Golden Notes - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
Golden Notes - NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes FALL 2013 Elected Officers: President Eileen Oshiro Secretary/Treasurer Lisa Newton 1675 Fallen Leaf Los Altos, CA 94024 VP Performance Terry Southard VP Breed Robin Baker VP Field Scott Woodland From the President: Eileen Oshiro October was a great month in the Golden Retriever world! We had our independent specialty in Pleasanton—a wonderful, smoothly run affair. The great team led by Toni Maita and Jeanetta Gulden kept it all running smoothly and a great time was had by all! You will find the report within Golden Notes. Some of us had the pleasure of attending the GRCA National Specialty in Wichita Falls, TX immediately after our Specialty. What a wonderful facility, well organized, and filled with Texas hospitality we all love! One nice thing about going to the National Specialties all these years is that we learn what works and what could be improved upon. Each year it gets better and better. NORCAL has much to live up to for 2016 and we will. I could go on more, but the Field Trial portion of the National Specialty Inside this issue: finished this past week and I wanted to share the exciting news: Debbie Tandoc and Wagzu’s SuSuite Tempo Di Presto SH WCX ** won the Derby!!!! And Carol Milette-Snodgrass’ Ruby, BravHart’s Director Call to Freedom placed third in the Derby. Carol also won the Nancy Kelly Open with Ruby Redfish Mo’s Mountain Gem ***!!! Debbie Director reported that she is still in shock and drove home with three Pamela McDonald huge trophies for herself and Carol. Wow! What more can I say! Eileen Standing Officials Financial Secretary Patty Simmons Membership Secretary Letty Regan VOLUME 43, ISSUE IV Nominating Committee report From the President 1 Nominating Committee Report 1 Editor’s Bark 2 Board Mtg Minutes 2-3 General Mtg Minutes 3-4 In Memory of Gayle Rivers 5 Members Brags 6 The NORCAL GRC Nominating Committee consisted of Nancy Kelly—Chair, Susan Osborn, and Patty Nygren. The Nominating Committee has presented In Memoriam the following slate for 2014 NORCAL GRC Officers (two year term): President: Suzanne Bria Vice President, Performance: Christine Hsu Director: Laura Finco 6 Awards Information insert Specialty Report 7 Membership Renewal insert Beat the Heat Report 8 Additional nominations were accepted at the NORCAL GRC General Meeting. Nominations from the floor: Elections Information 9 Further information regarding voting is included in Golden Notes. Voting is open from now until February 1st. Voting will take place electronically or USPS mail. President: Larry Fenner Director: Ken Blanchard Candidates Statement Voting is for ONE President and ONE Director. No additional nominations for Club Information Vice President, Performance were made at the general meeting. Events Calendar 10 11 12 GOLDEN NOTES Page 2 life changing situations. I was inspired by the outpouring of community when Rikki Kirzner, former NORCAL GRC member, passed away unexpectedly from cancer. She had several adults dogs and a litter of newborns. The golden retriever clubs in the Oregon/Washington area and throughout the United States worked together and with Rikki’s mother and brother to bring dogs back to breeders, place puppies, and organize to I don’t think it is possible to experi- ensure that everything was taken care of. It was heartbreaking and ence such bonding between human and animal without high stakes emo- heartwarming. tion. Or any deep relationship withWe as a NORCAL GRC family reout the heart being a critical role. cently lost one of our founding memThat is the reason we are protective bers—Gayle Rivers. Nancy Kelly and get angry when legislation is wrote a beautiful article in Golden pending that will restrict or impede what we enjoy doing with our dogs. Notes about Gayle. I remember the first time I met Gayle and discovered Or changes the way we are to care that some of my students were her for them. Its that way with family and all of us know that our dogs are nieces and nephews. She spoke about the early days of NORCAL our family. I have yet to meet anyGRC and why the club organized. one involved in the world of dogs and dog sports that is not 100% com- We talked about how we have changed from a small group of dog mitted to the animals whose lives enthusiasts to the collective extended depend upon them. family we have today. I recently watched the movie, “Life Argus’ Rise of the Phoenix, CD, MX, MXJ “Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole” — Roger Caras of Pi,” having been reluctant to see it in the theater for fear that the tiger was going to die at the end. In fact, I did an internet search of the movie and book to find out what was going to happen. And even with all my preparation, I still found myself crying emotionally as the main characters were on their journey and the story was complete. The bonds that form over the years are little pieces of making up who we are as individuals and as a club. We come together over our common interest in this wonderful dog called the Golden Retriever but we stay together through the friendships that have formed. Sometimes we grow apart or move on but we always have that common bond. In the almost 20 years I have been involved in NORCAL GRC I have come to know some incredible people, mentors, and friends. It is a richness of talent and diversity. I consider myself blessed. In the movie, as the tiger, Richard Parker, is walking into the jungle he does not turn back. He just walks into the jungle, leaving behind him all that was and all that happened. But something deep inside tells me that Richard Parker, as with Pi, never forgot. How could he? Remember to hug your dogs today! As family we often find ourselves in Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directors of Norcal GRC Date: August 7, 2013 Meeting called to order at 6:55 p.m. Present: President Eileen Oshiro, Secretary Lisa Newton, VP Field Scott Woodland (via conference call), VP Performance Terry Southard, VP Breed Robin Baker, (via conference call), Director Nancy Kelly, Director Pam McDonald. SECRETARY REPORT: Received AKC confirmation letters regarding May 3, 4, 5, 2014 agility trial dates. One letter received unsolicited from “Deserving Pets” advertising their products for holistic pet care. FINANCIAL REPORT: Email from Financial Secretary Patty Simmons: Checking account balance $35,251.00. Does not include CCA event report from July. VP BREED REPORT: Regarding October 2013 Specialty: We will need more volunteers and trophy sponsors. Terry Southard reports the obedience special awards are sponsored and many conformation awards are sponsored, but most of the classes are still available and in need of sponsorship. Early September is the deadline for the catalog. A request has been made to list our Specialty judges on the web- AGILITY REPORT: No report. site. VP FIELD REPORT: Scott Woodland reDiscussion regarding interest in a conformation ports date set for our hunt test is last weekend fun match. Robin poses a few questions regard- in March, 2014. Julie Cairns will chair the test. ing location and possible dates. Robin will con- Debbie Tandoc is acquiring ammunition for sider offering her property for the location. next year’s flyer days and tests, as she has reDiscussion regarding whether this event can be sources for the best price and good quality organized and held prior to the October spe- product. The next picnic day is scheduled for cialty. Saturday August 10 at Jones Lake. No dates are set for September or October as Susan Osborne Discussion regarding an agility event center who runs this program will be unavailable. located in the Sacramento area. Robin will check the location out, when she has a chance, National 2016: Discussion regarding possible for future club events. themes and input on judges. Eileen has sent a blast out to club members and received just a VP PERFORMANCE REPORT: Terry few suggestions for themes and judges. All Southard will bring the trophy signup list to the agree it would be best if we could hire someone fun match at Kirigin. She reports signups for to judge who has not judged a National rethe match have been slowly trickling in, but cently, for sake of variety and a fresh face on entries are low. Likely factors are another the judging panel to attract lots of exhibitors. club’s match held at Hayward the weekend before our match, and the location being some- Discussion regarding location at Pleasanton as what “out of the way” and not a location where well as alternative possibilities such as Dixon, trials are held. She also notes that there may be Cal Expo, and advantages/disadvantages of a drop-off since we are not holding a conforma- same. RV parking, electricity, restaurants, hotion match this year at this same event. Also, a tels, transportation, favorable weather, and a reminder that we need new volunteers to organ- need for a somewhat central location for all the ize and manage this event, as she and Dimity activities are important factors to consider. will not be running it next year. Eileen has received an estimated cost of $13,370 from the Alameda County Fairgrounds, an amount deemed reasonable and which inMINUTES OF NORCAL GRC cludes the grounds rental, small hospitality building, obedience building. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Discussion regarding preparation and delivery of raffle basket for the upcoming National Specialty in Texas. Agreed on donation of $50 for basket. Lisa Newton will put the basket together and will follow up with members who may be driving to see who might agree to take it. Last year’s field retrieve theme was very popular, so a repeat of this theme is favored. - August 17, 2013, at Kirigin Cellars, Gilroy 6. Meeting called to order at approximately 1:30 p.m. by VP Performance Terry Southard. 1. Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee will be led by Nancy Kelly. A proposed slate will be presented to the club at the October General meeting following the Spe- 2. cialty, at which time nominations will also be accepted from the floor. If anyone is interested in one of the available positions or has suggestions, please contact Nancy Kelly. Board members who have termed out are: President, VP Performance, and one Director. Ways and Means Committee: No report. Membership: Regarding new members, it is suggested that a welcome email or letter be sent to each member following acceptance into the club in addition to an announcement in the Golden Notes. Awards Committee: Noted that it is time to get the awards luncheon organized. Discussion follows. Terry Southard will follow up with Suzanne Bria regarding who may be available to chair and assist with this event in 2014. 3. CCA: No report. OLD BUSINESS: Gift baskets need to be 4. prepared and delivered for the Sir Francis Drake trial. Discussion follows and agreement reached on $100 total donation for four baskets. Terry Southard will prepare them with a wine theme, and Eileen will assist with delivery to Jennifer Masterson at Mensona. NEW BUSINESS: Eileen informs the board that lifetime member Gayle Rivers has passed away. A condolence card on behalf of the club will be sent to her family via sunshine committee. The next general meeting date is Saturday, August 17th following the fun match at Kirigin Cellars. 5. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Lisa Newton, Secretary join their show cluster with little lead time when it appeared we might need to change dates and/or venues earlier this year. FINANCIAL REPORT: Checking account balance $35,251.00 and does not include CCA event held in July. PERFORMANCE: Volunteers are needed to organize and manage next year’s fun match as Terry Southard 7. and Dimity Mueller are stepping down from these responsibilities. Terry reported match entries were very slow to come in this year and remained low compared to previous years. Likely factors were another club’s match held at Hayward the weekend before our match, and the location being somewhat “out of the way” and not a location where trials are held. She also notes that there may be a drop-off since we are not holding a conforma- 8. tion match this year at this same event. Low pre-entries were offset by offering day-of-match entries. FIELD: 2014 Hunt Test will be held the last weekend in March. Julie Cairns will chair. 2013 OCTOBER SPECIALTY: a. Trophy sponsorships are still needed – see Terry Southard for signup list. b. Raffle donations are requested – contact Tammy Ballew or Terry Southard to arrange for pickup. 2016 NATIONAL SPECIALTY: Need ideas and suggestions for theme and judges, please! Send your suggestions to Eileen Oshiro. Alternate venues are being considered and include Solano, Sonoma, & Dixon fairgrounds. Important factors to consider are RV parking, electricity, hotels, transportation, restaurants, favorable weather, and the need for a somewhat central location for all the activities. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Nominations are open and welcome for the board positions of President, VP Performance, and Director. Two year commitment – please volunteer! Our nominating committee must have a slate to present to the general membership at the October general meeting held in conjunction with the Specialty. Contact Nancy Kelly if interested. AGILITY: Linda Lang reported that an agility superintendent from Southern CA has added 12 new agility trials 9. 2014 AWARDS BANQUET & in Northern CA, which has flooded GENERAL MEMBERSHIP the exhibitor market and lowered profMEETING: Location is Girasole itability of area agility trials across the Restaurant in Pleasanton. Tentative board. She reports we gave up our date is 2/9/14 with backup date of May multiple agility trial dates for 1 2/23/14. Suzanne Bria has graciously date to reduce risk of another loss, and volunteered to chair the banquet also that she is looking into a new again; volunteers who wish to help venue in Morgan Hill – Thorson should contact her. Ranch – as a possible alternate site for future trials. The next general meeting date is Friday, October 18th following the Specialty at the CONFORMATION: Sponsored Pleasanton Fairgrounds. trophy baskets for BOB, BOS, WD, & WB are being prepared by Terry Meeting adjourned at approximately 2:30 Southard and delivered by Christine p.m. Hsu to Jennifer Masterson for the Sir Francis Drake KC show. The board Respectfully submitted by Terry Southard, has approved a total budget of $100 Performance VP for this donation, which is a thank-you to SFD for extending the invitation to Minutes of General Meeting of Norcal GRC Date: October 18, 2013 Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m. Present: President Eileen Oshiro, Secretary Lisa Newton, VP Performance Terry Southard, VP Breed Robin Baker, Director Nancy Kelly, Director Pam McDonald, General Membership. Thank you to Toni and Jeanetta and their team for a successful Specialty. And to Suzanne Fortner for spectacular hospitality! SECRETARY REPORT: None given. FINANCIAL REPORT: $35,769 The floor is open for further nominations from the membership: Robin Baker nominates Larry Fenner for President. He is not VP BREED REPORT: A successful Specialty today. As of present at this meeting due to schedule conflict. Trudy Blanchard now we plan to hold the 2014 Specialty at the Alameda County nominates Ken Blanchard for Director at large position. Ken is Fairgrounds, on a Friday in October 2014. We have an ad for present at the meeting an accepts such nomination. Norcal in the National catalog. The conformation match is still in the early planning stage. There being no further nominations from the floor, the nominations are closed. Voting will be held in January online or a paper VP PERFORMANCE REPORT: Terry reported that the ballot may be filled out and brought to the Awards banquet in Kirigin Match was successful and we had a profit of about $1500. February, 2014. We may have a chair for 2014. Thank you all. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: 2014 renewal forms are available AGILITY REPORT: Our next agility trial, raising funds for the and will be on the website. A hard copy is available at this meet2016 National, is Nov 9-11. Please email Linda Lang if you can ing for anyone not wishing to go online for the form. help. National 2016: Lengthy discussion regarding potential sites for the National this club is hosting. We expect approximately 1,000 dogs and 2,000 persons in attendance. Several suggestions are precluded due to size of this event. It is agreed a central location is of importance for those making lots of trips to the location in the pre-show planning and preparation stages, as well as indoor/ outdoor options, and vendor considerations. Membership is NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT: The Nominating asked to please keeping looking and make suggestions. The curCommittee has proposed the following slate of officers and direc- rent possibilities are Santa Rosa, Vallejo, and Alameda. Eileen is tors to be put before the membership for vote: waiting on a few numbers but would like to post the possible locations that have been researched in the Golden Notes and give President: Suzanne Bria the membership 10 days to speak up with their opinion and vote Vice President of Performance: Christine Hsu on the matter, as this basic requirement needs to be attended to Director: Laura Finco quickly so that planning may move forward. VP FIELD REPORT: None given. Scott Woodland is unavailable due to work (today is a week day). Hunt test for 2014 is scheduled for March 22/23 and the WC/X is scheduled for May 10. Susan Osborne is willing to help at the agility trial if someone will exchange for that helping at the WC/X event. NEW BUSIINESS: (At this point Lisa excused herself from the meeting for an appointment.) New Members: JoAnne Faist - great helper today in Rally. Linda Fazio - had a dog from Firemark. This is her 2nd NORCAL event. She will be helping at the Agility Trial. Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pn. Respectfully submitted by Lisa Newton, Secretary And Eileen Oshiro, President NORCAL Golden Retriever Club 2014 Membership Renewal Form Membership renewals are due and payable on or before January 1, 2014. (Memberships not renewed by March 1, 2014 are automatically terminated.) _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME KENNEL NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #s (home) (cell) (work) _______________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS (please print clearly!) DOG'S REGISTERED NAMES & TITLES (circle changes!) CALL NAMES _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Newsletter Mailing Options (please mark one): To help cut mailing costs, I am willing to view Golden Notes via our website. Please send Golden Notes as a PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader. I do not have computer access so would like to have Golden Notes mailed to me via U.S. Mail. I/We are willing to help in the following ways in 2012: Willing to help wherever needed! Event Chair Membership Secretary Picnic Trials Field Events (Hunt Test &WC/X) Hunt Test Agility Trial Specialties Summer Fun Match Workshops (Fun Match & OB workshop) CCA Banquet/Awards Dinner Seminars Equipment/Grounds Raffles Ways & Means Publicity Website Newsletter Library Rescue Speaker* Writer* Mentor* (Wish to be Mentored)* OTHER* *Please explain on reverse Please complete and return along with your check (made payable to NORCAL GRC) for ____Individual $25.00 ____Family $30.00 to: Letty Regan, NORCAL GRC Membership Secretary, P.O Box 246, Calistoga, CA 94515. 415-209-4712, VOLUME 43, ISSUE IV Page 5 ************************************************************************************************* April 2, 1932 to June 1, 2013 Gayle was one of the founders of Norcal Golden Retriever Club, as well as a valued life member. In the beginning years of Norcal GRC she served as president and also volunteered at many field events. She was raised and lived in the San Francisco Bay area for many years. She got her original Golden in 1954 from Gertrude Fisher (long time original member of Norcal GRC and author of one of the first Golden Retriever books). Gayle originally showed in conformation, as well as field and obedience. Her Goldens were known by the Rivkit prefix. One of her first prominent winners was: Ch. Riv-Kit’s Miss Nikki CDX. However, during the sixties and seventies her primary interest was in Field Trials. One of her best known field dogs was Moll-Leo Gingersnap***. In business, she was a very successful manufacturing representative for children’s clothing in San Francisco. However, as her business responsibilities became more demanding she had less time to spend field training. In the early 1960’s Gayle purchased property in Danville, where she built two homes. Gayle lived in one and her sister Lois Rivers Breton and her husband lived in the other. When Lois’ husband passed away, Lois and Gayle lived together, remaining close throughout the years. The other home was occupied by other family members. When Gayle was unable to continue her field and obedience training she teamed up with Pluis Davern, whom she had known for many years. In the last decade Gayle’s dogs were known more for their performance titles. Some of the better known dogs are: Riv-Kits Comet of Sundowner, CD, OA, OAJ , Riv-Kit’s Bearhaven Ursa Minor UDX, OA, OAJ, JH,OBHF, Riv-Kit’s O’Henry CDX, SH & Riv-Kit’s Rock Candy CDX, JH. Gayle was especially known for her wonderful original and creative Christmas cards that always featured her Riv-Kits Goldens in various costumes and settings. Sadly in the last two decades her health deteriorated and she was on oxygen. She finally succumbed to a pulmonary disease. Gayle will be missed by all who knew her. Written by: Nancy J. Kelly 3635 San Benito St. San Mateo, CA 94403 650 349-8390 Reviewed by Lois Breton 8-21-13 and okayed to print. NJK VOLUME 43, ISSUE IV Page 6 Members’ Brags Obedience Congrats go to the following new obedience titles: Firemark Resawood’s Alexander RN SH WCX with Nancy Murrillo earned the RN title at the Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Association event in October. John Gillien and Rocker aka CH Sunkota Geology Rocks BN RN also earned the RN title. NOC OTCH DD's Dreams Do Come True JH NA NAJ OGM RE TDX UDX26 VCD1 WCX CCA OBHF VCX Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Dream was shown in 40 shows for 2013 and won High In Trial at 31 of them and High Combined 23 times. She qualified for the 2013 & 2014 National Obedience Championship. Dream also won the Rick O Shay Barty trophy for the 5th year. DD's Slice Of Pie OM2 RE TDX UD WC CCA OBHF VCX Dee Dee & Billy Anderson Sliver went High In Trial at the Del Valle DF with a 199.5 from Open B. She also went High In Trial the next weekend at the Sacramento DF trial with a 198+ from Utility B. Sliver has qualified for the 1014 National Obedience Championship. CH Masters Top Hat “N” Tails CD BN RA Jennifer Masterson Fred was handled to the following Titles by Billy Anderson. Date BN - 8/24/13 Date RN - 7/14/13 Date RA - 10/18/13 Date CD - 10/20/13 CH Sunkota Geology Rocks BN RA John Gillien Rocker was handled to the following titles by Billy Anderson. Date BN - 8/24/13 Date RN - 7/14/13 Date RA - 10/18/13 In Memoriam MISCHKA crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 7th at thirteen years and seven months. She joins Bodie who passed on September 16, 2012. Patricia Bass Walker reports that she missed both of them very much and holds onto the Mishies children, grand children and great grand children so a part of her will always be there. Agility Ambermist Upscaled High Flyer AX OAJ NF CGC owned by Linda Lang Piper finished at the Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers Agility Trial on Sept 7 & 8, 2013... Piper finished her Excellent Std. Agility and Open Jumpers title this weekend, on to Masters............. MACH 4 Emberain Late Harvest MXC MJG2 MXF MFB TDX T2B ADHF owned by Ed and Edwina Ryska Raisin completed her MACH 4 at the Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers Agility Trial on Sept 7. And the MXC (century = 100) and MJG2 (working on 200) somewhere along the way. We are very pleased since she is coming back off of a litter of puppies. Emberain Back To Bree AX AXJ OF owned by Ed and Edwina Ryska Bree completed her AX, AXJ and Open FAST titles this August after taking the summer off to train. She is now half way to her MX. Delta Gold Wraiths Rushn River CDX OA AXJ OF owned by Pam Tyson River finished her open standard at the Countrywide DTC Agility on August 10, 2013 Field Jamie Warren and Fiji earned a Senior Hunter title. SR-GCH Regency Final Destination BN RN SH WCX CCA CGC VC finished her Senior Hunter title in four straight tests in two consecutive weekends. Sunstorm Déjà Vu at Golden Pine CD RE CCA performed beautifully earning her Junior Hunter title by qualifying in six consecutive hunt tests. Congratulations to Nancy Kelly! VOLUME 43, ISSUE IV Page 7 Specialty Report 2013 The NORCAL Specialty Obedience and Rally ring ran great. Thanks goes to Dimity Mueller, Sue Stauffer, Bob Rawlins, and Miche Evans (not a member yet) for raking the ring the day before. We got lucky this year as the walnuts trees had been trimmed back so there were not as many walnuts to rake. Shelly Johnson and Pam Tyson ring steward all day. Dimity, Patty Kostakis, & Renee St Denis (lab owner) stepped in to steward when needed. It was nice to have many members asked if they could help throughout the day. Our judges Rose Doan and Carol Riback were fun to work with. Thanks also goes to Toni Maita and Jeanetta Gulden for running a great specialty which made my job easier. Dee Dee Anderson, Obedience & Rally Chairperson Dear friends and fellow Golden fanciers Year after year, Norcal GRC has called upon its membership for support and volunteerism for the many events that we offer to the membership at large, and to all other Golden fanciers who are non members of Norcal. We could not do these events without the support of our devoted members. All of you made a major contribution to our recent Specialty show. We believe that the show was a great success, and that was due in large part to each and every one of you, and your willingness to contribute your individual talents and strengths to Norcal GRC. Thank you to our Specialty Committee – Bea Moore, Cindy Garcia, Terry Southard, Tammy Ballew, Eileen Oshiro, Suzanne Fortner, Cindy Garcia, Dee Dee Anderson and Dimity Muller. Thanks to Bob and Laurie Rollins, Kristina Keller, Mark Benseler, Dimity Muller, Christine Hsu, Don McKee, Sue Stauffer and Patricia Bass-Walker for your help setting up the show site! Thanks to Arline Collins who sold catalogs for us! Thank you to Suzanne Fortner for her fabulous luncheon! Suzanne was out there on Thursday setting up, and also at the crack of dawn on Friday to ensure that we all had hot coffee and snacks to start our day! The tables were so beautifully decorated, and the food was delicious! (A personal word of thanks from Suzanne F.) What a wonderful group of golden friends! Thanks to Pam McDonald from beginning to end with style, Lisa Newton, Trudy Blanchard, Allyssa Mader, Joanne Faist, Sarah Wright, Barbara Harris, Don McKee, Valerie Anderson, and Trish Miller. Thanks to Patricia Bass Walker for bringing a lantern to the set up at 6am, and to Billy Anderson for putting the EZ Up into the car at the end of the day. And to first time friends whose husbands helped with the heavy lifting, forgive me for not remembering you by names. What a day! You are all in my heart. Thanks to Tammy Ballew, and her crew - Jason Ballew, Terry Southard, Valerie Anderson, Allyssa Mader, Pat Lynch, Janice Hess, Marina Hall Phillips, and Karen Swanson for their help with the raffle. Tammy has organized the raffle for several years now and it takes an incredible amount of work. It was awesome! Thanks to Patty Simmons, treasurer extraordinaire! We had planned on holding a Parade of Titleholders this year, but due to low entries, we decided to cancel the parade. Thanks to Rodney Fong though, for your willingness to organize the parade! Hopefully we’ll have more entries next year! With Golden gratitude, Toni Maita and Jeanetta Gulden 2013 Specialty Co Chairs A BIG THANK YOU TO THE “BEAT THE HEAT” MATCH TEAM! Another highly successful Obedience/Rally Match was put on by a hard-working and generous team of volunteers at Kirigin Cellars on Saturday, August 17th. This was the swan song for me and my trusty co-chair of many years, Dimity Mueller, as we are stepping down from running the match to let other club members take their turn. This year we were very grateful to have several new volunteers step up to help with some of the big jobs involved with the match – THANK YOU!!! New club member Megan Hundley did a stellar job as Trial Secretary, Jason Ballew was our Trailer Hauler hero, Letty Regan provided a fabulous lunch as Hospitality Coordinator, and Karen Swanson signed on as our trainee Steward/Judge Coordinator, though we know we left her underwhelmed at our mentoring skills on this task and appreciate her tolerance. Experienced match hands Christine Hsu and Don McKee took charge of grounds setup and tear down this year, and had an excellent team of helpers that included Linda Lang, Ann Brown, Terri Gregson, Jason and Tammy Ballew, Karen Swanson, and Dan and Dimity Mueller. Club members were well represented in the worker bee ranks on match day as well. Thanks to member judges Ann Brown, Carson Haines, and Dimity Mueller for their expert help in keeping their obedience and rally rings running smoothly. For their very competent and cheerful stewarding, we thank club members Jennifer Bluette, Garth Gregson, Terri Gregson, Christine Hsu, Linda Lang, Ferol Larsen, Dawn Poston, Letty Regan, Patty Simmons, Karen Swanson, and Pam Tyson. As always, Kirigin Cellars provided a gorgeous setting for this truly fun “fun match” - even the weather cooperated. Several members of the set up and tear down crew commented on how much fun they had helping with this event, a sentiment I heartily second. It is my fond hope as well as Dimity’s that this event will continue on in capable new hands for many years to come. As we turn over the reins, we would like to thank everyone who has helped us support the match in all its many forms and venues over the years…you know who you are, and we sincerely appreciate all you did and continue to do. It takes a village indeed! Terry Southard 2013 “Beat the Heat” Match Chairperson Election Information Elections for NORCAL GRC Officers will take place online. Electronic voting is specific to individual email addresses. Dual voting on a single email address will not be allowed. According to the NORCAL By-Laws, each INDIVIDUAL membership is allowed one vote. FAMILY membership is allowed TWO votes. If a single email address is used by both voting members in a family, one member may elect to vote electronically and the other via USPS mail. Alternatively, an additional email address can be added for purposes of voting. Send additional email addresses to no later than December 20, 2013. Electronic voting opens on January 1, 2014 and will run until February 6, 2014. The process for mailed in ballots is similar to GRCA elections. Place your ballot in a sealed envelope. Print your name on the outside of the envelope and sign. Put the signed envelope into another envelope to mail. Ballots mailed through the USPS must be received by the Elections Inspector no later than February 1, 2014. Hard copy ballots may be downloaded beginning January 1, 2014 from the NORCAL GRC website ( or from Golden Notes. Ballots will be accepted via USPS mail beginning January 1, 2014. Ballots may also be submitted at the Awards Banquet at the beginning of the reception. Please join the Board and me in welcoming a new member to our club! She was voted in at the last general meeting in Pleasanton. Joanne Faist is sponsored by Suzanne Bria. She has two Goldens; Delta Triumphs Crysa Fanios Hera (Poppy) and Flaxen Fields Faraway Knight's Tule Fog (Talullah). Joanne has assisted with previous NorCal Obedience and Rally trials and last year's Specialty in addition to this year's CCA. Joanne is interested in Conformation, Obedience, Agility and Tracking. NB: As previously announced, the club by-laws have been changed so that new members no longer have to be voted in at a general meeting. Member applicants still need to be sponsored by club members, and must participate in three club events then indicate them on their applications -- but now we simply notify the membership and give them an opportunity to respond with any concerns. If none are raise, the new members are in. This procedure is similar to how the GRCA handles membership. I encourage all members to try to recruit friends with golden retrievers, puppy owners for you breeders, etc. -- anyone who is active with their goldens who you feel would enjoy being an active part of our dynamic club! I also encourage members to mentor those who are new to dog sports in general and the golden retriever breed. Any questions regarding membership should be addressed to me at <> or at 415-209-4712. You will find a downloadable/printable (pdf) Membership Application on the club website under ABOUT US: Sincerely, Letty Regan NORCAL GRC Membership Secretary Page 10 VOLUME 43, ISSUE IV NORCAL GRC CANDIDATE STATEMENTS President Candidate: Suzanne Bria I have been in Golden Retrievers since 1997 when I got my first dog ever, and currently have two, Finnegan (11) and his daughter Haiku (3). We train and show in tracking, field, rally, obedience, and conformation. I am passionate about the multipurpose Golden and see the perfect golden as one who can do it all! Of upmost importance to me is health, temperament, retrieve instinct, trainability, and structural soundness. As a volunteer for the club I have served on the Board and was membership secretary, co-coordinated a Connie Cleveland obedience seminar and several other workshops, stewarded and judged at numerous matches and specialties, and put on tracking demos at Fun Days. For the past 8 years I have chaired the club's CCA event and for the past 2 years have organized the Awards Banquet. If elected president of NORCAL GRC, my goals and priorities would be to 1) nurture more interaction between the groups of members who are primarily involved in one particular activity; 2) promote more social and fun/learning events; 3) further education in the breed through workshops and presentations; 4) increase membership and mentoring of new members; 5) encourage more active participation and volunteerism; and 6) advocate for good sportsmanship in every area of our club. To keep learning and having fun with our dogs and one another – these are always my ultimate aims! President Candidate: Larry Fenner Hi! My name is Larry Fenner and I am excited at the opportunity to serve the Nor Cal Club as President. I have been actively involved in breed clubs for over 25 years when I started showing my Bouvier des Flanders. Nearly 15 years ago I met my wife Laurie and started to help her show Golden Retrievers. I immediately fell in love with the breed. I have obtained many championships on Golden Retrievers since that time and have bred several litters. I was actively involved in the Nor Cal Golden Retriever Club, serving as the Vice President of Conformation. Recently I have been less involved, as my wife and I have expanded our professional handling business. I am now in a position where I can give the club the required commitment. I look forward to helping the club move forward! Vice President, Performance Candidate: Christine Hsu I have owned Golden Retrievers since 1997, and enjoy training for and competing my dogs in the breed ring, obedience, field, tracking, and agility. I breed under the kennel name Tigana. I have been a NORCAL GRC club member since 1999, and have served the club in various capacities including webmaster, Treasurer, Specialty show chair, agility trial chair. Our club puts on a large number of events in various venues all year, and we have hard-working members. As Performance VP I'll continue to support our existing programs, but am also interested in exploring ways we can provide more member benefits such as educational opportunities and social events in order to encourage membership retention and growth. Director Candidate: Ken Blanchard I bought my first Golden Retriever in 1978 and have been committed to the breed every since. Trudy and I joined NORCAL the following year and have been very active in the club. I have been President three times and have served on the board as director. I have helped with various activities over the years. I was the club equipment chairmen (along with Dean Belsass) for around 18 years. I was on the show committees for the two National Specialties that NORCAL hosted and have helped out with most of our independent specialties. I am an AKC Obedience judge and I have judged at most of the obedience workshops we held until they were moved to Gilroy and were just too far for me to drive to. I use to help at our field events but due to a busy schedule have not been able to do any field work in the last decade. Trudy and I have been NORCAL's puppy referral agents since the program was established by GRCA in 1992. As a result of all my support and work for NORCAL I was honored to be voted in as a life member. I am a member of GRCA and have served on the board of directors for GRCA. After my last term as President of NORCAL that ended in 2006 I took a break and I am now ready to use my experience to guide NORCAL into the future. Director Candidate: Laura Finco I became involved in Golden Retrievers in 1973 when I raised my first Guide Dog Puppy for the Blind. All these years later, I can honestly say that I am in love with this breed and committed to the advancement of the Golden Retriever as a multipurpose companion. In 1994, I joined NORCAL GRC and instantly got involved, serving in a variety of ways including Secretary, Golden Notes editor, Awards, Specialty Committee, and Agility Trials and have been the long term Legislative Liaison for both NORCAL and GRCA, keeping members informed about pending laws that will impact us and our dogs. In 2006, I was elected as Club President. The Board was given the task of bringing financial stability back to NORCAL GRC as we were close to bankruptcy. We began to restructure the club and since then, NORCAL has enjoyed secure financials so much so we are once again hosting the GRCA National Specialty (2016). I have never stopped being involved with NORCAL GRC and am fully committed to keeping our club “golden.” We enjoy a wealth of talent both in our membership and in our dogs. My goal as a director is to encourage new, young leadership, increase breed awareness, and invest in our membership and what we have to offer each other. Voting Ballot NORCAL Golden Retriever Club 2014 Board of Directors . The following positions will serve a 2-year term (2014 - 2015). Select only ONE for each position: President: □Suzanne Bria Performance VP: □Christine Hsu Director: □Ken Blanchard □Larry Fenner □Laura Finco Please send signed completed ballot to: Greg Phillips ELECTIONS INSPECTOR NORCAL GRC BALLOT 3001 Miranda Ave Alamo, CA 94507 Place your ballot in a sealed envelope. Print your name on the outside of the envelope and sign. Put the signed envelope into another envelope to mail. Ballots need to be received no later than February 1, 2014. Ballots may also be submitted at the Awards Banquet at the beginning of the reception. Voting will primarily be completed electronically. Select which media you would like to use for voting. Each member may only vote once. According to the NORCAL By-Laws, each INDIVIDUAL membership is allowed one vote. FAMILY membership is allowed TWO votes. If a single email address is used by both voting members in a family, one member may elect to vote electronically and the other via USPS mail. NORCAL GRC AWARDS AND INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Titles are now being abbreviated and multiple titles will be listed on each bar with the year. If you would like single titles spelled out, one to each bar, send $10.00 for each title earned. Note: this is the average price that each bar would cost if the title was spelled out. There are still some bars that will be spelled out and one to a bar - Qualified All Age, Master National Qualifier, AKC Invitational Qualifier, etc. If you earned an AKC or GRCA title not listed, please add it to the list. AWARDS – A plaque will be given as the first award to every dog or junior handler that achieves an award. It will be decorated with the club insignia and the dog’s registered name and/or the junior’s name. Each title will be engraved on a metal bar that can be attached to the plaque as the dog and/or junior earns subsequent titles. Bars will be awarded for the titles and accomplishments listed in sections IV. Plaques will be given for the special awards listed in section V. The General Criteria applies to all awards. The specific criteria for each award follow the award listing. If you would prefer NOT receiving any bars and/or plaque, but still want your honors announced and published, please check the appropriate place on the Awards form. All award forms need to be at Edwina Ryska’s house (not postmarked), by December 16, 2013. NO EXCEPTIONS!! If your form is late, you will have to apply the following year. Please use the attached form. Use a separate form for each dog or junior. EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF A FORM!! Mail or drop off all forms to Edwina Ryska, 6010 Roblar Road, Petaluma, CA 94952 I. GENERAL CRITERIA 1) Dogs must be owned or co-owned by a NORCAL member. Co-ownership must be for the entire award year -12/01/12 to 11/30/13. 2) Members must be in good standing with American Kennel Club, NORCAL Golden Retriever Club and with Golden Retriever Club of America (if you are a member). 3) Competitive awards to be determined by competition in AKC licensed shows and trials during the year, 12/01/12 to 11/30/13. Some awards, such as Top Ten, Top 25, and AKC Obedience Invitational, will be awarded the following year since year-end statistics will not yet be available. 4) Eligibility for all awards to be determined by owner’s records as submitted to the Awards Committee and verified by AKC records. 5) Junior handlers will receive a bar for the highest level of achievement under the juniors’ categories. Qualifying for Westminster requires 9 Open wins, which is a higher achievement than winning one Best Junior Handler. Highest Scoring Junior Handler may supercede 1st in the Performance Event. Whichever is the greatest accomplishment should be submitted. II. AWARDS COMMITTEE 1) The Awards Committee will consist of, but is not limited to, the Field, Performance, and Breed Vice Presidents as well as any appointed Directors. The Board appoints all members of the Awards Committee. 2) Committee Functions: i. Obtain information regarding titles, degrees, achievements, individual efforts, and other information necessary to select and nominate on a fully informed basis. ii. Select recipients for all awards. iii. Select and purchase awards. iv. Maintain as confidential all chosen recipients. III. AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL BANQUET IV. BARS 1) Titles Completed 1. AKC - CH, GrCH, NOC, CD, CDX, UD, UDX, BN, GN, GO, VER, OTCH, OM, OGM, RN, RA, RE, RAE, TD, TDX, VST, CT, VCD1, VCD2, VCD3, VCD4, VCCH, NA, OA, AX, MX, NAJ, OAJ, AXJ, MXJ, NAC,MACH, PACH, NAP, OAP, AXP, MXP, NJP, OJP, AJP, MJP, PAX, NF, OAF, AXF, MF, and Preferred FAST Titles, TQX, T2B, T2B, JH, SH, MH, MNH, FC, AFC, NAFC, NFC multiple Masters/MACH titles, any multiple performance titles, any agility titles beyond MX, MXJ, DC, TC, ThD 2. GRCA - WC, WCX, VC, VCX, CCA 2) Other Accomplishments 1. Dog attaining GRCA Hall of Fame status (Agility, Conformation, Field, Obedience) 2. Dog attaining GRCA Top Ten Status - to be determined by GRCA year-end statistics, NOT any interim listing, unless Top Ten was verified by 11/30/12 3. Dog becoming GRCA Outstanding Sire or Dam 4. Dog placing 1st in any Field Stake 5. Dog attaining qualified All Age Status 6. Dog qualifying for Master National and/or dogs finishing Master National 7. Dog attaining HIT - Ties for HIT count 8. Dog attaining High Combined 9. Dog attaining 200 score (regular or veteran class) 10. Dog attaining Best in Show 11. Dog qualifying for AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational - Conformation 12. Dog qualifying for AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational - Obedience 13. Dog attaining GRCA Top 25 (based on top 25 MACH points and top 25 Double Qs) 14. Dog qualifying for AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational - Agility 15. Junior - Qualified for Westminster 16. Junior - Won Best Junior For 15 and 16, submit for the highest level the junior has attained 17. Junior - Won Highest Scoring Junior 18. Junior - Won 1st place in any AKC performance event For 17 and 18, submit for the highest level the junior has attained 19. Dog qualifying for AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational - Tracking V. PLAQUES Only regular classes count towards the following awards. 1). Field Awards—NOTE THESE CHANGED IN 2011 1. Top Derby Golden - to be determined by AKC Derby points earned. 1s t - 5pts, 2nd - 3 pts. 3rd - 2 pt., 4th -1 pt, and JAM- 1/2pt 2. Top Field Golden - to be determined by multiplying placements in licensed field trials including JAMS in Open, Amateur, and Qualifying. 1s t – 5 pts., 2nd - 3 pts., 3rd - 2 pt., 4th – 1 pt., JAM—1/2 pt by “worth” number (x 4 for Open, 3 for Amateur, 2 for Qualifying) and adding all the “worth numbers” Dog with the highest “worth” achieves Top Field Golden. In case of a tie Open has precedence. For example: Open 1st = 5 pts x 4 = 20 “worth” points, Amateur 1st = 5 pts x 3 = 15 “worth” points, etc Open 1st = 5 pts. X 4 = 20 "worth" pts. Open 2nd = 3 pts. X 4 = 12 Open 3rd = 2 pts. X 4 = 8 Open 4th = 1 pt x 4 = 4 Open jam = 1/2 pt x 4 = 2 Qual 1st = 5 x 2 = 10 worth pts Qual 2nd = 3 x 2 = 6 Qual 3rd = 2 x 2 = 4 Qual 4th = 1 x 2 = 2 Qual jam = 1/2 x 2 = 1 Ama 1st = 5 x 3 = 15 'worth' pts. Ama 2nd = 3 x 3 = 9 Ama 3rd = 2 x 3 = 6 Ama 4th = 1 x 3 = 3 Ama jam = 1/2 x 3 = 1 1/2 2). Obedience Awards 1. Top Obedience Golden - to be determined by Toby Trigger points earned, (ties for placement count for equal points regardless of run-off outcome), 1st - 4 pts, 2nd - 3 pts, 3rd - 2 pts, 4th - 1 pt 2. Reserve Obedience Golden - same criteria as Top Obedience Golden. 3. National Champion. 3). Breed Awards—NOTE THESE CHANGED IN 2011 1. Top Show Male Golden - to be determined by total number of Goldens defeated by winning winners or better including BOB, Select Dog, and BOW. Group placement points are based on the Hall of Fame Points schedule: BIS – 15 pts, 1st – 5 pts, 2nd 3 pts, 3rd 1 pt, 4th 1/2 pt 2. Top Show Female Golden - same criteria as Top Show Male Golden 3. Top Show Male Puppy - to be determined by total # of Goldens defeated through any regular class placement from 6-12 months of age. Wins can take place within 2 calendar years, if the dog’s birth date requires, to be awarded in the year dog turns 12 months old. Must submit dog’s date of birth 4. Top Show Female Puppy - same requirements as Top Show Male Puppy 5. National Champion 4). Agility Awards—NOTE THESE CHANGED 2011 1. Top Agility Dog 20 Inches – to be determined by points earned Clean Run (100 score) towards a title in Regular Novice-Excellent A including STD, JWW, FAST, T2B = 4 pts plus one bonus point for every second under SCT for STD and JWW runs Clean Run (100 score) towards a title in Preferred Novice-Excellent A including STD, JWW, FAST, T2B = 2 pts plus one bonus point for every second under SCT for STD and JWW runs Clean Run (100 score) in Regular Excellent B including STD, JWW, FAST, and T2B unlimited = 4 points plus one point for every second under SCT for STD and JWW runs Clean Run (100 score) in Preferred Excellent B including STD, JWW, FAST, and T2B unlimited = 2 points plus one point for every second under SCT for STD and JWW runs 2. Top Agility Dog 24 Inches – same criteria as 20 inch 3. Only statistics from one jump height will be considered per dog 4. National Champion 5). Tracking Awards 1. National Champion 6). Junior Handler Awards –The plaque will be given for the first award and will be decorated with the club insignia and Junior’s name with the words Outstanding Junior Handler. When applying for a junior award, fill out form in Junior’s name and check off all applicable boxes. 7). Versatility Awards 1. Versatility Award: For any Golden achieving 3 titles out of the 5 AKC categories (only 1 title per category counts towards award). a) Champion b) CD, CDX, UD, UDX, OTCH, RAE c) TD, TDX, VST,CT d) JH, SH, MH e) NA, OA, AX, MX, NAJ, OAJ, AXJ, MXJ, MACH 2. Super Achiever Award: For any Golden achieving a title in 3 out of these 5 AKC categories (only 1 title per category counts towards award). a) CH or GCH b) UD or higher c) TDX or VST or CT d) MH e) AX/MX or AXJ/MXJ or MACH 8). Special Achievement Awards 1. Recognition for outstanding performance through an individual’s efforts, actions, or service for the good of the club, breed and/or significant individual achievements. 2. Each vice president will nominate one or more persons who have dedicated or performed outstanding service to the club for the past year. 3. If no members merit the award, none will be awarded. 4. If several members merit the award, identical awards will be given. 5. Nominations may also be submitted by the membership to the Awards Committee for consideration by Board. 6. President’s Award – Given to a member who has dedicated outstanding service within the past year to the NORCAL Club. Decided by the NORCAL Board. NORCAL GRC 2013 AWARDS FORM Name of Owner/Junior Handler: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Dog’s Registered Name (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND INCLUDE ALL AKC/GRCA TITLES IN NAME—current and new): _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dog’s Call Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Does this dog have a plaque? Yes No Will you be attending the banquet? Yes No Would you prefer NOT to receive any bars and/or plaque but still want your honors announced and published? Did you help out at a NORCAL event this year? Yes If not, please consider making a donation to the trophy fund. No ____ No bars BREED CHECK OFF ALL 2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OBEDIENCE FIELD TRACKING Champion Grand Champion Outstanding Sire Outstanding Dam GRCA Top Ten (2012) GRCA Show Dog Hall of Fame Best in Show AKC Invitational Qualifier Conformation Certificate Assessment Therapy Dog (AKC certified) AGILITY NA NAJ NAP OA OAJ OAP AX AXJ AXP MX MXJ MXP NF OAF XF NPF OPF APF MACH PACH Multiple FTC FTCP PAX GRCA Agility Hall of Fame AKC Invitational Qualifier AKC National Qualifier GRCA Top 25 (2012) NAC T2B T2BP CD RN CDX RA UD RE UDX RAE OTCH NOC BN HIT GN Multi HIT GO High Combined VER Multi High Combined GRCA Obedience Hall of Fame 200 Score OM _____ Multi 200 OGM GRCA Top Ten (2012) AKC Invitational Qualifier NJP OJP AJP MJP MXF MPF MACH Multiple PACH Multiple PAX TQX TQXP VERSATILITY VC – GRCA VCX – GRCA VCD1 AKC VCD2 AKC VCD3 AKC VCD4 AKC VCCH AKC DC (Dual Champion) TC (Triple Champion) JH TD SH TD MH TDX WC VST WCX CT FC AKC Invitational Qualifier AFC NAFC NFC 1st in Field Stake Qualified Qualified All Age Master National Qualifier Master National Finisher Field Dog Hall of Fame Master Hunting Title (MNH) JUNIOR Qualified for Westminster or Won Best Junior Won Highest Scoring Junior Handler or Won 1st place in any AKC performance event ___________________________ (other) ___________________________ *Please list additional new agility titles CLUB AWARDS ***Must submit statistics to be considered for club awards*** Use separate piece of paper Top Field Golden Top Obedience Golden Top Show Male Golden Top Show Male Puppy Top Agility 20” Versatility ____ No plaque Top Derby Golden Reserve Obedience Golden Top Show Female Golden Top Show Female Puppy Top Agility 24” Super Achiever Form must be received by December 16, 2013. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Send to Edwina Ryska 6010 Roblar Road; Petaluma, CA 94952 Email any questions to, but your form must be mailed. Awards must be picked up at banquet, they will not be mailed! If you can’t attend, please identify who will pick up your award! Golden Notes Contacts and Information NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Golden Notes Editor Laura Finco (925) 828-8731 7090 Utica Court NORCAL GRC Information General Information Meetings: General meetings are held four times a year in the Bay Area with date, time, and location to be published online and in Golden Notes. Membership Potential members are required to attend THREE NORCAL events and sponsored by a member in good standing. Membership applications can be obtained online or from Gina King at 876 Barcelona St. Soledad, CA 94960 Volunteers Needed Each event that NORCAL GRC puts on requires the assistance of members in a variety of roles. All NORCAL GRC members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one event throughout the year. If you cannot volunteer in person, it is suggested that members consider making a donation to the trophy fund. Annual Awards Banquet/Meeting Each year NORCAL GRC holds our Awards Banquet to honor the achievements of our dogs. Awards applications are generally available online mid-November. All awards applications must be submitted by the published deadline in order to be included in the awards ceremony. Further information is available online and in the November/December issue of Golden Notes. Picnic Trials Picnic Trials (field training sessions for both owners and dogs) are held monthly from February—October in various locations. All Goldens and their owners are welcome. We also welcome the “rarer” retrievers— standard poodles, curly coated retrievers, flat coated retrievers, IWS, and Tollers. All levers of experience from pups and adults that have never seen a bird to advanced hunting dogs are encouraged to attend. Bring a lunch, drinks, and utensils as well as water and other equipment for your dog. If you have them, bring your whistles, bumpers, duck calls starter pistols, decoys, etc. Cost is $10 for your first dog and $5 for each additional dog (first time handlers get their first dog free!) The cost covers ground rental and shells. Generally dead birds are used but if flyers are available they will be provided at cost. Sign up at 8:30 am with work starting at 9 am— NON MEMBERS ARE WELCOME AT ALL OF OUR EVENTS! Show Superintendents If you are interested in receiving premium lists for shows in this area, send your name and address to: MB-F, Inc PO Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27410 Jack Bradshaw PO Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Jack Onofrio PO Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Norman Brown, PO Box 4566, Spokane, WA 99220 Newport, PO Box 7131, Pasadena, CA 91109 Show/Obedience/Juniors: Sue Carpenter 4234 Rosenbaum Ave San Jose, CA 95136 Field: Debbie Tandoc 1175 Culligan Blvd San Jose, CA 95120 Agility: Edwina Ryska 6010 Roblar Rd Petaluma, CA 94952 Please send your results to the appropriate editor by the 10th of every month to ensure that your information will be included in the next issue. Subscription to Golden Notes Upon request, nonmembers will receive one complimentary copy of Golden Notes after which they will be asked to pay a yearly subscription/donation fee of $20 to be mailed to the editor. Puppy Referrals Contact Ken and Trudy Blanchard, 7135 Gibson Canyon Rd, Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 455-0281 or There is a $25 donation fee to NCGRRescue for members listing litters. Clearance information must be submitted with referral request. NORCAL GRC puppy referral services is a VOLUNTARY activity. Typically 10-20 phone calls are received weekly for puppy information. The service does not guarantee that breeders will be provided with enough referrals, nor does NORCAL GRC and its members assume any responsibility for follow up after a referral has been made. This is a contact service only. Breeders are requested to contact this service when all puppies in a litter are placed. Advertisement Rate Litter Listings: $15.00 per issue for members and $25.00 per issue for nonmembers; all information including clearances and pedigrees must be submitted with request.. The form below must be completed and sent in order for Litter Listings to appear. Equipment/For Sale: $10.00 per issue Commercial/Services: $25 per issue for a 1/4 page ad as space allows AGREEMENT In consideration for NORCAL Golden Retriever Club listing the breeding of: _____________________________________________________________ (sire) to _____________________________________________________________ (dam) in the “Litter Listings” section of the NORCAL Golden Retriever Club newsletter, Golden Notes, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and defend NORCAL Golden Retriever Club for and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, and costs asserted against and/or imposed upon NORCAL Golden Retriever Club which are in any manner connected with the foregoing breeding. ________________________________________________________ _____________ Signed Date _______________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Show events are listed on the AKC website ( and in the AKC publication the AKC Gazette. Contact the AKC PO Box 37903 Raleigh, NC 27690 for additional information. Golden Retriever Club of America NORCAL Golden Retriever Club is part of the Golden Retriever Club of America. All members of NORCAL GRC are encouraged to hold dual membership with the GRCA. Information regarding officers and the Western Regional Officers can be found at NORCAL Delegate to GRCA: Laura Finco, 7090 Utica Court, Dublin, CA 94568 . OFA Hip Registry Certification by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals that a Golden does not have hip dysplasia is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for x-ray information or a referral to a specialist. CERF Eye Registry Certification by a Board Certified Veterinarian Ophthalmologist that a Golden’s eyes are free from hereditary problems is required for adverting in Golden Notes and the GRCA News. Dogs must be over two years of age for certification. Contact your local veterinarian for a referral to a specialist.. Pedigree Information must also be submitted with Litter Listing Requests. NORCAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB ANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEON AND GENERAL MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2013 11 am-3 pm CATTLEMEN’S in LIVERMORE Golden Notes c/o Laura Finco, Editor 7090 Utica Court Dublin, CA 94568
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