Randall Wrap Up February 2016


Randall Wrap Up February 2016
Randall Consolidated School, 37101 87th St, Burlington, WI 53105
262-537-2211 / fax 262-537-2280
All “Bee’s” have been
completed and
Anthology winners
have been selected.
Congratulations to all
of our school winners.
Volume 12, Issue 6
February 15, 2016
Upcoming Events:
• Open Enrollment Window:
Feb 2 - Apr 29, 2016
• NO SCHOOL: Feb 15
• Early Release (1:05 pm): Mar 9
• NO SCHOOL: Mar 25-Apr 1
Geo Bee: Arianna K & Trevor S
Please Turn to
Pages 5 & 6 for
stories on all of
competitions as
well as pictures
of all of our
Spelling Bee: Patience K & Korik K
Published Anthology: Olivia C, Lucas M,
Maya G, Patience K, McKinley B,
Carley B, Madison S, Kylie W,
Grace M, Madison T, Claire V,
Alicia W, Jordan R
not pictured: Kenzi K & Elliana Z
History Bee: Josephine S, Dillon G & Zach Z
From the Principal’s Desk
As a way to continually improve our teaching practices and evaluate current, classroom
instructional strategies, teachers have been working on incorporating interactive learning strategies into their
classrooms this year. As a part of this process, teachers have been working with Mr. Bill Banks, a retired
teacher with over 30 years experience and a master in his field. While working with our teachers during staff
development time, Mr. Banks has taught our teachers the necessary tools to deeply engage students in their
own learning, in order to achieve academic growth and personal success in the classroom. The strategies
that Mr. Banks has presented are research-based and classroom proven to promote a focus shift from what is
being taught to what students are learning. As a result of this training, teachers have been implementing a
number of new instructional strategies into their classrooms to assure that
students are actively engaged in their learning and discussing their thinking. As
Please turn
an observer, I have seen some fantastic lessons in which students are working as
to Page 7 for
teams identifying problems, discussing possible solutions, and reflecting on their
an update from
own thought process. Our hope is that the implementation of these strategies will
Mr. John Gendron,
continue to enrich the learning environment that we provide our students and that
academic growth will continue to increase in our students. As we move into the
spring, I am excited to see the implementation of additional strategies, as we
master these practices and incorporate them into our teaching.
Project Lead the Way
-Mrs. Erin Zigler
Policies & Procedures
Please be advised that practice and policy is for children to go outside at recess time
unless the temperature or temperature combined with wind chill is below zero
degrees. We monitor the weather during the day to determine whether or not
students remain indoors or go outside.
All students are expected to go outside for recess. Exceptions are made
for medical conditions only (doctor notes are required).
This information is listed on page 9 of your parent handbook received & signed for by all families
As the weather in Wisconsin can
easily change during the day,
students should be
properly attired during
the winter months so that
they are adequately
prepared to go
outside when weather permits.
This attire includes hats, coats,
gloves, and boots.
Those students wishing to play
off of the blacktop will need snow
pants AND boots.
School Closing Information
At Randall we will use the SkyAlert calling
system to notify everyone of a school closing.
School closing or cancellation information will also be carried
locally by the following Milwaukee media outlets:
Radio – AM
Radio – FM
94.5 FM WKTI
Channel 4 – WTMJ
95.7 FM WRIT
Channel 6 – WITI
1130 WISN
97.3 FM WLTQ
Channel 12 – WISN
100.7 FM WKKV
Channel 58 – WDJT
106.1 FM WMIL
Page 2
With the “wet weather” of winter
(or just a good idea),
please consider having an extra pair
of clothing in your child’s backpack.
This includes socks,
underwear, pants, and shirt.
Don’t Forget, by checking your Skyward
Family Access account, you can see the
following: (including but not limited to) :
Day-to-day assignments
Homework assignments
Student grades
Messages from teachers
Food service account info
Attendance info
And much, much more
Just follow the navigation bar on the left to
access everything
Volume 12, Issue 6
If you missed our 4K &
5K Registration for the
School Year,
please contact
Mrs. Borowski at x100
as soon as possible so
screenings can be
Kindergarten Screening: Wed,
March 16 & Thurs, March 17:
These screenings will be by
appointment only (first
come/first serve time slots).
Yearbook Ordering
Information Reminder….
Please look for a SkyAlert message to come
home soon regarding final purchasing
details/instructions for the 2015/2016
Yearbook. The cost for the yearbook is $16
each. All orders are due by March 11th.
You can check the Fee
Management Tab in your
Skyward Family Access to
see if you already purchased AND paid for
a yearbook via on-line registration. Make
sure to check prior to March 11th to
guarantee a yearbook.
Open Enrollment window:
February 1 - April 29, 2016
Starting February 1st, you can go to the front page of the
Randall Website for a direct link to the DPI Website for
Or for more information on Alternative Procedures for
Applying for Open Enrollment, you can also go to
If you anticipate a possible change of address in the
upcoming year, please
For more general info about OE contact:
see Mrs. Borowski in the
Public School Open Enrollment Program
Jr High Office so she can
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
help you figure out any
P.O. Box 7841, Madison, WI 5370753707-7841
necessary paperwork.
TollToll-Free: 888888-245245-2732
We are always here to
Email: openenrollment@dpi.wi.gov
help with any questions
Website: http://oe.dpi.wi.gov
you may have.
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 3
Notes from the Nurse
What’s Going Around Randall School?
We are in the midst of cold and flu season in the chilly
month of February. We are indoors more often, where
germs are more easily spread. Parents are concerned
about the school environment and what might be “going
around.” With the instant communication available
through social media, information is shared very quickly;
unfortunately, it is not always accurate. Here’s the scoop:
Whooping Cough (pertussis): There have been 2 cases total. These
students have been treated and are back to school. Other students have been tested but
all of the results have come back negative. Pertussis is spread through close contact with
an infected person that is coughing. Most coughs are not pertussis. The pertussis cough
is characterized by fits of coughing and coughing that makes it difficult to breathe or
sleep. The cough can lead to vomiting.
Gastroenteritis (stomach flu): Our rates of students with vomiting or diarrhea are typical
– no increases in the overall number of cases. We did have one 2nd grade classroom, 2
weeks ago, that was hit more heavily and had 8 students absent on one particular day.
The next day all was back to normal.
Strep throat, Conjunctivitis (pink eye): The rates of strep throat and pink eye are typical –
no outbreaks. There are always a few cases at any given time but right now, we are seeing
nothing out of the ordinary.
What else? Colds with cough, as well as some fevers, are always present, but again, our
absent rate has remained steady.
Prevention Measures
The best ways to avoid germs are always the most basic: good hand
washing, cover your cough by coughing into your sleeve (young
children need reminders about this), and keeping sick children home.
If your child is sick with a fever or vomiting, keep them home. If they
have a constant or severe cough, they need to be home as well.
If you have questions, please call. We know parents worry and we want
to put your minds at ease if we can. Stay well.
-Mrs. Kempken RN, Randall School Nurse
Page 4
Volume 12, Issue 6
Randall School completed their
annual Spelling Bee on Tuesday,
February 2, 2016. This year, 22
student in grades 2-8 earned seats in
the school-wide bee after winning
their grade level spelling bees.
Randall's spelling bee is part of the
Scripts National Spelling Bee
program. Membership in this
provides the opportunity for our
students to move on to the regional
and state levels if participants
Class Winners LL-R/FR/F-B: Abby L, Maya G, Madeline N, Faythe K,
After 33 rounds, our Bee Master
Whitney H, Alana T, Abby W, Jelena K, Ethan C ,Patience K,
Logan C, Clayton W, Ashlynn N, Chelsea N, Katie C,
Mrs. Hagensick was able to declare
Matthew F, Korik K, Sarah W, Maija P, Andrew K, Chase K,
Patience K, 4th grade, our school
Sydney Y, Emma F
winner and Korik K, 7th grade, our
runner up.
Patience will compete on March 2,
2016 as the Randall representative at the
CESA 2 Regional competition. It will be
held at Whitewater High School's
Randall School conducted its annual
Geography Bee on Thursday, January 14th,
2016. Ten finalists from grades 4-8
competed. We are proud to announce the
Randall winner of the 2015-16 competition
is Trevor S, 7th grade. The second place
finisher was Arianna K, also a 7thgrader,
and third place was a tie between 5th graders
Oland H and Bradley B.
The school bee, where Bee Master Mr. Bies
asked geography questions, was the first
round in the 28th annual National
Geographic Bee. Thousands of schools
around the United States and in the five
U.S. territories are participating in the 2016
Bee. The school champions, including
Trevor, will now take a written test. Up to
100 of the top scorers on that test will then
be eligible to compete in the Wisconsin
State Bee on April 1, 2016.
The Randall Wrap Up
Class Winners LL-R/FR/F-B: Oland H, Fisher L, Mason Z, Thomas W, Bradley B, Grace G, Kaitlyn S,
Dillon G, Shane V, Keenan W, Bee Master Mr. Bies, Arianna K, Trevor S, Lizzy S
Page 5
Randall School took part in the National History Bee on
January 28th. The National History Bee is a social studies
competition for students who love history and the thrill of
competition. Student’s progress from the school level to
the regional level and finally to the National Finals,
where one student becomes the National History Bee
Champion. The bee is open to students in grades 5-8.
At Randall, ten students took the school
level qualifying test on-line. Their score
determined if they would move on to the
next level. Dillon G, 6th grade, advanced to
the regional competition. Josephine S and
Zach Z, both 6th grade, are invited as
alternates to the regionals where they can
fill in for anybody that cannot make it.
Class Winners LL-R/FR/F-B: Braeden C,
Eric P, Claire V, Dillon G, McKinley B,
Bee Master Mr. Bies, Ryan S, Mitch K,
Cameron S, Alfred H, Josephine S
not pictured Zach Z
Congratulations to the 24 students who had their works of art and writing up for publication this year. Judging
took place on January 26th at Whitewater. We are excited to announce we have 15 entries in this year's
anthology book. The “asterisked” students have been selected to be published in the 2015-16 Southern Lakes
GRADE 3: *Lucas M~Illustrated Writing & *Maya G~Prose
GRADE 4: *Patience K~Poetry & Ian K~Poetry
GRADE 5: *Carley B~Poetry, *Olivia C~Art, Chelsea N~Poetry
& Allison H~Art
GRADE 6: *Grace M~Art, *Madison S~Art, Zach Z~Prose & Lizzy S~Art
GRADE 7: *Elliana Z~Poetry, *Alicia W~Art, *Kiley W~Art,
*Madison T~Cartoon, Celeste L~Illustrated Writing, Sydney Y~Poetry
& Jelena K~Poetry
GRADE 8: *McKinley B~Poetry, *Jordan R~Cartoon, *Claire V~Poetry,
*Kenzi K~Art & Cameron S~Prose
Special congratulations to
Grace M in 6th Grade.
Grace's art piece titled
“Women Are Extraordinary”
was selected to be the cover of
this year's anthology! This is
a huge honor and we are so
proud of her.
Randall Winners LL-R/FR/F-B: Allison H,
Chelsea N, Olivia C, Ian K, Lucas M,
Maya G, Patience K, Kiley W,
Madison S, McKinley B, Jelena K,
Carley B, Elizabeth S, Grace M, Zach Z,
Madison T, Claire V, Alicia W, Jordan R,
Celeste L, Cameron S, Sydney Y
Page 6
Not pictured: Kenzi K & Elliana Z
Volume 12, Issue 6
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are continuing to explore opportunities for kids to enhance their academic and emotional growth
as students and to prepare them for the world beyond Randall School. In the last year and a half,
Randall School has added Chromebooks in grades 3-8, increased leadership opportunities for
students, revamped and improved our Character Education programming, and focused work to
enrich the learning environment in all classrooms. I am happy to inform you that Randall School will
be offering Project Lead the Way curriculum to all students in grades K-8 beginning next year.
PLTW (Project Lead the Way) is the nation's leading provider of science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM) programs. Through world-class K-12 curriculum, high-quality teacher professional
development, and outstanding partnerships, PLTW will help Randall School take the next step
forward as a learning community for all children.
The Board of Education, leadership team, and staff at Randall are excited about this opportunity for
our students. There are many benefits to the PLTW curriculum and below are just a few.
Benefits to Implementation of PLTW
Additional STEM Education into Randall Curriculum
Fosters Student Collaboration
Enhances Critical Thinking and Communication Skills
Cross Curricular Impact to Math, Reading, and Writing
Problem Solving Emphasis
Reinforces Concept That Problems Have More Than One Solution
Student Engagement and Excitement
Technology integration
Alignment with Wilmot HS Curriculum
I am very excited about all of the great things happening at Randall, but I believe that the addition
of Project Lead the Way for our students will become one of the true celebrations in our district.
PLTW will foster growth in our kids not only in math and science, but also in language arts, reading,
and technological areas. With the hard work of our teachers, our students will continue to grow as
learners, thinkers, problem solvers, and communicators.
Please join me in my excitement. PLTW will help Randall in its journey to be the best school in
Wisconsin. We have a great school, but the best in only yet to come.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact me.
Proud to Be a Wildcat,
John Gendron, District Administrator
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 7
Athletic Notes
Conference Playoff’s are under way with finals on Feb 18th. Boys A-Team played in the
first round on Feb 10th and won 50-37. The boys now advance to the semi-finals on
Tuesday, Feb 16th. Good Luck Boys!
The boys' B-team wrapped up a great season earlier this month, finishing the year with a
record of 14-3. Their 9-1 conference record was second best in the league. They boys
finished in 2nd place in both the Riverview Comet Classic and the All Saints
Tournament. They showed tremendous improvement throughout the year, and it showed
when they handed Yorkville their only loss of the season in the All Saints
tournament. Congratulations boys on a fantastic season!
B-Team Players were: Kolton N, Zach V, Jake W, Garrett L, Evan P,
Tyler W, Jack F, Chase K, Leo F, Korik K, Gaven P, and Dylan C.
Randall was lucky enough to have two C-Teams this year, which
comprised of 16 sixth and seventh graders. The C-Teams were divided
into a "Red" and "White" team, and each played many of the
conference schools. Both teams showed tremendous progress in
knowledge of the game, teamwork, and overall basketball skills.
The "White" team ended up with a record of 2 wins and 6 losses, however their overall
record does not give the team enough credit on how much they improved from the beginning
to the end of the season. The team consisted of these hard-working athletes: Ethan C,
Adam D, Logan D, Austin G, JD P, Logan W, and Colten W.
The "Red" team finished up with an overall record of 9 wins and 5 losses, including three
convincing victories while at the All Saints Tournament held at Wheatland School. At the
tournament, Randall fought hard to finish at an impressive 3rd place out of 10 teams. Again,
this group of boys did an outstanding job throughout the season playing as a cohesive team,
putting forth a great team effort, and learning the game quickly. The team consisted of the
following determined athletes: Ethan I, Chase K, Corey P, Wyatt S, Doug S, AJ V,
Andrew Z, Zach Z, and Blake W. Great season, boys!
It is almost volleyball season! Sign up sheets are out and
ALL paperwork is due by Wednesday, February 17th.
Tryouts are being held February 22nd & 23rd.
All forms can be picked up at school OR found
on the Randall Website, under the Athletic Tab.
Page 8
Volume 12, Issue 6
Our Randall Cheerleaders are selling refillable water bottles until supplies run out
Bottles will be: *24 oz., *Clear with a red spout and a black paw print on them
Please fill out and return the bottom of this form along with a check made out to Randall School if
you would like to order one. Water bottles will be delivered to the student’s homeroom.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut here and return bottom portion of slip and payment in an envelope with the child’s name on it to school.
Child’s name___________________________________________________ Homeroom_______
___________ water bottles @ $8.00 each = Total enclosed $_________
(# of bottles)
PE Department News
This year, our PE Department tried
something new. For two weeks, our
“Green Gym” became a roller rink
where students were taught the basics of
standing up with skates, starting &
stopping, balancing & safety practices.
Parent volunteers came to help students
get skates on and help steady students
until they were comfortable enough on
their own. A big thank you to Mr. Zager
who built special PVC Roller Skate
Trainers for the PE Department to use to
help support beginners who might
have a fear of falling. It was so
much fun watching these kids skating
and seeing so many new skaters now
ready to take on the world.
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 9
Musical Notes
(5th-8th Grade Choruses)
(Singers arrive @ 4:30 pm)
Hope you can join us!
Randall Band Students are currently selling
items from The Chip Shoppe to earn money to
support the Randall Band. If you are interested in
helping out, please contact a band member or
band director to order. If you want to see what
products can be ordered, go to
Monday, February 22nd
March 18th, 4pm-6pm in the Cafeteria.
While the 4th Grade students
performed under the direction of
special guest conductor Darth
Vader, Randall students learned
all about listening for the different
parts of music. Great Job 4th
graders teaching everyone to be
great listeners.
Thur, Feb 25 @ 4-7 pm/JH Side
Sat, Feb 13 @WHS
Sat, Mar 12 All Day/WHS
Thur, Mar 17 3:45/4:45/5:45
Sat, Apr 9 afternoon practice/evening perform.
Thur, May 5 @ 6:30 pm/Big Gym
Local Solo/Ensemble
Choral Fest
District Solo/Ensemble
Beg Band Recitals
Band Festival @ WHS
Spring Concert
5-8 Band members
5-8 Chorus members
6-8 Band/Vocal Students
4th Grade Band
4th-8th Bands
4th-8th Band, Chorus, Excel
These dates/times are subject to slight changes. FOR THE FULL YEARS EVENTS, PLEASE check out the
OR Visit the Music Dept. Website:
Page 10
Volume 12, Issue 6
Randall Receives Exxon Mobile Educational Alliance Grant
Mr. Ray, 7th and 8th grade science teacher, was recently awarded two Exxon Mobile
Educational Alliance Grants totaling $1000.00. The application was done in
conjunction with the Cambeck Petroleum Corporation in Janesville, WI with
assistance from Mrs. Patti Kobs.
"The Educational Alliance Program is an opportunity for our branded
retailers to support their neighborhood schools," said Mark Shores, U.S. Retail
Sales Director, Exxon Mobil Fuels Marketing. "It is one way we support our
retailers' involvement in the communities where we do business."
Educational Alliance grants can be used for a broad range of programs
based on the needs of the individual school. This year, many schools are using the grants for
special projects that expand on current academic programs. Mr. Ray has used
the money to purchase a Lab Incubator to enhance the 8th grade bacteria lab
activities, a Van de Graaf generator to use during the 7th grade electricity unit
and other types of equipment to improve science education at Randall.
ExxonMobil is a long-standing supporter of education programs around
the world. Through numerous grant and scholarships programs, employee
volunteers and matching gift programs, ExxonMobil seeks to improve the quality
of local schools.
Art Room News
You never know what Artists at Randall
School will come up with next. They are
working in centers developing their own
portrait to be combined into a collage for the
yearbook. These are the artist at work. You
can see a sneak peek at some of the
almost completed sections.
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 11
February is the month of LOVE and 2nd Graders wanted you
to know what they absolutely LOVE about being in 2nd grade!
1. Madi B - “My favorite thing to do after school is the Daddy/Daughter Dance.”
2. Blake B - “I love to play SPARKLE in Spelling, because if you win you get candy!”
3. Audrey B - “I can’t wait for the Daddy/Daughter Dance because it is going to be so fun,
and there is going to be light-up straws!”
4. Sofia B - “I loved Pajama Day! It was so fun because we didn’t have to wear our shoes in
the classroom!”
5. Ashleigh C - “I like the games we play in Phy. Ed. My favorite game is ‘Asteroid’. I like
to play ‘Asteroid’ because it is new to me, and I like it very much!”
6. Bella D - “I can’t wait for the Daddy/Daughter Dance because I get to spend time with my
7. Cole D - “I like to climb the ropes and play ‘Stuck in the Mud’ in Phy. Ed.”
8. Lily D - “My favorite special is Art. I like Art because we make cool projects. My
favorite project is the one where we put paint in the middle and then we fold the paper and
it makes cool colors!”
9. Willie D - “I like Around the World” in Math because I am very good at Math, and if I
travel Around the World I get candy! I went Around the World 4 times! I usually get a
blue Jolly Rancher. I think blue tastes very good.”
10.Makayla F - “My favorite thing in 2nd grade is 8th grade Buddies. We do fun projects
11. Mason H - “My favorite game on the IPad is Stack the States. It’s my favorite because
you can get very smart from it.”
12.Ashten J - “My favorite part of 2nd grade is to be with my teacher Mrs. VanZeeland. She
is very nice to me.”
13.Jake K - “I love when the 8th grade Buddies come to our classroom. My favorite project
was the Hearts Project. My buddy and I made a Heart Stegosaurus.”
14.Faythe K - “The best field trip in 2nd grade was the Wild West Museum. My dad came
along with me and bought me a very nice arrowhead.”
15.Alissa L - “I liked Pajama Day because I got to wear my pajamas to school. I like to wear
them because they are super soft and comfy.”
16.Christian M - “I love Math in 2nd grade because it gets my brain ready and thinking, and
it makes me happy!”
17.Mia P - “I am so excited for the Daddy/Daughter Dance because I get to spend time with
my dad AND HAVE FUN!”
Page 12
Volume 12, Issue 6
18.Will S - “The best thing at school that I have done is having Jama Day!”
19.Pete T - “I like Math because we do Repeated Addition, Around the World,
Adding 3 Digit Numbers, and adding 2 Digit Numbers.”
20.Jade V - “My favorite thing to do in 2V is the projects, because they are really
fun! I loved making my Christmas present for my family.”
21.Louis V - “I like to go to the bowling alley for the Mother/Son Bowling.”
22.Brecken Z - “I like Around the World because when someone comes to you Mrs. V. shows
you a flashcard and you want to beat the person who is standing next to you!”
23.Logan B - “I love the ipads. My favorite game is Stack the States. It is really fun.”
24.Amanda B - “Projects are so fun! I especially like the groundhog puppet project.”
25.Ashlyn C - “I love the Daddy Daughter Dance because I love my dad and I get to spend
time with him.”
26.Caitlyn De - “I like art because I love to paint and color and Mrs Tenhagen is so fun when
we do stuff.”
27.Ian H - “My favorite thing in second grade is ipads because I am good at Stacking the
States. I can get up to 20 states in one day.”
28.Whitney H - “I love the spelling bee because I got so far towards the end. I could of
won! It was fun to go on stage and see everyone watching.”
29.Brooklyn H - “Mrs. Diedrich is my favorite teacher because she teaches like the best in the
world. Mrs. Diedrich is so beautiful and she is the best 2nd grade teacher in the whole
30.Brecken K - “I like to be leader because I get to bring show and tell and I get to play on
the computer.”
31.Sammy K - “My favorite part of second grade is having Mrs. Diedrich as my
teacher. Mrs. Diedrich is very sweet!”
32.Jesse K - “My favorite thing to do is skate night because my favorite thing to do is roller
33.Catherine K - “I love when we do projects because I like to be creative.”
34.Brodie L - “I liked going to the Wild West Museum. I got to sit in a saddle and I could
touch stuff.”
35.Karlee M - “I loved the Junie B. Jones play because it was very interesting and funny and
there were many songs!”
36.Cecelia M - “My favorite thing in the whole world is half days of school. I like half days
because I get to go home early.”
37.Christian O - “I love the Talent Show assembly because I like seeing the big kids sing.”
38.Madison O - “I love making projects because they are fun things to do. Every time we
make a project it turns into an awesome thing.”
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 13
39.Caden P - “I love art because it’s one of my favorite things to do.”
40.Mason P - “My favorite thing in second grade was when we played
bingo on Half Way Day because we had candy at the end of the day.”
41.Lilly S - “I love the Daddy Daughter dance because it was special.”
42.Gavin S - “I like skate night because I like to rollerblade with my friend Pete.”
43.Alana T - “I love Mrs. Diedrich because she is the teacher that I wanted for 2nd
grade. I wish I could have her for my teacher every year.”
44.Ryan W - “I love outdoor recess because I see my friends. We can play soccer and
make teams.”
45.Devin E - “I like the Wild West Museum because all of the old stuff is cool.”
46.Christopher E - “I love the Wild West Museum because I like the Wild West.”
47. Austin G - “I love the Wild West Museum, I won a bottle of Sarsparilla..”
48.Brooke O - “I love indoor recess because we can play with anything we want. We can
play with friends, we can color and draw too.”
49.Michael F - “I like to play indoors because I like to play with the cars.”
50.Kolten E - “I love indoor recess because I love Legos and playing with cars. It’s my
51. Kevin D - “I like Read to Self because it is really fun!”
52. Christian J - “I like outdoor recess because it is fun to play with friends.”
53. Marisa K - “The ME Museum was fun. I liked to look at the toys!!!!”
54. Alana P - “I liked the ME Museum because I brought in three things about me.”
55.Mason S- “I liked the ME Museum because I had to wr ite on little car ds and
bring things in.”
56.Gavin N - “I like Rocket Math because I love math!”
57. Olivia G - “I love math because it makes me smarter!”
58.Teegan G - “I love writing. When I was little I loved to write. Ever since I was 5 I
have loved to write.”
59.Jacob I - “I like to write stories.”
60.Audrey T - “I love to work on writing because you can write about yourself.”
61. Sarah J - “I love lunch because the food is always good.”
62.Taylor W - “I love lunch because it is healthy.”
63.Ethan N - “I like working with our buddies because it is fun and I like to laugh.”
64.Ella L - “I love being with our buddies because we get to create cool things.”
65.Grace B -” When we get 10 gold nuggets in our classroom we get a treat. One treat
was Toy Day.”
66.Natalea B - “I like Character Ed because it teaches me how to be a better friend.”
67.Noah H - “I like to study dinosaurs. My favorite dino is pachycephalosaurus.”
Page 14
Volume 12, Issue 6
#53, 54, 55 Projects - ME Museum
#35 Junie B. Jones play
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 15
# 45, 46, 47 Wild West Museum
Wild West Museum - Panning for GOLD!
Wild West Museum - Giddy Up!
Page 16
Volume 12, Issue 6
#48, 49, 50 Indoor Recess
#52 Outdoor recess
# 28 Whitney
at the School
Spelling Bee
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 17
#13 Jake’s Jr. High Buddy Project
#63, 64 Jr. High Buddies
Page 18
Volume 12, Issue 6
#24, 33, 48 Projects &
Ben Franklin Project
Wildcat Character Trait for February:
This month’s Wildcat Character trait is Courage.
Courage is “overcoming fear so you can do what
is good, true, and right.” When you know
something is good and true, stand up with
courage instead of hiding in fear. You never know
how your boldness and bravery will inspire
others to stand up for what is true, right, and just.
To show courage, WE WILL:
1) Know the truth
2) Get help when we are afraid
3) Do what is right
4) Be willing to stand alone
5) Help those who are bullied or abused
The Randall Wrap Up
Page 19
February Counselor Corner
Mrs. Mudroch, Professional School Counselor
8th Grade:
It’s Never too Early to prepare for High
School…..and Beyond!
Believe it or not, five months from now, Randall’s Class of
2016 will be celebrating their promotion ceremony, and
ready to enter the next great journey of their lives, also
known as high school. Wistfully looking back, I
remember those days fondly, however I would not want
to go back and start over. Just as it was “back then,”
today’s high school students struggle with personal
identity, fitting in, peer pressure, ACT scores and SAT
scores, getting good grades, not to mention dating,
driving, and post-secondary decisions.
Certain high school experiences may have life-long
consequences. For that reason, your 8th grade child will
need direction and guidance from teachers, counselors
and most of all from their parents. Since the main goal
of high school is to graduate with purpose and an
action plan for the future, it is important that as a parent
you acknowledge the importance of education. As a
parent of an 8th grade student, you need to talk to your
child’s future high school counselor to explore options,
encourage your son or daughter to take charge now,
and be your child's fundamental support.
There are a few ways you can provide support for your
child at this important time:
Promote the Importance of Education. Students, whose
parents have promoted education, tend to get better
grades. So, now is a good time to have a discussion
with your Junior High student about their post-secondary
plans (college, tech school, military, etc.). Be sure to
stress the importance of grades. Unlike previous years of
schooling, high school grade point averages are
cumulative. For this reason, grades your child earns as a
freshman are not only important for the effect they will
have on their GPA, but also colleges and universities will
look at these grades as indicators of their success during
their freshman year in college. When registering for high
school classes, your eighth grade student should have
an idea of their post-secondary plans, so that they can
register for the right classes.
Help your Child Register for the Right Level Classes. For
example, your child should take Advanced Placement
(A.P.), and Honors courses if they are planning on
attending college. Colleges look at GPA, ACT and SAT
scores, class rank, and how many rigorous courses a
student has enrolled in during their high school years.
Help your Child Register for the Right Level Classes. For
example, your child should take Advanced Placement
(A.P.), and Honors courses if they are planning on
attending college. Colleges look at GPA, ACT and SAT
scores, class rank, and how many rigorous courses a
student has enrolled in during their high school years.
Page 20
Volume 5, Issue 6
February 2016
Go through the high school online course guide with your child
to look at the course offerings for your child’s high school. Wilmot
High School’s online guide can be found at:
Get to really know your child’s friends. It is important for you to
get to know your child’s friends at any age. However, it will take
on an important significance in high school. Peer Pressure goes
both ways. Your child’s friends can encourage him or her to get
good grades, stay involved in extra-curricular activities, and stay
away from drugs and other bad influences. Friends can also
encourage your child in the opposite direction.
Academic and Career Plans – An Exciting New Opportunity for
our Students
Randall’s 8th grade students are developing Academic and
Career Plans through their 8th grade Guidance and English
Language Arts classes. This school year, Mrs. Schmaling’s 1st ELA
block students are also piloting Parent and Student
conferencing. These conferences are a part of the Department
of Public Instruction initiative that was recently signed into law in
our state legislature. The conferences, are 45 minutes long, and
will improve communication between parents, students, and the
school. One of the most crucial features of Academic and
Career Planning is that it is a STUDENT led process that is
supported by meaningful interactions with adults; both in and
out of school. It is through these connections and interactions
that what we build relationships; and it is through these
relationships that we build engagement...in other words, your
student won't care, until they know how much we care. The
conferences will cover your child’s interests, strengths, along with
academic and career goals for the future. Through Career
Cruising, an electronic portfolio is created. It will provide a
roadmap to each student’s upcoming high school schedules,
and future goals. It also includes the results from interest
inventories, learning style surveys, and aptitude surveys; a list of
hobbies and extra-curricular activities your child participates in;
Careers of Interest and Post-Secondary Schools of Interest; any
career activities your child participates in (field trips, resume
development, job application practice, and interviewing skills); it
also links to your child’s career research project and college
research project. The Academic and Career Plan Conferences
will be held on Wednesday – May 11th. Each student will lead this
conference with their parents. If you have a student in Mrs.
Schmaling’s 1st ELA block, you will receive more information in
the next couple months, including how to schedule your child’s
conference. For more information about Academic and Career
Plans, follow this link: http://dpi.wi.gov/acp
"People don't care how much you know, until they know how
much you care."
~ President Theodore Roosevelt
Volume 12, Issue 6