garbert John Raymond Garthwaite Charles Milton Henderson, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Gartland Kevin Thomas Hennessy Robert Matthew Gelfand Noelle Brooke Hermelee Beth Cheryl Geller Helene Sue Hernes Daniel Eric Geller Philip Ira Herzog Michael Eric Gertzman Renee Hinkley Rena Debra Getz Debra Jane Hirsch Steven Charles Hoffman PatricGnks Gary David Giegerich John Warren Hollyer Paul Stuart Honig Stacey Gillis Diane R. Glassman Steven Anthony Hornacek Peter Hudson Glick Beth Cheryl Housman Emily Randolph Glidden Bradley Forrest Hunter Elizabeth MacPhee Hunter Gary Stuart Gluck Francis Stephen Huntowski David Bradley Godes _ Steven Allen Hurwitz Denise Lorraine Godreau David Perry Hutchinson David Richard Goldberg Christopher Hylinski Michael M. Goldberg Ari W. Goldberger Michael S. Goldman L Maria de los Angeles Ifarraguerri Lawrence Michael Goldsmith Bruce Mitchell Irom Martin Daniel Isaac Nancy B. Golinko Andrew Robin Jacobs Curtis Lloyd Golkow Rachel Jacobson Lauren Golub David Steven Jacoby Edward Michael Goodman Lillian Jagendorf Hilary Michel Goodman David Niles Jehn Robin Carol Goodman Lurdys Marie Gordon Hugo Antonio Jimenez-Pacheco Kenneth David Gorman Tonya Jo Johnson Karen Elizabeth Gotkin Timothy Andrew June Howard Lee Kahlenberg Ben Zion Gottesman Joseph Patrick Grabmeier Ethan Gil Kahn Stefanie Ellen Granik Steven Lawrence Kaplan Janice Marie Graziano Karen Y. Kao Maria Valerie Grazul Erika Michele Karp Wendy Susan Karp LesliBrthnaG Philip Joseph Green Evan Howard Katz Russell Paul Green Lauri Anne Katz Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS—Continued Richard Seth Katz Suzanne Jo Katz Robert Leonard Kaufman James Evan Kaye Linda Jill Keiser Corinne Graham Keller John Joseph Kelly Kevin M. Kelly Margaret Edith Kenaston Millicent Khaw Joseph Patrick Killackey Samuel Sanghyun Kim Laurence David King Kathleen Jennie Kinnevy Barry Michael Kirzner Albert John Kiss Jorge Miguel Chiriboga-Klein Lauren B. Klein Michael Stuart Klein Laraine Vivian Knauss Christopher Karl Knutson Eric D. Kogan Kenneth Alan Kolber Elyssa Joy Kolin Kim Sunny Akanad Mathew Koshy Robert Michael Kramer William Ira Kramer Geraldine Trembinski Kratz Jane Diane Kreithen John Bernard Krieger Sheila Lynn Krigel Marc A. Kriger Ellen Sue Krouse Deborah Wen Ku Yu Wang Kwong Amy Lynn LaBan Glen A. Ladau Romnesh Lamb Jennifer Monique Lacks Esther Fay Ling Lau G a ry Mark Lauder Douglas Wayne Lawrence Felix Christopher Layne Julie Anna Lazar Scott Allen Leavitt Merisa Jeannette Lee Douglas Gregg Lehman Judith Lynn Lehman Ruth A. Lesser Martin Sidney Lessner David Mark Lettas Yinling Dorothy Leung Kenneth Richard Levine Robert Alan Libove RandiBethLArwKipetz Glyndwr Frederick Sidney LoucksPatrick Lobo Darryl Lee Lovett Christopher Dewar Lowden Carlyn Marie Lowery Scott Brian Luntz Matthew John Lupino Robert Emanuel Lustrin Nancy Ann Luttich Kim Alissa MacDonald Tracy Lynn Machles Mara Sue Mades Elinor Ruth Magid Alexandra Mahnken Jessica Frances Mann Richard J. Mann Terrence Courtney Marcelle Linda Anne Marcovici Craig Seth Marderstein Russell Eric Mardon Kathryn Anne Margulies Lisa Michelle Mark Philos Amy Rebecca Markowitz RandallRobert Robert MaycockGil Mashaal Kathleen Mayer Pericles George Mazarakis Renee Ellen Mazer Donnamarie Mazzola John Joseph McArthur Cornelius Stephen McCarthy Gerald William McFadden John Patrick McGeehan James Patrick McTernan William Gregory McLane, II Subir Mehra Therese Melillo Scot William Melland Charles Sanger Mellen, III Michael Howard Mendelsohn Robert Keith Mericle Steven Daniel Metzman George Albert Michael Jonathan Michels Edward Mikus, Jr. David Miller Lewis Mark Miller Michael S.Miler Michael Scott Miller Esther Andrea Mills Deborah Mittelman Harold Joseph Moening, Jr. Michael Herschel Monheit William Kelso Morrill James Lawrence Meredith Malcolm Morris Lake Daniel Morrison Alexandria Anna Moseley Richard James Mosley Barry Glenn Moss Pamela Claire Moulton Robert Bryant Moy Terence Sherwin Moy Thomas John Murphy Stacey Sue Nagel Susan Meg Nagler Kevin Ryon Natale Gady Nemirovsky Stacy Richard RaymondJordan Nijkerk Night Keenan R. S. Nix John August Nixon, II Russell Scott Norris Elizabeth Russell Norton Ellen Joan November Harry David Nudelman David Brian Nuttall Bruce Evan Nussbaum Kerry Kaichi Ogata Grace Seunghe Oh Kristoffer Olsen John Francis O'Neill, Jr. David Christopher Ott John William Owczarski Mitchell Seth Padover Christopher John Pagano Bruce William Papps Konel Parekh Michael Anthony Parkins Mark Thomas Paskewitz Ajay Patel Melissa Beth Patrusky Douglas lester Pearl Gary M. Pearl James Eugene Penkola Arthur Howard Penn Waldemar R. Perlik Eric Jon Petro Matthew Vincent Petronio Victoria Lynn Peyton Karen Rachel Phillips Frederick Virgil Pieper Lawrence Polur Daniel Troy Polner Richard Anton Polyn Clifford Joseph Prozenheim Tamara J. Posner Laurene Lynn Powell Barry J. Prevor Scott Steven Prince Alan Lawrence Proctor George Joseph Psomas Salvatore Puleo Jody Ann Puza Ivan J. Ross Darryl Thomas Rapini Andrea Nicole Rassin Charles Harry Ratner Wendy Lynn Ravitz Gary Thomas Ray Walter Benjamin Joseph Reidy Reich Laura Ellen Reim Marc Conrad Reinisch Howard Michael Reses Alexander Julian Reyes Dion Marie Rhodes Laurie Ann Ribble Allison Maria Ricciardi Edward Louis Richard Mark David Rifkin Robert Allen Rifkin Allan Jay Rimland Edward Mark Rimland Gilbert Rivas Elizabeth Lynn Rivlin Joanne Danielle Roberts Frances Jennifer Roberts Susan E. Robinson Bruce Anthony Rodio Stirling Andrew Rosario Deborah Lisa Rose William John Rose Glenn Michael Rosen BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS—Continued Randi Ilyse Rosenberg Robin Lee Rosenberg Bennett Rosenthal Timothy Scott Ross Steven Zale Routburg Robert Rubenstein Kenneth L. Rubin Steven Michael Rubin Kathleen E. Russell Ronen Sacher Steven Reed Saltzman Felix Frank Salvatore Jeffrey Michael Sams Sanjiv Siddharth Sanghvi Robert Anthony Santella, Jr. John DiFuria Santoleri Ernest Auriel Scalamandrè Lee Troy Schalop Wendy Moria Schick Lisa Schiffman Frederick Berndt Schine Wayne William Schmoyer Karen E. Schoen Micheal Antony Schonzeit Elizabeth Schull Michael Jay Schwab Laurie Beth Segal Mark Sharf Jonathan Drew Shapiro Samuel Louis Shimer Robert A. Shnider Robert Gary Siegel Stuart Glenn Siegel Donna Marie Sieglen David Henry Silk Jonathan Michael Silver Cari Lynne Silverman Christopher Anthony Simon Robin Beth Simon Medha Sinha Mark Francis Sitek John N. Skipper Steven Howard Slutsky David Nicholas Smith, Jr. Stacy Ann Smith Lauren Ann Snopkowski Theodore Richard Snyder Kim Vivek Verma Lynn Solarczyk Edith Maria Villacampa Laura Beth Sorscher Steven Sosnick Judith Ellen Vogel Mitchell Scott Spector John Michael Vrijmoet Ellen Beth Speer Jowdat Waheed Lawrence Ian Sperling Donna M. Walsh Michael DeCourcy Ward Wesley Edward Ward Steven W. Staats Hollie Lynn Stamer Kevin Carl Warren Risa Medina Starr Jeffrey Francis Webb Paul Harmon Watten Benn Lawrence Steil Lincoln Maurice Weekes Linda Frances Stein Laurence Weilheimer Kathleen Steinert Steven Craig Weinstein Peter Stelian Mark S. Weisberg Nicole Marie Stellner 5 Laurence Weitzman Jay Michael Stevens Edward Joseph Stevns,Jr. Betty Jane Maloney Stewart Jr. Russell Andrew Wenger Nancy Claire Werthan Stephen Arthur Stites Darrell Anthony West Steven Sidney Strassberg Bradley Louis Wexler Lawrence Merritt Stratton, Jr. Matthew J. Whaley Scott Alan Strauss Delphine Rebecca Wheeler Bong Ju Suh Eric Earl White Schlesinger Mary N. Sun Gregory Hayward White Sara Deborah Swartz Erik Doyle Paul Michael Wiberg Jay Joseph Swift Shalitha Lakshman Wijesundera Kenneth Arthur Swinnerton Kimberly Anne Wilcox Stephen B. Switzky Laura L. Williams Mark Lee Tagliaferri Loreen Dyanne Williamson Bryan Kiyomitsu Takamoto Cheryle Lynne Windle James Joseph Wolf Jasen Hajime Takei David Alan Talton Joyce Carole Wong Teresa Tam BriJenifer an Michael Wright Lynn Woods Sharon Allison Tauber J. Ronald Teitelbaum Robert Anthony Wright Robert L. Teristi Jeffrey Anthony Wu Wade S. Tetsuka Elizabeth Ann Yahr Paritosh Vijay Thakore Steve Robert Yanis Keith Kevin Lee Thatcher Onyen Yong Dani el Monica Thomas th David Keith Young Kei Zagorski Richard Tola Stephanie Diane Zakrzewski Jim Enrique Tolbert Lynn Marie Zambotti Louann Eileen Tronsberg Paul Lawrence Zemsky Stephen Louis Tuleja Robert John Ziehl Barbara J. Tuppeny Fred Elliott Zimmerman Carol Merrick Turner John Clark Zuckerman Janet Michele Unker Sharon Paula Zuckerman Lisa Caroline Van De Graaf Betsy Zwanger Peter Read Veale Julio Enrique Vega-Perini Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE WHARTON EVENING SCHOOL BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION August 10, 1984 Margie Weinberg Brown John Robert Buchta William Vernon Burns, Jr. Sandra Reneé Byrd Adnan Cebi Gary Ron Del Viscio Craig Stewart Eisele Herbert Henry Fisher, Jr. Lori Patricia Rienzi Victor Eduardo Gonzalez Rivera Wendy Janice Rose Edward Michael Shaffer Brian Shipley Janice Allison Sloan James Vincent Tate Brian Keith Wormley Loretta Ann Gestite Lillian Riloff Glassman BrendaGifHckt aniceMrLm J Thomas Francis Massimi John Henry McClatchy Dennis George Moritz Gerard John O'Donnell Cynthia Ann Patrucci James Alfred King, Jr. December 21, 1984 Richard Scott Albright Kathleen Kelly Armstrong Mark Harry Bambach Ricardo Castro Richard Townsend Christy William Gadsden Daniels Joseph Albert DiLeonardo Michael Phillip Forbes William Louis Fox Janet Anne Gluch Harry Gusoff Aleksandra Christina Hall William Arthur Harvey, III Donna Marie Jablonoski June Anne Jenkins Janice Pearl Jett Edward Patrick Kenney, Jr. Barbara Ann Lee Joan Peranteau Lukas Ilene Rosalie May Terry Marie McElfresh Kevin Michael Moore Diego Rondilla Orgasan Ömer Özgüle Feudi Anthony Pandola, Jr. Robert Andrew Raup Michael John Ruggiero Sandra June Schainbaum André Iafeta Sega Hildy Ruth Sitkoff Carolyn S. Thomas James Edward Thomas David Glen Titus Edward Joseph Vogt Joel David Wagoner Gayle Lee Winters May 20, 1985 Ronnie Stephen Baum James S. Bechtold, I I James Martin Bodenheimer Leslie Carl Breedlove Debra Lynn Buecker Anita Cerasaro Burke Karen Diane Clark Cynthia Delores Corbin John Roger Cutrufello Kelly Ann Delaney John Charles DeLong John Jacob Devendorf, Jr. Ismail Doyran David Charles Drouin Hanna Zajdel Elovic MarkYrminda Jef rey Freilich Veviana Fortes Thomas Reese Gracie Robert Thomas Greco George Joseph Hall, Jr. Michael Francis Hays Anne Marie Susan Horvat Harry Ronald Johnson Ronald David Kaplan Carol Ann Keeth Patricia Louise King Jane Mary Krol Laryssa Halyna Krywusha Philip Michel Lappin Lois Fay Leonard Marc Joel Levin Karen Lea Lund Stephen Charles Maciejewski Rosanne Laura Malinowski Deborah Helen Mandell Gary Neil Mansfield Elaine Marie Miller Anne Marie Morrissey Lorraine E. Judith Ann Murray Tiwalola Belinda Otusanya William John Pike, III Frank Michael Porrazza Mavis Vernice Pringle Samuel Luther Reed, Jr. MichaelHnryRGCistaSchrz Roderick A. Russell, III Dorothea Elisabeth Shover Regina Anne Skowronski Anthony Leroy Spann Marlene Taylor Judith Romano Thompson Thomas Arthur Timmins Katherine Taylor Velez-Leddy Mary Elizabeth Waldis Nancy B. Warsinger Joseph A. Wiggins Mobley Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION August 10, 1984 Jules Mark Ackerman Roger Craine Collins Catherine Elizabeth Connell Joan Marion Culnan Carol Ann Edwards Barbara Ann Erwins Darlene Frances Pembrook-Rogers William Harold Phillips, Jr. Daniel Richard Roccato Susan Rodgers Marlene Ann Rossi Gloria Jean Dotson-Wu Gloria Jean Floyd Samantha Theresa Galvin Eileen Theresa Golden Kevin James McClair Frances Murray Nigro John Thomas O'Hara December 21, 1984 Carol Ann Armstrong Arlene Catherine Brennan Roberta Marie Ebert Victor George Finnegan Donald Nelson Ford Carolyn Huddleston Grier Robert James Pearson Sunil Philip Daniel Philpot Regina Ann Pope Johnsie Elizabeth Sippio Mary Ann Margaret Zane James Francis Hearn Myra E. Isley Marvel Eurlinda Jeffers-Scott Barry London Armando José Machado Susan Marie Maxwell May 20, 1985 Frances Abdul-Badee Adele C. Aurino Dianne Michele Bell Edward James Bell Jeffrey Berman William James Burns Irene Patricia Clements Doris Ann Conkright Dolores Jean Dinyon Andrew Lee Dixon Mary Agnes Duffy Jorge Luis Figarella Lopez Linda Ann Garttmeier Silvia Ileana Gonzalez Castillo Carolyn Gray Barbara Ann Karen Leigh Hoffman Cynthia Ann Hoyt Cindy Robin Kay Thomas E. Kelly Lee Thomas MacMinn Eva Dasmarinas Marcha Anne C. Mazur Hanna James Peter McDermott Ruth Anne McFadyen Joan Marie Metzger Bernadette Ann Milewski Frances Marie Piccoli Margaret Patricia Reagan Igor José Roa Osuna -Kennet L. Shaw Barbara Ann Smith Evelyn Haas Werner Florence Marie Winkeler Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE WHARTON GRADUATE DIVISION MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION August 10, 1984 Ziad Khalil Abdelnour Joseph Anthony Abraham Ivy Irene Anderson Jennifer Ann Armstrong Patricia Marie Bast William J. Bean Harriett Bennett Gabriel Edgardo Bresler Michael Alan Brodie Jennifer Leigh Carpi Jonathan Scott Cooper David MacLeod Cuneo Peter Michael Dickstein Philippe A. Duleyrie Gary Franklin Foster Bruce Rowland Hartlein Lori Gail Koffman Richar d A lan Peter J. Natali Tai Hyung Park James Ernest Phipps Meckler Luis Fernando Santamaria Restrepo Edward Simon Rosenbaum Thomas David Schwartz R. N. Stricklin Takeo Tsumura Charles Vernon Watson Michael Dennis Whinston Elisabeth Trefz Williams Marlene Pe Young Corwin Mark Yulinsky December 21, 1984 Meraj Uddin Ahmed Meryl Amy Allison Muhammad A.M. Alshaya Pedro Arturo Alvear Otera Paul Norman Beckner Curt M. Biren James Willard Blake, Jr. Justas Elias Bovell Bedford Nicholas Bruno Richard Henry Buchi Buc Joseph Paul Carey Michael G. Christiani Marian Allayne DeBerry Alfredo De La Pena L Zenia Colette Edwards Sankong Fang Harry Dietz Fox Jaymie Glasmann Jonathan D. Goetze Stacy L. Gorneau Gregory N. Grigoriadis _ Raymond Yihua Guan Sterling Wendell Hall James Joseph Healy, Jr. R ymund Yap Ho Steven Francis Huggins Ashok Peter Jacob Gilbert Eric Johansen Sharon Keld Joonsoo Kim Richard M. King Bon Keul Koo Chun-Chee Lau Jose Cesar Lau Yuen Constantine A. Lazarakis Edward Kline Leh Linda Levy Levin Cary H. Lu Paul J. McDevitt, Jr. Henry Roemer McPhee, HI Sarah Scott Moser a Suong-Chau Nguyen Robert Edward Olsen Robert Edward Paladino Yiannis Papadimitriou David Lawrence Parks H. Donald Perkins, Jr. Christian Ponticelli Christopher Z. Resich Leonardo Alberto Riera Eugenio Joseph Ward Rogers, Jr. Jack Jay Ross John Michael Sopcisak Carlos Olgierd Stalgis Bilinski James Bernard Sugerman Thaddeus Lloyd Suter Sohju Suzuki Peter Christopher Tittmann Paul Brion Tuchman Ehsan Ulhaque Leslie Annett Wiley Wilson Wai-Tsuen Wu May 20, 1985 Acevedo Louis Alton Leon Adams Aleta Marie Ahlstrom Maureen Miran Ahn Yong Chan Ahn Yong Daw Ahn Michael Joseph Alesandro Robert John Alevizos Muriel Allen Alvarez Lawrence John Ames Andrea Anania Steven Eric Anders Elizabeth Dibble Andersen Judy Gale Anderson Jesse Ong Ang Stephen Lewis Appleton John Henry Archer Lisa Jill Archinow Mary Murphy Arena Farhad Assari Ruth Aghavni Attarian Avrassoglou Dimitri G. Richard Andrew Axilrod Olufemi Ayeni John Cooley Baity, Jr. Jeffrey Wade Baker Raymond Lloyd Bank Marcia Abbott Banks Kenneth Charles Bariahtaris Peter Winslow Barnes Michael Scott Baum Richard Leroy Baum Jerome C. Bayless, Jr. Carolyn Emily Beard Mark Richard Bell Lisa Carol Benjamin Robert Gunn Benson Alexander L. Berman Jonathan A. Berman Corinne Merle Bernstein Elizabeth Mann Berry Joy-Isabelle Besse David Lee Bhame Parag Bhansali Rahul Bhatnagar John Eric de Coninck Bigbie Robert D. Birnbaum Cheryl Lynn Bittner Cynthia Leigh Black Joan Frances Blake Robert Howard Blake, HI Albert G. Blakey, IV Tim Emmanuel Bliamptis Dennis Brian Bloch Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION — David Charles Boch Denzil Guy Bolton Suchat Boonbanjerdsri Alexander Christian Milosevich Booth Frederik Eduard Paul Boreel Joseph Joshua Borkoski Joseph F. Bourgart Theresa Jean Boyce George Benet Bradt, Sr. Edward Alexander Bream, Jr. Jared Gordon Brenner Robert Michael Brettell Rendell Livingston Brewster Martin J. Brill Anne Kingsley Brizendine Wilfred Joseph Brockman, Jr. Brizendine Martha Ellen Tara Maude Broderick Michael Ellis Brookhart David Neal Brooks Jean Michael Broun Deanna Brown Kevin James Brown Howard Michael Bruch Gordon Andrew Buchmiller, Jr. Wendi Ruth Bukowitz William Walker Burke Robert Calhoun Burkholder, III Leslie Jean Burnett John Melbourne Bushby Dennis Charles Byrd Robert Martyn Byrne William J. Cadogan Mario Calderone Leopoldo de Guzman Camara Daniel Kenneth Cantor Edward Louis Carey, Jr. Robert Francis Carfagno Steven F. Carman Michael John Carr Andrew Nolting Carter Nancy Anne Carter James F. Casey, Jr. Daniel Wayne Cassens Elizabeth Anne Cassin Mary Ann Cate Roberto Cetrullo Benjamin Hon-Yue Chan Melba Gay C. Chan William G. Chang C. Donna Chapman Chuanpit Chawawatnapong Yeung Adam Zachary Cherry Zonien Chiang Theresa Hsi-Chieh Chin Earline Maile Ching Kah Lin Chong Peter Victus Chow Jane Matzke Christoffersen Richard Duane Christy, Jr. George S. Chua Jae Kook Chun Barry Kimbal Chung John Andrew Cioffi Susan L. Clark Continued Peter Samuel Cohan Carl Lawrence Cohen Bruce Alan Cohn Peter Evan Cole Drew Justin Collins Ruth Colp Elesa Denise Commerse Thomas J. Considine, Jr. Gerassimo Angelo Contomichalos Craig Francis Cook John Stuart Cottage John Darrell Crisp Fetzer Eugene Crockett, HI John Douglas Crossley Tamalyn Vashon Crutchfield Domingo Cruzat Amunátegui Anna Marie Cullinan Catherine Ellen Cumberpatch Kim R. Curry Cassandra Kay Dailey Michael Stephen Dana Philip Michael Darivoff Charles Roome Daugherty Malcolm Kilgour Davidson Robert Wallace Davies Ronicia J. Davis Ronald Anton de Jongh Joseph Patrick Delaney Anthony John deLeon Kevin Joseph Dell Alice de Picciotto Charles George Willis Diehl Fermin Augusto Diez Baez Daniel C. DiFelice Anthony Paul DiSilvestro Robert Geoffrey Doucette Albert Elis Douer William Paul Douglas, IV John McIntyre Douglass Joanne Douvas Kevin Crawford Dowdell Joseph T. Doyle, Jr. John Gregory Driscoll Daniel Stuart Dross Paul Thomas Dubetz Cynthia Kimball Duda Angus McAlpine Duncan Blair Matthew Duncan Alice Cheryle Dyer Stephen Keyler Eckman Kirk Howard Edelman Faith L. Edington Cristian L. Edwards Carol Leinart Egan Joan Marcus Eilbott Kevin A. Eng David C. England Lennart J. A. Engstrom Evelyn Marion Erb Philip Robert Erlanger David Charles Ernst Joseph Harrison Estes Maria Remedios Estrada-Camara Robert Michael Ettinger Ellen Frasca Evans Karen Elaine Evans Michael Flynn Faught Jeffrey Scott Faust Cecile Arlene Feldman David Lynn Ferguson Leonard Sidney Ferleger Marie Louise Fioramonti Susan Dale Fishbein Frederic Van Dyck Fisher Jane Leslie Fishman Albert Raymond Fitzgerald Scott John Foley Victoria Formiconi Mary Catherine Forsman Bruce M. Fram Thomas Anthony Frangos Angel Luis Franqui Michel Fredeau David Oliver Fricke Helen Elizabeth Fuller Bruno J. Garcin-Nicolas Mohan Anand Garde Jay Warren Gardner John Alexander Garth James Terrence Garvey William Hogan Gavelis Sidney Leon Getz Shannon Margaret Gifford Erik D. Gilberg Scott Thomas Gilkey Thomas Anthony Girlich Gerard Louis Giudici Janice Heather Gleason Richard H. Gleeson Sarah Howe Gnaedinger Elizabeth Gold Duggal Spencer Eli Golden Debra Jeannette Goldsmith Marilyn Lippe Goldsmith Jacob Goldstein Myra Ann Goldstein V. S. Gopinath Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D. James Patrick Gradoville William Edward Grady, III Roger Nelson Graham, Jr. Don Phillip Greenberg Gary Lee Greenblatt Richard Joel Greenfield Karen L. Grimes Kent Carrier Griswold Donald K. Gross, II Ralf Gschwend Wendy B. Gulick James Neal Guller Andrew Ian Gunther Jae-Jean Hahm Susan Carol Haines Alan G. Hait Pierre Yvan Halbron Jeffrey Francis Hale Mary M. Halloran Helene Halperin Blythe Hamer Lorna Caroline Hamill 4 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION—Continued Jana D. Handwerk Edward A. Hanlon Aris George Harrison Ronald Jay Hartman Takashi Hasunuma Jeffrey Steven Hatfield Charles V. Haugh Issam Gebran Hayek Diane C. Heavener Yosi N. Heber Michael Anthony Heberling Kent Anders Hellebust Joann Marie Henry Todd Christian Herrmann Julie Ann Heywood Pamela Hake Hicks Thomas Charles Hier Gisela G. Hill Lawrence Logan Hill, II Daniel Ray Hirschberg William J. Hirschfeld Pamela Hite John Len-i Ho Amanda Elissa Hodgson Neal Arthur Holmlund Jeffrey K. Honda Gordon L. Hong Serck-Joo Hong Earl John Hoover, Jr. Alex Ko Hsu Mary J. Hu Leigh A. Hudson Robert Sydney Hudson Michael C. Huebsch Thomas Reeder Huff Willis J. Hulings, III Michie Irene Hunt John Edward Hutchinson, IV Janice F. Ingram Naoki Inoue Wai-Lun William Ip Amer Iqbal Andrew M. Israel Don B. Isaacson Srikanth Iyengar Yasutaka Izumura Joseph James Jacobs, M.D. Charles Howell James, III Ferdous Jan Robert Samuel Janis Susan Kent Jansen Dinkar Jetley Gerald Vincent John Darrell Martin Johnson Jed Douglas Johnson Joia Mishaaron Johnson Kathryn Lee Johnson Marc Ian Johnson Kathryn Leslie Jonas Christine E. Jones Eric Lee Jorgensen Elisa M. Joseph Rajan Anant Joshi Vivek Juneja Hillary M. Kahn Ichiro Kajiwara Ted I. Kaminer Charles Albert Karl, Jr. Bruce E. Kasanoff Glenn Martin Kasten Tarun Kataria Richard J. Katzman Haruo Kawamura Steven Michael Kaye Scott Daniel Kelley Timothy Michael Kellogg Michael James Kelly Joseph William Kenney Philippe Arthur Kerno David Livingstone Kerr, III Massoumeh Khadjenouri Jack Antoine Khattar Seyoung Edmund Kim Shin-Bae Kim Sally Garner Kinard Daniel Russell Kingsley John Andrew Kleban David A. Klein Carolyn Elizabeth Klim Lee Ann Kline Linda Sherry Kobrin Bart John Kocha Vanessa Karen Kooby Katharine R. Korell Thomas George Kupp Edgardo P. Lagumbay Belinda Mayen Lai James Henry Laird Romnesh Lamba Felipe Lampreabe Varangkana Lamsam David Edwin Lanks Frederick Lawrence William Theodore Lawrence Michel Philippe Lazure Stephen Anderson Leaf Betty Puiki Lee Sang-Don Lee William Anthony Leonardi Matthew Sanford Levine Lawrence Elliot Levitz Bradford Frederick Lewis Carolyn Gambrill Lewis Kim Ann Lewis Peter Egon Ligeti Kathleen Ann Ligocki Arthur T. Lim David Eugene Linch Dieter D. Littles Hongshu Liu Pamela Jane Long David John Losito John Henry Low Stephen Joseph Lurito Christopher P. Lynch Thomas F. Lynch, III Duncan Sheridan MacNichol William Margolis Madway Margaret Ann Maher June Susan Malament Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Ramesh Maraj Suzanne Marie Philip Eugene Marshall Mark Rosato Mastracci Matthew Edward May Marshall Trammell Mays, Jr. Dorothy Spearing Mayson Patrick Dennis Mayworm Thomas S. McCleary Howell D. McCullough, III Elizabeth Hinsdale McDonald Peter John McDonough Jennifer Louise Charlton McElrath William Howard McGlockton, H Karen Elizabeth McKeel James Edward McLoughlin Philip Sidney Mead Michael Gordon Mehallow Evelyn Carol Mehler Richard Mereu Bonnie Yuan-Chang Miao Gerald P. Michalski Ryujiro Miki James Jude Millar Debra Fay Miller Nancy Ann Miller Scott Lewis Miller Timothy Russell Miller Thomas Albert Mills, Jr. Charles Aram Milot Luna Issac Mishoe Osamu Miyata John Francis Mizerak Masaaki Mizuno Masanori Mochida Emmanuel Ugochukwu Utchenna Modu James John Moglia Craig Thomas Monaghan Lawrence John Robert Mononen Alexander Vartkes Moomjy Donald Torian Moore, Jr. George J. Moosburner James Nelson Mordy Fernando José Morey Katsuya Morishita Susan Elaine Morris Kathleen Cole Morton Mary Susan Mountford Thomas Robert Moyes Laurel Mueller Koji Muranaka Claudia Marie Murphey Catherine Louise Murray Richard Edmund Nabatoff Christopher Morgan Nadai Satoshi Nagase Choongsik Nam Kimberly Sue Nedelman David Paul Negri Barbara Ruth Neuberg Luis Fernando Neumann Iturri Ruth Newborg Lightner Leslie Ng Michael Vu Nguyen Mark William Niesen Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. M ASTFR OF BUSINESS A DMINISTR ATION - Continued Hideyuki Nimura Yasuo Noda Jerome Patrick Nollet John Barry O'Brien Jeremiah A. O'Connor Christopher Oddleifson Nancy Suzanne Olson Carlos J. Ortiz Leon Jaime Patrick Ortiz Chassagne Joseph Manoharan Owen Yaw Owusu Eleanor Valentine Pagano Michael G. Pailas Ryan C. Pak Michael Clarence Palitz Vinay Swamp Pandé Rachel Hamilton Parker Sally Anne Parker Stephen Kevin Pasterchik Lois Ann Garland-Patterson Samuel James Patterson John Eric Petersdorf Douglas Leeland Peterson Herman Watson Pettiford, M.D. Clifton Bondurant Phillips Lawrence William Pinnock Michael P. Pinto William Stuart Pitofsky Cynthia Lee Politica Eleni Alexandra Pournaras Edward Mehrzad Pourshalchi John Matthew Powell Ralph A. Powell Harry Cody Press, III Candace L. Preston Elizabeth Ann Prosser Kenneth Paul Provencher Anthony Pursey Jeffrey James Pyros Paul Joseph Queeney, Jr. Michael John Quinn Elaine Susann Quintana Kumar A. Ram William Randon Peter Ned Reikes Inez Reksten Gertrude Grieb Reusser Kathleen Mitchell Rhyne Vicki Richman Karen Lynn Richter Susan Pamela Rico William Cisler Rippe Ralph Geoffrey Rochester Philip William Roizin Kathryn A. Roland Randon Q. Roland Clifford Todd Rones Irene Ronis Robin Ellen Rosenberg Stacey Hope Rosenberg CRobert atherinLousR Laurence Rosner Peter E. Roth Julie S. Rothhouse Marc Jeffrey Rowan Robert Michael Rudy Christopher Rulon-Miller John Wynkoop Russell, Jr. Kevin A. Ryan Sudheesh Paul Sachdev Keith Masami Sakamoto Michael Eugene Salerno Jerome L. Sanders Evelyn S. Santos Shahab Sattar Jean Marie Scarrow Paula Schaefer Robert William Schatzman William A. Scheel Dean M. Scheinert Paul Frederic Schmidt Amy Lynn Schustack Charles Schwartz, III Edwin I. Schwartz Eric Stuart Schwartz Henry Halstead Scudder Dennis Theodore Scurletis Wai-Kwong Seck Howard J. Seibel Judi Beth Seldin Steven Joseph Seminario Joel G. Serebransky Steven Jay Shaber Mark Gregory Shafir Gary Matthew Shapiro Katherne Kraus Shea Andrew Taft Sheehan Timothy James Sheehan Vincent A. Sheehy, IV Gregory Shepard Roger Sherman Kevin Lee Shipe S. Shivaram Kenneth A. Shulman Ignatius Gunawan Sidik Steven B. Silverstein Alexandra Hope Simons Peter William Simonse Richard Alan Simonson Gail Ann Sisolak Dean L. Sivara William Gerard Sliwa Charles B. Slocum Richard Ward Slocum Eric Eugene Small David Fitzsimmons Smith Ronald E. Smith Kirk Floyd Snyder Lewis Munro Soars, Jr. Brian Scott Sockin Paulina Sophia Sockolow Piyush Sodha James Robert Solomon Elizabeth Ann Somers Jasjeet Singh Sood Soppo Prisco Jean-Hervé Gregory B. Soscia Jay Steven Spahr Kevin Robert Spence Mallika Srinivasan Francis Louis Stack Roger Powell Staiger, Jr. Gary Peter Martin Stead Richard Beauchamp Steele, Jr. Lauren Elizabeth Stevens Duncan Richard John George Stone David Walter Strauss E. James Streator Ronald Martin Sucher Jennifer Leslie Sullivan Timothy Robert Sullivan Daniel E. Sutorius Wayland Hayes Swann Cathryn Lynn Swanson Francis Joseph Sweeney, III Gerald Eugene Swendsen James Edward Synk Peter Russell Deupree Tagge Hisataka Takasugi Marie Stella C. Tansengco Firoz B. Tarapore Osamu Tashiro Marc Lawrence Tayer Douglas Eugene Taylor Kim Lillian Tchang Tatsuhisa Teshima Andrew Murray Thompson Jonnita Faye Thompson Mark John Thompson Jon Alan Tietbohl Koichi Torihara Linda Moser Torkelsen John Howard Toulmin Mark Jeffrey Tousey Koichi Toyomaru Glen A. Tracy David John Trone David William Truetzel Edward Anthony Trumpbour, III Avis Kikue Tsuya Gary Masao Tsuyuki Katherine Louise Turner Philip D. Turner Debra Anne Ulrich Amy Unger Joanne van Erp Vago Alan Robert Vallès Marinus Louis van de Beek Paula Muir Vanderhorst Elizabeth Ann Vandeventer Peter Andrew Van Loon Frederik Arnold van Os Sita Graham Vasan Albert Paul Vasquez David Wayne Verhille Ramon Villonco Viola Arline Elisabeth Vogel Jeffrey Dickson Voigt George Thomas Votis Takashi Wada Harris Wagenseil Christopher John Wagner Charles Crews Walden Mark Christopher Walden Thomas J. Waleski MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION — Continued Mark Jackson Walker Wanda Ettina Wall Gregory D. Wallace Jean Marie Walsh Claire Aline Walton William L. Warmuth John Philips Waterman Allen Arthur Weaver Lieng-Seng Wee Jerome A. Weems Joshua Abraham Weinreich Benjamin Weintraub Rebecca Sue Wenden John Arthur Wensinger Lisa J. Wentz James Davidson Wheat, Jr. Thomas L. Wiese Matthew Allen Wilder Richard Allen Wilkinson M. Stephanie Williams Robert Lassen Williams, Jr. Ruth Leslie Williams Steven Douglas Williams Herbert Karl Willmy Otis William Winfield, Jr. Mark Elizabeth Winkler Joy Wingate Terence Leigh Winsky Claire Beth Witzleben Elizabeth Ann Wolf Fred Abraham Wolgel Hun-Heng Wong Charlton Clint Woolard Karen Elizabeth Worthing Irene Ann Wuensch Joseph Pak-Chung Yang Albert S. Yeo Doosik Yi Robert B. York Nancy Hang Yee Yue Janet Yuen Barbara Ann Zalaznick Ulrike Anita Zeilberger John Frederick Zeller, IV Kenneth S. Ziebelman Anne M. Zielinski Robert A. Ziel Lisa Anne Zielinski Landis Paik Zimmerman David Mark Zlotowski Edward Leon Zobrist Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF NURSING Claire M. Fagin, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING August 10, 1984 Azita Sehatti Lillian Ledbetter Spencer Lynne Ann Stuchell December 21, 1984 Audrey Lancer Amir Linda Sonnichsen Bevard Catherine Kozbelt Chiminello Leslie Kennedy Elder Lori Fintz Leslie Anne Frodema Barbara d'Amato Herr Jacqueline Johnston Marilyn Olga Leonard Victoria Louise Loeb Joan Marie McCahon Julie McKeever Rebecca Moyer Patricia Lynn Palmer Martha Margarita Parra Lisa Jane Paumen Theodore Pettinicchi Susanna T. Randall Kathleen Elizabeth Reilly Kathleen Kitto Rickard Michelle Pam Salz Robin Deborah Small Moon Smith Janet Lee Strainic Lore Ann Wieler May 20, 1985 Jennifer Lynne Aiken Gretchen Anne Akkerhuis Beth Denise Albert Debra Jean Aman Susan Melissa Belka Diane Ruth Blucher Leigh Ann Bonanno Elizabeth Margery Brady Debra Ann Briede Sheryl M. Brodsky Patricia Lynn Brooke Kathleen Ann Carney Syrene Joy Choos Kathleen Connolly Ann Catherine Couglin Katherine Jean Crouthamel Ava Vilma Damokosh Julia Brandau DeBrandt David Thomas Deery Carolyn Detwiler Karen V. Dunn Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING—Continued Kathryn B. Foster Ritamarie Tevis Giosa Erin Colleen Greer Suzanne Martha Haskins Linda Susan Houser Kendra Jefferson Lisa Caroline Kitzman Lili Kodsi Jane Peeples Korein Margaret Angela Laedlein Beth Latimer Joel Leighton Lorenz Jennifer Mary Magnotta Alice Fay Marder Kathleen Diane Martin Leigh Stewart McDonald Cecelia Ellen McEvoy Ruth Ellen McGonigal Elizabeth Browne Monroe Susan Marie Norek Jacqueline Michelle Perry Lysa Rosenberg Elizabeth May Scanlon Jeanne Edith Simpson Allegra Esther Stone Laura Ann Troisi Linda Shepherd Whaley Judith Williams Sherman Paul Woerner MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING August 10, 1984 Laurie Jo Allan Cynthia Armstrong Deborah Lynn Basara Maie Anne Bianchi Dorothy Elinor Bingham Gail Larue Black • Susan Elizabeth Bloch Leslie Enid Bobb Marie Boltz-Schwager Mary Louise Botter Sally Ann Boyle Penelope Pavluk Bozarth Cynthia Jean Bradley Nancy Scull Brainard Rena Gail King Burnfield Kathleen Hawke Byrne Carol Anne Carolfiglio Mary Ann Theresa Carpenter Maybell Cescon Karen Ann Clabbers Mary Theresa Malandro Clark Corinthia Cohen Ann Marie Carmella Dente Janna Louise Dieckmann Patricia Lippert Diehl Nancy Ann DiFalco Linda Dolmanisth Deborah Blair Donahue Joyce Lynn Doubt Bonnie Hedgepeth Edwards Carol Valentino Emmi Linda Escher-Davis Janet Jean Amelia Falchek Mary Weiss Fee Donna Marie Feichert Susan Feinstein Luisa Domenica Ficca Barbara DeCrosta Fine Sarah Amanda Foster-Chang Mary-Kathleen Knox Frank Sue Ellen Gaffney Margaret A. Gavigan Ann Louise Gibbons Erlynn Andrea Gill Debra Marie Giuttari Karen Houser Goldman Mary Gallagher Gordon Dorothy Ann Gould Theresa Eileen Raphael Grimm Peggi A. Guenter Carol Anne Gullo Mary Joanne Hale Barabara Bassett Handloff Kathleen Healy-Karabell Cynthia Runner Heidt Diane Jo Hemlich Elizabeth Clare Herington Melinda Ellen Hively Elizabeth Ann Hoffman Marie Katherine Hogarty Susan Hutchinson Carrie Fern Goren Ingall Anita Chung Iyengar Hebe Hearn Jungkind Nancy Jean DiConcetto Kanuck Mary Mercedes Knapp Arlene Myra Konicki Anna Manling Lai Linda Lewis Lai Cathy Lynn Lash Joan Ellen Lederman Theresa Marie Leimkuhler Donna Jean Lerew Carol Gilbert Leupold Mary Gilbert Love Katherine Stevens Lyman Susan Marian McBride Regina McCabe Elva J. S. McCann Winter Daryle McCormick Janice Kay MacWhirter Mary Claire Hornick Manganiello Kathleen Ann Marsh Barbara Platt Marshall Elizabeth Anne Metzger Rosalinda Estriber Misagal Beth Herman Moses Gwen Gamble Murphy Marlene Dorothy Nazarey Lynn Ann Nelson Susan Ann Nolte Patricia E. Oeste Anne Maureen O'Malley Sandra Orlin Mary Agnes Donnelly Ostick Pamela Pershing Lauretta Pierce Susan Scarr Pollock Patricia Ann Ragan Patricia A. Rettig Marla Richards Sharon Hunter Rockstroh Mirian Rom Lisa Christine Rose Susan Beth Rosle Mary Ellen Ross Dawn Lee Rubin Cathy Ann Sabatine Beatriz Sanchez Mary Beth McHale Schall Kathleen O'Connor Seidman Gary Clifton Shugarts Linda Jane Smith Robin Snowden Toba Lubarr Spector Margaret Ahearn Spera Almeria Hearns Stafford Rebecca Ruth Staub Cindy Lynn Stern Elizabeth Ann Sturgill Lauren Marie Tarasevich Kathleen M. Teresinski Nan Elizabeth Tobias Melissa Bianch Tobin Elizabeth Lawhon Torreson Judith Phillips Vadurro Margaret VanAntwerp Kathleen Durkin Villanueva Elizabeth Ellen Vogel Christine Kay Wanich Nancy Florence White Joyce Schlimme Willens Kathleen Tuppeny Williams Patricia Maria Wilson Amy R. Wishner Kathy Marie Witta Andrea Civitillo Wolf Steven R. Woodman Barbara Jane Zalkind D. Pauline Zimmerman Eileen Strenger Zitzer ') MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING — Continued December 21, 1984 Cinthia Coyle Susan Flanagan Ellis Karen Ilene Farber Nicolette Marianne George Barbara Bulik Gottschalk Carol Sue Kovack Donna Patricia Mangione Virginia Maroun Michael James McLane Debra Sue Nodiff Pearl Helen Kahn , Sister Regina Stephanie Olsheski Cynthia Nachtmann Opderbeck Elizabeth A. Parr Constance Sinclair Denise Chapdelaine Vincent Dolores Marie McMullin Walczak May 20, 1985 Derryl E. Block Geraldine M. Brown Christine Martha Luska-Moraca Sharon Kenas Millinghausen Joanne Maria Niemiera Mary Levy Schina Susan Spencer Silva Mary Roberts Tarson DOCTOR OF NURSING SCIENCE December 21, 1984 Mary Jo Gabriele Brownell May 20, 1985 Janice Ann Chaiken Selekman Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Edward J. Stemmler, Dean DOCTOR OF MEDICINE August 10, 1984 Philip Stephen Bland Debrah Meislich December 21, 1984 Joseph M. Albanese Robert Howard Brown Odette Veronica Callender Lawrence Siu Yung Chan Anjan Kumar Chatterjee Norman Leslie Clark John Richard Corboy Ann Marie Craig Steven George Crespo Horace M. Delisser Edward Carpenter Dillon Lisa J. Dulsky Tanise Indra Edwards Zenis Colette Edwards Lawrence Alan Elfman Gary Blair Anderson Gary Elliot Applebaum Jeanne Marie Baffa Robin Lynn Bailey David John Barnette, Jr. Michael Francis Beers Christina Marie Benamati Brian Andrew Binczewski Peter Stuart Boone David Carl Brown James Morris Brown George David Elkin Steven Alan Epstein Jay Mark Evans Susan Barbara Eysmann Susan Fenelli Laura Susan Folin Rolf Freter Steven Alan Friedman Ephraim Joseph Fuchs Karen L. Fung Lorraine Maria Giordano D. Allison Braunwald Goldfine Kathleen Marie Steighner Goldsmith Marlene Fox Goldwein Mark Forrest Gordon Daniel Gerard Guenin Michael David Guttenplan Adam Richard Guttentag Lawrence Scott Halperin David Hartenbaum Mary Patricia Harty Edward Scott Hattler Eric Alan Heine Mark Stephen Hench Audrey W. Henry May 20, 1985 Laurie Herzig Lisa Mary Hollensteiner Kirk Anderson Howard Phyllis Croke Huettner Regina Irene Jakacki Joanne Alfano Jannetta Gary Darrell Johnson Stuart Ira Katz Steven Edward Kempers Shahira Hanna Kenealy Cheryl Kienzle Mitchell Alan Kline L. Stephan Kranzler Elizabeth Amy Kron Antonia Marie Labate Alexander Theodossios Lalos Jean Hwa-Jin Lee Theodore Chan Lee Louis E. Leff Debra Marie Leibold Richard Evan Levine Lisa Susan Lewis David Roth Lichtenstein Peter Michael Lucas Joseph Michael Macaluso Jeffrey Taylor MacMillan Ellen Anne Mahony Scott Manaker Jonathan Patricia Martín W.Schulger Martin Thomas John Matiski Alberta Laura Mazzei Kathleen Anne McGann Steven Edward McKenzie Felicity Anne McNichol Thomas Peter Michael Marian Gail Michaels Robert Joseph Miller Daniel Ira Mines Raman Lala Mitra Tommy Wong Mooncai, Jr. David Hutchinson Moore David Sadler Moore Victoria Maria Gylys Morin George Thomas Nahass Francis Michael Nettl Karen Elizabeth Ossesia-Rendt Randall Patkin Louis G. Petcu Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. DavidM.Chlkn Marcelle Louise Piccolello Paul Plasky Christopher Peter Poje John Preston Powell Thomas Laurence Richie Laura Jeanne Robertson Murray D. Robinson Mitchell Sanford Rodman George Louis Rodriguez Lawrence Edmund Roel Steven Craig Rohrbeck Gay Heidi Rosa James Albert Ross Karl F. Rugart, III Moshe Jeremy Sadofsky Marsha Frances Santangelo Kimberly deNeve Saunders Mark Jerrold Schefkind Neil Warren Schluger William Scott Schroth Lester William Schultheis, Jr. Donald Jay Schwarcz Harry William Schwartz Mitchell Brice Schwartz Sarah Schwitzer Carolyn M. Shore Carol Marie Showalter Cary Scott Siegel Deanna Danielson Siliciano Ralph Steven Sisson Linda Christie Sollenberger Sulpicio de Guzman Soriano, III Kurt P. Spindler Jonathan Michael Sternlieb Thomas Patrick Storey Dorothy Irene Sunday Philip Siu Tao-Sung Amy Susan Tezza James P. Toner, Jr. Arthur Joseph Torsiglieri, Jr. Julia Margaret Uffner Edward Joseph Vresilovic, Jr. Matthew Welles Watkins Guy Frederick Webster James Elliott Williams Nancy Diane Witham Paula Sun Youngdahl Jack Chungkai Yu Susan R. Zelitch Martha M. Zubritzky THE LAW SCHOOL Robert H. Mundheim, Dean Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. JuRis DOCTOR May 20, 1985 Norman Wills Albert Azizah Y. al-Hibri Howard L. Barnes Robert A. Becker Martin I. Behn Charles Bender David E. Block Ronnie Leah Bloom Peter David Bludman le Glenn D. Blumenfeld Robin C. Blumenfeld Margaret Boerner Victor Harry Boyajian Mitchell Paul Brook Nancy Andrews Brown Willa H. Brown Rachel M. Buchman Michael C. Buchsbaum Susan Budnick Robert Thomas Burns Edward J. Buthusiem Vernon Randolph Byrd, Jr. Lisa D. Campolo Ellen Patricia Canan Robert P. Cannon Audrey Pamela Caplin Steven F. Carman Jonathan Barlow Carter Lisa Harris Carter Alejandro Manuel Casanova Mary Anne H. Clausen Donna Bass Cohen Kenneth F Cohen Sandon L. Cohen Mary B. Conway Melanie G. Cook J. Raul Cosio William J. J. Cullen Christopher M. Curran Donna M. D'Alessio Damon M. D'Ambrosio Horace Talmage Day, Jr. Kevin Joseph Dell Robert V. Dell'Osa Kurt A. Denke James T. Derico, Jr. Peter N. Detkin Sharon M. Dietrich Daniel C. DiFelice Miriam D. Dole • Kathleen Patricia Dority Sheila Elizabeth Dow-Ford E Christopher T. Dunn Thomas Jay Ellis -Christine T. Eskilson Sharon M. Estreicher Linda Phyllis Falcão Tristram R. Fall, III f-James A. Fanto Anthony James Farrell Bryan David Feldscher David N. Feldman Leonard Sidney Ferleger Dale Robin Finkelstein David W. Folts Alan Steven Forman John Warren Fowler, Jr. Steven Setters Fox David M. Frees, III Kristine E. Freyleue Joseph B. Frumkin Andrew P. Gaillard Charles Frederic Gauvin Kevin J. Garm Cathy Gebhard Teresa Gillen John D. Gleason Florence R. Goffman ; Debra Jeanette Goldsmith Miriam J. Goldstein Janice L. Gorman Aileen Allard Gould John Henry Grady, Jr. Jonathan Steven Greenberg William R. Gupp Jose Miguel Gutstein Alois Vincent Habjan Estera Halpern David Locke Hall Stephen James Harburg Gerald Thomas Harrington Lystra A. Harris Lynn A. Herbert Jane E. Herman Henry S. Hoberman David Lee Hoffman John D. Hogoboom Sheila M. Hopkins Richard I. Horowitz John F Horrigan, III David Arthur Hubbert Richard J. Hurder, Jr. Joia Mishaaron Johnson Philip N. Kabler Russell Jay Karpp Michael David Karsch David N. Kedson Sarah Ann Kelly Mark Stephen Kenney Carol Ann Khachian William E. Kirwan Lori Diane Klein David Eliot Kleiner James L. Knott, Jr. Ann Marie Kohlligian Debra Ruth Kolodny Daniel Rainer Kopti Luanne Kotik Mark R. Kramer Michael S. Kuritzkes James H. Laird Tracy Green Landauer Miriam M. Leder Helena Lee Stephen D. Lerner R. Allison Levine Debra Jean Linn Mark W. Lipschutz Andrew C. Littman Mary Ellen Maatman Robert Mahoney Debra Teresa Malone Scott H. Margol Pamela Diane Marks Mark S. Masling Peter John Mattheis Elliot Mitchell Maza Joseph Patrick McMenamin June L. Melvin John Tucker Metzger Jason Berney Meyer H. John Michel, Jr. Eric B. Miller Gary A. Miller Richard Charles Miller George William Moore Walter Joseph Mostek, Jr. Timothy Stirling Muck Marc Edmond Needles Bonnie G. Nelson Nancy Nemhauser Peter Nordberg Amy Norr *Brien T. O'Connor James E. Odell, Jr. John Y. Odoner Michael Osterman Stephen R. Otis Diana M. Paserba Susan Lynn Perlis Rebecca Gene Peters Thomas Paul Pinansky k Nathan Benjamin Ploener John F Possumato Lorella Puglielli Michael John Quinn Jean F. Rankin F. Douglas Raymond, III Robert Bruce Rosen Debra B. Rosenthal Nina Daria Ruffini JURIS DocToR - Continued James Michael Russell Cheryl Robin Saban Patricia Ann Saint James Eric Peter/ Salonen Glen M. Scarcliffe Richard S. Schlegel - Clifford David Schlesinger John Edward Schmidt, HI David E. Schulman Jane Streimer Schultz Mark Jerold Schwartz Jonathan A. Segal Francesca E. Seltzer Joaquin Manuel Sena Kemal Sheikh Kevin Lee Shipe , Steven L. Smith David M. Sola Jayme Lynn Sophir David H. Sorokoff Steven Robert Sparks Michael Lawrence Spolan Jonathan Edward Stark Nancy B. Stone Karen D. Stoutamyer Peter Henry Struzzi Christine H. Sudell Michael Everett Tarvin Karen Leslie Taylor Susan M. Tennenbaum Jeffri A. Thomas Joylin Y. Tolliver Paul David Underberg David L. Van De Hey Adam A. Veltri George William Vien, Jr. Eliot Richard Wagner Lawrence Anthony Walsh Reuben C. Warshawsky David Scott Waxman Carol Sandra Wells Andrea Maya Windholz Susan L. Wolff Karen Eleanor Wolfgang *Jennifer C. Woll Matthew R. Yee ,&-Steven Alan Zalesin Gerald Zingone MASTER OF LAWS December 21, 1984 Surin Thoutong Chun-Te Wu May 20, 1985 Aderonke T. Akinyele Jean-Marie Ambrosi Carlos G. Baniqued Rujira Bunnag Jean-Charles de Daruvar Abd El Azim M. El Siddig Antoine Ghafari Osagie Olufela Imasogie Nathalie Joannes Andrzej W. Kawecki Kobchai Kingchatchaval Mikael Kövamees Sang Yoon Lee Massimo Manfredonia Caroline Bensabat Marshall Kenneth Bruce McKay Dennis G. Mesina Munco Nakamura Kunichika Nakano Godfred Awa Eddy Penn Oscar Podda Susan H. Shyy Atamjit Singh Kyung Han Sohn John G. Sturrock Keiji Takahashi Tetsuro Gilles J.Tsuchihashi Thieffry Henry J. Weinblatt Jürgen Karl Wente Sheila M. Whyte Junichi Yanagihara Chanarong Praneechit Pierre-André Schaerer Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Lee Copeland, Dean BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. December 21, 1984 Janet Michelle Albaum John A. Whereat Stefania Luciani-Massari Josephine Stettinius Murray May 20, 1985 John Eliot Hansel Elizabeth Churchill Huston Owusu-Ansah Diane Lynne Lachman John Justin Schmidtberger Nury Vicens-Weinmann a MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE August 10, 1984 Timothy John Brandt Robin Walker Breslin Chun-Tek Chang Jeffrey Ho Matthew Keenan Johnston Sayed Nadeem Shafi Ping Shyr Mark Edward Thometz Richard Urech Aguilar Wei-Chieh Wang Daniel Kam Yiu Lau Vivian Lo Rodney Wayne Meadows James Christopher Postell December 21, 1984 Carolina Caldefon Gen Egawa Hassan Rezaizadeh Firouzabadi Edward William O'Neill, Jr. Johan William Verspyck Zainy M. Ali Zein Al-Abdeen Alejandro Firpi Abdullah Saleem Jenaideb Patreese Arlene Martin May 20, 1985 Thom as Virgil Faturos Christopher Mark Appleford -Margaret Elizabeth Barclay Thomas Shepard Beard Nidal Benachenhou Andrew Anthony Blends Alina Paula Brajtburg Nathaniel Joshiah Stuart Brown Arthur Scott Butler Gary Chan George Brainerd Chapman N Diane Elizabeth Charyk Chin-Yao Chen Edward Arthur Chuchla Judith Coutts FosterDawsonDavid Dale Colin Paul Michael Dennehy Daniel Henry Ehrmann Cheryl Ann Flota Mark Emanuel Ginsberg Sharon J. Glassman Thomas David Hecht Preston Brooks Holmes Jyung Hwa Celestina Marie Jones Lori Susan Kanter George Franklin Karreman Catherine Mary Lee John Charles Lemr Christopher Douglas Macneal Muscoe Burnett Martin Jennifer Pearson Americo lose Martinez Subero Willis Ogden Pember Suzannah Van Kirk Reid Nancy Ellen Rogo Rodrigo Enrique Caraval Reinoso Douglas Blair Ross Stan R. Russell Ivan Stefen Saleff Neil Robert Sandvold Jin Michael Edwin Selditch Yoshiki Shakuta Thomas Franklin Singer Jeffrey Alan Snyder Michael Lewis Stern Eric John Trainer Paul Vaivoda Sandra Ellen Vlock Kingsley Charlotte Weihe ,Susan Weinstein Roberta Ellen Wolf Stephen How Wong Gregory Karl Yanchenko MASTER OF CITY PLANNING August 10, 1984 Jeffrey Ho Vivian Lo Sayed Nadeem Shafi Timothy F. Taylor a December 21, 1984 Joseph Stanley Augustyn Lynn Gail Burgin Hassan Rezaizadeh Firouzabadi Ann Esther Freedman Edward William O'Neill, Jr. George A. Wisnoski May 20, 1985 Carlton Kyoung-Dong William Becker Bae Alicia D. Blake Chin-Yao Chen Charles Frederick Clarke HI GerardHenry Paul Donahoe, Daniel Ehrmann Jr. Henry Thomas Scott Gibbons Julie L. Giges Carol Jean Goss Robin Danielle Haney Ching Fu Hsu ShanoMrgetGifd Jyung Hwa Jin Americo Jose Martinez Ernest Daniel MonacoSubero Charles Santo Schmehl Henry Halstead Scudder David Morris Stokes Anne B. Wenzel Rodrigo Enrique Carvaj l Reinos MASTER OF FINE ARTS August 10, 1984 Steven M. Nocella December 21, 1984 Robert Charles Giordano May 20, 1985 Alysa Faurot Bennett Samuel Benson James Leonard Buxton, Jr. Christina Marie D'Ippolito Charmaine Curtis Karen Elizabeth Falk Stephen James Fessler Inga Emmalein Frick Elizabeth Kerr Graham Joyce Patricia Ingram Addie Eve Kaplan Irene Mary Klemas Joan Langdon Kujawa Jeongkyu Lee Rachel Marshall Susan Bradley Morehouse Pamela L. McCabe Andrew D. McNabb Isiah Pye, Jr. _David Hutton Sargent Kenneth Michael Tighe John A. Whereat Youxin Yao Holly Appel Silverthorne Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. MASTER OF GOVERNMENTAL ADMINISTRATION December 21, 1984 Gary Lee Lawson May 20 1985 Anthony Francis Ambrosi, Jr. Deborah Ann Barman , Barbara Jean Benson Ellen Marie Bourbon David Rudolph Bethel George Howard Buchanan Melissa Susan Brown Leonard John Chimel Patricia Ann Crawford Sonia Delgado Noel Ellery Eisenstat Steven Bennett Golnar Sharon Eva Grumby Anna Ivanova Kimmic h Steven Graziani Bret Gossard Johnson Daniel Walter Mariottini James Leslie Martin e Arthur McKinley Morris III Michael John Oresick Jo-Ann C. Oser John Carl Otsuki Etta Christine Patton Dennis Anthony Putze Joseph.Rbrt, Kenneth Allen Puvak I. Glenn Rockefeller Laurie L. Smith Ward Lowell Smith Marguerite Annette Vandebunt John William Wachob MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE December 21, 1984 Gbolahan Aganga-Williams John W. De Witt Bartho C. Ekweruo Dennis Conor Skehan Laura Starr May 20, 1985 Stephen Frank Atkinson Mary Joyce Beaver Pusdee Boon-Long David Lucy Carnegie ArthurCooper Groves Neil Philip Korostoff NancyJaneLiebrecht Dah-Yuan Lin Jacov Yaki Miodovnik Noorizan Mohamed Niall Gordon Kirkwood Anne-Louise Mortensen Michael Philip Nairn Cora Lynda Olgyay Richard Hamilton Pete Phyllis Lynn Starling Say Beng Yap Dah-Win Sheu MASTER OF REGIONAL PLANNING August 10, 1984 Suzanne Sutro December 21, 1984 Patricia Ann Quigley May 20, 1985 Olugbenga Olatokunbo Abiona Jon Arthur Brownson Roy Matthew Miller Kevin John Murray Joshua Robinson Trini Maria Rodriguez Brad Wescott Thompson Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Jan T. Lindhe, Dean DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE December 21. 1984 David Charles Ackerman Kevin Francis Brown Jeffrey Albert Guay Kevin Thomas Kilcoyne Farideh Moattari Madani Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Shi-Lin Niu Dallas Lee Pulliam, Jr. May 20, 1985 G. Thomas Bishara, Jr. Victoria Marie Blasi Steven Barry Blechman Charles Henry Bloom Kenneth George Boberick Elaine Bogdanoff Stephen Ralph Bradley Susan Braunstein Trager Joshua Howard Brickman Steven Arthur Brisman Jeannette Youssef Abboud-Niemczyk Paul Neil Abramowitz Laurel Nevarte Adrian Robert Scott Aledort Deborah Anne Almeida Cheryl Lee Andrews Jay Lee Arlick Kirk Allen Amer Jean Edouard Asmar .Robert Warren Baker, Jr Michael S. Bartolo Wayne Mitchell Berman Remo V. Biagioni Craig M. Buccialia Robyn J. Burchman Eric Reinhold Carlson Laurece Geof rey Chacker Teresa Chepega Stiteler Brian Donald Christian Heidi Christine Crow Michael Thomas Dackowski David Zalman Diamond Charles Joseph Dombrowski Robert A. Domozych Jeffrey David Dorfman Kevin Paul Dougherty Nancy J. Dougherty Michael B. Doughty Michelle Lynne Drazner John Michael Drop Mark L. Dunayer Barry Neil Eisenman Caterina Foto Gregory Louis French Renee Rosalia BarbaraAnn Gaska Gallo Michael Joseph Gaughan Dominick Anthony Giordano Gregory Lee Goding BernadS.GolmtpheRscry Brent David Guise Gregory Atwood Hillyard CoRoberta nstance Ga En Hunag James Arthur Isa cson Marie Host Richard Dean Isaacson Judith Ann Jacobs Edward Ira Jutkowitz Rande Steven Kaminsky Steven Allen Karmel Nita Louise Kasavan Myra Kasztl Erela Katz Alisa G. Kauffman Jonathan Mark Korostoff Paul Gregory Kost Bruce Andrew Kristiniak Dwight Charles Lancaster Howard Dean Lassin Agnes Lau Robert Buscher Lenker Jeffrey S. Leon Ronald Eric Levenbaum Stanley Mark Levenson Brad Alan Levine John Francis Lhota Richard Brian Lipshultz Andrew Marc Lutzker Sarah Margaret Lynch Thomas Joseph Madara Dennis M. Mahan Douglas Richard Mahler Martin Man Nicholas Joseph Marciano Anne Louise Martel i Thomas Joseph McDon el Thomas Anthony McGraw Anthony Michael Mechell Steven Melman R. David Miller Thomas Charles Morris David Anthony Naegele Stephen Keith Morrison Sari Ann Netsky Nguyen Trang Nguyen Emmy Omoto Theresa Mary O'Connell John Robert Paquette Mark Sholem Parnass Simcha B. Pearl Jeffrey L. Perry James Charles Petras Scott Fraser Petrie Jeremy David Peyser Melanie Dufour-Pilny Anandi Pratap Frank Carlo Prezioso Stephanie Ravett Saundra Beth Reilly Richard Alan Rifkin Lisa Aileen Rit er Dwight Jeffrey Roepeke Keith Coulston Rogerson Karen Knopf Rosen Scott Lee Rosen Steven Edward Roth Richard Jay Ruderman Edward Nicholas Russo Peter David Russo Donald James Salomon Mark Steven Samuels Albert J. Sandler John H. Scarmeas Susan Dworetsky Schlesinger Walter Anthony Shuster Susan Schwartz Plotnick Joanne B. Scorpio Maria Christina Sevilla David Martin Sheintop Kenneth B. Siegel David Richard Silver Keith Fred Silverman Michael David Silverman Catherine Marie Skarulis Harold Paul Slutsky Maria Ancilla Smith Arthur Richard Stanger Jerry L. Statman David Howard Stermer Mark John Stroczkowski DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE—Continued Timothy Patrick Sweet Michael P. Szostak DavidW.Tmbornl pf Vincent John Tso Daniel William Tynan Bruce Harold Utterback David Marc Valen Eric Alan Wachs James Stephen Wall Jeffrey Alan Waxman Rhonda Karen Waxman Douglas W. White Karen Hope Winterfield Nevin Todd Zehner Susan L. Zemmel Ximena Zornosa THE SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Robert R. Marshak, Dean DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. August 10, 1984 Jay Raab May 20, 1985 Betsy Margaret Allen Sven Lewis Anstadt Eric Mitchell Arion Kenneth Harold Barnsley Barbara Fern Barow James Frederick Barton, Jr. Robert Alan Bialt Julia Marcy Block Karen Caccese Brake Helen Elizabeth Campbell Cathy Ann Catanzaro Elizabeth Roberts Clark Mark Anthony Cofone Meryl Hope Cohen Jeffrey John Conrad Melinda Cosgrove David Bradford Crutchfield Joseph Francis Dalo, Jr. Diane Elizabeth Delmonico Christina Anastasia Dougherty Carla Kim Drozdowicz Shelley Robbins Epstein Mary Patrice Ezzo-Meiers Jeffrey Mark Feinman Thomas Joseph Ferguson David John Ferrari Barbara Jo Flickinger Caroline Marie Flower Wendy Ann Freeman Patricia Forsythe Garton Samuel Joseph Geller Sheldon Larry Goldstein Charles Phillip Hable, II Anne Deffner Hallowell Jeanne Merle Herring Erich Coder Hoffman Kathy Jean Hoffman Donna Lynne Hughes Julia Tracy Hunt Kathy Lu Jones Jamison Shirley Ann Jeffers Mark Arthur Johnson Geoffrey Brad Kardon Bruce Douglas Klink Edward Joseph Kochin Kathleen Marie Kral Steven Michael Kuhlman Bruce Edward Laidig Jean Margery Lasser Lisa Ellen Latshaw Sue Ann Latterman Ava Constance Logan Robert David Macmillan John Stanley Majcher Lauren Kay Mazzarelli Dorothy Rae McAdams Christopher Lawrence McCawley Richard John Meinersmann George Richard Melillo, Jr. Jacqueline Ann Metzler F. Thomas Miller Steven Leslie Milliken Georgia Ellen Molek Patricia Ann Morgan Robert Allan Mowday, Jr. Geneva Diane Murray Scott Raymond Palmer Gregory Henry Peterson Michael Robert Petranto Susan Marie Prattis Patricia Jane Provost Neal Curtis Ralston Johanna Marie Reimer Randal James Reider Crosby Newbold Roper David Neil Rosenberg Arline Claire Rosenfeld Carole Linda D. Ross Charles Edward Rupprecht Kenneth Kenji Sadanaga Curtis George Schelling Elizabeth Wood Smith Sinnigen Ronald John Stas Lynn Emmet Steadman Susan Marie Stehman Scott Andrew Stekler Rachael Swann Teresa Josephine Sylvina Gregory Mart Thibodeau Robert Melvin Thompson, Jr. James Alexander Thomson Michael Edward Tomasic Rebecca Tomasic Gary Paul Van Dyke Kymberly Violet Van Orsdell Félix Vega Ferdinand Guy Visintainer Cory Williams Voras Todd Richard Waybright Marie Inez Weber Monique Yvette Wells Suzanne Calder Whitehead Cynthia Lyn Willard-Mack Harlan Cooper Williams, Jr. William Heaton Yerkes, IV Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Dell H. Hymes, Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION August 10, 1984 Loren Jo Adams Michelle Pia Alberti Carol L. B. Allan Meryl Joy Antonowsky Julius Adewole Balogun Lydia Colwell Bliven Carolyn Bull Bunn Tracy Faryl Cohen Donald R. E. Dane Elaine Fenton Duzon Jo-Ann Craig Eberle Amy Marcia Feifer Marian L. Fetter Lisa Jan Girden Victoria A. Gleim Kirstin Wylie Hatch Nancy Lyn Horwitz Lawrence Daniel Jacksina Ariel Y. Kochi Knut Rutherford Krieger David Chaim Kurland Michael Kolb Mahoney Irene Maksymjuk Diane Masar Cheryl Burton McFadzean Abd El Messieh Yaacoub Mekhael Deborah K. Melamed Dawn Robin Miller Kehinde Okusanya Vicki Faye Passman Louise Hofkin Perry Elizabeth Pollak Carole Ann Prudhon Richard L. Rappaport Marianne Barg Riggins Theresa Ann Schneider Melinda Beth Shorr Melissa White Slauson Deborah Lynne Smead Marsha Lynn Snyter Lissa Rosen Soffer Monica Elisa Spinelli-Koch Kathi S. Stevens Theresa Savard Sussman Catharine Francesca Toso Barbara Jean Turner, M.D. Hilary Anne Walmsley De Lores Attaway Weaver Doreen Woon Yong Yip December 21, 1984 Deborah Rosenblum Arlick Rev. Francis W. Beach Marcia Louise Cushing Sharon A. Daly David Dormont Judith L. Fraivillig Kimberly Jeanne Franco Carol Raezer-Kunik Cristina Rendueles Michelle Kenya Roberts Jan Beth Rosner Wendi Beth Stern Wendy Lee Zelikoff Kathryn Zupko Virginia Jane Goldberg Kristen Murray Horne Judith Temple Jackson Judith Rae Lashof Carolyn Foster Locke Robin Brewster Lynk Maureen T. Parris May 20, 1985 Tinuke Aduke Aina Arthur Berkowitz MartinRoy Hood Baumberger Timothy Blankenhorn Amy Sue Blatte Lisa Sofia Burton Cathleen Campbell Hillary Francis Jaas Chapman Gail Arthenia Chinn Celeste Clement Amy Colcher Ellen Ripley Davey Pamela Jean Dennis Mary Green DiNubile Laura WalkingDucesh Eleanor Macneale Elkinton Lucia Elsworth Esther Zipporah Belinda Farrior Judith Carole Finestone Marsha Kolomatsky Fontes Kuan-Ning Minnie Fu Lenard Steven Ginn PhylisNoraGntzw Lorraine Stacy Gluckson Deborah Ann Greenstein Linda Jane Hansell Claudette V. Hart Aminta Gabrielle Hawkins Elizabeth Ann Gabriel Heinzel Susan Leah Henick Lucy Buchen Hines Henry K. Hoerner, III Lisa Ann Huber Masako Itabashi Lois M. Kaplan Patricia Nina WenKlein Kiang Irene Ann Kibalo Linda Lee Fisher Jenny Manahan Kusbiantoro Lori Lancer Yih-ju Gigi Liao Seth Anders Mellon KathrynMiller Elizabeth Miller Dorothy Clemmons Randi Ileen Kretchman Betty Tamera Morse McCoubrey Burton Suzanne Murdock C. McGill Thomas H. McGowan, Jr. Monica M. McHale-Small Joan Newhall Lydia Mothankawa Basadi Nyati Jane Brainerd Potter Ann Leslie Ramsey Leslie Ann Riley Suzanne Dolores Romanow Simone H. Rudoler Nada Sabec Nancy Anne Sander MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION — Continued Leslie Achuff Scanlon Brooke G. Schnabel Jane Kenny Sheeran Carrie B. Spann Rebecca TeitzStuhlemmer RebeccaEve Thorpe Joan E. Shirley Cynthia A. Silva Dr. Annette Thomas Weintraub Carmen Suzanne Estela BrineAguilera Vernon Visbal Nevada M. Ward Jacqueline Rae Rubin Smoczyk Arline Barbara Slutsky Gale White Wanda Louise Williams Tamara Elizabeth Williamson Wendy Ann Wollner Julie Ellen SallyAnne K. Wood James BiddleWollman Yarnall, Jr. Martha Zubritsky Sulpicio de Guzman Soriano, III DOCTOR OF EDUCATION August 10, 1984 Charlotte Milstein Moskowitz December 21, 1984 Carol D. Citarelli Lawrence Joseph Colhocker, F.S.C. Mary Kistner Gilchrist Jill Conrad Laurento Edmond Oreste Sacchetti Robert Everett Schiller Mary Lou Sandra Stirling Carolyn George Trohoski Marian Walkowski May 20, 1985 Rosalind Smith Ayers Thelma James F. BonnerL. Barnett Mary Carolyn Wode Carroll Jerry Lee Dunkle Cecelia Gartrell Evans George Francis Golden, Jr. Julia Hines-Harris William Robert Hartman Jr. Stephen Lance Heater Nancy Garlow Hoop Lloyd Russell Kramer Joseph Meade Elaine J. Mitzel Bridget Nassib Sandra Madeline Novotni Richard David Price Richard A. Prochaska William Joseph Rock Sylvia Sanfilippo-Cohn LeRoy Ernest Seitz Rahim Sheikoleslami Holden Tozer Marcia Ellen Witlin Waterman Carol Hogan Mae Agnes Pasquari el o Robert ShiPolzer rley Pit man Keith Edward Yoder Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Louise P. Shoemaker, Dean MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK August 10, 1984 Marcia Beth Margolies Elizabeth Alice Walker May 20, 1985 Heather Mary Alvin Lynn Marie Anderson Shoshana Belah Arden Rosaline Man Ting Au Carol Ann Berger Alicia Doris Blake Valerie Lynn Boykin Mary Kathleen Bracken Wesley MacMartin Brown Vaughn Patterson Cahill Michele Elizabeth Campesi Hazel Elizabeth Carrawell Carolyn Marie Carter Ann G. Caskey Susan Mona Chase Eve Marie Colello Nancy Lee Copeland Amy Jane Cummings Leslie Dorman Gail Dubner Hollis Allen Evans Jean Marie Havener Ferguson Melissa Sybil Gabriel Julie L. Giges Ann Glusker Tracy Greenstone Lynne Heather Griffin William Adam Grodman Renee Lynn Gusman Joanne Healion Bonnie Campbell Hoegl Clarence DeForest Holmes, Sr. Edward Russell Horton Jed Douglas Johnson Sandy Coverman Kantor Deborah Susan Kaplan Susan Katz Johnnie Mae Latham Vicki Ann Loigman Marcia Susan Lurin Nancy A. Lutzky Sherry Ann Marcantonio Mary Carmel Mazzola Catherine Patricia McAlpine Jenna Ruth McGraw Laurie Rachel Meyer Wendy Milne Raymond Charles Meyer Sheryl Lynn Niles Denise Bernadette, O'Brien Karen V. Paulus Marlene G. Patterson Helene Debra Pinsky Kathleen Orchid Pollonais Susan Cheryl Quinn Joan S. Rubin-Kritz Laura Ellen Schneider Rudene Scipio Donna Marie Scott Shelley Jo Seidman Kate Hoffman Siddiqi Julie Marie Skowron Audrey E. Sussman Sandra Ryan Temme JoAnne Marie Evans Tripp Susan Eileen Vender Suzanne Walker Stephen Victor Welch DOCTOR OF SOCIAL WORK December 21, 1984 Steven Emory Perkel May 20, 1985 Eva H. Gelernter Gail Pflueger Hamilton Janis Tyler Johnson Mark Lewis Kirszner Linda Mastrangelo Mauro E. Jane Middleton Mindy Widman Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE ANNENBERG SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATIONS George Gerbner, Dean August 10, 1984 Barbara Jane Epstein Julian Greaves Halliday Martha Moran Lightfoot Tommy Wing-Keung Cho Julia Rae Dobrow Karen Roberta Staller Daisy Chang-ling Tseng December 21, 1984 Andrea Lissner Michael George Campbell Suzanne Basha Ducat Michele E. Sinex Roberta Lynn Spivek May 20, 1985 Andrea Lee Kavanaugh Gwenyth Jackaway Reichard Lee Robert Gross ó DElavnireMThodmsACckzabetnB Stefán n Hafstein Sherrie JJossen Dana Beth Lobell Stephen Robert Prince Michele Rene Sims Malgorzata Terentiew Ken eth Michael Win eg Nina Ferencic Keya Ganguly FACULTIES THE GRADUATE Candidates will be presented by Richard C. Clelland, Deputy Provost MASTER OF SCIENCE August 10, 1984 Fraidoon Al-Nakib Abdul-Jawad Al-Noah Ahmed Annabal Moustafa Aldi Baghdadi Saaida Drissi Bakhkhat Benabdeljalil Rachid Mohamed Bennis David Jonathan Bernstein Mark Arnold Bower Khosrow Bozorgi James Aloysius Buck Robert Kendrick Camera Mohamed Chaoui Cyrus Dezfuli-Arjomandi Elizabeth Hinzman Donnelly Neslihan Turkun Dostoglu Robert Leland Dyson Ahmed Ahmed Gamal EI-Din Osamah M. N. El-Gohary Manouchehr Eslami Kevin Paul Gilday Mohamed Hammad Bruce David Harris Edward William Henry, Jr. Yuan-Shung Huang Hee-Bong Lee Judith Marian Myerson Hossein Gholam Oliai Howard H. M. Piper Stephen Wakeman Scott Cathyann Burns Smith Sei-Kwan Sohn John Richard Staley, III Patricia Ann Steele Abdolhossain Tavakolian Enrique Vivoni-Farage Gerald Lee Walker Joan Spece Yannessa Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. MASTER OF SCIENCE — Continued December 21, 1984 Edward Charles Alexander Robert Norman Amundsen Ramadan Taher Belgasem Abdul-Jawad Benswessi Ann Elizabeth Blythe Romona Rebecca Durrant Abdulmuttalib Fahema Randall Stuart Goldstein Robert Lawrence Gould Robert Michael Graham Hamid Hannani Garfield Benedict Harris Hae-Song Je Sang Kyung Kim Ramakrishna Koduru Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud Steven Douglas Marston Thomas James McGrath Alexander Messinger Janusz Roman Mrozek Ann Prendergast Murray Peter Douglas Nelson Kahnie My Pham John S. Pietras William Webster Reinhardt Hamayoon Saghati Jagadisan Shivakumar Stephanie Ann Smith Arnon Sugar Richard Louis Topper Joseph Edward Turk William Wallace Vernon Debra L. Wahlberg Conroy Watson May 20, 1985 Sarah Beale Andersen Jeanne Matthews Anderson Kwabena Okwae AsareZuhairHatimAtiaAlIzi Lawrence M. Barth Linda Buccigrosse Muhammad Masud Bashir Carmen Culpeper Chappell Teerawit Charuwat Jose Ciprut Patricia Ann Compagnone-Post Cynthia Ann D'Ambrosio Krishnan Dharmarajan Karim Diff Sara Jane Elk Phyllis Minerva Ellin Catherine Ann Forster Doreen Leybourne Foust Elaine Gallagher Constance Cutler Goodman Robert John Graham David Stuart Green Ronald Greilich So-Yeop Han David Hudson Harrington Brian Patrick Jacobsen Kirk Richard Johnson James Leonard Knighton Joseph Lucci Scott Edward Mack Simon John MacKinnon David Charles Marchetti Fernando Moraes Peter Rees Mullineaux Barry Ellis Neal William Francis Nilsson, Jr. Gale Organist Julia Sybilla Pfeiffer Anne Hutchinson Rhodes David FrankLudwig Calvin Roberts Schoendorfer Christine A. Scott Leonard Michael Serafino, Jr. Martin Paul Shore David James Smith Mark Stenzler John Irvin Strouse James Lee Zearfoss MASTER OF ARTS August 10, 1984 Hesham Mostafa Abdel Rahman John H. Ahtes, Kenneth Americo Attorri Nemat Bahmani Jane Beattie Jane Gilpin Beddall Deborah Anne Bowman Richards Alison Ruth Byerly Thomas David Carroll Al-Hassan Conteh Emily Dibble Renee Victoria Dorjahn Ann Lily Edwards Anne Ashton Ewing Carolyn J. Fairbairn Andrew Feffer Edward David Frank, II Deborah Frisch Joel Timothy Fry James Ogden Gerald Shen-jie Guan Glenn Edward Hartsoe, Jr. Carlton Scot Hicks Joel Frederick Houston Christopher Thomas Hughes Naomi Jane Isenberg Marko Issever Denise Patricia O'Brien Jackson Bebe Woo Jacque Leslie Patricia Kamen Shobhana Laveen Kanal Zeev Keidar Peter Brampton Koelle Dawn Marita Lake Martha Blanchard Lance Sharon Ann Larson Souqun Liu Dina Marie Aguirre Lomongo Jeffrey Lubin Charles Emmet Lucey Karen Diane Lux Rolang George Majelantle Patrice Anne Martau Christine Miller Massey Letitia Rose Naigles James Landis Nunes-Schrag Tadanori Okamura Christopher Reese Olson Alan T. Ortiz Lucinda Jane Riches Clara Darcy Ruvolo Barry Marshall Sabin Dena Kay Salmon Carlos Alberto Silva Melo Santos Marcus Robert Smith Sheli 0. Smith Janusz Maria Szyrmer Yong Tai Tsai Ming-Rong Wei Peter Hamilton Welsh Diane Rene Wetherington Henry Clifford Williams Yuekee Wong Jack Adam Yanovski Harold Mark Zullow Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the MASTER OF ARTS — Continued official record of the University. December 21, 1984 Ferial Abdel-Kader Ahmed Imtiaz Ahmed Frances Elizabeth Altvatter Rodney Saku Azama Marie Elizabeth Barbieri Laura Blakeslee Christine Calve-Miller Mary Elizabeth Campbell Nicole Cawley-Perkins Jose V. Ciprut Fabrizio Coricelli Clinton Wayne Curtis Melus Helena Dey-Nock Cletus Kwashi Dordunoo C. Elaine Dunbar Jane DeRose Evans Karen Elizabeth Ferrelli Mary Anne Spolar Gamba Nicolas Ariza Garay Jane Mork Gibson Samuel Hadar Julie Ann Harris Stephen Hallett Hilgartner Scott McNair Hoyt Xavier Francois Hussenet Maria Estrella Iglesias Amy Beth Kahn Thomas Allen LeVines Lisa Lea Lyle Joseph Timothy Mahoney Greg Maislin Abate Mammo Michael Louis Marchino Patricia Ann Meagher Ruth Eileen Meyer Miriam Meza Shinichi Nakazawa Joshua Dayalan Nelson Katherine Delano Neustadt Linda Ann O'Brien Betty Jane Orvell Margaret Ann Randall Wendy-Dawn Jaimie Ray Moshe B. Rosenwein Susan Ryan Lisa Ann Sigler Anne Marie Stratos Diana Marie Taylor Elizabeth Owen Titus Manoochehr Toshtzar Margaret Curzon Welch Gary Gibson Witt Susan Ruth Zlotnick May 20, 1985 Theodore Abdelrahman DavidIbrahim Ackerman Abdelrahman Bashir Ahmed Imtiaz Ahmed Karen B. Allen Eva Elizabeth Artschwager Camille M. Bacon-Smith Mark Edward Banilower Andrew Phillip Patrick Bell Joseph Ari Ben Shabetai Banish Dana Frances Boatman Susan Emmet Borja Grace Elaine Brill Michael Helman Brook Gregory John Geruson Barbara Joy Gittleman Alberto Gomez-Alcala Ilene Kushner Grant James William Grau Douglas Benson Grob David Locke Hall michael Jeremy Handel Samuel George Hardman Craig John Harms Steven John Hashem Carol Olivia Herron Stephanie Michelle Hetos Lester Charles Houtz Roberta Lee Honig Sarah Tolle Mace Christopher Sheperd MacWaters • . . Laurence Mall Claire Anne Marrone Karen Anne McCauley Carla Masciocchi Messikomer Daniel Bruce Miller Grace Virginia Miller James Joseph Miller Mark Cannon Montgomery Melanie Gay Northrop Lauris Mire Olson Lee Joseph Passarella Anthea May Perkinson David Anthony Pizza Robert Howard Poartnoe Glenn Emil Bugos Lois Elaine Burch Carlos Alberto Caceres Eduardo Jose Campos Stephen James Carmen Ruth Anna Cary Nan Chu Christopher Mark Cieri Alan Clements Aaron Cohen Ann Maria Elizabeth Contarino Peter Laurence D'Antonio Francis Xavier Diebold, III John Eric Elliott Laurie Lynne Endicott Ronald D. Fischer Rose Ann Marie Fisher Mintzer Juliet Lucia Fleming David Marsland Foulds Stephen Michael Fox Eloise Freeman Janice Anne Gadaire Wilca Drina Gallagher Juan-Felipe Garcia-Espana Amy Clarissa Gehman Laura Ellen Huntoon Mercedes Trillo Hurley Mordecai Erik Jacobson Mary Kathryn Jedrziewski Nina Juel Laurie Beth Kalb Ashfaque Hasan Khan Nazlie Kibria Doo-Young Kim Sang-ho Kim Barbara Anne Klaw George David Kleinfeld Tai-Fun Ko AnitaFyKrvz uhlman Miles Allan Krassen Kusbiantoro Osvaldo Alejandro Larranaga Diane Paula Lerner Bruce Voss Lewenstein Ting-peng Alexander Liang Crawford Lichtentstein Sylvain Patrice Lieberman Mary-Celeste Anderson Lysinger Jason Frederich Macario Katherine Wiley Pritchard Deborah Irene Prosser James Lattimore Pyatt Jeremiah Patrick Reilly John Joseph Rice Emily Victoria Rosenbaum Anne M. Rossides Anthony Leon Rostain Jaime Sabal Carola Friederike Sautter Richard Gerhard Schaefer Eric Merele Schatzberg Mindy Joy Schulman Yeong Gi Seo S. Ashraf Ali Shah Cindy Lee Shir ey Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui Eileen Theresa Siegeltuch PinAnat EngBen-Zeev The Stocknopf Deborah Deal Thiagarajan Tamela Beth Thornton Patricia Ann Tigue Pamela Ann Troisi MASTER OF ARTS—Continued Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Lorraine Truten David Kendrick Underwood Vivek Verma Francis John Wapner Wesley James Weaver, Diane Quinn Webb Eric Ross Weinstein Douglas Eric Wentz Eric A. Winkel Nancy Kay Wofsy Janet Marie Woods Nancy Kratzer Worley Richard Michael Wozny Sung-Woo Yoo Patricia Ann Young Edward Joseph Zajac Zhong Zhang Richard Edward Zneimer DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY August 10, 1984 Edward Dennis Adams Yoichi Aizawa Carol Winifred Ambruster Henri Jack Barkey Gloria 0. Becker Peter Thompson Beresford David Lee Brodbeck Elizabeth Campion Thomas Anthony Cellucci Nan-Xian Chen Kenneth Cheng Martin Cherkes Yee Choong Chiew Edward Mason Curtis Joao Manuel Marques Dos Santos Neves Elaine Eff Lisa Marie Ehrlich Osamah M. M. EI-Gohary Bradley Craig Elkin Bruce Albert Farwell Thomas Clark Felder, III David James Field Naomi Low Firestein Elliot Kiba Ginsburg Elizabeth Virginia Grace Thomas Edmund Graves Arnold Jay Greenfield Jack Matthew Greenstein Duncan Alan Holaday Yoshihide Horiuchi Dana Prescott Howell Daehong Thomas Jaang Kwan-Yue Jen Shauh Teh Juang John Alan Kamholz Richard Barry Kaner Anne R. Kaplan Toni Marie Kazic Robert Christopher Klemm Weiye Li Shaw-Yueh Lin Bryce Pennoyer Little Joseph John Longo, Jr. Barbara Ann Lynch George Henry Meck Helena Ross Michie Sue Kobrin Morizi Jonathan Michael Naylor Anthony Amechi Ezenweze Onyisi Kongkiat Opaswongkarn John Belford Platoff Gyan Prakash Moshe E Preil Roger Kenneth Raufer Jeanne Campbell Reesman Michael Louis Rosen Steven Ruggles Chyuan-Jenq Shiau Ching-Chyuan Shieh Glenn Tsutomu Shimamoto Rukhsana Ameer Siddiqui Matthew Alec Sills Julie Kleinsmith Smith Edmund Neville Todd, III Jane Ford Towers Theodore Tysak Gretchen Jane Van Slyke L. G. Vasanthi Nikolaos Anastassios Vlachopoulos Gary David White David Nelson Yetter December 21, 1984 Hassan Ait-Kaci Elsayed Hesham Attia Moustafa Adli Baghdadi Allen John Baird Mohammad Hossein Bani-Asadi Dennis Brian Barone Beth Wietelmann Bauer Lester Wayne Baxter Paul Michael Beaumont Bruce William Bellingham Bruce Patrick Boczar Diane Elizabeth Borst Spencer Austin Brown Thomas Aquinas Burke Keith Robert Carduner Walter Bernard Carlson Yu-Hern Chang Mary Ellen Cohane Nuala Wire Cotter Christos Coutifaris John Cunnally Gail Daukas Elizabeth Bound Davis Anthony Roy Day Pradip Dey Yoon Dokko William F. Dowling Barbara Ann Eckman Andrea Susan Ettingoff Salah Said Ezz Nelson Famadas Sao-Tah Fan Joseph Lewis Fant, HI Cathy Ann Finlay Andrea R. Fishman Baruch Fishman Suzanne Forry-Schaudies Gary Edward Forsythe Anne Elizabeth Fowler Gail Barbara Fowler Wee-Beng Gan Matthew David Gelfand Robert Owen Gjerdingen Scott David Gorman David John Graper Nancy Lou Greenbaum John Franklin Hall, III Mohamed Ageli Hammad Margaret H. Harmon Yolanda Kodrzycki Henderson Geoffrey Arthur Hoare Margarethe Elizabeth Hoenig William Francis Hohenstein Robert Horowits Michael Bryan Hurley Awang Adek Bin Hussin Susan Diane Hyman DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY— Continued Joyce Evelyn Jonas Yogendra Kumar Joshi James A. Kaltenbach Janis Marcia Keller Arthur Barry Kennickell Sang Kyung Kim Yup Kim Catherine Elisabeth Kirkland James Somberg Krantz Christine Taylor Kydd Sang Hoon Lee Yong Hoon Lee Musonda Lemba Matthew Ira Levinson Douglas Andrew Lutz Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud Duncan Paulson Mann Eric Keener Mays Thomas Page McAndrew Kevin A. McCabe Murray C. McClellan Katherine Ann McGlynn Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. John Denis Mercier Robert Paul Micciche Raymond August Murphy, Jr. Rishiyur Sivaswami Nikhil Ann Lawrence O'Sullivan Judith Lynn Owen Susan Gayle Patteson Denise Diane Persons Anthony J. Pietrovito Gerald Marc Radack Michael Coyet Reichert Gary Lee Roberts Janis Ellen Rosenberg Michael Raymond Ruggieri Ronald Ben Schaffa Steven Allen Schwartz Robert Evan Shapiro John Robert Shea Yuan Shi Timothy J. Shickley Takao Shiino Richard Mark Simes Frederick Marcus Smith Rajiv Sobti Lee-Ying Soon Patience Wolanya Stephens Ismaila Lawal Sulaiman Janusz Maria Szymer Pearl Tsang Stephen Anthony Vosti Michael A. Wagner Robert Toovey Walker, Jr. Andrew Joshua Wand Michael Peter Weir Katherine Mary Welsh Marilyn Jeanne Westerkamp Gary Michael Wildey Todd Elliot Woerner Amde Wolle Bonny Scholl Wright John Edward Wydila Mary Virgina Yates Robert Wayne Yost May 20, 1985 Etannibi E. 'Molu Alemika Elizabeth Hain Andretta Anthony Paul Andrews Franklin Charles Thomas Allnutt Marlene Sue Arnold Robert G. Atkinson Jane Ellen Badley Nemat Bahmani Scott Leslie Balthazar Andrew Harnell Bass Jr. James Edward Baumgardner Nicholas Benfaremo Jonathan Berger Gail Ivy Berlin Gail I vy Susan Rose Bernheim Abdu YahyBic Joan McGuiness Blewitt Marc Jeffrey Bloom Karen Passarella Boback Ann Marie Bohara Margaret M. Bowers Nemia Corinne Alexis Caldwell Ellon D. Carpenter Judy Chan Stephen KangWei Chang Tzy Hong Steve Chao Shao Ping Chen Chi-Ming Chen Kau-Ming Chen Yuh-Ning Chen Robert Thomas Clair Thomas David Cohen Ann Costel o Robert David Cruz Andrew Imbrie Dayton Evelyn Wortsman Deluty Cyrus Dezfuli-Arjomandi Arthur Lewis Dolinsky Roland Ellwood Dolle William Wilkinson Donner Anthony Joseph Dreier Frances Anne Dreier Jean-Francois Dreyfus Gary Michael Drzewiecki MaryjanePaul Dunn Wood Stephen Duprey Louise Hediger Rebecca Mickle Hemphill William Guthrie Hengst Martha Scott Hennessey Carol Oliva Herron David Robert Heskett Dolores Anne Hilden Richard Henry Hilt Cindy Louise Himes John Hollister Hobson Stewart Mark Hoover Marjorie Carol Horn Bernard Jaques Duroc Danner Patricia Ann Eccleston Howard Edmund Eliason Phil ip Robert Erlanger Berlin Mitchel Stuart Berlin Robin Lynne Ernest Stephen Thomas Louis Fare Janet Anne Far Evanczuk el Mohammad Ali Ferdowsifard Marilyn Sweeney Fetter Leif Hari Finkel Michael Abraham Freed Terence Michael Freeman Andrew Jay Friedland Michael Aaron Frohman Ann Celeste Houston Lih-Tyng Hwang William Mark Iannacone Jurg L. Jaggi Ramchandran Jaikumar Pradeep Kumar Kedia Marian Leibmann Knechel Rajeev Kohli Gerald Francis Kominski Vladimir Kontorovich Alexander Kopatsis Eileen Elizabeth Kraus Ramesh Krishnamurthy Kusbiantoro Agatha Marie Gallo Martha M. Morrison Gelin Daniel Walter Gil Mary Hendricks Glazier Joseph James Glutting Stephen Mark Goldberg Juliana Steven Chacko Selig Gonsalves Goldberg Betsy Harris Granite David Henning Good Joseph Haimovich Lyle Gordon Hartman Pascal Eugene Lang Joan Marie Lartin Hee-Bong Lee Jae Kyu Lee Ki-Bong Lee Soon Jin Lee Lee Susannie Cheung Gregory Charles Leo Diane Marilyn Lichtenstein Joseph Anthony Yuchengco Lim Hsiu Ping Wu Lin Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY—Continued Manuel Angel Gonzalez Loureiro Carol French MacLaren Thomas Arthur Makin Phyllis A. Miraglia Maloney Robert John Mammone Scott Manaker Joseph John Marchetti Yolande Perry Marlow Frances Goldblum Martin Lucille Parkinson McCarthy Douglas Alexander McManus Ronald Lee Mersky Richard Eric Mewshaw Jamal Mimouni Seyed Majid Mojtabavi Naini Hilarie Lauter Morgan Elmer Calvin Myers, Jr. Abbas Nadimfard Daniel Keir Negus Carolyn Cardall Newsom Clifton Ghen-Ning Ngan Margaret Martin Nicholson Peter Morris Nish Judith Anne Nolan Ian Edward Novos Kwasi Okyeameba Odoi Margaret EmmanuelAnn UdaOlsen Olowu Gomaa Ibrahim Omar Kwabena Owusu-Banahene Seung Jeon Park Patricia Lee Parker William Eleftherios Pavlides Gerrod Parrott Paula Enockson Peinovich Ronald Vincent Petrilla Walter Anthony Placek, Jr. Stephen Michael Plat Chun-Yeh Su Yoshio Suzuki Robert Christian Tatar Manoochchr Toshtzar Melody Beth Troeger Alphonsus Torence JohnMaria Trout,Trompenaars Jr. William Raymond Pollard David Allen Powell Jine Sheng ChuVan Tseng Christine Moon Ness Eric Franklin Rappaport Enrique Vivoni-Farage Joseph A. Volpe, Jr. Kathleen Louise Wallace Viresh Harish Rawal Estelle Perlman Resnick Richard Anthony Reynolds Mercedes Alicia Rivero Hudee Lawrence Clayton Walters Jean Mary Roberts Robin Ann Roberts Frederick Dana Robinson Jacqueline Johanna Roeleveld Mitchell S. Rothman Ceile Giujin E. Washington WangHedberg Sandra Robin Waxman Sara Capen Wedeman Stephen Edward WeissYu-Qing Weng Mary Alice Wheeler DavidWestRudnerJohnMalcolmRus el MosheJ remySadofsky Jane Williams-Hogan Jennifer Erik Kofod ParkerWinther Wissink JohnCarlSchotlandGeof reyCol nScotPhilpDavidSelim A. Betty Jane Clinton Shelton Geraldine Stish Shepperson Yoko Shirai Paul Gregory Siliciano Elizabeth Simpson Ann R. Spector William Francis Spinard Don Charles Stone Caroline Morris Stuckert Kua Wongboonsin Ming Yeh JeinThomas Chen Young Lee York Israel Yungher Fatma Isik Zeytinoglu Osman Mehmet Zytinoglu Caroline Fraser Zinsser Joyce Zonana Certificates GENERAL HONORS PROGRAM May 20, 1985 Susan Allen Stephen M. Asbel Karen L. Barr Sujata Gaurang Bhatt Martin J. Black Elissa Brill Theresa M. Brunone Paul D. Buckley Charles F. Clarke Saul J. Cohen Carmen A. Corrales John S. Cross, III Nevena Damjanov Nicholas S. DiFazio Gina Dokko Eric L. Lazar Cindy E. Magid Ethan D. Montag Christine M. Moran Pamela C. Moulton Thomas M. O'Brien Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Alex Poljak Edward Mark Rimland Frances Jennifer Roberts Gabriela D. Siegel Steven Sosnick Murray Warnock Dean E. Weisgold Adam Zweifach Elizabeth Abbot Emery Mark R. Fraga David Scott Fries Steven D. Gackenbach Jeffrey I. Goldstein Michael Aaron Goldstein Stephanie Hamarman Joel M. Hoffman Barry A. James Lawrence Eric Kanter Evan Howard Katz David S. Kleinman Frances A. Kuebler Patricia A. Labosky DENTAL HYGIENE (School of Dental Medicine) August 10, 1984 Nanette Deneen Johnson December 21, 1984 Birgitta A. L. Börjesson May 20, 1985 Marybeth Rita Celli Rosalie Elaine Chillemi MaryJo Cosgrove Carolyn Clare Currivan Kimberly Anne Dankmyer Me rle Fogel-Floyd Deborah Lee Goldberg Shari Melissa Jacobson Theresa Mary Kelley Barbara Liegh Kusko Christina Toula New Christine Marie Samsel Margaret Anne Slade Jamie Ellen Spiegel Andrea Jo Sussel Susan Patricia Ward Margaret Rose Withers Terri Lynn Worchell Sharon Jill Zeichner Kathy Jo Zieber of ADVANCED DENTAL EDUCATION (School of Dental Medicine) May 20, 1985 Endodontics Malcolm Bank Mohamad Bashar Khoja Philip B. Klein Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Ian Jay Langer Roy Harris Stevens Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. ADVANCED DENTAL EDUCATION—Continued General Dentistry Donald Christopher Belcher Mariya E. Brown Clifford Bernd Cappelli Mitchell Glenn Cohen Cecile Arlene Feldman Bruce Michael Freme Mark Raymond Greco Steven Craig Isaacson Joseph Linden Keefer Stephen William Kielceski Jane Miller-Levinson Jenifer Lee Paterson Suzanne Jill Rubenstein Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Michael Anthony Bianchi Joseph Anthony Ilacqua James E. Krochmal Orthodonics Michel Ballerio David Jay Chiron Ronald Edward Clark Andrew Francis Emanuele Melvin Earnest Geer Stephen Bernard Yenne John Irving Kershman Steven Arthur Nerad y Pedodontics Steven Arthur Nerad Periodontal Prosthesis—Fixed Prosthodontics Gregory Kenyon Fox Ronald Craig Williams Jack H. Corn Periodontics Pamela Feld-Randel Federico Gualini Kenneth Lee Kobliner Mark Anthony Ruggerio Farshid Sanavi Brian David Shuman Jack H. Corn ADVANCED CERTIFICATE Gregory Kenyon Fox Ronald Craig Williams John Irving Kershman (School of Social Work) May 20, 1985 Mary Elizabeth Boes Carolyn Jeanne Tice Elizabeth Clemens Eliezer Lawental CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY (Graduate School of Education) August 10, 1984 Elaine Marie Jannell Helen B. Schneeberg Isabel Stewart Kyuchul Yang May 20, 1985 Joan Newhall Karen D'Annunzio Weatherbee CERTIFICATE IN URBAN DESIGN (Graduate School of Fine Arts) December 21, 1984 Carolina Caldéron Alejandro Firpi May 20, 1985 Kyoung-Dong Bae Trini Maria Rodriguez Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. CERTIFICATE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION (Graduate School of Fine Arts) August 10, 1984 Ella Webster Aderman May 20, 1985 Deborah S. Fein Alix Rockwell Jacobs Michael Lewis Stern Pekka Korvenmaa CERTIFICATE IN APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT (Graduate School of Fine Arts) May 20, 1985 Edward Charles Alexander Debra L. Wahlberg Conroy Watson Commissions DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE Robin M. Robertson, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Director, Army Officer Education Program The following graduates, members of the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps, University of Pennsylvania, who have completed the course of instruction in Military Science, are being commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army. William Bender Bret A. Daniels James V. Driscoll Rebecca A. Fields David C. Heyman Cornelius S. McCarthy Kevin M. Moore Shaunon M. Moten Christopher A. Simon Leonard J. Speakman DEPARTMENT OF NAVAL SCIENCE Ronald F. Ball, Captain, U.S. Navy, Director, Naval Officer Education Program The following students in the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who have completed the course of instruction in Naval Science, are being commissioned Ensign, U.S. Navy. Carolyn Applegate Robert H. Carey, Jr. Mark L. Charette Karen E. Ferrelli Clinton H. Files Vincent J. Gast Raymond C. Garrigan Russell Gottfried Dan W. Hardt William J. Lohr Carlyn Lowery Jeffrey N. Mobed Mark C. Montgomery Alexander T. Nishimura Keith B. Olson Stephen A. Ortman Stricker C. Sanford Charles A. Worrell The following students in the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who have completed the course of instruction in Naval Science, are being commissioned 2nd Lieutenants, U.S. Marine Corps. Robert Deschak Christopher C. Dogonniuck Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Principal Undergraduate Academic Honor Societies The following students have been elected in the past year to the principal scholastic honor society in their respective schools for their outstanding achievements in all their academic work throughout their undergraduate courses of study. PHI BETA KAPPA (Liberal Arts) Delta of Pennsylvania Joshua N. Aaron Howard A. Abramson Michael J. Amendolara Nancy A. Armatas Rosalind M. Arons Brad J. Axelrod Phillip J. Barrish Adam L. Basner Bruce A. Beckwith Brian K. Beverly Carolyn A. Bialecki Steven N. Blau Thomas A. Bolze Amy D. Borg Jeffrey P. Brosco Jodi H. Brown Aaron H. Caplan Glenn M. Chertow Shari L. Cohen Harold S. Cooper Bret A. Daniels Jamin S. Dershowitz Adam K. Dickstein Christopher Dogonniuck Paul J. Dougherty Gregory P. Dresser Keith J. Edinburgh Stephen C. Ellen Sharon N. Feldstein Linda E. Feinne Wendy L. Forman Andrew J. Frankle Sanford N. Friedman James C. Fu Aaron R. Gershowitz Michael E. Gertzman Mark A. Gingerich Cynthia A. Goldfine Stephanie Hamarman Andrew K. Hartzell David A. Horowitz Katherine A. Hempstead Michael B. Hornum Raul G. Jakubowski Julie Ann Johnson Andrew P. Kahn Lawrence E. Kanter Nancy L. Kestenbaum Marci E. Klein Lawrence R. Kleinberg Steven A. Kolenik III Hollis L. Kurman Jennifer M. Lacks Ginger L. Levy Joshua Z. Levin Amy B. Lewis Amy R. Liebman Frank E. Litwin Francis M. Lobo Philip A. Lobue John J. Lopez Carlyn M. Lowery Ole W. Lyngklip Mara S. Mades Alexandra Mahnken Ronald M. Mann Michael J. Marion Lisa M. Mark Alison L. Marx Peter A. Maffei Jennifer A. Matteis Pericles G. Mazarakis Laura J. Mechanic David Miller Steven C. Miller Esther Mills Lincoln K. Pao Charles A. Powell Steven G. Proshan Michael G. Rahmin Jeffery N. Rein John C. Riley David A. Riseberg Todd Rockoff Deborah L. Rose Mindy C. Rosenberg Jill A. Ross Jeffrey M. Sams Laela S. Sayigh Lee Schalop Philip S. Schoenfeld Jill P. Seaman Samuel L. Shimer Robin B. Simon David R. Smith Theodore R. Snyder Pamela Harriet Spritzer Elise B. Stambler Peter Stelian Michael P. Steinberg Stephanie B. Strauss Kevin L. Thatcher Vivek Verma Howard L. Weiner Steven S. Weiner Lisa Sundeen Weinstock Ellen N. Weissblum Laurence Weitzman Patricia D. Wood Robert A. Young Lilian Zaidman BETA GAMMA SIGMA (Business Administration) Alpha of Pennsylvania BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS Nancy Armatas Doug Bartholomew Steven Balu Kenneth Brause Jaime Cole Anne Curran Nicholas Difazio Linda Feinne Andrew Frankle Mathew Frazer Jonathan Friedman Steven Gackenbach Michael Gertzman Edward Goodman Michael Goss Brooks Harris Evan Katz Alan Krasne Jennifer Lacks Mara Mades Alexa Mahnken Amy Markowitz Alexander Matson Pericles Mazarakis Richard McNulty Lewis Miller Esther Mills Lake Morrison Barry Moss Ellen November Thomas O'Brien David Ott John Owczarski Eric Petro Steve Polsky Deborah Rose Bennet Rosenthal Jeffrey Sams Lee Schalup Karen Schoem Samuel Shimer Robin Simon Lauren Snopkowski Theodore Snyder Benn Steil Scott Strauss Steven Switsky David Talton Kevin Thatcher Jim Tolbert Lawrence Weitzman Steven Weiner MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jesse Ang Barcia Banks Jonathan Berman Robert Birnbaum Tim Bliamptis Adam Cherry Susan Clark Anthony DeLeon Karen Evans Michel Fredeau Gary Gotlieb Don Greenberg Jeffrey Hale Amanda Hodgson Dinkar Jetley Vivek Juneja Joseph Kenney Linda Kobrin James Laird Thomas Lynch James Moglia Craig Monaghan Vinay Pande Michael Palitz Michael Pinto John Russell Shahab Sattar Katherine Shea Mallika Srinivasan Richard Steele Wai Kwong Seck Philip Turner Mary Walker Lieng-Sieng Wee TAU BETA PI (Engineering) Delta of Pennsylvania Peter E. Goettle Daniel H. Golub Gary F. Hatke David R. Lang Zachary H. Lau Louis Lung Alexander W. Matson John C. Riley Lawrence D. Sloan Marc D. Spaulding Michael Amenddara Stephen Bennett Timothy Connolly Jay Costantini Wendy Dubin James Fu Sarah Goldberg Howard Goodkin Steven Greenberg Carolyn Hart Peter Hottenrott Francis Huntowski Philippe Jacob Stephen Krewson Sheldon Kugelmass Gregory Liguori Charles Markon Moira Marx Peter Moll Daniel Nichols Francis Olivieri Thomas Pereles Lucy Ann Randel Leslie H. Robinson Lawrence Rosen Joel Sackman Michael Slifker Phillip Tokumaru Steven Weiner Hagop Toutdjian Robert Yaccarino Todd Rockoff Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. ETA KAPPA NU (Electrical Engineering) Jeffrey M. Hoffman Jeffrey Horing Peter A. Hottenrott Frank Huntowski GökalpKhrmn Lori S. Kauffman Elizabeth Kennedy Robert L. Kimmel Sheldon Michael Kugelmass David R. Lang Zachary H. J. Lau Bruce Magid Jonathan Meyers Leah Mier Gady Nemirovsky Francis Olivieri Steve Polsky Neil M. Radisch Theodore Bapty Stephen A. Bennett Sharon Ann Bernstein David J. Carballal Vicki Carr Judith M. Fisher Maria R. Florez Stephen A. Fromm James C. Fu Peter E. Goettle Daniel Hollander Golub Jeffrey L. Goodman Stuart M. Green Daniel S. Greenberg Paul F. Hahn W. Brooks Harris Gary F. Hatke Leslie H. Robinson Todd Rockoff David Rudolph Joel Sackman Kimberly Sentimore Stacey D. Sern David Michael Sirkin Marc Spaulding Carol Ann Stein Scott E. Stethem Quang-Tan Steven S. Weiner Ivan L. Wemple Saram Wolf Robert G. Yaccarino Robert Andrew Young Paul L. Zemsky SIGMA THETA TAU (Nursing) Xi of Pennsylvania Robin Deborah Small Janet Lee Strainic Lore Ann Weiler Diane Ruth Blucher Elizabeth Margery Brady Kathleen Connolly David Thomas Deery Catherine Kozbelt Chiminello Leslie Anne Frodema Barbara d'Amato Herr Marilyn Olga Leonard Susanna T. Randall Kathleen Elizabeth Reilly Michelle Pam Salz Erin Colleen Greer Linda Susan Houser Jane Peeples Korein Cecilia Ellen McEvoy Ruth Ellen McGonigal Lysa Rosenberg Jeanne Edith Simpson Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Faculty Honors LINDBACK AWARDS Under the terms of a gift from the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation, grants are announced to the following members of the Faculty as Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching. DR. DAVID ANDERSON, English DR. LINDA BRODKEY, education DR. SAMUEL K. CHACKO, pathobiology (Vet) DR. ALAN RICHARD COHEN, pediatrics DR. JERRY L. KAZDAN, mathematics DR. SOHRAB RABII, electrical engineering DR. IRVING M. SHAPIRO, biochemistry (Dental) DR. NEVILLE STRUMPF, nursing SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MICHAEL AIKEN, sociology: President, Midwest Sociological Society STEVEN ALBERT, music: Pulitzer Prize in Music ROGER ALLEN, oriental studies: Re-elected to Board of Governors of Arabic Teachers Association; Elected Guest Editor of Al-'Arabiyya for 20th Anniversary issue; Certified as Oral Tester for Modern Standard Arabic (ACTFL). NORMAN T. ADLER, psychology: Guggenheim Fellowship for 1985; Elected to the International Academy of Sex Research; Appointed to Life Sciences Advisory Panel of the National Research Council WILLIAM ADLER, Regional Studies: Fulbright Award ARJUN APPADURAI, anthropology: Vice President of the American Institute of Indian Studies, Trustee of American Institute of Indian Studies DEIRDRE BAIR, English: Guggenheim Fellowship for 1985 JERE R. BEHRMAN, economics: NIH Research Award, NSF Research Award, NIH Research Award ERNEST BENDER, South Asia Regional Studies: Convenor of the VIth World Sanskrit Conference, re-elected Vice President on the Board of Directors of the International Association for Sanskrit Studies HELEN BEREZOVSKY, English Program for Foreign Students: Fulbright Award IVAR BERG, sociology: Eastern Sociological Association Distinguished Career Award ELAINE M. BRODY, social gerontology, Social Worker of the Year, National Association of Social Workers, 1985 STANLEY J. BRODY, social gerontology: Health Advocate Award, The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc., 1985 MICHAEL P. CAVA, chemistry: 1984-1985 Guggenheim Fellowship TED CHINBURG, mathematics: Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship for 1985-87 DENNIS DETURCH, mathematics: Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship for 1985-87 ABRAHAM EDEL, philosophy: President and President Address, American Society for Value Inquiry, 1984-85 THOMAS FOGARTY, South Asia Regional Studies: Awarded The American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship RENEE C. Fox, sociology: Elected to Membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Associations, Chairperson-Elect of Section K (Social, Economic and Political Sciences) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ALAN FRIDLUND, psychology: Appointed Co-chairman, Committee on Publication Standards for Research Involving Electromyography, The Society for Psychophysiological Research DAVID GABAI, mathematics: Visiting Scholar, IHES, France CHARLES GALLISTEL, psychology: Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1984-85 VIJAY GAMBHIR, South Asia Regional Studies: Awarded The American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship ROCHEL GELMAN, psychology: Elected President of Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) of the American Psychological Association; Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1984-85 HENRY GLEITMAN, psychology: Sigma Xi Lecturer, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.; Keynote Speaker, 20th Annual New York State Undergraduate Psychology Conference LILA GLEITMAN, psychology: Appointed Vera T. Brittan Fellow, Somerville College, Oxford University, Trinity Term; Starr Lecturer in Linguistics, Middlebury College, 1985 JUDAH GOLDIN, oriental studies: Gave Horowitz Address at Yale University, Honorary Degree from Gratz College, Philadelphia ARTHUR GREEN, religious studies: Fulbright Award PAUL GUYER, philosophy: Invited Speaker, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division A. LEON HIGGINBOTHAM, sociology: Honorary Degrees: Boston College, Johnson C. Smith College, Morgan State University, New York Law School, New York University, Washington University, May 1985; Distinguished Invited Lectureships at: Harvard University, University of Ibadan, University of Miami, Harvard Law Review Annual Dinner NANCY HINGSTON, mathematics: Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton HENRY HIZ, linguistics: Invited for Kotarbinski Lectureship in Philosophy to the University of Warsaw, Fall 1985 ROBIN M. HOCHSTRASSER, chemistry: July 1985, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh DOROTHEA JAMESON HURVICH, psychology: Appointed to the National Advisory Eye Council, N.I.H.; Co-recipient of the Deane B. Judd—International Congress of Colour Award DELL HYMES, linguistics: Vice-President of American Association for Applied Linguistics, 1984-85; Succeeds as President of the Association, 1985-86 DANIEL H. JANZEN, mathematics: 1984 Crafoord Prize, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1985 Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society), National Lecturer, 1984-85 Ira Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching MADELEINE M. JOULLIE, chemistry: American Gyanamid Award CHARLES KAHN, philosophy: 1985-86 ACLS Research Fellowship JEFFREY KALLBERG, music: Esther K. and N. Mark Watkins Professorship in the Humanities; National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study and Research; American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship for Recent Recipients of the Ph.D. (Honorary); Alfred Einstein Award of the American Musicological Society for the best musicological article published during 1983 ROBERT A. KRAFT, religious studies: Project Co-director, Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies; Appointed Chairperson, Computer Assisted Research Group, Society of Biblical Literature; Appointed at At-Large Member of the Executive Committee of the Council for the Study of Religion; Editor, OFFLINE: Computer Assisted Research for Religious Studies, Bulletin of the Council for the Study of Religion ANTHONY KROCH, linguistics: Fulbright Award WILLIAM LABOV, linguistics: Honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Uppsala, 6/1/85 ERLE LEICHTY, oriental studies: Publication of the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary, Volume 1 TIMOTHY LENIOR, History, and Sociology of Science: Visiting Associate Professor ALAN G. MACDIARMID, chemistry: 1984 Chemical Pioneer Award, American Institute of Chemistry Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES— Continued ALAN MANN, anthropology: Ira Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching EDWIN MANSFIELD, economics: Received two National Science Foundation Grants; Member of Editorial Board of the Antitrust Law and Economics Review; Member of the Visiting Committee for Renssaelaer Polytechnic Institute; Appointed to National Technology Medal Committee, received grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science E. ANN MATTER, religious studies: Research Grant-in-Aid, American Philosophical Society ANN R. MILLER, sociology: Chair, Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association ELLIOTT MOSSMAN, Slavic Languages: International Research and Exchanges Board (ACLS) Travel Grant JAMES D. MUHLY, oriental studies: Received Research Grants from the Institute for Ageean Prehistory and the American Philosophical Society; to deliver a paper at an International Archeology Congress in Nicasi, Cyprus JACOB NACHMIAS, psychology: Elected to the National Academy of Science MARTIN OSTWALD, classical studies; Election as Second Vice President of the American Philological Association for 1985. ANDREW POSTLEWAITE, economics: Received grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science DAVID PREMACK, psychology: Fellow of The Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin during 1985-86; Co-recipient of the American Psychological Association Award for Excellence in the Media SAMUEL H. PRESTON, sociology: President Population Association of America; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1985; Chair, National Academy of Science Working Group on Causes and Consequences of Population Groups ROBERT RESCORLA, psychology: Elected to the National Academy of Sciences; Awarded John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship; Elected chairman, Publication Board, Psychonomic Society, 1985-87; Elected to the Nominating Committee, Psychology Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science W. ALLYN RICKETT, oriental studies: Received NEH Translation Grant THOMAS RICKETTS, philosophy: Invited Speaker, American Philosophical Association, Western Division LUDO ROCHER, South Asia Regional Studies: President of the American Oriental Society JAMES F. Ross, philosophy: Elected Vice-President and President-Elect of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy; Election to Board of Trustees of the Association of Members of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton PAUL ROZIN, psychology: Elected to the Society of Experimental Psychologist; Edna Park Lecturer, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto; Conference Fellow, British Psychological Society, Swansea, Wales (U.K.); F. Starling Reid Lecturer, University of Virginia ANDREJ SCEDROV, mathematics: Waterman Prize Fund MARTIN E. P. SELIGMAN, psychology: Appointed Co-chairman, Senior Advisory Board for Longitudinal Research on Puberty, NIMH AKE SJÖBERG, oriental studies: Publication of the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary, Volume 1 DAVID SILVERMAN, oriental studies: Received NEH Translation Grant Amos B. SMITH, III, chemistry: Guggenheim Fellowship for 1985 ELIZABETH SPELKE, psychology: Awarded the Bruce R. McCandless Award for Early Career Contribution to Developmental Psychology by the American Psychological Association SANFORD STEEVER, South Asia regional studies: Awarded The American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship PETER STEINER, Slavic Languages: University of Maryland Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship ARNOLD THACKRAY, history and sociology of science: Guggenheim Fellowship for 1985 RONALD VROOM, Slavic Languages: University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation Grant ALEXANDER VUCINICH, history and sociology of science: Guggenheim Fellowship for 1985 WOLFGANG ZILLER, mathematics: National Science Foundation and American Mathematical Society Conference, Visiting Scholar, IHES, France THE WHARTON SCHOOL JAMSHED K. S. GHANDI: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award HOWARD S. KAUFOLD: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award ANDREW WEN-CHUAN Lo: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award CARL A. PoLskY: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award DAVID J. REIBSTEIN: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award GREGORY P. SHEA: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award ANITA SUMMERS: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award WILLIAM C. TYSON: Wharton Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award JAMES D. WHEAT: Wharton Undergraduate Advisory Board Outstanding Teaching Award Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ROBERT AUSTRIAN, research medicine: elected president, American Clinical and Climatological Association, 1984; and recipient of the M. and S. N. Zubrow Award for humanism in patient care, 1984, of the Pennsylvania Hospital. STANLEY BRUM, radiology: 011e Olsson Medal, presented by University of Lund, Sweden. LAURENCE H. BECK, medicine: 1984 Robert Dunning Dripps Memorial Teaching Award. CARL T. BRIGHTON, orthopaedic surgery: Shands Lecturer Award of the Orthopaedic Research Society and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. BRITTON CHANCE, biochemistry and biophysics (emeritus): elected vice-president, American Philosophical Society; Sober Lectureship Award, American Society of Biological Chemists; and Philadelphia Section Recognition Award of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers. DOUGLAS B. CINES, medicine: elected to American Society for Clinical Investigation. WALLACE H. CLARK, JR., dermatology: Outstanding Research Award of the American Academy of Dermatology. HELEN C. DAVIES, microbiology: Medical Student Government Teaching Award (in the basic sciences), 1985. L. HENRY EDMUNDS, surgery: chairman, surgery and bioengineering study section, National Institutes of Health; and member, advisory editorial board, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. SYLVAN H. EISMAN, medicine: 1984 Practitioner of the Year Award, Philadelphia County Medical Society. BRETT GUTSCHE, anesthesia: elected honorary member, Alpha Omega Alpha, 1984. HARRY HARRIS, human genetics: Wilhelmina E. Key Lecturer, 1984, of the American Genetic Association. LEONARD JARETT, pathology and laboratory medicine: Ernest Cotlove Award of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists; and endowed chair as Simon Flexner Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. FREDERICK S. KAPLAN, orthopaedic surgery: elected honorary member, Alpha Omega Alpha, 1985. FRANCIS MARCHLINSKI, medicine: 1984 Donna Kern McCurdy Housestaff Teaching Award. FRANZ MATSCHINSKY, biochemistry and biophysics: endowed chair as Benjamin Rush Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics. FRANK MURPHY, anesthesia: 1985 Robert Dunning Dripps Memorial Resident Teaching Award. PETER RANDALL, surgery: elected first vice-president elect, American College of Surgeons. JONATHAN E. RHOADS, surgery (emeritus): president, Society of Surgical Infections; and Doctor of Science degree (honorary), Medical College of Ohio, 1985. BROOKE ROBERTS, surgery and anatomy (emeritus): president Delaware Valley Vascular Society ALAN SCHREIBER, medicine: elected to membership Association of American Physicians. ALAN SCHWARTZ, anesthesia: elected president, Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists. EDWARD J. STEMMLER, medicine: elected master of the American College of Physicians. ROSALIND TROUPIN, radiology: Medical Student Government Teaching Award (in the clinical sciences), 1985; and Yearbook Medical Publishers Award for Distinguished Service and Contributions to Medical Literature. ANNEMARIE WEBER, biochemistry and biophysics: Leonard Berwick Memorial Teaching Award, 1985 LINTON WHITAKER, surgery: honorary memberships in Mt. Kenya Safari Club (U.S.A. #009), for work in craniofacial surgery, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa; and in the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. THE SCHOOL OF NURSING NANCY STORZ: School of Nursing Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching THE LAW SCHOOL MORRIS S. ARNOLD: Harvey Levin Award for Excellence in Teaching Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE BARBARA J. STEINBERG, oral medicine: Earl Banks Hoyt Award for Teaching Excellence LINDA NELSON, pedodontics: Earl Banks Hoyt Award for Teaching Excellence LOUISE SKARULIS, oral rehabilitation: Joseph Appleton Award for Excellence in Teaching by part-time Clinical Faculty RAJAIKANT SHAH, oral rehabilitation: Robert E. DeRevere Award for Excellence in Teaching by part-time Pre-Clinical LEIF TRONSTAD, endodontics: named Louis I. Grossman Professor of Endodontics IRVING SHAPIRO, biochemistry: Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching NORTON TAICHMAN, pathology: Birnberg Research Award for Columbia University THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MORTON BOTEL: Appointed to Carter Chair at Graduate School of Education DELL HYMES: Vice President/Program Chair and President Elect of the American BRIAN SUTTON-SMITH: Distinguished Professor, Fulbright Award to Yugoslavia Association for Applied Linguistics Faculty Prizes and Awards SENIOR CLASS HONOR AWARDS SPOON: Karl Racine BOWL: Joseph Killackey CANE: Richard Katz SPADE: Robert Kramer ALTHEA K. HOTTEL AWARD: Vicki Bernstein GAYLORD P. HARNWELL AWARD: Wendy Platt DAVID R. GODDARD AWARD: Carol Turner R. JEAN BROWNLEE AWARD: Karen Barr UNDERGRADUATE LEADERSHIP AWARDS ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS SILVER MEDAL: John J. Lopez SOL FEINSTONE UNDERGRADUATE AWARD: Alma Bone, Ruby Chambliss, Peter Neil Clare, April Claytor, L. Eric Elie, Melanie Harrington, Charles Henderson, Christina Sharpe JAMES HOWARD WEISS MEMORIAL AWARD: Thomas R. Pereles ALICE PAUL AWARD: Vicki Bernstein, Shaunon M. Moten CLASS OF 1946 AWARD: Thomas R. Pereles CLASS OF 1915 AWARD: Thomas R. Pereles FATHER'S TROPHY: Traci L. Ingram RAYMOND PACE ALEXANDER AWARD: L. Eric Elie MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. AWARD: Gregory Williams, Alma Bone SOJOURNER TRUTH AWARD: Linda Whaley, Charles Henderson JACKIE ROBINSON AWARD: Karl A. Racine ALTHEA GIBSON AWARD: Shaunon M. Moten EMMA LEE HIGGINBOTHAM AWARD FOR SCHOLARLY PURSUITS: Derek T. Ferguson JOHN WIDEMAN AWARD: Crystal E. Jones FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS American Thouron Scholars Theresa Dirndorfer, College Jennifer Egan, College Francis Lobo, College Margaret Webb, Medicine Mellon Fellows Inna Galperin, College Betsy F. Moeller, College Bryan W. VanNorden, College Arts and Sciences Dean's Fellowship Robert Charvey, Economics Bernard Delbecque, Economics Frank Diebold, Economics Byonung Jun, Economics Allen Schrim, Economics Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOW AWARDS awarded for excellence in teaching Janet Monge, Anthropology Marilyn Murphy, German Kevin Robbins, History Mark Talbot, Philosophy Joanne Wilhelm, German Susan Yager, English Barbara Brunner, Romance Languages Thea Diamond, English Rose Ann Fisher, Mathematics Cynthia Giddle, English Alan Karras, History Barbara Klaw, Romance Languages Sybil Lipschultz, American Civilization SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CHARLES W. BURR BOOK PRIZE: Kenneth L. Howe ABRAHAM D. COHEN PRIZE: Carmen A. Corrales Writing Across the University THE LIONEL PINCUS AWARD FOR INNOVATIVE TEACHING OF WRITING: David Underwood American Civilization SENIOR PRIZE: Julie Johnson Anthropology THE DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM PRIZE: Alexander A. Harris Biology THE NEYSA CRISTOL ADAMS PRIZE IN BIOLOGY: Laela Sayigh Chemistry ALPHA CHI SIGMA AWARD: Dean Lorich THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AWARD: Arun Iyengar THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTS MEDAL AWARD: Ralph Dickson CRC FRESHMAN CHEMISTRY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Wally Hosn THE HIRAM S. LUKENS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP NOMINEE: David Jaffe MERCK AND COMPANY, INC.: Bruce Beckwith & Gary Kronen THE PRIESTLEY CLUB PRIZE: Andrew Kahn TEACHING AWARD: John Gardner, Craig Siegel, Patricia Somers TEACHING COMMENDATION: Nilofer Ahmad, John Chiarello, Salvatore Iacono, John McGimpsey, Pam Nix, John Safaryn, Timothy Yao DEAN'S FELLOWSHIP: Georgia Arbuckle, Wen Sen Li, S. Andrew DOUTY TEACHER—SCHOLARS: S. Andrew Peak, Marco Pereira Peak College of General Studies ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI CONTINUING EDUCATION AWARD: Kristin RONALD J. CARIDI AWARD: Julie A. Johnson Davidson Economics THE BERNARD SHANBAUM PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN ECONOMICS: CAREY PRIZE IN ECONOMICS: Brian Pinto SIDNEY WEINTRAUB MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP: John Litwack Bryan W. Roberts Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. English THE JUDY LEE AWARD FOR DRAMATIC WRITING: First Prize—David R. Meiselman Second Prize—Deborah M. Jacobs THE SOCIETY OF ALUMNI POETRY AWARD: Steven Doyle Honorable Mention: Robert Hutter, Mark Semko, Page Kerry Wolper THE JOHN L. HANEY PRIZE FOR LITERATURE: Deborah Schizer THE LILLIAN AND BENJAMIN LEVY AWARD: Peter S. Taback THE PHI KAPPA SIGMA FICTION PRIZE: First Prize—Jennifer Egan Second Prize—Romnesh Lamba Third Prize—Michael Yankowi Honorable Mention—Story Clapp & Michael Boyce THE WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS PRIZE OF THE ACADEMY OF AMERICAN POETS: Bruce Boehrer Honorable Mention: Alison Byerly, Deborah Desirens, Mandy Mason, David Moolten Geology THE HENRY DARWIN RODGERS AWARDS: Sharon Feldstein German E. Z. DAVIS PRIZE: Karin Rust GORR-DELTA PHI ALPHA PRIZE: Mark Simko E. FRIEDMAN PRIZE: Eileen Siegeltuch THE AMANDUS JOHNSON PRIZE: Lars Erik Hjelm MAX KADE PRIZE: Andrew Lorentz THE ADOLPH D. KLARMANN PRIZE: Virginia Lewis & Carol Ann THE CARL F. LAUBER PRIZE: Arnd Herz THE DANIEL B. SHUMWAY PRIZE: Irene Cirolla THE GERMAN SOCIETY PRIZE: Sujata Blatt & Geoffrey Falen PETRONNELA VAN WEEZEL PRIZE: Michael Brook Costabile History THE LYNN M. CASE PRIZE: Francis J. Wapner THE THOMAS C. COCHRAN PRIZE: Steven Gold History and Sociology of Science THE SOCIETY OF THE COLLEGE PRIZE: Eric L. Lazar and Jeffrey P. BrOSCO History of Art THE DAVID M. ROBB PRIZE: Seanna Wray DISTINCTION IN THE MAJOR SUBJECT: Sandra Bartusis, Stefanie Block, Linda Dubnow, Yael Loewenberg, Ole W. Lyngklip, Camille Serchuk, Seanna Wray International Relations NORMAN D. PALMER AWARD: Harlan Mandel Mathematics THE CLASS OF 1880 PRIZE: First Place—Neil Miller Second Place—Andrew Salinger Oriental Studies THE FRANCES BENDER PRIZE: Susan B'NAI ZION AWARD: Barry D. Katz Reid Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Physics THE WILLIAM E. STEPHENS MEMORIAL PRIZE: Jonathan M. Richardson Regional Science THE SENIOR PRIZE: Daniel B. Miller Romance Languages THE VITTORINI FUND: First Prize—Cynthia Goldfine Honorable Mention—Frank La Rocca and Adrienne Ward Second Prize—Joel Hoffman Honorable Mention—Francois-Ihre Mazur Third Prize—Hollis Kurman Honorable Mention—Alan Dechiario and Karin Santoro South Asia Regional Studies THE FRANCIS BENDER PRIZE: Susan Reid THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDIAN STUDIES FELLOWSHIP: Jonathan David, George Gillespie, Xinru Liu, Frederick Smith, Thomas Zwicker THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE BIOENGINEERING SENIOR DESIGN AWARD: Shari Lee Nathanson AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AWARD: Lawrence Alexander Rosen MELVIN C. MOLSTAD PRIZE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Richard Thomas Elander, David Mark Glover, Mark Anthony NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: William John Lohr FRED C. ZEISBERG AWARD: Richard Thomas Elander, David Mark Glover, Mark Anthony Sullivan SOPHOMORE AWARD OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY SECTION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Debra Sue Feldman JUNIOR AWARD OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY SECTION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: SENIOR AWARD OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY SECTION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Sullivan Ian C. Yates Lawrence David Sloan DENTEL MEMORIAL PRIZE IN URBAN TRANSPORTATION: David Ludwig Schoendorffer ANNETTE ESTRADA AWARD: Ingrid Elsa Pazienza DAVID S. FINE MEMORIAL AWARD IN CIVIL AND URBAN ENGINEERING: Hagop Sahak Toutdjian THE SIDNEY SHORE AWARD: Julio Alfonso Marquez THE FRANK STOVER AWARD: Charles William Wiser INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS STUDENT AWARD: Neil Marc Blecherman R. M. BRICK AWARD: James Michael Hannah AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' AWARD: David L. Spigner THE FRANCIS G. TATNALL PRIZE: Randall P. Fach, Salvatore Macera THE RALPH R. TEETOR AWARD: Randall P. Fach MOORE SCHOOL COUNCIL CWIKLA AWARD: Bruce Daniel Magid THE CORNELIUS N. WEYGANDT AWARD: Leslie Howard Robinson THE E. STUART EICHERT JR. MEMORIAL PRIZE: Eric Walter Aboaf, David Marc Natter, Ivan Lee Wemple A. ATWATER KENT PRIZE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Leslie Howard Robinson THE WALTER KORN AWARD: Stephen Christopher Arnold THE MANFRED ALTMAN MEMORIAL AWARD: Christopher Clay Warren THE APPLIED SCIENCE PRIZE: Christopher Corey Dogonniuck ENGINEER'S CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA YOUNG ENGINEER AWARD: Sheldon Michael Kugelmass ALBERT P. GODSHO ENGINEERING PRIZE: Todd Elliot Rockoff THE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Frances Jennifer Roberts THE Hu Go OTTO WOLF MEMORIAL PRIZE: Ken Howard Rosenfeld, Thomas Richard Pereles, Timothy John Connolly, III, James Chang Fu, Gary Fred Hatke, David Bruce Lowenstein, Philip Takeo Tokumaru, Steven Shalom Weiner THE ENGINEERING ALUMNI SOCIETY E. STUART EICHERT, JR. STUDENT AWARD: Timothy John Connolly, III Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE WHARTON SCHOOL ALBERT A. BERG SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Anne Curran, Kenneth A. Brause J. PARKER BURSK MEMORIAL PRIZE (STATISTICS): Cyrus Mohebbi, Corazon Dating FINANCIAL EXECUTIVES INSTITUTE: Joseph S. Galli HENRY FORD II SCHOLAR AWARD: Mark J. Rowan DONALD S. MURRAY PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING: Greg Maislin HERBERT S. STEUER MEMORIAL PRIZE (JUNIOR): Gina R. Robins HERBERT S. STEUER MEMORIAL PRIZE (SENIOR): W. Brooks Harris HENRY SWEETBAUM FELLOWSHIP: Melissa Shapiro JOSEPH WARNER YARDLEY PRIZE: Joseph P. Killackey, F. Jennifer Roberts The Wharton Evening School SIGMA KAPP PHI FRESHMAN AWARD: John LaUletta SIGMA KAPPA PHI JUNIOR AWARD: Jeffrey Berman CHI ALPHA PHI SORORITY AWARD: Carol Armstrong CLASS OF 1937 AWARD: Joanne Newfield CLASS OF 1969: Katherine Velez PI DELTA EPSILON AWARD: Kristoffer Fountain CLASS OF 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE AWARD: Regina Skowronski LOUIS RUDOLPH CPA ACCOUNTING AWARD: Joel Wagoner and David Drouin WHARTON EVENING ALUMNI SOCIETY DISTINGUISHED AWARD OF MERIT: Regina Skowronski WILLIAM R. HOCKENBERRY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Jeffrey Berman CLASS OF 1972 AWARD: Nancy B. Warsinger CHI ALPHA PHI SORORITY MEMORIAL AWARD: Dorothea Shover CLASS OF 1974 BBA AWARD: John Stoczko CLASS OF 1975 MANAGEMENT AWARD: Kathleen Armstrong THOMAS K. MULDOWNEY AWARD: William Pike ROBERT L. MACDONALD SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Barbara Smith and Gary Mansfield CLASS OF 1977 ECONOMICS AWARD: Harry Johnson CLASS OF 1980 MARKETING AWARD: Gayle Winters CLASS OF 1983 AWARD: John Devendorf THE SCHOOL OF NURSING December 21, 1984 THE NIGHTINGALE AWARD: Martha A. Parra THE THERESA I. LYNCH AWARD: Leslie A. Frodema THE DOROTHY A. MERENESS AWARD: Jacqueline Johnston THE DEAN'S AWARD: Catherine K. Chiminello THE SIGMA THETA TAU XI CHAPTER AWARD: Leslie Kennedy Elder THE ETHEL HUEBNER MEMORIAL AWARD: Catherine K. Chiminello THE ALUMNI AWARD: Martha M. Parra and Leslie A. Frodema May 20, 1985 THE NIGHTINGALE AWARD: Jeanne Edith Simpson THE THERESA I. LYNCH AWARD: Alice Fay Marder THE DOROTHY A. MERENESS AWARD: Beth Latimer THE ETHEL HUEBNER MEMORIAL AWARD: Ritamarie Tevis Giosa THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF STOMATOLOGIC SURGEONS AWARD: Jay Lee Arlick ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Jay Lee Arlick MATTHEW CRYER SOCIETY AWARD IN ORAL MEDICINE: Kirk Allen Amer Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. ACADEMY OF DENTAL MATERIALS AWARD: Wayne Mitchell Berman ADRIAN R. AND REGINA KRISTELLER PRIZE IN RADIOLOGY: Kenneth George Boberick ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Kenneth George Boberick HENRY B. ROBINSON AWARD IN RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY: Susan Braunstein-Trager AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL PATHOLOGY AWARD: Eric Reinhold Carlson AMERICAN DENTAL SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGY AWARD: Eric Reinhold Carlson AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DENTISTRY FOR CHILDREN AWARD: Eric Reinhold Carlson ACADEMY OF OPERATIVE DENTISTRY AWARD: Michael Thomas Dachowski C. V. MOSBY COMPANY BOOK AWARD: Michael Thomas Dachowski DR. MORRIS BRADIN AWARD IN PERIODONTICS: David Zalman Diamond ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY AWARD: David Zalman Diamond QUINTESSENCE AWARD IN PERIODONTICS: Jeffrey David Dorfman ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Rosalia Ann Gallo C. V. MOSBY COMPANY BOOK AWARD: Rosalia Ann Gallo AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONS AWARD: Michael Joseph Gaughan ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Stephen R. Gschrey THEODOR BLUM ORAL SURGERY AWARD: Stephen R. Gschrey ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Brent David Guise COLUMBIA DENTO-FORM CORPORATION AWARD: Brent David Guise ABRAM COHEN AWARD IN PERIODONTICS: Rande Steven Kaminsky J. GEORGE COSLET AWARD IN PERIODONTICS: Rande Steven Kaminsky ALPHA OMEGA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Nita Louise KaSaVan AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTAL RADIOLOGY AWARD: Nita Louise Kasavan AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL MEDICINE AWARD: Nita Louise Kasavan HENRY M. GOLDMAN AWARD IN PATHOLOGY: Nita Louise Kasavan ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Myra Kasztl C. V. MOSBY COMPANY BOOK AWARD: Myra Kasztl INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF DENTISTS AWARD: Howard Dean Lassin AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL PATHOLOGY AWARD: Agnes Lau ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Agnes Lau PHILADELPHIA COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY AWARD: Agnes Lau QUINTESSENCE AWARD IN RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY: Agnes Lau AMERICAN ACADEMY OF GOLD FOIL OPERATORS AWARD: Jeffrey S. Leon ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Jeffrey S. Leon AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENDODONTISTS AWARD: Ronald Eric Levenbaum AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN DENTISTS AWARD: Sarah Margaret Lynch E. HOWELL SMITH AWARD IN PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY: Sarah Margaret Lynch AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PERIODONTOLOGY AWARD: Shi-Lin Niu ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: James Charles Petras QUINTESSENCE AWARD FOR RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENT: James Charles Petras ACADEMY OF DENTISTRY FOR HANDICAPPED AND SPECIAL PATIENTS AWARD: Scott Fraser Petrie ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Scott Fraser Petrie MARTIN J. LOEB LEADERSHIP AWARD: Scott Fraser Petrie LOUIS I. GROSSMAN AWARD IN ENDODONTICS: Melanie Dufour Pilny PENNSYLVANIA STATE DENTAL SOCIETY AWARD: Dallas Lee Pulliam, Jr. PIERRE FAUCHARD STUDENT AWARD: Saundra Beth Reilly DR. EARLE BANKS HOYT TEACHING AWARD: Keith Coulston Rogerson AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORTHODONTICS AWARD: Peter David Russo ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Joanne B. Scorpio PHARMACOLOGY/PHYSIOLOGY PRIZE: Joanne B. Scorpio NORTHEASTERN SOCIETY OF PERIODONTISTS, INC. AWARD: Harold Paul Slutsky ANNA AND DR. LOUIS WOLF SCHOLAR: Vincent John Tso CAELUS AWARD IN GENERAL DENTISTRY: Vincent John Tso GEORGE BRONKOVIC SERVICE AWARD: Eric Alan Wachs Dental Hygiene ALUMNI AWARD: Rosalie Elaine Chillemi CLINIC AWARD: Christina Toula New C. J. HOLLISTER AWARD: Kimberly Anne Dankmyer DIRECTOR'S AWARD: MaryJo Cosgrove FACULTY AWARD: Deborah Lee Goldberg SIGMA PHI ALPHA: Andrea Jo Sussel and MaryJo Cosgrove Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Class of 1935 OFFICERS President: Sylvan M. Cohen Vice President: Theodore S. Fetter Secretary: Charles L. Burrall, Jr. Treasurer: Sidney V. Steinberg ANNUAL GIVING Chairman: Lucien Katzenberg, Jr. Special Gift Chairman: Robert D. Bent 50TH REUNION GENERAL CHAIRMAN Charles L. Burrall, Jr. Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Events Following Commencement Graduates will receive their diplomas as indicated below immediately following Commencement or as noted. Families and friends are welcome. The College of Arts and Sciences Diplomas: 100 Logan Hall Luncheon: Superblock Plaza, under tents The College of General Studies: Reception, Harrison-Smith-Penniman Rooms, Houston Hall The School of Engineering and Applied Science Undergraduate Diplomas: Ceremony, Harrison Auditorium, University Museum (entrance via 33rd Street) Graduate Diplomas: Ceremony, Alumni Hall, Towne Building Reception: West Lawn, Towne Building The Wharton School (undergraduate) Diplomas: Suite 1053 Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall Reception: Stouffer Dining Hall The Wharton Evening School Diplomas: Suite 1100 Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall Reception: Stouffer Recreation Room, 37th and Spruce Streets, 12:45 to 4:00 p.m. The Wharton Graduate Division Ceremony: Civic Center Auditorium, 3 p.m. Reception: 1920 Dining Commons The School of Nursing: Records Office, Nursing Education Building, Room 474 The Graduate Faculties: School of Arts and Sciences, Club Room, Faculty Club (A.M., M.S., Ph.D.) All others to their respective school functions The School of Medicine: Ceremony, Irvine Auditorium, 4 p.m. The Law School: Law School Courtyard, 1:30 p.m. (weather permitting) or Class of 1923 Ice Rink, 2:00 p.m. (rain location) The Graduate School of Fine Arts: Meyerson Hall or outdoors The School of Dental Medicine: Irvine Auditorium, 12:30 p.m. The School of Veterinary Medicine: Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center, 2:30 p.m. The Graduate School of Education: Ceremony, International House, 3 p.m. Reception following The School of Social Work: Harrison Auditorium, University Museum, 3 p.m. (entrance via 33rd Street) The Annenberg School of Communications: Lobby of Annenberg School, 2:30 p.m. The Commencement Marshals Audrey C. Bedford Michel T. Huber Arthur A. Brennan, Jr. Carole W. Karsch Valarie S. Cade Carol J. Kontos Richard M. Carter George S. Koval Andrew J. Condon Edwin M. Ledwell, Jr., Chief Marshal Nicholas D. Constan Gail C. Levin Ambrose Davis Daniel M. Lundquist Steven R. Derby Mary Ann Meyers, Mace Bearer Douglas R. Dickson Albert F. Russo Ann J. Duffield Carroll Anne Sheppard Carol Fitzgerald Mary Spata Karen Freedman Francine F. Walker Stephen Goff Kara Weiss John W. Hayden Joann V. White Lloyd S. Herrick James H. Whitmoyer Davida L. Hopkins Thomas T. Winant The ushers are members of the Kite and Key Society, the undergraduate service organization founded in 1924. Their participation is coordinated by Susan Spitzer, College '86. Academic Honor Awards Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
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