Data Warehouse Phase 2 set-up and data offer
Data Warehouse Phase 2 set-up and data offer
Data Warehouse Phase 2 set-up and data offer Bianca Hoersch, Veronique Amans, Jolyon Martin, Lena Stern, Silke Bode, Luc Govaert Content 1. Background & Introduction to Copernicus Data Access 2. DWH Phase 2: 2014-2020 data offer 3. DWH Phase 2: 2014-2020 - Access rights & Licenses 1. Background & Introduction to Copernicus Data Access Data Access to Contributing MissionsContext Objectives of the Copernicus Data Access Project • Ensure comprehensive and sustainable supply of EO data in response to the Copernicus service needs (during 20142020), with Copernicus Contributing Missions complementing the Sentinels. • Provide harmonised access to data from different sources, ensuring seamless access to different EO data. 1. Procure EO data from Copernicus Contributing Missions (CCMs) for usage by eligible Copernicus Services projects (CSPs) 2. Provide the procured data via the Coordinated Data access System (CDS) using defined operational scenarios to ensure reliable and controlled data flow, including establishing and maintaining technical interfaces of CCMs towards this system 3. Ensure EO data quality and service performance Phases & funding of Data Access (DA) Ext 97 M Mar 15 May 14 Nov 14 Jun 11- ESA/EU GMES Delegation Agreement Ext DA Grant Sep 11 Ext 2007-Sep 2010 48 M 187 M+ May 2013 User hearing Apr 2015– Dec 2020 DWH V2.0 Mar 2014 MFF/Ops Phase EU-ESA Copernicus Agreement p g Eligible users in the context of Copernicus Contributing Missions in DWH Phases Grant: 2008‐2011 Phase 1: 2011‐2014 1. Participants to a 1. Participants to a project financed project financed under FP7 under FP7 (includes Copernicus services) 2. Institutions and bodies of the EU (few 2. Institutions and datasets) bodies of the EU 3. Public authority 4. International Organisations and NGOs 5. Public Phase 2: 2014‐2020 1. Copernicus services 2. Institutions and bodies of the Union 3. Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programs (FP7/H2020 Space) 4. Public authority 5. International organisations & NGOs 6. Public 7. Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programs (FP7/H2020 non‐Space) Two Dataset types, and 3 Access types = continuity of previous phase 1. CORE datasets: continuous data delivery from systematic missions, predefined large coverages or regular repetitive coverages, to serve a large variety of Service providers; 2. ADDITIONAL datasets: 40 data type categories to meet specific requirements of Copernicus Users; “on‐demand” datasets, activated through ordering by Users who are granted a quota. A. B. C. DISCOVERY : search for spatial datasets and services on the basis of the content of the corresponding metadata and display of the content of the metadata. VIEW : The VIEW service shall make possible, as a minimum, to display, navigate, zoom in/out, pan, or overlay viewable spatial data sets and to display legend information and any relevant content of metadata DOWNLOAD : access to full products as supplied by CCMs, to process to higher levels. Copernicus Contributing Missions Envisat SPOT (VGT) PROBA-V Ikonos WV-1/2/-3 GE-1 Quickbird IRS-P6/P5 DMC ALOS Deimos Landsat COSMO Skymed TerraSAR–X Tandem-X Pléiades SPOT-4-7 RapidEye Envisat Radarsat ERS-2 For 2014‐2020 more missions will join, e.g. PAZ, 11 European/Canadia Ingenio, Risat, Blacksky and n Entities (+ their partners) others. …and related In total access to >100 ground segments, operations, (physical) satellites procured infrastructure Cryosat Jason + data policies via 11 contracts … Atmospheric missions Proba MetOp Meteosat ODIN 2nd Gen. GOSAT Scisat 2. DWH Phase-2: 2014-2020 data offer CORE datasets procured during DWH Phase 2: 2014-2020 CORE Description (short) HR_IMAGE_2015 2 high-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within vegetation season 2014-2015 (Spot-5, Resourcesat) HR_IMAGE_2018 systematic Sentinel-2 data supply assumed VHR_IMAGE_2015 1 very high resolution coverage 2014-2016 (<=1m pan, ±2m MS) (Pleiades, GE-1, WV-2, WV-3, Deimos-2) VHR_IMAGE_2018 TBD (New ITT in 2016 possibly incl. VHR_IMAGE_2021) MR_IMAGE_2015 Resourcesat 8 monthly coverages in 2014 (systematic Sentinel-2 data supply assumed) MR_IMAGE_2018 systematic Sentinel-2/-3 data supply assumed HR1_OPT_GLOBAL systematic Sentinel-2 data supply assumed HR2_OPT_GLOBAL systematic Sentinel-2 data supply assumed MR_OPT_GLOBAL/LR_OPT_GLOBAL Proba-V, systematic Sentinel-3 data supply assumed HR2-MR1/LR_SAR_GLOBAL/ systematic Sentinel-1 data supply HR2-MR1_SAR_Sea_Ice systematic Sentinel-1 data supply, complemented by Radarsat, TerraSar-X, Cosmo Skymed EUR_HR2_MULTITEMP Deimos-1, DMCII UK-2 (7 monthly coverages Apr-Oct 2015) VHR1-2_Urban_Atlas_2011-2013 295 LUZ (AoI of 2010 before extension) 40cm WV-2, 8-band e.g. HR_IMAGE_2015 = pro-active planning by CCMs in 2014 Airbus DS Geo S.A. has speculatively acquired 86% of Europe in 2014 with Spot-5 GAF speculative with Resourcesat: COV#1 = narrow window achieved at 65% COV#2 = 6 weeks away from COV#1 achieved at 21% e.g. VHR_IMAGE_2015: contributions from 3 CCMEs with up to 6 satellites in VHR1 pan & VHR2 MS (±2m GSD), during 2014-2016! [Please note some errors in shapefiles to be resolved with EEA] e.g. VHR_IMAGE_2015: Airbus DS GEO SA status end 2014 (Pleiades) & EUSI (WV-2/-3, GE-1) Airbus DS Geo S.A.: 17% of their large regions EUSI: 4 large regions complete (pink) CORE datasets procured/accessible from previous Phases (Grant: 2008-2011 & DWH Phase 1: 2011-2014) CORE Description (short) IMAGE 2006 2 high-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within vegetation season 20052007 (Spot, Resourcesat) IMAGE 2009 2 high-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within vegetation season 20082010 (Resourcesat, some Spot) DWH_MG2_CORE_01 - Optical HR Pan EU (IMAGE 2012) 2 high-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within vegetation season 20112013 (Resourcesat, Rapideye, some Spot) DWH_MG2b_CORE_03 - Optical VHR2 coverage EU 2011-2013 1 high-resolution coverage of EEA-39 within the years 2011-2013 (Spot-5/-6 pansharp) DWH_MG2-3_CORE_08 - Monthly composites EU 2011-2012 Monthly composites EU 2011-2012 during vegetation period Resourcesat DWH_MG2_CORE_09 - SubSaharan Optical coverage HR2 Sub-Saharan Africa coverage(s) (Deimos, DMC-UK 2) DWH_MG1_CORE_11 - Sea Ice monitoring systematic Envisat data supply, complemented by Radarsat, TerraSarX, Cosmo Skymed DWH_MG2b_CORE_30 - Urban Atlas (2006, 2009) Urban Atlas: SPOT-4/5 with gap filling from QuickBird, RapidEye, IKONOS-2 and ALOS (AVNIR-PRISM). ADDITIONAL datasets definition in DWH requirements document… Additional dataset ID Archive_rush_Optical_HR1 ADD_001a Archive_rush_Optical_HR2 ADD_001b New acquisition_rush_Optical_HR1 ADD_002a New acquisition_rush_Optical_HR2 ADD_002b Archive_rush_Optical_VHR1 ADD_003a Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping Archive_rush_Optical_VHR2 ADD_003b New acquisition_rush_Optical_VHR1 ADD_004a Dataset Title Dataset ID/ Quota New acquisition_rush_Optical_VHR2 ADD_004b (km2) Link to ADD Portfolio content Archive_rush_SAR_HR1 ADD_005a Archive_rush_SAR_HR2 ADD_005b New acquisition_rush_SAR_HR1 ADD_006a Archive_rush_Optical DWH2_MG2_CERM_001a 28,500 New acquisition_rush_SAR_HR2 ADD_006b _HR1 Archive_rush_SAR_VHR1 ADD_007a Archive_rush_SAR_VHR2 ADD_007b New acquisition_rush_SAR_VHR1 Archive_rush_Optical DWH2_MG2_CERM_001b ADD_008a20,250 _HR2 New acquisition_rush_SAR_VHR2 ADD_008b Archive_standard_Optical_HR1 ADD_009a Archive_rush_Optical DWH2_MG2b_CERM_003a Archive_standard_Optical_HR2 ADD_009b 7,500 _VHR1 New acquisition_standard_Optical_HR1 ADD_010a New acquisition_standard_Optical_HR2 ADD_010b Archive_standard_Optical_VHR1 Archive_rush_Optical DWH2_MG2b_CERM_003b ADD_011a27,750 Archive_standard_Optical_VHR2 _VHR2 ADD_011b New acquisition_standard_Optical_VHR1 ADD_012a Archive_Rush_Optica DWH2_MG2_CERM_021a 562,500 New acquisition_standard_Optical_VHR2 ADD_012b l_MR1 Archive_standard_SAR_HR1 ADD_013a Archive_standard_SAR_HR2 ADD_013b New acquisition_standard_SAR_HR1 ADD_014a 2,250 Archive_rush_SAR_ DWH2_MG1_CERM_005a New acquisition_standard_SAR_HR2 ADD_014b HR1 Archive_standard_SAR_VHR1 ADD_015a Archive_standard_SAR_VHR2 ADD_015b77,250 Archive_rush_SAR_ DWH2_MG1_CERM_005b New acquisition_standard_SAR_VHR1 ADD_016a HR2 New acquisition_standard_SAR_VHR2 ADD_016b New acquisition_standard_SAR_MR1 ADD_017a 1,500 Archive_rush_SAR_V DWH2_MG1_CERM_007a New acquisition_standard_SAR_MR2 ADD_017b HR1 New acquisition_standard_Optical_MR1 ADD_018a New acquisition_standard_Optical_MR2 ADD_018b12,750 Archive_rush_SAR_V DWH2_MG1_CERM_007b Archive_standard_SAR_MR1 ADD_019a HR2 Archive_standard_SAR_MR2 ADD_019b Archive_standard_Optical_MR1 ADD_020a A hi t d d O ti l MR2 ADD 020b Envelope (km2) 756000 6804000 1281000 6834000 80100 44000 130500 Dataset Title 393500 144000 1406250 3046500 New 1406250 acquisition_rush_Optical 17380 _HR1 18400 New 66680 acquisition_rush_Optical 403500 _HR2 2088634 New 1845158 acquisition_rush_Optical 17714604 _VHR1 20826001 New 433609 acquisition_rush_Optical 1458368 _VHR2 435223 New 1186724 acquisition_Rush_Optical 198543 _MR1 1978684 467558 New 735608 acquisition_rush_SAR_H 139056 R1 622387 New 232764 acquisition_rush_SAR_H 1489323 R2 7555380 New 4500000 acquisition_rush_SAR_V 6720000 HR1 6720000 New 7555380 acquisition_rush_SAR_V 4500000 HR2 6720000 6720000 Dataset ID/ Link to ADD Port content DWH2_MG2_CERM DWH2_MG2_CERM DWH2_MG2b_CER a DWH2_MG2b_CER b DWH2_MG2_CERM DWH2_MG1_CERM DWH2_MG1_CERM DWH2_MG1_CERM DWH2_MG1_CERM CCMs per ADDITIONAL dataset class* *once all missions launched and interfaces in place 3. DWH Phase-2: 2014-2020 - Access rights & Licenses CORE datasets – Access rights by user categories D ADDITIONAL datasets licences For more info:
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