March 2015 online - Ville de Cornwall
March 2015 online - Ville de Cornwall
March/Mars 2015 lodger TODAY ’S SENIORS LES AINÉS D ’AUJOURD ’HUI THEIR LIFE, THEIR WAY LEUR VIE, LEUR FAÇON D ’ÊTRE WITH OUR HELP AVEC NOTRE AIDE Glen Stor Dun Lodge - Cornwall Compassion: Knowledge Integrity Teamwork Commitment Accountability Compassion: connaissance Integrité collaboration engagement responsabilité A message from Nutrition Care WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU When Rotary Tea Room is full, comfortable additional seating is available for families during mealtime or visiting with your loved ones. Ø Ø Main Floor 2nd Floor Ø Ø 3rd Floor 4th Floor - Library - Dundas and Cornwall Family Rooms - Glengarry Family Room - Seaway Family Room All these rooms are available for your use no matter which floor you live on. MARKETING Meeting l i c n u o C esident month R h day of eac s e u T ber th r Fou ust, Decem g u A , ly Room except Ju otary Tea R . .m a 10:30 Family Counci Third Wednesd l Meeting ay of each mon except July, Au gust, December th 1:30 a.m. - Lib rary tia Care n e m e D e ar p Special C port Grou th p u S y l i Fam mon ach esday of e n d e W t s La 8:00 p.m. o t . .m p 0 6:0 illage Pub V e g d o L Dun Glen Stor SERVICES To advertise in the Lodger call or email Matt Jans at: Ph: 613-543-1981 - Email: Dr. Sylvain Bossé Dre Rebecca Bossé Allan Wilson Ontario Licensed Funeral Director Local People You Know And Trust Dentistes - Dentists 822 Pitt Street, Cornwall 14 Montreal Road 613-938-3888 (613) 938-7560 New patients welcomed Proudly Canadian The Lodger March 2015 Linda Geisel Editor Matt Jans Co-Editor Hanna Shafferman Shareen McNaughton Assitant to the Editor Angel Printing Printing Lodge Volunteers 2 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Admin Corner - Revitalizing the Foundation Life at the Lodge Caregiver Corner - A New Family’s Experience Joyeaux Copains - Fête de la Saint-Patrick Rions/Charades/Quiz Page Pastorale - Prière a Saint Joseph Pastoral Page Special Feature - Rethink Dementia Calendar of Events Best Wishes/Bonne Fête Coming Events Features - Ontario Senior Games Council of Family and Friends A Note of Thanks Art Expression - Brunhild Schierding Solutions/Connections Taste and Tell Funny Page Scoreboard Mental Aerobics Assembly Registered Charity # 86887 6798 RR0001 Subscriptions to The Lodger Glen Stor Dun Lodge 1900 Montreal Road Cornwall, Ontario K6H 7L1 Tel: (613) 933-3384 Fax: (613) 933-7214 ©2015 Glen Stor dun Lodge If you wish to subscribe to The Lodger, send your name, address and payment to: The Lodger, Glen Stor Dun Lodge, 1900 Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 7L1. The rate is $28/year to Canada and $37 to the US, and $45 to other foreign countries. (Cheques payable to the Glen Stor Dun Lodge, please.) Admin Corner REVITALIZING GLEN STOR DUN LODGE FOUNDATION By Linda Geisel After reviewing the Term of Reference, the group struck two committees to set the work of revitalization in motion. The Executive Committee was voted in by the group. Denis Thibault accepted the role of the Chair and Rick Shaver will serve as the Vice-Chair. Paul Scrimshaw was nominated in absentia for the position of Treasurer. The Nominating Committee consists of Bernie Thauvette and Margaret Gordon. Bernie has since then resigned citing his interest lies mainly in the work of the Family Council and the delivery of the popular Millionaire's Club quiz program. On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, a group of interested people met to plan for the revival of the Glen Stor Dun Lodge Foundation. The Foundation was established in 2002 with the goal to generate fund for the support of Residents' quality of life initiatives. The membership drive to recruit Board members continues. Anyone interested in serving on the Glen Stor Dun Lodge F ou n da t i on p l e a se con t a ct N or m Quenneville, Administrator for details. An annual general meeting is being organized and we welcome everyone to attend and learn more about the Foundation. In attendance were original Board members Marg Exley and Gera Leblanc. Joining this steering committee were also Denis Thibault, Rick Shaver, Denise Symington, Margaret Gordon and Bernie Thauvette. Staff members present were Norm Quenneville, Shareen McNaughton and Linda Geisel. Glen Stor Dun Lodge Foundation Annual General Meeting March 24, 2015 at noon Village Pub All are welcome 2 Lodger March 2015 Life at the Lodge Valentine’s Day was made extra special when our young friends from East Front Public School visited. The children brought special craft projects and everyone enjoyed the gathering. Heather Taylor got a hug and a valentine card from this young lady. Marc Dicaire had a surprise visit from his good friend and Physiotherapy Aide Morgan Leroux. Morgan brought a bundle of joy that brought a big smile to Marc's face. Owen, is Morgan's new born son and he is also the grandson of Joanne MacDonald, PTA at the Lodge. Emerson and Lillian Masson were surrounded by these there active spirits. Theresa Lauzon, a new resident to the Lodge, found herself making new friends with these two handsome young lads. What a way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Resident Trivia Games Popular Event There is always a big crowd when it comes to games of all kinds. Trivia games are no exception. Residents are engaged and enjoy the friendly competition. March 2015 Lodger 3 Life at the Lodge Christmas in January Frank and Claire Barry Due to an unforeseen outbreak of influenza, we reluctantly changed our annual Christmas meal to January 30. It turned out to be a successful event and we received many compliments from Residents and guests. In addition to the beautiful seasonal décor, we were visited by Mrs. Claus, aka Cathy Riddel (photo above), who added to the festive atmosphere. (seated) Ivan and Editta Japuncic, standing from left Mira Graystock and Nada Marcellus ’s omeone Make S Day Volunteer! Volunteers needed Ÿ for meal delivery Ÿ minimum once per month Ÿ during lunch hours Ÿ flexible schedule Ÿ mileage is reimbursed Henry and Sheila Kyte 4 Lodger March 2015 Please call 933-3384 ext. 4263 Gerard and Therese St-Amour Gerald and Vi Theoret with Betty Grieco Leila with her daughters Nancy Grant and Cathy Riddell (Mrs. Claus) OVER YEARS Insurance Brokers Courtiers en assurance Locally owned and operated HOME June and Don Appleby with Terry Fairchild BUSINESS AUTO An Independent Insurance Broker Covers You Best 111 Montreal Rd. (613)932-0404 March 2015 Lodger 5 Caregiver Corner The New Family's Experience “A bed at Glen-Stor Dun Lodge is available….you have 24 hours to make your decision…and if you turn the bed down, you get taken off the list for six months, and then have to start the waiting process all over again.” With these words from the worker at the Community Care Access Centre, your family's journey into long-term care begins. You will get a feel for the comings and goings of the home…the schedules, the routines, the activity calendar…how the home functions on a week to week basis. You will learn how to track down lost laundry, solve problems, and who to talk to when your loved one is not eating or sleeping well. You'll get a sense of the expectations of the home, such as how to establish home visits, or how to sign him out for outings or sign him back in upon your return. Somewhere along the way, your relationship with your loved one changed. Somehow your role of caregiver began to take over your role of daughter, son or spouse. Your new role will bring about many changes in your life. Your relationship with your relative will change. You won't be doing the same things for him, nor will you be relating in the same way or having the same responsibilities. How you live your day and plan your time will change. You also will learn about expectations…expectations of the care that the workers will provide for your loved one, and their expectations of you as a family member. You will also evolve as you figure out your new role! Even though your experience is very different—it is different to be the resident as opposed to the family member—you go through the adjustment process at the same time…it is a family journey. You will also have a whole new set of relationships. You will slowly get to know the nurses, the PSWs, the Social Worker, recreation staff and the folks from administration. You will get to know the other residents, their families and the volunteers that add richness to the care at the home. You will also develop a relationship with “the system.” 6 Lodger March 2015 So as you get used to your loved one's new home, you are in the middle of a process, not at the end. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life and in the life of your loved one. You are transitioning, and you will come to face new opportunities and new challenges. Learning who to speak with and building trust and healthy rapport will be critical to your adjustment. by Craig Smith You will also slowly but surely be able to hand over some of the care responsibility and burden as you come to trust and believe in the care that our team is able to provide. You are no longer alone in your care journey…you are bonding with a team that will help you along the way! God Bless… Day Away News Coming Events: Ÿ St-Patrick's Day Celebration Ÿ St-Patrick's Day Baking Ÿ Shamrock Bingo March Birthday Wishes: Ÿ Phyllis Dickson Mar. 21 Ÿ Audrey Macleod Mar. 24 Ÿ Karen Anderson Mar. 28 Red is the Rose Irish love song Red is the rose by yonder garden grows And faire is the lily of the valley Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne But my love is fairer than any. T'was down by Killarney's green woods that we strayed And the moon and the stars they were shinning And the moon shone its rays on her locks of golden hair. And she swore she'd be my love forever. Red is the rose by yonder garden grows And faire is the lily of the valley Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne But my love is fairer than any. It's not for the parting that my sister pains It's not for the grief of my mother It is all for the loss of my bonnie Irish Lassy That my heart is breaking forever. Day Away staff would like to thank all the staff, residents, clients and family members for their support in our National cupcake day sale. With your help we raised a whopping $628.50 to donate to the OSPCA. March 2015 Lodger 7 Joyeux Copains Fête de la Saint-Patrick Le personnage de saint Patrick Évangélisateur de l'Irlande, saint Patrick aurait expliqué le concept de la Sainte Trinité aux Irlandais lors d'un sermon au Roc de Cashel grâce à un trèfle, en faisant ainsi le symbole de l'Irlande (l'emblème officiel du pays étant la harpe celtique). La légende raconte que c'est à ce moment-là qu'il chasse tous les serpents du pays, action qui symbolise la conversion du peuple irlandais les serpents représentent les croyances polythéistes celtiques des irlandais, assimilées à Satan, rendu responsable de l'ignorance du Dieu véritable. Chaque année, les hommes d'Irlande mettent un trèfle à la boutonnière pour se souvenir de cet enseignement. Saint-David au Pays de Galles, à la SaintAndrew en Écosse ou à la Saint-Yves en Bretagne. Cependant, ce jour du calendrier liturgique n'a jamais fait l'objet d'un acte de la part de l'État irlandais pour en faire sa fête nationale, qui célébrerait la Nation irlandaise. La perception à l'étranger… La fête de Saint-Patrick est célébrée par les Irlandais du monde entier, expatriés ou descendants des nombreux émigrants, et La Saint-Patrick n'est pas la fête nationale Contrairement à une croyance populaire répandue, notamment à cause d'un phénomène de simplification de la part des étrangers et des médias, la Saint-Patrick n'est pas la fête nationale irlandaise. L'État d'Irlande ne possède pas de fête nationale au sens propre du terme (comme le 14 juillet en France, qui a été décrété par l'État français en 1880 et qui célèbre la Nation). Il s'agit d'une fête religieuse adoptée par l'Église chrétienne au début du XVIIe siècle, jour férié en Irlande (Irlande et Irlande du Nord) et dans l'île de Montserrat, et qui est très observée par les Irlandais. Elle est comparable en ce sens à la 8 Lodger March 2015 sa popularité s'étend aujourd'hui vers les non-Irlandais qui participent aux festivités et se réclament « Irlandais pour un jour ». Les célébrations font généralement appel à la couleur verte et à tout ce qui appartient à la culture irlandaise : la fête de SaintPatrick telle que pratiquée aujourd'hui voit les participants, qu'ils soient chrétiens ou pas, porter au moins un vêtement avec du vert, assister à des « parades », consommer des plats et des boissons irlandaises, en particulier des boissons alcoolisées (bières et stout irlandaises, comme la Murphy's, Smithwick's, Harp ou Guinness, ou des whiskeys, des cidres irlandais, des Irish coffee). par Gérard Labrecque RIONS…RIONS…RIONS Un homme avare se balade avec son épouse lorsque celle-ci s'arrête devant une vitrine de robes. Elle est émerveillée par une robe et le fait comprendre à son mari. ŸTu la trouves de ton goût ? Ÿ Oh oui' elle est magnifique. ŸSi tu veux, on reviendra demain et tu pourras encore la regarder. CHARADE A) Mon premier est une note de la gamme. Mon deuxième est l'un des deux parents. Mon troisième est la deuxième personne du singulier. Mon quatrième est un préfixe qui veut dire « de nouveau ». Mon tout est le menu d'un musicien. B) Mon premier est utile pour dormir. Mon deuxième est la première syllabe de « berceau ». Mon troisième est une boisson chaude. Mon tout me permet de faire ce que je veux. PIED PARTOUT Jumeler les explications numérotées avec les expressions de la colonne : 1. hésiter, être incertain de la façon d'agir 2. ne pas bien commencer quelque chose 3. sur le point de partir 4. s'efforcer de tout son possible 5. s'embarrasser 6. geste enfantin pour se moquer 7. être gauche maladroit 8. littéralement, textuellement 9. debout' sorti du lit 10. suspendu de ses fonctions 11. ne pas pouvoir agir 12. reculer, perdre prise a. se mettre les pieds dans un plat b. avoir les pieds dans la même bottine c. être sur pied d. faire des pieds et des mains e. avoir pieds et poings liés f. ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser g. lâcher pied h. être mis à pied i. prendre quelqu'un au pied levé j. au pied de la lettre k. pied de nez l. partir d'un mauvais pied OUI ou NON a. Si je laisse l'eau bouillir 10 min. davantage, sera-t-elle plus chaude? b. S'il fait chaud en été, est-ce parce que la Terre est plus proche du Soleil ? c. Les aurores boréales sont-elle causée par le Soleil sur les glaces ? d. Est-ce qu'une livre de plomb pèse plus qu'une livre de plumes ? e. Est-ce que l'ensemble des étoiles que l'on voit représentent l'ensemble des étoiles qui existent ? March 2015 Lodger 9 Page Pastorale PRIERE A SAINT JOSEPH, POUR LE MOIS DE MARS Préservez-nous, ô Père très aimant, de toute souillure d'erreur et de corruption, soyez-nous favorable, ô notre très puissant libérateur. Du haut du ciel, assistez-nous dans le combat que nous livrons à la puissance des ténèbres ; et de même que vous avez arraché autrefois l'Enfant-Jésus au péril de la mort, défendez aujourd'hui la sainte Eglise de Dieu, des embûches de l'ennemi et de toute adversité. Couvrez chacun de nous de votre perpétuelle protection, afin que, à votre exemple, et soutenus par votre secours, nous puissions vivre saintement, pieusement mourir, et obtenir la béatitude éternelle. Ainsi soit-il. Nous recourons à vous dans notre tribulation, ô bienheureux Joseph : et, après avoir imploré le secours de votre sainte Épouse, nous sollicitons aussi avec confiance votre patronage. Par l'affection qui vous a uni à la Vierge Immaculée, Mère de Dieu ; par l'amour paternel, dont vous avez entouré l'Enfant-Jésus, nous vous supplions de regarder avec bonté l'héritage que JésusChrist a conquis au prix de son sang, et de nous assister de votre puissance et de votre secours, dans nos besoins. Protégez, ô très sage gardien de la divine Famille, la race élue de Jésus-Christ. 10 Lodger March 2015 This is Marc Dicaire's first time visiting the Fitness Centre. He enjoyed it so much that he told everyone about it. Joanne Macdonald the PTA assists with residents to carry out their prescribed therapy assigned by our Physiotherapist. We strive to help residents to maintain mobility, balance, and a good range of motion to help reduce the risk of fall. Pastoral Page Something to think about during Lent.. Love in action Photo courtesy of Timeline Photo One night a man came to our house and told me, “There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten for days,” I took some food and I went. When I finally came to the family, I saw the faces of those little children disfigured by hunger. There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the rice to the mother. She divided it in two, and went out, carrying half the rice with her. When she came back, I asked her, “Where did you go?” She gave me this simple answer, “To my neighbors-they are hungry also.” I was not surprised that she gave–because poor people are generous. But I was surprised that she knew they were hungry. As a rule, when we are suffering, we are so focused on ourselves we have no time for others. -Mother Teresa Church Services for March Mass and/or Catholic Celebration. Every Saturday at 10:00 a.m. March 7 Mgr. Lebrun (bilingual) March 14 to be announced March 21 Fr. Cyriaque Balla (English) March 28 Deacon Roméo Lefebvre Protestant Services Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. March 5 Rev. Russel Bates Pentecostal March 12 Oren and Glenda Cole Salvation Army March 19 The Ven. Frank Kirby Anglican March 26 Hymn Sing Sunday March 29 IN MEMORIAM Residents, staff and volunteers of the Glen Stor Dun Lodge remember our departed residents Hugh McDougald John LeBlanc William Rowe Marie Labelle March 2015 Lodger 11 Special Feature Dementia Caregiver Asks the Community to ReThink Dementia When Ottawa resident Rose Ann's husband was diagnosed with dementia three years ago, the change in their lives was confusing and overwhelming. Nothing can prepare you for what lies ahead," says Rose Ann. "I was exhausted from worry and anticipation of what was next. My husband did not believe there was anything wrong. So it was up to me to get the answers.” The Alzheimer Society was initially Rose Ann's source of information. She accessed helpful education through its First Link® Learning Series, and benefited from a support group especially tailored to wives of people diagnosed with dementia. But like so many other people dealing with dementia, Rose Ann believes that much more needs to be done to spread information about dementia and to help people to understand it. "People need to be better informed to improve the quality of life for those with 12 Lodger March 2015 dementia, and their families. We need to make dementia acceptable in the community, not something to hide!" she says passionately. "Let's show the public how they can help, rather than running away from something they don't understand.” That's why Rose Ann is helping as a volunteer advisor with a new dementia awareness program called ReThink Dementia funded by the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (CLHIN) as part of its Integrated Model of Dementia Care. The ReThink Dementia campaign is a project of the Champlain Dementia Network (CDN) being led by the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County as well as the Alzheimer Society of Cornwall & District. The CDN is reaching out to all the communities in its catchment area (including Cornwall and District, Ottawa, Renfrew County and parts of Lanark and Leeds Grenville) to build awareness of dementia. In a 2015 survey of Champlain area households, 87% of respondents said that they are at least somewhat familiar with the disease called dementia, and about 65% understood that dementia is not a normal part of aging. But less than 50% are confident that there is good support in the community for people living with dementia. Rethink Dementia The ReThink Dementia campaign is designed to enhance the public's understanding of dementia, and to make it easier for people to get information and support when they are dealing with it. It is also designed to increase awareness of brain health, and prevention. The ReThink Dementia campaign will make substantial use of the internet and social media to provide information and sources of support for the public. A pivotal part of the campaign is a concise ReThink Dementia website that will help people to easily find the information they need about dementia. younger generation must take charge. If dementia can be understood, and talked about as openly as cancer is, that will lead us out of the dark ages," she says. "The ReThink Dementia campaign will help to eliminate myths and misconceptions about the disease and make the world a friendlier place for people who are living with dementia.” Visit: or "This is the most effective way for us to spend the limited program resources," says Rose Ann. "This way, we can reach as many people as possible, and measure if we are being successful in getting the message across. The internet is being used more frequently by more people," she says "and it's an easy way to access a lot of information quickly. The website that we've developed is an excellent search tool for people who need answers to their questions. Personally, I don't use social media, but our children and grandchildren do. It's imperative that they have easy access to reliable and up-to-date information about this dreadful disease. As we age, the March 2015 Lodger 13 Sunday Production of The Lodger is made possible by our advertisers and sponsors: Classic Care Pharmacy Marleau Bros. Limited Insurance Brokers Dr. Sylvain Bossé Dr. Rebecca Bossé Dental Surgeons Wilson Funeral Home Roy Florist 09:45 10:45 01:30 03:00 1 Tea & Trivia (3) Super Quiz (Dundas) Wheel of Fortune (4) Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) Tea & Trivia (3) Super Quiz (Dundas) Wheel of Fortune (4) Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) 03:00 Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) 01:30 Wheel of Fortune (4) 10:45 Super Quiz (Dundas) 09:45 Card Club (3) Sunday 09:45 09:45 11:00 10:45 01:30 02:00 03:00 Tea & Trivia (3) Wheel of Fortune (4) Beautiful You (3) Super Quiz (Dundas) Sandbags (4) Afternoon Social (3) Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) 2 10:00 Coffee with Bill (4) 10:00 Balloon Tennis (Cornwall) 10:00 MAP - Balloon Tennis (3) 11:15 Men's Chit Chat (4) 11:20 2nd & 3rd Lunch Bunch 02:30 Bingo (TR) 8 Monday Sunday 09:45 10:45 01:30 03:00 Monday 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:15 02:30 10:00 10:00 10:15 02:00 02:00 04:00 06:45 10:00 10:00 10:15 11:45 02:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 10 MAP-Sandbags (3) Tea & Trivia (Dundas) Fun & Fitness (4) Bistro (TR) Craft (TR) Card Club (4) Rock & Roll (Cornwall) House & Home (Dundas) 16 Tuesday 10:00 Coffee with Bill (4) 10:00 Balloon Tennis (Cornwall) 10:00 MAP - Balloon Tennis (3) 11:20 2nd & 3rd Lunch Bunch 11:15 Men's Chit Chat (4) 02:30 Bingo (TR) 3 MAP-Sandbags (3) Tea & Trivia (Dundas) Fun & Fitness (4) Movie Afternoon (TR) Card Club (4) Rock & Roll (Cornwall) Kinette Bingo (TR) 9 Tuesday Coffee with Bill (4) Balloon Tennis (Cornwall) MAP - Balloon Tennis (3) Men's Chit Chat (4) Bingo (TR) 15 Monday Tuesday 17 10:00 10:00 10:15 11:45 02:00 MAP-Sandbags (3) Tea & Trivia (Dundas) Fun & Fitness (4) Bistro (Cornwall) St. Patty's Day Pub with Georgie (TR) 04:00 Rock & Roll (Cornwall) 06:00 Balloon Tennis (Dundas) Molly Maid McArthur Bros. and MacNeil Funeral Sunday Home Meals on Wheels 09:45 10:45 01:30 03:00 Tea & Trivia (3) Super Quiz (Dundas) Wheel of Fortune (4) Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) Glen Stor Dun Lodge Outreach Services Sunday Angel Printing Matt Jans Marketing 09:45 10:45 01:30 03:00 Thank you 14 Lodger March 2015 Tea & Trivia (3) Super Quiz (Dundas) Sandbags (4) Rock'n Roll (Cornwall) 22 Monday 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:15 02:30 Coffee with Bill (4) MAP - Balloon Tennis (3) Balloon Tennis (Cornwall) Friendly Visits (3) Men's Chit Chat (4) Bingo (TR) 29 Monday 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:15 02:30 23 Tuesday 10:30 Resident Council Meeting (Tea Room) 11:45 Bistro (Cornwall) 02:00 Music with Faye (TR) 04:00 Rock & Roll (Cornwall) 06:00 House & Home (Dundas) 30 Tuesday Coffee with Bill (4) MAP - Balloon Tennis (3) Balloon Tennis (Cornwall) 4th Floor Lunch Bunch Bingo (TR) 24 31 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Silverts Clothing Sale (3rd Floor Gallery) 10:00 MAP-Sandbags (3) 10:00 Tea & Trivia (Dundas) 10:15 Fun & Fitness (4) 11:45 Bistro (Cornwall) 02:00 Music with Mario (TR) 04:00 Rock & Roll (Cornwall) 06:00 House & Home (Dundas) Wednesday 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:15 02:00 02:30 04:30 Millionaires Club (4) Sensory Magic (3) Mustangs (Cornwall) Get Fit (2) Chaplet (Chapel) Bingo (TR) News & Views (Cornwall) Supper Club (Dundas) Wednesday 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:15 02:00 02:30 04:30 4 Thursday Wednesday Millionaires Club (4) Sensory Magic (3) Mustangs (Cornwall) Get Fit (2) Chaplet (Chapel) Singalong with The Hill's Angels (TR) 02:30 News & Views (Cornwall) 04:30 Supper Club (Dundas) 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:15 02:00 02:30 04:30 25 Thursday Millionaires Club (4) Baking (TR) Get Fit (2) Chaplet (Chapel) Bingo (TR) News & Views (Cornwall) Supper Club (Dundas) Legend for location of activities Pub = Village Pub on ground floor TR = Rotary Tea Room on ground floor (2) = on second floor (3) = on thrid floor (4) = on fourth floor 08:00 10:00 10:00 10:15 01:15 02:00 02:00 02:00 04:00 08:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:15 01:15 02:00 02:00 02:00 04:00 08:00 10:00 10:00 10:15 01:15 02:00 02:00 02:00 04:00 March 2015 13 Saturday 14 20 Saturday 21 St. Lawrence Breakfast (TR) 10:00 Mass with MAP-Sandbags (Cornwall) Fr. Cyriaque Balla Roses (Dundas) (Chapel) Beautiful You (3) (in English) Fun & Fitness (4) Bridge (4) 01:30 – 03:30 Darts (Pub) Treat Trolley Treat Trolley (3) (Cornwall/Dundas) Treat Trolley (4) Rock & Roll (Cornwall) 26 Friday 09:30 Liturgy of the Word with Communion (4) 10:00 Care Conferences (2/4) 11:00 Hymn Sing (Chapel) 11:45 Bistro (TR) 02:00 Birthday Party with Rick (TR) 04:00 Board Games(Cornwall) 06:00 MAP-Sandbags (Dundas) 7 3rd Breakfast Group 1 (TR) 10:00 Liturgy of the Word MAP-Sandbags (Cornwall) (Chapel) Sing a Long (Chapel) Fun & Fitness (4) Bridge 01:30 – 03:30 Mind Joggers (4) Treat Trolley Beautiful You (3) (Cornwall/Dundas) Darts (Pub) Rock n' Roll (Cornwall) 19 Friday 09:30 Liturgy of the Word with Communion (4) 10:00 Care Conferences (4/3) 11:00 Church Service (Chapel) Ven. Frank Kirby Anglican 11:45 Bistro (TR) 02:00 Happy Hour with Johnny M (TR) 04:00 Corvettes (Cornwall) 06:00 MAP-Sandbags (Dundas) 6 Saturday 08:00 Cornwall Breakfast (TR) 10:00 Mass with 09:30 – 11:30 Mg. R. Lebrun Cornwall Audiology Clinic (4) (Chapel) 10:00 MAP-Sandbags (Cornwall) (Bilingual) 10:00 Sing a Long (Chapel) 10:15 Fun & Fitness (4) 01:30 – 03:30 11:45 Bistro (TR) Treat Trolley 01:15 Bridge (Cornwall/Dundas) 02:00 Treat Trolley (4) 02:00 Afternoon Social (3) 02:00 Darts (Pub) 04:00 House & Home (Dundas) 12 Friday 09:30 Liturgy of the Word with Communion (4) 10:00 Care Conferences (2/3) 11:00 Church Service (Chapel) Oren and Glenda Cole Salvation Army 11:45 Bistro (TR) 02:00 Resident Services Staff Meeting 04:00 Mustangs (Cornwall) 06:00 MAP-Sandbags (Dundas) 18 Thursday 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:15 02:00 Wednesday 09:30 Liturgy of the Word with Communion (4) 10:00 Care Conferences (3/2) 11:00 Church Service (Chapel) Rev. Russel Bates Pentecostal 11:45 Bistro (TR) 02:00 Vern & Friends (TR) 04:00 Board Games (Cornwall) 06:00 MAP-Sandbags (Dundas) 11 Thursday Millionaires Club (4) Bowling at Nativity Get Fit (2) Chaplet (Chapel) Bingo (TR) News & Views (Cornwall) Supper Club (Dundas) 5 Friday 27 Saturday 3rd Breakfast Group 2 (TR) Sing a Long (Chapel) MAP-Sandbags (Cornwall) Fun & Fitness (4) Bridge (4) Darts (Pub) Treat Trolley (3) Tea & Trivia (4) Rock & Roll (Dundas) 28 10:00 Liturgy of the word with Deacon Romeo Lefebvre (Chapel) 01:30 – 03:30 Treat Trolley (Cornwall/Dundas) Dependable Cleaning from the Professionals you can Trust For all your cleaning needs call: 613-938-3591 March 2015 Lodger 15 Best Wishes/Bonne Fete March 2015 Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It's all about the memories. ~ Buddy Valastro Heather Taylor Lorraine Barkley Cecile Cousineau Michael Culhane Gisela Leblanc Leo Paul Bergeron Anita Reed March 07, 1939 March 12, 1940 March 13, 1929 March 19, 1927 March 19, 1942 March 24, 1922 March 29, 1922 March birthday party is sponsored by the Army Navy and Air Force Veterans of Canada Unit 342 It will be held on Thursday March 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the Rotary Tea Room Entertainment by Rick Filion Since 1951 Special thanks to Roy Florist Local Deliveries Daily Livraisons locales au quotidien 727 First Street East Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1M3 Tel: (613) 933-2214 Toll Free: (800) 565-4759 16 Lodger March 2015 for their generous gifts of corsages and boutonnières delivered to our residents on their birthdays and anniversaries Coming Events OUTINGS March 2 2nd and 3rd Lunch Bunch March 30 4th Lunch Bunch ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. With the absence of a real Irishman, we recruited Georgie to entertain. Georgie has been volunteering at the Lodge and many other facilities for quite a number of years. He is versatile and never disappoints residents when special songs are requested. Join us on St. Patty's day and see what shenanigans we might be up to. SOCIAL ENTERTAINMENT March 3 Movie Afternoon March 5 Music with Vern and Friends March 17 St. Patty's Day Pub with Georgie March 18 Sing along with the Hill's Angels March 19 Happy Hour / Johnny M March 24 Afternoon with Faye March 26 Birthday Party with Rick Filion March 31 Music with Mario FUN & GAMES March 3 Kinette Bingo March 10 St. Patty's Day Craft March 11 Bowling at Nativity EXERCISE GROUPS Tuesdays and Fridays – 4th floor Fun and Fitness Wednesdays – 2nd and 3rd floor Get Fit OTHERS March 31 Silvert Clothing Sale March 1 to 7, 2015 Activity Professionals Week Our hats off to some of the most talented, creative, spirited, enthusiastic, energetic, compassionate and dedicated staff who tirelessly bring to you a wide variety of events to fill your day with fun and stimulating activities. Tracey Delage, Tim McNally Alisha Leroux, Jason Swerdfeger Krystal Delorme, Ashley Miller Carol Rainey McDonald, Ashley Hagen, Tarra Bryan, Tessa Grant, Chelsea Lalonde, Denise Sauve, Lisa Derouchie Clothing Sale Silvert's Mobile Store ADAPTIVE CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR FOR SENIORS March 31, 2015 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Location: Third Floor Gallery March 2015 Lodger 17 Features Ontario Senior Games “Here we go again! Catch us if you can. We gotta get a move on… going to have some more fun at the Winter Senior Games this year”. Alex Herrington, Support Services Supervisor and Stephanie Hill-Nicholls, retired Nutrition Care Supervisor, competed again in the Ontario Senior Games 55 +. Alex's hockey team, Cornwall Blades, won a bronze medal in 2013 and went on to compete in the Canada Senior Games in Edmonton in 2014. They won their final C division game with a 7-0 score. I competed in the downhill slalom race and won a bronze medal in 2013. A little bit about the Ontario Senior Games 55+ The first Senior Games were called Actifest and were held in Kitchener, Ontario, in 1986. They unite participants 55 years and older in a multi-sport environment to celebrate active living. Their goal is to promote this healthy life-style for seniors. The District Games are held annually while the Actifest Games were held in even numbered years. There is a total of 41 Districts and we are in District 8. 18 Lodger March 2015 The first ever Winter Games were hosted by Collingwood in 1999. District OSGA winners in sanctioned events would qualify to compete in Actifest in August and Winterfest in February. July 2011, the provincial committee changed Actifest to Ontario Senior Games 55+ Summer Games. They also changed the Winterfest to Ontario Senior Games 55+ Winter Games. This year, the Winter Games was held in the Haliburton and Minden area. There were over 1000 amateur athletes competing in 10 events. These include hockey, alpine and Nordic skiing, curling, prediction skating, badminton, duplicate bridge, 10 pin bowling, table tennis and volleyball. We were accommodated in many hotels, motels, Bed & Breakfast's and resorts in the area. This year we also experienced a “Taste of the Highlands” where 13 restaurants hosted us with local food, beer and wine tasting, gallery displays and entertainment. A little history about the Cornwall Blades and Alex The Blades have a 15 member team. The players are: Captain and Centre Alex with forwards Brian Reasbeck, Geoff Smith, Earl McBean, Terry Grant, Bill DeWit, Gary Lalonde, Randy Connors and Leo Seguin. Defence are Al Wagar, Louis Denis, Claude Bourke, Harold McBride and Dave MacDonald. Goalie is Dave Alguire and their Coach is Gary Herrington. Medical Arts Pharmacy is their sponsor. By Stephanie Hill-Nicholls The Pharmacy have generously paid for two sets of sweaters, jackets, hats and golf shirts for the team. They look very professional when on and off the ice. Alex grew up in a family of seven boys in their home on the corner of First and Augustus Streets in Cornwall, Ontario. He has played sports since he was six years old and continues to play weekly. The Bob Turner Centre and Si Miller Arena were his haunts for lacrosse, hockey and broomball. Sounds like his Mom and Dad figured the best way to keep all the boys busy was to have them play sports. A little ski history about me I have been downhill skiing since high school in Cornwall. The first hills I enjoyed were Moon Valley (now Titus Mountain), Tupper Lake outside Malone N.Y. and Rigaud, Quebec. Those were the days of the wrap-around-your boot strap. This was to prevent your ski from beating you down the hill in the event it came off. We didn't have ski binding brakes then, either. I have only been a recreational skier in the past. I certainly enjoy the avant and après ski social gatherings so am glad the Senior Games 55+ has this event. I became involved in the skiing competition when my ski buddies, Graham and Linda Vickers, advised me about this group. I coconvened a District 8 Summer Games cribbage competition recently in Cornwall. It is a great way to meet people and to volunteer. The District 8 Summer Games held later this year in the Cornwall area will include four handed bid euchre, bocce, carpet bowling, contract bridge, cribbage, cycling, darts, five pin bowling, shuffleboard, golf, horseshoes, lawn bowling, pickleball, slopitch, swimming, tennis and prediction walking. I will share the games schedule with you as soon as it is printed. These are the events you can enter for a small participation fee. They are held locally for one day. It can really be a lot of fun for you to either help convene or participate. Gold medal winners of these District Summer Games are eligible to attend the Provincial Summer Games in August 2016 in Midland, Ontario. For the active living senior who wants to participate or volunteer this is the group to join, you can visit the website for more information. You can also contact me about a membership at: Results of Senior Winter Games 2015 Flag bearer, Stephanie Hill-Nicholls with Opening Ceremony Host, Kurt Browning, Multiple World Champion Figure Skater and member of Stars on Ice. He gave me good luck hug that was obviously successful. March 2015 Lodger 19 Feature Page Men's Hockey The team trained with 15 players. During the competition three players were hurt (Alex Herrington included) and one was a no-show. If you do the math you can calculate the team would have eleven players including their goalie to compete. Coach Gary and some wives were being considered to “suit-up” for the team. The Cornwall Blades, short handed cost them their chance for gold. Bronze medalist Stephanie proudly showing off her crystal trophy District 8 competitors for Alpine Slalom included Don Wallace, guest Cathy McLean, Bronze medalist Stephanie HillNicholls, Bronze medalist Graham Vickers, and Linda Vickers. 20 Lodger March 2015 Council of Family and Friends Glen Stor Dun Lodge Council of Family & Friends Wine and Cheese Raffle 2015 Proceeds to Council Functions First Prize Your Council Executives 2015 Back then front row from left Carol Paschek, Bernie Thauvette Denise Symington, Henry Kyte Jeanne Lalonde, Monica Aquan-Yuen, Margaret Gordon Our family volunteers serve as advocates for our residents. They also aim at enhancing quality of life for all who live and work at the Lodge. Please feel free to pick up a pamphlet at the reception desk to find out how to contribute to their cause or make contact with the members. Basket of Cheer (not exactly as shown) Valued at $300.00 Second Prize $200.00 Gifts Cards Casa Paolo Ristorante Italiano Philos Greek Cuisine & Pizzaria Reminder Third Prize Annual Spring Fling Wednesday April 22nd 2015 2:00 pm - Rotary Tea Room All family members & friends are invited to join us for an afternoon of friendship and camaraderie. There is no cost for this event. Gas Card - Valued at $100.00 March 2015 Lodger 21 A Note Of Thanks meals more than others; like spaghetti, lemon meringue pie and let's not forget BLTs on Friday after having her hair done. She truly enjoyed going to the dining room and visiting with other residents who were enjoying meals with their own respective families. A special thank you to the many volunteers who also contributed so much to her entertainment and pleasure and in particular those who assisted in meeting her personal spiritual needs. Mr. Norm Quenneville A month ago my mother Laurette Kilger, passed away comfortably and peacefully at home; the Glen-Stor-dun Lodge. Our family remains ever grateful to everyone who cared for her with such compassion and professionalism in her last days and those memories will remain with us forever. We certainly haven't forgotten nor will we ever forget the many gestures of kindness, courtesy and friendship extended to her during her seven year stay with you. It truly was home for her and for us when we visited her. She was happy and enjoyed the companionship of many other residents who quickly became friends. For my Mom, meals were a social event of sorts. She looked forward to some 22 Lodger March 2015 In closing, please extend our heartfelt thanks to your entire team/family at GSDL who touched my mother's life and treated her with such dignity and respect. I would also like to take this occasion to say that as a former Mayor, how very proud, I am of GSDL for the aforementioned reasons and many others like 'Meals on Wheels' and the Day Away, program. Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge stands as a bright light on the shores of St. Lawrence River, welcoming and supporting many of our elderly to a new home full of love, commitment and dedication. I miss my mother and I will miss all of you. Thank you and keep doing what you do so well. You are making a difference! Warm regards, Bob Kilger Art Expression Art Expression Presents Brunhild Schierding February 16 to March 17 613-678-5646 Brunhild with Purtzel Born in the province of Lower Saxony in Germany, Brunhild immigrated with her parents to Canada in 1952. Growing up on a farm in Vanleek Hill, Brunhild's fierce love for nature and animals led her to draw her favourite subjects at an early age. Now her paintings in oil, acrylics, and watercolour still reflects her first love. They can also be found on the cover of cookbooks, Dutch wooden shoes, and exquisite birdhouses. Her personalized porcelain plates and teapots for weddings and birthdays have turned into family heirlooms. Brunhild held her first solo art show at Les Suites Hotel in Ottawa. In 1994, she was asked to show her paintings for the International Women's Day at the Department of National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa. Brunhild participated in the juried art show in the Apples and Art Tour from 2006 to 2008. She will again join the tour in Cornwall this coming September. Currently, Brunhild is studying to complete her Fine Arts Certificate at St. Lawrence College in Brockville. Spring Valley (Acrylic) $120.00 Polly wants a cracker (Acrylic) $75.00 March 2015 Lodger 23 Solutions/Connections Réponses (p. 9) YOUNG ONES Melanie F. Allen, Orillia Ontario CHARADES A) répertoire (ré-père-toi-re) B) liberté (lit-ber-thé) PIED PARTOUT a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 4 e. 11 f. 1 g. 12 h. 10 i. 3 j. 8 k. 6 l. 2 OUI ou NON a. non b. non c. non d. non e. non Answer for page 28 Mini Crossword S A G A M O R N U N I T G E N E 24 Lodger March 2015 I used to be a Young One, too, Who did the same things you now do. I had places to go and people to see, Someone I loved and that someone loved me. I worked, I played, had fun in the sun, Did things I shouldn't but, oh, it was fun! Dressed casual or formal, to suit the occasion. But I did have my life. I had dreams, hopes and prayers, Wonderful memories that still are there. I was a Daughter, a Son, a Sister, or Brother. Maybe I fell in love, became a Father or Mother. Was probably an Aunt or Uncle, as well, Maybe Gramma or Grampa with stories to tell. I was once a real person with feelings of pride, Even had a best friend, who stood by my side. I'm more than this person you just can't wait to leave. Look beyond my aged face, and what do you see? My heart, it still beats, and I'm warm to the touch. I still feel emotions…oh, so very much! So, don't come to see me and then walk away. Remember, I am still a person, though I'm left here to stay. You used to come visit when my home was my own; What is the difference now I'm no longer alone? Please tell me you'll visit more often now Cuz you see, I am you, just older somehow. Hold that thought in your mind, and never forget: Though I sit here now, your turn will come yet. Taste and Tell Craig Smith's Passion in Culinary Art Cooking is a not a chore for Craig but a social experience and an entertaining leisure activity. I would further surmise that it is a therapeutic intervention for his highly demanding work. Craig has a healthy relationship with food. He grows some of his vegetables like hot peppers to make hot pepper sauce. He uses healthy ingredients and experiments with a variety of textures and tastes. A world traveler, Craig is never shy from trying out cultural dishes. Here is one of his favourites. Spicy Thai Chicken Soup (Tom Kha Gai) Ingredients Ÿ2 teaspoons canola oil Ÿ1 cup sliced mushrooms (I use fancy mushrooms like oyster mushrooms, but you can use cremini mushrooms instead) Ÿ1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper Ÿ4 teaspoons minced peeled fresh ginger Ÿ4 garlic cloves, minced Ÿ1 (3-inch) stalk lemongrass, quartered lengthwise Ÿ2 teaspoons sambal oelek (ground fresh chile paste) (available at most local grocery stores in the foreign foods section) Ÿ3 cups lower-sodium chicken broth Ÿ1 1/4 cups coconut milk (you can use the light coconut milk if you are watching your calories) Ÿ4 teaspoons fish sauce (again available in the foreign food section) Ÿ1 tablespoon sugar Ÿ2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast Ÿ1/2 cup green onion strips (cut in thin, thin strips lengthwise) Ÿ3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro Ÿ2 tablespoons fresh lime juice Preparation 1. Heat a non-reactive saucepan over medium heat. Add oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add mushrooms and the next 4 ingredients (through lemongrass); cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add chile paste; cook 1 minute. Add Chicken Stock, coconut milk, fish sauce, and sugar; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low; simmer for 10 minutes. Add chicken to pan; cook 1 minute or until thoroughly heated. Discard lemongrass. Top with onions, cilantro, and juice. March 2015 Lodger 25 Funny Page Settling a cow case A big-city lawyer was representing the railroad in a lawsuit filed by an old rancher. The rancher's prize bull was missing from the section through which the railroad passed. The rancher only wanted to be paid the fair value of the bull. The case was scheduled to be tried before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store. The attorney for the railroad immediately cornered the rancher and tried to get him to settle out of court. The lawyer did his best selling job, and finally the rancher agreed to take half of what he was asking. After the rancher had signed the release and took the check, the young lawyer couldn't resist gloating a little over his success, telling the rancher, "You know, I hate to tell you this, old man, but I put one over on you in there. I couldn't have won the case. The engineer was asleep and the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your ranch that morning. I didn't have one witness to put on the stand. I bluffed you!" The old rancher replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a little worried about winning that case myself, because that durned bull came home this morning.” Sewing Machine for Sale These four classified ads appeared in a Gujarati newspaper on four consecutive days. The last three hopelessly trying to correct the first day's mistake. 26 Lodger March 2015 MONDAY: For sale - SK Shah has a sewing machine for sale. Phone 92555-00707 after 7PM and ask for Mrs. Mani who lives with him cheap. TUESDAY: Notice: We regret having erred in SK Shah's ad yesterday. It should have read 'One sewing machine for sale cheap. Phone 2555-0707 and ask for Mrs. Mani, who lives with him after 7PM.’ WEDNESDAY: Notice: SK Shah has informed us that he has received several annoying telephone calls because of the error we made in the Classified ad yesterday. The ad stands correct as follows: 'For sale - SK Shah has a sewing machine for sale. Cheap. Phone 92555-00707 after 7PM and ask for Mrs. Mani who loves with him.’ THURSDAY: Notice: I, SK Shah, have no sewing machine for sale. I smashed it. Don't call 92555-00707 as I have had the phone disconnected. I have not been carrying on with Mrs. Mani. Until yesterday, she was my housekeeper but she quit. By Tim McNally Agathe Jolicouer Wins the Inaugural Sandbag Classic Winners! From left at Third place Rita Labrecque, Second June McCrimmon and Champion Agathe Jolicoeur It was a successful first time event that will hopefully grow in the years to come. The Sandbag Classic finally took place and it was well received with good participation. Over 30 sandbaggers took to the Tea room floor to compete for top honors and the chance to get their name engraved on the plaque. After a close and spirited battle, Agathe Jolicoeur emerged as the first ever Champ with June McCrimmon and Rita Labreque rounding out the top three respectively. The women seemed to be at their best when it mattered most for this tournament. In all the event went very well and the plaque will be displayed somewhere in the Tea room for all to see. Congratulations once again to Agathe and to the rest of our competitors. We look forward to next year's event!! Scoreboard Odette Benoit Leads the Pack in Darts In a month where bullseyes were aplenty, Odette Benoit led a large group of sharpshooters. In all there were 16 bullseyes amongst 10 shooters. Not a bad month considering we only gathered for 3 games. Odette's 3 bulls were good for top spot with the rest of the group looking like this: J.P. Theoret 2, Jeana Reilly 2, Theresa Carriere 2, Agathe Jolicoeur 2, June McCrimmon 1, Joyce Ruest 1, Bruno Massie 1, Wilma Lortie 1, and Jeanette Fournier 1. Our high score honors belonged to Hattie Armstrong who mustered up a whopping 105 points in one single turn. Not bad considering an average score usually runs between 30-35 points. February UNO In a month where our Nativity Bowling group was put on hold, I thought that I would recap an UNO game that was hosted by the 4th floor. Our regular group of ladies came together for another barnburner of a game. It was a tight match from start to finish but in the end it was Kay Brisson's day to shine. She put up a couple of zero's to start the game and never looked back. All of the scores seemed to be nice and low across the board but Kay's 12 points would have been tough to beat on any day of the week. Here is a look at the final standings until they meet up again: Kay Brisson 12; Betty Greico 22; Yvonne Paradis 31; Mavis Levac 35; Shirley Warner 40 and Lillian Butterfield 54. March 2015 Lodger 27 Mental Aerobics by Bill Van Ryswyk SEARCH-A-WORD A B B L H S HOW TO PLAY: I L Y T S U N B L T L U A A F A S H I O N R O C T A T B T N S I Z E I A N H T The words in the puzzle can be found either horizontally, diagonally, or even backward. Find them and CIRCLE THEM. I C T E L E O H H A M G E R S C K O L R A K I I D T S E U E E N N D E A Z C S R T N I W V P I S F S B T E O S T T E T T Sample word: TRIM I T R I M R O I R P E A I V I R S F I T T E D O S R F M C E T N E M R A G B O N T R O H S S L E E V E S L I U S L H R R N R A L L O C A O F O M A T P I G N I N I L D E R O L I A T P A R T Y P E C A L P K R O W S P A L F O R M A L O O H C BELT CHEST COAT EVEN KNITS LABEL LONG PARTY RENT SHIRT SIZE SUIT TIES TIRE VEST WEAR S Mini Crossword Mini Crossword Clues: Horizontal 1. Long story 2. Opposite of eve 3. Group of soldiers 4. Human cell Vertical 1. Self-satisfied 2. Perfect! 3. Big smile 4. Poker stake 28 Lodger March 2015 1 2 3 2 3 4 M N 4 Answers on page 24 Glen Stor Dun Lodge Community Outreach Services The Senior and Special Day Away Programs are non-profit services that give frail Seniors, Adults living with physical disabilities and persons living with Alzheimer’s or other related Dementias, a day of fun and socialization. The programs are offered through the Community Outreach Services Department at the Glen Stor Dun Lodge. The Meals on Wheels Program is a non-profit service provided by the Community Outreach Services at the Glen Stor Dun Lodge. Nutritious meals are delivered by Cornwall Meals on Wheels volunteers to people who are unable to attend to their own meal preparation but wish to continue living independently in the community. Volunteer-driven and proudly serving Cornwall for over 40 years! Bonnie Parker ŸTraditional, Memorial and Cremation Services ŸLegacy and Pre-Planning ŸMonument Sales ŸVideo Tributes ŸGrief Support ŸPet and Service Animal Grief Loss Support “Dedicated to Service, Committed to Excellence” Cornwall Morrisburg 613-932-6300 613-543-2271 For more information please call Glen Stor Dun Lodge Community Outreach Services 613-933-3384 ext. 4234 Departmental Supervisors Have questions? Comments? We are just a phone call away 613-933-3384 Administration Ext. 4223 Nursing Ext. 4222 Nutrition Care Ext. 4228 Program and Support Services (Activities, therapy, spiritual care, volunteer, hairdressing, Lodger) Ext. 4243 Support Services (Housekeeping, laundry, maintenance) Ext. 4229 Staff Development / Health & Safety Infection Prevention Control Officer Ext. 4235 Outreach Services Ext. 4234
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