156 Cape Schanck Rd\2820-TP-Issue C Model (1)
156 Cape Schanck Rd\2820-TP-Issue C Model (1)
NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PLANNING PERMIT The land affected by the application is located at: 156 CAPE SCHANCK ROAD CAPE SCHANCK LOT 72 LP 53154 VOL 8506 FOL 324 The application is for a permit to: DEVELOPMENT OF A DWELLING, VEGETATION REMOVAL AND ASSOCIATED WORKS GENERALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBMITTED PLANS The applicant is: MOUNT MARTHA DRAFTING & DESIGN The application reference number and officer is: P15/1614 TIM CAMPELJ You may view the plans and documents that support the application free of charge at the office/s of the Responsible Authority below or online at: www.mornpen.vic.gov.au > Building and Planning > Advertised Planning Applications Mornington Office – Queen Street, Mornington Rosebud Office – Besgrove Street Rosebud Office hours 8.30 to 5pm Any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit may object in writing to the responsible authority. If you object, the Responsible Authority will notify you of its decision. Your objection must: - Specify the Application Number Include the reasons for the objection and state how the objector would be affected Include the objector’s current Postal Address Be mailed to the Responsible Authority: Statutory Planning Team, Mornington Peninsula Shire, Private Bag 1000, Rosebud 3939 Or emailed to: planning.submission@mornpen.vic.gov.au The Responsible Authority will not decide on the application before: 17 DECEMBER 2015 Privacy Notification: The personal information provided in an objection is collected for planning purposes in accordance with the Planning & Environment Act 1987 (the Act). The public may view an objection in accordance with Section 57 of the Act whilst the planning application is current.