programme guide
programme guide
programme guide EUROPE IN THE FACE OF GROWING SOCIAL INEQUALITY, RADICALISM AND GEOPOLITICAL THREATS SOPOT | 30 SEPTEMBER – 2 OCTOBER 2015 honorary patronage: Honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland EUROPE IN THE FACE OF GROWING SOCIAL INEQUALITY, RADICALISM AND GEOPOLITICAL THREATS Table of contents 5 About EFNI 2015 An introduction 8 EFNI Programme Council 9 Programme ABC 10 Agenda 12 Train to Ideas 12 EFNI 2015 attendee welcome and presentation of NEW@POLAND award 13 14 Debate: All-inclusive or All-exclusive: What Kind of Europe Do We Want? Panel discussion: Company = Idea? EFNI Opening Gala Official opening of EFNI 15 Opening debate: Europe in the Face of Growing Social Inequality, Radicalism and Geopolitical Threats 17 Night Owl Discussions What Kind of Solidarity Can Europe Afford These Days? A Citizen and a Politician Clashing Over Refugees A Good Life, a Good Death Ideas and Trends in Management and Leadership 2016 This Is Not the Club That We Have Joined. What Kind of Union Does the New Europe Want? 18 Breakfast debates and Round tables 18 Cybersecurity: a Problem Across the Board? Strategies of EU Member States towards the Challenges of Online Data Access 19 How Can a Modern Approach to the Extractive Industry Transform Contemporary Economies? 20 Energy for the Region. What Does Energy Solidarity in Central and Eastern Europe Mean? 20 European Publicists’ Forum. How to Rescue Europe from the Rise of Radicalism and Inequalities? How Should the Media Participate in this Crusade? Part 1 21 Plenary session 22 End of Post-Cold War Illusions: Does Europe Need a New Order? Parallel panel discussions 22 Emerging Market Champions award presentation and panel discussion: World Economy in Times of Uncertainty 23 What Turns Us On? Trends and Implications of Change in Media Consumption 25 EU Digital Single Market: How Single, How Common, How Joint? 26 Lunch debates and Round tables 26 How to Revitalize the Eurozone? 26 Mobility and Low Emission Transport. Trends and Solutions for Urban Development 27 The Youth and the Market. No Job, No Education, No Future? Facts and Myths 27 Meet-the-author sessions featuring EFNI panellists. Andrzej Lubowski 29 Plenary session 30 European Single Market – How to Put It Right and Make It Single Indeed? Parallel panel discussions 30 Big Data: The Driving Force behind the Economy in the 21st Century? 31 More Digital, Less Traditional Economy. How Can Europe Avoid Becoming a ‘Digital Colony’? 32 Investment in Innovation: Who Takes the Risks, and for Whom? How to Warm Europeans to Reforms? 34 | 2 EFNI Networking Evening WWW.EFNI.PL | Table of contents 35 NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS Entrepreneurs Ask Journalists about the Economy The World 2030 – Where Are We Heading? How to Warm Europeans to Reforms? Solidarity As a Value. Europe's Forgotten Foundation 36 Inspirations. A meeting with Polish business leaders 37 Round table: The End of European Solidarity? How Can Attitudes of National Particularism Be Prevented in the EU? 39 Plenary session 41 New Business Models for New Times Plenary session How Can Capitalism Be Fixed? 43 European Publicists’ Forum. How to Rescue Europe from the Rise of Radicalism and Inequalities? How Should the Media Participate in this Crusade? Part 2 44 Parallel panel discussions 44 Digital Security in Sectors of Strategic Importance: How to Protect Critical Infrastructure and Key Data? 45 How Will Modern Technologies Influence the Health Care Systems? 46 Migration: the End of the Europe as We Know It or a New Chance for the Old Continent? 47 The Public Media: Between Quality and Meeting Targets 48 Opportunities and Challenges of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) 49 Knowledge partners present 50 EFNI Closing Gala 52 Associated events 54 Idea-generating session. An Ecosystem for Cooperation towards Social Change. Just a Slogan or a Real Opportunity? 54 European Concordia. Social Innovation as a Response to Economic Challenges 55 Bays of Dialogue Can Poland Afford Solidarity towards Refugees? Meeting with Danuta Hübner Why Are We Afraid of Change? Meeting with Jerzy Buzek Which Values Should Be Promoted by Public Media? Meeting with Dorota Warakomska and Krzysztof Materna On Happiness and the Meaning of Life. Meeting with Magdalena Środa 56 The Baltic Initiative. European Transport Corridors as an Opportunity to Connect the Baltic Sea Region with Europe and the Rest of the World 56 Debate: What Reforms Does Ukraine Need to Fulfil Its European Aspirations to Become a EU Member State? 57 I PZU Run of New Ideas A sports event for the Forum attendees, Tricity residents and tourists 59 Wizjonerzy 2015 Awards Presentation of Wizjonerzy 2015, award of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Discussion panel: Goodwill. How Much Risk Is a Visionary Willing to Take for the Business? 60 Panellists and guests 80 Practical information 92 Organizers and partners 100 EFNI Bureau | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 3 | EUROPE FACING A SERIOUS EXAMINATION After seven months of gruelling negotiations with Greece, as the frozen conflicts at Europe’s gates, not only around the EU managed to ease the acute crisis in the eurozone. the Mediterranean Sea and in the Middle East, but also right Yet as soon as the heated subject of Grexit died down, Europe across our eastern border, in Ukraine. We will also speak about had to face another grave problem: the largest influx of refugees the consequences of growing religious and political radicalism, since World War II. The number of immigrants escaping death which is another grave threat that Europe needs to deal with. and seeking a better life keeps rising from month to month. No one can foresee how high it will rise and what it will bring. Now the EU has to urgently develop a common migration policy and a common security policy. It has not faced a greater challenge since the accession of the Eastern European states. Another leitmotiv of this year’s debates will be one of the major themes in the global economic debate: the unequal distribution of income. According to some economists, the gap between the most and the least privileged directly affects GDP and sooner or later hampers the economy. Here at EFNI, we will Our failure to meet this challenge will endanger the open consider whether these inequalities preclude the revitalisation of borders, which are one of the foundations of common Europe. the European economy. In order to deal with this situation, we must speak with one voice. As a member of the European premier league, we ought to take an active part in working out an appropriate consensus. Therefore, at this year’s European Forum for New Ideas we Analyzing all these themes from a business point of view, we will consider whether we can turn what some politicians perceive as a threat into an opportunity, and how to make a new beginning out of something that some see as the end. are going to discuss the migration crisis and its causes, such Henryka Bochniarz Jerzy Buzek President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan Chair of the EFNI Programme Council Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at the European Parliament | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 5 | MARKET ECONOMICS, DEMOCRACY AND RADICALISM INSPIRING EFNI DEBATES EFNI 2015 discussions focus on inequalities, radicalism For five years now, at the end of September and the beginning and geopolitical threats. Achieving higher growth and of October, Sopot has been welcoming Poland’s and the world’s employment is essential to secure social well-being and most prominent businesspeople, economists, thinkers, and defend Europe’s place in the world. And it is also part politicians. They come to our resort in order to attend the of the answer to fight radicalism, which thrives on fears inspiring debates at the European Forum for New Ideas. about the future and economic uncertainty. The theme of this year’s EFNI — Europe in the face of Market economies and democratic societies go hand in growing social inequality, radicalism, and geopolitical threats hand. To be successful in the long run, market economies — is a difficult subject, but at the same time one so vital require well-functioning democracies and vice versa. and urgent that it cannot be ignored. We will debate and Competitiveness is the only way to secure growth, jobs look for effective solutions to many issues, including the and prosperity for all over time. The European economy has role of the Old Continent in the face of modern challenges, improved but we are still facing important challenges. The innovation as a way to progress, and the conflict between Euro area is stronger than when the Greek crisis started Russia and Ukraine. I am confident that the unique, coastal but we need to improve governance in the Economic and climate of Sopot will be conducive to creative inspirations Monetary Union further. and interesting solutions. To improve the business environment and attract job- Like all the previous editions, this 5th anniversary edition creating investment in Europe, governments should ensure of EFNI is traditionally open to the inhabitants of Sopot the sustainability of public finances and carry out necessary and the entire metropolitan area. Bays of Dialogue are reforms. The EU should legislate less and focus on strategic Sopot’s areopagus as they offer meetings with prominent issues such as developing the single market, the capital EFNI panellists, invigorating and inspiring discussions, market union and the energy union, digitalization and and interesting conclusions. Because over the course industrial development. of these three days, the entire city lives in a rhythm set International trade and investment is a powerful tool to generate growth and jobs in Europe and advocate the values of freedom in the global economy; hence the importance of multilateral rules devised by the WTO and bilateral agreements with key partners. by the European Forum for New Ideas. Yet, EFNI is not about debates alone. This is an extraordinary time for informal talks, making new contacts, and establishing new relations. To a large extent, they are decisive for success, and not only for business success. As the weather is always good in Sopot, you can be sure to benefit from your stay here to the fullest. Welcome to Sopot, the city of important events, creative Emma Marcegaglia inspiration and ideas. President, BUSINESSEUROPE Jacek Karnowski Mayor of Sopot | 6 WWW.EFNI.PL | PROGRAMME EFNI Programme Council EFNI PROGRAMME COUNCIL Wiktor Askanas Janusz Jasiński Paweł Potoroczyn Professor Emeritus, University of New Brunswick Member of the Management Board of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan Director of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute Jan Krzysztof Bielecki Wojciech Przybylski Chairman of EY Partners Board Leszek Jażdżewski Editor-in-Chief of LIBERTE! Editor-in-Chief of Res Publica Nowa Henryka Bochniarz Katarzyna Kacperczyk Gesine Schwan President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan Undersecretary of State for Africa, Asia and Middle East Policy, Public and Economic Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chancellor of the Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance Michał Boni Member of the European Parliament Małgorzata Bonikowska Managing Partner, THINKTANK Adam Budnikowski former Chancellor of Warsaw School of Economics Piotr Buras Head of ECFR Warsaw Office Jerzy Buzek Chair of the EFNI Programme Council; Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) at the European Parliament Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow former Chancellor of the University of Warsaw Magdalena Fikus Łukasz Kalinowski CEO and General Director at MetLife Teresa Kamińska President of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone Jacek Karnowski Sławomir S. Sikora President of the Management Board of CITI HANDLOWY Aleksander Smolar President of the Stefan Batory Foundation Piotr Soyka Michał Kleiber Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Gdańsk Shiprepair Yard Remontowa S.A. Professor, Vice President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Polish Academy of Sciences Andrzej Klesyk President of the Management Board of PZU S.A. Andrzej Koźmiński President of Kozminski University Jacek Krawiec Piotr Gulczyński Janusz Lewandowski Jerzy Hausner Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sygnity SA Mayor of Sopot Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences CEO at the Foundation for Healthy Ageing Tomasz Sielicki President and CEO, PKN Orlen SA President of the Economic Council to the Polish Prime Minister, Member of the European Parliament Professor at Cracow University of Economics, member of the Monetary Policy Council Andrzej Lubowski Danuta Hübner Emma Marcegaglia Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs at the European Parliament Leszek Pawłowicz Economist, writer Małgorzata Starczewska-Krzysztoszek Chief Economist at the Polish Confederation Lewiatan Beata Stelmach CEO at General Electric Poland and Baltics Wojciech Szpil CEO at Totalizator Sportowy Magdalena Środa Philosopher, ethicist, Professor at the University of Warsaw Karolina Wigura Head of the Political Desk at Kultura Liberalna Maciej Witucki Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Orange Polska President of BUSINESSEUROPE Director of Gdańsk Academy of Banking | 8 WWW.EFNI.PL | PROGRAMME ABC ABOUT THE PROGRAMME... MATTER-OF-FACTLY PLENARY SESSIONS Plenary sessions are debates BREAKFAST AND LUNCH DEBATES with the involvement of all An opportunity to exchange EFNI attendees. They are held opinions and experiences during in the New Ideas Pavilion and discussions held at 10-person last for 1.5 hours. During each tables. A meal will be served session, at least 20 minutes during 1.5-hour-long debates. are dedicated to questions For shorter round tables, only from the floor. The sessions coffee and croissants will be will focus on this year's EFNI served. An icon next to the event theme: increasing inequalities, description specifies the form conflicts around Europe and of each meal. is available in our bookstore. politics and business. Anyone The meeting will be held in may participate, as long as there the Press Bay in the conference is a seat available. foyer on the first floor at the Sheraton hotel. The meeting with Andrzej Lubowski will be held in Polish. Interpretation will not be provided. NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS their consequences (including "After hours" discussions taking the rising tide of refugees), place after the main programme a new order for Europe, business models for the future, reforming capitalism, and the future of the EU Single Market. This year, EFNI has five plenary sessions: one during the Opening Gala, two on Thursday, 1 October, and two on Friday, 2 October. PANEL DISCUSSIONS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We would like EFNI to become events have come to a close, on Wednesday, 1 October and on Thursday, 1 October. not only a source of new ideas, You will have the opportunity but also the place where to directly speak with the important analyses and reports remarkable guests of the Forum are announced. With this year's in the Sheraton hotel, in the cosy EFNI in mind, our partners have interiors of Vinoteque, Rotunda, prepared four reports focused and Zatoka Sztuki (Bay of Art), on topics that will be raised as well as in the Grand Hotel during this year's sessions. Library. The topics discussed will 1.5-hour-long debates held in be lighter but no less important parallel in the same time slot. than those raised during the During each panel discussion, 20 minutes are dedicated to questions from the floor. This year, we have planned 13 panel discussions: one on Wednesday, 30 September, six on Thursday, 1 October and six on Friday, BOOK PRESENTATIONS sessions and panel discussions. EFNI attendees will have the Night Owl Discussions will opportunity to be the first to be held in Polish or English. read Andrzej Lubowski's new Interpretation will not be book, Alfabet amerykański provided. Sheraton Conference Centre. ROUND TABLES Events prepared for a certain group of guests or a certain industry. EFNI 2015 will host seven round tables. Participation in round tables is only by invitation from Partner or Organizer. held outdoors, in the concert auditorium in Skwer Kuracyjny. PANELLISTS This year's EFNI sees the arrival of over 120 panellists from a dozen or so countries. The list of panellists includes outstanding figures representing the world of business, politics, science, media and culture. SOPOT DECLARATION Document containing a message from business to political and economic policy-makers in Poland and the European Union. It is read out every year, since the first edition of EFNI, during the Closing Gala. EFNI RECOMMENDATIONS Each EFNI programme form of conclusions and BAYS OF DIALOGUE MEET-THE-AUTHOR SESSION FEATURING AN EFNI PANELLIST four meetings. They will be event is summarized in the (The American Alphabet). 2 October. They are held at the This year we have planned recommendations. After the Forum, we edit them Small meetings with EFNI and prepare a list, which is later panellists open to the residents sent to relevant authorities of Sopot and tourists. During and institutions in Poland and A new addition to EFNI this year one-hour conversation on in the EU. is a meeting with one of our universal topics related to panellists, a writer. During the themes of the Forum, the 30 minute interview, EFNI the participants will have attendees will be able to ask the opportunity to exchange the authors their questions and thoughts with outstanding receive an autograph. The book minds, leaders in economics, | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 We try to make the voice of business and the message drafted during EFNI heard where the decisions regarding key issues for the European economy are made. 9 | Agenda WEDNESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 THURSDAY, 1 OCTOBER 2015 10:35–13:50 TRAIN TO IDEAS 8:00–9:30 Trip to Sopot on the Pendolino train and warm-up debate: All-inclusive or All-exclusive: What Kind of Europe Do We Want? Pendolino 15:00–15:45 LUNCH FOR PARTICIPANTS OF THE DEBATE ABOARD PENDOLINO Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D 16:00–16:10 EFNI 2015 ATTENDEE WELCOME Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A+B 16:10–16:20 NEW@POLAND AWARD CEREMONY Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A+B 16:20–18:15 PANEL DISCUSSION Company = Idea? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A+B (prior registration required) Official speeches EFNI 2015 keynote debate Europe in the Face of Growing Social Inequality, Radicalism and Geopolitical Threats Formal dinner and artistic programme New Ideas Pavilion LUNCH DEBATE Energy for the Region. What Does Energy Solidarity in Central and Eastern Europe Mean? The Youth and the Market. No Job, No Education, No Future? Facts and Myths Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo (by invitation only) Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus B ROUND TABLES How Can a Modern Approach to the Extractive Industry Transform Contemporary Economies? (by invitation only) Sheraton Conference Centre, Vasco da Gama Cybersecurity: a Problem Across the Board? Strategies of EU Member States towards the Challenges of Online Data Access Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D 8:30–9:30 EUROPEAN PUBLICISTS’ FORUM How to Rescue Europe from the Rise of Radicalism and Inequalities? How Should the Media Participate in this Crusade? Part 1 Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo, Mezzanine 19:30–22:30 EFNI OPENING GALA BREAKFAST DEBATE (in Polish) Sheraton Sopot Hotel, InAzia A Good Life, a Good Death Sofitel Grand Hotel, Library Ideas and Trends in Management and Leadership 2016 (in Polish) (in English) Emerging Market Champions award presentation and panel discussion World Economy in Times of Uncertainty New Ideas Pavilion EU Digital Single Market: How Single, How Common, How Joint? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus B What Turns Us On? Trends and Implications of Change in Media Consumption Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Rotunda This Is Not the Club That We Have Joined. What Kind of Union 13:30–15:30 Lunch break Does the New Europe Want? (in English) 13:45–15:15 ROUND TABLE Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Vinoteque Mobility and Low Emission Transport. Trends and Solutions for Urban Development | 10 14:30–15:00 MEET-THE-AUTHOR SESSIONS FEATURING EFNI PANELLISTS. ANDRZEJ LUBOWSKI (in Polish) Sheraton Conference Centre, Press Bay 15:30–17:00 PLENARY SESSION (by invitation only) Sheraton Conference Centre, Vasco da Gama 14:15–15:15 ROUND TABLE How to Revitalize the Eurozone? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A Market, But What Kind of Market? What Should the Strategy of the New Single European Market Be? New Ideas Pavilion 17:30–19:00 PARALLEL PANEL DISCUSSIONS End of Post-Cold War Illusions: Does Europe Need a New Order? New Ideas Pavilion 22:30–00:00 NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS 10:00–11:30 PLENARY SESSION 12:00–13:30 PARALLEL PANEL DISCUSSIONS What Kind of Solidarity Can Europe Afford These Days? A Citizen and a Politician Clashing Over Refugees Big Data: The Driving Force behind the Economy in the 21st Century? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A More Digital, Less Traditional Economy. How Can Europe Avoid Becoming a ‘Digital Colony’? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus B Investment in Innovation: Who Takes the Risks, and for Whom? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D 20:00–1:00 EFNI NETWORKING EVENING New Ideas Pavilion 23:00–1:00 NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS How to Warm Europeans to Reforms? (in Polish) Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Vinoteque Entrepreneurs Ask Journalists about the Economy (in Polish) Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Rotunda Solidarity As a Value. Europe's Forgotten Foundation (in Polish) Sofitel Grand Hotel, Library The World 2030 – Where Are We Heading? (in English) Sheraton Sopot Hotel, InAzia WWW.EFNI.PL | Agenda FRIDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2015 ASSOCIATED EVENTS 8:00–9:30INSPIRATIONS IDEA-GENERATING SESSION An Ecosystem for Cooperation towards Social Change. Just a Slogan or a Real Opportunity? A meeting with Polish business leaders Sofitel Grand Hotel, Grand Ballroom ROUND TABLEE The End of European Solidarity? How Can Attitudes of National Particularism Be Prevented in the EU? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A 10:00–11:30 PLENARY SESSION New Business Models for New Times New Ideas Pavilion Wednesday | 30 September 2015 | 9:00 – 15:45 Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo EUROPEAN CONCORDIA (by invitation only) Social Innovation as a Response to Economic Challenges Wednesday | 30 September 20155 | 14:00 – 15:45 Thursday | 1 October 2015 | 10:00 – 14:00 Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Vinoteque 12:00–13:30 PLENARY SESSION BAYS OF DIALOGUE Meetings with EFNI panellists open to residents of Sopot and tourists Can Poland Afford Solidarity towards Refugees? Meeting with Danuta Hübner How Can Capitalism Be Fixed? New Ideas Pavilion 13:30–15:30 Lunch break Thursday | 1 October 2015 | 15:30 – 16:30 14:15–15:15 EUROPEAN PUBLICISTS’ FORUM Why Are We Afraid of Change? Meeting with Jerzy Buzek How to Rescue Europe from the Rise of Radicalism and Inequalities? How Should the Media Participate in this Crusade? Part 2 Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo, Mezzanine 15:30–17:00 PARALLEL PANEL DISCUSSIONS Digital Security in Sectors of Strategic Importance: How to Protect Critical Infrastructure and Key Data? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus A How Will Modern Technologies Influence the Health Care Systems? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus B Migration: the End of the Europe as We Know It or a New Chance for the Old Continent? Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D The Public Media: Between Quality and Meeting Targets Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo 17:30–19:00 PARALLEL PANEL DISCUSSIONS Thursday | 1 October 2015 | 17:30 – 18:30 Which Values Should Be Promoted by Public Media? Meeting with Dorota Warakomska and Krzysztof Materna Friday | 2 October 2015 | 15:30 – 16:30 On Happiness and the Meaning of Life Meeting with Magdalena Środa Friday | 2 October 2015 | 17:30 – 18:30 Skwer Kuracyjny, concert bowl THE BALTIC INITIATIVE (by invitation only) European Transport Corridors as an Opportunity to Connect the Baltic Sea Region with Europe and the Rest of the World Friday | 2 October 2015 | 13:30 – 15:30 Sofitel Grand Hotel, Grand Ballroom DEBATE What Reforms Does Ukraine Need to Fulfil Its European Aspirations to Become a EU Member State? (by invitation only) Friday | 2 October 2015 | 16:00 – 17:15 Sofitel Grand Hotel, Grand Ballroom WIZJONERZY 2015 AWARDS Knowledge partners present Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus C+D Presentation of Wizjonerzy 2015, award of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna for managers with a business vision, determination, and courage Panel discussion Opportunities and Challenges of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Sheraton Conference Centre, Columbus B Goodwill. How Much Risk Is a Visionary Willing to Take for the Business? 20:00–22:00 EFNI CLOSING GALA (prior registration required) EFNI closing session Message from EFNI special guest Keynote speech Formal dinner and artistic programme New Ideas Pavilion | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Friday | 2 October 2015 | 17:30 – 19:00 Sheraton Conference Centre, Marco Polo I PZU Run of New Ideas A sports event for the Forum attendees, Tri-City residents and tourists Saturday | 3 October 2015 | 10:00 – 13:00 Skwer Kuracyjny 11 | Train to ideas wednesday | 30 september 2015 10:35 – 13:50 pendolino train, warsaw–sopot TRAIN TO IDEAS EFNI 2015 attendees, panellists and partners are invited to take The debate will be moderated by: Piotr Stasiński, Deputy Editor- part in an unusual warm-up before the discussions in Sopot. -in-Chief, Gazeta Wyborcza, Roman Imielski, Secretary of the Aboard a train travelling from Warsaw to Sopot, they will have an Editorial Board, Gazeta Wyborcza, Łukasz Lipiński, Analyst, opportunity to participate in a debate on the consequences of Polityka Insight, and Krzysztof Materna, TV Producer and inequalities for Europe: its economy, society, and democracy. Director. ALL INCLUSIVE OR ALL EXCLUSIVE: WHAT KIND OF EUROPE DO WE WANT? • • • Inequality: when is it a driving force of the economy and when is it a threat? Do the rich have a greater responsibility? Do they have extra obligations towards the society and the state? Will immigrants save the pension system or will they ruin the European welfare state? EFNI 2015 welcome wednesday | 30 september 2015 16:00 – 16:20 sheraton conference centre / columbus a+b EFNI 2015 ATTENDEE WELCOME HENRYKA BOCHNIARZ, PRESIDENT OF THE POLISH LEWIATAN CONFEDERATION AND VICE PRESIDENT OF BUSINESSEUROPE, WILL WELCOME EFNI 2015 ATTENDEES NEW@POLAND AWARD CEREMONY PRESENTATION OF THE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYERS LEWIATAN AWARD FOR THE MOST INNOVATIVE IT PROJECT FOR THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The award will be presented by: Tomasz Klekowski, President of the Digital Technology Employers' Lewiatan, Vice President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan and Cristiano Pinzauti, Jury President of NEW@POLAND, Vice President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. | 12 — Tomasz Klekowski — Cristiano Pinzauti WWW.EFNI.PL | wednesday | 30 september 2015 16:20 – 18:15 sheraton sopot hotel / columbus a+b Panel discussion COMPANY – IDEA? How can the environment What does a business produce: profits, products/services, or values? Value creation around a company be involved in business practice in value creation and how can the benefits be shared? The reason behind the on creating measures of activity is profit and Moderators: crisis of capitalism is development other than that nothing else Jerzy Hausner the broken link between gross domestic product matters does not apply the market and social which would reflect the any more. Professor, University of Economics, Kraków, Poland values. Critics indicate, quality of life, i.e. non- among other things, economic values. The the primacy of short- model of a market economy term oriented business for which consumption activity, well represented on credit and financial by the expression 'quarterly speculation are the driving capitalism'. forces behind growth led us Global financial corporations have generated products and mechanisms which allow them to make profit during bull and bear markets alike. They charge high premiums for risk, transferring it to the global crisis. A turn towards production based on knowledge and creativity appears ever more obvious. Yet that turn requires us to reject the formula 'the business of business is business'. almost entirely to others. That was the notion behind Consequently, greed wins the proposition that a and responsibility dwindles. company is (or should be) That engenders social synonymous with the idea, opposition. Ubiquitous which is based on two commercialisation hinders tenets: development as the economy does grow, but 1. Economy is also a part fails to develop. The gravity of the situation has caused numerous | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 twilight of the era of Mateusz Zmyślony Founder, Eskadra Group, Poland consumers 'going on a hunt', fuelled by special Panellists: offers, discounts for new Dorota Ilczuk customers, and gifts. Fellow, SWPS (University of Social Sciences and Humanities), Poland The majority of loyalty programmes and tools to reward regular customers have a terrible reputation. Jakub Karnowski President of the Management Board, PKP SA, Poland Łukasz Paździor The market leaders of the future will be companies whose brands achieve the status of Love Brand: they will evoke positive emotions and offer Managing Director at Mazda Motor Poland, Poland Maria Wiśniewska Lecturer, University of Warsaw, Poland Piotr Voelkel prestige and satisfaction, Founder, Vox Capital Group, Poland thus encouraging the Andrzej Zybertowicz customer to identify with Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, Poland their purchase decision. The choice of what to buy will transform from the of culture, which is an simple spending of money area of communication into voting for the reliability and cooperation. of a brand or company. 2. The principle that countries to initiate debate We are witnessing the knowledge partner the goal of business 13 | wednesday | 30 september 2015 19:30 – 22:30 new ideas pavilion EFNI Opening Gala Fot: KPRM EFNI OPENING GALA 2015 — Ewa Kopacz — Henryka Bochniarz — Jerzy Buzek The European Forum for New Ideas will be inaugurated by confederation, and co-organizer of EFNI, and Jacek Karnowski, Henryka Bochniarz, President of the Polish Confederation Mayor of Sopot and representative of EFNI’s third co-organizer. Lewiatan and Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE, and Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the EFNI Programme Council and of the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. The Gala attendees will be also welcomed by Emma Marcegaglia, President of BUSINESSEUROPE, the largest European business — Jacek Karnowski — Emma Marcegaglia The EFNI Opening Gala’s partner, Bank Pekao S.A., will be represented by President of the Management Board & CEO, Luigi Lovaglio. Our special guest will be the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Ewa Kopacz. — Luigi Lovaglio The evening will be hosted by Dorota Warakomska. Aleksander Dębicz, a Polish pianist, will perform at the Opening Gala. — Aleksander Dębicz | 14 — The Gala guests — Dorota Warakomska WWW.EFNI.PL | wednesday | 30 september 2015 19:30 – 22:30 new ideas pavilion Opening keynote debate EUROPE IN THE FACE OF GROWING SOCIAL INEQUALITY, RADICALISM AND GEOPOLITICAL THREATS How is a just social Are capitalism and inequality inevitably intertwined? Will wide income gaps prevent order defined in times of the European economy economic crisis, globalisation, from 'bouncing back'? and technological development? One of the most essential promises of post- Thomas Piketty, author of the renowned book Moderator: war Europe, which granted it several decades Capital in the Twenty-First Century, claims Piotr Kraśko of stability and democracy, was capitalism, that the reason for the increasing inequality meaning prosperity for all. Enabling all over recent decades was the fact that the Journalist and TV Presenter, Telewizja Polska S.A., Poland social groups to participate in the benefits income from capital (gained by a small group of economic growth, protecting the weak, of citizens) considerably exceeds the income and faith in commonly achievable social from economic growth (which is experienced advancement are all elements which were by the majority of the society active on the the foundation of the social contract that has labour market in the form of pay rises). After defined Europe over recent decades. three 'golden decades' which had eliminated Panellists: Salvatore Babones Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Sydney, Australia Henryka Bochniarz the situation in which market mechanisms President, Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Vice President, BUSINESSEUROPE, Poland ineluctably make the richest even richer and Leszek Jażdżewski the poorest even poorer. Editor-in-Chief, LIBERTÉ!, Poland experience demonstrated that social conflicts Researchers often claim that societies with Rainer Mϋnz and far-reaching financial inequality lead to smaller differences in income simply do better. destruction and chaos. The post-war decades After the most recent economic downturn, Adviser European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission were the 'Social-Democratic era' (Ralf the common belief in Europe was that higher Olivier Roy Daherndorf), when emphasis was placed on inequality leads to destruction. There is no equal opportunities as a key element of a 'good doubt however that inequality in capitalism Professor European University Institute, France society'. cannot be avoided and, as many claim, is Excessive growth of the welfare state, which in the 1970s began to negatively impinge on European economies, was a response to Europe's historical experience. Europe's Nowadays, especially in the context of all the differences, the Western world restored actually necessary. the economic crisis after 2008, the issue There are just a few questions left: How of social inequality returns forcefully as a much inequality can Europe afford? Which leading political and social topic. In spite of all mechanisms can and should the state use to forecasts and hopes, the 'Social-Democratic curb it? How can we deal with the erosion of era' failed to come to terms with this problem. the post-war social model based on cohesion Several experts claim that this change and solidarity, for which the growing economic dramatically accelerated the rise of economic inequality and migration are a crucial test, or inequality around the world, including Europe. even a survival test? | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Magdalena Środa Philosopher and Professor of Ethics, University of Warsaw, Poland knowledge partner 15 | ADVERTISING SECTION SIEMENS: A NEW CHAPTER OF THE SAME STORY The Siemens brand has been present on the Polish market almost since its inception in the first half of the 19th century. Next year Siemens is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its activity in Poland in its current legal form. Was it a good period for the company? Peter Baudrexl: Indeed, Siemens has been present on the Polish market for a long time. The 25th anniversary is a good time for a summary. It was a good period for our company which was dynamic and rich in challenges. We supported our clients in numerous sectors of the economy that could not function without our advanced technological know-how or many years of experience. We had the opportunity to implement new solutions in Poland and we are planning to keep doing just that. At this point we cannot forget the incredible development of the entire country. The progress made by the Polish economy, infrastructure, business and social life is a unique phenomenon. That pertains to all sectors, including the power industry, transport or production. We are proud to be a part of this phenomenon. Dominika Bettman: Yes, I agree, the 25th anniversary of Siemens sp. z o.o. in Poland deserves to be seen from the wider perspective of what has been achieved in our country over the course of that time. Our company’s development is parallel to the progress of the Polish economy, in which we take an active part. From that point of view, a crucial moment was our accession to the European Union. On one hand it allowed Poland to obtain additional funds for the country’s development and modernisation, on the other hand it facilitated access to knowledge, technology, and the newest solutions in all domains of economic life. Siemens has been recently particularly active in three branches: the power industry, infrastructure, and transport. Is that a good strategy on the Polish market? Peter Baudrexl: We consider these domains pivotal for the entire economy. Their efficient work is vital and has an impact on other sectors. At the same time it is very difficult and demanding to achieve that state. Most frequently we deal with large and long-term projects which require precise and flexible planning, cutting-edge technology and complex implementation. The power industry, infrastructure, transport and production require constant and consistent modernization, wherefore ever more objects undergo this process. These domains are also crucial in EU policy. Therefore it is good that Poland can use Community funds for these essential and needed investments. Are Polish cities eager to introduce innovative technological solutions? Dominika Bettman: Cities constitute a remarkable element of the economy and their significance keeps growing. They attract investment and create new jobs, while at the same time facing new challenges. Implementing new solutions becomes increasingly important. City authorities are beginning to see the need to implement complex solutions for urban areas. Polish local authorities can deal well with such problems; they even belong to the leaders among European cities which introduce intelligent traffic control systems or efficient energy consumption management. They perceive ever more advantages of these solutions. A good example are Siemens’ concepts implemented e.g. in Białystok, Poznań, or Rzeszów, which include complex traffic management, introducing priorities in public transport, and making the main communication routes driveable. In Sosnowiec, Bytom, and Ruda Śląska, in turn, we are working on thermal energy and electricity consumption management in public buildings. The aim of all these activities is to improve the life standard of the inhabitants, reduce the CO2 footprint, and save energy, which in consequence has notable benefits for city budgets. wednesday | 30 september 2015 22:30 – 00:00 sheraton hotel / hotel sofitel grand Night owl discussions NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS This year there will be eight evening meetings. They will be held in familiar locations of the Sheraton Hotel: Vinoteque and Rotunda, as well as InAzia. The meetings will be held parallel — four each on Wednesday, after the Opening Gala, and on Thursday, after the first part of the Integration Evening, for those who will prefer an intellectual feast over dancing and networking. Please note that the meetings will be held in Polish or English, interpretation services will not be provided. | wednesday, 30 september 2015 | 22:.30 — 00:00 | sheraton hotel, inazia WHAT KIND OF SOLIDARITY CAN EUROPE AFFORD THESE DAYS? A CITIZEN AND A POLITICIAN CLASHING OVER REFUGEES Leib Fogelman Senior Partner, Greenberg Traurig law firm and his guest: Danuta HÜbner MEP The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | wednesday, 30 september 2015 | 22:30 — 00:00 | sheraton hotel, vinoteque THIS IS NOT THE CLUB THAT WE HAVE JOINED. WHAT KIND OF UNION DOES THE NEW EUROPE WANT? Tomasz Kamiński Liberte!, Poland and his guests: Henryka Bochniarz President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE Emma Marcegaglia President of BUSINESSEUROPE Zilvinas Silenas President, Lithuanian Free Market Institute, Lithuania Kryštof Kruliš Researcher, AMO Research Centre, Czechia Mate Hajba Deputy President, Free Market Foundation, Hungary The event will be held in English only. Interpretation will not be provided. | wednesday, 30 september 2015 | 22:30 — 00:00 | sheraton sopot hotel, rotunda IDEAS AND TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 2016 Paweł Rabiej Editor-in-Chief of THINKTANK Magazine and his guests. The event will be held in English only. Interpretation will not be provided. | wednesday, 30 september 2015 | 22:30 — 00:00 | sofitel grand hotel / l ibrary A GOOD LIFE, A GOOD DEATH Magdalena Środa Professor at the University of Warsaw and her guests: Jan Hartman Philosopher, the Jagiellonian University Magdalena Mińko The Young Reforming Poland movement The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 17 | Round table thursday | 1 october 2015 8:00 – 9:30 sheraton conference centre / columbus c+d CYBERSECURITY: A PROBLEM ACROSS THE BOARD? STRATEGIES OF EU MEMBER STATES TOWARDS THE CHALLENGES OF ONLINE DATA ACCESS • • • Who is responsible for ensuring the security of online data: states or IT firms? How to eliminate threats arising due to expanding online data access? How to ensure digital safety of states, businesses, and citizens? The examples of Great Britain and Estonia. Moderator: Piotr Marczuk, Government Affairs Manager at Since cooperation at EU level remains insufficient, national Microsoft, Poland strategies are of crucial importance. Estonia, a technological The development of ICT technologies has brought about rapid progress. Another consequence of the progress is the general dependence on technology, and threats from organised crime and radical groups. To what extent will the adoption of the NIS leader, was one of the first states to adopt a cybersecurity strategy. Estonia is a very strong proponent of online elections and mobile payments. This is where the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is located. Directive improve security in the EU? How to ensure security To what extent can the examples of Estonia and the UK inspire without jeopardising the freedom of citizens? How should the the creation of a cybersecurity policy by other EU member states? state and the private sector cooperate? knowledge partner centre for dialogue and analysis Round table thursday | 1 october 2015 8:00 – 9:30 sheraton conference centre / vasco da gama By invitation HOW CAN A MODERN APPROACH TO THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY TRANSFORM CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIES • What can be done to make the extractive industry the driving force behind rather than an obstacle to sustainable economic growth of the European Union and Poland? • • Can new technologies ensure the efficiency of the extractive industry in Poland and the EU? What is modern and rational raw materials management and how can it be built? Moderator: Andrzej Bobiński, Analyst, Polityka Insight, Poland. The global financial crisis, the shale gas revolution in the USA, to the reality and to allow moderate governmental interference in raw materials management. and sharp fluctuations of crude oil prices have redefined the EU's New investment must benefit from new technologies and attitude to industry. If production is to be kept in Europe, this management methods. This offers a chance for more efficient requires the latest manufacturing technologies and cheap raw extraction and lower production costs. It is necessary to introduce materials. waste management and a sustainable raw materials policy. In order to make the extractive industry the driving force In order to ensure economic competitiveness, a strategy linking behind the economy, the prerequisites are: transparent law, raw materials policy to economic policy must be created. Modern simplification of formal requirements, and compliance with management must build on the availability of raw materials, existing standards. It is equally important to adapt fiscal policy innovativeness and competitiveness of extraction, as well as the inflow of capital. knowledge partner | 18 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 8:00 – 9:30 sheraton conference centre/ columbus b Round table By invitation ENERGY FOR THE REGION. WHAT DOES ENERGY SOLIDARITY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE MEAN? • • • What is the desired direction of regional cooperation development in Central and Eastern Europe? What are the expectations of the countries of the region regarding cooperation in the sphere of energy? What should the role of Poland be in the process of building regional cooperation in the sphere of energy? Industry associations’ round table with an introductory speech achieve market integration and use the potential of renewable by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission energy sources to the full. and European Commissioner for Energy Union The debate’s objective is to determine to what extent it is The European Commission’s Framework Strategy for a Resilient feasible to create regional energy markets within the EU, Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy what activities are necessary to deepen integration, what indicates that the development of regional cooperation is an barriers the energy sector perceives, and what it expects essential step in ensuring energy security. It would help the EU from the European Commission. knowledge partner thursday | 1 october 2015 8:30 – 9:30 sheraton conference centre / m arco polo, mezzanine European Publicists’ Forum EUROPEAN PUBLICISTS’ FORUM: HOW TO RESCUE EUROPE FROM THE RISE OF RADICALISM AND INEQUALITY? HOW SHOULD THE MEDIA PARTICIPATE IN THIS CRUSADE? radicals are gaining power. how can they be halted? • • • Where does the power of the radicals in Europe come from? What can be done to prevent citizens from being lured by populists and xenophobes? Do immigrants pose a major problem or are they a great opportunity for Europe? Moderator: Aleksandra Sobczak, Head of the Economic Desk, integration is approaching. Radicalism is gaining power as Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland populist and extremist groups and parties are becoming Journalists representing the main media outlets in Europe will meet at EFNI to discuss topics of importance for our continent. The first debate will focus on the sources of European radicalism and the problem of immigrants. The flow of refugees to Europe has devastated the existing rules concerning the receiving of refugees, simultaneously putting at risk the principles guaranteed by the Schengen Agreement. The attempts of EU states to bring the crisis under control have been futile so far. The countries, one by one, are beginning to increasingly popular. More and more statements are being heard that undermine the rationale behind European solidarity. The following journalists will take part in the debate: Sylwia Czubkowska, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Poland), Luigi Ippolito, Corriere della Sera (Italy), Michael Knigge, Deutsche Welle (Germany), Noelle Knox, (USA), Javier Moreno Barber, El País (Spain), Lubosz Palata, Lidove Noviny (Czechia), Egle Samoskaite, (Lithuania), Nick Thorpe, BBC (UK), Annette Young, France 24 (France), Leszek Jażdżewski, Liberté! (Poland), Grzegorz Siemionczyk, Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet (Poland). tighten their border controls. A crisis of confidence in European | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 19 | thursday | 1 october 2015 10:00 – 11:30 new ideas pavilion Plenary session END OF POST-COLD WAR ILLUSIONS: DOES EUROPE NEED A NEW ORDER? How should the West react to the geopolitical turmoil in different regions of the world? To what extent, and how, must the West reassess its current priorities, and is it possible to 're-order' the world? What institutional and political changes are needed to effectively adapt to the new reality? After the end of the Cold War it seemed that rules' an alternative to setting 'new rules'? Moderator: the rules of the international order, set forth by These questions refer also to other regions of Andrzej Klesyk the West, were approved by the other players the world. The Middle East and North Africa on the global scene. Europe was perceived as have become the biggest direct menace for President of the Management Board, PZU SA, Poland a safe, free, and affluent continent. Moreover, Europe. How to prevent the conflicts occurring the European Union was capable of adding there from sweeping across the world and how new states to its stability zone — a paragon to affect the politics of such states as Iran or of efficiency of the Western world of liberal Saudi Arabia? democracy and free market. International challenges in the area of security Panellists: Fyodor Lukyanov Editor-in-Chief, Russia in Global Affairs, Russia Olaf Osica Director, Centre for Eastern Studies, Poland What does the world look like in 2015? The are of paramount importance for the internal approval of the post-Cold War rules of the situation, as well as the economy of Europe. game by Russia, China and Iran turned out The threat of terrorism and the challenge of to be an illusion. Europe must come to terms migration generate opinions which undermine with its position, principles and values being the foundations of a liberal state and a Eugene Rumer questioned. This is what is happening in loyal society. Can Europe afford to curtail Eastern Europe in the aftermath of Russia's the values which used to be the epitome of Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA attack on Ukraine, in the Middle East where the its attractiveness and the strength of its order established during World War I is falling model? What are the prospects for economic apart, as well as from a global perspective, cooperation with Russia? What implications for with China gaining power and influence over Europe's stability and security can the collapse the world. of Putinomics have? If the main flaw of the post-Cold War order in What is the role of Europe in defining the Europe was that the rules of the order were international order of the 21st century, which not accepted by a partner as important as will most likely be a post-Western system, Russia, shouldn't new rules be established? If unable to fully reflect the values and principles the former order has ceased to operate, isn't of the Old Continent? an even more precarious world 'without any At EFNI we discuss the key trends and perspectives for business and politics. Year by year, Europe is increasingly being left behind the rest of the world. This is true not only from an economic perspective, but also in terms of politics and ideology. Can these problems be tackled by bold reforms, or an entirely new order? Along with our distinguished guests, we will debate what to do about Europe so it can find a place in the changing world. – Andrzej Klesyk, President of the Management Board of PZU SA | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Norbert RÖttgen Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Bundestag, Germany Commentators: Maroš Šefčovič Vice President of the European Commission, European Commissioner for Energy Union Bronisław Komorowski Former President of the Republic of Poland Jacek Krawczyk President, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee, Vice President, Confederation Lewiatan knowledge partner 21 | thursday | 1 october 2015 12:00 – 13:30 new ideas pavilion Panel discussion WORLD ECONOMY IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY The uncertainty in geopolitics, the growing social inequality, and the risk of terrorism: what are the implications for global business? Did the 2008 financial and economic crisis inhibit the process of globalization of the economy? Global economy forecasts for the next five years Before the debate, the Emerging Market Champions award ceremony will be held. It is the culmination of the competition organized by City Handlowy Kronenberg Foundation that promotes businesses which successfully grow their operations abroad. The awards are presented in two categories: 'Polish investments abroad' and 'Foreign investments in Poland'. The awards will be presented by Sławomir S. Sikora, President of the Management Board of Citi Handlowy. Moderator: In his global economy of the most likely risks If so, how will they influence forecasts, the chief for the first time in years. the structure of world trade? economist at the World The report also points Bank, Oliver Blanchard, to the intertwining of Panellists: argues that although the geopolitics and economy, Peter Baudrexl macroeconomic threats as governments use have somewhat lessened, economic tools ever more the geopolitical situation frequently to improve their is becoming increasingly geopolitical position. alarming. Which risks will The increase in inequality President of the Management Board, Shell Poland, Poland have the greatest impact is also acting as on the economic situation a destabilizing factor. A.S. Ramachandran worldwide? Blanchard points The leaders of 20 major Global Emerging Markets Coverage Head, Global Subsidiaries Group, Citi, UK to the threat of currency economies (G-20) declared wars, at the same time in 2008 that they would stating that the conflicts keep the markets open and in Ukraine and in the refrain from creating new Middle East have had no barriers to international systemic consequences investments and trade in for the economy yet. World the face of the financial Economic Forum's Global crisis. Have they kept their Risks report 2015, on the word? Andrzej Olechowski President of the Supervisory Board, Citi Handlowy, Poland CEO, Siemens, Germany Marcos Bonturi Director, Global Relations, OECD Piotr Dziwok other hand, mentions interstate conflict as one Will the negotiations of TTIP and TPP be successful? The global economy is now stabilizing and entering long-term recovery. At the same time, as pointed out by Christine Lagarde, the growth rate is irregular and a long phase of 'new mediocre' has become a realistic perspective. What factors will have a central impact on the rate of growth and the condition of the global economy? How will it be affected by the threat of terrorism? What role will China play? Will India, with its massive human resources, become the next 'world's factory'? What will be the condition of the global economy in 2020? knowledge partner | 22 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 12:00 – 13:30 sheraton conference centre / columbus c+d Panel discussion WHAT TURNS US ON? TRENDS AND IMPLICATIONS OF CHANGE IN MEDIA CONSUMPTION New devices, social media, and prosumers: functions and indicators of the direction of change Where do the needs and interests of the audience come from? Who creates them and to what extent? What will media consumers find interesting in the future? Moderator: 65% of Poles watch on We can observe In this day and age, average 4.5 hours of TV progressive changes the dominant medium Henry Foy daily, while only 8% claim in the ways in which is an application which to have no contact with TV people watch television. can freely combine text, Correspondent, Financial Times, UK at all. The oldest part of We share our attention sound and video and the audience spends most between the traditional which above all offers time in front of the screen, TV set and other devices real-time transmission, yet it is the youngest such as smartphones, providing information CEO for Central and Eastern Europe, Facebook, Poland generation that is most tablets, computers and about the course of events Wiesław Godzic active in their contact with consoles. We carry out or new services offered and enthusiasm about numerous simultaneous by stations via a system Media Expert, SWPS (University of Social Sciences and Humanities), Poland visual media. activities, looking at of notifications. Viewers seek content that above all satisfies their curiosity about the world. They seek to improve their knowledge and look for information and subjects of conversation for their private or professional lives. What is the driving force behind viewers’ curiosity? What will the relation in the future be between various types of curiosity on one hand and media various screens. What does the flow of cultural content and phenomena between various media, especially between TV and the internet, look like? To what extent do the opinions and behaviour of media consumers influence the comments and choices of other users? Who becomes our 'Smart TV' apps, which Panellists: Robert Bednarski Natalia Hatalska Bloger and Trendwatcher,, Poland offer access to TV content Agnieszka Holland via various devices, sustain Film Director and Producer, Lato Productions Inc., Poland interest in TV. More convenient, they supplant difficult to use websites with increasingly popular Katarzyna Kieli President and Managing Director at Discovery Networks CEEMEA, Poland mobile devices. Are mobile applications the future of receiving TV content? And if not, what is? guide in a world filled with information and choices? consumption on the other? knowledge partner | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 23 | thursday | 1 october 2015 12:00 – 13:30 sheraton conference centre / columbus b Panel discussion EU DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET: HOW SINGLE, HOW COMMON, HOW JOINT? One single market, ‘Measures’ to match several Internets? How Markets, states, capital, to combine aspirations and citizens: the dilemmas of for a digital single market democracy and globalization with the risk of regulatory in the digital economy fragmentation of the Internet? the infrastructure, or ‘made to measure’ infrastructure? From the common objectives to the European Internet infrastructure Each day, 315 million the technology sector has The EU digital development Moderator: Europeans use the been causing controversy chart indicates that those Krzysztof Blusz Internet. Yet despite for quite a while. Along who already have an endeavours to integrate with the shift of the advantage on this market President of the Board, demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Poland the digital economy, the economic point of gravity are going to gain even more European digital single to the East, we are dealing in the future. Northern market remains a mosaic with a digital clash of Europe outdistances Michał Boni of 28 national markets. civilisations. Fragmentation the southern and eastern Member, European Parliament Domestic online platforms of the domain system, as parts of the continent. Luciano Floridi still account for 39% of well as content filtering, There is also a large gap the current European blocking, and censorship between rural and urban market, and 57% are are becoming issues of areas. Director of Research, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information, Oxford Internet Institute, Italy platforms maintained by particular controversy. operators of US origin. European public policy Only 5% are pan-European. ought not to include such Out of the 5 largest global public Internet companies, 11 are American enterprises and the remaining 4 are Chinese. Both markets are several times larger than any market of a European state. Removing digital barriers in Europe would make it possible to create a uniform, competitive market of 500 million consumers. The dominant position of non-European enterprises in measures. The European Commission deems increasing digital confidence and trust in personal data processing essential, since according to Eurobarometer 67% of the surveyed are worried about the lack of supervision over information made accessible on the Internet, and only 15% believe that they have total control over this data. The telecommunications infrastructure is an indispensable technological platform for data transmission. Yet the telecommunications sector is burdened with obligations which discourage investment. Changes in the current market mechanisms are being proposed so that the costs of building the NGA network Panellists: Andrzej Halicki Minister of Administration and Digitization, Poland – TBC Tomasz Husak Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commission Cornelia Kutterer Director of Digital Policy for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Microsoft EMEA, Germany Maciej Witucki Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Orange Poland, Poland would be shared both by infrastructure operators and the service and content providers. knowledge partner | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 25 | Round table thursday | 1 october 2015 14:15 – 15:15 sheraton conference centre / columbus a HOW TO REVITALISE THE EUROZONE? • • • Which direction should the integration of the economic and monetary union take? Can financial and fiscal integration protect the eurozone from another crisis? How deep should the political integration for the economic and monetary union be? Moderator: Wawrzyniec Smoczyński, Managing Director, Polityka Insight, Polska. economic interdependencies between EU member states. Failure to adopt the fiscal union is a significant downside. The eurozone is slowly emerging from the economic crisis. How can this be changed? By more severe punishments for non- Forecasts indicate an economic upturn, a falling unemployment compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact, by state budgets rate, and improved budget performance for the majority of being approved by the Council of the European Union, and by states. In order to fix the situation, permanent changes must be replacement of portions of state budgets with the EU budget. introduced into the operation of EU institutions in the economic, It may be worthwhile issuing eurobonds or introducing a system financial, fiscal, and political spheres alike. One of the most of mutual guarantees for debt repayment. It is equally important urgent tasks is to strengthen the Eurogroup, as well as to create to abolish barriers on the financial markets, build a strong institutions capable of deepening the decision-making and banking union, and develop online banking even further. knowledge partner Round table thursday | 1 october 2015 13:45 – 15:15 sheraton conference centre / vasco da gama By invitation MOBILITY AND LOW CARBON TRANSPORT. TRENDS AND SOLUTIONS FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT • • What will mobility look like in the future? What are the social trends and what does technological progress offer? • What are the most popular and effective investments in so-called smart cities? What transport solutions do their inhabitants expect? What impact do European policies concerning the environment, climate and industry have on the competitiveness of the European motor vehicle sector? Moderator: Janusz Reiter, Member of the Strategic Council, urban mobility and changes in consumer behaviour. We rent cars THINKTANK, Poland. Introductory speech Małgorzata and carpool, combine various forms of transport, and use mobile Bonikowska, Managing Partner, THINKTANK, Poland, and Jacek apps. Electromobility is on the increase due to governmental Karnowski, Mayor of Sopot, Poland. support, new developments from car manufacturers, and Social changes and ongoing urbanisation processes inevitably lead to structural transformations in terms of people's mobility. The pro-consumer actions. EU legal solutions are aimed at gradual replacement of conventional-fuel vehicles with electric ones. expansion of cities increases the distances to be covered, traffic The 'cities of the future' will make travelling easier, i.a. owing jams are getting worse, and the environmental costs are rising. to integrated traffic management systems, intermodal transport These circumstances, paired with the development of transport and communication technologies, give rise to new trends in projects, geolocation technologies, as well as the combination of collective transport and various forms of individual transport (e.g. bicycles or electric cars). knowledge partner centre for dialogue and analysis | 26 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 14:15 – 15:15 sheraton conference centre / m arco polo Lunch debate THE YOUTH AND THE MARKET. NO JOB, NO EDUCATION, NO FUTURE? FACTS AND MYTHS • • Between education and work: have education systems been adapted to the needs of the labour market? • Business vs. youth unemployment — current initiatives, new needs and ideas Tasks of the governments and EU authorities: active labour market policies. Non-standard, positive strategies and examples of effective deployment of EU and national funds Introduction: Does the European dimension of the Youth Guarantee A debate attended by invited guests: Dariusz Kacprzyk, President yield results in EU member states? What are the outcomes of of the Management Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Jakub the implementation of the program in Poland? – Jacek Męcina, Gontarek, Youth Forum Lewiatan, representatives of the European Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Poland Commission, business, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and Could promoting and fostering entrepreneurship be a recipe for the problems of young people on the labour market? – Paweł Orłowski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Poland Ministry of Infrastructure and Development. Summary: The practical dimension of the programs which promote the youth on the labour market. Conclusions from the debate – Jacek Męcina, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Poland partner merytoryczny thursday | 1 october 2015 14:30 – 15:00 sheraton conference centre / press bay Meet-the-author session MEET-THE-AUTHOR SESSION FEATURING AN EFNI PANELLIST. ANDRZEJ LUBOWSKI Piotr Stasiński, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Gazeta Wyborcza, interviews the writer Andrzej Lubowski about his latest book Alfabet amerykański (The American Alphabet). Andrzej Lubowski, an economist, feature writer and a regular Professor Zbigniew Brzeziński about the book: at events in Washington, New York and California lets us 'This is a story about the America I know, where I have lived take a behind-the-scenes look at American politics, culture, for over 30 years, which I both like and dislike, which I understand mythology, and lifestyle. Apple, Peaked Cap, Philanthropy, and which I still cannot grasp. A story about the America which Kim Kardashian, Jazz, Silicon Valley, Tea Party, War on Terror my American friends boast about, and which they are ashamed – Andrzej Lubowski takes us for a stroll through the nooks of. About what I consider to be America's strength and weakness. and crannies of American cities, wallets and souls. A fantastic This is neither an unemotional image nor an unbiased look. mix of knowledge, brilliance and sound judgement when looking Having read this book, the reader will know what is bothering at the USA: the world's superpower. me, who was my favourite in the elections and which TV channel I prefer.' The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 27 | thursday | 1 october 2015 15:30 – 17:00 new ideas pavilion Plenary session EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET – HOW TO PUT IT RIGHT AND MAKE IT SINGLE INDEED? How can we strengthen How should we complete the creation of the European In what respect will TTIP Single Market and which areas alter the European economy? require most work? cooperation between business, government and citizens in Europe's socially oriented market economy? The European Union still fails to fully benefit hinders the movement of people, be curbed? Can Moderator: from the Single Market, despite being aware of we afford their deregulation without exposing Małgorzata Bonikowska its potential. Over 500 million consumers and 20 ourselves to new dangers? Managing Partner, THINKTANK Centre, Poland How should we deal with the diversity of taxes, Introductory speech: million entrepreneurs constitute a serious force in the global economic game. From a legal point of view, the market does function properly, but in practice it is not fully integrated. In a time of increasing competition, Member States tend to forget that they form part of the Single Market and prefer to look after their own interests on third markets. What should be done in order to create a fully operational European Single Market, which offers EU countries the advantages of convergence? which have an impact on the attractiveness of Jerzy Buzek individual countries in the eyes of entrepreneurs Chair, EFNI Programme Council, Chair, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament and investors? A full convergence of European tax systems may never happen, but their assimilation could be feasible. An example could be an EU directive which gave Europe one common minimum 15% VAT rate. The Single Market will not function properly without the full mobility of workers with EU citizenship. Now the said mobility requires What solutions can bring about an expansion the compatibility of the health insurance systems of interconnections within particular sectors and the transferability of social benefits from between various EU Member States as well as one state to another. further integration in the areas of transport, rail, telecommunications, postal services, finance, energy and the gas industry, ICT, and defence? Which market areas require more regulation and which might be suffering from too much of a good thing? How far should the system of regulated professions (almost 600 in the EU), which How can we limit the abuse of system solutions in wealthy countries by citizens of countries where such solutions are less successful? Are London's conservative proposals concerning the limitation of social benefits for immigrants acceptable? These are the crucial questions which must be urgently answered. Europe is facing a wide range of challenges. Numerous sectors of the European economy are hampered by overregulation; others need faster consolidation. All this is happening simultaneously with negotiations on one of the most ambitious trade agreements in history. Therefore Europe must keep creating conditions for development without forgetting about becoming united in diversity. – Wojciech Szpil, President of the Management Board, Totalizator Sportowy | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Panellists: Elmar Brok Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament Pierre Buhler Ambassador of the Republic of France to the Republic of Poland Pierre Delsaux Deputy Director General, DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission – TBC Roland Freudenstein Deputy Director of Research, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Germany Tomasz Husak Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commission Wojciech Szpil CEO, Totalizator Sportowy, Poland knowledge partner centre for dialogue and analysis 29 | thursday | 1 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre / columbus a Panel discussion BIG DATA IS A BIG THING: THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND THE ECONOMY IN THE 21ST CENTURY? Is big data the future of business or a threat to privacy? What is big data and what does it mean for everyone? Is data analysis the job of the future? Sector development: a vision and the newest trends Moderator: Users of modern devices This type of data huge sources of data. Wojciech Borowski such as smartphones processing is expected Their earnings have become CEO, McCann Worldgroup, Poland or smartwatches make data to be beneficial to all legendary. According streams available on a daily social partners. Big data to Forbes, in 2015 most Introductory speech: basis, just like those paying is capable of increasing people will find employment with credit cards. This data productivity in various in scientific and technical discloses their location, sectors of the economy, services, new technologies, habits, consumer choices, rendering research more industrial production, or health status. At the efficient and accelerating financial and insurance same time, the unceasing innovation. As a result services, and retail. interest in the smart city of data analysis, business concept makes it likely that owners may optimize their Piotr Piętka such a structure will collect costs and make money on President of the Management Board & CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group, Poland data from its residents new services and products automatically in the near which are tailor-made to future. suit consumers’ needs Lutz Finger Director of Data Science, LinkedIn, USA Panellists: Lev Manovich Director, Software Studies Initiative, USA Adam Sawicki CEO, T-Mobile, Poland Similarly, state authorities and expectations. Legislators worldwide are facing a challenge today. They are expected to introduce legal regulations that catch up with technological progress, protect consumer rights and businesses constantly Data analysts are able and individual rights to collect huge volumes to manage the data stream privacy, and at the same of data obtained in and indicate the relevant time enable the use of big the traditional way, interdependencies. Their data in order to stimulate e.g. via general censuses, technical and interpretation innovation. statistical measurements, skills make it possible or market research. to draw conclusions from knowledge partner | 30 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre/ columbus b Panel discussion MORE DIGITAL, LESS TRADITIONAL ECONOMY. HOW CAN EUROPE AVOID BECOMING A ‘DIGITAL COLONY’? Creators or consumers of digital standards? What solutions can give us a decisive voice in the new reality? Digital Agenda, Europe 2020, and then what? How can we get ahead and actively create the reality around us? The sharing economy, the social marketplace, crowdfunding: the economic impact of recent trends 54% of the market for for economies based on the flow of services, goods, Moderator: services and websites is low labour costs? Will the and intellectual property Sylwia Czubkowska in the USA, while 42% digital economy replace the within the EU. How can is dispersed among the traditional economy, or will Europe make use of these Editor, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Poland 28 markets of the EU they become integrated? instruments to become the Member States. Cross- How is this process global leader of the new -border access within associated with the plans digital economy? the EU is available in as few to re-industrialize Europe as 4% of these services. Is in order to protect the EU there a chance for the EU economy from such shocks to join the technological as the global 2008+ crisis? avant-garde? How to morph Another thing that from a follower into an needs to be ascertained innovator? How to stimulate is whether the digital development in the digital economy will stabilize economy of innovation, the markets or just the products, and services in opposite, cause speculative our constantly changing bubbles. environment? The digital revolution will change the economy as well as everyday life, for example medical diagnostics, transportation, communication, furnishings, and public services. Attitudes to work, social ties, and leisure activities will also change. How will groups which do not fit into What are the major the labour market satisfy This is no simple task, trends in technological their needs? especially for countries innovation? Digital Agenda, such as Poland which Europe 2020, is focused experienced the industrial on providing access to revolution later than broadband internet, the countries of Western e-services, and digital skills. Europe. Is the digital The Digital Single Market revolution an opportunity is expected to facilitate Panellists: Gordon Graylish Vice President and General Manager of the Governments and World Ahead division, Intel Corporation, UK Andrzej Halicki Minister of Administration and Digitization, Poland – TBC Juliusz Komorowski Director in Charge of New Markets Development, Energa, Poland Małgorzata Steiner New Responsibility Foundation (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung), Poland Radek Tadajewski CEO, OORT, Poland Piotr Voelkel What will the digital revolution bring for Poland, Founder, Vox Capital Group, Poland Europe, and the global economy, and how can we profit from it in economic and social terms? knowledge partner | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 31 | thursday | 1 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre / columbus c+d Panel discussion INVESTMENT IN INNOVATION. WHO TAKES THE RISK AND FOR WHOM? How to invest in high-risk enterprises? Measures of risk for public Do incentives for private and private investors: are they investment enhance or damage the same or different, and why? the market? Moderator: In 1995 two students Due to its support for Centre for Research and Tomasz Machała design a prototype research projects which Development. Its objective Editor-In-Chief,, Poland search engine and try are often too risky for is to commercialize R&D to sell it. To no effect. private investment, Israel results in cooperation Introductory speech: Only Andy Bechtolsheim, has the world’s highest with venture capital funds. the co-founder of Sun number of researchers and Another example from Microsystems, recognizes patents per capita. The Poland is the ARP Venture the solution’s potential and incubation term of a project whose goal is to increase invests USD 100,000. Four is approximately two years the innovativeness of years later, two VC funds and the total budget for the Polish economy and invest a further USD 25 the two-year term ranges facilitate the transfer of million in the project. This between USD 500,000 and new technologies into was the origin of Google. USD 800,000. Incubator industry. Carlos Moedas EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation – TBC Panellists: Marek Borzestowski Partner, GIZA Polish Ventures, Poland Henning Breuer Head of UXBerlin – Innovation Consulting and Professor of Business and Media Psychology at the University for Media, Communication and Management in Berlin, Germany Leszek Grabarczyk Deputy Director, National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Poland Waldemar Preussner President of the Supervisory Board, PCC SE, Germany Patrycja Zielińska Member of Management Board, Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.), Poland In the case of innovative projects, it is risk that requires particular attention. Investors’ activity is 85% financed by the Israeli government and the remaining 15% by a private company. According to 2014 data from the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, the European reluctance to take on risk The Turkish Technology VC market with a value of is one of the key barriers Development Foundation EUR 3.6 billion is inferior to to R&D activity. It is developed support the American market, which accompanied by excessive mechanisms in cooperation is worth almost seven times bureaucracy and inflexible with the World Bank which more at approx. EUR 26 legislation. Hence, the allowed it to invest EUR billion. question ‘how much risk can 200 million in 860 projects. be accepted by private and public investors?’ should instead read: ‘how much risk is the public investor willing or able to accept?’. What can and should be A Polish example of a done to reduce the gap Public/Private Investment between Europe and the is the BRIdge VC project, USA? run by the National Project has been co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. | 32 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 20:00 – 1:00 new ideas pavilion Networking NETWORKING EVENING — EFNI evening guests — The evening encourages conversation We would like to invite you to take part in our networking event on Thursday evening in the New Ideas Pavilion. The dinner and dance will be the best opportunity to make new contacts, have casual conversations and exchange business cards. We will be accompanied by the Lithuanian band The Schwings. The Schwings line-up: The band plays a combination of swing, vintage happy jazz, Monika Liubinaitė – vocal and gypsy jazz. The Schwings are unique for their authenticity, Remigijus Rančys – saxophone remarkable sound, and exceptional rapport with the audience. Valerijus Ramoška – trumpet What defines them is pulsing rhythm, emotions, and a surprising Paulius Volkovas – guitar combination of instruments. Paulius Zdanavičius – keyboard instruments Gediminas Svilas – bass The evening will be hosted by Dorota Warakomska — The Schwings | 34 Gediminas Stankevičius – percussion — The Schwings WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday | 1 october 2015 23:00 – 1:00 sheraton hotel / hotel sofitel grand Night owl discussions NIGHT OWL DISCUSSIONS This year there will be eight evening meetings. They will be held in familiar locations of the Sheraton Hotel: Vinoteque and Rotunda, as well as InAzia. The meetings will be held parallel — four each on Wednesday, after the Opening Gala, and on Thursday, after the first part of the Integration Evening, for those who will prefer an intellectual feast over dancing and networking. Please note that the meetings will be held in Polish or English, interpretation services will not be provided. | thursday, 1 october 2015 | 23:00 — 1:00 | sheraton hotel / rotunda ENTREPRENEURS ASK JOURNALISTS ABOUT THE ECONOMY Henryka Bochniarz President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE Jeremi Mordasewicz Adviser to the Management Board of Polish Confederation Lewiatan Mariusz Golec President of the Management Board at Wielton S.A. Marek Tejchman Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Jacek Żakowski Feature Writer, Polityka – TBC and their guests: Aleksandra Sobczak Head of the Economic Desk, Gazeta Wyborcza The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | thursday, 1 october 2015 | 23:00 — 1:00 | sheraton hotel / inazja THE WORLD 2030 – WHERE ARE WE HEADING? Małgorzata Bonikowska President of the Centre for International Relations Kamil Wyszkowski CEO, UN Global Compact and their guests: Salvatore Babones Professor of Sociology, University of Sydney Alexander Manu Strategic Innovation Advisor and Professor at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Simona Marinescu Director, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP, USA – TBC The event will be held in English only. Interpretation will not be provided. | thursday, 1 october 2015 | 23:00 — 1:00 | sheraton hotel / v inoteque HOW TO WARM EUROPEANS TO REFORMS? Andrzej Koźmiński Professor at Kozminski University and his guests: Marcin Grabowski Media Strategy Advisor, AMS Kamil Próchnik The Young Reforming Poland Krzysztof Zagórski Member of the Council of the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CBOS) The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | thursday, 1 october 2015 | 23:00 — 1:00 | sofitel grand hotel / l ibrary SOLIDARITY AS A VALUE. EUROPE'S FORGOTTEN FOUNDATION Radosław Markowski Professor at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) and his guests. The event will be held in Polish only. Interpretation will not be provided. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 35 | friday | 2 october 2015 8:00 – 9:30 sofitel grand hotel / grand ballroom Inspirations INSPIRATIONS — Inspirations: an opportunity to talk, and a networking platform Moderators: The invitees to the Inspirations event are successful entrepreneurs. They will talk about the stories Teresa Kamińska behind their businesses and share their experience with the audience. The guests will discuss President of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, Poland their visions of company management and the obstacles they are faced with in their operations. Participants will have the opportunity to network with the invitees and ask them questions. Roman Młodkowski Journalist, Media Manager, and Independent Consultant, Poland A networking meeting with Polish entrepreneurs, creators of bold ideas and business success stories. Maciej Adamkiewicz, President of the Management Board at Adamed Group Marcin Beme, President of the Management Board at Audioteka Mateusz Marmołowski, Founder of CTAdventure Marcin Ochnik, Founder and owner of Ochnik Solange Olszewska, Founder and co-owner of Solaris Bus & Coach S.A. Adam Rozwadowski, Founder, owner and President of the Management Board at Enel-Med S.A. Marek Trojanowicz, Founder, CTAdventure, Polska Piotr Voelkel, Engineer, entrepreneur, owner of VOX Capital Group Kazimierz Wierzbicki, Founder and co-owner of Trefl Inspirations is an event that goes beyond a presentation of inspiring entrepreneurs and innovative ventures. It is also a non-standard networking platform and an excellent opportunity to exchange business cards and make new business contacts. knowledge partner | 36 — Participants of Inspirations WWW.EFNI.PL | friday | 2 october 2015 8:00 – 9:30 sheraton conference centre / columbus a Round table THE END OF EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY? HOW CAN ATTITUDES OF NATIONAL PARTICULARISM BE PREVENTED IN THE EU? • • What are the reasons for the rising tide of particular national interests in the EU? • What are the prospects for the common market? What solutions could be helpful with regard to decisions of EU member states on the road transport market that are based on each state’s national interests? Moderator: Łukasz Lipiński, Deputy Director, Polityka Insight States are beginning to make decisions violating the EU internal Introductory speech: Maciej Wroński, Chairman, ‘Transport market freedoms. For instance, Germany introduced a minimum and Logistics Poland’ (TLP – Transport i Logistyka Polska) wage law (the so-called MiLoG) which also included employees Employers’ Association hired by non-German companies, thereby creating non-tariff The history of the European Union has seen tendencies both to strengthen cooperation and to weaken it within the community. barriers for international road transport operations. Other countries are acting in a similar manner. The repeated economic crises have forced the eurozone states Finalisation of the process of building the common market is to cooperate. However, at the same time, factors strengthening intended to be the panacea for the ills of the continent. The the development of decentralist tendencies have become more common market is expected to improve Europe's welfare and pronounced: the old EU member states' fears of enlargement; competitiveness, and boost economic growth. The EU is due to the financial, fiscal, and migration crises. This has led to lower come up with a Single Market Strategy for goods and services confidence in European integration, and to the increased soon. A digital services market is also being created. popularity of extremist groups and parties. knowledge partner | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 37 | friday | 2 october 2015 10:00 – 11:30 new ideas pavilion Plenary session NEW BUSINESS MODELS FOR NEW TIMES From rivalry to Only those who will risk cooperation: the going too far can possibly dilemmas of competing find out how far one can go innovators. Is there a clear- (T.S. Eliot). How to uncover new cut boundary in the world of growth models in times of innovation between the search increasing uncertainty? for one's own niche and the New roles of communities. Is sustainable use of resources going to become a leading doctrine of the 21st century? recycling of concepts? Moderator: The world is not developing in a linear fashion. boost innovativeness and drive the world in There are periods of rapid development a beneficial direction? And what exactly is this Marek Tejchman propelled by breakthrough innovations, 'beneficial direction'? Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Poland and periods of slowdowns and times of levelling of differences, when convergence that 'distributes' the growth among various countries takes place. If it were not for innovations, development as such would wilt away and eventually halt. Thus the fundamental significance of innovations themselves and of new business models — models not only tailored to suit modern times, but indeed, also contributing to the shape of reality. The development of a business model is a process which the enterprises have always had to tackle: by switching to new production methods or ways of providing services, by extending their targets, diversifying markets, Jacek Krawiec Crowdfunding and the broadly understood CEO, PKN ORLEN SA, Poland 'openness' are both examples of new business models. More and more enterprises make their products or data available as open source code, mainly in pursuit of scale advantages is very often reduced to the issue of how or to initiate a process of mass improvement business may avail itself of new digital tools. of their own products. The employment of big Meanwhile, the transformation of business data, on the other hand, makes it possible to models regards various aspects, such as cater even better to the individual customer the models of company ownership and needs, or to develop entirely novel products organization, of cooperation between business or services. or unconventional methods of securing capital for development. From the point of view of the economy, the key questions are as follows: Will the new paradigm of company operations provide an answer to the challenges brought about by the new times? Will the model of interaction between the state and business, emerging in the wake of crisis, Andrzej Czerwiński Minister of State Treasury, Poland – TBC and by coming up with new pricing strategies. The discussion about new business models and research, education or financial institutions Panellists: Alexander Manu Strategic Innovation Advisor and Professor at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada Piotr Moncarz Consulting Professor at Stanford University, Academic Director of the Poland's Top 500 Innovators program, Poland Jeffrey Sachs Individualism versus mass trends are the Director, The Earth Institute, USA two forces currently at work in the reshaping Wendy Singer of the modern world. The two are mutually Executive Director, Start-Up Nation Central, USA – TBC exclusive, making for a particularly challenging business environment. Enterprises which will fail to grasp this on time and develop new models of interaction with the consumers and with the market, will not prevail. knowledge partner | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 39 | friday | 2 october 2015 12:00 – 13:30 new ideas pavilion Plenary session HOW CAN CAPITALISM BE FIXED? Would the introduction In which areas would business be apt to self-regulate; in which areas would society agree to limit itself? How can we restore the ethos of work and the social norms determining what is ethical? of a global progressive income tax limit the concentration of income, halt inequalities, and facilitate the climb up the social ladder? Capitalism fails to satisfy everyone in society. and new progressive tax rates. Liberals believe Moderator: Hard questions about the role of the state that regulations impinge on the freedom of the Michał Broniatowski and the effectiveness of welfare are being individual, and redistribution of income through asked. We continue to witness economic a progressive income tax system is, in their Editor-in-Chief, Forbes, Poland and financial crises, growing economic view, an advanced form of robbery affecting inequalities, and youth unemployment. How can those who generate most wealth. This school we return to sustainable growth and eliminate of thought believes that economic progress will 'boom and bust'? be slowed as resources are used inefficiently What measures are necessary to restore control over capitalism, build common values while maintaining economic transparency, and avoid protectionism and nationalism? How can we reintroduce moral, ethical and spiritual values? What should they be? With the European Union struggling to maintain economic stability, can we trust officials in Brussels to lead change and put us on the path by the state. While not completely free of government intervention, the free market has delivered rising living standards and lifted millions out of poverty. Do we need more or less government intervention going forward? There are examples of companies that link employee remuneration with company profits. Cooperatives ensure that every employee is also an owner of the company. Is this a model that could help close the inequality gap? to sustainable growth? Panellists: Fernando Frutuoso de Melo Director General at the Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid, European Commission Ondřej Liška Country Director Czech Republic, Ashoka CEE, Czech Republic Maria Morris Executive Vice President Global Employee Benefits, MetLife Inc., USA Peter E. Ohser Executive Vice President, MoneyGram International Inc., USA Various ideas have been devised and Thomas Pogge implemented: bonus caps for bankers, Director, Global Justice Program, Yale University, Germany restriction of maximum salaries in corporations, The Western economic model has brought tremendous benefits. Over the past 50 years, the global economy expanded six times, average income per capita tripled, and millions of people have escaped poverty. However, demographic changes combined with continued market volatility threaten productivity growth and the economic wellbeing of society. MetLife provides valuable insurance products and solutions that give people the certainty and security to plan their future, and that is good not only for the society, but also for economic growth. – Maria R. Morris, Executive Vice President Global Employee Benefits, MetLife, Inc., US | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 knowledge partner 41 | friday | 2 october 2015 14:15 – 15:15 sheraton conference centre / m arco polo, mezzanine European Publicists’ Forum EUROPEAN PUBLICISTS’ FORUM: HOW TO RESCUE EUROPE FROM THE RISE OF RADICALISM AND INEQUALITY? HOW SHOULD THE MEDIA PARTICIPATE IN THIS CRUSADE? wealth for everyone. what can be done to reduce social inequality and save democracy? • • • What is killing democracy? How has the most recent economic crisis changed thinking about the free market? Is fairer redistribution of wealth a panacea for social discontent? Moderator: Piotr Kraśko, Journalist and TV Presenter, Telewizja Increasing social inequality is killing the European democratic Polska S.A., Poland ideals. The economic downturn at the beginning of the 21st Journalists representing the main media outlets in Europe who have been invited to take part in the debate will meet to discuss topics of importance for our continent, as well as the ways these topics are communicated to EU citizens. The second meeting of the forum will focus on the role of the media in the battle against the rise of radicalism and inequality. century forced EU states to cooperate more closely. Yet, they have failed to cope with the sudden rise in unemployment, which has led to a crisis of confidence in the market and entrepreneurs, as well as in democratic institutions in individual countries and at EU level alike. Will further building of the common market, seen by the EU as a panacea for the crisis, improve welfare, stimulate economic growth, and increase Europe's competitiveness? Will it be necessary to seek populist solutions in order to rescue democracy? | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 43 | friday | 2 october 2015 15:30 – 17:00 sheraton conference centre/columbus a Panel discussion DIGITAL SECURITY IN SECTORS OF STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE: HOW TO PROTECT CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND KEY DATA? How should those in charge of critical infrastructure respond to digital security threats? Should they cooperate, and if so, to what extent? Should they ‘arm themselves’, and if so, how? Which sectors are most vulnerable to cyberthreats today? How can the system proposed under the NIS Directive eliminate these threats? The role of service providers in ensuring the digital security of critical infrastructure: what steps should they take to generate sufficient trust in their services? Moderator: Although the belief that rendered even harder by system and carrying out Izabela Albrycht safe critical infrastructure the fact that it largely unacceptable surveillance is Chairman, The Kosciuszko Institute, Poland is the foundation of a safe remains in private hands. very thin. state is common, it is more As a result, the state has Panellists: difficult to determine what to cooperate with private should be deemed most entities. The EU Network CEE National Technology Officer, Microsoft, Germany important in the era of ICT and Information Security expansion. No less essential (NIS) Directive sets Marcin Ludwicki is the identification of requirements in this respect Vice President for Sales, Energa Obrót SA, Poland those elements of critical and provides sanctions for infrastructure which are failing to meet them. Could most endangered as a voluntary approach be well as those to which more effective? Dejan Cvetkovič Piotr Muszyński Vice President of the Management Board, Orange Polska damage would be the most dangerous. Here experts often indicate the energy industry and industrial automation, which is particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. The financial sector is another particularly at-risk element of critical infrastructure due to its dependence on technology. It already suffers the greatest losses as a consequence of cyberattacks. knowledge partner | 44 Another issue is companies’ reluctance to share information on cyberthreats. They fear that revealing weak points in their security systems might tarnish their reputation. We must therefore consider the relative merits of these two What strategies should the options: forcing companies operators assume? Their to do so, or encouraging safety is most threatened them to cooperate under by the irresponsibility of conditions of anonymity. their staff, who for instance choose passwords that are too easy to guess. Would biometric security features work better? Or perhaps they should try detecting anomalies in the everyday behaviour of their employees, which could serve as a warning of potential danger? Yet the Keeping critical line between developing infrastructure safe is an institution’s security Suppliers of IT services have a particularly big part to play in ensuring cybersecurity. They need to understand that providing a decent standard of security is in their best interest, considering that breaches may undermine clients’ trust in their services. WWW.EFNI.PL | friday | 2 october 2015 15:30 – 17:00 sheraton conference centre, columbus b Panel discussion HOW WILL MODERN TECHNOLOGIES INFLUENCE HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS? Experiences of developed countries in the implementation of wireless medical solutions Can we expect new organisational models of health care systems? How will ICT affect public health, in particular the care of elderly and dependent people? Rising life expectancy solutions. How is it possible variety of opportunities Moderator: is of course a reason to effectively manage for both diagnostics Krzysztof Jakubiak to be pleased, but also health care and optimize and treatment. Yet can a challenge for the pension the system in order to new technologies in Editor-in-Chief, Puls Medycyny, Poland scheme and the entire fully benefit from the health care services or economy. It entails a radical development of medicine, teleprevention hinder their increase in the cost of using it to improve human own popularisation due to health care systems. These health and life expectancy? their dehumanisation? expenditures tend to grow How can we change more rapidly than GDP, people's attitudes to up to three times faster healthy life and ageing? in Poland. It is a vital social and political problem in almost every country. The Netherlands, the leader when it comes to the accessibility of treatment, spends 12% of its GDP on health care. These expenditures may reach as much as 30% of GDP by 2040. Is transfer of knowledge between business and science in the area of Panellists: Jaakko Aarnio DG CONNECT Health & Well-being, European Commission Jarosław Bułka Deputy President of the Board, Silvermedia, Poland Karol Kozak Technological change telemedicine possible? transforms medicine Which types of activities Information Technology Director, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany and health care and hardly can boost the use of Sławomir Neumann any other sectors witness new treatment methods such rapid progress. New and forms by doctors Secretary of State, Ministry of Health, Poland technologies may be and patients, especially a great support in taking elderly ones? What does care of the elderly. They the quality of wireless make it possible to relieve medical solutions mean the health care system in practice? How can we considerably and facilitate balance the need to use All European health care everyday functioning. It is medical data on one hand, systems are currently facing worth noting that the and guarantee safety and huge challenges. All of them developing telemedicine protect patients' rights will have to adjust. They and, more generally, to privacy on the other? cannot count on universal eHealth create a wide Marzena Rudnicka President, Polish Institute of Silver Economy, Poland knowledge partner centre for dialogue and analysis | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 45 | friday | 2 october 2015 15:30 – 17:00 sheraton conference centre / columbus c+d Panel discussion THE END OF THE EUROPE AS WE KNOW IT OR A NEW CHANCE FOR THE OLD CONTINENT? Border-fences as a migration policy: the viability and acceptability of ‘fortress Europe’. Will ‘fortress Europe’ survive? Numbers vs. sentiments: the economic, social, and cultural costs and benefits of migration Turning threat into benefit: immigrants as a booster for the ageing EU economy Moderator: The issue of migration Quoting economic Integration, quotas, Anette Young causes a great deal of reasons, the opponents and nationalist resentment Journalist, France 24, France controversy in Europe. of migration argue in should all be given due Its proponents note favour of more restrictive consideration, but so should Panellists: the benefits it may bring regulations on crossing the cultural and social to the economies of the Schengen border. diversity, which contributes Economist, World Trade Organization, Italy Europe’s ageing countries, The immigrants allegedly to the development while opponents emphasise benefit from health care, of social capital. Marta Cygan the potential threats. social benefits, and access Edoardo Campanella Director for Immigration and Asylum, DG Home Affairs of the European Commission Above all, we should Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska a broader perspective. What assess the problem from Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland – TBC challenges does migration Aleksander Smolar what opportunities does President of the Stefan Batory Foundation – TBC it create? Is there the present to Europe and political will and the means to develop an effective and common European policy? How to benefit from labour migration to the | 46 to education. Therefore they are perceived as a burden for European budgets. Yet analyses do not confirm these fears. A recent study by the OECD and independent academic research centres proves that migration has either a positive impact or no impact on the fiscal situation of host countries. The costs and benefits of migration have effects going well beyond the economy. The social and cultural impact of individuals raised in a different environment may be considerable, both in a positive and a negative sense. There is a risk that socially and economically excluded immigrants will form enclaves, as illustrated greatest possible extent? European policy-makers by the example of some How to comply with the should initiate a serious European cities even today. principles of human rights debate on this problem, This may further exacerbate and international law while taking into consideration tensions. It seems that the ensuring safety to European the full spectrum of EU has yet to find a solution citizens? migration-related issues. to this problem. WWW.EFNI.PL | friday | 2 october 2015 15:30 – 17:00 sheraton conference centre/ m arco polo Panel discussion THE PUBLIC MEDIA: BETWEEN QUALITY AND MEETING TARGETS How is the mission of the public media to be accomplished? The responsibility to the audience How to compete while creating quality: the challenges of the digital era Citizens’ television: the financing of inclusive media Moderator: According to the provisions independence, and high the public media in adopted in the majority quality will be recognized particular. How will they use Piotr Kraśko of European countries, and appreciated. How this opportunity? Another public broadcasters to shape relations challenge is to introduce Journalist and TV Presenter, Telewizja Polska S.A., Poland are obliged to provide with the audience to legal regulations that will information, reporting, engender loyalty? How render it possible to benefit culture, entertainment, to avoid demagogy from the technological Janusz Daszczyński education, and sport with and manipulation while potential. These regulations respect for the principles establishing a lasting should, on the one hand, President of the Management Board of Telewizja Polska SA, Poland of pluralism and neutrality. relationship with recipients? safeguard the impaired Accomplishing this mission is subject to numerous difficulties arising from the necessity to ensure high-quality programmes whilst remaining The digital age is a particularly good time to invest in creating and broadcasting valuable content. It is precisely mission of the public media, and on the other, permit broadcasters to profit from innovative forms of financing their operations. this kind of content that In the case of Polish public will ensure the public media, a coherent cultural media’s competitiveness. policy is necessary. It must The examples of public account for the various broadcasters deeply levels of public education, anchored in their respective and be created with In the long term, local markets, such as the awareness of various accomplishing the mission BBC stations, demonstrate sectors of culture and may bring success that it is indeed possible to of the media. The public without compromising the create high-quality mission- media should develop superordinate objective, driven communications. the cultural competences competitive. How can public broadcasters maintain a balance between 'the mission' and economic viability? namely developing social sensitivity and critically assessing reality. Experts insist that neutrality, The digital age revolutionised the media in general, and transformed | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Panellists: Jan Dworak President of the National Broadcasting Council, Poland Michael Knigge Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany Małgorzata Omilanowska Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, Poland Nick Thorpe Journalist, BBC, UK indispensable for real democratic participation by world-conscious citizens. knowledge partner 47 | friday | 2 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre/ columbus b Panel discussion OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF THE TRANSATLANTIC TRADE AND INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP (TTIP) TTIP negotiations: at what stage are we? Should we sign TTIP or not? Opportunities arising from signing the agreement and dangers related to not joining the Partnership How can SMEs benefit from TTIP? Moderator: The Transatlantic Trade the sector of the economy. certain types of exports, Andrzej Lubowski and Investment Partnership Industry can lose or gain, the volume of exports, Economist, Member, EFNI Programme Council, Poland evokes a great deal of depending on the branch. and the complementarity emotions, both positive and The service sector should and substitutability of negative. We desperately experience a boost. On a given country’s trade Panellists: need a responsible the other hand, the export with the USA. Both Loïc Armand discussion on the economic of agricultural products some small countries President, L’OREAL France, Vice President, French employers' federation MEDEF, France effects of TTIP as most may either benefit from (Estonia, Denmark, probably not all EU Member TTIP or sustain losses, and Portugal) and some States will profit from depending on the branch, large ones (Germany, Markus Beyrer joining the Partnership. as its protection will be Italy, Spain, and the UK) decreased. have a chance to benefit Director General, BUSINESSEUROPE Serious studies concerning Jacek Krawczyk TTIP have shown that the Moreover, TTIP’s impact President, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee, Vice President, Confederation Lewiatan macroeconomic effects on the economies of the In the case of Poland, of signing the agreement individual countries will the relation of advantages may be modest, with the also be contingent on and challenges related Stefan Mair growth of the Union’s the role of SMEs in each to signing TTIP is balanced. Member of the Executive Board of Federations of German Industry (BDI), Germany GDP amounting to no of them. They will probably We neither export much more than 0.5%. The EU not benefit from lower to the USA compared to Member States already tariffs, but they could gain other EU countries nor Małgorzata Sadurska form a single market, most on reduced non-tariff offer any niche products. Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland – TBC which gives them access barriers, which would grant The value of our gains from to each other’s markets. them easier access to the joining the Partnership is Signing TTIP would diminish American market. estimated at 5 on a scale their advantage over their competitors from the USA. | 48 Thus the impact of TTIP on EU member states will It is obvious that depend on the structure of the agreement’s impact their economies, the degree will differ depending on of protectionism concerning from the Partnership. from 1 to 10. Poland’s priority would be to abolish tariffs and make provisions uniform, which would render access to the American market easier. WWW.EFNI.PL | friday | 2 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre / columbus c+d Panel discussion EFNI KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS PRESENT INTRODUCTION: Zbigniew Gajewski "THE BALTIC SEA FOR ALL" AND "INLAND SAILING – VISTULA RIVER" EFNI Director Reports presented by Kamil Wyszkowski National Representative of UN Global Compact in Poland ASHOKA, HOME OF CHANGEMAKERS Presentation by Agata Stafiej-Bartosik Ashoka Director RE-START. SOLUTIONS FOR POLAND – A MAP Project results presented by Paweł Rabiej "INTEGRATION CHALLENGES AND SETTLEMENT STRATEGIES OF POLISH FAMILIES IN NORWAY" AND "WHERE ARE WE NOW?" Research results presented by Małgorzata Bonikowska President of the Centre of International Relations Antoni Wierzejski Analyst at the Centre ARE UKRAINIANS LEANING TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN UNION OR EURASIAN UNION? WHAT DO THEY THINK ABOUT THE POSITION OF THE WEST TOWARDS THE WAR GOING ON IN UKRAINE? ARE THEY HOPING FOR STRICTER SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA OR DO THEY FIND THEM INEFFECTIVE? Managing Partner of the Centre for Dialogue and Analysis THINKTANK WORLD UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM The latest initiative of the World Academy of Art & Science presented by Zbigniew Bochniarz Member of the Academy Ukrainians Look to the West – Policy Assessment and Expectations Report | EFNI 2015 Results of research by the Institute of Public Affairs, and the report "Ukrainians are looking west" - policy evaluation in terms of expectations – presented by Jacek Kucharczyk President of the Institute of Public Affairs — EFNI panel discussion | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 49 | EFNI Closing Gala Prior registration required friday | 2 october 2015 20:00 – 22:00 new ideas pavilion EFNI CLOSING GALA 2015 Attendee welcome Henryka Bochniarz President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE Jerzy Buzek Chair of the EFNI Programme Council, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament Markus Beyrer Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE Jacek Karnowski Mayor of Sopot EFNI closing session Łukasz Kalinowski CEO, General Director, MetLife Andrzej Klesyk CEO, PZU SA Jacek Krawiec CEO, PKN Orlen SA Wojciech Szpil CEO, Totalizator Sportowy — The Gala guests | 50 — The Gala guests WWW.EFNI.PL | friday | 2 october 2015 20:00 – 22:00 new ideas pavilion EFNI Closing Gala Proclamation of the Sopot Declaration and its presentation to Donald Tusk, President of the European Council — Presenting the Sopot Declaration, EFNI 2011 EFNI Special Guest message to attendees: Keynote speech: Donald Tusk Jeffrey Sachs President of the European Council Director, The Earth Institute, USA Gala Dinner | Artistic programme – Jazz Trio concert MC – Grażyna Torbicka — The Gala encourages conversation | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 — Jazz Trio 51 | ASSOCIATED EVENTS Idea-generating session wednesday | 30 september 2015 9:00 – 15:45 sheraton conference centre / m arco polo ECOSYSTEM FOR COOPERATION TOWARDS SOCIAL CHANGE. JUST A SLOGAN OR A REAL OPPORTUNITY? Inter-sectoral idea-generating session with special participation Participants will include experts, social leaders, NGO activists, of NGO activists. Debates around 6 topic-based tables. as well as representatives from business, media, culture, The debates will be divided into 6 topic-based tables. politics, and public administration. TOPICS: • • • • • • Open cities, open towns: let’s create, copy, inspire, and engage local residents Social capital: from reports to results Education: formation and education vs active citizenship and the global labour market Culture, language and the media, digital sensitivity: reality or an instrument? An inclusive economy: responses to the crisis The digital shift and the universal urban arena: new technologies and cities as arenas of change Special guest Chris Sigaloff, director of Kennisland, a Dutch The meeting will be moderated by Paweł Oksanowicz, organisation which designs and implements social innovations. a journalist specialising in social and economic issues. The meeting is organised by BE.NAVIGATOR, whose knowledge partner is the School of Leaders Foundation. The PZU Foundation is the strategic partner of the event. European Concordia wednesday | 30 september 2015 | 14:00 – 15:45 thursday | 1 october 2015 | 10:00 – 14:00 sheraton hotel / vinoteque By invitation only SOCIAL INNOVATION AS A RESPONSE TO ECONOMIC CHALLENGES The first meeting of the European Concordia is organised The transformation of Concordia was triggered primarily by at EFNI 2015 by the Duende Foundation. It replaces the the growing impact of innovation on economic competitiveness. programme that accompanied the Forum for the previous Its objective is to create a platform for the exchange four years. of knowledge and experience, to represent the innovators in During the meeting, representatives of institutions such as the Femxa Group, London’s Global University, and Ethicore the European Union, and to develop a curriculum of studies for innovators in partnership with the best universities. will discuss the future and directions for development of the European Concordia, a network of social innovators. | 54 WWW.EFNI.PL | thursday – friday | 1 – 2 october 2015 15:30 – 16:30 | 17:30 – 18:30 skwer kuracyjny Bays of Dialogue BAYS OF DIALOGUE This year, the Bays of Dialogue, informal conversations with EFNI panellists open to the residents of Sopot and tourists, will include four hour-long sessions. Once again, it will be an opportunity to come into direct contact and talk about topics loosely related to the issues raised during the Forum, but deeply rooted in the public discourse. We have located the Bays of Dialogue outdoors, in Skwer Kuracyjny. Anyone may participate in the meetings, and no prior registration is required. thursday | 1.10.2015 | 15:30–16:30 thursday | 1.10.2015 | 17:30–18:30 skwer kuracyjny / concert bowl skwer kuracyjny / concert bowl CAN POLAND AFFORD SOLIDARITY TOWARDS REFUGEES? Danuta Hübner MEP, Poland Moderator: Piotr Kraśko Journalist and TV Presenter, Telewizja Polska S.A., Poland WHY ARE WE AFRAID OF CHANGE? Jerzy Buzek Chair of the EFNI Programme Council, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament Moderator: Piotr Kraśko Journalist and TV Presenter, Telewizja Polska S.A., Poland friday | 2.10.2015 | 15:30–16:30 friday | 1.10.2015 | 17:30–18:30 skwer kuracyjny / concert bowl skwer kuracyjny / concert bowl WHICH VALUES SHOULD ABOUT HAPPINESS BE PROMOTED BY PUBLIC MEDIA? AND THE SENSE OF LIFE Dorota Warakomska Magdalena Środa TV Journalist and Commentator, Poland Philosopher, Professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland Krzysztof Materna Moderator: Dorota Warakomska TV Journalist and Commentator, Poland Theatre Director and TV Producer, Poland — A meeting with the residents of Sopot | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 55 | The Baltic Initiative friday | 2 october 2015 13:30 – 15:30 sofitel grand hotel / grand ballroom By invitation EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CORRIDORS AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONNECT THE BALTIC SEA REGION WITH EUROPE AND THE REST OF THE WORLD This high-level debate will be part of the Baltic Initiative, which Poland plays a particular role in the region due to its location was established at EFNI. Representatives of The UN Global on the north–south and east–west axes, as well as the transport Compact Initiative in Poland and invited guests will discuss potential of the Vistula and Oder rivers. Opening the corridors possible solutions and directions of activities which aim to between the Baltic Sea and the Adriatic and between the Baltic develop transport corridors and raise the region’s significance Sea and the Black Sea would give Poland an opportunity to on the global market. increase its international significance within European transport The Baltic Sea region is facing a great number of challenges networks. concerning its development, the international exchange of How can we use this chance to boost the Polish economy? How goods and services, the improvement of competitiveness and to reinstate Polish inland navigation? How to develop the Baltic innovation potential, and the creation of an effective system of Sea region while at the same time protecting the sea's sensitive transportation. ecosystem? knowledge partner Debate friday | 2 october 2015 16:00 – 17:15 sofitel grand hotel / grand ballroom By invitation WHAT REFORMS DOES UKRAINE NEED TO FULFIL ITS ASPIRATION OF BECOMING AN EU MEMBER STATE? • • • Will the new ideas for cooperation (such as the Intermarium project) prove helpful? To what extent does the experience gained from reforms in Georgia and Moldova relate to the Ukrainian reality? What role and strategy should Poland, the Baltic States and the EU adopt in long-term cooperation with Ukraine? The meeting is organised by the UN Secretary-General's Global The invitees include members of the Sejm of the Republic of Compact Initiative in Poland, Otwarty Dialog Foundation, and Poland, members of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, members Kiev Dialogue. of the European Parliament, the ambassadors of Moldova, Moderators: Marcin Święcicki, Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Poland, and Jacek Stawiski, Head of the World Affairs editorial office at TVN24 Biznes i Świat, Poland Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, independent journalists and representatives of the democratic opposition in Russia, experts in foreign policy of Central and Eastern Europe, journalists and entrepreneurs. knowledge partner | 56 WWW.EFNI.PL | saturday | 3 october 2015 10:00 – 13:00 skwer kuracyjny 1. PZU Run of New Ideas The First PZU Run of New Ideas will take place during this Highlights include the scenic seaside route and the unique year's EFNI. It will be organised in cooperation with PZU starting line on the beach in Sopot. In addition, attendees will and the city of Sopot. have the opportunity to take part in charity events and meetings The event line-up includes a 5km run on the beach and in Łazienki Północne park, a 5km Nordic walking event on the beach, and races for children and young adults. with athletes. For these and many more attractions starting on 2 October, please visit the fan zone at Skwer Kuracyjny. • 10:00 – Race for children • 11:00 – 5km race This is an exceptional sports event organised for Forum • 11:40 – Nordic walking event attendees, residents of the Tricity area, and tourists. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 57 | friday | 2 october 2015 17:30 – 19:00 sheraton conference centre / m arco polo Wizjonerzy 2015 Awards WIZJONERZY 2015 AWARDS The awards ceremony of Wizjonerzy 2015, awards of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, will be held during this year's EFNI. Wizjonerzy is an award that honours outstanding members of the Polish business community. The editorial board of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna presents the awards to determined and bold business owners and managers with the vision and courage to implement great projects despite market challenges. Visionares 2015 COMPETITION JURY MEMBERS: Beata Binek President of the Management Board at the Polish Institute of Directors Leszek Niemycki Vice President of the Management Board at Deutsche Bank Polska Henryka Bochniarz President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan Grzegorz Skalmowski Owner of Eko Snails Garden Alexis Burckhardt General Director at Novartis Oncology Poland Piotr Dzięcioł President of the Management Board at Opus Film Adam Góral President of the Management Board at Asseco Poland S.A. Michał Skowronek Head of Market Development for CEE at MasterCard Europe Tomasz Zaboklicki General Director at PESA Bydgoszcz SA Jadwiga Sztabińska Editor-in-Chief of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Marek Tejchman Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna THE AWARDS CEREMONY WILL END WITH A PANEL DISCUSSION: GOODWILL. HOW MUCH RISK IS A VISIONARY WILLING TO TAKE FOR A BUSINESS? PANELLISTS: Beata Binek President of the Management Board at the Polish Institute of Directors Leszek Niemycki Vice President of the Management Board at Deutsche Bank Polska Rafał Brzoska President of the Management Board at the Capital Group SA Professor Andrzej K. Koźmiński President, Kozminski University THE EVENT WILL BE MODERATED BY Marek Tejchman Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna The event will be followed by a banquet. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 59 | PANELLISTS AND GUESTS Panellists and guests Jaakko Aarnio Richard Bach Research Programme Officer, Cyber Security Assistant Director, European Commission Department for Culture, Media and Sport, UK Jaakko Aarnio (PhD) has been working as Research Programme and Richard Bach has spent his career in national security. He is currently Policy Officer at European Commission, Brussels since 2003. His delivering key initiatives for the UK’s Cyber Security Strategy, including interests relate to innovation policies, co-ordination of topics in Horizon the Cyber Essentials Scheme. Previously, Richard co-architected NATO’s 2020 – EU Framework Programme for R&I in digital health including Infosec Framework, and devised the Government's cyber defence contributions to mHealth Green paper (2014), eHealth Action Plan 2012– posture for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 2020, EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing and guidelines for MEDDEV. Maciej Adamkiewicz Peter Baudrexl President, Management Board, CEO, Siemens Poland, Poland Adamed Pharma S.A., Poland Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical Academy in Warsaw Born in Munich. Economist. Joined Siemens several dozen years ago. and a certified surgeon. Member of the International Urogynaecological Managed various departments at Siemens AG, as well as Siemens Association and the Polish Meno and Andropause Association. He has branches in Iran and Turkey. Commercial Director at Siemens Sp. z o.o. been at the head of Adamed's management board since 2000, focusing in Poland from 1994 until 1998. CEO at Siemens Sp. z o.o. since 2004. the company's efforts on developing innovative pharmaceuticals. President of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Awarded the Gold Cross of Merit by President of Poland. since 2013. Loïc Armand Robert Bednarski President, L’OREAL France, Country Director, Facebook CEE, President, the European Committee Poland of MEDEF, France Board member of the Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA), the Country Director Central and Eastern Europe at Facebook. Warsaw- European Cosmetics Association (Cosmetics Europe) and Paris-Descartes based, he runs the company on the territory of Central and Eastern University. He is also President of Cosmetics Europe, Vice President of the Europe and manages the sales team, cooperating with Facebook French Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce and Vice clients in the entire region. Member of senior management in numerous President Western Europe of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). companies in the last 15 years. Board member of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA). Salvatore Babones Jarosław Bauc Professor of Sociology and Social Vice President of the Management Policy, University of Sydney, Board, PGNiG SA Australia Salvatore Babones is an American comparative sociologist. Member of Graduate of Economics at the University of Łódź, where he was awarded Foreign Affairs magazine "China Brain Trust", one of the few analysts his PhD, and of the University of Windsor in Ontario. Secretary of State to accurately predict the current slowdown in China. Author or editor of at the Ministry of Finance and First Deputy Minister of Finance from ten books and more than two dozen academic journal articles. His latest 1998 to 2000. Later Minister of Finance. Represented the government book is Sixteen for '16: A Progressive Agenda for a Better America. on the Monetary Policy Council in 1998–2000. Vice President of the Management Board of PGNiG SA since December 2013. | 62 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Javier Moreno Barber Krzysztof Blusz Editor, El Pais, Spain President of the Board, demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Poland Javier Moreno Barber, PRISA Chief Content Officer and Director of Analyst in the area of European and international relations and Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA), was EL PAÍS Editor- consultant for EU public policies. Co-authored and managed several in-Chief from 2006 to 2014. A Chemical Sciences graduate, he took a education initiatives, and public awareness campaigns on European and Master’s Degree in Journalism prior to joining EL PAÍS in 1993. In 2003 international issues. Social scientist at King’s College London (1994–8). he became Editor-in-Chief of Grupo PRISA financial daily CINCO DÍAS Graduate of the University of Łódź. and in 2005 Deputy Editor of El PAÍS Sunday edition. Marcin Beme Andrzej Bobiński Founder and CEO, Audioteka, Senior Analyst, Polityka Insight, Poland Poland The author of the success of Audioteka, a Polish start-up which Senior Business Analyst at the analytical centre Polityka Insight. Until developed into an international platform selling audiobooks in nine 2012 head of the External Relations Department at Orange Polska. languages in over 20 countries. Entrepreneur, visionary, winner of many Simultaneously co-creator of Wrocław Global Forum as the director of prizes (New Europe 100 Challengers 2014 by Res Publika, Google and the event’s office. Formerly programme coordinator at the Centre for the Financial Times, the Man of the Polish Internet 2011 and 2012). International Relations. Studied economics, mathematics, and computer science. Markus J. Beyrer Henryka Bochniarz Director General, President, Polish Confederation BUSINESSEUROPE Lewiatan, Vice President, BUSINESSEUROPE, Poland Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE since late 2012. Prior to this he PhD in Economics. The founder of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. held the positions of CEO of the Austrian Industry Holding ÖIAG, Director Former Minister of Industry and Trade. Member of the Council of General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) and Director for Presidents of BUSINESSEUROPE. Deputy Chair of the Polish Tripartite Economic Affairs of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Before this Commission for Social and Economic Affairs. Awarded the Commander’s Mr Beyrer served as Chief Economic Advisor to the Federal Chancellor of Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Candidate for the office of the the Republic of Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel. President of Poland in 2005. Co-founder of the Congress of Women. Ronald Binkofski Zbigniew Bochniarz Director General, Microsoft Poland, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Polska Science, Poland/USA Has close to 20 years of work experience in the IT industry. Joined Visiting Professor at Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Microsoft in 2006. For four years headed the New Technologies units: Washington, Seattle. His research focuses on analysis and institutional Developer and Platform Group (March 2006–October 2008) and design, microeconomics of competition, international environmental Marketing and Operations (October 2008–October 2010). Later, for two policies, and socio-economic aspects of sustainability of transformation years served as General Manager of the Microsoft Romanian office. processes. Co-author of more than 100 publications, including 15 books. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 63 | Panellists and guests Michał Boni Henning Breuer MEP Innovation Consultant, UxBerlin & Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (HMKW), Germany Minister of Labour and Social Policy in 1991 and deputy minister Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer is founder of UXBerlin – Innovation Consultants responsible for i.a. labour market policy from 1992 until 1993. Chief and professor for business at the University of Applied Sciences of Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy in the years 1998– Media, Communication and Management, Berlin. He is also an adjunct 2001. Formerly head of the team of strategic advisers to PM Donald researcher and visiting professor at Waseda University Tokyo. His Tusk (2008) and Minister of Administration and Digitization (2011–3). academic and consulting work focuses on open innovation strategy, Member of the European Parliament since 2014. business models and ethnographic research. Małgorzata Bonikowska Elmar Brok Managing Partner, THINKTANK Chair, Committee on Foreign Centre, President, Centre for Affairs, European Parliament International Relations, Poland Ph.D. in European history, expertise in political sciences, international He was born on 14 May 1946 in Verl, North Rhine-Westfalia. Being a relations and communication in public administration. She was Head of member of the European Parliament since 1980, Elmar Brok currently the European Information Centre of the Ministry of European Integration, serves as the chairman of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs developed the EU information programme and a network of European Committee (AFET). He is also a member of the parliamentary delegation Information Centres. Former senior expert and Head of the Information for relations. and Communication Programme of the EC in Poland and Bulgaria. Wojciech Borowski Michał Broniatowski CEO, McCann Worldgroup, Poland Editor-in-Chief of Forbes, Poland President of the Supervisory Board at SKM SAR. He has been in the Has been present in the media for over 30 years. Worked for Polish advertising business since 1996 and has extensive experience in working public television TVP. Was the Country Manager of Reuters Poland, and with both mature corporations and start-ups. Under his leadership, in later Reuters Russia. Developed a new media strategy in the ITI Group. 2014 McCann Worldgroup has been recognized as Advertising Group of Was also Deputy President of the largest Russian private news agency the Year by MMP magazine. Interfax. Co-creator of the Ukrainian 24-hour news channel Espreso TV. Marek Borzestowski Pierre Buhler Partner, Giza Polish Ventures, Ambassador of France to Poland Poland Polish serial entrepreneur, founder of successful internet businesses He joined diplomatic corps in 1982 to hold positions in French foreign and partner in the Polish Israeli VC Fund – Giza Polish Ventures. Over service in Madrid, Warsaw and Moscow. He continued to work for the 20 years of experience as a founder and member of the boards of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was appointed Counsellor at the French Wirtualna Polska,, Vivid Games, NanoVelos, InteliWISE, founder Embassy in Washington and New York. He served as Ambassador of of the first Polish think tank – Sobieski Institute and Startup Hub Poland France to Singapore. Writer and media contributor covering politics. Foundation. | 64 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Jarosław Bułka Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz Deputy President of the Board, Senator, Poland Silvermedia, Poland Assistant Professor at the Laboratory of Biocybernetics, AGH University Politician and lawyer. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Justice and of Science and Technology in Cracow. Secretary of the Accreditation Attorney General (1993–5), Deputy Speaker of the Sejm (1995–6), Prime Commission of Universities of Technology. Author of over 50 Minister (1996–7), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2001–5) and Speaker of publications in the field of biomedical signal processing, neural networks the Sejm (2005). Member of the Sejm of the 10th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in medical diagnostics and telemedicine. term and senator of the 7th and 8th term (since 2007). Piotr Buras Dejan Cvetković Director of European Council on CEE National Technology Officer, Foreign Relations (ECFR), Warsaw Microsoft, Germany Office, Poland Member of the EFNI Programme Council. Expert on Germany and He built his career with Microsoft Canada leading innovative e-banking European politics. Earlier a columnist for Gazeta Wyborcza in Berlin and e-government projects in the late 1990’s. In 2003, he was appointed and an analyst at the Centre for International Relations. In 2004–6 he the first General Manager of Microsoft Serbia and Montenegro and worked for the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies in 2008, he was made Microsoft Public Sector Business Director for of the University of Wrocław. Author of the book “Muslims and other Central and Eastern Europe leading his team and a network of 1000+ Germans. The republic of Germany is being reinvented”. local partners. Jerzy Buzek Zbigniew Czachór Chair of EFNI Programme Council, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz Chair of Committee on Industry, University in Poznań, Poland Research and Energy, European Parliament Chair of the EFNI Programme Council, chair of the Committee on Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He heads Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament. He served the Chair of European Integration Research, Post-Diploma European as the first EP President from the 2004 enlargement Member States. Administration Studies and Post-Diploma Studies in Management of Member of the European Parliament since 2004. Former Prime Minister European Projects and Funds. Permanent Advisor to the European Union of the government of Poland (1997–2001) and active member of the Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm. Founding member of the Foreign Solidarność movement. Policy Council. Edoardo Campanella Adam Czerniak Eurozone Economist, UniCredit, Chief Economist, Polityka Insight, Junior Fellow, Aspen Institute Italia, Poland Italy He is a Eurozone economist at UniCredit Bank and Junior Fellow at Adam heads Polityka Insight’s macroeconomic desk. PhD in Economic the Aspen Institute Italia. He previously worked for the World Trade Sciences and faculty member at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). Organization, the World Economic Forum and the Italian Senate. He Until 2012, Adam was an economist at Kredyt Bank’s Treasury Department. holds a Master in Public Administration from Harvard, where he was Before that, he worked with the World Bank and the FOR Foundation and a Fulbright Scholar. His op-eds have appeared in the Financial Times, also held a fellowship from Ronald Coase Institute. He authored academic Project Syndicate and Foreign Affairs. publications on economic sociology and institutional economics. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 65 | Panellists and guests Sylwia Czubkowska Lejb Fogelman Editor, DGP, Poland Senior Partner, Greenberg Traurig, Poland Journalist of leading Polish newspaper Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Warsaw attorney of Jewish origin. In his legal practice, he focuses on Specializing in innovation, internet and new technologies. In DGP international trade transactions conducted in Poland, among others since 2009. Previously, she worked for Dziennik, Polska The Times and on privatization transactions, private equity transactions, company Przekrój. Nominated in 2013 for the Grand Press Award for the text reorganizations and joint ventures. He also specializes in issues "On the Revolutions of the Law Spheres". Winner of the 2013 and 2014 connected with financing, public offerings, as well as with M&A Journalist Awards of the President of Patent Office. transactions. Janusz Daszczyński Henry Foy President of the Management Correspondent, Financial Times, UK Board of Telewizja Polska SA, Poland Director and editor-in-chief of the Television Centre in Gdańsk and Henry is the Financial Times Central Europe correspondent, based in deputy director of TV Polonia in the 1990s. Previously CEO of the Warsaw. He covers Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and the wider CEE National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) and Vice President of the region, tracking the major political, economic and business stories for Management Board of Telewizja Polska SA. Co-creator of the festival the world's most trusted global newspaper. Henry was previously the “Dwa Teatry” (“Two Theatres”) and the Polish competition for Józef FT's award-winning motor industry correspondent and a reporter in Tischner Prize awarded by the publishing house ZNAK. India, and is on Twitter at@HenryJFoy. Lutz Finger Roland Freudenstein Director of Data Science, LinkedIn, Deputy Director, Head of Research, USA Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Germany Expert on social media and text analytics. Co-founder and former CEO German politologist and economist. Since 2008 Deputy Director of of Fisheye Analytics, a media data-mining company whose products the Brussels-based Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, support governments and various NGOs. A popular public speaker on the think tank of the European People’s Party. 2004–8 Director of the business analytics. Serves as an advisor and board member at several Hanse Office in Brussels. 1992–2002 Director of the Warsaw office of data-centric corporations in Europe and the US. Holds MBA from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Former member of the foreign and INSEAD and MS in quantum physics from TU Berlin (Germany). security planning staff of the European Commission. Luciano Floridi Fernando Frutuoso de Melo Professor, Oxford Internet Institute, Director General at the Directorate- University of Oxford, Italy General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid, European Commission Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of A longstanding Portuguese Commission official. Recruited in 1987, Oxford, and Director of Research of the Oxford Internet Institute. His selected in a general competition. Has extensive experience in several most recent books are: The Fourth Revolution – How the infosphere is policy areas, including management responsibilities. Since November reshaping human reality (2014), The Ethics of Information (2013), The 2013 heads DG DEVCO, being responsible for staff working in more than Philosophy of Information (2011). He is currently member of Google 100 EU Delegations around the globe. Holds a degree in law, studied Advisory Board on the right to be forgotten. development policy, history & public management. | 66 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Grzegorz Górski Natalia Hatalska CEO, Union of Private Employers in Bloger and Trendwatcher, Energy Industry, Poland, Poland Grzegorz Górski joined GDF SUEZ in 1992. He became President of the Chief Inspiration Officer at Universal McCann, media house. Member Management Board at GSEP and later President at GDF SUEZ Energy of Creative Communication Cluster and Board of Experts ThinkTank Central and Eastern Europe in 2007. Currently Executive Vice President Polska. Author of one of the 10 most influential blogs in Poland, covering of Innovation, Marketing and New Business. He supports the work of non-traditional advertising. Former Head of Communication in Wirtualna the Union of Private Employers in Energy Industry and is member of the Polska, PR Manager at NIVEA Poland and Young Digital Planet. Board of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. Leszek Grabarczyk Jerzy Hausner Deputy Director, National Centre for Professor, Cracow University of Research and Development (NCRD), Economics, Poland Poland Deputy Director of the NCRD since 2011 and in 2007–8. He previously Specializes in political economy, public administration, and economy. worked at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, most recently Author and co-author of over 300 scientific publications. Head of the as Director of the Department for Innovation and Implementation. Department of Public Economy and Administration at the Krakow Acclaimed for thinking outside the box and demonstrating innovation University of Economics. In 1994 he received the title of Professor of in Polish public administration, Grabarczyk was featured on the “New Economic Sciences. 2004 winner of the Kisiel Award. Decorated with Europe 100 Challengers” list in 2014. Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Marcin Grabowski Ivo Hlaváč Director of Strategy and Analysis of Member of the Board of Directors, Sale, AMS SA, Poland ČEZ, A. S., Czech Republic Media strategist. Graduate of Poznań University of Economics, lecturer Member of the Board of Directors since 19 December 2013. Chief at the Warsaw School of Economics and Warsaw College of Promotion. External Relations and Regulation Officer since 1 May 2014. He has 18 years of experience in the media and advertising. Formerly manager served as Director of Public Affairs at CEZ Group since 2013. He of a media house, an advertising agency and a research company. previously worked at CEZ as an expert on the European agenda. Ivo Currently Director of Strategy and Analysis of Sale and Plenipotentiary Hlaváč graduated from Palacký University in Olomouc and postgraduate of the Management Board at AMS (Agora Holding). scholarship programmes at ENA in Paris and GCSP in Geneva. Gordon Graylish Agnieszka Holland Vice President and General Film Director and Producer, Lato Manager of the Governments Productions Inc., Poland and World Ahead division, Intel Corporation, UK Formerly Vice President and General Manager of Enterprise Solutions Graduated from the Prague film academy FAMU. Her début film for Intel, responsible for Intel’s engagements with the largest clients and Provincial Actors won the FIPRESCI Prize in Cannes. Before leaving ensuring the most effective use of Intel technology. Through his career, Poland, she directed i.a. Fever and A Lonely Woman which was banned he was also co-general manager of Intel in EMEA, and he has held a in Poland. She has lived and worked mostly in Western Europe and the variety of senior roles in sales and marketing across the entire portfolio USA since 1981. Three of her films have been Oscar nominees. She also of Intel’s products and solutions. directs theatre plays and translates from Czech. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 67 | Panellists and guests Danuta Hübner Luigi Ippolito Chair, Committee on Constitutional Editor, Corriere della Sera, Italy Affairs, European Parliament Professor of Economics. EU Commissioner for Regional Policy (2004–9). Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Naples, attended the Previously Poland’s Minister for European Affairs, Head of Office of the Rizzoli School of Journalism in Milan. Joined the Corriere della Sera in Committee for European Integration and Secretary of State for Ministry 1989. Covered Russia and Eastern Europe during the 1990s and 2000s. of Foreign Affairs, and Minister Head of the Chancellery of the President Appointed Foreign Editor in 2011. Writes editorials and interviews. of the Republic of Poland. In 2000–1 Executive Secretary at the UN Economic Commission for Europe. Tomasz Husak Krzysztof Jakubiak Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Editor-in-Chief of Puls Medycyny, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Poland Commission Holds a PhD in Economics, as well as in Political Science. In the Editor-in-Chief of Puls Medycyny and Puls Farmacji magazines and the cabinet of Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska he is responsible for portal Expert on communications, PR and media, the management of the cabinet, policy and communication strategy, with many years’ experience as manager in international pharmaceutical, allocation of human resources and relations with the European Council chemical and FMCG companies. Consultant, coach and university and the Council. teacher. Graduated from the University of Warsaw and the University of Wisconsin, awarded a scholarship by Georgetown University. Dorota Ilczuk Leszek Jażdżewski Professor, University of Social Editor-in-Chief, LIBERTÉ!, Poland Sciences and Humanities, Poland Lecturer at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and at the Editor-in-Chief of LIBERTÉ! – a Polish liberal quarterly, portal, and think Jagiellonian University. President at the Pro Cultura Foundation. Author tank. Co-founder of a community centre 6. Dzielnica in Łódź. Columnist of and co-author of books and over a hundred Polish and international such publications as Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, Polityka, Wprost; expert opinions and articles on the economics of culture and cultural commentator for TOK FM radio station and TVP television channel. industries, creative sector, cultural policy, and the functioning of non- Marshall Memorial Fellow. He was chosen as a leader in a project carried profit organizations. out by Teraz Polska magazine nominating 25 leaders for the next 25 years. Roman Imielski Łukasz Kalinowski Managing Editor, Gazeta Wyborcza, CEO and General Director, MetLife, Poland Poland Former head of international desk of GW; author of many reports For 23 years involved in the insurance business. Since 2009 CEO of on Russia, Ukraine, European Union and transatlantic relations. MetLife TUnŻiR. In 2010 he was awarded the Polish Gold Cross of Merit Commentator on international and Polish affairs in electronic media. for exceptional contribution to the insurance market development. Since 1995 with Gazeta Wyborcza – first in the local Katowice edition Holds a PhD in Physics. Worked in the Institute of Experimental Physics, and since 2001 in the Warsaw main office. Holds a degree in history University of Warsaw (1986–92). Member of the Management Board of from University of Silesia. the Polish Confederation Lewiatan since 2010. | 68 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Teresa Kamińska Tomasz Klekowski President, Pomeranian Special President, Digital Technology Economic Zone, Poland Employers’ Association Lewiatan, Director Business GTM EMEA, Intel Corporation, Poland Member of the EFNI Programme Council. Head of the Nuclear Power Tomasz Klekowski is Director of the Business Go-To-Market organization Plant Task Force appointed by the Governor of the Pomerania Region. in the EMEA region. He is successfully helping Intel to integrate sales Since 2004, she has headed the team of advisors to Jerzy Buzek, PE and marketing processes and be perceived as ICT industry leader. Works Deputy. Secretary of State in the Chancellory of the Prime Minister in areas of cloud, Big Data, IoT and information society development. (2000–1), President of the Health Insurance Supervisory Office (1997–9), Chairman of Digital Technology Employers Association and Member of Minister and Member of the Council of Ministers. the Board of Lewiatan Confederation. Jacek Karnowski Andrzej Klesyk Mayor of Sopot, Poland President of the Management Board, PZU SA, Poland Member of the EFNI Programme Council. From 1990, Councillor and Member of the EFNI Programme Council. Former Partner at Boston Deputy Mayor of Sopot, and since 1998 Mayor of Sopot. From 1990 Consulting Group, Warsaw, Poland. Chief Executive Officer of Bank to 1998 he was a councillor of the local parliament of the Voivodship Inteligo, Warsaw, Partner at McKinsey&Co in London. In 1991 left for the of Gdańsk and Chairman of the Board for Environmental Protection. USA and worked for Kidder, Peabody, Coopers & Lybrand in New York. In Since 2007, Vice President of the Union of Polish Cities, Delegate to the the years 1989–90 worked in the Ministry of Economic Reform. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at the Council of Europe. Jakub Karnowski Bronisław Komorowski President of the Management former President of the Republic Board, PKP SA, Poland of Poland He was the chief of the political office and an advisor to the Minister of Member of anti-Communist resistance, repeatedly arrested, and Finance (1997–2000). He was an advisor to the President of NBP and interned under martial law. Member of Parliament, Minister of National Director of the Foreign Department of NBP (2001–3). He was Deputy Defence in Jerzy Buzek’s cabinet, Chairman of the parliamentary Executive Director at WBG in Washington (2003–8). He was President National Defence Committee, Speaker of the Sejm of the 6th term of of PKO TFI (2008–12), and Member of the Board of the CFA Society of office. President of the Republic of Poland in the years 2010–5. Poland (2010–3). Katarzyna Kieli Michael Knigge President and Managing Director Editor, Deutsche Welle, Germany at Discovery Networks CEEMEA, Poland President and Managing Director at Discovery Networks CEEMEA Michael Knigge is a Senior International Editor with a special focus on (Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa), a branch of the transatlantic relations in Deutsche Welle’s Global News Department. He largest pay-TV programmer worldwide. One of the most influential previously headed DW’s German-language Internet service. An alumnus people in the media industry in Central and Eastern Europe. She of transatlantic leadership programs with the Aspen Institute and the manages a region encompassing 109 markets, 13 offices and 16 American Council on Germany, Michael was a media fellow at Duke channels available to 504 million viewers. University in 2006. He studied in Mainz and Atlanta. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 69 | Panellists and guests Noelle Knox Piotr Kraśko Technology Editor, POLITICO Journalist and TV Presenter, Europe, USA Telewizja Polska SA, Poland Noelle Knox is the technology editor of Politico Europe. She has 25 From 2008 anchor on the Polish public television TVP1 news programme years of journalism experience in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and Wiadomości, since 2012 its Editor-In-Chief. Previously a TVP reporter in online. She has worked for The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, Rome, in 2005 transferred to Washington, D.C. He reported on all major USA Today, The New York Times and Bloomberg News. She has covered US events, e.g. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Graduated from the some of the biggest stories of our time, including the US financial crisis Faculty of Theatre Studies at the State College for the Dramatic Arts. Fot: KPRM and the Sept. 11th attacks on New York. Ewa Kopacz Jacek Krawczyk Prime Minister of Poland, Poland President, Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee, Vice President, Polish Confederation Lewiatan Polish politician and currently the Prime Minister. Previously she was the Between 2010–3, the Committee’s Vice President responsible for the Speaker of the Sejm, the first woman to have held the post. She was budget. Rapporteur of the EESC’s opinion on the free trade agreement Minister of Health from 2007 to 2011. She has been a member of the with the U.S. (TTIP). Vice President of the Polish Confederation Civic Platform since 2001. She became Prime Minister on 22 September Lewiatan. An entrepreneur with many years’ experience, former 2014, succeeding Donald Tusk. The second woman to hold the office. president and board member of several banks and companies from Prior to politics, she was a medical doctor. various branches of the economy. Karol Kozak Jacek Krawiec IT Director, Fraunhofer Institute President and CEO, PKN Orlen SA, for Material and Bearn Technology, Poland Germany Karol Kozak is in charge of Biomedical Computer Science Unit at Member of the EFNI Programme Council. In the past, he held posts at Fraunhofer Society and Medical Faculty, Dresden University of Bank PEKAO SA, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, as well as Technology. He plays a leading role in defining the strategy for the UK branch of Japanese investment bank Nomura headquartered organizing management of large scale image data. He is responsible for in London. He also acted as President & CEO of Impexmetal SA internationalization of R&D activities between industry & academia on and Elektrim SA. Jacek Krawiec has extensive experience serving on European level. He is helping Polish R&D in internationalization. supervisory boards of various companies. Andrzej Koźmiński Tomasz Kruk Professor, Kozminski University, COO, NASK, Poland Poland Professor, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, economist, Operations Director at NASK. Member of the Steering Committee for sociologist. Author of over 40 books on management. Lecturer at Polish R&D national security and defence programmes at the National Centre and foreign universities, mentor to many outstanding scholars. Co-Founder for Research and Development since 2010 and of the Council of the and first Rector of Kozminski University, currently its President. His areas Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications of study include theory of organization, management in the period of since 2012. IT lecturer at Warsaw University of Technology. Expert on transformation and uncertainty, and leader behaviour. information security and large-scale IT systems. | 70 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Jacek Kucharczyk Andrzej Lewiński President of the Executive Board, Deputy Inspector General for the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), Protection of Personal Data, Poland Poland Sociologist and President of IPA – one of Poland’s leading think tanks. Graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Gdańsk. Specializes Member of the Council of the National School of Public Administration, in commercial law, ownership transformations and restructuring of Board of Directors of the Prague Civil Society Centre, and the Council of business entities, domestic trade policy and operation, European Think Tank Fund Open Society Foundations. Author of many publications distribution models, consumer policy, and SMEs. on democracy, foreign policy, EU integration, and transatlantic relations. Media commentator on political events. Cornelia Kutterer Łukasz Lipiński Director of Digital Policy for Europe, Deputy Director, Polityka Insight, Middle East and Africa, Microsoft Poland EMEA, Germany Cornelia Kutterer leads Microsoft’s digital policy strategy for Europe, Łukasz Lipiński supervises the daily operation of Polityka Insight, edits Middle East and Africa, focusing on issues related to the digital analyses and publications. Worked for 15 years at the leading Polish daily economy, the single market and connectivity, as well as media and Gazeta Wyborcza where he headed the national news desk (2008–12), consumer laws. Prior to this, she represented Microsoft on privacy and foreign desk (2006–8) and economy desk (deputy head 2001–6). Besides security matters at an EU institutional level. She has long-standing supervising journalists he was responsible for commissioning polls, experience in information society and internet policies. managing the coverage of general elections and other major events. Jerzy Kwieciński Ondřej Liška Member of the Programme Council, Country Director Czech Republic, UN Global Compact Poland, Poland Ashoka CEE, Czech Republic Previously undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Regional Analyst, author, former Minister of Education of the Czech Republic. Development. He has deep knowledge of and many years' experience in Worked with Václav Havel’s Forum 2000 Foundation as adviser on EU the operation of the European Union and EU funds from the perspective structural policy in the European Parliament, as analyst at Glopolis of EU institutions, Polish public administration, and the private and (Prague Global Policy Institute) and advisor to George Soros’ Open public sectors alike. Society Foundation. Focus: transitions to democracy, EU integration, sustainable economy, human rights and education. Vytautas Landsbergis Luigi Lovaglio former President of Lithuania President of the Management Board and CEO of Bank Pekao S.A., Poland Lithuanian conservative politician, co-founder of the pro-independence He is an over 40-year veteran of banking services working since 1973 in the movement Sajudis. Played a pivotal role in the collapse of the Soviet leading banking group – UniCredit. In 2003 he assumed the responsibility Union. In 1990–2, after the country declared autonomy from Russia, of Vice-President and General Manager at Bank Pekao S.A., in 2011 was he served as head of state of Lithuania. Signatory of the Act of the elected the President of the Board, CEO of the Bank. He strengthened Restoration of the Independent Statehood of Lithuania and chairman of the position of the Bank and as the result Bank Pekao is recognized by the parliamentary commission for the New Constitution. international financial institutions as one of the leading banks in CEE. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 71 | Panellists and guests Andrzej Lubowski Lev Manovich Economist, Writer, Commentator, Director, Software Studies Poland Initiative, USA Economist, writer, commentator. Born in Poland; since 1982 residing The author of Software Takes Command Soft Cinema: Navigating the in the USA. Graduate of Warsaw School of Economics, University of Database, and The Language of New Media. Professor at The Graduate Warsaw, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley. For 20 years in senior Center, CUNY, and Director of the Software Studies Initiative working positions at Citibank and Visa. Board member and advisor to US and on the analysis and visualization of big visual cultural data. In 2013 European companies and charities. Author of books: Zbig. The Man Who Professor Lev Manovich was featured on the List of 25 People Shaping Cracked the Kremlin, and Świat 2040. Czy Zachód musi przegrać. the Future of Design. Fyodor Lukyanov Alexander Manu Editor-in-Chief, Russia in Global Professor, Rotman Management Affairs, Russia School Toronto, Romania/Canada Worked as a correspondent, commentator and editor for numerous Strategic innovation practitioner, international lecturer and author. Russian printed and electronic media. An international columnist with He provides strategic counsel and future based advisory to executive the Vedomosti, Kommersant daily, and online source; leading teams in Fortune 500 companies. Alexander lectures on innovation, national radio stations and TV channels. A member of the Presidium of imagination, change agents and strategic foresight. He teaches at the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and the Expert Board of RIA a Rotman School of Management, is a professor at OCAD University in Novostia news. Toronto. Aleksandra Magaczewska Emma Marcegaglia President of the Industrial President, BUSINESSEUROPE Development Agency JSC Management Board, Poland At the Ministry of Economy (2000–2011), she supervised steel and Member of the EFNI Programme Council. President of mining companies, and special economic zones. Then, as the Mining BUSINESSEUROPE, the main horizontal business organization at EU Department director (2007–2011), she handled public support to the level. President of Confindustria, Italy’s influential employers’ body mining companies. At the Ministry of Treasury, she was deputy director (2008–12) and Vice President with a proxy for infrastructure, energy, in the Restructuring and Public Support Department (2012–2014). At transport and environment (2004–8). She serves as President of Luiss present she is supervisory board member of PZU SA. University of Rome and Managing Director of Marcegaglia S.p.A. Stefan Mair Piotr Marczuk Member of the Management Board, Head of Corporate Communication, BDI – The Voice of German Industry, Microsoft, Poland Germany In 1992–7 Research Fellow on Africa, and in 1997–2002 Research Group Graduated in Law from Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin. Leader at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Joined Microsoft in April 2008. As Government Affairs Manager, he In 2002–10 Deputy Director, May–Oct 2010 Managing Director for is also responsible for assisting Microsoft in cooperation with such International Markets at BDI. Since 1 November 2010 Member of the countries as Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus and Executive Board at BDI. Lecturer in political science at the LMU Munich, Malta. Previously, from 1998, he worked for British American Tobacco, FU Berlin and HU Berlin. and from 2005, as Social Reporting Manager in Brussels. | 72 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Radosław Markowski Roman Młodkowski Professor, University of Social Journalist, Media Manager, Sciences and Humanities SWPS, Independent Consultant, Poland Poland Political scientist, professor at the University of Social Sciences and Business consultant on media management, internal and strategic Humanities in Warsaw. Areas of interest: comparative politics, political communication. Creator, chief editor and director at TVN CNBC sociology. Winner of APSA Award and the Nowak Award. He is on the (2007–13), previously chief business editor at TVN24 (2001–7). Winner editorial boards of the European Journal of Political Research, European of i.a. Kisiel Award, Dariusz Fikus Award and Grand Press (2006). Union Politics, and the Journal of Political Science Education. Author of Graduate of the Advanced Management Program at the IESE Business many articles published in ISI-listed journals. School and of Political Science at the University of Warsaw. Mateusz Marmołowski Piotr Moncarz Founder and CTO, CTAdventure, Consulting Professor at Stanford Poland University, Academic Director of TOP 500 Innovators program, USA The companies he founded promote the technologies of the future, Consulting Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Stanford such as augmented or virtual reality. Prizewinner in many international University; Principal Engineer at Exponent, California. Recipient of competitions, he gained his experience in the Silicon Valley. Invited on a the Gold Engineer Award of the Polish Federation of Engineering regular basis i.a. by the European Commission as an expert on 'creative Associations, Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers; co- industries'. Currently employs over a dozen people in Poland and abroad. founder and chairman of the US-Polish Trade Council and the initiator of the US-Poland Innovation Hub and “Top 500 Innovators”. Krzysztof Materna Jeremi Mordasewicz Owner and Creative Director, MM Adviser to the Management Board Communications, Poland of Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Poland Director, comedian, producer and co-founder of MM Communications. Member of the Trilateral Commission for Social and Economic Affairs The artistic director of Solidarity of Arts Festival, a columnist for and Supervisory Boards of: ZUS, Dr Irena Eris S.A., ENEA S.A. Formerly Newsweek, director and actor in performances at three Warsaw co-founder and Vice President of BCC, member of the Committee theaters. Along with W. Mann, named a top TV personality by readers of for the Reform of Labour Law and Social Security and the Team for Polityka. Awarded Gloria Artis Silver Medal for Merits to Polish Culture. Debeaurocratization of the Economy. At Lewiatan responsible for the labour market, social security, construction and infrastructure. Jacek Męcina Maria R. Morris Secretary of State, Ministry of Executive Vice President, Global Labour and Social Policy, Poland Employee Benefits, MetLife, USA Responsible for labour market, Labour Fund, and social dialogue. Executive vice president of MetLife and a member of MetLife's Ministry representative at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority Executive Group, she leads the Global Employee Benefits and Global (KNF). Lawyer, political science and social policy expert. Relationship Management organizations. A member of the board of directors of MetLife Property and Casualty Insurance Company and the MetLife Foundation. She was elected the first female chair of the board of directors for INROADS, Inc. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 73 | Panellists and guests Rainer Münz Andrzej Olechowski Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Austria Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Citi Bank Handlowy, Poland Non-resident Fellow of the Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC, Director of Euronet and a Member of the Supervisory Board of P4. He sits and Senior Fellow at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics on the International Advisory Panel of Macquarie European Infrastructure (HWWI). Previously, a consultant for the EC, the OECD and the World Fund. He is Chairman of the Polish Group in the Trilateral Commission and Bank. A member of the German commission on immigration reform a member of European Council on Foreign Relations. A former Minister of (Süssmuth Commission, 2000–1). Member of the EU “Reflection Group Foreign Affairs (1993–5) and Minister of Finance (1992), a candidate in Horizon 2020–2030” (“EU Group of the Wise”, 2008–2010). presidential elections (2000 and 2010) and a founder of the Civic Platform. Sławomir Neumann Olaf Osica Secretary of State, Ministry of Director of the Centre for Eastern Health, Poland Studies, Poland 1994–8 Councillor on the Starogard Gdański City Council and a member Graduate of the University of Warsaw. Holds a PhD in Political and Social of the City Board. In 2002–7 starost and councillor on the Starogard Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence. In the years Poviat Council. Since 2007 a member of the Polish Parliament and since 2005–10 an expert of the Natolin European Centre. In the years 2002–7 2011 Deputy Head of the Public Finances Committee and Head of the a doctoral student at the European University Institute in Florence. Extraordinary Committee on the Pension Reform. Since August 2012, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health. Marcin Ochnik Solange Olszewska Co-Owner at OCHNIK, Poland Founder, Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., Poland President of a leading Polish brand offering clothing and leatherwear. Together with her husband Krzysztof founded Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., He pays particular attention to issues related to creating organizational a major European manufacturer of public transport vehicles. Awarded culture as a vital element of the company's business strategy and the title “Bus Builder of the Year” in 2005. Named one of the 100 most success. OCHNIK won in the ranking “Best Workplace in Poland” 2015, influential businesswomen by Handelsblatt in 2011. Voted one of the organized by the Great Place to Work Institute. “People of Freedom” (Ludzie Wolności) in a public poll. Peter Ohser Małgorzata Omilanowska Executive Vice President, Minister of Culture and National Moneygram, USA Heritage, Poland As Executive Vice President, U.S. and Canada, Peter Ohser is responsible Art historian, Professor of Humanities, undersecretary of state in the for all Money Transfer, Payment Solutions and Financial Paper Products Ministry of Culture and National Heritage since 2012 and minister since businesses in the U.S. and Canada. He is also a member of the Executive 2014. Formerly researcher at the Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Committee. He holds a bachelor’s in Business Administration from Roger Sciences (PAN), and lecturer at the University of Gdańsk, where she Williams University and a master’s in business administration from the became professor in 2006. Director of the Institute of Art History at the University of Minnesota. University of Gdańsk since 2008. | 74 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Paweł Orłowski Janusz Piechociński Undersecretary of State, Ministry Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of of Regional Development, Poland Economy, Poland Previously Member of the Polish Parliament and Vice President of Sopot Member of the Polish People’s Party since 1990. He was deputy responsible for the use of EU funds, growth strategy development, chairman of the Commission for the Reform of the Economic Centre real estate management and social policy. He was also director of the and member of the Prime Minister National Council for the European organization and contact with Euroleague in Sportowa Spółka Akcyjna Integration and of the infrastructure committee. Member of the Trefl. parliamentary committees for infrastructure and innovativeness and modern technologies. Luboš Palata Thomas Pogge Editor, Lidove Noviny, Czech Director, Global Justice Program, Republic Germany Born in 1967, he studied political science at Charles University in Prague. Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale University. Active journalist since 1990. Permanent correspondent from Central He is the Research Director of the Centre for the Study of the Mind in Europe for the Hospodářské Noviny daily (2002–4), Deputy Editor- Nature at the University of Oslo, a Professorial Research Fellow at the in-Chief of the Slovak newspaper Prawda (2004–5). His articles are Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, and Adjunct Professor published in Gazeta Wyborcza. Awarded the Ferdinand Peroutka Prize. of Political Philosophy at the Centre for Professional Ethics of the University of Central Lancashire. Łukasz Paździor Waldemar Preussner Managing Director, Mazda Motor Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Poland, Poland PCC SE, Germany Co-created the Polish branch of Mazda Motors as the Sales Director Dipl. Volkswirt (Master of Economics). October 1978 – September 1984 starting January 2008. Became General Manager of Mazda Motor Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany – Diploma in Economics. January Poland in December 2009, responsible for sales, marketing, and after- 1994 till today PCC Group, Duisburg, Germany. Since 5 February 2007 sales service. Managing Director at Mazda Motor Logistics Europe Waldemar Preussner has been the Chairman of the Board of PCC SE. Branch in Poland since 2011. Piotr Piętka Paweł Rabiej President of the Management Editor-in-Chief, THINKTANK, Poland Board and CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group, Poland At SMV Poland for the past 14 years. One of the most experienced and Specializes in matters relating to leadership, communication and effective negotiators in the Polish media industry. His career in the world innovation. Managed the launch of Harvard Business Review in Poland of advertising and marketing began in 1996, with DMB&B. Currently, and Business Press Publishers. Created PLL-LOT’s in-flight magazine he is responsible for negotiating contracts with the media, developing Kalejdoscope. Worked as editor at Gazeta Bankowa and journalist at business strategies and Starcom staff trainings. Graduate of the Polish Public Radio 3. Warsaw School of Economics. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 75 | Panellists and guests Ramachandran A.S. Adam Rozwadowski President, Managing Director, CEO, Founder and President of the Citi, UK Management Board, Enel-Med SA, Poland The Global Emerging Markets Coverage Head for Citi's Global Founder, President of the Management Board and shareholder at the Subsidiaries Group. He is globally responsible for building Citi's business ENEL-MED Medical Center S.A., a company boasting over 20 years of with the subsidiaries of new-age clients from rapidly globalizing history, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2011. In addition, he countries such as China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, acts as Vice-President of the Polish Association of Private Hospitals and Turkey, Israel, South Africa, and many more. He is a member of GSG’s Member of the Management Board of the Polish Association of Private Global Executive Committee. Healthcare Employers. Janusz Reiter Marzena Rudnicka Member of the Programme Council, President, Polish Institute of Silver Global Compact Poland, Member of Economy, Poland the Strategic Council, THINKTANK, Poland Founder and Chair of the Board at the Centre for International Relations, Founder of the Polish Institute of Silver Economy, which integrates former Polish ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany and the entrepreneurs, organizations of seniors and governmental and local USA, former Special Emissary on climate change issues. Columnist, authorities with the aim to prepare feasible solutions necessary for author of many publications. the development of services directed at elderly people. Author of the report “Silver economy as a new branch of national economy” and Vice President of the Construction and Investments Union. Norbert Röttgen Eugene Rumer Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Director, Carnegie Endowment for Committee, Bundestag, Germany International Peace, USA PhD in Law. Senior Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance. Served as Former national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the U.S. the German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation National Intelligence Council, senior associate and director of Carnegie’s and Nuclear Safety from October 2009 to May 2012. Member of the Russia and Eurasia Program. His research focuses on political, economic, German Bundestag since 1994, fulfilling key functions within the and security trends in Russia and former Soviet states as well as on Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and the German federal government. Russia’s foreign policy, especially its relations with the United States, China, and the Middle East. Olivier Roy Jeffrey Sachs Professor, European University Director, The Earth Institute, Institute in Florence, France/Italy Columbia University, USA Expert on political Islam, an original academic, who criss-crossed One of world’s leading economists. Consultant to governments in Afghanistan in the 1970s and later during its war against the Soviet Latin America, Eastern Europe, ex-Soviet countries, Asia and Africa. Union. Visited Iran and Central Asia numerous times. Author of Advisor to Solidarity and author of the draft project on Polish economic numerous books on subjects including Iran, Islam, Asian politics. transformation. Since 2002 Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, NY. Actively promotes fighting poverty, debt reduction and elimination of diseases in developing countries. | 76 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Adam Sawicki Stanisław Speczik President of the Management CEO and General Director, Miedzi Board, T-Mobile Poland, Poland Copper Corporation, Poland He held a number of leading positions; among others, President of the Full professor. Director of the State Geological Institute (1994–2000). Management Board and CEO of Netia, Executive Vice President Corporate Awarded Knight's Cross of the Polish Order of Polonia Restituta. Affairs on the Board of Directors of KGHM Polska Miedź, President of the President & CEO of KGHM Polska Miedź SA (2001–4) and Deputy Management Board and CEO of Ruch Internet and CEO of GTS Central Minister of State Treasury (2005). Currently full professor at the Faculty Europe. Graduate of economy and management at Stockholm University, of Geology of the University of Warsaw and Chief Executive of Miedzi also completed the General Manager Program at Harvard Business School. Copper's companies in Poland. Maroš Šefčovič Piotr Stasiński Vice President of the European Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Gazeta Commission, European Wyborcza, Poland Commissioner for Energy Union, European Commission Slovak diplomat and politician, former ambassador to Israel and Slovak Doctor in Humanities. In 1980 Solidarity activist, Polish Academy of Permanent Representative to the EU. Vice President of the European Sciences; during martial law (Dec 1981) involved in underground press. Commission since 2010, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture Managing editor and author, Polish Daily News, New York (1989–93). In and Youth (2009–10), Commissioner and Vice President for Inter- 1992 lectured on global economy, Seton Hall University Business School, Institutional Relations and Administration (2010–14). Commission Vice South Orange, New Jersey. President for Energy Union since 2014. Sławomir S. Sikora Beata Stelmach President of the Management CEO, General Electric CEE, Poland Board, Citi Handlowy, Poland Member of the EFNI Programme Council. President of the Management Since November 2013, CEO of GE in Poland and the Baltics. Involved in Board of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. since 2003. He has served capital market institutions since 1991. Undersecretary at the Ministry as CEO and CCO, responsible for Citigroup’s operations in Poland since of Foreign Affairs (2011–2013). Master’s degree from the Faculty of 2005. He was Member of Citigroup Management Committee in New York Finance and Statistics at the Main School of Planning and Statistics (2005–8). Previously he served as President of the Board of American (presently Warsaw School of Economics). MBA degree from INSEAD. Bank in Poland. Vice President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. Wawrzyniec Smoczyński Marcin Święcicki Managing Director, Polityka Insight, Member of Parliament, Poland Poland Founder and creator of POLITYKA INSIGHT. Journalist and foreign editor Minister of Foreign Economic Cooperation in the cabinet of Tadeusz at a leading Polish weekly Polityka, where he covers European politics Mazowiecki, former undersecretary of state in the Ministry of the and macroeconomics. Winner of the Kwiatowski Award for Economic Economy, former Mayor of Warsaw. Currently head of an expert team Journalism (2010), the Grand Press Award for Specialised Journalism helping the Ukrainian authorities carry out a local government reform. (2011), and the Woyciechowski Prize for Outstanding Journalism (2012) for articles on financial crisis. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 77 | Panellists and guests Wojciech Szpil Marek Trojanowicz President of the Management Co-Founder and CEO, CTAdventure, Board, Totalizator Sportowy, Poland Poland President of the Management Board at Totalizator Sportowy. Graduate of Co-founder and CEO at CTAdventure, founder of InteliWISE S.A. and the Faculty of Industrial Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, StartUp Hub Poland Foundation. Specializes in modern education, and of the University of Navarra. Completed numerous international games, e-learning, 2D & 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, augmented management courses. Co-owner and President of the Management reality and social media. Worked for WP, and was CEO at Optimus Nexus. Board, Upstairs sp. z o.o. (1997–2005). Employed at Young&Rubicam Graduated in computer science from Gdańsk University of Technology. Brands (1999–2005), i.a. as President of the Management Board. TIME called him a pioneer of e-learning in Europe. Magdalena Środa Donald Tusk Philosopher and Professor of Ethics, President of the European Council University of Warsaw, Poland University of Warsaw Professor. Her academic focus is on ethics, President of the European Council since 2014, former Prime Minister of axiology, political philosophy, and women’s issues. Author of many Poland. During his student years, he was a Solidarity activist. Co-founder publications and books on political philosophy and ethics. Member of of the Liberal and Democratic Congress. Former Deputy Chairman for the European Institute for Gender Equality. Government Plenipotentiary the Freedom Union (UW), Senator and Deputy Speaker of the Senate. for the Equal Status of Women and Men in the Belka administration. Member of Parliament for four terms. Former Deputy Speaker of the Columnist at Gazeta Wyborcza. House. Radek Tadajewski Julián Ugarte CEO, OORT, Poland Founder and Executive Director, Socialab, Chile CEO at a global company offering solutions in the area of Internet of Social entrepreneur, design-thinker, and strategy professional. Julián Things. Technology geek, Internet visionary and serial entrepreneur. Ugarte is creating a youth-led and society-supported movement to Founded and developed several successful companies, including a address the problems of inequality in Chile and throughout Latin Central European platform for online and offline gold trade. MBA America. His organization, Socialab, is popularizing social problem graduate of the Viadrina European University and one of the first Poles solving among young people. In 2010, Julián was recognized as one of awarded the Haniel Foundation scholarship. the top 100 high impact entrepreneurs in Chile. Marek Tejchman Piotr Voelkel Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dziennik Founder, VOX Capital Group, Poland Gazeta Prawna, Poland Radio and TV journalist specializing in international affairs and business Founder and co-owner of the VOX Capital Group, companies specializing matters. Author of documentaries and radio programmes about the in construction, finishing works, and internal design. Their products Polish business world. He has worked for the TVN Group since 2007, are highly valued in Europe, the USA and the Middle East. Art expert, where he prepares and runs his own morning programme. He used to promoter of Polish design, patron of many cultural and educational work i.a. for Polsat TV station and Radio TOK FM, where he was Deputy projects. Founder of Collegium Da Vinci and School of Form in Poznań, Editor-in-Chief. creator of the creativity centre Concordia Design. | 78 WWW.EFNI.PL | Panellists and guests Dorota Warakomska Kamil Wyszkowski TV Journalist and Commentator, CEO, UN Global Compact, Poland Poland TV journalist, commentator, international and economic publicist, With the United Nations since 2002. National Representative of the UN lecturer, author of documentaries and TV programs and books. Provides Secretary-General’s Global Compact Initiative in Poland, coordinating consultancy, trainings and media advisory. Promotes responsible cooperation with business, cities, universities, and non-governmental business and equal opportunities. President of the Congress of Women organizations since 2004. Responsible for international and multilateral Association. Awarded with the Golden Cross of Merit. cooperation as well as for programmes in Europe and Asia at UNDP in the years 2002–9. Kazimierz Wierzbicki Annette Young Founder, Trefl SA, Poland Journalist, France 24, France Founder of Trefl SA (1985), President of the Board of the Trefl Pomorze Originally from Australia, Annette Young is a senior journalist and TV Association which coordinates the operation of three sports companies: presenter who has reported from parts of Europe, Asia and the Middle men’s volleyball team, women’s volleyball team and men’s basketball East. A news anchor and an international affairs commentator based in team. President of the Management Board, Trefl SA (1999–2014). After Paris, Annette also hosts The 51 Percent, a show about the women who graduation he worked as a teacher and basketball coach. Graduate of are reshaping our world. Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport. Maria Wiśniewska Mateusz Zmyślony Lecturer, University of Warsaw, Founder, ESKADRA Group, Poland Poland Economist, manager and academic lecturer. In 1989–2003 active Expert on social communication, advertising, marketing, place branding, in the Polish banking sector, first at the National Bank of Poland, and large event marketing. Founder and creative director of ESKADRA then as Vice President of WBK SA and President of TFI Skarbiec. In Group, one of the Polish leading independent marketing companies. 1998–2003 President of Bank Pekao SA. In 2008–12 President of CEPD Advisor and author of social campaigns for numerous public institutions. NV (pharmaceutical sector). Currently, she teaches leadership at Artes Lecturer at Tischner European University in Cracow, the Jagiellonian Liberales, a college of the University of Warsaw. University and Cracow University of Economics. Maciej Witucki Andrzej Zybertowicz Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Advisor to the President of Poland, Orange Polska, Poland Poland Chairman of the Program Board of the Polish Civic Forum; Member of Studies social and political phenomena and comments on them. Published the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Council, Member of the Council of (with his team) the book: Samobójstwo Oświecenia? Jak neuronauka i the Foundation – Prof. B. Geremek Centre, and Management Board of nowe technologie pustoszą ludzki świat (The Enlightenment’s Suicide? PKPP Lewiatan; sits on the Supervisory Boards of AXA Polska S.A., PLL How Neuroscience and New Technologies Ravage the Human World). LOT S.A. and Work Service S.A.; President of the French Chamber of Former security advisor to PM Jarosław Kaczyński and President Lech Commerce and Industry in Poland (CCIFP). Kaczyński. Currently advisor to President Andrzej Duda. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 79 | PRACTICAL INFORMATION Practical information This practical guide will help you find your way around EFNI and plan your stay in Sopot. EFNI RECEPTION DESK AND INFORMATION POINTS EFNI RECEPTION EFNI Reception is located on the ground floor of the Sheraton Sopot Hotel Conference Centre. Opening hours: • 30 September, 13:00 – 22:00 • 1–2 October, 7:30 – 19:30 — EFNI Reception EFNI INFORMATION POINTS Lech Wałęsa Airport in Gdańsk Sheraton Hotel foyer New Ideas Pavilion Opening hours: Opening hours:: Opening hours:: • 30 September, 13:00 – 22:30 • 30 September, 9:00 – 22:00 • 30 September, 18:00 – 23:00 • 1 and 2 October, 8:30 – 18:30 • 1 and 2 October, 7:30 – 19:30 • 1 and 2 October, 9:00 – 00:00 REGISTRATION • EFNI attendees and journalists should register at the EFNI Reception in the Sheraton Sopot Hotel Conference Centre, where they can collect their identity badge and EFNI 2015 Programme Guide. • Panellists can obtain their badges and information materials at the Information Point in the Sheraton Hotel foyer. ADMISSION TO CONFERENCE VENUES All conference venues have restricted access. Admission is only for those who hold an EFNI identity badge bearing their name and photograph. • Please have the identity badge on you in a visible spot, as without it you will be unable to take part in the EFNI programme events and artistic events, or have meals. • A replacement badge can be issued, upon payment of an additional charge at the EFNI Reception. | 82 WWW.EFNI.PL | Practical information EFNI ZONE NEW IDEAS PAVILION New Ideas Pavilion – constructed especially for the needs of EFNI directly on Sopot beach, between the Sofitel Grand and Sheraton hotels. • It will be the venue of the Opening and Closing Galas, as well as the Thursday Networking Evening and plenary sessions. • An EFNI Information Point has also been set up at the pavilion. Gulf of Gdansk Beach Starbucks Coffee innoCAFE New Ideas Pavilion Citi Handlowy Pier Skwer Kuracyjny (Curative Square) Sofitel Grand Hotel Bays of Dialogue Sheraton Sopot Hotel Rotunda Vinoteque InAzia Sheraton Conference Centre EFNI Reception North Park Powstanców Warszawy Street InnoCafe, a beach coffee shop, is located in the direct vicinity of the EFNI Pavilion. Come join ARP and NCBR for talks on new technologies and more, always in an innovative atmosphere and over delicious coffee. There is also another café, Starbucks Coffee. Citi Handlowy, close to the New Ideas Pavilion. — View from New Ideas Pavilion | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 83 | Practical information SHERATON CONFERENCE CENTRE • EFNI Reception is situated on the ground floor and this is where attendees should register • Panel discussions, presentation of reports as well as business breakfasts and lunches will be held in the rooms on the first floor • The spacious foyer on the Centre's first floor houses TV studios, the EFNI bookshop, the Press Bay and the Computer Bay. This is where meetings with book authors will be held • Lunch will be served on the first floor of the Centre InAzia Vasco da Gama Panellists’ Room Columbus B Columbus A Columbus C+D SHERATON CONFERENCE CENTRE Lunch Area Marco Polo FIRST FLOOR ROTUNDA and INAZIA restaurants and VINOTEQUE club at the Sheraton Hotel (note: entrance from Plac Kuracyjny) will be the locations of Night Owl Discussions. Business breakfasts and lunches will take place at the SOFITEL GRAND SOPOT HOTEL. The EFNI Press Centre is also located here. Press Office Ball Room SOFITEL GRAND HOTEL Library SKWER KURACYJNY – is the venue of meetings which are part of the Bays of Dialogue, open to city residents and tourists. | 84 WWW.EFNI.PL | Practical information COMMUNICATION WITH ATTENDEES We will send you important information about the current programme and organisational matters by email (to the address you gave when registering), by text messages, and via the EFNI mobile app. EFNI MOBILE APPLICATION We strongly encourage you to download the mobile application. This tool will enable you e.g. to follow EFNI programme events, vote, comment on discussions during sessions and panels, and receive the latest news. The app also gives you access to the list of EFNI attendees and facilitates contact with them. The app, available for smartphones and tablets, allows you to plan your time at EFNI more effectively and create your individual programme. FUNCTIONS OF THE APPLICATION • add programme events to your calendar on your smartphone or tablet • express your opinions in interactive surveys carried out during EFNI • ask panellists questions – the most popular questions will be discussed during individual events • express your opinions about the Forum (survey) • view the list of EFNI attendees, searching by name, company and position • get in touch and arrange meetings with other logged in app users INSTALLING THE APPLICATION To install the application on your smartphone or tablet equipped with iOS or Android: • open Google Play or App Store on your smartphone or tablet • search for EFNI 2015 by keyword • download the EFNI 2015 application (it will save automatically on the desktop of your phone or tablet) • open the application If you are using a different operating system, you can download the app through the website. Download EFNI 2015 app for iOS | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 Download EFNI 2015 app for Android Use EFNI 2015 app on-line 85 | Practical information COMMENTING ON SESSIONS AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS, VOTING We rely very much on your active participation in all the programme events. For each session and panel discussion, we have planned a Q&A slot and time for discussion with the panellists. You can also use the EFNI mobile application on your smartphone or tablet for this purpose. With this app you can comment on plenary sessions or panels on the fly as well as ask questions. Selected comments and questions will be displayed on a screen on the stage. The EFNI 2015 mobile application will also be used to vote on topics discussed during Forum programme events. Their results will be displayed on the screen in real time. — EFNI: an excellent opportunity to talk CONFERENCE LANGUAGE Programme events are held in English or Polish. We provide simultaneous interpretation during all plenary sessions and panel discussions. During Breakfast and Lunch Debates, discussions at tables are held in Polish or in English, only the summary of the discussion is interpreted. Night Owl Discussions are held in Polish or in English, and no interpretation is provided. NETWORKING We know that our attendees consider direct conversations and business contacts very important. We have therefore planned events to foster this type of interaction. We would like to encourage you to participate in the Opening and Closing Galas. All EFNI attendees are welcome. We would also like to invite you to the Networking Evening on Thursday and to Inspirations on Friday morning. The latter is a meeting where you will have the opportunity to talk face to face to Polish business leaders. If you would like to contact other Forum attendees, please use the messaging function of the EFNI application. INTERNET ACCESS An open WiFi network will be available at the New Ideas Pavilion and at the Sheraton Conference Centre. At the Sofitel Grand Hotel you can use the hotel's network. COMPUTER BAY You will find computer workstations on the first floor of the Sheraton Conference Centre. They will help those who left their laptops at home stay in touch with the world. You are welcome to read international news, send emails, and print out essential materials. | 86 WWW.EFNI.PL | Practical information EFNI BOOKSHOP Each year, EFNI panellists and attendees include distinguished authors of inspiring publications. Many of them are available from the EFNI bookshop on the first floor of the Sheraton Conference Centre. We encourage you to buy the books: you will easily be able to get autographs from their authors. This year, the available titles will include the newly-released Alfabet Amerykański (American Alphabet) by Andrzej Lubowski. A meeting with the author will take place at the Press Bay, next to the EFNI bookshop (1 October, 14:30). — The panellists' books are available from the EFNI bookshop PRESS BAYS We have created Press Bays at the Sheraton Conference Centre. Seated in comfortable sofas and armchairs, you can browse dailies, weeklies, and monthlies. These will include: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Gazeta Wyborcza, Parkiet, Puls Biznesu, Bloomberg BusinessWeek Polska, Newsweek, Warsaw Business Journal Observer, The Warsaw Voice, Forbes, Liberté! and Odpowiedzialny Biznes. Kompendium CSR. — EFNI Press Bays The Press Bay will also house an Onet multimedia point. France 24 television will broadcast from there. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 87 | Practical information SURVEY We rely on your opinions about EFNI The Millward Brown Institute for Market advanced quality research, media – both regarding the programme and and Public Opinion Research is the research, and digital and on-line organisational matters. Please provide largest marketing pollster in Poland research. your input in the survey, organised this and all of Central and Eastern Europe. year in cooperation with Millward Brown It specialises in mass communication Poland. research, brand asset valuation, Surveying the attendees' opinion on EFNI 2015 will take place in two stages: • During EFNI, at the exit directly after each programme event interviewers will ask you to evaluate the given event on a tablet. • After EFNI, when you will receive an electronic survey asking for your general opinion about the Forum. The surveys are an important source of information to us and your remarks will be considered for the next edition of EFNI. — Media reporting on EFNI TRANSPORT TO AND FROM THE AIRPORT Free buses and minibuses marked with the EFNI logo will leave from the L. Wałęsa Airport in Gdańsk and drop you off at Sopot hotels: Haffner, Sofitel Grand and Sheraton. Buses and minibuses operate in the following hours: • 30 October (Wednesday) • 1 October (Thursday) 13:00 – 22:30 8:30 – 18:30 • 2 October (Friday) 8:30 – 18:30 On 3 October (Saturday) buses and minibuses will leave from the Sheraton Hotel for L. Wałęsa Airport between 6:00 and 14:00. You will find exact schedules at the reception desks of the hotels. Minibuses marked with the EFNI logo will leave from the train station in Sopot for the following hotels: Haffner, Sofitel Grand and Sheraton. Minibuses operate in the following hours: • 30 October (Wednesday) 13:45 – 21:00 | 88 • 1 October (Thursday) 10:00 – 19:00 • 2 October (Friday) 10:00 – 19:00 WWW.EFNI.PL | Practical information — EFNI guests taking a rickshaw ride SAVE TIME WITH A RICKSHAW As is now our tradition, rickshaws marked with the EFNI logo will provide a (free of charge) shuttle service in the EFNI zone, between the Sheraton Conference Centre, New Ideas Pavilion and Sofitel Grand hotel. This is their only route. Rickshaws operate in the following hours: • 30 October (Wednesday) 18:00 – 22:00 • 1 October (Thursday) 9:30 – 23:00 • 2 October (Friday) 9:30 – 23:00 VEHICLE OF THE FUTURE Take BMW Group Polska up on their offer and go for a test drive in a vehicle of the future: the electric BMW i3. This is an emission-free car that ensures a comfortable and almost silent ride. Its innovative eDrive power unit has been developed with BMW EfficientDynamics technology. The BMW information point has been set up opposite the main entrance of the Sheraton Conference Centre. MEALS Lunch for EFNI attendees is served at Dinners on Wednesday (30 September) On Thursday evening (1 October) there the Sheraton Conference Centre on 1 and and Friday (2 October) are a part of the will be a barbecue. The barbecue will be 2 October between 13:30 and 15:00. Galas held at the New Ideas Pavilion. a part of the Networking Evening. Attendance is possible upon prior confirmation. — EFNI: an opportunity to talk DRESS CODE For the EFNI Opening and Closing Galas we recommend evening wear. Business casual will be the most appropriate for other events, including programme events. An exception is Thursday evening; we suggest casual wear. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 89 | Practical information — Aleksander Dębicz MUSIC Aleksander Dębicz, a Polish pianist and improviser proficient in many musical styles, will perform at the Opening Gala. ALEKSANDER DĘBICZ He is a graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and a laureate of many Polish and foreign music competitions. He has performed in Poland and abroad, including Germany, France, Romania, Italy and Austria. His debut record Cinematic Piano, released by Warner Classics, is proof of his passion for film music and improvisation, as well as of his composing talent. The musical explorations of Aleksander Dębicz involve not only solo performances, but also chamber music. He works with singers and vocalists from the popular music scene. He also participates in projects revolving around the stylistics of jazz and pop. THE SCHWINGS JAZZ TRIO On Thursday night, the Lithuanian band The Schwings will On Friday night, the Jazz Trio band will perform. perform music that will draw the guests to the dance floor. This extraordinary group is made up of graduates of the The band plays a combination of swing, vintage happy jazz, and gypsy jazz. The Schwings are unique for their authenticity, remarkable sound, and exceptional rapport with the audience. What defines them is the pulsing rhythm, the emotions, and the surprising combination of instruments. — The Schwings band | 90 prestigious Jazz Institute in Katowice. It was started by one of the extraordinarily talented Polish saxophonists, Daniel Polkowski. The Jazz Trio tastefully combines modern lounge with swing and soul from the '50s, '60s and '70s. They have performed at numerous prestigious events. — Jazz Trio WWW.EFNI.PL | Practical information — From the exhibition MARE NOSTRUM EXHIBITION Each year, EFNI is accompanied by a theme exhibition, open to He began work on Mare Nostrum in 2014, following Italian navy EFNI attendees, city residents, and tourists. This year, we are vessels on rescue operations involving African immigrants. showcasing Mare Nostrum, a cycle of photographs by Massimo Sestini, an Italian photographer who has been documenting important events for over 30 years. The photographs show African refugees trying to make their way to Europe illegally. Men, women and children who have embarked on a dangerous journey for a new life. — From the exhibition | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 91 | ORGANIZERS AND PARTNERS Organizers and partners ORGANIZER Polish Confederation Lewiatan is a nation-wide representation of employers to the state and trade unions. Today it is an organization of 57 sector and regional associations of private employers and 26 individual members. Thus in total there are about 3,900 companies employing over 900,000 workers. Lewiatan runs its offices in Warsaw and Brussels and employs professionals experienced in a wide range of issues such as: labour relations, macroeconomics, small and medium-sized enterprises sector and the European Union. The confederation participates in social dialogue, taking part in The Council for Social Dialogue. Polish Confederation Lewiatan contributes to many international activities and as the only Polish member of BUSINESSEUROPE is able to influence regulations at the international level. Henryka Bochniarz, President of Polish Confederation Lewiatan, holds the position of Vice President of BUSINESSEUROPE. CO-ORGANIZERS BUSINESSEUROPE is the leading advocate for pro-growth public policy at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and actively campaigning on the issues that most influence their competitiveness. BUSINESSEUROPE speaks for all-sized enterprises in 34 European countries, whose national business federations are its direct members. The organization is also a European social partner, recognised as the continent’s leading business voice. The current president of BUSINESSEUROPE is Ms Emma Marcegaglia, chief executive of Marcegaglia Group, a leading international steel processing company, headquartered in Italy. The director general is Mr Markus Beyrer, who leads the team of advocacy professionals at the BUSINESSEUROPE offices in Brussels. For full information, visit the corporate website at Sopot is a modern resort with traditions. It has gained its magical climate from the very beginning of its existence not only from its unique location on the seacoast as well as art nouveau spas and villas, but also from an atmosphere of entertainment and elegance that was brought by the famous guests. Sopot managed to maintain its pre-war melancholy while fostering dynamic growth to make it a city with numerous attractions. All of this is thanks to a rich cultural program and new opportunities created by bold investments. Sopot is not just beautiful beaches and the sea with the longest pier in Europe, but also one of Poland’s most popular promenades, Bohaterów Monte Cassino commonly known as Monciak, picturesque moraine hills and finally numerous parks and trees enveloping the whole town in greenery. Sopot offers over 200 clubs, pubs, discotheques, restaurants, including ones that are famous and legendary. INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS The European Commission (EC) is one of the main European Union institutions. It is a politically independent executive body which promotes the general interest of the EU by proposing and enforcing legislation as well as by implementing policies and the EU budget. In Poland the Commission has two Representations, in Warsaw and Wrocław. More about us: The Industrial Development Agency Joint Stock Company (IDA JSC), founded in 1991, is owned by the State Treasury. Its objective is to respond to the needs of the Polish economy. In the 1990s, it saved thousands of jobs by modernizing large and medium-sized companies. Today, the IDA JSC is a dynamic business based on three core elements: innovation, restructuring, and investments. | 94 WWW.EFNI.PL | Organizers and partners NCBR is an executive agency of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, responsible for financial support to R&D sector in Poland. Through tailored programs NCBR invests in R&D units and innovative enterprises. By means of public-private partnership NCBR creates seed and venture capital funds to accelerate development of the startup ecosystem. STRATEGIC PARTNERS MetLife, founded in 1868, is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world and a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In Poland, MetLife began its operations in 1990 as the first insurance company with foreign capital on the Polish market. The company offers individual and group life insurance, pension and investment funds, and is ranked 3rd in terms of life insurance market share. PKN ORLEN is a leader of Central and Eastern Europe's refining and petrochemical industry, operating the largest chain of service stations in the region. ORLEN has been consistently developing the hydrocarbon exploration and production segment in Poland and, as the owner of ORLEN Upstream Canada, has also gained a foothold in one of the world's most technologically advanced hydrocarbon production markets in North America. At the same time, ORLEN is building assets and competence in gas-fired co-generation, which is to improve fuel and petrochemicals production efficiency and boost energy sales. The Group's flagship power sector investments are the CCGT units in Włocławek and Płock, which are expected to raise ORLEN's generation capacity by 1.1 GWe by 2017. The PZU Group is one of the largest financial institutions in Poland and Central Eastern Europe. It is a Polish company which has foreign branches in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine. The PZU Group offers the widest range of products on the Polish insurance market. Every second person in Poland with insurance has bought their policy through PZU. In addition to the dynamically developing insurance business, the PZU Group also manages pension funds, investment funds and savings plan programmes. PZU Group currently ensures safety and financial stability of 16 million clients. The PZU Group meets the highest standards of corporate responsibility and sustainability management. This has been acknowledged by the PZU Group’s presence in the RESPECT Index – the first CSR index in Central and Eastern Europe on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Totalizator Sportowy is one of the most recognizable Polish companies which has been operating for almost 60 years in the market of number games and money lotteries. We possess over 14,000 sale outlets in the online system. We are a socially responsible company that continues to evolve to remain a step ahead of the needs of the market and clients, while at the same time being committed to full safety of the products offered. We are pleased that due to Totalizator Sportowy, scores of Poles could and still can enjoy their wins. Hundreds, if not thousands could accomplish their most daring dreams, and millions have used sport facilities that could only be erected thanks to funds allocated by the company. Dziennik Gazeta Prawna is an opinion-forming Polish legal and economic daily newspaper. It was established in 2009 as a fusion of two well-known newspapers: Dziennik Polska Europa Świat (Axel Springer Polska) and Gazeta Prawna (INFOR Biznes). At present INFOR Biznes is the publisher of DGP. Dziennik Gazeta Prawna is composed of two paper backs – the white one is on country and economic matters and the yellow one is on law. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 95 | Organizers and partners Grupa, founded in 1996, is one of the most recognizable media companies and a leading online publisher in Poland. The company is a part of Ringier Axel Springer Media group, and its online services are visited every month by over 15.5 million users. offers a variety of internet services, covering different topics. Grupa includes also a big porfolio of strong brands, e.g. – one of the biggest Polish social networks, price comparison service Ską, leading dating website, business location service, strong video brands, such as and and the entertaining Telewizja Polska SA – as a Treasury-owned joint-stock company – is a public broadcaster operating under the Radio and Television Act. The portfolio of Telewizja Polska features 13 programmes, including four in HD quality. These programmes are: TVP 1 HD, TVP 2 HD, TVP Regionalna, TVP INFO, TVP Polonia, TVP Kultura, TVP Sport HD, TVP Historia, TVP HD, TVP Seriale, TVP Rozrywka, TVP ABC and Belsat TV. There are also web channels, such as TVP Parlament, and special occasional programmes made available on mobile devices and via hybrid television. As the only broadcaster in Poland, TVP broadcasts a regional programme, TVP Regionalna, which consists of 16 Regional Branches of TVP. OPENING GALA PARTNER Bank Pekao S.A. is one of the largest financial institutions in Europe. Pekao has been awarded with many prestigious prizes for innovative solutions - Bank was awarded “Most innovative Bank in CEE & CIS” by EMEA Finance magazine. For 17 years, Pekao has been a Banker of WOŚP – the biggest charity organization in Poland. It supports young artists via “Pekao Project Room” and in 2015 committed to “Social StartUp” social entrepreneurship development project in Poland. MAIN PARTNERS The BMW Group with its three brands: BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles as well as provider of financial and mobility services. The company's success is based on long-term thinking and responsible action, including ecological and social sustainability, product responsibility and commitment to conserving resources. is a business medium, offering every day dozens of unique articles, analyses, comments, created by experienced journalists and experts, available on smartphones, tablets and computers. offers also a variety of tools, e.g. stock quotes, investments portfolios, alerts for companies, and a virtual stock exchange game. Citi Handlowy (Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA) combines the Polish banking tradition with cutting-edge solutions. Being a part of Citi – one of the biggest global financial institutions – it actively supports foreign expansion of its clients (Emerging Market Champions Program). The Bank remains a strong credit-card market and private banking leader and it is the first institution in Poland to launch and implement the Smart Banking concept. Discovery NETWORKS CEEMEA, a division of Discovery Communications, the world’s #1 pay-TV programmer reaching nearly 3 billion cumulative subscribers in more than 220 countries. For 30 years Discovery has been dedicated to satisfying curiosity and entertaining viewers through its global television brands, led by Discovery Channel, TLC, ID, Animal Planet and Discovery Science. The company controls Eurosport International. FORBES is the biggest and the most prestigious business monthly magazine in Poland. We interview business leaders, present their activities, analyse macroeconomic trends and publish unique rankings. Each issue of FORBES is a source of inspiration and explains the world of business. FORBES makes great reading. France 24, the international news channel, gives a different perspective to global affairs, in English, French and Arabic. In addition to comprehensive news bulletins every half hour, numerous magazine programs and reports provide the keys to understanding the world. | 96 WWW.EFNI.PL | Organizers and partners Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products, and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. Intel is the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. Intel continues to enable and accelerate the digital revolution, deliver market driving technology and drive new standards. Microsoft is a supplier of services and devices for consumers as well as institutional and commercial clients. Its flagship products include the Windows operating system and Microsoft Office. It has an extensive offer of cloud computing infrastructure, alongside a developer platform and applications in a cloud computing environment. It employs almost 100,000 specialists, including a staff of approx. 350 in Poland. Newsweek Polska is the most popular weekly opinion magazine in Poland. It provides its readers with current overview of politics, economics, science and culture. Newsweek’s trademark is its uncompromised approach to controversial social topics. It was the first weekly opinion magazine in Poland available for both tablets and smartphones. Orange Polska is a leading provider of telecommunications services in Poland and one of the largest telecommunications operators in Central Europe. OPL has the biggest technical infrastructure which supports the provision of services from the scope of the fixed and mobile telephony and data transmission. On that base OPL provides the most modern technologies services for up to 20 million customers. Parkiet – nationwide expert daily newspaper which covers topics related to economy, capital market and finance. For over 20 years it has been supporting the decisions of investors and specialists connected to capital market. Available both in paper and electronic edition, as well as via mobile application and website. PKP S.A. plays a dominant role in the PKP Group, operating in the scope of management and owner supervision of the capital group’s subsidiaries. It is also one of the largest real estate owners in Poland with 100,000 real estates under management. PKP S.A. carries out the privatization processes of the PKP Group companies. Silvermedia is an innovative IT company whose mission is to transfer the achievements of Polish science into the business. The company is the author of unique solutions for screening examinations, telemedicine and telecare using proprietary, biomedical signal evaluation algorithms, supporting the patient's diagnostic process. SUPPORTING PARTNERS AMS is the largest out of home advertising house in Poland. We deal in the traditional and digital OOH advertising. We provide our clients with efficient marketing campaigns planned and executed on our own modern tools encompassing more than 28,000 adv. panels. Over 100 pages full of valuable business information, professional analyses and expert commentaries. Bloomberg BusinessWeek Polska will provide you with the knowledge essential when making key financial decisions. Get to know the profiles of acknowledged entrepreneurs, as well as the strategies of business activities and economic phenomena. Gazeta Wyborcza is the most often bought and read quality newspaper in Poland. It was founded in 1989. Nowadays Gazeta Wyborcza can be read in traditional paper form and online – in its e-editions, at and by means of mobile appliances. Havas Worldwide in Poland – award-winning leader in marketing communications, PR, content marketing, as well as activation and digital services. Using creativity, media and innovation, it specializes in creating meaningful connections between people and brands. Liberté! is the liberal magazine and think tank. Our mission is to be a spokesman for open society and liberal economic ideas as well as to organize a social movement around these ideas. Liberté! is published by Fundacja Industrial from Lodz. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 97 | Organizers and partners McCANN Worldgroup Poland is a group of companies offering full spectrum of modern marketing-mix services: advertising, digital, shopper, field & event marketing, PR and production. In Poland, we have been co-creating and developing the advertising market since its inception, which is for more than 20 years. Warsaw Business Journal Observer is an English-language business monthly in Poland. Since 1994 it has been a key resource for high-level English speakers conducting business in Poland and abroad. Polish Press Agency is Poland’s largest news agency. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, over 200 journalists, 40 photojournalists and more than 10 camera operators prepare news bulletins used by media, institutions, state agencies and businesspeople. Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA is the leader in the Polish natural gas market. The company’s business comprises exploration for and production of natural gas and crude oil, import, storage, sale and distribution of gas and liquid fuels, as well as heat and electricity generation. PAESE offers an excellent location combined with complete infrastructure, where economic activity can be conducted on preferential conditions. PSEZ staff members are experienced in cooperation with foreign investors and management of industrial areas and EU projects. Puls Biznesu – the most opinion-forming business medium in Poland. Every information in Puls Biznesu is useful. We give our readers the tool that guides them and helps to achieve business success. Starcom MediaVest Group (SMG) creates effective business solutions in marketing communications. Part of Publicis group, SMG was ranked as the most effective agency in Poland in the Effie Global Index 2015. The Association of Private Employers in Energy Industry speaks on behalf of private investors in the areas of electricity, heat and gas production and trade as well as conventional and renewable energy industry. It has been a member of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan since 2005. The Digital Technology Employers’ Association Lewiatan is a business association gathering the most active companies in digital economy sector. It focuses on market development and transformation of the modern economy, working with government administration and economy leaders. PAESSE unites companies active in the field of prospecting and exploring natural resources. The main goals of the Association are the protection of employers’ rights, the representation of their interests, and striving to improve conditions for business activity. Transport and Logistics Poland (TLP) Employers’ Association brings together the leaders of the transport, logistics, and shipping sector, as well as its support businesses. TLP represents the shared interests of its members and works to create a good image of Polish road transport. KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS Ashoka is a global organisation which supports social innovators. It contributes to reduction of poverty, improvements in access to and quality of education and healthcare, greater transparency of public authorities, and better integration within societies. Aspen Institute Prague is the Central European branch of the global think tank network. It provides a nonideological and non-partisan venue for interdisciplinary cooperation and discussion for decision-makers in business, science, arts, politics, sports, and NGOs. | 98 WWW.EFNI.PL | Organizers and partners The Centre for International Relations is an independent non-governmental think-tank dedicated to the study of international relations. CIR carries out its own research projects, drafts reports and analytical papers, and participates in international projects. demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy is an independent international research institution which aims to provide strategic insights into key aspects of functioning of the European Union and to formulate answers to the challenges facing the European Union. ECFR is an award-winning international think tank that engages in independent research on relevant international policy issues, providing a platform for European policy-makers, intellectuals and experts to debate and share opinions. ISP is an independent think tank engaged in conducting scientific research, drafting expert opinions, and offering recommendations for public and governmental institutions. It contributes to improvement of the quality of life in Poland and to strengthening the international position of the country. POLITYKA INSIGHT is Poland’s first centre for policy analysis, providing daily economic and political analyses. Our subscribers include Cabinet ministers, chief executives of leading companies and ambassadors accredited to Poland. We publish in English as well. The foundation Res Publica Nowa is the publisher of Res Publica Nowa and a think tank with a focus on international politics, urban policy and cultural policy. It is also the publisher of Visegrad Insight and Magazyn Miasta magazines. THINKTANK is a centre for dialogue and analysis with a focus on boosting public debate in Poland. It offers a centre for dialogue and analysis platform for sharing insights and opinions for the leaders of business and administration. It engages in research and drafts reports and analytical papers. It is also the publisher of THINKTANK magazine. Global Compact Poland is a network of UN Global Compact: largest global initiative of the UN SecretaryGeneral, devising practical business operations around the world based on UN standards. It brings together more than 12,000 companies and institutions in 145 countries. The World Academy of Art and Science is composed of 730 individual Fellows from diverse cultures, nationalities, and intellectual disciplines. It serves as a forum to discuss the vital problems of humankind independent of political boundaries or limits. LOGISTIC PARTNERS Gdansk Lech Walesa Airport is one of the fastest growing airports in the European Union. This was possible thanks to the wide route network and the highest quality services. OFFICIAL CARRIER LOT Polish Airlines is one of the five oldest airlines in the world, which has been in operation since 1929. As the first European airline, LOT introduced Boeing 787 to its fleet. LOT’s Dreamliners fly to New York, Chicago, Toronto and Beijing. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Since 1997, IDFX Agency has managed over 800 branding and cultural events. Works with the same kind of passion on both small and large scale initiatives. Takes a unique approach to each one of them individually. | THE EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS 2015 99 | EFNI BUREAU – Contact details EFNI DIRECTOR Zbigniew Gajewski e: p: +48 22 55 99 916 MARKETING, PR, PARTNER RELATIONS PROGRAMME, PANELLISTS Dorota Zawadzka head of programme and speaker relations head of marketing, pr and partner relations e: Małgorzata Mierżyńska e: m: +48 660 425 874 m: +48 660 425 839 PUBLIC RELATIONS PANELLISTS PROGRAMME Magdalena Słodownik Adam de Nisau Anna Szmidt pr manager vip & speaker relations manager programme specialist e: e: e: m: +48 660 426 009 m: +48 660 425 981 m: +48 660 426 158 SALES, CUSTOMER CARE PRESS CENTRE PRESS CENTRE Jacek Warszawski Joanna Zaręba Zbigniew Maciąg customer care coordinator head of press centre pr specialist e: e: e: m: +48 660 425 712 m: +48 602 257 022 m: +48 604 589 080 | 100 WWW.EFNI.PL | EFNI 2015 ORGANIZERS AND PARTNERS Organizer co-organizers Honorary Patronage Institutional Partners Honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Strategic Partners Opening gala partner Main Partners Supporting Partners Knowledge Partners centre for dialogue and analysis OFFICIAL CARRIER EXECUTIVE PRODUCER SOPOT The European Forum for New Ideas is held in Sopot, one of the most picturesque Polish resorts by the Baltic Sea. For the duration of the conference, New Ideas Pavilion CONTACT European Forum For New Ideas Polish Confederation Lewiatan is built directly on the beach for that occasion. Forum ul. Zbyszka Cybulskiego 3 participants also use the conference centre located in 00 –727 Warszawa the state-of-the-art Sheraton hotel and the rooms at the Grand hotel. EFNI’s location near the international Gdańsk airport, near one of the largest railway hubs in Poland, as well as near the newly commissioned A1 motorway is an additional asset. © Polish Confederation Lewiatan Prepared by EFNI Bureau Design and layout: SOJUZ