Sometimes, it takes a single story to change your life forever. ISBN 978-971-93671-7-8 BO SANCHEZ “Bo Sanchez has gathered a remarkable group of people whose indomitable hope in the Lord bears testimony to His power working in their lives. The stories in this book will enflame your hearts with passion for God.... which reminds me of the heart of all passion: ‘You must love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength’ (Deuteronomy 6:5).” – Ricardo Cardinal Vidal Archbishop of Cebu, Philippines What you hold in your hand is not just a regular book. It is a 40-Day Retreat that will radically change the way you think, feel and live. Because in the next 40 days, there will be 40 friends who will share their stories, their secrets, their trials, their dreams, and their joys to you. You will hear their laughter. You will feel their tears. Best-selling Author Bo Sanchez invites you to a personal 40-Day Retreat, to enter into their worlds, be inspired by their powerful stories, and thus, gain massive inspiration to create your own beautiful story. Enjoy and be refreshed deep in your soul. 40 Stories of Passion Get Ready for Your Inspiring 40-Day Retreat 40 Stories Warning: If You Read One P 125 Story a Day for the Next 40 Days— Your Life May Change Forever! of Passion B Learn from 40 Ordinary People How to Make Your Life Extraordinarily Beautiful RICARDO CARDINAL VIDAL • MIKE VELARDE • SOCORRO RAMOS TONY MELOTO • SR. PILAR VERZOSA • DYLAN WILK GENE SANCHEZ • ALVIN BARCELONA • FR. JOSEPH SKELTON ADRIAN PANGANIBAN • OBET CABRILLAS • JON ESCOTO PIO ESPAñOL • JOHN KEATING • ARUN GOGNA AND MANY MORE… BO SANCHEZ #1 National Bestselling Author of How To Be Really, Really, Really Happy and You Can Make Your Life Beautiful 40 Stories of Passion Learn to live a fantastic life. Log on to 40 Stories of Passion B Learn from 40 Ordinary People How to Make Your Life Extraordinarily Beautiful BO SANCHEZ #1 National Bestselling Author of How To Be Really, Really, Really Happy and You Can Make Your Life Beautiful 40 Stories of Passion Learn from from 40 40 Ordinary OrdinaryPeople PeopleHow to Make Your Extraordinarily Beautiful Beautiful How Life to Make Life Extraordinarily ISBN- ISBN 978-971-93671-8 Bo Sanchez #1 National Bestselling Author of Your Past Does Not Define Your Future Philippine Copyright © 2008 by Eugenio R. Sanchez, Jr. Requests for information should be addressed to: SHEPHERD’S VOICE Publications, inc. #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109 P.O. Box 1331 Quezon City Central Post Office 1153 Quezon City Tel. No. (+632) 411-7874 to 77; Fax. No. (632) 726-9918 e-mail: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, except for brief quotations, without the prior permission of the publisher. Layout and design by Rey de Guzman Portraits by Christian Halili Jason de Guzman Carlo Cecilio Ed Santiago Marco Victoria 40 Stories of Passion Table of Contents An Introduction: Without Passion, Nothing Happens Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Gerald Raymundo “ I Will Never Give Up” Glenn Ignacio Woman of Faith Rolly Aberion Is He Richer or Poorer? Socorro Ramos How to Succeed in Business and in Life Hermie Morelos A Rock Amidst Storms Ditas Español “Cancer Told Me What to Do with My Life” Sr. Marta del Sagrario The Story of a Rich Young Girl Who Escaped from Her Family to Become Sr. Marta Sagrario Nieves Verneza Slow Sure Steps to Prosperity Pia Sacro City Hall’s Angel Gene Sanchez Be Boring as the Morning Sun Tony Meloto “We Don’t Want Charity” Ricardo Cardinal Vidal He Lets You See Jesus Fr. Steve Tynan Charismatic Cowboy Jon Escoto A Big Heart and a Gentle Soul Adrian Panganiban So Why Does He Act Like a Servant? 1 5 11 19 25 33 39 45 51 57 61 65 71 75 79 83 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 JOHN KEATING Do What God Tells You to Do Fr. Joseph Skelton One of the Best Worship Leaders in the World Rose Cabrera Giving Up the American Dream Mike Velarde The Reluctant Preacher Who Began a Megachurch Alvin Barcelona The Long-Haired Preacher Conrad Lagustan “Was I Cursed Because My Father Was a Catholic Priest?” Tommy and Epay Lara Filipino Missionaries in a Materialistic World Ricky Cuenca The Man Who Loves Danger Pio Español Family Life Preacher Obet Cabrillas From Boxer to Preacher RTC Judges Jimmy and Beth Guray Why Two Judges Are Serving God and the Poor Every Week — and Are Happy! Sr. Pilar Verzosa She Will Fight for You Mike Joseph, JR. He Discipled Me Eng Si The Happy Face of God Jeff Abiera “Each Night, I Couldn’t Sleep. I Was Afraid God Would Throw Me to Hell…” Arun Gogna Theology Professor and Dynamic Preacher 89 93 97 103 111 117 123 129 135 139 143 149 155 159 163 169 40 Stories of Passion Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 FR. JOHN SHERLOCK One of the Best Confessors I’ve Ever Had Aida Manongdo Prophetess of God Ric Lazatin God’s Humble Man in the Corporate Jungle ARIS RASING Do You Want a Massage? LIZA CALEDA Hug Your Kids More OMY ROMERO The Encourager BING YEE Ate ng Bayan DYLAN WILK I Love Filipinos Desiree Terre “My Husband Had Affairs — and God Was My Private Detective!” 173 177 181 187 191 195 199 205 211 Epilogue: You’re More Beautiful Than You Can Ever Imagine 216 About the Author 221 Other Books By Bo Sanchez THE BOSS Series How to Be Really, Really, Really Happy (First Collection) You Can Make Your Life Beautiful (Second Collection) You Have the Power to Create Love (Third Collection) Fill Your Life with Miracles (Fourth Collection) SIMPLIFY Series Simplify and Live the Good Life Simplify and Create Abundance PRAYERBOOKS Embraced The Way of the Cross Special Prayers for the Holy Rosary Your Past Does Not Define Your Future How to Find Your One True Love How to Find Your One True Love Book 2 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich 7 Secrets to Real Freedom 40 Stories of Passion An Introduction: Without Passion, Nothing Happens You can’t accomplish much without passion. I sometimes meet people who have no passion in life, and I pity them. Millions of people live lives of quiet desperation. Without meaning. Without dreams. Without fire in their belly. They work, they eat, they watch TV, they read the paper, and that’s pretty much what life is for them. But when I meet someone with passion, I sense it. Their eyes shine. They burn! You could almost feel the heat from their soul. And because of this passion, they sometimes do the work of ten people. Or they go about, year after year after year, doing the same thing, never growing tired. The Kingdom flourishes. God is worshipped. And the world is blessed. They are ordinary people, just like you and me. And they go through trials, just like you and me do. In the next few pages, let me introduce you to 40 ordinary people who’ve been burning with God’s extraordinary fire. They are beautiful people. Imperfect. Flawed. Smudged. Cracked. Ordinary. But beautiful nonetheless. I have a suggestion to make. (Take it or leave it. It’s up to you.) Why not read one story a day for the next 40 days? Take a personal 40-day retreat. Right in your own home or office. Make these 40 stories of passion your very own 40 days of passion. Spend time with God and ask Him to set you afire! When God sets you aflame, believe me, your life will never be the same again. Let me end this introduction with one personal conviction I have about the various people we meet each day… We walk amidst great saints in disguise. I believe you are one of them. (Hi, saint!) All that you need for greatness is buried deep within your soul. Bring it out! Manifest who you really are. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez P.S. After each interview, I placed a verse and a tiny prayer for each day. Spend time with God and let Him do what He does best. P.S.2. I want to give you two of my inspiring Ebooks that will help you grow in your personal life — for FREE! Log on to www. When you do, you also get each week The Bo Sanchez Soulfood Letter in your inbox — to inspire you to succeed in life. 40 Stories of Passion B 40 Stories of Passion B GERALD RAYMUNDO Gerald Raymundo Lost Everything: His Ability to Walk, His Job, His Money. And After a Few Months, His Wife Left Him — But His Battle Cry Remained… “I Will Never Give Up!” Day 1 Gerald Raymundo We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 T he big guy is in a wheelchair. Holding a hot water bottle on his tummy. “This one is for pain,” he says. “Normal for spinal cord injuries.” I look at this entire scene and something’s wrong with the picture. What’s amiss? And then it hit me: The guy is smiling. Why is this guy smiling? How dare he smile? Gerald Raymundo is a cousin of my wife, Marowe, who had already briefed me about his life story. It wasn’t pretty. But there he was, smiling at me. Not just with his lips, mind you. But with his eyes — which the Bible says are the windows to a man’s soul. I know he’s happy inside. Friends, what you’re about to read is my interview with a man who has suffered one of the most catastrophic series of events anyone on earth can ever experience. Gerald wasn’t bludgeoned by one storm. As though life was a merciless maniac gone berserk, he was hammered by a succession of heart-breaking blows — wham, wham, wham! It didn’t stop until he had nothing left but his faith in God. Yet through it all, he rises and creates a happy, successful life. I know you’ll be inspired by his fascinating story. Bo: First question. How many pounds are you, bro? (Laughs.) Gerald: Before my accident, I was over three hundred pounds. Bo: Wow. 40 Stories of Passion Gerald: Bo, many say pang-pelikula yung buhay ko. (Laughs, adjusting the water bottle on his tummy.) This one is for pain. Normal for spinal cord injuries. Bo: It’s difficult. Gerald: I take antibiotics every day of my life. If I don’t take antibiotics for three days, I have a fever already. I always have infections. Some people think, “You’re suffering so much.” For me, it’s no big deal. I’m used to it. Bo: What caused the spinal cord injury? Gerald: I was playing golf when I slipped. Bo: A freak accident? It just happened? Gerald: Yes. I slipped and that was it. I had to go through surgery. After the surgery, I could no longer walk. I lost all feeling from my waist down. And I lost all my dignity — as each day, I had to excrete in bed. Do you know what’s that like? Every single day, someone has to bathe me, wash me, dress me. Bo: I can’t imagine. Gerald: And obviously, I lost all my money. A few months after, my wife left me for another man. Bo: Oh no… Gerald: Bo, I lost my mobility, I lost my job, I lost my money, and I lost my wife to another man. And I lost my children, too, since she took them with her. I had nothing left. Bo: Terrible, man. Gerald: I’ve met people who get hit by one tragedy. And it destroys them. I was hit by a series of tragedies at the same time. But you know what, Bo? Lying down in the hospital, I made a decision to be happy. Kakayanin ko ‘to (I will bear this). Gerald Raymundo Bo: How could you say that? Gerald: My faith in God. I held on to Him because I had nothing left. Bo: Wow. Gerald: And my mother and family were there. And my friends. They never abandoned me. Bo: Beautiful. And you now run a successful business… Gerald: Yes. I didn’t have to start a business. I could have told my mother, “Look, you have to support me for the rest of my life. I can’t walk. I’m in constant pain. My wife left me. You have no choice but to support me.” But I didn’t do that. I wanted to stand on my own. And I did. I lost my mobility, I lost my job, I lost my money, and I lost my wife to another man. And I lost my children, too, since she took them with her. I had nothing left. Bo: Tell me about your business. Gerald: I started a business making trophies. I started with one worker — my artist. After 12 months, we now have 20 workers in our factory and we create the most unique trophies for our customers. They’re not generic trophies. We design them for each client and at a competitive price. Business is doing very, very well. Our clients are Globe, Southwoods, Camp John Hay, Baguio Country Club and many more. 40 Stories of Passion Bo: That’s amazing. You refuse to give up no matter what. You’re simply inspiring. Gerald: All glory to Him, brother. All glory to Him. B Reflection: In all your trials, there is a hidden purpose, a hidden blessing. Even if you can’t see it yet, trust that it’s there, and thank Him in advance. Lord, give me the inner strength to persevere, To hold on, to never let go! Give me the courage to always love no matter what happens, In Jesus name, Amen! 10 40 Stories of Passion B GLENN IGNACIO Woman of Faith Friends Stole from Her Business Jewels Worth P20M — and They Weren’t Even Hers! Yet She Kept Trusting in God… Day 2 11 Glenn Ignacio I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. – Philippians 4:13 G lenn is a beautiful woman with an amazing trust in God. When it comes to faith in the midst of problems, she puts many of us to shame. Because at one time in her life, she was heavily in debt — to the tune of P20 million. But do you know that despite this huge obligation, Glenn would still give her tithes to the Lord? Amazing? Read on… Bo: I remember that day, several years ago, when you approached me after a Kerygma Feast (our large prayer meeting) and requested me to pray over you. You told me your problem and I was shocked… Glenn: Back in 1996, some people swindled me. They ran away with jewels that I was selling — jewels that were from my suppliers, not my own. In fact, four of these people who stole from me were my agents in the jewelry business. So there I was, stuck with a debt I didn’t create. My suppliers, people who trusted me, were now hounding me, asking me to pay up… Bo: I’m not sure I even want to ask this question but exactly how much money did you lose? Glenn: I lost about P20 million, including the interest. Bo: Twenty million! That many zeroes are mind-boggling to me. Were you still able to sleep? Glenn: I’ve had my share of sleepless nights, Bro. Bo. Just to hear the phone or doorbell ring was enough to keep me up. I was caught in an endless cycle of thinking over and over again how I’ve failed many people and lost their trust. But my pride stood in the way. Even though I had hit rock bottom, I still maintained a façade to project that all’s well, that I had the capacity to pay my debts. There were days I did make good in my debt payments but I agonized at how I would pay other debts due in the coming days. 12 40 Stories of Passion What if no one ever trusted me again? What about my creditors who also needed their money back? Bo: That must have been terrible. Glenn: Then I attended a Marriage Encounter weekend on March 20, 1998. I told myself that after that weekend, I had to prepare myself. Everything that can go wrong was bound to happen. True enough, after that weekend, all the check payments I issued bounced because I could not borrow money to put into my checking account. I no longer sold jewelry. All I did was borrow money to pay off another debt. I was caught in a vicious cycle. I turned to the Lord in prayer and said, “Lord, from this day on, I surrender all my problems to you. I will even let go of my stubborn pride.” Bo: Oh no. I guess that didn’t help solve your problems. Glenn: Well, that was the only solution I had. I did what I had to do because I didn’t want my creditors and financiers to get mad at me. After the Marriage Encounter weekend, with my checks bouncing all over the place, I was at a loss as to what explanation I’d give to those I owed money to. I turned to the Lord in prayer and said, “Lord, from this day on, I surrender all my problems to you. I will even let go of my stubborn pride.” Bo: Wow. Glenn: Bro. Bo, I lost everyone and everything — my friends and my suppliers who used to support and trust me. I didn’t blame them because it was hard-earned money that they loaned to me and I lost it all. I only blamed myself. I made the mistake of trusting people who didn’t deserve my trust. 13 Glenn Ignacio But I’m no longer angry with those who swindled me. I now pray that someday, these people will be able to take responsibility for what they’ve done and pay what is due to me. To this day, I’m still paying my suppliers, so I do need to collect what they owe. And there’s this one supplier, to whom I’m also indebted who never pressured me into paying him. After I’m done with my other payments, I’ll make sure I return this supplier’s generosity and understanding. I really believe that by God’s grace I’ll be able to pay my creditors up to the last centavo because He will enable me. Bo: These people who swindled you — they were your friends? Glenn: They were my agents for many years. By the way, the one who swindled the biggest amount from me, around P12 million, is one person whom we considered as part of our family. That’s why I trusted her very much. Otherwise, I wouldn’t really trust just anybody with that amount of money. Bo: If given the chance, what would you wish to say to your suppliers? Glenn: To all my financiers, I continue to ask for forgiveness. I know a number of them are mad at me or even hate me. It’s difficult to live this way — indebted to many people. I hesitate to buy anything for myself because I fear that my debtors might think I have the gall to shop but can’t pay my debts. Bo: I understand. Glenn: In fact, the jewels I’m wearing are items I sell. It’s not mine. I thank the Lord for financiers and suppliers who continue to help me. Today, I no longer borrow money to pay other debts. I borrow money to finance my business, the profit of which I will use to pay my debtors. Bo: Very good. Those who swindled you, Glenn — do you know where they are? 14 40 Stories of Passion Glenn: Yes, they’re into hiding, except for that person who owes me P12 million. We filed a case that is now pending with the Supreme Court. The Court of Appeals also ruled in our favor, dismissing the appeal of the other party. Bo: I know you were deeply, incredibly hurt, angry even. How did you overcome that? How are you overcoming it? I’m no longer angry with those who swindled me. I now pray that someday, these people will be able to take responsibility for what they’ve done and pay what is due to me. Glenn: Well, Bro. Bo, my complete trust in God helps me to go on, to heal. When I was down and out, He was the only one I could run to for assurance and comfort. When my other friends see me, they tell me, “Glenn, why is it you look like you don’t have any problems?” Bo: I agree. Glenn: I don’t know why, Bo. But I’ve proven that no matter how serious your problem is, for as long as you believe that God is with you, you’ll never lack anything. There’s nothing else you’ll need. It’s true I still have debts to pay. But when I came to know the Lord in a personal way, I was able to accept all that happened to me by His grace. Even the most hurtful accusations thrown at me — my other debtors told me I was a swindler, too — I also accepted. I can survive losing everything for as long as the Lord is with me. 15 Glenn Ignacio I also learned that God gives us an abundance of grace, so much so I was able to forgive those who hurt me. When before I was angered by the mere sight of these people, especially the times when our possessions were taken away — I even used my kid’s encyclopedia and computer as payment. Now I even pray that their families be healed and become whole again. Every morning, tell the Lord, “Lord, take charge of my life. Everything that happens today is according to Your will. Please take care of me.” Bo: Wow, that’s amazing. I’ve been telling you before, you look beautiful, younger, despite your problem; you continue to pay whatever you can and you look at peace, there’s peace in your heart. Where does it come from? Glenn: Everything I have comes from the Lord. I heard Bro. Mike Velarde say that he is handsome because the Lord is with him. That’s true — even if others don’t think you’re beautiful, in the eyes of the Lord you are — because He sees the purity of your heart. Bo: And anything else you’d like to say? Any other message you wish to impart to our readers? Glenn: No matter how seemingly hopeless your situation is, never lose hope. Entrust everything to God. Every morning, tell the Lord, “Lord, take charge of my life. Everything that happens today is according to Your will. Please take care of me.” 16 40 Stories of Passion Bo: Thank you, Glenn, for sharing the powerful way the Lord is working in your life. God bless you! B Reflection: What are your worries right now? Give them to God. Worry doesn’t do anything except give you stress and sickness. Decide to leave all things in His big hands. Lord, I surrender to you all my tomorrows, My future is in Your hands! Though many things are uncertain, I am certain of one thing: That You love me and I want to be be with You forever! 17 18 40 Stories of Passion B ROLLY ABERION The Story of the President Who Became a Lowly Clerk — and Stayed Happy! Is He Richer or Poorer? Day 3 19 Rolly Aberion What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? – Matthew 16:26 ears ago, I knew Rolly Aberion as a big-time vice president of a giant bank. How big? He headed a thousand people in his department. A thousand! That number boggles my mind. But one day, I received an email from him, telling me that he had migrated to the US with his family. So in my next preaching trip, I visited him in Florida. When I saw him at the airport waiting for me, he seemed 10 years younger! Driving me to his home, he told me his story. When he migrated to the US, he started looking for a job. Every company he inquired was looking for “local experience.” Because he had zero experience in the US, they told him he had to start at the bottom. At the very bottom. Not wanting to be a bum, he accepted the job. So the former vice president of a giant bank became a lowly clerk. Along the way however, Rolly noticed something. He was stressfree! After leaving his office at 3:30 p.m., he now had the time to fly kites and ride bikes with his two youngest daughters, Holly and Anna. And he now could take long vacations with his beautiful wife, Ady. The US proved to be a greener pasture — but in a totally different way. I stayed in his home for two days, and felt so much love circulating in his family, it was unbelievable. I interviewed Rolly during breakfast, after his morning jog… 20 40 Stories of Passion Bo: Why did you decide to migrate to the US? Rolly: Let me give you a little background. We’ve always had a deep relationship with God. For many years, my wife and I have been faithful members of Ligaya ng Panginoon and Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals. I was praying the Prayer of Jabez every day, asking God to expand our territories when, suddenly, our immigration applications were granted. After 18 years of waiting! So we prayed and felt this was what God wanted us to do. Bo: But didn’t you have a great job in the Philippines? Rolly: I did. I was paid well, I lived in a plush village in White Plains, I was driving a BMW. But there was something in me that was looking for something else. And I felt God was telling me to go. I was praying the Prayer of Jabez every day, asking God to expand our territories when, suddenly, our immigration applications were granted. After 18 years of waiting! So we prayed and felt this was what God wanted us to do. Bo: People go to the US to get wealthy. But others will say that you went to the US to get poorer. Rolly: I’m richer in the most important things in life. For example, my wife and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Because I didn’t have money, I asked our new community here, Couples for Christ, if we could have a potluck reception—just like your wedding, Bo! And so they brought all the food — and we had a beautiful party. 21 Rolly Aberion Bo: From vice president heading a thousand people — to a lowly clerk. It’s insane. Rolly: Let me tell you why it’s all worth it. One day, after flying kites and riding bikes with my youngest daughter, Holly, she told me, “Daddy, when we were in the Philippines, hindi kita kilala. Alam ko na tatay kita, pero hindi kita kilala. Pero ngayon, kilala na kita…” (I didn’t know you; I knew you were my father but I didn’t know you. But now, I already know you…) My older daughter Lil, Cathy, and Ish felt envious that I can now spend so much time with their younger sisters. I wish I could turn the hands of time… It’s confusing sometimes. We are poor and yet we live like kings. I earn a minimum wage yet God supplies for everything I need. So I tell them, “We’re very rich because our Father is rich!” Bo: Was it difficult to adjust to your new job? Rolly: It was. In my first job here in the US, I had a boss who was a high school graduate and had an attitude problem. One day, I asked him a question and he exploded. He ridiculed me, asking, “Don’t you know what to do?” I wanted to tell him off and say, “Don’t you know that just a few months ago, I held the position of the boss of the boss of the boss of your boss?” Of course, I didn’t say it. Thankfully, God gave me a new job in another bank — and my boss now is so kind and understanding. Bo: How are your daughters doing here in the US? 22 40 Stories of Passion Rolly: My daughters were getting average grades in the Philippines. Here, their report cards are straight As! My children say that our education back home is 100% tougher. That’s why my daughter Ish says, “Here, we feel so special. So that means every Filipino is special.” My daughters are getting scholarships! God knows I can’t afford to send them to private colleges here, so He’s giving me G.R.A.C.E: Given Riches at Christ’s Expense. Bo: So are you richer or are you poorer? Rolly: My daughters ask me the same thing. “Daddy,” they say, “are we rich or are we poor? We’re confused.” It’s confusing sometimes. We are poor and yet we live like kings. I earn a minimum wage yet God supplies for everything I need. So I tell them, “We’re very rich because our Father is rich!” Bo: Well said. Thanks for making me part of your family. Rolly: You’ll always have a home here in Florida. B Reflection: Are you loving your family? Are you spending enough time with them? Make a conscious effort to be Jesus to them every day. Make changes in your schedule to make this happen. Lord, I ask you to guide me to make the right choices in my life, Especially in how I can love my family. Lead the way as I follow You and You alone! I know You will never leave me no matter what happens. 23 24 40 Stories of Passion B SOCORRO RAMOS OWNER OF National Bookstore: How to Succeed in Business and in Life Day 4 25 Socorro Ramos The plans of the diligent are sure of profit, but all rash haste leads certainly to poverty. – Proverbs 21:5 A bookstore is one of my favorite haunts. I love to read books and my romance with the written word encouraged and molded me to become a writer. That’s why I excitedly prepared to meet up and chat with an extraordinary woman who pioneered the most successful bookstore chain in the country. Folks, get ready to be inspired by the life of Socorro “Nanay Coring” Ramos, the woman who started it all for National Bookstore. Bo: Nanay, I’m thrilled to have this chat with you today. You’re so full of energy that I myself feel energized. You’re 84 years old yet I feel you look and move like a 50-year-old. And I can’t believe that you still go to work every day! Nanay Coring: Well, I need to do that to make sure there’s food on the table. Bo: From Monday to Friday, right, Nanay? Because there’s no office on Saturday, you take time to visit the different branches. And there are over 80 branches nationwide. Nanay Coring: Yes, and on Saturday, I visit the 83 branches of National Bookstore, soon to become 85 in a few months’ time. The branches in Manila are the ones I visit regularly. But those in the provinces like Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cebu and Iloilo I only get to visit once in a while. Bo: How did you start National Bookstore? Nanay Coring: I put up the very first bookstore in 1942 during World War II. All publications were censored by the Hodobu (the Japanese information and propaganda department) during the Japanese occupation. Before you could put the books for display and on sale, 26 40 Stories of Passion you have to bring these first to the Hodobu to be reviewed. It was difficult then because any material about democracy or the United States were disapproved. I experienced bringing a very thick book for the Hodobu’s approval that was cut up to half its thickness when it was returned to me — disapproved. I said to myself, “This censorship will cause me to lose in this business.” So we no longer sold the books but instead began selling notebooks, ball pens, writing paper and candies. Then the Japanese soldiers began looking for slippers. “This censorship will cause me to lose in this business.” So we no longer sold the books but instead began selling notebooks, ball pens, writing paper and candies. Bo: You sold slippers in a bookstore? Nanay Coring: Why, yes. First, I ordered only six pairs from Divisoria then before I knew it, they were all sold within the day. So I ordered more slippers, up to a thousand pairs. I figured the soldiers must have gotten tired of wearing shoes the entire day and just wanted comfortable slippers to wear at night. Bo: Other people would have simply given up. But you were determined to find a way to keep the business going. Nanay Coring: I have a very simple business principle — you sell what the people need. For example, I had a suki at the Japanese bazaar who needed bond paper. So I asked, “How many do you need?” I was told, “Three thousand reams.” I didn’t have three thousand reams! But I found the paper, sent my karitela back and forth until I completed delivery to my client. 27 Socorro Ramos Bo: So how did your clients pay you? Nanay Coring: They paid me with Japanese money. Bo: But isn’t that like “Mickey Mouse” money? Nanay Coring: Yes. When I heard through the shortwave radio that the Americans were coming back, I knew I had to do something with my heaps of Japanese money. One day, a Japanese asked me if I wanted to buy his whisky. I went to the warehouse where boxes of whisky were stacked from floor to ceiling. I haggled and told him, “This is the only money I have for the whisky.” He agreed to sell the whisky to me. When the American soldiers came, I displayed the whisky on the sidewalk and they bought it with their dollars! Bo: So what happened during liberation time? Nanay Coring: When the Americans arrived, I placed a Ping-Pong table in the sidewalk where I displayed the whisky. This was our first branch in Avenida corner Soler Street. Now I was paid in American dollars! Bo: What did the store look like then? How big was it? Nanay Coring: It was just a barong-barong (shanty) where the roof was literally nailed onto the walls. But then came Typhoon Jing and the strong winds blew away our roof! All our stocks got wet and were totally destroyed. We lost everything. Bo: What did you do? Nanay Coring: I just went on to rebuild the business. Bo: From scratch? Nanay Coring: Yes. I started from zero again. I had no choice because this was the only livelihood I knew. My goal was survival — to feed my family and send my children to school. Bo: I admire your never-say-die attitude, Nanay. By the way, you mentioned to me before that you were only sleeping three hours a day. 28 40 Stories of Passion Nanay Coring: Not only at the start but even the latter part. That’s because there were so many things to do. But if you are really determined to prove you can do it, you just do what you have to do. Bo: And God blessed you with good health. Nanay Coring: He is my source of strength. As you can see, at 84, I’m in the pink of health. I can eat whatever I want with no restrictions whatsoever. It was just a barong-barong (shanty) where the roof was literally nailed onto the walls. But then came Typhoon Jing and the strong winds blew away our roof! All our stocks got wet and were totally destroyed. We lost everything. Bo: Could you also share how you were able to balance business and family life? Nanay Coring: My twin boys studied in Ateneo. That school is very strict when it comes to academics so I needed to supervise my children as they did their homework. When they arrived from school, I would give them merienda then help them with assignments. Come exam time, I would prepare test questions for them to answer and required them to memorize lessons. I would even take my kids to basketball games and cheer for their school team. Bo: That’s amazing. Your life is a testimony that it can be done — to be a successful businessperson and a loving parent at the same time! How does God fit in all this? 29 Socorro Ramos Nanay Coring: My faith in the Lord has never wavered. And you know, I always carry this cross around with me (pulls out a crucifix from her blouse). I’m not afraid because God is with me. Bo: You continue to amaze me, Nanay. It’s such a joy to know someone like you. And your story sends a message to Filipinos out there that if you put your heart into it, you can succeed. And you won the Entrepreneur Award of the year given by… Nanay Coring: Ernst and Young. My faith in the Lord has never wavered. And you know, I always carry this cross around with me (pulls out a crucifix from her blouse). I’m not afraid because God is with me. Bo: Congratulations! Nanay Coring: Thank you. Bo: And some people think that to have success in business you need a degree from Harvard or Wharton. Where did you finish your studies by the way? Nanay Coring: I finished high school in Arellano and my grade school in Soler Elementary School, a public school. When you want to earn, if you have the passion and love for what you do, hard work is no longer a sacrifice. It will become a joy. What’s important is you love what you’re doing. B 30 40 Stories of Passion Reflection: Are you moving toward goals and dreams in life? What is stopping you? Find if you have a passion for what you’re doing now. Never give up until you achieve your dreams. Lord, I know You want me to succeed in life. Here I am, Lord, I now receive Your plan of abundance for my life. Thank You for the passions and core gifts You have given to me. Bless now, Lord, the work of my hands! 31