April 2016 Newsletter PDF


April 2016 Newsletter PDF
April 2016
2015-16 Officers
President Mark Conrardy
Vice President/Programs Glenda Keyes
Secretary Anne Marie Cockrell
Treasurer Renea Eshleman
Exhibits and Sales Sara Winsted
Past President Karen Jamrose
Publicity Rachel Thomason
At Large Michele Lewis
www.trenholmartistsguild.org PO Box 6793, Columbia, SC 29260
A native of Charlotte, NC, Gaye Fisher grew up
with a love of music, nature, and architecture.
She approaches watercolor with a respect of the
medium's natural transparency. Subject matter
has always been in abundance among the
Lowcountry's flowers, nature, people, and
architecture. Fisher's work has been included in
private and corporate collections in the United
States, Canada, and Europe and may be seen in
her gallery in Charleston.
When opening her gallery in Charleston to exhibit her own watercolors, Gaye heard a
carriage tour guide announce to his passengers that, "The yellow building on the right is where a famous cat
lives." Fisher soon experienced the charm and mystery of this unusual feline. He captured her heart and from
the heart she wrote Daily, the Gallery Cat, the story in prose of Daily and his adventures down the cobblestone
streets and over the gated walls of Charleston's historic French Quarter. The book includes Gaye’s fluid
watercolors that interpret the spirit of place, the familiar, and the loved. Her book takes the reader away from
the noise of being an adult and human and leads us into the garden of our imagination." -Linda Ferguson,
author of It's Hard to Hate a Broken Thing
To order Daily, the Gallery Cat and see more of Gaye’s work, visit her web site
"The color of the Lowcountry is my passion and is reflected in my work."
- Gaye Sanders Fisher
TAG member meetings
Richland County Recreation Center, Adult Activities Center
7494 Parklane Road, Columbia
6:30 PM social; 7:00 business meeting/program
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April 2016
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April 2016
Barbara Yongue is participating in the Artfields portrait competition on April 30, 2016, 10 AM-2 PM.
Awards will be made for first, second, and third places.
Melinda Kilcoyne Smith won first place in the professional division at Crooked Creek Art League Juried Show
with the painting titled "Rhapsody in Purple."
Lynne Trotter April 1st - 3rd - YMCA Flowertown Festival, Summerville, SC
April 1st - May 5th - Art displayed at The Good Life Cafe on Main St in Columbia, SC
April 9th - Cayce Festival of the Arts
April 23rd - Makers Market at Artfields
Ed Shmunes had a photograph accepted into Con/TEXT, a national juried art exhibition, sponsored by the
South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, Massachusetts, April 8 - May 22, 2016.
John Hodge will have a photograph published in the Astrophotography Gallery in the April issue of Sky &
Telescope magazine. The image is of Venus beside the crescent moon taken in broad daylight shortly before
Venus disappeared behind the moon in an astronomical occultation. The moon is a crescent and silvery Venus is
about 2/3 full in a gibbous phase against a deep blue sky. The image was acquired through a telescope. How he
acquired this image is another story in itself.
His "Rear View: The Motorcycle Mirror Diaries" is an eight panel collage that will be displayed at
Several other TAG members are participating in Artfields, including Bobby Baker at the Makers Market on
April 23. Check out the activities and accepted entries at
Katia Lee’s first solo exhibit, featuring a group
of inspired photographic pieces, is on display
through April 14 at the USC School of Music
Library, in collaboration with the Southern
Exposure New Music Concert Series.
David Phillips, assisted by his brothers, Ralph
and Lane, and Franklin and Barbara Miller, is
restoring the Coca Cola sign/mural across
McKibben Street from the Newberry Opera
House. In addition to the size of the mural,
weather conditions – rain/humidity, wind, and
temperatures - restrict the productive hours. David expects to finish the restoration
by the end of the month.
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April 2016
Barbara Anderson, owner of 557 Meeting Street, West Columbia (location of
2015 Holiday Market) asks that anyone interested in being part of a co-op shop
that features art, crafts, gifts, and home items call her at (803) 530-5166. Her
vision is for a May - August market open three or four days a week. The cost will
be $50 per month for 30 participants. Each participant will need to work 10
hours a month. Barbara will schedule a meeting if there is enough interest.
Please feel free to share this with people that might want to participate.
The South Carolina Ag + Art Tour is the nation’s largest free, self-guided
farm tour featuring local artisans and farmers markets. During this
month-long event visitors will have the opportunity to see first-hand
where their food comes from, watch artists in action, purchase something
special, and learn more about rural life.
Artisans will be located at Farm Sites in York, Lancaster, Chester, Fairfield, Union, Chesterfield, Darlington,
Kershaw, and Horry Counties. The deadline to apply to be included in the printed guide is Monday, March 21 at
5:00 PM. Details are posted http://www.agandarttour.com/artisans. An artisan for the purpose of this
program is an individual who makes hand-crafted products without the use of kits, commercial models, and
whose primary components are not manufactured.
Mark Conrardy will be teaching a Plein Air Painting Workshop through City Art. The workshop will begin
with the fundamentals of working outdoors including the selection of an easel, palette, paints, and how to set up
on site. Contact Mark before the class starts if you have questions before buying certain items. (803-429-0327).
Painting of man-made objects in a natural landscape may include a building or other structure, vehicles, or other
objects. We will also discuss how to make creeks, rivers, marsh, paths, fences and roads look believable in your
paintings. Limit six students, Saturday mornings March 12, 26, April 2, 9. Date adjustments for bad weather.
Gail Cunningham and Karen Langley will be teaching a one day abstract workshop. May 7th at the Village
Artists Art Gallery in the Village at Sandhill Mall, 10 AM- 4 PM. $125, $25 deposit. Limited to 10 students,
just a few spots left. Contact Karen at klangley@sc.rr.com
Upcoming spring and summer waterclasses for beginners and intermediates. Classes limited to six. Contact
June Tucarella 957-6994.
Buy tickets at www.paintnite.com for Catherine Baker’s painting classes at various locations around the city.
Buy tickets at www.paintnite.com for Bobby Baker’s painting classes at various locations around the city.
Bobby is also a graphic artist and web designer; please contact him if you need assistance 803.608.0201
Nancy Grills’ April 30 Sgraffito/Mishiwa/Neriage-colored slip workshop has one opening. Contact Brenda
Oliver bloliver@columbiasc.net.
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April 2016
April 11
May 9
June 4
June 9
July 30
Vice President
Past President
RCRC Staff
Tentative TAG Calendar 2016
Membership meeting
Gaye Saunders Fisher (watercolor)
Membership meeting
Bruce Nellsmith
Still Hopes Annual Show Take-in 11AM – 2 PM
Reception 6-7:30 PM
Take-down 11 AM – 1 PM
Trenholm Artists Guild 2015-16 Executive Committee
Mark Conrardy
Glenda Keyes
Anne Marie Cockrell
Renea Eshleman
Sara Winsted
Rachel Thomason
Karen Jamrose
David Phillips
Michele Lewis
Lisa Smarr
Trenholm Artists Guild 2015-16 Committee Chairs
Sandra Courie
803.240.0912 sandra@courie.com
Susan Johnson
803.413.7095 tdjohn2@bellsouth.net
Nancy Washington 803.738.0952 Nancyhw@mailbox.sc.edu
Julie Larkin
803.996.6767 jseaksy@icloud.com
Carol Blackwood
803.781.3926 carolblackwood@yahoo.com
Membership/Greeters Nancy Pryor Grills 803.699.8354 ngrills@sc.rr.com
Louise Jenks
803.309.6374 Louisemk@earthlink.net
David Phillips, Chair, Nominating Committee: The office of treasurer is vital to the organization and to
maintaining its IRS 503c3. The Board is investigating ways to simplify the job, so that it will be easier on the
person who is treasurer. One consideration is engaging a bookkeeper to handle a significant amount of the
work. Contact Renea Eshleman (reshleman@sc.rr.com 767.5505 if you are interested in more information about
the position.
The Nominating Committee is contacting TAG members about serving on the Board and has commitments to
fill some positions. However, help is needed. Say, “YES!” Consider serving in support functions:
membership/greeters/nametags, Rosewood Arts Festival, or Holiday Market. Contact: David Phillips
803.796.3352 dkphillipsstudio@aol.com, Lee Breuer 803.497.7055 eelreuerb@gmail.com, or Nancy
Washington 803.738.0952 Nancyhw@mailbox.sc.edu
Connect to TAG online
www.facebook.com/groups/241331525532/ (Trenholm Artists Guild Facebook group page)
(Trenholm Artists Guild Facebook public page)
www.TrenholmArtistsGuild.org (website) @TAGArtistsGuild (Twitter)
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April 2016
Best Mattress, 2930 Devine Street
Contact: Renea Eshleman 767.5505. Typically six-month rotation, November and May (May 2016 dateTBA)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (2 or 3 pieces per artist)
2501 Faraway Drive (Hallway off main lobby) You must sign in at the security desk.
Contact: Verlie Patrick or Sue Martin 788-4505 or 788-5498
Monthly rotation, third Monday: 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. April 18, 2016
Eye Physicians & Surgeons
2601 Laurel Street, Suite 110 (Hallway and Secondary Waiting Room)
Contact: Bob or Chris Carlsson 772.8584. Monthly rotation, second Tuesday 12:30 p.m. April 12, 2016
Palmetto Health Richland Hospital, 5 Richland Medical Park Drive
Contact: David Phillips 796.3358 or Renea Eshleman 767.5505.
Monthly rotation, third Sunday: 2:30-3:00 p.m. April 17, 2016
1425 Inn (10% to venue), 1425 Richland St., Columbia
Contact: Sara Winsted 422.9369. Rotation varies. (Summer 2016 date TBA)
“Rotating Exhibit” Guidelines
Exhibiting artists must be members of TAG. Paintings MUST be dry, suitably framed and ready for hanging. Participants
hold harmless TAG, volunteers, and venues from loss or damage of artwork.
Display Tags: Each item in TAG-sponsored exhibits MUST be tagged with a display tag. The exhibit facilitator will have display tags
for artists to fill in; artists may also access and print display cards from the website www.trenholmartistsguild.org. It is recommended
that the each artist write on the back of each piece his/her name, contact information, and piece name and price.
Sales: Artwork entered and displayed may be removed with permission of the exhibit facilitator. Except as noted by venue, payment is
to be made to the artist for the purchase price plus sales tax. Artists are responsible for paying a ten percent commission to TAG.
The artist or the exhibit facilitator has the option to replace the work with another piece of similar size and quality.
Types of Artwork: Most facilities are not equipped to display items such as three-dimensional woodwork, weavings, or pottery on
pedestal. Discretion is advised on items that may be easily stolen. The exhibits typically are for professional two-dimensional artwork.
Prints must be fine-art quality printed and identified as prints.
Thanks to our friends at City Art for their ongoing support of arts in Columbia and specifically of TAG! City
Art provides a $20 gift card for a drawing at each of TAG’s meetings AND provides gift certificates for awards!
City Art carries a large range of art supplies, offers expert advice, makes special orders for hand-to-find items,
and hosts excellent art exhibits. Please visit and thank Randy, Wendy, and Heather for their support!
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April 2016
TAG Still Hopes Show - 2016
Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community
The Marshall A. Shearouse Center for Wellness
One Still Hopes Drive | West Columbia, SC 29169 | 803-739-5040 http://www.stillhopes.org/
A photographer will be available to photograph each artist with his/her entry.
By participating in the exhibit, you authorize the use of your photograph in publications about the event.
Schedule - Exhibit dates: Sunday, June 5 - Friday, July 29, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday, June 9, 6-7:30 PM
Saturday, July 30, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Deliver artwork to Still Hopes
Awards reception for artists, patrons, and guests
Pick-up artwork
Entry Fee: $20.00 to be paid when artwork is delivered on June 4 with completed entry form.
Members in good standing as of the date of delivery
One piece of two-dimensional art.
All artwork must be original, completed within the last three years. Pieces previously accepted into a TAG juried show are not
eligible. Nudes will not be accepted.
Two-dimensional artwork must be framed (wood or metal) or have finished edges (gallery wrap canvas) and must be dry and wired
for hanging. No saw-tooth hangers.
Size limitations of framed work: Outside measurements must NOT exceed 80 inches for two sides (height plus width)
Pieces not for sale must be marked NFS (not for sale).
Artwork must remain on display at Still Hopes for the entire length of the show. Arrange for a friend to pick up your work if you
cannot be there during the appointed hours.
Sales will be handled between the purchaser and the artist. Artists are responsible for collecting and paying sales tax, a 10 percent
commission to TAG, and a 10 percent contribution to Still Hopes.
Submission of your work is your acknowledgement that the work represented is original and hand-crafted; that you hold harmless TAG,
sponsoring and participating organizations, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any responsibility, personal liability,
claims, loss or damage arising out of or in conjunction with your participation.
------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRY FORM Please print legibly.------------------------------------------------------
PROVIDE AT CHECK-IN with $20 Entry Fee
Artist _____________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________
Artist ____________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________
Title of Work
Title of Work
Medium __________________________________________
Medium __________________________________________
Surface ___________________________________________
Surface __________________________________________
Price ____________________ (or NFS)
Price ____________________ (or NFS)
I understand Still Hopes and TAG are not responsible for any loss or
damage and authorize the use of photos of me and my submitted
artwork in TAG publicity.
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April 2016
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