20th Anniversary! William M. Staerkel Planetarium


20th Anniversary! William M. Staerkel Planetarium
Parkland Update
Sponsored by: Champaign County
Farm Bureau
20th Anniversary! William M. Staerkel Planetarium
n a warm, beautiful October evening, the Parkland College Foundation
hosted a Gala to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the William M.
Staerkel Planetarium on Parkland’s campus. The Planetarium lobby and
tent outside over the Walk of Honor was filled with close to 200 Foundation
donors, faculty, staff, and retired Parkland employees. The LaMonte Parsons
Experience provided light jazz and candles lit the sparkling tables.
Those who gave a brief presentation that night included Harold Miller,
former Parkland College Board of Trustees member, and Kyle Robeson,
former Parkland College Foundation Board of Directors member, who read
a letter he wrote to potential supporters of the Planetarium back in 1985.
In addition, Interim President Tom Ramage provided remarks and insight.
Guests enjoyed delicious food and beverages from Classic Events catering
that included Tang Slushies and homemade Moon Pies, as well as a chance to
win raffle prizes and bid on silent auction items.
Attending the Gala on October 4 were Norma
Fosler, seated on the left, retired Parkland
Counselor; Mrs. Mary Lou Staerkel, seated
on the right, wife of the late Dr. William M.
Staerkel who was Parkland’s first president;
Lee Nettnin, standing on the left, retired
Parkland Counselor; and Rachel Schroeder,
standing on the right who was Parkland’s first
employee and is now retired.
Thanks to the following who donated to the raffle and silent auction:
Carl Zeiss Company, Orion Telescope and Binocular Center, Starr Limousine,
Octave Chanute Air Museum, JMI Telescope, Larry Kanfer, Krannert Center
for the Performing Arts, Pam Friese, Cinema Gallery, Moonstruck Chocolate
Company, Jupiter’s, Smoothie King, Adler Planetarium in Chicago, and the
Parkland Planetarium, Art Gallery, and Natural Sciences Department.
In all, nearly $17,000 was raised to help support the Planetarium’s planned
digital equipment upgrade. Our success was possible through the efforts of
the many volunteers, in particular the Planetarium administrator and staff,
and donors.
We’d like to especially thank the supporters of this
Cosmic Sponsor
Galactic Sponsors
Central Illinois Manufacturing
Donald Dodds, Jr.
Illinois American Water
Stellar Sponsors
Meyer Capel Law Firm
Precision Graphic Services, Inc.
The Andersons
Planetary Sponsors Alpha-Care Health Professionals
One Main Development
Saturn of Champaign County
Pictured are those who represented our Cosmic Sponsor—SUPERVALU.
Front row: Christine Molitor, Kathy Knudsen, Jenny Tobeck, Sally Nolan,
and Mike Weber. Back row: Travis Molitor, Gary Knudsen, Mike Nolan,
and Paul Tobeck.
Message from the President
The Devil in Me
t’s hard to believe that it’s time for a
Winter Update already…it seems like
just yesterday we were starting our Fall
semester. Most of you, I’m sure, are
already preparing for family gatherings
and before long your homes will be filled
with the fragrant aromas of the holidays.
It’s apropos that the end of the year is
when we take the time to draw together
our loved ones and celebrate the past year
with thankfulness and joy.
Our students and faculty are winding
down toward the end of the semester and preparing for their holiday
breaks as well. The staff are planning their annual holiday celebrations
on campus and cleaning up offices for the December break. Figuratively,
the campus is preparing for its winter sleep. It is during this slumber,
when the campus is quiet and dusted with snow, that it is often its most
I hope you enjoy this issue of the Update, where you’ll read about the
success of our annual golf outing and the 20th anniversary celebration of
the William M. Staerkel Planetarium. You’ll also get some ideas about
year-end giving and estate planning.
As 2007 draws to a close, I want to thank all of you for your continued
support of Parkland College and the Foundation. And, I wish you and
your family the warmest holiday wishes and the happiest new year.
Thomas R. Ramage, Ed.D.
Interim President
Parkland College Foundation
2400 West Bradley Avenue • Champaign, IL 61821
“This American Life” is a radio
show produced by Chicago
Public Radio and is broadcast on
National Public Radio stations
across the United States. On
September 9th, the story of
two former Parkland College
students and their journey
toward understanding and
mutual respect was featured.
(“The Devil in Me”: episode 340)
“Sam Slaven is an Iraq War
veteran who came home from
the War plaqued by feelings of
hate and anger toward Muslims.
TAL (This American Life)
producer Lisa Pollak tells the
story of the unusual action Sam
took to change himself, and the
Muslim students who helped
him do it.” (TAL web site).
Sam and Yousif Radeef tell
how they met through the
Parkland College Muslim
Student Association, how they
got to know each other, and how
they changed each other’s lives.
Both express their thoughts
and feelings very freely and
Two CD copies of the episode
are on reserve in the Parkland
College Library. They are
held under the department
name of Student Life and may
be checked out with a valid
Parkland ID for 24 hours. The
CD’s will be held on reserve for
at least the remainder of the fall
Alumni Feature
Brad Busboom’s passion for the automobile began early
in his life. From 2003 to 2004, he participated in the
Automotive Youth Education System, which is a concurrent enrollment program for high school seniors who take
Parkland College courses in the Automotive program.
Brad graduated from Unity High School in Tolono and
began the following fall at Parkland. While at Parkland,
Brad was a member of Phi Theta Kappa — Parkland’s
Honor Society, and he was on the Dean’s list for two
years. He was also very active with Parkland’s drag car,
worked as an intern at Sullivan-Parkhill in Champaign, and he was the only
one selected by the college to represent the AYES Program at the Chicago
Auto Show.
“At Parkland, I learned more than just how to work on cars, I learned the
skills necessary to successfully interact with people on a professional level,
which in the end is one of the most valuable assets a person can attain. I can
think of no other way to describe my time at Parkland (College) than a truly
great experience, it rose above any expectations I could have had,” said Brad.
After Brad earned his Associate in Applied Science in Automotive Technology
from Parkland in 2006, he transferred to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale and enrolled in their nationally known automotive program. Brad has been
on SIU’s honor roll and was selected in a highly competitive field to work as an
intern at General Motors in Detroit in 2007. Brad’s internship work included
analyzing Case Closure Rates and creating a Duramax Injector Database.
He will receive his Bachelor of Science degree in Automotive Technology
from SIU in May 2008, and immediately begin his career at General Motors
as a Service Engineer. His parents are Nancy Willamon and Maury and Kim
Busboom. Congratulations, Brad! Best wishes on your future successes!
Parkland College
Alumnus Award
Do you know someone who has
taken classes at Parkland, has
outstanding professional achievements, and made extraordinary
contributions to the community?
Maybe it’s you!
The Parkland College Alumni
Association is seeking nominations for the Distinguished
Alumnus Award to be presented
in May 2008 to a former or
current student who has at least
31 credit hours at Parkland. Self
nominations are encouraged!
Please visit the Alumni
Association web page at
www.parkland.edu/alumni for
a nomination form. Or feel free
to call 217-351-2458 for more
Join as a Friend!
Parkland College Alumni Association Membership Form
Become a member of the Alumni Association. As a member, you are entitled to: borrowing privileges at the Parkland Library; use of the
Fitness Center via enrollment in NCR 850; invitations to Parkland College Alumni Association events; and more.
Type of membership:
 Annual ($15) January to January  3-year ($40) January to January
Please charge my membership fee to:
 VISA  MasterCard
 Life ($100)  Life - Family ($150) Spouse Only
Number _______________________________________
Exp. Date _________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________
Name ____________________________________________ Social Security/ID Number _______________________________
Check enclosed for
Address __________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State ______ Zip ________________________
Telephone __________________ Year Graduated _______ Degree ____________Program of Study _______________________ e-mail: ______________________
Let others know what’s new with you! If you’re a Parkland graduate, or even if you’ve only taken one class, please complete the following
and we’ll publish the information in our next newsletter.
Other institutions attended; degrees and awards earned ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name and place of employment and job title __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Personal news (spouse’s name, children, special interests and activities) __________________________________________________________________________
Please use additional pages if necessary.
Mail completed form and membership fee to: Parkland College Foundation, 2400 W. Bradley Avenue,
Champaign, Illinois 61821-1899. For more information, call 217/351-2458.
Spotlight on: Brad Busboom
Estates and Endowments
Year-End Giving
s the end of the year approaches, many pause, reflect, and plan.
Thoughtfully addressing your charitable giving priorities between
now and December 31 can help assure maximum benefits for you and
your charitable interests. Carefully considering what to give, and when
to give it, can help increase the impact of your gifts while helping to
meet personal priorities as well.
Enjoy Tax Savings—Federal tax laws and those of many states make
it possible to reduce or eliminate taxes on funds you give for charitable
purposes. For example, because funds used to make charitable gifts are
deducted from the amount otherwise subject to federal income tax when
you itemize your deductions, you may be able to give more than you
thought possible. The amount and timing of your charitable gifts are
totally within your control. This is why each year millions of Americans
take advantage of the opportunity to make charitable gifts while also
reducing their tax liability.
Gifts of Cash—While all gifts mailed or otherwise delivered by
December 31 qualify for tax deductibility for 2007, gifts of cash or by
check are the most popular giving methods. Through gifts of cash, it is
possible to eliminate or reduce income tax on up to 50% of your gross
income. Larger gifts may result in tax savings in as many as six tax years.
Remember, the higher your tax bracket, the more you save.
Save More When You Give Other Assets—Gifts of property such
as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other appropriate assets that have
increased in value since you have owned them can result in extra
tax savings. If you have held assets for longer than one year, you can
generally give them and deduct their current value, including any paper
profits from your taxable income. Congress has provided that in addition
to regular tax savings, you do not have to pay capital gains tax on assets
given to charity. This additional tax savings is one reason why some
people choose to give their gifts in this way. Gifts of appreciated assets
can eliminate tax on up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. The assets
that are best to give are those that have increased the most in value and
would result in the greatest capital gains tax if sold. Many also choose
to give low-yielding assets, resulting in little or no impact on future
spendable income.
Leaving a Legacy—Toward the end of each year, many people also
review their long-range estate and financial plans. Wills, life insurance
policies, retirement accounts, and other planning vehicles can offer
exceptional opportunities for leaving a lasting legacy to charitable
interests. As you review your plans, keep in mind recent tax law changes
have resulted in lower estate and gift taxes for many Americans, leaving
more assets available for loved ones and other priorities such as making
charitable gifts.
For additional information about estate planning, please contact Mike
Hagan, Director of Planned and Major Gifts at mhagan@parkland.edu or
at 217/351-2457.
arkland College
wishes you
a very
appy Holidays
est Wishes
in the
ew Year
Parkland Athletics
Golf Outing sponsored by SUPERVALU and FedEx Ground
his year’s Parkland College Foundation Golf Outing sponsored by
SUPERVALU and FedEx Ground raised over $12,000 that will used by the
Athletic Department for equipment, uniforms, and scholarships.
It was another sell-out of foursomes with a total of 116 golfers participating.
Thank you for your support!
In addition to the title sponsors, the Foundation would also like to thank
Jerry’s IGA, Barr Real Estate, Illinois American Water, Stocks Office Furniture,
KI, ABC NewsChannel 15, GTPS Insurance Agency, Kraft, PersonalCare, and
Cim-Tek Filtration.
Enjoying the golf outing are, from left to right,
Donald C. Dodds, Jr., President, Parkland
College Foundation Board of Directors; Interim
President of Parkland College Thomas Ramage;
Ray Campo; and Robert Cochran, President
Emeritus of the Parkland College Foundation
Board of Directors.
Other supporters, including Hole Sponsorships, are Dodds Athletic Tours,
Myler Automotive Repair, National City, Associated Transfer & Storage,
Premium Brands, Ltd., Worden-Martin, Inc., Main Street Bank & Trust, Pia’s
Sports Bar & Grill, Noel Farm Management, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of C-U,
Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Jill’s Creative Expressions, Snyder Corporations,
Kirby & Turner Masonry, Inc., First Federal Savings Bank of C-U, Woody Iles
Enterprises, Inc., Busey Bank, Gallagher Benefit Services, Ford of Champaign,
Inc., The Prairie Production Group, Marjorie Williams-Re/Max Realty Assoc.,
Shelby Motors, Esquire Lounge, Strategic Capital Bank, Hawthorn Suites,
Commerce Bank, Printec Press, Hamburg Distributing Co., Mettler Center,
Clark Dietz, Inc., Orange & Blue Distributing, and Kessler Team Sports.
Please mark your calendars for next year’s outing on Tuesday, September 9, 2008!
2007 Parkland Hall
of Fame Inductees:
he Parkland College Foundation
and Athletic Department are
proud to announce the inaugural
class for the Parkland College
Athletic Hall of Fame.
Six individuals and two teams will
be inducted on Saturday February
23, 2008. They will be introduced
prior to the Men’s Basketball game
and will be honored at a reception
in the Parkland Student Lounge
immediately after the game.
Honorees were nominated by former
Parkland College coaches and
administrators and were finalized
on by a vote of the Hall of Fame
P.J. Bowman
Men’s Basketball (Member of 1986 National Champions,
D-II All-American and member of University of Illinois Final
Four team)
Russ Oliver
Men’s Basketball (NJCAA All-American from Urbana who
went on to be a two-year starter at Baylor University)
David Patrick
Men’s Track And Field (NJCAA 600 meter and 400 hurdles
champion. NCAA 400 hurdles champion at Tennessee and
1992 member of USA Olympic Team)
Joe Abbey
Athletic Director and Track Coach (Started sports at PC,
AD and Track Coach from 1968-1988)
Jim Reed
Bob Abbuehl
Athletic Director and Baseball Coach (Two-time AD from
1988-1991 and 1992-2000, Baseball Coach from 1971-82)
(Former PC employee and supporter who served in many
capacities from scorekeeper to statistician to bus driver for
several Cobra teams)
1986 Men’s Basketball Team (National Champions)
1999 Women’s Volleyball Team (National Champions)
Parkland Celebrates 40 Years!
Highlights in Parkland’s History
December 21, 1965
Illinois Public Junior College Act passed
Parkland building listed in Museum of Modern Art show
“Transformations in Modern Architecture”
January 12, 1976
central Illinois native, Dr. Mellon was professionally
active in education as a coach, principal, and
superinten-dent until his retirement in 1967. Dr. Mellon
was one of the founders of Parkland College, aided
in the founding of Horace Mann Insurance Company,
and served on the United Fund Board of Directors of
Gymnasium completed (see photo below)
Spotlight on: Dr. Eugene H. Mellon
Parkland College Foundation
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Champaign, Illinois 61821-1899
Non-Profit Org.
Champaign, Illinois
Permit No. 268