Profile of Chitogenics Ltd. - KLT Communications
Profile of Chitogenics Ltd. - KLT Communications
- * \ , dffi, ..t*t ..,0'' .,,?.4 q - r f C H I T O G E N I C S L T D . O F F E R SA W A Y T O R E D U C E P O S T . S U R G I C A LA D H E S I O N S U S I N G A P O W E R F U L B I O . A D H E S I V ED E R I V E D F R O M T H E S U B S T A N C ET H A T G I V E S S H R I M P S H E L L ST H E I R S T R E N G T H . processed When therightway,a substance Found inshrimp shells canbetransFormed into N0tt-a whife,odourless, powder s0luble withthepotential Foruseinmedical applications, including drugdelivery andposf-surgical prevention. adhesion STRATEGIES FORSUCCESS Withonly11employees, thitogenics Ltd. 'a global is nonetheless company'with a Oeveloped initiallybythreeprofessors in Nova Scotia, Nlltt anditsderivatives Form theplatForm technology for[hitogenics Ltd.,a Ilartmouth, Nova Scotia-based biotechnology company, Withitsfirstproduct scheduled Formarket in 2005, [hitogenics is setto tapinto anestimated market products. toranti-adhesion $4billionglobal multinational reach, Thefirm'sstrategic partner-aFortune 500medical companyhasinvested in [hitogenics' $5million payments, research andtor milestone thitogenics hasalsoreceived $4million in funding fromfourinstitutional investors. l'loney aside, howdoesa smallcompany onsideredone of the leadingcom- of detection of the testing methodsshowsthat plications of surgery,post-surgical it contains no proteins that can causeallergies. harness a technology withsomuch "We poiential? worka lot withconsultants, adhesioncan causepain, infertility, NOCC hasmany propertiesthat make it suitable "Based for usein medicalapplications. on toxicolo- tionalexpertin post-surgical adhesions," gical tests,we know it's biocompatible,so it doesn't saysl'larina Zazanis, President and[E0, "We thitogenics. havedirectors trom bowel obstruction,restrictedrangeof motion, and "It's even death. one of the great unmet surgical suchas0r.l'lichael 0iamond, aninterna- problems,"saysMarina Zazanis,Presidentand causeany sideeffects,"saysDr. Agis Kydonieus, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of ChitogenicsLtd. SeniorMce-President,Researchand Development, "It Chitogenics. hasa very high molecularweight, so pharmaceutical iwoottheworld's leading products-made from N,O carboxymethylchitosan (NOCC)-will reducethe incidenceof you only need about I per cent in water to produce Andwecollaborate withsomeotthetop a viscousmaterial much like honey.It is also a good scientists in theworld," post-surgicaladhesions.Chitin, the bio-polymer lubricant, so it's suitablefor usein eyeproducts." Chitogenicsbelievesthat its anti-adhesion hom which NOCC is derived,comprisesabout companies-l'lerck and5chering-Plough. In addition, NOCC is bioresorbable- l5 per cent of shrimp shellsand is also found ultimately breakingdown into sugarsthat can ln other shellfish.To make NOCC, chitin be excretedin the urine. Last but not least,it's ls first processedto make chitosan,and then an excellent bio-adhesivethat works on both carboxymethytated.The resultingsubstance ls a water-solublepowder,which to the limit soft and hard tissues,which makesit ideal for preventing post-surgicaladhesions. l9 Post-surgical adhesions occur when the blood left behind from an operation causes fibroblast cells, which help repair the wound, to release collagen. This process can cause separate organs to adhere to one another. For example, the abdominal wall could stick to the intestines "The and cause continuous pain. NOCC in our product prevents those cells from attaching to any surface that is coated with it. Preventing the cells from attaching helps prevent adhesion from "And taking place," says Dr. Kydonieus. when you use this product at a surgical site, you want it to stay where you put it, so its bio-adhesive property is very important." Chitogenics is currently in Phase III clinical trials for a product designed to prevent adhesions "The following gynecological surgery. product has two components-a solution of 2 per cent NOCC and 98 per cent water, and a gel made by cross-linking the polymer so it lasts longer. Both components would be used in one operation," says Dr. Kydonieus. M A R I N AZ A Z A N I S , P R E S I D € NATN D C H I E FE X E C U T I V O E FFICER. C H I T O G E N I C LST D , NOCC'SROOTS (N0ttlwas N,0carboxymethylchitosan developed bythreeNovaScotia originally protessors-Dr, ilive Elson andthelate "Their andl)onBavies. Drs,ErnieHayes research camefromtheheart,"says 0r.AgisKydonieus, 5eniorVice-Presideni, thitogenics Ltd."Theywanted theirworkto Thesetrials are scheduledfor completion by b end of 2004. Chitogenicsexpectsto obtain fulatory approval to market this product ln bope by early 2005, and in the United States y late 2005.Meanwhile, Chitogenlcshas gnpleted preclinical researchfor abdominal hd cardiac adhesionproducts. Besidespreventing post-surgicaladhesions, IOCC and its derivatlveshave other potential pplications. Chitogenics currently has two lrcements with mqjor pharmaceuticalcomFrles interested in using its compoundsfor t" products.A company is also interested in fhg NOCC as an anti-inflammatory agent I a bowel disease. "Another prevent accomplish iwothings: thedumping big potential market involves using ofshrimp shellsintotheocean, anddevelop our material to supplementsinovial fluid, which cushionsthe bodysjoints," saln Dr, Kydonieus. "Sinovial fluid tends to dissipatewith age,so provide a technology thatwouldeventually jobsforthechildren of NovaScotia." supplementationby inJectionwould be beneficial." In 1987,thethreeresearchers formed Nova[hem andpatented N0[[,envisioning Chitogentcs is also conducting researchon the oral deltvery ofpeptides and proteins, in collaboration preservative for fruit, it asa potential with the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. "This is the holy grail of drug delivery. Many thera- ln 1991, Novathem merged withNeogenics, whose [E0,llarinaZazanis, sawN0[['s piessuch as insulin and most peptidedrugscan only potential forthehealihcaresecior, be administeredby injection becauseenzymesin the l'ls.Zazanis became [E0of thenewly stomach and intestines would break them down," "Oral saysDr. Kydonieus. delivery is a much easier patents products anddevelops seven and lessexpensivemethod of administering a drug. based ontheoriginal technology. Formed lhitogenics, whirhnowholds We have very early but promising results." 41