Technology Road Map for High Performance Engine System with High Fuel Robustness JPEC The Fifth Asian Petroleum Technology Symposium January 23-25, 2007 Jakarta Indonesia by Professor Masataka ARAI Department of Mechanical System Engineering Gunma University Tenjin-cho 1-5-1, Kiryu Gunma, 376-8515 Japan Tel. +81-277-30-1522, Fax. +81-277-30-1521 E-mail: Technology Road Map for High Performance Engine System with High Fuel Robustness Contents 1. Introduction 2. Robustness of the System 3. Robustness of Fuel Supply and Engine System 4. Available Technologies to improve Fuel Robustness of Engine System 5. Summaries 1. Introduction Harmonized Solution of Tri-lemma 3Es Problem Environment Environment Energy Energy Economy Tri-lemma Progress State of Human Society Economy Harmonized Progress State of Human Society Road Map to Harmonized Society Harmonized Society among Energy, Economy and Environment Energy Free Dream Energy Source Energy Security Greenhouse Gas Economic Development Friendly Vehicle for Environment Fuel Resources High Performance Vehicle Tri- lemma Society among energy, economy and environment 5 Road Map, Route and Milestones To develop more advanced technologies for overcoming the energy and fuel problems, technology road map is needed to find out an effective way of technology promotion. There are many kinds of routes to reach the destination such as harmonized society among energy, economy and environment. As like as mountaineering, we have to prepare the map of high accuracy, check the present and destination locations, pre-investigate the route map to find out the best route for climbers, and decide the places where milestones should be built on. 6 Sustainable Development of the Society Tri-lemma Problem among 3Es (Energy, Economy and Environment) Optimum and Robustness Routes on Technology Road Map Route-1: Harmonized Development of Energy Utilization Optimum Utilization of Energy for Economic Development without Environmental Regression Route-2: Energy Utilization with High Robustness High flexibility Utilization of Energy for Economic Development without Environmental Regression 2. Robustness of the System Robust: Dictionary Definition 1 a : having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health b : having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness <a robust debate> <a robust faith> c : strongly formed or constructed : STURDY <a robust plastic> d : capable of performing without failure under a wide range of conditions <robust software> 2 : ROUGH, RUDE <stories...laden with robust, down-home imagery -- Playboy> 3 : requiring strength or vigor <robust work> 4 : FULL-BODIED <robust coffee>; also : HEARTY <a robust dinner> 5 : of, relating to, resembling, or being a relatively large, heavyset australopithecine (especially Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei) characterized especially by heavy molars and small incisors adapted to a vegetarian diet -- compare GRACILE 3 synonym see HEALTHY - ro·bust·ly adverb - ro·bust·ness /-'b&s(t)-n&s, -(")b&s(t)-/ noun Source: Merriam-Webster On-Line, 1999 9 System and Robustness Input Noise Output System Control Parameters Source 10 Primary Energy Robustness Crude Natural Oil Gas Coal Nuclear Energy Natural Energy Solar Energy Biomass Supply Resource ○ ◎ ◎ × × △ △ Stability of Supply ○ ◎ ◎ ○ × △ △ Storage ◎ ○ ◎ △ × × △ Flexibility of Utility ◎ ○ ○ × × △ △ Conveyance ◎ ○ ◎ △ × × ○ Safety for Disasters ○ △ ◎ × ◎ ◎ ◎ Cost ◎ ○ ◎ △ △ △ △ Environment Pollution △ ○ × △ ◎ ◎ △ Green-House Problem △ ○ × △ ◎ ◎ ○ Secondary Energy Robustness Electricity LNG CNG H2 LPG Coal Petroleum Stability of Supply ◎ ◎ ◎ △ ○ ◎ × Storage × ○ × × ○ ◎ ◎ Flexibility of Utility ◎ × △ × ○ × ◎ Conveyance × × × × ◎ ○ ◎ Safety for Disasters ○ × × × ○ ◎ ◎ Life Line of Energy △ × × × ○ △ ◎ Convenience ◎ × △ × ◎ × ◎ Transportation Use × × ○ △ ○ × ◎ Industrial Use ◎ ◎ ◎ × ○ △ ○ Domestic Use ◎ × ◎ × ◎ × ○ Cost of Energy ○ ○ ○ × ○ ◎ ◎ Environment Pollution ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ × △ Green-House Problem ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ × △ Performance Trade-off of Optimum and Robustness Robustness improvement with degradation of optimum Trade-off curve of grade-up system Robustness Improvement of optimum and robustness Trade-off curve of system Optimum improvement with degradation of robustness Optimum Road Map for the Development of Harmonized Utilization of Energy Route-1: Energy Utilization with High Efficiency Optimum Utilization of Energy for Economic Development without Environmental Regression Optimum and Robustness Route: P⇒O⇒(R)⇒H Fuel Efficiency Route-2: Energy Utilization with High Robustness High flexibility Utilization of Energy for Economic Development without Environmental Regression Robustness and Optimum Route: P⇒R⇒(O)⇒H H O H R P R Operation Range H: harmonized State O: Optimum State R: High Robustness State P: Present State Operation Range of Engine Engine revolution speed Load Fuel Properties etc. 3. Robustness of Fuel Supply and Engine System Refinery System and Robustness Fuel resource and security Stability of supply and market movement Disasters Crude Oil ***** ***** Natural Gas ***** Coal ***** Biomass ***** ***** ***** Noise Robustness for noise Input Refinery Complex System Output Sensitiveness for control parameter Control Parameter Demand of energy Quality and quantity of product Cost effective production Air pollution and greenhouse gas Automotive fuel ***** ***** Marine fuel ***** Industrial fuel ***** Industrial raw material ***** LPG CNG Bio-ethanol ***** Bio-diesel ***** Hydrogen 16 Robustness of Vehicle Engine Item Robustness Fuel grade Engine performance Insensible to fuel properties Fuel switching Easy modification of engine Multi-fuel Flex-fuel engine Engine torque Flat torque Engine output Low fuel consumption at partial load operation Engine revolution Wide range operation Emission Low emission characteristic in any mode of operation Auxiliary system Long life use, Insensibility for fuel (After-treatment system) Maintenance Engine performance insensible to a slight system damage Durability of engine Long life use, Full load durability Cost Low initial and low maintenance costs Variation of fuel Refinery and Automobile for Fuel Robustness Automotive vehicle with high fuel robustness Refinery process with high fuel robustness Fuel Improvement and homogenizing Process Crude Oil ***** ***** Natural Gas ***** Coal ***** Biomass ***** ***** ***** Refinery Sector Refinery plant for multiresources of fuel Refinery plant for specialized crude oil GTL plant Bio-fuel plant Refinery plant for low grade crude oil Fuel storage Automobile Sector On board fuel Improver On board fuel adjust control by ECU Engine insensible to fuel properties Flex-fuel engine 18 4. Available Technologies to improve Fuel Robustness of Engine System 4.1 Automotive Fuel 4.2 Total Engine Technology 4.3 Variable Geometry Engine 4.4 Injector 4.5 Injection Control with Auxiliary Kit 4.6 On-board Improver 4.7 On-board Sensor 4.8 High Sulfur resistance Catalyst Robustness in Automotive Fuel Production Robustness for stable supply of high quality fuel Robustness for low grade fossil fuel High sulfur crude oil Oil sand and other fossil resources Robustness for stable supply of primary resources Robustness for alternative fuels Bio-fuel GTL, BTL CNG Other new fuels Robustness for utility Stable supply SuperCetane Research Pilot Plant (BTL) Canola Oil Soya Oil Yellow Grease Animal Tallow Tall Oil (by-product of kraft pulping process) Feed Hydrogen Fuel gas By product Reactor Reactor Process Hydrocracking (breaking apart of large molecules) Hydrotreating (removal of oxygen) Hxdrogenation Separator (saturation of double bonds) with Conventional refinery hydrotreating catalyst and hydrogen Gas recycle stream Low sulphur High cetane Diesel blending Stock (SuperCetane) Distillation column Liquid product stream Water Waxy paraffinic residue The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC), Natural Resources Canada, has developed a novel technology that can convert these materials into a high cetane, low sulphur diesel fuel blending stock called SuperCetane. 21 Advanced Power Train Technologies for SI engine Robustness of engine Trade-off curve of future engine system C with high mechanism A B Trade-off curve of present system Environmental optimum performance Fuel Efficiency H O H R P R 22 Operation Range On-board dia. Trade-off curve of future engine system C with high mechanism Variable Comp. ratio Variable valve timing Urea-SCR GTL Multi-stage injection Super-charge LT-comb. Low-sulfur fuel EGR DPF DOC-DPF Ultra-high press. injection PCCI-comb. Fuel-born Cat. LNT HCCI-comb. Robustness of engine Bio-diesel fuel A B Trade-off curve of present system DPNR Cat.-DPF Environmental optimum performance Environmental optimum performance Fuel Efficiency Engine Robustness for Fuel Advanced Power Train Technologies for CI engine H O H R P R 23 Operation Range VCR (Variable Compression Ratio ) Mechanism (Nissan Motor CO, LTD ) Variable Geometry Engine (VCR and VVT Engine) Nominal CR = 16 2 Points Reduced CR = 14 2 Points Reduced CR = 12 David Gerard, Shunichi Aoyama, Kenshi Ushijima, Katsuya Moteki, Ben Hadj Hamouda Hedi, Steven Croguennec, Marc Thomine, Anne-Marie Doisy, Diesel VCR (Valiable Compression Ratio) Engine Development using Multi-link Mechanism, FISITA, F2006P331, 2006. Electromagnetic VVT Structure Spyder's 1ZZ-FE engine VVT-i (Variable Valve Timing - intelligent) (Toyota USA) (Honda R&D Co.,Ltd.) Macro illustration of the phasing actuator Compression Ratio CR = 10.0 with regular-grade unleaded gasoline CR = 11.5 with premium unleaded gasoline Junichi Takahashi, Moriyoshi Awasaka, Takashi Kakinuma, Masanobu Takazawa, Yasuhiro Urata, A Study of a Gasoline HCCI Engine Equipped with an Electromagnetic VVT Mechanism – Increasing the Higher Load Operational range with the Inter-Cylinder EGR Boost System, FISITA F2006P360, 2006. Spyder's 1ZZ-FE engine VVT-i continuously variable intake-valve timing with VVT-L, a Honda VTEC-like variable valve-lift mechanism on both intake and exhaust valves 24 Improving Robustness of Spray Guided DI Combustion Systems The Air-Assisted Approach High Pressure Fuel Single Injection Sensitive to Injection Press. and Timing (Orbital Engine Company Pty.Lid. Austria) Air Assisted Injection with low fuel supply press. Insensitive to Injection Press. and Timing Improving the robustness of DI combustion of SI engine (Fuel metering) (Fuel injection) 25 Geoffrey Cathcart, Don Railton, Improving Robustness of Spray Guided DI Combustion Systems: The Air-Assisted Approach, 2001 JSAE Spring Convention, 186, 2001 Improving Robustness of Diesel Spray High Pressure Injection of Diesel Spray Injection Timings of Diesel Spray for Various Purpose Injection Timings of Diesel Sprays for Various Purpose Pre-mixed Comb. Partial Oxidation Low Temp. Main Comb. Post Comb. Pressure Heat Release Rate TDC Injection Timing Post Injection Early Injection Late-early Injection After Injection Pilot Injection Split Main Injection Advanced Technologies in Diesel Engine Total Engine Control with ECU Yuzo Aoyagi, Hideaki Osada, Masahiro Misawa, Tomoaki Hirosawa, Matsuo Odaka, Akira Noda, Yuich Goto, Low NOx Diesel Combustion using High Boosted Cooled and Wide Range EGR System, FISITA F2006P298, 2006 Cold EGR Super Charging After-treatment System NOx, PM, HC, CO Variable Valve Control Exhaust Gas Temp. Control Low Sulfur Fuel Fuel Control High Pressure Injection Multi-Stage Injection Soot Pre-mixing Combustion NOx Low Temp. Combustion 26 Flex-Fuel System for E85 Fuel Flex Gold Full Flex 27 On-Board Fuel Improver On-Board Generation of a Highly Volatile Starting Fuel to Reduce Automotive Cold-Start Emission OBDS: On-Board Distillation System OBDS Fuel Compositions, Mass Fractions by Carbon Number Catalyst Reformer for Gasoline (POx System: Partial oxidation System) Narcus D. Ashford, Ronald D. Matthews, On-Board Generation of a Highly Volataile Starting Fuel to Reduce Automotive Cold-Start Emissions, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol.40 No.18,5770-5777, 2006 John E.Kirwan, Ather A.Quader, M.James Grieve, Fast Start-UP On-Board Gasoline Reformar for Near Zero Emissions in Spark-Ignition Engines, SAE Paper No. 2002-01-1011 28 On-Board Pressure Sensor and Injection Control Yuichi Shimasaki, Mamoru Hasegawa, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Makoto Kobayashi, Hideki Sakamoto, Naoto Kitayama Tomohiro Kanda, Study on Ignition Timing Control for Diesel Engines using In-cylinder Pressure 29 Sensor, FISITA F2006P371, 2006 High Sulfur Resistance Catalyst PM Oxidation: NAC+DPF System (Desulfurization) Diesel Oxidation Catalysts with High Sulfur Resistance Test fuel (350ppmS) : Base Fuel (0.6ppmS)+Sulfur Doping Compounds 2006-01-0423 Desulfurization Effects on a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle NOx Adsorber Exhaust Emission Control System Marek Tatur, Dean Tomazic and Heather Tyrer (FEV Engine Technology, Inc.), Matthew Thornton (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Joseph Kubsh (Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association) T50 of CO and C3H8 befor and after sulfation under lean conditions for Pt powder catalysts over zirconia materials doped with base metal M T50: Oxidation efficiency of 50% 2006-01-0031 Doped Zirconia with High Thermal Stability, for High Sulfur Resistance Diesel Oxidation Catalysts S.Verdier and V.Harle (PHODIA Research and echnologies), A.Huang, E.Rohart, O.Larcher and M.Allain (RHODIA Electronics and Catalysi 30 5. Summaries Technology Road Map for High Performance Engine System with High Fuel Robustness 1. High performance engine system with high fuel robustness is necessary for harmonized development of the society. 2. There are many advanced technologies for high-performance engine. However, these technologies have not enough robustness. 3. Trade-off relationship between optimum and robustness is important. It should be used as a fundamental concept of the technology road map. 4. On the technology map, there are two ways to go to the destination. One way is the route of first priority on optimization. The other is the route of first priority on robustness. 5. Variable geometry engine, flex-fuel engine, on-board fuel reformer, new fuel injection equipment and high sulfur resistance aftertreatment system, etc are the candidates of elemental technologies for high fuel robustness of engine system. 6. Fuel robustness is a key technology of future development of engine system. 7. New technologies to improve the fuel robustness should be developed. 31 Thank you for your kind attention 32