Tips for a wonderful stay
Tips for a wonderful stay
Tips for a wonderful stay Topics 1. Spaziergang durch Bad Ems ADer walk direktthrough an der Lahn Badgelegene, Ems wunder3 schön angelegte Kurpark im Kur-zentrum The historical Bad Ems 4 von Bad lädthistorical zu einem Spaziergang Spa houseEmswith spring hall ein.itsWer-fen hier während Ruand thermalSiesprings • Spaeiner rooms hepause einen Blick auf die andere Lahbuilding with marble hall and spa thenseite• (Malberg), zum Quellenturm, atre Casino •hin Quellenturm (spring dem, der russisch ortho-doxen tower) • Benedetti stone • OldKirche, town demwith Künstler-haus hall its chime „Schloß Balmoral“ und der weißen Villa. Wäh-rend Ihres Museums 6 Spazierganges durch Bad Ems haben Kurund Stadtmuseum Bad Ems (museSie die Mög-lichkeit, das Kurhaus (im um the spa and the town) • Emser Kernof nassau-oranisches Barock-schloss Bergbaumuseum (mining • von 1711-20) mit der museum) Brunnenhalle, Heimatarchiv Nievern (regional archiden Trinkbrunnen und den Thermalquelves lenNievern) und das Kursaalgebäude mit dem Churches Bad Ems 7 Mar-morsaalin(erbaut 1836-39) und dem Catholic parish church “St. Martin” Kurtheater (er-baut 1913/14), dessen •gleichzeitig Catholic church “Maria Königin” errichteter Anbau heute •dieProtestant “Martinskirche” • Spielbankchurch beherbergt, zu sehen. Protestant “Kaiser-Wilhelm” church • Schen-ken Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit den Russian-Orthodox churchwilhelmini-schen “Heilige Aledenkmalgeschützten, xandra zu Bad Ems” Fassaden der Römerstraße aus dem 19. Jahrhundert: Rus-sischer Hof Activities around Bad Ems(Hausnr. 10 By23), landSchützenhof (Nr. 33) und Herzog 10 von with Leuchtenberg (Nr. 40).(cable Mittenrail-im Ride the Kurwaldbahn KurparkCycling liegt dasand „Haus der vier Türme“, way)• mountain-biking• ein barockes Logierhaus Hiking•Nordic walking der•Kurfürsten Chess/ m, der russisch ortho-doxen Kirche,traildem boules • Running, triathlon, Künstler-haus „Schloß Balmoral“ und running•Fitness trail/ Fitness-Parcours der weißen Villa. Wäh-rend Ihres Spa• Horse-riding • Golf• Shooting • zierganges durch Bad haben Sie Tennis • Miniature golfEms • Rail trolley die Mög-lichkeit, das Kurhaus (im Kern rides in the Aar-valley • Covered-wagon nassau-oranisches von rides and coach ridingBarock-schloss • Skittle alleys 1711-20) mit der Brunnenhalle, den On the water und den Thermalquellen 15 Trinkbrunnen River cruises and excursionsmitondem the river und das Kursaalgebäude MarLahn • Raft trips on the river Lahn • morsaal (erbaut 1836-39) und dem Boats and canoes rental, mooring for Kurtheater (er-baut 1913/14), dessen 20 2 motor-boats gleichzeitig •errichteter Rowing •Anbau Fishingheute die Spielbank beherbergt, zu sehen. In the air 16 Schen-ken Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit den Paragliding denkmalgeschützten, wilhelmini-schen Guided in Bad Emsaus dem17 Fassadentours der Römerstraße 19. Tour of the town•Health springs • Jahrhundert: Rus-sischer Hof (Hausnr. The ceramics workshop Ebinger • Kai23), Schützenhof (Nr. 33) und Herzog serbahn (sightseeing(Nr. train)40). Mitten im von Leuchtenberg Entertainment 18 Kurpark liegt das possibilities „Haus der vier Türme“, Spa concerts Logierhaus & tea dance/dancing, ein barockes der Kurfürsten welcome evening • eventsKirche, dem r russisch ortho-doxen Künstler-haus „Schloß Balmoral“ 19 und Health and Wellness der weißen Villa. Wäh-rend Ihres SpaEmser Therme (thermal bath) • Clinics Bad Ems Sie •zierganges Maharishidurch Ayurveda healthhaben and sedie Mög-lichkeit, das Kurhaus (im Kern minar centre • Private medical centre nassau-oranisches for natural medicineBarock-schloss • Practices von for 1711-20) mit der Brunnenhalle, physiotherapy, remedial gymnastics den • Trinkbrunnen den Thermalquellen Yoga schools •undBeauty farms und das Kursaalgebäude mit dem MarGoing a walk1836-39) and stopping morsaalfor(erbaut und dem off at an inn 21 Kurtheater (er-baut 1913/14), dessen Agleichzeitig walk to the errichteter „RestaurantAnbau Wintersberg heute am Limes” • A walk to the Bismarck die 33) und Herzog von Leuchtenberg Tower withMitten restaurant • A liegt walk das to (Nr. 40). im Kurpark the “Concordiaturm” •A walk to the „Haus der vier Türme“, ein barockes hotel-restaurant “Schweizerhaus” • Logierhaus der Kurfürsten von Trier aus Teaching path of stones dem Jahre 1696 sowie nebenan das UNESCO Heritage restaurierte,World historische Badhaus, daf Roman „Limes“ 22 fdfdfdfd fdfdf fdfdf fdfdf fdffdf fdfdf fdfdfds heutearound ein Theater Excursions Bad und EmsRestau23 rant beherbergt. Ebenfalls Rewarding excursion targets im• Kurpark findentours Sie die Büste Coach – day tripsvon Zar Alexander sowie das Kaiser Wilhelm I.-Denkmal, Useful 26 eines derinformation wenigen, das den Kaiser nicht Imprint 28 in Uniform und Herrscherpose, sondern als Kurgast (1867-1887) in Bad Ems29im City map and street index schlichten Geh-rock zeigt. 1.ASpaziergang walk throughdurch Bad Ems Bad Ems Der Thedirekt wonderfully an der laid-out Lahn gelegene, spa park wun-in derschön the spa centre angelegte of Bad Kurpark Ems, im which Kur-zenis lotrum catedvon rightBad at the Emsriver lädtLahn, zu einem invitesSpato a ziergang walk. While ein. having Wer-fenaSie break hiertake während a look einer at theRuhepause other side ofeinen the Lahn Blick(Malberg), auf die andere at the Lahnseite Quellenturm (Malberg), (springhintower), zum Quellenturm, the Russian-Orthodox der russisch church, ortho-doxen the Kirche, artist’s house dem Künstler-haus “Schloss Balmoral” „Schloß Balmoral“ and the White und der Villa. weißen DuringVilla. yourWähwalk rend through IhresBadSpazierganges Ems you havedurch the chance Bad Ems to see haben the spa Sie die house, Mög-lichkeit, which, indasits Kurhaus core, is a (im Nassau-Orange Kern nassau-oranisches Baroque castle Barock-schloss of 1712/15, with von the 1711-20) spring mit hall der and Bm, the drinking der russisch fountains ortho-doxen of the Kirche, mineral dem springs, Künstler-haus the spa rooms „Schloß building Balmoral“ with the und marble der weißen hall (built Villa.1836 Wäh-rend - 1839),Ihres the Spazierganges spa theatre durch (built inBad1913/14) Ems haben and Sie the die annex Mög-lichkeit, built at thedas sameKurhaus time which (im Kern now nassau-oranisches houses the casino. You Barock-schloss should also von pay 1711-20) attention tomittheder facades Brunnenhalle, of the Röden merstraße Trinkbrunnen from the und19th dencentury, Thermalquelwhich len are und listed dasonKursaalgebäude a historic register mit dem and Mar-morsaal come from (erbaut the times 1836-39) of Emperor und dem WilKurtheater helm: Russischer (er-baut Hof 1913/14), (house No. dessen 23), gleichzeitig Schützenhoferrichteter (house No.Anbau 33), Herzog heute die von Spielbank Leuchtenberg beherbergt, (house No.zu40).sehen. In the Schen-ken middle of Sie the Ihre spa Aufmerksamkeit park you will findden the denkmalgeschützten, wilhelmini-schen Fassaden der Römerstraße aus dem 19. Jahrhundert: Rus-sischer Hof (Hausnr. 23), Schützenhof (Nr. 33) und Herzog von Leuchtenberg (Nr. 40). Mitten im Kurpark liegt das „Haus der vier Türme“, ein barockes Logierhaus der Kurfürsten m, der russisch ortho-doxen Kirche, dem Künstler-haus „Schloß Balmoral“ und der weißen Villa. Wäh-rend Ihres Spazierganges durch Bad Ems haben Sie die “Haus Mög-lichkeit, der vierdasTürme” Kurhaus (house (im Kernof nassau-oranisches the four towers), a Baroque Barock-schloss guest house von 1711-20) of the elector mit ofderTrier Brunnenhalle, from 1696. den Next Trinkbrunnen to it is the renovated, und den Thermalquellen historic “Badund das Kursaalgebäude mit dem Marmorsaal (erbaut 1836-39) und dem Kurtheater (er-baut 1913/14), dessen gleichzeitig errichteter Anbau heute die Spielbank beherbergt, zu sehen. Schen-ken Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit den denkmalgeschützten, wilhelminischen Fassaden der Römerstraße aus dem 19. Jahrhundert: Rus-sischer Hof (Hausnr. 23), Schützenhof (Nr. 33) und Herzog von Leuchtenberg (Nr. 40). Mitten im Kurpark liegt das „Haus der vier Türme“, haus” (old ein bath barockes house)Logierhaus in which there der Kurfürsten is a restaurant runnenhalle, and a theatre den Trinkbrunnow. The nen monument und den of Thermalquellen Emperor Wilhelm und dasI. Kursaalgebäude can also be found mitindem the spa Mar-morsaal park. It is (erbaut one of 1836-39) the very few undones demshowing Kurtheater the (er-baut emperor1913/14), as a visitordessen to thegleichzeitig spa in Bad errichteter Ems (1867-1887) Anbau heute wearing diea Spielbank plain frock beherbergt, coat insteadzuof sehen. a uniform Schen-ken and in aSie doIhre mineering Aufmerksamkeit pose, as well denasfdfdfd the bust fdfdfof fdfdf Tsarfdfdf Alexander. fdffdf fdfdf fdfdfds heute ein Theater und Restaurant beherbergt. Ebenfalls im Kurpark finden Sie die Büste von Zar Alexander sowie das Kaiser Wilhelm I.-Denkmal, eines der wenigen, das den Kaiser nicht in Uniform und Herrscherpose, sondern als Kurgast (1867-1887) in Bad Ems im schlichten Geh-rock zeigt. 320 The historical Bad Ems Spa house with historical spring hall and its thermal springs The spa house is the most important building of the “old spa”. From 1711 to 1720 a princess of Nassau-Orange had a small private spa palace built in this place where the health springs had been used since the Middle Ages. In the 19th century the later Emperor Wilhelm 1st lodged in the east wing, the “Emperor’s Wing”, during his stays in Bad Ems. In the spring hall, the main part of the building, you get all the necessary information about the thermal springs Bad Ems is famous for far beyond its Spa rooms building with marble hall and spa theatre Since the citizens of Bad Ems call the sunny side in front of the spa rooms building at the river Lahn their “Little Nice”, as it is oriented towards the South and decorated with palm trees in summer, the marble hall, which was erected between 1836 and 1839, could be called “Little Rome”. Still today, the marble hall presents itself like it was ori- sufficient enough anymore and the spa rooms building was therefore extended by the spa theatre and an annex, which now houses the casino. As it was right in fashion at that time, the theatre hall was built in an Art Nouveau and NeoRococo style. Still today, both sites of archaeological and cultural interest are the stage for big cultural events. Visits are possible during the official guided tours of the town (see page 17) or during the opening times of the ticket booking office “Staatsbad Ticket”. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm and upon prior agreement » Römerstraße 8, 56130 Bad Ems Casino borders. Try the “Kesselbrunnen”, the “Kaiserbrunnen” as well as the famous “Emser Kränchen”. The “Römerquelle” is located outside of the building at the “Platz der Partnerschaft”. Opening hours: The spring hall and the thermal springs are in the reception area of “Häcker’s Grand Hotel”. Sightseeing of the spring hall is possible within reason for the hotel. » Römerstraße 1, 56130 Bad Ems 4 ginally built, when Jacques Offenbach, Paganini or Jenny Lindt performed here. The “Villa Farnesina” at the river Tiber in Rome was taken as an example when the splendid hall with its wall paintings and columns made of Lahn-valley marble was erected. The plans for the festive hall of Bad Ems were provided by Johann Gottfried Gutensohn, the royal Bavarian construction inspector. In 1913/14, the marble hall was not Enjoy exciting hours in a comfortable atmosphere with Roulette, Black Jack and slot machines in Germany’s oldest casino. Don’t forget your identity card. Ties are not obligatory. Slot machines: Daily from 1:00 pm – 2:30 am Classic gambling: Daily from 7:00 pm – 2:30 am Info: phone: 02603-4541 » Römerstraße 1, 56130 Bad Ems Quellenturm (spring tower) The outstanding building at the left bank of the river Lahn was erected in 1907/08 on top of the four escapes of the “New Spring”. It is listed on a historic register today. » Wilhelmsallee, 56130 Bad Ems Benedetti stone The Benedetti stone was erected in memory of the meeting of the French ambassador Earl Benedetti and King Wilhelm I on July 13th, 1870 at 9:10 am, which was of serious consequences. With the “Emser Depesche” (Ems Telegram) this meeting started the Franco – Prussian War (1870/1). The backgrounds of this diplomatic quarrel are described on a board on this stone. » Platz der Partnerschaften, 56130 Bad Ems 5 Old town hall with its chime The new chime was installed at the front of the “Old Town Hall” in 2006. It plays three times a day at 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. It consists of 12 differently tuned bells, which can play a repertory of 32 tunes; e.g. the national anthems of Germany, France and Great Britain, various melodies depending upon the holidays like “Oh du Fröhliche” at Christmas time and different folksongs. In memory of the hard fate of their fathers who worked as miners in Bad Ems the song “Glück auf, der Steiger kommt” is part of the repertory. The 12 bells have a total weight of 312 kilogram. The bells do not swing like church bells but each of them is played with the help of an electromagnet which sets a Opening hours: April – October: Tuesday – Friday, Sunday and on bank holidays from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. November – March: Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Special guided tours in the museum are possible for groups upon prior agreement. Free admission. » Römerstraße 97, 56130 Bad Ems Emser Bergbaumuseum (museum of mining) bolt in motion. The whole chime is directed by a keyboard. With the help of this technique up to 112 songs can be programmed or even composed. » Am Alten Rathaus, 56130 Bad Ems In 1996, the Emser Bergbaumuseum (museum of mining) was opened in the historical “Steigerhaus”. With the help Museums Kur- und Stadtmuseum (museum of the spa and the town) The “Kur- und Stadtmuseum” (museum of the spa and the town) in the old town hall offers a wide collection of historical objects from two centuries (literature and illustrations), which are related to the historical development of the town 6 and the spa. Here you are told the history of one of the oldest spas north of the Alps. Historical spa documents, a splendid collection of artistic spa souvenirs, Germany’s oldest Roulette, pictures and information boards invite to a journey into the past. Moreover a new, large department concerning the “Limes” presents “Life at the Limes – very close to the Romans“. Original findings from an amphora up to an under-floor heating lead you into the world of the Romans. Person to contact: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Sarholz (Archivist and director of the museum), phone: 02603–3572, www. of objects and illustrations the visitor gets an insight into the past epoch, in which different ores were mined in Bad Ems. A display of minerals and the mi- ning archives of Bad Ems are also part of the museum.Contact: Frank Girmann (Director of the museum), phone: 01752602034, Opening hours: March – October: Sunday from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Winter break from November until February. Free admission! Special guided tours are possible for groups upon prior agreement. » Emser Hütte 13, 56130 Bad Ems Heimatarchiv Nievern (regional archives Nievern) The 250 years old history of the „Nieverner Hütte“ (smelting works) comes to life in this exhibition with its numerous illustrative material. It also shows tools of old handicraft as well as farm equipment. Person to contact: Werner und Helmut Birkelbach, phone: 0260313317 or 02603-13346. Opening hours: Upon prior agreement, free admission. » Schulstraße 13, 56132 Nievern Churches in Bad Ems Catholic parish church “St. Martin” The Catholic parish church „St. Martin” was built from 1866 until 1876. Due to quarrels during the construction period, however, the church was consecrated in 1884 by Bishop Knopp from Fulda. The high altar from 1880 is one of the most valuable Neo-Gothic creations of this kind in the diocese of Limburg. The Neo-Gothic decorations in the presbytery from 1888/1889 with the two large paintings showing the life of Saint Martin, the “Fourteen Holy Helpers”, the four Latin Doctors of the Church as well as the glass paintings of the windows (1897) are worth mentioning as well. The bronze altar was created by Gernot Rumpf. The organ of the company Sandtner has been played since 1995 in 7 the nave. With its total of 2,954 organ pipes, which are distributed on three manuals and pedals, the organ has become a sacred-music centre of interest in the region far beyond its function in the church-service. Dates for church service can be inquired in the rectory, Gartenstraße 4, phone: 02603-936920 or right at the church. The Sunday service is at 10:00 am. Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm, closed on Mondays. » Viktoriaallee 28, 56130 Bad Ems of the arch-bishops of Mainz in the spa. The building became famous due to its “Schöler” organ from the native organbuilder dynasty Schöler, who lived and worked in Bad Ems from 1748 until 1832. Church services from May to October: every Friday 5:30 pm rosary, 6:00 pm mess. Opening hours: Further opening hours can be inquired in the Catholic rectory Bad Ems, phone: 02603-936920. » Wintersbergstr. 6, 56130 Bad Ems Protestant church “Martinskirche” St. Martin is also the patron saint of today’s protestant church. It was already built in the 12th century on historical ground. During the Roman times, a Roman castell was located here. After a serious fire in the village in 1720, the Catholic church “Maria Königin” In the protestant Bad Ems, the little baroque chapel from 1661 served as a place for the holy mess during the stays 8 Romanesque church building was renovated. Then the tower got a Baroque cover. It can still be recognized today that the church steeple formerly was a watch-tower and a fortified tower. Until 1911, the tower didn’t belong to the church, but to the community. The church service always takes place on Sunday at 10:00 am. Opening hours: A visit out of the times of church service is possible upon prior agreement in the parish office, phone: 02603 – 50126. » Kirchgasse 15-17, 56130 Bad Ems Protestant “Kaiser-Wilhelm” church Emperor Wilhelm I. wanted to have a suitable church erected for himself and other Protestant spa guests in a “central” location. The way to the old village church was too long for him. Wilhelm I. however died before the completion of the Neo-Romanesque church near the train station. After the Emperor’s death, the spa guest Pastor Friedrich von Bodelschwingh took care of the continuation of the construction work. In 1899 the church was consecrated. The interior and especially the two big rose windows (borrowed from the Gothic period) in the gables of the transept are worth seeing. Church services: every 2nd and 4th Sunday per month at 11:15 am, every 1st , 3rd and 5th Sunday per month at 6:00 pm. Opening hours: Upon inquiry, phone: 02603-50126 » Malbergstraße 5, 56130 Bad Ems Russian-Orthodox church “Heilige Alexandra zu Bad Ems” The Russian relatives of the Emperor always came to the meetings of the family in the “Emperor’s Spa”. Tsar Alexander II enjoyed meeting his favourite uncle, the Emperor Wilhelm I. In 1876 the church was consecrated in the presence of both, the Emperor and the Tsar. The five domes are typical for a Russian-Orthodox church. The blue colour symbolizes God’s wisdom. Inside the iconostasis, the magnificently decorated partition wall between the room of the believers and the one which is only for the priest, shows the different patron saints of the Orthodox church. Amongst them there is St. Alexandra to whom the church is dedicated. Church services: Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 10:00 am. The board at the church also indicates all actual church services Opening hours: April - October: Tuesday to Friday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, Saturday from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, November - March: upon inquiry Admission fee: 1.00 Euro per person Info: phone: 02603-4491 » Wilhelmsallee 12, 56130 Bad Ems 9 Activities in & around Bad Ems Cycling, mountain-biking Ride with the Kurwaldbahn (cable railway) The cable railway runs daily from 6:15 am until 10:30 pm at regular intervals of 10 minutes up to the Bismarckhöhe (last ascent at 10:15 pm, last descent at 10:30 pm). The Bismarckhöhe is the starting point for beautiful walks. The “Paracelsus Café” and the “Restaurant Bismarck’s” with its terrace invite to stay for a while. You will always remember the view from the Bismarckhöhe down onto Bad Ems and the Lahn valley. There is a picturesque footpath leading from the restaurant back to the town of Bad Ems. The price for a single ride with the Kurwaldbahn is 2.00 Euro per person, a combined ticket for ascent and descent is 3.00 Euro. If you buy a ticket for ten rides the price per ticket is only 1.25 Euro. Tickets for extra tours can be obtained in the “Gästeforum” (guest forum), Römerstraße 8, phone: 02603-973120. Groups with more than 30 persons are requested to make a reservation and pay a reduced price. Valley station: Römerstraße 18, Top station: Taunusallee, 10 The Lahn valley offers an excellently developed cycling-trail net in Bad Ems and the region. The “Lahntalradweg” (Lahn cycling trail) , which is awarded by the ADFC with 4 stars, runs from the mouth in Lahnstein up to the source in Netphen/ Rothaargebirge and is easy to manage also by unpractised cyclists. The course has a length of about 245 kilometres and has just a few gradients. The “Loreley-Aar-Radweg” (Loreley - Aar – cycling trail) between St. Goarshausen and Hahnstätten links the UNESCO World Heritage “Upper Middle Rhine Valley” to the charming Aar valley in the east of the district. The cycling map “Radtouren Rhein – Lahn” can be obtained free of charge at any tourist information in the district or see www. Only a few kilometres away from Bad Ems the “Rheinradweg” (Rhine cycling trail) runs through one of Europe’s outstanding cultural landscapes, the UNESCO World Heritage “Upper Middle Rhine Valley”. Especially the numerous castles and fortresses in this myth-ens- hrouded valley as well as the world-famous “Loreley Rock” are impressive. The Emser Bikepark - a 3.9 kilometres long mountain bike-flowtrail in a class of its own is located above Bad Ems. 130 components have to be mastered when running downhill from an altitude of about 380 metres. All kinds of chicanes, such as northshores, kickers, corners, drops and tables, are offered and make the bikers’ hearts flutter. The starting point “Schöne Aussicht” can be reached via Kemmenau, Bicycles rental: Fahrradverleih Kutscher, phone: 026034297, Nieverner Straße 2 Firma Kreutz, phone: 02603-13964, Am Quellenturm/Wilhelmsallee Hiking Maps with numerous tour proposals can be purchased at the tourist-info or in the book shop “Adam”, Römerstraße 51, Guided hiking tours for groups are offered by the tourist-info, phone: 260394150, or at the Taunusclub Bad Ems (hiking club), phone: 02603-5586. Hiking boards with all hiking trails around Bad Ems can be found at the main station, at the “Alter Bahndamm” in the Arzbacher Straße and at the top station of the Kurwaldbahn (cable railway), the forest parking space “Trümmerborn” and the valley station of the Malbergbahn. The “Lahnwanderweg” (Lahn Hiking Trail) is a well-signposted quality hiking trail, which is 290 kilometres long and runs from the source to the mouth of the river Lahn in Lahnstein. The most beauti- ful sections are the stages from Limburg via Nassau and Bad Ems to Lahnstein, about 70 kilometres. The track runs past beautiful, nearly unspoilt nature, through picturesque villages, sometimes along the river, sometimes up on the hills of the Taunus and Westerwald. Detailed information and leaflets can be obtained at the tourist-info, phone: 02603-94150 or see: Premiumweg HöhenLuft (premium hiking trail) 10.7 kilometres. This circular tour (starting in October) goes high up and thus lives up to its name. The reward for many a climb is stunning: fantastic views on the Lahn Valley and the Emperor’s Spa. The first section 11 of the “Baedeckers Felsenweg” - for centuries a compulsory program for any tourist in Bad Ems – already supplies a real “high feeling” by the numerous viewpoints being enthroned above the river Lahn. The following course of the trail is entirely different, as it is less dramatic but delightful leading the hiker across sun-kissed meadows to the climatic health-resort Kemmenau. Length: about 4 hours. Facilities to make a stop at an inn. Vier-Türme-Tour (Four-Towers-Tour) 15.9 kilometres. Four viewpoints on the mountains around Bad Ems have to be scaled at this circular hiking tour – with an altitude of more than 600 metres it is almost an alpine tour. However the reward makes up for everything: Fantastic views! The challenges are in particular: Wintersberg, Malberg, Bismarckhöhe and Concordiaberg. Length: about 5:15 hours. Facilities to make a stop at an inn. Romantik-Runde (Romance Walk) 7.3 kilometres. Explore the scenic river landscape and the attractive views on the historic spa quarter of Bad Ems. At the time of romanticism the world spa opened up the landscape by promenades, rock paths and viewing temples. The guests went on excursions on donkeys. Follow their traces, the recommen12 dation of Baedecker in the year 1846 and other guides – but on Shank’s pony of course. Length: about 2:45 hours. Tip: You will get an information leaflet at the tourist office. Nordic Walking Parcours You can explore the vicinity of Bad Ems on three signposted Nordic walking trails around Bad Ems. You have got the choice between three different le- vels: easy, medium and difficult routs with different profiles in altitude and distance. The boards next to the top station of the “Kurwaldbahn” (cable railway) on the “Bismarckhöhe” and the one at the forest parking space “Trümmerborn” show the different routes. Taster courses with instructors start at the “Lahntalklinik”, phone: 02603-97601. Chess / Boules At the “Quellenturm” (spring tower) you will find boules and open-air chess facilities. Running, Triathlon and Trailrunning Person to contact: Running Team Bad Ems, Jürgen Zanger, www.rt-bad-ems. de. Dauer Power Ems e.V., Dr. Harald Lange, phone: 02603-70800, www. Fitness trail/ Outdoor-Fitness-Course You can find the Fitness trail “VITAParcours” on the Bismarckhöhe behind the Hufelandklinik. There is a car park at the edge of the forest above the clinics (e.g. car park Trümmerborn). It is a circular course and comprises 20 exercise points (gymnastics, strengthening and running exercises), which spread on a distance of 2 to 2.5 kilometres in the woods. Amidst the spa park there is an Outdoor-Fitness-Course. Those who prefer to improve their condition outdoors instead indoors in a fitness studio can do that here in one of the most beautiful locations in Bad Ems at any time of the year. A “Twister”, “One Arm Rotation”, “Airwalker” and “Bike & Stepper” are available as well as a double sun-lounger for recreation after the fitness training and for relaxation. Horse-riding Reitanlage am Höhenhaus, Grabenstraße, phone: 02603-2509 or 016095334124 Hofgut Reiterhof Denzerheide, phone: 02603-14411 Reiterhof Nettekoven, Kemmenau, phone: 0177-2634092 Ponyhof Ludwig, Braubacher Str. 18, 56377 Schweighausen, phone: 026047304, Golf At the Denzerheide, which is about 4 kilometres away from Bad Ems, you will find one of Germany’s most beautiful 18hole golf course with a wonderful view onto the three rivers Rhine, Moselle and Lahn. Everybody who is a member of a golf club and has a minimum handicap of 36.0 is eligible to play here. At weekends a reservation for a starting time is necessary. Further information can be obtained at the Mittelrheinischer GolfClub Bad Ems e.V., Denzerheide, www., phone: 02603-6541 Shooting Schützenverein Bad Ems, person to contact: Udo Wöhler, phone: 02603500103, shooting range in the Concordiastraße, phone: 0157-88312843. Practice times: Saturday 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Sunday 10.30 am – 12:30 pm or upon inquiry. 13 Schützenverein Nievern, shooting range „Auf der Eich“, phone: 02603-504344. Tennis Tennis court reservations should be made at the Tennis-Club “Blau-Weiß”, Insel Silberau, phone: 02603–3803 or 02603–12210. Miniature Golf Fans of miniature golf will be delighted! Besides the generally refurbished course the crazy golf course at the “Quellenturm” (spring tower) offers a lot to see. For groups it is advisable to contact about three weeks in advance, phone: 06430-929670. There is no booking necessary for normal rides. Covered-wagon rides and coach riding Experience the wonderful landscape of Taunus and Westerwald in a comfortable way with just 2 hp. These rides offer a sociable get-together and are especially suitable for groups. Further information can be obtained from: Rückerhof, Tiergarten 2, 56412 Welschneudorf, phone: 02608-208, River cruises and excursions on the river Lahn the Lahn valley. At the end of the tour each passenger gets “his own rafter diploma”. But there is more to come: Time flies and merry mood arises with music The modern boat “Stadt Bad Ems” has got a capacity of 240 seats. During an hour cruise you will pass the most beautiful buildings of Bad Ems along both sides of the river with a matching explanation on board, leading you additionally through a lock. Fare: Single fare ticket: 8.50 Euro, group ticket 8.00 Euro. and dance, with solid food and drinks. It is also possible to charter the complete raft. For information and booking phone: 02603-94150. Boats and canoes rental, Mooring for motor boats Opening hours: from April to October daily from 10:00 onward. Price per match: 2.50 Euro, reduction for families or spa card owners 1.70 Euro, person to contact: Renate Liebeskind, phone: 02603-506444 or 0171-6077344. Rail trolley rides in the Aarvalley These popular hand lever driven rail trolleys are offered for rides on the railway line in the Aar-valley. Rides can be booked for any day of the week for the total distance between Freiendiez and the border to Hessen near Schiesheim (113 km) or for shorter sections. Information: www.arbeitskreis-aartal14 Ponyhof Ludwig, Braubacher Str. 18, 56377 Schweighausen, phone: 026047304, Skittle alleys “Aktivhotel Alter Kaiser”, Koblenzer Straße 34, phone: 02603-94080 “Zum Kyffhäuser”, Koblenzer Straße 59, phone: 02603-2745, by arrangement „Zur Kreuzmühle“, Arzbacher Straße 52, phone: 02603-12685, by arrangement We also offer the 3-rivers cruise Lahn / Rhine / Moselle (on Tuesday and Saturday from 1:15 pm onward), as well as the big Lahn cruise upstream to Obernhof (Sunday and Wednesday from 1:15 pm onward). Fares each: Single fare ticket 22.00 Euro, group ticket 20.50 Euro. The landing stage is opposite the “Grand Hotel”, Römerstraße 1, phone: 02603-4376, Raft trips on the river Lahn The calmly flowing river is ideal for canoeing and kayaking. Even untrained water sportsmen will have a lot of fun and will enjoy the nature here. It is not for nothing that the Lahn river is one of the well-liked leisure rivers. Firma Kreutz, phone: 02603-13964 and 02603- 4253. Hiring of pedal boats, rowing boats, electric boats and canoes. A hire of canoes for groups of 10 is also possible. Prices can be inquired under the numbers indicated above. A raft trip is surely an extraordinary kind of discovering the river Lahn – but above all it is immense fun. The rustic and adventurous seeming raft “LahnArche” is about 25 metres long, about 5 metres wide and offers space for 90 fellow rafts men. Starting in Bad Ems you raft along the romantic stretches of 15 Firma GM sports, 56132 Fachbach, phone: 02603–933466. Hiring of single kayaks as well as Canadian canoes for 2 to 5 persons as well as dragonboats. Prices on request. Kutscher Boots-Service, Nieverner Straße, phone: 02603-4297,, repairs of all kinds. Rowing Guest rowing is possible in the Ruderverein Bad Ems. For date arrangements phone: 02603-3166. The boathouse is located in the Mainzer Straße. Travelling canoeists can book their overnight stay in the boathouse. Appointments should be made with Wolfgang Esser, phone: 02603-12931, Guided tours in Bad Ems Guided tour of the town about 75 minutes, wall creations, tiled stoves, wall tiles, floor tiles and much more can be seen. Price per person: 5.00 Euro without spa card „KaiserCard“, 4.00 Euro with spa card. Children up to 14 years are free. For dates phone: 02603-94150. You can find the full offer of guided tours and walks in an extra brochure. Info: phone: 0260394150 of the town at 2:00 pm (in winter every two weeks). Duration about 90 minutes. Price per person: 4,00 Euro without spa card „KaiserCard“, 3,00 Euro with spa card. Meeting point is at the “Tourist Information” at the Bahnhofsplatz. For information phone: 02603-94150. Kaiserbahn (sightseeing train) Professional guides will show and explain the sights of Bad Ems to you. Every Saturday there is a public guided tour Fishing Person to contact: Michael Wittig, phone: 02603-4297, “Boots-Service Kutscher”, Nieverner Straße 2. Fishing licences can be obtained here, too. Kutscher’s Marina – for sports boats and yachts, 45 moorings with power and water supply, plenty of space for cars and trailers as well as modern sa- One of Germany’s biggest and most modern sightseeing trains links the most interesting sights of the spa. During the tour the sights are explained. Round trip (about 45 minutes): adults 7.50 Health springs in Bad Ems Paragliding nitary facilities. A crane for up to 8 tons is available. A 90-ton crane can be put at your disposal upon request. Phone: 02603-4297. 16 It is possible to learn paragliding in the area. You can either do it by yourself or with the help of a professional instructor. Person to contact: Air-Touch, Mr. Heinrichs, phone: 0261-8899699, Tandem flights can also be made from the “Stefansturm” in Arzbach. Person to contact: Naturfreunde & Freiflieger Großer Kopf Westerwald e.V., Mr. Ralf Münch, Steinstraße 22, 56337 Eitelborn, phone: 0171-6252331, 026209543753, The participants of the mineral spring tour get to know interesting facts about the history of the springs as well as about supply, processing and use of the healing waters. The guided tour takes about 90 minutes. Price per person: 6.00 Euro without spa card „KaiserCard“, 5.00 Euro with spa card. Children up to 14 years are free. For dates phone: 02603-94150. Ceramics workshop Ebinger For about 30 years this workshop has produced ceramics, which decorate sculptures and buildings of the Austrian artist Hundertwasser all over the world. During this guided tour, which lasts Euro, children up to 12 years 6.50 Euro, groups (more than 20 persons) 6.50 Euro, day ticket 8.00 Euro (with boarding/alighting). The regular tours start at the main station. The “Kaiserbahn” runs from April until October. Extra tours are possible. For details phone: 02603-94150. 17 Entertainment possibilities Spa concerts & tea dance/ dancing, welcome evening The spa concerts take place in the upper foyer of the spa rooms building (Römerstraße 8), during the summer months also at the bandstand in the spa park. The tea dance as well as the welcome evening with information, music and dancing take place in the marble hall in the same building. Free admission Spa concerts: May till October: On Mondays, 4:00 pm, alternating from November on. Tea dance: On Sundays: 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Welcome evening: On Tuesdays: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Restaurant Bismarck’s: Live music and dance, Friday 7:00 pm, Taunusallee 13 Events Bad Ems has to offer a lot regarding to culture – theatre, cabaret, concerts or musicals. Famous stars from the fields of comedy and cabaret regularly perform in the Kabarett CasaBlanca in the Badhaus. Throughout the whole year many cultural highlights are offered in 18 the marble hall and the spa theatre – in a unique ambience. One of the most beautiful street festivals is definitely the “Bartholomäusmarkt” with the biggest flower parade in Germany, the so-called “Blumenkorso”, which takes place every year at the last weekend in August. Other highlights: the “Brückenfest” with dragon-boat races and the oldest regatta in Germany, which always takes place in July, the “Tuning Session” with about 500 tuned cars (July), the “EmserTherme-Triathlon”, a top sports event (August) or the “Lange Kabarettnacht”, a cabaret festival (November). All actual events can be found in the event calendar offered by the Tourist Information or see www. Health & Wellness Emser Therme (thermal bath) Clinics the highest level. Since summer 2014 the offer has been complemented by a swimming river sauna, which is unique in Germany. Phone: 02603-97900, Viktoriaallee 25, Opening hours & entrance fees: Daily from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm, on Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Single ticket: 2 hours 13 Euro (Children 1 – 11 years 7.80 Euro), 3 hours 16 Euro (children 9.80 Euro), 4 hours 19 Euro (children 11.40 Euro), day ticket 23 Euro (children 13.80 Euro). Early swimmer charge (Monday till Thursday 9:00 -11:00 am): Pay two hours and stay 3 hours. After-work charge (Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:00 pm onward): Pay 2 hours and stay until the end. Required accompanying persons of disabled with a “B” on the pass get free admission. Hufeland-Klinik, Centre for pneumology, allergology, treatment of sleeping disorders, naturopathy, Taunusalle 5, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-920, www. In December 2012 the “Emser Therme”, one of Germany’s most modern and attractive well-feeling thermal baths, was opened. It is situated right at the picturesque river bank. The “ThermalLandscape”, the “SaunaPark”, the “WellnessGallery” and the “FitnessPanorama” provide wellness and health on Lahntalklinik, Rehabilitation centre for orthopaedic diseases, Adolf-Bach-Promenade 11 , 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-97601, Malbergklinik, Special clinic for rehabilitation, Römerstraße 44 – 46, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-9750, www. AOK-Klinik, Special clinic for cardiological and orthopaedic rehabilitation, Viktoriaallee 27, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-9780, www.helios-kliniken. de/bad-ems Paracelsus-Klinik Bad Ems, Acute hospital and surgery clinic with medical specialists, Taunusallee 7 – 11, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 2603-6000, 19 Maharishi Ayurveda health and seminar centre Ayurveda, the science of life, is the oldest integrated natural health care. Maharishi Ayurveda tries to bring all aspects of human life into harmony and with that the restoration of health as well as a comprehensive prevention of diseases. Info: Maharishi Ayurveda health centre, Römerstraße 1, phone: 02603-94070, www.ayurveda-badems. de Private medical centre for natural medicine Medical centre for natural remedy and internal medicine, Dr. med Martin Schencking, Römerstraße 1 (in Häcker’s Grand Hotel), phone: 02603-9318580, Reservation required. Practices for physiotherapy, remedial gymnastics Adelheid Funda, Tilo Niedzwetzks, Bergstr. 2, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 0260314702 Reiner Hemm, Römerstr. 84, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-3863 Monika Voßen, Koblenzer Str. 84, 56133 Fachbach, phone: 02603-6948 20 Lana Kreis, Sommerstraße 27a, 56133 Fachach, phone: 02603-500510 Gabriele Bilo-Laux, Braubacher Straße 28, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 026035688 Norbert Lemler, Auf der Pütz 3, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-507109 Martina Eggert-Meya, Glückaufstraße 11, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 026035099113 Physiotherapie Zentrum, Andreas Friesen und Andrej Borger, Marktstraße 58, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 026039311085 Yoga schools Barbara Schyns, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 0171-5708919 Yogazentrum Bad Ems, Manuela Rönsch, Marktstraße 51, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02630-8787993 Raphael Center, Zur Unterhöhe 9, 56132 Kemmenau, phone: 02603-9314781 Beauty farms Beautyfarm „Cinderella“ in Häcker’s Grand Hotel, Römerstraße 1 – 3; phone: 02603-7990. Reservation required. “Anja im Badhaus“, cosmetics studio and day wellness farm, Römerstr. 41 a, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-70286. Reservation is necessary. Dreiklang Wellness-Oase, traditional Thai massage, Römerstraße 76, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-507136. Reservation is necessary. Drogerie-Parfümerie-Kosmetik Lappas, Römerstraße 77, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-4498 Going for a walk and stopping off at an inn A walk to the “Restaurant Wintersberg am Limes” From the café high up you have a wonderful view on Bad Ems and its surroundings. Next to the café you will find Germany’s oldest reconstruction of a Roman watch tower. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site – “The Roman Limes”. You will start your walk at the pavilion of the Tourist Information at the Bahnhofsplatz, from there you will get to the Wintersberg on a hiking trail leading you through the train station underneath the tracks, via the Braubacherstraße, Wintersbergstraße, St. Michaels-Siedlung, the ridge way “L” up to the Wintersberg, about 25 minutes. Phone: 02603-4282; Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Closing days: Monday, Tuesday. The hotel can also be reached via the parking space Braubacherstraße. A walk to the Bismarck Tower with Restaurant Take a ride with the Kurwaldbahn (cable railway) up to the Bismarckhöhe or walk along the signposted “Vier-Türme-Tour” trail (about 25 minutes) starting at the main station towards the “Grabenstraße”. At the “Bismarckhöhe” you will find well-developed hiking trails. After a walk stop at the café “ Bismarck’s” for a refreshment and enjoy the won- derful view from the panorama terrace. Phone: 02603-508282; opened daily from 11:00 am. A walk to the Concordiaturm (Concordia Tower) You will get to the “Concordiaturm” on the famous “Baedecker’s Felsenweg”. The wild-romantic rock path via the “Mooshütte” (moss hut) leads you along the famous “Heinzelmannhöhlen” (brownie caves), a geological sin21 gularity of the region, and many other viewpoints. From the Concordia tower you have a wonderful view on Bad Ems and the Lahn valley as well as the “Westerwald” and the “Taunus”. Start your hiking tour at the main station and follow the hiking trail “Baedeckers Felsenweg”. Climb up the staircase of the multi-storey car park in the Grabenstraße and follow the trail up to the “Concordiaturm”. The footpath takes you about 30 minutes. Next to the tower there is a restaurant and café called “Concordiaturm”, too. Phone: 026039569587. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Friday to Sunday 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Closing day: Tuesday. A walk to the Hotel-Restaurant “Schweizerhaus” Starting at the main station you will reach the “Schweizerhaus” located at the foot of the Malberg via the hiking trail „Romantik Runde“ in about 15 minutes. The beautiful terrace of the “Schweizerhaus” invites to stop and offers a wonderful view onto Bad Ems . Phone: 2603-93630. Opening hours: Friday to Wednesday from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm; Sunday from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm; closing day: Thursday. Teaching path of stones On the “Insel Silberau” there is a wonderful circular path along the banks of the river Lahn. This educational path takes about 20 minutes and passes the lock, too. Those interested in geology get an insight into the different types of rock. Start and finish of the walk is at the car park next to the office building of the county administration (Kreisverwaltung) on the “Insel Silberau” near the railway station “Bad Ems West”. UNESCO World Heritage Roman “Limes” The outer Upper Rhaeto-Germanic Limes is one of the most outstanding archaeological monuments of Central Europe, which became part of the list of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 2005. Along the Limes, which runs from Rheinbrohl at the river Rhine up to Hienheim at the river Danube near Regensburg, it is possible to see and 22 visit castells, bathing complexes, reconstructed Limes towers, parts of the frontier fortification, ramparts, trenches, walls and palisades. Roman findings are exhibited in the local museums for everyone who is interested in them. The first watch tower (WP 2/1) of the Limes was located above the steep northern slope of the Winterberg. It is the oldest reconstruction of a Roman watch tower in Germany. Here the Limes ran from the river Lahn in a south-western direction straight on towards the heights up to the WP 2/3 near Becheln. The Romans probably crossed the river over a bridge, which might have been located at the place of today’s “Bahnhofsbrücke” (station bridge). Here there is a stereoscope, which visualises Bad Ems in Roman times in 3D. The crossing over the Lahn was protected by two castells: the “Kleinkastell” (small castle) on the “Schanz” with a total area of 4,500 m² quite close to the bridge at the southern bank of the Lahn and the “Kastell Ems” in the centre of the village Ems. On the area of 1,300 m² the “Martinskirche” (St. Martin’s church) from the 12th century was built. It is estimated that in the 6th century a Frankish settlement developed at the “Emsbach” (stream), where there had been the Roman depot village before. At the edge of this vicus – at the corner of today’s Koblenzer Straße / Bachstraße – there was the castell bath. Further information can be obtained from the “Limes-Flyer” at the TouristInformation or in the museum. Excursions around Bad Ems Rewarding excursion targets Dausenau (4 km): With its medieval heritage Dausenau has got a townscape which is unique in the whole region today. The “Kastorkirche” (Kastor church), ring wall, leaning tower, Germany’s second-oldest half-timbered town hall, historical “Wirtshaus an der Lahn” (Inn). Frücht (6 km): In this village in the Taunus you can find the last resting place of “Freiher von und zum Stein“, who entered the history books as a Prussian secretary of state and reformer. Tomb of „Freiherr von und zum Stein. Nassau (8 km): This town at the River Lahn is the ancestral seat of the dynasty Nassau and the castle which carries the same name is the ancestral castle of the Dutch Royal Family. Stein’s castle, “Adelsheimer Hof” (town hall), Freiher-vom-Stein Park. Tourist-info phone: 02604-95250 23 Welschneudorf (10 km): The mansion-house Rückerhof in the Westerwald offers lots of activities such as horse-riding, coach-riding and events for children to take part in (baking bread, milking cows, feeding animals). Phone: 02608-208 Obernhof (13 km): Traditional winegrowing village at the river Lahn with the opportunity of visiting wine-growers and vineyards. Monastery Arnstein Lahnstein (13 km): The town is situated at the confluence of the rivers Lahn and Rhine and it offers nice walks along the promenades. Castle Lahneck, Johanneskloster (monastic church), indoor playground for the children. Tourist-info: 02621-914171 Gackenbach (15 km): In this game and leisure park “Westerwald” you can watch bears, deer, fallow-deer and wild boars. For the children there are a dry toboggan run and other offers. Phone: 06439-233 24 Pohl (18 km): The life of the Romans along the borders of the Roman Empire is shown in the “Limes castle”, an openair museum. Phone: 06772-9680768 Koblenz (18 km): A busy big town at the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Moselle with lots of sights and cultural offers. “Deutsches Eck”, Kastorkirche (Kastor church), old town, BUGA – ropeway across the river Rhine, electoral palace and museums of all kinds. Tourist-info: phone: 0261-31304 Braubach (20 km): Historical small town at the river Rhine with lots of half-timbered houses. The “Marksburg” (castle) above the town is the only castle along the Rhine that has never been destroyed. Tourist-info: phone: 02627-976001 Montabaur (20 km): The historical old town with crooked streets and recently renovated half-timbered houses invites you for a stroll. Castle Montabaur, St. Peter in Ketten (church), historical market place. Tourist-info: phone: 0260230010 Höhr-Grenzhausen (20 km): This town is the centre of the potter’s region in the Westerwald with potter’s and arts-and-crafts workshops. The traditional and contemporary ceramic art is shown in a museum. Tourist-info: phone: 02604-19433 Diez (38 km): The former residential town of the Nassau Dynasty at the Lahn river offers idyllic streets and narrow alleys with picturesque half- timbered houses. Castle Oranienstein, Earl’s Castle with museum. Tourist-info: phone: 06432-501275 Bendorf-Sayn (40 km): In the princely palace gardens a colourful variety of tropic butterflies is shown in the “Garden of the Butterflies “. „Schloss Sayn“ (pa- lace) and “Castle Sayn” are open to the public, too. Phone: 02622-15478 Neuwied (40 km): The zoo in Neuwied shows about 1,200 animals of 155 species on an area of 14 hectare. Guided tours and special offers for children. Phone: 02622-90460 St. Goarshausen (40 km): Situated in one of the most beautiful places of the UNESCO World-Cultural-Heritage “Central Rhine Valley” and surrounded by numerous castles. “Loreley Rock, Castle Maus with presentations of predatory birds, Loreley-Information-Centre. Tourist-info: phone: 06771-599093 Andernach (40 km): The highest cold water geyser of the world can be seen in the “Geyser Adventure Park”. Multi- media and interactive offers give you an understanding of geology and volcanoes. Phone: 02632-9580080 Limburg (42 km): Town at the river Lahn formed by the Middle Ages with a historical old town and a long tradi25 tion of trade. Cathedral with treasures, Germany’s oldest half-timbered houses, stone bridge across the river Lahn. Tourist-info: phone: 06431-6166 Schlangenbad (50 km): The adventure park „Taunus Wunderland“ is a holiday park for many age groups and offers torrent chutes, pirate swing, merry-go-round, dinosaurian show and many more attractions. Phone: 061244081 Weilburg (65 km): Historical town at the river Lahn with many architectural monuments. Baroque palace, “Kubacher Kristallhöhle“ (crystal cave) and crystal museum, exhibition of terra-cotta army, Germany’s only tunnel for boats. Tou- rist-info: phone: 06471-1330 Nürburgring (80 km): Legendary racing circuit in the Eifel with large adventure park. Phone: 02691-302630 Apotheke am Bahnhof, Bahnhofstraße, phone: 02603-3960 Apotheke am Markt, Römerstraße 80, phone: 02603-9317005 Sankt Martin Apotheke, Römerstraße 62, phone: 02603-2201 Sonnen-Apotheke, Koblenzer Straße 20, phone: 02603-97920 26 Elisabeth Adam, Römerstraße 51, phone: 02603 – 506134 Meckel, Römerstraße 59, phone: 02603-4333 Campsites / parking for motor-homes Coach tours – day trips Coach tours to destinations in the region are offered several times per week. All destinations can be inquired at the bus company “Rempel Reisen”, phone: 02603-2427 and 02603-500516,, at the “Stadtverkehr Bad Ems”, phone: 02603-2727, and at the coach company “Modigell & Scherer”, phone: 2603-8022, Freizeit Campingplatz, Am Schwimmbad, 56337 Arzbach, phone: 026039364766 Campingplatz Schmit-Henning, Obere Lahnstraße, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-4679 Campingpark Lahn-Beach, Im Hallgarten 16, 56132 Dausenau, phone: 0260313964 Campingplatz Bäderblick, Furtweg 14, 56133 Fachbach, phone: 0260313202 Parking for motor-homes, Kutscher’s Marina (awarded by ADAC), Nieverner Straße 20, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-4297 DB (German Railway) information / tickets Useful information Pharmacies Book shops Banks / post office Nassauische Sparkasse, Römerstraße 91, phone: 02603-942255202 Volksbank, Römerstraße 82, phone: 02603-93790 Commerzbank, Römerstraße 84, phone: 02603-96270 Post office, Postbank, Römerstraße 25 Reisebüro Bad Ems, Römerstraße 85, phone: 02603-4052. Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, Saturday 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. Tickets for the local and national train services are obtainable at the ticket machine on the platform of the main station. Lost property office Rathaus (town hall), Bleichstraße 1, phone: 02603-793141, opening hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, Thursday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Internet access The terminal for free internet access is in the tourist office at the main station. In the town hall, Bleichstraße 1, free internet access (WLan) is possible. For more internet accesses as well as facilities for free recharging mobile devices see: cs_6739.html Spa tax, KaiserCard When you stay overnight and pay the spa tax, you automatically get the „KaiserCard“. With this card you get exclusive discounts on many attractions and other deals in Bad Ems. In some cases it is even completely free to use. In the peak season (April 1st – October 15th): for the first person 1.92 Euro, for the second person 1.66 Euro; in the off-peak season (October 16th – March 31st): for the first person 1.66 Euro, for the second person 1.41 Euro. Severely handicapped persons (from 80 per cent onwards) will receive a reduction. More information and spa cards can be obtained in the “Gästeforum” in the spa rooms building, Römerstraße 8, phone: 02603-973120. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Spa doctors Mr Hartmut Schulze, Oranienweg 10, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-4090 Mrs Hildegard Simons, Bahnhofstraße 2, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 026033033 27 Public car parks (selection) Parkhaus am Kurpark (multi-storey car park), Grabenstraße 8, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-2217 Covered car park at the AOK-Clinic, Viktoriaallee 25, 56130 Bad Ems Car park Wipsch and Oranienweg, Wipsch, 56130 Bad Ems Parking space at the corner Silberaustraße / Viktoriaallee There is free parking space near the main station, the railway station “Bad Ems West”, in the Braubacher Straße and on the “Insel Silberau”. Free parking for the first 30 minutes in the town centre when displaying a parking disc. spa rooms building, Römerstraße 8, phone: 02603-973120, Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm 6:00 pm, City map and street index Vets and dog-pensions Emser Bikepark Private animal-pension Mrs RoseMarie Köster-Theulot, Arenberger Str. 39, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 01712022114 Veterinary practice Dr. Antje Hochkirch, Ärztehaus, Bahnhofstraße 1, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-12480 Animal hotel and veterinary surgery, Industriestr.10, 56335 Neuhäusel, phone: 02620-952244 berger Police Viktoriaallee 21, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-9700 Public library Bad Ems Bleichstraße 1 (in the town hall). Phone: 02603-933344, Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. For the online catalogue see the homepage. Taxi firms Funkmietwagen Ida, Bahnhofstraße 8, 56130 Bad Ems, phone: 02603-3666, Taxi Büber, 56130 Bad Ems, Nieverner Straße 53, phone: 02603-13030 Ticket shop “Staatsbad-Ticket” Booking agency and box office in the 28 © Stadt- und Touristikmarketing Bad Ems e.V. Photos: STM Bad Ems e.V., Piel Media, Rheinland-Pfalz-Tourismus GmbH/Dominik Ketz, Emser Therme GmbH, Maharishi Ayurveda Gesundheits- und Seminarzentrum Bad Ems GmbH, robert kah - imagetrust, Peter Opitz,, Schloss Sayn, Lahntal Tourismus Verband e. V./Dominik Ketz, Horst Hohn Modifications and errors excepted As at 06/2015 J J J Wipsch C4 Zur Katzenlai 29 30 31 For further information please contact: Stadt- und Touristikmarketing Bad Ems e. V. Bahnhofplatz 56130 Bad Ems phone: 02603-9415-0 fax: 02603-9415-60 Our opening hours and consulting periods: April – October: Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm November – March: Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm